September 2013 - The American Legion Department of North Dakota


September 2013 - The American Legion Department of North Dakota
North Dakota
Legion News
Department of North Dakota
For God and Country
VOL. 68
NO. 1
The Message (American Legion Auxiliary) Inserted In Middle Section
Hanson Named
Captain of All
Academic Team
Gareth Hanson,
sponsored by the
Sheldon American
Legion Post #221,
has been selected
as the 2012 Captain
of The American
Legion All Academic
Team. Gareth was
also the 2012 Player
of the Year for the
Department of North
Dakota and received
a $500 scholarship.
Gareth Hanson
It is indeed a great
honor to have had Gareth and his family present during
the 2013 National Convention in Houston, TX. His
presentation to the general assembly was spot on and
he represented himself, his community and the state
of North Dakota very well. The All Academic Team
scholarship is awarded annually to an American Legion
player, selected from the participating Departments (50
states and Puerto Rico), and is based on leadership,
scholarship, citizenship, and financial need. This $5,000
scholarship may be used by the recipient to attend an
accredited college of his/her choice within eight years
of high school graduation. Gareth’s application was
selected and determined to be the most deserving and
thereby named Captain to this academic team. Hanson
graduated from Enderlin Area High School and is
attending Mayville State University. Gareth was a
four year baseball player and Varsity Team Member
and Most Improved 2012 and Team Captain. Gareth
is pursuing a double major in Elementary Education,
Physical Education and a minor in Coaching. He chose
the majors and minor because of the joy he has working
with kids and for his love of sports and helping others.
American Legion Baseball has been a national program
since 1925, and is now in its 86th year. Many of
today’s professional baseball players including Mark
McGwire, Darin Erstad (Jamestown), Rick Helling
(Fargo), Travis Hafner (Sykeston) Greg Maddux, Jeff
Bagwell, Tony Gwynn, Barry Bonds and Chipper
Jones participated in American Legion Baseball.
In other North Dakota American Legion Baseball
News, tournaments have been held throughout the state.
The Class A Tournament was held in West Fargo, ND.
Fargo’s Post 2 Legion team won the state championship
title qualifying them to compete in the Central Region
playoffs. The Class A MVP was presented to Gunnar
Linstaedt who plays for Post #2. The American
Legion’s Central Region Tournament was held the
following week at Jack Williams Stadium. Fargo Post
#2 was the Host for this Tournament, thereby earning a
place as a participant in the tournament. As a result of
Fargo’s automatic placement, North Dakota’s second
place team; West Fargo, advanced to represent the ND
State in the Central Region Tournament. Both teams
played in this tournament in Fargo.
In Class B action, this tournament was held in
Beulah, ND and the State Championship was bestowed
upon the Grafton Legion Baseball team and the MVP
for the Class B tournament was awarded to Jaime
It was a great 2013 season with 65 teams registered
to play. The background checks for team coaches and
managers went reasonable well for the first year in
place. The ND American Legion is looking forward
to another year of great baseball for the program.
Congratulations to the Baseball Committee for a job
well done.
Wayne Satrom Elected
National Vice Commander
Thursday, August 29,
2013, Mr. Wayne Satrom, a 37year member from Galesburg,
ND Post #210, was elected
into the high office of National
Vice Commander, Midwest
Region, which include eight
states, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa and
Minnesota.Wayne’s American
Legion eligibility is earned
by his service in the North
Dakota Army National Guard
for 6 years. Satrom will serve
in the position for one year,
supporting newly elected
National Commander Dan
Dellinger. Wayne has served
in many positions throughout
the North Dakota American
Legion. He has served many
offices at his local Post.He
was the Post Commander for
8 years and also served as
the 1st District Commander
and Vice-Commander and
From left, Richard Holmes, National American Legion and Wayne Satrom, National Vice
Commander Commander.
He is a semi-retired farmer in the Galesburg area. He
Commander during 2005-2006. He has served on the
Past President of the Elm River Lutheran Church,
National Convention Committee and attended the National
of the Galesburg Improvement Association
Leadership Workshop. Wayne also served as the ND
and Post President of the Galesburg Elevator Board and
Alternate National Executive Committeeman. Wayne
has been heavily involved in the 4-H programs. He and his
is looking forward to continuing his American Legion
wife Virginia have 2 children and 5 grandchildren.
involvement through this challenging and very rewarding
Dan Dellinger Elected National
Commander in Houston, Texas
Dan Dellinger of Vienna, VA, was elected national
commander of the 2.4 million-member American Legion
on Aug. 29, 2013 in Houston, TX, during the 95th National
Convention of the nation’s largest veteran’s organization.
He became an Army Infantry officer after graduating
with a degree in criminology from Indiana University of
Pennsylvania. He served at Fort Benning, GA, during the
Vietnam War and entered the U.S. Army Reserve in 1972,
separating from the service in 1984 at the rank of captain.
A member of the Dyer-Gunnell American Legion Post
180 in Vienna since 1982, he was made a life member
in 1990. He has served as post, district and department
commander and chaired numerous committees. At the
national level, he chaired the Legislative, National Security,
and Economics commissions as well as the Aerospace
Committee. He served as chairman of the Legislative
Council and Membership and Post Activities Committee.
He has been a member of the Foreign Relations Council,
Policy Coordination, Veterans Planning and Coordinating
committees as well as the Legislative Council.
Dellinger is a member of the Sons of the American
Legion, Past Commanders and Adjutants Club, Past
Department Commander’s Club, ANAVICUS and the
Citizens Flag Alliance. He has served as a presidential
appointee on the Federal Taskforce on SBA Hiring and
as vice mayor of the Town of Vienna, Virginia as well as
serving three terms as town councilman. He is a member
of the Loyal Order of the Moose and the Loyal Order of the
Kentucky Colonels.
He owned
a construction
contracting firm
for twenty years
specializing in
and industrial
and his wife,
Margaret, reside
Margaret served
L e g i o n
Auxiliary Unit
National Commander Dan Dellinger
180 President
for four years;
daughter, Anne, is a 23-year member of Unit 180; and
son, Scott, is a 28-year member of Sons of The American
Legion Squadron 180.
Cmdr. Dellinger’s theme is “Building for Tomorrow
– Today.”
Page 2
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
2013 National Convention Donations Billups Receives
National Award
From left: Department Commander Eugene Kachena, National Commander Jim Koutz, Delegation Chairman Dave Rice,
and American Legion Riders Gerald Puetz.
By Dave Rice, Delegation Chairman
The American Legion Department of North Dakota
presented several donations at the 2013 National
Convention in Houston, Texas. Gerald Puetz presented a
check for $12,273 for the Legacy Fund to provide college
scholarships for students whose parents were killed in
action since September 11, 2001.
Delegation Chairman Rice had the privilege of
presenting a $5,600 check to the National Commander for
his Operation Comfort Warriors project, a $1,350 check
for our National Emergency Fund and a $1,300 check for
the Child Welfare Foundation. A total donation of $20,523
was presented from the very generous Legionnaires of the
Department of North Dakota. Thank you!
Kachena Begins Term as Department Commander
Don Weible, Elected Department Commander-Elect
Ron Matthews, Appointed Membership Chairman
Eugene Kachena
Don Weible
Delegates to the annual Department Convention in
Williston, ND, confirmed Eugene Kachena as Department
Commander to lead the North Dakota American Legion
through the Department year 2013-2014.
Department Commander Kachena hails from the
Novotny Kachena Post #208 in Pisek, ND. Eugene is a
40 year member of Pisek Post #208. He has served as
Post Vice Commander, Post Commander, District 2 Vice
Commander, District 2 Commander, Eastern Region
Vice Commander and served as the 2011 Department
Membership Chairman. As the Chairman of membership,
he brought forward to the Department the membership
recruiting concept for the younger veterans to “Belong” to
the American Legion versus just joining. He also serves on
the National Americanism Council. Having taught for 30
years and farmed for 39 years, Eugene is now retired from
both of those occupations. Eugene continues to be active
in officiating Volleyball, Basketball and Youth Baseball.
He also serves as a part-time play by play broadcaster for
KXPO Radio in Grafton.
From left, Jerome Billups and Convention Chairman
Dave Rice.
Jerome Billups was awarded the National Economic
Commission Service Awards in the Disabled Veterans
Outreach Program Specialist category. Billups was
presented this award at the National Convention this past
August in Houston, Texas.
Jerome is employed with the Job Service North
Dakota Office in Fargo, ND. His primary functions include
the Veteran Upward Bound Program, offering scholastic
refresher classes to Veterans returning to school whom
desire an update in particular fields of study, mathematics,
English, composition or computer skills training.
Additional duties include working with local employers
to develop and increase the employment of veterans with
disabilities. He focuses on the employer’s needs and works
to match up veteran skills with the skill sets required.
Jerome consistently outperforms the expectations
or goals associated with a program. His personality and
driven attitude to serve the veterans made him the best
candidate for this award. The North Dakota American
Legion extends our grateful congratulations and thanks
him for his support of the veterans of this state.
Membership Chairman
Ron Matthews
Eugene currently serves as president of the financial
council of St. Mary’s Church in Park River. He is ClerkTreasurer of Rushford Township and is a member of the
Walsh County Weed Board. As time permits, he operates
a small contracting business on the side to help fill his
schedule. Eugene and his wife Barbara Ann of 45 years,
reside in Pisek. They are the parents of five children and
have eight grandchildren. All five children have degrees in
education, with four currently teaching and one full time
member of the ND Army National Guard in Grand Forks.
Commander Kachena, Cdr-Elect Weible and his
Department Membership Chairman Ron Matthews and
others will be traveling throughout North Dakota this fall
and next spring visiting Districts and assisting Legion
Three Department Vice-Commanders were also
elected during the convention. Rodney Kadlec will serve
as the Eastern Region Vice-Commander; Anna Spivey will
serve as the Central Region Vice-Commander; and Orletta
Kilen will serve as the Western Region Vice-Commander.
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North Dakota Legion News
Official Publication of The American
Legion Department of North Dakota
Published at 402 Hill Avenue, Grafton, N.D.
Publisher and Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Johnson
Assistant Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teri J. Bryant
PO Box 5057, West Fargo, ND 58078
Email ---
Phone 701-293-3120 --- Fax 701-293-9951
Department Commander . . . . Eugene Kachena, 284-6913,
Department Commander-Elect. . . . . . . Don Weible, 734-6694,
Department Vice Commanders
Eastern Region. . . . . . . Rodney Kadlec, 5965 134th Ave NE, Pisek 58273 284-6981
Central Region. . . . . . . . . . . Anna Spivey, 256-2867,
Western Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OrlettaKilen, 843-8173,
Department Adjutant . . . . . . . . . . Dave Johnson, 293-3120,
Department Finance Officer. . . . . . . . George Zeller, 622-3004,
Department Chaplain. . . . . . . Father Jared Kadlec, 429-3454,
Department Executive Committeemen
Eastern Region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenny Weiderholt, 678-2366,
Central Region. . . . . Harold “Bud” Goldsmith Jr., 424-3476,
Western Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ted Becker, 843-8173,
DEC Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Rice, 866-9085,
Dept Sergeant-At-Arm. . . . . . . . . Leon Hiltner, 256-2188,
NEC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curtis Twete, 322-5622,
Alt NEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Krause, 205-0064,
Department Judge Advocate. . . . . . Patricia Hodny, 247-3301,
Department Historian. . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Meier, 463-7344,
Department Service Officer. . . . . . . Bryan Watters, 451-4646,
Dept. Membership Chair. . . Ronald Matthews, 361-8906,
District Commanders:
First District. . . . . . . . . . . . . E.W. (Bill) Marcks, Jr. 231-5401,
Second District. . . . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Peterson, 343-6484,
Third District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Marcellais, 477-8985,
Fourth District. . . Michelle Entzminger, 866-4552,
Fifth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fred Schauer, 260-2835,
Sixth District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heather Thompson, 263-4614,
Seventh District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DJ Meberg, 878-4164,
Eighth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Twist, 573-4334,
Ninth District. . . . . . . . . Cameron Arnegard, 586-3542,
Tenth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Witkowski, 678-3991,
First published in 1941 as the ND Department Bulletin, the ND Legion
News is now in its 72nd year of publication. It is published quarterly
by Morgan Printing, 402 Hill Ave., Grafton, ND 58237. Pending
periodicals postage is paid at Fargo, ND. The Legion News is a
member of the ND Newspaper Association and the National American
Legion Press Association.
SUBSCRIPTION RATE: 1 year - $0.64 which is included in your
membership to The American Legion, Department of North Dakota.
Cancellation: Contact editor at PO Box 5057, West Fargo, ND 58078.
PHONE: 701-293-3120, FAX 701-293-9951
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
The American Legion, PO Box 5057, West Fargo, ND 58078.
ADVERTISING RATES: Contact David A. Johnson, 701-293-3120
Kachena, Board Chairman Dave Rice, Dept Finance Officer, George
Zeller, Dept Adjutant David Johnson, Don Weible, Rodney Kadlec,
Anna Spivey, Orletta Kilen, Kenny Wiederholt, Bud Goldsmith, Ted
Becker, Curtis Twete and Patricia Hodny.
Page 3
Commander’s Comments
WOW!! What a whirlwind the first two months have
been. It was truly an honor to have my wife place the
commander’s cap on my head in Williston. It was also very
humbling as the responsibility of the position can be very
dawnting. Nevertheless, I’ve managed to log close to 8,000
miles by car and plane thus far.
The Fourth of July parade in Park River, as always, was
well attended. I was afforded the comfort of a sporty red
convertible, but decided to walk along side instead. A great
way to meet and greet parade goers.
Then on to the International Peace Garden, where we
were treated to lunch, a tour of the grounds, and listened
to a truly fine band concert. The American Legion and the
International Music Camp have a long history of partnership.
I truly feel that we need to work harder at nurturing this
relationship. Approximately 1,800 young student musicians
attend during the course of the summer, increasing their
music capabilities.
Next it was on to Minot and the State Fair. Minot Post
#26 needs to be complimented for the fine float they had
in the parade. As your Department Commander, my wife
and I were offered an excellent seat on the float. Never the
less, I again decided to walk beside the float. My wife noted
that youngsters waving the American flag just seemed to be
rewarded with a bit more candy.
Medora was next, and they truly do roll out the red
carpet for veterans on Veteran Sunday. The musical was
sensational and if you haven’t been to Medora, you might
want to consider it for next year.
Now, on to Indiana for the National Membership
Workshop. Attending were Membership chairman Ron
Matthews, Commander Elect Don Weible, Department
Adjutant Dave Johnson, Eastern Region vice Commander
Rodney Kadlec and myself. The two day workshop was
intense and productive. We were afforded a 30 minute session
with Leading Candidate, now our National Commander Dan
Dellinger. We were informed on our department goal and we,
in turn, discussed our department strategic plan with him.
I’m very impressed with Denise Rohan from Wisconsin,
who chairs the National
Eugene Kachena
Membership Committee. I
Department Commander
wouldn’t be at all surprised
to see Denise the first female National Commander of the
American Legion.
On to Bismarck where the Department Membership and
Leadership Workshop was held on August 16th and17th at
the Comfort Inn. Attendance was excellent, not a 100% as I
had hoped, but those unable to attend had justifiable excuses.
Of the 25 persons on the Membership and Post Activities
Committee, 22 were in attendance. It was information
overload as one attendee stated. Several hands on projects
were integrated into the presentations. Jake Raile gave a
report on Legion baseball and what might be expected in
the future. I think that all our district commanders and vice
commanders are better prepared to meet the challenges that
lie ahead. These district commanders and vice commanders
are truly the backbone of our organization. They provide the
link between individuals, posts, and the department.
As I’m writing this, we’re on a plane heading to Denver
and then on to Houston for the National Convention. Even
though the schedule is demanding, it’s always great to meet
up with old Legion family friends and make new ones.
I think we have a great Membership and Post Activities
Committee, but they need everyone’s help to make this
organization everything it can and was intended to be.
NDSU post 400 is going great guns and hopefully in the
very near future we’ll have a new post at UND.
Our new National Commander is expecting EVERY
post to turn in a Consolidated Post Report when they come
out in February 2014. This is the only way we can collectively
gauge what the American Legion does nationwide. Expect a
lot of pressure from all commanders at every level to get
this done.
Lastly, while visiting the school where my son teaches
in California, I observed a sign that read “The illiterate of the
21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but
those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”. I’m working at
it but that darn smart phone sure can be unnerving.
2013 Legion Baseball Scholarship Winner
District Vice Commanders:
First District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larry Lein, 232-0758,
Second District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Lovcik, 6154 CR12A, Pisek 58273, 284-6812
Third District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick Hemmy, 477-9420,
Fourth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Lipetzky, Jr., 320-5981,
Fifth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruce Sailer, 462-8300,
Sixth District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phil Meyer, 366-4433,
Seventh District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Foss, 748-3919,
Eighth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A
Ninth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael R. Weyrauch, 568-3529,
Tenth District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Moore, 742-2647,
The North Dakota Legion News
Official Publication of and Owned Exclusively by
The American Legion, Department of North Dakota
David A. Johnson, Editor
September 2013
Brett Schreiner
Brett Schreiner sponsored by the Washburn
American Legion Post
#12 has been awarded an
American Legion Baseball
Scholarship as the 2013
Player of the Year for
the Department of North
Dakota. Brett is one of
fifty-one winners chosen
The scholarship is
awarded to an American
Legion player in each
participating Department
(50 states and Puerto Rico),
and is based on leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and
financial need. The scholarship may be used by the recipient
to attend an accredited college of his/her choice within eight
years of high school graduation.
Brett’s application was selected and the most deserving
and thereby named the Department Player of The Year.
Brett recently graduated from Washburn Area High School.
He will be attending Jamestown College.
Brett was a seven year baseball player, 2010-2012
Legion State Baseball Qualifier, 2012 Team MVP, 2011
and 2012 All Region and 2012 Region Senior Athlete of the
Year. Brett plans on entering the field of Exercise Science
with pursuing a degree of Physical Therapy. He chose this
degree because he is an avid sports enthusiast and is strongly
interested in exercise for the improvement of health and
physical fitness.
Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Campaign
The Vietnam Veterans of America launched their
inland waters (Brown Waters) and Veterans serving on
campaign to contact Veterans and the dependents of Vietnam
vessels known to transport the dioxin and bases outside of the
Veterans exposed to Agent Orange Dioxin.
Country of Vietnam to include within the US were exposed.
The North Dakota Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of
Korean War veterans working near the Demilitarized Zone
America reached out with advertisements and participated
(DMZ) between anytime between April 1, 1968 and August
in town halls, outreach events and stand downs throughout
31, 1971 were exposed to Agent Orange Dioxin also.
North Dakota to bring our Veterans exposed to and suffering
The 2013 63rd legislative assembly appropriated a
from the effects of Agent Orange information and resources
$50,000 grant for the biennium 2013-2015 for the Vietnam
available to them. Dan Stenvold, President of the ND Vietnam
Veterans of America to conduct these outreaches.
Veterans of America,was on hand to witness the first billboard
For more information Contact: President ND VVA
being installed located in Fargo along Interstate 29 between
Dan Stenvold 701-331-2104 or VA Commissioner Lonnie
7th and 12th Avenue North. Immediately after installing
Wangen 701-239-7165.
the Fargo billboard, the Newman Outdoor sign company
traveled to a billboard located
along I-94 near the Steele,
ND,exit,to install the same
billboard at that location.
Agent Orange has
been connected to dozens
of diseases and illnesses
in Vietnam Veterans and
their children. The ND
VVA along with the ND
Department of Veterans
Affairs will be working with
many organizations to get
in contact with our Veterans
Morgan Printing
exposed to Agent Orange
Dioxins. Not only Vietnam
Veterans who stepped foot
402 Hill Avenue - Grafton, ND 58237 - 701-352-0640
on the ground in Vietnam,
910 Central Avenue - EGF, MN 56721 - 218-773-2577
but Vietnam era Veterans
who patrolled the Vietnam
Print & Copy
Direct Mail
Signs & Banners
Page 4
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
Western Region Membership Team
Eastern Region
Central Region
District Commanders
Heather Thompson
D.J. Meberg
District Commanders
Orletta Kilen
Vice Commander
David Twist
Cameron Arnegard
Watford City
2014 Membership Underway
Rodney Kadlec
Vice Commander
District Commanders
Bill Marcks
Gordy Peterson
Dave Witkowski
It’s Time To
Pay Your
2014 Legion
Kachena of Pisek and Department
Membership Chairman Ron Matthews of
Fargo, have not made any changes to the
Department Membership Contest rules.
Commander Kachena has chosen the slogan
“Serving Proudly, Staying Strong” as his
theme for the year.
The following is a rundown on the 2014
Membership Contest Rules. Details have
been sent to the adjutants and membership
this year’s contest will be operated on a FOUR
category system:
Category I - under 50 members
Category II - 50 - 100 members
Category III - 101 - 400 members
Category IV - over 400 members
$100 CASH AWARD - The post in each
Post Size Category with the highest percent
OVER their 2014 membership goal by
December 31, 2013, will be awarded a $100
Cash Prize. A letter and check will be mailed
to the posts in January and announced at the
Winter Conference.
OTHER AWARDS are available to
each post such as the CERTIFICATE OF
posts that have met an all time high for 2014
by December 31, 2013. The POST HONOR
RIBBON will be awarded to post, whose 2014
membership exceeds their 2013 membership
by December 31, 2013.
be given to each post that had at least 40%
of its membership in by the first TARGET
DATE. Once again, we are offering some
incentive to each post through an “ON
TARGET DRAWING” FOR $25.00 to be
held after each of the first six TARGET
DATES until February when the drawing will
be for $50.00 cash. A post will automatically
be entered each time they meet or exceed
their established “Target Date Percentage of
Membership”. There will also be a $25.00
CASH PRIZE awarded to the post in each
post membership category that has the highest
percentage over their membership goal by the
May 28th Target Date.
bellwether is the leader of the flock. This new
award (plaque) that will recognize those Posts
that achieve 100% of their Membership Goal
by the January 13, 2014 target date – “lead the
flock”. For each subsequent qualifying year
after winning the initial plaque, the Post will
receive an additional engraved year label to
attach to the initial plaque.
recruited 5 or more new members in 2013
qualify for entry into a new part of this contest.
The Post in each size category that renews
(in 2014) the highest percentage of their new
Post members from 2013 (retain them as
members by May 28, 2014) will win a $100
cash award and recognition at the Department
Convention. In case of ties between Posts, the
money will be split among the winners.
More emphasis is being placed on
recognizing those individuals who get out
there to sign up new members.
GO-GETTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP - Qualification for enrollment in the
Go-Getters Club has remained the same.
Each membership worker will earn one (1)
point for renewals and five (5) points for a
new member. Those workers in Category I
still need to earn 15 points; Category II need
20 points; Category III need 25 points and
Category IV need 30 points to qualify as a
basic Go-Getter.
In addition, there will again be two new
levels of Go-Getter to recognize those who go
beyond the minimum. Membership workers
can qualify as a “Silver” or “Gold” Go-Getter.
By earning 10 points over the basic qualifying
points a worker will be given the “Silver”
status and by doubling the minimum points
they earn the “Gold” status.
AWARDS - Every post may also submit the
name of the recruiter in their post that signed
up the most new members for the 2014
membership year by early May 2014. On the
state level, the contest will recognize the top
recruiter in each of the 4 post size categories
in each Region. This will offer a more
competitive chance for all posts.
Anna Spivey
Vice Commander
District Commanders
Richard Marcellais
Michelle Entzminger
Fred Schauer
THE YEAR will each receive a specially
designed CAP PIN recognizing their
accomplishments for signing up new
members. From these winners will be
selected the individual who signed up the
most new members (without regard of
post size) to be named DEPARTMENT
person selected will receive travel
expenses to the 2014 Department
Convention in Minot. The package
includes roundtrip mileage, 1 night
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North Dakota Legion News
Chaplain’s Message
We find ourselves on the autumn doorpost. While the
weather has been warm, the reality of fall forebodes a cooler
time soon approaching. One looks at the fields and the
gardens and appreciates the investment of time and energy
in cultivating, planting, spraying, and nurturing. Now one
realizes the full potential of the harvest. Literally, one tastes
the fruits of the harvest.
It is also a time to share with those who did not partake
in the labor. The sacrifice of labor in the garden of creation
has produced abundance. Sharing of the abundance begets
gratitude from those who taste the fruit of someone else’s
labor. It also raises our esteem
Father Jared Kadlec
for the laborer who sacrificed in
Department Chaplain
the gift of creation.
There are so many people who have labored in
sacrifice, and those who continue to do so today. I think of
the members of our military forces, past and present. We
benefit from their sacrifice; particularly, we enjoy the fruit
of freedom and liberty. What abundance! Let us take the
time to express our gratitude to them for their willingness to
serve, whether in the past or at this very moment.
Hatred Threatens The Melting Pot
I was shocked by
the recent news story of
an individual wanting to
start a white supremacist
group in a small North
Dakota town.
What immediately
came to mind was the
Equal Opportunity training I received from the
Army and the years of
experience working with
soldiers, sailors, airmen,
and marines of diverse
racial, ethnic, and cultural
backgrounds. I was also
Dr. Alan Fehr
reminded of the Army
and DoD policy on avoiding extremists hate groups and their
For decades the military has actively worked to
integrate service members of diverse backgrounds – racial,
ethnic, gender, and, most recently, sexual orientation. The
outcome has been critical for combat readiness and mission
The military has been a microcosm of the American
Melting Pot, which is one of the greatest strengths of America
and has helped us become the world’s greatest superpower.
For centuries we have had immigrants from all over the
world come to America to work, raise a family, and live the
American dream. By doing so, they become assimilated
into the American cultural fabric – being changed by that
experience and becoming part of a local community.
Contrast the notion of American strength from the
Melting Pot with the segregation advocated by white
supremacists and other hate groups. (Wikipedia defines a hate
group as “an organized group or movement that advocates and
practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a
race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other
designated sector of society.)
Hate groups try to divide people by focusing on obvious
group differences. Besides the direct harm this may do to
individuals on the receiving end, it also hurts all of us and
America as a whole by dividing and weakening us. From
the 40,000 foot view, it reduces some of the basic building
blocks needed for economic and social development –
communication, esprit de corps, cooperation, and maximizing
capabilities. We are stronger and more successful when we
are all “us” and not “us and them.”
At a time when ND is seeing record numbers of veterans
of “all shapes, sizes, and colors” migrating to the state for
jobs, a policy to help them to assimilate to ND will make us all
stronger and more successful. Our communities need workers
and veterans may be ideally trained for these conditions, since
veterans are trained to deploy – to pack their bags, move, and
be flexible with living arrangements and tour of duty.
If they and their non-veteran co-workers successfully
assimilate into our communities, it is good for all of us.
It’s the American way.
Dr Alan Fehr is a clinical psychologist and Behavior
Health Officer with the ND National Guard. He is also the
Commander of Matthew Brew Post 3 in Dickinson. He serves
District 36 in the ND House of Representatives. He can be
contacted at or 701-225-1050.
Adjutant’s Perspective
Fellow Legionnaires,
Fall is rapidly approaching and everybody’s schedules
are filling faster every day. The Department leadership has
attended or held several meeting on planning for the coming
year. Newly elected Department Commander Kachena and
several of the officers attended a membership meeting in
Indianapolis to discuss our goals and plans for meeting the
membership numbers being assigned to the state. National
Commander Dellinger and the National Membership Chair
Denise Rohan assigned us a goal of 16,170 members. This
number is actually less than our last year’s goals. The
national organization has set many targets for the coming
years; one in particular is to attain as near to the all-time high
as possible. In 1975, our department’s membership was
over 35,500 members, today we are close to 16,500. This
is a significant decrease over the past 37 years with only one
year showing a minimal increase over the previous year. This
perspective is not about membership, I was simply pointing
out communications that is necessary for all levels of this
organization to function. This activity should not start at the
top and filter its ways down to the Posts. What is important
is how we get our information out to our members.
In the past year, I had sought out the e-mails addresses
of the Local Post Commanders and Adjutants and received
quite an array of responses. I understand that computers are
not everyone favorite past time or burning desire to learn
the functions. What is important today is that 45 years ago,
computers were barely working their way into the business
and technical world. They were not in the school systems
and Star Trek was the only place that had those really cool
My point here is this; only
David Johnson
35% of our Posts have a
Department Adjutant
Commander or Adjutant
with an e-mail address.
Here is an idea for all the Posts to consider. Electronic
Communications is here to stay. Every Post should consider
adding an “Ad Hoc” officer to their leadership team. Create
a position of “Communications Officer” find the member
who does have the computer, an internet connection and an
email address. Provide that Legionnaire with a Post Cap that
has “Communication Officer” embroidered upon it. We all
understand, that not everyone has interest in computers, but
we also know there are numerous older legionnaires that are
in communication with their children and grand-children via
emails and “Skype”. Let’s seek out those individuals whom
would be willing to be the recipient and disseminators of
legion information to the Post and Membership. The “cap”
and title is to recognize them for stepping up to assist your
post in receiving the most current information. Gone are
the days when the Post Office could carry a notice for you
to attend a meeting during the ND Legislative session. It
is now down to hours of response time and our legislature
operates with instant information. The veteran loses here, if
we are not able to respond.
Legionnaires, if you have the desire to be your “Posts”
Communication Officer, step up and visit with your
Commander and Adjutant about the feasibility of your
volunteering for this position.
Have You Paid Your 2014 Membershp Dues?
September 2013
Page 5
Cont. from Page 4
hotel accommodations and 2 reserved seating tickets to the
Department Convention Banquet.
The top recruiter from each department will receive
a special award from National and will compete against
other such winners for the honor of being named National
Membership Recruiter of the Year. Post Adjutants must
certify all recruiters.
The National winner will receive an expense paid trip
to the 2014 National Convention. The trip includes for
the Legionnaire and guest round-trip air transportation,
hotel accommodations for 6 days/5 nights, and reserved
seating tickets to the National Commander’s Banquet for
Distinguished Guests. Additional prizes will be presented to
the next highest 26 individuals.
Detailing the National Gold Brigade program, explained
below, the Department has established its own elite group of
membership workers who sign up new members. To help
recognize as many hard workers as possible, the Department
is introducing the GOLD SQUADRON, the GOLD
PLATOON, and the GOLD DIVISION to go along with
National’s GOLD BRIGADE.
GOLD SQUADRON status is earned by enrolling 5
new members and each Squadron member will receive a
“squadron baseball cap.”
GOLD PLATOON status is earned by enrolling 15
new members and each Platoon member will receive a
“platoon baseball cap” and a $15 cash prize.
GOLD DIVISION status is earned by enrolling 25 new
members and each Division member will receive a “division
baseball cap” and a shirt.
These individuals will also qualify for the SILVER
BRIGADE AWARD in the National Membership Contest
for signing up 25 new members and can earn a pin and
GOLD BRIGADE - Among the awards available from
the National Membership Contest is the enrollment in the
elite GOLD BRIGADE for Legionnaires who recruit 50 or
more NEW MEMBERS by May 13, 2014.
- Each individual that signs up a new member will have their
name placed in a drawing for one of four $25.00 cash prizes.
member will also be entered into a separate drawing for
one of four $25.00 cash prizes. Both drawings will be held
at the 2014 Winter Conference in Mandan. An Entry form
is available from the Post Adjutants or the Department
A copy of the Contest Rules was mailed to each Post
Adjutants and membership chairman. The Membership
Goals set for each post were set using a formula similar to
last year allowing for local conditions, i.e. average loss due
to death and estimated veteran’s population from the new
war eras.
This year’s contest will again involve ten “TARGET
DATES” which started with August 5 and continuing with
September 9, October 7, November 12, December 9, January
13, February 10, March 10, April 7 and concluding with
May 28th. Again this year each of the “TARGET DATES”
has been assigned a target with represents a percentage of
the membership goal. The percentages are in line with the
percentages established by National and are as follows:
1st target date was 40% then they increase to 50%, 55%,
65%, 75%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100%, and 101% for the final
Let’s start the 2014 membership year with a new
excitement. And remember; let’s get “Serving Proudly,
Staying Strong”.
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Page 6
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
Legion Membership – A New Approach
the patriotic element of the organization; where service to
their country is still the paramount aspect of continued service
to America. The remaining 10% have various reasons for
belonging. Such as, the VA medical benefits that were won by
an American Legion Department Service Officer or a Legion
program that impacted them personally during their youth, such
as Legion Baseball.
The second to last step is to create a program and plan to
“Get the Word Out” how do we market the program in a cost
effect manner. Are there other organizations of corporate
entities willing to collaborate on our efforts to build our
visibility within the state? I’d like to think so. Doing
business with Veterans or Veteran owned businesses are a
great step. We do not have to be a silent minority. We need
to become accustomed to asking for what we need, both as
veterans and as the leading Veteran organization in the state.
ND American Legion State
Band Almost 90 Years Old
The North Dakota State Legion Band will be 90 years
old next year and is looking to make sure we are in a position
to continue to enhance the American Legion and American
Legion Auxiliary functions for many more years.
We always greatly appreciate the support of the ardent
followers of our great band but as we all know, expenses
continue to rise. Last year, the budgeting process for the ND
American Legion lead to a 25% decrease in the amount of
funds they could provide us. The generosity of the Auxiliary
has helped to offset the funding shortfall, but their earlier
donations allowed us more options regarding our uniforms,
music and national travel expenses instead of now needing
their donations to help offset the housing costs increases we
are experiencing. We have done raffles, sold the marching
band and dance band CD’s that we have produced, sold our
services to some very specific events, encouraged donations
to our ND American Legion Foundation and asked Posts for
Over the years there has been some confusion regarding
who pays for what, when we participate in a Department
Convention, Winter Conference or National Convention.
Band members pay for their own travel expenses to a
Department Convention or Winter Conference. They also
provide the funds needed to stock our hospitality room and
For marketing service or buyer representation you expect and
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Finally, put the program in place; promote the Legion as
the most viable Veteran Organization in the state and start to
reach for our goals. Nothing good is ever easy. The NDAL
needs to focus on training our trainers, develop an ongoing
sales team to support outside program development. In
order for us to be a more successful organization, we need
to be a successful business. This happens by creating our
own destiny, deciding on a path of action, pursue the goal
with tenacity and not be afraid of failure. If something
doesn’t work, we need to re-evaluate the program and
move forward. Progress involves certain risk, but, risk is
rewarded, therefore this organization must plan accordingly.
Twenty thousand total members by 2018 is not a pie in
the sky goal. It will be hard, but we seek challenges. Let us
move forward, and seek those younger veterans who have or
will have needs for our assistance and guidance.
are responsible for their meals for the weekend. The only
difference when we attend a National Convention, and it
can be significant, is that the band provides bus or air travel
to the event. The band has always provided its members a
hotel room at all overnight events.
The bottom line is that we would really like to continue
to provide the music and entertainment support for the
Legion events we attend both in North Dakota and at an
occasional National Convention.
That said, we need some help! If your Post or Unit
can help in any way, we could use that help now. My
understanding is that donations for uniforms, music and
national travel are all acceptable donations from gaming
funds. If a specific Post donation request form is needed,
please either mail it to Bruce Holtan at PO Box 9496, Fargo,
ND 58106 or email a copy to and I
will process it immediately – any questions, call Bruce at
701-261-1322. Donations can be made out to NDAL State
Band and sent to the address listed above or the Department
Thanks for your consideration and here is to another
90 years of great music from your North Dakota American
Legion State Band.
What Does 25 Years of Experience Mean To You?
William O. Haug
Vice President/Investments
Branch Manager
If your Financial Advisor is
William O. Haug, it means 25
years of market highs and market
lows as well as personalized,
professional service.
BY Ron Matthews
Department Membership Chairman
Sixty-five thousand Veterans are living in the State
of North Dakota; of these, approximately 40,000 veterans
are eligible to belong to the ND American Legion; The
ND American Legion has a goal of 16,170 members. Our
market penetration of the eligible veterans is about 40%.
If every Department had 40% the National Legion would
be extremely happy. Even though our all-time high was
35,500 members, it is unreasonable to expect any impact
by the Centennial year of 2018. What would be a more
achievable growth goal is a 50% of the target market.
Twenty thousand members by 2018, is still a push, but it can
be done. Remember, “It’s very easy, to be just okay, it takes
hard work to make a difference” 3,500 new members, plus
replacements for those fellow veterans whom have gone on
the final patrol. This is our goal for the next five years, 50%
of the eligible veterans. This translates to about 100 new
members a month. How do we accomplish this goal, ideal,
mission? Every successful task usually has a plan. We will
need to develop a plan.
This effort needs to be different from looking in the
morning mirror and saying I’m going to find a veteran that
looks like the person in the mirror. A membership plan must
have concrete goals; A theme to hang your benefits and value
of being a member of the legion upon. And most important,
we must believe in the benefits and value our organizations
offers to all veterans of war periods.
Let’s go in reverse order, the benefit-value. A big item,
we’re celebrating the 70th year of the GI-Bill, a law enacted
for the education and training of veteran coming home after
WWII. This bill was developed by our WWI Founders for
their Brothers in arms who were fighting the WWII conflict.
This is what we do; Veterans taking Care of Veterans. Who
else will, if we don’t take care of ourselves? The VA Medical
System, just imagine how much of a back log, they’d have if
the American Legion didn’t offer to step in and assist in the
processing of claims.
Next we need a theme, or two. Somehow, we need
to get our message out to the non-belonging, misguided
Veteran, whom does not belong to the largest most influential
Patriotic Veteran Organization this country has ever known,
The American Legion. This organization is still, all about
the small hometown, rural America Community, where the
Veteran is at home, with his neighbors. A local Veteran, who
is waiting to be asked, still wants to serve America, he just
hasn’t been asked to belong.
Theme, #1: It’s about the Veterans children, the number
one reason we all exist, is our children. We are all busy
working our careers, our homes and families. We will do
anything to protect and care for our children. In this country,
one percent of the population has served in our military’s
uniform, ONE PERCENT. Of this one percent, it is a wellknown fact, that we are all vertically integrated into the
military family, (our brothers and sisters, fathers, mothers,
uncles, aunts, grandfathers, and yes, even great-grandfathers).
Therefore, is it not an unreasonable expectation for us to see
our children, step-up and raise their hands to state an oath
to this country as we have also in our past? Therefore, we
ask these veterans to belong to the organization that does in
fact represent their children, ensuring they will be properly
trained, properly equipped and have proper health care in
place should the need the medical care. The American
Legion is the Organization in place today to assist in their
children needs as they serve now and or later after their
service is complete.
Theme #2: It’s about being in the right place and speaking
on behalf of all veterans, not just our members, but all who have
served. Sixty percent of all The American Legion Members are
members because of the political clout that the organization
offers in Washington D.C. This clout stems from the American
Legion not being a politically motivated machine. It does not
draw on party lines; it only represents the veteran interest and
that of homeland security. The American Legion speaks for
servicemen currently serving the military, those servicemen,
whom by law, cannot speak for themselves before Congress.
The next 30% of the American Legion memberships are for
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North Dakota Legion News
September 2013
Page 7
North Dakota American Legion Auxiliary - September 2013
PO Box 13986, Grand Forks, ND 58208 • 701-253-5992 / Facebook: North Dakota American Legion Auxilialry
Vice President’s
already? It seems
like yesterday we
were in Williston
for Convention.
Thank you to the
members of the
Williston Unit and
Post for hosting a
great event. The
weather was great
and so was your
Thank you
Marcy J. Schmidt
North Dakota
Vice President
Auxiliary members for your
encouragement and support in my election to the office of
Department Vice President. It’s an honor to represent you
and it’s been a wonderful experience to learn about the
workings of the Department and getting to know so many
of you. I plan to use the next 22 months continuing to learn
from you.
One of the most important issues facing our organization
is membership. I challenge each Unit to find at least one
new member this year, sign her up and show her the ropes.
What I mean by showing her the ropes is, mentor her and
encourage her to become a leader. Leadership doesn’t
happen overnight. It takes trial and error but most of all,
support from the Unit.
The American Legion Auxiliary is in the business of
supporting veterans and their families. Your work and
contributions on behalf of your Unit to veterans and your
communities is so very important. I encourage each of you
to continue working your chosen Auxiliary programs and
remember to keep track of and report your activity.
Fall District Meetings
Week 1 – Districts 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
September 23, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 5
in Wilton at 7 pm
September 24, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 7
in Hebron at 7:30 pm
September 25, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 8
in Killdeer at 7 pm
September 26, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 9
in Watford City at 7 pm
September 27, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 6
in Bottineau at 7 pm
Week 2 – District 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10
October 7, 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 3
in Belcourt at 7 pm
October 8, 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 10
in Milnor at 7 pm
October 9, 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 1
in Portland at 7 pm
October 10, 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 2
in Larimore at 7 pm
October 11, 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District 4
in Gackle, ND at 7 pm
A Message From Marlys
Where do I start?
First, let me say a great big “Thank you” to Debbie
Slais and the Williston unit for their wonderful hospitality.
The Old Armory is a beautiful building — it was a very
comfortable place to meet. The meals were delicious. I
know you were not planning on the extra digging going
on around the building, so the planning ahead of shuttles
turned out to be a very necessary decision. Those of us who
live in the western part of North Dakota, have learned that
patience is a virtue — plan on travel time being greater than
in previous years, stay in your lane, and only pass if you can
see a really long ways and the traffic is slow. Thank you,
again, Williston.
After I received the gavel, my year began. There have
been questions coming from many different directions — all
at one time. I will try to stop, take a deep breath, listen, and
answer questions as best I can. If I do not know the answer,
it will be my job to find the answer and get back to you. I
am here for you, so let me know what you think, and we
will work together. This is not my organization, it is not
just your organization, it is “OUR” organization. We are
in this together, and it is our job to work, have fun, support
our veterans and make our organization grow — remember
Nancy Brown-Park’s mission is to have one million
auxiliary members by 2019 — our 100th birthday! Let us
work toward that goal. Let us not forget why we joined the
American Legion Auxiliary.
Next, let me say thank you to Myrna Ronholm, who
has been our secretary for several years, and prior to the
secretary’s position, she was department treasurer — she has
devoted many years to this organization. THANK YOU for
all your hard work. Erica McDougall was treasurer for one
year, but I certainly want to thank her for all her hard work
in putting all the information into a computer system. Thank
you, Erica!!!
The second weekend in July was moving time and
organizational time. Several of us met in Jamestown on July
11 and started packing. On the 12th the District Presidents,
the Finance Committee, the Girls State Committee, and the
Strategic Planning Committee, all met in Jamestown to plan
for the coming year. On the 13th of July, the Executive
Committee met along with the other committees to discuss
business at hand.
Cat will have the
minutes in our
so that you are
aware of what is
going on in our
After the business
meeting, it was
travel time for
most, but Cat, her
Mom and I stayed
in Jamestown to
Marlys Aubol
finish the packing
— oh, yes, Cat
and I squeezed in
a big long nap before going back to the office. Myrna helped
us with the packing and finalizing a place for the last items
that we did not move, such as some chairs, file cabinets,
tables, etc. They all found a home. On Monday morning,
the movers came, loaded everything and away they went to
Grand Forks — I said “Good Bye” in Jamestown and Cat
said “Hello” to the movers in Grand Forks. The move was
Then it was time for Cat to unpack and set up her office.
It has been a lot of work for her. There are many old records
which we want to keep, but saving all the old books is rather
difficult. The plan is to scan all the important papers into the
computer where they will be saved. Cat has been a busy girl,
updating membership addresses and dues, revising forms
and planning to set up a new web site, making business
cards for the officers, setting up new e-mail addresses for
the officers, District Presidents and Committee Chairmen,
working on The Message plus all the other daily things that
come with running an office — one of them is answering
the phone.
In July, several of us went to Grand Forks to help work
on a few things like scanning, updating membership records,
etc. Work and fun was on the agenda. We did it!!!
Until next time, enjoy your work and play in the
American Legion Auxiliary.
From the Secretary
It has been a whirlwind experience since taking office!
First, I wish to thank everyone for the incredible support and
encouragement received in the past few months. Everythingfrom the election, to moving the office from Jamestown to
Grand Forks, to establishing office procedures, and proofing
what feels like endless amount of letters and documents- has
been made possible by a team effort. Thank you, truly, to
those who have helped get us to where we are today.
I’ve received several inquiries as to what forms we
should be using this year. Numerous new forms were sent
in the Unit mailing this month. In general, the process and
procedures we have used for several years will change little.
I know that many people see me and say, “She’s going
to put everything on the computer,” and they are correct.
Some people are excited about this, and others are not.
There is no need to worry- the traditional procedures our
organization is accustomed to will remain firmly in place
while we also build online resources. The online access is
optional, and those who do not use a computer will not miss
out on any information; you’ll simply get the news a bit
slower.The Department has a new Secretary, but I hope you
find that it is “business as usual” if that is your desire.
We have a new website! The address is http://ndala.
org. This website is in its infancy and you may see several
changes to it. Our website will have pages for each program,
District, and Department meetings/conventions. All of our
forms will be available for download on our website.
We’ve also updated our Department email addresses.
Every officer and chairman has a new email address, and
that address will stick with the position. For example, you
can always reach the Department President at president@, regardless of who is in
office. We hope
that this will
assist members in
contacting their
believe a few
RoYAL members
Catherine Olson
may have gotten
Department Secretary
renewals, and I
apologize for that.
I have a bit more work to do to ensure that our Department
records match what the National office uses when sending
out renewals. I will have this taken care of before the next
renewal notice comes out. Also, many members have
reported their join dates are incorrect on their membership
cards. The National office is aware of why this error
happened to a few people, and they are very willing to fix it.
Simply notify the Department office if you find an incorrect
date, and we will get that fixed so it will not be a problem
Feel free to contact the office with any questions,
comments and suggestions. The office mailing address,
email, and office hours have all been updated in the Message
and on our website.
Page 8
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
President’s Report
From left, President Marlys Aubol and Past President
Linda Juntunen get into the costume spirit at Girls State.
As this year unfolds, I am in awe of what lies ahead for
this year.
It started with the installation ceremony at Williston.
Everything moved so quickly—the meetings convened,
business was taken care of, the meeting was adjourned,
and then the same room was readied for an emotional
ceremony—one that will take me and others on a journey
to unfamiliar territory. I haven’t been a president of an
organization that has almost 13,000 members and over
800,000 members nationwide. You may not have been a
District President before with several units who look to
you as their leader. You may not have been a committee
chairman before learning all about the different programs of
this great organization and focusing on one committee for
the year.
First of all, let’s stop and think how we got to this point—
we filled out an application form to become a member of the
American Legion Auxiliary. Our Dad, our Mom, our brother,
our sister, our spouse, our grandfather, our grandmother, our
great-grandfather, our great-grandmother, may have served
in the military to make us eligible to become a member of
the American Legion Auxiliary. After we became a member
of the auxiliary, we became involved in this organization in
our local unit—we helped distribute poppies or we helped
serve lunch on Memorial Day. We attended a District
meeting or two and met others who belong to different units
in our District, and we exchanged ideas on how to keep
our unit active. When we had time and a few extra dollars,
we attended the Mid-Winter Conference where we were
exposed to the many Committees of the American Legion
Auxiliary. We listened to the Committee Chairmen give
their yearly report; they told us how we can get involved
and stay involved on the local, district and department level.
We visited with many from all over the state, making new
friends. In June of each year, we attended the Department
Convention, where we conducted business and elected new
officers for the coming year. We visited with friends we had
Department Office Hours
Monday 2 to 10 pm
Tuesday 1 to 5 pm
Wednesday 8 am to 12 pm
Thursday 1 to 5 pm
Friday 1 to 5 pm
Contact Information
PO Box 13986
Grand Forks, ND 58208
made and also invited new friends into our circle. Then, our
new friends invited us to take on a new job—not familiar to
us, or we may have decided to become more involved on the
Department level. We may have rejected the idea at first, and
then slowly, slowly, slowly decided that these new friends
had faith in you as a leader—whoa! Me—a leader—I like to
follow. Then I decided that these new friends were serious
about their suggestions, and I decided it was an honor to be
considered a leader—your leader--you may have, too.
Remember, earlier I wrote about all the NEW people this
year—a new president, a new president elect/Membership
Chair, a new Vice President, a new Secretary, and new
Treasurer, five new district presidents, several new program
chairmen—yes we are all new—let us learn together and
work together to make a great year. We need all of you—the
whole Department—to work with us—it is our organization.
So, now we are on this year’s journey together—let’s enjoy
every minute of the trip!
When you read this, we will have recently returned
from the National Convention in Houston, TX, where we
were injected with enthusiasm and energy. Let us keep
that enthusiasm and energy going all year. The National
American Legion Auxiliary has a wealth of information on
the web site—please refer to this site often. If you do not have
a computer, or do not wish to use it to search for information,
please let me know and I will get the information to you.
There is something for everyone—local units who may be
looking for ideas to get new members, project ideas--the
National Project Chairmen have their plan of action laid out
for you to use. There’s information for district presidents,
officers, etc. If you have any questions about the website,
please call me and we will explore it together and find the
answer. The National website address is
Many of you know that my theme this year is “Serving
Veterans With Our Hearts” My symbol is a heart. I have a
project in mind and will have patterns for you at the District
Meetings. The VAMC and other medical facilities, give
heart-shaped pillows to veterans who have had surgery. I
want each of you to consider making a heart-shaped pillow
and bring to the Winter Conference. You can do this as a
unit or as an individual. Let’s get that sewing machine out
and running.
Linda Juntunen, Past Department President, used cans
to collect pennies for her theme “Pennies for Projects for
Vets”. Linda suggested that I continue with the can project;
only this year the can will read “Change from the Heart”.
Put a different cover on the same can which you can get from
the website or from me at a District Meeting. Distribute and
collect the same as you did last year—let’s see how much
change we can collect. The money collected will go towards
my projects—I have three—Girls State, Transportation
Fund at the Gladys Ray Shelter in Fargo, and a fountain to be
installed in front of the Veterans Home in Lisbon. I will also
have raffle tickets for a patriotic quilt and other items to be
given away next June at the Department Convention. The
quilt and other bazaar type items were handmade by Prairie
Quilters of New Town, of which I am a member. There
will also be something for the men, so they can purchase
tickets, too. With having several items for the raffle, there
will be several winners, so please buy a ticket or two and
sell them in your community. The tickets will be available
at the Winter Conference. Proceeds from the raffle will go
towards my projects.
There is a whole page in this Message that lists all of
the officers, District Presidents, Project Chairmen along
with their addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Please keep it handy. Remember, we are here for you—we
will help you.
I am looking forward to the District Meetings. I am
assuming that a list of the dates and places for the district
meetings is printed somewhere in this message.
October 12—Homecoming Reception –Jamestown,
Gladstone Inn for Commander Eugene Kachena, Robert
Jacobson, Grand Chef de Gare, and Auxiliary President
Marlys Aubol. Come join us at the Gladstone Inn for an
evening of refreshments, food, entertainment, fun, and
relaxation—let’s have a great time.
Linda Juntunen,
Outgoing President
Thanks Members
In for a penny,
in for a pound! This
is the phrase I used
during my installation
in Jamestown during
June of 2012. I used
this phrase to relate how
serious the ladies of this
organization are about
their work for Military
Children and Youth and
the families of Veterans.
Linda Juntunen
I also used the phrase to
open up the explanation
of my Presidents Project for the year, which was to
try to collect the equivalent of 1,000,000 pennies.
I had no idea at the time that I would literally be
hauling POUNDS of pennies to the bank. Thank
you all so much for the support of this project and the
support that you give to the Officers and Staff of this
great organization. At last count the contributions
to the “Pennies for Projects for Vets” balance was
$18,145.00, almost double what the goal was. Thank
you, thank you for your contributions.
I am looking forward to working with our
National Organization as the Department’s
representative on the National Executive Committee
as we work to further the aims and purposes of the
American Legion, which is our core purpose.
4 Are you a Unit Officer?
4 Do you like using the computer?
4 Would you like to make member
updates yourself?
4 Would you like 24/7 access to
running Unit reports?
If you answered yes to all these questions,
then gaining access to ALAMIS is for you!
ALAMIS is a web-based system, so anyone with a computer and internet
access can use it. The ALAMIS system allows a unit to make unit member address
and name changes. Units may run reports such as paid membership for the year,
unpaid membership, the unit roster as a whole, and a report of those marked
deceased in whatever time frame specified. New members can be added to the
system by the unit; the member simply stays in Pending status until the Department
office receives the application and dues.
The Unit’s cost is $10 per account. If interested, send the Department office the
user’s name, email address and $10.
North Dakota Legion News
September 2013
Page 9
ALA Programs Information
Girls State
As summer draws to an end, I bring you the latest in
Girls State news:
• The final registration numbers for the 2013 Girls
State session were 136 delegates and 131 in
attendance. In comparison to previous years, there
were 122 delegates in 2011 and 147 in 2012. The
efforts for recruitment show in a positive report and
there is a need to continue. New flyers have been
printed and are currently available for 2014 session
with the dates as well as business cards. They were
presented at Department Convention in June and
will be available at Fall District Meetings.
• 2013 was a successful session. Due to concerns
with the length of the Inauguration and Graduation
ceremonies, the Girls State Board will revisit the
schedule and see what changes can be made to make
this ceremony significant, while keeping the time
frame appropriate.
• Work outlines will be sent to your Unit President,
as well as one application per unit. You may make
copies of this application or print them off the web
site. If your copy is lost, please contact Catherine
Olson, Department Secretary, or Dana Thoreson,
Girls State Director.
• The City Mother program will continue and expand
to one auxiliary member per Girls State City.
The process to choose these positions will be an
application process. Applications will be due by
start of midwinter conference and selected mothers
will be announced at the end of the midwinter
conference. For details on this project, please see
the City Mother Recommendations below – or
contact any board member for more information.
• The 2013-2014 program operation recommendations
were approved by the ALA Executive Board on July
13, 2013. If you would like to receive a copy of this,
please contact Dana Thoreson, Girls State Director,
or Catherine Olson, ALA Department Secretary.
• The Girls State Board will continue to support
the recruitment process by working to set up the
recruitment teams to go in to the schools, in addition
to the ALA Units. This hasn’t worked out for every
area in the past, be we will continue to leave that
as an option to aid in recruitment. If you know of
any former Girls Staters in your area and they have
a positive outlook on the program, invite them to
share their experience. There is a short picture video
that can be viewed on the web site. This can be used
as a tool to explain what Girls State is and help girls
to make a decision on attending. Please contact any
board member with questions or concerns. The web
site is Remember – it’s not
just for girls that register for Girls State, but also for
those that want to take a closer look to help them to
decide attend, for parents that have questions, and
to help school staff understand the importance of
• Girls State has made positive use and media
coverage in the use of social networking via North
Dakota Girls State web site, Twitter, and Facebook.
Members are invited to join these networks and
share this information with potential future Girls
Respectfully Submitted,
Dana Thoreson
Girls State Chairmen
Poppy time is coming soon. Where has the summer
gone? Poppy orders are due by October 31. Please submit
your poppy order form by that date. The veterans really
enjoy making them for us.
Joan Buske
Poppy Chairman
Children and Youth
National Security
The Auxiliary’s Children and Youth program provides
care and strives to improve conditions for all children. The
purpose is to protect, care for and support children and
youth, particularly those of veterans’ families and military
families. Many children need your support, may it be with
special programs in school or helping those who have special
needs. April is Children and Youth Month, plan now to do
something special with the children in your community.
Easter is in April, contact your local organizers as they
always do something special, find out how you can help.
Help with after prom parties and after graduation parties,
as it is also much appreciated. During the summer there
are many children that could use your help with summer
activities, ballgames, and etc. Contact your Legion and see
if there is something your unit can help with.
The Child Welfare Foundation needs your support
financially, your contribution will help educate about the
needs of the special children. They need special care and
face many obstacles that we may not be aware of. Helping
children and youth makes a difference, for the child and for
everyone involved. A smile from a child is one of the most
rewarding gifts. Together we can all make a difference.
When you write your report in April it will be nice to
hear of how you participated with the children and youth in
your community. Thanks to all units who are involved and
making a difference.
Some of the great resources available are:
1. Operation Military Kids (American Legion Family
National Partner)
2. Big Brothers Big Sisters:
3. Boys & Girls Clubs of America:
4. The American Legion Children & Youth Programs:
5. The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation:
See program page on for
additional resources.
Thank you,
Sandra Petermann
Children and Youth Chairman
The National Security Program of the American Legion
Auxiliary, like so many other programs of the ALA, can
be an overwhelming program to tackle. The goal of our
National Security Program is to support activities that
address the practical and emotional well-being of military
service members and their families. The Auxiliary’s
National Security program hopes to ease the worries of
those deployed so that they can focus on the monumental
task of protecting our country. Auxiliary members step up
and reach out to care for military families in very practical
ways. More information about National Security Programs
can be found at
There will be four awards available this year through
the National Security Program they are:
1. Department National Security Program Award
2. Military Support Unit Award
3. Pass It On Membership Mission Award
4. Dorothy Pearl Civil Preparedness (CERT) Plaque
Further details of these awards and how to qualify will
be sent out in the monthly Unit mail outs. I will be explaining
the qualifications and deadlines for these awards.
As National Security Chairman for the Department of
ND I am proposing a special project for our Units. I have
dubbed this project:
“Security Blankets for National Security”
We will have fleece blankets available to be ordered
at a cost of $15.00 each. The blankets are able to be
embroidered. Your unit may order them, or your members
may make individual orders. The wording could be “A
gift from Unit ###”, or other wording of your choice, but it
will be limited. In keeping with National President Nancy
Brown-Park’s theme of “PASS IT ON” the idea is then you
would pass it on and deliver these blankets to your favorite
military personnel, active duty or not, or to the family of a
Veteran who might need a little “Security Blanket” while
they wait for the favorite Veteran to return home!
More details and order forms will be coming around at
Fall District meetings!
Linda Juntunen
National Security Chairman
Junior Activities
Let’s start the year off with a BANG!! Make sure and
get those Junior Members out and involved.
Invite them to your first meeting and let them know
you want them to help as much as they can. There are many
programs out there that they can get involved with. Adopt a
Soldier is a program were they would receive a Soldiers name
and address to write letters to and send an occasional package.
Invite them to help out at your District Meeting. Have them
carry in flags, be a page, or help serve and fix the meal.
Our junior members are always so busy with school,
and sports remind them that they can teach other kids
through their actions when they stop and show respect to the
flag, or sing the National Anthem at a game, also if they can
help with raising and lowering the flag at school. Help them
set up a drive at school to receive donations to send to the
Veterans Home or the Veterans Hospital.
Remember they are the future of our organization and
they are the future leaders of our country.
Thanks for all you did last year and let’s continue to
grow our junior member’s activities.
Robbin Witkowski
Junior Activities Chairman
The Purpose Statement of the Leadership program this
Auxiliary year is: “To develop and prepare knowledgeable
and capable leaders to carry on the growth and success of
the Auxiliary by promoting activities and resources that
educate, motivate, and mentor members of all ages and at all
levels of the organization.”
Please contact me if you are interested in educating,
motivating, or mentoring your fellow members. There are
a lot of opportunities to serve in various positions ranging
from the Unit to the Department level. My email address is; phone is 701-298-8573.
Thank you.
LaVonne Matthews
Leadership Chairman
Hi all, after a very hot and humid summer I’m steaming
to get going on memberships. I’m looking forward to a good
year and know that you’ll all exceed my expectations. I’ll fill
you in on everything at the upcoming District meetings, so I
hope to see you all then.
Arla Roth
Membership Chairman
National Security
Welcome to the 2013-2014 National Security Program.
This year the e-Bulletin will be published monthly and this
program will have an article in each one. Each committee
member will be reporting on the objectives and the action
steps throughout the year. If you ever have questions be sure
and contact the divisional chairman, or myself and if we do
not have the answer we will research to find it out for you.
As the year goes on we will need reports from each
department chairman. If you are the department chairman, the
divisional chairmen will be contacting you for these, of which
you will needs reports from your units. The first report will be
the Mid-Year report. The deadline for divisional chairmen to
have these reports to me is December 31, 2013.
Committee awards are Department National Security
Program Award, Military Support Unit Award, Pass It On
Membership Mission Award and the Dorothy Pearl Civil
Preparedness (CERT) Plaque. The criteria, due dates and
whom to send them to are listed in the Plan Of Action.
The committee is excited for the year to begin and we
look forward to working for you in the year of “PASS IT ON.”
With that being said, be sure and pass on all your knowledge
through your unit, district and department.
Marie Goede
National Security Chairman
Marcy Schmidt was elected as ND ALA’s Vice
President so I will be trying to follow in her footsteps. I am
looking forward to receiving news articles, photos and other
memorabilia so I can write ND’s ALA history for 2013-14
and make a scrapbook for Department President Marlys.
Thanks to Gladys Hanson, Eagelson-Meling Unit in
Milton, for the picture and info. It’s the first history for
the year.
History contest rules for 2013-14 are not yet available
but little changes in the rules from year to year so why not get
started on your Unit History now. If you write a paragraph
each month at your meeting by the time May comes your
history will be done. Of course, it might take more than
one paragraph to document all the wonderful activities your
members do for Veterans and your community.
It’s great if you repeat activities from other years.
Remember each one is new to me and this year’s history!
Lynn Tomlinson
Historian Chairman
Cont. on Page 10, Col. 3
Page 10
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
National Convention Report
Cont. from Page 9
VA & R
Hello again from your VA & R Chair:
Last year went by so fast and I know this year will also. I
am happy to be the Chair for this program and am excited to
work with all of you to help our Veterans and their families.
We will be working for the homeless again and also the
YWCA shelter. The shelter has mothers and children from
military families and they need our help also. I will have
more information in the packet that you receive from the
Department so, please read and share with everyone in your
units. We will be helping the VA Hospital and the homeless
program there and the patients. I just ask that you keep your
hours and money spent recorded to share with me next April
Have a great year and God Bless all of you and the
Veterans and families.
Mavis Goodroad
VA & R Chairperson
From left, Legion Department Commander Eugene Kachena, 2012 National American Legion Baseball’s All-Academic
Team Captain Gareth Hanson, ALA President Marlys Aubol, and Legion Department Commander-Elect Don Weible carry the
North Dakota banner in the National Convention parade in Houston, Texas.
By Marlys Aubol
Houston is a BIG city—I read that it is the fourth largest
city in the USA. I believe it—with six lanes of traffic as
we entered the city. WOW! Our Garmin was busy, and
we still made some wrong turns. There are so many oneways, and it seems that we always wanted to go the opposite
direction of the arrow! Oh, well……Many of you took to
the airlines—good idea, although we did enjoy the drive.
There were several pre-convention Committee
Meetings. Past President Linda Juntunen assigned each of
the delegates to one or more meetings. The topics were the
Auxiliary Programs.
Three workshops were offered—Membership,
Parliamentary Procedure and National Executive Committee.
The American Legion and Auxiliary Parade was great,
as always. The temperature and humidity wasn’t as high as
most of us anticipated. A fun time. We had the honor of
having the 2012 National American Legion Baseball’s AllAcademic Team Captain march with us after he marched at
the head of the parade in the parade of champions. He is
Gareth Hanson, from Enderlin, North Dakota. He is a fine
young man and gave a terrific speech on the opening day of
the American Legion Convention.
The Auxiliary had 14 delegates and several alternates.
It was enjoyable convention. Each program Chairman
gave a detailed report of their year as chairman. At the
conclusion of each report, the President asked if there were
any resolutions—if none, the report was complete, if there
were resolutions, they were presented and acted on at that
President Peggy Thomas presided over the convention,
and her theme was “Soaring to New Heights”
Thursday, at the close of the convention, Nancy BrownPark was installed as the new National President. Her theme
is “Pass it On”.
It is our duty to “Pass it On” for the coming year—
increase our membership, use our programs to the fullest,
and serve our veterans, the military and their families. What
a great organization we belong to—let’s pass it on to others.
Additional Options Available For Using Poppy Funds
The poppy has long been a familiar symbol of the
American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. It is a
symbol and project that many members hold dear. Recently,
several Units and Departments across the nation reported
their poppy program was struggling with the poor quality
of poppy products, a difficulty finding Veterans to make
poppys, and the desire to have expanded (donation) options
for the giving poppy funds.
In response, the American Legion National Executive
Council voted in May to revise the poppy program. The
revised program states that all efforts should be made to
have a Veteran create the poppy, but in the event the demand
is greater than the supply source, the use of a commercial
vendor (who conforms to the ALA specifications) may be
used. In North Dakota our Veterans are able to keep up with
the demand, and we do not anticipate any changes on who
creates our poppies at this time.
The revised program allows poppy funds to be used for
the following:
1. For the rehabilitation of veterans honorably
discharged from the US Armed Forces after April 6,
2. For the welfare of the families of veterans in the
above named period.
3. For the rehabilitation of hospitalized military service
personnel returning home and awaiting discharge
who require treatment in service hospitals.
4. For the welfare of veterans, active military personnel,
and the families of the veternas and active military
personnel of the above named period where financial
and medical need is evident.
The American Legion Auxiliary must follow the poppy
guidelines set up by the American Legion. As a result,
once the American Legion National Executive Council
revised the poppy program, Auxiliary National Executive
Committee made a corresponding resolution. The National
Convention body made several constitutionand bylaws
changes so that the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules
are in compliance with the new poppy resolutions.
The intent of these changes was not to change the
poppy program as most know it, but rather to allow options
for those units and Departments struggling to find quality
poppy products, Veterans to create the poppy, and to allow
additional options of distributing poppy funds raised.
ND “Remember our Fallen”
North Dakota American Legion Commander Eugene F. Kachena
North Dakota Legion Auxiliary President Marlys Aubol
North Dakota Forty & Eight Grand Chef de Gare Bob Jacobson
Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013
Gladstone Inn,
Jamestown, ND
Social Hour 6:00-7:00
Meal 7:00
Program To Follow
Menu: Sirloin Steak - Ham Steak
- Rosemary Chicken
A block of rooms under the
American Legion has been reserved.
To reserve a room call 701-252-0700 prior to Sept 25.
RSVP TO: Legion Headquarters (701-293-3120) indicating
number attending and your choice of menu item.
(with a three option menu the catering party
needs to know number of each)
(See Page 17 to RSVP)
There’s no place like
home. So make
yourself comfortable.
Do you know a company who would sponsor
this display in your community?
Their are seven-two week periods available
during the end of 2013, August through
December for a company to sponsor this
special memorial. Contact the ND Dept.
Headquarters and talk with the Adjutant, David Johnson. Call him at the
headquarters office 701-293-3120 with your local community contact
We never know what challenges we’ll
face, but coming home should always
be … predictable. The lights turn on,
room temperatures are just right and
pushing the “on” button starts the
appliances and electronics we use
for everyday tasks. Montana-Dakota
Utilities provides safe, reliable and
affordable electric and natural gas
services for our customers. Come on
in, put your feet up and make yourself
North Dakota Legion News
September 2013
Page 11
Department Convention Report
By Marlys Aubol
The American Legion Auxiliary Department Convention
was in Williston June 28-30th. Debbie Slais of the Williston
Unit was Chairman of the event. She did a great job, and I
am sure that it was a lot of extra work since there are many
changes going on in Williston with the oil growth “spurt”.
They had always planned to have shuttles taking us from the
motels to the Old Armory in downtown Williston — little
did Debbie know that just a few days prior to the convention,
the streets would be dug up on two sides of the armory, with
the other two sides having an alley and parking for another
business. The shuttles then became a necessity, so it turned
out great. The Auxiliary had meetings in the Old Armory
and luncheons, as well. They have had many changes in
their community and the changes continue, so we say “thank
you” Williston for your hospitality, patience and hard work.
There was some discussion regarding the combining of
the office of secretary and treasurer—no action was taken.
A committee was appointed to do research regarding the
Girls State Foundation that was established several years
ago. Tammy Ryberg, Marli Wicka and Marlys Aubol were
appointed to serve on the committee.
The following officers were elected for the 2013-2014
Marlys Aubol, President
Arla Roth, President Elect
Marcy Schmidt, Vice President
Catherine Olson, Secretary
LaVonne Matthews, Treasurer
Bev Wolff, Chaplain
Lynn Tomlinson, Historian
Thank you to Linda Juntunen, Past Department
President, for her leadership for the 2012-2013 year. We
appreciate all that she did for the American Legion Auxiliary
and the Veterans. Linda’s project was a great success, and
she had the veteran in mind, therefore, they will benefit from
her efforts.
From left: Karen Hasby, Marlys Aubol, and Arla Roth.
Convention attendees recite the Pledge of
Convention delegates enjoy proceedings.
From left: Catherine Olson and Arla Roth.
22170 LT.15944 LIT Media Ad Insert_Layout 1 3/27/12 9:53 AM Page 1
Silver and Gold Health Discount Plans
Legionnaire Insurance Trust has developed a discount card for health
care savings exclusively for Legionnaires in Your Department of The
American Legion. This card can save you money every time you
access the special services available to you.
No doubt you’ve noticed the increasing cost of health care
services such as eye glasses, hearing aids, as well as
diabetes supplies. This is why everyone should consider
a program that gets you the discounts you need.
woman of the Year luncheon attendees.
From left: Marli Wicka and Muriel Seidel.
Payment Form Questions
The September Unit mailing included a Payment
form which will be used to pay the mandatory fees. Upon
sending out the new form, the Department office received
notification that the National Rehabilitation fee is no longer
part of the National Auxiliary budget and therefore does not
need to be collected. Please do not pay anything towards
the National Rehab Fund.
Item 9 was added this year: Fidelity Bond. Instead
of charging $18 every 3 years for the fidelity bond, it was
decided to charge $6 each year and hopefully eliminate any
confusion when units are debating where they are in the
three year cycle.
A revised form will be released shortly and will contain
the above updates, as well as information about each fund
on the back.
The following schedule should be used to pay the
Hospital Assignment:
Benedict, Kindred, Ashley, Wing, Regent, Erie, Hoopes,
Fredonia, Gardner, Ross, Rutland, New Leipzig, Hannaford,
Neche, Medina, Milnor, Crystal, Columbus, Carson,
Mountain, Roseglen, Hankinson, Knox, Fingal, Milton
$15.00 FOR 1-39 MEMBERS
Abercrombie, Starkweather, Galesburg, Fairmount,
Osnabrock, Belcourt, Berlin, Pekin, Saint John, Oberon,
Edgeley, Sharon, Portal, Halliday, Mooreton, Bisbee,
Flaxton, Verona, Forbes, Center, Hunter, Leeds, New Salem,
Glen Ullin, Page, Thompson, Maddock, Mandaree, Plaza,
$25.00 FOR 71-100 MEMBERS
Pisek, Stanton, Donnybrook, Wimbledon, Harvey,
Ellendale, Rolette, Streeter, Garrison, Michigan, Finley,
Wyndmere, Watford City, New Rockford, Scranton,
Bowbells, Hatton, McClusky, Napoleon, Lidgerwood,
Sarles, Langdon, Upham, Cavalier, Flasher
Cont. on Page 12, Col. 1
$20.00 for 40-70 MEMBERS
Brocket, Aneta, Ray, Makoti, Cooperstown, Havana,
Walcott, Sheldon, Forest River, Powers Lake, Gwinner,
Noonan, Lisbon, Dunseith, Pembina, Hillsboro, Goodrich,
Parshall, Sandborn, Rhame, Wildrose, Hazelton, McHenry,
Lignite, New England, Harwood, Kildeer, Valley City,
Wishek, Dickinson, Hettinger, Alexander, Tolna, Buffalo,
Sherwood, Willow City, Elgin, Casselton, Portland, St.
Thomas, York, Almont, Gackle, Butte, Bowman, Hebron,
Manvel, Drayton, Mott, Forman, Hazen, New Town,
Lamoure, Tioga, Fordville, Wilton, Emmet/White Shield,
Northwood, Reeder, Grenora
Your Department believes these benefits will help
Legionnaires save money on important health care
services, be a resource for answers to vital health care
issues, and provide added convenience, quality and
security to their lives. That is why the Department lends
it endorsement to this high quality program. Legionnaires
interested in learning more about these programs can
call 1-800-235-6943.
SILVER PLAN - $25/year
Cole Managed Vision Care 45% - 60%
24-hour NurseLine
Diabetes Management
Liberty Medical
30% - 62%
GOLD PLAN - $60/year
Offered by the
Insurance Trust
24-hour NurseLine
Diabetes Management
Cole Managed VisionCare
Liberty Medical
45% - 60%
30% - 62%
Unlimited Access
Chiropractic & Alternative American WholeHealth
American WholeHealth
20% - 50%
10% - 30%
Long Term Care
Shopping & Dining
Healthcare Synergies
20% - 50%
5% - 30%
3% - 10%
See Plan Materials
Hotel & Car Rental
Concierge Services
United Marketing Group
15% - 25%
See Plan Materials
© AGIA 2012
4 Call today to become a Silver or Gold Member: 1-800-235-6943
4 Live Operators 7:00 a.m.– 7:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday
4 Bilingual Spanish representatives
Page 12
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
Unit #235 Donated To The Give 10
Fred C. Wagner Unit #235 in Rolla donated several items to the Mount Pleasant School for the Give 10 for education
Program. Items donated included pencils, paper, glue, calculators, rulers, scissors and many other needed school supplies.
Superintendent Kevin Baumgarn and Principle Kristin Mitchell received the supplies which were presented by Unit President
Esther Krumweide and Linda Juntunen, Department National Security Chairman.
Unit #265
Pictured are
four generations of
Melvin E. Bender
Unit #265, Streeter,
ND. From left: Judith
Williams - 50 years,
Denise Wittmier
- 45 years, Riley
Schwartzenberger - 5
years, and Christa
Schwartzenberger - 30
Unit #179 of Milton
The Eagleson Meling Unit #179 of Milton
celebrated a pause for the pledge and flag disposal of
unserviceable flags on June 14th, 2013. Pictured from left to
right are Linda Jonasson, Unit President; Sheila Sanders,
Membership Chairperson; Lois Lykken, Unit Chaplain;
Sergeant at Arms Tammy Clase is holding flags and her
daughter, the youngest member, Lexi Clase. Following the
ceremony, the unit served a potluck supper to about 100 guests.
The picture and ceremony took place on the Heritage area, the
plaque has the names of the WWI members of the American
Legion that organized Post 179.
Is Mission Training for Me?
If you are interested in meeting members and national leaders outside your local area who share
your passion for helping veterans.
If you want to share great ideas with other members across the country or renew your enthusiasm
for our mission.
If you find yourself growing more involved and you don’t know where to turn for the information
you need, or you have been doing the same activities for years and you want a fresh approach.
While the Auxiliary’s programs haven’t changed, the national leadership team has refreshed the Mission Training
content based on feedback from the past two years and your most frequently-asked questions.
For 2013, there will be two tracks to choose from Saturday:
From left: President Marlys Aubol and Commander
Eugene Kachena at State Fair Parade.
Cont. from Page 11
$30.00 FOR 101-130 MEMBERS
Adams, Carrington, Walhalla, Edinburg, Grand Forks,
Linton, Hope, Crosby, Lakota, Belfield, Grafton, Fessenden,
Little Shell, Park River, Minto, Grand Forks, Oakes, Rugby,
$35.00 FOR 131-160 MEMBERS
Velva, McVille, Washburn, Wahpeton, Stanley, Rolla,
Turtle Lake, Cando, Larimore
$40.00 FOR 161-200 MEMBERS
Mandan, Mohall, Lankin, Bismarck
$50.00 FOR 201-250 MEMBERS
Minot, Beach
$60.00 FOR 251-350 MEMBERS
Fargo, Williston
$70.00 FOR 351-450 MEMBERS
Track #1 American Legion Auxiliary Programs: What’s This All About?
This track will focus on the mission-outreach programs of the Auxiliary: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation,
National Security, Poppy, Education, Junior Activities, Children & Youth, ALA Girls State/Girls Nation and
Americanism. You will learn the essential information about each program and discuss ways individuals, small
groups and units can work those programs. Participants will have time to ask questions of experienced ALA leaders,
share stories and explore ideas together in a positive group environment.
Track #2 Organizational Effectiveness: Developing the Future Grassroots Leader in You
Some of the most effective ALA leaders don’t see themselves as leaders at all, yet they seem to find themselves
standing in front of groups of ALA members on a regular basis. Here’s your chance for a first-hand overview of
the tools you need to be a successful ALA leader. Your tools include important ALA documents and resources that
will help your unit and/or department deal with issues of governance, accountability, civility, planning and running
effective meetings, reporting. You’ll also learn what happens at national meetings, including who can attend. Hint:
most of the time, it is anyone! You will also hear how to recognize and mentor other leaders so a few individuals
don’t bear the whole burden of responsibility.
On Sunday, all attendees will meet together for a shared program covering membership, raising awareness of the
ALA, and the role of the ALA and the community.
All sessions have been designed to be interactive and fun for you.
Each day starts with a continental breakfast, and the program will run roughly from 9am to 4pm Saturday, with
optional socializing afterward, and 9am to 11:30am on Sunday. You are on your own for dinner and religious services;
the schedule was designed to give you that freedom.
In addition to continental breakfast both days, lunch will be provided on Saturday.
October 12-13 is held in Las Vegas, NV and Louisville, KY
and November 16-17 is being held in Hartford, CT.
If interested, contact Cat in the Department office.
North Dakota Legion News
September 2013
Page 13
From Your District Presidents
Greetings District 1 Ladies:
Welcome to the year 2013-2014. It is going to be
another great year with new ideas from our President Marlys
Aubol. Also, we have other new officers for the Department
of ND Auxiliary which will be adding information to make
this year interesting and eventful. Please read the packets
that you receive from the Department office, which is now
in Grand Forks where the new Secretary, Catherine (Cat)
Olson lives, Also, share the information with your members
in your units. The information that is sent out is always
important and helps with your projects.
I will be contacting you by mail when the District Fall
meeting will be and whereas soon as I know. Please try to be
there as it is an informative meeting from our President and
you also meet the new Department Commander.
I would love to visit and be a guest at a meeting of
yours, so please call 701-361-0413. Until later have a great
fall and God Bless Everyone.
Mavis Goodroad
District #1 President
Greetings District 2 Unit Members:
I want to thank
you for all you have
done for our veterans.
During the year I
want to reach out to all
of you. I would love to
attend a meeting or any
event you are planning
in your towns. Please
drop me a note at
Drive, Grand Forks,
ND 58201 or call me
evenings at 772-1839.
Please give me a few days in advance.
Membership is one of our greatest challenges. As an
Auxiliary member we need to get our young people to join
and to become active members so that we have new ideas
and more ways to help our veterans who have done so much
for all of us. There will be a handmade gift for each unit as
you make your goal in membership for this year.
If you have not sent me a list of your officers for the
coming year please do so, then I can schedule visits on my
calendar. Our fall District meeting will be held in Larimore
but the date has not been set yet. I am looking forward to
seeing you at the District meeting. We have lots of awards
to hand out for all your hard work last year.
Diane Kraemer
District #2 President
Greetings District 3:
As this is my third term as President I feel as though
quite a few of you know me but to all others here is some
info. I’m a 21-year member who joined under my husband
and have a PUFL membership. I’ve served as Unit President,
Treasurer and am currently Membership Chairman. I’ve
been Department Chairman of Community Service, and
Americanism and I am currently am your Constitution and
By-Laws Chairman. I am semi-retired. I work part-time in a
fast food restaurant and the local public library. I’m a widow
with two children, six grandkids, and one great grandchild.
My son (a veteran) works in Afghanistan nine months of the
year so I worry a lot but am very proud of him.
Sandy Smith
District #3 President
District 4 News for You!
Greetings one and all,
Summer is going fast and now time to be re-energized
as we work for our veterans and our American Legion
Auxiliary. This year we will be “Serving Veterans with
our Hearts,” President Marlys’ theme. We will continue
to collect “Change from the Heart for Vets.” Save those
pennies, nickels, dollars for our President’s projects. As
before, there will be a donation jar at our district meetings.
Thank you to all District 4 units for sending your updated constitutions to the Department Chairman, department
office and to me. I received a special patriotic “Welcome”
gift from the chairman for your completing this request.
DeLight Fercho, Streeter Unit, and I joined the
McClusky unit on August 14, at their salad luncheon and
meeting. Two Girl Staters and one high school student,
receiving their community citizen’s award spoke. The unit is
very involved in “Friends of Our Troops” sending hundreds
of signed Christmas cards with a short personal note, since
2001. Last year, the unit sent 530 cards! They were first in
ND for sending the most cards and two members received
certificates for personally sending over 100 cards from ND.
The unit pays the postage. Do you have new, unsigned,
unwanted Christmas cards? Send to the McClusky unit by
October 15th.
Our district meeting will be Gackle, Friday, October 11th.
I attended their first planning meeting and they are excited to
be our hostess. Please plan to have your unit represented.
Once again, I am proud to be your president for my
second year. Please let me know if there is any way I can
help your unit. I’m also planning visits, so let me put your
unit on my calendar, before winter begins!
Continue “Serving Veterans with our Hearts.”
Elsie Goldsmith
District #4 President
District 5:
Katie Pulley and I
have been elected 5th
My husband retired
from the Air Force in
1977 and continued to
work for the Federal
Government until he
again retired in 2001,
at which time I also
retired. We then spent
4½ years living and
traveling the country in
our 5th wheel. We saw lots of our great country and had
a wonderful time visiting family and many of our retired
military friends. Most of you know that the military becomes
part of your lives and continues to be an important part of it.
We are blessed to know so many men and women who have
made a career of serving and we thank them for that.
I am looking forward to the coming year and I know
you all will help me out! We are all in this organization for
one reason, OUR VETERANS, so let’s have a good year.
Katie Pulley
District #5 President
Greetings From District 7:
I am writing this letter with such pride this month.
First of all our National Convention is coming up the end
of this week and I am very excited to go and represent North
Dakota and Its 7th District as the District President .
As I take this journey as the new president I will do
my best. I am very interested in learning many new things. I
assure you I will make you proud !
I also attended the state conference in Williston and
learned many new things and hope to continue to learn
more. It was great meeting new people and seeing all of you
who attended.
I hope to see all of you soon for our Fall District
meeting. For that is coming up fast .
Remember Our Veterans, Service men and Woman who
have truly given us all Our FREEDOM.
Until we meet again,
Hollie Jacobson
District #7 President
Greetings to members of District Eight:
I have had the
privilege of meeting
many of you, and it
has been a wonderful
I am
to once again,the
opportunity to meet
as many members as
possible during my
visits to your units and
at our District meetings
this coming year. I look
forward to working
with you, our members as we work towards our goal for
helping our Veterans and the American Legion Auxiliary. A
special thank you to the units that invited me to visit your
units last year.
Membership is something that is very important to me.
I strongly believe that it is not up to just the Membership
Chairman to bring in new members. We all need to hold
onto the members that we have, while at the same time
trying to get new members to join our great organization is
not always an easy task. They are out there; we just need to
find them. I need the help of each and every member, so that
we can make our goal of 100% membership.
I would like to thank you, the members of the Eighth
District, for giving me the opportunity to be your District
President. With your continual support we will succeed
together. Thank you and God Bless.
Sandra Petermann
District #8 President
District 10:
I want to thank you all for allowing me to be your
District President again this year. For those I got to visit with
and see at District Meetings it was great hearing your stories
and learning what each of your units do to help and serve
our Vets. I also enjoyed
hearing what you do
for our current service
members as well. I am
a parent of a recently
member looking for
ideas to do for my sons
I am looking
forward to visiting
units in the district. If
you have something
going on please let me
know and I will try to visit your unit. As well, let me know
when your meetings are and I will try to schedule a visit. If
you have any questions about anything please contact me
and if I do not know the answer I will find someone who
does. Marlas’s theme this year is “Serving Veterans with
Our Hearts.” Continue to collect all the loose change we
can and give her a huge container of change at our district
meeting. I will have a prize for the unit with the most change
at the district meeting. Please count your change and bring
the change and your total to the meeting. I also would like
to have each Unit bring something to put in a care package
overseas to soldiers who are deployed. Let me know if you
have any questions on what to bring and I can send you a list
of things that are allowed or needed overseas. If you have
names and addresses of any soldiers overseas, please pass
those on to me.
I look forward to seeing you all at the district meeting
in Milnor. The meetings are always informative and this is
where we share lots of ideas. Membership Chairman and
President- Elect Arla will be there to explain the new year’s
membership plans. I am looking forward to hearing from all
of you and visiting with you.
God bless you all, the veterans, and all the military
currently serving at home and abroad. Hope you have a
service filled year as we all work for the veterans and service
Robbin Witkowski
District #10 President
Unit Officer
Sheets Requested
If your September unit mailing
included a yellow 2013-2014 Unit Officers
form, please complete and return it to the
Department office as soon as possible.
The following units need to submit this
District 1
Units 44, 60, 70, 202,
210 and 223
District 2
Units 107, 274, 240, 299, 201 and
District 3
Units 262, 185, 217, 98, 101, 179,
122, 164, 125,
District 4
All have been received- thank you!
District 5
Units 126 and 133
District 6
Units 26, 32, 112, 161, 213, 230,
253 and 270
District 7
Units 90, 91
District 8
Units 3, 71, 115, 151, 180, 273
District 9
Units 97, 271, 290, 121 and 29
District 10
Units 128, 106 and 84
September 2013
Page 14
North Dakota Legion News
Department Officers - District Presidents - Program Chairs
Department President - Marlys Aubol, PO Box 342, New
Town, ND 58763-0342, 701-627-3518, president@
Department President-Elect - Arla Roth 7865 74R St.
SW, Bentley, ND 58562, 701-824-2635 or 701-4263131,
Department Vice President - Marcy Schmidt, 1725 Park
Blvd S., Fargo, ND 58103-4733, 701-232-1327,
Department Secretary - Catherine Olson, PO Box 13986,
Grand Forks, ND 58208, 701-253-5992, secretary@
Department Treasurer - LaVonne Matthews, 313 22nd St
S, Fargo, ND 58103-1343, 701-361-8908, treasurer@
National Executive Committeewoman - Linda Juntunen,
5394 96th St., Perth, ND 58363-9302, 701-477-5536 or
Alternate National Executive Committeewoman - Betty
Malkowski, 106 4th Ave NE, Belfield, ND 58622-7222,
Department Historian - Lynn Tomlinson PO Box 1088,
Rolla, ND 58367-1088, 701-550-9097, historian@
Department Chaplain - Bev Wolff, PO Box 1060, Beach,
ND 58621-1060, 701-872-3309,
Parliamentarian - Lyla Semenko, 1810 1st Avenue E,
Williston, ND 58801-3574, 701-572-3694 or 701-5725371,
Americanism - Debbie Slais, 4734 119 Rd NW Lot 204,
Epping, ND 58843, 701-859-3823, americanism@
Cavalcade of Memories - Mary Ann Gefroh, 800 1st
Street NE, Linton, ND 58552-7434, 701-254-4528,
Children and Youth - Sandra Petermann, 621 1st Street
W, Dickinson, ND 58602-5004, 701-483-5176,
Community Service - Marlene Boyer, 262 4th Avenue
N, Carrington, ND 58421-1735, 701-652-3070,
Constitution, Bylaws & Legislation - Sandy Smith, PO
Box 982, Rolla, ND 58367-0982, 701-550-1025,
Education - Annette Zeller, PO Box 291, Carson, ND
58529-0291, 701-622-3004,
Auxiliary Emergency Fund - Marcy Schmidt, 1725 Park
Blvd S., Fargo, ND 58103-4733, 701-232-1327, aef@
JuniorActivities - Robbin Witkowski, PO Box 294, Gwinner,
ND 58040-0294, 701-678-3991, junioractivies@ndala.
Leadership -LaVonne Matthews, 313 22nd Street. S., Fargo,
ND 58103-1343, 701-361-8908,
Membership - Arla Roth, 7865 74 R St SW, Bentley, ND
58562, 701-824-2635 or 701-426-3131, membership@
National Security - Linda Juntunen, 5394 96th St., Perth,
ND 58363-9302, 701-477-5536 or 701-230-2779,
Poppies - Joan Buske, 403 South 6th Street, Oakes, ND
58474, 701-742-3527,
Public Relations - Linda Hyatt, 150 39th Ave. SE Unit 206,
Minot, ND 58701,
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation - Mavis Goodroad,
3030 22nd St. S, Fargo, ND 58103-5801, 701-2329356,
VA Hospital- Fargo - Marie Butz, 2102 N Elm Street,
Fargo, ND 58102, 800-410-9723, (home) 701-2825562
Veterans Home- Lisbon - 1400 Rose Street, Lisbon, ND
58054, 701-683-6500; Liz King, 701-683-6530 or 701683-4753; Tina King, 701-463-4309
Dana Thoreson, Chairman (1/3), 840 5th St., #1, Devils
Lake, ND 58301,
Lauren Hillebrand (2/3) -
Diane Kraemer (3/ 3), 2466 Estabrook Drive, Grand Forks,
ND 58201-6131, 701-772-1839, dianekraemer@gra.
Laurie Horton-Senger, Dean of Counselors (1 year), gs_
Gigi Moore (1 year term), 317 5th St S, Oakes, ND 584741907, 701-742-2647,
Tammy Ryberg, Chairman (3/3), PO Box 32, Bowbells, ND
58721-0032, 701-377-2813,
Charlotte Lassonde (2/3), PO Box 1104, Rolla, ND 583671104, 701-477-5234,
Betty Malkowski (1/3), 106 4th Ave NE, Belfield, ND
58622-7222, 701-575-4825, panhelski@ndsupernet.
Ginny Brazil, Chairman, 15103 63rd Street NE, Minto, ND
58261, 701-248-3931,
Betty Malkowski, Secretary, 106 4th Ave NE, Belfield, ND
58622-7222, 701-575-4825, panhelski@ndsupernet.
LaVonne Matthews, 313 22nd Street. S., Fargo, ND
58103-1343, 701-361-8908,
In Memoriam
UNIT 0001
UNIT 0001
UNIT 0002
UNIT 0002
UNIT 0002
UNIT 0003
UNIT 0011
UNIT 0012
UNIT 0012
UNIT 0013
UNIT 0013
UNIT 0013
UNIT 0013
UNIT 0014
UNIT 0014
UNIT 0014
UNIT 0014
UNIT 0014
UNIT 0018
UNIT 0018
UNIT 0020
UNIT 0021
UNIT 0021
UNIT 0026
UNIT 0026
UNIT 0026
UNIT 0030
UNIT 0030
UNIT 0030
UNIT 0030
UNIT 0030
UNIT 0037
UNIT 0040
UNIT 0040
Margaret M Brown
Bonnie J Stiles
Shirley Sether
Ora Bialke
Betty Stone
Edna Binek
Mary Guenther
Joy C Simon
Dorothy Elvrum
Eunice A Bjugstad
Frances E Johnson
Elsie M Aerson
Florence I Stra
Rose Marie Nihill
Irene Siebert
Elsie Geisler
Jodene Petersen
Wilma Larson
Eva M Pickar
Olive Breemuhl
Judy Uerberg
Dorothy Kuck
Ruby Munson
Fern F Thom
Ardis Huizenga
Gladys M Winstead
Marlys Foster
Anna Gaffrey
Naomi L Allmaras
Opal Williams
Alice Tillapaugh
Ina M Ross
Pat Uhlman
Veronica Glasser
UNIT 0041
UNIT 0048
UNIT 0051
UNIT 0054
UNIT 0062
UNIT 0062
UNIT 0062
UNIT 0066
UNIT 0071
UNIT 0075
UNIT 0079
UNIT 0079
UNIT 0097
UNIT 0098
UNIT 0100
UNIT 0100
UNIT 0101
UNIT 0110
UNIT 0122
UNIT 0122
UNIT 0127
UNIT 0134
UNIT 0135
UNIT 0143
UNIT 0144
UNIT 0144
UNIT 0147
UNIT 0147
UNIT 0147
UNIT 0151
UNIT 0153
UNIT 0154
UNIT 0157
UNIT 0162
Lorraine Labonte
Audrey M Hecker
Ruby A Braddock
Jeannette Lawler
Lea Bailly
La Rae Hornung
June L Slama
Margaret Brinkmeyer
Ione J Kjos
Ann Buck
Helen V Buchl
Delores Volden
Alyce McMillan
Clara F Thom
Gladys Remfert
Dorothy A Mutschelknaus
Marie Mitzel
Marjorie Haukedahl
Anita Aerson
Vernice Nielsen
Dorothy Elstad
Rita Wagner
Alpha Aaser
Alice M Oconnell
Magdalene Knopik
Patricia Steiner
Betty Praska
Marion Samson
Clara Budish
Marlene S Peterson
Kathryn Quam
Bernice Holden
Lorna E Maughlin
Lillie Gronaas
UNIT 0166
UNIT 0168
UNIT 0169
UNIT 0169
UNIT 0169
UNIT 0169
UNIT 0169
UNIT 0189
UNIT 0201
UNIT 0208
UNIT 0208
UNIT 0211
UNIT 0227
UNIT 0230
UNIT 0238
UNIT 0243
UNIT 0243
UNIT 0250
UNIT 0265
UNIT 0274
UNIT 0276
UNIT 0277
UNIT 0277
UNIT 0290
UNIT 0290
UNIT 0290
UNIT 0296
UNIT 0300
UNIT 0300
UNIT 0500
UNIT 0500
UNIT 0500
UNIT 0500
UNIT 0500
Marlys Rude
Mildred Conerton
Joy Ohnstad
Florence Klabo
Betty C Aerson
Doris E Eastburn
Ardyth M Bergh
Alice J Kessler
Jean T Knaus
Marian Sobolik
Judith L. Dunn
Esther Iszler
Gail D Johnson
Gweolyn K Frye
Denise Fuglem
Helen A Anseth
Marian M Miller
Myrtle Geiszler
Viola Remboldt
Mary E Skibicki
Floy Higgins
Alma Vanourney
Emma Johnson
Rita Satermo
Bernice Jarski
Vivian Pennington
Joan Youngs
Bertina J Chase
May Coffey
Lynne Leapaldt
Yvonne Amuson
Florence Brown
Beverly Kaczmarski
Lucille Liebig
Mavis Goodroad, President, 3030 22nd Street S, Fargo, ND
58103-5801, 701-232-9356,
Carol Jentz,, 8544 155th Avenue SE, Lidgerwood, ND
58053, 701-538-4802
District 1
Mavis Goodroad, President, 3030 22nd Street S, Fargo, ND
58103-5801, 701-232-9356,
District 2
Diane Kraemer, President, 2466 Estabrook Drive, Grand
Forks, ND 58201-6131, 701-772-1839, district2@
Darlene Karna, Vice President, PO Box 194, Lakota, ND
58344, 701-247-2743
District 3
Sandra Smith, President, PO Box 982, Rolla, ND 583670982, 701-550-1025,
District 4
Elsie Goldsmith, President, PO Box 248, Streeter, ND
58483-0248, 701-424-3476,
Elaine Thompson, Vice President, 215 7th St S, New
Rockford, ND 58356, 701-947-2801
District 5
Katie Pulley, President, 520 Bookwalter Ave., Wilton,
ND 58579, 701-734-6837,
District 6
Tammy Ryberg, President, PO Box 32, Bowbells, ND
58721-0032, 701-377-2813,
Marilyn Bott, Vice President, 38900 NW 226th Ave.,
Donnybrook, ND 58734
District 7
Hollie Jacobson, President, 208 Walter Ave., Almont, ND
58520, 701-843-7776,
District 8
Sandra Petermann, President, 621 1st Street W., Dickinson,
ND 58601-5004, 701-483-5176,
Bev Wolff , Vice President, PO Box 1060, Beach, ND
58621-1060, 701-872-3309,
District 9
Glenda Baker Embry, President, PO Box 404, Parshall, ND
District 10
Robbin Witkowski, PO Box 294, Gwinner, ND 58040-0294,
Gigi Moore, Vice President, 317 5th St S, Oakes, ND 584741907, 701-742-2647,
John 13:5
“ He poured water into a basin and began to
wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with that
with which He was girded.”
We are heirs to a servant whom we honor by
serving others in love and humility. Our duties may be
simple or even very important.
Let us bow our heads and hearts in prayer, each
in our own faith.
Move us, Dear God, that we may see life from
Your point of view. You know that at the heart of every
problem is a problem of the heart. Make our hearts
pure and a welcoming place. Amen.
Bev Wolff
North Dakota Legion News
Executive Committee Report
Department of North Dakota American Legion
Executive Committee Meeting
ND State Fair NDAL
Dave Rice
Comfort Inn, Bismarck, ND
Booth; It was requested
Committee Chairman
1:00 pm Friday, April 1, 2013
by Arnie Havelka the
Call To Order:
Dept. assist in the cost of
DEC Chairman Krause called the meeting to order
the State Fair and the NDAL continue to have a presence
at 1:00 pm with a salute to the colors and the pledge of
at the State Fair. Minot Post does not want to support the
allegiance. Kenny Wiederholt offered the prayer.
exhibit independently and is asking for financial assistance.
A Motion by Ted Becker to approve the modification
The cost for the space is approximately $300-$400 dollars.
and accept the agenda as presented, Seconded by Dave Rice.
Havelka indicated he would provide the staffing for the
Motion approved.
booth. No additional expense is anticipated. Dept. Adjutant
Minutes from the February 2, 2013 meeting were
is not attending the Fair, so travel costs is greatly reduced.
reviewed and discussed.
A MOTION was made by Ted Becker to approve payment
A MOTION by Ted Becker, seconded by Kenny
of the booth space rental costs, Motion seconded by Ken
Wiederholt, to approve the minutes as presented was
Wiederholt. Motion approved.
unanimously approved.
New Business:
Dues Increase for 2014-2015 Fiscal Year; Discussion
regarding a dues increase for the Department. Eugene
Financials were presented by the Dept Adjutant in the
Kachena presented the history of the previous dues increase
absence of the Finance Officer.
has having occurred in 2004, and that increase was $5.00.
Postage to the Legion News; is significantly higher
A dues increase would not affect the 2013-2014 budget, but
than previously budgeted. The Post Office requires two
would greatly impact the following years and help support
consecutive issues of the new format with advertising to
the continuation of the DVSO position. A MOTION made
determine our future postage rates. Upon completion, during
by Ted Becker, Seconded by Ken Wiederholt to present a
this time frame, the postage rate is reflecting our previous
$5.00 dues increase to the District Meeting as a means to
postage rate as it would have been without the change to a
gauge the receptiveness of the members to an increase.
periodical. Post Office will credit our accounts to the new
Motion approved.
NDAL ACOVA Candidates; The NDAL submits two
NDAL Checking Accounts; As a next step in the
candidates to the Governor’s Office for consideration as
consolidation of some of the accounting procedures, in the
appointments to the ACOVA Committee. A MOTION made
next fiscal year the combining of the various checking into
by Ted Becker, seconded by Eugene Kachena, to approve
the general fund checking account. Each account will be
Dean Overby for an additional term and Ron Mathews as the
identified by a line item within the checking line item.
second candidate. Motion approved.
2013-2014 Preliminary Budget; Commander Elect
Delegate Selection Criteria; Discussion was held
Kachena presented the preliminary budget for the 2013regarding the process for which TAL Convention delegates
2014 fiscal year. Discussion regarding the DVSO and the
are selected and the requirements for their attendance are
pending legislative activity leaves unanswered questions.
specific events during convention. Basic expectations
The presented preliminary budget indicated a projected
were discussed, and it was determined that the Convention
$30,000 deficit. Kachena indicated there were several areas
Chairman has the latitude to impose attendance requirements.
still in question that would affect the budget. These issues
No further action taken.
will be resolved before final presentation at convention.
Increase in Conference and Convention Registration
Employee Medical Costs; Discussion was held
Fees; Discussion was held regarding the increasing fees
regarding the review of the current Medical Maximum of
at the department meetings as a method to offset the
$5,000 per employee. Discussion is based on the escalating
department costs associated with the meetings. Currently
medical costs over the years. No action taken.
the Host Post receives all registration fees and the Dept.
Old Business:
provides for the officer and mileage, and per diem directly
2017 Conference and Convention Bids; Bismarck/
from dues income. It was discussed to increase registration
Mandan CVB presented a bid for the 2017 Winter
fees an additional $15 to offset department expenses. After
Conference with New Salem as the Host Post. Discussion
significant discussion, A MOTION was made by Kachena
included pricing or inclusion of incidental costs for meeting
to table the issue until after convention, due to pending
extra, i.e. coffee, piano’s etc. A MOTION was made by
action to increase dues at convention. Seconded by Becker.
Kachena seconded by Ludwig, to accept Bismarck/Mandan
Motion approved.
as the 2017 winter conference location with the Ramada
NDAL to Create a 501-C-3; The Adjutant presented
site and the 2017 Convention are awarded to Minot at the
the concept of creating a 501-C-3 Charitable organization
International Inn. Motion approved.
for the NDAL as a means to solicit grants from foundations
ND Boys State; At present approximately 25 boys have
and organizations outside of the Legion structure. Over 95%
registered on line. Quotes for bus routes have been received,
of all grants are issued to C-3’s, grants could be solicited
the northern route is approximately $4,500 and the southern
for immediate operating costs of the NDAL programs. No
route is $4,250. Donations are being sought to offset these
action taken.
high costs. Jim Clifford does not seem available to drive
Adjutant Report:
one of the routes, in the past he has donated his time for this
Adjutant reported on
effort giving Boys State a reduced rate. The greatest portion
the upcoming convention,
of these quotes is the bus lines making four legs of the trip
rooms, registration and
empty from their base to Wahpeton.
travel. NO action required.
Legislative Update; NDVCC, Chairman Krause
MOTION to adjourn
presented an update on the Legislative session to date. The
was seconded and Passed.
number of bills effecting Veterans increased significantly
DEC Chairman Krause
from many source outside of the NDVCC and ACOVA.
adjourned the meeting at
Krause and Rice have been diligent in the tracking and
3:07 pm.
testifying at committees relevant to the veteran issues.
Salute to the colors.
Dept. Service Officer Applicants; The Dept.
office currently has received six resumes from interested
individuals. Discussion regarding the filling of the position
is pending, relative to the
outcome of the legislation
Serving All
assistance to support
this position.
The VA
Your Oil Field
Regional Office manager
is seeking to remove the
Pumping Unit &
Tank Battery Set Up
claims have been made
and the DVSO has not
Pipe Line
been allowed to respond.
A MOTION was made
by Ted Becker to support
the DVSO with the valid
data, directing the Dept.
Commander, Adjutant and
Office 701-444-4083
Judge Advocate to support
Fax 701-444-4132
the DVSO in this process.
P.O. Box 530 • watford city, nd 58854
Robert Ludwig. Motion
September 2013
Page 15
District Meetings
To Start In West
The 2013 Fall District Meetings for The American
Legion and Auxiliary will be conducted September 23-27
and October 7-11 beginning in the western half of the state.
All meetings will begin at 7:00 pm Central Time, except
the 7th is at 7:30 Central Time. The District Commander
will conduct the District Meetings with the assistance of
the District Vice Commander and under the guidance of
the Department Vice Commander. Various Department
Officers and Committee members will be on the agenda to
bring Legionnaires up to date on their programs.
Boys State, Oratorical Contest and membership
will be the main subjects covered during the meetings.
Department Commander Eugene Kachena will be at all the
Each District Commander and/or “host post” will be
sending out additional information to the posts within their
respective districts.
Mon, Sept 23 - 5th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilton
Tue, Sept 24 - 7th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hebron
Wed, Sept 25 - 8th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Killdeer
Thur, Sept 26 - 9th . . . . . . . . . . Watford City
Fri, Sept 27 - 6th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bottineau
Mon, Oct 7 - 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belcourt
Tue, Oct 8 - 10th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milnor
Wed, Oct 9 - 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portland
Thur, Oct 10 - 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larimore
Fri, Oct 11 - 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gackle
Support your
ND American Legion
Place your company’s Ad
here, and reach out to the states
3.25” W x 3.0’” H
Call David @ the ND Legion
Page 16
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
American Legion
National Legislative
Council Started
Your NEC Report
With the new Legion Year in place, we have new
leadership on the District, Region, Department and National
Levels. One of our own is serving on the National Team.
National Vice-Commander Wayne Satrom was elected one
of five National Vice Commanders during the closing session
of the convention in Houston, Texas. Congratulations
Wayne! Chairman Dunham of South Dakota is serving as
National Historian for the 2013-2014 year, another honor for
our region.
Those attending the National Convention in Houston
got to enjoy weather very similar to what was happening
here in North Dakota. Temperatures around 94 degrees if
my information was correct each day.
The new National Commander testified before the Joint
House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committee on September
10 followed by members of the Legislative Commission
visiting with their Congressional Delegation to seek support
for the Legion’s priorities. Wayne and I met with Senators
Hoeven and Heitkamp as well as Congressman Cramer.
We can feel confident they are on the same page with our
veterans. Be sure to thank them as you get a chance.
Curtis Twete
National Executive Committeeman
As I listen to the debate over Syria, it seemed ironic
that John Kerry would take the position he did when it was
someone else’s sons and daughters involved as opposed
to his own self. It would seem appropriate if involvement
were approved that he and Jane Fonda spearhead the attack.
Perhaps that could be stipulated in the vote for approval.
For those Posts that take a sabbatical from meeting
during the summer months as mine does, it is now time to
address membership and the programs for the new year.
Be sure to invite your District Commander and/or Vice
Commander to a Post meeting and have them update you
on Commander Kachena’s agenda for the year. Working
together, this can be another successful Legion Year. With
District meetings just around the corner, I hope we can see a
great turn out in each of the ten Districts.
Happy Harvest for those deep in that process.
From left, William A. Rakestraw, Wall, New Jersey, Northeast Region; Douglas Wayne Wooddell, Aurora, Colorado,
Western Region; Robert Eugene Newman, Garrett, Indiana, Central Region; Paul E. Dillard, Whitesboro, Texas, Southeast Region;
and Wayne Satrom, West Fargo, North Dakota, Midwest Region.
ND Sons Of The American Legion
Hello, my fellow Legionnaires. I just want to take
some time and go over a few things that made this a great
year. Membership is going to hit 100% after convention. I
am so proud of this accomplishment. Thank you to all the
squadrons that put forth such great efforts this year. Also
thank you to all the Legion posts and Auxiliary units who
kept after the squads to keep them moving forward. All I can
say is, “Let’s keep our membership going upward.”
Now for some announcements. I have always felt that
being part of the Legion family is supposed to mean that
we help our family members, so I proposed that the Sons
of the American Legion should help our American Legion
by having a small dues increase of three dollars. In the year
2015, the S.A.L. dues will be going up 3 dollars, with the
money collected going directly to a Legion program every
year. The specific program will be voted on at summer
Next we have new officers who were voted in at this
year’s summer convention. I was sad that Mr. Tim Tuma
had to step down as our NEC and I thank you, Tim, for
what you have done in this position. I am looking forward
to working with Mr. Bill Peschel, our newly elected NEC.
Since Bill moved to our NEC office, we needed an Adjutant.
Mr. William Witkowski will be filling this position for us
and I am looking forward to working with this young man.
I believe he is going to do great things for us and with us.
Our Sgt. at Arms, Frank Vondra also needed to step down.
Frankie, I have also enjoyed working with you. I hope all
goes well with you in your future endeavors. I would like
to thank Mike Miska for taking over this office and am
looking forward to working with you. We have had some
good changes this year, and I can only say that I am excited
for this upcoming year.
On the same note, I do have some sad news to report. I
am having to step down next year due to personal reasons.
However, it is my hope to go out with a bang. My mission
this year is going to be huge. I want to have two things
accomplished this year. First, I want 1,000 members by next
June. I know it can be done. Although we have had growth
since I took office, I feel that I have failed in keeping our
members. I am sorry for letting those members slip out the
back door. I ask you to help me to welcome each of them
back in through the front door. Let’s get out and find these
members together, talking to them to find out why they left. I
don’t want to see people feeling left out or forgotten. Remind
them of the programs we do support. Give me their names to
me so I can help them to feel welcome in our Legion Family.
Let’s also get out and find those new members that just don’t
know about their eligibility in this great Legion program. I
joined for one simple reason. Honor. I honor my father’s and
my grandfathers’ service to this country, and I believe in this
program to do great things. It is that honor of our parents’
and grandparents’ service that I believe will bring members
to us. But if they don’t know, how can we expect them to
come. We need to ask people.
The other thing I want to see happen is having 1,000
ducks sold for next year’s convention. I know we could not
have the race this year in Williston at the convention, but
let’s face it—it’s dry out there in the western part of the state.
There were area issues that we just could not seem to get
around, and we didn’t have a good river to race them in.
It was sad. but, the Mighty Mouse will prevail. When we
go to Minot in 2014, I am hoping that the Mouse River is
going to be ready for some good old-fashioned duck racing.
I am excited to see 1,000 ducks floating down the river,
even without being called by our newly-elected Commander
Eugene Kachena! Just kidding, Commander.
So that’s it, I am shooting for the Thousands this year.
One thousand members by June and 1,000 ducks for the
race. I am looking forward to this challenge and am hoping
my team is also.
Let’s have another great year guys and let’s keep
planting for the future.
[Here in North Dakota]
Dave Rice
National Legislative Council Vice Chairman
Department of North Dakota
The National Executive Committee created a National
Legislative Council in 1975, the purpose of which was
to propagate an interest in and a furtherance of the
legislative goals of The American Legion, and to serve as
a medium of disseminating information and of developing
an understanding with our elected representatives in the
The purpose and procedures of the Council was
updated in 1992 by NEC resolution. In short, the purpose
of the National Legislative Council is to facilitate a stronger
one-on-one liaison with all members of the United States
Congress. The National Legislative Council is composed
of a National Chairman, a National Vice Chairman from
each Department with a congressional delegation and 535
general members who serve two year terms to coincide with
the terms of Congress. The National Legislative Council
is relied upon to reinforce The American Legion’s overall
legislative efforts, particularly at times when immediate and
personal contact with congressional members is necessary;
The Department of North Dakota Council Members are
as follows:
Dan Stenvold,
Council Member for Senator John Hoeven
Eugene Kachena,
Council Member for Senator Heidi Heitkamp
Curt Twete,
Council Member for Congressman Kevin Cramer
The American Legion establishes its Legislative
Priorities for each session of Congress. Legislative
information and priorities can be found at: http://www. A North Dakota Delegation travels
to Washington DC to attend the National Winter Meetings
at which time we visit with each of our representatives and
discuss our priorities and ask for their support on these
The Council Members and Vice Chairman listed above
also maintain contact with our delegations staff here at
home throughout the year. Our goal is to build a working
relationship and offer creditable advice and council on issues
facing our troops and veterans. Please feel free to contact us
if you have any questions or recommendations.
Have You Paid
Your 2014
Membershp Dues?
Place your Ad or a
Coupon For your
Advertise an Event
3.25” W x 5.0” H
Contact David @
ND Dept.
American Legion
North Dakota Legion News
VA 2013 Suicide
Prevention Month
WASHINGTON— In recognition of September as
Suicide Prevention Month, the Department of Veterans
Affairs is mobilizing people and organizations nationwide
to support Veterans in crisis and spread the word about VA
mental health services.
Throughout the month, VA suicide prevention
coordinators at all 151 VA medical centers will organize
community events, host health fairs, lead training sessions
and work with VA Voluntary Service to improve Veterans’
lives. VA is also launching a new Suicide Prevention Month
public service announcement, “Talking About It Matters”
nationwide in September.
“VA’s highest priority is the mental health and wellbeing of the brave men and women who have served our
Nation. Even one suicide is one too many,” said Secretary
of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki.“VA is a leader in
providing high-quality mental health care that improves and
saves Veterans’ lives. We know that treatment works, and
there is hope for Veterans who seek mental health care.”
This year’s theme, “It Matters,” emphasizes the people,
relationships and experiences that matter to Veterans and
their loved ones, reinforcing their personal connections and
giving their lives hope and meaning. To spark conversation
about the difficult topics of suicide risk and prevention,
VA will unveil a photo-sharing campaign, “Show Us What
Matters,”and will invite Veterans and their loved ones
to upload photos of the special people in their lives to
“When a Veteran is in crisis, even one small act can
make a lifesaving difference,” said Dr. Robert A. Petzel,
VA’s Under Secretary for Health. “It’s up to all of us to
understand the signs of crisis and look out for the Veterans
in our lives. And when we are concerned, we need to reach
out and tell someone.”
Throughout the summer and through September, VA
is holding Mental Health Summits at all 151 VA medical
centers to further engage community partners, Veteran
Service Organizations, health care providers and local
governments, and to address the broad mental health needs
of Veterans and their families and show them they matter.
VA is calling on supporters to educate their networks to
recognize suicide warning signs and encourage Veterans in
crisis to call the Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255 and
Press 1), chat online at or text to
838255 – even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled
in VA health care. All Veterans Crisis Line resources are
optimized for mobile devices.
“We urge Veterans’ loved ones—and everyone—to
show support for Veterans during Suicide Prevention Month
and throughout the year,” said Dr. Janet Kemp, director of
VA’s Suicide Prevention Program. “Learn to recognize the
risk of suicide and let Veterans know that caring, confidential
support is only a call, click or text away. Families, friends
and co-workers need to work together to provide a network
of support for Veterans in our communities. We’re all in this
Anyone can support Veterans by:Encouraging a Veteran
who needs help to call the Veterans Crisis Line. Remind
them that it takes courage to seek help.
• Connecting with a local Suicide Prevention
Coordinator and taking part in a local event.
• Watching the new Suicide Prevention Month public
service announcement, “Talking About It Matters”
• Downloading an electronic toolkit to share Suicide
Prevention Month web badges, banners, blog posts
and social media content.
• Sharing a photo at
• Tweeting your friends and loved ones with the
following message: “One small act can make the
difference. This #SuicidePreventionMonth, help
#Veterans access the support they’ve earned:”
VA has implemented comprehensive, wide-ranging
suicide prevention initiatives, including a toll-free Veterans
Crisis Line, placement of Suicide Prevention Coordinators
at all VA medical centers and large outpatient facilities,
and improvements in case management and reporting. The
Veterans Crisis Line, online chat and text-messaging services
offer free, confidential support, 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, 365 days a year, to Veterans, their families and friends.
Veterans, or anyone concerned about a Veteran,
can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online at or text to 838255 to receive
support—even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled
in VA health care. All Veterans Crisis Line resources are
optimized for mobile devices.
Since 2007, the Veterans Crisis Line has answered more
than 890,000 calls and made more than 30,000 lifesaving
rescues. In 2009, the Veterans Crisis Line added the
anonymous chat service, which has had more than 108,000
To further expand access to quality mental health care,
VA has hired over 1,600 mental health clinical providers to
Cont. on Page 20, Col. 1
September 2013
Page 17
Service Officer’s Column
Greetings fellow Legionnaires,
I’d like to thank all the people who have wished me well
since taking over as the Department Service Officer. For my
first article as your Department Service Officer, I would like
to share with you the first question I had to ask. What does a
Department Service Officer do? Anyone who has dealt with
the VA knows it is a large bureaucracy and compensation law
that is complex and vast. The Department Service Officer
is trained to be a skilled advocate for veterans seeking the
benefits they have earned. I found the following list online
that lays out the job of a Service Officer pretty well:
1. To assist the veteran in the VA claims process and
advise the veteran on the benefits for which they qualify.
veteran’s law under Title
Bryan Watters
38, Code of Federal
Department Service Officer
Regulations as it pertains
to the veteran’s claim.
3. To see that the claim is properly and timely filed.
4. To review the claim when granted to assure that all
benefits the veteran is entitled to have been awarded.
5. If necessary, in the event the claim is denied, to assist
the veteran through the appeals process.
In short, my focus is to protect veteran’s rights while
they are navigating the claims process. I truly look forward
to being an advocate for veterans.
40 and 8 News
La Societe des Quarante Hommeset Huit Chevaux
By Robert Jacobson, Chef de Train/Publicist
The 40 & 8 is moving forward. The Directeurs of
the Locale Voitures should all have their reports submitted
to the Grand Directeurs who in turn should have most
submitted to Nationale and to the Grand Correspondant.
I have received membership rosters for each Locale from
Nationale and entered them into a searchable Excel file. The
Locale Correspondants must notify Grand Correspondant
Bob Krause of any changes or corrections to the contact
information. Also all Locale Correspondants need to supply
the Grand Correspondant with a current list of Officers and
Directeurs for their Locales.
Homecoming for the new Department Commander,
Department President and Grand Chef de Gare is coming up.
It will be held in Jamestown at the Gladstone Inn on Saturday,
October 12. Department Commander Eugene Kachena has
blocked rooms for the event. There will be a Fall Cheminot
held on Saturday afternoon at
2:00 pm.
We are revitalizing the
40/8 website. It is found at Nationale has
published the first issue of a Nationale electronic Newsletter
(also one from the Dames) sent to those who have provided
them with email addresses. We are looking to publish a
regular newsletter electronically and by mail to the Locale
Chefs de Gare and Locale Correspondants.
The 40 & 8 was established as the “Fun” side of the
American Legion. Let’s pull together and get the Fun
happening across the state. Let us know what is happening
in your Locales – dinners, parties, school events, veterans’
events and the like. We can help you “Toot your horn” and
maybe even include some pictures.
2013-2014 HOMECOMING
North Dakota American Legion — Commander Eugene F. Kachena
North Dakota Legion Auxiliary — President Marlys Aubol
North Dakota Forty & Eight — Grand Chef de Gare Bob Jacobson
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Gladstone Inn, Jamestown, ND
Social Hour 6:00 — 7:00
Meal — 7:00
Program — To follow
Sirloin Steak
Ham Steak
Rosemary Chicken
Cost $25 per person
A block of rooms under the American Legion has been reserved.
To reserve a room call 701-252-0700 prior to Sept 25.
RSVP TO: Legion Headquarters (701-293-3120) indicating number attending and your choice
of menu item. (with a three option menu the catering party needs to know number of each)
Please return this portion along with your payment or you can call in your menu item and
pay at the door.
Please indicate your menu choice below:
Sirloin Steak
Ham Steak
Rosemary Chicken
Please enclose Payment of $25 per plate
Mail Payment to:
ND American Legion
PO Box 5057
West Fargo, ND 58078
Page 18
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
The following North Dakota Legionnaires have been reported by their respective posts to have died
and been transferred to the Post Everlasting. “Because of them, our lives are free;
Because of them, our nation lives; Because of them, the world is blessed.”
Bismarck - Post #1
Ackerman, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/26/2013
Baglien, Donald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/19/2013
Borner, Al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/15/2013
Engstrom, Leslie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04/07/2013
Nelson, Gary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Pendergast, Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/26/2013
Praus, Frank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0704/2013
Saefke, Fred Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/25/2013
Sherman, Harrison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/06/2013
Tjaden, Jerry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/26/2013
Tschider, Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Wanser, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02/20/2013
Hillsboro – Post #4
Fankhanel, Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Morlock, Arthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Beach – Post #5
Farstveet, Keith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Kreitinger, Hugo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Olson, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Weidner, Albert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Grand Forks – Post #6
Bina, Leonard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Haynes, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Helgerson, Arral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/20/2013
Johnson, Sanfred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/01/2012
Keller, Earl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/11/2013
McGarry, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/23/2013
Lisbon – Post #7
Bratvold, Tore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Mayville – Post #8
Little, James M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Skar, Orville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Cavalier – Post #11
Martin, Dennis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
McCurdy, C. R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Moe, Cecil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Jamestown – Post #14
Carlascio, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/2013
Cichos, Jerome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/16/2013
Gabrielson, Earl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Gray, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/20/2013
Lyman, Harvey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/25/2013
Oak, Clarence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Schlager, Keith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/11/2013
Schlecht, Roy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Casselton – Post #15
Sinner, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Siverson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Zieske, Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Aneta – Post #16
Hillesland, Gene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Sandbeck, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Sykeston – Post #17
Koutz, Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/26/2013
Kuss, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/02/2013
Wahpeton – Post #20
Schatz, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/22/2013
Stern, Lester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/14/2013
Lakota – Post #21
Swingdoff, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Rugby – Post #23
Degenstein, Leo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/2013
Carrington – Post #25
Berglund, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Minot – Post #26
Anderson, Harry Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/17/2013
Anderson, Roy W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/31/2013
Berdahl, Marlen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Black, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/15/2013
Garbe, Carl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/11/2013
Riebhoff, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/01/2013
Stumbaugh, Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/02/2013
Ternes, Otto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/16/2013
Watford City – Post #29
Bazer, Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/28/2013
Tweden, Ordean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/13/2013
New Rockford – Post #30
Allmaras, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/28/2013
Ingwaldson, Gary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/08/2013
Nielsen, Axel S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/11/2013
Topp, Calvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/27/2103
Drake – Post #32
Rieniets, Wayne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/15/2013
Senechal, Donald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/21/2013
Fessenden – Post #33
Neuenschwander, W. A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Pranke, Vernon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Oakes – Post #36
Day, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Velva – Post #39
Francis, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Fry, Edson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/19/2013
Mandan – Post #40
Johnson, Herman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Miller, Kenneth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Tomanek, Roy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08/03/2013
Bottineau – Post #42
Awalt, Lloyd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Bayne, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Hagboe, Gordon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Solper, Everett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Stewart, Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03/29/2013
Killdeer – Post #46
Beckert, Donald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Privratsky, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Bowman – Post #48
Bolte, Alfred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/14/2014
Garrison – Post #49
Hummel, Walter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Ashley – Post #53
Mayer, Marvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Weber, Calvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Goodrich – Post #56
Bergstrazer, Lucille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
King, Willis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Valley City – Post #60
Oberg, Marlin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/02/2013
Person, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/09/2013
Spelhaug, Glennis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/16/2013
Kenmare – Post #64
Byrd, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Wing – Post #65
Eckholm, Walter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Moses, Marlowe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Hatton – Post #70
Hjelmstad, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Johnson, Wayne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Lenz, Earl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Mastrud, Myron Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Mott – Post #71
Johnson, Elmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Napoleon – Post #72
Gross, Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Pembina – Post #77
Guttu, George. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Forman – Post #82
Avery, Delbert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Sundquist, Morris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Nome – Post #83
Bjerke, Simon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Clauson, Kenneth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Minnewaukan – Post #86
Shaver, Kenneth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Wishek – Post #87
Brosy, Elmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/06/2013
Meidinger, Marvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/16/2013
Hankinson – Post #88
Hejtmaner, Bradley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
New Salem – Post #91
Goetz, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/17/2013
Kaelberer, Raymond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/03/2013
Vogel, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/2013
Northwood – Post #92
Korsmo, Peder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/11/2013
Kringlie, A. Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03/22/2013
Lee, Marvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/14/2013
Portland – Post #93
Forsgren, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Larimore – Post #97
Elyea, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Moreland, Elwin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/24/2012
Swanson, Albert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/17/2013
Langdon – Post #98
Bisenius, Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Field, Duane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Lill, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Nicoson, Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Ryder – Post #99
Cunningham, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Fairmount – Post #106
Braun, Leander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/12/2013
Zack, Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/23/2013
Crystal – Post #107
Juenke, Arnold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Binford – Post #111
Zentz, Oliver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/24/2013
Willow City – Post #112
Atkinson, Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Schultz, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Vollmer, Raymond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Hettinger – Post #115
Huether, Duane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/20/2013
Krambeer, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/20/2012
Smith, N. G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/12/2013
Uecker, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/01/2012x
Grenora – Post #116
Hoehn, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Nelson, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Stippich, Laverne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Maddock – Post #123
Nelson, Duane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
McClusky – Post #124
Lebel, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Hazelton – Post #126
Lammert, Lawrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/01/2013
Bowbells – Post #127
Bird, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Redmer, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Turtle Lake – Post # 133
Grabinger, Leonard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08/19/2013
Jensen, Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Rust, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Ellendale – Post #137
Cox, Francis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Park River – Post #147
Hall, Conrad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Milnor – Post #148
Lien, Gary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Odegard, Milton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Scranton – Post #151
Swanson, Clifford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Granville – Post #155
Krout, Leroy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Wilton – Post #163
Schafer, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Walcott – Post #166
Anderson, Hugo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
St. Thomas – Post #168
Hughes, Donald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Rinde, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Walls, Francis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Berthold – Post #171
Rademacher, Arthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Bowdon – Post #175
Hanson, Norman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Suckut, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Milton – Post #179
Nelson, Irvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Rhame – Post #188
Getz, Roger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Jones, Lowell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Hazen – Post #189
Baisch, Reuben. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Mittelsteadt, Albert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Obenauer, Jerry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Sandau, Clifford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Rolette – Post #194
Lynnes, Arthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/13/2013
Oakland, Raymond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/23/2013
Sanborn – Post #202
Klein, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05/30/2013
Mikkelsen, Ejvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/15/2013
Woodworth – Post #205
Schulz, Leno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/21/2013
Lehr – Post #218
Buchholz, Laurence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Makoti – Post #230
Bigelow, Ronald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Nush, Ardell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Rensch, Gerald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Zieman, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Glen Ullin – Post #239
Hartinger, Joe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/06/2013
Wehri, Waldo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/04/2013
Hoople – Post #240
Midboe, Harlan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04/14/2013
Halliday – Post #258
Voltz, Leslie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Upham – Post #269
Isakson, Alfred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Resler, Arthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Butte – Post #270
Strutz, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/23/2013
Regent – Post #273
Uhler, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/05/2013
Sarles – Post #276
Eng, Ronald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Glachutt – Post #282
Syvertsen, Clayton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
New Town – Post #290
Christensen, Myles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Erickson, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Nesheim, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Stevenson, Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Harwood – Post #297
Quam, Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Newburg – Post #302
Walz, Leonard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not reported
Post #500
Platt, Duane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06/26/2013
Stradinger, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/23/2013
North Dakota Legion News
September 2013
Page 19
Local Posts in the News
Your local Post can be featured on this page in future issues by sending photographs and short stories to: North Dakota
Legion News, P.O. Box 5057, West Fargo, ND 58078. All photos must be originals and cannot be clipped from local newspapers.
Stories from local newspapers can only be reprinted with the written permission of the editor.
Color Guard Participated In Opening Ceremonies
American Legion Post 98 Langdon, ND, Color Guard participated in the Opening Ceremonies and other events of Langdon’s 125th Anniversary Celebration. Pictured are (L-R): Post
Adjutant Leon Hiltner, Post Commander Steve Anderson and Post Sergeant at Arms Harvey Schneider.
Legion donates $47,015 in Gaming Funds Legion Members
From Post 100
The Gaming Committee of The American Legion Carl E. Rogen Post #29 of Watford City, has donated $47,015 from
its first quarter of 2013 charitable gaming proceeds to 31 community groups. Shown is front row: Ben Weltikol, Watford City City
Fire Dept, $5,000; Kerry Krikava, McKenzie County Ambulance Service, $5,000; Denise Grantier, Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt,
$200; Keith Larson, Watford City Little League Baseball, $1,000 and Legion Baseball, $1,300; Ann Johnsrud, American Legion
Auxiliary, $965, and Music Camp, Memorial Day and Veterans Day Suppers, $1,250; Tori Hopkins, Watford City Close-Up, $500
and W.C.H.S. Softball Boosters,$2,000; Cheryl Grantier, Tobacco Garden Playground Equipment, $1,000; Gary Schwartzenberger,
Boy Scout Troop #382, $1,700; Harold Larson, Arnegard Fire Dept. $1,000 and Arnegard 4th of July, $500; Darcy Delany, Alexander
Fire Dept, $1,000, Alexander First Responders, $2,000 and Lil’ Wrangler Youth Rodeo, $300; and Ron Broderson, Post #29 Drill
Team, $2,000. Back row: Jared Lovaas, Grassy Butte Fire Dept, $1,000; Kathy Skarda, W.C.H.S. After Graduation Party, $300;
Karla Quale, Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt; CariLiebel, Watford City Baseball Boosters, $1,000; Joanne Allex, W.C.H.S. After
Prom Party, $300; Robin Arndt, Watford City Park District, Dugout Shelters,$2,500; Leann Voll, McKenzie County Hockey Club,
$5,000; Stacy Arnegard, Tobacco Garden Playground Equipment; Raynette Samuelson, Good Shepherd Home, $2,000; Lloyd
Alveshere, Keene Fire Dept, $1,000 and Keene Dome, $300; and Jerry Samuelson, ND Veterans Home Foundation, $500.
Earlier donations included $200 for the ND Association for the Blind; $100 for the ND Special Olympics; Brian Szostak, $1,000
to assist with damage from a house fire; and $5,100 in scholarships for W.C.H.S. graduates
Brothers Ray Lutz of Great Falls, Montana and
Don Herrly of Watertown, SD, are pictured with their Past
Department Commanders Hats recently when they gathered
for a reunion of the surviving children of Emma (Buchholz)
Martin. Ray was the Department (State) Commander of the
Department of Montana VFW for the 2006-2007 membership
year. Don was the Department (State) Commander of the
Department of North Dakota American Legion for the 19931994 membership year, which was the 75th anniversary of
The American Legion. Both Lutz and Herrly are members of
American Legion Post 100 in Hebron, North Dakota.
American Legion Day at IMC National Anthem & Taps Program
Each year the International Music Camp (IMC) invites
our department’s newest leadership to attend its American
Legion Concert and Ice Cream Social. American Legion
Day is typically celebrated the Saturday following the
Fourth of July each summer. The newly elected NDAL
Dept. Commander and the NDALA President are invited to
lunch at the cafeteria, meet with the Camps Directors and
receive a tour of the facilities, recognized for comments
to the audience of the afternoon concerts presented by the
student’s campers. This past summer was no exception,
Dept. Cdr. Eugene Kachena and Auxiliary President,
Marlys Aubol attended, the Dept. Adjutant David Johnson
and Finance Officer George Zeller were also in attendance.
Zeller’s daughter was a student camper and George was
there on behalf of the ND American Legion and to support
his daughter’s performance.
The ND American Legion has a rich history with the
IMC dating back to the mid 1950’s when the camp was
originally developed. Several practice huts, located along
American Legion Row have been sponsored by local Posts,
as have the sixteen flag poles which are located in the center
of the IMC Campus. This camp hosts approximately 2,200
children and youth from the upper US Midwest Region and
Canada, amazingly over half of these students come from
North Dakota, many of which are on scholarships from their
local American Legion Posts and Auxiliaries.
After discussion with our Public Relations Chairman
and the approval of our Department Commander, we were
able to propose an idea to the IMC Camp Directors for
the 2014 season. The camp Directors, Tim and Christine
Baumann and individual Instructors are behind this proposal.
It was proposed to develop a two tiered certificate program,
whereby the NDAL provides a Certificate of Achievement
to student campers whom have completed a course program
for the proper presentation and performance of our Star
Spangled Banner and the playing of Ceremonial Taps. A
Masters Class type of program will provide students the
instructions for performing the national anthem, with respect
and integrity, most importantly, free of embellishment. It
is important that our youth understand that the National
Anthem is a vocalized pledge and deserves to be performed
in a respectful manner as approved by Congress. The
second program is to instruct trumpet players on the proper
playing of Taps as prescribed by the US Army Field Manual
for Ceremonial Performances.
The Department will provide Certificates of Achievement
to the students whom have passed the class requirements.
These certificates will be signed by the Department, the
IMC Directors and the Instructor who graded the students’
performance. A press release will be issued on behalf of the
student, recognizing their parents, community, high school, the
IMC and the NDAL. Each student will also receive a pocket
ID to present to their school, or local Post to demonstrate their
achievement and to serve notice they have been properly
trained to provide a vocal or instrumental performance as
needed for community activities or funerals.
This program is a low impact fiscal program with
outstanding public relations opportunities for the ND
American Legion. The program will be introduced via the
IMC web-site during the student’s registration process.
Page 20
September 2013
North Dakota Legion News
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