Company Profile 2012 - Klee Inc Paris Tokyo


Company Profile 2012 - Klee Inc Paris Tokyo
Co m pany P ro file 2012
| Our philosophy |
To appreciate the « beauty » of this moment to live the moment.
To give a complete story throughout the project by linking human being by arts,
by controlling the logistic and analyzing the contents carefully and continuously.
| Our policy |
for the future
confidence to our partners
self training
to the unknown
links with community
1996 ~ |
1 2
3 4
1. Permanent exhibitions at GALLERY 21 in
Daiba, Tokyo 2. Regular talks by curator in the
gallery 3. Artists talk event organized at the 10th
anniversary of GALLERY 21(from left to right:
Taishi Hirokawa, Daido Moriyama, Ichigo
Sugawara, Hiromi Tsuchida)4. Exhibition in our
booth of TOKYO PHOTO
GALLERY 21 is a curation activity specialized in photography driven by Klee
Inc. with aim to give access point to rich photographic expression in the
universe of arts. GALLERY 21 tries to embody “the power of photography” in
several scenes in the society to search for its charm and possibility of image
expression through communications with all the people interested in the
Main galleries for exhibition:
GALLERY 21, Daiba(in the Hotel Grand Pacific Le Daiba)
GALLERY 21 bis, Shibuya(in the BRASSERIE VIRON)
Art Gallery, Mejiro(in the Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so)
Galleries abroad in collaboration
New York : Sous Les Etoiles Gallery
2006 ~ |
Edition of photographic books
1 2
1. “Les Mannequins” of Kimiko Ishiyama 2. “Esprit de Paris” catalogue of exhibition at GALLERY 21
3 4
3. “Correspondances II” of KOZO YANO 4. “Cahier de Photographie 2009-2010”
Photographic book of the exhibition « Les Mannequins 2006 » of Kimiko Ishiyama held at GALLERY 21 from 26th September to
26th November 2006. / Design: Koji Ise
« Esprit de Paris »
Photographic book of the exhibition « Esprit de Paris » commemorating the 10th anniversary of GALLERY 21, in honor of 16
artists: Robert Frank, Taishi Hirokawa, LES KIKIS (Yuki Onodera & Aki Lumi), Daido Moriyama, Hiromi Tsuchida etc.
Design : KLEE INC.
Photographic book of the exhibition “ Correspondances II” of Kozo Yano held at GALLERY 21 from 19th November 2008 to
11th January 2009. / Design: Koji Ise
Catalogue「Cahier de Photographie」(2009 : Nous voyons plus loin / 2010 : Power of Photography)
Catalogue of all the photographers represented by Klee Inc. edited at the occasion of participation in TOKYO PHOTO 2009
held from 4th to 6th September 2009 at Belle Salle Roppongi. Collectionned by Bibliothèque nationale de France in 2010.
Design : KLEE INC.
2005 ~ |
Consulting for corporate collection
1 2
3 4
1. Photos decorated in the directors’ floor,
head office of Kyowa Exeo 2. Photos exhibited
in the office of KLEE INC. 3. Tiffany, Ginza
4. Hermès Café, Ginza
Consulting, selection and concept design including space design and lighting
for the photos installed in the entrance hall and directors’ floor of Kyowa Exeo.
Concept/space design and selection of collections of photography. Selection
and installation of photographic works at Café Hermès of Ginza, Tokyo and of
Shinsaïbashi, Osaka, from the selection of GALLERY 21. Consulting of
photography to meet collectors’ requirement on choice of works and frames.
Coordination and supervision on prints for the presentation of works of Erieta
Attali, photographer, for the restoration and decoration of Tiffany Ginza in
October 2008.
| 1994
~ 2000 |
Canon Inc.
Organizing preparation & management of photographic contests opened for
young photographers and held twice a year for 10 years from 1992.
Also responsible for selection of jury, work shop, invitation of foreign juries like
Robert Franck, Martin Parr, Sarah Moon, Robert Delpire etc.
Photographic exhibition of Daido Moriyama
2003 - 2004 |
Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Paris
Supports in communication of the artist with museum and press, as well as
space design and plan of the photographic exhibition of Daido Moriyama held
from 31st October 2003 to 11th January 2004 in the Fondation Cartier pour
l'art contemporain, Paris.
- Exhibition of French contemporary photography
« Perspective of Jean-Claude Lemagny »
1999 - 2001 |
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie d’Arles,
Kawasaki city museum and
Prefectural museum of fine arts of Yamaguchi.
1. Poster of exhibition 2. Box for exhibition
catalogue 3. Cover of catalogue
Production and curation of the exhibition « Eloge de l'ombre, French
contemporary photography » of 25 photographers, in collaboration with
Jean-Claude Lemagny, at Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie
d’ Arles in July - September 1999 , at Kawasaki city museum in November
2000 and at Prefectural museum of fine arts of Yamaguchi in January 2001.
Presentation, publishing supports, translation/edition/publication of catalogue
of exhibition. Coordination in the special conference given at Waseda
University, and at Instituts franco-japonais of Tokyo and Kansai.
Curator : Jean-Claude Lemagny /Parteners : Institut franco-japonais de Tôkyo
et d’ Osaka. Tawaraya,Kyoto / Catalogue design: Sakagawa office / Catalogue
redaction: Yukie Asama / Technical advisors: Masafumi Fukagawa & Osamu
sur/FACE 14 contemporary architects
2002 |
BMW Japan
1. Exhibition catalogue 2. 3. Exhibition at
BMW Square, Aoyama, Tokyo
Curation of exhibition « sur/FACE, 14 contemporary architects» held at BMW
Square, Aoyama from 14th to 29th April 2002. Exhibited objects:
photography, interviews to the architects on video, representing models, slide
projection, personal effects of the architects.
Redaction, edition of catalogue published at the opening of the exhibition.
Exhibited architects : (in alphabetical order)
Tadao Ando, Jyun Aoki, Shigeru Ban, Hiroshi Hara, Itsuko Hasegawa, Arata
Isozaki ,Toyo Itoh ,Kengo Kuma ,Kishou Kurokawa, Fumihiko Maki, Hiroshi
Naito, Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa, Tange toshi kenchiku sekkei Inc,
Yoshio Taniguchi.
Interview/Photography : Roland Hagenberg
25 great creators
2004 |
Production of exhibition and workshops at Axis,Roppongi with photos and several
creators’ tools, also publishing the book « Creators’ Atelier » editing the series of
interviews to the 25 creators who appeared in the magazine « Design News ».
The 25 creators :
Kumiko Tochiori, Shigeru Uchida, Junichi Arai, Hiroshi Ishibashi, Yasuhiro Hamano,
Terushi Yamamoto, Eiji Sakagawa, Kaoru Mende, Shirou Nakamura, Masaki Fujihata,
Noriyuki Tanaka, Motomi Kawakami, Nobuyoshi Kikuchi, Sori Yanagi, Kan
Yamanaka, Masayoshi Nakajyou, Tadanori Yokoo, Mitsumasa Fujitsuka, Hajime
Tachibana, Kenya Hara, Ikkou Tanaka, Riki Watanabe, Shigeo Fukuda, Masaari
Hoshina, Toshiyuki Kita.
Editor : KLEE INC. / Photo : Ichigo Sugawara / Interview : Ichiro Sayama
Design : Sakagawa Office / Printing : Toppan Insatsu Inc.
L’ILE SEGUIN - Le fleuron de la modernité
Photographic exhibition of Tatsuya HYOGO
2008 |
1 2
3 4
1. 2. Exhibition hall 3. Inside of the exhibition
catalogue 4. Exhibition catalogue (with pages
of long format, folded inside)
Production in total, curation, space design & installation of the exhibition as
well as concept making of flyers/posters/catalogue and publicity activities to the
press and visitors.
Hall Installation : Tanseisha
Framing : TOP ART
« Global Tour » Exhibition in Tokyo
2009 |
Sony Ginza, Tokyo
1 2
3 4
1. Entrance of exhibition with banners 2.
Relaxing space with 200 inch screen 3.
Presentation of visuals “exposure in photos” on
long screen 4. Bravia screens showing works in
the hall (40 & 46 inch)
Production in total with curation and concept making of exhibition, artistic
direction of film projection, space design and installation of halls, design of
flyers / poster / catalogue, and supports in communication, after visit to the
project tour in Cannes, France.
Concept design : Ryusuke Nanki
Installation : Tanseisha
Montage of audiovisual : Sony PCL
“KOTOTAMA, Inspiring words” Exhibition of Rieko KAWABE
2010 |
1 2
3 4
1. Artist’ s messages written direct on the walls
2. « Light code » written on large canvas 3.
Image projection 4. Gallery talks of artist with
Fumio Nanjyo, director of Mori art museum
Curation of the first exhibition of Rieko Kawabe in Japan after her successful
performance at Guimet museum in Paris.
Arrangement of gallery talks of the artist with Fumio Nanjyo, the director of
Mori art museum.
Designing and printing of documents of the exhibition.
Curation : Naoko Ohta, KLEE INC
Installation : Tanseisha
Video production : Daisuke Yoshino
Collaboration : Canon Marketing Japan Inc.
Curation of Institut franco-japonais in Tokyo
2011 ~ |
1 2
3 4
1. Exhibition Claude Estèbe in February 2011
2 / 3. Exhibition Jean-Loup Sieff in June 2011
4. Exhibition of 60 years of Institut in May
Selection of works, production of works, artistic direction in graphics, curation
of exhibition, installation of exhibition organized by Institut franco-japonais in
Club Herend Japan
1996 - |
1 2
3 4
1. Covers of gift catalogue 2. Cover of
accessory catalogue 3. Cover of « Tea cup
selection» catalogue 4. Inside of «Tea cup
selection» catalogue
Artistic direction and redaction of catalogues for HEREND, de luxe porcelains
from Hungary, including casting of photographer, photographic direction.
Accessory catalogue / gift catalogue / «Tea cup selection » catalogue.
Label Joaillerie de France
authenticity label of French made
Press conference and cocktail party
2007 |
Ritz Carlton Tokyo
1 2
3 4
1. Images installed in the hall
2.Polishing demonstration
3. 4. Reception hall
Production of official events like press conference and opening cocktail for the
announcement of “Label Joaillerie de France” the authenticity label of French
makes. Production of official web site and several publishing documents in
N. B. “Label Joaillerie de France” is the label proving the authenticity of
French makes to officialize in the world the French technology and methods in
making jewelry in France, such as to insert, mount and polish.
Projet «Japanesque modern»
2007 - 2009 |
Commission for «Japanesque modern»
1 2
3 4
1. Cover design of invitation card 2. “100
Collaboration in several scenes of the «Japanesque modern» commission
organized under initiative of the Ministry of economy, commerce and industry
words” hall at JAPANTEX 3. Presentation in
of Japan, in order to appeal to the world the image of Japanese products
London 4. Reception hall
combining advanced technology and tradition.
● “The 100 symbols of Japanesque modern” held in the Horyuji gallery at national museum of Tokyo
Concept design of invitation card for the reception party of “The 100 ideas selected at Japanesque modern ” in 2007. Coordination for the party with music
of Hiromitsu Agatsuma, player of Shamisen.
● The words who speak about Japan. “The 100 symbols of Japanesque modern”(JAPANTEX 2008)at Tokyo Big Site
Curation and space design of exhibition (concept design of the space, press contact, redaction and edition of total package of several documents andreports)
Concept design : Ryusuke Nanki / Redaction: Susumu Namikawa / Installation: Murayama
● Presentation at Design Center & Decorex in London
Plan making in the « Japanesque modern » project presented in London by the commission. Participation in the whole process of negotiation and casting for
the execution of the project. / Presenters : Jun Michida, Hiroko Michita, Shin Azumi , Hiroko Machida
● Closing dinner of « Japanesque modern »at Hotel Okura
Creative direction, installation and decoration of reception hall of closing ceremony of « Japanesque modern » project organized in January 2009 at Hotel
Okura. Artistic direction of ceremony including selection of gifts for guests.
Redaction : Susumu Namikawa / Calligraphy : Yozan Ohashi / Floral installation : Daiichi Engei
2009 - |
Sunroser Akasaka - Hotel New Otani
1 2
3 4
1. « Kioi cho no Ryugi » information paper in
tabloid format 2. Display of main entrance hall
of Sunroser Akasaka 3. Chair installed in
Sunroser Akasaka 4. Concert organized in
December 2009, for the clients of Sunroser
Akasaka(with Hiromitsu Agatsuma at
Shamisen and Jin Oki at Flamenco guitar)
Concept making in the marketing/publicity strategy & area re-branding of
Sunroser Akasaka existing since 36 years ago. Chief editor of « Kioi-cho no
Ryugi », a seasonal information paper of tabloid format printed in 10,000
copies. Producing web-site and organizing several events including concerts
and concept making/installation of interior decoration including the main
entrance hall.
Installation : Tanseisha
Printing : Ayumi Process
Photography : Taishi Hirokawa, Risaku Suzuki, Mikio Hasui, Sayuki Inoue
Design : Masahiro Kakinokihara (10 inc.)
Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so
2009 |
1 2
3 4
1. 2. « Bonheur » main catalogue of the hotel
3. Exhibition space 4. Discussion-talks of the
curator with the photographer
Promotion of the brand image of the hotel, the first de luxe hotel in occidental
style in Japan. Concept making & realization of main catalogue, sales tools and
artistic events including photographic exhibitions & artists’ talks.
Fujita Kanko Inc.
2010 |
1 2
3 4
1. New year announcement of Fujita Kanko in
a newspaper. 2. Publicity at the French
Chamber of commerce and industry in Japan.
Realization of different projects under the theme « Mejiro forrest » (the garden
of the hotel) to appeal the rich cultural advantage of Bunkyo-ku.
3. Original post cards 4. Hall decorated for
shareholders’ meeting
Realization of several projects relating to the restoration of « Sanjyu no to », the
three staged pagoda stood in the garden, programmed in 2010 and 2011,
including the publishing of restoration process by documents and exhibitions.
Tokyu Land Corporation / Tokyu Resort Development Corporation
2010 |
Coordination in professional training program
Programming and coordination in tailor made of “Knowledge forum” seminars
for all the staff members and professional seminars for managers of the group.
Concept making of documents and posters of events and company’s image.
Art project originating from and returning to Tokyo
2010 ~ |
2 3
1. Images taken by Taishi Hirokawa in the
Meiji Jingu forest under their generous
authorization 2. First official announcement in
the web site of project in September 2010 3.
First exhibition of the project at Tokyo Photo
Started in September 2010 this art project speaks about the new story of Tokyo
seized by photography. The project « forest-among-us » is to activate and
deepen human communication through « the memory and record » seized by «
the power of photography », and clarify several stories differently expressed by
photo, to send personal message to you.
Wedding Catalogue
2006 - 2008 |
Hotel Pacific Tokyo
1. Photos for the catalogue 2. Case cover of the
wedding catalogue renewed in 2008 3.
Brochures inserted into the case cover of
wedding catalogue
Design and redaction of wedding catalogues including direction for
photography and the contents for the catalogue for Hotel Pacific, Shinagawa,
Photo: Ichigo Sugawara / Design : Naomi Hirabayashi
Artistic direction in renewal of wedding catalogue started in 2006, with new
photography, new concept design, and new contents of catalogue. Redaction
and copy writing of catalogue and website of wedding program.
Photo: Ichigo Sugawara / Design: KLEE INC
Wedding Catalogue
2009 |
Hilton Narita
1. Photos directed in wedding scene of the
catalogue 2. Design of the inside of case cover
to receive brochures
Concept making, design & photographic direction in the renewal of wedding
catalogue for the Hilton Narita.
Photography : Haruhiko Kitai / Design : KLEE INC
2008 |
1 2
3 4
1. Photo for CD jacket 2. Design of CD 3.
Inside of jacket 4. Flyer of concert
Artistic direction, concept design and photography for CD of Hiromitsu
Agatsuma, Shamisen player, put in the market on 8th October 2008. Concept
design of flyer and poster of his tour in Japan, which is later selected as the best
jacket design by « Traditional Japanese Music Journal ».
Distributor : EMI MUSIC JAPAN
Photography : Taishi Hirokawa
Stylist : Mitsue Harada
Catalogue « Ochugen gift 2009 »
2009 |
1. Calligraphy of Rieko Kawabe 2. Cover and
the first page of the catalogue 3. First pages of
the catalogue
Artistic direction, concept design layout and redaction of the 4 first pages of «
Ochugen gift catalogue 2009 » of Mitsukoshi.
Also casting of artists and photographic direction for the catalogue.
Calligraphy : Rieko Kawabe
Photography : Ichigo Sugawara
Redaction: Susumu Namikawa
Design : KLEE INC.
M CARD campagin
2009 - 2010 |
1. Image in the publicity 2. Main image
(photo of Taishi Hirokawa)3. Shooting site in
the morning at main entrance of Mituskoshi,
Artistic direction, basic concept design, casting of model and photographer for
the M Card campaign started in April 2010.
Also concept design for cards, posters and brochures.
Model : Miyuki Koizumi(office Tateoka)
Photo : Taishi Hirokawa
Texts : Susumu Namikawa
2010 |
1. Covers (mode and house) of the catalogue «
Le Printemps » 2. Styling in 8 pages of « Mode
» 3. Styling in the « House » pages
Concept design, redaction, photography, casting, styling for the « LE
PRINTEMPS » catalogue printed in 100,000 copies, their original media and
information of store identity, addressed to the « privileged members » of
Printemps – in majority young ladies- every half a year before sale.
Redaction, casting, styling : KLEE INC
Design : Masayuki Suzuki(S Design)
Photography : Motohiko Hasui(Model)/ Haruhiko Kitai(Products)
Editor : Chuo Kohron Shinsha
Printer : Miura Insatsu
Web site for environment
2000 - |
1 2
3 4
1. The photo series « Babel » by Taishi
Hirokawa in « eco gallery » 2. Sou Kuramoto
3. « eco kitchen » 4. Kiyomi Mikuni, chef
Created in 2000 with its slogan «Let us talk more with the earth », the web site
«Eco-being» has “Eco people” , a series of long interviews with the people
keen in keeping nature like Sou Kuramoto, scenarist, Nobuhiko Obayashi,
movie director, Wahei Tatematsu, writer etc.
coordination : JFE Holdings Inc.
Company name
8-12-25 -401 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0052 Japon
tel 03.5410.1277 / fax 03.5410.1278 / email
Established on
1st April 1987
15,000,000 JPY
President CEO
Production of exhibitions in galleries and museums in Japan and abroad
Representation of Japanese and international artists
Consulting in reconstruction of brand image
Production of web site and several tools for publicity
Concept design works in space design and product package
Production and publishing of books including photographic books
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Toranomon chuo branch
Principaux Clients
BMW Japan Corp. / Canon Inc. / Canon Marketing Japan Co., Inc. / Dentsu Inc. /
Dentsu, Young&Rubicam Inc. / EMI MUSIC JAPAN Inc. / Four Seasons Hotel
Tokyo at Chinzan-so / FUJITA KANKO INC. / Hermes Japon Co., Ltd. /
Hotel Grand Pacific LE DAIBA / Hotel NEW OTANI / Hoshi Shoji Ltd. /
CHANEL K.K / Jaguar Japan Ltd. / JFE Holdings, Inc. /
JFE LIFE CORPORATION / Kyowa Exeo Corporation / L'Institut Franco-Japonais /
Mitsukoshi Ltd. / Sony Corporation / Sony PCL Inc. / Sony Marketing Inc. /
TANSEISHA. Co., ltd. / Tokyu Corporation / Tokyu Land Corporation /
Tokyu Livable Inc.
Member at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tokyo