Broadband strategies for small island nations Successful
Broadband strategies for small island nations Successful
12 - 14 SEPTEMBER 2016, SHERATON FIJI RESORT, NADI, FIJI ORGANISED BY HOSTED BY Broadband strategies for small island nations Successful cybersecurity strategies IoT and regulatory environments e-applications GOLD SPONSOR BRONZE SPONSOR LANYARD & DELEGATE BAG SPONSOR REFRESHMENT BREAK SPONSORS MORE INFORMATION AT WWW.CTO.INT/EVENTS/UPCOMING-EVENTS/CTO-FORUM-2016/ WELCOMEADDRESSes Dear Forum Delegates, It is an honour to welcome you to the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Forum 2016, hosted this year by the Fijian Government to whom we are exceptionally grateful for providing us with this unique opportunity to share our experiences. Shola Taylor Secretary-General Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation The theme of this event, ICTs for Inclusive Growth, has been chosen to help us reflect on how to make all citizens of the Commonwealth benefit fully from ICTs and the information revolution. Some of our member countries are on course to achieve this soon, but in many others more could be done in the way government provides public services or businesses interact with their customers, given the availability of technology. Challenges are many, and I am particularly glad that this year we have a special opportunity to hear more about the difficulties island nations face, and learn also from them. I must thank all of you, including our sponsors, for supporting so kindly and in many different ways this event, and I hope also that those of you who have come from other parts of the world will find some time to visit Fiji beyond Nadi. I wish you a very successful and enjoyable Forum, and a pleasant stay in Denarau Island. Shola Taylor Secretary-General Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Dear Delegates, Fiji is delighted to host this year’s Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Forum 2016 as we look to strengthen cooperation with our international partners to spread the enormous benefits of ICT development in Fiji and throughout the Commonwealth. The Fijian Government’s reforms and investments in our ICT sector have driven rapid development over the past decade, achieving high quality of ICT services and accessibility for the Fijian people. Fiji has emerged as the hub of ICT advancement in the Pacific, providing world-class telecommunication and broadband services at affordable rates, and introducing ICTs throughout all sectors of Government. H.E. Mr Aiyaz SayedKhaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprises, Public Service and Communications, Attorney-General’s Chambers, Fiji As Fiji looks to the future, we are keen to share knowledge and experiences within the Commonwealth to better attract investment and expertise into our ICT sector. This forum represents an opportunity for all nations to develop regional and international solutions that foster inclusive, sustainable ICT development among Commonwealth economies. We thank you for participation and look forward to another successful CTO Forum. H.E. Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprises, Public Service and Communications, Attorney-General’s Chambers, Fiji 2 REGISTRATION dayONE12SEPTEMBER2016 08:00 - 09:00 OPENING ceremony 09:00 - 09:50 09:00 09:05 09:10 09:20 09:25 09:35 09:40 09:50 Chair of the Forum: Jean Louis Beh Mengue, General Manager, Telecommunications Regulatory Board, Cameroon National anthem of Fiji Welcome remarks Sione Veikoso, President, Pacific Island Telecommunications Association Goodwill message Kisione Finau, Director ITS, The University of the South Pacific on behalf of Professor Rajesh Chandra, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of South Pacific and Chair, Council of Regional Organisations Pacific Goodwill message Savenaca Vocea, Regional Vice-President (Australasia/Pacific Islands), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Welcome address Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, CTO Goodwill message Professor Umar Danbatta, Chairman CTO Council and Executive Vice -Chair, Nigeria Communications Commission Official opening of the CTO Forum 2016 His Excellency Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprises, Public Service and Communications, Attorney-General’s Chambers, Fiji group photograph & morning refreshments HIGH-lEVEL PANEL OF EMINENT PERSONS 10:20 - 11:20 Chair: Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, CTO 10:20 How should government policy leverage ICTs for inclusive growth? Honourable Monise Laafai, Minister, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Tuvalu Honourable Willie Tokataake, Minister, Ministry of Communications, Transport, Tourism and Industry Development, Kiribati Honourable Afamasaga Rico Tupa’i, Minister, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Samoa Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary-General of Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Sharvada Sharma, Permanent Secretary for Communications and Information, Ministry of Communications, Fiji Honourable Joseph Bossano MP, Minister, Ministry of Economic Development, Telecommunications and the GSB, Gibraltar Honourable Peter Shanel Agovaka, Minister, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Solomon Islands Shashi Ranjan Kumar, Joint Secretary (Telecom), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, India connectivity initiatives 11:20 -12:50 Chair: Sharvada Sharma, Permanent Secretary for Communications and Information, Ministry of Communications, Fiji 11:20 The role of ICT and telecommunications in improving international connectivity in the Pacific region George Samisoni, Chief Executive Officer, Fintel, Fiji 11:35 Submarine connectivity for Pacific islands Natasha Beschorner, Senior ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank 11:50 International Mobile Telecommunications and the digital dividend Diana Tomimura, Spectrum Regulation & Policy Officer, Outreach and Publications Division/Radiocommunications Bureau, International Telecommunication Union 12:05 Panel discussion: Is universal broadband access a realistic goal? George Samisoni, Chief Executive Officer, Fintel, Fiji Natasha Beschorner, Senior ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank Karibaiti Taoaba, Regional Director, Commonwealth Local Government Forum Pacific Suva, Fiji Islands Diana Tomimura, Spectrum Regulation & Policy Officer, Outreach and Publications Division/Radiocommunications Bureau, ITU Sione Veikoso, President, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association 12:50 networking lunch policy and regulation 13:50 - 15:05 Chair: Thari G. Pheko, Chief Executive, BOCRA, Botswana 13:50 Enabling policy and regulation to attract investment Shri I.S. Shastry, Joint Administrator (Technology), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, India 14:05 ICT regulation: Challenges and opportunities in the era of convergence Botlenyana Mokhele, Councillor, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa 14:20 Panel Discussion: What intermediary support can be given to international governments and regulatory bodies in an ever changing environment? Botlenyana Mokhele, Councillor, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Fred Otunnu, Director Corporate Affairs, Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda Donnie Defreitas, Director, Pacific ICT Regulatory Resource Center, Fiji Shri I.S. Shastry, Joint Administrator (Technology), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, India Brad Partridge, Head, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR), Vanuatu ICTs AND FINANCIAL INCLUSION 15:05 - 16:35 Chair: Honourable Peter Shanel Agovaka, Minister, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Solomon Islands 15:05 M-PAiSA: A mobile money solution Shailendra Prasad, Head of Sponsorship, PR & M-Commerce, Vodafone Fiji 15:20 Micro finance for women and youth Pauli Prince Suhren, Manager MIS, Development Bank of Samoa 15:35 Microfinancing through ICTs and crowdsourcing Maria Melei, Senior Country Coordinator, ADB Pacific Sub-Regional Office, Fiji 15:50 Panel Discussion: How can finance and ICT regulators collaborate to promote financial inclusion? Pauli Prince Suhren, Manager MIS, Development Bank of Samoa Maria Melei, Senior Country Coordinator, ADB Pacific Sub-Regional Office, Fiji 3 Peter Zimri, Councillor, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, South Africa (...) dayONE12SEPTEMBER2016 Shailendra Prasad, Head of Sponsorship, PR & M-Commerce, Vodafone Fiji Limited Raynold Mfungahema, Director, Consumer & Industry Affairs, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority 16:35 16:55 afternoon REFRESHMENTS SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES 17:45 16:55 - 18:10 19:00 Chair: Honourable Monise Laafai, Minister of Communication & Information Technology, Tuvalu Panel discussion: Investing in the Pacific Haggai Arumae, Director, Markets & Competition, Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands Gérard Metsan, Chief Information Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, Vanuatu Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Regional Advisor for the Pacific, CTO Close of day ONE CTO FORUM RECEPTION & DINNER HOSTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF FIJI dayTWO13SEPTEMBER2016 INCLUSIVE MULTI-STAKEHOLDER INTERNET GOVERNANCE ICT APPLICATIONS 09:00-10:15 12:00-13:15 Chair: Brad Partridge, Head, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR), Vanuatu 09:00 Inclusive multi-stakeholder Internet governance Savenaca Vocea, Regional Vice-President (Australasia/Pacific Islands), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers 09:15 Enhanced cooperation in Internet governance Paul Blaker, Head of International ICT, Department for Culture, Media & Sport, UK 09:30 Panel discussion: Inclusive Internet governance Savenaca Vocea, Regional Vice-President (Australasia/Pacific Islands), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers Paul Blaker, Head of International ICT, Department for Culture, Media & Sport, UK William Tevie, Director-General, National Communications Authority, Ghana 10:15 Chair: Honourable Afamasaga Rico Tupa’i, Minister of Communication & Information Technology, Samoa 12:00 Inclusive access to e-learning Ruth Kuliamu, Senior Education Officer and Project Manager, Curriculum Advisory Services, Ministry of Education, Fiji Hilary Guckian, Education Consultant, e-learning 12:15 Delivering inclusive e-government Gérard Metsan, Chief Information Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, Vanuatu 12:30 e-health for all: a perspective from a municipal project relevant to small islands Stephen Su’a Leota, President and Chief Executive Officer, NetVoSamoa, Samoa 12:45 Panel discussion: How can developing economies best survive in the era of disruptive technologies Gérard Metsan, Chief Information Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, Vanuatu Francis Msungu, Deputy Director HR & Administration, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority, Tanzania John Turnbull, Sales Director, Pacific, O3b Networks Australia Opetaia Simati, Director, ICTs, Tuvalu Ruth Kuliamu, Senior Education Officer and Project Manager, Curriculum Advisory Services, Ministry of Education, Fiji Hilary Guckian, Education Consultant, e-learning Stephen Su’a Leota, President and Chief Executive Officer, NetVoSamoa, Samoa, on behalf of On Call, USA MORNING REFRESHMENTS UNIVERSAL ACCESS SHOWCASE 10:45-12:00 Chair: Mawethu Cawe, Ag. Chairman, Universal Service & Access Agency of South Africa, South Africa 10:45 Poverty alleviation and pro-poor ICTs Shri I.S. Shastry, Joint Administrator (Technology), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, India 11:00 Implementation of UAF: Vanuatu Brad Partridge, Head, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR), Vanuatu 11:15 Panel discussion: Successful use of Universal Service Access Funds Thari G. Pheko, Chief Executive, Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority, Botswana Tuaimalo Ah Sam, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Communications, Samoa Shri I.S. Shastry, Joint Administrator (Technology), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, India Brad Partridge, Head, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR), Vanuatu 13:15 networking lunch OVER-THE-TOP SERVICES Chair: Honourable Joseph Bossano MP, Minister of Economic Development, Telecommunications & the GSB, Gibraltar 14:15 CTO study on Over-The-Top services Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, CTO 14:30 Panel Discussion: Over-The-Top services - Challenges for the regulator Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, CTO Mothilal De Silva, Chief Executive Officer, Telecom Fiji Marc Lipton, Research Director, Pacific ICT Regulatory Resource Center, Fiji Tevita Navila Tikoduadua, Team Leader (Technical), Telecommunications Authority of Fiji 15:15 4 Afternoon REFRESHMENTS dayTWO13SEPTEMBER2016 Innovation and youth regional case studies 15:45-16:45 16:45-18:00 Chair: Honourable Willie Tokataake, Minister of Communications, Transport, Tourism and Industry Development, Kiribati 15:45 Commonwealth Youth Awards 2016: showcase Dr Agbor Ashumanyi Ako, Medical Doctor, Cameroon 16:00 Panel discussion: Digital opportunities - Encouraging youth-led innovation Dr Agbor Ashumanyi Ako, Medical Doctor, Cameroon Touseef Shahriar, Assistant Director (Systems and Services), Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Juma Kandie, Director of Human Resources & Administration, Communications Authority, Kenya Sipho Selby Mngqibisa, Senior Manager, Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa George Komba Kono, Commissioner, National Telecommunications Commission, Sierra Leone Chair: Professor Umar Danbatta, Chairman, CTO Council and Executive Vice-Chairman, Nigerian Communications Commission 16:45 Regional development update: Africa William Tevie, Director-General, National Communications Authority, Ghana 17:00 Regional development update: Asia-Pacific Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Regional Advisor for the Pacific, CTO 17:15 Regional development update: Caribbean Gilbert Peterson, Chairperson,TATT and Executive Committee Member of the CTO, Trinidad and Tobago 17:30 Regional development update: Europe Honourable Joseph Bossano MP, Minister of Economic Development, Telecommunications & the GSB, Gibraltar 18:00 Close of day two dayThree14SEPTEMBER2016 Cybersecurity Chair: Honourable Ranin Akua, Assistant Minister, Nauru Phosphate Royalties Trust, Nauru Port Authority, and Nauru Fisheries & Marine Resources Authority, Nauru 11:45 Measuring climate change using ICTs Dr Morgan Wairiu, Deputy Director, Pacific Center for Environment and Sustainable Development 12:00 Designing warning systems post Winston Mothilal De Silva, Chief Executive Officer, Telecom Fiji Limited 12:15 Panel discussion: ICTs for disaster risk reduction: challenges and opportunities Dr Morgan Wairiu, Deputy Director, Pacific Center for Environment & Sustainable Development Mothilal De Silva, Chief Executive Officer, Telecom Fiji Limited Haggai Arumae, Director, Markets & Competition, Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands 09:00-10:30 Chair: Sharvada Sharma, Permanent Secretary for Communications and Information, Ministry of Communications, Fiji 09:00 Promoting cyber standards across the Commonwealth Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, CTO 09:30 Improving cyber standards across the Commonwealth Susanne Søndergaard, Senior Analyst, RAND Europe 09:45 Panel discussion: Best practices in international collaboration to fight cybercrime Kenneth Aaron, Allot Technologies Susanne Søndergaard, Senior Analyst, RAND Europe Jaqueline Pateguana, Advisor to the Minister of ICT, Mozambique Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, CTO Closing ceremony LATEST TECHNOLOGIES FOR INCLUSIVENESS 10:30-11:30 13:00 -13:45 Chair: Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Regional Advisor for the Pacific, CTO Unlicensed devices and spectrum regulation Joaquin Restrepo, Head, outreach and Publications Division (OPS)/ Radiocommunications Bureau (BR), International Telecommunications Union 10:30 Panel discussion: Development and implementation of policies for inclusive ICTs Joaquin Restrepo, Head, Outreach and Publications Division (OPS)/ Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), International Telecommunication Union Honourable Peter Shanel Agovaka, Minister of Transport & Communications, Solomon Islands Shivnesh Prasad, Director, Communications, Ministry of Communications and Justice, Fiji 10:15 11:15 13:00 13:15 13:25 13:35 Morning refreshments 13:45 Networking lunch 19:00 CTO FORUM RECEPTION & DINNER Role of ICT in Climate change & disaster risk management 11:45 - 13:00 5 Chair of the Forum: Jean Louis Beh Mengue, General Manager, Telecommunications Regulatory Board, Cameroon Wrap-up of the Forum: Rapporteur’s report Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Regional Advisor for the Pacific, CTO Closing address Shola Taylor, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Closing message Professor Umar Danbatta, Chairman, CTO Council, and Executive ViceChairman, Nigerian Communications Commission Official closing His Excellency Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprises, Public Service & Communications, AttorneyGeneral’s Chambers, Fiji HOSTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF FIJI Beat the crowd and take a leap into the Cloud! Cloud PBX Disaster Recovery Business Continuity dayThree14SEPTEMBER2016 Dedicated Vodafone Power to you Internet WAN Solutions Hosted Solutions Complete ICT Solutions Talk to us We’re here to help. Call our Customer Care service 24/7 on 123 Get in touch Got a question? We’ve got the answer. Get in touch with your Account Manager or email us on VF ICT Flyer 210mm X 14mm.indd 1 Get help online Our online help section is packed full of useful tips, tools, information and guidance. 9/5/16 4:12 PM 6 SPONSORPROFILES Gold Sponsor ICANN is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet’s unique identifiers. Through its coordination role of the Internet’s naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. Bronze Sponsor The Nigerian Communications Commission is the independent National Regulatory Authority for the telecommunications industry in Nigeria. The Commission is responsible for creating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry as well as ensuring the provision of qualitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country. Lanyard and Delegate Bag Sponsor Vodafone Fiji works closely with Vodafone Group to provide support and solutions that are tailored for every individual offering a seamless local and international experience with an abundance of growing services. Currently at Vodafone have committed employees who continue to walk the edge in providing Fiji with the very latest technologies. Vodaphone are here to delight our customers and will do the utmost on all occasions to bring mobile solutions to life for everyone in Fiji. Refreshment Sponsor Fiji International Telecommunications Limited (FINTEL) is a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in Fiji. The principal activities of FINTEL are the provision and operation of international telecommunications facilities into and out of Fiji, and the provision of internet connection and internet related services in the domestic market. FINTEL was formed in December 1976 and was jointly owned by the Government of Fiji (51%) and Cable and Wireless Plc. of UK (49%). Refreshment Break Sponsor O3b Networks Limited is a global satellite service provider operating a nextgeneration satellite network for telecommunications operators, Internet service providers, enterprise and government customers in emerging markets. The O3b system combines the global reach of satellite with the speed of a fiber-optic network providing billions of consumers and businesses in nearly 180 countries with lowcost, high-speed, low latency Internet and mobile connectivity. 7 21 - 23 SEPTEMBER 2016, KUALA LUMPUR Regulatory mechanisms for fostering broadband growth 5G: Building the next generation of mobile networks The role of national broadband strategies Internet services and e-governance Hosted by Organised by
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