1 Engineering Bachelors Theses Originally held at Wendt Library
1 Engineering Bachelors Theses Originally held at Wendt Library
Engineering Bachelors Theses Originally held at Wendt Library University of Wisconsin-Madison ABBOTT, Clarence Eugene Microscopic investigation of alloys. 1901 ES Eng. ABBOTT, Clark Henry The effect of an apron design in dissipating the energy below an ogee dam. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Chellman, E.P. La Chapelle, M.P. ABBOTT, Ellis Pitt The effect of the time of mixing and the percentages of water on the tensile and compressive strength of plain concrete. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Edwin R. Shorey. ADAMS, Benjamin Cullen Comparative tests of integrating watt meters. 1903 ES Eng. ADAMS, Bertram Francis An investigation of the losses in power transmission at the Stoughton Wagon company’s plant, Stoughton, Wisconsin. 1902 ES Eng. Joint authors: Hippenmeyer, Irving R. Starks, Sanford Putnam Stillman, Carl F. ADAMS, Maurice Charles A grade separation problem solved with a rigid frame structure. 1939 Joint author: Plumb, Mahlon John. ABEL, Charles Fredrick Design of a lathe attachment for testing tool steels. 1917 ES Eng. ABENDROTH, Emil August Stresses and strains in steel columns under oblique and eccentric loading. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schrader, R. H. ABENDROTH, George Herman The floor area method as a new basis for estimating water consumption. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Flueck, Walter John. 1 ACHKI, Feridun Mahmud Test on certain physical properties of aerocrete. 1933 ~BS Civil Eng. ACKERMANN, William Carl Preventing erosion of Southwestern Wisconsin clay by base exchange. 1935 Joint author: Kurth, James Albert. ADAM, George Herman Telegraph systems of the American telephone and telegraph company. 1931 ES Civil Eng. ADAMS, Walter Kelsey An investigation of the action of rein*orced con~ete beams. 1903 Joint author: Hahn, John Francis ADLER, Orval Carl Stresses in building frames due to horizontal wind loading. 1931 ES Civil Eng. ADLINGTON, Earl Raymond An investigation of some disputed questions regarding the laws of electromagnetic induction. 1915 Joint author: Wilder, P.W. AFFLECK, Herbert John Surface drainage in small municipalities. 1934 Civil Eng. AGANAITE, Roger Henry A study and experimental investigation of the use of similitude to relate structural model and prototype. 1952 ES Civil Eng. AGAZIM, Michael Electroplating from fused electrolytes. 1915 ZOVNIC, Anthony Joseph See: Bolstad, James W. ZUCKER, Donald John See: Lee, Robert E. ZUEGE, David Clarence 2 The effect of the rate of cooling upon the micros tructure and physical properties of Babbit metals. 1920 ES Chen. Eng. ZUEL-1LKE, George Henry See: Johnson, Kenneth F. ZWOLANEK, Joseph See: Warner, Frank M. ZUFELT, Jerome Crosby See: Cooley, Don N. AHARA, George Victor ALEXANDER, Frederick Charles The efficiency of the steam jacket. 1895 ES Eng. Joint authors: Colder, Lloyd W. Grover, Alison S. ABARA, Theodore Henry — vc\\SS\r~ ?D ~ A comparative efficiency ~test of a simple and of a compound traction engine. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Barnes, Charles Ballou AHEENS, Benjamin Franklin The separation of the grade crossing at the intersection of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and the Cottage Grove Madison road town of Elooming Grove, Dane County, Wisconsin. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Walden, Donald 0. AIRIS, Thomas Fergrieve Design of a reinforced concrete building. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Lovewell, Cecil E. ALANIVA, Charles Robert The development and exploitation of a 200—ton mine in the Black Hills District of South Dakota. 1913 ES Mm. Eng. ALBERT, David Smith The effect of boundary roughness in open channel flow. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Grimshaw, Walter E. ALEERTS, Harry Carl Patents patent rights and their relation to industrial progress. 1924 ES Mech. Eng. 3 ALBRECHT, John N. Concrete frame apartment building . 1957 ES Joint author: Culp, Jackie P. The social consciousness of the engineer. 1938 Civil Eng. ALEXANDER, Jesse Fred An investigation of the causes of destruction of certain bridges at Canal Dover, Ohio. 1911. ALEXANDER, Walter A comparative test of simple and compound locomotives. 1897 ES Eng. Joint author: Cochrane, Robert E. Clausen, Leon R. ALGEO, Harold Leigh Notes on the design and construction of the Montezuma Valley Irrigation District. 1912 ES Civil Eng. (degree not granted until 1913). ALK, Louis Charles City planning and zoning with applications to Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1925 ES Civil Eng. ALLEN, Carlton Harrison THe removal of tar from producer gas by means of an electric condenser. 1910 ES. Joint author: Force, Henry Hill. ALLEN, John Samuel An experimental investigation of the properties of a single—phase synchronous motor. 1897 ES Eng. Sou\~ .3U~\oc! St”n\\uec~E~~ard~. ALLEN, Maynard Edward Experiments on four—inch submerged tubes and orifices. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Parker, Wilfred C. ALMOND, Fred Charles A test of the Edison storage battery. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Davidson, Jesse A. ALPEROVITZ, Julius Experimental study of dissipa— tion of energy below ogee dam. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smallshaw, John ALTER, Fred Leland 4 Comparative designs for a highway steel arch bridge. 1914 ES Civil Eng. ANDERSON, Arthur Job Analytical study of friction losses in wrought iron pipe. 1928 ES Civil Eng. ANDERSON, Ben Raymond Salt—velocity method of determining discharge in pipes. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Severson, Norman A. Joint authors: Consoer, A.W. Greenwood, D.W. Kunesh, J.F. A14UNDSON, Carl Herbert An experimental study of the rate of usage of free oxygen by activated sludge. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Jones, R.G. Pape, V.G. AMUNDSON, Helmer Clarence Design of a sewage disposal plant for the city of Ladysmith. 1924 ES Civil Eng. ANDERLY, Howard Merle Design of a reinforced concrete locomotive coaling station and sand drying plant. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Burt, Clayton R. ANDERSON, Albert Julius The influence of upstream verticle curvature on weir discharge. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint author: Villemonte, J.R. ANDERSON, Arthur Edward An investigation of the losses in power transmission and in estimate of the installation and maintenance of an electrically driven plant at the Janesville Machine Company. 1903 ES Eng. Joint authors: Dean, Garrison C. Holloway, Don C. ANDERSON, Boyd Gordon University avenue Extension (from W. Gorham to W. Washington). 1936. ANDERSON, Dalton Lavern Model tests of spillway of proposed Castle Rock Dam. 1949 ES. Joint author: Schoenfeldt, Alan E. ANDERSON, Delmar LeRoy —n\\sS~r\a ~ The design of a reinforced concrete arch highway bridge. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Eengs, Donald C. 5 ANDERSON, Earl Ando Some considerations and problems affecting the design of Tungsten street lighting systems. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Moody, R.E. ANDERSON, Gustave Alexander A commercial test of a 280 horsepower three—cylinder Westinghouse gas engine installed at the Madison Gas and Electric Company’s plant at Madison, Wisconsin. 1902 ES Ehg. ~ auttcst G\bs~n, \K) ~ Scx~9pev ,~. ANDERSON, Howard Joseph Enzyme preparation in the treatment of dairy wastes. 1954 ES Civil Eng. ANDERSON, Keith Frederick An investigation of the Pine River—La Salle Falls site for a reservoir dam. 1953 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Johnson, Harold L. ANDERSON, Robert Earl — ~c\~ SS\r~o~ 3: Preliminary study of water treatment facilities for Madison, Wisconsin. 1949 ES. ANDERSON, Russell Arnold Effect of varying velocity of water in a closed pipe upon the coefficient of a Pitot tube. 1915 Joint author: Wesle, Herbert W. ANDERSON, Thomas J. A digest of the land surveying laws of the State of Wisconsin. 1951 ES Civil Eng. ANDERSON, Victor Roy THe design, construction and test of a direct—reading indicated horse power meter. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Melcher, Austin G. ANDERTON, Harry Charles Investigation and comparative tests of commercial kerosene carburetors. 1915 (degree not granted) Joint author: Fletcher, Freeman D. ANDRAE, George Henry Joseph A concuit—return system of interior wiring. 1916. ANDRAE, Richard William 6 Location and preliminary design of an airport for Watertown, Wisconsin. 1946 ES Civil Eng. ANDREW, Edwin Lee The effect of temperature on the accuracy of commutator watthour meters. 1916 Joint author: Royce, Wilfred A. ANDREWS, Aden Wright The cross tie problem with special reference to the preservation of wood ties. 1905 ES Eng. ANDREWS, Walter Cooper Comparative endurance tests of some base metal thermo—electric couples. 1910 ES Eng. ANGER, Bernhard Fred Carburetors for gasoline engines. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Casserly, J.F. .ANGOLI, Leonard Edmund 1932 Tests on reinforced brick beams. Joint authors: Krasin, Lawrence L. Ludowise, Benjamin F. ANGRIUC, Roy Design of a reinforced concrete building. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Scott, Norris J. ANKENEY, Stewart Hill Engineering journalism in America, its history and development. 1912 ES Civil Eng. ANTHONY, Rowland Barney Commercial tests of the steam power plant, charging station, and storage batteries of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company at Western Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Goedjen, Albert J. Hibbard, Allen C. ARMS, Richard Myron Some tests of incandescent lamps. 1894 ES Eng. 7 Joint authors: Rosenstengel, R. Sheldon, S.R. ARMSTRONG, Alva James The uses of the flexural test in determining the quality of concrete. 1929 ES Civil Eng. ARNIE, Reuben Field The development of an electrical method for measuring th flow of gases. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Heyroth, A.H. Sargent, J.D. ARNOLD, James Winthrop The effect of type of aggregate upon the strength water—cement ratio relationship for concrete. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Aune, Clifford A. ARNOLD, Louis George Design of a hydro electric power plant on the Chippewa River at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Garnock, Alexander Moore ,y Gilbert. t s ARNOLD, Orville Edward Treatment of gravel roads with sulphite liquor. 1955 BS Civil Eng. ARNTZEN, Donald Matthew Design of a reinforced concrete building for light industrial use. 1953 BS in Civil Eng. ARPS, Edmund John The diversity factor determination of the University distributing system. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Hendee, Ceilan Abner. ASCHENBREWER, Rudolph Alois An analysis of electric cooking. 1917 ES Joint author: Kenney, Edward L. ASHTON, Clay Gibbs The effect of moisture content on the strength and related properties of plywood. 1943 ES Joint author: O’Brien, William W. ASTON, James The armature reactions of 8 an induction motor. 1898 ES Eng. ATEN, Charles Edward The effects of grading and type of compaction on the shear properties of cohesionless soils as determined by the Tn Axial Compression test. 1947 ES Civil Eng Joint author: S~-aNr~s ~nc~as ~\. AUNE, Clifford A. 3 The effect of type of ~aggregate upon the strength water—cement ratio relationship for concrete. SEE: Arnold, James Winthrop AUSTIN, Eric Walton A study of the performanèe of an asynchronous generator. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Blake, George B. Kustermann, Walter W. AUSTIN, Wilbur Azro An efficiency test of the refrigerating machine of the University of Wisconsin. 1899 ES Eng. Joint authors: Farris, J.A. Freschl, Edw. AYRES, Albert Owen A relocation of part of Mendota Drive, Dane County, Wisconsin 1916. EABUSH, Joseph Samuel A study of the effect of introducing water into the cylinder of gasoline engines. 1917 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Pederson, John P. EACHELDER, Clare Herbert An efficiency test of the Eosco— bel electric light plant. 1901 ES Eng. EACHHUBER, Martin Lawrence Properties of insulating concrete made with various lightweight aggregates. 1949 ES. Joint author: Schallock, Arthur J. BACHMANN, Carl John Performance of modern earth— handling equipment. 1937. EACON ,Vaughn Robert Preliminary investigation for a magnetic testing brake. 1914 Civil Eng. Joint author: Ellis, Francis C. 9 BADGER, Arthur Hewitt A test of a live steam feedwater heater. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Griswold, John W. EAEELER, Harold Zach Studies in wireless telegraphy. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Schubring, Albert H. EAEHR, William AlZred Rail joints. 1894 ES Eng. EAILER, Howard Raymond The design of a railroad overpass for the Park Street location in Madison, Wisconsin. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Humber, Wallace G. BAILEY, Hiram Edwin The design, construction and use of an electro—static watt—meter. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Ekern, E.E. BAILEY, Otterbein Andrew — cc~~c~o 2ReS Experiments on the effect of freezing upon setting concrete in thin walls. 1915. Joint author: Bickel, Ferdinand D. BAINBRIDGE, Walter Leslie The destructive distillation of coal gas tar. 1913 ES Chem. Eng. EAKER, George Hubert A discussion of the steam terminal situation in Chicago. 1914 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Morris, Leslie R. EALCH, Cleon F. The distribution of electrical energy for residence service; a treatise on some of the commercial and engineering problems confronting the electrical utility. 1919 ES Elect. Eng. BALCIT, John Willigrod The elimination of the grade crossing of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway on Lakeside Street, South Madison, Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Ordway, A.E. 10 EALCH, Leland Rella Plans and specifications for the improvement of Fifth Street, Watertown, Wisconsin. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Irving, Thomas J. EALESTRERI, Frank Mass transit in Madison, Wisconsin 1953 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Eurke, Jack BALL, Edwin Marcotte Experiments on a duplex power driven Fairbanks—Morse pump. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Mowatt, William F. True, Henry A. Jr. BALL, Walton Cook Estimates of the cost and maintenance of concrete and wooden pile trestles for four different openings. 1911 ES Civil Eng. EALLAM, Horace Victor Experiment to determine the loss of head due to pipe bends. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Plautz, Edgar G. BALLANCE, Nevius Van Dyke A study of the accuracy of a wet test meter. 1913 ES Chem. Eng. BALLANTINE, William G. Consumptive use of water in Wisconsin. 1951 ES Civil Eng. BALLARD, Roscoe Frederick The design of a logarithmic steam engine indicator. 1913 ES Mech. Eng. EALLSCHMIDER, Arno Louis The Globe photometer, its lining and calibration. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Schneider, Walter G. BALSLEY, Henry Edwin The elimination of grade crossing with the Illinois Central Railroad on Monroe Street, Madison, Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Yager, Ralph M. BALSLEY, Eugene Albert — The design of a dam and water power station for electrical transmission at Kilbourn, Wisconsin. 11 1903 Civil Eng. Joint author: Greaves, Arthur C. BALSOM, Amos Parker Electrical welding of various steels and other metals. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Strait, Edward N. EANEERY, James Edward The design of a reinforced concrete building. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Fisher, Maxwell W. EANDELMAN, Oliver John An investigation of the coefficients of discharge for orifices on the end of a pipe. 1924 ES Civil Eng. BANDLI, Edward Mitchel An investigation of the water power at Fisher, Michigan, on the Menominee River. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Larson, Louis M. EANNACH, Leonard Peter The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Mikula, Jack H. EARBER, Edwin Lamont A study and test of the electric headlight as used on steam locomotives 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Shealy, E.M. EARBER, Gasper Joseph The design of a warehouse office building. 1948 ES. Joint author: Fetzer, James T. EAREOUR, Curtiss Munroe Tests of a Stirling boiler with Roney mechanical stokers. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Wynne, Thomas N. BARCLAY, Arthur Jackson The effects of certain variables in the testing of Portland cement. 1912 ES Civil Eng. ES EngBARKER, Charles Pease The effect of the size of the sand grain upon the strength of the plain concrete produced from it. 1907 ES Eng. 12 BARKER, Harold Jean Experimental determination of the resistance of single tru.ck street cars on tangent track. 1907 Joint author: Donahue, Jerry, Jr. EARKHAUSEN, Louis Henry Design of a triple expansion engine. 1901 ES Eng. BARNES, Charles Ba11ou—cr~s\nc~~’IbR See: AHABA, Theodore Henry. BARNES, Ernest Merrell A gravity water supply for Dunkirk, New York. 1922 ES Joint author: Moehlman, Wm. F. BARNES, Glen Edward Unit hydrograph study of the Eau Claire River. 1947 civil Eng. Joint author: Knoerr, David C. EARNETT, Nelson Dater 1916 Measurement of the flow of steam. EARTH, Donald Otto A comparison of the maximum stresses produced in bridges by the specific loads with those produced by loads which are the legal maximum in Wisconsin. 1950 Civil Eng. EARTH, John Herman Investigations of the flow of water through pump valves. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schwalbe, W.L. EARTH, Karl Peter The effect of length of pipe on air lift performance. 1921 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Krez, Frederick W. EARTLESON, Glenn Sidney Comparison in loss of head in two 45 Degree elbows with spacer to that in 90 Degree elbows. 1925 ES Civil Eng. 13 BARTLETT, Charles Lynn The strength of nail joints. 1910 ES Eng. EARTSCH, Lester William The effect of pile bents on stream flow. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wolff, Richard E. Joint author: Wilkinson, John B. BARR, John Martin Cylinder condensation. 1899 ES Eng. Joint author: Richards, Wm. A. EARTELT, Harvey Elmer Analysis of stresses in an existing arch due to a change in live loading conditions. 1926 55 Civil Eng. Joint author: Carison, Edwin A. EARTZ, Ellwood Lewis Hydraulics of the Drop Inlet. 1939 Joint author: Hilgendorf, Daniel D. BASH, Francis Edwin 1916. Studies of enamels for sheet steel BASSETT, William Eeacher The magnetic properties of iron and high grade steels. 1909 BATES, Floyd Elton Tests on concrete columns reinforced with high carbon steel wire spirals and longitudinal rods of mild steel. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Mitchell, Amory R. Muhlstein, Wm. C. Pugh, Wilbur W. Scherer, Andrew C. BATES, William Ensign —t\\55~nc1 3i~o°~ Flow of water in open channels. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Calvin, C.J. BAUER, Harry Edward — test of heating and ventilating 14 system at Wisconsin High School with regard to efficiency and economy of a complete recirculation system. 1915. Joint author: Elanding, George H. BAUMAN, Merritt Richard The effect of curing treatments on the strength of mortar and concrete. 1944 ES — of Texarkana,ATexas. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Shepard, C.H. BEEE, Edward Crosby Proposed relocation of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway at upper BarabooAnear Ablemans, Wisconsin 1896 ES Eng. Joint author: E\a &‘.J~c~ Ske~kc,t~ BEBE, Louise Harriot Early Wisconsin travel routes. 1933 Civil Eng. EECHLEM, Alfred William Tests of high speed tool steels made from Eurgess electrolytic iron. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Wadsworth, Wm. J. BECHTEL, Stanley Clarence Basic principles of prestressed reinforced concrete. 1950 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Porath, Donald Arthur BAUMANN, Walter Otto Composition of various floor sweeping compounds. 1920 ES Chem Eng. BAUS, Richard Edward An efficiency test of the gas engine plant of the sewerage disposal works at Madison, Wisconsin. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Minch, W.E. BAYLE, Francis Lawrence An experimental study of problems in gas turbine design. 1919 BS Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Mantonya, William G. Warren, Glenn Barton 15 EEASLEY, William Howard Design of a street railway power plant and distributing system for the electric railway of the city EECHTOLD, Ned Walter Development of test for medium setting asphalt emulsions. 1959 ES Civil Eng. BECK, Lawrence John The distribution of losses in pipe bends. 1929 ES Civil Eng. BECKER, Dean Brown The design of a two lift telescopic gas holder and tank two hundred thousand cubic feet capacity eighty— tenths inches water pressure. 1913 ES them. Eng. BECKER, Elmer William Experimental study of a centrifugal pump and venturi meter, with water at various temperatures. 1924 55 Civil Eng. Joint author: Ihling, Herber,t M. BECKER, John Walter Surge tank for water power plants. 1909 55 Eng. Joint author: Cutler, Manuel. BEDORE, Clifford James Analysis of a haunched beam rigid frame structure. 1940 Joint authors: Dettmann, Harold H. Dollhausen, John L. BEEBE, Gordon Alcott Investigations of stream flow. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Ely, A.W. BEEBE, Horace Merle The design of a reinforced concrete water tank. 1911 BS Civil Eng. BEEBE, Murray Charles The electrolytic decomposition of the chlorides of sodium and magnesium. 1897 ES Eng. BEEN, Joe 16 Behavior of rigid slab pavements under dynamic loads. 1954 ES Civil Eng. BELL, George William An efficiency test of the Citizen’s gas plant at Burlington, Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Jones, Charles A. EELLACK, Willard Bernhard — A method of studying the vibration of automobile motors. 1919 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Puerner, Russell E. EELLING, John William rn: s~’~: : An efficiency test of the state capitol plant at Madison, Wisconsin. 1903 ES Eng. Joint authors: Erobst, John E. Wilison, Frank G. Howland, Henry P. BELSKY, Charles James Comparison of regulation and efficiency tests on direct current machines. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Gottschall, Herbert H. BELSKY, Charles James Speed regulation of an induction motor. 1911 55 E\Qc’c. Ev~. Joint authors: Johnson, John H. Keller, Aloysius D. BEHM, Wilfred Wahle A critical study of foundation failures from 1900 to 1929. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Kulp, John Herman BEHRENS, Harold Julius Design for a reinforced concrete office building. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Persen, E.A. BEITEL, Roy Milton An investigation of the feasibility of the construction and operation of a small hydro electric plant for the use of farmers. 1909 55 Eng. Joint author: Mc Wethy, H. E. BELTER, Walter Gustave A plan for the subdivision of Crawford Heights at Madison, Wisconsin 1949 ES Joint author: Stauss, John F. 17 BENDER, John Samuel The design of a spandrel filled concrete arch bridge. 1936. BENDER, Ostap Design of reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge. 1956 ES Civil Eng. BENDFELDT, Herbert Albert Oscar Comparison of single and double unit automobile starters and generators. 1917 Joint author: Mu; Charles A. EENDT, Joseph Philip The design of a subway for Mills Street at Madison, Wisconsin, to eliminate the grade crossing with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway and the Illinois Central Railroad. 1912 BS Civil Eng. Joint authors: Merkel, R.H. Soergel, R.J. BENEDICT, Guy Albert An investigation of the arcing properties of brass as affected by air under pressure. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Sanford, H.B. EENEDICT, Wallace James An analysis of the products of distillation of Wisconsin peat. 1904 BS Eng. Joint author: Saridarkis, F.J. BENESH, Alvin Henry Tests of a non—clogging nozzle for traveling water screens. 1931 ES Civil Eng. EENGS, Donald Charles — The design of a reinforced conrete arch highway bridge. 1931 Civil Eng. ~5d.nk aut~rt ~&trsen~te\vn~t \~ BENNETT, Arthur Earl The characteristics of the American Society of Civil Engineers standard rail sections. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Sherburne, F.V. BENNETT, Benjamin Floyd Corrosion of iron alloys. 1910 ES Eng. BENNETT, Charles Edwin 18 Heat diagrams of vapors and gases. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Ward, Oscar G. BENNETT, Lester Cealian Experimental investigation of loss of head due to flow of oil in pipes. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Rundell, E.B. Woodward, G.S. BENNETT, Thomas Edmund The test of a twelve inch trump turbine. 1916 Joint authors: Mueller, Frederick G. Olson, William A. BENSEL, Heinz Ludwig Discharge capacity of model of Kings Dam. 1945 Civil Eng. Joint author: Larson, John A. BENTLEY, Fred William Efficiency tests of injectors. 1898 ES Eng. Joint author: Malec, Anton BERAN, John Experiments on the purification of creamery wastes by chemical treatment methods. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hillis, Leonard F. BERG, John Retaining walls: theories, practical considerations and experiments. 1905 ES Eng. BERG, Louis Leighty Making super—strength concrete with an electric vibrator. 1932 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Dodge, Eldon R. BERG, Raymond Laurence A study of methods of proportioning concrete. 1944 ES. BERG, William Carl The design of a sewerage system for Portage, Wisconsin. 1902 BS Eng Joint author: Ehrnbeck, A.D. EERGENTHAL, Victor William The effect of impurities upon the permeability of cast iron. 1897 BS Eng. 19 Joint author: Lademan, Otto Thilo. BERGMAN, Miles Joseph The effect of a spot—welder or similar load on the registration of a watt hour meter. 1921 BS Elect. Eng. BERNAUER, Raymond Otto The predetermination and control of the synchronous torsional frequencies in Diesel engine shaft systems. 1927 BS Mech. Eng. EERNIYr, Jerome Location and design of a parking lot for Horicon, Wisconsin. 1950 BS Civil Eng. BERRY, Claude A design Madison. 1901 Joint author: — ~ a of a drainage system for the swamp areas in east ES Eng. Hawn, Russell J. EERSQIENS, John Ignatius Hydraulics of the head spill— way used in erosion control. 1936. BERSSENERUGGE, Bernard Joseph Benjamin An experimental investigation of continuous current motor starting 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Newman, H.J. EERTKE, Wilson Arthur A test of the baggage car system of train lighting on the North Coast Limited. 1906 BS Eng. Joint author: Reynolds, Ira L. BERTKE, William John Storage battery testing under varying conditions. 1903 BS Eng. Joint author: Seaman, Irving. BERTLE, Frederick Albert The calibration of circular weirs and orifices under low heads in the end of large pipes. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Pentzien, Roger L. Ree, Melvin C. BERTLES, William Matthew A statistical review of Wisconsin power plants. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: Dodds, JOhn H. 20 BERTRAND, Philip Adolphus Some tests on a three—phase motor. 1895 BS Eng. Joint author: Sc~r~ nft,rr~e~o~t R. BEEZOWSKI, Roman Clemens Analysis of a rigid frame by the arch method. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Nero, Milton A. BESPALOW, Eugene Frederick A comparison of the efficiencies of various methods of bonding old and new concrete. 1921 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Margoles, Harry. BESSERDICH, Arnold Carl Carburation test on a Ford motor. 1925 ES Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Hazen, H.D. Weideman, B.A. BESSERT, John Ervin Wile BIDWELL, Laurence Earl on the 1921. BINDER, Joseph Charles The performance characteristics of a small activated sludge plant using a combined aeration and clarification unit. 1937 Joint author: Jensen, Howard R. BEST, Paul Butler Tests relating to certain properties of transformer oils. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Spray, Lester E. EETSON, Roger — c\ss~\-\c\ 3/(oR Compilation of map of Lake Mendota and adjacent area from aerial photographs. 1952 BS Civil Eng. BEYER, John Adrian — Analysis of shopping trips into Madison based on the 1949 Madison origin—destination traffic survey 1950 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Capelle, Merlin F. 21 BICKEL, Ferdinand Dewitt — SAn~ See: Bailey, Otterbein A. EICKELHAUPT, Carroll cMen An experimental investigation of the effect of inductance on automatic continuous current motor starters. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Lamont, M.B. BIQCELHAUPT, Ivan Adair The Bell telephone company — a history of its organization and patent litigation. 1914 BS Mech. Eng. BICKELHAUPT, William Verne The development and exploitation of a silver zinc project in the Butte camp. 1911 BS Mi Eng. Effects of vibration in making concrete beams. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Neroda, E.K. Sutton, F.M. BIEFELD, Paul A. An investigation of the electrolytic effects of the return currents of electric railways on subterrenean iron pipes. 1894 BS Eng. Joint author: Silber, Fred D. BIEGLER, Philip Sheridan The use of higher current densities in enclosed low tension direct current arc lamps. 1905 BS Eng. BIEMILLER, Lawrence E. The utilization of manufactured gas. 1929 ES Chem. Eng. BIENDARRA, Howard Herman The effect of hot sand and salt additions to sand in producing friction on icy pavements. 1938 55 Civil Eng. Joint author: OLsen, Otto T. BIERSACH, Frank Jerome Operating costs of water supply utilities. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Risseeuw, Elmer J. BIERSACH, Rudolph Efficiency test of the 22 gas producer. 1906 ES Eng. Joint authors: Hart, J.G. Kirk, A.T. Read, B.K. BILLE, Harold William The effect of moisture strength of building brick. Economical design of simple solid wood columns short intermediate and long. 1950 Civil Eng. BINGH.AM, James Baldwin Test of an air lift pump. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hallauer, F.J. EINGHAM, Joseph Inhoff The design of a sanitary sewerage system for Monroe, Wisconsin. 1904 BS Eng. Joint author: Gardner, Jos.I. BINISH, Stanley Edward The experimental treatment of creamery wastes by surface aeration methods. 1929 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Felischer, J.M. BINNING, Jack Edward The design of an all—welded continuous span bridge. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Johnson, Neil E. BINNING, Robert C. The design of prestressed reinforced concrete beams and comparative tests. 1951 BS Civil Eng. BIRCH, Albert Test of a ten—inch Leffel turbine 1911 BS Civil Eng. Joint authors: Fellows, K.E. Scudder, C.M. BIRCHARD, Ralph Rogers The proposed Madison and Janes— yule Electric Railroad. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Van Loon, Wm. 0. BIRD, Hobart Stanley —- rn: a~. (‘3 23 The re—location and improvement of a portion of the C.& N.W. Railway 1894 BS Eng. Joint author: Evans, E.M. BIRKENWALD, Edward Some factors of concrete overrun in concrete roads. 1927 55 Civil Eng. BIRKENWALD, Emil S. Reinforced concrete arch bridge for Rutledge Street, Madison, Wisconsin. 1922 BS. BIRKETT, Miles Wren An investigation into the cause and effects of water hammer in short pipes. 1908 BS Eng. Joint authors: Brandel, Clarence 0. Meyer, Henry Wm. Jr. BIRKETT, Richard Beaumont Model test of gates at Gary slip. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Frazier, D.F. BIRKHOLZ, Julius William Effect of coating carbons in their power of illumination. 1896. Joint author: Reedal, Peter E. BIRNER, Richard Edward The effects of alkyl benzene sulfonate on the B.O.D. and C.0.D. of synthetic sewage. 1956 Civil Eng. BISCHELL, Joseph Michel — ccSSvr 2 Freezing tests of concrete. 1912 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Griffith, Wm. H. BISHOP, Paul William Treatment of wastes from pea canneries. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Mickle, chas.Tht0, BJELAJAC, Vaso The performance of a small activated sludge plant treating institutional sewage. 1938 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Schiuter, Albert Lee Wirth, Harvey E. BJORNSON, Bjorn G. 24 Preliminary report on the proposed hydro—electric development of the Paint River, Michigan. 1922 ES. Joint author: Gude, Hans E.A. BLABAUM, Carl John Water filtration plant studies. 1952 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Kolbeck, Henry J. BLACKBURN, Fred M. The design, construction and test of lifting magnets. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Palmer, Guy H. BLAINE, Joseph Robert Smith Economy tests of the turbo— generator plant of the Madison Gas and Electric Company, Madison, Wisconsin. 1905 BS Eng. Joint authors: Borchert, Ernest, Jr. Dorner, Fred H. Richardson, Walter H. BLAIR, Edmund George The effect of inclination of growth rings in toughness specimens of wood. 1950 ES Civil Eng. BLAIR, Walter Frank The history and development of the low pressure steam turbine. 1915. BLAKE, George Barnes — n-~.ac\v\c\ ~ See: Austin, E.W. BLAKE, Harry Duvall Design of a hydro electric plant on the Menominee River at Upper Twin Falls. 1911 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Esau, Calr W. ELANCHAR, John Eggleson A design of a reinforced concrete garage. 1929 BS Civil Eng. BLANDING, George Haney — See: Bauer, Harry E. BLANKENBERG, Herbert Louis A physical valuation of the Madison water works plant. 1908 ES Eng. 25 Joint author: Whitney, A.B. BLATZ, Albert Valentine Alternating current losses in steel rails. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Reinhard, Gustav A. ELAU, Herman Adolph Investigation of hydraulic curve resistance experiments with four—inch flanged elbows. 1920 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Light, Robert F. BLERSCH, John Albert — The principles of the design of superhighways. 1936 Joint author: Hambrecht, Albert H. BLEYER, Charles Faben Test of the steam plant of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Glab, Wm.N. BLEYER, Lloyd Garrison A test on an oil pull tractor. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Rumeley, V.P. BLIFFERT, Wesley Phil The Milwaukee water supply problem. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Dahlman, John H. Weidenbeck, H.J. BLISS, William Desmond The calibration of Pitot tubes. 1913 ES Chem. Eng. Joint author: Keller, Roy A. BLOECHER, Walter Philip A study for the re—arrangement and centralization of the railway facilities of Madison, Wisconsin. 1914 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Henze, H.C. BLOMEYER, Roscoe Stanhope Experimental determination of the rolling resistance of single truck street cars on straight track. 1912 ES Civil Eng. Degree not granted Joint authors: Kirch, C.H. Kosarek, S.A. 26 BLOSSEY, Albert Fredrick — ‘rc~~ 2/(~O The use of hydrocarbon as a fuel in an internal combustion engine. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Bolles, E.J. BLOWNEY, Walter Edward A study of the cost of electric service to rural consumers. 1920 BS Elect. Eng. BLUNT, Albert for the State Civil Eng. Joint author: BLONG, Wilmer Proposed BS Civil Eng. Edward — Study of sewage disposal plant Hospital for the Insane, Mendota, Wisconsin. 1927 ES Buttles, E.T. John street extensions in the city of Port Washington. 1938 BLOOD, Frank Herbert A study of variable speed generating systems. 1904 BS Eng. Joint author: Henry, Robert R. BLOODGOOD, Don Evans The effect of temperature and sealing methods on the results of the biochemical oxygen demand test. 1926 ES Civil Eng. BLOOM, Kenneth Alfred — SS\~C~ The use of sonar sounding equipment in the mapping of small lakes. 1952 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Casler, Jack H. Ferraro, Rudolph V. Frederickson, David N. Linden, John C. Schultz, Vernon H. BOARDMAN, Clark Clinton The effect of vapors of some volatile liquids on gas meter diaphragms. 1910 ES Eng. BOARDMAN, Horace Prentiss Development of the Memphis artesian water supply. 1894 ES Eng. BOCK, John George Design of a sewer system for New London, Wisconsin. 1907 BS Eng. BODENSTEIN, Neil Frank 27 Accuracy and practicability of measuring horizontal distances with the wild subtense—bar. 1951 BS Civil Eng. BOECK, Ralph Elmer The design of a spandrel fifled reinforced concrete arch bridge to carry Harrison Street over the Illinois Central Railway tracks at Madison, Wisconsin. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Landwehr, Edgar A. Luedke, A.LBOEHMER, Harold Richards A study of the process of securing rosen from wood by extraction with a petroleum solvent. 1915. BOGOST, Meyer Samuel Oxygen demand of activated sludge as determined by the Odeeometer. 1936 Joint authors: Liska, Joseph A. Rth\\c\-~, Gerard A. BOHAN, William James The effect of the quality of the carbon upon the illumination of the arc lamp. 1895 55 Eng. Joint author: Dillon, Ellis E. EOLDENWECK, Felix William Test of steam—pipe coverings. 1902 BS Eng. Joint author: Thorkelson, F.W. EOLDT, Oscar Charles The design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1948 ES Joint author: Dunwiddue, Foster W. BOLLES, Edgar James — cc.’S~rnC~, See: Blossey, A.F. BOLSTAD, James William Tests on the toughness of hand rodded and vibrated concrete. 1940. Joint authors: Herried, Irvin C. Zovnic, Anthony J. BOLTON, Walter Thelford Comparative tests of wire cut lug and repressed brick. 1915 Joint author: Goss, William A. 28 BOON, Leonard Francis The valuation of the physical properties of the Southern Wisconsin Railway Company in Madison, Wisconsin 1910 BS Eng. Joint authors: Kringel, A.E. BOONE, Charles Some investigations of commercial telephone transmitters. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Brenton, Chas. E. BOORSE, Jesse Milton Storage batteries. 1895 ES Eng. Joint author: Fowle, Harry H. BOOTH, George Edward The commercial possibilities in using liquid air as the cooling and insulating medium in high tension transformers. 1916 Elect. Eng. BORCHERT, Ernest, Jr. See: Blame, J.R.S. BORCHERT, Raymond Charles Time temperature variations in German silver resistance coils. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Stiles, Robert L. BORCHSENIUS, Harold — ~ Development of a zinc mine in southwestern Wisconsin. 1913 55 Mi Eng. Joint author: Corner, Douglas C. BORECKY, Carl William The design of a 300,000 volt experimental transformer. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Handy, E.H. BORKENHAGEN, Edward Herman The design of a continuous frame bridge. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Freas, Alan D. BORRUD, Bertram Merton 29 Design of a four story reinforced concrete building. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Egger, Glenn M. BOSSBEN, Donald Deane Structural design of concrete pavement. 1950 Civil Eng. BOURKLAND, Walter Martin Investigation of a proposed hydro—electric plant on the Rock River at Watertown, Wisconsin. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Lidicker, Harold C. BOWMAN, Philip George Investigation of a proposed hydro—electric development on the Sturgeon River near Loretto, Michigan 1922 BS Joint author: Parsons, Cecil P. BOYD, William Smiley Investigation o~ a method for evaluating the hardness of wood and modified wood. 1949 ES Civil Eng. BOYNTON, Clarence William An investigation of the normal wind pressure about thin plates of different shapes. 1898 ES Eng. Joint author: Warner, Horace R. BOYNTON, John Edson The flow of steam through nozzles 1905 ES Eng. Joint authors: Hoefer, Elmer G. Rood, Charles M. BRAASCH, Frederick William A study of hydraulic cylinder heads and hydraulic packings. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author; Kellogg, Rufus H. BRACKENWAGEN, Earl Charles Design of a hydro—electric power plant on the Black River at Hatfield, Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Garner, H.L. Stocker, Edw. C. BRADFORD, William 30 The application of high tension alternating current discharges to the collection of smoke and fume. 1904 BS Eng. Joint author: Petura, Frank J. BRADISH, Charles Breese An investigation of the operating expenses of electric utilities in Wisconsin. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Staehle, P.M. BRADSHAW, John Ward An investigation of the characteristics of tested fuse wire. 1906 BS Eng. BRAGG, Kendal Benjamin The determination of losses in gearing and overhead harness of a thirty inch Leffel—Samson turbine. 1915. Joint authors: Case, Archibald W. Cornish, Myron Rogers, Lester C. BRANDEL, Clarence Oliver See: Eirkett, Miles W. BRANDEL, Wallace Lester A measure of the blinding effect of various street lighting installations. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint authors: Hoffman, Leslie C. Replinger, Roy L. BRANDENBURG, William Carl Hydro—electric investigation of the Prairie River near Merrill, Wisconsin. 1927 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Levin, Jacob. BRANDT, Ellis Rolland Test of a Knight sleeve valve motor. 1917 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Hilton, Earl. BRANDT, Hugo Ernst Charles A design of a subway crossing under the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Mills and West Dayton Streets, Madison, Wisconsin. 1903 ES Eng. BRANSTAD, Richard Eugene 31 Design of a reinforced concrete continuous girder highway bridge. 1912 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Cortelyou, Townsend. BRAUN, Alvin Charles The ozonation of linseed oil. 1920 ES Chem. Eng. BRECKINRIDGE, William Lewis Jr. A study of new forms of ignition apparatus for gasoline engines. 1915. BREDESON, Robert Investigation of several variables involved in laboratory shear testing of soils. 1951 BS Civil Eng. BREIMEISTER, Harry The design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1924 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Kroncke, Earl A. Mc Cullough, Herbert D. BREIT, Charles Test of ball bearings for line shafts. 1914. Joint author: Elsby, Alden G. BREIVOGEL, Milton William Field tests of air lift pumps. 1924 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Mohs, Carl E. BREM, George Fred Jr. The rapid determination of suspended solids in activated sludges by the centrifuge. 1941. BRENNAN, Bernard Conrad The design and location of a reservoir to supply the proposed University hydraulic laboratory. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Mann, Franklin H. BRENNAN, William Michael Design of a railroad bridge and approaches at Grand Rapids, Wisconsin. 1894. Joint author: Tibbits, H.L. 32 BRENTON, Charles Elmer See: Boone, Charles BREUER, Richard John Design of a reinforced concrete building. 1947 Civil Eng. BREUER, William Ned Effect of copper on sludge digestion. 1952 BS Civil Eng. BREY, Kenneth John The design of a reinforced concrete office building. 1939. Joint author: Monson, Lyle E. BRIDWELL, Harry Mullane Centralized traffic control on American railroads. 1951 ES Civil Eng. BRIGHAN, Robert Henry A determination of coefficients of discharge of orifices on the end of a pipe. 1928 BS Civil Eng. BRIGHTLY, Frederick Charles Jr. Test for the thermal efficiency and heat balance of a galvanizing kettle. 1926 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Clark, Henry L. BRINKMAN, Loris Benjamin A study of flood control of the Duncan Creek at Chippew Falls, Wisconsin. 1935 Civil Eng. BRINTNALL, Percy Cosson EROSHOT, Arthur E. BROEST, John Everett — re~\sS\’~R ~h0R See: Belling, John Wm. The development and exploitation of a lead—silver mine in the Coeur d’Alene district of Idaho. 1913 ES Mm Eng. BROcKHAUSEN, Edward Erp The tendencies of present aeroplane motor design. 1916. BRODEES, Claude Emil 33 The proper proportioning of resistances for an automatic direct current motor starter. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Laue, Gilbert E. BROENNIMAN, Arnold Emil The internal hydrostatic pressure in masonry, with especial reference to masonry danis. 1897 ES Eng. Joint author: Ross, Harry H. BROKAW, Max Pomeroy A study of highway construction costs and an analysis of equipment production rates. 1941. BROKER, Albert Edward Investigation of the trapezoidal weir with various lengths and side slopes. 1911. Joint author: Curwen, W.H. BROKER, Harvey Raymond On the use of sodium hypochlorite for the removal of sulphur compounds from municipal gases. 1929 ES Chem. Eng. BROOKS, Gene Oscar Measurement of strains in rigid pavement under dynamic loading. 1956 BS Civil Eng. Compilation of a planametric map from aerial photographs by the use of the vertical sketch master. 1950 Civil Eng. BROWN, Thane Ross A new method of determining live load stresses in bridges. 1895. Joint author: Richards, Jere Turner BROWN, Edwin Charles Hydraulics of a drop inlet of circular cross—section. 1941. Joint author: Faulkes, Wm. F. Jr. BROWN, Edwin Stanton Design of a Melan reinforced concrete arch. 1908 ES Eng. EROWN, Herbert Alfred Experimental, treatment of creamery wastes by the activated sludge process. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Merz, Henry S. 34 BROWN, Hugh Farrington The economics of pavement design for motor truck traffic. 1922 ES. BROWN, Herbert Henry Tests on the strength of concrete mixed in various machines. 1917 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Gloger, Wm. H. Grant, Eugene L. BROWN, Lewis Raymond Estimate on the cost of construction and operation of an electric railway between Omro and Berlin, Wis— consin. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Spalding, Wil. BROWN, Perry Fisher Design of a system of sewers for the city of Janesville, Wisconsin. 1897 BS Eng. Joint Author: Kurtz, Charles M. BROWN, Thomas Coburn The flotation treatment of a New Mexico zinc ore. 1916 Joint author: Rau, Harold L. BROWN, William Edwin The design of a bascule bridge over Root River at Main Street, Racine, Wisconsin. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Ewald, Robert F. BROWNING, Elmer Ellsworth Jr. An investigation of the effect of the series field on the design of a compound motor starter. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Newbury, R.C. BROWNLEE, Frank Richard Comparative efficiencies of power plants with special reference to the efficiency of a superheated steam pipe line. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Lindemann, Walter C. BROYLES, John A study of the evolution of the sewage treatment processes. 1916. 35 BRUDEN, Clifford Otto The effect of temperature of mixing water upon the strength of concrete. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Vitcenda, Theodore J. BRUE, Hans Nelson Test on a 41/2” hydraulic ram. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: May, A.E. BRUNM, Roman Henry A determination of the losses of pressure in a fire hydrant. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Cartwright, William H. ERUNMEIER, Howard Henry The accuracy of barometric levels. 1954 ES Civil Eng. BRUNNER, Frederick Harold Design of a skew rigid—frame bridge. 1937. Joint author: Siettmann, C.C. ERUNS, Edward George Hydraulics of head spillways using various types of pit section. 1937 Joint author: Qualman, K.J. BRYAN, Edward Henry Design construction and operation of a model of a typical water purification plant. 1949 ES Joint authors: Grisa, Frank L. Tooley, Lowell J. BRYAN, Wayne Garfoot Stress analysis and sectional determination for a rigid frame structure. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schutz, Paul E. ERYLLA, Charles William Design of inlet castings for curb and gutter. 1956 Civil Eng. BUCEY, Jonathan Henry Design of a complete sewerage system, with a disposal farm, for the city of Madison, Wisconsin. 1895 ES Eng. Joint author: Falconer, Robert C. BUCHANAN, John William Tests of reinforced concrete beams. 36 1906. Joint authors: Howson, Elmer T. Parker, Howard A. Van Hook, Wendell A. BUCHECKER, Albert Israel BUDD, Harry Lockwood A study of the inter—pole motor. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Cooper, M.D. EUCHELDER, F.J. Relative effects of passenger and freight traffic upon the cost of track maintenance with special reference to the effect upon ties and rails. 1915. BUQIER, Henry Drainage of Nine Springs Marsh. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Hintze, Philip H. BUCHHOLZ, Rudolph Otto An investigation of stresses in a reinforced concrete arch by the method of influence lines. 1919 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Liu, Kuh Tsen BUCK, Howard The distribution of paving assessments in the State of Wisconsin. 1917 ES Civil Eng. BUCK, Robert Overmire The design of a spandrel filled concrete arch bridge. 1937. BUCKLEY, Walter John Separation of losses in the Whitewater electric light plant. 1899 ES Eng. Joint author: Reynolds, W.E. BUCKMASTER, Ben Stalker Comparative fuel tests on St. Marys heavy oil engine. 1916. BUCKMASTER, James Lloyd Investigation of the practicability of water power development of Eau Claire River near Augusta, Wisconsin. 1927 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Hardy, Allan A. 37 The design of a ballast for tungsten lamps. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Stillwell, E.D. BUEHLER, Robert John The design of sewerage and a sewage disposal plant for Camp Williams ne-sr Camp Douglas, Wisconsin. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Weidenkopf, Stanley J. EUENDING, Clarence William Tests on surface hardeners for concrete. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wohlgemuth, John F. BUER, Howard Henry The effect of membrane curing agents on the properties of Portland Cement mortars. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint author: Mc Kee, Charles R. BUERSTAITE, Frederick William A friction test of the University of Wisconsin compound steam engine. 1901 ES Eng. Joint author: Dean, C.L. EUETOW, Walter Charles An experimental investigation of an eight—foot wheel pump. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Wallber, H.C. BUETTELL, Roger Eross Redesign of the Rocky River reinforced concrete arch bridge at Cleveland, Ohio. 1913 BS Civil Eng. Joint authors: Hughes, Robert D. Whitney, Edward N. BUGLASS, Spencer Robert Theories and practices in trade waste treatment and disposal. 1929 ES Civil Eng. BUGLASS, William J. BURGESS, Charles Frederick An analysis of highway administration and finance in Wisconsin. 1950 Civil Eng. BULLEN, Paul Wayne Bacteriological examination of servi—soft water. 1940 Joint authors: Kryshak, Joseph S. Mielke, John H. 38 BULLERJAHN, Adolph David Electro—culture considered in connection with the problem of improving the load factor of an electric power plant. 1913 BS Elect. Eng. EUMER, Frank Ludwig The comparative strength of countersunk and button head rivets. 1923 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Rabbitt, 0.C. BUMP, Milan Ray The design of a three—phase transmission system to utilize the power of the Dells of the Wisconsin River for electric railways. 1902 ES Eng. Joint author: Watson, James W. BUNDOK, Mariano Guzman Recent research along highway engineering. 1928 BS Civil Eng. BUNTRWJK, Harvey Arthur The design of an experimental water treatment plant. 1943 Civil Eng. BURDICK, William Courtenay An experimental study of the properties of terra cotta. 1901 BS Eng. BURGER, Edwin Roy — The hydrographic mapping of the western half of Lake Mendota. 1953 ES Civil Eng. A commercial test of the power station of the Four Lakes Light and Power Company. 1895 ES Eng. Joint authors: Crane, Ea~ar W. Frankenfield, Budd Mead, Geo. A. BURGESS, George Heckman Roads and pavements. 1895 ES Eng. Joint author: Monahan, John J. BURGESS, Edward Wesley Comparative tests of a ten horse—power gas engine using gasoline and alcohol as fuels. 1907 ES Eng. 39 Joint authors: Freeman, Wm. J. Keller, Arthur E. BURGY, Robert Henry Measurement of stream flow in the tributaries to Lake Mendota. 1949 BS. BURKE, Jack See: Balestreri, Frank. EURKE, Kenneth Richard Electroplating of zinc with cobalt. 1916. EURKE, Thomas James Drainage of marshes north of Madison. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Kayser, Ed. N. BURKHOLDER, Charles Irvine Plans and specifications for the development of a water power, and design of tn—phase transmission and distributing circuits for supplying the city of Janesville with light and power. 1896 ES Eng. Joint authors: Lloyd, C.C. Ross, U.N. EURLING, Beverly Eurdette The electrodeposition of antimony 1906 ES Eng. EURMESTER, Everette Aimond Tests of a 41/2 inch Columbia hydraulic ram. 1912 ES Civil Eng. EURMEISTER, Robert August Strength tests of lacing bars in lattice channel columns. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Christensen, Nephi A. Fiebrantz, Raymond C. EURMEISTER, Wesley John Design of a sewerage system and treatment plant for a small village. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Van Akren, Ivar G. BURMEISTER, Walter Louis Tests on the strength of double lattice for steel columns. 1932. ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Herrmann, Otto R. 40 EURNETT, Earle Smead Mc Micken, Robert H. The specific heats of fluids as functions of temperature and pressure. 1905 ES Eng. BURNS, Joseph Patrick The Yahara River improvement. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Neef, J.H. BURNS, Louis Andrew Friction in pipes. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Haley, Geo. U. BURNS, Thomas Stephen Determination of factors of economy and investment for typical Wisconsin electrical systems. 1915. EURRITT, Charles Glenn The development of a hydroelectric plant on the Wisconsin River at Mosinee. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Cutler, J.A. BURT, Clayton Roger See: Anderly, H.M. BUSBY, Edward Oliver Design of a flexible progressive traffic control system for University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin. 1950 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hovelsrud, Herman J. BUSBY, Lynn John The design of a reinforced concrete arch. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Sherburne, Henry C. BUSBY, Mark William Calibration of V notch weirs at ends of culvert pipes. 1953 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hafeman, Lyle R. BUSER, John Thomas Comparison of various piezometers. 1909 ES Eng. 41 Joint author: Stocker, c~eorBe P. BUSH, James Irving Tests of the electric lighting and steam heating systems of the Pioneer Limited train of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Heller, Harry L. BUSH, William Leslie Filtration characteristics of two sands. 1935 Civil Eng. BUSSAH, Leo C. BYRON, Charles Loomis Measurement of strain in rigid pavement due to dynamic loadings. 1956 ES Civil Eng. BUSTAHANTE, Luis The design, construction and testing of an Eddy current brake. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: Wuerth, Hubert. BUTLER, Jerome Roger The design of a concrete building. 1922 BS Joint author: Douglas, Malcolm S. BUTLER, Walter Glynn Methods of analysis of operating conditions of passenger trains. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Lynch, Harry Claude. BUTTLES, Ben Elijah Separation of the losses of the Columbus electric lighting plant. 1900 BS Eng. Joint authors: Humphrey, C.W. Rhine, Chas. A. EUTTLES, Earle Tindall — -c-: See: Blunt, A.E. BUXTON, Vernon Roy 42 An investigation of the effect of the Shunt field variations upon the starting characteristics of automatic motor starters. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Findeisen, C.R. EYERS, Vernon Clyde Alternating current railways. 1906 ES Eng. BYRNE, Norbert Edward Effect of submergence on the discharge through a circular sharp— edged orifice. 1948 BS Joint author: Kryshak, Edward P. An interurban railway project from Madison to Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint authors: Knuth, T.B. Liver, H.A. Van Derzee, G.W. CADEY, John Nelson Comparative test of carbon brushes. 1903 ES Eng. CADE, Orpheus Blame Aide—driven outfits for the lighting of railway cars. 1906 BS Eng. Joint author: Walsh, Arthur J. CAHILL, Ralph Hughes The design of a reinforced concrete flat slab building. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Withington, Arthur H. CAHILL, Walter Dewey Tests of certain mechanical properties of lumnite cement. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Zelade, Ervin B. CAROON, Ora Butler Gas and gas engines. 1904 BS Eng. Joint authors: Galloway, E.E. Hagenah, R.E. Lee, Norman CALABRESA, Thomas Antonius 43 The determination of the volatile solids content of the water and sewage samples. 1949 ES. CALDWELL, Walter Gaynor The design of a steel viaduct across the Menomonee Valley, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Hall, S.F. CALKINS, Robert Spaulding CAPELLE, Merlin Frederic — S~t~O\ a/ Pressure losses in small valves and water meters. 1931 ES Civil Eng Joint author: Innes, John L. CALVIN, Carl J. — cv\\ss\Y~c¼ 3J(~o~ See: Bates, W.E. CAMLIN, William John Test on the effectiveness of centripetal force for molding concrete tile. 1918 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Schneider, Claire L. Vernon, Joseph R. CAMPBELL, Bert Standardizing the narrow gauge branch of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway between Fennimore and Woodman. 1898 BS Eng. Joint authors: Fugina, A.R. Merriam, H.N. Schafer, Otto. CAMPBELL, Lawrence Franklin Duty test of an Allis—Chalmers eight million gallon cross—compound pumping unit at the City Waterworks of Madison,Wisconsin. 1920 ES Mech Eng. Joint authors: Griswold, Henry F. Hanson, Clarence F. Romig, Paul W. CANAR, Aiford George Refractories to resist the corrosion of molten glass in glass furnaces 1916. CANNON, Harold Eugene A study of flood flows on the Ohio River. 1937. Joint author: Hoffmann, T.F. CAPE, Frederick Albert 44 An economic study of paving operations. 1939. See: Beyer, J.A. CARDINAL, Alt on Lyle Traffic characteris tics at traffic signals. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint author: La Chapelle, H.A. CAREY, Alfred Blake Tests for the determination of bond between concrete and steel in reinforced concrete beams. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Clark, S.L. Johnson, P.E. CARGILL, William Wallace A pavement program for Madison. 1916. CARLIN, Harry Julius Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Caviezel, George H. CARLSEN, Charles John Electric distribution versus shaft and belt distribution at the Fuller & Johnson Manufacturing Company’s plant and the Gisholt Machine Tool Works of Madison, Wisconsin. 1896 ES Eng. Joint author: Lemon, Luther B. CARLSON, David Napoleon The electro—deposition of some of the rarer metals. 1916. CARLSON, Edwin Albert See: Bartelt, Harvey Elmer CARLSON, Kenneth G. The correlation of electrical resistivity with test bore data, 1956 Civil Eng. Joint author: Winkel, Thomas A. CARLSON, Lawrence William Experimental investigation of the erosion below Rothschild Dam and its prevention. 1937 Joint authors: Luecker, A.R. Norris, A.S. CARLSON, Thorwald Axel Bright brass solutions. 1917. ES Chem Eng. 45 CARNES, William Eugene The reclamation of fifteen hundred acres of swamp land in the township of Blooming Grove, Dane County, Wisconsin. 1914 ES Civil Eng. CARPENTER, Russell Hand The economy of the Nordberg engine at the higher loads as affected by the introdution of a reheater between the high and low pressure cylinders. 1914 ES Mech Eng. Joint author: Stevens, Eerry T. CARPENTER, Willis Albert Studies of lightweight reinforced concrete. 1941. Joint authors: Fintak, Gerald G. Kuenzi, Edward W. Ryan, Edmund J. CARTER, Charles Edward The ratio of the amount of CO2 present in the blue gases tO the boiler efficiency. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Hauser, William Henry. CARTER, Perry John The substitutes for wooden ties. 1904 ES Eng. CARTWRIGHT, William Hugh See: Erumm, Roman Henry. CARUS, Edward Hegeler The preparation of alkaline earth metals from fluoride baths. 1912 ES them Eng. CASBERG, Carl Herbert The investigation of the effect upon journals and bearings made of various materials when run with deficient lubrication. 1916. Joint author: Maurer, C.N. CASE, Archibald Williston See: Bragg, Kendal Benjamin CASEY, Thomas Bernard The design of a reinforced concrete girder bridge for the Nelson Street crossing over the Illinois Central Railroad at Madison, Wisconsin. 1917 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Eby, Samuel Hilary 46 CASLER, Jack Harris — •fli~•~ See: Bloom, Kenneth Alfred CASSERLY, James Felix See: Anger, E.F. CASSODAY, John Bolivar Efficiencies performances and characteristics of the Allis— Chalmers Manufacturing Company’s “Allis Tex— rope Drive Unit.” 1925 ES Mech Eng. Joint author: Chadima, W.J. CATLIN, William George Design of a rigid—frame reinforced concrete hangar. 1953 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Elmer, Harvey D. Franswick, William E. Mc Coy, Don Stuart CAVANAGH, Raymond Thomas Methods and cost of highway maintenance. 1915. CAVIEZEL, George Henry See: Carlin, Harry Julius. CAZIER, Don Louis Draw—down of individual reservoirs for maximum water conservation and minimum evaporation. 1945 Civil En g. CENFIELD, Frank Henry The flow of water through sand under varying heads and temperatures. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Urbutt, Carl Fred CERNA, Santiago Flow of water over an 18 inch sharp crested rectangular submerged weir with end contractions. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Kaulfuss, Julius E. CERNA, Santiago Agustin American practice in the construction of bituminous highways. 1934 Civil Eng. 47 CHADIMA, Willard John See: Cassoday, John Eolivar CHADWICK, Arthur Benjamin 3r~ Electrolysis of iron imbedded in concrete. 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Shafer, Samuel P. CHADWICK, William Jacob Experiments with lumnite cement for making twenty four hour tests on aggregates. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Shafer, Samuel P. CHAMBERLAIN, Frederick Arthur Power factor indicators. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Lathrop, L.H. CHAMBERLIN, George Willard Waterways for culverts. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Gilman, Alex Falk. CHANDLER, Kensal Roberts The effect of overstress on the endurance life at a subsequent overstress. 1945 Civil Eng. CHANDLER, Milton Evans Test of a recarburetter. 1913 ES Mech Eng. Joint author: Morgan, E.K. CHANG, Moses Yuntsin A comparison of the different methods of proportioning concrete. 1915. Joint author: Wu, Pond Sheppon. CHANG, Moses Yuntsen A design of railway terminal facilities for Shanghai, China. 1916. So~c~ asjk’~crt Su..) \-can CHAPMAN, Lewis Leon The flow of water through sand. 1907 ES Eng. 48 CHARLSON, Melvin Robert The effect of hydrated lime on the permeability of concrete to water. 1920 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Walraven, Peter CHARLESWORTH, Frank Manley The selecting and equipping of a public park and public playground system for the city of Kaukauna. 1914 ES Civil Eng. (Degree not granted) Wisner, John Cornelius CHARLESWORTH, Frank Manley CHIEN, Kohniu Proposed development for Charles— worth addition to Orchard Ridge, Madison, Wisconsin. 1953 ES Civil Eng. CHASE, Heman Lincoln — rn~ s\t\ck ~ Study of sewage disposal~plant for the State Hospital for the Insane, Mendota, Wisconsin. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Smith, Judson Porter CHASE, Leon Everett A report on the proposed hydroelectric development on the Peshtigo River at Caldron Falls. 1922 ES. Joint authors: Wheeler, Charles E. Jr. Zervas, Walter Otto. CHELLMAN, Ellis Percy See: Abbott, C.H. CHENEY, Charles Albert Jr. The development of an iron—ore property on the Cuyuna Range of Minnesota. 1909 ES Eng. CHENEY, David Robert Snownelt runoff predictions for the Prairie River, Wisconsin. 1953 ES Civil Eng. CHENEY, Seymour Wyatt The manufacture of producer gas from peat. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Moorhouse, L.B. CHERNAK, Alvin Roy Design of concrete mixes by the mortar—voids method. 1931 ES Civil Eng. 49 Joint author: Streu, Albert Edward A study of the illumination of interiors by daylight. 1914 ES. cHLADEK, Kolar Benedict The effect of prehydrating cement upon the strength and volume constancy of concrete. 1940. Joint author: Peterson, Arthur Hans CHRISTENSEN, Adolph Eugene Investigation of rectangular and trapezoidal weir. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Jacob, Elmer A. Luckey, C.H. CHRISTENSEN, Lester Einar The effects of sugar and wood extracts on the properties of Portland Cement mixtures. 1948 ES. Joint author: Lyneis, Robert George. CHRISTENSEN, Nephi Albert See: Burmeister, Robert A. CHRISTESEN, Russell James — ~ Experimental investigation of rapid sand filtration of Lake Mendota Water. 1946 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Haggerty, John R. Hintz, Alfred H. CHRISTIANSON, Carl Barnard The design of a reinforced concrete building. 1922 ES. Joint author: Moxon, Earl Robert CHRISTIE, Henry Austin An economy test of a Nordberg cross compound engine and its condenser at the Capitol Heating and Power Plant, Madison, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Hare, Kenneth Ross Steudel, George E. CHRISTOPHERSON, Fritz Conway CLARK, Henry Lurkins An investigation of the possibilities of a water power development on the Wisconsin River at Knowlton. 1923 BS Civil Eng. Chritzman, George Moffitt Determination of the economical periods of aerial and underground telephone cables. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Rule, Elmer 50 CHUGHIAN, Avedis Melkon Steel overshot water wheel. 1911 Civil Eng. Joint author: Taylor, Herbert C. CHUCHIAN, Sahak Melkon A study of the Northern type “5” variable speed motor. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Wright, J.D. CHUR, Gaylord Terrain model of Lake Mendota. 1954 ES Civil Eng. CIER, Donald John Waste disposal problems of the petroleum industry. 1951 ES Civil Eng CLANCY, John Francis An investigation of the temperature gradient through the walls of a steam pipe. 1915 Joint author: Holtum, Alfred CLAPP, James L. A multi—deck parking structure for the city of Madison. 1956 Civil Eng. Joint author: O’Sheridan, T.C. CLARK, Charles Otis Design of sanitary system and treatment plant for the Village of Lodi Wisconsin. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Koch, F.O. See: Brightly, Frederick C. Jr. CLARK, Henry Wesley The design of a reinforced concrete railway arch. 1920 BC Civil Eng. CLARK, Marlyn Earl The effect of shape on the tensile strength of plywood and paper— base laminates. 1944 ES CLARK, Stewart Lambert See: Carey, A.E. CLARKE, Harry Devereux 51 An experimental investigation of the interference of deep wells and operation economy at the Oscar Mayer Packing Company. 1941 Joint author: Reed, Richard Law CLAYTON, Hoy Benjamin Investigation of the effect of submergence and length of downstream channel on the coefficient of discharge of a submerged orifice. 1915 Degree not granted. Joint author: Wells, Grant Robert CLAUSEN, Leon Raymond See: Alexander, Walter CLEARY, John Edward The distillation of wood obtained from white pine stumps. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Tarr, John C. CLEASBY, James Robert Location and design of parking lots in Madison, Wisconsin. 1949 ES CLEASEY, John Leroy Determination of the tractive coefficient of friction on ice and snow with rear and four wheel drive. 1950 ES Civil Eng. cNARE, Frank COLE, Charles Melville A complete efficiency test of the high duty pumping station at Madison, Wisconsin. 1902 ES Eng. Joint authors: Dow, Herbert W. Grey, John C. McEvoy, George E. The design of a steel arch for Spooner Street viaduct. 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Witt, W.H. COATE, Warren Huber The effect of gradation of sands on mortar strengths. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Tate, Stanley A. COBAUGH, Harry Augustus The railway development in South America. 1914 ES Civil Eng. COCHRANE, Robert Boyd 52 See: Alexander, Walter CODDINGTON, Paul A report on the investigation of an hydro—electric development on the Rock River at Rockton, Illinois. 1915. COFFEY, Vernon Daniel Design of a reinforced concrete building. 1956 Civil Eng. COLEECK, Frederick William The history and development of steam boilers. 1915. COLBURN, Allan Philip Heat transmission coefficients of tubular gas condensers. 1927 ES Civil Eng. COLEURN, Avery Reeves A study of central station economics with special regard to population, capacity of plant, and connected load. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Libby, L.M. COLE, Harry West Some peculiar properties of the alloys of nickel and steel. 1902 ES Eng.. COLE, Robert Franklin Petenwell Pilot Spiliway model tests. 1948 ES. Joint authors: Kinsey, Thomas R. Vosswinkel, Gilbert COLEMAN, Alfred Freude Design of an electric power plant for the University of Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Froelich, F.R. COLLADAY, Edgar Bergman An investigation with plans and specifications for the drainage of Honey Creek Marsh, Troy,..4Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. W~tk~ Ct~.vc~t~ Joint author: Saxton, Ren George COLLINS, Arthur Lee The application of an electric discharge to the collection of smoke and fume. 1908 ES Eng. 53 Joint authorL Gross, Edward L. COLLINS, David Young A study of methods of predicting population. 1948 ES COLLINS, Sidney Raymond The effect of low temperatures on the strength of cement mortars and concrete. 1924 ES Civil Eng. COLLINS, William Allan CONNELL, Walter James A study of suppressed weirs inclined to the direction of the approach channel. 1924 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Tuttle, Harold S. COMER, Ragner Otolis An experimental study of square machine keys. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Thiele, Otto Victor COMSTOCK, Nathan A test of the central heating plant of the University of Wisconsin. 1897 ES Eng. Joint author: Kratsch, William H. CONATY, Bernard Martin Design of a concrete open spandrel ribbed arch for the Harrison Street crossing of the Illinois Central Railway at Madison, Wisconsin. 1918 ES Civil Eng. CONGDON, Claire Cressey Investigation of the performance of a Girard impulse turbine. 1921 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Ford, Henry M. Jaeger, Walter C.W. Rotter, Israel I. CONGER, Duane Henry A study of water hammer 1953 ES Civil Eng. CONLEY, Brooks Lawson Study of open—air thermionic radio detector. 1918 ES Elect Eng. CONNELL, Edward Joseph 54 Arrangement for driving University machine shop tools by use of line shaft clutches. 1915. CONNEL, R.D. Design of a subdivision in Madison, Wisconsin. ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Kerttula, W.J. The effect of large size aggregate on the strength and wearing qualities of concrete. 1922 ES. Joint author: Hanson, Paul Edward CONNELLY, Robert Michael Some phases of city planning in Chicago. 1916. CONNOLLY, George Henry An experimental investigation of the variation in discharge along a perforated pipe. 1914 ES Civil Eng. CONNOLLY, John Mark A study of the characteristics of current transformers. 1918 ES Elect. Eng. CONNOLLY, Robert A survey to determine the value of different commercial products used in stucco construction. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Garrity, Leo V. CONNOR, Samuel Powers A comparison of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad. 1899 ES Eng. CONRAD, Martin Earcley A study of the electric arc when operated with bare and coated electrodes. 1938 ES Mech. Eng. CONRAD, Nicholas John Commercial test of the Fort Atkinson electric lighting and pumping plant. 1905 ES Eng. Joint authors: Muir, R.C. Price, J.R. Ramstad, A.G. CONSOER, Arthur William See: Alter, F.L. CONWAY. Jesse Frank COOPER, Fennimore 55 See: Bucheker, A.E. A study of the effect produced by introducing water into the gas engine cylinder. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Shipek, Adolph CONWAY, William Malcolm The determination of a uniform method for the separation of the finest particles of Portland cement by an air process. 1906 ES Eng. COOK, James Donald Pavement deflections under various conditions of dynamic loading. 1953 ES Civil Eng. COOK, James Knight The expansion and change of strength in cast iron due to repeated heatings. 1909 ES Eng. COOK, Richard Gustave Measurement of strains and deflections in a reinforced concrete arch rib. 1956 Civil Eng. COOK, Thomas Russell A complete test of the stern—wheel river steamer E.F. Carter. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Dixon, John Edward COOLEY, Donald Nash — vc~ \1\ A study of the sewage disposal plant at Mendota, Wisconsin. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Zufelt, J.C. COONES, Edward Christopher The disposal of sewage at the Mendota State Hospital by mechanical separation and intermittent filtration. 1897 ES Eng. Joint author: Kirchoffer, W.G. COON, Royden Jonas Sand—lime brick. 1905 56 Joint author: Klatte, Alfonzo J. The study of a method of mechanical sifting of a properly burned Portland cement. 1914 ES Civil Eng. COOPER, Marion Deane COOPER, Robert George Investigation of the physical properties of bitumen—soil mixtures. 1941. COPE, Kenneth Heltzell Temperature variations in cooking ovens under various conditions. 1916. COPELAND, Ronald E. The design of an open spandrel reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1928 BS Civil Eng. COPP, Wayland John A method of determining the efficiency of windmills under variable winds. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Frost, Frank S. CORBETT, Richard Adkins The historical development of modern machine tools. 1913 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Volquarts, Victor H. CORLEY, John Scripps The history, theory and present development of modern motion picture development. 1914 BS Mech. Eng. CORNER, Douglas Calvert S&~r~O~ 31G,S See: Eorschenius, Harold CORNISH, Myron See: Bragg, Kendal Benjamin CORNISH, Ross Canton COUP, Fred Thomas Joint author: Zinn, Walter A. 57 A complete survey of an important cranberry marsh in Central Wisconsin and a discussion of the drainage necessary for the cultivation of cranberries. 1897 Civil Eng. Joint author: Rumsey, Spencer S. CORTELYOU, George Stilwell Influence of varying channel on the flow over a 12” weir. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Ham, Elmer L. CORTELYOU, Townsend See: Eranstad, R.E. CORTRIGHT, Harry M. Experimental investigation of the ~erfonance of Chicago Pump Company flush—kleen sewage ejector. 1932 ES Civil Eng. COSGROVE, James Francis Effect of armature reactions in alternators. 1895. Joint author: Vaughn, Frank A. COTTINGHAM, Willard Sherwin Design of an unsymmetrically loaded reinforced concrete arch. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Webb, Robert B. COUCH, Edmund,Jr. — S~S\c~C~ 3f~ci~ Design of a breakwater for the University boat house. 1934 Civil Eng. COUGHLIN, David James How television of intercollegiate football games will affect the sports programs of American colleges. 1952. ES Civil Eng. COUGHLIN, Robert Jerry An investigation of the phase relations in a single phase potential regulator. 1915. Degree not granted. Joint author: Hardin, Ray Stephen The influence of heat treatment on the magnetic properties and micro— structure of silicon steel. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Doerschuk, Herbert M. COWAN, Glen Parker A study of the power requirements of the University of Wisconsin. 1911. Joint author: Hutchinson, F.P. 58 COWIE, Harry James The design of a concrete—steel arch bridge. 1903 ES Eng. COWIN, Leo Vivian An investigation of commercial boiler operation at the Madison Gas and Electric Company. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Hinckley, John A. COX, Marvin Edgerton The design of a reinforced concrete structure and the investigation of its stresses. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Haas, Herbert W. CRAEE, Clyde Samuel Compilation of planimetric map of Spirit Falls quadrangle from aerial photographs. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schembera, Robert E. CRAIGO, Ralph Thurman A test of some models of Laclede station meters. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: McWethy, Frank H. CRAMER, Calvin 0. An investigation of the design and construction of pole frame farm buildings. 1952 BS Civil Eng. CRANDALL, Henry Roy Efficiency test of the power plant of the Milwaukee Malt and Grain Company. 1898 ES Eng. CRANDALL, Lee Walter CROWELL, Robinson, A.E. (Stanford Univ) Design of a rigid frame overhead. 1936. Joint author: Peterson, Vernon 0. CRANE, Edgar Willis See: Eurgess, C.F CRAVEN, Jack Hermon Expansion and contraction of high early strength concrete. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Ferguson, Perry R. 59 CRENSHAW, Thomas Pemberton An experimental investigation of the liquid heating process for forging, heating and welding metals by electricity. 1895 ES Eng. CREW, Lewis Crawford Design of a highway underpass. 1930 ES Civil Eng. CRIDER, Harold Elmer Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge for the Williamson Street crossing of the Yahara River. 1921 ES Civil Eng. CRONK, Forbes Eismark General design of a steel iron— ore loading dock of 16,000 tons capacity. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Falconer, Donald P. CRONKITE, Donald Lyle Eehavior of oil—water mixtures in separators. 1949 ES. Joint author: Steely, Eenjamin F. CROWELL, George G. Air leakage through cast iron in relation to high vacuum condenser practice. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Glick, George Abbott The form of alternating current curves. 1896 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Golder, Lloyd W. CRUNP, Arthur Wilson The economic significance of Ohio River Improvement. 1915. CRUMPTON, William Jairus Efficiency test of the Earaboo electric lighting plant. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Noyes, John D. CULBERTSON, Ralph Downey Tests of strength and bond of gunite. 1937. Joint author: Deno, Leslie J. CULP, Jackie P. See: Albrecht, John ti. 60 CULVER, Frederick Howard Design of a welded continuous girder highway bridge. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hellen, Herbert J. CUMMINGS, Albert Edward The construction and maintenance of earth roads in Missouri. 1921 ES Civil Eng. CUMMINS, Francis Joseph The effect of coloring matter on the strength and wearing qualities of Portland cement mixtures. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Glaessner, Lawrence H. Rusch, Erwin G. CUMMINS, James Albert Data relative to the cost of heating business buildings. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. CUNNINGHAM, John Wilbur DAEHN, Wilmar Walter A design for the Horicon drainage district. 1908 CURTIN, James Hugh Design of a hydro—electric plant for Hatfield, Wisconsin, with transmission line to Merrillan Junction. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Kelley, Thomas F. CURTIS, John W. Eacteriological efficiency of accelerated water treatment. 1951 ES Civil Eng. CURTIS, Norman Philip A design of sewerage system and purification plant for Butler, Missouri. 1904 ES Eng. CURTISS, Edwin Ford A comparison of pre—determination tests for voltage regulation of alternators. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Welsh, John Thomas 61 CURWEN, William Harrison See: Broker, A.E. CUSHING, Williani Tyler The effect of iron oxide upon the vitrification of slags or silicates. 1911 ES Chem. Eng. CUTLER, Joseph Albert See: Eurrett, C.G. CUTLER, Manuel See: Becker, J.W. CZYZEWSKI, Leonard Jerome Effect of entrained air on the strength, permeability and durability of concrete. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Maves, P.O. Peterson, 0.?.. Sell, R.F Comparative durability and shrinkage studies of waylite and sand and gravel concrete. 1941. Joint authors: Dawes, Julius H. McEurney, Robert S. DAENITZ, Ottomar Paul Theodore A study of the combustion furnace and methods of air injection for gas turbine use. 1908 ES Eng. DAGGETT, Gordon Floyd Highway construction and maintenance. 1914 ES Civil Eng. (Degree not granted) DAHL, Chester Theodore Effect of varying size of channel in flow of water over a 9” weir. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Swenholt, Helmer DAJIL, John 0. A structural and economic comparison of various types of sheathing. 1951 ES Civil Eng. DAHLEN, Einar Olaus Forecasting snownelt runoff Spirit River, Wisconsin. 1954 ES Civil Eng. 62 DAFJLMAN, Arthur Frederick Investigation of tests for fillers for wood block pavements. 1916 Joint author: Mitchell, Paul D. DAHLMAN, John Henry See: Bliffert, W.P. DALE, Drake Paul A test of a 41/2 inch Columbia hydraulic ram. 1911 ES Civil Eng. DAMES, Erwin Report on a water supply for South Madison. 1920 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Quimby, Frank K. S~,erb~xne, Lewis R. -- ¶ceoty~ t~.cttc%~.M tt *..t Cttbtn\C\V~. ts EAt&t~. En~j 3d~ ~u~ott Es~~\\\~tr~. DANIELS, George Christian Coke breeze as a gas—producer fuel. Mech. Eng. 1908. ~S Joint author: Wippermann, Wm. DANIELS, Percy Hiram The investigation of various types of piezometers. 1910 ES Eng. DARGAN, William Venuste Influence of bosh angle on iron blast furnace capacity. 1915 DARNER, Kenneth Ivan Flood forecasting on the Wisconsin River. 1939. Joint author: Pelts, Woodrow R. DARROW, Reginald August —‘en\ss~o~ ~ A sanitary survey of the Yahara River. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Jackson, Herbert H. DAUTERMAN, David C. A comparison of diagonal tension and shear resistant thin web girders. 1955 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Erickson, Paul R. DAUTERNAN, William Herbert 63 A design of a welded deck highway bridge with a single tension chord. 1950 DAVILA, Lorenzo Juan Comparative designs of the arch and girder types of reinforced concrete bridges for a 70 foot opening. 1911 ES. DAVIS, Daniel Elias Investigation of the valve action and losses in a reciprocating power pump. 1912 M.S. Civil Eng. Cc’~.est Joint authors: Grimmer, Edwin W. Smith, Chauncey L. DAVIS, Lloyd Edward Calibration of a 12 inch submerged weir with end contractions. 1913 ES Civil Eng. DAVIS, Louis Samson An investigation of the different methods of proportioning concrete. 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Iakisch, Robert DAVIS, Rowland George A study of methods of charging for electric lighting. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. DAVIS, Roy Harold Abrasion tests of concrete for pavements. 1917 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Holmes, Charles A. Joint author: Wilson, Thomas W. DAVIDSON, Jesse Ansalem See: Almond, F.C. DAVIDSON, Morris Abraham The effects of alternate freezing and thawing on building brick. 1932. DAVIDSON, Paul Edward An investigation of the properties of Nernst filaments. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Hardacker, R.J. DAVIS, Sidney Hugh The source of the Upper Huronian group of sediments of the Lake Superior region. 1909 ES Eng. 64 DAVY, Philip Sheridan Performance of spring loaded water hammer relief valves. 1938 MS Civil Eng. Joint author: Strand, Edward H. DAWES, Julius Henry See: Daehn, Wilmar W. DAY, Harold John DE BOOS, Frank Alfred Energy loss in liquid flow. 1952 BS Civil Eng. DAY, Harold Paton Scott Frequency relays used in railway signaling. 1920 ES Elect. Eng. DEAN, Harry Jennings — c~ Test of a fall increaser. 1910 BS Eng. (Degree not granted) Joint authors: Gibson, Leo E. Keator, Edward H. DEAN, Joseph Edward The modulus of elasticity of concrete. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Higson, Charles R. DEAN, John Seabury The comparative efficiency of a cross compound engine working with dry saturated and superheated steam. 1903 ES Eng. Joint authors: Lyons, Benjamin F. Morrison, R.H. Rueping, Louis H. DEAN, Charles Lyman See: Buerstatte, Frederick W. DEAN, Garrison Culy See: Anderson, Arthur E. DEBBINK, John Peter Differences in the strength of wood in compression perpendicular to the grain as influenced by the form of specimen. 1951 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Launders, Gordon A. De Blaise, Anthony Walter 65 Model test of the Yellowstone Dam. 1952 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Schultz, Elmer E. A study of physical valuations and public utilities investigations in Wisconsin. 1909 ES Eng. DE BRUIN, Ronald Richard Use of aerial photographs in land platting and sales. 1955 BS Civil Eng. DECKER, David Claire Stebbensvllle hydro—electric power development. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Hague, F.L. DECKER, Ramsay Prescott A study looking toward the improvement of the load factor. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Nanegold, John R. DEHLER, Rudolph Walter Practical methods of polyphase watt—hour meter testing. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Poe, Charles R. DE LAY, Frederic Abraham A study of the conditions under which a constant direct current can be obtained from a rotary transformer. 1902 BS Eng. Joint author: Kelley, Patrick J. DELGADO, Alan Edgar Mercury arc rectifiers. 1906 BS Eng. Joint author: Delgado, Altamont DELGADO, Ramon Antonio — ~ ~/coo~ Hydraulic turbine performance under varying draft tube conditions. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Usher, Floyd W. ~ ~ E.. Hahn, John GuyDE MERIT, Merrill Wilson A review of patent records of alternating current applications to railway work from the time of the introduction of the alternating current series motor to 1912. 1914 ES Elect Eng. 66 DENO, Leslie Joseph See: Culbertson, Ralph D. DENT, Arlie Raymond The effect of curing agents on the properties of cement mortars. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint author: Lippert, J.H. DENT, Phillip Burr The effect of ferrisul on treatment of institutional sewage by mechanical surface aeration. 1940 Joint authors: Noth, Melvin J. Toole, William D. DENTZ, Henry Schutte The design of a rigid frame of laminated wood construction for a gymnasium. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint author: Nelson, J.W. DEQUINE, Louis Edward The effect of freezing upon Portland cement concrete. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hoffman, Frederick J.,Jr. DERGE, Ferdinand Julius A commercial test of the Stoughton electric lighting plants. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Greisen, E.C. Severson, S.E. Smeaton, C.A. DERGE, Matthias Louis The efficiency and use of the small type of Curtis turbine. 1906 ES. Joint author: Sustins, W.O. DESMOND, John Thomas Loss of head due to flow in corrugated metal pipes. 1924 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Torgeson, Oscar W. DESSERT, Howard Louis The design of a dam for the development of water power on the Wisconsin River at Mosinee, Wisconsin. 1904 ES Eng. DETTMANN, Harold Henry See: Bedore, Clifford J. 67 DEIJTSQI, John Joseph Withdrawal resistance of machine and hand—driven nails. 1952 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Mechler, John J. DEVER, Harry Clem Investigation of the feasibility of the Lake Beloit development project. 1937 Joint author: Wheeler, E.W. DEW, Gerald James Design of a storm aid sanitary sewerage system and a sewage treatment plant for the Village of South Wayne, Wisconsin. 1949 ES Joint author: Stanton, Donald W. DEWEY, Robert Sabin Measurements of the flow of steam. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Houston, M. DEXHEIMER, Earl Chambers The design of a continuous linseed oil press. 1916 DE YOUNG, John Thomas Tests on brick piers. 1949 ES. Joint authors: Francis, Jack Ward DE YOUNG, Kenneth Delbert DILLON, Ellis Eilsworth The design of a reinforced concrete storage warehouse. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hoist, Charles J. DHIR, Rup Chand The relation of rainfall to runoff in Wisconsin streams. 1925 ES Civil Eng. DIBBLE, John Taylor The location, design and construction of municipal airports. 1934 Civil Eng. DICK, Walter Erwin Salesmanship and technical advertising. 1922 ES. DIEHL, Alfred Samuel 68 Influence of varying channel on a flow over a twelve—inch weir. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Ebert, Fred C. DIEHL, Guy Elmore Plans, profile and estimate cost of proposed double—track construction Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway at Madison, Wisconsin. 1902 ES Eng. (Degree not granted) Joint author: Schroeder, John T. DIESTLER, Gilbert Albert The design of a sanitary sewer system for Jefferson, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Heebink, Garret E. DIETRICH, Frederick William Wave form of unbalanced polyphase generators. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Sumnicht, Henry A. DIETZ, Jesse Clay, Jr. A study of the parking problem in Madison, Wisconsin. 1939 Joint author: Fitzpatrick, John W. See: Eohan, William J. DISBROW, Harry Clyde Investigation of the physical properties of bituminous paving mixtures treated with spent sulphite liquors. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Kay, John S. DISQUE, Robert Conrad An experimental study of the effect of an inert gas in the bulb of an incandescent lamp. 1908 ES Eng. DISTELHORST, Charles Andrew Robert Characteristics of the American Railway Association standard rail sections. 1912 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smith, F.S.ll. DITHMAR, Edward Upham An investigation of the speeds of automotive traffic on a rural highway. 1936. Joint author: Fenno, John Clark 69 DITTLOFF, Fred Arthur Model tests of pilot spillway of proposed Petenweli Dam. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Iverson, Carl Nord, Donald L. DITTMAN, Richard Frederick The bond of high—strength mortar to brick. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Donaldson, J.R. Schiller, R.A. DIXON, Duane Elmer A comparison of predicted and observed settlements of highway fills. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Green, Richard C. DIXON, Fred DOLGIN, Zea Zussman Proposed relocation of a portion of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad between Poynette and Arlington, Wisconsin. 1897 ES Eng. Joint author: Webber, Merton L. DIXON, John Edward See: Cook, Thomas R. DODD, Roy Lyon Investigation of the globe photometer. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Miller, Jesse E. DODDS, John Hutchins See: Bertles, William M. DODGE, Chester Carlton A study of the voltage wave shape of generators as affecting inductive interference to telephone lines. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Goff, Harold W. DODGE, Eldon Raymond See: Eerg, Louis L. DOERINGSFELD, Harry August American industrial cities. 1916. DOERSCHUK, Herbert Marion See: Coup, Fred T. 70 DOHERTY, Ralph Edmund A comparison of the loss of heat through covered and uncovered steam pipes. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Holversheid, Robert DOHM, John Walter The design of a steel trestle to carry Harrison Street over the Illinois Central Railroad. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Design of a reinforced concrete railroad station. 1939. DOLLHAUSEN, John Loyd See: Bedore, Clifford J. DONALDSON, James Robert See: Dittman, R.F. DONALDSON, Robert Stanley The effects of long term cold storage on the physical properties of concrete. 1949 ES Joint author: Lange, Sylvin R. DONOHIJE, Jerry, Jr. See: Earker, H.J. D’ONOFRIO, Alfred Joseph Design of sanitary sewarage for Orchard Ridge. 1953 ES Civil Eng. DONOHUE, Edward Brown The construction of a mountain highway with special reference to the Skalkaho Road Ravalli County, Montana. 1924 ES Civil Eng. DORFF, Sol Ervin Soil erosion caused by highways. 1937 Joint author: Hippert, Roland N. DORNER, Frederick Harry, See: Elaine, J.R.S. DORR, George Nickoli 71 Test of hydro electric plant at Stoughton, Wisconsin. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. DOUGLAS, Courtney Carlos DREW, Howard Stebbins The ratio of the amount of CO2 present in the flue gases to the boiler efficiency. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Quigley, A.J. DOUGLAS, Malcolm Stewart See: Butler, Jerome R. DOW, Herbert William See: Cole, Charles M. DOWLING, Claire Frederick Relation of absorption of concrete to its strength water—cement ratio and grading of the aggregate. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Hedges, Warren B. Reinhold, Carl J. DOWNEY, Frank Edward A study of commercial power boilers. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. DOWNING, Raymond Clarence A study of the action of copper and zinc perchlorates as plating baths. 1910 ES Eng. DRAKE, Ronald Irwin Some economic aspects of the recovery of useful oil from the waste crank case oil from automobiles. 1920 ES Chem. Eng. DREHER, Frederich Carl The discharge of orifices in end of eight—inch pipe under low heads. 1948 ES DRESEN, Joseph I.H. An investigation into the action of a reed under water. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. Test of a centrifugal pump. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. DREW, Harold Winthrop 72 Development and present operation, University of Wisconsin central heating system. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Ives, F.W. Rankin, H.S. DREW, Robert Stebbins The design of a steel arch bridge. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: McIntosh, Fabian C. DREW, Sidney Dale Control of cracking in concrete pavement by joint spacing. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Proudfoot, William S. DRIESSEN, Thomas Andres Short time durability and efflor— escence tests on brick. 1941 Joint author: Vollstedt, James H. DROUGHT, Orville Hay Design of a 266’—O” swing bridge. 1908 ES Eng. DROW, John Theodore A new method for measuring the discharge of a pump. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Her~r\ckso~, Ralph DRUNL, Frank Ulric The design of a reinforced concrete building and the analysis of its stresses. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schaeffer, Albert C. DUDGEON, Robert Harold Ground water fluctuations for the Coon Creek and Little La Crosse River areas of Wisconsin. 1950 ES Civil Eng. DUNLAP, Guy Lewis DYSLAND, Lloyd Sanders The effect on the quality of sand—lime brick of some changes in the conditions of their manufacture. 1906 Joint author: Lawrence, Frank H. DUNN, Clark Allan Artesian irrigation in Charles Mix County, South Dakota. 1923 BS 73 Civil Eng. Joint author: Wicker, ICR. DUNNEWALD, Paul Wilterding The relative effect of fast light traffic and slow heavy traffic on rail wear. 1913 BS Civil Eng. DUNWIDDIE, Foster Wilfred See: Boldt, Oscar C. DUSZYNSKI, Edwin James The mechanical properties of certain low—alloy high—yield— strength steels. 1937 Joint author: Polk, William H. DUTCHER, John Edwin The comparative efficiency of the steam engine under constant and rapidly varying loads. 1897 BS Eng. Joint authors: Kiehl, Wallace P. Short, Frank J. DUTTON, Byron Kaye The revaluation of the physical properties of the Chicago and North— western Railway in the City of Madison. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Hale, F.E. Stoelting, R.E. DYBEVIK, Richard J. — ~S’~ A Study of precast and prestressed concrete. 1957 BSC. Experimental study of primary and activated sludge at MOnroe, Wisconsin. Joint author: Knell, K. EARLE, Roy Raymond A station test of the Monroe electric light plant. 1902 BS Eng. Joint authors: Kohl, 0.B. Pengra, P.W. EASTMAN, Leroy Irons Study of traffic regulations at Street intersections in Madison, Wisconsin. 1932 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Schipporeit, George P. EBERT, Fred Charles See: Diehi, Alfred S. 74 EBERT, Ralph Michael Loads and strains in withdrawal tests of nails. 1936 HEY, Samuel Hilary See: Casey, T.B. ECKHARDT, Fred A. A plan for the subdivision of Middleton Heights at Middleton Heights. 1951 BS Civil Eng. EDELSTEIN, Alvin Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge for the intersection of Harrison Street and the Illinois Central Railway Tracks. 1938 EDMUND, Charles Edward Tests showing the composition and heating value of anthracite coal. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Kruse, Harry J. EDMUND, Harvey William EHREKE, Gustave William Richard Gas pressure survey of the Madison gas system. 1911 ES Mech. Eng. EDWARDS, Bruce Vincent A design for an automatic package wrapping machine. 1909 ES Eng. EDWARDS, John Boardman, Jr. Cobalt as a thermocouple element. 1915 EDWARDS, Seren Harold A comparison of four, six, eight, and twelve—cylinder automobile motors. 1916 EDWARDS, Vernon Quam A study in the economics of locomotive traction as indicated by dyna— nometer tests. 1909 ES Eng. EGBERT, Paul Spier A paving program for La Crosse. 1916. 75 EGELHOFF, Robert Fred An investigation as to the efficiency and total cost of operation of a J. Thompson & Co. producer gas engine and a Eurger suction producer. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Luick, A.J. Rahn, Eruno EGGAR, Glenn Milton See: Eorrud, Bertram M. EGGER, Oscar Otto A study of the variables in the biochemical oxygen demand test. 1932 ES Civil Eng. EGGERT, Clarence Victor A plan for the subdivision of Temkin Acres at Madison, Wisconsin. 1956 ES Civil Eng. Contact resistances and friction losses between carbon brushes and commutator with direct currents. 1902 ES Eng. EHRGOTT, Karl Physical evaluation and rate determination for the University of Wisconsin telephone system. 1916 Joint authors: McGilvary, Lewis P. Pollak, Harry C. Rieger, Harry W. EHELINGER, Henry P. The Sunnyside mining and milling company’s milling practise. 1931 ES Mining Eng. EHRMANN, Thomas William The new platting law in action. 1956 Civil Eng. EHRNBECK, Anton Daniel See: Berg, William C. EKERN, Emil Alfred See: Bailey, Hiram E. EKHOLM, Cecil Ray 76 The advisability of the reconstruction of the Dells Dam on the Black River, Wisconsin. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: McCoy, Julius N. EKLUND, Carl Donald Model study of discharge capacity of Pu Bay Dam. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Ingersoll, Alfred C. Warzyn, Willard W. ELA, Edwin Stanton See: Bebb, Edward C. ELBERT, Thomas E. Vortex flow from horizontal sharp— edged orifices. 1954 ES Civil En~. ELDERKIN, Paul Nathan ELMER, Haney David See: Catlin, William G. The design of an electrical water wheel governor. 1915 ELDRED, George The design and analysis of a two hinge reinforced concrete building frame. 1916. ELLESON, Earl James Proposed connection between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific and Illinois Central Railroads west of Wisconsin. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Lenz, Arno T. Matthews, Chas. W. ELLINGEOE, James Donald Wisconsin valley moisture deficiency studies. 1949 ES. ELLIOTT, Howard Stickney See: Adams, Benjamin C. ELLIOTT, John Fred The effect of shape and composition of coarse aggregate on the strength of concrete. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Hanson, William, Jr. ELLIS, Francis Cutler 77 Design of a magnetic testing brake. 1915 ELLIS, Francis Cutler See: Bacon, Vaughan R. ELLSWORTH, Charles West An investigation and development of a water project on the Flambeau River near Ladysmith, Wisconsin. 1914 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Hendricks, John H. ELMORE, Samuel Eltinge Conductivity of a platinum wire in a steam atmosphere. 1906 ES Eng. ELSBY, Alden George See: Breit, Charles ELSER, Robert Charles Hydrostatic pressure in the interior of reservoir walls. 1898 ES Eng. Joint author: Pope, George W. ELSINGER, Arnold Matthias Hydraulics of the head spillway structures used in control of soil erosion. 1936. ELVIS, George Harvey A test to determine the cost of improving the ventiliation in the school building of the School for the Blind. 1904 ES Eng. ELY, Elmer Andreas The percentage of moisture in coal as delivered to purchaser. 1909 ES Eng. ELY, Alexander White See: Beebe, G.A. EMMUEL, Walter Arthur Concentration of Southwestern Wisconsin zinc ores by flotation. 1920 Mm. Eng. Joint author: NcKinlay, N.J. 78 EMELITY, Ludgard Adrian — ~-n~s&~r~ 3(~c~ A sanitary survey of the Yahara River. 1948 ES. Joint author: Hanson, Robert 3. EMERSON, Ernest Willett ENGELKE, Arnold Joseph Investigation of the various factors affecting the operation of induction type Watt—hour meters. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. (Degree not granted) Joint authors: Johnson, G. Nee, P.J. EMERSON, Frederick Merrill Design of a proposed Grand Avenue viaduct crossing the Menominee Valley at Milwaukee. 1900 ES Eng. ENPEY, Leroy William Grade separation on state trunk highway number nineteen at Sun Prairie Wisconsin. 1926 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Preston, Burt K. ENDERS, William Jacob — ~ .~ See: Damon, W.H. ENERSON, Byrl Albert Design of a monolithic concrete structure. 1938 BS Civil Eng. ENGDAHL, Robert Lavern Tests on the toughness of concrete. 1938 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Klieger, Paul ENGEL, Milton Otto Effects of additions of suiphite liquor on bituminous paving mixtures. 1953 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Lang, Donald I. ENGLEHARDT, Robert Lee The investigation and design of a reinforced concrete swimming pool for Camp Williams, Wisconsin. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Lefevre, Winfred C. A study of sand—clay and shale road materials in Jackson County, Wisconsin. 1926 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Molzahn, Harold C. ENGLER, Fredrick C. 79 The effect of shape of test specimen on the tensile properties of yellowpoplar plywood and paper base laminates. 1945 CivIl Eng. Joint author: Gessner, George F. ENGLER, Hugo Fred Reinforced concrete design for a five—story warehouse building. 1923 BS Civil Eng. Joint authors: Meyers, Everett C. Vilberg, Clarence B. ENGSBERG, Emil Ernest Research in high efficiency incandescent lighting. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: Searles, Charles L. ENGSBERG, Ralph William The effect of terminal constants on telephone transmission. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Kimball, J.T. EPPLER, John Frederick An experimental study of tree rings in relation to hydrology. 1937. EPSTEIN, William Carl The operation of two C02 recorders. 1913 ES Mech. Eng. (Degree not granted until 1914) Joint author: Stephany, E.J. ERIcHSEN, Frank Peter The location study and design of a highway bridge. 1931 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: McDonald, Walter E. ERICHSEN, Roy Henry ESKUCHE, Oscar Arthur Sewage treatment at Watertown, Wisconsin. 1944 ES. Joint author: Spitzer, Elroy F. ERICKSON, Earl Martin Test of hydraulic cylinder power system. 1956 Civil Eng. ERICKSON, Kenneth William The electrodeposition of cobalt. 1914 ES chem. Eng. 80 ERICKSON, Paul R. See: Dauterman, David C. ERICSEN, •Richard Guy Methods used for evaluating soil bearing capacity. 1952 ES Civil Eng. EEL, Frank Louis Relief from water hammer in small compound pipe lines. 1941. Joint author: Gaffney, Daniel E. ERNST, George Washington A study of the comparative economy of various bridge types. 1933 Civil Eng. Joint author: Sielaff, Howard H. ERWIN, Orlando Richard The design of a rotary steam engine. 1904 ES Eng. ESAU, Carl William See: Blake, H.D. ESCALANTE, Gabriel Perez Dams and water power development in Central and South America. 1953 ES Civil Eng. An investigation of various forms of impellers in a centrifugal pump. 1906 ES Eng. ESPE, Ronald Kenneth Friction losses due to pipe elbows. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Loos, David S. Poss, Donald G. ESTEERG, Howard Claes Efficiency test of the Waukesha Gas and Electric Company’s plant. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Lucas, T.J. EUCLIDE, Francis Joseph Investigation and design of metropolitan sewer district interceptor for Green Eay and vicinity. 1931 ES Civil Eng. 81 EUSTIS, Charles Loron A method of neutralizing self induction by introducing a pressure not common to the circuit. 1906 ES Eng. EVANS, Edward Milton — cc\\ss\r~c\ See: Bird, Hobart S. EVANS, George Benjamin The analysis of a two—hinged arch. 1894 BS Eng. EVANS, Melvin James A proposed plan of survey of existing conditions of factory organization. 1913 ES Mech. Eng. EVENCHICK, Max Design of a reinforced concrete bridge and subway. 1914 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Gruetamacher, Clarence S. EVERY, Edward Malcolm FALGE, Robert Newton The design of a separate sludge d~gestion sewage treatment plant for Williams Bay, Wisconsin. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: King, Bernard F. EWALD, Clarence Francis A comparison of high early strength cement concrete with Portland cement concrete. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Yolton, Leslie A. EWALD, Robert Franklin See: Brown, William E. FABER, Merle Everitt Comparative tests of a ten horsepower gas engine for the purpose of determining the effects of the addition of oxygen to the mixture. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Johns, E. F. Ku.~csc~exa , Wm. J. FAHLEERG. Ernest David The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen as sodium cyanide. 1918 BS them. Eng. 82 Joint author: Kleimenhagen, Karl C. FALCK, Frederick John The effects of aeration on oil removal from oil—water mixtures. 1952 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: laizzo, Anthony E. FALcK, Thomas Ronald An investigation of the belt line for Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1952 ES Civil Eng. FALCONER, Donald Patton See: Cronk, F.E. FALCOMER, Robert Clemens See: Eucey, Jonathan H Current wave form in the armature coil of a single phase series commutator motor. 1916. Joint author: Loynes, Owen H. FALK, Gordon Sands The magnetic properties of cast steel. 1910 ES Eng. FALK, Harold Frank The flow and solidification of metals in molds. 1933 BS Met. Eng. FALIC, Harold Sands The effect of varying temperatures of annealing on the elastic limit and ultimate strength of steel. 1906 ES Eng. FANTA, Erwin Krainik The effect of a variation of injection water on the efficiency of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company’s oil engine. 1917 ES Mech. Eng. Joint autor: Porter, Ra~mond E. FARNHAM, Frederick Foster The electroly—sis of iron imbedded in concrete. 1909 ES Eng. FARRIS, James Archibald See: Austin, Wilbur A. 83 FARWELL, Knight Dick Loss of head due to flow in open channel bends. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Niles, Thomas M. FAULKES, George S. The effect of heating the aggregate and water and the delay in placing on the strength of concrete. 1936. Socnt 3vL*’t\or t S\cc~av~d\., C’nav\es S. FAULKES, William Frederick, Jr. See: Brown, Edwin C. FAY, Cyril Anton FENSEL, Alden Charles See: Craven, Jack H. The development of a mine in the Coeur d’Alene district. 1911 ES Mm Eng. FEDOROWSKY, Grigory Mikhailovich Preliminary investigation and design of sewage treatment plant for the city of Marshfield, Wisconsin. 1934. FEHLANDT, William Louis A test of a 4 and one half inch Columbia hydraulic ram. 1912 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Schneider, M.P. FEIGE, Heinrich The pressure waves in the rotors of induction motors at synchronous speed. 1906 ES Eng. FElLER, William Revel The effect of the hysteresis and eddy current losses in the iron on the transient term of the current. 1916 Joint author: Krueger, Carl H. FELISC~~AEc~ 3.~. Se-e~t ~s’v~ V’van\e’y VA’jatcI, FELL, Paul Donald An analytical study of head loss in wrought iron pipe. 1928 ES Civil Eng. FELLOWS, Kenneth Elbert See: Eirch, A. 84 FELTS, Woodrow Raymond See: Darner, Kenneth I. FENLEY, Kenneth L. Serviceability and cost in place of various flooring materials over concrete. 1951 BS Civil Eng. FENNO, John Clark See: Dithmar, Edward U. A study of city management with special reference to the training necessary for such a career. 1923 ES Civil Eng. FERBER, Herbert James A history of the public land surveys of Wisconsin. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Renner, Edwin R. FERGUSON, Perry Raine FERRARO, Rudolph Vincent — ~ss~’r~c~ ~ See: Bloom, Kenneth A. FERREL, Donal iloward Energy loss in liquid flow in copper pipes. 1950 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Koif, R.C. FERRY, Phillips Earlow Design of a machine for testing the riding qualities of automobile springs. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. FESS, Perry Thomas The problem of earth road construction and maintenance in Wisconsin. 1914 ES Civil Eng. FETZER, James Thomas See: Barber, Casper J. FETZNER, Edward John Tests in waterproOfing of concrete building blocks. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Raetzmann, Arthur H. 85 FEY, Robert T. Application of the Hagen—Poiseuille Law to high pressure viscometry. 1951 ES Civil Eng. See: Burmeister, Robert A. FIEBRAI1TZ, Raymond Charles FIOLICH, George Steven FIEDLER, Elmore Walter A study of the effects of injecting water into the cylinder of a semi— Diesel engine. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Hansen, Waldo C. FIEDLER, Ronald Ray Market analysis of metal detectors for the lumber industry. 1955 ES Civil Eng. FIELD, Guy Alden A study of the effect of steam injection for cooling gas engine cylinders. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: McLean, H.C. FIELD, George Hansen Comparative strength tests of riveted and bolted connections. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Landwehr, Waldemar J. FIEWEGER, Thomas Edward The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge at Rutledge Street over the Yahara River at Madison, Wisconsin. 1915 (Degree not granted) Joint author: Nance, Allen E. FINDEISEN, Carl Raymond See: Buxton, V.R. FINNER, Glenn Frederick Model tests of improved spillway of proposed Petenwell Dam. 1941. Joint authors: Manthey, JOhn F. Metcalf, Charles M. FINTAK, Gerald George See: Carpenter, Willis A. 86 FiLTZe’oet~ Lou’~s T~r~t à’~s\~n ~ a c~ncre\t att~r~ c~t- ‘~t NV~\ a~i~e~ ~R\’jtr a~ ~it’ratt \~tfl ~BS C~t\ E~~t S~rc~ aLMtos-~ ~ru~*~ ~%~- F. The effect of orvus and time of mixing on the air content of fresh and hardened concrete. 1945 Civil Eng. Joint author: West, Robert P. FISCHER, Charles Richard Effect of home garbage grinders on sewage characteristics. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Marcussen, Donn G. FISCHER, Frank Allen Air lift pump performance using special pressure and relift devices on eduction pipe. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schlondrop, Edwin FISH, Fred Curtis An investigation of the effect of vertical curvature of the horizontal member upon the stresses in a mono— lithic frame. 1941. FISHER, Arthur Augustus Comparison of costs of different designs for diverting the waters of Riley’s Creek in connection with water power development of Des Plaines River near Channanhon, Illinois. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Parker, E.E. Penn, Wm. C. FISHER, Charles Roswell A steel viaduct design with three arrangements of span lengths across the Chigawake River, Ontario, Canada. 1911 ES Civil Eng. FISHER, Ernest James Design of a sanitary sewerage system for Eeaver Dam, Wisconsin. 1904 ES Eng. FISHER, Erwin William The valuation of buildings for assessment purposes with particular reference to conditions in Madison, Wisconsin. 1916. Joint author: Tanghe, John William The flaming arc. 1906 BS Eng. FISHER, Frank Eugene FITZPATRICK, John William See: Dietz, Jesse C. Jr. 87 FISHER, Glenn Bailey Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge to carry Milwaukee Street across Rock River, Janesville, Wisconsin. 1914 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Roads, Samuel H. FISHER, Herbert Charles Coal briquetting. 1913 BS Civil Eng. FISHER, Maxwell Wynwood See: Banibery, James E. FISHER, Raymond Walter A revalution of the Madison terminal section of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Kuhi, H.C. FISHER, Samuel Morton An investigation of and drainage design for the Starkweather drainage district. 1909 Civil Eng. Joint author: Van Auken, Kenneth L. FISK, Charles Carroll A laboratory investigation of the movement of water through soils. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Resnick, Sot D. FISS, Melvin Thomas The design of a reinforced concrete building. FITTON, John Joseph The Mississippi River Parkway in Wisconsin. 1940. FITZE, Robert Leroy The design of a reinforced concrete apartment building. 1949 ES. FLAGG, William Henry The measurement of high potentials. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Hull, Irving W. FLAIG, John An investigation of the stresses in the stiffener angles of plate girder bridges. 1904 Civil Eng. 88 Joint author: Kinne, W.S. FLEISGHER, Julius Maurice See: Einich, S.E. FLETCHER, Freeman Douglass See: Anderton, Harry C. FLUCK, Paul George The effects of air inclusions on the durability and workability of masonry mortars. 1941 Joint author: Werren, Fred FLUECK, Walter John See: Abendroth, George H. FOELSCH, George Daniel The operating characteristics of a two and one—half inch centrifugal pump. 1940 FOESTE, Arthur Eruno The effect of the wave form of the impressed voltage on the rotor current of a three—phase wound—rotor induction motor. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. FOLTS, William Edward Unit hydrograph study of the Rib River. 1948 ES Joint author: Hunholz, Lawrence A. See: Allen, Canton H. FORCE, Henry Hill FOWLER, William Oliver FORD, Arthur Hillyer A complete test of modern American transformers of moderate capacities. 1895 ES Eng. FORD, Henry Michael See: Congdon, Claire C. Tests on bond between steel and concrete cured under water. 1911 ES Civil Eng. (Degree not granted until 1912) Joint author: Macaraeg, Juan G. FOX, Edwin Gordon 89 Design of hydro electric plant at Weyauwega, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Pitz, A.H. FORD, Ralph Henry Light, heat, and air equipment for University Hall. 1909 ES Eng. FOSS, Richard Leroy The design of a Class III airport for Stoughton, Wisconsin. 1949 ES Joint author: Schroeter, Milton J. FOSTER, Dean Edward A determination of the coefficients of friction of standard materials as used in band friction brakes. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Wachtman, E.L.C. FOURNESS, Charles Albert The comparative leaching rates of zinc and chlorine from wood. 1914 ES Chem. Eng. FOWLE, Harry Herbert See: l3oorse, Jesse M. FOWLER, Dwight Smith A paving program for Fond du Lac. 1917 BS Civil Eng. FOWLER, Myron Marshall The calibration and use of some platinum resistance pyrometers. 1901 ES Eng. FOX, Fred Kenneth Engineering on early railroads in Wisconsin. 1954 ES Civil Eng. FOXON, Roy Draper Tests on the efficiency of certain integral mixes in waterproofing concrete. 1924 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Holden, Charles E. Mathy, Anton FRANCIS, Chester Jenny The effect of temperature upon the loss of head due to flow in a two—inch wrought iron pipe. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Phelps, Ivan 90 FRANCIS, Jack Ward See: De Young, John T. FRANK, Reimar August The test of an Avery six cylinder cultivator motor. 1920 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Owen, Halsey P. FRANKENFIELD, Budd Doble See: Burgess, C.F. FRANSWICK, William Erwin See: Catlin, William G. FRASER, Erwin Miles FRETZ, Leo Armand A history of flour mill machinery. 1913 BS Mech. Eng. FRASER, John Jr. A test of the Madison city water works. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Head, Clarence E. Jones, Louis D. Pickand, Arthur E. Determination of power consumption and efficiency of spark coils. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Hoevelen, John A. FRICKE, August Charles The separation of losses of the Gisholt Machine Company’s plant. 1901 Joint authors: Hund, Nathaniel L. FRATER, George Gordon Mechanical tests of various kinds of wood used for structural timbers. 1920 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Steele, William R. FRAZIER, Arthur Henry Sources of floods on the Lower Missisiippi River. 1928 BS Civil Eng. FRAZIER, Donald Finley See: Eirkett, Richard B. PREAS, Alan DYarmett See: Eorkenhagen, Ed-i. 91 FREDERICKSON, David Norman — cc~\s~r See: Bloom, Kenneth A. FREEMAN, William James See: Eurgess, Edward W. FRESCHL, Edward See: Austin, W.A. FRETZ, Edmund Anthony The operating ability of a 400— horse power, American type, locomotive. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Hitchcock, Frank A. Vea, F.J. Wood, H.H. FRIEND, John Henry A commercial test of the Reeds— burg electric lighting plant. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Lea, H.L. FRITZ, Norbert Bennett The design of Brokaw Hydroelectric Plant. 1945 Civil Eng. Joint author: Mrazek, Stanley J. FROELICH, Frank Richard See: Coleman, A.F. FROEMMING, Gale Arthur Economics of earth excavation. 1946 Civil Eng. FROST, Arthur Henry, Jr. A meta11ogra~hic study of alloys of copper and electrolytic iron. 1913 ES them. Eng. FROST, Donald Kane Investigation of carbon brushes. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Servis, Frank A. FROST, Frank Sumner See: Copp, Wayland J. 92 FRUDDEN, Bruce Oliver FULTON, Arthur Davis GAGE, Samuel Wallace Test of a 12 inch Victor turbine. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Wolhausen, G.W. FULLER, Robert Paul A sanitary survey of the Yahara River. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Rapid field tests for estimation bearing capacity of clay soils. 1952 ES Civil Eng. FUCIK, Robert Alexander Testing of local concrete building blocks. 1910 ES Joint author: Osthoff, Oscar P. FUGE, Karl William Efficiency studies of domestic water heaters. 1936. FUGINA, Arthur Rudolph See: Campbell, Bert FUHR, Lawrence Chioramines for effective sterilization of water. 1932 ES Civil Eng. FULDNER, Henry Christian Modulus of elasticity of bricks and stone. 1897 Joint author: McDonald, Clinton FULLER, Clifford The design of a shop building for the University of Wisconsin. 1910 ES Eng FULLER, Howard Hastings Temperature time tests of a crane motor. 1918 ES Elect. Eng. FULLER, Judson Earl The efficiency of high speed steel under varying heat treatment. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Zimmerman, Fred R. The effect of surface conditions upon the rate of heat transmission through steam pipe coverings. 1916. Joint author: Parlett, Raymond C. 93 FULTON, Franklin Davis Constants of a 300 K.V. testing transformer. 1920 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Wichnovitz, Peter E. FYFE, Clayton The resistance of flow of oil through pipes and valves. 1929 ES Mech. Eng. GAFFNEY, Daniel Edward See: En, Frank L. GALLOWAY, Edward William See: Cahoon, Ora B. GAMBLE, Raleigh Welch The design of an Imhoff tank for the sewage disposal system of Juneau, Wisconsin. 1916. GAPEN, Jotham Clark An efficiency test of the plant of the Manitowoc and Northern Traction Company. 1903 ES Eng. Joint authors: ~-kej4a~, Charles J. Mueller, Edgar B. GARDNER, Harry, See: Bingham, Joseph I. GARDNER, Stephen Tests on 9000 volt three—phase cable in conduit. 1902 ES Eng. Joint author: Scott, George A. GARLING, Milton Edward GAYTON, Oscar Francis Forecasting snowmelt runoff Prairie River, Wisconsin. 1954 ES Civil Eng. GARNER, Harrison Levi See: Brackenwagen, Earl C. GARNOCK, Alexander Richard See: Arnold, L.G. GARRITY, Leo Valentine See: Connolly, Robert 94 GARVENS, Gustave Walter The location and construction of the Knoxville La Follette and Jelico Railroad. 1904 BS Eng. Joint authors: Torkelson, Martin W. Watson, Charles T. GASKELL, Charles James Commercial tests of bearings. 1912 Joint author: Roth, W.A. GATES, Howard Babcock Tests on reinforced concrete beams. 1905 Joint author: Seyton, Harry J. GATTIKER, Willis Alfred Determination of the distribution losses of the municipal lighting system at Reedsburg, Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Hine, W.F~ Thompson, L.M. GAUBATZ, Arthur William A design for a farm tractor engine. 1920 BS Mech. Eng. GAY, Donald David Strength ratios of laminated members assembled from commercial grades of west coast hemlock based on the effects of knots. 1953 ES Civil Eng. An investigation of the error in measuring the head on submerged weirs. 1909 ES Eng. GEERLINGS, Henry John Variations in the thermodynamic efficiency of the gas engine corresponding to the variations in the compression and the point of ignition. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Wedemeyer, A.A. GEFKE, Jerome Henry Speed control of induction motors. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. GEHRMAM~I, John Henry 95 A comparison of reduction and incineration systems of garbage disposal. 1915 GEILFUSS, Marshall Adrian Investigation of Huntington Creek irrigation project, Utah. 1922 BS Joint authors: Gruppe, Alfred H. Varney, Forrest F. GEITMANN, Herbert Charles Jr. Thermal and microscopic examinations of some aluminum—iron bronzes. 1938 ES Metall. Eng. CELBACH, Warren Allen The design of a park system for Lancaster, Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. von GELTCH, Ernest Werner — An attempt to determine the magnitude of the high frequency currents and voltages required to actuate electrolytic and crystalline detectors. 1911 BS Elect. Eng. Joint authors: Kemp, W.E. Stanley, S.W. GENERKE, William Alexander Vehicular hydraulic control system design. 1947 Civil Eng. GEORGE, Marshall Woods GEUSSENHAINER, Frederick William Tests of a 1500 K.W. steam turbo— generator, two steam flow meters and other apparatus at the Madison Gas and Electric Company in Madison, Wisconsin. 1913 BS Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Rosenkrans, Floyd M. Walter, Jay D. Welser, George B. GEORGE, Nickolas Constantinos Design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1954 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Hanson, Jack L. GERBOTH, Harold Claude Methods of timing traffic control lights. 1934 Civil Eng. GERLACH, Thomas Anton The design of a proposed viaduct across the Menomonee Valley, Milwaukee. 1898 BS Eng. Joint author: Spindler Max H. 96 GERSCHKE, Franklin Richard —~ ~‘~° A sanitary survey of the Yahara River. 1951 ES Civil Eng. GESELL, Walter Bertram Test of Pawling and Harnischfeger Power Plant. 1915 Joint authors: Oldenburg, H.F. Roth, Sam I. GESSNER, George Fredric See: Engler, Fredrick C. GETTELMAN, William Frederick The design of a proposed power plant on Zumbro River at Zumbro Falls, Minnesota. 1914 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Little, Caludius B. The fusibility of coke ash. 1920 BS them. Eng. GEYER, Arthur Norman Automatic sectionalizing of transmission lines. 1910 ES Eng. GFALL, George Joseph Investigation of frost boils. 1935 Civil Eng. GIBERT, Alfred Lincoln The investigation of the effect upon journals and bearings made of various materials when run with deficient lubrication. 1915 Joint author: Klotz, Charles H. GIBSON, Leo Edgar — See: Dean, Harry J. GIBSON, Walter Gordon The design of a rotary cut—off valve gear. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Kuentz, 0.0. GIBSON, William Johnson See: Anderson, Gustave A. GIELOW, Edwin Herman A comparison of the spectra of various lights. 1907 BS Eng. GILBERT, Thomas L. Madison traffic problems. 1935 Civil Eng. 97 Joint author: West, Paul H. GILBERTSON, Richard Victor -s A design of sewerage systems for the University of Wisconsin Campus. 1955 ES Civil Eng. GILDER, Thomas Nelson GIULI, Thomas Economy test of a motor bicycle engine calibration of a slow speed fan dynamometer. 1916 Joint author: Plate, Harry V. GILL, Ternece Alister Studies of some conditions in the manufacture of lithophone. 1917 ES them. Eng. GILLESPIE, James Edward —c\sS~’~~ ~ The efficiency of an ejector or jet pump. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: ~1esóa, Jos. Wm. GILLET, James Monroe The effect of the physical properties of various liquids upon their use as quenching media for steel. 1915 GILMAN, Alexander Falk See: Chamberlin, G.W. GILMAN, Edgar Dow A study of the effect of submergence upon the efficiency of a water turbine. 1913 ES them. Eng. Joint author: Sjoblom, M.C. GILMAN, James Moseley An experimental investigation of reinforced concrete beams. 1904 Joint author: Kahn, Gustave E. GILMAN, Stephen An investigation of the cost accounting systems of four manufacturing plants. 1910 ES Eng. GINGRICH, Hiram Eugene The suitability of various alloys for socketing wire rope, also a few tests on wire rope. 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Watson, Clarence F. Design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1923 ES Joint author: Marks, Israel E. 98 GLAB, William Nicholas See: Bleyer, Charles F. GLAESSNER, Lawrence Harold See: Cummins, Francis J. GLAETTLI, John Jr. An investigation of water in short pipes. 1909 BS Eng. Joint authors: Krahn, Wm. O.H. Wolf, Albert M. GLEASON, Edward Peck Comparative tests of long short stroke gasoline engines. Mech. Eng. Joint author: Godfrey, Paul S. hammer and 1910 GLEASON, Edward Peck Clear water supply for Nekoosa Edwards paper company Port Edwards, Wisconsin. 1929 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Watson, Clarence F. GLENN, Alfred Hill Hydrologic investigations of air mass maps. 1942 Civil Eng. GLICK, George Abbott See: Crowell, George G. GLOGER, William Hugo See: Brown, Herbert H. GLOVER, Louis Earle 99 An attempt to improve the efficiency of incandescent electric lamps. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint authors: Terry, C.E. Voyer, L.E. GMEINER, Donald GOETZ, Edgar August Steel castings. 1904 ES Eng. Model study of gate discharge capacity of Petenwell Dam. 1948 ES Joint authors: Kelley, John W. Scott, Walter J. GODDARD, Arthur Lawrence Experimental investigation of the cutting of bevel gears with rotary cutters. 1896 ES Eng. GODFREY, Kneeland Allen, Jr. Design of highway along Lake Men— dota from Park Street and Willow Drive. 1955 ES Civil Eng. GODFREY, Paul Swan See: Gleason, Edward P. GOEDJEN, Albert John See: Anthony, R.B. GOEKE, Otto Fred Design of a spandrel reinforced concrete rib arch for Harrison Street croSsing over Illinois Central Railroad, Madison, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Civil Eng. GOELZER, Vernon Gorman North American geodesy and local control in DAne County, Wisconsin. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Henry, J.E. Vogel, R.H. Ziehlsdorf, E.R. GOETHEL, Charles Walter Unit hydrograph study of the Prairie River. 1947 Civil Eng. GOETSCH, Herbert Andrew Stabilization of Wisconsin soils with Portland cement. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Hahn, R.E. Sivley, W.E. GOFF, Harold Wheeler See: Dodge, Chester C. 100 GOLD, Solon Proposed drive subway and overhead crossing of the St. Paul Railroad along the northwestern shore of Lake Monona. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Tubesing, W.F. GOLDER, Lloyd Wm. See: Ahara, George V. GOLDER, Lloyd William See: Crowell, Robinson GOLDFEIN, Irving. The design of a reinforced concrete slab and girder bridge. 1916 GOLDSMITH, Elmer Le Grand Performance tests of automobile starters and generators. 1915 Joint author: Williams, V.E. GOLLMAR, Herbert Arthur On the production of hydrochloric acid from magnesium chloride and steam. 1916 GOLLNICK, Albert Jacob Determination of weir coefficients for oil. 1935 Civil Eng. GOMEZ y PINEDA, Pastor The Cache Valley irrigation project. 1909 ES Eng. GOODELL, Horace R. An investigation of the stresses in a reinforced concrete arch over the Yahara River at Madison, Wisconsin. 1926 BS Civil Eng. GOODENOUGH, Charles Frederick GRADI, Eugene William Developments in the manufacture of fine writing paper. 1903 ES Eng. GOODIER, Robert Douglas Model tests of the spllway of the proposed Petenwell Dam. 1941 Joint authors: Nestingen, Stanley R. Rall, Lloyd L. 101 GOODMAN, Victor Marshall Toughness of Douglas—fir, red oak and yellow birch as affected by type of testing equipment and specimen size. 1956 ES Civil Eng. GOPLIN, Robert Clifford Model tests of Petenwell diversion openings. 1948 ES Joint author: Lokken, Sigurd T. GORDER, Zenno August Erosion control as applied to badly gullied Southern Wisconsin farm lands. 1935 Civil Eng. GORDON, Dale Eugene Head—discharge relationships for U shaped effluent troughs. 1948 BS Joint author: Lamoreaux, Edison S. GORNLEY, John Henry An investigation of forms of piezometers. 1906 ES Eng. GOSS, William Azell See: Eolton, Walter T. GOTTSCHALL, Herbert Harvey See: Belsky, C.J. GOUDIE, James Design and construction of a single dynamo for three—wire distribution. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Pugh, John The design of a rigid frame structure. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint author: Trester, Harold C. GRAETZ, John Eertschy Causes of the variations in runoff of New York streams. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Trieloff, Jennings C. GRAETZ, Walter Carl An investigation of investments in electric public utilities. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Henningsen, E.S. 102 GRAFF, Ejarne Halfdan The loss of head in cast iron steel and wood pipes and the calibration of Pitot tubes. 1908 BS Eng. Joint authors: Perwien, Richard Schwede, Frederick A. GR.FF, Christian Frederick Investigation of a swing bridge. 1904 BS Eng. GRAHAM, Guy Alexander The design of a viaduct for the intersection of Wilson, Williamson, and Elair Streets with the C. & N.W. and the C., M.&St. P. Railroads, Madison, Wisconsin. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Schattschneider, Sylvester GRAMBSCH, Rnold Herman Design of an ammeter for measuring the mean arithmetical value of a current. 1915 Joint author: Rusch, Herbert W.A. GRAMOLL, Robert Edward Investigation of a proposed state highway from Madison to Wisconsin Dells. 1951 ES Civil Eng. GRANKE, Leo Ernest — ~ A design of a storm sewer system for the city of Madison, Wisconsin. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Weed, L.B. GRANT, Daniel McPherson Development and equipment of a copper mine in the Butte district. 1911 ES Mm. Eng. GRANT, Eugene Lodewick See: Brown, Herbert H. GRANT. James Ellsworth Shrinkage of foundation soils in Superior, Wisconsin. 1953 ES Civil Eng. GRAY, Clifford Fell 103 Estimate of manufacturing expense of a small gas engine. 1911 ES Mech. Eng. GRAY, Glenn Arthur Hydrometric classification of the national domain. 1916 GREAVES, Arthur Clayton — ~ .~ ?~ See: Ealsey, Eugene A. GREEN, Charles William An investigation of various types of wave detectors for wireless telegraphy. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Reinhard, L.F. GREEN, Kenneth Henry The analysis of a reinforced concrete arch by the ellipse of elasticity method. 1930 ES Civil Eng. GREEN, Richard Charles See: Dixon, Duane E GREEN, Sherman Baldwin Loss of head in reverse bends of two and four inch diameter pipe. 1923 ES Joint author: Schmidt, Lewis A. Jr. GREEN, William Carl The detail design of a reinforced concrete building. 1916 GREENFIELD, Benj amin A study of the movement of gases by the brush discharge. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Holben, Marvin W. GREENMAN, Ralph Norton A report on the economics of storage for additional water power development at Hatfield, Wisconsin. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Hoffman, LaVerne M. Mackie, James E. Steinmetz, George P. GREENSLADE, Irving Jones Modern electric motor control. 1922 ES 104 GREENWOOD, Donald Whittier See: Alter, Fred L. GREGER, Harold William A stress analysis of a rigid frame. 1938 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Wojta, Merritt G. GREGERSON, Lewis Theodore The drainage of the Madison marshes. 1895 ES Eng. Joint author: McCulloch, Alfred L. GREGG, Scranton Hugh The effect of delay in placing on the strength and wearing resistance of concrete. 1921 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Price, James R. Wheaton, Herbert H. GREILING, Robert Emerson GRISWOLD, Ernest Carl The effects of high temperature on the strength of reinforced concrete beams. 1929 Civil Eng. Joint author: Lucht, Harold C. GREISEN, Elijah Charles See: Derge, F.J. GREVE, Frederick William, Jr. Test of a single stage axial flow turbine pump. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Halliday, M.J. GREY, John Chester See: Cole, Charles M. GRIEELE, Ralph Freezing and thawing of masonry mortar. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint author: Mueller, 0.H. GRIBELE, Stephen Charles Deposition of zinc from alkaline solutions. 1917 ES Chem. Eng. GRIEM, Harvey Speed control of induction motors. 1916 105 Joint author: Strand, Lloyd M. GRIFFITH, William Henry — rc~~.~SkrQ ~ Freezing tests of concrete. 1912 ES Civil Eng. ~ a~k~oct B~s&~e~\\., 5ose~r~ t~. GRINNER, Edwin Wolsey See: Davis, Daniel E. GRINSHAW, Walter Edmund See: Albert, David S. GRISA, Frank Louis See: Bryan, Edward H. A study of voltage, current and flux relations in induction meters by the use of the oscillograph. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Natwick, Franklin J. GRISWOLD, Frank Lynn The effect of formalin upon the corrosion of metals. 1920 ES them. Eng. GRISWOLD, Henry Farnum See: Campbell, Lawrence F. GRISWOLD, John William See: Eadger, Arthur H. GRISWOLD, Robert Gray Test of steel plates centrally loaded. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: MacEachron, Edgar J. GRODSKE, Walter John Experiments on a duplex compound direct acting steam pump. 1908 ES Eng. Joint authors: Mathews, William W. Pfannstiehl, Jean J. GROLL, Alan C. Conventional and composite design of highway bridges economically compared. 1951 BS Civil Eng. 106 GROSS, Edward Lascar See: Collins, A.L. GROSS, George Louis Problems in depreciation. 1908 Civil Eng. Joint author: Jerrard, Leigh P. GROSS, Robert Phillip A rearrangement of the railroad facilities of Wisconsin Rapids. 1937 GROSSKOPF. John William GUNDERSON, Lynn Henry The development of the American automobile gasoline motor. 1916 GROVER, Alison Sanford See: Ahara, George V. GRUBE, W&t#e~r Frank See: Filtzer, Robert L. GRUETZMACHER, Clarence Saylor See: Evenchick, Max GRUNERT, Arthur Earl Comparative tests of the ice machines of the Milwaukee—Waukesha Brewing Company at Waukesha, Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Hirschberg, Ernest S. Manegold, Frank W. GRUPP, Herbert Carl The design of a spandrel filled reinforced concrete arch bridge to carry Madison—Fort Atkinson traffic across the Yahara River between Lake Monona and Lake Waubesa. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Kuenzli, Daniel H. GRUPPE, Alfred Henry See: Geilfuss, Marshall A. GUDE, Hans E.A. See: Ejornson, E.G. 107 GUIIPRECHT, Henry Herman Investigation for a proposed water power development on the Oconto River at Oconto, Wisconsin. 1918 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Kirch, Louis A. Smith, Philip H. The design of a reinforced concrete building. 1937 GUNDERSON, Roy Reginal The effect of gusset plates upon sscex.4ary stresses in the members of a riveted steel truss. 1938 ES Civil Eng. GUSTIN, Glen Hudson The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge for the Harrison Street crossing of the Illinois Central Railroad tracks. 1921 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Hinkley, Elroy H. GUTH, Leonard Adolph Field determination of the coefficients of friction for various types of road surfaces. 1950 ES Civil Eng. HAAG, Edmund Clarence Corrosion of iron and steel. 1911 ES Chem. Eng. HAARMANN, Donald Charles The use of aerial photographs in small area surveys. 1956 Civil Eng. HAAS, Herbert William See: Cox, Marvin E. HAAS, W.M. Investigation of sewerage for the city of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. 1949 ES Civil Eng. HAASE, Alvin Plans for the improvement of the Yahara River. 1903 ES Eng. JOint author: Perry, Claude H. HAASE, Ronald Wayne HAHN, Harold Seils 108 An investigation of various methods of design and analysis of rigid frames in steel. 1955 ES Civil Eng. HADDORFF, Irving Reinhold Tests of Clinton air—lift pump. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Zander, Arnold S. HADFIELD, Ray Harrison An investigation of peat deposits in Wisconsin. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Johnson, Arthur L. HAEVERS, William Efficiency test of wheel pump. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Johnson, Glen L. Orr, Lester B. HAFEMAN, Lyle Robert See: Busby, Mark W. HAGENAH, Rudolph Emil See: Cahoon, 0r3 13. HAGESTAD, Herman Thorson The effects of admixtures on the workability of concrete. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Harley, Clyde W. HAGGERTY, John Richard -~ See: Christesen, Russell J. HAGUE, Frank Lewis See: Decker, D.C. HAHN, John Francis See: Adams, Walter K. The design of a reinforced concrete office building. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Janicki, Leo C. HAHN, John Guy See: De Young, John T. HAHN, Raymond Edwin 109 See: Goetsch, H.A. HAIN, Elmer Lamont See: Cortelyou, George S. HAIST, Douglas Fraser The determination of soil stabilities with a Hveem Stabilometer. 1948 ES Joint author: Woboril, Roy D. HALEERT, Charles Arthur Investigations for the drainage of the large marsh near Palmyra, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Huntley, Lee H. WALE, Fred Earl See: Dutton, B.K. HALEY, George Henry See: Burns, L.A. HALEY, Harold Joseph The adaptability of Wisconsin conditions to concrete roads. 1917 ES Civil Eng. HALEY, John James Design of a municipal airport for chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. 1948 ES HALL, Edwin Morgan Efficiency test of Portage electric lighting plant. 1904 ES Eng. Joint authors: Merrill, Zadok Musser, James M. HALL, George NcArthur Preliminary investigation for sewage disposal plant design for Janes— yule, Wisconsin. 1934 Civil Eng. HALL, James Fults Immersion—compression strength of asphaltic concrete containing heat— resistant, non—stripping additives. 1956 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Miller, Raymond W. S ensenb renner, Melvin 110 HALL, James R. Horizontal control for a hydro— graphic survey of Lake Mendota. 1951 IRS Civil Eng. 3o\~~t eu*’nbrs~ r\~r~V ~, Me~je~t5 Cat\ ~. marn~~, ~ck~ard ?. HALL, Melville Cooper Investigation of the Baraboo River as a source of power with particular reference to the Island Woolen Mills plant at Baraboo, Wisconsin. 1915 HALL, Merton Glenn Sewerage and sewage purification for Columbus, Wisconsin. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Wilson, John HALL, Sidney Phillips See: Caldwell, W. G~. HALL, William Henry Methods of protecting concrete during curing. 1929 BS Civil Eng. EALLADAY, Franklin Stanley A design for a viaduct at the intersection of University Avenue with the C., M. & St. P. Railway in Madison, Wisconsin. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Probert, Samuel H. HALLAUER, Frank Joseph See: Bingham, James B. HALLIDAY. Malcolm John See: Greve, F.W. HALSETH, Carl Martin Investigation of a hydro—electric rower plant on the Red Cedar River at Irvington, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Civil En g. Joint author: Nickell, George H. HALVERSON, Gerry Monroe Experimental investigation of the filter press process as applied to the dewatering of separate sludge and raw sewage solids. 1935 Civil Eng. Joint author: Miller, Franklin A. 111 HAMBRECHT, Albert Henry -~ The principles of the design of super highways. \~%(o. ~O\flt a~&W~or~ Th~rsc~ Sth~n A. HAMBRECUT, Albert Lewis A series of tests to show the effect of varying thicknesses of footings upon the strength and properties of reinforced concrete columns. 1910 ES Eng. Joint authors: Horneffer, Fred C. Lupinski, Oswald Thiessen, Frank C. HAMBUECHEN, Carl An experimental study of the corrosion of iron under various conditions. 1899 ES Eng. HAHEISTER, Victor Carl The leaching of hemlock bark in a beater and its subsequent reduction to a pulp condition. 1916 BS them. Eng. IIAMEL, Vernon Sidney HANSEN, Charles Andrew Comparison of stresses in reinforced concrete arches by the method of influence lines computed and obtained by the ellipse of elasticity method. 1932 BS Civil Eng. HAMILTON, Ray Ezra Construction of thermionic oscillator sets. 1920 BS Elect. Eng. HAMMANN, William Jr. Motor vehicle taxation legislation and regulation. 1924 BS Civil Eng. HAMNERSCHLAG, James Garfield Efficiency test of the power plant of the Chicago, Harvard and Geneva Lake Railway. 1902 BS Eng. Joint author: Saunders, A.B. HAMMOND, Lewis Merrick A complete design of a reinforced concrete viaduct to span the Menomonee Valley as a continuation of Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1910 BS Eng Joint author: Klinger, William A. HANCOCK, William Farnam 112 Experimental investigation of hydraulic resistance of modern truck tank appurtenances. 1940 Joint author: Soderstrom, Verne A. HANDY, Edward Haven See: Borecky, C.W. HANKE, David Schmieding Investigations of physical properties of asphaltic concrete at low temperatures. 1953 BS Civil Eng. HANKINSON, Ray Lyton An investigation relative to the fineness of Portland cement. 1905 BS Eng. • Properties of carbon at high temperatures. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Hatter, Clarence P. HANSEN, Clinton.John Tile development and exploitation of a copper mine in the Butte district. 1913 ES Mm. Eng. HANSEN, Oscar Tests of a 3—phase alternating current motor. 1894 ES Eng. Joint author: Webster, John E. HANSEN, Waldo C. See: Fiedler, Elmore W. HANSON, Clarence Ferdinand See: Campbell, Lawrence F. HANSON, Frank Herbert Comparative test of ~nc1osed fuses. 1904 BS Eng. Joint author: Sloan, William F. HANSON, Henry Olaus An experimental study of Wagner single—phase induction motors. 1899 BS Eng. Joint author: Nee, Thomas C. HANSON, Jack Louis See: George, Nickolas C. 113 HANSON, Lauren Keith A study of frost heaves in Northern Wisconsin. 1948 BS. HANSON, Paul Edward See: Connell, Walter J. HANSON, Robert John See: Emelity, Ludgard A. HANSON, Walter Sewell HARLACHER, Lloyd Ralph HART, Julian George See: Biersach, R. HART, Thomas James Petenwell gate operation model tests. 1949 BS Joint author: Parsons, John E. Jr. ,Q2-~°3 (1 1 ~‘‘q / & 339 —3VV cr62 457 S99 43-60 A test of the comparative efficiency of a compound and a single expansion locomotive. 1895 BS Eng. Joint authors: Hartwell, Walter S. Meyer, Edward W. HANSON, William 3r. See: Elliott, John F. HARBEUK, Guy Earl The relation between the cement— water ratio of concrete and its strength and composition. 1934 Civil Eng. HARDACKER, Raymond James See: Davidson, P.E. HARDIN, Ray Stephen See: Coughlin, Robert J. HARDY, Allan Arthur See: Buckmaster, James L. HARE, Kenneth Ross See: Christie, Henry A. 114 HARGRAVE, Russell William Commercial ice—making. 1898 BS Eng. HARKER, Dave Leece Velocity and profile studies on submerged weirs. 1928 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Kotz, Samuel E. HARKER, Ralph Jackson The water ejector. 1938 BS Mech. Eng. Honor Thesis, filed at Main Library. Design of yards for a union passenger station at Madison, Wisconsin. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: King, Max W. HARLEY, Clyde Waelder See: Hagestad, Herman T. HARMS, Layton Royal Wind stresses in steel framed structures. 1925 BS Civil Eng. HARRISON, Chester John The performance of mechanical— pneumatic water hammer arresters on compound pipes. 1939 Joint authors: Klema, Roy L. Prawdzik, Thaddeus B. HARRISON, Stanley Herbert An efficiency test of a 500 kilowatt Allis—Chalmers turbo— generator equipped with a type “C” condenser, 250 horse power Stirling boiler and 200 horse power Kewaunee boiler with hand fired furnaces. 1913 BS Elect. Eng. Joint authors: Johnson, R.H. Korst, P.B. MacEachran, W.H. HART, Charles Walter — Art investigation of internal combustion engines. 1896 BS Eng. Joint author: Parr, Charles H. t~ HA~, Willard Harry HARWICK, Guy Duval Diagrams for load position and moment at crown for spandrel filled arch. 1935 Civil Eng. 115 HARTMANN, Rudolph The development of a new theory explaining the phenomena accompanying deformation and failure under tensile stress. 1902 BS Eng. HARTWELL, Frank I. See: Hanson, Walter S. HARTWELL, Henry Thomas Experiments to determine the loss of head due to pipe bends. 1924 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Olson, John H. HARVANCIK, Ronald Allan Harvesting of algae. 1956 Civil Eng. Joint author: Plautz, William H. HARVEY, Harold Vincent Some tests on springs. 1913 BS Mech. Eng. HARVEY, John LeRoy Microscopical analysis of steel and alloys as commercial test. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: McArthur, Arthur R. HARVEY, Stanley Trewartha THe effect of oils on Portland cement mortars. 1936 Joint author: Lubinsky, Richard G. HARVEY, William Riley Economy of operation of the Fen— nimore electric light plant. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Perkins, W.D. Test of an electrically—equipped concentrating plant. 1912 BS Elect. Eng. Joint authors: Horstkotte, E.H. Palmatier, H.P. HASSLINGER, William Craig The effect of factors that are involved in anti knock fuel testing by means of a standard test engine. 1931 ES Nech. Eng. 116 HASTINGS, William Harold Treatment of industrial wastes by the activated sludge method. 1927 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Liddle, George F. HATCH, Samuel Reuben A comparative study of the waterproofing materials of concrete. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Ketchum, Harold E. HATCH, Walter Adams Studies on freight train operation on proposed ruling grades in the Milwaukee track elevation project, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. 1911 85 Civil Eng. Joint author: Scarcliff, George A. HATHAWAY, Warner Physical properties of white and malleable iron as made by different processes. 1912 ES Mecli. Eng. HATTER, Clarence Peter See: Hanson, C.A. HAUBRICH, Alfred Frederick Annealing tool steel. 1919 ES Mech. Eng. HAUGEN, Charles Marius plant for 1896 HAYDEN, Leland H. Alternating current electromagnets. 1905 33 Eng. HAUSER, William Henry See: Carter, Charles H. HAWKINS, Burton Hynard Experiments on a cross compound flywheel pumping engine. 1913 ES Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Hawthorne, Guy E. Horn, Frederick W. HAWLEY, Edward Joseph The paving question in Green Bay. 1905 Civil Eng. Joint author: Obert, E.G. 117 HAWLEY, Robert Edwards Investigation of a small unit for sterilization of water. 1936 Joint author: Wild, Harry E. HAWN, Russell John See: Berry,C\;uAt HAWTHORNE, Guy Edwin See: Hawkins, Burton H. HAY, Richard N. See: Eckhardt, Fred A. HAYDEN, Charles Beecham Electric light and power the University of Wisconsin. ES Eng. Joint authors: Palmer, A.H. Ruka, F.W. HAYDEN, Kenneth Charles The electrification of American Railroads. 1950 ES Civil Eng. A relocation study of a portion of United States Highway number twelve. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Yonker, Carl C. HAYES, Michael Thomas An investigation of the relative strength of reinforced concrete fence posts with variations in reinforcement mixture and shape. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Legreid, Herman N. HAYES, Tom Edward An experimental study of the biochemical oxygen demand of sewage in various parts of the mechanical surface aeration sewage treatment works at Monroe, Wisconsin. 1933 ES Civil Eng. HAZEN, H.D. See: Besserdick, Arnold C. HEAD, Clarence Eugene See: Fraser, John HEALD, Eugene Hamilton 118 The shape of the nappe for various forms of weir crests. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Smith, Syndey T. HEBBERD, Loren Loomis A study of the design and operation of a four cylinder marine gasoline engine with a view of improving the power developed. 1911 Mech. Eng. HEEDA, Franz Josef The effect on the stresses in a reinforced concrete arch due to a change in the depth of the arch ring at critical sections. 1926 BS Civil Eng. HEEERLEIN, Edward Garrett HEIDER, Harvey Eanderob The use of the water—cement ratio relationship in the economical design of concrete for building construction, 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Roberts, John R. HEDGES, Warren Bartlett See: Dowling, Claire F. HEDKE, Charles Richard : The Madison sewage disposal plant and an investigation of chemical pre— cipitants. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Nelson, Clarence L. HEDLUND, Calvin Hilding Tractive resistance of two types of trucks under several load conditions. 1950 ES Civil Eng. HEEBINK, Garret Egbert. See: Diestler, Gilbert A. HEEBINK, Thomas Bruce Design of a rigid frame overhead. 1938 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Neighbours, John 0. HEFFERNEN, Raymond Arthur An investigation for a bridge at Green Bay, Wisconsin, over the Fox River. 1920 Civil Eng. HEGG, John Richard 119 The design of a water tower for the University of Wisconsin. 1900 ES Eng. HEIDEMANN, Walter Richard The insulation resistance of rubber—covered wire as an indication of its durability. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Jones, Richard Tests on the apparatus for the deposition of tar. 1915 Joint author: Taylor, George H. HEIMBACH, Elbert Blame An investigation of the operating statistics of the electrical utilities of Wisconsin. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. HEIMERL, George John An experimental study of the hydraulics of a six inch air lift pump. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Lidicker, William Z. HEINE, Rudolf Ernst Tests on the Madison Street railway. 1898 ES Eng. HEJDA, Charles Joseph See: Gapen, Jotham C. HEJDA, Charles William A commercial test of the Sparta electric light plant. 1905 ES Eng. HEJDA, Joseph William -~ The efficiency of an ejector or jet pump. 1908 ES Eng. ~o’nt ~UL~\oC ~\\~.es~t ~, 3 ~tne~ HELD, Chester John A comparison of Portland cement concrete and high early strength cement concrete. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Washa, George W. HELD, Wilmer Otto An experimental determination of pipe friction losses in wrought iron pipe of small diameters. 1928 ES Civil Eng. \,divttt’ cre. \eb* o~ a~L*o e. ~ c~n Q. a\Qt-~c. skart~n~ ink \\~kn\~ ~S*ttn. 120 HELFRECHT, Aaron John HENGST, Fredrich Charles Henry 1915 Tests of rapid nickel salts. HELLEN, Herbert James See: Culver, Frederick H. HELLER, Harry Leopold See: Bush, J.I. HELMHOLTZ, Arthur William Contact resistances of some metals and their oxides. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Hoyt, Ray S. HELMLE, William Clarence Black oxide coats on iron. 1917 ES Chem. Eng. HELZER, Arthur Edmund The initial permeability of iron. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Rice, L.E. HENDEE, Ceilan Abner See: Arps, Edmund J. HENDERSON, Dwight Firman Measurement of the current strength in the secondary circuit of the telephone. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Smith, Jack N. HENDRICKS, John Herbert See: Ellsworth, Charles W. HENDRIQCSON, John Delward Design of runway extension and relocation of U.S. Highway 51 at Truax Field. 1956 ES Joint author: Pike, Rodney G. Increase of deformation of Douglas Fir when loaded continuously at working stress levels. 1950 ES Civil Eng. HENKE, Frederic Christian 121 A study of the passenger traffic of the interurban railways of Wisconsin. 1910 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Muehlstein, William C. HENKEL, Carl Albert William The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1921 ES Civil Eng. HENKEL, George John Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge to carry East Main Street across the Yahara River, Madison, Wisconsin. 1917 ES Civil Eng. HENKEL, Robert Henry Investigation of the control of the hydraulic jump below a dam. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Johnson, Page A. Junkermann, Charles G. HENKEL, Walter Arthur The design of a steel cantilever highway bridge. 1944 ES HENNINGSEN, Earle Stanley See: Graetz, W.C. HENRICHSEN, Christian Brun Development of water power of the Little Wolf River at Royalton, Wisconsin. 1921 ES Civil Eng. HENRICKSON, Ralph See: Drow, John T. HENRY. Archibald Edgar HERRIED, Irvin Chester A traffic analysis on the Madison Street Railway. 1917 Elect. Eng. HENRY, Edison Earl Boiler room economy. 1922 ES HENRY, Jay Everette See: Goelzer, V.G. HENRY, Levi Lithgow Development of a device for balancing high speed machine elements. 122 1915 HENRY, Robert Roy See: Blood, F.H. HENZE, Henry Carl See: Eloecher, W.P HERCULANO, Aguirre - H THe relation of the consistency of mortar and suction rate of brick to bond. 1943 ES Joint author: Serdahely, Steven G. HERDEGEN, Robert Townsend The electrification of steam railroads. 1906 BS Eng. HERMANSEN, Evald Loss of pressure due to friction in five—eighths inch and one inch rubber—lined hose and fixtures. 1934 Civil Eng. HEROLD, Dale George Head loss in liquid flow through gate valves. 1953 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Stasney, Elmer F. HERREID, Edwin Sanford History and development of the Diesel engine. 1915 See: Eolstad, James W. HERPJ1ANN, Otto Rudolph See: Burmeister, Walter L. HERSH, Harry An analysis of the principles underlying the making of rates for electric service. 1915 HERSH, Marvin Current practice in the design of tall chimneys. 1929 ES Civil Eng. HERTHEL, Eugene Coerper Conditions affecting the condensation of zinc vapors. 1915 Joint author: Stint, Alfred J. 123 HESSLER, Carlos Edwin The effect of kind of bedment on the crushing strength of brick. 1941 Joint author: Tremmel, Ernest B. HEWIT, Earle John An investigation of Pitot tubes. 1912 ES Civil Eng. (Degree not granted) Joint author: Nears, George S. HEYN, Herman Bunsen Load tests at high temperatures of various binders for magnesia. 1915 HEYROTH, Albert Herman See: Arndt, R.F. HIEBARD, Allen Charles See: Anthony, R.B. HICKS, William Ross Water power development on. the Baraboo River. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Peterson, Eugene J. HIELSBERG, Alfred William MINE, William Foster See: Gattiker, W.A. HINTZ, Alfred Herman See: Christesen, Russell J. Reinforced concrete—building design. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wertsch, Robert S. HIGLEY, Harvey Van Zandt An analysis of air for its more harmful constituents. 1915 C.)r~ern. Ens. HIGSON, Charles Roy See: Dean, Joseph E. HILGENDORF, Daniel David See: Bartz, Eliwood L. HILL, Millard Milton 124 The loss of head in three types of one two and three inch vertical check valves. 1931 ES Civil Eng. HILLS, Earl Vinton A study of friction losses in line shaft transmission. 1911 ES Elect. HILLIS, Leonard Folsom See: Beran, John HILTON, Earl See: Erandt, Ellis R. HI~LSTEIN, Arthur Lewis An experimental study of pile driving phenomena. 1912 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wasson, Joseph H. HINCKLEY, John Arthur See: Cowin, Leo V. HINDERMAN. Duane William Boundary effects on vortex flow through horizontal orifices. 1956 Civil Eng. HINKLEY, Elroy Hall See: Gustin, Glen Hudson HINN, William Henry A stadia reconnaisance for a railroad from the Illinois Central Railroad to Pheasant Branch. 1910 ES Eng. Joint authors: Lidral, J.F. Torkelson, F.A. HINTZE, Philip Henry See: Bucher, H. HIPPENMEYER, Irving Raymond See: Adams, Bertram F. HIPPERT, Roland Nicoles See: Dorff, Sol E. 125 HIRD, Francis Lyle Development of subdivisions by means of terrain models. 1955 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Kling, Gary H. HIRSCH, Edmund The economic field of the motor truck. 1924 ES Civil Eng. HIRSCH, John George A study of vortex motion in water. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Lunde, Sigurd G. HIRSCH, Robert Edmund Vortex flow from horizontal sharp edged orifices. 1952 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Kontos, Thomas J. See: Grunert, Arthur E. HIRSCHEERG, Ernest Samuel HOEFER, Chester ARthur HIRSCHBERG, Walter Paul A design of a bascule bridge at Frand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1901 ES Eng. HITCHCOCK, Claude Novalus The desuiphurization of monel metal in the electric furnace. 1914 ES Chem. Eng. HITCHCOCK, Frank Artemas See: lFretz, Edmund A. HODGE, John Sherman The efficiency of a modern gas engine. 1904 ES Eng. Joint authors: Koch, W.J. Potter, J.C. HODGES, Paul Test of a thirty inch Samson turbine. 1909 Joint author: Smith, L.D. HODSON, Frederick Weed The development of a coal mine in the Hartshorne district of Oklahoma. 1915 126 HOE, George Martin Efficiency tests of a twelve inch trump turbine. 1922 ES Joint authors: Knollin, Albert Jr. Powell, Robert B. HOEFER, Alfred Ulysses A test of several methods of railway car lighting by electricity. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Kearney, Edgar The effects of armature reactions unon the fields of an alternator. 1905 ES Eng. HOEFER, Elmer George See: Eoynton, John E. HOEPS, Ralph Howard Microradiography of lead tin. 1947 ES Met. Eng. HOELZ, John Bernhard A design and estimate of cost of construction and operation of a municipal street lighting plant for the city of Eurlington, Wisconsin. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Sorem, A.J. HOERIG, Curt Eric Bond of vibrated concrete to steel. 1936 Joint author: Strewler, Gordon J. HOEVELER, John Alexander See: Fretz, Leo Armand HOFFMAN, Arthur William A study of the efficiencies of instantaneous hot water heaters under variations in the supply of water and gas and a study of the efficiencies of instantaneous hot water heaters which are in service. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Shapiro, Joseph HOFFMAN, Eugene Robert Proposed hydro—electric plant on the Peshtigo River at Johnson’s Falls. 1912 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smith, L.A. 127 HOFF1’W~, Frederick J. Jr. See: Dequine, Louis Edward HOFFMAN, Herbert Frank HOLGATE, Thomas Amherst Economics of the Hoover Dam. 1932 ES Civil Eng. HOFFMAN, LaVerne Milton See: Greenman, Ralph N. HOFFMAN, Leslie Carl See: Erandel, Walace L. B0~FMM~4M, Theodore Frederick See: Cannon, Harold E. HOGAN, John Joseph A test of the lighting and three— phase power transmission plant of the Chippewa Falls water works and lighting company. 1899 ES Eng. Joint author: Olson, Martin C. HOGANSON, Lester Olaf Stiffness and strength of small brick piers. 1937 Joint author: Newbury, R.H. HOGENSON, Kenneth Melvin See: Derry, Jerone W. HOGENSEN, Robert Charles The rapid determination of suspended solids in activated sludge— sewage mixtures by means of centrifuge. 1941 HOLBEN, Marvin Washington See: Greenfield, Benjamin HOLBROOK, Henry Edwin Electroplating on aluminum. 1912 ES Chem. Eng. HOLDEN, Charles Edward See: Foxon, Roy Draper THe stability of bituminous soil mixtures. 1940 Joint author: Werner, Benjamin F. 128 HOLLEY, Wilbur Thomas Materials and methods used in prefabricated homes. 1950 BS Civil Eng. HOLLISTER, Solomon Cady The ellipse of elasticity and its application to the analysis of the elastic arch. 1916 ~ HOLLOWAY, Don Clement See: Anderson, Arthur E. HOLMES, Charles ~Arthur See: Davis, Roy H. HOLMES, Horace Mars Methods of placing concrete and cost—keeping on concrete construction. 1908 ES Eng. HOLMES, Presley Dixon A study of the oil—shale industry in the United States. 1920 ES them. Eng. HOLMES, Richard Harold Preliminary investigation of model studies for erosion below Port Arthur Dam. 1955 ES Civil Eng. HOLMES, William Raymond Investigation of investment and operating costs of water utilities and the relation of unit costs to equitable rates for water service. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Moritz, C.J. HOLST, Charles John See: DeYoung, Kenneth D. HOLT, Thomas HOPPE, Alfred George HORNE, Robert E. See: Hall, James R. Investigation of a multi—gap lightning arrester. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Thomas, E.A. 129 HOLTUM, Alfred See: Clancy, John F. HOLTZMAN, Herman Design of a reinforced concrete office building. 1948 BS HOLVERSCHEID, Erwin The effect of heat treatment on the annealing of carbon steels. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Moyer, Will D. HOLVERSCHEID, Robert See: Doherty, R.E. HOLWAY, Orlando Griswold Restoration of the Horicon Marsh. 1935 Civil Eng. HOMEWOOD, Robert Thomas Determinations of eccentricities in structural steel columns. 1927 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Wendt, Kurt F. HOPE, Samuel Newton A comparison of the cost of locomotive operation for slow and fast freight service. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Whittaker, Elmer H. HOPKINS, William Thompson An investigation for an artesian water supply for the University of Wisconsin. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smith, Robert M. Test of a 200 horse power Skinner Unaf low engine at the Evansville Light and Power Plant. 1917 ES Mech. Eng. Joint authors: Johnson, Gordon G. Newton, Louis C. Van Patten, Everett H. HOPPER, Charles Van Emburg Reinforced concrete. 1905 ES Eng. HORDER, John Stephen The design of street intersections. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Von Gunten, J.L. 130 HORN, Frederick William See: Hawkins, Burton H. HORN, Jack Ernest Scour characteristics of modified Petenwell spiliway model. 1956 Civil En g. Joint author: Kelley, Jerry D. HORNEFFER, Frederick Clarence See: Hambrecht, Albert L. HORNIG, Frederick Franklin The design of concrete by the re— lationship between the flexural strength and the water cement ratio. 1930 ES Civil Eng. HORST, Arthur John Experimental study of relief from water hammer developed by closure of a cylindrical valve in locomotive water columns. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Ulrich, Spencer E. Zeugner, Orland K. HORSTKOTTE, Edward Henry See: Harwick, Guy D. IiOWSON, Louis Richard HOSIG, Irwin Benjamin The feasibility of the Salt Creek drainage project. Joint author: Potts, Frederick A. HOSKIN, Arthur Joseph The technology of American oil— shales. 1929 BS Mi Eng. HOSLER, Harry Effect of elbows and tees on the flow of water in pipes. 1908 BS Eng. Joint authors: Kehr, Carl M. McComb, Ross K. HOUGHLAND, Glen Sanford On the production of porous barium peroxide. 1917 BS them. Eng. HOUGHTON, Samuel Locke The development, equipment and valuation of a copper mine in the Warren District, Arizona. 1914 BS Mi Eng. 131 HOUSTON, MacLean See: Dewey, R.S. HbMELSSkJ~E, \Aerr~’an 3u-\v~c~ E&W~~ 0. HOVEY, William Boyd Design of a reinforced concrete arch highway bridge. 1932 ES Civil En g. HOWARD, Leland William Design for a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1935 Civil Eng. HOWLAND, Henry Phelps See: Belling, John W. HOWSON, Elmer Thomas See: Buchanan, John W. A comparative study of driver tire wear on freight and passenger locomotives with particular reference to rail wear. 1908 ES Eng. HOYT, Ralph Sherman The efficiency of bearings for line shafting. 1911 Joint author: Mueller, Eenjamin H. HOYT, Ray Stevens See: Helmholtz, Arthur W. HOYT, Warren Albert Concrete—metal construction. 1900 ES Eng. HUBBARD, Edwin Palmer Cost of operation of a Weber suction gas producer plant at the Steinle Turret Machine Company, Madison, Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Loesch, R.L. Poesler, F.E. HUBER, William Gay The performance of hand labor in excavation; a study of published data. 1920 ES Civil Eng. 132 HUEBNER, Bernard William A method of determining air filtration in buildings. 1922 ES Joint author: Swift, John D. HUEGEL, William Mortimer The state plane coordinate system as applied to Wisconsin. 1956 ES HUELS, Frederick William Effect of frequency on the light of Nernst glowers. 1903 BS Eng. See: Buettell, R.B HUGHES, Robert Davis HUNT, Henry James HUGHES, Robert William The development and exploitation of the Gopher State Copper Mine, Butte. 1915 HULBERT, Edward Wade The design of a hydro—electric plant on the Wolf River at White Lake Creek. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Huth, Alton M. HULL, Irving Weslie See: Flagg, W.H. HU~ER, Wallace George See: Bailer, Howard R. HUMPHREY, Clifford Wane See: Buttles, Ben E. HUMPHREY, Edgar P. Metal ties. 1894 HUNDER, Marcus Benjamin Comparative merits of crushed stone and gravel as concrete aggregate. 1930 ES Civil Eng. HUNHOLZ, Lawrence Albert See: Folts, William E. HUNNER, Earl Emmet 133 A survey of the tunnel system of the University of Wisconsin. 1900 ES Eng. HUNNER, Hale Haven Plans for opening up a Mesaba Range underground mine. 1909 ES Eng. An efficiency test of a Doble tangential water wheel. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Johnson, F.M. HUNT, Paul James A suitable mortar test to predict the strength of Portland cement concrete. 1936 Joint authors: Matthias, Carl D. Shipman, John L. Wagner, Eldon C. HUNTINGTON, Edward Estabrook Investigation of cutting tools and tests upon vulcan compound. 1909 BS Eng. HUNTLEY, Harold Reviere Notes on inductive interference. 1922 ES HUNTLEY, Lee Harvey See: Halbert, C.A. HUNTZICKER, Paul Hydraulic pressure and water stage gages. 1919 BS Civil Eng. HUPPLER, Elizabeth Ebbott Hydraulics of the head flume. 1939 Joint author: Huppler, John J. HUPPLER, John Jacob See: Huppler, Elizabeth E. HURD, John Thomas The purification of sewage by means of the septic tank and bacterial beds. 1901 BS Eng. Joint author: Washburn, F.E. 134 HURD, Nathaniel Leslie See:Fricke, August C. RUSTON, Harry Hamilton IN]3USCH, Herbert Stark Driver characteristics at arterial stop signs. 1939 HUTCHISON, Foye Peabody See: Cowan, G.P. HUTH, Alton Malcom See: Hulbert, Edward W. HUTTON, Robert Wallace Water rights between Canada and United States. 1929 BS Civil Eng. HUZARSKI, Richard Georg Proposed highway system for Poland. 1934 Civil Eng. IAZZO, Anthony Edward See: Faick, Frederick J. IAICISCH, Robert See: Davis, Louis S. IGKE. George Wyman A study of separate sludge digestion and gas collection at Monroe, Wisconsin. 1933 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Wagner, Clarence 0. ICKE, John Frederick Design of a sewer system for Marshfield, Wisconsin. 1900 BS Eng. Joint author: STone, Melvin B. IHLING, Herbert Martin See: Becker, Elmer W. ILGNER, Howard Frederick Test on a 2250 K.W. combined high pressure reciprocating steam engine and low pressure turbine unit at the plant of the Wisconsin 135 Traction Light, heat and Power Company, Appleton, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Miller, B.E. An investigation of the shapes of pole shoes of a dynamo in regard to commutation and sparking. 1905 BS Eng. INEUSCH, Walter Henry The Leich four party line telephone system and some investigations of its limitations. 1905 ES Eng. INGERSOLL, Alfred Cajori See: Eklund, Carl 1). INGNAN, William E. See: Eredeson, Robert INGWERSEN, Charles Henry Waste treatment studies with rotary tubes. 1954 ES Civil Eng. INNES, John Langseth See: Calkins, Robert S. INNES, William Wallace Some tests to determine the effect of viscosities of tar and creosote mixtures on their penetration in wood. 1915 IRVING, Thomas Joseph See: Balch, L.a. ISABELLA, Joseph James Recent developments in concrete pavement design and construction. 1928 ES Civil Eng. ISABELLA, Nicholas Michael The influence of the umbrella protection on the accuracy of precise levelling operations. 1913 BS Civil Eng. (&tcareQ ~fl Joint author: Seifert, Andrew ISBERNER, Albert Walter Jr. JACOBS, Ernest R. 136 Volume change characteristics of masonary cements. 1953 ES Civil Eng. ITZKOWITZ, Nathan Investigation of Dane County Poor Farm and Asylum sewage disposal plant and proposed redesign. 1941 Joint authors: Pollack, Max Spiekermann, John IVERSON, Carl See: Dittloff, Fred A. IVES, Clifford Elihu The theory and design of a belt dynamometer. 1919 ES Mech. Eng. IVES, Frederick Walter See: Drew, Harold W. JACKSON, Elizabeth Anne A site plan for the redevelopment of a substandard area, Madison, Wisconsin. 1954 ES Civil Eng. JACKSON, George Stephenson A study of sky brightness. 1918 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Maercker, Alexander C. JACKSON, Herbert Harvey — V~ ~c;y 1 See: Darrow, Reginald A. JACKSON, Ray A report on the Milwaukee River flood control project. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Magee, Kenneth L. JACKSON, Raymond Elmer Rainfall runoff relations, Little Mesaba Creek Basin. 1956 Civil Eng. Joint author: Renard, Kenneth G. JACOB, Elmer Acred See: Christensen, Adolph E. An investigation into the breaking down points for perfect lubrication under varying speeds, pressures and temperatures. 1905 ES Eng. 137 Joint authors: Smith, William H. Vinson, Albert W. JACOBSEN, Robert Fred Pavement deflections under dynamic loadings. 1954 ES Civil Eng. JACOBSON, Carl Joseph Mechanical sieve shaker. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Sturgeon, Edward T. JACOBSON, Jesse Ernest The electrolytic separation of nickel and cobalt. 1906 ES Eng. JACQUES, Howard Ernest Design of a reinforced concrete frame for a two—story memorial build— ing. 1949 ES JAEGER, Walter Carl William See: Congdon, Claire C. JAEHNIG, Gordon Henry The effect of overstress in fatigue on the endurance life at a subsequent overstress. 1943 ES JAI-INKE, John Walter Trends in railway yard and terminal relocation with particular reference to Madison. 1954 BS Civil Eng. JAHNS, Lowell Timber design of an outdoor theater screen tower. 1953 ES Civil Eng. JIMPS, Benjamin Winfield Tests on gas and gasoline engines. 1897 ES Eng. Joint author: Lueth, E.S. JA~SON, Philip Alexander JANNSEN, Walter Anon A study of defective high tension insulators. 1916 JAMIESON, John Rodney 138 The design of a West Washington Avenue subway at Madison, Wisconsin, to eliminate grade crossing with the Illinois Central and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railways. 1912 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Kroening, R.H. Markwardt, L.J. Trayer, G.W. JANDA, Harold Frederick Variation in ductility and penetration of asphaltic mixtures with increase of filler content. 1916 JANDACEK, Emil James Design of a spandrel filled reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1935 Civil Eng. JANICKI, Harry Roman THe design of a reinforced concrete building. 1927 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Singer, Ben E. JMTICKI, Leo Casimir See: Hahn, Harold S. JANKUS, Anniset Allan The design of a six story reinforced concrete office building. .19 39 Joint author: Krahn, Richard G. JANN, Richard Herman The effect of preaeration of sewage on performance of primary clarifiers. 1955 Civil Eng. %S A design of a 25—ton basic open hearth furnace and its manipulation. 1915 JANZER, Lorin Henry The design of a spandrel filled reinforced concrete arch highway bridge loading. 1925 ES Civil Eng. JARDINE, Zac The separation of the grade crossing of the Illinois Central Railway and the Madison—Verona section of Wisconsin State Highway 19. 1925 ES Civil Eng. 139 JARVIS, James Albert Analysis of bridge deflections. 1952 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Johnson, Charles W. Johnson, Gaylord N. Sterna, Robert L. JASKANIEC, Eugene Wiegt Tests of the shear bond of high strength mortar to brick. 1934 JASPER, Howard Paul Pavement deflection under dynamic loadings. 1951 135 Civil Eng. .JENISTA, George John — The design, construction, and test of a magnetic hammer. 1906 ES Eng. JENKINSON, Paul Merrill Recent trends in continuous welded rail practive. 1956 Civil Eng. JENKS, Robert Jeremiah Estimating and comparing stream discharges in the Snake River Basin. 1933 ES Civil Eng. JEIWE, Robert Daniel JOH~tNNTNG, Joseph William The effect of homogeneity on the permeability of steel and the construction of a permeability bridge. 1898 BS Eng. Joint author: Smith, Philip S. JENNERJOHN, D.J. Control of storage above Du Bay Dam. 1944 BS JENS, Roland Efficiency tests on a Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company’s 25 H.P. crude oil engine. 1916 Joint author: Stuart, Charles W. JENSEN, Harold William The hydraulic jump and its relation to the dissipation of energy. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Saks, John S. JENSEN, Howard Russell See~ Bessert, John H. JENSON, Carl William 140 Purification of water for railroad purposes. 1904 ES Eng. JENTZ, Gilbert Laurence The investigation and determination of the efficiency of some small sewage treatment plants. 1930 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Poss, Robert J. JERRARD, Leigh Patterson See: Gross, George L. JOERS, C.E. Design of a flexible progressive traffic control system for East Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin. 1950 ES Joint author: Lopez, R.R. Adapting steel to farm structures. 1955 ES Civil Eng. JOHNS, Edward Francis See: Faber, N.E. JOHNSON, Arden Richard Electrolytic production of metallic calcium. 1906 BS Eng. JOHNSON, Alfred Wilhelm Traffic study on Niddleton—Madison Highway (Dane County, Wisconsin). 1939 JOHNSON, Arnold Wilfred A study of tractive resistance of two types of trucks under several load conditions. 1950 ES Civil Eng. JOHNSON, Arthur Louis See: Hadfield, Ray H. JOHNSON, Bruce Carl Combined performance characteristics of centrifugal pumps. 1948 BS Joint author: Slater , John G. JOHNSON, Clifford Edward Effect of vibration in placement on the properties of concrete. Joint authors: icrone, R.H. Randolph, B.H. 141 JOHNSON, Chester Nels Test of a thirty—inch Samson turbine. 1908 ES Eng. Joint authors: Kruesi, Frank E. Palmer, Edward A. JOHNSON, Clarence Nathan Design and test of an electric instantaneous water heater. 1909 ES Eng. materials. 1909 BS Eng.JOHNSON, Charles William See: Jarvis, James A. JOHNSON, Donald Burnell Model test of proposed Petenwell Spillway. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Rein, Edward N’. Skatrud, Harlan V. JOHNSON, Earl Arthur The performance of mechanical— pneumatic water hammer arresters on compound pipes. 1940 Joint authors: Moore, Arthur Van Sickle, Norman E. JOHNSON, Francis Ellis Traffic conditions and electrical problems involved in a city railway design. 1909 ES Eng. JOHNSON, Frederick May See: Hunt, H.J. JOHNSON, Gaylord Merlin See: Jarvis, James A. JOHNSON, Glen Leroy — .Lt ~. -~ See: Haevers, William JOHNSON, Godfrey See: Emerson, Ernest W. JOHNSON, Gordon Gasmann See: Hoppe, Alfred G. JOHNSON, Guy Max~e11 142 Preparation of iron and steel surfaces by sand—blast and pickling. 1906 135 Eng. Joint authors: La Dow, C.V. Robertson, L.E. JOHNSON, Herbert Eric A study of wood as a structural material. 1942 Civil Eng. JOHNSON, Harold Lyle See: Anderson, Keith F. JOHNSON, John Franklin Design of a 630 kilowatt continuous current generator. 1916 Joint author: Salmon, Wallis S. JOHNSON, John Hugo See: Beisky, Charles J. JOHNSON, James Warren Comparative tests of new billet steel and rerolled steel reinforcing bars. 1922 BS JOHNSON, Kenneth Frazer A comparison of various methods for determining the percentage of entrained air in fresh concrete. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint author: Zuehlke, George H. JOHNSON, Maurice An investigation of the systems available for long distance electric railway work. 1911 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Lighbody, J.N. JOHNSON, Neil Edward See: Binning, Jack Edward JOHNSON, Owen John Design of a reinforced concrete apartment house. 1948 BS Joint author: Olson, ~dward L. JOHNSON, Page Albert See: Henkel, Robert H. JOHNSON, Paul Browning 143 See: Carey, A.B. JOHNSON, Phillip Hafford Electric railway motor control systems and a study of resistance JOHNSON. R.A. JONES, Louis Dewitt - - An analysis of stresses in concrete pavements. 1950 ES JOHNSON, R.E. The effect of length of shear area on the shear strength of wood. 1950 BS Joint author: Larson, W.C. JOHNSON, Robert Hiram See: Harrison, S.H. JOHNSON, Roy Linton —. Pavement deflections under dynamic loadings. 1952 135 Civil Eng. JOHNSON, Wayne William The effect of salt additions in producing friction on icy pavements. 1937 Joint author: McKinnon, Paul F. JOINER, Robert Gaige Design of sand and sheet metal bomb proof shelter. 1942 Civil Eng. JONES, Albert Curtis An investigation of the inherent errors in electrical standardizing apparatus. 1914 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Kranz, Hermann E. JONES, Charles Alvin See: Bell, G.W. JONES, Charles Edward Rapid sand filters as exemplified by the Louisville and Cincinnati plants. 1910 135 Eng. Joint author: Roherty, John N. 144 JONES, George Harvey Complete tests of American electricity meters of the motor type. 1897 BS Eng. Joint author: Schuchardt, R.F. See: Fraser, John JONES, Richard See: Heidemann, Walter R. JONES, Richard Henry Relative effects of intrinsic brilliancy and intensity of the light source on the blinding effect. 1915 Joint author: Kamantique, G.M. JONES, Robert Gordon See: Amundson, C.H. JONES, William Nelson ---- -. - .Investigation of the University water supply system. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Walter, Roscoe G. JORDAN, Raymond Wood THe development and financing of English Garden cities. 1916 JORSTAD, Clarence Melrose Valuation of Minnesota railroads by the stock and bond and net income methods for a period of five years ending June 30, 1903. 1905 Joint author: Larson, C.M. JORSTAD, Floyd Oswald An investigation of the performance of the induction type of watt— hour meter at various power fackors. 1915 Joint author: Kile, R.B. JORSTAD, Osmund Marcellus KALVELAGE, Clemens The cost and economy of mechanical refrigeration as determined by a series of tests of the refrigerating plant of the steam laboratory of the University of Wisconsin. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: MacArthur, Donald JUERGENS, Hubert Frederic N.P. Willis and personal journal— ism. 1915 145 JUNKERI’IkNN, Charles Gustavus See: Henkel, Robert H. KABAT, Francis John Design of playgrounds. 1936 KACHEL, William Frederick The design of a sewage system for La Farge, Wisconsin. 1908 BS Eng. KACHEL, William Fredrich Jr. The design of a steel deck scow. 1933 ES Civil Eng. KACHEL, William Russell The design of a high rate trick— ling filter sewage treatment plant for the city of Rice Lake, Wisconsin. 1949 ES Civil Eng. KAHN, Gustave Edmund See: Gilman, James N. KALINSKE, Anton Adam Preliminary investigations for an intercepter and a sewage disposal plant for Reedsburg, Wisconsin. 1933 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Weston, Roy F. KALSOHED, Edward Albert A means of measuring the effect of wave forms upon the iron loss in transformers. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Mainland, James Design of a motor generator set. 1921 ES Elect. Eng. KAMANTIQUE, Gonzalo Manela See: Jones, Richard H. KAMPNEIER, Robert Allen Design of a prestressed concrete girder for a highway bridge. 1954 ES Civil Eng. KANESHIGE, Harry H. — Pavement deflection under dynamic loading. 1951 ES Civil Eng. 146 KARGER, Frank Tests to determine the effects of consistency and gradation of aggregate on different mixes of concrete. 1920 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Stiles, Dwight H. KARTAK, Franz August Thermal efficiency test of the water gas set of the Madison Gas and Electric Company. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: Steinberg, E.J. KASEGUMA, Robert Kujoshi Determination of “N” values of concrete trickling filter blocks. 1955 135 Civil Eng. KASTLER, Edward Louis An investigation of the effect upon the economy of a kerosene engine of mixing water with the charge. 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Suhs, G.H. KAUFMAN, John F. Pavement deflections under dynamic loading. 1951 ES Civil Eng. KAULFUSS, Julius Ernest See: Cerna, Santiago k<NiMkE1MEP~ Edwin Andrew Design of a constant current high efficiency incandescent lamp for dry cell service. 1916 KAUPS, Taavi The design of tapered round wooden columns.. 1953 135 Civil Eng. KAY, John Stephen See: Disbrow, Harry Clyde KAYSEN, James Philo Proposed railroad improvements Madison, Wisconsin. 1933 BS Civil Eng. KAYSER, Edward Matthew See: Burke, T.J. KAYSER, Nicholas James 147 A determination of the pressure loss in blowing air through heating coils. 1910 BS Eng. KAZIM, Mehmet Behaddin High—speed Diesel engines. 1930 BS Mech. Eng. KAZNERCHAK, Robert Joseph Practability of use of mine detectors for location of survey monuments. 1954 135 Civil Eng. KEACHIE, George Robertson An investigation of the behavior of large steel plates resting freely on the periphery and sustaining a load applied at the center. 1903 ES Eng. KEA1~EY, Edgar See: Hoefer, A.U. KEATOR, Edward Hollis ~- ~ 7-. See: Dean, Harry J. KEHR, Carl Neriman See: Hosler,. Harry KERR, Richard Hoefener Design of sewerage facilities for Orchard Ridge, 3rd addition. 1953 BS Civil Eng. KELLER, Aloysius Deony See: Belsky, C.J. KELLER, Arthur Edward See: Burgess, Edward W. KELLER, Carl A. A comparative test of the conductivity of rail joints and pipe joints. 1899 BS Eng. Joint author: Olson, Louis N. KELLER, Roy Avery See: Bliss, W.D. 148 KELLEY, James Patrick Hydraulic characteristics of spiral flow aeration tanks. 1948 ES Joint authors: Lord, Richard H. Witte, Roger 14. KELLEY, Jerry Donald See: Horn, Jack H. KELLEY, John Warren See: Gmeiner, Donald KELLEY, Patrick John See: DeLay, Frederic A. KELLEY, Thomas Francis See: Curtin, James H. KELLOGG, Rufus H. See: Braasch, Frederick W. See: Geltch, E.W. von KEMP, William Bilton — ICESTING, Edwin Carl KENNEDY, Frank Albert Application of Kutter’s formula to Niagara River. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Wright, Allen E. KENNEY, Edward Leander See: Aschenbrener, Rudolph A. KENT, Hugh The flow over weirs with sloping crests. 1924 135 Civil Eng. Joint author: Sogard, L.T. KERLER, Ernest Alfred The effect of harmonics in the impressed voltage wave on the torque characteristics of three phase induction motors. 1920 135 Elect. Eng. Joint author: Lamont, Dallas R. KERNAN, Thomas Harold Concentration of a low grade mag— netite. 1916 KERR, Henry Halieck 149 Water rheostats. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. V~EwvTULft~ .,vJ. L See-~ Cc3nn~.\ ,~R. t~ KESSLER, Lewis Harold Mr lift pump performance with size of education pipe increasing upward from the foot piece. 1922 BS Joint author: Rover, Olaf N. KESTER, William Hudson Hydraulic characteristics of drainage control dams. 1936 Joint author: Lincoln, Frederick W. An analytical study of the kinematic and dynamic similarity of flow in wrought iron pipes. 1930 ES Civil Eng. KETCHUM, Harold Edwin See: Hatch, Samuel R. KETCHUM, Ross Whitney Hydrologic summary Lake Mendota tributaries. 1954 BS Civil Eng. ICETELHOHN, Alfred Hugo The relation of city planning to modern street traffic. 1925 ES Civil Eng. KEYES, Dudley Hyde Commercial efficiency test of the Equitable Light and Power Company’s plant at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1906 BS Eng. KIDDER, Charles Pomeroy An investigation of elbows as a means for measuring flow of water. 1920 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Rheingans, William J. Wiepking, Christopher A. KIEHL, Wallace Phillip See: Dutcher, John 13. KIENDL, Oscar George Comparison of physical properties of concretes made of three varieties of coarse aggregates. 1938 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Maldari, Joe A. KIETANAN, William Arthur 150 A history of high tension transmission. 1912 BS Elect. Eng. RILE, Roy Brook KIRCHOPPER, William Gray See: Jorstad, Floyd 0. KIMBALL, John Thoroughgood See: Engsberg, R.W. KING, Arthur Charles Power plant and sub—station test of the Oshkosh Street railway system. 1901 BS Eng. Joint authors: Nicolaus, A.A. Palmer, Ray KING, Bernard Frank See: Every, Edward M. KING, Frank Simpson Proposed railroad improvements at Janesville, Wisconsin. 1940 KING. Max Werner See: Harlacher, Lloyd R. KING, Ted Roosevelt Sumpter Hill relocation. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Maiers, Joseph A. KING, Tower Wadsworth Calibration of pitot tubes for air measurements. 1919 ES Elect Eng. KINNE, William Spaulding See: Flaig, J. KINSEY, Thomas Roland See: Cole, Robert F. KIRCH, Charles Hugo See: Slomeyer, R.S. KIRCH, Louis Adolf See: Gumprecht, Henry Herman 151 See: Coombs, E.C. KIRK, Allen Taylor See: Biersach, R. KIRTLAND, Eugene McKinley Behavior of spring washers under load. 1937 Nech. Eng. Joint author: Losse, Robert 0. KISLINGBURY, Henry George The development of an electrical method of measuring the flow of gases. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Wiggins, Edward R. KITAGAWA, Tometaro The Weiser irrigation project. 1911 ES Civil Eng. KITZE, Frederick Francis Determination of suspended solids by the centrifuge method. 1939 Joint author: Saxer, Edward L. KLATTE, Alfonzo Julius See: Coon, Royden J. KLECK, Carl Frederick The cooling of internal combustion engines by the injection of water into the cylinder. 1914 BS Nech. Eng. Joint author: Miller, W.F. KLEIMENHAGEN, Karl Christian See: Fahlberg, Ernest D. KLEIN, Eugene George, Jr. Development of design stresses for glued laminated southern pine structural members. 1956 Civil Eng. See: Harrison, Chester J. KLEMA, Roy Lester RLOTZ, Charles Harry See: Gibert, Alfred L. KLEMENT, Elmore Fred 152 The causes and methods of reducing cracks on concrete highways with special reference to Madison, Wisconsin. 1922 ES KLETTKE, Arnold Julius — Effect of the speed of loading on the modulus of rupture of plain concrete. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Webster, Donald W. White, Frank P. KLIEGER, Paul See: Engdahl, Robert L. KLINE, Natt Joseph Resistance to flow of water through gate valves. 1914 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Tanghe, Edward F. KLING, Gary Henry See: Hird, Francis L. KLINGER, William August See: Hammond, L.M. KLOMAN, Edward John The cementing properties of reground waylite flour. 1944 BS Joint author: Schmidt, Richard E. KLOSSNER, D.C. Design of earth fill dam at Janes— yule, Wisconsin. 1950 ES Joint authors: Levihn, P. Lobb, H.J. Jr. KLOTSCH, Karl William THe recovery of cyanogen and sulphur in the manufacture of coal gas. 1914 ES them. Eng. KLOTZ, Frederick Francis The design of a reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge. 1948 ES Joint author: Streiff, Ray E. KLUG, Lebrecht Julius Design of a proposed elevated and surface railroad from Milwaukee to North Milwaukee. 1898 BS Eng. Joint author: Swaty, D.Y. 153 KNECHTCES, Oswald John An experimental study of the hydraulics of deep wells and deep well pumping at Monroe and Madison, Wisconsin. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Korfmacher, John A. Oakey, John A. KNEER. Vernon Ralph A study of the flood situation at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Trier, R.J. KNEEVERS, Victor August The erosion of a Southwestern Wisconsin clay. 1935 Civil Eng. KNELL, Karl See: Dysland, L.S. KNOERR, David Charles See: Barnes, Glen Edward KNOERR, Rudolph Robert A study of some forms of permanent magnets. 1920 BS Elect. Eng. KNOKE, Calvin Arthur The effect of end packing and thickness of specimen upon the compressive strength of laterally supported wood specimens. 1945 Joint author: Wright, Lyall, Jr. KNOLL, Waldemar Arthur KOENIG, Herman Henry Report of a two hundred ton mine in Bisbee, Arizona. 1914 ES Mm. Eng. KNOLLIN, Albert Jason, Jr. See: Hoe, George N. KNOP, Gerhardt Ernst Subdivision of Orchard Ridge, Third Addition at Madison, Wisconsin. 1952 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Watson, Robert W. KNOWLES, James Harry The transmission of hydrostatic pressure through materials used in the construction of reservoir walls. 1899 ES Eng. 154 Joint author: Stewart, R.W. KNUDSEN, Ejorne Development of an underground iron ore mine on the Mesabi Range. 1915 KNUDSON, Vernon Everett The design of a cylindrical reinforced concrete grain—storage bin. 1947 ES KNUTh, Tony Byron See: Byron, C.L KOCH,, Frederick Otto See: Clark, C.0 KOCH, Thomas Donald A study of joints in concrete pavements. 1953 BS Civil Eng. KOCH, Walter John See: Hodge, J.S. A study of a semi—indirect lighting system for the State Historical Library. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Shapiro, Samuel R. KOENIG, Meinhard Carl Steel overshop water wheel. 1911 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Steinhagen, E.D. KOHL, Oliver Bernard See: Earle, Roy Raymond KOHN, Alvin John Design of an ideal telephone exchange. 1910 ES Eng. KOJIS, Daniel D. Allowable loads for common bolts at yarious angles to the grain for southern yellow pine. 1953 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Postweiler, Reinhart H. 155 KOLEECK, Henry John See: Elabaum, Carl John KOLETZKE, Max Ferdinand A survey of the water distribution system of Madison, Wisconsin by analysis of the flouride content. 1949 Joint authors: McKillip, Richard L. Schindelholz, Robert 0. K0LF5?R. C, Se.e.t Fecr€\., bcn~\ rk. KOMMERS, Jesse Benjamin The use of laminated pole pieces in telephone receivers. 1906 BS Eng. Joint author: Peck, B.H. KONTOS, Thomas James See: Hirsch, Robert Edmund K0~BITZ, William Emil KRAATZ, Karl Louis An investigation of the softening of Madison City water by the lime soda process. 1948 ES KORFMACHER, John Albert See: Knechtges, Oswald J. KORNDOERFER, Claus Wolfgang The design of a reinforced concrete factory building. 1948 135 Joint author: Mohr, John E. KORPADY, Edward Alfred Investigation and design of a reinforced concrete rigid—frame overhead. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint author: Naeser, C.J. KORST, Philip Burch See: Harrison, S.H. KOTTKE, Paul Kenneth Design of mill building. 1956 Civil Eng. Joint author: Taschner, Raymond G. KOTTNAUER, Edwin Hubert A bibliography of the corrosion and protection of metals. 1914 ES Chem. Eng. 156 KOTZ, Samuel Elwin See: Harker, Dave Leece KOWALKE, Otto Louis On the separation of iron from zinc in mixed sulphide ores. 1906 ES Eng. KOZAREK, Steven Aloizy See: Blomeyer, R.S The effect of moisture of the fuel charge of a gasoline engine. 1911 ES Nech. Eng. Joint author: Wegner, A.A. KRAEMBR, Eugene Adolph Performance of a combination aerator and clarifier activated sludge plant at Verona, Wisconsin. 1939 Joint author: Thompson, Glen A. KRAHN, Richard Gordon See: Jankus, Anniset A. KRAHN, William Otto Herman See: Glaettli, John, Jr. KRANZ, Hermann Ernest See: Jones, A.C. KRASIN, Lawrence Lester See: Angoli, Leonard E. KRATSCH, William Herman See: Comstock, Nathan KRCHMA, D.I. A study of the relationship of city planning and housing in the city of Madison, Wisconsin. 1950 ES KREJCHIK, Glenn Charles Model studies of spillway of the Big Eau Pleine Dam. 1938 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Michalos, James P. 157 Tuhus, Kenneth (M.S.) Viereg, Donald A. KREMBRS, Jbhn G. The purification of beet sugar juices by electrolysis. 1898 ES Eng. KREUZ, Louis George The hydrogenation of cotton seed oil. 191-7 BS chem. Eng. KREZ, Frederick William See~ Barth, Karl P. KRIEGEL, Herbert George Design of a sanitary sewerage system for Tigerton, Wisconsin. 1947 Civil Eng. KRIEGER, Elmer Carl A study of Milwaukee’s traffic problem and a proposed remedy. 1925 BS Civil Eng. KRINGEL, August Emil See: Boon, L.F. KRIPPNER, Arthur Frederick The design of a telephone exchange for the village of Deerfield, Wisconsin. 1904 BS Eng. KROENING, George Clarence The design of a continuous frame bridge. 1934 Civil Eng. JOint author: Viereg, John Richard KROENING, RAlph Henry See: Jainieson, J.R. KRONCKE, EArl Alfred See: Breimeister, Harry KRONE, Robert Hall See: Johnson, Clifford E. KRONHOLN, Herbert 0. 158 An introduction to light gage steel design. 1952 BS Civil Eng. KRUEGER, Carl Henry See: Feller, Wm. R. KRUEGER, E~rl Andrew The effect of air inclusions on concrete. 1944 Civil Eng. KRUEGER, Forrest Julius A study of the characteristics of secondary electrical standard instru— inents. 1915 Joint author: Poston, Virgil KRUESI, Frank Eugene See: Johnson, Chester N. KRUGER, Kenneth Walter A survey of safety island practice in the United States. 1933 BS Civil Eng. KRUMREY, Robert Garfield Tests and some investigations of an inherently self—starting single— phase induction motor. 1903 BS Eng. KRUSE, Harry Jacob See: Edmund, Charles E. KRYSHAK, Edward Peter See: Byrne, Norbert E. KRYSHAK, Joseph Stanislaus See: Bullen, Paul W. KRYZINSKT, Antony Jacob Speed acceleration and torque characteristics of a Cutler—Hammer magnetic clutch. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Morton, James D. KUEBLER, George Benjamin See: Alter, F.L. KUNESH, Joseph Francis A determination of the coefficients of pitot tubes for air measurement. 1920 ES Nech. Eng. 159 KUEBLER, Robert Walter Treatment of wasted from the brewing and distilling industries —— a literature review. 1951 ES Civil Eng. KUELLING, Herbert John An economic study of a proposed industry track at Shullsburg, Wisconsin. 1908 BS Eng. Joint author: Sherman, J.R. KUENTZ, Oscar Otto See: Gibson, W.G. KUENZI, Edward William See: Carpenter, Willis A. KUENZLI, Daniel Henry See: Grupp, Herbert C. KUHL, Herman Charles See: Fisher, R.W. KUHNS, George Roland A commercial test of low tension magnetos. 1913 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Whomes, Walter D. KUHTA, John Constantine Study of annual precipitation in Wisconsin. 1937 Joint author: Kutchera, Don H. KULP, Jthn Herman See: Behm, Wilfred W. KUMMER, Milton Frederick The reactions of motorists at arterial intersections and railroad grade crossings. 1935 BS Civil Eng. KURTH, James Albert See: Ackermann, William C. KURTZ, Charles Nears See: Brown, Perry F. 160 KIJRTZ, Edwin Bernard Depreciation and replacement insurance of public utility equipment. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. KURTZ, Edward Mart~r~eau. Test of experimental compound engine with respect to the efficiency of the steam jacket. 1894 ES Eng. Joint authors: Stanchfield, Bartley Woodward, William L. KURZ, Louis David Nore efficient organization and management of X,Y and Co. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. KUSTERMANN, Walter Wolleben See: Austin, E.W. KUTCHERA, Don Henry See: Kuhta, John C. KUTCHERA, Ralph John Energy dissipators for drop inlets. 1939 Joint author: Tamm, William H. KUTSGHERA, William Jacob See: Faber, N.E. KUTZKE, William Arthur Models in hydraulics. 1929 BS Civil Eng. KYPKE, Clark Henry LADWIG, Frank Christian LA DOW, Carl Vernon — See: Johnson, G.M. Corrosion of metals in citric acid. 1909 BS Eng. LACEY, Frank Herbert The deposition of gold from cyanide solutions. 1901 BS Eng. LACEY, William Randolph Testing of asphaltic paints. 161 1915 LA CHAPELLE, Harris Andrew See: Cardinal, A.L. LA CHAPELLE, Merle Peter See: Abbott, C.H. LACHER, Walter Scott The elimination of grade crossing with the C. & N.W. Railroad and C.M.& St. P. Railroad on East Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Pease, B.S. Van Meter, T.E. LACHMUND, Herman An investigation as to the possibility of using a spruce turpentine— alcohol mixture as a fuel for internal combustion engines. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Moeller, R. Murray, H.E. LADD, Lester Lyle Influence of varying channel in the flow over an 18” weir. 1909 Civil Eng. Joint author: Storer, Raymond F. LADEMAN, Otto Thilo See: Eergenthal, Victor W. An economic investigation of a by—pass highway for South Madison. 1931 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Staeffler, Richard P. Vilen, Frank I. Zibell, Jerome W. LADWIG, William John An oscillographic determination of the coil current wave in a three phase and six phase synchronous converter. 1920 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Naxson, R.H. LAFFEY, William Thomas Effect of submergence on the discharge over sharp crested weirs. 1948 ES Joint author: Rizzo, Frank 162 MINE, Erick John A study of the feasibility of marketing an automatic electronic metal detector for the lumber industry. 1955 ES Civil Eng. LM~ECK, Thomas Joseph The effect of use on new and reclaimed motor lubricating oils. 1933 BS Mech. Eng. LKMONT, Dallas Ralph See: Kerler, Ernest A. LAMONT, Maurice Brereton See: Bickeihaupt, C.0. LAMOREAUX, Edison Sibert See:.Gordon, Dale E. LAM’ERT, Benjamin Harrison Design of a hydro—electric plant at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Ray, J.M. LA_ThBERG, Donald Charles LANGENBERG, Arthur John, Jr. Design of a sewage treatment plant. 1955 BS Civil Eng. LANDGRAF, Fred Karl The efficiency of refrigerating machines. 1898 BS Eng. Joint author: Schneider, Henry C. LANDSNESS, Gerhard Tilmon Oliver A comparison of concrete mix design methods and results of tests. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Vik, Harold 0. LANDWEHR, Edgar Albert See: Boeck, Ralph E. LANDWEHR, Waldemar John See: Field, George H. LANE, Edward Neil Wiltamuth An investigation of apparatus for the measurement of small differences of pressure or velocity heads in water. 1929 BS Civil Eng. 163 LANG, Donald Irving See: Engel, Milton 0. LANGE, Ernest Otto Albert An oscillograph study of defective high tension insulators. 1915 Joint author: Skinner, Merrill E. LANGE, Herbel Arthur The effect of eduction pipe size on air lift pump performance. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Puerner, Bertram H. LANGE, Sylvin Rae See: Donaldson, Robert S. Comparative steel truss designs of welded and riveted construction. 1947 Civil Eng. LANGENEGGER, Albert U. Model study of erosion below Port Arthur Dam. 1956 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Sorensen, Alf, H. LANGTEAU, Richard Russell Highway excavation costs with modern equipment. 1937 LANGWILL, John Sutherland THe manufacture of a hand metal punch. 1911 BS Nech. Eng. LANGWORTHY, Edward Phelps The design of H&oult electric furnace. 1913 ES Mech. Eng. LARKIN, Fred Viall Mechanical lubrication 1906 ES Eng. LARSEN, Albert Comparative tests on a cross compound engine using dry, saturated and superheated steam with and without jacketing the low pressure cylinder. 1905 ES Eng. Joint authors: Morrissey, Patrick W. Rowley, Francis B. Sherron, Frank J. LARSEN, Elwood Melvin 164 Experimental investigation of rapid sand filtration of Lake Mendota under summer conditions. 1947 Civil En g. LARSEN, Herman A discussion and experimental study of pile driving. 1913 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Tack, i’1.A. LARSEN, James Henry LATHROP, William Frederic A power study of the Nekoosa— Edwards paper company and the feasibility of further power development at Nekoosa. 1932 ES Civil Eng. LARSEN, Robert Leonard Comparative tests of automobile carburetors. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Page, Harry A. LARSON, Alfred Victor The performance of a gasoline engine as affected by variation of temperature of the fuel charge. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: Ripley, F.H. LARSON, Clarence Meirose See: Jorstad, C..M. LARSON, Frederick Hans See: Ballantine, William G. LARSON. John Allan See: Bensel, Heinz L. LARSON, Louis Nartinus See: Bandli, Edward N. LP.RSCt~3, V~i. C. ?xte: .~& tcne~R. E. LASCHE, Russell Herbert Report on the preliminary investigation of the proposed hydro— electric development on the Eel River near Cataract, Indiana. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Meeuwsen, Quentin J. LATHERS, Victor Mathew 165 The loss of head in pipe of two inch diameter due to “5” “Twisted S” and “U” bends. 1926 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Radke, Walter L. LATHROP, Leigh Hunt See: Chamberlain, F.A. A commercial test of rheostats. 1902 ES Eng. Joint author: Terven, L.A. LAUDERDALE, Jesse Edward A guarantee test of a 1000 kilowatt Allis—Chalmers turbo— generator equipped with a Le Blanc condenser, 500 horse power sterling boiler, with Jones’ underfeed stokers. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. Joint authors: Oehler, A.G. Phipps, Roy C. Slade, J.L. LADE, Gilbert Eric See: Broders, C.E. LAUNDERS, Gordon Avery See: Debbink, John Peter LAURGAARD, Glenn Olaf The rate of hardening of bitu— minized cement. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Maersch, J.M. LAURGAARD, Olaf The design of a concrete—steel arch dam for water power at Melrose, Wisconsin. 1903 ES Eng. LAUTZ, George Henry See: Howson, L.R. LAWRENCE, Francis Wolcott The Wisconsin River levee system at Portage, Wisconsin. 1906 ES Eng. LAWRENCE, Frank Henry See: Dunlap, Guy Lewis LEA, Henry Leslie See: Friend, J.H. 166 1939LEA, John McKenzie The effect of a unidirectional magnetism upon the self—inductance of a coil having an iron core. 1902 ES Eng. LEANAN, Donald David The application of the centrifuge for quick determination of suspended solids in activated sludge mixtures. 1940 LEASMAN, Emil Leo Wisconsin peat and its by—products. 1907 ES Eng. LEE, Allan The preparation of pure tungsten. 1904 ES Eng. LEE, Norman See: Cahoon~ On ~c Lee, Robert Edward The effect of surface treatment on the resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing. 1945 Civil Eng. Joint author: Zucker, Donald J. LEFEVRE, Winf red C. See: Engelhardt, Robert L. LEGG, Ernest Friend A study of the illumination of interiors. 1901 ES Eng. Joint author: Townsend, Hubert I. LEGREID, Herman Nicholas See: Hayes, Michael T. LEHMANN, Kenneth Frederick Economic comparison of various types of reinforced concrete columns. LEIGH, Oscar Martin Tests of alternating current fan motors. 1898 ES Eng. LE~fl3CKE, Louis William Wind stresses in a building frame. 1927 ES Civil Eng. 167 LEMKE, Arthur Athniel Rational calculation of runoff from Wisconsin drainage areas. 1934 LE!€E, George Arthur Discharge coefficients of a submerged dam. 1936 Joint authors: Leopold, Luna B. Ter Maath, Bernard H. LEMON, Luther E. See: Carisen, Charles J. LENNON, Hawley Daniel The transportation factor in the iron and steel industry of the Great Lakes region of the United States. 1902 ES Eng. LENSCHOW, Henry John The design of a hydroelectric power development on a northern Wisconsin river. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wickesberg, Alfred N. LENZ, Arno Thomas See: Elleson, Earl J. LEOPOLD, Luna Bergere See: Lemke, George A. LEVL\-il’~ 1’. Se~ tK\essc~ar5 t. C~ LEVIN, Jacob See: Brandenburg, William C. LEWIS, Charles MacLeod See: Hinn, W.H. LIDRAL, John Frank High temperature annealing and the effect of reheating of malleable castings. 1916 LEWIS, Robert Dudley The effects of the different systems of ignition on the fuel consumption of a gas engine. 1909 BS Eng. LEWY, Daniel The design of a power plant for a modern office building. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Smith, John R. 168 LEY, Herbert Henry Effect of certain chemicals upon the compaction of fine—grained soils. 1940 Civil Eng. Joint author: Vroman, George N. LIANG, Wen Paul Transportation study with view to electrification of interurban road between Madison and Janesville, Wisconsin. 1918 BS Elect. Eng. LIBBY, Lawrence Noses See: Colburn, Avery R. LIDDLE, George Frederick See: Hastings, William H. LIDICKER, Harold Clyde See: Bourkland, Walter M. LIDIQCER, Roger Kline An experimental study of chemical precipitation of activated sludge at Monroe, Wisconsin. 1933 BS Civil Jtng. Joint author: Ottensman, Clarence W. LIDICKER, William Zander See: Heimerl, George J. LIEBER, William Henry The steam turbine unit in a small electric light and power station. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Nordberg, E.V.E. Wachenfeld, S.C. Winkler, Wm. K. LIEBERT, Arthur Eugene A study to determine the value of the Blonck efficiency meter as a guide toward efficient boiler operation. 1920 ES Mech. Efl~. Joint author: Lindeman, H.E. LIEBMANN, Joachim Ernest Bonding a fresh concrete to a hardened concrete with a vibrator. 1936 Joint author: Stiemke, Robert E. 169 LIGHT, Robert Ferguson See: Blau, H.A. LIGUTEODY, James Nichols See: Johnson, N. LILJA. Edgar D. A paper on electromagnetic induction. 1924 LILLARD, Paul Tailway ties, with special reference to the use of reinforced concrete. 1915 LILLESAND, Lynn Norman A study of hunting in synchronous motors. 1920 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Radke, Orville 2. See: Hester, William H. LINCCIIq, Frederick William LIPPERT, James Henry See: Dent, Arlie R. LINDEM, Olaf James Design of a covered sand filter for Marinette, Wisconsin. 1900 ES Eng LINDENANN, Herbert Edward See: Liebert, Arthur E. LINDEMANN. Walter Carl See: Brownlee, Frank R. LINDEN. John Carl — See: Bloom, Kenneth A. LINDNEL Clement Pearl Investigation of flow in open channels of irregular cross section. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smalishaw, James LINDNER, Norman John Frank 170 Architectural treatment of civic centers. 1935 ES Civil Eng. LINDQUIST, Durward Louis The effect of vibration on concrete mixes varying in consistency. 1940 Joint author: Savorias, John Lee LINDQUIST, Kenneth Eph. Tests of a sewage lift pump. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Ulrich, E.E. LINLEY, Frederick Hewitt The power developed by a gas engine as affected by the addition of free oxygen to the fuel mixture. 1910 ES Eng. LISEERGER, Sylvan Joseph A comparison of the dielectric strength of air in air gaps made up of different size and shapes of electrodes. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Weber, Frederic C. LISKA, Joseph Arthur See: Bcgost, Meyer S. LITTLE, Claudius Earton See: Gettelman, William F. LITTLETON, William Emanuel Investigation of the hydraulics of head spillways for control of soil erosion. 1937 Joint author: Wendt, N.E. LIU, Kuh Tsen See: Euchholz, Rudolph 0. LIVER, Harold Allan See: Byron, C.L. LIVINGSTON, Penn P. The coefficients of discharge of Tainter gates. 1922 ES Joint author: Radley, Harmon N. LLOYD, Conrad Collipp See: Burkholder,Q’n3~\Es I, 171 LLOYD, Emrys J. Investigation of an induction motor installation in a flouring mill at Berlin, Wisconain. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Tibbitts, F.A. Lot~. cet ~\ossnet~t. a. LOCHER, Fred Stability tests of bituminous mixes. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Reinke, Ray J. LOEB, Louis Sigmund The influence of various substances in copper cyanide solutions. 1915 LOERPABEL, William Harrison -.~ 3/~q The equipment and development of a 150 ton gold mine in the Seward peninsula of Alaska. 1915 LOESCH, Richards Liewellyn See: Hubbard, E.P. LOGEMANN, Richard Thomas Dry weather and storm water flow in sewers. 1899 ES Eng. Joint author: Nommensen, Richard A. LOHR, Freeman Doolittle A study of magnesia cement and the factors affecting its physical properties. 1916 them. Eng. LOKKE, Juluis Henry An acceptance of a Hamilton—Holz— warth turbo—generator at Eeloit, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Tierney, John T. LOKKEN, Sugurd Thomas See: Goplin, Robert C. LOOS, David Sherman See: Espe, Ronald K. 172 LZWEZ~ Vk. R. SQe: ~oeX~S~ C. E. LORD, Herbert Overton Report of the preliminary investigation of the proposed hydro— electric development of the Flambeau River near Park Falls, Wisconsin. 1920 ES Civil Eng. LORD, Richard Herbert See: Kelley, James P. LORENZEN, Robert Theodore An investigation of roof framing systems for timber—framed build— ngs. 1954 ES Civil Eng. LORIG, Edwin Theodore The development of excavating machinery. 1915 LORIG, Frank William Pitot tubes for gas measurement. 1913 ES N ech. Eng. LOSSE, Robert Oswald See: Kirtland, E.M. LOVE, Patrick Francis Energy loss in liquid flow in straight pipes under high pressure. 1953 ES Civil Eng. LOVERUD, Earl Kingsley The design of a reinforced concrete building. 1923 135 Civil Eng. LOVEWELL, Cecil Elwyn See: Airis, Thomas F. LONE, Charles Wesley The value of heat insulation apnlied to electric cooking apparatus. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Smith, Glen E. LOWE, Edgar Allan An investigation of the hon—arcing properties of various metals in gases. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Thwing, Charles C. 173 LOWELL, John Wesley, Jr. See: Angoli, Leonard H. LUDOWISE, Benjamin Frank Design of a reinforced concrete building. 1911 ES Civil Eng. LOW~., Lellis Lloyd A mechanical cement sifter. 1913 BS Civil Eng. (~d~e~ret \r~ Joint author: Vivian, Glenn F. LOYNES, Owen Howard See’ Falge, R.N. LUBINSKY. Richard George See: Harvey, Stanley T. LUCAS, Thomas Joseph See: Estberg, H.C. LUCE, Robert Guy Pavement deflections under dynamic loadings. 1953 ES Civil Eng. LUCHT, Harold Charles See: Greiling, Robert H. LUCK, Morton Design of a reinforced concrete frame for a three—story apartment building. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint author: Seidel, Gordon F. LUCKEY. Carroll Hastings See: Christensen, Adolph E. LUDBERG, Andrew The design of a steel arch for the Harrison Street crossing of the Illinois Central Railroad, Madison, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Civil Eng. LUDLOW, Evelyn Charlotte The improvement of American working—men’s homes with particular reference to new housing plans of the General Motors Corporation at Janesville, Wisconsin. 1920 174 LUEBKE, Robert Erwin The effect of aimnonium phosphate on the digestion of activated sludge. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Peters, Roger W. LUECKER, Arthur Rowe See: Carlson, L.W. LUEDERS, Carl John The investigation of the economic possibility of quarrying limestone at Burke with respect to sale in Madison and vicinity. 1911 ES Civil Eng. LUEDKE, Arthur Louis See: Boon, Leonard F. LUEDTKE, Karl Elroy Design of a steel sheet pile cofferdam. 1953 ES Civil Eng. LUETH, Emil Samuel See: James, Benjamin N. LUETH, Paul Frederick The influence of compression on the efficiency of internal combustion engines. 1898 ES Eng. Joint author: Thorkelson, H.J. LUICK, Adolph James See: Egelhoff, R.F. LUNDE, Sigurd Gilbertson See: Hirsch, John G. LUNIAK, Allan Gharles Design, construction and test of a small model spillway. 1956 ES Joint authors: Rodehaver, Robert J. Utic, Philip J. III Winch, David L. See: Hambrecht, Albert L. LUPINSKI, Oswald MASBETT, Walter Franklin LUPINSKI, Oswald Thomas 175 An estimate of general construction costs for a structural steel building. 1957 BS LUTZ, Milton William The flow of liquids through sand. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Spars, R.F. LUTZE, Henry Fred Investigation of a method for driving rotary field apparatus by a commutated direct current. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Schleifer, August C. LYNCH, Harry Claude See: Butler, Walter G. LYNEIS, Claude Albin, Jr. Calculations of the effects of plastic flow and shrinkage on the stresses in a reinforced concrete arch. 1933 ES Civil Eng. LYNEIS, Robert George See: Christensen, Lester E. LYONS, Eenjamin Franklin See: Dean, John Seabury MAAS, Albert William The effect of air inclusions on the resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing. 1944 BS Joint authors: Neison, Elwyn F. III Scholbe, Jack L. MAAS, Earl Robert The effect of gusset plates on the secondary stresses in bridge trusses. 1943 Civil Eng. General plan of yard improvements on Prairie du Chien division of the C., M. & St. P. Railroad at Madison, Wisconsin. 1902 BSEng. Joint author: Otsec~, A.C. MABRY, Arman Ercell A report on the possibilities of Maple Creek, Utah, as a source of irrigation supply. 1923 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Minear, Virgil L. 176 MACAR~G, Juan Guico See: Fowler, William 0. MAC ARTHUR, Angus, Jr. A test of a boiler and its auxiliaries at the capitol heating and power plant. 1911 ES Nech. Eng. JoInt author: Moore, Roger S. MAC ARTHUR, Donald See: Jorstad, Osmund N. MAC EACHRAN, Wilbur Hugh See: Harrison, S.H. MAC EACHRON, Edgar James See: Griswold, Robert G. MAC GREGOR, Wallace Francis Experimental investigation of the physical properties of cast iron, as affected by change of composition. 1897 BS Eng. Joint author: Nelson, Fred W. MACKEY, Walter Curriden Rapid production of electrolytic iron. 1917 ES Chem. Eng. MACKIE, James Everett See: Greenman, Ralph N. M&aCIN, John Christopher MAQDSICK, Henry Herbert A study in the disposal of packing plant waste. 1927 BA MAC LEAN, James Donald Thesis investigation of the tar forming temperatures of representative American coals. 1911 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Sweet, th*\\sn C. MAC LEISH, Kenneth Clinton An investigation of the flow of water over suppressed weirs with vertically inclined crests. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Piltz, Russell J. 177 MAC LEOD, William Springer Discussion and application of the slope deflection method of determining stresses in statically indeterminate structures. 1924 ES Civil Eng. NACMILL~, Harold St. Clair A comparative test between a simple and compound locomotive. 1905 ES Eng. Joint authors: Miller, Arthur H. Reed, Carl S. Wheeler, Nm. S. MADSON, Frank Henry The development and exploitation of a copper deposit in the Butte camp. 1913 ES Mm. Eng. MAERCKER, Alexander Carl See: Jackson, George S. MAERSCH, John Narnet See: Laurgaard, G.0. MAGATAGAN, Robert Sylvester Studies in the manufacture of sand—lime brick. 1916 An investigation of indirect lighting. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Nuti, Charles B. MACHE, Kenneth Laing See: Jackson, Ray NAGIDSON, Arthur Eerkman Design and investigation of a rigid frame bridge. 1934 Civil Eng. Joint author: Milhrandt, Wilson A. MAIE~S, Joseph Adams See: Icing, Ted Roosevelt MAINLAND, James See: Kalsehed, Edward A. MAINLAND, John 178 Efficiencies of a small gas producer plant. 1907 ES Eng. Joint authors: Teschan, W.F. Thompson, I.T. t~Thitmore, J.E. MALDAUE}.., A. Sewage disposal system for White— water, Wisconsin. 1896 ES Joint author: Trippe, H.N. MALDANER, Arthur .~ .2 ~. The design of a complete sewerage system with a chemical disposal plant for the city of Whitewater, Wisconsin. 1896 ES Eng. MALDARI, Joe Antone See: Kiendl, Oscar C. MALEC, Anton See: Bentley, F.W. MMJESEVICH~ Emil M&RBES, Louis Prank Experimental investigation of the hydraulic properties of natural and proprietary materials for rapid sand filtration. 1938 ES Civil Eng. MANCHESTER, Thomas Harris Investigation of the new locomotive water supply installation at the West Milwaukee shops of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Manegold, R.A. MANEGOLD, Frank William See: Grunert, Arthur E. MANEGOLD, John Robert See: Decker, Ramsay P. MANEGOLD, Robert Albert See: Manchester, Thomas H. MANN, Franklin Haney 179 See: Brennan, Bernard C. MANOR, Eli Ross Test of an induction motor and rotary converter in cascade. 1909 133 Eng. Joint author: Younggren, R.C. MANSKE, C.E. Energy loss in liquid in welding pipe fittings. 1950 133 Joint author: Manske, W.C. MANSKE. W.C. See: Manske. C.E. MANTHEY, John Frederich See: Finner, Glenn F. MANTONYA, William George See: Bayle, F.L. A survey of highway curve practice. 1932 ES Civil Eng. MARCH, Albert R. Measurement of stream flow in the tributaries to Lake Mendota. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: McMahon, R.E. MARCUSSEN, Donn Gray See: Fischer, Charles R. M&RGARIDA, Jose An investigation of the physical properties of kerosene oil. 1915 MARGENAU, Milo Louis Experiments in rapid electroplating. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. MARGOLES, Harry See: Eespalow, Eugene F. MARIATEGUI, Benj amin Financing of highway construction and maintenance. 1923 ES Civil Eng. 180 MARKS, Frederick Robert Design of a telephone exchange for Kendin, Illinois. 1906 ES Eng. MARKS, Israel Edward See: Giuli, Thomas MARKWARDT, Lorraine Joseph See: Jamieson, J.R. MARR, Gerald Neil Application of air flotation to domestic sewage. 1954 ES Civil Eng. MARSH, William Ernest Electrical labor—saving devices for a house. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. MARSHALL, Harry Alexander The design of a reinforced concrete building. 1915 MARTIN, Andrew Henry Test on a 400 ICW turbo—alternator and auxiliaries. 1909 ES Eng. Joint authors: Schroeder, Edward H. Shea, John R. MARTIN, Byron Harold Commercial tests of a 150—hp Sprague electric dynamometer. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Truran, Walter W. MARTIN, D.W. Evaluation of and addition to sewage treatment plant, De Pere, Wisconsin. 1960 ES MARTIN, George Wesley The effect of areation on contact bed and sprinkling filter effluents. 1926 B3 Civil Eng. Joint author: Moe, Clarence M. MARTINY, Myron Cole Drawbar pull and power train efficiency of a four wheel drive truck. 1951 ES Civil Eng. 181 MARVIN, Arba B., Jr. Electrical conductivity of copper alloys. 1900 ES Eng. MASON, Charles Thomas A study of the micro—structure of iron and steel. 1899 ES Eng. MATHEWS, William Wyman See: Grodske, Walter 3. MATH?, Anton See: Foxon, Roy Draper MATTEFS, Earl Eugene The influence of curing conditions on the dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint author: Munson, R.L. MATTHEWS, Charles William See: Elleson, Earl James MATTHIAS, Carl Douglas See: Hunt, Paul J. MATTHIAS, Franklin Thompson Investigation of a proposed hydro—electric plant at Eig Falls on the Flamheau River. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Plotz, Rezin S. MAUER, Claud Norman See: Casberg, C.H. MAURER, Eugene Dickens Design construction and trial tests of an automobile traction dyna— ct~ometer. 1920 35 Mech. Eng. Joint author: Timm, Harold D. MAURER, Edward Joseph Effect of acid and oil on concrete. 1935 ES Civil Eng. MAL’RER, Rolland Edward Strength and durability tests on clay drain tile. 1914 ES Mach. Eng. 182 HAVES, Paul Otto See: Czyzewski, Leonard J. MAXFIELD, Jack A study of land use in the tenth ward of Madison, Wisconsin. 1938 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wesley, John See: Ladwig, Wm. J. MAX$CN, Rolland Horatiot~ MC CULLOUGH, Francis Michael MAY, Arthur Edwin See: Brue, Hans N. MC ARTHUR, Arthur Royal See: Harvey, John L. MC BURKE?, Robert Sterling See: Daehn, Wilmar W. MC COMB, Ross Kenneth See: Hosler, Harry MC COY. Don Stuart See: Catlin, William C. MC COY, Julius Mayne See: Ekholm, Cecil R. MC COY, Lloyd Baxter Commercial test of the electric light plant of the Platteville Electric Light and Power company at Platteville, Wisconsin. 1906 BS Eng. Joint author: Russell, W.S. MC COY, William Daniel The effects of lateral pressure density and rate of loading on the shearing strength of University Sand as determined by the Tn—Axial compression test. 1946 Joint authors: Strosina, Jane Marie Welch, John David MC CULLO~H, Alfred Langdon See: Gregerson,Le~s t 183 MC CULLOUGH, Allan Chase The effect of different heat treatments on the mechanical properties of steel varying in carbon content. 1918 ES Elect. Eng. The design of a system of water suoply for the city of Sturgeon Eay, Wisconsin. 1903 ES Eng. MC CULLOUGH, Herbert David See: Breimeister, Harry MC DONALD, Clinton See: Fuidner, Henr Christian MC DONALD, Roy Stephen Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge for Yahara River crossing. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Youngquist, Waldemar G. MC DONALD, Walter Edward See: Erichsen, Frank P. MC DOUGALL, Shirley Alton The determination of total carbon in coal by the use of a Mahler bomb. 1913 ES them. Eng. MC EVOY, George Edward See: Cole, Charles M. MC FARLAND, Malcolm Fizer The effect of guide vanes in the discharge pipe of a centrifugal pump. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Schleck, Walter H. Stivers, Charles P~, Jr. MC GILVARY, Paton See: Ehrgott, Karl MC CRAW, Vincent George Report of the preliminary investigation of the proposed hydro— electric development on the Peshtigo River at Johnson Falls, Wisconsin. 1920 ES Civil Eng. MC GUIRE, Francis Desmond MC MICICEN, Robert Hathaway 184 Strength of thin girder steel joists under oblique loading. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Miller, Robert L. Withey, Norman H. MC INTOSH, Fabian Clifford See: Drew, Robert S. MC KEE, Charles Romney See: Buer, Howard H. MC KILLIP, Richard Lawrence See: Ko].etzke, Max F. MC KINLAY, Marcellus James See: Emanuel, W.A. MC KINNEY, John V. A study of the comparative costs of electrical machinery. 1916 MC KINNON, Paul Francis See: Johnson, Wayne W. MC LAREN, Lewis Lachlan The design of a rational field still. 1914 ES Mach. Eng. MC LEAN, Harry Clayton See: Field, G.A. MC LEAN, Calvin James An analysis of the operating ability of the Mogul D3 type of motive power of the Northern Pacific Railway. 1913 ]3S Civil Eng. MC MAHON, R.E. ~ See: March, A.R. See: Burmeister, Walter L. MC MULLEN, Cornelius L. A study of a soft coal producer plant. 1909 ES Eng. MC MULLEN, Ralph Earl A design for a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1927 ES Civil Eng. 185 MC MULLEN, Vincent E. A study of the performance of a gasoline engine. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Wagle, 0.0. MC NAUGHTON, George Cameron On the variation of efficiency of an instantaneous water heater with service pressure. 1909 ES Eng. MC NOWN, William Coleman Location and estimate of cost of roadbed for an electric railway from Madison to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. 1903 ES Eng. Joint author: Saunders, N.J. MC VEIGH, Raymond Joseph Cost estimate and economic study —Brokaw Hydroelectric plant. 1946 MC WETHY, Frank Henry See: Craigo, R.T. MC WETHY, Harold Elbert See: ]3eitel, R.2’i.. MBAD, Geroge Alvin See: Burgess, C.F. MBAD, Harold Washburn The preliminary study of the Missouri River in South Dakota for water power ~urposes. 1920 ES Civil Eng. MEADOWCRQPT, Miner T. MENCEL, Forest Poster Designs of a water works sys— ten for Poynette. Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. MEARS, George Sherman See: ilewit, Earle J. MECHLEP, John Joseph See: Deutsch, John J. 186 ~EDLER, Samuel Watson Design and test of arc—welded structural joints. 1931 ES Civil Eng. MEEUWSEN, Quentin Joseph See: Lasche, Russell H. MEINICKE, Alvin Edward A harmonic selective signaling device. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Outzen, A.N. MEISEKOTHEN, Edwin Edward On the hydrogenation of cotton seed oil. 1920 BS Chem. Eng. NEISEKOTHEN, Robert John An investigation of a semi— concealed system of Street lighting. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Tolhurst, William H. MELCHER, Austin Gove See: Anderson, Victor R. NELIN, Oscar William Temperature gradient in a concrete chimney wall. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Pulver, H.E. The analysis of the stresses in a 150 foot unsymmetrical reinforced concrete arch. 1911 ES Civil Eng. NERKEL, Richard Hans See: Eendt, J~P~ MERKIN, Abraham Lee The investigation of a water supply for an irrigation project in southern Utah. 1910 ES Eng. MERRELL, George Clark Modern methods of sewage purif i— cation. 1910 BS Civil Enft. MERRIAM, Hugo Nelson See: Campbell~tesk 187 NERRICK, Eldridge Gerry An investigation of the losses on high tension transmission lines. 1900 ES Eng. MERRILL, Pomeroy Cooper Development of a low grade gold mine in the Elack Hills of South Dakota. 1909 ES Eng. MERRILL. Zadok See: Hall, Edwin N. NERI, Henry Spencer See: Erown, Herbert A. NERZ, Robert Christian Experimental investigation of the filter press process as applied to the dewatering of activated sludge. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Palmer, Vernon J. MESSMAN, David Vernon MEYERS, Everett Charles See: Engler, Hugo F. MEYER, CarlE. See: Hall, James R. The design of an arch bridge. 1934 Civil Eng. METCALF, Charles Mayo See: Pinner, Glenn F. MEYER, Frederick Adolph Some recent developments in trade unionism. 1905 135 Eng. MEYER, Arnold The metallic arc welding characteristics of a chromium magnesium aluminum alloy. 1936 MEYER, Edward W. See: Hanson, Walter S. MEYER, Henry Wm., Jr. See: Birkett, Miles W. MEYER, Herbert Rudolph The relocation of United States 51 in Dane County. 1929 ES Civil Eng. 188 MEYER, Karl Use of local control survey data in the construction of a planimetric map from aerial photographs of the area surrounding Madison and Lakes Mendota, Monona, and Wingra. 1940 MEYER, Robert Lewis An investigation of the heating load at the University of Wisconsin. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. MEYERS, Alvin A comparison of electrical losses on aluminum and copper lines under pressure of 20,000 to 60,000 volts. 1901 ES Eng. Joint author: Rollmann, Alfred C. MEYTHALER, Harold Eugene Design and construction of bituminous pavements. 1934 MICHAEL, R.C. A study of railway procedures in handling the transfer of freight in Chicago. 1949 BS Civil Eng. MIGHALOS, Frank Peter Design of a minor airport for Milwaukee County. 1947 Civil Eng. MICHALOS, James Peter See: Krejchik, Glenn C. MICHEL, Rudolph Test of a locomotive headlight turbine. 1916 Joint author: Swetting, Joseph R. MI~KLE, Charles Theodore See: Bishon, Paul W. MIDDLETON, Owen William Test of a twelve inch McCormich turbine. 1907 Eng. Joint author: Whelan, Thomas C. MIELKE, John Horace See: Eullen, Paul W. 189 MIKULA, Jack Henry See: Eannach, Leonard P. MILAEGER, Ralnh Eugene Modern deep well practice. 1941 NILERANUT, Wilson August See: Nagidson, Arthur B. MILES. W.F. Application of highway planning survey data in the design of the relocation of U.S. Highway 41 from Milwaukee to Oshkosh. 1949 ES Civil Eng. MILLER, Arthur Herbert See: Mac Millan, Harold St. C. MILLER, Bert E. See: Ilgner, H.F. MILLER, Charles John Test of a one—quarter inch Harris air lift pump. 1909 ES Eng. (Degree not granted) Joint author: Springer, Ernest J. MILLER, Edmund Recovery of ammonia and cyanides from spent oxide. 1917 ES Chem. Eng. MILLER, Ernest Baldwin Design, construction, and test of a unipolar dynamo. 1906 Elect. Eng. Joint author: Hoe, Edgar J. MILLER, Franklin Alfred See: Halverson, G.M. MILLER, Harold Falkner The development of automatic train control. 1929 ES Civil Eng. MILLER, Jesse Eugene See: Dodd, R.L. 190 MILLER, Karl Christensen Discharge through Tainter gates. 1921 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Striegl, Albert R. MILLER, Lora Walter The design of a subway on Park Street under the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and Illinois Central tracks. 1910 ES Eng. Joint authors: Pinney, James C. Plamondon, George 0. MILLER, Malcolm Alan An experimental investigation of the interference of deep artesian well in the Madison District, using wells Nos. 1 and 2 of the Oscar Mayer Packing Company. 1941 MILLER, Philip Samuel The design of a spandrel filled reinforced—concrete arch bridge to carry highway No. 12 over the Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railway tracks five miles west of Madison, Wisconsin. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Nagtegaal, Gerrit P. MILLER, Raymond William, Jr. See: Hall, James F. MILLER, Robert C. Pipe friction losses under high line pressure. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: ~ecore, Robert P. MILLER, Robert Lawrence See: McGuire, Francis U. MILLER, William Eoyd The hydraulic ram. 1907 ES Eng. MILLER, William Boyd Design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1908 ES Eng. MILLER, William Frederick See: Kleck, C.F. MILLIRZN, Barton Le Rcy, Jr. MOE, Clarence Maxwell The performance of a Fairbanks— Morse gas engine operated in connection with a Wile gas producer. 1909 ES Eng. 191 Joint author: Wickstrom, G.A. MILLS, Robert Rourke, Jr. A comparison of loading conditions for maximum stress in arched structures. 1956 Civil Eng. MJ.LLSPAUGH. John Wheeler Isolated electric power plants for country homes. 1914 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Ryan, Edmund MINCH, Walter Bernhard See: Baus c)e~~c-A ~. MINEAR. Virgil Luther See: Mabry, A.E. MINICH, Walter George — The design and test of an alternating current plunger magnet. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: St. George, A.B. MINSHALL, Neal Edt.rard Investigation of a water power project at Sand Portage, Michigan on the Menominee River. 1923 ES Civil srng. Joint authors: Price, Elmer E. Tschudy, Lionel C. MITCHELL, Amory Raymond See: Bates, Floyd E. MITCHELL, Paul Donald See: Dahlman, Arthur F. MOCKRUD, Lee Norman United States Department of Commerce aids to business. 1939 See: Martin, George W. MOEHLMAN, William Frederick See: Barnes, E.M. MOELLER, Roland 192 See: Lachmund, H. MOHR, Haney William An experimental study of the discharge coefficients of cylindrical valves in locomotive water hydrants and determination of water hammer expectancies. 1929 ES Civil Eng. MOIIR, John Edward See: Korndoerfer, Claus W. MOMS. Carl Elijah See: Ereivogel, Milton W. MOLES, Edward Snetting An investigation of vacuum tube lighting. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Weld, Harold K. MOLZAHN, Harold Carl See: Engelke, Arnold J. NONAIiAN, John J. See: Eurgess~eor-~e~ ~, MONSON, Lyle Edward See: Brey, Kenneth J. MONTALVO, Herculano Aguirre The relation of the consistency of mortar and suction rate of brick to bond. 1943 ES Joint author: Serdahely, Steven C. MONTIE, Leonard Alvin A study of the relationship of the standard 5—day biochemical oxygen demand test to a high temperature notassium di— chromate oxidation. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Vondrick, A.F. MOODY, Ralph Edmtntd See, Anderson, L.A. MORGAN, Everette Kellogg MOON, Herbert Jacob Electrolytic deposition of magne— sium. 1916 193 MOORE, Arthur See: Johnson, Earl A. MOORE, Charles Gilbert See: Arnold, Louis C. MOORE, Le Roy E. AN investigation of two small power plants. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schaeffer, Milton W. MOORE, Lewis Eugene An efficiency test of an air compressor. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Whomes, H.R. MOORE, Roger Sherman See: MacArthur, Angus MOORHOUSE. Louis Benjamin See: Cheney, S.W. MOOTE, Volney Nelson — Experimental investigation of rapid sand filtration of Lake Nendota water under winter conditions. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Schmidt, Arthur E. Stravinski, Ceaser A. Wraight, Frank D. MORGAN, Alexander William Factors affecting the illumination of a room — a series of tests on systems of illumination designed for small rooms. 1909 ES Eng. See: Chandler, M.E. MORGAN, Philip Fairbanks Preliminar investigation and design of waterworks sewerage and sewage treatment works for Erooklyn, Wisconsin. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Steffen, Alfred J. MORGAN, Walter Daniel Investigation of the Reedsburg water—works. 1905 ES Eng. MORIARTY, Eugene Winfield 194 An accePtance test of the Garden City power plant of the United States Reclamation Service. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: flatten, William J. MORICE, Elton Knight Some experiments on the reclamation of useful oils from waste crank case oils from automobiles. 1920 ES them. Eng. MORITZ, Charles James See: Holmes, W.R. MORITZ, Ernest Anthony Valuation of the physical properties of the railways of Wisconsin for the purpose of taxation. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Warner, Henry M. MORRIS, George Lee Design of a three hinged spandrel braced arch highway bridge. 1911 ES Civil Eng. (Degree not granted) MORRIS, Leslie Roslyn See: Baker, George Hubert MORRIS. Robert Nicholas Performance tests of a hydrol rotary pump. 1926 ES Civil Eng. MORBIS, Victor MUEHTISTEIN, William christian Tungsten nitride for incandescent lamp filaments. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Schmidt, Frederick J. MORRISON, Rowland Hill See: Dean, John S MORRISSEY, Patrick Nm. See: Larsen, A. MORTON, James Duncan See: Kryzinski, Antony J. MOSER, Albert Leo Erecht Tests on reinforced concrete slabs. 1906 ES Eng. 195 Joint author: Thorne, Jent C. MOTT, William Roy A study of the problem of the electrolytic deposition of aluminum. 1903 ES Eng. MOWATT, William Frank See: Ball, Edwin Marcotte MOXON, Earl Robert See: Christianson, Carl E. MOYER. Will David See: Holverscheid, Erwin MRAZEK, Stanley Joseph See: Fritz, Norbert B. See: Henke, F.C. MUELLER, Benjamin Harrison See: Hoyt, Ralph Sherman MUELLER, Edgar Eruno See: Capen, Jotham C. MUELLER, Frederick Gerhart See: Bennett, Thomas E. ¶‘4OELLER~ 0. R. Ste.t ~rtb~t ,R~\p’p MUELLER, Roger William The design of bituminous road—mix surface courses by the surface area method. 1954 ES Civil Eng. MUELLER, Terry Frost inhibiting effects of sul— phite liquor. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Zeeb, William MUHLSTEIN, William Charles See: Eates, Floyd H. MUIR, Roy Cummings 196 See: Conrad, Nicholas J. MUNSO~,1R, L~ %Qe~ MA~VTE~S~ tad ~. MURPHY, Francis Hayes See: Krippner, A.F. MURPHY, Merritt Norton Indirect illumination with application to the Engineering Building of the University of Wisconsin. 1901 ES Eng. Joint author: Taylor, John C. MUQCLESTON, Ralph Waldo Efficiency test on a Deming trip— lex power driven pump. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Slidell, Kemper MUECGE, Oswald John Feasibility and design of the proposed Marshall drainage district. 1923 ES Civil Eng. MURRAY, Hugh Earl See: Lachmund, H. MUSIL, Louis Frederick An investigation as to the advisability of electric power transmission for the plant of the Wm. Rahr Son’s Company, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. 1.904 ES Eng. Joint authors: Townsend, J.R. Treber, A.P. Zincke, P.F. MUSSER, James Marc See: Hall, Edwin M. MYERS, James Walter, Jr. A city plan for Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Thomsen, Darrel E. MYHRE, Harold The effect of size of specimen on the compressive properties of wood. 1949 ES Joint author: Shaw, Robert MYNNINC, David Gill A cost estimate of an industrial building. 1954 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Stoeber, William 197 NAESER, Charles Joseph See: Korpady, Edward A. NACTECML, Gerrit Paul See: Miller, Philip S. NANCE, Allen Ellsworth See: Fieweger, Thomas E, NEAR, D.E. Tractive resistance of two types of trucks under several load conditions. 1950 ES NEE, Patrick Joseph See: Emerson, Ernest W. NEE, Thoams George See: Hanson, Henry 0. NEEF, John Henry See: Burns, J.1’. HEEL, Menille Charles A study of the extent of the disturbing influence of valves. 1920 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wilison, Clarence A. NECLEY, William Henry Reports on producing a refactory material from dolomite and new methods of producing acetone. 1919 ES Chem. Eng. NEIGHBOURS, John Owen See: Heebink, Thomas E. NELSON, Clarence Lotario —. .2/ See: Hedke, Charles R. NELSON, Delmar Wood Industrial engineering. 1920 ES Mech.Eng. NANCE, Archibald Whitfield 198 The design of a hydro—electric power plant at Byron, Illinois. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Wagner, Marl H. NATWICK, Franklin James See: Griswold, Ernest C. t4EISOH, Elwyn Frederick, III. See: Maas, Albert William NELSON, Ernest Benjamin Investigation of a water power p~oject on the Elack River above Black River Falls, Wisconsin. 1913 BS Civil Eng. NELSON, Fred William NERODA, Edward K. See: MacGregor, Wallace F. NELSON, Hubert Everet The action of gases on mild steel at high temperature. 1916 t1ELSbt~3., 3. vJ. S. NELSON, K.F. Effect of concentric landing and inclination of axis on the strength of plain concrete cylinders. 1950 ES Joint author: Soukup, C.H. NELSON, Louis Fred A preliminary suney and design of a park for Eeloit, Wisconsin. 1916 Joint author: Phelps, R.A. NELSON, Oscar Hermann Design of a sanitary sewerage system for Stoughton, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Smith A.A. NELSON, Russell Arthur A study of test data showing the relation of the compressive strength of concrete to the water cement ratio space—cement ratio and grading of the aggregate. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smith, Eernard F. NELSON, Wilton Dale Roughness coefficients of in—place sanitary sewers. 1954 ES Civil Eng. 199 NERENHAUSEN, Donald Henry Environmental characteristics of a solar—type hog house. 1956 Civil Eng. NERO, Milton Arthur See: Eerzowski, Roman Clemens See: Eidwell, Laurence E. NESTINGEN, Stanley Rudolph See: Goodier, Robert P. NETHERCUT, Donald Warren Mechanical refrigeration for domestic use. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. NETHERCUT, Robert Clifford Water storage for power purposes in the Upper Wisconsin Valley. 1925 ES Civil Eng. NEUEERT, Armin Karl The application of electricity to agriculture. 1916 NEWEURY, Robert Charles See: Browning, ~ NEWBURY, Russell Howe See: Hoganson, Lester 0. NEWELL, Arthur Tempest The direct electrolysis of copper ores. 1915 NEWING, Charles Wesley Friction loss in valves. 1931 ES Civil Eng. NEWING, William Eowyer A study of the coefficients of triangular weirs of various angles. 1922 ES 200 MERLIN, Benjamin Vestal Relation of automobiles to area, population, wealth, and highways in Wisconsin. 1934 Civil Eng. NEWLfl, charles Henry NICOLAUS, Albert Adam See: King, Arthur C. Anisotropic elastic properties of Douglas fir and Sitka spruce in compression across grain. 1931 ES Civil Eng. NEWMAN, Frederick Jacob The electro deposition of zinc. 1893 ES Eng. NEWMAN, Herbert Joseph See: Eerssenbrugge, B.J.E. NEWTON, George Cheney An investigation of the relative value of attached and loose shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams. 1907 Joint author: Rowe, Wilfred L. NEWTON, Jay Earl The two statements of the law of the electromagnetic induction. 1919 ES Elect. Eng. NEWTON, Louis Christie See: Hoppe, Alfred C. NICHOLSON, Charles Henry Insoluble anodes in chloride solutions. 1916 Chem. Eng. NICHOLSON, John Robert Measurement of strain in rigid pavement due to dynamic loading. 1956 ES Civil Eng. NICKEL, Walter Frederick The organization and management of engineering contracting work. 1913 ES Civil Eng. NICKELL. George Harold See: Halseth, Carl N. NICOLAUS, Arthur William 201 See: Fisher, Ernest J. NIEDEP.ER, Edward, Jr. Experiments on rapid sand filters. 1935 ES Civil Eng. NIEDERNAN, Philip Henry The effect of impure mixing waters on the strength of Portland cement mortar. 1926 ES Civil Eng. NIELSEN, John Harvey A study of beach erosion protection with particular reference to Racine County, Wisconsin. 1949 ES Civil Eng. NILES, Donald Ernest The use of paper models in predicting the strength of sheet metal aircraft elements. 1944 ES MILES, Thomas McMaster See: Farwell, ~.D. NIXTON, Floyd 5., Jr. — jc:. .[2 Rainfall—runoff relations on the University marsh. 1951 ES Civil Eng. a~.t~on Si’~\e’j ,.S~ta ‘~. NOE, Edgar James See: Miller, E.E. NOERENEERC, J.W. A study of riveted and welded anchor attachments for column bases. 1950 ES NO?II€NSEN, Richard Arthur See: Logemann, Richard T. NORAN, John Eliseus NOTES, John Draper Loss due to gradual enlargement in pipe lines. 1923 ES Civil Eng. NORD, Donald Leroy See: Dittloff, Fred A. NORDEERG, Eruno Victor Edward 202 See: Lieber, William H. NORDNEYER, Carl Louis The investigation of the vibrations of a four cycle automobile engine. 1916 Joint author: Waldron, R.E. NORRIS, Arthur Spaulding See: Carlson, L.W. NORRIS, Charles Brazer Tests of a travelling intake screen. 1917 BS Mech. Eng. NORRIS, Ralph Forbush Chemical cleaners. 1916 Chem Eng. NORTON, Paul Thornley, Jr. The electric control of mine hoists. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. NOTE, Melvin Julius See: Dent, Phillip B. NOVAK. Frank William Application of air flotation to sewage and industrial wastes. 1953 ES Civil Eng. NOYES, Eugene Carter Effect of submergence on the efficiency of a 12” Smith—McCormick turbine. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Rather, M.F. Vaughn, C.D. See: Crumpton, W.J. NUTI, Charles Eennett See: Nagdsick, H.H. OAKEY, John Arthur See: Knechtges, Oswald J. OEERLY, John Joseph Corrosion tests on silicon iron alloys. 1920 ES them. Eng. 203 OEMA, Chester Atkinson Domestic and nacking plant sewage sludge digestion studies—an experimental study of the digestion of mixtures of packing nlant and domestic sewage sludges with daily additions of different percentages of each mixture. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Senn, Charles L. O’ERIEN, William Wall See: Ashton, Clay C. OCHSNER, Rudolph John The action of alternating currents on fuse metals. 1894 ES Eng. O’CONNOR, Arthur James The effect of temperature on the accuracy of Watt—hour meters. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Reed, M.C. OEHLER, Alfred Ceo f fry See: Lauderdale, J.E. OETTMEIER, Arnold George Design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1927 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Piltz, Arthur W. OLDENBURG, Harry Prank OLSON, Harry tAartr~uhs See: Gesell, Walter B OLDER, Clifford The strength of the plates of riveted joints. 1900 ES Eng. Joint author: Sands, Edward E. OLIVER, Jay Charles Peat fuel; its manufacture and uses. 1912 A.E OLSEN, Arthur Carl See: Nabbett5vJ;Wtc ~:, OLSEN, William Leroy — The design of an auditorium employing laminated wood arches as the principal frame. 1947 Civil Eng. 204 OLSON, Arthur Oliver The design of a reinforced concrete furniture warehouse. 1921 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schmitt, Francis H. OLSON, Clifton Anton Investigation of the loss of head through small gate valves. 1915 OLSON. Edward Lind See: Johnson, Owen J. OLSON, Engwall The investigation of the efficiency of a six—inch horizontal centrifugal pump. 1907 ES Eng. OLSON, Goldie Raymond Research experiments on channel junction flow. 1922 ES The effect of temperature on the di—electric strength of corrnercial insulating materials. 1905 ES Eng. Joint authors: Simmons, George M. Turner, Paul B. OLSON, John Hjalmar See: Hartwell, Henry Thomas OLSON, Louis W. See: Keller, Carl A. OLSON, Martin C. See: Hogan, John J. OLSON, Norman T. Location of canal and lateral system on the Jocko unit of the Flathead irrigation project. 1910 ES Eng. OLSEN, Otto Talvig See: Biendarra, Howard H. OLSON, Sidney Design of water works for Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. 1902 E.S Eng. Joint author: Smith, James E. 205 OLSON, Victor A. Analyses of commercial sweeping compounds. 1918 ES them. Eng. OLSON, William Arthur See: Eennett, Thomas H. OLSTAD, Orville Albert Remedies of frost boil conditions. 1935 ES Civil Eng. ONABA, Edwin Horn OSTHOFF, Oscar Paul The taxation of railway corporations in the United States. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Van Hagan, L.F. OEERT, Edwin Cray See: Hawley, E.J. ORDWAY, Alonzo Eenton See: Ealch, J.W. ORR, Lester Eenson - ~2 See: Hzevers, ~ ORR, Roswell Park Characteristics of induction type watt—hour meters at low power factors. 1916 Joint author: Schmitz. Nicholas J. OSANN, Norman An attempt at smoke reduction under commercial conditions by an electrostatic discharge. 1912 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Parks, Rollin R. OSGOOD, Charles An investigation of the value of the various coals available for use on the Chicago, Burlington and Ouincy Railway. 1907 ES Eng. O’SHERIDAN, Thomas C. See: Clapp, J.L. OSMAN, Ralph Thompson The design, construction and test of a gas engine. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. 206 OSTERMAN, Joseph George An investigation of the stresses in a Bailey Eridge. 1947 Civil Eng. See: Fucik, Robert A. OSWALD, John Infiltration through Korite jointing compound and concrete sewer pipe. 1952 BS Civil Eng. OTIS, Edward Numan Investigation of the standing wave. (Based on a study of a homologous series of model dams.) 1924 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Robb, Carroll E. OTTENSMAN, Clarence Wilfred See: Lidicker, Roger IC. OTTENSMANN, William Pay Studies of biochemical oxygen demand and alkalinity in a stabilization pond. 1956 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Stautz, Floyd F. Vander Velden, Gregory N. OTTO, Donal Wayne Energy loss in liquid flow in galvanized iron pipes. 1955 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Reider, Clarence 0. OTTO, Leroy Ronald See: Groll, Alan C. OUTZEN, Andrew Newton See: Neinicke, A.E. OWCZARSKI, Edward P. A plan for the subdivision of Woodlawn Acres at Madison, Wisconsin. 1947 Civil Eng. OWEN, Halsey Franklin PALMER, Guy H. See: Blackburn, Fred M~ PALMER, Ray See: King, Arthur C. 207 The test of an Avery six cylinder cultivator motor. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Reimar, August F. OWEN, Llewellyn Commercial efficiency test of the Hotel Pfister power plant. 1897 ES Eng. Joint authors: Reilly, Harry W. Schmidt, Charles J. PARR, Charles Henry -. See: Hart~C~r\Q~ V~h PACAUSKY, Raymond Reclamation of used crankcase oil from automobiles. 1939 PADDOCK, Robert H. Relation of forestation to stream flow on the Wisconsin and Chippewa Rivers. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Rasmussen, Walter S. PACE, Harry Allen See: Larsen, R.L. PAINE, Paul Milton An investigation and comparison of the possible methods of eliminating the dangerous condition existing at the Mill Street crossing at La Crosse, Wisconsin. 1914 ES Civil Eng. PALMATIER, Horace Potter See: Harwick, Guy D. PALMER, Allen Harry See: Hayden, C.E. PAII€R, Edward Albert See: Johnson, Chester N. PALMER, Vernon John See: Merz, Robert C. PM’E, Victor Godfrey See: Amundson, C.H. 208 PAPLMFUS, John D. A determination of the properties of structural concrete utilizing water— cooled slag as a fine aggregate. 1951 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wright, Kenneth R. PARKER, Eustace Edwin See: Fisher, A.A. PARKER, Frank Ingram The Kratsch floor—dressing machine. 1906 ES Eng. Joint author: Warren, Wyman E. PARKER, Howard Ashley See: Buchanan, John W. PARKER, Horton Rudolph The washing of manganese dioxide and carbon mixtures of old dry batteries. 1915 Joint author: Schmid, Roman A. PARICER, Wilfred Cedric See: Allen. N.E. PARKS, Rollin Robert See: Osann, Norman ct’c~nd~ Co\eu~r~ Seet ~a\kon) P\r~ux- ‘DautS N- PARSONS, Cecil Paul See: Bowman, Philip C. PARSONS. John Emory, Jr. See: Hart, Thomas J. PARSONS, Walter Jay 209 The erection of iron bridges. 1900 Civil Eng. PARSONS, Walter Jay, Jr. An investigation of Crunsky’s method of extending rainfall data. 1926 ES Civil Eng. PASCHEN, Clayton Frederic The future design of the sewerage system for the Village of Williams Bay, Wisconsin. 1930 ES Civil Eng. PAULUS, Edwin J. The design of reinforced concrete trestle for the Harrison Street crossing over the Illinois Central Railroad at Madison, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Civil Eng. PAWLING, Robert Alonso The design of a power plant for a modern office building. 1909 ES Eng. Joint author: Reynolds, Benjamin S. PEARSALL, Amos Cleveland The effect of a vacuum jacket upon a steam engine. 1910 BS Eng. Joint author: Trane, R.N. PEARSALL, William Cilchrist Development and operation of a gold mine in ~he1an County, Washington. 1911 ES Yin. Eng. PEARSON, Russell ~~-,2• -~ The hydrographic mapping of the western half of Lake Mendota. 1953 ES Civil Eng. PEASE, Bernard Snell See: Lacher, W.S. PECK, Bertine Hila See: Kommers, J.E. PECK, Orwin K. An investigation of the stresses in through ~1ate girder stiffeners. 1907 ES Eng. 210 PECORE, Robert P. See: Miller, Robert C. PEDERSEN, Robert William Design of a flexible progressive traffic control system for West Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Rutter, C.?. PEDERSON, John P. See: Eabush, Joseph S. PELESKE, Leo William A sanitary sewer design for Cedar Point Park and the camps village of Williams Bay, Wisconsin. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Stevens, Roger W. PENGRA, Preston Winfield See: Earle, Roy R. PENN, William Clay See: Fisher, A.A. PENTZIEN, Roger Louis See: Bertle, Frederick A. PEOTTER, Reuben Sylvester Investigations for stora e reservoirs on the upper reaches of the Du Lievre River, fluehec, with a general treatise on the water power of that river. 1905 35 Eng. PEPPARD, Thomas Dennis PETER, Albert George The design of a spandrel filled reinforced concrete arch for Harrison Street at Madison, Wisconsin. 1929 ES Civil Eng. PERCANDE, Arthur Albert Determination of the characteristics of a turbo blower set. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Sjoblom, Axel T. PERGANDE, Arthur George 211 Current wave form in the secondary conductors of a squirrel cage induction motor. 1918 ES Elect. Eng. PERKINS, Jay Hugh Tests on the comparative commercial qualities of alternating current motors. 1896 ES Eng. Joint author: Williams, William H. PERKINS. Willis Drumond See: Harvey, W.R. PERLMAN. Charles Max Report on a proposed hydro—elec— tric development on the Pike River near Amberg. Wisconsin. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Strassburger, Erich W. PERRY, Claude Halpine See: Haase, Alvin PERRY, Theodore Hart Design and test of tip—trough distributors. 1931 ES Civil Eng. PERSEN, Edward Andreas See: Eehrens. Harold J. PERWIEN, Richard See’ Craff, Ejarne H. The evolution of the automobile. 1913 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Smart, 0.0. PETERS, Charles Sumner Methods of train lighting. 1905 ES Eng. PETERS, Reinhardt Edward Design of a four story reinforced concrete building. 1936 Joint author: Sperling, Arthur c. PETERS, Roger William See: Luebke, Robert E. PETERSEN, ARthur Hans 212 See: Chladek, Kolar E. PETERSEN, Norman John A study of the effect of copper on waste treatment in rotary tubes. 1955 ES Civil Eng. PETERSEN, Robert Peter The influence of the Wisconsin State Highway Con ission on the devel— onment of Wisconsin roads. 1916 PETERSON, Dean Russell See: Czyzewski, L.J. PETERSON. Henry William Plans for the draining of Sheboy— gan Marsh. 1905 Civil Eng. Joint author: Slnz, Edward F. PETERSON, Eugene John See: Hicks, William R. PETERSON, Wilbur Jerome See: Francis, Chester J. PHELPS, Ivan The design of a reinforced three span concrete bridge to carry Olin Avenue over the Chicago and Northwestern Railway tracks at Madison, Wisconsin. 1928 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Thompson, John G. PETERSON. Vernon Orland See: Crandall, Lee W. PETRIE, Walter William See: Bartlett, D.L. PETSCHEL, Arthur William The location and master plan for development of a helicopter landing field for Madison, Wisconsin. 1947 Civil Eng. PETT, Ray Watkins Effect of gusset plates on the secondary stresses in bridge trusses. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint author: Walters, Warren J. 213 PEflIBONE, Ira Frederick Tests on different methods of connecting tension reinforcing rods in concrete. 1910 ES Eng. PETURA, Frank Joseph See: Bradford, William PPM~’NSTIEHL, Jean Jacques See: Grodske, Walter J. PFEIFPER, Robert H. The effects of aeration on the flotation of oil particles in water. 1951 BS Civil Hug. PFLANZ, Ernest Leopold The development of a method and apparatus for the study of roiling resistance of electric street cars. 1911 BS Civil Hug. Joint author: Schwada, J.P. PHELPS, Marion A. The effect of noisture on the fuel. charge of a gasoline engine. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Scherer, ILL. PHELPS, RAymond Adelbert See: Nelson, Louis F. PHIPPS, Roy Chester See: Lauderdale, J.E. PIQ(APD, Arthur Edward See: Fraser, John PIERCE, John Alexander An investigation of a water supply for an irrigation project on Strawberry River, Utah. 1910 BS Eng. PII~, Rodney Gene See: Hendrickson, John D. 214 PILTZ, Arthur Wilmer See: Oettmeier, Arnold G. PILTZ, John Sylvester A study of the coefficients of triangular weirs of various angles. 1926 BS Civil Hug. Joint author: Schrader, Roland H. PILTZ, Russell Julius See: MacLeish, Kenneth C. PINNEY, James Charles See: Miller, Lora Walter PITZ, Arthur Herman See: Fox, E.G. PITZ, Raymond Gilbert PLOTZ, Rezin Smith See: Matthias, Franklin T. POE, Charles Roy See: Dehler, R.W. PLAUTZ, William Harold See: Harvancik, Ronald A. Allowable bolt loads at angles to the grain in Douglas fir. 1952 ES Civil Eng. PLAMONDON, George Octave See: Miller, L.W. PLATE, Harry Victor See: Gilder, Thomas N. PLATE, Joseph Kenneth Effect of size of specimen on tensile strength of wood parallel to grain. 1940 Joint author: Rease, George P. PLATT, Harold Alfred Design of a rigid frame overhead. 1941 Joint author: Zitek, Emil S. 215 PLATTEN, William Joseph See: Moriarty, Eugene W. PLATZ, George Arthur Comparison of cementing materials used in vitrified tile sewer pipe joints. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Tuhus, Kenneth PLAUTZ, Arthur Henry —. Experimental investigation of rapid sand filtration of Lake Mendota water under spring and summer conditions. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint author: Schmitt, Francis J. Schmitt, James P. PLAUTZ, Edgar Gottlieb See: Ballam, Horace V PLUMB, Hylon Theron Electrolytic corrosion of iron by alternating currents. 1901 BS Eng. PLUMB, Mahlon John See: Adams, Maurice C. PLUMB, Roger Eugene Energy loss in liquid flow in welding pipe fittings. 1951 ES Civil Eng. POESLER, Fred Edward See: Hubbard, E.P. POLK, William Harris See: Duszynski, Edwin J. POLLACK, Max See: Itzkowitz, Nathan POLLAX, Harry Charles See: Ehrgott, Karl POLLEY, George Andrew The economics of grade revision. 1902 ES Eng. POPE, Arthur Charles The coating of iron wire with iron—zinc alloy. 1912 ES Chem. Eng. 216 POPE, George William See: Elser, Robert C. POPE, Louis Frederick Design of a water supply system for the Horlick’s Malted Milk Company at Racine, Wisconsin. 1911 ES Civil Eng. POPHAL, Neal Frederick A study of methods to increase the traffic capacity of Johnson Street, Madison, Wisconsin. 1952 ES Civil Eng. POPPY, Cecil Clifford A proposed city plan and zoning ordinance for New London. 1925 BS Civil Eng. PORATH, Donald Arthur See: Bauman, Merritt Richard PORTER, Allen A design 1950 BS Civil Joint author: Leroy study of a two—span continuous girder highway bridge. Eng. Thisell, Wayne I. PORTER, Raymond Edwin See: Fanta, Erwin K. POSS, Donald Glen See: Espe, Ronald K. PUSS, Robert Joseph See: Jentz, Gilbert L. POSTON, Virgil See: Krueger, Forrest J. POSTWEILER, Reinhart H. See: Kojis, Daniel D. POTT, Herman Theodore Roads and pavements. 1916 ES Civil Eng. POTTER, John Church 217 See: Hodge, J.S. POTTS, Frederick Andrew See: Hosig, I.E. POWELL, David Alva A study of the characteristics of constant current transformers. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Wagner, George E. POWELL, Robert Bruette See: Hoe, George M. POWERS, Martin Aloysius Calorized iron as an element for thermocouples. 1917 ES Chem. Eng. POWRIE, William Robert A commercial test of the Republican House power plant, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1896 ES Eng. Joint authors: Ramien, Carl H. POST, Arthur Lester An economic study of the Neenah by—pass highway. 1939 Joint authors: Voss, Arnold W. Ward, William P. POST, George Gilbert Losses in high tension transmission lines due to brush discharge. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Stewart, A.T. PRASAD, C. Williams, Charles H. Zimmerman, Oliver B. Stone coating — water stripping test of asphalt emulsions. 1959 ES Civil Eng. PRATT, Leo Franklin Current practice in the design of pneumatic caissons. 1929 BS Civil Eng. See: Harrison, Chester J. PRAWDZIK, Thaddeus Boleslaus PROUDFOOT, William Stephen 218 See: Drew, Sidney D. PUERNER, ?us~efl ~&~Jard — ~ .,See: Bellack, W.B. PUGH, John See: Goudie.5atc~ts PUGH, Wilbur Wiley See: Bates, Floyd Elton See: Melin, O.W. PRESTON, Burt Kenneth See: Empey, LeRoy W. PRICE, A.W. A study of life insurance from an engineering point of view. 1950 ES PRICE, Elmer Ehlers See: Minshall, Neal E. PRICE, James Robertson See: Greggs, Scranton H PRICE, John Reese See: Conrad, Nicholas J PRICE, Reginald Carrier Comparative costs of power generation for 1933 in Eastern Wisconsin. 1935 ES Civil Eng. PRITCHARD, Owen John The production of barium sulphide from barium sulphate. 1917 BS Chem. Eng PROBERT, Samuel Harold See: Halladay, F.S. PROCHASKA, Victor Hugo 219 Variations in average annual rainfall for various periods of time. 1927 ES Civil Eng. PROCHAZKA, Henry Charles The economy of the Nordberg engine as affected by the introduction of a separator and reheater between the high and low pressure cylinders. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. Joint author: Richter, Oscar A. PRUNUSKE, John Anthony Design of sewerage and sewage treatment facilities for Edgerton, Wisconsin. 1954 ES Civil Eng. PRYOR, William Alexander Design of a reinforced concrete arch. 1939 PUERNER, Bertram Harvey See: Lange, Herbel A. PUGH, William Harold Testing boilers in the University heating plant for efficiency and evaporation. 1911 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Watson, Robert D. PULVER, Harry E. PYNCHON, Edwin Albert A plan of reclamation for the Cross Bayou drainage district, Pin— ellas County, Florida. 1916 QUALMAN, Kenneth James See: Bruns, Edw. G. QUAST, Adolph William Loss of head due to elbows and friction in a 12” low velocity air pipe. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Strothmann, O.E. QUIGLEY, Arthur Joseph RAETZMANN, Arthur Henry See: Douglas~Qo~s.’rkr’~ C. QUIMBY, Frank Kendall See: Dames, Erwin QUINN, Raymond John History of vibrolithic concrete 220 pavements. 1925 ES Civil Eng. RAASCH, Gerald E. Energy loss in liquid flow in welding pipe fittings. 1951 ES Civil Eng. RABBITT, Ora Clyde See: Burner, F.L. RACCOLI, Theodore Experimental study of performance of a rotary deep well power head. 1930 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Waite, Gordon E. RACINE, Warren E An investigation of dimensional analysis and similarity as applied to structural model and prototype. 1951 BS Civil Eng. RADKE, Orville Edward See: Lillesand Lynn N. RADKE, Walter Ludwig See: Lathers, Victor Mathew RADLEY, Harmon Monroe See: Livingston, Penn P. RADTKE, Albert Augustus Comparative tests of dry cells. 1900 ES Eng. RAESE, George Philip See: Plate, Joseph K. See: Fetzner, Edward J. RAGATZ, Roland Andrew Microscopic study of aluminum copper bronze. 1920 ES Chem. Eng. RAHN, Bruno See: Egelhoff, R.F. 221 RAIKEN, Sidney H. See: Binning, Robert C. RALL, Lloyd Louis See: Goodier, Robert D. RAMIEN, Carl H. See: Powrie, William R. RAMSTAD, Albert George See: Conrad Nicholas J. RANDOLPH, Burr Harland See: Johnson, Clifford E. RANKIN, Hiram Smith See: Drew, Harold W. RANKL, Fred Anthony Tests of Wisconsin sands used in concrete road construction. 1920 ES Civil Eng. Joint authors: Smith, Robert E. Zahorik, Peter A. RASMUSSEN, Walter Samuel See: Paddock, Robert H. RATH, William Charles Frederick Tests relating to the effect of frost upon Portland cement mortars. 1906 ES Eng. See: Noyes, E.C. RAThER,. Max Frederic REE, William Oscar RAU, Charles Alexander See: Bendfeldt, Herbert A.0. RAU, Harold Lippert See: Brown, Thomas C. RAUBE, William Carl Comparative tests of magnetic brakes. 1915 222 Joint author: Reed, John W. RAY, John Murray See: Lampert B.H. READ, Benjamin Killey See: Biersach, R. READ, Robert Benjamin The effect of admixtures on the strength of structural waylite and sand. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint authors: Sivley, W.S. Vogel, M.M. READER, Jay J. Promotion of suburban subdivisions and builder’s analysis of residence construction therein. 1927 ES Joint author: Zilisch, Harold W. REDEEN, Byron Chester An experimental investigation of domestic sewage treatment by a new differential oxidation and flocculation method. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Strand, John A. REE, Melvin Clarence See: Bertle, Frederick A. The design of a rigid frame overhead. 1935 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Stanek, E.R. REED, Carl Sweetland See: MacMillan, Harold St. C. REED, George Letchworth Piston velocities in direct—connected steam—driven pumps. 1924 ES Civil Eng. REED, James Olin Tests on the effect of repeated loadings on the bond between concrete and plain and corrugated reinforc~rt~ bars. 1908 ES Gen. Eng. Joint author: Williams, Sidney J. REED, John Willis See: Raube, William C. 223 REED, Melbourne Ovid See: O’connor A.J. REED, Richard Law See: Clarke, Harry Devereux REEDAL, Peter Eugene See: Birkholz S,~,\tc...s \~. REESE, Robert Lee Effects of polyvinyl acetate on the properties of Portland cement concrete. 1954 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Shackelford, John E. REESE, Robert Wright Design for a flexible progressive traffic signal system for University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin. Joint author: Riewe, Edgar L. REEVES, Harry Milton REINERT, Walter August Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge by the influence line method. 1932 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Thompson, William E., Jr. REICHEL, Earl Hugo A variation in permissible stress over the length of columns. 1956 ES Civil Eng. REID, Bryan Seaborne Mining taxation. 1913 ES Mm. Eng. REID, John Winfield A discussion of the engineering and economic value of constructing a railroad in Washington State across the Cascade Mountains through Teton Pass from North Yakima to Tacoma and Seattle. 1906 ES Eng. REIDER, Clarence George See: Otto, Donal W. REILLY, Harry Winne See: Owen, Llewellyn 224 REILLY, Thomas William Investigation of the losses in a reciprocating power pump including a special study of the valve action. 1912 ES Civil Eng. ?aIM,kR, PR½’S.~\- Frac~\c Ste.~ O’Ntn~ ~-ka\st~ ~ REIN, Edward Nils See: Johnson, Donald B. REINEKING, Victor Herman The development of a hydro—elect— nc plant on the Little Wolf River near Royalton, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. A discussion of earth pressures as applied to retaining walls. 1911 ES Civil Eng. REINHARD, Gustav Adolph See: Blatz, A.V. REINHARD, Louis Ferdinand See: Green, C.W. REINHOLD, Carl Jacob See: Dowling, Claire F. REINKE, Ray J. See: Locher, Fred REINKE, Richard Eric Laboratory treatment of creamery wastes by activated sludge method. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Ruf, H.W. REISINGER, Robert Louis Jr. The design of a high rate trickling filter sewage treatment plant for the village of Waunakee, Wisconsin. 1943 Civil Eng. REMLEY, Robert Raymond The accuracy and reliability of various strain measuring devices. 1941 Joint author: Riley, John D. RENARD, Kenneth George See: Jackson, Raymond E. 225 RENDTORFF, Edmund Joseph Thermo—electnicity. 1895 ES Eng. RENNER, Edwin Ross See: Ferber, H.J. See: Brandel, W.L. REPLINGER, Roy Lodawick RHEINGANS, William Jacob See: Kidder, Charles P. RHODES, James Arthur Comparative study of bridge floor types. 1936 Joint author: Richardson, L.T. REQUA, Eugene Miner The effect of the character of the oil on the bleeding and swelling of wood paving block. 1916 RESNICK, Sol Donald See: Fisk, Charles Carroll REUTER, Louis Frederick, Jr. Design of the proposed North Avenue viaduct at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1915 Joint author: Tash9ian, Edward H. REUTER, William Robert The effect of various methods of floating upon the strength of concrete. 1922 BS Joint author: Youngberg, Adolf F. REYNOLDS, Benjamin Smith See: Pawling, Robert A. REYNOLDS, Ira Lambert See: Bertke, W.A. REYNOLDS, Thomas Myrick Experimental determination of the resistance of single truck electric railway cars on tangent tracks. 1912 ES Civil Eng. 226 REYNOLDS, William Everettem See: Buckley, W.J. REZIN, Arthur Irving Photo record of Petenwell Darn construction. 1948 ES RHINE, Charles Agustus See: Buttles, Ben E. RHUDE, Maurice John The arch method of analysis applied to rigid building frames. 1947 Civil Eng. Joint author: Robbins, Albert B. RICE, Alexander Elliot A survey of lighting systems in the University buildings. 1920 BS Elect. Eng. RICE, Ernest Frederic Heat fatigue of the dielectric strength of plastic insulating compounds. 1908 ES Eng. RICE, Lererett Ernest See: Helzer, A.E. RICHARDS, Jere Turner See: Erown~Thav~e. R. RICHARDS, Walter Joseph Electrolytic separation of lead and silver. 1893 ES Eng. RICHARDS, William Allan See: Barr, John Martin RICHARDSON, Elwood Arthur The design of a 500,000 volt experimental transformer. 1910 ES Eng. RICHARDSON, Glenn Carol The anemometer as an instrument for measuring the velocity of air. 1917 ES Mech. Eng. RICHARDSON, Linwood Thomas See: Richardson, E.A. 227 RICHARDSON, Walter Hawley See: Elaine, J.R.S. RICHTER, Oscar Arthur See: Prochazka, Henry C. RICK, Norman Andrew The comparison of cost of grade separation and a consideration of the method of apportionment of cost between parties interested. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wienke, Arthur R. RICKEMAN, Frederick Henry Corrosion of iron plates by alternating current electrolysis. 1906 ES Eng. RIDDIOUGH, J.G. Fuel economy of several motor vehicles under various conditions of operation. 1950 ES RIEDEL, F.H. Field determination of the coefficients of friction for various types of road surfaces. 1950 BS RIEGER, Harry Wm. See: Ehrgott, Karl RIEWE, Edgar Leo See: Reese, Robert W. RILEY, John Dyer See; Remley, Robert R. RINGENOLDUS, James Chester — v Predicting snowmelt runoff on the Rib River Basin. 1952 ES Civil Eng. RIPLEY, Fred Hubert See: Larson, A.V. RIPLEY, Russell Rosier The action of oil in a flooded bearing under different pressures and speeds. 1906 ES Eng. 228 Joint author: Saubert, Henry M. RISSEEUW, Elmer J. See: Biersach, Frank J. RIZZI, Arthur Francis The variation in ash content of sewage and activated sludge with time and temperature. 1948 ES RIZZO, Frank See: Laffey, William T. ROADS, Samuel Hardin See: Fisher, Glenn Bailey ROBE, Carroll Elbridge See: Otis, Edward Numan ROBBINS, Albert Bryant See: Rhude, Maurice J. ROBEINS, Francis LeVitte Tests of hydraulic models constructed of pyralin. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Schellin, Ervin A. ROBBINS, Richard A. Development and status of under— ground water law. 1956 Civil Eng. ROBECK, Gordon Gurney Oxidation characteristics of Mal— lory’s oxidized sludge for sewage treatment. 1944 BS ROBERTS, Chapin Efficiency test of the gas producer power plant of the Democrat Printing Company. 1911 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Wood, L.A. ROBERTS, John Roger See: Heberlein, Edward G. ROBERTSON, Almon Fulton 229 Proposed method of mining and equipment for the Hoffman Mine. 1911 ES Mm. Eng. ROBERTSON, Lawrence Bernard -~ See: Johnson, G.M. ROBERTSON, Robert Earl An investigation of the relative strength of round, reinforced concrete fence posts with variations in reinforcement. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Weidenfeller, Raymond P. ROBINSON, George Porter The permeability and magnetic qualities of iron and steel. 1896 ES Eng. ROBINSON, Ray Fisk Design of a telephone system for the University of Wisconsin. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Rodenbaeck, George A. ROBINSON, Wallace Alexander Analysis of a two hundred and eighty—one foot concrete arch. 1910 BS Eng. ROCKETT, Louis Charles Preliminary investigation of Madison water supply. 1915 Joint author: Saigh, Nicholas A. RODEHAVER, Robert John See: Luniak, Allan Charles RODENBAECK, George Albrecht See: Robinson, R.F. ROELL, Kenneth August Volatile acids determinations. 1956 Civil Eng. ROEMING, George Carl Experiments on curing of concrete pavement on F A P 460 — A Wisconsin highway commission. 1930 ES Civil Eng. ROGE, Carl C. — Hydrologic study of the tribu taries to Lake Mendota. 1951 ES Civil Eng. .±&ovt Stocrc~ N\av~J~r~ ‘NROGERS, Howard Herbert 230 Extraction of fats from waste leather with gasoline and carbon tetrachioride. 1912 ES Chem. Eng. ROGERS, Lester Cushing See: Bragg, Kendal B. ROGERS, Ross Walter Preliminary report on the proposed hydro—electric development of the Menominee River at White Rapids, Wisconsin. 1921 ES Elect. Eng. Joint author: Strong, Thomas F. ROHDE, William Charles Frederick A milliampere current transformer. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Wedlock, Frank V. See: Jones, Charles E. ROHERn, John Neal ROSENOW, Ernst Eric The air washer. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. See: Gesell, Walter Bertram ROHLFING, Anthony Ferdinand The effect of delay in placing on the strength and wearing resistence of concrete. 1922 ES Joint author: Spetz, Ralph F. ROHLICH, Gerard Addison See: Bogost, Meyer Samuel ROLLAND, Sverre Lind Report on the proposed hydroelectric development for the city of Dunkirk, New York. 1922 ES ROLLMANN, Alfred Carl See: Meyers, I\\v&r, ROMIG, Paul William See: Campbell, Lawrence F. ROOD, Charles Mackey See: Boynton, John E. 231 ROSCOE, David Conrad ‘. a..: ‘ Vi Vi An investigation of the iron— carbon—phosphorus—silicon system. 1925 ES Mi Eng. ROSECKY, John Edward Use of flow table in determining liquid limit of Soils. 1938 ES Civil Eng. ROSENKRANS, Floyd McKee See: George, M.W. ROSENKRANZ, William Adelbert Behavior of oil—water separations. 1949 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Wagner, V.G. ROSENSTENGEL, Rudolph See: Arms,’?~tA. ROSHOLT, John Nicholas The design, construction, and testing of an Eddy current brake. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Scribner, Charles A. ROSIER, Frank Burdette Rail impedance to alternating currents of different frequencies. 1906 ES Eng. ROSS, Harry Hurson See: Broenniman, Arnold E. ROSS, Harry Hurson See: Burkho1der,C’c~r\ts trv\nt ROSS, Howard Charles Comparative design of truss type and rigid frame mill bents. 1952 BS Civil Eng. ROSSING, Adolph Hjalmar Investigation and design of a water supply for Argyle, La Fayette County, Wisconsin. 1906 ES Eng. ROTE, Robert Lewis 232 The design of a reinforced concrete warehouse building. 1910 ES Eng. ROTH, Sam Irving ROTH, William Arthur See: Gaskell, C.J. See: Congdon, Claire C. ROTTER, Israel Irving RU)’, Harold William See: Reinke, R.E. See: Chritzman, George M. See:Dean, John S. ROVE, Olaf N. See: Kessler, Lewis H. ROWE, Wilfred Lincoln See: Newton, George C. ROWE, William Allard The adaptability of a type of the single phase series motor for railway purposes. 1904 BS Eng. ROWE, William Jonathan An efficiency test on a 500 K.W. rotary—converter set. 1903 ES Eng. ROWELL, Lewis Dow Investigation of the magnetic distribution in the air gap of a direct current cynamo. 1901 ES Eng. ROWLEY, Francis Benjamin See: Larsen, Albert ROYCE, Wilfred Alexius See: Andrew, E.L. ROZEK, John Stanley Pavement deflections under dynamic loading. 1952 ES Civil Eng. 233 RUEDEEUSCH, Richard August Economy and capacity tests of three boilers located at the Allis— Chalmers Company, West Allis, Wisconsin. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Workman, Dran M. RUEPING, Louis Henry RUFF, Richard John Prevailing direction and magnitude of winds in the north central states. 1933 BS Civil Eng. RUHLOFF, Frederick Carl An investigation of car ventilation. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. RUKA, Fred William See: Hayden, C.B. RULE, Eimer RUMELY, Vincent Philip See: Bleyer, L.G. RUMSEY, Spencer Smith See: Cornish5’Ros~ c_s RUNDELL, Edward Bacon See: Bennett, L.C. RUSCH, Erwin Gustav See: Cummins, Francis J. RUSCH, Herbert William August See: Grambsch, Rinold H. RUSSELL, Cecil Ruffell ‘~ ~ ~“ .:‘ -. A study of the discharge over a side weir. 1923 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Zander, K.L. RUSSELL, Webber Sands See: McCoy, L.B. RUST, Thomas H. The design of a two hinged steel arch bridge. 1912 ES Civil Eng. 234 RUSTONE, Berlin Alwood Theodore A study of conditions affecting the starting of freight trains. 1909 BS Eng. RUTTER, Gordon Peter See: Pedersen, R.W RYAN, Donald Patrick The application of explosives to highway construction. 1953 ES Civil Eng. RYAN, Edmund See: Milispaugh, J.W RYAN, Edmund John See: Carpenter, Willis A. RYAN, James Thurston ‘CT~” ‘Vi’ The design of a laboratory model of the Walschaert valve gear. 1915 RYAN, William Henry An interurban railway project from Madison to Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Zeisler, George H. RYAN, William Joseph A study of performance and economy of modern road building equipment. 1949 BS Civil Eng. RYDER, Gana Gustavus Commercial application of electric heating and some tests of heating appliances. 1907 ES Eng. SACKERSON, Axel Edwin The metallographic study of shafting steels. 1915 (Degree not granted) Joint author: Squier, S.H. SACKETT, W.H. Survey and estimate of road bed and track for an electric railroad from Madison to Middleton, Wisconsin. 1906 ES 235 Joint authors: Stock, H. Youngblutt, F.C. SAEMANN, Jesse Charles, Jr. The fatigue properties of low— alloy high— strength steels. 1943 Civil Eng. SAFIFORD, Robert D. See: Curtis, John W. SAGEN, Edward Rohr The cost of heating residence buildings in Madison. 1914 ES Mech. En g. SAIGH, Nicholas Abraham See: Rockett, Louis C. ST. GEORGE, Arthur Baldwin The design and test of an alternating current plunger magnet. 1909 ES Eng. Sc,~n* auWsc~c: td\~rtc~-~~ ~Ja\*er C~. SAKS, John Stephen See: Jensen, Harold ti. SALMON, Wallis Samuel See: Johnson, John F. SALTZSTEIN, Irving David Design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1926 BS Civil Eng. SALVESEN, Per Lube See: Benedict, W.J. SARIDAICIS, Frank John Design of a combination bank and office building of reinforced concrete. 1956 Civil Eng. SANUELSON, C.R. The design of a collinator for the adjustment of a surveying instrument. 1955 ES SMTBORN, Roy Asa The design of steam generating stations as auxiliaries to hydroelectric plants. 1901 BS Eng. 236 SANBORN, Wilfred Alden A study of traffic accidents with special reference to Wisconsin. 1928 BS Civil Eng. SANDBERG, Henry Theodore Investigation of temperature and velocities in a smokestack. 1913 ES Mach. Eng. SANDERSON, John Archibald A comparison of the weight of structural steel for a welded and a riveted pony truss highway bridge. 1940 SANDNER, Frank Xavier, Jr. Possibilities of future recovery of oil by secondary methods. 1942 Civil Eng. SANDS, Edward Emmet BS See: Older, Clifford SAUBERT, Henry Michael See: Ripley, Russell R. SAUNDERS, Arthur Bernard See: Hammerschlag, J.G. SAUNDERS, Henry Jenness See: McNown~vR\\\am C. SAVAGE, John Lucian The accuracy of various approximate methods of finding the stresses in the members of a two—hinged arch. 1903 ES Eng. SAVORIAS, John Lee See: Lindquist, Durward L. SAWYER, Walter Percy Design of a steel coal tipple. 1905 ES Eng. SAXER, Edward Lewis See: Kitze, Frederick F. 237 SAXTON, Ren George See: Colladay, E.B. SAYLES, William Effect of submergence on the Stevens proportional flow weir. 1949 SCARCLIFF, George Allen SANFORD, Herbert Brooks See: Benedict, G.A. SARGENT, Julien Downing See: Arndt, A.H. See: Hatch, W.A. SCHAAL, Norbert James The manufacture and testing of accurate surfaces. 1920 ES Mech. Eng. SCHAD, James Albert SCHEMBERA, Robert E. See: Crabb, Clyde S. SCHAPPER, Kurt See: Anderson~&\~LSka~tt p.~ The performance of a sixteen inch Nalde (cranberry marsh) auger pump with various alterations in the impel— br and casing. 1916 Joint authors: Steuber, Milton C. Tabor, Henry W. SCHAEFER, Milton W. See: Moore, L.E SCHAEFFER, Albert Charles See: Drumi, Frank U. SCHAFER, Otto See: Campbell~ ~tr~ SCHALLOCK, Arthur John See: Bachhuber, Martin L. SCHATTSCHNEIDER, Sylvester See: Graham, G.A. SCHEIBER, Arthur Valentine Tests on the durability of carbon as anode material. 1899 ES Eng. 238 SCHEINFELD, Emmanuel The principles underlying the economical lay—out of large construction plants. 1920 ES Civil Eng. SCHELFHOUT, Donald John “ ‘ Vi Lake Mendota hydrology for the water year 1951—1952. 1953 ES Civil Eng. SCITELLIN, ‘Ervin Albert See: Robbins, Francis L. SCHERER, Andrew Charles See: Bates, Floyd E. SCHERER, Harold Lester See: Phelps, M. SCHERZ, James Barron flagstone: its physical properties and quarry characteristics. 1959 ES Civil Eng. SCHEUER, Charles Henry The proportioning of concrete. 1908 ES Eng. SCHILDHAUER, Edward See: A11enS)S&c.~n ~. SCHILLER, Robert Alfred See: Dittman, R.F. SCHILLING, Walter William Methods and cost of dredging. 1912 ES Civil Eng. SCHINDELHOLZ, Robert Oscar See: Koletzke, Max F. SCHINDLER, Donald Franklin Determination of vapor tensions of lead and zinc. 1915 SGHIPPOREIT, George Paul See: Eastman, Leroy Irons 239 SQILECK, Walter Hubert See: McFarland, Malcolm F. SCHLEIFER, August Carl See: Lutze, Henry F SCHMIDT, Ferdinand Carl SCHLINTZ, Ralph Arnold A critical evaluation of methods for determining the tensile strength of wood. 1949 ES Civil Eng. SCHLOEMER, Robert E. The design of a multi—story garage for off—street parking. 1951 ES Civil Eng. SCELONDROP, Edwin See: Fischer, Frank A. SCHLUTER, Albert Lee See: Bjebajac, Vaso SCHMID, Roman Anton See: Parker, Horton R. SCHMIDLEY, William Robert An investigation of the water power of the Janesvible Electric Company. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Wulfing, Harry E. SCHMIDT, Arthur Emil ‘~T,,’, C::, See: Moote, Volney N. SCHMIDT, Charles John See: Owen, Liewellyn SCHMIDT, Ethan Warner The effect of suction head upon the efficiency and capacity of a centrifugal pump. 1919 ES Mech. Eng. Joint author: Stern, E.F. SCHMIDT, Eugene Albert A paving program for Madison, 1925—1930. 1925 ES Civil Eng. 240 Design of an electric distribution system for the University of Wisconsin campus. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Steinfort, C.E. SCHMIDT, Frederick Julius See: Morris, Victor SCHMIDT, George John Defects of Madison’s concrete pavements with proposed remedies. 1925 BS Civil Eng. SCHMIDT, Herbert Edgar The development and exploitation of a lead silver mine in the Coeur d’Alene district of Idaho. 1911 ES Mm. Eng. SCHMITT, James Paul See: Plautz, Arthur H. SCHMIDT, Lewis Adelbert, Jr. See: Green, Sherman B. SCHMIDT, Milton Otto Flood forecasting on the River. 1938 ES Civil Eng. SCHMIDT, Paul Herman Chippewa The production of acetone from grey acetate of lime. 1918 ES Chem. Eng. SCHMIDT, Richard Eugene See: Kloman, Edward J. SCHMIDT, William Frederick Air discharges and efficiencies of fan motors. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Wagner, Ray T. See: Olson, Arthur 0. SCHMITT, Francis Herman See: Landgraf, Fred K. SCHNEIDER, Henry Charles 241 See: Eallschmider, A.L. SCHMITT, 3acc~es ?au-t See: Plautz, Arthur H. SQ\-\t~VttT, cc~ncxs Svcocae. Se~t’\~Ckz~ \rW~u.r s-k. SCHMITT, Frederick Emil The two—hinged braced arch. 1900 ES Eng. SCHMITT, Herbert Clarence Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway track elevation in Milwaukee with special reference to subsoil conditions in the design of the substructure. 1914 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Thwaits, Frederick G. SCHMITZ, Nicholas Joseph See: Orr, Roswell P. SCHNEIELE, Douglas Edward Study and design of roadway system for City Bluff Park, Richiand Center, Wisconsin. 1938 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Von Gunten, Glenn H. SCHNEIDER, Andrew George Microscopic examination of carbon. 1913 ES Chem. Eng. SCHNEIDER, Alfred William Salesmanship organization plans and sales methods. 1924 BS Civil Eng. SCHNEIDER, Claire Leslie See: Camlin, William J. SCHNEIDER, George Russell Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge to cross the Illinois Central Raibroad at Virginia Terrace, Madison, Wisconsin. 1922 BS SCHNEIDER, Martin Peter See: Fehlandt, W.L. SCHNEIDER, Walter George 242 SCHOENFELIYT, Alan Edward See: Anderson, Dalton L. SCHOLBE, Jack Lochen See: Maas, Albert W. SCHOLES, Robert Henry Report on the proposed hydroelectric development at Farm Dam site on the Peshtigo River. 1924 ES Elect. Eng. SCHOTT, Leland W. Structural design of the reinforced concrete frame for an office building. 1947 Civil Eng. SCHRADER, Roland Ralph See: Abendroth, E.A. %C\kRER\a~d. R~Açt’ ~tE~t ~t~t25SO\\X\ ~ SCHREIBER, Kirk Everett The design of reinforced concrete frame for a high school building at Waunakee, Wisconsin. 1948 ES SCHREIER, John Agustus The analysis of the condensation from lumber dry kmlns. 1911 SCHROEDER, Edward Herman See: Martin, Andrew H. SCHROEDER, Erich George SCHLJDT, Joseph August SCHULTZ, Vernon Herbert -- “~‘~“‘.~ , “ See: Bloom, Kenneth A. A bibliography of methods for waterproofing concrete. 1914 ES Civil Eng. SCHROEDER, Frank Charles Design and details for a locomotive turntable. 1907 ES Eng. SCHROEDER, Frederick Martin A. 243 The economical system of hauling freight and the operation thereof, on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. 1899 BS Eng. SCHROEDER, George Edward Construction and maintenance of Wisconsin roads. 1912 BS Civil Eng. SCHROEDER, John Toby See: Diehl, Guy E. SCIiROETER, Milton John See: Foss, Richard L. SCHUBERT, William E. The history of the applications of pulverized fuel to central stations. 1929 BS Nech. Eng. SCHUBRING, Albert Howard See: Baebler, H.Z. SCHUBRING, George Frederick A report on an investigation of the water supply for the Medford irrigation district. 1922 ES Joint authors: Shapiro, Leo H. Thiel, Walter C. SCHUCHARDT, Rudolph Frederick See: Jones, George H. Economic possibility of highway transportation in the state of Wisconsin. 1924 BS Civil Eng. SCHULER, Frank Joseph Comparative tests of a gasoline engine equipped with an automatic or with a mechanically operated inlet valve. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Waite, W.E. SCHULTE, Walter Biersach The vaporization of zinc and its condensation as dust. 1910 BS Eng. SCHULTZ, Arthur Fred 244 An investigation of the effects of case hardening and heat treatment on the physical properties of steel. 1910 BS Bug. Joint author: Sladky, Alex C. SCHULTZ, Elmer Ernst See: De Blaise, Anthony W. SCHUMAN, Everett Carlyle A study of a proposed electric. railway between Milwaukee and Madison. 1924 ES Civil Eng. SCHUMANN, Theodore Paul See: Bertrand ~ ft~. SCHUSTEDT, Frederick Nathaniel Investigation of tests for fillers for wood block pavements. 1917 ES Civil Eng. SCHUTTE, Albert George A study of the efficiency of absorption of ammonia in coke towers. 1920 BS Chem. Eng. See: Bryan, Wayne G SCHUTZ, Paul Benjamin SCRIBNER, Charles Archibald See: Rosholt, John N. SCHUYLER, Philip Kingsland The relative economy of mass and reinforced concrete highway bridge abutments. 1921 ES Civil Eng. SCHWADA, Joseph Philip See: Pflanz, E.L. SC*Vv~JAL~,k.~ \‘\L L. S~ttw~,a.cj~ 5c~\~ \4ertnan SQiWEDE, Frederick August See: Graff, Bjarne H SCHWENDENER, Harry Garfield A study of the Cooper—Hewitt mercury vapor converter. 1904 ES Eng. Joint author: Stewart, J.A. SCOTT, George Alvin See: Gardner, Stephen SCOTT, Henry Holton 245 The electrolytic effects of return street railway currents on underground lead pipes and cable coverings. 1896 BS Eng. Joint author: Van Ness, L.G. SCOTT, James Elwin Comparative costs of warehouse construction in Madison today. 1948 ES SCOTT, Morris James See: Angrick, Roy SCOTT, Walter James See: Gmeiner, Donald SCOVILL, Norman Donald The design of a rigid frame bridge. 1938 ES Civil Eng. SCUDDER, Charles Morrison See: Birch, A. SEAMAN, Harold The effect of frequency on the steadiness of light emitted from an incandescent lamp. 1900 85 Eng. SEAMAN, Irving See: Bertke.,”v’Jk\\\~tv~ SEARLES, Charles Leo See: Engsberg, E.E. SEARLES, Harolde Napton, Jr. Effects of pressure on energy loss in heavy paraffin oil flow in straight pipes. 1954 ES Civil Eng. SEDER, Willard James An investigation of stresses in a steel arch bridge. 1921 ES Civil Eng. SEEKINS, Leonard Ross Traffic capacity of rural highways. 1948 BS 246 SEELYE, Seth Haness Water power development on the Wolf River near Langlade, Wisconsin. 1915 SEIDEL, Gordon Frank See: Luck, Morton SEIFERT, Andrew See: Isabella, Nicholas M. SELL, Robert Frederick See: Czyzewski, L.J. SELVES, Elliott Alvin The effect of surface finish on the endurance life of mild steel. 1948 ES SENIOR, Isaac Schemel The transportation system of the Republic of Colombia. 1954 85 Civil Eng. SENISTA, G.J. The design, construction and test of a magnetic hammer. 1906 ES SENN, Charles Lester See: Obma, Chester A. SENSENBRENNER, Melvin Bernard See: Hall, James Fults SERDAHELY, Steven George ‘crc ~ See: -Herculano5A. SERVIS, Frank Arthur See: Frost, Donald K. SEVERSON, Harry Ashton Timber preservation. 247 ES Eng. SEVERSON, Norman Arthur See: Anderson, Ben R. SEVERSON, Stephen Eenjamin See: Derge, F.J. 1901 SEWALL, Fred Alexander Investigation in the blowing out of coal from the pan in the Mahler bomb. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. SEYMOUR, Marshall Ehle ~“. A commercial and efficiency test of a storage battery plant. 1898 Elect. Eng. Joint author: Smith, Allard Zabel, Max Wm. SEYTON, Harry J. See: Gates, Howard B. SHAQCELFORD, John Elwood See: Reese, Robert Lee SHADBOLT, Loomis James An investigation of carbon granules as used in modern telephone transmitters. 1906 ES Eng. SHAFER, Clifford Bernard Concrete pavement construction. 1914 ES Civil Eng. SHAFER, Samuel Parker See: Chadwick, William J. SQe~ ~ ~\vW~us tex~av~n ~t. 248 SHA2E, Alfred Charles The influence of organic addition agents in a zinc sulphate galvanizing bath. 1912 ES Chem. Eng. SHAPIRO, Joseph See: Hoffman, A.W. SHAPIRO, Leo Henry See: Schubring, George F. SHAPIRO, Samuel Reuben See: Koenig, H.H. SHAW, Harold Nichols The design of alternators for frequencies above 500 cycles per second. 1918 ES Elect. Eng. SHAW, Ralph SHERIWN, Frank James See: Larsen, Albert The effect of consistency and of gradation of aggregate upon the strength of concrete. 1923 ES Joint author: Steffen, Milton C. SHAW, Robert See: Myhre, Harold SHEA, John Richard See: Martin, Andrew H SHEALY, Edward Marvin See: Barber, E.L SHEER.AR, Lewis Lincoln The effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of certain low—alloy high—yield—strength steels. 1938 ES Civil Eng. SHELDON, Sidney Roby See: Arms .V&.M. SHEPARD, Claude Harold 249 See: Beasley, W.H. SHERBURNE, Frank Valentine See: Bennett, A.E. SHERBURNE, Henry Clement See: Busby, Lynn John SHERBURNE, Lewis Raymond See: Dames, Erwin SHERIFF, Frederick Beby —- . c~:’•. The design of an automobile testing plant. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. SHERMAN, John Rockwood See: Kuelling, H.J. SHIELDS, William Frederick A study of theories of proportioning concrete for highway projects. 1949 ES Civil Eng. SHIPEK, Adolph See: Conway, J.F. SHIPMAN, John Lee See: Hunt, Paul J. SHOEMAKER, William Tuner Analysis of production control functions for purposes of simplification of methods. 1940 SHONAT, Archie Design of a three hinged steel arch bridge. 1912 ES Civil Eng. SHORE, Franklin A design of a short span steel arch bridge. 1925 BS Civil Eng. SHOREY, Edwin R. See: Abbott, E.P. SHOREY, Edwin Robert 250 Heat generation and dissipation in mass concrete construction. 1935 ES Civil Eng. SHORT, Frank James See: Dutcher, John E. SHRAKE, Fred Bradley Precipitation correlation from rain gage records. 1952 ES Civil Eng. SHU, Seng Jah SINZ, Edward Frederick See: Peterson, Henry W. History, design and construction of ordnance. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. SHUSTER, John Wesley A test of the value of oil as an insulating medium. 1899 ES Eng. SIPP, Edward Arden An analysis of maintenance charges for typical Wisconsin electric utilities. 1915 Joint author: Standish, M.E. SIEFERT, Paul Herman Design of a ballast for low voltage tungsten lamps. 1910 ES Eng. SIELAFF, Howard Helmuth See: Ernst, George W. SIETTMANN, Cornelius Clarence See: Erunner, F.H. SILBER, Fred David See: Biefeld11’a~.i\ ~ SILEERMAN, Max Prediction of the 28—day compressive strength of concrete from its 3—day and 7—day values. 1944 ES SIMANDL, Charles J. See: Faulkes, George S. SIMMONS, George Matthews See: Olson, Harry M. 251 SIMON, Albert Henry A test of a 4 1/2” Columbia hydraulic ram. 1913 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Vroman, H.W. SIMON, Edmond Montefiore Magnetic iron oxide as an electric conductor. 1907 BS Eng. SINGER, Ben Ervin See: Janicki, Harry R. James R. — .:: ~ See: Nixon, Floyd S., Jr. SIVLEY, Willard Emery See: Goe-tscP, Hetbert Pv. SIVLEY, Walter Sanford See: Read, Robert Eenjamin SJOBLOM, Axel Theodore See: Pergande, Arthur A. SJOBLOM, Maurice Charles See: Gilman, E.D. SKATRUD, Harlan Victor See: Johnson, Donald B. SKINNER, Merrill Edmund Aluminum cell lightning arrester electrolytes. 1914 A.E. SKINNER, Merril Edmund See: Lange, Ernest 0.A. SKIRN, Joseph Gaskill Cupola practice in Wisconsin grey iron foundries. 1917 ES Mm. Eng. SKOGSTAD, Leif 252 Design of an office building with reinforced concrete frame. 1947 Civil Eng. SKOGSTAD, Tor SMART, Orren David See: Peter, A.G. The design of a reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge. 1948 ES SLADE, John Lathrop See: Lauderdale, Jesse E. SLADKY, Alexander Canton See: Schultz, A.F. SLATER, John George See: Johnson, Bruce C. SLAVIK, Jerry D. Determination of the properties of structural concrete made with lightweight aggregates. 1951 BS Civil Eng. SLIDELL, Kemper See: Muckleston, Ralph W. SLIPPER, Jerry Charles Calibration of special v—notch weirs. 1955 ES Civil Eng. SLOAN, William Franklin See: Hanson, Frank H. SMALL, Alvan Leo The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge for the Prospect Avenue crossing of the Illinois Central Railway tracks in Madison, Wisconsin. 1940 SMALLSHAW, James See: Lindner, C.L. SMALLSHAW, John See: Alperovitz, Julius SMEATON, Charles Alexander See: Derge, Ferdinand 3. 253 SMITH, Allard — . See: Seymour, M.E. . SMITH, Andrew Adelbert See: Nelson, 0.H. SMITH, Bernard Frank See: Nelson, Russell A. SMITH, Clarence Edmond Consolidation characteristics of the soil beneath the new short course dormitory. 1947 Civil Eng. SMITH, Chauncey Lester See: Davis, Daniel E. SMITH, David Jerome Tests of concrete made with light weight aggregates. 1936 Joint author: Stone, Frank H. SMITH, Donald Hugh The consolidation of soils. 1941 SMITH, Edward Lotan History of the Big Inch Pipeline. 1947 Civil Eng. SMITH, Frederick Slocum Howland See: Distelhorst, C.A.R.. SMITH, Glen Edward See: Lowe, Charles Wesley SMITH, Harrison Arthur SMITH, Philip Harold See: Gumprecht, Henry Herman The heating of armatures. 1898 ES Eng. Joint author: Spence, Harry SMITH, Harold Frederick 254 Infiltration through various jointing materials for vitrified tile sewers. 1933 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Thurner, George SMITH, Jack Morgan See: Henderson, D.F. SMITH, James Elmo See: Olson, Sidney SMITH, John Raymond See: Lewy, Daniel SMITH, Judson Porter •. .: See: Chase, Heman L. .~ - SMITH, Leathem Daley See: Hodges, P. SMITH, Leon Albert See: Hoffman, E.R. SMITH, Lloyd Lyman Stream flow of the lower Fox River in Wisconsin. 1906 ES Eng. SMITH, Millard Beale The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge for Grand Avenue at its intersection with Honey Creek, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Smith, Ralph A. SMITH, Orrin Cheney A report on the water power of the Rock River at Eeloit, Wisconsin. 1907 ES Eng. SMITh, Philip Sheridan See: Jenne, Robert D. SMITH, Ralph Albert See: Smith, Millard B. SMITH, Robert Evans See: Ranki, Fred A. SMITH, Robert Matthew 255 See: Hopkins, William T. SMITH, Russell Gilman The urban traction problem of Chicago with particular reference to the through routes of the surface cars. 1915 SMITh, Robert Tynes, Jr. The flow of steam through an orifice. 1902 ES Eng. SMITH, Sydney Thomas See: Heald, Eugene H. SMITH, William Hooper See: Jacobs, Ernest R. SNIDER, William Herbert A survey of organization and mass production at the Rock Island Arsenal. 1920 ES Elect. Eng. SODEMANN, Paul Charles Flood frequencies of Wisconsin rivers. 1942 Civil Eng. Joint author: Wagner, John 0. SODERSTROM, Verne Arnold See: Hancock, William F. SOELGH, George Fred SPAYDE, Keith Crawford Investigation of the conditions for annealing tool steel. 1916 Joint author: Weber, J.A. SOERGEL, Robert John See: Bendt, J.P. SOGARD, Lawrence Taylor See: Kent, Hugh SOLOCHEK, Nathan Norman The effect of gradation on the strength of lightweight concrete. 1941 Joint author: Tragakis, Constantine 256 SOLOMON, Earl Louis Tests on the expansion and con— traction of architectural concrete stone. 1924 ES Civil Eng. SOREM, Alfred Julius See: Hoelz, John B SORENSON, Aif H. See: Langenegger, Albert U. SOuK’JP., C. b-k. Sect Ne\so’o~ \~.. F~ SOWLS, Homer Tillman The operating characteristics of certain plumbing fixtures. 1931 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Wolfe, Albert L. SPAFFORD, Allen The co—efficients of friction of commercial oils as compared with that of recovered crank case oil. 1920 ES Chem. Eng. SPALDING, Will~~~ See: Brown, Lc’aj\s R. SPARS, Raymond Frank See: Lutz, M.W. The analysis of a reinforced concrete arch bridge at Chippis, Switzerland. 1916 SPENCE, Harry See: Smith, H.A. SPENCER, Fred Lewis Efficiency test of an eighteen inch Pelton water wheel. 1908 ES Eng. Joint author: Wahl, L.E. SPERLING, Arthur Field See: Peters, Reinhardt E. SPERRY, C.D. The friction of non—metallic materials. 1914 ES Mach. Eng. Joint author: Teschan, Erhard G. 257 SPERRY, David Rockwell The filter press. 1907 BS Eng. SPETZ, Ralph Ferdinand See: Rohifing, Anthony F. SPIEKERMANN, John See: Itzkowitz, Nathan SPINDLER, Max Henry See: Gerlach,Thomas ~\. SPITZER, Elroy Francis See: Erichsen, Roy H. SPOOR, Ivan Herbert Belt vibration as a means of calculating tension. 1910 ES Eng. SPRAGUE, Clarence George Effect of shape in performance of digestion tanks. 1955 ES Civil Eng. SPRAY, Lester Ellsworth See: Best, Paul. B. SPRINGER, Ernest John See: Miller, Charles J. SQUIER, Samuel Harvey See: Sackerson, A.E. STAACK, John George Lake Wingra—Lake Monona improvement of the Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association. 1904 BS Eng. Joint author: Whitby, Willis R. STAEFFLER, Richard Paul See: Ladwig, Frank C. STASNEY, Elmer Francis See: Herold, Dale G. 258 STAUSS, John Frederick See: Belter, Walter G. STAUTZ, Floyd Frederick See: Ottensman, William R. STAVROS, Leonidas Harry See: Aten, Charles E. STEARNS, Edward Wording An investigation of the laws of flow over a twelve—inch submerged weir with end contractions. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Thayer, B.S. STAEHLE, Paul Max See: Bradish, C.B. STANCUFIELD, Bartley See: Kurtz, Edward N. STANDISH, Miles Everette See: Sipp, E.A. STANEK, Edward Richard See: Ree, William 0. STANLEY, Stewart Woods — See: von Geltsch, E.W. STANTON, Donald William See: Dew, Gerald James STARKS, Sanford Putnam See: Adams, B.F STARON, Lawrence Anthony T.1.~ Runoff measurements in Lake Mendota basin. 1956 BS Civil Eng. STEBBINS, Lawrence Lane Highway research investigation in the United States. 1924 BS Civil Eng. 259 STEELE, William Robert See: Frater, George G. STEELY, Benjamin Franklin See: Cronkrite, Donald L. STEERE, Maynard Joseph The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge over the Missouri River at Great Falls, Montana. 1916 STEERS, Leland Stanford Axle generator systems of electric car lighting. 1914 BS Elect Eng. STEFFEN, Alfred Joseph See: Morgan, Philip F. STEFFEN, Milton Carl STERBA, William John See: Shaw, Ralph STEINEAdH, Theodore George Mass transportation in the American city. 1957 ES STEINBERG, Ernest Joseph See: Kartak, F.A. STEINEERG, William Harrison Effect of transmission on the heating value of Madison gas. 1913 ES Chem. Eng. STEINER, Gordon Robert Model tests of scour at Buckhorn Bridge. 1953 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Williams, James W. STEINFORT, Carl Eduard See: Schmidt, F.C. STEINHAGEN, Ewald Daniel See: Koenig, M.C. STEINMETZ, George Phillip 260 See: Greenman, Ralph N. STENGL, Rudolph John The development of a copper—gold mine in the West Mountain district of Utah. 1913 ES Mm. Eng. STEPHANY, Erwin John See: Epstein, WC. STEPHENS, Clyde Kernick The reliability of visual and penetration tests on fillet arc welds. 1928 ES Civil Eng. Recent developments in the composition of the hydraulic cements of construction. 1935 ES Civil Eng. STERN, Emil Fred See: Schmidt, E.W. STERNA, Robert Lawrence See: Jarvis, James A. STEUBER, Milton Carl See: Schad, James A. STEUDEL, George Elias See: Christie, Henry A. STEVENS, Berry Thane See: Carpenter, Russell H. STEVENS, Chester Harris Bridge failures. 1902 ES Eng. STEVENS, Harold Lyle A design of the Lemonweir drainage district in Monroe and Juneau Counties. 1903 ES Eng. STEVENS, Roger Williams See: Peleske, Leo W. 261 STEWART, Arthur Thomas See: Post, George G. STEWART, James Alexander See: Schwendener, H.G. STEWART, Ralph William See: Knowles, James H. STIELER, Frederick Carl STOCKNAN, Louis Richard Corrosion of cathodes in acid solutions. 1902 ES Eng. STEINKE, Robert Edward See: Liebmann, Joachim E. STEIMKE, Walter Hermann The development of the pneumatic malting plant. 1915 STILES, Dw’ight Hawthorne See: Karger, Frank STILES, Robert Lincoln See: Borchert, Raymond C. STILLMAN, Carl Frederic See: Adams, Bertram F. SflLLMAN, James Irish The design of a reinforced concrete arch. 1925 ES Civil Eng. STILLWELL, Ellis Dayre See: Budd, H.L. STIMSON, Paul Reeve A protective coating of ferro— silicon on mild steel. 1916 STIRN, Alfred Julius See: Herthel, Eugene C. STIVERS, Charles Paul, Jr. 262 See: McFarland, Malcolm F. ScoC~, ~k. See~ ~c~sc\*~ ~‘4~ k-k. STOCKER, Edward Charles See: Erackenwagen, Earl C. STOCKER, George Patrick See: Euser, J.T. Protection of the city of Portage from the flood waters of the Wisconsin River. 1902 ES Eng. Joint author: Sunderland, I.C. STODDARD, Lester Leroy The going value of public utilities. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. STOEBER, William See: Mynning, David G. STOELTING, Roland Emil See: Dutton, E.K. STONE, Carrington Harlow Construction of a wireless station for the University of Wisconsin. 1915 STONE, Frank Henry See: Smith, David J. STONE, Melvin Bailey See: Icke, John F. STORER, Raymond Fredric See: Ladd, L.L. STORER, Richard Milton The production of basic refractory for open hearth furnaces from Wisconsin lime stone. 1918 ES them. Eng. STOREY, Oliver Wendell Tests of sherardizing. ES Eng. 1910 263 STORM, MarvinW.—~•~ See: Roge, Carl C. STRAIT, Edward Nathan See: Ealsom, Amos P. SU, Kan See: Chang, Moses Y. STRAND, Edward Henry STUART, Charles Whitman See: Davy, Philip S. STRAND, John Andrew See: Redeen, Byron C. STRAND, Lloyd Mabie See: Griem, Harvey STRASSEURGER, Erich William See: Perlman, Charles M. STRAVINSKI, Ceasar Anthony — See: Moote, Volney N. STREHLOW, Robert William A comparison of a rigid frame analysis by slope deflection and beggs deformeter methods. 1943 Civil Eng. STREIFF, Ray Edward See: Klotz, Frederick F. STREU, Albert Edward See: Chermak, Alvin R. STREWLER, Gordon Jerome See: Hoerig, Curt E. STRIEGL, Albert Rollin See: Miller, Karl C. 264 STRONG, Thomas Foster See: Rogers, Ross W. STROSINA, Jane Marie See: McCoy, William D. STROTHMANN, Oliver Ernst See: Quast, A.W. See: Jens, Roland STUEWE, Burlyn H. Application of air flotation to domestic sewage. 1953 ES Civil Eng. STURGEON, Edward Tyler See: Jacobson, Carl J. SUHM, Erwin Roman Calcium alloys as reducing agents. 1909 ES Eng. STiRS, Guy Harold See: Kastler, E.L. SUMMERIL, Franklin John The design of an automobile hotel. 1928 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Toole, R.E. SUNNICHT, Henry Anton See: Dietrich, F.W. SUNDERLAND, Ira Craft See: Stockman, L.R. SUNDERNANN, Irwin George The strength and stiffness of brick masonry piers. 1941 Joint author: Taylor, James SUSTINS, Walter Otis See: Derge, M.L. SUTTON, Francis M. 265 See: Bidwell, Laurence E. SWAN, George Dempster Some efficiency and illumination tests on the Cooper—Hewitt mercury vapor lamp. 1905 BS Eng. Joint author: Willison, C.D. SWANSON, Earl Grover Leonard The effects of the variation in the sizes of the coarse aggregate on the compressive strength of concrete. 1914 BS Civil Eng. (Degree not granted) SWANSON, Robert Larry Prestressed concrete road slabs. 1952 BS Civil Eng. SWAn, David Youngs See: K1ug~,Le2ore.ir~* X. SWEET, Howard Elliott The recalescence temperatures of nickel and cobalt. 1917 BS chem. Eng. SWEET, Nathan Clark See: MacLean, James D. SWENHOLT, Helmer See: Dahl, Chester T. SWETTING, Joseph Rodney See: Michel, Rudolph SWIETLIK, Walter Michael The design of a two hinged steel railway arch bridge. 1916 SWIFT, John Disnouef See: Huebner, Bernard W. TABOR, Henry Whitney See: Schad, James A. TACK, Myron Anthony 266 See: Larsen, H. TACKE, Walter Henry A city plan for Williams Bay, Wisconsin. 1930 BS Civil Eng. TAIN, Yiu Neng Design of an expressway on the Illinois Central Railroad right—of— way from Breese Terrace to Madison Beltline in Madison, Wisconsin. 1953 BS Civil Eng. TALBOT, Lyman Robert A valuation of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway terminal at Sioux City, Iowa. 1911 BS Civil Eng. TAMM, William Harold See: Kutchera, Ralph J. TANGHE, Edward Franklin See: Kline, Matt J. TANGlE, John William See: Fisher, Erwin W. TARNOWSKI, Richard P. See: Hall, James R. TARR, John Cecil See: Cleary, John E. TASCHNER, Raymond George See: Kottke, Paul K. TASHGLAN, Edward Hagop See: Reuter, Louis F., TATE, Stanley Alton See: Coate, Warren H. TAYLOR, George Herbert See: Heider, Harvey B. Jr. 267 TAYLOR, Herbert Cecil TESKA, Robert B. See: Chuchian, A.M. TAYLOR, Jamesal See: Sundermann, Irwin G. TAYLOR, John Clarence See: Murphey5 Mtrr\W ~. TAYLOR, William Russell Heat insulation in modern homes. 1928 ES Civil Eng. TENNEY, Vern Willard Soil Stabilization. 1941 Civil Eng. Joint author: Wilke, Edward A. TERHORST, Stephen The phantom telephone circuit. 1906 ES Eng. TER MAATH, Bernard Herman See: Lemke, George A. TERRELL, Edward Everett Foundation and structure for the Missouri River bridge across the Missouri River at Omaha. 1904 Civil Eng. TERRY, Charles Earl See: Glover, L.E. TERVEN, Lewis Agustus See: Lathrop, W.F. TESCHAN, Erhard Gilbert See: Sperry, C.D. TESCHAN, Walter Frohsinn See: Mainland, J. Development of student housing on picnic point. 1958 ES 268 TESSEN, Arthur F. Design of a park and recreational area for Manawa, Wisconsin. 1951 ES Civil Eng. TEXTOR, Clinton Kenney A resume of the literature on sulphate puips and kraft papers. 1914 85 Chem. Eng. THAYER, Benjamin Single See: Sterns, E.W. TIIERN, Phil Henry Welded and riveted roof trusses. 1931 ES Civil Eng. THEURER, Fredrich Louis A method for determining the effect of wood preservatives on the inflammability and combustibility of wood. 1911 ES them. Eng. THICKENS, John Herman A study of the corrosion of iron. 1908 85 Eng. THIEL, Walter Conrad See: Schubring, George F. THIELE, Otto Victor See: Comer, R.O. THIESSEN, Frank Canton See: Hambrecht, Albert L. THISELL, Wayne Irving See: Porter, Allen L. THOMAS, Edward Anderson See: Holt, T. THOMAS, Edward Francis A comparison of the cost of gas and electricity for cooking in Madison. 1914 ES Elect. Eng. 269 THOMPSON, Glen Alan See: Kraemer, Eugene A. THOMPSON, Isaac Thorbus See: Mainland, 3. THOMPSON, John Gordon See: Peterson, Wilbur J. THOMPSON, Louis Mark See: Gattiker, W.A. THOMPSON, Myron Otis Factors influencing the elastic properties of concrete. 1942 ES Civil Eng. THOMPSON, Merville Spoor The efficiencies of various methods of washing precipitates in the Sperry filter press. 1915 Joint author: Thompson, Norman B. THOMPSON, Norman Burr See: Thompson, Merville S. THOMPSON, Oscar Theodore The present status of the process of case hardening. 1914 ES Mech. Eng. THOMPSON, William Erwin, Jr. See: Reeves, Harry M. THOMSEN, Darrel Ecke See: Myers, James W., Jr. THON, George Louis Complete design and estimate for boulevard and park improvement at Aurora, Illinois. 1905 ES Eng. Joint author: Whinery, Ralph H. THORKELSON, Halsten Joseph Berford See: Lueth51’au~.\ ~ THORKELSON, William Louis See: Boldenweck, F.W. 270 THORNE, Jent George See: Moser, Albert L.B. THRAPP, Harrison Francis The design of a continuous frame overhead. 1932 BS Civil Eng. Joint author: Wagner, Aubrey 3. THURNER, George See: Smith, Harold F. THWAITS, Edmond Harrison Studies in sewage disposal. 1925 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: White, O.W. THWAITS, Frederick George See: Schmitt, Herbert C. THWAITS, Howard Some considerations concerning road construction in Milwaukee County. 1916 THWING, Charles Clark See: Lo’~ie, Edgar Allan TIBBITTS, Fayette Amos See: Lloyd, E.J. TIBBITS, Heber Lockhart See: Brennan, ~\~en t’Acck’~at\ TICE, Clifford James TOURVILLE, Clarence Wells Plastic flow of thin concrete slabs. 1942 Civil Eng. TIERNEY, John Thomas See: Lokke, Julius H. TIMM, Harold Daniel See: Maurer, Eugene D. 271 TODD, Walter Stanley The design of a water supply system for South Madison, Wisconsin. 1915 TOLHURST, William Henry See: Meisekothen, Robert J. TOOLE, Roland E. See: Summeril, F.J. TOOLE, William Daniel See: Dent, Phillip E. TOOLEY, Lowell James See: Bryan, Edward H. TORGESON, Oscar Winfield See: Desmond, John T. TORKELSON, Francis Arthur See: Hinn, W.H. TORKELSON, Martin WiThelm See: Garvens, Gustave W. TOURTELLOT, Edward Eoyington Water power development on the Menominee River at Twin Falls, Michigan. 1910 ES Eng. Installation and operation of a two and one half inch Weil centrifugal pump. 1932 ES Civil Eng. TOWLE, Clair Joseph The influence of form of specimen on the compressive strength of wood. 1941 Joint author: Weller, Marvin E. TOWNSEND, Darwin Wadsworth, Jr. Infiltration through Korite jointing compound and concrete sewer pipe. 1952 ES Civil Eng. 272 TOWNSEND, Hubert Isaac See: Legg,arnes~c c. TOWNSEND, John Robert See: Musil, L.F. TRAGAKIS, Constantine See: Solochek, Nathan N. TRANE, Reuben Nicholas See: Peansall, A.C. TRANTIN, Jacob, Jr. Corrosion of various alloys in zinc chloride solutions. 1915 TRAUTMANN, George Henry A comparative test of steam injectors. 1896 85 Eng. TRAXLER, Henry The design of a three—hinged arch. 1913 ES Civil Eng. TRAYER, George William See: Jamieson, J.R. See: Musil, L.F TREBER, Albert Philip TUflY, Harold Guilford See: Olson, Harry M. A petrographic study of insulators. 1918 BS Elect. Eng. TREMMEL, Ernest Bernard See: Hessler, Carlos E. TRESTER, Anthony Matthew Location and construction of the Plymouth extension of the Sheboygan and Sheboygan Falls interurban. 1906 ES Eng. TRESTER, Harold Charles See: Gradt, E.W. 273 TREWARTHA, John Gribble Development and equipment of a zinc mine in southwestern Wisconsin. 1910 ES Eng. TRIELOFF, Jennings Charles See: Graetz, John B. TRIER, Robert Joseph See: Kneer, Vernon R. ~,ee4 Ma\cS.au.tr.3 ~ TRUE, Ernest Beede The separation of the losses of three phase motors, and a comparison of the losses on balanced and unbalanced circuits. 1896 ES Eng. TRUE, Henry Alfonso, Jr. See: Ball, Edwin M. TRURAN, Walter Weatherby See: Martin, Byron H. TSCHUDY, Lionel Carl See: Minshall, Neal E. TUBESING, William Fred See: Gold, S. TUHUS, Kenneth See: Platz, G.A. TUHUS, Kenneth See: Krejchik, Glenn C. TURNER, Paul B. TUTTLE, Harold Shipman See: Collins, William A. UEHLING, Victor Brown Tests of fiber wall boards. 1934 Civil Eng. 274 UHLIG, William Frank The roasting and leaching of Wisconsin zinc ores for electrolytic deposition. 1922 ES UIHLEIN, Oscar Louis Test of a two—horse—power triplex pump under various conditions. 1907 ES Eng. Joint author: Wessel, F.C.E. UIHLEIN, William Benedict Efficiency test of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company’s plant at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1904 ES Eng. ULLIUS, Frederick William, Jr. Comparative tests of square and circular columns reinforced with spirally wound wire and deformed longitudinal rods. 1911 ES Civil Eng. ULRICH, Donald Harvey The economic selection of foundation type. 1955 ES Civil Eng. See: Lindquist, K.E. ULRICH, Earl Edwin VAN HAGAN, Robert Leslie ULRICH, Spencer Edward See: Horst, Arthur J. UMBREIT, Stanton Corrosion tests on iron—silicon alloys. 1916 URBUTT, Carl Fred See: Cenfield, Frank H. USHER, Floyd William Hydraulic turbine performance under varying draft tube conditions. 1949 ES Civil Eng. So\nk a~s.*\~oc: te\%a&o.Rwcr~on P~~koAc) UTEGAARD, Thomas Test of a Laursen automatic pump. 1917 ES Civil Eng. UTIC, Philip John — çc~kO Design, construction and test of a small model spiliway. 1956 ~o\n4V ~u~MerSt k\thn C. 275 ta\j’6~ \—~ VAN ARREN, Ivan Gordon See: Eurmeisten, Wesley J. VAN AUKEN, Claud Linn Investigation of train operation of tonnage trains by means of speed— distance and speed—time curves. 1910 VAN AUKEN, Kenneth L. See: Fisher, Samuel M. VAN DERZEE, Gould Whitney See: Byron, C.L. VAN HAGAN, Leslie Flanders See: Omana5Ec~itc~ ~. Monent influence lines for haunched beams by the slope deflection method. 1932 VAN HOOK, Wendell Alexander See: Buchanan, John W. VAN HORN, Irving Hamilton Leakage losses on high tension insulatons. 1909 BS Eng. Joint author: Zabel, William P. VAN LOON, William Owen See: Birchard, R.R. VAN METER, Thomas Earl See: Lacher, W.S. VAN NESS, Leonard George See: Scott, H.H. VAN PAflEN, Everett Hoxie See: Hoppe, Alfred G. VAN SICKLE, Norman Ellsworth 276 See: Johnson, Earl A. VANDEN NOVEN, Rodney William Effect of synthetic detergents on the B.0.D. in sewage. 1953 ES Civil Eng. VANDER VELDEN, Gregory Martin See: Ottensmann, William R. VARNEY, Forrest Franklin See: Geilfuss, Marshall A. VASILIEV, Eugene The accuracy of barometric levels. 1954 ES Civil Eng. VAUGHAN, James Samson — A study of the bus transportation system of Madison, Wisconsin. 1938 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Yerges, Lyle F. VAUGHN, Courtland DeLano See: Noyes, E.C. VAUGHN, Frank Arthur See: ~osgnove,~3~x~s F. VEA, Frithiof Johnson See: Fricke, August C. VELASQUEZ, Bernardo Cock Reinforced concrete building design. 1930 BS Civil Eng. VELGUTH, Waldemar The effect of prolonged heating on the microstructure of base metal thermo—couples. 1920 ES them. Eng. VERHEXEN, L.G. Highway engineering aide study. 1962 BS VERNON, Joseph Rexford See: Camlin, William J. 277 VIEREG, Donald Arthur See: Krejchik, Glenn C. VIEREG, John Richard See: Kroening, George C. VIK, Harold Orvil • See: Landsness, G.T.0. VILEERG, Clarence Benjamin See: Englen, Hugo F. VILEN, Frank Ilmar See: Ladwig, Frank C. VILLATUYA, Robert Pedro The relative value of limited records of stneam flow. 1923 ES Civil Eng. VILLEMONTE, James Richard See: Anderson, Albert J. VINSON, Albert Wilkinson See: Jacobs, Ernest R. VINTON, Robert Louis Pavement deflections under dynamic loading. 1952 ES Civil Eng. VITCENDA, Theodore John See: Bnuden, Clifford Otto VIVIAN, Glenn Fish See: Lowry, L.L. VOELKER, Ray Fred The effect of subgrade treatment on concrete pavement cracking. 1937 VOGEL, Merten Michael See: Read, Robert Benjamin 278 VOGEL, Ralph Harold See: Goelzen, V.G. VOLK, Fred Eugene A study of the relation between the temperature coefficient of electrical resistance and the dielectric strength of porcelain. 1908 ES Eng. VOLK, Wayne Newell The relative effectiveness of various highway signs. 1934 Civil Eng. See: Driessen, Thomas A. VOLLSTEDT, James Henry See: Lieber, W.H. WACHENFELD, Stephen Charlemagne VOLQUARTS, Victor Henry See: Corbett, R.A. VON GUNTEN, Glenn Hanland See: Schneible, Douglas E. VON GUNTEN, John Leland See: Horden, John S. VONDRICK, Anthur F. See: Montie, Leonard A. VOREL, Emerson Air lift and centrifugal pwnp performance using diesel power at Edgerton, Wisconsin. 1937 Joint author: Wilson, Francis C. VORLOP, Edward William Experiments to improve the lighting system of Ford cars. 1917 85 Elect. Eng. VOSS, Arnold William See: Post, Arthur L. 279 VOSS, Edwin John The effect of temperature on the ductility of cut—back asphalt residues. 1936 VOSSWINKEL, Gilbert See: Cole, Robert F. VOYER, Leonard Eugene See: Glover, L.E. VROMAN, George Miles See: Ley, Herbent H. VROMAN, Harry Westrope See: Simon, A.H. WACHTMAN, Edmund Louis Charles See: Foster, Dean E. WALTER, Roscoe George — : • ••• See: Jones, William N. WADSWORTH, William John See: Bechlem, A.W. WAGLE, Oswal Olson See: McMullen, V.E. WAGNER, Aubney Joseph See: Thrapp, Harrison F. WAGNER, Clarence 0. See: Icke, George W. WAGNER, Eldon Christian See: Hunt, Paul James WAGNER, Geonge Ennst See: Powell, D.A. 280 WAGNER, John Otjen See: Sodemann, Paul C. WAGNER, Karl Edward See: Nance, Archibald W. WAGNER, Ray Taber See: Schmidt, William F. WAGNER, Victor Gustave See: Rosenknanz, W.A. WARL, Louis Edward See: Spencer, F.L. WAITE, Gordon Elliott WARD, Gerald Charles See: Raccoli, Theodore WAITE, John Howard Investigation of the flow of water over a 12—inch sharp crested submerged weir with end contractions. 1910 ES Eng. Joint author: Zeidlhack, F.S. WAITE, Walter Edwin See: Schuler, F.J. WALDEN, Donald Orfond See: Ahrens, Benjamin F. WALDRON, Russel Eli See: Nordmeyer, Canl Louis WALLBER, Hubert Charles See: Buetow, W.C. WALRAVEN, Peter See: Chanlson, Melvin R. WALSH, Arthur J. See: Cade, O.B. 281 WALTENEERG, Romaine George The effect of heat treatment on the micro—structune of base metal thermo couples. 1912 BS Chem. Eng. VJP,LTE~., Tkoscc~c See-: ~oc~es5 ~rr~ W~. WAITHERS, William Kearney Some operating characteristics of kerosene burning mantle lamps. 1916 Joint author: Wise, John E. WALTER, Jay Douglas See: George, Marshall W. WALTERS, Warren Jensen See: Pett, Ray W. A study of superficial tests for the welded structural joint. 1929 ES Civil Eng. WARD, Louis Edward Magnesium oxide. 1907 88 Eng. WARD, Oscar Gardien, Jr. See: Bennett, C.E. WARD, William Plummer See: Post, Arthur L. WARNER, Frank Melville The design and construction of an indicated horse power meter. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Zwolanek, Joseph WARNER, Frederick Dauchy A plan and estimate fon a plant to furnish steam heat, ventilation, power for electric light and elevator service for Science Hall, University of Wisconsin. 1896 ES Eng. WARNER, Henry Michael See: Moritz5cxc~a_~c &... WARNER, Horace Ray See: Boynton, Clarence W. 282 WARNER, Martyn Finch A test of strain insulatons, with an attempt to measune some of the changes in resistance met in practice. 1895 ES Eng. WARREN, Curtis A study of Madison’s parking problem including the location and general layout of a parking garage. 1948 ES See: Bayle, F.L. WARREN, Glenn Barton WATSON, James Webster See: Bump, Milan Ray WARREN, Wyman Edgar See: Parker, Frank Ingram WARTH, Edward Christian The economic and engineering viewpoint of the depneciation electric utilities. 1912 BS Elect. Eng. Joint author: Willmore, H.E. WARZYN, Willard Waldo See: Eklund, Carl W. WASHA, George William See: Held, Chester J. WASHBURN, Frank Edwin See: Hurd, John T. WASMANSDORFF, Otto Francis Time effects of loads upon tither. 1900 BS Eng. Joint author: Williamson, E.L. WASSON, Joseph Houston See: Himmelstein, A.L. WATKINS, Robert March An investigation of the effect of velocity and size of pipe on the coefficient of a Pitot tube. 1912 ES Mech. Eng. WATSON, Charles Thomas 283 See: Garvens, Gustave W. WATSON, Clarence Forbes See: Gleason, Edward Peck WATSON, Clarence Forbes See: Gingrich, -Vtracr~ E. WATSON, Robert Dwight See: Pugh, William H. WATSON, Robert William See: Knop, Gerhardt Ernst WATZKE, Gustave Hugo Electroplating on aluminum. 1916 WEBB, Robert Barton See: Cottingham, Willard S. WEBB, Walter Ray The development of an electric water—current meter. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. WEBBER, Merton Lamont See: Dixon, Fred WEBER, Cornelius George The design, construction, and test of an automatic motor starting device operated by centrifugal force. 1908 ES Eng. WEBER, Frederic Carl See: Lisberger, Sylvan J. WEBER, Joseph Aloys See: Soelch, G.F. WEBER, William Gustave The development of an Arizona coppen deposit. 1909 BS Eng. WEBSTER, Donald William — •yi~i~ 284 See: Klettke, Arnold J. See: Hansen~Osc~x WEBSTER, John Enoch WEIGEND, Robert Edward WEDE~YER, Adrian August See: Geerlings.~’t-kexw~/ S. WEDLOCK, Frank Vivian See: Rohde, W.C.F. WEEK, Erling Finch Graphical solutions of heating and ventilating. 1912 BS Mech. Eng. WEED, Louis Burgess — •• -• See: Granke, Leo E. WEGNER, Arnold Adolph See: Kraatz, K.L. WEHAUSEN, George Washington See: Gage, Sam W. WEHNER, Stephen The power development of the Presque Isle River. 1912 ES Civil Eng. WEHRLE, Otto William Water cement ratio curves for high early strength concretes. 1929 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Ziehlsdonff, Walter C. WEIDEMAN, B.A. See: Besserdick, Arnold C. WEIDENFELLER, Raymond Philip See: Robertson, Robert E. WEIDENKOPF, Stanley John See: Buehler, Robert J. 285 Road life study of surface type A—i pavement, City of Milwaukee, 1893— 1950. 1953 ES Civil Eng. WEISS, Benjamin B. Design of parking garage in university area. 1956 ES WELCH, John David See: Mc Coy, William D. WELD, Harold Kenneth See: Moles, E.S. WELLER, Marvin Edward See: Towle, Clam J. WELLS, Grant Robert See: Clayton, Hoy B. WELSER, George Brinton See: George, Marshall W. WELSH, John Thomas See: Curtiss, E.F. WELTON, Kenneth Roger Analysis of errors in taping procedures. 1956 Civil Eng. WENDORF, Hanvey Robert An economic study of various types of fireproof floor designs. 1939 WENDORF, Robert B. See: Slavik, Jerry D. WENDT, Carl Albert A consideration of the economical factors which effect the cost of power production and a comparison of cost of electrical transmission with the transportation of the equivalent amount of fuel. 1913 ES Elect. Eng. 286 WENDT, Jerome David _\v\’•~\•* The problems and techniques of equipment replacement analysis. 1953 ES Civil Eng. WENDT, Kurt Frank See: Homewood, Robert T. WENDT, Martin Boettger See: Littleton, William E. WERBA, Edward Otto General report on !TMina Cariota” and a proposal in regard to a mining method. 1919 ES Mn. Eng. WERNER, Benjamin Franklin See: Holgate, Thomas A. WERNER, Max Alfred Design of a University natatorium. 1935 BS Civil Eng. WERNISCH, George Robert A critical analysis of the Milwaukee zoning ordinance. 1935 BS Civil Eng. WERREN, Fred See: Fluck, Paul George WERTHEIM, Ferd Eliel Design of an aviation motor torque stand. 1917 BS Mech. Eng. WERTSCH, Robert Streich See: Hielsberg, Alfred W. WESLE, Herbent William See: Anderson, Russell A. WESLEY, John See: Maxfield, Jack WESSEL, Frederick CHarles Ernest See: Uihleun, O.L. 287 WEST, Alfned William Experimental study of the American aerator set up in the Burke sewage treatment works at Madison, Wisconsin. 1934 WEST, Paul H. See: Gilbert, T.L. WEST, Robert Page See: Fiolich, George Steven WESTON, Roy Francis See: Kalinske, Anton A. WESTRICH, Charles John Ninety degree bend study (with hose). 1927 BS Civil Eng. WETLAUFER, Erwin Hudson An investigation as to the economy and performance of the Diesel motor installation at the municipal water works and lighting plant, Men— asha, Wisconsin. 1907 BS Eng. Joint author: Wied, J.C. WETZEL, William John The design of a steel frame building. 1910 ES Eng. WETZLER, William Henry Improvement of the Coal River, West Virginia. 1906 BS Eng. WHARRY, Major Earl THe elimination of oil from exhaust steam. 1905 ES Eng. WHEATON, Herbert Hudson See: Greggs, Scranton Hugh WHEELER, Charles Eugene, Jr. See: Chase, Leon Everett WHITE, Donald Owen WHEELER, Earl Warren See: Deven, Harry C. WHEELER, Edward Coleman 288 Properties of typical Wisconsin soils encountered in highway construction. 1947 Civil Eng. WHEELER, Harvey Babcock Spectrophotometric tests of modern illuminants. 1909 ES Eng. WHEELER, Leo Richard The design of a reinforced concrete building. 1915 WHEELER, Roy Alvah Oil fuels for automobile use. 1906 ES Eng. WHEELER, William Sprague See: MacMillan, Harold St. C. WHELM, Thomas C. See: Middleton, O.W. WHINERY, Ralph Harper See: Thon, G.L. WHIPPLE, Newton Dean The cornosion of metals by acids. 1917 ES them. Eng. WHITBY, Willis R. See: Staack, John G. WHITE, Albert Ray On the volatility of zinc oxide. 1911 BS them. Eng. An investigation of the causes for failure of the sheet asphalt pavement on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin. 1928 ES Civil Eng. WHITE, Emil Experiments on the loss of head in pipe due to sudden enlangement. 1924 BS Civil Eng. WHITE, George Leybourne A comparison of transformen regulation and efficiency tests. 1911 ES Elect. Eng. 289 WHITE, Frank Paul -~ See: Klettke, Arnold J. WHITE, Oman Washburn See: Thwaits, E.H. WHITE, Richard Norman A comparison of elastic and plastic designs in steel. 1956 Civil Eng. WHITESIDE, James Martin A comparison of an approximate and the influence line methods in the design of a reinforced concrete arch. 1926 ES Civil Eng. WHITING, Max Albert An investigation of the characteristics of an induction generator and induction booster. 1904 ES Eng. WHITMORE, Floy Martin Comparison of various methods used in experimental stress analysis. 1949 ES Civil Eng. WHITMORE, Joseph Bond See: Mainland, J. See: Blankenburg, H.L. WHITNEY, Alden Bradford WIED, John Clifford See: Wetlaufer, E.H. WILD, Harry Edward See: Hawley, Robert Edwands WHITNEY, Edward Nelson See: Buetell, R.B. WHITNEY, George Oliver Design of a sanitary sewerage system and water distribution system for the Village of Bean Creek, Wis— consin. 1948 BS 290 WHITTAKER, Elmer Horace See: Hope, Samuel Newton WHITTED, Wayne M. Snowmelt—runoff relations Eau Claire River, Wisconsin. 1952 BS Civil Eng. WHITTEMORE, Herbert Lucius A few machine shop systems. 1903 ES Eng. WHOMES, Harry Richard See: Moore, L.E. WHOMES, Walter Dewit See: Kuhns, Geonge R. WICHNOVITZ, Peter Ernest See: Fulton, Franklin D. WICKER, Kenneth Russell See: Dunn, Clark A. WICKESBERG, Alfred Walter See: Lenschow, Henry J. WICKSTROM, Gustav Adolf See: Milliren, B.L. WIEDENBECK, Harry John See: Blomeyer, R.S. WIEGAND, Henry Alan Hurricanes. 1956 Civil Eng. WIENKE, Arthur Robert See: Rick, Norman A. WIEPKING, Christopher Armin See: Kidder, Charles P. WIER, George William 291 Analysis of three—span continuous truss bridge. 1930 BS Civil Eng. WIERDSMA, Robent Oliver Comparison of the properties and uses of concrete made with van— ious lightweight aggnegates. 1947 Civil Eng. WIGGINS, Edward Ruger See: Kislingbury, Henry G. WIGHTMAN, Nelson William Some studies of costs in soft ground tunneling. 1926 ES Civil Eng. WILD, Edward Charles Design of a water works system for Mayville, Wisconsin. 1906 BS Eng. WILDE, Walter Emil A history of city planning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1932 BS Civil Eng. Ste:~au €rtc~t~.~ \ARU~ TnWILDER, Perry Wadswonth WILLIAMS, Lesten Dennison See: Adlington, E.R. WILDER, Willard Smith Thermal conductivity of conduit runs built of tile and fiber duct. 1918 ES Elect. Eng. WILE, Raymond Samuel Detinning of tin scrap. 1906 A.B WILKE, Edward Arthur See: Tenney, Vern Willard WILKE, Richard Walter Hydrologic investigations mass maps. 1943 Civil Eng. Joint author: Williams, G.A. WILKINSON, John Butler See: Barnett, Nelson D. 292 WILLIAMS, Charles H. See: Pownie, William R. WILLIAMS, George Anthun See: Wilke, R.W. of air WILLIAMS, Harry Daniel, Jr. Variation of suspended solids in an aeration column. 1956 Civil Eng. WILLIAMS, James Ward See: Steiner, Gordon R. WILLIAMS, John Wesley Test of a twenty gallon rectifying still. 1918 ES them. Eng. WILLIAMS, Lynn Alfred Some experimental data on wind pressure. 1900 ES Eng. Eng. Metal railroad ties. 1901 ES WILLIAMS, Louis Howell Power in the iron and steel mills and the use of blast furnace gas. 1916 293 WILLIAMS, Sidney James See: Reed, James 0. WILLIAMS, Verle Eynon See: Go1dsmith~E\rner \-.e-G~n~nà WILLIAM, William Henry See: Perkins5S~ ~A. WILLIAMSON, Edward Lucius See: Wasmansdonff, O.F. WILLISON, Charles Donald — See: Swan, G.D. WILLMORE, Charles Blake Thick zinc deposits. 1916 WILLMORE, Howson Edward See: Wanth, E.C. WILLSON, Clarence Andry See: Neel, Merville C. WILLSON, Frank Gardner — See: Belling, John W. V WILSON, Francis Curteus See: Vonel, Emerson WILSON, John See: Hall, Merton G. \t4tLSOKt~ t~tcn~s rc~ 294 WINCH, David Lee -~ Design, construction and test of a small model spillway. F~S ~ ~ ~u-*horst Lux~C~k, ‘~ WINKEL, Thomas A. See: Carlson, Kenneth C. WINKLER, William Kneeland See: Lieber, William H. WINZENEURG, Erwin Henry Some tests to determine the properties of luninite and Portland cement. 1926 ES Civil Eng. Joint author: Winzenburg, Henry E. WINZENBURC, Henry Edwin See: Winzenburg, Erwin H. WIPPERMA1~, William See: Daniells, G.C. WIRTH, Harvey Emil See: Bjelajac, Vaso WISE, Edmund Merriman Selectivity of circuits. 1919 ES Elect. Eng. WISE, John Edwin See: Walthers, W.K. WISKOCIL, Clement Tehle A study of the relative economy of the design of various types of reinforced concrete floor panels. 1912 ES Civil Eng. WISNER, John Cornelius -See: Chase, Heman L. WITHEY, Norman Harker See: McGuire, Francis D. WITHINCTON, Arthur Harding See: Cahill, R.H. 295 WITT, Louis Tests on the electric smelting of zinc. 1909 ES Eng. WITT, William Henry See: Cnare, Frank WITTE, Roger Marvin See: Kelley, James P. WOBORIL, Robert Anton Oil flow loss through standard pipe fittings. 1943 Civil Eng. WOBORIL, Roy Donald See: Haist, Douglas F. WOHLGEMUTH, John Francis See: Buending, Clarence W. WOJTA, Merritt George See: Greger, Harold W. WOLF, Albert Matthew See: Glaettli, John, Jr. WOLFE, Albert Louis See: Sowls, Homer T. WOLFE, John Henry Louis The accuracy of various base metal thermo couples. 1912 BS them. Eng. WOLFF, Richard Edmunds See: Bartsch, Lester W. WOLFF, Werner Peter The development of a lead—silver mine in the Park City District, Utah. 1912 BS Mm. Eng. WONDERS, Samuel Driscoll WOY, Frank Palmer 296 A study of methods of locomotive comparison. 1913 ES Civil Eng. WOOD, Harold Paul A design of a reinforced settling basin at Missoula, Montana. 1913 ES Civil Eng. WOOD, Henry Harrison See: Fnicke, August C. WOOD, Lucien Alexander See: Roberts, C. WOOD, Raymond The application of electric drive to machine shops. 1917 ES Elect. Eng. WOODSON, James Pettignew Design of an experimental station for determining the applicability of the activated sludge process of sewage treatment of creamery waste. 1916 WOODWARD, George Stedman See: Bennett, L.C. WOODWARD, William Leonard See: Kurtz, Edwand M. WOOLHISER, David Arthur C~. Soil and cover effects on Men— dota Basin hydrology. 1955 ES Civil Eng. WORKMAN, Dran Miller See: Ruedebusch, Richard A. WORKS, Lawrence Perry A field study of the fixed costs involved in supplying electric service to residence customers from a single center of distribution. 1919 ES Elect. Eng. The design, estimates, cost and feasibility of the Winona to Rushford interurban electric railway. 1903 ES Eng. 297 WRAIGHT, Frank Donald -~ See: Moote, Volney N. WRAY, Edward The electrolytic balance of chemical corrosion. 1905 ES Eng. WRIGHT, Allen Edgar See: Kennedy, Fnank A. WRIGHT, John David See: ~huchian, S.M. WRIGHT, Kenneth R. ~A determination of the p*openties of structural concrete utilizing water —cooled slag as a fine aggregate. 1951 ES Civil Eng. zonk au.k~c~r: rv~c 9~oV~v’ ~ WRIGTH, Lyall, Jr. See: Knoke, Calvin A. WU, Pond Sheppon See: thang, Moses Y. WUERTH, Hubert See: Bustamante, Luis WULFING, Harry Eugene See: Schmidley, William R. WURL, Frank Louis Study of dry galvanizing. 1911 ES them. Eng. WYNNE, Thomas Neil See: Barbour, Curtiss M. YAGER. Ralph Mark YOUNGQUIST, Waldemar Gustav See: Baisley, Henry E YAHATA, Shoji 298 University houses, equipment study, washing machines. 1955 ES Civil Eng. YDERSTAD, Charles Leif — Hydrologic study of the tributaries to Lake Mendota. 1952 ES Civil Eng. YERGES, Lyle Frederick See: Vaughan, James S. YOLTON, Leslie Alexander See: Ewald, Clarence F. YONKER, Carl C. See: Hayden, Leland H. YOUNG, Henry Walter A study of the heat radiation and convection and the internal temperature of rheostats. 1902 BS Eng. YOUNG, John Ward The application of electricity in the industnies with special reference to cement mills, machine shops, and laundries. 1915 YOUNGBERG, Adolf Frederick See: Reuter, William R. YOUNGBERG, George Edward The effect of velocity and size of pipe on the calibration of the Pitot tube. 1914 ES Civil Eng. ‘(OU~4E(BLUtt5 F. c~ Stt.Saekc4k-,VsJ. \-\, YOUNGGRSN, Russie Cornelius See: Manor, E.R. See: McDonald, Roy S. ZABEL, Harold Frederick Viscosimeters and viscosity. 1914 ES them. Eng. 299 ZABEL, Max William — See: Seymoun, M.E. ZABEL, William Paul See: Van Horn, Irving H. ZACHOW, Clarence William The development of petroleum oil burners. 1915 ZACK, Joseph Willard Mathematical treatment of street traffic flow. 1935 ES Civil Eng. ZAHORIK, Peter Anton See: Rankl, Fred A. ZANZOW, R.J. Head—discharge characteristics for U—shaped effluent troughs. 1949 ES Civil Eng. ZANDER, Arnold Scheuer See: Haddorff, Irving R. ZANDER, Karl Louis -~H See: Russell, C.R. .~n 1 ZANTOW, Henry Carl Effect of heat on the tensile strength of fine box steel. 1909 ES Eng. ZAREMBA, Edwand The drying and utilization of beet pulp. 1904 BS Eng. ZEEB, William ZIGNEGO, Vernon Thomas See: Mueller, Terry ZEHRT, William Harold ~ Design method and design of a conventional spandrel filled reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1944 85 ZEIDLHACK, Felix Stephen See: Waite, J.H. 300 ZEISLER, George H. See: Ryan, W.H. ZELADE, Ervin Edgar See: Cahill, Walter D. ZELONKY, Benjamin A study of air removal from low— head turbine installations. 1922 ES ZERVAS, Walter Otto See: Chase, Leon Everett ZETTINIG, Rudolf John The effect of pressure on the compressibility of oil. 1951 ES Civil Eng. ZEUGNER, Orland Kump See: Horst, Arthur J. ZIBELL, Jerome William See: Ladwig, Frank C. ZIEHLSDORF, Ernest Robert See: Goelzen, V.G. ZIEHLSDORFF, Walter Curt See: Wehrle, Otto W. ZIGNEGO, Leroy Charles Pressure measurement analysis Petenwell Spillway model. 1948 ES Joint author: Zignego, Vernon T. See: Zignego, Leroy C. ZILISCH, Harold William See: Reader, Jay J. ZIMMERMAN, Clarence Irving — The aluminum cell as an electni—~ cal condenser. 1903 ES Eng. 301 ZIMMERMAN, Fred Russell See: Fuller, Judson E. ZIMMERMAN, James Garfield An investigation of some of the properties of carbon. 1904 ES Eng. ZIMMERMAN, G.P. Study of the design of a reinforced concrete retaining wall. 1949 ES Civil Eng. ZIMMERMAN, Oliver B. See: Powrie, William R. ZIMMERMAN, Robert M. An experimental investigation of separate digestion of packing house sludge. 1951 85 Civil Eng. ZINCKE, Paul Frederick See: Musil, L.F. ZITEK, Emil Stephen See: Platt, Harold A. ZINN, Walter Adolph See: Cnandall, ~Aex~nj ~ ZOKOVETZ, Nicholas Georgievich The design of a reinforced shop building. 1934 Civil Eng. ZOLA, Stanley Peter Technical salesmanship. 1927 BS Civil Eng. 302