January - Indy Runners


January - Indy Runners
Foot Prints
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Foot Prints
The Quarterly Newsletter of IndyRunners
Winter 2006, Volume 11, Number 1
What’s Inside:
2006 Mini Training Program
President’s Page—Welcome to 2006
Walkers Section: Many Mini Memories
Race Profile: Groundhog Run
New Members
Weekly Club Runs
Supporters and Club Information
Membership Application Form
Sam Costa Registration Form
(March 25, 2006)
2006 Indy Runners Mini-Marathon
Training Program Registration Form &
Pizza Party Registration
Event Calendar
2006 Mini Marathon
Training Program
By Kent Miller
There are a few things that signal to me winter is nearly
over; the Super Bowl (now played in February?), the start of
baseball spring training and the Indy Runners Training Program.
We will start training for the Mini on January 24th at Hinkle
We have some new changes that I believe will make this
a more attractive program than in recent years. First would be
the merchandise you receive for signing up. As you know, we
have had sweatshirts and long sleeve t-shirts for as long as I can
remember. This year, the technical long sleeve t-shirts are a very
attractive and far better suited for running and walking. As an
added bonus, you will receive a great pair of socks with the Indy
Runners logo, and a pair of cotton gloves. Many people
including me subscribe to Runners World magazine, and as a
benefit of being a member of Indy Runners, you can get this
subscription for just $12 each year.
Our pasta dinner this year will be held in a reserved room at
TGI Fridays near the convention center. The dinner will be on May 4th, the Thursday before the Mini; you
can pick up your packet at the convention center on Thursday and head over to our Pasta Party afterward.
This seems like a lot but there’s more…
We have Indy Runners merchandise for sale, discounts to Midwest Running magazine and Runners
World subscriptions, and discounts at local running & walking apparel stores.
If you have not been to Hinkle Fieldhouse lately you will be in for a surprise. New dormitories
going up on the east end of the parking lot. This construction will necessitate a course change in the
(Continued on page 9)
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Foot Prints
Foot Prints is a quarterly publication of Indy Runners and
is one of many membership benefits. Foot Prints is mailed
to the primary address for each membership via third class
mail. Address corrections should be mailed to:
Indy Runners
Indy Runners and Indy Walkers
Board Members
PRESIDENT—Mike Niederpruem
P. O. Box 30617
(317) 637-9200 x123
Indianapolis, IN 46230-0617
Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and
not necessarily those of RRCA or USATF of which Indy
Runners is a member.
(317) 407-8489
Submitting material to the newsletter is open to all
members. Articles, letters, or any related information may
be submitted by e-mail to: newsletter@indyrunners.org.
Photos, original artwork, and advertising are always
The editor reserves the right to edit or decline submissions
due to lack of space or inappropriate content. The schedule
for submittals for the newsletters is:
March 15, 2006
April 2006
(317) 876-7253
SECRETARY—Alexandra Yeung
INDY WALKERS (Representative 1)—Marcia Gascho
(317) 842-1164
MEMBERSHIP—Jeremy Zieseniss
(317) 858-0425
Foot Prints
Newsletter Editor
Alexandra Yeung
This Edition’s Contributors
Marsha Gascho
Kent Miller
Mike Niederpruem
Todd Oliver
Janelle Renschler
Terry Townsend
Jeremy Zieseniss
(317) 255-2761
MERCHANDISE—Janelle Renschler
RACE DIRECTOR—Janelle Renschler
RACE DIRECTOR—Terry Townsend
(317) 259-0708
WEBMASTER—Jeremy Zieseniss
(317) 858-0425
A Place For Every Pace
Indy Runners is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit member
association that promotes personal fitness and
health through running and walking activities
including training programs, races, track workouts, fun runs and walks, and other social events.
Membership is open to everyone, regardless of
ability or age.
(317) 410-1222
MEDICAL COORDINATOR—St. Vincent Sports Medicine
(317) 578-7663
(317) 876-0782)
HISTORIAN—Joanne Keaton
(317) 849-0396
Foot Prints
Page 3
Welcome to 2006
By Mike Niederpruem
your 2006 off to a grand start?
Whether you are training for the Indianapolis
Mini-Marathon or another spring half or full
marathon located elsewhere, best of luck with
your training. We hope you make the Sam Costa
Half Marathon and the new Quarter Marathon
on March 25th an important part of your preparation plans. The Sam Costa is a special event for
Indy Runners, and we look forward to your participation. Please refer to the Sam Costa registration on page 11 for more details.
Pizza Express is now the Official Pizza of
Indy Runners! From February through April this
year, all Indy Runners members receive $2 off the
“Big Ten Bargain” regular price of $13.50. This
special consists of a large, one-topping pizza, two
drinks and an order of their famous Pizza Express
Breadstix. Visit or call (this offer is good for
dine-in, pick-up, or delivery) the Broad Ripple
Pizza Express location and mention your club
membership for the discount. See Page 9 for more
information. Additionally, Pizza Express will be
providing FREE Pizza to all participants of the
Indy Runners Mini-Training Program on specifically designated nights (February 7th, March 7th,
and April 4th). Pizza will be available at the conclusion of the runs, immediately prior to the
scheduled seminars.
Kent Miller, the long-time Director of
our Mini-Marathon Training Program, has
officially informed us that 2006 will be his last
year. Kent has done a great job over the years at
managing all aspects of this 12+ week-long event
and is more than ready to turn over the program
to a new, dedicated IR member. If you have an
interest in being involved “behind the scenes”
with our 2007 program, please let me know. Volunteering some time to this year’s program will
be a great way to see if you have what it takes. Of
course, you are welcome to get additional information directly from the source (Kent) at
any of the future Tuesday night sessions.
Finally, a special request: Let this year
be your point of demarcation in making a difference in the lives of your family, friends, or
co-workers from a physical activity perspective. Encourage someone you know to register
for an upcoming walk or running event. Help
them prepare in advance of the event, and then
commit to participating in the event with
them… not just starting the event and meeting
them at the finish line, but participate at their
pace and encourage them all the way. You
never know… you may make a difference in
someone’s life, helping them develop a new
positive habit. Remember, Indy Runners will
be planning New Member/New Runner Group
Runs this summer, so even if they are intimidated by a formal event, you can invite them to
one of these informal events.
Thanks for being a member of Indy
Runners, and keep safe!
Sign up for the Indy Runners’ e-newsletter:
from our website: www.indyrunners.org. The
e-news and updates, sent out every one to three
weeks, contains the most updated information
regarding all Indy Runners happenings,
gatherings and news.
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Foot Prints
It’s hard
by Marcia Gascho
to believe but I
will be walking
in my 17th straight Mini Marathon this spring.
The past 16 years have been a long road with lots
of highs and lows. I hope you will bear with me
while I ‘walk’ down memory lane.
In 1990, I was a nervous beginner who
joined Linda and Gayle’s 14 minute Indy
Walkers Mini training group. For many weeks I
trained in Rockport shoes that were supposed to
be THE shoe for walkers back in those days.
They became more and more uncomfortable as
the training mileage increased and I suffered
from painful blisters. In desperation, just a few
weeks before
the Mini, I
rushed over to
bought another
pair of shoes.
get me through
the rest of the
training and the Mini. The 1990 Mini was quite
memorable too. It followed the ‘old’ course
which meant parking at the 500 track and taking
a bus downtown for the start of the race. Due to
heavy rains and traffic delays, I almost missed
the last bus. The rain continued during most of
the race so I arrived at the finish line cold, stiff
and feeling like a drowned rat. My finish time
was well over 3 hours. The R&R area was a
complete mud-hole and there was not a scrap of
food to be found anywhere. I remember driving
home with the heat cranked up in my car, taking
a very long hot shower and collapsing into bed
for several hours. Although my first Mini was not
what I had expected, it was still a personal
triumph for me just to be able to finish. Just a
few years earlier I had been diagnosed with
cancer, undergone major surgery and radiation
My first painful experience with the Mini
did not deter me from signing up for training in
future years. Actually I’m surprised the 1991 and
1992 races didn’t kill any remaining enthusiasm.
Since the Mini was held at the end of May in those
years, the weather was extremely warm. I felt
pretty bad when I finished the 1991 Mini and
VERY bad in 1992. In fact I think I was on the
verge of a heat stroke. Several of my friends at the
finish line were quite worried about me and took
me to a medical tent where I was packed in ice for
a while. The only good thing about those two races
was I improved my race time quite a bit. I had
been training in the Indy Walkers newly-formed
group and was in
shape. When the
Mini moved to
early May, the
race temperatures
were much more
bearable and I felt
a lot better at the finish line. The past few years I
have come home from the race and not even taken
a nap! I can tell my training has been good because
I don’t feel stiff at all. I’m usually out walking
again a day or two after the race. Over the years I
have learned what socks, shoes and walking
clothes work best for me in Mini training and on
the day of the race. I share my knowledge with my
training group.
Since I became a Mini trainer in 1995, I’ve
enjoyed the Mini a lot more. I like talking to
people in my group and helping to ease the fears of
first-time participants. It’s also great to see the
same people sign up for my group every year.
They have become like my little family. It’s been
even more fun since my husband Bruce became a
co-trainer in 1999. When we do the Mini, we
(Continued on page 7)
Foot Prints
Page 5
presents Indiana’s oldest continuously held
seven mile road race
The 34th Groundhog 7 Mile Run
& The 6th Annual Children’s Groundhoglet
Sunday, February 5th, 2006 1:00 pm (registration opens at 11:30 am)
Zionsville Community High School, 1000 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, IN
New Location
Registration will be held inside the high school cafeteria. You may register on race-day or advance registration is
available at www.indyrunners.org. Please park in the rear of the school (just off of Hal Sharpe Rd.). Showers may
be available for use.
THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE! This is "no frills" running for the FUN of it offered as a courtesy to all runners from Indy Runners. You get refreshments, day of event results, mile markers and volunteers to keep runners on course.
COURSE DETAILS: Race will begin at Zionsville H.S. and proceed along the scenic Zionsville rail trail. Runners will pass
through several Zionsville neighborhoods and finish at the high school. Note that weather and road conditions are frequently bad
this time of year; however, the race WILL be held on this date!
RANDOM PRIZE DRAWING! Following the race, we will hold a drawing for prizes, including gift certificates from
The Running Company and Indy Runners merchandise. Be sure to stick around after you finish the run, as you must
be present to win.
GROUNDHOGLET CHILDREN’S RACE: The children’s race will be held after the Groundhog (approximately 2:15
pm). Kids will be divided into groups according to age and will run short distances based on their age group. All
finishers will receive a medal.
We are collecting used running shoes to be donated to African runners through One World Running.
Please bring any old running shoes for donation. The gently used shoes will be sent to Africa, and the really
beat-up shoes can be ground up and made into running tracks and playgrounds through the Reuse-a-Shoe
QUESTIONS? Please direct any questions to the race director, Janelle Renschler, at
groundhog@indyrunners.org or 317-299-1095.
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Foot Prints
New members since October 2005
Welcome to all new members, and thanks to all of you who renewed!
Sandra Allen
Christopher Austin
Steve & Cathy Bales
Nathan Bell
Angela Blackford
Taylor Blahovec
David Broady
Bill & Linda Brown
Deborah Brown
Bethany Bustard
Kristen Cafouros
Curt Canter
Helen Carie
Carrie Cason
Mary Cochrane
Kim Cregar
John Cusack
Susan Dean
Dee Dee Deffez
Betsy Dukes
Michael Durnwald
Kelly Eble
Hafsteinn Eggertsson
Tom Ellefson
Katherine Elliott
Virginia Emerson
Michael Emkes
Jenny Fairfield
Matt Fairfield
Julie Fischer
Ben Forrest
Jeb Forsee
David &Courtney Fouts
Andie Friedman
Shayna Friedman
Edward Fry
Ian Fry
Dean Garwood
Andy Gilmore
Anastasios Gounaris
David Greene
Alicia Halbert
David Halloran
Jo Harvey
Roger Hawkins
Ben Henderson
Jaclyn Hendrickson
Mitchell David Herniak
Joyce Hertko
Elizabeth Hibler
Thomas Hightshue
Tasha Hobson
Julie Hoffman
Cody Hogeston
Laura Howard
Tracie & Ben Hunter
Ryan Iannucci
Suzie Ivkovich
Brian Johnson
Jen Jones
Reginald O. Jones
Lartina Jones
Ashraf Kazi
Jessica Kenworthy
Dean Kincaid
Terese Kolnes
Cathy Kyle
Mike & Julie Lantz
Linda Lawder
Joan Leschot
Art Letzler
Tom Leyden
Jim Linginfelter
Angela Mackey
Tiffany Marion
Thomas McClelland
Kori McOmber
Adam Mears
Scott Medalen
Brooke Meneely
Jeff Miller
Sandra Moffett
Terrence Moore
Diane Mount
Amy Munchhof
Adrienne Nelson
H. Nimr
Jody Odell
Borgit Olds
Angie Ordway
Katherine Paulin
Enrique Perez
Kurt Phillips
Julianna Plawecki
Tracy Powell
Wayne & Jacqui Ramsey
Cathy Richardson
Denise Rivera
Quincy Sauer
Ryan Sauer
Patti Shea
James Simmons
Iiva Smith
Jesse Spear
Kristen Starwalt
Angela Stiegman
Jerold Stiegman
Sue Stolkin
Terri Stone
Margaret Strain
Julie Sullivan
Aaron Sweet
Sara Thompson
Todd Tolson
Deborah Tompkins
Mike Turley
Megan White
Patrick Willis
Kevin York
Jennifer Young
Club runs are for everyone. There is a pace for the beginner, the flyer, and everyone in between.
Starting Place
Monday 6:00 p.m.
(June - September)
Monon Trail @
75th Street
Janelle Renschler
2 - 8+ miles
Tuesday & Thursday
6:00 pm
Hinkle FieldhouseButler University
Brian Cake
1 - 8+ miles
Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Monon Trail @
62nd Street
Mike Niederpruem
637-9200 x123
1 - 6 +miles
Fort Ben
YMCA Parking Lot
John Laker
Open: 6 or more
(first Wed of the month,
May - October)
Sunday 7:00 am
Foot Prints
Page 7
Running and Cross Training Websites
Running Races
Indy Runners
Weekly club runs, local/statewide races
Tuxedo Brothers
Running races, triathlons
Races, marathon training program
Trail Races
DINO Series
Trail runs and mountain bike races
Cross Tr aining
Club rides, weekly ride schedule
Urban Adventure Race www.urbanadventureracing.com Adventure race in urban settings
Mini Marathon Pasta Party
By Todd Oliver
We are excited to offer a new date and
location for this year’s Pasta Party. Set for the
Thursday prior the Mini, we’ve reserved a room at
TGIFridays next to the convention center
downtown just for Indy Runners members. Make it
a date to hit packet pickup and the Mini Expo, then
stroll over to Fridays to ‘carbo-load’ with your
training partners prior the big event. A great Italian
menu has been put together for your dining
pleasure. To register, see form on Page 13 or look
for the Pasta Party entry forms every Tuesday at the
information table at the Training Program. We are
limited to the first 150 people so sign up soon! For
How much:
May 4th, 6:00 p.m.
TGI Fridays @
Marriott Downtown
$13 (a $25 value)
First 150 people to sign up!
(Many Mini Memories… Continued from page 4)
usually walk with some members of our group and
encourage them as much as we can. We always
cheer when we reach the 500 racetrack on time and
are happy we don’t have to ride the ‘Bus of
Shame’ back downtown. I have not improved my
time in years because I want to enjoy the
experience, not kill myself. I enjoy seeing the
crowds, the entertainment and the finish line!
Over the years I’ve developed a few Mini
traditions. I have always met walking friends at a
designated spot before the race. I’ve worn my
‘famous’ pink hat in the race for a number of
years. After the race I always wander around in the
R&R area to find members of my training group. I
usually end up at the Indy Runners tent.
I hope you will all build up some
interesting memories of training for the Mini and
doing the race. I’m proud to have been associated
with the Indy Runners/Walkers training program
for 17 years both as a trainee and as a trainer. I
think it’s an outstanding program and I plan to
continue to support it for years to come.
Indy Runners and its members belong to
Page 8
Foot Prints
Indy Runners Merchandise For Sale
Nike Dri-Fit Golf Shirt
Nike Dry-Fit shirts, Men’s and women’s
styles available
Embroidered with Indy Runners logo
on chest $35.00
(Only a few in stock—email for availability)
Defeet Air-E-Ator Running Socks
Sizes M & L $12.00
Running Hat
Bay Six Marathon Cap Embroidered with
Indy Runners logo
Navy (white logo) or White (black logo)
available $15.00
100% polymesh material cool and breathable.
Washable - brim is plastic, not cardboard.
Black underbill cuts glare
Indy Runners or Indy Walkers logo embroidered on front
Blue or Gray, Sizes XL ($28.00) or XXL
Only a few left!
Running Singlet
Brooks Running Singlet, Men’s and
Women’s styles available
(men’s singlet pictured)
Sizes S,M,L; Men’s XL also available
Breathable polyester fabric $16.00
Please recycle this newsletter!
See www.indyrunners.org to order clothing. Email Janelle Renschler
at merchandise@indyrunners.org with questions.
Foot Prints
(Mini Training Program… Continued from page 1)
Training Program. We will begin and end he runs
through the Holcomb Gardens area and across the
foot bridge onto the canal. It is a little more scenic
and well-lit.
Mile markers are re-marked
throughout the course, and although coming
through Holcomb and up the hill at the end will be
a little more challenging, the extra effort will pay
off in the last mile of the Mini.
As always we have some excellent
seminars available conducted by some of the best
local running & fitness experts. And when you
finish the whole thing and cross the finish line at
the Mini Marathon you will be able to come by the
Indy Runners Tent and enjoy plenty of
refreshments including the liquid refreshments
Page 9
provided by one
I will be stepping down as Training
Program director in 2006. As Director of the Indy
Runners Mini Training Program for 5 years, it has
been a very enjoyable experience for me. I am
grateful for all the support that I have received and
the many friends I made during these last 5 years.
And I am especially grateful for my wife Kristin,
whom I met while heading this program. You will
still see me in this program as a participant for
many years to come. I know a good thing when I
see it. Make sure you come out and have some fun
Thanks to all you who make it successful!
F oo t Prints
Advertising Rates
The newsletter currently reaches approximately 700 households.
If your business could benefit from this exposure, please contact
the Editor at newsletter@indyrunners.org.
Business Card
1/3 Page
3/4 Page
Full Page
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Foot Prints
Foot Prints
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Foot Prints
2006 Indy Runners Mini-Marathon Training Program Registration Form
Tuesday, January 17th, 6:00-7:30 pm: Packet pickup and on-site registration at Hinkle Fieldhouse (Brief orientations every half
hour, no official run or walk is scheduled; you may run or walk on your own).
Tuesday, January 24th, 6:00 pm: First Official Training Run/Walk (First Training Run! Showers and lockers are available inside
Hinkle Fieldhouse—you provide your own lock).
Tuesdays 6:00 p.m., January 17th through April 25th: Weekly training sessions, speakers, consultations & socials.
Thursday, May 4th: Indy Runners pre-race Pasta Party at T.G.I.Friday’s, located downtown in the Marriott Courtyard, near the
Indianapolis Convention Center. Pick up your race packet on Thursday, May 4th and walk on over to T.G.I.Friday’s to join your
fellow runners for some good food and fun before the big day!
Name: ___________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________
Street: __________________________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________
Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy): _____________________________
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
YOUR TRAINING PACE (minutes/mile):
Check one pace for assignment to the proper training group (you can change any week you want):
[ ] 7:00
[ ] 7:30
[ ] 8:00
[ ] 8:30
[ ] 9:00
[ ] 9:30
[ ] 10:00
[ ] 10:30
[ ] 13:00 [ ] 14:00 [ ] 15:00
[ ] 11:00
[ ] $65 Postmarked ON/BEFORE 1/7/06 (INCLUDES 1-year membership in Indy Runners)
[ ] $5 Late fee – Registration AFTER 1/7/06--------------------------
Training Program Subtotal
[ ] $13 each - Pasta Dinner at T.G.I.Friday’s downtown (near the Convention Center; 5/4/06)
[ ] $15 each - IR Running Hat (mesh running hat made by Bay Six)
[ ] $12 - Runners World magazine subscription (one year subscription—save over $6)
Total Submitted ----$_______
The Brooks Podium Long Sleeve Technical Shirts are available from XS to XXL sizes. Socks are available in Small, Medium, or
Large sizes. For best selection, come early to packet pick-up on Tuesday, January 17, 2006. We cannot guarantee availability of
shirts or socks for on-site or late registrations.
In consideration of the acceptance of this application, I, for myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators, waive and release
all sponsors and volunteers, Indy Runners, inc. Butler University and its representatives from any and all claims for damages, demands
and actions which may arise due to and all possible injuries incurred as a result of my participation in this event. I certify that I am
physically capable of participation in this program.
PARTICIPANT: ________________________________________________
DATE: ______________________
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________
(Parent or Guardian Signature if participant is under 18 years old)
To register by mail, fill out the registration form and mail with a check payable to Indy Runners to:
INDY RUNNERS Mini Training Program P.O. Box 30617, Indianapolis, Indiana 46230-0617
For more information or additional applications, please visit the Indy Runners website at: www.IndyRunners.org
Foot Prints
Page 13
Email: vpresident@indyrunners.org
Indy Runners - Mini Marathon Pasta Party
P.O. Box 30617
Indianapolis, Indiana 46230-0617
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Foot Prints
Sat 7th 22nd Annual Siberian
Express, 7.6 mile trail run, 11.00 p.m.
CST., Kickapoo State Recreation Area,
Danville, IL, Kennekuk R R (217) 4314243
Sun 15th P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll
Arizona, 13.1 Mile Run, 26.2 Mile Run,
7:40 a.m., Wesley Bolin Memorial
Plaza, Downtown Phoenix, AZ, (800)
Sat 21st & Sun 22nd Chili Hilly Stage
Race (Compete in all 5 races over the
weekend - total score counts), Sat. 3:00
p.m.- 10 Km Run, 4 Mile Run; Sun.
7:30 a.m. - 5 Km Run, 10 Mile Run, 1
Mile Run, Bradford Woods, Martinsville,
IN, Jamie Feagans (812) 824-6728
Sat 21st Winter CC Festival 5 K, 5 Km
X/C Run, 11:00 a.m., Blackford High
School, Hartford City, IN, Jason Lenz
(765) 728-8051
Sun 22nd 8thAnnual Florida Gulf
Beaches Marathon, 26.2 Mile Run &
10 Km Run, 7:00 a.m. Cleveland Street
on Clearwaters waterfront Taylor Park,
Madeira Beach Florida, Info (727) 3474440
Sat 28th Bop to the Top, 37 Floor stair
climb, 10:00 a.m., OneAmerica
Building, Indianapolis, Tuxedo Brothers
(317) 733-3300
Sat 28th
Furniss Freezer 5K, 5 Km
Run & 5 Km Walk, 10:00 a.m., Tri-State
University, Hershey Hall Gym on Park Ave,
Angola, IN, Teresa Furniss (260) 6242851
Sun 29 Columbus Winter Run, 15
Mile Run & 3 Mile Run, 10:00 a.m.,
Columbus, OH, Premier Sports
(614) 431-9134
Sat 4th Mini-Marathon Training
Series 5K, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:30 a.m.,
Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis,
IN, 500 Festival (317) 927-3378
Sat 4th Pensacola Double Bridge
Run, 15 Km Run, 8:00 a.m., Pensacola,
Florida, Joe Joseph (850) 434-2800
Sun 5th The 34th Groundhog 7, 7 Mile
Run, 1.00 p.m., Zionsville High School,
1000 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, IN,
Indy Runners (317) 989-2357
Sat 11th Cupids Fling 5K, 5 Km
Run/Walk, 9.00 a.m., Northview
Christian Church 131st and Hazel Del
Parkway, Carmel IN, Runners Forum
(800) 262-RACE
Sat 11th Fanny Freezer 5K (No PreRace Registration), 5 Km Run & 5 Km
Walk, 1.00 p.m., Shoaff Park, Fort Wayne
IN, Don Lindley (260) 436-2234
Sat 18th Get on the Stick 5K, 5 Km
Run/Walk, 9.00 a.m., Carmel High
School, Carmel, IN, Tuxedo Bros (317)
Sat 18th Polar Bear Run & Walk, 5
Mile Run/Walk, 9.00 a.m., Indiana War
Memorial located at Meridian &
Vermont Streets, Downtown
Indianapolis, IN, Ken Long & Assoc
(317) 884-4001
Sat 18th Lovin' The Hills 50K, 50 Km
Run & 15 Mile Run, 8:00 a.m. E.S.T.,
Louisville, KY, Brenda Gutmann (502)
Sat 26th Hustle up the Hancock, 42
Floors & 94 Floors, 7:00 a.m. John
Hancock Tower, Chicago, IL, Info (312)
243-2000 ext 280
Sat 26th Last Chance For Boston
Marathon, 26.2 Miles & 13.1 Miles, 8:00
a.m., Columbus, Ohio, Jeff Glaze (614)
Sat 4th Mini-Marathon Training
Series 10K, 10 Km Run/Walk 8:30
a.m. Indiana State Museum,
Indianapolis, IN, 500 Festival (317)
Sat 11th DINO (Do INdiana OffRoad) Trail Run Series, 5 Km trail
run, 15 Km trail run, 9:00 a.m. Eagle
Creek, Indianapolis, IN, Brian
Holzhausen (317) 336-7553
Sat 11th Get Movin' Run & Walk, 10
Km Run & 5 Km Walk, Franklin Central
High School, IN, Ken Long
(317) 884-4001
Sat 11th Irish Dash, 5 Km Run, 5 Km
Walk, 1 Mile Fun Run, 10.00 a.m., St.
Patrick Church, 19th and Poplar, Terre
Haute, IN, Laura Myles (812) 208-1933
Fri 17th 15th Annual Shamrock Run &
Walk, 4 Mile Run & 4 Km Walk, 9.00
a.m., Downtown Indianapolis, IN,
Tuxedo Bros (317) 733-3300
Sat 18th 6th Annual Holliday Park
Trail Run (from Holliday Park along
the White River to Marrott Park &
back), 5 Mile X/C Run, 9.00 a.m.,
Holliday Park, 6363 Spring Mill Road,
Indianapolis IN, Tuxedo Bros (317)
Sat 18th Plainfield Spring Fling, 15
Km Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:15
a.m., Plainfield Recreational and
Aquatics Center, 651 Vestal Road,
Plainfield, IN, Steven Huckstep (317)
Sat 18th St. Patrick's Day 5K, 5 Km
Run/Walk, 1 Mile Walk Kid's Dash,
9:00 a.m., Tri-State Athletic Club, 555
Tennis Lane, Evansville , IN, (812)
Sat 18th 26th Annual Nutri-Run, 20
Km Run, 5 Mile Run, 5 Mile Walk, 1:00
p.m., The Chapel, 2505 West Hamilton
Rd, Fort Wayne, IN, Jeff & Bev
Metzger (260) 436-5632
Sat 18th LaPorte YMCA Run, 10 Km
Run 5 Km Run 5 Km Walk, 9.00 a.m.,
Soldiers Memorial Park (Stone Lake),
Waverly Road, La Porte, IN, Mark
Schreiber (219) 325-9622
Sat 18th Mountain Goat Hill
Runs/Walk, 15 Km Run, 3 Mile
Run/Walk, 10.30 a.m. CST, Kickapoo
State Recreation area, Danville, IL,
Kennekuk R R (217) 431-4243
Sat 25th 37th Sam Costa Half
COURSE) Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) &
Quarter Marathon (6.55 Miles), 9.00
a.m., Northview Christian Life Church,
5535 E 131st St (just west of Hazel
Dell Parkway), Carmel IN,
IndyRunners (317) 259-0708
Sat 25th Will Power Run & Walk, 10
Km Run, 5 Km Walk, Warren Central
High School, Indianapolis, IN, Ken
Long (317) 884-4001
Sun 26th 29th Heart Mini Marathon
benefits American Heart Association,
15 Km Mini, 5 Km HeartRun, 5/10 Km
Heart Walk, 2 Km Kids Run/Walk,
races start at 9.00 a.m., 5th Street,
Downtown Cincinnati, OH, Info: (513)
Sat 1st Ringing in Spring 5K
Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 9.00
a.m., Family YMCA, 55 Chicago Street,
Valparaiso, IN, Mike Jones (219) 4624185
Sat 1st Capital City Half Marathon
and Commit to Be Fit 5K, 13.1 Mile
Foot Prints
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Run, 5 Km Run/Walk, Kids Races, 8.30
a.m., Promowest, Arena District, Neil
Ave and Broadbelt Lane, Columbus, OH,
David Babner (614) 288-5829
Sun 2nd 8th Annual IU Habitat for
Humanity 5K 5 Km Run/Walk, 12:00
p.m., Lower Cascades Park,
Bloomington, IN, Sarah Smith (812)
Sat 8th Pacers Run and Walk, 5 Mile
Run, 5 Km Walk, 5 Km Fitness Walk,
9.00 a.m., Conseco Fieldhouse,
Downtown Indianapolis, IN, Tuxedo Bros
(317) 733-3300
Sat 8th Plainfield Spring Fling, 15 Km
Run/Walk, 5 Km Run/Walk, 8:15 a.m.,
Plainfield Recreational and Aquatics
Center, 651 Vestal Road, Plainfield, IN,
Runners Forum (317) 844-1558
Sat 8-9th Planet Adventure 24hr
Challenge Adventure Race, Various
distances, Jeff Coates
Sun 9th Indianapolis Distance Classic,
15 Km Run, 4 Mile Walk, 9.00 a.m.,
IUPUI Natatorium, 901 W. New York St.,
Indianapolis, IN, Ken Long (317) 8844001
Sun 9th Valpo Mini Marathon, 13.1 Mile
Run, 7:30 a.m., Downtown Valparaiso,
58 W. Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN, Info:
(219) 465-5335
Sun 9th Ohio Road Runners
Marathon, 1/2 Marathon and 1/2
Marathon Relay, 26.2 Mile Run, 13.1 Mile
Run, 2 person Relay, 8.30 am, Holiday
Inn - 300 Xenia Towne Square,
Xenia, OH, Race Organizers (937) 640-
Sun 9 Spirit of St. Louis
Marathon, Marathon & 13.1 Mile
Run, Marathon Relay, 7:00 a.m.,
Soldier's Memorial, Downtown St
Louis, MO, Info: (314) 727-0800
Sat 15th Mini-Marathon Training
Series 15K, 15 Km Run/Walk, 8:30
a.m., Indiana State Museum,
Indianapolis, IN, 500 Festival (317)
Sat 15th McNaughton Park Trail
Runs, 30 Mile Run, 50 Mile Run,
100 Mile Run, 7:00 a.m.,
McNaughton Park, Pekin, IL, Andy
Weinberg (309) 346-3601
Mon 17th 110th Boston Marathon,
26.2 Mile Run, 12:00 pm,
Hopkinton, MA, Contact BAA
Sat 22nd Race for the Cure, 5 Km
Run/Walk, 9.00 a.m., Military Park,
Indianapolis, IN, Tuxedo Bros (317)
Sat 22nd DINO (Do INdiana OffRoad) Trail Run Series, 5 Km Trail
Run & 15 Km Trail Run, 9:00 a.m.,
Washington Township Park, Avon,
IN, Brian Holzhausen (317) 3367553
Sat 22nd People's Pathway All
proceeds go toward the
maintenance of the Pathways trail,
5 Mile Run, 3 Mile Walk, 9.00 a.m.,
East side of Greencastle, IN, Lee
Stewart (765) 653-9646
Sat 22nd Purdue Running Club
Grand Prix 5K, 5 Km Run, 10.00
a.m., Perdue Campus, West
Lafayette, IN, Mike Simone (765)
Sat 22nd Tour de Trails, 5 Km
Run/Fun Walk, 8.00 a.m., Lincoln
Park, Columbus, IN, Katia Hatter
(812) 376-2696
Sat 22nd Heartbeats 5K, 5 Km Run
& 5 Km Walk, 8.00 a.m., Parkview
Whitley Hospital, Columbia City, IN,
Gary Bird (260) 244-4408
Sun 23rd St. Francis
Hospital "Bricks to Bricks" 10 Mile
Run/Walk, 7.30 a.m., Franklin
Central High School, 6019 S Franklin
Road, Indianapolis, IN, Ken Long
(317) 884-4001
Sun 23rd Splash, Flash & Dash
Sprint Triathlon, 400m Swim, 10
Mile Bike, 3.1 Mile Run, 9:00 a.m.,
Carmel High School, 520 E Main St,
Carmel, IN Race Organizers
Sun 23rd Germany to France
Marathon (old Patoka Lake
Marathon), 26.2 Mile Run, 8.00 a.m.,
Dome Arches in West Baden, IN,
Alan Barnett (812) 936-2405
Sat 29th Best Buddies Dash for
Friendship, 5 Km Run/ Fitness
Walk, 9.00 p.m., Military Park,
Downtown Indianapolis, IN, Ken
Long (317) 884-4001
Sat 29th Meijer Derby Festival
Marathon, 13.1 Mile Run, 26.2 Mile
Run, 7.30 a.m., Louisville, KY, Info:
(800) 928-3378
Looking for timely running and/or walking information?
Go to the Indy Runners website at www.indyrunners.org
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Foot Prints
Don’t let the Winter cold keep you in…
Upcoming Indy Runners Events…
Groundhog Run - February 5th
Training Program Pizza Night - February 7th
Sam Costa 1/2 and 1/4 Marathon - March 25th
Indy Runners Mini Marathon Pasta Party - May 4th
… and don’t forget our regular group runs (see page 6)
37th Annual Groundhog 7-mile Run is coming up on February 5th, 2006. Get a run or walk in before
the Superbowl ! See page 5 for more information about this * FREE * race…
Foot Prints
Presort Standard
A Quarterly Publication of Indy Runners and Walkers
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