SFCC Circulation: FY 2008
SFCC Circulation: FY 2008
SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Location Circulations FY2008 001.44 FELDMAN Non-Fiction Nobel prize : a history of genius, controversy, and prestige / BurtonSFCC Feldman. 1 c2000. Non-Fiction Medium is the massage [by] Marshall McLuhan001.5 [and] M226M Quentin Fiore.SFCC Co-ordinated by Jerome Agel. 1 [1967] Title Call Number Publisher Date CULT SFCC about Non-Fiction 1 Harrold c1995. Cult archaeology & creationism : understanding001.9 pseudoscientific beliefs the past / edited by Francis B. and Raymond A. Eve. P549 Philosophy of science and the occult / edited by001.9 Patrick Grim. SFCC Non-Fiction 001.94 B996s SFCC Search for Big Foot : monster, myth or man? / Peter Byrne ; foreword byNon-Fiction Robert Rines. 1 c1982. 2 c1975. Non-Fiction 1971. Heron. Chariots of the gods? Unsolved mysteries of the001.94 past / D228C by Erich vonSFCC Da¿¿niken ; translated from the German1 by Michael Sasquatch file, by John Green. 001.94 G823SA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973. Year of the Sasquatch, by John Green. 001.94 G823Y SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1970. 001.94 SFCC Non-Fiction Mysterious realms : probing paranormal, historical, andNICKELL forensic enigmas / Joe Nickell with John F. Fischer. 1 1992. Non-Fiction Fortune sellers : the big business of buying and 003.2 sellingSHERDEN predictions / SFCC William A. Sherden. 1 c1998. 003.7world PICKOVE Non-Fiction Chaos in Wonderland : visual adventures in a fractal / CliffordSFCC A. Pickover. 1 1994. SWEDIN SFCC Non-Fiction Computers : the life story of a technology / Eric004 G. Swedin and David L. Ferro. 004.023 SFCC Career High-tech careers for low-tech people / WilliamSCHAFFER A. Schaffer. 1 2005. 1 c1999. 004.16 HANDSPR BALL Foster. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. How to do everything with your Treo 700p / Derek Ball, Dayton 004.16 MARKOFF shaped the SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. What the dormouse said : how the sixties counterculture personal computer industry / John Markoff. 004.16 TRAPANI Upgrade your life : the Lifehacker guide to working smarter, faster, SFCC betterNon-Fiction / Gina Trapani. 1 c2008. 004.67/ INTERNE Internet dreams : archetypes, myths, and metaphors Mark Stefik. SFCC Non-Fiction 004.678 SFCC Non-Fiction Hidden web : finding quality information on theHENNING net / Maureen Henninger. 004.678 HISTORY SFCC History of the Internet : a chronology, 1843 to the present / Christos J.P. Non-Fiction Moschovitis ... [et al.]. 1 1996. 1 2003. 1 c1999. 004.692 STEELEetiquette, SFCC policies Non-Fiction 1 hit send c2006. Email : the manual : everything you should know about email and legal liability before you / Jeffrey Steele. 005.133 C HORTO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. Beginner's guide to C / Ivor Horton. 005.268 MICROSO WALNUM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Complete idiot's guide to Visual Basic 6 / Clayton Walnum. 005.2762 SQL PHP GILMORE SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2004. Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL : from novice to professional / W. Jason Gilmore. 005.3 WEBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 005.369 EXCEL NAPIER SFCCJ. Non-Fiction 2 c2002. Microsoft Excel 2002 : comprehensive course / 2002 H. Albert Napier, Philip Judd, Benjamin Rand. 005.369 MICROSO COX SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Quick course in Word 7 for Windows 95 : computer training books for busy people / Joyce Cox, Christina Dudley. 005.369 MICROSO 2000 Non-Fiction c1999. Microsoft Office 2000 9 in 1 for dummies : deskOFFICE reference / by GregSFCC Harvey ... [et al.] ; edited by Bill Helling.1 Success of open source / Steven Weber. 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 005.369 MICROSO PC guide for Word for Windows 95 : the easiestWORD way to1996 learn to useSFCC WordNon-Fiction for Windows 95. 005.369 MICROSO XP 2001Michael J. Young. SFCC Non-Fiction Microsoft Office XP inside out / Michael Halvorson, 005.369 WORD MILLHOL SFCC Non-Fiction Microsoft Word version 2002 inside out / Mary2002 Millhollon, Katherine Murray. 1 c1996. 1 2001. 1 c2001. 005.43 HORTON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Beginner's guide to Windows programming in using Turbo C++ / Ivor Horton. 005.432 LINUX STUTZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Linux cookbook : tips and techniques for everyday use / Michael Stutz. 005.432 UNIX PEEK SFCCauthors Non-Fiction 1 1994. UNIX power tools / Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides ; and other of the Nutshell handbooks, including Linda Mui [et al.]. 005.446 MAC OS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. How to do everything with Mac OS X Tiger / KirkMCELHEA McElhearn. 005.446 VISTA 1 c2007. Windows Vista plain & simple / Jerry Joyce and JOYCE Marianne Moon. SFCC Non-Fiction 005.446 VISTA RATHBON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Windows Vista for dummies / by Andy Rathbone 005.446 VISTA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2008. Maximum PC Microsoft Windows Vista exposedSOPER / Mark Edward Soper. 005.4465 LEVISAY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Mac OS X secrets / Benjamin Levisay. 005.5 MICROSO WEVERKA SFCC Non-Fiction Office 2003 all in one desk reference for dummies / by Peter Weverka. 1 c2003. 005.5 OFFICE Go! with Microsoft Office 2003 advanced / JohnADVANCE Preston ...2003 [et al.]. SFCC Reserve 2 c2004. 43 c2004. 1 2004. 1 c2003. 1 2003. 14 c2004. 51 c2004. 1 c2001. HTML for the World Wide Web visual quickstart005.72 guide :CASTRO with XHTMLSFCC and Non-Fiction CSS / by Elizabeth Castro. 1 c2003. 005.72 GOTOCotler.SFCC Non-Fiction Web redesign : workflow that works / by Kelly Goto & Emily 1 c2002. 005.72 HOLZSCH SFCC Non-Fiction Cascading style sheets : the designer's edge / Molly E. Holzschlag. 2 2003. 005.5 OFFICE 2003 Go! with Microsoft Office 2003 : intermediate /INTERMED John Preston ... [et SFCC al.]. Reserve 005.52 ADOBE RANKIN SFCC Non-Fiction How to wow with InDesign / Wayne Rankin, Mike McHugh. 005.52 WORD 2003 MILLHOL Non-Fiction Microsoft Office Word 2003 inside out / Mary Millhollon, KatherineSFCC Murray. 005.54 EXCEL WALKENB SFCC Non-Fiction Excel 2003 bible / John Walkenbach. 005.54 MICROSO EXCEL 2003 Sally Preston, Robert SFCC Reserve Go! with Microsoft Office Excel 2003 / John Preston, L. Ferrett. 005.58 MICROSO POWER 2003 / AliciaSFCC Reserve Go! with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 : comprehensive Vargas. 005.7137 APACHE WRIGHTS SFCC Non-Fiction Apache Server 2.0 : a beginner's guide / Kate Wrightson. 2 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Web wizard's guide to HTML / Wendy Lehnert. 005.72 LEHNERT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 005.72;LERDORF SFCC Non-Fiction Programming PHP / Rasmus Lerdorf and Kevin Tatroe with Bob Kaehms and Ric McGredy. 005.72 MCCLELL 2002 Eismann, and Terri SFCCStone. Non-Fiction Web design studio secrets / Deke McClelland, Katrin 005.72 PAGE SFCC Non-Fiction Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 / Khristine2004 Annwn Page. 1 c2002. 1 c2000. 2 2004. 005.72 SFCC Non-Fiction Code : the hidden language of computer hardware andPETZOLD software / Charles Petzold. 1 c1999. 005.72 SCHMEIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Web design templates sourcebook / by Lisa Schmeiser ; contributing HTML template developers: Tori Copeland ...c1997. [et al.] SHEA Zen of CSS design : visual enlightenment for the005.72 web / by Dave SheaSFCC and Non-Fiction Molly E. Holzschlag. 2 c2005. 005.72 SKLAR SFCC Non-Fiction 005.72 SMITH 2000 Non-Fiction Creating Web pages for dummies / by Bud Smith and Arthur Bebak SFCC ; foreword by Kevin Werbach.. 1 c2003. 2 c2000. 005.72 TEAGUE DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web / Jason Cranford Teague. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 005.72 TOLLETT Non-Fiction Robin Williams Web design workshop / John Tollett, Robin Williams,SFCC David Rohr. 3 c2002. Principles of web design / by Joel Sklar. 005.72 VEST SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. Exploring Web design / Jeremy Vest, William Crowson, Shannon Pochran. 005.72 1 c2002. Site-seeing : a visual approach to Web usability WROBLEW / Luke Wroblewski ;SFCC with Non-Fiction contributions by Nan Goggin and Jennifer Gunji. Introduction to database systems / C.J. Date. 005.74 DATE SFCC Non-Fiction 005.75Morris. MORRIS SFCC Non-Fiction HTML in action : hot tools for cool Web sites / Bruce 005.75 MUSCIAN SFCC Non-Fiction HTML, the definitive guide / Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy. 005.7565 ACCESS 2002 FRIEDRI Microsoft Access 2002 : illustrated complete / Lisa Friedrichsen. SFCC Non-Fiction 005.7565 ACCESS 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction Access 2002 bible / Cary N. Prague and MichaelPRAGUE R. Irwin. 005.7565 MICROSO ACCESS 2002 Non-Fiction Microsoft Access 2002 : comprehensive concepts and techniques / SFCC Gary B. Shelly ... [et al.]. 005.7565 MICROSO 2003 SFCC Reserve GO! with Microsoft Office. Access 2003 / Linda ACCESS Foster-Turpen. 005.8 COMPUTER 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction Computer security sourcebook / edited by Wilma R. Caldwell. 005.8 F557cKratz. Computer virus crisis / Philip Fites, Peter Johnston, Martin SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 1 c1996. 1 1996. 1 c2002. 2 c2001. 2 c2002. 18 c2004- 1 c2003. 1 c1989. 005.8 JENNING Non-Fiction 1 Fena 2000. Hundredth window : protecting your privacy and security in the ageSFCC of the Internet / Charles Jennings and Lori ; foreword by Esther Dyson. 005.8 KANEinformation SFCC Non-Fiction PC security and virus protection : the ongoing war against sabotage / Pamela Kane. 1 c1994. 005.8saving LEVY privacy inSFCC Crypto : how the code rebels beat the government, the Non-Fiction digital age / Steven Levy. 1 2001. 005.8 M116c Non-Fiction c1989. Computer viruses, worms, data diddlers, killer programs, and otherSFCC threats to your system : what they are, 1how they work, and how to defend your PC, 006.3/ GEORGES SFCC Non-Fiction Digital soul : intelligent machines and human values Thomas M. Georges. 006.338 SOUTHWO SFCC Non-Fiction Blackboard for dummies / by Howie Southworth ... [et al.]. 3 1 2003. 5 2006. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 006.37 SHAPIRO Computer vision / Linda G. Shapiro, George C. Stockman. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 006.6 BOYLE SFCCfor Non-Fiction Color harmony for the web : a guidebook to create color combinations web site design / Cailin Boyle. 1 006.68 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Macromedia Dreamweaver MX : creating Web MACROME pages / Against the Clock. 2001. c2001. 2003. 006.686 ADOBE WILLMOR 2006 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2006. Adobe Photoshop CS2 studio techniques / Ben Willmore. 006.6869 SFCCAaland. Non-Fiction 1 2001. Photoshop Elements solutions : the art of digitalAALAND photography / Mikkel 006.6869 ADOBE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. Adobe Photoshop 7.0. 006.6869 ADOBE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Adobe Photoshop 6 : introduction to digital images / Against the Clock. 006.6869 EVENING image editor's SFCCguide Non-Fiction 1 for2001. Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for photographers : a professional to the creative use of Photoshop the Macintosh and PC / Martin Evenin 006.6869 HAMLIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Interface design with Photoshop / J. Scott Hamlin. 006.6869 LYNCH Waite Group's Adobe Photoshop 5 how-to / Richard Lynch. 006.6869 ROMANIE Photoshop 7 savvy / Steve Romaniello. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 006.6869 ROSE Sams teach yourself Adobe Photoshop 7 in 24 hours / Carla Rose. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 006.7high-impact SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction Photoshop and Dreamweaver integration : creating web pages / Colin Smith. 1 2005. ANDREW SFCC Non-Fiction CSS anthology : 101 essential tips, tricks & hacks006.74 / by Rachel Andrew. 1 2004. WRIGHT Glut : mastering information through the ages /020.9 Alex Wright. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. 021.08 W52r Revolting librarians, [edited] by Celeste West, Elizabeth Katz, et al. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972] 021.2 ABRAM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Out front with Stephen Abram : a guide for information leaders / compiled by Judith A. Siess and Jonathan Lorig. 023.9by Sp31L SFCC with Non-Fiction 1 1967. Library; an introduction for library assistants. Edited William C. Petru the assistance of Martha W. West. 025.0028 SFCC and Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Emerging issues in the electronic environment :EMERGIN challenges for librarians researchers in the sciences / Jeannie P. Miller, editor. 025.02 EVANS 1994 Sandra M. Heft. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. Introduction to technical services / G. Edward Evans, 025.04 TOMAIUOL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by Barbara c2004. Quint. Web library : building a world class personal library with free Web resources / Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo ; edited 025.04 WEB by AnneSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Web of deception : misinformation on the Internet / edited P. Mintz. 025.0632 BROWNIN SFCC /Non-Fiction 1 a foreword 1996. by Daniel J. Weitzner. Electronic democracy : using the Internet to influence American politics Graeme Browning ; edited and with 025.0632 SCHWART SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Netactivism : how citizens use the internet / Edward Schwartz. 025.06973 PUBLIC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Public records online : the national guide to private & government online sources of public records. CASEY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2007. Library 2.0 : the librarian's guide to participatory025.1 library service / Michael E. Casey, Laura C. Savastinuk. 025.213 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Banned in the U.S.A. : a reference guide to bookFOERSTEL censorship in schools and public libraries / Herbert N. Foerstel. KAPLAN Non-Fiction Catalog it! : a guide to cataloging school library 025.3 materials / Allison G.SFCC Kaplan, Ann Marlow Riedling. 1 c2006. 025.3 G. TAYLOR Introduction to cataloging and classification / Arlene Taylor ; withSFCC the Non-Fiction assistance of David P. Miller. 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. 025.3097 Cataloging and classification for library technicians / MaryKAO L. Kao. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Indexing from A to Z / Hans H. Wellisch. 025.3 WELLISCH 4 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 025.317 R188L SFCC Library of Congress filing rules / prepared by John C. Rather and Susan C.Non-Fiction Biebel, Processing Services. 1 1980. 025.5 WILLIS Dealing with difficult people in the library / Mark R. Willis. 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction DIGITAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Lankes, c2000. Digital reference service in the new millennium025.524 : planning, management, and evaluation / edited by R. David John W. Collins III, Abby S. Kasowitz Cullinan and Galda's literature and the child. 025.55 GALDA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. 025.5677 ROLEeditor.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2007. Role of the library in the first college year / Larry L. Hardesty, 025.5877 SFCC Faculty COLLEGE resourcesDevelopment 1 c2006. College students' perceptions of libraries and information : a report to the OCLC membership / [principal contributors, Cathy De Rosa ... et al.] 027.473 MOLZ SFCCage Non-Fiction 1 1999. Civic space/cyberspace : the American public library in the information / Redmond Kathleen Molz and Phyllis Dain. 028.7 NEELY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. Information literacy assessment : standards-based tools and assignments / Teresa Y. Neely ; foreword by Hannelore Rader. 028.7071 PRACTICAL SFCC Non-Fiction 2007. Practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians / by Carolyn J. Radcliff ... [et al.]. 1 070.195 HAMILTONinformation SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. All the news that's fit to sell : how the market transforms into news / James T. Hamilton. 070.40973 G128P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1979. Powers that be / David Halberstam. 070.43 At52r Reporting with understanding / Gary Atkins, William Rivers. SFCC Non-Fiction 070.43 the TELLworld / edited SFCC Non-Fiction Tell me no lies : investigative journalism that changed by John Pilger. 1 1987. 1 c2005. 070.4332 SEIB/ PhilipSFCC 1 c2002. Global journalist : news and conscience in a world of conflict Seib.Non-Fiction 070.4333 SWEENEY chronicles SFCC/ by Non-Fiction c2002. From the front : the story of war, featuring correspondents' Michael S. Sweeney ; foreword 1by David Halberstam. 070.4333 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1998] Ernie Pyle's war : America's eyewitness to World War II / TOBIN James Tobin. 070.435 BREAKING Non-Fiction 2 c2007. Breaking news : how the Associated Press has covered war, peace, SFCC and everything else / reporters of the Associated Press ; with a foreword by David Ha 070.4493 WAR SFCC Non-Fictionand Nancy Snow. 1 c2004. War, media, and propaganda : a global perspective / edited by Yahya R. Kamalipour 070.4909 MORRIS/ John G. Morris. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Get the picture : a personal history of photojournalism 070.92 MURROW SPERBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Murrow : his life and times / A.M. Sperber. 070.92 THOMPSO SFCC Non-Fiction 3 S. Thompson. c2003. Kingdom of fear : loathsome secrets of a star-crossed child in the final days of the American century / Hunter 070.924 Ed94 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1980. 070.924 MURROW SFCC 3 c1997. Edward R. Murrow [videorecording] : voice of America / produced by CBSNon-Fiction News Productions for A&E Network. 070.924 SEVAREI Non-FictionWNET/New York and KCET/Los 2 c1989. Eric Sevareid's Not so wild a dream [videorecording] / produced by SFCC WGBH/Boston, Angeles ; produced by Anthony Potte Edward R. Murrow [sound recording]. 070.973 En83d politics SFCC/ Non-Fiction Democracy without citizens : media and the decay of American Robert M. Entman. 1 1989. 071.3 AMERICA SFCC Sloan Non-Fiction American journalism : history, principles, practices / edited by W. David and Lisa Mullikin Parcell. 1 c2002. 081 EINSTEIby Alan Lightman SFCC Non-Fiction c1994. Ideas and opinions / Albert Einstein ; with an introduction ; new translations and revisions1 by Sonja Bargmann. 100 CHRISTI SFCC Non-Fiction Philosophy : an introduction to the art of wondering / James L. Christian. 1 c1998. 100 MARINOF Non-Fiction Plato, not Prozac! : applying eternal wisdon to everyday problems /SFCC Lou Marinoff. 3 2000. 100 WASHBURN SFCC Non-Fiction Philosophical dilemmas : a pro and con introduction to the major questions / Phil Washburn. 1 2001. Big questions : how philosophy can change your101 lifeMARINOF / Lou Marinoff.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 108 W121E SFCC Non-Fiction European intellectual history since Darwin and Marx; selected essays, edited by W. Warren Wagar. 1 c2003. [1967, c1966] 109 GREAT Co. Great ideas of philosophy [videorecording] / The Teaching SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. 109 GREAT Co. Great ideas of philosophy [videorecording] / The Teaching SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. 5 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Essential crazy wisdom / Wes "Scoop" Nisker. 109 NISKER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. B275I Barrett. SFCC Non-Fiction Irrational man : a study in existential philosophy111 / William 1 1977, c1958. 111Manheim. H362I Introduction to metaphysics. Translated by Ralph 1 1959. SFCC Non-Fiction 12 ANGR SFCC Videos by Reginald Rose ; produced 4 byc1996. 12 angry men [videorecording] / released by United Artists ; story and screenplay Henry Fonda and Reginald Rose ; direc 121 K135C SFCC Non-Fiction Critique of pure reason. Translated, with an introd., by Norman Kemp Smith. 1 [1958] VERSTEHO'Hear.SFCC Non-Fiction Verstehen and humane understanding / edited 121 by Anthony 1 1997. 121.4 GAYLIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 &1988. Willard Gaylin [videorecording] : ethics and economics / from WNET/New York and WTTW/Chicago ; produced directed by Betsy McCarthy ; a produc 128/ John ODONOHU SFCC Non-Fiction Eternal echoes : exploring our yearning to belong O'Donohue. 1 2000, c1999. 130 CHARPAK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 K. Holland. 2004. Debunked! : esp, telekinesis, and other pseudoscience / Georges Charpak and Henri Broch ; translated by Bart 131.34 J954 Modern man in search of a soul / C. G. Jung ; translated by W.S. DellSFCC and Non-Fiction Cary F. Baynes. 1 1933. 131.3464 J954B Basic writings. Edited with an introd. by Violet Staub de Laszlo. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1959] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 133.09 BURTON/ Dan SFCC Non-Fiction Magic, mystery, and science : the occult in Western civilization Burton and David Grandy. 2 c2004. 133.3 G137h Handbook of unusual energies / by J. G. Gallimore. 3 1976. 1 2002, c2001. 1 1999. Seat of the soul / Gary Zukav. 133 ZUKAV SFCC Non-Fiction 133.3 NOSTRAD OVASON SFCC Non-Fiction Secrets of Nostradamus : a radical new interpretation of the master's prophecies / David Ovason. 133.3092 DUMEZIL SFCC Non-Fiction Riddle of Nostradamus : a critical dialogue / Georges Dume¿¿zil ; translated by Betsy Wing. 133.3242 F854o SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Franklin. c1988. Origins of the tarot deck : a study of the astronomical substructure of game and divining boards / Stephen E. Occult signs and symbols. 133.33 St35o SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] 133.33 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Wydra. c1996. Feng shui : the book of cures : 150 simple solutions for WYDRA health and happiness in your home or office / Nancilee SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] 133.4 culture ELLIS / Bill Ellis. SFCC Non-Fiction Lucifer ascending : the occult in folklore and popular 2 c2004. 133.4 ORIONOrion. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Never again the burning times : paganism revived / Loretta 133.43 CAMPANE SFCC Non-Fiction Ancient ways : reclaiming pagan traditions / written by Pauline Campanelli ; illustrated by Dan Campanelli. 2 133.43 CUNNING SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Truth about witchcraft today / by Scott Cunningham. 133.43 ROSENTH 1 Salem story : reading the witch trials of 1692 / Bernard Rosenthal. SFCC Non-Fiction c1995. 133.4309 SFCC Non-Fiction Delusion of Satan : the full story of the Salem witch trials HILL / Frances Hill. 133.4309 Non-Fiction In the devil's snare : the Salem witchcraft crisis NORTON of 1692 / Mary BethSFCC Norton. 133.4309 SAVAGE SFCC Non-Fiction Witch : the wild ride from wicked to Wicca / Candace Savage. 2 c1995. 1 2002. 1 c2000. 133.4309 YOOL Non-Fiction 1692 witch hunt : the layman's guide to the Salem witchcraft trials /SFCC by George Malcolm Yool. 1 c1992. BERLINSK/ David SFCC Non-Fiction Secrets of the vaulted sky : astrology and the art133.5 of prediction Berlinski. 1 c2003. 133.5 LEWIS Non-Fiction Astrology book : the encyclopedia of heavenly influences / James R.SFCC Lewis. 133.509 BARTON SFCC Non-Fiction Ancient astrology / Tamsyn Barton. 2 c2003. 1 1994. Simple feng shui / Damian Sharp. 133.3337 SHARP Witches of early America / by Sally Smith Booth.133.4 B644W 6 1991. 1988. 1993. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 133.52 SNODGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. Signs of the zodiac : a reference guide to historical, mythological, and cultural associations / Mary Ellen Snodgrass ; illustrated by Raymond Miller Barret 133.6 H613p Non-Fiction Palmistry, the whole view : a humanistic guide to inner awareness /SFCC Judith Hipskind. 2 1981. 133.8 H597Pand J. Gaither SFCC Non-Fiction Psychic realm : what can you believe? / By Naomi A. Hintze Pratt. 1 [1975] P549L Philosophy and parapsychology / edited by Jan 133.8 Ludwig. 1 1978. SFCC Non-Fiction 133.9 G111w SFCC/ by Non-Fiction 1984. With the eyes of the mind : an empirical analysis of out-of-body states Glen O. Gabbard and Stuart W. 1 Twemlow ; foreword by Stephen Appelbaum Magician among the spirits. 133.9 H813M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972 [c1924] 133.93 L121b SFCC Non-Fiction c1987. Beyond the veil : amazing descriptions of life after death and the surprising world which awaits us all! / Judy1 Laddon. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. 135.45 FREKE SFCCGandy. Non-Fiction Hermetica : the lost wisdom of the pharaohs / Timothy Freke and Peter 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. Creative visualization / Shakti Gawain. Psychology / Henry Gleitman. 135.35 GAWAIN 150 G483P Science and human behavior, by B.F. Skinner. 150 SK34 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] N755K Non-Fiction Kierkegaard's psychology / Kresten Nordentoft 150.19 ; translated by BruceSFCC H. Kirmmse. 1 c1978. Beyond freedom and dignity [by] B. F. Skinner. 150.19 Sk34b 1 1971. SFCC Non-Fiction 150.195 F895a works SFCC 1 Rothgeb. 1973. Abstracts of the standard edition of the complete psychological ofNon-Fiction Sigmund Freud / edited by Carrie Lee SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; foreword c2000. by Joseph Fabry. Viktor Frankl recollections : an autobiography /150.195 Viktor E.FRANKL Frankl ; translated by Joseph Fabry and Judith Fabry 150.1952 F683 Freend SFCCdiscusses Non-Fiction Focus on Ernest Jones [audiocassette] : a colleague of Sigmund psychoanalysis and reality.1 150.1954 Non-Fiction 1 Why good people do bad things : understandingHOLLIS our darker selves /SFCC James Hollis. 1969. 2007. 150.1954 J954c by J.SFCC Non-Fiction c1985. Jung and Eastern thought / Harold Coward ; with contributions Borelli, J.F.T. Jordens, J. Henderson. 2 150.1954 JUNGI STEIN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Jung's map of the soul : an introduction / Murray Stein. 150.1954 SFCC Non-Fiction c1989. ; series produced & directed b Wisdom of the dream [videorecording] / an RMWISDOM Arts production ; Border Television, Stephen Segaller Films 1co-production 150.198 FRANKL bySFCC Non-Fiction 3 ; afterword c2006. by William J. Winslade. Man's search for meaning / Viktor E. Frankl ; part one translated Ilse Lasch ; foreword by Harold S. Kushner 150.23 DEGALA Great jobs for psychology majors / Julie DeGalan, Stephen Lambert.SFCC Career SFCC Non-Fiction c1995. 2 1995. 152.4and L941 SFCC Non-Fiction Love-hate relationships [sound recording] : a writer an analyst discuss "normal" aggression. 2 [19--] 152.4F.R112m SFCC Non-Fiction Mental fitness : a guide to emotional health/ Merrill Raber and George Dyck. 1 c1987. Emotional intelligence / Daniel Goleman. 152.4 GOLEMAN 1 Z65S ; research SFCCinNon-Fiction c1977. Shyness : what it is, what to do about it / Philip 152.4 G. Zimbardo collaboration with Paul A. Pilkonis1; therapy in collaboration with Margaret E. M 152.41love FISHER SFCC Non-Fiction Why we love : the nature and chemistry of romantic / Helen Fisher. 1 2004. 1 2000. L941 SFCCcultural Non-Fiction Love in America [audiocassette] : a discussion of152.41 the psychological and history of love. 1 [19--] 152.41 LEWIS General theory of love / Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 152.43 PROVINE SFCC Non-Fiction Laughter : a scientific investigation / Robert R. Provine. 152.46 DAVIDSON SFCC Non-Fiction Anxiety book : developing strength in the face of fear / Jonathan Davidson and Henry Dreher. 2 2000. 3 2003. PIERS SFCC Non-Fiction "Fear" [audio cassette] : a leading psychologist 152.46 conducts an informal discussion. 1 [1969?] 152.47 LEE SFCCLee Non-Fiction Facing the fire : experiencing and expressing anger appropriately / John with Bill Stott. 1 1993. 152.47 LUHN Non-Fiction Managing anger : methods for a happier and healthier life / RebeccaSFCC R. Luhn. 1 1992. 153 B585r SFCC Non-Fiction Right brain : a new understanding of the unconscious mind and its creative powers / Thomas R. Blakeslee. 1 1980. Biology of love / Arthur Janov. 152.41 JANOV SFCC Non-Fiction 153 G287 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [19--] Genius [audiocassette] : the creative mystery ; Charles Siepmann, Alfred Goldsmith and Clifton Fadiman discuss this genre. 7 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 153Dimensions INNOVAT Group.. SFCC Non-Fiction Innovative thinking [videorecording] / Educational 1 1989. 153 poodles RAMACHA SFCC Non-Fiction Brief tour of human consciousness : from imposter to purple numbers / V.S. Ramachandran. 1 c2004. SA18D intelligence SFCC Non-Fiction Dragons of Eden : speculations on the evolution153 of human / Carl Sagan. 1 c1977. 153.14for BUZAN 1 [1991] Use your perfect memory : dramatic new techniques improving SFCC your Non-Fiction memory, based on the latest discoveries about the human brain / Tony Buzan. Memory book / Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas. 153.14 LORAYNE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. 153.35 GENIUS/ edited SFCC Genius and the mind : studies of creativity and temperament by Non-Fiction Andrew Steptoe. 1 1998. 153.35 L552w SFCCLeonard. Non-Fiction Witness to the fire : creativity and the veil of addiction / Linda Schierse 1 1989. 153.4 DE BONO SFCC Non-Fiction 153.4209 LEGAULT Non-Fiction Think! : why crucial decisions can't be made in the blink of an eye / SFCC Michael R. LeGault. 153.44 Blink : the power of thinking without thinking / GLADWELL Malcolm Gladwell. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. 3 c2006. 6 2005. 153.6 K631c Communicate with confidence [sound recording] / Tom Kirby. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1983. 153.6 PEASE Definitive book of body language / Allan & Barbara Pease. SFCC Non-Fiction 5 2006. Social learning theory / Albert Bandura. 153.15 B223S Teaching thinking / [by] Edward de Bono. R279h SFCC Non-Fiction c1989.Wilson. How to communicate with "difficult" people : a153.6 survival guide for the office and life / by Anne Kimbell Relph1 and Karen 153.6 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Nonviolent communication : a language of life /ROSENBER Marshall B. Rosenberg. 153.6 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction Why we lie : the evolutionary roots of deception and the unconscious mind / David Livingstone Smith. 1 2004. 153.68 HOWProductions. TO SFCC Non-Fiction How to listen effectively [videorecording] / Levitz-Sommer 2 c1986. ASHER SFCC Body language : easy ways to get the most from153.69 your relationships, work,Non-Fiction and love life / Mark Asher. 1 1999. BODY Body language plus! [videorecording] / by Jayne153.69 Lybrand. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [198-?]. DWECK Mindset : the new psychology of success / Carol153.8 S. Dweck. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. 153.8 J954M Man and his symbols [by] Carl G. Jung [and others] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] K189B SFCC Non-Fiction Behavior modification in applied settings / Alan153.85 E. Kazdin. 153.852 POWERFU SFCC Non-Fiction Powerful ways to persuade people [videorecording] / Communication Briefings. 1 1975. 1 1994, c1990. 153.93 G921m SFCCC.Non-Fiction Miller analogies test: 1400 analogy questions programmed [by Edward Gruber. 1 [c1969] 153.94 PHILLIP SFCC Non-Fiction [Whole brain teams, whole brain communication] [videorecording] / presented by Amelia Phillips. 1 Psychology of sleep [by] David Foulkes. 154.6 F824 SFCC Non-Fiction 154.6 MEADthe subconscious SFCC Non-Fiction World of sleep [audio cassette] : Margaret Mead discusses during sleep. 1 [1966] 1 [1971?] SFCC Non-Fiction In your dreams : falling, flying, and other dream154.63 themesDELANEY : a new kind of dream dictionary / Gayle Delaney. 1 c1997. 154.63 HOBSON Dreaming : an introduction to the science of sleep / J. Allan Hobson.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 154.634 FREUD SFCC Non-Fiction Interpretation of dreams / by Sigmund Freud ; translated by A.A. Brill. 1 c1978. 155 BERGER 1 Developing person through the life span / Kathleen Stassen Berger ;SFCC withNon-Fiction the assistance of Ross A. Thompson. c1998. 155 ERIKSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Life cycle completed / Erik H. Erikson. 155..924 WALLACmeet the challenges SFCC Non-Fiction Birth order blues : how parents can help their children of birth order / Meri Wallace. 1 c1997. 155.2 FRICK SFCCMurphy, Non-Fiction 1 Humanistic psychology : conversations with Abraham Maslow, Gardner Carl Rogers / Willard B. Frick. c1989. 155.2 PINKER Blank slate : the modern denial of human nature / Steven Pinker. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 155.2 REISS SFCC Non-Fiction Normal personality : a new way of thinking about people / Steven Reiss. 2 2008. Becoming aware of values / Bert K. Simpson. 155.2 SI58B SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1973. St35r Revolution from within : a book of self-esteem /155.2 Gloria Steinem. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. 8 1999. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 155.2 ST85G SFCC Non-Fiction Growth of personal awareness; a reader in psychology. Edited by George Stricker and Michael Merbaum. 1 [1973] 155.232 LANE Lane. SFCC Non-Fiction Shyness : how normal behavior became a sickness / Christopher c2007. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. Nature of human aggression / Ashley Montagu.155.232 M76N 155.24 JOHNSON SFCCwork Non-Fiction 4 c1998. Who moved my cheese? : an amazing way to deal with change in your and in your life / Spencer Johnson. 155.264 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. Please understand me : character & temperament typesKIERSEY / David Keirsey, Marilyn Bates. 155.264 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 M. Thuesen c2002. and Hile Rutledge. Type talk at work : how the 16 personality typesKROEGER determine your success on the job / Otto Kroeger with Janet 155.264 TIEGER 2001 SFCC Career 1 and c2001. Do what you are : discover the perfect career for you through the secrets of personality type / Paul D. Tieger Barbara Barron-Tieger. 155.3 ELDREDGE Why we do it : rethinking sex and the selfish gene / Niles Eldredge. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Gender, nature, and nurture / Richard A. Lippa.155.33 LIPPA 3 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 155.33 SEX essays DIF and SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Sex differences and similarities in communication : critical empirical investigations of sex and gender in1998. interaction / edited by Daniel J. Canar 155.332 GURIAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. Mothers, sons, and lovers : how a man's relationship with his mother affects the rest of his life / Michael Gurian. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. 155.4[by] G173E SFCC Non-Fiction Emerging personality; infancy through adolescence George E. Gardner. 2 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction Absorbent mind. Translated from the Italian by 155.4 ClaudeM76A A. Claremont. 2 [1967] Cognitive development / John H. Flavell. 155.4 F618C 155.4 M857R Non-Fiction 1 c1978. Motor development : issues and applications / Marcella V. RidenourSFCC ... [et al.] ; edited by Marcella V. Ridenour. 155.412 Ec57m SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1987. 155.4124 BLOOMQU SFCCfor Non-Fiction 2 2005. V. Schnell. Helping children with aggression and conduct problems : best practices intervention / Michael L. Bloomquist, Steven 155.4124 FOXMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Worried child : recognizing anxiety in children and helping them heal / Paul Foxman. 155.418 MERCER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. Understanding attachment : parenting, child care, and emotional development / Jean Mercer. Motor development / Helen M. Eckert. W832c / Sula SFCC Non-Fiction Childhood and human nature : the development155.418 of personality Wolff. 155.4182 FREEDMA Non-Fiction Media violence and its effect on aggression : assessing the scientificSFCC evidence / Jonathan L. Freedman. 1 1989. 2 c2002. 155.422 B676r Rational infant : learning in infancy / T.G.R. Bower. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 155.422 SHORE SFCC Non-Fiction Rethinking the brain : new insights into early development / by Rima Shore. 1 c1997. 1 [c1969] 155.45 L241w SFCC Non-Fiction 155.5182 SFCC/Non-Fiction Exploring adolescent happiness : commitment, MAGEN purpose, and fulfillment Zipora Magen. 1 1976. 2 c1998. 155.632 BARAFF and SFCC Non-Fiction Men talk : how men really feel about women, sex, relationships, themselves / Alvin Baraff. 1 [1991] 155.633 BOLEN SFCC Non-Fiction Goddesses in everywoman : a new psychology of women / Jean Shinoda Bolen. 1 1985. 155.7 Non-Fiction Why men won't ask for directions : the seductions of FRANCIS sociobiology /SFCC Richard C. Francis. 2 c2004. 155.8 PSYCHOL Psychology and culture / editors, Walter J. Lonner, Roy Malpass. 155.9042 HARGREA Stress management / Gerard Hargreaves. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Birth order and life roles, by Lucille K. Forer. 155.443 F761B SFCC Non-Fiction Wild Boy of Aveyron / Harlan Lane. 155.9042 KABAT 1 1991, c1990. Full catastrophe living : using the wisdom of your body and mind toSFCC face Non-Fiction stress, pain, and illness / Jon Kabat-Zinn. 9 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 155.92 HANDBOO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Handbook of attachment : theory, research, and clinical applications / edited by Jude Cassidy, Phillip R. Shaver. 155.924 B225s Sibling bond / Stephen P. Bank, Michael D. Kahn. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 155.924 G914B Brothers and sisters of retarded children: an exploratory study. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972. R395baffectsSFCC 2 1990. Birth order and you : how your sex and position155.924 in the family yourNon-Fiction personality and relationships / Ronald W. Richardson, Lois A. Richardson. 155.924 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1997. Born to rebel : birth order, family dynamics, andSULLOWA creative lives / Frank J. Sulloway. On death and dying. 155.937 K951o SFCC Non-Fiction K951t ; photos. SFCC by Non-Fiction To live until we say good-bye / text by Elisabeth155.937 Ku¿¿bler-Ross Mal Warshaw. 1 [1969] 1 c1978. 155.937 KUBLER Non-Fiction c2005. On grief and grieving : finding the meaning of grief through the fiveSFCC stages of loss / Elisabeth Ku¿¿bler-Ross2and David Kessler. 158 COVEY 2004 SFCC Non-Fiction 7 habits of highly effective people : restoring the character ethic / Stephen R. Covey. 2 c2004. Stop whining, start living / Laura Schlessinger. 158 SCH 2 c2008. SFCC Best Sellers 158 SELIGMAN SFCCpotential Non-Fiction 1 E.P. c2002. Authentic happiness : using the new positive psychology to realize your for lasting fulfillment / Martin Seligman. ST72S Success system that never fails. Decorations by 158 Jan Ross. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1962] 158.1 ANTHONY pt.1-12 SFCC Non-Fiction Communicate with self-confidence [audio cassette] / Robert Anthony. 1 c1986. 158.1 SFCC Non-Fiction Homecoming : reclaiming and championing your innerB729h child / John Bradshaw. 1 1990. 158.1 B733t Thriving self [sound recording] / Nathaniel Branden. 1 p1987. BOWenjoying the SFCClife Best Complaint free world : how to stop complaining158.1 and start youSellers always wanted / Will Bowen.1 c2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 158.1 C64a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1984. Assertiveness training [audiocassette] / by Susan Cocco. 158.1 CARLSON 1997 3 lifec1997. Don't sweat the small stuff-- and it's all small stuff : simple ways to SFCC keep Non-Fiction the little things from taking over your / Richard Carlson. 158.1 CARNEGI How to win friends and influence people / by Dale Carnegie. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1964. DYERDyer. Choosing your own greatness [sound recording]158.1 / Wayne SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. 158.1 FRITZ Non-Fiction Path of least resistance [sound recording] : direct route to success /SFCC Robert Fritz. 1 p1985. 158.1 G138iGallwey. SFCC Non-Fiction Inner game of winning [sound recording] / by W. Timothy 1 Handbook to higher consciousness / Ken Keyes,158.1 Jr. K521h 1 p1983. [1986], c1975. 2 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 158.1 PECKvalues 2003 andSFCC Non-Fiction Road less traveled : a new psychology of love, traditional spiritual growth / M. Scott Peck. 158.1 ROBBINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Awaken the giant within : how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical & financial destiny! / Anthony Robbins. 158.1 SFCC Non-Fiction Self-empowerment [sound recording] : achieving yourSALZMAN potential through self-awareness / Jeff Salzman. 1 1991. SCHWART Magic of thinking big [audio cassette] / David J.158.1 Schwartz. 1 p1986. 158.1 SPEAKING SFCC Non-Fiction Motivating four American generations [videorecording] / Levitz-Sommmer Productions. 1 c1986. 158.1 STRESS/ Levitz-Sommer SFCC Non-Fiction Stress, success and the type A report card [videorecording] Productions. 2 SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. [198-?], c1979. 158.1and VIORST Non-Fiction Imperfect control : our lifelong struggle with power surrender /SFCC Judith Viorst. 1 c1998. 158.2 ADLER SFCC Non-Fiction Looking out, looking in : interpersonal communication / Ronald B. Adler, Neil Towne. 2 c1990. 158.2 BRIDGES / edited SFCCJohn Reserve Bridges not walls : a book about interpersonal communication Stewart. 35 c1995. Risking [sound recording] / by David Viscott. 158.1 V822r 10 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 158.2others DEMARAIS First impressions : what you don't know about how see you /SFCC AnnNon-Fiction Demarais and Valerie White. 1 2004. 158.2 LIEBERM SFCC Non-Fiction c2000. Get anyone to do anything : never feel powerless again-with psychological secrets to control and influence2 every2001, situation / David J. Lieberman. 158.2 SILBERMA SFCC Non-Fiction People smart : developing your interpersonal intelligence / Mel Silberman ; with Freda Hansburg. 1 c2000. 158.2 T647E Escape from loneliness. Translated by John S. Gilmour. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1962] 158.2 WEISS How to deal with difficult people / Donald H. Weiss. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1987. 158.24 ARTERBU SFCC Non-Fiction Ways to say I love you : to those you love the most / Stephen Arterburn, Carl Dreizler & Jan Dargatz. 2 1994. CORMIER SFCC Non-Fiction Counseling strategies and interventions / Sherry158.3 Cormier, Harold Hackney. 1 c2005. 158.4 SFCC Non-Fiction Mentor's spirit : life lessons on leadership and the art SINETAR of encouragement / Marsha Sinetar. 1 c1998. MASLOWC. Stephens SFCC Non-Fiction Maslow on management / Abraham H. Maslow158.7 with Deborah and Gary Heil. 1 1998. 158.7 NEWMAN Non-Fiction c1992. How to stay cool, calm & collected when the pressure's on : a stressSFCC control plan for businesspeople / John 2E. Newman. 158.8 CANFIELD SFCC 2 with p2005. Success principles [sound recording] : [how to get from where you are toNon-Fiction where you want to be] / Jack Canfield Janet Switzer. HOW to the human SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. How to use Dianetics [videorecording] : a visual158.9 guidebook mind / produced by Golden Era Productions. BENNETT SFCCJ.Non-Fiction Logic made easy : how to know when language 160 deceives you / Deborah Bennett. 1 c2004. 160Munson. CONWAY Elements of reasoning / David A. Conway, Ronald SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. 160 COPI 1998 Introduction to logic / Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Concise introduction to logic / Patrick J. Hurley.160 HURLEY SFCC Reserve 3 c2003. 160 K553I SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] 160 ... M223 Outline and manual of logic, by Joseph McLaughlin SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1932. P686L Logic for argument [by] Jack Pitt [and] Russell E.160 Leavenworth. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Introductory logic [by] William J. Kilgore. 160 SAV and hard SFCC facts Non-Fiction 1996. Power of logical thinking : easy lessons in the art of VOS reasoning, about its absence in our lives 1/ Marilyn vos Savant. 170 N55f SFCC Non-Fiction Faith and politics; a commentary on religious, social, and political thought in a technological age. Edited by 1Ronald[1968] H. Stone. 170.9 L495 v.by 1 William SFCCEdward Non-Fiction History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne, Hartpole Lecky, M.A. 1 1879. 172and N551 Moral man and immoral society; a study in ethics politics. 1 [1960] SFCC Non-Fiction 172.24 N883 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Lee. 1986. Nuclear weapons and the future of humanity : the fundamental questions / edited by Avner Cohen and Steven 172.4 IRAQ SFCC Non-Fiction 2 ; produced 2006. by Sarah Feeley, Jim Gilliam, De Iraq for sale [videorecording (DVD)] : the war profiteers / Brave New Films presents a Robert Greenwald film 174 FRIEDMAN Moral consequences of economic growth / Benjamin M. Friedman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. 174.2James BEAUCHA SFCC Non-Fiction Principles of biomedical ethics / Tom L. Beauchamp, F. Childress. 1 1989. 174.2 and HUMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Human embryonic stem cell debate : science, ethics, public policy / edited by Suzanne Holland, Karen Lebacqz, and Laurie Zoloth. 1 1975. B99 Non-Fiction By no extraordinary means : the choice to forgo174.24 life-sustaining foodSFCC and water / edited by Joanne Lynn. 1 c1986. 174.25 LESTER Human cloning : playing God or scientific progress? / Lane P. LesterSFCC with Non-Fiction James C. Hefley. 1 c1998. 174.4 ESSENTI SFCC Non-Fiction Essentials of business ethics / edited by Peter Madsen and Jay M. Shafritz. 1 c1990. 174.4 GLOBAL Global codes of conduct : an idea whose time has come / edited bySFCC OliverNon-Fiction F. Williams. 1 c2000. Practice of death / Eike-Henner W. Kluge. 174.2 K713P SFCC Non-Fiction 174.4 SFCC /Non-Fiction c2001. Take it personally : how to make conscious choices toRODDICK change the world Anita Roddick ; with contributions1 by Naomi Klein ... [et al.]. 174.9004 FORESTE in computing SFCC Non-Fiction 1990. Computer ethics : cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas / Tom Forester and Perry Morrison. 1 174.909 HIMANEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Hacker ethic, and the spirit of the information age / Pekka Himanen. 11 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 174.936 SFCCa Non-Fiction 1 Ethics for addiction professionals / LeClair Bissell, JamesBISSELL E. Royce; with foreword by Gary Richard Schoener. 1994. FLESH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Flesh of my flesh : the ethics of cloning humans174.957 : a reader / edited by Gregory E. Pence. 174.957 KLOTZKO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Mann. 2006. Clone of your own? : the science and ethics of cloning / Arlene Judith Klotzko ; with original drawings by David 174.957 PENCE Who's afraid of human cloning? / Gregory E. Pence. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. 177.3 JACKSON Non-Fiction UnSpun : finding facts in a world of disinformation / Brooks JacksonSFCC and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 1 c2007. 178Singer, SINGERJim Mason. SFCC Non-Fiction Way we eat : why our food choices matter / Peter 2 c2006. ETHICS SFCCRobert Non-Fiction Ethics, information, and technology : readings /175 Richard N. Stichler and Hauptman, editors. Internet ethics / edited by Duncan Langford. On bullshit / Harry G. Frankfurt. 175 INTERNET 177.3 FRANKFUR ACHOR SFCCactions, Non-Fiction c1996. Animal rights : a beginner's guide : a handbook 179.3 of issues, organizations, and resources / Amy Blount1 Achor. 179.3 ANIMAL / edited SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Animal pragmatism : rethinking human-nonhuman relationships by Erin McKenna and Andrew Light. c2004. 179.3 BEYOND SFCC Non-Fiction Beyond the bars : the zoo dilemma / edited by Virginia McKenna, Will Travers, Jonathan Wray. 1 1987. 179.3 COHEN Animal rights debate / Carl Cohen and Tom Regan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 179.3 GUITHER/ Harold SFCCD.Non-Fiction Animal rights : history and scope of a radical social movement Guither. 1 c1998. In defense of animals / edited by Peter Singer. 179.3 IN DEF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986, c1985. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. 179.3 REGAN Empty cages : facing the challenge of animal rights / Tom Regan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 179.4 ANIMAL Animal experimentation / Cindy Mur, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 179.4 SFCC Non-Fiction Case for animal experimentation : an evolutionary andF832c ethical perspective 1 c1986. FANO SFCC Non-Fiction Lethal laws : animal testing, human health, and179.4 environmental policy / Alix Fano. 1 c1997. MONAMY Animal experimentation : a guide to the issues /179.4 Vaughan Monamy.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 179.7 HUMPHRY SFCC Non-Fiction Freedom to die : people, politics, and the right-to-die movement / Derek Humphry and Mary Clement. 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. 180[by] L85H Hellenistic philosophy; Stoics, Epicureans, Sceptics A. A. Long. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 180 W722H SFCC Non-Fiction History of ancient philosophy. Translated by Herbert Ernest Cushman. 181.114 WEN TZU SFCC Cleary. Non-Fiction Wen-tzu : understanding the mysteries / Lao-tzu ; translated by Thomas 1 [1956] 1 1992. Do animals have rights? / Alison Hills. Sloth / Wendy Wasserstein. 179.3 LOFTUS 179.8 WASSERST Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. 181.4 SCH33P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1952] Introduction to yoga / by Annie Besant. 181.45 B463i SFCC Non-Fiction 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976, c1908. [1961, c1960] 181.45 D885Y Yoga of health, youth, and joy; hatha yoga adapted to the West. 181.452 P27s with transliteration SFCC Non-Fiction 1967, c1961. Science of yoga : the Yoga-su¿¿tras of Patan¿¿jali in Sanskrit in Roman, translation and 1commentary in English / by I. K. Taimni. 182.2ofGUTHRIE SFCCwhich Non-Fiction 1 1987. Pythagorean sourcebook and library : an anthology ancient writings relate to Pythagoras and Pythagorean philosophy / compiled and translate Riddle of the early Academy. 184 C423 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962 [c1945] Plato for beginners. 184 CAVALIE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Plato in twelve volumes. 184 P697c 1982 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1967-1982. 12 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 185 ARISTOT KOTERSK SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. Ethics of Aristotle [sound recording] / [Joseph Koterski]. 188 MARCUS 1998 by A.S.L. Farquharson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 of Marcus 1998. and Fronto ; translated by R.B. Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus / translated And a selection from the letters 189 T361PG Philosophical texts, selected and translated by Thomas Gilby. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1950. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962. 189.4 THOMAS SFCC Non-Fiction Thomas Aquinas, his personality and thought. Authorized translation by Virgil Michel. 1 1963. 190/ edited PHILOSO SFCC Non-Fiction Philosophers : introducing great western thinkers by Ted Honderich. 1 1999. 1 1954. 192 /B455p SFCC Non-Fiction Philosophical works : including the works on vision George Berkeley ; introd. and notes by M. R. Ayers. 1 1975. Selections, edited by Charles W. Hendel, Jr. 192 H882S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1927] John Stuart Mill, by John B. Ellery. 192.7 MILL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] Kant's Dialectic [by] Jonathan Bennett. 193 B439K SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Kant / Stepha¿¿n Ko¿¿rner. 193 K135k SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982, c1955. Beyond good and evil. 193 NIETZSC SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Descartes / John Cottingham. 194 D453c SFCC Non-Fiction Recent studies in philosophy and theology. Dilemmas. 189.4 F877 190 R984 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. 194 DESCART Non-Fiction Discourse on method, and Meditations. Translated, with an introd.,SFCC by Laurence J. Lafleur. 1 [1952] 194 F821s Sound portrait of Michel Foucault [sound recording]. 1 p1980. 200.835 CLARK From angels to aliens : teenagers, the media, and the supernatural /SFCC LynnNon-Fiction Schofield Clark. 1 2003. 200.9 CAMBRID Cambridge illustrated history of religions / edited by John Bowker. SFCC Non-Fiction 200.973 OPPENHEI SFCC Non-Fiction Knocking on heaven's door : American religion in the age of counterculture / Mark Oppenheimer. 1 2002. 1 c2003. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC DVD 11 directed c2001. 2001 [videorecording (DVD) ] : a space odyssey 2001 / MGM presents a Stanley Kubrick production ; produced and by Stanley Kubrick ; screenplay wr [2004], 21 GRAMS a This isSFCC 28 c2003. 21 grams [videorecording] / a Focus Features presentation, ThatDVD production, a Y Productions production, an Alejandro Gonz¿¿lez I¿¿¿¿rritu film 211 QUESTIO SFCCbyNon-Fiction Questions about God : today's philosophers ponder the Divine / edited Steven M. Cahn & David Shatz. 1 2002. 212.1 GLYNN SFCC Non-Fiction God : the evidence : the reconciliation of faith and reason in a postsecular world / Patrick Glynn. c1999. 3 212.1 QUESTION SFCC 2 c2004. Question of God [videorecording (DVD)] : Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis / aNon-Fiction production of Tatge-Lasseur Productions in association with WGBH and Walde BERRA Non-Fiction Evolution and the myth of creationism : a basic 213 guide to the facts inSFCC the evolution debate / Tim M. Berra. 1 c1990. 220 Best Sellers Year of living biblically : one man's humble quest to JAC follow the BibleSFCC as literally as possible / A.J. Jacobs. 3 2007. HUTCHINS Politically incorrect guide to the Bible / Robert J.220.1 Hutchinson. 1 c2007. SFCC Non-Fiction HARPERS SFCC editors, Non-Fiction 1 thec1985. Harper's Bible dictionary / general editor, Paul J.220.3 Achtemeier ; associate Roger S. Boraas ... [et al.] with Society of Biblical Literature. 220.52 annotated B471NO Bible SFCCwith Non-Fiction 1 version, 1977.containing the second edition of t Bible. English. 1977. Revised standardThe new Oxford the Apocrypha : Revised standard 220.5204 BIBLE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Prickett. 1998. Bible : Authorized King James Version / edited with an introduction and notes by Robert Carroll and Stephen 220.93 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Mythic past : Biblical archaeology and the mythTHOMPSO of Israel / Thomas L. Thompson. 220.93 SFCCthe Non-Fiction 1 Before the flood : the biblical flood as a real event and WILSON how it changed course of civilization / Ian Wilson. 2002. 221.4 B835s2 SFCC Non-Fiction Second thoughts on the Dead Sea scrolls / by F.F. Bruce. 225.486 EHRMAN Non-Fiction Misquoting Jesus : the story behind who changed the Bible and whySFCC / Bart D. Ehrman. 1 1956. 4 c2005. 230 DSO What's so great about Christianity / Dinesh D'Souza. 2 c2007. 1 c2007. SFCC Best Sellers 230/ LEW SFCC Words to live by : a guide for the merely Christian C.S. Lewis ; edited byBest PaulSellers F. Ford. 13 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 230 God and history in early Christian thought [by] L. G. P277G Patterson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] 231 C462R SFCC 1 Radical theology: phase two; essays in a continuing discussion. Edited byNon-Fiction C. W. Christian and Glenn R. Wittig. [1967] 231 KUNG Non-Fiction Does God exist? : an answer for today / Hans Ku¿¿ng ; translated bySFCC Edward Quinn. 1991. 1 231.8 EHR SFCC Best Sellers 1 God's problem : how the Bible fails to answer our most important question--why we suffer / Bart D. Ehrman. c2008. 232Chopra. CHO Third Jesus : the Christ we cannot ignore / Deepak 1 c2008. 232 R837t Non-Fiction To change the world : Christology and cultural criticism / RosemarySFCC Radford Ruether. 1 1981. 232 WIL 232.954 BUTTERW Discover the power within you / Eric Butterworth. SFCC Best Sellers 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 1 1988. 1 c1997. 2 1989, c1988. What Jesus meant / Garry Wills. Angels and us / by Mortimer J. Adler. 235.3 ADLER SFCC Best Sellers 235.47 SFCC Non-Fiction Prince of Darkness : radical evil and the power of goodR914p in history / Jeffrey Burton Russell. 236.2409 RUSSELLRussell. SFCC Non-Fiction History of heaven : the singing silence / Jeffrey Burton Adam, Eve, and the serpent / Elaine Pagels. 241.6609 P146a SFCC Non-Fiction 242 K326 SFCC Non-Fiction [195-?] Imitation of Christ, inspiration, comfort and encouragement in the turmoil and discord of today. By Thomas1a¿¿ Kempis. 248 K546p SFCC Non-FictionTranslated from the Danish 2 with [1956] Purity of heart is to will one thing; spiritual preparation for the office of confession. an introductory essay by Douglas V 248.4 JAK Reposition yourself : living life without limits / T.D. Jakes. SFCC Best Sellers 3 2007. 248.4899 SFCC Non-Fiction Power of the spoken word / teachings of Florence Scovel Sh63p Shinn ; compiled by Christine Schneider. 1 c1945. 248.83 Es74s SFCC Non-Fiction 251.0097 WITHAM SFCC/ Non-Fiction City upon a hill : how sermons changed the course of American history Larry Witham. 1 c1986. 1 c2007. 1 c1982. 261.26 WIESEL ; foreword SFCC Non-Fiction Journey of faith / [by Elie Wiesel and John Cardinal O'Connor] by Gabe Pressman. 1 c1990. 261.55 N323C Non-Fiction Creation controversy : science or Scripture in the schools / DorothySFCC Nelkin. 1 c1982. 261.55 POLKING SFCC Non-Fiction Belief in God in an age of science / John Polkinghorne. 261.832 BURKETT Gospel of shame : children, sexual abuse and the Catholic Church / SFCC FrankNon-Fiction Bruni, Elinor Burkett. 1 c1998. 1 c2002. Secret truths / channeled by Virginia Essene. God has many names / by John Hick. 261.2 H254g SFCC Non-Fiction 261.8342 SFCCforNon-Fiction 1 c2000. Big questions, worthy dreams : mentoring young adults inPARKS their search meaning, purpose, and faith / Sharon Daloz Parks. 261.8357 FOR THE Quest/Atticus Group SFCC Non-Fiction 4 by Daniel c2007.Karslake ; co-producers, Helen M For the Bible tells me so [videorecording] / a Vision production ; directed and produced 261.8357 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. What the Bible really says about homosexualityHELMINI / Daniel A. Helminiak ; [foreword by John S. Spong]. 261.8357 HERMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Antigay agenda : orthodox vision and the Christian Right / Didi Herman. 266 ed. H889 Non-Fiction Missionary explorers among the American Indians, by Mary GaySFCC Humphreys. 1 1913. Sp18dr SFCC 1 With 1958. Diaries and letters of Henry H. Spalding and Asa266 Bowen Smith relating to Non-Fiction the Nez Perce¿¿ Mission, 1838-1842. introductions and editorial notes by T272 by SFCC Non-Fiction Life of Saint Teresa / by herself ; translated with270.0946 an introduction J.M. Cohen. 2 1957. G767a in theSFCC Non-Fiction Augustus to Constantine : the rise and triumph 270.1 of Christianity Roman world / Robert M. Grant. 1 1990, c1970. SEIF in its Judaistic, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Evolution of a revolution : reflections on ancient270.1 Christianity Hellenistic, and Romanistic expressions / Jeffrey L. Seif. 270.1 WILKEN Christians as the Romans saw them / Robert L. Wilken. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. TERESA SFCC c1986. Petrie, Ann Petrie. Mother Teresa [videorecording] / film by Petrie271.97 Productions ; created by Non-Fiction Ann Petrie ; produced and directed2 by Jeanette SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1961. SFCC Non-Fiction Head and heart : American Christianities / Garry277.3 Wills.WILLS 277.3082 BAWER / Bruce Bawer. SFCC Non-Fiction Stealing Jesus : how fundamentalism betrays Christianity 1 2007. 1 c1997. God and the Soviets / by Marcus Bach. 274.7 B122g 14 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 282.092 HILDEGA 1998 SFCC Non-Fiction Hildegard of Bingen, 1098-1179 : a visionary lifeFLANAGA / Sabina Flanagan. 1 c1998. 285.1 BALMER Presbyterians / Randall Balmer and John R. Fitzmier. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 285.832 M42s Life and times of Cotton Mather / Kenneth Silverman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1985, c1984. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1958] Puritan mind. 285.9 SCH57 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Rise of Baptist republicanism / Oran P. Smith. 286.132 SMITH 289.3 MORMONS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Mormons [videorecording] / a Frontline and American experience co-production with Helen Whitney Productions ; written by Helen Whitney and Jane B 289.309 Non-Fiction One nation under gods : a history of the Mormon ChurchABANES / Richard SFCC Abanes. 289.3092 SFCC Non-Fiction In sacred loneliness : the plural wives of JosephCOMPTON Smith / Todd Compton. 1 c2002. 1 1997. 289.509 FRASER Non-Fiction God's perfect child : living and dying in the Christian Science ChurchSFCC / Caroline Fraser. 1 1999. 289.5092 EDDY 289.673 Quakers / Hugh Barbour and J. William Frost. BARBOUR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1988. J724 by Isaac SFCCSharpless Non-Fiction Quakers in the American Colonies, by Rufus M. 289.673 Jones, assisted and Amelia M. Gummere.1 1962. Mary Baker Eddy; the years of discovery. 289.7 G595t/ by Merle SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Buller]. c1979. 20 most asked questions about the Amish and Mennonites and Phyllis Good ; [cover photos, Burton 289.7797 YOUMANS Non-Fiction Plough and the pen : elements of modern Hutterianism with a focusSFCC on Paul S. Gross and the establishment1of the1992. Spokane Hutterian Brethren / by Vanc [1968, 291 C152H SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1949] Hero with a thousand faces. [1962, 291 F869 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1961] Adonis, Attis, Osiris; studies in the history of Oriental religion. 291 F869n SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1959. New Golden bough : a new abridgment of the classic work / by Sir James George Frazer ; edited, and with notes and foreword by Theodor H. Gaster. LEWIS Cults in America : a reference handbook / James291 R. Lewis. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 291 SMITH 291.042 GIMBUTA 291.093 BURKERT SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. 291.0973 Cults in America : programmed for paradise / Willa Appel.Ap48c SFCC Non-Fiction 291.0973 BLOOM nation / Harold SFCCBloom. Non-Fiction American religion : the emergence of the post-Christian 1 c1983. 1 c1992. 1 1976, c1968. World's religions / Huston Smith. Language of the goddess / Marija Gimbutas. Ancient mystery cults / Walter Burkert. Creative mythology / Joseph Campbell. 291.13 C152 V.4 SFCC Non-Fiction M999Cavendish SFCC Non-Fiction Mythology : an illustrated encyclopedia / edited291.13 by Richard ; consultant editor, Trevor O. Ling. 1 c1980. SFCC Non-Fiction Annotated guides, myths & legends / Neil Philip.291.13 PHILIP 291.1787 SCRUTON SFCC Non-Fiction West and the rest : globalization and the terrorist threat / Roger Scruton. 291.211 SFCC/Non-Fiction History of God : the 4000-year quest of Judaism,ARMSTRO Christianity, and Islam by Karen Armstrong. 1 1999. 1 2002. 1 1994. 291.2114 MOTZ 291.2118 When religion becomes evil / Charles Kimball. KIMBALL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2002. Faces of the goddess / Lotte Motz. 15 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 OF times SFCC Non-Fiction 2000. Book of heaven : an anthology of writings from291.23 ancientBOOK to modern / edited by Carol Zaleski and Philip1Zaleski. 1 1995. 291.23through WEBER the ages SFCC/Non-Fiction Apocalypses : prophecies, cults, and millennial beliefs Eugen Weber. 3 1999. 291.44 TOLLETolle. SFCC Non-Fiction Power of now : a guide to spiritual enlightenment / Eckhart 3 1999. 291.5 Comparative religious ethics / David Little, Sumner B. L722C Twiss. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. M896p Play of consciousness = Chitshakti vilas / Swami291.543 Muktananda. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. Religions of the ancient Greeks / Simon Price. 292.08 PRICE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. GRAF SFCC Non-Fiction Greek mythology : an introduction / Fritz Graf ; 292.13 translated by Thomas Marier. 292.13 Mythology : timeless tales of gods and heroes /HAMILTO Edith Hamilton. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. History of Hell / Alice K. Turner. 291.23 TURNER SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1999] Roman mythology. 292.13 P425R SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1969. Greek mythology / John Pinsent. 292.13 PINSENT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982 2 c1994. Classical deities and heroes / Morgan J. Roberts.292.13 ROBERTS SFCC Non-Fiction 292.13 VERNANT SFCC Vernant Non-Fiction 3 by Linda c2001.Asher. Universe, the gods, and men : ancient Greek myths / told by Jean-Pierre ; translated from the French Non-Fiction 1 Paula 1988. Did the Greeks believe in their myths? : an essay292.13 on theVEYNE constitutiveSFCC imagination / Paul Veyne ; translated by Wissing. 292.211 HALL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 292.32 SFCC Non-Fiction Talismans and Trojan horses : guardian statues FARAONE in ancient Greek myth and ritual / Christopher A. Faraone. 1 c1997. 293.13 D282S Scandinavian mythology [by] H. R. Ellis Davidson. 3 1969. 1 1994. 3 c1995. Athena : a biography / Lee Hall. SFCC Non-Fiction 293.13 PICARD SFCC Non-Fiction Tales of the Norse gods / retold by Barbara Leonie Picard ; illustrated by Joan Kiddell-Monroe. Norse gods and heroes / Morgan J. Roberts. 293.13 ROBERTS SFCC Non-Fiction 1992. 294.32 HERRIGE by SFCC Zen in the art of archery / by Eugen Herrigel ; with an introduction D.T.Non-Fiction Suzuki ; translated by R.F.C. Hull.1 1989, c1981. SFCC Non-Fiction Thich Nhat Hanh : essential writings / edited by294.34 RobertNHAT Ellsberg ; introduction by Sister Annabel Laity. 294.34 WALPOLA SFCC Non-Fiction What the Buddha taught / Walpola Rahula ; with a foreword by Paul Demie¿¿ville. 1 c2001. 2 1997. 294.342 BST Lama ;SFCC Best Sellers 5 How to see yourself as you really are / His Holiness the Dalai translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins. 2006. Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Four Noble Truths [videorecording] / [presented294.342 by] theFOUR Network ofSFCC Buddhist Organizations (U.K.) in association with the Office of Tibet (London) ; prod 294.342 NHAT Neumann]. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2006. Understanding our mind / Thich Nhat Hanh ; [edited by Rachel 294.3437 BRAUEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by1997. Mandala : sacred circle in Tibetan Buddhism / Martin Brauen ; translated by Martin Willson ; with photographs Peter Nebel and Doro Ro¿¿thlisberger 294.3437 Non-Fiction 2 2003. Wheel of time sand mandala : visual scripture ofBRYANT Tibetan BuddhismSFCC / by Barry Bryant in cooperation with Namgyal Monastery ; foreword by the XIV Dala 294.3437 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Sand mandala of Vajrabhairava / Daniel Cozort.COZORT 294.3443 BSTANNon-Fiction 1 Jordhen, c2001. Losang Choephel Ganchenpa, an Stages of meditation : [commentary] / the DalaiDLama ; root text bySFCC Kamalashila ; translated by Geshe Lobsang 294.3443 SUZUKIby Trudy Dixon SFCC Non-Fiction 4 introduction 2006. Zen mind, beginner's mind / Shunry¿¿ Suzuki ; edited ; with a preface by Huston Smith and an by Richard Baker. 294.3444 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002, c1999. What would Buddha do? : 101 answers to life's METCALF daily dilemmas / Franz Metcalf. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Buddha mind, Buddha body / Thich Nhat Hanh.294.3444 NHAT 294.3444 RICARD skill / Matthieu SFCCRicard Non-Fiction 1 Happiness : a guide to developing life's most important ; translated by Jesse Browner. 16 2007. 2006. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 294.3927 KING SFCC Non-Fiction Zen and the way of the sword : arming the samurai psyche / Winston L. King. 294.3927 WATTS SFCC Non-Fiction What is zen? / Alan Watts. 1 1993. 2 c2000. 294.5ofBHASKAR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Essentials of Hinduism : a comprehensive overview the world's oldest religion / by Swami Bhaskarananda. c1994. 294.5 MICHAELS Non-Fiction Hinduism : past and present / Axel Michaels ; translated by BarbaraSFCC Harshav. 2 c2004. 294.54 Y75m Man's eternal quest : and other talks / by Paramahansa Yogananda.SFCC Non-Fiction 294.5512 HUBNER 1988/ John SFCC Non-Fiction Monkey on a stick : murder, madness and the Hare Krishnas Hubner and Lindsey Gruson. 294.592 Ea79b v. 1 SFCC Bhagavad Gita for daily living : commentary, translation, and Sanskrit textNon-Fiction / Eknath Easwaran. 294.592 Ea79b v. 2 SFCC Bhagavad Gita for daily living : commentary, translation, and Sanskrit textNon-Fiction / Eknath Easwaran. 296.155 DEAD SE Martin Abegg, Jr., SFCC Non-Fiction Dead Sea scrolls : a new translation / Michael Wise, and Edward Cook. 1 1976, c1975. 1 1 c1988. c1979c1984. c1979c1984. 1 1996. 1 RIDDLE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Ayres. c1992. Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls [videorecording] 296.155 / Ariba Pty. Ltd. ; producer, James R. Mitchell ; writer, Rowan 296.155 UNDERST SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. Understanding the Dead Sea scrolls : a reader from the Biblical archaeology review / edited by Hershel Shanks. 296.155 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1994. Dead Sea scrolls today / James C. VanderKam. VANDERK 296.3 K149j SFCC Non-Fiction 296.396 CHRISTIA ... [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction Christianity in Jewish terms / editors, Tikva Frymer-Kensky 1 c1977. 1 2000. 296.43editor, CELEBRA Non-Fiction Celebration : the book of Jewish festivals / consulting NaomiSFCC Black. 1 c1989. 297 SPENCER SFCC Non-Fiction Politically incorrect guide to Islam (and the Crusades) / Robert Spencer. 2 c2005. Jewish ideas and concepts / Steven T. Katz. SPENCER SFCCfaith Non-Fiction Islam unveiled : disturbing questions about the 297 world's fastest-growing / Robert Spencer ; foreword by1 David2002. Pryce-Jones. Non-Fiction Caged virgin : an emancipation proclamation for297.082 womenHIRSI and Islam SFCC / Ayaan Hirsi Ali. 297.09 ABRAHAM of IslamSFCC Warriors of God : Jihad (Holy War) and the fundamentalists / A.J.Non-Fiction Abraham, George Haddad. 297.09 ARMSTRON SFCC Non-Fiction Islam : a short history / Karen Armstrong. 1 2006. 1 c1989. 2 2000. HOTALIN SFCC Non-Fiction Islam without illusions : its past, its present, and297.09 its challenge for the future / Ed Hotaling. 1 c2003. 297.09 ISLAM Non-Fiction 1 2000. Islam, empire of faith [videorecording] / a Gardner Films productionSFCC in association with PBS and Devillier Donegan Enterprises ; produced and directed b 297.0962 FLUEHR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Islamic society in practice / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban. 297.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. American Muslims : the new generation / AsmaHASAN Gull Hasan. 297.0973 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction 297.1225 KORAN Qur¿¿an = al-Qur¿¿a¿¿n al-h¿¿aki¿¿m / translated by M.H. Shakir. SFCC Technical Services 1 c1999. 1 1991. 297.1227 ALI SFCC Non-Fiction Meaning of the Holy Qur¿¿a¿¿n / ¿¿Abdullah Yu¿¿suf ¿¿Ali¿¿. 297.63 MUHAMMA Mohammed, the man and his faith. Translated by Theophil Menzel.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. 1 [1960] 299 BERGER SFCC Non-Fiction Community of witches : contemporary neo-paganism and witchcraft in the United States / Helen A. Berger.2 c1999. 299 HIGGINBO SFCC Non-Fiction Paganism : an introduction to earth-centered religions / Joyce & River Higginbotham. 2002. Islam in America / Jane I. Smith. 17 2 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 299.0792 MARKMAN 2 andc1992. Flayed God : the mesoamerican mythological tradition : sacred textsSFCC andNon-Fiction images from pre-Columbian Mexico Central America / Roberta H. Markma Druids. 299.16 PIGGOTT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Egyptian mythology / Veronica Ions. 299.31 Io6e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983, c1982. Great goddesses of Egypt / Barbara S. Lesko. 299.31 LESKO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 299.31 QUIRKE Cult of Ra : sun-worship in ancient Egypt / Stephen Quirke. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. 299.51 C463C 299.51 Chinese religion : an introduction / Laurence G.THOMPSON Thompson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1968. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 299.514 L299W SFCCthought Non-Fiction Way and its power; a study of the Tao te ching and its place in Chinese 1 [1934] Chinese mythology. 299.514 WATTS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 299.5148 LAOTZU ; translated, with SFCCtranslater's Non-Fictionpreface, glossary, & pronunciation 1 c1993. Tao te ching / Lao-tzu ; introduced by Burton Watson guide, by Stephen Addiss & Stanle What is Tao / Alan Watts. 299.56 AN35H Non-Fiction History of Japanese religion, with special reference to the social andSFCC moral life of the nation. 1 [1963] SFCC Non-Fiction Japanese religion : a survey / by the Agency for 299.56 CulturalJ271 Affairs. 299.67 BRANDON SFCC Non-Fiction Santeria from Africa to the new world : the dead sell memories / George Brandon. 1 1981, c1972. 1 c1993. 299.67 LEWISby Serena SFCCNanda Non-Fiction Soul rebels : the Rastafari / William F. Lewis ; with foreword ; edited by Joan Young Gregg.1 c1993. 299.67 RASTAFA CHEVANN Rastafari : roots and ideology / Barry Chevannes. 299.676 BARRETT Rastafarians / Leonard E. Barrett. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. 299.676 SFCC Non-Fiction 1997. Kebra Nagast : the lost Bible of Rastafarian wisdom and KEBRA faith from Ethiopia and Jamaica / edited by Gerald 1Hausman ; introduction by Ziggy Marley. 299.676 RASTAFA Non-Fiction 1 1998. Rastafari and other African-Caribbean worldviews / edited by BarrySFCC Chevannes. 299.6839 BOCKIE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Death and the invisible powers : the world of Kongo belief / Simon Bockie. 299.7 C275j Journey to Ixtlan : the lessons of Don Juan / by Carlos Castaneda. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974, c1972. 299.7 SFCC Non-Fiction Separate reality : further conversations with Don JuanC275s / Carlos Castaneda. 1 1972. Tales of power. 299.7 C275t SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] God is red. 299.7 DELORIA SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1973] 1 c2006. 299.7ofDELORIA World we used to live in : remembering the powers the medicineSFCC menNon-Fiction / Vine Deloria, Jr. I1 life / introduction SFCC Non-Fiction 1989. and Paul Jordan-Smith. I become part of it : sacred dimensions in native299.7 American by Joseph Bruchac ; edited by 2D.M. Dooling 299.7 LADUKE Non-Fiction Recovering the sacred : the power of naming and claiming / WinonaSFCC LaDuke. 1 c2005. Native American spirituality : a critical reader / 299.7 editedNATIVE by Lee Irwin. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. NATIVE Non-Fiction Native religions and cultures of North America /299.7 edited by LawrenceSFCC E. Sullivan. 299.7 Sandpaintings of the Navajo shooting chant / byNEWCOMB Franc J. Newcomb SFCC ; withNon-Fiction text by Gladys A. Reichard. 2 2000. 2 1975. 299.7 REICHAR Navajo medicine man : sandpaintings / by Gladys A. Reichard. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1977. Spirit world / by the editors of Time-Life Books.299.7 SPIRIT SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. 299.7and T228T Non-Fiction [1975] Teachings from the American earth : Indian religion philosophySFCC / edited by Dennis Tedlock and Barbara1Tedlock. 18 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 299.72 Mythology of Mexico and Central America : with a newBIERHOR afterword /SFCC JohnNon-Fiction Bierhorst. 3 2002. GRAULIC SFCC Non-Fiction 3 dec1997. Myths of ancient Mexico / by Michel Graulich ; 299.72 translated by Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano and Thelma Ortiz Montellano. Seeing the white buffalo / Robert B. Pickering. 299.72 PICKERI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. TEDLOCK SFCC Non-Fiction Breath on the mirror : mythic voices & visions of299.72 the living Maya / Dennis Tedlock. 299.73 Non-Fiction Legends of the plumed serpent : biography of aBALDWIN Mexican god / Neil SFCC Baldwin. 1 c1993. 1 c1998. 299.73 FISHER Gods and goddesses of the ancient Maya / Leonard Everett Fisher. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1999. 299.74 BUCKO Non-Fiction Lakota ritual of the sweat lodge : history and contemporary practiceSFCC / Raymond A. Bucko. 299.74 BUCKO 1999 Non-Fiction Lakota ritual of the sweat lodge : history and contemporary practiceSFCC / Raymond A. Bucko. 1 c1998. 1 c1998, 1 1985, c1959. Ghost dance / David Humphreys Miller. 299.74 MILLER SFCC Non-Fiction 299.78 SCHLESI SFCCorigins Non-Fiction 1 by 1993. Wolves of heaven : Cheyenne shamanism, ceremonies, and prehistoric / by Karl H. Schlesier ; drawings Wah-pah-nah-yah, Dick West. 299.782 SANDPAI SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [19--?] Sandpainting [videorecording] : a Navajo tradition. 299.784 KACHINA 2000 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Kachinas in the Pueblo world / edited by Polly Schaafsma. 299.7852 BLACK SFCCofNon-Fiction 1 c1982. Gift of the sacred pipe : based on Black Elk's account of the seven rites the Oglala Sioux / as originally recorded and edited by Joseph Epes Brown ; edi 299.79 CARMODY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Native American religions : an introduction / Denise Lardner Carmody and John Tully Carmody. 299.792 BANCROF SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1996. Gods and myths of the Aztecs / Norman Bancroft Hunt. Aztec and Maya myths / Karl Taube. 299.792 TAUBE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1993. 299.8 SCHULTE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Robert c1992. Vine of the soul : medicine men, their plants and rituals in the Colombian Amazonia / Richard Evans Schultes, F. Raffauf ; foreword by Ghillean T. JOURNEY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Journeys through dreamtime : Oceanian myths 299.9 / writers: Tony Allen, Fergus Fleming, Michael Kerrigan ; consultant, Chris Gosden. 299.9 P754O Non-Fiction Oceanic mythology: the myths of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia,SFCC Australia. 1 [1967] PINCHBE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Breaking open the head : a psychedelic journey299.9 into the heart of contemporary shamanism / Daniel Pinchbeck. HUMEAustralians SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Ancestral power : the dreaming, consciousness,299.9215 and Aboriginal / Lynne Hume. 299.936 INTRODUC SFCC Era Non-Fiction 2 c2006. Introduction to Scientology [videorecording (DVD)] produced by Golden Productions. 299.936 WHAT IS fastest growing religion SFCC Non-Fiction c1993. International]. What is Scientology? : a guidebook to the world's / [compiled by staff of the Church1 of Scientology 299.9409 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Witching culture : folklore and neo-paganism inMAGLIOC America / Sabina Magliocco. 301 HENSLIN 2006/ James M. Henslin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Essentials of sociology : a down-to-earth approach 301 SCHAEFER 2004 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2004. Sociology : a brief introduction / Richard T. Schaefer. M558S SFCC Non-Fiction Social theory and social structure [by] Robert K.301.01 Merton. 301.0973 WHYBROW American mania : when more is not enough / Peter C. Whybrow. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] 1 c2005. 301.24 H121 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962. On the theory of social change: how economic growth begins. A study from the Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 19 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 301.243 M226U Understanding media; the extensions of man, by Marshall McLuhan.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] 1 [1971] 301.42 M969L SFCC Non-Fiction Love, sex, and marriage through the ages [by] Bernard I. Murstein. Foreword by William M. Kephart. 2 [1974] Rise and fall of Black slavery / C. Duncan Rice. 301.44 R361R SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] 301.449 G774G SFCC Non-Fiction Great white lie; slavery, emancipation, and changing racial attitudes. 1 [1973] 301.451 Nobody knows my name; more notes of a native son. B193N 1 1961. 301.451 in M475 Non-Fiction Negro thought in America, 1880-1915; racial ideologies the age ofSFCC Booker T. Washington. 1 [1963] 302 GLADWELL Non-Fiction Tipping point how little things can make a big difference / Malcolm SFCC Gladwell. 302 SOCIAL Non-Fiction Social psychology : handbook of basic principles2007 / edited by Arie W.SFCC Kruglanski, E. Tory Higgins. 2 c2000. 1 c2007. Sexuality and homosexuality; a new view. 301.41 K146S SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 302.12by DIMITRI SFCCofNon-Fiction 1 c2000. Put your best foot forward : make a great impression taking control how others see you / Jo-Ellan Dimitrius and Mark Mazzarella. 302.17 SIEGEL False alarm : the truth about the epidemic of fear / Marc Siegel. 1 c2005. 302.2 BEEBE Susan J.SFCC Non-Fiction Communication : principles for a lifetime / Steven A. Beebe, Beebe, Diana K. Ivy. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. 302.222 BECKERby Lance SFCCW. Non-Fiction Continuum encyclopedia of symbols / Udo Becker ; translated Garmer. 1 1997, c1994. 302.222Morris. MORRIS Bodytalk : the meaning of human gestures / Desmond 1 c1994. 302.23 C462m Kim SFCC Non-Fiction Media ethics : cases and moral reasoning / Clifford G. Christians, B. Rotzoll, Mark Fackler. 1 c1983. D361t Ball-Rokeach. SFCC Non-Fiction Theories of mass communication / Melvin L. De302.23 Fleur, Sandra 2 c1982. SFCC Non-Fiction 302.23 DE ZENG 1 2005. Mediated : how the media shapes your world and the way you live SFCC in it /Non-Fiction Thomas de Zengotita. 302.23 HOLTZMA 1 c2000. Media messages : what film, television, and popular music teach usSFCC aboutNon-Fiction race, class, gender, and sexual orientation / Linda Holtzman. 302.23 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. High noon on the electronic frontier : conceptual issuesLUDLOW in cyberspace / Peter Ludlow. 302.23 M468 1989 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Media power in politics / [edited by] Doris A. Graber. 302.23 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 with 2002, c1992.Film Board of Canada ; pro Manufacturing consent [videorecording] : NoamMANUFAC Chomsky and the media / Necessary Illusions in co-production National 302.23 MASS ME book 1999 ed. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Mass media : opposing viewpoints / Byron L. Stay, 302.23 SFCCD. Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Media, sex, and the adolescent / [edited by] Bradley S. MEDIA Greenberg, Jane Brown, Nancy L. Buerkel-Rothfuss. 302.23 OUTFOXED Non-Fiction 2 Outfoxed [videorecording] : Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism / SFCC a Robert Greenwald film ; www.outfoxed.org ;c2004. produced and directed by Robert Gree 302.23 RADFORD SFCCusNon-Fiction 2 2003. Media mythmakers : how journalists, activists, and advertisers mislead / Benjamin Radford. 302.23 SCHECHT SFCC Non-Fiction 1999. by Jackson Browne and Robert W More you watch, the less you know : news wars/(sub)merged hopes/media adventures / Danny Schechter ;1forewords 302.23 WEBSTER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Mass audience : rediscovering the dominant model / by James G. Webster, Patricia F. Phalen. 302.23 WEIMANN Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Communicating unreality : modern media and the reconstruction ofSFCC reality / Gabriel Weimann. 302.23 Non-Fiction 1 1998. Media technology and society : a history : fromWINSTON the telegraph to theSFCC Internet / Brian Winston. YOU ARE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / edited 2001. by Russ Kick. You are being lied to : the disinformation guide 302.23 to media distortion, historical whitewashes and cultural myths KITCH SFCC Non-Fiction Girl on the magazine cover : the origins of visual302.2308 stereotypes in American mass media / Carolyn Kitch. 20 1 c2001. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 302.2308 Non-Fiction Media & minorities : the politics of race in newsLARSON and entertainmentSFCC / Stephanie Greco Larson. 2 c2006. 302.2308 SFCCL.Non-Fiction 1 1990. Split image : African Americans in the mass media / editedSp55 by Jannette Dates and William Barlow. 302.23082 SEXUAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Jeanne 2002.R. Steele, Kim Walsh-Childers. Sexual teens, sexual media : investigating media's influence on adolescent sexuality / edited by Jane D. Brown, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000, c1999. Culture jam : how to reverse America's suicidal 302.2309 consumer binge - and why we must / Kalle Lasn. 302.2309 CAMPBEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Media and culture : an introduction to mass communication / Richard Campbell. 302.2309 FUTURE Non-Fiction 1 2005. Future of media : resistance and reform in the 21st century / editedSFCC by Robert W. McChesney, Russell Newman, and Ben Scott ; with a foreword by Bill M 302.2309 Non-Fiction 2 c2003. Gender, race, and class in media : a text-readerGENDER / Gail Dines, Jean M.SFCC Humez, editors. 302.2309 JENKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2006. Convergence culture : where old and new media collide / Henry Jenkins. 302.2309 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Our media, not theirs : the democratic struggle MCCHESN against corporate media / Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols. 302.2309 MCCHESNE SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Problem of the media : U.S. communication politics in the twenty-first century / Robert W. McChesney. 1 302.23092 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Marshall McLuhan : escape into understanding MCLUHAN : a biography / W. Terrence Gordon. 302.231 KUTNER SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2008. Grand theft childhood : the surprising truth about violent video games what parents should know / by Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl K. Olson. 302.231 LASICA SFCC Non-Fiction Darknet : Hollywood's war against the digital generation / J.D. Lasica. 1 c2005. H426m Non-Fiction c1988. Manufacturing consent : the political economy 302.234 of the mass media /SFCC Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky.2 302.234 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986, c1985. Amusing ourselves to death : public discourse inPOSTMAN the age of show business / Neil Postman. 302.2343 DUDRAH 1 2006. Bollywood : sociology goes to the movies / Rajinder Kumar Dudrah.SFCC Non-Fiction 302.2345 CANTOR SFCC 1 1998. Mommy, I'm scared : how TV and movies frighten children and what we Non-Fiction can do to protect them / Joanne Cantor. 302.2345 CHILDRE world / [edited SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Children & television : images in a changing sociocultural by] Gordon L. Berry, Joy Keiko Asamen. 302.2345 SFCCGunter, Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Advertising to children on TV : content, impact,GUNTER and regulation / Barrie Caroline Oates, and Mark Blades. 302.2345 Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Handbook of children and the media / Dorothy HANDBOO G. Singer, Jerome L.SFCC Singer, editors. 302.3 B814g SFCC Non-Fiction Group processes : dynamics within and between groups / Rupert Brown. 1 1988. SFCC Non-Fiction Interpersonal conflict resolution / Alan C. Filley.302.34 F481i 302.34 JOHNSON SFCC W. Non-Fiction Reaching out : interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization / David Johnson. 2 [1975] 1 c2000. D494 / [compiled SFCC Non-Fiction Deviant behavior : a text-reader in the sociology302.5 of deviance by] Delos H. Kelly. 302.542 CLINARD 1992 Sociology of deviant behavior / Marshall B. Clinard, Robert F. Meier.SFCC Non-Fiction 302.542 PALMER SFCC Non-Fiction Deviant behavior : patterns, sources, and control / Stuart Palmer and John A. Humphrey. 303.376 Non-Fiction Saturday morning censors : television regulationHENDERS before the V-chip /SFCC Heather Hendershot. 1 c1984. 1 1992. 1 [c1990] 1 1998. 303.38 ERASESpiegel SFCC Videos Erase the hate [videorecording] / producer, Susan Lichstein ; writer, Patricia Carr. 1 c1994. 2 1997. Public opinion / Walter Lippmann. 303.38 LIPPMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 21 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 303.38 MOORE Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Superpollsters : how they measure and manipulate public opinion inSFCC America / David W. Moore. 303.38 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004.societies, and nations / James Suro Wisdom of crowds : why the many are smarter SUROWIEC than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, 303.3809 WHATStates SFCC Non-Fiction What they think of us : international perceptions of the United since 9/11 / edited by David Farber. 1 303.3834 DIGITAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Digital delirium / Arthur & Marilouise Kroker, editors. c2007. IMAGES SFCC Non-Fiction Images that injure : pictorial stereotypes in the 303.385 media / edited by Paul Martin Lester. 1 1996. 303.4 /DIAMOND SFCC Non-Fiction Guns, germs, and steel : the fates of human societies Jared Diamond. 1 c1997. 1997. 303.4byGUNS SFCC Non-Fiction 8 [2005] Guns, germs, and steel [videorecording] / produced Lion TV for National Geographic Television & Film ; produced and directed by Tim Lambert, Cassi SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction Understanding culture's influence on behavior /303.482 RichardBRISLIN Brislin. 303.482 GUDYKUNS/ WilliamSFCC Non-Fiction Bridging differences : effective intergroup communication B. Gudykunst. 1 c1993. 1 c2004. 303.482 HALL J. Hall.SFCC Non-Fiction Among cultures : the challenge of communication / Bradford 303.482 SFCC Non-Fiction Intercultural communication : a reader / [editedINTERCU by] Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter. 2 c2005. 1 c1997. 303.482 JANDT SFCC Non-Fiction Introduction to intercultural communication : identities in a global community / Fred E. Jandt. 1 c2004. Future shock. 303.4 T571f 303.482to K825s SFCCabroad Non-Fiction 1 c1984.by David S. Hoopes. Survival kit for overseas living : for Americans planning live and work / L. Robert Kohls ; with an introduction 303.482 KLOPF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Intercultural communication encounters / Donald W. Klopf, James C, McCroskey. 303.482 READING Reserve c2002. Lisa A. Flores. Readings in intercultural communication : experiences and contextsSFCC / [edited by] Judith N. Martin, Thomas88K. Nakayama, 303.482 STORTI SFCC Cross-cultural dialogues : 74 brief encounters with cultural difference / byNon-Fiction Craig Storti. 303.482 SFCC Non-Fiction Understanding our differences [videorecording]UNDERST : Mexicans and Americans. 1 c1994. 1 [2004] 303.483 NAISBIT/ John SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Philips. c1999. High tech/high touch : technology and our search for meaning Naisbitt, with Nana Naisbitt and Douglas 303.483 OHARROW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. No place to hide / Robert O'Harrow, Jr. 303.4833 CYBERGH Non-Fiction 1 1998. Cyberghetto or cybertopia? : race, class, and gender on the InternetSFCC / edited by Bosah Ebo. 303.4833 Non-Fiction 7 2005. World is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first FRIEDMAN century / Thomas L.SFCC Friedman. 303.4833 KATZ ofSFCC Magic in the air : mobile communication and the transformation socialNon-Fiction life / James E. Katz. 1 c2006. Code and other laws of cyberspace / Lawrence 303.4833 Lessig. LESSIG SFCC Non-Fiction 303.4834 WHITAKE SFCC Non-Fiction End of privacy : how total surveillance is becoming a reality / Reg Whitaker. 1 c1999. 1 1999. CLI SFCC Best Sellers 2 Giving : how each of us can change the world / 303.484 by Bill Clinton. 303.4973 KUNSTLERof the twenty-first SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Long emergency : surviving the converging catastrophes century / James Howard Kunstler. c2007. c2005. 303.6trigger COLEMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Copycat effect : how the media and popular culture the mayhem in tomorrow's headlines / Loren Coleman. 303.6 ILL Barker andSFCC Non-Fiction Ill effects : the media/violence debate / edited by Martin Julian Petley. 2 2001. MEDIA SFCC Non-Fiction Media violence : opposing viewpoints / William303.6 Dudley, bookVeditor. 2 1999. 22 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 NEWTON Violence and the media : a reference handbook303.6 / David E. Newton. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1996. 11 myths of media violence / W. James Potter. 303.6 POTTER SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c2003. 303.6 SONTAG SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. 2 c1995. 2 c1999. 2 2006. 2 2004. Regarding the pain of others / Susan Sontag. 303.6 VIOLENC SFCC Non-Fiction Violence in the media / Carol Wekesser, book editor. 303.6083 GARBARI SFCC Non-Fiction Lost boys : why our sons turn violent and how we can save them / James Garbarino. 303.6083 SFCCabout Non-Fiction See Jane hit : why girls are growing more violentGARBARIN and what can be done it / James Garbarino. 303.6083 SFCC Non-Fiction Violent children / Hayley Mitchell Haugen, bookVIOLENT editor. 303.625: CARR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. Lessons of terror : a history of warfare against civilians why it has always failed and why it will fail again / Caleb Carr. 303.625 DERSHOWI Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Why terrorism works : understanding the threat, responding to theSFCC challenge / Alan M. Dershowitz. 303.625 HENDERSO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. Terrorism / Harry Henderson. 303.625 KRONENWE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Terrorism : a guide to events and documents / Michael Kronenwetter. 303.625 L319a SFCC Non-Fiction 303.625 SMELSER/ Neil J. Smelser. SFCC Non-Fiction Faces of terrorism : social and psychological dimensions 303.625 TERRORI Terrorism : opposing viewpoints / Laura K. Egendorf, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 303.625 WHITTAK Terrorism : understanding the global threat / David J. Whittaker. SFCC Non-Fiction Age of terrorism / Walter Laqueur. 304.2097 BLACK 20th Cent life / Brian SFCCBlack. Non-Fiction Nature and the environment in twentieth-century American 1 c1987. 1 c2007. 1 c2004. 1 2002. 1 2006. 304.25Maryland AFTER Public SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Burke c1987. After the warming [videorecording]/ Ambrose Video; Television Production ; written by James ; directed by Mike Slee ; produced 304.25Maryland AFTER Public SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Burke c1987. After the warming [videorecording]/ Ambrose Video; Television Production ; written by James ; directed by Mike Slee ; produced 304.28 DIAMOND 2 2005. Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed / Jared Diamond. SFCC Non-Fiction 304.5 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Science of desire : the search for the gay gene and theHAMER biology of behavior / Dean Hamer and Peter Copeland. c1994. 304.8 CHAMBER 1 1994. 1 1994. Migrancy, culture, identity / Iain Chambers. SFCC Non-Fiction 304.8 RICHMON SFCC H. Non-Fiction Global apartheid : refugees, racism, and the new world order / Anthony Richmond. 304.82 CASTLES SFCCworld Non-Fiction 2 Age of migration : international population movements in the modern / Stephen Castles, Mark J. Miller. c2003. 304.873 AKERS SFCCborder Non-Fiction 2 Mikec2006. No one is illegal : fighting racism and state violence on the U.S.-Mexico / by Justin Akers Chac¿¿n and Davis ; photographs by Juli¿¿n Cardon GREENFI SFCC /Non-Fiction Mind and media : the effects of television, video305.23 games, and computers Patricia Marks Greenfield. 1 1984. 305.23 GURIAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / Michael 1999, c1998. Fine young man : what parents, mentors, and educators can do to shape adolescent boys into exceptional men Gurian. 305.23 KIN she is changing SFCC Best Alpha girls : understanding the new American girl and how theSellers world / Dan Kindlon. 3 c2006. LAMB Secret lives of girls : what good girls really do -- 305.23 sex play, aggression,SFCC and Non-Fiction their guilt / Sharon Lamb. 1 c2001. LIEBERT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1988. Early window : effects of television on children 305.23 and youth / Robert M. Liebert, Joyce Sprafkin. 305.2308 AGGRESS SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Aggression, antisocial behavior, and violence among girls : a developmental perspective / edited by Martha1Putallaz, Karen L. Bierman ; foreword by Joh 305.2309 SFCC Non-Fiction After-school lives of children : alone and with others whileBELLE parents work / Deborah Belle. 23 1 c1999. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 305.2309 FREEDMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Children of the Great Depression / Russell Freedman. 305.2309 MAYERlife chances / SFCC 1 1997. What money can't buy : family income and children's SusanNon-Fiction E. Mayer. 305.231 GILBERT Non-Fiction 1 / Susan c2000. Field guide to boys and girls : differences, similarities : cutting-edgeSFCC information every parent needs to know Gilbert. SFCC Nurture assumption : why children turn out the305.231 way theyHARRIS do / Judith RichNon-Fiction Harris. 1 c1998. 305.231 MILLER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Simple steps : developmental activities for infants, toddlers, and two-year olds / Karen Miller, author and illustrator. 305.235 MILNER Non-Fiction Freaks, geeks, and cool kids : American teenagers, schools, and the SFCC culture of consumption / Murray Milner,1 Jr. 2004. Ag47b ; foreword SFCC by Non-Fiction Aging, isolation, and resocialization / edited by 305.26 Ruth Bennett Joseph Zubin. 1 c1980. 305.26M. BERGER Gay and gray : the older homosexual man / Raymond Berger. 1 c1996. 1 c1996. SFCC Non-Fiction DISNEY of aging SFCC/Non-Fiction Can we afford to grow older? : a perspective on305.26 the economics Richard Disney. 305.3 BARNETT SFCCchildren, Non-Fiction 1 2004. Same difference : how gender myths are hurting our relationships, our and our jobs / Rosalind Barnett and Caryl Rivers. 305.3 SFCC Non-Fiction Gender outlaw : on men, women, and the rest of us /BORNSTEI Kate Bornstein. 3 1995. 305.3 BROWNE Biology at work : rethinking sexual equality / Kingsley R. Browne. SFCC Non-Fiction 305.3 COMMUNIC SFCC Non-Fiction Communication between the sexes : sex differences and sex-role stereotypes / Lea P. Stewart ... [et al.]. 1 c2002. 2 c1990. 305.3 FEINBERG SFCC Non-Fiction Transgender warriors : making history from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman / Leslie Feinberg. 1 c1996. 305.3 KIMMEL 305.3 MALE Male/female roles / Auriana Ojeda, book editor.2005 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Gendered society / Michael S. Kimmel. 305.3by MANCHIL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. Manchild revisited [videorecording] : a commentary Claude Brown / producer and director, Anthony Machi. 305.3 SFCC Non-Fiction; written and directed by2 Antony c2006. Middle sexes [videorecording] : redefining he and sheMIDDLE / HBO Original Programming Thomas ; produced by Antony Thom 305.3 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Allan2001. Why men don't listen & women can't read maps : howPEASE we're different and what to do about it / Barbara and Pease. 305.3 ROUGHGAR Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Evolution's rainbow : diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and SFCC people / Joan Roughgarden. 305.3 SHIELDS Non-Fiction Measuring up : how advertising affects self-image / Vickie RutledgeSFCC Shields with Dawn Heinecken. 2 c2002. 305.3 TIGER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 305.3 Non-Fiction 1 by Barry [2000] Wigstock, the movie [videorecording] / Samuel WIGSTOCK Goldwyn ; producedSFCC by Dean Silvers, Marlen Hecht ; directed Shils. 305.3089 ROSCOE Non-Fiction 3 1998. Changing ones : third and fourth genders in Native North America /SFCC by Will Roscoe. Decline of males / Lionel Tiger. Ei87c Chalice and the blade : our history, our future /305.309 Riane Eisler. SFCC Non-Fiction 305.31 BLY SFCC Non-Fiction 305.389 SFCC Best Sellers Stuart : a life backwards / Alexander Masters. SHORTER MAS 305.3896 SFCC Non-Fiction Sissyphobia : gay men and effeminate behaviorBERGLIN / Tim Bergling ; illustrations by Joe Phillips. 305.3896 SFCC Homosexuals in history : a study of ambivalenceROWSE in society, literature, andNon-Fiction the arts / A.L. Rowse. Iron John : a book about men / Robert Bly. 3 1987. 1 1990. 2 2006. 2 2001. 2 1997. SFCCtoNon-Fiction 2 Girls. 2003. Bitches, bimbos, and ballbreakers : the Guerrilla305.4 Girls'BITCHES illustrated guide female stereotypes / by the Guerrilla 305.4 ECHEVAR Non-Fiction 1 c1998. For all our daughters : how mentoring helps young women and girlsSFCC master the art of growing up / Pegine Echevarria. FEMALE/ edited SFCC Female body in western culture : contemporary305.4 perspectives by Non-Fiction Susan Rubin Suleiman. 24 1 1986. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 305.4 Non-Fiction First sex : the natural talents of women and how theyFISHER are changing SFCC the world / Helen Fisher. 305.4092 SFCC Non-Fiction Composing a life / Mary Catherine Bateson. BATESON 305.4093 BLUNDEL SFCC Non-Fiction Women in ancient Greece / Sue Blundell. 1 c1999. 2 1990, c1989. 1 1995. 305.42 Eh84f / Barbara SFCC Non-Fiction For her own good : 150 years of the experts' advice to women Ehrenreich, Deirdre English. 305.42 F912 1983 SFCC Non-Fiction Feminine mystique / by Betty Friedan. 1 1979. 1 c1983. 1987 ; WOMEN SFCC Productions Non-Fiction Ltd. from Sandra Carter 2 Enterprises c1989. Inc., Cineworld Inc. in associatio Women in change [videorecording] / produced 305.42 by Women of the World 305.4209 BURKETT AmericaSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Right women : a journey through the heart of conservative / Elinor Burkett. 305.4209 FEMINIS Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Feminist theorists : three centuries of key women thinkers / edited SFCC by Dale Spender ; introduction by Ellen Carol DuBois. 305.4209 K954f From ladies to women : the organized struggle for woman's rights inSFCC the Non-Fiction Reconstruction Era / Israel Kugler. 1 1987. LEVY / Ariel SFCC Non-Fiction 5 Female chauvinist pigs : women and the rise of 305.4209 raunch culture Levy. 305.4209 Non-Fiction 1 History of the American suffragist movement / WEATHER Doris Weatherford ;SFCC foreword by Geraldine Ferraro. 305.4209 WOMENS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Women's rights in the United States : a documentary history / edited by Winston E. Langley and Vivian C. Fox. 2006. 305.42095 DADI Dadi's family [videorecording] / Public Broadcasting Associates. 1981. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. 1994. 305.43 M43e Non-Fiction 1982. / Julie A. Matthaei. Economic history of women in America : women's work, the sexualSFCC division of labor, and the development 1of capitalism 305.43 SFCC Non-Fiction Women, work, and family / Louise A. Tilly and Joan W. T468w Scott. 305.4365 Non-Fiction Woman's place is at the typewriter : office workD288w and office workers,SFCC 1870-1930 / Margery W. Davies. 1 1989. 1 1982. P4420 Non-Fiction Our lives for ourselves : women who have never305.48 married / Nancy L.SFCC Peterson. 1 c1981. SFCC Best Sellers ; with Kristin Ohlson. 4 Kabul Beauty School : an American woman goes305.486 behind ROD the veil / Deborah Rodriguez 305.48896 HOOKS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Black looks : race and representation / Bell Hooks. c2007. 305.489 Non-Fiction Never too thin : why women are at war with their bodiesSEID / RobertaSFCC Pollack Seid. 1 c1989. 305.4896 BUTCH Non-Fiction Butch/femme : inside lesbian gender / editor: Sally R. Munt ; photoSFCC editor: Cherry Smyth. 1 1998. c1992. 305.562 LE BLAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Short history of the U.S. working class : from colonial times to the Twenty-First Century / Paul Le Blanc ; illustrations by Mike Alewitz. 305.562 ORWELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1958. Road to Wigan Pier / George Orwell ; with a foreword by Victor Gollancz. 305.562 TEIXEIRA SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 c2000. America's forgotten majority : why the white working class still matters Ruy Teixeira, Joel Rogers. 305.562 ZWEIGZweig.SFCC Non-Fiction Working class majority : America's best kept secret / Michael 1 2000. 305.563/ LE BRET SFCC Non-Fiction Trapped : modern-day slavery in the Brazilian Amazon Binka Le Breton. 305.569 EHRENREI SFCC Non-Fiction Nickel and dimed : on (not) getting by in America / Barbara Ehrenreich. 1 2003. 3 2001. 305.569 SHIPLER Working poor : invisible in America / David K. Shipler. 2 2004. 1 2006. 2 c2008. 1 c2002. SFCC Non-Fiction ABDO SFCC Non-Fiction Mecca and Main Street : Muslim life in America305.697 after 9/11 / Geneive Abdo. 305.697 GOTTSCHA SFCC Non-Fiction Islamophobia : making Muslims the enemy / Peter Gottshalk and Gabriel Greenberg. 305.6971 MUSLIM SFCCYazbeck Non-Fiction Muslim minorities in the West : visible and invisible / edited by Yvonne Haddad & Jane I. Smith. 25 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 305.8 NATIONA Nationalism and ethnic conflict / Charles P. Cozic, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. TARAS/ Ray Taras SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Understanding ethnic conflict : the international305.8 dimension Rajat Ganguly. 305.8009 Non-Fiction in the United States /1editedc1993. Challenges of a changing America : perspectivesCHALLENG on immigration andSFCC multiculturalism by Ernest R. Myers. 305.8009 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Discrimination : opposing viewpoints / Mary E. DISCRIM Williams, book editor. 305.8009 DOBRATZ Non-Fiction 1 c1997. "White power, white pride!" : the white separatist movement in theSFCC United States / Betty A. Dobratz and Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile. 305.8009 FEAGIN Non-Fiction 1 2000. Racist America : roots, current realities, and future reparations / JoeSFCC R. Feagin. 305.8009 GRAVES SFCC 1 c2004. Race myth : why we pretend race exists in America / Joseph L. Graves, Jr.Non-Fiction 305.8009 SFCC: the Non-Fiction Racial paranoia : the unintended consequencesJACKSON of political correctness new reality of race in America /1John c2008. L. Jackson, Jr. 305.8009 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. Workin' on the chain gang : shaking off the deadMOSLEY hand of history / Walter Mosley ; foreword by Clyde Taylor. 305.8009 PAGE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. 305.8009 PULERAin the twenty-first SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Visible differences : why race will matter to Americans century / Dominic Pulera. 305.8009 ROBINSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Debt : what America owes to Blacks / Randall Robinson. 305.8009 SCHMIDT SFCC; Non-Fiction 1 1997. Menace of multiculturalism : Trojan horse in America / Alvin J. Schmidt foreword by Dinesh D'Souza. 305.8009 TATUM SFCCconversations Non-Fiction about race / Beverly Daniel 1 c1997. "Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?" and other Tatum. 305.8009 WALLER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Face to face : the changing state of racism across America / James Waller. 305.80097 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1997] Color of words : an encyclopaedic dictionary of HERBST ethnic bias in the United States / Philip H. Herbst. 305.868 AGUEDA SFCC Non-Fiction 1997, c1977. Agueda Marti¿¿nez [videorecording] : our people, our country / produced by Moctesuma Esparza ; directed2 by Esperanza Vasquez. Brazilians / Joseph A. Page. 305.8927by] LOST 4 withc2003. Lost boys of Sudan [videorecording (DVD) ] / [presented Actual SFCC Films,Non-Fiction Principe Productions, in association POV ; directed and produced by Mega 305.8951 ZHU SFCC Non-Fiction Chinaman's chance : the Chinese on the Rocky Mountain mining frontier / Liping Zhu. 1 c1997. 305.896 COX Non-Fiction Stronger kinship : one town's extraordinary story of hope and faith SFCC / Anna-Lisa Cox. 1 2006. LERNER 1 c1995. Jews and Blacks : let the healing begin / Michael305.896 Lerner and Cornel SFCC West.Non-Fiction 305.896 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Losing the race : self-sabotage in Black AmericaMCWHORTE / John H. McWhorter. 305.896 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ...2001. Remembering Jim Crow : African Americans tellREMEMBE about life in the segregated South / edited by William H. Chafe [et al.]. 305.896 X SFCC Non-Fiction 305.8963 PATAUX SFCC Non-Fiction Dogon : people of the cliffs / Agne¿¿s Pataux ; introduction by G. Calame Griaule. 305.897 MIHESUA American Indians : stereotypes & realities / Devon A. Mihesuah. SFCC Non-Fiction Malcolm X : justice seeker. 1 c1993. 1 2004. 1 c1996. 305.897/NATIVE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 David c2003. Native voices : American Indian identity and resistance edited by Richard A. Grounds, George E. Tinker, and E. Wilkins. 305.897 Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Native American identities : from stereotype toVICKERS archetype in art andSFCC literature / Scott B. Vickers. 305.8974 HOEPKER Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Return of the Maya : Guatemala-a tale of survival / photographs bySFCC Thomas Hoepker. 26 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Rita Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Sanuma¿¿ memories : Yanomami ethnography 305.898 in times RAMOS of crisis / Alcida Ramos. 305.9066 FEINBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Trans liberation : beyond pink or blue / Leslie Feinberg. 305.9066 MARCUS 1999questions SFCCabout Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Is it a choice? : answers to 300 of the most frequently asked gay and lesbian people / Eric Marcus. 305.9066 NANDA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Gender diversity : crosscultural variations / Serena Nanda. 305.9066 POLITICS SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 2000. Politics of gay rights / edited by Craig A. Rimmerman, Kenneth D. Wald, Clyde Wilcox. 305.90664 GAY Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Gay ethics : controversies in outing, civil rights, ETH and sexual science /SFCC Timothy F. Murphy, editor. 305.90664 Non-Fiction 1 1996. Outing yourself : how to come out as lesbian orSIGNORI gay to your family, SFCC friends, and coworkers / Michelangelo Signorile ; [foreword by Betty Berzon]. 305.9081/DEAF Non-Fiction Deaf world : a historical reader and primary sourcebook edited bySFCC Lois Bragg. 1 c2001. 305.9081 SACKS Seeing voices : a journey into the world of the deaf / Oliver Sacks. SFCC Non-Fiction 305.9082 MATTER SFCC Matter of the mind [videorecording] / produced, directed and written byNon-Fiction Robert Thurber. 1 c1989. 1 c1985. 306 DANESI Popular culture : introductory perspectives / Marcel Danesi. 1 c2008. SFCC Non-Fiction St64h H. Stoddard, SFCC Non-Fiction c1986. Human geography : people, places, and cultures306 / Robert David J. Wishart, Brian W. Blouet. 2 306.08 STORYTE v.1-4 Non-Fiction 2 c1996. Storytellers of the Pacific [videorecording] / a co-production of ABCSFCC TV, Australia, Native American Public Telecommunications, Pacific Islanders in Comm 306.08 STORYTE v.1-4 Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Storytellers of the Pacific [videorecording] / a co-production of ABCSFCC TV, Australia, Native American Public Telecommunications, Pacific Islanders in Comm 306.08 STORYTE v.1-4 Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Storytellers of the Pacific [videorecording] / a co-production of ABCSFCC TV, Australia, Native American Public Telecommunications, Pacific Islanders in Comm 306.08095 SFCC 1 2000. Endangered peoples of Southeast and East AsiaENDANGE : struggles to survive andNon-Fiction thrive / edited by Leslie E. Sponsel. 306.0899 SFCC Non-Fiction Hmong in transition / edited by Glenn L. Hendricks, BruceH648 T. Downing, Amos S. Deinard. 2 1986. 306.0899 SFCC Non-Fiction Mixe of Oaxaca : religion, ritual, and healing / by Frank J. LIPP Lipp ; foreword by Munro S. Edmonson. 306.08998 CHAGNON SFCC Non-Fiction Yanomamo / Napoleon A. Chagnon. 306.0917 HAMMOND SFCC Non-Fiction Pop culture Arab world! : media, arts, and lifestyle / Andrew Hammond. 306.0945 Non-Fiction / Guido Ruggiero. Binding passions : tales of magic, marriage, andRUGGIER power at the end ofSFCC the Renaissance 306.0951 SFCC Non-Fiction Tibetan diary : from birth to death and beyond CHILDS in a Himalayan valley of Nepal / Geoff Childs. 1 1998, c1991. 1 c1992. 1 c2005. 1 1993. 306.0973 KLOSKlosterman. SFCC Non-Fiction Sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs : a low culture manifesto / Chuck 4 c2004. 306.1 KILPATR SFCC Non-Fiction Goth bible : a compendium for the darkly inclined / Nancy Kilpatrick. 1 2004. c2004. [1988], 306.0952 LIVING SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Living treasures of Japan [videorecording] / produced by the National Geographic Society and WQED Pittsburgh ; c1980. written and produced by Miriam Birch 306.09598 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Legong [videorecording] : dance of the virgins /LEGONG directed by Henry de la Falaise ; produced by Constance Bennett ;c2004. story by Henry de la Falaise and Gasto 306.09598 THREE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1981. Three worlds of Bali [videorecording] / Public Broadcasting Associates. 306.0973 COMMON SFCC/ Non-Fiction 5 c2001. Common culture : reading and writing about American popular culture edited by Michael Petracca, Madeleine Sorapure. 306.0973 DE GRAAF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001.Progress ; illustrations by David Ho Affluenza : the all consuming epidemic / John de Graaf, David Wann, Thomas H. Naylor in association with Redefining 27 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 306.10973 KEPHART 1994 Non-Fiction 1 Extraordinary groups : an examination of unconventional life-stylesSFCC / William M. Kephart, William W. Zellner. Culture warrior / Bill O'Reilly. 306.209 ORE SFCC Best Sellers 2 c1994. 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Economics of life : from baseball to affirmative 306.3 actionBECKER to immigration, how real-world issues affect our everyday life / Gary S. Becker, Guity Nashat Beck 306.3 LAMB schemes SFCC Non-Fiction 2006. Packaging girlhood : rescuing our daughters from marketers' / Sharon Lamb and Lyn Mikel Brown.2 306.3097 SFCC /Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Consuming desires : consumption, culture, and CONSUMI the pursuit of happiness edited by Roger Rosenblatt. 306.3097 UNDERHIL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. Call of the mall / Paco Underhill. 306.36 HOCHSCH SFCC Russell Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Time bind : when work becomes home and home becomes work / Arlie Hochschild. 306.3609 JACKSON Non-Fiction 1 c2002. What's happening to home? : balancing work, life, and refuge in theSFCC information age / Maggie Jackson. 306.3609 WARREN 3 Tyagi. c2003. Two-income trap : why middle-class mothers and fathers are going SFCC brokeNon-Fiction / Elizabeth Warren, Amelia Warren 306.362/BALES SFCC Non-Fiction Disposable people : new slavery in the global economy Kevin Bales. 306.362 EVERETT SFCC Non-Fiction History of slavery / Susanne Everett. 306.362 SLAVERY SFCC Non-Fiction Slavery today / Auriana Ojeda, book editor. 1 c1999. 1 c1991. 1 c2004. GIMLIN SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2001. Body work : beauty and self-image in American306.4 culture / Debra L. Gimlin. 306.4 GOLDMAN SFCC Non-Fictionthe "perfect" body / Leslie 1 Goldman. c2006. Locker room diaries : the naked truth about women, body image, and re-imagining 306.4 PRAEGER SFCC Non-Fiction 306.432 ZIMMERMA SFCC Non-Fiction Whose America? : culture wars in the public schools / Jonathan Zimmerman. 1 2007. 1 2002. Cult of thinness / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber. 306.4613 HESSE 1 2007. SFCC Non-Fiction Bohemians : the glamorous outcasts / Elizabeth306.47 Wilson.WILSON 306.4708 MORPHY Non-Fiction Ancestral connections : art and an aboriginal system of knowledge /SFCC Howard Morphy. 306.482 GAMBLIN SFCC Non-Fiction Gambling : examining pop culture / James Haley, book editor. 306.482 SFCC Non-Fiction Gambling : opposing viewpoints / James D. Torr,GAMBLIN book editor. 1 2000. 1 1991. 2 c2004. 2 c2002. 306.482 SFCC Non-Fiction Indian gaming : who wins? / edited by Angela Mullis andINDIAN David Kamper. 306.483 SFCC Non-Fiction Sport in society : issues and controversies / Jay COAKLEY J. Coakley. 1 c2000. 3 c1998. 306.483 GERDY Sports : the all-American addiction / John R. Gerdy. 3 c2002. 2 1999. 1 1999. 1 c1994. 306.483 P698 C. Harris, SFCCRoberta Non-Fiction 1 Play, games, and sports in cultural contexts / edited by Janet J. Park. 306.483 SPORT S SFCCL.Non-Fiction Sports stars : the cultural politics of sporting celebrity / edited by David Andrews and Steven J. Jackson. 1 c1983. 306.484 BLEEP and Sandra SFCC Non-Fiction Bleep! censoring rock and rap music / Betty Houchin Winfield Davidson, editors. 1999. Poop culture / by Dave Praeger. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 306.483 INSIDE SFCC Non-Fiction Inside sports / edited by Jay Coakley and Peter Donnelly. 306.483 Global sport : identities, societies, civilizations /MAGUIRE Joseph Maguire. SFCC Non-Fiction 306.483 MESSNER/ Michael A.SFCC Non-Fiction Sex, violence & power in sports : rethinking masculinity Messner & Donald F. Sabo. 28 1 2001. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 306.484 PERETTI Non-Fiction Creation of jazz : music, race, and culture in urban America / BurtonSFCC W. Peretti. 306.6096 MACGAFF Religion and society in central Africa : the BaKongo of lower Zaire / SFCC WyattNon-Fiction MacGaffey. 306.6916 VITEBSKY SFCC Non-Fiction Shamanism / Piers Vitebsky. 1 c1992. 1 1986. 2 2001. 306.7girl's BEHbreakup buddy SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2005. It's called a breakup because it's broken : the smart / Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt. CARPENT Non-Fiction Virginity lost : an intimate portrait of first sexual306.7 experiences / LauraSFCC M. Carpenter. 1 c2005. 306.7 CUKLANZ SFCCM.Non-Fiction Rape on prime time : television, masculinity, and sexual violence / Lisa Cuklanz. 1 c2000. MITCHELL 1 c2002. Can love last? : the fate of romance over time /306.7 Stephen A. Mitchell.SFCC Non-Fiction 306.7088 N213r v. 1 and childbearing SFCC Non-Fiction 1987- Committee on Child Developm Risking the future : adolescent sexuality, pregnancy, / Panel on Adolescent Pregnancy and1Childbearing, 306.709 TANNAHI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Sex in history / Reay Tannahill. 306.7097 ALLYN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Make love, not war : the sexual revolution, an unfettered history / David Allyn. 306.7098 PATERNO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. In the land of God and man : confronting our sexual culture / Silvana Paternostro. 306.73 GOTTLIEB SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. I love you, nice to meet you : a guy and a girl give the lowdown on coupling up / Lori Gottlieb and Kevin Bleyer. MODERN SFCC Non-Fiction c1993. Rights Project. Modern form of slavery : trafficking of Burmese306.74 women and girls into brothels in Thailand / Asia Watch and2the Women's 306.7409 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Brothel : Mustang Ranch and its women / AlexaALBERT Albert. 306.742 B279m SFCC Non-Fiction Mayflower madam : the secret life of Sydney Biddle Barrows / by Sydney Barrows with William Novak. 1 c1986. 306.745 C15s Non-Fiction 2 c1988. Sexual trafficking in children : an investigation of the child sex tradeSFCC / Daniel S. Campagna, Donald L. Poffenberger. 306.745 JOHNSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Teen prostitution / Joan J. Johnson. Se66i andSFCC Non-Fiction Invisible children : child prostitution in America,306.745 West Germany, Great Britain / Gitta Sereny. 1 1985, c1984. Non-Fiction Born gay : the psychobiology of sex orientation 306.76 / GlennWILSON Wilson and SFCC Qazi Rahman. 2 2005. 306.7607 LE VAY /SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Queer science : the use and abuse of research into homosexuality Simon LeVay. 306.7609 HISTORI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Historical perspectives on homosexuality / compiled and edited by Salvatore J. Licata and Robert P. Petersen. c1996. c1981. 306.766 BIANCO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Gay essentials : facts for your queer brain / David Bianco. 306.766 BOSWELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1981, Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality : gay people in Western Europe from the beginning of the 1Christian erac1980. to the fourteenth century / John 306.766 EDUCATI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / editors, c2000.Beverly Greene, Gladys L. Croom Education, research, and practice in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered psychology : a resource manual 306.766 GAY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Gay and lesbian youth / Gilbert Herdt, editor. AND 306.766 GROWING Non-Fiction c1993. Growing up gay [videorecording] / author/lecturer, Brian McNaughtSFCC ; producer, Barbara Jabaily ; executive 1producer, Kim Johnson ; director, Barbara Jab 306.766 MCGARRY SFCC Non-FictionAmerica / Molly McGarry 1 and 1998. Becoming visible : an illustrated history of lesbian and gay life in twentieth-century Fred Wasserman. 306.766 MCRUER SFCC; foreword Non-Fiction c2006. Crip theory : cultural signs of queerness and disability / Robert McRuer by Michael B¿¿rub¿¿. 1 29 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 306.766 PHARR bySFCC Non-Fiction Homophobia : a weapon of sexism / Suzanne Pharr ; illustrations Susan G. Raymond. 1 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction Mismeasure of desire : the science, theory and 306.766 ethics ofSTEIN sexual orientation / Edward Stein. 306.766 WHEN A Kelly H. Goode. SFCC Non-Fiction When a kid is gay [videorecording] / produced by 306.7662 SFCCworld Non-Fiction Velvet rage : overcoming the pain of growing upDOWNS gay in a straight man's / Alan Downs. 1 1999. 1 c1995. 1 c2005. GALLO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 M. Gallo. 2006. Different daughters : a history of the Daughters306.7663 of Bilitis and the rise of the lesbian rights movement / Marcia 306.768 EKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. Transgender phenomenon / Richard Ekins and Dave King. 306.768 KENNEDY 1 First man-made man : the story of two sex changes, one love affair,SFCC and aNon-Fiction twentieth-century medical revolution /2007. Pagan Kennedy. 306.768 RUDACILL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Riddle of gender : science, activism, and transgender rights / Deborah Rudacille. 306.77 BOYD SFCC Non-Fiction My husband Betty : love, sex, and life with a crossdresser / Helen Boyd. 2 c2003. GOULD SFCC Non-Fiction Lifestyle : a look at the erotic rites of swingers /306.77 Terry Gould. 306.77 Non-Fiction How sex changed : a history of transsexuality inMEYEROWI the United States / SFCC Joanne Meyerowitz. 1 2000, c1999. 1 2002. 306.8Robert Q31f W. Habenstein. SFCC Non-Fiction Family in various cultures [by] Stuart A. Queen [and] 1 [1967] 2 c1999. WALLERS& Sandra SFCC Non-Fiction Good marriage : how and why love lasts / Judith306.81 S. Wallerstein Blakeslee. 306.8109 COONTZ SFCC Non-Fiction Marriage, a history : from obedience to intimacy, or how love conquered marriage / Stephanie Coontz. 1 1995. 2 2005. PAUL Starter marriage and the future of matrimony /306.8109 Pamela Paul. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 306.8109 WAITE Case for marriage / Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. What is marriage for? / E.J. Graff. 306.81 GRAFF SFCC Non-Fiction LEWtaffeta,SFCC BestonSellers Panic years : a guide to surviving smug married 306.815 friends, bad and life the wrong side of 25 without1 a ringc2008. / Doree Lewak. 306.815 STRAUS Non-Fiction Unhooked generation : the truth about why we're still single / JillianSFCC Straus. 1 c2006. 306.84 LLEWELL SFCC Non-Fiction Polygamy's rape of Rachael Strong : protected environment for predators / John R. Llewellyn. 306.8423 MOORE SFCC Non-Fiction God's brothel / Andrea Moore-Emmett. 3 c2006. 1 c2004. 306.846 Non-Fiction Navigating interracial borders : black-white couples and CHILDS their socialSFCC worlds / Erica Chito Childs. 306.846 FUNDERB Black, white, other : biracial Americans talk about race and identitySFCC / LiseNon-Fiction Funderburg. 306.848 GOLDBERG SFCC Non-Fiction Limits to union : same-sex marriage and the politics of civil rights / Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller. 1 c2005. 1 c1994. 4 c2002. M word : writers on same-sex marriage / edited306.848 by KathyMPories. 1 2004. Non-Fiction Gay marriage : why it is good for gays, good for306.848 straights,RAUCH and goodSFCC for America / Jonathan Rauch. 306.848 SAME Non-Fiction Same-sex marriage : the moral and legal debateSE/ edited by Robert SFCC M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum. 3 2004. 1 1997. 306.85 SINGLE SFCC Non-Fiction Single-parent families / Karin L. Swisher, book editor. 306.8509 SFCC Non-Fiction Way we never were : American families and theCOONTZ nostalgia trap / Stephanie Coontz. 306.8509 COONTZ SFCC Non-Fiction Way we really are : coming to terms with America's changing families / Stephanie Coontz. 306.8509 UNDERST SFCC Non-Fiction Understanding the family / edited by John Muncie ... [et al.]. 1 c1997. 1 c1992. 1 c1997. 1 1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 30 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 306.856 DEFRAIN Non-Fiction On our own : a single parent's survival guide / by John DeFrain, JudySFCC Fricke, Julie Elmen. 306.856 MCLANAH SFCC Non-Fiction Growing up with a single parent : what hurts, what helps / Sara McLanahan, Gary Sandefur. 1 c1987. 1 1994. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Behind closed doors : violence in the American 306.87 family /STRAUS Murray A. Straus, Richard J. Gelles, Suzanne K. Steinmetz ;c2006. with a new introduction by Murray A. 306.874 ABRAMS SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1996. Silents / Charlotte Abrams. 306.874 BRAY / James SFCCBray Non-Fiction Stepfamilies : love, marriage, and parenting in the first decade and John Kelly. 306.874 SFCC Non-Fiction Families like mine : children of gay parents tell itGARNER like it is / Abigail Garner. 306.874 GAY AND SFCC Non-Fiction Gay and lesbian parents / edited by Frederick W. Bozett. 1 c1998. 1 2004. 1 1987. 306.874 KAESER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Love makes a family : portraits of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender parents and their families / photographs by Gigi Kaeser ; edited by Peggy Gilles OUT OF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. editors. Out of the ordinary : essays on growing up with306.874 gay, lesbian, and transgender parents / Noelle Howey and Ellen Samuels, 306.874 1 2001. Stepparenting : creating and recreating familiesSTEPPAR in America today / SFCC editedNon-Fiction by Stanley H. Cath, Moisy Shopper. 306.8743 SFCC 2001. Price of motherhood : why the most important CRITTEND job in the world is still theNon-Fiction least valued / Ann Crittenden. 1 306.8743 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Mommy myth : the idealization of motherhoodDOUGLAS and how it has undermined women / Susan J. Douglas and Meredith W. Michaels. 306.8743 ELLISON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. Mommy brain : how motherhood makes us smarter / Katherine Ellison. 306.8743 LERNER Non-Fiction 1 1991. Employed mothers and their children / Jacqueline V. Lerner, Nancy SFCC L. Galambos. 306.8745 GRANDPA SFCCperspectives Non-Fiction / Bert Hayslip, Jr., Robin 1 Goldberg-Glen, 2000. Grandparents raising grandchildren : theoretical, empirical, and clinical editors. 306.8745 TO GRAN on custodialSFCC Non-Fiction c2000. To grandmother's house we go and stay : perspectives grandparents / Carole B. Cox, editor. 1 306.875 MAUTHNE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Sistering : power and change in female relationships / Melanie L. Mauthner. 306.875 MERRELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Accidental bond : the power of sibling relationships / Susan Scarf Merrell. 306.883 GALVIN Forbidden red : widowhood in urban Nepal / Kathey-Lee Galvin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. 306.89 CLARKE SFCC Brentano. Non-Fiction Divorce : causes and consequences / Alison Clarke-Stewart and Cornelia 1 c2006. 306.89 FURSTEN SFCC Divided families : what happens to children when parents part / Frank F. Non-Fiction Furstenberg, Jr., Andrew J. Cherlin.2 1991. GALINSK SFCC Non-Fiction Ask the children : what America's children really306.89 think about working parents / Ellen Galinsky. 1 c1999. 306.89 K599c the ending SFCC Non-Fiction Coming apart : why relationships end and how to live through of yours / Daphne Rose Kingma. 1 c1987. 306.89 SFCCadjust Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Making divorce easier on your child : 50 effective waysLONG to help children / Nicholas Long and Rex Forehand. 306.89 SFCCJanet Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Journey through divorce / Harvey A. Rosenstock, JudithR727j D. Rosenstock, Weiner. 306.8909 WALLERST Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Unexpected legacy of divorce : a 25 year landmark study / by JudithSFCC Wallerstein, Julia Lewis and Sandy Blakeslee. 307.14 KINSLEY community SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Economic renewal guide : a collaborative process for sustainable development / Michael J. Kinsley. 307.7209 1 assistance c2003. from Alan W. Barton. Challenges for rural America in the twenty-first CHALLENG century / edited by SFCC DavidNon-Fiction L. Brown and Louis E. Swanson with 307.7609 SOUNDIN of a regional SFCCcity Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Sounding Spokane : perspectives on the built environment / by David Wang, editor. Soviet and American society; a comparison. 309.147 H719S SFCC Non-Fiction 31 1 1973. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 320.014 SFCC Non-Fiction Media control : the spectacular achievements ofCHOMSKY propaganda / Noam Chomsky. 2 c2002. 320.473 Un3editors SFCC Non-Fiction Britannica. U.S. Government : how and why it works / prepared by the of Encyclopaedia 1 1978. 320.51by B856u SFCC Non-Fiction Up from liberalism / William F. Buckley, Jr. ; foreword John Dos Passos. 320.513 HOROWIT Non-Fiction Politics of bad faith : the radical assault on America's future / DavidSFCC Horowitz. 320.531 CUNNING SFCC Non-Fiction Democratic theory and socialism / Frank Cunningham. 1 1984. 1 c1998. 1 1987. 320.55 REED politics SFCC/ Ralph Non-Fiction Active faith : how Christians are changing the soul of American Reed. 1 c1996. 320.55 VEERVan der SFCC Religious nationalism : Hindus and Muslims in India / Peter Veer.Non-Fiction 1 1994. 320.5509 KEPEL SFCC Non-Fiction Jihad : the trail of political Islam / Gilles Kepel ; translated by Anthony F. Roberts. 2 2002. 320.9 D713C Cuba : order and revolution / Jorge I. Domi¿¿nguez. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. 320.956 D719U U.S. & Soviet policy in the Middle East, edited by John Donovan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972- ] 320.96 G996I Idi Amin : death-light of Africa / David Gwyn ; with an afterword by SFCC Ali A.Non-Fiction Mazrui. 1 c1977. 2 c1991- 1 c1991- 1 c1994. 320.973 REICHand everyday SFCC Non-Fiction Supercapitalism : the transformation of business, democracy, life / Robert B. Reich. 1 2007. 321.07 PLATO SFCC Non-Fiction Republic / Plato ; translated by G.M.A. Grube ; revised by C.D.C. Reeve. 2 c1992. PLATO Non-Fiction Republic of Plato / translated with introduction321.07 and notes by FrancisSFCC MacDonald Cornford. 1 [1945] 1 1998. 1 c1989. 1 c1999. CQ researcher. 320.973 EDITORI CQ RESE SFCC Reference 320.973 EDITORI CQ RESE SFCC Reference 320.973 PORTRAI 1994 AllenSFCC Non-Fiction Portraits of American politics : a reader / [compiled by] Bruce Murphy. CQ researcher. On democracy / Robert A. Dahl. 321.8 DAHL SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction Religion in American politics / Charles W. Dunn,322.1097 editor. R279 322.4209 NEIWERT Non-Fiction In God's country : the patriot movement and the Pacific Northwest SFCC / David A. Neiwert. 322.44 GREEN SFCCDobson Non-Fiction 1 Green reader : essays toward a sustainable society / edited by RAndrew ; foreword by David Gancher. By any means necessary / Malcolm X. 323 X SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1991. 1992. 323.01 ROSMINI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993-1996. Philosophy of right / Antonio Rosmini ; translated by Denis Cleary and Terence Watson. 323.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Silencing political dissent / Nancy Chang and theCHANG Center for Constitutional Rights ; foreword by Howard Zinn. 323.0976 WILL Non-Fiction 1 communities [1998?] and the music of those time Will the circle be unbroken? [sound recording] :THE an audio history ofSFCC the Civil Rights Movement in five Southern 323.0976 WILL Non-Fiction 1 communities [1998?] and the music of those time Will the circle be unbroken? [sound recording] :THE an audio history ofSFCC the Civil Rights Movement in five Southern 323.0976 WILL Non-Fiction 1 communities [1998?] and the music of those time Will the circle be unbroken? [sound recording] :THE an audio history ofSFCC the Civil Rights Movement in five Southern 323.1 M666 v. 3 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; updated 1983. by Kaye Stearman. Japan's minorities : Burakumin, Koreans, Ainu and Okinawans / by George A. De Vos and William O. Wetherall 323.1086 NARULA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Broken people : caste violence against India's "untouchables". 323.1196 SFCC Non-Fiction We shall overcome / Herb Boyd ; narrated by Ossie DavisBOYD & Rudy Dee. 323.1196 MARABLE SFCC Non-Fiction Black leadership / Manning Marable. 32 1 c2004. 1 c1998. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 323.1196 MARTIN Martin Luther King [videorecording] : I have a dream. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Am35 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. American Indian policy in the twentieth century323.1197 / edited by Vine Deloria, Jr. 323.1197 Non-Fiction 1996. Killing the White man's Indian : the reinventing BORDEWI of Native AmericansSFCC at the end of the twentieth century / by1 Fergus M. Bordewich. 323.1197 JOSEPHY SFCC c1999. Red power : the American Indians' fight for freedom / edited by Alvin M.Non-Fiction Josephy, Jr., Joane Nagel, and Troy1 Johnson. 323.1197 Non-Fiction 5 c1991. In the spirit of Crazy Horse / Peter Matthiessen MATTHIE ; with an afterword SFCC by Martin Garbus. N513n Non-Fiction Northwest chiefs : Gustav Sohon's views of the 323.1197 1855 Stevens treatySFCC councils / by David L. Nicandri. 323.1197 SFCC Non-Fiction Native Americans and public policy / Fremont J.NATIVE Lyden and Lyman H. Legters, editors. 1 1986. 1 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1989. American Indian tribal governments / by Sharon323.1197 O'Brien. Ob6a 323.1197 PELTIER Display Area 5 2000, Prison writings : my life is my sundance / Leonard Peltier ; edited bySFCC Harvey Arden ; introduction by Arvol Looking Horsec1999. ; preface by Ramsey Clark. 323.1197 STATE / edited SFCC Non-Fiction State of Native America : genocide, colonization, and resistance by M. Annette Jaimes. 323.1197 SFCC Non-Fiction Native American issues : a reference handbook THOMPSO / William N. Thompson. 2 c1992. 1 c1996. 323.1197 W585t SFCC Non-Fiction Tribal assets : the rebirth of native America / Robert H. White. 323.1197 WEARNE Non-Fiction Return of the Indian : conquest and revival in the Americas / Phillip SFCC Wearne. 1 c1990. 1 1996. 323.1197 Z83b SFCC Non-Fiction 323.3087 CHARLTO SFCC/ Non-Fiction Nothing about us without us : disability oppression and empowerment James I. Charlton. 323.34 WOMENS SFCC Non-Fiction Women's rights / edited by Jennifer Curry ; editorial advisor, Lynn M. Messina. 2 c1991. 1 c1998. 2 2005. Bread & freedom / Ted Zuern. 323.4 EYESyears / a production SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1986. Eyes on the prize [videorecording] : America's civil rights of Blackside, Inc. ; series producer, John Else ; series writer, Steve Fayer. 323.4 EYESyears / a production SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1986. Eyes on the prize [videorecording] : America's civil rights of Blackside, Inc. ; series producer, John Else ; series writer, Steve Fayer. 323.4 EYESyears / a production SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Eyes on the prize [videorecording] : America's civil rights of Blackside, Inc. ; series producer, John Else ; series writer, Steve Fayer. 323.4 L191f SFCC; foreword Non-Fiction 1990. Freedom is as freedom does : civil liberties in America / Corliss Lamont by Bertrand Russell ; new2 epilogue by the author. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1955. 323.44 Non-Fiction Secrecy and foreign policy, edited by Thomas M. FranckF847S and EdwardSFCC Weisband. 323.4409 SFCC Non-Fiction Liberty and freedom / David Hackett Fischer. FISCHER 1 1974. 1 c2004. National security and individual freedom. 323.4 OB6N 323.445 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by2002. Into the buzzsaw : leading journalists expose the myth ofINTO a free press / edited by Kristina Borjesson ; foreword Gore Vidal. L579F libertarian SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] Freedom of the press from Zenger to Jefferson;323.445 early American theories. Edited by Leonard W. Levy. 323.445 NEWS SFCC Non-Fiction News war [videorecording] / [produced by] WGBH Boston ; executive producer David Fanning. 1 c2007. 323.445 and Op2the FirstSFCC Non-Fiction Open secrets--technological transfer, national security, Amendment [sound recording]. 1 p1983. OUR SFCC Non-Fiction Our unfree press : 100 years of media criticism 323.445 / edited by Robert W. McChesney and Ben Scott. 1 c2004. 323.445 W754P Politics of lying: Government deception, secrecy, and power. 1 [1973] SFCC Non-Fiction Transparent society : will technology force us to323.448 choose BRIN between privacy and freedom? / David Brin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. 323.448 ETZIONI SFCC Non-Fiction 323.448 GARFINK SFCC Non-Fiction Database nation : the death of privacy in the 21st century / Simon Garfinkel. 1 c1999. 1 c2000. Limits of privacy / Amitai Etzioni. 33 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 323.448 HENDERS SFCC Non-Fiction Privacy in the information age / Harry Henderson. 323.4909 BOUVARD SFCC Non-Fiction Revolutionizing motherhood : the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo / Marguerite Guzman Bouvard. 323.49098 GIRALDO SFCC Non-Fiction Colombia : the genocidal democracy / Javier Giraldo. 323.49098 WAR WIThumanitarian law. SFCC Non-Fiction War without quarter : Colombia and international 2 c1999. 1 1994. 2 c1996. 1 1998. 323.65 /C499W SFCCR. Non-Fiction Civil disobedience in America : a documentary history edited by David Weber. 1 1978. 323.65 W179o Obligations; essays on disobedience, war, and citizenship. 1 1970. 323.75 CARTER Non-Fiction Dissent of the governed : a meditation on law, religion, and loyalty SFCC / Stephen L. Carter. 2 1998. 324 D649 Do elections matter? / Benjamin Ginsberg and Alan Stone, editors. SFCC Non-Fiction 324.08996 M323b to Jesse Jackson SFCC Non-Fiction Black American politics : from the Washington marches / Manning Marable. 324.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction U.S. election system / edited by Paul McCaffrey.UNITED 324.2416 FEENEY SFCC Non-Fiction Sinn Fei¿¿n : a hundred turbulent years / Brian Feeney. 1 c1986. 1 1985- 1 2004. 1 c2003. Spiritual dimension of green politics / Charlene 324.243 Spretnak.Sp79s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. 324.273 DEA Conservatives without conscience / John W. Dean. SFCC Best Sellers 1 2006. 324.3 HUTTON SFCC Non-Fiction Liberated woman : a life of May Arkwright Hutton / James W. Montgomery. 1 1985, c1974. 324.3 SFCC Mackenzie. Non-Fiction Shoulder to shoulder : a documentary / [compiled andSH82M edited] by Midge 1 1975. SFCC Non-Fiction 324.4 Se41w win votes SFCC /Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Who's in charge? : how the media shape news and politicians Philip Seib. 324.4097 BROWNE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Groups, interests, and U.S. public policy / William P. Browne. 324.4097 INTERES SFCCinNon-Fiction 1 c1998. Interest group connection : electioneering, lobbying, and policymaking Washington / edited by Paul S. Herrnson, Ronald G. Shaiko, Clyde Wilcox. 324.6208 HULLby John SFCC Non-Fiction Disenfranchisement of ex-felons / Elizabeth A. Hull ; foreword Conyers, Jr. 324.6208 MANZA SFCC Non-Fiction Locked out : felon disenfranchisement and American democracy / Jeff Manza and Christopher Uggen. 2 2006. 3 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction Sisters : the lives of America's suffragists / Jean 324.623 H. Baker.BAKER 324.65 OVERTON / Spencer SFCC Non-Fiction Stealing democracy : the new politics of voter suppression Overton. 4 2005. 2 c2006. BUSH Non-Fiction c2004. Bush family fortunes [videorecording] : the best324.7097 democracy money SFCC can buy / The Disinformation Company 2presents a Greg Palast investigation ; produc 324.7097 JAMIESON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Everything you think you know about politics-- and why you're wrong / Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 324.7097 POLITIC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Political scandals : opposing viewpoints / William Dudley, book editor. 324.7097candidate T759s /SFCC Non-Fiction See how they ran : the changing role of the presidential Gil Troy. 1 c1991. 324.73 BRADER SFCCads Non-Fiction 1 Campaigning for hearts and minds : how emotional appeals in political work / Ted Brader. 324.7309 ANSOLAB Non-Fiction Going negative : how attack ads shrink and polarize the electorate /SFCC Stephen Ansolabehere, Shanto Iyengar.2 324.7309 Non-Fiction 2 White House to your house : media and politicsDIAMOND in virtual America /SFCC Edwin Diamond and Robert A. Silverman. 2006. 324.7309 HART SFCCP.Non-Fiction Seducing America : how television charms the modern voter / Roderick Hart. c1999. 34 3 c1995. c1995. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 324.7309 VIGUERIE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and c2004. America's right turn : how conservatives used new and alternative media to take power / Richard A. Viguerie David Franke ; foreword by Tim LaHay 324.7809 1 c1992. Congressional campaign finances : history, facts,CONGRESS and controversy. SFCC Non-Fiction 324.973 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft & Debs-- the election thatCHACE changed the country / James Chace. 324.973 Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Supreme injustice : how the high court hijackedDERSHOW election 2000 / AlanSFCC M. Dershowitz. 324.973 SFCC 2 c2006. Was the 2004 presidential election stolen? : exitFREEMAN polls, election fraud, andNon-Fiction the official count / Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss ; foreword by John Con 324.973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Votes that counted : how the court decided theGILLMAN 2000 presidential election / Howard Gillman. 324.973 GOULD 1968 : the election that changed America / Lewis L. Gould. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 324.973 GREENE SFCC Non-Fiction Understanding the 2000 election : a guide to the legal battles that decided the presidency / Abner Greene. 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. C. Wagner. "We shocked the world!" : a case study of Jesse324.9776 Ventura'sFRANK election as governor of Minnesota / Stephen I. Frank, Steven 325.1 FETZER SFCC Non-Fiction Public attitudes toward immigration in the United States, France, and Germany / Joel S. Fetzer. 1 2000. LEE era, 1882-1943 SFCC Non-Fiction At America's gates : Chinese immigration during325.2351 the exclusion / Erika Lee. 1 c2003. 325.73economy BORJAS / George SFCC Non-Fiction Heaven's door : immigration policy and the American J. Borjas. 1 c1999. 325.73 FOX SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Crowding out the future : World population growth, U.S. Immigration and pressure on natural resources / Robert W. Fox, Ira H. Mehlman. 325.73author. GREEN Immigration / Ann Chih Lin, editor ; Nicole W. Green, SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. 325.73 HAY Best Sellers Whatever it takes : illegal immigration, border security, and the warSFCC on terror / J.D. Hayworth with Joseph J.1 Eule.c2006. 325.73 SFCCby Non-Fiction Defining America through immigration policy / Bill OngHING Hing ; foreword Anthony D. Romero. 325.73 SFCC Non-Fiction Immigration policy / Scott Barbour, book editor.IMMIGRA 325.73 IMMIGRA 2004 Immigration : opposing viewpoints / Mary E. Williams, book editor.SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2004. 1 c1995. 3 c2004. American immigration. 325.73 J721 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1960] Nation of immigrants [by] John F. Kennedy. 325.73 K383 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] 325.73 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. Immigration--the beleaguered bureaucracy / Milton D.M833i Morris. 325.73 ROWLAND SFCC Non-Fiction 2 States c1994. United States policy on immigration : an overview of the issues affecting the immigration policy of the United / Robert C. Rowland. SA93by Edward SFCC American historians and European immigrants, 325.73 1875-1925, N.Non-Fiction Saveth. 1 1965 [c1948] 326.973 SLAVE Slave voices--things past telling [sound recording]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975. SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2007. Inside the company, CIA diary 327.12 AG32I 327.127 WEI Legacy of ashes : the history of the CIA / Tim Weiner. 327.174 CIRINCI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Rajkumar. c2002. Deadly arsenals : tracking weapons of mass destruction / Joseph Cirincione, with Jon B. Wolfsthal and Miriam 327.174 M453u SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Understanding weapons and arms control : a guide to the issues / Teena Karsa Mayers. 327.174 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Nuclear proliferation : a citizen's guide to policyNUCLEAR choices 327.41 SFCC Non-Fiction 1990. Peace to end all peace : the fall of the OttomanFROMKIN Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East / David1Fromkin. 327.5694 CHARNEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Charney report : confronting the Israeli-Arab conflict / Leon H. Charney. Understanding Central America / John A. Booth,327.728 ThomasL226c W. Walker.SFCC Non-Fiction 35 1 1989. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 327.73 SFCC Best Sellers Confronting Iran : the failure of American foreign policyANS and the next great crisis in the Middle East / Ali M. 3Ansari.c2006. 327.73/ BLUM SFCC Non-Fiction Rogue state : a guide to the world's only superpower William Blum. 327.73 SFCC Non-Fiction What Uncle Sam really wants / Noam Chomsky.CHOMSKY 1 c2005. 1 1992. 327.73 policy HONEY/ Richard SFCC 1 c2000. Honey and vinegar : incentives, sanctions, and foreign N.Non-Fiction Haass and Meghan L. O'Sullivan, editors. 327.73056 LITTLE 1 c2002. American orientalism : the United States and the Middle East since SFCC 1945 Non-Fiction / Douglas Little. 327.7307 C333 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 editors. c1990. Central America : opposing viewpoints / Carol Wekesser, book editor, Janelle Rohr & Karin Swisher, assistant 327.7307 PATERSO Non-Fiction 1 1994. Contesting Castro : the United States and the triumph of the CubanSFCC Revolution / Thomas G. Paterson. 327.73072 P268c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Condemned to repetition : the United States and Nicaragua / Robert A. Pastor. 327.7309 BURBACH SFCC Burbach, Non-Fiction 1 2004. Imperial overstretch : George W. Bush and the hubris of empire / Roger Jim Tarbell. Powers of Congress. 328.73 P872 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 328.7307 NEAL SFCCcompromises Non-Fiction / by Tommy Neal ; National 1 1996. Lawmaking and the legislative process : committees, connections, and Conference of State Legislatures. 328.797 GOODING/ Barbara Gooding. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1983] Women in the Washington State Legislature, 1913-1983 328.797 IMPACT Impact, a guide to the Washington State Legislature. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 328.797 P759 Women. SFCC Non-Fiction Political pioneers : the women lawmakers / Elected Washington 1 [1983] 328.797 Se313s SFCCD.Non-Fiction Sine die : a guide to the Washington State legislative process / Edward Seeberger. 1 c1989. 329 L668P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Edited [1967] Party systems and voter alignments: cross-national perspectives. [Contributors: Robert R. Alford and others] by Seymour M. Lipset and Stein Rokk 329.023 W585M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973. Making of the President, 1972 [by] Theodore H.1972 White. 330everyday FRANIC enigmas SFCC Non-Fiction Economic naturalist : in search of explanations for / Robert H. Frank. 1 c2007. LEVITT SFCC Non-Fiction 7 c2005. Freakonomics : a rogue economist explores the330 hidden side of everything / Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. 330 MCEACHE Economics : a contemporary introduction / William A. McEachern. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Economics / Mathew Forstater ; introduction by330.03 JamesFORSTAT Rollo. 1 2007. SFCC Non-Fiction Demystifying economics : the book that makes 330.0973 economicsSMITH accessible to everyone / Allen W. Smith. 330.122 CHOMSKY SFCC Non-Fiction Profit over people : neoliberalism and global order / Noam Chomsky. 1 c2000. 1 c1999. 330.122 IKERD Sustainable capitalism : a matter of common sense / John E. Ikerd. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. KLEIN Shock doctrine : the rise of disaster capitalism /330.122 Naomi Klein. 330.126 GALBRAI Good society : the humane agenda / John Kenneth Galbraith. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. MICKLET SFCCAdrian Non-Fiction Future perfect : the essentials of globalization /330.9 John Micklethwait and Wooldridge. 330.9172 WORLD D SFCC Non-Fiction Attacking poverty. 1 c2000. 1 c2000. 330.942 AS39I SFCC Non-Fiction 330.973 SFCC Non-Fiction History of the U.S. economy since World War IIHISTORY / Harold G. Vatter and John F. Walker, editors. 1 1964. 1 c1996. 330.973 N811e Economic growth of the United States, 1790-1860. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1961. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1960] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 1 [1967] SFCC Non-Fiction Industrial revolution, 1760-1830. Great depression. 330.973 SH19 Rethinking the Great Depression / Gene Smiley.330.973 SMILEY 330.98 F851C studies SFCC Non-Fiction Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America; historical of Chile and Brazil. 36 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 330.98 GALEAN SFCC[by] Non-Fiction [1973] Open veins of Latin America; five centuries of the pillage of a continent Eduardo Galeano. Translated by1 Cedric Belfrage. 331.011 LANE privacy SFCC/ Frederick Non-Fiction Naked employee : how technology is compromising workplace S. Lane. 2 c2003. Guide to your career / the Princeton Review. 331.02 GUIDE T 1 1996- 331.1097 JOBS SFCC Non-Fiction 331.1258 FEATHER SFCC Non-Fiction Students against sweatshops / Liza Featherstone and United Students Against Sweatshops. 1 2006. 2 2002. 331.133 Race and gender discrimination at work / Samuel Cohn. COHN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction Affirmative action is dead : long live affirmative331.133 action / CROSBY Faye J. Crosby. 1 c2004. 331.2 ELLIOTTElliott,SFCC Non-Fiction Can labor standards improve under globalization? / Kimberly Richard Freeman. 2 2003. 331.21 BEWLEY Why wages don't fall during a recession / Truman F. Bewley. 1 1999. SFCC Career Jobs in America / edited by David Ramm. SFCC Non-Fiction 331.25 SFCCCharles Non-Fiction 2 c2001. Can we put an end to sweatshops? / Archon Fung, DaraFUNG O'Rourke, and Sabel ; foreword by Medea Benjamin ; edited by Joshua Cohen and Joel R 331.31 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. Child labour in Sri Lanka : learning from the pastGOONESE / S.W.E. Goonesekere. LIEBEL Non-Fiction Will of their own : cross-cultural perspectives on331.31 working children /SFCC Manfred Liebel. 2 c2004. RIALP SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. Children and hazardous work in the Philippines 331.31 / Victoria Rialp. 331.3109 Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Children at work : child labor practices in AfricaKIELLAN / Anne Kielland andSFCC Maurizia Tovo. 331.31095 SMALL H Non-Fiction Small hands of slavery : bonded child labor in India / Human Rights SFCC Watch Children's Rights Project, Human2Rightsc1996. Watch/Asia. 331.4 Am35 Baxandall, SFCCLinda Non-Fiction America's working women / compiled and edited by Rosalyn Gordon, and Susan Reverby. 1 c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction Work matters : women talk about their jobs and331.4 theirFRIEDMA lives / Sara Ann Friedman. 1996. 1 W498W SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1977. We were there : the story of working women in331.4 America / Barbara Mayer Wertheimer, with the research assistance of Ida Goshkin and Ellen Wertheime 331.4097 BLACKWE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Now hiring : the feminization of work in the United States, 1900-1995 / Julia Kirk Blackwelder. 331.4133 FREDRIC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Women, ethics and the workplace / Candice Fredrick and Camille Atkinson. KWONG Non-Fiction Forbidden workers : illegal Chinese immigrants 331.651 and American labor SFCC / Peter Kwong. 1 1997. 331.702/ Kelly BEATTY Firestarters : 100 job profiles to inspire young women Beatty,SFCC DaleCareer Salvaggio Bradshaw. 2 c2006. 331.702Bobrow BURNS Burns SFCC Career by Timothy P. Shriver. 1 c2006. Career opportunities in the nonprofit sector / Jennifer ; foreword 331.702 COMPLET Career over 12,000 job titles, based 1 on interests, 1993. experience, skills, and other fa Complete guide for occupational exploration : an easy-to-use guideSFCC to exploring FARR Shatkin SFCC Career by Kristine Dobson. 50 best jobs for your personality / Michael Farr 331.702 and Laurence ; foreword 5 c2005. 331.702 FARR SFCC Career c2006. 100 fastest-growing careers : your complete guidebook to major jobs with the most growth and openings /1Michael Farr. 331.702 SFCC work Career 300 best jobs without a four-year degree / Michael Farr FARR ; with database by Laurence Shatkin. 1 c2006. 331.702 FIELD 100 best careers for the 21st century / Shelly Field. 2 c1999. SFCC Career FOGG: the actual SFCC jobs, Career 5 c2004. College majors handbook with real career paths331.702 and payoffs earnings, and trends for graduates of 60 college majors / Neeta P. Fogg, Pa 331.702 OCCUPAT Career 2 Occupational outlook handbook / U.S. Department of Labor, BureauSFCC of Labor Statistics. 331.702 PHIFER SFCC/Career College majors and careers : a resource guide for effective life planning Paul Phifer. 1 c2003. 331.702 SHENK Career Outdoor careers : exploring occupations in outdoor fields / by EllenSFCC Shenk. 331.702 TOP 100century. SFCC Career Top 100 : the fastest growing careers for the 21st 1 c2000. 1 c1998. 37 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 331.7023 AMERICA SFCC Career 1 c2005America's top 101 jobs for people without a four-year degree. 331.7023 CAMENSO SFCC Career 1 c2002. Great jobs for liberal arts majors / Blythe Camenson. 331.8813 FERRISSmovement /SFCC 3 byc1997. Fight in the fields : Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers SusanNon-Fiction Ferriss and Ricardo Sandoval ; edited Diana Hembree ; photographs edited 331.8813 Non-Fiction 1 J. Majka. c1995. Farmers' and farm workers' movements : socialMOONEY protest in AmericanSFCC agriculture / Patrick H. Mooney and Theo 331.91 PITZER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Grand Coulee : harnessing a dream / Paul C. Pitzer. 332.024 Non-Fiction 1 1997. Smart questions to ask your financial advisers /BRENNER Lynn Brenner ; iconSFCC illustrations by Mark Matcho. 332.024 Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Zero to zillionaire : 8 foolproof steps to financialCAMPBELL peace of mind / bySFCC Chellie Campbell. 332.024 CARLSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Don't worry, make money : spiritual and practical ways to create abundance and more fun in your life / Richard Carlson. COYLE / Diane SFCCCoyle. Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Soulful science : what economists really do and332.024 why it matters 332.024 DOMINGUwith money SFCC 1993. Your money or your life : transforming your relationship andNon-Fiction achieving financial independence 3/ Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin. 332.024 EKER Secrets of the millionaire mind : mastering the inner game of wealthSFCC / T. Non-Fiction Harv Eker. 332.024 GLICKMA Non-Fiction Mindful money guide : creating harmony between your values and SFCC your finances / Marshall Glickman. 1 c2005. 1 1999. 332.024 GLINK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 100 questions you should ask about your personal finances : and the answers you need to help you save, invest, and grow your money / Ilyce R. Glink. 332.024 KIYOSAK SFCC Non-Fiction 2000, c1998. with Sharon L. Lechter. Rich dad, poor dad : what the rich teach their kids about money-- that the poor and middle class do not! /24 by Robert T. Kiyosaki 332.024 LOWELL SFCCgraduate Non-Fiction How to survive in the real world : financial independence for the recent / James Lowell. 1 1995. 332.024 OPE SFCC Best Sellers Millionaire zone : seven winning steps to a seven-figure fortune / Jennifer Openshaw. 1 c2007. 1 c1997. 9 steps to financial freedom / Suze Orman. 332.024 ORMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 332.024 SFCCfinancial Non-Fiction 2 Barclay. c1997. Girl needs cash : banish the white knight myth and take PERRY charge of your life / Joan Perry, with Dolores 332.024 RAMSEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Total money makeover : a proven plan for financial fitness / Dave Ramsey. 332.042 PERKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Confessions of an economic hit man / John Perkins. 332.0973 Non-Fiction 1998, c1996. Millionaire next door : the surprising secrets of STANLEY America's wealthy /SFCC Thomas J. Stanley, William D. Danko. 5 332.1 MILLER SFCC Non-Fiction Modern money and banking / Roger LeRoy Miller, Robert W. Pulsinelli. 2 c1989. B841cC. Bryant. SFCC Non-Fiction Controlling money : the Federal Reserve and its332.1109 critics / Ralph 1 c1983. Analysis and history of inflation / Don Paarlberg.332.41 PAARLBE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] Money mischief : episodes in monetary history 332.46 / MiltonF914m Friedman. SFCC Non-Fiction 332.49 WEATHER SFCC Non-Fiction History of money : from sandstone to cyberspace / Jack Weatherford. 1 c1992. 2 c1997. Wage-price guideposts. 332.41 SH31 332.6 GARDNER SFCC Non-Fiction 2001. Motley Fool investment guide : how the fool beats Wall Street's wise men and how you can too / David and1Thomas Gardner. 332.6 KIYOSAK SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Rich dad's who took my money? : why slow investors lose and fast money wins! / by Robert T. Kiyosaki with1 Sharon L. Lechter. 332.632 MURPHY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. Charting made easy / John J. Murphy. 332.632 Non-Fiction 1 C. Thomsett. c2001. Just the financial facts : how to identify nuggetsTHOMSETT of usable news andSFCC minimize information overload / Michael 38 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 How stocks work / David L. Scott. 332.6322 SCOTT SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction How to make big money in real estate / Tyler G.332.6324 Hicks. HICKS 332.743 SCURLOCK SFCC Non-Fiction Maxed out / James Scurlock. 332.765 STRONG SFCC What every credit card user needs to know : how to protect yourself andNon-Fiction your money / Howard Strong. 1 c2002. 1 c2000. 1 c2007. 2 c1999. 333.2 JOHANSE SFCC Non-Fiction 2000. Shapers of the great debate on Native Americans : land, spirit, and power : a biographical dictionary / Bruce1 E. Johansen. 333.2 SFCC Non-Fiction All our relations : native struggles for land and life / byLADUKE Winona LaDuke. 1 c1999. 333.2 RESERVA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Reservations / by the editors of Time-Life Books. 333.3172 COLLIER SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Basta! : land and the Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas / George A. Collier ; with Elizabeth Lowery Quaratiello ; 1foreword by Peter Rosset. 333.33 CROSS Real estate agent's business planning guide / Carla Cross. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. 333.7A. C765 SFCCE.Non-Fiction Conservation of energy resources / edited by Evelyn Mauss and John Ullman. 1 1979. 1 c1978. Energy, resources & policy / Richard C. Dorf. 333.7 D731e SFCC Non-Fiction 333.7/ En27L SFCC c1979. Energy controversy : soft path questions & answers by Amory Lovins & Non-Fiction his critics ; edited by Hugh Nash. 1 333.7 WORLDCHA Non-Fiction 3 Sagmeister 2006. Inc. Worldchanging : a user's guide for the 21st century / edited by AlexSFCC Steffen ; foreword by Al Gore ; design by 333.7 YOUNGeconomy SFCC Non-Fiction Next efficiency revolution : creating a sustainable materials / John E. Young and Aaron Sachs ; Ed 2Ayres,c1994. editor. 333.7095 ECONOMY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. River runs black : the environmental challenge to China's future / Elizabeth C. Economy. 333.7097 WASHINGState 1997Department SFCC Non-Fiction Washington's environmental health 1997 / Washington of Ecology. 1 [1997] 333.72 H334c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1959. Conservation and the gospel of efficiency; the progressivevation movement, 1890-1920. 333.72 MATHESO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2008. Green chic : saving the Earth in style / Christie Matheson. 333.7209 HOLDING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Derrick c2005. Holding common ground : the individual and public lands in the American West / edited by Paul Lindholdt and Knowles. 333.7513 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Strangely like war : the global assault on forestsJENSEN / Derrick Jensen, George Draffan ; foreword by Vandana Shiva. 333.7515 SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Planting nature : trees and the manipulation of COHEN environmental stewardship in America / Shaul E. Cohen. 1 G775s SFCC; preface Non-Fiction 1 1988. Saving the tropical forests / by Judith Gradwohl333.7516 and Russell Greenberg by Michael Robinson ; illustrated by Lois Sloan. 333.7516 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Rage over trees [videorecording] / a co-production of theRAGE National Audubon Society, Turner Broadcasting System and WETA, Washington, D.C. ; produce 333.76 GARDNER SFCC; Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Shrinking fields : cropland loss in a world of eight billion / Gary Gardner Jane A. Peterson, editor. Energy efficiency and the environment. 333.79 ENERGY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Energy policy / edited by Martha Hostetter. 333.79 ENERGY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Energy / By Manuel Nikel-Zueger. 333.79 NIKEL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. 333.79/SAWIN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. Mainstreaming renewable energy in the 21st century Janet L. Sawin. 333.7916 SCHIPPE 1 Richard 1992. Energy efficiency and human activity : past trends, future prospectsSFCC / LeeNon-Fiction Schipper and Stephen Meyers with B. Howarth and Ruth Steiner ; prolo 333.8232 PEAKDokumentar SFCC Non-Fiction Peak oil [videorecording (DVD)] : imposed by nature / Tropos ; a film by Amund Prestegard. 1 333.8232 TAMMINEN SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Lives per gallon : the true cost of our oil addiction / Terry Tamminen. 39 [2005?] c2006. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 333.91 PEARCE SFCC Non-Fiction When the rivers run dry : water, the defining crisis of the twenty-first century / Fred Pearce. 333.91 ROTHFEDE SFCC Every drop for sale : our desperate battle over water in a world about to Non-Fiction run out / [Jeffrey Rothfeder]. 1 c2006. 1 2001. WATER SFCC Non-Fiction Water : opposing viewpoints / Carol Wekesser, 333.91 book editor. 333.9516 SFCC Non-Fiction At the hand of man : peril and hope for Africa's BONNER wildlife / Raymond Bonner. 333.9522 WILSON SFCC Non-Fiction Future of life / Edward O. Wilson. 333.95977 MCNAMEE SFCC Non-Fiction Return of the wolf to Yellowstone / Thomas McNamee. 335.4347 ROSENDA SFCC Non-Fiction Inside the revolution : everyday life in socialist Cuba / Mona Rosendahl. 2 c1994. 1 1993. 12 2003. 1 1997. 1 1997. DEBT / edited SFCCby Non-Fiction 2 c1991. Debt & development in the Third World : trends336.3435 and strategies Nikongo Ba-Nikongo. 336.3435 2001.editor. Still waiting for the jubilee : pragmatic solutionsROODMAN for the third world SFCC debt Non-Fiction crisis / David Malin Roodman ; Jane1 Peterson, 336.73for END Non-Fiction End of welfare? : consequences of federal devolution theOFnationSFCC / Max B. Sawicky. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction Global issues for global citizens : an introduction337 to GLOBAL key development challenges / Vinay Bhargava, editor. 1 1999. c2006. 337dominate GLOBALI the interational SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. Globalization : will freedom or world government marketplace? / Richard M. Ebeling, editor. 337 OCONNOR SFCC Non-Fiction Demystifying the global economy : a guide for students / David E. O'Connor. 1 2002. 337 STIGLITZ SFCC Non-Fiction Globalization and its discontents / Joseph E. Stiglitz. 337.142 EUROPEAUnion and world SFCC Non-Fiction Making globalisation work for everyone : the European trade. 1 c2002. 1 2003. 338.0973 Non-Fiction Roots of American economic growth, 1607-1861; an essayB382 in social SFCC causation, by Stuart Bruchey. 1 [1965] 338.1097 HOAG Agricultural crisis in America : a reference handbook / Dana L. Hoag.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 338.16 G824e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. Eating oil : energy use in food production / Maurice B. Green. 338.1706 Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Eat here : reclaiming homegrown pleasures in aHALWEIL global supermarketSFCC / Brian Halweil. 338.1737 COFFEE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Kutschbach. 1995. Coffee, society, and power in Latin America / edited by William Roseberry, Lowell Gudmundson, Mario Samper 338.17373 GRESSER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Mugged : poverty in your coffee cup / [Charis Gresser and Sophia Tickell]. 338.1973 MIDKIFFAmerica's food SFCCsupply Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Meat you eat : how corporate farming has endangered / Ken Midkiff. 338.1973 NIERENB SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Happier meals : rethinking the global meat industry / Danielle Nierenberg ; Lisa Mastny, editor. 338.4336 BOWNDSon SpokaneSFCC 2 / by [2005] Analysis of the effect of lower medicare reimbursement andNon-Fiction Kootenai Counties' healthcare sectors Lynne Bownds, Lori Geddes, Mary A 338.4336 GANDY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. Recycling and the politics of urban waste / Matthew Gandy. GRAIG Non-Fiction Health of nations : an international perspective338.4336 on U.S. health care SFCC reform / Laurene A. Graig. 338.433621 Non-Fiction High cost of healing : physicians and the health B817h care system / J.H.U.SFCC Brown. 338.433621 M468 Non-Fiction Medical cost-containment crisis : fears, opinions, and facts / editedSFCC by Jack D. McCue. 2 c1993. 1 c1985. 1 1989. 338.4361 LAW Big pharma : exposing the global healthcare agenda / Jacky Law. 1 2006. 338.437 LANE SFCC Obscene profits : the entrepreneurs of pornography in the cyber age / byNon-Fiction Frederick S. Lane, III. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 338.476 SFCCSteel. Non-Fiction Steel serves the nation, 1901-1951; the fifty year story ofF532S United States 1 [1951] 338.476 HUR and herbal SFCC supplement Best Sellers industry / Dan Hurley. 2 Natural causes : death, lies, and politics in America's vitamin c2006. 40 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 338.4767 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. McGoldrick Lumber Company story, 1900-1952MCGOLDR / by Jim McGoldrick. 338.4767 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. Tobacco industry and smoking / Fred C. Pampel.PAMPEL 338.4778 KRASILO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; contributions c2000. This business of music : the definitive guide to the music industry / M. William Krasilovsky and Sidney Shemel by John M. Gross. 338.4778 SANJEK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Pennies from heaven : the American popular music business in the twentieth century / Russell Sanjek ; updated by1996. David Sanjek. 338.4779 CHAPLIN Non-Fiction 2005. Smartbomb : the quest for art, entertainment, and big bucks in the SFCC videogame revolution / Heather Chaplin1& Aaron Ruby. ESSENTI Association, SFCC Non-Fiction Essentials of microeconomics / staff of Research338.5 and Education M. Fogiel, director. 1 c1989. 338.5 M317m Microeconomics : theory and applications / Edwin Mansfield. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. 338.52 FISCHER SFCC Non-Fiction Great wave : price revolutions and the rhythm of history / David Hackett Fischer. 1 1996. 338.542 B458g SFCC1929-1939 Non-Fiction Great Depression : delayed recovery and economic change in America, / Michael A. Bernstein. 1 338.7616 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Sign of the burger : McDonald's and the cultureKINCHEL of power / Joe L. Kincheloe. 1987. 338.88 KLEIN SFCC Non-Fiction No space, no choice, no jobs, no logo : taking aim at the brand bullies / Naomi Klein. 2001, c1999. 1 2002. 338.9 ASSESSI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Assessing aid : what works, what doesn't, and why. 338.9 DOUTHWA SFCC Non-Fiction Growth illusion : how economic growth has enriched the few, impoverished the many, and endangered the1planet1993. / Richard Douthwaite. 338.9 ST59SL. Stivers.SFCC Non-Fiction Sustainable society : ethics and economic growth / Robert Road to serfdom. 338.91 H325r SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. 1 [c1944] 338.96 T918 SFCC Non-Fiction/ edited by Ann Seidman1 and Frederick c1992. Anang ; task force advisory co Twenty-first-century Africa : towards a new vision of self-sustainable development 339.46affects RANK us all /SFCC One nation, underprivileged : why American poverty MarkNon-Fiction Robert Rank. 1 2004. SFCC Non-Fiction Law of libel & slander / by Margaret C. Jasper. 340 L522 v.116 340 LAW OF # 132 SFCC Non-Fiction Animal rights law / by Margaret C. Jasper. 340 LAW OF SFCC Non-Fiction More everyday legal forms / Margaret C. Jasper.#112 340 LAW OF SFCC Non-Fiction Dictionary of selected legal terms / by Margaret#114 C. Jasper. 340 LAW OF SFCC Non-Fiction Law of immigration / by Margaret C. Jasper. #115 340 LAW OF #134 SFCC Non-Fiction Workers' compensation law / by Margaret C. Jasper. 340 LAW OF SFCC Non-Fiction Law of violence against women / by Margaret C.#138 Jasper. 340 LAW OF SFCC Non-Fiction Religion and the law / by Margaret C. Jasper. #144 340 LAW OF #146 SFCC Non-Fiction Social security law / by Margaret C. Jasper. 340 LAW OF #147 C. Jasper. SFCC Non-Fiction Law of speech and the First Amendment / by Margaret 340 LAW OF SFCC Non-Fiction Employment discrimination law under Title VII /#148 by Margaret C. Jasper. 340 LAW OF #158 Healthcare and your rights under the law / by Margaret C. Jasper. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. 1 2002. 1 2001. 1 2001. 1 2000. 1 c2008. 2 c2007. 1 1998. 1 2004. 1 1999. 2 1999. 1 2002. SO So you want to be a lawyer : a practical guide to340.0237 law as a career. 340.0711 Law school for dummies / by Rebecca Greene. GREENE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 41 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 340.0711 MILLER SFCC :Non-Fiction 2004. Law school confidential : a complete guide to the law school experience by students, for students / Robert1H. Miller. Law and social norms / Eric A. Posner. 340.115 POSNER SFCC Non-Fiction 341 C57 Non-Fiction Swords into plowshares; the problems and progress of internationalSFCC organization, by Inis L. Claude, Jr. 1 2000. 1 [1964] 341.1082 W43and nonviolence SFCC Non-Fiction 1 with1963. Instead of violence; writings by the great advocates of peace throughout history. Edited and notes and introductions by Arthur an 341.481 FIFTYon human SFCCrights Non-Fiction 1 Carbone. c2001. Fifty years after the declaration : the United Nations' record / edited by Teresa Wagner, Leslie NEIER Non-Fiction War crimes : brutality, genocide, terror, and the341.69 struggle for justiceSFCC / Aryeh Neier. 1 c1998. 342.273 BIBBY Non-Fiction Two parties--or more? : the American party system / John F. Bibby,SFCC L. Sandy Maisel. 1 1998. 342.73 B622 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 342.73 C385f v. 10 tribes of North America, SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Charters, constitutions, and by-laws of the Indian compiled/edited by George E. Fay. 342.73 C385f v. 9 tribes of North America, SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Charters, constitutions, and by-laws of the Indian compiled/edited by George E. Fay. c1937. 1967-<1981 > 1967-<1981 > x SFCC DeAnne Non-Fiction Bill of rights; a source book [by] William Cohen,342.73 MurrayC66b Schwartz, [and] Sobul. 1 [1968] 342.73with C959L Non-Fiction Leading constitutional decisions / Robert F. Cushman Susan P. SFCC Koniak. 1 c1987. 342.73 F241F Framing of the Constitution of the United States, by Max Farrand. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1913. 342.73 IRONS Brennan vs. Rehnquist : the battle for the Constitution / Peter Irons.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. 342.73 L621u Understanding our Constitution [by] Jethro K. Lieberman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] 342.73 MAR Margulies. SFCC Best Sellers Guant¿¿namo and the abuse of presidential power / Joseph 4 c2006. Story of the Constitution 342.73history P356Pand theSFCC Non-Fiction 1 With [1968] People's President; the electoral college in American direct-vote alternative [by] Neal R. Peirce. a foreword by Tom Wicker. DVD Non-Fiction 1 for Ambrose 2005. Video Publishing ; written by S DVD history of the U.S. Constitution. 1619-2005342.7302 [videorecording] / SFCC produced by Centre Communications Inc. 342.7306 BAKERClinton SFCC Non-Fiction Breach : inside the impeachment and trial of William Jefferson / Peter Baker. 1 c2000. 342.7306 FISHER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. 342.7306 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Terror presidency : law and judgment inside theGOLDSMIT Bush administration / Jack Goldsmith. 342.7306 US CONS and currentSFCC Non-Fiction 1994. H. Halperin, prepared under the U.S. Constitution and the power to go to war : historical perspectives / edited by Gary M. Stern1and Morton 342.7308 CIVIL 2004 book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Civil liberties : opposing viewpoints / Auriana Ojeda, 342.7308 SFCC Non-Fiction 1999. Constitutional debates on freedom of religion : CONSTIT a documentary history / edited by John J. Patrick and Gerald1 P. Long. 342.7308 ILLEGAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Illegal immigration : opposing viewpoints / Charles P. Cozic, book editor. 342.73085 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. All the laws but one : civil liberties in wartime / RENQUI William H. Rehnquist. 342.73087 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Rights of racial minorities : the basic ACLU guideMCDONAL to racial minority rights / Laughlin McDonald, John A. Powell. 342.733 T565 SFCCasNon-Fiction 1 1945. Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville.v.1 The Henry Reeve text revised by Francis Bowen, now further corrected and edited with introduction, Presidential war power / Louis Fisher. 342.733 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Democracy in America / Alexis de Tocqueville ; TOCQUEVI translated, 2000 edited, and with an introduction by Harvey C. Mansfield and Delba Winthrop. 343.7307 NADER 1 c2007. Seventeen traditions / Ralph Nader ; illustrations by David Wolf. SFCC Non-Fiction F276rdecision SFCC that Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Roe v. Wade : the untold story of the landmark 344.04192 Supreme Court made abortion legal / Marian Faux. 344.7301 FLEISCH SFCCeverything Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Employer's rights : your legal handbook from hiring to termination and in between / Charles H. Fleischer. 42 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 344.7305 F875p SFCC Non-Fiction Privilege to keep and bear arms : the Second Amendment and its interpretation / Warren Freedman. 344.7305 HENDERS SFCC Non-Fiction Gun control / Harry Henderson. 1 1989. 1 c2000. 344.7305 LOTTlaws /SFCC More guns, less crime : understanding crime and gun-control JohnNon-Fiction R. Lott, Jr. 2 1998. Return of Martin Guerre / Natalie Zemon Davis.345.4402 D295r SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983. 345.73 C332F Censorship: for & against. Introd. by Harold H. Hart. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1971] 345.73 PATRIOT 1 c2005. Patriot Act : opposing viewpoints / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 346.0134 Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Female genital mutilation : a guide to laws and FEMALE policies worldwide /SFCC edited by Anika Rahman and Nahid Toubia. 346.7301 KENNEDY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Interracial intimacies : sex, marriage, identity, and adoption / Randall Kennedy. 346.7303 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Who should be liable? : a guide to policy for dealing with C737w risk / a statement by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Deve 346.7303 PRINGLE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Cornered : big tobacco at the bar of justice / Peter Pringle. 346.7304 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. Intellectual property / edited by Jennifer Peloso.INTELLE 347.5 F629I SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1967. Introduction to the law of torts, by John G. Fleming. 347.732 BISCourt SFCC BestitsSellers 1 Biskupic. c2005. Sandra Day O'Connor : how the first woman onOCONNOR the Supreme became most influential justice / Joan 347.7326 HALLmarriage, SFCCchildbearing, Non-Fiction and death / Howard Ball. 1 Supreme Court in the intimate lives of Americans : birth, sex, 347.7326 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Supreme Court for dummies / by Lisa Paddock. PADDOCK 350.512 MURRAY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 What it means to be a libertarian : a personal interpretation / Charles Murray. c2002. SFCC Career Careers in government / Mary Elisabeth Pitz. 351.0237 PITZ 352.379 MOYNIHA SFCC Non-Fiction Secrecy : the American experience / Daniel Patrick Moynihan ; introduction by Richard Gid Powers. 353.0081 ILLEGAL SFCC Non-Fiction Illegal immigration / William Barbour, book editor. 1 c1999. 1 c1998. 1 c1994. 353.032/SP71P Non-Fiction Presidency and the mass media in the age of television William C. SFCC Spragens. 1 c1978. 353.035 T224p Reagan SFCC/ John Non-Fiction Press and the presidency : from George Washington to Ronald Tebbel, Sarah Miles Watts. 1 1985. c2002. c1997. 354.75 POLICIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Policing the Internet / Peggy Daniels, book editor. 355.0083 SINGER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. Children at war / P.W. Singer. 355.0089 BEYOND SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Beyond zero tolerance : discrimination in military culture / edited by Mary Fainsod Katzenstein and Judith Reppy. History of warfare / John Keegan. 355.009 KEEGAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 355.009 WARproduction SFCC for Non-Fiction 2 [2007] War and civilization [videorecording] / a Worldview Pictures The Learning Channel in association with La Cinquieme Worldview Pictures ; 355.0092 POWELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. My American journey / Colin L. Powell, with Joseph E. Persico. 355.0094 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Redcoat : the British soldier in the age of horse HOLMES and musket / Richard Holmes. 355.02 SUNZI 1994 1994. Art of war = [Sunzi bing fa] / Sun-tzu ; translated, with introductionsSFCC and Non-Fiction commentary by Ralph D. Sawyer ; 5with the collaboration of Mei-Chu¿¿n Lee Saw 355.0209 HANSON SFCCKeegan. Non-Fiction 1 1999. Wars of the ancient Greeks / Victor Davis Hanson ; general editor John 43 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 355.0209 KENNEDY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Mongols, Huns and Vikings : nomads at war / Hugh Kennedy ; general editor, John Keegan. 355.033 RODRIGU SFCC of Non-Fiction c2006. Freedom's mercenaries : British volunteers in the wars of independence Latin America / Moises Enrique 1 Rodriguez. 355.033 RODRIGU SFCC of Non-Fiction c2006. Freedom's mercenaries : British volunteers in the wars of independence Latin America / Moises Enrique 1 Rodriguez. 355.2236 C66cA. Cohen. SFCC Non-Fiction Citizens and soldiers : the dilemmas of military service / Eliot 355.3308 WESSELL SFCC Non-Fiction Child soldiers : from violence to protection / Michael Wessells. 355.4309 SFCC Non-Fiction Place of Marxism in history / Ernest Mandel. MANDEL 1 1985. 2 2006. 1 1999. 355.83/ DAYS OF by SFCC Days of love, nights of war : crimethink for beginners composed the Non-Fiction CrimethInc. Workers' Collective. 1 c2001. 356.16 HARCLER SFCC 2 Fighting dirty : the inside story of covert operations from Ho Chi Minh to Non-Fiction Osama Bin Laden / Peter Harclerode. 358.38 Non-Fiction 1 Plague wars : a true story of biological warfare /MANGOLD Tom Mangold and SFCC Jeff Goldberg. 359.0094 Non-Fiction 1 To rule the waves : how the British Navy shapedHERMAN the modern world SFCC / Arthur Herman. 361.0023 WITTENBE SFCC Career 3 Opportunities in social work careers / Renee Wittenberg. 361.0602 BAXTER/ Neale J. Baxter. SFCC Career 2 Opportunities in counseling and development careers c2001. 2000. c2004. c2003. c1997. 2 c1995. What social workers do / Margaret Gibelman. 361.32 GIBELMA SFCC Career 361.7068 FUNDRAI Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Fundraising on the Internet : recruiting and renewing donors onlineSFCC / edited by Nick Allen, Mal Warwick, Michael Stein. 361.9173 Non-Fiction Rural social work practice / edited by Nancy Lohmann andRURAL Roger A.SFCC Lohmann. 1 c2005. 362.1 WHITE SFCC experience Non-Fiction/ Joseph White. 1 c1995. Competing solutions : American health care proposals and international 362.1042 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Accountability : patient safety and policy reformACCOUNT / Virginia A. Sharpe, editor. 362.1042 COGAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Daniel c2005. Healthy, wealthy, and wise : five steps to a better health care system / John F. Cogan, R. Glenn Hubbard, and P. Kessler. 362.1042 MEDICINE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 P. Battin, 2002. Anita Silvers. Medicine and social justice : essays on the distribution of health care / edited by Rosamond Rhodes, Margaret 362.1097 FISK health SFCCcare Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Toward a healthy society : the morality and politics of American reform / Milton Fisk. 362.1097 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Century, c2003. Future of the public's health in the 21st centuryFUTURE / Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Board on Health Promotion and D 362.1097 HEALTH 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c2003. Health care : opposing viewpoints / Karen Balkin, book editor. 362.1097 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. Health care mess : how we got into it and whatRICHMOND it will take to get out / Julius B. Richmond, Rashi Fein ; [foreword by Jimmy Carter]. 362.1097 WEISS inSFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Private medicine and public health : profit, politics, and prejudice the American health care enterprise / Lawrence D. Weiss. 362.175 MEANS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Means to a better end : a report on dying in America today. 362.196 TAMMET TAM savant SFCC: Best Sellers/ Daniel Tammet. 4 2007. Born on a blue day : inside the extraordinary mind of an autistic a memoir 362.1963 CRITSER SFCC Critser. Non-Fiction 1 2003. Fat land : how Americans became the fattest people in the world / Greg 362.1968 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Epilepsy and the family : a new guide / Richard LECHTEN Lechtenberg. 362.1968 Non-Fiction 1 by Linda 2006. Teri. When a family member has dementia : steps toMCCURRY becoming a resilientSFCC caregiver / Susan M. McCurry ; foreword 44 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 362.1969 AIDS SFCC Non-Fiction AIDS : opposing viewpoints / Tamara L. Roleff, book editor. 362.1969 AIDS CR SFCCJulia Non-Fiction AIDS crisis : a documentary history / edited by Douglas A. Feldman and Wang Miller. 1 c2003. 1 1998. AYALA 1 c1996. Falling through the cracks : AIDS and the urban 362.1969 poor / Victor Ayala. SFCC Non-Fiction 362.1969 CONFRON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Confronting AIDS : public priorities in a global epidemic. 362.1969 ETHICS Non-Fiction 2 pref. 2005] Ethics and AIDS in Africa / edited by Anton A. van Niekerk & LorettaSFCC M. Kopelman. 362.1969 GOSTIN expectations SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. AIDS pandemic : complacency, injustice, and unfulfilled / Lawrence O. Gostin ; foreword by Michael Kirby. 362.1969 MOOTE SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Great plague : the story of London's most deadly year / A. Lloyd Moote Dorothy C. Moote. 362.1969 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Spread of AIDS / Daniel A. Leone, book editor. SPREAD In8Conference SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Global impact of AIDS : proceedings of the First362.19697 International on the Global Impact of AIDS / co-sponsored by the World Health Organization 362.1983 CHOOSIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Choosing life videorecording / CBS Video, produced by Robert G. Anderson. 362.1989 SFCC c2005. Handbook of preventive interventions for adultsHANDBOOK / edited by Catherine N.Non-Fiction Dulmus and Lisa A. Rapp-Paglicci. 1 362.2/068 HENDRIC SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. use disorders : blueprints for a Designing, implementing, and managing treatment services for individuals with co-occurring mental health 1and substance 362.2088 T636n Nowhere to go : the tragic odyssey of the homeless mentally ill / E. SFCC FullerNon-Fiction Torrey. 1 c1988. 362.25 OBRIEN SFCCgambling Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Bad bet : the inside story of the glamour, glitz, and danger of America's industry / Timothy L. O'Brien. 362.28 WROBLES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 assisted c1996. Why suicide? : answers to 200 of the most frequently asked questions about suicide, attempted suicide, and suicide / Eric Marcus. 362.283Lukas LUKAS SFCC 1 1997. Silent grief : living in the wake of suicide / Christopher & Henry M. Non-Fiction Seiden. 362.287 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Blauner. 2002. How I stayed alive when my brain was trying toBLAUNER kill me : one person's guide to suicide prevention / Susan Rose 362.287 SFCC Non-Fiction Making sense of suicide : an in-depth look at why peopleLESTER kill themselves / David Lester. 1 c1997. 362.29 ADDICTI Addiction : opposing viewpoints / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. 1 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 362.29/ AL18 SFCC 1 1989. J. Aguilar, Sr. ... [et al.]. Alcoholism & substance abuse in special populations edited by Gary W.Non-Fiction Lawson, Ann W. Lawson ; contributors, Robert 362.29 DRUG 2005 book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Drug abuse : opposing viewpoints / Tamara L. Roleff, 362.29 HENDERS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Understanding addiction / Elizabeth Connell Henderson. JENDRIC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Dunks, doubles, doping : how steroids are killing362.29 American athleticsSFCC / Nathan Jendrick. 362.29 MCCLOSKE Non-Fiction 1 Bailes. 2005. When winning costs too much : steroids, supplements, and scandalSFCC in today's sports / John McCloskey, Julian 362.2908 2 c1993. Anabolic steroids in sport and exercise / CharlesANABOLI E. Yesalis, editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 362.2908 BOYD Non-Fiction 2 c2004. From witches to crack moms : women, drug law, and policy / SusanSFCC C. Boyd. 362.2908 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Bridges to recovery : addiction, family therapy, BRIDGES and multicultural treatment / edited by Jo-Ann Krestan. 362.2908 Non-Fiction 1 what 2003. Teens under the influence : the truth about kids,KETCHAM alcohol, and otherSFCC drugs-how to recognize the problem and to do about it / Katherine Ketcham 362.2909 ADOLESC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / Lydia [1992]M. Andris ... [et al.]. Adolescent clients of Washington State's Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse services : a descriptive study 45 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 362.2909 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 by c2004. Altering American consciousness : the history ofALTERING alcohol and drug use in the United States, 1800-2000 / edited Sarah W. Tracy and Caroline Jean Acke 362.2915 ADDICTI adults, andSFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2005. Addiction, assessment, and treatment with adolescents, families / Carolyn Hilarski, editor. 362.2918 PERKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. Chemical dependency counseling : a practical guide / by Robert R. Perkinson. 362.292and Ac57c SFCC Non-Fiction Children of alcoholics : a guide for parents, educators, therapists / Robert J. Ackerman. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Children of alcoholism : the struggle for self and362.292 intimacyW85c in adult life / Barbara L. Wood. 362.292 WECHSLER SFCC Wechsler Non-Fiction Dying to drink : confronting binge drinking on college campuses / Henry and Bernice Wuethrich. 1 1987, c1983. c1987. c2002. 362.2923 AL18 SFCCCollins, Non-Fiction c1990. Alcohol and the family : research and clinical perspectives / R. Lorraine Kenneth E. Leonard, John S. 2Searles, editors ; foreword by Edward Kaufm 362.2923 BROWN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Alcoholic family in recovery : a developmental model / Stephanie Brown, Virginia Lewis. 362.2923 SHIRLEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Resilient marriages : from alcoholism and adversity to relationship growth / Karen J. Shirley. 362.2923 WALLS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. 362.2923 WEGSCHE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. Another chance : hope & health for the alcoholic family / Sharon Wegscheider. 362.2928 KETCHAM SFCC Non-Fiction Beyond the influence : understanding and defeating alcoholism / Katherine Ketcham and William F. Asbury 1; with 2000. Mel Schulstad and Arthur P. Ciaramico Glass castle : a memoir / Jeannette Walls. 362.2928 P415c Coping within the alcoholic family / Joseph F. Perez. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. W287ryourself SFCC :Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Recovering together : how to help an alcoholic 362.2928 without hurting a step-by-step program / Arthur Wassmer. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2004, c2003. G885C Non-Fiction Cocaine : a drug and its social evolution / Lester362.293 Grinspoon & JamesSFCC B. Bakalar. 362.293 SFCC Non-Fiction Marihuana reconsidered / Lester Grinspoon. GRINSPO 362.293 NARCOTIEducational.SFCC Non-Fiction Narcotics [videorecording] / [presented by] Cambridge 1 c1976. 1 c1994. 1 c1999. 362.293 SL54RSloman. SFCC Non-Fiction Reefer madness : the history of marijuana in America / Larry 1 c1979. 362.293 T299 Teen drug use / edited by George Beschner, Alfred S. Friedman. 1 c1986. Million little pieces / James Frey. 362.293 FREY SFCC Non-Fiction 362.295 BOOTH SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2003. 362.295 EARLEYW SFCCEarleywine. Non-Fiction 3 c2002. Understanding marijuana : a new look at the scientific evidence / Mitch 362.295 MARIJUA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Marijuana / William Dudley, book editor. 362.295 MARIJUA SFCC Non-Fiction 2002.Abuse Prevention ; Community An Marijuana [videorecording] : weeding out the hype / the Office of National Drug Control Policy ; Center for 1Substance 362.295 MARIJUA SFCConNon-Fiction 1 Productions. 1995. Marijuana [videorecording] : what can parents do? / National Institute Drug Abuse ; produced by Issembert 362.296 HIRSCHF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Encyclopedia of smoking and tobacco / Arlene B. Hirschfelder. 362.296 SMOKING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Smoking / Carol Wekesser, book editor. 362.296 TOBACCO SFCC Non-Fiction c1998. Tobacco and smoking : opposing viewpoints / Tamara L. Roleff, book editor, Mary E. Williams, book editor,1Charles P. Cozic, assistant editor. Cannabis : a history / Martin Booth. Crack : the broken promise / David F. Allen and 362.298 James F.AL53c Jekel. 362.298 Cocaine : an unauthorized biography / DominicSTREATF Streatfeild. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 46 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 362.298 WILLIAMS Crackhouse : notes from the end of the line / Terry Williams. 362.2987 BELENKO Crack and the evolution of anti-drug policy / Steven R. Belenko. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. AT ISSU SFCC Spokane; Non-Fiction 2002. News. @ issue [videorecording] : mad about meth / a 362.299 presentation of KSPS-TV produced in cooperation 1with KREM2 362.299 SFCC Non-Fiction Pursuit of ecstasy : the MDMA experience / Jerome BeckBECK and Marsha Rosenbaum. 1 c1994. CLEM SFCC Non-Fiction Loss of innocence : a family's journey with meth362.299 / Ronald B. Clem and Carren LeAnn Clem. 1 2007. 362.299 COHEN Love drug : marching to the beat of ecstasy / Richard S. Cohen. 362.299 ECSTASY Ecstasy [videorecording] : what's all the rave about? 362.299 ECSTASY (Booklet) Ecstasy [videorecording] : what's all the rave about? 362.299 JOHNSON Meth : the home-cooked menace / Dirk Johnson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [2002] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [2002] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. METH Meth [videorecording] : what's cooking in your 362.299 neighborhood? 362.299 METH Meth [videorecording] : what's cooking in your (Booklet) neighborhood? SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [2002] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [2002] 362.4/LUSTBAD SFCC Non-Fiction Counting on kindness : the dilemmas of dependency Wendy Lustbader. 1 1994, c1991. 362.4our MILLER Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Everybody's different : understanding and changing reactions toSFCC disabilities / by Nancy B. Miller and Catherine C. Sammons. 362.4042 D63 Cynthia SFCCGriggins, Non-Fiction 1 c1982. Disabled people as second-class citizens / Myron G. Eisenberg, Richard J. Duval, editors ; foreword by Max Cleland. 362.41 K282k and aSFCC Non-Fictionaccount of her education, 1 including 1954. passages from the reports and le Story of my life [by] Helen Keller, with her letters (1887-1901) supplementary 362.42 LANE Non-Fiction Journey into the deaf-world / Harlan Lane, Robert Hoffmeister, BenSFCC Bahan. 1 c1996. 362.42 M461d Deafness and child development / Kathryn P. Meadow. 1 c1980. SFCC Non-Fiction OXFORD Non-Fiction 1 Spencer. c2003. Oxford handbook of deaf studies, language, and362.42 education / editedSFCC by Marc Marschark and Patricia Elizabeth 362.42 P131d SFCC Non-Fiction Deaf in America : voices from a culture / Carol Padden, Tom Humphries. 1 1988. 362.42 SCHEETZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 362.42 SPRADLE Deaf like me / Thomas S. Spradley, James P. Spradley. 362.42083 MARSCHA Raising and educating a deaf child / Marc Marschart. 362.4209 FORECKI Speak to me / Marcia Calhoun Forecki. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1985. Orientation to deafness / Nanci A. Scheetz. 362.428 P191g SFCCbyNon-Fiction 1 [1983?] Great deaf Americans / by Robert Panara and John Panara ; illustrated Kevin Mulholland. 362.4283 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Sign language interpreting : exploring its art andSTEWART science / David A. Stewart, Jerome D. Schein, Brenda E. Cartwright. 362.4309 TAVALAR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Look up for yes / Julia Tavalaro and Richard Tayson. ANY Can anyone hear us? / Deepa Narayan ; with Raj362.5 PatelCAN ... [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 362.5 GLASSER SFCC Non-Fiction Homelessness in global perspective / Irene Glasser. 362.5097 SFCC Non-Fiction American homelessness : a reference handbookHOMBS / Mary Ellen Hombs. 362.5097 SFCC Non-Fiction No shame in my game : the working poor in theNEWMAN inner city / Katherine S. Newman. 362.5097 POVERTY SFCC Non-Fiction Poverty : opposing viewpoints / Karen Balkin, book editor. 2 c1994. 2 c2001. 2 1999. 2 c2004. 47 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SNOWA. Snow SFCCand Non-Fiction Down on their luck : a study of homeless street362.5097 people / David Leon Anderson. 362.5209 MANGUM SFCC L. Non-Fiction Persistence of poverty in the United States / Garth L. Mangum, Stephen Mangum, Andrew M. Sum. 362.5809 SOCIAL SFCC Non-Fiction Social programs that work / Jonathan Crane, editor. 2 c1993. 2 c2003. 2 c1998. 362.7/C436k Non-Fiction 1 c1981. Child abuse and neglect : cross-cultural perspectives edited by Jill SFCC E. Korbin ; with forewords by Robert B. Edgerton and C. Henry Kempe. 362.7 SO13H. Pelton. SFCC Non-Fiction Social context of child abuse and neglect / edited by Leroy 1 c1981. SFCC Non-Fiction Damaged parents, an anatomy of child neglect 362.7044 / Norman D18 A. Polansky ... [et al.]. 1 1981. 362.7044 G162p Janis SFCCWilson Non-Fiction Psychologically battered child / James Garbarino, Edna Guttmann, Seeley. 1 1986. c2005. Child care and child development : results from362.7071 the NICHDCHILD study ofSFCC earlyNon-Fiction child care and youth development2/ edited by the NICHD Early Child Care Resea 362.7092 EDELMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Lanterns : a memoir of mentors / Marian Wright Edelman. 362.7097of KOZOL Non-Fiction Amazing grace : the lives of children and the conscience a nationSFCC / Jonathan Kozol. 362.70973 GUSTAVS SFCC Non-Fiction Critical issues in child welfare / Nora S. Gustavsson, Elizabeth A. Segal. 3 1996. 1 c1994. 362.71/ C436 SFCCeditor. Non-Fiction Child abuse and child protection : policy and practice Stephen Antler, 1 c1982. 362.712 CLARKE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. What we know about childcare / Alison Clarke-Stewart, Virginia D. Allhusen. 362.712 GREENMA Non-Fiction 1 Prescott c1988.; illustrations by Charles Murphy Caring spaces, learning places : children's environments that work /SFCC by Jim Greenman ; foreword by Elizabeth Non-Fiction Nothing but the best : making day care work for362.712 you andLUSK your child SFCC / Diane Lusk and Bruce McPherson. 362.712 SCIARRA Non-Fiction Opening and operating a successful child care center / Dorothy JuneSFCC Sciarra, Anne G. Dorsey. 362.7289 GEPHART Non-Fiction Hanford : a conversation about nuclear waste and cleanup / Roy E. SFCC Gephart. 362.733 Non-Fiction Adoption crisis : the truth behind adoption and MCKELVE foster care / Carole SFCC A. McKelvey and JoEllen Stevens. 1 c1992. 1 c2002. 2 c2003. 1 c1994. PELZER andSFCC Non-Fiction Privilege of youth : a teenager's story of longing362.733 for acceptance friendship / Dave Pelzer. 362.734 BARTHOL SFCC Non-Fiction Family bonds : adoption and the politics of parenting / Elizabeth Bartholet. 1 c2004. 1 1993. ISSUES Issues in adoption / William Dudley, book editor362.734 ... [et al.]. 1 c2004. 1 1998. 1 2002. 1 c1994. SFCC Non-Fiction LIFTON Twice born : memoirs of an adopted daughter /362.734 Betty Jean Lifton. SFCC Non-Fiction 362.734 MELOSH Strangers and kin : the American way of adoption / Barbara Melosh.SFCC Non-Fiction 362.734 MODELL SFCC Non-Fiction Kinship with strangers : adoption and interpretations of kinship in American culture / Judith S. Modell. 362.734 MOE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Adoption : a reference handbook / Barbara Moe. 362.734 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [2006] Orphan trains [videorecording] / produced and ORPHAN directed by Janet Graham and Edward Gray ; written by Edward Gray. 362.734 OUTSIDE SFCC Trenka, Non-Fiction 2006.Shin ; with contributions by Heidi L Outsiders within : writing on transracial adoption / edited by Jane Jeong Julia Chinyere Oparah, and1Sun Yung 362.734 SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Adoption nation : how the adoption revolution PERTMAN is transforming America Adam Pertman. Unlocking the adoption files / Paul Sachdev. 362.734 Sa14w SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. DEVIANT SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 J. Dishion, c2006. Jennifer E. Lansford. Deviant peer influences in programs for youth :362.74 problems and solutions edited by Kenneth A. Dodge, Thomas 48 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 362.748 SZA andSFCC Help at any cost : how the troubled-teen industry cons parents hurtsBest kids Sellers / Maia Szalavitz. 1 2006. Ac57t SFCC Non-Fiction Too old to cry : abused teens in today's America362.76 / Robert J. Ackerman and Dee Graham. 1 c1990. 362.76 CHILD A SFCC Non-Fiction 362.76 CHILD A 1999 book editor.SFCC Non-Fiction Child abuse : opposing viewpoints / Jennifer A. Hurley, 362.7609 BATTERE Non-Fiction Battered child / edited by Mary Edna Helfer, Ruth S. Kempe, RichardSFCC D. Krugman. 362.7609 CHILD 2003 book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction Child abuse : opposing viewpoints / Louise I. Gerdes, 362.7609 INVISIB SFCC Non-Fiction Invisible children [videorecording] / [a documentary by Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole]. 2 c2001. 1 1999. 2 1997. 2 c2003. 3 2005?] Child abuse / Bryan J. Grapes, book editor. 1 2001, c2000. Blackbird : a childhood lost and found / Jennifer362.7609 Lauck. LAUCK SFCC Non-Fiction 362.7609 MICHENE / Anna J. Michener. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Becoming Anna : the autobiography of a sixteen-year-old 362.7609 SFCCPelzer. Non-Fiction 3 c1995. Child called "it" : an abused child's journey fromPELZER victim to victor / Dave 362.7609 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Lost boy : a foster child's search for the love of PELZER a family / Dave Pelzer. 362.7609 PELZER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Brother's journey : surviving a childhood of abuse / Richard B. Pelzer. 362.7609 Non-Fiction c[2006]. Secret of the wild child [videorecording (DVD)] /SECRET written, produced SFCC and directed by Linda Garmon ; a Nova 2production by the WGBH/Boston Science Uni 362.7609 TEMMERM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Aboke girls : children abducted in northern Uganda / Els De Temmerman. 362.764 CHILDHO SFCC 2005. Childhood sexual assault victims : long-term outcomes after testifying in Non-Fiction criminal court / Jodi A. Quas ... [et 1al.] ; with commentary by Jeffrey J. Haugaard 362.8292 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Preventing family violence / Kevin Browne and BROWNE Martin Herbert. 362.8292 DOMESTI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Domestic violence : opposing viewpoints / Tamara L. Roleff, book editor. 362.8292 FLOWERS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Domestic crimes, family violence and child abuse : a study of contemporary American society / by R. Barri Flowers. 362.8292 VIOLENCenforcement, v.1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Violence against women : law, prevention, protection, treatment, health / edited by Joan Zorza. 363.125 EVANS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 363.1255 1992 Non-Fiction 1 / 1992] Highway safety : safety belt use laws save lives UNITED and reduce costs to SFCC society : report to Congressional requesters United States General Accounting Offic 1983 [i.e. 363.179 Un3hb SFCC 1 1984] Veterans' exposure to agent orange : hearings before the Committee on Non-Fiction Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, on 363.1799 SFCCDepartment Non-Fictionof Energy, Richland Field 1 Office, 199-?] Hanford and the environment [videorecording]HANFORD / produced for the U.S. Safety and Environment Division by Traffic safety / Leonard Evans. 363.1799 READ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Ablaze : the story of the heroes and victims of Chernobyl / Piers Paul Read. 363.192 CUMMINS Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Genetically engineered food : a self-defense guide for consumers / SFCC by Ronnie Cummins and Ben Lilliston ; foreword by Andrew Kimbrell. 363.192 FUTURE SFCC Non-Fiction 4 Garcia c2004. Future of food [videorecording (DVD)] / Lily Films presents ; directed, produced and written by Deborah Koons ; produced by Catherine Lynn Butl 363.192 LAMBRECH SFCC we Non-Fiction c2001. Dinner at the new gene cafe : how genetic engineering is changing what eat, how we live, and the global1 politics of food / Bill Lambrecht. 363.192 Non-Fiction 2 1998. Eat your genes : how genetically modified food NOTTING is entering our diet /SFCC Stephen Nottingham. 49 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 363.192 ROBBINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. PENCE SFCCE.Non-Fiction Designer food : mutant harvest or breadbasket 363.1929 of the world? / Gregory Pence. 1 2002. Diet for a new America / John Robbins. DEPUE SFCC Non-Fiction Between good and evil : a master profiler's hunt363.2092 for society's most violent predators / Roger L. Depue with 1Susan 2005. Schindehette. 363.2308 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2002. Profiles in injustice : why racial profiling cannotHARRIS work / David A. Harris. 363.2308 PAMPEL SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c2004. Racial profiling / Fred C. Pampel. Driving while black : highways, shopping malls, 363.232 taxicabs,MEEKS sidewalks :SFCC how Non-Fiction to fight back if you are a victims of2racialc2000. profiling / Kenneth Meeks. 363.232 POLICE 2001 book editor.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Police brutality : opposing viewpoints / Helen Cothran, 363.232 POLICE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. Police brutality / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. 2004 363.232 SHIELDE in the United SFCCStates. Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Shielded from justice : police brutality and accountability Non-Fiction Bodies of evidence : forensic science and crime363.25 / [ScottCHRISTIA ChristiansonSFCC ; foreword by Lowell J. Levine]. 363.25023 CAMENSO SFCCby Career Opportunities in forensic science careers / Blythe Camenson ; foreword Anita Huff. 1 2006. 2 c2001. 363.31why CENSORE SFCC Non-Fiction Censored : the news that didn't make the news--and / Carl Jensen. 2 c1993- 363.31why CENSORE SFCC Non-Fiction Censored : the news that didn't make the news--and / Carl Jensen. 1 c1993- D39L Non-Fiction 2 c1990. Liberty denied : the current rise of censorship in363.31 America / Donna A.SFCC Demac ; preface by Arthur Miller ; introduction by Larry McMurtry. HULL Censorship in America : a reference handbook /363.31 Mary E. Hull. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. 363.31 KAROLID SFCC Non-Fiction 2 B. Sova 1999. 100 banned books : censorship histories of world literature / Nicholas J. Karolides, Margaret Bald, and Dawn ; introduction by Ken Wachsberger. MOVIE C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. Movie censorship and American culture / edited363.31 by Francis G. Couvares. 363.3109 CENSORS 2005 1 c2005. Censorship : opposing viewpoints / Andrea C. Nakaya, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 363.32 DEMPSEY SFCC Non-Fiction Terrorism & the constitution : sacrificing civil liberties in the name of national security / James X. Dempsey,1Davidc2002. Cole ; foreword by Carole Goldberg. 363.3209 1 2004. Homeland security / edited by Norris Smith andHOMELAN Lynn M. Messina. SFCC Non-Fiction 363.3309 GUNS IN Robert Merrill Muth, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Guns in America : a reader / edited by Jan E. Dizard, and Stephen P. Andrews. SFCC 2005. Wave that shook the world [videorecording] / a363.349 PioneerWAVE Productions filmNon-Fiction for NOVA/WGBH and Channel 4 ; 2written and produced by Martin Williams ; d C58smoke / edited SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Clearing the air : perspectives on environmental363.4 tobacco by Robert D. Tollison. 363.45 DANGEROU SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Dangerous harvest : drug plants and the transformation of indigenous landscapes / edited by Michael K. Steinberg, Joseph J. Hobbs, Kent Mathewson. 363.45 INSIDE SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Inside the cartel [videorecording] / [produced and directed by Andrew Leslie Cockburn ; written by Andrew and Leslie Cockburn ; a Blackwater prod 363.45 L515w White labyrinth : cocaine and political power / Rensselaer W. Lee III.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 363.45inM145m Non-Fiction 2 ; foreword 1989. by Norman A. Bailey. Mountain high, white avalanche : cocaine and power the AndeanSFCC states and Panama / Scott B. MacDonald DEALY SFCC 1 c1990. Win at any cost : the sell out of college athletics363.4508 / by Francis X. Dealy, Jr. Non-Fiction 363.4509 DRUG COinternational efforts SFCC: report Non-Fiction 2 on1997] Drug control : long-standing problems hinder U.S. to the Chairman, Subcommittee National Security, International Affair 363.4509 LEECH SFCC Non-Fiction Killing peace : Colombia's conflict and the failure of U.S. intervention / Garry M. Leech. 50 2 c2002. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 363.4509 MILLER SFCC Non-Fiction Bad trip : how the war against drugs is destroying America / Joel Miller. 363.4509 SFCC Non-Fiction Twilight on the line : underworlds and politics atROTELLA the U.S.-Mexico Border / Sebastian Rotella. 363.4509 YOUNG SFCC Non-Fiction Maximizing harm : losers and winners in the drug war / Stephen Young. 1 c2004. 1 c1998. 1 c2000. 3 c1984. 363.46 C753d Non-Fiction 3 Decoding abortion rhetoric : communicating social change / CelesteSFCC Michelle Condit. 363.46 CANNOLD SFCC /Non-Fiction 2 Abortion myth : feminism, morality, and the hard choices women make Leslie Cannold. 363.4609 KELLEY who chose anSFCC Non-Fiction 1 Choice I made-- : a week in the life of a young woman abortion / Maria Felicia Kelley. 363.4609 SFCC Non-Fiction When abortion was a crime : women, medicine,REAGAN and law in the United States, 1867-1973 / Leslie J. Reagan.2 c1990. 363.556 GOETZ/ Edward SFCC G. Non-Fiction Clearing the way : deconcentrating the poor in urban America Goetz. 1 c2003. 363.6 SI56E SFCC Non-Fiction Earthscape : a manual of environmental planning / John O. Simonds. 1 c1978. Non-Fiction Is our water safe to drink? : a guide to drinking 363.61 water : MILLICH hazards and SFCC health risks / J. Gordon Millichap. 1 c1995. SFCC Non-Fiction Abortion : understanding differences / edited by363.46 SidneyAb76c Callahan and Daniel Callahan. 2000. c1996. c1997. AGENDA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. AGENDA 21 : the Earth Summit strategy to save363.7 our planet / introduction by Paul Simon ; edited by Daniel Sitarz. 363.7 BEDER SFCC Non-Fiction Global spin : the corporate assault on environmentalism / Sharon Beder. 2 1998. 363.7 by CANBY SFCC Non-Fiction Our changing Earth / by Thomas Y. Canby ; prepared the Book Division, National Geographic Society. 1 c1994. 363.7 G838 J. Rosenberg SFCC Non-Fiction Greenhouse warming : abatement and adaptation / Norman ... [et al.], editors. 1 c1989. 363.7 GLOBAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Global environmental change : understanding the human dimensions / Paul C. Stern, Oran R. Young, and Daniel Druckman, editors ; Committee on the H 363.7 GORE Earth in the balance : ecology and the human spirit / Al Gore. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 :c1992. Non-Fiction Gale environmental almanac / [edited by] Russ 363.7 Hoyle HOYLE ; foreword bySFCC Russell E. Train. 1 c1993. 363.7 PEARCE Last generation : can we survive nature's revenge? / Fred Pearce. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. Non-Fiction interests / C. Ford Runge, 1 c1994. Freer trade, protected environment : balancing363.7 trade RUNGE liberalization SFCC and environmental with Franc¿¿ois Ortalo-Magne¿¿ and Ph RYAN Non-Fiction 2 Breslow, c1997.Christy Halvorson, Ankur Tohan ; Stuff : the secret lives of everyday things / John363.7 C. Ryan, Alan TheinSFCC Durning ; with research assistance by Sara 363.7 WALLACE SFCC Green Means : living gently on the planet / Aubrey Wallace ; foreword byNon-Fiction Susan Stamberg. 363.7005 SFCC Non-Fiction protection. Environmental viewpoints : selected essays andENVIRON excerpts on issues in environmental 1 3 c1994. c1992c1994. 363.7005ofTHIELE SFCC/ Leslie Non-Fiction Environmentalism for a new millennium : the challenge coevolution Paul Thiele. 1 1999. 363.7009 FACES Non-Fiction 1 ; foreword c1995. by Eugene Hargrove. Faces of environmental racism : confronting issues of global justice SFCC / edited by Laura Westra and Peter S. Wenz 363.7009 LERNER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Eco-pioneers : practical visionaries solving today's environmental problems / Steve Lerner. 363.7052 ELLIOTT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Global politics of the environment / Lorraine Elliott. 363.7056 PORTER 1 c1991. Global environmental politics / Gareth Porter, Janet Welsh Brown. SFCC Non-Fiction 363.7057 SCARCE movement SFCC c2006. Eco-warriors : understanding the radical environmental / Rik Non-Fiction Scarce ; foreword by David Brower.2 363.7057 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. Fierce green fire : the American environmental SHABECO movement / Philip Shabecoff. 363.7057 WALLACE SFCC; Non-Fiction Eco-heroes : twelve tales of environmental victory / by Aubrey Wallace edited and with an introduction by2Davidc1993. Gancher ; foreword by Oscar Arias. Seeing green : the politics of ecology explained 363.7058 / JonathonP828s Porritt. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984, c1985. F118 Facing America's trash : what next for municipal363.728 solid waste?. 1 [1989] SFCC Non-Fiction 51 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 363.728 STRASSER SFCC Non-Fiction Waste and want : a social history of trash / Susan Strasser. 363.7282 MCGRAW McGraw-Hill recycling handbook / Herbert F. Lund, editor in chief. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 1 c1993. 363.7285 1 1993Solid waste in Washington State ... annual status report / SOLID prepared SFCC by ... Non-Fiction Washington State Department of Ecology, Solid and Hazardous Waste Program 363.7287 SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Toxic waste and environmental policy in the 21st centuryTOXIC United States edited by Dianne Rahm. 363.7289 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 epilogue c2002. by the author. On the home front : the Cold War legacy of theGERBER Hanford Nuclear Site / Michele Stenehjem Gerber ; with a new 363.7289 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Understanding radioactive waste / Raymond L. MURRAY Murray ; edited by Judith A. Powell. Changing atmosphere : a global challenge / John363.73 Firor. F519c SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1990. 363.73 POLLUTI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 363.7384 GET THEPublic Lands Council. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1996?] Get the lead out! [videorecording] / Inland Empire 363.7384 LEVINE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2007. Pesticides : a toxic time bomb in our midst / Marvin J. Levine. 363.7384 WARREN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Brush with death : a social history of lead poisoning / Christian Warren. 363.7386 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. Acid rain and acid waters / Gwyneth Howells. HOWELLS 363.7387 AVOIDIN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 ... [et 2006. Avoiding dangerous climate change / editor in chief, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber ; co-editors Wolfgang Cramer al.]. 363.7387 CHRISTI SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1999. Greenhouse : the 200-year story of global warming / Gale E. Christianson. 363.7387 CLIMATE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Climate change policy : a survey / edited by Stephen H. Schneider, Armin Rosencranz, John O. Niles. Pollution / book editor, Charles P. Cozic. SFCC Non-Fiction Economics of global warming / William R. Cline.363.7387 CLINE 363.7387 Climate change : biological and human aspects CROWIE / Jonathan Cowie. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. 2 2007. Ed36r SFCC Non-Fiction c1991. Rising tide : global warming and world sea levels363.7387 / Lynne T. Edgerton ; foreword by George M. Woodwell. 1 363.7387 SFCC Non-Fiction 1997. assistant editor. Global warming : opposing viewpoints / TamaraGLOBAL L. Roleff, book editor, Scott Barbour, assistant editor, Karin4L. Swisher, 363.7387 GLOBAL SFCC Non-Fiction 2007. James M. Roberts and Bradley W Global warming [videorecording] : the rising storm / produced by Centre Communications, Inc. ; producers,3Ron Meyer, 363.7387 GLOBAL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. Global climate change / edited by Paul McCaffrey. 363.7387 GLOBAL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. Global warming : the science and the politics / edited by Laura Jones. GORE and SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. Inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency of363.7387 global warming what we can do about it / Al Gore. 2 363.7387 HASSOL SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2004. Impacts of a warming Arctic : Arctic Climate Impact Assessment / [author, Susan Joy Hassol]. 363.7387 Non-Fiction 3 c2007. Politically incorrect guide to global warming andHORNER environmentalismSFCC / Christopher C. Horner. 363.7387 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. Global warming : the complete briefing / John T.HOUGHTO Houghton. 363.7387 INCONVEby] Paramount SFCCClassics Non-Fiction c2006. Bender/Laurie David productio Inconvenient truth [videorecording (DVD)] / [presented and Participant Productions9; a Lawrence 363.7387 KOLBERT Non-Fiction 3 2006. Field notes from a catastrophe : man, nature, and climate change / SFCC Elizabeth Kolbert. 52 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 363.7387 LOMBORG SFCC Non-Fiction Cool it : the skeptical environmentalist's guide to global warming / Bjorn Lomborg. 363.7387 MICHAELS SFCC Non-Fiction Satanic gases : clearing the air about global warming / by Patrick J. Michaels and Robert C. Balling, Jr. 363.7387 SFCC Non-Fiction Climate of fear : why we shouldn't worry aboutMOORE global warming / Thomas Gale Moore. 3 c2007. 2 c2000. 2 c1998. 363.7387: symposium P941 SFCC 1 [1990] Proceedings : global warming, a northwest perspective heldNon-Fiction February 9, 1989 Olympia, Washington / editors, M.J. Scott, C.A. Counts. 363.7387 THOMASH SFCC Non-Fiction c2002. Bringing the biosphere home : learning to perceive global environmental change / Mitchell Thomashow. 1 363.7387 SFCCofNon-Fiction 3 c2006. Ravaging tide : strange weather, future Katrinas,TIDWELL and the coming death America's coastal cities / Mike Tidwell. 363.73874 SFCCby Non-Fiction 1 Taylor [2006]. Great warming [videorecording] / a StonehavenGREAT production ; produced Karen Coshof ; written by Michael ; directed by Michael Taylor. 363.7392 MADURO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Holes in the ozone scare : the scientific evidence that the sky isn't falling / by Rogelio A. Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer. 363.7394 HEALTH Non-Fiction 1 Washington 2006. State Department of Health un Health consultation : Coeur d'Alene Basin Spokane River sediments,SFCC Spokane, Washington / prepared by The 363.9609 GORDON SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 2002. Moral property of women : a history of birth control politics in America Linda Gordon. BLACK Non-Fiction War against the weak : eugenics and America's 363.97 campaign to create SFCC a master race / Edwin Black. 2 c2003. 364.106 KLEIN SFCC Non-Fiction American street gang : its nature, prevalence, and control / Malcolm W. Klein. 364.106 LAVIGNE SFCC Non-Fiction Hell's Angels : "three can keep a secret if two are dead" / Yves Lavigne. 1 1995. 1 1995. 364.106 P759 E. Alexander, SFCC Non-Fiction Politics and economics of organized crime / edited by Herbert Gerald E. Caiden. 1 c1985. 364.106 VARESE SFCCVarese. Non-Fiction 1 2001. Russian mafia : private protection in a new market economy / Federico 364.1066 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 withc2000. Hell's Angel : the life and times of Sonny BargerBARGER and the Hell's Angels Motorcycle club / Ralph "Sonny" Barger Keith and Kent Zimmerman. 364.1066 ESBENSE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. American youth gangs at the millennium / Finn-Aage Esbensen, Stephen G. Tibbetts, Larry Gaines. 364.1066 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. Tongs, gangs, and triads : Chinese crime groupsHUSTON in North America / Peter Huston. SFCC c2000, 1997. Gangs, graffiti, and violence : a realistic guide to364.1066 the scopeLEET and nature of Non-Fiction gangs in America / Duane A. Leet, 2George E. Rush, Anthony M. Smith. 364.132 BERNSTE 1994 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994, c1974. All the President's men / Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward. 364.1323 DREW SFCCDrew. Non-Fiction 1 2000. Corruption of American politics : what went wrong and why / Elizabeth 364.1323 PALAST Non-Fiction Best democracy money can buy : an investigative reporter exposes SFCC the truth about globalization, corporate1cons, c2004. and high-finance fraudsters / Greg Pala 364.151 NEW/ Nicolaus SFCC Non-Fiction New killing fields : massacre and the politics of intervention Mills and Kira Brunner, editors. 364.151 WALLERand mass killing SFCC/ Non-Fiction Becoming evil : how ordinary people commit genocide James Waller. 1 c2002. 2 2002. Century of genocide : utopias of race and nation364.151 / Eric D.WEITZ Weitz. SFCC Non-Fiction 364.1523 CAPOTE SFCC Non-Fiction In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences / Truman Capote. 1 c2003. 1 1994. 364.1523 EGAN 364.1523 FUHRMAN Murder in Spokane : catching a serial killer / Mark Fuhrman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. 1 c2000. Breaking blue / by Timothy Egan. 364.1523 GUCCI SFCCgreed Non-Fiction House of Gucci : a sensational story of murder, FORDEN madness, glamour, and / by Sarah Gay Forden. 53 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 364.1523 JONES SFCC Non-Fiction 364.1523 LARSON Non-Fiction Devil in the white city : murder, magic, and madness at the fair thatSFCC changed America / Erik Larson. All she wanted / Aphrodite Jones. 1 1996. 1 c2003. 364.1523 RIDGWAY SFCC Non-Fiction Green River, running red : the real story of the Green RiverRULE killer, America's deadliest serial murderer / Ann2Rule. c2004. 364.1532 ALLISON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Rape, the misunderstood crime / Julie A. Allison, Lawrence S. Wrightsman. 364.1532 BOURQUE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Defining rape / Linda Brookover Bourque. 364.1532 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Epidemic of rape and child abuse in the United RUSSELL States / Diana E.H. Russell, Rebecca M. Bolen. 364.168 SCHELL SFCCMartin. Non-Fiction Cybercrime : a reference handbook / Bernadette H. Schell and Clemens 2 c2004. 364.177 GERBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Legalizing marijuana : drug policy reform and prohibition politics / Rudolph J. Gerber ; foreword by John Sperling. 364.177 MACCOUN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Drug war heresies : learning from other vices, times, and places / Robert J. MacCoun, Peter Reuter. 364.177 ROSENTH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. Why marijuana should be legal / Ed Rosenthal, Steve Kubby. 364.254 Video violence and children / edited by Geoffrey BarlowV668 and AlisonSFCC Hill. Non-Fiction 364.3609 JUVENIL SFCC Non-Fiction Juvenile crime : opposing viewpoints / A.E. Sadler, book editor ; Scott Barbour, assistant editor. 364.3609 SFCC Non-Fiction American youth violence / Franklin E. Zimring. ZIMRING 1 1985. 1 c1997. 1 1998. SFCC Non-Fiction For capital punishment : crime and the morality364.66 of the BERNS death penalty / Walter Berns. 364.66 DEATH P 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction Death penalty : opposing viewpoints / Mary E. Williams, book editor. 1 c1991. 1 c2002. 364.66 DOES CA book SFCCeditor. Non-Fiction Does capital punishment deter crime? / Stephen E. Schonebaum, 1 c1998. 364.66 N195e Nathanson SFCC Non-Fiction Eye for an eye? : the morality of punishing by death / Stephen ; foreword by Arthur J. Goldberg.2 364.66 STEWART SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Death penalty / Gail B. Stewart. 1987. c1998. 364.66con, V282d SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Death penalty : a debate / pro, Ernest van den Haag, John P. Conrad. 364.6609 DEBATING SFCC: Non-Fiction 1 best 2004. Debating the death penalty : should America have capital punishment? The experts on both sides make their case / edited by Hugo Adam Bedau a 364.6609 headsmen, ENGEL SFCC 1 c1996. Lord high executioner : an unashamed look at hangmen, and Non-Fiction their kind / Howard Engel. 364.6609 GERBER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 by2007. Top ten death penalty myths : the politics of crime control / Rudolph J. Gerber and John M. Johnson ; foreword Helen Prejean. 364.6609 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Legal lynching : the death penalty and America'sJACKSON future / Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Bruce Shapiro. 364.973 Si21e Encyclopedia of American crime / by Carl Sifakis. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 365.34 Sa47r SFCC Non-Fiction Racehoss : Big Emma's boy / Albert Race Sample. 365.973 PARENTI SFCC Non-Fiction Lockdown America : police and prisons in the age of crisis / Christian Parenti. 1 c1984. 1 1999. 1 [1993?] Health Security Act : benefits for business. 368.82 HEALTH SFCC Non-Fiction C928e x SFCCsocial Non-Fiction 1 growth. [1963] Educational strategy for developing societies; a370 study of education and factors in relation to economic SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1958. 370.1 W992of education. SFCC Non-Fiction Theories of education, an introduction to the foundations 1 [1963] Mental discipline in modern education. 370 K832m 54 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 370.115 SFCCby Non-Fiction c2000. Dismantling white privilege : pedagogy, politics,DISMANT and whiteness / edited Nelson M. Rodriguez and Leila E.1Villaverde. M272D Developing attitude toward learning, by Robert370.15 F. Mager. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] 370.151 SFCC Non-Fiction Boys and girls learn differently : a guide for teachers andGURIAN parents / Michael Gurian and Patricia Henley with1Terry c2001. Trueman. 370.1523 GARDNER 1 c1993. Multiple intelligences : the theory in practice / Howard Gardner. SFCC Non-Fiction 370.1523 NATIONAL SFCC Non-Fiction c1999.editors ; Committee on Learning How people learn : bridging research and practice / M. Suzanne Donovan, John D. Bransford, and James W.1Pellegrino, 370.1523 SFCC Faculty SARASIN Development 1 c1999. Learning style perspectives : impact in the classroom / by Lynne Celli Sarasin. 370.1523 SFCC Faculty SMILKSTprocess to create Development 1 c2003. We're born to learn : using the brain's natural learning today's curriculum / Rita Smilkstein. 370.1523 SFCC Faculty SPRENGE Development 1 c2003. Differentiation through learning styles and memory / Marilee Sprenger. 370.153 RODD SFCC Non-Fiction/ Jillian Rodd. Understanding young children's behavior : a guide for early childhood professionals Education as cultural imperialism. 370.19 C219E SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 1 [1974] 370.193 C435R SFCCH. Non-Fiction 1 Herbert [1968] B. Wilson. Readings in the socio-cultural foundations of education, edited by John Chilcott, Norman C. Greenberg [and] 370.193 Non-Fiction 1 1993. Multicultural teaching in the university / editedMULTICU by David Schoem ...SFCC [et al.]. 370.1931 EVANS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Mentors : making a difference in our public schools / Thomas W. Evans. 370.19316 FEINBER SFCCinNon-Fiction 1 1993. Japan and the pursuit of a new American identity : work and education a multicultural age / Walter Feinberg. 370.1934 P442c by Kenneth SFCC Non-Fiction Class divided : then and now / William Peters ; with a foreword B. Clark. 370.19342 D849i Non-Fiction Illiberal education : the politics of race and sex on campus / Dinesh SFCC D'Souza. 370.196 EDUCATI SFCC Non-Fiction Education for the intercultural experience / edited by R. Michael Paige. 370.196 SFCC Faculty Diversity and motivation : culturally responsive WLODKOW teaching / RaymondDevelopment J. Wlodkowski, Margery B. Ginsberg. 1 c1987. 1 c1991. 1 c1993. 1 c1995. 370.7122 EARLY SFCC Non-Fiction Early childhood teacher preparation / Bernard Spodek, Olivia N. Saracho, editors. 1 c1990. 370.924 M765k Maria Montessori : a biography / by Rita Kramer. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1969] Student as Nigger; essays and stories. 370.973 F221s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] Historical introduction to American education. 370.973 G982H 370.973 SADOVNIKof education SFCC Non-Fiction c2001. Exploring education : an introduction to the foundations / Alan R. Sadovnik, Peter W. Cookson,1 Jr., Susan F. Semel. 370.973 Non-Fiction 1 James c2001. School, the story of American public education SCHOOL / foreword by MerylSFCC Streep ; introduction by David Tyack, with D. Anderson ... [et al.] ; narrative b 370.973 TAKING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 James c2006. Taking sides : clashing views on controversial educational issues / selected, edited, and with introductions by Wm. Noll. H355c schools SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. Challenges & opportunities : the transformation370.9797 of Washington's / Dennis L. Heck. 370.9797 W279p SFCC Non-Fiction 1946] director ... Submitted to Governo Public education in Washington; a report of a survey of public education in the state of Washington. George1 D. Strayer, 371.0109 EDUCATI 2 c2005. Education : opposing viewpoints / Mary E. Williams, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 371.0109 GROSS / Martin SFCC Non-Fiction Conspiracy of ignorance : the failure of American public schools L. Gross. 55 1 c1999. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 371.042 Non-Fiction Kingdom of children : culture and controversy inSTEVENS the homeschoolingSFCC movement / Mitchell L. Stevens. 2 c2001. 371.1 G658twith Noel SFCC Non-Fiction T.E.T., teacher effectiveness training / by Thomas Gordon, Burch. 1 c1974. 371.1: notes M364M SFCC Non-Fiction Mrs. Kamali would like to speak to you about Cloud from a California classroom / Melody Martin. 1 c1980. 371.1009 DONE / Phillip SFCC Non-Fiction 32 third graders and one class bunny : life lessons from teaching Done. 371.102 BABBAGE SFCCBabbage. Non-Fiction Results-driven teaching : teach so well that every student learns / Keen 1 c2005. 1 2007. 371.102 SFCC&Non-Fiction First days of school : how to be an effective teacher / byWONG Harry K. Wong Rosemary T. Wong. 1 c1998. ISSUESMayes. SFCC Non-Fiction Issues in mentoring / edited by Trevor Kerry and371.146 Ann Shelton 1 1995. 371.26 AB57 v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and1982. Ability testing : uses, consequences, and controversies / Committee on Ability Testing, Assembly of Behavioral Social Sciences, National Research Co 371.26 AB57 v. 2 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and1982. Ability testing : uses, consequences, and controversies / Committee on Ability Testing, Assembly of Behavioral Social Sciences, National Research Co 371.26 F511c Conquering test anxiety / Neil Fiore & Susan C. Pescar. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 371.26 Or7t SFCC Non-Fiction 371.2609 THOMAS SFCC Non-Fiction High-stakes testing : coping with collateral damage / R. Murray Thomas. 1 c1986. 1 2005. Secrets of taking any test / Judith N. Meyers. 371.26 MEYERS Test-taking power / Fred Orr. 371.262 ELFORD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Beyond standardized testing : better information for school accountability and management / George W. Elford. 371.264 JOHNSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. High stakes : children, testing, and failure in American schools / Dale D. Johnson and Bonnie Johnson. 371.3 SFCC Non-Fiction If they're laughing, they just might be listening :LUNDBERG ideas for using humor effectively in the classroom - even if 1you'rec2002. not funny yourself / Elaine M. Lundbe Workshops for active learning / John F. Parker. 371.3 PARKER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 371.302 ROSS Non-Fiction How to study to understand as well as to pass tests : a how to bookSFCC for students / by B. Robert Ross. 1 c1989- 371.3028 FRY Non-Fiction How to study : the comprehensive guide for students of all ages / bySFCC Ronald W. Fry. 2 c1989 371.3028 Ol6w onSFCC 1 p1987. Where there's a will there's an "A" [sound recording] : a seminar howNon-Fiction to get better grades. 371.3028 SFCCfriends Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Student success : how to succeed in college andWALTER still have time for your / Timothy L. Walter, Al Siebert. 371.3352 Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Change your underwear twice a week : lessons GREGORY from the golden ageSFCC of the classroom filmstrips / by Danny Gregory. 371.392 WENTWOR SFCC and Non-Fiction 1 based 1999. Montessori for the new millennium : practical guidance on the teaching education of children of all ages, on a rediscovery of the true principl 371.3944 M272P2 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975. Preparing instructional objectives / Robert F. Mager. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Breaking the culture of bullying and disrespect, 371.58 grades BEAUDOI K-8 : best practices and successful strategies / Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin, Maureen Taylor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Your child, bully or victim? : understanding and371.58 ending SHERAS schoolyard tyranny / by Peter Sheras with Sherill Tippins. 371.8092 Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Hope in the unseen : an American odyssey fromSUSKIND the inner city to theSFCC Ivy League / Ron Suskind. 371.822 STABINER 1 2002. All girls : single-sex education and why it matters / Karen Stabiner. SFCC Non-Fiction 371.8299 LOMAWAI SFCCAmerican Non-Fiction 1 c2006. "To remain an Indian" : lessons in democracy from a century of Native education / K. Tsianina Lomawaima, Teresa L. McCarty. 371.9044 NORDOFF Non-Fiction 1 1983. Music therapy in special education/ Paul Nordoff and Clive RobbinsSFCC ; revised by Clive Robbins. 56 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 371.9046 /ALLEN 1 c2001. Exceptional child : inclusion in early childhood education K. EileenSFCC AllenNon-Fiction and Ilene S. Schwartz. 371.9046 CORBETT/ Jenny Corbett. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. Supporting inclusive education : a connective pedagogy 371.9046 DOWNING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / byc2002. Including students with severe and multiple disabilities in typical classrooms : practical strategies for teachers June E. Downing, with invited contribu 371.9046 ILLUSION SFCC Non-Fiction 2 M.1995. Illusion of full inclusion : a comprehensive critique of a current special education bandwagon / edited by James Kauffman and Daniel P. Hallahan. 371.9046 INCLUSI SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1999. Inclusion : policy and practice / Thomas P. Lombardi, editor. 371.9046 SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Inclusion practices with special needs students INCLUSI : theory, research, and application / Steven I. Pfeiffer, Linda 2A. Reddy, editors. 371.9046 SFCC Non-Fiction c1993. Integrating young children with disabilities into INTEGRA community programs : ecological perspectives on research 1and implementation / edited by Charles A. Pe SFCC Non-Fiction Activity-based approach to early intervention / 371.9047 by Kristie PRETTI Pretti-Frontczak and Diane Bricker. 371.9092 HAYDEN SFCC Non-Fiction Beautiful child / Torey Hayden. 1 c2004. 2 2002. 371.9127 So47s SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1981. Sign language interpreting : a basic resource book / Sharon Neumann Solow; illustrations by Frank Allen Paul. 371.9144 SHAYWIT program SFCC Non-Fiction 2003. Overcoming dyslexia : a new and complete science-based for reading problems at any level / Sally2Shaywitz. 371.926/GUYER Non-Fiction 1 1997. Pretenders : gifted people who have difficulty learning Barbara P. SFCC Guyer. 371.926 LEARNIN 1 c1998. Learning disabilities sourcebook : basic information about disordersSFCC suchNon-Fiction as dyslexia, visual and auditory processing deficits, attention deficit/hyperactiv 371.928 K416L Language acquisition program for the severely retarded / Louise R. SFCC Kent.Non-Fiction 1 c1974. 371.93 THACKER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Thacker, 2002. Dave Strudwick, and Elly Babbe Educating children with emotional and behavioural difficulties : inclusive practice in mainstream schools / John 371.94 RIEF techniques, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 F. c2005. How to reach and teach children with ADD/ADHD : practical strategies, and interventions / Sandra Rief. SFCC;Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Teaching young children with autism spectrum 371.94 disorderWILLIS / Clarissa Willis photographs, Michael Talley ; illustrations, Marie Ferrante Doyle ; sign language 371.952 WISE/ Liz Wise SFCC Non-Fiction Working with Hannah : a special girl in a mainstream school and Chris Glass. 1 2000. 371.953librarians, C593cp and SFCC Non-Fiction 1980. Creating programs for the gifted : a guide for teachers, students / Corinne P. Clendening and1Ruth Ann Davies. ROSE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990, Lives on the boundary : a moving account of the371.967 struggles and achievements of America's educational underclass / Mikec1989. Rose. BILINGU Non-Fiction Bilingual considerations in the education of deaf371.97 students : ASL andSFCC ESL and English, June 28-July 1, 1990. 1 c1992. 372.01 C66L SFCC Non-Fiction 1 372.1102 WARNERtechniques SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Preschool classroom management : 150 teacher-tested / Laverne Warner and Sharon Anne Lynch. [1972] 372.13 BARR / bySFCC Non-Fiction Tisket, a tasket : matching games for colors, shapes & patterns Marilynn G. Barr. c2006. Learning child [by] Dorothy H. Cohen. 1 c2004. 372.13 OR3M SFCC/ edited Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Montessori : her method and the movement : what you need to know by R. C. Orem. 372.19 ALBRECH T Non-Fiction 2 c2004. Comprehensive preschool curriculum / Kay Albrecht/Linda G. MillerSFCC ; illustrations by Kathy Dobbs ; photographs by Masami Mizukami. 372.19 BEATY SFCC Non-Fiction Preschool appropriate practices / Janice J. Beaty. 372.19 SFCC Non-Fiction Creative curriculum for infants & toddlers / AmyDOMBRO Laura Dombro, Laura J. Colker, Diane Trister Dodge. 1 c1992. 1 c1997. EARLY C for SFCC Non-Fiction Early childhood curriculum resource handbook 372.19 : a practical guide teaching early childhood (pre-K-3). 1 c1993. 372.19 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 a foreword c1994. by Edward Zigler. Emotional development of young children : building anHYSON emotion-centered curriculum / Marion C. Hyson ; with 372.19 Non-Fiction Science across the curriculum / written by Jay and PamWINDSPI Windspirit ;SFCC illustrated by Robert Broyles. 57 1 c1995. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 372.21 C659Cteachers SFCC Cognitively oriented curriculum; a framework for preschool [by]Non-Fiction David P. Weikart [and others. 1 1971] 372.21 EVIDENC SFCC Non-Fiction Evidence-based practices and programs for early childhood care and education / editors, Christina J. Groark1... [etc2007. al.]. 372.21 Non-Fiction Places for childhoods : making quality happen inGREENMA the real world / JimSFCC Greenman ; reflections authors, Paula 1Jorde 1998. Bloom ... [et al.] 372.21 KETTMAN Non-Fiction 2 c2004. 2000 best games and activities : the ultimate guide to raising smart,SFCC successful kids / Susan Kettmann. 372.21 M76M SFCC Non-Fiction Montessori method. [Translated from the Italian by Anne E. George] Introd. by J. McV. Hunt. 1 [1964] 372.21 PROJECT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Project Zero frameworks for early childhood education / Howard Gardner, David Henry Feldman, Mara Krechevsky, general editors. 372.35 HAMMERM Non-Fiction 1 c2006. 8 essentials of inquiry-based science, K-8 / Elizabeth Hammerman ; SFCC foreword by Robert E. Yager. MCGUINN SFCC Non-Fiction Growing a reader from birth : your child's path 372.4 from language to literacy / Diane McGuinness. 372.412 SAUERTE SFCC Non-Fiction Teaching emergent readers : collaborative library lesson plans / Judy Sauerteig. 1 c2004. 1 2005. MCGEE SFCC Non-Fictionchildren / Lea M. McGee, 1 Donald c2003. Designing early literacy programs : strategies for372.6 at-risk preschool and kindergarten J. Richgels. WESTpre-reading SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. Literacy play : over 300 dramatic play activities 372.6 that teach skills / Sherrie West & Amy Cox ; illustrated by Kathy Dobbs. 372.6044 1 Reichert c1999.Hoge, and Bill Searcy ; illustration Linking language : simple language and literacy ROCKWEL activities throughoutSFCC the Non-Fiction curriculum / Robert Rockwell, Debra 372.8704 SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. and twos / Pam Schiller and Th And the cow jumped over the moon!: over 650 SCHILLE activities to teach toddlers using familiar rhymes and songs 1: for toddlers 373.1262 HOW TO 1998 Career ... [et al.]. 2 c1998. How to prepare for the GED high school equivalency exam / MurraySFCC Rockowitz 373.73 SYKES SFCC Non-Fiction 1996. Dumbing down our kids : why America's children feel good about themselves but can't read, write, or add /1Charles J. Sykes. 373.7946 MARAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Maran. 2001. Class dismissed : a year in the life of an American high school : a glimpse into the heart of a nation / Meredith 374 ADULT/ edited bySFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. Adult learning methods : a guide for effective instruction Michael W. Galbraith ; foreword by Malcolm S. Knowles. 375.001 CURTIS SFCC Non-Fiction c1996. Reflecting children's lives : a handbook for planning child-centered curriculum / Deb Curtis, Margie Carter. 1 375.0083 CAMPUS 1 c1992. Campus and environmental responsibility / David J. Eagan, David W.SFCC Orr,Non-Fiction editors. SFCC Faculty Development 1 2004. What the best college teachers do / Ken Bain. 378.12 BAIN 378.12 SFCC Faculty LEAMNSON 1 c1999. Thinking about teaching and learning : developing habits of learningDevelopment with first year college and university students / Robert Leamnson. SFCC Faculty 378.12 SILVERM Development 2 c2000. Learning and development : making connections to enhance teaching / Sharon L. Silverman, Martha E. Casazza. 378.12092 ALBOM Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and life's greatestSFCC lesson / Mitch Albom. 378.125 SFCC Faculty Development 1 chapters c1994. by Nancy Chism ... [et al.]. Teaching tips : strategies, research, and theory MCKEACH for college and university teachers / Wilbert J. McKeachie ; with SFCC Faculty 378.1543 BAKER 1 Rosemary c1990. Gillett-Karam. Teaching as leading : profiles of excellence in the open-door collegeDevelopment / by George A. Baker III, John E. Roueche, 378.16 MCGINTY SFCC Career 1 c2004. College application essay / Sarah Myers McGinty. 378.1616 FISKE 2006 1 2006. Fiske real college essays that work / Edward Fiske, Bruce Hammond.SFCC Career OWEN SFCC Non-Fiction None of the above : the truth behind the SATs /378.1662 David Owen with Marilyn Doerr. 378.1662 REAL 2005 SFCC Real ACT prep guide : the only official prep guide from the makers of the Career ACT. 1 c1999. 1 c2005. 378.169 TINTO Non-Fiction Leaving college : rethinking the causes and cures of student attritionSFCC / Vincent Tinto. 2 c1993. 58 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 378.1702 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1990. Study skills for today's college student / Jerold W. Apps. APPS 378.1702 LEONARDconfidenceSFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. Study skills simplified : communicating in the classroom, building and goal setting, test taking, managing stress, developing concentration, ac 378.1702 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Study methods and reading techniques / DebbieLONGMAN Guice Longman, Rhonda Holt Atkinson. 378.1702 NIST / Sherrie SFCC L. Non-Fiction Developing textbook thinking : strategies for success in college Nist, William Diehl. 378.1702 NORTHCU Career special editor. How to get A's in college : hundreds of student-tested tips / FrancesSFCC Northcutt, 1 c1998. 2 2007. HOWE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and c2007. Millennials go to college : [strategies for a new 378.198 generation on campus : recruiting and admissions, campus life, the classroom] / by Neil Howe & Will 378.198 MUNDSAC SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. How to study / Allan Mundsack. NELSON /SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Emotional intelligence : achieving academic and378.198 career excellence Darwin B. Nelson, Gary R. Low. 378.198 SFCCofNon-Fiction 1 Seaman. c2005. Binge : what your college student won't tell youSEAMAN : campus life in an age disconnection and excess / Barrett 378.198 Non-Fiction [1992] ; illustrated by Jennifer B. Bra Conquering college : the most fun you can haveWARSHAW learning the things SFCC you need to know / written by Howard 1Scott Warshaw 378.198 WATKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Quick and dirty secrets of college success : a professor tells it all / [Boyce Dewhite Watkins]. 378.1982 BAEZ forSFCC Non-Fiction c2007. Gay and lesbian guide to college life : a comprehensive resource lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender2students and their allies / John Baez, Jeffiner 378.1982 OUT & A Non-Fictioncollege students / edited1 by Kim 2000. Out & about campus : personal accounts by lesbian, gay, bisexual &SFCC transgendered Howard and Annie Stevens. 378.1982 TOWARD SFCC Non-Fiction 2000. Toward acceptance : sexual orientation issues on campus / edited by Vernon A. Wall and Nancy J. Evans. 1 378.1985 NUWER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Wrongs of passage : fraternities, sororities, hazing, and binge drinking / Hank Nuwer. SFCC Faculty 378.199 STIEHL Development 2 c2002. Outcomes primer : reconstructing the college curriculum / Ruth Stiehl, Les Lewchuk. BELLIA SFCC Career Financial aid for the utterly confused / Anthony378.3 J. Bellia. 378.3097 SFCC Career 501 ways for adult students to pay for college /TANABE Gen and Kelly Tanabe. 1 c2007. 3 c2004. 378.38 BAKER SFCC Career Debt-free graduate : how to survive college without going broke / by Murray Baker. 1 1 c2000. [1965, c1957] WILSON SFCC Non-Fiction Myth of political correctness : the conservative 378.73 attack on higher education / John K. Wilson. 1 1995. 378.797 N725F SFCC1891-1966, Non-Fiction First seventy-five years; a history of Central Washington State College, by Samuel R. Mohler. 1 [1967] Rise of universities. 378.4 H273r SFCC Non-Fiction 379.158 SFCC/ Non-Fiction 1 c2003. No child left behind? : the politics and practice of schoolNO accountability Paul E. Peterson, Martin R. West, editors. 379.263 KOZOL SFCC/Non-Fiction Shame of the nation : the restoration of apartheid schooling in America Jonathan Kozol. 379.2809 GREENAWA SFCC Non-Fiction Does God belong in public schools? / Kent Greenawalt. 1 c2005. 1 c2005. 379.73 C862P Greene. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. Public education / Lawrence A. Cremin ; foreword by Maxine 381.149 WAL2004 Non-Fiction 2004. Is Wal-Mart good for America? [videorecording]MART / senior producer, SFCC Hedrick Smith ; written by Hedrick Smith5 & Rick Young ; produced and directed by Ric 381.149 WALMART FISHMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. Wal-Mart effect : how the world's most powerful company really works-and how it's transforming the American economy / Charles Fishman. 381.149 WALMARTturned SLATERSam Walton's SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / Robert 2003. Slater. Wal-Mart decade : how a new generation of leaders legacy into the world's #1 company 381.149 WALMART VANCE Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Wal-Mart : a history of Sam Walton's retail phenomenon / Sandra S.SFCC Vance, Roy V. Scott. 59 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 381.149 WALMART VEDDERworkers, SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 Wendell c2006.Cox. Wal-Mart revolution : how big-box stores benefit consumers, the economy / Richard Vedder and 381.49 /WAL SFCC Non-Fiction Wal-Mart : the face of twenty-first-century capitalism edited by Nelson Lichtenstein. 1 c2006. 382.44 POPE-HE SFCC Non-Fiction Sins of the fathers : the Atlantic slave trade, 1441-1807 / James Pope-Hennessy. 1 2004. 382.44 THOMAS Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Slave trade : the story of the Atlantic slave trade, 1440-1870 / HughSFCC Thomas. 382.6761 MATEMBE Non-Fiction 1 2002. Miria Matende : gender, politics, and constitution making in UgandaSFCC / Miria R.K. Matende, with Nancy R. Dorsey. 384.065 SA48S SFCC Non-Fiction 384.8097 Non-Fiction Headline Hollywood : a century of film scandal /HEADLIN edited by AdrienneSFCC L. McLean and David A. Cook. 1 [1973] 1 c2001. 385 H222c Crescent color guide to trains / Brian Haresnape. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. LOWE SFCCeditor. Non-Fiction Back on track : the global rail revival / Marcia D.385 Lowe ; Carole Douglis, 1 c1994. Sovereign state of ITT. AL26 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1941. Iron horses : American locomotives 1829-1900 385.09 / E.P. Alexander. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. 385.0973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. America's railroads [videorecording] : the steamAMERICA train legacy / Dastar Corp. presents a Marathon Music & Video production. Pacific slope railroads, from 1854 to 1900. 385.09795 Ab32 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1959] This was railroading. 385.1 AB32 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1958] 389.152 D395M Metric power; why and how we are going metric. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 389.152 T857M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 39 STEP SFCC Videos 39 steps [videorecording] / Gaumont-British Picture Corporation ; directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 1 [1986] 390 B634Kand John SFCC Non-Fiction Kinship and social organization, edited by Paul Bohannan Middleton. 1 1968. 390.009 H629h Non-Fiction History of private life / Philippe Arie¿¿s and Georges Duby, general SFCC editors. 2 1987-1991. 390.009 H629h Non-Fiction History of private life / Philippe Arie¿¿s and Georges Duby, general SFCC editors. 1 1987-1991. Metrics for the millions 1 2003. 391 DRESSJoanne B. Eicher, SFCC Non-Fiction Dress and identity / edited by Mary Ellen Roach-Higgins, Kim K.P. Johnson. 1 c1995. 391byL388c Costume in antiquity; 480 illustrations introduced James Laver. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1964] Fashion / Christopher Breward. 391 BREWARD SFCC Non-Fiction SPROLES society SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Changing appearances : understanding dress in 391 contemporary / George B. Sproles, Leslie Davis Burns. c1994. 391.009 B322f Fashion, the mirror of history / Michael and Ariane Batterberry. 1 1982, c1977. 391.009; updated B561h and SFCC Non-Fiction History of fashion / J. Anderson Black, Madge Garland revised by Frances Kennett. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. D817 and Susan SFCC Voso Non-Fiction Dress and popular culture / edited by Patricia A.391.009 Cunningham Lab. 1 c1991. Ev27b SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Everyday fashions of the twenties as pictured in391.009 Sears and other catalogs / edited and with text by Stella Blum. 60 1981. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 391.009 H412f2 Non-Fiction c1991. Fashions of a decade. The 1920s / Jacqueline Herald ; series editors,SFCC Valerie Cummings and Elane Feldman ;1original illustrations by Robert Price. SFCC Cumming Non-Fiction 1 illustrations c1992. by Robert Price. Fashions of a decade. The 1940s / Patricia Baker391.009 ; series H412f4 editors, Valerie and Elane Feldman ; original SFCC Cumming Non-Fiction 1 illustrations c1991. by Robert Price. Fashions of a decade. The 1950s / Patricia Baker391.009 ; series H412f5 editors, Valerie and Elane Feldman ; original 391.009 H412f6 Fashions of a decade. The 1960s / Yvonne Connikie. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. 391.009 H412f7 Fashions of a decade. The 1970s / Jacqueline Herald. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. 391.009 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Fashions of a decade. The 1990s / Elane Feldman ; seriesH412f9 editors, Valerie Cumming and Elane Feldman ; original illustrations by Robert Price. 391.009and H818a SFCC Non-Fiction Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Persian costume decoration. 1 [1954] 391.009 L567H5 times SFCC Historic costume; a resume¿¿ of style and fashion from remote to Non-Fiction the nineteen-sixties [by] Katherine1Morris[1961] Lester and Rose Netzorg Kerr. Additio 391.009 L783 Radical rages : fashions of the sixties / by Joel Lobenthal. 391.009 20th-century fashion / Valerie Mendes and AmyMENDES de la Haye. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [c1990]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 391.009 T638s Survey of historic costume / Phyllis Tortora, Keith Eubank. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 391.009 TORBET SFCC Non-Fiction Clothing liberation; out of the closets and into the streets. Illustrated by the author. 391.009 V829 v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction Visual history of costume. 1 [1973] 1 1983-1986. 391.009 W842c Non-Fiction Changing American woman : 200 years of American fashion / editedSFCC by Tobi Nyberg. 1 1977] 391.0092 and IN AN I SFCC Non-Fiction 1 who 2002. In an influential fashion : an encyclopedia of nineteenthtwentieth-century fashion designers and retailers transformed dress / Ann T. Kellogg . 391.00932 W336c by Jack Cassin-Scott. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. Costume of ancient Egypt / Philip J. Watson ; drawings 391.0095 Ar75 of Hawaii SFCC Non-Fiction 4 [c1989] Art of Asian costume : an exhibition presented at the University Art Gallery, November 13 to December 23, 1988. 391.0095 DALBY Kimono : fashioning culture / Liza Crihfield Dalby. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 391.00952 Si12j SFCC Non-Fiction 4 391.0097 ALTMAN SFCC /Non-Fiction 1 Threads of identity : Maya costume of the 1960s in highland Guatemala Patricia B. Altman, Caroline D. West. 391.0097 CUNNING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Reforming women's fashion, 1850-1920 : politics, health, and art / Patricia A. Cunningham. Japan / Marion Sichel. c2001. 1987. c1992. c2003. 391.0097 REILLY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. Swing style : fashions of the 1930s-1950s / Maureen Reilly. 391.00973 COUNTRY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Women's wear of the 1920's : with complete patterns / by Ruth S. Countryman and Elizabeth Weiss Hopper. 391.00973 STEELE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Fifty years of fashion : new look to now / Valerie Steele ; photographs from the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, by Irving Sole 391.0745 FASHION: a history from SFCCthe Non-Fiction c2002. Fashion : the collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute 18th to the 20th century / [chief2editor, Akiko Fukai ; editor, Tamami Suoh ; t 391.09 C767F 5000 years of fashion / Mila Contini ; [translated from the Italian bySFCC OliveNon-Fiction Ordish] 391.2019 FISCHER SFCC Dress code : understanding the hidden meanings of women's clothes / byNon-Fiction Toby Fischer-Mirkin. 391.2095 LYNTON SFCCbyNon-Fiction Sari : styles, patterns, history, techniques / Linda Lynton ; photographs Sanjay K. Singh. 1 c1979. 2 c1995. 1 1995. History of children's costume / Marion Sichel. 391.3 Si12h SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983. 391.41 Every step a lotus : shoes for bound feet / Dorothy Ko. KO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. 61 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1999. 391.413 SFCC Non-Fiction Hot shoes : 100 years / Maureen Reilly ; photography byREILLY John Klycinski. 2 1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Masks : faces of culture / John W. Nunley, Cara 391.434 McCarty.NUNLEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 391.434 SL15B Masks of Bali / Judy Slattum ; photographs by Paul Schraub. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. 4 c1988. RUSH SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Spiritual tattoo : a cultural history of tattooing, 391.65 piercing, scarification, branding, and implants / John A. Rush. 391.6503 DEMELLO SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Encyclopedia of body adornment / Margo DeMello. c2005. Shoes / Lucy Pratt and Linda Woolley. Corset : a cultural history / Valerie Steele. 391.413 PRATT 391.42 STEELE MARKS O / Arnold SFCC Non-Fiction Marks of civilization : artistic transformations of391.65 the human body Rubin, editor. 2007. 391.7 EB34 Non-Fiction 1 a survey [1953] Pierced hearts and true love; an illustrated history of the origin andSFCC development of European tattooing and of its present state. 392 IN MY C Non-Fiction c1993. In my country--" [videorecording] : an international perspective on SFCC gender / produced and directed by Ron 1J. Hammond. 392 IN MY C Non-Fiction c1993. In my country--" [videorecording] : an international perspective on SFCC gender / produced and directed by Ron 1J. Hammond. ROAD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 in association 2006. Road to Guanta¿¿namo [videorecording (DVD) 392.062 ] Roadside Attractions presents a Revolution Films production with Screen West Midlands 392.1 GOLLAHE SFCC Non-Fiction Circumcision : a history of the world's most controversial surgery / David L. Gollaher. 392.1 GRUENBAU Female circumcision controversy : an anthropological perspective /SFCC EllenNon-Fiction Gruenbaum. 1 c2000. 1 c2001. 392.13/GIFTS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Gifts of pride and love : Kiowa and Comanche cradles editedOby Barbara A. Hail ; introduction by N. Scott Momaday ; contributing authors, Jacob Ahton 392.14 and FEMALE Non-Fiction 1 2000. Female "circumcision" in Africa : culture, controversy, change /SFCC edited by Bettina Shell-Duncan, Ylva Hernlund. 393 /BACHELO Sorrow & solace : the social world of the cemetery Philip Bachelor.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 393 G895C SFCC Non-Fiction Concerning death: a practical guide for the living, edited by Earl A. Grollman. 1 [1974] 393.0932 IKRAM Death and burial in ancient Egypt / Salima Ikram. 1 2003. 393.0973 D349s SFCC Non-Fiction Death in America / Philippe Arie¿¿s ... [et al.] ; edited, with an introd. by David E. Stannard. 1 1975, c1974. 394.1 SFCC Non-Fiction Fabulous feasts : medieval cookery and ceremony / byC821F Madeleine Pelner Cosman. 394.10952 ASHKENA SFCC Non-Fiction Food culture in Japan / Michael Ashkenazi and Jeanne Jacob. 394.1097 SCHLOSS SFCC Non-Fiction Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal 2005 / Eric Schlosser. 394.1097 SCHLOSSE SFCC ;Non-Fiction Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal / Eric Schlosser [with a new afterword]. 1 1976. 2 2003. 5 2005. 3 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 394.1097 SUPER SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c2004.present a production by The Con Super size me [videorecording (DVD)] / Roadside Attractions, Samuel Goldwyn Films and Showtime Independent Films 394.12/ POLLAN SFCC Non-Fiction Omnivore's dilemma : a natural history of four meals Michael Pollan. 1 2006. 394.1209 FOOD Food in the USA : a reader / edited by Carole Counihan. 2 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 394.14 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Morris 1996./ Richard Kluger. Ashes to ashes : America's hundred-year cigarette war,KLUGER the public health, and the unabashed triumph of Philip SFCC Non-Fiction Smoke : a global history of smoking / edited by 394.14 Sander SMOKE L. Gilman and Zhou Xun. 394.15 SFCC Non-Fiction Introduction to Japanese tea ritual / Jennifer L. ANDERSO Anderson. 1 2004. 1 c1991. 394.2089Coast BECK/ Mary SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Potlatch : native ceremony and myth on the Northwest Giraudo Beck ; illustrated by Marvin Oliver. SPIRIT Brandon SFCC Non-Fiction Spirit and symbol : the Japanese New Year / [by394.2614 Reiko Mochinaga & Barbara B. Stephan ; essays by1 Reiko1994. Mochinaga Brandon ... [et al.]]. 62 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 394.2663 WHEELER SFCC Non-Fiction St. Nicholas : a closer look at Christmas / Joe Wheeler & Jim Rosenthal. 394.268 MCCLEST SFCC Non-Fiction Kwanzaa : everything you always wanted to know but didn't know where to ask / Cedric McClester. 2 c2005. 1 c1994. HAND GA of power SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Hand game [videorecording] : the native North 394.3 American game and chance / a film by Lawrence Johnson ; written by Lawrence Johnson , Jacqu 395 MARTIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Martin. 1991 Miss Manners' guide to excruciatingly correct behavior : the ultimate handbook on modern etiquette / Judith 395 POST 1992 SFCC Non-Fiction 395.0944 PLATT SFCC Non-Fiction French or foe? : getting the most out of visiting,2002 living and working in France / Polly Platt. 395.0944 Non-Fiction French way : the keys to the behavior, attitudes,STEELE and customs of theSFCC French / Ross Steele. 395.0944 SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : France / Sally Adamson Taylor. TAYLOR 395.09481 SUSFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : Norway / Elizabeth Su-Dale. DALE 1 c1992. 1 2002. 1 c2006. 2 c1990. 1 c1995. 395.0952 K155jC. Kataoka SFCC Non-Fiction Japanese cultural encounters & how to handle them / Hiroko with Tetsuya Kusumoto. 395.0952 SHELLEY SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : Japan / Rex Shelley. 395.0954 KOLANAD SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : India / Gitanjali Kolanad. 395.095496 BURBANK SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : Nepal / Jon Burbank. 395.095694 WINTER SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : Israel / Dick Winter. 395.09599 R581c SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : Philippines / Alfredo & Grace Roces. 395.0972 CRAMER SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! : Mexico / Mark Cramer. 395.0973 WANNING SFCC Non-Fiction Culture shock! USA / Esther Wanning. 1 c1991. 4 c1993. 6 c1994. 2 c1992. 1 c1992 1 1992. 1 c1998. 1 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. 395.1ofEs69 Non-Fiction What every young man should know, by the editors Esquire, withSFCC Scotty Welch. 1 [1962] Emily Post's Etiquette / Elizabeth L. Post. Culture shock! : Australia / Ilsa Sharp. 395.0994 SHARP Non-Fiction 1 2001. Weddings : the essential guide to organizing the395.22 perfectPRICE day / AlisonSFCC Price. 398.0981 LANDOLTindi¿¿gena ilustrados SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. Ojo que cuenta : mitos y costumbres de la Amazoni¿¿a por su gente = Eyes that tell : myths and customs from indigenous Amazon 398.2 AE88 SFCC Fables of ¿¿sop, according to Sir Roger L'Estrange. With fifty drawings byNon-Fiction Alexander Calder. 2 [1967] 398.2 Non-Fiction Indian legends of the Pacific Northwest; illustrated byC547i Robert BruceSFCC Inverarity. 1 1953. 398.2 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1960] Annotated Alice: Alice's adventures in Wonderland & D664A Through the looking glass, by Lewis Carroll [pseud.] Illustrated by John Tenniel. With an introd. and 398.2 IS3T Golden,SFCC Non-Fiction Tales from the wise men of Israel. With an introd. by Harry and drawings by W. T. Mars. 1 [1962] 398.2; with L523C SFCC Legends of the world / edited by Richard Cavendish illustrations byNon-Fiction Eric Fraser. 4 1982. 398.2 M881S Secret of Atlantis / Otto Muck ; translated by Fred Bradley. 2 c1978. 1 [1966] 1 c1984. SFCC Non-Fiction 398.2 THOMPSO SFCC Non-Fiction Tales of the North American Indians, selected and annotated by Stith Thompson. 398.2089 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction American Indian myths and legends / selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz. 398.2089 BECK / Mary SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Shamans and kushtakas : north coast tales of the supernatural Giraudo Beck ; illustrated by Marvin Oliver. 398.2089 BROWN Non-Fiction 1 1993. Dee Brown's folktales of the Native American, retold for our times /SFCC illustrated by Louis Mofsie. 398.2089 Non-Fiction 1 Kahionhes c1992. Fadden and David Kanietakeron Native American animal stories / told by JosephBRUCHAC Bruchac ; forewordSFCC by Vine Deloria, Jr. ; illustrations by John 63 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 398.2089 SFCC/ Vine Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Red earth, white lies : Native Americans and theDELORIA myth of scientific fact Deloria, Jr. 398.2089 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Native American myths & legends / O.B. Duane.DUANE 398.2089 HAA SHU/ edited by NoraSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Haa shuka¿¿, our ancestors : Tlingit oral narratives Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer. 398.2089 HABOO Non-Fiction 1 c1985. Haboo : native American stories from Puget Sound / translated andSFCC edited by Vi (Taq [superscript w] s¿¿ [inverted upside-down e] blu Hilbert ; foreword 398.2089 OWLS by SFCC 1 2000. Owl's eyes & Seeking a spirit : Kootenai Indian stories / developed theNon-Fiction Kootenai Culture Committee, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes ; Debbie 398.2089 VAN LAANorth America / SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. In a circle long ago : a treasury of native lore from by Nancy Van Laan ; illustrated by Lisa Desimini. 398.2089 WALKER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. Myths of Idaho Indians / by Deward E. Walker, Jr. ; ill. & cover by Gregory Pole. 398.2093 USHER SFCC;Non-Fiction 1 1992. Heroes, gods & emperors from Roman mythology / text by Kerry Usher illustrations by John Sibbick. 398.2094 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004.by Maria Tatar ; introduction by A Annotated Brothers Grimm / Jacob and WilhelmKINDER Grimm ; edited with a preface and notes by Maria Tatar ; translations 398.2096 LARUNGU SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by Lou c1992. Myths and legends from Ghana for African-American cultures / as remembered by Rute Larungu and pictured Turechek. W52 ; edited SFCC Non-Fiction West African folktales / collected and translated398.2096 by Jack Berry and with an introduction by Richard 1Spears.1991. 398.2097 A35 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. 398.2097 Non-Fiction 1 Erik c2000. Truth never stands in the way of a good story / BRUNVAN Jan Harold BrunvandSFCC ; with a chapter on the heroic hacker by Brunvand. 398.2097 MAYAN / translated SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Mayan folktales : folklore from Lake Atitla¿¿n, Guatemala and edited by James D. Sexton. 398.2097 RAMSLAN Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Piercing the darkness : undercover with vampires in America today SFCC / Katherine Ramsland. 398.20972 FERGUSO Non-Fiction 3 Paris. 2000. Tales of the plumed serpent : Aztec, Inca and Mayan myths / Diana SFCC Ferguson ; photographs by Mireille Vautier, 398.20972 MONTEJO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. Bird who cleans the world : and other Mayan fables / Victor Montejo ; translated by Wallace Kaufman. American folklore and legend. 398.2099 HOLO Non-Fiction 1 Programming c2004. Holo mai Pele [videorecording] / a co-production of Pacific IslandersSFCC in Communications, International Cultural and Thirteen/WNET New Y 398.21 ZIPES SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. Fairy tale as myth/myth as fairy tale / Jack Zipes. 398.2109 K575c v.1 Non-Fiction 1988. Complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm / translated and with anSFCC introduction by Jack Zipes ; illustrations1 by John B. Gruelle. 398.2109 K575c v.2 Non-Fiction 1988. Complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm / translated and with anSFCC introduction by Jack Zipes ; illustrations1 by John B. Gruelle. Popular superstitions. London, H. Jenkins, 1925.398.41 P697P 1 1973. 398.42; contributors, AT64R SFCC Non-Fiction Atlantis, fact or fiction? / Edited by Edwin S. Ramage J. Rufus Fears ... [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. SFCC Non-Fiction Atlantis and the lost lands / by Roy Stemman. 398.42 ST41A 398.45 Witch must die : how fairy tales shape our livesCASHDAN / Sheldon Cashdan.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. 1 c1999. 398.4509 SFCC Non-Fiction Food for the dead : on the trail of New England's vampiresBELL / Michael E. Bell. 1 c2001. OP3Peter Opie.SFCC Non-Fiction Oxford dictionary of nursery rhymes, edited by 398.8 Iona and 398.8094 SFCC Non-Fiction Heavy words lightly thrown : the reason behindROBERTS the rhyme / Chris Roberts. 1 1951. 3 c2005. 400400 BLOWS SFCC DVD 12 de M. [1999]. Quatre cents coups [videorecording (DVD)] = The blows / sce¿¿nario de Franc¿¿ois Truffaut ; adaptation Moussy et F. Truffaut ; dialogues de Language instinct / Steven Pinker. 400 PINKER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. 401.93 HART American SFCC Non-Fiction Meaningful differences in the everyday experience of young children / by Betty Hart and Todd R. 1Risley.c1995. Noam Chomsky / John Lyons. 410.924 L995N SFCC Non-Fiction 64 1 1978, c1977. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 418.007 STRATEG SFCC Non-Fiction 1978.of French culture. Strategies for teaching culture in foreign language classes / prepared by the NEH Institute/Workshop for the1 Teaching Ev15t Total communication : structure and strategy / 419 Lionel Evans. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. F217am by Betty SFCC American sign language phrase book / Lou Fant419 ; illustrations G.Non-Fiction Miller. 1 c1983. 419 Pfetzing, G978s Esther SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Signing exact English / by Gerilee Gustason, Donna Zawolkow ; illustrations by Carolyn B. Norris ; c1980. foreword by Hilde Schlesinger ; preface 419 H671C SFCCstudents Non-Fiction c1978. Communicating with deaf people : a resource manual for teachers and of American sign language 2/ by Harry W. Hoemann ; with ill. by Shirley A 419 HAMILTO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 referent c1985. Sports signs / by Harley Hamilton and Nancy Kelly-Jones ; sign illustrations by Marcia A. Lawrence ; cover and illustrations by Donna Leff. 419 HAMILTO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 referent c1985. Sports signs / by Harley Hamilton and Nancy Kelly-Jones ; sign illustrations by Marcia A. Lawrence ; cover and illustrations by Donna Leff. 419 HAMILTO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 referent c1985. Sports signs / by Harley Hamilton and Nancy Kelly-Jones ; sign illustrations by Marcia A. Lawrence ; cover and illustrations by Donna Leff. 419 HAMILTO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 referent c1985. Sports signs / by Harley Hamilton and Nancy Kelly-Jones ; sign illustrations by Marcia A. Lawrence ; cover and illustrations by Donna Leff. 419 HAMILTO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 referent c1985. Sports signs / by Harley Hamilton and Nancy Kelly-Jones ; sign illustrations by Marcia A. Lawrence ; cover and illustrations by Donna Leff. 419 MADSEN Non-Fiction 1 R. Miller, [c1972] Conversational sign language II: an intermediate-advanced manual,SFCC by Willard J. Madsen. Illustrated by Ralph Jr. Non-Fiction Sign language interpreting : deconstructing the 419 mythMETZGER of neutrality /SFCC Melanie Metzger. 1 1999. 419sign RIEKEHO Non-Fiction 1 Joy of signing : the illustrated guide for mastering language andSFCC the manual alphabet / Lottie L. Riekehof. c1987. 419 St45a SFCC Non-Fiction American sign language : a comprehensive dictionary / Martin L.A. Sternberg ; illustrated by Herbert Rogoff.1 c1981. STERNBE SFCCby Non-Fiction American sign language dictionary / Martin L.A.419 Sternberg ; illustrations Herbert Rogoff and Eduself. 1 c1994. 419 SUPALLA Non-Fiction Book of name signs : naming in American Sign Language / Samuel J.SFCC Supalla. 3 c1992. 419 TOMKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 419.0973 DANIELS Non-Fiction Dancing with words : signing for hearing children's literacy / MarilynSFCC Daniels. 1 [1969] 1 2001. 419.7 ONE SFCCofNon-Fiction 1,000 signs of life : basic ASL for everyday conversation / by the editors Gallaudet University Press. 2 2004. TABAK SFCC Non-Fiction Significant gestures : a history of American Sign419.7 Language / John Tabak. 1 2006. 420.4261:R681h SFCC Non-Fiction Hunger of memory : the education of Richard Rodriguez an autobiography. Indian sign language. 2 c1983. EI84V SFCC Non-Fiction Voice and diction: a program for improvement 421.5 [by] Jon Eisenson, with the assistance of Arthur M. Eisenson.1 [1974] 423 Am35d SFCC Non-Fiction American heritage dictionary of the English Language / Peter Davies, editor. 2 1977, c1976. 423 AMERICAN American Heritage dictionary for learners of English. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1995. Merriam-Webster's pocket dictionary. 423 MERRIAM 423/ N42b SFCC Non-Fiction c1981. New Webster's dictionary of the English language general editor, Sidney R. Bergquist ; coordinating editor1Jadwiga Lopez ; editors, Laurie Braun...[et. a 423 WEBSTER 1997 Non-Fiction c1997. Webster's New World college dictionary / Victoria Neufeldt, editor SFCC in chief, David B. Guralnik, editor in chief1 emeritus. W399 Webster's treasury of synonyms, antonyms, and423.1 homonyms. 423.12 AMERICAN American heritage college thesaurus. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1953. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. LINDBER SFCC Non-Fiction Oxford American writer's thesaurus / compiled 423.12 by Christine A. Lindberg. 3 2004. [1940, 424 M449R Non-Fiction 1 c1936] Roget's Thesaurus of the English language in dictionary form; beingSFCC a presentation of Roget's Thesaurus of English words and phrases in a modernized, m [1983], 425Washington J631h SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. Handbook of good English : first published as The Square Press handbook of good English / by Edward D. Johnson. 427 STERN NORWEGI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1983. Acting with an accent. Norwegian & Swedish [sound recording] : stage dialect instruction / by David Alan Stern. Lexicon of Black English / J. L. Dillard. 427.973 D581 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. Longman dictionary of American English. 427.973 LONGMAN 2004 SFCC Non-Fiction 8 c2004. 428 Non-Fiction 1 others c2002. Grouchy grammarian : a how-not-to guide to the 47PARRISH most commonSFCC mistakes by journalists, broadcasters, and who should know better / Thomas Winning vocabulary [audio cassette] 428 WINNING SFCC Non-Fiction 65 1 p1994. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 428.0023 SFCC Career Opportunities in teaching English to speakers ofCAMENSO other languages / Blythe Camenson. 1 c1995. 428.0076 GEAR Cambridge preparation for the TOEFL test / Jolene Gear and RobertSFCC Gear.Career 428.0076 PETERSO 2006Hammond]. SFCC Career Peterson's master TOEFL vocabulary / [editor, Wallie Walker 428.0076 2007 Hammond]. SFCC Non-Fiction Peterson's master TOEFL writing skills / [editor,PETERSO Wallie Walker 428.0076 SULLIVA 2005 Master the TOEFL 2005 / Patricia Noble Sullivan, Gail Abel Brenner,SFCC GraceNon-Fiction Yi Qiu Zhong. 428.0076 TOEFL 2005 SFCC Career TOEFL success 2005 / Bruce Rogers. 2 c2002. 1 c2006. 2 c2007. 1 c2004. 1 2004. Anatomy of language: saying what we mean. 428.1 B665a x SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1968. Word power [sound recording] / by Peter Funk.428.1 F963w SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1985. SFCC Non-Fiction Essentials of English grammar : a practical guide428.2 to theBAUGH mastery of English / L. Sue Baugh. 1 c1993. 428.2 Grammar handbook for home and school / by Carl B. SMITH Smith. 1 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 428.2 to TARSHIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1992. by R.J. Matson. Grammar for smart people : your user-friendly guide speaking and writing better English / Barry Tarshis ;1illustrations 428.24 D924V Non-Fiction Va¿¿n-pha¿¿m Anh-va¿¿n = English grammar for the Vietnamese / SFCC Duong Danh Rien. 1 c1977. 428.24 SHEPHEA SFCC Non-Fiction 428.4071 SWINTONWilliam J. Agopsowicz. SFCC Non-Fiction Read and respond : a text/anthology / Janet R. Swinton, 1 c2003. 2 c1995. SFCC Non-Fiction Misreading reading : the bad science that hurts428.4072 children /COLES Gerald Coles. 1 c2000. English grammar / John Shepheard. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 p1986. Latin for dummies / by Clifford A. Hull, Steven R.478.421 Perkins,HULL and TracySFCC Barr.Non-Fiction 2 c2002. 480.7073 KOPFF SFCC Non-Fiction Devil knows Latin : why America needs the classical tradition / E. Christian Kopff. 1 1999. 491.7 BOBRINS SFCC Non-Fiction How to pronounce Russian correctly [audio cassette] / [Tania Bobrinskoy & Irina Gsovskaya]. 1 [p1988?]. Portuguese [sound recording]. 469 PORTUGU 491.732 general W565o editor SFCC 1 D. P.1972. Oxford Russian-English dictionary, by Marcus Wheeler; B. Non-Fiction O. Unbegaun, with the assistance of Costello and W. F. Ryan. 492.409 H785H How the Hebrew language grew. Illustrated by Paul Sharon. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1960. 493.111 ADKINS/ Lesley SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Keys of Egypt : the obsession to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs Roy Adkins. 493.1824 MCDERMO Non-Fiction 1 2001. Decoding Egyptian hieroglyphs : how to read the secret language ofSFCC the pharaohs / Bridget McDermott ; foreword by Joann Fletcher. 494.511 F761h v.1A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962-1964. Hungarian, basic course: units 1-24. 494.511 F761h v.1B SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962-1964. Hungarian, basic course: units 1-24. KANEDA / Fujihiko SFCC Foreign 3 ; calligraphy 1989. Easy hiragana : first steps to reading and writing495.61 basic Japanese KanedaLanguage ; calligraphy by Rika Samidori advisor, Takuya Dan. 495.624 WELLS SFCC Foreign Language c1989. Easy Katakana : how to read and write English words used in Japanese / Tina Wells ; editorial consultant Aoi2 Yukouchi. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1959. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. FEYNMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Meaning of it all : thoughts of a citizen scientist500 / Richard P. Feynman. 2 c1998. Kootenai grammar. 497 C162 500 BROCKMA Third culture / by John Brockman. 500 BRYSON Short history of nearly everything / Bill Bryson. 2003 500 BRYSON Short history of nearly everything / Bill Bryson. 2005 66 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 500 FEYNMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2000,Robbins c1999. ; foreword by Freeman D Pleasure of finding things out : the best short works of Richard P. Feynman / by Richard P. Feynman ; edited2 by Jeffrey 500 GARDNER Science, good, bad, and bogus / Martin Gardner. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. M834p SFCC Non-Fiction c1982.and Phylis Morrison and the Offic Powers of ten : a book about the relative size of500 things in the universe and the effect of adding another zero1 / by Philip Non-Fiction c1995. Bill Nye the Science Guy's consider the following500 : a NYE way cool set of SFCC science questions, answers, and ideas to1 ponder / by Bill Nye ; with additional writing 500 TREFIL SFCC Non-Fiction 101 things you don't know about science and no one else does either / James Trefil. 1 c1996. 500 WHAT SFCCinNon-Fiction 1 Brockman. c2006. What we believe but cannot prove : today's leading thinkers on science the age of certainty / edited by John 501 C737S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] 507.1073 INQUIRY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000.of an Addendum to the National Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards : a guide for teaching and learning / Committee on Development Science and survival. Mystery of matter. Edited by Louise B. Young. 508 AM35 SFCC Non-Fiction 508 /PLANET SFCC Non-Fiction Planet Earth. The complete series [videorecording] British Broadcasting Corporation ; 2 entertain. Left hand of the electron. Microbe hunters, by Paul De Kruif ... 508.1 AS42L 509.2 D369m 1954 1 1965. 1 c2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1926] 509.2 ON THE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Hawking. c2002. On the shoulders of giants : the great works of physics and astronomy / edited, with commentary, by Stephen 509.2 PICKOVE SFCC Non-Fiction Strange brains and genius : the secret lives of eccentric scientists and madmen / Clifford A. Pickover. 1 c1998. 509.409 KREBS SFCC c2004. Groundbreaking scientific experiments, inventions, and discoveries of theNon-Fiction Middle Ages and the Renaissance1/ Robert E. Krebs. 509.5 GOONATI Non-Fiction Toward a global science : mining civilizational knowledge / SusanthaSFCC Goonatilake. 509.7309 TIMMONS SFCC Non-Fiction Science and technology in nineteenth-century America / Todd Timmons. 1 c1998. 1 c2005. 510 Akst, AKST Sadie Bragg. SFCC Non-Fiction Basic mathematics through applications / Geoffrey 2 c2005. 510 ARTMANN Euclid : the creation of mathematics / Benno Artmann. 1 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 510 AYRES SFCC Non-Fiction 3 introduction c2003. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college mathematics : algebra, discrete mathematics, precalculus, to caculus / Frank Ayres, Jr., 510 C115T Topics in recreational mathematics, by J. H. Cadwell. Technical math demystified / Stan Gibilisco. 510 GIBILISC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1966. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. 1 2002. 510 GLAZER SFCC Non-Fiction Real-life math : everyday use of mathematical concepts / Evan M. Glazer and John W. McConnell. 510 is GREAT SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c2006. Great [pi]/e debate [videorecording (DVD)] : which the better number? / Mathematical Association of America ; Colin Adams, Thomas Garrity, Edward PAPPAS / Theoni SFCC Non-Fiction Magic of mathematics : discovering the spell of510 mathematics Pappas. c1994. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Everyday math for dummies / by Charles Seiter.510 SEITER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. All the math you'll ever need / Steve Slavin. 510 SLAVIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Math power / by Robert Stanton. 510 STANTON Finite mathematics. 510 ROLF 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 510 T739f SFCC Non-Fiction Fundamental concepts of elementary mathematics / Lawrence A. Trivieri. 1 c1977. 510.07 SFCC Non-Fiction Achieving quantitative literacy : an urgent challenge forSTEEN higher education / Linda Arthur Steen. 1 c2004. 510.1 DEVLIN Non-Fiction Math gene : how mathematical thinking evolved and why numbers SFCC are like gossip / Keith Devlin. 1 c2000. 510.28and M917H Non-Fiction How to use a pocket calculator : a guide for students teachers /SFCC by Henry Mullish. 510.284 SFCC Non-Fiction TI-83 plus graphing calculator for dummies / byEDWARDS C.C. Edwards. 1 c1977. 1 c2004. 510.3toDARLING SFCC /Non-Fiction Universal book of mathematics : from Abracadabra Zeno's paradoxes David Darling. 1 c2004. BAZIN fromSFCC Non-Fiction / Maurice Bazin, Modesto 2 2002. Math and science across cultures : activities and510.71 investigations the Exploratorium Tamez, and the Exploratorium Teache 510.71 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Exploring mathematics through history / M. Ruth Eagle.EAGLE 510.712 MATHEMA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ... c2007. Mathematics education at highly effective schools that serve the poor : strategies for change / Richard Kitchen [et al.]. 510.76 BLUMAN Math word problems demystified / Allan G. Bluman. SFCC Non-Fiction 67 1 c2005. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 510.76 M451F 510.76 MASTER 2003 Master the GED : mathematics. 510.8897 NATIVE Native American mathematics / edited by Michael P. Closs. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1959. SFCC Career 2 c2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Mathematics, a concise history and philosophy 510.9 / W.S.ANGLIN Anglin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994 Fallacies in mathematics. 510.9 BERLING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Math through the ages : a gentle history for teachers and others / William P. Berlinghoff, Fernando Q. Gouve¿¿a. History of mathematics : a brief course / Roger 510.9 Cooke.COOKE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Mathematics and measurement / O.A.W. Dilke.510.9 D578m SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. 510.9 GRATTAN SFCC Non-Fiction Norton history of the mathematical sciences : the rainbow of mathematics / Ivor Grattan-Guinness. 1 1998. Mathematics in the making / Lancelot Hogben. 510.9 H679 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1960] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1953. Mathematical thought from ancient to modern510.9 times.K685MA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972. RESNIKO Mathematics in civilization / H.L. Resnikoff, R.O.510.9 Wells, Jr. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984. 2 c2004. Mathematics in Western culture. 510.9 K685M 510.9 SFCC Non-Fiction Mathematics and the laws of nature : developing the TABAK language of science / John Tabak. Women in mathematics [by] Lynn M. Osen. 510.92 Os22w SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1974] Julia, a life in mathematics / Constance Reid. 510.92 ROBINSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 510.922 BELL SFCC Non-Fiction 510.922 HENRION SFCC Non-Fiction Women in mathematics : the addition of difference / Claudia Henrion. 1 1937. 2 c1997. 510.938 HEATH History of Greek mathematics / Sir Thomas Heath. 2 1981. Men of mathematics, by E. T. Bell. SFCC Non-Fiction 510.938 HEATH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. History of Greek mathematics / Sir Thomas Heath. 510.951 MARTZLOF SFCC Non-Fiction 2 History of Chinese mathematics / Jean-Claude Martzloff ; with forewords by Jacques Gernet and Jean Dhombres ;c1997. [translator, Stephen S. Wilson]. FROM SFCC Non-Fiction From five fingers to infinity : a journey through 510.9I the history ofFImathematics / edited by Frank J. Swetz. 1 c1994. 511.211 SFCCbyNon-Fiction Nothing that is : a natural history of zero / Robert KaplanKAPLAN ; illustrations Ellen Kaplan. 1 2000. 512 DOWNING SFCC Non-Fiction Algebra, the easy way / Douglas Downing ; [illustrations by Susan Detrich]. 4 c2003. 512 HAMILTO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 512 HAMILTO Mastering algebra : an introduction / [Said Hamilton]. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Algebra demystified / Rhonda Huettenmueller. 512 HUETTEN SFCC Non-Fiction 6 c2003. 512Kelley. KELLEY Complete idiot's guide to algebra / by W. Michael SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c2004. Algebra for dummies / by Mary Jane Sterling. 512 STERLING SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c2001. 512.076 BLEAULee Bleau. SFCC Non-Fiction Forgotten algebra : a self-teaching refresher course / Barbara 2 c1994. 1 c1990. 512.1 SFCC Non-Fiction High school pre-calculus tutor / staff of Research and HIGH Education Association ; M. Fogiel, chief editor. 3 c2001. 512.13 Bert DEMANA Non-Fiction Precalculus : functions and graphs / Franklin Demana, K. Waits,SFCC Stanley R. Clemens. Mastering algebra - intermediate level Precalculus / Dennis Carrie. 512.1 C234p SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Elementary linear algebra / Howard Anton. 512.5 An88e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Linear algebra done right / Sheldon Axler. 512.5 AXLER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 512.7 CONWAY Book of numbers / John H. Conway, Richard K. Guy. 68 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Numbers : their history and meaning / Graham 512.7 Flegg. F625n SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983. KIRTLAN 1 c2001. Identification numbers and check digit schemes512.7 / Joseph Kirtland. SFCC Non-Fiction 512.73 POSAMENT Non-Fiction 1 2004. [Pi] : a biography of the world's most mysterious number / Alfred S.SFCC Posamentier & Ingmar Lehmann ; afterword by Herbert A. Hauptman. 512.9approach GUSTAFS/ R. David SFCCGustafson, Reserve Peter D. Frisk. Beginning and intermediate algebra : an integrated 1 c1999. 512.9 HORNSBY SFCC Non-Fiction Graphical approach to college algebra / John Hornsby, Margaret L. Lial. 2 c1999. 2 1990. 512.9 RICH SFCC Non-Fiction Schaum's outline of theory and problems of elementary algebra / Barnett Rich, Philip A. Schmidt. 2 c2004. 512.9 STREETER Non-Fiction Teacher's edition for Intermediate algebra / James Streeter, DonaldSFCC Hutchison. 512.9007 HOW TOproblem approach SFCC Non-Fiction How to solve word problems in algebra : a solved / Mildred Johnson ... [et al.]. 512.922 BARBEAU SFCC Non-Fiction Power play / Edward J. Barbeau. 2 c1989. 3 c2000. 1 c1997. [1964] [1971, c1972] Elementary algebra / Larry R. Mugridge. 512.9 MUGRIDE SFCC Non-Fiction Experiments in topology. 513 B27 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Pre-algebra [by] Harry H. Jonas. 513 J693P SFCC Non-Fiction 2 513.12 GILLAM approach) SFCC Non-Fiction 1 M.c1989. Essentials of arithmetic and introduction to algebra (calculator / John Gillam, Donald O. Norris, Man Sharma. 513.12 LIAL Prealgebra / Margaret L. Lial, Diana L. Hestwood. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 513.12 STEEDLE SFCC Non-Fiction Prealgebra : a transition from arithmetic to algebra / Dwight M. Steedley. 513.122 SFCC Non-Fiction Arithmetic and algebra-- again / Brita Immergut,IMMERG Jean Burr Smith ; foreword by Sheila Tobias. 513.14 MRACHEK SFCC Non-Fiction Basic technical college mathematics / Len Mrachek, Charles Komschlies. 1 c1989. 1 c1994. 1 c2004. 513.2for TABAK SFCCTabak. Non-Fiction Numbers : computers, philosophers, and the search meaning / John 513.26 SFCC Childrens Eating fractions / cooked, written, drafted, and MCMILLA photo-illustrated byCollection Bruce McMillan. 1 c2004. 1 c1991. Topics in topology / Arlo W. Schurle. 514 Sch86t SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. Shape of space / Jeffrey R. Weeks. 514.3 WEEKS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Non-Fiction Fractals : endlessly repeated geometrical figures514.74 / HansLAUWERI Lauwerier ;SFCC translated by Sophia Gill-Hoffsta¿¿dt. 2 c1991. Calculus for dummies / Mark Ryan. 515 RYAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. Geometry for dummies / by Wendy Arnone. 516 ARNONE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. Fractals everywhere / Michael Barnsley. 516 BARNSLE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Geometry demystified / Stan Gibilisco. 516 GIBILISC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. M179eMcGuire. SFCC Non-Fiction Eye for fractals : a graphic & photographic essay516.15 / by Michael 516.15 PEITGET Non-Fiction Fractals for the classroom / Heinz-Otto Peitgen,v.1 Hartmut Ju¿¿rgens,SFCC Dietmar Saupe. 1 c1991. 1 c1992- Barron's geometry the easy way / by Lawrence 516.22 S. Leff. L521b 516.24 DOWNING Trigonometry the easy way / by Douglas Downing. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. 516.24 STERLIN SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Trigonometry for dummies / by Mary Jane Sterling. 516.36 BANCHOF SFCCdimensions Non-Fiction/ Thomas F. Banchoff. 1 Beyond the third dimension : geometry, computer graphics, and higher c2005. 516.83 F914f From Pythagoras to Einstein / by K. O. Friedrichs. 1965. 516Tabak. TABAK Geometry : the language of space and form / John SFCC Non-Fiction 69 1 c1990. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 516.9 GRAY Non-Fiction Ja¿¿nos Bolyai, non-Euclidean geometry, and the nature of space / SFCC Jeremy J. Gray. 1 2004. H666 Jr., andSFCC Basic concepts of probability and statistics [by] 519.1 J. L. Hodges, E. L. Non-Fiction Lehmann. 1 1964. C787PF. Cooper SFCC Non-Fiction Probability and chi-square for biology students 519.2 [by] Sandra [and] Thomas R. Mertens. 1 [1969] 519.2 FREUND SFCC Non-Fiction 519.2 ROSENTHA SFCC Non-Fiction Struck by lightning : the curious world of probabilities / Jeffrey S. Rosenthal. 1 1993. 1 c2006. 519.209 TABAK 1 Probability and statistics : the science of uncertainty / John Tabak. SFCC Non-Fiction 519.3 DAVIS SFCCa foreword Non-Fiction Game theory : a nontechnical introduction / by 1997 Morton D. Davis ; with by Oskar Morgenstern. 1 c2004. BREUER SFCC Non-Fiction Numerical mathematics : a laboratory approach519.4 / Shlomo Breuer and Gideon Zwas. 1 1993. How to lie with statistics. Pictures by Irving Geis.519.5 HUFF SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [c1954] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. 1 2005. Introduction to probability / John E. Freund. Statistics / Martin Sternstein. 519.5 STERNST 519.5024/ SCOTT SFCCDebbie Non-Fiction Statistics for health care professionals : an introduction Ian Scott and Mazhindu. 1997. 519.5028 K559b SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Business statistics using Lotus 1-2-3 / Michael Kilpatrick. 519.5076 SFCCSoloway Non-Fiction Cracking the AP statistics exam / by Madhuri S. MULEKAR Mulekar ; [eiditor : Jeff ; production editor : Maria 2Dente 2002. ; production coordinator : Stephen Wh How to lie with statistics. Pictures by Irving Geis.519.54 HUFF SFCC Reserve 3 [c1954] 520 the BARBREE SFCC Non-Fiction 1995. Journey through time : exploring the universe with Hubble Space Telescope / by Jay Barbree and Martin1 Caidin ; foreword by John H. Glenn, Jr. DK guide to space / Peter Bond. 520 BOND SFCC Non-Fiction CLARK SFCC Non-Fiction Stars and atoms : from the big bang to the solar520 system / by Stuart Clark. 1 1999. 1 1995. Cosmic perspective / Jeffrey Bennett ... [et al.]. 520 COSMIC SFCC Non-Fiction 12 c2007. 520 DICKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1992. 520 EV27S S. V. M.SFCC Non-Fiction Everyman's astronomy / edited by R. H. Stoy ; contributors, Clube ... [et al.]. Universe-- and beyond / Terence Dickinson. 1 1974. Astronomy demystified / Stan Gibilisco. 520 GIBILISC SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2003. God and the astronomers / Robert Jastrow. 520 J316G SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. JONES Logical universe : a layman's reality / Michael F.520 Jones. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Amateur astronomer's handbook. 520 M896A 520anomalies M999 SFCC Non-Fiction Mysterious universe : a handbook of astronomical / compiled by William R. Corliss ; illustrated by2 Johnc1979. C. Holden. 520 MYTyson. My favorite universe [videorecording] / Neil deGrasse SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Practical astronomer / Colin A. Ronan. 520 R666p SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. Cosmos / Carl Sagan. 520 SAGAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983, c1980. 520sky SCAGELL SFCC Non-Fiction Night sky atlas : the moon, planets, stars and deep objects / Robin Scagell ; with maps by Wil Tirion. 1 2005. 520 UPGREN SFCC Night has a thousand eyes : a naked-eye guide to the sky, its science, andNon-Fiction lore / Arthur Upgren. 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1978. 520.8997 MACDONA 1998 SFCC Non-Fiction Arctic sky : Inuit astronomy, star lore, and legend / John MacDonald. 1 1998. 520.9 N213A Native American astronomy / edited by Anthony F. Aveni. 1 c1977. 1 1992. 2 1999. 1 1996. Cosmic catastrophes / Gerrit L. Verschuur. 520 V614C SFCC Non-Fiction 520.9 NEWTON MAURY Maury. SFCC Non-Fiction Newton : the father of modern astronomy / Jean-Pierre 520.92 GALILE SOBEL Galileo's daughter : a historical memoir of science, faith, and love / SFCC DavaNon-Fiction Sobel. Galileo : decisive innovator / Michael Sharratt. 520.92 GALILEI SFCC Non-Fiction 70 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 520.97and MILLER SFCC /Non-Fiction Stars of the first people : Native American star myths constellations Dorcas S. Miller. 1 c1997. 522&DICKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991 Backyard astronomer's guide / Terence Dickinson Alan Dyer ; all astronomical photographs by amateur astronomers. Non-Fiction 1 c1981. Complete manual of amateur astronomy : tools522 andSh57c techniques forSFCC astronomical observations / P. Clay Sherrod, with Thomas L. Koed ; foreword by Leif 522.078 WOOD Non-Fiction Science for kids : 39 easy astronomy experiments / Robert W. WoodSFCC ; illustrations by Steve Hoeft. 1 c1991. PEPIN for the SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Care of astronomical telescopes and accessories522.2 : a manual astronomical observer and amateur telescope maker / M. Barlow Pepin. 522.2 Sky and telescopeTelescopes; how to make them andSK91T use them SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] 523 C366c Cosmic catastrophes / Clark R. Chapman and David Morrison. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. M529 1983 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 charts 1983.by Wil Tirion. Field guide to the stars and planets / Donald H. 523 Menzel and Jay M. Pasachoff ; with monthly sky maps and atlas 523.01 HALPERN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. Cosmic wormholes : the search for interstellar shortcuts / Paul Halpern. 523.01 HARTQUIS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Ruffle. c2004. Blowing bubbles in the cosmos : astronomical winds, jets, and explosions / T.W. Hartquist, J.E. Dyson, and D.P. 523.0109 TYSON Non-Fiction Sky is not the limit : adventures of an urban astrophysicist / Neil de SFCC Grasse Tyson. 1 c2000. 523.1 FERRIS Ferris. SFCC Non-Fiction Whole shebang : a state-of-the-universe(s) report / Timothy 1 1998. Non-Fiction 1988. by Ron Miller. Brief history of time : from the big bang to black523.1 holesH314b / Stephen W.SFCC Hawking ; introduction by Carl Sagan ; 1illustrations 523.1 HAWKING Briefer history of time / Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. 523.1 KAKU Non-Fiction 1 Parallel worlds : a journey through creation, higher dimensions, andSFCC the future of the cosmos / Michio Kaku. 523.108 OSBORNE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Universe / Richard Osborne. 2005. Birth of the universe : the big bang and beyond 523.12 / Trinh TRINH Xuan Thuan.SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1993, c1992. HENRY / John SFCC Moving heaven and Earth : Copernicus and the 523.2 solar system HenryNon-Fiction ; series editor, Jon Turney. 1 2001. Exploring planetary worlds / David Morrison. 523.2 MORRISO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. 523.402 B722G SFCC Non-Fiction Galactic Club : intelligent life in outer space / Ronald N. Bracewell. 1 [1975] 523.43 KARGEL Mars : a warmer, wetter planet / Jeffrey S. Kargel. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 523.6 LEVY Comets : creators and destroyers / David H. Levy. 523.78 MANNERS Moonshadow : the story of the total eclipse / Terry Manners. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. Planets / Dava Sobel. Stars and nebulas / William J. Kaufmann, III. 523.2 SOBEL 523.8 K162S 2004. SESTI Maria Sesti SFCC; introduction Non-Fiction by Ele¿¿mire Zolla ; translated 1 1991. Glorious constellations : history and mythology523.8 / Giuseppe from the Italian by Karin H. Ford. 523.8022 SFCCMellinger, Non-Fiction 2 2005. New atlas of the stars : constellations, stars andMELLING celestial objects / Axel Susanne M. Hoffman ; [English translation, Storm Dunlop]. 523.8022 MONKHO 1 c2000. 3-D atlas of stars and galaxies / Richard Monkhouse and John Cox. SFCC Non-Fiction 523.8875 MELIA Black hole at the center of our galaxy / Fulvio Melia. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2003. SFCC Non-Fiction Edge of infinity : supermassive black holes in the523.8875 universeMELIA / Fulvio Melia. 1 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1963] GALISON SFCC Non-Fiction Einstein's clocks, Poincare¿¿'s maps : empires of529 time / Peter Galison. 1 c2003. 529Andrewes. SOBEL Illustrated longitude / Dava Sobel and William J.H. 1 c2003. Star names, their lore and meaning. 523.89 ALLEN SFCC Non-Fiction 529.3 JUDGE SFCCmyth, Non-Fiction 3 and c2004. Dance of time : the origins of the calendar : a miscellany of history and religion and astronomy, festivals feast days / Michael Judge. 71 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 529.309 Calendar : history, lore, and legend / JacquelineBOURGOI de Bourgoing. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. Non-Fiction 1 Cosmological milk shake : a semi-serious look at530 theEHRLICH size of things / SFCC Robert Ehrlich ; illustrated by Gary Ehrlich. c1994. FREEMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Physics made simple / Ira M. Freeman ; revised 530 by William J. Durden. 1 1990. 530 GIBILISC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. GONICK Cartoon guide to physics / Larry Gonick and Art530 Huffman. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1991, c1990. KELLER Physics / Frederick J. Keller, W. Edward Gettys, 530 Malcolm J. Skove. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 530Robert LEA Burke. Physics : the nature of things / Susan M. Lea, John SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. PLEASUR Non-Fiction Pleasure of finding things out [videorecording] /530 BBC-TV ; producer,SFCC Christopher Sykes. 1 1983. 530 SANNY University physics / Jeff Sanny & William Moebs. 2 c1996. Physics demystified / Stan Gibilisco. New physics / edited by Paul Davies. 530 N419 SFCC Non-Fiction 530 WEINBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. 530.08 F438F v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1963-65] Feynman lectures on physics [by] Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton [and] Matthew Sands. 530.0924 FEYNMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Leighton [1989] ; edited by Edward Hutchings. "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!" : adventures of a curious character / Richard P. Feynman as told to Ralph Dreams of a final theory / Steven Weinberg. Ei68 Non-Fiction Relativity; the special and the general theory, a 530.1 popular exposition. SFCC Authorised tr. by Robert W. Lawson. 2 [1961] 530.11 ABBOTT SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. Annotated flatland : a romance of many dimensions / by Edwin A. Abbott ; introduction and notes by Ian Stewart. Geometry of time / Dierck-Ekkehard Liebscher. 530.11 LIEBSCH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. 530.12 AL-KHAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004, c2003. FORD Quantum world : quantum physics for everyone530.12 / Kenneth W. Ford.SFCC Non-Fiction 530.12 HAWKING SFCC Non-Fiction Universe in a nutshell / Stephen Hawking. 2 2004. 2 c2001. 530.12 Quantum physics, illusion or reality? / Alastair I.M. Rae.R12q SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1986. ZUKAV SFCC Non-Fiction Dancing Wu Li masters : an overview of the new530.12 physics / Gary Zukav. 1 1980. 530.15 SFCC Non-Fiction Five equations that changed the world : the power andGUILLEN poetry of mathematics / by Michael Guillen. 1 1995. Quantum / Jim Al-Khalili. 530.92adventures F438w Non-Fiction 2 as c1988. What do YOU care what other people think? : further ofSFCC a curious character / Richard P. Feynman, told to Ralph Leighton. 531.3 M542m SFCCLarmor. Non-Fiction Matter and motion. Reprinted with notes and appendices by Sir Joseph 1 [1952] SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2004,in 1997. Stephen Hawking's universe [videorecording] / 532.12 ThirteenSTEPHEN WNET, Uden Associates, David Filkin Enterprises co-production association with BBC-TV ; seri SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2004,in 1997. Stephen Hawking's universe [videorecording] / 532.12 ThirteenSTEPHEN WNET, Uden Associates, David Filkin Enterprises co-production association with BBC-TV ; seri SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004,in 1997. Stephen Hawking's universe [videorecording] / 532.12 ThirteenSTEPHEN WNET, Uden Associates, David Filkin Enterprises co-production association with BBC-TV ; seri SFCC Non-Fiction Four laws that drive the universe / Peter Atkins.536.71 ATKINS 536.71 VON BAE SFCC von Non-Fiction Warmth disperses and time passes : the history1999 of heat / Hans Christian Baeyer. 539.72 SFCCA.Non-Fiction Deep down things : the breathtaking beauty of SCHUMM particle physics / Bruce Schumm. 539.72 VELTMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Facts and mysteries in elementary particle physics / Martinus J.G. Veltman. 2 2007. 1 1999. 1 2004. 1 c2003. 539.721 C624p 1 Particle explosion / Frank Close, Michael Marten & Christine Sutton.SFCC Non-Fiction 539.7258 GREENE SFCC Elegant universe : superstrings, hidden dimensions, and the quest for theNon-Fiction ultimate theory / Brian Greene. 1 c1987. 540 B815 SFCCJr. Non-Fiction Chemistry : the central science / Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugene LeMay, 1 c1988. BETTELH SFCC Reserve Instructor's Manual for Introduction to general,540 organic & biochemistry. 2 c2004. 72 c1999. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 540 GOLDBER SFCC Non-Fiction Schaum's outline of theory and problems of beginning chemistry / David E. Goldberg. 2 2005. Complete idiot's guide to chemistry / Ian Guch. 540 GUCH 1 c2006. H553s SFCC Non-Fiction Student economy pack study guide to Brown &540 LeMay Chemistry, the central science / James C. Hill. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1988. 540 HOLUM/ John R.SFCC Non-Fiction Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry Holum. 1 c1998. Chemistry in action : the molecules of everyday540 life MORGAN / Nina Morgan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Chemistry / Karen Timberlake. 540 T481c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Chemistry demystified / Linda D. Williams. 540 WILLIAMS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2003. 540.112 GILCHRI SFCC Non-Fiction Alchemist's path : 50 spiritual exercises for magickal transformation / Cherry Gilchrist. 1 c2004. 540.222 GONICK Cartoon guide to chemistry / Larry Gonick & Craig Criddle. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Introduction to chemistry for biology students /540.77 GeorgeSACKHEI I. Sackheim.SFCC Reserve 1 c1999. 540.77 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction Introduction to chemistry for biology students /SACKHEIM George I. Sackheim. 1 c2002. 540.9 L617 Chemical arts of old China; with a foreword by Tenney L. Davis SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1948] C925p Grand obsession : Madame Curie and her world540.92 / Rosalynd Pflaum.SFCC Non-Fiction Studying for chemistry / Larry Franklin Little. 540.71 LITTLE 1 1989. 540.92 CURIE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Radiochemistry and the discovery of isotopes. 541.38 R664R SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] Marie Curie : a life / Susan Quinn. P284and crystals; SFCC Non-Fiction 1 chemistry. 1960. Nature of the chemical bond and the structure 541.396 of molecules an introduction to modern structural 550 EARTH Non-Fiction Earth then and now : amazing images of our changing world / Fred SFCC Pearce. 1 2007. 550 ENDERLE about SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; illustrated c2003. by Ginger Illustration. Storytime discoveries. Read-aloud stories and demonstrations earth science / written by Dotti Enderle 550 LUTGENS SFCC Non-Fiction Essentials of geology / Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J. Tarbuck. 550 LUTGENS BOOKJ. Tarbuck ; illustrated SFCC Reserve Essentials of geology / Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward by Dennis Tasa. 2 c1995. 6 c2000. 550.78 SFCC Non-Fiction Geology projects for young scientists / Bruce Smith andSMITH David Mckay. 1 c1992. 551ofMIRACLE SFCC Non-Fiction Miracle planet [videorecording] / a co-production the National Film Board of Canada and NHK Japan with1 Tele c2005. Images International, Telepool, NHK En 551ofMIRACLE SFCC Non-Fiction Miracle planet [videorecording] / a co-production the National Film Board of Canada and NHK Japan with1 Tele c2005. Images International, Telepool, NHK En 551ofMIRACLE SFCC Non-Fiction Miracle planet [videorecording] / a co-production the National Film Board of Canada and NHK Japan with1 Tele c2005. Images International, Telepool, NHK En 551.21 VOLCANO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Volcanoes of the deep [videorecording] / written, produced and directed by Susan K. Lewis ; produced in association with the Museum of Natural Histor 551.489 MYSTERYproductionSFCC Non-Fiction in association with CBC, 1 Five,[2006] Mystery of the megaflood [videorecording] / a Mentorn for Nova/WGBH National Geographic Channel Interna 551.5078 ALLABY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. How the weather works / Michael Allaby. Severe and unusual weather / Joe R. Eagleman.551.55 Ea36s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. 551.6 LAMB Climate, history, and the modern world / H.H. Lamb. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 551.694 FAGAN Little Ice Age : how climate made history, 1300-1850 / Brian Fagan.SFCC Non-Fiction 551.6978 PARZYBO SFCC Non-Fiction Weather extremes in the West / Tye W. Parzybok. 1 2002, c2000. 1 2005. Weather handbook / by Alan Watts. 551.63 WATTS COX SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Climate crash : abrupt climate change and what551.79 it means for our future By John D. Cox. 553.09796 SFCC Non-Fiction c2002. by Judith Austin. Gold camps & silver cities : nineteenth-century WELLS mining in central and southern Idaho / Merle W. Wells ; with1 a foreword Crude : the story of oil / Sonia Shah. 553.282 SHAH Life's matrix : a biography of water / Philip Ball.553.7 BALL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 73 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 553.82 HART Hart.SFCC Non-Fiction Diamond : the history of a cold-blooded love affair / Matthew 557.79737 Geology of Spokane and of the Inland Empire / PRATT by Orville C. Pratt. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 1 1945. MAYR& G. Windsor. SFCC Non-Fiction Guide to fossils / Helmut Mayr ; translated by D.560 Dineley 1 c1992. NEW SFCC Non-Fiction New York Times book of fossils and evolution / 560 edited by YORK Nicholas Wade. 1 c2001. TASSY Hartmann]. SFCC Non-Fiction Message of fossils / Pascal Tassy ; [translated by560 Nicholas 1 c1993. 562 TAYLOR Fossil invertebrates / Paul D. Taylor and David N. Lewis. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. Trilobite! : eyewitness to evolution / by Richard565.39 Fortey.FORTEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 569.9 SARMIEN SFCC by Non-Fiction 1 by Esteban c2007. Sarmiento, G.J. Sawyer and Ric Last human : a guide to twenty-two species of extinct humans / created G.J. Sawyer and Viktor Deak ; text SFCC Non-Fiction Biology for dummies / by Donna Rae Siegfried. 570 SIEGFRI 570.151 SFCC Non-Fiction Life's other secret : the new mathematics of theSTEWART living world / Ian Stewart. 571.8452 KESSELEand MadelineSFCC Non-Fiction Pollen : the hidden sexuality of flowers / Rob Kesseler Harley. 2 c2001. 1 c1998. 1 2006. 572.9byIN8M SFCC Non-Fiction Man's role in changing the face of the earth. Edited William L. Thomas, with the collaboration of Carl O. 1Sauer,[1956] Marston Bates [and] Lewis Mumford. 573 M786M SFCC Non-Fiction Man, time, and fossils; the story of evolution. Drawings by Sue Richert. 1 1961. 573.2 B681t / Peter SFCC Non-Fiction Theories of human evolution : a century of debate, 1844-1944 J. Bowler. 1 c1986. Ideas of biology. Drawings by Anne L. Cox. 574 B643 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1962] Biology / Eldra Pearl Solomon ... [et al.]. 574 BIOLOGY SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Non-Fiction Slender thread : web of life, the story of carbon574.1924 dioxide / M215s by AubreySFCC R. McKinney. 1 c1985. BRUM Biology : exploring life / Gil D. Brum and Larry K.574 McKane. 574.5 AN27G Contributing SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] Guide to the study of soil ecology. Editor: William A. Andrews. authors: Nancy D. Davies [and others] 574.5 MORGAN Ecology and environment : the cycles of life / Sally Morgan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. GATES Climate change and its biological consequences574.5222 / David M. Gates. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1993. 574.5247 P649b Non-Fiction / Stuart L. Pimm. Balance of nature? : ecological issues in the conservation of speciesSFCC and communities 1 c1991. 574.526 Non-Fiction 1 drawings [1972]by Ann H. Zwinger and photos. b Land above the trees; a guide to American alpine tundra,Z98L by Ann H.SFCC Zwinger and Beatrice E. Willard. With line 574.88 M732h SFCC Non-Fiction Molecules to living cells : readings from Scientific American / with introductions by Philip C. Hanawalt. 1 c1980. 574.92 M22F SFCC Non-Fiction Fieldbook of Pacific Northwest sea creatures / Dan H. McLachlan, Jak Ayres. 1 c1979. 574.9495 K849s SFCC Non-Fiction c1983.Columbia / Eugene N. Kozloff. Seashore life of the northern Pacific coast : an illustrated guide to northern California, Oregon, Washington,1 and British 574.979 SCH95W SFCC Non-Fiction c1976. Wildlife areas of Washington / text by Susan Schwartz ; photographs by Bob and Ira Spring ; maps by Marge1Mueller. 574.9797 KOZLOFF Non-Fiction [1973] Seashore life of Puget Sound, the Strait of Georgia, and the San JuanSFCC Archipelago, by Eugene N. Kozloff. 2 SFCC Non-Fiction New evolutionary timetable : fossils, genes, and575 theST25N origin of species / Steven M. Stanley. 3 c1981. 575 SFCCco-production Non-Fiction ; written, produced & 1 directed c1984. Stephen Jay Gould [videorecording] : this view of lifeSTEPHEN / a WGBH/BBC-TV by Linda Harrar. 575.001 EV64 v. 10 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Evolutionary biology. 575.0092 D259d SFCC Non-Fiction Autobiography and selected letters; edited by Francis Darwin. 575.0092 SFCC Non-Fiction Charles Darwin's letters : a selection, 1825-1859DARWIN / edited by Frederick Burkhardt. 1 [1958] 1 1996. Descent of man and selection in relation to sex.575.016 D259DR 1 1974. SFCC Non-Fiction 74 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 D259o SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Edited, [1968] Origin of species by means of natural selection;575.0167 or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. with an introd., by J. W. Burrow. 575.09 EI82D Darwin's century: evolution and the men who discovered it. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1958. 575.1 BAILEY Evolution and genetics : the molecules of inheritance / Jill Bailey. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1995. 576.8 C. SCOTT SFCC by Non-Fiction Evolution vs. creationism : an introduction / Eugenie Scott ; foreword Niles Eldredge. 1 2004. SFCCAlain Non-Fiction 2005, 2004. Genesis [videorecording] : where are we coming576.83 from?GENESIS / Thinkfilm and Sarde presents, a coproduction1 of France/Italy Les Films ; produced with th 576.839 GOLDSMI SFCC/ Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Dilemmas of a double life : women balancing careers and relationships edited by Nancy B. Kaltreider. 576.839 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Lonely planets : the natural philosophy of alien GRINSPO life / David Grinspoon. 576.839 WARD SFCC Non-Fiction Rare earth : why complex life is uncommon in the universe / Peter D. Ward, Donald Brownlee. 1 c2000. 577.22 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. Climate change and biodiversity / edited by Thomas E. CLIMATE Lovejoy & Lee Hannah. 578.7789 SAMMON SFCCSammon Non-Fiction 1 and[2004] Secrets of the coral reefs : exploring the underwater wonders / by Rick ; forewords by Lloyd Bridges Jim Fowler. 579.7097 MCCUNELinda Geiser SFCC Non-Fictionby Sylvia and Stephen Sharnoff 1 c1997. Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest / Bruce McCune, ; photographs ; drawings by Alexander Mikulin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 581.1 L555 Plant growth and development [by] A. Carl Leopold. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] 581.1 N688I Introductory plant physiology / G. Ray Noggle, George J. Fritz. 581.13342 F838p Photosynthesis / Christine H. Foyer. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 1 2006. Plant physiology, by R. G. S. Bidwell. 581.1 B475P 581.467Stuppy KESSELE; edited SFCCbyNon-Fiction Seeds : time capsules of life / Rob Kesseler & Wolfgang Alexandra Papadakis. B738PEnglishSFCC Non-Fiction 1 1965. Plant sociology; the study of plant communities.581.55 Authorized translation of Pflanzensoziologie by J. Braun-Blanquet. Translated, rev. and ed. by Ge 581.609 MUSGRAV 1 2000 Empire of plants : people and plants that changed the world / TobySFCC & WillNon-Fiction Musgrave. 581.63 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Herbs / Lesley Bremness ; photography by Neil BREMNES Fletcher, Matthew Ward. 581.634 PLOTKIN Non-Fiction 2 Tales of a shaman's apprentice : an ethnobotanist searches for newSFCC medicines in the Amazon rain forest / Mark J.1993. Plotkin. 581.652 G127w SFCC and Non-Fiction 1 [1972] Weeds of eastern Washington and adjacent areas, by Xerpha M. Gaines D. G. Swan. Color illus. by H. Clinton Keller. 581.652 T217n Non-Fiction Northwest weeds : the ugly and beautiful villains of fields, gardens, SFCC and roadsides / Ronald J. Taylor. 1 1990. 581.979 AB83 SFCC Non-Fiction Illustrated flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California. 1 1923-[60] 582.1309 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1990?] Wildflowers and weeds : a field guide in full color / BoothC835w Courtenay & James H. Zimmerman. 582.1309 CRAIGHE SFCCMexico Non-Fiction 1991. Frank C. Craighead, Jr., Ray J. Dav Field guide to Rocky Mountain wildflowers : northern Arizona and New to British Columbia / John J.1Craighead, 582.1609 PETRIDE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Field guide to western trees : western United States and1998 Canada / George A. Petrides ; illustrated by Olivia Petrides. Hemp handbook / Gisela Schreiber. 583.45 SCHREIB SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. 583.47 C197 photography, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1954] Flowering cactus; an informative guide, illustrated in full-color to one of the miracles of America's Southwest SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Mushrooms, wild and edible : a seasonal guide 589.2 to theM36m most easily recognized mushrooms / Vincent Marteka. c1980. All color book of mushrooms and fungi. 589.222 SA95A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973] Algae and man. Edited by Daniel F. Jackson. 589.3 N811A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1964. 589.3 P922H How to know the freshwater algae [by] G. W. Prescott. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] 589.3 P936P Pure cultures of Algae, their preparation & maintenance. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1964. 926and R424b SFCC Non-Fiction Between Pacific tides / Edward F. Ricketts, Jack591 Calvin, Joel W. Hedgpeth. 1 1985. 75 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 HARRIS Karel Liem. SFCC Non-Fiction Concepts in zoology / C. Leon Harris ; consultant591 in biology, 1 c1992. L887 by the author SFCC and Non-Fiction 1 [Translation [1952] from the German by Marjorie King Solomon's ring; new light on animal ways. 591 Illustrated with a foreword by Julian Huxley. 591 MITCHEL SFCC Non-Fiction Zoology / Lawrence G. Mitchell, John A. Mutchmor, Warren D. Dolphin. 1 c1988. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1989. B145A SFCC Lyons. Non-Fiction Animal parasites [by] J. G. Baer. Translated from591.524 the French by Kathleen Selfish gene / Richard Dawkins. 591.5 D322s 1 [1971] Field book of seashore life. 591.92 M662 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1950] Invertebrates / Eugene N. Kozloff. 592 KOZLOFF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] P649I Invertebrate identification manual [by] Richard 592 A. Pimentel. 592.04 F877A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1971. Atlas of invertebrate structure, [by] W. H. Freeman [and] Brian Bracegirdle. 592.09795 Non-Fiction c1987. Marine invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest /KOZLOFF Eugene N. Kozloff ; SFCC with the collaboration of Linda H. Price 1; and contributions by other specialists. B644Pof experts, SFCCedited Non-Fiction 1 [1966] Physiology of echinodermata; a collective effort593.9 by a group by Richard A. Boolootia¿¿n. Authors: Charles B. Alender [and others] 595.7018 BRACKEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Insects in flight / John Brackenbury. 595.7097 Non-Fiction 1 Susan c1980. Audubon Society field guide to North AmericanM635A insects and spiders SFCC / Lorus and Margery Milne ; visual key by Rayfield. Sm28i Illustrated encyclopedia of the butterfly world /595.789 Paul Smart. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. 597.0971 SFCC Non-Fiction Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of R422c fish populations / W.E. Ricker. 1 1975. BUSCH Salmon country : a history of the Pacific salmon597.56 / Robert H. Busch. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 597.56 HOUSE Totem salmon : life lessons from another species / Freeman House.SFCC Non-Fiction 598.03 FIREFLY 2003 Perrins. SFCC Non-Fiction Firefly encyclopedia of birds / edited by Christopher 1 c1999. 1 2003. 598.47 LYNCH Penguins of the world / text and photographs by Wayne Lynch. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. 598.883 WEINER SFCC Non-Fiction Beak of the finch : a story of evolution in our time / Jonathan Weiner. 1 1994. 599.05 SCH15 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] Deer and the tiger; a study of wildlife in India [by] George B. Schaller. 599.098 Ei83m c1989> James Bonner. Mammals of the Neotropics / John F. Eisenbergv.1 ; with plates in colorSFCC andNon-Fiction black and white by Fiona Reid and1maps<c1992 by Sigrid SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. ELEPHAN Non-Fiction Elephants / consulting editor, Jeheskel Shoshani599.61 ; illustrations, FrankSFCC Knight. 1 1992. Dolphins of the world / by Ben Wilson. 599.53 WILSON 599.61 ILLUSTR SFCCtoNon-Fiction 1 c1991. Illustrated encyclopedia of elephants : from their origins and evolution their ceremonial and working relationship with man / consultant, S.K. Eltringha 599.67 ELEPHAN SFCCSaller. Non-Fiction Elephants : a cultural and natural history / Karl Gro¿¿ning ; text, Martin 1 1999. 599.725ofW233h SFCCwild Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Horse behavior : the behavioral traits and adaptations domestic and horses, including ponies / by George H. Waring. 599.756 BRUNSKI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Tiger forest : a visual study of Ranthambhore National Park / Chris Brunskill. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977, c1976. 600 COOL... [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction Cool stuff and how it works / written by Chris Woodford 606.895 GOODWIN SFCC Non-Fiction Manic-depressive illness / Frederick K. Goodwin, Kay Redfield Jamison. 2 2005. 2 1990. 609.2273and EVANS SFCC Non-Fiction They made America / Harold Evans, with Gail Buckland David Lefer. 1 2004. 610 HARVARD Harvard Medical School family health guide / Anthony L. Komaroff, SFCC editorNon-Fiction in chief. 1 c1999. 610.69 DORAZIO 2005 CareerSnook, Jr. Opportunities in health and medical careers / Leo Paul D'Orazio andSFCC I. Donald 1 c2005. Life that lives on man / Michael Andrews. 599.9 AN27L 76 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 610.69 KACEN Opportunities in allied health careers / Alex Kacen. SFCC Career 1 c2005. 610.6953 KARNI SFCC Career 1 c2002. Opportunities in clinical laboratory science careers / Karen Karni ; revised by Luisa Gerasimo ; foreword by Cheryl R. Caskey. 610.711 Ab67m SFCC Career Medical school : getting in, staying in, staying human / Keith R. Ablow. 1 c1987. B622n touchSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. Nonverbal communication with patients : back 610.73 to the human / Marion Nesbitt Blondis, Barbara E. Jackson. 610.73Galanti. GALANTI Caring for patients from different cultures / Geri-Ann SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 610.9 Cambridge illustrated history of medicine / edited by CAMBRI Roy Porter. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. 610.9 WESTERN Western medicine : an illustrated history / edited by Irvine Loudon.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. 1 1939. Frontier doctor, by Urling C. Coe, M.D. 610.92 COE SFCC Non-Fiction BIELand 2005 SFCC Non-Fiction Trail guide to the body : how to locate muscles,611 bones more / Andrew Biel ; illustrations by Robin Dorn.2 c2005. 611 FIELD Field, JaneSFCC Non-Fiction Field's anatomy, palpation, and surface markings / Derek Owen Hutchinson. 1 2006. Anatomy of the human body / by Henry Gray. 611 G792a 1985 1 1985. 1 c2008. SFCC Non-Fiction 611history SHUBIN SFCC body Non-Fiction Your inner fish : a journey into the 3.5-billion-year of the human / Neil Shubin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Trans/vision book of health. [Charles van Doren,611 ed.T687 Richard Kessler, consulting editor] 611.0022 NETTER SFCC Ciba collection of medical illustrations; a compilation of1948 pathological andNon-Fiction anatomical paintings prepared by1Frank [1948] H. Netter. 611.0222 ROYCE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] 611.7102 ALEXAND SFCC Non-Fiction c2005. Henry Galiano. Human bones : a scientific and pictorial investigation / R. McNeill Alexander ; photography by Aaron Diskin 1; consultant, Surface anatomy. 612 ABC'S O ABC's of the human body : a family answer book. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. 612/B631b SFCC Non-Fiction Body book : a fantastic voyage to the world within by David Bodanis. 1 c1984. 612function, HUMAN and B disorders SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Human body : an illustrated guide to its structure, / editor-in-chief, Charles Clayman. 1995. 612 INCREDI SFCC Non-Fiction 3 produced c1986.and directed by Irwin Rosten. Incredible human machine [videorecording] / National Geographic Society and Wolper Productions ; written, Anatomy & physiology / Elaine N. Marieb. 612 MARIEB SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. 612William MARTINI Non-Fictionand illustrator ; Claire W.5 Garrison, c2005. Anatomy & physiology / Frederic H. Martini ; with C. Ober, SFCC art coordinator illustrator ; Kathleen Welch, clinic RUST Guide to anatomy & physiology lab / Thomas G.612 Rust. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction Cross currents : the promise of electromedicine,612.0142 the perilsB388c of electropollution / Robert O. Becker. 1 1986. 1 c1990. 612.0144 B442h SFCC(1944-1956) Non-Fiction: are there observable health 1 c1989. Hanford radioactive fallout : Hanford's radioactive iodine-131 releases effects? / by Allen B. Benson. 612.1byAv81c SFCC Non-Fiction Circulatory system / Regina Avraham ; introduction C. Everett Koop. 1 c1989. 612.17 D293h SFCC Non-Fiction Heart, the living pump / by Goode P. Davis, Jr., Edwards Park, and the editors of U.S. News Books. 1 c1981. 612.6 men BLUM SFCC Non-Fiction Sex on the brain : the biological differences between and women / Deborah Blum. 1 1997. 612.65 C855P Non-Fiction Perceptual and motor development in infants and children / BryantSFCC J. Cratty. 1 c1979. SFCC Non-Fiction Developing fine and gross motor skills : birth to612.7 three HURLEY / by Donna Staisiunas Hurley. 1 c2000. 612.75 Sh64h Human skeleton / Pat Shipman, Alan Walker, David Bichell. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1985. SFCC Non-Fiction Biomechanics of human movement / Marlene J.612.76 AdrianAd84b [and] John M. Cooper. 1 [1989] 612.76/MUSCOLI SFCC Non-Fiction Kinesiology : the skeletal system and muscle function Joseph E. Muscolino. 1 c2006. 612.76proceedings Si26 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Association [1971] for Health, Physical Education Significance of the young child's motor development; of a conference sponsored by the American 612.82 ASIMOV SFCC by Non-Fiction Human brain : its capacities and functions / by Isaac Asimov ; illustrated Anthony Ravielli. 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. 612.82 CARTER Frith. SFCC Non-Fiction Mapping the mind / Rita Carter ; scientific adviser : Christopher 1 c1998. Mechanics of the mind / Colin Blakemore. 612.82 B583m 77 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 612.82 Edited IN8E by Karl SFCC Non-Fiction Environmental effects on consciousness; proceedings. E. Schaefer. 1 [1962] 612.82 KOTULAK Non-Fiction Inside the brain : revolutionary discoveries of how the mind works /SFCC Ronald Kotulak. 2 c1996. Or6a; illustrated SFCCbyNon-Fiction Amazing brain / Robert Ornstein and Richard F.612.82 Thompson David Macaulay. 1 1984. 612.821 D395S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] 612.821 Ed27s Sleep / Edward Edelson ; introduction by C. Everett Koop. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1992. 612.821 H653s Sleep, our unknown life. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1989. ALBERS Non-Fiction Mindful eating 101 : a guide to healthy eating in613 college and beyondSFCC / Susan Albers. 1 2006. 613/P428p Physician within : taking charge of your well being Catherine Feste.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. Sleep / J. Allan Hobson. 613 WEIL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. Natural health, natural medicine : a comprehensive manual for wellness and self-care / Andrew Weil. 613.0424 WOMENS MINDS Non-Fiction 2 Heitz, c1998. Women's bodies, women's minds [videorecording] : the mind bodySFCC connection / JWA Video ; produced by Bill Jack Wilson ; directed by Bill Heitz. C125hand Michael SFCCW. Non-Fiction Healthy living in an unhealthy world / Edward J.613.1 Calabrese Dorsey. Foods that heal / Bernard Jensen. 613.2 JENSEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1985. 1 c1988. MOUNT S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Mount Sinai School of Medicine complete book613.2 of nutrition / Victor Herbert and Genell J. Subak-Sharpe, editors ; 1990. Delia A. Hammock, associate editor. 613.2toWEIL SFCC Non-Fiction Eating well for optimum health : the essential guide food, diet, and nutrition / Andrew Weil. 613.2023 SFCC Career Opportunities in nutrition careers / Carol Coles CALDWELL Caldwell. 2 2000. 1 c2005. French women don't get fat / Mireille Guiliano.613.25 GUI 2 2005. 1 2007. SFCC Best Sellers 613.25the KOLATA Non-Fiction Rethinking thin : the new science of weight loss--and myths andSFCC realities of dieting / Gina Kolata. 1 1976. 613.25 SFCC and Bestliving Sellers Does this clutter make my butt look fat? : an easy plan WAL for losing weight more / Peter Walsh. 613.2508 SFCC Non-Fiction Fat talk : what girls and their parents say about NICHTER dieting / Mimi Nichter. 1 2008. 1 2000. 613.262 D711p Philosophy of vegetarianism / Daniel A. Dombrowski. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984. HILL Lawrence SFCCHill. Non-Fiction Case for vegetarianism : philosophy for a small 613.262 planet / John 1 1996. Think slim / compiled by Pamela Hunter. 613.25 T348 SFCC Non-Fiction 613.262Moore LAPPE Lappe¿¿ SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Hope's edge : the next diet for a small planet / Frances Anna Lappe¿¿. 613.287 SFCC Non-Fiction Water we drink : water quality and its effects onBARZILA health / Joshua I. Barzilay, Winkler G. Weinberg, J. William1Eley. c1999. 613.61 SFCCofNon-Fiction 1 c1993. Wellness guide to lifelong fitness / by Timothy P. WhiteWHITE and the editors the University of California at Berkeley wellness letter. SFCC Borgenicht Non-Fiction; ill by Brenda Brown 1 Worst-case scenario survival handbook: life / by613.69 JoshuaPIVEN Piven and David 2006. 613.7 R. D822h SFCC Non-Fiction 1 B. Emerson. c1986] Healthy life : exercise, behavior, nutrition / Frederick Drews ; contributing authors, Jerel M. Zoltick, James Endurance fitness / Roy J. Shephard. 613.7 SH48E SFCC Non-Fiction 613.7 SHARKEY SFCC Non-Fiction 613.7023 MILLER by Kathie Davis. SFCC Career Opportunities in fitness careers / Mary Miller ; foreword 613.7045 FEMALE SFCC Non-Fiction Female fitness on foot : walking, jogging, running, orienteering / Bob O'Connor ... [et al.]. Physiology of fitness / Brian J. Sharkey. 1 c1977. 1 c1990. 1 c1997. 1 c2002. L619s SFCC c1983. Sivananda companion to yoga / [written by Lucy613.7046 Lidell with Narayani andNon-Fiction Giris Rabinovitch ; photography by1 Fausto Dorelli] ; foreword by Swami Vishnu SFCCathletes Non-Fiction Explosive power : plyometrics for bodybuilders,613.71 martialDERSE artists & other / by Ed Derse. 1 c1993. F332A growth. SFCC Non-Fiction Awareness through movement; health exercises613.71 for personal 1 [1972] 613.71 F617e SFCCReyes-Watson. Non-Fiction Exercise activities for the elderly / Kay Flatten, Barbara Wilhite, Eleanor Healthfitness instructor's handbook 613.71 H844h Exercises for the elderly / Robert H. Jamieson. 613.71 J243E 1 1988. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982. 78 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. 613.71/ KURZ SFCC Non-Fiction Stretching scientifically : a guide to flexibility training by Thomas Kurz. 613.71 MANOCCH SFCC Non-Fiction Anatomy of exercise / Pat Manocchia. 1 c1994. 1 2008. 613.71 OL9s Sport, health, and nutrition / Frank I. Katch, editor. 1 c1986. Joy of running / Thaddeus Kostrubala. 613.71 K848J SFCC Non-Fiction 613.71 PIRE speed and SFCCpower Non-Fiction c2006. Plyometrics for athletes at all levels : exercises for explosive / Neal Pire ; photography by 2Andy Mogg. 613.71 ROBERTS 20-minute burn : four new high-intensity workouts / Matt Roberts. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. 613.7102Berland. B455f SFCC Non-Fiction Fitness for life : exercises for people over 50 / Theodore 1 c1986. CRAIG Strength training on the ball : a Pilates approach613.7102 to optimal strengthSFCC andNon-Fiction balance / Colleen Craig. 1 c2005. 613.713 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Weights on the ball workbook : step-by-step guide with STIEFEL over 350 photos / Steven Stiefel. 613.713 WHITMAR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 101 ways to work out with weights : effective exercises to sculpt your body and burn fat! / Cindy Whitmarsh. c2004. 613.7172 BALK Master the art of running / Malcolm Balk and Andrew Shields. 2006. Fit in 15 / Steven Stiefel. 613.71 STIEFEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. 613.79 Sch95p SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [sound p1982. Passive muscle relaxation / Mark S. Schwartz, Stephen N. Haynes. Self-generated relaxation / Mark S. Schwartz recording] 613.8 DRUGS/ StaceySFCC Non-Fiction Drugs and controlled substances : information for students L. Blachford and Kristine Krapp, editors.1 c2003. CHERNIS Non-Fiction Caffeine blues : wake up to the hidden dangers 613.84 of America's #1 drugSFCC / Stephen Cherniske. 3 c1998. 613.907 IRVINE Non-Fiction Talk about sex : the battles over sex education in the United States SFCC / Janice M. Irvine. 1 c2002. 613.9071 LUKER SFCC Non-Fiction When sex goes to school : warring views on sex--and sex education--since the sixties / Kristin Luker. 613.9071 SFCCP.Non-Fiction Teaching sex : the shaping of adolescence in theMORAN 20th century / Jeffrey Moran. 2 c2006. 1 2000. SANGER Non-Fiction Woman of valor : Margaret Sanger and the birth613.94 control movementSFCC in America / Ellen Chesler. 613.9432 ASBELL SFCC Non-Fiction Pill : a biography of the drug that changed the world / Bernard Asbell. 1 c1992. 1 c1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Sex with the lights on / Ducky Doolittle. New male sexuality / Bernie Zilbergeld. 613.96 DOOLITT 613.9608 ZILBERG Diseases and human evolution / Ethne Barnes. 614.4 BARNES 614.4 NIKIFORplagues SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Pandemonium : bird flu, mad cow disease & other biological of the 21st century / Andrew Nikiforuk. 2006. 614.4942 M917 medicine. SFCC Non-Fiction Bubonic plague and England; an essay in the history of preventive [1956] 1 614.4979 diseases BOYD and SFCC Non-Fiction Coming of the spirit of pestilence : introduced infectious population decline among Northwest1Coastc1999. Indians, 1774-1874 / Robert Boyd. Non-Fiction Pox Americana : the great smallpox epidemic of614.521 1775-82FENN / ElizabethSFCC A. Fenn. 1 2001. 614.5732 BYRNE SFCC Non-Fiction 614.5732 Non-Fiction In the wake of the plague : the Black Death andCANTOR the world it made /SFCC Norman F. Cantor. 3 2004. 2 c2001. Black death / Joseph P. Byrne. SZ18M and SFCC 1 Manufacture of madness; a comparative study 614.58 of the Inquisition theNon-Fiction mental health movement [by] Thomas S.[1970] Szasz. 614.5939 SPURLOC SFCCSpurlock. Non-Fiction 2 2005. Don't eat this book : fast food and the supersizing of America / Morgan 614.5946 DIABETE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Diabetes in America / National Diabetes Data Group. 79 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 614.598 INVESTI SFCC/ Non-Fiction 1 Mayeux. 2001. Investigating neurological disease : epidemiology for clinical neurology edited by Albert Hofman and Richard 615.1 HANSON 2002 Annette E. Fleckenstein. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Drugs and society / Glen Hanson, Peter J. Venturelli, [1963, 615.32 HUXLEY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1956] Doors of perception, and Heaven and hell. 615.3203 CHEVALL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants / Andrew Chevallier. 615.3223 BOOTH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Opium : a history / Martin Booth. 615.323with R629u SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. Using marijuana in the reduction of nausea associated chemotherapy / by Roger A. Roffman ; with forewords by Frederick R. Appelbaum and Lawre 615.3234 SFCC/ Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Hemp for health : the medicinal and nutritionalCONRAD uses of Cannabis sativa Chris Conrad. 615.3234 ZIMMERM 3 Rick c1998. Is marijuana the right medicine for you? : a factual guide to medicalSFCC usesNon-Fiction of marijuana / Bill Zimmerman ; with Bayer and Nancy Crumpacker. 615.3236 TAYLOR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Green tea / Nadine Taylor. 615.3239 GRINSPOand James B. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Marihuana, the forbidden medicine / Lester Grinspoon Bakalar. 615.328 PREVENT Non-Fiction c1996. Prevention's healing with vitamins : the most effective vitamin and SFCC mineral treatments for everyday health2problems and serious disease-- from allergie 615.329 FISHER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Plague makers : how we are creating catastrophic new epidemics-and what we must do to avert them / Jeffrey A. Fisher. 615.5 BAUSELL SFCC Non-Fiction Snake oil science : the truth about complementary and alternative medicine / R. Barker Bausell. 1 2007. 615.532 Au16h Picard SFCC Non-Fiction Homoeopathy for doctor and patient / Mihel Aubin & Philippe ; translated from the French by Pat &1Robinc1983. Campbell. 615.532 P194h ailments SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Panos c1980. Homeopathic medicine at home : natural remedies for everyday and minor injuries / Maesimund B. and Jane Heimlich ; foreword by Rob 615.7 YESALIS Steroids game / Charles E. Yesalis, Virginia S. Cowart. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 615.77 WRIGHT SFCC Non-Fiction Anabolic steroids : altered states / James E. Wright, Virginia S. Cowart. 2 c1990. KUHNdrugs from SFCCalcohol Non-Fiction 2 Swartzwelder, c1998. Buzzed : the straight facts about the most used 615.78 and abused to ecstasy / Cynthia Kuhn, Scott Wilkie Wilson ; with Leigh PALFAI Drugs and human behavior / Tibor Palfai, Henry615.78 Jankiewicz. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. 615.78 SPINELLA SFCCpsychological Non-Fiction and neurological problems 1 Concise handbook of psychoactive herbs : medicinal herbs for treating /c2005. Marcello Spinella. 615.782 Ab34m 1980L. Abel. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. Marihuana, the first twelve thousand years / Ernest SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. Marijuana question : and science's search for an615.7827 answer /J717m Helen C. Jones and Paul W. Lovinger ; with a foreword by C. Everett Koop. 615.7827 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 most c1996. Great book of hemp : the complete guide to theROBINSO environmental, commercial, and medicinal uses of the world's extraordinary plant / Rowan Robin 615.788 CALCIUM Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Amphetamine misuse : international perspectives on current trendsSFCC / edited by Hilary Klee. 615.82 CLINICA SFCC Non-Fiction Clinical applications for motor control / edited by Patricia C. Montgomery, Barbara H. Connolly. 1 c2003. PTAEXAM : the complete study guide / Scott M.615.82 Giles. GILES 4 c2007. 2 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction Therapeutic exercise : moving toward function 615.82 / CarrieHALL M. Hall, LoriSFCC TheinNon-Fiction Brody, with contributors. 615.82 A. INTRODU 2 c2007. Introduction to physical therapy / [edited by] Michael Pagliarulo.SFCC Non-Fiction 615.82 KRUMHAN SFCC Career 1 c1993. Opportunities in physical therapy careers / Bernice Krumhansl ; foreword by Margaret M. Kotnik. 615.82 MOVEMEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Movement science : foundations for physical therapy in rehabilitation / [edited by] Janet Carr, Roberta Shepherd. 80 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 615.82 RICHARD Non-Fiction 2 Clinical orthopaedic physical therapy / Jan K. Richardson, Z. AnnetteSFCC Iglarsh. 615.8207 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Physical therapist assistant board review / BradFORTINB Fortinberry, Michael Dunaway, Justin Boyd. 615.8208 CAMPBEL SFCCDarl Non-Fiction 1 Physical therapy for children / Suzanne K. Campbell, Robert J. Palisano, W. Vander Linden. 615.8208 THERAPE SFCCH. Non-Fiction 2 Therapeutic exercise in developmental disabilities / [edited by] Barbara Connolly, Patricia C. Montgomery. c1994. c2004. 2005. c2005. 615.85 1 c1979. Therapeutic dancemovement : expressive activities forC172t older adultsSFCC Non-Fiction 615.8515 CAMPBEL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Mozart effect : tapping the power of music to heal the body, strengthen the mind, and unlock the creative spirit /c1997. Don Campbell. 615.8515 CAMPBEL SFCC Non-Fiction c2000. Mozart effect for children : awakening your child's mind, health, and creativity with music / Don Campbell. 2 615.8515 SCOTT SFCC Non-Fiction c2005. Special needs, special horses : a guide to the benefits of therapeutic riding / by Naomi Scott ; [foreword by 2 J. Warren Evans]. 615.85156 SFCC Non-Fiction Advances in art therapy / edited by Harriet Wadeson, JeanAd95 Durkin, Dorine Perach. 1 c1989. 615.899 EL52A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978, c1977. 615.902 COLBORN Reserve 1997. Dianne Dumanoski, and John P Our stolen future : are we threatening our fertility, intelligence, andSFCC survival? : a scientific detective story / 3Theo Colborn, 615.902 Non-Fiction 2 c2007. Poisoned nation : pollution, greed, and the rise SCHWARTZ of deadly epidemicsSFCC / Loretta Schwartz-Nobel. 615.9523 2006 Non-Fiction 1 2006. Health consequences of involuntary exposure toHEALTH tobacco smoke : aSFCC report of the Surgeon General. Aboriginal men of high degree / A. P. Elkin. 615.9523 Health consequences of smoking : a Public Health ServiceUn3h review. SFCC Non-Fiction 616..8982 OSBORNE SFCCOsborne. Non-Fiction American normal : the hidden world of Asperger syndrome / Lawrence 616.0019 SHORTER SFCC Non-Fiction From paralysis to fatigue : a history of psychosomatic illness in the modern era / Edward Shorter. Virus that ate cannibals / Carol Eron. 616.0194 Er68v SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1967- 1 c2002. 1 c1992. 1 c1981. 616.024 and WOOD Non-Fiction 2 / [by c2005. Cure conspiracy : medical myths, alternative therapies, natural SFCC remedies even your doctor may not know Gayle K. Wood and the editors of FC& 616.0252 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 6 2006. American Red Cross first aid : responding to emergencies. 616.0252 c2000.medicine ; Bernard J. Feldman, m American Medical Association handbook of firstAMERICA aid and emergencySFCC care Non-Fiction / Jerrold B. Leikin, medical editor, 1emergency 616.027 HER ; foreword SFCC Best Sellers Daley. Stem cell wars : inside stories from the frontlines / Eve Herold by George 616.0277 SFCC Non-Fiction Proteus effect : stem cells and their promise forPARSON medicine / by Ann B. Parson. 2 2006. 3 c2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. Solving the puzzle of chronic fatigue syndrome 616.047 / MichaelR723s Rosenbaum & Murray Susser ; [foreword by Jay Goldstein]. 616.071 BOAZ Non-Fiction Evolving health : the origins of illness and how the modern world isSFCC making us sick / Noel T. Boaz. 1 c2002. 616.071 EWALD Plague time : the new germ theory of diease / Paul W. Ewald. 616.0754 SHERRY Opportunities in medical imaging careers / Clifford J. Sherry. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. SFCC Career 1 c2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1976] Pain of obesity / Albert J. Stunkard. 616.398 ST95P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. Diabetic's guide to health and fitness / by Kris E.616.462 Berg. BERG 616.462 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 society. c2005. Diabetes 4-1-1 : facts, figures, and statistics at aDIABETE glance : who's getting diagnosed, why, and what it means for 616.462 KRENTZ Churchill's pocketbook of diabetes / Andrew J. Krentz. SFCC Non-Fiction 81 2 2000. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 616.462 MAYO Mayo Clinic on managing diabetes / Maria Collazo-Clavell, editor in SFCC chief.Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 616.462 PEOPLE/ EliSFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. People with diabetes can enjoy healthier lives [videorecording] Lilly and Company ; Partnership to Advance Care and Education. Diabetes for dummies / by Alan L. Rubin. 616.462 RUBIN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. 616.5 L171s Koop. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Skin disorders / Lynne Lamberg ; introduction by C. Everett 616.5003 Non-Fiction 1 illustrations c1996. by Birck Cox. Skin deep : an A-Z of skin disorders, treatmentsTURKING and health / Carol A.SFCC Turkington and Jeffrey S. Dover ; medical 616.61 SFCC Non-Fiction Kidney disorders / by Martha Miller ; introduction by C.M616k Everett Koop. 1 c1992. 616.77 LUPUS SFCC Non-Fiction Lupus : everything you need to know / Sasha Bernatsky, MD, and Jean-Luc Senecal, MD, editors. 2 2005. 616.77 SFCC/ Robert Non-Fiction Coping with lupus : a guide to living with lupus for you PHILLIP and your family H. Phillips. 1 c1991. 616.77 SENECAL SFCC Non-Fiction Lupus : the disease with 1000 faces / Jean-Luc Sene¿¿cal. 616.772 WALLACE 2005 SFCC Non-Fiction Lupus book : a guide for patients and their families / Daniel J. Wallace. 1 1991, c1990. 1 2005. 616.8C.NEUROLO Non-Fiction Neurology for non-neurologists / edited by Wigbert Wiederholt ;SFCC contributors, Folke J. Brahme ... [et al.].1 c1988. 616.8 SFCCRhodes. Non-Fiction Deadly feasts : tracking the secrets of a terrifying newRHODES plague / Richard 616.8043 SFCC Non-Fiction Functional neurorehabilitation through the life BERTOTI span / Dolores B. Bertoti. 1 c1997. 1 c2004. 616.83 LEVINE and related SFCC Non-Fiction Defying dementia : understanding and preventing Alzheimer's disorders / Robert Levine. 2 2006. 616.83 MANand edited SFCCbyNon-Fiction 1 2004. Man who learned to fall [videorecording] : a film / directed Garry Beitel ; produced by Barry Lazar and Garry Beitel and McGill University. 616.83 MUSIC Non-Fiction Music therapy in dementia care : more new voices / edited byTDavidSFCC Aldridge. 616.831 MEDINA SFCC Non-Fiction What you need to know about Alzheimer's / John Medina. 1 2000. 1 c1999. Forgetting : Alzheimer's, portrait of an epidemic616.831 / David SHENK Shenk. 1 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 616.833 WEINER/ William SFCC Non-Fiction 1 E. Lang. 2001. Parkinson's disease : a complete guide for patients and families J. Weiner, Lisa M. Shulman, Anthony 616.834 1999 [i.e. OCONNOR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998] Multiple sclerosis : the facts you need / Paul O'Connor. 616.834 SWIDERS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Multiple sclerosis through history and human life / by Richard M. Swiderski. 616.849 REGESTE SFCCthe Non-Fiction 3 c1990. Sleep : problems and solutions / Quentin Regestein, David Ritchie, and editors of Consumer Reports Books. 616.852 MACHOLAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. Disappearing girl : learning the language of teenage depression / Lisa Machoian. OBSESSI SFCC Non-Fiction Obsessive compulsive disorder [audio cassette]616.852 / oproduced by Dove Audio. 1 p1992. 616.852 SIEGEL/ Michele SFCCSiegel, Non-Fiction 1 1989. Surviving an eating disorder : strategies for family and friends Judith Brisman, Margot Weinshel. Non-Fiction Anorexia nervosa : finding the life line / Patricia616.852 M. SteinSt34a & Barbara SFCC C. Unell. 1 c1986. 616.8522 Panic : facing fears, phobias, and anxiety / Stewart Agras.Ag81s 616.8522 GOODWIN Anxiety / Donald W. Goodwin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. N166a 1 Anxiety and phobias / Don Nardo ; introduction616.8522 by C. Everett Koop.SFCC Non-Fiction 616.8522 NAKKEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Addictive personality : understanding compulsion in our lives / [Craig Nakken]. 616.8522 OBSESSI SFCC Non-Fiction Obsessive-compulsive disorder : theory, research, and treatment / edited by Richard P. Swinson ... [et al.]. 1 82 c1992. 1988. c1998. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 616.8522 OSBORN SFCC Non-Fiction disorder / Ian Osborn. 2 Tormenting thoughts and secret rituals : the hidden epidemic of obsessive-compulsive 616.8526 SFCC Non-Fiction 4 Eating disorders : the facts / Suzanne Abraham ABRAHAM and Derek Llewellyn-Jones. 616.8526 C768/ Raymond SFCC Non-Fiction Controlling eating disorders with facts, advice, and resources Lemberg, consulting editor. 2 c1998. 1992. 1992. 616.8526 SFCC Non-Fiction 6 Twin 2000. Dying to be thin [videorecording] / written, produced andDYING directed by Larkin McPhee ; a NOVA production by Cities Public Television, Inc. for WGBH 616.8526 SFCC Non-Fiction 6 c2004. Eating disorders / Shasta Gaughen, book editor.EATING 616.8526 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Eating disorders and obesity : a comprehensiveEATING handbook / edited by Kelly D. Brownell, Christopher G. Fairburn ; 1995. foreword by Paul E. Garfinkel. 616.8526 1 2000. Eating disorders : anatomy of a social epidemic GORDON / Richard A. Gordon.SFCC Non-Fiction 616.8526 SHEPPAR SFCC 2 c1993. Food addiction : the body knows / Kay Sheppard ; foreword by Joseph C.Non-Fiction Martin. 616.8527 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Understanding depression / Patricia Ainsworth.AINSWOR 616.8527 COBAIN SFCC Non-Fiction c1998. When nothing matters anymore : a survival guide for depressed teens / by Bev Cobain ; edited by Elizabeth3Verdick ; [foreword by Peter S. Jensen]. 616.8527 SFCC 2001. Bakalar. Understanding teenage depression : a guide to EMPFIELD diagnosis, treatment, andNon-Fiction management / Maureen Empfield2and Nicholas KLEIN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Understanding depression : a complete guide to616.8527 its diagnosis and treatment / Donald F. Klein, Paul H. Wender. 616.8527 MAYO CL in chief. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Mayo Clinic on depression / Keith Kramlinger, editor 616.8553 THOMSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Developmental dyslexia / Thomson. c2005. 616.8554 SHELL 2005. Stutter / Marc Shell. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. c1990. 616.858 En32e and SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Emotionally abused woman : overcoming destructive patterns reclaiming yourself / Beverly Engel. 616.8582 AGGRESS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Aggression, family violence, and chemical dependency / Ronald T. Potter-Efron, Patricia S. Potter-Efron, editors. 616.8582 FARBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. When the body is the target : self-harm, pain, and traumatic attachments / Sharon Klayman Farber. L339Wyatt, SFCC Non-Fiction Lasting effects of child sexual abuse / edited by 616.8582 Gail Elizabeth Gloria Johnson Powell. 2 c1988. 616.8582 Sh45s SFCCShengold. Non-Fiction Soul murder : the effects of childhood abuse and deprivation / Leonard 3 c1989. 616.8582 STOUT Stout. SFCC Non-Fiction Sociopath next door : the ruthless versus the rest of us / Martha 1 2005. 616.8582 W838f Non-Fiction Forgiving our parents : for adult children from dysfunctional familiesSFCC / Dwight Lee Wolter. 1 c1989. 616.8583 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. How to work with sex offenders : a handbook for criminalFLORA justice, human service, and mental health professionals / Rudy Flora. 616.8583 KNAUER behaviors SFCC Non-Fiction 2002. Recovering from sexual abuse, addictions, and compulsive : "numb" survivors / Sandra Knauer. 1 616.8585 MANFIEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Split self/split object : understanding and treating borderline, narcissistic, and schizoid disorders / Philip Manfield. 616.8585 MASON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Stop walking on eggshells / Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger. 616.8585 MOSKOVI disorderSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Lost in the mirror : an inside look at borderline personality / Richard A. Moskovitz. 616.86 ABBOTT / Stephanie SFCC Non-Fiction Family album : alcoholism, co-dependence, & other addictions Abbott. 616.86 BEATTIE SFCCfor Non-Fiction Codependent no more : how to stop controlling1992 others and start caring yourself / Melody Beattie. 83 1 c1987. 2 1992. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 616.86abuser EVANS/ KatieSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Dual diagnosis : counseling the mentally ill substance Evans, J. Michael Sullivan. 616.86 1 2004. Illegal drugs : a complete guide to their history,GAHLINGE chemistry, use and SFCC abuseNon-Fiction / Paul M. Gahlinger. 616.86 HANDBOOK Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Handbook of addictive disorders : a practical guide to diagnosis andSFCC treatment / edited by Robert Holman Coombs. 616.86 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Managing the dually diagnosed patient : currentMANAGIN issues and clinical approaches / David F. O'Connell, Eileen Beyer, editors. 616.86 TABAKOF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. and L Prilipko. Biological aspects of alcoholism / edited by Boris Tabakoff and Paula L. Hoffman ; coordinating editors, Norman Sartorius YOUNG SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Caught in the net : how to recognize the signs of616.86 Internet addiction--and a winning strategy for recovery / Kimberly S. Young. 616.8606 CURTIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Chemical dependency : a family affair / Olivia Curtis. 616.8606 FAMILY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Family therapy of drug and alcohol abuse / [edited by] Edward Kaufman, Pauline Kaufmann. LEVIN Couple and family therapy of addiction / Jerome616.8606 David Levin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 616.861 L578t Alcoholism : a bio-psycho-social approach / Jerome David Levin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. 616.861 of M589u SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. Under the influence : a guide to the myths and realities alcoholism / James R. Milam and Katherine Ketcham. 616.861 R812a SFCC Non-Fiction Alcohol & alcoholism : the report of a special committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 616.861 RATIONA abusers / Albert SFCC Non-Fiction Rational-emotive therapy with alcoholics and substance Ellis ... [et al.]. 616.861 STAINBA SFCC Non-Fiction Alcohol and sport / Robert D. Stainback. 616.863 COCAINE SFCC Cocaine : a clinician's handbook / edited by Arnold M. Washton, Mark S. Non-Fiction Gold. 616.863 HUTCHIN SFCC Non-Fiction Methadone, treatment for addiction / Donald Hutchings. 616.8632 SFCCand Non-Fiction Methadone treatment for opioid dependence /METHADO edited by Eric C. Strain Maxine L. Stitzer. 616.864 WORLDS SFCC Non-Fiction World's most dangerous drug [videorecording (DVD)] / National Geographic Television & Film. 1 1979. 2 c1988. 1 c1997. 1 1987. 1 1992. 1 c1999. 2 [2006] 616.8647 GOLD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 616.8647 WEISS Cocaine / Roger D. Weiss, Steven M. Mirin, Roxanne L. Bartel. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Cocaine / Mark S. Gold. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 ofc1996. Cigarettes-- what the warning label doesn't tell 616.865 you : theNAPIER first comprehensive guide to the health consequences smoking / Kristine Napier, writer ; Wil 616.865 SMOKING Non-Fiction 1 1992. Smoking and health in the Americas : a 1992 report of the Surgeon SFCC General, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization. 616.865 Su82esmoke-free SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Ex-smoker's survival guide : positive steps to a slim, tranquil, life / by Lesley Sussman & Sally Bordwell. 616.89 An25b SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Broken brain : the biological revolution in psychiatry / by Nancy C. Andreasen. 616.89 CONTEMP SFCCbyNon-Fiction 2 Contemporary mental health issues among African Americans / edited Debra A. Harley, John Milton Dillard. c1984. c2005. 616.89 KRALY SFCC and Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Brain science and psychological disorders : therapy, psychotropic drugs, the brain / F. Scott Kraly. 616.89 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Mental health diagnostic desk reference : visualMUNSON guides and more for learning to use the Diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM-IV-TR) / Carlton E. Muns 616.89 OCONNEL/ David F. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Dual disorders : essentials for assessment and treatment O'Connell. 616.89001 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Philosophy, psychology, and psychiatry / editedPHILOSO by A. Phillips Griffiths. 616.8907 MORRISO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. DSM-IV made easy : the clinician's guide to diagnosis / James Morrison. 84 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 616.8907 WERBACH 1991 research SFCC Non-Fiction Nutritional influences on mental illness : a sourcebook of clinical / Melvyn R. Werbach. 1 c1991. 616.8914 B457I SFCC 1977. Intuition and ego states : the origins of transactional analysis : a series ofNon-Fiction papers / by Eric Berne ; edited by 1Paul McCormick. 616.8915 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Virginia Satir, the patterns of her magic / Steve ANDREAS Andreas. 616.8915 COMPLETE Non-Fiction 1 2002. Complete systemic supervisor : context, philosophy and pragmaticsSFCC / Thomas C. Todd, Cheryl L. Storm, [editors] 616.8915 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Ethnicity and family therapy / edited by MonicaETHNICI McGoldrick, Joe Giordano, Nydia Garcia-Preto. Conjoint family therapy / by Virginia Satir. 616.8915 SATIR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. 616.8915 SATIR Harvey SFCC A. Non-Fiction c1994. Helping families to change / by Virginia Satir, James Stachowiak, Taschman ; prepared and edited1by Donald W. Tiffany ... [et al.] ; illustrations 616.8915 Satir model : family therapy and beyond / Virginia Satir ...SATIR [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. 616.8916 AR75U SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975. Art therapy in theory and practice / edited by Elinor Ulman and Penny Dachinger. 616.895 BARONDE / SamuelSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Mood genes : hunting for origins of mania and depression H. Barondes. 616.895 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. New hope for people with bipolar disorder / JanFAWCETT Fawcett, Bernard Golden, Nancy Rosenfeld. 616.895 MONDIMO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Bipolar disorder : a guide for patients and families / Francis Mark Mondimore. 616.898 NEW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. New developments in pharmacologic treatmentDEV of schizophrenia / guest editor, John M. Kane. 616.8982 Non-Fiction 2 c1979. Schizophrenia : symptoms, causes, treatments /BERNHEI Kayla F. 1979 Bernheim,SFCC Richard R. J. Lewine. 616.8982 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Jeffrey c1984.L. Boyd, Christine W. McGill. Family care of schizophrenia : a problem-solvingFALLOON approach to the treatment of mental illness / Ian R.H. Falloon, 616.8982 Center cannot hold : my journey through madness / Elyn SAKS R. Saks. SFCC Non-Fiction 616.8982 VONNEGU SFCC Non-Fiction Eden express / Mark Vonnegut. 616.9289 Non-Fiction Bipolar disorders : a guide to helping children &WALTZ adolescents / MitziSFCC Waltz. 616.951 KOLESNI SFCC Non-Fiction Sexually transmitted diseases / by Tassia Kolesnikow. 616.951 MCHILAN Sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases / Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr. SFCC Non-Fiction 616.951 SFCC Non-Fiction Sexually transmitted diseases / William Dudley,SEXUALL book editor. 616.9792 HIV/AID 2004 (DVD)] SFCC Reserve HIV/AIDS education for health care providers [videorecording / Health Information Network. 2 c2007. 1 1975. 1 2000. 1 2004. 2 c1990. 1 1999. 2 c2004. 616.98 PHYSICI SFCC Non-Fiction Critical condition : human health and the environment / edited by Eric Chivian ... [et al.]. 616.9897 WELSOME SFCC/ Non-Fiction Plutonium files : America's secret medical experiments in the Cold War Eileen Welsome. 616.994 VARMUS SFCC Non-Fiction Genes and the biology of cancer / Harold Varmus, Robert A. Weinberg. 616.994 SFCC Non-Fiction One renegade cell : how cancer begins / RobertWEINBER A. Weinberg. 1 c1993. 1 1999. 1 c1993. 1 1998. 617.1for J495H SFCC and Non-Fiction Hidden causes of injury, prevention and correction, running athletes joggers / John Jesse. 1 c1977. 617.1027 KUHNand SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Pumped : straight facts for athletes about drugs, supplements, training / Cynthia Kuhn, Scott Swartzwelder, and Wilkie Wilson. 85 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 617.1027 P432 v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine. 617.1027 THERAPE SFCC Non-Fiction Therapeutic modalities in sports medicine / [edited by] William E. Prentice. 617.4704 WHITING Non-Fiction Biomechanics of musculoskeletal injury / William C. Whiting, RonaldSFCC F. Zernicke. 617.481 WINSLAD Non-Fiction Confronting traumatic brain injury : devastation, hope, and healing SFCC / William J. Winslade. 1 c1988<c1996 > 1 c1994. 1 c1998. 1 c1998. ST36A by theSFCC Non-Fiction c1982. American Medical Association book of backcare617.56 / developed American Medical Association ; written1by Marion Steinmann ; illustrations by Mark KENDAL Opportunities in dental care careers / Bonnie L.617.6 Kendall. SFCC Career 1 c2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; illustrations c1991. New view of a woman's body : a fully illustrated618.1 guideNEW / by VIE the Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers by Suzann Gage ; photogra 618.175 GREENWO Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Menopause, naturally : preparing for the second half of life / Sadja SFCC Greenwood ; illustrations by Marcia Quackenbush. 618.175 KAMEN SFCCdecision Non-Fiction 1 & other 1996.strategies for dealing with PMS, m Hormone replacement therapy, yes or no? : how to make an informed about estrogen, progesterone 618.2 KIME Pregnancy, childbirth, & parenting / Robert E. Kime. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Non-Fiction [1975] 9 months, 1 day, 1 year : a guide to pregnancy, 618.2 birth, M369n and babycare SFCC / written by parents ; compiled by Jean 1Marzollo ; designed by Carol Carson. WOLF to motherhood SFCC Non-Fiction Misconceptions : truth, lies, and the unexpected618.2001 on the journey / Naomi Wolf. 618.2003 ENCYCLO SFCC Non-Fiction Encyclopedia of childbearing : critical perspectives / edited by Barbara Katz Rothman. 1 2001. 1 1993. Ab34f 1 c1984. Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects618.3268 / Ernest L. Abel. SFCC Non-Fiction 618.3268 BLUME SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. What you can do to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome : a professional's guide / Sheila B. Blume. 618.3268 STREISSG Non-Fiction; [forewords by Godfrey1P. Oakley, c1997. Fetal alcohol syndrome : a guide for families and communities / by SFCC Ann Streissguth Jr. & Kenneth R. Warren]. 618.392 Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Woman doctor's guide to miscarriage : essentialFRIEDMA facts and up-to-theSFCC minute information on coping with pregnancy loss and trying again / Lynn Friedman P689C Non-Fiction 1 and c1980. Coping with a miscarriage : why it happens and618.392 how to deal with itsSFCC impact on you and your family / Hank Pizer Christine O'Brien Palinski. 618.8589 PINSKYdisorder : tipsSFCC Non-Fiction 1 life 2006. Organizing solutions for people with attention deficit and tools to help you take charge of your and get organized / Susan C. Pinsky. 618.9/ DEVELOP SFCC Developmental disabilities in infancy and childhood edited by Arnold J. Non-Fiction Capute and Pasquale J. Accardo. 1 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction c1981. Children with handicaps : a medical primer / by618.92 Mark L.B321c Batshaw and Yvonne M. Perret ; drawings by Elaine1Kasmer. W832H Help for the overweight child / Jurgen M. Wolff618.923 and Dewey Lipe. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. 618.9239 BERGwhat SFCC Underage & overweight : America's childhood obesity crisis-everyNon-Fiction family needs to know / Frances M.2 Berg.c2004. 618.9239 DALTON Non-Fiction c2004. Our overweight children : what parents, schools, and communities SFCC can do to control the fatness epidemic /2Sharron Dalton. 618.9239 OKIE Fed up! : winning the war against childhood obesity / Susan Okie. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. RAO/ Goutham SFCC Rao. Non-Fiction Child obesity : a parent's guide to a fit, trim, and618.9239 happy child 2 2006. 618.9239 RIMM Non-Fiction Rescuing the emotional lives of overweight children : what our kidsSFCC go through-and how we can help / by 1Sylvia 2004. Rimm, with Eric Rimm ; foreword by Al 618.928 IVE the hidden SFCC Best Sellers Strange son : two mothers, two sons, and the quest to unlock world of autism / Portia Iversen. 3 2006. 618.928 MOO Moore. SFCC Best Sellers George & Sam : two boys, one family, and autism / Charlotte 618.9285 ANASTOPO SFCC Non-Fiction Assessing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder / Arthur D. Anastopoulos and Terri L. Shelton. 618.9285 BARKLEY SFCCtreatment Non-Fiction Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder : a handbook for diagnosis and / Russell A. Barkley. 1 2006. 2 c2001. 1 c2006. 86 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 618.9285 BARKLEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Taking charge of ADHD : the complete, authoritative guide for parents / Russell A. Barkley. 618.9285 DEGRANDof human consciousness SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Ritalin nation : rapid-fire culture and the transformation / Richard DeGrandpre. 1 618.9285 EMMONS and sensory SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. Understanding sensory dysfunction : learning, development dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities and bipol 618.9285 FRISTAD SFCC Non-Fiction Raising a moody child : how to cope with depression and bipolar disorder / Mary A. Fristad, Jill S. Goldberg 1Arnold.c2004. 618.9285 GROWING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 E. c2007. Growing up with autism : working with school-age children and adolescents / edited by Robin L. Gabriels, Dina Hill. 618.9285 HABER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. ADHD : the great misdiagnosis / Julian Stuart Haber. 618.9285 HUTCHIS SFCCadolescence Non-Fiction : pain unspeakable / Sandra 1 c2005. Effects of and interventions for childhood trauma from infancy through B. Hutchison. 618.9285 MILLICH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Attention deficit hyperactivity and learning disorders : questions and answers / J. Gordon Millichap. NIGG SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. What causes ADHD? : understanding what goes618.9285 wrong and why / Joel T. Nigg. 618.9285 PEINKOF SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Silenced angels : the medical, legal, and social aspects of shaken baby syndrome / James R. Peinkofer ; foreword by Randell Alexander. 618.9285 SILVER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Dr. Larry Silver's advice to parents on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder / by Larry B. Silver. 618.9289 Ax44d Non-Fiction 2 [1964] Dibs: in search of self; personality development1964 in play therapy [by]SFCC Virginia M. Axline. 618.9289 BEHAVIO SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents : nature, assessment, and treatment / edited by David A.1 Wolfe, Eric J. Mash. 618.9289 BLOOMQU SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Skills training for children with behavior problems : a parent and practitioner guidebook / Michael L. Bloomquist. 618.9289 HANDBOOK SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. Handbook of preschool mental health : development, disorders, and treatment / edited by Joan L. Luby. 2 618.9289 SZATMAR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Mind apart : understanding children with autism and Asperger syndrome / Peter Szatmari. 618.9289 TREATME Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Treatment of childhood disorders / edited by Eric J. Mash, Russell A.SFCC Barkley. SFCC Non-Fiction Builders : marvels of engineering / published by620 theBUILDER Book Division, National Geographic Society. 1 c1992. 620 EN19 Encyclopedia of how it's built / edited by Donald Clarke. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1979. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. How things work / Michael Pollard. 620 P762H 620.004 M124e SFCCdeveloping Non-Fiction 1 1977. in Canada / Bruce McCallum. Environmentally appropriate technology : renewable energy and other technologies for a conserver society 620.103 RILEY Engineering mechanics : statics / William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 620.104 RILEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Engineering mechanics : dynamics / William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges. 621.042 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1995. Alternative fuels and the environment / edited ALTERNA by Frances S. Sterrett. 621.042 AMERICA SFCCInstitute, Non-Fiction 2 2006. American energy : the renewable path to energy security / Worldwatch Center for American Progress. 621.042 RENEWAB SFCC B. Non-Fiction 1 c1993.Burnham. Renewable energy : sources for fuels and electricity / edited by Thomas Johansson ... [et al.], executive editor, Laurie 621.042 ROSENBE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Alternative energy handbook / by Paul Rosenberg. GIPE / PaulSFCC Wind energy basics : a guide to small and micro621.3121 wind systems Gipe.Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 621.381 St35i SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. Illustrated guide to basic electronics : with useful projects and experiments / John P. Steiner. 621.3893 MAGUIRE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Techtv's secrets of the digital studio : insider's guide to desktop recording / James Maguire with Jim Louderback. 87 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SIPPER SFCC Non-Fiction Machine nature : the coming age of bio-inspired621.391 computing / Moshe Sipper. 621.3916 MUELLER SFCC Non-Fiction Upgrading and repairing PCs / Scott Mueller with Craig Zacker. 621.3916 RATHBON SFCC Non-Fiction Upgrading & fixing PCs for dummies / by Andy Rathbone. 1 c2002. 1 c1998. 1 c1995. 621.3916 SFCC Non-Fiction How computers work / Ron White ; illustrated by TimothyWHITE Edward Downs. 621.4021 WHALLEY SFCC Non-Fiction Basic engineering thermodynamics / P.B. Whalley. 1 c1993. 1 1992. 1 c1979. 1 c1977. 1 c1998. Let's use the sun / Dorothy Harper. 621.47 H231L SFCC Non-Fiction 621.47 Williams. W673S SFCC Non-Fiction Solar energy : technology and applications / J. Richard 621.4835 Non-Fiction Commercial nuclear power : assuring safety forRAMSEY the future / CharlesSFCC B. Ramsey, Mohammad Modarres. 621.4838location, Un3d Hanford SFCC Non-Fiction 1 of Energy, [1984] Office of Civilian Radioactive W Draft environmental assessment : reference repository Site, Washington / U.S. Department 622.1841 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006.KQED ; produced by Randall MacLo Gold rush [videorecording (DVD)] / a Yellow Jersey Films, GOLD Inc. production for American Experience in association with 622.342 B322g SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1989. Gold seekers-- a 200 year history of mining in Washington, Idaho, Montana & lower British Columbia / by Pauline Battien. 623.4511 HANFORD SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Historic 2003.Resources Program, U.S. Departm Hanford Site historic district : history of the plutonium production facilities, 1943-1990 / Hanford Cultural and 623.862 Non-Fiction 1 ; introduction 1998. Young sea officer's sheet anchor, or, A key to the leadingLEVER of rigging,SFCC and to practical seamanship / Darcy Lever to the Dover edition by Joh 623.88 Non-Fiction c1984. Seamanship in the age of sail : an account of theHARLAND shiphandling of theSFCC sailing man-of-war, 1600-1860, based 1on contemporary sources / John Harland ; illu 624.19 B327E Earth shelter handbook / by Gregory T. Baum, Andrew J. Boer, and SFCC JamesNon-Fiction C. Macintosh. 1 c1980. SFCC Non-Fiction Catastrophe to triumph : bridges of the Tacoma624.2309 Narrows HOBBS / Richard S. Hobbs. 1 c2006. L818which designate SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972.attachments, and details of constr Locomotive dictionary; an illustrated vocabulary625.2 of terms American railroad locomotives, their parts, Bonneville dream / Lorena S. Fisher. 627.8 FISHER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. Dam. 627.8 M823 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1954. 627.8 SP83P PowerSFCC Non-Fiction/ by Vera Springer ; editors, 1 [1976] Power and the Pacific Northwest : a history of the Bonneville Administration Paul Alelyunas and Dan Schausten ; desi 1 1972, c1971] 629.04 HURRICA Non-Fiction Hurricane Katrina : performance of transportation systems / editedSFCC by Reginald DesRoches. 629.1325 UNITED SFCC Non-Fiction Flight training handbook. 1 c2006. 1 1980. 629.203 Non-Fiction World of automobiles : an illustrated encyclopedia of theW893 motor carSFCC / [executive editor, Ian Ward]. 1 c1977. 629.203 Non-Fiction World of automobiles : an illustrated encyclopedia of theW893 motor carSFCC / [executive editor, Ian Ward]. 1 c1977. History of dams. 627.809 Sm62h SFCC Non-Fiction 629.227 C529M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. 629.227 L119M Motorcycle / Christian Lacombe ; pref. by Jean-Pierre Beltoise. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974. Moped book / by Bob Clampett. 629.227 TEU Sr., Paul SFCCM. Best Sellers Michael Teutul with Keith 3 2006. Orange county choppers : the tale of the Teutuls / Paul Teutul, Teutul,and and Kent Zimmerman. 629.2272 SE77M Motorcycles / L. J. K. Setright ; pref. by Barry Sheene. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1976] Art of the motorcycle / Guggenheim Museum. 629.2275 ART SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. On1/ [editor, SFCCIan Non-Fiction On two wheels : the illustrated encyclopedia of629.2275 motorcycling Ward]. 1 c1979. Wankel rotary engine; introduction and guide. 629.25 D248W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 629.25 N751G SFCC Non-Fiction Gas turbine engine : design, development, applications / Jan P. Norbye. 1 [1975] 629.2504 Y14r SFCC 1 c1985. RX-7 : the new Mazda RX-7 and Mazda rotary engine sports cars / by JackNon-Fiction K. Yamaguchi ; edited by Ron Wakefield ; driving impressions by Paul Fre¿¿re. 88 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Motor auto repair manual. 629.28 M857 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978- 629.4 L616a SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Committee 1978. on Science and Technology, U Astronauts and cosmonauts biographical and statistical data, revised-May 31, 1978 : report / prepared for the 629.43543 MARS from the NASA SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Mars. Volume 2 : the NASA mission reports / compiled archives & edited by Robert Godwin.2 629.45 HARRISO Spacefaring : the human dimension / Albert A. Harrison. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. L588 S. Lewis. SFCC Non-Fiction Voyages of Apollo: the exploration of the Moon629.45 [by] Richard 1 [1974] 629.45 WINGO / by SFCC Non-Fiction Moonrush : improving life on earth with the moon's resources Dennis Wingo. 1 c2004. 629.454 AL24m Men from earth / Buzz Aldrin and Malcolm McConnell. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 629.454 AP43 Apollo expeditions to the moon / edited by Edgar M. Cortright. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975. Race to the moon [videorecording]. 629.454 RACE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Race to the moon [videorecording]. 629.454 RACE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Cutting energy costs. 630.1 Un3 1980 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. 630.9 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction 630.901 BELLWOOD First farmers : the origins of agricultural societies / Peter Bellwood. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Emergence of agriculture / Bruce D. Smith. 1 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974. 631.4 HAUSENB Soil science: principles and practices [by] R. L. Hausenbuiller. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] Textbook of soil chemical analysis / P.R. Hesse. 631.41 H463t SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972, c1971. Introduction to soil science 631.4 F582I SFCC 2 c2002. Productions ; directed and ed Fed up! [videorecording] : genetic engineering, 631.5233 industrial FED agriculture, andNon-Fiction sustainable alternatives / Wholesome Goodness 632.95 CARSON SFCC Non-Fiction Silent spring / Rachel Carson ; with an introduction by Al Gore ; [drawings by Lois and Louis Darling]. 2 632.95 W62BAmerica SFCC Before Silent spring; pesticides and public health in pre-DDT [by]Non-Fiction James Whorton. 634.9023 WILLE 2004 SFCC Career Opportunities in forestry careers / Christopher M. Wille. 634.9809 LEMONDS/ James LeMonds. SFCC Non-Fiction Deadfall : generations of logging in the Pacific Northwest 2 [1994] [1975, c1974] 2 c2004. 1 2001. 634.982 AD18L Logging railroads of the West / by Kramer A. Adams. 1 [197-?] SFCC Non-Fiction 635 JEAVONS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. How to grow more vegetables : fruits, nuts, berries, grains, and other crops / by John Jeavons. 635.097 CHAMBER SFCC Non-Fiction Vegetable gardening / by David Chambers and Lucinda Mays, with Laura C. Martin ; principal photographer,1 Sylvia1994. Martin ; preface, William E. Barrick. 635.9334 Non-Fiction 1 magazine 1978. ; [edited by Linda Brandt ; ill. M Cactus and succulents : [house plants & landscaping ideasC113B in color] /SFCC by the editors of Sunset books and Sunset 635.9334 L518C SFCC Non-Fiction 635.9671 DUNNETT SFCC Non-Fiction Planting green roofs and living walls / Nigel Dunnett and Noel Kingsbury. 1 1973] 2 2004. GREEN Green roofs : ecological design and construction635.9671 / Earth Pledge. 2 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction Raising your own livestock / Claudia Weisburd. 636 W434R 636.0097 CENTNER of the rural SFCClandscape Non-Fiction Empty pastures : confined animals and the transformation / Terence J. Centner. 1 c1980. 1 c2004. 636.08 Science of animal husbandry / James Blakely and DavidB583s H. Bade. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. Animal factories / Jim Mason and Peter Singer. 636.083 MASON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Cacti. SFCC Non-Fiction 89 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 636.089 All things wise and wonderful / James Herriot. H435AW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. TRO Sellers Tell me where it hurts : a day of humor, healing636.089 and hope in my lifeSFCC as anBest animal surgeon / Nick Trout. 1 c2008. C738 Non-Fiction Complete horse book / edited by Elwyn Hartley636.1 Edwards & CandidaSFCC Geddes. 1 1988, c1987. Beautiful horses and ponies / by Neil Dougall. 636.1 D744b 1 1976. 636.089 H435L 636.089 Let sleeping vets lie [audio cassette ] / by JamesHERRIOT Herriot. Lord God made them all / by James Herriot. SFCC Non-Fiction P277% uses. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1960] Light horse breeds: their origin, characteristics, 636.1 and principal 636.1003 SFCCbyNon-Fiction 1 2000. New encyclopedia of the horse / Elwyn Hartley EDWARDS Edwards ; photography Bob Langrish, Kit Houghton ; foreword by Sharon Ralls Lemon. Non-Fiction International encyclopedia of horse breeds / by636.1003 Bonnie L.KIDD HendricksSFCC ; foreword by Anthony A. Dent. 1 c1995. 636.213 RIFKIN Beyond beef : the rise and fall of the cattle culture / Jeremy Rifkin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. B438Dand correcting SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Dog problems : a professional trainer's guide to636.7 preventing aggression ... / Carol Lea Benjamin. 1981. 636.7 FOGLE by Tracy SFCC Non-Fiction Encyclopedia of the dog / Bruce Fogle ; special photography Morgan. 1 1995. 2 c1986. SFCC Non-Fiction Dogs : the ultimate dictionary of over 1000 dog636.71 breedsMORRIS / Desmond Morris ; [illustrations by Philip Hood]. 1 2001. 636.8 T213c Cat : an owner's maintenance manual / David Taylor. 1 1980. James Herriot's dog stories. 636.7 H435j SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction T829C SFCC Non-Fiction Caring for your cat [by] William Thatcher and A.636.8 Windsor-Richards. Rev. and expanded by Mario Migliorini. 1 [c1971] 638.1 All about bees, beekeeping, and honey / by Walter L. G561A Gojmerac. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977, c1976. How to keep bees and sell honey / by Walter T.638.1 Kelley.K287H SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. 638.1 M838B SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975. Bees and beekeeping / Roger A. Morse. 639people, H559F how to grow SFCCedible Non-Fiction 2 aquaculture c1978. / by Christopher Hills, Hiroshi Food from sunlight : planetary survival for hungry algae and establish a profitable 639.2 MEEKIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] Levels of nitrogen supersaturation at Chief Joseph Dam under various spill conditions / Thomas K. Meekin, Richard L. Allen. 639.22 CLIMATE SFCC 1 2006.Hannesson, Manuel Barange, Sam Climate change and the economics of the world's fisheries : examples of Non-Fiction small pelagic stocks / edited by Ro¿¿gnvaldur 639.2756 WILKINS Non-Fiction 1 essay c2000. Messages from Frank's Landing : a story of salmon, treaties, and theSFCC Indian way / by Charles Wilkinson ; photo by Hank Adams ; maps by Diane Syl 639.3755 WASHING 1 Fish 1997. Final environmental impact statement for the wild salmonid policy SFCC / leadNon-Fiction agency Washington Department of & Wildlife. 639.3755 WASHING Non-Fiction 1 salmonids [1997] : adopted by Washington Fish an Policy of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and western SFCC Washington treaty tribes concerning wild 639.3755 WASHING ADDITIO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 management 1997] Additional policy guidance to Department of Fish and Wildlife concerning wild salmonid policy : fish population elements. BAIRD Don't throw it out / Lori Baird and the editors of640.41 Yankee Magazine. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2007. 641 N516C by Joseph SFCC Non-Fiction Cooking with understanding [by] H. L. Nichols, Jr. Drawings A. Romeo. 1 [1971] 641.104 ULENE NutriBase nutrition facts desk reference / Art Ulene. 1 c1995. 1 [1973] SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction Dictionary of calories and carbohydrates (a new641.13 revisedK868D version of Calories and carbohydrates). 641.3 SHULMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Foodlover's atlas of the world / Martha Rose Shulman. 641.309 KAUFMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Cooking in ancient civilizations / Cathy K. Kaufman. 641.31 Non-Fiction Cheap eating : how to feed your family well andEDWARDS spend less / by PatSFCC Edwards ; illustrated by Don Nedobeck.1 2002. 641.44 P442D Dehydrating for food and fun / Una Jean W. Peterson. c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 90 1 2006. c1993. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 641.5regional W893 dishesSFCC [1974] World atlas of food : a gourmet's guide to the great of theNon-Fiction world. / [contributing editor, Jane1 Grigson ; contributors, Maggie Angeloglou . 641.509 DEEN SFCCCohen. Best Sellers 5 c2007. Paula Deen : it ain't all about the cookin' / PaulaDEE Deen with Sherry Suib 641.5495 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. Greek cookbook / Margot Kopsidas Phillips andPHILLIP the Culinary Arts Institute staff ; Sherrill Weary, editor, Joy Taylor, assistant editor ; ill. by George Suyeok 641.5784 FOREMAN SFCC Non-Fiction c1996. George Foreman's knock-out-the-fat barbecue and grilling cookbook / George Foreman and Cherie Calbom.1 641.5929 Non-Fiction c1991. Kwanzaa : an African-American celebration of culture andC79k cooking /SFCC Eric V. Copage ; design and illustrations1by Cheryl Carrington. Ad13i bySFCC 1 1970. International Wine and Food Society's guide to 641.5943 German cookery, HansNon-Fiction Karl Adam; translated from the German by Norah Tomkinson; with color photo 641.5943 1969 of Time-Life SFCC Non-Fiction Cooking of Germany, by Nika Standen HazeltonHAZELTO and the editors Books. Photographed by Ralph1Crane[1969] and Henry Groskinsky. D899r SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. Revolutionizing French cooking / Roy Andries de641.5944 Groot ; ill. by Bill Goldsmith. 641.5951 SFCC 2 [c1988] Cooking the Korean way / by Okwha Chung andCHUNG Judy Monroe. Photos byNon-Fiction Robert L. and Diane Wolf. 641.59519 M832A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1959] Art of Korean cooking. Illus. by Joon Lee. 641.5952 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; food c1998. Food of Japan : authentic recipes from the landKOSAKI of the rising sun / recipes by Takayuki Kosaki & Walter Wagner photography by Heinz von Holzen 641.596 VAN DER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Richard [1970] African cooking, by Laurens van der Post and the editors of Time-Life Books. Photographed by Brian Seed and Jeffery. 641.5972 LINDGRE SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Three guys from Miami cook Cuban / Glenn Lindgren, Rau¿¿l Musibay, Jorge Castillo. 641.5973 COOKING 18401945 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. Cooking in America, 1840-1945 / Alice L. McLean. C738H Complete vegetarian cookbook / [editor, Karen641.65 Harriman]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. Vegetables / by the editors of Time-Life Books. 641.65 VEGETAB SFCC Bindery/Mending 1 c1979. 646.21 H978S SFCCdesign, Non-Fiction [c1972]Claire F. Valentine. Singer sewing book [by] Jessie Hutton [and] Gladys Cunningham. Book art direction, and production1supervision, 646.3 yourself B55p visually SFCC 1 c1984. Professional image : the total program for marketing by Non-Fiction America's top corporate image consultant / Susan Bixler ; illustrated by Linda H 646.34guide L555Sfor every SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and c1981. Short chic : the everything-you-need-to-know fashion woman under 5'4" / Allison Kyle Leopold Anne Marie Cloutier ; illustrations by 646.4 etc. Ev27e SFCC Non-Fiction Everything about sewing easy unlined jackets, coats, from Vogue patterns. Editor: Patricia Perry. 1 c1972] 646.4 G274R SFCC 1 men 1976. Rural Pennsylvania clothing : being a study of the wearing apparel of the Non-Fiction German and English inhabitants both and women, who resided in southea 646.4 T482D Delicate wear / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Vogue sewing 646.4 V869 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 646.406 R619C Non-Fiction 1 Potter 1975, c1974. Children's clothes : easy to make clothes for 1-10 year olds / writtenSFCC by Pamela Rodway ; illustrated by Laura ; photography by Richard Sharpe Stu Non-Fiction How to set his thighs on fire : 86 red-hot lessons646.7008 on love, WHITE life, men, SFCC & (especially) sex / by Kate White. 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. Art of makeup / by Kevyn Aucoin ; text by Kevyn646.72 AucoinAUCOIN and Tina Gaudoin ; foreword by Linda Wells ; introduction by William Norwich ; essays by Cindy 646.77 KATZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Linda c2006. Why you're still single : things your friends would tell you if you promised not to get mad / Evan Marc Katz and Holmes. 646.77 KELLY SFCC SMART man hunting : the fast track dating guide to finding Mr. Right / LizNon-Fiction H. Kelly. 1 c2006. SFCC Best Sellers Love smart : find the one you want, fix the one 646.77 you gotMCG / Phil McGraw. 1 2006. STEELE SFCC Non-Fiction Conscious dating : finding the love of your life in646.77 today's world / David Steele. 1 c2006. 646.78 COVEY SFCC 2 ; [foreword c1997. by Sandra Merrill Covey]. 7 habits of highly effective families : building a beautiful family culture inNon-Fiction a turbulent world / Stephen R. Covey 646.78 SCH Proper care and feeding of marriage / Laura Schlessinger. SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2007. 648.8Novak. NOVAK 1000 best quick and easy organizing secrets / Jamie SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. D668H Non-Fiction 1 [c1970] How to parent. Foreword by Louise Bates Ames.649.1 Keynote by CharlesSFCC M. Schulz. Edited by Sylvia H. Cross. Cartoons by Bil Keane. 91 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 649.1 HENNER SFCC 1 Ruthc1999. I refuse to raise a brat : straightforward advice on parenting in an age of Non-Fiction overindulgence / Marilu Henner and Velikovsky Sharon. 649.1Development IL4C Non-Fiction c1981. Child behavior : from the Gesell Institute of Human / SFCC Frances L. Ilg, Louise Bates Ames, Sidney1 M. Baker. 649.1 Sc77m SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 649.1097 JEFFERS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. I'm okay, you're a brat : setting the priorities straight and freeing you from the guilt and mad myths of parenthood / Susan Jeffers. 649.122 EISENBE SFCCSandee Non-Fiction 1 c1994. What to expect the toddler years / Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, E. Hathaway ; foreword by Morris Green. Mother care, other care / Sandra Scarr. 649.123 SCHILLE Start smart! : building brain power in the early years / Pam Schiller.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 649.5 DEVANTIE; foreword SFCC Non-Fiction 101 things every kid should do growing up / Alecia T. Devantie by Chris Cerf. 649.64 NELSEN 1987 Positive discipline / Jane Nelsen ; [foreword by H. Stephen Glenn]. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. 1 1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 650 NICKELS SFCCM. Non-Fiction Understanding business / William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan McHugh. 3 c2002. 1-2-3 magic / Thomas W. Phelan. 649.64 PHELAN 650.1 HOW SFCC Career 1 J. Reddock, 2007. Esq., editors. How to survive your first job or any job : by hundreds of happy employees who did / Ricki Frankel and Angela 650.1 /TRACY 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success Brian Tracy. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 650.13 BYHAM Non-Fiction HeroZ : empower yourself, your coworkers, your company / WilliamSFCC C. Byham and Jeff Cox. 1 c1994, 1995. 650.13 Human relations / Marie Dalton, Dawn G. Hoyle, MarieDALTON W. Watts. SFCC Non-Fiction 650.13 SFCC Non-Fiction Whole brain business book / Ned Herrmann. HERRMAN 3 c2000. 1 1996. 650.13 SUTTON SFCC Non-Fiction No asshole rule : building a civilized workplace and surviving one that isn't / Robert I. Sutton. 3 2007. SFCC Career What color is your parachute? / Richard Nelson650.14 Bolles.BOLLES 650.14 Great jobs for English majors / Julie DeGalan & DEGALAN Stephen Lambert. SFCC Career 1 1971- 1 c2006. 650.14 DELUCA of ready-to-use SFCC Career phrases to help you get the1best possible c2007. salary, perks, or promotion / M Perfect phrases for negotiating salary and job offers : hundreds 650.14 ENELOW Cover letter magic / Wendy S. Enelow, Louise Kursmark. SFCC Career KRANNIC Career Savvy interviewing : the nonverbal advantage / 650.14 Caryl Rae Krannich, SFCC Ronald L. Krannich. 1 c2001. 1 c2000. 650.14 NOBLE Career resume writers / by David 2F. Noble. c1999. Gallery of best cover letters : a collection of quality cover letters bySFCC professional 650.14 SABATINO SFCC Career c2004. Play of your life : your program for finding the career of your dreams--and a step-by-step guide to making it1a reality / Colleen A. Sabatino. 650.1408 KRANNIC SFCC Career 1 by Joyce c2005.Lain Kennedy. Ex-offender's job hunting guide : 10 steps to a new life in the work world / Ron and Caryl Krannich ; foreword 650.142 BLOCK 2500 keywords to get you hired / Jay A. Block and Michael Betrus. SFCC Career 1 c2003. 650.142 COVER SFCC Career 1 c1999. Cover letters that blow doors open / edited by Anne McKinney. 650.142 ENELOW SFCC Career 1 c2004. Best resumes for people without a four-year degree / Wendy S. Enelow. 650.142 2007 SFCC Careercover letters that get interviews 1 & job c2007. No-nonsense cover letters : the essential guide ENELOW to creating attention-grabbing offers / Wendy S. Enelow, Arnold G 650.142 from GRABER SFCC Career / Steven Graber ; compiled 1 by Mark c2000. Everything resume book : great resumes for everybody student to executive Lipsman. 650.142 Resumes for dummies / by Joyce Lain Kennedy.KENNEDY 2000 SFCC Career 92 2 c2000. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 650.142 NOBLE Gallery of best re¿¿sume¿¿s / David F. Noble. 2004 SFCC Career 1 c2004. 650.142 REAL RE SFCC Career 1 2000. Real-resumes for students / Anne McKinney, editor. 650.142 REALCareer 1 2002. Real-resumes for human-resources & personnelRE jobs : including realSFCC resumes used to change careers and transfer skills to other industries / Anne McKin 650.142 REALSFCCused Career Real-resumes for social work & counseling jobs RE : including real resumes to change careers and transfer1 skillsc2002. to other industries / Anne McKinney, e 650.144 BLITZER SFCC Career 1 c2006. Hire Me, Inc. : interviews that get offers / Roy J.2006 Blitzer. [1962-63, 650.9 B38H SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1938] History of business. 651.3076 SCHROED SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Office systems & administration / Betty L. Schroeder, editor ; authors, Betty L. Schroeder, Diane Routhier Graf. 651.311 Ar77e / Diane SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees Arthur. 651.3741 WEBSTER SFCCthe Non-Fiction c1996. Webster's New World office professional's handbook / prepared under editorial supervision of In Plain 1English, Inc. Business communication essentials 651.7 BOVEE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 651.7 TANNEN SFCC Non-Fiction Talking from 9 to 5 : women and men in the workplace : language sex and power / Deborah Tannen. 1 1995, c1994. 651.75 LINDSELL Strategic business letters and e-mail / Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 651.75 WORTHWorth. SFCC Non-Fiction Webster's New World business writing handbook / by Richard 1 c2002. 651.8 SCHROED SFCC Betty Non-Fiction Office systems and administration / Betty L. Schroeder, editor ; authors, L. Schroeder, Diane Routhier1Graf. c1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Lindsell-Roberts, c2002. Typing and keyboarding for everyone : 35 easy 652.3 lessonsLEVINE to improve speed and accuracy / Nathan Levine ; Sheryl editor. 652.3024 SFCC Non-Fiction Gregg typing for colleges : complete course / Alan C. LloydG861c ... [et al.]. 1 c1985. 652.5 WILLIS T. Schimmel, SFCC Non-Fiction Step-by-step computer keyboarding / K.K. Willis, Jr., Warren Stanley Lieberman. 1 c1995. 652.8 BUTLER Non-Fiction / William S. Butler and2L. Douglas c2001.Keeney. Secret messages : concealment, codes, and other types of ingeniousSFCC communication Careers in accounting. 657 CAREERS SFCC Career 1 2006. 657 KIMMEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Financial accounting : tools for business decision making / Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso. c2004. 657.0684 Starting and building your own accounting business / JackFOX Fox. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 658 B592o One minute manager / Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982. COLLINS SFCC/ Jim Non-Fiction Good to great : why some companies make the658 leap--and others don't Collins. 3 2001. 658 MCCORMI SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. Ben Franklin's 12 rules of management : the founding father of American business solves your toughest problems / by Blaine McCormick. 658 PETZINGthe workplace SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. New pioneers : the men and women who are transforming and marketplace / Thomas Petzinger, Jr. 658 RODDICK SFCC Non-Fiction 658 STARBUCK MICHELLI SFCC Non-Fiction Starbucks experience : 5 principles for turning ordinary into extraordinary / Joseph A. Michelli. 1 2000. 3 c2007. START SFCCLesonsky. Non-Fiction Start your own business : the only startup book658.041 you'll ever need / Rieva 1 c2007. Business as unusual / Anita Roddick. 658.048 WOLF by Barbara SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Managing a nonprofit organization / Thomas Wolf ; illustrated Carter. 658.0546 VALLEE / Danielle Valle¿¿e. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Leading your business into the future with the internet 658.1097 CENTURY Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Century of American icons : 100 products and slogans from the 20thSFCC century consumer culture / edited by Mary Cross. 658.11 SFCC Non-Fiction Starting a small restaurant : a guide to excellence in theM613S purveying of public victuals / Daniel Miller. 658.1109 SMARTST SFCC Non-Fiction Smartstart your Washington business. 658.1141 SFCC Non-Fiction Entrepreneur magazine : starting a home-basedENTREPR business. 93 1 c1978. 1 c1999. 1 c1996. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 658.1141 MARIOTT SFCC Non-Fiction c1996. Young entrepreneur's guide to starting and running a business / Steve Mariotti with Tony Towle and Debra 1DeSalvo. 658.1141 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Complete idiot's guide to starting a home-basedWELTMAN business / by Barbara Weltman. 658.1522 BLECHMA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Levinson. 1991. Guerrilla financing : alternative techniques to finance any small business / Bruce Jan Blechman and Jay Conrad 658.1522 DEBELAK SFCC Non-Fiction phrases for winning new 1 clients, c2006. Perfect phrases for business proposals and business plans : hundreds of ready-to-use launching new products, and getti 658.1522 KRAVITT guide to SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Creating a winning business plan : a no-time-for-nonsense starting a business and raising cash / Gregory Ian Kravitt. 658.1522 MANCUSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. How to write a winning business plan / Joseph R. Mancuso. SCHUTZline / Will SFCC Non-Fiction Human element : productivity, self-esteem, and658.3 the bottom Schutz. 1 c1994. 658.3your TOLBERT SFCC 2 use now c2002. Reversing the ostrich approach to diversity : pulling head out of theNon-Fiction sand : five simple concepts you can to reap bottom-line results by hon 658.303 Non-Fiction & E.R. Worthington. 1 c1987. Staffing a small business : hiring, compensating,WORTHIN and evaluating / bySFCC A.E. Worthington 658.304 SFCC Non-Fiction Workforce America! : managing employee diversity as aL82w vital resource / Marilyn Loden, Judy B. Rosener. 1 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction Analyzing performance problems; or, You really658.31 oughtaM272A wanna, by Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe. 658.3124 CAREW Mentor : 15 keys to success in sales, business, and life / Jack Carew.SFCC Non-Fiction 658.3128 LENCIONI SFCC Non-Fiction Three signs of a miserable job : a fable for managers (and their employees) / Patrick Lencioni. 2 [c1970] 1 c1998. 1 c2007. 658.314 NELSON 1001 ways to reward employees / by Bob Nelson. 1 c1994. 658.3145 SFCC/ Non-Fiction Talk it out! : 4 steps to managing people problems in yourDANA organization Daniel Dana. 2 1989. 658.4 MORAN Non-Fiction Dynamics of successful international business negotiations / RobertSFCC T. Moran, William G. Stripp. 1 1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 658.4012 BANGS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Business planning guide : creating a plan for success in your own business / David H. Bangs, Jr. 658.4012 BUSINES Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Business plans that work : for your small business / edited by SusanSFCC M. Jacksack. 658.4012 COVELLOformat designed SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Your first business plan : a simple question-and-answer to help you write your own plan / Joseph Covello and Brian Hazelgren. 658.4012 GUMPERTbusiness plan SFCC Non-Fiction Inc. magazine presents how to really create a successful : featuring the business plans of Pizza1 Hut, c1996. Software Publishing Corp., Celestial Sea 658.4012 HAMEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Leading the revolution / Gary Hamel. 658.4012 KAPRON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. BizPlan builder : based on the world's best selling and award winning software / Jill E. Kapron. 658.4012 LASHER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Perfect business plan made simple / William Lasher. 658.4012 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Total business plan : how to write, rewrite, andOHARA revise / Patrick D. O'Hara. 658.4012 TIFFANY Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Business plans for dummies / by Paul Tiffany and Steven Peterson ; SFCC foreword by John B. Schulze. HIGH High five! : the magic of working together / Ken658.402 Blanchard ... [et al.].SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. 658.4036 new FISHER Non-Fiction Leading self-directed work teams : a guide to developing teamSFCC leadership skills / Kimball Fisher. 1 c1993. 658.406 D179c SFCC Non-Fiction c1988. Changing ways : a practical tool for implementing change within organizations / Murray M. Dalziel, Stephen1C. Schoonover. 658.409 BUCKINGH SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. First, break all the rules : what the world's greatest managers do differently / Marcus Buckingham and Curt1Coffman. 658.409 BUCKINGH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Now, discover your strengths / Marcus Buckingham, Donald O. Clifton. 94 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 658.409 WAGNER SFCC Non-Fiction 12 : the elements of great managing / Rodd Wagner and James K. Harter. 658.4092 MAXWELL SFCC 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow youNon-Fiction / John C. Maxwell. 658.4092 SFCC /Non-Fiction Leadership engine : how winning companies build leadersTICHY at every level Noel M. Tichy, with Eli Cohen. 658.45 BOWMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Presentations : proven techniques for creating presentations that get results / Daria Price Bowman. 1 2006. 1 c1998. 1 1997. 1 c1998. 658.45 KEGAN SFCC 2002. Lahey. How the way we talk can change the way we work : seven languages for Non-Fiction transformation / Robert Kegan and1 Lisa Laskow 658.45 WESTERF I have to give a presentation, now what?! / by Jude Westerfeld. SFCC Non-Fiction 658.456 N467bJ. Newman, SFCC Non-Fiction Behind closed doors : a guide to successful meetings / Pamela Alfred F. Lynch. 1 c2002. 1 c1983. 658.456 Sch34t SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Jack 1977, c1975. Taking your meetings out of the doldrums / by Eva Schindler-Rainman and Ronald Lippitt, in collaboration with Cole. 658.8 and LEVINSO SFCC Non-Fiction Guerrilla marketing handbook / Jay Conrad Levinson Seth Godin. 1 1994. 658.8 MOORE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; with c2002. Crossing the chasm : marketing and selling disruptive products to mainstream customers / Geoffrey A. Moore a foreword by Regis McKenna. 658.8 THREE H SFCC 1 c1997. 301 do-it-yourself marketing ideas from America's most innovative smallNon-Fiction companies / introduction by Jay Conrad Levinson ; edited by Sam Decker. 658.8002 Non-Fiction 1 Gielgun. c1998. 1 businesses, 2 approaches : how to succeed in GIELGUN Internet business bySFCC employing real-world strategies / Ron E. 658.8002 SCHWART SFCC 1 c1997. Webonomics : nine essential principles for growing your business on the Non-Fiction World Wide Web / Evan I. Schwartz. 658.8005 SURVEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Survey of buying power. 658.812 CUSTOME SFCCSchwab, Non-Fiction 2 Staples, c1998.and USAA / edited by Fred Wierse Customer service : extraordinary results at Southwest Airlines, Charles Lands' End, American Express, 658.812 ZEMKE 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2003. Delivering knock your socks off service / Ron Zemke. 658.827 NEW SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2000. New big book of logos / David E. Carter, editor.BIG 658.827 TROUT 1 2001. Big brands, big trouble : lessons learned the hard way / Jack Trout. SFCC Non-Fiction 658.827 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Branded nation : the marketing of megachurch,TWITCHEL college, inc., and museumworld / James B. Twitchell. 658.834 SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Deadly persuasion : why women and girls must KILBOUR fight the addictive power of advertising / Jean Kilbourne. 1 658.834 UNDERHI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Why we buy : the science of shopping / Paco Underhill. 658.8343 BLUMENTH 1 c2005. Branded for life : how Americans are brainwashed by the brands weSFCC loveNon-Fiction / Howard J. Blumenthal. 658.8343 CZERNIA 1 c1999. Creating brand loyalty : the management of power positioning and SFCC reallyNon-Fiction great advertising / Richard D. Czerniawski, Michael W. Maloney. 658.8343brands GOBEto people SFCC Non-Fiction Emotional branding ; the new paradigm for connecting / by Marc Gobe¿¿. 658.8348 SFCC Non-Fiction Marketing to and through kids / Selina S. Guber,GUBER Jon Berry. 1 c2001. 1 c1993. 658.84 CARPENT SFCC Non-Fiction EBrands : building an Internet business at breakneck speed / Phil Carpenter. 1 c2000. 658.84 RAISCH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. EMarketplace : successful strategies for B2B eCommerce / Don Milley and Bill Zane. 658.84 SCHWART c1999. Digital Darwinism : 7 breakthrough business strategies for survivingSFCC in theNon-Fiction cutthroat Web economy / Evan I.1Schwartz. 658.84 TENNANT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Effective e-strategies : the themes and strategies at work on the Web / Harry R. Tennant. 95 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. SCHIFFM SFCC Non-Fiction 25 sales habits of highly successful salespeople 658.85 / by Stephan Schiffman. 1 c1994. B949r Non-Fiction Run your own store : from raising the money to658.87 counting the profitsSFCC / Irving Burstiner. 1 c1981. Selling for dummies / by Tom Hopkins. 658.85 HOPKINS 658.87 Non-Fiction 4 c2005. Independent America [videorecording (DVD)] : the twoINDEPEN lane search SFCC for mom and pop / Produced by HRH Media, Inc. and Open Door Co. for Independen 658.87 SAMLI SFCC Non-Fiction Up against the retail giants : targeting weakness, gaining an edge / A. Coskun Samli. 658.8708 SFCC Non-Fiction Franchising for dummies / by Dave Thomas andTHOMAS Michael Seid. 1 c2004. 1 c2000. 659 LEVINE Non-Fiction Guerrilla P.R. : how you can wage an effective publicity campaign-- SFCC without going broke / Michael Levine. 1 c1993. 659.1/ HABERST SFCC Non-Fiction Ice cube sex : the truth about subliminal advertising Jack Haberstroh. c1994. 1 659.1 In8cof view in SFCC 1 c1977. Controversy advertising : how advertisers present points publicNon-Fiction affairs : a worldwide study sponsored by International Advertising Association 659.1 KEDING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. How to produce creative advertising : proven techniques & computer applications / Ann Keding, Thomas Bivins. LEVINSO SFCC Non-Fiction Guerrilla advertising : cost-effective techniques659.1 for small-business success / Jay Conrad Levinson. 1 1994. 659.1 R749aunderstanding SFCC Non-Fiction 1986. author, Charles H. Sandage. Advertising in contemporary society : perspectives toward / Kim B. Rotzoll, James E. Haefner1; consulting 659.1 TWITCHE advertising SFCC Non-Fiction 1 B.c2000. 20 ads that shook the world : the century's most groundbreaking and how it changed us all / James Twitchell. 659.1 UL1A SFCC Non-Fiction Advertising in America : an introduction to persuasive communication 1 c1977. 659.1014 BAYANyourSFCC Non-Fiction Words that sell : more than 6,000 entries to help you promote products, services, and ideas / Richard 2Bayan.c2006. 659.1019 MOOG "Are they selling her lips?" : advertising and identity / Carol Moog. SFCC Non-Fiction 659.1019 WILLIAM SFCCWilliamson. Non-Fiction Decoding advertisements : ideology and meaning in advertising / Judith 1 c1990. 1 1978. 1 c2004. PATTISby Jeff SFCC Career ; foreword by Ruth Wooden. 1 Opportunities in advertising careers / S. William659.1023 Pattis ; revised Johnson 659.1042 SFCC Non-Fiction 4 Advertising and popular culture / Jib Fowles. FOWLES 659.1042 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Erotic history of advertising / Tom Reichert. REICHERT 659.1097 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Golden age of advertising : the 60s / editor, JimGOLDEN Heimann. c1995. 659.134 B214SA. Ballinger. SFCC Non-Fiction Sign, symbol & form [by] Louise Bowen Ballinger & Raymond [1972] Careers in advertising / S. William Pattis. 659.1023 PATTIS SFCC Career 1 c1996. 2003. 2005. 659.1342 GUDIS / Catherine SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Buyways : billboards, automobiles, and the American landscape Gudis. 659.152 EVERETT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Guide to producing a fashion show / Judith C. Everett, Kristen K. Swanson ; original photography, Chris Everett. 659.1967 CIGARET 1 c1996. Cigarette commercials [videorecording] : Old Gold, Camel, Kool, PallSFCC Mall,Non-Fiction etc., etc. 659.1968 HILL / Daniel SFCCDelis Non-Fiction 2 c2004. As seen in Vogue : a century of American fashion in advertising Hill. 660.6023 BROWN Career 1 2001. Opportunities in biotechnology careers / Sheldon S. Brown ; revisedSFCC by Mark Rowh ; foreword by Carl B. Feldbaum. B838G SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Energy 1980. and Utilities Committee Gasohol : a recap of information on alcohol for 662.669 gasohol production : prepared for the Washington State Senate 662.669 F952 Fuel alcohol on the farm : a primer on production and use. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. 662.669 M426M Non-Fiction Manual for the home and farm production of alcohol fuel / StephenSFCC W. Mathewson. 2 [c1980] Ethanol motor fuels and "gasohol" / Thomas A.662.669 Sladek. SL12e 1 1978. SFCC Non-Fiction 96 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 665.7763 OLAHAlainSFCC Non-Fiction Beyond oil and gas : the methanol economy / George A. Olah, Goeppert and G.K. Surya Prakash. 1 2006. F234H SFCC Non-Fiction 1 n. d. or make into articles of ornament Home manufacture of furs and skins; a book of 675.2 practical instructions telling how to tan, dress, color and manufacture 675.2 Home tanning and leather making guide, by Albert B. F234H Farnham. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1950] 676.09 RUDIN Making paper : a look into the history of an ancient craft / Bo Rudin.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1990] ROBINSO Non-Fiction Hemp manifesto : 101 ways that hemp can save677.12 our world / RowanSFCC Robinson. 1 c1997. 677.31 PARKER SFCC by Non-Fiction All about wool : a fabric dictionary & swatchbook / written & illustrated Julie Parker. 1 c1996. 683.4309 ZHUK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Illustrated encyclopedia of handguns : pistols and revolvers of the world, 1870 to the present / A.B. Zhuk ; translated by N. N. Bobrov ; edited by John W 684.08 P819 1988 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1985Popular science woodworking projects ... yearbook. 686.22 RABINOW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Exploring typography / Tova Rabinowitz. WHITEand type SFCC Non-Fiction Elements of graphic design : space, unity, page 686.22 architecture, / Alex W. White. 3 c2002. 686.224 Non-Fiction 20th-Century type / written by Lewis Blackwell BLACKWE ; designed2004 by AngusSFCC Hyland/Pentagram. 1 c2004. 686.224 C246tw Twentieth century type designers/ Sebastian Carter. 1 1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 686.224 Non-Fiction c1998. Typography : an encyclopedic survey of type design and FRIEDL techniquesSFCC throughout history / by Friedrich Friedl,1Nicolaus Ott and Bernard Stein. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1973] J321e SFCC Non-Fiction Encyclopaedia of type faces / W. Pincus Jaspert,686.224 W. Turner Berry, A.F. Johnson. 3 c1983. Designer's guide to text type / Jean Callan King 686.224 and TonyK583d Esposito. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. 686.224 LOXLEY Type : the secret history of letters / Simon Loxley. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- 686.224 T98t Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980- SFCC Non-Fiction 4 1980- SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1980- SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980- Type. 686.224 G223T 97 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 686.224 TYPOGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980Typography : the annual of the Type Directors Club. 686.224 TYPOGRA Non-Fiction c2005. dekor / [compiled by] Clara Sc Typographic decoration = De¿¿cor typographique = TypographischeSFCC Muster = Decoracio¿¿n tipogra¿¿fica =1Typografskii¿¿ 686.224 TYPOGRA Non-Fiction; selected by Rick Poynor 1 & Why 1994. Typography now : the next wave / [edited by Rick Poynor & EdwardSFCC Booth-Clibborn Not Associates]. 686.224 V111tsizes shown SFCC Non-Fiction Type specimen book; 544 different typefaces with over 3000 in complete alphabets. 3 [1974] 686.225 CLAIR SFCC Non-Fiction Typographic workbook : a primer to history, techniques, and artistry / Kate Clair. 2 1999. 686.225 H938L Layout : the design of the printed page / Allen Hurlburt. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. 686.2254 KVERN SFCC Non-Fiction Real World Adobe InDesign 2 / by Olav Martin Kvern & David Blatner. 686.2254 WILLIAM Robin Williams design workshop / Robin Williams and John Tollett. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2003. 1 2000. DOGGETT SFCC Non-Fiction Bookworks : books, memory and photo albums,686.3 journals, and diaries made by hand / Sue Doggett. 1 1998. 687Humphries St22e Non-Fiction Evaluating apparel quality / Anita A. Stamper, Sue Sharp,SFCC Linda B. Donnell. 688.20973 B174f/ by Lillian Baker. SFCC Non-Fiction Fifty years of collectible fashion jewelry, 1925-1975 1 c1986. 1 c1986. Non-Fiction Garden construction / by Ogden Tanner and the690.89 editorsTANNER of Time-LifeSFCC Books. 1 c1978. SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 with 1978. Energy efficient home : a manual for saving fuel697 andR566e using solar, wood, wind power / by Steven Robinson Fred S. Dubin ; and the assistance of P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 John Heartfield : art and mass media / Douglas 700.1 Kahn. K122j 700.103 ART AND Italy, 1250-1500 SFCC/Non-Fiction Art and politics in late medieval and early Renaissance edited by Charles M. Rosenberg. 1 700.103 MAPPING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Mapping the terrain : new genre public art / edited by Suzanne Lacy. 1985. c1990. c1995. 700.103 PUBLIC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 andc1994. Public bodies/private states : new views on photography, representation, and gender / edited by Jane Brettle Sally Rice. 700.289 ROSSOL 2001 Rossol. SFCC Reserve 13 c2001. Artist's complete health and safety guide / by Monona 700.411 ARONSON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Art attack : a short cultural history of the avant-garde / Marc Aronson. 700.7117 SFCC Career 1 c2006Peterson's college guide for visual arts majors. PETERSO 2007 700.7117 2005 SFCC Peterson's professional degree programs in thePETERSON visual & performing arts,Career 2005. 1 c2004. CELTIC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Celtic quest in art and literature : an anthology 700.8991 from Merlin to Van Morrison / edited by Jane Lahr. 700.8996 STUCKEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Going through the storm : the influence of African American art in history / Sterling Stuckey. 700.8997 SONG TO Non-Fiction 1 Song to the creator : traditional arts of Native American women of SFCC the plateau / edited by Lillian A. Ackerman. 1998. 700.9033 PARK c1992. Idea of Rococo / William Park. SFCC Non-Fiction 98 1 1994. [1996] SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 700.904 K672i In the deco style / Dan Klein, Nancy A. McClelland, Malcolm Haslam.SFCC Non-Fiction 700.9048 SFCC Non-Fiction Art talk : the early 80s / edited by Jeanne Siegel.ARTWORD 1 1986. 1 [1990] 700.92Kienholz KIENHOL; Walter SFCCHopps, Non-Fiction 1 Brooks c1996. Kienholz, a retrospective / Edward and Nancy Reddin with contributions by Rosetta ... [et al.]. 700.92 LELOOSK FRIDAY SFCC Non-Fiction Lelooska : the life of a northwest coast artist / Chris Friday. 700.92 LUNA SFCC Non-Fiction James Luna : Emendatio / Truman T. Lowe and LOWE Paul Chaat Smith, curators. PAIK SFCC Non-Fiction Nam June Paik : global groove / essays by Nam 700.92 June Paik, Jon Ippolito and John G. Hanhardt. Robert Rauschenberg / Sam Hunter 700.92 RAUSCH HUNTER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 1 c2005. 3 2004. 1 1999 700.92 VIOLA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Hans 2003. Bill Viola : the passions / John Walsh, editor ; with essays by Peter Sellars, John Walsh ; a conversation between Belting and Bill Viola ; sources and 700.92; with VIOLA SFCC Non-Fiction Bill Viola / curated by David A. Ross and Peter Sellars contributions by Lewis Hyde ... [et al.]. 1 c1997. 700.92 VIOLA Going forth by day / [texts and images by] Bill Viola. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002] 700.92 WARHOL 700.924 BURDEN Chris Burden. 700.924 PAIK Worlds of Nam June Paik / John G. Hanhardt. HANHAR 700.924 WARHOL Warhol / David Bourdon. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. 700.94 P422f of rupture SFCC Non-Fiction Futurist moment : avant-garde, avant guerre, and the language / Marjorie Perloff. 1 1986. 701.03 C212f SFCC Non-Fiction Fear of art : censorship and freedom of expression in art / Moshe Carmilly-Weinberger. 1 1986. Warhol / Eric Shanes. 701.03 POTENTIby Cathy SFCCByrd, Non-Fiction Potentially harmful : the art of American censorship / curated with Susan Richmond ; [Cathy2Byrd, c2006. editor.] 2 2003. 701.15 Eh85p2tottoSFCC Non-Fiction Psycho-analysis of artistic vision and hearing : an introduction a theory of unconscious perception. 701.17 ANDERSO SFCC Calliope's sisters : a comparative study of philosophies of art / Richard L. Reserve Anderson. 1 1965. 1 c1990. 701.17 GADALLA Egyptian harmony : the visual music / Gadalla Moustafa. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984. MILLER On reflection / Jonathan Miller ; [editor, Valerie701.8 Mendes]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 701.8 POORE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1976, c1967. Looking at art / Laurie Schneider Adams. Designer's guide to color Composition in art / Henry Rankin Poore. 701.1 ADAMS 701.8 D461 SFCC Non-Fiction 701.85 HIBI Sadao Hibi SFCC Non-Fiction essays and main text, Kunio 2 2000. ; translation, John Bester. Colors of Japan / captions, commentary, and photography, ; introduction Fukuda 702.02 HAUT MO Pirenne ... [et al.] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Haut moyen-age : Byzance, Islam, Occident / Henri 702.3 LANG SFCCtoNon-Fiction 1 Lang. c1998. Taking the leap : building a career as a visual artist : [the insider's guide exhibiting and selling your art] / Cay 702.8 RIVERS c2004. Film- and Fernsehproduktion Gm Rivers and tides [videorecording] : Andy Goldsworthy working with SFCC time Non-Fiction / filmed by Thomas Riedelsheimer7; Mediopolis 704.0368 GOMEZ SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Oregon 1997. Guillermo Go¿¿mez-Pen¿¿a [videorecording] / an Oregon Public Broadcasting production in association with State University for the Annenberg 704.0368 VALDEZprecaria ROMO / Tere SFCC Non-Fiction Patssi Valdez : a precarious comfort = una comodidad Romo, curator. 704.039 CARUANA SFCC Non-Fiction Aboriginal art / Wally Caruana. 99 1 c1999. 2 2003. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 704.0396 SFCC Bearden Non-Fiction History of African-American artists : from 1792 BEARDEN to the present / Romare & Harry Henderson. 2 c1993. BETYE Non-Fiction c1998. Betye and Alison Saar [videorecording] : conjure704.0396 women of the artsSFCC / created & produced by Linda Freeman1 ; written and directed by David Irving. 704.0396 CENTURY SFCC 1 c2004. Century of African American art : the Paul R. Jones collection / edited by Non-Fiction Amalia K. Amaki. 704.0396 PATTON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. African-American art / Sharon F. Patton. 704.0397 BERLO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Native North American art / Janet Catherine Berlo and Ruth B. Phillips. 704.0397 FAITHFU SFCC Non-Fiction 5 Fever. 2002. Faithful to continuance [videorecording] : [legacy of the Plateau people] / produced and directed by Mimbres 704.0397 FEEST SFCC Reserve 3 1980. Native arts of North America / Christian F. Feest. 704.0397 FEEST 1992 SFCC Reserve 12 1992. Native arts of North America / Christian F. Feest. 704.0397 FENIMOR/ edited bySFCC Non-Fiction 1 Art of the North American Indians : the Thaw Collection Gilbert T. Vincent, Sherry Brydon, and Ralph T.2000. Coe ; principal photographs by John B 704.0397 FIRST SFCC Indian Non-Fiction 1 Gerald c2004. First American art : the Charles and Valerie Diker collection of American art / edited by Bruce Bernstein, McMaster ; essays by Bruce Berns 704.0397 GIFTS SFCC American Non-Fiction c1996.; exhibition curators, Dan L. Mon Gifts of the spirit : works by nineteenth-centuryO& contemporary Native artists / foreword by Dan1L. Monroe H119h SFCCofNon-Fiction 1983, c1980. Hau, Ko¿¿la! : the Plains Indian collection of the704.0397 Haffenreffer Museum Anthropology / Barbara A. Hail. 2 704.0397 HEARD SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2006. Arctic spirit : Inuit art from the Albrecht Collection at the Heard Museum / Ingo Hessel. 704.0397 SFCC Museum Non-Fiction c2001. Hold everything! : masterworks of basketry andHEARD pottery from the Heard / Jody Folwell ... [et al.]. 1 704.0397 HESSELby Dieter Hessel SFCC; with Non-Fiction 2 1998. Inuit art : an introduction / Ingo Hessel ; photography a foreword by George Swinton. 704.0397 MACDONA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Haida art / George F. MacDonald. 704.0397 NATIVE meanings, histories SFCC Non-Fiction 1999. Native American art in the twentieth century : makers, / edited by W. Jackson Rushing. 1 704.0397 NATIVE SFCC Non-Fiction c2005. Native American voices on identity, art, and culture : objects of everlasting esteem / edited by Lucy Fowler 1Williams, William Wierzbowski, and Robert W 704.0397 PENNEY Collection /SFCC Non-Fiction 1 A. Pohrt, c1992.Milford G. Chandler, and George Art of the American Indian frontier : the Chandler-Pohrt David W. Penney ; with essays by Richard 704.0397 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. North American Indian art / David W. Penney. PENNEY 704.0397 RAY Jonaitis SFCC;Non-Fiction c1996. Legacy of arctic art / by Dorothy Jean Ray ; foreword by Aldona photographs by Barry McWayne. 1 704.0397 c1993, SHARED in the twentieth SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Shared visions : Native American painters and sculptors century / [edited by] Margaret Archuleta and Rennard Strickland ; essays by Joy 704.0397 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Understanding Northwest coast art : a guide to SHEARAR crests, beings, and symbols / Cheryl Shearar. 704.0397 WEALTH SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. Wealth of thought : Franz Boas on Native American art / edited by Aldona Jonaitis. 704.0397 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Mythic beings : spirit art of the Northwest coastWYATT / Gary Wyatt. 704.042 GUERRIL 1 1998. Guerrilla Girls' bedside companion to the history of Western art / bySFCC the Non-Fiction Guerrilla Girls. Women artists : an illustrated history / Nancy G.704.042 Heller. H267w SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. 704.042 M289 1970-85 SFCC/Non-Fiction c1989. Making their mark : women artists move into the mainstream, Randy Rosen, Catherine C. Brawer1[compilers]. 100 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 704.042 MIRROR Non-Fiction Mirror images : women, surrealism, and self-representation / editedSFCC by Whitney Chadwick ; essays by Dawn2 Adesc1998. ... [et al.]. G573A Non-Fiction Ancient pagan symbols, by Elisabeth Goldsmith.704.796 New York, Putnam,SFCC 1929. 3 1973] 704.942 G313G Great American nude; a history in art [by] William H. Gerdts. 1 [1974] SFCC Non-Fiction 704.942 1987, c1968KRONHAU SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1970. Complete book of erotic art : a survey of erotic fact and fancy in the fine arts / compiled by Phyllis and Eberhard Kronhausen. 704.9421 CHESTER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. FigureWork : the nude and life modelling in New Zealand art / Sandra Chesterman. 704.9423 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. Art of George Quaintance / Herausgeber, VolkerQUAINTA Janssen ; U¿¿bersetzung, Hubertus Falkenstein. 704.9424 W84 by Thomas SFCC Non-Fiction Woman as sex object; studies in erotic art, 1730-1970. Edited B. Hess and Linda Nochlin. 704.9432 WAGNER American wildlife art / David J. Wagner ; [foreword, Kent Ullberg]. SFCC Non-Fiction 704.9435 SFCC Non-Fiction Objects of desire : the modern still life / Margit ROWELL Rowell. 1 1972] 2 c2008. 1 c1997. 704.946 D354c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Teitelbaum. Corazo¿¿n sangrante = The bleeding heart / seleccio¿¿n de obras, curators, Olivier Debroise, Elisabeth Sussman, Matthew [1969, 704.946 L528S SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1950] Symbols, signs & signets. 704.946 WILKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1994. Symbol & magic in Egyptian art / Richard H. Wilkinson. 5 Treasury of fantastic and mythological creatures704.947 : 1,087 HUBER renderingsSFCC fromNon-Fiction historic sources / by Richard Huber. 704.947 WOODFOR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Images of myths in classical antiquity / Susan Woodford. 1981. 704.948; B921G SFCC Non-Fiction Gods and demons in primitive art / [by] Cottie Burland with photographs by Werner Forman. 1 1973. K119A Non-Fiction Arts of Shinto, by Haruki Kageyama. Translated 704.948 and adapted with anSFCC introd. by Christine Guth. 704.9482 M293Gcentury. Translated SFCC Non-Fiction Gothic image; religious art in France of the thirteenth by Dora Nussey. 704.9489 BLURTON SFCC Non-Fiction Hindu art / T. Richard Blurton. 1 [1973] 1 [1958] 2 1993. 704.9489 FICKLE Images of the Buddha in Thailand / Dorothy H. Fickle. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Buddhist art and architecture / Robert E. Fisher.704.9489 FISHER 704.9489 HILLENB Islamic art and architecture / Robert Hillenbrand. 704.9489 Hindu art and architecture / George Michell. MICHELL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2000. SWAN Peyote religious art : symbols of faith and belief704.9489 / Daniel C. Swan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 2002. 706.8aSLAUGHT SFCC Non-Fiction 2 artists] c2004. Art that pays : the emerging artist's guide to making living : [with interviews from over thirty-five celebrtaed / by Adele Slaughter & Jeff Kober. 706.88 SFCC Non-Fiction Art marketing 101 : a handbook for the fine artist / [bySMITH Constance Smith]. 1 1999, c1997. 707.1 B341b SFCC 1 1972. Bauhaus, 1919-1928. Edited by Herbert Bayer, Walter Gropius, [and] Ise Non-Fiction Gropius. New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1938. 707.1experiment SCH25C in industrial SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [Translated [1967] from the German by Ruth Mic Crafts of the Weimar Bauhaus, 1919-1924; an early design. Photos. by Klaus G. Beyer. 707.1 W586b SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 707.1143 BAUHAUS SFCC ;Non-Fiction 1 1993. Bauhaus : masters & students by themselves / edited by Frank Whitford with additional research by Julia Englehardt. Bauhaus / Frank Whitford. 101 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Inside the Bauhaus / Howard Dearstyne ; edited707.1143 by DavidD348i Spaeth. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. 708.13 art, GESKE SFCC Venice 34. The figurative tradition in recent American by Norman A. Non-Fiction Geske. 1 [1968] 708.153 SFCC ... Non-Fiction Art in the White House : a nation's pride / William Kloss KLOSS ; Doreen Bolger [et al.]. 1 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. 709 H258A v. 2 Hartt. SFCC Non-Fiction Art : a history of painting, sculpture, and architecture / Frederick 709 HONOUR 1991 SFCC Non-Fiction Visual arts : a history / Hugh Honour, John Fleming. 1 1976. 1 1991. Gardner's art through the ages. Gardner's art through the ages. 709 G173 1991 709 GARDNER 1991 Art : a new history / Paul Johnson. 709 JOHNSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Great themes in art / E. John Walford. 709 WALFORD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. American Indian art: form and tradition. 709.01 Am35 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972] 709.01 architecture F853A SFCC Egypt, Non-Fiction 2 and Rome [1971?] Art of the ancient world : painting, pottery, sculpture, from Mesopotamia, Crete, Greece / H. A. Groenewegen Frankfort, B 709.01 Sc15 SFCC Non-Fiction Aesthetic aspects of ancient art [by] Robert L. Scranton. 709.01 WARDWELL SFCC Non-Fiction Island ancestors : Oceanic art from the Masco Collection / Allen Wardwell ; photographs by Dirk Bakker. 1 [c1964] 1 c1994. 709.011 CORBIN SFCC Non-Fiction Native arts of North America, Africa, and the South Pacific : an introduction / George A. Corbin. 4 c1988. 709.011 CORBIN SFCC Reserve Native arts of North America, Africa, and the South Pacific : an introduction / George A. Corbin. 1 c1988. Maya art and architecture / Mary Ellen Miller. 709.011 MILLER SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c1999. 709.011 R211E JeanSFCC Eskimo art : tradition and innovation in north Alaska / Dorothy Ray. Non-Fiction 1 c1977. SCHELE 1986. Blood of kings : dynasty and ritual in Maya art /709.011 Linda Schele, Mary SFCC Ellen Non-Fiction Miller ; photographs by Justin Kerr.2 709.011 SUBMULOon the Columbus SFCC Reserve 1 Submuloc Show/ Columbus Wohs : a visual commentary Quincentennial from the perspective of America's first people / by Juane Quic 709.011 TRIBAL v.4 : the United States SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Tribal arts guide, volume 4 : western North America Canada. 709.011 WHITE Prehistoric art : the symbolic journey of mankind / Randall White. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. R899 bySFCC Cave of Lascaux : the final photographs / Mario709.0112 Ruspoli ; preface YvesNon-Fiction Coppens. 1 1987. Byzantine art and the West. 709.02 D399b SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1970] Secret Middle Ages / Malcolm Jones. 709.02 JONES SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. V881 by Christopher SFCC Non-Fiction Early Christian art. Photography by Max Hirmer.709.02 [Translated Ligota] 1 Monuments of medieval art / Robert G. Calkins.709.023 C129m 1 [1962] [1985?], c1979. Early Christian & Byzantine art / John Lowden. 709.02 LOWDEN SFCC Non-Fiction 709.023 OS / HenkSFCC 1994. Bernhard Ridderbos ; translated Art of devotion in the late Middle Ages in Europe, 1300-1500 van Non-Fiction Os ; with Euge¿¿ne Hone¿¿e, Hans2Nieuwdorp, 709.023 SWAANof the SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1988. Art & architecture of the late Middle Ages : 1350 to the advent Renaissance / Wim Swaan ; with photographs by the author. AN86C Classicism and romanticism, with other studies 709.03 in art history. SFCC Non-Fiction 709.032 H366s SFCC Non-Fiction 17th and 18th century art : baroque painting, sculpture, architecture / Julius S. Held, Donald Posner. Invention of liberty, 1700-1789 709.033 St28i SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] 2 [1971?] 1 [Distributed in the U.S. 709.033Sch65r SFCC Oversize 1 [1960].of Theodor Muller. [Translated fr Rococo age; art and civilization of the 18th century [by] Arno Schonberger and Halldor Soehner, with the collaboration 709.0349 ART NOU SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. Art Nouveau : 1890-1914 / edited by Paul Greenhalgh. 102 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 709.04 Ar61h SFCC Non-Fiction History of modern art : painting, sculpture, architecture / H. H. Arnason. 2 1977. 709.04 SFCC Non-Fiction Art of the 20th century / Ruhrberg ... [et al.] ; edited byART IngoOF F. Walther. 1 c1998. 1 1968. Minimal art; a critical anthology. 709.04 B321M SFCC Non-Fiction 709.04 B74 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 State 1991. Breakthroughs : avant-garde artists in Europe and America,1950-1990 / Wexner Center for the Arts, the Ohio University. D12m SFCC Non-Fiction Dada painters and poets : an anthology / edited709.04 by Robert Motherwell. 2 1981. D856hHopps,SFCC Non-Fiction Marcel Duchamp; ready-mades, etc., 1913-1964709.04 [by] Walter Ulf Linde [and] Arturo Schwarz. 1 [c1964] L664P Alloway, SFCC Non-Fiction Pop art [by] Lucy R. Lippard. With contributions709.04 by Lawrence Nancy Marmer [and] Nicolas Calas. 1 [c1966] 2 2000. 709.04 MODERN SFCC Non-Fiction Modern contemporary : art at MoMA since 1980 / edited by Kirk Varnedoe, Paola Antonelli, Joshua Siegel. 1 709.04 MOSZYNS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Abstract art / Anna Moszynska. 2000. Postminimalism / Robert Pincus-Witten. 709.04 P652P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. Dada and surrealist art [by] William S. Rubin. 709.04 R824D SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1968] R824DA Dada, Surrealism, and their heritage, by William709.04 S. Rubin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] 709.04 RHODES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 709.04Taylor. TAYLOR Avant-garde and after : rethinking art now / Brandon SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. Minimalism / edited by James Meyer. Primitivism and modern art / Colin Rhodes. 709.04 MEYER SFCC Non-Fiction 1990. THEORIof artists' SFCCwritings Non-Fiction 1 Peter c1996. Theories and documents of contemporary art : 709.04 a sourcebook / [edited by] Kristine Stiles and Selz. 709.04 W252a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972. 709.04 WALDMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1992] Collage, assemblage, and the found object / Diane Waldman. 709.0405 1 c1996. Abstraction in the Twentieth Century : total risk,ROSENTH freedom, disciplineSFCC / byNon-Fiction Mark Rosenthal. 709.0406 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Surreal lives : the surrealists, 1917-1945 / Ruth BRANDON Brandon. 709.04063 M365f SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. Fashion and surrealism / Richard Martin. 709.0407 AGE OF by Christos M. Joachimides SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by1997. Age of modernism : art in the 20th century / edited and Norman Rosenthal ; essays Brooks Adams ... [et al.] ; co-ordinatin 709.0407 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Artoon : l'influenza del fumetto nelle arti visive ARTOON del XX secolo. 709.0407 Non-Fiction 1 1992. Pop art and consumer culture : American superMAMIYA market / Christin J. SFCC Mamiya. All color book of Art Nouveau. 709.0407 POP SFCC Non-Fiction Pop / edited by Mark Francis ; survey by Hal Foster. 709.045 SFCCSandler. Non-Fiction Art of the post-modern era : from the late '60s SANDLER to the early '90s / Irving 709.1022 ART SFCCphotography Oversize Art of Gothic : architecture, sculpture, painting OF / edited by Rolf Toman; by Achim Bednorz. 1 2005. 2 c1996. 1 c1999. H73n SFCC Non-Fiction Northwest coast Indian art; an analysis of form,709.1749 by Bill Holm. 709.1767 Non-Fiction Islamic art and architecture 650-1250 / RichardETTINGH Ettinghausen, Oleg SFCC Grabar, Marilyn Jenkins-Madina. 709.1767 OKANE SFCC Non-Fiction Treasures of Islam : artistic glories of the Muslim world / Bernard O'Kane. 1 1965. 1 2001. 1 2007. 709.2 ASTONISand David SFCCC. Non-Fiction Astonishment and power / introduction by Sylvia H. Williams Driskell]. 1 c1993. 709.2 written BEARDEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; National [2003] Gallery of Art, Washington ; AT Art of Romare Bearden [videorecording] / produced, and directed by Carroll Moore ; HRH Foundation 103 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 709.2 Pieyre BELLMER SFCC Non-Fiction Hans Bellmer, ¿¿uvre grave¿¿. Pre¿¿face de Andre¿¿ de Mandiargues. 2 1969. 1 c1998. BOLTANS SFCC Non-Fiction Christian Boltanski / Didier Semin, Tamar Garb, 709.2 Donald Kuspit. 709.2 BROWN TSUJIMO SFCC Non-Fiction Art of Joan Brown / Karen Tsujimoto and Jacquelynn Baas ; with a foreword by Brenda Richardson. 1 1997. 2 c1998. 709.2Golding. COWLING Picasso : sculptor/painter / Elizabeth Cowling, John SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. Dali's optical illusions / edited by Dawn Ades. 709.2 DALI SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2000. 709.2Mink. DUCHAMP Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968 : art as anti-art / Janis Matisse and Picasso / Yve-Alain Bois. 709.2 BOIS SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. 709.2and HESSE SFCC Non-Fiction Encountering Eva Hesse / edited by Griselda Pollock Vanessa Corby. 709.2 HOLZER SFCC Non-Fiction Jenny Holzer / David Joselit, Joan Simon, RenataJOSELIT Salecl. 1 c2006. 1 1998. KIEFER Anselm Kiefer : heaven and earth / organized by709.2 Michael Auping. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2005. KOONS SFCC Non-Fiction Jeff Koons handbook / Jeff Koons ; [introduction709.2 by Robert Rosenblum]. 2 1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Leonardo da Vinci / Sherwin B. Nuland. 709.2 LEONARD KEMP 709.2 LEONARDO NULAND Boundaries / Maya Lin. 709.2 LIN Leonardo / Martin Kemp. 709.2 Andrews, LIN Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Maya Lin : systematic landscapes / essays by Richard JohnSFCC Beardsley ; foreword by Lawrence Weschler. SFCC Non-Fiction Henri Matisse : a retrospective / John Elderfield.709.2 MATISSE 709.2 PFAFF SANDLER Judy Pfaff / by Irving Sandler ; introduction by Russell Panczenko. SFCC Non-Fiction Faith Ringgold / Lisa E. Farrington. 709.2 RINGGOL FARRING SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. 3 c2003. 1 c2004. 709.2 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Betye Saar : extending the frozen moment / essays bySAAR James Christen Steward ... [et al.]. 709.2 SCHAPIR SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Miriam Schapiro : shaping the fragments of art GOUMA and life / Thalia Gouma-Peterson ; foreword by Linda Nochlin. 709.2 SMITH POSNER SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Kiki Smith / Helaine Posner ; interview by Christopher Lyon. c2005. TURRELL Non-Fiction James Turrell : a life in light / [editor, Meredith 709.2 Etherington-Smith ; SFCC foreword by Louise T. Blouin]. 2006. 1 1999. 2005. 709.2 VIOLA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. 709.2074 CHRISTO SFCC Non-Fiction c1993. Christo : the Reichstag and urban projects / edited by Jacob Baal-Teshuva ; photography by Wolfgang Volz ;3with contributions by Tilmann Buddensieg .. 709.22 FINEBERG 2 c2004. Christo and Jeanne-Claude : on the way to The Gates, Central Park, SFCC New Non-Fiction York City / Jonathan Fineberg ; photographs by Wolfgang Volz. Art of Bill Viola / edited by Chris Townsend. 709.22 Non-Fiction 1 essays c2004. Jenny Holzer : truth before power / herausgegeben vonHOLZER = edited bySFCC Eckhard Schneider ; Mit Texten von = with by Eckhard Schneider ... [et al.] ; un 709.22 KEITH Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Kenny Scharf. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. 709.22 PRESSPL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. Pressplay : contemporary artists in conversation. 709.24 BOURGEO SFCCby Non-Fiction 1 Brinkworth-Glover]. c1996. Louise Bourgeois / Marie-Laure Bernadac ; [translated from the French Deke Dusinberre ; edited by Philippa [1974, 709.24 D856M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975] Marcel Duchamp in perspective. 104 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Roots of Miro¿¿ / Pere Gimferrer. 709.24 GIMFERR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 709.24 H82c and introduction SFCC Non-Fiction 2 German c1982. Christo, complete editions, 1964-1982 : catalogue raisonne¿¿ / by Per Hovdenakk ; [editor, translation, Jo¿¿rg Schellmann]. Jasper Johns / Georges Boudaille. 709.24 JOHNS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Complete work of Michelangelo. 709.24 MICHELA SFCC Oversize 1 [1965] 709.24 P581m SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Dominique 1986. Bozo ; catalogue by Marie-Laur Picasso Museum, Paris. Paintings, papiers colle¿¿s, picture reliefs, sculptures, and ceramics / introduction by 709.24 PICASSO Non-Fiction Picasso : the works of Pablo Picasso / Giorgio Cortenova ; translatedSFCC by Richard Pierce. 1 1991. 709.24 PICASSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. Picasso [videorecording] : an exhibition at Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 1980 / KTCA; Twin Cities Public Television ; producer-director, Kathleen Laug 709.24 W128c SFCC Non-Fiction Andy Warhol, by John Coplans with contributions by Jonas Mekas and Calvin Tomkins. 3 [1970] 709.24of WARHOL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by Jacob c1993.Baal-Teshuva with contibutions b Andy Warhol, 1928-1987 : works from the collections Jose¿¿ Mugrabi and an Isle of Man company / edited 709.32 SFCC Non-Fiction Egyptian art, in the days of the pharaohs, 3100-320 BC AL24e / Cyril Aldred. 1 1980. 709.32 SFCC Non-Fiction Art of ancient Egypt. [Translated and adapted from theM582a Polish and French by Norbert Guterman] 2 [1969] 709.32 ROBINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. 709.3207 EGYPTIA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Egyptian art in the age of the pyramids. 709.35 BOARDMA Non-FictionPersian art / John Boardman. 1 2000. Persia and the West : an archaeological investigation of the genesisSFCC of Achaemenid Art of ancient Egypt / Gay Robins. 709.35 M379P SFCC Non-Fiction Persian art in the collection of the Museum of Oriental Art / by S. Maslenitsyna. 1 c1975. Arts of Assyria. Translated by Stuart Gilbert and709.35 James P249 Emmons. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1961] 709.35 P249S SFCC Non-Fiction Sumer: the dawn of art. Translated by Stuart Gilbert and James Emmons. 1 [1961] 709.36 OBRIEN Non-Fiction 2000. Celtic decorative art : a living tradition / Deborah O'Brien. [with] AnSFCC illustrated history of the Celts and their1art ; by Maire¿¿ad Ashe FitzGerald. Roman art / Eve D'Ambra. 709.37 DAMBRA SFCC Non-Fiction EISNER Non-Fiction Imperial Rome and Christian triumph : the art of709.37 the Roman EmpireSFCC AD 100-450 / Jas¿¿ Elsner. 1 1998. 1 1998. Etruscan art / Nigel Spivey. 709.375 SPIVEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Greek art. 709.38 B63G SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1964] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. 709.38 B766A Archaeology of Greece : an introduction / William R. Biers. BATTERB SFCC ;Non-Fiction Greek & Roman art / adapted by Ariane Ruskin 709.38 and Michael Batterberry foreword by Howard Conant. 1 c1968. 709.38 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Greek art. Text by Francois Chamoux. [Translated fromC357G the French by Mary Ilford and Inge Sonn] 709.4077 HEAP SFCC Non-Fiction Claim your color / Hachivi Edgar Heap of Birds ;OF curator, Jeanette Ingberman ; texts by Papo Colo ... [et al.] 1 [1966] 709.43 H892H 1 [1965] 709.45 M931by Ugo SFCC Non-Fiction Invitation to Venice. Introd. by Peggy Guggenheim. Photos. Mulas. Translated by Isabel Quigly. 709.45 SHEARMA SFCCShearman. Non-Fiction Only connect-- : art and the spectator in the Italian Renaissance / John 709.455 TURNER SFCC Non-Fiction Renaissance Florence : the invention of a new art / A. Richard Turner. 1 [c1963] 1 c1992. 1 1997. Stones of Florence. Photos. by Evelyn Hofer and709.4551 others. M127S SFCC Non-Fiction 709.45634 HERSEY High Renaissance art in St. Peter's and the Vatican : an interpretive SFCC guideNon-Fiction / George L. Hersey. 1 [1959] 1 1993. Sobranie drevnerusskogo iskusstva v Zagorskom709.47 muzeeN588C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Hundertwasser. De Stijl environment / Nancy J. Troy. 709.492 T756d SFCC Non-Fiction 105 c1990. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 New Chinese painting, 1949-1986 / Joan Lebold709.51 Cohen.COHEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. EL47n Non-Fiction 1 byc1983. New discoveries in China : encountering history709.51 through archeologySFCC / Danielle and Vadime Elisseeff ; translated Larry Lockwood. Historical relics unearthed in New China. 709.51 H629 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972. 709.51 OFHamilton SFCCFilm Non-Fiction 2 [et al.] c1988. Son of heaven [videorecording] : imperial arts of ChinaSON / Don Company ; text, Robert Thorp ... ; photographed & produced by Don SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. Arts of China / Michael Sullivan. 709.51 Su55a 709.51 SULLIVA 1999 SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1999. Chinese art / Mary Tregear. 709.51 TREGEAR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. Arts of China to AD 900 / William Watson. 709.51 WATSON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1995. 2 c2004. Arts of China / Michael Sullivan. 709.5103 SFCC/ Fang Non-Fiction Symbols and rebuses in Chinese art : figures, bugs, beasts,FANG and flowers Jing Pei. 709.5109 Non-Fiction 3 2004. Splendors of China's Forbidden City : the glorious reign ofHO Emperor SFCC Qianlong / Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson. 709.5109 Non-Fiction 1 2004. China art now / Michel Nuridsany ; photographyNURIDSA by Marc Domage ;SFCC [translated from the French by Susan Pickford]. Art of Tibet / Robert E. Fisher. 709.515 FISHER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. K56T SFCC arts. Non-Fiction 1 [1966] Treasures of Korean art; 2000 years of ceramics,709.519 sculpture, and jeweled Text by Chewon Kim and Won-Yong Kim. Korean art guide. 709.519 K841 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Korea : art and archaeology / Jane Portal. 709.519 PORTAL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. B633H.Batterson SFCCBoger. Non-Fiction Traditional arts of Japan, a complete illustrated709.52 guide, [by] 1 1964. Japan style / essays by Mitsukuni Yoshida ... [et709.52 al.] ; artJ271 direction bySFCC IkkoNon-Fiction Tanaka. 1 1980. 709.52 KATOby RogerSFCC Non-Fiction 1994. by Junko Abe and Leza Lowitz. Japan, spirit and form / Shuichi Kato ; with an introduction Goepper ; translated and adapted from2 the Japanese 709.52 KAZARI/ edited SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2002. Kazari : decoration and display in Japan, 15th-19th centuries by Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere ; foreword by Tsuji Nobuo. Japanese decorative style. 709.52 L515 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1961] Arts of Japan, an illustrated history. 709.52 M928a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1957] History of Japanese art / Penelope Mason. 709.52 MASON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1993. 709.52 NOMA v.1 SFCC Non-Fiction Arts of Japan. Translated and adapted by John Rosenfield. Photos. by Takahashi Bin. 2 1965, c19661967] SINGER SFCC...Non-Fiction Edo, art in Japan 1615-1868 / Robert T. Singer ;709.52 with John T. Carpenter [et al.]. 2 1998. 2 1984. Japanese art / Joan Stanley-Baker. 709.52 STANLEY SFCC Non-Fiction 709.52six-volume T279 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1956] Masterworks of Japanese art. Based on the definitive Pageant of Japanese art edited by staff members of the Tokyo National Museum. TREASUR SFCC Non-Fiction 1998. Natalia Nekrasova ; coordinatin Treasures from Central Asia : Islamic art objects709.58 in the State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow / guest editor1 in Moscow, Integrative art of modern Thailand / Herbert P. 709.593 Phillips. PHILLIP SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. 709.593 V271A Arts of Thailand / Steve Van Beek, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. AFRICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; and c2005. Africa remix : contemporary art of a continent /709.6 [edited by] Simon Njami ; with essays by Lucy Duran ... [et al.] a dialogue between Marie-Laure Ber 709.6 SPIRIT Non-Fiction 1 Spirit of Africa : traditional art from the Nokes collection / James R.SFCC Ramsey and Maude S. Wahlman, editors. 709.6 WILLETT 1993 SFCC Non-Fiction 4 African art : an introduction / Frank Willett. 709.6 WILLETT 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction 13 African art / Frank Willett. 1982. 709.6074 ARTS c2005. Arts of Africa : 7000 years of African art. SFCC Non-Fiction 106 1 1993. 2003. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 709.609 KASFIR Contemporary African art / Sidney Littlefield Kasfir. Islamic art 709.61 R361 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1965] 709.6209Rodenbeck, EGYPT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001?] Egypt : the arts in view / guest editor in Cairo, Elizabeth coordinating editor in London, James Parry. 709.67 BLIERBlier. SFCC Non-Fiction Royal arts of Africa : the majesty of form / Suzanne Preston 709.6709 AFRICAN SFCC Non-Fiction African art now : masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi Collection / Andre¿¿ Magnin ... [et al.]. 1 c1998. 1 2005. GRUZINSRenaissance SFCC Non-Fiction Painting the conquest : the Mexican Indians and709.72 the European / Serge Gruzinski ; translated by2Deke 1992. Dusinberre. 709.72 L896s SFCCof Non-Fiction c1989. Sculpture of ancient west Mexico : Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima : a catalogue the Proctor Stafford Collection at1 the Los Angeles County Museum of Art / Mi 709.72 Art of Mesoamerica : from Olmec to Aztec / Mary EllenMILLER Miller. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2007. Aztec art / Esther Pasztory. 709.72 PASZTOR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1983] Aztec art / Esther Pasztory. 709.72 PASZTOR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1998] PAZSpanish by SFCC Non-Fiction Essays on Mexican art / Octavio Paz ; translated709.72 from the Helen Lane. 1 c1993. St52afrom the SFCC Non-Fiction Art of the Aztecs and its origins / Henri Stierlin ;709.72 [translated French by Betty and Peter Ross] 2 1982. 709.72 W435a Art and time in Mexico : from the Conquest to the Revolution 1 c1985. SFCC Non-Fiction SOLIS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 in chief, 2002.John Vrieze ; contributors, Beatriz Art treasures of ancient Mexico : journey to the709.7252 land of the gods / authors, Felipe Solis, Ted Leyenaar ; editor 709.7252 TEOTIHU SFCC Non-Fiction 5 1994. Teotihuacan : art from the city of the gods / edited by Kathleen Berrin and Esther Pasztory. 709.7281 SCHELE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. Hidden faces of the Maya art / Linda Schele ; photography, Jorge Pe¿¿rez de Lara ; presentation, Roma¿¿n Pin¿¿a Chan. American pop art. 709.73 AL57A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 709.73 G625 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1959] Four American expressionists: Doris Caesar, Chaim Gross, Karl Knaths [and] Abraham Rattner, by Lloyd Goodrich and John I. H. Baur. 709.73 G644A Art of the real; USA, 1948-1968 [by] E.C. Goossen. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. ILES / Chrissie SFCC Non-Fiction Into the light : the projected image in American709.7307 art, 1964-1977 Iles. 709.7309 ART 21 SFCC Non-Fiction Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century. 709.7309 ART 21 SFCC Non-Fiction Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century. 709.7309 GROSECLO SFCC Non-Fiction Nineteenth-century American art / Barbara Groseclose. 1 c2001. 2 2001-<2005> 1 2001-<2005> 1 2000. 709.7309 KIM Art deco / Young Mi Kim. 709.7309 POP ARTMadoff. Pop art : a critical history / edited by Steven Henry SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. 1 c1989. Donald Judd / edited by Nicholas Serota. 709.73 JUDD 709.78 ARTISTS SFCC Non-Fiction Artists of New Mexico [videorecording] / Ellis Productions ; produced, directed by David Ellis. 709.78 MAURER Non-Fiction 1 ...c1992. Visions of the people : a pictorial history of Plains Indian life / Evan SFCC M. Maurer ; with essays by Evan M. Maurer [et al.] ; exhibition organized by Evan M DREeditor. SFCC Non-Fiction Jet dreams : art of the fifties in the Northwest /709.797 Barbara JET Johns, 1 c1995. 709.8 STONE-M Art of the Andes : from Chavi¿¿n to Inca / Rebecca Stone-Miller. 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction T145 / edited SFCC 1 Cecilia 1992. Taller Torres-Garci¿¿a : the School of the South709.807 and its legacy byNon-Fiction Mari Carmen Rami¿¿rez ; curators, Buzio de Torres, Mari Carmen Rami¿ 709.8074 FLETCHE Non-Fiction 1 Lam, c1992. Crosscurrents of modernism : four Latin American pioneers : Diego SFCC Rivera, Joaqui¿¿n Torres-Garci¿¿a, Wifredo Matta = Intercambios del modernis LUCIE-S Latin American art of the 20th century / Edward709.809 Lucie-Smith. SFCC Non-Fiction 107 1 c1993. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Art of Latin America, 1900-1980 / Marta Traba.709.809 TRABA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. G932a Arts of the South Pacific. Translated by Anthony709.9 Christie. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1963] SFCC Non-Fiction Oceanic art / Anthony J.P. Meyer ; photographs,709.9 Olaf MEYER Wipperfu¿¿rth. 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. 709.911art PAREZO Non-Fiction Navajo sandpainting: from religious act to commercial / Nancy J.SFCC Parezo. 2 1991. 709.94 ABORIGI SFCC Non-Fiction Aboriginal art [videorecording] : past, present and future / Crystal Productions ; by Marilynne Bradley. 1 c1996. MAORI Janet SFCC Non-Fiction Maori art and culture / edited by D.C. Starzecka709.99 ; contributors, Davidson ... [et al.]. 2 1996. 711.6 HAYES SFCC Non-Fiction Infrastructure : a field guide to the industrial landscape / Brian Hayes. 1 c2005. Oceanic art / Nicholas Thomas. 709.9 THOMAS 712 Sir Ox2g SFCC Susan Non-Fiction 1 1986. Oxford companion to gardens / consultant editors, Geoffrey Jellicoe, Jellicoe ; executive editors, Patrick Goode, Michael Lancaster. 712.092 F327F x SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Frederick Law Olmsted and the American environmental tradition. 712.092 Non-Fiction 1 Clearing in the distance : Frederick Law OlmstedRYBCZYN and America in theSFCC nineteenth century / Witold Rybczynski. [1972] 712.6 Ir2sand planting SFCC Non-Fiction Small gardens for city and country : a guide to designing your green spaces. 712.60952 KEANE by O¿¿hashiSFCC Non-Fiction Japanese garden design / Marc P. Keane ; photographs Haruzo¿¿ ; drawings by the author. 1 c1978. 3 1996. 2 1970. Cottage garden flowers. 716 F528C SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. 720.1 ALEXAND Alexander, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 with1977. Pattern language : towns, buildings, construction / Christopher Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, Sh D46 SFCC Non-Fiction Designing for human behavior: architecture and720.19 the behavioral sciences 1 [1974] 3 2003. Entourage : a tracing file and color sourcebook 720.28 / ErnestBURDEN Burden. SFCC Non-Fiction 720.8691 DESIGN SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2006. Design like you give a damn : architectural responses to humanitarian crisis / edited by Architecture for Humanity. B21A SFCC Non-Fiction Architecture and interior design : a basic history720.9 through the seventeenth century / Victoria Kloss Ball. 1 c1980. Sir Banister Fletcher's A history of architecture. 720.9 F637H SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975. SFCC Non-Fiction Great architecture of the world / general editor,720.9 JohnG798 Julius Norwich. 1 [1975] 720.9 from GLANCEY SFCC Non-Fiction Architecture / Jonathan Glancey ; with contributions Thomas Cussans. 720.9182 SFCC Non-Fiction History of Western architecture / David Watkin.WATKIN 720.92 ARCHITEC SFCC Non-Fiction Architectures 4 [videorecording(DVD)]. 2 c2006. 1 2000. 1 2005. 1 c1998. 3 c2002. 720.92 CUTTER Kirtland Cutter : architect in the land of promiseMATTHEW / Henry Matthews.SFCC Non-Fiction 720.92 GEHRY MILLER SFCC Non-Fiction Frank Gehry / Jason Miller ; [edited by Susan Lauzau] 720.92 SFCC c1999. Frank Lloyd Wright : the Western work / by Dixie LeglerLEGLER ; photographs byNon-Fiction Scot Zimmerman ; introduction by2 Arthur Dyson. 720.92Japanese NUTE art and SFCCarchitecture Non-Fictionin the work of Frank Lloyd 1 Wright c1993. Frank Lloyd Wright and Japan : the role of traditional / Kevin Nute. 720.92 WRIGHT c1998. Frank Lloyd Wright [videorecording (DVD)] a film by Ken Burns and SFCC Lynn Non-Fiction Novick ; a production of Florentine2Films2004, and WETA. IL9Mform)]SFCC Non-Fiction [Moskva pamiatniki arkhitektury, XIV-XVII vekov720.947 (romanized 720.951 CHINESE SFCC Non-Fiction Chinese architecture / Fu Xinian ... [et al.] ; English text edited and expanded by Nancy S. Steinhardt. 1 1973. 1 K829 SFCC Non-Fiction Forms in Japan. Translated by Kenneth Yasuda. 720.952 Photos. by Yukio Futagawa. 1 c2002. [1965, c1963] 108 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 720.952 TADGELL Japan : the informal contained / Christopher Tadgell. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. 720.952 SFCCbyNon-Fiction 2 c2007. Art of Japanese architecture / David and Michiko Young YOUNG ; photography David and Michiko Young, Ben Simmons ; keyphotos, Murata Noboru ; illustra 720.954 Non-Fiction [1994] History of architecture in India : from the dawnTADGELL of civilization to theSFCC end of the Raj / Christopher Tadgell. 1 720.973 NATIONA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [197-?] National Gallery builds [videorecording]. 720.973 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Twentieth-century American architecture : the WISEMAN buildings and their makers / Carter Wiseman. 721.044 Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Surfaces : visual research for artists, architects, JURACEK and designers / JudySFCC A. Juracek. Glass houses / edited by Alejandro Bahamon. 721.0449 GLASS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 TAYLOR / Julie SFCC Non-Fiction Outdoor rooms : designs for porches, terraces, 721.84 decks, gazebos D. Taylor, foreword by Barbara Barry.1 2006. c1998. 722 SEVENTY and how SFCCthey Non-Fiction 2 1999. Seventy wonders of the ancient world : the great monuments were built / edited by Chris Scarre. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 724.6 PEARMAN Contemporary world architecture / told by Hugh Pearman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Cafes & coffee shops no. 2 / [editor] Martin M. 725.71 Pegler. CAFES SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. Early medieval architecture / Roger Stalley. Cafes & Bistros / Martin M. Pegler. 723 STALLEY 725.71 PEGLER 725.98M. R251b SFCC Non-Fiction 2 and 1990. Bridges of Central Park / by Henry Hope Reed, Robert McGee, and Esther Mipaas ; drawings by Ronald Rife Joseph LoGuirato. Houses of God. 726 M677 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] 726.09 ST64M SFCC Non-Fiction [1966] Monastery and cathedral in France; medieval architecture, sculpture, stained glass, manuscripts, the art of 1the church treasuries, by Whitney S. Stoddard 726.143 GOVINDA Non-Fiction 1 c1976. Psycho-cosmic symbolism of the Buddhist stu¿¿pa / Lama AnagarikaSFCC Govinda. SFCC Non-Fiction Thai temples and temple murals / Rita Ringis. 726.143 RINDIS 726.145 MICHELL SFCC Non-Fiction Hindu temple : an introduction to its meaning and forms / George Michell ; with a new preface. 1 1990. 3 1988. 726.5 BARRIE SFCC Non-Fiction Spiritual path, sacred place : myth, ritual, and meaning in architecture / Thomas Barrie. 1 1996. 726.6 Sw11g Non-Fiction 1 1984, c1969. Gothic cathedral / Wim Swaan ; with an historical introduction, TheSFCC Cathedral in medieval society, by Christopher Brooke 727.7094 GEHRY SFCC Non-Fiction Frank O. Gehry : Guggenheim Museum Bilbao /BRUGGEN by Coosje van Bruggen. 3 c1999. Minimalist interiors / [edited by] Quim Rossell. 728 MINIMAL 1 2005. SFCC Non-Fiction SL28j SFCC Non-Fictionby Gilles de Chabaneix. 2 c1987. Japanese style / Suzanne Slesin, Stafford Cliff &728.0952 Daniel Rozensztroch ; photographs 728.0952 TAKESHI SFCC Non-Fiction c2005. Japanese house : in space, memory and language / Nakagawa Takeshi ; translated by Geraldine Harcourt. 2 728.0952 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003.= Uchida Shigeru with Mitsuhashi Shigeru Uchida with Ikuyo Mitsuhashi : interior,UCHIDA furniture and architecture / [author Shigeru Uchida, Ikuyo Mitsuhashi] D283AandSFCC Non-Fiction [1971] essays, Margot P. Brill. American Heritage history of notable American728.0973 houses. Author editor in charge, Marshall B. Davidson. 1Biographical 728.0973 HUNTER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / Christine c1999. Hunter. Ranches, rowhouses, and railroad flats : American homes : how they shape our landscapes and neighborhoods 728.0973 SUSANKA SFCChome Non-Fiction 1 by Grey c2000. Creating the not so big house : insights and ideas for the new American / Sarah Susanka ; photographs Crawford. 728.0979 FRANKNorthwest SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Northwest style : interior design and architecture in the Pacific / text by Ann Wall Frank ; photographs by Michael Mathers. Urban houses / Arian Mostaedi 728.3 MOSTAED SFCC Non-Fiction 109 1 [2003] SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 728.312day BINNEY Non-Fiction Town houses : urban houses from 1200 to the present / MarcusSFCC Binney. 1 1998. 728.37 MINI SFCC Non-Fiction Mini house style / Ricorico ; [chief editor and producer, Rico Komanoya]. 1 c2004. 2 c2003. Good green homes / Jennifer Roberts. 728.37 ROBERTS SFCC Non-Fiction 728.37 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Off the grid : modern homes + alternative energy / LoriRYKER Ryker. 728.3702 CRAFTSM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1999] Craftsman collection / [Jan Prideaux, senior editor]. 728.373 CRAFTSM SFCC Non-Fiction 1988. Craftsman bungalows : 59 homes from the Craftsman / edited by Gustav Stickley ; new introduction by Alan2 Weissman. 728.373 HALBERS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Bungalow style / April Halberstadt. 728.809 VALLE 728.9 BAHAMON Treehouses : living a dream / [Alejandro Baham¿¿n]. Compact houses / Cristina Del Valle. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. 728.9 TRULOVE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Tree houses by architects / James Grayson Trulove. 729.028 MITTON models, 2004 andSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Interior design visual presentation : a guide to graphics, presentation techniques / Maureen Mitton. 729.0917 CLEVENO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Degeorge. 2000. Splendors of Islam : architecture, decoration, and design / Dominique Cle¿¿venot ; photographs by Ge¿¿rard 729.0948 DIACONI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Scandinavian country / Pamela Diaconis. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] Environmental acoustics [by] Leslie L. Doelle. 729.29 D672E 729.29 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; with 2003. Symphony : Frank Gehry's Walt Disney Concert SYMPHONY Hall / preface by Deborah Borda ; introduction by Frank Gehry essays by Richard Koshalek ... [et al. 730 H318k SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1988, c1979. 730.028 BRIDGEW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Carving totem poles & masks / Alan & Gill Bridgewater. 730.089 DREWEL SFCCand Non-Fiction 3 Abiodun c1989.; edited by Allen Wardwell. Yoruba : nine centuries of African art and thought / Henry John Drewal John Pemberton III, with Rowland 730.0967 AFRICAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Roberts, c1998.created & produced by Linda Fre African art, women, history [videorecording] : the Luba people of central Africa / narrated by Dr. Mary Nooter 730.92 AUTIO LACKEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Rudy Autio / by Louana M. Lackey ; with a foreword by Peter Voulkos. Kwakiutl art / Audrey Hawthorn. 730.92 GORDON SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2003. Deborah Butterfield / by Robert Gordon ; introduction by Jane Smiley ; essay by John Yau ; poems by Vicki Hearne. 730.92 Buchsteiner HANSON and SFCCOtto Non-Fiction 1 Duane Hanson : more than reality / edited by Thomas Letze. 730.92 HESSE SUSSMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Eva Hesse : sculpture / Elisabeth Sussman and Fred Wasserman ; with essays by Yve-Alain Bois, Mark Godfrey. c2001. c2006. 730.92 LUCERO LEACH Leach and Barbara SFCC Non-Fiction c1996. Michael Lucero : sculpture 1976-1995 / Mark Richard J. Bloemink ; with an essay by Lucy1 R. Lippard. 730.92 NEVELSO SFCC Non-Fiction Nevelson in process [videorecording] / WNET/13 ; a film by Susan Fanshel and Jill Godmilow. 2 [1987?] 730.92 PURYEAR BENEZRA Martin Puryear / by Neal Benezra ; with an essay by Robert Storr. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993, c1991. 730.924 K868T E. Krauss. SFCC Non-Fiction Terminal iron works; the sculpture of David Smith [by] Rosalind 1 [c1971] 730.924 1 Felicity 1991. Henry Moore : the human dimension / [compiled by AnnMOORE Elliott andSFCC DavidNon-Fiction Mitchinson ; English translation by Cave and Rachel Gomme]. 110 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 730.924 MOORE 1998 Non-Fiction 2 ; introduction c1998. Celebrating Moore : works from the collection of the Henry Moore SFCC Foundation / selected by David Mitchinson by David Mitchinson ; forew 1967 [i.e. 730.924 N689S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1968] Sculptor's world; foreword by R. Buckminster Fuller. 730.924 RODIN 1978the editorsSFCC Non-Fiction World of Rodin, 1840-1917 / by William Harlan HALE Hale and of Time-Life Books ; with photographs 1by Lee1978, Boltinc1969. and Dmitri Kessel. 730.924 SAINT-P Non-Fiction 1 2003. Grotto / Niki de Saint Phalle ; [editor, Landeshauptstadt Hannover, SFCC Fachbereich Umwelt und Stadtgru¿¿n ; Sprengel Museum Hannover ; [contributions 730.924 SAINT-P SFCC Non-Fiction/ Pontus Hulten. Niki de Saint Phalle : Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 730.945 Roman baroque sculpture : the industry of art /MONTAGU Jennifer Montagu. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. 1 1989. Italian high renaissance and baroque sculpture.730.945 P81 v. 1 1 1963. SFCC Non-Fiction GODS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Darielle 1993. Mason. Gods, guardians, and lovers : temple sculptures730.954 from north India, A.D. 700-1200 / edited by Vishakha N. Desai, 730.959 CUTIVON/ Nandana Chutiwongs, SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. Buddha of the future : an early Maitreya from Thailand Denise Patry Leidy. 730.9607 SFCC Non-Fiction 2002. Africa : art and culture : masterpieces of AfricanAFRICA art, Ethnological Museum, Berlin / edited by Hans-Joachim1Koloss. 730.966 LAGAMMA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Genesis : ideas of origin in African sculpture / Alisa LaGamma. 730.9728 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. Maya sculpture of Copa¿¿n : the iconography / BAUDEZ by Claude-Franc¿¿ois Baudez. 730.973 SFCCedited Non-Fiction 1 by[1967] American sculpture of the sixties; exhibition selected andT79A book-catalog by Maurice Tuchman. Sponsored the Contemporary Art Council. 730.973 200 years of American sculpture / Tom Armstrong ... [etT93 al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. HUDSON Non-Fiction 1 ofc1998] Robert Hudson and Richard Shaw : new ceramic731.2 sculpture : JanuarySFCC 17 through April 12, 1998, Addison Gallery American Art, Phillips Academy, Andov LINDESA Non-Fiction 1 by 1998. Terracotta army of the first emperor of China / 731.2 [written by William SFCC Lindesay ; reference Chinese text provided Guo Baofa ; translated by Luo Weigang 731.4 ACERO / Ra¿¿ul SFCC Non-Fiction Making ceramic sculpture : techniques, projects, inspirations Acero. 1 c2001. 731.4 LUCCHES by SFCC Non-Fiction Terracotta / sculpture by Bruno Lucchesi ; text and photographs Margit Malmstrom. 731.7097 SFCC Non-Fiction Totem poles : an illustrated guide / Marjorie M.HALPIN Halpin ; foreword by Michael M. Ames. 1 1977. 1 1981. 731.7097 MALIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Totem poles of the Pacific Northwest coast / Edward Malin ; with illustrations by the author. 731.7508 MACNAIR Coast / Peter SFCCMacnair, Non-Fiction 1 1998. Down from the shimmering sky : masks of the Northwest Robert Joseph, Bruce Grenville. 731.7509 C812 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1980. 731.7509 MARKMAN/ Peter T.SFCC Non-Fiction c1989. by Joseph Campbell. Masks of the spirit : image and metaphor in Mesoamerica Markman, Roberta H. Markman ; with 1an introduction Mexican masks / by Donald Cordry. FIVE SFCCVeronika Non-Fiction 500 figures in clay : ceramic artists celebrate the731.82 human form / [editor, Alice Gunter]. 1 c2004. 732.2 Si15a African art in the cycle of life / Roy Sieber and Roslyn Adele Walker.SFCC Reserve 1 c1987. 732.2 SIEBER African art in the cycle of life / Roy Sieber and Roslyn Adele Walker.SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1987. 732.209 Non-Fiction 1 by 1982. Yoruba, sculpture of West Africa / text by William Fagg ;F133y descriptiveSFCC catalogue by John Pemberton 3rd ; edited Bryce Holcombe. 732.2096 HAHNER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. African masks from the Barbier-Mueller Collection, Geneva. 733.3 BOARDMAN 1 1991. Greek sculpture : the archaic period : a handbook / John Boardman.SFCC Non-Fiction 733.3 SMITH Hellenistic sculpture : a handbook / R.R.R. Smith. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. G113gby Carole SFCCSperri Non-Fiction Great Gothic sculpture / by Jean Rene¿¿ Gaborit734.25 ; translated and Lucie Wildt. 1 1978. 735.21 F136g Non-Fiction Great baroque and rococo sculpture / by Maurizio Fagiolo dell'ArcoSFCC ; translated by Enid Kirchberger. 3 1978. 111 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Sculpture since 1945 / Edward Lucie-Smith. 735.23 L963s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. 735.29 G361c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1960] 736.0952 IWAMIYA SFCCbyNon-Fiction 1 by Donald [1963] Richie. Katachi; Japanese pattern and design in wood, paper, and clay. Photos Takeji Iwamiya. Introductory essay Contemporary sculpture 736.202 Non-Fiction Complete book of rock tumbling / Christopher S. Hyde &H992C Richard A.SFCC Matthews. 1 c1977. 738purpose HOPPER SFCC Non-Fiction Functional pottery : form and aesthetic in pots of / Robin Hopper. 2 c2000. 738 RAWSON SFCC Non-Fiction 738.068 SCOTCHI Non-Fiction Setting up your ceramic studio : ideas & plans from working artists /SFCC Virginia Scotchie. 738.082 SFCCPeterson. Non-Fiction Pottery by American Indian women : the legacyPETERSO of generations / Susan 1 1984. 1 c2003. 1 c1997. Ceramics / Philip Rawson. 738.089 SFCC; Non-Fiction 1 byc1996. Southwestern pottery : Anasazi to Zuni / by Allan Hayes HAYES and John Blom photographs by John Blom ; foreword Alexander E. Anthony, Jr. Figure in fired clay / [Betty Blandino]. 738.09 BLANDIN SFCC Non-Fiction 738.09 COOPER SFCC Non-Fiction Ten thousand years of pottery / Emmanuel Cooper. 738.09 MUNSTER SFCC Munsterberg. Non-Fiction World ceramics : from prehistoric to modern times / Hugo and Marjorie 1 2002. 1 2000. 4 c1998. 738.09 W857w SFCCdesign, Non-Fiction 2 c1974. World's master potters : their techniques and art, materials, processes, decoration, styles : the development of ceramic art from ancient to mod 738.0904 DEL SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2001. 738.0904 LAURIA1950-2000 / Jo SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Adkins 2000. Color and fire : defining moments in studio ceramics, Lauria ; with contributions by Gretchen ... [et al.]. 738.0904 PETERSON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. Contemporary ceramics / Susan Peterson. Postmodern ceramics / Mark Del Vecchio. SFCC Non-Fiction American potters : the work of twenty modern 738.092 masters C547A / by Garth Clark. 738.092 CARDEW 1971 SFCC Non-Fiction Pioneer pottery. 2 1 1981. [1971, c1969] 738.092 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Gilded vessel : the lustrous art and life of Beatrice WoodCLARK / Garth Clark. 738.092 DAUGHTE SFCC Non-Fiction c1990.cinematographer, director, John A Daughters of the Anasazi [videorecording] / Lucy Lewis, Emma Lewis Mitchell, Delores Lewis Garcia ; writer,1 producer, 738.092 HAMADA LEACH MacKenzie SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1990. Hamada, potter / Bernard Leach ; with a new preface by Warren ; foreword by Janet Darnell Leach. 738.092 LEWIS Non-Fiction 2 c1992. Lucy M. Lewis, American Indian potter / by Susan Peterson ; designSFCC by Dana Levy. 738.092 OHR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1989. Mad potter of Biloxi : the art & life of George E.CLARK Ohr / Garth Clark, Robert A. Ellison, Jr., Eugene Hecht ; photography by John White ; special consultant, 738.092 PETERSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Jun Kaneko / Susan Peterson ; foreword by Arthur C. Danto. 738.092 2 c1998. Picasso : painter and sculptor in clay / edited byPICASSO Marilyn McCully. SFCC Non-Fiction 738.092 R145p SFCC Non-Fiction 738.092 SCHLANG SFCCTakaezu. Non-Fiction Maija Grotell : works which grow from belief / Jeff Schlanger & Toshiko 738.0922 WHYBROW SFCC Non-Fiction Leach legacy : the St. Ives Pottery and its influence / Marion Whybrow. 3 c1974. 1 c1996. 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1979. Picasso's ceramics / Georges Ramie¿¿. Ron Nagle : a survey exhibition 1958-1993. 738.0924 NAGLE 738.0938 Aegean faience of the Bronze Age / Karen Polinger Foster.F814a 738.0951 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Connoisseur's guide to Chinese ceramics / by Ce¿¿cile andB467C Michel Beurdeley ; translated by Katherine Watson. 112 [1974?] SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 2 1974. Yu¿¿an porcelain and stoneware / by Margaret738.0951 Medley. M469y SFCC Non-Fiction 738.0952 IDEMITS 3 ofc1988. In pursuit of the dragon : traditions and transitions in Ming ceramicsSFCC : an Non-Fiction exhibition from the Idemitsu Museum Arts. 1 [1973] 738.0952 SE18C collections. SFCC Non-Fiction Ceramic art of Japan; one hundred masterpieces from Japanese 738.0952 WILSON SFCC Non-Fiction Inside Japanese ceramics : a primer of materials, techniques, and traditions / Richard L. Wilson. 2 [1972] 2 1995. 738.0959 GUY SFCC Non-Fiction Ceramic traditions of South-East Asia / John Guy. 738.0973 KEEPERS SFCC Non-Fiction Keepers of the flame : Ken Ferguson's circle, March 17 - May 21, 1995. 738.0985 DONNAN SFCC Non-Fiction Ceramics of ancient Peru / Christopher B. Donnan. 1 1989. 1 [1995?] 2 c1992. Kyoto ceramics 738.0952 SA83K SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC des Non-Fiction 1 / [texto 1975. Cera¿¿mica de los pai¿¿ses andinos : Colombia,738.0986 Ecuador =J15C Ce¿¿ramique pays andins : Colombia, Ecuador de Alain Jacob]. 738.1 BERENSO Non-Fiction 1 ; with 1997. Finding one's way with clay : creating pinched pottery and working SFCC with colored clays / by Paulus Berensohn photographs by True Kelly. 738.1 BRIDGEW Popular crafts guide to pottery / Alan & Gill Bridgewater. 738.1 CHAPPEL 1991 Potter's complete book of clay and glazes / James Chappell. Potter's manual / Kenneth Clark. 738.1 CLARK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1983. 738.1 :FRENCH SFCC Non-Fiction Potter's encyclopedia of color, form, and decoration the comprehensive reference for today's ceramicist /3[Nealc2003. French]. 738.1 TUDBALL SFCC Non-Fiction 738.127 HOPPER SFCC Non-Fiction Ceramic spectrum : a simplified approach to glaze and color development / Robin Hopper. 738.127 PETERSO SFCC Non-Fiction Smashing glazes : 53 artists share insights and recipes / Susan Peterson. 1 1995. 3 c2001. 1 2001. Raku : a practical approach / Steven Branfman. 738.14 B734r SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. 738.14 C763C Contemporary ceramic techniques / John W. Conrad. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. 738.14 L243S Non-Fiction Studio porcelain : contemporary design and techniques / Peter LaneSFCC ; foreword by David Leach. 1 c1980. LANE SFCC Lane. Non-Fiction Contemporary porcelain : materials, techniques738.14 and expressions / Peter 738.14 PENLAND Penland book of ceramics : master classes in ceramic techniques. SFCC Non-Fiction 738.144 CONSTAN SFCC Non-Fiction Potter's palette / Christine Constant & Steve Ogden. 1 1995. 2 c2003. 1 1 c1996. [1974, c1973] 2 c2002. 1 2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Soda glazing / Ruthanne Tudball. Glazes for the craft potter [by] H. Fraser. 738.144 F863G SFCC Non-Fiction Potter's guide to ceramic surfaces / Jo Connell. 738.15 CONNELL SFCC Non-Fiction 738.15 WANDLES techniques SFCC Non-Fiction Image transfer on clay : screen, relief, decal & monoprint / Paul Andrew Wandless. Porcelain [by] John Cushion. 738.2 C959P 738.2 CLARK Eccentric teapot : four hundred years of invention / Garth Clark. 738.2 F955T SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Translated [1973] and adapted with an introd. by Tea ceremony utensils, by Ryo¿¿ichi Fujioka, with Masaki Nakano, Hirokazu Arakawa, and Seizo¿¿ Hayashiya. 738.2 HUDSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973] of Art. Robert Hudson/Richard Shaw, work in porcelain. [Catalogue of an exhibition] May 11-July 1, 1973, San Francisco Museum 738.3089 HARTMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Navajo pottery : traditions & innovations / general editor, Jan Musial ; foreword, Clara Lee Tanner ; text, Russell P.c1987. Hartman ; photographs, Stephen Trim Ancient pottery / [by] Rivka Gonen. 738.309 G588A SFCC Non-Fiction 113 2 1973. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 738.309 SP49M 738.3096 BARLEY Smashing pots : works of clay from Africa / Nigel Barley. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1979. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Greek and Roman jewellery / Reynold Higgins. 739.27 H535g SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. 739.27 H874M Modern jewelry, an international survey, 1890-1963. 739.27 UNTRACH Jewelry concepts and technology / Oppi Untracht. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1963] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982. 739.27 W268d SFCC Non-Fiction Designing jewelry / James F. Warwick. 739.2709 Jewelry design source book / [consultant editorJEWELRY Diana Scarisbrick]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1979. 740 D363 x SFCC Drawings [of] Edgar Degas [by] Jaromi¿¿r Pec¿¿i¿¿rka. [Translated by IvoNon-Fiction A. Havlu¿¿] Maria / Richard L. Spivey. Jewelry as an art form / Irena Brynner. 739.274 B846j 1 [1963] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] 741 En79d Drawing : space, form, expression / Wayne Enstice, Melody Peters. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Calligraphic lettering with wide pen & brush. 741 D747C Zen of seeing; seeingdrawing as meditation 741.092 F847Z SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] Gustav Klimt / Alessandra Comini. 741.092 K684C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975. 741.092 1 [1964] Life with Picasso [by] Franc¿¿oise Gilot and Carlton Lake.P581G x SFCC Non-Fiction 741.092 W9742A x SFCC Non-Fiction [1972]by Paul Horgan and an introd. by N. C. Wyeth: the collected paintings, illustrations, and murals. By Douglas Allen and Douglas Allen, Jr. With a2 foreword 741.0922 Non-Fiction 1 1978, c1930. Contemporary illustrators of children's books / M612C compiled by Bertha SFCC E. Mahony and Elinor Whitney. As39e SFCC Non-Fiction Encyclopaedia of drawing : materials, technique741.2 and style / Clive Ashwin. 1 1983. 741.2Teel BETTI Drawing : a contemporary approach / Claudia Betti, Sale. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 [1972] How to draw what you see. 741.2 D34 EDWARDS SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 ; [instructional c1979. Drawing on the right side of the brain : a course741.2 in enhancing creativity artistic confidence / Betty Edwards drawings, Betty Edwards, 741.2 H135D SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] Dynamic light and shade / by Burne Hogarth. 741.2 H679d SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. Drawing lessons from the great masters. H83 demonstrations SFCC Non-Fiction How to draw & paint from nature : techniques, 741.2 materials, / consultant editor, Stan Smith. 1 c1986. Experimental drawing / by Robert Kaupelis. 741.2 K166e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. Guide to drawing / Daniel M. Mendelowitz. 741.2 M523g SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1976. 741.2 M523g SFCC Non-Fiction 741.2 NICOLAI 1991 SFCC Non-Fiction Natural way to draw : a working plan for art study / by Kimon Nicolai¿¿des. 1 c1976. 1 [1991] 741.24 B644c Non-Fiction Color drawing workshop / by Bet Borgeson ; photography by EdwinSFCC Borgeson. 1 1984. Guide to drawing / Daniel M. Mendelowitz. 741.24 D776c landscape SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1980] Color drawing : a markercolored-pencil approach for architects, architects, interior and graphic designers, and artists 741.26 B644D Drawing in ink : drawing for reproduction / by Harry Borgman. Drawing the line, fine and commercial art. 741.4 Er66d 741.4drawing. KAUPELI Learning to draw; a creative approach to expressive SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1962] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] COE by Monte SFCC Non-Fiction Sheep of fools / Sue Coe & Judith Brody ; edited741.5 & designed Beauchamp. 2 2005. HARVEY Art of the funnies : an aesthetic history / Robert741.5 C. Harvey. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. MILLER Frank Miller's Sin City. vol. 1. The hard goodbye741.5 / Frank Miller. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2005. 1 c1989. 2 c1985. Non-Fiction V for vendetta / Alan Moore, David Lloyd ; [with741.5 SteveMOORE Whitaker andSFCC Siobhan Dodds]. Encyclopedia of superheroes / Jeff Rovin. 741.5 R769e SFCC Non-Fiction 741.5Karen SIMPSON SFCC 2004. Simpsons holiday humdinger / [contributing artists, Bates ... et al. ;Non-Fiction contributing writers, Ian Boothby1... et al.]. 114 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 741.5023 GOLDFAR SFCC Career 1 c1993. Careers by design : a headhunter's secrets for success and survival in graphic design / by Roz Goldfarb ; introductions by Miho and Ramone Munoz. 741.5092 DANGERO Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Dangerous drawings : interviews with comix & grafix artists / editedSFCC by Andrea Juno. Os8g SFCCO'Sullivan. Non-Fiction Great American comic strip : one hundred years741.5097 of cartoon art / Judith 3 c1990. 741.569; SHA SFCC Best Sellers Spy vs. spy 2 : the joke and dagger files / David Shayne foreword by J.J. Abrams. 2 2007. 741.58 Am35 American animated cartoon : a critical anthology / edited by DannySFCC PearyNon-Fiction and Gerald Peary. 1 c1980. 741.58 FRAIOLI / by SFCC Non-Fiction Storyboarding 101 : a crash course in professional storyboarding James O. Fraioli. 741.58 Toon art : the graphic art of digital cartooning /WITHROW by Steven Withrow.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 1 c2003. 741.594 T342t Top dog; Thalwell's complete canine compendium. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] Thelwell's riding academy. 741.594 T342TH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] Black hole / Charles Burns. 741.597 BUR SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1979] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002, c1995. 741.5973 SFCC Non-Fiction Recycled Doonesbury : second thoughts on a gilded age /T765r by G.B. Trudeau. 1 c1990. 741.5973 G564B Best of Rube Goldberg / compiled by Charles Keller. 741.5973 MILLER 300 / story & art, Frank Miller ; colors, Lynn Varley. 741.5973 OBARR Crow / James O'Barr. American showcase. Illustration. 741.6 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1990- Showcase. Illustration. 741.6 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004- American showcase. Illustration. 741.6 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990- American showcase. Illustration. 741.6 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990- American showcase. Illustration. 741.6 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990- Showcase. Illustration. 741.6 AMERICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004- 741.6Exhibition. Ar75 Art directors annual and the ... Annual International SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987- 741.6Exhibition. Ar75 Art directors annual and the ... Annual International SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987- 741.6Exhibition. Ar75 Art directors annual and the ... Annual International SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987- Art directors annual. 741.6 ART DIR SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1996- Art directors annual. 741.6 ART DIR SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1996- Art directors annual. 741.6 ART DIR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1996- Art directors annual. 741.6 ART DIR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1996- Art directors annual. 741.6 ART DIR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996- Best in annual reports. 741.6 B464a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 BALIUS Type at work : the use of type in editorial design741.6 / Andreu Balius. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Best of the best of brochure design. 741.6 BEST SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. Best direct design response. 741.6 BEST DI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. BHASKAR SFCC/Non-Fiction Size matters : effective graphic design for large 741.6 amounts of information Lakshmi Bhaskaran. 1 c2004. 741.6 BOYLSTO SFCC Non-Fiction Creative solutions for unusual projects : includes templates, formats, guidelines / [Scott Boylston]. 1 2001. 115 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 741.6/ designed C197r by David SFCCCarlson. Non-Fiction Ready-to-use outdoor recreations spot illustrations 1 c1985. C332re Ready-to-use humorous spot illustrations / Bob741.6 Censoni. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1984. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 741.6 CALLIGR SFCCdesigns. Non-Fiction Calligraphic ornaments cd-rom and book : 166 different copyright-free 4 c1997. 741.6 CELTIC SFCC Non-Fiction 741.6 CELTIC SFCC Celtic designs [electronic resource] : electronic 1997 clip art for Macintosh andNon-Fiction Windows. 3 c1998. 3 c1997. Creativity 741.6 C86 Celtic alphabets [electronic resource]. Creativity 741.6 CREATIV SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Creativity 741.6 CREATIV SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Creativity 741.6 CREATIV SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Creativity 741.6 CREATIV SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Creativity 741.6 CREATIV SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Creativity 741.6 CREATIV SFCC Non-Fiction 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2007. EGYPTIAN Egyptian designs CD-ROM and book [electronic 741.6 resource] Logo / Michael Evamy. 741.6 EVAMY 741.6 F118 SFCCtoNon-Fiction c1986. Faces to tell your story : 1094 faces to convey thoughts, feelings, ideas your readers / edited by Norman 1H. Ludlow ; drawings by Shiela K. Deviine. 741.6from G417a SFCC Non-Fiction Art nouveau; an anthology of design and illustration the Studio. Selected by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr. 2 [1969] G417P Non-Fiction 1 1974. Picture sourcebook for collage and decoupage /741.6 edited by Edmund SFCC V. Gillon, Jr. ; with introductions by Jean-Claude Suares and Eleanor Hasbrouck Rawli 741.6 HOLLELE Digital book design and publishing / Douglas Holleley. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. 741.6 LANDA Creative jolt / Robin Landra, Denise M. Anderson, Rose Gonnella. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Non-Fiction 1 1976. Handbook of pictorial symbols : 3,250 examples741.6 fromMODLEY international SFCC sources / Rudolf Modley, with the assistance of William R. Myers. MOLLERU/ PerSFCC Non-Fiction Marks of excellence : the history and taxonomy741.6 of trademarks Mollerup. 1 1998 741.6 MUSIC Music illustrations CD-ROM and book. 741.6 NADLER Dover electronic clip art library / James Nadler. MACINTO SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993- 741.6 PETERSO Using design basics to get creative results / Bryan L. Peterson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 741.6ofPICTURE SFCC Non-Fiction Picture reference file / under the general editorship Harold H. Hart. 1 c1976- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 741.6/ Rick POYNOR No more rules : graphic design and postmodernism Poynor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. T853t SFCC Triad, optical illusions and how to design them /741.6 original designs and textNon-Fiction by Harry Turner. 1 1978. 741.6 Ready-to-use illustrations of hands / designed by TomTIERNEY Tierney. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. TWO 200 best illustrators worldwide / editor, Walter741.6 Le¿¿urzer. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 741.6 W152b SFCC Non-Fiction Best new U.S. & international label designs 2 / Lisa Walker & Steve Blount. 1 Graphic edge 741.6 POYNOR c1990. W644p / Richard SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Problems, solutions : visual thinking for graphic741.6 communicators Wilde. 741.6028 COMPLETE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Complete guide to digital graphic design / consultant editors, Bob Gordon and Maggie Gordon. 741.60285 ASHFORD SFCCinto Non-Fiction 1 and2000. Start with a scan : a guide to transforming scanned photos and objects high quality art / by Janet Ashford John Odam. 741.6068 D297g Non-Fiction Graphic artist's guide to marketing and self-promotion / Sally PrinceSFCC Davis. 741.6068 FLEISHM SFCC Non-Fiction Starting your small graphic design studio / Michael Fleishman. 1 c1987. 1 c1993. SFCCdesign Non-Fiction c2006.S. Foote ; illustrated by Mark Bell Business side of creativity : a complete guide to741.6068 running aFOOTE small graphic or communications business2/ Cameron 741.6068 GORDON 2004 SFCC Career 2 c2004. Opportunities in commercial art and graphic design careers / Barbara Gordon. 116 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 741.6068 GRAPHIC 1994 SFCC Non-Fiction Graphic Artists Guild handbook : pricing & ethical guidelines. 741.6068 M568u SFCC Non-Fiction Ultimate portfolio / Martha Metzdorf. 741.6075 NEWBERR Fresh ideas in limited budget design / Betsy Newberry & Kate York. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. 2 c1991. 2 c1998. 741.609 CABAN SFCC Latin Non-Fiction 2004.Caban. World graphic design : contemporary graphics from Africa, the Far East, America and the Middle East 4/ Geoffrey 741.609 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Graphic design history / edited by Steven HellerGRAPHIC and Georgette Balance. 741.609 INTERAC SFCC/ Publisher Non-Fiction 1 1999. Interactive design 1 : The international collection of new media design and creative director: B. Martin Pedersen. 741.6092 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2003. Trek : David Carson, recent work / [intro by EricCARSON McLuhan ; essays by Drew Kampion, Jamie Brisick]. 741.6092 GLASER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Art is work : [graphic design, interiors, objects, and illustrations] / Milton Glaser. 741.6094 G767e Graphic designers in Europe. [Edited by Henri Hillebrand] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1971-73] 741.6094 G767e Graphic designers in Europe. [Edited by Henri Hillebrand] 741.6097 GRAPHIC Graphic design USA. 741.6097 GRAPHIC 365 : AIGA year in design. 741.6097 GRAPHIC 365 : AIGA year in design. 741.6097 MARTIN Graphic design : inspirations and innovations / [Diana Martin]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1971-73] c1986c2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. 1 c1985. 1 2003. 1 c2002. 741.6097 N42 SFCC Non-Fiction 741.6097 REMINGT SFCCwith Non-Fiction American Modernism : graphic design 1920-1960 / R. Roger Remington Lisa Bodenstedt. 741.6199 BARRASS SFCC Non-Fiction Art of calligraphy in modern China / Gordon S. Barrass. New illustration. Illustrators. 741.64 IL9 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Illustrators. 741.64 IL9 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Illustrators. 741.64 IL9 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 741.64 IL9 741.652 CROWLEY Magazine covers / David Crowley. 741.66 DROZDOW Best music CD art + design / [Ted Drozdowski...et al.] 741.67 Creative edge : brochures / Gail Deibler Finke. BROCHUR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1972] Illustrators. Graphis logo. 741.67 G767 v.1 741.67 Y16P Prop art: over 1000 contemporary political posters. 741.6705 G767 SFCCder Non-Fiction 1 Graphis annual. International advertising art; internationales Jahrbuch Werbekunst; art publicitaire international. 741.6705 G767 SFCCder Non-Fiction 1 Graphis annual. International advertising art; internationales Jahrbuch Werbekunst; art publicitaire international. 741.6705 G767 1987-88 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Graphis design annual. 741.6705 GRAPHIS SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c2004Design. 117 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 741.6705 GRAPHIS 741.6705 GRAPHIS 741.6705 GRAPHIS 741.6705 GRAPHIS REPORTS SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c2004- SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988- 741.685 CARTER SFCC Non-Fiction 741.685 DORRIAN Business cards : the art of saying hello / Mike Dorrian, Liz Farrelly. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. 2 2004. 741.685 Creative edge : letterhead + business card design / Lynn HALLER Haller. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1991- Design. Design. Design. Graphis annual reports. Big book of business cards / David E. Carter. Full color fruit crate labels. 741.692 FULL 741.8 BIG Big book of letterheads / edited by David E. Carter. 741.8 GRAPHIS v.2 Graphis letterhead. QUINN and designs SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Quinn. c1990. Clip art book : a compilation of more than 5,000741.9 illustrations / research and introduction by Gerard 741.9 R723G Great draughtsmen from Pisanello to Picasso / Jakob Rosenberg. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1974. SFCCVartanian]. Non-Fiction Andy Warhol : drawings and illustrations of the 741.9 1950sWARHOL / [edited by Ivan 741.9242 VITAMIN SFCC Non-Fiction Vitamin D : new perspectives in drawing. 2 2000. 1 2005. 741.942 EP85Eby Richard SFCC Buckle. Non-Fiction Epstein drawings. With notes by Lady Epstein, and an introd. 1 [1962] 741.943Ruhmer G925R [translated SFCC Non-Fiction 1970. Gru¿¿newald: drawings; complete edition by Eberhard from the German Mss. by Anna 1Rose Cooper] 741.943 K834n SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1963] 741.944 MATISSE SFCC Non-Fiction 2005. Henri Matisse, drawings 1936 / with a preface by Christian Zervos and poem by Tristan Tzara ; translated by2 Richard Howard. 741.944 3 c1991. Impressionist and post-impressionist drawing / WADLEY Nicholas Wadley. SFCC Non-Fiction 741.945 D289D SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1968. Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in the collectionv. of2Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle, by Kenneth Clark. 741.945 D289D SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1968. Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in the collectionv. of3Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle, by Kenneth Clark. 741.945 LEONARDO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Leonardo da Vinci, master draftsman / edited by Carmen C. Bambach ; with contributions by Carmen C. Bambach ... [et al.] ; with the assistance of Rach Ka¿¿the Kollwitz. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1971] EI87FText by SFCC Non-Fiction Flemish & Dutch drawings from the 15th to the741.9493 18th century. Colin T. Eisler. 741.973 DIEBENKO SFCC Non-Fiction Drawings. 1 [c1963] 1 [1965] [1958] [1973, c1958] Italian drawings in the Albertina. 741.945 V675i Dynamic anatomy. 743 H678d SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Anatomy for the artist. 743.4 B235A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 743.4and BRIDGMA SFCCB.Non-Fiction 3 Complete guide to drawing from life, with drawings text by George Bridgman. Edited by Howard Simon. [1952] Drawing from life / Clint Brown, Cheryl McLean.743.4 BROWN c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 743.4 CODY SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2002. Atlas of foreshortening : the human figure in deep perspective / John Cody with Ron Tribell ; assistant art director & medical artist, Cynthia Clarke Fehre Artist and the nude: an anthology of drawings. 743.4 L579a Figures. 743.4 R218f x SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1965. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] 118 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Drawing the figure from top to toe. 743.4 Z13D SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Drawing dynamic hands / by Burne Hogarth. 743.49 H678DH SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1977. 745 BAYLEY Design : intelligence made visible / Stephen Bayley, Terence Conran.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Aleut art = Unangam aguqaadangin / by Lydia T.745.0899 Black. BLACK 1 2003. 745.0899 Non-Fiction Alaska native art : tradition, innovation, continuity / SusanFAIR W. Fair ;SFCC edited by Jean Blodgett. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. R211a/ Dorothy SFCC Non-Fiction Aleut and Eskimo art : tradition and innovation 745.0899 in South Alaska Jean Ray. 745.0904 SFCC Non-Fiction Art of craft : contemporary works from the SaxeBURGARD collection / Timothy Anglin Burgard. 745.0942 SFCC Non-Fiction Arts and crafts / Kitty Turgeon and Robert Rust.TURGEON 1 c1981. 1 1999. 2 c1997. SFCCKerr Non-Fiction 1 Craig1991. Chinese art and design : art objects in ritual and745.0951 daily life KERR / editor, Rose ; texts, Rose Kerr, Verity Wilson, Clunas ; photography, Ian Thomas ; de 745.0952 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001.; translation, Jay W. Thomas. Snow, wave, pine : traditional patterns in Japanese designHIBI / photographs and captions, Sadao Hibi ; text, Motoji Niwa 745.0954 ROSSI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by1998. From the ocean of painting : India's popular paintings, 1589 to the present / Barbara Rossi ; with contributions Roy C. Craven, Jr. and Stuart Cary Wel 745.0959 WARREN Non-Fiction 1 1996. Arts and crafts of Thailand / William Warren, Luca Invernizzi TettoniSFCC ; consultant, Chaiwut Tulayadhan. Africa, arts and cultures / edited by John Mack.745.096 AFRICA SFCC Non-Fiction 745.2 FUAD-LU SFCC Non-Fiction Eco design : the sourcebook / Alastair Fuad-Luke. 745.2 MCDONOUG SFCC Non-Fiction Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things / William McDonough & Michael Braungart. 1 2000. 1 2002. 1 2002. SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 2004. Eco-design handbook : a complete sourcebook 745.4 for theFUAD home and office Alastair Fuad-Luke. 745.444 Non-Fiction 1 by Alastair c1998. Duncan. Modernism : modernist design 1880-1940 ; theDUNCAN Norwest collection,SFCC Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis / text 745.4441 FITZGER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Art nouveau / Robert Fitzgerald. 745.4442 FELCHER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Modern style / by Elinor Friedman Felcher. 745.449 G862D 1 1975. Depression modern : the thirties style in America / Martin Greif. SFCC Non-Fiction 745.4492 EAMES / essays by Donald SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Work of Charles and Ray Eames : a legacy of invention Albrecht ... [et al.]. 745.4497 Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Design is : words, things, people, buildings, andDESIGN places at MetropolisSFCC / edited by Akiko Busch ; designed by Criswell Lappin ; photo essays by David Carson 745.5922 NOT JUS SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Not just a pretty face : dolls and human figurines in Alaska Native cultures / edited by Molly C. Lee ; project1director and technical editor: Terry P. Dickey 745.6 CABARGA Non-Fiction Logo, font & lettering bible / [simultaneously written and designed SFCC by] Leslie Cabarga. 1 c2004. L165C Edited SFCC Calligrapher's handbook; essays by M. C. Oliver745.6 [and others] by C. Non-Fiction M. Lamb. 1 1968. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1957] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1976. 1 1977. History and technique of lettering. 745.6 N367h 745.6199 Quranic art of calligraphy and illumination / Martin Lings.L647Q 745.67 N754C SFCC Non-Fiction Celtic and Anglo-Saxon painting : book illumination in the British Isles, 600-800 / Carl Nordenfalk. 745.67 ROHAN 1 1973. Rohan Master : a book of hours : Bibliotheque nationale, Paris (M.S.SFCC LatinNon-Fiction 9471) / introduction by Millard Meiss ; introduction and commentaries by Ma SFCC Non-Fiction Gold leaf techniques / by Raymond J. LeBlanc. 745.75 L492g 746.0899 SPLENDOR SFCC Non-Fiction Splendor in the highlands [videorecording] : Maya weavers of Guatemala. 746.09593 CONWAY SFCC Non-Fiction Thai textiles / Susan Conway. 119 1 c1980. 5 c2005. 1 c1992. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 746.1 AN24G Guatemalan textiles today / by Marilyn Anderson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. 1 1976. 1 1975. 2 1973. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977, c1976. 746.434 with H155D Decorating with crochet / by Anne Halliday ; illustrated photos.SFCC and Non-Fiction diagrs. 1 1975. 746.44 P272A SFCC Non-Fiction 746.44095 COLEMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Dragons and silk from the forbidden city : the genius of China / [Photography & text; Teresa Coleman]. 746.4608 WILLIAM Celtic quilts : a new look for ancient designs / Beth Ann Williams. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 1 1999. 3 c2000. 746.1 T221H SFCC Non-Fiction Hand woolcombing and spinning : a guide to worsteds from the spinning-wheel / [by] Peter Teal. Rigid heddle weaving / by Karen Swanson. 746.14 SW24R SFCC Non-Fiction 746.4 Design principles and fiber techniques (advanced and P199d experimental)SFCC / by Non-Fiction Joan Michaels Paque. Knots & netting / Irene Waller. 746.4 W156K Applique book 746.4609 by GEES Non-Fiction 2006. Gee's Bend : the architecture of the quilt / contributions WilliamSFCC Arnett ... [et al.] ; edited by Paul Arnett,3Joanne Cubbs, Eugene W. Metcalf. 746.4609 SFCC Non-Fiction 2002. Quilts of Gee's Bend / John Beardsley ... [et al.] QUILTS ; introduction by Alvia Wardlaw ; foreword by Peter Marzio.1 746.4609 QUILTS Media ; produced SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Matthew c2006.Arnett. Quilts of Gee's Bend [videorecording (DVD)] / Tinwood and directed by Vanessa Vadim and 746.5096 DREWALuniverse / Henry SFCC John Non-Fiction 1998. by Pravina Shukla. Beads, body, and soul : art and light in the Yoru¿¿ba¿¿ Drewal and John Mason with 1a contribution Non-Fiction Old Navajo rugs : their development from 1900746.72 to 1940RODEE / Marian E.SFCC Rodee. 1 c1981. Oriental rugs. 746.75 Or16 v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981-1989. 1987 ; 746.92 HEALTH Non-Fiction 1 Carter c1989. Health, fashion and beauty [videorecording] / produced by WomenSFCC of the World Productions Ltd. from Sandra Enterprises Inc., Cineworld Inc. in Fashion in the forties / Julian Robinson. 746.92 R563f SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. 746.92 T187i ShaferSFCC Non-Fiction Inside fashion design / Sharon Lee Tate ; illustrated by Mona Edwards. 1 c1984. W524e2 SFCCby Non-Fiction Elementary fashion design and trade sketching 746.92 / written and illustrated Maxine Westerman. 1 c1983. 746.9202 CareerWojak. Career opportunities in the fashion industry / Peter Vogt ;VOGT forewordSFCC by Angelia 2 c2002. M267L SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. Living for design : the Yves Saint Laurent story /746.9209 Axel Madsen. 746.9209 MACKIE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Unmistakably Mackie : the fashion and fantasy DECARO of Bob Mackie / by Frank DeCaro ; photography by Gideon Lewin. 746.9209 S24y ... [etSFCC 1 c1983. Yves Saint Laurent / by Yves Saint Laurent and Diana Vreeland al.]. Non-Fiction 746.9209 VALENTI MORRISby Saron Hughes]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. Valentino / by Bernadine Morris ; [captions translated 746.9209 SFCC Non-Fiction c2000. Beauty in exile : the artists, models, and nobilityVASILEV who fled the Russian Revolution and influenced the world 1of fashion / by Alexandre Vassiliev ; translate 746.9209 YOHANNA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. John Rawlings : 30 years in Vogue / Kohle Yohannan. 746.92092 DOLCE Rossellini ; [translations SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. 10 years of Dolce & Gabbana / introduction by Isabella from Italian to English by Howard Rodger MacLean]. 746.97 JENKINS Non-Fiction American quilt story : the how-to and heritage of a craft tradition / SFCC by Susan Jenkins and Linda Seward. 746.9708 SAMUELby Sara Porter. SFCC Non-Fiction Chilkat dancing blanket / by Cheryl Samuel ; illustrated 1 c1991. 1 1990, c1982. BAUWENS SFCC Non-Fiction c2001. Country chic : country style for modern living / 747 Liz Bauwens & Alexandra Campbell ; photography by Simon 1Brown. 747 C833L Non-Fiction Living details : more than 500 ways to make a house or apartment aSFCC home / Thomas Cowan. 120 1 c1986. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Use of color in interiors / Albert O. Halse. 747 H165U SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. Neoclassical / Young Mi Kim. 747 KIM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. MCMILLA SFCC Non-Fiction Home decorating for dummies / by Patricia Hart747 McMillan and Katharine Kaye McMillan. 1 c1998. 747and NASPALE SFCC Non-Fiction Inside MNM minimalist interiors / Jaume Naspale Kyoko Asakuras. 1 2003. NEW design /SFCC Non-Fiction New American interiors : innovations in interior747 residential edited by James Grayson Trulove. 1 2004. P693M Planning colour for your home : all you need to747 know about colour SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974. Inspired high-end interior design / Shane Reilly.747 REILLY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Ultimate home style guide / Katherine Sorrell. 747 SORRELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 747 TRULOVE Cottages : the new style / James Grayson Trulove. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] 1 c2000. 1 c2004. Interior design and decoration. 747 W617I 747 WOLOSZY SFCC Non-Fiction Art of interior design : selecting elements for distinctive styles / Suzanne Woloszynska. 747.0237 PIOTROW SFCC Career Becoming an interior designer : a guide to careers in design / Christine Piotrowski. BONYfrom the SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Furniture & interiors of the 1960s / Anne Bony ;747.09 [translated French by David Radinowicz]. 747.0922 LOCHER SFCCleading Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Super Potato design : the complete works of Takashi Sugimoto, Japan's interior designer / by Mira Locher ; foreword by Tadao And¿¿ ; photogra SK76U SFCC Non-Fiction Underground interiors; decorating for alternate747.204 life styles, by Norma Skurka and Oberto Gili. 747.2049 Modern : [masters of the 20th-century interior]GLANCEY / Jonathan Glancey.SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1972] 1 1999. 747.2959 SFCC Non-Fiction Thai style / written by William Warren ; photographed byW256t Luca Invernizzi Tettoni ; edited by Gretchen Liu. 1 1989. Home.work : setting up an office at home / Fay747.73 Sweet.SWEET 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 747.9 KATOH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990 Japan : the art of living : a sourcebook of Japanese style for the Western home / Amy Sylvester Katoh ; photographs by Shin Kimura. 747.9 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction Beautiful necessity : decorating with arts & crafts / Bruce Smith & Yoshiko Yamamoto. 1 1996. EISEMAN Non-Fiction c1998. Colors for your every mood : discover your true747.94 decorating colors / SFCC Leatrice Eiseman ; Robert Hickey, visual1director. Sch81g SFCC Non-Fiction Glassforming; glassmaking for the craftsman, by748 Frederic and Lilli Schuler. 1 [1970] 748.092 MORRIS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2001. William Morris : man adorned / by Blake Edgar EDGAR and James Yood ; with a foreword by Bruce Guenther ; photographs by Robert Vinnedge. 748.2 Sa92g SFCC Non-Fiction 748.2913 CHIHULY SFCC Non-Fiction Chihuly : form from fire / essays by Walter Darby Bannard, Henry Geldzahler. 748.2917 HERMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Clearly art, Pilchuck's glass legacy / Lloyd E. Herman ; introduction by Dale Chihuly. 1 1975, c1973. 1 c1993. 1 1992. H555SHalberstadt. SFCC Non-Fiction Stained glass : music for the eye / Robert and Jill748.5 Hill, Hans 1 1976. Appreciation of stained glass / Lawrence Lee. 748.5 L513A 1 1977. Glass of the world / George Savage. SFCC Non-Fiction 748.5 L513S X ; with SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. Stained glass / Lawrence Lee, George Seddon, Francis Stephens photos. by Sonia Halliday and Laura Lushington. 748.5 L963s 748.5028 ISENBER How to work in stained glass [by] Anita & Seymour Isenberg. Stained glass window art / by Luciano. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] 749.2 C612Pand furnishings. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and[1949] Period furnishings; an encyclopedia of historic decorations Supplemental chapters, provincial contemporary furniture, by Jeanne Ju KOLN Furniture : from Rococo to Art Deco / Adrianna749.2 Boidi Sassone... [et SFCC al.]. Non-Fiction 1 c2000. G153c Non-Fiction Contemporary classics : furniture of the masters749.204 / Charles D. Gandy,SFCC Susan Zimmermann-Stidham. 1 c1981. 749.2049 C767 SFCC1950 Non-Fiction 1 1982.Sembach. Contemporary furniture : an international review of modern furniture, to the present / edited by Klaus-Ju¿¿rgen 749.213Wilk W65m SFCC Non-Fiction Marcel Breuer, furniture and interiors / by Christopher ; introduction by J. Stewart Johnson. 749.249 HABEGGER SFCC Non-Fiction Sourcebook of modern furniture / Jerryll Habegger, Joseph H. Osman. 121 1 c1981. 2 1996. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 749.92 VALENTI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Valentino's magic / by Marie Paule Pelle¿¿ ; textPELLE by Patrick Maurie¿¿s ; with contributions by Franc¿¿ois Baudot ...1998. [et al.] ; art director, Angelo Bucarelli 750 UNDERST SFCC Non-Fiction 1 editor, 2000.Hollis Clayson. Understanding paintings : themes in art explored and explained / general editor, Alexander Sturgis ; consultant 750.74 L118fParis / introd. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. 50 favorite old master paintings from the Louvre Museum, and commentaries by Michel Laclotte. 750.74 W152N National Gallery of Art, Washington. Foreword by J. Carter Brown. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1976] 750.8999 D81 Reserve Dreamings : the art of aboriginal Australia / Peter Sutton ... [et al.] ;SFCC editor, Peter Sutton. 1 1988. 751.4 As84h SFCC Non-Fiction How to paint & draw animals / written and illustrated by David Astin. 1 c1981. 751.422 BLAKECroney. SFCC Non-Fiction Watercolor painting / by Wendon Blake ; paintings by Claude 1 1979. 751.422 G574W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. Expressing land, sea, and sky in watercolor / by751.422 RowlandH545E Hilder. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Watercolor bold and free Creative watercolor techniques. 751.422 Sz12c REID by Wendon SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984. Portraits and figures in watercolor / by Charles 751.4224 Reid ; foreword Blake. 751.4251 CHERRET SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. Chinese brush painting / Pauline Cherrett. 751.4252 YAMADA SFCC Non-Fiction 1979 c1966. Complete Sumi-e techniques : complete instructions for painting over 200 subjects including flowers, trees,1animals, fish, and landscapes / by Sadami Ya 751.45 C114k Keys to painting better portraits / Foster Caddell. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982. Collage and assemblage; trends and techniques,751.493 by DonaM476C Z. MeilachSFCC and Non-Fiction Elvie Ten Hoor. 1 [1973] 751.73 ART OF SFCCChristian Non-Fiction Art of rebellion : world of streetart / [concept, art direction and design, Hundertmark] 4 2003. GANZ Ganz ;SFCC Non-Fiction 7 2006. Graffiti women : street art from five continents751.73 / by Nicholas foreword by Swoon ; introduction by Nancy Macdonald. GANZ SFCC Graffiti world : street art from five continents / 751.73 Nicholas Ganz ; edited byNon-Fiction Tristan Manco. 5 2004. HUBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Se¿¿rigraffitis / photographies de Joerg Huber ;751.73 pre¿¿face de Jean-Christophe Bailly. 751.73089 SFCC Non-Fiction Signs from the heart : California Chicano muralsSIGNS / edited with an introduction by Eva Sperling Cockcroft and1Holly1993. Barnet-Sa¿¿nchez. 751.7309 ROTTGEN by Antonio SFCCQuattrone Non-Fiction 2 c1996-1997. Italian frescoes / by Steffi Roettgen ; principal photography ; translated by Russell Stockman. [1997], 752 BIRREN Non-Fiction 1 of human c1978.beings / Faber Birren. Color & human response : aspects of light and color bearing on the SFCC reactions of living things and the welfare 752 BIRREN 1969 Non-Fiction 1 [1969] Principles of color; a review of past traditions and modern theories SFCC of color harmony. 752 GAGEto abstraction SFCC/ John Non-Fiction Color and culture : practice and meaning from antiquity Gage. 1 c1993. 752system. J157 Basic color; an interpretation of the Ostwald color SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1948. Color and how to use it / by William F. Powell. 752 POWELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 752Todd ZAKIA 1986 SFCC Non-Fiction Color primer I & II / Richard D. Zakia and Hollis N. ; introduction, Franc Grum. 1 1986, c1974. 753.0903 HOW by] SFCC Non-Fiction How to read a painting : lessons from the old masters / [edited Patrick de Rynck. 755.2097 GIFFORD Non-Fiction Mexican folk retablos / Gloria Fraser Giffords ; photographs by JerrySFCC D. Ferrin. 1 2004. 1 1992. 755.9432toPAL SFCC Non-Fiction Tibetan paintings : a study of Tibetan thankas, eleventh nineteenth centuries / Pratapaditya Pal. 1 c2000. 755.9482 Sm48 Zhioips' drevnei¿¿ rusi = Old Russian painting / E.S. Smirnova. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1970. 756 PRESCOT Microbiology / Lansing M. Prescott, John P. Harley, Donald A. Klein.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. 757 HEUSSEN Multiethnic watercolor portraits / Mary Heussenstamm. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 757.22 D449P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] 758.109 SFCC Non-Fiction Modern landscape painting; [translated from the Italian SANTINI by P. S. Falla]. 758.10944 IMPRESS SFCC Non-Fiction Impressionists in winter : effets de neige / Charles S. Moffett ... [et al.]. 1 1972. 1 c1998. Painting the nude. 122 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. BECKETTPatriciaSFCC Non-Fiction Story of painting / Wendy Beckett ; contributing759 consultant, Wright. 3 1994. 1 c2000. Basquiat. Sandro Chia / [a cura di Vittoria Coen]. 759 BASQUIA 759 CHIA SFCC Non-Fiction 759the SCH95G SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Sir John [1965] Great paintings of all time; 100 masterpieces from early Renaissance to abstract expressionism. Introd by Rothenstein. 759.011 F313 Non-Fiction / Kathleen Berrin, editor 3 ; [contributors] c1988. Feathered serpents and flowering trees : reconstructing the murals SFCC of Teotihuaca¿¿n Clara Millon ... [et al.]. G751B SFCC Non-Fiction Byzantine painting; historical and critical study.759.02 [Translated by Stuart Gilbert] 1 [1953] 759.02 L336 Lassaigne SFCC and Non-Fiction [1955] Fifteenth century, from Van Eyck to Botticelli. Text by Jacques Giulio Carlo Argan. Translated 1by Stuart Gilbert. 759.02 N397 Byzantine mosaics. Translated by Margaret Shenfield. SFCC Non-Fiction 759.03 V568 Venturi. SFCCTranslated Non-Fiction Sixteenth century, from Leonardo to El Greco. Text by Lionello by Stuart Gilbert. 1 [1964] 1 [1956] Impressionists / William Gaunt. 759.05 G236I SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1970. Impressionists / Howard Pickersgill. 759.05 P586I SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. P846 c1979. Post-impressionism : cross-currents in European759.05 painting / [editors SFCC of theNon-Fiction catalogue, John House and Mary 1Anne Stevens] Redon, Seurat and the symbolists. 759.05 R249 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975, c1967. H677a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 S. Hofsta¿¿tter. 1984. Art nouveau : prints, illustrations and posters / 759.059 Hans H. Hofsta¿¿tter ; with contributions by W. Jaworska and SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] 759.06 SFCC Non-Fiction Photorealism at the millennium / Louis K. Meisel ; essayMEISEL by Linda Chase. 1 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975, c1967. 759.06 R723C Cubism and twentieth-century art / Robert Rosenblum. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1976?] 759.06 Surrealism [by] Uwe M. Schneede. Translated by MariaSCH57S Pelikan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Cubismfuturism Picasso and the cubists. 759.06 K849C 759.06 P581 759.06 SCH96N SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Jan. 1973. New York Dada: Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia : Sta¿¿dt. Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Mu¿¿nchen, 15. Dez. 1973-27. 1974 : Kunsthalle Tu¿¿bingen, 9. Ma 759.06 T215F SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1961] 759.0642 MUNCH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by 1994. Munch and Ensor [videorecording] : fathers of expressionism / Academic and Entertainment Video ; produced Amedeo Angiolillo ; directed by Claudio Futurism. 759.13 ASCENDI SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Heartney, 2006. and Kathryn Hoffman. Ascending chaos : the art of Masami Teraoka / introduction by Catharine Clark ; essays by Alison Bing, Eleanor Paintings of George Bellows. 759.13 B417Y SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] Thomas Hart Benton, [by] Matthew Baigell. 759.13 B446t SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] Charles Burchfield / by Matthew Baigell. 759.13 B893B SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. Chuck Baird : 35 plates. 759.13 BAIRD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 1 [c1992] 2 2005. 759.13 BASQUIA MARSHAL SFCC Non-Fiction Jean-Michel Basquiat / by Richard Marshall ; with essays by Dick Hebdige ... [et al.]. 759.13 BASQUIAT SFCC Non-Fiction Basquiat / edited by Marc Mayer ; co-curated and with essays by Fred Hoffman ... [et al.]. 759.13 BRUMIDI WOLANIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Constantino Brumidi : artist of the Capitol / prepared under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol by Barbara A. Wolanin. 759.13 CADMUS KIRSTEIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. 759.13 CASSATT SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 CLOSE GREENBE SFCC Non-Fiction Chuck Close, up close / Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan. 759.13 CLOSE SFCCWye. Non-Fiction Chuck Close / Robert Storr ; with essays by Kirk STORR Varnedoe and Deborah 2 1993. 3 1998. 1 c1998. Paul Cadmus / by Lincoln Kirstein. Cassatt / Alison Effeny. 123 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 759.13 CRAVEN American art : history and culture / Wayne Craven. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1994. 759.13 DE KOON STEVENS Kooning : an American master / Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. 1 c1987. 1 1980. 2 2006. 1 [2000] 1 [1966] Charles Demuth / Barbara Haskell. 759.13 DEMUTH HASKELL SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 DIEBENK SFCC Paintings and drawings, 1943-1980 / Richard Diebenkorn; with essays byNon-Fiction Robert T. Buck, Jr. ... [et al.] Richard Estes / by John Wilmerding. 759.13 ESTES SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 FINEwith Elizabeth SFCC Non-Fiction O'Keeffe on paper / Ruth E. Fine and Barbara Buhler Lynes Glassman and Judith C. Walsh. Arshile Gorky. Text by Julien Levy. 759.13 G667L SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 G677A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] 759.13 GARZA Non-Fiction 1 31, c1987. Carmen Lomas Garza : lo real maravilloso = TheYBARRA marvelous/the realSFCC : [exhibition] November 18, 1987-January 1988 / Tom¿¿s Ybarra-Frausto, Terecit Arshile Gorky. Text by Julien Levy. 759.13 GEORGIA Georgia O'Keeffe [videorecording] / a production of WNET/13. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. American impressionism / William H. Gerdts. 759.13 GERDTS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Don't tread on me : drawings 1947-2004 / Leon759.13 Golub.GOLUB SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2004. 759.13 H752W Non-Fiction Winslow Homer, by Lloyd Goodrich. An exhibition organized by theSFCC Whitney Museum of American Art. 1 1973] 759.13 H766A American impressionists, by Donelson F. Hoopes. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] 759.13 H766am American watercolor painting / by Donelson F. Hoopes. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. 759.13inH766w SFCC Winslow Homer watercolors, by Donelson F. Hoopes, cooperation withNon-Fiction the Brooklyn Museum, New York1[and] [1969] the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New 759.13 H938m; foreword SFCC Non-Fiction Mexican muralists in the United States / Laurance P. Hurlburt by David W. Scott. 1 c1989. 759.13 HANSON WELLS SFCC Non-Fiction Gaylen Hansen : three decades of paintings / Keith Wells ; with a contribution by Gary Larson. 1 c2007. 1 c1988. 1 1980. 1 1994. 2 c1986. Marsden Hartley / Gail R. Scott. 759.13 HARTLEY SCOTT SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 HOMER FLEXNER SFCC World of Winslow Homer, 1836-1910 / by James Thomas1980 Flexner and theNon-Fiction editors of Time-Life Books. R.B. Kitaj / edited by Richard Morphet. 759.13 KITAJ SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 L437w SFCC Non-Fiction Jacob Lawrence, American painter / Ellen Harkins Wheat ; with a contribution by Patricia Hills. 759.13 L617a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Roy Lichtenstein / Lawrence Alloway. 759.13 LAWRENC SFCC Non-Fiction c1994. Jacob Lawrence : thirty years of prints (1963-1993) : a catalogue raisonne¿¿ / essay by Patricia Hills ; edited2with an introduction and catalogue by Peter 759.13 LAWRENC NESBETT SFCC Non-Fiction c2000. Over the line : the art and life of Jacob Lawrence / editedv.1 with an introduction by Peter T. Nesbett, Michelle2DuBois ; essays by Patricia Hills ... [et al.]. 759.13 LAWRENC NESBETT v.2 : a catalogue SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Jacob Lawrence : paintings, drawings, and murals (1935-1999) raisonne¿¿ / Peter T. Nesbett, Michelle DuBois ; with assistance from Stepha SFCCSpero Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Leon Golub and Nancy Spero : war and memory759.13 = LeonLEON Golub et Nancy : guerre et me¿¿moire / organized by Katy Kline and Helaine Posner ; [trad 759.13 LIU production SFCCinNon-Fiction 1 1997. Hung Liu [videorecording] / an Oregon Public Broadcasting association with Oregon State University for the Annenberg/CPB Project ; writt 759.13 MITCHEL Joan Mitchell, pastel / introduction by Klaus Kertess. SFCC Non-Fiction 124 2 c1992. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 759.13 MITCHEL KERTESS Joan Mitchell / Klaus Kertess. 759.13 MOSES KALLIR Grandma Moses in the 21st century / Jane Kallir... [et al.]. N213A Art of the Pacific Northwest: from the 1930s to 759.13 the present. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974. 759.13 N213s 1 1985. Sharing traditions : five Black artists in nineteenth-century America SFCC : fromNon-Fiction the collections of the National Museum of American Art / Lynda Roscoe Hartig 759.13Peters. OK2B Becoming O'Keeffe : the early years / Sarah Whitaker SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 759.13 OKEEFE O'Keeffe : the life of an American legend / Jeffrey Hogrefe. 759.13 OKEEFE UDALL O'Keeffe and Texas / Sharyn R. Udall. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. 759.13 OKEEFFE Georgia O'Keeffe : American and modern / Charles C. Eldredge. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. 1 1987. Georgia O'Keeffe : a life / Roxana Robinson. 759.13 Ok2r OKEEFFE SFCC Oversize Georgia O'Keeffe : one hundred flowers / edited759.13 by Nicholas Callaway. 759.13 OKEEFFE BARILLEA SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2006. Georgia O'Keeffe : color and conservation / Ren¿¿ Paul Barilleaux and Sarah Whitaker Peters ; Ren¿¿ Paul Barilleaux, editor ; essays by Sarah Whitaker P 759.13 OKEEFFE SFCC Non-Fiction Full bloom : the art and life of Georgia O'KeeffeDROHOJOW / Hunter Drohojowska-Philp. 2 c2004. 2 1999, c1990. 1 c1998- SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1983. SFCC Woman on paper : Georgia O'Keeffe / by Anita 759.13 PollitzerPOLLITZ ; introduction byNon-Fiction Kay Boyle. 1 c1988. 759.13 SFCC Non-Fiction Jackson Pollock [videorecording] : a conversation with POLLOCK Kirk Varnedoe / WNET, producer, Irene Wang. 2 c1999. 1 1989. 759.13 OKEEFFE FRAZIER SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 ORMOND SFCC Non-Fiction John Singer Sargent : complete paintings / Richard Ormond, Elaine Kilmurray. Georgia O'Keeffe / Nancy Frazier. Jackson Pollock / Elizabeth Frank. Jackson Pollock / Ellen G. Landau. 759.13 P765fr 759.13 POLLOCK SFCC Non-Fiction 759.13 POLLOCK FRANK SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1983. 759.13 RAUSCHE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. Robert Rauschenberg [videorecording] : inventive genius / a co-production of Thirteen/WNET and Film Odyssey, Inc. ; directed, written and produced by 759.13 ROCKWEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Norman Rockwell : pictures for the American people / [curators], Maureen Hart Hennessey and Anne Knutson. 759.13 ROTHENB SFCC;Non-Fiction 1 1999. Susan Rothenberg : paintings from the nineties BRUTVAN / text by Cheryl Brutvan poem by Robert Creeley. 759.13 ROTHENB SIMON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1999. Susan Rothenberg / by Joan Simon. Jackson Pollock / Elizabeth Frank. Mark Rothko : a biography / James E.B. Breslin.759.13 ROTHKO SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1993. 759.13 SA56T SFCC Non-Fiction Triumph of American painting; a history of abstract expressionism. 3 [1970] 759.13 SA73O John Singer Sargent: paintings, drawings, watercolors. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] SARGENT SFCC Non-Fiction John Singer Sargent / edited by Elaine Kilmurray759.13 and Richard Ormond. 1 1998. 125 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 759.13 SHIMOMU essay, William SFCC Non-Fiction Roger Shimomura : return of the yellow peril / interpretive W. Lew. 2 [1993]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. TIME-LI American painting, 1900-1970, by the editors of759.13 Time-Life Books. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [c1970] Wayne Thiebaud / Karen Tsujimoto. 759.13 T346t 759.13 WILTON SFCC/ Non-Fiction American sublime : landscape painting in the United States, 1820-1880 Andrew Wilton & Tim Barringer. 1 2002. 759.13 Y86A 2 1981. American realists : Homer to Hopper / by Mahonri Sharp Young. SFCC Non-Fiction 759.1307 POLLOCK VARNEDO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Jackson Pollock / Kirk Varnedoe with Pepe Karmel. 759.13082 HENKERS SFCCofNon-Fiction c1991. American women painters of the 1930s and 1940s : the lives and work ten artists / by Robert Henkes. 1 759.1309 MEISEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. Photorealism since 1980 / Louis K. Meisel. 759.1309 METROPO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. Abstract expressionism : works on paper : selections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Lisa Mintz Messinger. 759.1309 WEINBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Bolger, c1994. American impressionism and realism : the painting of modern life, 1885-1915 / H. Barbara Weinberg, Doreen David Park Curry ; with the assistan LEJAin the 1940s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Reframing abstract expressionism : subjectivity 759.1471 and painting / Michael Leja. 759.194 DRIESBA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Art of the gold rush / Janice T. Driesbach, Harvey L. Jones, and Katherine Church Holland. 759.195 THEY PA SFCC by Non-Fiction They painted from their hearts : pioneer Asian American artists / edited Mayumi Tsutakawa for the Wing1 Luke c1994. Asian Museum. Asian American artists SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1972. Water-colours illustrating the poems of Thomas759.2 Gray.B581W With anX introd. and commentary by Sir Geoffrey Keynes. 759.2Cockburn. COE Dead meat / by Sue Coe ; introduction by Alexander SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. FREUD Lucian Freud : etchings from the Paine Webber 759.2 art collection. 759.2 FREUD FEAVER Lucian Freud / William Feaver. 759.2 GRANT WATNEY Art of Duncan Grant / Simon Watney. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. 1 [c1963] 1 2005. 2 c1983. 2 2002. Sch32Lby Alexander SFCC Non-Fiction Egon Schiele; paintings, watercolours, drawings.759.3 Translated Lieven. 1 759.3 Sch99s SFCC Non-Fiction 759.36 KOKOSCH Kokoschka, by Ludwig Goldscheider, in collaboration with the artist.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1973. [1970, c1967] 1 [1963] M611of Her Majesty SFCC Non-Fiction Tudor, Stuart and early Georgian pictures in the759.2 collection the Queen, plates, Jenny Saville. 759.2 SAVILLE SFCC Non-Fiction 759.3 BECKMAN LACKNER Non-Fiction Max Beckmann / by Stephan Lackner ; [translated from the GermanSFCC by Lucas Lackner]. 759.3 RICHTER STORR SFCC Non-Fiction Gerhard Richter : forty years of painting / Robert Storr. Kurt Schwitters. Egon Schiele / Simon Wilson. 759.36 SCHIELE WILSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. Ce¿¿zanne in perspective. 759.4 C339CW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] 1 [c1943] 1 [1962] 759.4 C339l and photographs SFCC Non-Fiction Cezanne's composition: analysis of his form, with diagrams of his motifs Fauves. [Translated by Anita Brookner] 759.4 C864 X SFCC Non-Fiction 759.4 CEZANNE Non-Fiction 2 designed c1981. by Viacheslav Bakhtin]. Paul Ce¿¿zanne / [compiled and introduced by Yekaterina Drevina ;SFCC translated from the Russian by Helen Klier; 126 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 759.4 CEZANNE TAILLAN SFCC Non-Fiction P. Cezanne / by Yvon Taillandier ; [translated from the French by Graham Snell]. 2 [1995?] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1951. 759.4 DUCHAMP TOMKINS 1982 Non-Fiction World of Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968 / by Calvin Tomkins and the SFCC editors of Time-Life Books. 1 1982, c1977. ER67L SFCCbyNon-Fiction Homage to Max Ernst. [Special issue of the XXe 759.4 Sie¿¿cle review. Edited G. di San Lazzaro. 2 1971] Ce¿¿zanne / Richard Verdi. Degas, by Daniel Catton Rich. 759.4 CEZANNE VERDI 759.4 DEGAS RICH 759.4 G234W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Robert [1959] Water-colours, pastels and drawings in colour. Selection, introd. and notes by Francois Daulte. [Translated by Allen] 759.4 G446f Fauvism, origins and development / Marcel Giry. SFCC Non-Fiction 4 1982, c1981. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1990. 759.4 SFCC Non-Fiction Homage to Fernand Le¿¿ger : special issue of the XXeL524H sie¿¿cle review / edited by G. di San Lazzaro. 1 c1971. 759.4S.M313c E¿¿douard Manet. Text by Pierre Courthion. [Milton Fox, editor] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1962] 759.4 MACHOTK Ce¿¿zanne : landscape into art / Pavel Machotka. 1 c1996. 2 c1992. 2 [1968] 1 1979. 1 1979, c1969. Gauguin / Isabelle Cahn. 759.4 GAUGUIN SFCC Non-Fiction 759.4 MANET SFCC Non-Fiction 759.4 MANET SCHNEID Non-Fiction World of Manet, 1832-1883, by Pierre Schneider and the1968 editors ofSFCC Time-Life Books. 759.4 MANET SCHNEID Non-Fiction World of Manet, 1832-1883 / by Pierre Schneider and the1979 editors ofSFCC Time-Life Books. Manet / Lesley Stevenson. 759.4 MATISSE RUSSELL 1979 of Time-Life SFCC Non-Fiction World of Matisse, 1869-1954 / by John Russell and the editors Books. MONETT.M. Shackelford SFCC Non-Fiction 2 by Romy c1998.Golan, John House, and Michael L Monet in the 20th century / Paul Hayes Tucker 759.4 with George and MaryAnne Stevens ; essays 759.4 P298M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. Marcel Duchamp, appearance stripped bare / by Octavio Paz ; translated by Rachel Phillips and Donald Gardner. 759.4 PABLO SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Pablo Picasso's Guernica [videorecording] / DOM Multimedia. 759.4 PICASSO DUNCAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Picasso paints a portrait / David Douglas Duncan. 759.4 PICASSO SFCC Non-Fiction Picasso's war : the destruction of Guernica and MARTIN the masterpiece that changed the world / Russell Martin. 2 c1998. 759.4 PISSARR Camille Pissarro / [curator and editor, Terence Maloon]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. 759.4 SEURAT SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1 c1992. [1972, c1971] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1961] Complete paintings of Caravaggio [by] Michael 759.5 Kitson.CARAVAG SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1967] 759.5 CARAVAG Caravaggio rediscovered, the Lute player / KeithCHRISTI Christiansen. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Caravaggio : a life / Helen Langdon. 759.5 CARAVAG LANGDON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Caravaggio / Catherine Puglisi. 759.5 CARAVAG PUGLISI SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. Seurat / Richard Tilston. 759.4 SP44R SFCCthe Non-Fiction Return of la belle jardinie¿¿re; Max Ernst 1950-1970. [Translated from German by Robert Allen] Botticelli, by Lionello Venturi. 759.5 B659V 127 1996. c2002. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Leornardo da Vinci / Patrice Boussel. 759.5 D289b SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [198-] Dictionary of Italian painting. 759.5 D561 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1964. Painting in Italy, 1500-1600 / S.J. Freedberg. 759.5 F875p SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Complete paintings of Giotto 759.5 G438C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983. [1969, c1966] 3 c1989. 1 [1967] SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1998. GARRARD SFCCart Non-Fiction Artemisia Gentileschi : the image of the female 759.5 hero in Italian Baroque / by Mary D. Garrard. 759.5 GIOTTO EIMERL 1967 of Time-Life SFCC Non-Fiction World of Giotto, c. 1267-1337, by Sarel Eimerl and the editors Books. 759.5 LEONARD BROWN Leonardo da Vinci : origins of a genius / David Alan Brown. Michelangelo the painter / Valerio Mariani. 759.5 M582M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1964. Michelangelo; sculptor, painter, architect. 759.5 M582MD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] Mantegna / Ettore Camesasca. 759.5 MANTEGN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 759.5 Leonardo da Vinci : the complete paintings / Pietro C.MARANI Marani. 759.5 MARTINI JANNELL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Simone Martini / Cecilia Jannella. 759.5 MICHELA HALL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Michelangelo : the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel / commentary by Marcia Hall ; photographs by Takashi Okamura. 759.5 P671 SFCC Non-Fiction Pisanello. [Translated from the Italian by John Ross] 759.5 PONTORM MARCHET SFCCbyNon-Fiction Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino / Elisabetta Marchetti Letta ; introduction Roberto Paolo Ciardi. 1 [c1961] 1 c1994. 759.5 R181s Raphael. Translated form the Italian by Ruth Harris. 1 [1963] 759.5Susanna T539t Biadene, SFCC Non-Fiction Titian : prince of painters / [editor of the catalogue, assisted by Mary Yakush]. 1 c1990. 759.5 TITIAN Titian / Filippo Pedrocco ; [translated by Susan Madocks]. 1 c1993. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 759.5edited TITIANby DavidSFCC Non-Fiction 1 Penny, 2003.Caroline Campbell, Amanda Bradl Titian / essays by Charles Hope ... [et al.] ; catalogue Jaffe¿¿ ; with contributions from Nicholas [1963, 759.5 W293I SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1962] Italian baroque painting; with 200 illus. 759.6 by DALI SFCC Non-Fiction Salvador Dali. Text by Robert Descharnes. Translated Eleanor R. Morse. 3 759.6 DALI wth Demart SFCCPro Non-Fiction Dali [videorecording] / a BBC TV production in association Arte B.V. 2 [1976] c1988, c1986. 1 [1973] Goya in perspective. 759.6 G748L SFCC Non-Fiction 759.6 G799E Non-Fiction 3 c1982. El Greco of Toledo / exhibition ... organized by the Toledo MuseumSFCC of Art, with Museo del Prado, National Gallery of Art, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts ; co 759.6 GOYASa¿¿nchez SFCC 1 exhibition c1989.; with contributions by Gonzalo A Goya and the spirit of enlightenment / Alfonso E. Pe¿¿rez andNon-Fiction Eleanor A. Sayre, codirectors of the [1971, 759.6 M678M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1970] Miro¿¿. Text by Margit Rowell. Joa¿¿n Miro¿¿. 759.6 M678S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1959] 759.6 M678t x SFCCbook Non-Fiction 1 from [c1972] Indelible Miro¿¿. Aquatints, drawings, drypoints, etchings, lithographs, illustrations, posters. [Translated the French by Phyllis Freeman] 759.6 P24 Picasso: the artist and his model, and other recent works. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1965] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1971] P581QQuinn. SFCC Non-Fiction Picasso at work; an intimate photographic study759.6 by Edward Introd. and text by Roland Penrose. 1 [1964] 759.6 PICASSO SFCC Non-Fiction Picasso's world of children / Werner Spies ; [translation from the German by John William Gabriel]. 1 c1994. Picasso at 90; the late work. 759.6 P581g 759.6 PICASSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ofc1981. Picasso, the Saltimbanques [videorecording] / producer/director, Robert Pierce ; produced for the Department Extension Programs, National Gallery 759.6 PICASSO BOECK SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1955] Picasso [by] Wilhelm Boeck [and] Jaime Sabarte¿¿s. 128 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 759.6 PICASSO DAIX SFCC Non-Fiction 759.6 PICASSO WERTENB Non-Fiction World of Picasso, 1881-1973 / by Lael Wertenbaker and the editorsSFCC of Time-Life Books. 759.6 PICASSO WERTNEB SFCC Non-Fiction World of Picasso (1881- ) by Lael Wertenbaker and the editors of Time-Life Books. 4 [1965, c1964] 2 1980, c1967. 1 [1967] 2 [1962] 759.6 VELAZQU BROWN 1969 Non-Fiction World of Vela¿¿zquez, 1599-1660, by Dale Brown and the editors ofSFCC Time-Life Books. 1 [1969] Painting in Spain : 1500-1700 / Jonathan Brown.759.609 BROWN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. 759.7 C346w Chagall: watercolors and gouaches. [Edited by Heather Meredith] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction Kandinsky / by Hans K. Roethel, in collaboration759.7 with K131r Jean K. Benjamin. 1 c1979. 759.7 KANDINS WHITFOR SFCC Non-Fiction Kandinsky : watercolours and other works on paper / Frank Whitford. 1 1999. M921eg SFCC Non-Fiction Edvard Munch : paintings, sketches, and studies759.81 / by Arne Eggum ; translated by Ragnar Christophersen. 2 c1984. MUNCH Non-Fiction Edvard Munch [videorecording] / NRK and SVT 759.81 ; directed and editedSFCC by Peter Watkins. 4 2006. 759.81 MUNCH EGGUM SFCC Non-Fiction Munch at the Munch Museum, Oslo / Arne Eggum, Gerd Woll, Marit Lande. 2 1998. Picasso. Vela¿¿zquez, by Xavier de Salas. 759.6 V541D SFCC Non-Fiction F913 Non-Fiction 1965. ; translated from the German b From Van Eyck to Bruegel : early netherlandish 759.9 painting / by Max J. SFCC Friedlaender ; edited and annotated by 1F. Grossmann 759.94 C982N SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Northern painting from Pucelle to Bruegel: fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries [by] Charles D. Cuttler. 759.9407 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1996. Treasures of the Uffizi Florence / [editor, AbigailGALLERI Asher ; photographs, Paolo Tosi, Takashi Okamura]. 759.9415 B132R SFCC Non-Fiction 759.9492 SFCC Non-Fiction Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of earthly delights /BELTING Hans Belting ; [translated from the German]. Francis Bacon. 1 [c1971] 1 c2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Bernard Vermet. Hieronymus Bosch : the complete paintings and759.9492 drawingsBOSCH / [compiled and edited by] Jos Koldeweij, Paul Vandenbroeck, 759.9492 GAYFORD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. Yellow house : Van Gogh, Gauguin, nine turbulent weeks in Arles / Martin Gayford. 759.9492 GOGH Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Van Gogh's van Goghs : masterpieces from the KENDALL Van Gogh Museum,SFCC Amsterdam / Richard Kendall with contributions by John Leighton and Sjraar van Heu 759.9492 GOGH v.1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. Vincent van Gogh. 759.9492 GOGH v.2 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. Vincent van Gogh. 759.9492 GOGH WALLACE 1969 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1969] World of Van Gogh, 1853-1890, by Robert Wallace and the editors of Time-Life Books. 759.9492 MONDRIAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1970. Mondrian [by] Italo Tomassoni. [Translated from the Italian] 759.9492 R282 v. 2 by his pupils SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1965. Drawings of Rembrandt / with a selection of drawings and followers ; with an introduction, commentary, and supplementary material by Se R282H from SFCCthe Non-Fiction 1 [1969] Rembrandt; his life, his work, his time [by] Bob 759.9492 Haak. [Translated Dutch by Elizabeth Willems-Treeman] 759.9492 REMBRAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1990. Rembrandt / Rene¿¿ Hoppenbrouwers. 129 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Rembrandt's eyes / Simon Schama. 759.9492 REMBRAN SCHAMA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 759.9492 SPICER Non-Fiction Masters of light : Dutch painters in Utrecht during the golden age / SFCC Joaneath A. Spicer with Lynn Federle Orr1 ; with1997. essays by Marten Jan Bok ... [et al.]. 759.9492 VAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Van Gogh : face to face ; the portraits / George GOG Keyes... [et al.]. 759.9492 VERMEER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Study of Vermeer / Edward Snow. 759.9492 VERMEER Little book of Vermeer / Guillaume Cassegrain ... [et al.]. LITTLE 759.9493 ALPERS Making of Rubens / Svetlana Alpers. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 759.9493 EL79L SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. [1969, c1944] 759.9493 EN79F 759.9493 GIMFERR Magritte / Pere Gimferrer ; translation by Kenneth Lyons. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Last flowering of the Middle Ages. Ensor / John David Farmer. 759.9493 H119 by Norbert SFCC Non-Fiction James Ensor. Pref. by Jean Cassou. [Translated from the French Guterman] 759.9493 MAGRITT SFCC Non-Fiction Magritte / edited by Daniel Abadie. 2 c1986 [1959, c1957] 2 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction Flemish painting from the van Eycks to Metsys. 759.9493 TranslatedP989F by Alan Kendall. 2 [1970] 759.9493 R823A SFCC Non-Fiction Rubens and his times. Translated by Christine Trollope. 759.9493 SUTTONof Marjorie E. SFCC Non-Fiction Age of Rubens / Peter C. Sutton with the collaboration Wieseman ... [et al.]. 1 [1968] 1 c1993. 759.9494 K671G SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1954?] 759.9494 KLEE Non-Fiction 1 c2005. ; produced by Christine Camd Paul Klee [videorecording (DVD)] : the silence of2005 the angel / Alegra, SFCC INA, Arte France present a film by Michae¿¿l Gaumnitz Paul Klee. 759.95 ON is illusion SFCC Non-Fiction c1988. Day on the Grand Canal with the Emperor of China, or,DAY Surface but so is depth [videorecording] / 1written by David Hockney ; produced and dir 759.951 THREE Y M. Barnhart ... [et SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Three thousand years of Chinese painting / Richard al.]. 759.952 JAPANES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. / edited by Yoshiaki Shimizu a Japanese ink paintings from American collections : the Muromachi period : an exhibition in honor of Shu¿¿jiro¿¿ Shimada 759.952 TWELVE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 byc1997. Twelve centuries of Japanese art from the Imperial collections / introduction by Ann Yonemura ; contributions Hirabayashi Moritoku ... [et al.]. 759.972 FRESCOE SFCC Non-Fiction c1986. Frescoes of Diego Rivera [videorecording] / produced by Michael Camerini, Inc. and Francis Thompson, Inc.2in collaboration with Stanton L. Catlin for the Frida Kahlo : the paintings / Hayden Herrera. 759.972 K121h SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1991. KAHLO SFCC Non-Fiction Diary of Frida Kahlo : an intimate self-portrait / 759.972 introduction by Carlos Fuentes ; essay and commentaries by2 Sarahc1995. M. Lowe. 759.972 KAHLO SFCC Non-Fiction Frida Kahlo : an open life / Raquel Tibol ; translated by Elinor Randall. 2 c1993. 759.972 KAHLO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. 759.972 KAHLO 1992 Non-Fiction 1 Gardun¿¿o, [1992]. Jose¿¿ Antonio Rodri¿¿guez, co Pasio¿¿n por Frida : Museo Estudio Diego Rivera, De Grazia Art andSFCC Cultural Foundation, 1991-1992 / Blanca 759.972 KAHLO 1993 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 M. Pross, c1993.and Arturo Sanchez]. World of Frida Kahlo : the blue house / edited by Erika Billeter ; [translation, Kathleen Jamison-Cemper, Edith Frida Kahlo / Sarah M. Lowe. 130 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 759.972 KAHLO ALCANTA SFCC Non-Fiction Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera / Isabel Alca¿¿ntara and Sandra Egnolff. 3 c1999. 759.972 MARIN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Tere c2002. Chicano visions : American painters on the verge / Cheech Marin ; essays by Max Benavidez, Constance Cortez, Romo. 759.972 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Frida Kahlo in Mexico : painters & places / RobinRICHMON Richmond. 759.972 RIVERA HAMILL 1 1999. SIQUEIR Non-Fiction Siqueiros : [videorecording] artist and warrior /759.972 produced by HectorSFCC Tajonar. 759.972 TAMAYO ; [translated SFCC Rufino Tamayo / texts by Octavio Paz, Jacques Lassaigne by Non-Fiction Kenneth Lyons]. 759.982 XUL SOL SFCC Non-Fiction Alejandro Xul Solar / Mario H. Gradowczyk. 1 c1998. 1 c1995. 1 c1994. AYRES / JuliaSFCC Non-Fiction Monotype : mediums and methods for painterly760 printmaking Ayres. 1 1991. 760 D933d Albrecht Du¿¿rer; engravings and etchings, by Campbell Dodgson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1967. Diego Rivera / Pete Hamill. SFCC Non-Fiction 760 WILKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 760.04436 G927r& prints / Grunwald SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Rudolf L. Baumfeld collection of landscape drawings Center for the Graphic Arts, University ofc1989. California, Los Angeles. 760.0449 ANCHORA SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Painting in the North : Alaskan art in the Anchorage Museum of History Art / Kesler E. Woodward. 760.092 BASQUIA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Basquiat : a quick killing in art / Phoebe Hoban.HOBAN 760.092 HOCKNEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. David Hockney. Painting with pixels / Glen Wilkins. Non-Fiction Art of Egon Schiele / Erwin Mitsch ; [translated 760.092 from theSCH32A German bySFCC W. Keith Haughan]. 760.092 WHITE BARNWELL SFCC Non-Fiction 760.0924 DIX KARCHER SFCC Non-Fiction Dix / by Eva Karcher ; [translated from the German by John Ormrod]. Charles White / Andrea D. Barnwell. 2 1975. 1 c2002. 1 c1987. 1 [1983] Kandinsky at the Guggenheim / Vivian Endicott 760.0924 Barnett. K131b SFCC Non-Fiction 760.0924 KANDINS SFCC c1992. Kandinsky : watercolors and drawings / edited and with contributions byNon-Fiction Vivian Endicott Barnett and Armin1Zweite. 760.28 AYRES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. 760.28 HOWARD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Contemporary printmaker : intaglio-type & acrylic resist etching / by Keith Howard ; contributions from Friedhard Kiekeben ... [et al.]. Printmaking techniques / Julia Ayres. SA17P Printmaking : history and process / Donald Saff,760.28 Deli Sacilotto. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. 761[and R743R SFCCby Non-Fiction Relief printing. With contributions by Trevor Allen others] Photos. John Hunnex. Diagrs. by Duncan 1Mill. [1970] 761 Walklin. WALKIN SFCC Non-Fiction Relief printmaking : a manual of techniques / Colin 761.209 H584i v. 1 Introduction to a history of woodcut, with a detailed survey of workSFCC doneNon-Fiction in the fifteenth century. 761.209 H584i v. 2 Introduction to a history of woodcut, with a detailed survey of workSFCC doneNon-Fiction in the fifteenth century. 1 1991. 1 [1963] 1 [1963] G748 Complete etchings of Goya, with a foreword by767.2 Aldous Huxley. 1 [1943] SFCC Non-Fiction 769.43 N219 Non-Fiction 1 and c1984. Natural science picture sourcebook : 500 copyright-free illustrationsSFCC of unusual animals, and plants for copying reference / edited and arranged by J Graphis posters. 769.5 G767 SFCC Non-Fiction 131 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 PosterAnnual 769.5 GRAPHIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998- PosterAnnual 769.5 GRAPHIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998- PosterAnnual 769.5 GRAPHIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998- PosterAnnual 769.5 GRAPHIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998- PosterAnnual 769.5 GRAPHIS 769.8154 SAOTOME SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998- SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1989. 1 c2003. 1 2006. 2 c2003. 2 2000. Principles of Aikido / Mitsugi Saotome. 769.92 Non-Fiction William Blake : the painter at work / edited by Joyce H.BLAKE Townsend ;SFCC consultant editor, Robin Hamlyn. 769.92 CASSATT ADLER SFCC Non-Fiction 769.92 CLOSE Non-Fiction Chuck Close prints : process and collaboration /SULTAN Terrie Sultan ; withSFCC an essay by Richard Shiff. Mary Cassatt : prints / Kathleen Adler. ESCHER SFCC Non-Fiction Magic of M.C. Escher / with an introduction by 769.92 J.L. Locher ; designed by Erik The¿¿. 769.92 THRASH ITTMAN c2001. Dox Thrash : an African American master printmaker rediscovered /SFCC JohnNon-Fiction Ittmann ; with essays by David R. 2Brigham, Cindy Medley-Buckner and Kymber 769.924 B581K William Blake : selected engravings / Carolyn Keay. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 769.924 D851k SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Kirchner, his graphic art. 1975. [1966, c1961] SFCCcatalogue Non-Fiction 1 essays 1982.by Bruno Ernst, M.C. Escher ; edit M.C. Escher, his life and complete graphic work769.924 : with a Es16m fully illustrated / by F.H. Bool ... [et al.] ; with [1974, 769.924 Non-Fiction 1 c1971] World of M. C. Escher, with texts by M. C. Escher [and] J.Es16w L. Locher. SFCC [Edited by J. L. Locher] [1999], ESCHER SFCC 1 c1998. Metamorphose [videorecording] : M.C. Escher, 769.924 1898-1972 / director, JonNon-Fiction Bosdriesz ; producer, Margreet Plukker ; produced by Cinemedia in cooperatio 769.924 Edward Hopper, the complete prints / [compiled by] GailH778E Levin. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1979. K418JJones.SFCC Non-Fiction Prints of Rockwell Kent : a catalogue raisonne¿¿769.924 / Dan Burne 1 1975. K834N ofSFCC Non-Fiction 1972. Drawings of Ka¿¿the Kollwitz / Otto Nagel with 769.924 the collaboration Sibylle Schallenberg-Nagel and Dr. Hans3Kollwitz ; edited by Dr. Werner Timm. 769.924 /L321g SFCC Non-Fiction Geometrical designs & optical art : 70 original drawings by Jean Larcher. 1 1974. Rembrandt : all the etchings reproduced in true769.924 size. R282 1 1977. SFCC Non-Fiction T644T Non-Fiction 1 [1965] Toulouse-Lautrec; his complete lithographs and769.924 drypoints [by] JeanSFCC Adhe¿¿mar. 769.924 WARHOL / Frayda Feldman SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Andy Warhol prints : a catalogue raisonne¿¿, 1962-1987 and Jo¿¿rg Schellmann. 769.94 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Print in the north : the age of Albrecht Du¿¿rer BOORSCH and Lucas van Leyden / Suzanne Boorsch, Nadine M. Orenstein. 769.94 Renaissance print, 1470-1550 / David Landau and PeterLANDAU Parshall. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 769.944 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Art c1992. From Pissarro to Picasso : color etching in France : worksCATE from the Bibliothe¿¿que nationale and the Zimmerli Museum / Phillip Dennis Cate, Mariann 769.944 SFCC Non-Fiction Impressionist print / Michel Melot ; translated from the MELOT French by Caroline Beamish. 1 c1996. 769.952 BROWN Non-Fiction Shin-hanga : new prints in modern Japan / Kendall H. Brown, Hollis SFCC Goodall-Cristante. 1 c1996. F273m 1991. Masterpieces of Japanese prints : the European769.952 collections : Ukiyo-eSFCC fromNon-Fiction the Victoria and Albert Museum /2 Rupert Faulkner in consultation with B.W. R Art of Japanese prints / Richard Illing. 769.952 Il6a SFCC Non-Fiction 132 1 c1980. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 769.952 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Hokusai : prints and drawings / Matthi Forrer. KATSUSH 769.952 UTAGAWA WEINBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 H. c2005. Kuniyoshi : the faithful samurai / David R. Weinberg ; foreword, B.W. Robinson ; translations and essay, Alfred Marks. 769.952 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2002.... [et al.]. Masterful illusions : Japanese prints in the AnneYONEMUR Van Biema collection / Ann Yonemura ; contributions by Donald Keene Ad17 and operation. SFCC Non-Fiction Camera and lens, the creative approach: studio,770 laboratory 3 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Photo/graphic design : the interaction of design770 andH938p photography /SFCC AllenNon-Fiction Hurlburt. 1 1983. 1 1998. 1 c1989. Photograph / Graham Clarke. Advanced photography / Michael Langford. 770 CLARKE 770 LANGFOR SFCC Non-Fiction 770 LONDON/ Barbara SFCC Non-Fiction Photography : adapted from the Life library of photography London Upton with John Upton. SFCC Non-Fiction PhotoSpeak : a guide to the ideas, movements, 770 and MORA techniques of photography, 1839 to the present / Gilles1Mora.1998. 770 WIGNALL Non-Fiction Winning pictures : 101 ideas for outstanding photographs / writtenSFCC by Jeff Wignall. 1 c1995. 770.023 JOHNSONRobert 2005 E. Mayer, SFCC Career Opportunities in photography careers / Bervin Johnson, and Fred Schmidt. 1 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction Photography : a cultural history / Mary Warner 770.09 Marien.MARIEN 770.0924 SFCC Non-Fiction Photographs from five decades / Brett Weston WESTON ; profile by R.H. Cravens. 2 2002. 1 1980. 770.1 MUSEUM SFCCMiller Non-Fiction Photography's multiple roles : art, document, market, science / Denise ... [et al.]. 2 c1998. 770.1 PRICE Photograph--a strange confined space / Mary Price. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. On photography / Susan Sontag. 770.1 SONTAG STRAUSS Non-Fiction Between the eyes : essays on photography and 770.1 politics / David Levi SFCC Strauss ; introduction by John Berger. 2 2003. 770.11 DOEFFIN SFCC Non-Fiction Art of seeing : a creative approach to photography / [written by Derek Doeffinger]. 1 1997, c1988. 770.11 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction Designing a photograph : visual techniques for making your photographs work / by Bill Smith. 1 1985. 770.19 AKERET SFCC Non-Fiction Photolanguage : how photos reveal the fascinating stories of our lives and relationships / Robert U. Akeret.1 Graphis photo. 770.2 P566 SFCC Non-Fiction 770.2 PHOTO A Inc. SFCC Non-Fiction Photo annual : the international annual of photography / Graphis 770.232 CANTRELL SFCC/ Non-Fiction Art of digital wedding photography : professional techniques with style Bambi Cantrell and Skip Cohen. 770.232 GILBERT SFCC Career Complete photography careers handbook : expanded to1992 include electronic imaging / by George Gilbert. 1 c1987- 2 c1998- 1 2005. 1 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 770.232 VAYO SFCC Non-Fiction Art and business of high school senior portrait photography / Ellie Vayo. 1 c2003. 770.28 B639M Manual of photographic lighting, by Edward S. Bomback. 1 1971. Photographer's assistant / John Kieffer. 770.232 KIEFFER c2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 770.28 W584Z printing; SFCC Non-Fiction [c1968] Zone system manual: previsualization, exposure, development, the Ansel Adams zone system as a1basis of intuitive photography. 770.3 Focal dictionary of photographic technologies [by] D. Sp33f A. Spencer. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973. 770.68 SFCC Non-Fiction Business of studio photography : how to start and run aLILLEY successful photography studio / Edward R. Lilley. 1 770.688 ENGH 1997to a world of markets SFCC Non-Fiction Sell & re-sell your photos : how to sell your pictures a mailbox away / Rohn Engh. 1 770.688 PISCOPO/ Maria Piscopo. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Photographer's guide to marketing and self-promotion c1997. 770.8 L988P Photographers on photography; a critical anthology. [1966] SFCC Non-Fiction 133 2 c1997. c1995. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 770.8996 WILLIS SFCC Non-Fiction Reflections in Black : a history of Black photographers, 1840 to the present / Deborah Willis. 1 c2000. 770.9inC669O SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1975. One hundred years of photographic history : essays honor of Beaumont Newhall / edited by Van Deren Coke. New history of photography / edited by Michel 770.9 Frizot.NEW HIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. SANDLER Photography : an illustrated history / Martin W.770.9 Sandler. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 770.9 SCHARF 770.92 ADAMS HAMMOND Ansel Adams : divine performance / Anne Hammond. 770.92 ADAMS SZARKOW Ansel Adams at 100 / John Szarkowski. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. SFCC Oversize 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Art and photography / Aaron Scharf. Diane Arbus : revelations. 770.92 ARBUS 770.92 BEATON PEPPER Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Beaton portraits / Terence Pepper ; foreword by Roy Strong ; essaySFCC by Peter Conrad. 770.92 CAMERON WOLF SFCC 1 c1998. Julia Margaret Cameron's women / by Sylvia Wolf ; with contributions byNon-Fiction Stephanie Lipscomb, Debra N. Mancoff, and Phyllis Rose. 770.92 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Imogen Cunningham : ideas without end : a lifeCUNNING in photographs / Richard Lorenz. 770.92 CURTIS / Mick SFCC Non-Fiction Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian, Incorporated Gidley. 770.92 DOISNEAU SFCC Non-Fiction Robert Doisneau : a photographer's life / Peter HAMILTO Hamilton. 770.92 KASEBIE SFCC L. Non-Fiction Gertrude Ka¿¿sebier : the photographer and herMICHAEL photographs / Barbara Michaels. 770.92 LANGE SFCCKeller. Non-Fiction Dorothea Lange : photographs from the J. Paul KELLER Getty Museum / Judith 770.92 NEWMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Arnold Newman / essay by Philip Brookman ; [editor, Simone Philippi]. 770.92 PARKS SFCC Non-Fiction Half past autumn : a retrospective / Gordon Parks ; essay by Philip Brookman. 1 1998. 1 c1995. 1 1992. 2 c2002. 1 c2000. 1 1997. 770.92 PORTERRebecca SFCCSolnit Non-Fiction 2001. Eliot Porter : the color of wildness / essays by John Rohrbach, ; memoir by Jonathan Porter. 1 770.92 2 c1992. Remembering Edward Weston [videorecording]REMEMBE / writer & director,SFCC DavidNon-Fiction Turner. 770.92 STEICHEN Non-Fiction 2 c1980. Steichen ... a century in photography [videorecording] / Network ofSFCC Public Television Stations ; WXXI-TV ; produced and directed by Christopher Zimmer Jeff Wall / Thierry de Duve ... [et al.]. 770.92 WALL SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. 770.92 WESTON SFCCby Non-Fiction 1995.by John and Dorothy Hill. Edward Weston : forms of passion / edited by Gilles Mora ; with essays Gilles Mora ... [et al.] ; design and2 sequence 770.922 WITNESS Non-Fiction 2000. Witness in our time : working lives of documentary photographers /SFCC [edited by] Ken Light ; introduction by 3Kerry Tremain. 770.924 ARBUS SFCC Diane Arbus : a biography / Patricia Bosworth ; BOSWORTH with a new afterword by Non-Fiction the author. 770.924 BOURKE SFCC Non-Fiction Portrait of myself. 2 2005. 1 1963. L26o Ohrn. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Dorothea Lange and the documentary tradition770.924 / Karin Becker 770.924 LANGE 1995 SFCC Non-Fiction Photographs of a lifetime / Dorothea Lange ; with an essay by Robert Coles ; afterword by Therese Heyman.1 c1980. Dorothea Lange : a photographer's life / Milton770.924 Meltzer.M496D c1978. SFCC Non-Fiction 134 1 1995. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 770.924 M726m SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1980. Moholy-Nagy, photographs and photograms / by Andreas Haus ; translation from the German by Frederic Samson. 770.924 SMITH MADDOW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; afterword c1985. by John G. Morris. Let truth be the prejudice : W. Eugene Smith, his life and photographs / illustrated biography by Ben Maddow 770.924 UELSMAN 3 c1985. Uelsmann : process and perception : photographs and commentarySFCC / by Non-Fiction Jerry N. Uelsmann ; essay by John Ames. 770.973 GOLDBER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. American photography : a century of images / by Vicki Goldberg and Robert Silberman. 770.973 ORVELL SFCC Non-Fiction 770.973 PHOTOGRA SFCC/Non-Fiction Photography [videorecording] : as told by Life Magazine photographers produced by David Hoffman. 2 2003. 2 2003. 770.973 R834M society. SFCC Non-Fiction Mirror image; the influence of the daguerreotype on American 1 [1971] 771 ADAMS Print / Ansel Adams with the collaboration of Robert Baker. 1 c1983. American photography / Miles Orvell. SFCC Non-Fiction 771 BURIAN SFCCpictures Non-Fiction c1999. National Geographic photography field guide : secrets to making great / Peter K. Burian and Robert1 Caputo. 771 BURIAN SFCCpictures Non-Fiction c2003. National Geographic photography field guide : secrets to making great / Peter K. Burian and Robert1 Caputo. 771 FROST in full / SFCC Non-Fiction A-Z of creative photography : over 70 techniques explained Lee Frost. 1 1998. 771 WILDI can create SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Wildi. c2001. Creating world-class photography : how any photographer technically flawless photographs / Ernst GOLDBER Camera technology : the dark side of the lens / 771.3 Norman Goldberg. SFCC Non-Fiction 771.356 MEEHAN SFCC Non-Fiction Photographer's guide to using filters / Joseph Meehan. 771.4602 EISMANN SFCC Non-Fiction Photoshop restoration & retouching / Katrin Eismann. 1 c1992. 1 1998. 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1969. 775 Bamberg. BAMBERG Digital art photography for dummies / by Matthew SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. MIOTKE BetterPhoto guide to digital photography / Jim 775 Miotke. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2005. ROMANTI Non-Fiction Romantik / [edited by Robert Klanten ... et al. ; 776 translation by HelgaSFCC Beck]. 1 2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. 778.3 BIDNER SFCC Bidner. Non-Fiction Digital photography : a basic guide to new technology / written by Jenni 1 c2000. 778.3 CIAGLIA Introduction to digital photography / Joseph Ciaglia. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. 778.3 Digital photography for dummies / by Julie Adair King.KING SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. Infrared photography handbook / Laurie White.778.34 WHITE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. 778.523 H675a Animation, a reference guide / Thomas W. Hoffer. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. F381H How to make movies; a practical guide to group778.53 film-making. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1969] 771.4602 EISMANN 2004 Photoshop restoration & retouching / Katrin Eismann. Daguerreotype in America. 772.12 N451d 772.1209 America and the daguerreotype / edited by John Wood. Am35 Pencil of nature. Art of the digital age / [Bruce Wands]. 772.16 T142P 776 WANDS H73e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and c1980. Edward S. Curtis in the land of the war canoes :778.53 a pioneer cinematographer in the Pacific Northwest / Bill Holm George Irving Quimby. Complete book of movie making / Tony Rose. 778.53 R72C Cartoon animation for everyone 778.5347 C582C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1971. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1973. 1 1976. 778.5347 EX71R SFCC Non-Fiction Experimental animation : an illustrated anthology / [edited by] Robert Russett and Cecile Starr. 135 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 L451A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; pref. 1979.by George Griffin ; introd. by Dere Animation book : a complete guide to animated778.5347 filmmaking, from filp-books to sound cartoons / Kit Laybourne 778.5907 VIDEO SFCC Non-Fiction Video art : the Castello Di Rivoli collection / [texts, David A. Ross, Marcella Beccaria, Francesco Bernardelli ;1edited2005. by Ida Gianelli, Marcella Beccaria]. Hedgecoe's The art of color photography. 778.6 HEDGECO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Make color work for you. 778.6028 MAKE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996, c1993. 1 2001. Art of photographic lighting / Michael Busselle. 778.7 BUSSELL 778.72 CORBELL SFCC Non-Fiction Basic studio lighting : the photographer's complete guide to professional techniques / Tony L. Corbell. 778.8 BRUGION SFCC Photo fakery : the history and techniques of photographic deception andNon-Fiction manipulation / Dino A. Brugioni. 1 c1999. 778.8 C326f Focus on special effects / Don and Marie Carroll. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1982] 778.8 ZUCKERM SFCC Non-Fiction Outstanding special effects photography on a limited budget / Jim Zuckerman. 1 c1993. 778.92 ALLEN / J.J.SFCC Posing and lighting techniques for studio portrait photography Allen.Non-Fiction 3 c2000. Profitable portrait photography / Roger Berg. 778.92 BERG SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 778.92 BOX Professional secrets of natural light portrait photography / DouglasSFCC AllenNon-Fiction Box. 1 c2001. 778.92 CRAIN Lighting for people photography / Stephen Crain. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. 778.92 DAYE Professional photography : family portraits / David Daye. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. HART 50 portrait lighting techniques for pictures that 778.92 sell / John Hart. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Studio portrait photography / Jonathan Hilton. 778.92 HILTON SFCC Non-Fiction 3 [1996?] 778.92 HOPE / Terry SFCCHope. Non-Fiction Portraits and figures : developing style in creative photography 1 2000. 778.92 PETERS SFCC Non-Fiction Contemporary portrait photography : high school seniors & young adults / by Larry D. Peters. 1 c1997. 778.92 PETERSO SFCC Non-Fiction People in focus : how to photograph anyone, anywhere / Bryan Peterson. 1 1993. 778.92 PORTRAI SFCC/ Non-Fiction Portrait, professional techniques and practices in portrait photography [writing contributions, Don Blair ...1et al.].c1993. Studio lighting made simple / by Scott Smith. 778.92 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c2000. Outdoor & location portrait photography / Jeff 778.92 Smith SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. 778.92 WILSON Better picture guide to portrait photography / David Wilson. 778.925 Photographing children in black & white / HelenBOURSIE T. Boursier. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. BOX Professional secrets for photographing children778.925 / Douglas Allen Box.SFCC Non-Fiction 778.925 SFCC Non-Fiction Photographing your children / John Hedgecoe. HEDGECO 1 c2002. 1 2000. 778.925 JANE magic SFCC Non-Fiction How to photograph children : secrets for capturing childhood's moments / Lisa Jane, Rick Staudt. 1 c2000. 778.925 Sa36c SFCC Non-Fiction Child photography / by Allyn Salomon with photographs by Elyse Lewin. 1 c1981. 778.926 HURTER Group portrait photography handbook / Bill Hurter. 1 c2003. 1 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 778.93 FITZHAR SFCC Non-Fiction Sierra Club guide to close-up photography in nature / text and photographs by Tim Fitzharris. 778.93photography LEPP Non-Fiction 1 c1993] Beyond the basics : innovative techniques for nature /SFCC by George D. Lepp ; photographs by George D. Lepp ; text by George D. Lepp & Kath 778.93 WOLFE by SFCC Non-Fiction Art of photographing nature / text by Martha Hill ; photographs Art Wolfe. 1 c1993. SHAWguideSFCC Non-Fiction 1 nature 1996. John Shaw's business of nature photography : a778.9306 professional's to marketing and managing a successful photography business. 778.932 Animal & pet photography simplified / by Mildred Stagg.ST13A SFCC Non-Fiction 136 1 [1975] SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 778.936 LANGE How to photograph landscapes / Joseph K. Lange. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 778.936 SHAW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. WAITE SFCC Non-Fiction Seeing landscapes : the creative process behind778.936 great photographs / Charlie Waite. 2 1999. John Shaw's landscape photography. 778.99 H149H SFCCby Non-Fiction 1 by Robert 1979. Riley. History of fashion photography / by Nancy Hall-Duncan ; with a preface Yves Saint Laurent and a foreword 778.9907 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. National geographic : the photographs / by LeahBENDAVID Bendavid-Val. 778.9907 LOENGAR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Life classic photographs : a personal interpretation / by John Loengard. H247 SFCC Non-Fiction Appearances : fashion photography since 1945 778.9939 / Martin Harrison. 1 c1991. 778.9974 On3p SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 c1987. Photography best sellers : one hundred top moneymaking stock photos James Ong ; foreword by John Durniak. 778.9991 MCCARTN SFCCMcCartney. Career 1 c1999. Travel photography : a complete guide to how to shoot and sell / Susan 779 G581P People and places; text and photos. by Barry Goldwater. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] T482aR Art of photography / by the editors of Time-Life779 Books. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1981. 779 T482G Great photographers, by the editors of Time-Life Books. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1971] THROUGH SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2003. Through the lens : National Geographic greatest779 photographs. 779.0747 PHILADEL SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. Dreaming in black and white : photography at the Julien Levy Gallery / Katherine Ware and Peter Barberie. 1 779.092 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Manuel Alvarez Bravo : photographs from the J.ALVAREZ Paul Getty Museum. 779.092 ARAKIME 2005. Arakimentari [videorecording] / The Cicada Project ; Troopers FilmsSFCC ; FilmNon-Fiction Productions present ; written and1 directed by Travis Klose ; produced by Jason 779.092 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Wynn Bullock / with an essay by David Fuess. BULLOCK 779.092 2003 SFCC; Non-Fiction 1 ; [translated 2003. by Jane Brenton]. Man, the image and the world : a retrospectiveCARTIER / Henri Cartier-Bresson text by Philippe Arbai¿¿zar ... [et al.] 779.092 CUNNING SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Imogen Cunningham : on the body / photographs by Imogen Cunningham ; text by Richard Lorenz. 779.092 ER95P SFCCIntrod. Non-Fiction Photographs and anti-photographs. Biographical essay by Sam Holmes. by John Szarkowski. 1 [1972] KENNA Michael Kenna, 1976-1986 / [editorial planner, 779.092 Minoru Shirota]. 2 c1987. 779.092 L531p SFCC Non-Fiction 1 779.092 LEIBOVI 1992 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Photographs--Annie Leibovitz, 1970-1990. 779.092 Non-Fiction Manual : errant arcadia / introduction, Edward LIPPARD W. Earle ; texts, LucySFCC R. Lippard, Ed Hill and Suzanne Bloom.1 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction Photographs--Annie Leibovitz, 1970-1990. c1992. 2002. 779.092 MANN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 779.092 MINKKINyears of photographs SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Coleman, c2005.Arthur C. Danto ; edited by A.D. Saga : the journey of Arno Rafael Minkkinen : thirty-five / essays by Alan Lightman, A.D. 779.092 MORGAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Barbara Morgan / with an essay by Deba P. Patnaik. What remains / Sally Mann. 779.092cabinet MUNIZof VikSFCC Non-Fiction Worst possible illusion [videorecording] : the curiosity Muniz. 779.092 PARKEHA SFCC Non-Fiction Architect's brother / Robert ParkeHarrison. 2 2003. 1 [2000] 779.092;Sa32u SFCC Non-Fiction Uncertain grace / photographs by Sebastia¿¿o Salgado essays by Eduardo Galeano and Fred Ritchin. 779.092 SHERMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Cindy Sherman : retrospective / essays by Amada Cruz, Elizabeth A.T. Smith, Amelia Jones. 1 c1990. 4 1997. 137 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 779.092 STEICHEN JOHNSTO / Patricia SFCC Non-Fiction Real fantasies : Edward Steichen's advertising photography Johnston. 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 George Tice : selected photographs, 1953-1999.779.092 TICE 779.092 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Jerry Uelsmann : photo synthesis / foreword byUELSMAN A.D. Coleman. 779.092 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Edward Weston / with an essay by R.H. Cravens.WESTON 779.092 WESTON SFCC Non-Fiction 3 Edward Weston : photographs from the J. Paul ABBOTT Getty Museum / Brett Abbott. 779.092 WESTON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Edward Weston : photography and modernism STEBBIN / by Theodore E. Stebins, Jr. and Karen Quinn and Leslie Furth. 2001. 779.0922 BLINKeditor, SFCC Non-Fiction Blink : 100 photographers, 010 curators, 010 writers / [project Antonia Carver]. 779.0924 x De Cock.SFCC Wynn Bullock photography: a way of life. EditedB876W by Liliane Text Non-Fiction by Barbara Bullock-Wilson. 2 2002. 1 1973] Photographs. With an introd. by Margery Mann.779.0924 C917P 2 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction c1992. 1997, c1988. c2005. c1999. 779.0924 L368LWilliams. SFCCStories Non-Fiction Clarence John Laughlin: the personal eye. Introd. by Jonathan by Lafcadio Hearn. Captions1by thec1973] photographer. 779.0924 RIBOUD Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 50 years of photography / Marc Riboud ; translated from the FrenchSFCC by Deke Dusinberre. 779.0924 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1997] Aaron Siskind : the fragmentation of language. SISKIND 779.0924 WESTON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Edward Weston : color photography. 779.0973 2002. Photographers, writers, and the American scenePHOTOGR : visions of passageSFCC / byNon-Fiction James Enyeart ; with Greg Glazner,1 literary editor, Arthur Ollman, co-curator, L 779.2/CARTIER SFCC Sire Non-Fiction 1 Inner silence : the portraits of Henri Cartier-Bresson forword by Agnes ; introduction by Jean-Luc Nancy. 2006. 779.2 FASHION Non-Fiction Fashion : photography of the nineties / edited by Camilla NickersonSFCC and Neville Wakefield. 2 1996. 779.2 P236b Photographs of Gordon Parks / by Martin H. Bush. 1 c1983. SFCC Non-Fiction SALGADO SFCC Non-Fiction c1993. ; conception and design by Le Workers : an archaeology of the industrial age /779.2 Sebastia¿¿o Salgado ; [text by Sebastia¿¿o Salgado and Eric1Nepomuceno 779.2089 1 c2001. Plains Indian photographs of Edward S. Curtis / CURTIS Edward S. Curtis. SFCC Non-Fiction Non-Fiction c1980. Artists, portraits from four decades / by Arnold 779.209 NewmanN462a ; forewordSFCC by Henry Geldzahler ; introd. by Arnold1Newman. 779.209 P38W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974. 779.2092 AVEDON 2 c2005. In the American West 1979-1984 / [Richard Avedon, photographs]. SFCC Non-Fiction 779.2092 CARTIER Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Te¿¿te a¿¿ te¿¿te / portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson ; introductionSFCC by E.H. Gombrich. 779.2092 CUNNING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Imogen Cunningham : portraiture / photographs by Imogen Cunningham ; text by Richard Lorenz. 779.2092 GOLDIN 1 David c1996. Nan Goldin : I'll be your mirror / curated by Elisabeth Sussman and SFCC DavidNon-Fiction Armstrong ; with cont[r]ibutions by Armstrong ... [et al.] ; edited by Nan Worlds in a small room HORST SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001.by Robin Muir. Horst portraits : 60 years of style / selected and779.2092 with an essay by Terence Pepper ; notes on the plates and chronology 779.2092 LEIBOVIT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Photographer's life, 1990-2005 / Annie Leibovitz. 138 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 779.2092 [1990?], MAPPLET SFCC Reserve 1 c1985. Robert Mapplethorpe : certain people, a book of portraits / [preface by Susan Sontag]. 779.2092 Non-Fiction 2 1995. Richard Avedon [videorecording] : darkness andRICHARD light / a productionSFCC of Thirteen WNET ; directed by Helen Whitney ; written and produced by Helen Wh 779.2092 VIEIRA SFCC Non-Fiction Hurrell's Hollywood portraits : the Chapman collection / Mark A. Vieira. 779.2109 HESTER SFCC Non-Fiction Classic nude, by George M. Hester. 1 1997. 1 [1973] 779.23 HOOVEN SFCCHooven. Non-Fiction Beefcake : the muscle magazines of America, 1950-1970 / F. Valentine 779.24 SHERMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Cindy Sherman : the complete untitled film stills. 1 c1995. 3 c2003. 779.24 UNSEEN SFCC Non-Fiction Unseen Vogue : the secret history of fashion photography / edited by Robin Derrick and Robin Muir. 1 2002. 779.3Adams M316W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Foreword [1965]by William O. Douglas. Wild Cascades, forgotten parkland. Photos, by Ansel [and others] With lines from Theodore Roethke. 779.3 N454 v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1964, c1963- 779.3 OL8H Hidden forest, text by Sigurd F. Olson, photos. by Les Blacklock. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1969] Ansel Adams. 779.3 P833A Non-Fiction Appalachian wilderness : the Great Smoky Mountains / Eliot Porter SFCC ; natural and human history by Edward 1Abbey[1975] ; epilogue by Harry M. Caudill. 779.3 T391I SFCC Selections Non-Fiction 1 Introd. [1962] In wildness is the preservation of the world, from Henry David Thoreau. & photos. by Eliot Porter. by Joseph Wood Krutch. 779.36 GOODING 2 c2002. Artists land nature / Mel Gooding ; interviews by William Furlong. SFCC Non-Fiction 779.3609 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Gardenscapes / photographs by Lynn GeesamanGEESAMA ; text by Verlyn Klinkenborg. 779.3609 N315L Non-Fiction Bryan Holme]. 1 1987, c1984. Landscape / preface by David Plowden ; introduction by Ian Jeffrey SFCC ; [editor-in-chief, 779.3609 SFCCbyNon-Fiction c2006. Recollections : three decades of photography / SEXTON John Sexton ; foreword Arthur Ollman ; afterword by Ray1McSavaney. 779.3677 BRANDEN; designedSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Chased by the light : a 90-day journey / Jim Brandenburg by Rita Marshall. 779.97 WARHOL NAME Non-Fiction 1 by 1997. All tomorrow's parties : Billy Name's photographs of Andy Warhol'sSFCC Factory / essay by Dave Hickey ; interview Collier Schorr. 779.9746 SKREBNE ; text by Laura SFCCJacobs. Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Art of haute couture / photographs by Victor Skrebneski 779.9746 VERSACE 1 c1998. Naked & the dressed : 20 years of Versace / by AVEDON Richard Avedon. SFCC Non-Fiction 779.99 L626 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 779.9909 EISENST Non-Fiction 1999. Eisenstaedt : remembrances / Alfred Eisenstaedt ; edited by Doris C.SFCC O'Neil ; introduction by Bryan Holme ; 1foreword by Barbara Baker Burrows. Life, the second decade, 1946-1955. 779.9909 GREAT Non-Fiction 4 c2004. Great Life photographers / the editors of Life ; introduction by JohnSFCC Loengard ; a reminiscence by Gordon Parks. 779.9909 NEW YORK Photo ArchivesSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Tumultuous fifties : a view from the New York Times / Douglas Dreishpoon & Alan Trachtenberg, with Nancy Weinstock ; special projects 779.997 NATIVE SFCC Non-Fiction Native nations : journeys in American photography / edited and introduced by Jane Alison. 1 c1998. 779.9973 C942P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1972. Portraits from North American Indian life / Edward S. Curtis ; introductions by A. D. Coleman and T. C. McLuhan. 779.9974 CAPONIG SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. New England days / photographs by Paul Caponigro ; introduction by Paul Caponigro ; foreword by Aprile Gallant. 779.9978 CARTER Non-Fiction [1971] Ghost towns of the west. Supervising editor: Jack McDowell. DesignSFCC consultants: Fetzer-Conover Graphics. 1Layout: Henry Rasmussen. Cartography & illu 139 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 779.9979 ADAMS 1 c1995. West from the Columbia : views at the river mouth / Robert Adams.SFCC Oversize 779.9979 H254m and Nellie Stockbridge SFCC Non-Fiction c1984. Mining town : the photographic record of T.N. Barnard from the Coeur d'Alenes / by1Patricia Hart and Ivar Nelson. 779.9979 SFCC Non-Fiction by Daniel Pinchbeck. 3 Burning man : art in the desert / photographs and text byNASH A. Leo Nash ; introduction 2007. Sound of the city: the rise of rock and roll. 780 G413S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] Music and imagination. 780.1 C791M SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1952. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. 780.1 COOK Music, imagination, and culture / Nicholas Cook. 780.1 KIVY Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Sound and semblance : reflections on musical representation : withSFCC a new afterword by the author / Peter Kivy. Emotion and meaning in music. 780.1 M575E SFCC Technical Services 1 [1956] Secret power of music / by David Tame. 780.1 T151s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. Understanding music / Antony Hopkins. 780.15 HOPKINS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. SFCC Career 1 2001. SFCC Career 1 c2004. 780.2373 SFCC Career Career opportunities in the music industry / Shelly Field. FIELD 780.2373 2002 SFCC Career Opportunities in music careers / Robert GerardiGERARDI ; foreword by Billy Taylor. 780.266 BLUMENT SFCC Non-Fiction Classical CD listener's guide / by Howard J. Blumenthal. 1 c2000. 1 c2002. 1 c1998. 780.4209 Sh26j Jazz age : popular music in the 1920's / Arnold Shaw. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 196-? 1 1996, c1995. 2 [2004] 780.23 CROUCH 100 careers in the music business / by Tanja L. Crouch. 780.2373 CAREERS Careers in focus. Music. [Works] [scores] 780.84 B122 780.8996 SFCCStates Non-Fiction Power of Black music : interpreting its history from AfricaFLOYD to the United / Samuel A. Floyd, Jr. 780.8996 SFCC aNon-Fiction Harlem renaissance [videorecording] : the musicHARLEM & rhythms that started cultural revolution / Kultur. 780.8996 SOUTHER 1983 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Music of Black Americans : a history / Eileen Southern. 780.8996 THOMAS SFCC Non-Fiction 2001. No man can hinder me : the journey from slavery to emancipation through song / Velma Maia Thomas. 1 780.8996 TURN UP / Jacqueline Cogdell SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Turn up the volume! : a celebration of African music DjeDje, editor ; with contributions1by Ernest D. Brown, Jr. ... [et al.]. 780.9 CLASSIC 2001 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Classical music : the rough guide. Twentieth-century music: an introduction. 780.904 Sa39t2 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1974] BECHET Non-Fiction 1 Desmond [1960] Flower, and John Ciardi. Treat it gentle. Among those who helped record780.92 and edit the tapes SFCC on which this book is based are: Joan Reid, Aaron Copland. 780.92 C791b SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1953. 2 c1999. 1 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1970] 780.92 Non-Fiction Mozart in revolt : strategies of resistance, mischief, andMOZART deception /SFCC David Schroeder. 780.92 MOZART GAY SFCC Non-Fiction Mozart / Peter Gay. Purcell / J.A. Westrup. 780.92 PURCELL WESTRUP 780.922 SCH65 Lives of the great composers [by] Harold C. Schonberg. 140 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970, c1966] Stars & superstars of Black music / [produced by780.922 JeremyST28 Pascall andSFCC Rob Non-Fiction Burt]. 1 c1977. 780.924 CHOPIN SFCC Non-Fiction Chopin in Paris : the life and times of the great composer / Tad Szulc. 1 c1998. 780.924 D354J ; translated SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Debussy : impressionism and symbolism / [by] Stefan Jarocinski from the French by Rollo Myers. 1976. [1967, c1965] Black music, four lives, by A. B. Spellman. Debussy; man and artist. 780.922 SP32B 780.924 D354T SFCC Non-Fiction 1 780.924 H324L 1 1972. Haydn, by H. C. Robbins Landon in association with Henry Raynor. SFCC Non-Fiction 780.924 Non-Fiction 1 by M. [1972] Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. SelectedM677lm and edited by Hans SFCC Mersmann. Translated from the German M. Bozman. 780.924 W125G SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Richard Wagner; the man, his mind, and his music, by Robert W. Gutman. 780.968 RHYTHM SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Rhythm of resistance [videorecording] : the Black music of South Africa a Harcourt Films Production ; producer, Jeremy Marre ; directors, Chris Austin 780.9729 MANUEL Non-Fiction 1 Largey. 1995. Caribbean currents : Caribbean music from rumba to reggae / PeterSFCC Manuel with Kenneth Bilby and Michael 780.973 CRAWFORD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. America's musical life : a history / Richard Crawford. 781 C655S Sonic design : the nature of sound and music / Robert Cogan, Pozzi SFCC Escot.Non-Fiction 1 c1976. 781.1 B43F Fundamentals of musical acoustics / Arthur H. Benade. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. Science & music, by Sir James Jeans. 781.1 J346S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Physics of musical sound [by] Jess J. Josephs. 781.1 J778P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1969] KIVY and the SFCC Non-Fiction Possessor and the possessed : Handel, Mozart, 781.1 Beethoven, idea of musical genius / Peter Kivy. Physics of music; rev. by J. M. Bowsher. 781.1 W85P 781.15 F237S Social psychology of music [by] Paul R. Farnsworth. 781.15 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970Experimental research in the psychology of music: 8 G654E 781.17 COPLAND SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. What to listen for in music / Aaron Copland ; with a foreword and epilogue by Alan Rich ; introduction by William Schuman. 781.22 PHILLIP Sight-read any rhythm instantly [music] / by Mark Phillips. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 781.3Cope. COPE SFCC Non-Fiction Techniques of the contemporary composer / David 781.3451 WINSOR SFCC Non-Fiction Computer music in C / Phil Winsor & Gene DeLisa. 781.423 SFCC Non-Fiction Music for sight singing / Robert W. Ottman. OTTMAN 781.423 PHILLIPS SFCC Non-Fiction Sight-sing any melody instantly / by Mark Phillips. 781.542 SFCC Non-Fiction Sound and vision : sixty years of motion pictureBURLING soundtracks / Jon Burlingame. 1 c1997. 1 c1991. 2 2007. 1 c2002. 2 2000. 781.542 SFCC Non-Fiction Listening to movies : the film lover's guide to film music KARLIN / Fred Karlin ; foreword by Leonard Maltin. 781.542 MUSIC A Flinn, and David Neumeyer. SFCC Non-Fiction Music and cinema / edited by James Buhler, Caryl 2 c1994. 1 c2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. SCHULLE Early jazz : its roots and musical development / 781.57 Gunther Schuller. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986, c1968. SCHULLE Swing era : the development of jazz, 1930-1945781.57 / Gunther Schuller.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989. Understanding jazz / Leroy Ostransky. 781.57 Os7u Jazz talk / Robert S. Gold. 781.5703 G563J SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975. Jazz : a history / by Frank Tirro. 781.5709 T517J SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1977. 141 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SCH14A art SFCC Non-Fiction 1 With [1973] Art of ragtime; form and meaning of an original781.572 black American [by] William J. Schafer and Johannes Riedel. assistance from Michael Polad and 781.592 CROSBY 1 c2000. / David Crosby and David Bend Stand and be counted : making music, making history : the dramaticSFCC storyNon-Fiction of the artists and events that changed America 781.6291 CELTIC SFCC Non-Fiction 781.6297 BROWNER SFCC Non-Fiction Heartbeat of the people : music and dance of the northern pow-wow / Tara Browner. 2 [2004] 3 c2002. 781.6297 LEWIS Ceremonial songs and dances of the Cherokee [audiocassette]. 2 p1989. Celtic woman [videorecording]. SFCC Non-Fiction 781.6297 MYTH Cassette SFCC Non-Fiction 2 p1988. Myth, music & dance of the American Indian [sound recording] / collected, edited & adapted by Ruth De Cesare. 781.6297 TAKU WA Non-Fiction 1 p1993. Taku wakan [sound recording] : Lakota sundance songs : in memorySFCC of those who have passed on. 781.63 M153C Conducting technique for beginners and professionals. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1966. 781.63 PIANO Piano grand! [videorecording] : a Smithsonian celebration. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 781.6309 FELA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Biyi 2003. Black president : the art and legacy of Fela Anikulapo-Kuti / edited by Trevor Schoonmaker ; contributions by Bandele, ... [et al.] 781.6309 SFCC/ Non-Fiction 2 Toussaint c2002. and Hope Sandrine ; photograp Music is the weapon of the future : fifty years ofTENAILL African popular music Frank Tenaille ; translated by Stephen 781.632 R469P SFCCworks Non-Fiction 1 Edited [1964] Principles of orchestration, with musical examples drawn from his own [by] Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. by Maximilian Steinberg. English tran Conductors on conducting / Bernard Jacobson. 781.635 J157c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. 781.64 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Reggae : the rough guide / written by Steve Barrow andBARROW Peter Dalton ; edited by Jonathan Buckley ; photographs by Adrian Boot ... [et al.]. 781.64 LATIN 1 [2005?] Latin nights [videorecording] / produced by Cineroutes Productions,SFCC Inc. Non-Fiction with the participation of Telefilm Canada, the Ontario Film Development Corpo 781.64 STEWARD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Colon. c1999. Musica! : the rhythm of Latin America : salsa, rumba, merengue, and more / Sue Steward ; foreword by Willie 781.6408 RAMSEY SFCCJr. Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Race music : black cultures from bebop to hip-hop / Guthrie P. Ramsey, 781.64089 BARLOW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Barlow c1994. From swing to soul : an illustrated history of African American popular music from 1930 to 1960 / by William and Cheryl Finley. 781.6409 SFCC 1 2000. Goin' back to Memphis : a century of blues, rockDICKERS 'n' roll, and glorious soulNon-Fiction / James L. Dickerson. 781.6409 LISTENSale SFCC c1991. Listen up [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents a Courtney Ross Non-Fiction production ; produced by Courtney1 Sale Ross ; directed by Ellen Weissbrod. 781.643 BROOKS Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Blues for dummies / by Lonnie Brooks, Cub Koda, and Wayne BakerSFCC Brooks ; foreword by Dan Aykroyd ; afterword by B.B. King. History of the blues / Francis Davis. 781.643 DAVIS SFCC Non-Fiction 781.643 GOOD SFCC Non-Fiction Good mornin' blues [videorecording] / Mississippi Authority for Educational Television. 781.643 KING DANCHIN SFCC Non-Fiction Blues Boy : the life and music of B.B. King / Sebastian Danchin. 1 c1995. 1 c1988, 1979. 2 c1998. 781.643 LOMAX SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995, c1993. 781.643 MARTIN/ edited by Peter SFCC Guralnick Non-Fiction 1 Scorsese 2003. ; foreword by Alex Gibney ; afte Martin Scorsese presents the blues : a musical journey ... [et al.] ; preface by Martin Land where the blues began / Alan Lomax. 781.643 SFCC; introduction Non-Fiction by George Lipsitz. Upside your head! : rhythm and blues on Central AvenueOTIS / Johnny Otis 1 c1993. 781.643 WARD and SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Just my soul responding : rhythm and blues, Black consciousness, race relations / Brian Ward. 781.643 SFCC Non-Fiction c1998. Chasin' that devil music : searching for the bluesWARDLOW / by Gayle Dean Wardlow ; edited with an introduction by 4Edward Komara. 781.643 SFCC Non-Fiction 2005, c2001. You see me laughin' [videorecording] : the last of the HillYOU Country bluesmen / [presented by] Plantain Films 4in association with Journeyman Pictures ; a P 142 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 200and OF edited SFCC 1 [1997?] 200 of the best songs from ragtime & early jazz781.645 / compiled byNon-Fiction Rob DuBoff. 781.646 Non-Fiction 3 Tuffc1992. Time will tell [videorecording] / an Initial Film &MARLEY Television for IslandSFCC Records & Polygram Video International; Gong. Roots, rock, reggae [videorecording] / Harcourt781.646 Films. ROOTS Jazz cultures / David Ake. 781.65 AKE Best jazz standards ever : piano, vocal, guitar. 781.65 BEST JA SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1988. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. 781.65 GILLESP SFCC 1 / a Jazz c1986. John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie jazz in America [videorecording] : concerts byNon-Fiction the sea, Redondo Beach, California America, ltd.-KCET Community Tele Enjoying jazz 781.65 GRIDLEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Jazz [videorecording] : the intimate art] 781.65 JAZZ SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1980. 781.65 CA SFCC Non-Fiction Jazz cadence of American culture / edited by Robert G.JAZZ O'Meally. 1 c1998. 781.65 JOE Non-Fiction 1 Ltd. [2005] Joe Williams [videorecording] : Jazz at the Smithsonian / ShanachieSFCC presents a production of Adler Enterprises, ; produced and directed by Clark San 781.65 KEN BUR Ken Burns jazz [sound recording] : the story of America's music. SFCC Reserve 4 p2000. 781.65 KEN BUR Ken Burns jazz [sound recording] : the story of America's music. SFCC Reserve 3 p2000. 781.65 KEN BUR Ken Burns jazz [sound recording] : the story of America's music. SFCC Reserve 3 p2000. 781.65 KEN BUR Ken Burns jazz [sound recording] : the story of America's music. SFCC Reserve 3 p2000. 781.65 KEN BUR Ken Burns jazz [sound recording] : the story of America's music. SFCC Reserve 3 p2000. 781.65 KING to jazz SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. What jazz is : an insider's guide to understanding and listening / Jonny King ; foreword by Christian McBride. 781.65 LEGENDS Legends of jazz [sound recording & DVD] : showcase. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 p2006. 781.65 READING SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. RA Sun Ra [videorecording] : a joyful noise / film by781.65 RobertSUN Mugge. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1986. 781.65 SFCC Non-Fiction Jazz 101 : a complete guide to learning and loving jazz /SZWED John F. Szwed. 2 c2000. Reading jazz / edited by David Meltzer. WARD Non-Fictionfilm by Ken Burns written 1 by Geoffrey 2000. C. Ward ; with a preface by Ke Jazz : a history of America's music / by Geoffrey781.65 C. Ward ; based onSFCC a documentary 781.6508 AFRICANexaminations SFCC Non-Fiction c2001. African American jazz and rap : social and philosophical of Black expressive behavior / edited 2by James L. Conyers, Jr. ; introduction by Jam 781.6508 SHACK Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Harlem in Montmartre : a Paris jazz story between the great wars /SFCC William A. Shack. 781.65082 INTERNA 1 [1997?] International Sweethearts of Rhythm [videorecording] ; and, Tiny &SFCC RubyNon-Fiction hell divin' women / Jezebel Productions ; produced and directed by Greta Schil 781.6509 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1997. Louis Armstrong : an extravagant life / LaurenceARMSTRO Bergreen. 781.6509 DUKE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. Duke Ellington reader / edited by Mark Tucker. EL 781.6509 GOODMAN COLLIER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1989. Benny Goodman and the Swing Era / James Lincoln Collier. 781.6509 HENNESS SFCC Non-Fiction c1994. From jazz to swing : African-American jazz musicians and their music, 1890-1935 / Thomas J. Hennessey. 1 JAZZ Non-Fiction c2000. by Larry Appelbaum ... [et al.]. Jazz : the first century / edited by John Edward 781.6509 Hasse ; forewords bySFCC Quincy Jones and Tony Bennett ; with 2contributions 781.6509 LAST OF by Bruce Ricker ; SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; produced c1979. by John Kelly, Bruce Ricker and Last of the Blue Devils [videorecording] / directed written by Bruce Ricker and John Arnoldy 143 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 781.6509 SANCTON Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Song for my fathers : a New Orleans story in black and white / TomSFCC Sancton. 781.6509 SHADWIC 1 1991. Illustrated story of JAZZ / Keith Shadwick ; foreword by Phil Woods.SFCC Non-Fiction 781.6509 Non-Fiction 3 Zwerin p1988. Thelonious Monk [videorecording] : straight noTHELONI chaser / directed bySFCC Charlotte Zwerin ; produced by Charlotte and Bruce Ricker. 781.6509 TOWNSEN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. Jazz in American culture / Peter Townsend. VON War /SFCC Non-Fiction Satchmo blows up the world : jazz ambassadors781.6509 play the Cold Penny M. Von Eschen. 781.65092 ARMSTRO NOLLEN SFCC Non-Fiction Louis Armstrong : the life, music, and screen career / Scott Allen Nollen. 781.65092 ELLINGT NICHOLS SFCC Non-Fiction Reminiscing in tempo : a portrait of Duke Ellington / Stuart Nicholson. 781.65092 GILLESPI Dizzy : the life and times of John Birks Gillespie MAGGIN / Donald L. Maggin. SFCC Non-Fiction 781.65092 HASSE / John Edward SFCC Non-Fiction Beyond category : the life and genius of Duke Ellington Hasse. 781.65092 REICH / Howard SFCC Non-Fiction Jelly's blues : the life, music, and redemption ofMORTON Jelly Roll Morton Reich and William Gaines. 781.65092 SCHIEDT Non-Fiction Jazz in black & white : the photographs of Duncan Schiedt / DuncanSFCC Schiedt. 781.654 BIG BAN Non-Fiction Big bands : theme songs & top hits : piano, vocal, guitar / articles bySFCC Jeff Sultanof. 781.655 DEVEAUX SFCC Non-Fiction Birth of bebop : a social and musical history / Scott DeVeaux. 781.657 NICHOLS Jazz rock : a history / Stuart Nicholson ; discography by Jon Newey. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 4 c2004. 1 c1999. 1 c2005. 2 c1993. 2 c2003. 1 c2004. 1 c1996. 1 c1997. 2 c1998. 781.66 /GRACYK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. I wanna be me : rock music and the politics of identity Theodore Gracyk. 781.66 MONTERE SFCCThe Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Monterey pop [videorecording (DVD)] / A Leacock Pennebaker release; Foundation, a non-profit organization; The Foundation presents John Phillip 781.66 Sellers Heroin diaries : a year in the life of a shattered rock starSIX / Nikki SixxSFCC with Best Ian Gittins. 4 c2007. 781.66 WAITS ; produced SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1989, c1988. Big time [videorecording] / Island Visual Arts, Vivid Production by Luc Roeg ; directed by Chris Blum. 781.66 WOODSTOCK SFCC Non-Fiction c1994.; directed by Michael Wadleigh. Woodstock [videorecording (DVD)] : 3 days of peace & music : the director's cut! / A Wadleigh-Maurice Ltd.1production 781.66 WOODSTOCK [1987], SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1970. Woodstock [videorecording] : 3 days of peace &1987 music / a Wadleigh-Maurice Ltd. production ; directed by Michael Wadleigh ; produced by Bob Maurice 781.66 WOODSTOCK [1987], SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1970. Woodstock [videorecording] : 3 days of peace &1987 music / a Wadleigh-Maurice Ltd. production ; directed by Michael Wadleigh ; produced by Bob Maurice Non-Fiction Story of Christian music : from Gregorian chant781.71 to BlackWILSON gospel : an SFCC authoritative illustrated guide to all the 1major1996. traditions of music for worship / Andre SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1963. N387F Folk music in the United States : an introduction781.773 / by Bruno Nettl. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. 781.8 SA14R Rise of music in the ancient world, East and West. 1 [1943] Blues people; Negro music in white America. 781.773 J72b SFCC Non-Fiction 781.86 HAIL Films production SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. Hail! Hail! rock 'n' roll [videorecording] / Universal ; a Delilah ; a Taylor Hackford film ; directed by Taylor Hackford ; produced by Steph SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1975] 781.91/ Phillip Y86L T. Young. SFCC Non-Fiction Look of music : rare musical instruments, 1500-1900 2 c1980. Survey of musical instruments. 781.91 M334S 144 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 782.009 CAMBRID Cambridge companion to singing / edited by John Potter. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. CARMEN SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Carmen [videorecording] : opera in quattro atti782.1 / Rai Trade ; Fondazione Arena di Verona ; di Henri Meilhac1e Ludovic Hale¿¿vy ; musica di Georges Bizet 782.1 MADAMA 1 Giacosa c2004. Madama Butterfly [videorecording (DVD)] : Japanese drama in two SFCC acts /Non-Fiction libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe ; music by Giacomo Puccini ; Fonda 782.1 MARRIAGE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2003. Nozze di Figaro [videorecording] / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; produced by ORF. 782.1 TOSCAby Giuseppe SFCC Giacosa Non-Fiction c2003.by Victorien Sardou ; music by G Tosca [videorecording(DVD)] : opera in three acts / libretto and Luigi Illica, drawn from2 the drama 782.1 W125S Perfect Wagnerite; a commentary on the Niblung's ring. 782.1426 ONE 100 years of Broadway : a centennial collectionHUN of song. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1994. 782.15 Su54a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. 782.254 SAY AMEN SFCC c1984,Karen 1983.Nierenberg. Say amen, somebody [videorecording] / GTN Productions ; produced andNon-Fiction directed by George T. Nierenberg1; producer, 782.42 ADULT EIGHTIE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. #1 Adult contemporary hits of the eighties : as listed on the Billboard adult contemporary charts. 782.42 ADULT SFCCadult Non-Fiction 1 c1994. #1 Adult contemporary hits of the seventies : asSEVENTI listed on the Billboard contemporary charts. 782.421 NELSON SFCC Best Sellers 2 2006. Willie Nelson : the outlaw / Graeme Thomson. THO 782.4216 ALEXAND SFCC rap Non-Fiction 3 1998. Got your back : the life of a bodyguard in the hardcore world of gangsta / Frank Alexander with Heidi Siegmund Cuda. 782.4216 CAVICCH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Tramps like us : music & meaning among Springsteen fans / Daniel Cavicchi. Authentic Gilbert & Sullivan songbook 782.4216 CHARLES LYDON Ray Charles : man and music / by Michael Lydon. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 782.4216 COBAIN CROSS Heavier than heaven : a biography of Kurt Cobain / Charles R. Cross.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. HAJDU SFCCBaez Non-Fiction 2001. Positively 4th street : the lives and times of Joan782.4216 Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Farin¿¿a, and Richard Farin¿¿a1 / David Hajdu. 782.4216 OLAND SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Art of writing great lyrics / Pamela Phillips Oland. 782.4216 WARD SFCC Non-Fiction 2000. Dark midnight when I rise : the story of the Jubilee Singers, who introduced the world to the music of Black1America / Andrew Ward. 782.42162 Non-Fiction 2 Park [2005] No direction home [videorecording] : Bob DylanDYLAN / Apple presents a SFCC production of Spitfire Pictures, Grey Water Productions, Thirteen/WNET New Yo 782.42162 JUBILEE Non-Fiction 2 c2000. Jubilee Singers [videorecording] : sacrifice and glory / a production SFCC of WGBH Boston ; produced with the assistance of Nashville Public Television ; WGBH 782.42164 DAVIS SFCC Non-Fiction c1998. Blues legacies and Black feminism : Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday / Angela Y. Davis.1 782.42164 DYLAN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004Chronicles / Bob Dylan. 782.42164 Non-Fiction c2002. Yes yes y'all : the Experience Music Project oralFRICKE history of hip-hop'sSFCC first decade / Jim Fricke, Charlie Ahearn.1 782.42164 VX Pitts SFCC 1 by 2003. VX : ten years of VIBE photography / by Rob Kenner & George ; withNon-Fiction a foreword by Quincy Jones ; design Gary Koepke for Modernista!. 782.42164 Non-Fiction/ S. Craig Watkins. 2 c2005. Hip hop matters : politics, pop culture, and the WATKINS struggle for the soulSFCC of a movement 782.42165 BILLIE / Hip-O Records SFCC; Non-Fiction 2005. Billie Holiday [videorecording] : the ultimate collection Miltiprises, LLC ; produced by Toby4 Byron. 782.42165 FITZGER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994, c1993. Ella Fitzgerald : a biography of the first lady of jazz / Stuart Nicholson. 145 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 782.42165 HOLIDAY SFCC Non-Fiction Wishing on the moon : the life and times of Billie Holiday / Donald Clarke. 1 1994. 782.42165ofJAZZ SFCCfrom Non-Fiction 2 p1998. Jazz singers [sound recording] : [a Smithsonian collection jazz vocals 1919-1994]. 782.42165 Non-Fiction c2000. Strange fruit : Billie Holiday, Cafe¿¿ Society, andMARGOLI an early cry for civilSFCC rights / by David Margolick ; foreword 2by Hilton Als. 782.42166 BEATLES SPITZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. Beatles : the biography / Bob Spitz. 782.42166 DEAD RE Dead / edited by SFCC 2 c1999. Dead reckonings : the life and times of the Grateful JohnNon-Fiction Rocco ; Brian Rocco, assistant editor. 782.42166 GRATEFUL SFCC 1 1990. Dead heads [videorecording] : an American subculture / produced by TheNon-Fiction University of North Carolina at Greensboro ; directed by Emily Edwards. 782.42166 LENNON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. Lennon remembers / [introduction by] Jann S. Wenner. 782.42166 ROLLING GIMME SFCCby Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Gimme shelter [videorecording] / a Maysles Films production ; directed David Maysles, Albert Maysles, Charlotte Zwier. 782.42166 YOUNG MCDONOUG SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2002. Shakey : Neil Young's biography / Jimmy McDonough. 782.42166 YOUNG PETRIDI SFCC Non-Fiction 784.0924 LENNON Non-Fiction John and Yoko [audio cassette] : John Lennon and Yoko Ono discussSFCC fame, money and drugs. Neil Young / Alexis Petredis. M297C Country music U.S.A.; a fifty-year history, by Bill784.097 C. Malone. SFCC Non-Fiction 784.4with C672S SFCC Non-Fiction Songs of American sailormen, by Joanna C. Colcord, an introduction by Lincoln Colcord. 1 c2000. 1 [1971?] 1 [c1968] 1 [1938] G984Y SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Arlo[1970] Mighty hard road; the Woody Guthrie story, by784.492 Henrietta Yurchenco, assisted by Marjorie Guthrie. Introd. by Guthrie. 784.4924 ROLL ON & the Bonneville SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Roll on Columbia [videorecording] : Woody Guthrie Power Administration / produced & directed by Michael Majdic & Denise Matthew 784.4942 SH23o One hundred English folksongs : for medium voice SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975, c1916. 784.497 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by Peggy 1975. Seeger, with one hundred piano Folk songs of North America in the English language / byL837f Alan Lomax ; melodies and guitar chords transcribed Better homes and gardens family song book. 784.4973 B466 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975. 784.4973 P698S SFCC&Non-Fiction 1 withc1975. Play old-time country fiddle : 75 traditional fiddle tunes arr. with words chords, including 25 square dances complete calls & instructions / [comp 784.5 G984r Roll on Columbia : the Columbia River songs / [Woody Guthrie]. 784.506 B464 v.1 Best standards ever : piano, vocal, guitar. 784.506 B464 v.2 Best standards ever : piano, vocal, guitar. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987?] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991 Best easy listening songs ever. 784.506 B464e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Best country songs ever. 784.5206 B464 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [198-]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. 784.71 Civil War songbook : complete original sheet music for C499 37 songs SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and[1974] Stephen Foster songbook : original sheet music784.8 of 40 F817S songs / by Stephen Collins Foster ; selected with introd. notes, by Richard Jackson. 784.8 G798 Great American song book; piano, organ [and] guitar. SFCC Non-Fiction 784.8 Non-Fiction New York times great songs-- of the sixties / edited byN42 Milton OkunSFCC ; introduction by Tom Wicker. SFCC Non-Fiction c1976. 1 [198-?] 2 1978. 785.42 [by] B862B SFCC Non-Fiction Bourbon Street Black; the New Orleans Black jazzman Jack V. Buerkle and Danny Barker. 1 1973. 785.42 of OS7J SFCC Non-Fiction Jazz city : the impact of our cities on the development jazz / Leroy Ostransky. 1 c1978. Dictators of the baton / by David Ewen. 785.092 EW35D 1 146 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 785.42 SFCCby Non-Fiction [1980]by Nat Hentoff. Giants of Black music = originally published as The BlackR524g giants / edited Pauline Rivelli and Robert Levin ;1new introd. 785.4209 GIOIA Imperfect art : reflections on jazz and modern culture / Ted Gioia. SFCC Non-Fiction 785.4209 SFCC Non-Fiction Goin' to Kansas City / Nathan W. Pearson, Jr. PEARSON 1 1988. 1 c1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 adapted [1971]and expanded by F. F. Clough. Great pianists of our time. Translated from the 786.1092 German byK123G David Wooldridge and George Unwin. Discography 786.1092 SATIE VOLTAby Simon Pleasance. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Erik Satie / Ornella Volta ; translated from the French 786.2165 MONK Monk / Laurent De Wilde ; translated by Jonathan Dickinson. 786.2183 BETHOVE Beethoven's piano sonatas : a short companionROSEN / Charles Rosen. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Modern method for keyboard / James Progris. 786.3 PROGRIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1966- 786.3 W588I Indispensables of piano playing / Abby Whiteside. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1961. MARIS / SFCC Non-Fiction Making music at the piano : learning strategies 786.2193 for adult students Barbara English Maris. Piano for dummies / by Blake Neely. 786.3 NEELY Y27a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 of its [1964] Amateur at the keyboard; being an invitation to786.3 the keyboard and its pleasures, a discussion and brief history literature, and advice how one may s 786.4054 D354p2 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1973. Piano music (1888-1905) / Claude Debussy. 786.4054 M522c v. 1 1 [1975] Complete works for pianoforte solo / Felix Mendelssohn; edited by SFCC JuliusNon-Fiction Rietz. 786.4054 M522c v. 2 1 [1975] Complete works for pianoforte solo / Felix Mendelssohn; edited by SFCC JuliusNon-Fiction Rietz. R128C Ragtime rarities; complete original music for 63786.4054 piano rags SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1975] 786.4054 Sch77s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1971. Shorter works for pianoforte solo 786.409 B122T SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Two and three-part inventions. Facsim. of the autograph manuscript together with a reprint of the Bach-Gesellschaft edition, with an introd. by Eric Sim 786.4154 B393c v. 1; edited by Heinrich SFCC Non-Fiction [1975] Complete piano sonatas / Ludwig van Beethoven Schenker ; with a new introd. by Carl 1Schachter. 786.7419 VAIL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 music c1993. Keyboard presents Vintage synthesizers : groundbreaking instruments and pioneering designers of electronic synthesizers / by Mark Vail. 786.81654 Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Drummin' men : the heartbeat of jazz, the swingKORALL years / Burt KorallSFCC ; foreword by Mel Torme¿¿. 787.12 H389u v. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1959Universal dictionary of violin and bow makers. 7 Method for the Renaissance lute. 787.67 B862m SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1969. S. S. Stewart's extra fine banjos. 787.72 Ss68m 787.871 CLAPTON CLA 787.8719 CHARUPA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1973] SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992c1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. 788.7 B316O / Philip SFCCBate. Non-Fiction Oboe : an outline of its history, development, and construction 1 1975. Clapton : the autobiography / Eric Clapton. Scales / by Joe Charupakorn. 787.8719 CHRISTI BOOK 1 Guitar basics : a beginning guitar method / Michael Christiansen. 787.8719 PHILLIPS Guitar for dummies / by Mark Phillips and Jon Chappell. SHAW Trouble with Cinderella : an outline of identity /788.6216 Artie Shaw. 147 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 788.73165 PARKER Celebrating Bird : the triumph of Charlie ParkerGIDDINS / Gary Giddins. Percussion instruments and their history. 789.01 B569P SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] 789.01 B. P442D 1 c1975. Drummer, man : a treatise on percussion / by Gordon Peters. SFCC Non-Fiction 790.1922 HAMILTO Non-Fiction 1 Child's play 6-12 : 160 instant activities, crafts, and science projectsSFCC for grade schoolers / written and illustrated byc1991. Leslie Hamilton. 790.2 T577O Non-Fiction On with the show! : The first century of show business in America /SFCC Robert C. Toll. 1 1976. 791.35 D832V SFCC Non-Fiction Very special people; the struggles, loves, and triumphs of human oddities. 1 [1973] B797A SFCC Non-Fiction Art of interviewing for television, radio, and film791.4019 / by Irv Broughton. 1 c1981. 791.43 AMERICAby George SFCC Non-Fiction 1 980.Strauss. America at the movies [videorecording] / Cinema 5 ; produced Stevens, Jr. ; writer of narration, Theodore Cinema of Federico Fellini / Stuart Rosenthal. 791.43 F336R 791.43 GIANNET 1996 Understanding movies / Louis Giannetti. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 791.43 M122F SFCC Non-Fiction 791.43 REEVE Best Sellers Nothing is impossible : reflections on a new lifeREE / Christopher ReeveSFCC ; with images by Matthew Reeve. 1 [1972] 1 c2002. 791.43 T75m SFCC Non-Fiction Making money, making movies : the independent movie-makers' handbook / Sheldon Tromberg. 1 c1980. SFCC Non-Fiction Films of Howard Hawks / by Donald C. Willis. 791.43 W679F 791.43015 GREENBE Non-Fiction Screen memories : Hollywood cinema on the psychoanalytic couch SFCC / Harvey Roy Greenberg. 791.4302 MONROE VICTOR SFCC Non-Fiction Marilyn encyclopedia / Adam Victor. 1 1975. 1 c1993. 1 Focus on Howard Hawks. Cinema as art Frank Capra / Charles J. Maland. 791.4302 ST45C 791.43023 CAPRA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. [1966, c1965] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. 1 2003. 1 1995. 1 2002. 1 c1986. 1 c1999. 1 1996. 1 c1997. 1 1982. 791.43023 COEN ROBSON SFCC Non-Fiction 791.43023 EDWARDS / Gwynne SFCC Non-Fiction Indecent exposures : Bun¿¿uel, Saura, Erice & Almodo¿¿var Edwards. 791.43023 EMERY TAKE ONE SFCC Non-Fiction Directors : take one / Robert J. Emery. 791.43023 F753g SFCC Non-Fiction John Ford : the man and his films / Tag Gallagher. 791.43023 FORD Print the legend : the life and times of John FordEYMAN / Scott Eyman. SFCC Non-Fiction 791.43023 HAWKS SFCC Non-Fiction Howard Hawks, American artist / edited by Jim HOWARD Hillier and Peter Wollen. 791.43023 HAWKS MCCARTHY SFCC Non-Fiction Howard Hawks : the grey fox of Hollywood / Todd McCarthy. Coen brothers / Eddie Robson. 791.43023 HAWKS POAGUE SFCC Non-Fiction Howard Hawks / Leland A. Poague. 791.43023 SFCC Non-Fiction Ron Howard [videorecording] / a production ofHOWARD Media Entertainment. 148 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 791.43023 KUBRICK RASMUSS SFCC Non-Fiction Stanley Kubrick : seven films analyzed / Randy Rasmussen. 791.43023 N337k SFCC Non-Fiction Kubrick, inside a film artist's maze / Thomas Allen Nelson. 791.43023 R295f SFCC Non-Fiction Social cinema of Jean Renoir / Christopher Faulkner. 791.43023 SFCC Non-Fiction Steven Spielberg : interviews / edited by Lester SPIELBE D. Friedman and Brent Notbohm. 1 c2001. 1 c1982. 1 1986. 1 c2000. 791.43023 SPIELBER FREER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. 791.43023 WAXMAN SFCCthe Non-Fiction 1 Waxman. c2005. Rebels on the backlot : six maverick directors and how they conquered Hollywood studio system / Sharon 791.43028 C765b SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Bette & Joan : the divine feud / Shaun Considine. 791.43028 CONNERY MCCABE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Sean Connery : a biography / Bob McCabe. 791.43028 DANDRID SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Dorothy Dandridge : a biography / by Donald Bogle. 791.43028 MONROE LEAMING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Marilyn Monroe / by Barbara Leaming. 791.43028 SKLAR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. City boys : Cagney, Bogart, Garfield / Robert Sklar. Complete Spielberg / Ian Freer. 791.4309 COOK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. 791.4309 EL59H 791.4309 ELLIS 2002 History of film / Jack C. Ellis, Virginia Wright Wexman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 791.4309 H549a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. History of narrative film / David A. Cook. History of film / Jack C. Ellis. American Indian in film / by Michael Hilger. 791.4309 M39s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1986. 791.4309 Non-Fiction 1979. by David Lindroth. American film now : the people, the power, theM741A money, the moviesSFCC / James Monaco ; with four maps of the1 film industry 791.4309 MALTBY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Hollywood cinema : an introduction / Richard Maltby with Ian Craven. Short history of the movies / Gerald Mast. P926 Non-Fiction 1 Pretend Indians : images of native Americans in791.4309 the movies / editedSFCC by Gretchen M. Bataille, Charles L. P. Silet. 1980. T215 Cinema eye, cinema ear; some key film-makers791.4309 of the sixties. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] 791.4309 T217f Film propaganda : Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany / Richard Taylor.SFCC Non-Fiction 791.43094 SFCC Non-Fiction European cinema / edited by Elizabeth Ezra. EUROPEA 1 1979. 1 c2004. 791.43094 LEV SFCC Non-Fiction 791.430943 MURRAY SFCC Non-Fiction Film and the German left in the Weimar Republic : from Caligari to Kuhle Wampe / by Bruce Murray. 791.430944 CINEMA SFCC Non-Fiction Cinema of France / edited by Phil Powrie. 791.430944 FORBES SFCC Non-Fiction Cinema in France : after the new wave / Jill Forbes. 791.43095 SFCC Non-Fiction Planet Hong Kong : popular cinema and the art BORDWEL of entertainment / David Bordwell. 1 1993. 1 1990. 1 2006. 1 1993. 1 2000. Euro-American cinema / Peter Lev. 149 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 791.43097 BELTON American cinema/American culture / John Belton. SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c1994. 791.43097 KING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. 791.43097 VASEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. World according to Hollywood, 1918-1939 / Ruth Vasey. 791.433 BENDAZZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Cartoons : one hundred years of cinema animation / by Giannalberto Bendazzi ; [translated by Anna Taraboletti-Segre]. American independent cinema / Geoff King. 791.433 DRAZEN Non-Fiction Anime explosion! : the what? why? & wow! of Japanese animation SFCC / Patrick Drazen. 4 c2003. 791.433 LEVY SFCCLevy. Non-Fiction Cinema of outsiders : the rise of American independent film / Emanuel 791.433 SMOODIN SFCC Non-Fiction Animating culture : Hollywood cartoons from the sound era / Eric Smoodin. 3 c1999. 1 c1993. 791.433 ST45A SFCC Non-Fiction 791.4334 CINEMA SFCCbyNon-Fiction Cinema anime : critical engagements with Japanese animation / edited Steven T. Brown. 1 [1973] 3 2006. Non-Fiction Fifty worst films of all time : (and how they got 791.435 that way)M469F / by HarrySFCC Medved, with Randy Dreyfuss. 2 c1978. Directing the documentary / Michael Rabiger. 791.4353 R112d Animated film. 1 c1987. SFCC Non-Fiction Film genre 2000 : new critical essays / edited by791.436 WheelerFILM Winston Dixon. 791.4361 EXPERIM SFCC Non-Fiction Experimental film and video : an anthology / edited by Jackie Hatfield ; picture editor, Stephen Littman. 791.43615 BOOKERculture / M. SFCC Alternate Americas : science fiction film and American Keith Non-Fiction Booker. 791.43616 AMERICA SFCCby Non-Fiction American horrors : essays on the modern American horror film / edited Gregory A. Waller. 791.43616 CRANE SFCCfilm Non-Fiction Terror and everyday life : singular moments in the history of the horror / Jonathan Lake Crane. 791.43616 DILLARD SFCC Non-Fiction Horror films / R. H. W. Dillard. 791.43616 EVERSON SFCC Non-Fiction Classics of the horror film / by William K. Everson. 791.43616 Horror film / edited and with an introduction byHORROR Stephen Prince. SFCC Non-Fiction 791.43616 SFCC Non-Fiction Rough guide to horror movies / by Alan Jones. JONES 791.43616 ROYER SFCCRoyer. Non-Fiction Spectacle of isolation in horror films : dark parades / Carl Royer, Diana 791.43616 SFCC Non-Fiction Horror film : an introduction / Rick Worland. WORLAND 791.4365 KILPATR Kilpatrick. SFCC Non-Fiction Celluloid Indians : Native Americans and film / Jacquelyn 791.4365 SHAHEEN Non-Fiction Reel bad Arabs : how Hollywood vilifies a people / Jack G. Shaheen SFCC ; foreword by William Greider. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 1 2006. 1 2006. 1 c1987. 2 c1994. 1 c1976. 1 c1974. 1 c2004. 1 2005. 1 c2005. 2 2007. 1 c1999. 1 2001. SHULLand history SFCC Non-Fiction Radicalism in American silent films, 1909-1929 :791.4365 a filmography / by Michael Slade Shull. 791.43652 DAVIS SFCC Non-Fiction Good girls and wicked witches : women in Disney's feature animation / Amy M. Davis. 791.43652 HILGER in film / by SFCC Non-Fiction From savage to nobleman : images of Native Americans Michael Hilger. 791.43652 TASKER/ Yvonne Tasker. SFCC Non-Fiction Working girls : gender and sexuality in popular cinema 791.43655 LEWIS / Jon Lewis. SFCC Non-Fiction Road to romance & ruin : teen films and youth culture 1 2000. 1 c2006. 1 c1995. 1 1998. 1 1992. 150 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 791.43655 MULLER SFCC Non-Fiction Art of noir : the posters and graphics from the classic era of film noir / Eddie Muller. 791.43655 SCREENI SFCC Non-Fiction Screening violence / edited and with an introduction by Stephen Prince. 791.43657 AUSTEN TV a-go-go : rock on TV from American Bandstand to American IdolSFCC / JakeNon-Fiction Austen. 1 2002. 1 c2000. 2 c2005. 791.437 F889F Filmguide to The grapes of wrath [by] Warren French. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] 791.437 Dark victory / edited with an introduction by Bernard F. R561D Dick. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. 791.437 T768F Mayhew. SFCC Non-Fiction Films in my life / by Franc¿¿ois Truffaut ; translated by Leonard 1 c1978. Making of Citizen Kane / Robert L. Carringer. 791.4372 C498c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. Pulp fiction / Dana Polan. 791.4372 POLAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 791.4372 WELLSWells. SFCC Non-Fiction Psycho : director, Alfred Hitchcock / note by Amanda Sheahan 1 2001. 791.4375 P319 andSFCC Non-Fiction Cult movies 2 : 50 more of the classics, the sleepers, the weird, the wonderful 791.4375 PARENT SFCC Non-Fiction Rambo and the reds [sound recording]. 791.4375 Ministry of illusion : Nazi cinema and its afterlifeRENTSCH / Eric Rentschler. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1983. 1 [1989] 1 1996. Children and television / edited by Ray Brown. 791.45 C437B 3 1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 791.45 C437p SFCCby Non-Fiction Children and the faces of television : teaching, violence, selling / edited Edward L. Palmer, Aime¿¿e Dorr.1 c1980. 791.45 EF36 SFCC Non-Fiction Effects of television advertising on children : review and recommendations / Richard P. Adler ... [et al.]. 2 c1980. Sch57c SFCC Non-Fiction Children's television : the art, the business, and791.4501 how it works / Cy Schneider ; foreword by Fred Silverman. 1 c1987. 791.45013 T236 Television and aggression : a panel study / J. Ronald Milavsky ... [et SFCC al.]. Non-Fiction 1 1982. SMALL SFCC Non-Fiction Small screens, big ideas : television in the 1950s791.4509 / edited by Janet Thumim. 791.450973 C279W SFCC Watching TV : four decades of American television / Harry Castleman andNon-Fiction Walter J. Podrazik. 1 2002. 1 c1982. SFCC Non-Fiction Reality squared : televisual discourse on the real791.456 / edited by James Friedman. 1 c2002. 2 2004. Reality TV / Karen Balkin, book editor. 791.456 REALITY SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. Reality TV : remaking television culture / edited791.456 by SusanREALITY Murray and Laurie Ouellette. 791.456 TIMBERG 2 2002. Television talk : a history of the TV talk show / Bernard M. Timberg,SFCC withNon-Fiction Robert J. Erler ; introduction by Horace Newcomb. 791.457 COL SFCC... Best I am America (and so can you!) / written and edited by Stephen Colbert [et Sellers al.]. 5 [2007] 791.457 SHA Sellers Live from New York : an uncensored history of Saturday night live / SFCC Tom Best Shales and James Andrew Miller. 1 c2002. 792 C676a Technical Services 1 [1949] Actors on acting: the theories, techniques and practices of the greatSFCC actors of all times as told in their own words, edited with introductions & biographi 792 DOWNS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Experiencing the art of theatre : a concise introduction / William Missouri Downs, Lou Anne Wright, Erik Ramsey. 792.023 FANTASIA Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Instant Shakespeare : a proven technique for actors, directors, and SFCC teachers / Louis Fantasia. 792.0233 HAUSER SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2003. Notes on directing / Frank Hauser, Russell Reich. ADLER SFCC Non-Fiction Technique of acting / Stella Adler ; foreword by792.028 Marlon Brando. 792.028 BENEDET SFCC Non-Fiction Action! : professional acting for film and television / Robert Benedetti. 151 1 1988. 2 c2006. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 792.028 SFCC Non-Fiction Acting professionally : raw facts about careers in acting /COHEN Robert Cohen. 792.028 STANISL 1964 SFCC Non-Fiction Building a character / Constantin Stanislavski ; translated by Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood. 2 c1990. 1 2003, c1964. 792.09 BERTHOL SFCC Non-Fiction History of world theater : from the English restoration to the present / Felicia Hardison Londre¿¿. 1 1999. OXFORD Oxford illustrated history of theatre / edited by792.09 John Russell Brown.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. WATSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Cultural history of theatre / Jack Watson, Grant792.09 McKernie. 792.0942 SHAKESP SFCC Non-Fiction Shakespeare's Globe rebuilt / edited by J.R. Mulryne and Margaret Shewring ; advisory editor, Andrew Gurr.1 792.0952 JAPANS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Japan's Grand Kabuki in America [videorecording]. 792.0952 KAWATAK SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Kabuki : baroque fusion of the arts / Kawatake Toshio ; translated by Frank & Jean Connell Hoff. c1993. 1997. 1986. 2003. D921 actors. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1963. History of the American theatre, and anecdotes792.0973 of the principal 792.0974 SFCCthere Non-Fiction Broadway, the Golden Age [videorecording] : byBROADWA the legends who were / a film by Rick McKay ; Dada 1Films, c2004. First Act Films, Albert M. Tapper presen Out there [videorecording] / Comedy Central. 792.7 OUT TH 792.7 OUT TH Out there 2 [videorecording] / Comedy Central.TWO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. IDL Greedy bastard diary : a comic tour of America 792.702 / Eric Idle. SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2005. DANCING SFCC Non-Fiction c1993.by Geoff Dunlop and Jane Alexan Power of dance [videorecording] / a production792.8 of Thirteen/WNET in association with RM Arts and BBC-TV 1; produced 793.3108 ROBERTS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1998. Powwow country : people of the circle / by Chris Roberts. 793.31089 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1990. Northern traditional dancer / C. Scott Evans. EVANS 793.33 THOMPSON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. Tango : the art history of love / Robert Farris Thompson. Professional magic for children / David Ginn. 793.8 G434p 794.12 WILSON 303 tricky chess puzzles / Fred Wilson & Bruce Alberston. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. 794.8 PRENSKY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. success and how you can help! "Don't bother me Mom, I'm learning!" : how computer and video games are preparing your kids for twenty-first century 794.8019 GEE / James SFCCPaul Non-Fiction What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy Gee. 2 2004. 796D.SPORTS SFCC Non-Fiction Sports and athletes : opposing viewpoints / James Torr, book editor. 1 c2005. 796.0196 P118s SFCCJ.Non-Fiction Sports and recreation for the disabled : a resource handbook / Michael Paciorek, Jeffery A. Jones. 796.023 2003 SFCC Career Opportunities in sports and fitness careers / RayHEITZMA Heitzmann. 1 c1989. 1 c2003. 796.0237 SFCC Career Career opportunities in the sports industry / Shelly Field. FIELD 796.043 SFCC education Non-Fiction Beer and circus : how big-time college sports is SPERBER crippling undergraduate / Murray Sperber. 796.043 ZIMBALI SFCC Non-Fiction Unpaid professionals : commercialism and conflict in big-time college sports / Andrew Zimbalist. 1 c1999. 1 2000. 1 c1999. 796.046 TO THE SFCCand Non-Fiction To the extreme : alternative sports, inside and out / Robert E. Rinehart Synthia Sydnor, editors. 1 c2003. 796.0711 RULESE. Lapchick, SFCC Non-Fiction Rules of the game : ethics in college sport / [edited by] Richard John Brooks Slaughter. 1 c1989. 1 c2001. Creative coaching / Jerry Lynch. 796.077 LYNCH SFCC Non-Fiction 152 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 796.0937 FUTRELL Blood in the arena : the spectacle of Roman power / Alison Futrell. SFCC Non-Fiction 796.0937 MANNIX SFCC Non-Fiction Way of the gladiator / Daniel Mannix. 796.0937 MEIJER SFCC Gladiators : history's most deadly sport / Fik Meijer ; translated from theNon-Fiction Dutch by Liz Waters. 796.0937 SHADRAK SFCC Non-Fiction World of the gladiator / Susanna Shadrake. 1 [2000], c1997. 2 2001. 1 2005. 2 2005. 796.323 C686 College basketball, U.S.A., since 1892 / John D. McCallum. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. Football's multiple pro-I offense / Ron Cosner. 796.332 C821F SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. 796.332 D388F SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. Football handbook / by Sam DeLuca. 796.334 CATLIN bySFCC Non-Fiction 1 LaBrosse, c1990.Phil Stephens, and Mark Catlin. Art of soccer : a better way to play / Mark G. Catlin ; illustrations Carolyn Emory ; photographs by Kingsley 796.334 IN8A... [et al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction International book of soccer / contributors, Michael Archer 1 c1977. 796.334 Soccer rules explained / Stanley Lover ; foreword by J.S. LOVER Blatter. SFCC Non-Fiction 796.334 MERRILL SFCC Non-Fiction Grass of another country : a journey through the world of soccer / Christopher Merrill. 1 c1998. 2 1993. 1 c1977. 1 c1994. 1 c2006. 2 [2004?] Tennis without lessons / Jim Brown. 796.34 B813T SFCC Non-Fiction 796.342 BORSOS SFCC Non-Fiction Double-force tennis strokes : a new hitting system, tennis as it can be / by John D. Borsos. 796.342 KNUDSON SFCCyour Non-Fiction Biomechanical principles of tennis technique : using science to improve strokes / Duane Knudson. 796.342 RINEBER SFCC Non-Fiction Recipe for the tennis player's soul / by Dave Rineberg. BERRA SFCC Non-Fiction c2002. What time is it? you mean now? : advice for life796.357 from the Zennest master of them all / Yogi Berra with Dave1Kaplan. 796.357 FLEITZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Shoeless : the life and times of Joe Jackson / byJACKSON David L. Fleitz. 796.357 KOKOYAK SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2006. Kokoyakyu [videorecording] : high school baseball / director, Kenneth Eng ; writer/producer, Alex Shear ; producer, Takayo Nagasawa ; a co-production 796.357C.WARD SFCConNon-Fiction 1 Baseball : an illustrated history / narrative by Geoffrey Ward ; based a documentary filmscript by Geoffrey C.c1994. Ward and Ken Burns ; preface by Ken 796.4 ALMEKIN SFCC Non-Fiction Triathlon training / Louis Almekinders, Sally Almekinders, Tom Roberts. 3 c1991. 796.42 T372M 796.4257 Triathlon : tips for success / Herman Aschwer. ASCHWER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 796.426 F588C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. Modern track and field for girls and women. Complete book of running / James F. Fixx. 796.426 F588j SFCC 1 F. Fixx. c1980. Jim Fixx's Second book of running : the all-new companion volume to TheNon-Fiction complete book of running / James 796.426 Sch72a / bySFCC Non-Fiction Art of running : from around the block to the perfect marathon Michael Schreiber ; illustrations by J.T. 1Sevier.1982. Sh354 SFCCbyNon-Fiction Running & being : the total experience / George796.426 A. Sheehan ; drawings Nora Sheehan. Women's running / by Joan Ullyot. 796.426 UL4W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. 1 c1976. 796.47 by STATE SFCC ;Non-Fiction 1 ; produced [2006] and directed by Daniel Gordon State of mind [videorecording] / written and narrated Daniel Gordon associate producer, Nicholas Bonner 796.48/PERROTT SFCC Non-Fictionby Lesley Thelander. 3 Naked Olympics : the true story of the ancient games Tony Perrottet ; illustrations c2004. 796.48 SPIVEY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 796.51 LOGUE SFCC Non-Fiction Hiking and backpacking : essential skills, equipment, and safety / Victoria Logue. 1 c2005. Ancient Olympics / Nigel Spivey. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Walking softly in the wilderness : the Sierra Club796.5109 guide to HART backpacking / John Hart ; [illustrations by Joyce Jonte¿¿ and Bonnie Laurie Russell ; maps by Am 153 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1980. 796.522 KOD Kodas.SFCC Best Sellers High crimes : the fate of Everest in an age of greed / Michael 796.522 KRAKAUE Non-Fiction Into thin air : a personal account of the Mount Everest disaster / JonSFCC Krakauer. 796.522 MOUNTAIN Mountaineering : the freedom of the hills / edited by Steven M. CoxSFCC and Non-Fiction Kris Fulsaas. 2 c2008. 1 c1997. 1 c2003. 796.522 N429G Great ascents : a narrative history of mountaineering / Eric Newby. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. Breaking trail : a climbing life / Arlene Blum. 796.5209 BLUM 796.522 Storm and sorrow in the high Pamirs / Robert W. Craig. C844S SFCCbyNon-Fiction Ultimate martial arts encyclopedia : the best of796.8 InsideULTIMAT kung-fu / edited John R. Little and Curtis F. Wong.1 796.8153 FUNAKOS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Karate-do¿¿ nyu¿¿mon : the master introductory text / Gichin Funakoshi ; trans. by John Teramoto. c2000. 1988. 796.9 WERNER/ by Doug SFCCWerner Non-Fiction c1998. Snowboarder's start-up : a beginner's guide to snowboarding & Jim Waide ; photography1by Doug Werner (except where indicated). Graphic work of M.C. Escher. 796.924 ESCHER 1967-REVISED SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1967] Go snowboard / Neil McNab. 796.939 MCNAB SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. 797.21 SFCC Non-Fiction Beginning swimming [by] M. M. Mackenzie [and] BettyM196B Spears. 798.0049 AUSTIN SFCC Non-Fiction Suicide Race / by Carol Austin. 799.2973 POSEWIT Non-Fiction Inherit the hunt : a journey into the heart of American hunting / JimSFCC Posewitz. 1 [1974] 1 c1996. 1 1999. 1/2 da FedericoSFCC Videos 2 c1988.Federico Fellini ... [et al.] ; un pro 8 1/2 [videorecording] / Corinth Films ; ideato e8diretto Fellini ; prodotto da Angelo Rizzoli ; sceneggiatura, 805.51 KRANNIC 2005 fear, commanding SFCCattention Non-Fiction 1 c2005. 101 secrets of highly effective speakers : controlling / Caryl Rae Krannich. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Curious researcher : a guide to writing research808.02 papersBALLENG / Bruce Ballenger. 808.0202 FOOTES Career 1 Clark. c1999. Opportunities in writing careers / Elizabeth Foote-Smith ; revised bySFCC James D. Franklin ; foreword by Thomas 808.042 ELBOW 1998 1 c1998. Writing with power : techniques for mastering the writing process /SFCC PeterNon-Fiction Elbow. 808.042 HACKER 1996 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Rules for writers : a brief handbook / Diana Hacker. 808.042 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Scott, Foresman handbook for writers / MaxineHAIRSTO Hairston, John J. Ruszkiewicz. 808.042 SFCC Reserve 1 c1999. Scott, Foresman handbook for writers / MaxineHAIRSTO Hairston,1999 John Ruszkiewicz, Christy Friend. SFCC Non-Fiction New Oxford guide to writing / Thomas S. Kane. 808.042 K131n 808.042 Everything's an argument / Andrea A. Lunsford,LUNSFOR John J. Ruszkiewicz.SFCC Non-Fiction 808.042 MCALL SFCC Non-Fiction How to write themes and essays / John McCall.2003 808.042 MCCALL SFCC Non-Fiction How to write themes and essays / John McCall.1994 1 1988. 2 c1999. 1 c2003. 1 [1994] Beacon handbook and desk reference / Robert 808.042 Perrin. PERRIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. 808.042Behrens. ROSEN Allyn & Bacon handbook / Leonard J. Rosen, Laurence 808.042 ROSSLA Powerful paragraphs / Bruce Ross-Larson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1999. 154 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 808.042 SABIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 808.042 WRITING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Writing clear paragraphs / Robert B. Donald ... [et al.]. 808.0427 POPULAR Non-Fiction 1988. Popular writing in America : the interaction of style and audience / SFCC [compiled by] Donald McQuade, Robert2Atwan. 808.0663 STEWART SFCC Career 1 c2004. Peterson's best college admission essays. 808.06665 LETTERS SFCC Career 1 c1999. Letters for special situations / Anne McKinney, editor. Gregg reference manual / William A. Sabin. Elements of screenwriting : a guide for film and808.0667 televisionB563e writers / SFCC Irwin Non-Fiction R. Blacker. 808.0667 VAN NOS SFCC Non-Fiction Scriptwriter's handbook / by William J. Van Nostran. 1 c1986. 1 c1989. 808.1 B281 Poetic diction, a study in meaning. Introd. by Howard Nemerov. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1964. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. KOOSER SFCCKooser. Non-Fiction Poetry home repair manual : practical advice for808.1 beginning poets / Ted 1 c2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1960] 808.51 CLINTON SFCC Non-Fiction Facing a crowd : how to foil your fear of public speaking / by Keith Clinton. 1 22 cm. 808.51 HOPE You're speaking--but are you connecting? / by Margaret Hope. 2 1998. 1 c2006. Art and craft of poetry / Michael J. Bugeja. Poetry and experience 808.1 BUGEJA 808.1 M224 SFCC Non-Fiction 808.6 BOOHER Great personal letters for busy people : 501 ready-to-use letters forSFCC everyNon-Fiction occasion / Dianna Booher. 808.7 F895J from SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1960] Jokes and their relation to the unconscious. Newly translated the German and edited by James Strachey. 808.8 GREAT B V.12 SFCC Non-Fiction c1952. Lucretius: On the nature of things / translated by H. A. J. Munro ; The discourses of Epictetus / translated by1 George Long ; The meditations of Marcus A 808.8 GREAT B V.31 SFCC Non-Fiction c1952. Rules for the direction of the mind ; Discourse on the method ; Meditations on first philosophy ; Objections1against the meditations and replies ; The geo 808.8 GREAT B V.32 SFCC 2 c1952. English minor poems : Paradise lost; Samson Agonistes; Areopagitica / byNon-Fiction John Milton. 808.8 GREAT B V.35 2 c1952. Letter concerning toleration ; Concerning civil government, second SFCC essayNon-Fiction ; An essay concerning human understanding / by John Locke. The principles of 808.8 GREAT B SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; Robert 1952. Maynard Hutchins, editor in chie Major works of Sigmund Freud / EncyclopaediaV.54 Britannica, inc. [in collaboration with the University of Chicago 808.8 HARVARD V.16 nights' entertainments SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by[c1937] Stories from the thousand and one nights The Arabian Tr. by Edward William Lane, rev. Stanley Lane-Poole, with introd. and n 808.8 HARVARD V.36 More. Ninety-five SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1938. Prince / by Niccolo Machiavelli. Utopia / by Sir Thomas theses ; Address to the German nobility ; Concerning Christian liberty / by Mar 808.8 HARVARD V.38 SFCC Non-Fiction Scientific papers : physiology, medicine, surgery, geology : with introductions and notes. 1 c1938. 808.803 Kennedy FAM SFCC Bestby Sellers 1 c2007. Family christmas / selected and introduced by Caroline ; illustrated Jon H. Muth and Laura Hartman Maestro. SFCC Non-Fiction First love stories : from Isis and Osiris to Tristan808.8035 and IseultW834f / Diane Wolkstein. 1 c1991. 808.81 POEMS Non-Fiction Poems to read : a new favorite poem project anthology / edited by SFCC Robert Pinsky and Maggie Dietz. 1 808.8193 JAZZKomunyakaa. SFCC Non-Fiction Jazz poetry anthology / edited by Sascha Feinstein and Yusef 1 B464 Best plays of... and the year book of the drama 808.82 in America. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 B464 Best plays of... and the year book of the drama 808.82 in America. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. c1991c1996. 1899/19091946-1947. 1899/19091946-1947. 808.82 NEW 2 world c2005. New audition scenes and monologs from contemporary playwrightsSFCC : theNon-Fiction best new cuttings from around the / edited by Roger Ellis. 808.824 SFCC and Non-Fiction 1 Richards. [1973] Best short plays of the world theatre, 1968-1973. EditedR392B with an introd. prefaces to the plays by Stanley 155 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 808.8245 MEN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. American theatre book of monologues for menAMERICA / edited by Stephanie Coen. 808.8245 AMERICA WOMEN SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. American theatre book of monologues for women / edited by Stephanie Coen. 808.8245 BEST ME SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990Best men's stage monologues of ... 808.8245 c2002CLASSICA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 <c2004> Classical monologues from Aeschylus to Bernard Shaw / edited with an introductions by Leon Katz with the assistance of Georgi Iliev. 808.8245 KLUGER Non-Fiction Fifty more professional scenes and monologs for student actors : a SFCC collection of short one- and two-person1scenesc2004. / Garry Michael Kluger. 808.8245 M755 Non-Fiction 1 [198-?] Monologues from the classics : Shakespeare, Marlowe and others /SFCC edited by Roger Karshner. 808.8245 M775 v.1 by Eric Kraus. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1992Monologues from contemporary literature / edited 808.8245 SHAKESP SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and edited c1992. by Dick Dotterer. Shakespeare's ladies : a second book of speeches for women from Shakespeare's plays / selected, compiled, 808.8245 ULTIMAT SFCC Non-Fiction 5 1997. Ultimate audition book : 222 monologues, 2 minutes and under / edited by Jocelyn A. Beard. 808.8245 YOUNG SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Young actor's scene book : a training tool / edited by Barbara Marchant. B464 SFCC Non-Fiction Best short stories of ... and the yearbook of the808.831 American short story. 1 c1916- B464 SFCC Non-Fiction Best short stories of ... and the yearbook of the808.831 American short story. 808.831 B464b v.926 SFCC Non-Fiction Best British short stories of 1 c1916- 50 great short stories, edited by Milton Crane. 808.831 C8502fi SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1952] 808.831 H874B Non-Fiction Best short stories by Negro writers; an anthology from 1899 to the SFCC present. 1 [1967] SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Childrens Collection 1 c2003- 2 1999, c1992. 809.3Martin AD19A AfterJoyce : studies in fiction after Ulysses / Robert Adams. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. SFCC Non-Fiction Birth of modernism : Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B.809.91 Yeats,SURETTE and the occult / Leon Surette. 1 1994, c1993. 809.93 L873 Arthurian literature in the Middle Ages: a collaborative history. 1 1959. 1 1975. 1 1997. O. Henry prize stories. Giving tree / by Shel Silverstein. 808.831 PRIZE 809.0683 SILVERS SFCC Non-Fiction 809.933 F411w Non-Fiction Woman as image in medieval literature, from the twelfth century toSFCC Dante / Joan M. Ferrante. 809.9335 King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table BERTHEL / Anne Berthelot. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 809.9335 LACY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Arthurian handbook / Norris J. Lacy, Geoffrey Ashe. 810.8 NORTON v.1 by] Nina BaymSFCC 1 Norton anthology of American literature / [compiled ... [etNon-Fiction al.]. 810.80054 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Portable Beat reader / edited by Ann Charters. PORTABL 810.80892 DIFFERE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Different path : an anthology of the Radius of Arab American Writers / edited by D.H. Melhem and Leila Diab. 1988. c1985. 1992. 2000. American Puritans, their prose and poetry. 810.82 M617 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1956. New England: Indian summer. 810.9 B791N SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1950. 810.9005 TYTELL SFCC Paradise outlaws : remembering the beats / John Tytell ; photographs byNon-Fiction Mellon. 2 c1999. 810.917 R824C Comic imagination in American literature. Edited by Louis D. Rubin,SFCC Jr. Non-Fiction 1 [1973] 810.93 B451A American Puritan imagination; essays in revaluation. 1 [1974] SFCC Non-Fiction 156 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 God & the American writer / Alfred Kazin. 810.9382 KAZIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Four quartets [by] T. S. Eliot. 811 EL46f SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1943] 811 F825 SFCC Non-Fiction Four generations of women poets [sound recording] / National Public Radio. 1 c1981. Main street, and other poems, by Joyce Kilmer.811 K558 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1917] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] Anne Bradstreet, by Josephine K. Piercy. 811.1 B729 811.1 WHEATLE GATES SFCC with Non-Fiction 1 c2003.Jr. Trials of Phillis Wheatley : America's first Black poet and her encounters the founding fathers / Henry Louis Gates, 811.3 W596c SFCC Non-Fiction Complete poetry and collected prose / Walt Whitman. 811.508 HARPERSS Non-Fiction Harper's anthology of 20th century Native American poetry / editedSFCC by Duane Niatum. Homemade memories / Marita Littauer. 811.509 F466T SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 1 c1988. 1 c1991. 811.509 POETRY toSFCC 1 Presson c2001.Mosby ; series editor, Dominique Poetry speaks : hear great poets read their work, from Tennyson PlathNon-Fiction / editors, Elise Paschen and Rebekah 811.52 BOZORTHof homosexuality SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. Auden's games of knowledge : poetry and the meanings / Richard R. Bozorth. 811.52 C869 Critical essays on E.E. Cummings / [edited by] Guy Rotella. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. E. E. Cummings: a collection of critical essays. 811.52 C912F SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1972] To love that well : [poems] / Carleton Drewry. 811.52 D821T SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975. 811.52 F929pc SFCC/Non-Fiction 1 Poetry of Robert Frost : the collected poems, complete and unabridged edited by Edward Connery Lathem. 1979. Collected poems of Robert Frost. 811.52 FROST SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1986. Robert Frost / by Philip L. Gerber. 811.52 FROST SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1982. 811.52 HUGHES SFCC Non-Fiction Collected poems of Langston Hughes / Arnold Rampersad, editor ; David Roessel, associate editor. 1 1995. 811.52 HUGHES SFCC Non-Fiction 811.54 ANGELOU SFCC Non-Fiction Maya Angelou : poems. 811.54 ANZALDU Borderlands : the new mestiza = La frontera / Gloria Anzaldu¿¿a. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 1 1986. 1 c1987. 811.54/BARNES In the wilderness : coming of age in unknown country Kim Barnes.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Vintage Hughes / Langston Hughes. 811.54 BROOKS Non-Fiction 1 [1986] Conversation with Gwendolyn Brooks [videorecording] / produced SFCC for the Library of Congress Information Office by Matrix Media, Inc. 811.54 COLLINS SFCC Non-Fiction Sailing alone around the room : new and selected poems / Billy Collins. 1 c2001. 1 1997, c1996. Selected poems, 1947-1995 / Allen Ginsberg. 811.54 GINSBER SFCC Non-Fiction 811.54 SFCC ;Non-Fiction 5 c2006. Life & times of Allen Ginsberg [videorecording] GINSBERG / a film by Jerry Aronson editors, Nathaniel Dorsky, Jerry Aronson. 811.54 INADA Drawing the line : poems / by Lawson Fusao Inada. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Legends from camp : poems / by Lawson Fusao811.54 Inada. INADA 811.54 PRATT 1991 Rebellion : essays, 1980-1991 / Minnie Bruce Pratt. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. 1992, [c1993] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1966. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. 811.54 RICH Rich.SFCC Non-Fiction Dream of a common language : poems, 1974-1977 / Adrienne 1 c1993. Collected poems of Theodore Roethke. 811.54 R629 RICH Arts of the possible : essays and conversations /811.54 Adrienne Rich. All my pretty ones; [poems] 811.54 Se91a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1962] Light in the attic / Shel Silverstein. 811.54 SILVERS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1981. 157 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 811.54 SFCC Non-Fiction Black Lipstick : a collection of stories and poemsTRUEMAN / by Terry Trueman. 811.54 WILLIAMS SFCC Non-Fiction Dead emcee scrolls : the lost teachings of hip-hop and connected writings / Saul Williams. Miracle worker; a play for television. 812 G359 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. 1 2006. 1 1957. 812Oscar H183oHammerstein, SFCC2nd, Non-Fiction 1 the[c1943] Oklahoma! A musical play by Richard Rodgers and based on Lynn Riggs' Green grow lilacs; book and lyrics by Oscar Hamm 812Kurnitz K966 from L'idiote, SFCC by Non-Fiction Shot in the dark, a new comedy, adapted by Harry Marcel Achard. 1 [1962] 812 in M612d Non-Fiction Death of a salesman; certain private conversations two acts and aSFCC requiem. 1 1949. PLAYS Non-Fiction Plays from the contemporary American theater812.08 / edited and with anSFCC introduction by Brooks McNamara. 1 2002, c1988. Best American plays. 812.5082 B464 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1952- Best American plays. 812.5082 B464 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1952- SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1969. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1964] SFCC Reserve 1 c1952. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. 3 1963. 2 1995. 812.52 KESSELR Arsenic and old lace : play in three acts / by Joseph Kesselring. After the fall, a play. 812.52 MILLER 812.52 MILLER Death of a salesman : play in two acts / by Arthur Miller. 812.52 ONEILL v.1 Complete plays / Eugene O'Neill. 812.52 ONEILL v.2 Complete plays / Eugene O'Neill. 812.54novella AL13Badapted SFCC Non-Fiction Play, The ballad of the sad cafe¿¿. Carson McCullers' to the stage by Edward Albee. 812.54 HANSBER SFCC Non-Fiction Raisin in the sun / Lorraine Hansberry. 812.54 MAJESKIcharacterizations SFCC Non-Fiction 1 50 great monologs for student actors : a workbook of comedy for students / by Bill Majeski. c1987. 812.54 MILLER 812.54 NORMAN Crucible; drama in two acts. 'Night, mother : a play / by Marsha Norman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1954] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1983 812.54 PIERCE tips SFCC Non-Fiction 1 in the c1998. Killer monologues : highly actable monologues and performance to give you an almost unfair advantage auditioning game / J.P. Pierce. 812.54 Si54cp v.1 by Neil Simon. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 <1986-1988> Collected plays of Neil Simon / with an introduction Brighton Beach memoirs / by Neil Simon. 812.54 SIMON 812.54Williams. W675sc Streetcar named desire sound recording / Tennessee SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. 813.4 TWAIN Non-Fiction 1 Thadious 1992.M. Davis. Satire or evasion? : Black perspectives on Huckleberry Finn / editedSFCC by James S. Leonard, Thomas A. Tenney, 813.52 H373BA Non-Fiction Ernest Hemingway; an introduction and interpretation [by] SheridanSFCC Baker. 813.52 SEUSS NEL SFCC Non-Fiction Dr. Seuss : American icon / Philip Nel. 1 [1967] 1 2004. 813.54 CRITICALH. Solomon. SFCC Non-Fiction Critical essays on Toni Morrison's Beloved / edited by Barbara 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1984?]. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1977. 813.54 PALAHNI Stranger than fiction : true stories / Chuck Palahniuk. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 814.3 THOREAU Essays of Henry D. Thoreau / selected and edited by Lewis Hyde. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2000. Robertson Davies and his works / John Mills. On the road, by Jack Kerouac. Me talk pretty one day / David Sedaris. 813.54 DAVIES 813.54 KEROUAC 814.54 SEDARIS CAM SFCC Best How to remodel a man : tips and techniques on814.6 accomplishing something youSellers know is impossible but want 1to try 2004. anyway / W. Bruce Cameron. 814.6Sedaris. SED Dress your family in corduroy and denim / by David SFCC Best Sellers 158 2 2004. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Thoreau in our season, edited with an introd. by818.3 JohnT391H H. Hicks. 1 [1966] T391R Non-Fiction Twentieth century interpretations of Walden; a818.3 collection of criticalSFCC essays, edited by Richard Ruland. 1 [1968] 818.3 T391wc Non-Fiction Walden and Civil disobedience. Edited with an introd. and notes by SFCC Sherman Paul. 818.303 THOREAU SFCC Non-Fiction Walden : a fully annotated edition / Henry D. Thoreau ; edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer. 3 [1960]. 1 c2004. 2 c1984. Poetry and tales / Edgar Allan Poe. 818.309 P752p SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 818.309 POE Non-Fiction 1 1995. American face of Edgar Allan Poe / edited by Shawn Rosenheim andSFCC Stephen Rachman. 818.309 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1995. Cambridge companion to Henry David ThoreauTHOREAU / edited by Joel Myerson. 818.309 THOREAU SFCC; Non-Fiction 1999. Elevating ourselves : Thoreau on mountains / edited by J. Parker Huber foreword by Edward Hoagland. 1 818.309 THOREAU Jr. ; designed SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c1986. Henry Thoreau : a life of the mind / Robert D. Richardson, illustrated by Barry Moser. 818.309 THOREAU Non-Fiction 1 1999. Material faith : Thoreau on science / edited by Laura Dassow Walls SFCC ; foreword by Edward O. Wilson. 818.309 THOREAU SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Uncommon learning : Thoreau on education / edited by Martin Bickman ; foreword by Jonathan Kozol. 818.309 THOREAU HARDIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Days of Henry Thoreau : a biography / Walter Harding. 818.409 CHARLOTT SFCC Non-Fiction 2 and c2004. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and her contemporaries : literary and intellectual contexts / edited by Cynthia J. Davis Denise D. Knight. [1963, 818.52 B435 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1962] Stephen Vincent Bene¿¿t. 818.52writings. H874G Edited SFCC 1 [1973] Good morning, revolution; uncollected social protest andNon-Fiction with an introd. by Faith Berry. Foreword by Saunders Redding. 818.5209 HUGHES BLOOM SFCC Non-Fiction Langston Hughes / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. 1 c1989. 818.5209 N62d SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966-80] Diary of Anai¿¿s Nin. Edited, and with an introd., by Gunther Stuhlmann. 818.5407 STEWART SFCC America (the book) : a citizen's guide to democracy inaction / written andNon-Fiction edited by Jon Stewart, Ben Karlin,2 Davidc2004. Javerbaum ; writers, Rich Blomquist .. 818.5409 ALEXIE GRASSIAN Understanding Sherman Alexie / Daniel Grassian. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. Arthurian legend in the seventeenth century. 820.9004 B771A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1967 [c1932] Elizabethan world picture / E. M. W. Tillyard. 820.903 T468E SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [194-] 821 D847d Dryden : poetry, prose and plays / selected by Douglas Grant. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1963. 821 the R735 Poems and translations, 1850-1870 : together with prose story SFCC 'HandNon-Fiction and soul' 1 1926. 821 Greiner TENNYSO Non-Fiction Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson / selected by Ruth Rausen SFCC ; drawings by Virgil Burnett. 1 c1964. 1 [1950] Selected poetry 821 W891W SFCC Non-Fiction 821.008 BESTFrost / SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Bloom. c2004. Best poems of the English language : from Chaucer through selected and with commentary by Harold 821.008 NEW SFCC Childrens Collection 1 1996. New Oxford book of children's verse / edited byOXF Neil Philip. 821.08 G872 SFCC Non-Fiction Oxford book of seventeenth century verse, chosen by H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. 1 1934. SFCC 1 poetry 1955. Treasury of great poems, English and American,821.082 from theUn8t foundations of Non-Fiction the English spirit to the outstanding of our own time, with lives of the po 821.1 GAWAIN 2007 SFCCby] Non-Fiction 1 2007. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : a new verse translation / [translated Simon Armitage. 821.3 SHAKESP Art of Shakespeare's sonnets / Helen Vendler. VENDLER SFCC Non-Fiction 159 1 1997. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 821.4 M642P of theSFCC Non-Fiction 1958.University edition. Poetical works. Edited by Helen Darbishire. With translations Italian, Latin and Greek poems from the1 Columbia 1 1974. SFCC Non-Fiction Blake's poetry : spectral visions / Steven Vine. 821.7 VINE 821.7083 POETRY SFCC Poetry of slavery : an Anglo-American anthology, 1764-1865 / [edited by]Non-Fiction Marcus Wood. 1 1993. 1 2003. 821.709 B623v Visionary company; a reading of English romantic poetry. 1 [1971] 821.79 B581 SFCC Non-Fiction 821.79 BLAKE 1971 SFCC Non-Fiction Songs of innocence. 821.79 BLAKE 1984 SFCC/ Non-Fiction Songs of experience : facsimile reproduction with 26 plates in full color by William Blake. 1 1958. 1 [1971] 1 1984. 821.8 BROWNIN by SFCC Non-Fiction Robert Browning / edited by Adam Roberts ; with an introduction Daniel Karlin. 1 1997. 821.8 ROSSETT SFCC Non-Fiction Christina Rossetti / selected and with an introduction by Peter Porter. 1 1986. 821.8 SFCC Non-Fiction Alfred Lord Tennyson [sound recording] / directed by TENNYSO George Rylands. 1 1963. 821.8 Y34pm 821.8 YEATS MADDOX Yeats's ghosts : the secret life of W.B. Yeats / Brenda Maddox. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1974. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Shakespeare / David Bevington. 822.33 BATE 822.33 BEVINGTO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. Hamlet : poem unlimited / Harold Bloom. 822.33 BLOOM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. 822.33 BLOOM Shakespeare : the invention of the human / Harold Bloom. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. 822.33 HODGES SFCC Non-Fiction Shakespeare & the players. Written and illustrated by C. Walter Hodges. 1 [1970] 822.33 LINKLAT SFCC Non-Fiction Freeing Shakespeare's voice : the actor's guide to talking the text / Kristin Linklater. 822.33 SFCC Non-Fiction Macbeth / edited by Horace Howard Furness. MACBETH 1 1992. 1 1963. America : a prophecy 821.7 B581a SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction William Blake; his philosophy and symbols. Preface to Yeats Genius of Shakespeare / Jonathan Bate. 822.33 SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. Reduced Shakespeare : the complete reader's guide forMARTIN the attention-impaired (abridged) / by Reed Martin3& Austin Tichenor. 822.33 MC368m v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1943] Tragedies of Shakespeare. 822.33 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Dictionary of Shakespeare / Louise McConnell. MCCONNE 822.33 Midsummer night's dream / edited by Trevor R.MIDSUMM Griffiths. 1996 822.33 MK871 v. 1 Comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare : tragedies 822.33 MK871m Comedies of Shakespeare. 822.33 OTHELLO Othello : a guide to the play / Joan Lord Hall. HALL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1944. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [195-?] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 822.33 P7-D932English SFCC Midsummer night's dream / edited and rendered into modern byNon-Fiction Alan Durband. 1 1985, c1984. S1-P686 SFCC Antony and Cleopatra / by William Shakespeare822.33 ; general introduction byNon-Fiction David G. Pitt. 1 c1966. 822.33 SHAKESP SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Maus, c1997. Norton Shakespeare / Stephen Greenblatt, general editor ; Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, Katharine Eisaman [editors] ; with an essay on the Sha 160 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 822.33Evans SHAKESP SFCC Non-Fiction 1 an c1974. Riverside Shakespeare / textual editor, G. Blakemore ; general introduction, Harry Levin ... [et al.] ; with essay on stage history by Charles H. Sh SHAKESP bySFCC Non-Fiction William Shakespeare's Othello / edited and with822.33 an introduction Harold Bloom. 1 1987. Shakespeare, King Lear / by Nicholas Brooke. 822.33 T4-B79 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1963. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1957. MacBeth / edited by Kenneth Muir. 822.33 T5-M896 T6-H313t SFCC Non-Fiction Twentieth century interpretations of Macbeth :822.33 a collection of critical essays / edited by Terence Hawkes. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1964. 822.33English U3-D932 SFCC Non-Fiction Romeo and Juliet / edited and rendered into modern by Alan Durband. 1 1985, c1984. 822.33D C937s SFCC Non-Fiction 822.912 COWARD SFCC Non-Fiction Fallen angels; a comedy in three acts. 822.912 COWARD Family album : a Victorian comedy with music, from Tonight at 8:30SFCC / by Non-Fiction Noel Coward. 1 [1959] 2 [1958] Shakespeare's Othello / William J. Grace. 822.33 T8-G753 c1977. Shakespeare's philosophical patterns. 1 c1938. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1967. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] P317f Katherine SFCC Non-Fiction Female hero in American and British literature /823.009 Carol Pearson, Pope. 2 1981. 823.0108 En36d SFCC Non-Fiction 823.0108 SFCC Non-Fiction Heinemann book of South African short stories HEINEMA / edited by Denis Hirson, with Martin Trump. 1 1988, c1939. 1 1994. Complete plays of T. S. Eliot. 822.912 E 46c 822.914 Modern British dramatists; a collection of critical essays.B813M Dragon's head : classic English short stories. 823.912 W883M Non-Fiction Moments of being : unpublished autobiographical writings / VirginiaSFCC Woolf ; edited and with an introd. and1notesc1976. by Jeanne Schulkind. 823.914 ACHEBE SFCC Non-Fiction Approaches to teaching Achebe's Things fall apart / edited by Bernth Lindfors. 824.912 SFCC Non-Fiction Essays / George Orwell ; edited and introduced ORWELL by John Carey. 1 1991. 1 2002. 828.912 DURIEZ SFCC 1 J.R.R. Tolkien handbook : a comprehensive guide to his life, writings, andNon-Fiction world of Middle-earth / Colin Duriez. c1992. 828.912 L585g SFCC Non-Fiction C. S. Lewis, spinner of tales : a guide to his fiction / by Evan K. Gibson. 1 c1980. B45C SFCC Non-Fiction Beowulf. Translated into English verse, with an 829.3 introd., notes & appendices, by D. H. Crawford. 1 1966. 829.3 BEOWULF Beowulf : a new verse translation / Seamus Heaney. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. 829.3 BEOWULF Beowulf, a new translation / by Bernard F. Huppe¿¿. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. 832.912 G133b; edited SFCC 1 Galileo / Bertolt Brecht ; English version by Charles Laughton andNon-Fiction with an introduction by Eric Bentley. 1991. 833.03; translated H463M from SFCC 1972, Magister Ludi : the glass bead game / Herman Hesse theNon-Fiction German "Das Glasperlenspiel" by1Richard andc1969. Clara Winston ; with a foreword 833.912 K119M SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by1968. Kafka: the torment of man, by R. M. Alberes and Pierre de Boisdeffre; translated [from the French manuscript] Wade Baskin; with an introduction by 1962, 838.912 B75 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1942] Thomas Mann's world. 838.912 BRECHT SFCC Non-Fiction Bertolt Brecht journals / translated by Hugh Rorrison ; edited by John Willett. 1 1993. R457 v. 1 by SFCC Non-Fiction Selected works. Translated by G. Craig Houston.839 With an introd. J. B. Leishman. 1 1954-1960. 1 [1971] Strindberg; a collection of critical essays. 839.726 ST86R SFCC Non-Fiction 161 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 [1982], 839.86 An23e SFCC; Non-Fiction 1 c1976. Eighty fairy tales / Hans Christian Andersen ; translated by R.P. Keigwin introduction by Elias Bredsdorff ; illustrations by Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz F 840.9 MAUROIS 1966 SFCC Non-Fiction From Proust to Camus; profiles of modern French writers. Translated by Carl Morse and Renaud Bruce. 1 1966. 841.08with L64verse translations. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1954] Lyric poetry of the Italian Renaissance; an anthology With an introd. by Thomas G. Bergin. 842.914 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1947] Antigone; adapted by Lewis Galantiere from theANOUILH play. 842.914 SARTRE No exit, and three other plays / by Jean-Paul Sartre. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1955 843.3 R112pPutnam.SFCC Non-Fiction Portable Rabelais / selected, translated & edited by Samuel 1 1978. 843.5Brombert. VOLTASIR Candide (Voltaire) [audio cassette] / lecturer, Victor SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1974. Voltaire; a collection of critical essays, edited by843.508 WilliamV889B F. Bottiglia.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 843.912 P947S SFCC Non-Fiction Sweet cheat gone. Translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff. 1 [c1968] [1970, c1930] 851.1Chiarenza. D235c Divine comedy : tracing God's art / Marguerite Mills SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1989. 851.1 DANTE Non-Fiction Dante's Inferno : the Indiana critical edition / translated and edited SFCC by Mark Musa. 2 c1995. DANTE SFCC Non-Fiction 2003. Purgatory / Dante Alighieri ; translated, edited, 851.1 and with an introduction by Anthony Esolen ; illustrations by1 Gustave Dore¿¿. 1996-<2003 851.1 DANTE AL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 >L. Martinez and Robert M. Durling ; illu Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri / edited and translated by Robert M. Durling ; introduction and notes by Ronald 861 C337s Non-Fiction Selected poems of Luis Cernuda / edited and translated by ReginaldSFCC Gibbons. 1 c1977. Non-Fiction Poet in New York. Complete Spanish text with a861 newL882p translation by SFCC Ben Belitt. Introd. by Angel del Rio. 1 [c1955] 861Schmitt NERUDA SFCC by Non-Fiction 1 Canto general / Pablo Neruda ; translated by Jack ; introduction Roberto Gonza¿¿lez Echevarri¿¿a. c1991. 861 NERUDA SFCC/ Non-Fiction Full woman, fleshly apple, hot moon : selected poems of Pablo Neruda translated by Stephen Mitchell. c1997. 1 861 P298c Non-Fiction 1 1987. Collected poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987 / edited and translatedSFCC by Eliot Weinberger ; with additional translations by Elizabeth Bishop ... [et al.]. 861.082 P298 ; compiled SFCC by Non-Fiction 1 1965. Anthology of Mexican poetry / translated by Samuel Beckett Octavio Paz ; preface by C.M. Bowra. 862.3 SFCC Non-Fiction Caldero¿¿n de la Barca : six plays / translated and withCALDERO introductions by Edwin Honig. 1 c1993. ARENASM. Koch.SFCC Non-Fiction Before night falls / Reinaldo Arenas ; translated863 by Dolores 1 1993. 863 L599p Paradiso / Jose¿¿ Lezama Lima ; translated by Gregory Rabassa. 1 1988, c1974. R54A SFCC Non-Fiction Azuela and the Mexican underdogs / by Stanley863 L. Robe. 863.0108 AND WECentral America /SFCC Non-Fiction And we sold the rain : contemporary fiction from edited by Rosario Santos. 863.0108 LANDSCA SFCC Non-Fiction Landscapes of a new land : fiction by Latin American women / edited by Marjorie Agosin. 863.4 F118e pt. 13 SFCC Non-Fiction Faces, mirrors, masks [sound recording]. 1 c1979. 1 [1988] 1 c1989. 1 p1984. 863.64 GARCIA fromSFCC Living to tell the tale / Gabriel Garci¿¿a Ma¿¿rquez ; translated the Non-Fiction Spanish by Edith Grossman. 869.342 SARAMAG SFCC Non-Fiction Blindness / Jose¿¿ Saramago ; translated from the Portuguese by Giovanni Pontiero. 1 c2003. 1 [1998] OVID SFCC Non-Fiction Metamorphoses of Ovid / translated freely into873.01 verse by David R. Slavitt. 1 c1994. 880 SNODGRA Non-Fiction Greek classics : notes / Mary Ellen Snodgrass ; [editor, Gary Carey ; SFCC consulting editor, James L. Roberts]. 880.9001 DUBOIS Trojan horses : saving the classics from conservatives / Page duBois.SFCC Non-Fiction 881.082 GODOLPH SFCC Non-Fiction Great classical myths. 1 c1988. 2 2001. 1 [1964] 882 ARISTOP SFCC Non-Fiction Aristophanes' Lysistrata [videorecording] / director, Georgos Zervoulakos ; screenplay, Yiannis Negrepontis.1 c1987. 882.01 READING Readings on Sophocles / Don Nardo, book editor. c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 162 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 882.01 SO66ES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] Electra. A translation with commentary, by William Sale. With a series introd. by Eric A. Havelock. 882.01 SOPHOCL SFCC Non-Fiction 6 Langham, 1998, c1972. Oedipus the King. Translated and adapted by Anthony Burgess. With comments by Anthony Burgess, Michael and Stanley Silverman. 882.01 SOPHOCL SFCCKitto Non-Fiction 4 notes 1998. Antigone ; Oedipus the King ; Electra / Sophocles ; translated by H.D.F. ; edited with an introduction and by Edith Hall. 882.01 SOPHOCL by HaroldSFCC Non-Fiction 1 1988. Sophocles' Oedipus Rex / edited and with an introduction Bloom. 882.01 SOPHOCLEby Bernard SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1994. Oedipus the King / Sophocles ; translated and introduced Knox. 882.01 SOPHOCLE SFCC Non-Fiction Antigone / Sophocles ; translated by Reginald Gibbons and2003 Charles Segal. 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1961. 882.09 SA56C Comic theatre of Greece and Rome / F. H. Sandbach. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. 882.3 J355m Medea, freely adapted from the Medea of Euripides. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1948] 883 H752IL Iliad; translated with an introd. by Richmond Lattimore. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1951] History of the Greek and Roman theater 882.09 B475 2 883.01Colum COLUM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Glassman. c1997. Trojan War and the adventures of Odysseus / Padraic ; illustrated by Barry Moser ; afterword by Peter SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1979. 883.01 Iliad [by] Homer. Translated by Robert Fitzgerald, with H752I drawings by SFCC Hans Non-Fiction Erni. 1 1974. 883.01 HOMER Non-Fiction Iliad / Homer ; translated by Robert Fagles ; introduction and notesSFCC by Bernard Knox. 1 1990. 883.01 HOMER SFCC Non-Fiction Iliad / Homer ; translated with an introduction by Martin Hammond. 1 1987. World of Odysseus / M. I. Finley. 883.01 F496w 883.01 SFCC Non-Fiction Odyssey of Homer / newly translated into English proseHOMER by T.E. Lawrence ; with an introduction by Bernard1Knox. 1991. 883.01 HOMER FITZGER Non-Fiction Odyssey / Homer ; translated by Robert Fitzgerald ; introduction bySFCC D.S. Carne-Ross. 2 c1998. 883.01 HOMER Non-Fiction Iliad of Homer / retold by Barbara Leonie PicardPICARD ; illustrated by JoanSFCC Kiddell-Monroe. 4 1991. 883.01 HOMER PICARD Odyssey of Homer / retold by Barbara Leonie Picard ; illustrated by SFCC Joan Non-Fiction Kiddell-Monroe. 1 1991. 891.733 T588p SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Portable Tolstoy / selected and with a critical introd., biographical summary, and bibliography by John Bayley. 1978. 892 G356t Non-Fiction 1 L. c1949. Tears and laughter / by Kahlil Gibran ; translated from the Arabic bySFCC Anthony Rizcallah Ferris ; edited by Martin Wolf. 892.1 version G395g / JohnSFCC Non-Fiction 4 of Richard 1984. A. Henshaw. Gilgamesh : translated from the Si¿¿n-leqi-unninni¿¿ Gardner, John Maier, with the assistance GILGAMES Gilgamesh / a new English version [by] Stephen892.1 Mitchell. 3 c2004. 895.115 M32P SFCCinNon-Fiction Poems of Mao Tse-tung. Translation, introd., notes by Willis Barnstone collaboration with Ko Ching-po. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction [1972] 895.61 MAY SFCC Non-Fiction 1997.translated, and prefaced by Violet May sky : there is always tomorrow : an anthology of Japanese American concentration camp kaiko haiku /1compiled, 901 C429 Dawn of a new era, 1250-1453, by Edward P. Cheyney. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1936. 901 LERNER Why history matters : life and thought / Gerda Lerner. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. Renaissance; six essays by Wallace K. Ferguson 901 [andN489 others] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1962] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1951] Mediaeval society. 901 P166 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005.Company production ; produced Expo [videorecording] : magic of the White City907.4773 / Inecom EXPO Entertainment Company presents ; an Inecom Entertainment 909migration, PAGDEN exploration, SFCC Non-Fiction 2001. Peoples and empires : a short history of European and conquest, from Greece to the1 present / Anthony Pagden. 909evidence READERSis transforming SFCC Non-Fiction Reader's Digest the truth about history : how new the story of the past. 909.07 ARMSTRON SFCC Non-Fiction Holy war : the Crusades and their impact on today's world / Karen Armstrong. 163 1 c2003. 3 c1991. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1982, c1980. SFCC Non-Fiction Ungodly war : the sack of Constantinople & the909.07 fourth BARTLET crusade / W.B. Bartlett. 1 2000. 909.07 OXFORDRiley-Smith. SFCC Non-Fiction Oxford illustrated history of the Crusades / edited by Jonathan 1 2001. WILLIAM Complete idiot's guide to the Crusades / by Paul909.07 L. Williams. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 909.0917 LEWIS SFCCLewis. Non-Fiction Islam in history : ideas, people, and events in the Middle East / Bernard 1 c1993. 1 c1986. Crusades / Antony Bridge. Titanic : end of a dream / Wyn Craig Wade. 909.07 B764c 909.0963 WADE SFCC Non-Fiction 909.097 R632S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 909.0981 SPIELVO V.B SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Western civilization / Jackson J. Spielvogel. 909.0982 GRANT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Ancient Mediterranean / Michael Grant. 909.0982 GRANT 1 From Alexander to Cleopatra : the Hellenistic world / Michael Grant.SFCC Non-Fiction 909.0982 KAGAN V.BM. Turner.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Western heritage / Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank 909.0982 MCDOUGAL SFCC to Non-Fiction 1 Let the sea make a noise-- : a history of the North Pacific from Magellan MacArthur / Walter A. McDougall. 909.09822 FREEMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Egypt, Greece, and Rome : civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean / Charles Freeman. Spread of Islam / by Michael Rogers. 1200s / Thomas Siebold, book editor. 909.2 1200's Europe rules the world / Jeff Hay, book editor. 909.81 EUROPE 1976. <c1991- > c1969. 1990, c1982. c19952004. 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. M359W study SFCC 1 the1974. War and social change in the twentieth century909.82 : a comparative of Non-Fiction Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and United States / Arthur Marwick. 910.45 CORDING Non-Fiction 2 1997. Under the black flag : the romance and the reality of life among theSFCC pirates / David Cordingly. 910.45 KONSTAM SFCCMcBride. Non-Fiction 2 c2001. Pirates : terror on the high seas / Angus Konstam ; illustrated by Angus SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. C247a Books.SFCC Non-Fiction Ancient Egypt / by Lionel Casson and the editors913.32 of Time-Life 913.3203 Ancient Egypt, by Lionel Casson and the editorsCASSON of Time-Life books.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977, c1965. 1 [c1965] SFCC Non-Fiction Day in old Athens; a picture of Athenian life, by 913.38 WilliamD299 Stearns Davis. 914.0455 ENCHANT SFCC Non-Fiction Enchanted cities of Europe [videorecording] / Rand McNally ; International Video Network. 1 c1914. 1 c1992. 1 [1957] Mapmakers / by John Noble Wilford. Irish folk ways. 912.09 WILFORD 914.2 Ev15 SFCC Non-Fiction 914.3048 GERMANY 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Germany / [edited by Tony Halliday]. 914.3155 SFCCand Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Berlin / edited by Wieland Giebel ; translated byBERLIN Jane Michael-Rushmer Wendy Reed. 914.384 POLAND 1 c1994. Poland / edited by Alfred Horn and Boz¿¿ena Pietras ; introduced bySFCC LechNon-Fiction Wale¿¿sa ; translated by Susan Bolans, Thomas Fife and Ginger Ku¿¿nzel. 914.41 MONT SA Films ; FR3 ; realisation, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Barba-Negra. [198-] Mont Saint-Michel [videorecording] / Kronos France Paul Barba-Negra ; scenario, Paul Rick Steves' Paris. 914.436 RICK SFCC Non-Fiction 164 1 c1999- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 914.4504 CHATEAU SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Macovet. c1984. Chateaux de la Loire [videorecording] une production Kronos France Films ; sce¿¿nario et re¿¿alisation, Simon 914.45048 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. Loire valley / main contributor, Jack Tresidder. LOIRE 914.49photography COTE DA by SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; editorial c1993. director, Brian Bell. Co¿¿te d'Azur / edited by Rosemary Bailey ; principal Catherine Karnow and Douglas Corrance 914.5049 ITALY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Italy / [project editor, Emily Hatchwell ; editorial2002 director, Brian Bell]. 1 Venice : an illustrated guide to the city / Loretta914.531 Santini.SANTINI SFCC Non-Fiction 914.6904 PORTUGA 1 Portugal / edited by Alison Friesinger Hill ; created and designed by SFCC HansNon-Fiction Hofer ; photography by Tony Aruzza. 914.9504 GREECE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Greece : Athens & the mainland. [1982] Legacy of China, edited by Raymond Dawson. 915.1 D327L 1964. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 1997. 915.1 NATURAL theSFCC Non-Fiction 1 Pictorial [1992]Publications ; chief editors, Zuo D Natural features of China / edited by the Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences [and] China Chinese view of China. 915.103 G447C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1973] Early civilization in China. 915.103 W339e SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1966] 915.1045 Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Living in China : a guide to teaching and studying in China,W431L includingSFCC Taiwan / Rebecca Weiner, Margaret Murphy, Albert Li. China : land of charm and beauty. 915.105 C441 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1964. Koreans and their culture. 915.19 OS24K SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1951] 915.2044 D34d SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1988. 915.2044 JAPAN 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. Japan / [project editor, Scott Rutherford]. 915.3204 YEMENWerner DaumSFCC Non-Fictionby Lyle Lawson and Joachim 1 Chwaszcza c1992. ; editor, Dieter Vogel ; transla Yemen / project editor, Joachim Chwaszcza ; advisor, ; photographs Discovering cultural Japan / Boye De Mente. Indian temples and palaces. 915.4 ED94I SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1969. World of Indian civilization SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1974] SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2002. India. 915.4 L492W 915.4045 INDIA 2002 915.4045 INDIA 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2002. Journey's echo; selections. 915.6 St28j SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1963] India / [project editor, Jane Hutchings]. MIDDLE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999, Middle East [videorecording] : Syria, Jordan and915.69 Lebanon / Produced by Pilot Film and TV Productions for Channel 4 UK,c1996. Discovery International, and The ISRAEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1994. Israel : including the West Bank and Gaza Strip /915.694 edited by George Melrod ; photography by Richard Nowitz1and others. 915.8104 STEWART SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Places in between / Rory Stewart. Vietnam / editor, Scott Rutherford. 915.9704 VIETNAM 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. IN2 editor,SFCC Non-Fiction c1990. Indonesia in focus : ancient traditions, modern 915.9804 times / photo Peter Homan ; scientific editor, Reimar1Schefold ; journalistic editor, Vincent Dekke 915.9804 INDONES 2002 BrianSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Indonesia / [managing editor, Francis Dorai ; editorial director, Bell.] 915.982 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Java / original text by Peter Hutton ; revised by HUTTON Jeremy Allan ; photography by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni and others ;c1993. created and directed by Hans Hofer. 915.986 M914e SFCC Non-Fiction East of Bali : from Lombok to Timor / text and photographs by Kal Muller ; edited by David Pickell. 165 1 c1991. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 916.2045 ANCIENT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1978. ... et al.]. Ancient Egypt, discovering its splendors / [chapters by Karl W. Butzer ... et al. ; contributions by Thomas J. Abercrombie 916.3 SFCC 2 1999, c1997. Ethiopia [videorecording] / Produced by Pilot Film andETHIOPI TV Productions forNon-Fiction Channel 4 UK, Discovery International, and The Travel Channel. GAMBIA SFCCby Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Gambia and Senegal / edited by Philip Sweeney916.63 ; principal photography Michel Renaudeau ; editorial director, Brian Bell. 916.8046 SOUTH 2003 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. South Africa. 1 [1973] 917.2; HARRIS SFCC Non-Fiction Mexico : a photographic journey / text by Bill Harris photography by Viesti Associates. 1 c1993. 917.204 B414Mtraveller SFCC /Non-Fiction Mexico and Central America : a handbook for the independent Frank Bellamy. 1 1977. Mexico : Insight Guides / by APA Publications. 917.204 M574 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. 917.25F.W637G Gods of Teotihuacan / text, M. Wiesenthal ; photos., Monfort. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1978. Great Zimbabwe [by] P. S. Garlake. 916.891 G183G SFCC Non-Fiction 917.253 SFCC Jutta Non-Fiction 1 editor, c1994. Mexico City / edited by Jutta Schu¿¿tz ; photography by MEXICO Christa Cowrie, Schu¿¿tz and others ; managing English edition, Andrew Eames. 917.286 R114c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. Costa Rica : a travel survival kit / Rob Rachowiecki. 917.28605 COSTA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Genthe c1994. Costa Rica / created and directed by Hans Ho¿¿fer ; edited by Harvey Haber ; principal photography by Henry and others ; editorial director, Geo 917.291 CUBA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Cuba [2002] / project editor, Danny Aeberhard.2002 [1975, H29p SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1974] Puerto Rico and the Puerto Ricans, by Clifford A.917.295 Hauberg. 917.297 CARIBBE Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Caribbean / edited and produced by David Schwab ; photography bySFCC Mitch Epstein and others. 917.3 H677A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1963. 917.3 ST34T Travels with Charley : in search of America / John Steinbeck. 917.309 ANGELOU I know why the caged bird sings / Maya Angelou. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980, c1962. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1961,1953] Anti-intellectualism in American life. New England mind: from colony to province 917.4 M617 917.5 K131R SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1961] 917.8 L587HC v. 3 Lewis and Clark, edited SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] History of the expedition under the command of by Elliott Coues. 917.8042 AMBROSE Non-Fiction 1 E. Ambrose. c1996. Undaunted courage : Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and theSFCC opening of the American West / Stephen Romantic South. 917.8042 LEWIS Essential Lewis and Clark / Landon Y. Jones, editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 917.8042:LEWIS SFCC Non-Fiction c2003. Lewis, William Clark, and mem Lewis and Clark journals : an American epic of discovery the abridgment of the definitive Nebraska edition1/ Meriwether R733j Non-Fiction Journey on the Crest : walking 2,600 miles from917.9 Mexico to Canada /SFCC Cindy Ross. 1 c1987. W737C Winthrop. SFCCTo Non-Fiction 1 1913. Canoe and the saddle; or, Klalam and Klickatat, 917.9 by Theodore which are now first added his western letters and journals. Ed., with an introd SFCC Non-Fiction 1 etc., 1956. Notices & voyages of the famed Quebec mission917.95 to theN845 Pacific Northwest: being the correspondence, notices, of Fathers Blanchet and Demers, toge 917.9737 LANDERS Northern Rockies, SFCC Non-Fiction 100 hikes in the inland Northwest : Eastern Washington, Wallowas / by Rich Landers, Ida2Rowec1996. Dolphin and the Spokane Mountainee 917.9774 C912g SFCC; Non-Fiction 1 by Edward [198 ] D. Leche III. Gunkholing in the San Juans / by Al Cummings and Jo Bailey-Cummings photos by the authors ; illustrations 917.9804 MCCANDL KRAKAUE SFCC Non-Fiction 5 1997. Into the wild / Jon Krakauer. 918 GUEVARA SFCCGuevara Non-Fiction c2004. Motorcycle diaries : notes on a Latin American journey / Ernesto "Che" ; preface by Aleida Guevara1 March ; introduction by Cintio Vitier ; [edite 166 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Latin America: New World, Third World. 918.03 C619L SFCC Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Travelers' guide to Latin American customs and918.0438 manners D496t / ElizabethSFCC Devine and Nancy L. Braganti. 1 [1972] 1 c1988. 918.103Edited F899Oand translated SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Horton. 1970. Order and progress; Brazil from monarchy to republic. from the Portuguese by Rod W. Brazil. 918.1046 BRAZIL SFCC Non-Fiction 3 918.1046 BRAZIL Non-Fictionfor Learning Channel, Channel 2 c1995. Brazil [videorecording] : the North East / produced by Pilot Film andSFCC TV Productions 4, UK, Seven Network, Australia, Fran 918.1046 SFCC Non-Fiction Saddest pleasure : a journey on two rivers : a memoir / byT381s Moritz Thomsen. 3 c1990. 918.11 AMAZON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Amazon [videorecording] / the Cousteau Society and Turner Program Services ; produced by Jean-Michel Cousteau, Mose Richards ; directed by Jean-Pa 918.11 SH82R SFCC Non-Fiction 918.1104 EDWARDS SFCC Non-Fiction Voyage up the river Amazon : including a residence at Para¿¿ / by William H. Edwards. 918.113 MILLARD SFCC Non-Fiction River of doubt : Theodore Roosevelt's darkest journey / Candice Millard. Rivers Amazon / Alex Shoumatoff. 1 c1978. 1 2004, c1847. 1 2005. ARGENTI SFCC for Non-Fiction 2 1999, c1997. Argentina [videorecording] / Produced by Pilot 918.2 Film and TV Productions Channel 4 UK, Discovery International, and The Travel Channel. 918.2046 ARGENTI SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1994. Argentina / edited and produced by Deirdre Ball. Chile. 918.304 CHILE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1991- Peru / [project editor, Pam Barrett]. 918.5 PERU SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2002. 918.5 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 and1999, c1997.Channel. Peru [videorecording] / Produced by Pilot Film and TVPERU Productions for Channel 4 UK, Discovery International, The Travel 918.704 VENEZUE 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Venezuela. 919.4046 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Australia / edited by David McGonigal and JohnAUSTRAL Bothwick ; photography by photographers of APA Photo Agency. 919.904 MURRAY SFCC Murray. Non-Fiction 1 c1989. Journey into space : the first three decades of space exploration / Bruce SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1968 [c1949] 920.032 BAKER Non-Fiction Ancient Egyptians : people of the pyramids / Rosalie F. and Charles SFCC F. Baker, III. 1 c2001. 923.142 Eleanor of Aquitaine and the four kings / by Amy Kelly. EL25k 929.2089 Angela's ashes : a memoir / Frank McCourt. MCCOURT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. 930 Mediterranean C274 SFCC Non-Fiction Ancient mariners: seafarers and sea fighters of the in ancient times. 1 1959. Ancient mysteries / Peter James & Nick Thorpe.930 JAMES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. History of the ancient world / Chester G. Starr. 930 St28h SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1983. Latin American leaders, by Harold E. Davis. 920 D293L 930.1 KHUN Non-Fiction 2 In quest of lost worlds : five archeological expeditions, 1925-1934 /SFCC by Count Byron Khun de Prorok, F.R.G.S. c2003. 930.1092 Ev15h / Sylvia SFCC L. Non-Fiction Find of a lifetime : Sir Arthur Evans and the discovery of Knossos Horwitz. 1981. 1 PEOPLE/ general SFCCeditor, Non-Fiction 1 by Lord c1993. People of the Stone Age : hunter-gatherers and930.12 early farmers Go¿¿ran Burenhult ; foreword Colin Renfrew. 931.0074 SFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Golden age of Chinese archaeology : celebratedGOLDEN discoveries from the People's Republic of China / edited by1Xiaoneng Yang. 932 ANDREU SFCC the Non-Fiction Egypt in the age of the pyramids / Guillemette Andreu ; translated from French by David Lorton 1 1997. 932 by CHAMPOL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Toula 2003. Egypt : stones of light / Herve¿¿ Champollion ; text Diane Sarofim Harle¿¿ ; translated from the French by Ballas. EGYPTBooks. Egypt : land of the pharaohs / by the editors of 932 Time-Life SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Introduction to Ancient Egypt / T.G.H. James. 932 JAMES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1979. 1 [1957] 932 ST34W When Egypt ruled the East, by George Steindorff and Keith C. Seele.SFCC Rev.Non-Fiction by Keith C. Seele. 167 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Search for ancient Egypt / Jean Vercoutter. 932 VERCOUTT SFCC Non-Fiction 9323050-30 WHAT LIBC / by SFCC Non-Fiction What life was like on the banks of the Nile : Egypt, the editors of Time-Life Books. 1 1992. 3 c1996. 932.0072 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. Complete idiot's guide to ancient Egypt / Donald P. Ryan.RYAN 932.01 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Mind of Egypt : history and meaning in the timeASSMANN of the Pharaohs / Jan Assmann ; translated by Andrew Jenkins. Lost tomb / Kent R. Weeks. 932.014 WEEKS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. 932.02 CLEOPAT SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1991. Cleopatra : histories, dreams, and distortions / Lucy Hughes-Hallett. 932.021 CHAUVEA SFCC/ Non-Fiction c2000.by David Lorton. Egypt in the age of Cleopatra : history and society under the Ptolemies Michel Chauveau ; translated from2the French DOTHAN SFCC Dothan. Non-Fiction People of the sea : the search for the Philistines933 / Trude Dothan, Moshe 1 c1992. 933the GORENBE SFCC Non-Fiction End of days : fundamentalism and the struggle for Temple Mount / Gershom Gorenberg. 1 2002. 935 BERTMAN Handbook to life in ancient Mesopotamia / Stephen Bertman. 1 c2002. 1 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 935 CURTIS ; translated SFCC Non-Fiction Ancient Persia : from 550 BC to 650 AD / Josef Wieseho¿¿fer by Azizeh Azodi. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1986. 935 R531c SFCC Non-Fiction Cultural atlas of Mesopotamia and the ancient Near East / by Michael Roaf. 1 c1990. 935 R768a SFCC Non-Fiction 935.05 HOLLAND SFCC Non-Fiction Persian fire : the first world empire and the battle for the West / Tom Holland. 1 1980. 1 c2005. MOHEN Bronze Age in Europe / Jean-Pierre Mohen and 936 Christian Elue¿¿re. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1999. 936 VIALOU SFCC Non-Fiction Prehistoric art and civilization / Denis Vialou ; [translated from the French by Paul G. Bahn]. 936.0049 LITTON SFCC Non-Fiction Celts : an illustrated history / Helen Litton ; picture research Peter Castello. 1 1998. 1 1997. CUMMINS/ W.SFCC Non-Fiction King Arthur's place in prehistory : the great age 936.2 of Stonehenge A. Cummins. 936.2319 DARVILL SFCC Non-Fiction Stonehenge : the biography of a landscape / Tim Darvill. 1 1994. 1 2006. Babylon / Joan Oates. 935 OATES 1986 Ancient Iraq / Georges Roux. SFCC Non-Fiction Battle that stopped Rome : Emperor Augustus, 936.302 Arminius,WELLS and the slaughter of the legions in the Teutoburg 2 Forestc2003. / Peter S. Wells. 936.4 ELUERE SFCCbyNon-Fiction Celts : conquerors of ancient Europe / Christiane Elue¿¿re ; [translated Daphne Briggs]. 2 1993. 1 1988. 937 BOATWRIG SFCC Non-Fiction Romans : from village to empire / Mary T. Boatwright, Daniel J. Gargola, Richard J.A. Talbert. 1 2004. 937 CONNOLL Non-Fiction Ancient city : life in Classical Athens & Rome / Peter Connolly, HazelSFCC Dodge. 1 1998. 937 COWELL Non-Fiction Life in ancient Rome / by F. R. Cowell ; illustrated from drawings bySFCC D. Stredder Bist. 1 1980, c1961. 2 1990. STACCIO SFCCrevisions Non-Fiction Ancient Rome : past and present / [text by R.A. 937 Staccioli ; with updating by C. Cecamore]. 1 2000. 937.02 DUPOINT SFCC Woodall. Non-Fiction Daily life in ancient Rome / Florence Dupont ; translated by Christopher 2 1993. 937.02 RISE Rise of the Roman Empire / Don Nardo, book editor. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. C113g Caesar: politician and statesman. Translated by937.05 Peter Needham. 937.0509 CAESAR Julius Caesar : the pursuit of power / Ernle Bradford. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1968. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 937.06 J726I (1973)SFCC Non-Fiction In the twilight of antiquity : the R. S. Hoyt memorial lectures / by Tom B. Jones. 1 c1978. 937.06/ D.S. LIFE Potter and SFCC Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire D.J.Non-Fiction Mattingly. 1 c1999. HADASbooks.SFCC Non-Fiction Imperial Rome, by Moses Hadas and the editors937.07 of Time-Life 1 [1965] Roman Spain / S.J. Keay. Fall of the Roman Empire / Michael Grant. 936.603 K229r 937 GRANT SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 168 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 937.09 BURY 1967[Prefatory note SFCC Invasion of Europe by the barbarians [by] J. B. Bury by F. Non-Fiction J. C. Hearnshaw] 1 [1967] 937.09 WILCOX SFCCenemies Non-Fiction 1 Trevin¿¿o 2000. ; [Angus McBride, Gerry Embelto Barbarians against Rome : Rome's Celtic, Germanic, Spanish and Gallic / text by Peter Wilcox, Rafael 937.5 BARKER Etruscans / Graeme Barker and Tom Rasmussen. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. PELLEGR SFCC fall, Non-Fiction c2004. Ghosts of Vesuvius : a new look at the last days937.7 of Pompeii, how towers and other strange connections1/ Charles Pellegrino. BURY SFCC Non-Fiction History of Greece to the death of Alexander the938 Great / J.B. Bury and Russell Meiggs. 1 1991, c1975. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1980. GRANThistory /SFCC Non-Fiction Visible past : an archaeological reinterpretation938 of ancient Michael Grant. 1 1992. 1 1980. Spartans / L. F. Fitzhardinge. Ancient Spartans / J.T. Hooker. 938 F577S 938 H764a SFCC Non-Fiction 938 OXFORD SFCC 1 Murray. 2001. Oxford illustrated history of Greece and the Hellenistic world / edited by Non-Fiction John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn 938 /PREVAS Xenophon's march : into the lair of the Persian lion John Prevas. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [c1960] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. XENOPHO SFCC Non-Fiction March up country : a translation of Xenophon's938 Anabasis / W.H.D. Rouse. 1 [1964] Ancient Greeks. 938 SMITH 938 THOMAS Myth becomes history : pre-classical Greece / Carol G. Thomas. 938.06Greece, CARTLED 3 2003. Spartans : the world of the warrior-heroes of ancient from SFCC utopiaNon-Fiction to crisis and collapse / Paul Cartledge. 938.07 ALEXAND SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. Alexander the Great : his armies and campaignsSEDUNDA 334-323 BC / by Nick Sekunda and John Warry. 938.0709 ALEXAND BRIANT SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1996. Alexander the Great : man of action, man of spirit / Pierre Briant ; translated from the French by Jeremy Leggatt. 938.0709 KETS SFCC 3 2004. Are leaders born or are they made? : the case ofALEXAND Alexander the Great / byNon-Fiction Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries with Elisabet Engellau. 938.0709 ALEXAND PREVAS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Envy of the Gods : Alexander the Great's ill-fated journey across Asia / John Prevas. POWELL SFCC478 Non-Fiction Athens and Sparta : constructing Greek political938.5 and social history from BC / Anton Powell. 1 1991. [1969, c1968] 938.9 FORREST SFCC Non-Fiction 3 History of Sparta, 950-192 B.C. [by] W. G. Forrest. 939.18 DAVARAS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1980?] Palace of Knossos / Costis Davaras. 939.18 SFCCFarnoux Non-Fiction 2 by David 1996.J. Baker]. Knossos : searching for the legendary palace of FARNOUX King Minos / Alexandre ; [translated from the French In search of the Trojan War / Michael Wood. 939.21 W85i Phoenicians / Glenn E. Markoe. 939.44 MARKOE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. 940.024 Non-Fiction 1995. Europe 101 : history and art for the traveler / Rick StevesSTEVES and GeneSFCC Openshaw ; graphics and maps by David1 C. Hoerlein. 940.0941 O SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. Celts : a history / Da¿¿ithi¿¿ O¿¿ hO¿¿ga¿¿in. HOGAIN 940.1 NEWMAN Daily life in the Middle Ages / by Paul B. Newman. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction Oxford illustrated history of medieval Europe / 940.1 editedOx2 by George Holmes. 1 1988. 940.1 SINGMAN Daily life in medieval Europe / Jeffrey L. Singman. 1 1999. 940.18 CHRONIC with SFCC Chronicles of the crusades : Joinville & Villehardouin / translated anNon-Fiction introduction by M.R.B. Shaw. 1 1985, c1963. 940.192 G713b/ Robert SFCC Black death : natural and human disaster in medieval Europe S. Non-Fiction Gottfried. 2 c1983. SFCC Non-Fiction 169 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 940.192 SFCCand Non-Fiction 1997. Black death and the transformation of the westHERLIHY / David Herlihy ; edited with an introduction by Samuel2K. Cohn, Jr. Renaissance / George Holmes. 940.21 HOLMES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. H874c SFCC Non-Fiction Consciousness and society : the reorientation of940.28 European social thought, 1890-1930 / H. Stuart Hughes. 1 940.28 HOBSBAW SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Age of revolution, Europe 1789-1848 / E.J. Hobsbawm. 1976, c1958. 940.28 Sm68e SFCC Non-Fiction European imperialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / Woodruff D. Smith. 2 c1982. 940.3 GILBERT First World War : a complete history / Martin Gilbert. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 940.3 WORLD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. 940.303 WORLD World War I : a visual encyclopedia / general editor: Simon Forty. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. World Wars / Myra H. Immell, book editor. 940.3 WORLD W World War I : a history / edited by Hew Strachan. c1962. 940.308 P193P A. Panichas. SFCC Non-Fiction Promise of greatness: the war of 1914-1918, edited by George Foreword by Sir Herbert Read. 1 940.311 F29o2 v. 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Origins of the World War. [1968] First World War, 1914-1918 / Gerd Hardach. 940.311 H216f SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. Origins of the First World War / James Joll. 940.311 J683o 940.3141 G835W SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1957] 940.4097 KEENE SFCC Non-Fiction 940.4097 ZIEGERexperience / Robert SFCC Non-Fiction America's Great War : World War I and the American H. Zieger. 1 2006. 1 c2000. 940.41 FIRST SFCC Non-Fiction 940.53 SFCC Non-Fiction World at arms : a global history of World War IIWEINBER / Gerhard L. Weinberg. 1 2002. 1 1995, c1994. Wilson at Versailles. World War I / Jennifer D. Keene. First World War. [1966] 940.5318 2 c1995. Diary of a young girl : the definitive edition / Anne Frank ;FRANK edited bySFCC OttoNon-Fiction H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler ; translated by Susan Massotty. 940.5318 FRANK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Anne Frank : the biography / Melissa Mu¿¿ller ;MULLER translated by Rita and Robert Kimber. 940.5318 GUTTENPL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Holocaust on trial / D.D. Guttenplan. 940.5318 Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Denying the Holocaust : the growing assault onLIPSTAD truth and memory /SFCC Deborah E. Lipstadt. 940.5318 Non-Fiction 1 Grobman c2000.; foreword by Arthur Hertzberg. Denying history : who says the Holocaust neverSHERMER happened and whySFCC do they say it? / Michael Shermer & Alex 940.5318 WITNESS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Witnesses to the Holocaust : an oral history / edited by Rhoda G. Lewin. 940.53185 NIGHT Non-Fiction 1 c1983. Nuit et broullard [videorecording] = Night and fog / realisation, AlanSFCC Resnais. Japan's imperial conspiracy. 940.535 B452J 940.54 BRADLEY Flags of our fathers / James Bradley with Ron Powers. Brave men. 940.542 P993B SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1971. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1944] 1 [1946] 2 c1994. 2 1991. 940.542 P993L SFCC Non-Fiction 940.5421 COLLIER Non-Fiction D-Day, June 6, 1944 : the climactic battle of World War II / StephenSFCC E. Ambrose 940.5421 LUKACS SFCCand Non-Fiction Duel : 10 May-31 July 1940 : the eighty-day struggle between Churchill Hitler / John Lukacs. Last chapter [by] Ernie Pyle. 170 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 940.5449 Men who bombed the Reich / Bernard C. Nalty N149m and Carl Berger. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. 940.5472 D376n SFCC Non-Fiction None of us will return / Charlotte Delbo ; translated by John Githens. 1 1978, c1968. 940.5472 LEVILevi ; translated SFCC Non-Fiction 1 ; including 1996. "A conversation with Primo Levi Survival in Auschwitz : the Nazi assault on humanity / Primo from the Italian by Stuart Woolf 940.5472 RAWICZ by the author]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Long walk / by Slavomir Rawicz ; [with a new afterword 940.5482 SFCC Non-Fiction 3 for the 1982. Night / Elie Wiesel ; translated from the French WIESEL by Stella Rodway ; foreword by Franc¿¿ois Mauriac ; preface twenty-fifth anniversary edition by R R346p Non-Fiction Propaganda : the art of persuasion : World War940.5488 II / Anthony RhodesSFCC ; edited by Victor Margolin ; produced 1and artc1976. directed by Harris Lewine. 940.5488 R346p Non-Fiction Propaganda : the art of persuasion : World War1987 II / Anthony RhodesSFCC ; edited by Victor Margolin ; produced 1and artc1987. directed by Harris Lewine. 940.5497 TUSKEGEE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and Bill 2004, c2003. Tuskegee airmen [videorecording (DVD)] / Rubicon Productions ; produced and directed by W. Drew Perkins Reifenberger. 940.5803 DURING / producedSFCC Non-Fiction 1 thec2007. During the war women went to work-- [videorecording] by Bristol Productions, Ltd ; produced for Office of the Washington State Superin 941.003 ARNOLD SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Companion to British history / Charles Arnold-Baker. 941.5/HARRIS SFCC Non-Fiction Heritage of Ireland : a history of Ireland & its people Nathaniel Harris. 941.5 MASSIE 1999 Complete idiot's guide to Irish history and culture / by Sonja Massie.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. 1 c1999. 941.5 NEVILLE SFCC Non-Fiction Traveller's history of Ireland / Peter Neville ; series editor, Denis Judd ; line drawings, Scott Hall. 1 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Ireland : a concise history / Ma¿¿ire and Conor 941.5 CruiseOBRIEN O'Brien. 941.8504 SWEDEN 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction Sweden / [project editor, Jane Hutchings ; managing editor, Emily Hatchwell ; editorial director Brian Bell]. 1 c1999. c2002. 942 D555 with introductions, SFCC Non-Fiction c1911.Lang, Adolphus Wm. Ward, G. K. Child's history of England ; No thoroughfare : illustrated, critical comments, and notes /1by Andrew Kings and queens of England / [by] Alan Palmer.942 P182K SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1976. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962. 942.03 SAUL SFCC Non-Fiction Companion to medieval England, 1066-1485 / Nigel Saul. 942.031 ELEANOR SWABEY / ffiona Swabey. SFCC Non-Fiction Eleanor of Aquitaine, courtly love, and the troubadours 1 2005. 3 2004. 1 2000. 942.038 DUNN SFCC Non-Fiction Great rising of 1381 : the peasant's revolt and England's failed revolution / Alastair Dunn. 1 2002. 942.052 BOLEYN DENNY Anne Boleyn : a new life of England's tragic queen / Joanna Denny. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2006. 942.052 BOLEYN WARNICK SFCC Non-Fiction Rise and fall of Anne Boleyn : family politics at the court of Henry VIII / Retha M. Warnicke. 1 1991. 942.055 ELIZA I SFCC Non-Fiction 942.055 WHAT LI What life was like in the realm of Elizabeth : England, AD 1533-1603SFCC / by Non-Fiction the editors of Time-Life Books. 3 1993. 1 c1998. EMERSON SFCC Non-Fiction City of sin : London in pursuit of pleasure / Giles942.1 Emerson ; foreword by Bettany Hughes. 942.1055 SFCC Non-Fiction Elizabeth's London : everyday life in ElizabethanPICARD London / Liza Picard. 942.498 DONOGHU SFCC Non-Fiction Lady Godiva : a literary history of a legend / Daniel Donoghue. 3 2003. 1 2004. 1 2003. Conquering family. Eleanor of Aquitaine : a life / Alison Weir. 942.03 C823Co 942.031 ELEANOR WEIR SFCC Non-Fiction Elizabeth I / Wallace MacCaffrey. 171 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 942.902 TURVEY SFCC Non-Fiction Welsh princes : the native rulers of Wales, 1063-1283 / Roger Turvey. 1 2002. Concise history of Germany / Mary Fulbrook. 943 FULBROO 1 2004. 943 GERMANY SFCC Non-Fiction Germany : a country study / Federal Research Division, Library of Congress ; edited by Eric Solsten. 2 1996. 943 SCHULZE SFCCSchneider. Non-Fiction Germany : a new history / Hagen Schulze ; translated by Deborah Lucas 1 1998. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 1 translated, [1971] and introduced, by Gerald Strau Manifestations of discontent in Germany on the943.03 eve ofSt82m the Reformation; a collection of documents selected, 943.08 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. German Empire, 1870-1918 / Michael Sturmer.STURMER Germans : who are they now? / Alan Watson. 943.08 WATSON SFCC Non-Fiction 943.085 GERMAN SFCC Non-Fiction German culture and society : the essential glossary / edited by Holger Briel. 943.086 ALEXAND SFCC How Hitler could have won World War II : the fatal errors that led to NaziNon-Fiction defeat / Bevin Alexander. 1 c1993 1 c2002. 1 c2000. 943.086 HITLER ROSENBAUM SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1999. Explaining Hitler : the search for the origens of his evil / Ron Rosenbaum. 943.086 LATTIME SFCC"threw Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Hitler's fatal sickness and other secrets of the Nazi leaders : why Hitler victory away" / John K. Lattimer. 943.086 M452t They thought they were free; the Germans, 1933-45. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1955] 943.086 RISE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995?] 943.086 SPEER 1995 Non-Fiction 1 ; introduction 1995. Inside the Third Reich : memoirs / by Albert Speer ; translated fromSFCC the German by Richard and Clara Winston by Eugene Davidson. 943.086 TRIUMPH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Triumph des willens [videorecording] : das dokument vom Reichsparteitag 1934 / gestaltet von Leni Riefenstahl ; [198-?] Leni Riefenstahl produktion. 943.0879 FEDERAL SFCC by Non-Fiction 1 1995. Federal Republic of Germany at forty-five : union without unity / edited Peter H. Merkl. 943.604 WHAT LI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. What life was like at empire's end ; Austro-Hungarian Empire, AD 1848-1918 / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Rise of hatred & violence in Germany. 944 BAIGENT SFCC Non-Fiction Holy blood, Holy Grail / Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Concise history of France / Roger Price. 944 PRICE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 1 1993. 944.021 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by[1964] Feudal monarchy in France and England, from the tenthP445F to the thirteenth century. [Translated from the French E. D. Hunt] VALE Non-Fiction 1 1996. Origins of the Hundred Years War : the Angevin944.025 legacy, 1250-1340 /SFCC Malcolm Vale. 944.026 JOAN PERNOUD Non-Fiction 3 1999. Joan of Arc : her story / Re¿¿gine Pernoud, Marie-Ve¿¿ronique ClinSFCC ; translated and revised by Jeremy duQuesnay Adams ; edited by Bonnie Wheeler. 944.0262 JOAN GORDON SFCC Non-Fiction 944.034 DARNTON SFCC Non-Fiction Great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history / Robert Darnton. Joan of Arc / Mary Gordon. 1 2000. 1 944.04 So12F Non-Fiction French Revolution, 1787-1799; from the storming of the Bastille to SFCC Napoleon 1 c1984. [1975, c1974] 944.0403 D778o Oxford history of the French Revolution / by William Doyle. 1 1989. 944.0407 D778o SFCC Non-Fiction Origins of the French Revolution / by William Doyle. 944.04092 MARIE A Non-Fiction Queen of France; a biography of Marie Antoinette. Translated fromSFCC the French by Denise Folliot. 1 1988. 1 [1957] 944.044Christopher ARASSE SFCC Non-Fiction Guillotine and the terror / Daniel Arasse ; translatedby Miller. 1 1989. 944.084 ROYAL HARNEIS / Robert Harneis. SFCC Non-Fiction S¿¿gol¿¿ne Royal : the new face of France : a biography 1 2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 172 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 944.084 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. Testimony : France in the twenty-first century /SARKOZY Nicolas Sarkozy ; translated from the French by Philip H. Gordon. 946.02 SFCC Non-Fiction Buried mirror : reflections on Spain and the New WorldF952b / Carlos Fuentes. 1 1992. 946.081 CAPA Non-Fiction 1 c1999.de Arte Reina Sofi¿¿a / dedicatio Heart of Spain : Robert Capa's photographs of the Spanish Civil WarSFCC : from the collection of the Museo Nacional Centro 946.081 SFCC Non-Fiction Blood of Spain : an oral history of the Spanish Civil War /FRASER Ronald Fraser. 1 c1979. 946.081 Spanish Civil War / Abel Paz ; translated from French by PAZ David Britt.SFCC Non-Fiction 946.6201 ARMENIA SFCC Non-Fiction Armenians [videorecording] : a story of survival.. 1 c1997. 1 c2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. 947.04 HOSKING SFCC Non-Fiction Russia : people and empire, 1552-1917 / Geoffrey Hosking. 947.063 Memoirs of Catherine the Great / translated byCATHERI Katharine Anthony.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. 1 1935. History of Russia / Nicholas V. Riasanovsky. 947 RIASANO Russia : a history / edited by Gregory L. Freeze. 947 RUSSIA 947.07/ C968e SFCC 1 [1989] Empire of the czar : a journey through eternal Russia by the Marquis deNon-Fiction Custine ; foreword by Daniel J. Boorstin ; introduction by George Kennan. 947.08translated RASPUTI from SFCC 1 Rasputin, the holy devil, by Rene¿¿ Fu¿¿lo¿¿p-Miller; theNon-Fiction German by F. S. Flint and D. F. Tait. 1928. R251 Edited SFCC Ten days that shook the world. With a foreword947.084 by V.I. Lenin. withNon-Fiction notes by Bertram D. Wolfe. 1 c1960. 948 JONES SFCC Non-Fiction History of the Vikings / Gwyn Jones. 948.02 ARBMAN 1995 by Alan Binns. SFCC Non-Fiction Vikings / translated and edited, with an introduction 1 1985. 1 1995. 948.022 JESCH SFCC Non-Fiction 948.022 WHAT LI AD 800-1100 / by SFCC Non-Fiction What life was like when longships sailed : Vikings the editors of Time-Life Books. 2 1991. 1 c1998. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2007. [1985], c1984. 1987-<1991 > Women in the Viking age / Judith Jesch. Daily life of the Vikings / Kirsten Wolf. 948.022 WOLF Finland, cultural lone wolf / Richard D. Lewis. 948.97 LEWIS Infidel / Ayaan Hirsi Ali. 949.2073 HIRSI B411a University SFCC Non-Fiction Belgium, a country study / Foreign Area Studies,949.3 the American ; edited by Stephen B. Wickman. 1 949.5 B456b Non-Fiction Black Athena : the Afroasiatic roots of classical civilization / Martin SFCC Bernal. 1 949.5Etienne. ETIENNE Search for Ancient Greece / Roland and Franc¿¿oise SFCC Non-Fiction 1 949.5 SFCC Non-Fiction Byzantium; the Imperial centuries, A.D. 610-1071 [by]J418B Romilly Jenkins. 1 1992. [1967, c1966] B243j Justinian and the later Roman Empire [by] John949.501 W. Barker. 1 1966. SFCC Non-Fiction 949.61 CLARI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Conquest of Constantinople / Robert of Clari ; translated with introduction and notes by Edgar Holmes McNeal. 950.0495 QUINCY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1995. Hmong, history of a people / Keith Quincy. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1961 Daily life in the Mongol empire / George Lane. 950.2 LANE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. 950.2 SP92M Mongols in history. Translated by Geoffrey Wheeler. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1971] 950.2092 Genghis Khan and Mongol rule / George Lane. GENGHIS LANE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. Mongol Empire ; its rise and legacy 950.2 C383m 951 CHAI Chinese customs SFCC Non-Fiction c2007. China A to Z : everything you need to know to understand and culture / May-lee Chai and 1Winberg Chai. 951.033 HANES 2003corruption of another SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. Opium Wars : the addiction of one empire and the / W. Travis Hanes III and Frank Sanello. CHINA SFCC 1 Channel 1997,4 c1989. China, a century of revolution [videorecording] 951.04 / Ambrica Productions in Non-Fiction association with WGBH Boston and Television UK ; written, produced 173 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CHINA SFCC 1 Channel 1997,4 c1989. China, a century of revolution [videorecording] 951.04 / Ambrica Productions in Non-Fiction association with WGBH Boston and Television UK ; written, produced TANKby Antony SFCCThomas Non-Fiction 3 Hsu 2006. Tank man [videorecording] / written, produced951.059 and directed ; co-producer, Carleen Ling-an ; a Frontline coproduction with Anto 951.06 CHINA SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2006. China from the inside [videorecording (DVD)] PBS ; a KQED Public Television and Granada Production in association with Kostyk communications ; writer 951.5by TIBETAN Non-Fiction Tibetan voices : a traditional memoir / photographs Brian Harris SFCC ; written and edited by Heather Wardle2... [et c1996. al.]. WHITEby the Dalai SFCCLama Non-Fiction 1 1990. White lotus : an introduction to Tibetan culture951.5 / foreword ; edited by Carole Elchert ; designed by Philip Sugden. 951.5 YUTHOK SFCC 1 ; translated 1995. House of the turquoise roof / Dorje Yudon Yuthok ; preface by Tenzin N. Non-Fiction Tethong ; foreword by Heinrich Harrer and edited by Michael Harlin 951.505 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Snow lion and the dragon : China, Tibet, and theGOLDSTE Dalai Lama / Melvyn C. Goldstein. 951.505 TAPONT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 asc1997. Ama Adhe, the voice that remembers : the heroic story of a woman's fight to free Tibet / by Adhe Tapontsang, told to Joy Blakeslee. CLARK SFCC Secrets of Inchon : the untold story of the most951.9042 daring covert mission of Non-Fiction the Korean War / Eugene Franklin 1Clark ;c2002. introduction and epilogue by Thomas 952 CAMBRID Non-Fiction Cambridge encyclopedia of Japan / editors, Richard Bowring, Peter SFCC Kornicki. 2 1993. 952 Cook. COOK Samurai, the story of a warrior tradition / by Harry SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1993. 952 DELAY SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1999. SFCCMansfield. Non-Fiction Japan, a living portrait / [Dorothy Britton] ... [et952 al.] JAPAN ; foreword by Mike 1 1994. Culture and customs of Japan / Noriko Kamachi.952 KAMACHI Art and culture of Japan / Nelly Delay. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1999. 952E.MINEAR Non-Fiction Through Japanese eyes / Richard H. Minear ; Leon Clark, general SFCC editor. 3 c1994. R277 1988 Japanese today : change and continuity / Edwin952 O. Reischauer. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1988. Japanese / Edwin O. Reischauer. 952 R277J SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. Japanese culture / H. Paul Varley. 952 V429j SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. W261jto the present SFCC /Non-Fiction 1 c1990. Japan emerges : a concise history of Japan from952 its origin Steven Warshaw, with C. David Bromwell and A.J. Tudisco. WHAT SFCC Non-Fiction What life was like among Samurai and Shoguns952 : Japan, ADLI1000-1700 / by the editors of Time-Life Books. 1 1999. T789S 1 1958. Sources of the Japanese tradition, compiled by 952.008 Ryu¿¿saku Tsunoda,SFCC Wm.Non-Fiction Theodore de Bary [and] Donald Keene. 952.02 2 1997. Samurai warfare / Stephen Turnbull ; [edited byTURNBUL Michael Boxall]. SFCC Non-Fiction Japan, a modern history / James L. McClain. 952.03 MCCLAIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 952.033 Non-Fiction 2 Kazuko c1984. Diary of a Japanese innkeeper's daughter / translated byYAMAJI Miwa Kai ;SFCC edited and annotated by Robert J. Smith, Smith. 952.04 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 by Raymond c1984. Rosenthal. Japanese : everyday life in the empire of the Rising SunC833J / by Jean-Claude Courdy ; translated from the French 952.05 MATSUMOT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. New Japan : debunking seven cultural stereotypes / David Matsumoto. 953present H638H [by] Philip SFCC Non-Fiction History of the Arabs from the earliest times to the K. Hitti. 1 [1970] LAND SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Land transformed : the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi953.8 Arabia, and Saudi Aramco / edited by Arthur P. Clark, Muhammad A. Tahlawi ; authors, William Facey .. 953.8 MACKEY Saudis : inside the desert kingdom / Sandra Mackey. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. 954 GARCIA Culture and customs of India / Carol E. Henderson. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2002. 954 Library INDIA 1996 SFCC; edited Non-Fiction 1 L. Worden. [1996] India : a country study / Federal Research Division, of Congress by James Heitzman and Robert Gandhi. 954.035 G151a SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1968] Gandhi / Bhikhu Parekh. 954.035 GANDHI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. 954.035 GANDHI CLEMENT Gandhi, the power of pacifism / Catherine Cle¿¿ment. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. 954.035 GHANDI CHADHA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Gandhi : a life / Yogesh Chadha. 174 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 954.035 PAREKH Gandhi : a very short introduction / Bhikhu Parekh. 954.052 India : facing the twenty-first century / BarbaraCROSSET Crossette. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1993. SFCC present Non-Fiction 1 Rajagopal. 2006. Panihari [videorecording] : the water women of954.4 India PANIHARI / the Five Families a film by Abi Devan and Sudhi 956 CLEVELAND History of the modern Middle East / William L. Cleveland. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. 956 L545m Middle East in world affairs / George Lenczowski. 956 PEARSON 2002 Through Middle Eastern eyes / Robert P. Pearson, Leon E. Clark. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1980. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2002. 956P.T416 Non-Fiction Through Middle Eastern eyes / [edited by] Robert Pearson, Leon SFCC E. Clark, general editor. 1 1984. BARDG. Bard.SFCC Non-Fiction Complete idiot's guide to Middle East conflict / 956.04 by Mitchell 1 c1999. Palestine : peace not apartheid / Jimmy Carter. 956.04 CAR 1 c2006. 956.046 OREN SFCC/ Michael Non-Fiction Six days of war : June 1967 and the making of the modern Middle East B. Oren. 1 2002. SFCC Best Sellers House to house : an epic memoir of war / David956.704 BellaviaBEL with John R. Bruning. 2 2007. 956.704 SANDonald SFCC Best Sellers Wiser in battle : a soldier's story / Ricardo S. Sanchez ; with T. Phillips. 1 c2008. 956.704 SFCC Best Sellers Jarhead : a Marine's chronicle of the Gulf War and otherSWO battles / Anthony Swofford. 2 2003. SFCC Best Sellers 956.7044 MYPoitras SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2006. My country, my country [videorecording] : a film / by Laura ; produced by Jocelyn Glatzer & Laura Poitras ; directed & filmed by Laura Poitras ; a 956.7044 NO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2007. Ferguson. No end in sight [videorecording] / produced by END Jennie Amias, Audrey Marrs, Jessie Vogelson ; producer/director, Charles 956.7044 SOLDIER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Soldier's heart [videorecording] 956.70443 WHY SFCC Non-Fiction c2006. in association with Arte and C Why we fight [videorecording (DVD)] / Sony Pictures Classics presents a Charlotte Street Film ; produced for1 BBC Storyville 956.7204 SALEEM SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. My father's rifle : a childhood in Kurdistan / Hiner Saleem ; translated from the French by Catherine Temerson. 956.94 LA SFCCland Non-Fiction 1 2002. War without end : Israelis, Palestinians, and theGUARD struggle for a promised / Anton La Guardia. 956.94 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. Palestinians : the road to nationhood / by DavidMCDOWAL McDowall. 956.94 Or18 SFCC Non-Fiction 956.94 SFCC Non-Fiction Homeland : the illustrated history of the state ofWOLFMAN Israel / Marv Wolfman, Mario Ruiz, William J. Rubin. 1 c1960. 2 2007. 956.9405 SFCC Non-Fiction Israel, a country study / Federal Research Division, LibraryIs7 of Congress ; edited by Helen Chapin Metz. 1 1990. Ancient Israel / Harry M. Orlinsky. 956.9405 SFCC Non-Fiction c1987. Israel--the price of victory [videorecording] / produced forISREAL the Documentary Consortium by WGBH-Boston;1written, produced and directed by Ofra Bike 956.9442 WASSERST SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Divided Jerusalem : the struggle for the Holy City / Bernard Wasserstein. 958 HOPKIRK Great game : the struggle for empire in central Asia / Peter Hopkirk.SFCC Non-Fiction 958.0429 SFCC Non-Fiction Jihad : the rise of militant Islam in Central Asia /RASHID Ahmed Rashid. 1 1994. 1 2002. 958.1 the Af34American University SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Donald 1986.M. Seekins. Afghanistan : a country study / Foreign Area Studies, ; edited by Richard F. Nyrop and EMADI Culture and customs of Afghanistan / Hafizullah958.1 Emadi. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2005. TANNER Afghanistan : a military history from Alexander 958.1 the Great to the fall SFCC of theNon-Fiction Taliban / Stephen Tanner. 958.1045 Before Taliban : genealogies of the Afghan jihadEDWARDS / David B. Edwards.SFCC Non-Fiction 958.1046 2002 SFCC Non-Fiction Afghanistan : Mullah, Marx and Mujahid / RalphMAGNUS H. Magnus and Eden Naby ; [foreword by Dan Rather]. 1 c2002. 1 2002. 1 c2002. 959.7and MCLEOD Culture and customs of Vietnam / Mark W. McLeod Nguyen ThiSFCC Dieu.Non-Fiction 1 2001. Once upon a distant war / William Prochnau. 959.7 PROCHNA 1 1996, c1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 175 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 959.704 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1991. Vietnam War and American culture / edited by VIETNAM John Carlos Rowe and Rick Berg. 959.7043 DEAR AM by Bernard Edelman SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Memorial c1985.Commission. Dear America : letters home from Vietnam / edited for the New York Vietnam Veterans HASS SFCC Non-Fiction Carried to the wall : American memory and the959.7043 Vietnam Veterans Memorial / Kristin Ann Hass. 959.7043 KAYS Non-Fiction Troubled hero : a Medal of Honor, Vietnam, andMILLS the war at home / SFCC Randy K. Mills. 1 c1998. 1 c2006. 962 ASANTE Culture and customs of Egypt / Molefi Kete Asante. 1 2002. G572m SFCC Modern Egypt : the formation of a nation-state962 / Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr.Non-Fiction 962.05 Eg98a 1991Library of Congress SFCC; edited Non-Fiction Egypt, a country study / Federal Research Division, by Helen Chapin Metz. 1 1988. 1 1991. 962.404 HARI Translator : a tribesman's memoir of Darfur / Daoud Hari. SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2008. Darfur : a short history of a long war / Julie Flint962.7043 and Alex FLINT de Waal. SFCC Non-Fiction 962.7043 PRUNIER SFCC Non-Fiction Darfur : the ambiguous genocide / G¿¿rard Prunier. 1 2005. 1 2007. 963.5 SFCC Non-Fiction Eritrea : revolution at dusk / photographs and text by P199e Robert Papstein. 966.23004 AZUNONY SFCC Non-Fiction Dogon / Chukwuma Azuonye. 1 c1991. 2 1996. 966.404 BEAH SFCC Non-Fiction Long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier / Ishmael Beah. 966.404 SFCCstones Non-Fiction Blood diamonds : tracing the deadly path of theCAMPBELL world's most precious / Greg Campbell. 2 2007. 1 c2002. 13 c1989. SFCC Non-Fiction 966.68 Sp46i In the shadow of the sacred grove / Carol Spindel. SFCC Reserve 966.7 GHANA Ghana : a country study / edited by LaVerle Berry. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1995] 966.7 SALM Culture and customs of Ghana / Steven J. Salm and Toyin Falola. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2002. 967.3Library An47 of Congress SFCC ;Non-Fiction Angola, a country study / Federal Research Division, edited by Thomas Collelo. 1 1991. MINTERand SFCC Non-Fiction Apartheid's contras : an inquiry into the roots of967.304 war in Angola Mozambique / William Minter. 967.526 LEUCHAK SFCC Non-Fiction Kuba / Rebecca Leuchak. 1 1994. 1 1998. Av55w SFCC Non-Fiction War in Uganda : the legacy of Idi Amin / by Tony967.6 Avirgan and Martha Honey. 1 1982. Culture and customs of Uganda / Kefa M. Otiso.967.61 OTISO 1 2006. 1 1992. 1 2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 967.61Library UGANDA SFCC Non-Fiction Uganda : a country study / Federal Research Division, of Congress ; edited by Rita M. Byrnes. 967.751 BARNETT SFCC Non-Fiction Eyewitness to a genocide : the United Nations and Rwanda / Michael Barnett. 970/SPANISH SFCC Non-Fiction 2 by[1994?] Spanish empire in the new world [videorecording] National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior ; produced Ashton Graham ; written & directed b 970.004 PEOPLES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Peoples of the Americas. 970.0049 JOHNSON/ Michael G.SFCC Non-Fiction Native tribes of North America : a concise encyclopedia Johnson ; with colour plates by Richard1 Hook.1994. 970.0049 RICHTER Non-Fiction 1 2001. Facing East from Indian country : a Native history of early America /SFCC Daniel K. Richter. 970.0049 THOMAS Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Skull wars : Kennewick man, archaeology, and the battle for Native SFCC American identity / David Hurst Thomas. 970.00497 SFCC; Non-Fiction 1994. and directed by Bruce Lixey, Rob America's great Indian leaders [videorecording]AMERICA / Media Process Group executive producer, Albert J. Nader4 ; produced 970.00497 BAILLAR 1 c1998. Legends of our times : native cowboy life / Morgan Baillargeon andSFCC LeslieNon-Fiction Tepper. 970.00497 SFCC c1997. Little matter of genocide : holocaust and denialCHURCHI in the Americas, 1492 to Non-Fiction the present / by Ward Churchill. 2 176 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 970.00497 ENCOUNT Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Encounters in the New World : a history in documents / [edited by]SFCC Jill Lepore. 970.00497 FISHING SFCC Non-Fiction 1983] Fishing people, a story about Tulalip Indian salmon fishing [videorecording] / [produced by] Lloyd Weller. 3 970.00497 HAUPTMA SFCC histories Non-Fiction c1995. Tribes & tribulations : misconceptions about American Indians and their / Laurence M. Hauptman.1 970.00497 HOOK Non-Fiction 1 ... 1999. To live and die in the West : the American Indian wars / Jason Hook,SFCC Martin Pegler ; illustrated by Christa Hook [et al.]. 1 c2002. Indian frontier, 1763-1846 / R. Douglas Hurt. 970.00497 HURT SFCC Non-Fiction 970.00497 IN Non-Fiction c1992.made in 1914 by Edward S. Curti In the land of the war canoes [videorecording] :THE Kwakiutl Indian lifeSFCC on the Northwest Coast / story written 3and picture 970.00497 JOSEPHY Non-Fiction 1 1994. 500 nations : an illustrated history of North American Indians / AlvinSFCC M. Josephy, Jr. 970.00497 NATIVE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Native universe : voices of Indian America / Gerald McMaster and Clifford E. Trafzer, editors ; [by Native American tribal leaders, writers, scholars, and s 970.00497 SFCC Non-Fiction c1998. of KSPS Public Television. Sovereign nations [videorecording] / written & SOVEREI narrated by Alison Kartevold ; producer, Alison Kartevold ; a1presentation 970.00497 WALDMA Reserve 1 c2000. Atlas of the North American Indian / Carl Waldman ; illustrations bySFCC Molly Braun. 970.01 CONQUIST Non-Fiction 2 Rebecca [2001]. Dobbs ; executive producers, Le Conquistadors [videorecording] / written and presented by MichaelSFCC Wood ; director, David Wallace ; producer, 970.01 MELTZER SFCC Non-Fiction Search for the first Americans / by David J. Meltzer. 970.011 Settlement of the Americas : a new prehistory /DILLEHA Thomas D. Dillehay.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. 1 c2000. F131g Great journey : the peopling of ancient America970.011 / Brian M. Fagan. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. 970.011 FIRST First Americans / by the editors of Time-Life Books. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1992. 970.011 MANN SFCC Non-Fiction 1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / Charles C. Mann. 3 2005. 970.013 W126v SFCC Non-Fiction 970.015 BUSHMAN SFCC Non-Fiction America discovers Columbus : how an Italian explorer became an American hero / Claudia L. Bushman. 1 1986. 1 c1992. 970.015 C723 Bill ... SFCC Columbus Quincentennial, a sourcebook / compiled by Willard [et Non-Fiction al.] ; edited by Jean MacGregor. 1 1992. 1 1991. Vikings and America / Erik Wahlgren. Columbus / Felipe Ferna¿¿ndez-Armesto. 970.015 C723f SFCC Non-Fiction 970.015 C723m 1 1942. Admiral of the ocean sea, a life of Christopher Columbus, by SamuelSFCC EliotNon-Fiction Morison. Maps by Erwin Raisz. Drawings by Bertram Greene ... 970.015 C723m v.1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1942. Admiral of the ocean sea, a life of Christopher Columbus C732w SFCCthe Non-Fiction 1991. Mysterious history of Columbus : an exploration970.015 of the man, the myth, legacy / John Noble Wilford. 2 970.015 1 c1992. Christopher Columbus and his legacy : opposingCOLUMBU viewpoints / Mary SFCC Ellen Non-Fiction Jones, book editor. 970.015 COLUMBU SFCC/ Non-Fiction 1 Cummins. 1992. Voyage of Christopher Columbus : Columbus' own journal of discovery newly restored and translated by John 970.015 Non-Fiction 2005. mutiny, shipwreck, gold, war, hu Last voyage of Columbus : being the epic tale ofDUGARD the great captain's SFCC fourth expedition, including accounts of1swordfight, 970.015 FOURTEE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. 1492 : an ongoing voyage / John R. Hebert, editor. P152c SFCC Non-Fiction 1 / by c1991. Conquest of Eden, 1493-1515 : other voyages of970.015 Columbus, Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Virgin Islands Michael Paiewonsky. 970.015 Sa32c SFCC /Non-Fiction 1 1990. Conquest of paradise : Christopher Columbus and the Columbian legacy Kirkpatrick Sale. 970.016 DUSSSEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Michael 1995.D. Barber. Invention of the Americas : eclipse of "the other" and the myth of modernity / Enrique Dussel ; translated by 177 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 970.016 SOTO SFCC Non-Fiction Hernando de Soto : a savage quest in the Americas / David Ewing Duncan. 970.016 WITHOUT Non-Fiction Without discovery : a native response to Columbus / edited by Ray SFCC Gonza¿¿lez. 1 1995. 1 c1992. ELLIOTT SFCC/Non-Fiction Empires of the Atlantic world : Britain and Spain970.02 in America, 1492-1830 J.H. Elliott. 2 c2006. 970.1 M233E SFCC Non-Fiction Early man in America; readings from Scientific American, with an introd., by Richard S. MacNeish. 1 [1973] 970.1 Z88N SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and[1974] New World archaeology: theoretical and cultural transformations; readings from Scientific American, selected with introductions by Ezra B. W. Zubr L221P SFCCIndian Non-Fiction 1 1966. Piegan; a look from within at the life, times, and970.3 legacy of an American tribe. Illustrated by Nancy McLaughlin. 970.3 M316S SFCC A. Non-Fiction Southern Paiute and Chemehuevi; an ethnohistorical report [by] Robert Manners. 1 1974. ST24C Liberty,SFCC Cheyenne memories, by John Stands In Timber 970.3 and Margot with Non-Fiction the assistance of Robert M. Utley. 1 1967. 970.42 P442A MapsSFCC Non-Fiction Ancient Mexico; an introduction to the pre-Hispanic cultures. and drawings by Jose¿¿ Luis Franco. 1 [1959] M219S SFCCTait. Non-Fiction Sea and cedar; how the Northwest coast Indians970.495 lived. Illus. by Douglas 1 1973. 970.5 Un3t Treaties & agreements of the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest.SFCC Non-Fiction 971.10049 KWAKIUT SFCC Non-Fiction Kwakiutl / Stanley Walens ; Frank W. Porter III, WALENS general editor. 1 [1974?] 1 c1992. 972 B347C Non-Fiction Concise history of Mexico from Hidalgo to Ca¿¿rdenas, 1805-1940 /SFCC Jan Bazant. 1 1977. 972 B733 Non-Fiction Making of modern Mexico [by] Frank Brandenburg. Introd. by FrankSFCC Tannenbaum. 1 [1964] 1 1962. 1 c1994. Mexico; revolution to evolution, 1940-1960. 972 C615 SFCC Non-Fiction HOLLENB Non-Fiction Mexico / Cliff & Nancy Hollenbeck ; foreword by972 James A. MichenerSFCC ; essay by Richard J. Pietschmann. M574T SFCC Non-Fiction Treasures of ancient Mexico from the National 972 Anthropological Museum / text, Maria Antonieta Cervantes.1 1978. 972 M575c Course of Mexican history / Michael C. Meyer, William L. Sherman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1985. 972 OXFORD SFCC Non-Fiction Oxford history of Mexico / Michael Meyer and William Beezley, [editors]. 1 2000. Mexico : a history / by Robert Ryal Miller. 972 M617m 972 /ROSS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. Mexico : a guide to the people, politics and culture John Ross ; with additional accounts and updates by Gregory Gransden. She48 SFCC Non-Fiction Hispanic nations of the New World; a chronicle 972 of our southern neighbors. 2 1919. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Culture and customs of Mexico / Peter Standish972 andSTANDIS Steven M. Bell.SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2004. 972 beyond SUCHLIC/ Jaime SFCC Non-Fiction Mexico : from Montezuma to NAFTA, Chiapas, and Suchlicki. 1 c1996. 972.01 COE SFCC Non-Fiction Mexico : from the Olmecs to the Aztecs / Michael D. Coe & Rex Koontz. 3 2002. Life and times of Mexico / Earl Shorris. 972 SHORRIS Maya / Michael D. Coe. 972.01 COE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1987. Maya civilization / by T. Patrick Culbert. 972.01 CULBERT SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1993. Olmecs : America's first civilization / Richard A. 972.01 Diehl. DIEHL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2004. 972.01 F151a SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1984. 1 2001. Aztecs / Brian M. Fagan. 972.01 POHLillustrations SFCCbyNon-Fiction Aztec warrior, AD 1325-1521 / written by John Pohl ; color Adam Hook. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1956] Rise and fall of Maya civilization. 972.015 M827a 972.015 THOMPSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1954] Aztec world / by Elizabeth Hill Boone. 972.018 BOONE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. Ancient Maya. Rev. by George W. Brainerd. 972.018 C231mCarrasco SFCCand Reserve 1 Sessions, c1992. assistant editor ; foreword by J Moctezuma's Mexico : visions of the Aztec world / by Davi¿¿d Eduardo Matos Moctezuma ; Scott 972.018 CARRASC SFCC with Non-Fiction 2 1998. Daily life of the Aztecs : people of the sun and earth / Davi¿¿d Carrasco, Scott Sessions. Aztecs / Michael E. Smith. 972.018 SMITH SFCC Non-Fiction 178 1 1996. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 972.018 TOWNSEN Aztecs / Richard F. Townsend ; with 143 illustrations. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1992. 972.02 THOMAS Non-Fiction Conquest : Montezuma, Corte¿¿s, and the fall of Old Mexico / HughSFCC Thomas. 1 c1993. Non-Fiction Is the Mexican Revolution dead? Edited with an972.03 introd.R733 by Stanley R.SFCC Ross. 972.082 WOMACK SFCC Non-Fiction Zapata and the Mexican Revolution 1 [1966] 1 [c1968] 972.083 M574M Mexico today / edited by Tommie Sue Montgomery. 1 c1982. SFCC Non-Fiction 972.52 M428t ; [translated SFCC Non-Fiction Teotihuaca¿¿n, the city of gods / Eduardo Matos Moctezuma from the Italian by Andrew Ellis].1 1990. PASZIOR SFCC Non-Fiction Teotihuacan : an experiment in living / by Esther972.52 Pasztory ; foreword by Enrique Florescano. 1 c1997. SFCC DVD 2 2006. 972.75 ROSSRoss. Rebellion from the roots : Indian uprising in Chiapas / John SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Conflict in Central America / by Helen Schooley.972.8052 Sch65c SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1987. Pyramids of death [videorecording] 972.52 PYRAMID 972.81 STONE 1 Images from the underworld : Naj Tunich and the tradition of MayaSFCC caveNon-Fiction painting / Andrea J. Stone. 972.8101 BAUDEZ SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Lost cities of the Maya / Claude Baudez and Sydney Picasso ; [translated from the French by Caroline Palmer]. 1995. 972.8101by M834L Non-Fiction Living Maya / text by Walter F. Morris, Jr. ; photographs Jeffrey J.SFCC Foxx. 1987. 1 1992. MAYA Nalda. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. Maya / edited by Peter Schmidt, Mercedes de la972.8101 Garza, Enrique 972.8101 MCKILLO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2004. Ancient Maya : new perspectives / Heather McKillop. 972.8101 SCHELE SFCC/ Linda Non-Fiction 3 c1998. by MacDuff Everton and Justin K Code of kings : the language of seven sacred Maya temples and tombs Schele and Peter Mathews ; photographs 972.8101 STUART Non-Fiction 3 c1993. Lost kingdoms of the Maya / by Gene S. Stuart and George E. StuartSFCC ; prepared by the Book Division of the National Geographic Society. 972.81016 Non-Fiction 1 Justin [1992] Forest of kings : the untold story of the ancient SCHELE Maya / Linda ScheleSFCC and David Freidel ; color photographs by Kerr. 972.8105 Simon. Si54g Guatemala : eternal spring, eternal tyranny / Jean-Marie SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1987. 972.8205 BARRY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Inside Belize / Tom Barry. 972.83 HONDURA 1995of Congress SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1995. Honduras : a country study / Federal Research Division, Library ; edited by Tim L. Merrill. 972.83 NORSWOR SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1993. Inside Honduras / Kent Norsworthy with Tom Barry. 972.85053 C111b SFCC Non-Fiction c1985. Blood of the innocent : victims of the Contras' war in Nicaragua / Teo¿¿filo Cabestrero ; translated from the1 Spanish by Robert R. Barr. [1984], 972.86 SFCC Non-Fiction c1983. Costa Rica, a country study / Foreign Area Studies, the C823 American University ; edited by Harold D. Nelson. 1 972.875 M139P SFCC Non-Fiction Path between the seas : the creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 / David McCullough. 1 c1977. 972.881 SFCC Non-Fiction Culture and customs of Guatemala / Maureen E. Shea. SHEA 972.91 CUBA 2002Library of Congress SFCC; edited Non-Fiction Cuba : a country study / Federal Research Division, by Rex A. Hudson. 1 2001. 1 2002. 972.91 G939E Episodes of the Revolutionary War, by Ernesto Che Guevara. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1968] 972.91 M314W& Kirby SFCC Non-Fiction With Fidel : a portrait of Castro and Cuba / Frank Mankiewicz Jones. 1 c1975. 179 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 972.91 SHEEHAN SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1995. 972.91 SIMONS Cuba : from conquistador to Castro / Geoff Simons. 972.9106 CASTRO FOSS Fidel Castro / Clive Foss. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 2000. 972.9106 CUBA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. Cuba / Sean Sheehan. Cuba / edited by Martha Hostetter. 972.9106 LUIS SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000. 972.9106 WAITING Non-Fiction 2 ; directed [2004] and edited by Michael Rubbo. Waiting for Fidel [videorecording] / National Film Board of Canada ;SFCC produced by Tom Daly and Erich Honecker 972.91064 D791C SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] Castroism, theory and practice. 972.91064 G197r SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1987. Reflections on the Cuban missile crisis / Raymond L. Garthoff. 972.91064 GUEVARA SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. Che Guevara : icon, myth, and message / DavidKUNZLE Kunzle. Culture and customs of Cuba / William Luis SHERLOC Story of the Jamaican people / Philip Sherlock &972.92 Hazel Bennett. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. 972.94 CHEONG SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1984. 972.95 LEVY SFCC Non-Fiction 972.9505 PUERTO SFCC Non-Fiction Puerto Ricans [videorecording] / executive producer, Andrew Schlessinger. 972.9505 TRIAS M world. SFCC Non-Fiction Puerto Rico : the trials of the oldest colony in the 2 c1995. 2 c1993. 1 1999. 973 FENSTER Non-Fiction Conspiracy theories : secrecy and power in American culture / MarkSFCC Fenster. 1 c1999. Haiti / Roseline Ng Cheong-Lum. 972.95 C23p Puerto Rico, a colonial experiment / Raymond Carr. Puerto Rico / Patricia Levy. GREAT A SFCC Non-Fiction 1 byc1995. Great American speeches [videorecording] : 80 973 years of political oratory / Pieri & Spring ; written and produced Parker Payson. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. 973 HUGHES Non-Fiction Myths America lives by / Richard T. Hughes ; foreword by Robert N.SFCC Bellah. 1 c2003. 973 v.14Burleigh SFCC Non-Fiction Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680 / edited byJ238 Bartlett James and J. Franklin Jameson. 1 Freedom : a history of US / Joy Hakim. 973 HAKIM 973 J238 v.18 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1969, c1941. [1959, c1913] History of the American people / Paul Johnson.973 JOHNSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1998] 973 K959 SFCCM. Non-Fiction Short chronology of American history 1492-1950 [by] Irving S. and Nell Kull. 2 1952. Narratives of the Indian wars, 1675-1699. 973United M619f States ofSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. For the common defense : a military history of the America / Allan R. Millett, Peter Maslowski. M826O v. 3 Oxford history of the American people / Samuel973 Eliot Morison. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1972. 973 MORONE SFCC Non-Fiction Hellfire nation : the politics of sin in American history / James A. Morone. 1 c2003. Imperial Presidency [by] Arthur M. Schlesinger, 973 Jr. SCH381I 1 1973. SFCC Non-Fiction 973 TEN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. 10 days that unexpectedly changed America [videorecording] / in association with @Radical Media for the History Channel. WILLS SFCC Non-Fiction Necessary evil : a history of American distrust of973 government / Garry Wills. 1 1999. WOODS 1 c2004. Politically incorrect guide to American history / 973 Thomas E. Woods. SFCC Non-Fiction 973.0468 CHICANO SFCCmovement Non-Fiction/ National Latino Communications 1 c1996. Chicano! [videorecording] : History of the Mexican American civil rights Center. 973.0468 CHICANO SFCCmovement Non-Fiction/ National Latino Communications 1 c1996. Chicano! [videorecording] : History of the Mexican American civil rights Center. 973.0468 CHICANO SFCCmovement Non-Fiction/ National Latino Communications 1 c1996. Chicano! [videorecording] : History of the Mexican American civil rights Center. 180 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 973.0468 CHICANO SFCCmovement Non-Fiction/ National Latino Communications 1 c1996. Chicano! [videorecording] : History of the Mexican American civil rights Center. 973.0468 GONZALE 1 2000. Harvest of empire : a history of Latinos in America / Juan Gonzalez. SFCC Non-Fiction 973.0468 SHORRIS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1992. Latinos : a biography of the people / Earl Shorris. 973.04687 Non-Fiction 1 c1999. Mexicanos : a history of Mexicans in the UnitedGONZALA States / Manuel G. SFCC Gonzales. 973.04687 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1977. History of the Mexican-American people / JulianSA46H Samora and Patricia Vandel Simon. 973.0495 HISTORI SFCCinNon-Fiction 1 ... [et 1993. Historic context for the protection of Asian/Pacific American resources Washington State / by Gail Dubrow al.] ; prepared for the Department of 973.0496 SFCC Reserve 8 1998. Africans in America [videorecording] : America'sAFRICAN journey through slavery / WGBH Boston ; produced by Llewellyn Smith ... [et al.] ; written by Steve Faye 973.0496 SFCC Reserve 8 1998. Africans in America [videorecording] : America'sAFRICAN journey through slavery / WGBH Boston ; produced by Llewellyn Smith ... [et al.] ; written by Steve Faye 973.0496 SFCC Reserve 8 1998. Africans in America [videorecording] : America'sAFRICAN journey through slavery / WGBH Boston ; produced by Llewellyn Smith ... [et al.] ; written by Steve Faye 973.0496 AFRICANS SFCCslavery Non-Fiction 5 Boston c2000. Africans in America [videorecording (DVD)] : America's journey through / produced for PBS by WGBH ; produced and directed by Orlando 973.0496 BLACK F SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Robert c1994. Black firsts : 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement / edited by Jessie Carney Smith with Casper L. Jordan, L. Johns ; foreword by Johnnetta B. 973.0496 OBAMA dream / Barack SFCC Obama. Non-Fiction 3 c2006. Audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the American 973.0496 OBAMA / Barack Obama. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2004. Dreams from my father : a story of race and inheritance 973.0496 PROMISED SFCC Non-Fiction c1995. Promised land [videorecording] / a co-production of Discovery Productions and BBC TV ; series writer, Mark1 Hayhurst ; directors, Edmund Coulthard, Nic 973.0496 STEWART Non-Fiction 2 [2006] 1001 things everyone should know about African American history SFCC / Jeffrey C. Stewart. 973.0496D852s SFCC Non-Fiction 1 973.0497 KAYYALI SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Arab Americans / Randa A. Kayyali. 973.0497 VOICES SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Voices from the Trail of Tears / edited by Vicki Rozema. 973.0497 WOVOKA HITTMAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Wovoka and the Ghost Dance / researched, compiled, and written by Michael Hittman ; edited by Don Lynch. Souls of black folk / by W.E.B. Du Bois. 1990. 2006. c2003. c1997. 973.07 LOEWEN SFCC 3 2007. Lies my teacher told me : everything your American history textbook gotNon-Fiction wrong / James W. Loewen. 973.099 PRESIDENT SFCCInc. Non-Fiction c2005.; supervising writer & producer, Presidents [videorecording] / produced by Greystone Communications, for History Television Network 3Productions 973.099 ZIMMERMA Non-Fiction 1 2002. First great triumph : how five Americans made their country a worldSFCC power / Warren Zimmermann. 973.2 SFCC Non-Fiction From colonials to provincials : American thought and LANDSMA culture, 1680-1760 / Ned C. Landsman. Birth of the Republic, 1763-89. 973.27 M821 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1997. 2 [1956] 973.3 Am35 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 in[1958] American heritage book of the Revolution, by the editors of American heritage, the magazine of history. Editor charge: Richard M. Ketchum. Narrative SFCC Non-Fiction American Revolution : its character and limits / 973.3 editedAm35g by Jack P. Greene. 1 c1987. 973.3 and Am35m SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1991. American Revolution : as described by British writers the Morning chronicle and London advertiser / [compiled] by Elizabeth R. Miller. BARNES SFCC Non-Fiction Historical atlas of the American Revolution / Ian973.3 Barnes ; Charles Royster, consultant editor. 1 2000. 973.3 FERLING SFCC Non-Fiction Leap in the dark : the struggle to create the American republic / John Ferling. 2 2003. FERLING SFCC Non-Fiction Setting the world ablaze : Washington, Adams, 973.3 Jefferson, and the American Revolution / John Ferling. 1 2000. 181 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 973.3 2 2004. Liberty! The American Revolution [videorecording] / aLIBERTY production ofSFCC TwinNon-Fiction Cities Public Television, Inc. in association with Middlemarch Films, Inc. ; prod 973.3 MCCULLOU SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c2005. 1776 / David McCullough. 973.3092 F854a SFCC Non-Fiction 973.3092 FRANKLI SFCC Non-Fiction Life and letters of Benjamin Franklin. 973.3092 FRANKLI BRANDS/ H.W. Brands. SFCC Non-Fiction First American : the life and times of Benjamin Franklin 973.3092 FRANKLIN MORGAN SFCC Non-Fiction Benjamin Franklin / Edmund S. Morgan. 973.3092 SFCC Non-Fiction Founding mothers : the women who raised ourROBERTS nation / Cokie Roberts. 1 [1965] 1 [194-?] 1 2000. 2 c2002. 1 c2004. 973.31 VOLO Volo and SFCCJames Non-Fiction Daily life during the American Revolution / Dorothy Denneen M. Volo. 973.313 DECLARA SFCC Non-Fiction Declaration of Independence : origins and impact / Scott Douglas Gerber, editor. 1 2003. 1 c2002. 973.313 W685I Non-Fiction Inventing America : Jefferson's Declaration of independence / GarrySFCC Wills. 1 1978. 973.314 L956E Non-Fiction Loyalist Americans : a focus on Greater New York / edited by RobertSFCC A. East and Jacob Judd. 2 [1975] 973.318/BERKIN SFCC Non-Fiction Brilliant solution : inventing the American Constitution Carol Berkin. 1 c2002. Benjamin Franklin, philosopher & man 973.33 CROSSIN SFCC Non-Fiction 11 c1999 Crossing [videorecording] / A&E Network and Columbia Tristar Television Production in association with Chris/Rose Productions, Inc. 973.33 M694designed SFCC Non-Fiction Decisive battles of the American Revolution. With 31 maps by the author. 973.36 BURSTEIN SFCC Non-Fiction America's jubilee / Andrew Burstein. 1 [1962] 1 2001 973.4092 ELLISJ. Ellis.SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2000. Founding brothers : the revolutionary generation / by Joseph 973.4092 ELLIS 2002 1 2002, c2000. Founding brothers : the revolutionary generation / Joseph J. Ellis. SFCC Non-Fiction 973.4092 SFCCInc. Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Founding brothers [videorecording] / producedFOUNDING by MPH Entertainment for the History Channel. 973.4092 SFCCInc. Non-Fiction 1 c2002. Founding brothers [videorecording] / producedFOUNDING by MPH Entertainment for the History Channel. 973.41 WASHING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1996. Founding father : rediscovering George Washington / by Richard Brookhiser. 973.4109 SFCC Non-Fiction 10 1992.and KCET/Los Angeles. George Washington [videorecording] : the manWASHING who wouldn't be king / produced by WGBH/Boston, WNET/New York 973.4109 WASHING SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1997. George Washington : a life / Willard Sterne Randall. 973.4109 WASHING ELLIS His Excellency : George Washington / Joseph J. Ellis. SFCC Non-Fiction 973.4609 JEFFEERS ELLIS J. Ellis. SFCC Non-Fiction American sphinx : the character of Thomas Jefferson / Joseph 973.4609 KENNEDY SFCC Non-Fiction Burr, Hamilton, and Jefferson : a study in character / Roger G. Kennedy. 1 2004. 1 1997, c1996. 1 2000. SFCC 2 2007. Daily lives of civilians in wartime early America 973.5 : fromDAILY the colonial era to Non-Fiction the Civil War / edited by David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler. [1968, 973.5 F322E SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1969] Era of expansion, 1800-1848 [by] Don E. Fehrenbacher. 973.5 LARKIN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Larkin. 2006. Where we lived : discovering the places we once called home : the American home from 1775 to 1840 / Jack New Nation, 1800-1845. 973.5 W713N SFCC Non-Fiction 182 2 [1961] SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 973.68 President James Buchanan, a biography / PhilipBUCHANE Shriver Klein. Coming of the Civil War. 973.7 C855 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [c1962] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1957] 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken 10 Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken 10 Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 8 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 5 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 CIVIL with WETA-TV, SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c1989. Civil War [videorecording] / Florentine Films in association Washington ; produced by Ken Burns and Ric Burns ; written by Geoffrey C. W 973.7 D294R SFCC Non-Fiction Rise and fall of the Confederate Government. Foreword by Bell I. Wiley. 2 [1958] 973.7 D294R SFCC Non-Fiction Rise and fall of the Confederate Government. Foreword by Bell I. Wiley. 2 [1958] 973.7Lincoln LINCOLN SFCC Springfield, Non-FictionIllinois ; Roy P. Basler, editor 1 Collected works of Abraham Lincoln / the Abraham Association, ;1953-1955. Marion Dolores Pratt and Lloyd A. Dun Causes of the American Civil War. 973.7 R819 973.7 SEIDMAN Civil war : a history in documents / Rachel Filene Seidman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1961] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. 973.71 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. Daily life in Civil War America / Dorothy Denneen Volo VOLO and James M. Volo. 973.7115 ROOTS SFCC Non-Fiction 13 Bagwell c1990.; writer, Theodore Thomas ; a Ro Roots of resistance [videorecording] : a story ofOthe underground railroad / produced and directed by Orlando History of the Southern Confederacy / Clement973.713 Eaton. Ea83 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1965. 973.8 DAILY 1 S. Heidler 2007. and Jeanne T. Heidler. Daily lives of civilians in wartime modern America : from the IndianSFCC wars Non-Fiction to the Vietnam war / edited by David 973.8 RECONSTR SFCC 1 c2004. Reconstruction [videorecording] : the second Civil War / a production of Non-Fiction WGBH Boston ; series producer, Elizabeth Deane. 973.8 T373by HollandSFCC Non-Fiction New South; a chronicle of social and industrial evolution, Thompson. 1 1919. [1974, c1973] 973.8 UT4F1866-1891, SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Frontier regulars; the United States Army and the Indian, by Robert M. Utley. 973.8607 JOSEPHY SFCC Non-Fiction c1993. Wounded Knee : lest we forget / Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., Trudy Thomas & Jeanne Eder ; introductory essay by1George P. Horse Capture. 973.88 AMERICA SFCC 2 of WGBH c2006.Boston] ; produced and directed America 1900 [videorecording] / [a David Grubin Productions Inc. film forNon-Fiction American Experience [a production 973.894 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1998. Boys of '98 : Theodore Roosevelt and the RoughWALKER Riders / Dale L. Walker. 973.9/ AMERICA SFCC Clifton Non-Fiction c1995.et al.]. America's century : year by year from 1900 to 2000 [editorial director, Daniel ; writers/researchers,1 Tom 2000, Anderson... 973.902 OUR AMEofV.Time-Life 12 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. Prelude to the century, 1870-1900 / by the editors Books. 973.902 OUR AME V. 15 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1999. 100 years of Hollywood / by the editors of Time-Life Books. 973.902 OUR AME v.10Book ; withSFCC Non-Fiction c1999. Decade of triumph, the 40s / by the editors of Time-Life a foreword by John Robert Slaughter . 1 973.902 OUR V.5 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1998. Hard times, the 30s / by the editors of Time-LifeAME Books. 973.902 OUR AME V.6 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Jazz age : the 20s / by the editors of Time-Life Books. 973.902 OUR AME V.7 Books ; withSFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Time of transition : the 70s / by the editors of Time-Life a foreword by Dick Cavett. 973.902 OUR V.9 Books. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. End of innocence, 1910-1920 / by the editors ofAME Time-Life 183 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 973.902 OUR SFCCBooks Non-Fiction 1 Rock & roll generation : teen life in the 50s / byAMER the editors of Time-Life ; with a foreword by Dick Clark. 973.902 This fabulous century. By the editors of Time-Life Books.THIS FA SFCC Non-Fiction 973.91 DAILY 1940-59 Non-Fiction Daily life in the United States, 1940-1959 : shifting worlds / EugeniaSFCC Kaledin. [1998] 1 [1969-70] 1 2000. 973.91 DECADES 1940-49 Decades collection [videorecording] : 1940-1949. SFCC Non-Fiction 3 c2007. 973.91 DECADES 1980-89 Decades collection [videorecording] : 1980-1989. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. 973.91 DECADES 1980-89 Decades collection [videorecording] : 1980-1989. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2007. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1976. 973.91 MCELVAI SFCC Non-Fiction Depression and New Deal : a history in documents / Robert S. McElvaine. 973.911 ROOSEVE SFCC Non-Fiction T. R. : the last romantic / H.W. Brands. 1 c2000. 1 c1997. SFCC Non-Fiction Riding the rails : teenagers on the move during 973.916 the GreatUYS Depression / Errol Lincoln Uys. 1 973.917by R677EL SFCC Non-Fiction Eleanor: the years alone [by] Joseph P. Lash. Foreword Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. 1 c1999. [1973, c1972] Thirties / Alan Jenkins. 973.91 J415T 973.917 1 1964. Eleanor Roosevelt; a friend's memoir [by] Joseph P. Lash.R677erl SFCC Non-Fiction 973.917 ROOSEVE Non-Fiction c2005. LLC for the History Channel ; A FDR, a presidency revealed [videorecording] / written and producedSFCC by David C. Taylor ; produced by Team1Productions, 973.917 ROOSEVE Non-Fiction c2005. LLC for the History Channel ; A FDR, a presidency revealed [videorecording] / written and producedSFCC by David C. Taylor ; produced by Team1Productions, Eleanor Roosevelt / Blanche Wiesen Cook. 973.917 ROOSEVE COOK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993- Eleanor Roosevelt / Blanche Wiesen Cook. 973.917 ROOSEVE COOK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993- 973.92 SIXTIES SFCC Non-Fiction c2004. Sixties chronicle / consultant, David Farber ; writers, Peter Braunstein ... [et al.] ; foreword, Walter Cronkite3; preface, Tom Hayden. K383r SFCC Non-Fiction Question of character : a life of John F. Kennedy973.922 / Thomas C. Reeves. 1 c1991. 973.923 J63W 973.923 JOHNSON My brother, Lyndon. Edited by Enrique Hank Lopez. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1970] SFCC Non-Fiction Watergate : the corruption of American politics973.924 and the EMERY fall of Richard Nixon / Fred Emery. 1 c1994. 973.924 SFCC Best Sellers Secret man : the story of Watergate's Deep Throat / BobWOO Woodward. 973.929 CLINTON SFCC Non-Fiction My life / Bill Clinton. 2 c2005. 1 2004. White House diary [by] Lady Bird Johnson. 973.929days KALBthat tarnished SFCC Non-Fiction 1 One scandalous story : Clinton, Lewinsky, and thirteen American journalism / Marvin Kalb. c2001. SFCC/ Non-Fiction Stupid white men-- and other sorry excuses for 973.929 the stateMOORE of the nation! Michael Moore. 1 c2001. 973.929 NADER SFCC Non-Fiction Crashing the party : taking on the corporate government in an age of surrender / Ralph Nader. 2 2002. 973.929 OREILLY SFCC O'Reilly factor : the good, bad, and completely ridiculous in American lifeNon-Fiction / Bill O'Reilly. 1 c2000. 973.931 KOHUT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 America against the world : how we are different and why we are disliked / Andrew Kohut and Bruce Stokes. 184 2006. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Dude, where's my country? / Michael Moore. 973.931 MOO SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2003. SFCC Best Sellers 1 2003. 973.931 SFCC Non-Fiction Why do people hate America? / Ziauddin Sardar, MerrylSARDAR Wyn Davies. 973.931 SILBERST SFCC Non-Fiction War of words : language, politics and 9/11 / Sandra Silberstein. 2 c2002. 1 2002. Who's looking out for you? / Bill O'Reilly. 973.931 ORE 973.931 UNG SFCC Best Sellers 1 the 2007. Fall of the house of Bush : the untold story of how a band of true believers seized the executive branch, started Iraq War, and still imperils America's 974.6004 BOUDINOT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Strouth c2005.Gaul. To marry an Indian : the marriage of Harriett Gold and Elias Boudinot in letters, 1823-1839 / edited by Theresa 974.7004 RICHTER c1992. Ordeal of the longhouse : the peoples of the Iroquois League in theSFCC era ofNon-Fiction European colonization / Daniel K.1Richter. [1969, 974.71 1900-1968, SCH63H edited SFCC Non-Fiction 1 P. F.c1968] Harlem on my mind; cultural capital of Black America, by Allon Schoener. Pref. by Thomas Hoving. Introd. by Candice Van Ellison VON DRE Triangle : the fire that changed America / David974.71 Von Drehle. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. 976.043/ Walter BYERS Byers SFCC 1 c1995. Unsportsmanlike conduct : exploiting college athletes withNon-Fiction Charles Hammer. 976.335 CLARK SFCCClark. Best Sellers 1 2007. Heart like water : surviving Katrina and life in itsCLA disaster zone / Joshua 976.335 HURRICANE Non-Fiction 1 Marsalis]. c2005. Hurricane Katrina : the storm that changed America / by the editorsSFCC of Time ; [with an introduction by Wynton 976.4192 DAWSON SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. Life is so good / George Dawson and Richard Glaubman. 977.311 RANGASWA Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Namaste¿¿ America : Indian immigrants in an American metropolis SFCC / Padma Rangaswamy. 978 BOOM Non-Fiction 1 1981. Boom and bust--the mining towns [videorecording] / Nebraska ETVSFCC Network ; producers, Gene Bunge and Stephen Robbins ; director, Gene Bunge. DUNCAN Non-Fiction 1 1997. Lewis & Clark : an illustrated history / by Dayton978 Duncan, based on SFCC a documentary film by Ken Burns ... ; preface by Ken Burns and contributions by Step M992 Pirate, Pawnee, and mountain man; the saga of978 Hugh Glass. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1963] Mining frontiers of the Far West, 1848-1880. 978 P281 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1963] PEAVYby Elliott SFCC 1 c1999. Frontier children / Linda Peavy & Ursula Smith ;978 foreword West.Non-Fiction 978.004 CRAZY SFCC Childrens HO LANDAU Collection 1 c2004. Crazy Horse : American Indian leader / Elaine Landau. 978.0046 ACOSTA SFCCby Non-Fiction 1989,Acosta. c1972. Autobiography of a brown buffalo / by Oscar Zeta Acosta ; introduction Hunter S. Thompson ; afterword1by Marco 978.0049 CRAZY SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. Crazy Horse : a Lakota life / Kingsley M. Bray. BRAY 978.0049 PETERSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Laurac1993. Sacred encounters : Father De Smet and the Indians of the Rocky Mountain West / Jacqueline Peterson with Peers. 978.00497 APACHE ROBINSO SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2000. Apache voices : their stories of survival as told to Eve Ball / Sherry Robinson. 978.00497 CARLSON SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1998. Plains Indians / Paul H. Carlson. 978.00497 FOWLER SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. Columbia guide to American Indians of the Great Plains / Loretta Fowler. 978.00497 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1954. Winged moccasins : the story of Sacajawea / bySACAGAW Frances Joyce Farnsworth ; illustrated by Lorence F. Bjorklund. 978.00497 SEASONS SFCC Non-Fiction 3 byc1996. Seasons of the Salish [videorecording]/ a presentation of Washington State University ; directed and produced Lawrence Johnson and Jacqueline Pete 978.00497 TAYLOR SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1975. Warriors of the Plains / Colin Taylor. 978.004975 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1993. Dakota conflict [videorecording] / production ofDAKOTA KTCA/TV ; writer, producer, Kristian Berg. 185 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 LEWIS Jr.SFCC Non-Fiction Lewis and Clark through Indian eyes / edited by978.0072 Alvin M. Josephy, ; with Marc Jaffe. 1 2006. IN SEAR of the SFCCNebraska Non-Fiction 3 1996. In search of the Oregon Trail [videorecording] /978.02 a co-production ETV Network and Oregon Public Broadcasting ; Michael Farrell, produce IN SEAR of the SFCCNebraska Non-Fiction 3 1996. In search of the Oregon Trail [videorecording] /978.02 a co-production ETV Network and Oregon Public Broadcasting ; Michael Farrell, produce 978.02 MCMURTRY 2 2005. Oh what a slaughter : massacres in the American West, 1846-1890 /SFCC LarryNon-Fiction McMurtry. 978.0208experience HOLT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2003. Children of the western plains : the nineteenth-century / Marilyn Irvin Holt. 978.0208 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Pioneer children on the journey West / Emmy E.WERNER Werner. 978.1004 INCIDENT Non-Fiction 2 1999, c1991. Incident at Oglala [videorecording] / Miramax Films & Spanish Fork SFCC Motion Picture Company ; directed by Michael Apted ; produced by Arthur Chobanin 978.30049 BLACK E Ogalala Sioux SFCC/Non-Fiction 2 Rainbow) 1991. ; illustrated by Standing Bear. Black Elk speaks : being the life story of a holy man of the as told to John G. Neihardt (Flaming 978.30049 BLACK E SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Black Elk : holy man of the Oglala / by Michael F. Steltenkamp. 978.366 FRAZIER SFCC Non-Fiction 978.685 SFCC Non-Fiction One round river : the curse of gold and the fightMANNING for the Big Blackfoot / Richard Manning. 979 KOKOPEL MALOTKI SFCC Non-Fiction Kokopelli : the making of an icon / Ekkehart Malotki. On the rez / Ian Frazier. 1 2000. 1 1998. 1 c2000. 979.00497 RUBY SFCC Non-Fiction 2 Josephy, [1988] Indians of the Pacific Northwest : a history / Robert H. Ruby and John A. Brown ; with a foreword by Alvin M. Jr. Still waters / Jennifer Lauck. 979.033 LAUCK SFCC Non-Fiction 1 2001. EL94 searchSFCC Non-Fiction 1 Mountains 1953. Lost Dutchman Mine; the fabulous story of the 979.1 seven-decade for the hidden treasure in the Superstition of Arizona. 979.4 L587 SFCC Non-Fiction 979.40045 M513i/ by David L. Nicandri. SFCC Non-Fiction Italians in Washington State : emigration, 1853-1924 2 [1957] 1 1978. 979.461 COYOTE Sleeping where I fall : a chronicle / Peter Coyote. 1 c1998. Here lived the Californians. SFCC Non-Fiction 979.461 GREAT SFCC Non-Fiction 1 film[2006] Great San Francisco earthquake [videorecording] / WGBH Educational Foundation ; a Moira Productions, Inc. for American Experience ; WGBH Bost 979.498 BROWN BRO SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2006. Piece of cake : a memoir / Cupcake Brown. 979.5 EASY Mysteries of our Spokane nature corridor / Easy. 2 c1991. 979.5 F877 SFCC Non-Fiction Pacific Northwest, an overall appreciation. Editors: Otis W. Freeman, Howard H. Martin. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1954] 979.5 F958 SFCC Non-Fiction History of the Pacific Northwest : with special emphasis on the Inland Empire / by George W. Fuller. 1 1938. 979.5 H879 SFCC Non-Fiction Lost mines and treasures of the Pacific Northwest. Illus. and jacket design by James Tower. 2 [1957] P762 Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, by Lancaster979.5 Pollard. 1 [1946] 1 1965. SFCC Non-Fiction 979.5 P771P SFCCand Non-Fiction Pacific slope; a history of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, by Earl Pomeroy. 979.5 SFCC Non-Fiction 1977. Whitman massacre : a true story by a survivor of this SA87W terrible tragedy which took place in Oregon in 1847 / 2Mary Saunders. 979.5 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1931] Pioneer missionary, by the Right Reverend Lemuel H. WELLS Wells... 979.5004 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1995. Children of the fur trade : forgotten Me¿¿tis of JACKSON the Pacific Northwest / John C. Jackson. 979.5004 KEEPERS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1993. Keepers of the totem / by the editors of Time-Life Books. 979.5004 SFCCcoast Non-Fiction c2005. Listening to our ancestors : the art of native lifeLISTENI along the north pacific / introduction by chief Robert1Joseph. 979.50049 HATIYAIndian Reservation SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Tribes 2000,ofc1993. Hatiya (wind) [videorecording] : voices of the Umatilla / a presentation of the Confederated the Umatilla Indian Reservation 186 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 979.50049 JOSEPH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1981. 979.50049 SFCCbyNon-Fiction 1964, c1941. War Chief Joseph / by Helen Addison Howard ; JOSEPH assisted in the research Dan L. McGrath ; maps and ill. by1George D. McGrath. 979.50049 Non-Fiction 1 1966, c1963. "I will fight no more forever" : Chief Joseph andJOSEPH the Nez1966 Perce War SFCC / by Merrill D. Beal. 979.50049 SALISH SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1978. Coast Salish : their art, culture and legends / byASHWELL Reg Ashwell. Chief Joseph's own story. HAYESand discovery SFCC Non-Fiction 2000. Historical atlas of the Pacific Northwest : maps 979.501 of exploration : British Columbia, Washington,2 Oregon, Alaska, Yukon / Derek Hayes. 979.503 G464I SFCC Non-Fiction 979.503 SFCC Non-Fiction Journal of travels over the Oregon Trail in 1845PALMER / Joel Palmer. 979.5092 JOHNSON Builders of the Northwest. With an introd. by Stewart H. Holbrook. SFCC Non-Fiction 979.534 BALDASTY SFCC Non-Fiction Vigilante newspapers : a tale of sex, religion, and murder in the Northwest / Gerald J. Baldasty. 979.573 MOELLER Non-Fiction Chief Joseph and the Nez Perces : a photographic history / Bill & JanSFCC Moeller. 979.6004 M258H SFCC Non-Fiction Hear me, my chiefs! Nez Perce history and legend, edited by Ruth Bordin; illustrated with photos. 979.60049 YELLOW : illustrated SFCC Non-Fiction Yellow Wolf, his own story / by Lucullus Virgil McWhorter with original photos. Indian wars of the Pacific Northwest. 3 [1972] 1 c1993. 1 [c1963] 2 c2005. 1 1995. 1 1952. 1940, t.p. 1948. 1 979.603town BURKE SFCC Non-Fiction 2 ; writer, c1997.Connie Broughton. Burke [videorecording] : the story of a frontier mining / Mill Mt. Films ; producer/director, Irv Broughton 979.6031 LUKAS forSFCC Big trouble : a murder in a small western town sets off a struggle the Non-Fiction soul of America / J. Anthony Lukas.1 c1997. 979.7 B285H SFCC Non-Fiction History of the state of Washington [by] Harold E. Barto... [and] Catherine Bullard... 1 [1947] 979.7 Charles F446w P. LeWarne. SFCC Non-Fiction Washington : a centennial history / Robert E. Ficken, 1 c1988. SFCC Non-Fiction Great river of the West : essays on the Columbia979.7 RiverLANG / edited by William L. Lang & Robert C. Carriker. 1 c1999. LAYMAN SFCC Non-Fiction Native river : the Columbia remembered : Priest979.7 Rapids to the international boundary / William D. Layman.1 c2002. 979.7 LAYMAN River of memory : the everlasting Columbia / William D. Layman. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2006. 979.7 LEWARNE 979.7 P369w 1988 Washington story : a history of our state / by Ruth Pelz. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2003. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 c1988. 1 1989. Washington State / Charles P. LeWarne. 979.7 PEOPLES SFCC Peoples of Washington : perspectives on cultural diversity / edited by SidNon-Fiction White and S.E. Solberg. 979.7004 Non-Fiction c1990. Nch'i-wa¿¿na, "the big river" : Mid-Columbia Indians and HUNN their landSFCC / Eugene S. Hunn with James Selam and1family. 979.7004 PEOPLE 1 People today [videorecording] / Lawrence Johnson Productions ; DeSFCC SmetNon-Fiction Project ; producer, Lawrence Johnson ;c1993. writers, Lawrence Johnson, Jacqueline 979.70049 T982g SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. Gypsy in northwest America / Gabrielle Tyrner-Stastny. An27w ; sponsored SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Washington women as path breakers / Mildred979.7008 Tanner Andrews by the Junior League of Tacoma. c1989. 979.703 FICKEN c2002. Washington Territory / Robert E. Ficken. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 SFCC Non-Fiction 1976. Horse interlude : a pictorial history of horse and979.703 man in K269h the inland Northwest / by Thomas B. Keith ; edited 1by Clifton Anderson ; illustrated by Greg Pole 979.703Benjamin M317c Franklin SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975. Conquest of the Coeur d'Alenes, Spokanes & Palouses Manring. 979.704 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 and c1989. Cartooning Washington : one hundred years of CARTOON cartoon art in the Evergreen State / edited by Maury Forman Rick Marschall ; text by Glen Baron. 187 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 979.723 GWYDIR / by Rickard SFCC 1 by Kevin 2001.Dye. Recollections from the Colville Indian Agency, 1886-1889 D. Non-Fiction Gwydir ; edited with an introduction 979.723 N631s SFCC Non-Fiction Sky people / by Jack Nisbet ; [illustrations by Kris Ekstrand Molesworth]. Coyote and the Colville. 979.728 C839 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1984. 1 1971. 979.73 ICE STO Non-Fiction 2 c1996.by Chris Peck. Ice storm '96 : days of darkness, days of cold / compiled and editedSFCC by Shaun O'L. Higgins & Laura B. Lee ; introduction 979.737 Non-Fiction 1 [1949] Tepee in his front yard; a biography of H. T. Cowley, oneC839d of the fourSFCC founders of the city of Spokane, Washington. 979.737 CONNOR SFCC Non-Fiction 2001. Under the influence : Spokane, the Cowles family, and River Park Square / by Tim Connor and Larry Shook. 3 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1965] FAHEY Shaping Spokane : Jay P. Graves and his times / 979.737 John Fahey. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1994. 979.737 H912 Indian wars of the Inland Empire / Garrett B. Hunt. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 [1958?] Inland Empire; D. C. Corbin and Spokane. 979.737 F14 M984s SFCC Non-Fiction 4 c1987. Spokane's street railways : an illustrated history979.737 / by Chas. V. Mutschler, Clyde L. Parent, and Wilmer H. Siegert. 979.737 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1994. Fort George Wright : not only where the band played : aMEYER historical geography / by Bette E. Meyer. 979.737 NUNEMAK Non-Fiction 1 c1997 Downtown Spokane images, 1930-1949 / Carolyn Hage NunemakerSFCC ; graphic design and lay-out by Jan Nunemaker. 979.737 P889 SFCC Non-Fiction 979.737 POWERS SFCC Non-Fiction Heritage from heroes / by Dorothy Rochon Powers. 979.737 SFCC Non-Fiction Remembering Spokane [videorecording] / a 777REMEMBE Special Presentation ; writer/producer, Tom McArthur. 2 1948. 1 c1993. 2 c1997. 979.737 Sp65ianthology SFCC/ edited Non-Fiction Spokane & the Inland Empire : an interior Pacific Northwest by David H. Stratton. 979.737 SPOKANE SFCC Non-Fiction Spokane Valley / compiled by Florence Boutwell. 979.737 SPOKANE SFCC Non-Fiction Spokane Valley / compiled by Florence Boutwell. 979.737 SPOKANE 2005 SFCC/ edited Non-Fiction Spokane & the Inland Empire : an interior Pacific Northwest anthology by David H. Stratton. 1 c1991. 1 1994-1996. 1 1994-1996. 2 c2005. Story of Spokane / by Orville Clyde Pratt. 979.737 St56vStimson SFCC Non-Fiction 1985.in progress" by John Shideler. View of the falls : an illustrated history of Spokane / William ; pictorial research by David Reynolds 1; "Partners 979.737 YOUNGS SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1996. Fair and the falls : Spokane Expo '74 : transforming an American environment. 979.748 INDIAN Indian side of the whitman massacre / by Thomas E. Jessett. 979.777 M823s 1982 Morgan. Skid road : an informal portrait of Seattle / by Murray SFCC Non-Fiction 2 [1986] SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1982. N333S SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1977. Seattle : the life and times of an American city /979.777 by Gerald B. Nelson. 979.7772 Non-Fiction 1 Forging of a black community : Seattle's CentralTAYLOR District, from 1870SFCC through the Civil Rights Era / Quintard Taylor ;c1994. foreword by Norm Rice. 979.7782 SFCC Non-Fiction Takhoma : ethnography of Mount Rainier National Park /SMITH Allan H. Smith. 1 c2006. 979.794 LIEN SFCC Non-Fiction Olympic battleground : the power politics of timber preservation / by Carsten Lien. 1 c1991. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1975] 979.805 KUSZ SFCC Non-Fiction 979.8703 NEVINS Not-so-distant horror : mass violence in East Timor / Joseph Nevins.SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1991. 1 2005. 980 AMERICA Non-Fiction Americas : an anthology / edited by Mark B. Rosenberg, A. Douglas SFCC Kincaid, Kathleen Logan. 1 1992. 1 1933. Sea people of Ozette / by Allan May. 979.799 M451S Road song / Natalia Kusz. Colonial Hispanic America: a history 980 C366 SFCC Non-Fiction 188 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 980 GALEANO v.2Cedric Belfrage. SFCC Non-Fiction Memory of fire / Eduardo Galeano ; translated by 1 c1985-1988. 980 HARVEY Non-Fiction Liberators : Latin America's struggle for independence, 1810-1830 /SFCC Robert Harvey. 1 2000. 980 x SFCC Non-Fiction South American dictators during the first century ofW648 independence. Edited by A. Curtis Wilgus. 1 1963 [c1937] 980.003 CAMBRID 1992 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1992. Cambridge encyclopedia of Latin America and the Caribbean / general editors, Simon Collier, Thomas E. Skidmore, Harold Blakemore. 980.0049 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c1995. Yanomami warfare : a political history / R. BrianFERGUSO Ferguson. 980.01 CASASLord, Don SFCCFray Non-Fiction 1 Order [c1974] In defense of the Indians; the defense of the Most Reverend Bartolome¿¿ de las Casas, of the of Preachers, late Bishop of Chiapa, a 980.01 HUMANJ. Andrien. SFCC Non-Fiction Human tradition in Colonial Latin America / edited by Kenneth 1 c2002. 980.01 RICHARD People of the Andes / by James B. Richardson III. 1 c1994. 980.01 THOMASto Magellan SFCC Non-Fiction Rivers of gold : the rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus / Hugh Thomas. 2 c2003. SFCC Non-Fiction Spain & the loss of America / Timothy E. Anna. 980.02 A71s 980.03 GALEANO SFCC Non-Fiction Century of the wind : part three of a trilogy / Eduardo Galeano ; translated by Cedric Belfrage. 1 c1983. 2 c1988. Latin American insurgencies / edited by Georges980.037 Fauriol.L349 1 1985. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 981 F899 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1963. Mansions and the shanties (Sobrados e mucambos); the making of modern Brazil. Translated from the Portuguese and edited by Harriet de Oni¿¿s. With Brazil; chapters by Manoel Cardozo [and others]981 H553B SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1947. 981 LEVINE SFCC Non-Fiction 3 1999. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2003. 981.064 BRAZIL SFCC; edited Non-Fiction Brazil, a country study / Federal Research Division, Library of Congress by Rex A. Hudson. 3 1998. 981.1 GHEERBR Amazon : past, present, and future / Alain Gheerbrant. 4 1992. History of Brazil / Robert M. Levine. Culture and customs of Brazil / Jon S. Vincent. 981 VINCENT SFCC Non-Fiction 981.1 TIERNEY SFCC Non-Fiction Darkness in El Dorado : how scientists and journalists devastated the Amazon / Patrick Tierney. 3 c2000. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2001. SFCC Non-Fiction Lexicon of terror : Argentina and the legacies of982.06 tortureFEITLOW / Marguerite Feitlowitz. 2 1998. 982.06 FOSTER SFCCLockhart, Non-Fiction Culture and customs of Argentina / David William Foster, Melissa Fitch Darrell B. Lockhart. 1 1998. G131 History of Chile. Translated and edited by Isaac 983 Joslin Cox. 1 1964 [c1941] 983.0647 T482c SFCC Non-Fiction Chile : death in the south / Jacobo Timerman ; translated from the Spanish by Robert Cox. 1 1987. 985 M462 Fall of the Inca empire and the Spanish rule in Peru, 1530-1780. 1 1964. 985Library PERU of Congress SFCC Non-Fiction Peru, a country study / Federal Research Division, ; edited by Rex A. Hudson. 2 1993. 985 W637P SFCC Non-Fiction Peru and the Inca civilization / text, M. Wiesenthal. 985.01 BERNANDfrom the French SFCC Non-Fiction Incas : people of the sun / Carmen Bernand ; [translated by Paul G. Bahn]. 1 1978. 2 1994. FERREIR SFCC Non-Fiction Culture and customs of Peru / Ce¿¿sar Ferreira 985.06 and Eduardo Dargent-Chamot. 985.0633 STRONG SFCC Non-Fiction Shining path : terror and revolution in Peru / Simon Strong. 2 2003. 1 c1992. History of Argentina / Daniel K. Lewis. 982 LEWIS SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction 986.1 C717 SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Sandra c1990. Colombia, a country study / Federal Research Division, Library of Congress ; edited by Dennis M. Hanratty and W. Meditz. 986.1 FROM SFCC Non-Fiction From the heart of the world [videorecording] : the Elder Brothers' warning / written and produced by Alan 2 Ereira c1991. ; a BBC TV production in association w 986.1063 COLOMBI Non-Fiction 3 [1993] Colombia de hoy [videorecording] / Howard Lane, writer, producerSFCC & director. 189 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 2 [1964, c1963] 987 VENEZUE SFCC Non-Fiction Venezuela, a country study / Federal Research Division, Library of Congress ; edited by Richard A. Haggerty.1 [1993] 987.063 DINEEN Culture and customs of Venezuela / Mark Dinneen. 2 2001. 987 M829H History of Venezuela. Edited and translated by John Street. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Non-Fiction NILE SFCCNile Non-Fiction Cultural atlas of Australia, New Zealand and the990 South Pacific / Richard and Christian Clerk. 1 c1996. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1962. 996 AHCHING SFCC Non-Fiction Polynesian interconnections : Samoa to Tahiti to Hawaii / Peter Leiataua AhChing. 1 c2004. Australia; the quiet continent. 994 P635a 1913. [2001], ABOUT SFCC Videos 1 hE¿¿ireann c2000. (The Irish Film Board) a Venu About Adam [videorecording] / Miramax Films and BBCAFilms present with the participation of Bord Scanna¿¿n My life with the Eskimo 998 ST32M SFCC Non-Fiction 2 SFCC Reserve 1 c2007. Adam's apples [videorecording] Film MovementADAM'S and M*M Production present ; produced by M&M Productions A/S in association with Dr. TV, Ingolf Ga SFCC DVD 4 c2000. Adventures of Sebastian Cole [videorecording]. ADVENTURE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILL DVD Filmed Entertainment ; Australian 7 [2000] Adventures of Priscilla, queen of the desert [videorecording (DVD) ]SFCC / PolyGram Film Finance Corporation presents ; La AFRICAN SFCC Videos 1 Spiegel] 1989. ; screenplay by James Agee and African Queen [videorecording] / Horizon-Romulus ; directed by John Huston ; produced by S.P. Eagle [i.e. Sam AFTER SFCC DVD Masayuki ; produced by TV Man 8 Union, c2000. Wandafuru raifu [videorecording] = After life / producers, Sato Shiho, Akieda Inc., Engine Film, Inc. ; director, wr AFTER THE WEDDING DVD by Sisse Graum J¿¿rgensen ; story 8 by[2007] After the wedding [videorecording] / Zentropa Entertainments 16 ; SFCC produced Susanne Bier, Anders Thomas Jensen AGE ; una produccio¿¿n SFCC Videos 2 Films [1994] Belle epoque [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Classics Fernando Trueba P.C. (Madrid), Lola S.A. (Barcelona), Anematografo (Lis AGE SFCC; DVD 8 2003. Belle e¿¿poque [videorecording (DVD)] = the age of OF beauty / Lola Films story Rafeal Azcona, Jose¿¿ Luis, Garcia¿¿ Sanchez, Fernando Trueba ; screenpl AGE SFCC; DVD 4 2003. Belle e¿¿poque [videorecording (DVD)] = the age of OF beauty / Lola Films story Rafeal Azcona, Jose¿¿ Luis, Garcia¿¿ Sanchez, Fernando Trueba ; screenpl AKEELAH 2929 Productions SFCC DVD 16 2006. Akeelah and the bee [videorecording (DVD)] / Lionsgate, and Starbucks Entertainment present an Out of the Blue Entertainment and R AKIRA Ryohei Suzuki, SFCC Videos c1989. Akira [videorecording] / Akira Committee ; producers, Shunzo Kato ; written and directed by1Katsuhiro Otomo ; chief animator, Takashi N Five people you meet in heaven / Mitch Albom.ALBOM SFCC Fiction 2 c2003. ALCOTT SFCC Showalter Fiction 1 Kilfeather 1989. and Vinca Showalter. Little women / Louisa May Alcott ; edited with an introduction by Elaine and with notes by Siobhan ALEXIEAlexie. Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven / Sherman SFCC Fiction 5 1994. Indian killer / Sherman Alexie. ALEXIE SFCC Fiction 2 1998. Flight : a novel / Sherman Alexie. ALEXIE SFCC Fiction 1 c2007. ALEXIE Toughest Indian in the world / by Sherman Alexie. SFCC Fiction 1 2000. ALICE SFCC 1Videos 1 c1987. V. Mengershause ; writers, Wim Alice in den Sta¿¿dten [videorecording] = Alice in the cities / Production im Filmverlag der Autoren ; producer, Joachim ALICE IN WOND ; directors, SFCC Videos 3 Wilfred [199-?] Alice in Wonderland [videorecording] / a Walt Disney production Clyde Geronomi, Hamilton Luske, Jackson. SFCC Videos 1984. Alice's restaurant [videorecording] / Florin Corp.ALICES ; produced by Hillard Elkins and Joe Manduke ; directed by1Arthur Penn ; screenplay by Venable Herndo ALL ABOUT SFCC c2000. Todo sobre mi madre [videorecording (DVD)] / (2000) Sony Pictures Classics ; El DVD Deseo ; Renn Productions, France 72 Cinema ; guio¿¿n y direccio¿¿n, Pedro Almo ALL ABOUT (2007) Classics ; El Deseo SFCC DVD Todo sobre mi madre [videorecording] / Sony Pictures S.A. presenta una coproducion El10 Deseo c2007. S.A., Renn Productions, France 2 Cin¿¿ ALL OVER SFCC DVD 13 by Julie c2001. All over the guy [videorecording] / Lion's Gate Films presents a Susan Dietz/Donnie Land production of a film Davis ; producers, Susan Dietz, Don ALL MEPicturesSFCC DVDin association with Baldini Pictures 10 [2004?] All over me [videorecording] / Fine Line Features & OVER Medusa present and Slam Pictures a Dolly Hall productio ALL QUIET SFCC DVD 3 Carlc2007. All quiet on the western front [videorecording (DVD)] / [a Universal-International presentation ; produced by Laemmle, Jr. ; directed by Lewis Milest ALL THA& Columbia Pictures SFCC Videos 1 ; directed c1980. by Bob Fosse ; written by Rober All that jazz [videorecording] / Twentieth Century-Fox ; produced by Robert Alan Aurthur ALL=THE SFCC DVD 4 ; adaptation [2006] par Alain Corneau et Pascal Qu Tous les matins du monde [videorecording (DVD)] All the mornings of the world / Jean-Louis Livi pre¿¿sent SFCC DVD Bruno Bozzetto film ; soggetto 10 e sceneggiattura, [2004] Allegro non troppo [videorecording] / ItaltoonsALLEGRO Corporation ; una produzione Bruno Bozzetto, Guido M ALLENDE from the spanish SFCC Fiction Daughter of fortune : a novel / Isabel Allende ; translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. 1 Fiction House of the spirits / Isabel Allende ; translatedALLENDE from the Spanish bySFCC Magda Bogin. 1 c1999. 1985. [2003], ALONE SFCC DVD present Panorama una produccio¿¿n 7 c1999. Solas [videorecording] = Alone / Samuel Goldwyn Films and Fireworks Pictures Maestranza Films (Sevilla) con la pa 190 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 ALVAREZ How the Garci¿¿a girls lost their accents / by Julia Alvarez. SFCC Fiction 1 1991. ALVAREZ In the name of Salome¿¿ : a novel / Julia Alvarez. SFCC Fiction 1 2000. SFCC DVDpresents a Milos Forman film ; 3original c2002. Amadeus [videorecording (DVD)] : director's cutAMADEUS / the Saul Zaentz Company stage play and screenplay by Peter Sh AMANTES SFCC DVD Amantes [videorecording] / Cinematografica Filmex, S.A. de C.V. ; dirigida por J. Fernando Perez Gavilan. 4 c2004. [2003], SFCC DVD Productions, TF1 Films production 5 c2002. Amen [videorecording] / Claude Berri presents aAMEN coproduction Katharina/Renn in association with KC Medien, with th AMERICAN BEAUTY DVD by Sam Mendes ; written by 16 c2000. American beauty [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures presents SFCC ; directed Alan Ball ; produced by Bruce Cohen & Dan Jin AMERICAN BEAUTY SFCC Videos American beauty [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures ; a Jinks/Cohen Company production ; directed by1 Sam c2000. Mendes ; written by Alan Ball ; produc AMERICAN BEAUTY SFCC Videos American beauty [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures ; a Jinks/Cohen Company production ; directed by1 Sam c2000. Mendes ; written by Alan Ball ; produc AMERICAN GRAFFIT SFCC Videos c1990.Katz & Willard Huyck ; directed b American graffiti [videorecording] / Lucasfilm Ltd./Coppola Co./Universal Pictures ; written by George Lucas2 and Gloria AMERICAN GRAFFITIa Lucasfilm Ltd./Coppola SFCC DVD Co. production ; produced19by Francis [1998] American graffiti [videorecording] / Universal presents Ford Coppola ; written by George AMERICAN HISTORY SFCCaDVD 16 c2001. American history X [videorecording (DVD)] / New Line Cinema presents Turman-Morrissey Company production ; a Tony Kaye film. AMERICA'S America's dream [videorecording] / Home Box Office in associationSFCC with DVD Carrie Productions. 7 2004. SFCC DVD Films presenta una produccio¿¿n 16 c2001. Amores perros [videorecording (DVD) ] / StudioAMORES Home Entertainment ; Altavista de Zeta Film y Altavista Films ; una pel SFCC DVD Films presenta una produccio¿¿n 9 c2001. Amores perros [videorecording (DVD) ] / StudioAMORES Home Entertainment ; Altavista de Zeta Film y Altavista Films ; una pel THE ; screenplay SFCC DVD Schulman ; directed by Roger 4 Spottiswoode. [2001] And the band played on [videorecording] / HBOAND Pictures by Arnold ANDREI DVD c1998.i kinorabotnikov ; rezhissi¿¿¿o¿¿¿ Andre¿¿ Rubli¿¿¿o¿¿¿v [videorecording] : strasti po Andrei¿¿¿u¿¿¿ SFCC / Mosfil¿¿m, Tvorcheskoe ob¿¿edinenie6pisatele¿¿ DVDproduction, a Mike Nichols film 18 ; produced c2004. by Celia Costas ; screenplay by T Angels in America [videorecording] / HBO FilmsANGELS presents an AvenueSFCC Pictures ANOTHER [c2001],1988 WOMAN SFCC Videos 1 . Another woman [videorecording] / Orion Pictures Corporation. ANTONIA SFCC DVD Antonia's line [videorecording] / First Look Pictures ; director Marleen Gorris. 6 c1995. APARTME SFCC DVD [2001] Apartment [videorecording (DVD)] / United Artists ; the Mirisch Company ; written by Billy Wilder and I.A.L.5Diamond ; produced and directed by Billy W APOCALY SFCC Videos 3 byc1981. Apocalypse now [videorecording] / Zoetrope Studios ; produced and directed by Francis Coppola ; co-produced Fred Roos, Gray Frederickson, and To [2007], APOCALYPTO SFCC DVD c2006. Apocalypto [videorecording] / Touchstone Pictures presents in association with Icon Productions, an Icon 22 production ; produced by Mel Gibson, Bruce D ARRANGED 3 Arranged [videorecording] / Film Movement and Cicala Filmworks ;SFCC storyReserve by Stefan Schaefer and Yuta Silverman ;c2007. written by Stefan Schaefer ; produced SFCC Videos c1997. Artemisia [videorecording] / sce¿¿nario original,ARTEMIS Agne¿¿s Merlet, Christine Miller ; adaptation et dialogues,1Agne¿¿s Merlet, Christine Miller, Patrick Am AS GOOD DVD Films production ; a James L.17 As good as it gets [videorecording (DVD) ] / TriStar Pictures presentsSFCC a Gracie Brooksc1998. film ; story by Mark Andrus ; screenpla SFCC Fiction 1 SFCC Fiction 1 AVANT-G SFCC Videos Avant-garde [videorecording] : experimental cinema of the 1920s and '30s. 7 Gods themselves. ASIMOV Oryx and Crake : a novel / Margaret Atwood. ATWOOD 1972. 2003. [2003], AUBERGE SFCCco-production DVD 14 Film,c2002. Auberge espagnole [videorecording] / Ce qui Me meut pre¿¿sente une franco-espagnole BAC Studio Canal, France 2 Cinema, Mate P c2005. AVENUE SFCC DVDStudio Canal, TF1 Films Productions, 10 [2007]Films Productions ; [with the part Avenue Montaigne [videorecording] / Thelma Films [in co-production with] Radis AVVENTU SFCC 2 [199-?]Lyre. Avventura [videorecording] / Un film di Michelangelo Antonioni, Cino DelVideos Duca and Sociee¿¿te¿¿ Cine¿¿matographique [2001], SFCC DVD 1 delc1960. Avventura [videorecording] / Janus Films, HomeAVVENTURA Vision Entertainment and Image Entertainment presents Cino Duca (Rome) and Soci¿¿t¿¿ cin¿¿mati BABEL DVDpresent an Anonymous Content 22 production, c2007. una producci¿¿on de Zeta Film Babel [videoredording(DVD)] / Paramount Pictures and Paramount SFCC Vantage BABES IN Babes in arms [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. SFCC DVD 5 2007. BABES ON SFCC DVD / a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 4picture[2007] Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland collection. Babes on Broadway [videorecording] ; screenplay by Fred Finklehofffe and BAD (2005) SFCC DVD release ; El Deseo presents with 9 the[2005] Mala educacio¿¿n [videorecording] = Bad education / a Sony Pictures Classics collaboration of ICAA and the particip BAD (2007) SFCC DVD 4 y Canal+ c2007.; producida por Agustin Almod¿¿ Mala educaci¿¿n [videorecording] / El Deseo presenta con la colaboraci¿¿n de ICAA y la participaci¿¿n de TVE BAD SLEEP Kurosawa SFCC DVD 14 Tomoyuki, [2006] Kurosawa Akira ; kyakuhon Ogu Warui yatsu hodo yoku nemuru [videorecording] / T¿¿h¿¿, Purodakushon sakuhin ; seisaku Tanaka 191 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC DVD Bagdad Cafe [videorecording (DVD)] / [a film] byBAGDAD Percy Adlon ; written and produced by Eleonore Adlon and5 Percy[2001] Adlon ; directed by Percy Adlon ; a Pe Collectors / David Baldacci. BAL SFCC Best Sellers 3 2006. Simply perfect / Mary Balogh. BAL SFCC Best Sellers 1 2008. Whole truth / David Baldacci. BAL SFCC Best Sellers 1 2008. BALZAC (DVD)] : a tailor SFCC DVD 8 Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress [videorecording made romance / producer, Lise Fayolle ; [2005] screenplay, Sijie Dai ; directed by Sijie D DVDa 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks 9 production c2001. ; produced by Jon Kilik and Sp Bamboozled [videorecording] / a Spike Lee jointBAMBOOZ ; New Line CinemaSFCC presents Flawed / Jo Bannister. BAN SFCC Best Sellers 1 2007. BANANAS SFCC Videos c1987.; directed by Woody Allen ; writte Bananas [videorecording] / United Artists ; a Jack Rollins and Charles H. Joffe Production ; produced by Jack2Grossberg BANK Girls' guide to hunting and fishing / Melissa Bank. SFCC Fiction 1 1999. BARAKA of Magidson SFCCFilms, DVD Inc. ; directed and photographed 18 byc2001. Baraka [videorecording] / a Ron Fricke Film ; a production Ron Fricke ; produced by Mark Magids DVD with Legendary Pictures, 19 [2005] Batman begins [videorecording] / Warner Bros.BATMAN Pictures presents, inSFCC association a Syncopy production ; a film by Christopher N BEAUTIFUL [2003], THING SFCC DVD production ; written by Jonathan 6 Harvey c1996.; producers, Tony Garnett and Bil Beautiful thing [videorecording (DVD)] / Channel Four Films presents a World BEAUTY SFCC DVD Beauty academy of Kabul [videorecording (DVD)] / filmmaker, Liz Mermin. 7 2006. BEAUTY SFCC Videos 1 written 1985.by Jean Cocteau. Beauty and the Beast = La Belle et la be¿¿te [videorecording] / an Andre¿¿ Paulve¿¿ production ; directed and Murphy. BECKETT SFCC Fiction 1 [1957] BEFORE SFCC Palisades DVD 10International c2006. present an Olga Film Productio Before the fall [videorecording] : (Napola) / Picture This! Entertainment Pictures and Bavaria Film [2001], BEFOREGrandview Copy 2 Pictures, SFCC Videos c2000. Before night falls [videorecording] / Fineline Features, Jon Kilik presents a film by Julian3 Schnabel ; producer, Jon Kilik ; writers, Cunn SFCC DVD Beijing bicycle [videorecording (DVD)] / directedBEIJING by Wang Xiaoshuai. 4 2002. BEING JOHN presents SFCC Videos [2000]; directed by Spike Jonze ; writte Being John Malkovich [videorecording] / Gramercy Pictures a Propaganda Films/Single Cell Picture1production BELLE USA release ;SFCC Videos 2 Productions [1994] pre¿¿sentent en coproductio Belle noiseuse [videorecording] / an MK2 Productions Pierre Grise Productions, George Reinhart BELLE USA release ;SFCC Videos 2 Productions [1994] pre¿¿sentent en coproductio Belle noiseuse [videorecording] / an MK2 Productions Pierre Grise Productions, George Reinhart BELLE OF SFCC Videos; producers, Mike Merrick &1Don Gregory 1983, c1976. Belle of Amherst [videorecording] / KCET ; a Dome/Creative Image production ; director, Charles Dubin ; write BEND IT SFCCpresents DVD ; Kintop Pictures presents in 7 association [2003] with The Film Council and FilmF Bend it like Beckham [videorecording (DVD)] / Fox Searchlight Pictures BENT DVDKodansha Co., Ltd. and the Arts 15 Council 2003. Bent [videorecording] / Channel Four Films in association with NDF SFCC Inc., Ask of England. BER SFCC Best Sellers BEST OF MR BEANLtd. ; Tiger Aspect SFCC DVD Best of Mr. Bean [videorecording] / Tiger Television Productions. Templar legacy : a novel / Steve Berry. 3 c2006. 21 2006. BETTER LUCK SFCC DVD Sky Films, Day O Productions,4a Trailing c2003. Better luck tomorrow [videorecording] / Hudson River Entertainment, Cherry Johnson production, a film by Just BETTER THAN SFCC DVD Better than chocolate [videorecording] a film [directed] by Anne Wheeler. 8 c1999. BETTY SFCC Videos 1 Ossard-Jean-Jacques c1987. 37 2 le matin [videorecording] = Betty Blue / 20th Century Fox ; Gaumont pre¿¿sente une production Claude Beineix ; un film de Je BEYOND DVD 5 Roxy[199-] Beyond silence [videorecording] / Miramax Films : eine Produktion SFCC der Claussen+Wobke Filmproduktion und Film-Luggi Waldleitner Produktion ; D BICYCLE SFCC Videos 2 c1988. Bicycle thief [videorecording] = Ladri di biciclette / Produzioni De Sica, S.A. ; ENIC ; produced & directed by Vittorio De Sica ; screenplay by Oreste Bianco BIGaEDEN SFCC DVD ; produced by Jennifer Chaiken 7 ; written c2002. Big Eden [videorecording] / Wolfe Video presents Chaiken Films production and directed by Thomas Bezucha. BIG HEA; produced by SFCC Videos c1986. Big heat [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents Robert Arthur ; screenplay by Sydney 2Boehm ; directed by Fritz Lang. BIGInc. SLE ; screen playSFCC VideosFaulkner, Leigh Brackett & Jules 5 Furthman c1989. ; directed by Howard Hawks. Big sleep [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures by William SFCC DVD c1998. Meredith Scott Lynn and Irene Billy's Hollywood screen kiss [videorecording] / BILLYS Trimark Pictures presents a Revolutionary Eye production ; 2co-producers, SFCC DVD by Joel Oliansky ; produced 8and directed c2001. by Clint Eastwood. Bird [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents ; BIRD a Malpaso production ; written BIRDCAG Birdcage [videorecording] / United Artists Pictures. SFCC DVD BIRDS by Evan Hunter SFCC; directed DVD Birds [videorecording] / Universal Pictures ; screenplay by Alfred Hitchcock. BIRTH Films. Birth of a nation [videorecording (DVD) ] / Blackhawk SFCC DVD 10 c1998. 11 [2000] 7 c1992. BLACK/ Lopert Films,SFCC 8 c1999. Orfeu negro [videorecording (DVD)] = Black Orpheus Inc. ;DVD co-production franco-italienne, Dispatfilm, Gemma Cinematografica avec la pa BLACK GIRL SFCC DVD 2 Borom 2005.sarret = The wagoner / un film de Noire de ... [videorecording] = Black girl / Filmi Domirev Dakar ; d'apre¿¿s une nouvelle de Ousmane Sembene. BLACK Films RAIN ; produced SFCCbyVideos 2 Black rain [videorecording] / Toei Company ; Angelica Hisa Iino; directed by Shohei Imamura ;1991. screenplay by Toshiro Ishido and Shoh BLACK ROBE and Samson SFCC DVD 5 c2001. Black robe [videorecording (DVD) ] / Alliance Communications Productions present a Robert Lantos production ; screenplay by Brian Moore 192 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 BLAIREntertainment SFCC DVD; a Haxan Films production ; a film 2 byc1999. Blair Witch Project [videorecording (DVD)] / Artisan presents Eduardo Sanchez & Daniel Myrick ; pro BLEAK SFCC DVD 8 [2006] Bleak House [videorecording (DVD)] / BBC ; WGBH Boston ; Deep Indigo Productions ; directors, Justin Chadwick, Susanna White. BlIND SPOT DVD Im toten Winkel [videorecording] : Hitlers Sekret¿¿rin = Blind spot :SFCC Hitler's secretary / ein Film von Andr¿¿ 4Hellerc2003. und Othmar Schmiderer ; Tremens Film DVD with Virtual Studios, a Spring 9 Creek/Bedford 2007. Blood diamond [videorecording] / Warner Bros.BLOOD Pictures presents inSFCC association Falls production in associat BLOOD WEDDING Videos 1 c1986. Bodas de sangre [videorecording] = Blood wedding / director, CarlosSFCC Saura ; un produccion de Emiliano Piedra. BLOSSOM SFCC DVD 5 [2007] Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros [videorecording] / a Unitel Pictures/Unico Entertainment release ; a UFO Pictures production ; produced by Raymond Le BLOW UP a CarolSFCC 2 [1991] Blow-up [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents PontiVideos production ; screenplay by Michelangelo Antonioni and Tonino Guerra ; produ BLUE ; Touchstone Home SFCC Videos 1994. Blue [videorecording] / a film by Krzysztof Kieslowski Video and Miramax Films presents3 a Marin Karmitz/MK2 Productions SA produ BLUE /ANGEL DVD Production ; regie, Josef von Sternberg 6 c2001. Blue angel [videorecording (DVD)] = Der Blaue Engel UFA ; an ErichSFCC Pommer ; screenplay, Robert Liebmann, Car BLUE VELVET SFCC ;DVD 9 Blue velvet [videorecording (DVD)] / De Laurentiis Entertainment Group screenplay by David Lynch ; produced byc2002. Fred Caruso ; directed by David Lynch DVD Bola [videorecording (DVD)] / TVE ; written andBOLA directed by AcheroSFCC Man¿¿as. Bolivar soy yo [videorecording] = Bolivar I am. BOLIVAR SFCC DVD 14 2003. 9 [2003] BONNIE Videos& Robert Benton ; produced 1by Warren [1990]Beatty ; directed by Arthur Penn ; Bonnie and Clyde [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; written by DavidSFCC Newman BORAT (Fullscreen) SFCCglorious DVD nation of Kazakhstan / Dune2 Entertainment 2007. Borat [videorecording] : cultural learnings of America for make benefit ; Everyman Pictures ; Four b BORAT SFCC DVD glorious nation of Kazakhstan 18/ Dune 2007. Borat [videorecording (DVD)] : cultural learnings(Widescreen) of America for make benefit Entertainment ; Everyman Pictures ; [2005], 9 c2004. Born into brothels [videorecording] / Red Light BORN Films, in associationSFCC with Videos Thinkfilm and HBO/Cinemax Documentary Films presents ; directed by Ross Kau BOUNDpresents in association SFCC DVD with Spelling Films. Bound [videorecording] / Dino De Laurentiis Company 9 c2000. World's end : a novel / T. Coraghessan Boyle. BOYLE SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1987. Fahrenheit 451 / Ray Bradbury. BRADBUR SFCC Fiction 3 1979. Martian chronicles / Ray Bradbury. BRADBUR SFCC Fiction 1 1979, c1958. BRADBURY SFCC Fiction 1 c1982 Fahrenheit 451 : Farhenheit 451 -- the temperature at which book paper catches fire, and burns ... / Ray Bradbury. Hawkmistress! / Marion Zimmer Bradley. BRADLEY SFCC Fiction 1 c1982. BRANDON DVD 1 1999, c1998. Brandon Teena story [videorecording] / produced, shot, directed, &SFCC edited by Susan Muska & Greta Olafsdottir. BRAVEHE SFCC DVD 15 and c2000. Braveheart [videorecording] / directed by Mel Gibson ; written by Randall Wallace ; produced by Mel Gibson Alan Ladd, Jr. and Bruce Davey ; an Ico BRAZILby Arnon Milchan SFCC ;Videos 3 1986.Gilliam, Tom Stoppard, Charles Mc Brazil [videorecording] / Embassy Pictures ; produced directed by Terry Gilliam ; screenplay, Terry BREAD Road MoviesSFCC DVD c2001. ; with the participation of British Bread and roses [videorecording] / a Parallax Pictures, Filmproduktion and Tornasol/Alta Films4 production BREATHL SFCC DVD 3 a treatment c2001. by Franc¿¿ois Truffaut ; produ A bout de souffle [videorecording] / UGC/D.A. International ; [written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard ; from BRI Caddie Woodlawn. Illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman. SFCC Fiction 3 [1973] [2005], BRIDEEntertainmentSFCC DVD Pictures in association with 11 Bride & prejudice [videorecording] / Miramax Home ; Pathe¿¿ UK Filmc2004. Council, Miramax Films, Kintop Picture BRIDGES SFCC 1 c1996. Bridges of Madison County [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; directed byVideos Clint Eastwood ; screenplay by Richard LaGravenese ; produced by Clint Eastwo DVD; screen play by Dudley Nichols8& Hagar c2005. Bringing up Baby [videorecording (DVD)] / RKO BRINGING Radio Pictures, Inc. SFCC presents Wilde ; directed by Howard Hawks. BROADWAY SFCC production DVD 2 Broadway damage [videorecording] / A Village Art Pictures, David Topel ; written, directed & edited byc1998. Victor Mignatti. BROKEBAand River Road SFCCEntertainment DVD c2006. by Larry McMurtry & Diana Oss Brokeback Mountain [videorecording] / Focus Features ; directed by Ang Lee8; screenplay BROKEN SFCC Videos 1 [198-?] Broken blossoms [videorecording] / United Artists ; written and directed by D.W. Griffith. BROKEN FLOWERS SFCCproduction DVD 11; produced [2005]by Jon Kilik, Stacey Smith ; writte Broken flowers [videorecording] / Focus Features presents a Five Roses ; a film by Jim Jarmusch BROKEN HEARTS SFCC DVD [2001]; a Greg Berlanti film ; produced Broken Hearts Club [videorecording] : a romantic comedy / Sony Pictures Classics ; a Banner Entertainment5production BROKEN DVD c2004. Silencio roto [videorecording] = Broken silence SILENCE / Alta Films ; guio¿¿nSFCC y direccio¿¿n, Montxo Armenda¿¿riz ; 9producida por Puy Oria, Montxo Armenda¿¿r Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte¿¿ ; introduction byBRONTE Margaret Lane. SFCC Fiction 4 1991 SFCC Fiction 2007. notes by Janet Gezari. Shirley / Charlotte Bronte¿¿ ; edited by HerbertBRONTE Rosengarten and Margaret Smith ; with an introduction and2 additional 193 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 BRONTE SFCC 1979. Secret & Lily Hart : two tales / by Charlotte Bronte ; transcribed from theFiction original manuscript and edited by1William Holtz. BRONTE Jane Eyre [audio cassette ] / by Charlotte Bronte. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1981. BROOKS Year of wonders : a novel of the plague / Geraldine Brooks. SFCC Fiction 1 2002. Da Vinci code : a novel / Dan Brown. BROWN SFCC Fiction 1 2003. Deception point / Dan Brown. BROWN SFCC Fiction 1 2002, c2001. Fat Tuesday / Sandra Brown. BROWN SFCC Fiction 1 1998. 1 c2000. [1994], c1993. BROWN SFCC Fiction Pawing through the past / Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown ; illustrations by Itoko Maeno. Venus envy / Rita Mae Brown. BROWN SFCC Fiction 1 V Wenders ;SFCC Videos 4 withc1999. Buena Vista Social Club [videorecording] / a filmBUENA by Wim a Road Movies Production in association Kintop Pictures and Arte, Channel 4. - BAY SFCC DVD by Norman Lee ; screenplay,2Jamesc2005. Bulldog Drummond at bay [videorecording] / A BULLDOG Republic Production ; directed Parrish and Patrick Kirwan. BULLDOG COMES SFCC DVD [2003]T. Lowe. Bulldog Drummond comes back [videorecording] / Congress Films Inc. ; directed by Louis King ; screen play2by Edward Dead connection / Alafair Burke. BUR SFCC Best Sellers 1 2007. Clockwork orange / Anthony Burgess. BURGESS SFCC Fiction 5 [1986] Wanting seed / Anthony Burgess. BURGESS SFCC Fiction 5 1996, c1962. BURNT 6 c2003. Utomlennye solnt¿¿¿s¿¿¿em [videorecording (DVD) ] = Burnt by theSFCC sun DVD / Sony Pictures Classics ; a Russian-French co-production by Studio Trite (Russia SFCCS.A. DVD 6 Marcelo c2002.Pi¿¿eyro ; directed by Marcelo P Plata quemada [videorecording (DVD)] = Burnt BURNT money /MONEY Tornasol Films ; screenplay, Marcelo Figueras and Ticket that exploded / William S. Burroughs. BURROUG BURROUGH Wild boys : a book of the dead / William S. Burroughs. SFCC Fiction 1 c1992. SFCC Fiction 1 1992. BUSINESS SFCC DVD 7 Rosenfelt [2003] ; written and directed by Sherm Business of fancydancing [videorecording (DVD_] / a FallsApart Production ; produced by Larry Estes and Scott BUT Films I'M presents ;SFCC DVD Entertainment production ; in 19association [2003]with the Kushner-Locke Compan But I'm a cheerleader [videorecording] / Lions Gate an Ignite BUT Films I'M presents an SFCC Videos 2 [2000] But I'm a cheerleader [videocassette] / Lions Gates Ignite Entertainment production in association with the Kushner-Locke Company a BUTCH SFCC Videosproduction ; CQC Releasing. 1 Butch camp [videorecording] / a film by Alessandro de Gaetano ; a Billingsgate c1999. BUTLER SFCC Fiction Kindred / Octavia E. Butler ; with an introduction by Robert Crossley. 2 c1988. BUTLER SFCC Fiction Had a good time : stories from American postcards / Robert Olen Butler. 1 c2004. [2000], BUTTERF SFCC DVD ... [et al.] ; guio¿¿n, Rafael Azcona 9 Butterfly [videorecording (DVD)] / Miramax Films ; una produccio¿¿n Sogetel ; c1999. director, Jose¿¿ Luis Cuerda. Queen of babble in the big city / Meg Cabot. CAB SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2007. CABINET SFCC c2002. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari [videorecording] : a film in six acts / written by CarlDVD Mayer and Hans Janowitz ; Decla6Film-Gesellschaft ; directed by Robert Wiene Calculator CALCULATOR A SFCC Circ Desk 47 Calculator CALCULATOR A SFCC Circ Desk 10 Calculator CALCULATOR A SFCC Circ Desk 8 Texas Instruments TI-1100+ [realia] CALCULATOR A SFCC Circ Desk 4 Calculator CALCULATOR A SFCC Circ Desk 1 CALLAS SFCC DVD 3 Productions [2005] Callas forever [videorecording] / a European co-production film Medusa Film-Cattleya Rome, Film and General London, Galfin-Paris, Alquim Digital video camcorder [realia] : Canon ZR85. CAMCORDER A SFCC Circ Desk 96 Digital Camera. Canon CAMERA A SFCC Circ Desk 72 Digital Camera. Canon CAMERA A SFCC Circ Desk 72 Digital Camera. Canon CAMERA A SFCC Circ Desk 56 Digital Camera. Canon CAMERA A SFCC Circ Desk 9 Digital Camera. Canon CAMERA A SFCC Circ Desk 3 CAMUS SFCC Fiction Plague / Albert Camus ; translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert. 2 1991. CAMUS SFCC ;Fiction 5 1993. Stranger / Albert Camus ; translated from the French by1993 Matthew Ward with an introduction by Peter Dunwoodie. 194 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CAPE SFCC DVD ; screenplay, James R. Webb 6 ; director, c2001.J. Lee Thompson. Cape Fear [videorecording] / Melville-Talbot Productions ; producer, Sy Bartlett CAPOTE DVD 14 Productions/Infinity [2006] Capote [videorecording] / United Artists and Sony Pictures Classics SFCC present an A-Line Pictures/Cooper's Town Media production ; pr SFCC 9 2006, Pantaleo¿¿n y las visitadoras [videorecording] =CAPTAIN Captain Pantoja and the DVD special services / Ame¿¿rica Producciones S.A.c1999. y Producciones Inca Films presen CAPTUREa PantaloonSFCC Captured by you [videorecording] / WEG India presents and DVD Rave production ; a Sangeeth Sivan4 film ;[2006] produced by PFH Rave ; dialogues by V Ender's game / Orson Scott Card. CARD SFCC Fiction 2 1994, c1991. Angel of darkness / Caleb Carr. CARR SFCC Fiction 1 1998, c1997. 1 1931. CARROLL SFCC Fiction Lewis Carroll book, illustrated by John Tenniel and Henry Holiday; edited by Richard Herrick. CASABLA SFCC Videos 2 [1992] Casablanca [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.1992 ; a Hal B. Wallis production ; directed by Michael Curtiz ; screen play by Julius J. and Philip G. E CASABLA 1998 Videos 3 c1998. Casablanca [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; produced bySFCC Hal B. Wallis ; screenplay by Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein and Howard Koch ; di 1999 11 c1999. Casablanca [videorecording] / Warner BrothersCASABLA Pictures presents a SFCC Hal B.DVD Wallis production ; directed by Michael Curtiz ; screenplay by Julius J. and Phili CATHER SFCC Song of the lark / Willa Cather ; edited with an introduction and notes byFiction Janet Sharistanian. 2 2000. CAUTIVA; Koch Lorber SFCC DVD 7 by Gasto¿¿n [2007] Biraben. Cautiva [videorecording] / Red Envelope Entertainment Films ; written, produced and directed DVD/ Palisades Pictures, Schesch Filmproduktion 4 [2006] ; produced by Byambasuren Da Cave of the yellow dog [videorecording (DVD)] =CAVE H¿¿hle des gelbenSFCC Hundes CDmusic CLASS/ Handel. 1000 SFCC Music CDs Class Water Music [sound recording] : Royal fireworks 3 p1994. CLASS 1001 no.SFCC Music CDs Class 1 / Mozart. p1990. Violin concerto no. 3, K. 216 [sound recording] ;CD Violin concerto 5, K 219 ; Adagio, K. 261 ; Rondon, K. 373 p1994, CD CLASS 1003 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1997. Magic Flute [sound recording] : highlights / Mozart. CD CLASS 1023 Piano concertos nos. 1-3 [sound recording] / Barto¿¿k SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1994. CLASS 1029 no.SFCC CDs Classand finale, op. 79 / Tchaikovsky. 1 p1996. Piano concerto no. 1, op. 23 [sound recording] ;CD Piano concerto 3, op.Music 75 ; Andante CD CLASS 1031 Oboe concerti. Vol. 1 [sound recording] / Vivaldi. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 CD CLASS 1037 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1992. c1995, p1988. Dido and Aeneas [sound recording] / Purcell. CD CLASS 1041 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD CLASSShostakovich. 1043 SFCC Music CDs Class Piano concertos [sound recording] / Dmitrii Dmitrievich SFCC Music CDs CD CLASS 1054 Popular Saul Williams [sound recording]. 2 1995. 3 p2004. Opera at the movies [sound recording] Symphony no. 5 sound recording / Mahler. CD CLASS 1054 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1992. Best of operetta. Vol. 1 [sound recording]. CD CLASS 1057 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1996. CDa¿¿ CLASS 1058 noireSFCC Music CDs Class Stabat mater [sound recording] ; Gloria ; Litanies la vierge / Poulenc. 3 p1994. CD CLASS 1070 SFCC Tantum Music CDs Class 1 Messe pc1994. Requiem [sound recording] / Gabriel Faure¿¿. Andantino / Louis Vierne. ergo / De¿¿odat de Se¿¿verac. basse / Gabriel Faure¿¿. Cantique CD CLASS 1073 inSFCC Music 2 p1994. Introduction and rondo capriccioso [sound recording] ; Romance C major, op.CDs 48 Class ; Caprice andalous ; Morceau de concert ; Violin concert no. 3 / Saint SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p&c1996. CD CLASS/1076 Complete sacred music for five voices [sound recording] Gesualdo.SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1993. Lied von der Erde [sound recording] / Mahler. CD CLASS 1077 1 p1995. Best of operetta. Vol. 2 [sound recording]. CD CLASS 1074 SFCC Music CDs Class 195 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD CLASS 1083/ Beethoven. SFCC Music CDs Class Chamber music for horns, wind and strings [sound recording] 1 p1995. CLASS 1093 Sarah Vaughan [sound recording] : with CliffordCD Brown. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p1990. CD CLASS 1105 Romantic music for flute and harp [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1993. CD CLASS 1115 op. 47 SFCC Music CDs 1 op. p1992. Symphony no. 1 in E minor, op 39 ; Violin concerto in D minor, ; Finlandia, op.Class 26 ; The swan of Tuonela, 22, no. 2 ; Symphony no. 5 in E flat m CD CLASS 1116 Mozart [sound recording] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1988. CD CLASS 1117 Music CDs op. Class 2 E minor, p1990. Symphony no. 4 in A, op. 90 (Italian) ; A midsummer night's dream ;SFCC Octet in E flat, 20 ; Violin concerto in op. 64 [sound recording] / Felix M CLASS 1119 Haydn's greatest hits [sound recording] / JosephCDHaydn. SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1991. CLASS 1124 SFCC Music CDs Class Piano concertos nos. 21 & 27 [sound recording]CD / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 1 CLASS 1125 SFCC Music CDs Class Piano concertos nos. 22 & 23 [sound recording]CD / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 2 p1997. [1997], p1988. 1 p1997. 1 p1988. 1 p1990. Overtures [sound recording] / Wagner. CD CLASS 1129 SFCC Music CDs Class CD CLASS 1130 a¿¿SFCC Music CDs Class Streichquartette [sound recording] = String quartets = Quatuors cordes / Be¿¿la Barto¿¿k. Ravel sound recording CD CLASS 1134 SFCC Music CDs Class CLASS Music CDs Class 2 66 p1990. Carnival overture, op. 92 ; Symphony no. 9 in E CD minor, op.1135 95 (FromSFCC the New World) ; Scherzo capriccioso, op. ; Cello concerto in B minor, op. 104 ; S CD CLASS 1136 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1991. CD CLASS 1138 Anatomy of peace [sound recording] / Marvin Hamlisch. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1993. Schumann [sound recording] / CD ;CLASS 1142 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1990. op. 24 ; Die heiligen drei Ko¿¿ni Also sprach Zarathustra, op. 30 ; Don Juan, op. 20 Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, op. 28 ; Death and transfiguration, CD CLASS /1145 Four seasons and other great concertos sound recording Vivaldi. SFCC Music CDs Class Greatest hits [sound recording] / Bach. CD CLASS 1146 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. 2 p1991. CD CLASS 1147 SFCC; Samson Music CDs 2 p1992. Symphony no. 3 in C minor, op 78 [sound recording] : organ symphony et Class Dalila. Air et danse bacchanale ; Introduction and rondo capriccioso, CD CLASS 1148 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1992. Masters of classical music [sound recording]. CD CLASS 1150 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1989. CLASS 1151 Goldberg variations [sound recording] / JohannCD Sebastian Bach. SFCC Music CDs Class 2 CD CLASS 1160 Brandenburg concertos [sound recording] / J S Bach. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1995. [1996], p1994. CD CLASS 1161 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1988. CD CLASS SFCCminor Music[sound CDs Class Symphony no. 1 in D ; Songs of a wayfarer ; Symphony no.1167 5 in C sharp recording] / Mahler. 1 p1992. CD CLASS 1171Frideric SFCC Music CDs Class Music for the royal fireworks, etc. [sound recording] / George Handel. p1997. Dmitri Shostakovich [sound recording]. Bach [sound recording]. 2 CD CLASS 1173 pieces SFCC =Music CDs pour Class orchestre ; Konzert3 fu¿¿rp1993. 4 Orchesterstu¿¿cke, op. 12 Sz 51 [sound recording] = Orchestral Pie¿¿ces orchester, Sz 116 = Concerto for orche 196 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD CLASS 1176 All-time great opera duets [sound recording] : (1911-1942). SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1995. CD CLASS 1181 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1992. Modern [sound recording] / Barto¿¿k ... [et al.].CD CLASS 1183 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1988. CD CLASS 1187 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1998, 1956. CD CLASS 1189 Cellosonaten op. 5 [sound recording] ; Variationen / Beethoven. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1991. CD CLASS English suites [sound recording] / Johann Sebastian Bach.1192 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1994. CD CLASS 1193 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1989. Prima donna collection [sound recording]. Messiah [sound recording] / Handel. Rachmaninoff [sound recording] / CD CLASS 1198 : op. SFCC CDs Class 1 etp1992. Le Corsaire [sound recording] : op. 21 ; Symphonie fantanstique 14 ;Music La carnaval romain, op. 9 ; Be¿¿atrice Be¿¿ne¿¿dict overture ; Les troyens, r CD CLASS 1200 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1991 CLASS 1207 Fu¿¿r Elise [sound recording] : best of romanticCD piano music. SFCC Music CDs Class 3 pc1994. CD CLASS 1209 Symphony no. 9 [sound recording] : "Choral" / Beethoven. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD of CLASS 1213 SFCC Music CDs Class Elizabethan serenade [sound recording] : the best British light music. 1 p1996. CLASS 1232 SFCC Music CDs Class Complete works for horn and orchestra [sound CD recording] / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 2 p1998. CD CLASS 1233 Piano concertos nos. 2 & 4 [sound recording] / Saint-Sae¿¿ns. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1989. CDNorbert CLASS 1234 Guitar favourites [sound recording] / [played by] Kraft. SFCC Music CDs Class 3 p1997. CD CLASS 1235 Favourite piano works [sound recording] / J.S. Bach. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1997. Great organ works [sound recording] / J.S. Bach.CD CLASS 1236 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 c1996. CD CLASS 1241 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD CLASS 1242 Seasons & violin concerto sound recording / Glazunov. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD/ CLASS 1244 Madama Butterfly (Highlights) [sound recording] Puccini. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1994. CD CLASS 1256 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1997, p1993. CD CLASS 1275 Ballet music [sound recording] / Aram Il¿¿yich Khachaturian. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1997. Orchestral suites [sound recording] / Prokofiev.CD CLASS 1295 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1998. CD CLASS 1305 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. 1 p1988. SFCC Music CDs Class 3 p1997. CD CLASS 1313 andSFCC Music CDs Class Night music 1 : [sound recording] classical favorites for relaxing dreaming. 1 c1991. Best of Beethoven [sound recording]. Italian opera choruses [sound recording]. Best of Mendelssohn [sound recording] Orchestral music [sound recording] / Grieg. CD: CLASS 1306 Moonlight, SFCC Music CDs Class / Beethoven. Famous piano sonatas. [Vol. 1] [sound recording] Pathetique, Appassionata Best of Beethoven [sound recording]. CD CLASS 1309 197 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CLASS 1331 ; Bacchanale SFCC Music from CDs Class 1 1988. Symphony no. 3, "organ" [sound recording] : LeCD rouet d'Omphale " Samson & Delilah" / Saint-Sae¿¿ns. Best of Saint-Sae¿¿ns [sound recording] CD CLASS 1332 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 1997. Best of Weber [sound recording]. CD CLASS 1337 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD/CLASS Planets ; Suite de ballet, op. 10 [sound recording] Holst.1340 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1 p1989. p1989, c1990. CD CLASS SFCC Music CDs Class Symphony no. 9 [sound recording] : "from the new world1344 ; Symphonic variations / Dvor¿¿a¿¿k. Carmina Burana [sound recording] / Orff. CD CLASS 1350 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1989. Best of Puccini [sound recording] CD CLASS 1351 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1997, p1993. CD CLASS 1352 Best of Rachmaninov [sound recording] : (1873-1943). SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD CLASS 1354 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. 1 p1990. Best of Stravinsky [sound recording]. CDfor CLASS 1356 SFCC & Music CDs/ Class Concerto for orchestra [sound recording] ; Music strings, percussion celesta Barto¿¿k. Best of Liszt [sound recording] CD CLASS 1366 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1997, p1993. Piano music [sound recording] / Debussy. CD CLASS 1371 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1989. Best of Debussy [sound recording] : 1862-1918.CD CLASS 1372 SFCC Music CDs Class 3 CLASS 1373 SFCC; La Music Class Pre¿¿lude a¿¿ l'apre¿¿s-midi d'un faune [soundCD recording] ; Nocturnes merCDs / Debussy. 1 c1997. c1991, p1990. Best of Schumann, 1810-1856 [sound recording]CD: CLASS 1374 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1997. CLASS 1376 piano SFCC Music CDs Class Maiden's prayer [sound recording] : leaves fromCD grandmother's album. 1 CLASS Favourite arias and choruses [sound recording] CD / J.S. Bach.1379 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1994, p1987-1994. [1995], p1992-93. Debussy [sound recording] CD CLASS 1388 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1990. George Gershwin [sound recording] CD CLASS 1391 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1988, p1985. CD CLASS 1397 DonSFCC Music CDs Class Daphnis et Chloe¿¿ suites nos. 1 & 2 [sound recording] / Ravel. Quixote / Strauss. 1 c1998. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 1998. CD CLASS Music CDs Class Piano concerto no. 2 [sound recording] ; Symphony no. 3 1412 : (organ) /SFCC Saint-Sae¿¿ns. 1 p1999. CD CLASS/1422 SFCC Music CDs Class Sleeping beauty (extended highlights) [sound recording] Tchaikovsky. 1 p2000. 1426 SFCC Music CDs Class Clarinet concerto [sound recording] : SymphonyCD no.CLASS 4 : (the inextinguishable / Nielsen. 1 p2001. 2 p2001. CD CLASS/1436 Music CDs Class feast / Walton. 1 Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis [sound recording] Vaughan SFCC Williams. Belshazzar's p1999. 1441 Poem of ecstasy [sound recording] ; Symphony CD no.CLASS 2 / Scriabin. p2002. Prodigal son [sound recording] / Britten. Mer [sound recording] / Debussy. CD CLASS 1399 CD CLASS 1430 SFCC Music CDs Class SFCC Music CDs Class 198 1 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD CLASS no. 1448 SFCC Music CDs Class War and peace (excerpts) [sound recording] ; Symphony 5 / Prokofiev. Songs of the earth [sound recording]. CD CLASS 1463 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p2003. 1 1997] CD recording] CLASS 1474/ Haydn. SFCC Musicconcerto CDs Class 1 2004. Symhonies Nos 6 (Le matin) and 8 (Le soir) [sound Guitar No.1in A, Op.30 / Giuliani. CD CLASS 1482 Sea symphony [sound recording] / Vaughan Williams. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p2004. CD CLASS 1487 Diabelli variations [sound recording] / Beethoven. SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1999. Aida [sound recording] / told by Leontyne Price.CD CLASS 1508 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p2000. CD CLASS 1510 Symphony no. 6 [sound recording] / Gustav Mahler. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p2005. CD :CLASS 1514 Music CDs Class and Lazarus / Vaughan 2 p2005. Ritual dances from the midsum Variations on an original theme [sound recording] Enigma / Elgar. SFCC Five variants of Dives Williams. 1534 Music CDs Class Great piano concertos [sound recording] : [nos.CD 20,CLASS 21, 23, 24, & 25]SFCC / Mozart. 1 CLASS 1543 Complete violin sonatas BWV 1014-1023 [soundCDrecording] / Bach. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1997. [1996], p1990. CD CLASS 1546 SFCC Music CDsop. Class Piano concerto no. 5 in E flat, op. 73 [sound recording] : "Emperor" ; Grosse fuge, 133 / Beethoven. 1 p1991. CD465 CLASS 1557recording] SFCC /Music CDs Class String quartets dedicated to Haydn vol. 3, K. 464, [sound Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 1 p1980. Carmina Burana [sound recording] / Carl Orff. CD CLASS 1560 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1995. CDno. CLASS SFCC Music CDs Class Piano concerto no. 1 [sound recording] ; &, Suite 3 in 1563 G / Tchaikovsky. 1 p2005. CD CLASS 1565 SFCCvoyage Music CDs Class 1 p2005. Violin concerto in E minor [sound recording] ; Calm sea and prosperous / Felix Mendelssohn. Symphony no. 1 in C minor op. 780 (Grand sympho CD CLASS 1568 Symphony no. 15 etc. [sound recording]./ Shostakovich SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p2006. CD CLASS 1571 Printemps [sound recording] ; Petite suite ; Images / Debussy. SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p2006. CD Ives, CLASS&1574 American landmarks [sound recording] / Copland, Harris. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p2006. CLASS 1578 Destination Vienna [sound recording] : classicalCD tour de force. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c2001. CD CLASS 1580 String quartets [sound recording] / Shostakovich. CD CLASS 158286 100 piano masterpieces [sound recording]. CD CLASS 158286 100 piano masterpieces [sound recording]. CD CLASS 158286 100 piano masterpieces [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1979. SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1999. SFCC Music CDs Class 2 p1999. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1999. CDarias CLASS/ Mozart. 1587 Symphony SFCC Music Magic flute. Overture [sound recording] ; Concert no.CDs 103Class : Drum roll / Haydn. 1 p2006. Barbiere di Siviglia [sound recording] / Rossini. CD CLASS 1590 SFCC Music CDs Class 1 p1997. CD CLASS 1597 CDs Class Piano concerto in A minor [sound recording] ; Symphony no. 2 in C SFCC majorMusic / Schumann. 1 p2007. CLASS 1599 SFCC Music CDsno. Class Orchestral suite no. 3 [sound recording] ; violin CD concertos ; chaconne from Partita 2 / JS Bach. 1 p2007. 199 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Knock on wood [sound recording] / Coeurimba.CD ETHNIC 1079 SFCC Music CDs Ethnic 2 c2004. CD Gainsbourg. INTERN 1001 Couleur caf¿¿ [sound recording] : 1959-75 / Serge SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1996. 2 c1994. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 p1987. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p1989. CD JAZZ 1000 SFCC recording] Music CDs Jazz Introduction to Bix Beiderbecke : his best recordings, 1924-1930 [sound Michael Brecker [sound recording]. CD JAZZ 1001 CD JAZZ 1003 Cannonball Adderley Quintet in San Francisco [sound recording]. Blowin' the blues away [sound recording]. CD JAZZ 1005 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p1987. Blue train [sound recording] CD JAZZ 1006 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1997. JAZZColtrane 1008 Quartette. SFCC Music CDs Jazz Coltrane [sound recording] / [performed by] theCD John 4 p1997. JAZZ 1009years. SFCC Music CDs Jazz Best of Cannonball Adderley [sound recording] CD : the Capitol 3 Best of Dizzy Gillespie, [sound recording]. CD JAZZ 1011 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1991. [1987], p1980. Lush life [sound recording] / John Coltrane. CD JAZZ 1012 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 [199-?]. 2 p1991. CD quintet JAZZ 1013 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Swedish schnapps + [sound recording] : [the great sessions 1949-51] / Charlie Parker. CD JAZZ 1014 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 1988. CD JAZZ 1016 Speak no evil [sound recording] / Wayne Shorter. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p1987. SFCC Music CDs Class 4 Cornbread [sound recording] / Lee Morgan. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p1996. [1984?], p1957. [1983], p1967. JAZZNelson. 1020 Blues and the abstract truth [sound recording] /CD Oliver SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1995. Jazz messengers [sound recording] / Art Blakey.CD JAZZ 1021 SFCC Music CDs Class 2 c1997. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 Bridge [soundrecording] / Sonny Rollins. CD JAZZ 1017 1018 Now's the time [sound recording] / the QuartetCD of JAZZ Charlie Parker. SFCC Music CDs Jazz Sweet rain [sound recording] / Stan Getz. CD JAZZ 1019 CD JAZZ 1024 Adderly SFCCand Music CDs Jazz Cannonball and Coltrane [sound recording] / Julian Cannonball John Coltrane. 1 p1997. [1988], p1965. JAZZ 1025 Count Basie [sound recording] : the best of the CD years. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p1991. JAZZ 1027 Kings of swing [sound recording] : the milleniumCD anthology. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 5 p1994. Sonny Rollins [sound recording]. CD JAZZ 1028 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1998. Wes Montgomery Trio [sound recording]. CD JAZZ 1029 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p1987. CDEvans JAZZ Trio. 1030 Everybody digs Bill Evans [sound recording] / Bill SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 p1987. CD JAZZ 1031 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1997. Miles Davis' greatest hits [sound recording]. Kind of blue [sound recording] / Miles Davis. CD JAZZ 1022 2 200 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Essential Charlie Parker [sound recording]. CD JAZZ 1032 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p1992. Miles ahead [sound recording] / Miles Davis. CD JAZZ 1033 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1997. CD JAZZ 1035 Birth of the cool [sound recording] / Miles Davis. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p1989. CD JAZZ 1036 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Gil Evans Orchestra plays the music of Jimi Hendrix [sound recording] 3 2002. CDFleck JAZZ&1037 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Ten from little worlds [sound recording] / Be¿¿la the Flecktones. CD JAZZ 10381041 (v.1-4) SFCC Music CDs Jazz Mean old world [sound recording] CD JAZZ 10381041 (v.1-4) SFCC Music CDs Jazz Mean old world [sound recording] CD JAZZ 10421046 (v.1-5) SFCCfrom Music CDs Jazz Jazz singers [sound recording] : [a Smithsonian collection of jazz vocals 1919-1994]. CD JAZZ 10421046 (v.1-5) SFCCfrom Music CDs Jazz Jazz singers [sound recording] : [a Smithsonian collection of jazz vocals 1919-1994]. CD JAZZ 10421046 (v.1-5) SFCCfrom Music CDs Jazz Jazz singers [sound recording] : [a Smithsonian collection of jazz vocals 1919-1994]. CD JAZZ 10421046 (v.1-5) SFCCfrom Music CDs Jazz Jazz singers [sound recording] : [a Smithsonian collection of jazz vocals 1919-1994]. CD JAZZ 10421046 (v.1-5) SFCCfrom Music CDs Jazz Jazz singers [sound recording] : [a Smithsonian collection of jazz vocals 1919-1994]. 1 p2003. 2 p1996. 1 p1996. 3 p1998. 3 p1998. 2 p1998. 1 p1998. 1 p1998. CD JAZZ 1048 Swingtime! [sound recording] / the Canadian Brass. 1 p1995. CD JAZZ 1055recording] SFCC Music CDs Jazz Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers with Thelonious Monk [sound / Art Blakey, Thelonious Monk. 3 p1999. CD /JAZZ SFCC Music CDs Jazz Highlights from his Decca years [sound recording] Louis1064 Armstrong. CD JAZZ 1065-70 (v.1-6) Vanguard recordings, SFCC Music CDs Jazz/ Bill Evans Trio. Turn out the stars [sound recording] : the final Village June 1980 1 p1994. 1 p1996. SFCC Music CDs Jazz CD JAZZ 1072 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 2001. CD JAZZ 1073 Tuck and roll [sound recording] / Steven Mackey. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p2001. Very best of John Lee Hooker [sound recording].CD JAZZ 1075 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p1995. CD JAZZ 1076 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 1998. CD JAZZ 1077 Bill Frisell with Dave Holland and Elvin Jones [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p2001. CD JAZZ 1078 Siblingity [sound recording] / the Clayton Brothers. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 p2000. JAZZ 1079 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Benny Goodman at Carnegie Hall, 1938 [sound CD recording] : complete. 1 p1999. CD JAZZ 1080-83 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Hot fives and sevens [sound recording] : [complete collection] / Louis Armstrong. 4 [2000?] CD JAZZ 1080-83 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Hot fives and sevens [sound recording] : [complete collection] / Louis Armstrong. 3 [2000?] CD JAZZ 1080-83 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Hot fives and sevens [sound recording] : [complete collection] / Louis Armstrong. 3 [2000?] CD JAZZ 1080-83 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Hot fives and sevens [sound recording] : [complete collection] / Louis Armstrong. 2 [2000?] Koko Taylor [sound recording]. Best of Chicago blues [sound recording]. 201 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Giant steps [sound recording] / John Coltrane. CD JAZZ 1085 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 [1988] CD JAZZ 1086 Saxophone colossus [sound recording] / Sonny Rollins. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 [1999] Bitches brew [sound recording] / Miles Davis. CD JAZZ 1087 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 5 [1999] CD JAZZ SFCC Music CDs Jazz Live at the Half Note [sound recording] : One down, one1087 up / Coltrane. 3 p2005. CD JAZZ 1088 Love supreme [sound recording] / John Coltrane. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 5 2002. CD JAZZ 1089 Ultimate collection [sound recording] / Billie Holiday. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p2005. JAZZ 1090 Best of the song books [sound recording] / Ella CD Fitzgerald. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p1993. CD JAZZ 1091 Shape of jazz to come [sound recording] / Ornette Coleman SFCC Music CDs Jazz 1 [1987?] CD JAZZ 1092 SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 c2005. JAZZ 1094 SFCC Music CDs Jazz Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane atCD Carnegie Hall [sound recording]. 7 p2005. CD JAZZ 1095-99 Charlie Parker, a studio chronicle 1940-1948 [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p2003. CD JAZZ 1095-99 Charlie Parker, a studio chronicle 1940-1948 [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 4 p2003. CD JAZZ 1095-99 Charlie Parker, a studio chronicle 1940-1948 [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p2003. CD JAZZ 1095-99 Charlie Parker, a studio chronicle 1940-1948 [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 3 p2003. CD JAZZ 1095-99 Charlie Parker, a studio chronicle 1940-1948 [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs Jazz 2 p2003. Essential Duke Ellington [sound recording] CD JAZZof1100 1 p2001. Destination Chicago [sound recording] : blues legends the WindySFCC City. Music CDs Jazz CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 2 1997. Yakety yak and other hits [sound recording] 1002 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 3 p2001. Nylon & steel [sound recording] : guitar duets /1003 Manuel Barrueco [with] Al DiMeola, Steve Morse, Andy Summers. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1005 Popular 3 1997. Under the boardwalk and other hits [sound recording]. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular p2001. Rodgers & Hammerstein's South Pacific [sound 1006 recording] : music from the ABC premiere event / [music by2Richard Rodgers ; lyrics by Oscar Hammerste CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1007 by Rishile Gumboot PopularDancers of Soweto and Zenzi Mbuli]. 2 p2000. Gumboots [sound recording] / [written and conceived CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 2 p2001. Carmen [sound recording] : MTV's hip hopera. 1008 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1009 5 pc1994. Swan princess [sound recording] : music from the motion picture. Popular CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1010 Popular 1 Bacharach p1999. ; [lyrics written by Hal David]. Isn't she great [sound recording] : original motion picture soundtrack / music composed and conducted by Burt CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1011 Popular 3 p2000. Quills [sound recording] : music from the original soundtrack / music by Stephen Warbeck. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 1 c2001. Play it cool [sound recording] / Lea DeLaria. 1013 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular p2001. Class act [sound recording] / music and lyrics by1016 Edward Kleban ; [book by Linda Kline and Lonny Price]. 1 202 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1017 Popular 1 p2000. Marie Christine [sound recording] : a new musical / words and music by Michael John Lachiusa. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1019recording. Popular 1 p2001. Mark Twain [sound recording] : original soundtrack CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1020 Popular 1 p1999. Secrets every smart traveler should know [sound recording]. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1022 Popular 3 p2000. Fearless [sound recording] / Terri Clark. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 3 p2001. Greatest hits II [sound recording] / Clint Black. 1023 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1024 1 p2001. Timeless [sound recording] / [words & music by] Hank Williams. Popular CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1025 5 1997. Natural woman and other hits [sound recording] / Aretha Franklin. Popular CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 5 1997. Stand by me and other hits [sound recording] 1026 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 3 p1994. Yanni live at the Acropolis [sound recording]. 1027 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs c1998, 1 p1976. In search of the turtle's navel [sound recording]1028 / [all compositions Popular by] William Ackerman. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 1 p1980. Autumn [sound recording] / George Winston. 1029 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1030 Popular 1 p2001. Autumn [sound recording] : piano solos / George Winston. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 2 p1982. December [sound recording] / George Winston.1031 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1034 Popular 2 c2000. Greatest Christmas songs [sound recording] / Julie Andrews. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 1 p2000. Merry little Christmas [sound recording] / Linda1035 Ronstadt. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1036 Carreras, Natalie Popular 1 p1996. Celebration of Christmas [sound recording] / Jose¿¿ Cole, Pla¿¿cido Domingo. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1037Christmas classics. Popular 2 1995. Santamental journey [sound recording] : pop vocal CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1038 Smith and PetePopular 3 themes p1995. Animal classics [sound recording] / lyrics by Jeanette Davie ; music based on original classical arranged by Jeanette Smith and Pe CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1039 Popular 1 p1999. Singin' in the bathtub [sound recording] / John Lithgow. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular 3 2000. Counting sheep [sound recording] / Collin Raye.1040 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1042 classical collection. Popular 2 p1998. New romantics [sound recording] : a Hearts of Space CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 2 Epstein. p2000. Saturday night [sound recording] : original New1043 York cast / music &Popular lyrics, Stephen Sondheim ; book, Julius J. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1 p2001. Sacred hearts & fallen angels [sound recording]1044 : the Gram Parsons Popular anthology. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1 p2001. Sacred hearts & fallen angels [sound recording]1044 : the Gram Parsons Popular anthology. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1045 Popular 4 p1999. Long train runnin' [sound recording] : the Doobie Brothers 1970-2000. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1046 Popular 3 p1993. Forever [sound recording] / Diana Ross. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1047 / Mel Torme¿¿. Popular 1 p1996. Mel Torme¿¿ collection 1944-1985 [sound recording] 203 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1048 anthology. Popular What is hip? [sound recording] : the Tower of Power CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs Popular Windham Hill Christmas [sound recording] : the1050 night before Christmas. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1051 Popular Windham Hill Christmas [sound recording] : I'll be home for Christmas. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1052 Popular and Seattle / Tom Dukich. Can you hear me now? [sound recording (CD)] : sonified weather: Spokane CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1053 Popular Amethyst rock star [sound recording] / Saul Williams. CD POPULAR SFCC Music CDs 1055 Popular Not in my name [sound recording] / Saul Williams. CD WORLD 1001 (Europe) SFCC Music CDs World Gypsy passions [sound recording] / Rodrigo, flamenco guitarist. CD WORLD 1003 (N. America) First come, last served [sound recording] / Jim Boyd. SFCC Music CDs World CD WORLD 1004 America) SFCC Music CDs World Once in a red moon [sound recording] / Joanne(North Shenandoah. CD WORLD 1005 (Africa) SFCCland. Music CDs World Destination Africa [sound recording] : contempory music of an ancient CD WORLD 1006 (North America) Music CDs World Smoke signals [sound recording] : music from the Miramax motion SFCC picture. CD WORLD 1007 (Africa) SFCC Music CDs World Women of the world [sound recording] / Mahotella Queens. 3 1999. 2 p2005. 1 p2004. 1 c2004. 5 c2001. 2 2003. 4 [1990?] 4 p1997. 2 p1994. 4 c2001. 2 p1998. 5 p1994. CD WORLD 1008 (Asia/Pacific) Himalayas [sound recording] : music rough guide. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2002. CD WORLD 1009 (Asia/Pacific) Rough guide to Australian Aboriginal music [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs World 5 p1999. CD WORLD 1010 (Latin Cuba) Rough guide to the music of Cuba [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1997. CD WORLD 1012 (Asia/Pacific) Rough guide to the music of Japan [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs World 4 pc1999. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2001. SFCC Music CDs World 2 c2000. SFCC Music CDs World 1 1999. SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2002. SFCC Music CDs World 4 c2001. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2001. CD WORLD 1013 (LatinDominican Rep) Merengue & bachata [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1014 (Europe) Scottish folk [sound recording] : music rough guide. CD WORLD 1015 Rough guide to the music of the gypsies [sound(Global) recording]. CD WORLD 1016 (Europe) Paris cafe¿¿ music [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1017 Marrabenta Mozambique [sound recording]. (Africa) Bluegrass [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1019 (North America) 204 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD WORLD 1020 (Europe) SFCC Music CDs World 1 c2000. CD WORLD 1022 (Mid East/N. Africa) Bellydance [sound recording] : music rough guide. SFCC Music CDs World 4 p2002. SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2001. SFCC Music CDs World 1 2002. SFCC Music CDs World 4 p2001. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1999. 5 p1999. 3 c2002. 4 p1999. 2 p2001. 1 p2002. 2 2001. 2 p2001. Italy [sound recording] : music rough guide. CD WORLD 1024 (Asia/Pacific) CD WORLD 1025 (Africa) Ali Hassan Kuban [sound recording] CD WORLD 1026 Rough Guide to Lucky Dube [sound recording]. (Africa) Okinawa [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1027 (Latin-Brazil) Rough guide to the music of Brazil [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1028 (North America) SFCC Music CDs World Rough guide to Native American music [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1030 Destination Mediterranean [sound recording] : (Europe) gifts from the sea. SFCC Music CDs World CD WORLD 1031 (Latin-Argentina) SFCC Music CDs World CD WORLD 1033 (Global) SFCC Music World Rough Guides collection [sound recording] : [a guide to the Rough Guide music CDs series]. CD WORLD 1034 (Europe) SFCC Music CDs World Alps [sound recording] CD WORLD 1038 (Africa) SFCC Music CDs World Franco [sound recording] Rough Guide to Tango [sound recording]. Samba [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1043 (Latin-Brazil) SFCC Music CDs World CD WORLD 104445Broughton, (Global) Mark Ellingham SFCC Music CDs WorldTrillo, with Orla Duane 1 1999World music : the rough guide / edited by Simon and Richard and Vanessa Dowell. CD WORLD 104445Broughton, (Global) Mark Ellingham SFCC Music CDs WorldTrillo, with Orla Duane 1 1999World music : the rough guide / edited by Simon and Richard and Vanessa Dowell. CD WORLD 1047 SFCC Music CDs World 4 p2002. Quiza¿¿s [sound recording] / Enrique Iglesias. (Latin) CD WORLD 1048 (Latin-Mexico) SFCC Music CDs World Me¿¿xico lindo [sound recording] = Beautiful Mexico / Ramo¿¿n Vargas. CD WORLD 1051 (Latin) SFCC Music CDs World --Y sigue siendo El Rey [sound recording] / [Jose¿¿ Alfredo Jime¿¿nez]. CD WORLD 1053 SFCC Music CDs World Latin album [sound recording] / Keith Lockhart,(Latin) Boston Pops Orchestra. CD WORLD 1054 (Latin) Music CDs World Billboard hot Latin hits [sound recording] = Exitos latinos calientes :SFCC the 90's. CD WORLD 1055 (Latin-Cuba) Chanchullo [sound recording] / Rube¿¿n Gonza¿¿lez. SFCC Music CDs World 205 1 p2000. 1 c1998. 1 p2000. 2 p1998. 1 p2000. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD WORLD 1059 (LatinCaribbean) Rough guide to calypso & soca [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1060 (Asia/Pacific) Indonesia [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1062 Rough guide to Irish music [sound recording]. (Europe) CD WORLD 1067 (Latin) Central America [sound recording] : music rough guide. SFCC Music CDs World 1 [1999?] SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2000. SFCC Music CDs World 3 p1996. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2001. CD WORLD 1068 (Mid East/N. Music CDs World 4 c2002. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan [sound recording] : musicAfrica) rough guide originalSFCC recordings. CD WORLD 1071 (Latin) SFCC Network Music CDs p1997. Rough guide to salsa [sound recording] / [compiled by The World Music in World association with Rough1Guides and New Internationalist]. CD WORLD 1073 (North America) by SFCC MusicMusic CDs Ethnic Rough guide to Cajun and zydeco [sound recording] / [compiled The World Network in association1 with p1998. Rough Guides and New Internationalis CD WORLD 1075 (Mid East/N. Rough guide to the music of North Africa [soundAfrica) recording]. CD WORLD 1077 (Europe) Rough Guide to the music of Portugal [sound recording]. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1997. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p1998. CD WORLD 1078 America) Music World Poetry dancing on music [sound recording] : the(North sounds of culture /SFCC Mona LakeCDs Jones. 1 c2001. CD WORLD 1081 (North SFCC Music CDs Ethnic Destination New Orleans [sound recording] : recipe forAmerica) cultural gumbo. 1 p2001. CD WORLD 1082 Rough guide to the music of India and Pakistan (Asia/Pacific) [sound recording] SFCC Music CDs World 3 1996. CD WORLD 1083 (NorthinAmerica) SFCC Music CDs World 1 of the p2004. Beautiful beyond [sound recording] : Christian songs native languages / presented by the National Museum American Indian. CD WORLD 1084 (North America) SFCC Music CDs World Museum of the American 1 p1994. Creation's journey [sound recording] : Native American music / presented by the National Indian. CD WORLD 1087 (Latin-Ecuador) SFCC songs Music:CDs 2 ofp1998. Ecuador and Colombia [sound recording] : marimba masters and sacred the World Afro-descendent musicians the Pacific Coastal region. CD WORLD 1090 (Africa) SFCC Music :CDs p1997. Tanzani¿¿a [sound recording] : Music of the farmer composers of Sukumaland WeWorld never sleep, we dream1of farming. CD WORLD 1095 (Mid East/N. Africa)of Egyptian music. SFCC Music CDs World Egypt [sound recording] : echoes of the Nile : aspects 2 p1997. CD WORLD 1096 Turkey [sound recording] : echoes of Anatolia : (Asia/Pacific) music from Istanbul.SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1998. CD WORLD 1097 (Asia/Pacific) SFCC Music CDs Afghanistan [sound recording] : On Marco Polo's road : the musicians of Kunduz andWorld Faizabad. 3 p1997. 206 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD WORLD 1098 (Europe)of the itinerant SFCCgypsies Music :CDs World of sorrow and joy. 1 Hungary and Romania [sound recording] : descendents melodies p1997. CD WORLD 1100 SFCCmusical Music culture CDs World India [sound recording] : traveling artists of the(Asia/Pacific) desert : the vernacular of Rajasthan. 5 p1997. CD WORLD 1101 (Asia/Pacific) SFCC Music CDs World Indonesia [sound recording] : Jegog : the rhythmic power of bamboo. 1 p1997. CD WORLD 1104 SFCCmusic Musicand CDssong World Mongolia [sound recording] : living music of the(Asia/Pacific) steppes : instrumental of Mongolia. 2 p1997. 2 p2003. 3 c2001. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2001. CD WORLD 1109 (Latin-Brazil) SFCC Music CDs World Destination Brazil [sound recording] : sultry rhythms of Corcovado nights. 3 p2001. CD WORLD 1115 (Latin-Argentina) Destination Buenos Aires [sound recording] : the pulse of tango. 2 2003. 4 p2001. CD WORLD 1106 (Asia/Pacific) SFCC Music CDs World Destination Hawaii [sound recording] : sounds of paradise. CD WORLD 1107 (LatinCaribbean) SFCC Music CDs World Destination Carribean [sic] [sound recording] : tropical rhythms of an island paradise. CD WORLD 1108 (Latin-Cuba) Destination Cuba [sound recording] : Buena Vista and beyond. SFCC Music CDs World CD WORLD 1116 (Europe-Ireland) SFCC Destination Ireland [sound recording] : true treasures of the Emerald Isle.Music CDs World CD WORLD 1117 (Africa) SFCC Music CDs World Africa Series Soundtrack CD WORLD 1118 (Europe) SFCC Music CDs World Table songs [sound recording] : Georgian folk songs II / Rustavi Choir ; Ansor Erkomaishvili. CD WORLD 1118 (Latin) SFCC Music CDs World Ni es lo mismo ni es igual [sound recording] / Juan Luis Guerra [y] 440. 6 1 p1995. 3 p1998. 1 p2003. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p1997. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2002. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2002. CD WORLD 1125 America) SFCC de Music CDsRico. World 30 aniversario [sound recording] : Bailando con(Latin el mundo / Gran combo Puerto 2 p1992. CD WORLD 1120 (Europe-Spain) Que¿¿ grande es esto del amor! [sound recording] / Cafe¿¿ Quijano.SFCC Music CDs World CD WORLD 1122 (Latin-Cuba) 100% azucar! [sound recording] : the best of Celia Cruz. CD WORLD 1123 (Latin) Revoluci¿¿n de amor [sound recording] / Man¿¿. Hits mix [sound recording] / Celia Cruz. CD WORLD 1124 (Latin-Cuba) CD WORLD 1127 (Latin-Panama) SFCC Music CDs World 1 cp2001. Best of Rub¿¿n Blades [sound recording] / Ruben Blades. CD WORLD 1128 (Latin); todos los temas SFCC Music CDs(letra Worldy musica) y arreglados 2 por p1995. Abriendo puertas [sound recording] / Gloria Estefan compuestos Kike Santander. CD WORLD 1129 SFCC Music CDs World 1 cp2004. Unplugged [sound recording] / Diego Torres. (Latin) 207 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Pies descalzos [sound recording] / Shakira. CD WORLD 1130 (Latin-Colombia) SFCC Music CDs World 3 p1996. Calle es tuya? [sound recording] / Estopa. CD WORLD 1134 (Europe-Spain) SFCC Music CDs World 1 cp2004. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2001. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p1994. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2005. SFCC Music CDs World 3 c1998. SFCC Music CDs World 5 p2000. CD WORLD 1141 (Latin-Colombia) Do¿¿nde esta¿¿n los ladrones? [sound recording] / Shakira. SFCC Music CDs World 6 p1998. CD WORLD 1143 Viaje de copperpot [sound recording] / La Oreja(Europe-Spain) de Van Gogh. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2000. 2 pc2003. 1 2005. CD WORLD 1135 (Latin-Colombia) D¿¿jame entrar [sound recording] / Carlos Vives. CD WORLD 1136 Donde jugar¿¿n los ni¿¿os? [sound recording] /(Latin) Man¿¿. CD WORLD 1137 (Europe-Spain) CD WORLD 1138 Ana, Jose, Nacho [sound recording] / Mecano. (Latin) CD WORLD 1139 (Latin) Fijate bien [sound recording] / Juanes. Ella Baila Sola [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1144 (Europe-Spain) SFCC Music CDsGogh. World Que te cont¿¿ mientras te hac¿¿as la dormida [sound recording] / La Oreja de Van CD WORLD 1145 (LatinDominican Republic) SFCC Music CDs World Sabrosonas del recuerdo [sound recording] / Sergio Vargas. Estopa [sound recording] / Estopa. CD WORLD 1146 (Europe-Spain) SFCC Music CDs World 1 2001. Buena Vista Social Club [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1148 (Latin-Cuba) SFCC Music CDs World 1 p1997. CD WORLD 1149 (Europe-Spain) Grandes ¿¿xitos 91-96 [sound recording] / Alejandro Sanz. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2004. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2004. SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2002. SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2004. SFCC Music CDs World 6 p2002. CD WORLD 1150 (Europe-Spain) Grandes e¿¿xitos 970¿¿4 [sound recording] / Alejandro Sanz. CD WORLD 1151 (Latin) Grandes exitos [sound recording] / La Ley. CD WORLD 1152 (Latin) Rock de mi pueblo [sound recording] / Carlos Vives. CD WORLD 1153 (Latin) D¿¿a normal [sound recording] / Juanes. Man¿¿ana [sound recording] / Sin Bandera. CD WORLD 1155 (Latin America) SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2005. Mi sangre [sound recording] / Juanes. CD WORLD 1156 (Latin America) SFCC Music CDs World 5 cp2004. 208 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CD WORLD 1157 (Europe-France) SFCC Music CDs World 3 pc2006. SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2004. SFCC Music CDs World 2 c2000. CD WORLD 1161 (Europe-France) SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2005. CD WORLD 1162 (Europe-France) One trip one noise [sound recording] / Noir D¿¿sir. SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1998. CD WORLD 1163 (Europe-France) SFCC Music CDs World 2 p2005. CD WORLD 1166 Amar es combatir [sound recording] / Mana¿¿. (Latin America) SFCC Music CDs World 4 2007. CD WORLD 1167 Historias e histeria [sound recording] / La Ley. (Latin America) SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2004. Famosos del reggaeton [sound recording]. CD WORLD 1169 (Latin America) SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2006. Fijacio¿¿n oral. [sound recording] / Shakira. CD WORLD 1170 (Latin-Mexico) SFCC Music CDs World 3 p2005. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2005. SFCC Music CDs World 1 p2006. SFCC Music CDs World 2 2001. CD WORLD 1174 SFCC Music CDs World Seleccio¿¿n natural [sound recording] : grandes(Europe-Spain) e¿¿xitos / Presuntos Implicados. 1 p2002. CD WORLD 1175 (Latin America) Grandes exitos de Juan Luis Guerra y Grupo 4.40 [sound recording].SFCC Music CDs World 2 p1995. 1 p2006. Rouge sang [sound recording] / Renaud. CD WORLD 1159 Aux armes et caetera [sound recording] / Serge(Europe-France) Gainsbourg. CD WORLD 1160 (Africa) Live! [sound recording] / Voices of Africa. Caravane [sound recording] / Raphael. Motifs [sound recording] / Paris Combo. Fijacio¿¿n oral. [sound recording] / Shakira. Adentro [sound recording] / Arjona CD WORLD 1170 (Latin-Mexico) CD WORLD 1171 (LatinGuatemala) CD WORLD 1172 EUROPE-SPAIN Taberna del buda [sound recording] / Cafe¿¿ Quijano. Fil [sound recording] / Camille. CD WORLD 1177 (Europe-France) SFCC Music CDs World Battery charger and power cord CHARGER A SFCC Circ Desk 394 Battery charger and power cord CHARGER A SFCC Circ Desk 188 Battery charger and power cord CHARGER A SFCC Circ Desk 2 CHARLIE 18 Village c2005. Charlie and the chocolate factory [videorecording (DVD) ] / WarnerSFCC Bros.DVD Pictures presents in association with Roadshow Pictures, a Zanuck Com CHARLOTTProductions SFCC DVD Charlotte's web [videorecording (DVD)] / Hanna-Barbera Inc., Sagitarius Productions, Inc. 18 2001, c1972. CHASING ; produced SFCC DVD Mosier ; written and directed 11by Kevin 2000. Chasing Amy [videorecording] / a View Askew production by Scott Smith. 209 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC by Videos 1 byc1996. Chasing Amy [videorecording] / Miramax Films CHASING ; View Askew ; produced Scott Mosier ; written and directed Kevin Smith. SFCC DVD production ; a Miramax Films13production c2002.; produced by Martin Richards ; s Chicago [videorecording] / a Producer Circle Co.CHICAGO production ; a Zadan/Meron [1990] CHIEN / produced and SFCC Videosby Luis Bun¿¿uel. 2 c1928. Chien Andalou ; Land without bread [videorecording] directed CHILDRE Videos [1999?] Children of heaven [videorecording] / MiramaxHEAVEN Films presents a filmSFCC by Majid Majidi ; produced by Institute1for the Intellectual Development of Children [1987], CHILDREN 1987; a Burt SFCCSugarman Videos Production ; a Randa Haines 2 filmc1986. Children of a lesser god [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures ; screenplay by Hesper Anderson and CHILDREN OF SFCC by] DVDMiramax Films ; produced by Institute 8 [1999] Bacheha-Ye aseman [videorecording] = ChildrenHEAVEN of heaven / [presented for the Intellectual Development of Ch CHILDREN OF MEN presents a Strike SFCCEntertainment DVD 35 [2007] Children of men [videorecording] / Universal Pictures production in association with Hit & Run Productions ; produced b CHINATO SFCCTowne Videos; produced by Robert Evans13 c1999. Chinatown [videorecording] / a Paramount picture ; written by Robert ; directed by Roman Polanski. CHINATO SFCC by Videos 2 Evans c1988. Chinatown [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures Corporation ; written Robert Towne ; produced by Robert ; directed by Roman Polanski. I SFCC Videos 1 c1987. Amour, l'apre¿¿s-midi [videorecording] = ChloeCHLOE in the afternoon / Columbia ; production, Pierre Cottrell ; [written and directed by] Eric Rohmer. [2001], CHOCOLA SFCC DVD Kit Golden, Leslie Holleran ;17 c2000. Chocolat [videorecording (DVD)] / Miramax Films ; produced by David Brown, screenplay by Robert Nelson Jacobs ; directed Awakening / Kate Chopin. CHOPIN SFCC Fiction 2 CHORUS SFCC DVDpresent ; directed by Jean Dreville. 10 Chorus [videorecording] = Les choristes / Miramax Films and Jacques Perrin 1993. [2005?] CHRISTM SFCC Videos 2 by1987, c1951. Christmas carol [videorecording] / United Artists ; produced and directed by Brian Desmond Hurst ; screenplay Noel Langley. CHRONICLE SFCC DVDde Anhelo, Cabezahueca, Tequila 12 Gang [2005] Cr¿¿nicas [videorecording] = Chronicles / Anhelo presenta una producci¿¿n ; una pel¿¿cula de Sebastian Cordero CHRONOS SFCC 2004.and photographed by Ron Fricke ; Chronos [videorecording] / Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater and S.E.M. La DVD Geode present a film by Ron Fricke8 ; directed CHUCK & Blow Up Pictures SFCC DVD 6 c2000. Chuck & Buck [videorecording] / Artisan Entertainment present a Flan De Coco film ; produced by Matthew Greenfield ; written by M CHUTNEY SFCC DVD 6 c1999. Chutney popcorn [videorecording] / Mata Productions presents a Seneca Falls Production ; a film by Nisha Ganatra. CIAO Cecchi Gori, Silvio SFCCBerlusconi DVD 6 ; una 2003. Ciao, professore [videorecording] / Mario & Vittorio Communications presentano produzione di Ciro Ippolito ; un film CINDEREL SFCC DVD Entertainment ; Parkway Productions 15 c2005. Cinderella man [videorecording] / Universal Pictures ; Miramax Films ; Imagine ; Touchstone Pictures ; produced b CINEMA SFCC Videos 2 c1990. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso [videorecording] / Miramax Films ; Franco Cristaldi presenta un film de Giuseppe Tornatore ; una coproduzione Italo-Francese, C House on Mango Street / Sandra Cisneros. CISNERO SFCC Fiction 1 1991. CITIZEN SFCC DVD [2001] Citizen Kane [videorecording (DVD)] / RKO Radio Pictures ; a Mercury production ; director/producer, Orson8 Welles ; screenplay, Herman J. Mankiewicz, CITIZEN SFCC DVD [2001] Citizen Kane [videorecording (DVD)] / RKO Radio Pictures ; a Mercury production ; director/producer, Orson6 Welles ; screenplay, Herman J. Mankiewicz, CITIZEN Citizen Kane [videorecording] / RKO Radio Pictures. SFCC Videos 1991. [2000], SFCC Videos Ciudad [videorecording] = The city / North Star CITY Films ; a film by David Riker ; written, directed and edited by1 Davidc1998. Riker ; producers, David Riker, Paul S. LI SFCC and Videos City lights [videorecording] : a comedy romanceCITY in pantomime / written directed by Charlie Chaplin. 3 3 c1992. OF Films ; O2SFCC DVD 13Andrea c2003. Cidade de Deus [videorecording] = City of god /CITY Miramax Filmes and Videofilmes ; produc¿¿a¿¿o, Barata Ribeiro e Mauri¿¿cio Andrade CITYcity OF of lost children SFCC/ [presented Videos 1 1996. Cite¿¿ des enfants perd[us] [videorecording] = The by] Lumiere, Le Studio Canal +, France 3 Cinema ; a film by Jeunet & LOST DVD 12 of c1999. Cit¿¿ des enfants perd[us] [videorecording] TheCITY city OF of lost childrenSFCC / a film by Jeunet & Caro ; a co-production Constellation ; Lumiere, Le Studio Cana CITY Sogefilms OF NO ; un produci¿¿n SFCC DVD de Antonio Saura y Jos¿¿ Nolla 13 para[2004] En la ciudad sin l¿¿mites [videorecording] / Warner Zebra Producciones, Ic¿¿nica y Patago CL CLASS 1248 Nocturnes [sound recording] : selections / Chopin. SFCC Music CDs Class 1 c1997. Pretend you don't see her / Mary Higgins Clark.CLARK SFCC Fiction 1 c1997. CLARKE FictionKubrick and Arthur C. Clarke 1; with 1993. 2001, a space odyssey / by Arthur C. Clarke ; based on a screenplaySFCC by Stanley a new introduction by the author. CLASH O ; produced SFCC VideosH. Schneer and Ray Harry Hausen 1 Clash of the Titans [videorecording] / Titan Productions by Charles ; 1981. directed by Desmond Davis ; written b CLEAGE What looks like crazy on an ordinary day-- : a novel / Pearl Cleage. SFCC Fiction Finn : a novel / Jon Clinch. CLINCH SFCC Fiction 1 1997. 2 c2007. SFCCaVideos 1 Michael c1985. Clockwise [videorecording] / Thorn EMI Screen CLOCKWI Entertainment presents Michael Codron film ; produced by Codron ; directed by Christopher M [2001], SFCC DVD with Gaumont and Efve Films6 a co-production c2000. Placard [videorecording] = The closet / MiramaxCLOSET Zoe¿¿ presents in association of Gaumont, Efve Films TF1 210 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Diary of a bad year / J.M. Coetzee. COETZEE SFCC Fiction 1 2008. EN et dialogues SFCC Videos c1993 Coeur en hiver [videorecording] / Film Par Film COEUR ; sce¿¿nario Claude Sautet, Jacques Fieschi avec1 la collaboration de Jerome Tonnerre ; produ COMPASSI de JulioSFCC DVD 4 [2005] Sexo por compasio¿¿n [videorecording] / una produccio¿¿n Ferna¿¿ndez, Miguel Torrente para Sogedasa Visual Grup en coproduccio¿¿n con Re COMPERES SFCC Videos 1 et r¿¿eali¿¿se¿¿ c1985. Compe¿¿res [videorecording] / une coproduction Fideline Films, EFVE Films, D.D. Productions ; un film e¿¿crit par Francis Veber ; direct COMPUTER CASE A SFCC Circ Desk 4965 Computer Case COMPUTER CASE A SFCC Circ Desk 86 Computer Case Macintosh Overlook : a novel / Michael Connelly. CON SFCC Best Sellers 4 2007. Videos 3 1982. Mars Film Produzione and Mar Conformist [videorecording] / [English version,]CONFORMI Titan Productions ; SFCC written and directed by Lee Kresel ; [original version,] CONRADbook / Joseph SFCC Fiction/ edited by Zdzis¿¿aw Najder2/ [foreword 2002. by A.N. Wilson]. Heart of darkness ; with the Congo diary ; and, Up-river Conrad Beach music / Pat Conroy. CONROY SFCC Fiction 1 1995. CONSUMI SFCC Videos 1 1987 ; 1988.P. Cartlidge ; screenplay by Consuming passions / a Euston Films/Samuel Goldwyn Company production ; directed by Giles Foster ; produced by William COOK /TH SFCC Videos 1990. Cook, the thief, his wife & her lover [videorecording] Allarts in association with Elsevier Vendex presents a2co-production between Allarts Cook, Erato F Book of the dead / Patricia Cornwell. COR SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2007. Last kingdom : a novel / Bernard Cornwell. CORNWEL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. Archer's tale / Bernard Cornwell. CORNWELL SFCC Reserve 1 c2001. Double take / Catherine Coulter. COU SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2007. Midsummer magic / by Catherine Coulter. COULTER SFCC Fiction 2 1998, c1987. Calypso magic / by Catherine Coulter. COULTER SFCC Fiction 1 1999, c1988. Countess / Catherine Coulter. COULTER SFCC Fiction 1 1999. Valentine legacy / Catherine Coulter. COULTER SFCC Fiction 1 1996. COUNTRY SFCC Videos 1 ; directed 1984. by Dickie Jobson. Countryman [videorecording] / Produced by Chris Blackwell ; screenplay by Dickie Jobson & Michael Thomas Monsters of Morley Manor / Bruce Coville. COVILLE SFCC Fiction 1 2001. Sutter's Cross / W. Dale Cramer. CRAMER SFCC Fiction 1 c2003. 6 2004. CRANE DVD Pablo Trapero. Mundo grua [videorecording] = Crane world / Cinemateca ; gui¿¿n ySFCC direcci¿¿n, CRASH 16Bridge2005. Crash [videorecording] / Lions Gate Films and Bob Yari Productions SFCC & DEJDVD Productions present a Blackfriar's and Harris Company production ; an Prey : novel / Michael Crichton. CRI SFCC Best Sellers 4 2002. Andromeda strain. CRICHTO SFCC Fiction 2 1969. Timeline / Michael Crichton. CRICHTO SFCC Fiction 2 1999. CRICHTO SFCC Fiction 1 1993. [2003], SFCC/ Alfredo DVD Ripstein ... Fondo para la produccio¿¿n 5 c2002. Cinematografica de Calidad, Inst Crimen del Padre Amaro [videorecording] = TheCRIME crime OF of Padre Amaro [2003], SFCC/ Alfredo DVD Ripstein ... Fondo para la produccio¿¿n 1 c2002. Cinematografica de Calidad, Inst Crimen del Padre Amaro [videorecording] = TheCRIME crime OF of Padre Amaro Congo / Michael Crichton. CRIMES Videos c1990.by Robert Greenhut ; written and Crimes and misdemeanors [videorecording] / Orion Pictures ; a JackSFCC Rollins and Charles H. Joffe Production1; produced DVD 8 Film [2001] Crouching tiger, hidden dragon [videorecording]CROUCHI = Wo hu cang longSFCC / Sony Pictures Classics ; Columbia Pictures Production Asia ; Good Machine Int [1989], CROWD SFCC Videos 1 V.A. c1988. Crowd [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; a King Vidor production ; screenplay by King Vidor & John Weaver ; directed by King Vidor. CRUMB ; directed SFCC DVDZwigoff ; produced by Lynn O'Donnell 8 c1998. Crumb [videorecording] / a Superior Pictures production by Terry & Terry Zwigoff. Staying fat for Sarah Byrnes / Chris Crutcher. CRUTCHER SFCC Fiction 1 c2003. SFCC DVD Four Films ; Eurotrustees ; Nippon 8 [2005] Crying game [videorecording] / A Miramax FilmsCRYING release ; Palace and Channel Film Development and Finance, Inc. ; Br CRYING SFCC Videos 1 c1992. Crying game [videorecording] / Live Home Video ; Miramax Films ; written and directed by Neil Jordan ; produced by Stephen Woolley. SFCC Taperecorder CTR - 121 A SFCC Circ Desk 85 CURLY T SFCC; directed Videos by Irving Cummings ; screen 1 playc1988. Curly Top [videorecording] / Fox Films ; produced by Winfield Sheehan by Patterson McNutt, Arthur Beckhar 211 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 CYRANO SFCC Videos Seydoux [producers] ; une production 1 c1991. Cyrano de Bergerac [videorecording] / Orion Classics ; Rene Cleitman et Michel Hachette premie¿¿re et cie. ... [et DAD VideosStern and Gary David Goldberg 1 ; written c1989.for the screen and directed by G Dad [videorecording] / Universal ; Amblin Entertainment ; producedSFCC by Joseph BFG / Roald Dahl ; pictures by Quentin Blake. DAHL SFCC Fiction DAI; translated fromSFCC Fictionby Ina Rilke. Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress / Dai Sijie the French 2 1982. 2 2002. Something extra / Janet Dailey. DAILEY SFCC Fiction 1 1989. Dew breaker / Edwidge Danticat. DANTICA SFCC Fiction 2 2005. Darfur diaries [videorecording (DVD)] : messageDARFUR from home. SFCC DVD 12 2006. [2003], DARK SIDEdark side of SFCC 6 co-produccio¿¿n c1992. Lado oscuro del corazo¿¿n [videorecording (DVD)] = The theDVD heart / Roger Frappier presenta una argentino-canadienne, C. SFCC DVD 6 by Julie c2000. Daughters of the dust [videorecording (DVD)] / DAUGHTER a Geechee Girls production ; produced, written, and directed Dash. DAY AFTER Fox presents SFCCaDVD c2004.Gordon Company production, a R Day after tomorrow [videorecording] / Twentieth Century Centropolis Entertainment, Lions13Gate, Mark DAYS OF GLORY ; SFCC 15; [with[2007] Days of glory [videorecording] = Indig¿¿nes / Tessalit Productions [with DVD the co-production of] Kiss Films ... the participation of] Canal+ ... ; in asso DAYS OF SANTIAGO SFCC DVD 2005.and the participation of Cachoeira Dias de Santiago [videorecording] = Days of Santiago / Chullachaki Producciones with support of the Hubert8Bals Fund MA production SFCC ;Videos 1 Rudd c1996. Dead man walking [videorecording] / a WorkingDEAD Title/Havoc produced by Jon Kilik, Tim Robbins, Simmons ; written and directed by Ti DEATH SFCC; produced Videos by Robert F. Colesberry ;1directed c1986. Death of a salesman [videorecording] / Roxbury(Schlondorff) and Punch Production by Volker Schlondorff ; written by A (Segal) Network SFCC DVD 3 [2002] Death of a salesman [videorecording (DVD) ] / aDEATH CBS Television production ; produced by David Susskind & Daniel Melnick ; directed by Alex Se Maiden's grave / Jeffery Deaver. DEAVER SFCC Fiction 1 1996, c1995. DEER by Deric Washburn SFCC DVD 10al.] ; directed c2001. by Michael Cimino. Deer hunter [videorecording] / Universal ; screenplay ; produced by Barry Spikings ... [et Defying gravity [videorecording]. DEFYING SFCC Videos 2 1997. DEPARTED 26 [2007] Departed [videorecording (DVD)] / Warner Bros. Pictures presents aSFCC PlanDVD B/Initial Entertainment Group/Vertigo Entertainment production in association DESERTCompany (2001) ; a SFCC DVD 4 Cooper c2001. Desert hearts [videorecording] / The Samuel Goldwyn Donna Deitch film ; screenplay by Natalie ; produced and directed by Donna SFCC DVD Desert hearts [videorecording] / produced and DESERT directed(2007) by Donna Deitch ; screenplay by Natalie Cooper. 4 2007. SFCC DVD 3 [2005] Desperado [videorecording] / Columbia PicturesDESPERA presents a Los Hooligans production ; a film by Robert Rodriguez ; produced by Bill Borden ; written, pr DETAILS SFCC 2 c1991. Tecnicas de duelo [videorecording] : Una cuestion de honor = Details of aVideos duel : a question of honor / Producciones Fotograma ; Instituto Cubano de Art DETOUR SFCC DVD 7 c2000. Detour [videorecording] / PRC Pictures, Inc. presents ; screen play, Martin Goldsmith ; produced by Leon Fromkess ; directed by Edgar G. Ulmer. SFCC DVD uno produccio¿¿n El Deseo, 19 S.A.,c2004. Espinazo del diablo [videorecording] / AugustinDEVILS y Pedro Almodo¿¿var presentan Tequila Gang con la participacio¿¿n de SFCC DVD uno produccio¿¿n El Deseo, 19 S.A.,c2004. Espinazo del diablo [videorecording] / AugustinDEVILS y Pedro Almodo¿¿var presentan Tequila Gang con la participacio¿¿n de DIALPictures M SFCC 1 c1987. Dial M for murder [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; directed by Videos Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Frederick Knott as adapted from his play. Red tent / Anita Diamant. DIAMANT SFCC Fiction SFCC VideosProject DDD. Diamond daydreams. Volume 1, Atsuko + KarinDIAMOND [videorecording] / production, 3 c1997. 8 c2006. Drown / Junot D¿¿az. DIAZ SFCC Fiction 1 1997, c1996. Tiger rising / Kate DiCamillo. DICAMIL SFCC Fiction 1 2002. DICKENS SFCC Fiction and notes by Stephen Gill. 1 Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; edited by Kathleen Tillotson ; with an introduction 1999. DIM SUM Dim sum [videorecording] / a film by Wayne Wang. [2006] SFCC DVD 6 SFCC DVD and Gaumont production ;10 c2003. Dinner game [videorecording(DVD)] = Le D¿¿nerDINNER de cons / TFI Film Productions released by Lion's Gate Films. DIRTYand PRETTY DVD 13 [2004] Dirty pretty things [videorecording] / Miramax Films BBC Films SFCC present a Celador Films production ; produced by Tracey Seaward, Robert Jones ; wr DIVA SFCC DVD 6 [2000] Diva [videorecording (DVD)] / Studio Canal ; Irene Silberman pre¿¿sente un film de Jean-Jacques Beineix ; adaptation, Jean-Jacques Beineix, Jean Van Ha THE Acres and aSFCC c1990. Do the right thing [videorecording] / Universal ;DO a Forty MuleVideos Filmworks production ; produced,3written and directed by Spike Lee. DODES K no Kai, To¿¿ho¿¿ SFCC Videos 1 c1986.Oguni, Shinobu Hashimoto ; dire Do desu ka den [videorecording]= Dodes' ka-den / Yonki Co., Ltd. ; screenplay, Akira Kurosawa, Hideo V International. SFCC Videos Dolce vita [videorecording] / Riama Film Roma ;DOLCE American 3 1988. V International. SFCC Videos Dolce vita [videorecording] / Riama Film Roma ;DOLCE American 1 1988. DON'T DIE SFCC 9 No te mueras sin decirme ad¿¿nde vas [videorecording (DVD)]= Don't dieDVD without telling me where you're going /[2004] Cinemateca - Condor Media presents 212 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC DVD 2 Consuelo 1991. Garrido and Eliseo Alberto ; dire Don't fool with love [videorecording] / from theDON'T storiesFOOL of Gabriel Garc¿¿a M¿¿rquez ; written by Susana Cato, DON'T SFCC DVD c2003.por Eduardo Campoy, Gerardo He Sin noticias de dios [videorecording] : Don't tempt me/TEMPT Cartel, Flamenco Films, Tornasol Films, Telemadrid10 ; producida DORIAN SFCC DVD a Tennyson Bardwell film ; producers, 7 [2006] Dorian blues [videorecording] / TLA Releasing and Daydreamer Films presents Portia Kamons, Frank D'Andrea, Ma DOUBLE HAPPINESS SFCC Videos c1995. by Mina Shum ; produced by R Double happiness [videorecording] / First Line Features ; First Generations Films Inc., & New Views ; written1 and directed DOUBLE SFCC DVDChandler ; director, Billy Wilder.6 [2006] Double indemnity [videorecording] / ParamountINDEMNIT Pictures ; writer, Raymond DOUBLE SFCC DVDChandler ; director, Billy Wilder.6 [2006] Double indemnity [videorecording] / ParamountINDEMNIT Pictures ; writer, Raymond DOUBLE INDEMNITY SFCC 1 1991. Double indemnity [videorecording] / a Paramount Picture ; produced by Videos Joseph Sistrom ; directed by Billy Wilder ; screenplay by Billy Wilder and Raymo LIFEof Veronique SFCC Videos Double vie de Veronique [videorecording] = TheDOUBLE double life / Miramax Films ; une production 1Sideralc1992. Productions, Le Studio Canal+ en co-p SFCC DVD 9 c2002. Down by law [videorecording] / Island Pictures DOWN presentsBYa Black Snake/Grokenberger Films production ; written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. DOWN DVD a Pennebaker Hegedus Films, 3inc. production c2000. ; directed by, Nick Doob, Chri Down from the mountain [videorecording] / Mike ZossFROM ProductionsSFCC presents DOWNFilms TO ; Down SFCC 5 [2006] Down to the bone [videorecording] / Laemmle/Zeller to theDVD Bone Productions ; Susie Q Productions ; directed by Debra Granik. SFCC DVD [2005] with NDR, WDR, Degeto Film, Downfall [videorecording] / Constantin Film andDOWNFALL Bernd Eichinger present a production of Constantin Film in8co-production DR STRA SFCC[videorecording] Videos 1987, c1966. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb / Columbia Pictures1 ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Peter Georg DRAUGHTS SFCC Videos 2 Television c1991. ; producer, David Payne ; write Draughtsman's contract [videorecording] / a British Film Institute production in association with Channel Four [2007], SFCC DVD 25 c2006. Dreamgirls [videorecording] / DreamWorks SKGDREAMGIR ; Paramount Pictures ; produced by Laurence Mark ; screenplay by Bill Condon ; directed by Bill Condon DREAMS SFCC DVD Yume [videorecording] = Dreams / an Akira Kurosawa USA production ; produced by Hisao Kurosawa and 17 Mike Y.[2003] Inoue ; written and directed by Akira K DREAMS OF with Makena SFCC Reserve 1 2007. Dreams of dust [videorecording] / a film by Laurent Salgues Diop a France - Canada Coproduction. DUMAS SFCC Fiction Three musketeers / by Alexandre Dumas ; translated with an introduction by Richard Pevear. 1 2006. River why / David James Duncan. DUNCAN SFCC Fiction 2 2002. City of Ember / Jeanne DuPrau. DUPRAU SFCC Fiction 1 c2003. DUST Films presenta SFCC DVD 8 Por la libre [videorecording] = Dust to dust / Altavista ; una pel¿¿cula de Juan Carlos de Llaca. c2003. DVD 1335 SFCC Media [2007] Namesake [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures, Entertainment Farm, UTVOffice Motion Pictures present a1Mirabai Films & Cine Mosaic production ; pro DVD 512Pictures & Kim SFCC Media Office 1 2005. 3 iron [videorecording (DVD)] / presented by Happinet Ki-duk Film in association with Chungeorahm Film ; produced, written and directe [2005], DVDGeographic 854 SFCC Media 2 p2004. China's lost girls [videorecording (DVD)] / National Television & FilmOffice ; producer & writer, Scott Bronstein. DVD 98produced & directed SFCC Media Office J. Emery ; produced in1 cooperation [2000] with American Film Institute an Films of David Cronenberg [videorecording] / written, by Robert EASY RIPictures ; Pando SFCCCompany Videos in association with Raybert 2 Productions c1985. ; written by Peter Fonda, Denn Easy rider [videorecording] / [presented by] Columbia EASY RIDER SFCC in DVD 17 Easy rider [videorecording (DVD)] / Columbia Pictures ; Pando Company association with Raybert Productions ;[1999] written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hoppe WOOD SFCC DVD Novi production ; a Tim Burton 14 film [2004] Ed Wood [videorecording (DVD)] / Touchstone ED pictures presents a Burton/Di ; directed by Tim Burton ; produced by EDUKATO DVD [2005] Fetten Jahre sind vorbei! [videorecording (DVD)] = The edukators / SFCC y3 film/Coop99 zeigen ; einem film von12Hans Weingartner ; drehbuch, Katharina Held Electric shadows [videorecording] / directed byELECTRIC Jiang Xiao. SFCC DVD 5 [2006] ELIZABEFilmed Entertainment SFCC Videos 5 Films [1999] Elizabeth [videorecording] / [presented by] PolyGram in association with Channel Four ; a Working Title production. [2002], ELLING SFCC DVD 5 Erichsen c2001. Elling [videorecording (DVD)] / Maipo Film & TV-produksjon presenterer Audiovisuelt Produksjonsfond v/Elin og Nordisk Film- & TV Fond v/Sve American psycho : a novel / by Bret Easton Ellis.ELLIS SFCC Fiction 1 c1991. EMERALD SFCC Videos ; produced and directed by 1 Johnc1985. John Boorman's The Emerald Forest [videorecording] / Embassy Films Associates Boorman ; written by Rospo Pallenber Going crazy in public : a Mac Fontana mystery /EMERSON Earl Emerson. SFCC Fiction 1 1997, c1996. EMMA SFCCproduction DVD 17 [1999] Emma [videorecording] / Miramax Films presents a Matchmaker Films ; a Haft Entertainment production ; producers, Steven Haft, Patrick Ca EMPERORS SFCC DVD 7 c2006. Yuki yukite shingun [videorecording] = The emperor's naked army marches on / produced by Sachiko Kobayashi with Yasuko Tokunaga and Yunoshin Niy EMPIRE SFCC Videos 1992. Empire of the sun [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; Amblin Entertainment ; produced by Steven Spielberg, 3Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall ; directed ENRON DVD release of a 2929 Entertainment 8 & HDNet [2006]Films presentation in association Enron [videorecording] : the smartest guys in the room / a MagnoliaSFCC Pictures 213 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 ENZENSB SFCC;Fiction 1 ; translated 2000, c1998. Number devil : a mathematical adventure / Hans Magnus Enzensberger illustrated by Rotraut Susanne Berner by Michael Henry Heim. Cup of tea / Amy Ephron. EPHRON SFCC Fiction 1 1998, c1997. Plague of doves / Louise Erdrich. ERDRICH SFCC Fiction 1 2008. ERENDIRA SFCC Videos 1 Marquez c1985. ... [et al.] ; director, Ruy Guerra Erendira [videorecording] / Les Films du Triangle, Films A2 ; producer, Alain Queffelean ; writers, Gabriel Garcia ESQUIVEL with recipes, SFCCromances, Fiction and home remedies / Laura 2 Esquivel 1995. ; translated by Carol Christensen Like water for chocolate : a novel in monthly installments, Virgin suicides / Jeffrey Eugenides. EUGENIDE SFCC Fiction 2 1993. Twelve sharp / Janet Evanovich. EVA SFCC Best Sellers 3 2006. Plum lovin' / Janet Evanovich. EVA SFCC Best Sellers 2 2007. EVERY M Videos and God against all] : the enigma 1 c1975. Jeder fu¿¿r sich und Gott gegen alles [videorecording] = [Every manSFCC for himself of Kaspar Hauser / ein Film von Werner EVERYTH SFCC 1990, Everything you always wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to askVideos [videorecording] / United Artists ; 1produced byc1972. Charles H. Joffe ; written and di [2006], EVIL SFCC DVD 5 c2003. Evil [videorecording] / director, Mikael H¿¿fstr¿¿m. [2006], EVIL SFCC DVD 4 c2003. Evil [videorecording] / director, Mikael H¿¿fstr¿¿m. SFCC; produced Videos John Howard Davies, Sue1Vertue [c1996] Exciting escapades of Mr. Bean [videorecording]EXCITIN / Tiger Television Ltd. ; directed by Joh Howard Davies [et a SFCC DVD c2006. Expiration date [videorecording (DVD)] / a Rick EXPIRATI Stevenson film ; directed by Rick Stevenson ; produced by 16 John Forsen & Rick Stevenson. [1989], F ACHEBE SFCC Fiction 2 c1974. Arrow of God / Chinua Achebe. Things fall apart / Chinua Achebe. F ACHEBE SFCC Fiction 1 1992. In the time of the butterflies / Julia Alvarez. F ALVAREZ SFCC Fiction 1 1994. F ANDERSO SFCC Fiction Teller's tales / Sherwood Anderson ; selection and introduction by Frank Gado. 1 [c1983] F ANDERSON SFCC ;Fiction c2005. Sherwood Anderson's I'm a fool [videorecording] / teleplay, Ron Cowen producer, Dan McCann ; director,2Noel Black. F ANDROID SFCCan Fiction Androids are coming : seven stories of science fiction / edited and with introd. by Robert Silverberg. 1 c1979. F APPELFE SFCC Fiction For every sin / Aharon Appelfeld ; translated from the Hebrew by Jeffrey M. Green. 2 1990, c1989. F ASCH SFCC Fiction 1 [1955] Clan of the Cave Bear : a novel / Jean M. Auel. F AUEL SFCC Fiction 1 c1980. F AUEL SFCC Fiction 1 c1990. F AUSTEN SFCC Fiction Northanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons and Sanditon / Jane Austen ; edited by John Davie. 1 1980. F BALDAST Psychiatric exam and other tales / by Richard Baldasty. SFCC Fiction 1 c1975. SFCC Fiction 1 1992. Prophet. Translated by Arthur Saul Super. Plains of passage / Jean M. Auel. Regeneration / Pat Barker. F BARKER F BEAUVOI SFCC Fiction When things of the spirit come first : five early tales / Simone de Beauvoir ; translated by Patrick O'Brian. 1 End of the road / Tom Bodett. F BODETT F BRAUN Cat who moved a mountain / Lilian Jackson Braun. c1982. SFCC Fiction 1 c1989. SFCC Fiction 1 1992. Hawkline monster; a gothic western. F BRAUTIG SFCC Fiction 1 [1974] Professor / by Charlotte Bronte¿¿. F BRONTE SFCC Fiction 1 1921. F BRONTE SFCC Fiction Wuthering Heights / by Emily Bronte ; with lithographs by1974 Barnett Freedman. 2 c1974. Dragon seed, by Pearl S. Buck. F BUCK SFCC Fiction 2 [c1942] Living reed, a novel. F BUCK SFCC Fiction 1 [1963] Fail-safe F BURDICK SFCC Fiction 1 [1962] F CAMUS Fiction Fall, & Exile and the kingdom. Translated from the French by Justin SFCC O'Brien. 2 [1964] SFCC Fiction 1 c1992. F CARVER Fiction What we talk about when we talk about love : stories / by RaymondSFCC Carver. 2 1989. Death comes for the archbishop / Willa Cather.F CATHER 1 c1955. Lost boys / Orson Scott Card. F CARD SFCC Fiction 214 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Jurassic Park / Michael Crichton. F CHRICHTO SFCC Fiction 1 1991. Red storm rising / Tom Clancy. F CLANCY SFCC Fiction 1 c1986. Imperial earth / Arthur C. Clarke. F CLARKE SFCC Fiction 1 1991. F CONRAD and illus.SFCC Fiction [1961]by Edward Ellsberg. Lord Jim. With pictures of the author and his environment of the setting of the book together with1 an introd. Setting sun F DAZAI F DEFOE 1946 Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe SFCC Fiction 1 c1956] SFCC Fiction 1 [1946] F DOBIE Fiction / by J. Frank Dobie ; illustrated 1 by 1931, c1930.Mead. Coronado's children : tales of lost mines and buried treasures of theSFCC Southwest Ben Carlton F DOSTOYE Fiction Crime and punishment. Translated by Constance Garnett. Introd. bySFCC Avrahm Yarmolinsky. 1 [1963] F DOSTOYE SFCCthe Fiction House of the dead : a novel in two parts / by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from Russian by Constance Garnett. 1 1923. Crime and punishment / Fyodor Dostoyevsky. F DOSTOYE 1985 1 c1985. 2 c1930. SFCC Fiction F DOYLE Fiction Complete Sherlock Holmes / by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; with a pref.SFCC by Christopher Morley. Complete Sherlock Holmes; F DOYLE v.1 SFCC Fiction 2 1930. Complete Sherlock Holmes; F DOYLE v.2 SFCC Fiction 1 1930. House on the strand. F DU MAURI SFCC Fiction 1 1969. ECO the Italian bySFCC Fiction Foucault's pendulum / Umberto Eco ; translatedF from William Weaver. 1 c1989. Commitment / Julie Ellis. F ELLIS SFCC Fiction 1 c1994. Invisible man / Ralph Ellison. F ELLISON SFCC Fiction 1 1990 1 1980, c1971. F FARMER SFCCbyFiction To your scattered bodies go / Philip Jose¿¿ Farmer ; with a new introd. Peter Nicholls. Absalom, Absalom! / William Faulkner. F FAULKNE SFCC Fiction 1 1964. Collected stories of William Faulkner. F FAULKNE SFCC Fiction 1 1977, c1950. Fable. F FAULKNE SFCC Fiction 1 [1954] Light in August; introd. by Richard H. Rovere. F FAULKNE SFCC Fiction 1 [1950] F FRANCE Penguin Island / by Anatole France ; a translation by A.W. Evans. SFCC Fiction 1 1923, c1909. F FREEDMA SFCC Fiction 1 [1947] Mrs. Mike, the story of Katherine Mary Flannigan, by Benedict and Nancy Freedman. Drawings by Ruth D. McCrea. F GARCIA ; translated SFCC Fiction Love in the time of cholera / Gabriel Garci¿¿a Ma¿¿rquez from the Spanish by Edith Grossman. 3 1988. GARCIA SFCCRabassa. Fiction One hundred years of solitude. Translated fromFthe Spanish by Gregory 2 [1970] F GARCIA Collected novellas / Gabriel Garci¿¿a Ma¿¿rquez. 1 1991 F GARCIA M SFCC Fiction Of love and other demons / Gabriel Garci¿¿a Ma¿¿rquez ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman. 1 1995. F GARDNER Grendel / John Gardner ; illustrated by Emil Antonucci. SFCC Fiction 1 1985, c1971. "I" is for innocent / Sue Grafton. F GRAFTON SFCC Fiction 1 1993. Love kills / by Dan Greenburg. F GREENBU SFCC Fiction 1 c1978. Big sky / A.B. Guthrie, Jr. F GUTHRIE SFCC Fiction SFCC Fiction 1 c1947. F HAWTHOR SFCC Fiction Scarlet letter. With contemporary illus. and a foreword by Basil Davenport. 1 1948. F HEINLEI SFCC Fiction Cat who walks through walls : a comedy of manners / Robert A. Heinlein. 2 c1985. SFCC Fiction Catch-22 / Joseph Heller ; with an introduction FbyHELLER Malcolm Bradbury. 2 1995. Something happened. F HELLER SFCC Fiction 1 1974. Snows of Kilimanjaro, and other stories. F HEMINGW SFCC Fiction 3 [1961] Complete short stories of Ernest Hemingway. F HEMINGW SFCC Fiction 1 1987. F HEMINGW SFCC Fiction 1 [197-] c1926. F HRABAL Fiction Too loud a solitude / Bohumil Hrabal ; translated from the Czech bySFCC Michael Henry Heim. 2 c1990. F HUGO scenes andSFCC Fictionby Curtis Dahl. Hunchback of Notre-Dame. With illus. of contemporary a foreword 2 1947. Sun also rises / Ernest Hemingway. 215 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Keep it quiet / by Richard Hull. F HULL SFCC Fiction 1 1983. F HURSTON 3 1990. Their eyes were watching God : a novel / Zora Neale Hurston ; withSFCC a newFiction foreword by Mary Helen Washington. SFCC Fiction 2 1990. F INNES Hamlet, revenge! : a story in four parts / Michael Innes. SFCC Fiction 1 1961. Sand / Will James ; illustrated by the author. F JAMES SFCC Fiction 1 c1929. From here to eternity. F JONES SFCC Fiction 1 1951. Crome yellow / Aldous Huxley. F HUXLEY F JOYCE SFCC Fictionof the United States District Court 2 1961. by Judge John M. Woolsey. Ulysses / by James Joyce ; with a foreword by Morris L. Ernst and the decision rendered Portrait of the artist as a young man. F JOYCE SFCC Fiction 1 [1964] F JOYCE FictionSpencer. A new ed., incorporating 1 1963] Stephen hero; edited from the MS. in the Harvard College Library bySFCC Theodore the additional MS. pages in the Yale Un [1961, F JUNGER SFCCMayer. Fiction 1 c1960] Glass bees. Translated from the German by Louise Bogan and Elizabeth F KEATING Inspector Ghote trusts the heart [by] H. R. F. Keating. SFCC Fiction 1 1973. Devil's waltz / Jonathan Kellerman. F KELLERM SFCC Fiction 1 [1993] Ironweed : a novel / William Kennedy. F KENNEDY SFCC Fiction 1 1984, c1983. Pet sematary / Stephen King. F KING SFCC Fiction 1 1983. 1 1981, c1980. F KUNDERA SFCC Book of laughter and forgetting / by Milan Kundera ; translated from theFiction Czech by Michael Henry Heim. Walking drum / Louis L'Amour. F LAMOUR SFCC Fiction 1 1984. Women in love, by D. H. Lawrence. F LAWRENC SFCC Non-Fiction 1 1922. Call for the dead / John Le Carre¿¿. F LECARRE SFCC Fiction 1 c1961. Perfect spy / by John le Carre¿¿. F LECARRE SFCC Fiction 1 1986. F LEGUIN SFCC Fiction Wizard of earthsea [by] Ursula K. Le Guin. Drawings by Ruth Robbins. 2 [c1968] F LEGUIN Tombs of Atuan [by] Ursula K. Le Guin. Illustrated by Gail Garraty. SFCC Fiction 1 1971. F LEROUX Phantom of the opera / Gaston Leroux ; introduction by Max Byrd. SFCC Fiction 2 [1987]. Arrowsmith. F LEWIS SFCC Fiction 1 Perelandra; a novel. F LEWIS SFCC Fiction 1 [c1925] [1968, c1944] F LOUYS Aphrodite, by Pierre Louy¿¿s; translated by Lewis Galantie¿¿re. SFCC Fiction 1 [1933] Bourne supremacy / Robert Ludlum. F LUDLUM SFCC Fiction 4 c1986. Ancient evenings / Norman Mailer. F MAILER SFCC Fiction 1 c1983. F MANN SFCC Fiction Confessions of Felix Krull, confidence man: the early years. Translated from the German by Denver Lindley. 1 1955. Chronicles of Pern : first fall / Anne McCaffrey. F MCCAFFR 2 1993. F MCCAFFR SFCC Fiction Nerilka's story : a Pern adventure / Anne McCaffrey ; illustrated by Edwin Herder. 1 1986. MELVILL; frontispiece SFCC Typee : or, A peep at Polynesia life / by HermanFMelville byFiction Ellis Silas. 2 1949. SFCC Fiction 1 1991, c1990. F MISHIMA Spring snow. Translated from the Japanese by Michael Gallagher. SFCC Fiction 1 1972. Family pictures : a novel / Sue Miller. F MILLER SFCC Fiction Gone with the wind / by Margaret Mitchell. F MITCHEL SFCC Fiction 3 1936. Ancient child : a novel / N. Scott Momaday. F MOMADAY SFCC Fiction 1 Song of Solomon / Toni Morrison. F MORRISO SFCC Non-Fiction 2 1990. [1987], c1977. Dark star. F MULLER SFCC Fiction 1 1993, c1989. Shape of dread / Marcia Muller. F MULLER SFCC Fiction 1 c1989. 1 1992. 1 [1971] 1 1982. F MURASAK SFCC Fiction Tale of Genji / Murasaki Shikibu ; translated from the Japanese by Edward G. Seidensticker. Complete stories. F OCONNOR SFCC Fiction F OEKENZA SFCC Fiction Personal matter / by Kenzaburo Oe¿¿ ; translated from the Japanese by John Nathan. 216 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 ORWELL and JohnSFCC Fiction Animal farm / George Orwell ; illustrated by JoyFBatchelor Halas. 3 [1990] Nineteen eighty-four, a novel. F ORWELL SFCC Fiction 2 [1949] Grass dancer / Susan Power. F POWER SFCC Fiction 1 c1994. SFCC Fiction Swann's way / Marcel Proust ; translated by C.K.F PROUST Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin. 1 F PROUST by v.2Frederick SFCC Remembrance of things past / Marcel Proust ; translated A. Fiction Blossom. 1 1989, c1981. [c1932-34; v. 1, 1934] Rocking the babies / Linda Raymond. F RAYMOND SFCC Fiction 1 1994. Persian boy / Mary Renault. F RENAULT SFCC Fiction 2 1988, c1972. Mask of Apollo. F RENAULT SFCC Fiction 1 [1966] Memnoch the Devil / Anne Rice. F RICE SFCC Fiction 2 1995. 1 [1950] RICHARD SFCC Angus FictionBurrell. Clarissa; or, The history of a young lady. Edited,Fwith an introd., by John McNally's secret / Lawrence Sanders. F SANDERS SFCC Fiction 1 1993, c1991. Reckoning : a novel / by May Sarton. F SARTON SFCC Fiction 1 c1978. 1 1969, c1948. F SARTRE SFCC Wall (intimacy) and other stories / Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated from the Fiction French by Lloyd Alexander. F SAYERS SFCCL.Fiction 1972. Lord Peter : a collection of all the Lord Peter Wimsey stories / Dorothy Sayers, compiled and with introd. 2by James Sandoe, coda by Carolyn Heilbrun, SCOTT Ivanhoe : a romance ; The fortunes of Nigel / byFSir Walter Scott. SFCC Fiction Windmills of the gods / Sidney Sheldon. F SHELDON SFCC Fiction 1 1898. 1 c1987. SHELLEY SFCC Fiction Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus : theF1818 text in three volumes / by Mary Shelley ; illustrated by1 Barryc1984. Moser and with an afterword by Joyc F SHELLEY Last man. Edited with an introd. by Hugh J. Luke, Jr. SFCC Fiction 1 [1965] F SKINNER Walden Two / by B. F. Skinner, with an introd. by the author. SFCC Fiction 2 c1976. SFCC Fiction 1 1963. F STEINBE East of Eden / John Steinbeck ; with an introduction by David Wyatt.SFCC Fiction 2 1992. 1 1986. One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich Of mice and men / John Steinbeck. F SOLZHEN F STEINBE SFCC Fiction STEINBE SFCC Fiction by Jose¿¿ Clemente Orozco. 1 Pearl / John Steinbeck ; with an introduction byFLinda Wagner-Martin ; drawings c1994. SFCC Fiction 1 1961. F STEVENS SFCC Fiction Treasure Island / Robert Louis Stevenson ; drawings by Mervyn Peake. 2 1979, c1976. Winter of our discontent. F STEINBE Treasure Island / Robert Louis Stevenson. F STEVENS SFCC Fiction 1 [19--] Vanity fair F THACKER SFCC Fiction 1 1943. 1 1917. F TWAIN V.10 by Mark SFCCTwain Fiction Man that corrupted Hadleyburg, and other stories and essays, [pseud.] Kristin Lavransdatter / Sigrid Undset. F UNDSET 1939 SFCC Fiction 1 1939. Cat's cradle [by] Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. F VONNEGU SFCC Fiction 2 [c1963] F VONNEGU Sirens of Titan : an original novel / by Kurt Vonnegut. SFCC Fiction 1 1988, c1959. F WALLER Bridges of Madison County / Robert James Waller. SFCC Fiction 1 c1992. F WATSON SFCC Fiction Montana 1948 : a novel / Larry Watson ; afterword by David Huddle. 1 1995. Winter in the blood. F WELCH SFCC Fiction 1 [1974] Invisible man / H.G. Wells. F WELLS SFCC Fiction 1 [1968?] Ides of March. F WILDER SFCC Fiction 2 [1948] F WILSON SFCChouse, Fiction c1983. Our Nig, or, Sketches from the life of a free Black, in a two-story white north, showing that slavery's2shadows fall even there / by "Our Nig". Mrs. Dalloway / Virginia Woolf. F WOOLF SFCC Fiction 1 1993. To the lighthouse / Virginia Woolf. F WOOLF SFCC Fiction 1 c1955. SFCC Fiction 2 1992. FABER Faber book of gay short fiction / edited by Edmund White. 217 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 15 present c2004.a Dog Eat Dog Films production, a Fahrenheit 9/11 [videorecording (DVD) ] / LionsFAHRENH Gate Films and IFC SFCC Films DVD and The Fellowship Adventure Group FAHRENH Films production, SFCC Videos [1992?] Fahrenheit 451 [videorecording] / an Enterprise-Vineyard a Universal release ; producer, 1Lewis M. Allen ; director, Francois Truffaut ; s [2001], FAMILY and Beacon SFCC DVDpresent a Riche/Ludwig-Zvi Howard 24 c2000. and Saturn production ; prod Family man [videorecording (DVD)] / Univeral Pictures Pictures Rosenman FARAWAY SFCC DVD 5 Ulrich 2000, p1993. Faraway, so close! [videorecording] / a Road Movies and Tobis Filmkunst production ; script by Wim Wenders, Zieger and Richard Reitinger ; prod FAREWEL SFCCwith Videos c1993. Farewell my concubine [videorecording] / Miramax Films in association Maverick Picture Company and1 Tomson (HK) Films ; produce by Hsu Feng ; FARGO in association SFCCwith DVDWorking Title Films. Fargo [videorecording] / PolyGram Filmed Entertainment 15 c2003. FARINEL Videos 2 ; screenplay c1995. Farinelli [videorecording] / Alinea Films, Le Studio Canal Films, UGCSFCC Images [et al.] ; directed by Gerard Corbiau by Andree and Gerard Corbi Sound and the fury / William Faulkner. FAULKNER SFCC Fiction 2 1992. BASIL SFCC 1 1986, c1984. Argent ; directed by Bob S Fawlty Towers. Communication problems ; TheFAWLTY anniversary ; Basil the ratVideos [videorecording] / BBC Video ; produced by Douglas FEAR SFCC DVD Guild Theatrical ; Studio Canal 7 ; une 2005. Stupeur et tremblements [videorecording (DVD)]= Fear and trembling / Cinema coproduction Les films Alain Sarde, 2006. [1992], FIELD Oproduction ; SFCC Videos 1 c1989. Field of dreams [videorecording] / a Gordon Company written for the screen by Phil Alden Robinson ; produced by Lawrence Gordon and C Restoring Grace / Katie Fforde. FFO Bridget Jones's diary : a novel / Helen Fielding. FIELDIN SFCC Best Sellers 5 SFCC Fiction 4 1999. FIFTH SFCC DVD 10 Nikbin. c2004. Va¿¿ku¿¿nish -i panju¿¿m [videorecording] = The fifth reaction / Tahminih Milani ; productions Mu¿¿hamad FIFTY-ONE SFCC DVD production in association with 6 HBO/Cinemax c2007. 51 Birch Street [videorecording] / Priddy Brothers present a Copacetic Pictures Documentary films ; a ZDF/ FIGHT and Regency Enterprises SFCC DVD ; a Linson Films production.27 Fight club [videorecording (DVD)] / Fox 2000 Pictures c2002. FINDING SFCC DVD 21 Magee [2005] Finding Neverland [videorecording] / Miramax Films presents a FilmColony production ; screenplay by David ; produced by Richard N. Gladstein, SFCC DVD 3 [2006] First night [videorecording] = La primera noche FIRST / TLA Releasing ; producer, Luis Alberto Restrepo ; screenwriters, Luis Alberto Restrepo, Alberto Quiroga White oleander : a novel / Janet Fitch. FITCH SFCC Fiction 2 c2000. FLAGS DVD Bros. Pictures present ; a Malpaso/Amblin 16 [2007] Entertainment production ; d Flags of our fathers [videorecording (DVD)] / DreamWorks Pictures SFCC and Warner Spy who loved me. FLEMING SFCC Fiction 1 [1962] DVD Classics ; una coproduccion El2Deseo2007. Flor de mi secreto [videorecording] = The flowerFLOWER of my secret / SonySFCC Pictures S.A. y CIBY 2000 ; gui¿¿n y direcci¿¿n, FLU SFCCFluke. Best Sellers Carrot cake murder : a Hannah Swensen mystery with recipes / Joanne 2 2008. Protect and defend : a thriller / Vince Flynn. FLY SFCC Best Sellers 3 2007. World without end / Ken Follett. FOL SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2007. FOR COLORED [2002?] For colored girls who have considered suicide, when the rainbow isSFCC enuf DVD [videorecording] / a co-production2of WNET and WPET ; writer, Ntozake Shange FORBIDD SFCC Canal DVD ; Silver-Films pre¿¿sente une3production c2005.de Robert Dorfmann ; adaptation Jeux interdits [videorecording] = Forbidden games / Janus Films ; Studio FORREST SFCC Videos 1995. Forrest Gump [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures presents a Steve Tisch, Wendy Finerman production ; 1a Robert Zemeckis film. FOURfilm in association SFCCwith DVD40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks3production [2000]; a Spike Lee Joint ; director, prod 4 little girls [videorecording] / an HBO documentary FR 133.4309 MICHELpar Paul Viallaneix. SFCC Foreign Language 1 c1966. Sorcie¿¿re / Jules Michelet ; chronologie et pre¿¿face FR 443.1 LUPSON / P. Lupson, SFCCM.L. Foreign Language 1 1987, c1986. Guide to French idioms = Guide des locutions franc¿¿aises Pe¿¿lissier. 448.2and MATHY SFCC Foreign Language 1 c1992. 750 French verbs and their uses / Jean-PhilippeFR Mathy Rosemary McCluskey. FR 448.2421 CASSAGN SFCC Foreign 1 101 French idioms : understanding French language and culture through popular Language phrases / Jean-Marie Cassagne ;c1995. illustrated by Lucques Nisset-Raidon. FR 448.6 Sa22p SFCC Foreign Language FR 448.64 MANKIN Anthologie d'humour franc¿¿ais [by] Paul Mankin [and] Alex Szogyi.SFCC Foreign Language 2 [1943] 1 [1971] FRcentury, 841.08 Ox2o Foreign Language Oxford book of French verse, XIIIth century-XXth chosen bySFCC St. John Lucas. FR 848.402 L327m SFCC Foreign Language Maximes, suivies des Re¿¿flexions diverses, 1 1957. 1 1967. Petit prince, avec dessins par l'auteur. 218 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 FR F C647e Enfants terrible / Jean Cocteau ; [illustrations, Elisabeth Anrep]. SFCC Foreign Language 1 c1975. FRpre¿¿face F H874 par Jacques SFCCBody. Foreign Language Quatrevingt-treize / Victor Hugo ; chronologie et 1 1967, c1965. F H874m v.1une introduction SFCC ForeignetLanguage 1 c1963. Mise¿¿rables / texte presente avec les variantesFRdes Miseres, des notes par Marius-Franc¿¿ois Guyard. Dro¿¿le. Illus. de Jean Reschofsky. FR F M446d SFCC Foreign Language 1 [1961] De la terre a¿¿ la lune / Jules Verne. FR F V549dl SFCC Foreign Language 1 c1970. SFCC Foreign Language Notre-Dame de Paris / Victor Hugo ; adaptationFR deHUGO Pierre de Beaumont. 2 c1969. FRde J ROY Contes pour enfants / Gabrielle Roy, illustrations Ni cole Lafond SFCC Foreign Language 1 1998. FRfranc¿¿ais MAUPASSfacile par SFCC ForeignTauvel. Language Cinq contes / Guy de Maupassant ; adapte¿¿s en Jean-Paul 1 c1970. FR QUIGNAR Tous les matins du monde : roman / Pascal Quignard. SFCC Foreign Language 1 SFCC Foreign Language 1 c1991. [1968, c1938] FR VERNE LanguageBihoreau. Tour du Monde en 80 jours / Jules Verne ; adaptation en franc¿¿aisSFCC facileForeign par Dominique 1 c1963. FR VOLTAIR SFCC Foreign Language Candide. Adaptation de Nicolas Bousserain. Dessins de C. Mare¿¿chal. 1 1968] Nause¿¿e. FR SARTRE FRANKEN SFCCPictures. DVD Frankenstein [videorecording (DVD)] : the legacy collection / Universal FRASER SFCCby Fiction Flashman : from the Flashman papers 1839-1842 / edited and arranged George MacDonald Fraser. 10 1 c2004. [19894], c1969. FRASER Fiction 1 1989, Flashman in the great game : from the Flashman papers, 1856-1858SFCC / edited and arranged by George MacDonald Fraser.c1975. SFCC Reserve present ; in coproduction3 with c2007. Fraulein [videorecording] / Film movement andFRAULEIN Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion Quinte Film SF Schweizer Fernsehen ; w Cold mountain / Charles Frazier. FRAZIER SFCC Fiction 1 c1997. FREAKS SFCC Videos c1986. and Leon Gordon. Freaks [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; produced and directed by Tod Browning ; screenplay by 1Willis Goldbeck FRENZY; screenplay SFCC VideosShaffer. Frenzy [videorecording] / directed by Alfred Hitchcock by Anthony 2 c1980. [2003], DVD Rose Perenchio a Ventanarosa 7 production c2002. in association with Lions Gate F Frida [videorecording] / Miramax Films presentsFRIDA in association withSFCC Margaret [1985?], FRONTRitt, Jack Rollins, SFCCCharles VideosH. Joffe production ; a Persky-Bright/Devon 1 c1976. feature ; written by Walter B Front [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures ; a Martin FULL METAL DVD 15 2001. Full metal jacket [videorecording (DVD)] / Warner Bros. Pictures ; aSFCC Stanley Kubrick film ; directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick ; screenplay by Stanl FULL in MO Videos Films Ariane ; directed by Eric 1 Rohmer 1986.; produced by Margaret Menegoz Nuits de la pleine lune [videorecording] = Full moon Paris / Films SFCC du Losange, True love / by Jennifer Fulton. FULTON SFCC Fiction 1 1994. D SFCC Videos 1 O. Repetto 1987, c1983. No habra mas penas ni olvido [videorecording] FUNNY / Aries Cinematogra¿¿fica ; produced by Fernando Ayala, Luis ; directed by Hector Olivera. 398.2 W495m Ma¿¿rchen der bru¿¿der Grimm / buchschmuckGvon Gisela Werner.SFCC Foreign Language 1 1959. 433.21P.G317 SFCC Foreign Language 3 c1990. German heritage dictionary / [English language Geditors, O'Brien-Hitching ... et al. ; German edition by R. Fuhrman, C. Gunsch, L. Kruse ; illustrated by K G 437.09 BESSERW SFCCBesserwisser Foreign Language 3 c1994. Scheisse! : the real German you were never taught in school / Gertrude ; illustrated by David Levine. G 438.2 PAXTON SFCC Foreign Language G 438.242 MEYER SFCC Foreign Abenteuer in Deutschland / von Ursula Meyer, Alice Wolfson ; [drawings by HellaLanguage Korsch]. German grammar / Norman Paxton. Outlander / Diana Gabaldon. GABALDO SFCC Fiction 219 1 1992, c1986. 1 c1976. 3 1991. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Dragonfly in amber / Diana Gabaldon. GABALDON SFCC Fiction 3 c1992. Voyager / Diana Gabaldon. GABALDON SFCC Fiction 1 1994. Anansi boys / Neil Gaiman. GAI SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2005. Lesson before dying / Ernest J. Gaines. GAINES SFCC Fiction 8 1993. GALLIPO SFCC Videos c1981.by Robert Stigwood and Patricia Gallipoli [videorecording] / Associated R&R Films Pty./Paramount Pictures ; screenplay by David Williamson3; produced Whirlwind : a novel / Joseph R. Garber. GAR SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2004. GARCIA Ma¿¿rquez SFCC Fiction from the Spanish by Edith Grossman. 2 2005. Memories of my melancholy whores / Gabriel Garci¿¿a ; translated SFCC Fiction Shakespeare stories / Leon Garfield ; illustratedGARFIELD by Michael Foreman. 1 1985. GATES DVD and directed by Errol Morris.6 Gates of heaven [videorecording] / a film by Errol Morris ; IFC FilmsSFCC ; produced c2005. GENERAL General [videorecording] ; The playhouse ; Cops. c2001. SFCC Videos 3 GEORGE Filmed Challenges, SFCC Videos 1 Production c2001. and Down Home Entertainm George Washington [videorecording] / Youandwhatarmy LLC in association with Blue Moon GERMANY SFCC Videos 1 c1996. Deutschland im Herbst [videorecording] = Germany in autumn / Filmverlag der Autoren ; Film von Bo¿¿ll, Brustellin, Sinkel, Cloos, Rupe¿¿, Fassbinder, K GET REA a Distant Horizon SFCC Videos [2000]. Get real [videorecording] / Paramount Classics presents production ; a Graphite Film with1the articipiation of British Screen and The Ar GET REAL SFCCStephen DVD Taylor ; director, Simon Shore. 1 Get real [videorecording] / Distant Horizon ; Graphite Films ; producer, [1999] GIA SFCC DVD 15 2000. Power Pictures ; a film by Mich Gia [videorecording] / HBO Pictures presents a Marvin Worth Production in association with Citadel Entertainemnt/Kahn SFCC DVD ; directed by Fernando Sari¿¿ana 8 ; produced c2004. by Francisco Gonzalez Compe Todo el poder [videorecording] = Gimme powerGIMME / Altavista Films & Nuvisi¿¿n GIRL CRAZY by Norman SFCCTaurog DVD ; produced by Arthur Freed.1 Girl crazy [videorecording] / [presented by] MGM ; directed 2007. GIRL OF Cartel, Fernando SFCC DVD 2 c2004. Nin¿¿a de tus ojos [videorecording] / una produccio¿¿n Trueba, Lola Films con la participatio¿¿n de Antena 3 Televisio¿¿n, SA y Via Dig GIRL OF Cartel, Fernando SFCC DVD 1 c2004. Nin¿¿a de tus ojos [videorecording] / una produccio¿¿n Trueba, Lola Films con la participatio¿¿n de Antena 3 Televisio¿¿n, SA y Via Dig SFCC 5 and 2004. Girl hood [videorecording] / produced by MoxieGIRLHOOD Firecracker Films, Inc. forDVD TLC ; a film by Liz Garbus ; produced directed by Liz Garbus ; produced by GLADIATO SFCC Videos Gladiator [videorecording] / DreamWorks Pictures and Universal Pictures ; directed by Ridley Scott ; writer,1Davidc2000. Franzoni ; screenplay by David Franzon GLASS M ; producer, SFCC Videos Glass menagerie [videorecording] / Cineplex Odeon Films Burtt Harris ; director, Paul Newman. 3 c1988. GODby] GREW [2007] God grew tired of us [videorecording] / [presented Newmarket SFCC Films DVD in association with Silver Nitrate ; 3a National Geographic Films/LBS production GODS AND SFCCFlashpoint DVD 2003. a Regent Entertainment product Gods and monsters [videorecording] / Lions Gate Films, Showtime and in association with BBC 10 Films present GODS MUST produced SFCCand Videos Gods must be crazy [videorecording] / C.A.T. Films ; written, directed by Jamie Uys. 1 c1986. GOGOL SFCC Fiction by Bernard Guilbert Guerney. 1 Dead souls / Nikolai V. Gogol ; translated from the Russian, and with a foreword, 1997. GOLGoldberg. Mr. Monk and the two assistants : a novel / by Lee 6 c2007. GOLD RUSH SFCC DVD by Charles Chaplin. Gold rush [videorecording] / released thru United Artists ; written and directed 5 [2003] Memoirs of a geisha : a novel / Arthur Golden. GOLDEN SFCC Fiction 3 1999. SFCC Fiction 2 1999. Lord of the flies / William Golding. GOLDING SFCC Best Sellers GONE SFCCSelznick DVD International in association11with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer [2004] Gone with the wind [videorecording] / a Selznick International Picture, has the honor to GOOD Independent NIGHT SFCC DVD 6 [2006] Good night, and good luck [videorecording] / Warner Pictures and 2929 Entertainment in associations with Davis Films, Redbus Pictures an GOOD WI Videos by Lawrence Bender ; written 2 by Ben c1997. Good Will Hunting [videorecording] / [presented by] Miramax FilmsSFCC ; produced Affleck & Matt Damon ; directed by GOODFEL SFCCby DVD 12 ; produced [1997] by Irwin Winkler ; directed by M GoodFellas [videorecording] / [presented by] Warner Bros. ; screenplay Nicholas Pileggi & Martin Scorsese SFCC Videos Goodfellas [videorecording] / Warner Bros., Inc,GOODFEL ; producer: Irwin Winkler ; director: Martin Scorsese. Jumper : Griffin's story / Steven Gould. GOU SFCC Best Sellers 1 1991. 6 2007. GR 433 Sch63n : English-German/German-English SFCC Foreign Language 1 Scho¿¿ffler 1981. ; completely revised, greatly e New enlarged Scho¿¿ffler-Weis German and English dictionary / by Herbert GRADUAT by CalderSFCC Videos and Buck Henry ; produced2by Lawrence c1987. Turman ; directed by Mike Nich Graduate [videorecording] / Joseph E. Levine ; screenplay Willingham GRAND C Fox presents SFCC aDVD 1 Lawrence c2000.Kasdan & Meg Kasdan ; produced Grand Canyon [videorecording (DVD)] / Twentieth Century Lawrence Kasdan film ; written by GRANDFA SFCC DVD Dos, S.A ; con la participacio¿¿n 8 c1998. Abuelo [videorecording] = The grandfather / una produccio¿¿n Nickel Odeo¿¿n de Televisio¿¿n Espan¿¿ola, S.A. ; una pe GRAPES DVD c2004. Grapes of wrath [videorecording] / Twentieth Century-Fox presentsSFCC Darryl F. Zanuck's production ; directed5by John Ford ; screenplay by Nunnally Johns GRASSHenry Heim. SFCC Fiction My century / Gu¿¿nter Grass ; translated by Michael 1 c1999. GRAVEno haka / Akiyuki SFCCNosaka/Shinchosha DVD Grave of the fireflies [videorecording (DVD)] = Hotaru Co. 6 c1998. GRAY SFCC 1 [2007] Gray matters [videorecording] / Gray Matters Productions, LLC ; Yari FilmVideos Group Releasing and El Camino Pictures present in association with Contagiou Passport diaries / Tamara T. Gregory. GRE SFCC Best Sellers 220 3 c2005. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 GREED SFCC production Videos c1989. Greed [videorecording] / Louis B. Mayer presents an Erich von Stroheim ; screen adaptation and1 scenario by June Mathis and Erich von Stroh GREEN SFCC DVDRock Entertainment ; a Darkwoods 11 presentation 2000. Green mile [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures ; [presented by] Castle ; written for the screen and Playing for pizza / John Grisham. GRI SFCC Best Sellers 7 2007. Broker / John Grisham. GRI SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2005. Blue place / Nicola Griffith. GRIFFIT SFCC Fiction 3 1999, c1998. Stay : a novel / Nicola Griffith. GRIFFITH SFCC Fiction 1 2002. Skipping Christmas / John Grisham. GRISHAM SFCC Fiction 2 c2001. King of torts / John Grisham. GRISHAM SFCC Fiction 1 c2003. Painted house : a novel / by John Grisham. GRISHAM SFCC Fiction 1 2001. Water for elephants : a novel / Sara Gruen. GRUEN SFCC Fiction 5 2006. GUIMBA 3 production c2004. Kora-Films ; directeur de produ Guimba [videorecording] : un tyran, une e¿¿poque = a tyrant in his SFCC time /DVD Idrissa Ouedraogo pre¿¿sente ; une GUN ; a King Bros. production SFCC DVD ; produced by Maurice King, Frank 4 [2004] Gun crazy [videorecording] / United Artists presents King ; screenplay by MacKinlay Kantor a HAGEDORN SFCC Fiction 1 1997. HAIRSPRAY (Shankman) SFCC DVD 3 c2007. Hairspray [videorecording] / Gabriel Simon Production Services ; Storyline Entertainment ; Ingenious Film Partners ; New Line Cinema ; Zadan/Meron ; p HAIRSPRay (Waters)in association SFCC DVD 13 production c2002. ; a John Waters film ; producer, Hairspray [videorecording] / New Line Cinema presents with Stanley F. Buchtal a Robert Shaye Gangster of love / Jessica Hagedorn. DVD in association with Silverwood 13 Films/Original [2007?] Media a Hunting Lane Films/J Half nelson [videorecording (DVD) ] / Thinkfilm HALF ; Hunting Lane FilmsSFCC presents HALL by HavelockSFCC 1 1990. Well of loneliness / Radclyffe Hall ; with a commentary Ellis.Fiction HAMLET SFCC DVD by David Barron ; adapted 6for the[2007] Hamlet [videorecording] / [presented by] Castle(Branaugh) Rock Entertainment ; produced screen and directed by Kenneth Brana HAMLET SFCC DVD 1 forc1999. Richard Burton's Hamlet [videorecording] / Paul(Gielgud) Brownstein Productions ; directed by John Gielgud ; produced the screen by William Sargent and Alf HAMLET [2004], (Zeffirelli) SFCC DVD 8 on the c1990. Hamlet [videorecording (DVD)] / Warner Bros. and Nelson Entertainment present an Icon production ; based play by William Shakespeare ; scree Outlaw demon wails / Kim Harrison. HAR SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2008. HARDER SFCC Videos 1 D. Rhone [198-?] Harder they come [videorecording] / Island Pictures ; producer, Perry Henzell ; writers, Perry Henzell, Trevor ; director, Perry Henzell. HAROLD SFCC 3 ; directed [1990] by Hal Ashby ; written by Colin Harold and Maude [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures ; produced by Videos Colin Higgins and Charles B. Mulvehill HARRIS Imperium : a novel of ancient Rome / Robert Harris. 2 c2006. SFCC Non-Fiction 2 2000, c1999. Lover / Bertha Harris ; with a new introduction HARRIS by the author. SFCC Fiction 1 c1993. HART Faint praise : a Jane Lawless mystery / Ellen Hart. SFCC Fiction 4 c1995. HART Robber's wine : a Jane Lawless mystery / Ellen Hart. SFCC Fiction 1 c1996. SFCC Fiction 1 2004. Chocolat : a novel / Joanne Harris. Eventide : a novel / Kent Haruf. HARRIS SFCC Fiction HARUF HARVEY by John Beck SFCC Videos by Mary Chase and Oscar1Brodney c1990. Harvey [videorecording] / Universal Pictures ; produced ; screenplay ; directed by Henry Koster. HATE SFCCLes Videos 1 c1996. Haine [videorecording] =] : Hate / Jodie Foster and Egg Pictures present Productions Lazennec ; en coproduction avec Le Studio Canal+, La Sept Cine¿ HAWTHORN SFCCHauser Fiction; teleplay by Allen Knee & Alvin 3 Sapinsley. c1988. Scarlet letter [videorecording] / WGBH ; produced and directed by Rick HAWTHORN SFCCHauser Fiction; teleplay by Allen Knee & Alvin 2 Sapinsley. c1988. Scarlet letter [videorecording] / WGBH ; produced and directed by Rick HAWTHORN SFCCHauser Fiction; teleplay by Allen Knee & Alvin 1 Sapinsley. c1988. Scarlet letter [videorecording] / WGBH ; produced and directed by Rick HAWTHORN SFCCHauser Fiction; teleplay by Allen Knee & Alvin 1 Sapinsley. c1988. Scarlet letter [videorecording] / WGBH ; produced and directed by Rick HEAD-ON SFCC DVD 5 c2005. Gegen die Wand [videorecording] = Head-on / Bavaria Film International, Wu¿¿ste Filmproduktion in co-produktion mit Corazo¿¿n International und ND Digital stereo headphones HEADPHONES A SFCC Circ Desk 179 Digital stereo headphones HEADPHONES A SFCC Circ Desk 131 Digital stereo headphones HEADPHONES A SFCC Circ Desk 82 Digital stereo headphones HEADPHONES A SFCC Circ Desk 62 Digital stereo headphones HEADPHONES A SFCC Circ Desk 48 221 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Digital stereo headphones HEADPHONES A SFCC Circ Desk 45 HEART SFCC DVDproduction in association with 3Flying [2007] Heart of the game [videorecording] Miramax Films presents a Woody Creek Spot Pictures ; a film by Ward Serrill ; p HEAT SFCC DVD 11 [1999] Heat [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents in association with Regency Enterprises a Forward Pass production ; produced by Michael Mann, Art Lins Heavens above [Videorecording] / Charter FilmHEAVENS Productions, Ltd. SFCC Videos 1 [198-?] HEDWIGFeatures ; New SFCC DVD 11 c2001. Hedwig and the angry inch [videorecording] / FineLine Line Cinema presents a Killer Films production ; animation sequences and art wor Worst thing I've done : a novel / Ursula Hegi. HEG SFCC Best Sellers 3 2007. SFCC Fiction Beyond this horizon / Robert A. Heinlein ; with aHEINLEI new introd. by Norman Spinrad. 2 1981, c1948. Stranger in a strange land / Robert A. Heinlein. HEINLEIN SFCC Fiction 1 1987. Best enemies / Jane Heller. HEL SFCC Best Sellers 5 2004. Old man and the sea / Ernest Hemingway. HEMINGW SFCC Fiction 2 1995. HENRY & JUNE SFCC Videos 1 byc1990. Henry & June [videorecording] / Universal Pictures presents a Walrus & Associates, Ltd. Production ; produced Peter Kaufman ; directed by Philip Kau HENRY V (Branagh) SFCC Videos 1 c1990. Henry V [videorecording] / Renaissance Films PLC presents in association with the BBC and Curzon Film Distributors Ltd ; [written] by William Shakespea HERis NAME SFCC 2 Mosaique c2007. Films ; collaboration a l'e¿¿critu Elle s'appelle Sabine [videorecording] = Her name Sandrine / un film deReserve Sandrine Bonnaire ; une production HERO SFCCFrears DVD ; produced by Laura Ziskin ; screenplay 9 1999,byc1992. Hero [videorecording (DVD) ] / Columbia Pictures ; directed by Stephen David Webb Peoples. HESSE from the German SFCC Fiction 3 introduction 1999. by Ralph Freedman. Siddhartha : an Indian tale / Hermann Hesse ; translated by Joachim Neugroschel ; with an Basket case / Carl Hiaasen. HIASSEN SFCC Fiction 1 [2003] SFCC DVD [2006] de Michael Hanke ; un productio Cach¿¿ [videorecording (DVD)] = Hidden / SonyHIDDEN Pictures Classics ; Les films du losange ... [et al.] ; sc¿¿nario17et dialogues SFCC Company, Videos 3 1986. Hidden fortress = Kakushi toride no san-akuminHIDDEN [videorecording] / Toho Ltd. ; directed by Akira Kurosawa. HIGH AN SFCC Videos; written and directed by Akira 2 Kurosawa. 1988, c1963. High and low [videorecording] / Toho Co. ; produced by Kurosawa Productions HIGH NOON High noon [videorecording (DVD)] / Republic Pictures. SFCC DVD 4 c2000. HIS GIR SFCC play Videos 2 Howard 1985.Hawks. His girl Friday [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures Corporation ; screen by Charles Lederer ; directed by SFCC DVD 15 [2006] History of violence [videorecording] / New LineHISTORY Productions, Inc. ; Bender-Spink, Inc. ; produced by Chris Bender, David Cronenberg, J.C. Spink ; screenpl HOLY GIRL Martel. SFCC DVD Holy girl [videorecording] / written and directted by Lucrecia 2 2005. HOME / a Plymouth SFCC DVD 4 Films/John c2004. Wells production of a Warner I Home at the end of the world [videorecording (DVD)] Projects/Hart-Sharp Entertainment, Killer HOOP Videos 1 byc1994. Hoop dreams [videorecording] / Fine Line Features ; a(Copy film by1)SteveSFCC James, Fred Marx, Peter Gilbert ; produced Steve James, Fred Marx, Peter Gilbert Videos 1 Horse feathers [videorecording] / a Paramount HORSE pictureF; [producer]SFCC Adolph Zukor ; directed by Norman McLeod ; c1988. screenplay by Bert Kalmar ... [et al.]. Thousand splendid suns / Khaled Hosseini. HOSSEINI SFCC Fiction 6 HOSSEINI SFCC Fiction 1 2007. 2007. [2005], SFCCwith DVDLions Gate Entertainment ; a 16 c2004. Hotel Rwanda [videorecording] / United Artists HOTEL presents, in association United Kingdom/South Africa/Italy co-product [2003], HOURS SFCC DVD Hours [videorecording] / [presented by] Paramount Pictures and Miramax Films ; produced by Scott Rudin,10Robertc2002. Fox ; screenplay by David Hare ; direc c2004, SFCC DVD in association with Cobalt Media 11 Group c2003. House of sand and fog [videorecording (DVD)] /HOUSE Dreamworks Pictures present ; a Michael London production ; p Kite runner / Khaled Hosseini. HOUSErelease ; a Filmhaus SFCC Videos c1987. House of games [videorecording] / an Orion Pictures production ; screen play by David 1Mamet ; produced by Michael Hausman ; dir SFCC DVD 3 Yimou [2005] House of Flying Daggers [videorecording] / EliteHOUSE Group OF (2003) Enterprises, Inc. presents an Ekdo Films, Zhang Studio production in collaboration w TO / Hand Made SFCC DVD [2003] How to get ahead in advertising [videorecordingHOW (DVD)] Films ; produced by David Wimbury ; 1written & directed by Bruce Robinson. SFCC DVDHome Entertainment presents 10a Studio [2006] Hauru no ugoku shiro [videorecording] = Howl'sHOWLS moving castle / Walt Disney Ghibli film ; Dentsu Music and Enter HUGO Mise¿¿rables / Victor Hugo ; translated by Charles E. Wilbour. SFCC Fiction 1 1992. [2004], HUMAN SFCC DVD present a Lakeshore Entertainment 11 c2003. Human stain [videorecording] / Miramax Films and Lakeshore Entertainment and Stone Village production in associa HUNGER SFCC DVD Company production ; screenplay 4 [2004] Hunger [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents a Richard Shepherd by Ivan Davis and Michael Thomas ; pr Brave new world / Aldous Huxley. HUXLEY SFCC Fiction 222 1 1998. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 I VITELLONIMedia Films SFCC DVD ; produced by Lorenzo Pegoraro 1 ; screenplay [2005] Vitelloni [videorecording] Corinth Films and International present by Federico Fellini, Ennio Fla IDEAL SFCCProductions, DVD 3 Council c1999.of England ; screenplay adaptatio Ideal husband [videorecording] / a Fragile Film in association with Icon Pathe¿¿ Pictures, The Arts IF Videos 1 Anderson c1989. ; directed by Lindsay Anderson ; If-- [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures ; Memorial Enterprises ; SFCC produced by Michael Medwin and Lindsay IF THESE SFCC DVD Todd production. If these walls could talk. 2 [videorecording (DVD)] / HBO Film presents a Team 4 c2000. IF THESE SFCC Todd Videos If these walls could talk 2 [videorecording] / HBO Films presents a Team production ; producer, Mary 1Kane. c2000. IF THEY SFCC DVDpor el Ministerio de Cultura ; con 3 la colaboraci¿¿on [2004] Si te dicen que cai¿¿ [videorecording] = If they tell you I fell / subveniconada de Televisio¿¿n de Cata [2007], ILLUSIO SFCC DVD 24 ; Michael c2006. London Productions ; Stillking F Illusionist [videorecording (DVD)] / Bull's Eye Entertainment ; Bob Yari Productions ; Contagious Entertainment I'M/ Colorado Film, Cattleya, SFCC DVDMedusa Film presentano una coproduzione 5 [2004] Italia-Spagna-Regno Unito, Colo I'm not scared [videorecording] = Io non ho paura IMAGINE SFCC DVD 2006.with Focus Features, Minotaur Film Imagine me & you [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures and Ealing Studios and BBC Films present in 17 association IMMORTAL SFCCan DVD 3 Davey c2000. Immortal beloved [videorecording (DVD)] / Columbia Pictures presents Icon Production ; produced by Bruce ; written and directed by Bernard IMPORTAN p2002, 1952. Importance of being Earnest [videorecording] /(1952) British Film Makers,SFCC ltd. :DVD an Anthony Asquith production. 1 [1994?], THE of the sensesSFCC Videos 1 c1976. Dans l'empire des sens [videorecording] = In theINrealm / Argos Films ; Oshima Production ; produced by Anatole Dauman ; directed by Nag INCREDIB / Fine Line SFCC DVD presents a Smash Pictures production 3 [2004] Incredibly true adventure of 2 girls in love [videorecording] Features of a film by Maria Maggenti ; prod SFCC DVD 12 ; a2002, 1996. Independence day [videorecording] / TwentiethINDEPEN Century Fox presents a Centropolis Entertainment production Roland Emmerich film ; produced by D INHERIT (Copy 2) Artists release ; produced SFCC DVDand directed by Stanley Kramer 2 ; screenplay 2001. by Nathan E. Douglas and Haro Inherit the wind [videorecording (DVD)] / a United INSIDE and ImagineSFCC DVD 21 ; written 2006. by Russell Gewirtz ; directed by S Inside man [videorecording (DVD)] / Universal Pictures Entertainment ; produced by Brian Grazer [2003], INTACT SFCC DVD con la participation de Canal+ 14Espan¿¿a c2001. Intacto [videorecording] = Intact / una produccio¿¿n de Sogecine para 5 Film y la coloboracio¿¿n de TFC ; writer INTERIO; producer, Charles SFCC Videos 1 Allen. [198-?] Interiors [videorecording] / United Artists Corporation H. Joffe ; writer and director, Woody [2003], INVINCI in association SFCC DVD 3 c2001. Invincible [videorecording] / Fineline Features presents with Filmfour a Werner Herzog Filmproduktion/Tatfilm production in association w INVISIB Lisandro SFCC DVD Nin¿¿os invisibles [videorecording] guio¿¿n y direccio¿¿n, Duque Naranjo. 14 [2003] IRON SFCC Videos c1991. Iron & silk [videorecording] / Prestige ; produced and&directed by Shirley Sun ; written by Mark Salzman and1Shirley Sun. IRONbyISLAND SFCC DVD; produced by Abolhassan Davudi 1 and2006. Iron island [videorecording] = Jazireh ahani / a film Mohammad Rasoulof Mohammad Rasoulof ; written by Mo Hotel New Hampshire / John Irving. IRVING SFCC Fiction 1 c1981. Old Christmas / Washington Irving. IRVING SFCC Fiction 1 [19--?] ITALIAN SFCC 1 ; manuskript, [2002?] Lone Scherfig ; producer, Ib Italiensk for begyndere [videorecording] / Miramax Films ; produceret afDVD Zentropa Entertainments 6 ... [et al.] IT'S A WONDERFUL SFCC DVDFrank Capra. 1 [2006] Frank Capra's It's a wonderful life [videorecording] / Liberty Films ; director, ITSGoldwyn ALWAYSMayer ; story SFCC DVD 2 Adolph c2006.Green ; produced by Arthur Freed It's always fair weather [videorecording] / Metro and screen play by Betty Comden and INproduction. SFCC DVD It's in the water [videorecording] a Water IslandIT'S Film 9 c1996. ITS MY presents an Opala SFCC DVD [2003] It's my party [videorecording] / United Artists Pictures production ; a Randal Kleiser film 1 ; produced by Joel Thurm, Randal Kleiser ; wr SFCC Fiction 1 c2005. Beasts of no nation : a novel / Uzodinma Iweala.IWEALA J 222.1109 SFCC Childrens JANISCH Collection 1997. Noah's ark / adapted by Heinz Janisch ; illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger ; translated by Rosemary Lanning. 1 SFCC Childrens 242.62 FIELD Collection 2 1984. Prayer for a child / by Rachel Field ; pictures by JElizabeth Orton Jones. SFCC Childrens J 305.8 Collection 1 c1976. Look at prejudice and understanding / photos. by MariaF77L S. Forrai ; text by Rebecca Anders. SFCC Childrens 306.89 BROWN Collection 1 c1986. Dinosaurs divorce / Laurene Krasny Brown and JMarc Brown. SFCC Childrens 398.2 HITOPAD Collection 1 [1961] Once a mouse ... A fable cut in wood by MarciaJBrown. SFCC Childrens J 398.2 PAYEPaye & Margaret CollectionH. Lippert ; illustrated by Julie 1Paschkis. 2002. Head, body, legs : a story from Liberia / retold by Won-Ldy 223 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 J 398.21 SFCC Childrens KIMMEL by Megan Lloyd. Collection 3 c1993. Gingerbread man / retold by Eric A. Kimmel ; illustrated J 398.21 SFCC Childrens ROCKWELL Collection 1 c1988. Puss in boots and other stories / told and illustrated by Anne Rockwell. J 398.2108 SFCC Childrens Collection 1 c1990. Orphan boy / by Tololwa M. Mollel ; illustrated MOLLEL by Paul Morin. J 398.2109 SFCC Childrens PERRAULT 2 1993. Complete fairy tales of Charles Perrault / illustrated by Sally HolmesCollection ; newly translated by Neil Philip and Nicoletta Simborowski ; with an introduction an J 398.2452 SFCC Childrens Collection 1 1988. Aesop's fables / illustrated by Charles Santore. AESOPS J 398.2452 SFCC Childrens Collection 1 c1993. Three billy goats Gruff / retold and illustrated byROUNDS Glen Rounds. J 398.2454 SFCC Childrens UNICORN 3 c1988. Unicorn treasury / compiled and edited by Bruce Coville ; illustratedCollection by Tim Hildebrandt. J 398.25 SFCC Childrens Collection 3 Gammell. c1981. Scary stories to tell in the dark / collected from SCHWART American folklore by Alvin Schwartz ; with drawings by Stephen SFCC Childrens J 398.8 MOTHER Collection 1 [1968] Mother Goose. Pictures by Gyo Fujikawa. SFCC Childrens J 398.8 MOTHER Collection 1 1993, c1991. Old Mother Hubbard and her wonderful dog / illustrated by James Marshall. SFCC Childrens J 419 BAHAN Collection 1 1994. My ABC signs of animal friends / Ben Bahan & Joe Dannis ; illustrated by Patricia Pearson. SFCC Childrens J 419by BAKER Collection 2 1986. My first book of sign / Pamela J. Baker ; illustrations Patricia Bellan Gillen. SFCC Childrens J 423.1 PELLETI Collection 1 c1996. Graphic alphabet / David Pelletier. SFCC Childrens J 423.1 WORDS Collection 1 1991. Words for new readers. SFCC Childrens 502.8Lippman. C634s Collection 1 [1972] Science experiments you can eat. Illustrated by JPeter SFCC Childrens J 508 Collection 1 c1969. One day in the woods [videorecording] : a musical forONE children / Jean Craighead George, Eleonore Kramer, producers ; Louise Creig Gerber, director. J 510.7 SFCC Childrens MACGREG 1 Tom Thumbs¿¿ musical maths : developing maths skills with simpleCollection songs / Helen MacGregor ; maths consultant :1998. Marion Cranmer ; illustrator : Michael J 551.5784 BENTLEY SFCC Childrens MARTIN by Mary Azarian. Collection 1 1998. Snowflake Bentley / Jacqueline Briggs Martin ; illustrated J 574.5263 SFCC Childrens 1 1988. Pond & river / written by Steve Parker ; [specialP288p photography, PhilipCollection Dowell]. SFCC Childrens J 581 B935p Collection 1 1989. Plant / written by David Burnie ; [special photography by Andrew McRobb ... et al.]. J 582.16 SFCC Childrens Collection 1 c1985. Once there was a tree / by Natalia Romanova ; ROMANOVA illustrated by Gennady Spirin. SFCC Childrens J 591.909 P288s Collection 2 1989. Seashore / written by Steve Parker ; [special photography, Dave King] SFCC Childrens J 598 B935b Collection 1 1988. Bird / written by David Burnie ; [special photography Peter Chadwick and Kim Taylor]. SFCC Childrens J 599.61 R631e Collection 1 c1977. Elephants / Edmund Rogers. J 599.8846 SFCC Childrens PATTERS Collection 1 1987. Koko's story / by Francine Patterson ; photographs by Ronald H. Cohn. SFCC Childrens CollectionDrinkwater ; illustrated by Barbara 1 Klunder. 1987, c1986. Look out! book : a child's guide to street safety J/ 613.6 Cindy BLAKELY Blakely and Suzanne SFCC Childrens J 636.7 SNOW Collection 1 c1993. How dogs really work! / by Alan Snow. 224 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Childrens Collection SFCC Childrens Collection Teach me about potty training / by Joy Berry. J 649.62 BERRY J 791.4302 SFCC Childrens Lights! Camera! Action! : how a movie is made /GIBBONS by Gail Gibbons. Collection SFCC Childrens J 811.54 SILVERS Collection Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings of Shel Silverstein. SFCC Childrens J 811.54 SILVERS Collection Falling up : poems and drawings / by Shel Silverstein. SFCC Childrens J 811.54 SWANN Collection Touching the distance : Native American riddle-poems / Brian Swann ; illustrated by Maria Rendon. SFCC Childrens 916.2 Pluckrose. LYE Collection Take a trip to Egypt / Keith Lye ; general editor,JHenry SFCC Childrens J 919.4 TRUBY Collection Take a trip to Australia / David Truby ; general editor, Henry Pluckrose. SFCC Childrens J 970.015 C723h Collection Christopher Columbus : admiral of the ocean sea / Jim Haskins. J 973.0497 SFCC Childrens Collection Wilma P. Mankiller : chief of the Cherokee / by MANKILL Charnan Simon. J 973.7092 SFCC Childrens Collection Lincoln : a photobiography / Russell Freedman. F875L SFCC Childrens J ATWOOD Collection Princess Prunella and the purple peanut / Margaret Atwood ; illustrated by Maryann Kovalski. SFCC Childrens J BANNERM Collection Story of little Babaji / Helen Bannerman ; illustrated by Fred Marcellino. SFCC Childrens J BANYAI Collection Zoom / Istvan Banyai. SFCC Childrens BAUM Wonderful wizard of Oz / by L. Frank Baum ; artJ by Robert Sabuda. Collection SFCC Childrens J BLAKE Collection Togo / Robert J. Blake. SFCC Childrens BUCHANAby Libba Collection This house is made of mud / by Ken Buchanan ;Jillustrated Tracy. SFCC Childrens J BUSCAGL Fall of Freddie the leaf : a story of life for all ages / Leo Buscaglia. Collection SFCC Childrens J CARLE Collection Grouchy ladybug / Eric Carle. SFCC Childrens J CARTOON Collection Cartoon parade no. 1 [videorecording] SFCC Childrens EHLERT Market day : a story told with folk art / written Jand designed by LoisCollection Ehlert. J 641.3 C Meat / Elizabeth Clark ; illustrations by John Yates. J KVASNOSKY Zelda and Ivy, the runaways / Laura McGee Kvasnosky. SFCC Non-Fiction SFCC Childrens MELMED Collection Little Oh / Laura Krauss Melmed ; illustrated by JJim LaMarche. SFCC Childrens J MORALES Collection Gatos black on Halloween / Marisa Montes ; illustrated by Yuyi Morales. SFCC Childrens J MOSS Collection Zin! zin! zin! : a violin / by Lloyd Moss ; illustrated by Marjorie Priceman. SFCC Childrens J NUMEROF Collection If you take a mouse to school / by Laura Numeroff ; illustrated by Felicia Bond. SFCC Childrens J NUMEROF If you take a mouse to the movies / by Laura Numeroff ; illustrated Collection by Felicia Bond. SFCC Childrens J NUMEROF Collection If you give a pig a party / by Laura Numeroff ; illustrated by Felicia Bond. 225 1 1990. 1 1987, c1984. 1 c1985. 6 c1974. 5 c1996. 1 c1998. 1 c1983. 1 c1980. 2 1991. 1 c1991. 1 c1987. 1 c1995. 1 1996. 1 1995. 3 c2000. 1 c2002. 1 1 c1991. [2002], c1982. 1 c1977. 1 c1978. 1 2000. 1 2006. 1 c1997. 1 c2006. 1 c1995. 4 c2002. 4 c2000. 3 c2005. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Childrens J OMALLEY Collection 2005.by Scott Goto. Once upon a cool motorcycle dude / written and illustrated by Kevin O'Malley ; illustrated by Carol Heyer ; 1illustrated SFCC Childrens Collection 2 1993. Smallest cow in the world / Katherine Paterson J; PATERSO pictures by Jane Clark Brown. SFCC Childrens PENN Collection 3 c1993. Kissing hand / by Audrey Penn ; illustrations by JRuth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak. SFCC Childrens J PENN 3 c2004. Pocket full of kisses / Audrey Penn ; illustrated by Barbara Leonard Collection Gibson. SFCC Childrens Collection 2 c1996. Paperboy / story and paintings by Dav Pilkey. J PILKEY SFCC Childrens J PLOURDE Collection 1 2003. Thank you, Grandpa / by Lynn Plourde ; illustrated by Jason Cockcroft. SFCC Childrens J POINT Collection 2 byc1986. Point [videorecording] / Nilsson House Music, Inc. and Murkami Wolf Productions, Inc. ; directed and animated Fred Wolf. SFCC Childrens J POLACCO Collection 1 c1994. Pink and Say / Patricia Polacco. SFCC Childrens J RINGGOL Collection 2 c1996. Tar Beach / Faith Ringgold. SFCC Childrens SAINT-E Collection from the French by Richard Howard. 3 2000. Little prince / written and illustrated by AntoineJ de Saint-Exupery ; translated Skippyjon Jones / Judy Schachner. J SCHACHN SFCC Fiction SFCC Childrens Collection SFCC Childrens Collection SFCC Childrens Collection 2 c2003. Math curse / Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. J SCIESZK 3 1995. Horton hears a Who! / By Dr. Seuss. J SEUSS 1 1982. Ren Ming finds his song / Heidi Simmons. J SIMMONS 3 c2005. SFCC Fiction SFCC Childrens J ZEMACH Collection Three little pigs : an old story / Margot Zemach. SFCC Childrens J ZOLOTOW When the wind stops / by Charlotte Zolotow ; illustrated by StefanoCollection Vitale. 1 2007. 1 1990. 2 c1995. There is a bird on your head! / by Mo Willems. J WILLEMS J'accuse [videorecording] J'ACCUSE SFCC Videos 1 c1991. Innocent blood / P. D. James. JAMES SFCC Fiction 1 1982, c1980. Original sin / P.D. James. JAMES SFCC Fiction 1 1996, c1994. JAMES by Graham SFCC Fiction Portrait of a lady / by Henry James ; with an introduction Greene. 1 1947. Web of evil : a novel of suspense / J.A. Jance. JAN 3 c2007. 2 1999. 1 1996. SFCC Best Sellers JELINEK Neugroschel.SFCC Fiction Piano teacher / Elfriede Jelinek ; translated by Joachim Mona in the promised land / Gish Jen. JEN SFCC Fiction JESUS and CAMP DVDpresent a Loki Films production 17; produced c2006.and directed by Heidi Ewing and Jesus camp [videorecording (DVD)] / A & E Indiefilms MagnoliaSFCC Pictures SFCC Childrens JF ALYLESWO 2 c1992. Old black fly / Jim Aylesworth ; illustrations by Stephen Gammell. Collection SFCC Childrens AVERY 1 c1994. Crazy quilt / written by Kristin Avery ; illustratedJFby David McPhail. Collection SFCC Childrens JF AVI by Ruth E. Murray. Collection 3 c1990. True confessions of Charlotte Doyle / Avi ; decorations SFCC Childrens JF BAKER Collection 1 1993. Dove's letter / written and illustrated by Keith Baker. SFCC Childrens JF BER by Harold Berson. Collection 1 [1972] Thief who hugged a moonbeam, retold and illustrated 226 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Childrens BLU Tales of a fourth grade nothing / by Judy BlumeJF; illustrated by Roy Collection Doty. JF BOND SFCC /Ibhalwe Technicalngu Services Watermelon / by Gill Bond = Nwiwa / yakanyorwa na Gill Bond = Ikhabe Gill Bond. SFCC Childrens BRENNER Collection Moon boy / by Barbara Brenner ; illustrated by JF J. Gaba¿¿n. SFCC Childrens JF BRETT Collection First dog / by Jan Brett. SFCC Childrens JF BRETT Collection Armadillo rodeo / written and illustrated by Jan Brett. SFCC Childrens JF BRI Collection Georgie's Halloween, written and illustrated by Robert Bright. SFCC Childrens JF BRIDWEL Clifford, the big red dog / story and pictures by Norman Bridwell. Collection SFCC Childrens JF BRIGGS Collection Father Christmas. SFCC Childrens JF BROBrown. Collection Stone soup : an old tale / told and pictured by Marcia SFCC Childrens JF BROWN Collection Arthur's new puppy / Marc Brown. SFCC Childrens BUNTING Collection Fly away home / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated by JF Ronald Himler. SFCC Childrens JF Bunting Collection Terrible Things / Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Stephen Gammell. SFCC Childrens JF CANNON Collection Stellaluna / Janell Cannon. SFCC Childrens JF CAR Collection Tiny seed. SFCC Childrens JF CAR Collection Harald and the great stag / Donald Carrick. SFCC Childrens JF CAZET Collection I'm not sleepy / Denys Cazet. SFCC Childrens JF Coo by Patricia Coombs. Collection Dorrie and the haunted house. Written and illustrated SFCC Childrens JF DAY Collection Carl goes to daycare / Alexandra Day. SFCC Childrens Collection Jingle, the Christmas clown / Tomie dePaola. JF DE PAOL SFCC Childrens JF DER Collection May I bring a friend? / Beatrice Schenk de Regniers ; illustrated by Beni Montresor. SFCC Childrens JF DU BOIS Collection Bear Circus. SFCC Childrens JF GARLAND Collection Circus girl / Michael Garland. SFCC Childrens JF GREENFI William and the good old days / by Eloise Greenfield ; illustrated byCollection Jan Spivey Gilchrist. SFCC Childrens Moses the kitten / by James Herriot ; illustratedJFbyHER Peter Barrett. Collection SFCC Childrens JF HOUSTON Collection My great-aunt Arizona / by Gloria Houston ; illustrated by Susan Condie Lamb. SFCC Childrens JF LOBEL Collection Frog and toad all year / by Arnold Lobel. SFCC Childrens JF LOBEL Collection Grasshopper on the road / Arnold Lobel. 227 1 1986, c1972. 1 1989. 2 c1990. 2 c1988. 1 c1995. 2 c1958. 2 c1985. 1 [1973] 1 1975. 1 c1993. 1 c1991. 1 c1980. 1 c1993. 3 [1970] 1 c1988. 1 c1992. 1 [c1970] 2 c1993. 1 1 c1992. [1987?], c1964. 1 [1971] 1 1993. 1 c1993. 1 c1984. 1 c1992. 1 1984, c1976. 1 1986, c1978. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Childrens Collection 1 1990. SFCC Childrens JF MARTIN Collection 1 c1991. Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? / by Bill Martin, Jr. ; pictures by Eric Carle. SFCC Childrens JF OKIMOTO 1 c1993. Place for Grace / by Jean Davies Okimoto ; illustrated by Doug Keith.Collection SFCC Childrens JF OLD Collection 1 c1979. Old King Cole's book of nursery rhymes / [compiled and edited by Frank S. Oppel ; designed by Barbara Levine. SFCC Childrens OPPENHEby S.D. Schindler. Collection 3 1991. Eency Weency Spider / by Joanne Oppenheim ;JF illustrated SFCC Childrens JF by PAR 1 [1966] Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower. Pictures Fritz Siebel. Collection SFCC Childrens JF PARISH Collection 1 [1970] Granny and the desperadoes. Illustrated by Steven Kellogg. SFCC Childrens JF PEE 1 1971. How Droofus the dragon lost his head, written and illustrated by BillCollection Peet. SFCC Childrens PETERSO; picturesCollection 1 c1987. Sometimes I dream horses / Jeanne WhitehouseJFPeterson by Eleanor Schick. SFCC Childrens JF Leder. PHILLIP Collection 2 1989. Day care ABC / Tamara Phillips ; pictures by Dora SFCC Childrens RINGGOL 2 c1992. Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the sky JF / Faith Ringgold. Collection SFCC Childrens Collection 1 c1993. Dinner at Aunt Connie's house / Faith Ringgold.JF RINGGOL SFCC Childrens JF ROC Collection 2 1973. How to eat fried worms. Pictures by Emily McCully. SFCC Childrens ROE 1 myc1991. Con mi hermano / por Eileen Roe ; ilustracionesJFpor Robert Casilla ;Collection [Spanish translation by Jo Mintzer] = With brother / by Eileen Roe ; illustrated by SFCC Childrens SEN 2 c1963. Where the wild things are. Story and pictures byJFMaurice Sendak. Collection SFCC Childrens JF SEUSS Collection 3 [1954] Horton hears a Who! By Dr. Seuss. SFCC Childrens JF SEUSS Collection 1 [1950] If I ran the zoo, by Dr. Seuss. SFCC Childrens JF SEUSS 1 [1948] Thidwick, the big-hearted moose; written and illus. by Dr. Seuss. Collection SFCC Childrens JF STE Collection 2 c1980. That terrible Halloween night / by James Stevenson. SFCC Childrens JF STE Collection 1 [1971] Amos & Boris. SFCC Childrens STESteptoe. Collection 1 c1987. Mufaro's beautiful daughters : an African tale / JF John SFCC Childrens JF STEPTOE Collection 2 [1969] Stevie. SFCC Childrens JF TUR Collection 1 c1978. Rachel and Obadiah / by Brinton Turkle. SFCC Childrens JF TYLER Collection 1 c1993. Tumble Tower / Anne Tyler ; pictures by Mitra Modarressi. SFCC Childrens JF UCHIDA 1 c1993. Bracelet / story by Yoshiko Uchida ; illustrated by Joanna Yardley. Collection SFCC Childrens WADDELLby Barbara Collection 1 1993. Let's go home, Little Bear / by Martin Waddell ;JFillustrated Firth. SFCC Childrens JF WARD Collection 1 1952. Biggest bear. You be me, I'll be you / Pili Mandelbaum. JF MANDELB 228 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Childrens Collection SFCC Childrens JF WOOD Collection Piggies / written by Don and Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Don Wood. SFCC Childrens JF Barbara YOLEN Cooney. Collection Letting Swift River go / Jane Yolen ; illustrated by SFCC Childrens JF YOUNG Collection Seven blind mice / Ed Young. Tuesday / David Wiesner. JF Wiesner 1 c1991. 1 c1991. 1 c1992. 2 c1992. Crazed / Ha Jin. JIN SFCC Best Sellers 4 c2002. Stranger's game / Joan Johnston. JOH SFCC Best Sellers 2 2008. Quicksand / Iris Johansen. JOH SFCC Best Sellers 1 2008. JOHN : a [British] comedy SFCC DVD 4 ; directed [2001?] by Ian Fordyce, script by John John Cleese on how to irritate people [videorecording] classic / David Paradine Productions JOHN CL/ David Paradine SFCC Productions Videos 3 script [1993?] John Cleese on how to irritate people [videorecording] ; directed by Ian Fordyce, by John Cleese & Grahm Chapman. JOHNNY; subject andSFCC Videos Vincenzo Cerami and Roberto 1 Benigni [1993]. Johnny Stecchino [videorecording] / New Line Cinema screenplay, ; produced by Mario & Vittorio Ce Dr. King's refrigerator and other bedtime storiesJOHNSON / Charles Johnson.SFCC Fiction 2 c2005. SFCC; un Videos Jour de fe¿¿te [videorecording] / Cady Film ; unJOUR production Fred Orain film de Jacques Tati. 1 [1987] JOURNEY SFCC ;Videos 1 Fueter c1991. Journey of hope [videorecording] / Miramax Films ; Condor Productions produced by Alfi Sinniger and Peter ; written and directed by Xavier Kol JOY LUC SFCCStone Videos Joy Luck Club [videorecording] / Hollywood Pictures presents an Oliver production ; director, Wayne 3Wang 1994] ; producers, Wayne Wang and Amy Ta JPN 071.3 TACHIBA SFCC Foreign Language 1 1984. Amerika ja¿¿narizumu ho¿¿koku. JPN 495.681 C762h / [Stanley W.SFCC Foreign Language 1 [1992] How to pronounce Japanese correctly [audiocassette] Connell ; consultant Yoshio Satoh]. JPN 495.6834 SFCC Foreign Language 1 [1989?]. Everyday Japanese [sound recording] / [EdwardSch96e A. Schwarz and Reiko Ezawa]. JPN 895.63 JUNON SFCC Foreign Language 1 Shituren taiken. JPN 917.3094 Heisei 3 MURE SFCC Foreign Language 1 [1991] Amerika isuwari hitoritabi / Mure Yo¿¿ko. Kazeno tani no Naushika. JPN MIYAZAK SFCC Foreign Language 1 DVDFilm Group & Tokuma Co. & Xi-An 5 Film [2005] Ju dou [videorecording (DVD)] : an erotic tale ofJU-DOU forbidden passion /SFCC a China Studio co-production, presenting a f JUPITER Mnouchkine, SFCCGeorge VideosDancigers, Robert Amon ; directed 1 c1986. Jupiter's thigh [videorecording] / produced by Alexandre by Philippe de Broca. JUSTFox presents Robert SFCCSimonds DVD production ; producer, Robert 12 Simonds c2003. ; writer, Sam Harper ; director, S Just married [videorecording] / Twentieth Century KAFKA Fictionand with a preface by Mark 1Harman. c1998. Castle : a new translation, based on the restored text / Franz Kafka SFCC ; translated SFCCNeugroschel. Fiction Metamorphosis and other stories / Franz KafkaKAFKA ; translated by Joachim Touchwood / by Karin Kallmaker. 1 c1993. KALLMAK SFCC Fiction 1 1991. KAR SFCC Best Sellers 1 2007. [2002], KATE & Videos 1 filmc2001. Kate & Leopold [videorecording] / Miramax Films presents a KonradSFCC Pictures production of a James Mangold ; producer, Cathy Konrad ; story, Steve Momzillas / Jill Kargman. SFCC Videos 1 [2000] Keeping the faith [videorecording] / TouchstoneKEEPING Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment present a Koch Co./Norton-Blumberg production ; a Barber/Birnba Compulsion : an Alex Delaware novel / JonathanKEL Kellerman. SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2008. KEROUAC On the road / Jack Kerouac ; introduction by Ann Charters. SFCC Fiction 2 1991. SFCC Fiction 1 ... [et 2007. On the road : the original scroll / Jack Kerouac ;KEROUAC edited by Howard Cunnell ; introductions by Howard Cunnell al.]. KESEY 2002. by Robert Faggen. One flew over the cuckoo's nest / Ken Kesey ; with illustrations andSFCC a newFiction introduction by the author ; text 1introduction One flew over the cuckoo's nest / Ken Kesey. KESEY SFCC Fiction 1 1999, c1990. SFCC Videos ; [produced by Mack Sennett]. 1 Keystone comedies. Volume 3 [videorecording]KEYSTON / Kartes Video Communications [198-] SFCCdirected DVD by Charles Chaplin. Kid [videorecording] / [First National Pictures] ;KID written, produced, and 3 2003. SFCC Videos Chaplin. Kid ; The idle class [videorecording] / produced,KID/IDLE written and directed by Charlie 2 c1992. 1 2005. Mermaid chair / Sue Monk Kidd. KIDD SFCC Fiction 229 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 KILLER SFCC Videos Killer [videorecording] / Film Workshop ; produced by Tsui Hark ; written and directed by John Woo. 1 c1992. KILLERS SFCC DVD 4 c2003. Killers [videorecording] / Universal Pictures ; Mark Hellinger Productions ; produced by Mark Hellinger ; directed by Robert Siodmak. Ernest Hemingingw SFCCBDVD c1999.Stanley Kubrick ; dialogue, Jim Th Killing [videorecording] / Harris-Kubrik Pictures KILLING Corp. ; producer, James Harris ; director, Stanley Kubrick ;3screenplay, KILLING SFCC Videos 1 c1985. Killing fields [videorecording] / Goldcrest and International Film Investors ; screenplay by Bruce Robinson ; produced by David Puttnam ; directed by Rola Undomestic goddess / Sophie Kinsella. KIN SFCC Best Sellers Eyes of the dragon : a story / by Stephen King ; KING with illustrations by SFCC DavidFiction Palladini. 4 c2005. 3 1987. Mouse on the mile [braille] / Stephen King. KING SFCC Fiction 2 c1996. Green grass, running water / Thomas King. KING SFCC Fiction 2 1993. Lorien lost / by Michael King. KING SFCC Fiction 2 1996. SFCC Fiction 1 c1996. Two dead girls / Stephen King ; with a forewordKING by the author. SFCC Fiction 1 c1996. Bachman books : four early novels / by StephenKING King. SFCC Fiction 1 1985. KING Black house : a novel / Stephen King, Peter Straub. SFCC Fiction 1 c2001. KING Everything's eventual : 14 dark tales / Stephen King. SFCC Fiction 1 c2002. Skeleton crew / Stephen King. KING SFCC Fiction 1 1985. Talisman / Stephen King, Peter Straub. KING SFCC Fiction 1 1984. Coffey's hands / Stephen King. KING KING (Cooper) SFCC DVDand directed by Merian C. Cooper 5 and2006, 1933. King Kong [videorecording (DVD)] / RKO Radio Pictures presents ; produced Ernest B. Schoedsack ; screenplay by (Jackson) 21 Cunningham, 2006, c2005. King Kong [videorecording] / Universal Pictures KING presents a WingNutSFCC FilmsDVD ; producers, Jan Blenkin, Carolynne Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh ; s KING OF Pictures, N.V. SFCC Videos King of comedy [videorecording] / Embassy International 1 [1996] KING OF KONG King of kong. A fistful of quarters [videorecording (DVD).] 8 [2008] SFCC DVD KINGDOM DVD& Lars Von Trier ; producer, Ole 6 Reim[2005] Riget [videorecording] / Zentropa Entertainment 1 ; written by NielsSFCC V¿¿rsel ... [et al.] ; screenplay by To¿¿mas Gis [2005], KINSEY SFCC DVD c2004. Kinsey [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures presents, in association with Qwerty Films, a NiEuropean6Film Produktions-GmbH & Co., KG/Pretty Pic KIRIKOU by Les Armateurs/ODEC SFCC DVD 2 [2004] Kirikou and the sorceress [videorecording] / Co-produced Kid Cartoons/Monipoly/France 3 Cinema/R.T.B.F (Belgian Television)/ ME Saville present SFCCMickey DVD Spillane's ; screenplay by A.I.4Bezzerides c2001.; produced and directed by Robe Kiss me deadly [videorecording] / United ArtistsKISS ; Victor Blue-eyed devil / Lisa Kleypas. KLE SFCC Best Sellers 1 2008. Forever odd / Dean Koontz. KOO SFCC Best Sellers 6 2005. Taking / Dean Koontz. KOO SFCC Best Sellers 5 2004. KOYAANI SFCC Videos c1983. Reggio ; scenario, Ron Fricke ... Koyaanisqatsi [videorecording] / Francis Ford Coppola presents an IRE presentation ; produced and directed1 by Godfrey KUNDUN SFCCbyDVD 1998. Kundun [videorecording (DVD)] / directed by Martin Scorsese ; written Melissa Mathison ; produced by13 Barbara De Fina ; [Touchstone Pictures presen SFCC 3 [1998]. Kundun [videorecording] / Touchstone PicturesKUNDUN presents a Cappa/De FinaVideos production ; written by Melissa Mathison ; produced by Barbara De Fina ; dire KUROSAW Kurosawa [videorecording] / a presentation of Thirteen/WNET NewSFCC York,DVD BBC Arena and NHK in association3 with 2002. Wellspring Media. Reserved for the cat / Mercedes Lackey. LAC SFCC Best Sellers 5 c2007. LADY SI Weston andSFCC Videos 1 Lady sings the blues [videorecording] / produced by Jay James S. White ; directed by Sidney J. Furie ; c1979. screenplay by Terence McCloy, Chris C LADY SI Weston andSFCC Videos 1 Lady sings the blues [videorecording] / produced by Jay James S. White ; directed by Sidney J. Furie ; c1979. screenplay by Terence McCloy, Chris C LADY VA ; directed SFCC Videos c1985. Lady vanishes [videorecording] / a Gainsborough picture by Alfred Hitchcock ; screen play, Sidney1Gilliatt and Frank Launder. LAGAAN SFCC c2001.; Jhamu Sughand presents Aamir Lagaan [videorecording (DVD)] = Laga¿¿na : once upon a time in India / aDVD Set Pictures release ; Aamir Khan 8Productions Namesake / Jhumpa Lahiri. LAHIRI SFCC Fiction 29 2004. [2004] Lamerica [videorecording (DVD) ]/ Arena Films ;LAMERICA Cecchi Gori Group SFCC Tiger DVD Cinematografica ; Centre National 3de la Cinem¿¿atographie ; le Studio Canal+ ; Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 458 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 430 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 405 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 402 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 384 230 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 382 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 371 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 302 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 267 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 250 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 191 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 191 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 187 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 183 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 180 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 177 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 177 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 176 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 176 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 174 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 169 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 165 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 162 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 159 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 159 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 159 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 158 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 156 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 155 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 154 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 154 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 150 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 144 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 142 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 136 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 134 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 132 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 131 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 114 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 86 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 72 Gateway Laptop Computer LAPTOP A SFCC Circ Desk 65 Macintosh Laptop Computer LAPTOP MAC A SFCC Circ Desk 110 Macintosh Laptop Computer LAPTOP MAC A SFCC Circ Desk 8 LARAMIE SFCCby DVD 5 c2002. Laramie project [videorecording(DVD) ] / HBO Films presents ; directed Moise¿¿s Kaufman ; written by Moise¿¿s Kaufman and the members of the T LARAMIE SFCCby DVD 3 c2002. Laramie project [videorecording(DVD) ] / HBO Films presents ; directed Moise¿¿s Kaufman ; written by Moise¿¿s Kaufman and the members of the T Killer's kiss / William Lashner. LAS SFCC Best Sellers 1 2007. LAST SFCC 9 c2000. picture ; screenplay by Paul Sc Last temptation of Christ [videorecording (DVD)] / Universal Pictures andDVD Cineplex Odeon Films present a Martin Scorsese LAST EM Inc. ; screenplay SFCC DVD [1998] Last emperor [videorecording (DVD) ] / Columbia Pictures, by Mark Peploe with Bernardo10 Bertolucci ; produced by Jeremy Thomas ; dir LAST IMAGES DVD 6 U¿¿ltimas ima¿¿genes del naufragio [videorecording] = Last imagesSFCC of the shipwreck / Cinemateca ; Cinequanon ;[2003] Televisio¿¿n Espan¿¿ola ; producer, H 231 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 LAST KING SFCC DVD 25 with 2007. Last king of Scotland [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures, DNA Films and FilmFour present in association the UK Film Council and Scottish Sc LASTCentury OF SFCC DVD c1999. Last of the Mohicans [videorecording] / Twentieth Fox presents a Michael Mann film ; screenplay16 by Michael Mann and Christopher Crowe ; pro PI by Peter Bogdanovich SFCC Videos ; screenplay by Larry McMurtry 3 and c1990. Last picture show [videorecording] / Columbia ;LAST directed Peter Bogdanovich ; produced by Ste LASTCorporation WAV Videos Film Commission ; produced 1 byc1991. Last wave [videorecording] / South Australian Film andSFCC the Australian Hal McElroy and James McElroy ; dire LATE SU SFCC Videos 1 c1987. Late summer blues [videorecording] / Janus Films ; screenplay, Doron Nesher ; directed by Renen Schorr; produced by Ilan De-Vries, Renen Schoor and D LATTER ; producedSFCC DVD Tibbels and Jennifer Schaefer 1 ; written 2004.and directed by C. Jay Cox. Latter days [videorecording] / Funny Boy Films presents by Kirkland LAURA DVDby Otto Preminger ; screenplay3by Jay2004, c1972. Laura [videorecording] / 20th Century Fox presents ; produced and SFCC directed Dratler and Samuel Hoffenstein and B [1993], SFCC Videos 2 Caspary c1944. Laura [videorecording] / Twentieth Century-FoxLAURA ; produced and directed by Otto Preminger ; written by Vera ; screen play by Jay Dratler, Samue DVD S.A. y Lauren Films. Ley del deseo [videorecording] = Law of desire /LAW una coproducci¿¿nSFCC El Deseo, Gifts / Ursula K. Le Guin. LE GUIN GUIN Farthest shore [by] Ursula Le Guin. Illustrated byLEGail Garraty. 4 2007. SFCC Fiction 6 2004. SFCC Fiction 1 1972. LEAVING SFCC Pictures Videos ; produced by Lila Caze¿¿s2and Annie [1997?] Leaving Las Vegas [videorecording] / United Artists Pictures ; Lumie¿¿re Stewart ; directed by Mike Figgis ; Honourable schoolboy / John le Carre¿¿. LECARRE SFCC Fiction 1 To kill a mockingbird / by Harper Lee. LEE SFCC Fiction 4 1977. [1982], c1960. To kill a mockingbird / Harper Lee. LEE SFCC Fiction 2 2002. Wrinkle in time / Madeleine L'Engle. LENGLE SFCC Fiction 3 c2005. LESSON production SFCC Videos with Ellen M. Krass Productions 3 c1999. Lesson before dying [videorecording] / Spanky Pictures in association ; producer, Robert Benedetti ; teleplay c2007. [2007], LETTERS DVD 2 c2006. Letters from Iwo Jima [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures andSFCC Dreamworks Pictures present a Malpaso/Amblin Entertainment production ; produc Cleft / Doris Lessing. LESSSINIG SFCC Fiction 1 LIAR LI SFCC Videos c1997. Liar liar [videorecording] / Universal Pictures and Imagine Entertainment present a Brian Grazer production2; a Tom Shadyac film ; written by Paul Guay LIFE SFCC Cinema DVD presents in association with 9 Cinequanon p2000. Pictures. Life according to Muriel [videorecording] / a VCC production ; Vanguard LIKE= Like water for SFCC DVD / Miramax Home Entertainment 7 ; Arau [2000?] Como agua para chocolate [videorecording (DVD)] chocolate Films International ; Consejo Nacio LIKE= Like water for SFCC DVD / Miramax Home Entertainment 4 ; Arau [2000?] Como agua para chocolate [videorecording (DVD)] chocolate Films International ; Consejo Nacio LILYAFilm ; manus och SFCC DVD 6 Jonsson. c2004. Lilja 4-ever [videorecording] = Lilya 4-ever / Memfis regi, Lukas Moodysson ; producent, Lars Mr. Dalloway : a novella / Robin Lippincott. LIPPINC SFCC Fiction 1 c1999. Videos 1 Millar c1988. Little big man [videorecording] / Cinema CenterLITTLE Films :BIG screen play SFCC by Calder Willingham ; produced by Stuart ; directed by Arthur Penn. LITTLE DIETERHerzogSFCC 1 [2001] Little Dieter needs to fly [videorecording] / a film by Werner withDVD Dieter Dengler ; Werner Herzog Filmproduktion. LITTLE MISS Films ;SFCC DVD Films ; Third Gear Productions 30 LLC c2006. Little Miss Sunshine [videorecording (DVD)] / Fox Searchlight Big Beach ; Deep River Productions ; Bona Fide Pr LITTLE by] OTIKZeitgeist Films SFCC DVD 6 Jaromi¿¿r [2002] Kallista, Jan S¿¿vankmajer ; a co Little Otik [videorecording] = Otesa¿¿nek / [produced ; Athanor Film Production Company, LITTLE PRINCESS Videos Little princess [videorecording] / Twentieth Century Fox ; producedSFCC by Darryl F. Zanuck ; directed by Walter3Lang ;c1989. screen play by Ethel Hill and Walter Fe SFCC DVD El Deseo, CIBY 2000/France 3 2; un film c2007. Carne tr¿¿mula [videorecording] / El Deseo S.A.LIVE presenta una coproducci¿¿n de Almod¿¿var ; gui¿¿n y direcci¿¿n OF / Sony Pictures SFCC DVD 19Filmproduktion 2007, c2006. Leben der Anderen [videorecording] = The livesLIVES of others Classics ; eine Wiedemann & Berg ; im Verleih der Buena Vista Abysmal brute / by Jack London. LONDON SFCC Fiction 1 c2000. LONE ST ; produced by SFCC 2 and c1997. Lone star [videorecording] / Castle Rock Entertainment R. Videos Paul Miller and Maggie Renzi ; written directed by John Sayles. LORD OF SFCC Videos 3 Allen [1994?]. Lord of the flies [videorecording] / Lord of the Flies Company ; [screenplay by Peter Brook] ; produced by Lewis ; directed by Peter Brook. Zami, a new spelling of my name / Audre Lorde.LORDE SFCC Fiction 1 c1982. EMBRACE SFCC DVD Bavaria Film International ; [presentan 2 [2006] Abrazo partido [videorecording] = Lost embraceLOST / A New Yorker Films release, de] BD Cine, Paradis Films, Classic, LOST IN DVD c2003. Lost in translation [videorecording (DVD)] / Focus Features presentsSFCC in association with Tohokushinsha an14 American Zoetrope/Elemental Films productio LOVE SFCC Videos 1 Costigan. c1989. Love among the ruins [videorecording] / produced byAM Allan Davis ; directed by George Cukor ; written by James LOVE MEdare / Paramount SFCC DVD [2004] production in co-production wi Jeux d'enfants [videorecording (DVD)] = Love me if you Classics and Nord-Ouest present13 a Nord-Quest 232 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 LOVECRA SFCC Fiction Best of H.P. Lovecraft : bloodcurdling tales of horror and the macabre / introduction by Robert Bloch. 2 1982, c1963. 5 2006, c1998. Amantes del Ci¿¿rculo Polar [videorecording] = LOVERS Lovers of the Arctic SFCC CircleDVD / Fine Line Features presents a Sogetel production in association with Le Studio SFCCby Videos Lower depths [videorecording] / Toho CompanyLOWER ; JanusDFilms ; directed Akira Kurosawa. 1 1989. LUCAS SFCC Fiction Star wars : from the adventures of Luke Skywalker / by George Lucas. 1 1976. 4 c1980. Bourne identity / by Robert Ludlum. LUDLUM SFCC Fiction LUST FO ; directed,SFCC Videos 1 Corwin. c1989. Lust for life [videorecording] / produced, John Houseman Vincente Minnelli ; screen play, Norman M and Nassau Films SFCC Videos by Fritz Lang ; written by Thea 2 von c1997. M [videorecording] / Nero Filme ; Foremco Pictures ; directed Harbau [et al.]. MACHUCA SFCC DVD Machuca [videorecording] / una produccio¿¿n de Wood Producciones ; Tornasol Films. 9 [2006] MAD HOT SFCC DVD Movies presents P.S. 112, P.S.6 150 and c2005. Mad hot ballroom [videorecording (DVD)] / Paramount Classics ; Nickelodeon P.S. 115 ; producers, Amy Sewell, M SFCC DVD 2 [et al.] [2003] Juana la Loca [videorecording] = Joan the mad /MAD SonyLOVE Pictures Classics con la colaboracio¿¿n de Eurimages ... ; guio¿¿n, Vicente Aranda, Antonio MADADAY SFCCofDVD 3 Hisao 2001. Ma¿¿dadayo [videorecording] = Madadayo / a WinStar Cinema release an Akira Kurosawa film ; producer, Kurosawa ; Writer/director, Akira Ku MADAME BOVARY SFCC Videos 1 ; directed 1982, c1949. Madame Bovary [videorecording] / Loew's Inc. (Minnelli) ; screenplay by Robert Ardrey ; produced by Pandro S. Berman by Vincente Minnelli. MALCOLM SFCC DVD 9 Acres [2005] Malcolm X [videorecording (DVD)] / Warner Bros. presents in association with Largo International N.V. ; a 40 and a Mule Filmworks production ; p [1987], MALCOLM SFCC Videos 2 Nadia c1986. Malcolm [videorecording] / Cascade Films ; a Nadia Tass/David Parker film ; screenplay, David Parker ; director, Tass. MALCOLM X SFCC Largo VideosInternational N.V. a 40 Acres3and a [1993] Malcolm X [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents in association with Mule Filmworks production ; a Marvin MALCOLM X SFCC Largo VideosInternational N.V. a 40 Acres3and a [1993] Malcolm X [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents in association with Mule Filmworks production ; a Marvin SFCC DVD 6 ; directed [2006] by John Huston. Maltese falcon [videorecording] : First NationalMALTESE Pictures Inc. ; Warner Bros. Pictures ; screenplay, John Huston MAMBO SFCC DVD 3 2004. Mambo italiano [videorecording] / Samuel Goldwyn Films ; Equinoxe Films and Cine¿¿maginaire present a Denise Robert, Daniel Louis production of a fi K SFCC Videos 5 Alcor c1992. Mambo kings [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ;MAMBO in association with Le Studio Canal+, Regency Enterprises and Films ; an Arnon Milchan production MAN=BIT c1993. C'est arrive¿¿ pre¿¿s de chez vous [videorecording] Man bites dogSFCC / LesVideos Artistes anonymes pre¿¿sentent ;2un film de Re¿¿my Belvaux, Andre¿¿ Bonzel [1987], MAN FAC al sudeste SFCC Videos 3 dec1986. Man facing southeast [videorecording] = Hombre mirando / una produccio¿¿n Cinequanon ; un film Eliseo Subiela ; libro y direccio¿¿n, Elis [1987], FOR Corporation SFCC Videos by Robert Bolt ; produced 2 and c1966. Man for all seasons [videorecording] / ColumbiaMAN Pictures ; screenplay directed by Fred Zinnemann. SFCC Cine DVDB, Zoulou Films, Rho¿¿ne-Alpes 4 Cinema, 2003.FCC, Tubedale Films, Pandora Film Homme du train [videorecording] = Man on theMAN trainON / un coproduction MAN WHO Videos; directed by John Ford ; screenplay, 2 c1979. Man who shot Liberty Valance [videorecording](Ford) / produced by WillisSFCC Goldbeck James Warner Bellah and Willis Gold MAN WHO Los Angeles, KNEW SFCC Videos 1 and Calif. Man who knew too much [videorecording] / Gaumont-British Pictures Corp. Ltd. ; [written] by Charles Bennett D.B.: c19 Wyndham Lewis ; scenario by Ed MAN WHO 1991 Pictures SFCC Videos by Willis Goldbeck ; directed 2 by c1991. Man who shot Liberty Valance [videorecording]SHOT / Paramount ; produced John Ford ; screenplay by James Warne Manual Checkout A SFCC Circ Desk 3 SFCC Manual Checkout SFCCVista DVDInternational Film Production France 9 c2005. March of the penguins [videorecording (DVD)] /MARCH Bonne Pioche ; Buena ; Canal+ ; APC ; L'Institut Polare Franc¿ SFCCwith DVDa Journeyman Pictures production 16 in[2004] Maria full of grace [videorecording] / HBO FilmsMARIA presents in association association with Tuca¿¿n Produccione MARIACHa Los Hooligans SFCCproduction DVD 13 ; produced [2005] by Robert Rodriguez and Carlos Mariachi [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents ; a Robert Rodriguez film MARIEPictures Corporation SFCC DVD 31 [2007]Film Corp. ; produced by Sofia Co Marie Antoinette [videorecording (DVD)] / Columbia ; American Zoetrope ; Pricel ; Tohokushinsha Marriage of Maria Braun [videorecording] / TrioMARRIAG Films. Life of Pi : a novel / Yann Martel. MARTEL SFCC Videos 2 SFCC Fiction 1 c1992. [2003], c2001. MARTIN SFCC Videos ; A.V.H. San Luis S.R.L, Fito4P¿¿ez[2006] Mart¿¿n (Hache) [videorecording (DVD) / Tornasol Films, S.A. ; Adolfo Aristarain ; con la participaci¿¿n de TVE Televisi¿ DVDde Pascal Plisson ; produit par 2Richard 2007. Masai [videorecording] : les guerriers de la pluieMASAI = the rain warriorsSFCC / un film Grandpierre et Ste¿¿phane Parthena MASCULI Videos 1 c1991. Masculin fe¿¿minin, 15 faits pre¿¿cis [videorecording] : Masculine, SFCC feminine (in 15 acts) / Argos, Svenskfilmindustri ; director, Jean-Luc Goddard. 233 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SFCC Videos ; screenplay by Ring Lardner, 11 Jr.2005, c1969.by Ingo Preminger ; directe M*A*S*H [videorecording] / Twentieth CenturyMASH Fox presents ; Aspen Productions ; produced SFCCen DVD 7 [2007] Matador [videorecording] / subvencionada por MATADOR el Ministerio de Cultura colaboraci¿¿n with Televisi¿¿n Espa¿¿ola. MATCH POINT in association SFCC DVDwith BBC Films and Thema Production 11 [2006] Match point [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures presents SA a Jada production ; produced by L MATCHMA SFCC Videos 3 Jaffe c1997. Matchmaker [videorecording] / PolyGram Filmed Entertainment presents a Working Title production ; a Mark film. MATEWAN SFCC DVD 2 [1999] Matewan [videorecording (DVD)] / [presented by Cinecom Entertainment Group and Film Gallery in association with Goldcrest ; produced by Peggy Rajs Videos 1 andc1999. Matrix [videorecording] / Warner Bros. PicturesMATRIX ; Village RoadshowSFCC Pictures ; produced by Joel Silver ; written directed by the Wachowski brothers. MAURICE; Channel Four SFCCFilms DVD; Cinecom Pictures in association 3 with 2004. Maurice [videorecording] / Merchant Ivory Productions Film Four International ; producer, Is Chat / Archer Mayor. MAY SFCC Best Sellers 4 2007. Out of control / Norma Fox Mazer. MAZER SFCC Fiction 2 c1994. MCC Miracle at Speedy Motors / Alexander McCall Smith. SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2008. Right attitude to rain / Alexander McCall Smith.MCC SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2006. MCC by Iain McIntosh. SFCC Best Sellers Espresso tales / Alexander McCall Smith ; illustrations 1 2006. Best Sellers Finer points of sausage dogs / Alexander McCallMCC Smith ; illustrationsSFCC by Iain McIntosh. 1 2005. MCCABE DVD Altman and Brian McKay ; produced 1 [2002] McCabe & Mrs. Miller [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; screenplaySFCC by Robert by David Foster and Mitchell Brower ; White dragon / Anne McCaffrey. MCCAFER SFCC Fiction 4 1984, c1978. Dragonsinger / Anne McCaffrey. MCCAFFR SFCC Fiction 1 c1977 (1980 printing) 2 2002. MCCARTH SFCC FictionMcCarthy. Border trilogy : All the pretty horses, The Crossing, Cities of the plain / Cormac MCCARTHY SFCC Fiction 1 2005. MCCAUGHR White darkness : a novel / by Geraldine McCaughrean. SFCC Fiction 1 2007. No country for old men / Cormac McCarthy. Only lawyers dancing / Jan McKemmish. MCKEMMI SFCC Fiction 1 c1992. Whale caller / Zakes Mda. MDA SFCC Best Sellers 2 2005. ME AND SFCCand DVD 7 c2005. Me and you and everyone we know [videorecording] / IFC Productions FilmFour present a Gina Kwon production ; produced by Gina Kwon ; written SFCC DVD ; [written by Lars von Trier, Preben 1 [2003] and Carl-Theodor Dreyer ; dir Medea [videorecording] / [Danish Broadcasting]MEDEA ; producent, Bo Leck Fischer Thomsen MELVILLE c1982. Typee : a peep at Polynesian life ; Omoo : a narrative of adventuresSFCC in theFiction South Seas ; Mardi, and a voyage1thither / Herman Melville. SFCC DVD [2002] Memento [videorecording (DVD) / Newmarket MEMENTO presents in association with Summit Entertainment a Team 9Todd production, a film by Christopher Nolan MEMOIRS SFCC Pictures, DVD 25 2006, c2005. Memoirs of a geisha [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures, Dreamworks Spyglass Entertainment present an Amblin Entertainment/Douglas Wic MICKEY SFCC DVD Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland collection. Bonus disc [videorecording]. 2 2007. MIDAQ DVD 4 c1995. ; director, Jorge Fons. Callejo¿¿n de los milagros [videorecording] = Midaq Alley / AlamedaSFCC Films ; producers, Alfredo Ripstein, Gerardo Barrera MIDDLEa Kreol Productions SFCC DVD 2 by2003. Middle passage [videorecording] / HBO Films presents and Raphia Films Production ; script Claude Chonville and Patrick Chamois MIDSUMM SFCC DVD 14 Enterprises c1999. ; produced by Leslie Urdang, Mi William Shakespeare's A Midsummer night's dream [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures and Regency MIGHTY (Schoedsack) SFCC [2005] Mighty Joe Young [videorecording] / an RKO production ; [presented by] DVD John Ford and Merian C. Cooper ; 5screenplay by Ruth Rose ; directed by Ernest MIGHTY (Underwood) DVD 15 with[1999] Mighty Joe Young [videorecording] / Walt Disney Pictures presents SFCC an RKO Pictures production in association the Jacobson Company ; produced by MILAGRO SFCCEsparza Videos production ; screenplay by2David c1988. Milagro beanfield war [videorecording] / a Robert Redford/Moctesuma Ward and John Nichols ; produced by R MILLERS SFCC Videos 1 c1991. Miller's Crossing [videorecording] / 20th Century Fox ; Circle Films presents a Ted and Jim Pedas/Ben Barenholtz, Bill Durkin production ; directed by Joe MILLION SFCC DVD Millions [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures and Pathe¿¿ Pictures present ; in association with The 16 UK Film[2005] Council and BBC Films; a Mission Pictu Becoming Madame Mao / Anchee Min. MIN SFCC Fiction 1 2000. MINDWAL SFCC Videos 2 a c1992. Mindwalk [videorecording] / the Atlas Production Company presents in association with Mindwalk Productions Lintschinger/Cohen production ; a film SFCC DVD c2001. Miracle worker [videorecording] / United ArtistsMIRACLE Pictures Inc. ; a Playfilms' production, released thru United1Artists ; screenplay by William Gibson ; prod DVD 1 [200-?] Mismo amor, la misma lluvia [videorecording] /MISMO Jorge Estrada MoraSFCC Producciones ; una peli¿¿cula de Juan Jose¿¿ Campanella ; escrita por Fernando Cas MISSION ; directed by SFCC DVDJoff¿¿ ; produced by Fernando 15Ghia and 2003, c1986. Mission [videorecording (DVD)] / an Enigma production Roland David Puttnam ; written by Robert 234 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 MISSION SFCC Videos c1986. Mission videorecording / Warner Bros Goldcrest, Kingsmere Productions Limited [and] Enigma ; directed by2Roland Joffe¿¿ ; produced by Fernando Ghia Fine balance : a novel / by Rohinton Mistry. MISTRY SFCC Fiction 1 1997, c1995. MOBY ;DI Videos c1990. & John Huston. Moby Dick [videorecording] / Warner Bros. & Moulin produced & SFCC directed by John Huston ; screenplay by2Ray Bradbury MODERNInc. ; written SFCC Modern times [videorecording] / Classic Entertainment, andVideos directed by Charlie Chaplin. 3 c1985. [2003], MONDAYS SFCC DVD 6 c2002. Lunes al sol [videorecording] = Mondays in the sun / Sogepaq presenta una producci¿¿on Eli¿¿as Querejeta y Jaume Roures, MediaPro en coproduccion MONDO C VideosJacopetti. Mondo cane [videorecording] / [presented by] Cineriz ; produced bySFCC Gualtiero 1 1983. MONGOLI 2 Lu ; [2006]. Mongolian pingpong [videorecording (DVD) ] / Kunlun Brother FilmSFCC & TVDVD Productions ; producers, Bu He, Bin screenplay, Ning Hao, Xing Aina, Gao Ji Videos 1 c1985.Sheekman ; directed by Norman Monkey business [videorecording] / ParamountMONKEY Publix Corporation SFCC ; written by S.J. Perelman, Will B. Johnstone, Arthur SFCC DVD 3 c2002. Monsoon wedding [videorecording] / USA FilmsMONSOON ; IFC Productions presents a Mirabai Films production of a Mira Nair film in association with Key Films, P Anne of Green Gables / L.M. Montgomery. MONTGOM SFCC Fiction 3 1977 MONTY SFCC DVD 14 Goldstone c2005.; written by Graham Chapman .. Monty Python's the meaning of life [videorecording] / Universal ; directed by Terry Jones ; produced by John SFCC Fiction Mutant message down under / Marlo Morgan ;MORGAN illustrated by Carri Garrison. 5 1995. Beloved : a novel / by Toni Morrison. MORRISO SFCC Fiction 1 Sula / Toni Morrison. MORRISO SFCC Fiction 1 1998, c1987. [1982] c1973. Blonde faith / Walter Mosley. MOS SFCC Best Sellers 3 2007. MOSLEY Black Betty : an Easy Rawlins mystery / Walter Mosley. SFCC Fiction 2 1995. RL's dream / by Walter Mosley. MOSLEY SFCC Fiction 2 c1996. Fearless Jones / Walter Mosley. MOSLEY SFCC Fiction 1 2002, c2001. DAby Ernest B. SFCC Videos and Irving Pichel. Most dangerous game [videorecording] / RKO ;MOST directed Schoedsack 1 c1986. [2003], MOSTLY SFCCInternational DVD c2001.GmbH, Ko¿¿ln in coproduktion m Mostly Martha [videorecording] / Paramount Classics and Bavaria Film presents Pandora Film9Produktion SFCC DVD 30 [2005] Motorcycle diaries [videorecording] = Diarios deMOTORCY motocicleta / Focus Films ; produced by Michael Nozik, Edgard Tenenbaum, Karen Tenkhoff ; screenpla SFCC DVD 21 [2005] Motorcycle diaries [videorecording] = Diarios deMOTORCY motocicleta / Focus Films ; produced by Michael Nozik, Edgard Tenenbaum, Karen Tenkhoff ; screenpla MOULIN 13 c2001. Moulin Rouge! [videorecording] / [presented by] Bazmark Films andSFCC 20thDVD Century Fox Film Corporation ; producers, Fred Baron, Martin Brown, Baz Luhr MOUNTAIN SFCC DVD 2 & Taihe 2006.Film Investment Co present in ass Kekexili [videorecording] = Mountain patrol / Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia Limited ; Huayi Brothers MRPictures HOLLAND DVD 8 Filmed [1999?] Mr. Holland's opus [videorecording] / Hollywood presents SFCC an Interscope Communications Polygram Entertainment Production ; in assoc [1989], MR SMITH SFCC Videos c1967. Frank Capra's Mr. Smith goes to Washington [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures Corporation ; screen play5by Sidney Buchman ; directed by Frank Capr [1998], MUCH ShakespeareSFCC Videos 3 c1993. Much ado about nothing [videorecording] / by William ; a Renaissance Films production ; [presented by] Samuel Goldwyn Co. ; produced in MULHOLL SFCCSarde DVD presents a Les Films Alain Sardre/Asymmetrical 12 c2002. Mulholland Dr. [videorecording (DVD)] / Universal ; Studio Canal ; Alain Production ; a film by Davi MUNICH SFCCpresent DVD an Amblin Entertainment-Kennedy/Marshall-Barry 18 [2006] Munich [videorecording] / Universal Pictures and Dreamworks Pictures Mendel production in MURDERB SFCC DVD with A&E Indie Films, an EAT8Film production 2005. Murderball [videorecording] / Thinkfilm and MTV Films present, in association ; a film by Dana Adam Shap L and directed SFCC c1990. Music lovers [videorecording] / United Artists ; MUSIC produced byVideos Ken Russell ; screenplay by Melvin1 Bragg. 11963 une production SFCC Media Office UGC-Hachette premie¿¿re 1 c1992. Delicatessen [videorecording] / Claudie Ossard MV pre¿¿sent Constellation, avec la collaboration de Sofinergie ... MV 12798 (Library use only)Coscient Inc. ; written SFCC Media Office 1 Vincent 2000.Leduc. Sacred [videorecording] / produced by Productions by Marie-Noelle Delatte ; producer, MV 13429 Media Office Beata Lipman. William Kentridge, artist [videorecording] : the end of the beginningSFCC / producer/director, 1 c1994. ARCH SFCC DVDwith Mediaworks, Inc., and Susan 9 Rose [2004] My architect [videorecording (DVD)] / The LouisMY Kahn Project in association Behr, Andrew S. Clayman, Darrell Fri MY BEAUT SFCC DVD ; Working Title Films ; written6by Hanif 2003. My beautiful laundrette [videorecording] / Channel 4 Films ; SAF Productions Kureishi ; produced by Sarah Radcly [2003], MYCircle BIG Films presents SFCCinDVD 14and MPH c2002. My big fat Greek wedding [videorecording] / Gold association with Home Box Office Entertainment, a Playtone Picture 235 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 MY Films BROTHER'S [2006] Mujer de mi hermano [videorecording] Lions Gate ; Panamax SFCC FilmsVideos ; Shallow Entertainment presenta 2una producci¿¿n de Stan Jakubowicz ; dirigid MY FAMI SFCC aVideos 1 c1995. My family [videorecording] = Mi familia / Francis Ford Coppola presents New Line Cinema release in association with Majestic Films and American Play MY FAMILY SFCCLine DVDCinema release ; in association5with Majestic 2004. Films and American Playhouse My family [videorecording(DVD] / Francis Ford Coppola presents a New MY FAMILY SFCCLine DVDCinema release ; in association3with Majestic 2004. Films and American Playhouse My family [videorecording(DVD] / Francis Ford Coppola presents a New MYBrown LEFT / MiramaxSFCC Videos 1 My left foot [videorecording] : the story of Christy Films, Granada ; produced by Noel Pearson ;1990. directed by Jim Sheridan ; written by Ji MY LIFE SFCCpresent DVD : an El Deseo D.A. S.L.U. and9Milestones [2004]Productions Inc. co-production in My life without me [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Classics ; El Deseo [1992], MY Features OWN ; produced SFCCbyVideos 1 by c1991. My own private Idaho [videorecording] / Fine Line Laurie Parker ; written and directed Gus Van Sant. MY VOYAGE SFCC DVD 2 [2003] Mio viaggio in Italia [videorecording] / Mediatrade presents in association with Cappa Productions ; a Mediatrade production in conjunction with Paso D MYERS Monster / Walter Dean Myers ; illustrations by Christopher Myers. SFCC Fiction 2 c1999. [2004], MYSTIC SFCC DVD c2003. Mystic River [videorecording (DVD)] / Warner Bros. Pictures presents in association with Village Roadshow16Pictures and NPV Entertainment ; a Malpaso Lolita / Vladimir Nabokov ; with an introductionNABOKOV by Martin Amis. SFCC Fiction 1 1992. NADIE Nadie conoce a nadie [videorecording] / directed by Mateo Gil. SFCC DVD 7 c2005. NAME SFCC Videos 3 1987, c1986. Annaud. Name of the rose videorecording / Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation ; producer, Bernd Eichinger ; director, Jean-Jacques NAMESAKE SFCC DVDUTV Motion Pictures present 13 [2007] Namesake [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures, Entertainment Farm, a Mirabai Films & Cine Mosaic production ; pro NANOOK Nanook of the North [videorecording] / a film by Robert Flaherty. SFCC Videos Wild cat falling / Mudrooroo. NAROGIN SFCC Fiction 2 c1976. 2 2001. DVD and directed by Robert Altman 4 ; written c2000.by Joan Tewkesbury. Nashville [videorecording (DVD)] / Paramount ;NASHVILL ABC EntertainmentSFCC ; produced NEW WORLD SFCC DVD 15 [2006] New world [videorecording (DVD)] / New Line Cinema presents ; produced by Sarah Green ; written and directed by Terrence Malick. Grain of wheat. NGUGI SFCC Fiction 1 1967. NIGHT OF shooting stars SFCC /Videos 3 1991, c1982. Notte de San Lorenzo [videorecording] = The night of the a co-production of RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana and Ager Cinematografica ; a S NIGHT ON presents in SFCC Videos with Victor Company of Japan 1 ...c1992. Night on Earth [videorecording] / Fine Line Features ; JVC association [et al.] a Locus Solus production ; a Jim NIGHT WITH SFCC Videos Film Group presenta ; co-produccio¿¿n, 8 c2003. Surf Film, Naya Films, S.A., PHF Noche con Sabrina Love [videorecording] = A night with Sabrina Love / Patagonik NINE Classics, Patagonik SFCC Film DVDGroup presenta una producci¿¿n 9 de c2002. Nueve reinas [videorecording (DVD)] / Sony Pictures Industrias Audiovisuales Argentinas, S. NO =ONE SFCC c2003.Arturo Ripstein ; producci¿¿n Jo Coronel no tiene quien le escriba [videorecording] No one writes to theVideos Colonel / Producciones Amaranta6; direcci¿¿n NOBODY SFCCaDVD 5 by[2005] Daremo shiranai [videorecording] = Nobody knows / IFC Films presents film by Kore-Eda Hirokazu ; produced TV Man Union, Inc., Bandai Visual Co. NORTE SFCC Videosby Gregory Nava and Anna Thomas 2 c1984. Norte [videorecording] = The north / Cinecom International Films ; screenplay ; produced by Anna Thomas ; directed [198-], NORTH SFCC Videos 2 ; written c1959. North by Northwest [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; [produced and] directed by Alfred Hitchcock by Ernest Lehman. SFCC Videos GmbH, Berlin ; directed by 1 F. W. c1991. Nosferatu [restored version] [videorecording] : NOSFERA a symphony of horror / Prana-Film Murnau ; screenplay by Henrik Galee NOTESPictures and DNA SFCCFilms DVD presents in assocation with the 15 UK Film 2007. Notes on a scandal [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Council and BBC Films ; screenplay NOWHERE SFCC DVD 13 ; Constantin 2003. Film ; eine MTM Medien & Te Nirgendwo in Afrika [videorecording (DVD)] = Nowhere in Africa / Zeitgeist Films ; Bavarian Film International LUCKY by Michael SFCC Videos 1 by c1983. O lucky man! [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; O produced Medwin and Lindsay Anderson ; directed Lindsay Anderson ; screenplay by David LUCKY by Michael SFCC Videos 1 by c1983. O lucky man! [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; O produced Medwin and Lindsay Anderson ; directed Lindsay Anderson ; screenplay by David OBRIEN Things they carried : a work of fiction / by Tim O'Brien. SFCC Fiction OCCURRE SFCC DVD Ambrose Bierce's An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge [videorecording]. 4 1998. 4 [2004] Videos with Village Roadshow Pictures 5 2002, c2001. Ocean's eleven [videorecording] / Warner Bros.OCEAN'S Pictures presents inSFCC association and NPV Entertainment a Jerry Weintrau OFFSIDE SFCCFilm DVDProductions, a film by Jafar Panahi 5 ; screenplay [2007] Offside [videorecording] / a Sony Pictures Classics release ; Jafar Panahi by Jafar Panahi and Shadme SFCC DVD 21 [2005] Once upon a time in Mexico [videorecording] / ONCE Columbia Pictures and Dimension Films present ; a Troublemaker Studios production ; produced by Elizab EYE SFCCby Videos c1981. One-eyed jacks [videorecording] / a PennebakerONE Production ; produced Frank P. Rosenberg ; directed by1Marlon Brando ; screenplay by Guy Trosper a [1981?] ONE FLE SFCC Videos c1975. One flew over the cuckoo's nest [videorecording] / Fantasy Films ; screenplay by Lawrence Hauben and Bo 2Goldman ; produced by Saul Zaentz and Mich 236 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 ONE FLEW SFCC ;DVD 23 1997, c1975. by Lawrence Hauben a One flew over the cuckoo's nest [videorecording (DVD)] / United Artists Fantasy Films presents a Milos Forman film ; screenplay ONE HOURPictures presents SFCC DVD 12 c2002.a Killer Films/Laughlin Park Pictur One hour photo [videorecording (DVD)] / Fox Searchlight in association with Catch 23 Entertainment TRI by Michael SFCC Videos One trick pony [videorecording] Warner Bros. ; ONE produced Tannen ; directed by Robert M. Young.1 c1980. ONE TRU SFCC Videos 1 c1999. One true thing [videorecording] / Universal Pictures presents a Monarch Pictures/Ufland production ; produced by Harry J. Ufland, Jesse Beaton ; screen OPEN SFCC DVD 8 2001,c1997. Abre los ojos [videorecording (DVD)] / Artisan Entertainment and Summit Entertainment ; Sogetel ; Las Producciones del Escorpio¿¿n ; Les Films Alain Sa OPEN SFCC DVD 7 2001,c1997. Abre los ojos [videorecording (DVD)] / Artisan Entertainment and Summit Entertainment ; Sogetel ; Las Producciones del Escorpio¿¿n ; Les Films Alain Sa OPEN SFCC DVD 7 2001,c1997. Abre los ojos [videorecording (DVD)] / Artisan Entertainment and Summit Entertainment ; Sogetel ; Las Producciones del Escorpio¿¿n ; Les Films Alain Sa OPEN CI Mayer and SFCC Videos 2 [198-?][producers] ; directed by Robert Open city [videorecording] / produced by Excelsa ; Arthur Joseph Burstyn in association with Rodney Geiger, SFCC DVD Mikado Film, Rio, Sigma Film 7 Productions 1999. ; with the participation of Briti Orlando [videorecording] / Adventure Pictures ;ORLANDO a coproduction with Lenfil¿¿m, ORPHANA SFCC DVD Orphanage [videorecording] / Esta Vivo! Laboratorio de Nuevos Talentos ; Estudios Picasso ; Grupo Rodar ;5Rodar2008] y Rodar Cine y Televisio¿¿n S.L. ; Telec ORWELL SFCC Fiction 1984 : a novel / by George Orwell ; with an afterword by Erich Fromm. 9 [1985?] OSAMA SFCC ;DVD 2004. Julie LeBrocquy ; written, direct Osama [videorecording] / United Artists ; Lebrocquy Fraser Productions NHK ; produced by Siddiq Barmak,9Julia Fraser, OTHELLO (Parker) SFCC DVD presents a Dakota Films/Imminent 8 2000.production ; directed by Oliver Pa Othello [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures ; Castle Rock Entertainment Films OVER AT SFCC DVD 2 2007. Alla en el rancho grande / producers, Alfonso Rivas Bustamante, Fernando de Fuentes, Antonio Di¿¿az Lombardo ; director, Fernando de Fuentes ; scree OVERSIZE 391.6 K634m SFCCbyNon-Fiction 2 1981. Man as art : New Guinea / photographs by Malcolm Kirk ; introduction Andrew Strathern. PAINTED SFCC DVD 5 c2007. Painted veil [videorecording] / Warner Independent Pictures and Bob Yari Production ; Yari Film Groups releasing ; the Mark Gorden Company presents Fight Club : a novel / by Chuck Palahniuk. PALAHNI SFCC Fiction 8 1997. Survivor : a novel / Chuck Palahniuk. PALAHNIUK SFCC Fiction 7 2000. SFCC; DVD 49; OMM [2007] Pan's labyrinth [videorecording] / Warner Bros.PAN'S Pictures ; Tequila Gang Esperanto Filmoj ; Estudios Picasso ; Sententia Entertainment ; Telecinco PAPRIKA(Japan) presents SFCC DVD 18 ; Satoshi [2007] Kon film ; original story by Yasut Paprika [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Entertainment ; a "Paprika" Filmpartners production Stranger in paradise / Robert B. Parker. PAR SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2008. PARADISE SFCC DVD 2006,dec2005. Paradise now [videorecording] / Warner Independent Pictures ; produced with the support of Nederlands10 Fonds voor Film, ... [et al.] ; produced by Au PARTY ; screenplay SFCC 1 c1990. Party [videorecording] / Mirisch-Geoffrey Productions BlakeVideos Edwards, Tom Waldman, Frank Waldman ; produced and directed by Blake Edw Passion of the Christ [videorecording (DVD)] : aPASSION Mel Gibson film. SFCC DVD 12 c2004. PAT and Howard Roughan. SFCC Best Sellers You've been warned : a novel / by James Patterson 6 2007. PAT 7th heaven / James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. 1 2008. SFCC Best Sellers PATCHDedekerk, A SFCC Videos 1 c1999. Patch Adams [videorecording] / co-producers, Steve Devorah Moos-Hankin ; produced by Barry Kemp ... [et al.] ; directed by Tom Shadyac. PATRIOT Videosproduction a Centropolis Entertainment 1 [2000]production a Roland Emmrich film Patriot [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents a Mutual FilmSFCC Company SFCCby Videos c1985. Pauline a¿¿ la plage [videorecording] = Pauline PAULINE at the beach / produced Margaret Menegoz, Les Films du1Losange, Les Films Ariane ; written and direc Cookcamp / Gary Paulsen. PAULSEN SFCC Fiction 1 c1991. c2003. Glass Cafe, or, The stripper and the state : how PAULSEN my mother started aSFCC war Fiction with the system that made us kind1of rich and a little bit famous / Gary Paulsen Hatchet / Gary Paulsen. PAULSEN SFCC Fiction 1 1988, c1987. Killer weekend / Ridley Pearson. PEA SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2007. Scribbler of dreams / Mary E. Pearson. PEARSON SFCC Fiction 2 2002. PELLE / a Per HolstSFCC DVD in cooperation with the Swedish 2 c2006. Pelle the conqueror [videorecording] = Pelle erobreren Production Film Industry ; a Bille August film ; writt Abstinence teacher / Tom Perrotta. PER SFCC Best Sellers PEREZ SFCC Fiction Sayers Peden. Purity of blood / Arturo P¿¿rez-Reverte ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret 1 2007. 1 c2006. PERFECT SFCC DVD 1 ; Panico 2007. Crimen ferpecto [videorecording] = Perfect crime / Sogepaq presenta ; una coproduccio¿¿n Hispano-Italiana ; Sogecine ; Planet Pictures ; una pe Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 5 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 237 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Atlantic monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 c1993- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 1969- Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 4 Rolling stone. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 1967- Rolling stone. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 1967- New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Atlantic monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 c1993- Atlantic monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 c1993- Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Arts of Asia. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Psychology today. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 1969- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 1969- Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Japan+ : Asia-Pacific perspectives. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 2006- Japan+ : Asia-Pacific perspectives. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 2006- Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Psychology today. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 3 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 238 c1940- 1971- 1993- 1952- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1883- Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 American forests. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Wired. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Popular mechanics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- Popular mechanics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1959- Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1986- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1987- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1987- Popular science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1950- Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Atlantic monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 239 1931c1993- c1993- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 American libraries. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 American libraries. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Psychology today. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Psychology today. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Film comment. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 c1962- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1982- Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1969- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1969- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1969- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1969- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 1969- Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Archaeology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 College composition and communication. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Writer's digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Franc¿¿ais dans le monde. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Japan+ : Asia-Pacific perspectives. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Macworld : the Macintosh magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 PERIODICAL Native peoples : the journal of the Heard Museum. SFCC Per/News 2 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 240 1992- c1921- 20061984- c1987- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 U.S. news & world report. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 2 Ceramics, art and perception. PERIODICAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Ceramics, art and perception. PERIODICAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Ceramics, art and perception. PERIODICAL SFCC Non-Fiction 1 Consumer reports. Buying guide. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1992- Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1993- Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1993- Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1993- Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1993- Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1993- Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1993- Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 241 c1940- 1948- 19931993- 1993- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American ceramics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Reader's digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Mothering. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1976- Utne reader. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1984- Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1952- Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1952- Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1952- Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1952- Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1952- Harper's. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1976- Harper's. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1976- Harper's. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1976- Aperture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1952- Mother earth news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 242 c1982- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New scientist. 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PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1978- Histoire. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1978- Histoire. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1978- Histoire. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1978- Histoire. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1978- New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 243 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New republic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Vanity fair. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1913- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Vanity fair. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1913- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Vanity fair. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1913- Vanity fair. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1913- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. 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PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Current history. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1941- Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 245 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Nature. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art on paper. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1998- Studio photography & design. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1998- Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American ceramics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1982- Customer management. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 2000- Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 246 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL VM & SD : Visual merchandising and store design. SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL VM & SD : Visual merchandising and store design. SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL VM & SD : Visual merchandising and store design. SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL VM & SD : Visual merchandising and store design. SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL VM & SD : Visual merchandising and store design. SFCC Per/News 1 American ceramics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of psychology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of psychology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Wired. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1993- American annals of the deaf. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1886- American annals of the deaf. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1886- American annals of the deaf. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1886- Seattle. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Wired. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Wired. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1993- Dialogue and universalism. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1995- Aviation week & space technology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Aviation week & space technology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Dialogue and universalism. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ms. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Science news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1966- Science news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1966- Science news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1966- Science news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1966- Science news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1966- Ms. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1990- Smart computing in plain English. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1997- Smart computing in plain English. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1997- Newsweek. 247 c1982- c1993- 1995- c1990- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 International review of African American art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1984- Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sight and sound. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Popular mechanics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- Popular mechanics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- Popular mechanics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- Journal of substance abuse treatment. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1984- Vogue. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Premiere. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1987- Health. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1992- International review of African American art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1984- PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1992- International review of African American art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1984- Health. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1992- Journal of family issues. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Health. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1992- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- National geographic. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1959- Sunset. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1898?- Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1986- Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1986- Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1986- How. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1985- Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1986- Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1986- Men's health. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of developmental education. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1984- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Working woman. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Metalsmith. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1980?- Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [c1981- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News PC magazine : the independent guide to IBM-standard personal computing. Health. 1 1986- Sculpture. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- Popular science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1950- 248 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Popular science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1950- Popular science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1950- Popular science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1950- Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Working mother. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Discover. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Science. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1883- Women's sports & fitness. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1998-2000. Women's sports & fitness. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1998-2000. Women's sports & fitness. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1998-2000. Women's sports & fitness. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1998-2000. Women's sports & fitness. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1998-2000. Journal of developmental education. 1984- c19811883- PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. SFCC Per/News 1 Early childhood education journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1995- Atlantic monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1993- Atlantic monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1993- Cultural survival quarterly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1981- Teaching English in the two-year college. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Fiberarts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Early childhood education journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American Indian art magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Flash art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Studio potter. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Teaching English in the two-year college. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Studio potter. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 W. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Studio potter. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Flash art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Flash art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Backpacker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 W. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 249 c1995- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Astronomy. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Southwest art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Black enterprise. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 W. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 W. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Arts of Asia. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1971- Money. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1972- Arts of Asia. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1971- American libraries. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American libraries. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1970- PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association : JADARA. 1 1988-1994. Practical accountant. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Practical accountant. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association : JADARA. 1 c1973- 1988-1994. African arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 African arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Practical accountant. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Practical accountant. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Practical accountant. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Film comment. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1962- Film comment. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1962- Tennis. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Tennis. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Columbia journalism review. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Columbia journalism review. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Artforum international. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1982- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1969- Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1969- Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1969- Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Bicycling. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 250 1982- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Communication arts. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Car and driver. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Car and driver. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1992- I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1992- I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1992- I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1992- I.D. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1992- Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Archaeology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Archaeology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of social issues. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of social issues. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 College composition and communication. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of social issues. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Archaeology. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Skiing. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Road and track. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Skiing. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Road and track. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Skiing. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Skiing. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Film quarterly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Film quarterly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 National review. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Skiing. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 251 1969- 19921992- c1947c1947- c1958c1958- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Art journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Film quarterly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Film quarterly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of studies on alcohol. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Young children. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1964- Young children. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1964- Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American craft. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Architectural digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of marriage and the family. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American craft. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American craft. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American sociological review. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American sociological review. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American sociological review. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 College English. PERIODICAL c1958c1958- 1964- c2007- SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL NADmag : a publication of the National Association of the Deaf. SFCC Per/News 1 c2001- PERIODICAL NADmag : a publication of the National Association of the Deaf. SFCC Per/News 1 c2001- College English. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 College English. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 College English. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 SFCC Per/News American literature; a journal of literary history,PERIODICAL criticism and bibliography. 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Exceptional children. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Consumer reports. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American scholar. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American scholar. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Child development. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Child development. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Child development. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 SFCC Per/News 1 c2001- PERIODICAL NADmag : a publication of the National Association of the Deaf. American journal of clinical nutrition. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1954- American journal of clinical nutrition. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1954- PERIODICAL Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American journal of clinical nutrition. 252 [1954- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL Northwestern naturalist : a journal of vertebrate biology. SFCC Per/News 1 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American cinematographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Printmaking today PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Art in America. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 American ceramics. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 ARTnews. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Air & space Smithsonian. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1986- American artist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- American artist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- American artist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- American artist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- SFCC Per/News American biology teacher / National AssociationPERIODICAL of Biology Teachers. 1 [1938- SFCC Per/News American biology teacher / National AssociationPERIODICAL of Biology Teachers. 1 [1938- SFCC Per/News American biology teacher / National AssociationPERIODICAL of Biology Teachers. 1 [1938- SFCC Per/News American biology teacher / National AssociationPERIODICAL of Biology Teachers. 1 [1938- SFCC Per/News American biology teacher / National AssociationPERIODICAL of Biology Teachers. Physical therapy. 1989- c1982- 1 [1938- Art on paper. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1998- Art on paper. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 [1998- Balades en France PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Balades en France PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Balades en France PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Balades en France PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Business week. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 253 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Ceramics monthly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- SFCC Per/News Chemical and engineering news : "news edition"PERIODICAL of the American Chemical Society. 1 1942- Cross country skier. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1981- Cross country skier. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1981- Cross country skier. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1981- Dialogue and universalism. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1995- Economist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1843- Economist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1843- Economist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1843- Economist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1843- Economist. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1843- PERIODICAL Extra! : the newsletter of FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting). SFCC Per/News 1 1987- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Figaro magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1978- Flash art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Fortune. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Fortune. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Health. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Interior design. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Japan+ : Asia-Pacific perspectives. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 254 c19922006- SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Journal of business. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association : JADARA. 1 1988-1994. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association : JADARA. 1 1988-1994. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association : JADARA. 1 1988-1994. Library journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Library journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Library journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Library journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Library journal. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Mother Jones. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 PERIODICAL Native peoples : the journal of the Heard Museum. SFCC Per/News 1 c1987- New American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1985- New American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1985- New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New York times magazine. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 255 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 New Yorker. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Newsweek. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Online. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Out. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1992- People weekly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1974-2002. People weekly. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1974-2002. Photo district news. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 -1995. Popular photography & imaging. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c2002- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Print. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1940- Professional photographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Professional photographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Professional photographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Professional photographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Professional photographer. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Psychological bulletin. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 256 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Scientific American. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sierra. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Sky and telescope. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Stern. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Teaching exceptional children. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Teaching exceptional children. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Teaching exceptional children. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Time. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 Tribal : the magazine of tribal art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 2002- Tribal : the magazine of tribal art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 2002- Tribal : the magazine of tribal art. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 2002- U.S. news & world report. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1948- U.S. news & world report. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 1948- Week. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c2001- Writer's digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1921- Writer's digest. PERIODICAL SFCC Per/News 1 c1921- [1977- PHANTOM SFCC DVD 21 [2005]Webber & Joel Schumacher ; dire Phantom of the Opera [videorecording] production ; produced by Andrew Lloyd Webber ; screenplay by Andrew Lloyd PHILADEby Joseph L. SFCC Videos ; directed by George Cukor 1; screenplay 1992. by Donald Ogden Stewart. Philadelphia story [videorecording] / MGM ; produced Mankiewicz PIANO/ MK2 Productions SFCC;DVD 12 Sarde [2002] Pianiste [videorecording (DVD)] = The piano teacher Wega Film, MK2 SA, Les Films Alain pr¿¿sentent une coproduction austro PIANO L SFCC Videos c1995. August Wilson's The piano lesson [videorecording] / produced by August Wilson ; teleplay by August Wilson2 ; directed by Lloyd Richards ; Craig Anderson 1999. [2004], SFCC DVD 9 association c2003. with Kalkaska Productions ; pro Pieces of April [videorecording (DVD)] / United PIECES Artists and IFC Productions present an InDigEnt production in Pact : a love story / Jodi Picoult. PICOULT SFCC Fiction 1 PINERA FictionChristensen ; introduction by1Guillermo c1988.Cabrera-Infante. Cold tales / Virgilio Pin¿¿era ; translation by Mark Schafer ; revised SFCC by Thomas SFCC DVD de Adolfo Aristarain y Osvaldo 12 Papaleo c2005. Lugar en el mundo [videorecording] = A place inPLACE the world / una producci¿¿n ; un film de Adolfo Aristarain ; gui¿¿ PLAY IT ; ParamountSFCC Videos c1990. Play it again, Sam [videorecording] / Apjac Productions Pictures ; produced by Arthur P. Jacobs1; directed by Herbert Ross ; screenplay by W PLAYERPictures in association SFCC DVDwith Spelling Entertainment ; screen 4 [1997] Player [videorecording] / Fine Line Features ; Avenue play by Michael Tolkin ; produced by D POLAR SFCC DVD 13 [2005] ; a Playtone/ImageMovers/Gold Polar Express [videorecording (DVD)] / Castle Rock Entertainment presents in association with Shangri-La Entertainment LI Videosin charge of production ; directed 1 c1988. Poor little rich girl [videorecording] / TwentiethPOOR Century-Fox ; DarrylSFCC F. Zanuck by Irving Cummings ; screen play by Sam PORTRAIT SFCC VideosMassfilm, Roma, Marceau Cocinor, 1 1984. Nudo di donna [videorecording] = Portrait of a woman nude / una produzione Parigo ; prodotio da Franco Committe 257 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 POSTMAN SFCC Postino [videodisc] = The postman / una coproduzione italo-francese conDVD Blue dahlia production, Le Studio 3Canal c1995. ; soggeto di Furio Scarpelli e Giacomo S POSTMAN 1996. by Hary Ruskin and Niven Busch. Postman always rings twice [videorecording] / MGM ; produced by SFCC CareyVideos Wilson ; directed by Tay Garnett ;2screenplay POWWOW SFCC DVD George Harrison & Denis O'Brien 10 ; written c2004.by Janet Heaney and Jean Stawa Powwow highway [videorecording] / Handmade Films ; executive producers, POWWOW SFCC Videos ; director, Jonathan Wacks 1; written 1997. Powwow highway [videorecording] / Handmade Films ; producer, Jan Wieringa by Janet Heaney and Jean Stawarz. PRAIRIE presents in SFCC DVD c2006. Prairie home companion [videorecording] / Picturehouse association with GreeneStreet Films 10 and River Road Entertainment a Sandcastle 5 a PRESTIGE 29 and2007. Prestige [videorecording (DVD)] / Touchstone Pictures and Warner SFCC Bros. DVD Pictures present a Newmarket Films Syncopy production, a film by Christop PRINCESS SFCC DVD 12 ; Dentsu [2000] Princess Mononoke [videorecording] / a Miramax Films release ; Tokuma Shoten Nippon Television Network & Studio Ghibli present a Studio G PRISONE DVD by John L. Balderston ; adaptation 2 c2007. Prisoner of Zenda [videorecording (DVD) ] / Selznick International ; SFCC screenplay by Wells Root ; produced by David O. S Videos 1 2000] Kavkazskii¿¿ plennik [videorecording] = PrisonerPRISONE of the mountains /SFCC Mosfilm-Kopor ; AO "Karavan" ; BG Prodakshn ; pri uchastii Komiteta Rossii¿¿skoi¿¿ DVD c2004. Vidas privadas [videorecording] = Private lives /PRIVATE Solo EntertainmentSFCC Group ; a Circo Beat-Mate production ;6produced by Mate Cantero and Ste¿¿phane SFCC; IFC DVDFirst Take & Soudaine Compagnie 8 present c2007. Coeurs [videorecording] = Private fears in publicPRIVATE places /FEARS IFC Films, LLC a co-production [of] Soudaine Com PRODUCE Videos [1987] Mel Brook's The producers [videorecording] / an Avco Embassy FilmSFCC ; written and directed by Mel Brooks ; 1produced by Sidney Glazier. SFCC DVDpresent a Surefire Films production 4 2006. Proposition [videorecording (D/VD) / First LookPROPOSI Pictures and UK Film Council of an Autonomous and Jackie O Produc 1 2003. PSYCHO SFCC DVD Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho [videorecording (DVD) / Universal release. 5 c2001. PUIG from the Spanish SFCC Fiction Kiss of the spider woman / by Manuel Puig ; translated by Thomas Colchie. 1 Shipping news / Annie Proulx. PROULX SFCC Fiction 1991. [between 1994 and PULP a Band ApartSFCC 12 Quentin 2002] Pulp fiction [videorecording] / Miramax Films presents and DVD Jersey Films production ; stories by Tarantino & Roger Avary ; produce PULP FI a Band ApartSFCC [1995] Pulp fiction [videorecording] / Miramax Films presents and Videos Jersey Films production ; a film by 5Quentin Tarantino ; produced by Lawrence B Omerta / Mario Puzo. PUZO SFCC Fiction 2 c2000. c2005, QUEEN DVDpresent in association with Pathe¿¿, 25 [2007]Production, BIM Distribuzione, Fr Queen [videorecording] / Miramax Films, Pathe¿¿ Productions and SFCC Granada Renn QUEEN MARGOT SFCCand DVD 12 Patrice 1995] Queen Margot [videorecording] / a Miramax Films release ; screenplay adaptation by Daniele Thompson, Che¿¿reau ; directed by Patric Che Third Circle / Amanda Quick. QUI SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2008. With this ring / Amanda Quick. QUICK SFCC Fiction 2 1998. EARTHSam Pillsbury SFCC Videos c1986. Quiet earth [videorecording] / Skouras PicturesQUIET ; producers, & Don Reynolds ; director, Geoff 3Murphy. QUIET MJohn Ford and SFCC Videos 2 ; screenplay c1992. by Frank S. Nugent ; directed b Quiet man [videorecording] / Herbert J. Yates presents Merian C. Cooper's Argosy production QUINN SFCC Fiction 1 1994. R 306.8507 BLACKWE SFCCL.Reference c2004. Blackwell companion to the sociology of families / edited by Jacqueline Scott, Judith K. Treas, and Martin1Richards. R 338.0973 RMA ANN SFCC Reserve 35 1977RMA annual statement studies. R 338.0973 RMA ANN SFCC Reference 21 1977RMA annual statement studies. R 378.3 SCHOLAR SFCC Career 1 c2001Scholarships, grants & prizes. R 378.3402 SCHOLAR SFCC Career 1 c1998Scholarship handbook. Banished children of Eve / Peter Quinn. R 378.73 FISKE SFCC Career 1 c1988Fiske guide to colleges / by Edward B. Fiske [et al.]. R 395.52 Reference 1 andc2006. Kiss, bow, or shake hands : the bestselling guideMORRISO to doing business inSFCC more than 60 countries / Terri Morrison Wayne A. Conaway. R 423 AMERICAN (Dictionary Stand) SFCC Reference 1 c2005. American Heritage desk dictionary and thesaurus. R 463.21 SFCC c1995. Random House Spanish-English, English-SpanishRAVENTOS dictionary / Margaret H.Reference Ravento¿¿s ; revised and updated2by David L. Gold. 258 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 R 492.7321 WEHR / Hans Wehr SFCC Reference Dictionary of modern written Arabic : (Arabic-English) ; edited by J. Milton Cowan. R 595.7 ENCYCLO Encyclopedia of insects / editors, Vincent H. Resh, Ring T.2003 Carde¿¿. SFCC Reference R 616.8907 DIAGNOS DSMIV SFCC Reference Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-IV. R 616.8907 DIAGNOS DSMIV-TR : DSM-IV-TR. SFCC Reference Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders R 658.834 SFCC Reference Household spending : who spends how much onHOUSEHO what. 1 c1994. 1 c2003. 3 c1994. 20 c2000. 2 c1997- R 677fabrics En19a and fashions SFCC Reference 1 c1980. Encyclopedia of textiles / by the editors of American magazine. R 704.0368 Reference 1 c2002. Contemporary Chicana and Chicano art : artists,CONTEMP works, culture, andSFCC education / principal authors, Gary D. Keller ... [et al.]. R 738.14 C82e SFCC Reference Encyclopedia of pottery techniques / Peter Cosentino. R 791.4303 BEAVER Dictionary of film terms : the aesthetic companion to film analysis /SFCC FrankReference E. Beaver. R 912 TIMES 2005 material] SFCC Atlas Case Times comprehensive atlas of the world. [cartographic 1990. 1 1994. 1 c2003. SFCC Reference 2 SFCC Reference 1 R 973.6 SELCER Reference Civil War America, 1850 to 1875 / Richard F. Selcer ; Richard Balkin,SFCC general editor. 1 Current biography yearbook. R 920.03 C936 1 PURVIS Revolutionary America, 1763 to 1800 / ThomasRL.973 Purvis. c1995. c2006. [2003], RABBITFilms, HanWay SFCC 11 present c2002. Rabbit-proof fence [videorecording (DVD)] / Miramax andDVD Australian Film Finance Corporation a Rumbalara Films, Olsen Levy Pro RAGING by Irwin Winkler SFCC Videos 1 1991. Raging bull [videorecording] / United Artists ; produced and Robert Chartoff ; directed by Martin Scorsese ; screenplay, Paul Schrader a SFCC Videos 2 in Association c1990. Raisin in the sun [videorecording] / a productionRAISIN of Fireside Entertainment Corporation and KCET-Los Angeles with WNET-New York ; a pr SFCC Videos 2 in Association c1990. Raisin in the sun [videorecording] / a productionRAISIN of Fireside Entertainment Corporation and KCET-Los Angeles with WNET-New York ; a pr RAISIN Raisin in the sun [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures. SFCC DVD 1 c1999] [2003], SFCC DVD 3 c2002.de la Mata, Peter Sollett, Robin O Raising Victor Vargas [videorecording] / a StudioRAISING Canal production in association with Forensic Films ; producers, Alain RANS.A. ; produced by SFCC Videos 1 c1997. Ran [videorecording] / Greenwich Film Production Serge Silberman and Masato Hara ; directed by Akira Kurosawa ; screenplay by Aki RAY 11 c2006. Ray [videorecording] / Universal Pictures ; Bristol Bay Productions ;SFCC AnvilDVD Films ; Baldwin Entertainment ; directed by Taylor Hackford ; story by Taylor Ha REAPerry. Star wars : Death Star / Michael Reaves and Steve SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2007. [2000], REAR WI SFCC Videos 1 ; screenplay c1954. Alfred Hitchcock's rear window [videorecording] / a Paramount Pictures release ; produced by Alfred Hitchcock by John Michael Hayes ; dire Videos Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm [videorecording] /REBECCA screen play by KarlSFCC Tunberg and Don Ettlinger ; directed by2Allan c1988. Dwan. REBEL Rebel without a cause [videorecording] / Warner Bros.WPictures. Tape recorder RECORDER SFCC Videos A SFCC Circ Desk 5 [1996] 88 RED red / Miramax SFCC Videos Trois couleurs, rouge [videorecording] = Three colors, Films ; MK2 Productions SA ... [et al.] ;2Marin[1995] Karmitz [producer] ; sce¿¿nario de Krz VIOLIN SFCC DVD 14 2003. Red violin [videorecording] / a Lions Gate Films RED release of a New Line International ; Channel Four films ; Telefilm Canada presentation of a Rhombus Me [2004], REDEMPT 13 c2003. Redemption [videorecording] / Fox Television Studios ; produced bySFCC Sue DVD Bugden ; written by J.T. Allen ; directed by Vondie Curtis Hall. REEFER SFCC Videos 1 Colored sand : a novel / b y Nadia H. Reimer. REIMER SFCC Fiction 1 REMARQU Fiction All quiet on the western front; translated from the German by A. W.SFCC Wheen. 1 1929. 2 1988, c1978. Reefer madness [videorecording] c1985. 2001. 1993 ; 1993 ; REMAINS SFCC Videos 2 1994. Remains of the day [motion picture] / Columbia Pictures, Merchant-Ivory Productions ; directed by James Ivory ; produced by Mike Nichols, John Calley, Praise singer / Mary Renault. RENAULT SFCC Fiction 259 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 [2001], Videos 4 c2000. Requiem for a dream [videorecording] / ArtisanREQUIEM Entertainment andSFCC Thousand Words present a Sibling/Protozoa production in association with Industry RES 2380 SFCC Reserve Gait analysis [videorecording] : normal and cerebral vascular accident. 1 RES 2381amputee left SFCC Gait analysis [videorecording] : bilateal lower extremity AKAReserve and right BKA. 1 2382 Skull Session [videorecording] facial & cranium RES bones SFCC Reserve 1 RES 27 pt./ 1Judy Blume. SFCC Reserve Are you there God? It's me, Margaret [sound recording] 5 SFCC Reserve 5 pt. 1 Island of the Blue Dolphins [sound recording] / RES Scott28O'Dell. SFCC Reserve 2 Island of the Blue Dolphins / Scott O'Dell. RES 28 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 3 p1995. [1987], c1960. Hatchet [sound recording] / Gary Paulsen. RES 29 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 2 p1992. Hatchet / Gary Paulsen. RES 29 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 3 1996. Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. RES 27 pt.2 p1997. [1986], c1970. RES 30 pt. 1 SFCC 1 Tuesdays with Morrie [sound recording] : [an old man, a young man, andReserve life's greatest lesson] / Mitch Albom. 2004, c1997. RESand 30 life's pt. 2 greatestSFCC Reserve Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, lesson / Mitch Albom. 1 31 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve Jonathan Livingston Seagull [sound recording] : RES a story / Richard Bach. 1 c1997. p1994, c1970. RES 31 pt. 2 by Russell SFCCMunson. Reserve Jonathan Livingston Seagull : a story / Richard Bach, photos. 1 1973, c1970. RES 32 pt. 1 Speak [sound recording] / Laurie Halse Anderson. SFCC Reserve 4 p2004. RES 32 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 4 2003. 33 pt.D. 1 Taylor. SFCC Reserve Roll of thunder, hear my cry [sound recording] /RES Mildred 2 p2001. 33 pt. 2 SFCCPinkney. Reserve Roll of thunder, hear my cry / Mildred D. TaylorRES ; frontisppiece by Jerry 2 1997. Speak / Laurie Halse Anderson. Giver [sound recording] / Lois Lowry. RES 34 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 2 p1993. Giver / Lois Lowry. RES 34 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 2 2002, c1993. Whale talk [sound recording] / Chris Crutcher. RES 35 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 1 RES 35 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 1 p2003. [2002], c2001. 36 pt.2 Charlotte's web / E.B. White ; pictures by GarthRES Williams. SFCC Reserve 3 1999. Holes [sound recording] / Louis Sachar. RES 37 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 3 p1999. Holes / Louis Sachar. RES 37 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 3 2000, c1998. RES 38 2 Tiegreen. SFCC Reserve Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated bypt. Alan 3 1990,c1977. RES 38 pt.1 Ramona and her father [sound recording] / Beverly Cleary. SFCC Reserve 3 p2004. RES 39 pt. 1 Number the stars [sound recording] / Lois Lowry. SFCC Reserve 1 p2004. Whale talk / Chris Crutcher. RES 39 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 3 1998, c1989. RES 68 pt. 1 Maniac Magee [sound recording] / Jerry Spinelli. SFCC Reserve 2 p2001. Maniac Magee : a novel / by Jerry Spinelli. RES 68 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 1 c1990. Life of Pi : a novel / Yann Martel. RES 69 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 2 c2001. RES 69 pt.1 Life of Pi [sound recording] : [a novel] / Yann Martel. SFCC Reserve 2 p2002. RES 70 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 2 2005, c2003. RES 70 pt. 2 First part last [sound recording] / Angela Johnson. SFCC Reserve 2 p2004. RES 71 pt. 2 Stuck in neutral [sound recording] / by Terry Trueman. SFCC Reserve 3 p2001. Stuck in neutral / Terry Trueman. RES 71 pt.1 SFCC Reserve 2 2001. Secret school / Avi. RES 72 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 5 2001. Number the stars / Lois Lowry. First part last / Angela Johnson. 260 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 RES 72 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 5 p2003. RES 73 pt. 2 Chocolate war [sound recording] / by Robert Cormier. SFCC Reserve 1 p1993. RES 73 pt.1 SFCC Reserve 1 2000, c1974. 2 p2003. Secret school [sound recording] / by Avi. Chocolate war / Robert Cormier. RES 74 pt.from 2 the German SFCC Reserve Inkheart [sound recording] / Cornelia Funke ; [translated by Anthea Bell]. Milkweed : a novel / Jerry Spinelli. RES 77 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 1 2003. Milkweed [sound recording] / Jerry Spinelli. RES 77 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 1 p2003. Buried onions / Gary Soto. RES 79 pt. 1 SFCC Reserve 2 1999. Buried onions [sound recording] / by Gary Soto.RES 79 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 3 p2001. 80 pt. 2 Walk two moons [sound recording] / by SharonRES Creech. SFCC Reserve 2 p2003. RES 80 pt.1 SFCC Reserve 2 1996, c1994. SFCC Reserve 2 p2001. SFCC Reserve 2 2003, c2002. 82 pt. 1 SFCCSally Reserve It's not about the bike : my journey back to life RES / Lance Armstrong with Jenkins. 2 c2000. 82 pt.2 [with Sally SFCCJenkins]. Reserve It's not about the bike [sound recording] / LanceRES Armstrong 2 p2000. RES 83 pt.1 Curious incident of the dog in the night-time / Mark Haddon. 2 2003. RES 83 pt.2 Curious incident of the dog in the night-time [sound recording] / bySFCC MarkReserve Haddon. 1 p2003. Al Capone does my shirts / Gennifer Choldenko.RES 84 pt.1 SFCC Reserve 2 c2004. 84 pt.2Choldenko. SFCC Reserve Al Capone does my shirts [sound recording] / byRES Gennifer 2 p2004. Walk two moons / by Sharon Creech. pt. 2Kidd. Secret life of bees [sound recording] : a novel / RES Sue 81 Monk Secret life of bees / Sue Monk Kidd. RES 81 pt.1 SFCC Reserve 2 2004. RES 85 Mackler. pt.2 Vegan virgin Valentine [sound recording] / by Carolyn SFCC Reserve 2 Charlotte's web [sound recording] / E.B. White.RES 86 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 4 p2004. p1970, c1952. [2002], c1970. Vegan virgin Valentine / Carolyn Mackler. RES 85 pt.1 SFCC Reserve 86 pt. 2 by PeterSFCC Reserve Charlotte's web [sound recording] / E.B. White RES ; [afterword F. Neumeyer]. 3 RES 86 pt.1 ; watercolors SFCC Reserve 3 c2002. Charlotte's web / by E. B. White ; pictures by Garth Williams of Garth Williams artwork by Rosemary Wells ; with an afterword by Peter F. N RES 87 pt. 2 SFCC Reserve 3 p1993. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus [sound recording] : [a practical guide for improving communication and getting what you want in your relat RESclassic 87, pt.guide 1 to understanding SFCC Reserve the opposite sex / John Gray. 3 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus : the 2004. RES 88, PT. 1 SFCC Reserve 1 2003. Da Vinci code [sound recording] / Dan Brown. RES 88, PT. 2 SFCC Reserve 2 p2003. SFCC Reserve 3 2005. RESGoing. 89 pt.2 SFCC Reserve Liberation of Gabriel King [sound recording] / K.L. RES T 154 (WAOL) SFCC Reserve Essentials of sociology : a down-to-earth approach / James M. Henslin. 3 p2005. Da Vinci code : a novel / Dan Brown. Liberation of Gabriel King / K.L. Going. RES 89 pt. 1 1 c1998. SFCC Reserve 3 c1998. RES TEXT #8 with Garrick SFCC Reserve Podcast + videocast [electronic resource] : essential training Chow. 1 c2006. TEXT 10 SFCC Reserve Introduction to business law / Jeffrey F. Beatty,RES Susan S. Samuelson. 1 c2007. RES R. TEXT 114 Business / William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack Kapoor. SFCC Reserve 1 c1996. RESA. TEXT 122 Humanities through the arts / F. David Martin, Lee Jacobus. SFCC Reserve 1 c1991. TEXT J.123 Gardner's art through the ages / Fred S. Kleiner,RES Christin Mamiya.SFCC Reserve 68 c2005. 8 c2006. Psychology / David G. Myers. RES T 161 RES TEXT 124 SFCC Reserve Gardner's art through the ages : the western perspective / Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya. RES TEXT 13 fourth edition SFCC Reserve 7 / Susan c2003.E. McMurry. Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry, : study guide & full solutions manual RES TEXT 141 SFCCprocessing. Reserve Lessons 1-60 / Ober...[et 13al.]. 2006. Instructor wraparound edition Gregg college keyboarding & document TEXT 146 Psychology in the new millennium / Spencer A. RES Rathus. SFCC Reserve RES TEXT 147 Stan SFCC Reserve Mass media, mass culture : an introduction / James R. Wilson, Le Roy Wilson. 261 1 [2001] 3 c2001. SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 RESsixth TEXTedition 149 / John SFCC Student solutions manual to accompany : Physics, D. Reserve Cutnell, Kenneth W. Johnson. 18 c2004. RESBrian TEXTS.16 Reserve News reporting and writing / the Missouri Group, Brooks ...SFCC [et al.]. 1 c2005. TEXT 165 SFCC Reserve Understanding human communication / RonaldRES B. Adler, George Rodman. 39 c2006. RES TEXT 166 E. Porter, SFCC Erwin Reserve Communication between cultures / Larry A. Samovar, Richard R. McDaniel. 27 c2007. RES TEXT 168 E. Porter. SFCC Reserve Communication between cultures / Larry A. Samovar, Richard 5 c2004. RES TEXT 168 E. Porter. SFCC Reserve Communication between cultures / Larry A. Samovar, Richard 3 c2004. RES TEXT 168 E. Porter. SFCC Reserve Communication between cultures / Larry A. Samovar, Richard 2 c2004. RES/TEXT LB brief : the Little Brown handbook, brief version Jane 170 E. Aaron. SFCC Reserve 4 c2005. TEXT 172 Reserve Exceptional children : an introduction to specialRES education / WilliamSFCC L. Heward. 11 2006. 18 c2006. RES TEXT 176 SFCCM. Reserve Understanding business / William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan McHugh. 22 2005. RES TEXT 176 SFCCM. Reserve Understanding business / William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan McHugh. 12 2005. RES TEXT 178 SFCC Reserve Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / Stefan Kostka, Dorothy Payne. 25 c2004. Gardner's Art through the ages. RES TEXT 173 SFCC Reserve RES TEXT 179 SFCC Reserve 64 c2004. Workbook for Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / Stefan Kostka, Dorothy Payne. RES TEXT 18 SFCC Reserve Financial accounting / Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel. 37 c2005. TEXT 181 Essentials of physics / John D. Cutnell, Kenneth RES W. Johnson. SFCC Reserve 5 2006. RES TEXT 182 Conceptual physics / written and illustrated by Paul G. Hewitt. SFCC Reserve 9 c2006. RES TEXT 183 Wilson. SFCC Reserve Solutions to exercises : Chemistry : the central science / Roxy 1 c2003. RES TEXT 189 Communicate! / Rudolph F. Verderber, Kathleen S. Verderber. SFCC Non-Fiction 8 c2005. Essential cosmic perspective / Jeffrey Bennett ...RES [etTEXT al.]. 19 SFCC Reserve 126 c2007. Sociology : a global perspective / Joan Ferrante.RES TEXT 194 SFCC Reserve 1 c2003. RES/ TEXT 195 SFCC Reserve Reconstructing gender : a multicultural anthology [edited by] Estelle Disch. 7 c2006. SFCC Reserve 15 c2006. RES TEXTby 200 Reserve Biology / Sylvia S. Mader ; with significant contributions Murray SFCC P Pendarvis. 65 c2007. RESGeary, TEXT Patricia 202 SFCC Reserve Civilization in the West / Mark Kishlansky, Patrick O'Brien. RES TEXT 203 v.1 SFCC Reserve American people : creating a nation and a society. 22 c2006. 1 c2006- RES TEXT 20 Horizons : exploring the universe / Michael A. Seeds. Psychology / David G. Myers. RES TEXT 204 SFCC Reserve 30 c2007. Beginning and intermediate algebra. RES TEXT 205 SFCC Reserve 55 c2004. Concise introduction to logic / Patrick J. Hurley.RES TEXT 206 SFCC Reserve 42 c2006. TEXT 207 SFCC Reserve Basic college mathematics with early integers / RES Elayn Martin-Gay. 31 c2007. RES TEXT 208 Understanding psychology / R. H. Ettinger, Karl-Erik Andreasson SFCC Reserve 17 c2006. RES TEXT Deutsch heute : introductory German / Jack Moeller ... [et21al.]. SFCC Non-Fiction 1 c2005. RES TEXT/ 215 SFCC Reserve Developing person through childhood and adolescence Kathleen Stassen Berger. 9 c2006. RES /TEXT 216 SFCC Reserve Essentials of sociology : a down-to-earth approach James M. Henslin. 48 [2007] RES TEXT Reservepolicies in Western Europe1and the 2006. Working mothers and the welfare state : religion and the217 politics ofSFCC work-family United States / Kimberly J. Morgan. RES TEXT 218 Confidence in writing / Ed Reynolds, Marcia Huntington. SFCC Reserve RES TEXT 219/ JudithSFCC Reserve Experiencing intercultural communication : an introduction N. Martin, Thomas K. Nakayama. 8 c2002. 83 c2008. RES TEXT 22 SFCC Non-Fiction 2 German c2005. Arbeitsheft : workbook, lab manual, self-tests, video workbook [to accompany] Deutsch heute: introductory / Simone Berger [and] Jack Moeller RES TEXT 220al.]. Go! with Office 2007 : getting started / Shelley Gaskin ... [et 1 2008. TEXT 221 Reserve Go! with Microsoft Word 2007, comprehensiveRES / Shelley Gaskin andSFCC Annette Duvall. SFCC Reserve 26 c2008. RESGaskin TEXT 222 Go! with Microsoft Excel comprehensive / Shelley and KarenSFCC Jolly.Reserve 26 c2008. RES TEXT 223... [et al.]. SFCC Reserve Go! with. Microsoft Access comprehensive / Shelley Gaskin 8 2008. TEXT 224 SFCC Reserve Go! with. Microsoft PowerPoint comprehensiveRES / Shelley Gaskin and Diane Roselli. 25 2008. RES TEXT 23 SFCC Reserve Contemporary advertising / William F. Arens, Michael F. Weigold, Christian Arens. 4 c2008. TEXT 24 SFCC Reserve Understanding human communication / RonaldRES B. Adler, George Rodman. 7 2003. 262 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 RES TEXT William 250 SFCC Reserve Read and respond : a text/anthology / Janet R. Swinton, J. Agopsowicz. 7 c2004. RES /TEXT 251H. Byrd,SFCC Reserve Taking control of your college reading and learning Elaine Elaine C. Carter, Stacy D. Waddoups. 3 c2001. RES TEXT 253 Prebles' artforms : an introduction to the visual(Multicultural) arts / Patrick Frank.SFCC Reserve 2 c2006. RES TEXT 254 (Multicultural) SFCC Reserve Interpersonal communication : everyday encounters / Julia T. Wood. 2 c2007. RES TEXT 256 successful SFCC Reserve Winning at math : your guide to learning mathematics through study skills / Paul D. Nolting. 1 2008. RES TEXT 257 SFCC Reserve Liberty, equality, power : a history of the American people / John M. Murrin ... [et al.]. 2 c2008. RES TEXT 259 SFCC Reserve Mathematics. Mathematics in action : prealgebra problem solving / Consortium for Foundation 4 c2008. RES TEXT 260 (Multicultural) SFCC Reserve Essentials of sociology : a down-to-earth approach / James M. Henslin. 3 [2007] 37 2008. RES TEXT 261 (Multicultural) SFCCM. Reserve Understanding business / William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan McHugh. TEXTMerchant, 262 SFCC Reserve Basic business math and electronic calculators /RES Ronald Renee C. Goffinet, Virginia E. Koehler. 2 c2005. RES TEXT 263 Preston, SFCCSally Reserve Go! with Microsoft Office Word 2003 : comprehensive / John Preston and Robert L. Ferrett. 8 c2004. RES TEXT 264 SFCC Reserve 3 c2006. Microsoft Word 2003 manual for Gregg college(Multicultural) keyboarding & document processing. Lessons 1-120 / Ober...[et al.]. SFCC Reserve 1 SFCC Reserve 1 c2005. RES TEXT 268 Basic college mathematics with early integers / (Multicultural) Elayn Martin-Gay. SFCC Reserve 7 c2007. RES TEXT 269 Go! with Microsoft Office. PowerPoint 2003 / Alicia Vargas. 2 [2004]- Writing Lab Packet RES TEXT 266 RES TEXT 267 (Multicultural) Essential jazz : the first 100 years / Henry Martin, Keith Waters. SFCC Reserve RES TEXT 270 (Multicultural) Reserve 1 Zaslow. c2004. Invitaciones : an interactive worktext for beginning Spanish / DeanaSFCC Alonso-Lyrintzis, Esther Alonso, Brandon RES TEXT 271 (Multicultural) Conceptual physics / written and illustrated by Paul G. Hewitt. SFCC Reserve 1 c2006. TEXT 273 Photography / Barbara London, Jim Stone, JohnRES Upton. SFCC Reserve 2 c2008. TEXT 274Judith A. SFCC Reserve Basic mathematics with early integers / MarvinRES L. Bittinger, Penna. 3 c2007. RES TEXT 275 (Multicultural) Reserve Biology / Sylvia S. Mader ; with significant contributions by Murray SFCC P Pendarvis. 2 c2007. RES TEXT 276 (Multicultural) Reserve Experiencing intercultural communication : an introduction / JudithSFCC N. Martin, Thomas K. Nakayama. 2 c2008. RES TEXT 277 (Multicultural) SFCC L. Reserve Developing textbook thinking : strategies for success in college / Sherrie Nist, William Diehl. 2 c2002. SFCC Reserve 3 c2008. RESWithgott, TEXT 279Scott Brennan. SFCC Reserve Environment : the science behind the stories / Jay 1 2007. Beginning and intermediate algebra. RES TEXT 278 (Multicultural) RES TEXT 28 / DeanaSFCC Reserve 60 Zaslow. c2004. Invitaciones : an interactive worktext for beginning Spanish Alonso-Lyrintzis, Esther Alonso, Brandon 263 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 RES TEXT 28 / DeanaSFCC Reserve 28 Zaslow. c2004. Invitaciones : an interactive worktext for beginning Spanish Alonso-Lyrintzis, Esther Alonso, Brandon RES TEXT 281 (Multicultural) Confidence in writing / Ed Reynolds, Marcia Huntington. SFCC Reserve 3 c2002. RES TEXT 282 Annual editions : health 07/08 / editor, Eileen L.(Multicultural) Daniel. SFCC Reserve 11 c2007. 1 c2007. 1 c2006. 7 c2005. 1 c2008. RES TEXT 287 (Multicultural) SFCC Erwin Reserve Communication between cultures / Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, R. McDaniel. TEXTHunter, 30 SFCC Reserve Norton introduction to literature / Alison Booth,RES J. Paul Kelly J. Mays. RES TEXT 32 (7THAnn ED)DeSpelder, Albert SFCC Reserve Last dance : encountering death and dying / Lynne Lee Strickland. Physical geology : Earth revealed. RES TEXT 33 SFCC Reserve TEXT 35 SFCC Stanley ReserveL. Brue. Economics : principles, problems, and policies /RES Campbell R. McConnell, 90 2008. 38 SFCC Reserve Global problems : the search for equity, peace, RES and TEXT sustainability / Scott Sernau. 4 c2006. 40 Frank.SFCC Reserve Prebles' artforms : an introduction to the visualRES artsTEXT / Patrick RES TEXT 44 (9th ed.) SFCC Reserve Theater experience / Edwin Wilson. RES TEXT 45 (10th ed) SFCC Reserve Theater experience / Edwin Wilson. RES TEXT 46 ( BOOK 9TH ED) SFCC Reserve Art of public speaking / Stephen E. Lucas. 15 c2006. 8 c2004. 15 c2007. 5 c2007. RES TEXT Reserve Debater's guide / Jon M. Ericson & James J. Murphy, with49 RaymondSFCC Bud Zeuschner. 1 c1987. TEXT/ 50 SFCC Reserve Chemistry : the molecular nature of matter andRES change Martin Silberberg. RES TEXT 58 (CD9th ED) SFCC Reserve Art of public speaking / Stephen E. Lucas. RES TEXT 62 (4th ed) / Julia T. Wood. SFCC Reserve Interpersonal communication : everyday encounters RES TEXT 62 (5TH ED) SFCC Reserve Interpersonal communication : everyday encounters / Julia T. Wood. RES TEXT 63 (12TH ED) SFCC Reserve Abnormal psychology. 6 2005. 2 c2007. 6 c2004. 2 c2007. 3 2004. 68 SFCC Reserve Theory, practice, and trends in human services RES : an TEXT introduction / Ed Neukrug. 11 c2008. RES TEXT 69 SFCC Reserve 64 c2006. RES TEXT 81 Spirit of sociology : a reader / [edited by] Ron Matson. SFCC Reserve 4 c2008. RES TEXT 82 T. Wood. SFCC Reserve Gendered lives : communication, gender, and culture / Julia RES TEXT 85 (6th ed) SFCC Reserve Exploring psychology / David G. Myers. RES TEXT 85 (7TH ED) SFCC Reserve Exploring psychology / David G. Myers. 1 c2007. 51 c2005. 7 c2008. RES TEXT 89 SFCC Ronald ReserveKanwischer. Human services : concepts and intervention strategies / Joseph J. Mehr, 1 c2008. RES TEXT 95 SFCC Reserve Living in the environment : principles, connections, and solutions / G. Tyler Miller, Jr. 1 c1998. Introductory chemistry / Nivaldo J. Tro. RESERVOI SFCC DVD 16 production [2002] in association with Monte Hel Reservoir dogs [videorecording] / a Miramax Film release ; Artisan Entertainment presents a Lawrence Bender RETURN SFCC VideosDmitrii¿¿ Lesnevskii¿¿ ; st¿¿¿s¿¿¿enarii¿¿ 8 [2004] Vladimir Moisennko, Aleksandr Vozvrashchenie [videorecording (DVD)] The return / REN TV ; prodi¿¿¿u¿¿¿ser REX J.TEXT 80John Lie.SFCC Reserve Sociology : your compass for a new world / Robert Brym, Rapture of Canaan / Sheri Reynolds. REYNOLDS RHYS Collected short stories / Jean Rhys ; introduction by Diana Athill. c2007. 1 1997. SFCC Fiction 1 [1992] SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2007. RICE Pandora : new tales of the vampires / Anne Rice. SFCC Fiction 5 1998. RICE SFCC Fiction 4 1985. End of the alphabet / C.S. Richardson. Vampire Lestat / by Anne Rice. RIC 6 SFCC Fiction 264 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Density of souls / Christopher Rice. RICE SFCC Fiction 3 c2001. Blood canticle / Anne Rice. RICE SFCC Fiction 2 2003. Merrick : a novel / by Anne Rice. RICE SFCC Fiction 2 c2000. RIDICUL SFCC Videos [1997]. Ridicule [videorecording] / a Miramax Zoe¿¿ release ; Gilles Legrand, Frederic Brillion, Philippe Carcassonne1present a film by Patrice Leconte ; an Epithe RIDICULE SFCC DVD 3 Cinema, Canal+, CNC, Investimage 16 2003. Ridicule [videorecording] / a Miramax Zoe¿¿ release ; Epithete/Cinea/France 4, Polygram Audiovisuel ; a film by Pat [2002], RIDING SFCC VideosFilms production ; producers, 1 James c2001. Riding in cars with boys [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents a Gracie L. Brooks, Julie Ansell, Richard Sakai [2001], HOME SFCC Asia DVDpresents GuangXi Film Studio ;3producer, c2000. Road home [videorecording (DVD)] / Columbia ROAD Pictures Film Production Zhao Yu ; screenplay writer, Bao S TO Attractions SFCC DVD a Revolution Films production 14 in association 2006. Road to Guanta¿¿namo [videorecording (DVD) ROAD ] Roadside presents with Screen West Midlands Angels fall / Nora Roberts. ROB SFCC Best Sellers 3 c2006. Blue smoke / Nora Roberts. ROB SFCC Best Sellers 2 2005. Strangers in death / J.D. Robb. ROB SFCC Best Sellers 2 c2008. Innocent in death / J.D. Robb. ROB SFCC Best Sellers 1 c2007. Still life with Woodpecker / Tom Robbins. ROBBINS SFCC Fiction 1 1980. Homeport / Nora Roberts. ROBERTS SFCC Fiction 3 1999, c1998. Sanctuary / Nora Roberts. ROBERTS SFCC Fiction 3 1998. Finding the dream / Nora Roberts. ROBERTS SFCC Fiction 2 c1997. Calhoun women : Catherine and Amanda / NoraROBERTS Roberts. SFCC Fiction 1 c1998. Last honest woman / Nora Roberts. ROBERTS SFCC Fiction 1 1988. MacGregor brides / Nora Roberts. ROBERTS SFCC Fiction 1 c1997. ROCKY Century Fox SFCC Videos by Michael White ; screenplay 1 byc1990. Rocky horror picture show [videorecording] / Twentieth ; produced Jim Sharman, Richard O'Brien ; directe SFCCModernos Videos Ltda, y Fotoclub 76 ; produced 1 1991, c1989. Rodrigo D [videorecording] : no futuro / Focine,RODRIGO Producciones Tiempos by Liuba Hleap ; directed by Victor Gav ROGERa&Dog Eat DogSFCC Videos 1 Roger & me [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents Films production ; a film by Michael Moore ;c1990. written, produced and directed by Mic ROMEO (Zeffirelli) 2 of2000. Romeo and Juliet [videorecording] / dParamount Pictures presents SFCC a BHEDVD film ; the Franco Zeffirelli production William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet Romero [videorecording] / Paulist Pictures. ROMERO SFCC Videos 1 c1990. SFCC DVD 9 Filmc2004. Room with a view [videorecording] / Goldcrest ROOM in association with National Film Finance Corporation, Curzon Distributors and Film Four Internation WI SFCC Videos 2 Filmc1987. Room with a view [videorecording] / Goldcrest ROOM in association with National Film Finance Corporation, Curzon Distributors and Film Four Internation [2007], ROOTS; Warner Bros. SFCC DVD ; produced by Stan Margulies 3 ; written c1977.by William Blinn, M. Charles Cohe Roots [videorecording] / David L. Wolper Productions Television [2007], ROOTS; Warner Bros. SFCC DVD ; produced by Stan Margulies 2 ; written c1977.by William Blinn, M. Charles Cohe Roots [videorecording] / David L. Wolper Productions Television ROPE SFCC Videos Rope [videorecording] / Universal ; Transatlantic Pictures production. 2 c1995. SFCC DVD 1 [1998?] Vendedora de rosas [videorecording] = The roseROSE seller / Producciones Filmamento ; produccio¿¿n, Erwin Go¿¿ggel ; direccio¿¿n general, Vi¿¿ctor Gaviria Rose for Emily [videorecording] / producer and ROSE writer, H. Kaye Dyal.SFCC Videos 1 1982. ROSENCR DVD of Michael Brandman & Emanuel 6 [2005] Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are dead [videorecording] / a theatricalSFCC production Azenberg in association with Thirteen [2005], 1 c2003. Rosenstrasse [videorecording] / Concorde-Film ROSENST ; Herbert G. Kloiber SFCC zeigt DVD ; eine Deutsch-Holla¿¿ndische co-produktion der Studio Hamburg Letterbox Film ROSEWOOD SFCC DVDProduction in association with3New Deal c1997. Rosewood [videorecording] / Warner Bros. presents a Peters Entertainment Productions ; a John Singleton film ROUND M SFCC film Videos 1 [1987] ; produced by Irwin Winkler ; 'Round midnight [videorecording] / Warner Bros. ; a Bertrand Tavernier ; written by David Rayfiel, Bertrand Tavernier SFCC Fiction Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / by ROWLING J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary Grandpre¿¿. 7 2003. ROWLING Fiction Harry Potter and the deathly hallows / by J.K. Rowling ; illustrationsSFCC by Mary GrandPre¿¿. 7 2007. ROWLING Fiction Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone / by J.K. Rowling ; illustrationsSFCC by Mary GrandPre¿¿. 4 1998. 4 c2007. Bad monkeys / Matt Ruff. RUF SFCC Best Sellers RULES O SFCC 2 ; produced c2000. by Richard D. Zanuck, Scott Ru Rules of engagement [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures presents ; inVideos association with Seven Arts Pictures 265 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 RULES de OF Jean Renoir SFCC DVD et dialogues, Jean Renoir ; 7collaborateur, c2004. Koch ; directeur de production R¿¿gle du jeu [videorecording] / fantaisie dramatique ; sc¿¿nario Ruling class videorecording / Keep Films, Ltd. RULING SFCC Videos 1 c1983. RUN DVDPool ... [et. al ...] ; produzent, 15 [1999]; buch & regie, Tom Tykwer. Lola rennt [videorecording (DVD)] / Sony Pictures Classics ; X Filme SFCC Creative Stefan Arndt 3 Films c2000. Di¿¿as contados [videorecording] = Running outRUNNING of time / Tanelorn SFCC FilmsDVD release of an Aiete Films and Ariane production with the collaboration of Running brave videorecording. RUNNING SFCC Videos 2 1983. Bridge of sighs / Richard Russo. RUS SFCC Best Sellers 2 2007. VideosGiler ; written and directed by 1 Hughc1985. Rustlers rhapsody [videorecording] / ParamountRUSTLER Pictures ; producedSFCC by David Wilson. [2001], RYAN SFCC Fiction 1 c2000. Esperanza rising / Pam Mu¿¿oz Ryan. S 463.21 VOX COM SFCC Foreign Language 1 ; dictionary c1994. compiled by the editors of Bib Vox compact Spanish and English dictionary : English-Spanish/Spanish-English / preface by C. Edward Scebold S 468.0076 LOPEZ-A SFCC Foreign Language c1996.Keith E. Watts. Spanish grammar / Julio Lo¿¿pez-Arias, Gladys Varona-Lacey ; contributing editors, Steven M. DuPouy, Ellen1 S. Haynes, S 468.2421 SFCC Foreign Language 1 c2002. Exacto! : a practical guide to Spanish grammar /EXACTO Ane Ortega ... [et al.]. S 468.2421 Foreign Language 1 2000. Spanish for dummies / by Susana Wald and theWALD language experts atSFCC Berlitz ; Berlitz series editor, Juergen Lorenz. S 468.3421 KATTAN BEGINNI SFCCTim Foreign Language 1 p1985. Spanish for business [sound recording] : beginning / Juan Kattan-Ibarra, Connell. S 468.3421 ZARABAN SFCC Non-Fiction 1 p1989. Zarabanda [sound recording]. S 863.6 J564p. SFCC Foreignexercises, Languageand vocabulary by1Gertrude c1922. Platero y yo / por Juan Ramo¿¿n Jime¿¿nez ; edited with notes, direct-method M. Walsh ; with a critical introduct S 863.64Ma¿¿rquez. G165c SFCC Foreign Language Cro¿¿nica de una muerte anunciada / Gabriel Garci¿¿a 1 1981. S 863.64Ma¿¿rquez. GARCIA SFCC Foreign Language 1 1992. Cro¿¿nica de una muerte anunciada / Gabriel Garci¿¿a S 914.6 SALCEDO ForeignbyLanguage 1 [1971] Cordoba / Miguel Salcedo Hierro ; photographien, Oronoz ... [et al.]SFCC ; prologue D. Rafael Castejo¿¿n y Martinez de Arizala. S 914.682 SFCC Foreign Language 1 c1989. Alhambra y el Generalife / Gonzalo M. Borra¿¿s.BORRAS S 914.686 B432s SFCC Language Seville / text, Manuel Bendala Lucot ; photographs, Archivo Mas ... [et al.]Foreign ; translation, Diorki.-Madrid. 1 [1969] SFCC Foreign Language Asi¿¿ vivi¿¿an en Al-Andalus / Jesu¿¿s Greus. S 946.02 GREUS S 946.02 MARTINsiglos VIII-XIISFCC Foreign Edad media en Espan¿¿a : el predominio musulma¿¿n, / Jose¿¿ LuisLanguage Marti¿¿n. S 970.01 Descubrimiento de Ame¿¿rica : novus mundus /LUCENA Manuel Lucena. SFCC Foreign Language 1 1991. 1 c1989. 1 S F SA23P Foreign Language Principito. Con ilus. del autor. Traducido del france¿¿s por BonifacioSFCC del Carril. 1 c1988. [1973, c1971] SACRIFI Sacrifice [videorecording] ; directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. SFCC DVD 2 c2000. [1989], SALAAM SFCC Videos 4 c1988. Salaam Bombay! [videorecording] / Film Four International ... [et al.] present a Mirabai Films production ; screenplay by Sooni Taraporevala ; produced a Catcher in the rye / J.D. Salinger. SALINGE SFCC Fiction 1 [1991] Catcher in the rye / J.D. Salinger. SALINGER SFCC Fiction 1 2001, 1951. I Co., Ltd.SFCC Videos Kazuo Takimura ; screenplay, 1 Tokuhei c1988. Miyamoto Musashi [videorecording] = Samurai SAMURAI / To¿¿ho¿¿ ; producer, Wakao, Hiroshi Inagaki, Hideji Hoj SAMURAI II ; screenplay, SFCC Videos c1988. Duel at Ichijoji Temple [videorecording] / To¿¿ho¿¿ Co., Ltd. Tokuhei Wakao, Hiroshi Inagaki ; 1directed by Hiroshi Inagaki. SAMYdel Instituto Nacional SFCC DVD 4 [2004] Samy y yo [videorecording] / realizado con el apoyo de Cinematografia y Artes Audiovisuales ; Bulevares Producciones presenta ; g SFCCDwan, DVD David Miller ; producers, Merian 6 C. c2007. Sands of Iwo Jima [videorecording] ; The Flying SANDS Tigers / directors, Allan Cooper, Edmund Grainger ; writers, Ha SFCC Videos 1 c1988. Sanshiro sugata [videorecording] / To¿¿ho¿¿ ; aSANSHIR Janus Films presentation ; directed by Akira Kurosawa ; screenplay by Akira Kurosawa. 266 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 Videos 2 [1993] and Ideal Films presentation in Sarafina! [videorecording] / Hollywood PicturesSARAFIN and Miramax FilmsSFCC present a Anant Singh production ; a Distant Horizon [2004], SAVING SFCC DVDPictures present an Amblin Entertainment 19 c1998.production in association with M Saving Private Ryan [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures and Paramount SAVING SFCCpresents DVD 7 [2005] Saving face [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Classics ; Destination Films an Overbrook Films production in association with Forensic Films, Gree [1991], SCARFACE SFCC Videos 4 c1932. Scarface [videorecording] / Caddo Company, Inc. [presented by] ; United Artists picture ; Howard Hughes ; producer, Howard Hughes ; writers, Seton I. M SCHINDL SFCCEntertainment DVD 25 Branko [2004]Lustig, Gerald R. Molen, Steven S Schindler's list [videorecording] / Universal Pictures presents an Amblin production ; producers, SCHMAHM Empire settings : a novel / by David Schmahmann. SFCC Fiction 1 [2002] SCHOOL DAZE SFCC Videos 1 jointc1988. School daze [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents a Forty Acres and a Mule production ; a Spike Lee ; produced, written and directed by Sp [1985], 1 c1984. With the Indians in the Rockies : a novel / JamesSCHULTZ Willard Schultz. SFCC Fiction INSIDE DVD S.r.l. ; Filmanova ; Himeno¿¿ptero 28 [2005] Mar adentro [videorecording] = The sea inside /SEA Canal+ ; EurimagesSFCC ; Eyescreen ; Lucky Red ; Sociedad General de Cin SEABISC SFCC DVD 13 a Larger c2003. Seabiscuit [videorecording (DVD)] / Universal Pictures/Dreamworks Pictures/Spyglass Entertainment present Than Life-Kennedy/Marshall produ SEARCHER SFCC DVD picture ; screenplay by Frank2S. Nugent [1997] Searchers [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures presents the C.V. Whitney ; directed by John Ford. Lovely bones : a novel / Alice Sebold. SEBOLD SFCC Fiction 2 2002. SECONDH SFCC DVD 21 Secondhand lions [videorecording] / New Line Cinema ; produced by David Kirschner, Scott Ross, Corey Sienega ; [2004] written and directed by Tim McCanlies SECUEST 14 [2006] Secuestro express [videorecording] Miramax Films ; Tres MalandrosSFCC FilmsDVD presenta ; un film de Jonathan Jakubowicz ; producida por Sandra Condito ; pr SEDUCED Lux C.C.F. SFCC Videos by Age-Scarpelli, Pietro Germi, 2 Seduced and abandoned videorecording / Lux-Ultra-Vides, ; screenplay Luciano Vincenzoni ; produced by Franc SFCC Fiction 1 1997. Fiction Invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words andSELZNICK pictures / by Brian SFCC Selznick. 2 c2007. Funny boy : a novel / Shyam Selvadurai. SELVADUR SENSE A presentsSFCC Videos c1996. Sense and sensibility [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures a Mirage production ; an Ang Lee film ; 1produced by Lindsay Doran ; screenplay by Em SEQUINS SFCC Videos 1 the[2006] Sequins [videorecording] / a Sombrero Production, Mallia Films, Rho¿¿ne-Alpes-Cine¿¿ma co-production with participation of Canal+ and Le Centre DVD 6 Barry c2007. Serenity [videorecording] / Mutant Enemy, Inc.SERENITY ; Universal Pictures SFCC ; Barry Mendel Productions ; produced by Mendel ; written by Joss Whedon ; w SERPENT Videos 1 c1988. Serpent and the rainbow [videorecording] / Universal ; Keith BarrishSFCC presents a Rob Cohen/David Ladd production ; a film by Wes Craven ; screenplay by SEVEN SFCC release DVD ; production, Sojiro Motoki 10; screenplay 1998. by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Has Seven samurai [videorecording] / Toho Company presents a Janus Films SEVEN S / [Toho Company SFCC Videos 1 c1980. Seven samurai [videorecording] : the magnificent seven ; produced by Sojiro Motoki ; screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimo SEVEN S / [Toho Company SFCC Videos 1 c1980. Seven samurai [videorecording] : the magnificent seven ; produced by Sojiro Motoki ; screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimo [2003], SEX/ AND SFCC 13 con c2001. Luci¿¿a y el sexo [videorecording] = Sex and Lucia una produccio¿¿n deDVD Sogecine realizada por Alicia Produce la participacio¿¿n de Canal+ Espan¿¿ SFCC MAGAZINE B BOUND VOLUME SFCC SFCC Per/News 26 SFCC MAGAZINE A SFCC SFCC Per/News 18 SFCC MAGAZINE L SFCC SFCC INTERLIBRARY LOAN SFCC Per/News 3 SFCC Newspaper SFCC NEWSPAPER SFCC Per/News 32 SFCC Per/News 5 SFCC Interlibrary Loan SFCC Newspaper SFCC Newspaper SFCC Interlibrary Loan 153 SHADOW Videos 2 by Thornton c1988. Wilder, Sally Benson, Alma R Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a doubt [videorecording] / a UniversalSFCC Picture ; Skirball Productions ; screenplay SFCC Videos 1 1998. Shakespeare in love [videorecording] / MiramaxSHAKESP Films/Universal Pictures/the Bedford Falls Company ; produced by David Parfitt, Donna Gigliotti, Harvey SHALL SFCC Hakuhodo DVD 7 [2005] Shall we dance? [videorecording (DVD)] / produced by Daiei, NTV Corp., & Nippan Shuppan ; produced by Yasuyoshi Tokuma ; written and dir SHANE SFCC VideosJr. ; produced and directed by 1 George c1988. Shane [videorecording] / a Paramount production ; screenplay by A.B. Guthrie, Stevens. SHAWSHA SFCC DVD a Frank Darabont film. Shawshank redemption [videorecording] / Castle Rock Entertainment presents 10 1999. SHAWSHA SFCC Videos by Niki Marvin ; screenplay 1 by Frank c1994. Shawshank redemption [videorecording] / Castle Rock Entertainment ; produced Darabont ; directed by Frank Dara SHE WORE SFCC 1 c1988. Bellah ; screen play by Frank Nu She wore a yellow ribbon [videorecording] / [produced by] John Ford andVideos and Merian C. Cooper, story by James Warner Nothing lasts forever / Sidney Sheldon. SHELDON SFCC Fiction 1 c1994. SHERRYB DVD production in association with 14 Elevation c2006.Filmworks, a film by Laurie Colly Sherrybaby [videorecording (DVD)]/ A Screen Media Films release, aSFCC Big Beach 267 SFCC Circulation: FY 2008 SHINING; screenplaySFCC DVD Kubrick & Diane Johnson ; produced 15 [2001] Shining [videorecording (DVD)] / Warner Bros. Pictures by Stanley and directed by Stanley Kubrick. SFCC DVD ; Spelling Entertainment ; producer, 1 [2004] Short cuts [videorecording] / Fine Line FeaturesSHORT ; Avenue Pictures Productions Cary Brokaw ; screenplay, Robert Altm SFCC DVD ; Spelling Entertainment ; producer, 1 [2004] Short cuts [videorecording] / Fine Line FeaturesSHORT ; Avenue Pictures Productions Cary Brokaw ; screenplay, Robert Altm SFCC DVD & Mela Films present a film by 4 Maurizio [2005] Short cut to Nirvana [videorecording] : KumbhaSHORT Mela¿¿CUT / Sundial Productions Benazzo and Nick Day ; produced SHOW ME a film bySFCC DVD 5 Filmc2000. Show me love [videorecording] / Strand Releasing presents Lukas Moodysson ; produced by Memfis in co-production with Zentropa Produ SHOWER Videos 1 ; directed 2000.by Zhang Yang. Shower [videorecording (VHS)] / Imar Film production ; screenplay SFCC by Zhang Yang ; produced by Peter Loehr SICKO 22 O'Hara c2007. Sicko [videorecording] / The Weinstein Company presents a Dog EatSFCC DogDVD Films production ; producer, Meghan ; written, produced and directed b Siddhartha [videorecording] SIDDHART SFCC DVD 5 c2002. SIDEWAYS SFCC London DVD production ; produced by26 Sideways [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures presents a Michael Michael[2005] London ; screenplay by Alexander Pay SILENT Silent Shakespeare [videorecording] / a Milestone Film Release. SFCC Videos 1 2000. SFCC Fiction Jungle / by Upton Sinclair ; with an introductionSINCLAIR by Ronald Gottesman. 2 1986. SINGIN SFCCscreen Videosplay by Adolph Green, Betty 5 c1992. Singin' in the rain [videorecording] / Metro Goldwyn Mayer ; story and Comden ; produced by Arthur Freed ; directe SFCC DVD & Slam Pictures present a Marc 1 Levin c1998. Slam [videorecording (DVD) ]/ Trimark Pictures,SLAM Offline Entertainment Group film. Night music / Harrison Gradwell Slater. SLATER SFCC Fiction 1 [2003] SFCC DVD; produced by Yuko Yoshikawa,3Shunji2002, c1996. Sleepy heads [videorecording (DVD)] / ElephantSLEEPY Studio & Zazou Productions Okada ; produced, photographed, an SMILES Videos ; Janus Films ; produced, written 1 1986. Smiles of a summer night [videorecording] / Rank Films DistributorsSFCC of America and directed by Ingmar Bergman. SMOKE SFCC DVD 21 by[2000?] Smoke signals [videorecording (DVD)] / Miramax Films ; a Shadowcatcher Entertainment production ; directed Chris Eyre ; screenplay by Sherman Ale S by LarrySFCC [1999] Smoke signals [videorecording] / Miramax FilmsSMOKE ; produced EstesVideos and Scott Rosenfelt ; directed by 3Chris Eyre ; screenplay by Sherman Alexie ; a c2000, SNOW SFCC DVD J. Ufland/Ron Bass production4; a Kennedy/Marshall c1999. Snow falling on cedars [videorecording] / Universal Pictures presents a Harry production ; a Scott H SOLARIS (Soderbergh) SFCC DVD Entertainment production ; 16 [2003] Solaris [videorecording] / a Twentieth Century Fox presentation, a Lightstorm produced by James Cameron, Rae Sanchini, Jo SOLARIS 8 c2002. Solaris [videorecording] / Mosfilm ; directed by(Torkovsky) Andrei Tarkovsky. SFCC DVD SOLDIERS SFCC DVD Soldier's girl [videorecording] / Bachrach/Gottlieb Productions ; producers, Doro Bachrach, Linda Gottlieb ; 8writer,c2003. Ron Nyswaner ; director, Frank Pierso SOLDIERS presents PAY DVD 10 c2005. Soldiers pay [videorecording] / Cinema Libre distribution aSFCC Doc Workers release ; Produced and directed by David O. Russell, Tricia Regan, Juan [2004], SOLO SFCCProductions DVD 3 Televisio¿¿n c2001. Espan¿¿ola con la participacio Solo mia [videorecording] = Only mine / una produccio¿¿n de Star Line con la participacio¿¿n de [1988?], SOME LI SFCC Videos 2 c1959. Some like it hot [videorecording] / Ashton Productions Inc. presents a Mirisch Company picture ; screenplay by Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond ; produce SOME LIKE SFCC DVD Company picture ; produced7and directed c2001. by Billy Wilder ; screenplay by B Some like it hot [videorecording] / Ashton Productions, Inc. presents a Mirisch SFCCfilm DVD; a Vel
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