The Cavell Centre - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS


The Cavell Centre - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS
The Cavell Centre
A member of Cambridge University Health Partners
Welcome and introduction to The Cavell Centre..................... 3
Cavell Centre Gallery.............................................................. 4
Guide to services.................................................................... 5
Contact numbers for all wards and other services................... 6
Maple 1 Ward........................................................................ 8
Maple 2 Ward........................................................................ 9
Maple day therapies............................................................... 10
Oak Ward.............................................................................. 11
Oak therapy service................................................................ 12
Poplar Ward........................................................................... 14
Ministry of Defence Unit......................................................... 15
Hollies Ward........................................................................... 16
Sustainability credentials......................................................... 17
Restaurant, gym, library, meeting rooms, etc.......................... 18
How to find us....................................................................... 19
CPFT information/PALS........................................................... 20
Welcome to The Cavell Centre and Gallery
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to The Cavell Centre
and Gallery – a unique place that brings together mental health and
the arts in a fabulous building.
Our service ethos
Our purpose is to work with people, their carers and families to
help them take control of their lives once again, make positive
changes and improve their quality of life.
Our staff promote relapse prevention and recovery and focus on
working with people and their carers to find solutions. We aim to
create an atmosphere that promotes therapeutic relationships
based on mutual trust, enabling people to realise their potential
to achieve recovery. We empower people to use choice and
maintain their independence and enjoy an inclusive lifestyle.
We are passionate about providing the highest standard of care
and safe, secure, positive and supportive environments. We
recognise there should be no more restrictions on freedom than is
warranted by a person’s clinical condition and each individual will
be cared for in the least restrictive environment as clinically
We focus on individuals and acknowledge that everyone has
different needs and preferences.
Everyone admitted to The Cavell Centre will be treated with
dignity and respect.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust’s
aspiration is to become the organisation most associated with
innovative, excellent, best-value mental health services in the
country and provider of choice in our chosen markets.
The Cavell Centre was formally opened by
HRH The Countess of Wessex on 8 July 2010
The Cavell Centre Gallery
Examples of some of the artwork on display at The
Cavell Centre: Flower Vase by Angela Ibbs; Plume
by Angela Ibbs; Future Movement - Green by
Keaton Rowley
Arts and Minds is a Cambridge-based charity working creatively with
people of all ages with mental health illnesses. Working in partnership
with CPFT, Arts and Minds has created a public art gallery at The Cavell
Hosting three exhibitions a year, artwork ranges from traditional
paintings to contemporary photography, mosaics, textiles, ceramics and
jewellery. Work featured is by local artists, staff and patients.
It’s open daily from 10am–12noon and 2pm-4pm.
The gallery frequently hosts touring exhibitions including works from
Westhill Endowment.
Arts and Minds host a range of creative workshops and projects at the
centre including regular drumming sessions and craft-based activities.
For further information about the work of Arts and Minds, please
Caroline Kisby
Project Development
Peterborough & Fenland
T 0789 003 4040
Guide to services
This purpose-built unit opened in 2009 and provides the
highest-quality, safe and secure in-patient and day services for
adults and older people with mental health problems and people
with learning disabilities:
Maple Ward: In-patient and day services for older people
Oak Ward: In-patient services for adults
Poplar Ward: Psychiatric intensive care unit
Ministry of Defence Unit: Specialist services for serving military
Hollies: Specialist acute care for people with learning disabilities
The Cavell Centre is light and spacious and designed to be flexible
and responsive to service needs. All wards have been designed to
promote choice, recovery, safety and independence, with single
en-suite rooms, private lounges, and private, secure gardens.
And also:
Therapeutic programmes for each individual seven days a week
Overnight accommodation for carers
Fitness facilities, including gym and sports hall
Spiritual well-being sanctuary and chaplaincy service
Common and individual lounges on all wards
Bookable training and meeting spaces
Our comprehensive range of successful, evidence-based in-patient
pathways and multi-disciplinary teams provides assessment, care
and treatment that promotes recovery, and helps people to develop
or recover the skills they need to help them to return to living full
and meaningful lives.
Our partnership with Arts and Minds and Open Studios promotes
hope through a comprehensive therapeutic arts programme, as well
as ongoing art displays and events throughout the centre.
Contact numbers
Main reception
01733 776000
Main fax
01733 776001
Reception - Maple (older people)
01733 776047
Reception - Oak (male ward)
01733 776026
Reception - Oak (women’s ward)
01733 776028
Reception - Poplar
01733 776076
Reception - Hollies
01733 776066
Patient Affairs Office
01733 776019
Health Records Library
01733 776022
Chaplaincy service / Sanctuary
01733 776080
The Cavell Centre
Maple 1
A 16-bed purpose-built dementia care assessment ward for people
who live with or suffer from memory-related problems.
We provide holistic person-centred care. The whole team is involved
in your assessment, with input from psychiatric and general nurses,
occupational therapists, psychologists, consultant psychiatrists and
medical staff. We have close links with diabetic nurses, the tissue
viability service and dieticians to also ensure good physical health.
Nursing staff carry out a variety of activities including reminiscence
and physical activities, as physical health affects your cognitive
ability. The majority of our patients are admitted to the wards on an
informal basis but we do care for people under a section of the
Mental Health Act. The ward operates a locked-door policy because
many service users would be at risk if they were to wander off the
unit without an escort.
During your stay with us - which can last from between four to
12 weeks - we work with you to establish cognitive, physical and
self-help abilities so that we can plan an effective aftercare package.
This may mean a return home with support but can also mean
transfer to a residential or nursing home. We liaise closely with a
wide variety of staff from our community teams, your family and
carers to ensure you have a safe return hom with appropriate care
and support.
Ward manager/team leader
Erica Sinclair
T 01733 776045
Matron/team manager
Nobbie Joy
T 01733 776047
Visiting times
2pm-4.30pm; 6pm-8pm. (arrangements outside these times can be
made with the nurse in-charge).
Useful websites
Maple 2
A 26-bed ward for people aged 65 years and over who are
experiencing a crisis with their mental well-being, including people
who might pose a risk to themselves or others and whose care may
require management in a hospital setting under the Mental Health
We provide therapeutic, holistic and person-centred care that is
supported by a team of psychiatric and general nurses, occupational
therapists, psychologists, consultant psychiatrists, doctors, the
chaplaincy service, the voluntary sector, Red Cross and Age UK. We
work closely with diabetic nurses, tissue viability service and
dieticians to ensure good physical health.
An individual care co-ordinator/named nurse is assigned to you for
the length of your stay to help you to take part in planning your
care and individual activity programme that meets your likes and
We operate an open ward but, at times, we may need to lock the
ward to respond to specific circumstances.
Length of stay depends on your individual need but averages about
four to six weeks. Most of our patients return home on discharge.
Occasionally, some move into an appropriate residential care
setting. As part of planning for discharge you may attend day
therapy or take home leave. For some, we may offer ongoing
support by one of our community teams.
Ward manager/team leader
Ruth Rochford
T 01733 776013
Matron/team manager
Nobbie Joy
T 01733 776047
Visiting times
2pm-4.30pm; 6pm-8pm
Useful websites
Maple day therapy services
Our day therapy service provides a wide range of therapeutic
approaches to promote recovery, rehabilitation, independence and
well-being for older people mainly aged 65 years and over.
Our service is tailored to meet your individual needs through
one-to-one sessions, therapeutic group work and a variety of
general activity programmes. We offer full day and sessional
attendance (Monday to Friday). If you stay all day you can enjoy the
shared restaurant. We can provide hospital transport when
Referral is made by the community mental health teams or
consultant psychiatrist. We can arrange a Care Programme
Approach (CPA) review for you when attending the day therapy
service if required.
We plan and agree the length of the
activity programme with you
depending on your need. Some
groups, such as the anxiety
management and jog-your-memory
group, are time limited. You may join
activities within the in-patient setting.
We have input from nurses,
occupational therapists, Brook Street
College tutors and volunteers from the
Arts and Mind group.
On discharge we try to support you to
find an appropriate community
activity, social care service or voluntary
organisation to attend.
Suzanne Cunningham
T 01733 776047
An acute mental health unit with 18 beds for women and 18 beds for
The wards are a safe environment where we support you to recover
quickly so that you can return home as soon as possible. Soon after
arriving on the ward you will be seen in private by a nurse and a doctor.
We will talk to you about how you are feeling, what has happened that
has led you to be here and what might help you to feel better. It will
help us decide what support, care and treatment we can give you to aid
your recovery. We will also ask about your physical health.
If you are admitted you will be shown around the ward and introduced
to staff and other patients. You will be allocated a primary nurse who
will see you on a regular basis as well as a key worker who will see you
in the absence of your primary nurse. As well as doctors and nurses we
also have a psychologist and occupational therapists on the wards. The
occupational therapist will meet with you when you are settled on the
ward and explain their role and the therapeutic group programme to
you. Other staff visit the ward including pharmacists, chaplains and
independent advocates.
As you begin to feel better you may have periods of home leave so that
your discharge is organised and gradual. This and your aftercare plans
will be discussed with you and your family. Our approach to providing
services is governed by a philosophy of recovery and our service is
designed and delivered within the principles of recovery.
Rena Hughes
T 01733 776000
F 01733 776036
Visiting times
Weekdays 6pm-8pm; weekends 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm.
During the week there will be PAST time (Patient And Staff Time) which
is 11am-12noon and 4pm-5pm. During these times, patients and staff
have one-to-one time and no visiting is allowed unless an appointment
has been made.
Out-of-hours crisis number: 0800 052 22 52
Oak therapy service
Our therapeutic group programme provides balanced and varied
activities including physical exercise, psycho-education, occupational
needs of self care, productivity and leisure, functional and creative activity.
The evidence-based interventions in the therapeutic groups provide
support with your physical health, mental health and occupational needs.
Within the therapy team we have occupational therapists and a
therapeutic group nurse. Occupational therapists in mental health focus
on the relationship between occupation, mental health and well-being.
We provide therapeutic psycho-educational groups that help you to learn
coping strategies in a supportive environment. We look at anxiety and
depression, hearing voices and dealing with difficult emotions. There are
groups to help you put the skills you have learned into practice with
relaxation sessions and sessions in and outside the hospital. Creative
activities are used to help you explore your thoughts and feelings through
art, creative writing, poetry, dance and drama.
Physical activity is encouraged and offered to help you to improve your
physical health and mental health recovery. We have a daily walk, Tai chi,
allotment gardening, sailing, gym and sport activities in the sports hall.
Physical activity helps to improve mood, increases psychological
well-being, increases self-esteem, reduces stress, improves sleep patterns,
increases energy levels and helps weight management.
Rena Hughes
Team Leader
Sonya McCullough
T 01733 776000
F 01733 776036
Visiting times
Monday-Friday, 6pm-8pm; Saturday and Sunday, 2pm-4pm and
Useful websites
Out-of-hours crisis number: 0800 052 22 52
Poplar Ward provides the highest-quality, safe and secure in-patient
environment for adults and older people with mental health
problems and people with learning disabilities.
Poplar Ward is a safe and secure environment, with access to all the
facilities of The Cavell Centre and with its own private, secure
The ward has eight single en-suite rooms for men over the age of
18 years who are exhibiting challenging or disturbed behaviour that
cannot be managed on an open psychiatric ward. Due to the
flexibility of facilities at The Cavell Centre, we can also accept and
provide the same level of care for female service users requiring
psychiatric intensive care. Length of stay is determined by the
assessment of risk and clinical need.
All service users admitted to Poplar Ward are detained under the
Mental Health Act 1983. At all times we follow the Mental Health
Act Code of Practice, and service users’ rights under the act are
explained to them on admission and observed at all times.
When treatment under conditions of security are no longer
required, patients are usually discharged to the care of the service
which originally referred them - for example, open ward or
community service, depending on clinical need.
Rena Hughes
Ward Manager
Declan Gilmore
T 01733 776078
F 01733 776036
Useful websites
Out-of-hours crisis number:
0800 052 22 52
Ministry of Defence Unit
The MoD Unit is one of only seven in the UK and provides effective
specialist mental health care for serving military personnel.
There are currently four single en-suite rooms available and
treatment is provided for the whole spectrum of mental illness
requiring specialist care. People are referred from Ministry of
Defence mental health community services.
A seven-day therapeutic programme provides individual personcentred therapy specifically relevant for serving military personnel.
People are admitted for specialist assessment and treatment that
aims to stabilise and prepare for discharge back to the care of the
Ministry of Defence community services. Discharge is supported by
a mutually agreed follow-up plan between the service user, the unit
and the Ministry of Defence.
Ongoing specialist care and continuing review is subject to mutual
decision with the unit and Ministry of Defence clinical staff.
Rena Hughes
Ward Manager
John Marham
T 01733 776000
F 01733 776036
Useful websites
Out-of-hours crisis number:
0800 052 22 52
A 10-bed assessment treatment unit for adults with learning
disabilities who are experiencing problems in their life - such as
mental illness, challenging behaviour or require a review of their
We offer single rooms with en-suite facilities as well as access to a
bathroom. The unit is made up of separate male and female areas
with their own lounges to enable people to have time alone or with a
member of staff.
We use a person-centred approach to work with you to develop an
individual programme of activities, taking into account your specific
needs. You will be encouraged to take part in therapeutic activities,
led by nurses, art therapist, occupational therapist, psychology and
speech and language therapists.
Our aim is to assess your needs and support you to take control of
your life, make individual choices and achieve social inclusion, so that
you can enjoy an inclusive lifestyle within your family and community.
The average length of stay would depend on your needs - this could
be anything from six weeks to six months.
During your stay, you will be allocated a named
nurse who will arrange to meet with you at least
once a week to discuss your hopes for your future.
From these meetings, a personal planning book will
be completed and shared with the team when
planning support for you after you leave hospital.
Unit manager
Maggie Romjon
T 01733 776056 / 776067/9
Visiting times
10am-12noon; 2pm-5pm; 6.30pm-8pm
Useful websites
Sustainability and CPFT
We recognise that we have an important duty to be conscientious in our
use of resources and must consider sustainable development in all that
we do.
The Cavell Centre was designed to meet all the latest national
environmental standards. We are increasingly watchful for how we could
improve in our role as an employer, a user of transport, energy and other
We have assessed where we are now and what we need to do to
improve and to insure the future, not only for CPFT but also local
communities. We are looking at:
Travel (how we can reduce our carbon emissions and travel costs)
Procurement (buying efficient products)
Facilities management (making sure we have environmentally friendly
Community engagement (engaging with local communities in our
Buildings (making sure our buildings meet the highest standards)
One major change is that we now make sure sustainability issues are
considered in all our decision making.
In January 2009, the NHS launched its “Carbon Reduction Strategy –
Saving Carbon – Improving Health”. The strategy outlined what NHS
organisations would need to do for them to achieve the demanding
targets set out in the Climate Change Act.
As part of our commitment to this,
we aim to reduce our carbon
emissions wherever possible in
every aspect of our organisation,
from the energy we use to the
goods and services we buy.
We aim to lead the way in
becoming part of a low-carbon
society and provide a high-class,
sustainable service for present and
future generations.
Other facilities
Open from 8am to 6.30pm for visitors, carers, service users and staff.
Hot and cold food available all day with a range of snacks and hot
and cold drinks at very reasonable prices.
For service users and staff members use only. To book, contact the
main reception desk on 01733 776000.
Sports hall
The hall is used for occupational therapy sessions for service users,
and staff training, and can also be booked by staff for personal use.
To book, contact the main reception desk on 01733 776000.
The Sanctuary
The Cavell Centre’s recovery-focused chaplaincy team offers spiritual,
religious and pastoral support and care to people of all faiths, as well
as people who do not have particular beliefs but who would like
someone to talk to. The Sanctuary is situated on the ground floor of
the centre. Contact the chaplaincy team on 01733 776080.
Meeting rooms
Conference room: On first floor with presentation facilities –
maximum of 30 people (dependent on layout) for non-clinical use.
Training room: On first floor with
presentation facilities – maximum of 25
people (dependent on layout) for non-clinical
Interview rooms: Ground floor, varying sizes,
for smaller meetings and hot-desking.
Family room: Bookable for service users and
Carer’s room: Available for relatives.
Bookable by contacting main reception desk
on 01733 776000.
To book meeting rooms, contact
reception on 01733 776000.
How to find us
The Cavell Centre
Edith Cavell Healthcare Campus
Bretton Gate
The Cavell Centre is based in Bretton, Peterborough, at the Edith
Cavell Campus and is about two miles west of the city centre, just
off junction 16 on the A47.
By foot/cycle
It is accessible on foot and by cycle from many parts of the city.
Bretton is linked to the city centre and other parts of the city by a
comprehensive cycle network. A map of cycle routes is available
from the Tourist Information Centre in Minster Precincts or phone
01733 452336.
By public transport
Number 2 and number 3 public buses go to and from Peterborough
city centre every 10 minutes.
By train
Visitors arriving by train should follow signs to Queensgate bus
station where public buses can be taken to the Edith Cavell Campus
about every 10 minutes. Taxis are available at the station or
Queensgate Bus Station (five minutes’ walk across the footpath).
By car
Visitors arriving by car are required
to use the pay-and-display
facilities. A 30-minute drop-off
zone is available at the front of The
Cavell Centre.
For issues or queries regarding car
parking arrangements on the Edith
Cavell Campus, please contact the
Car Parking and Transport
Office on 01733 874235.
Our CPFT vision
People with mental health and long-term conditions will
enjoy transformed lives, free from discrimination and
supported by access to high-quality services, support and
Our values
We focus on the needs of the whole person
We trust, value and develop each other
We are good people to do business with
We have high standards in all that we do
For information about CPFT services or to raise an issue,
contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on
Freephone 0800 376 0775, or e-mail
Produced April 2011
HQ Elizabeth House, Fulbourn Hospital, Cambridge CB21 5EF.
T 01223 726789 F 01480 398501