Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies 2014 Annual Report


Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies 2014 Annual Report
Golden Retriever
Rescue of the Rockies
2014 Annual Report
A Golden Retriever
Can Change Your Life!™
Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies
15350 W. 72nd Ave., Arvada, CO 80007
2014 Year in Review
In 2014 GRRR returned to a sense of normalcy after the 2013
floods. Of course, normalcy is a relative term, especially in the
world of a nonprofit organization. There are always surprises and
challenges, but those of us who love this world just roll with the
punches and keep our eyes on the mission.
Although we had a lot of work to do to recover, we began to see
not only the end of the restoration work, but the completion of the
initial renovation of Phoebe’s Place as well. No property owner is
ever done making their “home” better and maintenance is ongoing,
but at least we feel like we are functioning as we had dreamed we
2014 saw a smaller number of Goldens come through than in previous
years—around 250—which was actually echoed by other area rescue
groups. This was fortunate in a way, because so many of our dogs had
major health issues, requiring significant financial investments to assure
their futures. We could have called 2014 the year of the ACL, since
orthopedic issues topped the list of problems for our Golden Angels.
We are often asked how we differ from shelters or other rescue groups.
Having Phoebe’s Place allows us time and space to assess and work
with every dog, without the pressure to make a fast placement. In
addition to the basic spaying and neutering and specialized veterinary
treatments, we provide behavioral training and socialization, holistic care,
grooming, and specialized diets, as needed. And we take as much time
as necessary to assure the perfect placement is found for their forever
homes. During their time at Phoebe’s Place, our corps of volunteer dog
walkers assures they receive all the exercise and play they could possibly
GRRR is proud of our many active volunteers. In addition to dog walkers,
we have volunteers who write thank you notes, perform database
input, manage maintenance, run our events, write newsletters and help
with whatever is needed.
We’re also fortunate to have our loyal membership base and evergrowing donor list. And as we’ve ventured into social media, our
FaceBook followers top 4,000 and provide a new stream of fresh ideas.
Our 4th Annual Gala netted $51,000, and attendees helped us think
of new ways to approach our 5th which will be July 18, 2015. To
freshen it up and broaden the appeal, we’re changing the format to a
trendier, more casual event, complete with a nationally known author
and speaker, Captain Luis Montalvan, and his Golden Retriever,
Tuesday. Details will be available on our website and FaceBook.
We hosted an Art Festival and Auction for the first time last fall at
a gallery in Denver’s RiNo District. Look for this fun evening to be
bigger and better in 2015.
Our Spring Fling was a happy day with Golden Retrievers spilling
out of numerous kiddie pools at Phoebe’s Place. The annual
Reunion Picnic at the Boulder Reservoir was a hit as usual, with
its massive ball toss resulting in tired, wet Goldens and happy
humans. And our Halloween Party took on a special charm
with a “Give the Dog a Bone” campaign to benefit Lucas and
other orthopedic patients. What started as a last-minute
idea to raise money at the party grew to a 7-day online
event generating $15,000 which was then matched by an
anonymous donor.
We received grants for Golden Angels, for senior Goldens and
even for landscaping. Some companies matched employee
donations and others recognized employee volunteers. Some
grants were from new funders and others from continuing
valued partners.
Our third year participating in Colorado Gives Day saw an
awesome 57% increase over 2013, raising nearly $47,000. It’s
truly special to recognize that these donations came from 332
individuals, not just from a few donors.
For his first year as Executive Director, Kevin Shipley was charged
with managing many of the surprises and challenges mentioned
above. Along with the property flood repairs and ongoing
maintenance, there were safety and security improvements added,
such as lights, stairs and handrails. On the marketing and tech side,
he oversaw the streamlining of our website processes, enhanced our
FaceBook site and necessary computer upgrades. GRRRR processes
such as adoptions, databases and overall volunteer coordination kept
him on his toes.
On the Board side, we focused on sustainability. We improved
job descriptions, began succession planning and formalized our
nominating process to assure we have the necessary skill sets and
continuity to support GRRR’s mission as effectively as possible.
The Board has also listened closely to our members and volunteers
who are looking to restore the grass roots feeling we had when we
were smaller and our operations were simpler. Obviously we have to
run an efficient business operation, but we’re working hard to keep
that sense of community, which is so valued by our volunteer-based
Mission Statement
Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies (GRRR) is dedicated to rescue,
placement and public awareness, to ensure that Golden Retrievers
are adopted by people who are able to provide safe, loving homes.
Board of Directors
Marci Auston
Dee Delay
Beth Flambures (Treasurer)
Mary Kenton
Steve Morganfield (Vice President)
Pat Rogers (Secretary)
Roxanne Sabin
Judi Servoss (President)
Bill Urbanowski
2014 Financial Statement*
Adoption Fees$45,360
Angel Fund$45,756
Other dog costs
Phoebe’s Place$63,293
Checking & Savings
Petty Cash$150
(buildings, autos, etc.)
AKC Companion Animal Recovery Canine Support and
Relief Fund
Allstate Foundation Community Grants
Animal Assistance Foundation
Aspen Community Foundation
Beaird Family Foundation
Dotterer Family Fund
Fidelity Charitable Grants
Golden Retriever Foundation April Fund
Google Matching Gifts and Grants
Grey Muzzle Organization
IBM Community Services
Pet Lifestyle and You, Inc. (PLAY)
Russell and Catherine Jones
Lillis Family Foundation
Pedigree Foundation
Hadley and Marion Stuart Foundation
Albertson, Jeannette
Barnes, Craig and Margie
Baumgart, Steve and Cappi
Bement, Chris and Annie
Buckley, Dick & Cheryl
Carmichael, Joel and Servoss, Judi
Cooper, Chris I
Crook, Bob & Barbara
DeLucero, Kurt and Amy
DesMarais, Barb
Dinkey, Charles & Pat
Doerksen, Linda & Larry
Eisaman, Neal & Desiree
Frank, M Allan and Gilbert, Margot R
Friend, Brian & Jennifer
Fritz, Brad & Patty
Fullmer, Ron & Janet
Graye, Mitchell & Hollister, Pam
Harvath, Steven & Sandra
Heldenbrand, Bob & Henderson,
Hinshaw, Patricia A
Hollister, Debra
Hopton, Charlie
Jones, Cathy & Russ
Jones, Cheryl L
Kleber, Phil
Levine, Karen
Long, Michael & Tina
Lueck, Charles E
Lundstrom, Charles
MacKinnon, Allan and Vicki
Martel, Doug & Susan
Martinez, Frank & Auston, Marci
McLaughlin, Patti & Kevin
McMaster, Jim & Sukie
Medvec, Andy and Gradisar, Mary
Miller, Lee and Patricia
Miller, Robert & Nancy
Morganfield, Steve
Newman, Pete & Margie
Oram, Kip and Anne
Proffer, Lanny and Goble, Carolyn
Rodewald, Cinda
Rogers, Scott & Patricia
Sabin, Roxanne
Sanchez, Suzanne
Schultz, Richard & Jackie
Skinner, Scott and Sheridan
Springston, Mark & Stacy
Spuhler, Hanspeter & Kathryn
Stapleton, Patrick & Jennifer
Steele, Gary and Madden, Katherine
Stencel, Wade & Rakiec, Francie
Theesen, Karen
Thompson, Miriam
Urbanowski, Bill & Carol
Utchel, Lori and McLean, Linda
Weiss, Greg & Kathy
Yusem, Jeff and Wallace, Diane
Zimmerman, Casie
Zlogar, Steve & Laura
$500 AND $999
$100 AND $499
Atkinson, Paul & Polly (Pauline)
Becht, Larry
Brown, Kent and Debora
Brown, Thomas W.
Childerston, Robert & Joyce
Crispe, Andrea
Ebnother, Danielle
Entman, Chris
Ernissee, Wayne and Vanessa
Fausel, Ginger
Feigenbaum, Michael
Gibson, Joann
Gisclon, Marty and Lee
Healy, Frank and Nina
Helgren, Janee
Henbest, Philip and Lee
Holmes, Frank and Dawn
Hoskins, Karen & Grayem, Denise
Jaffe, Anne & Ken
Jelinek, Jerry & Mary
Kenton, Mary
Kessler, Amy
Kreisman, Barbara
Krug, Jake and Lindsay
Kuehn, Cynthia
Levy, David and Kathryn
Ludwig, Donald
Lynch, Peter & Nancy
Masi, Joe & JoAnne
McKinnis, Pat J
MD, Hullman, Ingrid M
Miller, Don and Roberta
Mills, Jerry
Morrow, Michael and Benson, Jackie
Moses, Geoff and Maureen
Moyer, Cindee & Greg
O’Dell, Susan & Mike
Paenova-Silver, Zornitsa
Peters, Philip and Michelle
Peterson, Kristin
Quick, George & Chinn, Jaycee
Renall, Garth and Pam
Schmidt, Steve
Servoss, Marcus
Shafer, Martin and Cynthia
Shuherk, Edward
Spicola, Tony & Karen
Standish, Jim & Ellen
Starke, Zack and Sarah
Stouder, Joe & Teri
Thackston, Natalie
Thompson, Bruce and Jean
Timmerwilke, Patricia A
Ware, Jeff
Weimer, Al and Carol
Witherspoon, Rick & Diana
Andersen, Kelley
Anderson, David and Bater, Jennifer
Anderson, Larry & Donna
Antonopulos, Stephen and Susan
Arnold, Ed & Bette
Ash, Susan
Atkin, Wendy
Audette, Janet
Baker, Jerry & Lynne
Baker, Shari
Baker, Tom and Ann
Bakke, Mary
Balsley, Loys
Barker, Judith
Beck, Fred and Diana
Becker, Mark
Bell, Calvin and Kathryn
Benson, Christopher & Kadin-Benson, Lori
Benson, Ralph and Janice
Benson, W and V
Benware, Barry and Cheryl
Besant, Doug and Allie
Beverly, James
Billings, George
Bishoff, Liz & Dave
Bloodworth, Wilma Faye
Boardman, Gary & Marilyn
Bobzien, Karlee
Boomershine, Tim & Lisa
Boring, Jeffrey and Patterson, Emily
Bott, Glenn and Brenda
Bowen, Vance
Bower, Monica
Bowers, Bill and Cindy
Bowes, Greg and Howard, Judith
Brandon, Bobbie
Branstad, Barbara
Brausch, James and Sandra
Brewer, Mike and Parker, Nancy
Briddon, John & Susan
Briels, Mark & Debra
Brodsky, Daniel
Brogan, John & Susan
Brown, Sarah
Brunette, Andrew & Lorie
Bubany, John
Buddingh, Terry
Bukofski, Joe and Wasko, Anne
Burch, Andy and Alissa
Caballero, Teresa
Caldwell, Sherrie
Camacho, Audrey
Campbell, Michael and Pamela
Carlson, Kimberly
Carpenter, Jeff and Stephanie
Carr, Jeff & Carol
Carson, Joan
Cassidy, Rick and Carol
Cazan, Andrei and Wiltfang, Alexandra
Champlin, Wayne & Cinda
Charles, Cindy
Chin, Fee Ling
Clark, Chris & Jan
Cline, Mike and Pam
Coble, John & Lynda
Cohen, Stephen
Collings, Brady
Colt, Troy & Camille
Condon, Joyce
Conkling, Andy and Martha
Cook, Lawrence and Leslie
Cooke, Bill & Irene
Cooper, Luke and Christina
Cornelius, Rich and Shirl
Corpron, Margi
Courtney, Jim & Janet
Crase, Steve and Sue
Cunningham, Janet C.
Dalton, Tessa
Danhoff, Chad and Kristin
Darrow, Laura
Davidson, Alan
Davis, Debbie
Davis, Sherry Lynn
Decker, Jim & Judy
Dederer, Julie
Delicate, Dorothy & Karen
Delicate, Michael & Karen
Demos, Carol
DeVault, Birch & Jennifer
DiMichele, Lisa
Doty, Lisa Ann
Drew, Jack & Sheila
Dronkers, Tim and Alison
Durant, Jan
Dye, Jerry & Deborah
Eaton, Mike & Sue
Egan, John and Michele
Ekstrom, Dan & Gayla
Ellington, Charles and Carolyn
Elmund, Keith and Julie
Emery, Jack
Enright, Mike & Anne
Estabrooks, Margaret
Everding, Jo & Fred
Eversman, Janet
Fallen, Ray and Denney, Rhonda
Farrell, Kristen
Farrell, Pamela
Farren, Sara and Don
Favia, Christie
Feld, Andy & Julie
Fetridge, Rachel
Fial, Charles Thaddeus
Firouztash, Christina
Flambures, Beth
Fogle, Gayla & Mike
Fong, Suzanne & David
Fordham, Michelle
Forrester, George and MaryAnne
Forsyth, Bryan
Forsyth, Linda
Foster, Erik and Shannon, Anne
Freeding, Daniel & Cindy
French, Kathryn
Frick, Page
Fried, Barbara
Fullerton, Melody
Furman, Robert and Erin
Gabeler, Roland
Galioto, William
Gardner, David
Gearhardt, Kevin & Morgan, Cathy
Gee, Judy
Gerty-Gomez, Irene
Gherardini, Linda
Gilbertson, Jon and Alice and Aubree
Gillespie, Matt and Heidi
Gillow, Christine
Glover, Dale & Cheryl
Goad, Rick and Wendy
Godowski, Kathryn
Goetze, Henry and Nancy
Gordon, Andrew and East, Stephanie
Gosche, Kim
Gougeon, Thomas and Middlebrooks,
Graef, Rob & JoAnne
Graf, Diane
Grant, Nancy Schroeder
Grassnick, Erwin and Cynde
Greenwell, Denise
Griffin, Laura
Griffin, Mac
Growley, David & Connie
Gysin, Oliver and Patty
Hagenman, Chad & Karen
Halabrin, John and Samantha
Haldane, Karen
Hale, Linda
Hallock, Lee & Anne
Hanna, Terry and Phyllis
Hanson, Brian and Deeney, Shelby
Hardesty, Karen
Hardin, Jim and Sharman
Hardy, David & MaryJo
Harmon, Diane & Leslie
Harris, Jack and Lynn
Harris, Lloyd and Donna
Harstrom, Steve and Goulet, Karen
Harvey, Elaine H
Hathcoat, Gilbert & Peggy
Hauser, Tommy & Erin
Hawes, Douglass
Hays, Leon and Lynette
Heldenbrand, Bob
Helmle, Frances
Hempell, Markus and Amber
Hendrickson, Gregg and Amy
Hennings, Steve & Julianne
Henshall, Thomas
Hobson, Owen and Mary
Hodges, Vince and Carol
Hoeschele, John
Hoffman, Richard and Patricia
Holcomb, Eileen
Holme, Barbara
Hopkins, Steve & Beth
House, Robert and Marilyn
Hovland, Ingrid
Howland, Terry and Cygnar, Char
Hughes, Martin
Humphrey, Jack and Debbie
Husbands, Roger & Barb
Huss, Chris & Kim
Huss, Michelle
Hutchins, Frank
Huxtable, Hugh
Ironside, Brigitte
Jacobs, Rick
Jacobsen, Janice L
Jellis, Kier
Johnson, Larry & Kathy
Johnson, Tracy
Joll, Sandra
Jones, Diane
Jones, Megan
Jones, Michael and Sue
Jonke, Denise
Jorgensen, Bob and Kneale, Deb
Joseph, Mike & Betsy
Julius, Denise & Vaughn
Kachnic, Jennifer
Kachnic, John
Kaiser, Carol
Kallas, Mike and Womack, Lisa
Karcz, Linda
Karpan, John & Nancy
Karsh, Howard and Sue
Kashman, Lori
Katsaros, Jo
Keehn, Christine
Keeney, Bill and Ellen
Kellond, Tim and Wendy
Kliewer, Denise & Clinton
Knapp, Tim & Peggy
Koch, Kimberly
Korin, Bill & Gail
Korte, Don & Janice
Kraemer, Carol
Kube, Mark & Gloriann
Kuhlmann, Darwin & Barb
Larkins, Norman and Keck, Kathy
Laufer, Joel
Laursen, Lindsay
Lawson, Sandy & Joyce
Lee, John & Linda
Lee, Sally
Leetmae, Joann
LeFree, Gloria
Leifheit, Andy and Melissa
Lemick, Terre
Lerose, Teresa
Little Pub Company
Little, Chris
Lloyd, Karen & Michael
Long, George and Barbara
LoSasso, Ellie
Lukes, Michael and Doris
Lynch, Brian and Susan
Macdonald, John
Maguire, John
Maloney, Michael & Kelly
Mann, James & Gwen
Marek, Joe & Cindy
Marquis, Kim
Martens, Todd and Lexi
Martin, Jodi and Jenny
Matthews, Steve and Nora
May, Eric and Margaret
McCallum, Gregory and Vihstadt, Julie
McCarter, Shawn & Kelle
McCarthy, Suzanne
McElwain, Charles and Russell, Joan
McGinnis, Jim and Cathy
McIntire, John and Julie
McIntyre, Cindi
McIntyre, Gary and Katy
McKown, Barbara & James
McLagan, Margaret
McNeily, Tom and Anne
McQuate, Glenn & Kimberli
McReynolds, Lawrence and Mather, Judi
Mellott, George and Elecive
Melnick, Sheridan A
Meyerhoff, Steve and Lacey
Meyers, Ronald & Joyce
Micsak, Stephanie
Mihm, Corry & Dave
Miller, Bill and Lori
Miller, Dara
Millick, Julie and Miller, Marcie
Mills, Dave
Mills, Martha
Miyamoyo, Gisele
Mogensen, Craig & Stokes, Shelly
Moore, James
Moore, William
Moreland, Mike and Heidi
Morelli, Steve & Kim
Morgan, Shelly
Morganfield, Beth
Morganfield, Jill
Moritz, Christine
Morton, Frank and Bette
Mosman, Steve and Tami
Mulder, Harmina
Mullen, David & Linda
Murchie, Rebecca
Murchison, Greg & Pam
Murphy, Diane
Murphy, Jim and Leila
Murray, Nancy
Mustoe, Graham and Susan
Myers, Becky
Nadlonek, Bob & Carol
Nash, Tom & Nancy
Nault, Shelley
Nelson, Fred and Jackie
Nesbitt, Jeffrey and Lynch, Amy
Nettleship, Robert and Evelyn
Nichelson, Richard & Rogliano, Ginny
Nieberger, Matt and Kerry
Niendorff, Randy & Kathy
Noble, Suzanne & Howard
Nolan, Brett & Robyn
Norman, Anna K
Oatman, Cindi & Don
Okerson, Jim and Sue
O’Neal, Linda
Orton, Malcolm & Janet
Ouellette, Elizabeth
Ovecka, Julie
Owensby, Melinda
Page, Elizabeth
Painz, Ed and Doreen
Panter, Linda
Parent, Yves
Pass, William & Colleen
Peebles, Jeanie
Pelton, Gordon and Lynda
Permut, Judith R
Petrie, Eric
Petty, Brenda J
Peyton, Mark & Blansett, Sue
Phillips, Trish
Pierrel, Linda
Piland, Dick
Pilch, Fran
Pink, Debbie
Pittenger, Pete
Platt, Michael and Stoltman, Wendy
Pollard, Michael & Debbie
Pribyl, Joan and Sadar, Kim
Quimby, Robert & Wortmann, Nancy
Radel, Betty
Rainey, Allison
Randolph, David
Rapier, Richard & Hudson, Jacqueline
Rasmussen, Don & Jerry
Rauff, Yvette
Rauschenburger, Gerald and Taylor,
Ray, Sheila
Read, John & Barbara
Read, Tom & Meaghan
Regan, Kevin and Cindy
Regan, Richard
Reiser, Raoul and Donna
Rempel, Tim & Vickey
Roddam, Tom and Marty
Rogers, Doug and Lisman, Mary
Rogers, Francie
Rogers, Helen
Roll, Debbie
Rose, Charlie and Martha
Rosedahl, Sherri & Andrew
Rosenblum, Ellen
Rosenthal, Robert & Kim
Ross, Larry & Deirdre
Rotman, Cathy & Mark
Rourke, Brian & Janette
Rouse, Anita
Rudloff, Judy & Mike
Ryder, Cody
Saint Andre, Peter and George, Elisa
Salinitro, John and Corrine
Sardella, Ed & Sandy
Sauerberg, Ken and Boniface, Kate
Savage, William and Donna
Scanlon, Jenny & Lane, Connie
Schaberg, Todd & Laura
Scheib, Nicholas
Schell-Varkony, Pam
Schmeling, Danielle
Schmidt, Ann
Schmidt, Tyler & Lisa
Schneider, Bruce and Martinez, Suzanne
Schoen, Kari
Schwolow, Ed and Valerie
Schwolow, Karl A
Scilley, Hugh and Janis
Sciumbato, Peggy
Scott, Jeremy and Wilson, Casey
Scroggins, Brianna
Sellars, Tom & Mary
Sheely, Thomas
Sherman, Bernadine
Sherman, Susan
Shipley, Kevin & Linda
Silverman, Andrew
Simmons, Bonnie
Simon, Preston and Jamie
Simpson, Andy and Eder, Wendy
Sloan, Martin and Edna
Smith, Steve & Stephanie
Smith, Edith
Smith, Jane
Smith, Rob
Smith, Scott & Glenda
Smith, Staci
Smith, Tammy Lee
Smith, William & Inge
Snyder, Marcus
Sommer, Helen and Ronald
Sommer, Mary E
Somosky, Joe and Joanna
Spencer, Dean and Diana
Starr, Sally
Steel, Jeffrey & Marjorie
Steelman, Patti
Steiner, James
Steinway, Wendy
Stekr, Scott
Stewart, Steve & Margo
Stickland, Karen
Stille, Jim & Sherrie
Stokowski, Gail & Pete
Stonerook, Rick and Sarah
Stovall, Toni
Straehley, Doug
Strain, Phillip
Strickland, Marcia
Stuessy, Dwight
Sullivan, Ann C
Swallow, Emily, Chris & Barbara
Swanson, Carol
Sweat, Mike & Kathy
Tabor, Carl & Kathy
Taylor, Connie M
Ted Terroux’s Canine College
Teeman, Bonnie
Tejan, Walt and Sally
Telgener, Richard and Steidinger, Deborah
Templeton, Jane
Terkun, Paul & Bogatinoff, Amanda
Thigpen, James and Heather
Thuet, Catharine & Verl
Tibby, Eric and Sara
Tilley, Peter
Tippetts, Rex & Judi
Todd, Christian and Tara
Tope, John and Barr, Brenda
Trezek, Keith and Lorraine
Turner, Diane
Turney, Shari
Uhland, John and Jennifer
Valaika, Tom and Jenna
Van Alstine,Mark and Katie
Vogler, Joe & Roberta
Vrijhof, Adam and Corrine
Wagner, Anita J
Waite, Colleen
Walters, Brad and Jeanette
Walters, John C and McKenna, Kate
Warner, Carol
Watson, James and Fuller, Ann
Webb, David
Weber, Jory
Weidner, Jackie
Weller, Barbara
Welsh, Debra
Wenger, Jim & Lynda
West, Don & Sakaguchi, Judy
White, Matt & Amy
Widegren, Ray and Mary
Williamson, Cindy
Wilson, Kirsten
Winn, Patricia
Wodell, Judith
Wolfe, Lori & Robert
Wolff, Ken & Donna
Woodward, Mark & Lori
Woodworth, Yvette
Wooley, Kurt & Cheryl
Wortman, Joanne
Yonn, Carmen
Young, Karen
Zalan, Sarah
Zandstra, Lynn
Zavis, Karen
Zimmerman, Larry and Linehan, Elizabeth
Abbott, Cyndi
Adams, Matthew
Aish, Michael & Nicole
Allen, Terry
Allison, John & Leah
Allison, Rachel
Ammon, Beth
Andersen, Holly
Anderson, Cheri
Anderson, Diane
Anderson, Ronald & Mary
Andrews, Jeri
Aragon, Anthony and Karen
Ashton, Diane
Augustine, Cassie
Augustine, Jill
Baack, Duane and Peggy
Backus, Linda
Bacon, Mark and Cindy
Bagby, Lee and Linda
Baker, Bob & Ellie
Baker, John & Jane
Baker, Wanda
Batchelor, John and Shatz, Gail
Bauer, Elizabeth
Baughman, Janet
Beavers, Jeffrey
Beck, Mark and Teresa
Becker, John & Marlene
Bendykowski, Mary Lynn
Benedetti, Linda and Lucy
Bengtson, Ruth
Bennett, Ann
Berlinberg, Al & Leslie
Berman, Richard and Cathy
Berwick, Jennifer
Berzins, Margaret
Bidwell, Laural and Bingham, James
Bierbaum, Boyd
Billings, Mary Kay
Bingham, Steve and Jan
Bixby, Joy
Blacketer, Robert and Judy
Blankenbeckler, Dave & Marijean
Blankenship, Janice & Bill
Blatnik, Jan & Dick
Bobzien, John & Marysue
Booco, Daniel
Boyd, Barbara
Bracher, Kimelise
Branch, Doug & Barb
Brantley, Kevin and Sandi
Brassell, Michelle
Breen, Judy & Greg
Breneman, Marianne
Broerman, Jessica
Brown, Bill & Marie
Brown, Christina
Brown, Tory & Marilyn
Brunell, Megan
Brusseau, Todd and Maia
Buchannan, Peggy
Buck, Barbara
Bushnell, Caroline
Buss, Brynn
Butlak, Jan & Diann
Byers, Trish
Carcagno, Mike and Jill
Carey, Patricia
Carney, Curtis & Elizaveth
Carruth, Cheryl
Cecil-Few, Martha
Cer, Andrew and Speake, Nicole
Cervene, Shirley J
Chapman, Michael
Chenoweth, Jerry & Carol
Ch’ng, Jennifer
Christiansan, Tim and Karin
Chuman, Richard
Church, George and Katalin
Cianfichi, Walt & Donna
Clark, Lynn
Cleveland, Bruce & Cynthia
Clough, Chad
Clouser, Thomas & Lolita
Coan, Betty
Cockle, Kimberly
Cody, Brian
Coles, Gail
College, Michael & Nancy
Collier, James
Collins, George and Marcy
Comeau, Ron & Nancy
Connor, Anne & Tom
Covert, Elaine
Cradick, Brian & Stephanie
Craig, Bill and Jody
Cranford, Sabrina
Creadick, Chris
Creasey, Jennie
Cross, Martha
Crouse, Sue
Crowell, Candace
Cunningham, Charles
Darst, Richard and Jean
Davidson, Joanne
Davis, Bob and Nancy
Davis, Carrie
Davis, Jack and Jeri
Davis, Sally Sue
Deines, Sherry
Delay, Deanna
Delbaugh, Bill and Lynda
DeLong, Cindy
DeMarco, Julynn
Demassa, Joann
Deschamp, Mark
Diaz, Tomas
Domenico, Lori
Donovan, Tara
Douglas, Katherine
Downing, Gary & Susan
Doyle, Nanette
Dreibelbis, Brandy
Driscoll, Thomas
Duba, George and Cindy
Duenas, Caren
Duff, Joel and Kathryn
DuNeige, Janick Remi
Ekberg, Lauri
Elkjer, Bill and Karen
Ellis, Mary
Ewing, Mark and Brenda
Fernandez, Roy and Leslie
Fischer, Paula
Fischer, Tom and Deb
Fleming, Jeff & Lynn
Flint, Jim & Zoe
Flynn, Rebecca
FM & BJ Guist
Fodor, Tony and Courtney
Forgione, Carol
Forster, Gerrard & Carolynne
Foster, Beth
Frank, Dawn
Franklin, Cecil & Priscilla
Franklin, Cici
Franzen-Pratt, Heilke
French, Elisa
French, Ruth
Friedemann, Julie
Friend, Sally
Fry, Joanna
Fuller, Fidele
Gabriella, Patricia
Gallo, Mary
Gardner, Maria
Garner, Ronald & Rita
Garrett, Roberta
Garrison, Jeff and Lorna
Gates, Keely
Gayer, Paul & Barbara
Gehling, Carol F.
Geistert, Noanie & Doug
Gelbach, Ginny
Gelfenbaum, Lynn
Gescheidt, Frank & Nancy
Giles, Kristen
Gillis, Leslie, Tom & Emily
Gittins, Rob and Linda
Gore, George & Jennifer
Graham, Angela
Graham, Sandra
Gray, Steve and Debbi
Guinan, Margaret
Guinn, Kathy
Gustin, Brian and Merix
Haan, Geoffrey
Halbrook, Mary
Hall, Cathy & Jerry
Hallowell, Mike and Nancy
Hammond, Christine
Hane, Carl and Nancy
Hannagan, Annie
Hanning, Robin
Harder, Chris
Hardin, Brett
Harris, Gayle & Alan
Hayward, Ken & Donna
Hecklinger, Martin and Lynn
Heimerl, Karen & Brian
Henney, Allan
Henry, Wayne & Diane
Hertzler, Carol and Glenn
Hiemstra, Rhea
Hill, Steve and Leslie
Hisel, Joe and Rider, Kim
Hjerleid, Nord G
Hock, Katharine
Hodges, Lindsey Melissa
Hoehlein, Jill & Rich
Hoeltgen, Bill and Zinn, Marcella
Hoffman, Carmen & Charles
Hoglund, Dan and Karen
Hogrewe, Bill & Barrett, Joy
Hogue, Randy & Cecilia
Hollowell, Bill and Tracey, Penny
Honermann, Dale & Jana
Horcher, Chuck and Carolyn
Hordinski, Bill & Jo
Horowitz, Phil and Janie
Hosler, Kim
Houghton, Walter E.
Howard, Gene and Doriane
Howe, Amanda
Hughes, John & Kristine
Hummer, Julie
Hurley, Laura
Hurst, Caroline
Hutt, Mike and Patti
Hutton, Bruce and Sally
Hynson, Ed and Judy
Ide, Brian
Jacoby, Ann A
Jacyszyn, Ann
Jenner, Doug and Fran
Johnson, Blair and Graham Sandy
Johnson, Bruce and Brenda
Jones, Earle and Wilham, Mary
Jones, Tabetha
Jurgens, Amanda
Kamrass, Eugene and Donnie
Kandcer, Ron & Kelly
Kanive, Robert and Constance
Kasch, Karen & Karl
Katalin, CE and Carol
Kay, Norman & Terri
Keever, Scott & Montgomery, Mesharia
Keil, Carl
Keyes, Carolyn
Kilpatrick, Larry & Kristi
Klune, Cara
Kobasiar, Chris
Koumis, Lisa
Kowitt, Ellen
Krebs, Jeff
Kronberg, Robi
Kucharek, Alicia
LaBrocca, Nick and Thornburg,
Ladwig, Matt
Langbauer, Cori
Lantz, Randy
Lassila, Eric and Rogers, Marisa
Laster, Robert
Leavitt, Karen
Lebsack, Michael & Sheryl
Lee, Chrissy
Lee, John
Lee, Ryan & Jodi
Legner, Diane
Lell, Patti and Greg
Levine, Marion
Lewis, Margie H
Lewkowski, Berni & Val
Lickert, Linda
Lifto, Cindy & Dick
Lindsay, Julia
Link, Anthony and Lara
Longbons, Phyllis
Loughrey, Linda
Lozano, Carol
Luedtke, Bob & Janet
Luitjens, Larry
Lundstrom, Pamela & Scott
Lundy, Bob & Ellen
Macosko, Cheryl
Maglio, Nancy
Maier, John and Judith
Maksimowicz, Sarah
Mann, Robert and Grace
Marlowe, Al & Jean
Martinez, Fernando & Maldonado,
Matas, Pam
Matis, Patricia
Matthews, Kristen
Matthews, Melissa Shea
Mattke, Jean
May, Gerard and Valeri
McAllister, John
McAllister, Robert & Sharry
McCaw, Donna
McDonnell, Michael and Linda
McFadden, Gains and Beth
Mcinroy, Ronald and Lisa
McKevitt, Tom & Heins, Molly
McKinney, James & Nicolle
McKinney, Susan
McLagan, Neil and Evelyn
McMaster, Shannon
McMillen, David
Mendelsberg, Lisa & Rick
Merck, Jennifer
Merritt, James & Joy
Meyers, Carol & Tim
Miller, Colin
Miller, Galen & Anne
Miller, Stephen J.
Montgomery, Candace
Moore, Danny and Rutt, Susan
Morgan, David & Alyce
Morgan, Spencer
Morgan, Suzette
Morrison, Kelly and Karen
Morrow, Alexandrea
Morse, Cindy
Murphy, Debra & Michael
Murphy, Nicole
Myers, Marvin & Janice
Nale, John & Nanette
Nash, Tom and Melissa
Nelson, Penny
Nelson-Douglas, Lance & Erin
Neumann, Pat
Neustadt, Allan
Newman, Jennifer
Nickerson, Pete & Kristi
Noll, Jan
Nord, Arne and Colleen
Nuuttila, Jenny
O’Donnell, Kim and Steve
O’Leary, Kathleen
Olivas, Michele L
Oliver, Jeanne
Oliver, Jeff and Penny
Olson, Linda
Oram, Peter and Colette
Oshea-Larson, Karen
Pacheco, Daniel F
Patton, Gary and Denise
Pearson, Laine & Wilkerson, Renee
Perron, Joan
Perry, Steve
Peterson, Deb
Phillips, Patrick and Maureen
Pickett, Janelle
Pickett, Jessica Allen
Pippig, Kathy
Pischke, Linda
Pitcher, Ike and Jo
Pixler, Ty and Goare, Chad
Planner’s Lounge
Pomainville, Sandra
Pomietlasz, Bill & Marcia
Porter, Chris
Porter, Kathy
Potvin, Randy and Kirsten
Price, Dave & Sheryl
Pugh, Jon
Quaintance, Sara
Rangole, Ashutosh
Ray, John and Wolpert, Linda
Raymond, Rosalind
Rector, Kurt and Scheckel, Kristen
Reiswig, Shannon
Rhodes, Stacy
Rice, Stephen & Becker, Barb
Richard, Gigi
Richardson, Jill
Rider, Tonya
Riegger-Krugh, Cheryl
Riggle, Paul D
Rinderknecht, Dana
Rinnan, Lindsay
Romero, Angel
Ross, Janet
Russell, Robin
Sadiki & Jennifer Harris
Sampson, Brie
Sandri, Jeff
Schafer, Stacy
Schell, Jerry and Kathy
Schneider, Barbara & Bill
Schnurbusch, Holly
Schomas, Mary Beth
Schulman, Lawrence and Judith
Schultz, Brian & Kathy
Sciba, Betty
Seebaum, Matt and Marilyn
Settle, Curt and Bonnie
Shaw, Barry and Saundra
Shaw, Bridget C
Sheerin, Mari
Shortino, Suzie
Shotton, Spotswood
Shoulders, Bob & Katherine
Shriberg, Dana
Shubart, Harley & Diana
Skaradowski, John
Slason, Bob and Linda
Slattery, Eva
Smith, Daniel and Coveney, Lelia
Smith, Douglas & Vanessa
Smith, Michael
Smith, Richard and Evelyn
Spaulding, Jane
Spendley, Erin
Spurk, Terri
Stacy, Richard and Karen
Standridge, LaVaughn
Starr, Marcia & Dennis
Staton, Gary & Ellen
Statucki, Dale and Darleen
Steele, Brenda
Stitt, Allan
Stockwell, Angelika
Stoelb, Kevin
Stonerook, Tom and Ladonna
Stout, Kelly and Klein, Jack
Sturm, Marsha E
Sudac, Cathy
Sullivan, Maura
Summeril, Gayla
Swales, Mallory Beth
Sylman, Jennifer
Tanner, Laura
Tansy, Susie
Tarr, Vicky
Taylor, Brian
Taylor, Rich and Linda
Terry, Ward & Julie
Thackston, Florence
Thomas, Jaclyn
Thomas, Jodi
Thomas, Wendy
Thompson, Arthur
Thompson, Cristina
Thompson, Sharon Walsh
Thurber, Robyne
Tiffany, Ann
Tomberlin, Jeffrey
Trager, Judith & Robert
Triffet, Paul & Liz
Trottier, Autumn
Vagell, Audrey & Don
Valenta, Kathleen
Van Loucks, Mark and Lee
VanHassel, Rick and Joy
Vaughn, Lonnie & Joanne
Vickery, Shari
Vittengl, Ron & Lynn
Von Fuchs, Pamela
Vowels, Greg and Robson,
Wagner, Ann
Walden, Lynn & Gavin
Waldman, Mitchell and Linda
Walkenhorst, Patti & Kurt
Walker, Jenifer F
Walker, Ron & Jill
Walker, Tom and Sherry
Walter, Anne
Walters, Judith
Warner, David and Casagranda, Rosalia
Weber, Steven and Nancy
Weiss, Walter
Werner, Joell
Westervelt, Ryan
Whitbeck, Jeff
Whitmore, Randall and Nancy
Wigham, Robert
Williams, David
Williams, Elizabeth
Williamson, Tom and Ginger
Wilson, Shannon
Wilson, Todd and Marybeth
Winborne, Nicole
Winship, Donna
Winslow, Colette
Winters, Mark & Lisa
Wise, Julie
Wolf, Rich & Wendy
Wood, Murray and Carla
Woods, Ken & Jackie
Wright, Kelly
Wynkoop, Keith & Nelson, Laura
Xaiz, Lara
Yates, Elizabeth & Ken
Yeager, Marsha & John
York, Bob and Anya
Yuskis, Kim
Zamora-Thompson, Xochitl
Zanetell, Alan and Barbara
Zimmerman, Carol