Spring, Summer And So On
Spring, Summer And So On
FOREIGN RIGHTS CATALOGUE 2014-2015 Content Fiction Non-Fiction L’ALTRA (The Other One) Marta Rojals ................................................................................................................................................ 09 AFERRADA A LA VIDA (Clung To Life) Giovanna Valls ........................................................................................................................................ 33 PRIMAVERA, ESTIU, ETC (Spring, Summer And So On) Marta Rojals ................................................................................................................................................ 10 BREVE HISTORIA DE LA ÉTICA (A Brief History Of Ethics) Victoria Camps ........................................ 34 I DEMÀ, EL PARADÍS (And Tomorrow, Paradise) Antoni Vives .............................................................................................................................................. 11 LA EDAD DE HIELO (The Ice Age) Diego López Garrido .................................................................................................................. 35 MARIONA Pilar Rahola ................................................................................................................................................. 13 OLOR DE CLOR SOTA LA ROBA (Chlorine Odour Under The Clothes) Maria Guasch ............................................................................................................................................ 14 LA IZQUIERDA NECESARIA (The Necessary Left) Josep Ramoneda .............................................................................................................................. 36 POR QUÉ NOS EXTINGUIREMOS (Why Will We Become Extinct) Francisco Lozano Winterhalder .............................................................................. 37 LA LÒGICA DELS PANYS (The Logic Of Keyholes) Francisco José Vélez ....................................................................................................................15 DUAL Caridad Puig .................................................................................................................................................16 Crime Fiction Practical Non-Fiction HERÈNCIES COL·LATERALS (Collateral Legacies) Llort ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 LA NOIA D’ABERDEEN (The Aberdeen Girl) Quim Aranda ............................................................................................................................................. 24 EL CASTILLO DE SAINT-CHARTIER (The Castle At Saint-Chartier) Ivo Fornesa ........................................ 25 UNA NOVELA DE BARRIO (A Neighbourhood Novel) González Ledesma ......................................................................................................................... 26 HISTORIA DE DIOS EN UNA ESQUINA (The Story Of God In A Corner) González Ledesma ...... 27 LA DAMA DE CACHEMIRA (The Cashmere Lady) González Ledesma ......................................................................................................................... 27 UNA BALA PARA EL COMISARIO VALTIERRA (A Bullet For Comissar Valtierra) Sergio Bufano ..................... 28 02/ Fiction TAPAS, LA COCINA DEL TICKETS (Tapas, The Tickets Recipes) Albert Adrià ........................................... 43 COCINA VEGANA MEDITERRÁNEA (Vegan Mediterranean Cuisine) Laura Kohan ................................ 44 LA CUINA CATALANA (Catalan Cooking) Josep Lladonosa ................................................................................................................................. 45 CORPUS DE LA CUINA CATALANA (Corpus Of Catalan Cooking) ..................................................................................... 45 TERRA DE TOMÀQUETS (Tomato Land) Cristina Viader I Pere Romanillos .......................................................................... 45 QUINES COSES MÉS ESTRANYES QUE MENGEM A CATALUNYA (The Strange Things We Eat In Catalunya) Manel Guirado .......................................................................................................................................... 45 NO TE OLVIDES DE TU MEMORIA (Don’t Forget Your Memory) Llorenç Guilera ................................ 46 ÉTICA PARA ALICIA (An Ethic For Alicia) Luis Racionero ......................................................................................................................................... 47 Content Practical Non-Fiction LA DIETA QUE ACTIVA TU VIDA (The Diet That Boosts Your Life) Josep Lluís Berdonces ............................................................................................................. 48 Collectable Editions EVERYTHING IS MATHEMATICAL ................................................................... 70 GREAT IDEAS OF SCIENCE ......................................................................................... 71 HISTORY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC............................................................. 72 EL HUERTO FAMILIAR ECOLÓGICO (How To Grow Organic Vegetables With Your Family) Mariano Bueno ....................................................................................................................................... 49 EL HUERTO ECOLÓGICO EN MACETAS (Potted Ecological Garden) Hortensia Lemaître Y José T. Gállego ........................................................... 50 VIVIR SIN TÓXICOS (Living Without Toxics) Elisabet Silvestre .................................................................................................................................. 51 “HOW TO HEAL” THE BIG SERIES ON NATURAL HEALTH ......................................... 52 Children’s Literature CUENTOS CLASICOS (Classical Tales), Various Authors .................................................................................................................................... 60 Magazine Books MAGAZINE BOOKS........................................................................................................................ 73 EL SOMNI DE TÀNGER (Tangier’s Dream), Xavier Vernetta ...................................................................................................................................... 62 TODO EL MUNDO CUENTA (Tales from Every Corner of the Earth), J.M.Hernández Ripoll & Aro Sáinz de la Maza ...................................................................................... 63 CUENTOS DE HADAS DEL MUNDO (Fairy Tales from All Over the World), Illustrated By Sara Manzano ............................................................................................ 64 CUENTOS DE BRUJAS DEL MUNDO (Witch Tales From All Over The World), Illustrated By Sara Manzano ............................................................................................ 65 03 / Fiction Introduction to the group RBA Libros: Following RBA’s consolidation in the magazines and collectable editions publishing industry at home and abroad, the group, led by its chairman Ricardo Rodrigo, decided to make further advances by establishing a new division, RBA Libros, to channel and strengthen the RBA Group’s activities in the realm of publishing and marketing books intended for sale in bookshops. The seed for this project was sown in 1997 with the purchase of the Integral publishing house, a pioneer in the publication of books on health and personal development. This was followed by the marketing and sale of National Geographic books. In 2000, RBA moved into the Spanish literature market by creating collections of Fiction – including its celebrated “Serie Negra” collection – and Non Fiction. In order to boost literature in Catalan, it completed its purchase of La Magrana publishing house that same year, thereby adding authors of tremendous literary standing to its catalogue. This division is not only working to develop new imprints but has also turned its attention to literature for children and teenagers. In 2004 the company purchased one of the most important firms in the publishing of adolescent books, Molino, and the following year acquired Serres, publishers of children’s books. As a result, RBA now ranks as the leaders in this field. In 2006, the company bought one of the most prestigious publishing houses in this literary area, Gredos, which has the largest library of Greek and Latin classics, as well as the María Moliner, Casares and Coromines dictionaries plus other works. 04/ Fiction In order to promote its literary imprints, the company established the RBA Crime Novel Award, the most important award worldwide for this particular genre in terms of its value (¤125,000). Prize-winning authors include Francisco González Ledesma, Andrea Camilleri, Philip Kerr, Harlan Coben, Patricia Cornwell, Michael Connelly and Arnaldur Indridason. That same year, the Gaziel Prize for Biographies and Memoirs was reinstated. Awarded in conjunction with the Grupo Godó, this prize has been given to works such as the biographies of Martí de Riquer, Carmen Laforet, Terenci Moix and Ramon Trias Fargas, and the memoirs of Luis Racionero and Enrique Barón. In addition, the RBA Group, together with the Grupo Hotusa and the University of Barcelona, established the Eurostars Travel Narrative Award in 2005. With regard to the Catalan imprint, La Magrana added the Odissea Readers’ Prize and the Crims de Tinta Prize for crime writing to its catalogue as a way to discover new talented writers and to promote literature in Catalan. 05 / Fiction Fiction titles Fiction MARTA ROJALS · Novel The other one March 2014 · 336 pages L’altra is the much-awaited second novel by Marta Rojals, a striking, unusual voice that has won over thousands of readers with her début novel Primavera, estiu, etcètera, published in 2011, currently in its 9th edition and constantly recommended by bloggers and booksellers. Finalist of the prestigious Joan Crexells Award. 6,000-copy first edition sold out in two weeks. Anna is a graphic designer in her late thirties. She lives in Barcelona with her partner, Nel, whom she both needs and pushes away. She and Nel belong to a generation that grew up in an upcoming society and has been dragged down by the economic crisis in Spain: those who have gone from promising futures to losing their jobs, their homes, their chances of travel. The crisis has hit home, Nel is unemployed, his sister moves in with them, and meanwhile, Anna meets Teo, a deaf 21-year-old boy with whom she finds it surprisingly easy to communicate and begins a purely sexual relationship. What for? The economic crisis, motherhood, isolation and social networks, secrets, and the end and the nuances of desire are all subjects that recur throughout the novel. With a fresh, personal style, a sense of humor, a fine eye for detail, and brilliant dialogues, Marta Rojals unfolds the present and the past like a precise mechanism revolving around a main character full of sharp edges, and producing an extraordinary novel about secrets, human relationships, and the need to forget. Marta Rojals. Born in La Palma d’Ebre (Ribera d’Ebre), Marta Rojals graduated in architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She majored in Theory, History, and Criticism, the perfect excuse for quickly tucking away her portfolio and discovering that there was a whole wide world beyond the construction industry. She is currently working as a translator and editor, writes fiction for a variety of publications, and posts her opinions on Vilaweb. She is the author of Primavera, estiu, etcètera (2011). RIGHTS SOLD TO: Rizzoli (Italy) and Uitgeverij Signatuur (The Netherlands) 09 / Fiction Fiction MARTA ROJALS · Novel Spring, Summer And So On June 2011 · 368 pages As every year for All Saints, Èlia returns to her village to make the obligatory visit to the cemetery and spend some time with her father and aunt. This year everything is a bit strange. She is 34 now, her boyfriend just dumped her and the crisis has noticeably lowered the workload at her architecture firm where she works at in Barcelona. The weekend off seems like a good opportunity to think things over and get life back in order. After having been away for a long time for university studies and work, Èlia feels increasingly at home with her people: her laconic father, her distrustful aunt and the inquisitive yet friendly neighbors. And it is that sometimes we only begin to see and understand things when we stop in our tracks and start looking around us... “ A novel about love, friendship, family, work, lost opportunities and the possibility to find your place in the world. “ Treated as an insider tip in blogs and catalan internet pages the novel celebrated a spectacular take-off, selling three editions in only 4 months! Narrated in a succession of short brushstrokes and flashbacks, “Spring, Summer, and so on...” is a tragically comic novel with a touch of the new generation. At the same time the novel catches the spirit and customs of a small Catalan village near the river Ebro. Marta Rojals. Born in La Palma d’Ebre (Ribera d’Ebre), Marta Rojals graduated in Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She majored in Theory, History, and Criticism, the perfect excuse for quickly tucking away her portfolio and discovering that there was a whole wide world beyond the construction industry. She is currently working as a translator and editor, writes fiction for a variety of publications, and posts her opinions on Vilaweb. She is the author of Primavera, estiu, etcètera (2011). 10 / Fiction Fiction Antoni Vives Premi Llibreter 2014 (Booksellers Award 2014) June 2014 · 400 pages A young girl from Barcelona, Teresa, arrives in Fernando Poo, in Equatorial Guinea, in the 1950s to start a new life with her husband, the landowner Alberto Cirer. Teresa feels finally free, finally happy. By means of her relationships with Alberto’s ex lover, with the witch Xangó and the black woman Teodosia, with Manel and Tià, a father and a son who have fled from Cadaqués some years before, Teresa will meet a Teresa that she didn’t know it existed. At the same time, an amazing fresco of the isolated Cadaqués of the 1920s and the 1930s plunges the reader into the latent tensions between the factions in the village, which show up little by little, encouraged by personal envies and the unavoidable presence of witches. And, in a touching twist, the second part of the book takes the reader to the Cadaqués of the 1960s, with the liberal summer vacationers, the uninhibited atmosphere, the artists, the parties, and so on. Teresa goes there with her teen daughter, Janet, and a circle of secrets begun half a century ago closes itself. EL SOMNI DE FARRINGDON ROAD March 2010 · 480 pages Farringdon Road Dream, Antoni Vives’ fictional debut, is a Civil War epic poem, as well as an addictive love story, a story of adventures and action. In times of disbelief we should allow ourselves to be caught up in the dreams of freedom and justice coming from a generation fighting for its beliefs, powerfully described in the form of the International Brigade. LES BANDERES DE L’1 D’ABRIL February 2012 · 528 pages The day the Civil War ends, the day Franco’s army enters Chinchón, gathers three characters who are to cross paths through the next fifteen years. Revenges, fears, ambition and ideals are at stake and decide on a new order, which might be new only in appearance. The author draws the portrait of the deep post-war wounds: loneliness and cynicism, the hard road to hope, the triumph of the arrivistes and the inevitable end that always comes to all flags, being so empty, so trifling when years go by. Antoni Vives (Barcelona, 1965) is the author of several essays, like Catalunya, entre la perplexitat i el somni (2002), El nacionalisme que ve (Award Octubre d’Assaig 2003), Barcelonies: lletra de batalla per Barcelona (2006) and Per què faig de polític. Carta oberta als meus fills (2007). He is also author of El somni de Farringdon Road (2010), his first fiction book, awarded with the Premi Crexells of the Ateneu Barcelonès, and Les banderes de l’1 d’abril (2012), both published in La Magrana. 11 / Fiction Fiction El carrer de l’embut has sold more than 15,000 copies Pilar Rahola MARIONA • Novel October 2014 · 288 pages · Catalan In 182 1824, in the town of Gràcia, the young Mariona is about to get married. Her life, lif quiet and simple, is nice, but the years to come are those of a tumultuous century. And this century carries the heavy and latent threat of tumult levies, the feared levies that take the children away from their families to the lev die far away from home. And Mariona decides to do her best to avoid this. Through rou her life and adventures, and those recalled and told around her, witness riots and repression, the industrialization of the country and the we wit general strike, the falling of the walls, the arrival of the train and the first ge opening of the Liceu. Riots, the Carlist wars, the ideals of the Republic and openin Freemasonry, and the national rebirth. The country is changing and the Fr Mariona, with her awareness of being a woman and a citizen, is changing Mario too. great historical fresco of the Catalunya of the 19th century. A grea FUNNEL STREET • Novel March 2013 · 256 pages · Catalan A tribute to the greats of the Republic, the feminism of the 20s and 30s and the cultural effervescence of the time. From the point of view of two characters about to sail for Cuba, the author takes us on a stroll through an extraordinary web of relations and through some of the key events of the 20s and 30s in Catalonia and Cuba. Using the technique of collage and alternating points of view to portray a kaleidoscopic universe, Pilar Rahola evokes a fascinating world that is crumbling. THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF SPAIN June 2011 · 280 pages · Catalan This book is not about a clash of civilizations, but aims to mediate between civilization and barbarism. And if barbarism includes all those who use religion and God to justify hatred, b slavery, bigotry and terrorism, civilization includes all those who fight for freedom. s Pilar Rahola (Barcelona, 1958) comes from a Republican and anti-Fascist family, and works as a journalist and writer. As a former politician in ERC her areas of interest include women’s rights, international human rights, and animal rights. She has covered the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, the Balkan Wars, the Gulf War, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Rahola is married and has three children, two of them adopted: one from Barcelona, the other from Siberia. 12 / Fiction Fiction MARIA GUASCH · Historical Fiction Chlorine Odour Under The Clothes September 2014 · 160 pages Julia is eleven and has a long summer ahead. An only child, quiet and observant, she is always looking for the company of Silvia, her teen cousin, and David, a summer vacationer who is fourteen years old and stays at Silvia’s home with his family. But her cousin and David have a world of their own, and Julia is not always allowed. When her parents decide to leave her and travel, she must settle at her aaunt and uncle’s, under the same roof as Silvia and a David, summer promises to be really different. something real book, Maria Guasch unveils herself as With this book an author with a precise and tuned voice. Who grow in the margins, the ellipses and lets her story gr the tiny details, details in the choice of the point of view, without forcing the interpretation. Settled in the beginning of the th 1990s, Olor de clor sota la roba has some elem elements of a generational novel in the almost tangible evocation of childhood summers of a quarter o of a century ago, but, above all, it is an immersi immersion on someone’s inner thoughts, someone who doesn’t have a life of her own yet, but who devours devou everything she sees. An account to remember h how we love, want or hate when we are eleven year years old. Maria Guasch (Begues, 1983) has a degree on Media Communications and works as a screenwriter and documentalist in projects aimed at museums and exhibits. She has also worked once in a while for several publishing houses. Olor de clor sota la roba is her second novel after La neu fosa (2013). 13 / Fiction Fiction FRANCISCO JOSÉ VÉLEZ · Novel The Logic Of Keyholes October 2013 · 144 pages · Catalan “ “ Georges Bataille used to say that literature is essential or is nothing, and that Evil, expressed by literature, has, to put it someway, the highest value. The alliance between this value, in the kaleidoscopical plurality of all its faces, and irony and a certain subtle sense of humour furnishes the twelve short stories that shape Francesc J. Vélez’s La lògica dels panys. A book that makes you think and enjoy thinking What moves men, since we are children, towards the abyss of evil? What is the terrible hidden seed of fear which ends up leading a grown woman to turn the safety and protection of her home into a religion? What’s left of the love between those busy parents of today and their abandoned children? Is life a real journey that fills existence with true meaning? What’s the sense of literature? And short stories? And the sense of making questions? Francesc J. Vélez (Barcelona, 1961) is a Philosophy professor and a poet. In the field of short stories, he was awarded with the Premi Vent de Port de Tremp in 2006, with the story “L’ànima de les basses” (The Soul of Ponds), and was finalist in 2005 with “L’escorpí” (The Scorpion), both stories included in this book. 14 / Fiction Fiction CARIDAD PUIG · Historical Fiction Dual June 2013 · 448 pages An exciting adventure replete with passion, betrayal and death, in which nothing and no-one are as they seem. The attractive Siamese Moore twins were brought up p in the hospital p where they were born under the patronage of Doctor George guardianship and a Osborn and the t maternal care of the wealthy Ángela Cassiani. Now, to old Italian expatriate, exp celebrate their graduation from university, the twins take a trip tri to Rome with the aim of seeing the old country and the hope that the experience will allow them the opportunity to be initiated into adulthood. adulthood They are, however, unaware of from their home turf, a confabulation the fact that fro is being woven with terrorist overtones in which necessary link in the chain, and in they are a nec which the New York mafia, a ruthless hitman and than their beloved benefactor, Doctor none other tha George Osborn are participating. Caridad Puig has 18 unpublished books on the shelf. She began writing at the age of 60, when she gave up men, discotheques and the mundane world. Winner of the international poetry award, Nuove Proposte, she has written historical novels and a biography of Wilfred I, a book that won her the Order of Malta in Paris for its profoundly Europeanist spirit. 15 / Fiction Fiction Other Titles A HANDFUL OF WEED · Ricard Biel October 2012 · 160 pages Selfishness, greed, cowardice, obsession, frustration projected into the other… All in all, the daily human sickness, the unavoidable conflict and its consequences, all that is going to damage victims who, often, neither they know they are such. The singular voice of Ricard Biel is deployed here with full swing, in nine classic tales that become a compact and ambitious compilation, highly literary and profound in surveying characters in the inside vibrant and tight as the string of a bow. SHADOWS ERRANT · Ferran Sáez Mateu September 2012 · 224 pages An ironic, brilliant allegory of the Spanish transition beginning with the political assassination of a lieutenant colonel who supports ultra-right-wing groups. Two brothers who haven’t seen each other in 34 years, a cynical national poet on his last leg, a heroin survivor and a theoretician of the revolution about to go from theory to action, all of them have one thing in common: they experience a mystery in troubled times. Involved in this x-ray of the late 1970s atmosphere, when Franco’s death was awaited with a mixture of euphoric impatience and fatalist unease, are an enigmatic Belgian priest who has decided to change the course of history, a cash robbery and the assassination of Lieutenant Colonel Juan Solé Duran by a group of amateur, extreme left-wing terrorists. 16 / Fiction Fiction OPIUM AND SARDINES · Cesc Martínez February 2011 · 197 pages A very personal p exploration of the blurred historical memory of the period spanning the Civil War, the transition to democracy and the present day. When Fabre, a substitute Spanish C of social studies, finds himself with nothing to do during the hot summer months, teacher o decides to reconstruct the history of an old black and white photograph he has found in a he decide book, which wh shows a group of people in their Sunday best. LISTEN, VOLODIA · Ramon Erra November 2010 · 190 pages Who was Carles-Frederic, the poet also known as Walrus, Russian, Supreme Soviet, Carlov or Mirtil? The “poor baboon”, the dabbler, one of the last idealists of the region, he has passed away. Maybe it is because of his legend that the narrator and his friend Felip, start to study history, but in any case they find themselves fascinated by him. That is why they want to dedicate a collection of texts to him, a homage. In the elaboration process they discover, among other things, what the great Petromax has been hiding. It seems like he has not always been following his own principles, and as the friends work their way from past to present they unveil that important historical events do not pass unnoticed by no one, not even in a small, forlorn village… UNDOING THE NAPKIN’S KNOT · Ramon Erra March 2008 · 206 pages · Winner of the 2008 Salambó Prize Desfent el nus n del mocador is a story made up of memories about love, fate, survival and blame. After suff s ering a traffic accident that disfigures him, an ageing waiter starts writing about the parish cchurch of the roadside bar where he worked all his life. The author portraits with a voice an extraordinary microcosm settled between the countryside and the city. Emplorealistic voi ying a unique uniqu humour, the novel accomplishes interesting stories out of events and personalities would have seemed annoying or impersonal. The author has the ambition to which whi ch otherwise othe construct con onst on struct a fragile world with his delights and frustrations, love and bitterness, fights and rivalry, only to then get rid of it all, destroy it in one pathetic, tired move, washing it all away. 17 / Fiction Fiction HEROES, ADVENTURERS AND COWARDS · Jacinto Antón March 2013 · 400 pages You walk secret passageways in the pyramids, accompany a Nazi in search of the origins of the You’ll swastika in Tibet, board the Bounty, visit Lawrence of Arabia’s Wadi Rum, dive into the waters of swas Red Sea in search of treasure… Among so much emotion, there’s even room for a hamster. An the R enthralling book on adventure in its broadest sense, that covers past and present, the exploration enth off u uncharted territories and the most ferocious battles, the exploits of heroes and villains and in o addition, of regular human beings faced with exceptional circumstances. addi WITH THESE EYES OF MINE · Francisco Mondino March 2010 · 175 pages This book is a homage to all the women and men who suffered different forms of political repression through the almost endless succession of dictatorial regimes in Argentina. Transcending the limits of space and time, the homage becomes a firm, clear, piercing scream given out from the attachment to the best in the human being, a scream that overcomes the deepest horror and melts into light. NEVER AGAIN! · Tito Drago April 2012 · 112 pages story on how people can regain their freedom and reinstate democracy, leaving oppression and A sto barbarity behind. Set in the Argentina of general Jorge Videla’s dictatorship (1976-1981), this novel barba narrates the life of a pacifist couple involved in syndicalism: a man and woman who are convinced narra democrats and, despite they have never taken up a weapon, end up as victims of what that dictatodemo rial and a repressive regime euphemistically called the «war against terrorism». 18 / Fiction Crime Fiction Crime Fiction LLORT · Crime Novel Collateral Legacies September 2014 · 208 pages “ “ A dark and fresh plot, built with an amazing irony Anna Maria Villalonga The llawyer Ernest Claramunt has reached an agreement with Francesca Puigmajor, an old agreem eighty years old: he will pay her a life lady, almost a annuity and, in exchange for that, the wonderful annui flat in Eixample where she lives will become a property of the Claramunt family when she dies. prope A very lucrative agreement indeed. It’s a pity that, years go by, she is not dying. And the lawyer’s as yea family can no longer pay her annuity and must start tthinking of new alternatives... and it’s a pity Francesca herself has a dark history behind that F and that she is an unexpectedly tough nut to her an crack. IF THEY GIVE YOU UP FOR DEAD, BUT ONE DAY YOU COME BACK · Llort July 2012 · 224 pages The bell rings. Which feelings stir inside the mother when she opens the door and recognises her son, the one who disappeared years ago? How does she react, since he will not tell her where he has been, or with whom? Since he will not say a word about what happened. Why Agustí has been fourteen years and a half missing? And why has he come back? And, mostly, why is he forced to remain silent about it? Lluís Llort (1966) started working for the newspaper Avui in 1986, and he still works there, despite the paper press being in its death throes, and the never-ending rotation of area, partners, editors, owners, titles. Since 1999 hE has published eight novels and ten children books, has contributed in five collective books of short stories and has written more than twenty screenplays for TV series. 21 / Crime Fiction Crime Fiction QUIM ARANDA · Crime Novel The Aberdeen Girl January 2014 · 288 pages Monday, August 2013. A few days before the Catalan National Day, the body of the Scottish professor Paul McEwan, a consultant for the Catalan government on its strategy towards independency, is found dead apartment. A widow of a certain age, respected in his apar academic circles, McEwan had to analyse the by the aca legal means mean that could guarantee that an independent Catalunya could still be part of the European Union. In the heat previous to the celebration of the Catalan theory of a political murder ordered by squads Way, the th commanded by the Central Government starts taking commande shape. In tthe middle of all this fuss, the lawyer Josep a power in the shade of the Generalitat, Roger Moreno, Mor detective Manel Latorre to Aberdeen, to try sends the d and recover recove the work done by the jurist, which seems vanished. When he gets there he finds more to have va questions iinstead of answers. What was McEwan really Catalunya? Who is trying to stop him from doing in C what he is looking for? What’s the interest of finding wh Moreno in this case? And, above all, where is the girl lately meeting the professor? who ho was la IIn n La noia d’Aberdeen, Quim Aranda delves into the news of the country to offer a great noir story hottest new with glimpses glimp of a classic book. And, in the background, we find an intriguing question: which unexpected facts can help moving forward or stopping this process that we are immersed in? Quim Aranda (Barcelona, 1963) is a journalist. He has worked at the Diari de Barcelona, El Observador de la Actualidad, El Mundo del Siglo XXI and worked as a screenwriter in the TV culture magazine Stromboli. Since 1998 he writes for the newspaper Avui and works now as its UK correspondent. In 1995 he wrote the book of interviews Què pensa Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, and in 1997 he wrote a biography of Montalbán’s main character Carvalho. IN 2007 he published his first book, El avión de madera que logró dar media vuelta al mundo, and was awarded as the New Talent of FNAC chain stores. 22 / Crime Fiction Crime Fiction IVO FORNESA · Crime Novel The Castle At Saint-Chartier June 2013 · 336 pages An idyllic village in the deep French countryside proves to be a hotbed of dark, hidden passions and abundant surprises. Durin the housewarming party for the recently During restored Saint-Chartier Castle, the new owner, restor of Irish descent whose mysterious an Argentine Ar fortune seems to have been made in exotic fortun places, is found dead in strange circumstances place and a newcomer to the town, Laurent de Rodergues, is the main suspect. For lack of Rode proof, the gendarmes end up classifying the proof death as an accident but Laurent progressively discovers facts and situations leading him to disco believe that his death was no accident, which believ impels him to investigate… impel The ccombination of intrigue and palace luxury sweeping up the protagonists will hook you sweep from cover to cover. Ivo Fornesa (Barcelona, 1959) has received three awards from the Chinese government, among them the Friendship Award, which has only been given to two Spaniards to date. He has lived and worked in Egypt, Israel, Syria, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Burma, Thailand and China. 23 / Crime Fiction Crime Fiction GONZÁLEZ-LEDESMA · Crime Novel A Neighbourhood Novel October 2007 · 304 pages · Sold to Germany, Italy, France, Portugal and Hungary Winner of the 2007 International Crime Fiction award More detailed English resume available Once we reach the last page, we know two things: first, that Una novela de barrio is a simple story, like all great stories; and second, that we have just read a classic of the genre. Una novela de barrio is a story of revenge. After robbingg a bank in the seventies, two thieves kill a hostage, a young boy, as they flee. The novel begins in present-day Barcelona, when one of the robbers, presen Omedes, Omedes is murdered. Knowing he will be targeted next, the other thief, Erasmus Leónidas Pérez, tries to get ahead of the game by murdering the man ah who mu must surely be the avenger: David Miralles, the fath father of the boy killed during the bank robbery. Méndez, a one-of-a-kind, semiretired cop employing rather unorthodox methods, em intervenes interven decisively to solve the case. Narrated in a concise, agile, and fluid style, and featuring an ample display of resources, fea particularly a cauterizing humour, this is a particula brilliantly brilliant written crime novel with all of the ingredients ingredie of that genre, such as the use of short sentences sentence and Swiss paragraph changes, effective dialogue d alogue and highly accurate descriptions. The di author us, brushstroke by brushstroke, author immerses i in a soli solid, wellrounded plot that grabs the reader on page one and never lets up. Francisco González Ledesma was born in Barcelona in 1927. He began writing at the age of twelve and is now one of the best known crime novel authors in Spain. He has twice received the Mystère Award for the best foreign novel published in France, for La Dama de Cachemira (1989) and Cinco mujeres y media (2007). He has also received plenty of recognition for his work as a lawyer and a journalist. 24 / Crime Fiction Crime Fiction THE STORY OF GOD IN A CORNER · González-Ledesma September 2010 · 384 pages · Sold to Italy, Portugal, Germany and France What could have convinced old Méndez to leave Barcelona’s medieval walls behind and travel to the Nile with a colt older than him in his hands? What could provoke such a fury in this policeman for whom cynicism is a virtue? From Barcelona’s underworld to Cairo’s necropolis via Madrid’s elegant neighbourhood, Méndez will search breathlessly for the missing clue for what he has been suspecting for a long time: the world absolutely deserves its bad reputation, and virtue is never found where you think it should be. A history of murderers, perversion, children and innocence, a story of old men that do not accept what they had to see and live through. THE CASHMERE LADY · González-Ledesma October 2009 · 256 pages · Sold to Italy, Portugal, Germany and France The most famous policeman in the Spanish underworld is chasing a wheelchair through the dirty streets of Barcelona. From that chair a crime has been committed. And Méndez thinks he knows who is sitting on it. Winner of the Mystére Prize for the best crime novel published in 1986 in France, The Cashmere Lady is the irrefutable proof that for Méndez, even though twenty five years have passed, time is just an inappropriate coincidence: his novels, just like him, do not grow old. ABOUT INSPECTOR MÉNDEZ Inspector Méndez is a man who acts against the current and does not believe in the law or the goodness of all beings, but does believe in justice, and remains a humanist. Méndez, along with the city of Barcelona and the changes that take place there throughout his career as a policeman, viewed through his own memory and that of the characters encountered throughout the series, constitute the center of what could be considered a poetic, rather than solely thematic, work. Méndez is street-wise, expert, ironic and disbelieving, a man who has seen it all, and lives with one foot in the past and the other in the present. He is the philosopher who knows that he has no future, and that his world, the only world he knows, is doomed, perhaps fortunately, to disappear. The cashmere lady and The Story of God in a corner were first published in 1986 and 1991 respectively. 25 / Crime Fiction Crime Fiction SERGIO BUFANO · Crime Novel A Bullet for Comissar Valtierra April 2012 · 144 pages · Sold to Italy Comissar Valtierra is the nostalgic and tangoloving chief of the Political Section in the Buenos Aires police department, and has his hands covered with blood. For all the tortures and murders in which he has participated, a revolutionary group has condemned him to death, and he must be executed to avenge their comrades. Among the members of the organisation there is El Inglesito (The Little Englishman), an idealist university student from the provinces who will be participating in an execution for the first time. “ Socialism is not a religion, despite having many worshippers. If the mistakes made in its name are not acknowledged, we will not be able to advance in the necessary reflection about the relation between violence and politics “ “From 1976 to 1983, we Argentinians learnt that [...] when a dozen guerrilla members died in a combat that left no wounded in both sides, [...] they had been mercilessly killed.” Sergio Bufano His revolutionary decisiveness will nonetheless clash with his personal scruples, his fears and the uncertainty before the option of killing a man. A crime, political and also ethically disturbing novel. It is a deep reflection on justice, forgiveness, guilt, punishment and all the suffering of Argentina through the turbulent 20th century. Sergio Bufano (1943) is a journalist and writer from Argentina. A left-wing political activist, he was persecuted during the 1970s by the military dictatorship of general Videla and was forced to exile to Mexico, where he continued his journalistic career as editor of various publishing companies, and contributor to graphic media. He is the author of Cuentos de la guerra sucia (Tales of a dirty war), for which he was awarded the Premio Nacional de Bellas Artes de México. He currently codirects a publishing imprint devoted to political and social essays, besides writing for several media. 26 / Crime Fiction Crime Fiction THE SHADY SIDE · Albert Villaró January 2013 · 160 pages · French translation rights sold to Tinta Blava Publishing House. In Llobarca, L a small Pyrenean village close to the border with France, there aren’t many houses still inhabited, and those that are, are at odds with one another. Tomàs is immersed in the boring routine of everyday life. Until the night he hears cars along the Tuta dirt road. Tomàs ends up rout forgetting about his cows for a few days and embarking on a new stage in his life, dealing with forg major-league traffickers, corrupt border guards and nosey journalists to save the woman he loves m ajo and incidentally clearing up a case that has brought the village too much bad blood. WHEN THE NIGHT KILLS THE DAY · Agustí Vehí December 2011 · 224 pages · Catalan · Premi Crims de Tinta 2011 Juan Antonio Hinojosa, a local representative of the Falange, Franco’s right-wing political arm, appears dead in his bed one night in March 1958. Someone has stuck a heavy wooden cross to his skull and tied a metal belt around the neck of the half naked body. In order to avoid a scandal the government in Madrid insists on an informal and discreet investigation. Consequently, Inspector Iríbar, of the crime investigation department and Inspector Lopera, from the secret police, have different opinions about the case. DAWN OF THE FORTUNATE · Juli Alandes May 2010 · 192 pages Miquel O’Malley is a local police inspector and passionate reader of crime novels. Though cuMiqu rrently on sick leave because of depression, his colleagues encourage him to return to his childrrent hood home in Valencia to take up a very special case of real estate speculation. Assuming the identity of a special agent for environmental issues, O’Malley arrives at the small town of Bellvig, ident where three dead bodies have shown up: a local authority, an employee of a brothel and a street wher p pro st prostitute. At first sight everything indicates that the murdered people were victims of a crime of passi passion, but with the help of Mat, a local journalist, O’Malley unravels a whole world of secrets and iinterconnections. EMET OR THE RIOT · Sebastià Jovani March 2011 · 304 pages The shops, bars and restaurants of Barcelona are controlled by Scandinavian gangs of young and athletic men. Cranes and bulldozers advance savagely through all the suburbs of the town, destroying all remains of the past and building a new and stronger world. The city finally becomes the best shop in the world. However, some people will join forces and try to save the city. Emulsió de ferro, the author’s first book won the Premi Brigada 21 to the best crime fiction in Catalan in 2009. 27 / Crime Fiction Non Fiction Reportage / Non-Fiction GIOVANNA VALLS Clung To Life June 2014 · 256 pages Four editions in just three months! Rights sold to Mondadori Electa (Italy) Spanish version published in October 2014 “Someone suggested me to snort a line, like a branch that stretched out; it was heroine and I nothing at all [...] This began on 1984.” knew nothi This is the story of a rebirth. The personal and intimate fi figght of Giovanna Valls against the most terrible of all addictions, as seen on the letters she wrote aand received and her diary during the recovery which began on 2004. As a result long recove of a harsh look and not much self-satisfied, Aferrada a la vida is a painful account, restless, written in thrusts, with a rhythm which is sometimes fast and sometimes quiet and poetic, like a life that th flows, like a life that is reborn. And in each and every one of its pages, in each pause, acceleration we can feel the deep breath in each acc and see the clear and clean look of a woman who, knowing all the darkest depths, fights against her own evils, defeats them and reawakens to face herr life with a smile that invites us to share with h he her h er the rich fruits of her victory. A unique aand moving book, written from the deep and with w all the force of immediacy, and which takes take us from the darkest abyss to a An inspiring and hopeful definitive overcome. o book. book Giovanna Valls Galfetti (Paris, 1963) is the daughter of Catalan painter Xavier Valls and of Luisa Galfetti. Her brother, France’s Prime Minister Manel Valls, is sixteen months older than her. She has a degree in Tourism and Language, and has worked as a touristic consultant for Europ Assistance. In 1985 she left Paris to settle in Barcelona. After a long break between the luxuriance of the Amazonian forest and the soft hills of Maresme, on the Catalan seaside, she returned to finally settle at her family home in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Horta in 2007. 31 / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction VICTORIA CAMPS A Brief History of Ethics February 2013 · 432 pages NATIONAL ESSAY AWARD OF SPAIN 2012 10,000 copies sold The fundamental questions of ethics have not changed a great deal: What is good? Who defines it? Is there a rational foundation for distinguishing between good and evil? Can there be a universal ethic? Should there be one? What has changed is how we approach and answer them. For those interested in learning about the genesis of ethic philosophy, this concise history will help you understand without great difficulty how and why we have accepted the moral convictions we have, and that there are major questions that have been asked throughout history. Victoria Camps is Professor Emeritus of Moral Philosophy and Politics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been an independent senator for the Socialist Party, member of the Catalan Audiovisual Council and chairperson of the Bioethics Committee of Spain. 32 / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction DIEGO LÓPEZ GARRIDO The Ice Age April 2014 · 448 pages The Big Crisis still pestering the Western democracies is not a mere break in the economic growth. It has initiated a new age, harsh and cold like the Ice Age, which implies deep changes, especially in Southern Europe. Society has been devastated by unemployment by the rise of poverty and underemployment, un inequalities, and by a significant rise of and in xenophobia. On the other hand, the Estate has xenoph weakened, deprived of the fiscal power by the weaken huge ttax evasions and avoidances of the big fortunes and the multinationals, and a new and fortune hegemonic financial power has consolidated as hegem origin of this Ice Age. the ori Before these circumstances, the United States has reacted more bravely than the European Union, still struggles between the failed austerity and who sti loss of social rights, and the proposal of recovering Welfare State with a clever Europeanism and a the We solidarity without boundaries. This second point solidar of view is the one held by Diego López Garrido in splendid book, where he tries to contribute to this spl debate about the new Europe that we the intense int build after the European elections of 2014. must b Diego López Garrido (Madrid, 1947) is a congressman and a former Estate secretary for the European Union (2008-2011). He was member of the Assembly that approved the “Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe” (2002-2003). He has a degree on Law and Business Administration and, since 1990, holds a Chair on Constitutional Law in the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. He has written several books focused on political, economic and social research, both for Spain and Europe. He is the Chairman of the Board for European Issues of the Fundación Alternativas and Director of the Annual Report on the State of the European Union, brought out by this foundation and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 33 / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction JOSEP RAMONEDA The Necessary Left September 2012 · 224 pages A fundamental reading for all of those who resist plunging into resignation and impotence. A defence of politics to save democracy This book is an invitation to react to the triumph of money and arrogance. Being well inside the economic, political, social, cultural and moral crisis, without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, it seems as if there are no alternatives but to comply with the austerity and deregulation recipes imposed by the European elites. But the author claims there actually is an alternative. Or at least, there should be. Because democracy cannot exist without alternatives. This book delves into the causes of the “disappearance” of the left and alerts to the loss of democratic quality in Western societies as well as to the dangers of the “tyranny of indifference”. But also, and mostly, it encourages the reaction of those who will not resign themselves and still believe in the ideas of progress, justice, freedom and equality. Josep Ramoneda (Cervera, 1949) is a philosopher, journalist, writer and director of several essay collections. He was the manager of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona between 1989 and 2011 and contributes to several newspapers and radio programs. 34 / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction FRANCISCO LOZANO WINTERHALDER Why Will We Become Extinct June 2013 · 144 pages The human species will inevitably become extinct one day, as has occurred throughout the history of the species that populate the Earth. Our biological evolution has left us at the mercy of biologi contradictions of our brain, the structure of the con which has developed over millions of years. The ambiguity of the culture we have created makes ambigu capable of the worst atrocities imaginable, yet us capa it is at the same time the source of the enormous progress our species has made. The author progre identifies ten keys in this eternal struggle that help us to improve our relationships with may h nature, with other humans and with ourselves and so avoid avo becoming extinct before our time. It is within our capability to improve the quality of life every human living on this small blue planet: of ever all we have h to do is ensure our evolution takes an ethical direction… Francisco Lozano Winterhalder (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 1957) has a degree in Biological Sciences, a master degree in Humanities by the UAB and another one in Globalisation and International Trade by the Institute Cajasol in Seville. He is a professor of Tourism and Environmental Sciences in ESADE and is a Senior Consultant for the CEC International (Boston), specialized in Business and Moral Values. He is a member of the Board of the UN Association in Spain and took part as an International Observer in the revision of the Rio Agreements (Earth Summit, Rio+5, New York, 1997). He is also a member of the UNESCO Club in Barcelona, has developed cooperation tasks with Africa and Latin America, and has worked on programs of technological and knowledge exchange in the area of Pacific Asia. 35 / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction MORE THAN 30.000 COPIES SOLD ROME STORIES · Enric González May 2010 · 144 pages · Sold to Portugal They say Rome is the Eternal City. Time passes slowly through its streets, it is chaotic and paused, full of melancholy. The book presents a peculiar, and personal, vision of Rome: its cats, Caravaggio’s paintings, John Keats’s grave, bureaucracy, the best pizzeria in town and the most sublime coffee pain you can have, Aldo Moro’s body and the Pope, Berlusconi and Saint Peter’s dome, and much, much more. m or Everything Enric González has seen and thought should be seen by us, too, is in this book. LONDON STORIES · Enric González March 2010 · 175 pages · Sold to Portugal The author loved London long before he got to know it, but journalism and some unexpected circumstances allowed him to actually move to the city, where he met many interesting people and got to know the hidden corners of this wonderful place: the narrow streets of Whitechapel, the old football stadiums, the underground tunnels... This personal guide was written when the author was already living in another city, implicating a certain dose of nostalgia, timidly wrapped up inirony, there were other cities and other passions in the years after, but there is no love like the first one. And there is no city like London. NEW YORK STORIES · Enric González February 2010 · 144 pages · Sold to Portugal Some knowledge is totally unnecessary. One can live happily without ever knowing which gruesoincident happened on the Chrysler building, why the Yankees are New York’s major team, me in what the link is between Saudi Arabia and Brooklyn Beer, why the fat of US meat is yellow that that ffound in Europe, in which bar Dylan Thomas drank his last whiskey or where you can taste the best b hamburger in Manhattan. N York Stories tells us about all of this: about a roaring and wonderful city, about a black day in New Septe September, about a group of people and about three unforgettable friends… CALCIO STORIES · Enric González June 2010 · 256 pages · Rights sold to Italy (Aísara) · Sold to Italy It is impossible to talk about Italy without talking about football. Italians consider themselves to be the founders of this sport, that they call “kick”. Politics, economy and social life, everything depends (and not only metaphorically) on football. Calcio implies violence, passion, tricks and money, but it is also a complex mechanism of symbols, a social code, a way through which a historic country like Italy expresses its wisdom. 36 / Non-Fiction Non-Fiction BACKLIST THE MUSICIAN IN THE RED BLAZER · Jaume Collell June 2013 · 272 pages In El mú músic de l’americana vermella, Jaume Collell has written the vibrant and lively biography of one of Catal Catalonia’s most remarkable yet unknown musicians, as well as the most unusual, colourful and entertaining entertain history of the Paral·lel area of Barcelona ever told. This musician does not appear in the Enciclopèdia En Enc iclop Catalana, but his hits are heard throughout Europe and the Americas and from Tokyo to Sidney, ffrom 78s to cable television and YouTube. IMPERFECT BOURGEOIS · Jordi Gràcia October 2012 · 288 pages One of the good things about democracies is that they exalt their masters. This is, of course, a virtue but one that leads ultimately to vice, as these masters become disfigured and distorted through their lionisation and eventually come to be seen as beyond criticism. This book is intended to restore the agile, sceptical, ironic and dissident nature of a number of 20th-century Catalan writers, among them Josep Pla, Gaziel and Puig i Ferreter, as well as Joan Oliver, Josep Ferrater Mora and Joan Ferraté. CONTRA-DICTIONS · BETH GALÍ May 2013 · 288 pages Beth Gal Galí has sought out people capable of answering the great questions of today, people in cities as far from each other as Boston, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona, people who disagree with each other. Contra-diccions is the outcome of narrative research through often dis involving 14 individuals in different times and places and who make unusual virtual dialogues di conversation partners. In this fascinating account, the author often seems to play unwittingly at conversat hide-and-seek with the reader, occasionally revealing herself as an innocent, chance spectator hid hi ide-and sometimes as the person encouraging critical thinking. and some BOOKS AND FREEDOM · Emilio Lledó May 2013 · 176 pages This volume contains some of Emilio Lledó’s most significant writings on one of the essential expressions of our ability to create and to recreate ourselves, books. Books preserve memory and hence they offer the reader an opportunity to escape from their own particular time me and circumstances and to enter a world of dialogue, liberation and freedom. Books, language, memory, dialogue, poetry and liberty, an unrivalled gift for the people we are, for the people we ought ht to be. 37 / Non-Fiction Practical Non Fiction Practical Non-Fiction ALBERT ADRIÀ Tapas. The Tickets Recipes November 2013 · 176 pages · English rights available except for Spain Albert Adrià’s parents instilled in him an interest in everything related to cookery and cuisine, but it was his brother, Ferran, who gave him his introduction into this world. Singled out by Time magazine as one of the most influential figures in the realm of fine food, Albert Adrià, who was born in 1969, has been dubbed the ‘Magician of the Moment’. Fun and emotion are the two concepts that drive Adrià each day as he produces his NEIGHBOURHOOD HAUTE CUISINE. NE. 57 recipes for the finest dishes prepared to date in the Tickets restaurant, the “neighbourhood elBulli”, as Albert Adrià describes it. A festival of flavours, textures and colours His restaurant Tickets – which has, in its second year, already won a Michelin star – offers unsurpassable, dazzling and deliciouss food that is completely of its time: contemporary mporary tapas, the style of tapas of cosmopolitan politan Barcelona, a city bathed by the sun and by the Mediterranean. Recipes prepared d using seasonal produce of outstanding quality; each tapa a surprise and each surprise rise an unforgettable experience. These are dishes that willl nd delight restaurant chefs and fans of fine cuisine, providing ng us with the opportunity to try this gourmet experience in n our own homes. 41 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction LAURA KOHAN · Natural Health Vegan Mediterranean Cuisine June 2013 · 160 pages Includes tables of nutritional values and the seasons of fruit and vegetables. Is it possible to have a healthy diet on the long term if you only eat vegetables? Over the past few years, veganism has gradually gained adepts and has become more and more common. This book offers all the information you need, whether you’re just starting on this diet or have been practicing it for years, from tips for following a balanced vegan diet to information on produce seasons and the informati best places tto find certain foods. The recipes suggested ar are a feast for anyone interested in eating healthy, health fresh, tasty and surprising foods. Laura Kohan Koha specializes in nutrition and alternative cuisine and in promoting organic c food. She has h worked as a chef in different countries and contributed to the natural health magazine In Integral for 6 years, as well as other publications. In addition, she has written three organic and vegetarian cookbooks and is currently a n nutrition coach (she retrains people to lose their bad eating habits) and health-food cuisine instru instructor. 42 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction CATALAN COOKING · Josep Lladonosa March 2014 · 656 pages This is th the definitive book by Josep Lladonosa, (Alguaire, 1938), a teacher and promoter of traditional Catalan cuisine aand one of the cookery book authors held in highest esteem by several generations of Catalans. La cuina catalana is his definitive recipe book and is filled with a selection of his finest recipes which he has expanded, revised and brought up to date. The chef explains his tricks for preparing seasonal produce and expande his readers to rediscover the traditional dishes of old, such as goose with pears, char-grilled saffron enables h milk-cap mushrooms with garlic and parsley, country-style rice, salt cod with beans and mussels in seafood sauce. sau c This is a book that will without a shadow of doubt become one of the classics of Catalan cuisine. CORPUS OF CATALAN COOKING February 2011 · 512 pages This Corpus of Catalan cooking brings together Catalonia’s culinary heritage: it is the most comprehensive cookbook ever made of our gastronomy and offers lovers of fine cuisine, both amateur and professional, a practical and comprehensible guide to the traditional dishes of our country and which are part of our identity. This book can be considered the most important and systematic collection of Catalan recipes ever undertaken. The more than 1,136 entries are arranged alphabetically, both numerically and by type of dish. TOMATO LAND · Cristina Viader i Pere Romanillos May 2014 · 144 pages Terra de tomàquets is an eminently practical book about tomatoes, the summer fruit par excellence. In addition to providing clues on how to grow tomatoes, the book features excellenc photographs of the most familiar Catalan varieties. It also includes a set of recipes for 50 summer photogra dishes in which tomatoes are the star ingredient, revealing their culinary potential. THE STRANGE THINGS WE EAT IN CATALUNYA · Manel Guirado do May 2013 · 160 pages In Quines coses més estranyes que mengem a Catalunya, the journalist and chef Manel Guirado helps readers to rediscover the emblematic ingredients of traditional Catalan cuisine and nd gives practical advice on buying and using them and their culinary possibilities. Keen cooks will find all the information they need to create quintessential dishes such as snails with romesco o sauce, fricassee, roast pig cheeks, capipota (made with veal or pork head and feet or trotters), frogs’ ogs’ legs with garlic and parsley and eel stew. These dishes might be new to you, but they are sure to make you salivate in anticipation. 43 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction LLORENÇ GUILERA Don’t Forget Your Memory April 2014 · 172 pages We don’t usually concern ourselves with our memory until it begins to show signs of failing, but when that happens we worry that our early major indications of forgetfulness could be a symptom serious diseases. However, there are many of more ser causes other othe than just ageing that could cause a decline in the th power of our memory and all of them are absolutely absolute reversible. handbook presents numerous tests, games and This handb exercises to enable you to learn about your memory, ascertain its it condition and keep its various aspects in shape, thereby helping you to preserve and improve it. It also gives a simple but insightful introduction to the latest neuropsychological introductio knowledge about: memories are stored, what is required for —How mem this storage to be permanent and ways to improve process. this process —What is rrequired to ensure that stored memories in optimal and orderly condition are maintained m intai ma in n our minds min and how we can prevent them from deteriorating. deterioratin access to all the information we accumulate —How acce functions and the methods we can employ to prevent this from altering over time. Llorenç Guilera is an industrial engineer and holds a PhD in psychology. He founded the Effective Intelligence Workshop held on 16 occasions at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and is the author of Más allá de la inteligencia emocional: las cinco dimensiones de la mente and Anatomía de la creatividad. He writes for Mente Sana magazine and also publishes his articles in specialist journals, presenting his neuroscientific vision of the human mind. He contributed the article “Qué se entiende por inteligencia” (What Do We Mean by Intelligence?) to the Cerebro y emociones (Brain and Emotions) special issue of National Geographic, edited by Eduard Punset. 44 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction LUIS RACIONERO An Ethic For Alicia September 2014 · 192 pages What is the difference between Plato and Buddha, Aristotle and Laozi, the Upanishads, the core of Hinduism, and the Gospels, which are central to Christianity, and the logic of quantum physics and Zen? Perhaps it is only that they present different ways to achieve happiness. But there is no recipe for happiness, nor is it ever fully attained. Eastern and western ethics existed as separate systems for centuries but today they find themselves in a globalised world in which the conditions are ripe for them to complement each other. The intellectual Luis Racionero is convinced that some ways of looking at and understanding the things that happen to us as humans are better than others and has written a letter to his young granddaughter, a legacy that will ensure that his knowledge of eastern philosophy will help her to live more freely in the future. Ética para Alicia is full of anecdotes recorded by a man with an inquiring mind who has dared to go beyond Judaeo-Christian thinking and to look for points in common with the ancient wisdom of the East. Luis Racionero (La Seu d’Urgell, 1940) is one of the leading figures in contemporary Spanish literature. He holds degrees in industrial engineering and in economic sciences, awarded by the University of Barcelona, and holds a PhD in urban studies, awarded by the University of California, Berkeley. He has written fictional works and essays in both Catalan and Spanish, for which he has received numerous honours, among them the Anagrama Essay Prize, the Espasa Essay Prize, the Azorín Award, the Fernando Lara Award and the Gaziel Prize for Biographies and Memoirs. His most notable works include Filosofías del underground (1977), Cercamón (1982), Del paro al ocio (1983), La sonrisa de la Gioconda (1999), El progreso decadente (2000), Sobrevivir a un gran amor (seis veces) (2009) and Memorias de un liberal psicodélico (2011). He was director of the Spanish National Library and of the Spanish College in Paris. 45 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction JOSEP LLUÍS BERDONCES The Diet That Boosts Your Life September 2014 · 224 pages During his long career as a general practitioner and as a specialist in natural medicine, Dr. Berdonces has become all too aware that unhealthy food like that which we eat in the West can lead to disease and damage to our cells. In this book, he reveals the problems inherent in the modern diet and gives us guidelines on a healthy alternative that will help us to repopulate our intestines with the microorganisms that are essential to us. The enzyme diet described in this book includes recommendations on including in our diet a series of superfoods which science has shown have special medicinal properties and which can make a spectacular contribution to reducing disorders and diseases such as allergies, high cholesterol, diabetes, uric acid and even cancer. Other titles: Cómo cura la equinácea (How to heal with Echinacea) / El gran libro de la iridiología (The big book of iridology) / Cómo cura el ajo (How to heal with garlic) / Método naturista para adelgazar (Natural method to lose weight) Josep Lluís Berdonces graduated as a doctor from the Complutense University of Madrid and qualified as a specialist in medicinal plants from the University of Montpellier. A general practitioner and a member of the Integral Medical and Health Centre team, he has written more than 15 popular science books about natural health, medicinal plants, dietetics and on mythology and popular tales, among them El gran libro de la iridología, Cómo cura el ajo, Cómo cura la equinácea and El método naturista para adelgazar, published by RBA/Integral. Berdonces speaks at conferences and is a teacher and for ten years, between 1995 and 2005, he oversaw the Master’s Degree in Natural Medicine at the University of Barcelona. At the present time, he continues working as a doctor, writes for a number of magazines and contributes regularly to radio and television programmes. 46 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction MARIANO BUENO How To Grow Organic Vegetables With Your Family New edition: April 2014 · 416 pages 40.000 copies sold If you grow fruit and vegetables in a natural way in an organic vegetable patch or allotment, you get more from it than just the produce, as the most valuable results are the benefits for your own health and an that of the environment. expanded and updated edition of El This new exp familiar ecológico teaches the secrets to huerto familia healthier and more natural growing methods and gives explanations and descriptions suited exp to the Spanish Spanis climate. The lavish illustrations consisting o of detailed photographs and drawings cover cove each stage of the growing year. Essential bedside beds reading for anyone who wants to succeed in growing vegetables organically and is keen to live a healthier life more in balance with nature. • Cultivation Cultivat techniques and tools Advice on looking after your • Advic vegetable patch v Other titles: Cultiva tus remedios (Grow your own medicines) / Del huerto a la despensa (From the garden to the larder) / El huerto jardín ecológico (The ecological garden) / El libro de la casa sana (The book of a healthy home) • Guide to growing vegetables, fruit trees and medicinal plants • Natural treatments for plant pests and diseases • Natural compost and fertilisation • A calendar for vegetable growers Mariano Bueno is an expert on and pioneer of Organic Agriculture, Geobiology and Green Buildings. With his more than 15 books about healthier life choices he has become very popular all over Spain and Latin America. He collaborates regularly with Spanish television, where he has his own shows on natural health and ecological gardening. His title Mediterranean Kitchen Garden is being published by Frances Lincoln in the UK. www.mariano-bueno.com 47 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction HORTENSIA LEMAÎTRE y JOSÉ T. GÁLLEGO Potted Ecological Garden October 2011 · 240 pages Sowing seeds in a vegetable garden makes you more aware of the environment around you. A vegetable patch is life, a life that transforms, that grows and that feeds another life. Urban allotments are welcoming spots not just for humans but for nature as well, places where the city seems less inhospitable. The authors of this book are expert organic gardeners and will answer all your questions as you learn to grow your own vegetables over the course of the year. In this book, you will find all the information you need to produce your own vegetables on your balcony or terrace. • The most suitable flowerpots for each type of balcony • How to prepare a good growing medium • What vegetables you can grow in the same pot • How to deal with pests in an environmentally-friendly way • Step-by-step advice on beginning to grow your first vegetables in window boxes or on your terrace 48 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction ELISABET SILVESTRE Living Without Toxics March 2014 · 352 pages If you wake up during the night and if you get up still feeling tired, if you lack energy and find it difficult to perform at your peak at work or as you go about your daily tasks, or if you suffer from headaches, respiratory or stomach disorders that medical treatment seems unable to cure, you need to look at how your immediate environment, your home, is most imm health. affecting your y the synthetic and chemical Natural radiation, r compounds present in cleaning products, compoun building and a home décor materials, cosmetics personal hygiene items, clothing and food, and perso as well as electromagnetic waves and even poor lighting ccan all affect sensitive organisms. In second and extremely practical section, the secon Vivir sin tóxicos gives a range of advice based on real-lif real-life cases and suggests numerous ways for makin making small changes in our daily lives according to our particular needs and interests. Implementing all of these changes at once or Implemen just a few will transform our homes, turning them into a healthier place for all the family. Elisabet Silvestre, a leading Spanish expert in biohabitability and environmental health, has written Vivir sin tóxicos, an essential handbook for understanding firstly how we have come to live with countless toxic items and secondly how we can learn to identify these contaminants and reduce our exposure to them as far as possible. 49 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction “How to Heal” - The big series on natural health Vital alternatives for the health of the people and the planet This collection includes some great titles in the history of Integral, now revised and updated, with reference topics for everyone, written by the best national and international specialists and with a very dynamic and useful approach and design for the reader. 50 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction THE NEW BOOK ON NATURAL COOKING · Blanca Herp October 2012 · 336 pages The vege vegetarian diet has been expanded with new foods, cooking techniques and recipes that make it appropriate for everyone and attractive to any palate. This book brings you the latest information and appropri innovations in the field, updating the pioneering work on vegetarian cuisine in our country to create a new innovatio for the 21st century. An essential book for enjoying vegetarianism at home. classic fo IMPROVE YOUR DIGESTION TO LIVE LONG AND BETTER · Pablo Saz November 2014 · 128 pages Just like plants need to absorb nutrients in order to grow strong, the human digestive system is also the main cause of a long and healthy life. In this book, the renowned naturalist Pablo Saz explains with a detailed and simple approach what is the digestive system and how it works, explaining the main threats to it and how we can take good care of it and, with it, of ourselves and our family. RELIEVING ANXIETY WITH ESSENTIAL OILS · Antonia Jover R February 2014 · 192 pages We are all a of us subject to some source of stress, nervousness or anxiety, be it insomnia, respiratory or circulatory problems, headaches, anguish, fatigue, low libido, etc. This book will respirato teach you how to identify the essential oils that will help you to cope with the stressful situations face in our lives. Simply inhaling the appropriate aromas will give us a sense that we constantly c peace, off p eace, fill us with renewed vigour, increase our defences and balance our emotions. RELAXATION TECHNIQUES FOR DIFFICULT MOMENTS · Patricia Tomoe Abella May 2013 · 160 pages · Rigths sold to 20/20 Editora (Portugal) Pharmaceuticals can alleviate symptoms, but they don’t cure the causes, and it is in our hands ds to go beyond them and prepare our bodies and minds and provide our organism the resources that will bring us the wellbeing that defines a healthy, happy life. There are ways of learning how to prepare our minds and minimize suffering caused by periods of uncertainty and tension. Using thee simple guidelines and exercises proposed in this manual, you can access the tools essential for reaching aching a state of relaxation in any situation. 51 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction STRENGTHEN YOUR BONES AND JOINTS · Jaume Serra June 2014 · 112 pages Star Starting from the basis that a healthy diet and regular exercise are the essential foundations for healthy bones and joints, Dr. Jaume Serra gives us guidelines to follow in order to care for our heal osteo-articular system and helps us to learn about the diseases that can affect it, to avoid those oste factors that play a part in their development and, above all, to incorporate into our daily lives habits facto tthat hat will prevent these disorders or help us to live with them in such a way that they have the least possible impact on us. poss FEED YOUR BRAIN · Santi Ávalos June 2014 · 176 pages A focused and alert mind is a crucial aspect of a healthy body. To achieve it, the brain must be well fed, hence the importance of paying attention to what we eat. There are many ‘brainfriendly’ foodstuffs, and knowing what they are and adding them to our daily diet, as well as combining them in the most appropriate way, are the best approach for improving our cognitive capabilities and avoiding any nutritional lack that might cause depression, anxiety, insomnia, memory loss or degenerative diseases of the brain. GUIDE TO ADDITIVES, COLORING AGENTS AND PRESERVATIVES · G Manuel Núñez y Claudina Navarro September 2013 · 208 pages industry uses hundreds of additives to modify the color, odor, flavor and texture of foods The food f well as to preserve them longer. They usually appear in the list of ingredients as an “E number” as we that tthe health authorities consider safe. Nonetheless, some additives that were authorized several years ago are now banned. This guide is designed to let you know what you are really eating and abov above all, it provides trustworthy, independent and up-todate information on certain questionable addit ad additives. With a list of specific additives that should be avoided at all times, the ones that should be avoided av whenever possible and those that are allowed in ecological foods. NATURAL REMEDIES AGAINST ANXIETY AND FATIGUE · Rosa Guerrero o October 2013 · 160 pages Pathological stress and chronic fatigue are among the main public-health problems today, as they cause physiological and personal dysfunctions that can lead to serious and incurable diseases. Anxiolytics and antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed drugs nowadays, but far from solving problems, they can exacerbate them as patients can end up being dependent on them and suffering a decline in their quality of life. This book describes how natural therapies can help to treat the many somatisations that cause stress, since it is not just a question of alleviating symptoms but of restoring balance in each person’s individual response to enable them to control their stress effectively. 52 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction HYPERACTIVITY AND ATTENTION DEFICIT · Heike Freire September 2013 · 192 pages This is not just another book on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders): it does not offer magic formulae to get children to adapt and behave better, nor does it instantly assume that the children are doing something “wrong”, because they have a genetic defect. Using a truly preventive approach focusing on fostering health and adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, the prev aauthor uth completely challenges conventional approaches and questions to what point the disorder can be considered a childhood disease or whether it is the result of the unhealthy living conditions imposed by modern society. A FIRST-AID KIT BOOK ON HEALING HERBS · Jordi Cebrián March 2014 · 192 pages This manual focuses on 20 medicinal plants with a range of therapeutic properties that will enable you to deal with the most common pains and upsets that affect families. Using these plants you will easily be able to prepare home health remedies that will give you a valuable arsenal made up exclusively of medicinal herbs to complement without any secondary effects many of the drugs we keep in our household medicine cabinets and first aid kits in a natural way. CARING FOR YOUR EYES · Carmela París November 2009 · 192 pages book about vision. It offers state-of-the art practices to improve one’s seeing of both A visionary vis outer as well as inner worlds. The author addresses both sight and insight in ways that add new possibilities to human experience. You will find easy-to-follow diagrams and photographs that possi help you perform the exercises with ease, whether alone or with a partner. AFTER BREAST CANCER · JAIME MASIA June 2009 · 176 pages How to improve the quality of life during and after the disease. There are lots of books offeringg medical advice on cancer, but this book is different. It chronicles the cancer experience through a professional’s eyes and through the immediacy of personal experience. 53 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction THE BIG BOOK OF ALOE VERA · Lourdes Prats June 2011 · 224 pages Ove 50.000 copies sold! A guide to all the secrets of Aloe Vera, from its therapeutic qualities to Over the rresults of scientific studies and its healthy and rich ingredients. And it is just that Aloe Vera is a true all-rounder: a homeopathic remedy, cosmetic application as well as a cure for many day-to-day diseases of our pets. All you need to know about its usage is recompiled in this book. dise THE LYMPH AND ITS NATURAL DRAINAGE · Frederic Vinyes La lin nfa y su su dr najje manu dre anual al Frederic Freder ic Vinyes Vinyes October 2012 · 126 pages · Rights sold to Italy (Boroli Editore) Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) can be useful in states of flooding, swelling or oedemata when they have been caused by problems in lymphatic circulation. This drainage involves very soft manoeuvres, based in a deep knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system in great detail · Medical and aesthetic indications of the MLD · MLD and body massage · Step-by-step basic manipulations · Limitations and complements of the MLD THE ANSWER IS AT THE FEET · Frederic Vinyes September 2012 · 176 pages we eat can help us find our inner balance. This is not a book about calories, it is about The food f knowing our energy intake and its effect on our body. The result is surprising: we improve our know healt peace and inner balance and enhance our physical and mental abilities. It includes userhealth, frien recipes that will help us choose the most suitable dish for us every day according to our friendly need and those of our family. needs NEW MACROBIOTIC GASTRONOMY · Bernard Benbassat January 2013 · 256 pages The macrobiotic approach is structured around balance, from which it derives its philosophy of life and food, in which “being” and “eating” are very closely related. Chef Bernard Benbassat does away with the myth that a macrobiotic diet is boring and that it sacrifices flavors and pleasure to the benefit of health and proves to us that the art of fi ne cooking is not at odds with nutritional value, for he associates the macrobiotic food concept with the pleasure of eating in all senses. Written in a clear, simple style, this book is not only a door to the macrobiotic universe, but also your ticket to haute cuisine. 54 / Practical Non-Fiction Practical Non-Fiction MY MEMORY FAILS ME · Álvaro Bilbao September 2012 · 272 pages At least l 4 out of 10 adults are worried about their memory. Neuropsychologist Álvaro Bilbao explains in a concise and entertaining manner how the brain and memory works and when its expl failures can indicate the preamble to neurological disease. His experience rehabilitating people failu with amnesia is patent in his useful strategies for exercising your memory on a daily basis. As you will w ill discover, beyond crossword puzzles and sudokus, there is evidence that certain foods, habits and lifestyles can help you enjoy excellent Cerebral Health throughout your life. MY RETURN TO LIFE · Mercè Castro June 2009 · 112 pages This book is about enduring and surviving the most painful of all losses: the death of one’s child. A book that explores our own resilience in the midst of one of the most distressing forms of human suffering. Because children aren’t supposed to die, the loss is not only painful but profoundly disorienting. Mercè Castro, whose son died in 1998 at the age of 15, refers to her own experience and the experience of others to show that while bereaved parents can never really let go, they can and do recover, often developing a new appreciation for their own lives. A brave and hopeful testimony, she started writing this diary shortly after the death of her child: SHIATSU FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN · Juan José Plasencia February 2011 · 144 pages From the moment of birth, touch becomes a language of love and attention, which is essential the emotional and physical well-being of the newborn baby. This book provides the essential for th shiatsu techniques to relieve common childhood ailments. shiat Lola Vidaña EROTIC GAMES · Lola Vidaña September 2009 · 160 pages · Sold to USA (Bookspan) JUE UEGO GO OS ERÓT ER ÓTIC ÓT IC COS O 1000 ideas deas e excitante exciitante tantess y calien alientes tes para ara disfr d utar ar ddel sexo en en pareja pareja Thanks to this book you will pass the oral exam and receive a lingam or yoni massage a reward. Or maybe a ticket to the play “The Lord of Erotic Rings”. Or maybe you are more into playing discreet but exciting games in public... 55 / Practical Non-Fiction Children Books Children’s Literature VARIOUS AUTHORS 30.000 copies sold Classical Tales French Rights sold to Canada llero, aba c ombrero. abra tenía el extraño el s s de c a d t jo Pa ecitos le salían por deba n r cue 58 / Children’s Literature Children’s Literature An updated collection of fairy tales from a wide array of classical works make a delightful collection of immortal tales which were passed down from generation to generation. Perfect for parents and children to read together. The following beautifully illustrated stories are included: DREAMFUL FAIRY TALES · Illustrations by Macus Romero October 2010 · 92 pages Peter and the Wolf / Thumbling / Sinbad the Sailor / The Tortoise and the Hare / The Magic Grinder / Rumpelstiltskin / The Nightingale / The Shoemaker and the Elves / The Town Mouse and the City Mouse / The Beanstalk / The Twelve Dancing Princesses / The Ant and the Grasshopper / The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep. UNFORGETTABLE FAIRY TALES · Illustrations by María Jesús Álvarez October 2009 · 92 pages Beauty and the Beast / Little Thumb / Rapunzel / The Ugly Duckling / The Musicians of Bremen / Fairies / The Seven Billy Goats and the Wolf / Donkeyskin / The Snow Queen / The Brave Little Tailor / The Little Mermaid / The Emperor’s New Clothes / Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves / The Steadfast Tin Soldier. EVERLASTING FAIRY TALES · Illustrations by Marta Chicote October 2008 · 92 pages The Princess and the Pea / Hansel and Gretel / Snow White / Aladdin and the Magic Lamp / The Pied Piper of Hamelin / Sleeping Beauty / Little Red Riding Hood / Puss in Boots / The Milkmaid / Cinderella / Three Little Pigs / The Story of the Three Bears. onto que rapidito quí a r p l pajarito es a ás a r t M me 59 / Children’s Literature Children’s Literature XAVIER VERNETTA · Children Age 11+ Tangier’s Dream May 2011 · 96 pages · Catalan “ “ This book will break your heart, then inspire you, and hopefully move you into looking at how you can use your life to make a positive difference. English extract available Rights sold to the Basque Country (Elkar) A boat with twelve Moroccan immigrants reaches the Andalusian coast. Just arriving, they are caught by the Spanish police, all but one: Akram, who is i able to hide from the police and set out for Paris, where his uncle lives and works. “us begins Akram’s journey to the city of his dreams. He will Akram meet people that will help him, but nothing will easy: xenophobia, anguish, danger, hunger be ea and ffear are travel companions that are very cult to bear. difficu Xavier Vernetta was born in Barcelona in 1956. He is a popular author of more than 15 novels, plays and short stories. The Man with the White Jaguar and It will be Night are also available at RBA. In 2003 he received the Fiction Prize by the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana. 60 / Children’s Literature Children’s Literature M. HERNÁNDEZ & ARO SÁINZ DE LA MAZA · Children aged 1-100 Tales from Every Corner of the Earth October 2008 · 480 pages Legends, fables, extraordinary happenings, beautiful princesses and princes, ugly ogres, animals large and small, fearless children who become involved in the most fabulous and crazy adventures, and much more. Tales from Every Corner of the Earth is a book to return to a world of illusion. These children’s stories originate from other cultures with a rich oral tradition, a collection of over 50 fantastic tales from around the world: “ A true longseller! “ Stories from different corners of the world told by their people. Ukraine, Panama, Algeria, Armenia, Serbia, Seychelles, Austria, Honduras, Vietnam, Finland, Nigeria, Australia, Cyprus, Malaysia, Guatemala, Moldova, Syria, Nicaragua, Mauritius, Netherlands, South Korea, Togo, Portugal, Indonesia… The authors, Josep María Hernández Ripoll and Aro Sáinz de la Maza have travelled around the world in order to collect the stories in person. Each storyteller is presented at the end of the chapter. 61 / Children’s Literature Children’s Literature ILLUSTRATED BY SARA MANZANO · Children Age 1-100 Fairy Tales from All Over the World March 2010 · 350 pages Many of today’s fairy tales have evolved from centuries-old stories that have appeared, with variations, in multiple cultures around the world. They typically feature folkloric characters, such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants or gnomes. “ The multicultural quality of fairy tales teaches children that people all over the world share many of the same values and concerns. “ Did you know that only a small number of fairy tales actually refer to fairies? This book shares fairy tales from different countries and cultures all over the world. The stories, some of which are well-known and others less familiar, reflect the huge wealth and diversity of fables and fairy tales. Lovingly illustrated, they lead us into a world full of adventure and wisdom. Sara Manzano is a freelance illustrator who creates her images with the help of a pencil and photoshop. She is open to all styles and particulary likes strange animals, fantastic creatures, anatomy sketches and manga. www.saramanzano.com 62 / Children’s Literature Children’s Literature ILLUSTRATED BY SARA MANZANO Witch Tales From All Over The World May 2010 · 320 pages In that place where people imagine fairies live, there is also room for witches, those wicked, crafty and dark beings that are sometimes surprisingly endearing and capable of amazing, barely imaginable spells. This collection of stories about witches will take you to the homes of the witches of different nt origins who feature in these tales carefully lly chosen for reading or listening to. You’re bound nd to be bewitched! Sara Manzano is a freelance illustrator who creates her images with the help of a pencil and photoshop. She is open to all styles and particulary likes strange animals, fantastic creatures, anatomy sketches and manga. www.saramanzano.com 63 / Children’s Literature Collectable editions Collectable Editions COLLECTABLE EDITIONS Quality collections, the key to our market leadership With a 40% share, we are the market leader in Spain for collectable editions, and the products are translated into 12 languages and sold in 49 countries. These are the credentials of the RBA Collectable Editions division. From family reference books to children’s collections and from training courses to prestigious publications, every year we publish more than a hundred innovative, trend-setting collections at home and abroad. Thanks to our research and creativity, we produce print and multimedia publications of the highest quality, which are the keys to our success. Our success has taken us to all the inhabited continents, where we use various publishing formats. 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