2012 annual profile
2012 annual profile
2012 ANNUAL PROFILE Our Mission T o offer a home exclusively for the purpose of providing a Christian, charitable, and educational home, with love, Christian training, understanding, guidance and to meet the spiritual, as well as physical needs of boys in need of assistance. boardmembers FOUNDERS Rev. WD Shealy, Jr. & Mrs. Celia S Shealy BOARD OF DIRECTORS Walter D Shealy III Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer Chairman of WDS Investments, Inc. Dr. Julian Boland Boland Pharmacy Misty M West Executive Vice President, West Electrical, Inc. & West Development Louise Shealy President Berea Hardware, Inc. Mickey Crowe Senior Projects Engineer NISH Russell Cook President & CEO 4e Ventures, LLC Evans Jones Former President & CEO Howard B. Jones & Son, Inc. BOARD OF ADVISORS Billy O’Dell Former MLB Pitcher Tony Cloninger Former MLB Pitcher Bob Bolin Former MLB Pitcher Alvin Dark Former MLB Manager Bobby Richardson Former MLB Second Baseman EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Michael A Davis From the Board Chairman As we begin our fifty-third year we are excited to share with you the status of Boys Farm. The Lord continues to provide for our boys and this faith-based ministry. The past twelve months have been full of challenges and successes. 2011 was extremely difficult for so many people and it has negatively effected charitable giving across the country. But each time funds ran low at Boys Farm, God provided as He has throughout our history. “Praise the Lord,” as Pop would say. I am convinced this is because of our faith in God and our commitment to the vision of our founders, Mom and Pop Shealy, which was to provide a safe and secure Christian environment in which children could heal and grow within a rural setting into productive members of society. We remain steadfast in our mission of providing for the physical, educational, emotional and spiritual needs of our boys. We constantly strive to accomplish this by teaching our boys the values of family and friends, discipline, love, hard work, education, caring for our environment and animals, teamwork, respect for themselves and others and developing a personal relationship with God. At Boys Farm, we consider all of our staff to be home missionaries who are committed to our mission. Each cottage is staffed with a couple who lives with our boys full time just like you in your home. They raise our boys as part of their family—in many cases with their own small children. This provides our boys an example of a model Christian family unit which many have not previously experienced. They see first hand how a loving couple should treat each other and their children. We pray that from this example our boys will learn how to be good husbands and fathers. We believe the stories you read in the following pages will provide evidence that we are making a difference in these children’s maturation into young men. We ask that you continue to support Boys Farm with your prayers and resources and in turn we promise to be diligent stewards of all that you and God provide as we strive to “build boys rather than mend men.” Thank you for your support and may God bless you and your families Walter D. Shealy III Board Chairman Alumni Highlight Over the years many of you have read in our newsletters about many of the boys who have lived at Boys Farm. Your prayers and financial support have made it possible for them to achieve so much more. Mickey Crowe was one of the first Boys Farm alumni to graduate from college and was fundamental in starting and maintaining our Alumni Association Joseph Howell Jonatha n Woote Brandon White n "I first came to Boys Farm with a broken spirit, no hope and holes in my shoes. Due to the vision of the Shealy's, I have been able to bring my children, their spouses and now my grandchildren to walk the sacred grounds of this continuing miracle of God's grace. Please join me in keeping Mom and Pop's dream alive of Building Boys rather than Mending Men." Brandon White graduated from Lander University in 2008. He is a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserves, and currently a Sergeant in the Greenwood Police Department. Chris Creel is currently attending Piedmont Technical College and is a supervisor at the Caterpillar Plant in Newberry. Joseph Howell is currently a junior at the University of South Carolina in Columbia and a counselor at Young Life in Newberry. Jonathan Wooten just graduated from Lander University in Greenwood this May with a degree in Business Marketing and is pursuing a career in business. Rhys Le eel Chris Cr wis Kenny Davis Kenny Davis is currently a senior at the University of South Carolina on a scholarship through the football program. Rhys Lewis is currently a junior at Aiken Tech and will be transferring to Greenville Tech as he completes his degree in Physical Therapy. From the Executive Director More than half of all births to American women under 30 now occur outside of marriage. The implications of this reality are tremendous, especially when looking at the impact on our society as a whole and those born into single parent families in regard to physical and mental health, incarceration, crime, teen pregnancy, child abuse, substance abuse, and education. Children in father-absent homes are five times more likely to be poor. In 2002, only 7.8 percent of children in married-couple families were living in poverty, compared to 38.4 percent of children in single parent-household families. Research indicates that boys who are reared outside of marriage are twice as likely to end up in prison by the time they turn 30, compared with boys raised in married homes. On the other hand, children raised in a home with a married couple are more likely to graduate from college, find employment and enjoy stable marriages themselves, as adults. But in our culture today, the sacrifices of parenthood are not highly esteemed. For many, children rank far below a comfortable living, travel or leisure, a fun social life or simply fulfilling one’s own desires. Yes, parenthood is often hard, especially when you are trying to raise a house full of children, many coming from difficult and broken situations. But it is a sacrifice with great reward! I recently read an article in which a mother recounted a reaction from someone upon seeing her take a walk with her large family, “Wow! You have your hands full!” Boy, can I relate to that exchange as many of us at Boys Farm often have experienced a similar interaction. We hear questions such as, “Are they all yours? Or, are you crazy?” I try to respond as graciously as possible and share the story of Boys Farm. Sometimes I am even privileged to share how blessed I am to see the joy and fruit of the gospel in the lives of these wonderful children. We have the privilege of sharing and living out the gospel, sometimes in the things that no one sees, but that we know children always feel. We can see the success of our Christ-centered, family-model ministry in the way God is changing our boys’ lives. I really liked the response of the mother who was told, “Your hands are full!” Knowing the blessing of investing in the lives of children, she replied, “Yes they are—full of good things!” Michael Davis A Few of Our Boys Alton Kelvin 15 yrs. old ~ Nehemiah Cottage Quote: “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” Favorite Boys Farm Memory: Opening presents on Christmas day 15 yrs. old ~ Boozer Cottage Quote: “Life is like a stairway… it’s hard to climb, but easy to fall down.” Favorite Activities: Basketball, Football and Baseball How you have changed: My attitude and grades Favorite Boys Farm Memory: Tubing at the lake with Mr. Michael Favorite Activities: Basketball & Football Favorite Verse: PhiliPPians 2:5 “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” How you have changed: “I have learned to take responsibility for my actions.” Best Advice: Don’t argue with your houseparents because you won’t win. ~ Shawnn Summers Favorite Verse: Galatians 5:2223 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. ” Best Advice: “If you do what your house parents ask you to do, you can never go wrong." Scott 15 yrs. old ~ Boozer Cottage Quote: “The more time you spend not reaching your goal, the more time you have to doubt yourself of ever reaching it.” Favorite Boys Farm Memory: The beach trip Favorite Activities: Football & Basketball How you have changed: “My work ethic is better, and I’ve changed physically & spiritually”. Favorite Verse: James 1:22 “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says.” Best Advice: “Always obey one rule: Obey your house parents.” Ruben Darien 15 yrs. old ~ Nehemiah Cottage 17 yrs. old ~ Nehemiah Cottage Quote: “Excuses are tools of incompetence built on the foundation of nothingness. Those who use excuses specialize in nothing. Therefore I will not use excuses.” Quote: “Life is too short to throw it away.” Favorite Boys Farm Memory: Going on a Missions Trip to Nicaragua. Favorite Activities: Basketball Favorite Boys Farm Memory: Going to Indiana for Christmas vacation with my houseparents Favorite Activities: Shooting pool in the gym and fishing in the pond How you have changed: “I am a Christian and I think more positively.” Favorite Verse: Ephesians 2:13 “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. ” Best Advice: Don’t delay on working off hours How you have changed: “I am not as quick-tempered, and my attitude is better. My height has changed, too!” Favorite Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Best Advice: To stay at Boys Farm longer Devin 14 yrs. old ~ Nehemiah Cottage Quote: “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” Favorite Boys Farm Memory: Going to the Nascar speedway during the beach trip, it was awesome! Favorite Activities: Football How you have changed: “My relationship with my brother and my mom has improved” Favorite Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Best Advice: To stay at Boys Farm longer Co�age L ife The Meetze Guest Cabin Boys Farm has chosen to name this house the “Meetze Guest Cabin” in honor of Kevin Meetze, his family and the entire Meetze Plumbing Company for their work, not only with this guest house, but also for their years of committed service to the children and ministry at Boys Farm. Purpose of the Meetze Guest Cabin 1 To serve as a haven for boys’ families to come visit their child for a weekend. 2 A retreat for house-parents to rest and re-energize during their time off. 3 A place for the boys, family, guests and staff to experience God's creation in a carefree environment. A couple years ago while visiting the Boys Farm on Founders Day I went on a hayride around the campus. As we passed the pond I noticed an old shed that was built by the previous land owner. A house parent at that time, Basil, explained that this was an old hunting shed and that he hoped one day to “fix up” for the boys to use since the pond was a big part of summer recreation. Now I had never heard God speak directly to me, but that day He did. Some months later while listening to a sermon about the dedication of missionaries and their unselfish service, God reminded me once again to get moving. I figured I did not want Him to tell me the third time, so that day I decided to meet with Michael Davis and tell him about this idea God planted through a missionary, Basil. So over pizza, Michael and I discussed the idea of building a cottage in the place of this old shed. I had never been so sure about something in my life that it would happen. Two years ago that old shed looked impossible, but two years later God proved to me that “with God All things are possible” Matthew 19:26. This cottage has been built by faith and blessed by grace for the salvation of the boys at Boys Farm. ~Kevin Meetze Calendar of Events 2012 ISE Golf Tournament Fundraiser .................................. May 30 Carowinds Trip .................................................................... June 12 Great Outdoor Adventure ........................................... July 9-18 The Wilds.......................................................................June- 25-30 Garden City Retreat ......................................................July 22-27 Newberry Ag Expo ......................................... September 22-24 Newberry Fall Festival at Boys Farm................... October 13 Catherine Dixon Volunteer Day ..........................November 3 Toy Run at Newberry Opera House .................December 8 How Can I Help? Use of Funds Sources of Funds 12% 8% 15% 5% 3% 8% 73% 10% 62% Oversight Boys Farm begins its budgeting process from scratch and every line-item is evaluated by the board of directors, prior to budget approval. Our financial records are also audited by an independent accounting firm. Low Overhead Children’s Programs & Services n Fundraising & Development n Support & Administration Individuals & Families n Fundraisers & Special Events n Churches & Religious Groups Foundations & Grants Businesses & Corporations Other Children at Boys Farm always come first. 73% percent of your gift goes directly to the care of our children and programs that help them reach their full potential. This far exceeds the 65 percent standards set forth under national ethics guidelines for U.S. charities. How You Can Help Below you will find a list of some of our continuing needs. We ask that you prayerfully consider helping us in one of these areas. Any contribution you are able to give will make a significant impact in changing the lives of needy children. • NewCottage • GymRoofRestoration • UsedorNew8-10PassengerVan • Pick-upTruck • LivestockTrailer • BarnRepair • SponsorTripsfortheboys:SummerCamp,BeachTrip,Carowinds • GiftCardstoWal-Mart,Lowes • LandscapeEquipment&Supplies • Paperproducts • EducationalSupplies • Non-PerishableandCannedFoods • CollegeScholarshipFunds • MonthlySupport • Prayer • SpeakingengagementstohelpspreadthemissionofBoyFarm Honor Roll of 2011 Donors Boys Farm values the generous support of its donor family. Every day, their gifts help to restore hope and new life to the children seeking safety and guidance at Boys Farm. We say, Thank You! The Honor Roll of Donors lists donors of financial gifts during the calendar year 2011. If you have made a gift since December 31, 2011, your name will appear in next year’s Honor Roll of Donors. This listing does not include those who have given in-kind gifts—gifts of goods or services. However, please know that in-kind gifts are very much needed and very much appreciated! We have checked our lists for the Honor Roll of Donors diligently and hope that we have not made an error or omission, but if we have, please let us know immediately. Boys Farm respects the privacy of its donor family and wants to assure each member that it will not share its list of contributors with other organizations. Thank you for caring and sharing with our children. Boys Farm Champions $10,000 and Up Boys Farm Benefactors $2,500 to $4,999 Jim & Sally Braswell Latta UMC Ladies Bible Class Col. & Mrs. William Shackelford Barnes Oil & Auto Parts Inc. Scott Brooks Calvin F & Virginia Lindler Joel Shealy C. G. Fuller Foundation Abundant Life Assembly Dr. & Mrs. Skeet Burris Lafonde Lindler Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Shealy Barton Bible Class of Hephzibah SMC Ceres Foundation Inc Mr. & Mrs. Larry Alverson Caterpillar Ronald & Ruth Lindsay Gary Smith Dennis and Tina Bennett Bob & Tamy Farner Mr. & Mrs. W. Fred Blackmon Cedar Grove Lutheran Church Lipscomb Family Foundation St. James Lutheran Church Grace Booth ISE Newberry Inc Carlton Fields Attorneys at Law Mr. & Mrs. Eland Chapman Mr. Rici Lucas Stokes-Trainor Bowman SMC John & Marilyn Skolds Wendell and Nancy Clamp David & Connie Chase Creighton & Anna Mary Forrest Ms. Margaret Taylor C. Y. Thomason Foundation Eastern Conference WMS Russell & Gloria Cook Mr. Richard McRobie The 4 Eleven Project Mr. & Mrs. B. Jay Coleman Boys Farm Heroes $5,000 to $9,999 Lorena Edwards Dwight & Nita Corley Mr. Michael Merritt Boys Farm, Inc. Alumni Mr. George Dailey George Avent First Baptist Church of Lexington Carolyn Miller The Amick Company Michael & Rebecca Davis Hathaway Development Company Crawford’s Contracting Services, LLC Newberry Ag Expo James & Martha Todd Dimensional Gauge Company Gayle Hite Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Day Newberry Electric Cooperative,Inc Mr. & Mrs. Joe Todd William & Donna Nickerson Jewelry Warehouse, Inc. Geraldine Ellison Dr. D.W. Newton Deborah Try Hamilton Duncan Evans & Susan Jones Mr. & Mrs. James Ellisor North Augusta SMC Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Vigus Lake Murray Presbyterian Church First SMC of Stonewall North Columbia Optimist Club Wal-Mart Foundation Ebenezer Southern Methodist Church Larry & Theodora Petersime First SMC of Summerville Michael N. & Kay Padgett Rev. Sam Wheate Dorothy Smith Brian & Cheryl French Mr. & Mrs. William Pebley White Rock Baptist Church Ann & Wellford Tabor Mr. Lloyd & Marsha Graber James & Rebecca Rowan Buddy & Claudia Williams Tidwell Jewelers Of Johnston Mrs. Mildred Griffith George Sample Edith Worthy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hill Meetze Plumbing Company, Inc. Boys Farm Advocates $1,000 to $2,499 Mr. & Mrs C. David Sawyer Mary Alma Hite Donald Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. John Shealy Dewey & Frances Adams Mr. & Mrs. George Holder SC Fraternal Congress Walter & Jean Shealy Amick Grove P. H. Church Virginia Johnson Eric Schnackenberg The MacLean Foundation Aveleigh Prebyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston Rick & Kim Scollon Bernice Williamson Mike & Darly Bernardo Kappa Delta Sorority, Delta Mu Chapter Scott Dupree Dianne Berry Curt & Hannah Lancaster Herbert Black BP Products North America,Inc Central Carolina Community Foundation, Inc. Ron Cross Charles (Mickey) Crowe Michael Gossett Mr. & Mrs. George Kemmerlin Rosa & Buddy Marks Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Myatich Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church Engineered Fiber Solutions,Inc Fairview Southern Methodist Church Faith Southern Methodist Church Mrs. Mary B Finklea Boys Farm Supporters $500 to $999 Cliff & Lynn Floyd Abate of Lake Murray Claude and Lavada Frick Mr. & Mrs. Perry Anderson Cally & Joy Gault Mr. & Mrs. Randy Antley Mike & Kat Haggard The Rev. and Mrs Henry Avent Matthew Hancock Robert Baker Mary Hanna David Foster Virginia Heath Southwestern Conference WMS Mr. & Mrs. John Allen John and Beth Beals Leon Helmly Mr. William Sox Mr. & Mrs. Doug Ambrose John Bearden Phil Henderson Ikey & Diane Speights American Utility Auditors LLC Mr. John Beasley Charles & Kathleen Horger St. Paul’s Church American Utility Auditors, LLC Carol Beck Frances Howell Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stutts Lorie and Terry Amick Ann Bedenbaugh Harold & Robbie Hunter Joseph M. (Mitch) Szorcsik Ray Amick Bobby & Barbara Bedenbaugh David & Kim Inman Diane Terni Mr. & Mrs. Steve Amick John Bedenbaugh ISE America Inc The Diebold Foundation,Inc Mrs. Margaret Anderson Russell Bedenbaugh Charles Jacocks Turbeville SM Church Missions Wylie & Shaaron Anderson Yoder Bedenbaugh Jeffroe, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ullman Anderson Auto Parts Co Robert Beebe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jordan Union Lions Club Taz Anderson, Jr. A.G Behles Kevin & Rose Kelly Union Lutheran Church Angel Care of Newberry LLC Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Bell R. John Kerr William Varn Mr. & Mrs. Jake Arant Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Kraft Foods John F. Weaver William Armfield Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Benson Brenton Lee Mr. & Mrs. Wells Michael Arnold Mr. William Lever Charlene Wilson Robert Arnold Berea Southern Methodist Church David & Rita Long Zion Southern Methodist Church Circle # 3 ARP Church of Newberry Frances D. Berry Louis Rich Company Zion United Methodist Church Ashland United Methodist Church Bethany UM Jennings Bible Class Valerie Assey Bethany United Methodist Church Youth Group Cecil Lowman Joe & Dorothy Lucas Lutheran Church of The Redeemer Macedonia Christian Church CWF Mr. & Mrs. Maine Charles and Faye Morgan Lisa Newman North Augusta SMC North Augusta SMC Shirley Padgett Mr. & Mrs. Pitts Mr. & Mrs. Royall RSW Project Management, Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth Sauls Jurgen & Melissa Schnackenberg Ollie Sconyers Shiloh United Methodist Church Sides Financial Terri Simons Dale and Debra Sommers Southeastern Freight Lines Boys Farm Friends $1 to $499 Millie Atkinson J.C. & Charlsie Doolittle Jim & Patty Bagwell A-F-G WMS Of The Southern Methodist Church Joy Abbott Action Stage & Sound Rental Henry & Jane Adair Elizabeth Adams Mary Adams Miriam Adams Mrs. Mary Adams & Family Mr. Luther Adden Mr. Kent Addy Laketch Admassu Adult Bible Class Officers & Staff AgFirst Farm Credit Bank Mr. & Mrs. Alan Alexander Mrs Louise Alford Mrs. Elvira Baggett Claire Baker Suzanne Baker Mary Baker, MD Mr. & Mrs. Ballentine Marcia & Bob Ballentine Peggy Bangle Mr. & Mrs. Banks Greg & Kim Barfield Mr. & Mrs. Barnett Barton 1st Southern Methodist Church Herbert Baucom Sharon Baughman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bavaro Arthur & Margaret Bayer BB&T Insurance Services W. Beach Mr. & Mrs. James Bethea Bethlehem Baptist Church Bethlehem United Methodist Church Paul & Charlotte Blankenship Paul & Mary Borden Elvena Bickley M. C. (Nikki) Blease Ella Bostain Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bickley Ike Bledsoe Alyson Bouknight Bill Holden Class, Dutch Fork Bap Church Borell and Irvin Boatwright Mrs. Florence Bowers Bobby Martin Logging Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bingman Lila Bobo Bowman Southern Methodist Church Jerry and Jackie Birchfield Jason and Jana Boice Bowman Young Women’s WMS Birdie Adams Missionary Society Jimmie & Marie Boland Mr. Benjamin Boyd J. Elvenia Bishop Julian & Sybil Boland James Bradley BL Lodge #138 Randy & Carolyn Boland Marcia Bradley Andrew and Courtney Black Richard Bolen Bud & Patti Branham Carol Black Velma Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Braswell Margaret Black Angela Bonnette Ward & Kaye Braswell Mary Black Mr. & Mrs. Larry Booth Jim & Amy Brauchle Maple St. S Methodist Church Blanche Warren Bible Class Mr. & Mrs. Dale Boozer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brennecke Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Boozer Mr. & Mrs. Barney Brewer Honor Roll of 2011 Donors continued Mr. & Mrs. L. Brice Sandy and Joshua Browning Lex Burton Yu-Fong Chong Cottageville Baptist Church Earline Derrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brinson Brantley Bryan Raford W. Bussey Christian Homemakers SS Class Mr. & Mrs. Paul Couch Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Derrick Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bristow Bryant McMahan WMS, Fairview SMC Mr. & Mrs. Norman Butcher Church of God West Columbia Mrs. Gwen Counts Rev. & Mrs. Randall Derrick Ann Brooks Butter Patch farms, LLC Church of the Ascension Tammie Covington Mrs. Sylvia Anne Derrick Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brooks Thomas & Lucia Bryson Halleck and Tanya Butts Bruce and Mary Ann Clark D. Earl Cowan George Desjardins Dr. & Mrs. Joe Brooks Mr. & Mrs. William Bryson Mr. & Mrs. William Buyck David & Judy Clark Thomas Cowart Jack & Sue Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brooks Dorothy Buff Bob Buzzell Dianne and Kenneth Clark Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Cox Thomas Dezern Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Broom Builders Sunday School Class Cable Vantage Mr. & Mrs. John Clifton James Cox Dial, Hite & Associates, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Browder Rose Maree Bunton Clara Caldwell Mr. Nesbitt Cline Loretta and David Cox Marion Dickey Carter Brown James Burch Mr. Jerry Caldwell Lewis & Pamela K Clyburn Pete Cox Mr. Paul Dinndorf Charles Brown Tommy Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Ted Caldwell Billy & Ginger Dixon Speedy & Lyn Burkett James and Deborah Camp Clydes Chapel Southern Methodist Church Bill & Cynthia Craig Julie Brown Glen Craig Mrs. Mildred Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Brown Ms. Linda Burkhalter Camp Chatuga Dorothy Cochell Carol Crane Sarah Dixon Papa Eddie Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Burriss Mark & Shelia Campbell Dianne Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crapps Wesley Dixon Cannon Associates Inc Caryn Cockrell Dean & Theresa Craps Carroll Dorn Capitol City Corvette Club Mrs. Betty Cole Ronald Crawford Sara Dorn Mr. & Mrs. Harmon Capps Mr. & Mrs. John Cole Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Crocker Timmy Dorn Catherine Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Coleman Frances Cromer Jean Doster Carolina Tool Company Bob and Joann Coleman Louise Crosby Lola Dove Mary Anne Carroll Brent Coleman Betty & Stan Cross Mr. Paul Dove Mr. C. Don Carson Pamela Coleman Thomas Culbertson Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdle Kay Cartee William Coleman Margaret Cuningham Jerald Drafts Lenyward Carter Mr and Mrs. Robert Colombo Tony and Jackie Cunningham Joye & Josh Drafts Helen Casebolt Colonial Packaging, Inc. Kenneth Currie Colette Dragoo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cason Brian Connolly Hal Curtis Cindy Dreher Faye Cato Ann Cook Mr. & Mrs. Bucky Davis Mr. & Mrs. John Dreher Helen Caughman Ernie Cook Helen C. Cook Davis Harper Circle, Barton First SMC John Drexler Martyn & Verna Cavanaugh Claude & Elizabeth Center Melissa Cook Mary Dawsey Mr. & Mrs. Edward DuBose Central Carolina Timber Co,Inc Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cooper Rev. & Mrs. Glenn Day Dr. & Mrs. Hugh DuBose Mr. & Mrs. John Champy Mr. & Mrs. Sam Copeland Mr. & Mrs. William Deal Mr. & Mrs. T. Scott DuBose Mr. & Mrs. George Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Copeland Terri & Lisa Decker Mary Carson Dudley Charlestowne Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett Danny & Darlene Delaigle Sylvia Dudley Jimmy and Debbie Chavis Michael and Cherri Corcoran Madeline DeLoach Henry & Mary H Duffie Dr. & Mrs. W. Cheezem Corinth Lutheran Church Youth Group David Dennis Allen Dukes Jimmy & Mary Ann Dennis Rev. & Mrs. George Corley Jim Dunbar Denny Memorial SMC Dutch Fork Chapter of SCGS Academic Development Program Academic success is the number one predictor of positive outcomes for at-risk children. We utilize an on-campus learning center, complete with a computer lab, library and professional tutoring to promote academic success that keeps the children on track with their educational goals. Cherokee Avon Retiree’s Group Doshia Smith Children Lucretia Driscoll H. Duane & Irma E. Edwards Harriet Osteen Felkel Phil and Louise Eagleson Steve Felsberg P. Griff Earhardt Mr. & Mrs. Robert Finley Linda Earley Roth SS Class First Baptist Church Earth Properties, Inc. Sarah Cason Group First Baptist Church Robert Easley Ebenezer Cleo Hall WMS Janet Edens Michael & Ina Edens Evelyn Edmunds Mr. & Mrs. Bob Edwards Bobby and Miriam Edwards Edwards Auto Sales Mr and Mrs Jim Eidson Mr. & Mrs. David Ellison Jay Ellisor Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elmore Mr. & Mrs. Bill Elrod Anitsa Elsey Mr. & Mrs. David English Patricia Enloe Dr. Anne Epting J.M. Epting Joe Epting Mr. & Mrs. Leland Epting Epworth United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Jack Erickson Ray Etheridge Mr. Carl Ettinger Exchange Club Of Newberry Cliff & Rose Fagan Dr. & Mrs. John Fairey Faith Lutheran Church Faith Sunday School Class, FBC Mary Falkosky Mr. & Mrs. David Fallaw Davis Family Mrs. Kellie Farmer Truitte Felder Arnold Lee’s All God’s Childrens SS First Batesburg Baptist Church First Brethren Church First Nazareth Baptist Church First SMC of North Charleston First Southern Methodist Church Fishers of Men Sunday School Class College Advancement Program CAP focuses on providing the necessary framework and support for boys that are finishing high school and desire to pursue a college education. We offer an on-campus apartment where the boys transition into a more independent phase and are given a budgeting and a financial literacy course, interview skills, assistance in finding employment, along with any necessary academic support. The boys may continue in the program as long as they need, provided they are attending college or a vocational school. George Fleming Flowers From The Heart Donald Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Flynn Virginia Fogle Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Force Forest Hills Independent Baptist Church Creighton & Anna Mary Forrest John Foster Lee, Carol, Joseph & Amelia Foster Dr. & Mrs. Michael Foster Tommy & Willette Foy Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Frampton William & Faye Franklin Gladys Frazier Grace Frazier John & Nita Frazier Ralph & Annie Frazier Freedom Fellowship Assembly Inc Mr. & Mrs. W. Freeman Doug & Sherry French French Brothers L/S, Inc. Samuel and Birdie Frick Carroll Fulmer Fulmer Building Supplies, Inc. David Gibson Ralph Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Chalmers Hancock Alice Furman Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Giddens Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Griebe Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gadry Eugene and Helen Gilliam Anne Griffen Mr. & Mrs. Niles Hanna Darby Gallagher Michael & Helen Gipe James Griggs Etta Hannaford Ms. Dianne Galloway Michael Gleaton Susan Grove Beth Gantt Steven & Susan Glenn Thomas and Lana Ray Gwyn Hannah Circle WMS, Wesley SM Church Fred & Retta Gantt Joseph and Donna Glover Mr. & Mrs. W. Hackett Honorable Nelson Hardwick Margaret Gardner Amy Godley Mr. Dell Hadden William & Mary Hardy James Garner Johnny & Carolyn Godley Hugh & Barbara Hadsock Harleyville SMC Patricia Garrett Cathy Godshall Charles and Jean Haggard Harry & Georgia Harmon Wanda Garrett S. Ronald Godshall Hair & Sons Trucking Co. Shirley Harrelson Mr. & Mrs. Walker Garrison Virginia Godshall Arnold & Margaret Hall Charles Harris Ed & Sandy Garvin Mr. & Mrs. John Godwin Joseph Hall Francis Harter Mary and Rick Garza Delane Goff Phillip & Mary-Jo Hall Mr. & Mrs. Barry Harvey Gassaway United Methodist Church Virginia Goff Ray & Cynthia Hall Linda Harvey Mr. & Mrs. T. Dewey Goin Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Hallman Mrs. Leonard Hatcher Clark and Mary Gaston Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Jeff & Lisa Hallman Shirley Hatley Mr. Ernest Gates Goodlettsville SMC WMS Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hallman Cyril Havird Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Gault Victoria Gorman Mr. & Mrs. L. Haltiwanger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Havird Doug Gayman Ivan Gottlieb Donna Ham Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hawkins General Supply Co. of Saluda, Inc. Tim & Michelle Graham Mrs. Ruth Ham Joe Hayes W. M. & Jody Gentry Paul & Savon Gramling Lisa Hamer Mr. & Mrs. W. Hedgepath Gentry’s Poultry Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Greenslade Gina Hammond Mary Westberry Hellman James George Greenville SC Council No 444 Joe and Robin Hampton Helping Hands WMS Honor Roll of 2011 Donors Hephzibah S M C SSD Ltd., AIA continued Stanley & Catherine Hite Mr. & Mrs. Ert Jacks Tammy King Harvey and Nina Lemmon Heralds For Christ SS Class Mr. & Mrs. McLean Hicklin Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hixson Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Jackson Jim, Pam & Andrew Kinsey Pete and Nel Leslie Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church Heralds for Christ Sunday Sch Class Mrs. Maude Hickman James Holley Ephraim Jackson Terry Kirkland Todd and Lynnette Lever Marietta Hicks Holly Springs S M Church WMS Wayne Jackson Ruby Kiser Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lewis Doug & Connie Herlong Carrie Higbee Annie Lou Holmes Abby James Jason & Amber Kneece Mr. & Mrs. Horace Leysath Tom & Freddie Higgins J. Cleveland Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Arthur James Kneece’s Car Care & Express J. R. Leysath; Jr. Maureen Hightower Jimmy & Jackie Holmes Krisanne Jastrzab Jason and Jane Knight Barbara Lindler Thelma Hightower Mr. & Mrs. R. Wayne Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Reon Jeffcoat,Jr Todd Knight Mr. & Mrs. G. Robert Lindler Mr. & Mrs. Harvie Hill Mr. and Mrs. Smith Holmes, Jr. Cathy Jennings Wilfred Knight John Lindler Ronald Hill Mr. Richard Holstein June Jennings Mr. & Mrs. J. Kohn Mr. Richard Lindler Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hiller Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hooper Herbert and Jane Jervey Bobby Koon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindler Mr. & Mrs. David Hinner Euphemia Hopkins Donald Johnson James & Marlene Koon Vera Lindler Ms. Helga Hiott Mr. & Mrs. John Hoppe Mark Johnson Sybil Koon George Lippard Doris Hite Charles & Gene Horger Paul & Sheila Johnson Beverly Kyzer Mr. & Mrs. John Lisenbe A. Carroll Horton Mary Johnston Will & Eliza Lacey Mr. & Mrs. Rae Litaker Sandy House Reggie & Kim Jones Lionel Lackey Marion Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Houston Mr. C. Jordan R. M. Lafitte Perry & Sudie Livingston Jennifer Howard James Jordan Mr. Andy Lake Lloyd Roofing Company Dena Howe Marion Jordan Annelle Lake Mr. & Mrs. Wade Logan Harriet Howe Sidney Jordan Muriel Lake Twin Bridge Logistics,LLC Edward Howell Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn Jordan Dianne Lominick Joseph & Rachel Howell Suryaram & Sushila Joshi Presbyterian Women Lake Murray Presbyterian Church Robert Hudgins Kaminer, Inc. Mrs. Connie Lane Mary Lou Lominick Owen and Mary Huff William and Janet Kaneft Edward & Lynn Lane Charles & Brenda Long Tom & Freddie Huggins Rose Kasten Claude & Sandra Laney Charles and Jean Long E. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Phil Keener Mr. & Mrs. John Langley James Long Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Humphries George Keller John & Barbara Langley Roger & Barbara Long David and Susan Hunnicutt Drayton Kelly Latta S M Church Lewis Longshore Wil Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kerr Boon Lau Mamie Longshore Phillip Hutto Louise Kerr Betty Layton James & Marie Lott Cindy Huyck Ned & Joyce Kesler Bernice Lea Louise Best Circle UMW Thomas & Doris Hyatt George Keysor Ray and Doris Leatherman Mr. & Mrs. O. Fred Lovelace Charles Inglett Jerry & Cheryl Kilgo Elaine Dobbins Lee Mr. & Mrs. Ken Loveless Randy Ingram Ernest & Henrietta Killingsworth James Lee Janet Lowery Leaseterm Insurance Group Katherine King Robert Lee John Lowry Louis N. Inzeo Linda King Leesville S M Church J. E. Caldwell Properties Robert King Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lefler Loyal Workers/Wimberly SS Class Lyttleton St UMC Mr. & Mrs. David Herndon Janie and Barrie Herr Lee and Tammy Herron Mark & Patrticia Hess Hester Summers Missionary Society Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hevener Jarma Jean Hewitt Heyward, Woodrum, Fant & Asso., Recreation and Athletic Program Through the exposure of the major sports and basic outdoor living skills, the boys develop emotionally and physically. Most of the boys that come to Boys Farm have never participated in these activities, it gives them an opportunity to make up part of their missed childhood. These activities also include hunting, fishing, visiting college sports games and attending sports clinics. J. Richard. Lominick Mr. & Mrs. Jim Luther Mr. & Mrs. Charley McDonald Newberry Moose Lodge # 2211 Pineview Ruritan Club Joyce Lybrand Mr. & Mrs. Howard McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Nichols Mr. & Mrs. J. Lyles Martha Mcintyre Charles Nichols & Family Platt Springs UMC-Wesley Fellowship SS Class Gwen Lyons Steven & Tracy McKean Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nichols Paul & Marjorie Plociennik Macedonia Lutheran Church B. Vivian McLelland Nichols Poultry Farm Mr. & Mrs. M. Polutta Jean Macon Rep. Walton McLeod Vinetta Nicholson Pomaria Lutheran Church Charles Maddox Betty McMakin Gale Norris Tony and Lynn Ponds JJ and Marilyn Malnati Mrs. Lucy McMaster North Columbia Optimist Club Harvey and Diane Poston Mr. & Mrs. David Mangan Ms. Irma McMillion Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Nunn Mary Pou Ann Mann Carolyn & Skeet McMurray & Family Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ohlandt Mr. & Mrs. C. Poulnot Sandra Osborne Faye Powell McNair Bible Class Sandy Osborne Mike and Bridget Powell Maple Street S M Church McSwain-Evans Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. J. Owald/ JCO Farms Mikell Powell Bonnie Martin Dorothy Meador Levan & Evelyn Padgett Lucy Powers Mr. & Mrs. Ted Martin Louise Meetze Joseph Park Mr. & Mrs. Larry Preslar Marvin Jones Company Mrs. Lucy Anne Meetze Dr. & Mrs. H. Parker Ann Price Judy and Gerald Matheny Paul and Brenda Meredith Haskell & Teresa Parler Mr. & Mrs. G. Milton Price Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mathis Mermec Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pathel John P Price Bob & Anne Matthews Richard Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Stanley & Mary Pathel Mr. & Mrs. Murray Price Gwen Matthews Metal Masters Inc. Priscilla Garibay Patrick O T & Mary Price Mr. James Matthews Metal Plating Co Robert & Priscilla Patrick Ottis Price Mr. & Mrs. Bill Matthews Charles & Phyllis Metz Mr. & Mrs. Grady Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Price Lori Matyniak Mr. & Mrs. Walter Metze Mr. Silas Pearman Mr. Samuel Price Jay & Judy Mauger Mr. & Mrs. David Metzger Stella Pearson Thelma Price Leonard May Mid-South WMS Conference Harvey Peddycord Frances Prince Burnet Maybank Ellen Miller Mr. Harvey Peddycord William Prioleau Bobbie & Marty Mayer Mr. & Mrs. George Mills McAdams WMS Circle Mr. & Mrs. William Mills P. L. (Roy) McCall Mills Trucking Nat McCartha Rick Mindermann Harold & Zell Mccarty Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Mitchell Angie McClam Ray & Janice Mixon Blair Mcclasin Jennifer Moates Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Mcclellan Donald Moir Mr. & Mrs. J. McClure George & Nancy Montgomery Shelly & Hap McConnell Betty Moore Franklin McCoy Mr. Bob Moore Trudy McDaniel Judy Moore Bruce & Mary McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Bob Morehead Manoah Independent Methodist Church Agriculture Program Situated in a rural environment, Boys Farm is the perfect place for boys to be exposed to the basics of Agriculture and learn about cows, horses, sheep and goats. Our Ag program introduces the boys to the basics of owning and enjoying animals and learning about food production with our gardening program. Kathy Morgan Mt. Horeb Lutheran Church Charles Peebles Pro-Tek 24 Security Co. Rev. R. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Penn Mrs.David Morison Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Perrin Professional Insurance & Investment Associates John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Van Mullis George Perrow Sherrie Morrison Edward Munns Tommy and Vivian Perry Mr. R Dan Moseley Rev. & Mrs. Mantle Nance M G & Shirley Peterson Scott Moseley Neeley Appliance Company Dorothy Petit John & Becky Pugh Leslie Ann Moses Deborah Neese Mr. & Mrs. Edward Purcell Mr. William C Jackson III Karen Nettles Philadelphia Southern Methodist Church Jan Puryear Mt Tabor Lutheran Church WELCA Newberry Car Buffs Philippi Baptist Church Eddie Putnam & Family Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church Newberry Lions Club Mr. & Mrs. Dusty Phillips Graham Quinn James J. Pike Elizabeth and Aaron Rampey Jim Pines WM and Joan Rampey Newberry Middle School Professional Printers, Inc. Prospect S M Church Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt Prosser Honor Roll of 2011 Donors continued Robert Ramsey Robert & Vernetha Renwick Kareen Riley Mr. & Mrs. J. Rauch Mrs. Elizabeth Rhame Joe & Sylvia Rinehart Nancy & Bill Reamer Diana Richard Marian Rister Ray and Connie Reames Gail Richards Rebecca Circle Marshall & Ellen Richards Red Bank Baptist Church/ Dolly White Prayer Grp Baptist Church Ross Sessoms Mrs. Eva Mae Sims Alden Salvo Dr. & Mrs. Joel Sexton George & Drucy Siokos Shelia & Sparky Salvo Merle Sharick Evelyn Skinner Riverland Hills Baptist Church Daniel & Marie Sandel Basil and Karen Shaver Tom & Linda Skinner Mr. & Mrs. William Sandel Cole & Susan Shaw James Slice Norma Richardson Truthseekers Riverland Hills Baptist Church Mrs. Gloria Sanders Angela & Libby Shealy Louetta Slice Mr. & Mrs. W. Spence Richardson Mr. & Mrs. John Robbins Mrs. Gene Sanderson Barbara Shealy Jeanette Small Chuck Redd Richland County Auditor Delmar Roberts Richard Sandstone Carl Shealy Aubrey and Donna Smith Mr. & Mrs. James Redden Mr. & Mrs. Tony Riddle Dorothy Roberts Emily Sarakaitis Caroline Shealy Cecyle Smith Ana Reed Richard and SaraLee Riggs Linda & Buddy Roberts Frank & Debra Sarakaitis Dixon Shealy Helen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Remion Mr. and Mrs. Sam V. Rikard Randy & Mable Robertson Edith Satterfield Doug & Lynette Shealy Mr. & Mrs. James Smith Coye Riley Ann Robins Thurman Sauls Everett and Shelia Shealy Raymond Smith Ethel Riley Era Robinson Bill Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith James Riley Grover & Aletha Robinson SC Midland Riders Mr. & Mrs. J. Leon Shealy Rev. & Mrs. Dan Smith Walter and Tamyla Robison SC S Chapter Gold Wing Road Riders Assn Margaret Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Smith Monroe & Frances Shealy Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Smith Mr. & Mrs. Odell Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smyrl Ronnie’s Restaurant Maria Marchant SCDAA Past Presidents Council Brenda Schachner Russell Shealy Smyrna Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rose Elizabeth Snider Kenneth Rose Dr. & Mrs. Fredric Schuh Stanley and Janice Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Young Schumpert Steve and Becky Shealy Eric and Theresa Snider Mr. & Mrs. Greg Ross Edna Snipes Rotary Club of Lake Murray-Irmo Larry Sconyers Susan Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Scott T. L. & Dorothy Shealy Darlton & Martha Sommers Mike & Betty Rowland Christine and Sam Southern Bernice Rucker Vanessa Scott Mr. & Mrs. Tim Shealy Scurry Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Ruff Southern Methodist Church of Summerton Remion’s Nursery & Outdoor Products Ms. Elizabeth Render Alice Roddis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rogers Ken Ruff Ron & Kathy Rushton William and Linda Rushton Guy & Vonnie Rutland Robert Rutland Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan Saint Paul’s Church Adult Sr Ladies Salem Sunday School Class Salem United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Salter Mes’s S.S. Class 1 Saluda River Ronald and Linda Searcy Mr. & Mrs. Harva Sease Mr. & Mrs. James Sease Russell & June Seay Mary Sellers Senior Adult Sunday School Class Senior SS Class, Advent Lutheran Church Grady Senn Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Senn Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Senn Wyman & Miriam Shealy John & Debra Shealy & Boys Henry Sherill Clyde & Millie Shokes Bill & Priscilla Shuler Edward Shull Nancy Shull Nancy Sides Willie & Deanna Sikes Silverstreet Lutheran Church WELCA Mary Jo Simmons Carolyn Simpson Southern Methodist Church/ Helping Hands Circle Southern Methodist Missions of Florence Mr. & Mrs Larry Sox Stephanie Sox Jule & Nancy Spach Leila Speering Isaac Speights Phil & Kathy Spotts St George Motor Inn St Paul’s Church St Paul’s Lutheran Church The Giving Campaign Emily Walker St Philip’s Lutheran Church The Nickles Family James Walker St. Jacob’s Evangelical LC Theta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa W. Earl Walker Charles & Suzanne Thomas Walker & Morgan,LLC St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Gregory Thomasson W. Virgil & Brenda S. Wall,Jr St. Paul’s Southern Methodist Church Ellen Thompson Gene & Joan Walling John & Carol Thompson St. Peter AME Church Walnut Grove WMS Mr. Paul Thompson St. Phillips Lutheran Church, Men’s Account Joe and Patsy Walters Emma Sue Thompson & Family Kerry Walters Mickey & Debra Steele John and Heike Tidwell Stanley Wapinski Timmonsville SMC Sunday School D. K. Warner Titan Production Company, LLC Lisa Warner Carolyn Torrence Dr. & Mrs. Tommy Warren Trevett’s Mailing Services, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Jay Waters Trinity Bible Church Ron & Ann Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Kester Trotter Mr. & Mrs. P Watson Cathy Turner Sam & Roxanne Turnipseed Waynesboro Southern Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tuten Shirley Weaver Mr. W. Parker Tuten Mrs. Helen Webster Charlie Tyndall Cecilia Welborn Jason Ulmer Craig Werling Nancy Underwood Union Lutheran Men St. Marks Lutheran Church Youth Group Alma Stephenson Steve’s Logging Richard Stofan Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stokes Stoll Fireplace Equipment Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stone Barbara Stoudemayer George Stoudemire Seba Stoudenmire Walter Walker Natalie Wieta James & Ollie Willis Woodmen of the World Lodge #502 Joan Wiggins Jim & Julia Wills Mr. & Mrs. John Wright Wesley Class of First SM Church Wightman United Methodist Church Georgette Wilson Lois Yelton Joe & Kay Yonce Helen & Jimmy Wiles Unique People SS Class, CCSMC Wesley Fellowship Sunday School Class Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wilson Pat Yonce United Way of the Midlands Jeff & Tracy West Catherine Wilkes Wilson’s Refrigeration & AC Rubie Yonce Mr. & Mrs. David Upchurch Daniel and Sheryl Westbury Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Wilkes Marc and Kelly Wing Paul Young Susan Vance Mr. & Mrs. Benjie Westwood Bob & Rose Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Grady Wingard Young Heart Nazareth U.M.C Virginia Vance Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Whelan William B Edwards DDS Kenneth & Cheryl Winn Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zeigler Tim & Julie VandeBrake Alton & Christine Whetsell Mr. & Mrs. A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roy Winters Women of Advent Lutheran Church Zion Southern Methodist Church WMS George VanGiesen Whitaker Funeral Home Bobby Williams Victoria Love WMS Mr. & Mrs. Dusty White Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Williams Jim & Glenda Wood Matt & Melanie Wood Louise Tapley Victorian Hills Independent Methodist Church Mary White Mrs. Elizabeth (Lib) Williams Hazel Williams Matthew & Melanie Wood MQ & Louise Tapley Stephen and Carol Wadford Warren Whitlock Mary Williams Melanie Wood Mr. & Mrs. Larry Taylor Louise Wages Claude Wicker Matthew and Kristin Williams Samuel Wood David Teague CD Waites Doug and Kathy Wicker Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Williams Todd Wood The Carolina Trader, Inc. Elizabeth Walker Ruby Wicker Dan and Dianne Williamson Woodmen of the World 454 Van & Bobbie Strahan Robert Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Gurnie Stuck Mr. & Mrs. Larry Summer Robert Summer Lou Ann Summers Supplemental Staffing Lucille & Nealy Sweat Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Sweatman Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Swittenberg Toccoa Switzer Dennis and Jan Swygert Mr. & Mrs. Kipp Tanner Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Whitehead Roxie Williamson Memorial/Honorarium Gift Listing Memorial gifts to Boys Farm may be made as a meaningful way to remember a deceased loved one or friend. Contributions are listed by the name of the deceased in bold type. Donors are listed after the name of the person in whose memory they contributed. In Honor Of Almeds(Meda) Rogers, Madge Waldrep,Anita(Nita)Jack George & Nancy Montgomery Chapin Family Practice & Family William Johnston Grandchildren Cole & Susan Shaw Guy Brouillard, Chubby Prehal George Desjardins Linda Hentz, John Price Wil Hunt McCormick-Pitts Family Edward Shull The Ellisor Family Jay Ellisor Thermal Ceramics Inc. Engineered Fiber Solutions,Inc Jo Ann Adams Joye & Josh Drafts Jane Andrews Lynn Shealy Dr. Michael Arnold Jason Ulmer Mr. & Mrs. Capers Asbill C. David Sawyer Dr. Mary Baker Rev. Mantle Nance Mr. & Mrs. T. P. Berry Emma Sue Thompson & Family Mr. Gene Berry C. David Sawyer Jean Blackmon James Griggs Mrs. Margaret Blackmon Larry & Theodora Petersime Nikki Blease Ray and Connie Reames Don Bloudin Roy Winters Dr. and. Mrs. Julian Boland R. John Kerr Albert Bove Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bavaro Jim & Sally Braswell Barry Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Jim Braswell Speedy & Lyn Burkett Mrs. Sally Braswell Speedy & Lyn Burkett Richard Breibart, Esq. C. David Sawyer Frank Brennecke Jr. Frank Brennecke Barney Brewer Jr. Barney Brewer Ann Brooks Scott Brooks Dr. & Mrs. Joe Brooks Cally & Joy Gault Dr. & Mrs. Robert Brown John & Carol Thompson Rose Marie Bunton Julian & Sybil Boland Claudia Cochran Caryn Cockrell Dianne Cochran Caryn Cockrell Dianne Cochran William O. Coleman Irma McMillion Bobby,Mary, William Creech Johnny & Carolyn Godley Mickey Crowe Rev Dan Smith David & Judy Clark Paul Young Melanie Wood Tom & Sarah Dance John Morris Michael Bruce Davis Mary Baker, MD Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davis & Family Craig Werling Michael Davis & Andre Jennings Ron Vigus Mrs. Wendy W Derrick C. David Sawyer Mr & Dr. Frank Downs John & Carol Thompson Mr. & Mrs Clark Dubose C. David Sawyer Pastor Derald Edwards J.C. & Charlsie Doolittle Hack & Pat Ezell Clyde & Millie Shokes Ms. Frances Fallaw C. David Sawyer Mrs. Kelli Farmer Newberry Middle School Larry & Esther Faulkenberry Clyde & Millie Shokes Mr. Harold (Hal) Felder, Jr. Emma Sue Thompson & Family Rev. Dr. Edward Fleming John Morris Monroe & Juanita Fulmer McSwain-Evans Funeral Home Mrs. Sara Gantt Mary Johnston Mrs. Lorraine Garzzillo C. David Sawyer Ron Godshall Cathy Godshall Joe Goeckner Cannon Associates Inc Mrs. Mary Ellen Graham Jim and Sally Braswell Steve Griffith John Beasley Nancy Hagelwood James Bradley Mary Sease Hanna Ronald Boozer Mrs. Patricia Hartung C. David Sawyer Isaac Harvell Jim Luther Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hawkins Jim & Glenda Wood Gayle Hite Michael N. & Kay Padgett Mary Alma Hite Michael N. & Kay Padgett Tim Howard Jennifer Howard Wilbur Hunt, Jr. Stephanie Sox Spiritual Development Program Our desire for all of the boys who come to Boys Farm is to come to a right relationship with God. Our goal is to see changes in choices and leadership that show positive growth. Our house parents lead daily devotions with the boys, take them to church on Sundays, participate in church youth activities and weekly praise and worship on our campus. The boys also have an opportunity to lead devotions at meal time which is called The Meal Minute. Mrs. Eugenia Jacks Speedy & Lyn Burkett David Jenkins James Redden Laura Kane, John Eiseneau Judy and Gerald Matheny Dr. Douglas Kelly Rev Mantle Nance Cindy Koeper Clyde & Millie Shokes Lynette Lever William Lever Virginia B. Loveless Ken Loveless Mrs. Pat Marranci C. David Sawyer Mr. & Mrs Harry Mashburn Lynn Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Mast Ronald and Linda Searcy Mr. & Mrs. Mack Mast Ronald and Linda Searcy Dr. & Mrs. Robert McCartha John & Carol Thompson Robert & Dorothy McClellan C.W. McClellan Mrs. Pauline McGee Randy & Carolyn Boland Irma McMillion William Coleman Tommy Metz Jerry & Cheryl Kilgo Rudolph Mitchell C. David Sawyer Ron Morrison Judy and Gerald Matheny Rev. Mantle Nance Robert & Vernetha Renwick Hon. Deborah Neese C. David Sawyer Lila Newton Mike & Kat Haggard Mrs Joanne Nowak C. David Sawyer Hon. & Mrs. Pete Nuessle C. David Sawyer Mrs. Barbara Nuessle C. David Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F Ott Lynn Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Bob Padgett Wil Hunt Mary Parr Caroline Shealy Mr. & Mrs. Kent Phillips Cally & Joy Gault Jerry& Brenda Pitts Jim and Sally Braswell Howard & Angie Posey Judy Moore Ann S. Price Carolyn Simpson Phillip & Frances Price John P Price Linda & Jim Rainero H. Parker Connie B. Reames M. C. (Nikki) Blease Mrs. Maude S. Rikard C. David Sawyer Rufus & Kathy Rogers Ann Brooks James Rose Kenneth Rose Jim & Kathryn Rose Mike & Kat Haggard Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Rosky Ronald and Linda Searcy George Sample Mary and Rick Garza George A. Sample, Jr. Mary and Rick Garza Beth Sandstone Richard Sandstone George & Edith Satterfield Mes’s S.S. Class 1 Saluda River Baptist Church Beth Sauls Sherrie Morrison Cliff Sauls Jeff & Lisa Hallman Sandra Sawyer Joye & Josh Drafts Mr. & Mrs. William R. Seigler C. David Sawyer David Selander Clyde & Millie Shokes Eloise Shealy Gayle Hite Mary Alma Hite Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shealy Sam V. Rikard Harvey and Nina Lemmon Lynn Shealy Rev. James & Betty Shealy Ronald Crawford Richard Shealy Caryn Cockrell Walter & Jean Shealy David & Judy Clark Walter, Jean, Dixon and Russell Shealy R. John Kerr Mrs. Kay M. Shirey C. David Sawyer Mr. Norman Shull Ralph & Annie Frazier Dr. Jim & Mrs. Ramona Skinner Tom & Linda Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Slice Lynn Shealy Bishop John Smith Bonnie Martin Michael Smith Bonnie Martin Ron Smith Mid-South WMS Conference Stephanie Sox William Sox Nancy Spach Suzanne Baker Diane Speights Elizabeth Walker Mr. & Mrs Dick Swetenburg Cally & Joy Gault Rev. Wallace Terry Victoria Love WMS Bob & Rose Thomas John Morris John and Heike Tidwell Ralph & Annie Frazier Mr. & Mrs. JC Till Lynn Shealy Joe Trainor Cindy Huyck Mr. & Mrs. Mark Vedder John & Carol Thompson LK Walton David Herndon Mr. Oscar Weathers Randy & Carolyn Boland Mrs. Frances Weathers Randy & Carolyn Boland Ronnie Weathers Julian & Sybil Boland Virginia Wicker Claude Wicker Mr. Roy Wilson Ronald and Linda Searcy Mr. & Mrs. Dean Wilson Lynn Shealy David Wiseman Cannon Associates Inc Mr. & Mrs. Butch Woodard Cally & Joy Gault Mrs. Mim Woodring Cally & Joy Gault Pat Yonce Jim and Sally Braswell In Memory Of Aster Johnny & Carolyn Godley William Cathy Turner Alice Sanders Adair King Walter & Jean Shealy Mr. Ralph E Adams Dewey & Frances Adams C. Brantley Allen Helen Casebolt Emma Guy Anderson Willie & Deanna Sikes Frank Anderson Andy Lake Mr. John Frank Anderson C. David Sawyer Dr. Van Anderson, Jr. C. David Sawyer Darryl Andrews Claude and Lavada Frick Ron Andrews Lynn Shealy Elizabeth Arant George Sample Bill & Priscilla Shuler Jacob Arant George Sample Thomas Clarence Ard Richard Merritt Dixe Mae Armstrong Ann Robins Mark & John Arnold Arnold & Margaret Hall Ken Arrington Buddy & Claudia Williams John Herschel Ayers Thomas Hyatt Mrs. Evelyn H. Baggett C. David Sawyer Miss Willie Irene Bailey Perry Anderson James W. Ballew R. John Kerr Memorial/Honorarium Gift Listing Harriet “Boots” Bandy Ann Robins Mary Bannister Walter & Jean Shealy Vivian Barnes Joseph & Rachel Howell Alta & Smith Barnette Ann Cook Doris Barrios Steve and Becky Shealy Ralph D. Bartholomew Mickey & Debra Steele Bill Bartley Ellen Miller Hazel Barton Fred & Retta Gantt Pauline “Polly” Barton Lawrence Pathel Bill Baskins Walter & Jean Shealy Jan Bates Claude and Lavada Frick Mrs. Katherine Lewis Baumgardner Doug & Sherry French Wiliam J Benenhaley Steve Felsberg Greg Best Harmon Capps Margaret B Bills Willie & Deanna Sikes Mrs. Laura Katherine Black C. David Sawyer continued Paul Blackmon Walter & Jean Shealy Gladys Bledsoe Ken Ruff J.T. Hallman C. David Sawyer James Henry Bledsoe Ken Ruff Russell Shealy Jason and Jane Knight Jim Eidson Odell Shealy Ted Martin John & Debra Shealy & Boys Clara Caldwell William Coleman Charles Nichols J.T. Hallman Joseph Havird Ronald Boozer Joye & Josh Drafts Johnnie Hallman William Shealy Marcia Bradley Ellen Miller C. David Sawyer Rudolph Scott Oscar Blount C. David Sawyer Jack Blum Walter & Jean Shealy Leaseterm Insurance Group Roger Bolen Mark & Shelia Campbell Dale Bonasee Phil and Louise Eagleson Elane Boswell Ann Robins Truman Bowers Michael N. & Kay Padgett Marguerite Boyce Bill & Priscilla Shuler Sadie Bradley Arnold & Margaret Hall Mr. & Mrs. Earl Braswell Barry Harvey Jim and Sally Braswell Frank “Bud” Brennecke Julie Brown William and Janet Kaneft S. Ronald Godshall Colonial Packaging, Inc. Michael Foster Ivan Gottlieb Will Lacey Timmy Dorn Frank Brennecke Jr Frank Brennecke Robert King Glen Craig Henry Maine Christine and Sam Southern Mermec Grand Dad - Frank Brennecke; Jr. Janie and Barrie Herr Reggie Brigman Walter & Jean Shealy Dallas Brooks David Upchurch John Brooks RSW Project Management, Inc. James Brown Susan Vance Mr. Hammond B. Buffington C. David Sawyer Deane H. Burks Mickey & Debra Steele ALonzo Burriss, Jr. Etta Hannaford Annie H. Burton C. David Sawyer Frankie Burton Jim Rose John C. Burton O. T. Price C. David Sawyer Jesse “Jug” Buzhardt Barbara Shealy Peggy Buzhardt Susan Vance Patricia Cameron Bob and Joann Coleman George Sample James M. Cannon North Columbia Optimist Club Lois Carnell Eddie Putnam & Family William R. Carson Joe & Kay Yonce William Carter Johnny & Carolyn Godley Michael Carter, Sr. Helen Casebolt Faye Cato Joye & Josh Drafts Faye Powell Joe & Kay Yonce Donald Moir Stanley & Catherine Hite Ron & Kathy Rushton Mr. and Mrs. Smith Holmes, Jr. D.C. “Charley” Caughman Robert & Priscilla Patrick Dr. Belton D Caughman Helen Caughman William Bingham Cheek Priscilla Garibay Patrick Thomas Christensen, Jr. Charles & Phyllis Metz John Clark Joye & Josh Drafts Benny Brice Clowney Paul Dove Benjamin Clowny Lola Dove Howell Cobb Leila Speering Mr. Albert Coggeshall John Beasley Marcia Parkes Coggins Walter & Jean Shealy Mrs. Weita Coleman Irma McMillion Shelby Coleman Joye & Josh Drafts Ken Ruff Randy Cook Thomas Copeland Mrs. Cleo Cope Mary Falkosky R. E. Corbett, Jr. Walter & Jean Shealy Millage Corley Buddy & Claudia Williams Marion Cornwell Randy & Carolyn Boland David Cox Bobby and Miriam Edwards Elizabeth Crosswill Sylvia Anne Derrick Carol Crouch J. Rauch Mr. Carroll E. Crouch C. David Sawyer Richard Culler Bobby and Miriam Edwards Bill Cummings Cindy Dreher Boon Lau Evelyn Cummings R. John Kerr Evelyn and Bill Cummings Robert Smyrl Mr. W. R. “Bill” Cummings Edith Worthy Cathy Turner Angel Care Of Newberry LLC Louise Kerr Herbert and Jane Jervey Walter & Jean Shealy Judy and Gerald Matheny Professional Insurance & Investment Associates Clark and Mary Gaston James J. Pike George & Drucy Siokos John Dreher R. John Kerr Tommy & Willette Foy Basil and Karen Shaver Joe Brooks Dan and Dianne Williamson Cally & Joy Gault Walter and Tamyla Robison Clayton Kerr Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Dameron Susan Shealy Kathryn Darnell Randy & Carolyn Boland Jack Davis Henry & Jane Adair Joe Davis Henry & Jane Adair Azalea Eargle Dennis Stanley & Catherine Hite Kesler Derick J. Cleveland Holmes Joe & Kay Yonce Pat Derrick Betty Moore Sandra Gant Dillard Crane Jim & Patty Bagwell Nancy Pitts Dixon Jim and Sally Braswell Bob Doty Angie McClam Helen M. Douglas Ann Robins Morris Drafts Jerald Drafts Joye & Josh Drafts Roy Drafts Jerald Drafts Sylvester “Tootsie” Drew W. Parker Tuten Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Driggers W. Parker Tuten Mrs. Marie Durant Arnold & Margaret Hall Kay Hotinger Eargle Dale Boozer Rosa Lee Eargle J. Leon Shealy J. Kenyon East, Sr. Jim & Patty Bagwell Charles Eugene Eastburn, Jr. Steve Felsberg Mrs. Peggy Edwards Bobby and Miriam Edwards Dorothy Effler Arnold & Margaret Hall Delores Eichelberger Robert & Priscilla Patrick Roben Henry Elkin Drayton Kelly William Fred Ellison Geraldine Ellison M.R. Evans C. David Sawyer Mr. Joe Fairey II Randy & Carolyn Boland John P. Faris Sr. Cindy Dreher Ms. Favor Susan Vance Charles “Chuck” Fields Arnold & Margaret Hall Stacey Fincher William and Linda Rushton Ken Ruff Greg & Kim Barfield David Teague Tony Riddle Ricky Smith Dusty White Tammie Covington Kenneth & Cheryl Winn Jason & Amber Kneece Joye & Josh Drafts Butter Patch farms, LLC Guy & Vonnie Rutland Charles Nichols Vinetta Nicholson Reggie & Kim Jones Gentry’s Poultry Company, Inc. Eland Chapman Jason and Jane Knight Dayton Floyd Charles & Phyllis Metz Wayne Floyd Cindy Dreher Mrs. Leo (Willie) Foster Sylvia Anne Derrick Richard Foster Willie & Deanna Sikes Lanier Fralix Ikey & Diane Speights Jackie Hamm Franklin William Johnston Marcia Bradley Mrs. Esther Fuller Bob & Anne Matthews Alfred Funk Virginia Goff Jane Gable John Langley Charley McDonald Brunson Gantt Mary Johnston Dorothy Gantt Walter & Jean Shealy Mrs. Norma Jean Garland Lois Yelton Jimmie Garvin Bob & Rose Wilkins Essie Gedding W. Earl Walker Mrs. Essie Geddings Jimmy and Debbie Chavis Joe and Patsy Walters John Gentry Marcia Bradley Rick Gentry Rudolph Scott Don Ghan Mike & Kat Haggard Candace Atkinson Gibbs Frank Shealy Lucille Gibson Charles Nichols C. David Sawyer Ellen Miller Ottis Price J.T. Hallman Jim & Julia Wills Marcia Bradley Clara Caldwell Joseph Havird William Burriss J. Rauch Ann Gilliam Ed & Sandy Garvin The Alumni of Boys Farm, Inc. Walter & Jean Shealy Marion Livingston Ned Kesler Eugene and Helen Gilliam Levan & Evelyn Padgett C.W. Mcclellan Mary Dawsey Mr. & Mrs. Bill Matthews Jack & Sue Devlin David & Judy Clark Frankie Ginn Cally & Joy Gault Mr. Louis A. Givens C. David Sawyer Jeter Glenn Michael and Cherri Corcoran Mr. Samuel Ronald Godshal Earth Properties, Inc. Benjamin Boyd Character and Responsibility Program CARP teaches the value of character and taking pride in one’s work. While working in age appropriate skills, the boys learn to follow instructions, complete chores and develop a solid work ethic. On weekends, the boys have an opportunity to spend their hard earned money on fun activities or they may choose to save their money to spend it at a later date. Silas Pearman Alan Alexander James and Deborah Camp John Allen James Wilson Wilburn Jordan Bill & Cynthia Craig Officers & Staff AgFirst Farm Credit Bank Elizabeth Render Carl Stone Doug Ambrose George Chapman Richard Holstein George Keller Paul Dinndorf R Dan Moseley Nancy & Bill Reamer Jay Drake Louise Alford Virginia Godshall William & Faye Franklin O. Fred Lovelace Jane G Graham Dianne Berry Perry Anderson Eva Mae Sims Edna Green David Hinner Tatum Gressette Charles & Gene Horger Donna E Griffith J.T. Hallman James W Gunter C. David Sawyer Memorial/Honorarium Gift Listing Hugh Hadsock William Donna Nickerson Mrs. Lessie Hair Randy & Carolyn Boland Melissa Haley Arnold & Margaret Hall Ann Hallman Joye & Josh Drafts Harry Hallman Helen Casebolt Myrtle Hallman Millie Atkinson William Coleman Irma McMillion Flora Mae Hamilton Elizabeth (Lib) Williams Hugh Hansock Sr. Etta Hannaford Mr. Kelly L Hare C. David Sawyer Mrs. Janie Lou Bartley Hare C. David Sawyer Mrs Tiny P. Harmon C. David Sawyer Pastor Clarence Harper Carrie Higbee Mr. Hordric Havird Chalmers Hancock Stanley Hawkins Roger & Barbara Long Jim Hellier Leaseterm Insurance Group Walter & Jean Shealy Carolyn Helmly Leon Helmly Mr Lewis Mayer Henderson Jimmy & Jackie Holmes Mrs. Essie Henderson Bobby and Miriam Edwards Eloise Hinrichs Lola Dove Charlie Hite Jr. Michael N. & Kay Padgett C. David Sawyer Gary Holden Loyal Workers/Wimberly SS Class Lyttleton St UMC Mrs. Carolyn Meadors Holderman C. David Sawyer Harvey Holmes Randy Robertson Ellen Miller Sherrie Morrison Henry & Mary H Duffie Elizabeth Sauls Harold Hooper Samuel and Birdie Frick Darrell Hopkins Sylvia Anne Derrick Mrs. Annie Sue Hopper Wil Hunt Frances Howell Aubrey and Donna Smith Mary Black Tony and Jackie Cunningham Carol Crane continued John Cole Bruce and Mary Ann Clark Jarma Jean Hewitt Thomas and Lana Ray Gwyn Pete and Nel Leslie A. Carroll Horton Hubert (Gene) Hudson Harry & Georgia Harmon Mr. Johnnie Huffman Rosa & Buddy Marks Bernie Husen Bob and Joann Coleman Charles Infinger Loretta and David Cox First Southern Meth Church of North Charleston Barbara Jackson Phillip Hutto Chuck Redd Mr. Cecil James Etta Hannaford Ethel Johnson Charlestowne Methodist Church Herman Johnson Jason and Jana Boice John W. Johnson, Jr. Walter & Jean Shealy Mrs. Myrtle Jones Linda Harvey Robert & Priscilla Patrick Lola Dove Robert Jones First SMC Of North Charleston Johnny Jordan Millie Atkinson Donald Kay Charles & Phyllis Metz Elizabeth Keith Henry & Mary H Duffie David Kibler Samuel and Birdie Frick Harry Killingsley Loretta and David Cox Earnie Killingsworth R. John Kerr Donald Kirkindoll Steve Felsberg Helen R Kneece Joe & Kay Yonce Jake Kneece Joye & Josh Drafts Mr. Bill LLWN Knight J.T. Hallman A Hart Kohn Walter & Jean Shealy Charlotte Kohn Walter & Jean Shealy Jerry Koon Walter & Jean Shealy Katherine Koon Betty Moore Mark & Shelia Campbell Rev. Carl B Koon J.T. Hallman William E. Koopman, Sr. Clyde & Millie Shokes Doris S. Lackey Lionel Lackey Bettty M. Lacy Loretta and David Cox Doris Lake Buddy & Claudia Williams Laura Glover Lambert O. T. Price Jimmy Lane Harriet Howe Claude Lawson Ellen Thompson Donald Layton Lee, Carol, Joseph & Amelia Foster William Lever Margaret Leaphart Walter & Jean Shealy Ann Ledbetter Walter & Jean Shealy Mr. E.O. Lee Bobby and Miriam Edwards Ella Bell Lewis Michael N. & Kay Padgett Mrs. Brenda Lewis W. Parker Tuten Mr. John Lindsay Lee, Carol, Joseph & Amelia Foster Walter & Jean Shealy Corey Livingston Pete Cox Mr. Kevin Lloyd Hugh & Barbara Hadsock Charles E. Lloyd, Jr. Lloyd Roofing Company Jimmy Logue Loretta and David Cox Earl Long Mark & Shelia Campbell Joe & Mildred Long Charles & Brenda Long Timothy David Mauger Jay & Judy Mauger Betsy McAdams Isaac Speights Catherine McAllister C. David Sawyer Major McCarty Millie Atkinson C. David Sawyer Janice McCormick Joe & Kay Yonce C. David Sawyer Charles”Mac” McDonald B-L Lodge No 138 Jeffrey McDonald Walter & Jean Shealy Virginia McDowell Frank Shealy Betty McElroy Ikey & Diane Speights Mr. Bernie McElveen Joseph Hall Mrs. Lucy McMeekin Harold & Zell Mccarty William McMillion Irma McMillion Mrs. Laurel “Lally” Meetze C. David Sawyer Sue Meggs Charles and Jean Long Paul Meredith C. David Sawyer Adam Metts Paul Thompson Billie Metts George Kemmerlin Deborah Metts-Snipes Walter & Jean Shealy Carl Meynardie Mrs. Ruth Ham Carolyn Torrence Harold Hooper William Ryan Women of Advent Lutheran Church Jack Miles David Hinner Don Miller Joye & Josh Drafts Charlie Mills Bill & Priscilla Shuler Mrs. Evelyn T. Moir Jerald Drafts Mrs. Rae T. Moir C. David Sawyer Faye Cato Donald Moody, Sr. Larry & Theodora Petersime Carroll Moore Betty Moore Mrs. Nancy Morris Barton Bible Class of Hephzibah Sou Meth Church Wanda Kitchens Mother Walter & Jean Shealy Judy Matheny’s Mother in Law Walter & Jean Shealy Jamie Murdock Deborah Neese Mrs. Mary Ellen Murrell C. David Sawyer Hon. Marion D. Myers C. David Sawyer Walter Myers William Shealy Joel Eugene Nelson Thomas Copeland Jane Nepveux Clyde & Millie Shokes D.W. Newton Sr. D. Newton Arthur Nichols Randy Robertson Bob and Joann Coleman Joye & Josh Drafts David Gibson Gordon Nichols Thomas Copeland Doug Nye John Beasley Mrs. Mary G. Oswald C. David Sawyer Velva Owens Buddy & Claudia Williams Billy Parker W. Parker Tuten Zack Parler Paul Gramling Mrs. Carol Parnell Henry Sherill John Pearman Thomas Copeland Vi Pebley Cherokee Avon Retiree’s Group Linda Peeples Mary Falkosky Lois Perry Joe & Kay Yonce William Coleman George Sample C. David Sawyer Mrs. Theresa Pickrell Steve Felsberg Kandy Piercy Charles and Faye Morgan Janella Pitts Barry Harvey Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Pitts Barry Harvey Jim and Sally Braswell Ray Pitts Thomas Copeland Shirley Pitts Jim and Sally Braswell Clair Pitts, Jr. Jim and Sally Braswell George Plyler William Coleman Irma McMillion Marion Pope Robert & Priscilla Patrick Frank Pow C. David Sawyer J. Rauch Harold Power Thomas Copeland Belinda S. Pratt C. David Sawyer Beverly T Price Melissa Cook Rev. Curran and Carrie Lou Quattlebaum Rudolph Scott G.T. Rauch Randy Robertson J.T. Rauch Joe & Sylvia Rinehart Henry & Mary H Duffie Frank Rawl Terri & Lisa Decker Jerry D. Reece R. John Kerr Jimmy Lee Reece R. John Kerr Dr. Stanmore Reed Steve Felsberg William A. Ricard Chalmers Hancock Herbert Risinger Millie Atkinson Rev. Ross Ritchie George Lippard Angie Robertson George Lippard Sylvia Anne Derrick Mrs. Alice Robinson C. David Sawyer Jeremy Rodgers Angela & Libby Shealy Mrs. Molly Todd Rogers Angie McClam Mrs. Evelyn G. Rouse Perry Anderson Irene Ruff Joye & Josh Drafts C. David Sawyer Clark Rugg Mark & Shelia Campbell Delores Salvo Shelia & Sparky Salvo Aline Sample George Sample Mal Sample George Sample George Satterfield Jewelry Warehouse, Inc. E.L. Saverance John Beasley Newman Sease Gayle Hite Mary Alma Hite James Douglas Seigler David & Connie Chase Mrs. Dorothy Sellers Randy & Carolyn Boland Coleman Sexton Herbert Derrick Mr. Robert Shanks Ann Robins Merle Sharick, Sr. Walter & Jean Shealy Celia Shealy Ernest & Henrietta Killingsworth Jolene Shealy Joe & Sylvia Rinehart Susan Vance Mom & Pop Shealy R. John Kerr David & Judy Clark Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Shealy Susan Shealy Mrs. Joye W. Shealy C. David Sawyer Sarah Lou Shealy Samuel and Birdie Frick Wililam C. Shealy Charles and Jean Haggard Brenda Schachner Phillip Hutto Joye & Josh Drafts BL Lodge #138 Marcella Shirley Ray & Janice Mixon Vern Short Ward & Kaye Braswell Bobby Shorter Arnold & Margaret Hall Joseph Hall Mr. Buddy Shuler, Sr. C. David Sawyer Mr. Allen Simmons Cally & Joy Gault Mr. M.C.Smith Doug & Connie Herlong Sarah Singley Smith Walter & Jean Shealy Deborah Snipes Tommy & Willette Foy Jimmy and Debbie Chavis Edna Lorraine Barbara Snipes David Dennis Memorial/Honorarium Gift Listing Malcolm Someliar-Wilson Steven Wilson Mary Charles Sowell Terri & Lisa Decker Louise Spearman The Alumni of Boys Farm, Inc. Mark “Maxie” Reece Stafford R. John Kerr Tommy Stallworth Cally & Joy Gault Clarice Stark Michael N. & Kay Padgett Doris Hite Gwen Matthews Jerald Drafts Barbara N. Stevenson Ann Robins James Stewart Irma McMillion Mr. Angus Stewart Mrs. Lucy McMaster Jeanne Steyne Bobby and Miriam Edwards Mr. Ed Stillwell Cally & Joy Gault Howard D. Stitt Robert & Priscilla Patrick Dorothy Stone William Shealy Lewis Longshore Mr. Dwight Stone C. David Sawyer Mr. Frank Stone, Jr. C. David Sawyer Mary Alice Storey Joye & Josh Drafts George Strother Joye & Josh Drafts Sarah Anne Stuart J.T. Hallman Everett Summer Bill & Priscilla Shuler George Summers Eric and Theresa Snider Krisanne Jastrzab Richard and SaraLee Riggs Charles Mathis John Bearden Maria Marchant SCDAA Past Presidents Council continued Harvey and Diane Poston Van Mullis Mikell Powell Kareen Riley Marc and Kelly Wing Jerry and Jackie Birchfield Janet Lowery Lou Ann Summers Mrs. Jeanette Summers Randy & Carolyn Boland Glyn Taylor Stanley & Catherine Hite Mary Ruth Taylor Michael N. & Kay Padgett Zack Taylor Mid-South WMS Conference Sar M & JT templeton Ann Mann Apphia Terry Victoria Love WMS Mary Thompson Randy & Carolyn Boland Alton & Christine Whetsell Mr. Harold Tisdell North Columbia Optimist Club Richard Toole Mary Falkosky Elder Robert Torrance Bob and Joann Coleman Jackie Townsend Gale Norris Donnie “Sambo” Trotter Joye & Josh Drafts C. David Sawyer Sara Turner Lola Dove Dorothy & George Van Giesen George VanGiesen Dr. He “Sid” Varney John Beasley Buddy Wages Dorothy Meador Emily Walker Martha Mcintyre Reon Jeffcoat,Jr SC Midland Riders Bobbie & Marty Mayer Richland County Auditor Jim Pines Donald Floyd Louise Wages Mr. & Mrs Larry Sox Carroll Fulmer Ana Reed Mary Carson Dudley Jack Waites Nat McCartha John Godwin Earline Derrick Mr. Paul Borden CD Waites Linwood Swittenberg Vera Lindler Blair Mcclasin William Sandel Walter Metze Dorothy Buff Daniel & Marie Sandel McNair Bible Class M G Peterson Bobby Koon James Slice James Bradley Barbara Stoudemayer Jack Erickson Michael Edens Paul & Charlotte Blankenship Henry Hixson Harold Bickley Gene Walling Hazel Williams Mike & Betty Rowland Patricia Garrett Florence Bowers Marcia & Bob Ballentine Richard Lindler Sarah Frances Waldrep Walter & Jean Shealy Bill Watkins C. David Sawyer Mrs. Edna G. Watson C. David Sawyer Mrs. Julia Weathers C. David Sawyer Ann O. Wells Sylvia Anne Derrick Horace Werts Angel Care of Newberry LLC Harold Wessinger Monroe & Frances Shealy Betty Moore Joe Epting Frank Shealy Leon West Julian & Sybil Boland Alton & Christine Whetsell Randy & Carolyn Boland Tom Higgins Jim, Pam & Andrew Kinsey Kathryn Whaley Clyde & Millie Shokes Don Whatley Annie Lou Holmes Helen P. Whitaker R. John Kerr Walter & Jean Shealy Steve White Randy Robertson Mr. R. Vernon Whitlock C. David Sawyer Mr. Ray Whitson Robert Rutland Keith Whittle Ottis Price Garner Wiggins Clyde & Millie Shokes Helen Wiles Randy & Carolyn Boland Truitte Felder George Kemmerlin W.N. Williamson Bernice Williamson Ben Williford Freedom Fellowship Assembly Inc Ms. Hazel Willis Joye & Josh Drafts Joey Wimberly Emma Sue Thompson & Family Jana Winn Angie McClam Jana Kathryn Winn Buddy & Claudia Williams Mrs. Frankie Winn C. David Sawyer Frances Wise Joe & Kay Yonce Tom Wooten Betty Moore Jacob Workman Borell and Irvin Boatwright Colette Dragoo Ottis Price Dorothy Wise Wright Eddie Putnam & Family John Yancey Tom & Freddie Huggins Jenny Yarborough Joye & Josh Drafts Chuck Yeager Mike & Kat Haggard Ron Young Charles (Mickey) Crowe Tom Young William Coleman Thank you to all of our donors and sponsors, for your help in building boys rather than mending men. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID Permit #1183 Columbia, SC Boys Farm, Inc. PO Box 713 6655 SC Highway 34/121 Newberry, SC 29108 Contact Us: boysfarm@boysfarm.org (803) 276-5910 (803) 276-6023 (Fax) Boys Farm is a member of: National Association of Christian Child and Family Agencies South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations South Carolina Association of Children’s Homes and Family Services Boys Farm is licensed by: SC Department of Social Services, SC Department of Heath and Environmental Control Boys Farm Contributions are IRS 501(c)3 Tax Deductible South Carolina Solicitation Permit #81