view bulletin - Carmel Mission
view bulletin - Carmel Mission
Page 1 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 Carmel Mission Basilica 3080 Rio Road Carmel, CA 93923▪(831) 624-1271 Founded 1771 by St. Junípero Serra The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:26 PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul P. Murphy, Pastor Rev. Miguel Rodriguez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Warren Hoy Deacon Bill Reichmuth _________________ (831) 624-1271 Justin J. Burke, General Manager, ext. 201 Parish Office/Administrative Assistant, ext. 200 Director of Faith Formation, ext. 216 Christian Cahill, Director of Liturgy/Youth Ministry, ext.218 Kathy Anderson, Director of Music Nicki Pasculli, Special Events Coordinator, ext. 214 Mass Schedule/Communion Services Daily Mass (Monday-Friday) in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel Weekdays: 7:00 a.m., 12 noon▪Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Communion Service: Tuesday & Thursday, 12 noon Basilica Saturday: 5:30 p.m.—Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 a.m., 12:45 & 5:30 p.m. Holy Days: 7:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, & 5:30 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday: 9:30—10:30 a.m. Liz Tana, Wedding Coordinator, ext. 208 Tiffany Bedner, Organist Jewel Gentry, Museum Manager, 219 Phil Nash, Safety Coordinator Museum Store Stephanie Haney, Store Manger, ext. 210 Junípero Serra School (831)624-8322 Mary Ellen Ryan, Principal, Page 2 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) MASS INTENTIONS Day Time Celebrant Intentions Requested By 8:30 Fr. Paul Daniel Hughes Sat 28-May 5:30 Fr. Miguel Thomas James Hughes Anne & Denis Cardone William Deakyne Janet & Don Reilly (int) Ann Marie & Steven Swinkels Sun 7:30 Fr. Paul 29-May 9:15 Fr. Paul 11:00 Fr. Paul 12:45 Fr. Miguel Mon Patrick Sweeney Richard Heaney Michelle Oswalt Rigney Family Jerome Bohland Ron Berry Malgorzata Skowron Bohland Family Claire Berry Her family Kimberly Elizabeth Kirk Rick & Lisa Shea Stephen Cotta Doris Jean Campolongo Greg & Lesi Margetich Cicely McCreight Rigney Family 5:30 Fr. Miguel Donald Guettler 7:00 Fr. Patrick Patrick Strain 30-May Tue 12:00 Fr. Miguel 7:00 Fr. Miguel Bill Sosic Tara DeSousa 12:00 Terry 7:00 Fr. Miguel Communion Service 12:00 Fr. Paul Whitcomb Family Leta Barns Lou Langley Daniel, Christy, Jennifer & All Who Loved Her May 29, 2016 TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abram (Genesis 14:1820).Psalm -- You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek (Psalm 110). Second Reading -- Paul gives his description of the institution of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Gospel -- Jesus speaks to the crowd about the kingdom of God and then feeds them with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:11b-17). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Ps 91:12, 14-16; Mk 12:1-2 Tuesday: Zep 3:14-18 or Rom 12:9-16;Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28b-34 Friday: Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:41-51 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 31-May Wed 1-Jun Thur 2-Jun Fri 7:00 Agnes Ash Fr. Paul 12:00 Dcn. Bill Communion Service 7:00 (int) Steven Anthony Swinkels Fr. Paul His Family 3-Jun Sat 4-Jun Sun 12:00 Fr. Miguel Patrick Heaney 8:30 Fr. Miguel (int) Alberto Lao John Truesdell Bonny Willson Fely Lao Peggie & Phil Quast 5:30 Fr. Paul Richard Heaney Marie Zenorini & Michael Canepa Liz Sato 7:30 Fr. Miguel Patrick Sweeney Bert Conn (int) Jeri Kelly People of the Parish 9:15 Fr. Paul Kenneth G. Haskell Carole Haskell (int) Jerian Crosby Alex Cappelli, Sr. Bereavement Ministry Tom & Nancy D'Angelo 5-Jun 11:00 Fr. Paul 12:45 Fr. Miguel 5:30 Fr. Miguel Carolyn Joslin Bereavement Ministry (int) Caroline Gill Renee Loyer Bereavement Ministry Lillian Ruckman Carol Dominguez (int) Michele Tubman Bereavement Ministry Tony Chu Scalon Family FAITH IS Faith is not merely praying upon our knees at night; Faith is not merely straying through darkness into light . . . Faith is the brave endeavor, The splendid enterprise, The strength to serve, whatever conditions may arise. —Anonymous Page 3 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) Week of May 29-June 5 Sunday, May 29 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 1:30–4:45 PM Youth Ministry (MacMahon) Coffee & Donuts after 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 masses Monday, May 30 Memorial Day-Parish offices closed 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 9:00-10:30 AM Knitting Project (Crespi) 11:30-1:00 PM Legion of Mary (Crespi) Tuesday, May 31 May 29, 2016 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Once the early Christians realized that Christ’s coming in glory was delayed, there was a need to provide for the governance and everyday needs of the church. The various “orders” within the church carried forward the apostles’ ministry, but also allowed for a measure of creativity. The sacrament we call “holy orders” evolved somewhat slowly. At first, it made sense for Christians to use the forms they knew, adapting them to new situations. Synagogues, for example, were administered by a board of “elders,” translated into Greek as presbyteros. We know from the Acts of the Apostles that a system of presbyters was a normal feature of church life from earliest days. They stood in relationship to another order, that of “overseers,” translated into Greek as episkopos, giving us the English “bishops.” The bishop was the shepherd, the faithful tender of the flock, one who offered the Eucharist, forgave sins, and maintained the bond of charity. Just as the deacons were the chief advisers for the charitable life of the church, so were the presbyters meant to advise the bishop on the spiritual life of the faithful. They were trusted advisers at first, not pastors or priests as we understand those terms today.—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Wednesday, June 1 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 10:30-11:30 AM Bible Study (MAC) 5:00-6:00 PM Recitation of the Rosary (BSC) BULLETIN ITEMS Bulletin item submissions are due on Mondays by noon. Thank you for your assistance in helping meet the bulletin deadline. Thursday, June 2 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 7:30-9:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Basilica) May 29, 2016 Friday, June 3 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 12-1:30 PM Docent Dialogues (Crespi) Saturday, June 4 2:00-4:00 PM Book Club (MAC) Sunday, June 5 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Ninth Week in Ordinary Time; Memorial Day The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Justin Ss. Marcellinus and Peter The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; First Friday The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday 5:30 7:30 9:15 11:00 12:45 5:30 Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 310 310 310 310 586 586 Entrance Chant 310 Penitential Act Mass of the Resurrection #855 All Masses Gloria Mass of the Resurrection All Masses #856 Preparation of the Gifts 586 586 586 Holy Mass of the Resurrection All Masses #859 Mystery of Faith (When We Eat This Bread) Mass of the Resurrection All Masses #861 Amen Mass of the Resurrection All Masses #863 Lamb of God Mass of the Resurrection All Masses #864 Communion Rite 349 349 349 349 349 Sending Forth 344 344 344 344 344 Page 4 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 Thank you to all of the catechists for their caring and dedicated service to teaching our youth K-12. Their efforts have made this year a huge success. Specific thanks goes to: Suzette Hofman Stefania Detrait Missi Student Tyler Dawn Barbara Korp Julia Vazquez-Cardenas Nancy Pfeiffer MaryAnn Spadoni Cherry DeLosReyes Taylor Ford Catherine Wolf Lisa Nash Thank you also to all of the classroom parents that assisted in art projects and classroom management as well. Wishing everyone a happy summer vacation! -Christian & Fr Paul Congratulations to all those who received First Communion at St. Francis of the Redwoods in Big Sur last weekend: Elizabeth Almaraz Gabriela Linarez Rochin Daniel Carrera Jesus Linarez Rochin Rodrigo Carrera Alejandro Martinez Joshua Chavez Sarah Ponce Daniela Linarez Rochin Dayan Soriano Prieto Page 5 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 Always Forward, Never Back The more popular name for today’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is Corpus Christi, which of course in Latin means the “Body of Christ.” The Church has celebrated this feast at this time since it was proclaimed by Pope Urban IV in 1264. We are asked on this day to concentrate on two expressions of the Body of Christ — the Holy Eucharist and the Church itself. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#1327) states the importance of the Eucharist quite succinctly and directly: “In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith.” At the center of every Mass is our celebration of the Eucharist. The word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word eucharistia which means “thanksgiving.” It is through the Eucharist which we receive the Lord’s greatest gift to us, and it should be in thanksgiving and delight which we receive it. This holy day should also remind us of all those things for which we should be thankful. Gratitude is at the basis of a life of stewardship. It is through thanksgiving for all we have received, especially the Holy Body and Blood of Christ through the Eucharist, that we find the motivation and the commitment to be good stewards. The Pontiff Emeritus Benedict XVI in one of his writings spoke of the Eucharist in this way: “In the Eucharist a communion takes place that corresponds to the union of man and woman in marriage. Just as they become ‘one flesh,’ so in the Eucharist we all become ‘one spirit,’ one person with Christ.” Today we thank God for the incredible gift to us of the Eucharist. Jubilee Year of Mercy Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Lectionary’s Year of Luke presents a Gospel in which Jesus, who has welcomed, taught, healed, and shown God’s mercy to the multitude, refuses the Twelve’s demand to dismiss the crowd before him. Instead, he says, “Give them some food yourselves” (Luke 9:13). In Jesus’ hands, what little the Twelve has feeds five thousand (“men,” and probably as many women and children), leaving twelve baskets so the Twelve can continue Jesus’ ministry of mercy. Pope Francis has asked how we celebrate and live the Eucharist. Do we keep it to ourselves? Or do we “commune” not only with Jesus but with the multitude whom Jesus has given us to cherish? Entrusted to Jesus and shared with others, our limited resources can go a long way. Recognizing Jesus in the Eucharist demands that we recognize Jesus also in the hungry crowd. Adoring Jesus present in the Eucharist requires that we serve Jesus present in our neighbor.—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Thank You for your Stewardship! Your continued generosity for the week ending 5/22/16: Plate Collection: $ 10,769.00 Maintenance: $ 2,194.00 Electronic Donations: $ 4,833.03 Total Weekly Contributions: $ 17,796.03 It is through your support that Carmel Mission continues its mission of spreading the Word of our Lord. May God bless you all! —Fr. Paul, Pastor Page 6 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) SICK IN THE PARISH Please pray for the sick in our parish especially: Elinor Laiolo, Virginia Hagey Townsend, Dick Townsend, Joanne Ruffalo, Mitsu Bartron, Bobbie Herndon, Nancy D’Angelo, Debra Paulikas, Candace Cerny, Martin Britz, Judy Mollner, Jim Koehnen, Mark Schlegel, Jerry Bell, Ryan Teixeira, Ray Black, Ann Romeo, Pat Kelly, Bud Biery, Pat Finn, Linda Sheffron, Patrick Kelly, Antonia Allegra, Patricia Allen, Joy Bianchi, Judson Lein, Edith Beninate, Frank Klhan, Mercedes Ferrante, Myrna Moore, Hisako Tucker, Trudy McDonald, Ron Meyer. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Keep in prayer our brave parishioners, relatives and friends of our parish family who are in service to their country in the Armed Forces abroad: Mark Brophy, Richard Brophy, and Robert Maher. We ask the Lord to keep them safe from harm and pray for their families while they are far from home. DECEASED IN OUR PARISH Please pray for our brothers and sisters who have died, especially: Patricia O’Connell, Annie McGuire, Bill Sosic, William Deakyne, Nancy Pappani, Jaime Fernandez, James Welch, Richard Sebok, George Tipton, Katherine Margaret Ryan, ...that they may rejoice with the Risen Lord. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them; and may the souls of all the faithful PRAYER LINE The Carmel Mission Prayer Line is confidential. Members of our faith community offer prayer daily for your special needs. Leave your message on the prayer line at 624-1271, menu option 5, if you want prayer for a special intention. Only the first name is needed with a short description of the intention need. Your prayer request remains on our list for three months (updates are appreciated). Note: names are not placed in the bulletin “Pray For” list without that individual’s permission May 29, 2016 SOLEMN EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass is of inestimable value for the life of the Church. Please visit our Lord during our daily Blessed Sacrament Adoration, Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. On First Fridays we have 25 hours of Adoration from 7:30 AM to Saturday 8:30 AM. Many parishioners have signed up to spend an hour with our Lord, but we still need sign ups for early morning hours. For more information, Call Sandi at 624-9491. HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY If you or someone you know, are unable to get to Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist at home, please call Joan Brophy Thomas at 831-624-3074 New Book Club Selection “Jesus understands human sufferings, he has shown the face of God’s mercy, and he has bent down to heal body and soul. This is Jesus. This is his heart.” Thus begins the next selection for the Carmel Mission Book Club, The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis. Selected by the club in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, its message is certainly timely and moving. The club meets in MacMahon center at 2pm Saturdays. Bible Study-We will resume our study of The Book of Acts of the Apostles, Wednesday, June 1 at 10:30 am in McMahon Center. All are invited. Contact Dick Gorman, 595-6363 with questions. Come to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for a little R&R: Rosary & Reflection. We will be reflecting on the St. Pope John Paul, II, letter on the Rosary and praying the Glorious Mysteries. Bring a prayer intention as we pray for the needs of the Church and the world. Meetings will take place every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. For more information please contact Agnes Klasa (831) 236-1201. Don’t forget to visit Maria Luz after Mass! Fresh and delicious organic produce is still available after Mass in the Munras Courtyard. Page 7 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 The Legion of Mary During the year of Mercy, the Carmelite Seculars invite you to our monthly Masses at 10:30 a.m. every second Saturday at the Carmelite Monastery—27601 Highway 1, Carmel. Pray a little and stay a little for a short talk by a Carmelite priest. Refreshments will follow. The next Mass date is June 11. For more information call Yvonne at 624-8371. The carrier, USS Stennis, has left on deployment to return end of June. A parishioner whose son is on the Stennis would like to help the morale of the sailors by sending care packages, consisting of anything uplifting such as: DVD’s, stationery, stamps, pens, cards, games, books, crossword puzzles/ Sudoku, magazines, chocolate, good coffee, personal items, etc! No aerosol products, please. A personal letter included would also be supportive. Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box: $4.95; Medium Flat Rate: $10.70. Please mail to: CMC Joe Lovelace, c/o Any Sailor, CVW 9, Unit 200166, FPO AP 96601. CMC Lovelace will deliver them to the sailors. Any questions please call Joan Brophy Thomas, 624-3074. All Knitters and Crocheters We Need Your Help! Last year you responded to my call for help to create 100 hats and scarves for some of the homeless women of the Monterey Peninsula. You were so successful that we were able to provide 125 sets for a Christmas Giveaway at the Gathering Place (now known as Gathering for Women). They were so well received that the Soroptimist Monterey Bay representative has asked if there is any way we could do this again this year. The good news is that we have seven months to do it! And for those who thought of it but could never quite find the time—here’s another opportunity! The scarf requirements are the same: Length: 48-60 inches Width: 6-8 inches Craft: Knit or crochet only please Yarn: Any—but we’re thinking warmth Pattern: Any Hats: Size—approximately 22 inches around Our group meets every Monday in Crespi Hall from 9:00 – 10:30. If you need knitting help, want to learn to knit, want new pattern ideas, or just seek a knitting community—join us! We have a small group but all are welcome. If you prefer to knit on your own, please let me know that you are participating. Additional questions call Vivyan Finch at 831-521-1511 or email: Our Lady of Bethlehem Praesidium, in honor of our Auxiliary Members, Cordially invites you to attend the recitation of the Rosary at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 11, 2016. Mass at 8:30 a.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Carmel Mission Basilica with a continental breakfast immediately following Mass in Crespi Hall. With pleasure we are looking forward to your presence R.S.V.P. by June 4th Fely Lao 831-622-9698 (Home) 317-363-5389 (Cell) The Parish offices will be closed May 30 in observance of Memorial Day Wait Wait – What? Ordaining Women??? Theology on Tap offers fellowship and discussions about topics important in our lives today, with interesting speakers guiding the conversation, while enjoying your favorite beverages and snacks. The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 29th, 7:00 PM London Bridge Pub, 256 Figueroa Street (at the foot of Wharf 2), Monterey Our speaker this month is Deacon Bill Ditewig, Ph.D., Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Monterey. Deacon Bill is the author of Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future (Paulist Press, 2011). He will lead a discussion on the history of women deacons in the early Church and the possibility of ordaining women today. Pope Francis recently called for a commission to study the possibility of ordaining women as deacons. This very timely meeting is in response to the Holy Father’s action and makes a great follow-up to our March meeting when we talked about the history of women in the Church. Come join the discussion while enjoying great food, drinks, and friends! Join Monterey Theology on Tap on Facebook! You can also send questions to Deacon Warren Hoy at We hope to see you there! Page 8 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 Page 9 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 Page 10 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 Singing is Good for You Good for your brain: Singing enhances mental awareness, concentration and memory. Makes you feel happy: Singing releases endorphins which make you feel happy and releases oxytocin which helps alleviate anxiety. Improves heart rate: Singing increases heart rate which reduces the risk of heart disease and when you sing in a group your heart rates sync together to give a feeling of calm. Improves circulation: Singing is actually a good workout for your lungs, improves circulation, tones your abdominal and intercostal muscles. Feel healthier: Singing improves your posture, helps you sleep, increases confidence, boosts your immune system, opens up your sinuses and respiratory tubes, and improves your breathing pattern. So why haven’t you joined the choir? As we are entering Ordinary Time, this is an especially good time for new choir members. We are especially looking for tenors and basses at this time. Why not come to a Thursday night choir rehearsal? Come at 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. in the Basilica and see for yourself how much fun it is to be a member of the choir. We will not have Thursday rehearsals in July. Questions? Please email Kathy Anderson @ Page 11 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) 513553 Carmel Mission Carmel, CA Justin Burke (831) 624-1271 ext. 201 Contact: Email: Software Using: Publisher 2007 Pages Sent: (1-12) Special Instructions: May 29, 2016 Page 12 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) May 29, 2016 MAY CROWNING 2016 O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May, O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May. With the Central Courtyard under construction, Junipero Serra School held its annual May Crowning on our upper playground on Thursday, May 19th. Following the Crowning of Our Blessed Mother, the school prayed a Living Rosary and sang other Marian Hymns. It was a celebration that Catholic school children and parents would recognize over many generations, reminding our school community of the special blessing that Mary is in all our lives. Special roles were taken by our 8th graders (anticipating their upcoming graduation) and 2nd graders (remembering their recent reception of First Eucharist). Mary Ellen Ryan
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You can also send questions to Deacon Warren Hoy at We hope to see you there!
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