stADIUMs - Odebrecht Informa


stADIUMs - Odebrecht Informa
vol. xxxvi
english edition
Engineering makes
sports fans rejoice in
Brazil and the USA
A new Oscar Niemeyer building is
under construction in Belo Horizonte
Building a marine outfall with
record-size sections of HDPE pipe
ETH develops new varieties of sugarcane
[ TEO ] Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology
“The Odebrecht Group follows the horizontal concept,
whereby decisions and results flow back and forth
between the Client and Shareholders instead of
going ‘up’ or ‘down.’ It is up to our entrepreneurs
and their team members to make the relationship
between those two hubs of power both feasible and viable.”
Dear reader,
Throughout the planet, in the most varied situations – political, social, economic and
religious – people go to sports stadiums to cheer, play, enjoy and celebrate life. The bigger
the event, the more people involved, the greater their sense of belonging to a group and a
nation – their passion for sports reflects their love for their country. This was the case in
Rio de Janeiro at the 2007 Pan American Games, and will certainly be repeated in 2014,
when Brazil hosts the FIFA World Cup Championships.
Odebrecht has a long track record in the construction of sports facilities and made a
decisive contribution to fulfilling Rio de Janeiro’s dream of hosting the Pan American
Games by building João Havelange Stadium and refurbishing the Maracanã Sports
Complex. In 2008, the company continued working in that area and delivered Florida
International University’s new 18,000-seat football stadium, which can be expanded to
hold up to 45,000 fans. This was a dream come true for Southern Florida’s biggest public
university, as well as a further source of pride and motivation for its students.
Pride is a feeling that the residents of Iquitos, the biggest city in the Peruvian
Amazon, are also sharing. An extensive treated water supply project is making working
conditions easier while preventing public health problems. And something very similar is
also happening in the Brazilian cities of Nova Iguaçu, Macaé and Rio das Ostras, in Rio de
Janeiro State, where urban development projects are introducing infrastructure solutions.
Among other benefits, they will put an end to chronic flooding and swamping that has
long tormented local residents. Also, on the South Coast of São Paulo State, the
installation of a marine outfall that has broken the South-American record for
polyethylene pipe length will clean up the beaches in that part of the country.
For Odebrecht members, taking part in projects like these, which improve the
communities’ quality of life and residents’ pride in the places where they live, work and
study, is a source of tremendous satisfaction. It reinforces our certainty that the spirit of
service will achieve the expected results. The development of that spirit is one of the
pillars of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), whose original milestone
publication is marking its 40th anniversary in 2008. The Group’s founder, Norberto
Odebrecht, wrote What Do We Need? in 1968. To commemorate that date, Odebrecht S.A.
Vice President Marcelo Odebrecht has written an article featured in this issue in which he
reiterates: “It is up to each and every one of us to internalize and assimilate TEO and apply
it in all walks of life. That way, we will ensure the Survival, Growth and Perpetuity of the
Odebrecht Group.”
odebrecht informa [ 1 ]
[ thoughts ]
“The basis for ensuring
that everything runs well
is having seasoned veterans
providing support to
their younger co-workers
at all levels.”
Fábio Gonçalves (OI-138) – 2008
“Quality gives us a competitive edge, but
always with a view to ensuring the client’s
Luiz Eduardo Ematné (OI-70) – 1995
“Our main differentiators are the
Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology
(TEO) and full integration with the local
culture. At the end of the day, our clients
want fast decisions, preferably made at the
jobsite; they want people with
decisionmaking powers working directly
with the sub-contractors; they want a team
that’s conscientious and highly motivated
to do what is right, on time, with high
quality and be rewarded with the results
achieved. TEO makes all that possible.”
Alessandro Dias Gomes (OI-127) – 2006
“One of the comparative advantages of
working in over 20 countries at once is
that Odebrecht has its own business
network. This enables us to carry out every
stage of a project, from the financial
engineering to post-delivery
Renato Baiardi (OI-81) – 1997
“The work done to groom Venezuelan
members eliminated the need to bring
people in from Brazil. That’s a priority
for us. Line 4 of the Caracas Metro gave
us tremendous visibility in Venezuela,
and what the public saw was a
Venezuelan company imbued with
the Odebrecht culture.”
José Cláudio Daltro (OI-126) – 2006
“The Odebrecht management system
creates numerous opportunities.
Decentralization makes way for individual
development. The company has a policy
of valuing, encouraging and challenging
Paulo Lacerda (OI-56) – 1993
“One of the most unifying activities
involves maximizing efforts to
communicate, doing our utmost to speak
the local language as fluently as possible,
to the point of being able to write in that
Fernando Reis (OI-134) – 2008
The reflections of Odebrecht members, former members, partners and clients,
published in previous issues of Odebrecht Informa magazine.
>> Visit <<
> VIDEOS: ETH invests in educating industrial operators and new partners // Sanitation project in Rio de Janeiro
State builds a marine outfall with the longest polyethylene pipe sections ever made in Brazil.
> PRINT EDITION: Read issue no. 139 (November/December 2008) in full
> BACK ISSUES AND SPECIAL ISSUES: PDF and online files since issue no. 113 (May/June 2004)
> SPECIAL SITES: View online archives, including Odebrecht S.A. Annual Report since 2002, Odebrecht Group
Annual Meeting since 2003 and milestone publications (60 years of the Odebrecht Group, 40 Years
of the Odebrecht Foundation and 10 Years of Odeprev).
> PARTNER-REPORTERS: Read the guidelines and send us a video on your business.
> In September and October 2008, the Odebrecht Informa Online website received 62,357 visitors. Source: Locaweb.
[ 2 ] odebrecht informa
responsible for corporate
communication at odebrecht s.a.
Márcio Polidoro
responsible for editorial
programs at odebrecht S.A.
Karolina Gutiez
business area coodinators
Marco Antônio Antunes Pereira
engineering & construction and
infrastructure investments
Nelson Letaif
chemicals & petrochemicals
Miucha Andrade
sugar, ethanol and bioenergy
coordinator at
odebrecht foundation
Marta Castro
editorial coordination
Versal Editores
José Enrique Barreiro
executive editor
Cláudio Lovato Filho
english translation by
H. Sabrina Gledhill
photo editor
Holanda Cavalcanti
art|graphic production
Rogério Nunes
Adilson Secco
electronic publishing
Maria Celia Olivieri
Juliana Olivieri
pre-press/printing by
Originally published in
Also available in Spanish.
An in-house publication
of the Odebrecht Group.
Published by Odebrecht S.A.
Printing: 2,000 copies
editorial offices
Rua Deputado Lacerda Franco,
300 – Sala 128 – Pinheiros
CEP: 05418-000
São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Tel.: +55 11 3030-9466
We would like to thank everyone
who contributed to this issue
in this issue
w w w. o d e b r e c h t o n l i n e . c o m . b r
entrepreneurial philosophy
state of the art
book review
our cover
no. 139 vol. xxxvii nov/dec 2008
A highlight of the Salvador Modern Transport project, an exclusive express bus lane
is now open to traffic
OLEx provides key support for Odebrecht teams’ operations around the world
Three cities in Rio de Janeiro State are getting a facelift thanks to urban development works
The Jacto Group uses polyethylene to make farm implements exported to over 100 countries
Nestlé ice cream and Videolar multimedia discs arrive on shelves in new packaging
Marking the final stage of their merger, Braskem and Ipiranga now have the same logo
Under construction in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the Minas Gerais Administrative Center was
designed by Oscar Niemeyer
sugar & ethanol
Painstaking research is underway at the ETH Eldorado Unit’s Experimental Station to develop
a more competitive variety of sugar cane
people development
ETH Bionergy invests in grooming teams to work at its three production hubs
In Miami, Florida International University (FIU) opens its new football stadium,
the home of the Golden Panthers
Water supply project transforms people’s lives in Iquitos, the Peruvian Amazon’s largest city
Marine outfall on the south coast of São Paulo State breaks size record for polyethylene pipe
Odebrecht and PricewaterhouseCoopers commemorate a 40-year partnership
arts & culture
“Maps and Rivers: The Cartographic Works of Theodoro Sampaio” is the winner of
the Clarival do Prado Valladares Award
sustainable development
Program teaches northeastern Brazilian youths to publicize programs organized
in their communities
The official opening of Florida International University’s
new stadium in Miami.
Photo by Américo Vermelho.
odebrecht informa [ 3 ]
[ transportation ]
Taking a plunge to organize transit
Salvador’s Modern Transport System completes an important stage
by opening a new bus express lane
written by
[ 4 ] odebrecht informa
Rogério Menezes
photos by
Adriano Ribeiro
There’s a frenetic hustle and bustle of men and machines at work at the
jobsite alongside Paralela Avenue, the epicenter of the most congested traffic area in
the northeastern Brazilian city of Salvador, Bahia. The engineers and construction
workers refer to the area where they are now working as the “Plunge Area,” or the
“Plunge” for short. It is October 2008, and they are building projects aimed at changing the roadways and urban landscape to redirect traffic between the Airport and
the City Center on Luiz Viana Filho Avenue (as Paralela is officially known). It is the
next stage in the construction of the Iguatemi-Paralela-Beachfront System – one of
the most important phases of the Salvador Modern Transport (TMS) system.
Built by Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO) for the City of Salvador,
this project had already marked the completion of one of its most important
stages in August: a new 1.5-km express bus lane connecting the Nelson Daiha
and Luiz Eduardo Magalhães overpasses, a 250-m pedestrian bridge across
Tancredo Neves Avenue, and supplementary works on the strip of land alongside that avenue.
At the apex of this road system, in the center of all the rapid toing and
froing of workers and machines, we find Mário Francisco Gomes, 69, a construction supervisor from the state of Pernambuco. Better known as Mário Ipojuca,
conversing amid short but brisk walks and quick talks with the dozens of equipment operators he leads, as well as with the engineers, who always ask his
opinion, this 43-year Odebrecht member proclaims: “Here we work like a welltrained soccer team. All for one and one for all.”
Mário joined the company in 1965 in Recife, Pernambuco, after reading a
want ad for a “carpina” (carpenter) to help build a bridge across the Ipojuca
River (which gave him his nickname), and arrived in Salvador in 1973. Then, not
far from the area where Paralela Avenue was just beginning to take shape, he
took part in the construction of two major projects: Salvador’s new bus terminal, inaugurated in 1974, and the Iguatemi shopping mall, which opened in
1975. At the time, both facilities were located in a remote part of the city. As he
tells it: “That whole area was covered in jungle brush. I remember it well. The
spot where the Iguatemi mall stands now was marked by a rusty little sign that
said the new headquarters of Esporte Club Bahia (one of the city’s two main soccer teams) would be built there one day.”
Currently a contract management consultant at CNO, James Lingerfelt, 62,
is a former Odebrecht member. Looking back down that time tunnel, he remembers moving from Jaguaquara, in southwestern Bahia, to Salvador as a boy in the
[ The new
express bus
lane: a key factor
for solving transit
problems in the
Paralela Ave. area ]
1950s. Sitting in his office in the Ômega Building, on what is now one of the
city’s busiest streets – Tancredo Neves Avenue, in the vicinity of the ParalelaIguatemi junction – he observes: “When I first moved to Salvador, this city was
basically confined to the historic district. The area where we are now was nothing but lush Atlantic Forest dotted with a few farms. The Salvador Jockey Club
was located right on this exact spot until the 70s, at the very least.”
odebrecht informa [ 5 ]
“Breadbasket of Young Talent”
Several young people with engineering and business degrees
A strange feeling
Fast-forward to 1988. After spending several
years away from Bahia’s state capital, working on
who have joined the company as trainees, interns or recently graduated
CNO projects in Pernambuco, Ceará, Rio Grande do
professionals over the course of the TMS program have grown
Norte, Alagoas and Espírito Santo, Mário Ipojuca
professionally and developed along with the Group. Project Director
arrived at Salvador’s bus terminal, which he helped
Henrique de Melo Paixão calls the TMS a “Breadbasket of Young
build a decade earlier. Before he realized that the
Talent”: “It is a school where people are educated through work.”
area had experienced “galloping” expansion in the
There are currently 10 engineering and business students and
meantime, he barely recognized the place where he
recent graduates working on the TMS. Augusto César Ribeiro Lima
had worked all those years before. Stunned by the
Filho, 24, is one of them. He received his Civil Engineering degree from
new urban landscape that lay before him, he was
the Federal University at Bahia (UFBA) in July 2008 and was hired as
forced to conclude: “I must have caught the wrong
an engineer in early September. He had been working on the project as
bus and got off in a different town.”
a trainee since last year. With a cheerful air, he agrees with Henrique
But Mário Ipojuca really was in Salvador –
Paixão: “The TMS has been a wonderful education for me, and I learn
more precisely in the part of the city that was start-
something new every day.”
ing to take shape as the intricate Iguatemi-Paralela
The supervisor and mentor of young engineers like Augusto, as
road complex. At a (dis)orderly and (massively) pro-
well as seasoned veterans, Mário Ipojuca says he is proud to be taking
gressive rate, it has seen even more spectacular
part in projects that are helping improve the daily lives of Salvador’s
growth in the last 20 years, keeping pace with the
residents. He is even prouder to be able to pass on what he has learned
city’s booming population – according to Brazilian
at CNO to his younger co-workers, although he only studied until
Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) statistics,
fourth grade. “I’m strict. I make a point of communicating the same
the metropolitan region’s population was 1.772 mil-
idea to everyone: everything has to be done as perfectly as possible.”
lion in 1981; based on current estimates, that figure
Although past retirement age, Mário still works from Monday
to Saturday (he hates Sundays because they aren’t working days). “I
is now over 3.2 million people.
According to 2008 data from the Traffic En­­
love what I do,” he declares. “I’m a fulfilled and happy man, and I
gineering Agency (SET), which manages transit in
never want to stop working, ever.” And he reveals his secret for success:
Salvador, about one-third (over 200,000) of the
“A good supervisor has to work hard, know what he’s doing, have a
700,000 cars that will be on the city streets by the
strong personality, and above all, show respect for everyone under his
end of the year will pass through this once idyllic
and rural area on a daily basis. Marcelo Corrêa, a
civil engineer and technical advisor to the SET for 10
[ 6 ] odebrecht informa
years, puts his cards on the table: “While the traffic
volume in the rest of the city is growing at a rate of 5
to 6% per year, traffic in the vicinity of Paralela Avenue
has grown by 11%.”
Salvador’s population has doubled in the last 30
years, making it the third-largest in the country, and
there have been many major milestones during that
time. For example, since the 1970s, several new routes
have been added to Salvador’s four main traffic corridors – the only ones it had until the 1960s (Contorno,
Sete de Setembro and Vasco da Gama avenues and the
famous Baixa dos Sapateiros, immortalized in a popular song). An eyewitness to these concrete transformations, James Lingerfelt recalls: “In the seventies, major
changes began to be made in the city’s roadways. First
Américo Simas Tunnel was built, followed by what we
[ Mário Ipojuca: “Here we work like
a well-trained soccer team” ]
call the ‘valley avenues,’ which connect districts that
were geographically close but had no road links. Then
it provides greater comfort and convenience for bus
Bonocô, Vale do Nazaré, Vale do Canela, Garibaldi,
passengers. Henrique de Melo Paixão, 29, a native of
Antonio Carlos Magalhães and Paralela avenues were
Recife, Pernambuco, who has made Salvador his
built, opening up new areas for the city’s expansion.”
home, is a graduate of the Pernambuco Polytechnic
University and joined CNO in 2001. He says categori-
TMS arrives in late 80s
cally, “This is a key step forward towards solving
This massive traffic boom was responsible for the
Salvador’s mass transportation problems in the
emergence of Salvador’s Modern Transport System
Iguatemi-Paralela area.”
(TMS) in the late 1980s. A range of projects carried out
Architect and engineer Paulo Marcos Santiago
through an alliance of the City of Salvador, the State of
Bastos, an Urban Services analyst for the City of Salvador
Bahia and the Federal Government, acting through the Urban Development
Ministry and the National Bank for
Economic and Social Development
(BNDES), the TMS has the following
objectives, all of which are imperative:
reducing traffic accidents and congestion, increasing user safety and comfort,
making mass transit run faster, and
diminishing the impacts of visual and
noise pollution.
The most recent project being
built through this program – the exclusive bus lane on Paralela Avenue – has
significantly accelerated the average
speed of local mass transit. As a result,
since the early 90s, has been a constant
The TMS in numbers
3 exclusive mass
transit lanes
4 hub stations
9 overpasses (including
Dona Canô, Raul Seixas
and Chico Mendes)
13 pedestrian bridges
presence at all of CNO’s roadworks projects for this program. He observes: “Works
like these attest that, if the TMS had not
been created, the city’s transit situation
would absolutely chaotic.”
The technology used to build the
new express bus lane took into consideration the possibilities for the near future
in this part of the city. As Henrique
5 drainage systems
Paixão puts it: “Because this new lane
road network
system, it has been designed to bear the
9 interventions in
could eventually be used by the Metro
1 tunnel
weight of light rail cars, and its inclinations and radius are also intended to
meet those requirements, if necessary.”
odebrecht informa [ 7 ]
Jeq. Jeq
ç. a
Água de
s iAav
Dois Leões
CNO is also working on a project that had been suspended for
five years. Located outside the Paralela-Iguatemi area, but also
part of the Salvador Modern Transport (TMS) program, the
Largo Dois Leões–Água de Meninos Link will ease traffic
congestion between the lower and upper parts of the city.
Better yet, once the project has been completed (by July 2009),
it will become the main route for products shipped from the
state of Bahia’s factories to the port of Salvador.
Built through a partnership between the City of Salvador, the
State of Bahia, and the National Bank for Economic and Social
Change of pace
[ 8 ] odebrecht informa
Development (BNDES), this project includes the construction of
a 190-m tunnel (the initial section has already been excavated)
and a 298-m overpass.
The resumption of this project, which is located in a densely
populated area, required raising the local community’s
awareness and getting residents involved. TMS Project Director
Henrique de Mello Paixão observes: “From the start, we have
sought to inform the community about what we will be doing.
The first stage in that process was a meeting with 200 local
residents at the construction site.”
Marcelo Corrêa’s opinion is even more definitive:
Until that day comes, the roadworks being car-
“The new express bus lane that opened in August is mak-
ried out to improve the flow of traffic in the area, and
ing a major contribution to the daily lives of people who
consequently provide a better quality for life of motor-
live and work in this part of Salvador. Thanks to this
ists, passengers, pedestrians and residents, are mak-
project, mass transit passengers can leave home a bit
ing a massive impact. Paulo Marcos Bastos lives in the
later, and get back a bit earlier. And that’s not a minor
Pituba district, about 4 km from the CNO jobsite
where he works. He gives a very precise idea of how
The fact that the project is being built alongside
much the improvements have benefited everyone who
one of the Salvador’s biggest road junctions could ob­­
travels through that part of town. “In 1995, it took me
struct the flow of traffic and cause major congestion
about eight minutes to drive to work. Today it takes
and accidents, but it rarely does. Henrique Paixão ex­­
20. But I’m convinced that if these works hadn’t been
plains why: “Our main concern is ensuring the safety of
built, it would take even longer. More than half an
the public and our workers while causing the least pos-
hour, maybe.”
sible stress for pedestrians and motorists.” o
[ profile ]
A passion for discovery
José Henrique Steckelberg has steeped himself
in the cultures of all the countries he’s visited
written by
Marcus Neves
photo by
Holanda Cavalcanti
José Henrique Steckelberg is 66 years old and has
dedicated 42 of those years to the Odebrecht Group. He has
traveled widely and visited many places in his lifetime and
has vivid memories of them all. José Henrique didn’t just
[ José Henrique: the treasure
of knowledge ]
live in those places. He became a part of them and
familiarized himself with their cultures and ways of life.
From 1983 to 1989, José Henrique lived in São Paulo
In 1966, shortly after graduating from the Federal
City, working on tenders for Tenenge. During that period,
University at Minas Gerais (UFMG) School of Mechanical
he made several trips to Europe and the United States to
and Electrical Engineering, he joined Tenenge, a company
seal technology deals with foreign oil and gas companies
that merged with the Odebrecht Group in 1986. José
with a view providing better service and value added to
Henrique says his greatest treasure today is the lessons he
Petrobras. Then in 1989, he set off for Concepción, Chile,
learned from his parents, Henrique and Maria Abadia – his
where he helped build the Celulosa Arauco y Constitución
father had only three years of primary education and his
pulp mill. “It took me two years to get to assimilate that
mother was semi-literate.
new culture, and it was a wonderful experience, both
“Even though she had little formal education herself,
my mother taught her first three children their ABCs, and
they taught their other four siblings. By the time we went
personally and professionally,” he says. “It was a very
special time for me,” he adds.
José Henrique then went to Portugal, where he spent
to primary school, we could all read and write.
a year building two process modules for Elf-Angola
Unfortunately, she died of Chagas Disease at the young age
offshore platforms. Then, from 1992 onward, he traveled
of 44, but she left us a legacy of irreverence and youthful
to Mexico several times to tender bids for contracts issued
good cheer,” says José Henrique.
by Pemex – Petróleos Mexicanos, the state oil company,
His father taught him the principles that have
and the Federal Electricity Board, which meant spending
helped forge his character as a human being and the
periods ranging from a few months to a year in Mexico
professional he has become. “My father taught me and my
City. “I learned a lot about that country’s history and its
brothers and sisters that work is man’s mission on this
Aztec heritage,” he recalls.
Earth, and that knowledge is the only treasure you can
share with others without being the poorer for it.”
José Henrique’s first challenge back in 1966 was helping
Currently assigned to the estimates and tenders
department of Odebrecht Engineering & Construction’s
Oil & Gas arm, José Henrique says that, over the course of
build the Jupía hydroelectric plant on the Paraná River, which
his years with the Group, he has developed the strong
forms the boundary between two Brazilian states – São Paulo
belief that nothing is more important than the spirit of
and Mato Grosso. He lived in those parts for five years.
service. “It is a natural way of ensuring the client’s
Afterwards, he went on to Rio de Janeiro State, where he spent
satisfaction,” he says. “And by ‘client,’ I meant the company
another five years working on a range of projects at Petrobras’s
that contracts us to do a job, my leader, my leader’s leader,
Duque de Caxias Refinery (Reduc). Then came further projects
and everyone who makes up the Odebrecht Group’s
at the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar), in Araucária,
entrepreneurship line.”
Paraná, and the Henrique Lage Refinery (Revap), in São José
José Henrique Steckelberg and Regina, his wife of 38
dos Campos, São Paulo. Finally, he returned to the state of
years, have three children: Alexandre, an IT expert, also
Paraná to help build two offshore platforms – Namorado II
works for the Odebrecht Group; Guilherme has a Dentistry
and Cherne. All that in just seven years.
degree, and José Henrique Filho also graduated in IT. o
odebrecht informa [ 9 ]
[ logistics ]
[ Odebrecht warehouse
at the Port of Rio’s Cargo
Terminal: shipping 900
containers per month ]
Everything in the right place,
at the right time
OLEx teams provide highly-qualified support for Odebrecht’s overseas projects,
ranging from identifying suppliers to delivering supplies
written by
Thereza Martins
photos by
A. Moskow
Thursday, October 2. A little past noon. The activity
purchase and sales proposals, and plan the deliveries and
has subsided considerably at the Port of Rio de Janeiro
the transportation,” says OLEx Supervisor José Valentin
Cargo Terminal, or the Santo Cristo Terminal, as it is better
known. At the Odebrecht warehouses, the teams change
Headquartered at the Centro Empresarial Botafogo
off for lunch. Those who remain begin to load up a con-
(Botafogo Business Center) in Rio de Janeiro, OLEx pro-
tainer that will go on to Angola, the destination of almost
vides legal, financial, logistical and administrative sup-
80% of the 900 containers dispatched monthly to supply
port to the projects abroad as well as to the people that
the company’s projects in several different countries.
work on them. The seed that is now OLEx was planted in
Items to be exported are available in the 10,000-
1979, when the company began exporting supplies to
sq.m area of the two leased warehouses at the Santo
Odebrecht projects in Peru and Chile. Over the years and
Cristo Terminal. They are different types of materials for
with the increase in business, there have been at least five
civil construction, packaged and organized per project.
support areas for international projects. “They were all
They range from boxes of nails, screws and tools to weld-
services that could be consolidated as one single entity,”
ing machines, outfall pipelines, stainless steel cable, ma­­
confirms José Velentin. Said and done. In 1995, the con-
chinery, equipment, tractors and everything that cannot
solidation process was complete and the International
be bought in the local market, as happens in Angola, for
Support Base (BAI) emerged, perfected 10 years later with
example. Exports for business ventures in other countries
the creation of OLEx.
meet their needs on an as-needed basis, at a less intense
The multiplication of international projects is re­­
flected in OLEx's structure. The number of professionals
More than 200 professionals work at the Rio de
hired has grown (more than 200 at the moment), along
Janeiro terminal, including crews of workers and service
with the variety of services provided. In Angola, where the
providers. They receive the materials delivered by the sup-
largest number of contracts are being carried out, there
pliers, check, sort and package them, and prepare the nec-
are around 40 projects needing supplies, including high-
essary documents for exportation, leaving everything ready
ways, streets, housing developments, agribusiness proj-
for transportation to the port or airport – the last stage of
ects, hydroelectric projects, sanitation systems, and a su­­
the process on Brazilian soil. An identical operation also
permarket chain. Since almost 30 years of civil war ended
takes place at the Santos terminal, in São Paulo State.
in April 2002, the country has been growing at an acceler-
Heading up this organization is Odebrecht Logística and
ated rate. Odebrecht is one of the dozens of business orga-
Exportação (OLEx), the Brazil-based Odebrecht unit that
nizations that are taking part in this process.
provides support for the Group’s international projects.
OLEx acts as an extension of each of Odebrecht’s
Supermarkets in Angola
overseas projects, seeking out the best terms and condi-
Challenges and learning opportunities are emerg-
tions on the market to meet the demand. “We identify,
ing in that context. The Nosso Super project is a good
evaluate and approve suppliers and markets, we prepare
example. In addition to the construction of the only An­­
odebrecht informa [ 11 ]
[ Erick Serra:
overseas experience
since childhood ]
papers. Angola has given us visibility and access to other
markets in Africa. This is how exports were added to
Sabão Mauá’s portfolio.”
To meet the demand for fish, another item sold at
Nosso Super, OLEx found a supplier in China, a traditional exporter of tilapia, but kept looking for a better
deal for their client, both in terms products and service.
They began negotiating with the Mixed Cooperative of
Southern Lowlands Shellfish Gatherers, Fishers and Aqua­
farmers (Coopemar), a project supported by the Odebrecht
Foundation in partnership with other institutions and
public organizations. Negotiations included alignment of
prices to those of the international market and the supply
of tilapia fillets, that is, processed fish.
Coopemar’s first export to Angola, processed done
by Netuno Alimentos, a northeastern Brazilian company, happened this year, in April. “There were almost 20
tonnes of farmed tilapia, which corresponds to two
months of production from the cooperative,” says Mar­
cos Diniz, Odebrecht Foundation’s Social Part­ner­ships
Supervisor. “The aim now is to increase the production
of the fishery to build our own processing unit, which
golan supermarket chain, it includes supplying goods to
will reduce the final product cost and increase our com-
31 stores and two distribution centres in the country’s 18
provinces. It is the responsibility of the OLEx professionals
Coopemar’s second shipment to Angola is already
to select and approve the suppliers of foodstuffs and per-
being prepared and commemorated by the participants
sonal hygiene and cleaning products, among other retail
of the Program for the Integrated and Sustainable Re­­
items. This is a totally new experience for the company,
gional Development of the Southern Bahia Lowlands
which has a significant history of partnerships.
(DIS Southern Lowlands), which includes the tilapia
The standards for choosing the retail suppliers are
farming project. “This is an opportunity to increase our
the same as those used in the other sectors: the best com-
production, involve more families in the project and
bination of price, terms and quality. Indústria de Sabão
improve the community of fish farmers’ income,” says
Mauá was chosen to supply detergent, soap, disinfectant
Leonardo Moura, Agricultural Production Chain Co­­or­
and personal line products. A family business based in Rio
dinator for the Southern Lowlands. “The goal is to in­­
de Janeiro that has extensive experience in the domestic
crease production scale in order to make new deals, both
market, it had never exported its products before.
in the local market and abroad. This is the way for us to
The company took the initial steps towards becom-
achieve self-sufficiency.”
ing an exporter more quickly through its partnership
with OLEx. “We have had full support in finding and
[ 12 ] odebrecht informa
Growth opportunities
putting together the best product mix to meet the needs
Erick de Morais Serra was born in Minas Gerais,
of a market that is different from what we are used to,”
has a degree in business management, is single, and has
says Fernando Pereira Cerqueira, a Managing Partner in
lived and studied abroad since his childhood. Waldinei
the company. “We also needed help with customs
Marcolino de Souza is also from Minas Gerais, but lives
in Mongaguá, on the south coast of São Paulo State, with
his wife and three teenage children. He has experience
as the driver-operator of a spreader, a vehicle used in
[ Waldinei de Souza:
motivated to teach
his co-workers ]
highway projects. Erick and Waldinei did not meet until
October 3, the first Friday of the month. Their first
encounter was in a meeting room at the OK Hotel, in
Cinelândia, in Rio de Janeiro City Center, beside the Lapa
Arches and the Municipal Theatre. They were there
along with 60 other people from very different parts of
Brazil, with different professions and life stories.
They were brought together at the OK Hotel by the
OLEx Administration and People team to attend a lecture about Angola, where they now work today. This is
yet another of OLEx’s responsibilities: recruiting, selecting, conducting check-ups and supporting expatriates –
the professionals that work on international Odebrecht
projects – in every way necessary. But only the members
that will go on to Angola are invited to attend the lectures and receive group orientation. The presence of
almost 3,600 Brazilian professionals in that country (all
told, there are around 4,500 members working on
Odebrecht projects throughout the world) justifies this
special attention.
To care for such a large number of people work-
ings at the OK Hotel, where everyone spends the night,”
says Mônica.
ing on every continent is a big job, and then some. It
The meeting begins with a lecture by psychologist
also involves the inclusion of members and their fami-
Maria Imaculada Fleury and social worker Andreia Fer­
lies in health plans and other benefits that are offered,
nandes Araújo. The basic theme is life in Angola, its his-
issuing passports, visas, plane tickets and ground
tory, its people, the cultural differences that set it apart
from Brazil, as well as the similarities, the precautions
“The routine is the same for all of Odebrecht’s
that the expatriates must take with regards to health
international contracts, but when the number of proj-
care and food, their relations with future Angolan co-
ects in Angola began to increase, we sensed the need to
workers and the country’s reconstruction effort. Angola
set up a personalized support structure for the members
was colonized by the Portuguese from 1482 until 1975,
bound for that country,” says OLEx Administration and
and went through almost three decades of civil war after
Personnel Supervisor Mônica Torbey Pereira.
a struggle for independence. It has only experienced
She explains that the recruiting and selection pro-
peace since 2002.
cess is done from a distance, basically by phone. The first
“We stress the importance of cohesiveness among
personal contact takes place during the medical evalua-
the teams, of camaraderie and the role of the leaders and
tion, in the candidates’ home states. The second is in Rio
multipliers of knowledge that the Brazilians will play for
de Janeiro, to sign the contract and board the plane. “We
their Angolan colleagues,” explains Maria Imaculada. Bra­
contact people throughout Brazil and they only leave for
zil is sending engineers, administrators, machine op­­er­
Rio de Janeiro the day before to catch the flight to An­­
ators, drivers, painters, welders, carpenters, bricklayers,
gola. But before that, always on Fridays, we hold meet-
administrative personnel and other professionals to An­­
odebrecht informa [ 13 ]
[ Psychologist Maria
Imaculada Fleury:
cultural differences
and similarities
when living
in Angola ]
Goods exported
(in millions of USD)
Destination: Luanda
Saturday, October 4. It’s nearly one o’clock in the
afternoon. Time to leave. In the OK Hotel lobby, the
group of 60 new Odebrecht members waits for the vans
that will take them to the Maestro Antônio Carlos Jobim
International Airport (also known as Galeão). There,
they receive instructions from an OLEx support team
(Jan. – Aug.)
Members (fulltime): 223 by August 2008; 170 in 2007.
Exports: January-August 2008, 113,000 items; in 2007,
118,000 items.
Service exports in 2007: USD 817 million.
Largest export destinations: Angola, Argentina,
Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Panama, Bolivia,
Peru,United States, Libya.
Number of Brazilian expats in December 2007: 2,014;
in August 2008: 4,326.
Number of Brazilians mobilized abroad with OLEx’s
support between January and August 2008: 2,373.
while they pick up their passports and line up in front
of the TAAG Angolan Airline check-in counter,.
Erick de Morais Serra, who has always worked in
hotel management, is happy because this is the first
time he will be working on an Engineering & Construction
project. He was hired for the sanitation project in
Luanda, the Angolan capital. “I am sure that this will be
a great personal and professional opportunity for
growth. I hope to make new friends, learn from them
and teach them what I know.”
This is Waldinei Marcolino de Souza’s second time
in Angola. He had already spent nine months in Luanda,
working for different company. Through Odebrecht, he
will help build roads in the nation’s capital. “I hope to
[ 14 ] odebrecht informa
gola. “The Angolan teams, however, are up to 10 times
contribute by teaching my skills to my Angolan col-
larger (Odebrecht employs 30,000 professionals in An­­
leagues,” he says.
gola) and living and working together on a daily basis
Erick and Waldinei both boarded the plane brim-
allows for an exchange of experiences that will be re­­
ming with hopes of opportunities, better pay, profes-
warding for everyone,” emphasizes Maria Imaculada.
sional growth and the experience of a lifetime.
[ infrastructure ]
Works with civic spirit
Three urban infrastructure projects currently underway
in Rio de Janeiro State are changing the lives of several communities
written by
Marcus Neves
photos by
Elisa Ramos
“Here, rain means floods and mud. When we leave
According to George Roberto, the floods caused by
home, we have to wade through water up to our shins,”
the rainy season are a serious problem for the people his
says George Ferreira Roberto, 59, the founder of the
institution is intended to benefit, because it is so hard to
Represa Spiritist Group, whose address is 474, Caminho
reach. Founded 16 years ago, the Represa Spiritist Group
do Manhoso St., Nova Iguaçu. Considered a bedroom
helps nearly 200 children and adolescents who are at
suburb for decades, Nova Iguaçu is now the largest city
risk or have special needs.
in the Baixada Fluminense area, in the Rio de Janeiro
To solve this type of problem, the city has begun
metropolitan region, and has a population of 830,600.
an urban development program that includes installing
Nova Iguaçu is experiencing an economic boom driven
a major stormwater drainage system to permanently
by growing investments from the public sector – particu-
eliminate the threats of flooding and swamping. “We’ve
larly the Federal Government’s Growth Acceleration
been waiting for this project for a long time, and we
Program (PAC) – and private enterprise, represented by
need to be a bit more patient while it is being built,
real-estate developments for the burgeoning middle
because our street has been completely closed off to
class. Nevertheless, the city’s social indicators are still
traffic. But even that added headache is welcome,
very poor, and its urban characteristics reflect visibly
because we residents know that, in the end, we will all
unplanned growth in recent decades.
stand to benefit since there will be no more flooding,”
[ George Roberto:
“We’ve been waiting for this
project for a long time” ]
[ Nova Iguaçu drainage system:
putting an end to floods ]
says George Roberto. His street has been dug up from
paved section with drainage systems and urban develop-
one end to the other to install culverts for the stormwa-
ment, and another that will just be paved and devel-
ter system.
oped,” he explains. Low-income housing will be built in
The project also includes restoring sidewalks, pav-
the Cobrex district, and the subdivision will also under-
ing streets and installing public lighting and signaling
go urban development. As part of this job, the contrac-
and signposting systems. But that’s not all. It also in­­
tor proposed that the City of Nova Iguaçu adopt an
volves the construction of 628 housing units and the
innovative construction technology developed by
urban development of that subdivision, as well as a
Braskem, which involves using PVC walls filled with
brand-new first-aid hospital and a 4.5-km extension to
Via Light (State Highway RJ-081). The joint venture that
Mayor Lindberg Farias is clearly pleased that his
won the contract for these works is led by Construtora
city can count on funding from the Federal Government’s
Norberto Odebrecht (CNO) and includes Carioca En­­
Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) to invest in public
genharia and Construtora Mello Azevedo. Ground was
works: “Nova Iguaçu is Brazil’s number-three city in
broken in July and the project will be delivered by
terms of PAC projects. It is only behind São Paulo and Rio
February 2009.
de Janeiro,” he says, adding that the private sector is also
According to Odebrecht’s Leandro Andrade
investing BRL 2 billion in middle-class real-estate devel-
Azevedo, the Project Director for Nova Iguaçu, Macaé
opments in his city. “Thanks to these investments and
and Rio das Ostras, the installation of the stormwater
the PAC programs, Nova Iguaçu is experiencing a sig-
system, paving and urban development works will ben-
nificant process of improvement that will restore its citi-
efit roughly 30% of Nova Iguaçu’s population. “The work
zens’ pride in living in a city that offers them a better
we are doing is concentrated in districts near the city
quality of life,” he says, beaming with pride himself.
center, such as Califórnia, Vila Nova, Prata, Jardim Tro­
pical and Rancho Novo. Other projects are also planned
[ 16 ] odebrecht informa
Oil industry
for Jardim Pernambuco and improvements will be made
Known as the “Brazilian Dallas,” Macaé lies 192 km
in the Palhada district. On Iguaçu Road, we will build a
from Rio de Janeiro City, on the north coast of the state.
Like the Texan city, its economy is centered on the oil
gets so bad that we have to get around by boat,” says the
and gas industry. With a population of 170,000, Macaé is
the main support base for offshore exploration and pro-
To solve this problem, Odebrecht and joint-venture
duction operations in the Campos Basin, which has
partner Construtora Zadar are going to install a sewer
made this city one of the biggest contributors to the GDP
and storm drainage system in several parts of the city. It
of Rio de Janeiro State.
includes 150 km of sewers, 15,000 household connec-
Nevertheless, Macaé’s thriving economy stands in
tions, 5.9 km of interceptors and 15 sewage pumping
stark contrast to its residents’ dire straits when it comes
facilities, as well as a pumping plant and 4 km of storm-
to basic sanitation. As in Nova Iguaçu, entire districts are
water channels. “Hopefully, these projects will put an
flooded during rainstorms, severely affecting the com-
end to local residents’ sufferings caused by floods,” says
munity’s ability to come and go freely. But Macaé’s situ-
Maria Lúcia.
ation is even worse – some of its neighborhoods, such as
Vanderlei de Assis Vargas, the owner of the auto
Sol y Mar, Visconde de Araújo and Campo do Oeste, lie
repair shop next door to her home, agrees 100%. “When
below sea level.
the weather report says it’s going to rain, it’s like a
Maria Lúcia Fernandes has lived on 193 Quartzo
nightmare for me. I’ve lost a lot of money because the
St. in the Sol y Mar (Sun and Sea) district for 23 years,
rain soaked the upholstery of my customers’ cars. Let
and has the following complaint: rainstorms cause the
alone the damage done to my equipment. Then when
water level in her street to rise to over 50 cm (nearly 20
the water level goes down, it takes at least three days to
inches). “This is a great place to live. The only bad thing
clean up. I also lose money when we have to go several
is that we’re totally cut off by floods when it rains. It
days without working,” he says. However, he has high
[ Maria Lúcia Fernandes
and her son Marcelo:
no more “suffering
caused by floods” ]
odebrecht informa [ 17 ]
hopes about the outcome of the project currently under
The shoulders, like the one in front of my store, were
way. “It’s very gratifying to know that our taxes are
just beaten earth. When it rained, it turned into a huge
being used to solve our own problems. After all, we
mudbath. It got so bad that people had to put plastic
deserve that.”
bags over their shoes so they wouldn’t be covered in
Leandro Azevedo explains that the installation of
mud. Now, thanks to the recent paving and drainage
the public storm drainage system will put a permanent
systems, things are very different. Our quality of life has
stop to the flooding problem that plagues several parts
improved a lot,” he says.
of the city during the rainy season and affects the lives
Carla and Carlos Frederico Moura have lived at
of just about everyone in the community. “Furthermore,
number 145 – house 2 on Vinícius de Moraes St. in Jardim
the project is extremely critical for public health because
Campomar, about 2 km from Andre’s store, ever since
it will provide nearly 80% of the city with the benefits of
they were married two years ago. They say that there had
sanitary sewer services,” he explains
been constant problems from the day they moved in. “If it
According to Riverton Mussi, the Mayor of Macaé,
rained, the mud was so thick you couldn’t get through.
the project is being paid for with the city’s own funds,
Cars got stuck in it. And when it didn’t rain, the dust was
since its coffers are flourishing thanks to oil royalties.
so bad that I had to sweep the house two or three times a
According to Mr. Mussi, this is the biggest infrastructure
day. It was hell,” says Carla. Her husband has lost track of
project ever carried out in Macaé. “The dream of every
how many times he had to help cars get unstuck from the
local resident is to sleep soundly during the rainy sea-
mud: “It would happen every time it rained a bit harder
son, without running the risk of flooding, as well as
than usual. And we couldn’t always get the cars free with-
having a clean city and an efficient sewer system. And
out the help of the truck owned by a man who used to live
that dream is about to come true,” says the mayor. The
nearby. If he happened to be away from home, it was
projects included in the 48-month contract are now in
awful,” says Carlos Frederico. The couple is now as pleased
their final stages.
as Punch. The street where they live has been paved, and
they are confident that they no longer have to worry
First sanitation PPP
With an economy strongly based on the service
The sanitation works in Rio das Ostras are in their
sector – more precisely on tourism – Rio das Ostras has
final stages, which include the expansion of the city’s
boasted the highest growth rates in Rio de Janeiro State
sewer system. The first stage of the program began in
in the last seven years. The city now has a population of
2004. It included a 306-km sewage collector system, 21
74,700, which represents a 63% increase compared with
pumping facilities, a sewage treatment plant in Jardim
the 46,000 reported in 2004, when ground was broken
Mariléia, a 2.2-km onland pipeline and a 3.9-km marine
to build the first stage of its basic sanitation system. In
outfall made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and
the summertime, its population virtually doubles,
was completed in 2007.
thanks to the thousands of tourists who flock to its gorgeous beaches every year.
[ 18 ] odebrecht informa
when storm clouds gather overhead.
The works currently in progress are scheduled for
completion by the end of 2008. The sewer system includes
Nevertheless, it was the permanent residents who
the expansion of the Mariléia treatment facility, a 58-km
suffered the most from a lack of sewer and stormdrain
sewage collector system, 30 km of connection branches,
systems. André Barreto has lived and worked in the
and an 8.5-km trunk line, of which 5.4-km is aboveg-
Jardim Miramar district for five years. He lives on the
round, so that 10,500 more household connections can be
second floor of a building whose ground floor houses
installed. The stormwater drainage system involves add-
his construction supplies store – Eletro-hidráulica
ing 39.4 km of pipelines, 19 km of branch lines, 2.9 km of
Miramar – on the Amaral Peixoto Highway (route RJ-106).
belt drains, two sediment accumulation basins and two
“Not long ago, just the road itself was actually paved.
stormwater pumping plants, each of which has five
pumps with a capacity of 1,000 liters/second. Stage two
also includes paving 282,900 sq.m of roads and 181,400
sq.m of sidewalks.
“This is the biggest and most wideranging sanitation program being carried out in Brazil today,” says
Leandro Azevedo, adding that the Sewage Treatment
Facility will be the first Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
sanitation project ever carried out in Rio de Janeiro State.
Through that partnership, Odebrecht will have a 15-year
concession to operate the treatment plant.
Mayor Carlos Augusto Balthazar points out that
investing in basic sanitation is justified for two reasons:
first, the only way for a tourist town like Rio das Ostras to
[ Top photo, the Mariléia treatment facility: the largest water and
sewer project now underway in Brazil; above, Leandro Azevedo ]
thrive is to offer quality of life to residents and visitors
alike; the second is even more powerful. For every
miss the time before the sewer and treated water systems
Brazilian real invested in water and sewer systems, the
were installed. Drinking water came from artesian wells,
city saves BRL 4.00 on public health costs. “That was the
and household sewage was disposed of in septic tanks.
strongest argument for getting the government to invest
This meant that there was always a danger that the
more and more in basic sanitation. Best of all, our resi-
groundwater would be contaminated because the wells
dents are regaining their self-esteem and are increasingly
and septic tanks were much too close together. “Not to
proud of their city.”
mention the headaches when we had to clean out the
Leonardo Féo, a businessman who lives on Miracema
septic tanks using sewage suction trucks that were very
Street, in the Jardim Mariléia district, confirms that opin-
expensive and were never available when we needed
ion. For him, the sanitation program is “a leap forward
them. Now I can say that we live in a town that values and
in terms of quality of life for everyone who lives in Rio das
respects its citizens, and where my daughters can grow
Ostras.” Married with three daughters, he says he doesn’t
up healthy and enjoy a good quality of life.”
odebrecht informa [ 19 ]
[ entrepreneurial philosophy ]
The Culture of Service
Marcelo Odebrecht,
Vice President of Odebrecht S.A.
Norberto Odebrecht’s first book – a small volume titled What Do We Need? – was published in 1968.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of that publication, which also marks the first time
the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) was first set down in writing,
Odebrecht Informa invited Odebrecht S.A. Vice President Marcelo Odebrecht
to write an article on the subject.
It rarely happens that the founder of a business –
generally a hard-headed pragmatist – also has the expertise
view of our present situation, when the Group is
and discipline to philosophize. Odebrecht has that privilege.
experiencing exponential growth and we have to integrate
The entrepreneurial philosophy that drives our Group can
people into the organization faster than ever, I cannot help
be found in books dating back to its first generation of
celebrating that wise idea, and being thankful that my
grandfather had the talent and discipline to put it into
What Do We Need? was published exactly 40 years ago,
at a time when winning over new Clients had become
So What Do We Need? was written with the aim of
essential to ensuring the sustainability and perpetuity of our
providing a reference work on entrepreneurship for our
businesses. In his first book, my grandfather Norberto
Leaders and Team Members as well as for the
Odebrecht sought to systemize an intellectual discipline and
communication between them. My grandfather already had
practical measures that focus on success.
a clear idea of the importance of giving our leaders the tools
By the time it was founded in 1944, Construtora
Norberto Odebrecht already had the “cream of the crop of
supervisors” – an “asset that didn’t show up on the balance
they needed to interrelate with their team members and
apply the concept of education through work.
That first publication contained the first reflections
sheets.” They were the legacy of Emílio Odebrecht & Cia., the
on the importance of making the Odebrecht Group Culture
contracting company founded by my great-grandfather that
materialize and become a reality. Of all the books that
did not survive the economic crisis in Brazil during World
consolidate the core Philosophical Concepts of the
War II. My grandfather’s relationship with those supervisors
Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), the best
– our first entrepreneur-partners – paved the way for
known is Survival, Growth and Perpetuity. First published in
Planned Delegation and Results Sharing.
Portuguese 25 years ago, it improved on everything that
As time went on, the challenges grew and the need
came before. In September 2007, my father, Emílio
arose to groom the next generation of entrepreneur-
Odebrecht, called attention to the fact that the word
partners. Because the company was growing by leaps and
“Leader” can be found on 226 pages of that 507-page work, a
bounds, my grandfather could no longer stay in constant
book that breathes life into the relationship between Leaders
touch with all of his supervisors. He had established close
and their Team Members and sets out TEO in living color.
relationships with the “old guard” – all it took was a slight
Anyone who reads these two books, first published 40 and
gesture, and those remarkable men knew just what to do.
25 years ago, will see that their subject matter is not only up
However, the new generation was working throughout
to date but at the cutting edge of entrepreneurial thinking.
Brazil, so the problem of how to communicate exclusively
on the basis of the spoken word began to arise. That was
[ 20 ] odebrecht informa
when he had the idea of putting some thoughts on paper. In
A word of advice to those who are joining Odebrecht
today: make Survival, Growth and Perpetuity your manual and
[ These books by Norberto Odebrecht
are also available in English and Spanish ]
guidebook. It contains the Basic Tenets, Essential Concepts
expect and raise the bar accordingly. That is a sign of
and General and Operational Standards that drive our
discipline and leads to mutual respect. As my grandfather
organization. It also sets out guidelines for the success of the
explains, “Discipline and respect consolidate the culture of
individual, the collective and all of society.
trust between Partners, and the result is a society of trust
TEO is imbued with the spirit of service and sparks
the desire to make things happen and take pleasure in
that is beneficial to all.”
By trusting others and earning their trust, we can
doing what is right. These values and boundaries, which we
exercise freedom responsibly. That is one of the
learn from our parents as we are growing up, are improved
“commandments” of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
on in school and bolstered within the company.
Technology, which expects its Leaders and Team Members to
Some talk about corporate philosophy and others call
engage in the spirit of frank, open communication – in
it an organizational culture, but for the Odebrecht Group
order to influence others and be influenced – as well as the
Members who actually apply TEO, it is a philosophy of life
spirit of teamwork and the spirit of service, so that everyone
centered on work and education. It is essential to value and
can grow and develop the spirit of the time.
apply it.
All institutions should set out their philosophies in
It is up to each and every one of us to internalize and
assimilate TEO and apply it in all walks of life. That way, we
books. Once our entrepreneurial philosophy has been
will ensure the Survival, Growth and Perpetuity of the
internalized and externalized, our Clients will know what to
Odebrecht Group.
odebrecht informa [ 21 ]
[ petrochemicals ]
Good times for agribusiness
With customers in over 100 countries, the Jacto Group is a Brazilian manufacturer
of farm machinery and implements that uses polyethylene supplied by Braskem
written by
[ 22 ] odebrecht informa
Simone Goldberg
photos by
Dario de Freitas
Brazil’s agribusiness exports totaled USD 55.3 billion
resins supplied by Braskem. Unipac is a diversified plas-
between January and September 2008. That is 29.2%
tics conversion company. It makes auto components
more than earnings reported for the same period in
(such as fuel tanks) and pesticide storage tanks for the
2007. Expectations are that 2008/2009 will see record
machines made by its “sister company,” Máquinas Jacto,
cereal and bean harvests in this country despite the
as well as pesticide containers, large milk containers for
global economic crisis, reaching as much as 144.5 mil-
the general market, and fuel tanks for multinational
lion tonnes (metric tons), according to preliminary
manufacturers of trucks and tractors, among other
forecasts by Conab, the state-owned food supply com-
pany. The previous harvest totaled 143.7 million tonnes.
“We process roughly 1,500 tonnes of polyethylene
These figures show a significant rise in activity in this
per month,” says Unipac President Marcos Antônio
Ribeiro. Most of the plastic resins that Braskem sup-
A Brazilian business conglomerate that manufac-
plies are used to make auto parts such as fuel tanks.
tures farm machinery and implements, the Jacto Group
This partnership dates back over 30 years. Back then,
is a Braskem partner that is making the best of these
the former Polialden – one of the companies consoli-
good times for agribusiness. Data from the National As­­
dated under Braskem – supplied raw materials to the
­­­­so­­­­ciation of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea)
Jacto Group. According to Paulo Freire, the Braskem
shows that sales of farm equipment for agribusiness
Manager responsible for the Unipac account, in addi-
operations and concession companies in the domestic
tion to having a business relationship, the two compa-
market rose 48.4% between January and September
nies have found that they share “converging values and
2008, compared with the first nine months in 2007.
interests that are leading to an extensive exchange of
These figures are further proof that Brazilian agribusi-
experiences.” They identify with each other in many
ness is booming.
ways. Braskem is in the process of internationalizing
“We make a wide range of products and are keeping
its operations through the construction of a plant in
pace with the growth of agribusiness activities,” says Mar­
Venezuela. The Jacto Group, which is based in Pompéia,
tin Mundstock, President of Máquinas Agrícolas Jacto,
São Paulo, is marking its 60th anniversary in 2008 by
one of the group’s leading companies, along with Unipac.
firmly establishing its diversification and investing in
However, Mundstock is cautious about this agribusiness
global expansion. It already has an assembly plant in
boom. “In 2005 and 2006, the industry suffered a vertigi-
Argentina, and in October 2008, Unipac opened a unit
nous drop, followed by a slow period of recovery, which is
in Thailand to make backpack pesticide sprayers (farm
currently under threat in view of current events on the
equipment for individual use to spray for pests and
world market,” he observes.
diseases) for the family farms in that region.
In addition to selling machinery used to produce
Another example comes from the area of corpo-
Brazil’s main export crops, Jacto also exports its equip-
rate social responsibility. The Odebrecht Group, Bras­
ment to 100 other countries. Many of the items shipped
kem’s mother company, and the Jacto Group maintain
abroad contain fuel tanks and other plastic components
foundations that carry out educational programs aimed
made by Unipac, another Jacto subsidiary, using plastic
at training and grooming youth.
[ From left,
Marcos Antônio Ribeiro,
Jiro Nishimura
and Paulo Freire:
joint pursuit
of innovation ]
odebrecht informa [ 23 ]
The two companies also have other points in com-
tic fuel tanks, including the famous K3, the world’s
mon, such as the constant pursuit of innovation, an area
first automated coffee harvesting machine, introduced
in which they work closely together on a daily basis.
in the late 1970s, and the mechanized orange harvester
“Jacto is a partner-client,” observes Roberto Bischoff, the
that arrived on the market in early 2008.
officer Responsible for Braskem’s Polyethylene Business.
Both of these milestones attest to the constant
“Like us, they are at the cutting edge of production tech-
pursuit of innovation, which is characteristic of the
nology, as well as being a market leader, and they want
Jacto Group’s founder. The challenge of designing the
to grow along with us.” Marco Antônio Ribeiro adds:
world’s first coffee harvester led to the creation of the
“We are always looking for ways to replace raw materials
Jacto Research and Development Center, whose proj-
like metal with plastic, which is highly versatile, sturdy
ects range from automated sprayers to precision fertil-
and is more cost effective.”
izer devices, as well as new harvesting technologies for
Five years ago, Jacto began replacing the fiber-
a wide range of crops.
glass pesticide tanks formerly used in spraying equip-
The Jacto Group’s portfolio contains dozens of
ment with plastic tanks made by Unipac. According to
models of farm equipment, including motorized spray-
Ribeiro, the increasing use of plastic has numerous
ers, tractor-pulled sprayers, fertilizing and harvesting
advantages, such as lightening the total weight of
equipment, and accessories used to harvest coffee, soya
motorized spraying equipment. This allows the machines
and other export crops. Jacto has also developed spe-
to carry more agro-chemicals and cover a larger area
cialized fruit planting equipment. There are over 3,500
before they have to go back for a refill.
people on its team of engineers and researchers working at Jacto’s 12 factories – 11 in São Paulo State and
Polyethylene sprayer
one in Thailand. It also has the assembly plant in
Plastics became part of the Jacto Group’s history
Argentina, a business office in the United States, repre-
in the mid-1960s, when agro-chemicals that were pre-
senting Máquinas Jacto, and a Unipac distribution
viously sold in powder form began to be marketed as
center in Europe.
liquids that could corrode metal storage tanks. To
Jacto and Unipac are the group’s biggest companies,
solve this problem, Indústria de Máquinas Agrícolas
which also include Mizuno, a manufacturer of compact
Jacto, a company founded in 1948 by Shunji Nishimura,
sewage treatment systems; Jacto Cleaning, which pro-
a Japanese immigrant who is now 98 years old (see
duces pressurized-water cleaning systems; Polycomposite,
box), imported German equipment to Brazil to manu-
which makes flexible pipe for irrigation and plumbing;
facture a polyethylene sprayer. This innovation also
and Rodojacto, a freight company.
marked the creation of the company’s plastics department.
[ 24 ] odebrecht informa
The recent arrival of Marcos Antônio Ribeiro as
President of Unipac, succeeding Jiro Nishimura, one of
It was so successful that, about 10 years later, the
the founder’s seven children, marked the beginning of
plastics department became a subsidiary – Unipac. The
a new phase in the Jacto Group’s management: follow-
numbers show that Jacto was on the right track: in the
ing this change in command, there are no family mem-
last three decades, production volume has grown an
bers running the company. Jiro Nishimura observes
average of 12% per year. “The farming industry goes
that his father never dreamed it would do so well.
through cycles. Unipac was created to give the Jacto
“There has never been a wild ambition to grow.” And he
Group stability, because our operations are diversified
shares the secrets to business success: don’t go into
and not exclusively focused on agriculture,” explains
debt, reinvest profits, be passionate about what you do,
Marcos Antônio Ribeiro. However, the company clearly
and always look for new challenges. The history of the
makes a significant contribution to that sector. All of
Jacto Group is living proof that this is indeed a winning
the farm machinery it produces is equipped with plas-
[ Shunji Nishimura: his career in Brazil began on a coffee plantation ]
A business group that got its start with a man and his hoe
In the late 1920s, Japan was
savings, he returned to São Paulo, determined
things. He put handles on cans to make mugs.
undergoing a serious economic crisis.
to go to school and learn Portuguese. He
He adapted engines. He developed a distilling
Thousands of its citizens left the country,
worked at the school for a while, and then
machine to make menthol, which was an
particularly between 1924 and 1934, in
went to work at a factory as an assistant lathe
important item in the local economy. It was
hopes of finding fresh opportunities in
operator and welder, making just enough to
just a matter of time before he went on to
countries like Brazil. In 1932, a young
live on a diet of bread and bananas.
create the first Brazilian farm sprayer in 1948
mechanic named Shunji Nishimura joined
But things got brighter when
– then made of metal – and his machine
that wave of migration. Then 22, he started
Nishimura met Chieko. They got married and
factory, Indústria de Máquinas Jacto, was
his new life in Brazil on a coffee plantation
their first child, daughter Mitiko, was born.
born. By the following year, he was selling 30
in São Paulo State.
Then came six sons (Takashi, Jiro, Chikao,
sprayers per month. He never stopped
Shiro, Lincoln and Jorge). Determined to
inventing, and his business grew non-stop. He
farm implements – he was obliged to use a
improve his lot in life, and brimming with
has received dozens of tributes from business
hoe that was much too big for him –
ideas for new inventions, he took a train and
associations and officials, including
Nishimura realized that his new life would
got off at the last stop. That would be the
representatives of the Japanese Government.
not be easy, but he was determined to get
place where he and his family would begin
The headquarters of the Shunji
ahead. His creativity and technical know-
their lives all over again. The last stop was
Nishimura Foundation in Pompéia contains
how helped make the hard times in the fields
Pompéia, a rural town of 18,000 in São Paulo
rooms filled with gifts he has received. It also
much easier – he made a hoe that was better
houses a museum that displays items
Slightly built and unfamiliar with
suited to his height.
He rented a house there, sent for his
representing all the stages in his life and
Daily life was tough and the pay was
wife and daughter, and put a sign on his
career and the history of the Jacto Group. Now
hardly encouraging, so he left the plantation
door: “We Fix Everything.” Bit by bit, his
aged 98, he says he is “very pleased with what
and tried his luck in Rio de Janeiro, where he
workshop began building up a steady
I have achieved,” and that now he can “leave
worked as a waiter. After building up some
clientele. And Nishimura kept on inventing
this life in peace.”
odebrecht informa [ 25 ]
[ petrochemicals ]
Two treats in new clothing
Nestlé and Videolar invest in developing new packaging
for ice-cream and Blu-Ray multimedia disks
written by
Milton Gérson
photos by
Dario de Freitas
New ice-cream containers have been launched on
demanding consumers that have recently became a
the market with a bold oval design that fits in the door
prime target for manufacturers: single professionals
compartment of any deep-freeze. They are for Nestlé’s
and couples without children.
Prime line of ice-cream and fruit sherbet, which comes
in the Molico and La Frutta (passion fruit, pineapple and lime) flavors. They will be produced by Jaguar Plásticos in partner-
The new design, which uses CP 141 and CP 191
plastic resins, will replace the cardboard packaging
currently used for the Prime product range. The
resins are used respectively in the production of
ship with Braskem and will be
the containers and the lids, and have been
among the novelties of the upcom-
approved by Nestlé for manufacture using
ing Southern-Hemisphere sum-
the “In-Mould-Label” process in which a
mer. Each container holds 700 ml
robot injects the label inside the mould and
of ice-cream and is aimed at more
polypropylene is then applied over the label,
thus moulding it into the container.
According to Heitor Silveira Neto Tren­
tin, Braskem’s Polypropylene Applications
Engineer, the use of this resin complies
with one of Nestlé’s requirements
[ Luiz Adolfo Bascheira:
practicality and
visual impact ]
[ 26 ] odebrecht informa
for the product that has to do with environmental
for innovative solutions that contribute to techno-
conservation: “By using this ‘In-Mould-Label’ technol-
logical development and therefore the growth of
ogy the result is a container made from just one type
this industry,” says Rui Chammas who is Director
of material, which facilitates the recycling process,”
for Polypropylene.
Trentin points out.
Jaguar Plásticos Sales Director Luiz Adolfo
Adilson Arli da Silva Filho, who is Braskem’s
Bascheira points out that the creative process that
Manager for Polypropylene Engineering, Applications
produced this container began in May 2007. “We
and Market Development, stresses other aspects that
received a briefing about Nestlé’s needs and prefer-
result from the resins’ mouldability – resistance to
ences at that time, and then Jaguar worked on perfect-
moisture and impact. He explains that the plastic
ing the packaging by studying the container and
will have excellent durability, thus allowing for bet-
product development in order to achieve the require-
ter product conservation, not only in the shops but in
ments of practicality, manageability and visual
the home, besides the fact it can be reused. “We are
impact,” Baschiera explains.
talking about a sophisticated technology that is still
Polypropylene is highly versatile, and Jaguar
little used by the packaging industry, but which guar-
made the most of that characteristic. “Several models
antees bright, high-resolution decorations that do
are studied in a specific department using special-
not fall off the container, thus allowing better pre-
ized software for product development, analysis of
sentation of the product in stores, which makes it
the technical process and design creation,” Bascheira
stand out from the rest,” he observes.
observes. He stresses that Jaguar has had constant
support from Braskem. “The company is always avail-
Portfolio of Resins
able to provide assistance where necessary, from the
The production volume for these containers
choice of resin to other technical details, such as the
and the quantity of resin that will be used to make
analysis of the compatibility of the resin and the
them has not been determined yet. “We estimate ini-
product,” he explains.
tial production of 1.5 to 3 million units per year,
In 2007, the Brazilian ice-cream market pro-
which will increase production by a maximum of 110
duced 361 million liters, and that number is expected
tonnes per year – that is at least 10 tonnes per month
to increase by 20 million liters in 2008. The quantity
more than current production. It is a container that
of polypropylene packaging on the market in 2007 –
will attract a lot of attention in the shops. To have a
predominantly 2-liter containers – totaled 11 thou-
parameter for comparison, sales of CP 191 for this
sand tonnes per year. Braskem provides 45% of the
market currently total 350 tonnes per month, not
polypropylene for this market. The new containers
including ice-cream containers that are produced by
are destined for the luxury segment of the ice-cream
heat shaping and other formulations (grades): CP 141
market, which requires 1.6 million containers per
and Prisma 2910, among others.
To develop this new packaging, Braskem offered
However, the launch of the new 700-ml con-
its client the portfolio of resins developed in the
tainer will increase Braskem’s marketshare. Nestlé
Technology and Innovation Center, where it has a
will only replace the containers for its Molico and La
highly specialized team of more than 170 research-
Frutta lines of ice-cream and fruit sherbet, which
ers and technicians. “The partnerships we develop
have been adapted to its consumers’ modern life-
reaffirm one of our core values: the constant search
odebrecht informa [ 27 ]
[ Jurandir Vieira: raw materials
with high production performance ]
[ 28 ] odebrecht informa
Two treats in one
Combining the pleasure of eating ice-cream
with watching good films at home, another pastime
that is ever more popular among Brazilians, a new
product launched in this country is using technology provided by Braskem’s polypropylene. It
is the Blu-Ray Disc – the most advanced
type of multimedia disc available on the
domestic market. Though it will be initially
laun­c hed in the Southeast because of the
higher purchasing power of that region’s population, it is expected to spread to other regions as
quickly as its predecessors, the CD and DVD, did
before it.
You need a special device to play a Blu-Ray Disc,
and the equipment currently is outside the price
range of most Brazilians. The main difference
between Blu-Ray and DVDs is the quantity of data
each can store. While a DVD can hold up to 4.7 GB
tional standards, which is very important for the
(gigabytes), a Blu-Ray Disc can store between 25 and
plastic resin chosen for this type of media. As con-
50 GB. A bluish-violet laser is used to read and record
sumption grows, our product will be included in this
data. The wavelength is 405 nanometers, whereas
context of market expansion,” Adilson believes.
DVDs uses a red laser beam with a 650-nanometer
However, he observes that it is impossible to forecast
wavelength. This technology allows Blu-Ray to repro-
the percentage of growth at this time. “What is cer-
duce high-definition and high-quality image and
tain at the moment is that Videolar intends to pro-
sound, though it is only really possible to tell the
duce about 420,000 units per month.”
difference on LCD and plasma television sets.
Videolar Product Manager Jurandir Vieira is
Precisely because Blu-Ray is aimed at the high-
also pleased with the results of the two companies’
end consumer market during this initial phase, the
current partnership, and points out the high quality
packaging is designed to make it more attractive. For
of Braskem’s plastic resins: “The polymer produced
the past three years, Braskem plastic resins have
by Braskem stands out from the competition.”
been used to make Amarey DVD packaging for Vi­­
Moreover, he explains that, even though the packag-
deolar, the Brazilian market leader for unrecorded
ing is already in use, further tests are being carried
and recorded media, and at the beginning of 2008,
out to improve the resin’s applications and make it
Videolar and Braskem began a new partnership to
more cost effective. “With this product launch,
develop an outstanding product with improved trans­
Videolar was looking for a material that offered high
parency and shine.
production performance, coupled with the high qua­
Adilson Filho explains that clarified polypropyl-
lity of the product in terms of transparency. We test-
ene, which gives greater transparency to the packag-
ed several materials from a range of manufacturers
ing approved by Videolar, follows the client’s strict
and the most suitable product was the one supplied
specifications to the letter. “It complies with in­ter­na­
by Braskem,” Vieira concludes.
odebrecht informa [ 29 ]
[ petrochemicals ]
One team, one brand
Putting the Braskem logo and visual identity on plastic resin packaging
is the final stage in the merger process with Ipiranga
written by
Danielle Espósito
photos by
Eduardo Beleske
[ José Marques da Silva, a member
of the PE5 Unit in Triunfo,
checks out the new packaging:
the culmination of an iconic milestone
in the history of Brazilian
petrochemicals ]
[ 30 ] odebrecht informa
For the packaging area of Braskem’s recently merged PP2
Commercial invoices have also been standardized and
(Polypropylene) and PE5 (Polyethylene) units at the Triunfo
given a single similar layout. The same is true for the Bras­
Petrochemical Complex in Rio Grande do Sul, this is a time
kem website, which has been updated with the necessary
of renewal. The process of adapting plastic resin packaging to
content and services, such as technical information for all
Braskem’s visual identity is going full steam ahead. Around
the products previously marketed by Ipiranga. And the qua-
56,000 tonnes (metric tons) of polyethylene and polypropyle-
lity certificates that accompany them also bear Braskem’s
ne are packaged at these units every month.
signature and visual standards.
“The product going out the gate and straight to our
Rosa Maria Polesello, the Braskem officer responsible
clients now carries the Braskem brand. This is a decisive
for Client Service Management, says her team is working
stage in the history of the merger with Ipiranga – it is like a
hard to improve the quality of service. “We are striving to
crowning moment,” says Jorge Marques da Silva, the packa-
offer more flexible and efficient service through client satis-
ging coordinator at Braskem’s Polyolefins Unit, formerly
faction surveys and, above all, through the day-to-day rela-
from Ipiranga, who has accompanied the entire process.
tionship between the team and our clients.”
The sacks of plastic resin are shipped to clients like the
São Paulo-based Brinquedos Cardoso toy company, which
Broader portfolio
had been an Ipiranga client since 1994 and became a
Following the merger of the two companies, Braskem
Braskem client after the merger. The managing partner of
now has a more complete range of products. “It’s a one-stop
the 21-year-old toy company, Carlos Alberto Cardoso, confir-
shop – our clients will find just about everything they need.
ms that the transition is being carried out quite naturally.
Now we have a broader portfolio and a significant availabili-
“Sure, I was a little nervous at first. After all, we had enjoyed
ty of plastic resins,” says Polyolefin Unit Account Manager
a solid 14-year relationship with Ipiranga. They already knew
Paulo de Mattos Coelho. “In our day-to-day operations, I’ve
us well, and thoroughly understood our needs. But the day-
noticed that our clients see us as a solid company that is
to-day routine went so smoothly that I became more confi-
spearheading the industry’s consolidation, which is bolste-
dent, and the relationship with Braskem’s partners has been
ring the relationship of trust between us and each of our
excellent,” he says. “The seriousness and competency that we
clients,” he says.
are already accustomed to are now combined with very posi-
Every relationship opportunity and dialogue is funda-
tive characteristics that are Braskem hallmarks, such as
mental during this phase of changes. With a view to getting
dynamism,” adds Cardoso.
to know its clients’ expectations and meet those expecta-
The merger process has been underway since 2007,
tions, the Basic Feedstocks Unit has held a meeting with a
following the acquisition of the Ipiranga Group’s petroche-
group of them. “The initiative was very effective because we
mical assets by Braskem, in partnership with Petrobras. On
have established a closer relationship with our clients. It’s
September 30th, the process of incorporating Ipiranga
enabled us to get to know their future plans and business
Petroquímica was concluded, and the merged units began
opportunities,” says Isabel Figeiredo, the Unit’s Commercial
using the company name Braskem. On October 1st, they
Director. “It is always crucial to listen to what they have to
completed the implementation of the SAP system (a single
say, particularly now,” she adds.
business management platform), which fully integrated the
companies’ operations and processes.
Another useful initiative was the Polyolefin Unit’s
Technical Seminar. Organized for its clients in August, the
The SAP was introduced in the recently integrated
meeting brought together economic, technology and innova-
units through the Formula South Project. As project leader
tion specialists, as well as experts from other areas of specia-
Marco Antonio Villas-Bôas observes: “Our operations and
lization that influence activities in the plastics sector. “The
activities are completely integrated in the implemented
seminar helped me determine the next steps forward for
processes, which represent approximately 80% of the total.”
Brinquedos Cardoso,” observes Carlos Alberto Cardoso. “It
The system implementation should be concluded by the end
was a terrific opportunity, and then some. We are confident
of 2009.
that our partnership relationship will only get better.”
odebrecht informa [ 31 ]
[ state of the art ]
eliana simonetti
Intelligent fleet
CNO purchases trucks with management software and customized equipment
economy and greater comfort for the
drivers. According to Robert Leoncini,
Scania’s Vehicle Sales Director for
Brazil, this is the largest number of
trucks his company has sold to a
single client in all its 51 years in Brazil.
Henrique Lorca-Scania
Construtora Norberto
Odebrecht (CNO) has purchased 260
Scania P420 8x4 and P 420 6x4 trucks
that will be used in the construction
of the Rodoanel beltway in São Paulo,
and the Santo Antônio hydroelectric
plant in Rondônia, among other
projects in Brazil. The vehicles come
with a fleet management system,
providing information and
controlling production and
performance in real time, regardless
of where they are or what job they are
doing. The management software is
specifically designed to meet CNO’s
needs. About 100 of these new trucks
are fitted with Scania Opticruise to
ensure better performance, more fuel
[ Scania P420 8x4 truck ]
Rio Grande do Sul boosts sugarcane research
Braskem’s green plastic motivates the state to have the best productivity in the field
[ 32 ] odebrecht informa
wide range of products made from
renewable natural raw materials.
This drive was the subject of debate
at the 13th Brazilian Packaging
Convention, held in São Paulo by the
Brazilian Packaging Association
(Abre). The conclusion: the current
watch-word is “sustainability.” So
much so that, two years before
beginning industrial-scale
production of its green
polyethylene, Braskem signed a
partnership agreement with
Toyota Tsusho, which will be
its representative for the sale of
vegetable-based plastics in Asia
and should absorb one-fourth
of the company’s production
capacity of 200,000 tonnes/year
of high-density polyethylene
[ Improved sugarcane varieties could
(HDPE) and linear low-density
produce more sugar in less time ]
polyethylene (LLDPE).
research that will increase the
productivity and quality of sugarcane
used to make biofuels and green
plastic. Combined with Braskem’s
initiatives, which including
grooming and supporting specialists
that develop scientific and
technological projects focused on the
alcochemical process, this measure
will lead to the development of a
Peggy Greb/ARS
Business leaders and officials
of the Rio Grande do Sul Government
were apprehensive because their
state had been excluded from
sugarcane zoning in preliminary
studies conducted by the Brazilian
Ministry of Agriculture. But then, the
situation was turned around. “1.8
million hectares became available for
planting sugarcane in the state, so
the production of
Braskem’s green polymer
can be implemented in its
entirety,” announced the
President of the Legislative
Assembly, Alceu Moreira,
at the Convergence
Dialogues seminar held in
the city of Porto Alegre in
late August. At that time,
the Solutions Workshop
was created to conduct
Peggy Greb/ARS
IMAGES – The apples that look whitish in the first picture have
been sprayed with minute plastic beads loaded with microscopic
mineral particles that repel insects, increase the fruit’s size and
give it a more vibrant color. Researchers from the Agricultural
Research Service (ARS) in the United States have also used
aluminized plastic soil coverings to prevent diseases and increase
the amount of light that falls on the plants. After three years of
testing, they concluded that the two technologies work well
together to increase productivity and efficiency in the field –
which means better quality and lower prices for consumers. The
apples are as appetizing as they look in the second photo. More
information at <>.
Scott Bauer/ARS
Web news
• The Sugar Cane Industry
Union (Unica) publishes
privately and governmentfunded studies by several
noteworthy innovations
• ­A global leader in the development of
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and
treasury systems with approximately
6,000,000 clients in 60 countries, the
Franco-British group Sage-XRT <www.sage.
com> has been in Brazil since May. “We are
counting on growth of around 40% for this
year,” says Thierry Giraud, General Director of
Sage-XRT Brazil. One of the reasons for this
optimism: its treasury management systems,
hailed as the best available in the market by
the American magazine Global Finance in
2005, 2006, and 2007, will be implemented
by CNO in its central Treasury department
and in the countries where it is active, aiming
at attaining maximum usage of process
• Braskem is one of the companies whose
important and innovative purchase
management activities reflect positively on its
corporate image. The “Electronic Management
Using the Services Publishing Tool” case study
was presented at the Fifth National Forum on
Purchasing and Procurement Management
held in São Paulo, which discussed planning,
technologies, ways of overcoming the
challenges in implementation and results
obtained. The event was organized by the
Brazilian Supply Chain Institute, which
belongs to the Brazilian Federation of
Corporate Development (Febracorp).
According to that organization’s figures, the
area of purchases is responsible for about 50%
of the industry’s earnings.
• The 3,600 athletes that took part in the
Braskem Half Marathon Relay of 2008, in
Salvador, Bahia, had a pressure chip in the
heels of their running shoes. When they
crossed the start and finish lines – carpets
equipped with sensors – their times were
registered automatically in the technical
management office for the race, which
guaranteed the accuracy of the results. The
system is similar to the one used for the
Marathon at the Beijing Olympics. See
pictures of the competition at <www.
• In addition to the PMI (Project Management
Institute) project management method, which
establishes procedures, resources, risk analysis,
and implementation timelines, for example,
Braskem has adopted the Clarity PPM (Process
Project Management) solution to increase the
efficiency of project management and the
channeling of investment capital. The
implementation process took six months,
allowing centralized management, through
the Internet, of the scope, life cycle and
timeframe of projects, and the production of
electronic documents and forms.
institutes in Brazil and abroad
about activities in the
Brazilian sugarcane industry.
These materials are available
in the “Documents” section of
Unica’s website <www.unica.>.
• The National Institute for
Special Research (Inpe)
provides a website with a
gallery of high-resolution
images of major cities in Brazil
and other South American
countries, thanks to the CBERS
(China-Brazil Earth Resources
Satellite) program. They also
have the first images 27 km in
width with a special
resolution of 2.7 meters,
produced by a High Resolution
Panchromatic Camera
installed experimentally on
CBERS-2B. The address:
odebrecht informa [ 33 ]
[ buildings ]
Public services with style
Designed by legendary Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer,
the Minas Gerais Administration Center will house state government departments
and agencies now scattered throughout the capital, Belo Horizonte
written by
Eliana Simonetti
photos by
Luciana De Francesco
Travelers who arrive at Tancredo Neves Airport
cies that are currently scattered through­­out the state capital
in Confins, in the Belo Horizonte metropolitan region, and
– many of them in rented buildings – this complex is being
go on to the city center of Minas Gerais’s state capital, can-
built by Companhia de Desenvolvimento Econômico de
not help noticing a beehive of activity – people and ma­­
Minas Gerais (Codemig), the state’s economic development
chines in constant motion, working on an immense project
company. “The Administration Center is the biggest civil
involving unusually shaped buildings. It is the Minas Gerais
engineering project currently underway in Latin America
State Government Administration Center, located in the
and embodies the most important innovations in engi-
former Serra Verde Race Track, in the northern part of the
neering, architecture and the concept of public service in
central Brazilian city.
Designed by architect Os­­
­­­­car Niemeyer to house government departments and age­­n­­­­­­­
Brazil,” says Governor Aécio Neves. “The dedication and
efficiency of the contractors and workers have been
key to the accomplishment of our plans.”
The Administration Center project has
been divided into three parts. A joint venture formed by three Brazilian contracting companies, Construtora Norberto
Ode­brecht, OAS and Queiroz Galvão,
is in charge of lot 2: Department
Building 1. The jobsite was installed
in December 2007. Once the work
order had been authorized, ground
was broken in March 2008, and the
contractor began laying the foundations at an accelerated pace, working
day and night. By September, 1,000
people were working on the project.
“Our biggest challenge here is speed.
[ 34 ] odebrecht informa
[ The new Administration Center
is taking shape:
design and construction
based on concepts of
sustainable development ]
odebrecht informa [ 35 ]
[ The State Government’s new home is attracting private enterprise: commerce and services ]
This structure contains five buildings in one. And it has to
One might think that being designed by the world-
be ready in 26 months,” says Project Director Carlos
famous Brazilian architect would be enough to make the
Berardo Zaeyen. “We have sought and found engineering
Center unique, and its innovative design alone, built in a very
solutions to deliver this building with the highest quality
short space of time, would be more than enough reason to
and efficiency, while keeping to schedule,” he adds.
celebrate. But there is more. This project is being carried out
This is not a simple task. The state of Minas Gerais is
within the concepts of sustainable development. It includes
growing like gangbusters, and there are construction sites
intelligent lighting and air-conditioning systems that auto-
everywhere. Naturally, skilled workers are hard to find, so
matically adjust to weather conditions and the number of
the joint-venture contractor has sealed two partnerships
people on each floor to make working conditions as comfort-
to overcome this challenge. The first is with the Labor
able as possible. The vacuum sewer system reduces water use.
Ministry’s National Jobs System (SINE), which announces
And the double glass front provides heat and sound insula-
job openings nationwide and brings in people who want
tion. The buildings are also equipped with waste treatment
to work in Minas Gerais. The second is with the SENAI
plants and air quality monitoring systems, and the surround-
(National Industrial Apprenticeship Service), which trains
ing green areas are carefully tended and preserved.
unskilled individuals to work as carpenters and blacksmiths. They take theoretical classes at an auditorium
Quality of life
built at the jobsite, as well as learning in practice. The big-
The project also includes the creation of the Serra
gest difference: the people who qualify to take these
Verde State Park, which will cover a 105-hectare area (the
courses are immediately hired to work on the project as
equivalent of 105 soccer fields), and recreational area for
temporary assistants. If they do their jobs well, they are
local residents from 15 nearby districts, most of whom live
put on the payroll.
in blue-collar and underprivileged communities.
As a result, the construction of this Center is rear-
[ 36 ] odebrecht informa
Niemeyer visits the jobsite
ranging the urban layout of Belo Horizonte – whose south-
On September 21, a Sunday, architect Oscar Niemeyer
ward growth is limited by the Iron Mountains – driving the
– who hates flying – traveled by car from Rio de Janeiro to
development of what is known as the city’s North Vector,
Belo Horizonte. On the 23rd, a sunny Tuesday, he inspected
which is characterized by major population growth and a
the progress of the Administration Center works. “This is
lack of services. According to Codemig’s observations,
the most stimulating project I have worked on in recent
before it is completed, the project will have attracted pri-
years. It makes me very happy to see an idea leave the draw-
vate companies interested in setting up businesses, particu-
ing board and become a reality. Especially when everything
larly in commerce and services – hotels, restaurants, banks
is happening so fast. Today I feel completely fulfilled,” he
and shopping malls, for example – which will create work
told Odebrecht Informa.
opportunities for city residents.
For those citizens, in addition to
the taxpayers’ money,” says engineer
creating a new recreational area,
José Carlos Sussekind, who takes care
along with urban improvements and
of the structural calculations required
job prospects, the Administrative
to make Niemeyer’s ideas come to life.
Center is also expected to provide easy
access, quality and convenience when
they seek out public services, since all
the state government agencies will be
The Administration Center is just
[ Oswaldo da Costa Filho:
providing the public with modern,
comfortable facilities ]
gathered in one place. Once they have
one of several measures the State of
Minas Gerais is taking to boost development. Other projects in the city of Belo
Horizonte and the rest of the state are
moved to their new home, they will also vacate a number of
transforming Minas Gerais. "Minas is under radically new
buildings, many of which are historic heritage sites (espe-
management, and the results are positive, measurable and
cially those in Liberdade Plaza), which will then be freed up
perceptible to all. We have the biggest road system in the
to house movie theaters, theaters, cultural centers, exhibi-
country, and it is being modernized. We are refurbishing
tion rooms and restaurants that will form a “cultural cor-
urban infrastructure. We have negotiated with the Federal
ridor.” “Through its technology and sensibility, Odebrecht
Government and will be expanding the metro system
is helping make that dream come true,” says Sérgio Neves,
through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Business tour-
the Odebrecht CEO for Minas Gerais.
ism has been boosted by the construction of an expo center
Jair Valera, the architect from Oscar Niemeyer’s
(Expominas). Businesses have been making record-breaking
team who recently supervised Odebrecht work (through
investments in the state, and hotel occupation has jumped
CBPO Engenharia) when the company built the Veterinary
from 36% to 70% in the last five years. All of this is produc-
Hospital and Convention Center for the North Rio de
ing wealth and increasing people’s self-esteem,” says
Janeiro State University (UENF), observes: “It’s wonderful
Oswaldo da Costa Filho.
to work with Odebrecht. It is a major Engineering & Cons­
truction company, which guarantees that its people will
do their utmost to make our projects a reality.”
Public management
By bringing together all the state government’s agencies and public services, the Center will facilitate the logistics for processes, documents and data while providing
better working conditions for civil servants, thereby improving public services. “We want to give our citizens better
service in a modern, comfortable setting, while stimulating the growth of an area that had been virtually abandoned, which will improve the quality of life for lowincome communities,” observes Codemig President Os­­
waldo Borges da Costa Filho.
According to government estimates, this move will
save the state as much as BRL 25 million a year in rent payments alone, which means it should recoup the BRL
948-million invested in the Center in just over three years.
“This is an audacious project that reflects the greatness of
Minas Gerais and the austerity with which we must handle
Practical and innovative
The fast-paced construction of this unique Oscar Niemeyer
design has led CNO engineers to come up with innovative,
practical and efficient solutions to build this project.
Numbers for Building One of the Administration Center:
• 116,240-sq.m built-up area.
• 250 m in length and 25 m (wings) and 32 m (central
building) in width.
• 6,614-sq.m of useable area per floor.
• 17 floors, including 1 basement, 1 floor raised on piers, 13
floors of offices, 1 mezzanine and 1 technical floor.
• 217 parking spaces in the underground garage.
• 28 elevators.
• 3 emergency helipads.
• 38,000 cu.m of concrete and 5,000 tonnes of steel used,
and 21,000 m of tubular metal piles installed.
• 8,000 people will work in Minas Gerais state
government departments and agencies housed in the
• 26 months – the construction deadline.
odebrecht informa [ 37 ]
Niemeyer, the architect of the imponderable
As he nears his 101st birthday on
December 15, 2008, Oscar Niemeyer can
look back on a 70-year career replete with
projects that defy logic and technology,
and creations that are still considered
innovative 50 years on. It is not surprising
that he is one of the most influential
names in modern architecture; a pioneer
in the exploration of the artistic possibilities of building with reinforced concrete.
“I like to experiment with the possibilities
of the materials, and technological advances have enabled me to create, be audacious
and challenge the es­­tablished tenets of
engineering even more now than in the
past,” he says. “All my life, I have felt like
someone who is climbing up from step to
step, advancing towards my dream of
beauty, economicity and utility in my projects. There is still a boundless world of
possibilities to explore.”
Don’t be fooled if Niemeyer’s gaze
appears to wander from time to time: he
pays attention to everything going on
around him. But he also hears what you are
saying, even in the midst of the hustle and
bustle, and answers clearly and objectively
– firmly shaking his interlocutor’s hand. In
his hoarse voice, he speaks with undimmed
passion: “Architecture is invention. It must
both astonish and help improve people’s
lives,” he told Odebrecht Informa in one of
those passionate moments.
He gets up early and goes to bed late
– that way, he gets the most out of each
day, he explains. When he is in Rio, where
he lives, he works at his office every day,
from 10 am to 3 pm. He smokes, enjoys a
good glass of wine and indulges in long
good-humored conversations with friends
on a wide range of topics.
[ 38 ] odebrecht informa
[ Oscar Niemeyer and Governor Aécio Neves
at the construction site:
"Architecture is invention" ]
Niemeyer likes to say that Brasilia, the nation’s
dimension that has always been clearly present in his
capital, which he designed at the request of then-Presi-
life. He produces profoundly humanistic designs. He
dent Juscelino Kubitscheck in the late 1950s, was born
knows how to express silence and protest, reflection and
in Belo Horizonte with the construction of the Pampulha
joy, and above all, compassion. The shapes of Minas’s
complex in the 1940s, including São Francisco Church
mountains enchanted Oscar with their imposing lines
(decorated by Candido Portinari), the Dance House, the
of curves,” said Minas Gerais Governor Aécio Neves on
Casino and the Yacht Club, in addition to a lake that is
September 23, when the architect visited the Admin­
17 km around.
istrative Center construction site.
The other buildings he designed in Belo Horizonte
Odebrecht has worked alongside Niemeyer to
include the Niemeyer Building, in Liberdade Plaza; the
realize several of his projects in Brazil, such as the Sam­
Municipal Theater, the Luiz de Bessa Public Library, the
badrome and the Integrated Public Education Centers
Governor Milton Campos State School, the JK Complex
(CIEPS), built in Rio de Janeiro in the 1980s. In 2004,
on Raul Soares Street, the Lebanese Club, the Museum of
Norberto Odebrecht visited the architect’s office to
Man, the Academy of Letters, the Palace of the Arts and
commission a design for a nature preserve in Bahia.
Mangabeiras Palace, let alone countless other works scat-
“We had a very pleasant conversation and I even came
tered throughout the state. “We could only have done
up with some ideas, but for some reason that I can’t
what we did with enthusiasm and courage,” he says.
recall, things didn’t quite go as we’d planned,” says
Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1907, Oscar Niemeyer
Soares Filho graduated in architecture in 1934 from the
National School of Fine Arts. By 1936, he had joined the
planning commission for the Ministry of Education and
Health headquarters building in Rio de Janeiro, under
the supervision of Swiss architect Le Corbusier. After
that, he never stopped designing buildings, plazas and
other spaces for every imaginable purpose in Brazil and
abroad. Around the world, his hallmark is reinforcedconcrete buildings with sinuous shapes and large open
spaces and public areas. Among many others, they
include the UN building in New York City, Mentouri
Constantine University and the Algiers mosque in
Algeria; the head office of the Mondatori publishing
company in Milan, Italy; and the Museum of Modern Art
in Caracas, Venezuela.
Recently, the number of commissions has in­­
creased, and hundreds of cultural centers designed by
Niemeyer are being built in Chile, Argentina, Spain and
Italy. In addition to the State of Minas Gerais Ad­­min­
istration Center, he also has projects underway in the
Brazilian cities of Natal and Recife. “Niemeyer is one of
the few universally acclaimed figures of our time, not
only because of his extraordinary talent but the ethical
Niemeyer’s maxims
• “I’m not interesting in designing something that
doesn’t represent anything new. My main concern is
using methods to the utmost, seeking to give my
designs the sense of awe and astonishment that a
work of art requires.”
• “Designing a group of buildings is always stimulating,
although complex, because the shapes must give a
sense of architectural unity.”
• “You have to believe life is important and can get
better. To achieve that you must be able to fantasize.
You must dream. Otherwise, nothing happens.”
• “The struggle for a more just society cannot be lost in
• “A hundred years is nothing. The important thing is
living a whole life, every minute of it. Solidarity
justifies the short passage of life.”
• “When I look back, I see that I have made no
concessions and followed a good path. That gives me a
certain peace of mind. Work makes miracles.” o
odebrecht informa [ 39 ]
[ sugar & ethanol ]
Experiment after experiment
Developing commercially competitive varieties of sugarcane
is a 10- to 12-year process
written by
[ 40 ] odebrecht informa
Leonardo Maia
photos by
Guilherme Afonso
Three hundred thousand specially packaged sugarcane
trial. By now, there will be just 20 or so survivors – 30
seeds leave the Serra do Ouro Flowering and Crossing
at most. After another painstaking three-year period,
Station in the northeastern Brazilian state of Alagoas,
one or two new varieties could leave the laboratory.
bound for the UFSCar (Federal University at São Carlos)
Three, with any luck. But all these efforts could also
Agrarian Science Center in Araras, São Paulo. That is
be in vain. Sometimes these trials don’t produce any
the first stage, after which the seeds are planted and
new varieties of sugarcane at all.
40,000 of the resulting seedlings are sent to ETH
The entire process takes 10 to 12 years. The aim
Bioenergy’s Eldorado Unit Experimental Station in the
is to ensure that at least one tiny seed among the
state of Mato Grosso do Sul. That marks the beginning
300,000 shipped from Alagoas will become a com-
of a lengthy natural selection process.
mercially competitive variety of sugarcane with high-
During the first phase, called T1, the process of
er sugar content and greater capacity per tonne in
elimination is brutal: after competing with commer-
each planted hectare. These activities have a direct
cial varieties for two years, just 1,000 seedlings – the
impact on obtaining greater productivity at a unit
sturdiest and most promising of the bunch – are left
like ETH’s Eldorado facility.
standing. The next phase, T2, takes another two
“The main objective of our experimental sta-
years, when characteristics such as profiling (the
tion is to find a variety that is well-adapted to the
number of sugarcane stalks that sprout within one
new farming regions that are opening up, like Mato
linear meter), closing and resistance to diseases and
Grosso do Sul today, because the existing varieties
herbicides are evaluated. Roughly 250 to 300 plants
are better suited to the Northeast and São Paulo
survive that process by showing average or above-
State. Having an in-house project like this is a step
average results. During the T3 phase, which involves
forward for that region. The clones are well-adapted
three more years of tests, the clones with the best
to its specific soil types and climate,” explains
average results after three harvests undergo the final
Alécio Cantalogo, the Eldorado Unit’s Agricultural
testing stage, which is known as the competition
The very existence of experiments of this nature
– a first for Mato Grosso do Sul – will benefit the
entire region. Part of the Inter-University Network for
the Development of the Sugar-Ethanol Industry
(RIDESA), the Eldorado Unit will share its discoveries
with other members of the network, including federal universities and rival companies.
At the same time, ETH will be able to use varieties developed at other stations, such as the ones produced in Valparaíso, in São Paulo State. Now in the
final trial stages, these varieties can soon be grown
Carrying out R&D projects that develop new sugarcane varieties in its own experimental fields puts
ETH ahead of the competition. “Once the entire process has been carried out, if a new variety shows good
results, we will already have it in a thermally treated
commercial format. That is the advantage of having a
station here, because the other sugar/ethanol factories will have to wait for it to be launched on the
market, while we will already have 100 to 200 hectares
planted with it,” observes Alexandre Sulino, who is
the co-director of the Experimental Station, along
with Dorivan Rios Figueiredo.
The Eldorado Unit has 60,500 different clones
planted on 45 hectares. The goal for the next few years
is to plant 60 hectares with test varieties. Most are at
the T1 stage, which started out with 20,000 seedlings
last year and received an additional 40,000 this year.
The other 500 plants are in the final trial stages – they
are the ones that came from Valparaíso.
[ ETH member José Carlos da Silva at the Experimental Station:
competitive edge ]
odebrecht informa [ 41 ]
Vertical growth
These R&D activities will also benefit ETH’s
other units, such as the ones in Alcídia and Conquista
do Pontal, São Paulo, and the neighboring Santa Luzia
1 Unit, which is under construction. Everyone involved
is hugely optimistic: “The average productivity we
expect today is over 90 tonnes of sugarcane per hectare. But because our cane fields are just three years
old, the biggest challenge is keeping up that high
average over the next few years. Our aim is to produce
more in less space. We want to grow vertically,”
explains Alécio Cantalogo.
To achieve that aim, it is essential for the experimental program to be successful. “We plant enough to
produce one new variety, at the very least, in ten years’
time, when our first clones will have completed the
testing stages. Alagoas has produced some of the topof-the-line sugarcane crosses on the market.”
Ideal climate
Before they are planted in ETH’s experimental field
[ 42 ] odebrecht informa
in Mato Grosso do Sul, the Serra do Ouro Flowering and
some dating back to the 19th century. The program
Crossing Station produces potential new sugarcane vari-
began in the 1970s, when the Brazilian Sugar and
eties in the vicinity of the city of Maceió, Alagoas. Under
Ethanol Institute (IAA) was still active. After the IAA
the watchful eyes of Federal University at Alagoas (UFAL)
was shut down, the nation’s federal universities inher-
researchers, different types of sugarcane are crossed nat-
ited its researchers and facilities and kept the program
urally in pursuit of sturdier, more productive new variet-
ies. The only station of its kind in the RIDESA network, it
Serra do Ouro crosses known varieties, such as
produces all the seeds distributed to its members. The
Republic of Brazil (RB), which make up 70% of domes-
hybrid-production process takes place between April and
tic production and 80% of the varieties planted at the
June, when researchers from all the member universities
Eldorado Unit. Geraldo Veríssimo expects to produce
go to Alagoas.
three to ten new varieties per lot of 300,000 seeds sent
But why just Alagoas? UFAL Professor and Serra do
annually to RIDESA’s experimental stations. Naturally,
Ouro director Geraldo Veríssimo explains: “Scientific
they first have to undergo a lengthy selection process,
studies have shown that, due to its climate and fertile soil,
which takes from 10 to 15 years.
this area has the ideal conditions for the deep flowering
“The tendency is to produce new types of sugar-
of sugarcane. The latitude is ideal and the temperature is
cane. Our contribution is growing every year. In the
perfect, ranging between 18 and 32 degrees Celsius.”
1970s, Brazil produced less than 50 tonnes of sugar-
The UFAL Agricultural Science Center has one of
cane per hectare, with a sugar content of 100 kilos per
the most important sugarcane germplasm banks in
tonne. Today we are working with an average of 80
the world, including varieties from countries like
tonnes per hectare and the sugar content has risen
Australia, the United States, Indonesia and Colombia,
from 100 to 140 kilos,” says Geraldo.
[ Evandro: Learning from others and passing
on something of what he knows ]
The team’s young leader is responsible for setting up,
planting and evaluating experimental crops and recording
failures, among other activities. Everyone involved knows that
this program is vital for the company and its future. “It will be
very rewarding for us when we find a clone that becomes a
variety that is rich in sugar and highly productive per hectare
after years of tests and evaluations,” says Evandro. “My dream
is to graduate from college and take a specialization in the
sugar-ethanol industry so I can become a company manager
one day. I know that won’t happen overnight. I still have a lot
A young leader at the
Experimental Station
to learn.”
Although Evandro has a long road ahead of him, he can
base himself on the example of Antonio Maria Cardoso Rocha,
who is also working to produce new and hardier varieties of
sugarcane many kilometers away from the Eldorado Unit. A
His gaze wanders in search of a fixed point, but Evandro
UFAL researcher from Pernambuco who lives in Alagoas, he is
Souza Santos’s articulate ease with the spoken word shows he
the oldest team member at the Serra do Ouro Flowering and
knows he can go far. At the young age of 20, this native son of
Crossing Station. At the age of 79, Antonio Maria is a born
Mato Grosso do Sul is already the leader of a group of 11
storyteller. He needs no urging to talk about the natural process
assistants at the ETH Experimental Station – part of the team led
of crossing sugarcane, but he really likes to talk about the work
by Dorivan Rios Figueiredo and Alexandre Sulino, the officers
done centuries ago in sugarcane-growing areas like Barbados,
responsible for the project. Evandro stands out because he is the
Australia, Taiwan and Hawaii.
only young person in a group of seasoned veterans. His age might
Antonio Maria smiles when he remembers the day
have been an obstacle to leadership, but for this college student in
decades ago when the editor-in-chief of a major US magazine
his third year of business school, that is a mere detail.
was driving to Serra do Ouro and his car got stuck in the mud.
“I feel ready. ETH is a company that encourages people’s
The researcher also clearly remembers when the Brazilian
growth and provides the necessary training and support for us
telecom company Embratel finally fixed the road and improved
to do our jobs. I feel privileged to have more experienced people
access to the experimental station. He only looks glum when the
– both in terms of life and work – on my team. I am learning
subject of retirement comes up. “My work ethic doesn’t have any
from them and passing on something of what I know to them as
room for slacking off. If anyone told me to stop working, I’d
well,” says Evandro.
die,” he concludes.
odebrecht informa [ 43 ]
[ people development ]
A time of growth and accomplishment
ETH hires people aged 17 to 40 who are now looking forward
to fresh prospects and opportunities
written by
Denise Ribeiro
photos by
Lia Lubango
[ Jorge Insabrald:
Imagining all the
people working at
the new plant ]
[ 44 ] odebrecht informa
The classroom is exactly 10 blocks from the house in
ized in microbiology and fermentation. The similarities
Nova Alvorada do Sul into which Jorge Rosa Insabrald and
between the processes used to make food and ethanol encour-
his family have recently moved. This rural town in the
aged him to sign up for the selection process. He thought he
Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul looks like it’s ready to
had a good chance of getting in, and he was right. But the
shake the dust off its streets and enter the modern age of
similarity between the two processes was not the only reason
ethanol production. As he walks home, Jorge thinks back on
why he was accepted to take the Industrial Operator course.
all the ways his life has changed since he was chosen to take
The variety of knowledge he has built up over the years helped
the ETH Bionergy company’s Industrial Operator course. It
as well. “He has shown us that he’s capable of assimilating new
has really stirred things up in that town.
knowledge as well as having the maturity and grit to overcome
Since it established itself in Nova Alvorada do Sul a year
ago, the company has used newspaper and radio ads to recruit
adversity. Not only that, but he’s a born leader,” observes Isabel
Silva, who recruited him.
180 men and woman between the ages of 17 and 40 to take the
All of Jorge’s classmates are showing above-average per-
admissions test. “I’ve met all the young people in these parts.
formance in their theoretical and practical lessons. Their eyes
The selection process was tough and covered four stages,” says
light up at the prospect of working at the Santa Luzia 1 Unit,
Isabel Silva, the company member who acts as ETH’s talent
which ETH is building in Mato Grosso do Sul. Jorge gets excited
scout in Nova Alvorada do Sul and is now a familiar face among
whenever he visits the construction site. “I start picturing all of
the younger set at the supermarket, drug store and pizzeria.
us working here at the plant, each of us doing a different job,
As one of the 32 people selected to take the 10-month
course, Jorge spends five days a week studying Chemistry,
but qualified to carry out any process, from preparing the sugarcane when it leaves the fields to turning it into ethanol.”
Math, Physics and Environmental Laws and Management,
Educating versatile operators is the main factor that
among countless other subjects, as well as learning the dif-
makes the ETH course stand out in a sector that traditionally
ferences between sugar and ethanol manufacturing pro-
hires specialized technicians (boiler, mill and distillery opera-
cesses and understanding how the entire factory operates.
tors, among others). That is why Jorge says he is amazed at –
That’s quite a lot to learn.
and grateful for – this opportunity to take part in an innovative
Determined to devote himself to the course full-time,
Jorge didn’t think twice about moving back to town again –
experience. “I never thought I’d get such extensive and thorough training, and even get paid, on top of it,” he adds.
a routine he has followed since childhood. “My father used
Thanks to the study grant he receives, Jorge has been able
to work for a power company, and he was always being trans-
to move his family to Nova Alvorada do Sul. They have rented a
ferred to a different town,” he explains. His main motivation
modest home with a large backyard where, at a glance, a visitor
is his wife, Luciane Souza, 30, who stayed behind in
can see mango trees, acerola cherries, pineapples, guavas, star
Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, with their two children when
fruit, a vineyard, a lime tree, two dogs, a tortoise, and terrified
he started the course, and didn’t complain when she only
cat, squeezed tightly in the arms of Jorge’s daughter Lorena, age
saw her husband on weekends.
2. He is fully aware that he is building a new and permanent
Jorge has worked since he was 13 years old, selling every-
chapter in his life, and believes he has chosen the right path to
thing from fruit to flip-flops. “I got so many orders, I couldn’t
personal and professional growth. “If you want to be a champ,
keep track,” he says, smiling. He is also an air-conditioner
you’ve got to learn from the champs,” he says.
repairman and a trailblazer. He introduced the concept of
custom-made items in Mato Grosso do Sul by selling flip-flops
The engine guy
decorated with embroidery made by a local artisan.
At the other end of the people-development spectrum,
we find Young Partners, an Odebrecht initiative being repli-
Thorough process know-how
cated by ETH Bioenergy, which has selected 18 of its mem-
Between 1995 and early 2008, Jorge held several jobs,
bers to take the program. One of those selected, the talkative
including self-taught IT teacher and food technician special-
and creative João Soller, 26, is a mechanic who is similar to
odebrecht informa [ 45 ]
Talent scouting: a job that
takes sensitivity and persistence
Jorge in many ways. Both are curious and have a tremendous capacity to adapt enthusiastically to the
most adverse situations.
Everyone who comes into contact with them is impressed by the
João started working at the age of 12, at the offices
cohesiveness and drive of ETH’s People and Organization team. Take
of his father’s grain company in Bataguaçu, a rural town
Mauro Magenta, for example. The team’s most experienced member, he
in Mato Grosso do Sul. A fanatic about machinery, he
has been with the Odebrecht Group for 30 years and spends all his time
soon found his calling as a mechanic and has won every
traveling to and from the states of Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul, as well
“arm wrestling” bout with a wonky engine. He was 14
as visiting Pontal de Paranapanema and other parts of São Paulo State.
when he took his first engine apart. He had crashed his
He can’t conceal his pride when he talks about the Industrial Operator
motorbike right after it was overhauled. “Now you’ll
course, which he helped organize through a partnership with the SENAI
have to pay to fix it,” said his father, who was more
(National Industrial Apprenticeship Service): “Providing operators with
relieved than displeased at the prospect of seeing it
the skills they need to handle all of a plant’s processes is a groundbreaking
parked in the garage and his son going about safely on
thing,” he says.
foot. But the teenager rolled up his sleeves and got to
In the next three years, ETH will invest BRL 7.8 million in the
work. “You’ll never manage,” challenged his father, star-
education and training of 720 operators, who will work at the company’s
ing at the jumble of parts that had once been a motor-
production hubs in Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo State. The
cycle engine. But that just spurred the young man on.
big challenge was evaluating the potential of the company’s recent hires
He not only fixed the bike but turned his father’s words
and selecting the individuals who are now taking part in the Young
into a symbol of his own personality. “Never tell me I’ll
Partners program. To do so, Mauro and Human Resources Analyst
never manage,” explains the mechanic, who has done
Cristiane Giansante brought together all the candidates before choosing
all sorts of jobs, even selling cassava grown on his fami-
the 18 who joined 200 members from Odebrecht Engineering &
ly’s small farm when times were tough.
Construction and 32 from Braskem.
As part of his day-to-day routine at the Alcídia
“The Young Partners Program is an investment in the future and
Unit in São Paulo, where he is in charge of the main-
in the development of managerial skills to enable its participants to play
tenance department, João heads up a team of 70 peo-
outstanding roles in the company,” explains Patrícia Maia, the ETH officer
ple who work three shifts. Despite his age and rela-
Responsible for People and Organization. “Both programs (Young Partners
tively short time with the company, which he joined
and the Industrial Operators course) are committed to the future of ETH
less than a year ago, the mechanic has earned the
and the Sugar/Ethanol industry. We are investing in our technical base
respect of his team members, some of whom have
and leadership at the
worked at the unit for 28 years. “They can see that I’m
same time,” she adds.
here to cooperate. I am very attentive with everybody,
Without a platform of
from the cane-cutters to the director. Everybody has
skilled workers, it would
an important role to play at this unit.”
be impossible to meet the
João is fully aware of the strategic power of the
global demand for ethanol,
job he is doing. “A factory like this can’t stop running. If
which is expected to reach
you stop pedaling, you’ll fall.” He is responsible for an
50 billion liters by 2010 –
Action Program that is key to ensuring the efficiency
twice the world’s current
and good performance of the planting and harvesting
output .
machines, tractors and other pieces of equipment in
the factory’s fleet. The mechanic was one of the people
[ Mauro Magenta and
Cristiane Giansante:
tough selection process ]
[ 46 ] odebrecht informa
chosen to take the Young Partners program because of
the fresh blood he is infusing into the procedures at the
Alcídia Unit, which is 50 km from the São Paulo city of
Teodoro Sampaio (ETH acquired the factory in July 2007). “I like
Paulo, an international center of excellence in technological
the fact that I’m free to try out processes and find out what
R&D for the sugarcane, sugar, ethanol and bioenergy indus-
works and what doesn’t,” he says.
tries. “We saw countless varieties of sugarcane, and learned
about the importance of soil quality and other local factors
The strength of teamwork
such as acidity and rainfall,” he says.
João credits the unit’s record-breaking planting of sug-
Another highlight was the activities focused on the
arcane to this flexibility and teamwork. “If the Operations
characteristics and competencies of an Odebrecht Partner.
and Maintenance people weren’t completely in tune with
“When they ask: ‘Are you from the Alcídia Unit?’ the right
each other, we’d never have managed it,” he says, proud that
answer is: ‘I’m there now, but I could be transferred to a place
each piece of equipment is planting 15 hectares per day, com-
where they need me more, because nobody belongs to any
pared with the 10 to 12 hectares planted previously. “Not only
one place,” he argues, with the self-assurance of someone
the planting team but members working in several different
who is thoroughly acquainted with the Odebrecht Entre­
areas are working closely in sync.”
preneurial Technology (TEO).
A convoy of mechanics moves through the cane fields,
Driving on the road between the city of Teodoro Sampaio
providing “first-aid” for equipment. All the company mem-
and the ETH unit, the mechanic talks about his dreams: “I love
bers are committed to doing their best. João is open to sugges-
what I do. I love doing maintenance work, but I want to do even
tions, and his leaders give him the green light. “Everything
more. I want to take care of the logistics and form teams with
from the best way of organizing the tools at the workshop to
just the right number of people. For example, if you want to set
replacing pins with screws to make an engine run better – all
up a factory, I can tell you how many mechanics, electricians
these ideas are taken seriously,” he says.
and pieces of equipment you’ll need” – and then he starts
Held between April and October, the Young Partners
describing all the processes and strategies involved in minute
sessions have helped João Soller fine-tune some of the con-
detail. As a member of ETH Bioenergy, João knows that his mis-
cepts he already practices on a daily basis. One of them has to
sion includes helping build
do with the leader’s role of providing support and serving
and willing to take on that
the future. And he is ready
others instead of expecting to be served.
After going through several stages of the training program, João says the highlights have been a visit to the
Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC) in Piracicaba, São
[ João Soller:
curiosity and adaptability ]
odebrecht informa [ 47 ]
[ sports ]
Go, Panthers!
Miami’s Florida International University inaugurates its new football stadium,
a major milestone in that institution’s investment in sports
written by
[ 48 ] odebrecht informa
Cláudio Lovato Filho
photos by
Américo Vermelho
[ Quarterback Paul McCall (number 12) gets ready for a throw:
the Golden Panthers are a source of unity, pride and enthusiasm
for the FIU community ]
odebrecht informa [ 49 ]
The 17,000 fans burst into enthusiastic cheers in
the brand-new bleachers. It is 5:00 pm on Saturday,
September 20. In the suffocating Miami heat – almost
40ºC – punter Dustin Rivest, number 40 on the Golden
Panthers football team, from Florida International
University (FIU), places the ball on the turf, takes his position and uses his right foot with strength and technique.
He kicks the opening punt against the Bulls from the
University of South Florida – USF, Tampa Bay. Rivest kicks
the ball towards the other end of the field, while his 11
teammates advance to counter their opponent’s offence.
He makes history at that moment, along with his teammates and each one of the people that are making noise
in the bleachers: it is the first kick of the first game at
FIU’s new stadium. The largest public university in
Southern Florida is seeing a dream come true.
Let’s go back a few hours before Rivest’s historical
punt. It’s late morning, just five hours before the start
of the game against the Bulls. The FIU campus is one big
generate more motivation for the students at FIU.” And
party. Students meet under canopies and around cool-
what about the team, Omar? “It’s a young team. I hope
ers containing lots of cold drinks to beat the heat while
that we have a good game today. But it doesn’t matter if
they wait for the big game to start. There is no shortage
the Panthers win or lose. I’ll always root for them.”
of hot dogs and hamburgers. They are having tailgate
Omar was with a group of friends, listening to
parties, a student tradition on American university
music cranked up to the highest level, but Joseph Medina
campuses. These young people are living some of the
walks along, alone, wearing his clown’s hat, gazing in
best years of their lives and celebrating a very special
awe at the new stadium. He is 19 and is in his freshman
event: the inauguration of the stadium in which the
year of Biology. “This stadium is great, everyone here is
Golden Panthers, the home team, one of the sources of
very excited.” Sylvia Pozo, 25 years old, has been working
pride in their academic community, will host their
at the FIU Alumni association for two years. Just like
games from here on in.
Joseph and Omar, she does not hide her enthusiasm:
None of them seems to be worried about the fact
[ 50 ] odebrecht informa
“This stadium will help unite the students.”
that the Golden Panthers have lost their two previous
Back to the game. Or better, a few minutes before
games – the first of the season, both away games: 40 to
it begins. At the quick inauguration ceremony on the
10 for the Kansas Jayhawks, the team from Kansas
field, FIU President Modesto Maidique (who clearly would
University, and 42 to 0 for the Iowa Hawkeyes, from the
have complimented Sylvia Pozo if he had heard what she
University of Iowa. They throw water on each other to
said) remarks: “This is the first day of a great tradition.
cool off and have fun. They dance a lot and take pictures.
Everyone here today will always be able to say: ‘I was
In small groups or with their fraternity colleagues,
there.’” Gilberto Neves, CEO of Odebrecht Construction,
almost everyone is wearing a piece of clothing bearing
and Project Director Rudy Armenta are also on the turf.
the letters “FIU” and the Golden Panthers logo: a big cat
They feel rewarded. They applaud Maidique’s words and
that’s about to pounce. They are young people like Omar
smile. Odebrecht was the company that built the new
Regalado, 21, an accounting student at FIU since 2005.
stadium. Maidique has a conviction: “This stadium will be
He is thrilled: “It is a beautiful stadium,” he says. “It will
a great gathering place for the ‘FIU Family.’”
[ The campus’s new stadium:
seating up to 18,000 fans,
it can be expanded to
seat 45,000 people ]
In a few moments, the Golden Panthers will come
States, the sport is one of the foremost ways that a uni-
onto the playing field, to the deafening cheers of the
versity is able to set itself apart and gain recognition.
blue-and-yellow fans. Quarterback Paul McCall, num-
Sports in general receive large investments, within the
ber 12, attracts most of the attention. The fans place
possibilities of each institution, but nothing currently
most of their hopes on him. Everyone hopes he will
compares to American football, the most popular sport
have a good day. In American football, the quarterback
in the United States, ahead of basketball and baseball.
is the player responsible for making the offensive plays.
It was in the universities that football began to gain
He is the “brains of the team.” The Bulls come onto the
popularity. It should be pointed out that sports – espe-
playing field and, from the portion of the bleachers
cially a popular sport like American football – are a
reserved for them, the small but noisy visiting group of
significant visibility factor. They are key to attracting
fans shows its colors. Then the time comes for Dustin
new students.
Rivest’s kick-off. He sets the ball on the turf with all the
“This has been a good year,” confirms the univer-
care in the world, takes his stance, pauses, breathes
sity’s Athletic Director, Pete Garcia. He has good reasons
deeply and darts forward.
for saying this. The new stadium is an unequivocal sign
that FIU is well on its way to becoming a sports hub in
A new “cage”
the academic world of Florida and the United States. The
The 38,000 students attending FIU come from
home of the Golden Panthers is the only stadium of the
more than 150 countries. Its alumnus community is
first division of college football located in a campus
composed of more than 100,000 people. Founded in
South of Orlando, which covers a vast area.
1972, FIU now offers around 200 graduate, post-gradu-
Ground was broken in May of 2007, under Project
ate and doctorate programs, and is among the 30 larg-
Director Rudy Armenta’s leadership. Since then, the
est universities in the country. The Golden Panthers,
small existing stadium on the campus has been trans-
their American football team, are a young squad that
formed into a modern arena (or “cage,” as the FIU stu-
was established five years ago and has been in the first
dents jokingly call it, alluding to the team’s name, the
university football division for 2 years. In the United
Golden Panthers). The new stadium cost USD 45 million.
odebrecht informa [ 51 ]
[ Engenhão: one of the world's 10 best sports facilities built in 2007 ]
Stadiums and gyms in Brazil and the USA
The new football stadium at
American Games. New buildings were
of the João Havelange Olympic Stadium.
Miami’s Florida International University
erected all over the city for that
Better known locally as Engenhão (it got
(FIU) has beefed up Odebrecht’s “résumé”
gargantuan sporting event, while existing
its name because it is located in the
as a construction company that builds
facilities were refurbished. Odebrecht
Engenho de Dentro district in northern
major sports facilities.
played a key role in ensuring that Rio’s
Rio), it is one of the most advanced
dream of hosting the games came true.
facilities of its kind in the world and
The new home of the Golden
Panthers is the second sports stadium
already equipped to host the FIFA World
that Odebrecht has built in the United
legendary Maracanã Stadium,
Cup championships when they are held
States. The first was the American
Maracanãzinho Gym and the Júlio
in Brazil in 2014.
Airlines Arena, located in downtown
Delamare Water Park, all of which form
Miami and inaugurated in 2000. The
part of the Maracanã Sports Complex.
Its 4,000-tonne metal roof is supported by
home of the Miami Heat, one of the top
The main task involved in the stadium’s
four massive arches, which stand over 70
pro basketball teams in the USA, that
face-lift was lowering the playing field to
meters tall. The British magazine
stadium seats up to 20,000 people.
give fans seated in the general bleachers
SportBusiness has listed the stadium
Working with joint-venture partner
(which used to have no seats at all) a
among the world’s 10 best sports facilities
Morse Diesel, Odebrecht managed the
perfect view of the games.
built in 2007. It was also the subject of a
construction project and was responsible
Despite its complexity and
Engenhão is an engineering icon.
documentary produced by the Discovery
for planning the works and coordinating
significance, the remodeling of the
Channel for its Megabuilders series. With
the sub-contractors hired to build them.
Maracanã Complex was far from being
47,000 seats divided along two rings,
In 2007, all eyes in Latin America
[ 52 ] odebrecht informa
The company remodeled the
Odebrecht’s main contribution to the
Engenhão is now the home of the
turned to Rio de Janeiro, which became a
2007 Pan American Games. Without a
Botafogo soccer club, one of the oldest and
sports hub by playing host to the Pan
doubt, that title goes to the construction
most popular teams in Brazil.
The bleachers have 17,000 aluminum seats. The sta-
the first university client
dium has four 1,000 kW (kilowatt) floodlight pillars, assur-
FIU is the first university client that Odebrecht has
ing lighting within the standards required by the National
had in the United States. “Our relationship is excellent,”
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), because most of
stresses President Modesto Maidique. “The company has
the games are played at night and broadcast on TV. The
done a magnificent job in building this stadium, which
inaugural game against the Bulls was televised on the
will be a major meeting place for the FIU family.” Like him,
ESPN sports channel.
FIU hopes to attract more local athletes, from other parts
A 600,000-sq.m club will operate at one end of the
of Florida and from other states.
stadium. It will house a body-building gym and other
CEO Gilberto Neves, a Miami resident since 1991, is a
facilities. There are 19 VIP boxes and 20 washrooms. The
fan of American football. He began a relationship with FIU
turf was laid in August. The field of the new stadium can
shortly after arriving in the city. Many Odebrecht members
also be used for the other kind of football (soccer, to
in the United States have studied there. On the day of the
Americans), because it was modified to contain the
inaugural game, Gilberto organized a group of Golden
required measurements after a change in design, made at
Panthers fans made up of Odebrecht Miami members. The
FIU’s request.
company held its own tailgate party under a tent set up close
To begin its work, Odebrecht demolished the old
to one of the stadium gates. On the t-shirt made specifically
stadium, with the exception of a 3,000-seat section. This
for that occasion, the following words were printed:
part was incorporated into the new project, but will be
“Odebrecht – Proud Builder of the FIU Stadium.” On the
demolished for the work in the second phase of expansion,
back, the Golden Panthers logo. “We have had a long and
which will increase the capacity of the home of the Golden
productive relationship with FIU,” says Gilberto. “A relation-
Panthers to seat 45,000 people. The entire new structure
ship that will continue with new projects here on campus.”
was implemented according to the standards of protection
After the tailgate party, everyone went into the sta-
from hurricanes and already in anticipation of this second
dium to cheer the team on. The final score? It was 17 to 9
stage. In the place of the remaining section, an admissions
for the Bulls. Yes, the Golden Panthers lost. But it was a
building will be constructed for new students. “It is a way
defeat that felt like… a tie. According to official projec-
for them to see, right under their noses, that the university
tions, based on the statistics that take into account, among
has a beautiful stadium,” says Rudy Armenta.
other things, the position of each team in the American
Born in New York, Rudy is crazy about American
college football rankings, the Bulls should have won the
football. He is happy to have led the construction of the
game by 28 to 0. As it was, the 120th-place Golden Panthers
new stadium for the Golden Panthers. But he is not just
were facing the 12th-place Bulls. But the blood-bath many
proud because he is a fanatic for the sport. Rudy got his
expected didn’t happen. Moreover, in the last quarter, the
engineering degree from FIU in 1996. “I feel very proud to
FIU team gave the USF Bulls a hard time, to the delight of
be back,” says Rudy, who joined Odebrecht as a trainee, a
fans that were discovering a new passion and another rea-
year before graduating.
son to have substantial pride in their university.
A faithful fan of the San Francisco 49ers, from San
The Golden Panthers finally won a week later, in
Francisco, California, Rudy was one of the almost 17,000
Toledo, Ohio: 35 to 12 against the Rockets, to the delight of
voices cheering for the Panthers in the inaugural game on
their ever-vibrant head coach Mario Cristobal. They also
September 20th. “To build a football stadium at the univer-
won the following game, in Denton, Texas, in a confronta-
sity that educated me is the best feeling!” says Rudy. “This
tion with the Mean Green team: 42 to 10. The first victory
stadium was designed and built by people that love sports,
on their home turf came on October 11th, against the Blue
people that conceived it thinking about how they them-
Raiders, from Middle Tennessee State University: 31 to 21.
selves would like to feel in a stadium,” he observes, refer-
A date, a game and a score that all the future generations
ring to the Odebrecht team that worked on the project.
of FIU students will know by heart.
odebrecht informa [ 53 ]
[ 1. Students arrive for
the inaugural game
2. The FIU band
3. Sylvia Pozo
4. The Panther doll,
the team’s mascot
5. Omar Regalado
6. Joseph Medina ]
[ 54 ] odebrecht informa
[ 1. Scene from the game with
the Bulls
2. Cheerleaders
3 and 4. American Airlines
Arena in Miami, and Rio’s
Maracanã Stadium,
respectively built and
refurbished by Odebrecht
5. From left, Rudy Armenta,
Modesto Maidique and
Gilberto Neves
6. Management Team: from
left, Frank Hurtado, Rudy
Armenta, Greg Mears, Shane
Thompson, Danny Levy,
Manny Juiz, Celia Sherwood
and Alex Pou ]
odebrecht informa [ 55 ]
[ peru ]
[ 56 ] odebrecht informa
New times in Iquitos
Improved treated water supply brings prospects
of development to the Peruvian Amazon’s biggest city
written by
Eliana Simonetti
photos by
Roberto Rosa
Celmita Soria Paredes was born in Iquitos, the main city
in the northern Peruvian region of Loreto. Aged 35, she is
married to Alfredo Pacheco Rojas and has a six-year-old
daughter. For over a decade, she and her husband have been
the owners of the Bodega Valeria Carolina (named after their
daughter), a family bar and restaurant with a prime location: it stands on the banks of the Itaya River in the Amazon
Basin, giving customers a fabulous view of the sunset reflected on the water when the river is high.
Celmita serves full meals, as well as snacks and
drinks at the Bodega. Before August 2008, that was not a
simple task, because the only time any water came out
of the faucets was at night, and then there was only a
trickle. It had to be stored in buckets and tubs to wash
fruit, vegetables and pots and pans the next day. “It
made it difficult to serve our customers. It was very hard
work,” says Celmita, remembering all the heavy buckets
she used to carry. “Today my job is much easier and we
don’t have to worry any more, because the piped-in
water is always available and always clean. We’ve even
noticed that our daughter is healthier now.”
Celmita’s situation is just one example of the paradox of life in Iquitos: the biggest city in the Peruvian
Amazon, and the region’s main port, it is surrounded by
rivers on all sides, and can only be reached by plane (a
one-hour and 45-minute flight from Lima) or boat. It is
so isolated that people must travel 19 hours by river to
reach the town of Requena, which is just 157 km away. A
trip to Yurimaguas, in the Upper Amazon, takes four
[ Celmita Soria:
work is easier and her
daughter, healthier ]
days by boat. There are virtually no cars in Iquitos – the
most popular means of transportation are motorbikes,
in their thousands, and motortaxis, which are not un­­
like rickshaws.
odebrecht informa [ 57 ]
Even so, Iquitos is a major destination for eco-
[ 58 ] odebrecht informa
Boom and bust
tourists and adventurous travelers from the world
Until the mid-1800s, the Iquitos area was inhabited
over, particularly North America and Europe, and is
by three indigenous groups – the Bora, Cocama and
growing non-stop. This is because Loreto is the largest
Huitoto peoples. Then the demand for rubber grew as a
and least populous part of Peru. It covers 29% of the
result of technological development and the industrial
nation’s territory and has just 2.4 inhabitants per
revolution in Europe and the United States, and Iquitos
square kilometer. It is covered with primary and sec-
– like Manaus, in Brazil – experienced a period of massive
ondary forests and drained by several rivers – the
prosperity and population growth. Most of the indige-
Amazon, Marañon and Ucayali, among others – and
nous peoples withdrew to more remote areas. That was
contains several natural preserves with dense jungle,
the time when buildings like the Hotel Plaza came into
wild animals and indigenous communities that still
being. Built in 1912 in the Art Nouveau style on the
maintain their ancient traditions and ancestral reli-
banks of the Itaya River (decorated with marble and tiles
from Seville, Spain, and cast-iron railings from Hamburg,
For example, one of the 40 communities of Bora
Germany), it is now a national heritage site. There is also
Indians lives on the Momon River. There, 300 people
the Iron House, designed by French architect Gustave
farm, fish and hunt, and make handicrafts that tour-
Eiffel and purchased by rubber baron Anselmo del Aguila
ists can buy. Chief Liborio Maynas says his people
at the Paris International Exposition in 1889. It now
have lived in that area for 50 years, and still practice
houses a restaurant in Plaza de Armas, Iquitos’s main
their traditional dances and rites, like the 5,000
square. The rubber barons sent their children to study in
other Boras who live in more isolated areas. “We live
England, and ships sailed for Europe more often than
well here. We can welcome visitors without abandon-
they did for Lima. Visitors can still go out to see the loca-
ing our traditions and our language,” he says.
tions where the film Fitzcarraldo, written and directed by
[ Chief Liborio Maynas
and his community
on the shores of the
Momon River:
welcoming visitors and
preserving their culture ]
Werner Herzog, was shot in 1982, telling the story of rub-
never taken a shower. There are still buckets and mugs
ber baron Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald.
in homes, restaurants, schools and health centers –
Water treatment and sewer facilities were also
which used to use them to store water for drinking,
built during those golden days, designed to service a
cooking, washing clothes and dishes, and bathing.
population of a little over 150,000. However, in 1876 the
“Most of the city’s children suffer from infectious diar-
British took rubber tree seeds to Malaysia, and devel-
rhea, intestinal parasites and skin problems,” says Dr.
oped more productive plants than the South American
Guillermo Angulo Arevalo, a GP who has worked in the
varieties. As a result, by the early 20th century, the
Loreto region for 12 years and currently tends to his
Peruvian rubber boom had begun to go bust. Ever since,
patients at the Morona Cocha Health Center in one of
many historic buildings have been neglected or even
the wealthiest areas of Iquitos. The Center has four doc-
demolished, and although parts of the city boast paved,
tors on its staff and in August 2008 saw an average of
well-tended streets, one-third of Iquitos’s population –
240 patients per day. “After we’d had a regular supply of
about 120,000 in 2008, 70% of whom lack access to clean
treated water for three months, we noticed a 20% to
water, garbage collection and sewage treatment – either
30% drop in the number of people seeking treatment,”
live in floating houses or wooden palafittes built on
says the physician.
stilts, with thatched roofs. The public sanitation facilities are over 150 years old.
Guillermo Angulo is referring to a recent innovation: the entire city now has clean, treated water,
thanks to the Iquitos Potable Water Expansion and
Water and health
Improvement System. The project is an initiative of
Because the pumps used to obtain river water
Sedaloreto, a public sanitation firm, carried out in part-
were old and feeble, and the system of water channels
nership with the City of Iquitos, the Province of Maynas,
was small, until recently most Iquitos residents had
and the Peruvian Ministries of the Economy and Finance,
odebrecht informa [ 59 ]
Peru’s growing economy
Peru has the fastest-growing economy in Latin America.
Between 2003 and 2007, its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) advanced at
an average of 6.4% per annum. Already very good, this performance
and Housing, Construction and Sanitation (as
part of the national Water for All program), with
financing from the Japan Bank for International
Cooperation (JBIC).
Odebrecht Peru won the international ten-
has improved in recent years due to rising international prices for the
der for the project and broke ground in December
metals and minerals that abound in the country’s mountain region,
2006. It has installed new water intake pumps at
as well as government reforms ranging from privatizations to tax
the convergence of the Itaya and Nanay Rivers
simplification and a reduction of red tape. As a result, international
(capable of pumping up to 1,600 liters per sec-
investments have grown at an average rate of 20% per year.
ond), as well as power substations and transmis-
In June 2008, the Peruvian Economy and Finance Ministry
sion lines to ensure that the pumps run continu-
reported 11.5% GDP growth in the previous 12 months. Analyses
ously; a treatment plant equipped with state-of-
carried out by specialists from the UN’s Economic Commission for
the-art machinery and filtration systems, four
Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) have concluded that the
2,000-cu.m reservoirs, and another two that can
international financial crisis triggered in the United States in 2008
hold up to 1,500 cu.m of water apiece, in addition
will affect the Peruvian economy, like the rest of the world. But the
to 77,300 km of water mains and household con-
report also points out that Peru will continue to show the most
nections. “Tests conducted at specialized labora-
growth in the region, at a rate of 7% in 2009 – when the Latin
tories have shown that the Iquitos Water Treat­
American average will be 4%. But these are just economic indicators.
ment Facility – the most advanced of its kind in
The riches of Peru are even bigger, as are its problems.
Peru – distributes water that is cleaner and of bet-
The country has plenty of water from its numerous rivers,
ter quality than you’ll find in Lima,” says Marco
many of them fed by snowmelt from the Andes. But just 72% of
Túlio Alva Obeso, the Odebrecht Peru engineer in
households have access to piped water. Public and private
charge of demobilizing the project, which was
investments specifically targeted at water treatment and distribution
completed in September 2008.
represent just 0.22% of Peru’s GDP.
According to President Alan García, in a speech in May of this
“This is the first stage in a broader program. Today, all Iquitos residents have access to
year, Peru’s poverty rate fell by 5% in 2007. But the problem is still
clean water. So now we will go on to install sani-
serious and unevenly distributed across the country. Whilst the poverty
tation systems through a public-private project.
rate in urban areas of Lima is 24%, in the towns and cities of the
As a result, we will be taking great strides towards
Peruvian Amazon, home to 3.6 million people, 50% of the population
solving a serious social problem and helping
lives below the poverty line. “Only economic growth and sustainable
improve the public’s quality of life while boost-
social programs can solve this problem,” said President Garcia. “Peru
ing economic growth, encouraging business
has advanced not only in terms of central government, but due to the
investments and creating work opportunities,”
regionalization that is also beginning to work in remote areas like the
says Salomón Abenzur Tafur Díaz, the Provincial
Amazon. Investments by regional and local governments increased by
Governor of Maynas. “We would like to continue
52% in the first quarter of 2008, compared with the same period last
to rely on Odebrecht’s contribution, since this
year,” he added. The President cited an example in his speech: “We used
company has tackled our local logistical and
to have four daily flights to Iquitos, and today we have 11, because the
communications problems with the utmost pro-
city has a bigger supply of hotel rooms and food, comfortable boats for
fessionalism and met the deadlines set in the
tourism, and many other facilities.”
contract with efficiency and quality, as well as
Among those facilities is the supply of treated water for
everyone in Iquitos.
ensuring good relations with local residents and
introducing exemplary sustainable social programs in our region.”
[ 60 ] odebrecht informa
The project in numbers
This chapter of the city’s history also
contains positive stories about social out-
1,600 l/s water intake
reach programs. In addition to providing
workers with the skills required to work on
the project and offering training and transPacific
ferring technology so the Sedaloreto staff
has supported and energized three projects
with the potential for becoming self-sup-
they can benefit a growing number of people,” explains Alejandro Huaman Hidalgo,
the Odebrecht Peru officer Responsible for
Administration and Finance on the Iquito
a total storage capacity
of 11,000 cu.m
tive areas. “Our aim is to ensure that, even
programs will keep going and multiply so
6 water towers with
77,396 km of pipe
porting and making improvements in sensiafter the company has left this region, these
700 l/s water treatment
capacity at the new plant,
equipped with 2 cisterns
can run the new facilities, Odebrecht Peru
capacity – 4 new and 2
refurbished pumps
Population: 370,900 inhabitants 35% growth between 1993 and 2007
Area: 119,800
Altitude: 106 m above sea level
Average temperature: 27°C
45% of the local economy is based
on tourism
4,810 households
benefited with treated
water supply
560 direct work
(60% of hires are Iquitos
Water Supply Project.
Many children in Iquitos go to school
but perform poorly in class. Because their mothers work,
ment. Water Sentinels selects the children who will spend
they have no one to help or care for them outside the
their break times making sure that faucets are turned off
classroom. Iquitos has an institution that works with
and trash is disposed of in suitable containers. They also
children between the ages of 7 and 16. Teachers provide
talk to their classmates about the importance of water
remedial classes and individual reinforcement, and a
and maintenance to keep their school and community
doctor assesses their health problems and requirements.
litter free. Maykil Aimar del Aguilla Chasnamote and Ale­
Cooks prepare their daily meals. It is called the Casa
xandra Gabriela Cárdenas y Suisa, both aged 7, and Marco
Estancia Divino Niño Jesús, which was financed by the
Raúl Guerra Padilla, 8, are Sentinels at the Amánda Péres
Province of Maynas until Odebrecht built a laundry next
de Gómes Primary School, and take their jobs very seri-
door – the first business like it in Iquitos. The QuickWash
program has equipped the building with washing
“Sometimes I’ve got to be tough and get real serious
machines and dryers donated by the city government,
with my classmates so they don’t waste water,” says Marco
and employs local mothers who are paid regular wages,
Raúl. According to schoolteacher Lucy Manuela Noriega
while making enough money to support Casa Estancia.
Macedo, her pupils’ behavior has changed dramatically
“We had never seen washers and dryers before.
since the program was introduced at their school in 2007.
Now, we’re not only learning a trade and getting paid for
“They all have a bigger sense of responsibility,” she says.
our work but helping give our kids better prospects,”
The same results have been achieved in all 50 schools that
says Mery Esther Macahuachi Renajifo, 44, who clocks in
are currently involved in the program.
at QuickWash every day. “We want this business to grow
and multiply in other parts of the country,” she adds.
There is also another program for at-risk youth
between the ages of 15 and 29, called Jóvenes Chamba
Another project, created through a partnership
(“Young Workers”). It provides professional training
between Sedaloreto and Odebrecht, raises primary stu-
courses in breadmaking, fruit and vegetable processing
dents’ awareness of the need to preserve the environ-
and carpentry, helps participants set up small businessodebrecht informa [ 61 ]
[ From left, Maykil, Alexandra and Marco: young Sentinels protecting the environment ]
[ 62 ] odebrecht informa
es and associations, and provides consultancy services to
ing that they can be more than just workers – they can
help identify markets for their products and manage
be entrepreneurs,” says the teacher.
their businesses. The program is being carried out in the
The project was officially inaugurated on Sep­
provinces of Maynas, Yurimaguas, Contamana, Requena
tember 12, 2008, in the presence of the Peruvian Mi­­
and Caballococha. In Iquitos, the carpentry project is
nister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Enrique
teaching 80 young men and women to carve wood in a
Cornejo, and local officials. According to Iquitos Project
warehouse provided by the Province of Maynas. Their
Director Guillermo Vega: “This project has been a source
teacher, Demetrio Díaz, is doing his bit. He learned his
of tremendous satisfaction for us. First, because it is
trade in Lima as a boy before working as a journalist for
providing real and basic benefits to the public; second,
40 years, and now, at the age of 73, he says he is fulfill-
because it is making it possible to develop self-support-
ing a long-held dream: not only teaching people how to
ing social programs that are proving to be so essential
carve wood but how to make carpentry tools and ma­­
and effective that they will keep going after the Iquitos
chinery. “Nothing is wasted. In the modern world, we
Project has been delivered. Third, because we were able
have to know how to make good-quality, good-looking
to get the plant up and running 49 days ahead of sched-
and inexpensive products. Anyone who wants to will
ule, thereby ensuring the client’s satisfaction and the
learn easily and quickly and have the pleasure of realiz-
community’s well-being.”
[ book review ]
Questions that must be answered
The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About
Maria Isabel Borja
Often mentioned by the great names in business,
Your Organization is an initiative of the Leader to Leader
Peter Drucker’s “Five most important questions”
Institute, a non-profit organization founded by Peter Drucker,
have been recycled and improved
the pioneer of modern management, to provide managerial
expertise to leaders of social enterprises.
This work updates and improves on the well-known
Managing The Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices, Peter
for distinguishing between what is transitory and tactical,
and what are essential values and fundamental propositions.
Philip Kotler and James Kouzes discuss the two
Drucker’s book dedicated to the third sector, but also acts as a
questions that focus on the client. Kotler updates the concept
tool for strategic self-evaluation for any kind of organization.
and reinforces the need for the modern company to make its
With his usual precision, Drucker explains in the
client become a fan, arguing that the success of an institution
introduction that this tool is a method for evaluating “what
is directly related to its own contribution to the success of its
you are doing, why you are doing it and what you need to do
clients. Meanwhile, using the case of Sinai-Grace Hospital,
to improve the performance of an organization.”
Kouzes demonstrates how leadership that is committed to
In this book, Drucker, who died in 2005, appears
valuing the client can change the life of an organization, with
alongside some of the modern popes of management. The
his analysis of “What is important to the client?” – a question
tests in which he develops his five famous questions:
that Drucker considered to be the most important and yet the
“What is our mission?” “Who is our customer?” “What is
one that is seldom answered effectively.
important to this customer?” “What are our results?” and
Focusing on the question related to results, Judith
“What is our plan?” are accompanied respectively by the
Rodin defines evaluation as “a tool for learning and self-
reflections of Jim Collins (author of Built to Last), Philip
correction,” underlining the necessity for an organization's
Kotler (Marketing Insights from A to Z), James Kouzes (The
plan to contemplate a method to measure its results in such a
Leadership Challenge), Judith Rodin (Chair of the Rockefeller
way as to permit corrections in its course.
Foundation), and Professor V. Kasturi Rangan (Harvard
Finally, the plan of the organization, which is the
Business School), who contextualize them in the
outcome of Drucker’s proposed self-evaluation, is commented
contemporary business setting.
by V. Kasturi Rangan, who presents us with the business plan
The people who attempt to answer these questions
are required to carry out a deep self-analysis as their very
simplicity and directness lead to further issues. For
as a process that should receive constant feedback in order to
produce new strategies and goals.
In addition to a detailed list of questions and the
example, the answer to the question on the organization’s
“subquestions” involved in the process proposed by Drucker
mission will necessarily examine its challenges and
that are laid out in a short chapter, along with the definitions
opportunities, thus naturally leading to a reevaluation of
of key words, this book (published in the US by Wiley, John &
the existing mission, which is an issue that is present
Sons) also includes an article on transformational leadership
throughout the book and is outlined once again when the
by Frances Hesselbein, the Chair of the Leader to Leader
organization’s plan is determined.
Institute. There is also a short essay written by Drucker
Associated with the central discourse, the
himself that explains how the reader should use the concept
contributions of the other authors lend a hand to answer
as a tool for the self-evaluation for organizations. The guru of
Drucker’s questionnaire in a more objective and complete
generations of entrepreneurs warns: “These five questions
way, thus increasing its value as an authentic map for a
seem simple but they are far from it. Take some time to reflect
reflective journey into the future.
on each one of them. If the self-evaluation is carried out
Jim Collins discusses the fundamental tension between
adequately, you will develop abilities, competencies and
continuity and change when contemplating the first question
commitment. Active and attentive participation provides an
– “What is our mission?” – and alerts the reader to the need
opportunity to extend your vision and shape the future.”
odebrecht informa [ 63 ]
[ sanitation ]
Long-range solution
Part of an extensive environmental clean-up program, a new polyethylene
marine outfall will prevent beach pollution on the South Coast of São Paulo State
written by
[ 64 ] odebrecht informa
Leonardo Mourão
photos by
Christian Cravo
On a Saturday morning, Project Director Josnei
This episode is a perfect illustration of how CNO
Cireli leaves his home in São Paulo City and drives 80
and Braskem (see box) have struck a balance between
km to the Brastubo factory on the Rio Branco in São
innovation, creativity and audacity while taking part in
Vicente, on the South Coast of São Paulo State. A civil
engineer who has been a Construtora Norberto Ode­
the “Onda Limpa” (Clean Wave) Environmental Res­
toration Program in the Santos Lowlands Metropolitan
brecht (CNO) member for 30 years, Josnei wants to get a
Region. The biggest water and sewer project currently
first-hand look at how the first of the HDPE (high-densi-
underway in Brazil, it covers nine counties and will
ty polyethylene) pipes for his project is being manufac-
raise the percentage of households receiving sewerage
tured. Furnished by Brastubo and made from raw mate-
services in that area from 53% to 95% by 2010. Roughly
rials supplied by Braskem, these pipes will be used to
1.6 million residents will benefit from this program – a
build the marine outfall that CNO is installing in Praia
population that soars to 3 million during high season in
Grande – also on São Paulo’s South Coast – as a joint
the Southern-Hemisphere summer. As the winning bid-
venture with Construtora Carioca. The one-meter-diam-
der for Lot 2 of Onda Limpa, CNO is responsible for
eter pipe leaves the extrusion machine, slides down a
building a new marine sewage outfall in Praia Grande
pier, and, when it reaches 300 m in length, is set afloat
and refurbishing and expanding the existing outfall in
on the river.
Santos. The first challenge was delivering the works in
“That’s when the lightbulb went on,” Josnei recalls.
36 months instead of 24 in order to make the project
“So I called Adriano Meirelles (the Director of Brastubo’s
financially viable, as well as to meet the tight deadline
Plastics Division) and set him a challenge: ‘Can we make
reset by Sabesp.
this section of pipe reach 800 meters?’” Meirelles asked
To speed up the work, the joint-venture contractor
him to give him some time to think it over. The initial plan
proposed to use a solution for building marine outfalls
was to produce the pipeline in 500-m sections. Then he
that had never been tried in Brazil before: doing the
called Josnei back, put the factory manager on the line,
excavation with a tunnel-boring machine (TBM) similar
and the decision was made: OK, the pipe would be
to those used to build subway lines, and lining the tun-
800 meters long. The extruder kept churning out
nel with 705 m of special reinforced-concrete pipe to get
pipe. Then, a few days later, Meirelles got another
through the surf zone, the area of breaking waves in the
phone call from Josnei: “Why not try for 1,000
first stretch between the shore and the sea floor. The
m?” Two weeks later, that challenge had been
pipeline coupled to that initial stretch of the marine
met – Brastubo produced a seamless 1,130-m
outfall will consist of three sections of HDPE pipe
section, a massive length of pipe snaking
(including the South-American record holder, measur-
along the Rio Branco. They had just bro-
ing 1,130 meters in length) totaling 3,390 meters, which
ken the South-American record for HDPE
will be anchored to the sea floor. All told, the outfall
pipe lengths for marine outfalls. They
will be 4,095 meters long. It will carry sewage far
had also surpassed the expectations
beyond the surf zone to prevent it from polluting the
of their client, the state water and
beaches and endangering beachgoers’ health, which is
sewer company Companhia de
currently a real problem on the South Coast.
Saneamento Bá­­sico do Estado de
“The TBM will make it possible to build the outfall in
São Paulo (Sabesp) – and then
half the time required by conventional methods,” says
some – because the contract
Josnei Cireli. The usual method involves building a tempo-
called for the pipe to be
rary service bridge across the surf zone and digging a large
made in 500-m sections
500-m trench leading from the beach into the sea, installing
with three seams, at
piles and dredging massive amounts of sand. In addition to
having a severe impact on the environment and landscape,
odebrecht informa [ 65 ]
[ The Pretreatment Station
at Praia Grande:
treating sewage with
chlorine prior to disposal ]
it would take 8 to 10 months to build the outfall the conven-
A large number of civil engineering works are also
tional way. Thanks to the TBM, the project’s impact will be
being carried out to refurbish and extend the Santos/São
greatly reduced, less dredging will be required, and there
Vicente Marine Outfall, including the construction of a
will be no need to cordon off the beach.
new onland pipeline and the expansion of the pretreatment plant’s capacity (from 3.5m³/s to 5.3m³/s). As a result
[ 66 ] odebrecht informa
Sinking pipe
of these projects, the area in the vicinity of the Santos
Going back to the HDPE pipe, its massive size will
Municipal Orchid Nursery will no longer be plagued by
drastically reduce installation time. The sections will be
the stench that the original facility gives off, which has
towed 30 km out to sea from the banks of the Rio Branco
brought down property values in that part of the city.
to the site where they will be sunk off the Praia Grande
However, the ocean end of the outfall, which will be
coast, where divers will help attach it to the concrete
extended with an additional 425 m of HDPE pipe, is where
tunnel dug by the TBM. “All maritime construction
CNO will be making two significant innovations. One is the
works involve a certain amount of risk,” explains Josnei
new specs proposed for the diffuser that will be installed at
Cireli. “The process of sinking the pipe is a particularly
the emissary’s outlet, which have improved dilution by an
delicate operation. It requires calm seas, favorable tides,
average of 10%. Another innovation involves diluting the sew-
speed, efficiency and luck.” If the pipe sections were
age in the ocean with dozens of diffusers called risers, which
smaller, it would take several trips to transport them to
increase the dispersion of organic materials so they are
the site, and they would have to be coupled underwater,
quickly dissolved in the water. A large number of risers on the
which is another highly complex operation. At their
Santos outfall had been destroyed by fish nets. “Fishing boats
present size, they can all be sunk to the seabed at once.
trawl their nets, which get tangled up in the risers, pulling
In addition to building the Praia Grande Marine
them off and making them less efficient,” explains the
Outfall, the CNO-Carioca joint venture was also respon-
Project Director. “We have teamed up with Goodyear to
sible for building the 1.4-km section that connects the
develop risers comprised of oversleeves made from a type of
sewage system with the outfall, as well as a sewage
rubber that allows them to bend and snap back into their
pumping plant and a facility where sewage is pretreated
original position, like a bop bag that never lies flat, even
with chlorine. These projects got underway in September
when subjected to strong traction. This is an innovation that
and should be delivered by June 2009.
you won’t find in any other marine outfall.”
[ Management Team:
from left, Geraldo Caracini Filho,
Giuliano Costa Olivan, Josnei Cireli,
Evandro Elizario and Ivan Correa ]
Polyethylene: ideal for use in ocean environment
The bottom of the sea is not a quiet,
PE80 GM 5010 T2 plastic resin that
“We hope this will be the first of
static environment. The structures that
Braskem supplies to Brastubo is
many partnerships with the Odebrecht
make up marine outfalls are affected by
internationally certified and has the
Group,” says Adriano Meirelles, the
ocean currents and tides, ships’ anchors,
advantage of already being pigmented
Plastics Division Director at Brastubo, the
fish nets, and even colonies of shellfish
black and ready to use. All the necessary
only Brazilian company that can make
and shoals of fish, which can damage and
additives are included in its structure,
pipe that is over one meter in diameter.
even break them. “These risks are
which simplifies the manufacturing
“Right in the middle of the
considerably reduced when outfalls are
manufacturing process, we were set the
made from HDPE (high-density
“We produced a very homogeneous
challenge of making pipe with a diameter
polyethylene) pipe,” explains chemical
500-tonne lot to ensure perfect quality
twice as big as planned, and we agreed
engineer Ressoi Pierozan, Braskem’s
control in the end product,” explains
right away.” According to Adriano
Account Manager. “Polyethylene is
Fábio Franck, Braskem’s Specialties/
Meirelles, Braskem’s guarantee of the
chemically inert. Nothing sticks to it, not
Polyethylene Leader. Franck and Ressoi
quality of its raw materials ensured that
even barnacles, which damage the hulls of
Piorezan have made the partnership with
his company would be able to make the
ships. It is flexible enough to adapt to the
CNO feasible – since the Group’s
record-breaking HDPE pipe. “The Padre
sea floor. It can be hooked up underwater,
Engineering & Construction arm also had
José Manoel da Nóbrega Highway bridge
is lighter than steel pipe, resistant to
foreign suppliers of the raw materials at
is one kilometer downriver from us on the
tension fissures, and can be manufactured
its disposal – by making sure that the
Rio Branco, which runs past this factory,”
in large, seamless sections.”
plastic resin was produced and sold when
says Meirelles. “I thought the pipe would
Braskem is the only domestic
prices and conditions for the inputs
never extend past that point, but in the
supplier of the raw materials used to
needed to manufacture them were highly
end, we’ve gone even further. It’s been a
make HDPE pressure pipe in Brazil. The
huge success.”
odebrecht informa [ 67 ]
[ The TBM equipment ready for use: the tunnel will be 705 meters long ]
TBM will dig tunnel under sea floor
[ 68 ] odebrecht informa
In the Santos Lowlands Metropolitan Region, which
time this program is completed in 2010, 95% of all
is located in wealthiest state in Brazil, 100 km from São
households will have sewer service,” says Marcelo Freitas.
Paulo, South America’s largest city, the percentage of
“A total of 1.6 million residents plus 1.2 million summer
households with sewer connections is as low as 11% in
holidaymakers will stand to benefit.”
Itanhaém, and 17% in Peruíbe. In cities like Santos, the
This massive program is divided into eight lots,
biggest in the area, that rate is as high as 98%, but the
and the CNO-Carioca joint venture is responsible for Lot
average for the nine cities in the Santos Lowlands –
2, which includes building a new marine outfall in Praia
Bertioga, Cubatão, Guarujá, Itanhaém, Mongaguá,
Grande and expanding the Santos/São Vicente outfall
Praia Grande, Peruíbe, Santos and São Vicente – is a
system. This part of the project involves major techno-
modest 53%. Leaving out Santos and Guarujá, it plum-
logical innovations, such as using a tunnel-boring ma­­
mets to 35%.
chine (TBM) to dig a 705-m tunnel under the sea floor for
Naturally, the lack of universal access to such a
the Praia Grande outfall; the record-size HDPE sections
vital public service takes a considerable toll on the com-
of pipe produced by Brastubo, using a specially formu-
munity. According to figures from the State Data Analysis
lated plastic resin furnished by Braskem; and the intro-
System Foundation (SEDAE), the child mortality rate in
duction of “bop-bag” risers designed exclusively for CNO
that part of Brazil was 17.58 deaths per 1,000 live births
by Goodyear.
in 2006, which is well above the São Paulo State average
“We worked with Odebrecht to evaluate the oppor-
of 13.28/1,000. “Let alone the impact it has on the local
tunity to introduce new methods, such as the TBM at
economy, particularly the tourist industry,” says Marcelo
Praia Grande, and agreed to use this technology,” says
Salles Holanda de Freitas, the Companhia de Saneamento
Sabesp Director Marcelo Freitas. “It was an important
Básico do Estado de São Paulo (Sabesp) Director for
innovation. We are always ready to help the industry
Technology, Projects and the Environment.
with new operational solutions for project manage-
To tackle this situation, the State Government is
ment.” He foresees the possibility of future business for
carrying out the biggest basic sanitation program now
that partnership. “Sabesp has the right size, structure
underway in Brazil. Valued at BRL 1.23 billion, it in­­
and experience, and now it also has the legal authoriza-
cludes the installation of 1,175 km of sewage collector
tion to bid for contracts in Brazil and worldwide. This
systems, trunk lines, interceptors and outfalls aimed at
partnership with Odebrecht will definitely help Sabesp
connecting 120,454 households to the system. “By the
enter new markets.”
news of the odebrecht group
Braskem sponsors Brazilian Grand Prix
During an informal conversation,
The International Automobile Federation
winner of the race was Brazilian F1 star Felipe
Braskem directors, clients and partners
(FIA) approved the proposal and Braskem’s
Massa, but the UK’s Lewis Hamilton, who
came up with the idea of creating a trophy
pilot plant in Camaçari, Bahia, began making
came in fifth at the Grand Prix, became the
for the winners of the Brazilian Grand Prix
the UTEC – ultra-high molecular weight poly-
2008 World Champion.
held in São Paulo on November 2nd, made
ethylene – that would be used to make the
“Architecture and works of art should be
from green plastic (which the company
green polymer parts that would then be pro-
moving and astonishing. I think this trophy has
makes from sugarcane ethanol). The chal-
cessed using special equipment. A plaque on
all the hallmarks of astonishment,” said Oscar
lenge was set: the trophy had to be a work
the base of each of trophy indicates that
Niemeyer to Odebrecht Informa. “As a Brazilian
of art by Oscar Niemeyer. The architect
they were designed by Niemeyer and made
company, it makes us very proud to present the
liked the idea and it took him just 15 sec-
from green plastic in order to be presented
results of persistent investments in technology
onds to come up with the design – a wheel
to the first, second and third-place winners
committed to sustainability at an international
inspired by the pillars he designed for Alvo-
and the champion of the Brazilian Grand
event in a pioneering fashion,” says Braskem
rada Palace, the presidential residence in
Prix, which was held at the Interlagos race-
CEO Bernardo Gradin, who was present when
track and co-sponsored by Braskem. The
the champion racers received their trophies.
odebrecht informa [ 69 ]
Odebrecht Archives
O2 Agents Events program continues in Bahia and São Paulo
The second round of the O2 Brazil Agents
In São Paulo, Marcelo Odebrecht spoke
officers responsible for the Import/Export,
event was held in the cities of São Paulo and
about the need for Group members to get
Procurement, Finance and Controllership
Salvador in late September. A communica-
involved in the O2 Project. “It is essential
Fronts of the O2 Project showed the agents
tion program involving Odebrecht Group
for everyone who can make a contribution
the expected benefits and impacts for each
Members, primarily administration/finance
to do so. We know that everyone already
area. Then, the agents themselves shared
managers (AFMs), its mission is to inform
has a lot to do, and it’s a big challenge, but
their main questions and concerns, which
the people working at the Group’s jobsites
your participation is essential. The time is
were answered during the event.
and offices about the O2 program, which is
now!” He also told the O2 Agents: “We
All participants received kits contain-
introducing a set of tools that will make sup-
need the utmost dedication to this project.
ing a t-shirt, pen, notepad and materials
port activities more efficient. By 2010, it will
If we miss this opportunity, we won’t have
to help them spread the word about the
have also been introduced at Odebrecht’s
another.” Marcelo spoke along the same
project – a standard introduction on the
international jobsites.
lines at the Salvador event, via videocon-
latest O2 innovations and two videos
(Scope and Benefits) to be shown at future
The Group’s founder, Norberto Odebrecht, and Marcelo Odebrecht, Vice Presi-
Both meetings were attended by 63
meetings with Group members at their
dent of Odebrecht S.A., took part in both
people, who were informed about the pro-
jobsites and offices. The project team has
events and gave their contributions by stat-
gram’s progress and received feedback on
consolidated a list of the most frequently
ing their expectations with the regard to the
the work done during the first round of
asked questions during the two events and
project. Norberto Odebrecht’s participation
meetings with the O2 Agents – the project’s
posted them on the O2 website <http://
also provided those present with an oppor-
“ambassadors.” The Salvador and São> (in Portuguese).
tunity to learn more about the Odebrecht
Paulo events began with a presentation by
Just click on “Perguntas freqüentes” on
Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO).
O2 Leader João Cumerlato. Afterwards, the
the “Agentes O2” tab.
[ 70 ] odebrecht informa
Special highlights
of youth development programs
On September 19th, Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO)
work and education through work by means of distance and
Energy Director Augusto Roque Dias gave a talk to 127 Federal
face-to-face lessons. The closing message in both cities was
University at Bahia (UFBA) students to mark Odebrecht Engi-
given by Paulo Quaresma, the officer Responsible for Organiza-
neering & Construction Day. The subject of his talk was “How
tion and People at the Group’s Infrastructure area. CNO invests
to Convert a Natural Water Resource into Electric Power Gen-
in the education of its young partners so that they can become
eration.” Odebrecht Engineering & Construction Day is part of
the new leaders of the future, and organizes the University
the Group’s University Relations Program, which gives students
Relations, Introduction to the Culture and Young Builder Pro-
at Odebrecht’s partner institutions practical examples of what
grams for that purpose.
civil engineers do at CNO’s jobsites.
The Introduction to the Culture program integrates Young
That same month, the fourth class to take the Young Build-
Partners into the organization by enabling them to learn, under-
er Program completed the nine-month course. It included 120
stand and assimilate the Odebrecht Culture while encouraging
young people divided into two groups: one in Bragança Pau-
them to begin using two key tools: the Evaluation Instrument
lista, São Paulo, and the other in Salvador, Bahia. The aim of
and the Action Program (PA). In 2008, 210 Young Partners com-
this program is to familiarize its participants with all stages of
pleted the program in Brazil. Once they have been fully inte-
the Engineering & Construction business (tendering bids, mobi-
grated into the Group and have assimilated its culture, these
lizing people and equipment, executing projects and demobiliz-
young people will be ready to take part in the Young Builder
ing). The method used is intended to combine education for
Program the following year.
odebrecht informa [ 71 ]
sailboat racing
and awareness
The sixth edition of Ecovela, a traditional event for the Pontal da Barra community
in the Brazilian state of Alagoas, also involved
100 public school students from the Lagoa
Viva (Living Lagoon) Environmental Education Program, which has been carried out
since 2003 with the support of Braskem.
Ecovela is a combination of sailboat races
and folklore presentations aimed at raising
public awareness of the need to protect the
The event began on the morning of October 11, after a parade and reveille. Ten teams
of children and adolescents carried bunches
and 1,500 seedlings of the coin vine plant,
whose local name is “rabo-de-bugio” (monkey tail), which is used to produce red propolis, a product known for its cancer-preventing properties.
The seedlings were planted in the Restinga do Manguezal area of mangroves in the
Mundaú-Manguaba Lagoon complex, whose
residents’ livelihoods are based on fishing,
handicrafts and beekeeping. The following
stage of the event involved cleaning up the
nearby Avenida Beach. Hardly missing a beat,
the students then left the beach and went
on to take part in a group activity that tested
their environmental knowledge with a “trivia quiz” carried out with the help of Lagoa
Viva teachers.
At the end of the day, the winners were
students from the Aurelina Palmeira and
Anaías de Lima state schools. Eduardo Silva,
14, says that this event was “lots of fun and
he learned a lot.” In addition to planting
1,500 seedlings, the students collected 150
bagsful of trash. “The big winner of this competition was Mother Nature,” said Lenice
Moraes, the schoolteacher who coordinates
the Lagoa Viva program.
[ 72 ] odebrecht informa
Clients visit Braskem facilities
in the state of Alagoas
Executives from Kep, Vipal and Tubozan,
to Del Rey, who took them around the facil-
three of the clients to whom Braskem sup-
ities and explained how the unit operates.
plies PVC, in October paid a visit to the fac-
Paulo Lessa, who was there as Kep’s repre-
tory that makes the plastic resin in the north-
sentative, said that this visit was a way of
eastern Brazilian town of Marechal Deodoro,
establishing closer relations between the
Alagoas. They also toured the Braskem Green
client and its supplier. “It gives us more con-
Belt (the environmental protection area
fidence in maintaining this relationship,” he
encircling the company’s Chlor-Alkali Unit),
guided by agronomist Mario Calheiros,
Braskem’s consultant for that program.
The clients also got a first-hand look at
the sixth edition of the Ecovela race (see
Calheiros informed the business leaders
page 72), from one of the boats that was
about the work the Green Belt is doing to
following the racers. Tubozan executive
preserve the local biosphere. “It’s wonderful
Donato Zanatta described this initiative as
to see the work Braskem is doing on this pre-
an important way of raising the local com-
serve,” said Vipal’s representative, Carlos
munity’s awareness about the problem of
water pollution in the lagoons. “We are very
The executives’ guide during the PVC
plant visit was Production Manager Augus-
pleased to have had an opportunity to learn
more about this program,” said Zanatta.
odebrecht informa [ 73 ]
[ 74 ] odebrecht informa
Laudelino Soares completes Executive MBA
in Financial Services and Insurance
Laudelino Soares, the Odebrecht Admin-
from Switzerland, and Hec Montreal, from
istradora e Corretora de Seguros (OCS) offi-
Canada, the MBA course provides higher
cer responsible for entrepreneurial support
education for executives in the fields of finan-
regarding risk management and insurance &
cial services and insurance, as well as their
bonds for the Madeira Project, graduated
operational interrelations.
from the Executive MBA in Financial Services
Twenty-three executives from major finan-
and Insurance course (2006/2008 edition)
cial and insurance institutions took part in the
on September 5th.
2006/2008 edition, including Zurich Financial
Organized through a partnership between
Services, Zurich Invest, ING Nationale Neder-
the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School,
landen, Bank Frey & Co. AG, Swiss Re, Rabobank
from Belgium, the University of St. Gallen,
Den Haag, Fortis and Munich Re.
Book on Brazilian rock graphics
is launched in Portugal
The Portuguese city of Coimbra on Octo-
Senior Officer Responsible for Representa-
book came into being as a result of a
ber 10 hosted an event that launched the
tion and Opportunities Development at Ode-
research project that analyzed the rock
book Written on Stone: Color, Form and Move-
brecht S.A., and Gonçalves Pereira, Ode-
graphics left behind in several parts of the
ment in the Rock Graphics of Bahia, by Carlos
brecht’s CEO for Portugal.
northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia by
Etchevarne, the winner of the Odebrecht
Renato Martins stressed the high value
the peoples that lived in that region before
Group’s 2006 Clarival do Prado Valladares
that Odebrecht places on projects that
the Portuguese arrived there in 1500. They
Award. Etchevarne is a Professor of Archeol-
demonstrate the importance of its local
used these depictions to record and com-
ogy at the Federal University at Bahia (UFBA)
communities’ culture, which is reflected by
municate their concepts of people, animals
in Brazil and a researcher at the Center for
the Group’s Clarival do Prado Valladares
and plants. Etchevarne observed that
Archeological Studies at Coimbra and Opor-
Award, introduced in 2003. Gonçalves
there are still very few studies on this sub-
to Universities in Portugal.
Pereira congratulated Carlos Etchevarne
ject, which makes this book a valuable
Held at the Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel,
for his book and quoted the Group’s found-
resource for scholars and laypeople who
the book launch was part of the Second
er, Norberto Odebrecht: “Confidence in
are curious about what is commonly known
Luso-Brazilian Forum on Urban Archeology,
people and their desire to grow and devel-
as “rock art.”
hosted by the Center for Archeological Stud-
op is one of the basic tenets of the Ode-
ies. In addition to faculty members from
brecht Group.”
Coimbra and Oporto Universities, the event’s
In the third and last speech of the eve-
guests of honor included Renato Martins, the
ning, Carlos Etchevarne described how the
In 2008, the book won the Aberje São
Paulo Award from the Brazilian Corporate
Communications Association in the Special
Publications category.
odebrecht informa [ 75 ]
Sergio Amaral
Partnership takes
oral health
education to the
Southern Bahia
A partnership between the Rights
and Citizenship Institute (IDC) and
OdontoPrev, formed with the help of
Odebrecht Administradora e Corretora
de Seguros (OCS), Odebrecht’s captive
broker, took oral health education to
the Southern Bahia Lowlands in
northeastern Brazil on September 7th
and 8th.
“This partnership is a way of joining
forces to help the community. Our aim
is to provide information about the
importance of oral health and provide
services to the local community,” says
Vera Zanuto, the OdontoPrev
representative responsible for the
The September campaign
distributed 1,000 kits containing
toothbrushes and toothpaste and
trained 60 multipliers from Ibirapitanga
county, including local residents,
students and teachers from the Youth
Odebrecht Foundation wins
ODM Brazil Award
House Educational Complex.
The Odebrecht Foundation has won
Brazilian White House) in Brasilia. Mau-
the Second ODM Brazil Award for proj-
rício Medeiros, Executive President of
ects that are helping achieve the Millen-
the Odebrecht Foundation, accepted the
nium Development Goals set by the
trophy from Minister Luiz Dulci, a mem-
United Nations. It was the only corporate
ber of the Brazilian President’s General
foundation to receive the award and con-
tribute to all eight goals through a single
[ 76 ] odebrecht informa
Maria Celeste Pereira, the Leader of
the Rights and Citizenship Institute
The Odebrecht Foundation’s Pro-
(IDC), a DIS Southern Lowlands organi-
gram for the Integrated and Sustainable
zation, also took part in the event. “It
Regional Development of the Southern
was an event that recognized the work
Bahia Lowlands (DIS Southern Lowlands)
we are doing, which increases our sense
was chosen from among 1,092 candi-
of responsibility for making the planet a
dates. The awards ceremony was held on
better place and the Southern Lowlands
October 28th at Planalto Palace (the
a role model,” she observed.
[ organization ]
Historic partnership
Odebrecht and PricewaterhouseCoopers
mark the 40th anniversary of a shared journey
that has extended to all the countries
where the Group is present
written by
Leonardo Maia
photo by
Almir Bindilatti
In late 2007, Odebrecht and PricewaterhouseCoopers
celebrated 40 years of partnership. The celebration of this
relationship was set for the meeting that took place
between October 14 and 17, 2008, at the Pestana Convento
do Carmo Hotel in the Brazilian city of Salvador, Bahia.
The event brought Price members to Bahia from 10
countries, besides Brazil, and gave them an opportunity to
look back on the auditing work that the British company
founded in 1849 is doing in all the countries where
Odebrecht is present.
On the 15th, during the official opening of the event,
Álvaro Novis, Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO) Vice
President for Finance, gave a presentation on the Group’s
Price in Brazil, discussed matters related to his company. In
[ Opening of the commemorative event in Salvador, Bahia:
Price partners came to Brazil from 10 countries ]
his speech, he observed that he has had the privilege of serv-
times in our history, like, for example, when we forayed into
ing all three generations of Odebrecht entrepreneurs. He
the international environment and began the acquisition
clearly attributed his successful career to Price’s “relation-
and corporate restructuring process that led to the creation
ship with Odebrecht, which has always been challenging,”
of Braskem. This kind of meeting is important for commu-
adding: “This event symbolizes the converging values of our
nication, for alignment and for sharing the success stories
two organizations and reflects a professional relationship
that have resulted from our partnership,” observes Paulo
that dates back over 40 years.”
corporate structure, while Fernando Alves, President of
In all the countries in which Odebrecht operates,
Felipe Ayoub, the Price partner responsible for service
Price is there as a partner, which facilitates the consolidated
to the Group in Brazil, highlights the similarities between
auditing of the entire organization at the end of every year.
the two companies’ philosophies. “Price’s work with
In countries like Mozambique and Libya, their relationship
Odebrecht shows how a successful relationship with a cli-
is very new. “We’ve brought in Price partners from countries
ent does not interfere with the auditing process. Our phi-
where we’ve begun operating more recently or who’ve
losophy is also very similar to that of Odebrecht, with prin-
recently joined the teams that work with us in the countries
ciples like confidence in people, the spirit of service and
in which we are already established. Here, they will have the
focusing on the client,” he explains. On the last day of the
opportunity to get to know Odebrecht’s culture, acquiring a
event, on the 17th, the participants had the opportunity to
broader vision of the organization,” says Sérgio Barros,
get to know a little more about the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
CNO’s Controllership Manager.
Technology (TEO) by attending a lecture by Márcio Polidoro,
The joint meeting held on the first day gave way to
the Odebrecht S.A. officer Responsible for Corporate
individual meetings on the following day, with a focus on
Communication, and paying a visit to the Odebrecht Cul­
priorities for 2009. “Price has been present at significant
ture Center, at the Group’s Salvador headquarters.
odebrecht informa [ 77 ]
[ arts & culture ]
[ Ademir:
his book will be
published in
November 2009 ]
Sampaio’s geography
A research project on Theodoro Sampaio, the son of a slave who became
one of Brazil's leading engineers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
is the winner of the 2008 Clarival do Prado Valladares Award
written by
[ 78 ] odebrecht informa
Karolina Gutiez
photos by
Luciano Andrade
Theodoro Sampaio: a man of African descent born on a
ondary school at the Rio de Janeiro Polytechnic, from which
sugar plantation in what is now the state of Bahia in 1855,
he graduated in 1877.
he was the illegitimate son of an enslaved woman and a
Young Theodoro Sampaio’s professional career began
priest who became one of his country’s most important
at the National Museum, where he was a teacher and
engineers at the turn of the 19th century. In itself, this
research assistant. At that institution, the engineer met a
description of his extraordinary career during a time of
man who would become his mentor and close friend: Orville
rampant racial prejudice would justify a biography of this
Derby, an American naturalized as a Brazilian citizen who is
illustrious Brazilian. However, little is known about him,
considered the father of Geology in Brazil. Derby belonged
despite his merits and his major contribution to the mod-
to the Brazilian Empire’s Geological and Geographic Com­
ernization of this country through the scientific knowl-
mission and invited Sampaio to become his assistant. His job
edge he produced, particularly in São Paulo, Rio de
was to organize the results of the expeditions carried out
Janeiro and Bahia. To fill this gap in modern Brazilian
throughout Brazil.
history, Ademir Pereira dos Santos has made the life and
Dedicated and intelligent, Theodoro Sampaio was
works of Theodoro Sampaio the focus of the research
appointed to the Empire’s Water Commission in 1879, at
project that won the fifth edition of the Clarival do Prado
the age of 24. Formed to study Brazilian ports and naviga-
Valladares Award.
ble waterways, it was headed by William Milnor Roberts,
An architect born in the southern Brazilian state of
an American who based his research on the steamboat
Paraná, Ademir first came across Theodoro the engineer
transportation used primarily on the Mississippi River.
when he was studying for his master’s in History at the
When the Americans left Brazil, Sampaio was chosen to
Paulista State University at Assis, São Paulo, in 1992. While
lead the team that would carry out the works planned for
investigating the origins of urban development in the
the São Francisco River basin and the surrounding region,
Paranapanema Valley, in São Paulo State, Ademir learned
including the Bahia and São Francisco Railway, which
about the Geographic and Geological Commission of São
would connect it to the coast. He traveled, studied and
Paulo, an institution created in 1886 that was responsible
mapped that area for seven years.
for the first expedition that studied the topography and
A friend of Euclides da Cunha, who also had an
geography of that area, which was then uninhabited. The
engineering degree and became a war correspondent for
surveys were carried out that same year, under the direction
the O Estado de São Paulo newspaper, Theodoro Sampaio
of Theodoro Sampaio. The data on Paranapanema obtained
provided the author with a detailed geological and carto-
through those expeditions are the oldest on record.
graphic description of the São Francisco River basin. The
data Sampaio supplied contributed to the writing of Da
Opportunities and dedication
Cunha’s Os Sertões (Rebellion in the Backlands) on the Canudos
Theodoro Sampaio was taken from his mother at the
War, which is now considered a masterwork of Brazilian
age of two and sent to live in the city of Santo Amaro da
Purificação, Bahia. When he was 10, in 1865, he went to São
Paulo and later on to Rio de Janeiro, where he studied at the
Scientific contribution
elite São Salvador boarding school. His father paid for his
When Orville Derby was invited to organize and direct
education, which leads to the first unanswered question
the São Paulo Geographic and Geological Commission in
about Sampaio. We do not know whether the priest believed
1886, he didn’t think twice about inviting his friend and
to have sired him was really his biological father, or if he
former assistant to become his right-hand man. The expedi-
registered the boy on behalf of Antônio da Costa Pinto, the
tions they organized had a holistic, multidisciplinary view
Count of Aramaré, the sugar planter who was Sampaio’s
of regional studies, involving botanists, engineers, zoolo-
benefactor and protector when he went to primary and sec-
gists, surveyors, cartographers and photographers.
odebrecht informa [ 79 ]
Winning project was chosen from 338 submissions
Ademir Pereira dos Santos is the
Brazilian states. The book that will
Senna, from the Federal University at
winner of the 5th edition of the award
result from Ademir’s research will be
Bahia (UFBA), and Otávio Dulci, from
created by the Odebrecht Group in
published in November 2009.
the Federal University at Minas Gerais
2003. Titled “Maps and Rivers: The
The panel of judges that analyzed the
(UFMG); diplomat, poet and translator
Cartographic Works of Theodoro
award finalists’ projects included
Geraldo Holanda Cavalcanti,
Sampaio,” his research project was
Gilberto Sá, a Member of the Board of
journalist and author Humberto
selected from among 338 entries – a
Odebrecht S.A. and Chairman of the
Werneck, and Voltaire Schilling,
record number for the award, which
Pierre Verger Foundation in Salvador,
Director of the Rio Grande do Sul
this year received submissions from 24
as well as professors Francisco Soares
“The geographic data they produced laid the founda-
In addition to being a scientist and civil engineer,
tions for administrative measures such as supervising
Theodoro Sampaio also played additional roles as an archi-
public land and fighting pests in the São Paulo coffee plan-
tect, urban planner, anthropologist, historian, cartographer,
tations, as well as investments in infrastructure and the
geographer and artist – producing skilful drawings and
economic development of the state,” says Ademir, adding:
landscapes. “I could even say that he was the first anthro-
“A map is an economic and military tool as well as provid-
pologist in our history, because his expeditions analyzed the
ing knowledge about the physical terrain without which it
customs of the Amerindians and caboclos (people of mixed
is impossible for a region to prosper.” The data gathered by
European and Amerindian descent). He didn’t limit himself
the São Paulo Geographic and Geological Commission was
to the potential of Brazil’s natural resources. He also took its
published in other countries, such as Italy, to attract for-
cultural wealth and unique traits into consideration,”
eign immigrants.
observes Ademir.
During his years in São Paulo, from 1886 to 1904,
[ 80 ] odebrecht informa
Sampaio mapped the state’s territory and organized water
Going home
and sewer services, initially working for São Paulo City and
Sampaio returned to Bahia in 1905 and lived there for
later for the state government. He also worked on the
30 years. He started his own business in the city of Salvador
expansion of the Port of Santos, which was too small to
and signed a contract with the city government to build
handle the nation’s massive coffee exports.
water and sewer systems in what is now the state capital. In
“Theodoro Sampaio was responsible for the earliest
addition to planning the project, he took part in its execu-
scientific production from a Brazilian viewpoint. Previously,
tion. However, the city government did not have enough
everything that had been done in that field in our country
money to build the works, which was a tremendous disap-
had resulted from the work of foreign scientists – Americans
pointment for the engineer.
and Europeans who were attracted by Brazil’s abundant
In 1919, Sampaio planned Cidade da Luz (the City of
animal and plant life. Sampaio made that transition, and
Light), a big and bold urban development project that is now
that was his main contribution to Brazilian science,” the
Salvador’s Pituba district. Twice elected to the Brazilian
scholar observes. It was no small contribution, particularly
Congress, in 1927 and 1929, he was also the orator, editor
considering that he was a black man at a time when racial
and president of the Geographic and Historic Institute of
prejudice was particularly intense. And he did so without
Bahia from 1922 to 1936.
turning his back on his roots. When he was still in Rio de
Theodoro Sampaio died in 1937 in Rio de Janeiro, but
Janeiro, he purchased the manumission of his mother and
like many chapters of his life, the cause of his death is a
three siblings as soon as he could.
mystery. At least, for now.
odebrecht informa [ 81 ]
Art: Odebrecht Foundation
Bulletin from the Tribute to the Future Program
[ sustainable development ]
[ Marina de Jesus
and Erivaldo da Silva:
sounding the alert
about environmental
assaults ]
[ 82 ] odebrecht informa
Camera in hand,
and many dreams to realize
Young people in northeastern Brazil are learning to use communications tools
and produce materials of interest to their communities
written by
Mariana Menezes
photos by
Eduardo Moody
A camera and a camcorder. That is all young Erivaldo da Silva and Marina de Jesus needed for their
project. And all it takes is a short walk through the remnants of Atlantic Forest in Nilo Peçanha county to
understand what drives them. “We decided to make a video documentary to show people what they’ve
been doing. This whole area used to be virgin forest, and it’s been destroyed because of logging and timber
extraction,” Marina explains.
Their video documentary is one of seven course completion projects for the Volunteer Communicators
Network program. An initiative of the Institute for the Sustainable Development of the Southern Bahia
Lowlands (IDES), the course has provided communication skills to 19 of the youths benefited by the
Program for the Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development of the Southern Bahia Lowlands (DIS
Southern Lowlands), which is supported by the Odebrecht Foundation.
The year-long program teaches young people to use various communications tools and develop materials of interest to their communities. Workshops taught by volunteer professionals provide the necessary
technical skills, such as the Portuguese language, verbal, nonverbal and written expression, and the basics of
The aim of the Network is to enhance its participants’ critical outlook about their community’s way of
life, while encouraging youth protagonism in the process of bringing about social change. The chief means of
publicizing and multiplying the good practices developed by the local communities is a newspaper called Diga!
Baixo Sul (“Speak Up! Southern Lowlands”). Published every two months, the volunteer communicators themselves are responsible for its content. Once each individual’s aptitudes have been identified, they take charge of
the publication by deciding what sort of articles to publish, writing them and taking photographs.
“Diga! Baixo Sul is a good example of how communication can be used as a tool for community development,” says Liliana Leite, Executive Leader of the IDES. She says the newspaper is a direct channel of
communication with the local community through which young people speak from their souls. “Issues
like valuing and preserving their roots, ethical and moral values, participatory democracy and community protagonism are dealt with in an integrated way, as a network,” she adds.
Rogerio Arns, the Community Development specialist who came up with the idea for the Com­
municators Network explains that the idea is not to produce journalists and writers. Instead, the program
aims to groom agents of local development with communications skills and the ability to form partnerships. “A good rural producer with communications skills can mobilize more people than one who is good
at making things grow, for example, but doesn’t know how to take part in a meeting, has poor writing
skills and ends up shutting him or herself off from the rest of the community,” says Arns.
Pillars of the future
A crescent moon and low tide. Instead of mud, all we see is a mixture of earth and sand. Mangroves
spread out as far as the eye can see. Amid twisted branches and exposed roots, holes in the soil show that mollusks and crabs can be found there. But Cosme says: “The only thing you find plenty of around here is little
odebrecht informa [ 83 ]
young people – future local leaders
– are emerging as strategic players in
the process, due to their ability to
learn and get things done. This is the
case with André Carlos Conceição,
age 21. “When the first workshops at
the Communicators Network got
started, I saw this challenge as another way to bring knowledge to my
community,” he recalls.
Ever since he was 10, when he
[ Program participants in the classroom:
multiplying experience and knowledge ]
first heard a radio program, André
has dreamed of working in the field of
communication and public relations.
Until an opportunity to take a course
aratu crabs.” A resident of Igrapiúna county in the Southern
in radio presenting comes along so he can fulfill that long-
Bahia Lowlands, Cosme da Silva, 67, has lived in other parts
held dream, he has found another way of ensuring that infor-
of that region, and remembers when the Atlantic Forest was
mation finds its way around his hometown. For his course
a bountiful source of food and timber – a time when “there
completion project, this young resident of the Lagoa Santa
was plenty of game” and “very good wood.” Cosme is being
community in Ituberá county is retrieving local traditions to
interviewed by his son, Erivaldo, one of the young communi-
develop a calendar that features commemorative dates and
cators who is making the video documentary, but above all,
expressions of folk traditions.
he is the boy’s chief source of motivation.
Liliana Leite points out that the Communicators
“When you think that my Dad used to have five hect-
Network is an example of how good practices strengthen
ares of land, and now we’re struggling to have a place of our
communities and their roots. “The projects these kids are
own, I feel like quitting school and getting a job. But now I
doing aren’t complicated, and they’re voluntary. They don’t
know that the only way to put a smile back on his face – some-
require much in terms of money and equipment, but they
thing I haven’t seen in a very long time – is to keep studying,”
do involve networking.”
says Erivaldo. The young man dreams of becoming an agrono-
André Carlos has a long road ahead of him, but he will
mist one day, and he is not just daydreaming. The salt water
receive plenty of support on his journey. Not only does he
that has drained from the mangrove seems to be brimming in
have the help of Josenildo Normandia, Ituberá’s Secretary of
his eyes, bringing hopes of better days to come.
Culture, but the Lagoa Santa residents are also contributing
Erivaldo knows that his future will result from the
to his project by telling stories and talking about events in
choices he makes right now, so he has to take advantage of all
their own lives that are things of the past but still vividly pres-
the opportunities he is getting to improve his own life and that
ent in their memories. “It is gratifying to see that the com-
of his family. “Thanks to the Volunteer Communicators
munity and local government are willing to help. It shows
Network, I’m learning new things. For me, being a communica-
that they appreciate the work we’re doing,” says André.
tor means getting to know people and interacting with them,
which is one way to expand our knowledge,” he concludes.
In addition to learning to be a radio presenter, André
wants to stay in his home community and share what he has
learned. That way, he says he will feel truly fulfilled. “I want
My place is here
to work in communication and pass on the knowledge I
Rogerio Arns believes that the community must take
acquire. If you’re organized and determined, you can get
an active role in its own development. In this context,
[ 84 ] odebrecht informa
through every stage, one at a time.” o
odebrecht s.a.
salvador - ba (hq)
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
41730-900 Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 2105.1111 +55 71 3206.1111
Fax +55 71 2105.1112 /
+55 71 3206.1112
são paulo - sp
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
32º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8500
brasília - df
SAS Qd. 5, BL. N. 9º andar
Edifício OAB
70438-900 Brasília, DF - Brazil
Phone +55 61 3316.2525
Fax +55 61 3316.2555
rio de janeiro - rj
Praia de Botafogo, 300
11º andar, Ala A - Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Phone +55 21 2559.3000
Fax +55 21 2552.4448
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
rio de janeiro - rj (hq)
Praia de Botafogo, 300
11º andar - Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Phone +55 21 2559.3000
Fax +55 21 2552.4448
são paulo - sp
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
28º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8500
belo horizonte - mg
Av. Álvares Cabral, 1777
19º andar - Santo Agostinho
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
Phone +55 31 3299-6700
Fax +55 31 3299.6775
brasília - df
SAS Qd. 5, BL. N. 9º andar
Edifício OAB
70438-900 Brasília, DF - Brazil
Phone +55 61 3316.2525
Fax +55 61 3316.2555
recife - pe
Rua Antônio Lumack do Monte
128 - 16º andar, sala 1603
Edifício Empresárial
Center III - Boa Viagem
51020-350 Recife, PE - Brazil
Phone +55 81 3464.1200
Fax +55 81 3464.1250
salvador - ba
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
41730-900 Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 2105.1111
+55 71 3206.1111
Fax. +55 71 2105.1112
+55 71 3206.1112
• odebrecht angola
projectos e serviços ltda.
• osel - odebrecht serviços
no exterior ltd.
• odebrecht mining
services, inc.
Parque Empresarial Odebrecht
Av. Eng. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem “Loy”, s/nº
Luanda Sul
Luanda - Angola
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Reconquista 1166, Piso 10
Capital Federal
C.P. C1003ABX
Buenos Aires - Argentina
constructora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Av. Arce y Rosendo Gutiérrez
Edificio Multicentro, Torre B,
Piso 6 - Of. 602
La Paz - Bolivia
constructora odebrecht
chile s.a.
Av. Lib. B. O’Higgins 292, Of. 21
Metro U. Católica
CP 6501242
Santiago - Chile
constructora norberto odebrecht de colombia ltda.
Avenida 15, nº 100-69, Of. 603
Edificio Vanguardia
Bogotá - Colombia
dominican republic
constructora norberto odebrecht s.a.
Calle Pedro Henriquez Ureña,
nº 152
Edificio Profesional Torre
Diandy, XIX, local 8B, Piso 8
La Esperilla - Distrito Nacional
Dominican Republic
constructora norberto odebrecht del ecuador s.a.
Av. 12 de Octubre 1942
y Cordero - Ed. World Trade
Center, Piso 8, Of. 808, Torre A
Quito - Ecuador
odebrecht engineering
& construction ltd.
Tripoli International
Airport - New Terminal Building
Airport Road - P.O.BOX 287
Tripoli - Libya
• constructora norberto odebrecht s.a.
• odebrecht ingeniería
y construcción de méxico
s. de r.l. de c.v.
Jaime Balmes 8, Piso 6
Colonia Los Morales Polanco
CP 11510
Mexico - D.F. - Mexico
osel - odebrecht serviços
no exterior
Av. 24 de julho 8 - 4º andar sala A
CP 4213
Maputo - Mozambique
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Punta Pacífica,Torres de las
Américas,Torre B, Piso 6,
Of. 605B - Panama City Republic of Panama
odebrecht perú ingeniería y construcción s.a.c.
Av. Victor Andrés Belaúnde,
280, Of, 502 - San Isidro Lima - Peru
bento pedroso construções s.a.
Quinta da Fonte Rua Quinta da Quintã
Edifício D. João I, nº 4,
Piso 1B - 2770-203
Paço de Arcos - Portugal
united arab emirates
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Zayed the 1st. Street, Mermaid
Tower, Mezzanine 1 & 2
Khalidiya - P.O. Box 37600
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Zomorrodah Building, Block A.
1st. floor, Office 15 A
Al Zabeel Road, Al Karama
P.O.Box 114155
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
united states
odebrecht construction, inc.
201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 1400
Coral Gables
Florida 33134 - USA
1515 Poydras Street, Suite 1020
New Orleans
Louisiana 70112 - USA
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Centro Empresarial Torre
Piso 10, Of. 10-13
Av. Rio Caura, Prados del Este
Caracas - Venezuela
braskem s.a.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
24º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3576-9000
Fax +55 11 3576.9532
odebrecht óleo & gás
Praia de Botafogo, 300
10º andar - Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Phone +55 21 2559.3000
Fax +55 21 2552.4448
odebrecht empreendimentos
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
27º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.800
Fax +55 11 3096.8602
odebrecht engenharia
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
31º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8001
odebrecht investimentos
em infra-estrutura ltda.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
28º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8500
eth bioenergia s.a.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
26º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8636
ocs - odebrecht
administradora e
corretora de seguros ltda.
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 2105.1111
+55 3206.1111
Fax +55 71 2105.1112
+55 71 3206.1869
odebrecht previdência
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 3206.1656
Fax +55 71 3206.1467
fundação odebrecht
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 3206.1752
Fax +55 71 3206.1668 ODEBRECHT
vol. xxxvi
english edition
Founded in 1944, the Odebrecht Group is active
in Engineering & Construction, Chemicals &
Petrochemicals, and Sugar & Ethanol.
Its 78,000 members and sub-contractors are present in
South, Central and North America, the Caribbean, Africa,
Europe and the Middle East, and carry out social and
cultural projects in the communities where the Group
operates. The touchstone for each individual Group
member's work is Odebrecht's entrepreneurial philosophy,
which was engendered and improved through practice.
The core principles of this philosophy are having
confidence in people, ensuring the Client's satisfaction,
practicing decentralization and partnership among
our members, guaranteeing shareholder returns and
reinvesting the results achieved.
Engineering makes
sports fans rejoice in
Brazil and the USA
no. 139
vol. xxxvi
nov/dec 2008
1234_ING OI 139 capa.indd 1
A new Oscar Niemeyer building is
under construction in Belo Horizonte
Building a marine outfall with
record-size sections of HDPE pipe
ETH develops new varieties of sugarcane
12/3/08 12:22:02 PM