THIS WEEK ON NET TV THIS WEEK ON NET TV JUNE 26TH TO JULY 2ND DAYTIME HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY AT 11 AM MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA TIME SUNDAY 4:00 PM 4:30 PM CL ASSI C WITH DANI EL ROE B U CK : SHI RL EY TE M PL E SPECI AL (3 PM START) WEEKDAYS AT 12 NOON MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA WEEKDAYS AT 9 AM SPANISH MASS AT ST. JOSEPH CO-CATHEDRAL MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY D I OS NU NCA D U E R ME T U F E AL D IA SI QU IERO / EL C R ED O D IOS NU NCA D U ER M E TU F E AL DIA G UADALU PE : E L M ILAG RO Y E L M E N SAJE ( 3 : 30 PM START) 5:00 PM EL M U ND O VISTO D ESD E EL VATICANO FO R G RE AT E R G LO RY (S PA NI S H) M ASS AT ST. JAM ES CATHED RAL BASILICA LIV E W IT H PASS ION 5:30 PM 6:00 PM DAILY D EVOTIONALS VIGIL MASS M ASS AT ST. PATR IC K' S CATHED RAL T H E ART OF P RE ACH IN G F IS H E R S O F M EN CU R R ENTS 7:30 PM I N THE ARENA 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM REEL FAITH CONVERSATION WI TH CARDI NAL DOL A N 10:30 PM WORL D WA R I MI L I TARY CHAPL A IN S 11:00 PM HEART AND SOU L : THE TONY M A N N STORY 11:30 PM SUNDAY 6/26 WEDNESDAY 6/29 IN THE ARENA PAPAL MASS ON THE SOLEMNITY OF THE TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED 9 PM HOLY APOSTLES PETER AND PAUL Msgr. Harrington is in the studio with Lisa Arnold, director of "Caged No More," a movie about human trafficking. Also in the studio is Eric Davis, a former Navy SEAL and author of "Raising Men," to talk about parenting and politics. 2 PM Celebrate the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul with His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter. Encore at 10 PM. David, Jahaira and DJ David Dorian are in the studio with Miki Fernadez to talk about how a 'healthy life starts with healthy faith.' THURSDAY 6/30 FRIDAY 7/1 ALL THINGS CATHOLIC REEL FAITH BREAKING BREAD - KERSTI BOWSER Joe ponders the meaning of death in Catholicism. He visits the Sisters of the Monastery at the heart of Hollywood, and the Holy Cross cemetery where all the Catholic celebrities are buried. His other guests include Mary Sjogren, Pauline Baglioni and Shin Ja. David and Stephen discuss "Independence Day: Resurgence," the long-awaited sequel to the 1996 blockbuster, and Matthew McConaughey's Civil War film "Free State of Jones." "Words and Pictures" (2013) is Fr. Lauder's Movie with a Message. Monsignor Jamie and former model and current culinary producer Kersti Bowser talk about importance of getting children involved in the kitchen. They make sliders with a variety of different toppings to elevate the average dish into a work of art. THE WOR LD SEEN F ROM THE VATICAN ONE G ENERATION AWAY 8:00 PM JUNE WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS 8 PM HOLY ROSARY 6:30 PM 7:00 PM EVERY DAY AT 7 AM, 1 PM AND 5:30 PM HOLY ROSARY ON TH E B LOCK W ITH E D W IL K IN SON B REA K I NG B R E A D VATICA N CON N ECTION S THE CHOICES WE FACE TH E SEA W I TH I N : TH E SPI R I TUAL I TY OF SU R FI N G ON THE BLOCK WITH ED WILKINSON FATH E R M ICH A E L M CG IV N EY A L L T H I NGS CAT HO L I C TH E SE A RCH TH E WORL D SE E N FROM T H E VAT I CA N CU RRE N TS BEYON D T H E H E AV E N S C I T Y O F C HURC H ES T H E JO UR NEY WITH JO UM A N A K I D D R E E L FA IT H WA K I NG UP I N A M E R I CA W H E R E GO D W E E P S HO L LYWO O D JOE TO O B L ESS E D TO B E ST R ESS E D VATICAN II: INSID E THE COUNCIL HO LY M ASS I N T HE SO L E M NI T Y O F STS. P E T E R A N D PAUL : VAT I CA N BAS I L I CA (E N CO R E ) 9 PM RE E L FAIT H 8 PM 9 PM B R E A K I NG BRE AD A L L T HI N GS CAT H O L I C O N T HE B LO C K WITH E D WI L K I NSO N A MESSAGE FROM: A N A M E R I CAN IN C H I NA CLASS IC W IT H DAN IE L ROE BU CK: S H IRLEY T E M P LE S P ECIAL T his week we celebrate the feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. Peter was the first to confess that Jesus was the Christ. Paul the Apostle was the one who proclaimed the Word to the Gentiles. Their testimonies transformed the world and changed our lives. Both were flawed men, whom God made use of to reveal His plan of salvation. How will God make use of you and me? T H E WO R L D S E E N F RO M T HE VAT ICAN CUR R E N TS * This schedule is subject to change Cablevision 30 Time Warner Cable 97 Verizon Fios 48 For full schedule go to: Reverend Monsignor Kieran Harrington, V.E. Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn Follow Msgr. Harrington @MonsignorH Cablevision 30 Time Warner Cable 97 Verizon Fios 48
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