Map: Character Area 4d Kingston Mills to Kingston
Map: Character Area 4d Kingston Mills to Kingston
River Styx Cecil Graham Park [ d Colonel By Lake Campground Edgewoods Park Codes Corner ^ ] # ^* ] Í Kingston Mills Hydro Dam _ Í [ Frontenac Axis Outcrops Kingston Mills Locks / Écluses de Kingston Mills (#46, 47, 48, 49) Kingston Mills Railway Bridge # * CATARAQUI WATERSHED # * Kingston Family Fun World Park CITY OF KINGSTON Rideau Heights # * # * # * # * # ** # # *# * Old Perth Road - Perth to Kingston Cataraqui River [ h # * # * Belle Park Fairways Belle Island # * Katings Fields # * Emma Martin Park # * # * # * # * # * Barriefield # * * ## * # * * # *# # * # *# * # * [ h # * # * # * # * # * * # *# # * * ## * *# * # *# # * * # *# # # * * # * # # # # * * # *# # # *# * * # * # # * * # * # ** # * * # * * # * # * # * # # * # * * # * # *# # * # *# * *# * *# *# * # *# * # # * # * # * ## * # * # * # # *# ** * # * Downtown Kingston Historic District Assoro Park # * # * Royal Military College Arrowhead Beach Park Landscape Character Units Unités de caratérisation du paysage Fort Henry National Historic Site [ h # * # *d [ * # *# * # # * # * # * # * # * # * Garrison Golf and Curling Club C1 Urban C2 Suburban C3 C5 Estate Residential Lots Rural Lots (Subdivided farm lots) Historic (ie. Townscape, lock station, etc) C6 Waterfront Cottage Development C7 Agriculture/Farmland C8 Managed Landscape (ie. Campground, parks, etc) C9 Institutional/Campus C4 City Park [ d C10 Industrial C11 Resource Extraction Areas TOWNSHIP OF FRONTENAC ISLANDS * * * Í _ Í [ N1 Lakes / Open Water N2 Rapids/Falls N3 Enclosed River Valley N4 Forested Upland N5 Forested Lowland N6 Wetland/Marsh N7 Significant Landform (ie. Escarpment, mud flats, etc) Heritage Features Traits caractéristiques patrimoniaux Pop. < 1000 [ d Boat Launch Rampe de lancement Designated Heritage Structure / Property Landscape Character Area Sites de caractérisation du paysage Pop. 1000 - 10,000 [ h Marina Listed Heritage Structure / Property Major Roads Routes principales Pop. > 10,000 ^ ] Locks (Historic Feature) Écluses Heritage Plaque Location Emplacement d'une plaque patrimoniale Watershed Boundary Frontières délimitant le bassin hydrographique Rideau Canal Viewpoints Rideau Points de Vue du Canal # * Historic Site / Landscape Emplacement d'une plaque patrimoniale Municipal Boundary Frontières délimitant la municipalité 0 DRAFT Utility Landscapes (ie. Hydro corridor, highways, etc) Geographic Sector Secteur géographique Landscape Character Area 4d South Sector: Cataraqui River Kings Mills Lock to Kingston Waterway Features Caractéristiques de la voie navigable Settlements Villages Rideau Canal Canal Rideau C12 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 Kilometers 1.6 ² MAP DRAWING INFORMATION: DATA PROVIDED BY MNR MAP CREATED BY: JL MAP CHECKED BY: CM MAP PROJECTION: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 18N FILE LOCATION: \\\DILLON_DFS\Ottawa\Ottawa CAD\CAD\2011\115657\Design_GIS\MXDs\Dillon_Created PROJECT: 11-5657 STATUS: DRAFT DATE: 04/27/12