pdf - Our Lady Help of Christians School


pdf - Our Lady Help of Christians School
OLHOC School Newsletter
18 Balaclava Road, Earlville Qld 4870
Telephone 07 4054 2566 • Fax 07 4054 2426
Email secretary.earlville@cns.catholic.edu.au
Outside School Hours Care • Telephone 4033 1920
Tuesday 9th August 2016
Term 3, Week 5
News from the Principal
Dear Parents,
News from the Principal
School Fees Overdue
RE News
Dads Read
Playground Guardians
SEL Awards
Parish News
Medical Conditions
Curriculum Overview
Book Fair
Year 1 Open Evening
OLHOC Sport News
Qld Road Safety
Wonder of Living
Tuckshop News
Library News
Cardiac Challenge
St Augustine’s Open
Taipans Flyer
Cairns Cricket Flyers
National Disability
Insurance Scheme
Term 3 - Week 4
Percentage of
Students Absent:
Percentage of
Students Late:
Yesterday was the Feast Day of Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Australia’s first Saint. Mary
MacKillop is special to many, particularly those of us with a connection to Catholic
education. The legacy of Mary MacKillop and the Josephite Sisters lives on in the many
school communities and Diocese where their work has added to the fabric of Catholic
education. Last Friday I joined many
in the Cairns Diocese celebrating the
opening of MacKillop College,
Mount Peter. So here in our local
continues to serve those seeking a
Catholic education. I have included
some brief information below taken
from the Sydney Catholic education
website about this very special
Mary MacKillop was born in 1842 in (Fitzroy) Melbourne (Australia). On 8 August 1909.
She died, having suffered a disabling stroke in 1902. Inspired by a meeting with Fr. Julian
Tenison-Woods, Mary MacKillop at the age of 25 took her vows and the religious name,
“Mary of the Cross”. In doing so, she founded the congregation of the Sisters of St
Joseph. Soon after taking her religious vows, Mary MacKillop began schools. Within 5
years of taking her vows and founding the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph,
Mary had established over 30 schools, in South Australia and over 100 women had
joined the Sisters of Saint Joseph.
Mary MacKillop was very conscious of the plight of the poor and needy. She worked with
families that lived in isolated areas of Australia. As a result, Mary MacKillop pioneered a
new form of religious life in Australia and commenced a “system” of “Josephite" schools
that would provide education, especially for the children of the poor. In 1873, Pope Pius
IX gave Papal approval for the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Even today,
many Australians can say that they too have felt the impact of the enormous work
started by St. Mary of the Cross (MacKillop), having been educated or cared for, by the
Sisters of Saint Joseph. She was noted for her trust in the providence of God and miracles
of healing have been attributed to her. She was declared a Saint by Pope Benedict XVI on
the 17th October 2010. In January 2013, St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) was declared
by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, to be the
Second Patron Saint of Australia. This means that Australia now has two Patron
Saints: Mary Help of Christians and St. Mary of the Cross (MacKillop).
“I have come so you may have life to the full.”
John 10:10
OLHOC School Newsletter
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News from the Principal cont...
Mary MacKillop Prayer
Ever generous God,
You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop
To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and constant in bringing hope and encouragement
to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy.
With confidence in your generous providence
and through the intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop
We ask that you grant our request……………….
We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit
so that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust and openness.
Ever generous God hear our prayer.
We ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Luke Brown
School Fees and Levies - Overdue
School Fees and Levies for Term 3 are now overdue.
Reminder statements were emailed on Monday 1st August.
Any outstanding accounts who have not made contact with the school will be receiving a phone call next week to
arrange an appointment with the Principal.
Please pay your account as soon as possible or contact Tracey at
to discuss an arrangement/payment plan. We appreciate prompt payment of school fees. If you are currently having
financial difficulty, please contact the school office to discuss.
When paying via EFT please use the ten digit 954 XXX XXXX number as a reference.
Lost & Found
We have a few special items in the office that have been found over the year.
Glasses, keys, trinkets. Please come to the office if you are missing something.
Term 3, Week 5
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RE News
TERM 3 - Combined SGM and OLHOC Year Level Liturgy Schedule
This term we will be joined by staff and students of our parish sister school, St Gerard Majella for Year Level/
Class liturgies. Parents and extended members of our school community are very welcome to join us for these
very special celebrations.
Tues 16 Aug - Yr 2 and Yr 3 (Liturgy of the Word)
Thurs 25 Aug - Yr 6 Mass
Thurs 1 Sept - Yr 4 and Yr 5 Mass
Liturgies will be held in the OLHOC church and will commence at 9.00am
Australia’s First Saint:
In 1866, Mary MacKillop and Fr Tennison Woods founded the religious order of
the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. The sisters gave poor children a
free Catholic education and provided orphaned children with shelter, clothing
and food. They also set up houses for elderly women, young girls and women
without jobs. When Mary MacKillop died in 1909, her sisters had opened
schools in all states of Australia and had even moved into New Zealand. St
Mary of the Cross MacKillop was made Australia’s first saint in October 2010.
Mary was a person of great faith who trusted God to care for her and provide
for her. She was a person of action who, when she saw a need, did something about it. We are called to
be like Mary, to be people of hospitality and welcome, to be people of action.
Family Life Education
Natural Fertility Services Cairns will return to our school this term to present a Personal Development
Program based on the “Wonder of Living” series. NFS is a Catholic Diocesan Service and has been
educating in the area of age appropriate sexuality for over twenty years in the Cairns diocese. The
program is values-based and family-orientated and has the full support of Bishop James Foley. The
presenters are accredited Family Life Educators. Parents are a child’s key source of formation regarding
their sexual development and this program seeks to assist parents in this area. A ‘Parents Only
Session’ providing the opportunity to assess the suitability of the program for their child will be held on
Monday 15 August from 1.30pm.
This Sunday, August 14, commencing at 8:00am, OLHOC School will lead our parish celebration of the
Eucharist. Staff, students & parents from our school will provide welcomers, readers, intercession
leaders, servers and Ministers of Communion and a choir for this regular weekend Parish Mass. We
would love to see families from the OLHOC School community sharing this special celebration of
Eucharist with our extended parish family.
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OLHOC School Newsletter
RE News cont...
FAREWELL DINNER - Parish Secretary - Alison Dunn. After ten years in the role, our Parish
Secretary, Alison, has decided to retire. A Farewell Dinner is being held in the OLHOC Parish Centre on
Friday 2 September commencing at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm dinner. Cost $20 pp paid at the door. BYO
drinks. Tea and Coffee supplied. RSVP phone or TXT Kerry Spanner on 0418 714 437.
Peace to you and your family.
Kathy Fleming
Leader of Pedagogy News
DADS READ 2016 Event as recommended by the State Library of Queensland http://dadsread.org.au/
If you would like to become involved and contribute to ideas regarding the Dads Read event, our first
meeting will be held after school on Wednesday afternoon 17th August, 2:30pm - 3:30pm in the
Learning Support Room.
Please contact Robyn Arri for information.
Playground Guardians
Our wonderful playground guardians,
Georgia, Leah, Lindsay and Tia, have
been receiving some help from the little
smiling angel that is D’Arcy Beaven.
Term 3, Week 5
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SEL Awards - Week 4
SEL Award Recipients: Liam, Amelia, Simarpreet, Phoenix, Grace, Padraic, Harry, Tupoa, All of 2C, Alexis, Rayver, Ledan,
Hayden, All of 3P, Gabriel, Jasmin, Layla, Nathan, Dixie, Robert.
Our Lady Help of Christians Church
Address: 18 Balaclava Rd (P O Box 669) EARLVILLE
Phone: 07 4054 1171
Fax: 07 4054 1800
We are looking for a suitably qualified person to fill this key roll within the parish. The suitable
applicant must be fully supportive of the Catholic ethos, have knowledge of the Sacraments and be
proficient in office skills. (Min req. - Cert III in Business Admin or be able to demonstrate RPL)
Must be eligible for, or hold, a Working with Children Blue Card.
This is a permanent/part time position - 20hrs/wk (negotiable).
Send your application to earlvilleparish@bigpond.com by Wednesday 10th August. For further
information or a copy of the position description, please contact Alison Dunn at the Parish Office on
OLHOC School Newsletter
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Medical Conditions at School - PLEASE READ - IMPORTANT!
As we have had a few confirmed cases of head lice in the school recently, it is considered to be a timely reminder
to parents to please be vigilant about checking their child’s hair. Please click on the link below for information from
Queensland Health.
Parents, we also have many students away from school after contracting a vomiting and diarrhoea bug.
Please click on the link below for information from Queensland Health.
Curriculum Overviews
Curriculum Overviews – please find below a list of each year level’s curriculum overview for this term. It is a brief
outline of what is happening in your child’s year level this term.
Prep https://docs.google.com/document/d/19tpmdcT-bglHZ_Q3tN11PuA4kt1TfC5VKOMeOwgs4ho/edit?
Year One https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_1A45Mucd7zsGqqSMf7eCtDx5gXY2eB7S7_5sS6DPA0/edit?
Year Two https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LL_XWbXzU_wz_g-NkfZx3UoU2GWLsaHixmVm98xsBIU/edit?
Year Three https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dfSSy0HUes3Hemmc_uCHoUojvWLboZ_KqlHTZebsB0Q/edit?
Year Four https://docs.google.com/document/d/1syGuK79PkSfV6WptrBUy82xd5FC47JlpJ23V8eXfPfk/edit?
Year Five https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ygx43iL_WaaktSoMeSNUMYXxB5Dmlw_Wt5ZoMVZ2qfU/edit?
Year Six https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dzSwnu5WKKUOS4U3JWKYeeLdggR8PjrvEw3cPnvQ0h4/edit?
Also, please note that NAPLAN results for students in Year 3 and Year 5 will be sent home
with students this week.
Elisa Dingle - Curriculum Co-ordinator
Term 3, Week 5
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OLHOC School Newsletter
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Year 1 Parent Open Night
Year One Open Evening
Tuesday 16th August
5.00pm to 6.30pm
Year One parents are invited to an open evening
next Tuesday. This will give your children the
opportunity to show off their amazing work this
Please join us.
Light refreshments will be provided.
We look forward to seeing you then.
The Year One Team
Term 3, Week 5
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OLHOC Sport News
Cairns Independent Athletics wrap up
Congratulations to the 43 students who represented OLHOC at the Cairns Independent Athletics carnival on
August 5th. The fantastic persistence, confidence and emotional resilience of our students was on show,
they were humble in victory and gracious in defeat. The following students were selected to represent the
Cairns Independent Schools team at the upcoming Peninsula trials on August 14th & 15th:
Brady Gubiani
Ryan Cartwright
Alf Cunneen
Ashley Chapman
Lachlan Imhoff
William Munro
Jackson Ma
Peninsula Athletics trials
Students have received a letter outlining the details of the Peninsula trials. If there are any questions,
please see Mr Fielding.
Brisbane International Tennis Challenge
On the 25th and 26th of July, OLHOC had 12 students making
International Tennis Challenge which was held at the Cairns
Tennis Centre.
All players showed great sportsmanship on and off the court on
the day, they played really well and had a great time while
The OLHOC Double Take team managed to end the tournament
finishing second, however all competitors showed great skill
through out.
A special thank you must go to Kirsty Llewellyn, Gabriella
Rogina, Nantawan
who organised and
Thank you.
Ryan Fielding
Sports Co-ordinator
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OLHOC School Newsletter
Queensland Police News
Young children are exposed to the road environment from an early age
whether they are riding bikes, walking to school or passengers in a car or
We need your help to get the message out about the importance of road
safety for our future drivers and road users.
Term 3, Week 5
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OLHOC School Newsletter
Tuckshop News
In relation to the notification of changes to the eating/playing times at both morning tea and lunch in last week’s newsletter, it is
advisable to pre-order your child’s food either with the flexischools app or using the old-fashioned brown paper bag system.
Students are now outside their classrooms at first bell (for 10 minutes) to eat their food. Tuckshop orders (either via flexischools or
paper bag) are collected by class representatives just prior to the bell and taken up to their classrooms where the supervising
teacher hands out the food orders. The tuckshop is open for the duration of the play time for any purchases at both morning tea
and lunch.
Please visit the following link to access flexischools: https://www.flexischools.com.au/ and click on ‘Register’.
For using the paper bag system, please don’t forget to write your child’s name, class, whether it is for morning tea or lunch and
then their order. If the item ordered is not available, something similar in type and price will be used as a substitute.
If you have any queries or your child has any special dietary requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact Simone Underwood in
the tuckshop.
Term 3, Week 5
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Library News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
CONGRATULATIONS to 1R you have returned the most
forms for the Premier’s Reading Challenge over the last
week. You are all super star readers! Year 6 students
it’s been great to see more of you completing the
reading challenge, let’s see if you can motivate your
friends to do the same.
The Premier’s Reading challenge will be running till the
26th of August, that means you have just 3 weeks left to
complete the challenge! Remember if you are in Prep –
Year 4 you need to read 20 books and if you are in Year
5 or 6 you need to read 15 books. Once you have filled
out the reader record form bring it to the library during
your library lesson. You will receive a leaf to put on the
tree, a special McDonalds voucher for your efforts, and
at the end of the challenge you will receive a certificate from the Premier.
Reader of the Week
Congratulations to our Reader of the Week, Kai Norris from 3R. You have
been chosen for your enthusiasm for reading, keep up the great
reading. You are an inspiration!!
Make sure you’re bringing your library books back and completing the
Premier’s Reading Challenge as this helps us to choose the winner. The
winner’s name and picture will be in next week’s newsletter. Good luck
everyone and keep reading!
Parent Book Swap
Don’t forget there is a Parent Book Swap shelf in the library. This has books for adults to swap. They
don’t need to be scanned and you are not restricted by a time limit. We’d just love to get the whole
community reading and being good reader role models. So if you’d like to come and grab one to read
please do so, or if you have any books you’d like to donate then we’d welcome them ae well.
OLHOC School Newsletter
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Cardiac Challenge - Heather Cochrane
Our fabulous Mrs Cochrane from the Library is participating in the 2016 Mount Franklin Cardiac
Challenge! She will be riding her trusty pushy from Cairns to Cooktown! What a ride!
Funds raised from the event will go towards the Cairns Hospital.
If any of our wonderful OLHOC community would like to show their support and help Mrs Cochrane raise
much needed funds for the Cairns Hospital, you can head to her profile page via the link below, or
purchase art union tickets.
“Hi everyone.
This year I will be riding in the Hospital
Foundation Cardiac Challenge. If you have a few dollars which
you could donate to sponsor me, that would be fantastic. It is
the 10th anniversary of the Challenge so I am very excited to be
Thankyou so much for your support.
Term 3, Week 5
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OLHOC School Newsletter
Term 3, Week 5
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