serviam - St Ursula`s College Kingsgrove


serviam - St Ursula`s College Kingsgrove
St Ursula’s College, Kingsgrove
Dear St Ursula’s Community
Welcome back to Term 3. I trust that students, staff and families
enjoyed a happy and restful holiday break. I look forward to an
exciting term ahead filled with many opportunities for students to
excel in a variety of ways.
At the end of last term we recognised Year 7 to 10 students who
are achieving at a very high standard in their subjects, so far,
in Semester One, with “Academic Achievement” Awards and
students who had shown improvement and/or consistent effort
in their work with “Academic Merit” Awards. A full list of students
and their award is attached to this newsletter. Congratulations to
each of these students who are consistently striving to achieve
their best.
I was also very happy to present Principal Awards to a number
of Year 8 students: Amelia Fitzgerald; Alison Gaffney; Olivia
Gibson; Nicole Issa; Joanne Mikhael; Kate Mulready; Julia Odelli;
and Genevieve Sheehan. To obtain a Principal’s award students
must receive three College Awards. College Awards consist of six
merit certificates awarded to students for achievement in either
their subjects or service to the community. It is an outstanding
achievement to receive this award and be recognised as a student
who displays the ‘Serviam’ spirit in word and action.
Newsletter No 11, 29 July 2010
putting into their work. With only eight weeks left of the term this
is a very demanding and crucial time for our Year 12 students.
At our Assembly today we welcomed Ms Chiaki Shibata and
eleven students from Ustunomiya Kaisei Girls High School, our
sister school in Japan. The Japanese students are being hosted
by our students who study Japanese and Society and Culture.
Students will take part in classes as well as sharing their own
culture with our students. They will visit the Blue Mountains and
the sights of the city. Thank you to the families who will host a
Japanese student. It is in these special times when we invite
others in and share our stories that we experience a real sense
of community. A particular thank you to Ms Yasuko Onodera who
has organized the visit and activities for the students, and Mr
Steve Baker and his family who will host Ms Shibata.
Next weekend we celebrate the feast of Blessed Mary MacKillop.
This year on 17 October, she will be cannonised and finally
recognised universally as St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. As
Australians we are indebted to Mary MacKillop for her pioneering
work in the development of Catholic Education in Australia.
Through her persistence, hardwork and dedication we are truly
blessed to have such an exceptional woman and role model as
our first Australian saint. To assist and support the sisters of Saint
Joseph in their preparations for the canonisation ceremony, we
will be holding a Gold Coin Donation Mufti-Day on Thursday 5
August. Students will come to school dressed in mufti clothes,
with the suggestion of even wearing brown, the colour of the
founding sisters and give a gold coin. All monies raised will be
greatly appreciated.
Mary MacKillop Prayer
Our College website is regularly updated with the latest news, so
please take time to visit it. We have now added two new features,
the College Newsletter “Serviam” and copies of letters that are
sent home to parents. These features are a way for us to continue
to keep parents informed and ensure that communication
between school and home is as current as possible. To maintain
the safety and security of students at all times these features can
only be accessed by a username and password. A letter outlining
this process will be sent home with all students this week. The
website also contains a copy of our 2009 Annual Report to the
Community that has just been finalised by the Board of Studies
and Catholic Education Office. I will also present this at our
Parents & Friends meeting on Monday 9 August.
This Monday our Year 12 students begin their Trial exams. Please
keep them in your prayers as they have been working hard to this
point. In practical classes students have also been performing or
presenting work. It is hoped that the students will be rewarded
for the long hours of study and commitment that they have been
God of the pilgrim
Mary MacKillop trusted your guidance
in her journey of life
and deepened her confidence in your will.
May we renew our trust in your Providence
to lead us in hope.
May we relish the sacred in the ordinariness
of our lives.
May we grow in the fullness of your love
and the depth of your mystery.
We ask this through Jesus Christ the way,
the truth and the life.
May the week ahead be blessed with God’s gentle presence.
Anne Anderson
Quality Education
Investing in our children’s future
ALL Australian students deserve an equitable share of
State and Government funds to support their education.
Council of Catholic School Parents
Advocacy and Support for all parents No.6
Upcoming Events
2/8 - 16/8
Kaisei School - Japanese Sister School Visit
Year 12 HSC Trials
Year 7 Immunisations
Year 9 English Competition
Gold Coin Donation Mufti-Day for the Mary MacKillop
canonisation preparations
Year 9 (Year 10 2011) Subject Request forms during PC
Parents and Friends Association (P&F) Meeting
7.30pm Chapel Annexe
WYD Madrid Parent Information Evening
7.00pm Chapel Annexe
Nursing Home Visits
P&F Bingo Fundraising Night
examining the leadership of Jesus Christ; to examine the unique
philosophy behind Ursuline leadership and service; to realise their impact
on the entire College community and to be aware of the responsibilities
placed upon them as College leaders. By Friday morning, the girls were
tired, overfed and ready to take on the challenge to “Lead in the Light” but only after a good night’s sleep and a long awaited holiday.
Many thanks to Mrs Alderton for the endless hours spent planning and to
Ms Anderson, Mrs Nader, Ms Angeloni, Ms Lemon, Mrs McCarthy, Mrs
Dryden, Mrs Finneran, Mr Gooley, Mr Russo and Ms Russell for their
involvement in all aspects of the retreat and for giving so generously of
their time to be with the girls over the three days. Many thanks also to the
girls who involved themselves so enthusiastically in all of the activities
and for making the three days such an enjoyable way in which to finish a
long and arduous term.
Stacey Potts
Assistant Principal
In Year Assemblies on the last day of Term 2, we acknowledged those
students in Years 7-10 who had excelled in their academic studies
during Semester 1. Academic Achievement certificates were awarded
to students performing at the very top of their subjects based on their
academic results in common assessment tasks. One student from each
class was also awarded an Academic Merit certificate for consistent and/
or improved effort. This award was nominated by the student’s class
teacher. Congratulations to all the award recipients.
Connie Frino
Acting Curriculum Coordinator
Year 11 Exams
At the end of this term, Year 11 will sit for their formal Preliminary Yearly
Examinations. These exams commence on Tuesday, 7 September
and conclude Friday, 17 September. To help the girls prepare for these
exams, Prue Salter, from Enhanced Learning Educational Services, will
speak to the girls during their Pastoral Care sessions and advise them
on how to develop effective study skills and prepare themselves for their
exams. This term Serviam will also publish articles for all students and
their parents, highlighting some of the strategies that can be adopted to
help them get through exam time.
Mrs Margaret Croucher
You will receive some important documentation required for registering Year 11 Coordinator
your child on the WYD school pilgrimage. I would encourage you to attend
this Parent Information Evening so that you are kept fully informed on
your child’s opportunity to participate in WYD Madrid 2011 as a student Developing Good Study Habits - TIP 1
pilgrim. A letter will be sent home with all students in Years 9 and 10 this In The Classroom: Examination preparation begins in the
week containing the information being discussed, necessary paper work classroom. The way you listen, concentrate and participate in the class
and an RSVP slip. If you are able to attend, please complete the slip and has a direct bearing on your understanding and depth of knowledge
return to me at the College. Thank you for your continued support.
of your subjects. Just listening or taking a few notes isn’t enough. You
Antoinette Nader
need to actively take notes to retain up to 90% of what you are hearing
Youth Ministry Coordinator / Assistant REC
a month later. This means concentrating on the discussion, asking
questions both to the class and to yourself, taking notes, looking for
links to earlier work, thinking about what will come next. Be involved
Year 11 Leadership Retreat - “Lead in the Light”
in the classroom, sit up, look at the speaker and benefit from the
During the last week of Term 2, Year 11 students participated in a
experience and knowledge of your teacher. Of course, it is impossible
three day Leadership Retreat at Eleanora Heights. The Retreat was
to do all of this if you are talking.
designed to prepare the students for their role as College leaders
Listen, concentrate, participate
for 2011. Over the three days the girls were involved in a series of
Involve yourself
activities in which they were encouraged to recognise their gifts and
Source: Enhanced Learning Educational Services (
the gifts of others; to deepen their understanding of leadership by
As part of our planning for our World Youth Day (WYD) Madrid school
pilgrimage, I would like to invite you to a WYD Madrid Parent Information
Evening to be held at St Ursula’s College in the Chapel Annexe at
7.00pm on Wednesday, 11 August 2010. The purpose of the evening is
to communicate important information regarding the student pilgrimage
to WYD Madrid and to give you an opportunity to ask any questions. The
evening will cover such issues as: the nature of the WYD pilgrimage;
accommodation; student safety and supervision; process for payment;
dates for payment; and fundraising.
Congratulations go to the thirty-two Year 12 Visual arts students who
presented their HSC body of work for the Trial assessment and exhibition
last Wednesday 21 July. The works were beautifully displayed and each
young artist can be proud of the hard work and effort they have put in
over the last three terms. Many parents, families, staff and students were
able to attend the Exhibition, and were impressed by the scope and
diversity, as well as the high quality of the artworks. We hope that all our
Year 12 students study hard and do their best in the examinations next
week. Good luck and well done.
Bandfest 2010
On Thursday 24 June, the Concert Band, Stage Band and String Orchestra
took to the stage at Engadine Music’s annual Band Festival at St George
Auditorium, to perform in front of a live audience and adjudicator. The
Concert band performed a powerful version of ‘Final Countdown’ along
with a ‘Glenn Miller in Concert’ medley. Their outstanding performance
gained them a Gold medal placing. The String Orchestra performed a
haunting medley of pieces from a variety of films by John Williamson.
They also performed a lively piece from the ‘Marriage of Figaro’ by Mozart.
Their beautiful performance gained them a Silver medal placing. Finally,
the Stage Band took to the stage to present the toe tapping numbers ‘I
Will Survive’, ‘Never Can Say Goodbye’ and ‘Moondance’. They were
well received by the audience and adjudicator alike, receiving a Gold
medal placing. The students received a certificate, trophy and ribbon for
their participation and placing at the Band Festival. A big congratulations
must be extended to all the students involved in Bandfest 2010.
Well done, girls!
Ms Warland and
Ms Frino
Music staff
Our Year 11 students are also to be commended this week:
Racheal Thompson’s photography work was chosen by Penrith Regional
Art Gallery for their “Snap Shot exhibition”. Only one hundred and fifty
works were chosen and we are thrilled that Racheal’s work was amongst
the most successful.
Eight Year 11 students also spent one week of the recent school holidays
at the HSC extension Course at the National Art School. Shanice
Attkinson, Greta Balog, Samantha Diggs, Annie Huang, Danielle La
Malfa, Tiffany Lau, Anita Lukins and Gabrielle Penfold will also attend
next school holidays and we will be able to view the results of this
experience at an exhibition later in the year.
A very busy and productive start to Semester 2 is underway in all the
Visual Arts Classrooms. My great thanks to all the teaching staff for their
efforts to extend the students this year.
Mrs Mary Hayman
Visual Arts Coordinator
Well done to the Mock Trial team who recently competed against
Caringbah High. Unfortunately for the team, Caringbah won the points,
mainly due to some spirited cross examination of our witnesses. In a three
hour trial, St Ursula’s as prosecution had to prove the case against an
alleged arsonist based on circumstantial evidence! The team performed
extremely well, having given up much time after school and meeting two
barrisers in the city during the school holidays on an excursion which
incorporated a visit to the Downing Centre.
St Ursula’s recently visited the Red Cross Blood Bank in the city, following
a request for much-needed supplies. Many of the donors were first-time
participants from Year 10. Well done to Jenny Saraswati; Julia Down;
Taylor Allen; Rachel Golding; Gabrielle Kauter; Elanor Fitzpatrick; Merryn
Hasanic; Samantha Custodio; and Angela Giampietro.
Thanks to our students, St Ursula’s was awarded the Vampire Shield for
the third year in a row. The Vampire Shield is
awarded to the greatest number of donors in a
financial year and St Ursula’s had 103 donors
which is a fantastic response. This award was
presented to students, Cindy Jow and Paige
Johnson, at last Friday’s College Assembly
by Jemma Falkinmire, Marketing Manager of
the Red Cross. Cindy and Paige have both
Well done to Racheal Thompson (barrister), Yvonne Nehme (barrister),
donated blood six times!
Sarah Lansdown (witness), Venessa Blundell (witness), Sarah Watson
Steve Baker
(court officer). Thanks to Mrs Ethell, Mrs Lansdown and Rachel’s
grandparents for attending the trial.
Steve Baker
Mock Trial Coordinator
The Science Experience
Calling all Scientists!!!! The Science experience is a three day
hands-on science and engineering program for students currently
in Years 9 and 10. The program runs at various universities
across Australia and includes a wide range of practical activities,
excursions and career information together with interesting
presentations by leading Australian scientists and engineers.
The program runs on various dates across November, December
and January and costs only $110 for the three days. Students
who have participated in the program in past years found it fun
and very worthwhile. For more information including dates and
locations and a video of the range of activities covered by the
program see the following website: or contact Ms Russell.
Ms Vanessa Russell
Assistant Science Coordinator
Young people often use the internet for help and support, as well as
seeking help from parents, friends, teachers and counsellors. The
Australian National University e-hub team provides online selfhelp services that can be used free of charge and anonymously
24/7. All programs are based on the best available evidence and
can help you find out about preventing and coping with anxiety
and depression, as well as the many types of help available. - an interactive self-help program which
includes modules for social anxiety, generalised anxiety and
depression. - a popular interactive program drawn
from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy that helps users to prevent
and manage depressive symptoms. - information about online applications
for mental and physical health disorders. - information about depression
including how it feels and how it’s treated.
Catherine Watson
College Counsellor
July/August are the months when it is recommended that all
schools with girls in Years 7 and 9 participate in the NSDP by
downloading the self-detection brochure from This brochure is
designed to make parents of school girls aware of the outward
signs of scoliosis. For your convenience, a copy of this brochure
is also attached to this newsletter.
Mrs Doreen Schuler
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Regina Coeli Parish will be celebrating the Sacrament of
Confirmation on Friday, 17 September. Any students in Years 7
or 8 who are eligible to receive this Sacrament are invited to an
Enrolment and Parent Information Night to be held on Wednesday,
21 July at 7.00pm in the church. For further information, please
contact Lisa Mulligan, Sacramental Coordinator on 9502 3789 or
A stadium adaptation of Ben Hur – the Academy Award-winning
movie starring Charlton Heston – is coming to Stadium Australia
on 22 and 23 October 22. This huge production, first staged in
Paris, features:
A chariot race involving horses 32 around ANZ Stadium
A slave driven galley
An huge army of Roman soldiers
A massive Roman amphitheatre
A theatrical portrayal of the crucifixion of Jesus.
For anyone associated with Sydney Catholic schools (parents,
students, teachers, parishioners etc) and who was considering
going to see the production, discounted tickets for both
performances are now available. To take advantage of this
special offer, simply go to or
phone 132 849 and quote ‘Catholic Schools Offer’. There is
no minimum number of tickets needed to secure the discount.
Also ANZ Stadium has given permission for fundraising to
take place on both nights to raise money for the building of
a Catholic school in Southern Sudan which will be known as
Mary MacKillop College. Members of our Catholic education
community are heavily involved in this project.
St Ursula’s College Parents &
Friends Assocation presents:
Saturday 14 August 2010
Club Rivers Bingo Lounge
Littleton Street, Riverwood
6.30pm for 7.00pm start
$20.00 per FAMILY
$10.00 ADULT /
Tickets are now available through the College
office. Please see separate flyer attached to
this newsletter for further information regarding
ordering of tickets.
For further information phone Veronica
on 9153 9026 or 0407 248 157
69 Caroline Street, Kingsgrove NSW 2208 | PO Box 142, Kingsgrove NSW 1480 | Phone: (02) 9502 3300
Fax: (02) 9554 3581 | Email: |