Ride All Day
Ride All Day
In this issue Special Mayfair Edition 2015 r i a f y a M2015 2 Calendar 4 Volunteers 5 Mayfair 12 Day Camp 15Preschool 16 Pool Club 19Classifieds a e S e h t r e d n U * 9 Saturday, May Rosedale Park 9am-5pm Advance sale dates May 6 April 20 to ucher at: Buy your rides vo venue 446 Summerhill A t, ke ar M l il h er m Sum 146 Crescent Road , se ou H e al d re Moo • • Ride All Day $40 Bonus! Frididaeys EveninbracgeletR– no extra charge Use your ride fair’s Eve Preview nning at our May ru be ill w es rid l Al y8 iday, Ma 5pm to 9pm Fr FREE: oller Bike & Str Valet Parking! s Finest Shows Good on all World fer available . Of mechanical rides sale period only. during advance changed for ride Voucher to be ex . rk bracelet at the pa iew features ev Pr e Ev Mayfair’s garden only. er be in rides, BBQ and ings: Laurie Ste ications Draw m starts ra og hom Commun pr Fat n: air yf sig De Ma r Full Poste x103 16 -922-3714 4 m co 9am Saturday. e. al d www.moore sales final. All ride voucher * MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Under The Sea ... A fter the winter that just kept on giving, we are all looking forward to the beauty of spring in our neighbourhood: gardens blooming, kids taking their fun outdoors and our time-honoured tradition, Mayfair! This year, we celebrate its 70th year with Mayfair Under the Sea on Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9, so gather up all the little mermaids and Poseidons in your house and join us for two spectacular days at Rosedale Park. From the beer garden, live music and rides on Friday night to the parade, bingo, baking booth, silent auction, track and field events, games and BBQ on Saturday, there is no better place to greet your neighbours and friends! Ride vouchers can be purchased at Summerhill Market or Mooredale House between April 20 and May 6; these vouchers are valid for both Friday evening and Saturday. Keep in mind that we will also continue with the successful bike valet service so plan on pedalling to the park! As well, consider supporting the efforts of our preschool by purchasing raffle tickets – the prizes are always fantastic! The Mooredale Board and staff look forward to seeing you and your family at Rosedale Park for this wonderful multigenerational celebration. Mayfair is the largest and longest running volunteer community fair in Toronto and truly showcases what a special community we have, right in the heart of the city! See you at the park, THIS MONTH May 1 Mooredale News copy and advertising deadline for Summer Edition. May 1 – 3 Competitive Soccer Intra-Club Kick-Off Tournament May 4 & 5 Softball Season begins – Rosedale Park May 6 Last day to buy Mayfair Ride Voucher – Mooredale Office & Summerhill Market May 8 Mayfair Set-Up Day at Rosedale Park, 7:00am-4:00pm. Mayfair Preview Night – Carnival Rides, BBQ and Beer Garden Open at Rosedale Park – 5:00 to 9:00 pm Mayfair Baking – drop off at Mooredale, Room 1, 5:00pm – 7:00pm May 9 Mayfair 2015: Under the Sea! at Rosedale Park, 9:00am-5:00pm. All welcome. June 1 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40012662 2 May 29 Fall Program Guide available on website! www.mooredale.com Fall Program Registration Starts, June 3 8:30am June 12 Last Day of Nursery School and Kindergarten June 15 June 9 Mooredale Day camp Session 1 begins Preschool Summer Fun Session 1 begins Red Cross Group Swimming Lessons Session 1 begins June 10 Office 146 Crescent Road Toronto, Ontario M4W 1V2 ph: 416-922-3714 fax: 416-922-4523 e-mail: info@mooredale.on.ca website:www.mooredale.com May 27 RMPA Board Meeting Rooms 1 & 2, 7:00pm. Mooredale Youth Orchestras Concert Rosedale Heights School – 3:00pm Pool Club Event – The Longest Day RMPA Board Meeting (if needed) Rooms 1 & 2, 7:00pm Staff Writers Marjorie Booth, Christopher Keem, Eric Musselman, Carolyn Burgess Design & Production Fathom Communications Inc. Printing Griffin House Graphics May 22 Preschool Family Breakfast June 5 Mayfair Committee Meeting Room 1 – 7:00pm Mooredale News is published 6 times a year for members of the Rosedale-Moore Park Association. Publication dates are Sept/Nov /Jan/March/April/June. Ad deadlines are noted on page 15. May 18 Victoria Day! Pool Open Mooredale Programs, Preschool & Office closed Red Cross Group Swimming Lessons begin (pre-session) Last day of Toddler Classes Mooredale Summer Office Hours begin Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm carriescace@rogers.com May 16 Pool Club Opening Day! Pool opens at noon. June 3 Pool Committee Meeting Room 1 – 7:00pm President May 13 Pool Committee Meeting Room 1 – 7:00pm NEXT MONTH New Members’ Family BBQ 6:00 – 8:00pm (Rain Date: June 2) Carrie Scace May 11 Lacrosse Season begins – Rosedale Park Soccer House League Season begins – Rosedale Park June 21 June 29 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Down by the Sea… where the families go It’s Mayfair Time … set sail and go For if we do… our mothers will say Did you see the kids wave In the Mayfair Parade, Down by the Sea! T he most wonderful month of May is finally here – time to join the fun at Mayfair Under the Sea and really celebrate spring in the Mooredale community. Here are five great ways to participate and enjoy May with Mooredale: 1 Create your own ‘Under the Sea’ inspired costume, decorate your wagon, bike, or stroller, and march in the Mayfair Parade on Saturday May 9. You will find all the details about the big Mayfair event, throughout this issue. Sea horses, sea stars, sea shells, snorkelers, swim goggles, and beach toys around your waist – all great ways to look the part as you visit Mayfair Under the Sea. 2 Race around the bases and score a run for your softball team. We are still waiting for our permits at the time of writing – as soon as we get them our tentative schedules can be confirmed and will be posted at www.mooredale. com. 3 Pool Club members – get ready to energize and exercise in your favourite ‘oasis in the city’. Opening day is just a few weeks away, on May 16, and the pool facility has never looked better! The Pool Staff are busy preparing and are looking forward to a tremendous season ahead. (Other members are welcome to join the Wait List to be offered a space when available – call 416-922-3714 x100) 4 Explode some myths about sports parents – come and cheer on your Soccer players, encourage them to develop their skills for their own and their team’s sake, and make sure that you are modelling the kind of positive encouragement and philosophy that Mooredale supports. 5 Now that family vacation plans are getting firmed up, book your two weeks for your children at Mooredale Day Camp and the Preschool Summer Fun. Our Senior leadership team is busy putting the final touches on a very exciting program for all ages. Don’t be disappointed – register in May so you can confirm the dates you want. Wow – what a month this will be! Drop by the Mooredale booth at Mayfair – it’s always fun to greet you, our members and friends at Mayfair. We will have all the latest information about summer programs and activities through Mooredale’s clubs and programs. See you in the sun at Mayfair! Marjorie Booth EXECUTIVE DIRETOR 3 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Mooredale Directory Volunteers and Community Katharine Lake Berz VOLUNTEER AND COMMUNITY LIAISON Last call for Mayfair volunteers! www.mooredale.com Telephone Ext. e-mail 416-922-3714 info@mooredale.on.ca ADMINISTRATION STAFF Marjorie Booth 106 Carolyn Burgess 113 Stephanie Chu 100 Joanna Ingram 103 Christopher Keem 115 Blake Koester 138 Susan Li 104 Catherine Loeffler 102 Eric Musselman 105 Ryan Paulsen 125 Breanna Van Abbema 136 mbooth@mooredale.on.ca cburgess@mooredale.on.ca schu@mooredale.on.ca jingram@mooredale.on.ca ckeem@mooredale.on.ca bkoester@mooredale.on.ca susanli@mooredale.on.ca cloeffler@mooredale.on.ca emusselman@mooredale.on.ca maintenance bvanabbema@mooredale.on.ca A–M accounting 104susanli@mooredale.on.ca concerts 103concerts@mooredale.on.ca day camp 103 daycamp@mooredale.on.ca mayfair103 maintenance120 membership 102membership@mooredale.on.ca N–Z newsletter 103newsletter@mooredale.on.ca orchestra103 pool office 121 starting May 13th pool club 100 poolclub@mooredale.on.ca pool hotline 333 preschool 113preschool@mooredale.on.ca program/course ideas 105 program@mooredale.on.ca program registration 100 soccer registration 102 soccer@mooredale.on.ca sports registration 102 sports hotline 222 sports@mooredale.on.ca tennis club 103 jingram@mooredale.on.ca volunteer hotline 310 volunteer@mooredale.on.ca Student earn community service hours Friday, May 8, 2015 – 5:00-9:00pm Saturday, May 9, 2015 – 9:00-5:00pm M ayfair is a unique celebration of our community and raises funds for Mooredale programs. Please consider volunteering for a two-hour, four-hour or full-day shift. Following your shift, stay and enjoy the fair. We need your help to: Supervise a midway game • Cook and serve at the BBQ • Style wacky hair and help with face painting • Give out prizes at the prize booth • Judge track and field events • Sell tickets on the fairgrounds (adults). • Please contact Katharine Lake Berz, our Volunteer and Community Liaison Director on the Volunteer Hotline – 416-922-3714 extension 310 or email volunteer@mooredale.on.ca and let us know how you can help. A smile is the universal welcome! Interested in becoming a Mooredale Volunteer? We are always interested to hear from you. Please call our Volunteer hotline at 416-922-3714 ext. 310 or send an e-mail to our Volunteer Liaison Director, Katharine Lake Berz at volunteer@mooredale.on.ca Dr. B. L. VenDitteLLi D.D.S., D.Ortho., F.R.C.D (C) Dr. trAcey HenDLer D.D.S., M.S.D., Cert. Ortho., F.R.C.D (C) 72 St. Clair Avenue West t 416.921.6772 ForestHillOrtho.com 4 MooredaleNews Mayfair Under the Sea Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Mayfair’s Eve Preview Friday May 8, 5pm to 9pm Rides, Food, Beer Garden Rosedale Park Saturday, May 9 9am to 5pm Joanne Pauli Mayfair Chair Highlights • AMAZING RIDES! Stomach-churning thrills for the big customers, • • • • • as well as starter excitement for smaller folk! Experience Canada’s greatest carnival rides, brought straight to Rosedale Park by World’s Finest Shows. THE KIDDIE ZONE! A special place just for younger visitors… The greatest Bouncies ever: Finding Nemo Experience, Sponge Bob 5-in-1 Playground, and the super Rainforest Centre – and also that Mayfair classic, the Fish Pond. Hey kids! – Special this year is the Octopus’s Garden where the Mooredale Preschool teachers will help you decorate a pot and fill it with a lovely plant for your mom on Mother’s Day! PLUS there’s Wacky Hair and Face Painting! …All in the rink this year, alongside the Mayfair Silent Auction. Don’t miss the Mayfair’s Eve Preview, 5 to 9 p.m. on Friday evening, May 8. The rides are all set up, so why not turn on the power? For four hours, you’ll ride the rides, eat candy floss and fries, poutine and popcorn – and leave room for dinner at the Beer Garden, with our BBQs fired up, and Steam Whistle ready to serve. (All ages admitted to the Beer Garden, but SmartServe rules will be strictly enforced.) BONUS! Redeem your voucher for your Ride-all-Day Bracelet on Friday evening, and use it both days! Four extra hours of riding fun (5 pm to 9 pm Friday, plus all day Saturday)! MIDWAY GAMES! Win valuable prizes! Favourites like Kick-andScore Soccer, Caribbean Limbo and the Alligator Striker are back, plus 2 extra new ones! All in the Marvelous Midway! Fabulous Food Court and BBQ! Back by overwhelming demand: Scrumptious Webers burgers, Life Choices hot dogs, cold drinks and chips. The special dinner menu on Friday night includes ribs • • • • • • • • • • from Summerhill Market! Saturday morning, enjoy a Starbucks coffee and a pastry! Find the Food Court at the back of the park south of the rink. The Baking Booth and Beer & Wine Garden are located conveniently nearby, and there is plenty of free seating! Water – Bottled water is available on the beverage menu. Free admission to the Beer & Wine Garden, staffed by the gang from Steam Whistle who are joined this year by Union Wines! Live entertainment on the Main Stage! Open Friday from 5 pm till closing, and Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm… A perfect place to catch up with old friends. New this year – join your friends for a game of “Monster Foosball”. Friday evening only – the Bob Clegg Jazz Band, live on the Main Stage! Saturday afternoon, enjoy live music on the Main Stage in the Beer and Wine Garden! Free Bike and Stroller Valet Parking! Again this year, the whole family can bike to Mayfair! We’re offering free valet parking for bicycles both Friday night and Saturday. Our secure bike enclosure will be staffed by volunteers from Cycle Toronto, at the south-east end of the park, near Scholfield Avenue. Drop off your bike and have a worry-free time at Mayfair! The Mayfair Silent Auction! You’ll find great deals on wonderful items, some special merchant donations, entertainment packages, and exquisite treasures for Mother’s Day! Track and Field! Fun for ages 1 to 13 (check the schedule on page 8). Midway Bingo! Great prizes and lots of fun for everyone in the family. Face Painting Booth! Magical transformations for just a few tickets! Wacky Hair Salon! Crazy colours and sparkling tiaras! Ride all Day passes on sale for $40 at Mooredale House and Summerhill Market until May 6 only. Going fast... Operated by volunteers to support Mooredale House www.mooredale.com For information: 416-922-3714 ext 103 5 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 THE MAYFAIR PARADE PARADE ROUTE MAP Start the day in the Mayfair Parade from Moorevale Park! Start at the beginning or join us along the way! Rosedale kids – meet the parade at the bottom of the bridge on the way to the park… START HERE 8:20am X Moorevale Park Costumes: This year it’s Mayfair – Under the Sea so dress up! RAMP SATURDAY EVENT Schedule Whitney PS Summerhill Ave Glen Rd Edgar Ave gh ou r o xb Ro Dr Glen Road Rosedale Park Scholfield Ave Bus Stop Mayfair Rosedale Hts. Drive MacLennan Ave N Be an octopus, a mermaid, a shark or any other creature of the sea! The Mayfair Parade wants you to dress up and join our marching musicians, antique cars and lots of friends! marching musicians, antique cars and lots of friends! Hudson Drive MacLennan Ave Heath St. E. Rosedale United Church TimeActivity 8:20amMayfair Parade – starts at Moorevale Park in Moore Park 8:45amCostume Judging during parade located at the base of the footbridge (Summerhill and MacLennan) 8:45amTicket Sales begin at Mayfair – Exchange ride vouchers for bracelets at entrance to park 9:00am Baking Booth Bingo Bouncies Face Painting Food Court Kiddie Zone Midway Games Octopus’s Garden Raffle Tickets on Sale Rides Silent Auction Wacky Hair 9:30am Track & Field Begins NoonTrack & Field Trophy Presentation 1:00pmLive Music on the Main Stage in Beer Garden 3:00pm Raffle Grand Prize Draw 4:00pm Midway Games close 4:15pm Prize Booth closes 5:00pm Rides close 6:00pm Beer and Wine Garden closes WIN A PRIZE Dress up for the parade – costume spotters will be handing out prizes during the parade. BINGO Ride All Day Vouchers Only $40* On sale from Monday, April 20 to Wednesday, May 6 only. Summerhill Market, 446 Summerhill Ave. Mooredale House, 146 Crescent Rd. *For mechanical rides only. No refunds 6 Bingo is back! Join us in the field at Rosedale Park for one round or ten – bingo is fun for the whole family! We have terrific prizes and admission is free, but fair warning: once you start playing your boards, you may not want to leave! Ever wanted to call Bingo numbers? Volunteering under our tent is guaranteed fun! If you are interested in helping for an hour or two, please call 416-922-3714 x 310. Volunteers are very much appreciated and loved. WACKY HAIR Be sure to visit the Wacky Hair booth for a colour spritz, a custom wacky style! Washable, wearable, wacky and wonderful! Find us in the rink, in the Kiddie Zone! MooredaleNews FACE PAINTING Gourmet ribs on Friday! Transform your look! Nanci and Karen will have the latest face designs as well as Under the Sea looks. Part of the Kiddie Zone located inside the skating rink For our Mayfair’s Eve Preview on Friday evening, the BBQ will be serving authentic “Summerhill Ribs.” These are the famous gourmet ribs prepared by Summerhill Market, and they will be available only on Friday evening, 5 pm to 9 pm. MIDWAY GAMES Fun, fun, fun! This year’s midway has lots of great games, and that means lots of ways to win valuable prize coupons! Games will run from 9am to 4pm and the prizes will be totally awesome! KIDDIE ZONE A special place just for young visitors… The Fish Pond, the Finding Nemo Experience bouncy, Sponge Bob’s 5-in-1 Playground, and the amazing Rainforest Centre! PLUS Wacky Hair and Face Painting! …All in the rink, alongside the Mayfair Silent Auction. Special for this year, the teachers at the Mooredale Preschool are so pleased to present their special Octopus’s Garden. It’s a lovely, quiet place where the little ones can decorate pots and plant them with a special flower as a gift for Mother’s Day! RIDES from World’s Finest Shows – Don’t Miss Out!!!! Be sure to get your advance Ride Vouchers by Wednesday, May 6 and save! Vouchers are available for $40 per person at two locations: Summerhill Market and Mooredale House. Exchange the voucher for a ride bracelet at the entrance to Mayfair on Friday or Saturday. Ride bracelet good both days. Advance Sale Offer available from April 20 to May 6 only. If you forget, you can still purchase regular Mayfair tickets to ride the rides from any ticket seller. Ride bracelets may be used on mechanical rides by Worlds Finest Shows only. Sorry, no refunds. MAYFAIR FOOD FEST! Our crew of expert grillers will be ready to serve up your favourite park foods: famous Webers hamburgers, Life Choices nitrite-free hot dogs, and Neal Brothers chips! Also pop and water. Then stop by our gourmet condiment bar, pick up an extra paper napkin… bliss! You’ll find the BBQ down beside the Beer and Wine Garden. Starbucks Coffee and Cold Drinks For Saturday’s early risers we’ll have morning pastries, and Starbucks coffee will be served all day as you enter the park by the baseball diamond. COLD drinks are available down the other end at the BBQ. A satellite booth in the park will be serving cold drinks and bottled water. BAKING BOOTH & Snack Shack Tasty Homemade Treats The Mayfair Baking Booth is the place to go for fabulous cakes, pies, cookies and a complete range of tasty home baking. And while you’re there, check out the Snack Shack for a great selection of homemade squares, cookies, cupcakes and fudge. For the best selection shop the Baking Booth early, and then grab a quick bite at the Snack Shack to refuel while you’re at the fair. See you there! Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Attention All Bakers: Thanks to everyone who’s promised to bake. If you haven’t been contacted by a street captain, we still need your culinary help! Just bring your baking to the Mayfair Baking Booth on the morning of Saturday, May 9. Please include a list of ingredients for allergy sufferers. If you have any questions, just give me a call! Joanne Pauli 416-391-1296. The Silent Auction at Mayfair Shop the Silent Auction for great tickets, Mother’s Day gifts, and treasures you’ll be delighted to own. Visit us in the rink on Saturday. Attention donors! We want tickets to events you can’t attend, certificates for services you offer and products you want to promote for your business. We want that lovely piece of jewelry that really doesn’t suit your style, but would make some other mom delighted to receive from her little one on Mother’s Day. Think about donating that hostess gift you never used,that set of glasses that wasn’t right for you. These items are all perfect for the Mayfair Silent Auction. Help add to the fun! Donation drop-off till May 1st, on the front porch at 163 Crescent Road (just across from Mooredale House.) If you have any questions about what we want or how to donate your items, contact Eleonora at 416-944-9777 or email to eleonora@vanorman.ca. Thank you in advance for your terrific support! 7 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Mayfair Track and Field 2015 EVENT TIME DISTANCE 400m 9:35 800m 9:40 AGE GROUP 400m Intermediate (9 – 11 yrs) 800m Senior (12 – 13 yrs) Sprints 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs 6 yrs 7 yrs 8 yrs 9 yrs 10 yrs 11 yrs 12 yrs 13 yrs 9:50 9:53 9:56 9:59 10:02 10:05 10:08 10:11 10:14 10:17 10:20 10:23 10:26 15m 15m 20m 20m 30m 30m 40m 40m 50m 50m 50m 60m 60m Juveniles (1 – 5 yrs) Juniors (6 – 8 yrs) Intermediate (9 – 11 yrs) Senior (12 – 13 yrs) Piggy Back Race 10:29 30m 10:32 40m Adult + Child (1 – 5 yrs) Adult + Child (6+ yrs) Sack Race 6 yrs 7 yrs 8 yrs 9 yrs 10 yrs 11 yrs 12 yrs 13 yrs 10:35 10:38 10:41 10:44 10:47 10:50 10:53 10:56 30m 40m 40m 50m 50m 50m 60m 60m Juniors (6 – 8 yrs) Intermediate (9 –11 yrs) Senior (12 – 13 yrs) The Rosedale-Moore Park Association operates Mooredale to provide recreational, cultural and educational programs for our members. A non-profit, charitable organization, Mooredale strives to be a focal point for the community. Mooredale House is located at 146 Crescent Road, Toronto M4W 1V2 Membership at Mooredale enables families or individuals to enroll in any courses, activities or clubs offered by Mooredale. New members are welcome whether or not they reside within the boundaries of the Rosedale-Moore Park area. Mooredale activities include: •Summer Day Camps for children 2½ to 14 years •Pool and Tennis Clubs •Popular Sports for children – Fall, Winter and Spring •Recreational and special interest programs for children, youth and adults •Concerts featuring outstanding artists and our youth orchestras •Preschool offering a full range of provincially licensed early childhood education opportunities for children 18 months to 5 years in a home-like atmosphere •A wide variety of special community events •Mooredale News, newsletter published regularly for members We’d love to hear from you! Phone: 416-922-3714 info@mooredale.on.ca www.mooredale.com 3-Legged Race 11:00 30m 11:05 30m 11:10 30m Juniors (6 – 8 yrs) Intermediate (9 – 11 yrs) Senior (12 – 13 yrs) Standing Long Jump 11:20Juniors, Intermediate and Seniors will compete together unless there are large numbers. Individual awards for each age group. N/A for 1 – 5 yrs Award Presentations Presentation of Trophies to follow completion of final Track and Field event at approximately 12:00 pm There are separate events for boys and girls. Except where specified, events are by age group. Ages are as of May 9, 2015. Ribbons will be given out after each event to children finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Points will be awarded towards the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Trophies (boys and girls): 5 for 1st; 3 for 2nd; 2 for 3rd; 1 for 4th 8 NO PARKING IN VICINITY OF PARK ON MAYFAIR DAY The police will strictly enforce this! WARNING: Cars will be tagged and towed from MacLennan and Scholfield. Walk to Mayfair or take the Rosedale Bus from Rosedale Subway Station. The bus stops right at the park entrance. Why not leave your car at home and bring the family on your bikes? Take advantage of Mayfair’s FREE BIKE VALET PARKING at the south-east end of the park! 2015 Mayfair Committee This outstanding team of volunteers has been working for months to make this community event possible (and they are almost all multi-year Mayfair veterans!) They are your neighbours and friends, so please let them know how much you enjoy Mayfair! – Joanne Pauli, Mayfair Chair. Chair Joanne Pauli Co-Chair James Barrass Past Chair Karen Powell Baking BoothReva Devins Beer & WineTim McLaughlin Garden Bingo Carrie Scace, Julia Holland Food Evan Sage, John Hiscox Games Shuchi Stanger, Margot Howard Graphics Laurie Stein Silent Auction Eleonora & Mark Van Orman Park Set-Up Bill Deacon Park Visitors Harry Peckham Parade Lucia McCurdy Permits & Insurance Erik Mathiesen Prizes for Games Terri Cunningham and Bingo Public Address Diane Thomson Announcements RaffleRachel Busbridge, Carolyn Burgess Refurbishing Earle Taylor Ride Vouchers Julie Ballon Sound System Matt Finlayson Take-Down & Bill Deacon, Park Clean Up James Barrass Ticket SellersSusan Guichon, Tickets Cathy Thomas, Lynda Smith, Christina Cavanagh, Ryan Blackwell Track & FieldLuis Vega Penso Transportation Bill McCurdy Treasurer Brian Pel Volunteers Katharine Lake Berz AdvisorsDoug Hall, Adair Hope, Marie O’Connor Admin SupportMarjorie Booth, Joanna Ingram, Susan Li, Mooredale staff LOST AND FOUND Lost and Found Items will be held at the PA desk at the Clubhouse, and then taken to the Mooredale Office for 1 week after Mayfair. Call Joanna at 416-922-3714 ext 103 on May 12 to ask about any items lost at Mayfair. Check the Mayfair Message Board The PA announcer will announce emergency messages only and will not announce lost friends. Leave a note for your friends on the Message Board located by the PA desk. MooredaleNews FREE Valet Parking for bikes at Mayfair! This year the whole family can again bike to Mayfair! We’ll have free valet parking for bicycles and strollers both Friday night and Saturday. Our secure bike enclosure will be staffed by volunteers from Cycle Toronto, at the south-east end of the park, near Scholfield Avenue. Drop off your bikes and have a fun time at Mayfair! Come and join the Mayfair Team! Mayfair is the longest running community fair in Toronto. For 70 years, neighbours have had fun volunteering at this great community event. Without you Mayfair would not be possible. If you are new to the neighbourhood, volunteering at Mayfair is a great way to have your family meet other families and support our local community centre, Mooredale House. Can you help for one hour? Let us know – Call the Volunteer Hotline at (416)922-3714 x310 before May 6. ITS BACK! Mayfair’s Eve Preview 5pm to 9pm Friday evening Rides – BBQ Beer Garden Enjoy a BBQ dinner at the beer garden… Gourmet ribs from Summerhill Market (plus burgers and hot dogs) Jazz combo on the main stage FREE – Bike Valet Parking Meet up with friends and neighbours! Special Mayfair Edition 2015 MAYFAIR RAFFLE 2015 GRAND PRIZE Round Trip Airfare for 2 to Cancun Mexico! with a 7 night stay at the Grand Bahia Principe Coba Courtesy of Plus more prizes… Sony 1000-Watt 5.1 Channel 3D Blu Ray Home Theatre Value $401.14 Donated by Mooredale Preschool Families Sonos PLAY: 3 Wireless HiFi System Value $378.54 Donated by Mooredale Preschool Families Nikon COOLPIX 16MP 5X Optical Zoom Waterproof Digital Camera Value $328.54 Donated by Mooredale Preschool Families Apple iPad mini 16GB With WiFi Value $305.43 Donated by Mooredale Preschool Families Sonos PLAY: 1 Wireless Speaker Value $254.24 Donated by Mooredale Preschool Families Tickets $5 EACH OR 6 FOR $25 4,000 Tickets Printed Lottery Licence #M746517 All rides from World’s Finest Shows will be running 5pm – 9pm,Friday, May 8 Bonus Redeem your voucher for your ride bracelet on Friday, get unlimited rides till 9 pm PLUS all day Saturday! The Mayfair Committee thanks the owners and staff of Summerhill Market for their generous support. 9 10 BIG TENT WACKY HAIR FACE PAINT FIRST AID WASHROOMS RIDE WATER GAME FRIES KIDDIE RIDES WASHROOMS E ELECTRICAL SUPPLY $ TICKETS HAND WASH STN W W W MIDWAY GAMES HOME BAKING TRACK AND FIELD BINGO FOOD ZONE $ FISH POND MOOREDALE INFORMATION RAFFLE PRIZES FIRST AID TREASURY PHONE EMERGENCY TICKET SELLERS THROUGHOUT THE PARK GARDEN W W W ENTRANCE DRINKS SILENT AUCTION W PUBLIC ADDRESS WASHROOMS BINS TENNIS CLUB HOUSE KIDDIE ZONE OCTOPUS'S GARDEN POOL PICNIC TABLES BOUNCIES BURGERS & HOT DOGS BEER & WINE MAIN STAGE BIG TENT E COMPRESSOR BUILDING TENNIS COURT PLAYGROUND RIDE CANDY FLOSS $ WRIST BAND PICK-UP PAT H COMMUNITY BOOTHS BICYCLE VALET PARKING RIDE RIDE RIDE RIDE VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN COFFEE & PASTRIES TENNIS COURTS MAYFAIR GROUNDS 2015 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Rosedale Park after City of Toronto dept. of Parks and Rec. map ref. no. ROPA1-B SCALE IN METRES SCHOLFIELD AVENUE MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Thanks to Mayfair’s Food & Beverage Partners We invite you to come and try some of their delicious products 11 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Make the summer day camp choice your MOOREDALE Juniors: 4 to 5 years old Heated outdoor swimming pool! Theme Days! Intermediates: Surprises! Register Today! Limited Spaces Still Available Visit mooredale.com or call the Camp Office at 416-922-3714 x 103 to speak to Joanna 4 NEW OPTIONS for Senior Campers (9-14 yrs): Try our new specialties! Soccer* (Session 1 & 3), Robotics (Session 2 & 4), Drama* (Session 2 & 4) and Basketball* (Session 4). Overnight Camping* (Session 1 &3) and Tennis (Session 2 & 4) are available once again this year. 12 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 community has been making for almost 50 years! DAY CAMP 6 to 8 years old Mooredale is accredited by the Seniors: 9 to 14 years old Daily Red Cross Swimming Lessons* New Options for Senior Campers! Lasting Friendships! Mooredale Day Camp Activities Include: Red Cross Swimming Lessons Science Mooredale Morning Madness Archery Day Trips Crafts Music Theme Days Drama Free Swim Athletics Cooking Wacky Wednesdays Extended care ( 4- 5:30 pm) * Some Senior options do not include swim lessons Healthy and kid-friendly lunch and snacks are included and are provided daily by Real Food for Real Kids 13 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Building vibrant communities together. Scotiabank is honoured to be a Gold Sponsor at Mayfair 2015. We're proud to help build vibrant communties where we live and work. Together, we can build a bright future for everyone. Yonge & St. Clair Branch 1 St Clair Ave East Toronto, Ontario (416) 515-8722 2015 ROSEDALE-MOORE RX S P LEXUS ON THE PARK THE IS A PROUD SUPPORTER OF PARK ASSOCIATION MAYFAIR 2015 $ DELIVERY CREDIT –$ 2,000 COMPLETE PURCHASE PRICE (+ HST + LICENSING FEE) 2015 RX350 SPORTDESIGN SALES SERVICE 416-391-1600 416-391-1668 www.lexusonthepark.ca PLEASE CALL FOR PRICE AND CURRENT PROGRAM DETAILS 14 53,678 COMPLETE LEXUS PRICING 1075 LESLIE ST., TORONTO, ON 51,678* $ Our customers have rated us the #1 Lexus Dealer in Canada. Visit DealerRater.ca *PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES FREIGHT/PDI($1,995), EHF TIRES ($29), EHF FILTERS ($1), A/C ($100), AND OMVIC FEE ($5). TAXES AND LICENSE EXTRA. DEALER FEES $448. MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Preschool News Carolyn Burgess PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR Toddlers in the Afternoon! O ur Afternoon Toddler program introduced this past winter was such a success, that we are going to offer it again this fall. Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons will be filled with a variety of experiences for our youngest members of the preschool, which will also include French with Juliana and Creative Movement and Music with Mischi! We’ve also timed the program to fit in with naptimes… 1:45 to 3:45. Please contact the preschool for details and… and help us spread the word! Summer Fun for Preschoolers… sessions are filling! Hurry! Don’t miss the opportunity for your child to experience our sunny summer days filled with crafts, cooperative games, sensory experiences, water play, creative movement and music, special guests and more! We also visit the sparkling Mooredale heated pool, in small groups, every other day to enjoy a refreshing swim. Rainy days, Smog Alerts? No problem, we just move all the fun indoors to the cool comfort of the Coach House. Register now… www.mooredale.com 15 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Clubs Swimming Pool Club Pool Notes James McNee – Chair, Swimming Pool Club On behalf of the SWIMMING POOL CLUB EXECUTIVE O n Saturday May 16, the Mooredale Pool Club opens for the season and this year promises to be great! Pool Manager, Stephanie Chu, and her whole staff can’t wait to greet all the Pool Members very soon. Here are some key dates for all Pool members to note: • G roup Swimming Lessons – Pool members have priority booking until Thursday May 14 so register early please • A ll Mooredale Members may register for Group Swimming Lessons any time after May 15 • The Longest Day – Sunday June 21 – Join us at the pool from 9:30am to 9:30pm! More time for General Swim. The afternoon fun will include water safety challenges, rescue demonstrations, and a visit from ‘Buddy’, the Life Saving Society mascot. Finish your afternoon with ice cream cones and your’re on your way home for supper! Evening swim will continue until 9:30. Early Dips begin on June 1. • If you can’t wait to say hello to the Lifeguards and Managers, they will be at Mayfair looking after our first aid needs. For others who are interested in joining the Pool Club – please complete the Wait List form on page 17 and bring it to the office. If you have questions, drop by the Mooredale tent at Mayfair or contact Stephanie Chu, Pool Manager, at 416-922-3714 x 100. Hope to see you at the Pool! 16 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 Mooredale Swimming Pool Club Wait List Request Form Complete form and mail/bring with payment to: Mooredale Pool Club, 146 Crescent Rd, Toronto M4W 1V2 OR Fax to 416-922-4523 OR Scan and email PDF to poolclub@mooredale.on.ca Please PRINT clearly: Name: Last Res Tel: Mailing Address: First Mobile: ___________________ Bus Tel: Email: Check which category of Pool Club Membership you would prefer: Family: Number of Adults ______ Number of Children ______ Single Adult Senior Adult (age 65 and over) Please read carefully before signing: I understand that I must maintain my annual Mooredale membership in order to remain on the Pool Club Wait List. (See pre-authorized payment option below.) I will inform the Mooredale Office of any changes in my contact information (home address, telephone number, etc.) in order that I can be contacted when a space opens up in the Pool Club. I understand that there is a long wait list and it generally takes about 14 months before those on the wait list are mailed the invitation to join the Pool Club as a new member. Signature: Date: Please renew my membership at Mooredale and charge the membership fee to my credit card if my membership has expired or will expire during the time I am on the Pool Waiting list. The annual Mooredale membership fee is: Family $125 Single Adult $70 Senior Adult $32 Fees subject to change in January 2016. I will be paying by: Cash Debit Card MasterCard VISA Card #:| | | | | - | | | | | - | | | | | - | | | | |Expiry | | | - | _________________________________________ Full Name that appears on the Credit Card Amount: $ | _______________________________________ Card Holder’s Signature Visit us at www.mooredale.com for more opportunities or check below if you would like information on any of the following: Spring Programs, Soccer and Sports at Mooredale Preschool Registration for Summer Fun Preschool Registration for Sept 2015 to June 2016 School Year Mooredale Summer Day Camp for children ages 4 + Mayfair – May 8 & 9, 2015 – The huge neighbourhood fair held at Rosedale Park Other ___________________________________________________________________________ 17 MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 PURPOSE • PASSION • PERFORMANCE We constantly strive to find new and innovative ways to serve our clients better. If you are considering buying or selling, we welcome the opportunity to compete for your business. Call and discover now, its never too early or too late to have an honest and intelligent conversation. LUXURY & EXECUTIVE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 416-300-1245 nigeldenham@gmail.com JOHNSTON & DANIEL DIVISION SALES REPRESENTATIVE Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage *Top 2% In Central Toronto * Data compiled from Toronto Real Estate Board 2014 #1 REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE FOR THE ENTRIRE GTA 477 MOUNT PLEASANT RD., TORONTO, ON SOLD 416.489.2121 Looking for a convenient place to bank? Great financial advice is just a click, call or short distance away. Find out how personalized advice from RBC® can help you achieve your goals — big or small, for today and tomorrow. Visit an RBC Royal Bank® branch near you: ¡ Laird & Wicksteed Branch 45 Wicksteed Ave Phone: 416-425-5225 ¡ St Clair & Yonge Branch 10 St Clair Ave W Phone: 416-974-7840 ¡ Mt Pleasant & Hillsdale Branch 650 Mt Pleasant Rd Phone: 416-481-3101 ¡ Summerhill Branch 1103A Yonge St Phone: 416-960-8550 ¡ Bloor & Yonge Branch 2 Bloor St E Phone: 416-974-2746 ¡ Bayview & Belsize Branch 1554 Bayview Ave Phone: 416-974-3609 Get the banking advice you need here or visit www.rbcadvicecentre.com. Or call 24/7 at 1-800 ROYAL® 1-1. TM ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. 18 33420 (03/2015) MooredaleNews Special Mayfair Edition 2015 CLASSIFIEDS The Mooredale Newsletter reaches 7,500 members. Classified advertisements for the Summer issue must be SUBMITTED IN WRITING (40-word limit; over word limit, advertisement is charged double) with payment on or before May 1. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, debit, Visa and Master Card (visit www.mooredale.org for credit card form). E-mail: jingram@mooredale.on.ca or call 416-922-3714 ext 103. Placement for several months may be ordered. Ad Rates: RMPA MEMBERS – $22 Personal; $52 Business. NON-MEMBERS – $50 Personal; $79 Business. Mooredale does not endorse any product, property or service listed in the ads. Display ad rates and specs are on-line at www.mooredale.com AD DEADLINES Summer Newsletter June-Ad deadline – May 2 Fall Newsletter August-Ad deadline – July 19 Winter Newsletter October-Ad deadline – Oct. 2 Accommodation Vineyard Villa near Aix-en-Provence, St Tropez – Beautiful private 4 bedroom, 2½ bath villa with large terrace and covered pool looking out over vineyard, property planted with herbes de Provence. Hi-speed internet, sand beaches, Mooredale family. Photos, additional info: www.vrbo.com/512971, 416-915-1377 Muskoka Cottage Owners Make $$$ Renting – Pay for your European vacation, new dock or your cottage upkeep! I have renters BOOKING NOW for cottages on Lakes Rosseau, Joseph and Muskoka. I will help you take care of all the details. www.jaynescottages.com email: jayne@jaynescottages.com P: 416 258 5168 Muskoka Cottage For Rent – Luxury family cottage rental. Please Contact Ian Heerdegen 416-464-1393 ianheerdegen@sympatico.ca www.MuskokaRentalCottages.com Lake Simcoe – Shanty Bay – Lovely, well-equipped, 4-bedroom family cottage for rent. Large, quiet and private lot. Boathouse, beach, diving raft, dock and boats. Available 15 June until August 15. Rent $4,800 per month or $1,650 per week. Non-smokers. 416-961-8487. Snapdragon Resort Sale – May 5, 9:30 – 5pm, May 6, 9:30 – 2pm 117 Garfield Ave. snapdragondesigns.ca 100% cashmere sweaters, wraps, ponchos & perfect get-away tunics, dresses & tops! Home Maintenance P.P.P.P. Paint, Paper, Patch, Plaster – Make your house feel like home again. Quality, caring, professional work. Free estimates. Local references. Call the Home Fixers, Rhys Edwards at 416-538-6229 Creative Finishes – David Mercer, quality painting and wallpapering. Working in your area over 30 years. Clean and reliable 1-905-666-9256 www.creativefinishes.ca Plantscape Green Garden Services – Garden restoration and design, organic on going maintenance, lay out and planting new gardens, indoor plant maintenance. 416-893-2007 or e-mail: jennyharper@rogers.com Special Services/Opportunities Limited Space in Mooredale Preschool September 2015-June 2016 – Book a tour of our licensed preschool. Discover our Nursery School, Kindergarten and Toddler programs. Learn about our full day, half day, extended care and catered lunch options. Contact Carolyn Burgess, Preschool Director 416-922-3714 ext 113 or cburgess@mooredale.on.ca. The Great Organizer and spring go hand in hand. We’ll deal with those hard decisions, get rid of unwanted treasures, declutter, organize your space and let the sunshine in. Call 416-925-0925 for a complimentary consultation. www.thegreatorganizer.com Relax! We’ll Handle It! Computer Tutoring & Repair – Installation, tutoring, troubleshooting, virus removal, data backup. Great for beginners, seniors. Individual attention for you, family, friends. Friendly and patient. House calls made, references available, reasonable rates. Your questions? My answers! David Block 416-929-6039 or dblock@sympatico.ca Sunshine Senior Services – We offer discerning, sensitive assistance for the senior who needs a little help. Let us remove the pressure in your life by being there when you can’t. To discuss your needs and the possibilities, call Maxine at 415-925-0925. Welcome New Mooredale Members T.J., Tigana, Olamina Bryan and Kunle Bryan-Bristow; Vangie, James, Victoria and Michael Tziretas; Ellen, Amy, Catherine and Sam Webster and Carter and Max Lewis; Adeline, Olivia, Charlotte and Nick Raymond; Terry, Isabella, Leah and David Manuel; Sylvia, Graydon, Jude and David MacPherson; Agnita Pal, Azura and Edward Rich; Caroline, Oliver and Matt Rubinoff; Karen Gruson; Angela, Will, Robbie and Steven Caldwell; Lindsey Shaw and Joe Bolton; Katherine Fuentealba, Sophia, Thomas, Olivia, Mateo and D’Arcy McGee; Danijela Konforte, Noah and Mark Siboni; Ticia, Ariel, Liam and Jacob Leibel; Andrea Stairs, Nini, William and Caroline Krishnappa; Anna Marie Mulligan, Alexandra, Blaise Oisin and Blaise Clarke; Romy, Joelle and Corey Libfezo; Jenny , Alexa and Eric Laengert; Eleanor, Ben, Grace, William and Jim Lancefield; Roxanne Tota Kosoy and Joseph Kosoy; Jon and Teddy Lewis; Pamela, Elias and Mark Evans; Sandra , Sam, Spencer, Gracie and Peter King; Terri, Addison and Justin Jakubiak; Neely Davis, Ella, Chloe and Noam Muscovitch; Sarah, Zoe, Charlotte, Rozie and Mark Wellings; Denise Rispolie, Jake, Bill, Ben and Ryder Logie; Vanessa Kent, Julian and Gregory Mittler; Olesia Ustymenko and Mykyta Drobyazko; Joan Pavelich; Emily Dyer, Penelope, Belen Tobar-Dyer and Mario Tobar; Ingrid Reinhart and Donald Ditchburn; Catherine Matthews, Lauren, Kaitlin and David Grierson; Ilana, Wentworth, Alexander and Michael Twaits; Lindy and George Small; Kaileigh Rador, Luke and Marlon Singh; Gail and Amaya Parris, Kaeson and Henson Trench, Erin, Lindsay, Ben, Ryan and Scott Taylor; Julie, Ruby, George, Josie and Xavier Majic; Christine Wong-Retnakaran, Matthew and Ravi Retnakaran; Jessica McNally and Beatriz Silva; Susan Runcie, Arielle and Jesse Shifrin; Toni, Sidney, Oliver and Charlie Davies; Gretchen and Alexandra Cuzik. 19 Rosedale-Moore Park Association 146 Crescent Road, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1V2 Preschool Programs Please use these QR Codes for your convenience when linking to www.mooredale.org Sports Camps Pool Club Events 40012662
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