In this issue 2Calendar 5Volunteers 6 Day Camp 7Programs 9Preschool 12Mayfair 17Election 18Sports 20Concerts 24Clubs 27Classifieds Summer 2015 www. moor ECREATIONGUIDE FALL 2015 2015 fall re creat ion edale .com ll i t s e e c a p S ilabl ava ugust in A y Camp a r D r fo umme & S un! F MooredaleNews Summer 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to... the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility... and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future. Robert F. Kennedy O n this warm and sunny Thursday morning, I am checking and rechecking the Weather Network, hardly believing that Mayfair Saturday looks... gasp! warm and sunny. Joanne Pauli and James Barass, our incredibly competent and experienced chairs of this 70th year tradition, will hold their collective breath until the park is empty and the last rides are hauled off but at this stage, it’s looking to be a banner year! But one thing is always certain: rain or shine, our very special community comes out in droves to greet one another and celebrate all that makes Mooredale such a unique part of our lives. Mooredale is a place where we understand that our children will be nurtured, a place where interests are shared and explored, a place that demonstrates all the good that happens when a community works tirelessly together. This is showcased nowhere more perfectly than on the Mayfair weekend. Thank you once again, Joanne, James and every one of our countless volunteers, for keeping this tradition so alive and well. Mooredale depends entirely on this spirit of cooperation to make all of its programs run smoothly year after year. I am proud to be part of such a dedicated Board of Directors who continue to believe in the power of a strong, vibrant community. Our boundaries extend well beyond Rosedale and Moore Park and our membership is a varied group of individuals and families who remain important to our success. The Mooredale Board and all of the staff are committed to discovering new ways to enrich the lives of our diverse membership, through initiatives that include a speakers’ series, leadership programs for our youth, new and innovative programs and sports and more outreach activities. What do you have to offer? Mooredale belongs to all of us and if you have passions and interests to share, we’d love to hear from you. Photography? Writing? Bridge? Fitness? A real community shares its vast resources and we encourage you to reach out and let us know how you might contribute. As always, but particularly at this time of year, a huge shout out goes to all of our volunteers for enthusiastically offering so much time and energy to keep our programs alive. Enjoy all that Mooredale has to offer; it really is a place like no other! Best wishes for a happy, memorable summer. THIS MONTH June 1 Office Hours shortened – see summer hours bottom page 3 June 3 Pool Committee Meeting if needed Room 2 – 7:30pm June 5 Last day of Toddler Classes June 8 Fall Program Guide available at Fall registration begins for Programs at 8:30am June 10 RMPA Board Meeting if needed Room 1 & 2, 7:00pm President 2 June 15 Sports Fall Registration begins June 21 Mooredale Youth Orchestras Concerts Sunday at Laidlaw Hall, Upper Canada College 3:00-4:30pm June 22-26 Precamp Staff Training June 29 Session 1 begins Mooredale Day Camp Preschool Summer Fun Pool Swimming Lessons SUMMER July 1 Canada Day Pool Club on Holiday Schedule Preschool, Camp and Office closed July 13 Session II begins Mooredale Day Camp Preschool Summer Fun Pool Swimming Lessons July 17 Advertising and Copy Deadline for Fall edition of Mooredale News July 27 Session III begins Mooredale Day Camp Preschool Summer Fun Pool Swimming Lessons August 3 Simcoe Day Holiday All programs, Camps and office closed Pool on holiday schedule August 10 Session IV begins Mooredale Day Camp Preschool Summer Fun Pool Lessons August 24 ‘Pool Olympics’ at Mooredale Pool Club 2:00 – 5:00pm SEPTEMBER September 7 Labour Day – Office Closed Last day of Pool Season September 2 Preschool Begins Regular Office Hours resume Mon. – Thurs. 8:30am – 8:30pm Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm September 16 Pool Committee Meeting 7:30pm – Room 2 Carrie Scace June 12 Last Day of Nursery School, Preschool and Kindergarten September 20 Terry Fox Fun 8:00am to noon September 27 At Walter Hall, U of T, Mooredale Concerts, 3:15pm featuring Stewart Goodyear Single tickets are $40 or Subscribe & Save October 14 RMPA Board Meeting Room 1 & 2 – 7:00pm MooredaleNews Summer 2015 a T his is really the season when Mooredale is at its best! So just as we celebrate the summer with fun, here are the best ‘notes’ to be ready to sing at Mooredale activities this summer: G –for the Great programs and activities which await A –for the Awesome experience of doing your first dive in the These 7 music notes can be used over and over again to compose your own background music and special summer song. Whether you decide to add sharps and flats and change the tempo is up to you. Whether you prefer soprano, tenor, alto or bass – sing away! On behalf of the entire Mooredale staff, we wish you a very Safe and Happy Summer making music wherever you go. deep end of the pool B –for the next Best friend you’ll make at camp this year C –for the Creative play the preschoolers do at Summer Fun D –for the Dynamic approach to Soccer Rep Team training after Labour Day – so register early or you might be disappointed. and competition all summer E –for the Excellent performances by the young musicians at the Final Youth Orchestra concert of the year F –for the Fantastic memories our members have made by September 1 Marjorie Booth EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IMPORTANT OFFICE HOURS May 21 – May 29 Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 5:30pm Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm SUMMER HOURS June 1 – September 1 Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm September 2 – 5 Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 5:30pm Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm September 8 onwards Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 8:30pm Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm 3 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Summer Safety in the Mooredale Parking Lot Mooredale Directory Telephone Ext. e-mail 416-922-3714 ADMINISTRATION STAFF Marjorie Booth 106 Carolyn Burgess 113 Stephanie Chu 100 Joanna Ingram 103 Christopher Keem 115 Blake Koester 138 Susan Li 104 Catherine Loeffler 102 Eric Musselman 105 Breanna Van Abbema 136 A–M accounting concerts day camp flag football membership 104 103 103 100 N–Z newsletter orchestra preschool pool hotline pool manager pool membership pool reception desk preschool program/course ideas program registration soccer club sports registration sports hotline tennis club tennis clubhouse volunteer hotline 103 333 121 100 119 105 100 100 100 222 103 416-922-7906 310 Mooredale News is published 6 times a year for members of the Rosedale-Moore Park Association. Publication dates are Sept/Nov /Jan/March/April/June. Ad deadlines are noted on page 27. Staff Writers Marjorie Booth, Christopher Keem, Eric Musselman, Carolyn Burgess Design & Production Fathom Communications Printing Griffin House Graphics Office 146 Crescent Road Toronto, Ontario M4W 1V2 ph: 416-922-3714 fax: 416-922-4523 e-mail: Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40012662 4 Summer is just around the corner and we need your help to keep our very busy parking lot as safe as possible for all our members. • P arking is allowed only for members who are active in some Mooredale activity. (Please do not park here while you go for a power walk, a run, or walk your dog!) • A lways drive slowly as you enter, exit and drive through the lot. • F ocus your attention on watching for young children, not your cell phone call. • P lease drop off or pick up your child as quickly as possible so you can free up the parking spot for the next person. Hint: Our experience is that prolonged goodbyes are hard on the child and the parent, so once your child has been met by the camp or summer fun staff, please say a quick farewell and leave the site. It would help if you keep your chats with other parents short, again so we can empty parking spots quickly for other parents who are waiting to drop off or pick up their child. • D o not block emergency exits, disabled parking spots or the entrance to the parking lot – we must keep the way clear for emergency vehicles to reach us if necessary. • B ack into the parking spot every time – between the lines! Everyone is in a hurry… and everyone is required to back into the spot, without taking more than one spot. • A ctively supervise your children as they cross the parking lot – they are excited and can be distracted easily and dart into the lot. • S tay calm – Be nice! The Mooredale staff who are directing traffic into the parking lot on weekday mornings cannot move more cars in until earlier drivers leave – honking horns and yelling at them will not make the traffic move more quickly! Of course, we thank the members who arrive on foot, by wagon, bike, stroller, TTC, etc. If you are crossing Crescent Road – Please use the Crosswalk. With your help, everyone will be safe as they arrive and depart their summer activity at Mooredale. Thank you for your cooperation! MooredaleNews Volunteers and Community Liaison Katharine Lake Berz DIRECTOR, VOLUNTEERS AND COMMUNITY LIAISON Mooredale thanks its 30-year, 40-year and 50-year volunteers Mooredale is thrilled that several of its longtime volunteers will receive Ontario Volunteer Service Awards this year. Congratulations to these amazing volunteers for their service to Mooredale over many years: James Barrass – 30 years Joanne Pauli – 30 years Doug Reid – 40 years Lynda Smith – 40 years Cathy Thomas – 40 years Doug Hall – 50 years Mooredale will be hosting a small reception to honor these volunteers before they attend the official awards ceremony at Isabel Bader Theatre on June 17. Summer 2015 Thank you Mayfair volunteers T hank you to our hundreds of volunteers at Mayfair Under the Sea. We are so lucky to have so many committed volunteers in our community. Over 170 student volunteers animated this year’s Mayfair. Students from Deer Park School, North Toronto Collegiate, Branksome Hall, University of Toronto Schools, Havergal College and many others ran our midway games, served lunch and entertained the children. We are particularly grateful for the 25 volunteers from Royal St. George’s College and the 30 volunteers from the Bishop Strachan School. I would like to thank the Community Service Directors at all our community schools and extend a particular thank you to Charlotte Fleming at the Bishop Strachan School and Emma Totten at Royal St. George’s College. The volunteer culture you instill in our young people is inspiring to us all. Mayfair could not be what it is without our incredible Mooredale staff that lends their energy and enthusiasm to make Mayfair such a special day. Thank you to the Mooredale House leadership, the Mooredale Day Camp staff, the Mooredale Preschool, the Mooredale Soccer Club and the Mooredale Pool Club staff. Your leadership and dedication are an inspiration to all of us. I would also like to recognize our Mayfair Committee and in particular our Mayfair Committee Co-Chairs Joanne Pauli and James Barrass. Joanne and James, on behalf of all Mooredale members, thank you for another fabulous Mayfair and an amazing 30th year volunteering at Mooredale! Looking for a convenient place to bank? Great financial advice is just a click, call or short distance away. Find out how personalized advice from RBC® can help you achieve your goals — big or small, for today and tomorrow. Visit an RBC Royal Bank® branch near you: ¡ Laird & Wicksteed Branch 45 Wicksteed Ave Phone: 416-425-5225 ¡ St Clair & Yonge Branch 10 St Clair Ave W Phone: 416-974-7840 ¡ Mt Pleasant & Hillsdale Branch 650 Mt Pleasant Rd Phone: 416-481-3101 ¡ Summerhill Branch 1103A Yonge St Phone: 416-960-8550 ¡ Bloor & Yonge Branch 2 Bloor St E Phone: 416-974-2746 ¡ Bayview & Belsize Branch 1554 Bayview Ave Phone: 416-974-3609 Get the banking advice you need here or visit Or call 24/7 at 1-800 ROYAL® 1-1. TM ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. 33420 (03/2015) 5 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Daycamp Summer Is Coming and We Will Be Ready! P reparations are now well under way for the 2015 camp season. Trips are being planned to exciting places all over the GTA. Equipment is being checked and re-ordered. Plans are being planned, and staff members are being trained. There is still much to do, but we will be ready and waiting when June 29 rolls around! Mooredale Day Camp has been a local tradition for families since 1968, offering a wide range of traditional and specialty camp programs. We offer Red Cross Swimming Lessons in our private pool, Athletics, Arts & Crafts, Archery (Ages 6+), Music & Drama, GeoScience, Tennis Lessons (ages 6+) and Cooking classes. In addition there are theme days, singing and skits, day trips to local venues, and plenty of time for outdoor play. If you have already registered for Camp, you will be receiving our Parent and Camper Information Package by June 1. In this package, you will find important information you need to start planning and thinking about Camp. Here is the outline of our schedule this summer: Session ONE: June 29 – July 10 (No camp on Wednesday July 1) (Limited space remaining) Session TWO: July 13 – 24 (Limited space remaining) Session THREE: July 27– August 7 (No camp on Monday Aug. 3) *Intermediate (ages 6-8) Soccer Specialty Option Session FOUR: August 10 – 21 *Intermediate Soccer Specialty – New this year for 6 – 8 year olds, we are offering a soccer camp specialty option. Participants will spend two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon building their soccer skills under the direction of instructors from the Mooredale Soccer Club. Campers will still take part in the meal plan, as well as the morning recreational swimming time. (Please note that participants will not take part in the morning swimming lessons). For more information please visit the website or call the office. Meal Plans – Don’t worry about packing a nutritious lunch every day because once again this summer, snacks and a hot lunch will be provided daily by Real Food for Real Kids. A dietary information form will be included with the parent package to notify us of any dietary needs or restrictions. Senior Camp – Added Specialties this Summer! Our Senior Camp programs are for children 9 – 12 (14 for Tennis) years old. This year we have added 4 new specialty options. In addition to Tennis (Session 2 and 4) and Camping (Session 1 & 3), we now offer Soccer (Session 1 & 3), Robotics (Session 1 & 3), Drama (Session 2 & 4), and Basketball (Session 4). For a full description of each specialty, visit the Senior Camp page under Day Camps on the 6 Mooredale website, or call the office and we would be happy to answer your questions! Registration Spaces Remaining – If you have not yet registered for camp we still have space in all our sessions, but there is limited space in Session One and Two. The remaining spots are filling up fast so register soon! For more information or to register online, visit us at or call Joanna Ingram at (416) 922-3714 ext 103 or our Camp Director, Eric Musselman at ext. 105. Summer Day Camp Children Ages 4 - 12 yrs 8:30 am - 4 pm (after care until 5:30) Located in the heart of Rosedale @ 146 Crescent Road Red Cross Swimming Lessons! Lunch provided! Athletics, Archery, Arts & Crafts, Cooking, Music, Tennis, Drama, Day Trips, & More! MooredaleNews Programs Summer 2015 Program Manager & Camp Director 9:30 am Fitness Classes in the Studio Back this fall are the 9:30 Morning Workout (Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri) classes led by Rebecca Bell. These classes are effective and efficient one hour full body workouts. Participants can take part one day a week or multiple days per week. Community Building Blocks CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS ‘Connections within our neighbourhood are the building blocks of our larger communities – our kids can stand on these blocks, learn the values of the larger group, and benefit from its caring and concerned residents. In neighbourhoods that are vibrant and healthy, people see, hear, and feel their neighbours’ presence, their joys, and their sorrows; they respond to the group and to the individuals within it – from the toddlers to the seniors. To revitalize our neighbourhoods, we need to emerge from the cocoons of our homes, spread our wings, knock on our neighbours’ door and get to know them.’ Ballet, Acro and Jazz Dance Ages 5 – 14 years Acro combines modern, jazz and acrobatic movements. This art form improves flexibility, strength, agility and control while learning dance and gymnastic floor tricks. Jazz dance is a smooth, modern Broadway style of dance where students learn moves that coincide with the current pop music. Ballet classes follow the Royal Academy of Dance syllabus. This ballet program will give each and every student a goal to work towards and they will develop mentally and physically with a strong ballet technique. Eric Musselman ‘Sixty percent of American youth don’t know someone well enough in their neighbourhood to ask for help if they need it.’ Excerpts from Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand by James Vollbracht. “Mooredale has given me the opportunity to be connected to my neighbourhood.” If you spend time with Mooredale members and ask them what Mooredale means to them, most often you’ll hear the words ‘connected’ and ‘community’. You will hear stories about meeting neighbours and making friends while standing on the sidelines watching house league soccer, taking part in fitness classes, sitting pool-side during the summer, or while volunteering alongside each other during the annual spectacle that is Mayfair. For many, Mooredale has been, and continues to be, a place to connect with and feel a part of the larger community. What needs, what gaps can this community centre fill for you and your family? How can we further become a connection hub for you and this neighbourhood? This past year we started Mooredale Talks, Lego, iPhoneography, High Intensity Interval Training, Video Game Design and our hugely popular Pre-school lunch time program because members came forward with suggestions. We want continue to make this a place where friendship and a sense of belonging in the neighbourhood can be nurtured. Drop in or send us your suggestions for programming for all age groups – we want to hear from you! This fall season, Mooredale will be offering a wide range of programs for our Members to enjoy. We have put together a lineup of high quality programs for all ages, interests and skill levels. Here is a preview of what you can expect this fall: ADULTS Mooredale Talks Hosted by our Board President, Carrie Scace, Mooredale will continue to host special events over the coming year featuring guest speakers dealing with timely and relevant issues facing our families. Stay tuned for event topics, dates and times. Yoga for Children Rainbow Kids Yoga certified instructor Giovanna Carini Danishwar (RECE), will lead your child through various yoga poses using playful mediums such as dramatic play, musical games, storytelling, art, dance and more. Children’s communication skills, independence and confidence will build as they learn about yogic elements such as meditation, the breath, balance, body strength, health, mandalas and of course yoga poses in a fun and interactive environment. Monkeynastix Monkeynastix is a broad-based, holistic program that combines creativity, music and storytelling with basic training in flexibility, balance, strength, agility, co-ordination and body awareness for children ages one to eight. For Registration Information: Contact Catherine Loeffler at: 416-922-3714 ext.102 or Stephanie Chu, ext. 100 Email: Web-site: Eric Musselman – Program Manager, ext. 105 Luxury Muskoka Cottage Rentals Ian Heerdegen 416-464-1393 7 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Building vibrant communities together. Scotiabank is honoured to be a Gold Sponsor at Mayfair 2015. We're proud to help build vibrant communties where we live and work. Together, we can build a bright future for everyone. Yonge & St. Clair Branch 1 St Clair Ave East Toronto, Ontario (416) 515-8722 2015 ROSEDALE-MOORE RX S P LEXUS ON THE PARK THE IS A PROUD SUPPORTER OF PARK ASSOCIATION MAYFAIR 2015 COMPLETE LEXUS PRICING DELIVERY CREDIT COMPLETE PURCHASE PRICE (+ HST + LICENSING FEE) 2015 RX350 SPORTDESIGN SALES 8 –$ 2,000 51,828* $ SERVICE 416-391-1600 416-391-1668 PLEASE CALL FOR PRICE AND CURRENT PROGRAM DETAILS 53,828 $ 1075 LESLIE ST., TORONTO, ON PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES FREIGHT/PDI - $ 2,045, OMVIC FEE - $5,EHF TIRES - $29, EHF FILTERS - $1, A/C - $100, DEALER FEES - $548 ( INCLUDES 1 YEAR TIRE/ RIM COVERAGE, NITRO, 5 YEAR THEFT REGISTRATION) MooredaleNews Preschool News Carolyn Burgess PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR Funky Monkeys, Happy Hippos, Busy Bees and Jolly Giraffes join Mooredale’s Summer Fun?! Y es, it’s true, we have invited each and every one of them (a.k.a. our youngest campers) to join us this summer to explore and enjoy every corner of the Mooredale playground. A myriad of experiences await… water play, sensory surprises, crafts, music, cooperative games and swimming. Shade sails, canopies and our new screened shelter (for bug free snacking) will ensure that our campers enjoy the outdoors safely with just the right amount of sun and shade. If it is raining or too hot or smoggy, we just move the fun indoors to the cool comfort of the Coach House. Three options are available, morning, morning with lunch and full day. And there’s more, lunches and snacks are provided by Real Food for Real Kids Our Summer Fun ‘counsellors’ are Registered Early Childhood Educators who teach in our school year Preschool program. All come with years of experience and are extremely creative, nurturing and engaging. For families with children who will be entering a preschool in the fall, what better way to help with the transition than to begin with a Summer Fun experience! Summer 2015 Seamless Transitions Return in September! Our ‘Preschool + Program’ introduced this past school year was a great success. This exciting new option extended our Mooredale Preschoolers day to include not only a rich and stimulating preschool class but also a hot lunch catered by Real Food for Real Kids and an escort to or from familiar Mooredale favourites such as Monkeynastix, French, Sportball and Little Travellers… AND we are going to offer it again beginning in September, introducing more new options from which to choose! Don’t forget Extended Care! For those days when a 9:00am drop-off is too late or a 3:30pm pick-up is too early, we offer two extended care options, mornings from 8:00 – 9:00 and afternoons from 3:30 – 6:00. Both are available on an as needed or regular basis. Please contact the preschool office for details. After more than 17 years as a Mooredale Preschool Kindergarten teacher, Patrizia Boynton will be leaving us at the end of June. Patrizia is a passionate, highly creative and dedicated educator with an energy and enthusiasm second to none. We will sincerely miss you Patrizia but wish you only the very best in your exciting new journey. Merci! Rachel Busbridge, chair of our Preschool Parent Committee, leaves us this month after 3 amazing years of leadership. Always ready to take on the latest preschool initiative, her passion and enthusiasm ensured remarkable success. Rachel, we send you our most heartfelt thanks. For the encouragement and effort put forth on our behalf, we sincerely thank our Mooredale Preschool Parent Committee: Kimberly Berman, Danya Cohen, Elizabeth Denham, Karin Dajani, Katherine Hallisey, Josie Marciello, Natasha Nestor, Laura Palamara, Rita Reeve, Jennifer Scace, Anuja Sharma, Christina Staikos, Serge Vitale and a special thank you to Sonja and Gary Berman. And to our preschool families who throughout the year support us in so many ways… nous sommes des plus reconnaissants. Mooredale Preschool… Brimming with opportunities that entice, challenge and inspire, from Toddler to Kindergarten, we continue to provide a solid foundation on which our children may grow and flourish. Waves of Excitement Under the Sea at Mayfair’s Raffle! The Mayfair Raffle is the responsibility of our preschool and we sincerely appreciate the exciting list of prizes made possible by the generosity of our Mooredale Preschool families and the outstanding grand prize courtesy of: Congratulations to our Prize Winners!! For additional Preschool information including Summer Fun, please visit our website, or contact the preschool office at 416-922-3714 ext. 113. Wishing all a happy, sunny and safe summer! 9 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Make the summer day camp choice your MOOREDALE Juniors: 4 to 5 years old Heated outdoor swimming pool! Theme Days! Intermediates: Surprises! Register Today! Limited Spaces Still Available Visit or call the Camp Office at 416-922-3714 x 103 to speak to Joanna 4 NEW OPTIONS for Senior Campers (9-14 yrs): Try our new specialties! Soccer* (Session 1 & 3), Robotics (Session 2 & 4), Drama* (Session 2 & 4) and Basketball* (Session 4). Overnight Camping* (Session 1 &3) and Tennis (Session 2 & 4) are available once again this year. 10 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 community has been making for almost 50 years! DAY CAMP 6 to 8 years old Mooredale is accredited by the Seniors: 9 to 14 years old Daily Red Cross Swimming Lessons* New Options for Senior Campers! Lasting Friendships! Mooredale Day Camp Activities Include: Red Cross Swimming Lessons Science Mooredale Morning Madness Archery Day Trips Crafts Music Theme Days Drama Free Swim Athletics Cooking Wacky Wednesdays Extended care ( 4- 5:30 pm) * Some Senior options do not include swim lessons Healthy and kid-friendly lunch and snacks are included and are provided daily by Real Food for Real Kids 11 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Mayfair 2015 Joanne Pauli Mayfair Chair Mayfair Under the Sea T here hasn’t been such a hot, sunny Mayfair like this one for decades! Our Friday Mayfair’s Eve Preview has become an absolutely fantastic neighbourhood party with perfect summer evening weather for everyone to enjoy on the rides and particularly in the Beer Garden with those yummy Summerhill ribs. With the whole fair operating on Saturday, it was a time to don the shorts, spread on the sunscreen and enjoy a full day at the park... Here are some of the images that stayed with me: Kids jumping for glee as the parade enters the park and they spy the giant Bouncies in the rink. Kids in garbage-bag gowns getting their hair coloured in the Wacky Hair Salon and their faces painted to match the watery theme at the Face-painting booth. Determined kids competing in the races at Track and Field encouraged along by Olympian athletes, kids screaming as they dropped from the Cannonball, kids shopping delightedly at the Prizes booth to select just the right one to spend all those hardearned prize coupons on! 12 For many of these children, Mayfair is the first big fair in their lives. It’s a great tradition, and a lot of parents at the park also remember their first visits to Mayfair! Each year, we make sure we have a mix of rides for younger kids, in addition to the big thrill rides. This year our Kiddie Zone in the skating rink offered the treat of the Octopus’s Garden presented by the Mooredale Preschool where the little ones decorated pots and planted a flower in them as a Mother’s Day gift. Our Silent Auction had another successful year, as did the Raffle organized by the Mooredale Preschool parents. For the somewhat older kids, Mayfair is a chance to let loose in the safety of their local park. For them, it’s all about the big rides, the Midway Games and the super prizes they can win, the fries and caramel corn, the slushies… out with their friends for a full day’s excitement. We spotted a lot of grandparents joining in the festivities this year and people of all ages enjoying lunch in the Beer Garden to the great sound of our new local band, Governor Douglas. For all our parents with kids, there was lots to look at and do - Bingo playing on the field, no shortage of food and drink, little ones to accompany on the classic Merry-Go-Round and the Giant Slide or if the kids were old enough to run around on their own, parents could just let it all flow while they caught up with friends and neighbours. Lots of parents find that volunteering to sell tickets, running a midway game for the kids, or flipping burgers at the BBQ MooredaleNews Thank you to our Cash Sponsors Lexus on the Park Royal Le Page Chestnut Park Real Estate Heaps Estrin Team The Royal Bank of Canada ScotiaBank Forest Hill Orthodontics Sage Real Estate “Thanks to Karin Lawton, the official Mayfair photographer, for her annual photography recording our fun at Mayfair! To see this great gallery of Mayfair photos, go to the Mooredale website and follow the links!” Summer 2015 Each year, Mayfair has two purposes: it’s a fundraiser for Mooredale, and also a neighbourhood fair that strengthens our community. Mayfair 2015 was more successful than ever on both counts. Mayfair wouldn’t be possible without an army of volunteers. There were scores of students, many of them earning their community service hours. We also had hundreds of adult volunteers, and I’m truly delighted that so many of them are loyal Mayfair “lifers!” This year we celebrated the 70th annual Mayfair in Rosedale Park. If you would like to be part of the team for Mayfair 2016, please call Mooredale at 416-922-3714, ext 310, or email We’d love to have you join us! Thank you for many years’ work on Mayfair... to Laurie Stein for her charming Mayfair-themed drawings, and to Karin Lawton for her fabulous photos.” Mayfair Committee 2015 lets them do their bit for Mayfair and puts them a location where their children can easily find them to check in. Brilliant! Those two large open tents in the beer garden were back again, this year providing a lovely shaded area to take a break, enjoy a Steam Whistle Beer or try out some Union Wines offerings while listening to the band on Saturday. This year we added a free giant foosball table in one of the tent, to the delight of many! I particularly want to thank our BBQ grill volunteers, our ticket sellers and our treasury staff, who worked extra hours to make our Friday night happen. Many of these same volunteers were back early the next morning, for their regular shifts. I would also like to thank our dedicated set-up and takedown team, led by Bill Deacon and helped by our Mooredale lifeguards and day camp staff. All of you did an amazing job! Chair Joanne Pauli Co-Chair James Barrass Past Chair Karen Powell Baking BoothReva Devins Beer & Wine GardenTim McLaughlin Bingo Carrie Scace, Julia Holland Food Evan Sage, John Hiscox Games Shuchi Stanger, Margot Howard Graphics Laurie Stein Park Set-Up Bill Deacon Park Visitors Harry Peckham Parade Lucia McCurdy Permits & Insurance Erik Mathiesen Prizes for Games Terri Cunningham and Bingo Public Address Diane Thomson Announcements RaffleRachel Busbridge, Carolyn Burgess Refurbishing Earle Taylor Ride Vouchers Julie Ballon Silent Auction Eleonora & Mark Van Orman Sound System Matt Finlayson Take-Down & Park Clean Up James Barrass Ticket Sellers Susan Guichon TicketsCathy Thomas, Lynda Smith, Christina Cavanagh, Ryan Blackwell Track & FieldLuis Vega Penso Transportation Bill McCurdy Treasurer Brian Pel Volunteers Katharine Lake Berz AdvisorsDoug Hall, Adair Hope, Marie O’Connor Admin SupportMarjorie Booth, Joanna Ingram, Susan Li, Mooredale staff 13 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Thank You Mayfair Volunteers 2015 PHOTOS: Karin Lawton Emma Abbey Nick Allard Kristin Andersons Laurel Aquino Caitlin Aspinall Alishewa Aziz Debbie Babington Jake Ballantyne Julie Ballon Sarah Balzer Lori Barnes James Barrass Elizabeth Batchelor Jennifer Berquis Zoe Binelli Gilda Bissada Geneva Bissada Bianca Bissada Ugo Bizzarri Ryan Blackwell Carol Bloemen 14 Kate Bongard Marjorie Booth David Boriss Karen Bowles Jackie Boyle MaryLynn Boyle Ryan Bradley Doug Brady Ian Brown Gregory Bry Carlyn Bujouves Charlotte Burgess Carolyn Burgess Rachel Busbridge Connor Callager Tina Camara Amanda Cameron Onandaga Camp Emma Capern Chloe Carron Meaghan Carter Christina Cavanagh Sarah Celestini Jiali Chen Nicole Christakis Katherine Coddington Cath Collins Taya Connor Lauren Conolly Lauren Conover Luke Conrad Joan Copp Kelvin Cosgrave Fred Cowans Claire Cram David Crawford Noah Crawford Holland Lucas Crawford Holland Mike Cunningham Terri Cunningham Rob Currie Vince Cusick Colin Darling Rylan Davis Coulter Deacon Bill Deacon Belise Deffett Diane Dempsey Caroline Dent Reva Devins Camille Dime Maddy Doughty Bryce Douglas Marya Duckworth Malini Dufton Priya Dufton Molly Duncan Oliver Dunlap Marcel Dupupet Lauren Durand Bianca Ecklemeier Katie Fairbrother Jade Farhat Daniel Farley Andrew Farley Adam Felesky Jim Felstiner Bella Feng Matt Finlayson Levi Folk Sarah Fraser Ian Fraser Claire Gallagher Carlyle Gallagher Finlay Gane Peter Gardiner Harrison Gardner Daya Gibbs Kristen Gilbert Lisa Gilbert Catherine Gillespie Gabe Gonda Chris Goode Gail Graham Emma Grant Silvio Greto David Grout Susan Guichon Doug Hall Lisa Hardess Hugo Hardinge Oliver Hardinge Matthew Hartford Vanessa Harvie Dough Heighington Meredith Hepburn Christian Hepfer Chris Hind Chloe Hinds John Hiscox Margot Histed Allan Hodgson Ryan Hodgson Julia Holland Adair Hope Ian Hope Adair Hope Samantha Howard Margot Howard Jeffrey Hugessen Lydia Hughes Madison Ingram Sarah James Shreva Jane Becky Jones Hannah Jones Natalie Juriansz Jason Kaiman Patrick Kedwell Jennifer Kernaghan Maggie Keyworth Siobhan Kidd Gillian Kideckel Bridget Kilburn Kevin Kirby Nanci Kirkland Quinn Kirkpatrick Ivona Konrad Scott Kraag Katharine Lake Berz Lisa Lang Michael Lang Andrew Lawson Karin Lawton Mike Lay Stephen Ledrew Michael Ledrew MaryAnn Lee Garett Lee MooredaleNews Seb Reed Jeff Ridout Catie Robinson Michael Rodger Angus Rogers Sandra Rosch Evan Sage Carrie Scace Christina Lee Adrian Leemhuis Rachel Levine Yiran Liang Julia Lombard Andrea Lombard Kirk Lynn Martha MacDonald Emma MacDonald Melanie MacLean Glenn MacNeill Beth Marley Liam Mason Erik Mathiesen Maryann McCann Randall Miller Caroline Miller Anjali Moorthy Peter Murphy Charlotte Naudie James Newall Marie O`Connor Chloe Oriotis Rachel Otchere Gyan Kathleen Panos Dee Patterson Joanne Pauli Rory Peckham Harry Peckham Brian Pel Adrian Pel Sharon Pel Sharon Pel Jeff Pentland Simon Peterson Linda Phillips-Smith Gabi Piccininni Astrid Player-Khan Robin Porter Karen Powell Karen Powell Doug Prichard Mike Quinn Rebecca Quinn Alexander Quinn Everett Redfern Lucia McCurdy Bill McCurdy Hudson McDaniel Will McEvoy Piper McGavin Tim McLaughlin Peter McNabb David McNabb Megan McNabb James McNee Mary McPherson Jason Melbourne Petra Schmid Katrina Schmidt Justin Schurman Paolo Scoppio Samantha Sears Owen Seidman Lily Seidman Natalie Selfe Amelia Semenak Felix Sennecke Maha Shaikh Afarni Sharifkashani Wendy Shaw Jen Sievenpiper Chris Silva Rachel Simpson Clare Simpson Hannah Smegal Janice Smile Graham Smith Anne Smith Lynda Smith Sue Smithen Jailin Song Tim Sorensen Livia Stanger Shuchi Stanger Laurie Stein Ashley Stewart Andrew Stewart Davis Stothers Susan Strike Hui Sun Jack Sussman Monica Sznajder Michael Tait Elizabeth Talbot Blair Tamblyn Luke Tao Sam Tauber Gavin Taylor Justin Taylor Earle Taylor Matt Tedford Mary Ann Tevlin Cathy Thomas Diane Thomson Owen Torrey James Trachuk Clare Trachuk Maria Tsianos Keith Tuomi Victoria Turner Eleonora Van Orman Mark Van Orman Luis Vega Penso Bruno Venditelli Kate Viner Matthew von Teichman Eliza Wallace James Wallace Joshua Walton Mark Warren Robert Watson Bailey Weber Ellen Webster Sam Webster Chris Weir Mark Wellings Matthew Wheler Josh Wheler 2012 Summer 2015 Robert White Meleidys Williams Henrry Emma Wilson Colleen Wilson Patrick Wilson-Smith Sarah Wren Bob Wright Erin Wright Nina Zhang Julie Zicchi Stuart Zimmerman Shelly Zucchi Paul Zucchi John Zucchi Sam Zucchi David Zucchi Isabella Kyla Iona ICON Digital Productions 15 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 NO ENTRY FEE NO MINIMUM PLEDGE WALKlRUNlWHEELlRIDE Inspired by a dream Grounded in tradition Volunteer-driven Sunday September 20 The Rosedale-Moore Park Terry Fox Run Join us at Mooredale House 146 Crescent Road Phone: 416-922-3714 TIME: 8am – Noon We’ll have live music, Starbucks coffee, pre and post-run snacks. Route maps and more! Volunteers needed. 16 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 E L E C T I O N 2 015 T he 14 Directors of the Rosedale-Moore Park Association are elected annually. We are now seeking nominations for election at our 2015 Annual General Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 7:30 pm. In order to encourage our members to participate, a Nominating Committee, comprised of the Past President, two current Board Members and two Association members who are not on the Board, will be formed. This committee will propose a slate of nominees for the Association year 2015-2016. We urge you to contact Shuchi Stanger, the Nominating Committee Chair, with your suggestions of possible candidates. For your nominations to be considered by the Nominating Committee for its suggested slate, the nominations must be received by September 9, 2015. Biographical information on all nominees received by September 17 will be circulated to all members. Other nominations will be accepted from the membership until 4:00pm October 9, 2015. The completed, signed forms should be returned to the Mooredale Office, 146 Crescent Rd, Toronto M4W 1V2 (Fax 416-922-4523) or email pdf to . Also, if you are interested in volunteering for Mooredale committee work, you are invited to join any of our committees. Please feel free to contact Katharine Lake Berz, Volunteer and Community Liaison Director at volunteer@ or leave a voice message at 416-922-3714 ext 310 for more information. According to our by-laws, the following five Directors must be elected to such positions by a separate vote. l We must have three Directors, one from each of the current membership of the Pool, Soccer and Tennis Clubs. Each club must elect an executive committee to organise and operate these large seasonal activities. The Mooredale Director representing each of these clubs has traditionally been the club president or an executive member appointed by the club. l We must have one Preschool Director who is a parent of a child currently enrolled in any of the licensed Preschool programs. This director works with our Preschool Director (staff) and chairs an advisory committee for Preschool. l We must have one Sports Director who works with volunteers, league convenors (except Soccer) and with the Sport & Soccer Manager (staff) and is also an advisor for team sports programs offered through Mooredale. Nomination Form l The remaining nine Directors on the Board shall be filled by nominees elected to be “Directors at large”, who are then assigned positions. Most of these positions are assigned annually as we continue traditional activities, but other portfolios can change from year to year in order for the Board to complete goals set for the upcoming year. The following two positions are assigned annually: President: chairs regular board meetings and works with the Executive Director. Treasurer: supervises the financial affairs of the Association. The following portfolios were in operation for 2014-2014 Marketing & Sponsorship Director: investigates new marketing opportunities to increase public awareness of Mooredale and promotes sponsorship support for Mooredale. Mayfair Director: organises the annual fair and major fundraiser in Rosedale Park each Spring. Membership & Database Director: works with staff to improve membership database demographic analysis and design custom reports. Orchestra/Concerts Director: organises, raises funds and helps on-site with the rehearsals and performances of the Mooredale concerts, the Mooredale Youth Orchestra and the Junior Orchestra. Program Director: chairs the program committee and works with the Program Manager (staff) to generate program and course ideas and to establish Program policies. Property Director: supervises major property repairs and improvements to Main House and Coach House facilities. Volunteer and Community Liaison Director: recruits new volunteers to support ongoing Mooredale events and activities. Provides orientation and support for volunteers as well as thanks and acknowledgement. Two major events include Winter Wonderland (December) and Mayfair (May. The final Director position is reserved for the Past President, who serves exofficio and Chairs the Nominating Committee. Nominating Committee Chair for 2015-2016 Shuchi Stanger E-mail: Rosedale-Moore Park Association Board of Directors 2015-2016 I agree to let my name stand for nomination as a Director of the Rosedale-Moore Park Association. We nominate (NAME) Signature of Nominee to serve on the 2015/2016 RMPA Board of Directors in the position of: (CHECK ONE ONLY) Director at Large Preschool Pool Club Date of Nomination Sports Soccer Club Area of interest for Director at Large: Tennis Club Telephone # of Nominee: (DAY) (EVENING) Email: Background of the Nominee: Signature of 1st Nominator (MOBILE) Nominee and both nominators must be of the Rosedale-Moore Park Association. No nominations will be accepted after October 9, 2015. Deadline for consideration for the Nominating Committee’s suggested slate is September 9, 2015. Only one member per family may serve as a Director in any year. This form may be photocopied: send/fax completed forms to:Mooredale House, 146 Crescent Road, Toronto M4W 1V2 Tel: 416-922-3714 Fax: 416-922-4523 Email pdf to: Signature of 2nd Nominator 17 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 ZONE Alain Strati David Woods For sports information: President, Soccer Club Sports Director Contact Catherine at: 416-922-3714 Ext 102 Email: Website: Mooredale Soccer Softball “Ole, Ole, Ole” “Batter up” The 2015 House League Soccer Season started right after Mayfair this year with practices from May 11 to May 22 and the first matches of the Mooredale Champions League starting May 23/24 at Rosedale and Riverdale Parks. This year we have added a Men’s Recreational Division (to go along with our all Women’s Division), as well as an U21 Men’s Competitive Team and a Men’s Team that compete in the Ontario Soccer League. We now have programs from Under 4 to Men and Women at all levels! This season couldn’t have kicked off so successfully without all of our volunteers, so thank you so much for answering the call, your energy is the very lifeblood of this organization. Mooredale Soccer is forever grateful for your unwavering support and commitment to our program. To all the players, you are getting better every practice and every game so keep up the great work. Look out for our Summer Soccer Day Programs at Rosedale Park, in July and August, we are offering week-long and multiweek sessions all summer long. Our Jr. RDP Program is running for Ages 6/7 at Rosedale Park, Friday Evenings, for the players that are looking to possibly go into competitive soccer at the U8 division. Soctoberfest – our Adult Soccer Tournament returns for its third year. We hope to have more and more of our Mooredale Members join this great event! Rosedale Park was the home to Mooredale Softball League. Three nights a week the umpires can be heard calling “batter up” as batter after batter stride to the plate to take their swings – get that base hit, or get ‘robbed’ by the highlight reel catch at second base. You don’t want to turn away, as you might miss the diving catch, the triple over the head of the outfielder, or that strike out. It really is non-stop entertainment. This year we partnered with Leaside Baseball, to provide free clinics for our players and will be looking to develop that relationship even more going forward. The season is half over, but the best is still to come, the players are preparing for Cup Day’s during the week of June 15. A big thank you to all the parents, coaches, and volunteers that have stepped to the front and assisted in the operation of this league – we couldn’t have done it without you, and the athletes of Rosedale and Moore Park thank you for everything you have done for them. Need 2 Know l T he last spring session soccer game is June 20/21 – and we look forward to seeing you the week of September 2 for practice, and on the last weekend of September for Cup Day! l C up Day for Softball is June 15 to 17. Come to the Park and watch the final out made of another great season. l F lag Football and Basketball registration opens on June 15 at l If you have any questions please contact our office via e-mail 18 Lacrosse Mooredale Athletics has now brought Lacrosse to the masses. This year we are hosting a recreational box Lacrosse league with the help of the University of Toronto staff. After our wildly successful indoor Lacrosse Program, we felt we are able to progress with a league. We are looking to form a competitive Lacrosse club this year, so if you are interested in coming to be a part of that, please let us know. Flag Football “Mooredale + Football + Rain/ Sun/Mud = More Fun” FOOTBALL Training Camp is opening soon for the CFL and it is time to start thinking about Flag Football MOOREDALE – it is back for another exciting year. Last year was our biggest yet and we are planning lots of exciting things this year. We have partnered with a local Flag MooredaleNews Football Camp to provide a late Spring Training Camp and also a Pre-Season Camp in September. We are planning on adding an Adult Flag Football Tournament day like we do for Soctoberfest. Registrations begin for our Football League on June 15th. Mooredale Basketball “The Best is Yet to Come” Basketball is returning in October 2015. Working with North Toronto Basketball, our Basketball program has increased its technical offerings. Running from October to the first week of March– hoops will run on one week-night a week. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn the fundamentals of basketball, taught by a certified basketball instructor. We will also be running our Women’s Basketball division this fall and winter, so look out for registrations! Registrations begin June 15. Summer 2015 In-Home Senior Care by: TM SERVICES For over 20 years, Retire-At-Home has provided seniors with professional care that helps them remain safe at home. We can help your loved one with: • Errands and groceries • Housekeeping and meal preparation • Hospital discharge, postoperative care • Personal care, bathing, dressing • Compassionate palliative care • Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care • Foot Care by nurses • So much more... Call Today for a FREE In-Home Consultation! 416-423-0963 YourHealth. YourHome. YourChoice. Welcome New Mooredale Members Bronwen Clark, Bronte Belknap, Harris and Mark Belknap; Lisa Liberatore, Ava, Emma, Isabella and Richard Wong; Rosa Rumeo, Angela, Silvio and Luke Tavone; Ana Serrano, Neo Givord-Serrano, Tita Angangco and Priam Givord; Laila, Daniel and Michael Paszti; Sharon Jameson and Lucas Djordjevic; Noelle Wood and Norton Greer; Nikki and Amir Aslaninejad; Sheila McIlraith, Andrew, Charlotte and David Fleet; Helene Laplante; Lesley-Anne Morris, Sarah and Andrew Fortier; Allison, Oliver and Tony Willson; Rosmond, August, Winslow, Declan and Andrew Wilson; Tracey Kernahan, Georgia and Terrance MacDonald; Nita Major, Campbell and Jonathan Hunter; Jen Wareham, Eliza, Sophie and Garth Chalmers; Rachelle Moncur, Grace and Edmond Lamek; Kimberley, Siena and Oliver Ling; Elias Mina; Michelle Rinaldo, Ollie, Gabe and Shawn Burnett; Elena Comelli, Federico, Cecilia and Giovanni Grasselli; Winnie Lherisson-Clokie, Colin J.A. and Cameron Clokie; Elisa Mauro, Sofia, Noah, Luca and Sacha Jadavji; Martha, Katerina and Chris Karadimas and Vasili Vangelis; Sonia Nicolucci; Lauren Richards, Thomson and Harrison Doucet; Michael and jasper Bernstein; Christine Romano, Isla, Logan Gitano and Geoff Gittins; Jennifer, Colten, Camden, Brielle and Jim Ginis; Danielle, Sophia and Nigel Smith; Katherine MacDonald, James and Ian Harding MacDonald and Andrew Harding; Sandra and Matthew Bennett; Daphne Archibald; Thomas Kelsey; Janine, Oliviero and Robert Francchioni; Meredith Vuchnich, Christopher, Sophia, Rachel and Michael Donaldson; Karen Weyman and Hannah Feldman; Kate, Megan and Mark Heyman; Audra Mudford, Ashley, Taylor and David Hall; Jennifer McKibbin, James, Charlotte and Jon McGrath; William, Matthew and Michael Hope; Elizabeth Brown, Elizabeth SpearmanBrown, Marlowe and Tea Vemer and Jason Falk; Rachel Fox, Ethan and Jon Frier; Patricia Salib, Beckett and Boris Nikic; Dinah Luxton, Hugh, James and Steve Luengo; Asumi Ishibashi, Maya and Darren Sellers; Natalia Diaz-Granados, Lucas, Sebastian and Patrick Darragh; Alison, Evan and Jaime Rockwell and Jason Flowerday; Owen and Ian Hughes; Jamaie Hylton-Nelson and Tricia Hylton; Tanya Low, Lawson, Cosette and John Aird; Emily, Sueyen and Joe Caza; Kelly Smith and Riley Donovan; Tricia Smith, Ben, Lily and Judson Venier; Nyla, Sasha and Ryan McGrath. 19 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Adrian Fung, Artistic Director Mooredale Concerts Announces A its 27th Season September 27, 2015 – April 17, 2016 n extraordinary season of Canadian and international talents from Germany, England, and Denmark. We begin with legendary piano variations, followed by young legends on violins. A rare and exquisite vocal quintet grace our stage singing carols from around the world. Two acclaimed string quartets perform Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn and are joined by a clarinet and a bass. If that’s not enough, there’s an eleven player ensemble who will dazzle us with piano chamber works. Artistic director Adrian Fung has announced the lineup, saying, “Our audience loves classical music, and is accustomed to hearing it performed by world-class artists. They also enjoy fabulous musicians they may never before have heard of, and the best of our home-grown talent. We are giving our audiences what they crave and enjoy, at a very affordable price.” This season’s six concerts can be enjoyed on subscription for only $140; seniors $130; and for patrons under 30, only $90. Subscribers are not only assured of their seats, but also save up to 47% over single ticket purchases. Subscribers receive two additional bonuses: complimentary tickets to the three concerts by the Mooredale Youth Orchestras at nearby Laidlaw Hall, UCC, showcasing a future generation of orchestral musicians, and orders will not be processed until September 1, allowing people to keep their money until tickets are ready for mailing. All 2015-16 concerts conveniently take place at Walter Hall “one of Toronto’s original fine, small recital halls...” in the Edward Johnson Building, University of Toronto, 80 Queen’s Park (Museum subway), Sundays at 3:15 p.m. Our 2015-16 season at a glance: MUSIC & TRUFFLES Classical Music for Family Enjoyment December 13 – Calmus Ensemble, European Vocal Quintet Artists featured in five of the six concerts will also perform a onehour interactive concert for young people 5-11 at 1:15 p.m. in Walter Hall. Season begins November 1st (no concert September 27). Adults wishing to learn more about music and music-making are also welcome. Subscriptions are only $50, and include a chocolate truffle for everyone at the end of each concert. 20 September 27 – Stewart Goodyear, Legendary Piano Variations Toronto-born internationally known pianist opens the Mooredale Concerts season with two piano blockbusters by revered composers of the baroque and classical periods – J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations and Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations. Stewart Goodyear November 1 – Vivacious Violins – Nikki and Timothy Chooi Victoria BC sensations and brothers (ages 26, 21) are well into international solo careers. They play on $10 Million worth of violins on loan from the Canada Council Musical Instrument Bank. Works performed by Saint-Saëns, Schumann, and Prokofiev. Their Canadian debut features a special holiday program, Christmas Carols of the World. A mix of sacred and secular, even humorous, a cappella selections from the Renaissance to the present day, this concert will charm and dazzle audience members, especially as they sing their way on stage carrying electric candles. MooredaleNews January 17, 2016 – London Haydn Quartet with Eric Hoeprich, clarinet Considered by many to be the “Quartet’s quartet” their Toronto debut features works by Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn, of course! “Gut strings sometimes mean sour intonation, but not with this superb British group... they explore... repertoire with a light touch and kaleidoscopic colours...crammed with subtle pleasures.” Summer 2015 MOOREDALE YOUTH ORCHESTRAS Training serious young musicians from September to June The youth orchestras were given their start in 1988 by the Rosedale CD Review, The Times March 13 – Ensemble MidtVest from Denmark – Canadian debut Comprising a string quartet, a wind quintet and a pianist, the ensemble is renowned for creative programming. These 11 players including Canadian violist David Samuel will enthrall us with piano chamber works by Schubert, Brahms and Denmark’s Carl Nielsen. Clare Carberry rehearses the Intermediate Orchestra Afiara String Quartet April 17 – Afiara String Quartet with Joel Quarrington, bass Two internationally renowned Canadian music forces unite to perform Mendelssohn’s String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 13 and Dvorak’s String Quintet No. 2 in G Major, Op. 77. Juno winner Joel is currently principal bass with the London Symphony Orchestra. The Afiara’s are a Mooredale audience favourite. This will be their first performance since their founder and cellist, Adrian Fung became our artistic director. – Moore Park Association thanks to its visionary founder, the late cellist Kristine Bogyo, who inspired so many young people to not only take up classical music, but also make careers and lifetime pursuits. Her dream was supported by Marjorie Booth, executive director at RMPA, a music lover and believer in the educational power and benefits of music programming. That mutual legacy continues as we now receive calls from parents who were young players, wishing to enrol their children in this venerable and very unique Toronto-based institution. What makes the Mooredale orchestras so enduring is the expert knowledge, ongoing dedication, and welcoming positive energy of our conductors. In June, we are bidding farewell to our Intermediate conductor, Ms. Clare Carberry after 25 years of devotion, single-minded commitment, and enthusiasm in the service of her young string players. Clare will be sorely missed as a regular fixture in our youth orchestra family, but she has promised to stay in touch and guest rehearse when the occasion arises. We are extremely grateful for Clare’s wisdom and leadership, both on and off the podium, and the tremendous influence she has had as a teacher, mentor, and best friend. Go raibh maith agat “May you have goodness” in Gaelic. ORDER NOW: Subscriptions for Mooredale’s Concert Series and Music & Truffles are available online at www.mooredaleconcerts. com. Orders can also be mailed to Mooredale Concerts, 146 Crescent Road, Toronto M4W 1V2, or phoned in to Joanna directly at 416-922-3714 ext. 103. Clare Carberry with player 21 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 In September, we welcome Ms. Yvanna Mycyk as the new conductor for our Junior orchestra, ages 6-12 years in RCM/Suzuki levels 2-4. She is a familiar face to many of our players as she has conducted some of our rehearsals over the past two seasons. Yvanna is a musician and devoted educator specializing in leading young string ensembles. She works with the Junior orchestra at the Sistema Toronto Academy where she also teaches violin and viola, and teaches individual and group lessons at Branksome Hall. She has also taught strings class and string orchestra at Havergal College. Yvanna completed her undergraduate degree in Violin Performance at Boston University, studying with Yuri Mazurkevich and Gwen Thompson and studying violin pedagogy with Bonnie Black. She recently graduated from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto with a specialization Yvanna Mycyk is music education. Belonging to one or more orchestras has been a constant in Yvanna’s life since the age of 11. She has formally studied tango violin and informally developed as a jazz and improvising musician through collaboration with other musicians including Toronto’s Junction Trio. In addition to music and education, Yvanna also studied law and worked for three years in a civil litigation firm. Dr. William Rowson, known to us as Bill, will become the new conductor of the Intermediate orchestra, and will continue as the Senior orchestra leader and conductor. Born in Saskatchewan, he is a graduate of the prestigious Curtis Institute having studied composition with prominent American composer Ned Rorem. Known for his intimate knowledge of the standard repertoire and his facile handling of the challenges of new repertoire, Bill has conducted the premieres of over 60 new works since 2001. Bill was appointed Principal Conductor of the Stratford Symphony Orchestra (April 2015), in addition to his recent appointment as Music Director of Toronto’s Sneak Peek Orchestra. He is also the Resident Conductor of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra’s What Next Festival. A frequent guest of ensembles across Canada, he recently conducted the Saskatoon Symphony, Orchestra Toronto, Greater Toronto Philharmonic and the Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra. An accomplished composer, his works have been featured at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, William Rowson UBS Verbier Festival, the Banff Centre’s Summer Music Series, Niagara on the Lake International Chamber Music Festival, and the Brott Music Festival. In 2014 his Cello Sonata was recorded by the Mercer Park Duo for Naxos Canada and released internationally. As a violinist, Bill has played under some of the greatest conductors of our time, including Sir Andrew Davis, Charles Dutoit, James Levine, Kent Nagano, and Sir Simon Rattle. PROUD MEMBER OF MOOREDALE SINCE 1967 ! Platinum Sponsor of Mayfair 2015 Eileen Farrow Sales Representative Chairman’s Award, President’s Award, Director’s Award - 2014 THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO SOLICIT SELLERS OR BUYERS CURRENTLY UNDER CONTRACT WITH A BROKER. 22 Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage 1300 Yonge Street, Suite 100, Toronto Ontario, M4T 1X3 P: 416.925.9191 F: 416.925.3935 N MooredaleNews Summer 2015 # 1 Team in Volume & Unit Sales for REAL MOORE PARK, ROSEDALE AND BENNINGTON HEIGHTS.* E S TAT E T E A M your BEST M OV E Cailey Heaps Estrin & Heather Heaps Sales Representatives 416.424.4900 Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage 1 in Toronto for Royal LePage # * Based on statistics provided by the Toronto Real Estate Board (2014). Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale or individuals currently under contract with a brokerage.Taking care to preserve the environment with 100% recycled paper and powered by Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100% green electricty provider. mooredale AD_4625x3625.indd 1 THE THOMPSON TEAM 2015-04-30 2:31 PM Your Central Toronto Real Estate Experts! WWW.THOMPSONTEAM.CA Nick & Donna Thompson Sales Representatives Chairman Award Winners at Harvey Kalles Real Estate 2007 - 2014 Office: 416-441-2888 EXT 676 Email: ROSEDALE CONDO - Enjoy the luxuries of 2 Roxborough St. E., the finest boutique condominium (only 35 units) nestled in the heart of prestigious Rosedale. This sun filled open concept south east facing 2 bedroom + den, 3 bathroom, 2025 sq.ft. split floor plan features exquisite quality throughout with gorgeous wraparound balcony facing coveted treelined Chestnut Park Rd. Hardwood floors, granite countertops, marble flooring and stainless steel appliances. Multiple storage closets, separate laundry room and oversized locker plus 2 car parking & option to purchase 2 more lockers. Amenities in the building include 24 hour concierge, recreation room, exercise room, & guest suites (available for rent). Steps away to the finest restaurants & cafes, shops, Yorkville, Ramsden Park, and the TTC. This condo offers all the comforts and convenience of the best in city living. $1,699,000 Be a Mooredale ambassador Tell a neighbour, a friend, a colleague about Mooredale. 2 ROXBOROUGH STREET EAST, UNIT #402 Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Rosedale Tennis Club D’Arcy Finley – PRESIDENT A CLUB FOR EVERYONE! • 8 Courts nestled amongst the trees • Programmes for all levels • Junior Programmes and Camps Director of Tennis, Richard Nicolson 647-828-7851 23 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Clubs Swimming Pool Club Pool Notes James McNee – Chair, Swimming Pool Club On behalf of the SWIMMING POOL CLUB EXECUTIVE Forget The Solstice! For Me Summer Begins The Day Our Pool Opens! My 2015 summer began Saturday May 16 and I try to swim every chance I get. E arly morning dips to those magic evenings at the end of a day; Aquafit classes to great (group, semi-private or private) swim lessons; Lane swimming to just splashing with your family… does it get better than our Mooredale Pool? A great way to have even more fun is to try something different in the pool this year. If you always come in the morning why don’t you drop by some evening? If you always swim alone bring a few friends and join the group. Always wondered about Aquafit? Sign up today! And for those of you who have never jumped off the diving board... what are you waiting for? One thing we all have to keep in mind every time we visit the pool is that swimming at our Mooredale pool is a shared experience for us all to enjoy. Please remind your family and your guests that out Mooredale lifeguards are there for everyone’s safety. If a lifeguard asks us to do something we all must follow that order immediately and without question. If you don’t understand a rule or a guard’s request by all means discuss the situation with the Pool Manager (or senior staff on duty) after you comply. As you swim I hope you notice and enjoy the wonderful flower boxes and flower pots around the deck. Special thanks to that amazing pair of Mooredale Pool volunteers – Brenda Reid and Mary Maude – who create the wonderful floral displays around the pool. And we all look forward to seeing you at the Mooredale Olympics – August 24th. The Olympics are our annual afternoon of fun and excitement with challenging events and swim races for adults and kids of all ages. Prizes, ribbons, snacks! Sign up sheets are in the Breezeway. Keep wet, keep cool, keep swimming! See you in the pool! GROUP LESSON INFORMATION & SCHEDULE Pre-Session: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Post Session: 24 June 15 – June 26 (exam day will be June 26) June 29 – July 10 (omit July 1 – Canada Day) July 13 – July 24 July 27 – August 7 (omit Monday August 3 – Civic Holiday) August 10 – August 21 August 24 – August 28 (special one week session offered to complete levels) Red Cross Swim Preschool and Red Cross Swim Kids group lessons are offered throughout the summer during Pre-Session and Session 1-4. Group lessons run, rain or shine, Monday to Friday morning (excluding July 1 and August 3) between 8:30 – 11:30am. Pool Group lesson forms are on-line MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Mooredale Swimming Pool Club Wait List Request Form Complete form and mail/bring with payment to: Mooredale Pool Club, 146 Crescent Rd, Toronto M4W 1V2 OR Fax to 416-922-4523 OR Scan and email PDF to Please PRINT clearly: Name: Res Tel: Mailing Address: Last Mobile: ___________________ First Bus Tel: Email: Check which category of Pool Club Membership you would prefer : Family: Number of Adults ______ Number of Children ______ Single Adult Senior Adult (age 65 and over) Please read carefully before signing: I understand that I must maintain my annual Mooredale membership in order to remain on the Pool Club Wait List. (See pre-authorized payment option below.) I will inform the Mooredale Office of any changes in my contact information (home address, telephone number, etc.) in order that I can be contacted when a space opens up in the Pool Club. I understand that there is a long wait list and it generally takes about 14 months before those on the wait list are mailed the invitation to join the Pool Club as a new member. Signature: Date: Please renew my membership at Mooredale and charge the membership fee to my credit card if my membership has expired or will expire during the time I am on the Pool Waiting list. The annual Mooredale membership fee is: Family $125 Single Adult $70 Senior Adult $32 Fees subject to change in January 2016. I will be paying by: Cash Debit Card MasterCard VISA Card #:| | | | | - | | | | | - | | | | | - | | | | |Expiry | | | - | _________________________________________ Full Name that appears on the Credit Card Amount: $ | _______________________________________ Card Holder’s Signature Visit us at for more opportunities or check below if you would like information on any of the following: Programs, Soccer and Sports at Mooredale Preschool Registration for Summer Fun Preschool Registration for Sept 2015 to June 2016 School Year Mooredale Summer Day Camp for children ages 4 + Other ___________________________________________________________________________ 25 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 PURPOSE • PASSION • PERFORMANCE We constantly strive to find new and innovative ways to serve our clients better. If you are considering buying or selling, we welcome the opportunity to compete for your business. Call and discover now, its never too early or too late to have an honest and intelligent conversation. LUXURY & EXECUTIVE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 416-300-1245 JOHNSTON & DANIEL DIVISION SALES REPRESENTATIVE Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage *Top 2% In Central Toronto * Data compiled from Toronto Real Estate Board 2014 26 SOLD #1 REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE FOR THE ENTRIRE GTA 477 MOUNT PLEASANT RD., TORONTO, ON 416.489.2121 MooredaleNews Summer 2015 Plantscape Green Garden Services – CLASSIFIEDS The Mooredale Newsletter reaches 7,000 members. Classified advertisements for the FALL issue must be SUBMITTED IN WRITING (40-word limit; over word limit, advertisement is charged double) with payment on or before July 17. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, debit, Visa and Master Card (visit for credit card form). E-mail: or call 416-922-3714 ext 103. Placement for several months may be ordered. Ad Rates: RMPA MEMBERS – $24 Personal; $50 Business. NON-MEMBERS – $55 Personal; $80 Business. Mooredale does not endorse any product, property or service listed in the ads. Display ad rates and specs are on-line at Garden restoration and design, organic on going maintenance, lay out and planting new gardens, indoor plant maintenance. 416-893-2007 or e-mail: P.P.P.P - Paint, Paper, Patch, Plaster – Make your house feel like home again. Quality, caring, professional work. Free estimates. Local references. Call the Home Fixers, Rhys Edwards at 416-538-6229 Special Services/Opportunities Sunshine Senior Services – We offer AD DEADLINES Muskoka Cottage Owners Make $$$ Renting – Pay for your European vacation, Summer Newsletter (Mailed June) Ad deadline – May 1 Fall Newsletter (Mailed August) Ad deadline – July 17 Winter Newsletter (Mailed October) Ad deadline – October 2 new dock or your cottage upkeep! I have renters BOOKING NOW for cottages on Lakes Rosseau, Joseph and Muskoka. I will help you take care of all the details. email: P: 416 258 5168 Accommodation Summer Cottage – Waterfront, park, tennis courts, Georgian trail. Four bedrooms, two new bathrooms , chef’s kitchen, laundry, Hi Speed internet, TV. $5550 – for more than the month of June, 2015: including Victoria Day weekend and July 1st weekend. Call: 416-928-3040 or email: View: Mooredale News v2 May 2013 Home Maintenance/Design Stone and Brickwork – Installation and repair of stonework, including patios, brick walls, driveways, retaining walls, and flagstone paths. Small jobs happily done. Thirty years of experience. Local references available. Reasonable rates. Prompt quotations. Call Winston Morris at 416-888-3347 or email 1 5/28/13 11:34 AM discerning, sensitive assistance for the senior who needs a little help. We can remove those pressures by being there when you can’t. To discuss your family’s needs and all the possibilities, call Maxine 416-925-0925. Computer Tutoring & Repair – Installation, tutoring, troubleshooting, virus removal, data backup. Great for beginners, seniors. Individual attention for you, family, friends. Friendly and patient. House calls made, references available, reasonable rates. Your questions? My answers! David Block 416-929-6039 or The Great Organizer’s One Minute Organizing Rule – If an action or decision takes less than a minute to do – DO IT! Don’t step over or pass it by. Call 416-925-0925 for a complimentary consultation. Relax! We’ll Handle It. RENOVATIONS AND CUSTOM HOMES Quality building and renovations in the finer neighbourhoods of central Toronto 416-483-2941 2012 AWARD WINNER! 26 BUTTERNUT STREET, TORONTO, ONTARIO, M4K 1T7 27 Rosedale-Moore Park Association 146 Crescent Road, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1V2 Preschool Programs Please use these QR Codes for your convenience when linking to Sports Camps Pool Club Events 40012662
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