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TneFnozetAovntncr h FoooSenvrce s --rr.'.@ Illlilil]r]ilil]liillflt '| 491 Meatballs You wouldn't believe all you can do with Rosina Meatballs!With such an assortment ol flxvor profiles and sizesavailable,thcre are couotlcss ways to serve Rosina Meatballs- as hols d'oeurves' sdth pasta or rice, sandwiches or subs,casscroles,soups' chili, kebabs, oizza.omelets, sauces,...ttle list lioes on and on. All Rosinr Me'rtbnlls: - Are OVEN-BAKEDnot deePfricd, making ftem less greary and bettcr tastinS. - tue tully cookeil - m*ing prepnmtbn saving you time xnd labor costs - Are uniform & consist€nt ilr size,color and ilavor' - Contnin only the fincst illSredi€nts and hxv€ NO MSG' prrseflativcs, or by products. The first three ingr€dicnts ^re bccf (pork or turkey), wrter and eggs - Absorbs your stucc xnd docs.'t "grei^scr t quick xnd €nstawhilc tuc individrnlly quick frozenrnd Ptcked in 5 lb. vncN'm lragswith barrieifilm that sealsin the frcshnessand prevcntsodor transfbr in a varietyot stzes l/aoz,|/1o2,|/2o2.1/102..r\tz'r'r/2rr2'2oz''oz Ar€available With l0 flavor profiles to choose from, we'rc sure to please you and your ctlstomers! RosrNA BRANpMpATtrarLs Rosi''altatianMeatb'sourflagship.xlhccfblendwithimportedRommochcescandauthenticltalianspices' xpplicatidN All btel WeddittT Soup Meatb.tls _ iust the riSht size for )our wecldtug soup recipe or mxny other mcatbalis madi from the srme sftrt recipe as our Rosina Italim Meatbxls Iou) Sodium/Re.luce.l lrdt an allbect' meatbau with only 7g fnt nnd l'toms sodiump€r 3oz.scrvinsrtF _ pork Nnd becf mcatballs, se$oned with nutmeg - Sue.lish - Turkef Meatb.rlls' made trom lcan turke-vand ruthcntic ltalian spices' lrch 3oz. servnrg contrins onl-v98 of fltl - Trao-Cheese Meatbafk xn allbeet' mextball I'ith a rich nnd Ricotta chceses Ronrano blcnd ofimpo.ted Meatb.tus - No Soy MeatbalLs' mrde from thc same grcrt recipe as our ltdhn Mcatbdls, but sith no added so-v - Caterer Dilner Balrs _ an all b€ef product €cononlcally trned anJ.uil.rblr ior in.ritul ,'nJ diling BDLLA BT.AND MIiATBALLS Mndc fiom a flnvorful bl€nd of pork,beef & ItaliM spices ' FRATELLI BRAND MEATBALL5 - A delicious xltemative for thc price-conscioos customer Madc sith lenn bccfanct rurkev and Italixn spices : ltalianSausagle Our ltalian Sausagcis available in scvcml cooked and uncooked v ri eties,spiced hot or mild. And ofcoursc. all Rosina sausirgeproducrs are made fiom only thc linest ingredients with NO MSG, preservativcs. or bv oroducts. CooKrD IIAI-LANS^usAGE- Rcady i'r iusr mimrresl - OVtsN'BAKID not dcep fried, m*ing dlcm lcss grcas_v,tnd - FUU_V cookcd making prepar ion qnick and ersy,whilc saving ),ou tine and labor cosrs. Mxde with 80% lean poft and nrturally dded spices - Vacuum packcd with ba..ic. film ro ensule frcshness a.d prcvent odor transfiir - Natuntl Casing Lints , avaihble mild or hot, packed in cnseswilh rpproxi.rxtely 27 or 54 picccs. Co r8en Casing Links - i grert (tlcr grill item, spiced hol or mild,and pnckcd 5 link! pcr polnd. S*trluss Zrzfts - xlso gftat for rollcr grills. Availablc with or wthoul soy nl .1.5.6or 8 linl$ per pound. UNcooKrD hal-r^N SAUSAGtr - Made with aO%lear po* and natuHlly dricd spices md hcrbs. - Linhs, Rope an.l Bur& St.},re - spiccd hor or nild. - Italian S4tle Sausage Patties - defj,],erlr tr sxndwich favoritc whcn grillcd and texmcd with pcppcrs rnd onn)ns on a bi8 bul{y rclllAvailable round or hoagie sryle. - Deluxe Italian Sausage Pdatles - made wirh imponed Romano chccsc and pxrstey fbr x disdnct flavor Rou d or Looking for something dilltrent? Look no fttrther Rosinaoffers a selection of unique Specialty SausageItems surc to make your ncnu interesting. - Italian Sausage C.til the udque sizc and shapc gives rhis product an incrcdible numb€r of xpplications. crill and s€rve as a snndwich, or placc o n t o p ' t , I r B ( l h . , r rp r 5 r . rl i r r , , r . , l r . d ( r i v e( n t r ( . . A \ i i l i l , l < u n c o o k e ( ti n 5oz. md 60z.portions or.loz. cooked. Italtdn Satsqge Bites - .r spicy ncw lnexrb:rllshxpcd" f:vorite mnde with pure pork snusltge,ItaUanspic€s and imported Romano checse.Theyre srxe ro spicc up any prny or ncal Avaitable in r/2o2. and loz. sizes. Banquet-Cut Sliced Sarrsage , fully cookcd slices that cxo be uscd a number of wxys. Sctve as an enrree with rcd vrucr ovcr p$ta or rice, as l|n hors d'oeuvre witb pcppcrs and onions,or crerl€ a hcart), soup. Spiced hot o. Drikl. Itatian S.rusaAe nith Peppels E Orr:ors , Rosina s famous Italian Sausagris now nvailable with pcpp€rs and oniolN bnked righr in! Mildh spiced and packcd approximxr€ly 5.1links per l2 lb. case. : PizzaToppingls Rosnra O\.EN-BAKEDtoppings are sufe to spice up your pizza, tacos,or smrce!Choose fiorn our \i/ide selectioll of b€ef, pork and sausagct()ppings,xvailabl€ chunk_yor nugget stvle, or try our new Pizzx{ut Sliced SausagcToBBi!]& It's spiced mild or hot. nnd is a deiiciolrs additi(n to pepperoni. l3 spice prolilcs rnd portir)n sizcs availnblc. - o\rEN Br\KED and fully cookcd ' easy to prepxrc lLnd providcs Atcatc. porriod corrol. - N() MSG or prcscr.!'advesxre used. Madc with ruthcnlic ItxliNn spiccs and h€$s - Convenirntly vacuum pickcd to ensrrrc freshncss xnd consisteDtflxvor c\.er)-timc. chili chili dogs Meatloaf Our Cooked Mcatloaf mnk€s a great lunch or dinncr spcciall Cboose liom a whole loxf, or sliccs in 2 or 3 oz. pofiions. Rosinewholc Mc.rdoaf is a beef and pofk rcc4re,wbilc our Sliced Meatloaf is av:tilxblc in n beef and pork rec4)e or with n blcnd of beef an(t trrrkey.All RosnrnMcntl()xf is spiced ltalian stylc with rrthcntic hcrbs and spices. - OVEN'BAKED anclfullycooked- nrakinsprepratiur quick rnd el|.sy. - Prc-Sliced ior At!1terportion control. Pfcparcd wift NO MSG or priscnxtiv€s. Cnn be scrvrd tfrditi(mally with grnry. mrshcd polntoes Srr\( J: .,h,'r o. (old '.ndqi(h witf qr!v\.m.r)1iII.rh, kerchup. or barbccuc sruce Spicc it up xnd t()p $'ith salsaor chili s[rcr. Pasta & Eglgplant Convenient, versatilc, d€liciousl Let Rosina fillc{i pastns srve you tinle & money,while choices your custon'rcrs will love. - Fr'l\-cooked and individunlly quick hozcr naking prcparaln,r quick and casy whil€ sivins you rimc and labor Made from the best tuArcdicnts avnilable,incl I'armesan.Bicotta and Romano chccscs. ing +l Scmolina aDd Dufum flours,$'ln)lc c8gs,and rich - Do€s not contain preservarivesor lillers. .. AEilable h food servic€ bulk packs. - Choose lrom i vtuicty of specixlty pasras. rnvioli (checsc or becr) sruft?d shells (chcesc or florcnrine) Dranicotti ravidetri pasta sheets (flxt or *-ary) camcloni (be€for veal florcDrinc) brexdcd rivirti wirh j apenos ronellini (chcese,ment.or. rricolor) gnocchi Treat 1,o.,r c.,storle.s to Rosina Brcaded or Btttcrcd Eggplant Curlets. Full_vcook€d, so dl you have lo do is heNt & servcl IOO%natural with no Bttxded or battcred, round or long.cl't (Naplcr Stylc). A v a i l a b l ei n 2 , 5 I b . tlsc x vrriety of wl\s: . top with saucc & cheese lor a perftct parmigiaoa. ' cut nlto picccs for ! cur ano rop your prza. . mrke a sandwich with sruce & mozzarella providing popular ROSINA F Fnonucrs,rNc.i [amilyoperated manuf.rcrurer fo/ffi r ilv in ]963. l#k[,::Jfr!r:::;:,:';;hw;;:i;","^" proudof ar\hank ful tor theiuffiional 6ucces\ ol our producf s. \t .ffif E Wef Italian Meatballsand PizzaToppings, lly guaranteethat our Sausage. tent, and made fiom only by-productsare ever ality rk and poultry to we include in our original why cutting after cutting Rosina in providingconvenient, delicious, ucts to your customers.Treatthem to they'll be back for more! 6.4"a"amesA. Corigliano Chaiman oJ the Board -tllr--= tooDPRoDtgs, tNc. tr,rl I=MADE USA. 75 ndwtrolPorkwoy Bulla a,llY 14227 2777 To FreeI 800.2414951 Phone: {/l616680l 23 Fax:\7)6j 66Bib47 =a€ Dkhibulqd by: 1ilH,li#:l ) Y.,j,/ Wele nowon lheinlernell Visil!s oi www.rosino.com.