Preparing For College


Preparing For College
Preparing For College
“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and,
above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.”
-Donovan Bailey
11th Grade College Planning ~ Be Ready for Senior Year!!!
Handouts and Continuous Updates are found at:
Click on Counselors Corner, the button on the bottom left side of the MHS Homepage
Finalize course selections for senior year by the March 11 deadline. Select classes carefully. You are
committed to year-long classes for the entire year!
Take at least one SAT and ACT for the spring semester (see SAT/ACT sheet in packet for dates).
It’s time to politely ask two junior teachers to write letters of recommendation for you in the fall. Teachers
do this as a courtesy to you. They may decline your request when they have reached their quota; ask
another teacher. Follow the sending procedure the teacher prefers, whether electronic or U.S. Postal.
Take SAT 2 Subject tests in June after your junior year for schools that require them for admission.
Organize your COLLEGE FILE for information storage.
Use the MHS College & Career Center (upstairs North wall of the MHS library). College materials may be
borrowed on the honor system. SAT, ACT, and other FREE college materials are available to you.
Use official college web sites to get information about admissions requirements or to take a virtual tour.
Call, write, or email favorite colleges NOW to receive information and to be put on their mailing lists.
Attend college fairs and have a specific list of questions to ask the representatives.
Evaluate and compare your colleges (see comparison chart in packet).
Visit the MHS website regularly to get information and updates.
If you are considering EARLY DECISION or EARLY ACTION (there is a difference; refer to the chart) – be sure
you have taken all required tests in time for October and November deadlines.
Register with the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) this spring if you are interested in
playing Division I & II athletics in college (
Males – when you turn 18, you are required by law to register for Selective Service.
Narrow your list of college choices. Suggestion: 2 Stretch, 2-3 Target or Probable, 2 Safety schools.
Turn in your RESUME, PARENT & STUDENT BRAG SHEETS to the grade level office BEFORE THE END OF
THIS SCHOOL YEAR!!! Additional copies found on the MHS website.
Visit as many colleges as possible during spring break, long weekends, and during the summer. Reminder:
You are allowed only TWO excused absences for college visits during senior year per SBISD policy.
Procedure for taking college visit days can be found in the MHS handbook or ask your grade level principal.
Additional procedures for the college application admission process will be given to you early in the
senior year.
Students are responsible for sending SAT & ACT scores directly to designated colleges & NCAA.
Check to see if your PSAT, SAT or ACT scores exempt you from the TSI test. TSI is required for Texas state
SUMMER: Begin drafts of college essays.  Use the Apply Texas and Private Common Application
prompts, which can be found further in this packet.
SUMMER: If you are interested in summer internships or other enrichment programs, consider applying
for and attending a summer institute at a university. These opportunities and additional information is
available in the green alpha office, on the 2nd floor green.
Dear Junior Parents and Students,
In preparation for the Wednesday, March 2nd School Day SAT test, here are some very important reminders.
ALL students must bring their school ID and/or driver’s license to the testing room.
For students who DO NOT have a school ID or driver’s license, their passport or another state or
federal photo ID can be used for identification.
ALL students must print and bring their admission ticket to receive entry into the testing room.
Names on the test ticket MUST MATCH THE PHOTO ID. If the names do not match (incorrect
spelling included), students must contact CollegeBoard. If the name is still incorrect, students will
not be allowed to test.
The test will last 4-5 hours. It is HIGHLY suggested that each student bring a sack lunch for eating
in the school cafeteria after the test. No vendor lunches will be available for purchase. Since the test
is lengthy, we encourage a good night’s rest and a healthy, hearty breakfast for every student.
Students will be provided four (4) short break periods, during which they may have snacks and
water they bring from home.
Each student should bring his/her own approved calculator (see Students must
provide their own extra batteries. Calculators and batteries will not be provided to those who do not
bring their own. The test can be taken without the aid of a calculator; however, calculators are
Every student is responsible for bringing his/her own #2 lead pencils. MECHANICAL PENCILS ARE
For students who are opting out of this testing opportunity, their alpha counselor must be notified via
email prior to the test day. These students must still attend school, or they will receive an absence.
Report to your regular classes during the assigned class period. If teachers are present for the
class, students must attend class. If your teacher is proctoring elsewhere, there will be a note on
the door to report to the auditorium. Class roll will be taken.
Lunch for these students will happen at the usual time.
We are happy that our junior students have received this free testing opportunity. We encourage you to do
your best. If there are questions, please contact your counselor. Good luck!
Darla Shirley, Post-secondary and Lead Counselor
Registration for SAT & ACT
Test Dates 2015 - 2016
This is a quick reference sheet only - For more detailed information, late registration, deadlines & fees, see
websites or paper bulletins.
Also called CEEB/SAT or ACT code on college applications.
SAT Information
Register online: or (Need credit card or fee waiver).
Students may take either one SAT or up to 3 SAT Subject tests on a Saturday.
Test Dates (2015-2016)
Registration Deadline (2015-2016) Test Center Codes
October 3
September 3
November 7
October 9
December 5
November 5
January 23
December 28
March 5**
February 5
**No SAT Subject Tests on March 5
May 7
April 8
June 4
May 5
Memorial H.S.
Spring Woods H.S.
SAT Fee: $54.50
ACT Information
Register online: (Need credit card or fee waiver).
Test Dates (2015-2016)
Registration Deadline (2015-2016) Test Center Codes
September 12
October 24
December 12
February 6
April 9
**June 11
August 7
September 18
November 6
January 8
March 4
May 6
Memorial H.S.
Spring Woods H.S. 185420
ACT Plus Writing: $56.50
All students MUST take the ACT “Optional” Writing Assessment – It’s NOT optional!
** Memorial HS is not a test site for this ACT date.
PSAT Test Dates & AP Test Dates
PSAT October 14, 2015
AP Exams May 2-6
AP Exams May 9-13
Redesigned PSAT rolled out fall 2015
Redesigned SAT will roll out in March 2016
Reverting back to 1600 scale (Reading and Writing scores will be combined)
Scoring: 800 maximum on verbal; 800 maximum on math
No longer a penalty for guessing
Can take on paper or computer
Essay is optional, but recommended
Test shortened to 3 hours without essay
Multiple choice questions will have possible 4 answers instead of current 5
Reading will have 5 long passages with 11 questions each
There will be tables/charts; students will be asked to interpret the data
(similar to the science section of current ACT)
English test will be very similar to current ACT English test
Punctuation will be included
2 math sections – one section allows calculators; one section does not
Trigonometry concepts will be added (a few)
Content focus is changing to Algebra—35%, Geometry—10% (Geometry is
currently 25%)
Rollout in spring 2015
Can take on paper or computer
In math, a question about probability and statistics has been added
ACT and SAT college admissions tests will now be very similar in structure
and format
Who am I and what do I like to do?
 Strengths, talents, likes/dislikes, interests. Write them down.
 What is my personality style? Am I an extrovert or introvert? Find out more at: - FREE
‘Jung Typology’ Test. Click on ‘Take test’, then ‘Do it’. Answer 72 yes/no questions. Are you an ENFJ, ISTP, ESFP,
INFJ, or another combination? Find out!
 What subjects or interest categories do you like? Do a FREE career search at Click on any or
all of these categories: Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Music & Arts, Building & Fixing Things, Helping
People, Computers, Law, Managing Money, Sports, Nature. Click and see all the different careers related to
these categories. You will be linked to the BLS or Bureau of Labor Statistics. Careers will have a description,
education required, salary range, and other related careers to expand your search. Start investigating!
Important factors to remember:
Don’t pick a school because of your best friend, who you are dating, or what others think.
It’s all about FIT and FINANCES.
FIT – Where will you thrive personally and have the most academic success?
Don’t forget the PHYSICAL FIT – Location, size, facilities, programs. Identify what factors are important to you.
FINANCES – Cost is critical. What scholarships or financial aid are offered? Sometimes private colleges can cost
less than state universities. Compare!
How do I find colleges to match my career interests?
 FREE - Click on ‘Colleges’ – click on majors or a list of other criteria. Narrow the search
by state.
 FREE – College Search. Create a profile, search by majors, location, etc.
 FREE – College Search.
 FREE –The ‘College’ section offers college look up, college matches and more.
Visit Colleges When Possible & Make Appointments With Reps, Attend College Fairs:
 Spring 2016 through Summer: Schedule tours, make appointments with department reps, visit classes, attend
sessions, talk with students who attend.
 Call or email local reps with questions.
 Spring National College Fair: Local information: Register at:
 Performing & Visual Arts (PVA) College Fair:
 Portfolio Day: Schedule will be posted in March.
August of Senior Year – Have your Primary List of Colleges Ready for the Application Process!
 Update resume before school begins to include summer activities.
 Instructions for counselor & teacher recs, transcript requests, & application process will be given to you when
you return as a senior.
On Memorial High School’s website you can find email addresses for your teachers, current calendar of events, access
college information, scholarship postings, additional website resources and more. Additionally, you can access ‘Naviance –
Family Connection’ and ‘My Digital Counselor’ from the home page (bottom left hand corner). These two resources
provide even more college information which may be very helpful.
Common Application for Texas Public Universities to apply online to four-year Texas state universities
Common Application for over 350 private colleges/universities to apply online
Online SAT registration and test dates for PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject and AP. Free online college search, 2 and 4-year college
information and applications or
Online ACT registration and test dates. Free online college information
Test prep
Free site for SAT, ACT, and GRE practice. Includes Vocab Builder, test prep, and a personal web page to monitor progress
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Covers all aspects of getting ready for college and free online test prep
College and financial aid finder and
Information about 16 career clusters
Career and technical education
Educational website with micro lectures on Math, Science, Economics, Arts, Computing and Test Prep in the form of
YouTube videos
Information regarding Division I & II eligibility, how to register with NCAA, click ‘eligibility center’
Direct links to all American universities
College and university information, foreign universities, graduate programs, etc.
Free site with direct link to college websites, college search, college major search
Updated 2/16/2016
Page 1
National Association for College Admissions Counseling - college admission news
Texas independent colleges and universities
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Covers all aspects of getting ready for college and free online test pre
Virtual college campus tours
Free Application for Federal Student Aid - THE form required to begin the financial aid process
This website is your source of information for the Federal Student Aid PIN (FAFSA)
Calculate eligibility for federal student aid. Data will transfer to FAFSA
Calculate price for various colleges
Matches user with financial aid and scholarships
Free comprehensive guide to student financial aid
College loans and financial aid information
Free scholarship search
Texas Veterans Commission - provides benefit information available to resident veterans and their families
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation’s Texas Financial Aid Information Center
Assists in choosing a major
Assists in choosing a major
Updated 2/16/2016
Page 2
You’ve gathered a lot of information from your reading, conversations and campus visits.
Feeling a little overwhelmed by it all? This college comparison chart should help you put it all
into perspective. For each of the selection factors listed, evaluate each college on a scale of 1
(poor) to 5 (excellent). You determine whether a college or university receives a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
on a particular factor, such as location or academic program. Now, for each factor, compare
your evaluations of the colleges. Keep in mind that it’s unlikely that all of the college selection
factors will be of equal importance to you. Pay special attention to those you think are most
important to your interests and needs.
Name of College
Academic Programs
Student Activities
Entertainment and
Social Life
Diversity of Student
Housing Options
Financial Aid
Campus Safety
Overall Impression
Total Rating
College 1
College 2
College 3
College 4
College 5
Questions for Students to Ask on a College Visit
General Questions to Ask While Visiting a Campus
1. How accessible is the faculty?
2. How much time do students spend studying?
3. What extracurricular activities are available?
4. What do students do for fun on weekends?
5. Are students safe walking on campus at night?
6. What are the dorms like?
7. What is the food like?
8. What types of computer connections are there?
Questions to Ask an Admissions Officer
1. Does the college accept both the SAT and the ACT?
2. Does the college require SAT Subject tests? If so, how many & which ones?
3. Does the college accept AP (Advanced Placement) and/or Dual Credit hours?
4. What are the most popular majors on this campus?
5. Can students change majors? How easy/difficult is it?
Get First-Hand Information from Students on Campus
1. What made you decide to attend this university/college?
2. What do you like best about this university?
3. What do you wish you had known about this university before you decided to attend?
Design your own specific questions (i.e., regarding sports, fine arts, research, etc.)
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
Questions Colleges May Ask During An Interview
Most Common Questions Students Have Been Asked:
1. Tell me about yourself. (Answer this in 1 – 1 ½ minutes)
2. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
3. Why do you want to attend this particular college?
4. What would you add to our campus and our student body?
5. What is your favorite subject in high school? Why?
6. Tell me about your extracurricular activities.
7. What book has had the greatest impact on you?
8. How have you grown both personally and academically during high school?
Suggestions for Answering Interview Questions:
1. Practice your answers in front of a mirror. Hear yourself say your answers out loud.
2. Stay positive – avoid complaining or whining.
3. Actual personal interests aren’t as important as your demonstrated “passion” and
“commitment” to your interests and your ability to articulate your passion(s).
4. Take the time to be “up on current events” from the newspaper or a weekly news magazine.
5. If there are deficits in your academic record, show how you have improved your academic
For College Admission
Students who are in the top 10% of their high school graduating class, are eligible for automatic
admission to any public university in Texas.
To meet the requirements for automatic admission, you must:
 Graduate in the top 10% of your class at a public or private high school in Texas, or
 Graduate in the top 10% of your class from a high school operated by the U.S. Department
of Defense and be a Texas resident or eligible to pay resident tuition;
 Enroll in college no more than two years after graduating from high school; and
 Submit an application to a Texas public university for admission before the application
deadline. (Check with the university for specific deadlines).
Students admitted to college through the Top 10% Rule may still be required to provide SAT or ACT
scores, although these scores are not used for admissions purposes. Students must also take the TSI
test, unless exempted from the test requirement. Check with the school's admissions office
regarding TSI, SAT and ACT requirements.
The university may review the admitted student’s high school records to determine if the student is
prepared for college-level work. If additional preparation is needed, a developmental, enrichment
or orientation course prior to the first semester of college may be required.
Please keep in mind that admission to a university does not guarantee acceptance into
a particular program of study or academic department.
Modifications to UT Austin Automatic Admission Law
SB 175, passed by the 81st Legislature in the spring of 2009, modifies the automatic admission
program for The University of Texas at Austin. Under the new law,
The University is to automatically admit enough students to fill 75% of available Texas
resident spaces.
Each fall by September 15 the university will notify Texas school officials of the class rank
that current high school juniors need to attain by the end of their junior year in order to be
automatically admitted two years out.
SB 175 goes into effect with the 2011 summer/fall class and will remain in effect at least
through the 2016-17 academic year.
To be considered for admission, freshman applicants to UT Austin must meet the state’s uniform
standard for high school coursework as defined by SB 3826.
Summer/Fall 2017 applicants class rank for automatic admission: Top 7%
 During the 82nd Texas Legislative session, Senate Bill 1107 was passed and
became effective on January 1, 2012.
 This bill requires all new students, transfer students, and returning students
who have had a fall or spring semester break in their attendance at an
institution of higher education to show proof of a bacterial meningitis
vaccination (or a booster dose) at least 10 days prior to the first class day of
the entering semester.
 Without evidence of vaccination, a student cannot attend classes on
 Evidence of Vaccination:
 The signature or stamp of a physician or his/her designee, or public health
personnel on a form which shows the month, day and year the vaccination
dose or booster was administered.
 An official immunization record generated from a state or local health
 An official record received from school officials, including a record from
another state.
 Exemptions can be found at
 Questions? See Ms. Ellen Ledgard, MHS school nurse, or your family
NCAA Division I Sports
If you want to compete in NCAA sports at a Division I school, you need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to
make sure you stay on track to meet initial-eligibility standards. Register at
If you have questions about your eligibility or the registration process, call NCAA toll-free at 1-877-262-1492.
Grade 11
Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center at .
Check with your counselor to make sure you will graduate on time with the required number of NCAA core courses.
Take the ACT or SAT and submit your scores to the NCAA using code 9999.
At the end of the year, ask your counselor to upload your official transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Grade 12
Finish your last NCAA core courses.
Take the ACT or SAT again, if necessary, and submit your scores to the NCAA using code 9999.
Complete all academic and amateurism questions in your NCAA Eligibility Center account.
After graduation, submit your final official transcript with proof of graduation to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Division I Academic Requirements
College-bound student-athletes will need to meet the following academic requirements to practice, receive
athletics scholarships, and/or compete during their first year.
Complete 16 core courses:
o Four years of English.
o Three years of math (Algebra 1 or higher).
o Two years of natural/physical science (including one year of lab science if your high school offers it).
o One additional year of English, math or natural/physical science.
o Two years of social science.
o Four additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language,
comparative religion or philosophy.
Full Qualifier
o Complete 16 core courses:
 Ten of the 16 core courses must be completed before the seventh semester of high school.
 Seven of the 10 core courses must be in English, math, or science.
o Earn a core-course GPA of at least 2.300.
o Earn the ACT/SAT score matching you core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale.
o Graduate high school.
Academic Redshirt
o Complete 16 core courses.
o Earn a core-course GPA of at least 2.00
o Earn the ACT/SAT score matching your core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale
o Graduate high school
™The actual brag sheet will never be sent directly to
a college.
™Share only information that you would like the
counselor to address in a letter, if your college
choices require counselor recommendations.
™Provide specific examples that can be included in
the counselor letter.
™This is the time when you need to shine … don’t be
embarrassed about sharing what makes you special.
What obstacles have you overcome? What is the
story behind the awards you have received?
™You may neatly hand write your responses or use
the computer … whichever is easier for you.
™Answer as many of the questions that apply to your
situation. Feel free to write additional information
that may not be addressed in these questions.
We want you to have some input into the letters of recommendation written on your behalf. Our letters should
not be a repeat of what you listed on your college applications or in your resume. Use the questions provided as
a guide to help us know you better. Specific examples are essential. You may write your responses on this
sheet and on the back or type them on the computer.
1. Are there any circumstances in your life that might have had a negative impact on your
academic performance?
2. What are your proudest academic and/or personal accomplishments?
3. Describe yourself using five to seven adjectives:
4. Describe an extracurricular activity, job experience, or other event that has been
especially meaningful to you? Please provide details.
5. Describe a community service activity you participated in and explain the impact on you.
Why did you decide to participate in this activity?
6. Write about a recent experience as a leader. How has the position impacted you? How
have you impacted the position or the organization?
FOR: _____________________________________/___________________________
Your comments about your student can be very helpful to the counselor who is writing college recommendations.
Please write your responses on this sheet and use the back if necessary or type them on the computer and submit a
printout. Please provide specific examples wherever possible.
1. What do you consider to be your student’s outstanding accomplishments during the past three
2. Describe any accomplishments/activities/awards your student has received outside of school
(i.e. community, religious affiliation, employment, camp).
3. What do you consider to be your student’s outstanding personality traits?
4. Please describe your student using five to seven adjectives.
5. Are there any unusual or personal circumstances you would like a college to be aware of that
have affected your student’s educational or personal experiences?
6. Share an example of when your student demonstrated leadership during the last 2-3 years.
Provide details.
Last 4 digits of Social Security Number (xxx-xx-1234) or Birthdate or College PIN/EID
Your Full Name
Street Address
Houston, TX 770__
Area Code-Phone Number
EMail Address
(Optional –only best SAT/ACT scores – only if you want colleges to see your scores right away)
Extracurricular Activities
 Name of Team/Club/Organization - Your level of Participation (member, officer)- Brief description of
how you participated. Approximate amount of time you spent participating in organization either
Hours/Weekly or Monthly or total number of hours. Dates of Service as Month/Year - Month/Year
[most recent first] years involved – 10, 11, 12.
 Boy Scouts of America – Sr. Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Asst. Patrol Leader; Continuous
participation/service in scouting since elementary school; planning, meetings, campouts, troop
projects; 35 hrs/mth - 9, 10, 11, 12.
Community Service
 Name of Service Organization - Brief description of the type of service or volunteer work you
performed. 1 hr/week or month. Dates of Service as Month/Year – 8/06-5/10; 9, 10, 11, 12.
 Memorial Mustang Outreach Bunch (MMOB)- Tutored elementary age students, Visited the elderly at
Name of Retirement Center, etc. 2 hrs/week. 9/06 – Current; 9, 10, 11, 12
 Any award received both through school and outside of school - What the award is for. Date received
(most recent first).
 Eagle Scout-Boy Scouts of America - Fulfilled all requirements and completed service project of
designing and planting vegetable garden for Star of Hope Mission. 100 hrs/project; 11, 12.
(note: scouts can also be listed under Extracurricular & Community Service; also, you can
elaborate on leadership by explaining how you developed your service project-this can be
done for any position in other organizations.)
Employment/Internships/Summer Activities
 Job/Title/Name of Company/Organization - Brief description of what you did. Approximate hours per
week or month. Month/Year - Month/Year (most recent first); 11.
 Camp Counselor, Name of Camp - Responsible for teaching swimming to campers ranging in age from 7
- 10 years of age. Taught safety rules, organized water sports, and races. 20 hrs/week. 06/08 - 08/08 &
6/09 – 8/09; 10, 11.
Note: Leadership is very important to colleges. Use your resume to explain and expand your leadership roles in any
organization. You do not have to be president to be a leader. Any activity where you are responsible for organizing and
implementing some action should be described in your resume.
(Margins may be 1/2 to 1 inch around page, depending on how much space you need. You may attach a resume with each
college application but you still have to fill out the college forms. You will give a resume to the counselor and to each teacher who
will write a letter for you. Give a resume to any person who interviews you or talks with you at a college. Anytime you update
your resume, give a new copy to the counselor. Resume should be neat, easy to read.)
Apply Texas Essay Prompts
Essay A: What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home,
neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.
Essay B: Some students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way.
If you are one of these students, then tell us about yourself.
Essay C: You’ve got a ticket in your hand – Where will you go? What will you do? What will happen
when you get there?
Common Application 2016-2017 Essay Prompts
1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they
believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please
share your story.
2. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or
time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the
3. Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would
you make the same decision again?
4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual
challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no
matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to
identify a solution.
5. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, which marked your transition from
childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
If you apply to a college in the summer of 2016 before school opens,
 A transcript with the first preliminary ranking will be available by August 1. This will include your
GPA and your rank if you choose to include your rank on your transcript. This transcript is based
on your grades through the end of the sixth semester. The ranking includes students enrolled at
MHS through the end of the sixth semester. You may use this transcript for college applications.
 You must make a one-time decision regarding your class rank before any transcript is printed.
Forms for you to choose including your class rank on your transcript or omitting your class rank
will be mailed to you in the summer of 2016. The form must be returned to the Registrar’s
If you apply to colleges in September and later, an updated official transcript can be sent to your
 Second preliminary rank transcripts will be available around the first of October 2016 and will
reflect the most accurate rank (optional) and GPA.
 This class rank includes all new seniors who enrolled at MHS during the summer. The majority of
seniors applying to colleges in the fall of 2016 will send this transcript.
 Most transcripts will be sent through Naviance.
How to Order Official and Unofficial Transcripts
Official Transcripts: Transcript Release Forms are available in the alpha offices, Registrar’s Office, and
MHS website. The form must include a parent/guardian signature.
Please note:
 Most transcripts will be sent through Naviance.
 Your transcript can be uploaded to Naviance after you have turned in your release form which
has been signed by a parent/guardian.
 For transcripts other than Naviance, you are responsible for requesting all hard copy (paper)
official transcripts directly from the Registrar’s Office, picking up your transcript, and mailing
your transcript to the university.
 All transcripts – both Naviance and paper copies – must have a signed release.
 Transcripts must be obtained for college applications, some scholarship applications, mid-year
reports, NCAA forms, etc.
 An official transcript must be sent to each college and university to which you apply.
 Transcripts are not processed on demand. You must allow at least two business days. More time
may be required during peak deadline dates such as August 1, October 15, December 1, January
1, February 1 (mid-year reports), and June 6 (final transcripts).
Memorial High School
You can access Naviance from the MHS
 Bottom left hand side of the Home Page
 Click ‘Naviance’
mily Co
Student Quick Guide – Gettin
ng Started
g with Scho
ool Staff
You can
c use Familyy Connection to
o access onlinee resources,
municate with your
school and use the manyy planning
tools available from
m Naviance.
There arre several wayss you and yourr school can
communnicate using Faamily Connectiion.
Gettting Starte
To acccess Family Connection,
u must have thee following:
A computeer that is conneected to the Inteernet
Your usernname and passw
word, providedd by your
Loggging into Fam
mily Connecttion
Follow the steps bellow to log into
o Family Conneection:
1 Go to yourr Campus Web
bpage and clickk on the
“Family Coonnection” link
2 Enter yourr SBISD usernaame in the Useername field.
(Same one you use to acccess the compuuters at
3 Enter yourr SBISD passw
word provided by
b your
school in thhe Password field.
(same onne you use to
access the computers at school)
4 Click the Log
L In button.
Review the welcome message,
pagees, links and updates:
1. The
T welcome message
is locatted on the Hom
me page.
2. Your
school possts pages, linkss and updates to
t the
Send an
n e-mail messaage:
1. Click Contacct Us on the rigght column on the
t Home
2. Your e-mail address
and youur school contaact are
3. Enter a subjecct for your messsage.
4. Enter your meessage.
5. Click the Sen
nd Message buutton.
Read an
nd reply to e-m
mail messages:
1. Click the New
w Messages linnk on the right column of
the Home pagge.
2. Your inbox apppears.
3. Click a messaage subject to open
the e-mail.
4. To reply to thhe e-mail, clickk the Reply to Message
link, enter youur message texxt and click thee Send
Reply button.
Compleete tasks:
1. Click the My Planner tab.
2. Click the Tassks Assigned to Me tab.
3. Your list of taasks appears.
4. Required taskks are indicatedd with a star icoon.
5. Click a task too see detailed information.
6. If you have a question about a task that haas been
assigned to yoou, click Raisee Hand and entter your
question in thhe provided texxt box. Click thhe Submit
Question buttton to submit your
question to
t your
© 20112 Hobsons, Inc.. All rights reserv
ved worldwide.
Naviance Family Connection College Application Process
_____Complete the Common Application at or Apply Texas Application at
_____ Access Naviance from the MHS website:
Bottom left hand corner, under ‘College Prep Info’.
Select ‘Naviance – Family Connection’
_____Complete the Initial Common App Tasks before you can match your accounts in Naviance Family
Complete the education section
Add at least one college to My Colleges
Sign the FERPA release authorization
A green check mark will appear once they are completed
_____Match your Common Application in Naviance Family Connection (Apply Texas does not apply)
Your last name must match your Family Connection profile and Your Common App account
You must enter the same email address that you used for your common app
Your first name and date of birth must match your Family Connection profile and your Common App
_____Personally visit each teacher that you want to write a letter of recommendation for you
Choose a teacher that knows the best quality of your work
If the teacher agrees, tell them that you will send them a teacher recommendation request in Naviance
_____Add Colleges to the “Colleges I’m Applying to List” in Naviance Family Connection
These colleges are the ones that you are serious about. If you have no intentions of actually applying to
the college, do not add it.
_____Request Transcript in Naviance Family Connection
Submit the class rank decision form before any requests are processed.
Complete a records request form and have the parent sign if the student is under 18.
Specify how you want the records delivered.
a. A Naviance request is required for tracking purposes (SBISD)
b. Not all schools accept transcripts through Naviance, so the option would be TREX or mail
_____Request Teacher Letter of Recommendations in Naviance Family Connection
If you are seeking a letter of recommendation from another individual or mentor, they must write and mail this
letter to the college. This cannot be completed through Naviance Family Connection.
_____Obtain and mail Fee Waiver to the college (if applicable)
_____Obtain and mail Affidavit (if applicable)
_____Constantly monitor your application process
_____Maintain constant communication with teachers, counselors, staff and your intended colleges
Non-Restrictive Application Plans
Restrictive Application Plans
Regular Decision
Early Action (EA)
Early Decision
Restrictive Early
Action (REA)
Students submit
an application by a
specified date and
receive a decision
in a clearly stated
period of time.
Institutions review
applications as
they are submitted
and render admission decisions
throughout the
admission cycle.
Students apply
early and receive
a decision well
in advance of the
institution’s regular
response date.
Students make a
commitment to
a first-choice institution where,
if admitted they
definitely will enroll. The application deadline and
decision deadline
occur early.
Students apply to
an institution of
preference and
receive a decision
early. They may be
restricted from applying ED or EA or
REA to other institutions. If offered
enrollment, they
have until May 1
to confirm.
Students are not restricted from applying to other institutions and have
until May 1 to consider their options and confirm enrollment.
Students are responsible for determining
and following restrictions.
For a copy of this flyer, please visit
FAFSA/TASFA Filing Date Change
Coming Soon for the current junior class: File the FAFSA earlier! Beginning with
the 2017-2018 school year, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
will begin its processing cycle 3 months earlier – in October 2016. To transition to
an earlier start date, the tax data needed for the FAFSA will change. See chart
When a Student is
Attending College
(School Year)
2015 – 2016
2016 – 2017
2017 – 2018
2018 - 2019
When a Student
Can Submit a FAFSA
Which Year’s Income
Information is Required
January 1, 2015
January 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
October 1, 2017
For 2017 – 2018, the tax data needed should be on file with the IRS which will
allow students and families to utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool immediately
when completing the FAFSA. They will no longer need to estimate their income.