November 2003 HT web
November 2003 HT web
PVRA HorseTales The Monthly Newsletter of the Poway Valley Riders Association November 2003 Outgoing Prez Inside This Issue Sez— Thank you to the membership for makCalendar 2 Classifieds 3 Junior Birthdays print copy Roster Updates print copy October General Meeting 4 September Board Highlights 5 2003 Show/Events Calendar 5 High Points 6, 10 Akhal-Teke Exhibition 7 Pony Club News 8 Hunter Jumper Show 9 Pony Club Fundraiser 10 Dressage Show 11 Turkey Trot Fun Show 13 See more great PVRA information, news, photos, & activities at our web site, ing PVRA a place we want our kids, and ourselves, to be involved with. Please welcome the new Board with continued support and enthusiasm. The result will be worth the effort, a strong, united PVRA moving forward into 2004. Enjoy your Club, —Nancy Heroes at PVRA Sunday, October 26, 2003, began like a bomb had gone off—our phone rang at 6:50 a.m. with a call about a bad fire near Rolling Hills Stable and a horse evacuation. I opened the front door of my south Poway house to see a huge dark gray cloud, stretching east to west across nearly the entire sky. I walked out to the street and looked east, to see three large spots of horrific red glow stretching like a horseshoe from northeast to southwest along the horizon. This was beyond bad. This was the worst fire I had ever seen. We pulled on clothes, grabbed a box of Danish, and ran to the truck. As we sped east on Garden Road, my gut wrenched at the sight of red flames licking down the hills from multiple directions. It was obvious by the time we arrived at Rolling Hills Stable that we had to get the horses out immediately. People were already hustling horses by the multiples down Sycamore Canyon Nutrena Program Guidelines This program will help PVRA earn some extra money. It was summarized at the May General Meeting. Get ready to save your Elston's receipts! Cargill will donate 5 sacks of Nutrena Feed for distribution at each PVRA event during the calendar year. In addition, Cargill, in partnership with Elston Hay & Grain, will contribute 25 cents for each bag of feed purchased from the Nutrena Life Design and Vitality lines of product. They’ll contribute 50 cents for each bag of Empower. Receipts must be originals, not photocopies—and we can’t request reprints. (Editor: The qualifying purchases are from Elston's.) Please feel free to contact Ron Robinson with any questions or comments. Ω Continued on page 5 Edited by Ann Laux (tel. 486-1750/fax 679-3383/e-mail: November 2003 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Board Member of the Month: To be announced. December Previews: Christmas Party (tentative, December 13) Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. (arena use 1:30-3:30) 2 9 3 4 Drill, 6:00 p.m. General meeting, 7:00 p.m., Poway Comm. Ctr./Bill Bond Room Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Riding, 6:00 p.m. Polo, 7:30 p.m. 10 11 12 13 Akhal-Teke Exhibition & Show* Drill, 6:00 p.m. 16 6 Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Riding, 6:00 p.m. Polo, 7:30 p.m. 20 17 18 19 Drill, 6:00 p.m. Horse Tales deadline Board meeting, Old Poway Park, 7:00 p.m. Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Riding, 6:00 p.m Polo, 7:30 p.m. 24 25 26 27 Dressage Show* 23 5 7 8 Pony Club Fundraiser* Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. (arena use 1:30-3:30) 14 15 Hunter Jumper Show* Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. (arena use 1:30-3:30) 21 22 Polo Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. (arena use 1:30-3:30) 28 29 Turkey Trot Fun Show* 30 Pony Club, 3:00Pony Club, 12:304:45 p.m./Open 4:30 p.m. (arena Thanksgiving Day Drill, 6:00 p.m. Riding, 6:00 p.m use 1:30-3:30) * Premium in this issue. CONTACT NUMBERS: Adult Riding: (Schedule is variable—call to get on phone list) Jeri Wam, 748-0991 and Kim Baker, 4864184. Akhal-Teke Show: Robert Coates, 486-1750. Calendar: Adrienne Regard, 748-1915. Chuck Wagon: Allan Preckel, 672-2346. Dressage Show: Janice Kall, 486-1320. Drill Team: Aletha Thomson, 486-7973, and Lisa Scanlon, 538-1434. Gymkhana: Ron Robinson, 748-6740. High Points: Ginny Masten, 748-7347, and Amie Wisdom, 60-789-2774. Hunter Jumper Show: Charlotte Belasco, 748-9066, or Laura Davidson, 748-6294. Meetings: Ron Robinson, 748-6740. Membership: Ellen Parry, 748-4423. Polo: Russ Sheldon, 748-7037. Pony Club: Virginia Cross, 760-787-0890. Pony Club Hotline (weather): 689-8682, ext. 3727. Trails: Jean Woodruff, 748-1814, or Robert Coates, 486-1750. Turkey Trot Fun Show: Katrina Pavin, 748-1201. Classified Ads Horse Tales classified ads are free to PVRA regular and affiliate members. Nonmember rates 25¢ per word, $2.50 minimum, payable in advance. Contact Ann Laux at (858) 486-1750 to place your ad, fax to (858) 679-3383, or e-mail ad to Deadline for the December issue is Tuesday, November 18. WEATHER PROOF, quilt-lined winter rug, size 74 (15hh-16.00hh), used one season, very cozy, $75.00. Virginia Cross, 760-787-0890. CHILD’S JUMPING VEST, adjustable, green. Almost new. $50.00. Virginia Cross, 760-787-0890. ENGLISH SADDLES, one adult, one pony, both excellent condition. $150 each, (858) 748-6030. Horse Tales Published monthly in Poway, California, by the Poway Valley Riders Association. Editor: Ann Laux. News and advertising deadline is the third Tuesday of the month prior to publication. Subscription Price: Mailed free to PVRA members and affiliate members. Non-member rate $12.50 per year. Advertising Rates: Full page $30, members; $60, non-members. Half page $20, members; $40, non-members. Prices on other sizes available on request. Prices are for camera-ready copy or simple ad design. Acceptance of all advertising is at the discretion of the editor. Horse Tales layout and typography by Ann Laux. Changes of Address: Please mail change of address to: Horse Tales, PVRA, P.O. Box 77, Poway, CA 92074. Junior Birthdays Happy Birthday to these PVRA Junior Members who have November birthdays and October birthdays. (If your child's name is missing or information is incorrect, please contact the membership chairperson, Ellen Parry at 858-748-4423 ( See Print Copy. Ω Roster Updates Please note changes in your PVRA roster. If you have questions, contact Ellen Parry at 858-748-4423 ( New members may use the facilities once their memberships have been approved by the Board. Applications fees and prorated dues must be paid, a liability release must be signed, and a meeting and a work party attended before membership is complete. Members who have completed all requirements and been approved by the Board are entitled to receive their PVRA keys and membership rosters. New Members See Print Copy. Ω The Horse Tales Editor apologizes for the late publication of this issue and any inconvenience this may have caused the membership—the Cedar Fire turned the editor into a horse chauffer for two weekends and delayed work on this issue. She hopes that all PVRA members are doing well, and recognizes that several members suffered significant losses in the fire. She aso truly appreciates all the help provided by PVRA members in this time of crisis. This is a great club! MTF Leather Repair •Complete blanket repair, must be clean. •English and western saddles—complete repair. •Halters and bridles, breakaway straps •Saddles cleaned and conditioned Free Estimates Call Mike, (858) 748-1868 Horse Tales/November 2003 Page 3 General Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2003 The General Meeting of the Poway Valley Riders Association was called to order at 7:00 PM on October 7, 2003. Approval of Minutes: On motion, the membership voted to approve the minutes of the August meeting of the General Membership. On motion, the membership voted to approve the minutes of the September meeting of the General Membership. Following the Treasurer’s Report, the group then heard the Membership Report. Membership Report: Ellen Parry presented new members Susan and Richard Peters. Ellen then introduced new applicants, Ann and James Dibelka. Following the Membership Report, the group then heard Committee Reports. Committee Reports Adult Riding: Call Kim Baker with questions or see PVRA web site for details. Rodeo: Russ Sheldon offered thanks to PVRA members who volunteered at the three-day event, which may have produced the largest Friday night audience in 10 years. Saturday evening seating sold to standing room only guests and approximately 200 people were turned away. Financials to follow. Nancy Kirchhofer presented a check for $250 in payment for the services of the Grand Entry team. Nancy encouraged members to see web site for Work Hours results. Board Members of the Month: Joe Biggers and Nancy Kirchhofer are available for questions and comments. Drill Team: Lisa Scanlon preparations for Dancing Horses event in November. Pony Club: Virginia Cross offered congratulations to members who passed C2 rating. Dancing Horses event scheduled for November 8. Tickets are $10 and $15, which includes meal with Greek menu. Marketing Committee: No report. Polo: Nancy Kirchhofer congratulated Russ Sheldon upon receipt of the Polo Angel Award presented by Polo America. Russ Sheldon called for new members to join the PVRA Polo Team, which meets on Thursday evenings. Page 4 Horse Tales/November 2003 Trails: Robert Coates announced Akhal-Teke conference scheduled for November 9 at PVRA. A large-scale endurance ride is in the planning stages. Ed Schaefer reported receiving a complaint letter about an elm tree that does not exist. Roping: Ed Schaefer reported recent wins at Winchester, Murietta, and others. elected to Board Member positions. Nancy Kirchhofer announced Installation Dinner scheduled for October 22. Location of November meeting to be announced. There being no more New Business to come before the membership, Nancy Kirchhofer, President, called for a motion to adjourn. Upon motion, the meeting was adjourned. Ω Horse Shows Dressage: Janice Kall reported entry fees of $750 collected at last event and announced show scheduled for Sunday, November 16 and called for volunteers to assist with the event. Open Shows: Kasey Bergman announced banquet scheduled for October 12 and called for volunteers to assist with preparations and setup. Gymkhana: Ron Robinson announced plans for season finale. Rentals: No report. Cross Country: No report. Old Business Espola Road Scoping Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 29, at 5:00 PM at Community Park Auditorium. Arena lights and public address system replacement to commence. Bathroom floors to be treated with Vortex. Noela called for volunteers to assist with Christmas Party. New Business There being no more Old Business to come before the group, the membership then discussed New Business. In preparations for PVRA election of officers and members of the Board of Directors, Jay Bandaret announced changes to slate of candidates. Allan Preckel did not run for Board Member position. Kent Deines did not run for Vice President. Ken Deines ran for Board Member position. Ron Robinson, candidate for President; Nancy Kirchhofer, candidate for Vice President; Lisa Scanlon, candidate for Secretary; and Cathy Sylvester, candidate for Treasurer were elected by acclamation. Rich Dimler and Kent Deines were Ron Robinson's Prez Sez was eaten by a bad floppy disc and will return next month. Pony Club's much-awaited Dancing Horses Exhibition has been postponed till after the New Year due to the fire situation. Details will be forthcoming in a future issue of Horse Tales. If you wish to help with the annual Christmas Party, please call Noela Montfort, 748-5754. Happy Thanksgiving September Board Highlights The Board of Directors Meeting of the Poway Valley Riders Association was called to order at 7:00 PM on September 16, 2003. All members were present. Guests: Kent Deines was recognized upon arrival at 7:15 PM. Approval of Minutes: On motion, the Board voted to approve the August minutes as corrected. Following the Treasurer’s and Membership Reports, the Board then heard Committee Reports. Committee Reports Marketing: Thank-you to Ron & Jan Robinson, Gretchin Talberg, and Kent Deines for coordinating PVRA presence at 2003 Community Day. Open Shows: Kasey Bergman reported $218 in class fees collected from Discipline Rail class benefiting Chloe Dobilette. Fountain with basin to be installed soon. Pony Club: No report. Polo: Tournaments scheduled for 10/ 18 and 10/19. Rodeo: Nancy Kirchhofer preparing team of riders for Grand Entry. PVRA used Rodeo dumpster to clear debris. PVRA should pay applicable fees, if any. Joe Biggers announced Rodeo Kick-off event scheduled for 9/24 at O’ Harley’s Bar. All PVRA volunteers are invited to attend. Board Member of the Month: Joe Biggers and Nancy Kirchhofer. No calls reported. Rentals: CPHA show scheduled for October 5. Gymkhana: No report. Old Business Nancy Kirchhofer and Kasey Bergman led discussion regarding restroom repairs. Upon motion by Joe Biggers with 2nd by Allan Preckel, the Board voted to approve an expenditure of $795.00 for Vortex application to floors. New Business There being no more Old Business to come before the group, the membership then discussed New Business. Nancy Kirchhofer led discussion regarding discounted grounds rental requested by Robert Coates in preparation for upcoming Akhal-Teke conference on November 9. The Board unani- PVRA Horse Show Calendar 2003 November 1 and 2 Polo Tournament 8 Dancing Horses Extravaganza 9 Akhal Teke Rental 15 Hunter/Jumper Show 16 Dressage Show 22 Cowboy Dressage 23 Turkey Trot Fun Show December 6 Dancing Horses Rain Date 13 PVRA Christmas Party (and High Point Awards) Events that use the entire grounds (no open riding): CPHA Rentals, Pony Club Show Jumping Rally, Rodeo, Combined Training Event. Some riding areas are available to the general membership during: Hunter/Jumper Shows, Dressage Shows, Gymkhana, Polo, Fun Shows, PVRA PVRA Open Shows, Cowboy Dressage, most Clinics. Continued from page 1 mously agreed to consider reducing the $400 rental fee to $200, if appropriate Nancy Kirchhofer presented formal sponsorship request from the Poway Chapter of the Knights of Columbus. Upon motion by Adrienne Regard with second by Lou Wasmund, the Board voted to approve a $50 contribution to the organization. Adrienne Regard led discussion regarding encroachment and decline of available horse property in Poway. Marketing Committee should consider outreach program to build interest in equestrian events. Adrienne Regard proposed new board member “packet” including Rodeo Bylaws and PVRA Board Minutes. Adrienne Regard called for policy regarding sponsor contributions earmarked for show-specific expenses. May need to define the term “sponsor.” There being no more New Business to come before the Board, Nancy Kirchhofer, President called for a motion to adjourn. Upon motion, the meeting was adjourned. Heroes at PVRA… Road, either in trailers or hand-walked. Pipe corrals were standing empty around the ranch and horses were turned out into the main arena, where trailers paused to fill whichever horses could be caught and loaded, as fast as possible, no matter whose horses or where the owner was. The first evacuation site was Morningstar Ranch and the Humane Society large animal facility next door. As horses accumulated in the main arena at Morningstar, the flames worked their way west down Scripps Poway Parkway and onto Rolling Hill Stable’s property, with great red balls of fire leaping skyward, prompting horrible thoughts of what was happening up there. As the fire lined up along the ridge line and started down the hill toward Garden Road, the orders came to evacuate the horses to PVRA. Again, we loaded the horses into trailers, which were arriving at the site like miracles, driven by horse owners from all over the area, who did not keep horses here but knew the emergency of the situation. People on foot offered any assistance they could. Some horses refused all attempts to load, and had to be hand-walked down the city trails system to PVRA. PVRA was an oasis, a safe haven in the midst of the firestorm. Hundreds of horses were tethered to the inside of the arenas and to every hitching post on the Continued on page 14 Horse Tales/November 2003 Page 5 Year End High Points, so far Dressage/CT Rider 12 and under 3/9 6/29 7/20 46 - 55 61 61 49 58 58 - 58 46 - 159 177 107 49 31 49 52 43 31 49 55 49 - 28 49 - 58 52 52 31 58 83 199 52 43 31 101 58 25 - 43 1 - 61 52 31 40 52 52 55 61 46 - 116 43 52 150 25 86 53 52 Belasco, Lara McDermott, Kathryn Myll, Kaylie Zarrella, Kate 9/8Total 13 thru 17 Bard, Amanda Crane, Cory Cross, Archie LaPorte, Alexandra Madigan, Whitney McCracken, Melissa Midland, Jackie Wasmund, Rebecca 18 and over Dyar, Monette Flaherty, Kate Groveman, Jackie Kall, Jasmine Lachut, Jenny Miller, Sara Parker, Gwyne Reed, Janet Hunter Jumper Rider 12 and under Brittany Banning Lara Belasco Sarah Dillard Sadie Gropen Tarah Kading Andrea Lakier Kathryn McDermott Alyssa Mourey Kaylie Myll Leigha Sausser Victoria Thomas 6/8/03 8/17 Total 34 31 1 9 25 17 11 32 24 - 16 14 11 11 31 1 40 22 50 31 15 20 36 31 18 11 72 24 22 60 56 1 15 27 18 61 8 10 19 46 60 56 11 15 27 18 80 54 15 59 9 1 - 20 6 13 41 15 20 59 9 7 13 41 13 thru 17 Kirsten Bucher Cory Crane Sally Jones Alexandra LaPorte Rachel Lopez Chloe Smyth Jamie Sweat Rebecca Wasmund 18 and over Lisa Banning Carla Benson Tambi Calgaro Jasmine Kall Dawn Montfort Elizabeth Nobriga Katharine Reimers Page 6 Horse Tales/November 2003 Open Shows Rider Leadline 5/11 6/1 6/1 7/13 8/11 Total Alec Bergman 21 Tyler Burdine McKenna Harchol 21 Michael LaPorte Sarah Robertson Cody Wisdom 21 21 11 21 21 21 11 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 105 22 21 42 42 105 20 9 7 8 20 12 13 7 8 19 1 7 - 10 8 19 1 4 - 2 19 27 8 1 25 24 31 46 - 20 29 7 25 24 74 131 12 2 11 21 1 17 7 26 41 20 31 53 13 23 50 28 45 19 40 1 33 118 7 26 229 3 1 8 20 6 14 5 1 11 18 17 9 1 11 20 11 9 1 13 9 5 1 7 21 6 13 22 1 21 67 60 14 30 12 and Under Brittany Banning Hannah Bergman Sarah Bucher Sarah Dillard Sadie Gropen Devon Munos Lauren Munos Kaylie Myll Chase Robinson Miles Robinson Leigha Sausser 13 thru 17 Kirsten Bucher Julia Kaiser Alexandra LaPorte Rae O'Rourke Rebecca Wasmund Krista Whitney 18 and over Sarah Allen Kelly Burdine Sandi Curtis Anna DeLuna Jackie Groveman Dawn Montfort Lou Wasmund Amie Wisdom Gymkhana and Centaur High Points are continued on page 10 Akhal-Teke Association of America 2003 Annual Conference Akhal-Teke Horse Exhibition & Show Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM at Poway Valley Riders Association 14336 Tierra Bonita Road Poway, CA 92064 Rare opportunity to see one of the world’s oldest and most historic breeds—the warhorses ridden by the ancient civilizations of Central Asia, yet kept pure into modern times—an exotic treasure with a fierce and independent spirit. These horses hold the world’s record in endurance, and excel in all disciplines—an Akhal-Teke stallion won the Gold Medal in Dressage at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. Akhal-Teke blood is found in the modern English Thoroughbred, Trakhener, and Nez-Perce Horse breeds. You will see these horses up close and in person, under saddle, with metallic coats gleaming under the Southern California sun! Sharon Saare will be present with her world-famous endurance saddles! Open to the Public—No Admission Charge For more information, call Robert at (858) 486-1750 Rating Achievements Wow! Congratulations to Melissa McCracken, who rode Doc and Rachel Crane, who rode Cherokee, for their C2 rating; a grueling 6-hour test that took place in Fallbrook September 28. This is an achievement that is hard-earned. Your horsemanship and efforts are truly admired. A P O W PONY L E Y Poway Valley Pony Club invites you to join us for our annual fundraising event: Dancing Horses. Saturday, November 8th at 11:00am. This year’s theme is ‘An International Extravaganza’ featuring performances by Sunland Ranch’s Icelandic Horses and the Poway Valley Drill Team. The show starts at 11:00am with a patio lunch catered by Santorini’s Greek Restaurant. Tickets include lunch: adults $15 and children $10 Advance ticket purchases are appreciated. Contact Suzanne Jarvis 748-3849 or Virginia Cross at 760-787-0890. V L Join Us For An International Extravaganza! Y A POWAY VALLEY PONY CLUB NOVEMBER 2003 NEWSLETTER Spread the Word CLUB Copper Meadows Rally Congratulations to Briana Grossman, Emily & Hannah Jarvis, Sally Jones and Chloe Smyth for their successful and exciting Cross-Training Rally at Copper Meadows. The team placed 3rd in their division, had a terrific time and thanks the volunteer parents for their participation. Christmas Party Alex LaPorte and family will host this years Christmas party at their home. Thank you for your gracious hospitality during the holiday season. Details will be announced soon. Inclement Weather Let’s keep our horses safe and comfortable. Check the Pony Club hot-line (858) 689-8682 ext. 3727 if you’re unsure of the weather or riding conditions. Schedule & Calendar Remember to check our website at powayponyclub for the current riding schedule and event calendar. Thank you for supporting Pony Club! Horse Tales Advertising Is Available at Special Prices for PVRA Members 1/3 page (this size) $15.00 (Non-member price $30) 1/2 page $20 (Non-member price $40) Full Page $30 (Non-member price $60) All ads must be prepaid. Price includes basic design and production. Additional charge for complicated lay-outs, photo half-tones or flyers. Bad Weather Riding Questions? Call Pony Club Hotline 689-8682, ext. 3727 Page 8 Horse Tales/November 2003 Discount Prices Good for All Regular, Social and Affiliate Members For more information, Call Ann Laux at 858-486-1750. Poway Valley Riders Association ( HUNTER JUMPER HORSE SHOW Saturday, November 15, 2003 Entry booth opens at 7:00am, Warm starts 7:30, Show Starts at 8:30am 14336 Tierra Bonita Road, Poway, CA 92064 Entry Fees: $8.00 per class (PVRA Members Pay $6.00 per class) Grounds fee $5.00 per horse, Drug fee $3.00 per horse For More Information Contact Charlotte Belasco (858) 748-9066 or Laura Davidson (858) 748-6294 JUDGE – Jill Beltran *Warm-up is available, under 18 must accompanied by coach or guardian, $5 NO CROSS ENTERING DIVISIONS WILL BE PERMITTED HUNTER CLASSES 1. 2. 3. 4. Cross Rails Walk/Trot Equitation under saddle Short Stirrup Equitation under saddle Long Stirrup Equitation under saddle Long Stirrup Equitation under saddle 5. 6. 7. 8. Cross Rails Equitation Over fences Cross Rails Hunter Over Fences Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences 9. Long Stirrup Hunter Over Fences 10. Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences 11. Long Stirrup Hunter over Fences 12. Long Stirrup Equitation over fences Ages/Limit PVRA Sponsors Open 12 & under 13 to 17 18 & Over Elston Hay and Grain Nutrena Feeds Sorrento Valley Construction Photographix Open Open 12 & under 12 & under 13 to 17 13 to 17 18 & over 18 & over Cross Rails Cross Rails Cross Rails Up to 2’ Up to 2’ Up to 2’ Up to 2’ Up to 2” Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open 2’0”to 2’3” 2’0”to 2’3” 2’6”to 2’9” 2’6”to 2’9” 3’ to 3’3” 3’ to 3’3” 3’3” to 3’6” 3’3 to 3’6” MTF Leather Repair Audrey Klein Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Poway Bernardo Mortuary Sher-Mar Enterprises Elston Hay and Grain Cook Tax Service Vickie and Jill McMinn, Remax RB Realtors ENJOY LUNCH AT THE FAMOUS CHUCK WAGON! JUMPER CLASSES 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Schooling Jumpers/ Table II B (Jumpoff) Schooling Jumpers/ Table III (Speed) Training Jumpers/ Table II B (Jumpoff) Training Jumpers/ Table III (Speed) Jumpers /Table II (Jumpoff Jumpers /Table III (Speed) Open Jumpers/ Table II (Jumpoff) Open Jumpers/ Table III (Speed) Appropriate Show Attire: Riding boots and ASTM/SEI Helmets Required. Parent or Guardian must sign consent form for riders under 18 years of age. Ribbons 1st through 10th. Hunter Hack classes are shown on the flat and will jump two fences. PVRA Members Only Count for PVRA High Point Awards. Hunter classes with fewer than three entries will be combined with other age groups. Jumper classes with fewer than three entries are subject to cancellation. Nutrena Feeds The Pinto Ranch Raymonde Draperies SorrentoValley Construction Sher-Mar Enterprises Elston Hay and Grain Audrey Klein Photographix Poway Valley Pony Club TRAILER WASH AND TACK CLEANING FUNDRAISER Date: 11/8/2003 Time: 11a.m.-4p.m. Place: Poway Valley Rider’s Association Grounds 14336 Tierra Bonita Rd. Poway, CA 92064 THE POWAY VALLEY PONY CLUB IS HAVING A TRAILER WASH AND TACK CLEANING FUNDRAISER FOR DONATIONS TO BENEFIT THE CLUB WITH A PORTION OF THE PROCEEDS GOING TO HELP LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED DUE TO THE FIRE DISASTER. PLEASE COME! QUESTIONS??? CALL VIRGINIA CROSS 760-787-0890 DIRECTIONS: EXIT INTERSTATE 15 ON CAMINITO DEL NORTE SOUTH APPROXIMATELY 4 MILES TO TIERRA BONITA RD. ALONG THE WAY, CAMINO DEL NORTE BECOMES TWIN PEAKS ROAD. AT TIERRA BONITA THERE IS A TRAFFIC LIGHT. AT TIERRA BONITA TURN RIGHT AND DRIVE APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE TO THE ENTRANCE TO PVRA ON THE RIGHT. Poway Valley Rider’s Association Open Schooling Dressage Show Sunday November 16, 2003 Entries Must Be Received By Wednesday November 12th Judge: Donna Weinberg NEW 2003 TESTS! CLASSES---All Classes are $20.00 for Non-PVRA members. PVRA Members $18.00 per Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. USA Equestrian 2003 Introductory Test #B (20 x 40 meter Arena) US Eventing Assn. 2002 Novice C.T. Test C or/and D (20 x 40 meter Arena) US Eventing Assn. 2002 Training or Preliminary C.T.Test C or/and D (20 x 40 meter Arena) USA Equestrian 2003 Training Level Test #1 (20 x 60 meter Arena) USA Equestrian 2003 Training Level Test #2 (20 x 60 meter Arena) USA Equestrian 2003 Training Level Test #3 (20 x 60 meter Arena) USA Equestrian 2003 Training Level Test #4 (20 x 60 meter Arena) USA Equestrian 2003 First Level Test of Choice (20 x 60 meter Arena) USA Equestrian 2003 Second Level Test of Choice (20 x 60 meter Arena) Mail entries with checks payable to “P.V.R.A” to: Janice Kall, 14153 Ezra Lane, Poway, CA 92064 Questions: Please call (858) 486-1320. Entries will not be accepted without signature and full payment of fees. Name ________________________________________________email_________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________ State _____ Zip _______ Phone _________________________________ Please circle Junior (under 18 as of Jan 1, 2003) Birthdate__________________________________or Senior for Rider’s Division: Class Test Rider Name Jr/ Sr Horse’s Name Fee Jr/ Sr Jr/ Sr Realizing that equestrian sports are potentially hazardous, I agree to hold harmless Poway Valley Rider’s Association, Poway Valley Pony Club, and the offers, agents, and volunteers of those organizations from any injury or damage that may occur while participating in this equestrian activity. I also agree to abide by the rules of the Poway Valley Rider’s Association and the competition as declared in the premium announcing this competition and the decisions of the officials based on those rules. (Parent or Guardian if Under 18) Signature: Total Entries Drug Fee ($3 per horse) Grounds Fee ($5 per horse) TOTAL DUE Date: General Information: 1. Classes #1,4, 5, 6,7,8,9 USA Equestrian Rules for Dressage competitions apply except for exception noted in Note # 3 below. 2. Proper Dressage Attire. 3. Classes #2 and 3, US Eventing .rules for Horse Trials apply---no whips and tests must be ridden from memory, Negative Scoring. 4. Pelhams & Kimberwicks allowed for JUNIOR riders in Class #1 ONLY. 5. Ride times available after 7 pm. Nov. 13th by calling (858) 486-1320. Ride times will be Emailed if Email address is provided. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Management reserves the right to cancel, split or combine classes. NO REFUNDS after closing date. PVRA Members: Points Count Towards 2003 High Point. Only one horse to count towards High Point. Must declare ahead of show. Must ride three shows in series to qualify. Drug Fee ($3.00) & Grounds Fee ($5.00) apply to PVRA members and non-members alike. Food available on the grounds. Dogs must be leashed. Awards to First place, Ribbons to Sixth Place. Grounds Open 7 am. Show starts 8 am. DIRECTIONS TO POWAY VALLEY RIDER’S ASSOCIATION: From I-15: Exit Camino Del Norte and Proceed East until it turns into Twin Peaks at the Poway City Limits. Stay on Twin Peaks and continue past Midland to Tierra Bonita. Turn Right. PVRA is two blocks down Tierra Bonita on the Right Side. From Highway 67: Take Poway Road West to Espola and Turn Right. Turn Left on Twin Peaks. Turn Left on Tierra Bonita. PVRA is two blocks down on the Right side. Year End High Points, continued from Page 6 Gymkhana Rider Leadline 3/154/195/106/147/128/10 9/7Total Belasco, Brad Burdine, Tyler Jarvis, Will Dillard, Kara Robertson, Matthew Robertson, Sarah Sadler, Cole Sadler, Macy Wisdom, Cody - 57 56 52 29 45 56 40 60 35 34 43 57 37 43 12 24 53 52 57 42 52 60 47 49 52 112 203 37 167 102 195 12 24 292 51 50 28 40 24 25 - 25 44 1 33 52 16 2 6 29 17 1 42 4 11 50 36 35 10 9 15 - 2 16 1 7 47 50 29 5 9 11 36 41 31 7 2 - 43 6 41 47 27 - 44 1 11 181 1 10 12 155 300 188 53 79 83 9 15 47 12 20 55 32 52 20 14 45 1 2 11 53 45 46 57 42 34 44 14 35 32 20 14 303 46 1 2 249 12 and under Ashley, Neeley Ashley, Joey Banning, Brittany 11 Dillard, Sarah 6 Jarvis, Emily McDermott, Kathryn10 Meyers, Carly Morell, Baylee 7 Munos, Devon 16 Munos, Lauren 1 Myll, Kaylie 13 Robinson, Chase 6 Robinson, Miles 4 Sheldon, Adam Sheldon, Zack Smyth, Chloe 7 13 thru 17 Bard, Amanda Crane, Cory Cross, Archie Dupont, Katie 18 Floto, Megan Grossman, Brianna Jarvis, Hannah Kaiser, Julia 15 Rider 3/154/195/106/147/128/10 9/7Total Kelly, Kate McCracken, Melissa Mendoza, Sarah 18 O'Rourke, Rae 10 Smith, Carli Sweat, Jamie 20 Wasmund, Rebecca - 38 - 13 12 50 - 17 23 35 43 1 - 23 8 34 25 - 5 44 20 22 17 58 - 30 23 98 83 46 236 20 10 1 20 11 17 27 60 12 21 41 28 45 22 41 27 45 6 33 1 26 40 28 25 55 4 37 47 33 8 55 6 12 46 37 25 57 44 42 31 142 273 44 28 33 116 23 87 177 203 Ashley, Jennisse Bandaret, Jay Banning, Lisa Burger, Dan Burke, Chuck 10 Jacobs, Annette 19 Kelly, Kathy Kelly, Paul McCracken, Howard Munos, John Munos, Mona Myll, Terri Robinson,Jan 16 Robinson, Ron Rocovich, Terri Sheldon, Sherry Wisdom, Amie - 40 56 8 48 35 38 54 13 13 9 38 21 33 45 3 18 47 35 20 25 10 17 40 50 18 6 17 11 24 11 24 43 45 19 16 48 41 30 37 11 81 21 40 128 296 19 24 13 18 183 65 55 16 6 17 20 160 18 thru 39 Burdine, Kelly Calgaro, Tambi Davidson, Linda DeLuna, Anna Montfort, Dawn Rice, Danika Sadler, Amy Scott, Taya Sylvester, Torrey Tallberg, Gretchen 40 and over 2003 Centaur Award Rider/Horse English Shows Western Shows 5/11, 6/1 ,6/1, 6/8, 7/13, 8/10, 8/16 Dawn Montfort/Sheeza Classy Prize (AKA McKenzie) 4/19, 5/11, 8/10, 8/11 Reminder: If you want to compete for the Centaur Award, you must nominate your horse before accruing any qualifying points. Page 12 Horse Tales/November 2003 Total Total points: 100 Turkey Trot Fun Show Sunday November 23th, 2003 9:00AM 14336 Tierra Bonita Road Entry Booth & Chuckwagon open at 8:15 AM PVRA Members $4.00 per class/ $17.50 all day Non- Members $4.50 per class/ $20.00 all day Ribbons through TENTH place - Awards to FIRST - High Point Award All classes except jumping open to English and Western riders. Every effort will be made to accommodate riders who wish to compete in both games and jumping classes. Riders may compete for High Point award in either Games or Jumping , Riders MUST SPECIFY before lunch break. Show apparel not required. Boots are required for all riders, hard hats for English riders. Parent or guardian must sign consent for riders under 18. Please note this show is intended as a low-key and fun learning experience for anyone who is new to showing or whose skills are a bit rusty. Others are encouraged to ride for schooling. This show DOES NOT count for PVRA year-end points Class 1. Equitation Leadline 2. Pleasure Leadline 3. Equitation / 2-gait 4. Equitation / 2-gait 5. Equitation / 2-gait 6. Equitation / 3-gait 7. Equitation / 3-gait 8. Equitation / 3-gait 9. Pleasure / 2-gait 10. Pleasure / 2-gait 11. Pleasure / 2-gait 12. Pleasure/ 3-gait 13. Pleasure / 3-gait 14. Pleasure / 3-gait Ages/Limits open open 12 & under 13-17 18 & over 12 & under 13-17 18 & over 12 & under 13-17 18 & over 12 & under 13-17 18 & over PVRA Sponsor Vicki McMinn, RE/MAX RB Mary Cook Tax Service Vicki McMinn, RE/MAX RB Mary Cook Tax Service Elston Hay & Grain Wateridge Insurance Nation 1 - Heath Properties Rob de la Grange (RE/MAX) Vicki McMinn, RE/MAX RB Sher-Mar Enterprises Elston Hay & Grain Audrey Klein Nation 1 - Heath Properties Midland Animal Clinic Lunch Break Games and Jumper classes start 10 minutes after Lunch Break 15. Texas Barrels 16. Texas Barrels 17. Cider Race 18. Cider Race 19. Hurry Scurry 20. Hurry Scurry 12 & under 13 & over 12 & under 13 & over 12& under 13 & over Rob de la Grange (RE/MAX) SDK Training Center MTF Leather Repair Jill McMinn,Equestrian Training Poway Valley Automotive Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Jumper classes 21. Clear Round - jumps to 18” (not for points) 22. Jumpers - jumps to 2’ 23. Jumpers - jumps to 2’6” 24. 4Jumpers - jumps to 3’ open open open open SDK Training Center Wateridge Insurance David Zanders, DVM Sher-Mar Enterprises For more Information call Katrina Pavin (858) 748-1201 Continued from page 5 Heroes at PVRA… grounds, sorted approximately into groups by stable of origin. The horses were eating donated hay, and water buckets were set up. Bales of hay were piled on the grounds for the taking. Cases of bottled water and bags of bagels were piled on the tables in front of the Chuck Wagon, free for anyone needing refreshment. PVRA Board Members and numerous volunteers manned the entry booth, sharing their cell phones as needed and using the PA system to make announcements and requests for help. The staffers were compiling a list of horses and owners, providing information to help re-unite separated horses and owners, and advising on who could take in the hundreds of refugee horses. Early in the afternoon, the electric power failed and the microphone went silent. Kent Deines showed up with a generator and got the sound system running again. In the late afternoon, a pot of spaghetti and pot of meat sauce appeared in the Chuck Wagon patio—I never learned who brought it, as we were then ordered to evacuate PVRA, because the fire had jumped Poway Road and was climbing the hill behind the cemetery. For the third time, we loaded horses, and headed for the Del Mar racetrack. Again, volunteers from all over the region helped provide transportation. Trainers coaxed stressed horses into the trailers for their exhausted and frightened owners. Eventually, 16 hours after that phone call, our endless day paused, with some semblance of order for the lodging of the horses, at least overnight. As of press time, the fires have quieted in Poway, and the air is opaque and acrid with smoke. Rolling Hills Stable is scorched but still standing—contrary to initial rumors, we did not lose the barn, and most of the arenas and many of the tack sheds are intact. The ground is dusted with gray ash and blackened wood, with tendrils of smoke still wafting upward from hot spots. The previously heavily brushy canyon extending east from the back of the property is bare, smoky dirt. It is a very, very weird sight. However, one thing is very obvious: the people of PVRA, and the horse community of San Diego, are heroic. And that is not an exaggeration. (Comments excerpted from the PVRA web site: Thank you to the great people of San Diego. Target donated buckets, Albertson’s donated a ton of water. Elston’s sent hay. People who thought they had lost their houses were helping people and others all day and night long. Others spent the day hauling horses to and from PVRA in search of a place safe from this fire. Walmart was also very generous with their donations, especially buckets of all sizes. Stater Brothers provided cases of water and two shopping carts full of baked goods.) —Ann Laux Page 14 Horse Tales/November 2003 Horse Tales/November 2003 Page 15 POWAY VALLEY RIDERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 77 Poway, CA 92074 General Meeting November 4 Poway Community Center Bill Bond Room PVRA Horse Tales November 2003 PVRA Sponsors Platinum Level Elston's Hay & Grain Nutrena Poway Bernardo Mortuary Chasteco Ranch Gold Level Bronze Level Jim Walls, Sorrento Valley Construction Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Photografix, Inc. Raymonde Draperies ❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦ PVRA 2003 Affiliate Members Mary Cook Tax Service Elston Hay and Grain Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Audrey Klein Vicki & Jill McMinn/REMAX RB Realtors MTF Leather Repair The Pinto Ranch Sher–Mar Enterprises Affiliate Members shown in bold type support PVRA at higher than the basic affiliate membership level. Please let our sponsors and affiliate members know how much PVRA appreciates their support!
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