vegetable breeding
vegetable breeding
the power of vegetable breeding Contents The power of our company A strong, healthy family company History, present and future A real multilocal company Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship Our strategic vegetable varieties and their success Successful varieties and concepts Our vegetable varieties worldwide 5 7 8 11 13 15 19 The JOURNEY of the seed The start of a successful variety Creative and innovative breeding Production of our seed Upgrading our seed 20 23 27 29 The power of our company Committed, enthusiastic employees 30 The power of independence A family company’s vision of the future 34 the power of our company Board of Directors: Hein Bemelmans, Joep Lambalk, Vincent van Bentum, Luuk van der Pal en Jaap Mazereeuw. A strong, healthy family company Enza Zaden is a Dutch breeding company that develops innovative vegetable varieties in a sound manner. We grow and sell the seeds of those varieties worldwide. Our breeding efforts focus on more than twenty vegetable varieties, the most important of which are tomato, sweet pepper, lettuce, cucumber, onion and melon. Our vegetables are bought and consumed all over the world. And they are greatly appreciated by growers, traders and consumers alike. We are an independent family company. As an independent company we focus on continuity in the long term and healthy growth. Those two factors are essential for enabling us to focus on our greatest strengths: developing and supplying high-quality vegetable varieties and seeds. Many years of experience and of investments in people, breeding and innovation have laid the basis for a strong, healthy company. 5 Three generations Mazereeuw: Piet en Jaap with on the background a painting of the founder of Enza Zaden, Jacob Mazereeuw. the power of our company History, present and future An entrepreneurial spirit and innovation have been the driving forces behind Enza Zaden’s rich history. So much is already evident from the strong determination with which Jacob Mazereeuw established De Enkhuizer Zaadwinkel (‘The Seed Shop of [the Dutch town of] Enkhuizen’) back in 1938, and from the great success he achieved in selling his products. It is also evident from the smart move his son Piet made in 1959. In that year Piet decided to expand the company’s activities to include the breeding of vegetable varieties in order to obtain products that would better meet the requirements of growers and the market. In 2011 Jacob’s grandson Jaap became the third member of the Mazereeuw family in line to join Enza Zaden’s management team and assume responsibility for the company’s management. Expansion The breeding activities gave Enza Zaden a strong new impetus. The company steadily expanded its range of crops and varieties. And also the number of branches outside the Netherlands: many research stations, commercial branches and production stations have been established over the years, and we intend to continue to expand in the future. Growth and innovation Today, in 2013, Enza Zaden is an international company that is active in more than twenty countries. A company with many years of experience and expertise in the field of traditional breeding. And in the field of innovation: we support our breeders with highly advanced technology. This way we speed up the breeding process, enabling us to quickly respond to changing market needs and demands. Our enthusiastic employees help us achieve our aims with great passion and commitment. Employees of more than forty nationalities work closely together all over the world in developing healthy vegetable varieties. 7 the power of our company A real multilocal company Enza Zaden is an international company, or rather, as we like to put it ourselves, a multilocal company. With breeding stations, production stations and commercial branches in all parts of the world. We work with local people who know all the ins and outs of our sector and their local market. And with breeders who know precisely what varieties are needed to meet the market demands. Geared to local needs and cultivation conditions. 8 18 19 20 40 35 21 1 9 26 27 2 22 28 3 5 4 23 10 29 6 25 7 15 30 8 24 32 12 11 16 31 17 34 36 39 33 37 41 38 Enza Zaden Research Stations 14 Enza Zaden Commercial Subsidiaries 1 The Netherlands - Enkhuizen 18 2 France - Allonnes, Saumur 19 3 France - Chateaurenard, Provence 20 4 Spain - Santa Maria del Aguila, Almería 21 5 Spain - Albujon, Murcia 22 6 Italy - Tarquinia, Lazio 23 7 Italy - Acate, Sicily 24 8 Turkey - Antalya 25 9 Germany - Dannstadt 26 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 USA - San Juan Bautista, California USA - Brandenton, Florida Mexico - Culiacán, Sinaloa Australia - Narromine, NSW New Zealand - Pukekohe, North Island China - Beijing China - Guangdong India - Pune 13 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The Netherlands - Enkhuizen (Enza Zaden Benelux) The Netherlands - Enkhuizen (Enza Zaden Export) The Netherlands - Voorst (Vitalis) United Kingdom - Evesham France - Allonnes, Saumur Spain - Santa Maria del Aguila, Almería Morocco - Agadir Italy - Tarquinia, Lazio Germany - Dannstadt Poland - Warsaw Bulgaria - Plovdiv USA - Salinas, California China - Beijing China - Hong Kong Mexico - Los Mochis Brazil - Holambra India - Pune Russia - Moscow Seed Production Stations 36 Tanzania - Arusha 37 South Africa - Oudtshoorn 38 Argentina - Mendoza R&D and Commercial Joint Ventures 39 Indonesia - Purwakarta (East West Seed Indonesia) 40 The Netherlands - Wageningen (KeyGene) 41 South Africa - Stellenbosch (Westcape) the power of our company Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship is our goal. We believe that a company cannot really succeed unless it is in full harmony with its environment. As an international vegetable-breeding company we have nature in our genes. And that’s why we want to do everything we can to make a positive contribution towards our changing living environment, healthy food and healthy food production for the rapidly expanding global population. Organic seeds: Vitalis The popularity of organic vegetables has grown tremendously worldwide over the past decade. That has led to an increasing demand for strong, organically grown varieties of top quality. Our subsidiary Vitalis Organic Seeds is a 100% organic vegetable-breeding company focusing on professional organic growers. Vitalis supplies a wide range of organic vegetable seeds of distinctive quality all over the world. The organically certified seeds are all grown and processed under strict organic conditions. They consequently meet the specific demands and requirements of both organic consumers and organic growers. And all the relevant legislation in Europe and America. 11 the power of our company Our strategic vegetable varieties and their success Enza Zaden’s global breeding efforts focus on more than twenty vegetable varieties. Tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber, lettuce, onion and melon are our strategic ones. We enter into a dialogue with and closely listen to the market. We follow global trends to obtain information that we translate into innovative vegetable varieties and high-quality seeds. It is this expertise and our many years’ experience that enable us to offer the market precisely the varieties it wants at precisely the right time. So that the entire chain can maximally benefit from our efforts. 13 the power of our company Successful varieties and concepts Creativity and passion have led to many successes. From Bremia resistence in lettuce to the introduction of the beef tomato in the Netherlands. And of course the top variety Extase, the first major leader in the Dutch tomato market. Or Campari, the tomato variety which allowed us to bring the taste tomato back on the market. We always respond to current key trends such as convenience, taste and snacking. This approach has resulted in our lettuce varieties under the brand Eazyleaf®, the award-winning taste tomato variety marketed under the brand name TomAzur®, and Tribelli®, our brand for sweet-tasting mini pepper varieties. Campari The first truss tomato variety with a delicious sweet taste. This tomato variety is available under the brand name Tasty Tom in the Netherlands and as Campari in the USA. Sunstream The first snack tomato, both for loose harvesting as well as truss harvesting. Pink tomato Specific markets have specific requirements. The Asian market, for example, has a specific demand for pink tomatoes. Innovative technology has enabled us to develop such a pink tomato variety. TomAzur® TomAzur® is a concept that was developed in response to the demand from the chain for taste tomatoes. Awarded in a Spanish national league, the tomato under our brand TomAzur® was voted ‘Best tomato of the year‘. Tomato varieties under the brand TomAzur® excel in flavour, colour (deep red) and presentation. Throughout the year. TomAzur® provides a high quality, reliable product for the entire chain. Toploader & Topkick The first high-quality cucumber varieties suitable for high-wire cultivation. 15 the power of our company Successful varieties and concepts Eazyleaf® Our Eazyleaf® brand covers lettuce varieties that are very easy to cut and prepare. The heads of the lettuce need to be cut only once and will then fall apart into individual small leaves of a uniform size. Easy for growers to harvest, easy for the processing industry to process and pack, and easy for consumers to use. Lettuce varieties under the brand Eazyleaf® are specially selected for their excellent shelf life. One feature that is emphasized by the small cutting surface. Hydroponic One of the latest developments: cultivation on water. Our company is closely involved in the development of varieties that are suitable for this innovative, environmentally friendly form of cultivation. KleintjeSla® Under the brand name of KleintjeSla® we have romaine lettuce varieties available that are well-filled, sweet tasting, year-round available and that have a long shelf life. These ‘full flavoured lettuce’ varieties positively catches the eye in the supermarket vegetable shelves. A sticker with a recipe on the bag of these lettuce varieties is to promote the sales and inform the consumer. Sweetgreen® This concept comprises a series of sweet pepper varieties that remain green even when they are ripe. The distinctive characteristics of our Sweetgreen® peppers are their sweet flavour and high vitamin C content. One green pepper contains 25% of our daily vitamin demand. Tribelli® Tribelli® is the brand that we use for our sweet sweet mini-pepper varieties. The success of this concept is that it fits well with the trend of healthy ‘snacking’: the mini-pepper varieties of our brand Tribelli® have the right snack-size and delicious flavour. This mini-pepper varieties guarantee the authentic sweet pepper taste in different colours: red, yellow and orange. 16 the power of our company Our vegetable varieties worldwide As a multilocal company we study the requirements of local markets and differences in climatic conditions. Different people’s different consumption patterns have led to a tremendous diversity in our range, which now includes bittergourds in many different forms and flavours, the fiery bird’s eye chillies and a wide variety of pumpkins of many different colours. And then there are of course also our pink tomatoes, our white, brown, purple and lilac sweet peppers and our picklings. A different species and a different variety for each market. East West Seed Indonesia East West Seed Indonesia, Ewindo, is a joint venture of Enza Zaden and East West International. The company was established in 1990 as the first real vegetable-breeding company in Indonesia to focus specifically on the Indonesian market. Since then Ewindo has grown into the most important vegetable-seed company in Indonesia. In and for Indonesia Ewindo was established in Indonesia specifically for the purpose of offering Indonesian vegetable growers support in the form of resources and expertise. At the time, many Indonesian vegetable growers were harvesting very small crops due to various pathogens. Enza Zaden and East West Seed International helped the growers overcome those problems with their varieties with specific resistance to those diseases. 19 the journey of the seed The start of a successful variety Offering added value and developing new ideas for products and vegetable varieties to meet future demands those are our constant aims. We listen to growers, retailers, traders, consumers and distributors and exchange thoughts with them. That way we remain up-to-date on all the latest trends and developments in the market. All over the world. And our breeders in turn use that information to develop new varieties. Working together in the chain Each link in the chain has its own priorities. Growers want reliable varieties with the distinctive quality needed to enable them to make a profit. Traders and retailers want varieties with a good shelf life. A good shelf life is also essential for the processing industry, along with the possibility of easily processing the vegetables. And the main concerns of consumers are flavour and health. By working together with all the links in the chain we develop varieties with added value for all the chain parties. 20 the journey of the seed Creative and innovative breeding Our Research & Development (R&D) department is the heart of our company. It is the source of our innovative varieties and the hub of our breeding efforts. The combination of creativity, expertise and many years’ experience in breeding programmes is our greatest strength. We invest more than 30% of our turnover in innovation. In research, and also in the development of our employees’ knowledge. To enable us to continuously develop top-quality vegetable varieties that are reliable and offer security. Anywhere in the world. E-licensing: online licensing platform The introduction of biotechnology in the mid-1980s greatly enhanced the world of plant breeding. New laboratory methods, such as marking technology, enable us to speed up and focus even more closely on our breeding efforts. Those new methods are based on inventions that did not occur overnight. They were the outcomes of great investments in terms of time, money and human resources over many years. Future genetic variety Enza Zaden is of the opinion that breeders should be able to use plant material developed with a patented invention in their breeding programmes. Access to the results of plant-breeding efforts is essential for future genetic variety. Only when breeders want to use such patented technology to produce a variety for commercial purposes will they need permission, such as a licence, from the invention’s owner. Making licences accessible Enza Zaden is one of the first vegetable-breeding companies to have launched an online licensing platform to make its licences easily accessible: This online platform gives breeders the opportunity to obtain, via the Internet, permission to use our inventions and Enza Zaden material developed with those inventions. In exchange for that permission we receive royalties, which we invest in our R&D activities in order to arrive at new innovations. 23 the journey of the seed Creative and innovative breeding We have closely linked R&D units all over the world. So we have no problems whatsoever in quickly exchanging specific knowhow in order to arrive at new or improved varieties. But there is another great advantage to having such local branches. They mean we are right in the middle of local markets, and are therefore familiar with all the specific climatic and cultivation requirements of a certain country or region. And with the local markets’ local needs and wishes. We still use traditional breeding methods, but we combine our expertise and creativity with modern, highly advanced technology to make our breeding processes a lot faster and more efficient. KeyGene We are constantly in search of methods for speeding up our breeding processes and making them more efficient. Enza Zaden is one of the founding fathers of KeyGene, one of the largest biotechnological companies in the world in the field of plant genetics. KeyGene was established in 1989 by a group of Dutch breeding companies. The company, which is based in the Dutch town of Wageningen, carries out pre-competitive research to help the affiliated breeding companies to make their breeding programmes more effective and more efficient. Besides searching for new markers for marking more genes, KeyGene also develops software for making it easier to administratively manage analytical methods and breeding programmes. Westcape Biotech Pty. The establishment, in 2012, of Westcape Biotech Pty. in Stellenbosch in South Africa implied a great step forward in making our breeding process more efficient. Westcape is a joint venture with the innovative Expressive Research, a biotechnological company that is active in the fields of cell and tissue culture and molecular diagnostics. This cooperation has greatly increased our capacity for cell and tissue cultivation activities in particular. Thanks to Westcape we are able to offer our breeders worldwide even better support with products obtained in cell and tissue cultivation processes. 24 the journey of the seed Production of our seed Once we have developed and thoroughly tested a new variety we start producing high-quality seed of that variety on a large scale. This is the responsibility of our Seed Production department. The seed is produced all over the world and is then sent to our head office in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands for further processing. Using the latest technology we dry the seed, grade it and remove any contaminations and deviating seeds from the batches. The seed is then ready for the last thorough check in our quality laboratory, with which we make sure that the seed we sell has excellent viability and the greatest varietal purity. Our disease-testing laboratory ensures that our seed is healthy. With all these operations and inspections we guarantee our customers the best seeds. Extensive quality tests and intensive research help us to raise the quality of our seed to a higher level. 27 the journey of the seed Upgrading our seed Certain after-treatments can boost the quality and reliability of some types of seed. We for example pellet very small seeds to give them more body. This involves coating each seed with a thin layer of clay, which makes the seed easier to sow. The clay moreover contains nutrients for the first phase of the seedlings’ development, and products to protect them against pathogens in that vulnerable early phase. Good Seed and Plant Practices Healthy seed and healthy plants give growers greater security. It was for that very reason that an international system was introduced specifically for reducing the risk of infection of tomato seeds and tomato plants: Good Seed and Plant Practices (GSPP). We are proud that all our seed-production stations are accredited under this quality mark. Our global production stations Tanzania We have an ideally located production station in Tanzania. The constant climate in that area enables us to produce seed of fruity crops all year round to meet the constant demand and to quickly introduce new varieties. This is of crucial importance in the dynamic vegetable-seed market. South Africa and Argentina From our locations in Oudtshoorn and Mendoza we coordinate our increasing seed production activities (mainly open field crops) respectively in South Africa and Argentina. 29 the power of our company Committed, enthusiastic employees We want our employees to enjoy their work. We are therefore very proud of our energetic company culture and of the great passion with which our highly committed employees help us achieve our aims. More than 1400 employees of around forty nationalities work together in close harmony to develop healthy vegetable varieties. With respect for one another and for our living environment. This teamwork is the basis of our success. Enza Zaden offers its employees plenty of scope for entrepreneurship and personal development. Our Enza Academy plays an important role in this respect. Enza Academy Enza Zaden is a healthy company and we expect our global growth to continue in the years to come. We realise that will involve a lot of dynamics and new challenges. We prepare our employees for those future challenges by boosting their development with specific training courses given by authorities in our sector, but also by our own employees. They are after all the most up-to-date on the latest developments. This enhances our expertise and our skills. Andrea Schieder, Senior Breeder Radish & Cornsalad, about the Management Course: “The course was a milestone in my professional, but also in my private life. It was an eye-opener and broadened my mind to look at things in a different and a larger context.” Mathieu Pel, Senior Researcher/Biotechnological Breeder, about the Project Management Course: “This course enabled me to better explore my role(s) within a project and pinpoint improvements to be achieved.” 30 Lola Garcia Senior Breeder Sonja Bakker Junior Purchaser Paul van Dijck Crop Marketing Specialist the power of our company Carla Tavares Laboratory Assistant Seed Technology Research Nancy de Croes Assistant Customer Services Herre van der Sloot Senior Breeder Nick Mendham Portfolio Manager & Senior Crop Specialist Onion Judith Jansen Laboratory Assistant Germination Jigin Fu Breeder the power of independence A family company’s vision of the future Being an independent family company, we are able to focus on what really matters. We have a clear vision of what we stand for and what we want to achieve. The mainstays of our company are the commitment and enthusiasm of our employees, our entrepreneurial spirit and our high standard of innovation and creativity. In the many years since our establishment they have helped us lay the basis for a strong, healthy company. We have great faith in the future. With our innovative products we create added value for the entire production chain. With the high-quality genetics of our vegetable varieties and vegetable seeds, but also by closely listening to the market, entering into a dialogue with the chain and supporting our growers with practical support and cultivation advice based on our research results. We intend to continue to invest a significant proportion of our turnover in searching for ways of creating added value. But creating added value in our products is not our only aim. We also want to create jobs, income and a good working environment for many people all over the world. And we want to create the seeds needed to grow enough healthy, balanced food for the rapidly growing global population. We want to contribute to our changing living environment in every way we can. We hope to be able to continue to guarantee our customers the best seeds for the best vegetable varieties in the future too. And to continue to offer our employees a company in which they enjoy to work and of which they are rightly proud. 34 Gerwin Broersen Business Controller Enza Zaden P.O. Box 7 | 1600 AA Haling 1E | 1602 DB Enkhuizen, The Netherlands Tel +31 (0)228 35 01 00 Fax +31 (0)228 31 59 60 © January 2013 | Enza Zaden Beheer B.V. | Enkhuizen | The Netherlands
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