2012 Year in Review - South Africa Partners


2012 Year in Review - South Africa Partners
South Africa Partners
A Catalyst for Innovative Partnership Programs
2012 Year in Review
Our Mission
South Africa Partners builds mutually beneficial
partnerships between the United States and South Africa
in the areas of health and education. Serving as a
catalyst of innovative approaches, South Africa Partners
links people, strengthens communities, promotes social
justice and fosters leadership in both countries.
“Thank you South Africa Partners for
the wonderful work you are doing
on behalf of our country.”
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond M. Tutu
September 2012
Cover Photo Credits (L to R): Mary Tiseo, Webb Photography, Paul
Hart, © DON WEST| fOTOGRAfIKS, Unknown.
Message from the Board President and Executive Director
Dear Friends,
During 2012, SA Partners saw years of effort catalyze into an
Two innovative education partnership programs also
approach that has dramatically increased our impact in South Africa as
came together in 2012. Following SA Partners’ multi-year effort
well as the diversity and mutually beneficial nature of our partnerships
to recruit partners and funding, the Albertina Sisulu Executive
between the United States and South Africa. Leadership Program in Health has been established to provide
The Integrated Access to Care and Treatment Program
training to South Africa’s health care leaders. A partnership of
(I ACT) is being scaled up to become a national standard in
SA Partners, Harvard School of Public Health, University of Pretoria
South Africa. I ACT emerged through a partnership that SA Partners
and University of Fort Hare, this four-year, $10 million initiative has the
facilitated between the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and
potential to transform executive education in South Africa. Additionally,
the Eastern Cape Department of Health. Launched by SA Partners in
the Massachusetts-South Africa Technology Fellowship
2009, I ACT has trained more than 136,000 people living with HIV
Program, a new partnership of SA Partners and Bentley University,
to become effective managers of their own health. Our role as I ACT
will bring together mid-level professionals from Massachusetts and
catalyst and national technical advisor has taken on new meaning as the
South Africa in a novel exchange program to create beneficial
South African National Department of Health explores adopting the
peer relationships, promote cultural competency and strengthen
I ACT approach as its standard for pre-antiretroviral treatment.
professional skills.
With the launch of the Masibumbane Development
We hope you will agree that SA Partners has reached a new
Organization we now have our counterpart in South
level of productivity and impact. As always, we deeply value your
Africa -- an organizational goal for several years. Working together
generous support that makes our work possible and look forward to
with Masibumbane’s new Executive Director, we are planning joint
hearing your thoughts about how our partnership work can continue to
ventures that will provide each organization with the opportunity to
improve and expand.
focus on its core competencies. Tied to Masibumbane’s establishment is
the completion of our Strategic Plan 2012–2016, which refocuses our
Very best regards,
efforts on our historic strengths: catalyzing partnerships, incubating new
approaches to capacity development and disseminating lessons from
best practices in both the United States and South Africa.
Stephen K. Moody
Mary Tiseo
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Innovative Programs in Health
Integrated Access to Care and Treatment Program
The key to better health for people living with,
and affected by, HIV
I ACT grew out of a partnership that SA Partners facilitated during 2000–2008
between the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and South Africa’s Province
of the Eastern Cape Department of Health. The program was officially launched there
I ACT support group participant
Since 2009, I ACT has supported
more than 136,000 people living
with HIV and trained hundreds
of individuals to be I ACT group
facilitators and trainers. By the
end of 2012, I ACT expanded to
all of South Africa’s nine provinces,
with SA Partners providing
technical assistance for the
national scale-up.
I ACT’s goal is to promote the early recruitment, referral and retention of people
living with HIV (PLHIV) into care and support programs. This process will ultimately
reduce the high loss to follow-up from the time of HIV diagnosis until the successful
commencement of treatment.
I ACT support groups empower and engage. Through a structured curriculum-based
series of six sessions, PLHIV are provided with the education, network and social
support they need to begin accepting their status, stay healthy and continue accessing
care. I ACT receives funding support from the President’s Emergency Plan for Aids
Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and USAID.
Webb Photography
“The moment you step
through that door your life
changes forever. There is no
going back.”
by SA Partners in 2009.
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Innovative Programs in Health
Strengthening Prevention in the Prison System
A novel pilot program to prevent the transmission of HIV among
the most at-risk populations.
During 2012, more than 700
offenders and staff participated
in STEPS activities and more than
40 were trained as facilitators.
In 2013, SA Partners will extend
STEPS to a second prison.
In 2012, SA Partners launched STEPS, a pilot prison-based HIV prevention program
that addresses high-risk behavior in the male prison population. An expansion of
SA Partners’ I ACT Program, STEPS provides offenders and staff at St. Albans
Correctional Center with a facilitated 6-week curriculum for group meetings that
include Ubuntu Community Theater, educational sessions and referrals for testing.
STEPS is funded by President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) through the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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“The STEPS program has given opportunity
for the prison community to discuss
issues openly. Because of the impact
the program has had, the number of
offenders who test for HIV has gone from
below 5 per month to above 100.”
Manager of the Wellness Clinic, hub for STEPS
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Innovative Programs in Education
Massachusetts-South Africa Technology
Fellowship Program
People-to-people exchanges to strengthen professional skills
and promote cultural competency.
The Massachusetts-South Africa Technology Fellowship Program (M-SAT) is led by
Bentley University in partnership with SA Partners and funded by the U.S. State
Department Professional Fellows Program. M-SAT brings together mid-level professionals
from Massachusetts and South Africa to create beneficial peer relationships, promote
cultural competency and strengthen professional skills.
M-SAT South African Fellows will spend four weeks in the Boston area learning at
Bentley and working with a U.S. mentor and a peer in the high tech and life science
business sectors. The peer will then travel to South Africa as a United States Fellow,
spending time at his/her partner Fellow’s worksite and learning about South Africa’s
history and culture. The first cohort of six South African Fellows will travel to the United
States in April 2013.
SA Partners serves as technical
consultant to M-SAT, including
the recruitment and selection
of Fellows and participating
companies and programming
in South Africa.
“The Embassy has worked for many years
with South Africa Partners and is assured
that with their involvement, the MassachusettsSouth Africa Technology Fellowship Program
will be designed for long-term and mutual
benefit, the key elements for sustainability
beyond the grant timeline.”
South African Ambassador to the United States
Ebrahim Rasool
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Innovative Programs in Education
Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership
Program in Health
Excellence, innovation and transformation to advance South
Africa’s health services.
“We would not have this
project if it wasn’t for South
Africa Partners. This was
actually initially conceived
by Mary Tiseo in conjunction,
in conversations, with
people in South Africa.”
Dr. Paul Campbell, Harvard School
of Public Health
SA Partners led the development of the Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership Program
in Health (ASELPH), a partnership of three academic partners -- Harvard School of
Public Health, University of Pretoria and University of Fort Hare – and SA Partners.
This four-year, $10 million program seeks to increase South Africa’s capacity to
deliver high-quality, cost-efficient health services by offering executive training to
managers who will contribute towards transforming South Africa’s health system.
ASELPH’s funding partners are Atlantic Philanthropies, The ELMA South Africa
Foundation and USAID.
ASELPH’s executive training will build core leadership and management skills to serve
South Africa’s health sector. Participants in the training program will include senior
managers and emerging leaders from provincial, district and local health departments
and executives engaging in strategic priorities at the national level. ASELPH will
simultaneously build capacity at two South African universities to offer executive level
training for the long-term.
SA Partners serves as
Administrator of ASELPH,
including financial management,
communications, monitoring and
evaluation and sustainability.
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Innovative Programs in Education
Masibumbane Development Organization
Let us unite to work together.
Incubated with the technical assistance of SA Partners, Masibumbane Development
Organization is our newly-established South Africa-based partner. Located in the
Province of the Eastern Cape, Masibumbane is independently governed by a
distinguished Board of Directors chaired by Dr. Mvuyo Tom, Vice Chancellor of the
University of Fort Hare. A central goal of both
Masibumbane and SA Partners
is for Masibumbane to be an
independent and sustainable
organization that can provide a
platform for implementing and
managing partnership programs
in South Africa.
“Masibumbane” is an isiXhosa word that means “Let us unite to work together.”
Masibumbane is focused on empowering underserved and disenfranchised
communities to realize their fundamental human rights in a democratic South Africa.
Masibumbane is grounded in a commitment to self-advocacy and social justice. In
partnership with others, Masibumbane helps communities to facilitate the mobilization
of resources that address local health, education and social development needs.
“My experience of South Africa Partners
is that of involving stakeholders at all
levels, but ensuring that on the ground
the people affected by their programs are
fully aware. This is a very participatory
approach to development.”
Dr. Mvuyo Tom, Masibumbane Development Organization Board
Chair and Vice Chancellor, University of Fort Hare
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Community Learning
Educator Tour
Each summer SA Partners leads an Educator Tour to South Africa. During this
two-week trip, United States educators learn about South Africa and engage with
their South African counterparts through visits to schools, libraries and other social
service initiatives.
Since 2006, more than 60 educators
have participated in SA Partners’
Educator Tour.
On the 2012 Educator Tour, six educators traveled to Johannesburg, Port
Elizabeth, East London and Cape Town, including three educators who had
traveled on the Educator Tour before and were returning to pursue further
Brenna DeCotis
Because of the tour’s intimate size, the conversations that ensue during these visits
result in meaningful exchanges of ideas and best practices. Participating United
States educators include elementary and secondary school teachers from public
and independent schools and professors of education.
“The trip with SA Partners changed me, my
outlook, my teaching and my life in so
many ways. We continue to use many of the
resources developed on that journey when
teaching about this great country.”
Madeleine M. Keller, Fourth Grade Teacher, The Bryn Mawr School
2006 Tour Participant
Brenna DeCotis
For details about our 2013 Educator Tour, please contact Brenna DeCotis
at 617 443–1072 or bdecotis@sapartners.org.
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Community Learning
SA Partners serves as a catalyst for innovative programs in community learning that strengthen relationships
between the United States and South Africa. We host programs to share lessons learned and celebrate
leaders in our community.
Special Events in 2012
Helen Suzman: Fighter for Human Rights
Mary Tiseo
Helen Suzman, the iconic South African Member of Parliament who devoted her life to
the fight against apartheid, was honored by SA Partners in January.
(L to R): SA Partners Board Member Temba Maqubela,
Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf of the US District Court, Patricia
Suzman, Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall of the
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Chief Judge
Sandra L. Lynch of the First Circuit, and SA Partners
Board Member Paks Madikiza.
“Helen Suzman: Fighter for Human Rights” is a traveling exhibit that documents
Mrs. Suzman’s unwavering determination in the face of intimidation and anti-Semitism.
United States District Court Chief Judge Mark Wolf hosted the event at the Moakley
Courthouse and Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall,
a native of South Africa, shared her personal remembrances.
Amandla Award and Screening of Sing Your Song
SA Partners honored five prominent Boston activists in May for their leadership of a
major local anti-apartheid campaign and their continuing work for justice and equity
in the United States. The Amandla Award honorees were: Reebee Garofalo & The
Amandla Collective; Caroline Hunter; Willard Johnson; Mel King; and, Byron Rushing.
(L to R): Amandla Award Honorees: Caroline Hunter,
Byron Rushing, Reebee Garofalo, Mel King, Willard
Johnson with South African Consul General George
In tandem with the Amandla Awards, SA Partners hosted the exclusive Boston-screening
of Sing Your Song, Harry Belafonte’s biographical film documenting his lifelong
contributions to social justice as an artist and activist.
South Africa Partners’ Annual Celebration
In October, SA Partners celebrated its achievements and future plans while also
honoring two outstanding individuals for their contributions to human rights. The
Celebration at the Marriott Cambridge was attended by 350 friends.
Harry Belafonte, artist and activist, was honored with our Desmond Tutu Social Justice
Award for his lifelong commitment to human rights and his role in helping to end South
Africa’s oppressive apartheid regime.
Carol Fulp, President & CEO of The Partnership, Inc., was honored with our Corporate
Citizen Award for her exceptional record of public service in our community and country
and her commitment to serving disenfranchised people.
(L to R): Corporate Citizen Award Honoree Carol
Fulp and Desmond Tutu Social Justice Award Honoree
Harry Belafonte.
(L to R): Harry Belafonte with Berklee College musicians.
(L to R): Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall, Judy Bigby, Carol Fulp, Massachusetts First Lady Diane Patrick,
SA Partners Executive Director Mary Tiseo.
South Africa Partners as Catalyst for Community Activism
Donor Advised Funds
SA Partners facilitates Donor Advised Funds that benefit South Africa. Serving as
fiscal agent and advisor, SA Partners grants funds to eligible organizations and
monitors spending. Examples of Donor Advised Funds include:
The Nelson Mandela 2012 Legacy Project is an initiative of the Embassy
of South Africa in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the life and legacy of Nelson
Mandela. A statue of Mr. Mandela has been commissioned and will be erected on
the grounds of the Embassy in 2013.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Kids Care Fund provides ongoing assistance to The
Bambisanani Project, a program in rural districts of the Province of the Eastern Cape
that offers care and support for orphaned and vulnerable children.
The Kugler Family Fund was started by Eileen and Larry Kugler to create a
23,000-book library at the A.V. Bukani Primary School in the rural Eastern Cape.
His Excellency Ebrahim Rasool, South African Ambassador
to the United States, with the statue of Nelson Mandela.
Since 2007, the Donor Advised
Funds administered by SA Partners
have raised more than $1.3
million in funding that directly
benefit programs in South Africa.
South Africa Partners’ FY 2012 Financials
FY 2012 Philanthropy at a Glance
Sources of Philanthropic Support
FY 2012 Revenue = $2,380,427
Other Income
Donor Advised
Foundations &
How Your Gift Supports SA Partners
FY 2012 Expenses = $2,218,068
Health & Education
Donors 2012
SA Partners sincerely thanks all of our donors for their generous
contributions that make our work possible. The following pages
acknowledge the individuals, foundations, corporations and other
institutions that made gifts and/or grants during calendar year
2012. We also acknowledge the many individuals and institutions
that generously support Donor Advised Funds administered by
SA Partners. These donors are recognized below and within the
Donor Advised Fund listing.
Individual Donors
$50,000 – $99,999
Anonymous (1)
$10,000 – $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Vincent McGee
$5,000 – $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Kathy Greeley
Joanne & Paul Guzzi
Eileen & Larry Kugler
Matthew Liang & Diane Garthwaite
Brinton Lykes
Stephen Moody & Helen Kraus
Catherine Mooney
Mary Tiseo & George Pillsbury
$1,000 – $4,999
David Allen
Anonymous (1)
Janet Axelrod & Tim Plenk
Joann & Robert Bendetson
In honor of Vuyelwa Maqubela
Jacqui Budd
Andrew Burness
Susan Dickler & Sig Van Raan
Jean Entine
Mitalene Fletcher & Clark Warner
Ann Haslett
Linda Hill & Roger Breitbart
Ilana Hurwitz & Richard Starfield
Mary & Ben Jaffee
Gail Katz & Henry Liebman
Cecilia & Steven King
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Jeanette Kruger & Betty Morningstar
Judith Kurland In memory of
Benny Lipchik
Trevor & Jillian Larkan
Paks & Dorcas Madikiza
Diana Maher
Margaret Marshall & Anthony Lewis
Lynn & Peter Meltzer
Carel Mulder
Mike Page
Sally & George* Pillsbury
Dorothy Pizzella & Charles Baker
Sandra Polishuk
Amelie Ratliff
Susan Reynolds
Abby Rockefeller & Lee Halprin
Betsy Rudnick & Bruce Posner
Emily Schatzow
Ellen Semonoff & Daniel Meltzer
Judy Smith
Laurie Swett
Tani Takagi
Jenny Warburg
Gail & Walter Willett
Up to $999
Cheryl Abbott
Shafika Abrahams-Gessel
& Daniel Gessel
Jerry Alexander & Jane Flanders
Pam Allara
Angela Allen
Lynda & Will Allen
Cyndi Anderson In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Penelope Andrews
Paul Aronson In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Nana Ashhurst
Elsa Roberts Auerbach
Jane & Paul Ayoub
* Deceased
Lenette Azzi-Lessing & Benedict Lessing
In honor of Mary Tiseo
Sara Baer-Sinnott
Betsy & Joel Bard
Karen & Barry Barkow
Donna Barry
Amy Bayer
Sarah Bayer
Geri Belle
Barbara Bennett
Rene & Clyde Bergstresser
Mary & John Bergstrom
Linda Berkel
Marcy Bienen & James Barron
Judy Bigby
Marjorie & Bernard Birnbaum
Amy Boesky & Jacques Perold
Melissa Boshco
Barbara Brown & David Massey
Margaret Brown & Hugh Samson
In honor of Vuyelwa Maqubela
& Mary Samson
Leslie Brunetta
Arlene & Haldon Bryer
Esther Bullitt
Sue Marshall Cabezas &
Frank Cabezas
Leonard Caldwell In honor of
Mary Tiseo
Jeanette Callahan
Susan Case & Alfred DeMaria
Jackie Cefola
Yeping Chen
Anne Chernikoff & Stacie Shapero
Rohit Chotalia In honor of
Nidhi-Amber & Kanay Chotalia
Gabriele Cipollone
Karen & Bruce Clarke
Marianne Clarke
Cassandra & Phillip Clay
Anita & Terry Coen
Gerald Cohen
Robert Cohen
Andrew Cohn
Mary Connaughton
Elizabeth Cook
Angeline Cortes
Blaine Couveau In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Gretchen Covino
Judith & William Cowin
Mary Craumer & David Porte
Ellie & Thomas Crosby
Moira Cunningham & Lewis Pepper
Nancy Cunningham
Robin O’Reilly Cunningham
& Joseph Cunningham
Elizabeth de Lima & Robert Alter
Nishant de Quadros In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Samantha Dean In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Edward Dees
Sandy & Harry Dine
In honor of Patricia Suzman
Colleen & Edward DiSanto
Vilunya Diskin
Mary Ellen & Walter Doblecki
David & Jennifer Dolbashian
Sheri & Greg Dunn In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Darcy Dye
John Earhart In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Deborah Ecker
Elizabeth Edmonds
Lucia Edmonds In honor of
Edith Edmonds
Elizabeth Edwards & Bailey Bishop
Nancy & Martin Eichelberger
Anne Ellsworth
Mary Ann & Thomas Engel
Peggy & Peter Enrich
Fiona Epstein
Deenah Ersner In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Phyllis Ewen & James Campen
Paula Ewenstein In honor of Ilana
Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Tess Ewing & Louise Rice
Joyce & Garold Faber
Barbara Fain & Jason Gilbert
Janine Fay In honor of Mary Tiseo
Lenore Feigenbaum & Simon Klein
Leslie Feinberg In honor of Carol Fulp
Marilyn Ferry
Elaine Fersh & Patrick McGuigan
Calliope & Basil Fine
Lisa Fisher & Jay Sugarman
Nancy & James Fleming
Rebecca Folkerth
Elizabeth Fowler & James Parmentier
Joyce & Edward Fredkin
Abby Freedman
Donna Friedman
Linda Gach & Steve Ray In memory of
Toby D’Oench
Adam Gartenberg
In honor of Daniel Forti
Helene Gayle
Roberta Gianfortoni
Peter Gilmartin
Rosalind Gold
In memory of Irving Krasner
Susan Gold
Mark Goldblatt
Barbara Goldman In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Rose Goldman & Alan Drabkin
Patricia Goodman
Sandra & Philip Gordon
Tessa & Harris Gordon
Geoffrey Green
Nancy Griffin
Caelah Griffis In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Betsy Groban
Deborah & Howard Guthermann
Diana Guzzi
Collier Hands
Noa Hall & John Taylor “Ike” Williams
Thomas Happel In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Jean Hardisty
Larry Hardoon
Meredith Harris
Gay & Dick Harter In honor of
Mary Tiseo
Nikki Henderson In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Judith Herman
Ashley Hernreich In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
James Heyes In honor of Ilana Kirsztajn
& Kevin Tidwell
Howard Hiatt
Parker Hobson In honor of Ilana
Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Thomas Hodgson In honor of Temba
Maqubela & Albie Sachs
Amy Holden & Brian Freyermuth
Carrie Hollingsworth & Anita Eggers
Jane & Bradley Honoroff
Richard Horwood In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Holly Humphreys In memory of
Joy Roberts
Caroline Hunter
Alice Jacobs In honor of Ilana Kirsztajn
& Kevin Tidwell
Samantha Jacobs In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Caren Jacobson & Blair Roberts
Margaret Jacobson-Sive
Joannie Jaxtimer
Jackie Jenkins-Scott & Jim Scott
Noel Jette & Alan Zaslavsky
Monica & Norman Joffe
Vivian & Willard Johnson
Richard Johnston
Jeffrey Jones
Mimi Jones
Muriel & Milton Jones
Donna Kaczor
Bruce Kaiser
In honor of Michael Goodman
Cecily Kaiser
Robert Kaiser In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Anna & David Kanarek
Tomaso Kane
Ruth Kaplan
Joan Karp & Douglas Hayden
Barbara Kates-Garnick & Marc Garnick
Donna Katzin & Alan Altschuler
Kary Keenan
Dan Kesselbrenner
Nardos King
Erica Kirsners
Karl Klare
Anne Knight
Susan & Charles Knight
Rochelle Korman & Richard Feldman
In memory of Toby D’Oench
Polly Kornblith & Michael Newman
Jessie & Steve Kroeck In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Patricia Lambert & Kathy Mulvey
Joellen Lambiotte In memory of
Toby D’Oench
Joellen Lambiotte & Phil Karber In honor
of Lou Lambiotte & Susan McConnell
Lindsay & John Landes
Erica Landry
Jill Landsman
Richard Lapchick & Ann Pasnak
Sandra & Jeff Lash
Carol Lasky & Dana Mills
Julia Graham Lear
Sarah Lee & Katherine Holmes
Judy Levenson & Mark Coven
Fredric Lewis
Susan & Jason Lewis
Ursula Liang
Norman Lichtenstein & Marla Kahn
Nancy Lincoln & Louise Ford
Jessica Lipnack
Kate Lonergan
Sandra & Paul Lovett
Blanche & Thomas Lozar
Sarah & Neil Lukas In honor of
Judith Kurland
Lorraine Lyman
Theodore MacLean
Louise & John MacMillan
June Makela & Mark Fishweicher
Heather Malkani In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Halcyon Mancuso
Catherine Mannick & Enrico Lorenzini
Jim Manzi
Temba & Vuyelwa Maqubela
Elaine & Steven Marshall
Patricia & John Marshall
Frances Martin
Pradhana & Timothy Mastro
Ellen Mayer & Malcolm Pittman
Susan McConnell & Louis Lambiotte
In honor of Joellen Lambiotte &
Phil Karber
Jean McGuire & Barbara Herbert
Wilma McKinney
Susan & Peter Merrill
Alyssa Merwin In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Claudia & Robert Meyer
Caroline Michel
Ellen & Frank Michelman
Lynn Modell
Oliver Moles
Risa & Richard Moon
Faith & Richard Morningstar
Linda Moulton
Glaudine Mtshali
Tara & Russell Nadel
Judith Neibrief
Kathleen & Stephen Nelick
Judy & Clyde Niles
Robin & Michael Nimkoff
Tracy O’Brien & Michele Waters
Marilyn O’Connell
Kevin O’Connor
Lois O’Hara
Karen & Thomas Olivadotti
Hannah & Jeff Olivet
Christina & Ulrich Otte
Mary & William Pappas
Jenny Pate
Charlotte & Sam Perkins
Allie Perry & Charles Pillsbury
In honor of Mary Tiseo
Patricia Cantor Petrucelly &
Jeffrey Petrucelly
Kathy Pillsbury & Cindy Marshall
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Brenda Pollack
Adam Posner In honor of Betsy Rudnick
Suzanne & Norman* Priebatsch
Glendora Putnam
Helen Raizen
Marcy Reed
Sarah & Thomas Reed
Dorothy & John Reichard
Elizabeth Reilinger
Judy Richardson
Marita Rivero
Deirdre Sampson-Robinson
Helen & Alan Robinson
Terry Kay Rockefeller
Jill & Ron Rohde
Eileen Rudden & Josh Posner
Steven Rumpler
Robert Russell
Joseph Russo
Janet Rustow
Ann & David Salant
Rosaria Salerno
Alfred Sandrock
Carol & Ernest Sarason In honor of
Judy Levenson
Jeff Scanlan
Ellen Schachter & Stephen Stephano
In honor of Janet Axelrod
Howard Schaffer
Chris Schiavone
Susan & Alan Schlesinger
Donna & Richard Schutz
Ken Schwartz
Valerie & Stephen Schwartz
Sara & Stephen Scolnick In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Deborah Scott & Ralph Martin
Miriam & James Segel
Bradley Seeman
Molly Shah In honor of Ilana Kirsztajn
& Kevin Tidwell
Judith Shankman
Nalini & Raj Sharma
Nancy & Glenn Sherman
Fredi & Jack Shonkoff
Pamela & Steven Shufro
Vaughn Sills & Lowry Pei
Helaine Simmonds
Andrea & Michael Sobel
Miriam Solomon & John Clarke
Judith Somberg & Lawrence Rosenberg
Dany Soucy & Jeffrey Epstein
Glenda & John Speyer In honor of Ilana
Hurwitz & Richard Starfield
Monique St. Luce In memory of Denise
& Eugene Daniels
Elizabeth Stagl & Michael Kanter
Lynn Staley & Martin Linsky
Stacie Stanley
Peggy Stern
Peter Sturges & Sasha Lauderbach
Ellen Sullivan
Andrew Sumberg In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Mary Jane & Peter Suzman
Patricia Suzman
Catherine & K. Michael Talbot
Asha Tall
Christy Timon & Abram Faber
Frank Tipton & Jonathan Krasner
Elizabeth Tishler
Margaret Traylor
Rosann Tung & Dan French
William Van Faasen
Orville & Kathryn Varnell
Flavia Vidal & Claudio Chamon
Susan Volman
Elizabeth Vorenberg
Linda & William Walczak
Sylvia Wachtel In honor of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
James Waldroop & Valerie Zimber
Aijun Wang & Haiyan Dai
Mark Watson
Marjorie Wein
Kaethe Weingarten & Hilary Worthen
Judith & Doug Weinstock
Judy Weiss
Rosemary Whitman
Mary Wiellette
Sylvia & David Wildes
Bennie & Flash Wiley
Lisette Williams
Marti Wilson-Taylor
Nioke Wright
Lynn Yetra & Ambrose Donovan
Renee York In honor of Ilana Kirsztajn &
Kevin Tidwell
Mary Yntema
Marcia Zucker & Ira Sills
Corporation, Foundation
& Government
$1,000,000 +
Department of Health & Human
Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
$100,000 – $149,999
Anglo American
Atlantic Philanthropies
Old Mutual Investment Group
$50,00 – $99,999
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Collette Foundation
Family Health International
Walmart $10,000 – $24,999
American Tower Corporation
Atlantic Philanthropies Employee/
Director Gift Fund
Black & Veatch Corporation
Funding Exchange
John Hancock Financial
Leeward Landing Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Tides Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
EMC Corporation
Highland Street Foundation
Overbrook Foundation
Robert & Myra Kraft Foundation
Sappi Fine Paper North America
$1,000 – $4,999
Aid for Africa
Alchemy Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
BNY Mellon
Brody, Hardoon, Perkins & Kesten, LLP
Daniel and Genevieve Ratner
Emmaus Baptist Church
Fidelity Charitable Gift Foundation
JRI Health
The Boston Foundation
The China Institute
The Oma Fund at Ms. Foundation
The Partnership, Inc.
Wainwright Capital Management
Wheelock College
Up to $999
Anonymous (2)
Barr Foundation
Bentley University
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Blum Family Foundation In honor of
Tom Haslett
Boston Common Asset Management
Brandeis University
Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation
City Life/Vida Urbana
Family Business Resource Center
Federal Street Advisors
GF Rhode Construction, Inc.
Harvard University Office of the
Assistant to the President
HT Sargent, LLC
John Hancock Financial Services
Matching Gift Program
Joseph Rosen Foundation
Kresge Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
New England Education &
Training Center
Squillace & Associates, P.C.
State Street Corporation
The Study Group
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Western Union Business Solutions
Donor Advised Funds
Bristol-Myers Squibb Kids
Care Fund
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Emmaus Baptist Church
Donna Kaczor
Deirdre Sampson-Robinson
Hogan Memoir Project
Vincent McGee
Tides Foundation
Knysna Education Trust
Collette Foundation
Kugler Family Fund
Andrew Burness
Anne Chernikoff & Stacie Shapero
Elizabeth Edmonds
Rosalind Gold
Cecily Kaiser
Kary Keenan
Nardos King
Eileen & Larry Kugler
Jill Landsman
Oliver Moles
Russell & Tara Nadel
Judith Neibrief
Kathleen & Stephen Nelick
Jenny Pate
Jeff Scanlan
Howard Schaffer
Valerie & Stephen Schwartz
Nancy & Glenn Sherman
Andrea & Michael Sobel
Stacie Stanley
Sylvia & David Wildes
LEAP Science and Maths School
Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation
In honor of the wedding of
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell:
Cyndi Anderson
Paul Aronson
Blaine Couveau
Nishant de Quadros
Samantha Dean
Sheri & Greg Dunn
John Earhart
Deenah Ersner
Paula Ewenstein
Barbara Goldman
Caelah Griffis
Thomas Happel
Nikki & Wesley Henderson
Ashley Hernreich
James Heyes
Parker Hobson
Richard Horwood
Alice Jacobs
Samantha Jacobs
Robert Kaiser
Ilana Kirsztajn & Kevin Tidwell
Jessie & Steve Kroeck
Heather Malkani
Alyssa Merwin
Sara & Stephen Scolnick
Molly Shah
Andrew Sumberg
Sylvia Wachtel
Renee York
Masibumbane Development
Anonymous (2)
Joann & Robert Bendetson
Paks & Dorcas Madikiza
Temba & Vuyelwa Maqubela
Stephen Moody & Helen Kraus
Nelson Mandela Legacy Project
Anglo American
Black & Veatch Corporation
Catherine Cox
Old Mutual Investment Group
Charlene Smith
Open Books, Open Minds
Anonymous (1)
Jane & Paul Ayoub
Barbara Bennett
Rene & Clyde Bergstresser
Mary & John Bergstrom
Marcy Bienen & James Barron
Melissa Boshco
Sue Marshall Cabezas & Frank Cabezas
Gabriele Cipollone
Marianne Clarke
Gerald Cohen
Angeline Cortes
Judith & William Cowin
Mary Craumer & David Porte
Robyn O’Reilly Cunningham &
Joseph Cunningham
Haiyan Dai & Aijun Wang
Mary Ellen & Walter Doblecki
Nancy & Martin Eichelberger
Mary Ann & Thomas Engel
Family Business Resource Center
Marilyn Ferry
Lisa Fisher & Jay Sugarman
GF Rhode Construction Inc.
Kathy Greeley
Geoffrey Green
Diana Guzzi & Edward Thomas
Joanne & Paul Guzzi
Barbara Hedges
Jackie Jenkins-Scott & Jim Scott
John Hancock Financial Services
Matching Gift Program
Muriel & Milton Jones
Ruth Kaplan
Cecilia & Steven King
Erica Kirsners
Erica Landry
Carol Lasky & Dana Mills
Blanche & Thomas Lozar
Theodore MacLean
Halcyon Mancuso
Frances Martin
Ellen Mayer & Malcolm Pittman
Wilma McKinney
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Lynn Modell
Faith & Richard Morningstar
Marilyn O’Connell
Kevin O’Connor
Karen & Thomas Olivadotti
Christina & Ulrich Otte
Dorothy Pizzella & Charles Baker
Brenda Pollack
Sarah & Thomas Reed
Dorothy & John Reichard
Helen & Alan Robinson
Alfred Sandrock
Susan & Alan Schlesinger
Miriam & James Segel
Deborah Scott & Ralph Martin
Judith Shankman
Fredi & Jack Shonkoff
Pamela & Steven Shufro
Beth & Bob Smith
Miriam Solomon & John Clarke
Laurie Swett
Catherine & K. Michael Talbot
Christy Timon & Abram Faber
Frank Tipton & Jonathan Krasner
Elizabeth Tishler
Margaret Traylor
William Van Faasen
Kathryn & Orville Varnell
Flavia Vidal & Claudio Chamon
Rosemary Whitman
Gail & Walter Willett
Lynn Yetra & Ambrose Donovan
Valerie Zimber & James Waldroop
Peter Demmler Kane
Library Project
Atlantic Philanthropies
Anita & Terry Coen
Sandra & Jeff Lash
Vincent McGee
Robert Russell
Sediba Sathuto
Nursery School
Gail Katz & Henry Liebman
In-Kind Donations
We gratefully acknowledge the
generous in-kind donations made
during calendar year 2012 that
have provided important support to
SA Partners.
Bryon Barnett
Boston Coach
Colette Phillips Communication
Jeanette Kruger and Betty Morningstar
Lawrence Watson and The Workforce
Martignetti Companies
South African Air
South African Consulate
We sincerely apologize if a name
has been listed incorrectly or omitted.
Please alert us to errors by contacting
Brenna DeCotis at 617 443-1072.
South Africa Partners Boards and Staff
Board of Directors*
David Allen, MD, MPH
South Africa Country Representative,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Nana Carmen Ashhurst
Associate Director, Major Gifts,
Sarah Lawrence College
Susan Dickler, MSW, MPA
Advisor, The Oma Fund
David Dolbashian, Treasurer
Vice President, Treasury Services,
Eastern Bank
Mitalene Fletcher, PhD
Director, PreK-12 and International
Programs,Harvard Graduate School
of Education
Joanne Guzzi, M. Ed.
Brookline, MA Public Schools
Tom Haslett, Clerk
Ilana Hurwitz, Esq.
Visiting Law Professor,
Boston University School of Law
Judith Kurland
President (Outgoing)
Executive Director
Center for Community Democracy
and Democratic Literacy,
McCormack Graduate School
of Policy and Global Studies,
University of Massachusetts Boston
Joellen Lambiotte, MA, MPPM
Senior Program Advisor,
Jhpiego—an affiliate of
Johns Hopkins University
Trevor Larkan, MSc.
Vice President,
Midway United Limited
Matthew H. Liang, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School
Phakamile Madikiza, MD
Vice President
Temba Maqubela, MS
Dean of Faculty, Phillips Academy
Stephen Moody
President (Incoming)
Senior Vice President & Director,
Boston Trust & Investment
Management Company
Mike Page, PhD
Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs, Bentley University
Board of Advisors*
Shafika Abrahams-Gessel
Program Manager, Center for Health
Decision Science, Harvard School of
Public Health
Kristen Atwood
Co-Founder, City Year, Inc.
Janet Axelrod, Co-Chair
Founding Board Member,
South Africa Partners
Judy Bigby, MD
Donna McGrath
Douglas Brooks, MSW
Senior Vice President,
Justice Resource Institute
Jean McGuire, PhD
Professor of Practice,
Bouve College of Health Sciences,
Northeastern University
Caroline Apetu
Staff Accountant
Lynn Meltzer, PhD
President, Research Institute
for Learning and Development
Carol Jackson Cashion
Education Program Officer
Margaret Burnham, Co-Chair
Founding Board Member,
South Africa Partners
Professor and Director, Civil Rights
and Restorative Justice Project,
Northeastern University School
of Law
Louis Casagrande, PhD
Former President/CEO of the Boston
Children’s Museum
Michael Durney
Chief Operating Officer,
Facing History and Ourselves
Carol R. Johnson, PhD
Superintendent, Boston Public Schools
Rachel Knight, MEd
Teacher, P.S.29, Brooklyn, NY
Christina Kramer
Director, Southern Africa Region,
Chemonics International
Judy Levenson, Esq.
Brody, Hardoon, Perkins
& Kesten, LLP
Jason Lewis
Massachusetts State Representative
Robert Lewis, Jr.
Vice President for Program,
The Boston Foundation
Yohance Maqubela
Chief Financial Officer,
Howard University Middle School
of Mathematics and Science
*Associations for identification purposes only.
William Pinkney, J.P. PhD
Master Emeritus, AMISTAD
Myrtis Powell
Retired Educator
Max Schorr
Co-Founder, GOOD Magazine
Scott Squillace, Esq.
Principal, Squillace & Associate, P.C.
K. Michael Talbot
University Supervisor,
Sacred Heart University
Gail Pettiford Willett
Educational Consultant
Marcellette Williams, PhD
Senior Vice President,
Academic Affairs, Student Affairs
and International Relations,
University of Massachusetts
President’s Office
Marti Wilson-Taylor, Co-Chair
Founding Board Member,
South Africa Partners
Executive Consultant
Martina Bouey
Deputy Director
Brenna DeCotis
Administrative Assistant
Anthony Diesel, RN
Director, I ACT
Michele Green
Bookkeeper, East London Office
Tanya Jacobs
Program Manager, ASELPH
Aletta Ngangani
Office Coordinator,
East London Office
Thembi Ngubane-Zungu, RN
Eastern Cape Policy & Advocacy
Director/STEPS Program Manager
Betsy Rudnick
Director of Development
Mary Tiseo
Executive Director
“Education is the most
powerful weapon which
you can use to change
the world.”
Nelson Mandela
USA Office
89 South Street, Suite 701
Boston, MA 02111
TEL: 617 443-1072
FAX: 617 443-1076
E-Mail: info@sapartners.org
South Africa Office
21 Pearce Street
Berea, East London 5241
South Africa
TEL: 043 721 2573
FAX: 043 721 2762
E-Mail: info@sapartners.org