How Our Process Works - 1st American Commercial Lending
How Our Process Works - 1st American Commercial Lending
Could Your Business Use More Capital To... Advertise? Expand? Invest? Lease Equipment? Purchase Real Estate Business owners! Stop using your personal credit! Investors! Stop relying on hard money! Acquire Up To $150,000 in Unsecured Business Capital in Three Easy Steps Apply Fill out our simple Prequalification Form and follow it's instruction to verify your personal credit worthiness, the process takes about 5-10 minutes. Consultation Submit your Prequalification Form along with your credit report to your designated consultant at I1st American Commercial Lending. Your consultant will start with thorough analysis of your business, and depending on your credit status, pre-qualify you for up to $150,000 Funding When your business has been prequalified for up to $150,000 in unsecured business credit, our experts will guide you through the application process, keeping you updated and helping you resolve any approval conditions that lenders may have. In as little as 15 days of your full application, your business will receive up to $150,000 in unsecured capital. How Our Process Works How Our Process Works 1st American Commercial Lending works with over a hundred national, regional, and local lenders and credit unions. Our experts are consistently tracking each and every lender’s trends and requirements, and use this data to optimize your financing mix so that you receive the most capital, with the lowest interest rate, as quickly as possible. We Match You Based On.... Business's Industry Years In Business Location (Home Based, Commercial) Business Credit Profile Personal Credit History Debt/Credit Ratio Geographic Location Revenues/Expenses N.A.I.C.S./S.I.C. Code And Several Other Factors! What You Need to Qualify for Working Capital Good Personal Credit Two Year Seasoned Business with EIN# UP TO $150,000 in business credit! What You Need to Qualify as a Start-Up (Up To $75,000) Good Personal Credit Corporate Entity with EIN# UP TO $75,000 in business credit! _ Details _ Low Interest Rates - Rates as low as 8.99%! 0% interest rates for the first 6-12 months! Unsecured/No Collateral - Your business does not need to leverage it's assets to acquire capital Stated Income/No Docs Required - Simple two page application, no income verification No Restrictions on Use - All of our products can be used same as cash, we do not burden our clients with vendor trade lines (I.E. BP credit lines, Office Depot credit lines). Funding in as Little as 15 Days! - Quick Approval Process, which means your start-up can take advantage of opportunites in the market faster, putting you ahead of your competitors No Upfront Fees! - We do not charge our clients for submitting an application, we are paid solely on results. We charge an 8% success fee based on the principle balance of funding our clients receive Lines will not report to the personal credit bureaus - Drawing these credit lines will not affect your debt/credit ratio, thereby sheltering your personal credit for personal necessities (auto loans, mortgages, student loans, personal credit cards). Lenders will only report defaults to the personal credit bureaus. Take action and get your funding today! Simply fill out the prequalification form on the following page, or contact your representative at 1st American Commercial Lending to submit an application! OR CLICK HERE to Submit an Application Online! PREQUALIFICATION FORM Contact Information First Name:_______________________ Last Name: _______________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________ Zip:____________________ City:____________________________________ State:__________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ cell ____ work ____ office ____ (mark "x" in appropriate field) Email Address: ____________________________________________________________ About Your Business Legal Business Name: __________________________________________________________ Type Of Business (I.E. Automotive, restaurant, Investment ) ___________________________ Type of Entity: (I.E. S-Corp, LLC) _____________________________________________ When Did You Incorporate? _________________________________________________ Do you currently have any business credit cards? (If so, please list bank/lender, balance, and credit limit) Bank __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Balance __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Limit __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Do you currently have any other business lines of credit (not business credit cards)? Are they list bank/lender, balance, and credit limit) S U Secured or Unsecured? (If so, please Bank Balance Limit __________________________ _________________ _________________ __________________________ _________________ _________________ __________________________ _________________ _________________ Do you have a 9-digit D-U-N-S Number? Yes ____ No ____ D-U-N-S#:___________________ (mark "x" in appropriate field) Do you know your Business Paydex Score? Yes ____ No ____ Score:______________ (mark "x" in appropriate field) How much unsecured business capital are you seeking? $50k ____ $75k ____ $100k ____ $150k ____ (mark "x" in appropriate field) $200k _____ Other: ____________ Credit Verification You will need to verify your personal credit by purchasing the following product follow the link below). Follow the instructions below to successfully create an account for Credit Check Total, then save your reports to a .PDF CLICK HERE Credit Check Total Tri-Merge Report: One Dollar ($1) for 7 days. After the free trial, a monthly fee will be assessed Saving your Report to a PDF CLICK "View Current Report" Click "Printable Report" Click "Print Report" IF you are browsing using Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome, you can save your report to a .pdf by using the option below… Internet Explorer Google Chrome Firefox Instructions on next page….. 2 ) IF you are browsing using Mozilla Firefox, use the following option to save your report to a .pdf Save as Adobe PDF *Please note that you are not providing us any private information such as your social security number, or account numbers by giving us access to your Credit Check Total profile. This website conceals such sensitive information. *Be advised that any and all information submitted with this Pre-Qualification form is intended solely for the purpose of establishing the viability of the potential clients’ credit attributes.
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