THIS WEEK ON NET TV THIS WEEK ON NET TV JULY 31ST TO AUGUST 6TH DAYTIME HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY AT 11 AM MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA TIME SUNDAY MONDAY 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM WEEKDAYS AT 12 NOON MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA WEEKDAYS AT 9 AM SPANISH MASS AT ST. JOSEPH CO-CATHEDRAL TUESDAY WEDNESDAY C R I STO PARA TOD OS CAMP MI SERI CORDIA E : HOLY MASS (2: 30 P M ) (PRE-RECORDE D) EVERY DAY AT 7 AM, 1 PM AND 5:30 PM HOLY ROSARY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY V I SI T O F P O P E F RA NC I S: AT T HE BASI L I CA O F S. MA R I A D EG L I A NG EL I C R ISTO PARA TOD OS M Y BROT HE R’S KE E P E R (S PA NI S H) ( 3 : 30 P M STA RT ) LA AP OSTOL DE LA M IS E RICORDIA M ASS AT ST. JAM ES CATHED RAL BASILICA HOLY ROSARY SAINT MAXIMILIAN MARY KOLBE ANG ELU S (PR E- R ECOR D ED) VIGIL MASS 6:30 PM JUBI L EE 70 0 YEARS: SEEK I N G FORG I VEN ESS M ASS AT ST. PATR IC K' S CATHED RAL THE WOR LD SEEN F ROM THE VATICAN JU BILE E 70 0 Y E ARS : S E E KIN G FORG IV E N ESS CU R R ENTS RE E L FAIT H 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM CATH OL I C E XT E N SI O N WE LCO ME TO K RA KOW I N T HE A RE N A REEL FAITH B RE A K I NG B R E A D THE J OURNEY WITH J OUMANA KID D R E E L FAIT H WA K I NG UP I N A M E R I CA B E N- HUR : A TALE O F FO RGI V EN ESS BE N - H U R: A TALE OF FORG IV E N ESS C I T Y O F C HURC H ES K N I G H TS OF CO LU MB U S : SI STER FAU ST IN A A ND TH E I MAG E O F DI VI N E ME RCY WEEKDAYS WEDNESDAY 8/3 IN THE ARENA CURRENTS TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED In this special edition of In the Arena, David Gibson is in Philadelphia, covering the Democratic National Convention. Don't miss his exclusive interviews and recap of the convention! New York's daily Catholic news program brings you stories from the diocese and the world. Fresh from their assignments at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions and World Youth Day, Currents news correspondents bring exclusive recaps of the events. Mercy, I just got ordained. David Bisono, Jahaira Rodriguez and DJ David Dorian are in the studio with Father Rafael Perez. Father Perez, ordained into the priesthood in 2015, talks about being a young priest and his path to the vocation. 8 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM SUNDAY 7/31 EL M U ND O VISITO D ESD E EL VATICANO 5:30 PM 7:00 PM AUGUST 2016 WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS ME RCY C E NT R E WYD 201 6 : U S NAT I O NA L P I LG R I M MASS K N I GH TS O F CO LUM B US : SIST E R FAUST I N A A N D T HE I M AGE O F DIV I NE M E RCY TH E A P OST L E O F DIV I NE M E RCY: THE L I F E O F SIST E R FAUST I N A 10:30 PM T EST O F FA I T H ( MI NI S E R I ES) 11:00 PM T HE WO R L D S E E N F RO M T HE VAT I CAN TO O B L ESS E D TO B E ST R ESS E D N Y CAT H O L I C YO UT H DAY 201 6 A L L T H I NGS CAT H O L I C SAINT MAXIMILIAN MARY KOLBE PA PA L AUD I E N C E : ST. P E T E R ’S SQ UA R E B R E A K I NG BRE AD DOON BY: E V E RY N OBODY IS SOM E BODY 9 PM THURSDAY 8/4 FRIDAY 8/5 ALL THINGS CATHOLIC REEL FAITH BREAKING BREAD - OIL OF LIFE Joe Estevez visits the Mission Santa Inés in Solvang, California and learn about the mission's 200 years history from Fr. Gerald Baron and archivist Sheila Benedict. David DiCerto and Steven Greydanus review Matt Damon's return to the latest installment of the Bourne franchise "Jason Bourne." Fr. Lauder's Movie with a Message is "Space Cowboys" (2000), starring Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland and James Garner. Jennifer Callipo from the Italian Olive Oil of the Month Club joins Msgr. Jamie in the kitchen to make one of his mother’s recipes – bacon wrapped meatloaf. They discuss the many different oils, from the ones used for cooking to those used by the Church. 8 PM A MESSAGE FROM: 9 PM 8 PM T his week in northern France, an 86-year-old priest gave his life for the sake of the Gospel. Father Jacques Hamel was celebrating Mass when two terrorists wielding knives stormed his parish church. Father Hamel's throat was slit. His butchers were terrorists but his consolation was to die while praying with his parishioners. Coincidentally this week, as our young people are nourishing their faith at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, they visited the tomb of Father Jerzy Popieluszko who was assassinated during the Communist regime. We join our prayers with theirs, with the people of France, and with all of those who suffer and die for the Gospel. May God bless you. WO R L D YO UTH DAY L I V E I N R I O 20 13 ICONS SPOTLIG HT ( MINIS ERIES) T H E WO R L D S E E N F RO M T H E VAT ICAN CUR R E N TS 11:30 PM 7:30 PM * This schedule is subject to change Cablevision 30 Time Warner Cable 97 Verizon Fios 48 For full schedule go to: Reverend Monsignor Kieran Harrington, V.E. Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn Follow Msgr. Harrington @MonsignorH Cablevision 30 Time Warner Cable 97 Verizon Fios 48
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