September 1, 2014 - Village Of Millstadt


September 1, 2014 - Village Of Millstadt
Serving The Millstadt Area Since 1983
On Thursday, August 21, 2014 Kati Syzdek and Tracy
Seiber from the First National Bank of Waterloo
came to celebrate Senior Citizen Day. They gave
everyone a free chance to win one of their filled
baskets that was given away on Saturday, August 23,
2014. Kati and Tracy stayed to help serve and clean
up after lunch. Thank you!!!!
Sandra M. Bereitschaft
Foundation Receives Grant Award
Pictured left to right: St. Clair County One-time
Grants Panel Member Wade Weitlauf, Panel
Member Marcella Phillips, Patty Evansco of the
Sandra M. Bereitschaft Foundation, Panel Member
Andrea Green-Armstrong, and Panel Member Katie
Sandra M. Bereitschaft Foundation receives a United
Way 2014 One-time Grant for their Meals on Wheels
program in the amount of $1,000. United Way's Onetime Grants are available each year to non-profits in
St. Clair County for specific needs in the community.
Volume 4 - Number 10
From Below the Tower
It has been a busy and hot
month! Marlou Eckert and I
were guests of the Freeburg
Township seniors on Wednesday
evening, August 13, 2014. They
treated us to a delicious dinner
of Spaghetti and Meatballs
prepared by Gary’s Restaurant
and homemade side dishes from
Patty Evansco
everyone at the meeting. It was
an excellent meal and great fellowship with Freeburg
friends. There were many names I recognized and
many new. There were Wayne Forcade, Arlie
Proctar, Jerry and Betty Richmann, Delores Long,
Mary Ann Little, Darlene Franke, Wilma Abernathy,
Carol Brueggemann, Nancy Hawthorne, Joyce
Massman, Carolyn Anderson, Sally Croby, Jean
Ziplfel, Sandra Bollmeier, Bernice Klotz, Mel and
Gloria Beisiegel, Anita Kessler, Linda Schneider,
President Lois Ann Demond and Julie Pierpoint.
Actually I have known and loved Julie Peirpoint for
as long as I can remember from growing up in East St
Louis so it was good to talk and see her also.
We gave an informational presentation about our
Meals on Wheels as well as our Nutrition Site and
Transportation programs.
(Continued on Page 2)
QUILTERS WANTED From Below The Tower
We Need Your Help!
On Friday, September
26, 2014 The Senior
Center is inviting all
quilters to come and
help us catch up. Your
help will be greatly
appreciated. There will
be coffee, donuts and
juice in the morning and
a complimentary lunch to show our gratitude for
your help. We will start early so bring your thimble
and be here when the doors open at 8:00 am.
Save the Date
September 18, 2014
Bunco Party
At St. James Parish Center
405 Madison Street
Millstadt, Illinois
Registration begins at 6:30 pm
Bunco from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Enjoy 50/50 Drawing
Homemade Dessert Buffet
Everyone Wins a Prize
Tickets are $8.00 And
Available At Door Or
Call Patty at 476-3731
Proceeds Benefit the Home Delivered
Meal Program of the
Millstadt Township Senior Center
(Continued From Page 1)
Earlier this year we were awarded a grant from the St
Clair Medical Society to help educate and market our
Senior Meal on Wheels Program. I will be visiting
with the Smithton senior groups and Millstadt locals
in the coming months.
Everyone has been talking about McDonalds this
month but I also recently spoke with the Tavern on
Main owner and he said he is interested in locating
to the Center of Millstadt too!
Have A Good September! Patty Evansco
Bus Rider Reminder
All Ride Reservations Should Be
Made Through The Office
Please Do Not Tell Bus Drivers
Your Appointments Thank You
Illinois Handbook of
Available at
Millstadt Senior
DEC. 24, 2014
At Senior Center
1st Prize - Handmade Queen Size Quilt
2 prize - Christmas Tree Skirt
3rd prize - Handmade Baby Quilt
Available at the Center
Many tickets are being sold for our Quilt A Rama
drawing on December 24, 2014. The Quilt tops are
Handmade and Hand Quilted Queen Sized Pieced Quilt
and if it were in Branson it would most likely sell for
$1000. Be sure to get your tickets.
It’s Time For
Beer (root), Bratwurst,
Strudel, Music and a
Special Bingo at 10:30 am.
Sound like fun? It is –
Octoberfest in Munich,
Bavaria and Germany.
How much do you know
customs and traditions of
dress in blue and white
and Men wear your
suspenders. We will have a Wunderbare Party
("Wonderful Party")
One does not have to be a professional writer in order
to submit articles to Senior Talk. All it takes is the
desire to share your thoughts or feelings with the rest
of us. Tell us about what matters to you. Share your
his-tory, your fears, and your triumphs. There is a
“Brag Corner,” where you can tell others about your
new car, or how your grandchild just graduated from
Harvard, or about your prize-winning roses. Give us
your recipe for deviled eggs or tell us how you stay
married to the same person for 50 years!
It is best to keep the length of the article to no more
than 500 words. We reserve the right to edit all
materials. Be sure to include your name, address, and
telephone number and email address, if you have one.
Articles can be dropped off at the center, mailed, or
emailed to
Aluminum Cans
Donate Your Aluminum Cans
To The Senior Center
Patty Evansco at 476-3731
Food Pantry Hours
September 2, 8:00 am to 9:00 am
September 10, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
September 19, 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
September 27, 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Remember those in need this back to school time.
Village Hall is a Collection Site for donations of
non-perishable food items and paper products
(To the tune of Jingle Bells)
Dashing through Millstadt, in the senior bus we
go…making home deliveries, smiling all the
way… With our pickles of colors bright…what fun
it is to deliver pickles to our favorite folks! Jingle
pickles, jingle pickles… jingle all the way!
Splendiferous are the pickles we give out…Jean
Niemeyer you are great for making them for us!
Hey! Jingle pickles, jingle pickles… jingle all the
Save This Date
Trivia Teams save October 25, 2014 for Trivia at St.
James to benefit the Sandra M. Bereitshaft
Foundation Meals on Wheels program. Silent
auction items, mulligans and survivor round will be
included along with other surprises.
information to follow in the next newsletters!
8 AM TO 10 AM
Tired of All Your Ache’s and Pain?
Do You Have
Hip Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain,
Leg Pain
Do You Want Fast Relief?
FREE Consult - Stay Local
Medicare Provider
618-476-3344 Dr. Steve” Knoernshild
Zion’s Annual Barbecue
Sept 6
11a.m. –
3 p.m.
On the
Parking Lot
Choice of Pork Steaks, Brats,
Or Chicken Breasts
German and American Potato Salad
Slaw and Baked Beans
Dine In or Carry Out
New Quilters Wanted
New quilters are welcome to learn from a group of
experienced quilters. Everyone is welcome and no
experience is necessary just a desire to learn and
have some fun. Two quilts are set-up in frames on
the second floor of the Community Center and one
quilt is especially beginner friendly. Quilting experts
on hand.
Thank You Millstadt Ambulance!
We now have a new Philips
Defibrillator on the premises of
the Community Center.
What does AED stand for?
AED stands for automated
external defibrillator.
What's an AED?
An AED is a device used to administer an electric
shock through the chest wall to the heart. Built-in
computers assess the patient's heart rhythm, judge
whether defibrillation is needed, and then administer
the shock. Audible and/or visual prompts guide the
user through the process.
How does an AED work?
A microprocessor inside the defibrillator interprets
(analyzes) the victim's heart rhythm through
adhesive electrodes (some AED models require you
to press an ANALYZE button). The computer analyzes
the heart rhythm and advises the operator whether a
shock is needed. AEDs advise a shock only to
ventricular fibrillation and fast ventricular
tachycardia. The electric current is delivered through
the victim's chest wall through adhesive electrode
Why are AEDs important?
AEDs are important because they strengthen the
Chain of Survival. They can restore a normal heart
rhythm in victims of sudden cardiac arrest. New,
portable AEDs enable more people to respond to a
medical emergency that requires defibrillation. When
a person suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, their chance
of survival decreases by 7% to 10% for each minute
that passes without defibrillation. AEDs save lives.
Thank You
Thank you to all the Bingo workers
who helped out this weekend at the
The Senior Center
appreciates all you do for them.
Baby Quilts
For Sale
Senior Center
I hope everyone had a good
summer. We are ready to
start up our Bible Talk
meetings. They are every 2nd
and 4th Monday at 10:00 am.
Join us for good friendly Bible
SAT., SEPT. 20, 2014
11:00 am
$ 00
$ 00
Proceeds To Millstadt Senior Center
Millstadt Cyclers Organizing
Bicycle Riders Needed!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 8:00 am
Meet at Senior Center
Terry Troutman, a
long time Millstadt
area resident has
volunteered to lead
promises to be fun
and relaxing while
will be surprise
donut stops on some of the routes, don’t worry you
won’t be left out. So air up your tires and put on
your helmet and join us for the first outing
Bunco Prizes Needed
Grandparents Day
Celebrated in the U.S. since 1978 President Jimmy
Carter proclaimed National Grandparents Day would
be celebrated on the 1st Sunday after Labor Day.
“The elders of each family have the responsibility for
setting the moral tone for the family and for passing
on the traditional values of our Nation to their
children and grandchildren. They bore the hardships
and made the sacrifices that produced much of the
progress and comfort we enjoy today.”
Jimmy Carter’s Proclamation for National
Grandparents Day, August 3, 1978.
“Code Red”
For all Millstadt Village Residents, to be notified of
severe weather alerts, disasters, missing children,
etc. Sign up for Code Red. Go to and click on the “Code
Red Community Notification Page”.
Donations of items, with an approximate value of
$5.00, are needed for the September 18, 2014 Bunco
dice rolling event. Please bring your items to the
Senior Center.
Claudia's Place
Home Hair Salon
13 East Van Buren, Millstadt
Is Now Offering
If You Can't Get Out I'll Come to Your Home!
•Ladies and men's haircuts
•Ladies wash blow dry & curling iron
•Standing weekly appointments are welcome
•Ladies and men's haircuts
•Ladies wash blow dry & curling iron
•Standing weekly appointments are welcome
Call For Your Appointment Please
$2 OFF Any Service
Open Enrollment
Medicare Part D Help Available
Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Beginning on October 21 Until December 2
Call For Appointment 476-3731
This year Medicare’s Open
Wednesday, Oct. 15, and
ends at midnight on
Sunday, Dec. 7 (Pearl
Harbor Day). All plans will
have Jan. 1 as their start
This is the time when you can make changes to
your Part D plan or Medicare Advantage plan or
you can enroll if you missed your enrollment time
when you were first eligible. Below are the
changes that a Medicare beneficiary can make
during OEP (open enrollment period):
• Enroll in a new Part D Medicare Prescription
Drug Plan.
• Change from one Part D Medicare Prescription
Drug Plan to a new Part D Medicare Prescription
Drug Plan.
• Enroll in a Part C Medicare Advantage Plan with
Prescription Drugs
• Change from one Part C Medicare Advantage
Plan to a new Part C Medicare Advantage Plan.
• Return to Original Medicare and purchase a
Medicare Supplement and enroll in a Part D
Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.
• Return to Original Medicare only and enroll in a
Part D Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
• Or Return to Original Medicare with no Part D
plan. Don’t forget there is a penalty for not
enrolling in a Part D Medicare Prescription Drug
plan when first eligible.
For those who already have either a Part C
Medicare Advantage plan with or without
prescription drugs or a standalone Part D
Medicare Prescription Drug plan, Medicare’s Open
Enrollment is the time to make sure your drug
plan or Medicare Advantage plan you are currently
on or thinking of enrolling in still meets your
needs, especially if you had any changes to your
health. On Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
beginning on October 21 until December 2 you
will be able to sit down with a SHIP representative
who will help you check factors like deductibles,
co pays, co insurance and also premiums. You can
compare up to three plans at a time. Call Millstadt
Township Senior Services at (618) 476-3731 for an
Laminating Tuesdays
If you need something laminated please stop by
on Tuesdays and we would be glad to laminate for
you free of charge.
Notary Services Are Provided
Free At The Senior Center
Senior Transportation Program
Need a Ride to the Doctor, Bank
Hairdresser, or Dentist?
The Senior Center Offers the Only Form of
Public Transportation for the Community
This Service is Available for Persons 60
Years and Older and Their Caregivers
A Suggested Donation Of $2.00 For
Transportation To and From Doctors,
Dentists, Or Hair Appointments
This Partially Covers the Actual
Transportation Costs of $5.95
For Each Time It Is Provided
All donations are Confidential and Are Used
To Maintain the Transportation Program
For Millstadt Township Seniors
Please Contact Patty at 476-3731 With Questions
St, Augustine, Jacksonville,
And Amelia Island Trip
Thanks For Your Interest In The
Winter Trip to Sunny Florida
Where The Average Temp. in Feb.
is 70 and lows in the 50’s
The Brochure will give you an idea of what you will
be seeing.
Included in the price, Luggage Handling
Tips for the Bus Driver and Step on Guides.
Movies and Bingo En Route, to pass the time.
We will stop every 2 to 2 ½ Hrs. To Potty, Stretch and
Lunch throughout the Trip will be on you, as well as 2
There will be time to Shop and walk around, take a
stroll on the Beach.
If you would like to join this Trip, there is a Deposit of
$75.00 due at sign up, which will hold your seat.
Seats are Limited.
Full refund if cancelled within 30 days of departure.
Final payment must be paid by Dec. 15, 2014
If you have Questions or want to sign up, Please give
me a call.
Thank You, Allie Owens ( Chris )
324 Grant Dr. , Columbia IL. 62236
618-281-9765 or 314-412-1308
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
Flu Shots
Friday October 17, 2014
9:00 am – 11:00 am
3 Appointments Every 5 Minutes
*We Need You To Get Your Flu Shot Here, So
They Keep Coming Out To Give Them
Call Senior Center at (618) 476-3731
For An Appointment.
Our 5th annual Big Ole Bag and Jewelry sale
will be held next April. Remember to donate
your gently used purses to the Senior Center
for the annual sale.
Freeburg Care Center
746 Urbanna Drive, Freeburg IL 62243
(618) 539-5856
Your Care Is Our Concern
This row of sunflowers reminds us of the scene from
the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy is running up the
lane toward the cloudy sky. These beautiful
sunflowers belong to Sunflower Wizard Willis
Providing Exceptional Care for over 32 Years
Locally Owned & Operated
 House Skilled Therapies
 Private Suites Available
 Individual Diet Plans
 Long and Short Term Stays
 Hospice Affiliated
 Medicare – Medicaid Certified
One of the MOST AFFORDABLE RATES in the area
Visit us at:
From The Desk Of
Mary Hollenkamp APN
Mary Hollenkamp is a
that works from
Foundation office in
here everyone refers
to her as “Dr. Mary”.
They speak very well
of her and how she
takes care of many
folks in Millstadt.
submitting articles for
ways to take better care of ourselves each month.
Even though is feels like summer, winter is not far
away. That means cold and flu season will soon be
here. There are a number of ways to prevent getting
sick. Take good care of yourself. Eating healthy,
getting plenty of rest, and quitting smoking improves
your immune system. Health problems such as
diabetes or heart problems can decrease your
immunity, so try to keep those illnesses under
control. Try to stay mentally healthy; stress and
depression also weaken our immune systems.
Get your flu shot and make sure your pneumonia
and whooping cough shots are up-to-date. Ask your
doctor if you need these vaccines.
These vaccines are not 100% foolproof. To improve
your chances of not getting sick, try to stay away
from sick people. Wash your hands regularly,
especially if you are in a public place. And if you are
sick, stay home and rest. Don’t go out until you feel
better; even a mild cold is contagious. You and your
friends will have a better time later when you feel
Knowing who is at lunch at the Center is important
for a number of reasons. First of all it’s good to keep
track so if someone isn’t there for a few days we can
contact them to make sure everything is ok. Second,
when you sign in and are registered we are able to
submit your name to receive our grant money to
help pay for the meals. A way to look at it is that if
you aren’t registered and signed in we can’t send a
bill for your lunch to the Area Agency on Aging.
Your Help in This Matter is Greatly Appreciated
Thank You West End
We are very happy to announce that $200 was made
from our Sandra M. Bereitschaft Foundation night!
Thank you to everyone that came and supported the
Meals on Wheels Program and the Foundation
Kathy Schaefer
James Mayard
Charlene & Otto Faulbaum
Marty Hrabusicky/Bev Paule
Steven and Suzie Jarvis
Arlene Huwer
Marsha Scharf
Jim & Mary Heberer
Delores Miller
Jean Niemeyer
Herbert & Margie Woehlke
Susan Sager
Sandra M Bereitschaft Foundation
Bruce & Donna Nowak
Barb Green
Millstadt Civic Club
(Sound System Update)
Millstadt Community Choir
(Sound System Update)
Millstadt Historical Society
(Sound System Update)
Leslie Mehrtens
Zion Evangelical Church
Judy Butzinger
Caseys General Store
Joyce Koreby
Lisa Hudnell
United Way of St. Clair County
(SMB Foundation)
West End Restaurant
(SMB Foundation)
Gloria Schiebel
(Quilt A Rama Quilt Top)
Reminder for Home
Delivered Meal
If you leave a cooler out for your meal, please be
sure that the cooler is kept very clean. Your help
will be appreciated. This is for your own health
safety. Thank You
The Millstadt
Senior Center
Expresses Our Deepest
Sympathy To The
Eulalia Kohlenberger
Geroge Haas
Peter Mollmann
Shirley Brockman
Berdine Darmstatter
Norvin Kreher
Dorothy Touchette
1/2 Price Meal
Make plans now to attend First National Bank of
Waterloo’s ½ price meal on October 16, at the
Millstadt Senior Center. First National Bank of
Waterloo will pay one-half price of the meal and help
serve the meal. Reservations are needed!
Millstadt Township Senior Services
A reminder the Millstadt Police Department Senior Citizen’s
academy will begin Monday, September 8th. The program,
designed for those age 55 and over, will run for six
consecutive Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at
the community center. There is a limit of 40 persons, and we
already have over 20 signed up. Those interested can
register at the police department, village hall, or the
community center. To register on-line or for questions,
Special Thanks to
Concordia Church
Immaculate Conception - Centreville
St. James Catholic Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Zion Evangelical Church
Baptist Church
For Your Continued Support
Senior Center
Wish List
We Have Updated Our List For The Holiday
Months Approaching
Your Donation Is Appreciated
Bunco Prizes ($5)
Baskets for Trivia Night in October
Stamps - Gift Cards To IGA
“Get Well” Or Sympathy Cards
Stationary (All Kinds) - Paper Towels
Colored Small Paper Plates
For Different Holidays
Sugar-Free Candy, Cookies & Rice Krispie Treats
Applesauce, Pudding & Jell-O (Individual Cups)
Cereal Bars - Fruit Snacks
Crackers - Kleenex
Tupperware Containers
Plastic Spoons, Forks
Hand Lotion & Hand Soap
Dishwasher Detergent - Dish Soap (For Center Use)
Band-Aids - Chips (Individual Packages)
Yes, I Want To Receive the Newsletter in the Mail!
Subscriptions are $20.00 per year
Due To Postage Increases (12issues)
Please Send This Form And Your Check To:
Millstadt Township Senior Services
102 South Jefferson Street
Millstadt, IL 62260
**Be Sure To Check Your Mailing Label
For Your Subscription Expiration Date**
Millstadt Sister Cities Organization
14th Annual Youth Ambassadors Exchange
After spending almost a month in Millstadt’s Sister
City, Gross-Bieberau, Germany, Millstadt Youth
Ambassadors, Megan Glaeser, Nicholas Harry, Jillian
Rosenkranz, Hannah Seidlitz, and Jordan Tastad, and
their families are currently hosting their German
exchange partners:
Clemens Boehm, , Jordan Tastad / Jerry and Joyce
Tastad family
Milena Dahlhof , , Hannah Seidlitz / Bob and Janice
Seidlitz family
Hannah Göckel , , Jillian Rosenkranz / Adam and
Kara Rosenkranz family
Ilka Meisinger , , Nick Harry / Ted and Liz Harry
family and Paula Harry-Shinn and Rick Shinn family
Ann-Catherine Thierolf Megan Glaeser / Scott and
Nancy Glaeser family
Upon their arrival on August 5, the German students
were welcomed by Millstadt Mayor Michael Todd,
Millstadt Sister Cities Board members, and their host
families at the Community Center. Breadeaux Pizza
generously contributed a variety of pizza pies for the
reception. The students received gift bags including
swimming pool passes contributed by the Village of
Millstadt. Gift certificates and coupons for the
students were donated by Happy Days Ice Cream
Shop, K & K Subs dba Subway Sandwich Shop, Lincoln
Management, St. Clair Bowl, Skyview Drive-In, The
Edge Laser Tag and Theatre, Wacky Warriors
Paintball, and X-treme Paintball.
Telephone Company made a financial contribution to
support the Exchange.
The German youth and their host families became
better acquainted during a progressive dinner on
August 6.
On August 8, 9 and 10, the German and Millstadt
Youth Ambassadors were treated to a trip to Chicago
where they toured the Field Museum, Museum of
Science and Industry, Millennium Park, Shedd
Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, Willis Tower, and
Chicago Art Institute. They also sampled Chicago
deep-dish pizza, shopped on the “Magnificent Mile”
and watched fireworks at Navy Pier.
German youth are visiting area tourist attractions
and attending Belleville West High School as cultural
observers with their Millstadt exchange partners.
Nick Harry, Jillian Rosenkranz, Jordan Tastad, Megan
Glaeser, Clemens Boehm, Ilka Meisinger, Hannah
Göckel, Ann-Catherine Thierolf and Milena Dahlhof at
the Buckingham Fountain in Chicago
Our Volunteers Donated 584 Hours To
During The Month Of
The Millstadt Senior Center
If Paid at Minimum Wage, the
Dollar Value Would be $4,816
For Your Dedication, In The Spirit Of Giving
Please Remember To Report Your Volunteer Hours
Would you like to join our group of Volunteers?
Please Stop By The Center To Sign Up
Or See Patty In The Office
Family Affair
Marlou Eckert (Left) is joined by her sister Diane
Kerr, father Earl Eckert, , uncle Jim Eckert and cousin
Marvin Ohlendorf for lunch for lunch.
Dominoes & Rummy Club
August 2014
370 Games
Jane Evans —128 Games Won
Frances Dickneite — 125 Games Won
Rick Coleman —106 Games Won
Betty Krupp— 11 Games Won
1 Ruth Willman
4 Mabel Harper
Evelyn Weber
8 Arlene Dohrman
11 Janet Scearce
Elaine Morris
12 Joann Hallberg
Charlotte Thomas
13 Terry Groth
Katharina Weygandt
14 Gene Rinck
15 Tom Wuertz
Betty Hunter
Joseph Traiteur
If We Missed Your Birthday, Or Have It Listed Incorrectly
Please Let Us Know So That We May Correct It
Dining /Kitchen
Ida Ann Krick
Frances Dickneite
Betty Stark
Fern Seiber
Georgia Bruehl
Collen Costello
Barb Louis
Dot Edmondson
Lil Tracy
Charlie Worden
Betty Krupp
Jane Evans
Senior Talk Available at These Locations
Pick-Up Your copy of the Monthly Senior Talk at
One of the Following Millstadt Locations
Melva’s Family Hair Care 476-7933
Millstadt Barber Shop 476-7273
Millstadt IGA 476-3161
Millstadt Library 476-1887
Dr. Carla Samson 476-3373
Millstadt Pharmacy 476-1701
Millstadt Village Hall 476-1514
Shirley’s Beauty Shop 476-9494
St. James Catholic Church 476-3513
Trinity Lutheran Church 476-3101
Zion Evangelical Church 476-1778
Dr. Steve Knoernchild 476-3344
Concordia UCC 476-3377
St. Paul Church, Floraville 473-2285
Dr. Kevin Schmidt 476-3261
Associated Bank
Meals on Wheels
Thank You For Providing This Service
To Our Community
Irma Hecke
Millstadt Garden Place
15 Pauline Range
16 Ruth Reinhardt
William Goetter
18 Mary Schmitz
21 Betty Nolte
22 Thomas Kostelac
23 Christy Lehr
Jack Kramer
24 Melva Way
25 Helen Chadeayne
6 Maybelle Carron
Wilbur Miller
28 Toni Schneider
Ethel Loehr
Nancy Kostelac
Cheryl Mueth
Susan Saeger
Allen Analla
Darlene Slovinski
Sandra Muskopf
Karen Witte
Lindy Kynsak
Mary Ann Schaefer
Linda Weingartner
Peggy Makriakow
Lois Potter
Judy Sutter
Pat Morris
JoAnn Clemens
Teresa Barbier
Mary Alice Schmitz
Kathy Weygandt
Marlene Herrmann
Mary Lou Kochmann
Deliver Newsletters
Fred & Carol Hotz
Marge Wachtel
Lois Potter
Fuzzy Eckert
Richard & Dorothy Feazel
Newsletter /
Marlou Eckert
Janet Mueller
Don Mueller
Jerry Schmitz
Kathy DeMond
Marty Gibson
Joyce Duarte
McDonald’s Coming to Millstadt?
Can You Imagine A McDonald's On Mertz's Corner?
A rumor has been circulating around the Village that
the former Mertz’s lot and building may be home to
a McDonald’s.
Following are some of the responses we received
from questions posed to Millstadt residents:
I would never go to McDonald’s because
 Never say never
 I don’t like their hamburgers
 They don’t pay their employees enough
 I don’t like Fast Food
I think a McDonald’s in Millstadt is a good thing
 It is my favorite place to buy hamburgers
 I can drive thru and get a coke for a $1.00
 Millstadt can use the business
 Other businesses may follow
 It is a reasonable eating place
 I like their Big Mac’s and chicken nuggets
 The breakfast items
 It would provide jobs
I would rather this be built on the lot
 A new senior center
 Water park or recreation center
 New Senior Center
 Senior Center or activity center with parking
 Hooters
 New Senior Center
 Steak and Shake
 Starbucks
 Senior Center with Bowling Ally
I think a McDonald’s in Millstadt is NOT A GOOD
THING because:
 Millstadt will be changed forever, need I say
 We will all turn into fatty McFattertons
 No reason
 It would bring outsiders in
 We will need to use the walking path more
 The Senior Bus may not fit thru the drive-in
How many times a month would you go to
 4
 Probably 52 times
 5
 25
 Several
 15 times
The first item I would order from their menu is
 Egg McMuffin and medium Coke;
 Oatmeal
 French fries and McChicken
 #7
 Chicken
 Big breakfast
 Big Mac
 Iced coffee
 Smoothie
Any other comments:
 If a fast food is built, leave parking space
for the Senior’s
 Study traffic patterns carefully to handle
additional traffic turning on Washington
and Jefferson Streets
 McDonald’s gift cards would make great
Bingo prizes.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are touted by many nutritionists and
trainers as one of the healthiest foods you can put in
your body. If you’ve avoided Brussels sprouts up to
this point in your life, it’s time to them another shot.
Its main contribution to your body comes in the form
of vitamin C, which researchers have found is most
prevalent in healthy people, and vitamin K, which
plays a big role in keeping calcium in your bones and
out of arteries. Remember greener is fresher when it
comes to selecting Brussels sprouts. Also, don’t be
alarmed if there are little bugs in the leaves. You can
just cut them away and rinse them off with no harm
done. Miss one? That’s extra protein.
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and pepper to taste
2 lb Brussels sprouts, halved
1 lb cherry tomatoes, halved
1 tsp thyme, chopped
1 tsp sage, chopped
1 tbsp fresh grated horseradish
½ cup Panko (bread crumbs)
¼ cup Asiago cheese, grated
In a medium pan, add 2 tbsp oil, salt pepper, and
halved Brussels sprouts. Bring to medium-high heat
and cook sprouts until caramelized. In a separate
pan add 1 tbsp oil and cherry tomatoes and roast in
oven at 425 degrees until golden. When the
tomatoes are done, toss with thyme, sage, and
horseradish and add to Brussel sprouts. On a sheet
pan toast Panko in the oven at 425 degrees until
golden. When toasted add Asiago cheese and mix
with Brussels sprouts and tomatoes and serve.
Dates to Remember
September is Senior Month – Take a
Senior to lunch at the Millstadt Senior
Center. Lunches are served at noon for a
donation of $4.50, including dessert and
September 1, Labor Day, Senior Center
September 7, Grandparents Day
September 14, Biathlon. Registration
Forms at
September 18, Bunco at St. James Parish,
7:00 pm.
September 20, Movies in the Park,
“Despicable Me”. Free at dusk.
Welcome New Members!
Daniel Smith
The suggested donated cost of the noon meal served
daily at the Millstadt Senior Center is $4.50 per meal.
The average actual cost per meal is over $10.00. In
addition to the amount paid to IGA or West End Bar
and Grill for each meal, we must cover the cost of
serving containers, cups, napkins, transportation,
beverages and salaries. Over 400 meals are served
or delivered weekly to seniors in Millstadt Township,
Freeburg and Smithton. Without the support of the
many volunteers and donations from the community
the meal cost for each senior would be considerably
higher than the $4.50 suggested donation. Thanks
to all our volunteers and all those who donate or
contribute cups, dessert plates and other items to
the Senior Center!
Anita Kessker and Sandra Bollmeier at the August 13,
Freeburg Township Senior Dinner.
Can You Guess?
1. How many people
can the tents at
Oktoberfest seat? There
are seats for about
100,000 people in the 14
large and 18 smaller
2. Are children allowed
to attend Oktoberfest?
Yes, but children less than six years old are
banned from beer tents after 8 p.m., and those
under 16 must be accompanied by parents.
3. How many people attended the wedding
celebration of Prince Ludwig and Princess
Theresa, the first Oktoberfest in 1810? About
40,000 were in attendance.
4. On average, how many people now visit
Oktoberfest each year? About six million
people, mostly from Bavaria.
7. How many bathrooms are there for that
many people? About 1,800 toilets and urinals.
8. How much beer do they drink? Oktoberfest
officials say it averages out to one beer
apiece,or six million liters of beer.
A Royal Wedding Started It All
Now billed as the largest
volksfest, or “people’s
fair,” in the world, the
first Oktoberfest was
held on October 12,
1810, in honor of the
Prince Ludwig (later
King Ludwig I) and
Princess Therese of
wanted to share their joy
with all of Munich, so they invited the entire city
to join in the festivities held in the fields in front
of the city gates. A parade, feasting, music, and
dancing went
on for several days. Horse races attended by the
royal family ended the celebration. When it was
later decided to make the horse races an annual
event, the tradition of Oktoberfest was born.
Garden Place - Resident Spotlight
We live here. We care here.
Garden Place would
like to welcome one
arrived at Garden
Place at the end of
May, 2014.
Virginia was born in
Illinois on March 18th,
1924 and her parents’
names were Adam
and Clara Kiem. She
was married in 1942
to her loving husband
Walter Mehrmann.
She had 2 rambunctious, wonderful sons David and
Wayne. She and her husband lived and raised their
two boys in Floraville, Illinois where they belonged to
the Floraville UCC Church that she still is a member
of today. Walter worked at the grain elevator in
Granite City, Illinois where he retired from years
later. When their love story started Virginia and
Walter got married and he immediately had to go
away to the Army where he served four years in
WWII, but that did not dampen their spirits,
Unfortunately, he did get wounded in the leg but
thankfully recovered with no permanent problems.
Virginia worked as well, at both St. Elizabeth’s and
Memorial Hospitals as a Housekeeper; she loved
quilting and would be given pieces and fabric from
friends and neighbors that she would make into
beautiful quilts for them. She also loved to walk; it
was a favorite pass time for her. And her Garden
Place family can attest to that because she still walks
daily here at her home in Garden Place.
After Walter’s death in 1999 she moved to Millstadt,
and has lived here ever since. Less than 2 years ago
she lost one of her sons, Wayne, but she is thankful
for her wonderful family. She has 4 grandchildren
and 9 great-grandchildren who she says, all visit her
faithfully. Virginia is always smiling, loving and kind.
She inspires all with her determination to continue
to walk daily no matter what, and does not let
herself slow down.
Garden Place Welcomes
Our Newest Family Members!!
Doris Dennerlein
Delmar Loop (Sign Up Early)
Sept. 24, 2014
4:00 pm Leave Center
Mark Your Calendar for a Trip
Contact Patty at 476-3731
To Sign Up For the Dinner Trip
1 pm
Movies In The Park
Bring your blankets or
September 20 to the
Mueth Field for a free
movie. Local businesses
sponsoring the
movie “Despicable Me”.
Join the fun and enjoy
an evening out under
the stars. The movie will
start at dusk.
Book Club
We have more room for
more readers, just come
by and we will provide
you with the book for you!
Of Each
Please Feel Free to Join the Group Anytime
Make a Contribution
There are many ways to contribute to Millstadt Senior Center:
Gifts by Cash or Check
We accept gifts by cash or check by mail and in
person. Include your name, address and phone
number. Checks should be made payable to Millstadt
Township Senior Services.
Memorial Gifts and Bequests
The Millstadt Senior Center is establishing an
endowment fund of memorial gifts and bequests, to
ensure the future of senior services in Millstadt.
We hope that you will remember the Center when
planning your estate, or as a fitting means of
honoring a departed friend or loved one.
All memorial gifts and bequests will be acknowledged
in the Center’s newsletter. If you would like to make a
provision in your will, the following form is suggested:
I give, devise and bequeath to Millstadt Township
Senior Services, a non-profit corporation, located on
this date at 102 South Jefferson, Millstadt, Illinois
62260 the sum of $ _________ (or the property,
herewith described)
We Welcome Any Inquiries About Bequests,
Please Call Us At (618) 476-3731
Come Out and Join for a Night of
Friends and Fun
Admission is just $5 per
person, Which Includes
Play and Munchies!
Friday, Sept. 26
Doors Open at 6:30 pm— Play Begins at 7:00 pm
Millstadt, IL 62260
Meals on Wheels Volunteer Karen Witte packing car
to make deliveries this summer.
Senior Dining Gift Certificates
These gift certificates are available for $4.50 and
make a great gift for the hard-to-buy for person.
These certificates can be used in our Senior dining or
for meals-on-wheels.
Township Supervisor
Randy Eckert
Village Mayor
Michael Todd
Patty Evansco
Nutrition Staff
Rachel Feazel
Transportation (Drivers)
Robert Schmeirbach
Larry Sanders
Executive Board
Orville Mueller, President
Charlie Todd
Gary Huwer
Al Lehr
Mark Todd
Ray Famula
Advisory Council Members
John Baltz
Allen Analla
Betty Stark
Carol Osick
Darlene Sandheinrich
Don Ortmann
Kathy Schaefer
Lillian Tracy
Randy Burk
Patty Evansco
Marlou Eckert
Don Mueller
Janet Mueller
Jerry Schmitz
“Seniors Come First”
Services Available
Township Senior Services
102 South Jefferson St., Millstadt, IL 62260
Phone No. 618-476-3731
Fax No. 618-476-3921
The Millstadt Senior Center Is A Place Of
Opportunities, A Focal Point In Our Community
Where Services Support Positive Aging and Where
Educational, Recreational and Cultural Programs
Enrich The Lives Of Elders and The Community
Funding For The Area Agency On Aging Of
Southwestern Illinois iis Received From the United
States Administration On Aging and the Illinois
Department On Aging. The Agency Does Not
Discriminate in Admission To Programs or Activities
Or Treatment Of Employment In Programs Or
Activities In Compliance With State and Federal
Statutes. If You Feel You Have Been Discriminated
Against, You Have The Right To File A Complaint
With The Agency By Calling
618-222-2561 or 800-326-3221
Meals on Wheels One of the Center’s most important programs, the Meals on
Wheels program provides daily meals to people who have difficulty getting out of the
house and/or cooking for themselves. Not only are we able to supply necessary food,
but the driver delivering the meal is able to ascertain how the client is getting along
and share some companionship. We have a number of folks dedicated to providing
these services. They give freely of their time and energy to deliver the meals, make
contact with the recipient and report back to the Center. The majority of the
“regular” drivers volunteer one day per week and most have said it is highly
rewarding for them.
Lunch Program Lunch is served Monday through Friday at 12 noon. You must be 60
years of age or older to qualify for this program. It is appreciated that if you want
lunch you call the center by 3:00 pm in order to sign up for lunch on the following
day. When you come in you may sign yourself up for the next day. If you like, you
may sign up for the entire week or month. If you know that you can not make it and
you have signed up, please call and let us know that you will not be here and tell us
when you will be back for lunch. If you have any questions concerning the lunch
program please contact Patty Evansco at 476-3731.
All Lunches are Catered from the Millstadt IGA,
West End Bar & Grill and
Breadoux Pizza from Millstadt
“The Center is a Great Place to Enjoy Yourself Through
Fellowship And Celebrations with Other Seniors of Millstadt”
Senior Information and Assistance provides information or help with services
and benefits to residents of Millstadt age 60 and over. We will also visit
homebound seniors. If you need this service or would like to schedule a visit,
call Millstadt Township Senior Center at 618-476-3731.