Un Producto Nativo - confederacion hipica de pr


Un Producto Nativo - confederacion hipica de pr
Carretera #14 Km. 27.6
Barrio Los Llanos, Coamo, PR
Dirección Postal
P.O. Box 1914 Coamo, PR 00769
Danny Maldonado
Norman H. Dávila
Maestro De Ceremonia
/ Comentarista
Joe Bruno
Jueves 15 de agosto de 2013
Sr. Ernesto Acosta Matos
12:00 M en adelante
Inspección de Potros
10:30 am en adelante
Información y Datos
The Jockey Club Information
En portada / Graciani - Campeona Dosañera 2012
En contraportada / Hockenheim
Eduardo Maldonado
Ricardo Báez
Sonia Meléndez
Ing. Arturo Bird
Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.
787-825-0326 Ofic.
787-825-6767 Fax
Sr. Ernesto Acosta Matos
Un Producto Nativo
guerrido comerciante y devoto deportista que la vida ha convertido en
competente ser humano. De humilde cuna, hombre hecho por sus propios
esfuerzos, que ha enfrentado muchas adversidades y las ha vencido con
extrema consecución.
El hipismo ha recibido muchos beneficios de este gran Dueño de Caballos Pura
Sangre de Carreras y Criador sumamente exitoso. Son muchos los ejemplares
adquiridos por “Don Tito” como cariñosa y respetuosamente le decimos, que han
sobresalido en nuestra pista dando vida y emoción a nuestro querido deporte del
Como dueño de caballos, Don Tito ha poseído ejemplares sobresalientes de la talla
de Don Piero, Mueca, Concierto Alegre, Guitarra Templada y la extraordinaria yegua
Defensora, nacida y criada en el Potrero Los Llanos y todos preparados por el
laureado entrenador Don Guengo Rodríguez.
Don Tito ha sido sin duda uno de los dueños de caballos que más ha invertido
económicamente en nuestro hipismo, muy especialmente agradecemos su inversión
en la crianza nativa. Es por esto que hoy le dedicamos, con mucho orgullo, esta
nuestra cuadragésima segunda Subasta Anual de potros 2013 a Don Tito Acosta.
Felicidades Don Tito y Gracias a nombre de nuestra gran familia hípica.
Pago Total en Efec tivo (Antes del 31 de agosto de 2013)
5% de descuento
Una Tercera Parte (1/3) de Pronto Pago
Alternativa 1
Restantes dos terceras partes en tres (3) plazos
(noviembre 30, enero 31 y marzo 1ro)
* a esta alternativa le aplican cargos por intereses al 10%
Alternativa 2
Restantes dos terceras partes en seis (6) plazos
(octubre 31, septiembre 30, noviembre 30, diciembre 31,
enero 31 y febrero 28)
* a esta alternativa le aplican cargos por intereses al 10%
La(s) compra(s) se haran bajo el nombre de
Dirección postal o de facturación
Núm. de Seguro Social
Núm. de Licencia de conducir
Cantidad Aprox. de Compras
Nombre de la Institución
Núm. de Cuenta
Oficial a ser contactado
Al firmar esta forma el solicitante autoriza a el Potrero Los Llanos y a cualquiera de sus consignatarios
a realizar una investigación de crédito y si el solicitante no es un Individuo, el firmante acuerda
hacerse personalmente responsable con el Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de sus consignatarios por el
pago de la deuda adquirida y en acuerdo con las condiciones de venta.
Firma del solicitante
A: Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de los consignatarios he asignado a:
Nombre de Agente
Para actuar como mi agente autorizado para todos los asuntos relacionados a la compra de caballos
en la subasta 2013 del Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.
La persona aqui designada tendrá todos los poderes necesarios para llevar a cabo la compra
de cualquer ejemplar presentado en esta subasta, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a la otorgación de
documentos de compraventa, de garantias, pagos de dinero y cualquier otra gestion relacionada con
la compra de un ejemplar.
Este poder podrá ser revocado unicamente por escrito a la dirección del Potrero Los Llanos.
Este poder será utilizable solamente en la subasta a celebrarse el 15 de agosto de 2013 en las
facilidades del Potrero Los Llanos.
Jurado y Suscrito ante mi por
y vecino de
personalmente en
mayor de edad,
, Puerto Rico, a quien doy fe conocer
, Puerto Rico, hoy
de 2013.
PRIMERA: Todos los ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos en subasta y otorgados
al mejor postor, de conformidad con las disposiciones del Código Civil de Puerto Rico, la
Ley Hípica y el Reglamento Hípico.
SEGUNDA: Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la presente subasta aparecen debidamente
inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte
TERCERA: La compañía, entiéndase Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., se reserva el derecho de
retirar de la subasta a cualquier ejemplar por considerar que la oferta es insuficiente. De
así ocurrir, el ejemplar regresará a su jaula y se considerará no vendido.
CUARTA: El subastador será el juez final en cualquier disputa que pueda surgir entre dos
o más licitadores.
QUINTA: Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito a los
ejemplares ofrecidos en esta subasta. La compañía sugiere que se realicen dichos
exámenes para mayor protección y seguridad del comprador.
SEXTA: El título de propiedad de todo ejemplar subastado pasará al comprador desde
el momento en que dicho ejemplar le sea adjudicado por el subastador. Desde ese
momento el comprador asume toda la responsabilidad y riesgo, y libera a la compañía,
al consignatario, a su criador y a su antiguo dueño, según sea el caso, de cualquier
reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad o muerte relacionada con el ejemplar adquirido.
SEPTIMA: Al momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar subastado, el comprador deberá
realizar la totalidad del pago correspondiente. El comprador deberá suscribir un Pagaré y
un Reconocimiento de Compra a favor de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., del cual podrá obtener
una copia y examinar mediante solicitud a la Corporación o a cualquiera de sus oficiales
en o antes del día de la subasta. El comprador se compromete a efectuar el pago del
compromiso contraído dentro de los términos establecidos por Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.,
en este mismo catálogo. Se le advierte y apercibe a los compradores de caballos que
las condiciones de financiamiento de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., que ha expuesto en este
catálogo se incorporan por referencia y se hacen formar parte de estas Condiciones de
Venta tal cual si las mismas estuvieran aquí literalmente transcritas. En consecuencia de
ello, todo comprador deberá darle estricto cumplimiento a estas.
OCTAVA: El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro asumirá personal y
solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador hasta que éste haya
cumplido con el pago total de la compra. Esta condición incluye a corporaciones y/o
NOVENA: El comprador deberá remover del lugar de la subasta a los ejemplares por
él adquiridos en un período de 72 horas a partir del momento de la adjudicación del
ejemplar. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad y costo por la transportación del
ejemplar adquirido. Si el comprador no cumple con lo anterior, la compañía transportará
al ejemplar adquirido por el comprador a una finca o establo que le sea conveniente a la
compañía. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que sufra
el ejemplar durante este periodo, y se compensará a la compañía por los costos de
transportación más veinticinco ($25) por día, por concepto del cuido del ejemplar.
DECIMA: No hay garantía implícita de la compañía, ni del consignatario, criador y/o antiguo
dueño por la salud, uso o destino para cualquier propósito de los ejemplares vendidos
mediante subasta e incluidos en este catálogo. El comprador o nuevo dueño tendrá
un término improrrogable de 72 horas a partir de la fecha de la compra para hacer su
reclamo por escrito a la compañía acompañado del informe de su veterinario, por vicio
oculto relacionado con el ejemplar adquirido y, a tales efectos, renuncia a los derechos
que le concede el Artículo 1388 del Código Civil de Puerto rico.
UNDECIMA: La preparación y redacción de este catálogo y la información que contiene
concuerda con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede
adolecer de errores u omisiones.
DUODECIMA: Cualquier exposición o declaración verbal o escrita de la compañía y/o del
consignatario y/o del criador y/o del antiguo dueño, NO ES PARTE DEL CONTRATO DE
Derecho a Devolución
A)Todo ejemplar que luego de un examen endoscópico practicado por un veterinario,
demuestre epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe será devuelto al consignatario
de acuerdo a la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta.
B)Todo ejemplar con fractura o fragmentación ósea que afecte,sin duda alguna, su
habilidad para correr podrá ser devuelto al consignatario sujeto al cumplimiento de la
decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta.
DECIMOCUARTA: El comprador tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas, luego
de haberle sido adjudicado un ejemplar, para radiografiar y endoscopiar al ejemplar
adquirido y darle estricto cumplimiento a esta cláusula y a la décima cláusula (#10) de
estas Condiciones de Venta. Inmediatamente después de conocer alguna condición que,
alegadamente le de derecho al comprador a la devolución del ejemplar adquirido, el
comprador deberá notificar directamente a Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., y, dentro de dicho
termino, presentar la reclamación por escrito acompañada por el certificado de su
veterinario y entregarla personalmente a la oficina de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc. Nuestra
oficina está ubicada en el Barrio Los Llanos, Car. 14 Km. 27.6 en Coamo, PR 00769.
DECIMOQUINTA: La compañía, a requerimiento de una devolución según provisto en
las cláusulas #13 y #14, tendrá disponible un veterinario de vasta experiencia quien
evaluará la reclamación y emitirá su opinión profesional a la compañía. En caso de surgir
un conflicto de opiniones veterinarias, la compañía nombrará a un tercer veterinario
aceptable tanto para la compañía como para el comprador, cuya opinión será aceptada
como final por ambas partes.
Todos los gastos veterinarios originados por esta controversia serán pagados por la parte
a quien le corresponda finalmente el ejemplar.
El derecho a la devolución de acuerdo a lo previsto anteriormente será el único recurso
del comprador y ninguna de las partes será responsable por ningún otro daño, sino,
solamente por aquellos señalados aquí.
DECIMOSEXTA: Con excepción de lo expresado en las cláusulas decimotercera y
decimocuarta (#13 y #14) de las Condiciones de Venta, no se admitirá devolución por
ningún otro motivo luego de haberse adjudicado un ejemplar.
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......ch. c. .............2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
Voice of Destiny .........Lluvia
Voice of Destiny .........Sunshine Coast
Myfavorite Place ........La Abogada
14 ................................. ......b. c................2012
Myfavorite Place ........Miss Ghostzapper
10 ................................. ......b. f. ................2012
Triano ..........................Marta Rosa
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......gr/ro. f............2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......ch. c. .............2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......gr/ro. c...........2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......ch. c. .............2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......ch. c. .............2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......ch. f. ..............2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
................................. ......ch. f. ..............2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. c................2012
................................. ......b. f. ................2012
Myfavorite Place ........Shimmering Gal
Myfavorite Place ........Sra Barbara
Triano ..........................Montanera (ARG)
Myfavorite Place ........Line Brunette
Hockenheim...............La Veronica
Triano ..........................Lady Vanielys
Triano ..........................Camille's Splendor
Triano ..........................Yes She Can
Voice of Destiny .........D'cherokee Speed
Myfavorite Place ........Banker Friend
Myfavorite Place ........Crafty Spirit
Myfavorite Place ........Shine Brightly
Voice of Destiny .........Oh Mr Postman
Triano ..........................Baby Is Due
Voice of Destiny .........Sharp Alert
Triano ..........................Action Delight
Triano ..........................Lisanix
Triano ..........................Stacy Cat
Myfavorite Place ........Puerta Del Sol
Hockenheim...............Princesa Boricua
Myfavorite Place ........Canadian Re So
Myfavorite Place ........Congoja
Myfavorite Place ........Estrella Dorada
Triano ..........................Iluminated Slew
Myfavorite Place ........What a Slam
Myfavorite Place ........Daphne
Hockenheim...............Cambria's Dream
Myfavorite Place ........Mi Abogada
Myfavorite Place ........Princesa de Roble
Myfavorite Place ........Lorena U.
Hockenheim...............This Time Around
Hockenheim...............Fleeting Diablo
Triano ..........................La Replica
Hockenheim...................6, 24, 27, 33,
36, 38, 39
Triano........................3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18,
20, 21, 22, 29, 40
Myfavorite Place.................1, 2, 5, 12,
13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 26, 28,
30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37
Voice of Destiny....................4, 11, 16,
17, 19
Action Delight...................................20
Lorena U...........................................37
Baby Is Due .....................................18
Banker Friend ..................................12
Marta Rosa.......................................10
Mi Abogada .....................................34
Miss Ghostzapper ...........................14
Montanera (ARG)...............................3
Cambria's Dream.............................33
Camille's Splendor.............................8
Canadian Re So ..............................25
Crafty Spirit.......................................13
D'cherokee Speed...........................11
Estrella Dorada ................................28
Fleeting Diablo.................................39
Iluminated Slew................................29
La Abogada.....................................30
Lady Vanielys.....................................7
La Replica ........................................40
La Veronica ........................................6
Line Brunette......................................5
Oh Mr Postman................................17
Princesa Boricua .............................24
Princesa de Roble...........................35
Puerta Del Sol ..................................23
Sharp Alert .......................................19
Shemesh ..........................................36
Shimmering Gal .................................1
Shine Brightly...................................15
Sra Barbara........................................2
Stacy Cat..........................................22
Sunshine Coast................................16
This Time Around ............................38
What a Slam.....................................31
Yes She Can.......................................9
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 18, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Northern Prospect
Fortunate Prospect............
Fortunate Bid
Shimmering Gal................
Lottsa Shim ......................
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
SHIMMERING GAL, by Fortunate Prospect. Winner at 2 and 3, $17,576. Dam
of 3 other foals, 2 to race, both winners-Bella Mulata (f. by Don Guido). 10 wins, 2 to 5, 2013, $54,262.
Desechada (f. by Kylemore Abbey). Winner at 2 and 3, 2013, $12,400.
2nd dam
LOTTSA SHIM, by Shimatoree. Half-sister to LOTTSA TALC, APPEALING
GUY. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 winners, including-Lots of Talent. 4 wins in 7 starts, $64,820. Dam of 2 foals, both winners, incl.-LOTS OF STONES (f. by Strategic Mission). 7 wins in 13 starts at 3 and
4, $208,740, Ruby Rubles S.-R, 3rd Broadway S.-R.
3rd dam
ANTILASSA, by Anticipating. 4 wins at 3, $65,095. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-LOTTSA TALC. 21 wins, 3 to 6, $1,206,248, Barbara Fritchie H.-G2, Distaff
H.-G2, Interborough Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Correction H.-L, Garland
of Roses H.-L, Floral Park H.-L, Berlo H.-L, etc. Dam of-FORT LOUDON. 8 wins, 2 to 4, 2013, $878,123, Carry Back S.-G3,
Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship S.-G3, Florida Stallion/In
Reality S.-LR, Florida Stallion/Affirmed S.-LR, etc.
Sexy Stockings. 2 wins at 3, $42,420. Dam of JACKSON BEND ($1,613,450, Carter H.-G1, Forego S.-G1, etc.), GARTER BELT ($139,255, Green Oaks-L, etc.), Grande Shores (to 5, 2013, $91,888).
APPEALING GUY. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $220,003, Joe Palmer S.-LR, Hollie
Hughes H.-LR, 3rd Mike Lee H.-LR. Sire.
Konvincha. Winner at 3, $23,860. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, incl.-Askham. 2 wins at 3, £69,662, in England, 2nd Select S.-G3, etc.; winner at 5, $27,890, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $127,957).
Pour Popsie. Dam of 6 winners, including-PROVINCETOWN. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $306,224, in N.A./U.S., Ashley T. Cole
H.-LR, 2nd West Point H.-LR, 3rd Troy S.-R. (Total: $306,561).
Unbridled Pleasure. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 4 winners, including-Unbridled Tale. Winner at 2 and 3, $42,229, 3rd Gowell S. Producer.
JCC 1204588 - Microchip 98517000056992
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 3, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Mr. Prospector
Chimes of Freedom
Sra Barbara .......................
Cuddley ............................
So Endearing
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
SRA BARBARA, by Aldebaran. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $34,094. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
CUDDLEY, by Lure. Placed at 3, $7,090. Half-sister to QUALIFY. Dam of-My Enticement. Winner at 3, $47,104, in Canada; 4 wins at 3 and 4, $81,459, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $126,520).
3rd dam
SO ENDEARING, by Raise a Native. Winner at 3, $11,820. Sister to DESIREE
($94,845, Santa Barbara H.-G1, etc.), half-sister to REMINISCING
($148,490, Typecast S., etc.). BELONGING. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-QUALIFY. 2 wins at 2, $440,053, Del Mar Futurity-G1, 2nd Breeders' Cup
Juvenile S.-G1, Hollywood Juvenile Championship-G2.
Tricon. Winner at 2 and 4, $62,929. Sire.
Endearing Quality. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-JOLIE'S SHINJU. 9 wins at 3 and 4 in Singapore, hwt. older mare at 4
on Singaporean Hand., 5 - 7 fur. and 7 - 9 1/2 fur., hwt. older mare at
5 on Singaporean Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Emirates Singapore DerbyG1, Patrons' Bowl-G1, Singapore Derby Trial-G2, 3rd Kranji SprintG3, Merlion Trophy-G3; placed at 4, $48,600, in Australia, 3rd Dato
Tan Chin Nam John F. Feehan S.-G2. (Total: $42,128).
Endearingly. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-NOTORIETY. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $423,910, Jaipur H.-G3, 2nd Appleton H.G3, 3rd Bowling Green H.-G2, Mac Diarmida H.-G3.
Reminiscently. Placed at 3, $10,787. Dam of PISA NO KUKAI (3 wins,
Total: $630,268, in Japan, Principal S., 2nd Shirafuji S.).
Darlin. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including-DUBAI DISTINCTION. 12 wins, 3 to 8, 2013, $165,250, Eillo S., 3rd Parlay Me S.
Our Honoree. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-MY NEW LADY. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $185,378, Ma Kettle S.-L.
Social Call. Unplaced in 2 starts. Producer. Granddam of Miss Aristocrat
(4 wins, $113,309, 2nd Suncoast S., 3rd Gasparilla S.).
JCC 1215280 - Microchip 985170002197191
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 18, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Northern Jove
Equalize ............................
Montanera (ARG)..............
Candy Stripes
Montanari .........................
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
Montanera (ARG), by Equalize. Winner at 3, 22,085 pesos, in Argentina; 6 wins,
4 to 6, $100,160, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Clasico Bold Forbes-G3. (Total: $107,714). Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, including-Representada (f. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 3, $24,622.
2nd dam
MONTANARI, by Candy Stripes. 2 wins at 4, 17,270 pesos, in Argentina. (Total: $17,293). Half-sister to MOROSITO. Dam of 8 winners, including-Montanera (ARG) (f. by Equalize). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
MOROSITY, by Ringaro. In Argentina. Unraced. Dam of 4 other winners, incl.-MOROSITO. 15 wins, 3 to 5, 123,696 pesos, in Argentina, Espana Dia de
la Raza-G3, 2nd Ciudad de la Plata-G1, General Manuel Belgrano-G2,
Prensa Hipica, Urbano de Iriondo, 3rd Prensa Hipica. (Total: $123,733).
Moroxita. Winner at 3, 12,784 pesos, in Argentina. (Total: $12,799). Dam of-MORANDE. 4 wins at 4 and 5, 101,113 pesos, in Argentina, Irineo Leguisamo, 3rd Comparacion-G2. (Total: $32,413).
4th dam
MOROSINITA (ARG), by Good Manners. 7 wins, 2 to 5 in Argentina, Premio
Venezuela-G2, Premio General Alvear-G3, Premio Sociedad Rural
Argentina, etc. Half-sister to SPOLETTO. Dam of 2 winners, including-Morosini. Winner at 5 and 6, 16,088 pesos, in Argentina. (Total: $16,096).
Morasina. Unraced. Dam of Bad Manners (2nd Gran Premio Eliseo Ramirez-G1, 3rd Premio Mil Guineas-G1, dam of EL BARON ROJO, 8
wins, Total: $41,967, Oswaldo Aranha, etc.; Mr. Badners, Total: $59,165,
3rd Intendente Melchor A. Posse), Tropical Time (Total: $31,384, 2nd
Juan Salvador Boucau), Maupassant (ARG) (2nd Premio Cocles, etc.).
Morotyna. Unraced. Dam of Moro Real (Total: $48,158, 2nd Embrujo).
Great-granddam of Moralista (in Uruguay, 2nd Clasico Sarandi-G3).
Maxima. Unraced. Dam of Maxi Halo (Total: $28,133, 2nd Islas Malvinas).
Modesty. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of MODERN GREEK (5 wins in
Argentina, Total: $120,928, Mil Guineas-G1, Eudoro J. Balsa-G3, etc.).
JCC 1215489 - Microchip 985170002191487
Consigned by Ernesto Acosta
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 21, 2012
Deputy Minister
Mane Minister ..................
Voice of Destiny................
Never Scheme
A.P. Indy
Just Typical.......................
Poolesta (IRE)
Country Pine
Sunshine Coast ................
Coastal Trade
By VOICE OF DESTINY (1996). Stakes winner of $556,723, Clasico Verset's Jet-G2, Berkeley H.-G3, California Juvenile S.-G3, Leland Stanford S., 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1
twice, San Carlos H.-L, 3rd Clasico Verset’s Jet-G1, Clasico Jose
Celso Barbosa-G1, Clasico George Washington-G1, etc. Sire of winners Castador ($40,775, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1), Redactor ($46,526), Tatito ($25,236), Co Moderadora ($14,075), Inspector ($9,324).
1st dam
LLUVIA, by Just Typical. Winner at 3, $15,434. Half-sister to MUECA, CONCIERTO ALEGRE. Dam of 4 other foals, 1 to race-Lluvia Azul (f. by Don Guido). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $10,600.
Srta. Victoria (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
SUNSHINE COAST, by Country Pine. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $34,860. Sister to CRESCENT COAST. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-MUECA (f. by Balcony). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $303,331, champion 2-year-old filly
in Puerto Rico, Clasico Bricola-G1, Clasico Camarero-G1, 2nd Clasico
Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G1, Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R.
Matos-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, Clasico Confederacion
Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1. Producer.
CONCIERTO ALEGRE (c. by Don Guido). 16 wins in 24 starts, 2 to 5,
$155,766, champion 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico FuturityG3, 3rd Clasico Navidad-G1.
3rd dam
COASTAL TRADE, by Coastal. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $34,335. Half-sister to IRON
QUEEN. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 winners, including-CRESCENT COAST. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $196,860, Columbus Day S., 2nd My
Juliet S., Floyd Duncan S., 3rd Hannah Dustin S. Producer.
4th dam
AUNT HILDY, by Bold Native. Winner at 3, $3,292. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-IRON QUEEN. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $65,828, Summer Guest H., 2nd Jasmine
S., Starlight S., My Dear Girl S.-R. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, incl.-DEMOCRITUS. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $87,806, Breeders' Cup Super S., etc.
Lilpiece of Heaven. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $22,730. Dam of Red Academy
($31,945), Sierra Center (Total: $20,241, 3rd Sturgeon River S.-R).
Jennifer's Lady. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $43,365. Dam of 6 winners, including-WENDY'S DANCER. 2 wins at 2, $39,800, Mid-Peninsula S., etc.
Lady Astaire. Winner at 2. Dam of BASSANT (4 wins, $119,320).
JCC 1215911 - Microchip 985170002196244
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 23, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Mr. Prospector
Line In The Sand...............
Really Lucky
Line Brunette ....................
Valid Appeal
Appealing Brunette ...........
Dear Brunette
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
LINE BRUNETTE, by Line In The Sand. Half-sister to DEVILISH BRUNETTE,
Brunette Crusader. Dam of 10 other foals, 7 to race, all winners, incl.-Another Patricia (f. by Sejm). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $117,845.
Literatura (f. by Myfavorite Place). 8 wins, 2 to 4, 2013, $74,405.
Cumbanchero (g. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $24,947.
Unnamed (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
APPEALING BRUNETTE, by Valid Appeal. Unraced. Half-sister to RAISIN
SLEW. Dam of 11 other foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, including-DEVILISH BRUNETTE (f. by Diablo). 5 wins, $143,868, Florida Stallion/
Desert Vixen S.-LR, Bluff's Dividend H. Dam of 9 winners, including-DEVILISH LADY (f. by Sweetsouthernsaint). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $400,318,
Azalea S.-G3, Joe O'Farrell Juvenile Fillies S.-LR, Gasparilla S., Sandpiper S., Cherokee Frolic Starter S.-R, 2nd Stonehedge Farm South
Sophomore Fillies S.-LR, Suncoast S., 3rd Cassidy S.
Captain Lindsay (c. by Mecke). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $137,573, 2nd Pasco
S., 3rd Sam F. Davis S.-L, Unbridled S.-L, Inaugural S.
Brunette Crusader (g. by Crusader Sword). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $164,612, 2nd
Inaugural S., 3rd Friar Rock S.-L.
Terry M. 4 wins to 6, $123,820. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, incl.-Capitan Heroe (c. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 4 in Panama, 2nd Clasico
German Ruiz-G2, Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz, Ramon y Ernesto
Navarro Diaz-G3, etc.; placed at 3 and 4 in Venezuela, 2nd Clasico
de Los Sprinters-G1, 3rd Clasico de los Sprinters-G1.
Island Frolic (f. by Concorde's Tune). Winner at 2, $30,980, 3rd Juan
Gonzalez Memorial S.
3rd dam
DEAR BRUNETTE, by Banquet Table. Unraced. Half-sister to LEPRECHAUNS WISH (9 wins, $356,352, Keeneland Breeders’ Cup S.-L, etc.,
sire), Shoo City Shoo (3 wins, $54,969). Dam of 6 winners, including-RAISIN SLEW. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $43,949, Rocky Mountain Futurity, etc.
JCC 1215718 - Microchip 985170002192479
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 1, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Fappiano's Star.................
Star Hawaii
La Veronica.......................
Seattle Song
Seattle Loaner ...................
Sweet Hollow
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
LA VERONICA, by Fappiano's Star. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $223,620, Clasico Confederacion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, 2nd Clasico Confederacion Hipica
de Puerto Rico-G1. Dam of 4 other foals, 2 to race, both winners-Pichirri (g. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $26,614.
Inspectora (f. by Don Guido). 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, 2013, $14,983.
Private Groom (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
SEATTLE LOANER, by Seattle Song. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $128,595, champion imported 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G2,
3rd Clasico Wiso G.-G1. Dam of 3 winners, including-LA VERONICA (f. by Fappiano's Star). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
SWEET HOLLOW, by *Forli. Winner at 3, €3,368, in Ireland. (Total: $4,276).
Half-sister to HOLLOW BABA, World Court. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-SEATTLE LOANER. Champion, above.
4th dam
MY HOLLOW (IRE), by Wolver Hollow. 8 wins at 4 and 5 in Ireland, champion
older mare, Brownstown Fillies S.-G3, Desmond S.-G3, Royal Whip S.-G3,
Ulster Champion S., 2nd Blandford S.-G2, Gilltown Stud S. Dam of-HOLLOW BABA. 14 wins, 2 to 8 in Italy, Criterium Labronico, 2nd Premio
Bimbi, Premio dell'Avvenire, 3rd Premio Arconte.
World Court. 2 wins at 3 in Ireland, 2nd Ulster Harp Derby; winner at 4 and
5, $156,300, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Tanforan H.-G3, Caballero H.-LR, Henry
P. Russell H.-LR, 3rd American H.-G1. Sire.
Saratogian. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $54,923.
Sir Hollow. Winner in 1 start at 3, €12,196, in France. (Total: $13,656). Dam
of 4 winners, including-Moon Emperor. 8 wins, 3 to 10, £98,017, in England. (Total: $151,059).
Quiet Liaison. Placed at 3, $8,710. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, including-Narita Run Bird. Winner at 3, ¥20,510,000, in Japan. (Total: $164,264).
Quebelick. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $99,320.
JCC 1215655 - Microchip 985170002192568
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 28, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Montbrook ........................
Secret Papers
Lady Vanielys....................
Rangeley Lady ..................
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
LADY VANIELYS, by Montbrook. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $34,783. Dam of 2 other
foals, 1 to race-Co Heredero (c. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). 2 wins in 4 starts to 3, 2013, $10,944.
2nd dam
RANGELEY LADY, by Carnivalay. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $243,185, Primonetta S.-L,
Toes Knows S.-LR, 2nd My Juliet S. Dam of 4 other winners-Sweet Alicia. 5 wins at 2 and 5, $69,376.
Adriana's Boy. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $56,740.
Our Manuscript. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $54,392.
Drewlee. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $27,079.
3rd dam
LAUNCHABLE, by Relaunch. Winner at 3, $22,860. Half-sister to Quick
Power. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, including-RANGELEY LADY. Stakes winner, above.
Hyatt Road. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $106,085. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-PHIL'S PROSPECT. 5 wins, $134,260, Tyro S., 3rd First State Dash S.-LR.
ROCK ON JUSTIN. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $132,000, Miracle Wood S.
She's Achance. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $150,884.
Compelling Launch. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $79,753.
City Charmer. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $71,993. Dam of 2 winners, including-Carried a Torch. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $56,738.
Sarah M. 3 wins at 4, $22,993.
Rangeley Prospect. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $14,970.
4th dam
BONUS SPOT, by Pretense. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to PREEMPTIVE
($131,782, Los Feliz S., etc., sire), PREPRINT ($123,240, C. B. Afflerbaugh S.), BREECH ($76,585, David Brearley S., etc.), Power Plan ($86,550, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Miami Beach H.-L, etc.). Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Quick Power. Winner at 2, $30,420, 3rd Damon Runyon S.-LR.
Preprincess. Unraced. Dam of-Miss Moon Princess. 5 wins, $126,471, 3rd Golden Eagle Farm H.-LR.
JCC 1203310 - Microchip 985170002183047
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 20, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Raise a Native
Raise a Man......................
Delta Sal
Camille's Splendor ...........
Fred Astaire
Stacee's Splendor .............
Back Up North
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
CAMILLE'S SPLENDOR, by Raise a Man. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $51,920. Dam of
7 other foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-Arelys M. C. (f. by Don Guido). 10 wins in 20 starts, 2 to 4, $63,204.
Diagnostico (g. by Myfavorite Place). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $42,212.
La Nena de Guillo (f. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
STACEE'S SPLENDOR, by Fred Astaire. Unraced. Dam of-Leda Evelyn Jannet. Winner at 2, $4,664.
3rd dam
BACK UP NORTH, by Lucky North Man. Unraced. Half-sister to Whiz Along.
Dam of 2 winners, including-Bold Pursuit. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $94,060.
4th dam
ANSWER BACK, by Northern Answer. 2 wins to 3, $13,944. Sister to HOPEFUL
ANSWER ($185,374, in N.A./U.S.), half-sister to Mint Copy. Dam of-Whiz Along. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $581,115, 2nd Michigan Mile H.-G2, National
Jockey Club H.-G3, Hudson H.-LR, Hollie Hughes H.-LR, 3rd Philadelphia Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Canterbury Cup H.-G3,
Gen. Douglas MacArthur H.-LR, Joe Palmer S.-LR, Upset S.-LR. Sire.
Heavenly Message. Winner at 2, $7,310. Dam of 6 winners, including-DIRECT SIGN. 2 wins at 2 in Australia, Waltzing Lily H. Producer.
Mozzman Park. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Zimbabwe, 2nd SA Tourism/SAA
Heavenly Pun. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $257,175, in Australia, 2nd Yalumba Plate,
3rd Carlton Draught Geelong Classic. (Total: $198,527).
Jen's Halo. 2 wins at 2 in Australia. Producer. Granddam of GEEZA
(Total: $98,908, in New Zealand, Windsor Park Stud Breeders' S.-G3,
etc.), GLAMOROUS GIRL (Total: $74,240, Stella Artois Desert Gold
S.-G3, etc.), SO ELUSIVE (7 wins, Total: $106,397, Yesberg Insurance Services Pegasus S.), Indicio (3rd Singapore Three-Year-Old
Sprint-G3), Stardom (Total: $80,328, 3rd Berkley Stud Welcome S.).
JCC 1204082 - Microchip 985170002191841
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 18, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Exclusive Native
Affirmed ............................
Won't Tell You
Yes She Can .....................
Sharpening Up
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
YES SHE CAN, by Affirmed. Unraced. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-Mandrake (g. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, $36,928.
Mr. Kuku (g. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 2, $35,802.
Miss Kuku (f. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $26,839.
Mensajero Del Sol (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
SECRETARIN, by Secretariat. Placed at 3, $16,141. Half-sister to WOODCARVER, FIRM DANCER, ALL FIRMED UP. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Let the Fuhr Fly. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $61,377.
Swan Queen. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-EXECUTRIX (f. by Bold Executive). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $278,086, in Canada,
Nandi S.-LR, 2nd La Voyageuse H.-L, Shady Well S.-LR, 3rd Muskoka S.LR. Set ntr at Woodbine, 4 1/2 fur. in :51 4/5. (Total: $265,225).
3rd dam
SHARPENING UP, by Sharpen Up (GB). Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $98,383, Honeysuckle S.-R, 2nd Mill Race H., Bergen County S. Half-sister to Noranda
($47,641), Roma. Broodmare of the year in Canada in 1999. Dam of-WOODCARVER. 3 wins, $464,626, champion 3-year-old colt in Canada,
Queen's Plate S.-LR, Queenston S.-LR, 2nd Prince of Wales S.-LR, etc.
FIRM DANCER. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $555,548, Dominion Day H.-G3,
Coronation Futurity-LR, 2nd Connaught Cup S.-G3, Breeders' S.-LR,
Prince of Wales S.-LR, Marine S.-L, Eclipse S.-L, Sir Barton S.-L, etc.
ALL FIRMED UP. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $600,670, Toronto Cup H.-L, Kennedy Road
S.-L, Plate Trial S.-LR, F. W. Gaudin Memorial H., 2nd Nearctic H.-L, etc.
Forest Flute. Placed at 3, $9,945. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-WOODSMOKE. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $231,200, in Canada, Alywow S.L, Fury S.-LR, 2nd Ontario Damsel S.-LR. (Total: $198,157).
Wood Fern. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.-ARTIC FERN. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $445,020, in Canada, King Corrie S.-L, 2nd
Ontario Jockey Club S.-LR, 3rd Connaught Cup S.-G2. (Total: $441,413).
JCC 1215828 - Microchip 985170002183996
Consigned by Eduardo Maldonado
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 31, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Sharpen Up (GB)
Conveyor ..........................
Lucky Lady Ellen
Marta Rosa .......................
Great Above
Acallabove ........................
Very Close Call
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
MARTA ROSA, by Conveyor. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $30,137. Dam of 4 other foals, 3
to race, 2 winners, including-Sicamanda (f. by Triano). 2 wins at 2, $15,540.
Joharys Charlotte (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
ACALLABOVE, by Great Above. Winner at 3, $3,795. Half-sister to BEE DILIGENT, For the Glory. Dam of 4 other winners, including-Jeff the Clocker. 7 wins, 4 to 7, $48,880.
3rd dam
GOLDEN GIRL, B. Golden, Kankakee Miss. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-BEE DILIGENT. 2 wins at 2, $53,320, Lady-Luck S.-L, etc. Dam of-Tiananmen Square. 5 wins to 4, $77,250, 2nd Pegasus Stud Farm S.
Lanbeedue. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $37,940, 3rd Ellis Park Juvenile S. Set ntr.
Diligent Justice. Winner at 2, $13,500. Dam of TRICKY TRANSACTION
(3 wins, $83,840, CTBA Breeders' Oaks-R, etc., dam of Class Trans
Action, $18,420, 3rd CTBA Breeders Oaks-R, etc.), Midnight Affair
(4 wins, $26,678, 3rd Columbus Breeders' Special S.-R).
For the Glory. Winner at 2, $15,595, 3rd Linfield S.-R.
Near Hit. 2 wins at 3, $14,644. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-Halo's Call. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $62,430, 2nd Lady Luck S. Producer.
Glorious Call. Placed at 2. Dam of 7 foals, all winners, including-Jolie Alouette. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $102,443, 2nd Mata Hari Breeders' Cup S.-L, etc. Dam of NO MORE DRINKS (24 wins in Dominican
Republic, mare of the year, Clasico General Gregorio Luperon, etc.,
dam of Blue Martini, 2nd Clasico Criadores Version Potros-G1).
4th dam
GOLDEN BEACH, by *Djeddah. Winner at 2. Half-sister to Darby D-Day
($45,180, 2nd Wakefield S., etc.). Dam of 16 foals, 13 winners, incl.-WILLIAM EDWARD. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $37,216, Illinois Cavalier S., etc.
BEE GOLDEN GIRL. 2 wins at 2, $21,152, Bayouland Sales S.-R.
JCC 1215998 - Microchip 985170002211501
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 9, 2012
Deputy Minister
Mane Minister ..................
Voice of Destiny................
Never Scheme
Runaway Groom
Cherokee Run ...................
Cherokee Dame
D'cherokee Speed .............
Vice Regent
Quarteira ...........................
Double Set
By VOICE OF DESTINY (1996). Stakes winner of $556,723, Clasico Verset's Jet-G2, Berkeley H.-G3, California Juvenile S.-G3, Leland Stanford S., 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1
twice, San Carlos H.-L, 3rd Clasico Verset’s Jet-G1, Clasico Jose
Celso Barbosa-G1, Clasico George Washington-G1, etc. Sire of winners Castador ($40,775, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1), Redactor ($46,526), Tatito ($25,236), Co Moderadora ($14,075), Inspector ($9,324).
1st dam
D'CHEROKEE SPEED, by Cherokee Run. 2 wins to 3, $23,365. Half-sister to
Yanquee Reign. Dam of 3 other foals, which have not raced, incl.-La Trova (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
QUARTEIRA, by Vice Regent. Winner at 3, €8,691, in France; winner at 4 and
5, $26,496, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $37,971). Sister to TWICE THE VICE,
half-sister to BURGANDY DANCER. Dam of 7 other winners, incl.-Yanquee Reign (f. by Yankee Victor). 4 wins, $92,588, 3rd Claire Marine S.
3rd dam
DOUBLE SET, by Resurgent. Placed at 3. Half-sister to NAVAJO. Dam of-TWICE THE VICE. 12 wins in 23 starts, $1,447,064, Apple Blossom H.-G1,
Vanity H.-G1, Santa Margarita Invitational H.-G1, Milady Breeders' Cup
H.-G1, Del Mar Invitational Oaks-G1, Hawthorne H.-G2, Linda Vista
Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Anoakia S.-L, etc. Dam of 3 winners, including-Major Cafe. 6 wins, 2 to 7, ¥180,487,000, in Japan, 3rd New Zealand
Trophy-G2. (Total: $1,539,853).
BURGANDY DANCER. 6 wins, $126,136, Duchess S.-L, etc. Dam of-Over The Top. 9 wins, 3 to 7 in Australia, 2nd Bill Ritchie H., etc.
Smoochin'. 2 wins at 3, $43,270. Dam of 7 winners, including-Lake Okeechobee. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $73,641, 2nd Oakley S.-R. Dam
of Seminole Native (4 wins, $387,804, 2nd TVG Khaled S.-LR, etc.).
Double Saucy. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $142,360. Producer. Granddam of GENTLE
CHARMER ($344,313, California Cup Distaff H.-LR, etc., dam of Indirectly A. P., to 4, 2013, $98,138, 3rd OBS Sophomore S.-LR), STRATEGICALLY ($161,942, Black Mountain H., Walter R. Cluer Memorial H., etc.).
4th dam
DOUBLENE, by Double Jay. Winner at 3, $5,590. Half-sister to TROUBLEPEG
(4 wins, Cinderella S.). Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-NAVAJO. 22 wins, 2 to 6, $351,982, Willaim du Pont, Jr. H.-G2, Letellier
Memorial H.-G3, Ben Ali H.-G3, Essex H., Churchill Downs H., Louisville
H., 2nd Louisiana Derby-G2, Pelleteri H., LeComte H., etc. Sire.
JCC 1215768 - Microchip 985170002184087
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 11, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Forty Niner
Banker's Gold ...................
Banker's Lady
Banker Friend ...................
I'll Raise You One
Mystic's Magic .................
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
BANKER FRIEND, by Banker's Gold. Winner at 2, $14,740. Half-sister to Razzy.
Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-Turuleca (f. by Kylemore Abbey). Placed at 3.
2nd dam
Mystic's Magic, by I'll Raise You One. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $59,255, 3rd Emerald
Necklace S.-R. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-Razzy (c. by Tamhid). 9 wins, 2 to 6, $164,386, 3rd Derby PuertorriquenoG1, Clasico Battle Morn-G3, Copa San Juan.
3rd dam
MYSTIC, by Honey Jay. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $53,240, Valedictorian H.-R, 3rd
Coney Island S.-R. Sister to SWEET REJOICE, Amber Tribute, Sweet
Sunrise, half-sister to Deciever. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-Mystic's Magic. Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
SKY TRIBUTE, by High Tribute. Winner at 3, $4,740. Half-sister to SWEET
AUDREY ($161,416), SARAH BABE. Dam of 11 foals, 9 winners, incl.-SWEET REJOICE. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $127,961, Queen City Oaks H.-LR, .
MYSTIC. Stakes winner, above.
Amber Tribute. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $54,980, 2nd Miss Ohio S.-R, etc.
Deciever. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $37,608, 3rd Brent's Prince H.-R.
Sweet Sunrise. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $36,942, 3rd Sweet Audrey S.-R. Dam of-Sweet Raisin. 4 wins to 3, $50,473, 2nd Tougaloo S.-R, etc. Producer.
Sweet Praise. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3, $7,968. Dam of 5 winners, including-ROLL OVER BABY. 10 wins in 19 starts, 2 to 4, $180,806, Ohio Breeders' Futurity-LR, etc. Dam of SING BABY SING ($485,060, Phoenix
S.-G3, etc.), ROLL HENNESSY ROLL ($173,869, Hollywood Prevue
S.-G3, etc., sire), VALUE PLUS ($414,595, Artax H.-L-ntr, etc., sire),
MAJORBIGTIMESHEET ($323,102, sire), Werblin ($120,615, sire).
I'LL BE PRAISED. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $122,870, Glacial Princess S.-R, etc.
BEST JEST. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $83,618, Quick Step H.-R, etc. Sire.
Checkmark. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $52,223, 3rd Ohio Freshman S.-R.
JCC 1215708 - Microchip 985170002190169
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 27, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Mr. Prospector
Crafty Prospector..............
Real Crafty Lady
Crafty Spirit ......................
Silver Buck
Silver Spirit.......................
Bonnie's Poker
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
CRAFTY SPIRIT, by Crafty Prospector. Winner at 2, $14,249. Dam of 4 other
foals, 3 to race, including-Aranka (f. by Wiseman's Ferry). 15 wins, 2 to 5, $126,183.
Jibarita (f. by Myfavorite Place). Placed at 2 and 3, 2013, $5,172.
2nd dam
SILVER SPIRIT, by Silver Buck. Winner at 3, $48,130. Sister to SILVER
CHARM. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 winners, including-Baby Let's Roll. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $41,690. Producer.
3rd dam
BONNIE'S POKER, by Poker. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $153,960. Dam of-SILVER CHARM. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $4,444,369, in N.A./U.S., champion 3year-old colt, Kentucky Derby-G1, Preakness S.-G1, Strub S.-G2, Clark
H.-G2, Del Mar Futurity-G2, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S.-G2, etc.;
winner, 9,181,052 dirhams, in U.A.E., hwt. older horse at 4 on U.A.E.
Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Dubai World Cup-G1. (Total: $6,944,369). Sire.
Dollar Poker. Winner at 2 and 4, $44,060. Dam of 3 winners, including-Bada Bam Bada Boom. 13 wins, 3 to 9, $362,668, in N.A./U.S., 2nd
Northern Dancer S.-LR, Maryland Million Sweepstakes S.-R; placed
at 7 and 8, $29,777, in Canada. (Total: $387,735).
Bet Me Up. Unraced. Dam of OLMOSTA ($156,165, New Braunfels S.,
JEH Stallion Station S.-R, Fiesta Mile S.-R, 2nd Tellike S., etc.).
Elrose. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-SUPER FREAKY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $385,498, Providencia S.-G3, La
Habra S.-L, 2nd Honeymoon Breeders' Cup H.-G2, Senorita S.-G3,
Adoration H.-LR, 3rd Del Mar Oaks-G1, Las Cienegas H.-G3.
4th dam
WHAT A SURPRISE, by Wise Margin. 7 wins, 3 to 5. Half-sister to Mighty
Monster ($24,308), Hail the Ruler. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, incl.-Sunny Grapefruit. 3 wins, $50,410. Dam of Vital Ruler ($16,117). Granddam of ROBERTO RETORNO ($165,942), TEDDY BEAR TEARS
($103,944). Great-granddam of AWALKINTHEMOONLITE ($95,458).
JCC 1203558 - Microchip 985170002191667
Consigned by Jose Cortes
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 23, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Gone West
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles
Miss Ghostzapper .............
Sunny's Halo
Rachel's Halo....................
Thirty Zip
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
MISS GHOSTZAPPER, by Grand Slam. Half-sister to AIR PEGASUS. Dam of 5
other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Anelina (f. by Lion Heart). 3 wins at 3, $39,470.
Fusaichi Slam (c. by Roman Ruler). 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $24,135.
Mi Diva Mari (f. by Unbridled Energy). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
RACHEL'S HALO, by Sunny's Halo. Winner at 3, $12,180. Half-sister to WIN
RIVER WIN, LUCETTE, BABY ZIP. Dam of 3 winners, including-AIR PEGASUS (c. by Fusaichi Pegasus). Winner at 3, $23,000, in Canada,
2nd Winnipeg Futurity; 5 wins at 4 and 5, $32,000, in N.A./U.S., Inaugural
Purse S., 2nd Art Smith Memorial S., Queens H., etc. (Total: $54,365).
3rd dam
THIRTY ZIP, by Tri Jet. 13 wins, $585,970, Virginia H.-L, Melaleuca S.-L, Meadowbrook Farm H.-L twice, etc. Half-sister to CUTTER SAM. Dam of-WIN RIVER WIN. 26 wins, 2 to 8 in Turkey, champion imported handicap
horse, Acik-G2 three times, etc.; winner, 1,143,514 dirhams, in U.A.E., 2nd
Jebel Ali International Hotels Godolphin Mile-G2, etc. (Total: $311,500).
LUCETTE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $97,043, Majestic Flag S., etc. Dam of EVERYDAY HEROES (5 wins, Total: $240,800, Hirsch Jacobs S.-G3, etc.).
BABY ZIP. 4 wins to 3, $60,395, Kattegat's Pride S., 3rd Marshua S.-L. Broodmare of the year in 2005. Dam of 11 foals to race, 8 winners, including-GHOSTZAPPER. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $3,446,120, horse of the year, champion
older horse, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1-ntr, 1 1/4 mi. in 1:59, etc. Sire.
CITY ZIP. 9 wins, $818,225, Hopeful S.-G1, Saratoga Special S.-G2, etc.
CITY WOLF. Placed., $15,335, in N.A./U.S.; 4 wins at 4, $269,215, in Canada, Durham Cup S.-G3, 2nd Seagram Cup S.-G3, etc. (Total: $284,627).
Getaway Girl. 3 wins. Dam of NORTHERN CAUSEWAY (Total: $252,072).
Catch the Ghost. Winner, $8,700. Dam of PHANTOM INCOME ($169,345).
Mattie Kate. 3 wins, $50,710. Dam of Promise One (Total: $62,640). Granddam of REALLY MR GREELY ($90,240, Hollywood Prevue S.-G3).
Little Zip. 3 wins to 4, $45,351. Granddam of MAZUCAMBERA ($63,562).
JCC 1215488 - Microchip 98517000057834
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 30, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Mr. Prospector
Dance Brightly ..................
Dance Smartly
Shine Brightly ...................
Shine On Sarah.................
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
Shine Brightly, by Dance Brightly. 4 wins to 4, $92,636, 2nd Clasico Lightning AlG3, 3rd Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G1. Dam of 4 other foals, 2 to race, incl.-ABSOLUTO (g. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 3, $83,036, Clasico Antonio
Mongil, Jr.-G1.
Lara Huracanada (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
SHINE ON SARAH, by Secreto. Winner at 3, $30,080. Half-sister to MALTHUS, BAN PASSER. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, incl.-Shine Brightly (f. by Dance Brightly). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Crafty Sarah. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $36,789. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-Siete de Oros (g. by A. P. Warrior). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $158,950,
2nd Jerome S.-G2, 3rd Withers S.-G3, Pennsylvania Nursery S.-LR.
3rd dam
HYTANIA, by Buckpasser. Unraced. Half-sister to PRIDES PROFILE. Dam of-MALTHUS. 4 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3 in Panama, Premio Empleados de
Establos-G3, 2nd Premio Presidente de la Republica-G1; placed at 3,
$133,463, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Jim Dandy S.-G2, 3rd Travers S.-G1. Sire.
BAN PASSER. 4 wins at 3 in Japan, Queen S. Producer. Granddam of
AZUMA EAST (3 wins in Japan, Fuji-TV Sho Spring S.-G2, sire).
Azuma Roman. Winner at 3 in Japan. Producer. Granddam of SERAPHIC
ROMP (5 wins, Total: $1,878,729, Aichi Hai-G3, Aichi Hai H.-G3, etc.).
Azuma Brook (JPN). 2 wins at 3 in Japan. Producer. Granddam of AZOOMA (5 wins, $69,187, Kudzu Juvenile S.-R, etc.). Great-granddam of
Slewzoom (5 wins to 6, 2013, $140,657, 2nd Prairie Mile S., etc.).
4th dam
HILLBROOK, by I Will. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $33,085. Half-sister to HILLSDALE
($646,935, sire), Prince Dale ($144,454). Dam of 3 winners, incl.-PRIDES PROFILE. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $308,611, Gazelle H., Diana H., etc.
Water Cress. 2 wins, $20,600. Dam of COLONIAL WATERS ($1,112,847, John
A. Morris H.-G1, etc., dam of PANAMA CANAL, $192,130; DIPUTADO),
SOUTHERN SULTAN ($252,940, sire), IRON CONSTITUTION ($171,444).
JCC 1215018 - Microchip 985170002186768
Consigned by Ernesto Acosta
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 2, 2012
Deputy Minister
Mane Minister ..................
Voice of Destiny................
Never Scheme
His Majesty
Country Pine.....................
Mountain Sunshine
Sunshine Coast ................
Coastal Trade ....................
Aunt Hildy
By VOICE OF DESTINY (1996). Stakes winner of $556,723, Clasico Verset's Jet-G2, Berkeley H.-G3, California Juvenile S.-G3, Leland Stanford S., 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1
twice, San Carlos H.-L, 3rd Clasico Verset’s Jet-G1, Clasico Jose
Celso Barbosa-G1, Clasico George Washington-G1, etc. Sire of winners Castador ($40,775, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1), Redactor ($46,526), Tatito ($25,236), Co Moderadora ($14,075), Inspector ($9,324).
1st dam
SUNSHINE COAST, by Country Pine. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $34,860. Sister to CRESCENT COAST. Dam of 9 other foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-MUECA (f. by Balcony). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $303,331, champion 2-year-old filly
in Puerto Rico, Clasico Bricola-G1, Clasico Camarero-G1, 2nd Clasico
Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G1, Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R.
Matos-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, Clasico Confederacion
Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1. Producer.
CONCIERTO ALEGRE (c. by Don Guido). 16 wins in 24 starts, 2 to 5,
$155,766, champion 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico FuturityG3, 3rd Clasico Navidad-G1.
Jan Pierre T. (g. by Sejm). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $39,338.
Linda Gaucha (f. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $26,267.
Concierto de Amor (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
COASTAL TRADE, by Coastal. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $34,335. Half-sister to IRON
QUEEN. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 winners, including-CRESCENT COAST (f. by Country Pine). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $196,860, Columbus
Day S., 2nd My Juliet S., Floyd Duncan S., 3rd Hannah Dustin S. Producer.
3rd dam
AUNT HILDY, by Bold Native. Winner at 3, $3,292. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-IRON QUEEN. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $65,828, Summer Guest H., 2nd Jasmine
S., Starlight S., My Dear Girl S.-R. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, incl.-DEMOCRITUS. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $87,806, Breeders' Cup Super S., 2nd
Spartacus S., Farmington Hills H., Livonia S.-R.
Lilpiece of Heaven. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $22,730. Dam of Red Academy
($31,945), Sierra Center (Total: $20,241, 3rd Sturgeon River S.-R).
Jennifer's Lady. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $43,365. Dam of 6 winners, including-WENDY'S DANCER. 2 wins at 2, $39,800, Mid-Peninsula S., 2nd Blazing Skies H.
Lady Astaire. Winner at 2. Dam of BASSANT (4 wins, $119,320).
JCC 1215406 - Microchip 985170002193056
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 5, 2012
Deputy Minister
Mane Minister ..................
Voice of Destiny................
Never Scheme
Mt. Livermore
Big Dreams
Oh Mr Postman ................
Diesis (GB)
Lost Virtue
By VOICE OF DESTINY (1996). Stakes winner of $556,723, Clasico Verset's Jet-G2, Berkeley H.-G3, California Juvenile S.-G3, Leland Stanford S., 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1
twice, San Carlos H.-L, 3rd Clasico Verset’s Jet-G1, Clasico Jose
Celso Barbosa-G1, Clasico George Washington-G1, etc. Sire of winners Castador ($40,775, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1), Redactor ($46,526), Tatito ($25,236), Co Moderadora ($14,075), Inspector ($9,324).
1st dam
OH MR POSTMAN, by Housebuster. Winner at 3, $10,558. Half-sister to ESYOUEFFCEE (IRE), MANORSON. Dam of 9 other foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-Kevin D. (c. by Fappiano's Star). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $48,590, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1.
Norgaly (f. by Editor's Note). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $50,955.
Oceanico (g. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). Winner at 3 and 4, 2013, $14,021.
2nd dam
FAMILIAR, by Diesis (GB). Winner at 3, £3,631, in England. (Total: $6,620).
Half-sister to ALL AT SEA (Total: $555,643), OVER THE OCEAN, FULL
VIRTUE ($79,565), QUANDARY, Poupon. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-ESYOUEFFCEE (IRE) (f. by Alzao). Winner at 2 and 3, £32,165, in England, Pearl & Coutts Severals S., 2nd Daily Record Doonside Cup,
E.B.F. Montrose Fillies S., 3rd Betsmart.co.uk Virginia Rated S.; winner at 4, $28,600, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $98,344). Dam of-MIKKI PUMPKIN (c. by Dance in the Dark). 5 wins, 2 to 6, ¥174,252,000, in
Japan, Osaka Jo S., 3rd Hakodate Kinen-G3, Arlington Cup-G3, December S., Ireland Trophy, Fukushima Mimpo Hai. (Total: $2,017,329).
Impresario. 2 wins at 3, ¥48,975,000, in Japan. (Total: $603,702).
MANORSON (g. by Desert King). 6 wins, 3 to 10, £50,465, in England,
Stan James Intermediate Hurdle; placed in 1 start at 7, €6,208, in Ireland. (Total: $95,548).
Slew's M. D. Winner at 3 and 4, $15,000. Dam of 2 foals to race, incl.-Slewsbag (g. by Devil's Bag). Winner at 3, $82,176, 3rd Best Pal S.-G2.
White Truffle. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, all winners, including-SILLY LITTLE MAMA (f. by Old Topper). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $149,823,
Manhattan Beach S., Cactus Cup H., Brumbeau S., Miss Gibson
County S., 2nd La Paz S., 3rd Daisycutter H.-L, Great Lady M. S.-L.
Magnificent Bell. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, incl.-Inventor (g. by Alzao). 7 wins, 2 to 5, £77,682, in England, 3rd John
Smiths Top Novices Hurdle. (Total: $136,942).
JCC 1215787 - Microchip 98517000056362
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 21, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Devil's Bag
Devil His Due....................
Plenty O'Toole
Baby Is Due ......................
Northern Baby
Baby Type .........................
Candid Type
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
BABY IS DUE, by Devil His Due. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $25,414. Half-sister to
Baby Swiss. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, all winners-EL NEGRO TORRES (c. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2, placed at 5, 2013,
$107,957, champion 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futurity,
3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G2.
D' Baby (c. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $60,220.
Zaguero (c. by Myfavorite Place). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $52,821.
Debeladora (f. by Fappiano's Star). 4 wins at 3, $25,802.
Primogenito (c. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
BABY TYPE, by Northern Baby. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $19,211. Dam of-Baby Swiss (f. by Swiss Yodeler). Winner at 3, $24,330, 3rd Joanne Dye S.-R.
Western Type. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $162,193. Producer.
Gearupbaby. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $125,040.
3rd dam
CANDID TYPE, by Arcadia Type. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $288,472, Marion H. Van
Berg Memorial S.-L, H. J. Hardenbrook Memorial H.-LR, Governor's
Lady H.-LR, Rosebud H., Satin and Lace S., Illini Princess H.-R, 2nd
Marion H. Van Berg Memorial S.-L, Governor's Lady H.-LR, Raymie S.,
Black Letter S., Peach Queen S.-R, 3rd Lace Garter H.-L, Colfax Maid
S.-LR, Illinois Oaks-LR, Fairmount Matchmaker H., Dahlia S., Matt Winn
H. Half-sister to Lindsey's Surprise. Dam of 4 other winners, incl.-Mi Candi Barr. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $35,192.
4th dam
INFORMAL AFFAIR, by Info. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $14,647. Sister to Misinform
($207,688, 3rd Interborough H., etc.). Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, incl.-CANDID TYPE. Stakes winner, above.
Lindsey's Surprise. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $109,721, 2nd Chicagoland H.-LR.
Lancer Type. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $55,873.
Mschasmataz. Placed at 3, $10,774. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, incl.-Twisty. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $87,384.
JCC 1215228 - Microchip 985170002190991
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 8, 2012
Deputy Minister
Mane Minister ..................
Voice of Destiny................
Never Scheme
Sharpen Up (GB)
Conveyor ..........................
Lucky Lady Ellen
Sharp Alert........................
Gold Alert
Dover Court ......................
Certainly Knott
By VOICE OF DESTINY (1996). Stakes winner of $556,723, Clasico Verset's Jet-G2, Berkeley H.-G3, California Juvenile S.-G3, Leland Stanford S., 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Dia de los Padres-G1
twice, San Carlos H.-L, 3rd Clasico Verset’s Jet-G1, Clasico Jose
Celso Barbosa-G1, Clasico George Washington-G1, etc. Sire of winners Castador ($40,775, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1), Redactor ($46,526), Tatito ($25,236), Co Moderadora ($14,075), Inspector ($9,324).
1st dam
SHARP ALERT, by Conveyor. 9 wins at 2 and 3, $66,387. Half-sister to Miss
Grimsby. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners-CUABEY (f. by Don Guido). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, $82,324, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1.
Triste Guajiro (g. by Sejm). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $43,050.
Prodigiosa (f. by Triano). Winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586.
Lady Paola N (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
DOVER COURT, by Gold Alert. Unraced. Half-sister to CEE K'O. Dam of-Miss Grimsby (f. by Saint Ballado). 3 wins at 3 and 5, $130,053, 2nd
Woodside H.-L, Bara Lass S.-LR. Producer.
3rd dam
CERTAINLY KNOTT, by Political Coverup. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $61,253. Half-sister
to JASPER PARK. Dam of 8 other foals, 6 to race, all winners, incl.-CEE K'O. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $45,779, Sophomore Breeders' Cup S., 2nd
Philmont S., 3rd Allegheny Breeders' Cup S.
Honor Card. Winner at 3, $22,398. Dam of 3 winners, including-CARDASHI. Winner at 3, $10,985, in Canada; 14 wins, 3 to 10, $433,832, in N.A./U.S., Pennsylvania Governor's Cup H.-L, 2nd Pennsylvania Governor's Cup H.-L, Thomas Edison S., Tony Gatto Dream Big
S. (Total: $443,085).
La Sabana. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $59,672.
Always Wild. 8 wins at 3, $57,854.
4th dam
MY GO GO, by Santiago Road. 5 wins to 3, $31,216. Half-sister to ROSE AND
BETTY ($168,801), Sister Dear ($33,065). Dam of 7 winners, incl.-JASPER PARK. 24 wins, 3 to 9, $297,511, Promised Land H., 2nd Chief
Pennekeck H.-L, George Page Memorial H., Firecracker H., 3rd New
Years Day H., Bay State H., Veterans Day H.
Extra Firm. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, including-PLACIDO. 13 wins, 3 to 8, $255,174, Reappeal S.
JCC 1215091 - Microchip 98517000050990
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 18, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Storm Cat
Three Wonders..................
Wood of Binn
Action Delight ...................
Mighty Adversary
Mighty Action ...................
Barbs Action
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
ACTION DELIGHT, by Three Wonders. Winner at 2, $12,040. Half-sister to
Classic Action. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
Mighty Action, by Mighty Adversary. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,460, 2nd Cinderella S., Surrey S., Lassie S. Half-sister to COUNT ACTION. Dam of-APIECEOFTHEACTION (g. by Wander Kind). 13 wins, 2 to 8, $435,031,
Lieutenant Governors' Breeders' Cup S.-L, British Columbia Cup Redekop Classic S.-LR, Sir Winston Churchill H., Jack Diamond Futurity-R,
British Columbia Nursery S.-R, Hastings S.-R, Inaugural S.-R, 2nd Lieutenant Governor's Breeders' Cup S.-L, S. W. Randall Plate H.-L, British
Columbia Classic H.-LR, John Longden 6,000 H., Burnaby S., etc.
YOU'VE GOT ACTION (c. by Son of Briartic). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $303,970, Eagle
Hardware & Garden Derby-L-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:48 3/5, Rainier Breeders'
Cup H.-L, Inlet S., Klondike H., FOX Sports Northwest H.-etr, 6 1/2 fur. in
1:14 3/5, Ascot Sophomore S.-R, 2nd British Columbia Derby-L, British
Columbia Cup Redekop Classic H.-LR, City of Vancouver S., George Royal
S.-R, Inaugural S.-R, 3rd Budweiser Emerald H.-L, FOX Sports Network H.
Knight in Flight (g. by Family Calling). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $148,030, 2nd The
Vid S. Set ncr at Philadelpha Park, about 7 1/2 fur. in 1:31 4/5.
Classic Action (f. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2 and 3, $58,350, 2nd Sonoma H.-L, Supernaturel H., 3rd Nanaimo H. Producer.
Regal Action. 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, $20,880. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-WIND STORM (f. by He's Tops). 12 wins, $287,084, in Canada, Senate
Appointee S., British Columbia Cup Distaff H.-R, Derby Bar and Grill
Ladies Express S., 2nd Strawberry Morn H., etc. (Total: $269,448).
No Lost Action. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-MISS CURRENT SEA (f. by Petersburg). Winner in 1 start at 2 in N.A./
U.S., Lassie S.; winner at 2, $7,800, in Canada.
Free Action (g. by Free At Last). 4 wins at 2 and 5, $59,532, 2nd Golden
Bear S.-L.
JCC 1204099 - Microchip 985170002176795
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 20, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Sejm .................................
Unity Hall
Lisanix ..............................
Ribots Verset
Dorothy's Love
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
LISANIX, by Sejm. Unraced. Half-sister to ALANITA. Dam of 3 other foals, 1
to race-KRISTIAN DETENIDO (g. by Don Guido). 2 wins at 2, $67,367, Copa Navidad-G1.
Lanenadepiero (f. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
BIONETTE, by Ribots Verset. Winner at 3, $19,113. Sister to Comendador,
half-sister to Mabel T. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, all winners, incl.-ALANITA (f. by Fappiano's Star). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $192,704, Clasico Dama
del Caribe-G1, 2nd Clasico Criadores Hembras-G1.
3rd dam
DOROTHY'S LOVE, by Levee Dancer. Unraced. Half-sister to YERBA MORA,
Tipico. Dam of 11 other winners, including-Comendador. 22 wins, 2 to 7, $410,975, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1,
Clasico Navidad-G3, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G3.
Mabel T. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $74,707, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3.
Rum Lady. Winner at 3, $10,582. Dam of 5 winners, including-Flor de La Canela. 6 wins, $132,938, 3rd Copa Criadores-G1, Clasico
Entrenadores-G3. Dam of MEDIAVILLA R. ($629,148, Puerto Rican
Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.).
Granddam of JALEEMAR ($141,096, Clasico Camarero-G1, etc.).
4th dam
DOROTHYS BEST, by Saggy. 3 wins, 2 to 5, $13,830. Sister to Major Pomp
($15,410), half-sister to TUSCANY POMP, Dorothys Miss. Dam of-YERBA MORA. 26 wins, 2 to 5, $299,121, Clasico Constitucion del Estado
Libre Asociacion de Puerto Rico, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos, etc.
Tipico. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $101,590, 2nd Clasico Jose de Diego.
Mojacar. 4 wins at 5, $8,264. Dam of CEZANCITO (13 wins, $136,290).
Dorothy's Dancer. Unraced. Dam of LOVES PLEASURE P R ($866,374,
champion older horse in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, etc., sire).
JCC 1215524 - Microchip 98517000055061
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 18, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Storm Cat
Tale of the Cat...................
Stacy Cat ..........................
Gilded Time
Salsa Stacy .......................
Kirt's Pride
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
STACY CAT, by Tale of the Cat. Unraced. Half-sister to PHILADELPHIA JIM. Dam
of 4 other foals, 3 to race, all winners-CHU CHUCHAZO (c. by Myfavorite Place). 7 wins, 2 to 4, 2013, $110,148,
Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1.
Discordia (f. by Don Guido). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $71,504, 3rd Clasico Eugenio
Maria de Hostos-G3.
My Favorite Cat (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $33,033.
2nd dam
SALSA STACY, by Gilded Time. 2 wins at 3, $49,440. Half-sister to MISS L ATTACK, Kirt Clearance. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, incl.-PHILADELPHIA JIM (g. by Mr. Greeley). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $228,755, Dancing
Count S., 2nd Fred Cappy Capossela S.-L.
3rd dam
KIRT'S PRIDE, by Kirtling (IRE). Winner at 3, $11,720. Half-sister to DEVIL’S
BRIDE, RED, RAHBABY, Last Lion, Tres Norte, Nueces Strip. Dam of-MISS L ATTACK. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $455,429, Merck AgVet California Cup
Distaff H.-LR, June Darling H.-LR, Phoenix Futurity, 2nd Las Flores H.G3, Autumn Days H.-L, Merck AgVet California Cup Distaff H.-LR, June
Darling H.-LR, Kachina S., 3rd Time to Leave H.-L, Great Lady M. S.-L.
Kirt Clearance. Winner at 2, ¥19,822,000, in Japan, 3rd Sapporo Sansai
S.-G3. (Total: $178,756).
Devil's Waltz. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $28,654. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, incl.-FUTURE PROSPECT. 14 wins, 4 to 7, $481,908, WinStar Kentucky Cup
S.-G2, Funny Cide S.-LR, Jazzing Around S.-R, 2nd High Rock
Spring S.-LR, Fratello Ed. S.-R.
Waltzin' Storm. 6 wins, $360,569, 2nd Summer S.-G2, Play the King H.-G3.
4th dam
SATAN’S PRIDE, by Crimson Satan. 15 wins, 2 to 4, $174,161, Mahmoudess
S., Strike the Anvil Visitation S., etc. Dam of 12 foals, 9 winners, incl.-DEVIL'S BRIDE. 9 wins, $323,220, Comely S.-G3, etc. Stakes producer.
Other stakes winners: RED (5 wins, $469,399, sire), RAHBABY ($82,139).
JCC 1204707 - Microchip 98517000035235
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled January 17, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Mr. Prospector
Dance Brightly ..................
Dance Smartly
Puerta Del Sol...................
Sky Classic
Classic Be.........................
Leave It Be
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
PUERTA DEL SOL, by Dance Brightly. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $98,282. Dam of 4 other
foals, 2 to race, both winnners, including-Historiadora (f. by Myfavorite Place). 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $26,940.
Unnamed (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
CLASSIC BE, by Sky Classic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $85,850. Dam of-Classic Trouble. 11 wins, $162,554. Set ncr at Turf Paradise, mi. in 1:34 2/5.
3rd dam
LEAVE IT BE, by Lawmaker. 24 wins, 2 to 6, $788,630, Sixty Sails H.-G3, Gold
Beauty H.-L, Pembroke Lakes H.-L, Vizcaya H.-L, Lady Hallie H.-L, Florida
Breeders' Distaff S.-L, Sunny Isles S., Miss St. Louis H., Honey Fox H., Wayward Lass S., Azalea S., Pageant S., Manatee S., My Fair Lady H., Gardenia S., 2nd Molly Pitcher H.-G2, Father's Day H.-L, etc. Sister to Lady
Linstar, half-sister to STAR VALENTINE, Star Prospector. Dam of-Beafleet. Winner at 3, $5,904. Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, including-Bea D J. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $68,213, 3rd Gasparilla S., Sandpiper S.
Be Silver. Placed at 2 and 3, $32,060, 3rd Florida Stallion/Desert Vixen
S.-LR. Dam of Heir Kitty ($142,572, 2nd Best Pal S.-G2, etc.).
Starfleet. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-ESTRELLERO. 28 wins in 47 starts, 2 to 6, $691,417, horse of the year,
champion 2- and 3-year-old colt, champion older horse in Puerto Rico,
Puertorican Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez CastrillonG1, Clasico Criadores Machos-G1, Copa Navidad-G1, etc. Sire.
MONOESTRELLADO. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $414,711, Copa Gobernador-G1,
Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin-G1, Clasico Criadores Machos-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G2, 2nd Clasico del Caribe-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, 3rd Copa San Juan-G1, etc.
MILLONARIO. 13 wins in 22 starts, 2 to 4, $188,459, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera, 2nd Clasico Confederacion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G2,
Clasico Internacional del Caribe, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1. Sire.
JCC 1204716 - Microchip 98517000056229
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 7, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Fappiano's Star.................
Star Hawaii
Princesa Boricua...............
Grand Rights
Another Anecita H.............
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
PRINCESA BORICUA, by Fappiano's Star. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $33,756. Dam
of 7 other foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-La Ostentosa (f. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $32,660.
Directiva (f. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2, $27,269.
2nd dam
ANOTHER ANECITA H., by Grand Rights. Winner at 3, $22,147. Dam of-Tenayuca. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $44,300.
3rd dam
GAIMARIE, by Assagai. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to Nashwake. Dam of-Antartica P. R. 5 wins, $18,969. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, incl.-Sir Pronito. 29 wins, 2 to 6, $384,645, 3rd Copa San Juan-G1.
4th dam
*KRAKENWAKE, by Krakatao. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3 in England,
Kingsclere S., Molecomb S., 2nd Alington S., 3rd King's Stand S. Halfsister to CORSLEY BELL, Whistling Buoy. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-Nashwake. Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Prix de la Cote Normande, etc
Flying Fancy. Winner at 2 in N.A./U.S. Dam of 3 winners, including-FLIGHT TO GLORY. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $124,016, Sentinel S.-G3, etc. Sire.
Flying Empress (GB). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in England; placed at 5 in
N.A./U.S., 2nd Rosie O'Grady S., 3rd Independence Day H.
Awake. Placed at 3 in N.A./U.S. Dam of 3 winners, including-AWAKEN. 2 wins at 2, $60,069, CTBA S., 2nd Cygnet S., etc. Producer.
Granddam of Takeamoment ($44,036, 2nd Birdcatcher S.-L, etc.).
Sweet Anastacia. Placed. Dam of MANGAKI ($373,465, All-American
H.-G3, etc.), HE MAN SAM ($77,950), MARYO ($76,675, dam of SILVER CIRCUS, $618,750, Hollywood Derby-G1, etc.; MOUNTAINS
OF LUNE, $180,575; Kaboi, $154,225), SWEET KAKLINA ($60,938). Granddam of Flying Lesson ($235,460), Wasatch Flyer.
Cokrake. Unraced. Dam of ARCOBA ($41,410,), Bold Volley ($20,795;
granddam of Jemtastic). Granddam of WINDSWORTH ($215,796),
STAGE ACTOR ($135,197), VANNELLI ($51,734), Aileron ($42,165).
JCC 1215132 - Microchip 985170002189841
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 19, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Gone West
Canadian Frontier .............
Canadian Re So ................
So Re So...........................
Do So
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
CANADIAN RE SO, by Canadian Frontier. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $32,720. Half-sister to TRIANO, SO SO. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SO RE SO, by Relaunch. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to Crown Doer.
Dam of 8 other foals, 7 winners, including-TRIANO (c. by Pioneering). 26 wins in 45 starts, 2 to 6, $650,150, horse of
the year, champion imported 2- and 3-year-old colt, champion sprinter
in Puerto Rico, Clasico Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico George WashingtonG1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, Clasico Angel T. Cordero, Jr.-G1, Copa 4 de Julio-G1, 2nd Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron-G1, Clasico Dawn Glory-G3. Sire.
SO SO (g. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $139,144, West Virginia Sprint Derby-L, 3rd Mountain State S.-L, Sophomore Sprint Championship S.-L.
Bold Banker. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $43,518, in N.A./U.S.; 6 wins, 6 to 8, $50,514,
in Canada. (Total: $91,140).
Launch N Relaunch. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $86,442.
3rd dam
DO SO, by Nodouble. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $355,925, Canterbury Oaks-G3,
Honeymoon H.-G3, San Clemente H.-L, Senorita S.-L, 2nd Del Mar
Oaks-G3, Providencia S.-LR. Dam of 2 winners, including-Crown Doer. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $51,040, 3rd St. Brendan S.
4th dam
TOP SOIL, by Verbatim. 3 wins, $102,170, Santa Ysabel S., 2nd Senorita S., 3rd
Sorrento S. Sister to RICH SOIL ($184,268, Matron H.-G2, Pucker Up S.-G3,
Smart Deb H., 2nd Boiling Sprints H., 3rd Diana H.-G2, etc.). Dam of-DO SO. Stakes winner, above.
Touch of Earth. Winner at 3, $12,857. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, incl.-Call Her Clever. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $57,893, 2nd Bayou City S., 3rd
Lakeway S. Dam of MR. ROD (7 wins, Total: $243,248, Generous S.G3, 2nd Barretts Juvenile S.-LR).
JCC 1204643 - Microchip 985170002177973
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 3, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Racing Star .......................
Runaway Girl
Congoja ............................
Diplomat Way
Faneuil Lady .....................
Miss Newcastle
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
CONGOJA, by Racing Star. 3 wins to 3, $36,465. Half-sister to EXPRESS
STAR, LIGHT LINE. Dam of 9 other foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, incl.-ITALY PRIDE (c. by Myfavorite Place). 15 wins, 2 to 4, $191,148, Clasico
Dia del Veterano-G1, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1.
Lydia J (f. by Don Guido). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $53,275.
Peddy (g. by Fappiano's Star). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $51,222.
Partinico (g. by Fappiano's Star). 3 wins, 2 to 7, $45,700.
Amor Comprado (f. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2 and 3, 2013, $18,011.
2nd dam
FANEUIL LADY, by Diplomat Way. Placed at 2. Half-sister to FANEUIL BOY
(22 wins, $346,149, Pelleteri H., etc., sire), FANEUIL HALL ($160,135,
Princess Doreen H., etc.), Faneuil Girl (3rd Ruidoso Futurity). Dam of-EXPRESS STAR (f. by Baldski). 13 wins, 2 to 5, $450,147, Impatiens H.-L,
Vizcaya H.-L, Shocker T. H.-L twice, Orange Blossom H.-L, Aspidistra
H., Coral Gables H., etc. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-APASIONATA SONATA (f. by Affirmed). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $155,535,
Kentucky Cup Ladies Turf S.-L. Dam of BSHARPSONATA (f. by Pulpit, 7 wins, $595,010, Forward Gal S.-G2, Davona Dale S.-G2, etc.),
BACKTALK (c. by Smarty Jones, $405,051, Sanford S.-G2, etc.).
Imprimature (g. by Bertrando). 5 wins, $91,520, 3rd Speed to Spare S.-G3.
LIGHT LINE (f. by Line In The Sand). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $193,138, ChapelBelle S., Delicada S., 2nd Lyrique S.-L, Sangue H.-L, etc. Dam of-FITZ JUST RIGHT (f. by Seattle Fitz (ARG)). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and
3, $142,051, Darley OBS Championship S.-LR-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:42
1/5, 2nd Bourbonette Oaks-G3.
Good Morning Lady. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $38,988. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-LAST OUTPOST (g. by Free At Last). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $64,138, Marathon
Series Final S.
Suchathing. Winner at 2, $42,690. Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, including-Cataleenda (f. by D'wildcat). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $190,683, in Canada,
3rd Eternal Search S.-LR, Nandi S.-LR. (Total: $178,877).
JCC 1215095 - Microchip 985170002189517
Consigned by Ernesto Acosta
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 8, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Tis Juliet
Country Pine
Sunshine Coast ................
Coastal Trade
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
MUECA, by Balcony. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $303,331, champion 2-year-old filly in
Puerto Rico, Clasico Bricola-G1, Clasico Camarero-G1, 2nd Clasico
Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G1, Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R.
Matos-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1, Clasico Confederacion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1. Half-sister to CONCIERTO ALEGRE. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-El Faraon (c. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 2, $21,579.
Caballo de Guerra (c. by Triano). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
SUNSHINE COAST, by Country Pine. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $34,860. Sister to CRESCENT COAST. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-MUECA (f. by Balcony). Champion, above.
CONCIERTO ALEGRE (c. by Don Guido). 16 wins in 24 starts, 2 to 5,
$155,766, champion 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico FuturityG3, 3rd Clasico Navidad-G1.
3rd dam
COASTAL TRADE, by Coastal. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $34,335. Half-sister to IRON
QUEEN. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 winners, including-CRESCENT COAST. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $196,860, Columbus Day S., 2nd My
Juliet S., Floyd Duncan S., 3rd Hannah Dustin S. Producer.
4th dam
AUNT HILDY, by Bold Native. Winner at 3, $3,292. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-IRON QUEEN. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $65,828, Summer Guest H., etc. Dam of-DEMOCRITUS. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $87,806, Breeders' Cup Super S., 2nd
Spartacus S., Farmington Hills H., Livonia S.-R.
Lilpiece of Heaven. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $22,730. Dam of Red Academy
($31,945), Sierra Center (Total: $20,241, 3rd Sturgeon River S.-R).
Jennifer's Lady. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $43,365. Dam of 6 winners, including-WENDY'S DANCER. 2 wins at 2, $39,800, Mid-Peninsula S., etc.
Lady Astaire. Winner at 2. Dam of BASSANT (4 wins, $119,320).
JCC 1215445 - Microchip 985170002207455
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled January 25, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Fappiano's Star.................
Star Hawaii
Estrella Dorada .................
Ribots Verset
Virginia P. R.
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
ESTRELLA DORADA, by Fappiano's Star. 7 wins at 2 and 4, $205,814,
champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico, Copa Camarero, 2nd Clasico Campeon Nativo, 3rd Clasico Dia de
Reyes-G1. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 to race, all winners-SEATTLE WIN (f. by Don Guido). 12 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 4, $318,520,
champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1,
Clasico Violeta Ruiz S.-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Camarero-G1,
2nd Copa San Juan, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.
Lito Magnate (g. by Myfavorite Place). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $42,207.
Mi Sueno Dorado (g. by Sejm). Winner at 2, $22,822.
El Boricuazo (c. by Don Guido). Winner at 3, $8,153.
Papacun (g. by Don Guido). Winner at 4, 2013, $7,954.
El Favorito (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
GUAKIA, by Ribots Verset. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $133,893. Dam of 2 foals-ESTRELLA DORADA (f. by Fappiano's Star). Champion, above.
Miss Tropical. Winner at 3, $10,436. Producer.
3rd dam
VIRGINIA P. R., by Catullus. 10 wins at 5, $61,776. Dam of 4 other winners-Speedy Jet. 3 wins at 2, $23,231.
Pidlin. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,182.
Guarionex. Winner at 3, $8,887.
Linda Sarah. Winner at 3, $8,050.
4th dam
HELIOJEWEL, by Helioscope. Half-sister to High Nail ($59,700), Federal
Chief, Pickabob. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Ansonia. 2 wins at 2, $4,684. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-MARATON SAN BLAS. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $119,512, Clasico Luis Munoz
Rivera Memorial-G1, 2nd Copa Gobernador-G1.
KARATECA. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $92,715, Clasico Camarero-G2.
Kee Lox. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $10,648.
JCC 1204962 - Microchip 985170002192266
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled April 29, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Seattle Slew
Slew City Slew..................
Weber City Miss
Iluminated Slew ................
Carson City
T. Lucy Flyer .....................
Fly Me First
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
ILUMINATED SLEW, by Slew City Slew. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $40,271. Sister to
CITY FLYER. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Segunda Nieta (f. by Fappiano's Star). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $54,323.
2nd dam
T. LUCY FLYER, by Carson City. Unraced. Sister to FLYING CHEVRON, halfsister to Fly Me Again. Dam of 8 other foals, 6 winners, including-CITY FLYER (f. by Slew City Slew). 11 wins, 2 to 5, $134,823, Clasico Bold
Forbes-G3, Clasico Tinajero-G3. Producer.
3rd dam
FLY ME FIRST, by *Herbager. Unraced. Half-sister to CHEVRON FLIGHT,
Challenge. Dam of 11 foals to race, 8 winners, including-FLYING CHEVRON. 5 wins at 3, $383,610, NYRA Mile H.-G1, Pegasus H.G2, 2nd Carter H.-G1, 3rd Broward H.-G3. Sire.
Fly Me Again. 22 wins, 2 to 7, $488,921, 2nd Gallant Fox H.-G2.
Derivation. Placed at 3 and 4, $9,260. Dam of 1 foal-Upper Class. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $49,969, 3rd Hialeah Juvenile S.
Fly Me Anywhere. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, incl.-Charlsies Girl. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $19,383, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Princess
S.; 2 wins at 5 in Canada, 2nd Dakota Dunes H., etc. (Total: $26,744).
4th dam
FLYING FABLE, by Dark Ruler. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 8 winners, incl.-CHEVRON FLIGHT. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $261,631, Sapling S., etc.
Challenge. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, 2nd Prix Herod, Prix Yacowlef, 3rd
Prix d'Arenberg; 7 wins, 5 to 9, $49,985, in N.A./U.S.
Baba Au Rum. 2 wins at 3, $24,800. Dam of MANASSA JACK ($42,335).
Fly to Post. Winner at 2 in France. Dam of FLYING SAUCE (dam of FLYING BRAVE (GB), Total: $64,743; granddam of FALCON FLIGHT (FR),
Total: $1,236,549; FLYWAY (FR), Total: $266,405; FELON (IRE), Total:
$377,659). Granddam of Grifter ($278,135), Banjoist (Total: $34,590).
Flying Souvenir. 2 wins, $7,539. Dam of Annie Rooney ($28,392). Granddam of Ziad's Souvenir (8 wins, $58,389, 2nd Osiris Plate, etc.).
JCC 1215202 - Microchip 985170002188693
Consigned by Ernesto Acosta
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 14, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Crafty Prospector
Sneaky Solicitor................
Narrow Escape
La Abogada.......................
Levee Dancer
Cucha S. ...........................
Joyfull Jo
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
LA ABOGADA, by Sneaky Solicitor. 17 wins, 2 to 4, $278,732, Copa Criadores,
2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos. Half-sister to Agua Viva, Mi Abogada, Illescas. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race,
5 winners, including-DEFENSORA (f. by Myfavorite Place). 29 wins in 37 starts, 2 to 5, $970,367, horse of the year twice, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, champion
older mare twice in Puerto Rico, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio
Mongil S.-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Eugenio
Maria de Hostos-G1, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Antonio R.
Matos-G1, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Vuelve Candy B.-G1, Clasico
Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, Clasico Dia de Las Madres-G2 twice, Clasico
Confederacion Hipica-G3, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1 twice, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico del Caribe-G1.
Sinceridad (f. by Greedy). 6 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2013, $85,555, 3rd
Clasico Antonio R. Matos, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos.
Licenciada (f. by Sejm). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $31,600. Producer.
Mi Defensor (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
CUCHA S., by Levee Dancer. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $84,112. Half-sister to Tichy
($118,419), La Giralda. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, incl.-LA ABOGADA (f. by Sneaky Solicitor). Stakes winner, above.
Agua Viva (f. by Sejm). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $113,808, 2nd Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, Clasico Versets Dancer-G3.
Mi Abogada (f. by Sejm). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $305,767, 2nd Clasico Imbuia
Pajoqui-G3, 3rd Clasico Confederacion Hipica-G1, Clasico Confederacion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Verset Dancer-G3, Clasico Julio
Correa Ayala-G3.
Illescas (f. by Ribots Verset). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $94,002, 2nd Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G3. Dam of-Verset Solicitor (c. by Sneaky Solicitor). Winner at 3, 3rd Copa Criadores.
JCC 1204265 - Microchip 98517000011289
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 10, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Gone West
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles
What a Slam .....................
La Cajoleuse .....................
Sweet Woodruff
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
WHAT A SLAM, by Grand Slam. Placed at 3. Half-sister to CAJOLEUSE'S
SPEED, GENE PROPP'S DREAM. Dam of 2 other foals-Soy Vagabundo (c. by Kylemore Abbey). Placed at 2 and 3, $6,890.
My Favorite Slam (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
LA CAJOLEUSE, by L'Enjoleur. Unraced. Dam of 12 winners, including-CAJOLEUSE'S SPEED (f. by Golden Derby). 19 wins, 3 to 7, $378,346,
champion imported older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, 3rd
Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1 twice, Clasico Jose de Diego-G1.
GENE PROPP'S DREAM (f. by Golden Derby). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $211,117,
Hydrangea S., Miami Beach S., 2nd Virginia H.-G3, Broward County
Safely Kept S.-L. Producer.
Double Entendre. 2 wins at 3, $102,960. Dam of 3 winners, including-Double Understand (f. by Bernstein). Winner at 2, $30,270, 2nd Clasico
Dia de la Raza-G1.
3rd dam
SWEET WOODRUFF, by Restless Native. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $239,560, Kingston
S.-R, Mount Vernon S.-R, New York Breeders Fillies S.-R, 3rd Hempstead H.-G2, Bouwerie S.-R. Half-sister to Balm. Dam of 2 other foals,
which have not raced.
4th dam
FENNEL, by Revoked. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $45,395. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-SWEET WOODRUFF. Stakes winner, above.
Balm. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,004, 3rd Miss America S. Producer. Granddam of True Sweet Lady ($23,560, 2nd Delta Miss S.).
Chervil. 2 wins at 3, $41,764. Producer. Granddam of Top Notch Tonto
(Total: $34,848, in England, 3rd Totepool.com Silver Tankard S.).
Tussy Mussy. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-Was He Fuzzy. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $174,702, 3rd Paul Revere S.
Double Writ. Unraced. Dam of CRAIG'S ROLL (3 wins, $23,044, Mountaineer Mile H.).
JCC 1215318 - Microchip 985170002195123
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 17, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Forty Niner
Banker's Gold ...................
Banker's Lady
Daphne .............................
Dasharoo ..........................
Southern Dash
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
DAPHNE, by Banker's Gold. Winner at 2 in Panama, champion imported 2year-old filly, Clasico Ibero Fernandez Domenech-G3; 4 wins at 3 and 4,
$40,331, in N.A./U.S. Half-sister to KETCHMEWHEREYOUCAN. Dam
of 1 other foal-Sopanda (f. by Bugatti Reef). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
DASHAROO, by Buckaroo. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $108,349, Bryn Mawr S., 2nd Ocala
Breeders' Sales Championship S.-LR, Guttenberg S., Novi S., 3rd Marshua
S., Indian Summer S., Villager S. Half-sister to Ran South. Dam of-DAPHNE (f. by Banker's Gold). Champion, above.
KETCHMEWHEREYOUCAN (f. by Distorted Humor). 4 wins at 2 and 3,
$106,900, Dixie Miss S., 2nd Lone Star Park Juvenile Fillies S., Wafare
Farm S., 3rd Delta Belle S. Producer.
Feng Shui. Winner at 4, $15,020. Dam of 3 winners, including-WIND WATER (g. by Bold Badgett). 20 wins, 2 to 7, $792,619, Gregson
Foundation Sprint S.-L, Bay Meadows Speed H., San Mateo S., Governor's Cup H., Bill Thomas Memorial H. twice, Budweiser Special S.,
Ford Express S., KLAQ H., Everett Nevin Alameda County Futurity-Rntr, 5 fur. in :56 1/5, California Cup Starter Sprint H.-R, 2nd Golden
Bear Breeders' Cup S.-L, Chuck Taliaferro Memorial S., Express S.,
Temperence Hill S., 3rd Premier H.-L, California Cup Sprint H.-LR,
Malcolm Anderson S., Harvest Futurity, Budweiser H., Earlene McCabe Derby-R.
3rd dam
SOUTHERN DASH, by Exuberant. Half-sister to NORANC ($251,416,
Forward Gal S.-G3, etc.), TEDDY'S TOP TEN ($433,167, Bayakoa S.,
etc.), Betamillion Bock ($46,134), Allaise ($30,865). Dam of-DASHAROO. Stakes winner, above.
Ran South. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $202,258, 2nd West Virginia Legislature Chairman's Cup H.-L, 3rd Sophomore Sprint Championship S.-L, Pasco S.
Got the Signal. 18 wins, 2 to 8, $93,611.
JCC 1215051 - Microchip 985170002183748
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 16, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Cambria's Dream ..............
Polish Numbers
Tigress Express.................
Tiger Rep
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
Cambria's Dream, by Wheaton. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $73,947, 3rd Clasico Dia de
la Raza-G1, Clasico Tinajero-G3. Half-sister to Pensylvaniaexpress.
Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-Derek's Dream (g. by Portentoso). Winner in 2 starts at 2, $4,493.
2nd dam
TIGRESS EXPRESS, by Polish Numbers. Winner at 3, $14,205. Half-sister to
MICHAEL'S PRIDE, MICHEAL'S REP, Laura Who. Dam of-Cambria's Dream (f. by Wheaton). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Pensylvaniaexpress (g. by B L's Appeal). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $137,717, 3rd Lil
E. Tee H.-R.
King True. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $119,629.
Sir Capitulation. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $70,974.
3rd dam
TIGER REP, by The Reprobate. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $59,166. Half-sister to Hondo
Tiger. Dam of 13 other foals, 12 winners, including-MICHAEL'S PRIDE. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $343,735, Maryland Million Sprint H.-LR.
MICHEAL'S REP. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $101,861, Delaware Valley S., Voorhees S.-R.
Laura Who. 20 wins, 3 to 7, $248,376, 2nd Lilac S.-R, Blakely S.-R, Meadowgoer S.-R, 3rd Northfield H.-R. Dam of 8 foals, all winners, incl.-LOVE WHO. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $154,533, New Jersey Juvenile S.-R.
Sonawho. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $107,257, 3rd New Jersey Futurity-R.
Jaime W. 4 wins at 3, $45,150. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, incl.-Pappa Purdy. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $192,761, 3rd Northern Wolf S.-L.
Stitch N Hitch. 4 wins at 3, $92,510. Dam of LITTLE STITCH ($304,340,
Who Did It and Run S.-R, 2nd Spruce Fir H.-R, Jersey Girl H.-R).
Brielle Landing. 14 wins, 3 to 10, $218,743.
4th dam
FAITH TIGER, by First Landing. 4 wins at 2 and 3. Half-sister to *Marche d'Or
(2nd Chesham S.). Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-Hondo Tiger. 9 wins, 2 to 8, $29,783, 3rd Taj Mahal Futurity, Gaucho Laddie S., Inaugural H.
JCC 1204784 - Microchip 985170002190893
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 8, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Sejm .................................
Unity Hall
Mi Abogada ......................
Levee Dancer
Cucha S. ...........................
Joyfull Jo
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
Mi Abogada, by Sejm. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $305,767, 2nd Clasico Imbuia PajoquiG3, 3rd Clasico Confederacion Hipica-G1, Clasico Confederacion Hipica
de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Verset Dancer-G3, Clasico Julio Correa Ayala-G3. Sister to Agua Viva, half-sister to LA ABOGADA, Illescas. Dam of
2 other foals, 1 to race-Mi Abogada Rebecca (f. by Myfavorite Place). Placed at 2.
Lcda Rebecca Cotto (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
CUCHA S., by Levee Dancer. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $84,112. Half-sister to Tichy
($118,419), La Giralda. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, incl.-LA ABOGADA (f. by Sneaky Solicitor). 17 wins, 2 to 4, $278,732, Copa
Criadores, 2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R.
Matos. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-DEFENSORA (f. by Myfavorite Place). 29 wins, 2 to 5, $970,367, horse of
the year twice, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, champion older mare
twice in Puerto Rico, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1,
Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de HostosG1, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, Clasico
Camarero-G1, Clasico Vuelve Candy B.-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.G1, Clasico Dia de Las Madres-G2 twice, Clasico Confederacion HipicaG3, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1 twice, 3rd
Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico del Caribe-G1.
Sinceridad (f. by Greedy). 6 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2013, $85,555,
3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos.
Agua Viva (f. by Sejm). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $113,808, 2nd Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, Clasico Versets Dancer-G3.
Mi Abogada (f. by Sejm). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Illescas (f. by Ribots Verset). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $94,002, 2nd Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G3. Dam of-Verset Solicitor (c. by Sneaky Solicitor). Winner at 3, 3rd Copa Criadores.
JCC 1204994 - Microchip 985170002192723
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled March 6, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Princesa de Roble.............
Noblesse Oil
Princesa de Oro ................
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
PRINCESA DE ROBLE, by Tamhid. Unraced. Half-sister to KRISTIAN QUILES.
Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-Trampero (g. by Kylemore Abbey). 5 wins to 3, placed at 4, 2013, $40,140.
Juanita Q (f.by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
PRINCESA DE ORO, by Noblesse Oil. 14 wins, 2 to 5, $699,473, champion
2-year-old filly, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico FuturityG1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1 twice, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3,
2nd Clasico Navidad-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes, Copa Rafael Martinez Nadal, 3rd
Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico CamareroG2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.,
Clasico Antonio R. Matos. Half-sister to NOBLE SPEED. Dam of 4 foals
to race, all winners, including-KRISTIAN QUILES (c. by Casanova Star). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $242,605, Derby
Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Juan Alves Rueda-G3, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Navidad-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1.
3rd dam
CALLEJA, by Natidan. Unraced. Half-sister to WHY NOT DANCE. Dam of-PRINCESA DE ORO. Champion, above.
NOBLE SPEED. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $144,355, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1,
2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1. Sire.
4th dam
LINDA OTRA VEZ, by *Oceanic II. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $16,615. Dam of-WHY NOT DANCE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $105,431, Clasico Antonio R. MatosG2, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. Producer. Granddam of
South Bound n Down (10 wins, $38,494, 2nd Go for the Gold Futurity,
Idaho Cup Claiming S.-R, 3rd Idaho Cup Sprint S.-R, Idaho Cup Sprint
Championship S.-R), Fabulous Fever (3rd Idaho Cup Distaff Derby-R).
Kafu. 21 wins, 2 to 5, $120,406. Sire.
JCC 1215067 - Microchip 985170002183449
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 9, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Stop the Music
Cure the Blues ..................
Quick Cure
Fast Trick (IRE) .................
Fascinating Trick
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
Shemesh, by Cure the Blues. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $84,709, 2nd Clasico Accion
de Gracias-G2. Dam of 10 other foals, 6 to race, all winners, incl.-Valina (f. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 2 and 4, $95,090, 3rd Criadores de
Puerto Rico-G1.
Chica Terremoto (f. by Sejm). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $60,141.
Storm the Blues (g. by Storm God). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,002.
Mujer Agresiva (f. by Fappiano's Star). 2 wins at 3, $36,688.
Elizamil (f. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
FAST TRICK (IRE), by Northfields. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3 in England. Half-sister to U Win I Won. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Shemesh (f. by Cure the Blues). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Rainbow Morning. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $59,294. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-Double Intrigue (g. by Swiss Trick). 10 wins, 2 to 7, $151,960, 2nd Riley
Allison Futurity-L, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity, 3rd Turf Paradise
Derby-L, A. C. Kemp H.
Rainbowsnlollipops. 2 wins at 3, $46,392. Dam of COBBLEY'S JEWEL
(f. by Tom Cobbley, 5 wins, $120,635, Oakley S.-R), TOM'S REVENGE (c. by Tom Cobbley, 4 wins, $85,479, Hickory Tree Farm
Virginia Stallion S.-R, 3rd Dancing Count S.-L), Cobbley's Breeze (f.
by Tom Cobbley, $95,682, 3rd Brookmeade S.-R twice), Cobbley's
Promise (c. by Tom Cobbley, $66,307, 2nd John D. Marsh S.-R).
Lady Merlin. Winner at 3, $7,879. Producer. Granddam of He's Got Brass
(g. by Polished Brass, 2nd Kudzu Juvenile S.).
3rd dam
FASCINATING TRICK, by Buckpasser. Unplaced in 2 starts in France. Sister
to NUMBERED ACCOUNT ($607,048, champion 2-year-old filly), CUNNING TRICK ($145,120), HOW CURIOUS. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-U Win I Won. Winner in 2 starts at 2, €5,094, in Ireland; 4 wins at 3 and 4,
$82,165, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Dania H.-L. (Total: $88,256). Sire.
Political Intrigue. 3 wins at 3 in Brazil. Dam of REDATTORE (BRZ).
JCC 1204472 - Microchip 985170002189018
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled January 25, 2012
Blushing Groom (FR)
Runaway Groom ...............
Yonnie Girl
Myfavorite Place ...............
Great Above
Myfavorite Charity ............
Crafty Prospector
Sneaky Solicitor................
Narrow Escape
Lorena U. ..........................
Ribots Verset
Maria Konchita .................
Coamo Lady
By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 7 stakes winners, including champions
Defensora ($970,367, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Traqueteo ($313,103,
Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), and of Graciani ($219,808, Clasico Luis
Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Italy Pride ($191,148, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1, etc.), Chu Chuchazo ($110,148, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera
Memorial-G1), Absoluto ($83,036, Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1).
1st dam
LORENA U., by Sneaky Solicitor. 12 wins, 2 to 4, $115,097. Dam of 8 other foals,
3 to race, 2 winners-TRAQUETEO (c. by Myfavorite Place). 21 wins, 3 to 7, placed at 8, 2013,
$312,103, champion 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Copa GobernadorG1, 2nd Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1, Clasico Juan
Alves Rueda-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1.
Karencita (f. by Don Guido). 3 wins at 2, $25,416.
2nd dam
MARIA KONCHITA, by Ribots Verset. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $40,804. Dam of-Don Esqui. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $26,432.
Nino de Miercoles. Winner at 2, $25,468.
Alitosis. Winner at 3, $14,565.
3rd dam
COAMO LADY, by Rich Strike. 7 wins at 2 and 3. Dam of 3 other winners-La Poncena. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $31,091. Dam of 12 foals, 10 winners, incl.-EL GRAN NANO. 4 wins, $223,490, Clasico Internacional del Caribe-G1.
Alex Manuel. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $105,664.
El Colorao. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $65,897.
El Principal. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,601.
Silva Chu Garcia. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $32,424.
Orgullo Borincano. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $29,384.
Mildred G. 3 wins at 3, $25,012.
Canaveral P. R. Winner at 2 and 4, $10,316.
Sully D. Winner at 2, $4,726.
4th dam
ROUGH CULEEN, by Rough'n Tumble. Dam of 5 other winners-El Yito. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $16,164.
Pertiguista. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $13,952. Producer.
Pinturera P. R. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $12,907.
Rich Speed. 2 wins at 3, $4,900.
En Mi Opinion. Winner at 3, $3,488.
JCC 1204955 - Microchip 985170002197635
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 11, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Cryptoclearance ................
Naval Orange
This Time Around .............
Victoria Park
Caroglen Jo ......................
*Dollar Queen
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
THIS TIME AROUND, by Cryptoclearance. Half-sister to STOLLER, AUTUMN
MOOD, Ardglen. Dam of 11 other foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, incl.-GRACIANI (f. by Myfavorite Place). 8 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3, 2013,
$219,808, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Camarero-G1, Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3, 2nd
Clasico Confederacion Hipica S.-G2, Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3.
Lcda. Graciani (f. by Myfavorite Place). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $49,120.
Lcdo. Marquez (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2013.
2nd dam
Caroglen Jo, by Victoria Park. 6 wins, $61,423, 2nd Yearling Sales S.-R, etc.
Sister to SHERWOOD PARK ($27,079). Dam of 11 winners, including-STOLLER (c. by El Gran Senor). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Daniel Prenn
Royal Yorkshire S.; 2 wins at 4, $132,300, in N.A./U.S., San Marino H.-LR,
etc.; placed in 1 start at 3 in Ireland, 2nd Platinum S. (Total: $152,018).
AUTUMN MOOD (f. by L'Emigrant). 3 wins, $119,895, River Edge Farm H.,
etc. Granddam of LEESTOWN GIFT (g. by Leestown, $204,882), etc.
Ardglen (f. by Lyphard's Wish (FR)). 2 wins to 3, €19,613, in Ireland, 3rd
Budweiser Pretty Polly S.-G2, etc.; 3 wins at 4, $88,675, in N.A./U.S.
(Total: $114,085). Dam of Streets of Rio (f. by Carnivalay, $170,605).
Cool Victoria. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $42,080. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-Z COOL (g. by Unreal Zeal). 16 wins, 2 to 8, $264,790, Primer S., etc.
Victorious Girl. Winner at 2, $19,250. Dam of 6 winners, including-Voluptuous (f. by Cozzene). 2 wins at 2, $103,175, 2nd La Habra S.-L,
etc. Dam of BIG SCORE (f. by Grand Slam, 6 wins, $217,739).
Missadryannaatto (f. by Green Dancer). Winner, $69,133, 2nd Juvenile
S.-LR. Dam of MISS MARY PAT (f. by Service Stripe, $102,863).
Impassion (f. by Shadeed). Winner at 2, $36,865, 3rd Colleen S.-L, etc.
Dam of WARBLING (f. by Unbridled’s Song, 3 wins, $352,293), ARIANNA’S PASSION (f. by Unbridled’s Song, 7 wins, $204,110).
Spooninwithbali (g. by Toccet). 3 wins at 4 and 5 in Canada, 2nd Sophomore Sprint H.
JCC 1204786 - Microchip 985170002191339
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled February 18, 2012
Seattle Slew
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise
Seeking the Gold
Lady Bonanza ...................
Born a Lady
Devil's Bag
Diablo ...............................
Fleeting Diablo .................
Afleet Closer .....................
By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of winners Arquitecto (7 wins,
$345,606, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Puerto Rico
Futurity-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez
Castrillon-G2, Clasico del Caribe), Rafaelillo (2 wins in 3 starts at 3,
2013, $13,620), Hockenheimring ($5,836). Son of horse of the year
A.P. Indy, leading sire twice, sire of 148 stakes winners, 11 champions, including Mineshaft ($2,283,402), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528).
1st dam
Fleeting Diablo, by Diablo. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $96,174, 3rd Clasico Jinetes. Sister to DIABLO'S CLOSER, half-sister to DRIVEN BY SUCCESS. Dam
of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Toque Madera (c. by Sejm). Winner at 2 and 3, $24,865.
Destructor (c. by Myfavorite Place). 2 wins in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $13,780.
2nd dam
AFLEET CLOSER, by Afleet. Winner at 4, $5,245. Half-sister to LOFT, What a
Journey. Dam of 12 foals, 10 winners, including-DRIVEN BY SUCCESS (g. by Precise End). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $607,099,
Hudson S.-LR, Easy N Dirty S.-LR, New York Stallion/Thunder Rumble
S.-R, Vic Ziegel Memorial S.-R, 2nd Gravesend S., John Morrissey S.-R
twice, 3rd Shadwell Metropolitan H.-G1, Carter H.-G1, Tom Fool H.-G2,
Toboggan S.-G3.
DIABLO'S CLOSER (f. by Diablo). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $91,238, Star Shoot
S.-L. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-ABLO (g. by Lite the Fuse). 4 wins, 2 to 6, $209,798, in N.A./U.S., Coronation Futurity-LR; winner at 3 and 5, $429,894, in Canada, Prince of
Wales S.-LR, 2nd Victoria Park S.-L, 3rd Elgin S.-LR. (Total: $565,823).
Fleeting Diablo (f. by Diablo). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
JOURNEY, by What a Pleasure. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-LOFT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $103,274, La Puente S.-LR, 2nd Spotlight H.-L,
Montclair S., 3rd Saranac S.-G2. Sire.
What a Journey. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $107,879, 2nd Ponce de Leon S.
Sabonis. Winner at 2, £2,966, in England. (Total: $5,101). Dam of Stregone
(IRE) (Total: $72,525, 2nd Vodafone Woodcote S., Rose Bowl S., etc.).
Pleasant Journey. Placed at 3. Dam of Fritz Barthold (11 wins, $179,975).
Journey North. Dam of FAPPITASS (6 wins, $344,149; granddam of
Bingosablumin, $57,007), Sara Six Pack ($62,215, dam of Six Pack
Sammy, Total: $230,103; Six Pack Sally, $58,234). Granddam of Gone
Prospecting ( $172,395), Remarkable Weekend (Total: $42,169).
JCC 1204521 - Microchip 985170002186400
Consigned by Potrero Los Llanos
Hip No.
Hip No.
Foaled January 17, 2012
Mr. Prospector
Pioneering ........................
So Re So...........................
Do So
Sejm .................................
Unity Hall
La Replica .........................
Ribots Verset
Flor de La Canela..............
Rum Lady
By TRIANO (2002). Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of 26
races in 45 starts, $650,150, Clasico George Washington-G1, Clasico
Jose de Diego-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013. Sire of winners Dinner Re So (4 wins to 3, 2013, $36,376), Olas Y Arenas ($29,816), Miss
Leiram (4 wins to 3, 2013, $27,610), Triano Express ($17,248), Sicamanda ($15,540), Prodigiosa (winner in 2 starts at 3, 2013, $7,586).
1st dam
LA REPLICA, by Sejm. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $47,200. Sister to MEDIAVILLA R.
Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-JALEEMAR (f. by Don Guido). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $141,056, Clasico CamareroG1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet.
Balossi (g. by Portentoso). Winner at 3, 2013, $11,075.
2nd dam
Flor de La Canela, by Ribots Verset. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $132,938, 3rd Copa
Criadores-G1, Clasico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of 2 other winners, incl.-MEDIAVILLA R. (f. by Sejm). 19 wins in 23 starts at 2 and 3, $629,148, Puerto
Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa
San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Ramon
Llobet, Jr.-G1, Campeon Nativo Princesa de Oro-G1, Copa Camarero-G1,
Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1.
3rd dam
RUM LADY, by Caminero. Winner at 3, $10,582. Half-sister to Comendador,
Mabel T. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-Flor de La Canela. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Papin A. 20 wins, 2 to 7, $154,568.
Cancionero. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $64,644.
4th dam
DOROTHY'S LOVE, by Levee Dancer. Unraced. Half-sister to YERBA MORA
(26 wins, $299,121), Tipico ($101,590). Dam of 12 winners, including-Comendador. 22 wins, 2 to 7, $410,975, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Navidad-G3, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Dia del VeteranoG1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G3.
Mabel T. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $74,707, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3.
Bionette. Winner at 3, $19,113. Dam of 6 foals 4 winners, including-ALANITA. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $192,704, Clasico Dama del Caribe-G1, 2nd
Clasico Criadores Hembras-G1.
Lisanix. Unraced. Dam of KRISTIAN DETENIDO ($67,367, Copa Navidad-G1).
JCC 1204872 - Microchip 985170002211077