April 2004 HT Pages web.indd - Poway Valley Riders Association
April 2004 HT Pages web.indd - Poway Valley Riders Association
April 2004 Horse Tales The Monthly Newsletter of Poway Valley Riders Association April Events The April calendar features a variety of shows, starting with the always-popular Easter Fun Show on April 4, followed by a Gymkhana on April 10. The Pony Club will also be hosting a Jane Armour Clinic on Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10. The Jane Armour Clinic will offer private, semi-private, or group lessons in jumping or dressage. There will also be a polo game on April 17, and a CPHA rental show on April 18. The premiums for the PVRA shows and Jane Armour Clinic are included inside this issue. New Lights New lights are going up around Ring 1. Thank you to the PVRA Board and all involved for finally accomplishing this needed improvement. Wild Horses Last month, the March issue of Horse Tales included an article about a proposed State Senate Bill (SB 1294) to return the wild horse herd to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. As of a couple of weeks ago, the state senators and assemblymen had received only a few letters on this subject. A hearing is scheduled in Sacramento on April 13 for this item, so if you would like to express yourself, please don’t delay in sending your letters. Jim Real from the California State Horsemen’s Association recommends that letters get right to the point; in the first line, in bold face type, list the name of the bill and your position (example: “SB 1294—SUPPORT”), and state in the first paragraph why you are supporting it. Be brief, and limit the letter to one page. Send the letter to the person who wrote the bill, and to your assemblyman and state senator (since the bills will ultimately be heard in both legislative bodies before going to the governor). Legislative Web Site (Great for Students, too!) We also found out about a web site where you can look up pending state legislation on any subject (not just limited to horse issues). Enter www. leginfo.ca.gov and navigate to the bottom of the page and click on “bill information.” On the next page look for “search by”, click the radio button labeled “Keyword(s)” and type in (example) “horses,” and hit “submit.” All the pending legislation on that subject, with the bill number and author, will be listed for your review! If you click on the bill number, you will get the status of the bill and you can download a PDF of the content. Ω In This Issue Calendar Classifieds Junior Birthdays Roster Updates 2 3 Print Copy Print Copy March General Meeting March Board Highlights 2004 Show/Events Calendar 4 5 5 Jane Armour Clinic Easter Fun Show Pony Club News/Schedule Gymkhana Premium Edited by Ann Laux (tel. 858-486-1750 / fax 858-679-3383 / email: annlaux@mac.com 6 7 8 9 April 2004 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Board Member of the Month: Kent Deines, 858-748-7074 Friday 2 Saturday 3 May Previews: Pony Club Show Jumping Rally, 5/2 (setup 5/1); Gymkhana, 5/8; Open Show, 5/16; Polo, 5/29; Dressage, 5/30. Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. Polo, 7:30 p.m. 4 5 6 Daylight Savings Time Begins Drill, 6:30 p.m. General meeting, 7:00 p.m., Bill Bond Room, Poway Community Ctr. Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Riding, 6:00 p.m. Polo, 7:30 p.m. 11 12 13 14 15 Easter Fun Show* 7 8 9 Jane Armour Clinic* 10 Jane Armour Clinic* Gymkhana* 16 17 Polo Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Riding, 6:00 p.m. Polo, 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday Drill, 6:30 p.m. 18 19 20 21 22 Drill, 6:30 p.m. Horse Tales deadline Board meeting, Old Poway Park, 7:00 p.m. Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Riding, 6:00 p.m. Polo, 7:30 p.m. 26 27 28 29 CPHA Rental 25 Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. 23 24 Pony Club, 12:304:30 p.m. 30 Pony Club, 3:004:45 p.m./Open Drill, 6:30 p.m. Riding, 6:00 p.m Polo, 7:30 p.m. * Premium in this issue. CONTACT NUMBERS: Adult Riding: (Schedule is variable—call to get on phone list) Jeri Wam, 748-0991 and Kim Baker, 4864184. Calendar: Adrienne Regard, 748-1915. Chuck Wagon: Allan Preckel, 672-2346. Combined Test: Janice Kall, 486-1320. Dressage Show: Janice Kall, 486-1320. Drill Team: Aletha Thomson, 486-7973, and Lisa Scanlon, 538-1434. Easter Fun Show: Katrina Pavin, 748-1201. Gymkhana: Ron Robinson, 748-6740. High Points: Ginny Masten, 748-7347, and Amie Wisdom, 760-789-2774. Hunter Jumper Show: Charlotte Belasco, 748-9066, or Laura Davidson, 748-6294. Jane Armour Clinic: Jill Watts, 748-0210. Meetings: Ron Robinson, 748-6740. Membership: Ellen Parry, 748-4423. Polo: Russ Sheldon, 748-7037. Pony Club: Virginia Cross, 760-787-0890. Pony Club Hotline (weather): 689-8682, ext. 3727. Trails: Jean Woodruff, 748-1814, or Robert Coates, 486-1750. Classified Ads Roster Updates Horse Tales classified ads are free to PVRA regular and affiliate members. Non-member rates 25¢ per word, $2.50 minimum, payable in advance. Contact Ann Laux at (858) 486-1750 to place your ad, fax to (858) 679-3383, or e-mail ad to annlaux@mac.com. Deadline for the May issue is Tuesday, April 20. Please note changes in your PVRA roster. If you have questions, contact Ellen Parry at 858-748-4423 (piedpiper@cox. net). New members may use the facilities once their memberships have been approved by the Board. Applications fees and prorated dues must be paid, a liability release must be signed, and a meeting and a work party attended before membership is complete. Members who have completed all requirements and been approved by the Board are entitled to receive their PVRA keys and membership rosters. FOR SALE: Western Saddle, 15 inch seat, Hereford Brand Tex Tan, Prairie Rose pattern, light leather. Semi Qt. $600.00 OBO, or possible trade for full quarter leather saddle. Email: B13horses@aol.com or call (760) 787-1504 or (760) 789-5573. New Members See Print Copy. Junior Birthdays Happy Birthday to these PVRA Junior Members who have April birthdays. (If your child’s name is missing or information is incorrect, please contact the membership chairperson, Ellen Parry at 858-748-4423 (piedpiper@cox.net). See Print Copy. Horse Tales Published monthly in Poway, California, by the Poway Valley Riders Association. Editor: Ann Laux. News and advertising deadline is the third Tuesday of the month prior to publication. Subscription Price: Mailed free to PVRA members and affiliate members. Non-member rate $12.50 per year. Advertising Rates: Full page $30, members; $60, non-members. Half page $20, members; $40, non-members. Prices on other sizes available on request. Prices are for cameraready copy or simple ad design. Acceptance of all advertising is at the discretion of the editor. Horse Tales layout and typography by Ann Laux. Changes of Address: Please mail change of address to: Horse Tales, PVRA, P.O. Box 77, Poway, CA 92074. Donna L. Shettko DVM, DACVS Equine • Large Animal “Doctor Donna”, Poway’s own local specialist • Large Animal Surgery Specialist (Diplomate of American College of Veterinary Surgeons) • Lameness Specialist • General Equine Veterinary Care Cell phone: 858-245-5550 Pager: 858-271-2999 Special Procedure Rates, inquiries welcome April 2004 • Horse Tales • Page 3 General Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2004 T he General Meeting of the Poway Valley Riders Association was called to order at 7:15 p.m. on March 2, 2004. Approval of Minutes: Upon motion, the membership voted to approve the minutes of the February meeting of the General Membership. Treasurer’s Report: It was reported that there is $11,182.41 in checking, $13,274.72 in Money Market, and $25,548.70 in the CD. Membership Report: Ellen Parry reported that Pam Metz and Jean Adams are interested in joining, and there are applicants pending approval. Committee Reports Adult Riding: No report. Rodeo: No report. Chuck wagon: Allan Preckel reported the chuck wagon netted approximately $300 in profit for the Valentine Fun Show on February 15. Board Member of the Month: Kasey Bergman is March’s Board Member of the Month and is available for calls and/or questions. Drill Team: Lisa Scanlon reported that the drill team has not been able to start riding due to inclement weather, but they will try to begin on March 8. Anyone interested should call either Lisa or Katy Robertson first. She also mentioned that anyone interested in work hours can contact either Lisa or Katy to work the Gymkhana show on March 13. Pony Club: Virginia Cross announced that Jessie Petzrick and Rachel Lopez had a successful C quiz. The Pony Club also sent two teams to a horseless rally in Fallbrook, which placed 2nd and 3rd in their respective divisions. It was mentioned that Shelley Kincaid received honors from the United States Pony Club (see the Pony Club website for pictures of the event). Pony Club’s riding schedule has been published in the Horse Tales. Marketing Committee: No report. Polo: Poway is sending a team to Santa Barbara for the Western Interscholastic Regionals at the end of March. Trails: Robert Coates reported on the Page 4 • Horse Tales • April 2004 upcoming Wild Horse Bill to return the wild horses to Anza Borrego State Park. He asked that each PVRA member write one letter to any one person on the list of representatives printed in the Horse Tales, showing support for the return of the horses. He also reported that the CSHA is having a meeting on March 21 in Temecula and asked that PVRA send a representative to the meeting. Ron Robinson told Robert that a date had been selected for the round-robin gymkhana series sponsored by the CSHA. Ann Laux asked that anyone interested in using the Kent Property to expand the cross-country course should get in touch with her or Kent Deines. It was reported that the signage in Rattlesnake Canyon indicating “No Trespassing” does not apply to hikers or horseback riders. It was cautioned that all riders need to stay on designated trails to keep from stirring up ash in the burned areas. Roping: Ed Schaefer reported that he roped in City of Industry in February. Horse Shows Dressage: Janice Kall reported that the February 22 show was rained out and has been rescheduled for March 14. She is taking new entries. There will be a work party formed for prep work on March 20 for the March 21 show. Open Shows: The next show is in May, and the premium will be in the Horse Tales. There will also be a July and August show. Hunter/Jumper: Sunday, March 7 is the rain date for the hunter/jumper show. Gymkhana: Ron Robinson reported that there is a discount for registering on-line for the March 13 gymkhana, which starts at 9:00 a.m. Fun Show: Katrina Pavin reported that the Valentine’s Fun Show made $1,100. The next show is scheduled for April 4 (Easter Fun Show). Rentals: There is a CPHA show at the end of March. Other: April 10 has been requested as a dressage clinic date. Old Business Dan Burger has coordinated repairs to the 125’ of front fence line, and the City’s gate north of the fence will be realigned. The work is scheduled to take place on March 9, with a spill over to March 10 in case of bad weather. Members should be aware there may be a slight impact to riding on the trail along Tierra Bonita. New Business Allan Preckel asked for clarification of the minutes indicating a “special board meeting”. Ron Robinson explained that that applied to the meeting held on February 11 to discuss the arena lighting situation and interview a lighting contractor, which the board has since hired. Work will begin shortly. As there was no more New Business to come before the membership, a motion was called to adjourn. Motion carried. Ω March Board Meeting Highlights T he Board of Directors Meeting of the Poway Valley Riders Association was called to order at 7:15 p.m. on March 16, 2004. Absent: Ron Robinson, Rich Dimler and Cathy Sylvester. Approval of Minutes: Upon a motion, the board voted to approve the February minutes. There were no Treasurer’s and Membership reports. Announcements On behalf of the polo team, Nancy Kirchhofer asked the board if the team could schedule three extra practices before the Regional Interscholastic tournament in Santa Barbara. Due to the rain and the lighting project, the team needed to make up some missed practices. The Board approved the request. Old Business The Arena 1 lighting project is complete. There are also two floodlights on the north side that will shine into the grassy area. Kent Deines is working on the speakers and asked for a helper and a lift to do the work over a weekend. Because the lighting project came in under budget, and the speaker project was an adjunct to the project, the Board approved $2,000 to fix the speaker drivers and to purchase necessary wires. The fencing project due to be completed March 9 and 10 has had to be rescheduled for the next month. PVRA Horse Show Calendar 2004 April 4 9, 10 10 17 18 Sun., Easter Fun Show Fri.-Sat., Dressage & Jumping Clinic Sat., Gymkhana Sat., Polo Sun., CPHA Rental 1 8 16 29 30 Sat., set up for Show Jumping Rally Sun., PVPC Show Jumping Rally Sat., Gymkhana Sun., PVRA Open Show Sat., Polo Sun., Dressage Show 5 6 12 13 26 Sat., set up for C.T. Sun., Combined Test Sat., Night Gymkhana Show Sun., Polo Sat., Dancing Horses Exhibition 3 10 11 18 25 Sat., Polo Sat., Night Gymkhana Sun., Dressage Sun., PVRA Open Show Sun., CPHA Rental 1 7 14 15 Sun., PVRA Open Show Sat., Night Hunter/Jumper Show Sat., Night Gymkhana Sun., Polo May 2 June July August 16, 17, 19, 20 Pony club camp 21 Sat., PVRA Showcase 29 Sun., CPHA Rental September 11 Sat., Night Gymkhana 18 Sat., Pre Rodeo events? 24, 25, 26 Weekend, Rodeo October 9 10 17 30 31 Sat., Gymkhana Sun., Polo Sun., Dressage Sat., Halloween Fun Show Sun., CPHA Rental 6&7 13 14 21 Weekend, Polo Tournament Sat., Gymkhana Sun., Hunter/Jumper Sun., Turkey Trot Fun Show 11 Sat., PVRA Xmas party November December Events that use the entire grounds (no open riding): CPHA Rentals, Pony Club Show Jumping Rally, Rodeo, Combined Training Event, Dancing Horses Exhibition. Some riding areas are available to the general membership during: Hunter/ Jumper Shows, Dressage Shows, Gymkhana, Polo, Fun Shows, PVRA Open shows. New Business Bee hives were found on the balcony above the Chuck Wagon. The stairs have been locked, and a bee removal service has been called. The cables along the north side of the Arena 1 fence have broken. Jay Bandaret will repair the cabling, wiring and the bowed gate along that side of the fence. A welder is going to look at the Arena 2 fence to see what can be done with the broken sections. The Board has been asked to help with the problem of arena prep on Friday nights before Saturday shows. After consulting Jay regarding his time requirements, the Board will discuss further. There being no more New Business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Ω Rare Akhal-Teke “Zen” enjoys PVRA with his 2 new friends April 2004 • Horse Tales • Page 5 A Clinic With Jane Armour B.H.S.I (T. & S.M.) When: Friday, April 9th and Saturday, April 10th. The Saturday clinic will be held at PVRA with the Permission of PVRA and Poway Valley Pony Club. There will be a Gymkhana Show at PVRA on Saturday the 10th and the clinic will be held in the Dressage arena in the back part of PVRA. Currently in the United States on an “extraordinary ability” visa, Jane Armour practices classical European training methods with a focus on improving horse and rider bonding through positive reinforcement. Jane’s approach brings out the rider’s joy of learning thus allowing the horse to be happy in his work. She believes that a discouraging manner also discourages learning. Jane has worked with the British Horse Society for 30 years as an accredited Instructor and Chief Examiner, and has trained instructors for the British Pony Clubs. She has produced many horses for dressage, jumping and the show ring. Focusing on a variety of constructive exercises to challenge the horse and rider both physically and mentally, she develops a solid bond of trust between the partnership. Success in the partnership promotes the rider’s confidence, making them better able to deal with the challenges of today. She provides a written evaluation and full debriefing after the clinic. For more information visit her website at www.janearmour.com. The clinic is open to children and adults at all levels who can choose from private, semiprivate, or group lessons in dressage or jumping activities on either Friday or Saturday . Call Jill for information on the location of the clinic on Friday, the 9th of April. (circle choices below) Rider Name: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Approximate riding level: _________________________ Dressage or Jumping Private/Semi/Group Private lessons $80. Semi Private: $60. Group(max of 4): $50. Make check to Jane Armour. Mail to Jill Watts: 15160 Skyridge Road, Poway, CA 92064. Prices Private Semi-Private Group (Max 4) $80 $60 $50 Lessons are 1 hour in length For more information contact Jill Watts 858-748-0210 or wattsgillian@aol.com Easter Bunny Hop Fun Show Sunday, April 4th, 2004, 9:00AM 14336 Tierra Bonita Road Entry Booth & Chuckwagon open at 8:15 AM PVRA Members: $4.00 per class/$17.50 all day Non–Members: $4.50 per class/$20.00 all day Ribbons through TENTH place—Awards to FIRST—High Point Award All classes except jumping open to English and Western riders. Every effort will be made to accommodate riders who wish to compete in both games and jumping classes. Riders may compete for High Point award in either Games or Jumping. Riders MUST SPECIFY before lunch break. Show apparel not required. Boots are required for all riders, hard hats for English riders. Parent or guardian must sign consent for riders under 18. Please note this show is intended as a low-key and fun learning experience for anyone who is new to showing or whose skills are a bit rusty. Others are encouraged to ride for schooling. This show DOES NOT count for PVRA year-end points. Class Ages/Limits 1. Equitation / 2-gait 2. Equitation / 2-gait 3. Equitation / 2-gait 4. Equitation / 3-gait 5. Equitation / 3-gait 6. Equitation / 3-gait 7. Pleasure / 2-gait 8. Pleasure / 2-gait 9. Pleasure / 2-gait 10. Pleasure/ 3-gait 11. Pleasure / 3-gait 12. Pleasure / 3-gait 13. Leadline 12 & under 13-17 18 & over 12 & under 13-17 18 & over 12 & under 13-17 18 & over 12 & under 13-17 18 & over Open PVRA Sponsor Chasteco Ranch Elston Hay & Grain Nutrena Poway Bernardo Mortuary Jim Walls, Sorrento Valley Construction Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Raymonde Draperies MTF Leather Repair Mary Cook Tax Service Elston’s Hay & Grain Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Audrey Klein First Class Electric Lunch Break Games and Jumper classes start simultaneously after break 13. Texas Barrels 14. Texas Barrels 15. Egg & Spoon Race 16. Egg & Spoon Race 17. Polebending 18. Polebending 12 & under 13 & over 12 & under 13 & over 12 & under 13 & over Vicki & Jill McMinn/REMAX RB Realtors MTF Leather Repair The Pinto Ranch Sher-Mar Enterprises Elston’s Hay & Grain Nutrena Jumper classes 19. 20. 21. 22. Clear Round - jumps to 18” (not for points) Jumpers - jumps to 2’ Jumpers - jumps to 2’6” Jumpers - jumps to 3’ open open open open Poway Bernardo Mortuary Chasteco Ranch First Class Electric Mike’s Inland & Coastal Landscape For more Information call Show Manager Katrina Pavin (858) 748-1201, katrinap@nethere.com Visit our website at WWW.PVRA.COM two teams competing at the “D” level: our upper level was Hannah, Brianna, Alex & Heather and in the younger D division Rebecca, Emily, Amanda & Chloé. Both teams placed 2nd in their categories. All of those who wanted to go to Nationals in Kentucky qualified with exceptional scores! We are very proud of all who participated. POWAY VALLEY PONY CLUB APRIL 2004 NEWSLETTER Combined Training Show June 6 is the new date for the mustsee Combined Training Show. Janice Kall is heading work parties every Saturday until the show. We could really use some help so if you need work hours, please pitch in. Starting time will be 12:30 p.m. We also need to build some jumps and we are seeking woodworking talent. Janice can be reached at 486-1320. Albertson’s Partner Community Poway Valley Pony Club is an Albertson’s Community Partner: Albertson’s will send a portion of your purchase to Dancing Horses our club when you use your card. Contact Laura McDermott at 748-2324, to get a card. We will also have them at upcoming PVRA meetings. So. Cal. Regional Quiz Southern California Regional Quiz was held in Riverside last month. Quiz is “Horse Jeopardy,” a test of our clubbers’ horse knowledge. Questions concern everything from horse breed identification, to hay quality, to recognizing safe tack and trailer setup. Additionally, a panel of judges challenges participants with Q & A on horsemanship. Congratulations to Rachel & Jesse who placed 3rd in the “C” level Quiz. We had When you attend Dancing Horses on Saturday, June 26, your contribution will help us get our teams to the National Quiz. Thanks in advance for supporting Pony Club. Ω Bad Weather Riding Questions? Call Pony Club Hotline, 6898682, ext. 3727 Pony Club Riding Schedule & Grounds Availability Date Day 17-Apr. Sat. 21-Apr. Wed. 24-Apr. Sat. 28-Apr. Wed. 1-May Sat. 5-May 8-May Wed. Sat. 12-May Wed. 15-May Sat. 19-May Wed. 22-May Sat. 26-May Wed. 29-May Sat. Time 1:30 2:30 3:45 1:30 2:30 3:45 1:30 2:30 3:45 1:30 2:30 3:45 12:30 2:00 3:45 1:30 2:30 3:45 1:30 2:30 Areas occupied by Pony Club Dressage, Warm-up, X-Country X-Country Dressage, R-1, R-2, Warm-up Dressage, R-1, R-2 R-2 Dressage, R-1, R-2, Warm-up (No riding, setting up for rally) (No riding, setting up for rally) Dressage, R-1, R-2, Warm-up No Pony Club No Pony Club R-1, R-2, Warm-up, X-Country R-1, R-2 R-1, R-2 Dressage, R-1, R-2, X-Country Dressage, R-1, R-2 Dressage Dressage, R-1, R-2, Warm-up R-1, Warm-up, X-Country X-Country Page 8 • Horse Tales • April 2004 Areas available during Pony Club’s hour Polo Eventing R-1 & R-2 Polo Eventing R-1 & R-2 Trail arena, X-Country Trail arena, Warm-up, X-Country R-1, Dressage, Trail arena, Warm-up, X-Country Trail arena, X-Country R-1, Dressage, Warm-up, Trail arena R-1, Dressage, Warm-up, Trail arena Trail arena, X-Country Gymkhana Gymkhana Trail arena, Dressage Dressage, Trail arena, Warm-up, X-Country Dressage, Trail arena, Warm-up, X-Country Trail arena, Warm-up Trail arena, Warm-up, X-Country R-1, R-2, Trail arena, Warm-up, X-Country Trail arena, X-Country R-2, Trail arena, Dressage Dressage, R-1, R-2, Trail arena, Warm-up PVRA Gymkhana Saturday, April 10, 2004 Poway Valley Riders Association - 14336 Tierra Bonita Road, Poway SAVE $1 / Class When You Register Online at www.pvra.com Entry Booth and Chuckwagon Open at 8:00 am Online Registration Closes April 9, 2004 at 5:00 pm PVRA Members $6.00 per Class / $30 All day Non-members $8.00 per Class / $40.00 All Day $5.00 Grounds Maintenance Fee All Leadline Classes $1.00 Free Raffle Ticket with Each Entry Form Arena One 9:00 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Class Division Keyhole Keyhole Keyhole Figure 8 Stake Figure 8 Stake Figure 8 Stake Pole Bending II Pole Bending II Pole Bending II 13 - 17 18 - 39 40 - Over 13 - 17 18 - 39 40 - Over 13 - 17 18 - 39 40 - Over Figure 8 Flag Figure 8 Flag Figure 8 Flag California Speed Barrels California Speed Barrels California Speed Barrels Texas Barrels Texas Barrels Texas Barrels 13 - 17 18 - 39 40 - Over 13 - 17 18 - 39 40 - Over 13 - 17 18 - 39 40 - Over Class Division PVRA Sponsors Platinum Level Elston Hay & Grain Nutrena Poway Bernardo Mortuary Gold Level 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Arena Two 9:00 AM A Keyhole B Figure 8 Stake C Pole Bending II 12 & Under 12 & Under 12 & Under Jim Walls, Sorrento Valley Construction Mike's Inland and Coastal Landscape Bronze Level Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Photographix Raymonde Draperies PVRA Affiliate Members Mary Cook Tax Service Elston Hay & Grain D Flag Race E California Speed Barrels F Texas Barrels 12 & Under 12 & Under 12 & Under Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Audrey Klein Vicki & Jill McMinn/REMAX RB Realtors MTF Leather Repair Arena Three 9:00 AM I II III IV V VI Class Keyhole Figure 8 Stake Pole Bending II Flag Race California Speed Barrels Texas Barrels Division Leadline Leadline Leadline Leadline Leadline Leadline The Pinto Ranch Sher-Mar Enterprises All classes open to English and Western riders alike. Leadline riders may not participate in non-leadline classes. Riding boots are required for all riders and equestrian riding helmets are strongly recommended. Tank tops, halter tops and sleeveless T-shirts are not permitted. Parent or guardian must sign consent for riders under 18 years of age. PVRA members accrue points towards year-end awards. CGA rules may apply. Why just ride when you can Gymkhana POWAY VALLEY RIDERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 77 Poway, CA 92074 General Meeting April 6 Bill Bond Room Poway Community Center PVRA Horse Tales April 2004 PVRA Sponsors Platinum Level Elston Hay & Grain Nutrena Poway Bernardo Mortuary Chasteco Ranch First Class Electric Gold Level Jim Walls, Sorrento Valley Construction Mike’s Inland & Coastal Landscape Bronze Level Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Raymonde Draperies ❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦❦ PVRA 2003 Affiliate Members Mary Cook Tax Service Elston Hay & Grain Donald J. Janiuk, O.D. Audrey Klein Vicki & Jill McMinn/REMAX RB Realtors MTF Leather Repair The Pinto Ranch Sher-Mar Enterprises Affiliate members shown in bold type support PVRA at higher than basic affiliate membership level. Please let our sponsors and affiliate members know how much PVRA appreciates their support!
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