July - August 2013 City Newsletter
July - August 2013 City Newsletter
NEWS FROM CITY HALL THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF AVONDALE ESTATES • AVONDALE ESTATES, GEORGIA NEWSLETTER 328 July-August 2013 CITIZEN PATROL AV ON D ALE ES T A T ES Citizen Patrol 12 2013 General Municipal Election Qualifying Dates 13 35TH Annual Labor Day Race 16 AutumnFest 19 4TH OF JULY IN AVONDALE ESTATES The City would like to thank all the volunteers, participants, and City associates, for the wonderful 4th of July Parade. It truly was another beautiful day in Avondale Estates! 4th of July in Avondale Estates Pages 4-7 2752– B East Ponce de Leon Avenue Decatur, GA 30030 404.378.8080 www.real00.com facebook.com/RealSalon Serving Avondale and Decatur since 2000 -Full Service Hair Salon -New Client Discounts -Client Referral Rewards -Framesi Haircolor and Styling Products -Lanza Styling Products B. Tucker HAVE FABULOUS FLOORS AGAIN! Heating & A/C, Inc. PO Box 657; Avondale Estates, GA 30002 PHONE: (404) 298.1314 FAX: (404) 298.1348 Visit us online at www.BTuckerHVAC.com CN: 005373 We service any model of any brand. ON 99¢pLY er sq.ft. www.facebook.com/BTuckerHVAC • Replacement Systems • Service Calls • Additions/Renovations • Annual Maintenance Agreements • Programmable Thermostats • Tankless Water Heaters Be Comfortable B. Tucker Complete Dustless & Odorless System 50 OFF $ Resurfacing Min.250squarefeet.With thisad.Notvalidwithany otheroffersordiscounts. •Inandoutinoneday •Fastdryingfinish,canbe walkedoninhours •Worksonalltypesofwood floors 678-304-6262 FabulousFloorsAtlantaSouth.com Decatur/South Atlanta Inside This Issue 4 4th of July in Avondale Estates 8 Avondale Estates City News and Information 12 Police Department and Neighborhood Watch Program 14 Calendar of Events 16 Have You Signed Up For: City Hall E-News – Electronic Newsletter Upcoming Events 18 & 20 Clubs & Organizations 21 Happenings Across the Hedge 23 Welcome to the Neighborhood 24 Don’t Forget to Sign Up for the 35th Labor Day Race Monday, September 2, 2013 Please see page 16 for details This service provides weekly news/information from City Hall electronically. To sign up, send an email to info@avondaleestates.org stating that you would like to sign-up to receive City Hall E-News. City Hall Bi-Monthly Newsletter If you would like to sign-up to receive the City Hall Bi-Monthly Newsletter or wish to receive the newsletter electronically, please send an email to info@avondaleestates.org. FACEBOOK City of Avondale Estates Facebook wants you to be a fan! Visit our page at http://www. facebook.com/CityofAvondaleGA. NIXLE Meeting Minutes Board of Mayor & Commissioners Ed Rieker, Mayor Terry Giager, Mayor Pro Tem Lindsay Forlines, Commissioner Gene Lee, Commissioner John Quinn, Commissioner Administration Clai Brown, City Manager Ken Turner, Finance Director Juliette Sims-Owens, City Clerk Keri Stevens, City Planner Karen Holmes, Administrative Asst. Robert E. Wilson, City Attorney Stephen W. Nicholas, Municipal Court Judge Hazel Baker, Clerk of Court Police Department Gary L. Broden, Chief of Police Public Works Department Bryan Armstead, Director Caryl Albarran, Code Enforcement Officer July-August 2013 This service, created by Nixle, LLC delivers trustworthy and important neighborhoodlevel public safety and community event notifications by web, e-mail, and cell phone. Its authenticated service connects municipal agencies to residents in real time, delivering information to geographically targeted residents over their cell phones (via text messages), through e-mails and through web access. The service provides four (4) types of messages, to include: • Alert - Intended for urgent and time sensitive information. • Advisory - Intended for important need-to-know, time sensitive information. • Community - Intended for general information or non-urgent community updates. • Traffic - Intended for all traffic related messaging. The messages are sent by the Avondale Estates Police Department personnel. To become a part of the Community Information Service, simply go to www.nixle.com and click on the “Register Now” button. Twitter The City has two Twitter accounts. For meeting reminders see, @CityofAvondale, for City tweets go to @City_Avondale. If you are interested in advertising in the City of Avondale Estates bimonthly newsletter, please contact Rusty Oliver at 404-379-6138 or email rusty@kda-communications.com. Avondale Estates H News from City Hall is a publication of KDA Communications. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in this publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of KDA Communications. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for Avondale Estates as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood of such opinions, information, goods or services. Contact us today for more information! 678.905.4842 • sales@kda-communications.com www.kda-communications.com Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 3 H 4th of July Parade 4th of July Parade From Sponge Bob to Hello Kitty and everything in between, this year’s parade was one to remember. Thank you to everyone that walked, drove, floated or rolled their way through the parade. We appreciate your time and effort in helping to make it so special. The parade was made possible through the purchase of yard signs and t-shirts, the generous donations of several local residents and because of sponsorships by the following local businesses and organizations: Ace & A Heating and Air Conditioning, Avondale Arts Alliance, Avondale Pizza Café, Avondale Swim and Tennis Club, Chevron Food Mart, Decatur Atlanta Printing, Don Connelly & Associates, Good Karma Coffee, Jax Package Store, Kendall Newman, Little Tree Art Studios, Oakhurst Realty Partners, Pallookaville Fine Foods, Pine Street Market, Real Salon, Savage Pizza, Second Life, Skips Hot Dogs, Smart Financial & Tax Services, The Beer Growler, The Corner Pub, The Little Wine Shop of Avondale Estates, The Brick Store, and Walmart. Please take time to thank the parade sponsors by patronizing their businesses. A special thank you to: All the participants, volunteers, Board of Mayor and Commissioners, Robert James, Roger Holmes; for the great photos thanks to Tres Indermark, Terry Giager, Thomas Royden and Bill Kallenberg; and all our wonderful City associates; Karen Holmes, Keri Stevens, Juliette Sims-Owens, Avondale Estates Police Department, Oscar Griffin, Harold Anderson, Quentin Eagle, Larry Thompson, Breyon Sweeting, Harold Anderson Charles Stewart, Demarcus Davenport. Hope you enjoyed the parade and will join us again next year! Page 4 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 4th of July Parade H About Our Grand Marshal The Grand Marshal for this year’s 4th July Parade was Former Mayor John W. Lawson. Born in DeKalb County, Georgia his family moved to Avondale Estates when he was six years old, and they have been here ever since. Mayor Lawson is a graduate of Avondale High School, Georgia Tech and The Atlanta Law School. Mayor Lawson served as the City of Avondale Estates Mayor for 16 years (four terms) as well as 4 years as a Commissioner on the Board of Mayor and Commissioners. Mayor Lawson is pleased and proud that during his 20 years of elected service to the City of Avondale Estates he had many positive accomplishments some of which are highlighted below: •The design and construction of the City’s first, very-own City Hall. •Succeeded in requiring MARTA to reroute its initial rail around our City rather than straight through our central business district as it was initially planned. •Effected the two annexations (Majestic Acres and Avonwood) which made Avondale Estates bigger and better than ever. •Added the Annual Fishing Derby to our already excellent annual events. •Hosted the National Olympic Committee and Olympic Team of the Republic of Poland during the 1996 Centennial Olympics. •Began the restoration work which has ultimately resulted in the vast improvements recently completely at and around Lake Avondale. •“Did the Deal” which lead to the construction of the building which houses the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice. •Convinced the Waffle House Corporation to “return home” and build unit number 1000 in Avondale Estates (where it all started). •Planned and implemented comprehensive improvements in the main business corridor area of the City, in- cluding vastly improved street lighting. •Comprehensively re-wrote the City Charter, making it more appropriately applicable for current times and requirements. Prior to the rewrite, amended the existing Charter to provide for election of the Mayor by popular vote of the citizenry. •Devoted much time, attention and fiscal assets to our Public Safety Department. Created the full-time, professional position of Chief of Police and over time, expanded the size of the department. Mayor Lawson has also accomplished a great deal in his professional career highlights include the following: •Served as the first Director of Manpower and Personnel Administration for the State of Georgia’s big, new Department of Human Resources. •Served as Vice President of the firm of Public Research and Management, Inc. (organization and man- agement consultants to agencies of federal, state and local governments). •Served as legal advisor and consultant for select committees of the Georgia State Senate and State Board of Workers’ Compensation. •Retired in 2006 from the private practice of civil and criminal law. His career as an attorney and counselor at law spanned a period of almost 30 years. Mayor Lawson currently is serving his second five year term as a CEO/Commission appointed member of the DeKalb County Board of Tax Assessors. Mayor Lawson married Nancy Ellen Haley (his high school sweetheart) in 1964. They will celebrate their 49th Anniversary this August. They have three children: Donna Lawson Cannon (deceased, 2012); Karen Lawson Hubbard; and John Bradford Lawson. They have seven marvelous grandchildren (Madi, Drew, Ben, Wake, Brand, Sybil and Brook). July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 5 H 4th of July Parade Page 6 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 4th of July Parade H THANK YOU 2013 PARADE SPONSORS! Special Thank You To Kendall Newman Walmart Smart Financial & Tax Services Savage Pizza Good Karma Coffee Chevron Food Mart July-August 2013 Jax Package Store Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 7 H Avondale Estates City News and Information Expanded Downtown Master Plan Study: Livable Centers Initiative The City received a grant from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), through the Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Program, to update the Downtown Master Plan which was completed in 2004. The original study area was grandfathered into the LCI program in 2006. Since that time, the City has annexed the Fenner Dunlop Mill property and all commercial properties from the former City boundary at Maple Street to Sam’s Crossing, and the economy has changed significantly, necessitating an update to the plan. ARC agreed and the City will complete a full update to the plan in 2013/2014, with ample opportunities for public comment. The full study cost is $80,000 with ARC funding $64,000 and the City providing the required 20% match, which is $16,000. The Board of Mayor and Commissioners selected Pond and Company as the consultant who will assist the City with this effort. The focus of the effort will be on addressing connectivity, marketing/business recruitment, planning for quality development, appropriately scaled development and redevelopment as well as all the requirements of the LCI program. A timeline of events will be available later in the summer. The City looks forward to this planning effort to help determine community needs and prioritize actions. Community-Wide Historic Resources Survey - Phase II The City received a grant in the amount of $9,600 from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division (HPD) to complete Phase II of the Community-wide Historic Resources Survey. Phase I, which surveyed over 550 resources, is finishing up. Phase II will survey at least 450 resources. Each building in the City will be surveyed and a fact sheet created by the end of the Phase II. The fact sheet will include pictures and a description of the resource. All the properties are being entered into Georgia’s NAHRGIS (Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources GIS) data base, which is an interactive web-based registry and geographical information system designed to catalog information about the natural, archaeological, and historic resources of Georgia. The City needs to complete this survey to be eligible for additional grants from the HPD. This will be an invaluable tool for the Historic Preservation Commission and will provide a record of the City for future generations. Community-Wide Historic Resources Survey - Intersection Improvements The City of Avondale Estates received grant funds, in partnership with the Atlanta Regional Commission, from Grantmakers in Aging and the Pfizer Foundation, to pursue implementation of the principles of the Lifelong Communities Initiative. As part of this grant, the City received $10,000 to upgrade crosswalks and handicapped ramps and aprons along US 278. The City will complete work at the following intersections along US 278: 1. Maple Street 2. Pine Street 3. Oak Street 4. North Clarendon Avenue In addition, the City will be utilizing additional funds to make the City more pedestrian friendly and safe by completing similar work at Covington Road and Ashton Place and along South Avondale Road across from Skip’s in the residential section of the City. This work provides safe and accessible crossing in locations that people are most likely to use to connect the residential section of the City to the commercial area. The City will continue to prioritize and implement projects which make the City more accessible and safe as funds become available. Sanitation Fee Increased At the Board of Mayor and Commissioners Meeting on June 24th the board voted to increase the sanitation fee for every Page 8 household and business by $60. This was discussed by the board last year when the 2013 budget was discussed. Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 2013 Avondale Estates Sunday Ride Good Neighbors Making Great Neighborhoods Third Annual Event – Held April 28, 2013 We appreciate all our contributors and volunteers. Special thanks to Avondale Estates City Staff and Police; representa=ves of DeKalb Medical Center, Atlanta Regional Commission, BRAG, American Cancer Society; and to Bicycle South. Thanks also to Crepe Masters, King of Pops, and to First Bap=st Church of Avondale Estates. All photos by Eric Lesser. Redesigned Young Riders Rodeo aEracted large numbers who improved skills of balance, turning, starFng, stopping and learned new more challenging skills on their bikes. Provided by Bicycle South, Sunday Ride Volunteers, Boy Scout Troop 6 , and The Museum School the Rodeo was a great aEracFon and fun for our young riders. New for 2013 was the Treasure Hunt. Adults and young riders alike worked to get their Passports stamped to claim their prizes. Said one young treasure hunter, “This is the most fun I have ever had in my life.” SpringFme in Avondale Estates. Adults and young riders enjoy a family friendly ouFng–safe and secure. One young rider commented, “I wish we could do this every weekend.” You see a liEle of everything including fun, fashion, and food. July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Rain or Shine and lots of fun for this toddler. Page 9 H Avondale Estates City News and Information Avondale Estates Annual Fishing Derby Winners The Annual Avondale Estates Fishing Derby was held on Saturday, May 18th. Special thanks to all the participants, our Derby Coordinator, Bob Durfield, Karen Holmes for organizing the event and Harold Anderson of Public Works for setting up the event. Winners: Largest Fish Caught (11” Crappie): Wyatt Bennett Most Fish Caught (21): Boyd Brim Oldest Person to Catch a Fish: Vicki Buffington Youngest Person to Catch a Fish (Age 5): Wyatt Bennett Age 5-7: John David Dicristina Zander Besch Wyatt Bennett Age 11-17: Boyd Brim Lucas Ryter Chason Dickens Age 18+: Vickie Bullington Be Ready for Severe Storm Season Because our residents are our top concern, below are some safety tips to help you prepare in case of a storm: You may need to survive on your own after an emergency, so you should prepare an emergency kit that is sufficient in quantity to last for at least 72 hours. The kit should include the following: • At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Choose foods your family will eat. • Remember any special dietary needs. • Avoid foods that will make you thirsty. • Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals and canned foods with high liquid content. • Following a disaster, there may be power outages that could last for several days. Stock canned foods, dry mixes and other staples that do not require refrigeration, cooking, water or special preparation. Be sure to include a manual can opener and eating utensils. • Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation. • Battery-powered weather radio with extra batteries. • • • • Flashlight and extra batteries. First aid kit. Whistle to signal for help. Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation. • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities if needed. • Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger, Also, update your contacts in your cell phone, add your emergency point of contact along with work, school, fire department, hospital, vet and your insurance company phone numbers. Keep your cell phone powered: Maintain a full charge on your cell phone whenever possible – and keep backup batteries on hand. For more information on preparing for severe weather, visit www.FEMA.org. Page 10 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 Avondale Estates City News and Information H Top Ranking for Museum School! A new statewide ranking system places The Museum School among the top 6% of Georgia’s schools! The Georgia Department of Education released the 2011-2012 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores. The scores are comprised of multiple measurements and evaluation methods; the new accountability system replaces No Child Left Behind’s requirement for schools to demonstrate Adequate Yearly Progress. Each school in the state is provided a numerical score from 1-100. The Museum School’s CCRPI score is 96.7! Congratulations to our students, staff and parents! Explorers Excel For the third consecutive year, Museum School students can boast terrific results on state and national academic evaluations. The 2013 Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT), administered statewide for grades 3 and higher, shows 100% of Museum School fourth and fifth graders meeting or exceeding state standards in all five subject areas! Among our third graders, 100% met or exceeded state standards in Reading, English/Language Arts and Social Studies; in addition, 93% met or exceeded standards in Science, and 90% met or exceeded standards in Math. On a national level, the 2012-2013 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) shows Explorers exceeding typical growth in every subject category! Compared to a national norm of same-aged peers: • 80% of Museum School students exceeded typical growth in Reading. • 83% of our students exceeded typical growth in Mathematics. • 80% of our students exceeded typical growth in Language Arts. To give the MAP numbers perspective, the Northwest Evaluation Association, the publisher of MAP, considers 50% of students exceeding norm growth to be ideal; 65% exceeding norm growth is a very aggressive goal. Museum School percentages are at and above 80%. We are so proud of our hardworking students and their dedicated teachers! Capital Campaign Funds Critical Renovations With the continued support of our community, parents, teachers, foundations and others, we were able to begin Phase II of our renovations in June. The work allows The Museum School to expand into additional portions of the Forrest Boulevard facility, adding more classrooms for our growing number of students. Conducted in stages over the next three summers, the ongoing renovations are necessary for the school to fulfill its charter goal of expanding to eighth grade and serving a larger population of students. Charter schools are responsible for 100% of their facility costs, meaning The Museum School must raise all renovation expenses. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to The Museum School Foundation in support of the Exceeding Expectations capital campaign, and be part of building something special. New Playground Ready for Kids A tremendous amount of work and the generous contributions of many donors allowed The Museum School to make its new playground a reality in May. Finished in time for the last week of class, the new equipment was a big hit with students and holds the promise of many years of happy play. The school’s Facility Committee dedicated uncounted hours to the effort, and financial donations from school families and community members made the playground possible. Thank you! Parents Morning Out (PMO) 47 Covington Rd • Avondale Estates, GA 30002 M-W-F 9:00 a.m.- 12:45 p.m. Are you looking for an exciting and loving PMO/ Pre-K environment for your child to play, learn and make new friends? PMO is a small neighborhood school, right here in the Avondale First Baptist Church with an 8-2 student/teacher ratio. We offer wonderful art and music programs as well as “Silly Sports” and Spanish. Our curriculum is designed to complement a child’s natural curiosity and desire to discover new things. We cultivate a vibrant sense of creativity and the joy of learning. If you are interested in becoming part of our PMO family, please contact the Director, Christine Sharp at 404-294-5284 or email Christine Sharp at PMO@afbc.com to register. Now is the perfect time to enroll for the 2013- 2014 school year. We are also excited to offer our popular SUMMER CAMPS. This year we will explore: The Beach - July 15-19 Space - August 5-9 Camps are offered to children ages 2-5. Each camp is one week long and will be 5 days a week, Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The cost will be $90.00 per week. You may select 1, 2 or 3 weeks of camp. Please call 404-294-5284 or email Christine Sharp at PMO@afbc.com to register. All are welcome. Tell a friend! July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 11 H Police Department and Neighborhood Watch Program Citizen Patrol The City is excited to announce, another great program from the Avondale Estates Police Department called “Citizen Patrol.” Neighborhood Watch Captain Matt Miller has been appointed Director of this program and will be coordinating and partnering with the Avondale Estates Police Department to implement this program. This program is a “Mobile Neighborhood Watch” in which many of our Neighborhood Watch Captains who graduated from the Citizens Police Academy will be trained to detect, deter and report possible suspicious activity, persons and vehicles. Training will be ongoing and conducted by certified training personnel of the Avondale Estates Police Department. Members of the Citizens Patrol will be using a decommissioned police vehicle marked “Citizen Patrol,” and it will be equipped with an amber colored light bar for safety measures and stripped of any police related equipment. This program will create an additional “eyes and ears for the community” as well as be an additional deterrent to the criminal element and another aid and information source to the Avondale Estates Police Department in keeping our community safe. Completion of the Citizens Police Academy is a requirement before participating in the Citizens on Patrol program. Please mark your calendars to participate in 2014 Citizens Police Academy, dates to be announced. Neighborhood Watch Program Working Together to Keep Avondale Estates Safe The City and Neighborhood Watch Program hope everyone is having a fun and safe summer! While enjoying your summer activities, please remember the following safety tips: • Teach kids when and how to dial 911. will yield the right-of-way. • Children should know their parents names, phone number, • Children should always stop at and address. STOP signs and look both ways before they cross the street. • When biking, skateboarding, roller skating or riding a scooter, children should always wear a helmet. • Drivers should always be careful because a child’s smaller size makes it difficult for driv• Children should wear a lifejacket when swimming or boating ers to see them, especially if they are standing and always swim with a friend with adult supervision. between parked cars on the side of the road • Avoid letting children cross any street or intersection alone. • When driving, never assume a child pedestrian sees you or Please consider volunteering to be a Block Captain if you live on any of the following streets. The following streets need Captains: • Exeter Road • Coventry Close • Dartmouth Avenue (from Kingstone Road to Clarendon Place) • S. Avondale Plaza (From Clarendon Avenue to Kensington Road) • Wiltshire Drive (From Clarendon Avenue to Berkeley Road) • Wiltshire Drive (From Lakeshore Drive to Stratford Road) • Wiltshire Drive (From Stratford Road to Majestic Circle) • Wiltshire Drive (From Majestic Circle to Hess Drive) • Kingstone Road (From Clarendon Avenue to Berkeley Road) • Lakeshore Plaza • Lakeshore Drive at it crosses over Wiltshire South of Lake Avondale • Oakham Place • Washington Street • Windsor Terrace • Locust Street If you would like to learn more about the Neighborhood Watch Program or find out how to become a Neighborhood Watch Captain, please contact Sherri Dickens at 404-298-5381 or avondalenw@gmail.com. Security Reminders • ALWAYS CALL 911 for any emergency or suspicious person or activity. • ALWAYS LOCK YOUR VEHICLE and do not leave important items visible, not even loose change. • Please continue to watch for children as they are walking, riding bikes, and scooters around town. Make sure all toys, bikes, and anything of any importance are placed securely out of sight each day. • Lock your doors and windows at home. • Use your alarm systems and set your interior lights on timers. Page 12 • Keep curtains and blinds closed at night. • DO NOT place purses, keys, or wallets in clear sight. • Break down boxes and place in a black or brown garbage bag before placing in trash. • Keep serial numbers of electronics and of anything else of importance on file. (i.e.: in a safe). • Leave emergency numbers with a trusted person and if you are going out of town, let your neighbors know and complete a Security Check Form (Form is available at City Hall and on the City Website). Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 City of Avondale Estates 2013 General Municipal Election Notice is hereby given that a General Municipal Election for the City of Avondale Estates will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 to elect two (2) Commissioners to the Avondale Estates Board of Mayor and Commissioners. The term of office is four (4) years. Qualifying for Election Persons wishing to qualify for this election, may complete a qualification packet with the City Clerk at Avondale Estates City Hall, 21 North Avondale Plaza, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning Monday, August 26, 2013 through Friday, August 30, 2013. The qualifying fee is $3.00. Not hold any office of profit or trust under the government of the United States other than that of postmaster & officers & enlisted men of Armed Forces Reserve (see code section); Not be of unsound mind or unfit to discharge the duties of the office from advanced age or bodily infirmity; Be an inhabitant of the state, county, district, or circuit for the period required by the Constitution and laws of this state. Voting will take place on Tuesday, November 5th at Avondale Estates City Hall, 21 North Avondale Plaza from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Any person who is a resident of the City of Avondale Estates and who is registered with Dekalb County Board of Registrations and ElecCandidates for the Board of Mayor and Commissioners tions as an elector within the City of Avondale Estates at least thirty (30) days prior to Qualification Requirements this election, shall be eligible to vote in this election. The last day for voter registration in the 2013 City of Avondale Estates Charter Requirements Municipal General Election and, if necessary, Runoff (Section 2.11): Election is Monday, October 7, 2013. Resident of the City of Avondale Estates for a continuous period of 12 months prior to the date of qualificaTo verify your voter registration status go to: tion for election of Mayor or Commissioner. http://www.sos.georgia.gov/MVP/ Must continue to reside in the City of Avondale Estates during their period of service. To Register to vote: Must continue to be registered and qualified to vote in http://web.co.dekalb.ga.us/voter/pdf/applic.pdf municipal elections of the City of Avondale Estates. Shall not have been convicted of a felony at the time of qualification or during candidates’ period of service. Constitution of the State of Georgia Requirements (Article II, Section II, Paragraph II & III): Absentee Ballot Voting will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday, October 14th to Friday, November 1st. Applications may be made by mail, fax or in person to: DeKalb County Election Supervisor, 4380 Memorial Drive, Suite 300, Decatur, GA 30032-1239, Telephone: (404) 298-4020, Fax:(404) 298-4038. Citizen of the United States; At least 18 years of age by Election Day; Registered voter in the City of Avondale Estates, Georgia; To download Absentee Ballot Application go to: http://sos.georgia.gov/elections/elections/voter_information/ No person who has been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude may register, remain registered, or absentee_ballot_app.pdf vote except upon completion of sentence. Statutory Qualifications (O.C.G.A. § 45-2-1): In order to hold any civil office a person must: For more information visit the DeKalb County Voter Registration and Election Website: http://web.co.dekalb.ga.us/voter/default.html Be a citizen of this state and at least 21 years of age; If you have questions or for more information please Not be the holder of any public money due this state or contact: any county who has refused to account for and pay Juliette Owens, City Clerk over the same to the proper officer; 404-294-5400 Have not been convicted of a felony offense involving moral turpitude under the laws of this or any other state avondalecityclerk@avondaleestates.org. unless restored to his rights of citizenship by a pardon from the State Board of Pardons and Paroles; July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 13 SUN MON TUES WED THURS SAT 4th of July in Avondale Estates - City Hall 7:00 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission / Architectural Review Board Mtg. Noon Historic Preservation Commission/ Architectural Review Board Application Deadline 6:30 p.m. Downtown Development Authority Regular Mtg. 6:00 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board Regular Mtg. FRI 6:30 p.m. Board of Appeals Regular Meeting (Check with City Hall) 7:00 p.m. Lake Avondale Advisory Board Regular Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Board of Mayor and Commissioners Regular Work Session Noon Board of Appeals Application Deadline Community Club Antique Road Show 7:30 p.m. Board of Mayor and Commissioners Regular Mtg. Page 14 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 SUN MON TUES WED THURS 6:30 p.m. Downtown Development Authority Mtg. 7:00 p.m. Lake Avondale Advisory Board Regular Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Board of Appeals Regular Mtg. Noon Board of Appeals Application Deadline Community Club Shrimp Boil 5:30 p.m. Board of Mayor and Commissioners Regular Work Session 7:30 p.m. Board of Mayor and Commissioners Regular Mtg. July-August 2013 SAT Noon - Historic Preservation Commission / Architectural Review Board Application Deadline 7:00 p.m. - Historic Preservation Commission / Architectural Review Board Mtg. 6:00 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board Regular Mtg. FRI Dusk - Fireworks at Lake Avondale Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 15 H Upcoming Events AVONDALE ESTATES 35th ANNUAL LABOR DAY RACE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2013 Strap up those sneakers and join the walkers and runners in Avondale Estates for the 34th Annual Labor Day 5K Race and 1 Mile Race. Walkers and runners of all ages and athletic levels are invited to participate in this annual event. This event was created to benefit The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). You may make an additional donation directly to the ALS Association, 27001 Agoura Road, Suite 250, Calabassas, CA 91301-5104. PLACE: Willis Park at the corner of Dartmouth Avenue and Clarendon Place The races start and end at Willis Park (adjacent to the pool) on Dartmouth Avenue. The courses are run on City streets with adequate traffic control provided. Splits will be called. TIME: On-Site Registration - 7:30 a.m. • 1-Mile Race - 8:30 a.m. • 5K Main Race - 9:00 a.m. AWARDS: Medals will be given to the top age-group finishers (6 and under, 7-10, 11-14) for the Novice 1-Mile Race. Top age-group finishers (10 and under, 11-14,15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+) in the 5K Main Race. Overall winners will receive a trophy. REGISTRATION: 1-Mile Race / Novice Race $10.00 (Postmark/received by 8/23 ) $12.00 (After 8/23 or On-Site) Main Race $20.00 (Postmark/received by 8/23 ) $25.00 (After 8/23 or On-Site) To enter, complete the form below and return it with your entry fee to City Hall, 21 North Avondale Plaza, Avondale Estates, GA 30002. Additional entry forms are available at City Hall and on-line (www. avondaleestates.org). Please make your check payable to: “Avondale Estates Labor Day Race.” Online registration available: www.active. com (Online Registration Closes: August 25, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.) RACE INFO: * NO BICYCLES, ROLLERBLADES OR DOGS ALLOWED IN THIS EVENT. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ENTRY FORM Karen Holmes 404.294.5400 kholmes@avondaleestates.org ONE NAME PER FORM Check one: ☐ 1-Mile Race ☐ 5K Main Race T-SHIRT SIZE: ADULT ☐ S ☐ M ☐ L ☐ XL CHILD ☐ S ☐ M ☐ L Last Name: ___________________________________________ First Name: _________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________________ Age: ____ Gender (Circle One): M F Phone: __________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________ WAIVER: In consideration of the foregoing, I for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, successors and assigns waive and release any and all rights and claims of action I may have against the City Of Avondale Estates 35th Annual Labor Day Race, City associates, agents, volunteers and the sponsors, their affiliates, agents, employees, directors, successors and assigns. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for this event. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all the foregoing to use any photographs or any other record of this event for any legitimate purposes including commercial advertising. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Participant’s signature/Parent’s signature if under the age of 18 Date Page 16 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 Upcoming Events H Avondale Estates Annual Autumn Attic Saturday, October 5, 2013 • 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. RAIN OR SHINE! Avondale Pattillo United Methodist Church Parking Lot • 3260 Covington Highway Rent a space ($20.00 each) and sell or come and buy! NO DOGS, PLEASE! To reserve a space call Roger or Karen Holmes at 404-508-0395 Rented on a first-come, first-served basis REGISTRATION FORM FOR OCTOBER YARD SALE Payment for spaces must be received by September 20th. (To be mailed only after reserving space by phone) Last Name: ___________________________________________ First Name: _________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: __________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________ No. of Spaces (@ $20.00): _____________ Amount Paid $________________ Assigned Space #(s)________________________ Some of the items I plan to have for sale are: ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of years I have participated in this event: _________ For Reservations, call Karen Holmes at 404-508-0395. Make Checks Payable to the City of Avondale Estates Attic Sale and mail to City of Avondale Estates, 21 North Avondale Plaza, Avondale Estates, GA 30002 July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 17 H Clubs & Organizations Avondale Community Club 2013 Event Calendar July 20th Antique Road Show August 17th Shrimp Boil September 21st Chili Cook-off October 18th & 19th 2nd Annual Pig Roast November 16th Presidents Prime Rib Dinner Our small town exemplifies all the grace and charm of the south despite being nestled within a greater metropolitan area. No place within our City is that southern charm more evident than at the Avondale Community Club. The ACC has been at the heart of the Avondale Estates community for nearly 90 years. The club is more than just a meeting place for neighbors and a host for the community, but a place where lifelong friendships are forged. Monthly and community wide events include casino night, the Taste of Avondale, the Ladies’ Tea, Shrimp boil, second annual Pig Roast, the lighting of the Lake Avondale Tree and the Tour of Homes. Membership allows you a discounted rate for renting the historic Lake House. To join the Avondale Community Club please contact George Brandt at (770) 296-3222 December 7th Lake Tree Lighting Cocktail Party www.thelakehouseatavondale.com The Avondale Woman’s Clubs The Avondale Woman’s Club, organized in 1957, is a community-oriented organization open to women in the general Avondale area. Annual dues are $60 and cover lunch at the meetings along with contributions made to various community projects. For more information, contact Mary Spencer (spencermary@bellsouth.net). The Avondale Women’s Club would like to welcome and congratulate the new slate of officers for 2013-2014. President: Ruth McCann Corresponding Secretary: Gloria Stone Vice President: Mary Spencer Treasurer: Carolyn Meeks Second Vice President: Kari Rheney Parliamentarian: Frances Calder Recording Secretary: Peggy Clayton Trustees: Liz Wellborn, Donna Ailion and Denise Forrester Page 18 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 Applications Availab le Online! WWW.AVONDALEARTS.ORG Across from the Tudor Village in Avondale Estates The Avondale Arts Alliance presents the 11th Annual AutumnFest Arts & Music Festival! This year’s festival will feature over 100 local and regional artists, quality entertainment including the Southeastern Snake Encounter, music by The Homework Ate My Dog and Meghan Jean & the KFB, a Kids Zone and more! Applications Now Online Artist, vendor and Kids Zone applications are available for download at our website, www.avondalearts.org. Deadline: September 13, 2013. AutumnEats We’re excited to introduce AutumnEats, a dedicated area featuring chef demos, local market vendors and farmers offering seasonal fare. Pine Street Market’s Rusty Bowers and Layne Lee of Sweet n’ Sinful will be lending their expertise by curating the chefs, judging an apple pie contest and highlighting their 100 Mile Dinner. Sponsor AutumnFest We depend on in-kind services and financial support from businesses and volunteers to make our event a success! Contact us at avondaleartsalliance@gmail.com or visit www.avondalearts.org for sponsorship levels and information. Community Art Project We are excited to announce that we will host a community art project for the first time this year! Jeff Mather, local site sculptor, will lead volunteers to create a one-of-a-kind work of art throughout the festival weekend! This project lends a whole new meaning to the term “community building.” Members of the community come together to build, photograph, and eventually dismantle improvisational, 3D structures produced with low-cost recycled materials. This group exercise in project creativity, collaboration, and compromise incorporates geometry, spatial reasoning, design principles, and elements of engineering and architecture. The final result? A satisfying hybrid of folk art and contemporary environmental sculpture. Interested in participating? Contact us to be included on the Community Art Project Team! Stay up-to-date on our activities and events via Facebook and sign up for our e-blasts at: www.avondalearts.org • avondaleartsalliance@gmail.com Avondale Arts Alliance • AutumnFest Arts & Music Festival July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 19 H Clubs & Organizations Avon Garden Club receives Multiple Awards from the DeKalb Federation of Garden Clubs – Spring 2013 Avon Garden Club was among many clubs honored at the April meeting of the DeKalb Federation of Garden Clubs, during the annual awards ceremony and luncheon. Under the leadership of club president Kerry Quinn and awards chair Kathy Deprey, and with the outstanding efforts and support of the 70+ members of the club, Avon Garden Club was well rewarded for a year’s bounty of projects and programs. Most of the club’s projects are funded by the proceeds from the annual pancake breakfast and garden boutique held each November. First place trophies for: • Community service – promoting the greatest impact upon the community through community service activities • Environmental – best action program or project to improve the environment, to protect or conserve natural resources • “Gavel” award – to the club submitting the most entries in the Federation awards program • Youth award – the youth group whose accomplishments are deemed most outstanding – awarded to the Avon Teen Garden Club sponsored by Avon Garden Club for their work at Lake Avondale’s north woods Second place awards for: • Programs – the best series of garden club programs • Trees – for the most outstanding planting of trees for civic improvement and beautification (project by Stephany Cross) Third place awards for: • Attendance – having the highest percentage of members at all Federation meetings • Yearbook – best yearbook • Beautification Project – best beautification project by a garden club Honorable Mention: • Shade Gardening – most outstanding achievement in shade gardening Additional Awards: • 100% Attendance Award – Avon Garden Club was represented at every Federation meeting • Standard of Excellence – high score on Federation’s President’s Activity report • Certificate of Recognition – proper submission of President’s Activity report and dues Our crowning glory is the Federation’s Club of the Year Award – awarded to the club that achieves outstanding accomplishments in all areas of garden club activities as endorsed by the DeKalb Federation of Garden Clubs and in accordance with the objectives of the Garden Club of Georgia and National Garden Clubs. Avon Garden Club was also awarded first place honors in the Garden Club of Georgia for our beautification projects, our environmental projects, and our trees projects, and first place in the Deep South Region for the trees projects. Avon is waiting to hear about other awards at the State and National and Regional levels. Avondale’s Garden Clubs Honor Fallen Police Officers The Avondale Estates Garden Club and the Avon Garden Club donated a wreath in memory of DeKalb County Police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. A Memorial Service was held at the DeKalb History Center in Decatur on May 8, 2013. After the ceremony, the wreath was flown to National Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where it was included in a memorial service honoring police officers from throughout the country who lost their lives while protecting U.S. citizens. Avon Garden Club Plan a Shaded Garden with Bloom or Scent Year Round Master Gardener Jeanie Schoelles, a longtime member of the Avon Garden Club, presented Plan a Shaded Garden with Bloom or Scent Year Round, at the April club meeting. Jeanie lives in a forest of very tall trees, and over the seasons has taken many digital images of her yard illustrating the success of plantings in the lower story. She shared these images with us. When asked “Who does all the work”, what do you do with all those leaves”, and “do you use pesticides”, she answered “I do all the Page 20 work. The leaves line the walking paths through my woods and fill the leaf areas in the yard and of course there is a compost heap. As to pesticides, every three months the roses get special attention, I go after slugs with slug bait, and serve up something hot to keep the squirrels at bay.” Four seasons images in a shade garden are a family affair. Jeanie’s late husband Alfred, who was an artist, created four large colorful oil paintings for St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1410 Ponce de Leon Avenue. The paintings are on permanent display in Fellowship Hall. Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 Happenings Across the Hedge H Message from Caryl Albarran – Code Enforcement Officer Making Upgrades or Repairs to Your Home? Being a homeowner is a never ending project. A “Honey-Do List” may end up being “Honey, Hire a Contractor” to complete what needs to be done on your list. Are you making upgrades or repairs to your home? If so, most repairs or renovations on buildings or houses in the City of Avondale Estates require a Permit Authorization. The form can be picked up at City Hall or downloaded from the City website at www.avondaleestates.org and then click on Services & Government/ Forms. If you plan to enlarge, alter, repair, demolish or make changes to your property, please contact City Hall before you start the job. If your home is in the Historic District it may require a Certificate of Appropriateness before the Permit Authorization can be approved. Be aware that a City of Avondale Estates Permit Authorization form is required before obtaining a Dekalb County permit for their inspections process. If your project requires a dumpster, please complete a dumpster permit and submit to City Hall. The dumpster permit form can be obtained on the City website. Please do not have dumpsters placed on the street. The occupant, owner, or contractor is responsible for the removal of all construction/building material debris at the site. Please feel free to contact Caryl Albarran, Code Enforcement Officer, at (404) 392-3134, if you have questions before or during your project. Through a cooperative effort between Code Enforcement and our residents, we can continue to make the City of Avondale Estates a safe and cleaner place to live. City of Avondale Estates Code of Ordinance Sec. 11-25. Sweeping litter into gutters; cleanliness of sidewalk. “No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street or other public place within the city any litter from any building or lot or from any private or public sidewalk or driveway. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter.” Yard Debris Includes: Leaves, brush, grass clippings, shrubs, and tree pruning debris and other vegetative materials from the maintenance of yards, lawns and landscaping on residential property. Yard debris is picked up in the residential area every Wednesday. • Building materials, concrete products, dirt, rocks, automobile parts and tires will not be picked up by the City. • Building materials, concrete products, dirt, rocks, automobile parts and tires will not be picked up by the City. • Tree trunks and stumps will not be picked up by the City. • Tree trunks and stumps will not be picked up by the City. • Tree limbs must be no longer than three (3) feet long and not more than four (4) inches in diameter. • Tree limbs must be no longer than three (3) feet long and not more than four (4) inches in diameter. • Do not place any grass clippings, leaves, yard debris, etc. on the street for safety concerns. Building contractors must dispose of construction debris and building materials. Please contact City Hall at (404) 294-5400 to arrange for the special pickup of small dead animals (in plastic bags), major appliances and furniture. Waste not acceptable for routine collection shall be the responsibility of the owner. A maximum of 10 passenger car tires from residents only can be accepted at Seminole Road Landfill 4203 Cleveland Road Ellenwood, GA 30294. You may transport normal home-generated refuse directly to DeKalb County Disposal Facilities, call (404) 244-4896 for more information. July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 21 H Happenings Across the Hedge Avondale Estates Garden Club – Yard of the Month May Camille and Alan Harvey 1051 Lakeshore Drive June Charlie and Elizabeth Orth 15 Berkeley Road Avon Garden Club - Garden of the Month May Chat Choopojcharoen 3 Sussex Road June Carol and Tom Brooks 115 Berkeley Road Pressure Wash “Excellent care of clients and pets” 6 N. Avondale Rd. Avondale Estates, GA. 30002 404-294-4800 • AvondaleVet.net Page 22 Professional pressure washing–all surfaces Decks, Stained and Sealed 678-469-1599 | scott@scottspressurewash.net Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 Happenings Across the Hedge H Green Corner Why T-Shirts Can’t Be Recycled into New T-Shirts When you donate a pile of old T-shirts to a local charity, they will not be recycled back into T-shirts. The fibers are usually too worn to be made into soft fabric. That doesn’t mean, though, that these fibers go to waste. Cotton, it turns out, is a lot like paper, at least when it comes to recycling. As you may know, paper is made up of fibers and can be recycled back into paper a finite number of times before the fibers become too short and must be downcycled into things like newspaper or tissues. Cotton is similar in that it is made from fibers (it is derived from a plant, after all), and eventually those fibers wear out. Because the amount of textile waste Americans throw away each year averages out to 70 pounds per person, it’s worth understanding what does happen to old clothes, as well as how buying recycled content clothing can help keep waste out of landfills. In 2010, the recovery rate for all textiles – which includes things like clothing, shoes, sheets, blankets, etc. – was 15 percent, according to the EPA, and unrecovered textiles amount for almost 5 percent of all landfill space in the U.S. Keeping your old clothing out of the trash can help solve this problem, but the ways that clothing gets reused aren’t always clear to consumers. Once your pile of T-shirts arrives at a charity, it is sorted based on quality. Any clothing that is still in good shape will be resold, either in local secondhand stores or in secondhand markets abroad. The rest of that clothing gets downcycled, meaning its materials are used for other purposes. According to the Council for Textile Recycling, 30 percent of textiles not resold locally will be made into rags, which are used in many industries for cleaning and other purposes. Meanwhile, 20 percent of these textiles will be broken down into their fibers and made into new products like carpet, insulation or stuffing for car seats. After all of this, only 5 percent of recovered clothing ends up as waste. For more information on recycling visit www.earth911.com. Welcome to the Neighborhood New Residents Susan Belmonte & Paul Arnold 9 Coventry Close Lawrence P. Bush 1057 Hess Drive Maureen Braun & Patrick Lammie 899 Stratford Road Tillis Ross, Jr. 68 Hampshire Court Brian & Tamar Robinson 1076 Chatsworth Drive John Donaldson 2971 Majestic Circle Lynford Apple 100 N. Avondale Road, Unit C Matthew & Robyn Rubenstein 8 Fairfield Drive NEW BUSINESSES Lisa Wise 24 Covington Highway Sean & Nancy DeVetter 30 Exeter Road Michael Knox 3196 Majestic Circle Debra A. Coco 1600 Windsor Walk Health – Sales Home Based Business Green House Renovation Home Renovation Belle Miller McMaster 52 Lakeshore Drive Dan & Judy Cullora 52 Sutton Place July-August 2013 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Home Based Business The Science of Fun Science Camp 3260 Covington Highway Page 23 H Meeting Minutes Board Of Mayor And Commissioners Regular Meeting Immediately Following Public Hearing • May 20, 2013 • 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Ed Rieker, Mayor Terry Giager, Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lee, Commissioner John Quinn, Commissioner Members Absent: Lindsay Forlines, Commissioner Staff Present: Clai Brown, City Manager Juliette Sims-Owens, City Clerk Keri Stevens, City Planner Gary Broden, Chief of Police Bryan Armstead, Director of Public Works Item No. 1 Meeting called to order Item No. 2 Invocation (Commissioner Quinn) Item No. 3 Pledge to the Flag. Item No. 4 Adoption of Agenda A motion to adopt the agenda as presented was made by Mayor Pro Tem Giager, seconded by Commissioner Quinn; passed with all ayes (4-0). Item No. 5 Approval of Minutes March 20, 2013 Regular Work Session March 20, 2013 Special Called Work Session April 16, 2013 Special Called Work Session Re: Walk Willis Park with members of the Willis Park Ad Hoc Committee to discuss current proposed plan April 17, 2013 Regular Work Session April 22, 2013 Public Hearing Re: Conditional Use Permit Application for Mind, Body and Soul Fitness Studio, located at 112 North Avondale Road - Tudor Village April 22, 2013 Public Hearing Re: Conditional Use Permit Application for Avondale Expert Alteration, located at 114 North Avondale Road - Tudor Village April 22, 2012 Regular Meeting A motion to engross and adopt the minutes Page 24 as presented was made by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Giager Giager, passed with all ayes (4-0). Item No. 6 Commissioner Updates – Subjects of General Interest and Concern Mayor Rieker noted that Commissioner Forlines is out of town that is why she could not attend tonight. Mayor Pro Tem Giager stated that he is from Oklahoma and they are going through a lot of problems and he asked that everyone keep them in their prayers. Mayor Pro Tem Giager noted that his family is there and are doing fine. Item No. 7 Monthly Report by the City Manager Concerning the Status of Matters in Progress and Upcoming Issues and Events City Manager Brown gave the following Monthly Report: • City Manager Brown thanked Chief Broden and Bryan Armstead, Director of Public Works for being at the meeting tonight and he thanked all the associates for all the hard work they do day in and day out for our City and he is very proud of them. • City Manager Brown asked everyone to give good thoughts and prayers to the Chief who is going to have surgery on his knee this Thursday. • The City is very pleased to announce that the Central Business District has been designated an Opportunity Zone by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, one of the first in DeKalb County. There is only one other City that has this designation and that is Doraville. This new designation will create a $3500 tax incentive for businesses that employ two or more associates to expand and locate in the area, benefiting new and existing businesses. The Designation adds another strong tool to supplement the already progressive, business friendly, economic development efforts the City has been working on over the Avondale Estates H News from City Hall past few years. It will facilitate and attract those wishing to invest in the City’s downtown in a very competitive market. The designation is in effect for 10 years, until May 3, 2023, with an option to renew. Businesses within the Opportunity Zone boundaries may begin taking the credit for net new jobs created in a taxable year which begins on or after January 1, 2013, provided the minimum of two net new jobs are created. • The walkability study timeline is now on the City website. City staff updated the board on the study last week and there will be some emails and letter invites going out for our first meeting in June. • As part of the Lifelong Communities Grant the crosswalk project along US 278 was reviewed with the contractor. The removal and replacement of handicap ramps will be installed to GDOT’s standards and re-striping is included at the intersections of North Clarendon Avenue/North Avondale Road, Oak Street/East College, Pine Street/ East College and possible at Maple Street/ East College. • The Avondale Estates phone Directories have been printed and will be delivered to the residents within a week. Mayor Rieker noted that on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:30 p.m. the board will have a Special Called Work Session to talk about the Willis Park Renovation and he asked that everyone try to attend and give their input so the board can move it to City staff. Item No. 8 Citizens’ Comments “It’s another beautiful day in Avondale Estates” – Thomas P. Samford Betty Jones, 10 Lakeview Place stated that last year 4th of July fireworks spectators were coming down a few days ahead and staking out their spots for the fireworks. Ms. Jones asked if there is anything that could be done to keep them out until at July-August 2013 Meeting Minutes H least the day before because and at night you can fall over the stakes and it is hard for the Public Works staff to prepare the grounds for the event with all the areas that have been staked out. Mayor Rieker thanked Ms. Jones for her comment. Mayor Rieker stated he just read and article that Peachtree City was having the same problem with people coming down ahead of time and putting tarps down. Mayor Rieker noted that their solution was to restrict it to the morning of the event. Mayor Rieker asked that this be included on the June Work Session and asked City staff to do a little research on this item. Mayor Pro Tem Giager thanked Ms. Jones for her comment and noted that he is a baseball coach and when they leave the tarps on their field for three hours the grass is dead underneath. Mayor Pro Tem Giager stated that this is really protecting our investment. Tom Brooks, 115 Berkeley Road stated that Julie Feely had mentioned about forwarding an email to the board to be part of the record if someone was unable to attend a meeting. Mr. Brooks asked what the process is if citizens wanted to do that and have it be part of the public comment for the meeting. Mayor Rieker stated that if he needs something read and he is out of town, send the email to the board, City Manager Brown or have a citizen to read the comment on his behalf. Mayor Rieker noted that most cities don’t have the kind of interaction that we have, most cities have a timer on, most cities you make your comment and you sit down and nobody addresses it, at one point we did not allow comments at the work sessions until he became the Mayor. Mayor Rieker noted that this board and the other boards for the last six years have been as open as they can about collecting public comment because it really helps the board and the City. Mayor Rieker stated that we need more citizen participation and he appreciated everyone coming tonight. Julie Feely 2 Dartmouth Avenue stated that there is a retention schedule for the recorded records if someone wanted to hear the recordings verbatim. July-August 2013 Mayor Rieker stated that information can be obtained from the City Clerk. Item No. 9 Old Business: None Item No. 10 New Business: a) First of Three Readings of the Sign Ordinance Amendment. City Manager Brown stated that this is the first of three readings to amend article IX of Chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances Concerning Signs and Advertising Structures and to repeal all conflicting provisions. Mayor Rieker stated that this is the ordinance that the board just had the public hearing on tonight and it takes three readings before the board can vote on it. Mayor Rieker noted that the ordinance will be available on the City website. Mayor Rieker stated that the Planning and Zoning Board, Historic Preservation Commission and Architectural Review Board will be reviewing the sign ordinance at their June meetings. Mayor Rieker asked that when the HPC is reviewing the sign ordinance, he asked that they open up the ARB meeting and note that the ARB board is endorsing it as well. b) Resolution for Citizens Patrol Policy Manual. City Manager Brown stated that is a Resolution Establishing a Citizens Patrol Policy and Procedure Manual for the City of Avondale Estates. Mayor Rieker stated that the City is in the process of establishing a Citizens Volunteer Patrol Unit and he thanked Chief Broden for all the work he has done on it. Mayor Rieker noted that 50 of the graduates from the Citizens Police Academy attended a meeting in April and volunteered to help out with this program. Mayor Rieker stated that Matt Miller is going to be the first Director and they will be wearing navy blue t-shirts with a logo. Mayor Rieker stated that this is a team that will continue their training and it is all non-confrontational, no weapons, and they are not allowed to make stops, they are really the eyes and ears for the City. Mayor Rieker noted as the program moves forward, they will get additional training and other elements that will be helpful for Avondale Estates H News from City Hall the City. Commissioner Lee thanked Cpl. Conroy for being at the work session last week, he was very informative and he did a great job on the news. Commissioner Quinn stated that he was not at the work session when this was discussed but he read the policy and procedure manual when he returned and noted that it was very detailed, very well drafted and a wonderful idea and he supports it 100%. Public Comment: None A motion to approve the Resolution Establishing a Citizens Patrol Policy and Procedure Manual for the City of Avondale Estates was made by Commissioner Lee seconded by Commissioner Quinn; passed with all ayes (4-0). c) Resolution for a Survey and Design Concept for the Parking Lot located in the green space behind City Hall. City Manager Brown stated that this is a Resolution for the Board of Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Avondale Estates to authorize the City Manager to complete a survey and design concept for additional parking in the green space located behind City Hall. Mayor Rieker stated that the board discussed this at the work session last Wednesday. Mayor Rieker noted that the City has a plot of land that is just north of our current City parking and the City is having issues with the court being full and that parking is now spilling into the Tudor Village area. Mayor Rieker noted that Pallookaville is going to be opening soon and they will need parking as well so the City is trying to be proactive. City Manager Brown stated that it should give 40-50 extra parking spaces. Public Comment: None A motion to approve the Resolution for a Survey and Design Concept for the Parking Lot in the green space at City Hall was made by Mayor Pro Tem Giager seconded by Commissioner Lee; passed with all ayes (4-0). d) Proclamation for National Garden Week (June 2-8). Mayor Rieker read the Proclamation for Page 25 H Meeting Minutes National Garden Week which will be June 2-8, 2013. Mayor Rieker thanked the garden clubs for all the wonderful work they do for the City. will take place on Saturday, June 22nd from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Locust Street. For more information visit: www. thebeergrowler.net/homebrew-battle. Item No. 11 Announcements (Commissioner Quinn) c) 4th of July in Avondale Estates is approaching….if you would like to volunteer or donate, please contact Karen Holmes at City Hall. a) City Hall will be closed on Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. City Hall will re-open on Tuesday, May 28th. We regretfully announce the death of: Carole Hall Herron, Former Resident b) The Beer Growler Home Brew Battle Glenn Schwarz, 1102 Bromley Road William “Bill” Thomas Mann, Founder of Mann Mechanical Company Betty Weems, 33 Fairfield Drive Item No. 12 Adjournment A motion to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. was made by Mayor Pro Tem Giager seconded by Commissioner Quinn; passed with all ayes (4-0). News from City Hall - Newsletter Disclaimer Purpose: The City Newsletter was created for the purpose of providing a written medium for regularly sharing information from City Hall. It is a vehicle for the Board of Mayor and Commissioners and the City Manager to share information relevant to issues discussed, actions taken, and plans made by the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, to share newsworthy information about our residents and businesses, and to provide a calendar of scheduled City sponsored events. Unsolicited Copy: The Newsletter reserves the right to refuse unsolicited submissions and to edit all copy in regard to space appropriateness, and cost considerations. As a courtesy to the clubs and organization that civically operate in the City, a brief notice of their activities may be included as space permits. The City Newsletter is not a forum for opinion pieces nor for political speech. The City reserves the right to reject any proposed advertisement of an offensive, religious, or political nature. Your Premier Handyman Service Company Experienced Quality Craftsmen Carpentry Plumbing Electrical Drywall Painting Ceramic Tile Small Jobs Big Projects New Light Fixtures Bathroom/Kitchen Remodeling Finished Basements Ceiling Fans Fencing Wood Rot Repair Commode Repair/Replacement Flooring Interior/Exterior Doors ...And Much More! Proudly Serving Your Community e-mail: atlanta400@andyoncall.com $100 OFF $50 OFF $25 OFF Labor only. Present Coupon at time of payment. Labor only. Present Coupon at time of payment. Labor only. Present Coupon at time of payment. Any job over $750 Page 26 Any job over $250 Any job over $100 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall July-August 2013 M-Sat Closed 10AM-9PM SUNDAY 404-292-6703 48 N. Avondale Rd. , Avondale Estates Check out the brand NEW www.skipshotdogs.com! ON-SITE CATERING ANYTIME, ANY PLACE, ANY OCCASION! Great Burgers · Phillies · Reubens · BBQ Pork Italian Beef · Catering DEKALB DUI SCHOOL RISK REDUCTION — DEFENSIVE DeKalb DUI School Certified#10124 by the State of Georgia and the Department of Driver’s Services Defensive Driving - Point Reduction and Insurance Discount DUI Risk Reduction Classes Clinical Evaluation Weekend and Weekday Classes Coffee, Water, Soft Drinks and Snacks Once a student has completed and fulfilled the requirements of his or her course, they will be issued an official certificate of completion from the State of Georgia that is valid in any court or county in this or any other State. Call Pam at 678-671-2384 (2DUI) 3315 East Ponce De Leon Ave. Scottdale, GA 30079 www.dekalbduischoolinc.com | info@dekalbduischoolinc.com FIND MORE. Look for these sponsors at www.KDACommunityConnect.com Early Learning/Child Development Orthodontists (cont’d) Plumbing Primrose School of Five Forks - 770-985-0028 Smiles Forever Dacula - 678-318-3180 Flowery Branch - 678-960-2600 Dupree Plumbing - 770-872-0476 Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Affinity Stoneworks - 678-608-2053 Landscape Borders Georgia Borders - 678-369-8894 Landscape Lighting Nestor’s Sprinklers & Lighting - 770-410-9356 Optometrists Dr. Jeff Mellom - The Eye Gallery Atlanta/Buckhead - 404-231-3772 Orthodontists Wilson Orthodontics Cleveland - 706-865-0081 Flowery Branch - 770-967-8462 Gainesville - 770-536-0882 BUSINESSES • PROMOTIONS •COUPONS • JOBS • EVENTS Outdoor Furniture Georgia Patio - 770-751-5800 Outdoor Kitchen/Fireplaces/Gas Logs The Mad Hatter - 770-740-8133 Outdoor Lighting Night Vision - 678-500-8099 Outdoor Living Leisure Time Decks - 404-935-0212 Pest Services Any Pest - 678-888-0035 Mosquito Swipers - 404-602-0484 Greenlee Plumbing - 678-954-1781 Sprinklers Nestor’s Sprinklers & Lighting - 770-410-9356 Swimming Pools Unique Outdoor Concepts - 678-608-3000 Tree Service 404-Cut-Tree - 404-287-0220
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CITY HALL - Avondale Estates
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall is a publication of KDA Communications. Subject matter published is the
opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of...