Indy Runners Inaugural Marathon Training Program


Indy Runners Inaugural Marathon Training Program
Foot Prints
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Foot Prints
The Quarterly Newsletter of IndyRunners
Summer 2006, Volume 11, Number 3
What’s Inside:
NEW! 2006 Marathon Training
President’s Page—Fall Beckons
Walkers Section: Volunteering
New Members
10 Running Secrets
Membership Application Form
Indy Runners Merchandise
Hal Higdon’s Marathon Training
Program Schedule
Event Calendar
Weekly Club Runs
Indy Runners Inaugural
Marathon Training Program
Indy Runners is excited to announce our first ever fall
Marathon and Half-Marathon Group Training Program! This
pilot program is FREE to all current Indy Runners members.
Please note that this pilot program will be very informal
compared to our main spring Mini Training program, but will
assist you in your training for the October marathons and halfmarathons. The inaugural program began late June and continues
to the end of October so if you haven’t started, it may not be too
late! Hopefully, you’ve kept your running legs in shape… This
pilot program will be for all those Indy Runners participating in
the Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, and Indianapolis marathons,
or the Indianapolis and Columbus half-marathons. This pilot
program is for current Indy Runners only, and all participants
will be asked to sign in prior to the start of the event. For more
information, contact Todd Oliver at
Most meetings will be at the Hinkle Fieldhouse, but we
may move around a little bit to mix things up so be sure to check
where we’re meeting by emailing Todd.
The Saturday runs will be by mileage only with no pacers, although experienced marathoners will be
participating, too. The schedule will follow Hal Higdon’s novice marathon training program. Details for the
first week are as follows:
Finally, because this is our first ever program over the summer for fall events, this is your
opportunity as a "beta tester" to help guide and improve the program throughout the summer. We look
forward to your involvement, and hope that this program improves along with your fitness as the summer
progresses. (see schedule on Page 9)
...Continued on Page 9
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Foot Prints
Foot Prints is a quarterly publication of Indy Runners and is
one of many membership benefits. Foot Prints is mailed to
the primary address for each membership via third class mail.
Address corrections should be mailed to:
Indy Runners
Indy Runners and Indy Walkers
Board Members
PRESIDENT—Mike Niederpruem
P. O. Box 30617
(317) 637-9200 x123
Indianapolis, IN 46230-0617
Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and not
necessarily those of RRCA or USATF of which Indy Runners
is a member.
(317) 407-8489
Submitting material to the newsletter is open to all members.
Articles, letters, or any related information may be submitted
by e-mail to:
Photos, original artwork, and advertising are always welcome.
The editor reserves the right to edit or decline submissions
due to lack of space or inappropriate content. The schedule
for submittals for the newsletters is:
September 15, 2006
October 2006
Foot Prints
Newsletter Editor
Alexandra Yeung
This Edition’s Contributors
Matt Ebersole
Marsha Gascho
(317) 876-7253
SECRETARY—Alexandra Yeung
(317) 457-3276
INDY WALKERS —Marcia Gascho
(317) 842-1164
MEMBERSHIP—Jeremy Zieseniss
(317) 858-0425
(317) 255-2761
(317) 410-1222
Brian Gootee
Mike Niederpruem
RACE DIRECTOR—Terry Townsend
Todd Oliver
Jeremy Zieseniss
A Place For Every Pace
Indy Runners is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit member
association that promotes personal fitness and
health through running and walking activities including training programs, races, track workouts,
fun runs and walks, and other social events. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of ability or
(317) 259-0708
WEBMASTER—Jeremy Zieseniss
(317) 858-0425
(317) 410-1222
Foot Prints
Page 3
The Fall Beckons…
By Mike Niederpruem
Hi, everyone! I hope your summer
has been great, and that you were successful in getting your runs in without getting too hot. With fall
fast approaching, there is a lot of good news to share.
FIRST, our inaugural program this summer
for fall marathon and half marathon preparation has
been an unequivocal success, primarily to the great
work of our vice-president, Todd Oliver, as well as
other faithful Indy Runners board members and volunteers: Brian Cake, Will Huiras, Curt Canter, Norm
Simard, Carter Wolf, and Alexe Yeung. Each week,
we have a few new attendees, and the numbers just
keep growing from one week to the next. As a reminder, this informal program is FREE to all current
members of Indy Runners, and you are encouraged
to attend, even if you haven’t participated previously.
Indy Runners provides the water stops, and post-run
food. So, please join us, as we have distances each
week that cater to both full- and half-marathoners. Of
course, you don’t have to be doing a fall event to
SECOND, because of numerous requests, we
are bringing back our Indy Runners New Member/New Runner Runs. These informal runs will take
place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month
through October, beginning with the first run on
Wednesday, August 23rd. These runs begin in Broad
Ripple, at the wooden deck in front of The Brugge…
just look for the Indy Runners tent. We begin at
6:30pm, to allow those of you who may have to work
late. And, as you might expect, we provide cold beverages afterwards. These runs are timed at approximately 40-45 minutes, so that everyone can run at
their own pace, and yet finish at about the same time
as everyone else. Although these events are specifically for new runners/new members, all Indy Runners members are welcome!
Indy Runners New Member/New Runner Runs (2nd
& 4th Wednesday through October):
August 23rd
September 13th
September 27th
October 11th
October 25th
THIRD, the Indy Runners board has
open positions as follows:
Membership Director – maintains membership database; processes new memberships
and renewing memberships.
Webmaster – oversees updates to the Indy
Runners website,; depending on the timing of filling the position,
this individual may have the opportunity to
also assist and/or oversee the new re-design
of the website, scheduled to take place this
Social Chairman – creates and implements
all non-running social activities for the club.
We are looking to fill these positions as
soon as possible. For more information, or to express your interest, please contact me.
FOURTH, the 2007 Indy Runners MiniMarathon Training Program is expected to be our
best ever. Please look for registration forms at all
the local running stores sometime at the end of
September. We will also include all registration
information in the next issue of Foot Prints, as
well. Also, we are still looking for a few committed volunteers to assist with the mini-training
program steering committee. Again, please let
me know if you have an interest in participating
in next year’s event. Don’t forget, the MiniMarathon usually fills up before the end of the
year, and this year is no exception. So, if you
haven’t yet registered, please do so soon!
(Continued on page 9)
Page 4
Foot Prints
By Marcia Gascho
I have walked in a number of races over the
years. I have done the Mini Marathon as well as
many 5Ks and as a participant, I’ve always
appreciated the volunteers at the start, along the
route, and at the finish line. They check me in at
Registration, answer my questions, point the way to
the start line, give me water, encourage me along
the course, greet me at the finish line, and serve me
post-race goodies. As much as I enjoy participating
in races, I also find it rewarding to be a volunteer. I
have served Gatorade at the Mini Marathon,
worked at a water stop in a cornfield at Conner
Prairie, and was a sentry for the
Sam Costa course. But…my
favorite job is to work at the food
and water tables at the finish line.
My husband and I have handed out
refreshments at Indy Runners races
like the Leading Ladies,
Gingerbread, Sam Costa, and
Groundhog 7 for quite a few years.
You need to have the right
stuff to work refreshments at the
finish line! The following items
are essential: tables, large water
and coolers, water, energy drink
mix, cups, food, and most
importantly - trash barrels. The
first step is to pick out a good spot
to set up the tables. Depending on
the size of the race, that could mean from 1 to 3
tables. It’s good idea to have a location that’s
protected from the wind if it’s a cold day. If it’s
hot, a nice shady spot is always welcome. We come
dressed for the elements since we may be standing
outside for a long time. The tables should be
located in a visible spot from the finish line so
runners and walkers can easily find you. At the
2006 Groundhog race in Zionsville, it was pretty
windy and nippy out so we were happy to set up
inside the building. We try to prepare as much
liquid and food as possible in advance. We find a
source of water, usually from a kitchen, and fill the
coolers. It helps to have something to mix Gatorade
with - a large paddle works well but a cafeteria tray
has worked in a pinch. We then begin the arduous
task of filling countless cups with water and
Gatorade and setting them up on the table. If it’s a
short race, we need to get food and liquids ready as
quickly as possible. We open boxes of fruit, break
apart bananas, and set out trays of cookies. (We
usually sample some to make sure they taste good…)
One year at the Sam Costa half-marathon, it was so
cold that the water froze in the cups. We spent a lot
of time squishing cups trying to break up the ice.
As the participants of the race approach the
finish line, we’re kept pretty busy making sure there
is plenty of liquids and food available. Sometimes
the water and Gatorade disappear so
quickly that it’s a constant race to
stay ahead of the demand. It helps to
have some extra water and Gatorade
on hand so we can quickly replenish
our stock when it runs low. At the
Sam Costa, there are usually several
hundred participants so we have
quite a rush at times putting out
fresh cookies, preparing fruit, and
filling cups. We sometimes split out
duties so that one person handles
liquids and the other volunteers do
the fruit/cookies. It’s truly a team
effort and we try to pitch in
whenever we see someone needs
After the race, we don’t put
away everything immediately. Sometimes there’s a
second tide after the awards ceremony or when a
group of late stragglers come in. When most people
have left, we empty out any water or Gatorade and
pack up or divvy up any leftover food.
I am usually pretty tired after working at a
race, especially the Sam Costa, since we have been
there standing for hours. However, it is a good kind
of tired – knowing I’ve provided refreshment to
weary, hungry, and thirsty (and grateful) race
participants! If you want to ‘give back’ to the sport
of running or walking, I encourage you to volunteer
at a race sometime. I am always rewarded by the
experience. Most participants seem genuinely happy
to see our efforts and often thank us for being there.
Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering!
Foot Prints
Page 5
Well, summer is officially here. Whether you
are walking, jogging for
fitness, or training to
race there are a myriad
of benefits and challenges that come with
the changes in humidity
and heat that this season
brings with it. Benefits
include the allure of the
great outdoors, increased opportunities for training surfaces, and the
ever wonderful runner’s tans. The challenges however are perhaps what define this season more than
any other. There is one challenge that has an effect
on every aspect of our personal training. Perhaps
more than any of the external factors this season
brings with it, hydration. Did you know that your
heart rate increases eight beats per minute for every
liter of sweat lost during exercise? (American
Counsel on Exercise). How we stay hydrated,
when we hydrate, and with what substances we hydrate are very important factors that will have a
substantial effect on the success of this seasons
The methods we use to stay hydrated can
have a large impact on the effectiveness of the hydration process. By method, I mean, are you an individual who drinks water or other healthy hydrating substances only at meal time? Do you have
small amounts with your meal and then cram with
large amounts at some other period of time? Do
you only drink when the urge strikes you or when
you are thirsty? Or do you have a set routine that
includes various healthy liquids and amounts
throughout the day? The answers to these questions
are very important. The healthiest alternative of
course is to have a set routine, maybe have a personal rule that you never go past a drinking fountain with out taking a drink, or always have a container of some type with you, or having at least two
glasses or more at meal and snack times.
Hydrating throughout the day is the easy
part, hydrating during extended periods of exercise
is the more difficult part but is a critical aspect in
the process of hydration. It can be as simple as doing a loop where there are water stations along the
way (a park), or it may require that you bring your
fluids with you. There are several products that can
make this less annoying and bulky while on the
move. The most well known line of products is
Camelbak©, this line is based around refillable
bladders of varying volumes and is made to be
worn around the waist in a way that reduces bouncing and other annoying motion. Another line is by
Amphipod©, this line is based around bottles that
are again of varying volumes and are embedded in
a belt. This offers the advantages of not having a
hose, and easier cleaning. There is also a line by
Nathan©, this product mostly focused around belts
with a series of small bottles that gels and other energy and re-hydration products can be put into for
the long runs.
There are many products and substances out
there that will aide in helping you meet your hydration needs however none of them will make up for
poor habits and lack of planning ahead. Part of
planning ahead is having the knowledge regarding
the environmental factors that contribute to dehydration. There is a useful and free website from the
weather channel that allows you to put your zip
code in and it calculates the amount of fluid intake
you need on that day. It can be found at
s/hydration . However you do it just remember hydrating is one of the most important things you can
do for your health and fitness.
*The products mentioned above
and other useful fitness and nutritional
products can be
found at Gray Goat
Sports, 5439 U.S.
Highway 31 South,
Indianapolis, IN
46227 (317)7804829, and at www.
Page 6
Foot Prints
10 Running Secrets
By Coach Matt Ebersole
Most of the time the best part of a workout
is being done. Though the feeling of accomplishment and feeling fit are well worth the effort.
Even the fast runners have lousy days
when they don’t feel like running. However, they
have committed themselves to a goal and do not
reopen the discussion about whether the goal is
worth the sacrifice every bad day that rolls around.
You can live off of the glory of one great
performance for a very long time and that success
can carry over into other areas of your life. If you
can run a marathon what else can you accomplish?
There is nothing new under the sun. As
much as coaches like to think they have original
ideas it was all pretty much covered after Lydiard.
a world record or winning a gold medal could make
a person feel pretty good.
Labor Day marks the 26th anniversary of
my first race. I still remember that one. I have forgotten many of them. One that I will always remember was my first marathon. You will too.
Train hard. Make it a good memory.
Never limit yourself. Challenge yourself
and then find small ways to work towards the big
goal. Brett Hess taught me that. It just took a long
time for me to learn the lesson.
Misery loves company. Thanks to people
like Jon, Gerry, Jackie, Ross, and Kenny, I still
look forward to 7:00am on Saturday every week.
Good running friends are a treasure.
There is no perfect way to train. The art
of coaching is reaching an individual and helping
them figure out what works for them.
Matt is one of the owners of the Athletic Annex Running Centre
and coaches groups
and individuals of all
abilities. Please visit
com for more information.
Always trust a positive result. Always
doubt a negative one. This one is borrowed from
Coach Jack Daniels.
The best way to measure success in running
is by world records, gold medals, and prize money.
I doubt it. I would measure it by how good it can
make you feel. Of course, I would bet that setting
Indy Runners and its members belong to
New members since April 2006.
Welcome to our club!
Symantha Anderson
Kirsten Caster
Jeff & Dana Chamberlain
David Eelman
Alan Erwert
Krista Guental
Chris Haas
Christopher Heffner
James Houdek
Joseph Pressner
Holly Schenher
Carrie Schmidt
Mike Smith
Joe & Susie Stilwell
Stephanie Suvak
Kevin Whited
Foot Prints
Page 7
Page 8
Foot Prints
Club **STUFF**
See our website for additional clothing for sale. Email Norm at for more information, sizes, and prices. If you have any suggestions for merchandise, let us know!
New Indy Runners Singlets
(Men's & Ladies sizes)
Indy Runners/Walkers
Indy Runners logo Socks by DeFeet: $12/pair
Indy Runners logo running hat by BaySix: $15
Indy Runners logo Golf Shirt by Nike: $35
Running and Cross Training Websites
Running Races
Indy Runners
Weekly club runs, local/statewide races
Tuxedo Brothers
Running races, triathlons
Races, marathon training program
Trail Races
DINO Series
Trail runs and mountain bike races
Cros s T ra ini ng
Club rides, weekly ride schedule
Urban Adventure Race Adventure race in urban settings
Foot Prints
Page 9
President’s Message—continued from Page 3
Sign up for the Indy Runners’ e-newsletter—the
FIFTH (finally, but most importantly),
Indy Runners is going to overhaul our website this
fall. Our plan is to optimize the look and usability,
and add a bunch of new features, too. Please let me
know as soon as possible if you have an interest in
submitting a proposal for consideration, or perhaps
know someone personally or professionally that we
should talk to in this regard.
from our website: The enews and updates, sent out every one to three
weeks, contains the most updated information
regarding all Indy Runners happenings, gatherings
and news.
Well, that’s all (at least for now). As always, stay healthy and remain committed to your
runs. Oh, and be sure to waive to other runners
when you are out… you never know when you
might be passing a fellow Indy Runner!
Looking for timely running
and/or walking information?
Mike Niederpruem
Go to the Indy Runners website
Please recycle this newsletter!
Marathon Training Program—continued from Page 1
Hal Higdon’s Marathon Training Program for Beginners (source:
3 m run
3 m run
3 m run
3 m run
3 m run
3 m run
June 24
July 1
3 m run
4 m run
3 m run
July 8
3 m run
4 m run
3 m run
July 15
3 m run
5 m run
3 m run
July 22
3 m run
5 m run
3 m run
July 29
3 m run
6 m run
3 m run
Aug 5
3 m run
6 m run
3 m run
Aug 12
3 m run
7 m run
4 m run
Aug 19
Aug 26
3 m run
7 m run
4 m run
4 m run
4 m run
8 m run
8 m run
4 m run
5 m run
Sept 2
Sept 9
4 m run
9 m run
5 m run
Sept 16
Sept 23
Sept 30
Oct 7
Oct 14
Oct 21
5 m run
5 m run
5 m run
4 m run
3 m run
9 m run
10 m run
8 m run
6 m run
4 m run
5 m run
5 m run
4 m run
3 m run
2 m run
Page 10
Foot Prints
Tue 1st
Friendship Race, 5 Km Run(Certified),
6:30 p.m., Wicker Park 2125 Ridge Rd.,
Highland IN, Joe Mis (219) 931-6587
Sat 5th
Wheels in Motion 5K, 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, 8:00 a.m., Major Taylor Velodrome,
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
27th Annual LaPorte YMCA Triathlon,
1/4 Mile Swim + 12.4 Mile Bike + 3.3 Mile
Run, 9:00 a.m., Soldiers Memorial Park,
La Porte IN, LaPorte YMCA 219-325-9622
ext. 104
VEEP Triathlon, (Originally scheduled
June 3rd), 0.5 Mile Swim + 25 Mile Bike +
5 Km Trail Run, 7:30 a.m., Edward Roush
Lake, Little Turtle State Recreation Area,
Huntington IN, Mitch Harper (260) 4360739
Run for Scholarship, 5 Km Run, 1 Mile
Run, 2 Mile Walk, 10:00 a.m., Angola
Middle School, 1350 East Maumee,
Angola IN (Behind School on Track), Chris
Millhouse (260) 687-9808
Norris Insurance 5K, 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, 8:00 a.m., Converse IN, John
Norris (765) 395-7761
Spearfish Canyon Half Marathon, 13.1
Mile, 7.00 a.m., Spearfish SD, Kate Kelley
(605) 722-4558
Sun 6th
Indiana Downs Triathlon Series #3,
½ Mile Swim + 16 Mile Bike + 3 Mile Run,
8:30 a.m., Indiana Downs Track,
Shelbyville IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
Sat 12th
23rd Annual Cicero Triathlon, Swim
2/10 Mile + Bike 9.5 Mile + Run 3.1 Mile,
9:00 a.m., Red Bridge Park, Cicero IN,
Race Organizer (317) 984-4079
Blacksnake Duathlon #3, 2 Mile Run +
20 Mile Bike + 2.5 Mile Run, 8:30 a.m.,
Johnson County Park, 6 Miles South of
Franklin IN, Johnson County (812) 5266809
Planet Adventure Urban Sprint
Adventure Race, Various Urban
Challenges, Downtown Indianapolis IN,
Dave Kauffman (317) 630-0112
CKRR Age-Graded 4 Mile Run & 5K
Walk, 4 Mile Run, 5 Km Walk, 8:00 a.m.,
Highland Park, Kokomo IN, Gary Jewell
(765) 455-8551
Howl at the Moon, 8 Hr Run, 8 Hr Walk,
7.00 a.m., Kennekuk Cove County Park,
Danville IL, Kennekuk R R (217) 4314243
Mon 4th
Gator Gallop - 5K, 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, 7 p.m., St Aloysius Church, Yoder
IN (On Highway 1 (Bluffton Road) just S
of I-469), Chad Ware (260) 744-0290
On your Marks for the Parks, 8 Km
Run, 5 Km Walk, 8:30 a.m., St. Vincent
Hospital, Carmel IN, Tuxedo Brothers
(317) 733-3300
Sun 13th
Annual Blueberry Stomp Held in
conjunction with the Blueberry Festival,
15 Km Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 1 Mile
Fun Run, 8:30 a.m., Centennial Park,
North Michigan Street, Plymouth IN, Mary
Pat Glaub (574) 298-0472
Broad Ripple Village Classic, 10 Km
Run, 5 Km Walk, Broadripple IN, Ken
Long & Associates (317) 884-4001
Hagerstown Jubilee 5K, 5 Km Run, 5
Km Walk, Hagerstown High School,
Hagerstown IN, Robyn Kurtz
Sat 19th
Indianapolis Sprint Triathlon #3, 500
yd Swim + 10 mile Bike + 3 mile Run,
8.00 a.m., Eagle Creek Park, Indianapolis
IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317) 328-1632
DINO Adventure Triathlon, Triathlon
0.5 M Swim + 10 M Mtn bike + 4 M Trail
run, Canoe / Kayak 1 M Paddle, 10 M
Mtn Bike, 4 M Trail Run, 9:00 a.m.,
Westwood Park, New Castle IN, Brian
Holzhausen (317) 336-7553
(309) 827-2272
Sat 9th
DINO (Do INdiana Off-Road) Trail
Run Series, 5 Km Trail Run, 15 Km Trail
Run, 9:00 a.m., Town Run Trail Park,
Indianapolis IN, Brian Holzhausen (317)
Indianapolis Adventure Race, Road
MTB, canoeing, trail running/hiking,
orienteering/navigation, rope work &
surprise mystery events, 5.00 a.m., Eagle
Creek, Indianapolis IN, Michael Sapper
Sat 26th
Circle of Life IU Mini Marathon, 13.1
Mile Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, 1 Mile Run,
8.00 a.m., IU Campus, Bloomington IN,
Circle of Life (812) 760-5818
Turn Up the Volume Run Walk, 4 Mile
Run, 4 Mile Walk, 8:00 a.m., Eagle Creek
Park, Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers
(317) 733-3300
YMCA Distance Classic, 50 km Ultra
Marathon, Half-Marathon, 7:00 a.m.,
Warsaw YMCA, 1410 Smith, Warsaw IN,
Michael Skipper (574) 267-3306
Sun 27th
Canal Days Firefighter 5K Run, 5 Km
Run, 2 Mile Walk, Cambridge City IN,
Josh Hickman (765) 478-4434
USAT Mideast Triathlon
Championships, 1.5K Swim + 40K Bike
+ 10K Run, 8:00 a.m., Eagle Creek Park,
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
USAT Mideast Duathlon
Championships, 2 Mile Trail Run + 40K
Bike + 10K Run, 8:00 a.m., Eagle Creek
Park, Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers
(317) 733-3300
Sat 2nd
Goat Hollow Triathlon, 700 Yard Swim
+ 5 Km Run + 13.1 Mile Bike, 8:15 a.m.,
Centerton Elementary School, Martinsville
IN, Dan Daly (317) 502-8851
Sun 3rd
Trail Shark Off-Road Triathlon & Trail
Shark Off-Road Duathon, 500 meter
swim, 9 mile MTB, 5 Km Trail Run, 2 Mile
Trail Run, 9-mile MTB, 2 Mile Trail Run,
8:00 a.m., Timber Pointe Outdoor Center,
Lake Bloomington, just 12 miles N of
Bloomington/Normal IN, Colleen Klein
Sun 10th
Jason Baker Scholarship Run & Walk,
5 Mile Run, 5 Mile Walk, 1.5 Mile Family
Stroll, 9:00 a.m., Crown Hill Cemetery,
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
Fri 15th
Irish Festival 5K Run/Walk
(participants receive a free pass to Irish
Fest), 5 Km Run, 5 Km Walk, 8:00 p.m.,
Military Park, Indianapolis IN, Ken Long &
Associates (317) 884-4001
Sat 16th
Dick Lugar Run and Walk & Corporate
Challenge, 10 Km Run, 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, Various Track Events, 8:00 a.m.,
Butler University, Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo
Brothers (317) 733-3300
Sun 17th
14th Annual Tower Run for Education,
8 Km Run, 5 Km Fitness Walk, 8:30 a.m.,
Washington Park, Michigan City IN, Race
Organizers (219) 874-8927
Foot Prints
Hill Fest 5K Run/Walk 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, 9:30 a.m. Northview Christian Life
Church, 131st & Hazel Dell Blvd., Carmel
(4 miles east of Keystone on 131st.), IN
Mike Putman (317) 596-0017
4th Annual Kilted Mile 1 Mile Run 2:00
p.m. Military Park, Indianapolis, IN Kevin
Caraher (317) 753-7052
Sat 23rd
Race for all Races, 5 Mile Run, 5 Km
Walk, 9:00 a.m., Indianapolis City Market
(at the corner of Alabama & Market St's),
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
Hoosiers Outrun Cancer, 5 Km Run, 1
Mile Kids Run, 5 Km Walk, 1 Mile Fun
Walk, 10:30 a.m., Indiana University (S
of Memorial Stadium off of 17th St),
Bloomington, IN, Ken Long & Associates
(317) 884-4001
YMCA Muncie Mini Marathon, 13.1 Mile
Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:00 a.m., YMCA 500 S. Mulberry, Muncie IN, Mark Stagge
(765) 741-5542
10th Annual Mill Race Race, 15 Km
Run, 5 Km Run, 5 Km Walk, 8:30 a.m.,
Mill Race Park, Columbus, IN, Randy
Stafford (812) 376-6717
Bee Bumble 5K Run & Walk, 10 Km
Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:00 a.m.,
Bee Hive Community Center, Sixth &
Logan Streets, Burnettsville IN, Race
Organizers (574) 826-4195
Trent-Singer 5K, 5 Km Run, 5 Km Walk,
20 Mile Bike Ride, 9.00 a.m., Starts at
"REFLECTIONS in Huntingburg, IN (on
U.S. 231), John Marks (812) 481-0068
Zionsville Optimist Hit the Bricks 5
Mile Run 8:00 a.m. Zionsville High
School, Zionsville, IN, Jamie Breuninger
(317) 337-4343
Run the Falls 2006 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, Kids 1 Km, 8:00 a.m. Clifty Falls
State Park, Madison, IN, Dave Ommen
(812) 265-0619
Sun 24th
Wild Wild Wilderness, Stay for the
post-race party with food, drink, music
and prizes, 7.6 Mile Trail Run, 11:00
a.m., Kickapoo State Recreation Area,
Danville IL, Kennekuk R R (217) 2673595
Run 4 the Bone Benefit's the National
Bone Marrow Donor Program, 4 Mile Run,
4 Mile Walk, 8:30 a.m. Eagle Creek Park,
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
Toronto Waterfront Marathon/Halfmarathon 26.2 mile run, 13.1 mile run,
5K run, 7:00 a.m.. Toronto, ON, Race
Organizers 416-944-2765,
Sat 30th
Double Eagle Run & Walk Benefit's the
Page 11
Eagle Creek Foundation, 10 Mile Run, 4
Mile Run, 4 Mile Walk, 9:00 a.m., Eagle
Creek Park, Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo
Brothers (317) 733-3300
24 Hours of DINO (Do INdiana OffRoad), 24 hours of Mtn Bike madness,
7:00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m., Winona Lake Trail,
Warsaw IN, Brian Holzhausen (317) 3367553
Kokomo Symphony Run, 5 Km Run, 5
Km Walk, 9:00 a.m., Rogers Pavilion,
Highland Park, Kokomo IN, Steve Currens
(765) 454-5497
Putnam County Museum Benefit 4
Mile, 4 Mile Run, 2 Mile Walk, 9.00 a.m.,
DePauw's Nature Park, 1 mile west of
Greencastle IN, Lee Stewart (765) 6539646
Walk Me Home 8K 8 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk 9:30 a.m. Hummel Park, Plainfield,
IN, Mary Williams (317) 7451496
Sun 1st
Q95 Rock 'n Run, 5 Km Fun Run/Walk,
15 Km Run, 30 Km Run, 7:00 a.m.,
Courtyard by Marriott, Washington &
West St., Downtown Indianapolis IN, Ken
Long & Associates (317) 884-4001
Ride & Tie (Combination Run & Ride), 10
Mile Run / Ride, 8:00 a.m., Meadow
Ridge School, 159th St & 108th Ave,
Orland Park IL, Amanda Butler (708)
Sat 7th
4th Annual Fishers Freedom Run, 5
Mile Run, 3 Mile Walk, 9:00 a.m., Fishers
High School, 13900 Promise Road,
Fishers, IN, Jennifer Kehl (317) 595-3195
Monster Mash Dash, 5 Mile Run, 5 Km
Walk, 4:30 p.m., Eagle Creek Park,
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317)
7th Annual Hoosiers Outrun Cancer
(finish on the 50-yard line), 5 Km
Run, 5 Km Walk, 1 Mile Walk, 10:30
a.m., Indiana University Memorial
Stadium (west side), Bloomington IN,
Bloomington Hospital (812) 353-5000
Cole Porter 15K, 15 Km Run, 5 Km Run,
5 Km Walk, 8.30 a.m., Circus Building,
Peru IN
Oktoberfest 5K, 5 Km Run, 5 Km Walk,
8.30 a.m., Seymour IN, Octoberfest
(812) 523-1414
Sun 8th
Evansville Half-Marathon13.1 Mile
Run, 8:00 a.m., Reitz Hill, Evansville IN,
Barb Dykstra (812) 426-6210 ext 353
ZOOM thru ZULU 10K, 10 Km Run, 10
Km Walk, 2-person 10 Km Relay, 1:00
p.m., St. Louis Church Recreation Hall,
15535 E Lincoln Highway, New Haven IN,
Mitch Harper (260) 436-4824
Sat 14th
Spotlight on Nursing, 5 Mile Run, 5 Km
Walk, 9:00 a.m., Downtown Indianapolis
IN, Tuxedo Brothers (317) 733-3300
Trinity Free Clinic 5K, 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Fitness Walk, 8:00 a.m., Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Church, Carmel IN, Meredith
Marrs (317) 218-7000
5th Annual Pumpkin Push 10K, 10 Km
Run, 1 Mile Fun Run, 9:00 a.m., Mar Len
Park, 150 East and Wea School Rd,
Lafayette IN, Don Franklin (765) 4743448
Sun 15th
Toronto Marathon, 26.2 mile run/relay,
13.1 mile run/walk, 5 Km run, 9:00 a.m.,
Toronto, ON, Race Organizers 416- 9721062
Sat 21st
Indianapolis Marathon and HalfMarathon, 26.2 Mile Run, 13.1 Mile Run,
5 Km Run, 1.2 Mile Kids Run, 8:00 a.m.,
Historic Fort Harrison, Indianapolis IN,
Race Organizers (317) 826-1670
DINO Trail Run Series, 5 km Trail Run,
15 Km Trail Run, 9:00 a.m.,
Southwestway Park, Indianapolis IN,
Brian Holzhausen (317) 336-7553
Norris Insurance 5, 5 Mile Run, 5 Km
Walk, 8:00 a.m., Front of Norris
Insurance - Downtown, Bunker Hill IN,
John Norris (765) 395-7761
Sun 22nd
Chicago Marathon, 26.2 mile Run, 7:30
a.m., Grant Park, Chicago IL, Marathon
Organizer 1-888-243-3344
Sat 28th
Pleasant Run Run, 5 Mile Run, 5 Mile
Race Walk, 3 Mile Fitness Walk, 10:00
a.m., Historic Irvington, Indianapolis IN,
Tuxedo Brothers (317) 733-3300
Run Like HELL, 5 Km Run, 5 Km Walk,
7:00 p.m., Downtown Indianapolis IN,
Tuxedo Brothers (317) 733-3300
River City Rat Race 10 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, 9:00 a.m. Downtown Performing
Art Center Main St, Fort Wayne, IN.
Kathy Burner (260) 927-8480
Good luck to everyone
doing a fall marathon,
whether it’s your first
or fiftieth!
Page 12
Foot Prints
Club runs are for everyone. There is a pace for the beginner, the flyer, and everyone in between.
Starting Place
Tuesday & Thursday
6:00 p.m.
Hinkle FieldhouseButler University
Brian Cake
1 - 8+ miles
Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Monon Trail @
62nd Street
Mike Niederpruem
637-9200 x123
1 - 6 +miles
Various Locations
Todd Oliver
5 - 20+ miles
(Fall Marathon Training
John Laker
Open: 6 or more
(2nd/4th Wed of the month;
Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday 7:00 a.m.
Fort Ben
YMCA Parking Lot
Indy Runners is looking for new board members for 2007. We are a fun group of professionals who
are committed to bringing a great club experience to you… but we can’t do it all. Have a look at the
Presidents’ Message on Page 3 for more information. Also, it’s almost that time again — look out for
the 2007 Indy Runners’ Mini-Training Program registration in the next issue…
Presort Standard
Foot Prints
A Quarterly Publication of Indy Runners and Walkers
P. O. Box 30617, Indianapolis, IN 46230-0617
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Indiana Permit No. 228