2015Chairman`s award - Inside Edison


2015Chairman`s award - Inside Edison
MARCH/April 2015
2015 Chairman’s Award
vo l u m e 5
issue 2
Janet Clayton, Edison International & Southern
California Edison Senior Vice President,
Corporate Communications
Editor: Daniel Yi
Staff Writers: Scott Dreger, Justin Felles
M a r c h / A p r i l 2 01 5
Contributors: Gloria Quinn
Art/Multimedia: Jean Anderson, Scott Dreger,
Ray Harris, Doug Kraus, David Ng, Bobby Ysais
102015 Chairman’s Award
5 above & beyond
9 my job
The 2015 Chairman’s Award recognizes 30 employees
who consistently achieve outstanding performance while
living the company’s values.
Lighting the way to emergency preparedness.
A day in the life of a crane operations crew.
6 facts & figures
14 on the record
12A Traveling Volunteer
Tree Donations
Southern California Edison Project Manager Julia
Roether found a way to combine her passions —
volunteering and traveling — and traveled across the
world building homes for others.
7 my safety
Handrail Safety
A shift in safety messaging.
8 good to know
4 sights & sounds
Lunar New Year Shaver Lake Insulators
Safety Memorial Day
2 insideedison • inside.edison.com
What is an underground vault?
Volunteer Hours
Helicopter Delivery Laptop Donations
Technology Transfer Awards
to be considered a prospectus or as an offer to sell, or the
solicitation of an offer to buy, any security.
How to Reach Us
P.O. Box 800
G.O. 1, Quad 4A, Rosemead, CA 91770
Content submissions:
Address changes: InfoCntr@sce.com
This publication may contain estimates, projections and
other forward-looking statements that involve risks and
uncertainties. The words “expect,” “forecast,” “potential,”
“projected,” “anticipated,” “predict,” “targeted,” and similar
expressions identify forward-looking information. Actual
results or outcomes could differ materially as a result of
such factors as the outcome of state and federal regulatory
proceedings, the impacts of new laws and regulations on
the Edison International companies, changes in prices of
electricity and cost for fuel, factors affecting non-utility
investments, such as construction and operation risks, and
increases in financing costs, and other matters discussed
in the Company’s 2014 Annual Report to Shareholders and
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2014, and subsequent Reports on Form 10-Q and 8-K.
This information is not intended to induce, or for use in
connection with, any sale or purchase of securities. Under no
circumstances is this information or any part of its contents
16 @work and giving back
17 your milestones
20 black & white
Contact your supervisor
Seek advice
Call the HelpLine at 800-8777089 or report online at www.
EdisonHelpLine.com, choosing
to identify yourself or remain
Report concerns
Seek Advice, Report Misconduct,
Security Concerns or Work
Environment Issues
Edison absolutely prohibits retaliation.
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
sights &
got photos?
a bov e & b e yo n d
Submit your photos of workrelated events, people and places
to inside.edison@sce.com.
1 On March 6, as part of
Southern California Edison’s tree
donation program, forest attendants Sydnie Smith and Gwynn
Gaines placed identification
tags on California Buttonwillow
saplings at the company’s tree
nursery in Auberry, California.
2 On March 3, employees were
entertained by a traditional
dragon dance at a Lunar New
Year celebration luncheon in
Monterey Park, California. The
event was hosted by the Edison
Chinese Connection employee
resource group.
4 insideedison • inside.edison.com
Lighting the Way to
Emergency Preparedness
3 Employees placed white
roses along the edge of the
Remembrance Fountain in
the G.O. 1 courtyard during
the Safety Memorial Day
observance on March 20.
4 On March 4, linemen Daniel
Hardisty (left) and Ryan Welton
replaced defective insulators on
the Kokanee 33-kV line which
feeds Shaver Lake, California,
and nearby SCE hydro facilities.
5 Sixty finalists for the 2015
Chairman’s Award gathered
for a celebration luncheon on
March 2, at the General Office
in Rosemead. Read about the
Chairman’s Award winners on
page 10.
hen Strategic Engagement Project Manager Iris Hosea arrived
to pick up her son from his preschool in Hacienda Heights
one evening, she found that a
building fire nearby had knocked
out power to the entire block.
“The school interior was pitch
black and students were wearing
glow sticks around their necks,”
said Hosea. “They had a store
of emergency supplies – including flashlights – but
couldn’t get to them in the darkness.”
Immediately, Hosea went to her car to get a flashlight and helped light the way for teachers to access
the emergency supplies. But she didn’t stop there.
The next week, she wrote a letter to the parents at
Holy Trinity Preschool to rally their support and
arranged an SCE donation of 20 backpacks and solar
flashlights for the teachers.
SCE and the American Red Cross also provided 50
document holders for students’ families that included
emergency supplies, a brochure about preparing for
an electrical outage and an electrical safety coloring
Hosea organized a safety day event at the school on
Feb. 6, a little more than a week after the outage, to
distribute the materials. During the event, she spoke
to parents and students about emergency preparedness and gave a presentation with the Hazard Hamlet
— an interactive exhibit which teaches children how
to stay safe around electricity.
Assistant Field Deputy Lauren Yokomizo from Los
Angeles Supervisor Don Knabe’s office attended the
event and has since asked Hosea to sit on the planning committee for Rowland Heights’ upcoming
safety fair.
“Being prepared means not only having supplies,
but also having a plan of action,” said Hosea. “It’s
Hosea using the Hazard Hamlet to teach electrical safety to
the children of Holy Trinity Preschool.
Hosea giving a backpack to one of the teachers.
“Being prepared means not
only having supplies, but also
having a plan of action.”
comforting to know that Holy Trinity’s teachers,
parents and students are now a little more prepared
for emergency situations.”
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
facts &
m y sa f et y
A Shift in
Safety Messaging
The number of reported safety
incidents company-wide involving
stairs since 2010, resulting in 20 lost time
injuries. Always use the handrail when going
up or down stairs to reduce the chance of a fall.
The number of trees donated in Santa Barbara
County in January. Edison International donated 3,868 trees within our service territory in 2014 at a value of $88,519. See a picture of
Southern California Edison’s Auberry tree nursery on page 4.
The number of gallons of fuel
required to fly Aircraft Operations’ new
Bell 205 helicopter from Roanoke, Virginia,
to Chino, California. The crew flew over nine
states during the 1,879 nautical mile trip.
Read more about the new helicopter
on page 14.
The total number of hours Edison International employees
and retirees volunteered in 2014. The value of those volunteer hours
is approximately $4.3 million. Log your volunteer hours and learn about upcoming volunteer events at edison.com/webelieve.
6 insideedison • inside.edison.com
The number of Verbum Dei
High School students that have
interned at Edison International since
2006. The program helps the school’s
underserved male students gain valuable on-the-job learning experiences
and mentorship.
tay Aware. Stay Safe. You’ll see and hear
these words often over the next couple
of years — on billboards, television commercials, Internet advertisements and
the radio. It’s the slogan for Southern
California Edison’s public safety campaign, which launched in March.
The message is a shift from SCE’s most
recent campaign focusing on what to do
if you come across a downed power line.
“Through research, we found that only
about 7 percent of our residential customers ever encountered a downed line,” said Michelle Esperanza,
Public Safety Communications project manager.
“So, we adjusted the focus to include working safely
around intact power lines — an area where serious
injury or even death can occur.” The new campaign
messaging is more relatable — keep ladders, tools
and yourself at least 10 feet away from power lines.
Not only is the messaging new, but so is the way
the campaign was created. For the first time, SCE
Corporate Communications employees developed
some of the creative in-house. “We usually seek the
assistance of advertising agencies, and this time we
wanted to see if we could save money by having our
employees develop materials,” said Diane Tasaka,
principal manager of Public Education and Communications Quality Assurance. “We succeeded, both
with creating an impactful campaign and saving
money — about $250,000.”
From the beginning, the creative team wanted to
bring in an emotional element so customers think
about situations that make them want to stay aware
and act safely. The team brainstormed three creative
concepts, each with a slightly different angle — all
with a focus on protecting family and loved ones.
Storyboard graphics were drawn to help visualize the
Storyboard drawings were used to visualize the commercial before filming.
“Through research, we found
that only about 7 percent of
our residential customers ever
encountered a downed line.”
TV commercial and mock-ups were designed for billboard content. The concepts were shown to customer
focus groups and their feedback was incorporated
into the final design. The campaign will run in seven
languages across SCE’s service territory.
“We live and work around power lines,” said
Esperanza. “These ads are designed to remind everyone to stay aware and keep safety in mind always.”
Watch the Commercial!
Watch the new television commercial and let us know what you
think about the campaign at inside.edison.com/m315 .
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
good to
What is an
Underground Vault?
ave you ever seen manhole covers in the street or sidewalk labeled “Edison?” Beneath those
covers are underground vaults
that allow crews to access
electric equipment. Southern
California Edison uses vaults
to house cable, transformers and electrical equipment in areas too congested to use pad-mounted,
or above ground equipment.
Vaults range in size. Smaller units are about 4’
wide by 7’ long, and allow crews to access splices
8 insideedison • inside.edison.com
where two cable ends come together. Larger units
are about 8’ wide by 22’ long and house more
equipment. They have switches – devices that
control current running through cable, transformers – used to change one voltage to another and
circuits – also called power lines. Sump pumps are
used to drain water so equipment isn’t damaged by
Above ground, air vents are placed nearby to
keep equipment cool. Most vaults can accommodate up to six power lines. They run underground
and enter the vault through holes in the wall.
m y job
A Day in the Life of a
Crane Operations Crew
alm Desert, California. 8:00 a.m. On a
residential street, between a single-story
home and apartment complex, traffic
control teams place “road closed” signs.
In the distance, a 90-ton crane traverses
the street, coming to a stop between the
two buildings. Out steps crane operator
Gilbert Everhart. He’s greeted by John
Potter, his partner for the day.
Gilbert and John are Southern California Edison crane operators in Transportation Services Crane Operations. The team supports
Transmission & Distribution crews across SCE’s service territory on new infrastructure projects and to
replace poles and electrical equipment in locations
inaccessible by vehicles.
On this assignment, a distribution crew is replacing
a deteriorated pole — part of SCE’s pole replacement
program — in a backyard behind the apartment complex. T&D requested the help of Crane Operations to
lift the old pole over the building and replace it with
a new one. John completed a safety walk-through of
the site beforehand and checked to see if any permits
would be needed to operate the crane in this location.
“For maintenance work, customers know in
advance their power will be out,” said Gilbert. “They
usually don’t expect to walk out their door and see a
crane flying a pole past their house.”
John operates the crane controls. Gilbert is on the
ground, prepping the crane and pole to lift and coordinate with the distribution crew. He talks to John
over radio and guides the crane’s movements. Teamwork is a must. There’s no room for error.
John extends the crane boom nearly 200 feet to
reach the backyard. The distribution crew disassembles the old pole by removing the transformer and
using the crane to fly it over the building. Then, they
cut down the old pole, fly in the new one, and connect
Crane Operator John Potter.
Crane Operator Gilbert Everhart.
the wire conductors to restore power.
“We take a lot of pride in helping T&D safely
deliver power to our customers,” said John. “I can
honestly say, I love what I do.”
Video extra
Watch the crane crew help T&D replace a pole at inside.edison.com/j315.
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
Teri Garcia
Transmission & Distribution
Tomaso Giannelli
Customer Service
Sandy Guerrero
Transmission & Distribution
Craig Hammond
Information Technology
Sylvia Hernandez
Government Affairs
Patrick Hodgins
Power Supply
Andrea Horwatt
Customer Service
Sarene Jansen
Information Technology
Valerie Jason
Power Supply
Fadia Rafeedie Khoury
Florence Leigh
Human Resources
Randy Lisbin
Ethics & Compliance
ne spent two weeks away from his family working
tirelessly on Catalina Island to solve a water supply crisis. Another provided critical
advice on how to improve the reliability of
Southern California Edison’s peaker plants.
Jonathan Castro
Customer Service
Rachel de St. Jean
Human Resources
Scott Long
Information Technology
Derek Matsushima
Edison International
Darrah Morgan
Regulatory Affairs
Gordon Nakagawa
Transmission & Distribution
David Dickerson
Transmission & Distribution
Tom Ellis
Steve Oda
Operational Services
Lisa Pacheco
Customer Service
Robert Rocha
Transmission & Distribution
Nancy Rodriguez Casanova
Corporate Communications
Dena Farr
Transmission & Distribution
Tarrance Frierson
Operational Services
Sylvia Tan
Jamie Vargas
Customer Service
Jason White
Power Supply
Mark Wilson
Operational Services
A third helped grow SCE’s social media community from 30,000 to more than 110,000
followers in two years.
These exemplary employees are among the 30 winners of
the 2015 Chairman’s Award. Nominated by their peers for living our company values while achieving outstanding performance, they were selected from 380 submissions. Teams from
each operating unit reviewed the nominations and selected
60 finalists. A panel of judges, including former Chairman’s
Award recipients, then chose the winners.
“These winners embody Edison International’s values —
they don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk,” said Ted Craver,
Edison International chairman and CEO. “It’s our people that
help us succeed, and I’m proud of each and every one of them.”
10 insideedison • inside.edison.com
“These winners
embody Edison
values —
they don’t just
talk the talk,
they walk
the walk.”
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
a traveling volunteer
Kyrgyzstan residents
made Julia a hat.
A gift Julia received in
Julia with a plaque presented
to her volunteer team by the
village residents of Kawama.
The village of Kawama in
Zambia, constructed by Habitat
for Humanity volunteers.
12 insideedison • inside.edison.com
ulia Roether loves to travel. She also loves to volunteer. Since 2004, when she joined Habitat for
Humanity’s Global Village program, her two passions have taken her across the world, building
homes in underserved communities in countries
like Kyrgyzstan, Honduras and Zambia.
While in Zambia, the Southern California Edison Corporate Communications Project Manager helped her team
build almost two complete homes in two weeks. The homes
were simple shelters, without running water or power, but
they were life-changing for the families. Bricks were formed
by hand and the entire village was constructed by Habitat
for Humanity volunteers.
Throughout the build, Julia was surrounded by thankful children, one who lost both of her parents to AIDS. She
knew little English, but learned the Star Spangled Banner
and sang it with pride. Every night, she wrote Julia letters — always on pieces of trash since she had few personal
possessions. “It’s those type of experiences you only get
by being embedded in the culture and community,” Julia
said. “You leave with a new perspective on life and what’s
Thanks to the volunteers, families in the village went
from living in stick huts to a home with windows, walls and
a door they could lock. “When we handed the key to the
family, they broke into tears of joy,” said Julia. “This house
that we built together represents a better life for them and
their children.”
Julia’s friends think she’s crazy every time she talks of a
new trip coming up. “They tell me I’m the only person they
know who goes to hardware stores as part of vacation planning,” said Julia. “Once you’re in the country and see the
smiles of family members, it becomes clear why it’s worthwhile.”
She doesn’t limit her volunteer time to foreign countries
and has already logged 265 volunteer hours over the last
two years at SCE. In March, she joined a team of coworkers
and helped build a home in Lynwood, California, a build
funded in part by Edison International. “I enjoy being able
to see how my time and money is being put to use,” said
Julia. “Building homes for deserving families gives me that
opportunity, and it’s awesome that I can do it alongside the
people I work with every day.”
Julia with Stella,
whose parents
died from AIDS.
Julia with volunteer
Joe Mancini and
children in Zambia
Julia (right) volunteering at a
Habitat for Humanity of Greater
Los Angeles build in Lynwood,
Julia with Chaka,
whose parents
died from AIDS.
A finished home
constructed by
Habitat for Humanity
volunteers in Zambia.
An item gifted to
Julia in Honduras.
Log Your Hours!
Do you spend time giving back to the community?
Make sure to log your volunteer hours at
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
on the
SCE employees Win 2014 Technology Transfer Awards
On March 4, the Electric Power
Research Institute – a non-profit that
brings together scientists and engineers
from academia and the utility industry
– named SCE employees among the
winners of the 2014 Technology Transfer
Awards. The award honors member
companies that have successfully transferred research into practical uses.
SCE employees received awards for
projects in the areas of distribution-connected energy storage, open standardsbased electric vehicle charging and
smart grid technologies. See the list of
winners at inside.edison.com/n315 .
“We’re thrilled to be recognized for
these projects,” said Advanced Technology Director Doug Kim. “They’re great
examples of applying the results of
research to improve the reliability and
functionality of our electric grid.”
Aircraft Operations Takes Delivery of
New Helicopter
Aircraft Operations took delivery of a newly rebuilt Bell 205
A1++ helicopter on March 17. Chief Pilot Torbjorn “TC”
Corell flew the aircraft from Roanoke, Virginia, to Southern
California Edison’s Aircraft Operations facility in Chino.
Aircraft technicians Jeff Gunn and Aurelio Murillo provided
maintenance support. The trip was completed in 14 flights
over a period of four days.
“This helicopter’s 4,000 lb. lift capacity is twice that of
others in our fleet,” said Corell. “It will allow us to do work
that we previously had to rely on contractors for, such as
lifting heavier poles being replaced in our Pole Replacement Program.”
“This helicopter’s 4,000 lb. lift capacity is twice that
of others in our fleet. It will allow us to do work that we
previously had to rely on contractors for.”
Save the Date: Annual Company Picnic
and Lineman’s Rodeo
On June 6, SCE will host its annual company
picnic and Lineman’s Rodeo at Prado Regional Park in Chino, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Employees and retirees are invited to attend
with their families and enjoy a day filled with
music, games and a 5K family fun run. The
park also offers fishing, camping, boat rentals, disc golf,
and biking and walking trails.
The Lineman’s Rodeo will feature SCE linemen and
groundmen competing against national teams for an
opportunity to advance to the International Lineman’s
Rodeo later this year.
14 insideedison • inside.edison.com
Governor Brown
Appoints Jerry
Silva to Board
California Governor Edmund Brown reappointed Power Supply Reliability Manager
Jerry Silva to the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geolo-
Edison International Donates Laptops to Santa Barbara School
As part of the Computers for the Community program, which provides refurbished computers to public and private
schools and nonprofits in SCE’s service
territory, Edison International recently
donated 10 laptops to Providence Christian School in Santa Barbara.
The computers will help the school
launch its new Engineering Academy. It
introduces ninth- to 12th-grade students
to engineering through 3D design, coding
and aerodynamic design projects.
“We know computers are an important tool for learning,” said Director of
Philanthropy and Community Invest-
gists on Feb. 12.
Silva, a 33-year SCE employee, has served
on the board since 2008. The board licenses
and regulates professionals in the fields
of engineering, surveying and geology to
protect the safety and property of California
“This appointment reflects the value of
Jerry’s knowledge and experience,” said
Regulatory Affairs & Compliance Manager
David Coher. “We’re proud to see him con-
ment Tammy Tumbling. “It’s great to put
them in the hands of students in the
communities we serve.”
tinue serving the state of California.”
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
got photos?
Each month, we choose one work-related
photo as the winner for the @Work section.
Email your photos to atwork@sce.com .
“I stepped outside
to see a beautiful alto
cumulus standing
lenticular cloud had
formed over the
Arrowhead Service
yo u r m i l e sto n e s
january 2015
Michael Cruz
Compliance and Safety, G.O.
Barbara A. Riggs
T&D, Santa Ana
W. Gregory Thomas
T&D, Innovation Village
Daniel S. Carbajal
T&D, Rialto
Barney J. Cordova
T&D, Lugo
Thomas E. Dinter
OS, Irwindale
Mark C. Judy
T&D, Innovation Village
submitted by
Diana Poe,
Dennis V. Martinez
T&D, Alhambra
Tony Regalado
T&D, Ontario
& Distribution
Giving Back
Michael J. Wheeler
OS, Irwindale
got photos?
Each month, we choose one volunteer-related
photo as the winner for the Giving Back
section. Email your photos to 501@sce.com .
Carol J. Adkinson
T&D, Ontario
Grace Aliff
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
Albert Bynum III
T&D, Dominguez Hills
Fernando Cabral
T&D, Fullerton
Mark A. Chapman
OS, G.O.
Southern California Edison
employees and their families helped
keep runners hydrated at mile six of
the L.A. Marathon on March 15.
16 insideedison • inside.edison.com
Alma C. De Vera
Power Production, G.O.
Mark R. Familetti
T&D, Menifee
Sherri L. Goetz
T&D, Chino
Susann Espinosa-Gonzales
T&D, Catalina Island
Gregory Henrich
Generation, SONGS
Michele R.
T&D, Ventura
Deborah A. Hess
Government Affairs,
Bradley S. Hefner
T&D, Tehachapi
Waing S. Ho
IT, Alhambra
Marsha G. Iriye
HR, G.O.
S. Scott Kostka
IT, Alhambra
Ronald F. Kenyon
CS, Foothill
Victor Landeros
T&D, Lighthipe
Kevin T. Kleinhans
Power Production,
Big Creek
Tony Y. Liou
T&D, Innovation Village
John B. Mourer Jr.
Generation, SONGS
Christy J. Nolan
CS, Fullerton
Robert M. Peyton
T&D, Lugo
Kenneth L. Reimer
T&D, Devers
Lilly L. Ruvalcaba
T&D, Santa Barbara
Thomas M. Tilton
CS, Tehachapi
Bruce L. Tolliver
OS, Montebello
Frank A. Wasko
Government Affairs,
Santa Ana
James P. Dillon
T&D, Alhambra
Malinda R. Goudeau
T&D, Menifee
Peter Hilling
T&D, Monrovia
David R. Noriega
T&D, Ventura
Jorge Leon
CS, Redlands
John V. Novak
CS, Redlands
David V. Lockman
T&D, Eldorado
Richard L. Porto
T&D, Foothill
Henry Lomeli
T&D, Montebello
William F. Wantz III
James Lopez
T&D, Rialto
Sandra M. Lopez
T&D, Covina
Sandra Moriarty
IT, G.O.
Douglas F. Pittman
T&D, Mira Loma
Steve R. Romero
CS, Ontario
Juan Diaz-Infante
CS, Wildomar
Dean D. Barlow
T&D, Alhambra
Jeff R. Langdon
T&D, Innovation Village
Robert G. Woods
T&D, Innovation Village
Lorenzo Covarrubias
IT, G.O.
Evan Alkhoutoff
CS, Victorville
Ted L. Margeson
Power Production, SSID
Thomas C. Rafferty Jr.
Bryan K. Batchelor
CS, San Joaquin Valley
Randy Kraege
T&D, Lighthipe
Karl R. Weigand III
T&D, Irvine
February 2015
Alex T. Salcido
T&D, Santa Ana
Mitchel S. Smith
Power Production,
Big Creek
Kimberly M. Snyder
T&D, Santa Ana
Kevin W. Swank
T&D, Eldorado
Christopher Warner
T&D, Vincent
Barry E. Bennett
IT, Rivergrade
Roger H. Collins
T&D, Lugo
Steven C. Conroy
Corporate Communications,
Jeffrey S. Counseller
David B. Davison
Generation, SONGS
Christine M. Finn
CS, Covina
Bryan W. Frazee
T&D, G.O.
John P. Goodwin
CS, Westminster
Jeffrey B. Gunn
OS, Chino
Frank L. Haggerty III
IT, Palm Springs
James T. Hawkins
Generation, SONGS
Paige E. Dimas
T&D, Westminster
John A. Ingenito
T&D, Lugo
Sonola Dorman
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
Gregory P. Lacy
T&D, Fullerton
John J. Egan
T&D, Arrowhead
Edwin F. McCann
T&D, Covina
Cecil Evangelista
T&D, Santa Monica
Richard R. Mendez
OS, Irwindale
Sharon M. Grober
T&D, San Bernardino
Julie Padilla
T&D, Brea
Michael J. Harrington
T&D, Westminster
Martin A. Palanza
Law, G.O.
Vincent A. Harvey
Power Production,
Steven L. Pape
T&D, Tehachapi
Zoilo S. Roldan Jr.
T&D, Santa Ana
Jill S. Simpson
Finance, G.O.
Edward P. Van Zeyl
T&D, Rialto
Donald C. Vela
T&D, Antelope Valley
James E. Willyard
Power Production,
Kristina M. Ibs
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
John J. Joblon
T&D, Santa Ana
Karen Y. Koyano
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Jose R. Lopez
T&D, Alhambra
Jon W. Lum
T&D, Mammoth Lakes
Paula R. Miller
IT, Rivergrade
Dwayne D. Montanye
T&D, Alhambra
Syd Nagoshi
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
Ohan T. Ohanian
T&D, Innovation Village
Mark K. Arciaga
T&D, Lighthipe
Hector J. Pedroza
T&D, Santa Monica
Richard A. Argueta
CS, Dominguez Hills
Kenneth Quan
CS, Long Beach
William S. Brown
OS, G.O.
Victor Rodriguez
T&D, Alhambra
Paul T. Butler
OS, G.O.
Charles H. Sanders
T&D, San Joaquin Valley
Brian J. Camacho
T&D, Ventura
David W. Walker
T&D, Antelope Valley
Chris Camacho
T&D, Alhambra
Dorine L. Zabala
T&D, Innovation Village
Charles E. Cornelison
T&D, Rector
Glen J. De Korne
OS, Rancho Vista
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
january 2015
Ihsan Abuzalaf
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 8/18/1997
Robert Adler
Edison International, G.O.
Hired 7/1/2008
Joseph Alderete
OS, G.O.
Hired 10/23/1973
Edwin Anonas
T&D, Santa Ana
Hired 12/21/1981
Gary Ashmun
IT, Foothill
Hired 5/9/1983
Linda August
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/17/2007
Mario Barrera
T&D, San Bernardino
Hired 9/2/2008
David Butler
T&D, Lugo
Hired 8/11/1980
Jerry Butler
T&D, Barstow
Hired 4/13/1981
Michael Cardoza
T&D, Pomona
Hired 12/14/1981
Anna Chan
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 6/16/1980
Ron Cirbus
T&D, San Joaquin Valley
Hired 10/11/1977
Larry Cope
Legal, G.O.
Hired 6/16/1969
Molly Cortez
T&D, G.O.
Hired 4/6/1984
David Craig
T&D, Mira Loma
Hired 12/4/1989
Daniel Delaney
IT, Rialto
Hired 7/3/2000
Edward Espinosa
IT, G.O.
Hired 12/12/2005
Michele Farrell
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 6/13/1983
Thomas Godwin
Hired 4/27/1987
Michael Gonzales
T&D, Lugo
Hired 8/30/1982
Stephen Hathaway
Generation, SONGS
Hired 8/18/1980
Kieu Hoang
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 5/20/1985
Keith Irwin
T&D, Valencia
Hired 5/20/1985
18 insideedison • inside.edison.com
Young Kang
Hired 2/7/1983
Mark Kozina
Generation, SONGS
Hired 5/3/2004
Elieze Leiffer
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 2/11/1991
Lonnie J. Leiffer
CS, Covina
Hired 2/16/1982
Diane Lindros
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/19/2005
Tony Mallord
T&D, Thousand Oaks
Hired 11/20/1978
Gary Marsh
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 7/22/2002
George Medina
T&D, Covina
Hired 8/10/1981
Truong Nguyen
Hired 8/4/1986
Linda Ortiz
Government Affairs,
Hired 12/23/1996
Sumako Paik
IT, Irwindale
Hired 4/13/1998
Susan Quon
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 3/13/1978
Mary Reese
IT, Irwindale
Hired 10/26/1998
Susan Reinhard
CS, San Bernardino
Hired 8/24/1998
Gilbert Rios
T&D, Menifee
Hired 12/2/1985
Steven Rivera
IT, Alhambra
Hired 3/5/1984
Michael Rochlin
T&D, Santa Barbara
Hired 6/6/1988
Henry Romero
Legal, G.O.
Hired 10/17/1980
Monte Sprague
Finance, Ventura
Hired 6/21/1989
Thomas Tew
IT, Irwindale
Hired 5/8/1985
Andre Thuan
Hired 10/15/1979
Stephen Valdez
T&D, Redlands
Hired 7/21/1980
Sharon Vertin
Hired 9/16/1980
Alfonso Villa
T&D, Alhambra
Hired 5/3/1976
Gary Watt
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 7/15/1998
february 2015
Susana P. Acosta
IT, Alhambra
Hired 8/6/1984
James Adams
IT, G.O.
Hired 2/16/2010
Michael Alexander
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 12/14/1998
Betty D. Bell
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 1/11/1982
Charles Bennett
IT, Menifee
Hired 4/14/1980
Terry Berndt
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 9/19/2005
Norman Bituin
IT, Irwindale
Hired 12/17/2002
Afarah Board
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 1/3/1983
R. Kishan Boddapati
IT, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 9/24/2007
D. Stephen Bradley
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 12/9/1998
Mel Brown
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 12/7/1998
Gary Burke
T&D, Ridgecrest
Hired 6/15/1982
Doreen Carcel
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 8/2/1982
Chi-Chiang Chang
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 11/21/1997
Wayne Chang
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 4/7/1997
Donald Conrad
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 11/7/2005
Deborah Coronel
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 5/24/1999
Paul Cwalina
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 3/11/2002
Adrian Desa
IT, G.O.
Hired 9/2/1981
Cecilia Dialynas
IT, Irwindale
Hired 9/8/1981
Donald Drake
IT, G.O.
Hired 12/1/1980
Mary Dunn
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 5/15/1995
Tedi D. Duree
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 6/28/1996
Farrah Farhang
IT, Irwindale
Hired 5/3/2004
Paul Franz
IT, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 3/10/1980
Connie Gimbel-Burdi
IT, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 6/21/1982
Erika Greenwood
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 9/10/1984
James Hartwell
IT, Irvine
Hired 5/9/1983
Alan Hartz
IT, Thousand Oaks
Hired 9/8/1986
Debra D. Hicks
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/19/1983
Stuart Holland
IT, G.O.
Hired 6/11/1979
Yahshang Hsieh
IT, Irwindale
Hired 4/9/1984
Ya-May Hsu
Power Supply, G.O.
Hired 2/16/1999
Gregory Hubbard
Hired 4/29/1991
Percival Hye
Hired 10/29/1996
Michael Jackson
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 10/25/1982
Andre Jur
IT, Irwindale
Hired 11/24/1997
Shigetaka Kikkawa
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 8/14/2000
Gary Knapp
IT, Alhambra
Hired 7/6/1981
Jeannell Kurpakus
IT, Irwindale
Hired 8/13/1990
Alberto Ledesma
IT, Irwindale
Hired 4/29/1985
Yen-Hwa Lee
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 6/9/1997
Rosemary Lieberman
CS, Ventura
Hired 5/8/2006
James Lorimer
IT, Irvine
Hired 8/10/1981
Danny Lum
IT, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 3/15/1999
Lydia Lumpkin
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 6/2/2008
Veronica Luna-Camarillo
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 8/25/2003
James Marin
Generation, SONGS
Hired 2/23/2009
Javier Marquez
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 10/16/1978
Johnny McLaurin
CS, Monrovia
Hired 8/27/1973
Margaret McCleary
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/2/1986
Janice McGehee
T&D, Foothill
Hired 5/5/1986
Jack Melnyk
CS, G.O.
Hired 10/15/1996
Richard Meza
Government Affairs, Covina
Hired 5/27/1980
Janet Miller
IT, Irvine
Hired 10/22/1974
Robert Noborikawa
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/28/1998
Eileen Nozaki
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/16/1986
Steven Pata
IT, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 4/23/1984
Philip Perkins
IT, G.O.
Hired 8/13/1990
Jose Ramos
IT, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 8/28/1978
Charles Reed
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 7/28/1997
Alan Riddle
Power Supply, G.O.
Hired 6/11/1979
Dwayne Ryssman
T&D, Bishop Creek
Hired 11/3/1986
Karen Salvato
Regulatory Affairs, G.O.
Hired 6/26/1989
Gino Santillo
T&D, Pardee
Hired 1/22/1979
Richard Stephenson
IT, Westminster
Hired 6/2/1983
John Stolarski
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 8/20/2001
Randall Sumi
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 3/15/1999
Cheryl Sumpter
CS, Irwindale
Hired 6/5/2006
Laura Tercero
CS, Rancho Cucamonga
Hired 9/13/1976
Kai-Lan Tien
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 2/3/1997
Steven Torres
T&D, Ventura
Hired 1/3/1984
Jeffry Tsang
IT, Irwindale
Hired 11/16/1998
Alexander Varshavsky
IT, G.O.
Hired 12/3/1984
Kenny Vong
IT, G.O.
Hired 2/22/2005
Bernal Webster
IT, Irvine
Hired 9/30/2002
Randall S. Weidner
Power Supply, Monrovia
Hired 7/21/1980
Bruce Wenzel
IT, Ventura
Hired 8/27/1979
William Williams
IT, Irvine
Hired 1/26/1987
Roy Wiltse
IT, Irvine
Hired 5/1/1991
Sharon Wu
Legal, G.O.
Hired 10/9/2007
Lorraine Yamasaki
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 9/10/1984
Timothy Yancy
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 6/19/1978
Bailey Yee
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 1/18/1999
Gogian Yee
IT, G.O.
Hired 8/14/2000
Yun C. Yin
IT, Irwindale
Hired 8/17/2009
Starlette Zimmerman
IT, Rivergrade
Hired 10/21/1998
David Pilmer
Project Manager
Hired 10/27/1969
Retired 6/1/2009
Died 1/17/2015
Bonnie Shearer
Hired 12/4/1950
Retired 10/1/1983
Died 12/29/2014
Linda Shideler
Hired 7/8/1960
Retired 6/1/1995
Died 1/12/2015
Michael Short
Vice President
Hired 12/13/1976
Retired 7/1/2009
Died 1/1/2015
Cleve Simonds
Hired 1/8/1968
Retired 4/1/2014
Died 11/14/2014
Ruth Evelyn Stead
Customer Service
Hired 4/13/1964
Retired 8/1/1984
Died 1/30/2015
Robert Van Bogart
Test Technician
Hired 10/17/1955
Retired 10/11/1985
Died 12/16/2014
Herbert Venable
Hired 5/10/1948
Retired 11/1/1987
Died 1/8/2015
Peter Werstuk
Administrative Specialist
Hired 10/21/1957
Retired 11/1/1987
Died 1/4/2015
S. Winkelpleck
Hired 8/11/1947
Retired 2/1/1988
Died 12/29/2014
Victor Wray
Hired 8/25/1952
Retired 9/1/1983
Died 1/1/2015
Robert Yale
Drafting Technician
Hired 3/23/1981
Retired 12/1/2013
Died 12/1/2014
Arthur Krause
Hired 10/25/1945
Retired 2/1/1982
Died 2/20/2015
Gerald Maskal
Hired 5/7/1956
Retired 7/1/1989
Died 1/25/2015
Ernest Masson
Shop Planner
Hired 3/21/1960
Retired 11/1/1995
Died 1/17/2015
Doretta Moreno
Hired 12/11/1972
Retired 5/1/1984
Died 2/10/2015
Ralph Mowbray
Hired 11/23/1953
Retired 3/28/1986
Died 2/1/2015
David Ripley
Hired 3/18/1985
Retired 8/1/2010
Died 1/25/2015
Manuel Romero
Hired 5/11/1971
Retired 10/14/1996
Died 1/19/2015
Larry Stephens
Hired 5/31/1966
Retired 11/1/1996
Died 2/22/2015
Allan Steward
Security Officer
Hired 4/2/1984
Retired 8/11/1993
Died 2/10/2015
Joseph Welte
Structural Mechanic
Hired 10/9/1973
Retired 10/14/1996
Died 2/4/2015
Enoch White
District Manager
Hired 9/9/1946
Retired 1/1/1983
Died 2/4/2015
Douglas Wirtz
Plant Equipment Operator
Hired 9/2/1952
Retired 1/1/1984
Died 2/6/2015
january 2015
Jerry Amalfitano
Engineering Manager
Hired 1/7/1974
Died 1/11/2015
Richard Bundy
Hired 4/2/1947
Retired 3/7/1991
Died 1/8/2015
Harold Card
Distribution Accountant
Hired 11/15/1945
Retired 4/1/1981
Died 1/22/2015
Billy Cates
Hired 2/7/1972
Retired 4/1/2006
Died 1/2/2015
Gustav Erickson
Cable Splicer
Hired 8/1/1955
Retired 9/1/1985
Died 1/3/2015
Saragosa Escobar
Hired 9/4/1956
Retired 12/1/1988
Died 1/20/2015
Cleland Forcum
Hired 1/31/1949
Retired 7/1/1988
Died 1/6/2015
Kermit Garrett
Hired 4/1/1952
Retired 5/1/1986
Died 1/23/2015
G. Gillbreath
Streetlight Patrolman
Hired 1/6/1947
Retired 11/1/1987
Died 1/22/2015
Paul Graham
Hired 2/5/1968
Retired 7/1/1996
Died 1/23/2015
Columbus Harmon
Hired 4/9/1951
Retired 12/1/1979
Died 12/19/2014
Richard Harmon
Hired 6/19/1967
Retired 12/1/1996
Died 1/12/2015
Bob Hart
Field Service Representative
Hired 1/11/1988
Retired 3/1/2005
Died 12/25/2014
William Hayden
Hired 7/1/1960
Retired 10/1/1986
Died 1/7/2015
Ervine Helm
Project Manager
Hired 6/16/1958
Retired 11/1/2000
Died 1/17/2015
Ray Jepson
Hired 7/30/1953
Retired 6/20/1991
Died 1/3/2015
Melvin Johnson
Accounting Clerk
Hired 7/1/2002
Died 1/24/2015
Danny Kelley
Hired 5/21/1984
Retired 9/1/2006
Died 1/17/2015
Donald King
Hired 8/23/1954
Retired 9/1/1985
Died 1/1/2015
Ernest Middleton
Quality Control Inspector
Hired 2/24/1972
Retired 7/1/1996
Died 1/24/2015
Betty Newton
Hired 7/14/1969
Retired 10/1/1984
Died 1/26/2015
Bernardo Perez Jr.
Hired 3/1/1988
Retired 9/1/1999
Died 12/29/2014
Alfred Perry
Hired 5/22/1950
Retired 6/1/1987
Died 1/14/2015
Delfs Pickarts
Vice President
Hired 10/11/1951
Retired 4/1/1985
Died 1/22/2015
february 2015
Helen Aastrom
Hired 12/22/1947
Retired 11/1/1975
Died 1/22/2015
Bruce Bennett
Procurement Agent
Hired 12/16/2002
Died 2/23/2015
Donald Clarkson
Maintenance Mechanic
Hired 1/21/1953
Retired 4/27/1990
Died 2/19/2015
Francis Conard
Hired 4/5/1971
Retired 10/14/1996
Died 2/8/2015
Cheryl Cook
Business Analyst
Hired 2/29/1972
Retired 12/1/2011
Died 10/30/2014
Earl Dawson
Test Technician
Hired 2/25/1946
Retired 12/1/1979
Died 2/9/2015
Terrell Gaiefsky
Test Technician
Hired 12/14/1970
Retired 9/1/1996
Died 2/28/2015
Holmes Helson
Hired 12/6/1955
Retired 11/1/1990
Died 2/11/2015
Marilyn Henry
Customer Service Specialist
Hired 4/2/1973
Retired 4/1/1990
Died 2/23/2015
Carolyn Jones
Claims Representative
Hired 10/24/1988
Retired 11/1/2008
Died 2/24/2015
inside.edison.com • march/april 2015
The Magazine for Edison International Employees and Retirees
P.O. Box 800
G.O. 1, Quad 4A
Rosemead, CA 91770
B &w
In 1907, the Kern River
75-kV transmission line
was constructed to bring
electricity from the Kern
River Hydro Plant to Southern California. It was the
highest voltage transmission line in the nation at the
time, and gained attention
for being the first to exclusively use steel towers.