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April - [[Organization]] | [[City, State]] | [[Organization]] | [[City, State]]
THE OFFICIAL VOICE OF THE ARLINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 FEATURED PHOTO: 2016 Hospitality Award Winners SPECIAL THANKS TO ARLINGTONIAN GRAND SPONSOR IN THIS ISSUE 2 3 4 4-5 4-5 6-7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 Calendar Chair's Message Milestone Anniversaries Members in the News Welcome New Members Hospitality Awards Review Volunteer Arlington Day Chamber Scene ShopChamber Business Advocacy Nonprofit Spotlight Arlington Economic Development Opportunity Works Small Business Roundtable Chamber Thank You H O S P I TA L I T Y AWA R D S R E V I E W Recognizing Arlington's Hospitality Superstars On March 22, the Chamber honored exceptional members of Arlington's hospitality industry at the 12th Annual Hospitality Awards held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott. This lively event focused on those who make Arlington County a wonderful place to live and visit. Hospitality workers that received awards are not managers, who are often recognized at this type of awards ceremony, but rather the employees whose work directly affects the customers on a daily basis. Blake Settle (Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City) with Dori Familiant and Chris Raines after accepting his award. "The hospitality industry is incredibly important to Arlington and to our Chamber," said Arlington Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Kate Bates. "Getting the additional Transient Occupancy Tax surcharge reinstated was our number one legislative priority for 2016, and we're thrilled that our efforts resulted in success and much needed funding for Arlington Convention and Visitors Services to help better promote and serve those in Arlington's hospitality industry!" Chris Raines, General Manager of the Holiday Inn Rosslyn and co-chair of the Arlington Chamber Hotel General Managers Committee, opened the ceremony. In addition to Mr. Raines, Dori Familiant, General Manager of the DoubleTree Crystal City hotel and co-chair of the Arlington Chamber Hotel General Managers Committee, assisted with the presentation of the awards. Bates announced the winners, including the Bob Klein Legendary Service Award Winners who have served 25 or more years. Turn to pages 6-7 to view photos, event sponsors, and more details about the event. VALOR AWARDS PREVIEW Honor Arlington's Heroes FEATURED EVENTS VOLUNTEER ARLINGTON DAY APRIL 26 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Kickoff at The Arlington Employment Center SMALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE APRIL 27 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Chamber Board Room April 19, 2016 • 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Fort Myer Officers' Club Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall On Tuesday, April 19, the Arlington Chamber of Commerce will host the 34th Annual Valor Awards to recognize the men and women who keep Arlington safe. For their heroic efforts in the line of duty, members of Arlington County's Office of Emergency Management, Police Department, Fire Department and Office of the Sheriff will be recognized. Year after year, the Valor Awards honorees include men and women whose quick and decisive actions have saved the lives of many. Join the Chamber in honoring Arlington's heroes and hear the stories of their courageous efforts in the line of duty. GRAND SPONSOR Doug Hill, Vice President, Weather and Chief Meteorologist at ABC7/WJLA-TV, will emcee the event. To register, visit www.arlingtonchamber.org/events or call opportunities are still available. Call for details. COMPLETE CHAMBER CALENDAR: PAGE 2 SPECIAL THANK YOU TO 703-525-2400. Sponsorship CHAMBER AT A GLANCE APRIL AT THE CHAMBER THE CHAMBER E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E Todd Yeatts, Chair Tina Walker, Chair-elect Kevin Shooshan, Immediate Past Chair Tim Hughes, Past Chair Kate Bates, President & CEO Lindsey Rheaume, Treasurer Scott Ritter, Assistant Treasurer Shannon Bailey, Vice Chair - Communications David Kinney, Vice Chair – Business Advocacy Joe Prentice, Vice Chair - Member Affairs David Isaacson, Vice Chair - Membership Development Charles Clohan, Vice Chair – Community Engagement VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 S T A F F Kate Bates, President & CEO Cassie Bate, Events & Development Director Mike Rosenow, Membership Director Meredith Smith, Communications Manager Alex Held, Membership Engagement Manager Hannah Dannenfelser, Member Services Administrator Victoria Klisch, Events Associate 2 MEMBER: U.S. Chamber of Commerce & Virginia Chamber of Commerce AMBASSADOR COMMITTEE MEETING 4 MONDAY 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Chamber Board Room SMART START Maximize your Chamber membership by attending this free networking seminar and information session about meeting new clients, business associates and how to utilize the benefits of Chamber membership. Chamber Board Room D I R E C T O R S COL. Michael Henderson, Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall 1 FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chamber Board Room COMMUNICATIONS 5 TUESDAY COUNCIL MEETING 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Shannon Bailey, Global Thinking Kate Bates, Arlington Chamber of Commerce Lucy Bowen McCauley, Bowen McCauley Dance Doug Brammer, Verizon Mary-Claire Burick, Rosslyn Business Improvement District Linda Chandler, Linden Resources, Inc. Crystal Christmas-Watson, Crystal City Marriott Charles Clohan, Dittmar Company Travis Cutler, Dominion John Finlay, Crystal City Sports Pub Amanda Fischer, Grade A Marketing Michael Foster, MTFA Architecture Angela Fox, Crystal City Business Improvement District Betsy Frantz, Leadership Arlington Andy Fuhrmann, Clark Construction John Gallagher, IAM Services Corp. Michael Garcia, State Farm Insurance Nancy Goodman-Thevoz, A Main Event Caterers Brian Gordon, Apartment and Office Building Association Greg Hamilton, Arlington Magazine Timothy Hughes, Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C. Todd Ihrig, H.D. Vest Investment Services David Isaacson, TMI Foundation Sonia Johnston, John Marshall Bank David Kinney, Kinco, LC Tina Leone, Ballston Business Improvement District Deborah Lipman, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Pinkie Dent Mayfield, Graham Holdings Company Greta Menard, Capital MarCom Greg Mullan, George Mason Mortgage, LLC Dr. Patrick Murphy, Arlington Public Schools Barbara Nicastro, The Law Offices of Barbara E. Nicastro Robb Parker, Vornado/ Charles E Smith Joe Prentice, State Department Federal Credit Union Jay Reiner, Jay E. Reiner, CPA Lindsey Rheaume, EagleBank Scott Ritter, United Bank James Ryerson, Marymount University Marie Schuler, Comcast Cable Communications Kevin Shooshan, The Shooshan Company John Snedden, ROCKLANDS Barbeque and Grilling Company Adrian Stanton, Virginia Hospital Center Karolyn Stuver, Fluor Tina Walker, BAE Systems Tristan Wright, M&T Bank Todd Yeatts, The Boeing Company Mark Zetlin, Mercedes - Benz of Arlington U.S. ARMY LIAISON TO THE BOARD GREEN BUSINESS COMMITTEE MEETING GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS/ECONOMIC DEV. COMMITTEE MEETING 6 WEDNESDAY 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chamber Board Room SMART START 7 THURSDAY 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Chamber Board Room OPPORTUNITY WORKS RALLY (OPEN ONLY TO OW VOLUNTEERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS) 11 MONDAY 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Vantage Point Rooftop Restaurant MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 12 TUESDAY 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Metro 29 Diner EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 13 WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Chamber Board Room BREAKFAST CONNECTION 14 THURSDAY 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Holiday Inn Rosslyn VALOR AWARDS 19 TUESDAY 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ft. Myer Officers' Club EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEV. COMM. SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE DISCUSSION 19 TUESDAY 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. George Mason University GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS/ECONOMIC DEV. COMMITTEE MEETING 20 WEDNESDAY 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chamber Board Room BUSINESS AFTER BUSINESS 21 THURSDAY 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 22 FRIDAY 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. VOLUNTEER ARLINGTON DAY 26 TUESDAY 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Hosted by AHC, Inc. - Location TBA Kickoff at The Arlington Employment Center COMMUNITY ACTION COMMITTEE MEETING 27 WEDNESDAY 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chamber Board Room SMALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE 27 WEDNESDAY 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Chamber Board Room YEA! TRADE SHOW 28 THURSDAY 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Ballston BID Farmers Market REGISTER TODAY! 703-525-2400 WWW.ARLINGTONCHAMBER.ORG 7 THURSDAY 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. Chamber Board Room 2009 14th Street, North Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22201 GRAND SPONSOR Greg Mullan - PREMIER SPONSOR Michael Garcia-State Farm Insurance BREAKFAST CONNECTION Promote your business before the workday even begins! The format of the Breakfast Connection gives attendees a chance to bring their business to the table, literally. This event focuses on roundtable power networking and provides attendees the chance to exchange business cards, develop new prospects and share a 60 second commercial with each table. 14 THURSDAY 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Holiday Inn Rosslyn 1900 N. Fort Myer Dr. Arlington, VA 22209 GRAND SPONSOR BUSINESS AFTER BUSINESS End your busy work day on a high note with delicious food and drink, mixer-style networking, and the opportunity to win great door prizes, including cash from the jackpot available each month. 21 THURSDAY 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C. 2300 Wilson Blvd. Suite 700 Arlington, VA 22201 Don’t forget to check the Chamber’s website calendar for upcoming events and schedule updates. Fast and easy, the website allows you to register for events online and provides information on the location, time, and topic of a function. 2016 ANNUAL CORPORATE SPONSORS The Importance of the Board Each month, I emphasize the important role the Arlington Chamber of Commerce plays in advocating for business in our County and with the General Assembly in Richmond. This is our core function and we strive to achieve success in a variety of ways. Of course, the Chamber does many other things to enhance its value and contribute to the enrichment of our community. These “things” range from hosting educational events, partnering for community events, recognizing the achievements of individuals, providing opportunities to network and improve business practices, and the list could go on. If you want to see more, visit our website at: www.arlingtonchamber.org and view our events calendar. To d d Ye a t t s These events are made possible by a hard-working staff under the direction of our Chamber President & CEO, Kate Bates. The staff does an incredible job each month. We also have numerous volunteers that participate in a variety of committees that focus on key areas to ensure our members truly receive the value of belonging. CHAIR’S MESSAGE CORPORATE SPONSORS CHAIR’S MESSAGE Another key component of the Chamber structure that is integral to our success is the individuals that serve as members of our Chamber Board. There are 48 members of the 2016 Board of Directors; their names and the companies and organizations they represent can be found on the inside cover of this publication. Take a minute to look at the names. You might see a neighbor, a co-worker, a fellow parent, club member or someone you volunteer with. Our board is a diverse group, as you can see by the professions, companies, organizations and practices they represent. We range from non-profits to multi-national corporations. Our spectrum includes performing arts, the hospitality industry, professional services and businesses large and small. Our board also hails from more than 20 different states providing different but complimentary approaches to problems. The one thing these individuals all possess is the willingness to serve and give back to the community. VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 This dedication is not limited to improving the business climate. Our Board is made up of individuals that serve on more than 80 additional boards, committees, councils and commissions at the local, regional, state and national level. Arlington, the Greater Metro DC area, our Commonwealth and our Country all benefit from the time and talent these individuals freely give. Our Board makes an impact on national leadership and performing arts groups. We serve as gubernatorial appointees and trustees at universities and regionally on committees related to military and veteran’s affairs, women and minority issues, health, education, leadership, finance and security. The Community Bank of the Nation’s Capital Locally, the Arlington Economic Development Commission, the YMCA, A-SPAN, Arlington Community Foundation, Virginia Hospital Center are all served. We strive to address issues that need to be improved but also understand the importance of belonging in order to improve our community through service in organizations like the Kiwanis, Optimist, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Leadership Arlington. I am proud to serve as the Chair of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce but equally as proud to call the incredible group of men and women on our board my friends. I appreciate all they do for the Chamber and outside of the Chamber! Todd Yeatts The Boeing Company The Arlingtonian (USPS 534030) is published monthly by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, 2009 14th Street North, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22201. A subscription rate of $4 per Chamber representative is collected as part of annual membership dues. Periodicals postage paid at Arlington, VA. Members in the News article submissions must be emailed to communications@arlingtonchamber. org and received by the first of the month prior to the publication month (i.e. May 1 for June Arlingtonian). Articles printed in this newsletter submitted by members represent their ideas and beliefs and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. 3 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS NEW MEMBERS MILESTONES MEMBERS IN THE NEWS E N T E R P R I S E Enterprise Knowledge named to "100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management" list APRIL MILESTONE ANNIVERSARIES C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S ! THIRTY FIVE YEARS HYATT REGENCY CRYSTAL CITY AT REAGAN NATIONAL AIRPORT TEN YEARS ARLINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES FIVE YEARS ARLINGTON MAGAZINE ARLINGTON PARTNERSHIP FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH & FAMILIES KB CONCEPTS P.R. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOTERIA VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 KNOWLEDGE Larry Trotter II 5111 8th Rd S #13 Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: (571) 230-2470 E Mail: trotter@securitynmind.com Web Address: www.securitynmind.com Sponsor: Staff A Cybersecurity services company with certified professionals. Services include Network, Web-Application, IoT, and Wireless testing, Incident Response, Mobility and Security assessments. REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL MOORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ed Asher 2900 South Quincy Street, Suite 450 Arlington, VA 22206 Phone: (703) 845-1057 E Mail: ashere@mooreassociates.com Web Address: www.mooreassociates.com Sponsor: Staff Moore is a full-service commercial real estate investment firm. Moore's current primary focus is to lease up 2900 South Quincy Street in Shirlington. Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has been named to the 17th annual list of KMWorld Magazine’s “100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management.” This is the second year in a row that EK has made this list of Global Knowledge Management consultancies and solutions providers. EK is recognized for providing end-to-end Knowledge and Information Management solutions focused on providing practical business value. “Our inclusion on this list is welcome recognition that we’re doing things differently," said EK CEO Zach Wahl. "We’re focusing on providing real world value and partnering with our clients to ensure their success.” Joe Hilger, COO of EK, added, “We’re happy to have KMWorld recognize our leadership in the knowledge and information management services field.” L I N D E N RESOURCES Congressman Don Beyer Meets with Linden Resources On March 11, Congressman Don Beyer, U.S. Representative from Virginia's 8th District and a longtime advocate for Virginians with disabilities, toured Linden Resources, a 57 year old nonprofit working for employment Congressman Don Beyer with opportunities for veterans and Linden Resources CEO Linda Chandler people with disabilities. After touring Linden’s employment programs, Rep. Beyer met with Linden board members and senior staff to discuss various legislative issues and policies of interest to people with disabilities and the organizations that provide employment services to the community. M A R Y M O U N T UNIVERSITY & MENDENHALL PROPERTIES Marymount University Alumni Achieve Savings Through the Affinity Program As an exclusive benefit to alumni of Marymount University, the University has partnered with Mendenhall Properties to provide a comprehensive solution for alumni around the globe access to substantial savings when buying or selling a home. The Marymount Affinity Alumni Program is meant for every graduate of the University. Erin Mendenhall, Principal of Mendenhall Properties based in McLean, Virginia, has built a successful business through partnerships, and those connections are now at the fingertips of Marymount alumni. Do you practice safe tax? If you don’t, you should. REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS AND MANAGEMENT CARUTHERS PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Justin Miller 4600 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22203 Phone: (703) 524-8811 E Mail: justin@caruthersprop.com Web Address: www.caruthersprop.com Sponsor: Sonia Johnston, John Marshall Bank; Kevin Shooshan, The Shooshan Company Caruthers Properties, LLC is a privately held company founded in 1950 by Preston C. Caruthers. Caruthers Properties has been a prominent developer and operator of Northern Virginia real estate for over half a century. 4 JAY E. REINER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT p 571 480 5460 1220 N Fillmore St • Ste 400 • Arlington, VA 22201 TAV E R N A & WA S H I N G TO N B U S I N E S S J O U R N A L Lebanese Taverna Named Best Family-Owned Business in Washington Business Journal’s Inaugural Award Lebanese Taverna Restaurant Group, owned and operated since 1979 by the AbiNajm family, has been named a Best Family-Owned Business in the DC region by the Washington Business Journal. “Family businesses are an important part of the local economy” said the Washington Business Journal. “The inaugural FamilyOwned Business Awards honor the top multi-generational, family-owned businesses in our region for overall excellence, innovation, ethics and philanthropy.“ In addition to its business success, the Lebanese Taverna was recognized for its commitment to philanthropy and community service. From active membership and serving on numerous area boards, to longtime financial support of St. Jude's Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital National Medical Center, to providing sponsorships, gift certificates and pro bono catering to local organizations and schools, the family believes strongly in giving back. They also host numerous events at the restaurants to benefit area nonprofits and good causes. L E A D E R S H I P ARLINGTON & LEADERSHIP CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE Great Sucess at Monte Carlo Night Gala With more than 350 Washington metropolitan community stakeholders registered, Leadership Arlington and Leadership Center for Excellence proudly hosted a successful Monte Carlo Night: Casablanca gala in support of Leadership Arlington's Youth Program. The event was held Saturday, March 5, 2016 in Historic "Terminal A"at Ronald Reagan National Airport. Christopher Saabye 5335 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 440 Washington, DC 20015 Phone: (202) 730-2635 E Mail: csaabye@krisslawatlantic.com Web Address: www.krisslawatlantic.com Sponsor: Staff Atlantic Closing & Escrow is a Title Company that closes residential and commercial mortgage loans for purchases and refinances. RESTAURANTS & FOOD SERVICES BONEFISH GRILL Justin Lawrence 1101 S. Joyce Street Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703) 412-2837 E Mail: BG0759@Bonefishgrill.com Web Address: www.Bonefishgrill.com Sponsor: Staff Bonefish Grill is your local seafood destination in Arlington! Whether you're dining from the sea or the land, our menu has a little something for everyone. RETAIL CURRENT BOUTIQUE, INC. Arlington County Board Chair Libby Garvey, Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Founder Sue Bell, Leadership Arlington COO Liz Nohra, and Chamber President & CEO Kate Bates Returning for its eleventh year, the Monte Carlo Night theme this year was Casablanca. Guests dressed with inspiration from Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman as they traveled back to 1940 with this classic love story. Patrons were treated to an exciting array of activities from a silent auction to Monte Carlo casino-style gaming tables. Kate Bates, Cassie Bate, Mike Rosenow, and Alex Held attended on behalf of the Chamber. A R L I N G T O N REAL ESTATE - RESIDENTIAL ATLANTIC CLOSING & ESCROW, LLC PUBLIC SCHOOLS Outdoor Lab Celebrates 50 Years of Outdoor Education for Arlington Students The Outdoor Lab, a 225-acre facility that provides science and outdoor education to the students of Arlington County, will celebrate the kickoff of its 50th anniversary year with a gala event at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) on June 4, “50 Years and Counting: Dancing Through the Decades”. The Outdoor Lab was established in 1967 by Dr. Phoebe Hall Knipling for Arlington students to learn about and experience the wonders of science and nature in a hands-on outdoor classroom. Located in Fauquier County, VA, the Outdoor Lab is managed by the Arlington Outdoor Education Association in partnership with Arlington Public Schools and hosts classes almost daily. This year 9,000 APS students – some for the first time – will hike mountains and meadows, observe and study wildlife, go camping, boating and enjoy many other activities. Chris Davis 2601 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: (703) 528-3079 E Mail: info@currentboutique.com Web Address: www.currentboutique.com Sponsor: Bill Buck, Buck & Associates Current Boutique offers handpicked consignment pieces crafted with quality and style. At Current Boutique you can indulge your label addiction without feeling an ounce of guilt. NOVA ARMORY Dennis Pratte 2300 N. Pershing Drive, Suite 2B Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: (703) 566-2814 E Mail: NOVAarmory@gmail.com Web Address: www.NOVAarmory.com Sponsor: John Gallagher, IAM Services; Patty Leeman, Leeman Consulting Services Retail and government firearms sales, service, and training. STORAGE CUBESMART SELF STORAGE VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 L E B A N E S E MEMBERS IN THE NEWS NEW MEMBERS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Nita Murray 6875 Lee Highway Arlington, VA 22213 Phone: (703) 237-4200 E Mail: store6594@cubesmart.com Web Address: www.cubesmart.com Sponsor: Staff Arlington's newest and most modern selfstorage facility. Conveniently located on Lee Highway just off of I-66. 5 HOSPITALITY AWARDS REVIEW 12TH ANNUAL HOSPITALITY AWARDS Celebrating Superstars in Hospitality More than 80 front-line workers within Arlington's hospitality industry were honored at the 12th Annual Hospitality Awards held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott. Nominees included a range of hospitality workers from all realms of the industry, from cleaning and maintenance staff to chefs and pantry, to servers and front desk personnel. Because of this distinction, the Chamber's Hospitality Awards are unlike any other annual Arlington awards ceremony. Hospitality Award winners are nominated for outstanding customer service, excellence in profession and continuously exceeding their job description. The ceremony also honors those who have served in the Arlington hospitality industry for 25 or more years through the Bob Klein Legendary Service Award. During the awards presentation, incredible testimonials were given that represented the excellence and dedication of the award winners and their continuous efforts to go above and beyond their job requirements to provide superior customer service to their guests. One winner, Russel Forbes of the Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston, didn't hesitate to step up and save the day when people were in need. Last July, there was a fire at a coffee station inside the ballroom. Mr. Forbes was downstairs in the maintenance shop and heard the radio call for assistance. Without hesitation, he grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran to the fire. He immediately began extinguishing the fire and was able to put it out. Because of his courageous act and quick reaction, major damage was avoided and no injuries occurred. Elsy Maldonado of ROCKLANDS Barbeque and Grilling Company is another example of someone who goes "above and beyond" to assist guests. Originally from El Salvador, when Spanish speaking customers come in, the nominee will take it upon herself to go out and help them navigate the menu. She will recommend items and let the customers do tastings to see what they like. Once when IDing a guest to see if they were of age, she noticed that it was their birthday. Even though the restaurant was busy, she wanted to do something special for the customer so she brought out a cupcake with a candle and wished them happy birthday. The customer was noticeably moved by the gesture as was the rest of the group. Elsy Maldonado (ROCKLANDS Barbeque and Grilling Company) with Dori Familiant and Chris Raines after accepting her award. VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 Emerlita Baltazar of the Sheraton Pentagon City is a floor concierge who provides outstanding service and is often reviewed highly by guests. She can handle up to 90 guests by herself on any morning. Recently, the hotel had a Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipient's family staying in the hotel. This nominee wowed them during their stay and was very generous and kind, helping them wherever they needed. The family was so appreciative that they invited her to attend the ceremony with the family at the White House. 6 Tourism and the hospitality industry are among the most important business sectors in our community, and those who were honored are key in continuing the success of the industry. The Arlington Chamber of Commerce is proud to recognize the "Superstars" of our important hospitality industry. Hospitality Award Superstars Hospitality Award winners are nominated for outstanding customer service, excellence in profession and continuously exceeding their job description. The Hospitality Award Superstars for 2016 are: Eric Abanese Karema Adams Jay Alemu Abdul Ali Jakir Ahmed Khalid Ahmed Cecilia Amartey Darryl Anthony Lesbi Arias Olga Arriaza de Blanco Emerlita Baltazar Josie Banegas Berhanu Bedasso Thelma Poole Brown Elizabeth Camargo Camille Chandler Cheryl Daniels Yaovi De Sousa Karol Diaz Redouane Elazhari Naima Enneiymy Arturo Esquival Russel Forbes Bennett Gardner Bezawit Girmay Mekdes Gutema Ahmed Haji Gilbert Hountangni Aimen Idris Young Jung Axi Kassa Khalid Lhous Carima Lopez Blanca Lucas Elsy Maldonado Anshirley Martinez Gamal Mousa Mary Jane Magbalot Marcos Martinez Manna Micael Ana Monjaraz Mohamed Mounaji Jean Ndjoli Nazikar Orman Angel Ortega Dayoung Park Robin Paz Erika Perez-Decker Lee Pressley Maria Quispe Luis Ramos Steven Ruch Odilia Sanchez Samuel "Sammy" Semere Blake Settle Helina Seyoum Rute Shiferaw Heather Smith Darian Talley Selam Tamrat Lien To Meheran Tecle Eszelu "Nina" Udo Victoria Vasquez Rene Velasquez Sharon Wessal Kiet Yang Hassan Yassin Barida Zarakpege Olga Arriaza de Blanco (Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City) with Dori Familiant and Chris Raines after accepting her award. Of all of the awards, some of the most inspiring are those for legendary service of 25 or more years. The award was renamed The Bob Klein Legendary Service Award several years ago in honor of the late General Manager of the Holiday Inn National Airport who was instrumental in creating the Hospitality Awards program and its success for the first five years. The stories told of the Legendary Service Award Winners were some of the most inspiring. Even after working at her hotel for 35 years, Janice Edmonds of the Crystal City Marriott continues to be a valuable member of the team. As a Concierge Lounge Attendant, she continues to develop personal relationships with repeat VIP and Rewards members. These guests are very important to the success of the hotel. One guest had this to say about her, “She is a wonderful person that was very attentive to our needs, and she made sure we had everything we needed. She always had a smile on her face, and was delightful to talk with.” The following are this year’s Legendary Service Award Winners listed with their years of service: Alan Fon, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 25 years Mercedes Daleney, Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston, 25 years Dora Marin, Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, 25 years Emily Minor, Holiday Inn National Airport, 25 years Shahed Ali, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 25 years Joyce Garrett, Crowne Plaza National Airport, 26 years Lisbe Antayhua, Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston, 26 years Rose Simms, Holiday Inn National Airport, 27 years Blanca Ventura, Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston, 28 years Kheim Duong, Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston, 28 years Gledia Fernandez, Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston, 28 years Assefa Alemu, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 30 years Josefina Doral, Crystal Gateway Marriott, 30 years Grace Kumi, Crowne Plaza National Airport, 33 years Jember Gebrewahid, Crystal Gateway Marriott, 33 years Ester Pabico, Crystal Gateway Marriott, 35 years Janice Edmonds, Crystal City Marriott, 35 years Special Thanks to Our Hospitality Award Sponsors Premier Sponsors Crystal City Marriott Crystal Gateway Marriott Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza National Airport Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston Holiday Inn Rosslyn Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport Key Bridge Marriott Hotel Residence Inn Arlington Ballston Residence Inn by Marriott - Rosslyn Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City The Westin Crystal City Hotel Patron Sponsors Arlington Convention and Visitors Service Littler Mendelson Yuck Old Paint LLC Jember Gebrewahid (Crystal Gateway Marriott) with Dori Familiant and Chris Raines after accepting her award. Emily Minor (Holiday Inn National Airport) with Dori Familiant and Chris Raines after accepting her award. VOLUNTEER ARLINGTON DAY VOLUNTEER ARLINGTON DAY HOSPITALITY AWARDS REVIEW 2016 Bob Klein Legendary Service Award Winners VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 12TH ANNUAL HOSPITALITY AWARDS Support Local Nonprofits Local volunteers from various businesses will lend a helping hand to area nonprofit organizations as part of Volunteer Arlington Day 2016 on Tuesday, April 26. Produced by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce's Community Action Committee, this annual tradition pairs members of the business community with rewarding half-day service projects throughout Arlington County. SPECIAL THANK YOU TO GRAND SPONSOR Are you looking for more opportunities to do good and get involved in the Arlington community? This event is a great way to meet new people and learn about Arlington nonprofits while helping organizations in need. Volunteer as an individual or a business. Are you a nonprofit with volunteer projects that need to get done? Then make sure to register your organization as a project site for Volunteer Arlington Day 2016. To sign up as a volunteer or nonprofit project site, contact Victoria Klisch at eventsassoc@arlingtonchamber.org. Sponsorships are still available. Contact Cassie Bate at cbate@arlingtonchamber.org for more information. Register yourself, your business or your organization for Volunteer Arlington Day online at www.arlingtonchamber.org or call 703-525-2400. 7 CONGRATULATIONS BUSINESS ADVOCACY SHOPCHAMBER CHAMBER SCENE CHAMBER SCENE T H E CHAMBER SCENE FEBRUARY Your Chamber in the Community In many ways, the success of Arlington is directly tied to the success of its business community, and the success of the Arlington Chamber is directly tied to its membership base. This is why the Chamber's Directors, staff and members are dedicated to supporting community events and happenings. Below are a few highlights of the events Chamber staff and Board members participated in on behalf of the Chamber. February 23 – Kate Bates, Cassie Bate, and Mike Rosenow attended the Creative Arlington: Business and the Arts Networking Breakfast co-hosted by the Chamber, Arlington Economic Development, and the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization. Chamber Director Michael Garcia was also in attendance, along with other Chamber members. February 29 – Cassie Bate, Hannah Dannenfelser, and Meredith Smith attended Arlington Thrive's Young Professionals Hop To It Bingo Happy Hour. SHOPCHAMBER Thank you to everyone who supported the Chamber's Nonprofit Organization members during the month of March! Please support the Chamber's Home & Professional Services members during the month of April. A full list of Home & Personal Services members can be found on the Chamber website. Last year, Kevin Shooshan (The Shooshan Company) was having HVAC problems at his home and was referred to John Gallagher and IAM Services, Corp by Joe Prentice (State Department Federal Credit Union). John was able to get someone out to Kevin’s home that morning. This is just one of the many ways using ShopChamber during Home & Personal Services month can help you too! VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 Home & Personal Services Create buzz online! Use #ShopARL on social media every time you shop at a member retail location, attend an event at a member business, or refer a friend to a Chamber business. The first Friday of each month is ShopChamber Friday! For April, share with your followers some of the Home & Personal Services members you work with. BUSINESS ADVOCACY B U S I N E S S A D V O C A C Y U P DAT E United Air Service IAD-Cuba In February, Kate Bates and 2016 Chair Todd Yeatts attended a meeting for Arlington County's new Military & Veteran's Affairs Committee. Both will be serving on the committee on behalf of the Chamber. In March, the Chamber sent a letter to Anthony Foxx, Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, expressing our strong support of the application of United Airlines to provide air service between the U.S. and Cuba, specifically supporting Saturday service between Washington Dulles International Airport and Havana's José Martí International Airport. Granting United's request would provide very significant economic and consumer benefits to the Capital region's area businesses, entrepreneurs and travelers, including many Arlingtonians and Arlington businesses. That letter can be found on the Chamber website. 8 APRIL Members can be involved in shaping policy positions through the Chamber's Government Affairs & Economic Development Committee. The Government Affairs & Economic Development Committee typically meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Chamber Board Room. To be added to the committee distribution list, please email chamber@arlingtonchamber.org. CONGRATULATIONS! We'd like to congratulate our President & CEO Kate Bates on her March 11 marriage to Ronnie Bates. We wish them all the best as they begin their new life together! Raising Awareness and Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault by Kelly Spafford, Corporate Giving Manager, Doorways for Women and Families April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). There are many ways to get involved, starting with learning more about the issue, our community’s response and how to support it. How extensive is the problem? According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network), every 107 seconds, someone in America is sexually assaulted, the vast majority of whom are women and men under 30. Even more sobering is the fact that 68% of assaults are never reported to the police, meaning this issue is affecting far more people than we realize. Furthermore, sexual assault intersects with other traumatic issues including homelessness and domestic violence. Experiencing any one of these issues in your lifetime is traumatic, but many clients have experienced all three prior to coming to Doorways. For example, the basic need of a roof overhead can lead to dangerous living environments in which sexual abuse and/or violence is a horrible consequence. These issues impact more Arlingtonians than you can imagine. Last year alone, calls to our Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline increased by 53 percent. NONPROFIT SPOTLIGHT NONPROFIT SPOTLIGHT How are we responding to sexual assault in Arlington? Doorways for Women and Families creates pathways out of sexual assault, domestic violence and homelessness leading to safe, stable and empowered lives. Following a multi-year, collaborative effort to evaluate Arlington’s response to sexual and domestic violence, Doorways officially expanded our mission to include sexual assault in 2015. With more than 37 years of experience in helping survivors access safety, support and emergency assistance, Doorways is well-equipped to provide this coordinated and comprehensive response in our community. Survivors’ most urgent need, and our most important service, is safety. Through our 24-hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline, highly trained Doorways staff and volunteers provide callers with crisis counseling, safety planning and referrals to community resources. Accessible through the hotline, Doorways also offers hospital accompaniment for survivors of sexual assault seeking a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) exam. Specially trained staff and volunteers provide support, comfort and resources for survivors during this very difficult time. Additionally, Doorways’ Court Advocacy program assists survivors of with obtaining immediate and long-term legal protections. To learn more about the services Doorways offers, visit www.DoorwaysVA.org/get-help. How can Arlingtonians make a difference? Through Doorways, your support helps our most vulnerable neighbors survive crisis, rebuild their lives and achieve brighter futures. Here are four simple ways to make an impact this month: 1. Participate in Start By Believing Day on April 6th by committing to believe survivors when they share that they’ve been sexually assaulted 2. Wear teal, the official SAAM color, for Teal Out on April 20th to demonstrate support for survivors 3. Learn how you can help a friend at www.DoorwaysVA.org/how-to-help-a-friend 4. Raise awareness among your circles by spreading the word about sexual assault, our response and how to get involved VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 Through a four-tiered strategy that includes an immediate, safe response to those in crisis, pathways to emergency shelter and long-term housing, and a Comprehensive Services Model that is tailored to each woman and family’s strengths, Doorways meets both immediate and long-term needs while also working to address the economic and societal issues that lead to violence, poverty and homelessness. Visit www.DoorwaysVA.org/SAAM for more details and additional ways to join our efforts. Together, we can create a community where all people live free of violence and have safe and stable housing. If you or someone you know is in need of support, being hurt by or fearful of their partner, please call our 24-hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline at (703) 237-0881. The Chamber is now accepting applications for the 2016 Best Business Awards. Submissions must be received by Friday, April 22. SPECIAL THANK YOU TO GRAND SPONSOR Save the date for Tuesday, May 24 from 7:30am - 9:30am at the Sheraton Pentagon City. For more information, contact events@arlingtonchamber.org. 9 ARLINGTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY WORKS VOL. LVIII, NO. 34 APRIL 2016 ARLINGTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Arlington Brings Its Message of Innovation to SXSW Interactive by Cara O'Donnell, Public Relations Manager, Arlington Economic Development Arlington Economic Development (AED) has known that government needs to enhance its technology transfer with the public sector for several years. In a world where technological advances and disruptions happen daily, the government’s old system of acquisition and implementation simply does not work. Cybersecurity, healthcare informatics, data analysis, autonomous vehicles, drones — the list is endless — and the policies that impact these new technologies and industries are a critical component in the growth of new industry. The immense government presence at the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) Festival in Austin, Texas validated our early assumptions. From President Barack Obama’s keynote kicking off the SXSW Interactive portion of the festival to the dozens of panel discussions and events that revolved around innovation, technology and government policy, it was clear that AED's vision of the future of technology transfer between the government and private sector is finally here, and it’s huge in scope. AED traveled to the 2016 SXSW Interactive Festival to become a part of the technology transfer conversation by having two panels selected to be presented at SXSW. The first, Big Fat Data Revolution, focused on data utility and how the public and private sector can effectively utilize — and in turn, capitalize on — data the data that is being harvested. The panel featured Alex Laskey, CEO of Arlington-based Opower, a revolutionary big-data driven utility efficiency company, as well as former USCTO and founder of Arlington-based Hunch Analytics Aneesh Chopra and Paul Melby from Capital One Labs. AED's second panel, “Be the Next Tony Stark,” looked at that connection between government and technology. The U.S. is a global leader in innovation — but how does the next idea become a reality? Government researchers are turning to the creative industries for these brilliant ideas and figure out how to develop them. Topics ranged from the Federal Government and Department of Defense’s role in advancing technology for utilization within the federal government to ensuring that technology can get into the hands of the consumer. The conversation was driven by Dr. Reginald Brothers from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Gary Shapiro, CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), Kearie Peak from RL Leaders and Dr. Daniel Patt, a Program Manager at DARPA. But it wasn't all about discussion. AED was also all about networking with these brilliant tech companies at SXSW. AED partnered with the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership (AEDP) and Tech.co to host an entrepreneur pool tournament in downtown Austin during the festival. The event drew hundreds of attendees looking to interact with fellow business leaders and technology innovators. Arlington and Alexandria were able to showcase our strengths and why emerging companies from around the U.S. and the world should consider our jurisdictions when growing their business’ reach. AED and AEDP also hosted a Fireside Chat with Virginia Secretary of Commerce & Trade Maurice Jones, U.S. Homeland Security’s Dr. Reginald Brothers, and Hope Shimabuku from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to discuss why Virginia, particularly Arlington and Alexandria, are important strategic locations for technology and government services companies. AED’s presence at SXSW was meant to market Arlington’s assets and also provide an opportunity to interface with companies and individuals who are rapidly changing the world in which we live. The connections and impressions made at SXSW will have lasting impacts for Arlington in the years to come and are an important component in our mission of lowering Arlington's office vacancy rate. OPPORTUNITY WORKS The 2016 Opportunity Works Campaign has officially begun! This year's campaign aims to raise $255,000 in coming months through memberships, sponsorships and advertising. Our volunteers are off to a great start, having reached the $104,079 mark by March 23! Thanks to everyone who attended our kickoff event, with a special thanks to Grand Sponsor IAM Services, Corp and to Kona Grill for hosting us. Attendees enjoyed drinks and food from the Kona Grill Happy Hour menu, as well as a networking scavenger hunt to get to know fellow volunteers. Opportunity Works Co-Chairs Joe Prentice and Barbara Nicastro with John Gallagher (IAM Services, Corp., OW Grand Sponsor) 10 At the kickoff, we also announced the theme of "I AM...", which incorporates our Grand sponsor, IAM Services, Corp. The campaign theme highlights that each member is an individual with specific needs and goals, but together, we are the Chamber. The theme was announced by our fearless leaders, Campaign Co-Chairs Barbara Nicastro of the Law Offices of Barbara E. Nicastro and Joe Prentice of the State Department Federal Credit Union, who shared some interesting facts about themselves in the spirit of the theme. How to Market When You Don't Have Time for Marketing SMALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE GRAND SPONSOR During the February Small Business Roundtable, Tim Young of Young Marketing Consulting, discussed how to successfully market your business when you don't have a lot of time. He encouraged attendees to think of time as an asset and maximize your time by using some of the tips outlined in the discussion Recommended Marketing Spend Benchmarks - B2C companies: 6-12% of gross revenue - B2B companies: 2-6% of gross revenue - Companies with revenue less than $5 million: 7-8% of gross revenue - More than 80% of companies are spending 10% or less of their budgets on marketing. An easy way to determine how much time to spend on marketing: 40 hours a week x 10% of budget = 4 hours per week on marketing = 2 days a month. Day 1: Strategy 1. Pick your targets. 2. Build your strategy. 3. Create your business logic. 4. Prepare your offers - Why should someone do business with you? Why are you different? Day 2: Tactics 1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 2. Digital Advertising/Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 3. Marketing Automation 4. Inbound Lead Generation The Small Business Roundtable is an open forum discussion of topics essential to the success of small businesses. It is free for members, though registration is required, and is held the last Wednesday of each month in the Chamber Board Room. SMALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE FEBRUARY SMALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE REGISTER NOW: APRIL SMALL BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE 27 WEDNESDAY 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Chamber Board Room Presented by Lorraine Nordlinger of Nordlinger Consulting Group How should you SEO? - Use Google analytics and adwords to identify the most popular keywords for what you're offering. - Use these tools to show you how people think about what you sell. - Include those keywords in your urls and page titles. - Take one day and write four blog posts (about 500 words each). Mention the keywords three to four times per blog post, and schedule these to post every week to increase your page ranking. More people need to be linking to you. What is Search Engine Marketing? You're basically paying to cut to the front of the line. VOL. LVIII, NO. 4 APRIL 2016 What is SEO? - Under the hood stuff - how Google looks at the coding of your site. - Regularly posting relevant content will boost your SEO. - Sharing - how many people are linking to your website? Google sees this and says, "A lot of people think this is valuable, so we'll rank it higher." How to use SEM: - Target new audiences (i.e. not your organic terms). - Think about where and when your audience will be. - Create your landing page that rewards your lead for giving you their information. - Set your budget and let the software do the work. No need to micromanage. - Turn on your campaign, check it in a week, refine as necessary. - Ads should be simple and straightforward. The first line should say who you are, and the second line is what you offer. Should you socialize? YES! But do more than just automatic posting. - Advertising is cheaper on social media, but conversion can be harder. - Organic sharing helps with SEO, but can be more difficult depending on the industry. Marketing Automation: Pick your software based on which best supports your business rules. Provision your system (data fields, forms, email templates, etc.), create your automation workflows, test all scenarios, and sit back and relax. But don't forget to monitor performance. Inbound Lead Generation What makes good carrots (offers that hook the customer)? Offers that are: - Time sensitive - Unique - Valuable - Personalized - Repetitive 11 2009 14th Street, North Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22201 Pre-sorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit 6418 Dulles, VA 703-525-2400 PHONE • 703-522-5273 FAX chamber@arlingtonchamber.org POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Arlingtonian c/o Arlington Chamber of Commerce, 2009 14th Street, North, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22201 ARLINGTON REALTY, ARLINGTON REALTY,INC. INC. celebrating celebrating YEARS YEARS Family Owned & Family Owned Operated Since 1984 & Operated Since 1984 ARLINGTON REALTY, INC. 703.836.6000 Family Owned & celebratingArlingtonRealtyInc.com ARLINGTON REALTY, Operated Since 1984 INC. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SALES • LEASING • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LICENSED IN VIRGINIA, DC & MARYLAND • ARLINGTON REALTY, INC.YEARS • 764 S. 23RD STREET • ARLINGTON, VA 22202 celebrating YEARS Family Owned & Operated Since 1984 We’re Celebrating Our 10th Year! Thank you Arlington Community! We are committed to being the best bank, serving the needs of individuals and businesses with a personal touch. Please stop in today and let us show you a better way to bank. JohnMarshallBank.com The vision of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce is to be the essential partner for business success. THANK YOU! Jamie Nicholas Printing & Graphics and Reston Limousine Service for donating door prizes for the February and March Breakfast Connections. Linden Resources for hosting the March Board of Directors Meeting. Don Tito for hosting the March Business After Business. 2300 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201 703-528-1770 The mission of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce is to strengthen businesses and the economic environment for those who work, live and do business in Arlington. Member Sonia Johnston Regional President Aaron Seekford - Arlington Realty, Inc. for donating a door prize for the March Business After Business.
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