CITY HALL - Avondale Estates
CITY HALL - Avondale Estates
NEWS FROM CITY HALL THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF AVONDALE ESTATES • AVONDALE ESTATES, GEORGIA May - June 2014 NEWSLETTER 333 In Memory of Tami and Jess Willadsen The City would like to dedicate this edition of the newsletter to the Willadsen Family in memory of Tami and Jess Willadsen, who passed away tragically on Saturday, April 12, 2014. This devastating loss has had a deep impact on our community and has created an outpouring of support for the families affected. The City deeply appreciates and thanks the community, businesses and all others that have been generous and thoughtful in providing support to the family. As a community, we know that this support will be needed and offered during the long road to recovery ahead. The City offers our sincere condolences and support to Dave and Jack Willadsen and all those affected by this tragedy. TAMARA KAY WILLADSEN December 5, 1970 - April 12, 2014 Tami was born Tamara Kay Eifrid on December 5, 1970, and married the love of her life, Dave Willadsen, in 1995. They grew their family to four with the births of Jess in 2003 and Jack in 2008. Anyone who met Tami and Dave could see how truly they loved each other, their children, and the wonderful life they built together. Tami loved her family deeply, lived her life joyfully, enjoyed her many friendships with gusto, and thrived on her devotion to the environment and her community. Her successful career included over 15 years at the Nature Conservancy fundraising for conservation projects in Georgia and around the world. She was active in the cities of Avondale Estates and Decatur and served on the boards of EarthShare of Georgia and The Museum School. There is simply no way to sum up the life of such a beautiful, vibrant woman as Tami. The void left by her passing can never be filled. JESS SEDA WILLADSEN September 28, 2003 - April 12, 2014 Jess was born Jess Seda Willadsen on September 28, 2003. She loved her brother Jack, and was everything for him that a big sister should be. Jess attended The Museum School in Avondale Estates, where she naturally excelled. She enjoyed learning to play piano, was a voracious reader, and loved squirrels. Last year, she successfully petitioned Avondale Estates Mayor Ed Rieker for a “Squirrel Crossing” caution sign, which was proudly posted outside the Willadsen home on Exeter Drive. Her potential was limitless, her loss in unbearable, and she will be terribly missed. We all carry Tami and Jess in our hearts forever. —From Tami and Jess’ April 17 memorial service program With Love, Forever Excellent Service, Expert Installation Complete Hi-Efficient System as low as 3,200* $ April Aire High Eciency Air Cleaner Starting At 770-672-6963 $485* Must be presented at time of service. 24-Hour Service Same As Cash Financing $25 Off* Diagnostic Call Must be presented at time of service. AC or Heating 20 Point Tune-up $79* additional systems $49 Must be presented at time of service. *Coupons cannot be combined with other offers. Coupons expire 05/31/2014. Residential Only - Call office for Commercial prices. Call office for details. Inside This Issue 4 Avondale Estates City News 6 Upcoming Events 9 General Primary and Nonpartisan Elections - May 20 Cities Week 10 Georgia Children’s Art Contest Winners 12 14 Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11! HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR: Calendar of Events City Hall E-News – Electronic Newsletter Neighborhood Watch Program This service provides weekly news/information from City Hall electronically. To sign up, send an email to stating that you would like to sign-up to receive City Hall E-News. City Hall Bi-Monthly Newsletter Door Studio 15 Garage Summer Camp 2014 If you would like to sign-up to receive the City Hall Bi-Monthly Newsletter or wish to receive the newsletter electronically, please send an email to Museum School 16 The Taking Innovation Nationwide 17 New Business Spotlight 18 Happenings Across the Hedge 22 Meeting Minutes Board of Mayor & Commissioners Ed Rieker, Mayor Terry Giager, Mayor Pro Tem Lindsay Forlines, Commissioner Randy Beebe, Commissioner John Quinn, Commissioner Administration Clai Brown, City Manager Ken Turner, Finance Director Juliette Sims-Owens, City Clerk Keri Stevens, City Planner Kelly Brooks, Communications Manager Karen Holmes, Administrative Asst. Robert E. Wilson, City Attorney Stephen W. Nicholas, Municipal Court Judge Marcella Shaw, Clerk of Court Police Department Gary L. Broden, Chief of Police Public Works Department Bryan Armstead, Director Caryl Albarran, Code Enforcement Officer May-June 2014 FACEBOOK City of Avondale Estates Facebook wants you to be a fan! Visit our page at NIXLE This service, created by Nixle, LLC delivers trustworthy and important neighborhoodlevel public safety and community event notifications by web, e-mail, and cell phone. Its authenticated service connects municipal agencies to residents in real time, delivering information to geographically targeted residents over their cell phones (via text messages), through e-mails and through web access. The service provides four (4) types of messages, to include: • Alert - Intended for urgent and time sensitive information. • Advisory - Intended for important need-to-know, time sensitive information. • Community - Intended for general information or non-urgent community updates. • Traffic - Intended for all traffic related messaging. The messages are sent by the Avondale Estates Police Department personnel. To become a part of the Community Information Service, simply go to and click on the “Register Now” button. Twitter The City has two Twitter accounts. For meeting reminders see, @CityofAvondale, for City tweets go to @City_Avondale. If you are interested in advertising in the City of Avondale Estates bimonthly newsletter, please contact Rusty Oliver at 404-379-6138 or email Avondale Estates H News from City Hall is a publication of KDA Communications. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in this publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of KDA Communications. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for Avondale Estates as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood of such opinions, information, goods or services. Contact us today for more information! 678.905.4842 • Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 3 H City News Then, Now and Tomorrow In pivotal year, hundreds attend Avondale Estates 2014 State of the City “We have momentum,” Avondale Estates Mayor Ed Rieker told State of the City residents and guests March 24 at the historic Towne Cinema. The observation was hard to argue with: this year’s standing-room-only audience of about 200 was the largest in recent history for the celebratory annual event. In his presentation, the Mayor included a map showing development opportunities in more than half of the City’s 50acre downtown. Accordingly, Mayor Rieker said he expects some large projects to come to Avondale Estates this year. “We need to work together as a community,” he said. “If we disagree, let’s disagree, but let’s move together so we can get these things done together.” Mayor Rieker’s presentation was rife with historic photos and documents to complement his speech, themed “Then, Now and Tomorrow.” He touched on the City’s origins, including founder George Willis’ elaborate vision and marketing campaign for Avondale Estates 90 years ago, back in 1924. “He really, really had decided that this was going to be the best City that anybody could imagine or dream of, and he actually did something about it,” Mayor Rieker said. “He hired engineers, he hired city planners. We are a City that has a deep history of planning, and also a deep history of actually doing.” Some of the highlights from the past year, plus upcoming plans for the future: • The Rail Arts District Studio Cruise March 15. “Probably 5,000 to 6,000 people came. It was unbelievable,” Mayor Rieker said. “We had people here who didn’t even know where Avondale Estates was, and now they’ve been here.” • The City brought fire marshal inspections and permitting inspections in-house so business owners, for instance, can get approval via City Hall instead of DeKalb County. Pallookaville co-owner Jim Stacy chimed in that this made a “huge” difference in opening his new business last year. • The City is now an opportunity zone, which provides a tax credit to businesses that hire more than two employees. • Wild Heaven Brewery on Maple Street is set to open soon and will bring people into the City for tours, tastings and events. • At the end of December, the City bought four acres near downtown for $1 million. Avondale Estates purchased the property from a now-bankrupt development group that paid $10.9 million for it back in 2007. • DeKalb County’s Fire Station No. 3 in Avondale Estates is being rebuilt and will open early next year. • City associates are participating in weekly meetings to meet requirements for Google Fiber. Avondale Estates is one of nine metro-Atlanta cities that could get the ultra-high-speed Internet service. Mayor Rieker told the audience the City will soon be asking interested residents to go to a site and sign-up for Google Fiber. “If you really want it, let’s go after it,” he said. “This will really change things for us.” • The Mayor still wants the City to purchase the old Avondale High School property, which could mean space for such amenities as a community garden, sports fields and a dog park. “We’re going to press a little bit harder. I’m going to need you to press for me so that we can actually get them to sit down at the table and talk about getting this facility,” Mayor Rieker said. “It was paid for by public funds, it needs to come to a municipality. It doesn’t need to go into private hands.” • Tudor Square, a new development just behind Tudor Village, will have a whiskey distillery and a coffee roaster. Garage Door Studio, a local artists’ co-op, retail shop and gallery, opens there in June. Page 4 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 City News H The following individuals were recognized for their substantial contributions to the City: Special Recognition: City Associates • Ken Turner, Finance Director • Juliette Sims-Owens, City Clerk • Keri Stevens, City Planner and Community Development Officer • Karen Holmes, Administrative Assistant • Oscar Griffin, Parks and Recreation Supervisor • Harold Anderson, Sanitation Supervisor • Shawn Luttery, Public Works Associate • Avondale Estates Police Department Officer of the Year Special Recognition: Additional Officers • Cpl. Paul Conroy • Sgt. Lynn Thomas • SSgt. Jason Browen In Memoriam • • • • • • Bill Mann O.L. “Lloyd” Jollay Nancy Elrod Denis Payne Diane Kirwan Gloria Stone Best in Business Pallookaville: accepted by co-owners Jim Stacy and Johnny Gianoulidis Special Recognition: Businesses • Second Life: Owners Tanya Mahrous and Toby Tobias. Accepted by (from left to right) Sharon Smith, Jerry Tobias and Sandy Tobias. • P’s in the Pod: accepted by Catrina Knight, owner • Good Karma Coffee House: accepted by Sharonda Frazier, owner Special Recognition • Carol and Tom Brooks, longtime residents who moved to Portland, Oregon, in April • Matt Miller, Citizens Patrol • Gene Lee, former City Commissioner Officer Ryan Long May-June 2014 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 5 H Upcoming Events Avondale Estates Fishing Derby Join us at Lake Avondale for a Fishing Good Time! Saturday, May 3, 2014 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for: • The LARGEST FISH • The most fish caught • The youngest and oldest fisherperson to catch a fish • 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes in the following categories: 4 and under; 5-7; 8-10; 11-17; 18 and over All participants must follow these rules: • Eligible participants include all residents and their guests. • All non-resident (guest) participants must be accompanied by an adult resident. • All children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. • Fish must be kept in a clean bucket of water and checked in with the Lake official a.s.a.p. unless fish is legal size to take home (catch and release is recommended). • Three pole limit per fisherman. Avondale Estates Fishing Derby Entry Form May 3, 2014 Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age: _________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________________________ Resident Sponsor (if applicable) Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer/Release: The undersigned releases, acquits, and forever discharges THE CITY OF AVONDALE ESTATES, GEORGIA, and its officers, employees, agents, servants, successors, heirs, executors, and administrators from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, damages, costs, loss of service, expenses and compensation whatsoever, which may hereafter accrue on account of, or in any way growing out of, participation in or observation of the Avondale Estates Fishing Derby, including events foreseen and unforeseen. Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Parent or guardian if under 18) Bring completed form to the Lake on Fishing Derby Day at 8:00 a.m. NOTE: IN THE INTEREST OF FAIRNESS, NO ONE ENTRANT MAY WIN IN MORE THAN ONE CATEGORY Page 6 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Join Us for Worship Services: Every Sunday @ 11 A.M | 4th Sundays @ 6 P.M. A vondale Pattillo United Methodist Church Reverend John P. Donaldson, Pastor 3260 Covington Highway, Decatur, GA 30032 404-294-4063 • (new web address) B. Tucker Heating & A/C, Inc. PO Box 657; Avondale Estates, GA 30002 PHONE: (404) 298.1314 FAX: (404) 298.1348 Visit us online at CN: 005373 We service any model of any brand. • Replacement Systems • Service Calls • Additions/Renovations • Annual Maintenance Agreements • Programmable Thermostats • Tankless Water Heaters Be Comfortable B. Tucker May-June 2014 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 7 H Upcoming Events Upcoming Community Promotion Program Events (CPP) The City of Avondale Estates believes that assisting the local arts groups and other community-minded promotional groups is an investment in continued quality growth in the City. The City believes that the active arts and business community is an important part of the City’s sense of place. For this reason, the City views its financial assistance role as that of a catalyst, helping to augment and strengthen a project. The City funded the following upcoming events this year: Georgia Safe Schools Coalition May 4 Fun Run Starts and Ends at City Hall and Kick-Off Event Saturday, May 3, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. When: Sunday, May 4, at 10 a.m. Where: 21 North Avondale Plaza The Georgia Safe Schools Coalition event features a 5K and a 1K run in the Central Business District (CBD) and is focused on reducing bullying and violence in Georgia Schools. Register online or sign up the day of the event. The night before will be a kick-off event with a band, speakers, and refreshments at Tudor Square. Both events are open to the public. For more information visit Avondale Estates Sunday Farmers Market When: Every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Where: Little Tree Gallery Parking Lot, 2834 Franklin Street, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Avondale Estates Farmers Market is a new concept for the City of Avondale Estates. The market will draw people from the City, surrounding neighborhoods and the region and will highlight Little Tree Studios and our art community. For more information visit their Facebook page at Page 8 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 H General Primary and Nonpartisan Elections to be Held May 20 The General Primary and Nonpartisan Elections will take place on Tuesday, May 20, at Avondale Estates City Hall, 21 North Avondale Plaza. Early voting is from Monday, April 28, to Friday, May 16. To view General Primary, Nonpartisan and Special Election early voting sites and times, visit : To view candidate information and sample ballots, visit: The Primary/Nonpartisan Election Runoff is scheduled for Tuesday, July 22. Come hear from candidates seeking office for Congress, State School Superintendent, State Senator, and State House of Representative. 2014 Candidates Forum Thursday, May 8 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm Community Achievement Center 4522 Flat Shoals Parkway | Decatur, GA 30034 Work Begins on the Avondale Estates Fire Station DeKalb County Fire Rescue Department firefighters began moving items out of the old Avondale Estates Fire Station No. 3 in early April and documented this permanent spring cleaning on Instagram. The station was built in 1947 and is now outdated. Site erosion control and asbestos abatement has commenced. Demolition began April 14 and a foundation for the new fire station will be installed starting at the end of June. Roofing wraps up around Halloween and the station is scheduled to open in February 2015. DeKalb County awarded the $1.9 million contract, paid for mostly with federal money, to Lichty Commercial Construction in Newnan, Ga. The firefighters will temporarily be working out of the old DeKalb County Police Headquarters on Camp Circle. Avondale Estates comprises 20% of the station’s service area, and the rest is unincorporated DeKalb. May-June 2014 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 9 H City of Avondale Estates Announces Children’s Art Contest Winners for Georgia Cities Week Avondale Estates invited children ages 5-12 to create a piece of art that addressed the statement, “How I See My City.” Young artists, for example, could depict their favorite Avondale Estates park, shop or festival/celebration. City elected officials then selected first, second and third place winners April 14, and those three artists received trophies, ribbons and $5 McDonald’s gift certificates. The other young artists received certificates of participation, and all entries were displayed in the City Hall lobby during Georgia Cities Week April 14-20. Entries were extremely colorful and creative, and the decision was a tough one for representatives from the Board of Mayor and Commissioners! Avondale Estates and cities across the state celebrated Georgia Cities Week, sponsored by the Georgia Municipal Association, to showcase and celebrate cities and the many services they provide. The theme of this year’s week, “People, Place, Purpose,” reflects the qualities that make cities the cultural, economic and social drivers of our community. Thanks to all of our terrific, talented art contest participants! Certificates of Participation Aidan Armour-Epps Age 11 - 1170 Berkeley Road “Avondale Lake” Sophie Balmes Age 5 - 33 South Avondale Road “Me and My Family at Lake Avondale in Spring” Blythe Fisher Age 6 - 11 Dartmouth Avenue “Tudor Village” Reese Fisher Age 9 - 11 Dartmouth Avenue “Skip’s Hot Dogs” 1st Place Isabella Pelot Age 9 - 3263 Majestic Circle “Fishing at Lake Avondale” Libby Grace Fisher Age 7 - 11 Dartmouth Avenue “City Hall” 2nd Place Anna Lynne McElroy Age 11 - 28 Clarendon Avenue “Fireworks at Lake Avondale” 3rd Place Clara Lyons Watkins Age 12 21 Clarendon Avenue - “Arbor Day” Page 10 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 Upcoming Events H Avondale Estates Gearing Up for 4th of July Celebration The Avondale Estates 4th of July Parade is one of the City’s proudest and most enjoyable summer events, attracting hundreds of families and friends. But it doesn’t happen without the effort and enthusiasm of many community members! Our 2014 Parade Committee Chair, new resident Ben Dostal, is getting started on this year’s celebration. Here are ways you can be involved. Volunteer! On the morning of July 4th, volunteers are needed to blow up balloons (with the help of a helium tank), hand out items, coordinate traffic and line-up the participants. Don’t worry, if you help out in the morning, there is still plenty of time to participate in the parade or head home to watch it. Continental breakfast will be available for volunteers. Donate! Each year the City relies on donations, t-shirt and yard sign sales to make this a great event. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to: City of Avondale Estates, with the notation “4th of July Parade” in the memo section of the check. Information about t-shirts and yard signs will be coming soon. Put your best “float” forward! All businesses, residents, streets and neighborhood organizations/clubs are invited to get creative and build a float! We’ll be holding a float decorating contest again this year. Get ready to float and gloat along Clarendon Avenue. Don’t be afraid to add music – the louder, the better! Jump in line! Decorate a bicycle, wagon, stroller, car, truck or yourself and hop in line! Spectate! What’s a parade without spectators? Invite family and friends to come cheer on your neighbors! For more information, to volunteer or donate, please contact Karen Holmes at at 404294-5400 or July 4th Schedule of Events 9:15 a.m.: 10 a.m.: 7:30 p.m.: Dusk: Parade line-up at Avondale High School Parade begins Concert at the lake Fireworks begin at the lake May-June 2014 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 11 SUN 10 a.m. Georgia Safe Schools Coalition 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run, City Hall (see page 8) Mother’s Day MON WED 7:30 p.m. BOMC Regular Mtg. City Hall Closed in Observance of Memorial Day THURS FRI 1 2 5:30 p.m. BOMC Regular Work Session 7 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission and Architectural Review Board Regular Mtg. 6 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board Regular Mtg. Page 12 TUES Keller Williams Red Day at The Museum School 6:30 p.m. Downtown Development Authority Regular Mtg. 7 p.m. Lake Avondale Advisory Board Regular Mtg. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. General Primary and Nonpartisan Elections, City Hall; (see page 9 for details) 6:30 p.m. Board of Appeals Regular Mtg. SAT 8:30 a.m. to Noon – Avondale Estates Annual Fishing Derby at Lake Avondale (see page 6) 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Georgia Safe Schools Coalition 5K Kick-Off Event, Tudor Square Noon HPC/ARB & Board of Appeals Application Deadline (June Mtg) 11:30 a.m. AE Garden Club Lunch and Learn, Avondale Community Club (see page 19 for details) Avondale Community Club Silent Auction Avondale 23 24 Noon AE Men’s Club meeting with Dr. Andre Mackey, American Legion Post 66, 30 Covington Road Avondale (see page 18 for details) Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 SUN MON TUES WED THURS 4 5 7 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission and Architectural Review Board Regular Mtg. Father’s Day 7:30 p.m. BOMC Regular Mtg. May-June 2014 SAT Noon Board of Appeals Application Deadline (July Mtg.) 7 p.m. Lake Avondale Advisory Board Regular Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Downtown Development Authority Regular Mtg. 6 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board Regular Mtg. FRI 6:30 p.m. Board of Appeals Regular Mtg. Noon HPC/ARB Application Deadline (July Mtg.) 5:30 p.m. BOMC Regular Work Session Bingo at the Avondale Community Club Noon AE Men’s Club meeting with Mary Hamilton, American Legion Post 66, 30 Covington Road Avondale (see page 18 for details) Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 13 H Neighborhood Watch Program Avondale Estates Neighborhood Watch Program Stays Focused on Community Neighborhood Watch Program Liasion Sherri Dickens welcomes suggestions, volunteers Sherri Dickens first hosted a meeting at her Avondale Estates home back in 2008 to solicit block captains for a Neighborhood Watch Program, according to Avondale Estates Police Chief Gary Broden. Six years later, that list of block captains is populated by 38 neighbors covering the gamut of Avondale Estates streets. Mrs. Dickens was committed from the start, Chief Broden said. “She exemplifies a concerned and dedicated citizen.” Now, Mrs. Dickens wants to emphasize her continued desire to improve the program. And efforts from community members such as her do make a difference, Chief Broden said. “You can never have too many eyes and ears,” he said. “It also gives citizens ownership...we all have a part in it. To be effective, it takes everybody.” A quick chat or email exchange with Mrs. Dickens reveals that her passion for the Neighborhood Watch Program stems in part from her sincere love of family and community. Below, we asked Mrs. Dickens to write a bit about her history here in Avondale Estates, and with the Neighborhood Watch Program. Dear Neighbors, I married my husband, Bobby Dickens, in January 1997. Bobby was raised in Avondale Estates and his family still resides here. I fell in love with this beautiful, charming City when he brought me here for the first time to meet his mother in May 1990. Bobby and I decided we would make Avondale Estates our home and raise our son, Chason, now 12, in this community. We love Avondale Estates, first of all, because family and friends of many years live here. We enjoy its heritage, streetscapes, trails, lake, fishing and wildlife, along with the beautiful changes of each season and its convenient location in relation to Atlanta and the entire metro area. I am involved with the Avondale Estates Neighborhood Watch Program because my family’s safety and the safety of all people who live here is important to me. This program is an intricate part in helping our City progress forward. Pictured: Sherri Dickens and her son Chason. In the fall of 2006, Corporal Philip Findley of the Avondale Estates Police Department approached me and Bobby with the City’s plan to launch a Neighborhood Watch Program. This was exciting news. I had already been discussing a Neighborhood Watch Program with my neighbors but didn’t know how to begin the process. Corporal Findley asked me to help launch the program and serve as the Neighborhood Watch Liaison. Of course, I accepted and we began planning. The Neighborhood Watch Program is important to me because plans for progress in the City of Avondale Estates must include safety. Safety is critical for folks who are interested in making Avondale Estates their home. The Neighborhood Watch Program supports and encourages the partnership between police and community. This promotes unity and a sense of security for people living in the City. It is simply neighbors looking out for neighbors. We encourage established residents as well as new residents to get involved. You can serve in many ways. You don’t have to be a retiree or a stay-at-home mom to be involved. We believe it is important to watch and listen as you walk your dog, ride your bicycle, run, walk, work in your yard, or drive in and out of the neighborhood. We suggest everyone report all suspicious activity or persons to 911. Please welcome new residents on your street. Introduce yourself to our police officers. We are so fortunate to have our own police force. Basically, just being neighborly is what it’s all about. The Avondale Estates Neighborhood Watch Program would like to express our sincere appreciation for your support. Please consider how you can be involved. We welcome any concerns or suggestions. Our goal is to continue to improve our program. If anyone would like more information please contact me at or call me at 404-298-5381. Thank you for your support! Sincerely, Sherri Dickens Page 14 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 H Getting Crafty in Avondale Estates Showcasing a Rare Craftsman Bungalow Style Home, Then and Now Ten Kensington showcases the Craftsman Bungalow style, a back-to-nature movement. The style has its roots in California, and became one of the most popular designs in the country from 1910-1930. This particular home is described as architecturally eclectic, in that it features an English half-timbering gable, combined with classical columns supporting a wide porch. With an original 1920s selling price of $11,250, the sign on its column reads, “Open.” (Courtesy Tom Forkner). • Historic District Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Application and Process which includes meeting dates and deadlines for applications. • Historic District Minor Works Process, Application and Forms (Projects include: New accessory buildings 100 square feet or less; Additions or alterations to accessory buildings of 100 square feet or less; Replacement of synthetic exterior finish materials; Fences; Roof repair and replacement materials only). If you have questions, or would like to be placed on the agenda for preliminary review of a project, please contact Juliette Sims-Owens at or 404-294-5400. Any questions regarding zoning or code enforcement issues, please contact Caryl Albarran, Code Enforcement Officer at 404-392-3134. The Historic Preservation Commission is always open to discuss any proposal before a formal application is filed at their regular monthly meetings. Opening June 2014! Garage Door STUDIO What: Unique summer arts and crafts camps for creative girls & boys rising 2nd-8th grade. Learn from local creatives. Illustrate a story. Sew a creature. Sculpt a totem. Unleash your inner artist! May-June 2014 Please refer to the City website html for: • The Historic Design Guidelines which includes: a history of the City, overview of the Historic Preservation Program, explanation of “tier system” and guidelines for: roofs, windows, entrances, porches, materials, details, placement, accessory, and setting. --From “Images of America: Avondale Estates” by Terry Martin-Hart summer camp 2014 The Historic Preservation Commission meets the 1st Monday of each month (unless there is a holiday, then meeting will be held on 1st Wednesday). The board encourages homeowners in the historic district with upcoming projects to attend any of their meetings for preliminary discussion/review of their project prior to finalizing their plans. Garage Door Studio is a cooperative artist boutique specializing in locally-crafted artistry and goods, complimented by a creative arts center. It’s designed to cultivate, nurture and inspire minds of all ages. Garage Door Studio strives to promote local creative talent in an inviting, thoughtfully-merchandised atmosphere while encouraging others to find their own inner artist in whatever realm that might be. Coming soon! Girls night out arts & crafts events, birthday parties and adult/children classes! When: 6 weeks of camp June 9th - July 25th 10 am - 3 pm Where: Garage Door Studio 119 Center St. Avondale Estates, GA 30002 Cost: $250 Includes all supplies Sibling discount: $15 Space is limited to 15 students per session. Sign Up: Email avondalesummerartcamp@ for a registration form. Garage Door Studio - Art Camp @GarageDoor119 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Garage Door Studio’s collaborative concept was started by 5 local artists and friends in Avondale Estates. Each has their own unique gift and talent to share. Together, they have united their talents and are excited to share their creativity with the community. Page 15 H The Museum School: Taking Innovation Nationwide The Museum School of Avondale Estates is building the nation’s first association of museum schools! A recently awarded federal grant of $150,000 will allow for the creation of a nationwide Museum School Network, uniting more than 30 museum schools from at least 10 states, to identify best practices for boosting student achievement at top-performing schools. The network will share those best practices with educators and administrators at museum schools, other charter schools, magnet schools and traditional schools across the nation as well as with community groups interested in opening charter schools. The effort will culminate with a national conference in Atlanta. The vision of Katherine Kelbaugh, principal of The Museum School of Avondale Estates, the project has potential to improve student engagement and achievement in a substantial way across Georgia and the country. “We are honored to unite museum schools from around the country through the first-ever museum school network,” Kelbaugh says. “The Museum School of Avondale Estates has had the opportunity to impact hundreds of students from our community, and now we look forward to sharing best practices and innovative strategies nationwide.” Your Premier Handyman Service Company Experienced Quality Craftsmen 2752– B East Ponce de Leon Avenue Decatur, GA 30030 404.378.8080 Carpentry Plumbing Electrical Drywall Painting Ceramic Tile Small Jobs Big Projects New Light Fixtures Bathroom/Kitchen Remodeling Finished Basements Ceiling Fans Fencing Wood Rot Repair Commode Repair/Replacement Flooring Interior/Exterior Doors Serving Avondale and Decatur since 2000 -Full Service Hair Salon -New Client Discounts -Client Referral Rewards -Framesi Haircolor and Styling Products -Lanza Styling Products ...And Much More! Proudly Serving Your Community e-mail: $100 OFF $50 OFF $25 OFF Labor only. Present Coupon at time of payment. Labor only. Present Coupon at time of payment. Labor only. Present Coupon at time of payment. Any job over $750 Page 16 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Any job over $250 Any job over $100 May-June 2014 New Business Spotlight H Sunbrimmer Records Sunbrimmer Records is a music store specializing in buying and selling used vinyl records. The store also has a small but growing inventory of new vinyl. Sunbrimmer’s mission is to provide customers with a diverse and interesting array of used and new LPs at fair prices, along with friendly neighborhood shop service. Sunbrimmer is located in the Tudor Village at 4 North Clarendon Avenue. It’s open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. More Information • The Bishop Opening May 2014, The Bishop is a contemporary neighborhood restaurant at 124 North Avondale Road in the Tudor Village. The menu features American classics and traditional comfort foods with a twist using all-natural, locally sourced products. With more than 20 years of hospitality experience, owner-operator Luellen Marshall prides The Bishop on its charming atmosphere and neighborhoodcentric philosophy. More Information • Wild Heaven Craft Beers Wild Heaven is a Georgia company created by lifelong Georgians - founder Nick Purdy (also Publisher of Paste Magazine) with beer recipes designed by former Trappeze Pub owner Eric Johnson. Their core year-round portfolio is focused on world-class beers designed to offer something new to the beer landscape—not simply creating their version of what everyone else is doing. Their beers are designed in the great tradition of European brewing but with a distinctly American creative flair. Their all-grain, no adjunct-sugar philosophy creates bigger flavor without excess alcohol. Wild Heaven aims to be one of America’s great breweries as well as helping raise the profile of beer in the south. They’re nearing completion of their brewery in Avondale Estates, GA set to open in late spring 2014. More Information • New truTV show filmed at Second Life Thrift Store What: “The Carbonaro Effect” on truTV Tune In: Premieres Thursday, May 15, at 10 p.m. Michael Carbonaro is a magician by trade, but he’s a trickster at heart. At the end of March, he brought his tricks to Second Life Thrift Store in Avondale Estates. The show filmed at Second Life from April 3-4. Tune in to catch the antics, but here’s the gist: In each episode of “The Carbonaro Effect,” the host performs baffling tricks on people in everyday situations, all caught on hidden camera. Posing as an ordinary bartender or a seemingly unremarkable salesman, Michael astonishes unknowing citizens by turning a tuft of hair into a puppy or pouring 12 pints of beer from an ordinary bottle. Whether they are alone or with their friends, everyone is left stunned and delighted, even though they have no idea what just hit them. Real people, no camera tricks, just “The Carbonaro Effect.” May-June 2014 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 17 H Happenings Across the Hedge Avondale Estates Garden Club Yard of the Month April Susan Merritt - 4 Lakeshore Plaza Avon Garden of the Month April Laura Haass and Kayanna Pace 1152 Clarendon Avenue March Joanne Agliata - 4 Coventry Close March Kathryn Roberts - 18 Clarendon Avenue Welcome to the Neighborhood NEW RESIDENTS James Bryant Wactor - 878 Nottingham Dr Emily & Chris Conway - 8 Kingstone Road Abigail Williams - 7 South Avondale Road Father John Merchant - 17 Sussex Road Kurt Ebersbach - 14 Exeter Road Carrie & Allex Lauchlan - 1063 Chatsworth Drive Courtney Donnelly - 987 Viscount Court Debra Dees, Tracy Tipton - 689 Windsor Terrace George “Bill” Clark - 43 Wiltshire Drive John & Sarah Davis - 1074 Hess Drive Tom Luttrell & Deb Hammacher - 1153 Chatsworth Drive Patricia Dye - 114 Hampshire Court Mark & Suzanne Reitz - 14 Lakeshore Dr Andre J. Chambers - 3237 Covington Hwy NEW BUSINESSES Map Pendants Home-Based Business News from City Hall Newsletter Disclaimer Avondale Estates Men’s Club Upcoming Speakers Purpose The City Newsletter was created for the purpose of providing a written medium for regularly sharing information from City Hall. It is a vehicle for the Board of Mayor and Commissioners and the City Manager to share information relevant to issues discussed, actions taken, and plans made by the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, to share newsworthy information about our residents and businesses, and to provide a calendar of scheduled City sponsored events. All men are invited to attend the Avondale Estates Men’s Club that meets the last Wednesday of each month, with the exception of November and December. The club meets at noon at the American Legion, Post 66, 30 Covington Road. Each month interesting speakers present a program followed by lunch, which is prepared by the American Legion staff at a cost of $10 (cash) per person. It is an informal meeting where you can enjoy talking with others and making new acquaintances. There are no dues and no officers. Unsolicited Copy May 28: Dr. Andre Mackey, a registered pharmacist at CVS/ Pharmacy will speak on the latest pharmaceutical applications and related subjects. The Newsletter reserves the right to refuse unsolicited submissions and to edit all copy in regard to space appropriateness, and cost considerations. As a courtesy to the clubs and organizations that civically operate in the City, a brief notice of their activities may be included as space permits. The City Newsletter is not a forum for opinion pieces nor for political speech. The City reserves the right to reject any proposed advertisement of an offensive, religious, or political nature. Page 18 June 25: Mary Hamilton, retired school teacher and world traveler, will talk on her trip to Antarctica and other travel adventures. If you have any questions, call Bob Boyd at (404) 501-9118. Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 Happenings Across the Hedge H Avondale Estates Garden Club Enjoy the attractive wrought iron bench, pictured here, that the Club installed near the terrace at the Community Clubhouse as part of the ongoing beautification of the area. The Club is grateful to Bob Boyd and Harry Vann, who installed the bench. Bob Boyd and Henry Vann were recently inducted as Life Members of the DeKalb Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., in recognition of their work with the Avondale Estates Garden Club for many years, and their contribution to many of the City events in which the Clubs have participated. The Avondale Estates Garden Club welcomed spring into our City with many enhancements, including participation in the Arbor Day celebration with the planting of a memorial tree, honoring AEGC club members or their spouses who had passed away the past year. Each year the club donates $250 to the City of Avondale Estates for the trees to be planted and cared for. Our May 16 program will be given by our friend, neighbor and well known Landscape Architect, Steve Sanchez, on Using Natives in the Landscape: The Health of our Urban Ecology Depends on It. Steve says, “We have chopped up and chewed up the natural communities that existed before our cities and agriculture came to North America. The remnant ecosystems that remain are disconnected and fragmented. If we are to save these last few special places, we have to look at our yards. Only by increasing our use of native plants in our landscapes can we hope to preserve these last pockets of biodiversity. We will explore the beauty and important functional uses of native plants in the landscape.” This will be an exciting presentation directly relevant to us because we live in a beautiful garden environment and we want to nourish and preserve it. All are invited to attend, starting 11:30 a.m. at the Avondale Community Club. If you are not a member of the Club and are planning on attending, please RSVP to Virginia Kinchen, luncheon Chairwoman, at 404-294-4553 or Ruth Osborne at 404-2991376 to reserve a place at the luncheon. Cost of the Luncheon is $4 for non-members. Fairfield Plaza Landscape Project Avon Garden Club, in cooperation with the City, has undertaken a project to revitalize and refurbish the landscaping on the iconic Fairfield Plaza in Avondale Estates. The majestic magnolia trees remain the grand focus of the Plaza while struggling shrubs have been replaced with drought tolerant, low maintenance plants. The grassy areas will be refurbished to provide a welcome play area for family fun. The Club solicited guidance and advice for the project from Avondale resident and arborist, Steve Sanchez and Dee Merriam, a community planner for the CDC. Experts from Trees Atlanta and master gardeners from the Club also shared their ideas and suggestions. City workers did a great job planting the larger shrubs while Avon Garden Club members transported the new plants and planted the new daffodil display. Thanks are also in order for Fairfield Plaza neighbors Lynn Boyd and Harry Vann for watering the new plantings during dry spells. May-June 2014 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 19 Avondale Community Club 2014 ACC Event Calendar May 17th ACC Silent Auction June 21st Bingo July 19th Antique Road Show August 16th Shrimp Boil September 20th Chili Cook-off October 17th & 18th 3rd Annual Pig Roast November 15th Presidents Dinner The ACC has been at the heart of the Avondale Estates community for nearly 90 years. The club is more than just a meeting place for neighbors and a host for the community, but a place where lifelong friendships are forged. Monthly and community wide events include Casino night, the Taste of Avondale, the Ladies’ Tea, Shrimp Boil, the annual October Pig Roast, the lighting of the Lake Avondale Tree and the Tour of Homes. Membership allows you a discounted rate for renting the historic Lake House. To join the Avondale Community Club please contact George Brandt at (770) 296-3222 To Rent the historic Lake House for Weddings, Private Parties, Corporate Events, Class Reunions, Family Gatherings, Bridal and Baby Showers, contact Julia Hunt at (678) 580-8223 December 6th Lake Tree Lighting Party Cocktail party Page 20 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall May-June 2014 See your savings add up. + + + Bill Kelly 404-876-3180 1776 Briarcliff #A, Atlanta GA Insurance and coverages subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, Illinois © 2010. Allstate Insurance Company. Ace Hardware of Toco Hills Established in 1973. Quality Goods and Knowledgeable Staff Your Grill & Paint Headquarters “Excellent care of clients and pets” 6 N. Avondale Rd. Avondale Estates, GA. 30002 2983 North Druid Hills Rd NE, Atlanta (404) 325-8000 May-June 2014 404-294-4800 • Avondale Estates H News from City Hall Page 21 H Meeting Minutes Board Of Mayor And Commissioners Special Called Meeting Immediately Following Work Session • March 20, 2014 Members Present: Mayor Rieker, Mayor Terry Giager, Mayor Pro Tem Randy Beebe, Commissioner Lindsay Forlines, Commissioner John Quinn, Commissioner Staff Present: Clai Brown, City Manager Juliette Sims-Owens, City Clerk Keri Stevens, City Planner Item No. 1 Meeting called to order at 5:55 p.m. by Mayor Rieker. Item No. 2 Adoption of Agenda A motion to adopt the agenda as presented was made by Mayor Pro Tem Giager, seconded by Commissioner Quinn; passed with all ayes (5-0). Mayor Rieker noted that we are having a Special Called Meeting tonight because next Monday is our regular meeting night but that is State of the City. Item No. 3 Resolution Selecting the Firm for the Willis Park Design and Construction Documents City Manager Brown stated that this is a Resolution Selecting j+BA Consultant to complete the Willis Park Design and Construction Documents. Mayor Rieker stated there has been almost three years’ worth of work done regarding Willis Park and we are now at the point where we need to get a firm to do the design and construction documents so we can move forward. Mayor Rieker noted that the Willis Park Plan has been discussed numerous times at various meetings. Public Comment: None A motion to approve the Resolution selecting j+BA Consultant for the Willis Park Design and Construction Documents was made by Commissioner Quinn, seconded by Commissioner Forlines; passed with all ayes (5-0). Item No. 4 Resolution Selecting the Firm for the Demolition of 68 North Avondale Road, 70 North Avondale and Ray’s TV Pole Sign Page 22 City Manager Brown stated that this is a Resolution selecting D.H. Griffin Company for the Demolition of 68 North Avondale Road, 70 North Avondale and Ray’s TV Pole Sign located at 90 North Avondale Road in the amount of $39,600. Mayor Rieker noted that this was discussed in the work session and the demolition will remove the old Pizza Café, the Nardone Office Building and the Ray’s TV Pole Sign. City Manager Brown stated it will be done within 30 days. Public Comment: Dan from Decaturish asked the City to contact him when the City gets ready to demolish the buildings. A motion to approve the Resolution selecting D.H. Griffin Company for the Demolition of 68 North Avondale Road, 70 North Avondale and Ray’s TV Pole Sign located at 90 North Avondale Road was made by Commissioner Beebe, seconded by Commissioner Quinn; passed with all ayes (5-0). Item No. 5 Resolution for the Purchase of a New Police Car City Manager Brown stated that this is a Resolution Authorizing and Approving the City Manager to Purchase a New Police Car in the amount of $44,000 using HOST funds. Mayor Rieker stated this is the annual police car purchase. Mayor Rieker stated this was discussed in the work session and it is also in the budget and the City is going to use HOST funds to purchase it. Public Comment: None A motion to approve the Resolution for the Purchase of New Police Car using HOST funds was made by Mayor Pro Tem Giager, seconded by Commissioner Quinn; passed with all ayes (5-0). Item No. 6 Resolution Recognizing Georgia Cities Week (April 13-19, 2014) City Manager Brown stated that this is a Resolution Recognizing Georgia Cities Week (April 13-19), 2014 and encouraging all citizens to support the City and Avondale Estates H News from City Hall participate in all corresponding activities. Public Comment: None Mayor Rieker stated that the City has some wonderful activities planned for that week. A motion to approve the Resolution Recognizing Georgia Cities Week (April 13-19, 2014) was made by Commissioner Quinn, seconded by Commissioner Forlines; passed with all ayes (5-0). Public Comment: None Item No. 7 Resolution for Adoption and Transmittal of 2014 Avondale Estates Downtown Master Plan City Manager Brown stated that this is a Resolution that the Board of Mayor and Commissioners approves the updated 2014 Avondale Estates Downtown Master Plan and authorizes its transmittal to the Atlanta Regional Commission. Mayor Rieker stated that this is a longterm project that the City has been working on to update the Downtown Master Plan. Mayor Rieker noted that hundreds of residents have been involved in this project and it has been an enlightening and fun experience for him. Mayor Rieker stated that the City is going to send it to the Atlanta Regional Commission and hopefully get it back by June and that will open up the avenue for the City to get some grants and other funding for projects. Public Comment: None A motion to approve the Resolution that the Board of Mayor and Commissioners approves the updated 2014 Avondale Estates Downtown Master Plan and authorizes its transmittal to the Atlanta Regional Commission was made by Commissioner Quinn, seconded by Commissioner Forlines; passed with all ayes (5-0). Item No. 8 Public Comment: None Item No. 9 Adjournment A motion to adjourn at 6:01 p.m. as made by Commissioner Quinn; seconded by Commissioner Forlines; passed with all ayes (5-0). May-June 2014 Connecting Local Businesses to Your Neighborhood. A/C & Heating Services R & D Mechanical Services - 770-917-1795 Early Learning/Child Development Primrose School of Five Forks - 770-985-0028 Golf Carts/Sport Vehicles/Grills Orthodontists Wilson Orthodontics Cleveland - 706-865-0081 Flowery Branch - 770-967-8462 Gainesville - 770-536-0882 Painting Painting Plus - 404-382-9988 Pest Services Community Pest Solutions - 678-383-1649 Smiles Forever Dacula - 678-318-3180 Flowery Branch - 678-960-2600 Plumbing Atlanta Audio & Automation - 404-602-0559 Outdoor Furniture Hospital/Health Systems Georgia Patio - 770-751-5800 Sprinklers Northeast Georgia Medical Center Outdoor Kitchen/Fireplaces/Gas Logs Landscape Borders Outdoor Lighting All Pro Carts - 678-384-4945 Home Theater/Automation Georgia Borders - 678-369-8894 Landscape Lighting Nestor’s Sprinklers & Lighting - 770-410-9356 Greenlee Plumbing - 678-954-1781 Nestor’s Sprinklers & Lighting - 770-410-9356 The Mad Hatter - 770-740-8133 Swimming Pools Unique Outdoor Concepts - 678-608-3000 Tree Services Night Vision - 678-500-8099 Outdoor Living Dupree Plumbing - 770-872-0476 AAA Pro Tree - 678-805-8035 Leisure Time Decks - 404-935-0212 AKA Tree Removal - 404-496-5405 Under Deck Systems Undercover Systems - 678-608-4384 DEKALB DUI SCHOOL RISK REDUCTION — DEFENSIVE Since 1947 DeKalb DUI School Certified#10124 by the State of Georgia and the Department of Driver’s Services Defensive Driving - Point Reduction and Insurance Discount DUI Risk Reduction Classes Clinical Evaluation Weekend and Weekday Classes Coffee, Water, Soft Drinks and Snacks PAY NO Delivery Fees FOR ANY LOCAL ORDER Thank you for a great second year! It is an honor to serve the community! Happy Mother’s Day! Once a student has completed and fulfilled the requirements of his or her course, they will be issued an official certificate of completion from the State of Georgia that is valid in any court or county in this or any other State. Call Pam at 678-671-2384 (2DUI) 3315 East Ponce De Leon Ave. Scottdale, GA 30079 | Maud Baker has been family owned and operated since 1947 and we have recently relocated to Scottdale just outside of Avondale Estates. We deliver to over 100 zip codes in the Atlanta area and we can also wire orders to anywhere in the world. 404-373-5791
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