J.E. Cosgriff 2015 Newsletter - J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School
J.E. Cosgriff 2015 Newsletter - J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School
Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service The National Catholic Education Association theme—Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service will continue for the 2015-16 school year. As we look to the upcoming school year, we are reminded of the blessings and responsibility of our Catholic School mission. The 2014-15 school year proved to be one of great accomplishments and learning for the entire J.E. Cosgriff School community in the areas of Faith, Knowledge and Service. Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist — A Special Year for J.E. Cosgriff Second Grade To build a stronger faith-filled connection between home and school was the primary goal for implementing a more meaningful, hands-on curriculum with our second grade class, who received the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in April 2015. Mrs. Debbie Hogan, second grade teacher, learned of the outstanding hands-on family sacramental preparation program from Rhea Hristou, a twenty-year veteran second grade teacher at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School. Mrs. Hristou worked for several years on a select NCEA team to improve the religion core standards taught in our Catholic Schools. Cosgriff second grade students read an interactive workbook and answered questions about each of the sacraments with a parent, over the course of the school year. A special retreat took place in St. Ambrose church for each sacrament, and several parents were invited to assist in learning center activities as part of the retreat. For example, during the reconciliation retreat, students discussed the Ten Commandments and listed the five steps of going to confession. Fr. Andrzej hosted a learning center to teach and discuss the importance of going to confession. Students also toured the open and closed confessionals. Fr. Andrzej and second graders During the Holy Eucharist retreat, students worked to make a personal Eucharistic banner. They learned about the different types of bread eaten around the world and watched a play of the Last Supper performed by older students. The highlight for second graders was to meet with Fr. Andrzej for a personal tour of the altar area, chapel, and room by the altar where the priests, deacons and altar servers change into their robes and vestments for mass. Students also tasted the unconsecrated host before leaving Fr. Andrzej’s group. Sacramental preparation was a very meaningful and enriching experience for our second grade students and their family members. We thank Fr. Andrzej for his enthusiastic participation and instruction, Mrs. Debbie Hogan, our devoted second grade teacher for her creative and meaningful curriculum, and the many parents who committed both time and talents to this important sacramental learning experience. “Somehow, children find a way of finding peace amid the noise of this world. They can block out all the things that tend to irritate the adults and find in their hearts the place meant for hearing, for listening, for loving. Many times the young are our greatest teachers.” - Pope Francis Catholic Schools Schools :::: Communities Communities of of Faith, Faith, Knowledge Knowledge & & Service Service Catholic AmeriCorps Makes STAR Reading Possible at Cosgriff Current research indicates that a structured reading tutorial program provides achievement gains for students who would benefit from extra reading practice and instruction beyond what they receive in their regular classroom. With this understanding, the Utah Office of Education (USOE) has implemented the STAR reading program. Student Tutoring Achievement for Reading (STAR) is designed as reading practice, not intervention, between adult volunteers or paraprofessionals, and a student. STAR lessons enhance classroom instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. Students benefit from increased reading time, targeted practice and a rewarding reading experience. Heather Burns, one of two AmeriCorps volunteers at Cosgriff School, leads the effort by recruiting and scheduling parents, grandparents and other St. Ambrose members to volunteer in the STAR reading program. Heather conducts an in-service for all new volunteers before they meet and begin reading with students. Volunteers are asked to work with a Notable J.E. Cosgriff Alumni at Judge Memorial Catholic High School On May 30, 2015, many J.E. Cosgriff alumni, now graduating seniors at Judge Memorial Catholic High School Commencement Ceremony received the following recognition and honors: • Christ the King Award: Caroline E. Holyoak • Salutatorian: Connor J. Morgan • National Merit Finalist: Ian T. Gorrell-Brown STAR Reading Volunteer Tutors student two times per week for thirty minutes. Some volunteers stay a full hour to read with two students back to back. STAR tutoring is a win-win program. Students in the school ranging from first through fourth grade receive extra reading practice and quickly form a special friendship with their STAR tutor. Tutors feel needed and also enjoy a new found friendship with a Cosgriff student. Heather Burns works as an assistant in our toddler program during the morning and then assumes the AmeriCorps responsibilities in the afternoon. Heather is a tremendous asset to Cosgriff in many different capacities and we are very fortunate to have her on the Cosgriff team. The AmeriCorps volunteer program has enabled Cosgriff to extend additional support and strengthen reading skills for many students over the past nine years. J.E. Cosgriff School Learning Resource Center The J.E. Cosgriff Learning Resource Center (LRC) team provides intervention for students who are struggling in academic areas. The team is certified in the Early Steps, Next Steps, Higher Steps, and Wilson reading programs. The LRC team gives one-on-one and small group support, and also in-class support services. The team works closely with classroom teachers to provide appropriate assistance to help each student reach his or her fullest potential. • Bishop’s Award for Outstanding Scholar–Participant in Activities: Connor J. Morgan, Lindsay E. Ryan • Bishop’s Award for Outstanding Scholar–Participant in Athletics: Caroline E. Holyoak, Michael L. Kearns • Jeanette Sawaya Award for Outstanding Achievement in Arts, Academics, and Athletics: Paul S. Oliver • J.E. Cosgriff Alumni who graduated with Gold Honor Cords (3.5 or above GPA): Michael G. Ayers, Maxwell T. Barnett, Gabrielle S. Dodson, Ian T. Gorrell-Brown, Caroline E. Holyoak, Michael L. Kearns, Daniel S. Kirkegaard, Nathan D. Klebba, Kathleen R. Larson, Patrick J. Lewis Humlicek, Raquel R. Markham, Connor J. Morgan, Paul S. Oliver, Gabrielle M. Paul, Benjamin A. Roa, Lindsay E. Ryan, Mikaela A. Schmiett, Sara Y. Shum, Gillian R. Young For a complete list of all 2015 Judge Commencement honorees, visit judgememorial.com. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Bonacci Cosgriff offers speech and language services through a licensed speech-language pathologist in the school. Also, yearly vision screening is provided for pre-school and kindergarten students by the Delta Gamma Alumni Association. Cosgriff “Gold” Grandparent Club A tentative date has been set for the first 2015-16 Gold Club Brunch & Meeting for September 13th, 2015 • Time & Location TBD Please check cosgriff.org, under the Gold Club link, for location/time confirmation or email Diane Henry, henrydd@comcast.net. J.E. C O S G R IF F M EMOR IA L C AT HOL IC S C HO OL ANN UAL NEWSL ET T E R & RE PORT | 2 0 1 4- 15 SCHO OL YE AR Mardi Gras 2015 Fundraiser Mardi Gras 2015 was an event to remember. Guests enjoyed a sit down three course dinner, silent and live auction, and then danced the night away. For the first time the event was moved to the Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown hotel and 500 guests were in attendance. Moving Mardi Gras allowed Cosgriff to provide new opportunities and ways for people to donate and get involved. Whether it was becoming an event sponsor, purchasing a corporate table, deciding which party boards to attend, or bidding on a live auction vacation, there was something for everyone. The move downtown was exciting, but traditions that have made Mardi Gras a success over the decades were still kept and enjoyed. One of the most exciting Mardi Gras traditions is the schoolwide competition to sell opportunity tickets. The first grade worked very hard to sell the most opportunity tickets, and won a lunch at Crown Burger Restaurant with Mrs. Hunt. Overall, J.E. Cosgriff students sold over 12,000 tickets! A Community of Service First Grade at the Winners’ Lunch at Crown Burger Mardi Gras 2015 raised over $200,000 with the help of many generous friends, families, and companies in our community. We are very grateful for everyone’s support and look forward to Mardi Gras 2016! The student leadership council researched and carefully selected monthly community service projects for Cosgriff families to support during the 2014-15 school year. Students engaged in many activities to raise money and provide essential survival items for infants to adults in need both locally and globally. The 2014-15 year of service began when the seventh and eighth grade students teamed up to challenge the Cosgriff faculty in a game of softball. All proceeds from the game benefitted finding a cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Learning the importance of helping others in need and giving back to one’s community are critical components of the school-wide curriculum and daily life at J.E. Cosgriff School. Students are encouraged to place community service as a priority for the rest of their lives. We remember the words of Mother Teresa, “We should learn how to give. But we should not regard giving as an obligation, but a desire.” J.E. Cosgriff Faculty Softball Team J.E. Cosgriff proudly supported the following charitable organizations during the 2014-15 school year. St. Patrick’s Parish Catholic Schools :: Communities of Faith, Knowledge & Service Mock Trial This year Cosgriff had eleven middle school students compete on the Mock Trial team. The program is a competition where middle school and high school teams argue both sides of a fictitious case in front of actual judges and attorneys throughout the course of the Mock Trial season. The Cosgriff team spent many hours preparing for their competitions, and it really paid off. This year, with the help of Mock Trial coach Joel Kittrell, the team advanced to the semifinals, which means they were one of the top four middle school Mock Trial teams in the state. Track Club In its fourth season, the Track Club continued to grow. This year the program saw its highest participation since it began, as many students in grades K–8 took advantage of the opportunity to be introduced to all aspects of track and field. Students were able to try various events—such as sprints, hurdles, distance, and field events like long jump and javelin. Practices were twice a week, and students were able to put their newly learned skills to the test in two track meets during the six-week session. 2015 Cosgriff Ski and Ride Program By Rob Sogard The students in the Cosgriff Ski & Ride Program enjoyed another fantastic winter at Snowbird, with great weather and good snow. Fifty-eight third through eighth grade Cosgriff students took advantage of Snowbird’s easy access and terrific terrain. This season gave riders six warm and sunny afternoons—the conditions were perfect. The instructors at Snowbird did a fantastic job keeping the students safe and entertained while improving their skiing and riding skills. Thank you to all of the parents and chaperones who helped keep things on time and running smoothly. Riders, instructors, and volunteers had a great time and hope to have even more Cosgriff students participate next year! Join Us For J.E. Cosgriff’s 6th Annual September 11th Bonneville Golf Course • 8:30am Gather your foursomes & register for this FUNdraiser at cosgriff.org! Hole and Event Sponsorships available! Third Annual Tiger Trot The Third Annual Tiger Trot was held on Sunday, May 24th and 350 registered participants enjoyed a lovely morning at Sugarhouse Park. New this year was the addition of Saturday’s Waffle, who brought their trailer and served piping hot waffles for all registered runners. Participants also enjoyed coffee donated by Bad Ass Coffee. Christian Vasquez was the overall student athlete winner, followed by Ben Shuckra and Joey Craddock. The Tiger Trot is a wonderful community event, where school families and parishioners can enjoy exercise, good food and coffee and each other’s company. Congratulations to all Tiger Trot participants. Tiger Trot Winners Special thanks to our sponsors Larry H. Miller Group of Companies, Wasatch Pediatrics, and Salt Lake Active. Cosgriff is very grateful to the Boris Family, owners of Salt Lake Active, who donated their race timing clock, green cones and bullhorn to our Athletic Program. All of these items will help propel our Physical Education program and Track Club. Thank you Nick and Missy Boris for your continued support for J.E. Cosgriff School. Catholic Schools :: Communities of Faith, Knowledge & Service J.E. C O S G R IF F M EMOR IA L C AT HOL IC S C HO OL ANN UAL NEWSL ET T E R & RE PORT | 2 0 1 4- 15 SCHO OL YE AR required core standards on a challenging academic level. Her love of teaching is obvious: her infectious smile, positive energy, and “not waste a precious moment” attitude. Mrs. Brown is a devout Catholic and models the virtues of reverence for God and respect of self and others in all aspects of her teaching day. Spotlight on Mrs. Brown Mrs. Geniese Brown has just completed her fourth year teaching third grade at J.E. Cosgriff School. Mrs. Brown received her elementary teaching degree along with a middle school math endorsement at Indiana University, South Bend, in 2004. Mrs. Geniese Brown It is next to impossible to imagine, but Mrs. Brown has an eye on every student in her thirty-five plus classroom and uses that extra “teacher sense” to keep all students engaged and learning during the course of the day. She masterfully presents core content in math, reading, writing, science, and religion—keeping all types of learners in mind. She utilizes her expert math background to make mathematics challenging and logical for her students. Each week, Mrs. Brown takes advantage of parent volunteer support in the classroom. Volunteers assist students with ideas and editing of required writing compositions and longer reports. Mrs. Brown carefully listens and observes her students as they offer their heartfelt personal intentions during prayer. She learns about their proud moments and concerns for their families and friends due to illness, and hard times. Mrs. Camp, the third grade assistant notices that Mrs. Brown speaks individually to each of her students every day and recognizes their personal concerns along with academic progress. Mrs. Brown truly cares for each one of her third graders. Mrs. Brown is demanding and sets very high standards for student performance as evidenced by positive school and state test scores. She carefully prepares her lesson plans to teach the Progress in Reading and Mathematics Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. Cosgriff students are assessed three times each year: September, January and May. The results of our May 2015 assessments indicate the percentages of students reading at or above their expected grade level in each grade level are as follows: Kindergarten 95% 4th grade 89% 1st grade 84% 5th grade 88% 2nd grade 85% 6th grade 95% 3rd grade 94% Schoolwide 89% The DDS-easyCBM Math assessment is a benchmark screening tool developed at the University of Oregon. The test is based on the Focal Points from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and have strong foundational overlap with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Mrs. Brown is the first to inquire about professional development opportunities. She is always excited to learn and implement relevant and new research based strategies and programs in her classroom. She is an active learner and knows that the acquisition of knowledge ultimately strengthens her classroom instruction. Although Mrs. Brown is very busy teaching and continuing her education as an educator, she rushes home each day to her family career. Geniese is the mother of four children and wife of Charles Brown, US Air Force Technical Sergeant. She travels each school day to Cosgriff from Hill Air Force Base, which is another strong example of her commitment to education and specifically J.E. Cosgriff School. Mrs. Brown is an inspiration who offers support and friendship to her colleagues at Cosgriff School. She is an excellent teacher and offers creative and new ideas for improving curriculum, the religion program, and school-wide student lead activities. J.E. Cosgriff is truly a better school in so many ways because Mrs. Geniese Brown is our third grade teacher. Third Graders with their Biography Projects Benchmark testing is the systematic process of screening all students on essential skills predictive of later mathematics performance. Benchmark testing is one part of a comprehensive assessment system that includes universal screening, progress monitoring, summative assessments and other formal and informal assessments all designed to get the critical information needed to make informed instructional decisions. It is a foundational link between assessment, instruction and goal setting. The results of the May 2015 testing indicate the percentages of students in each grade level that score at or above their expected grade level (40th-99th National Percentile) in math are as follows: Kindergarten 92% 4th grade 74% 1st grade 95% 5th grade 94% 2nd grade 85% 6th grade 84% 3rd grade 89% Schoolwide 88% Catholic Schools :: Communities of Faith, Knowledge & Service Annual J.E. Cosgriff Fine Arts Celebration By Tara Cullen, Visual Arts Teacher The Third Annual Fine Arts Celebration, held May 7, 2015, was well-attended by many enthusiastic parents, grandparents and friends of J.E. Cosgriff School. The evening began in St. Ambrose church, with performances by the third and fourth grade violinists, choir, band, liturgical dancers, and drama club. During the second half of the evening, many students stood by their artwork which graced the school walls. A smile of pride and ownership swept across students’ faces as their family members admired their their artistic masterpieces. Mr. Terence Stephens and Mr. Ryan Akerley were our honored jurors who selected winners within three grade divisions. Within kindergarten-second grade division: 1st place-Caroline Chachas; 2nd place-Sophia Burns; 3rd place-Adam Haddadin; Honorable Mention-Mia Powell. Within the third-fifth grade division: 1st place-Anthony Walz; 2nd place-Cece Stockham; 3rd place-Mitchell Bledsoe; Honorable Mention-Marysia McGill. Within the sixth-eighth grade division: 1st place-Sante Di Sera; 2nd place-Thomas Lien; 3rd place-Matthew Cotter; Honorable Mention-Cole Davis. This year, five local hospitals and clinics offered Cosgriff School the opportunity for student artwork to be displayed at their facilities. Representatives hand-selected artwork that will be on display at the following locations: Shriner’s Hospital, Primary Children’s Hospital, Utah Health and Human Rights, Evolutionary Health Care, Meliheh Clinic, Huntsman Cancer Institute, and LDS Hospital. Because of these considerate hospitals and clinics, Cosgriff student achievement can be shared with the community. Performing Arts :: Fiddler On The Roof JR In April 2015, J.E. Cosgriff ’s drama club entertained audiences with Fiddler On The Roof JR. This classic Broadway musical was a great opportunity for fifth through seventh grade students to sing, dance, and act on stage. Cosgriff Drama Club Director, Mrs. Suzanne Lacombe attributes much of the show’s success to all the parent and staff support with set designs, choreography, and backstage management. Mrs. Lacombe said, “It really was a collaborative effort, and with this being our third year of drama at Cosgriff, students are more comfortable performing on stage. It was a challenging play to take on, but our students were well prepared.” Fiddler On The Roof JR also gave students new perspectives on Jewish religious and cultural traditions. Gathering in the social hall every spring to see a Broadway production has become the new “tradition” at J.E. Cosgriff School. Differentiated Instruction Begins In Preschool Individualized instruction with Mrs. Green Mrs. Lee teaching letter sounds in whole group instruction Ms. D with a small group learning center J.E. C O S G R IF F M EMOR IA L C AT HOL IC S C HO OL ANN UAL NEWSL ET T E R & RE PORT | 2 0 1 4- 15 SCHO OL YE AR Eighth Grade Year in Review At J.E. Cosgriff, eighth grade students are expected to do their best work in an academically challenging curriculum, provide monthly community service at the Utah Food Bank, audition and perform in one of Shakespeare’s comedies, and provide leadership for their school families. This year was no exception, and the 2014-15 class of twenty-nine students was up to the task. Beginning in September, students participated in a team building day at Camp Kostopulos where they completed the high-ropes course and other activities designed to promote camaraderie and friendship. Later in the month, they attended the diocesan-wide eighth grade mass at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. The entire class gave a rousing rendition of the choral poem “Casey at the Bat” at the annual Grandparent Brunch in October, and, along with seventh grade students, enjoyed a delicious Pajama Breakfast before leaving for Christmas break in December. In February, after six weeks of rehearsals, students presented three performances of Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.” Students helped in all areas of the production including lights, sound, props, scene changes, make up, program design, and direction. On May 22, 2015, students received their diplomas during graduation exercises at St. Ambrose Church. Several academic, athletic, and honorary awards were bestowed upon members of the class. In Memory of P.J. Purcell November 4, 1999 – June 3, 2015 Slap shots, Jump shots, Chip shots, Sweet spots Our J.E. Cosgriff community will remember P. J. Purcell for the light and love he brought to our lives. There wasn’t a sport he could not master; there wasn’t a class he could not ace; there wasn’t a speech he could not deliver; but most of all, there wasn’t a heart he did not touch. Our love, support, and prayers pour out to the Purcell family. P.J., your spirit will always live in all those who knew and loved you. J.E. Cosgriff School Events Calendar Friday, August 14th Meet the Teachers 3:30-4:30pm Saturday, August 15th St. Ambrose Parish Italian Dinner 5pm J.E. Cosgriff School Gym Please visit cosgriff.org for a complete list of events, activities, and mass schedules. Monday, August 17th First Day of School August 19th & 20th Back To School Night(s) Friday, September 11th Cosgriff ’s 6th Annual Playing Bad in Plaid Golf Tournament 8:30am @ Bonneville Golf Course Sunday, September 13th Time/Location TBA Cosgriff Gold Club Grandparents Meeting Wednesday, October 7th Annual Grandparents Brunch 9am • St. Ambrose Social Hall October 15th - 18th Fall Break No School October 19th - 23rd Annual The King’s English & J.E. Cosgriff Book Fair J.E. Cosgriff School Library October 21st & 22nd Parent Teacher Conferences Friday, October 23rd St. Ambrose / J.E. Cosgriff Fall Family Festival 6-9pm @ St. Ambrose Social Hall Friday, October 30th Halloween Parade @ J.E. Cosgriff School November 6th No School Professional Development Day Friday, November 13th Annual Cosgriff Trivia Night 6:30pm • St. Ambrose Social Hall November 25th - 29th Thanksgiving Break No School Thursday, December 10th J.E. Cosgriff Christmas Program 7pm • St. Ambrose Church December 21st - January 3rd Christmas Break No School Sunday, January 10th Cosgriff Open House 12-2pm Tuesday, January 26th Cosgriff Science Fair 8:30am Cosgriff Open House 7-8:30pm Wednesday, January 27th Parent/Grandparent Visit & Lunch 11:30am Catholic Schools :: Communities of Faith, Knowledge & Service End of Year Honors at J.E. Cosgriff This year, two recipients were awarded the J.E. Cosgriff Heart of a Champion Award, which recognizes a Cosgriff student who demonstrates courage and commitment to life. It exemplifies ongoing dedication to a set of attitudes and actions showing true greatness, kindness, compassion, and respect to self and others. The Heart of the Champion award acknowledges perseverance through challenges and hardships. It is giving everything you have all of the time, never quitting, never giving up. It is being resilient even when things may seem impossible. It is a heart that continues to hope. Congratulations to the recipients: Teagan Beaves, eighth grader, and Olivia Winston, seventh grader. The Monsignor William E. Vaughan Award was awarded to Tomas Young. This award grants a full scholarship for one Cosgriff student entering the 8th grade who exhibits exemplary behavior in the areas of scholarship, leadership, sportsmanship and cooperation. Cole Hazel was presented the Sister Loyola Award, for sharing an outstanding sense of Christian service, joy, humility, respect for others and love of Jesus in the manner of Sister Loyola. The recipient of this award was chosen by his peers. The Monsignor Hedderman Award, J.E. Cosgriff ’s highest award, was presented to Christopher Clyne and Savannah Nord for exhibiting leadership, excellent citizenship, high academic achievement, respect for self and others, as well as contributing to our Catholic identity and values, and serving others in the school and community. William Anderson, Christopher Clyne, Sante Di Sera, Anna Drossos, Abigail Gray, Olivia Rollman received a Presidential Academic Achievement Award, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, honoring students who have achieved high academic goals as a result of their hard work and dedication to learning. The Cosgriff students who received this award earned no less than a B+ in core academic subjects from 4th grade through the fall semester of 8th grade. The Salt Lake Rotary Club Service Awards were presented to Christopher Clyne, Anna Drossos, Constance Viollet. These students were selected for their outstanding service to others and commendable citizenship and academics. Chloe Redican, seventh grade student at J.E. Cosgriff School won second place in a statewide writing competition. Each year, the Utah League of Cities and Towns sponsors an essay competition for all fourth and seventh grade students in the state of Utah. The essay theme is “Why I Like My Neighborhood.” Salt Lake City Councilman Charlie Luke proudly presented Chloe with her second place award and a check for the school on May 27, 2015. Student Leadership Council for the 2014-15 school year were Anna Drossos, Christopher Clyne, Abigail Gray, Hannah Gose, Riley Bouillon, and Ella Kittrell. 2015 Science Fair Awards This year’s Diocesan Science fair was held at Juan Diego on February 21st. Over 240 projects from Diocesan middle schools were represented Hailey Warden with “Swimming in at the fair. Fifteen Cosgriff the Fast Lane” students placed in their categories including five 1st, three 2nd and seven 3rd place awards. In addition, 19 Cosgriff students advanced to compete at the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair at the University of Utah. Constance Viollet was named the 2015 Diocesan Young Scientist of the Year. At the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair, Cosgriff students competed with 188 of the top 7th and 8th grade student projects advancing from district science fairs in the Salt Lake, Tooele, Granite, Park City, Canyons, Murray School Districts and the Catholic Diocese schools. Cosgriff students earned four 1st, four 2nd and two 3rd place category awards. In addition, Chris Clyne, Anna Drossos and Hailey Warden received Broadcom MASTERS™ recognition. As Broadcom MASTERS™ award winners, Chris, Anna and Hailey finished in the top 15 scores at the regional level and have advanced to a national competition. They are competing against students advancing from regional science fairs throughout the United States for an opportunity to travel to Washington, DC and a top award of $25,000. Thank You for Your Support Thank you to the following donors for your generous contributions to our school for the 2014-2015 academic year. J.E. Cosgriff School received over $200,000 in fundraising & donations. We appreciate all of the parents, grandparents, parishioners, alumni, friends and corporations who continue to support J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School: 24 Hour Fitness 3 Cups A Beautiful Surprize Aaron Schubach Abbey of the Holy Trinity Adam & Judy Warden Advanced Eye Care Airborne Trampoline Arena Alan Cunningham & Constance Smith Alethia Bapis Chatzis Alex & Teresa Hildebrand Alex Grunerud Alise & Todd Schwartzlow Alison & JP Meyer Alma Camp Aly Hill Amanda & Jamie Locke American Girl American Granite Kitchens Amy & Ted de la Garza Andrea Coffee-Shapiro Andrea Hansen Angela & Mark Patterson Angelo & Julie Chachas Angie & Akbar Matinkhah Angie & Tyler Parrish Angie Domichel-Nelden & Charlie Nelden Ann Long Peake Ann Owsley Anne Asman Anne Camp Anne Harte Anthony & Ashley Gardner Anytime Fitness Apartment 202 Boutique Archer Family Charitable Corp Aristo’s Restaurant Artistic Endeavors Dance Asian Star Aundrea & Michael Brinkman Avenue Sweets Avenues Bistro on Third Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii Baile Dance Fitness Studio Ballet West Barbara Ferrara Barbara J. Donnelly Barnes & Noble, Sugar House Barry & Susie Horne BD Becky & Fred Duberow Bella Forte Boutique Bernadette & Dan O’Brien Bernice M. Rowsell Bernie Jo Marlowe Best Nails Beth & Joe Walz Betsy Hunt Betty Holbrook Betty Trentham Betty Vierra Bill & Julie Barrett Bill & Nancy Liston Bill & Sue Sause Bill Williams Bing & Judy Fang Bishop Wester Bjorn’s Brew Black Diamond Blake & Liz Osborne Foundation Blazing Needles Bleu Bistro Bo & Grandma Brinkman Bob & Cathy Lambert Bob & Gail Sanders Body Pilates Bodywise Fitness Bonwood Bowl Boy Scout Troop 202 brabar boutique Brad & Shiho Richard Brady & Jenny Sherman Brett Allen Brian & Jill Conner Britt Taylor Brittnay & Russ Tobler Bruce & Coralie Alder Bruce Larrabee Bryan Duberow Bryan Patnode & Breda O’Keeffe Bud & Sharon Smith Buff & Robin Harmston Burn SLC CA, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Cactus & Tropicals Cafe Trio Caffe Niche Calene Lucero Canter Cardio Barre Quarry Bend Carly Poth Carol & Dick Herold Carol Wilson Carole Reen Carolyn & Patrick Macias Carolyn Kelly Carolyn Schubach Carolynn & Jorge Daskalakis Catherine Maez Cece & Robert Holt Centered City Yoga Century Link Charity Partners Foundation Charles Kelly Charley Hafen Charlotte Wendel Cheri & Casey Wright Chief Chris Burbank Chipotle Mexican Grill Chris & Codee Huntzinger Chris & Dina Blaes Chris & Kathy Hill Chris & Krista Camp Chris & Summer Bell Gibson Chris Chen & Michael Giovanniello Chris Gose & Michelle McDonough Christian Frech Christina A. Pellegrino Christine & Chris Riley Christopher Maez Chuck & Mary Parker Cindi Louie & Dan Kaschmitter Cindy Barker Cindy Hunt Cirque Solutions Group Citiworks Azteca Systems, Inc. Claire & Ryan Donnelly Claire Stoecker & Paul Whitehead Clare Valles Clark Executive Detail Clark Planetarium Clayton & Aimee Simms Clover Sanders & Jon Bone Cody & Selena Young Cody Adams Coldwell Banker Color Me Mine Comtek Communications Core Power Yoga Corner Store Pub & Grill Cornerstone Show Foundation Costco Cotopaxi Crandall Starbucks Creminelli Fine Meats Crown Burger Cucina Toscana Culinary Crafts - Mary Eileen Crafts Cupbop Korean BBQ In The Cup Cynthia Johnson Dale Aramaki Damian Davenport Dan & Amanda Conner Dan & Joni Liston Dan & Melissa Clyne Dan Garcia Dana & Alisa Pompetti Dani Beach Daniel & Cori Wilson Daniel & Heather Burns Daniel & Lorraine Cimbora Daniel Berman Danielle Byron Henry Fund Daryl & Kathy Grantz DASH Fitness Studios Dave Stockham David & Chanteel Ballard David & Charleen Chapman David H. Cannon, DDS David Peifer & Kathy Alderson Dean & Marie Gray Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company Derek & Teresa Jensen Derk Wharton Desert Edge Pub & Brewery Desiree & Ben Jenkinson Dewey’s Bail Bonds DialAmerica Marketing Diane & Dan Henry Dick’s Sporting Goods Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum Disneyand & Resorts Community Relations Dominic & Diana Sanone Dominick & Danielle Jefferies Don & Diane Roney Don Adams Donald & Nichole Dunn Donald Jay Gamble Donald Kany Donna Mirabelli Doug & Nancy Bardugon Doug & Shawna Eldredge Douglas & Karen Kelsey Dr. M. Taher & Karen Fouad Dr. Ronald & Patricia Sanchez Dr. Vito & Geraldine Giovanniello Drew & Paislee Hicken Dusan & Marta Hvolka Dustin Cederholm Ed & Barbara Nelson Edna & Jim Ehleringer Eggs in the City Elaina & Robert Yenchek Elaine J. Peterson Elaine Paasch Elizabeth Weyher Emerri Carrillo Emily Harold Eric & Dominque Aragon Erin & Mike Freeman Erin & Tim Sullivan Erin Donnelly Erin Donnelly & Nathan Jones Erin Freeman Evelyn Frandsen Evergreen Framing Co. Every Blooming Thing Evolutionary Healthcare Fabian Clendenin Fat Cats & The Pizza Factory Father Vincent Govorchin Finn’s Cafe Flatbread Neapolitan Pizzeria Fletcher’s Park City Flight Boutique Foothill Barber Foothill Fitness Systems Foothill Oriental Rugs Foothill Orthodontic Specialists & Dr. Jeffery Chandler Four & Twenty Sailors Four Seasons Dental Fr. Andrzej Skrzypiec Francis & Sandra Raucci Francis Brennan Francisco Bedolla & Catherine Valerio Frank & Joan Hanson Frank Politano Fratelli Ristorante Fratto Boys Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Fred & Sarah Monette Frederick & Lorraine Hottes Fresh Market furano G. D. & C. A. Wilson Gail Hensleigh Gallery Mar Gastronomy Inc. General Mills Box Tops for Education George & Heather Mastakas George & Mary Reade Gibbons Foundation Gilbert Cordova Gillian & Joey D’Alessandro Gina & Gameil Fouad Gina & Steve Miller Gina Barberi Girl Scouts of Utah Gladys Ross Glenn & Evelyne Boschetto Glenn & Marian Iwasaki Thank You for Your Support Gloria & Joel Faulkner Gloria Faulkner Great Harvest Bread Company Greek Souvlaki Greg & Ann Argust Greg & Jennifer Baker Gregory & Tara Ross Gregory Chachas Grzegorz Bulaj Gymnastics Training Center h2blow Hale Center Theatre Hansen Co. Jewelers Harriet Lawrence Hayden & Marnie Andrews Hayden Construction Heartsounds Heather & Jeff Lingmann Helen Hansen Helen Peters Herman L. & Lauri Franks Hermione Klekas High West Distillery Hogle Zoo Holly & Mark Isaac Hope & Gary Jensen Hotel Monaco Hotel Park City I.J. & Jeanne Wagner Jewish Community Center Innisbrook Wraps Integrated Payment Solutions Inc. Intergrated Business Solutions J. Holland & Dari Scott J.E. Cosgriff 3 & 4 year old Preschool Classes J.E. Cosgriff Eighth Grade Class J.E. Cosgriff Fifth Grade Class J.E. Cosgriff First Grade J.E. Cosgriff Fourth Grade Class J.E. Cosgriff Friends & Families J.E. Cosgriff Kindergarten Classes J.E. Cosgriff Pre-K Classes J.E. Cosgriff School J.E. Cosgriff Second Grade Classes J.E. Cosgriff Seventh Grade Class J.E. Cosgriff Sixth Grade Class J.E. Cosgriff Third Grade Class J.E. Cosgriff Toddlers Classes Jack & MaryAnn McAward Jack & Sandy Dennis Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Jack Links Jack Mormon Coffee Jacqueline Henke Frieda & George Frieda Jacqui & Nick Rimando James & Hermione Klekas James & Laura Gibbons James & Pamela Zeberlein James Bledsoe James E. & Sally K. Coffey James Guilkey James Klekas James McDonough & Angela Dilks James W. & Elizabeth S. Roach Jamie A. Mitros Jason & Kristin Cowan Jason & Sarah Boyle Jay & Tamra Nilson Jay & Zita Bell Jean Wilson Jeanette Freeman Jedd & Raquel Austin Jeff & Amy Shuckra Jeff & Linda Paoletti Jeff & Mary Richard Jeff & Shauna Appel Jeff & Tonya Nilson Jeff Orr Jeff Titmus & Joy Miya Jeffrey Ehleringer Jennifer & Corey Lewis Jennifer Pannunzio Jennifer Toomer-Cook & Michael Johnson Jenny & Joe Maffuccio Jeremy Ranch Golf & Country Club Jerome & Lisa Romero Jerry Anderson & Gina Gregovich Jill-Ann Pearl & Ken Ostrander Jim & Alyson Larson Jim & Anne Morgan Jim & Ciska Stinson Jim & Claire Stanley Jim & Julie Sibthorp Jim & Maggie Kearns Jim & Romanie Burelbach Jody German Joe & Jennifer Mastrorocco Joel & Bonnie Kittrell John & Jean Henkels John & Barbara J. Donnelly John & Connie Upp John & Helen Jarman Family Foundation John & Keven Goodwin John & Margaret Neville John & Patricia Carricaburu John & Sally Domichel John & Teresa Matthews John & Tracey Valentine John A. Matthews John Becker John Chunga & Noemi Cruz John W. Gallivan Center John Youngren Johnniebeefs JoLee Heaton Jolley’s Gift & Floral Jon & Courtney Belgique Jon D. Williams Cotillions Jon Kelly Jonathan Pappasideris Josh & Jenica Love Juan Diego Catholic High School Judge & Katherine Evans Judge Cafe Judge Memorial Catholic High School Judith Zeith Judy Barnett Judy Oram Jump Around Utah Jupiter Bowl Justin Davidson Kalpana Ganesh Kangaroo Zoo Kappus Landscape Karen & David Flood Karen & John Freed Karen Dreyfus Karla Pardini Kate Canas & Lance Pearson Katherine & Christopher Merritt Kathleen Hintze Kathryn Canas Katie Carlson-Frech Katie Cederholm Katie Grisley Katie Kesler Katrina & Matt Grantz Keith & Kerry Hankins Keith & Reta Oram Kelli & Brian Grunerud Kelli & Sam Meziani Kelly & Mark Redican Kenny & Jennifer Atkin Kent & Caroline Cheeseman Ke-Shiau & Peng Wu Chen Kevin Gates Kim & Mike Marron Kim & Pat Notebloom Kim Marshall & Jerry McTeague Kimberly Barnett King’s Custom Jewelry King’s English Bookstore Kingsbury Hall Kirk & DanaLee Simon Knead A Massage Knight & Knight Dental Health Care Knights of Columbus Council Kristina Wells Kristine & Mike Johnson Kristine Johnson Kroger (Smith’s Food & Drug) KUED Channel 7 Kumon Foothill Kura Door Kyle & Kate Smith Lagoon Lam & Binh Nguyen Landis Salons Larry & Jan Krystkowiak Lee & Hadley Saber Lee & Mark Cotter Leslie & Matthew Morton Lewis & Nancy Baker Lifetouch Lillie Garrido & Rey Butcher Lily & Company Lina M. Barkey Linda Lambert Linda Morrow Lindsay & Tim Newlin Lindy Parks Lisa & Damian Davenport Lisa & Michael Eshleman Log Haven Louis & Mary Sanone Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Luna Lobos Dog Sledding Lurita Soprano Lynn & Alexa Maland Lynn & John Wilson Lynn Fratto Maison Confiserie et Boutique Marc & Amy Rosello Marco Stevanoni & Amy Swartz Margaret & Bob Grogan Margaret Ann Besso Margaret Duffy Maria Fratto Mariclare Klein Marie & Gene Knickerhm Marilyn & Lawrence McGill Marilyn Hildebrand Marjorie & Phil Start Mark Crowther Marsha & Carter Davis Marsha Newman Marty Biljanic Mary & Curt Crowther Mary & William Weyher Mary Cowan-Klein & Rich Klein Mary Lou Robbins Mary McTeague Mary P. Paulsen Mary Reeves Massif Athletics Master Kwon Mathnasium of Sugarhouse Matt Davidson Matt Lopez Matthew & Kara Agresta Matthew J. & Mary Debernard Burbank Mary Kay Ladies: Marnie Andrews & Nikki Whye Maura Carabello Maureen Harte Max Brenneman McNamara Purcell Foundation MDI Medical Devices, Inc. Meagan Swartz Med Spa Mediterranean Market Meditrina Megan & Chris Jones Megan & John Munro Mellow Mushroom Merna & Gary Peterson Metro Commercial Finance Michael & Angela Petrogeorge Michael & DeAnn Chiazzese Michael & Erin Stone Michael & Judith Hobert Michael & Michele Hilton Michael Chiazzese Michael Miller Michael Parenti Michelangelo Ristorante Michele Huntsman Mid City Salon Mike & Carolyn Stransky Mike & Elaine George Mike Cook Mike Gorrell & Kathleen Brown Mike Morgan Millcreek Cafe & Egg Works Miller Family Philanthropy Molly & Peter Duberow Momentum Indoor Climbing Gym Monkey Mountain Montgomery & Amy Still Mountain Medical Vein Center & Medispa Mountain Town Olive Oil Co. Mountain West Gastroenterology Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kaffer Mr. Charles Culp Mr. Robert J & Joline Ramsey Mrs. & Mr. Leanne & Ron Ommen Msgr. Joseph Fitzgerald Name Droppers Nanette & Jon Wilde Nash & Paula Friloux Natalie Riggs Nathan Anderson & Cynthia Fowler Native Flower Company Natural History Museum of Utah Neil O’Donnell & Sons Mortuary Nick & Missy Boris Nick Floros Nicole & Bryan Jeffreys Nicole Caucci Nicole Paul Nicole Salazar & Brent Hall Nikki Whye & Eric Jacobsen Noemi Cruz Northstar Builders OC Tanner Jewelers Old Spaghetti Factory Olive Garden Olympus Hills Bowling Opinion Group Corp. Orchid Dynasty Orest G. & Ivanna Symko Otto & Michele Stuart P.M. & Jennifer Gibbons Paige Banks Pam & Tom Harris Paper Pumpkin by Stampin’ Up! Paradise Bakery & Cafe Park City Golf Club Parsons Behle & Latimer Patricia A. Bland Patricia Horyna Patricia McTeague Patricia Rosello Patrick & Hillary Lambert Patrick & Kristin Craddock Patrick & Mary Brennen Clark Patrick Conners & Lori Calabrese Patrick Kelly Paul & Heather Simonson Paul & Ingrid Kelson Paul A. & Karen B. Ross Paul Cisneros & Lisa Louie Paul D. & Melanie Brown Lyon Paul Thomas Jewelers Pedro & Cathy Romero Peeches Cederholm Peggy & Peter Grisley Perry & Martha Drossos Peter & Catherine Meldrum Peter & Kelli Fratto Bland Peter & Sandra Clark Peter Duberow Peter Staks Petersen Art Center Peterson Chiropractic Philip & Maria Notarianni Phillip & Dayanne Coombs Pioneer Theatre Company Platinum Car Wash & Detail Plumb & Company Poems Art Publishing Porcupine Pub & Grille Pottery Barn Prince Yeates & Geldzahler Promontory Golf Course Publik Coffee Roasters R. Emmett Quinn Rachael Hunt Rachel Derman Events Rachele McCarthey & Brock Van de Kamp RADM & Mrs. Donald V. & Gay Scott Boecker Ralph & Vera Conner Ramon Moreno & Maria Castaneda Santillan Raquel Austin Rawbean Coffee House Raymond V. & Margaret L. Frankoski Ray’s Barber Shop RDL Design Company Ready Ice Rebecca & Rayburn Moore Rebecca Durham ReBlume Medical Red Butte Cafe Red Butte Garden Red Dragon Glass Art Red River Adventures Rene & Clare Valles Renee Strand Repertory Dance Theatre Rich & Bridget Romano Rich & Kori Hazel Richard & Amy Pernich Richard & Paulette Little Richard Brown Richard H. & Catherine Schubach Richard Lobato Richard Trentman Rick & Lisa Bouillon Right At Home Ririe-Woodbury Dance Co. Rob & Carol Sogard Rob & Janae Galanis Robb & Sarah Farr Robert & Kris Parenti Robert & Megan Engelen Robert & Rachel Boulds Robert J. & Rae Lortsher Robert J. & Shirley K. Farr Robert Mole Robert Q. & Helen Valles Robert Rockwell Robert Valles Rod & Chris Decker Rod & Courtney Garay Rodney Rougelot Roger & Mary Lowe Ron & Vicky McBride Ronald & Laura Hazel Ronda Landa & Roger Smith Roth Living Roxann Vredenburg Rubio’s Ruth Watkins & Robert Young Ryan & Suzanne Kimball Ryan Akerley Saeed Matinkhah & Shabnam Asrari Sally McMinimee Salt Lake Acting Company Salt Lake Active Salt Lake Bees Salt Lake City Golf Salt Lake City Power Yoga Salt Lake Convention & Visitors Bureau Salt Lake Film Society Salt Lake Magazine Salt Lake Pediatric Dentistry Salt Lake Running Company Sam & Elizabeth Weyher Sam Falsone Sandra Dennis Sandra Raucci Sandra Salazar Sara & Mark Jensen Sarah & Matt Ross Sarah & Sean Collins Sarah Wright & Mark Oftedal Sarajane Johnson Saturday’s Waffle Scoreboard Sports Scott Bourgeois Scott McAward & Lisa Jones Scott Robbins Sean & Brooke Clark Sen Maw Fang Sephora Serta Mattress Company of Salt Lake City Shannon Eaker Simriti & Mathew Schwobe Ski’s On The Run Snowbird Resort, LLC So Cupcake Sole Mio Soluna Hair & Nail Salon Soorya & Jeff Louder Sophia & Bill Drossos Spa Day Spark Solutions Group Sparkle Photography Spoons & Spice Sports Den Squatters Pubs & Beers St. Ambrose 49ers St. Ambrose Catholic Church Staci Harris Standard Optical Stephen Schubach Steve Ross Steven & Bernie Jo Marlowe Steven D. & Mary S. Lane Stockton Cleverly Stonebridge Golf Club Stoneground Kitchen Stroud Jewelers Sue Ann Walker Sugar House Veterinary Hospital Sugarhouse Orthodontics Sugarhouse Pilates Sunrise Bistro Susan Berman Susan Chilton Susan Dunn Susana Fowler Sushi Groove Swim Kids Tad & Mary Mancini Tajha & David Ferrara Tammer & Gina Attallah Tanya & Jonathan Liddle Target Taylor Maxfield Ted & Monica Frederick Terence Kearns Stephens Teresa Kayleen Graham-Muffler Teresa Matthews Teresa Muffler Teri Lee Cederholm Teri Swaner & John Nitkewicz Terrence & Mary Sue Cheeseman Terry & Lynne Rooney Terry Johnson Texas Roadhouse Thanksgiving Point Institute The Bar Method The Cheesecake Factory The Children’s Hour The Crowther Family The Dodo Restaurant The Grand America Hotel The Group Real Estate, LLC. The Leonardo The Lice Guru The Little Gym The Mandarin The Paint Mixer The Paris Restaurant The Spa Club The Sweet Tooth Fairy The Turf The Wairhouse Trampoline Park The Write Image Thomas & Linda Turpin Thomas & Marianne Wells Thomas & Noreen Jeffreys Thomas & Susan Cook Thomas Chell & Joyce Soprano Thomas L. & Sue O’Brien Tiffany & Rawl Wharton Tim & Kassi Mancini Tim Clark Tim Horyna Timothy Lapine Tire World Automotive Specialists Todd & Debbie Hopkins Tom & Erin Bonk Tom & Jane Stevens Tom Wharton Tomas & Katie Aguirre Toni Taylor Tony & Rachel Santora Tony Caputo’s Market & Deli Tour of Utah Tracy Aviary Trader Joe’s Trailside Dry Cleaning Trevin & Anne Clark Truist Tuacahn Center for the Arts Tutoring Toy Shoppe Tyler Dickman & Martha Knudson Tyler Jack & Ann Marie Leone Uinta Brewing University of Utah Ticket Office Urban Retreat Spa & Salon Utah Film Center Utah Gastroenterology Utah Jazz Utah Museum of Contemporary Art Utah Pro Fly Fishing Utah Shakespeare Festival Utah Symphony - Utah Opera Utah Tumbling Academy Val & Brady Rasmussen Valter’s Osteria Venetian Worldwide L.L.C. Vince P. & Janet Mancini Virginia Silcox Walton Marine Waxing Gurus Wayne & Teri Lee Cederholm Wayne Fisher Wendee & Matt McClellen Wendy Crawley Western River Fly Fisher WHF Wealth Managment Whimsy Clothing Boutique Whole Foods Market William & Denise Reeves Xcel Fitness Yolo Pilates Zachary & Pamela Hildebrand Zaniac Zions Bank Please accept our sincere apology if we failed to include your name. Return Service Requested J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School LLC 214 2335 Redondo Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID Salt Lake City, UT Permit No. 1649 Congratulations J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School Class of 2015! Newsletter Design & Publication: J.E. Cosgriff marketing team :: Editing: Cindy Hunt, J.E. Cosgriff marketing team.