October 2013


October 2013
MTRCB Inaugurates State-of-the-Art “Pribyuhan nina Juan at Juana”
MTRCB recently completed the month-long, although simple, celebration of its 28th anniversary with the inauguration of state-of-the-art preview rooms and Digital Cinema Projector System on Tuesday, 29 October 2013.
The ceremony was attended by special guest Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, Jr., who commended MTRCB
on its initiatives and reforms in the ratings and classification system that have helped ensure age-appropriateness and
value-based media.
MTRCB Inaugurates
“Pribyuhan nina Juan
at Juana”
Also present was Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office (PCDSPO) Secretary
Ricky Carandang, who represented the President. In his message, Secretary Carandang noted that while MTRCB’s
work of classifying TV programs and movies may sound “enjoyable” at first, the MTRCB actually has a big and serious
responsibility because it has an impact on culture – a culture that continues to move and evolve.
MTRCB Successfully
Held its Sports Fest
Also on hand were Manila Congresswoman Zenaida Angping, who recently noted the MTRCB’s ability to
generate its own income to support its empowerment campaigns, and Optical Media Board (OMB) Chairman
Ronnie Ricketts.
Quiapo Church
Welcomes Matalinong
The Chair’s Speech
MTRCB Attends
Public Governance
Applause! (For Board
Member Marra PL.
MTRCB Trick or
MTRCB Buiding No. 18
Timog Avenue,
Quezon City
The event brought together distinguished names from
both the television and movie industries, such as ABSCBN’s Chairperson Eugenio “Gabby” Lopez III,
VP/Head of Corporate Communications Ramon
“Bong” Osorio, and TV Production Head Laurenti
Dyogi ; GMA’s Chairperson Atty. Felipe Gozon and
Vice President for Program Management Jose Mari
“Joey” Abacan; ABC 5’s Airtime Management Department Head Ramon Del Rosario; TAPE Inc. Sr.
Vice President Malou Choa-Fagar; Eagle Broadcasting Network Executive Jorge Cabacungan, and INC
TV’s executive Angelo Eraño Manalo. Also present
were leaders in the film industry, including Regal Film’s
“Mother Lily” Monteverde and Viva Film’s June
The Chairpersons: ABS-CBN’s Eugenio Lopez III, MTRCB’s Eugenio Villareal,
GMA’s Atty. Felipe Gozon
During the celebration, a commemorative marker was jointly unveiled by
Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, Jr, and PCDSPO Secretary Ricky Carandang, assisted by MTRCB Chairperson Eugenio “Toto” Villareal and Vice Chairperson Emmanuel Borlaza. The facilities were also blessed by Board Member Fr.
Nicasio Cruz, SJ, while invocations were earlier made by Jesuit Communications chief Fr. Nono Alfonso, SJ, and Pastor Ed De Guzman.
Part of the event was the launching of the MTRCB mobile application. The Information Technology Committee Chairperson and Board Member Robert AnFrom Left to Right: During the Unveiling of
Commemorative Marker were Vice Chairperson drews discussed the different features of the application with the use of an emuEmmanuel Borlaza, PCDSPO Secretary Ricky
lator. The application is a collaborative project of MTRCB and the Polytechnic
Carandang, Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa
III, and MTRCB Chairperson Eugenio Villareal University of the Philippines (PUP). The application is free to download and is
available on Google Play Store. While presently on Android platform, the application hopes to be available on IOS as soon as possible.
The event ended with a film showing of the two recent award-winning independent films, Transit and Sana Dati.
Chairperson Toto Villareal, together with the Board Members, Transit Executive Producer Paul Soriano with
Director Hannah Espia and Sana Dati Director Jerold Tarog with Producer Daphne Chu enjoyed the films on
the new digital projector system. Question-and-answer sessions were also held after each showing.
October--November 2013
MTRCB Newsletter
MTRCB Conducts Sports Festival cum Teambuilding Activity
“All work and no play makes Juan’s and Juana’s life boring.”
And so MTRCB successfully held a Sports Festival on 19 October 2013 at La
Piazza Events Village by Albergus in Quezon City.
Bearing the theme “Isa, Dalawa, Takbo: Palaro nina Juan at Juana,” the activity
that was organized as part of MTRCB’s Anniversary celebration underscored
the importance of physical activity and camaraderie among MTRCB Board
Members and Staff.
The opening ceremony was highlighted by the parade of teams (Red, Green
and Blue), the passing and lighting of the torch, and team cheers and yells.
Board Member Carmen Musngi hosted the ceremony.
The three teams participated in a fun-filled day of group games such as OverUnder Game, Shooting Relay, Troika Relay, and Touch Ball.
The competition was tight between the Red Team and Green Team, so that a
tie-breaker game had to be conducted. In the end, the Red Team won with a
total of 200 points while the Green Team had 180 points and the Blue Team
120 points. The awarding ceremony was led by Chair Eugenio “Toto” Villareal
and Vice Chair Emmanuel Borlaza.
The Sports Fest Committee extends its gratitude to the following who contributed to the success of MTRCB Sports Fest: Solar Entertainment Corporation,
ABS-CBN Corporation, Albergus Catering, Chair Toto Villareal, Vice Chair
Emmanuel Borlaza, Executive Director Victoriano Muring, Jr. and all the
Board Members and Staff who took part in this rewarding fun activity.
Quiapo Church Welcomes Matalinong Panonood
MTRCB organized another Matalinong Panonood Empowerment
Campaign forum, this time in a religious-institution setting — at the
Quiapo Church.
The forum was led by Chair Toto Villareal
in partnership with the Third District Representative Zenaida Angping, who was present to welcome the MTRCB team. Accompanying Chair Toto were Board Members
Jackie Aquino-Gavino, Mario Hernando,
Francia Conrado, Jay Revestir and Antonio
Veloso. Joining the team was Sr. Rose Agtarap from the Daughters of St. Paul.
3rd District Representative
Zenaida Angping
The two-hour forum dwelled on MTRCB’s classification ratings for
both film and television programs as well as rules and regulations
issued by the Board. It brought together 200 participants who were
mostly members of the Parish Music Ministry.
The forum received commendation and support from the 3rd District of Manila and the Office of the Rector/Parish Priest of Quiapo
Before taking their leave the MTRCB contingent was blessed with
the Black Nazarene’s original right hand and arm by Shrine Rector
Monsignor Clem Ignacio.
MTRCB Newsletter
The Teleserye and Values Education
by Chairman Eugenio H. Villareal
Keynote Speech during the Paulines Telefest 2013
Awards (13 October 2013)
Greetings to the VIPs,
superiors present, special guests, religious
and laity, friends, and
fellow “lovers,” if you
will, of the television
In behalf of the
MTRCB, allow me to
congratulate all the
honorees this afternoon, and may you continue the good work you
are doing, whether in regard to the program recognized today or to
your other or future endeavors. And congratulations to the Daughters of St Paul for embarking on this Telefest Awards project.
I do not intend to detain you for so long on this Sunday afternoon.
Let me go right away to values – for in our work of reviewing and
classifying television content, we employ, as a matter of law, contemporary Filipino values as standard. Values are what we hold dear
as a people, both individually and as a community. They are many,
but if I were to suggest an all-encompassing “peg” it would have to
be respect for the dignity of the human person. This is enshrined in
the declaration of state principles in the Constitution. And from it
flow – the primacy of human life, the sanctity of marriage and family life, the dignity of women, the protection of children, the welfare of the disabled; even freedom of expression, of information,
and of religion.
Values animate in the human person what would just otherwise be
animal existence. And they are concretized in the practice of virtues, i.e. habits for both individual and the common good. I recall
that there are four (4) fundamental human virtues: sound judgment and conscience – which means “huwag padalosdalos at isipin muna kung ang isang hakbangin ay
makakasakit ng kapwa;” responsibility or justice – the
constant will of giving the other his or due; moderation
or temperance; and courageous perseverance to pursue a
hard-to-attain good. Easily, if only these virtues were practiced, we would have none or only little of the alleged scandals that
occupy today’s headlines.
Values figure in the reality of human existence. It is then not difficult to see that the Filipino teleserye is an effective way to rear each
Juan and Juana and their families in values. A protracted version of
what would ordinarily be a one-sitting film feature, the teleserye has
become a day-to-day companion for the Filipino viewer. In it, the
viewer hopes to see his own travails and aspirations, downfalls and
triumphs, challenges and victories. Like other art, it seeks to do an
October--November 2013
“add on” to the viewer’s existence – may this be a “kilig” moment or
righteous spite against the machinations of a villain. In other words,
the teleserye edifies (builds, instructs), it educates (rears) – which
both mean that the teleserye actually instructs and rears. What a
great responsibility then!
This building of a better person, a better Filipino need not be done
in a pompous, sermonizing style. The charism of the teleserye is that
it precisely transports the viewer into the classroom of life. Speaking now both as parent and educator, I wish to thank all those responsible teleseryes that have served to make us better people, and at
the same time, challenge all in the television industry to produce
teleseryes that effectively bring out values and portray virtue. After
all, it is the constant practice of these value-based habits that make a
nation morally, and even economically, sound and prosperous.
To all thank you and good afternoon.
Welcome Remarks of Chairman Eugenio Villareal
during the Inauguration of Pribyuhan ni Juan at
Juana (State-of-the-art Digital Projector
System and Upgraded Review Rooms)
In behalf of our Vice-Chairperson Emmanuel H. Borlaza, our Board
Members, Executive Director, and staff, we welcome you to today’s inauguration and blessing of the Pribyuhan ni Juan at Juana, the
MTRCB’s state-of-the art digital theater and preview room of facilities.
TODAY is a day of thanksgiving, celebration, and renewal of commitment.
Firstly, we thank the administration of His Excellency President
Benigno Simeon Aquino III, Congress, and all industry leaders and
stalwarts for helping us fulfill our mandate to review and classify
film and TV content, particularly in this digital age.
Secondly, partners as we are of the entertainment industry, we celebrate Filipino ingenuity and talent by showcasing this afternoon in
our digital theater two independent films, one of them being the
Philippine entry for best foreign film in the forthcoming Oscars.
We also celebrate the launching of our MTRCB APPS on Android
further to our Memorandum of Agreement with the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines (PUP).
And thirdly, before you our guests, the MTRCB renews its commitment to empower, through the use of the Pribyuhan, the Filipino
audience to discern the media and entertainment it see. Indeed,
our mission of Matalinong Panonood para sa Pamilya ni
Juan at Juana begins in these facilities.
Isang Magandang Umaga … at Mabuhay Po Tayong Lahat!
October--November 2013
MTRCB Newsletter
MTRCB Attends Public Governance Forum
On 30 October 2013, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) led by its Chair Eugenio H. Villareal attended the Public Governance Forum at the Philippine International
Convention Center (PICC).
Co-convenors of the event were the Institute for Solidarity in Asis
(ISA), the National Competitiveness Council (NCC) and the Center
for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). This year’s theme,
“Onward and Upward,” served as a demonstration of commitment
to public sector reform.
The forum featured governance progress reports from national government agencies and local government units as well as academic
institutions that are undergoing good governance programs, such as
the Civil Service Commission, National Development Company,
City of Balanga, Paref Springdale School, Board of Investments, City
of San Fernando in La Union, Department of National Defense, and
the Association of Nursing Service Administrators. Representatives
of these entities presented reports on the progress of their respective
governance programs before a selected panel of local and international experts in the fields of governance and strategy execution.
Other participants from
the MTRCB were Board
Members Atty. Antonio
Veloso, Mario Hernando,
Jackie Aquino-Gavino,
Executive Director Atty.
Victoriano Muring, Jr.,
Chief Administrative Officer Susan L. Bandolin, and
Planning Officer Delia
It was a fine opportunity to witness fellow government agencies
moving towards real development and national competitiveness and
setting a model for all other agencies — with private entities also
becoming partners for progress.
MTRCB Trick or Treat for Kids
MTRCB congratulates
Board Member Marra PL
Lanot for a job well done
during the 23rd International Poetry Festival of
Medellin in South America.
BM Marra with the main festival
coordinator Luis Eduardo Rendon.
(Photo Courtesy of
Philippines Graphic)
BM Lanot, together with
other creative and talented
poets, read her poems in
front of one hundred appreciative audience. Her poem
entitled, “Babae Kami”, was
greatly applauded.
Your MTRCB family is truly proud of you!
Who says that a Trick or Treat party should be scary, when you can see children dressed in their cute and colorful costumes participating in wholesome
These were the kids who attended the annual Trick or Treat party of
The MTRCB invited the children of board members and employees to take
part in an enjoyable Halloween experience.
The Philippine National Police mascots, Pulis Malinis and Pulis Magalang,
celebrated with the children during the main program.
There were also a storytelling session and an arts and craft activity led by the
Kythe Foundation through the initiative of Master Story-teller Mr. Agapito
Burgos III.
Various games, food, and lots of goodies were also features of the MTRCB
Photo Courtesy of Philippines Graphic
Children with Pulis Malinis and Puliss Magalang
October--November 2013
MTRCB Newsletter
More Photos from the Inauguration of State-of-the-Art “Pribyuhan nina Juan at Juana”
Inside the MTRCB Digital Theater during the blessing.
TAPE Inc. Sr. Vice President Malou
Choa-Fagar with MTRCB Executive
Director Atty. Victoriano Muring, Jr.
During the awarding of Certificate of Appreciation
for the film “Transit” were Chairperson Eugenio
Villareal, Executive Producer Paul Soriano, and
Director Hannah Espia.
3rd District Congresswoman Zenaida Angping, ABS-CBN Chairperson Eugenio Lopez III,
MTRCB Chairperson Eugenio Villareal, and GMA Chairperson Atty. Felipe Gozon.
From Left to Right: Board Member Jackie Aquino-Gavino, Atty
Jennifer Jimeno-Atienza of PTV 4, Mr. Dominic Du of Motion
Picture Anti-Piracy Council, Chairperson Eugenio Villareal, Sr.
Consolata Manding of the Daughters of St. Paul, Undersecretary
Lesley Cordero, Optical Media Board Chairperson Ronnie
Ricketts, Mr. Eduardo Sazon of the National Cinema Association
of the Philippines, Inc., and Board Member Joey Romero.
MTRCB Vice Chairperson Emmanuel Borlaza, Mr. German “Kuya
Germs” Moreno, and MTRCB Board Member Joey Romero.
The MTRCB Board with Mother Lily Monteverde of Regal Films and Ms. June RufinoTorrejon of Viva Entertainment, Inc.