Oct2014 - Los Bexarenos Genealogical Society
Oct2014 - Los Bexarenos Genealogical Society
Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society Those born in Béxar and those who migrated to and made their home in Béxar throughout the ages, whether under the influence of Tribal Law, or the laws of Spain, France, the 1st Republic of Texas, the Republic of México, the 2nd Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of América, or the United States of América are known as Los Bexareños. Their families extend to all the lands of the world. Once a Bexareño always a Bexareño. A Newsletter via e-Mail Oc tob e r 2 0 1 4 LBGHS Monthly Meeting October 4, 2014 San Antonio Founders Day San Antonio Main Public Library 9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. Saturday, October 25, 2014 MEMBERS’ GENEALOGY ~ NETWORK AND SHARING This meeting will be a members meeting for networking and sharing of genealogical research with fellow members. Bring your family history research and see if you can connect your research with family lines of other individuals. Bring your charts, photos, pedigree forms and family group sheets. With some luck, you may be able to break down brick walls and further your family research. ✥ Los Bexareños CONTRIBUTORS Edward Rodríguez Arevalo Mónica Ashley Mary Eileen Barrientos Dina Cortez Estella de la Fuente Anthony Delgado Mary Esther Escobedo Cindy Farmer Steven Gonzáles Larry and Yolanda Kirkpatrick José Antonio López Sonny Melendrez Sylvia Morales Dennis Moreno Yolanda Patiño Sylvia Reyna Rudi R. Rodríguez Lillian Wold LBGHS October Meeting • Founders Day • Facebook • Webpage Poem - Losoya : Tejano El Camino Real de los Tejas Commentary: Frank Faulkner Is Retiring Photo: Delgado ~ The 12th Family • Announcement: Las Estrellas de Tejas LBGHS Merchandise • Announcement: Oral History Interviews • Thought of the Day Photos: 35th Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference Telling Our Stories: José Martínez Ramos and Liberata Martínez Morales Websites That Tell Our Stories • Membership Dues • Gloria Cadena Scholarship Fund Researching My Ancestors • Gloria Cadena Scholarship Fund LBGHS Resource Center • Web Indexes In Memorium: Porfirio Gus Cárdenas Calendar of Events Around The State • Message From the Editor • Submit Your Articles LBGHS eMail Newsletter This free event takes place on the grounds of The Alamo and on Alamo Plaza from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be live music and dance, historical, cultural and educational displays from various organizations. Enjoy a celebration of the founding of San Antonio. CONTENT C ont e n t s I n Thi s I ssue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 11th Annual Event 1 Like Us On Facebook Visit Los Bexareños webpage www.losbexarenos.org to view archived email newsletters. Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL I 2014 EXECUTIVE BOARD President:! ! Louis J. Benavides HISTORICAL SOCIETY LOSOYA : TEJANO M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T “The mission of Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society is to promote awareness of Hispanic genealogy and history through publications, public forums, research, consultations, education, and to promote the preservation of archival material for public research.” AND BY: Rudi R. Rodríguez For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society When the Álamo was being built ! ! Juan Losoya was a master carpenter ! and worked with all his might. He had a family that would live there, ! ! so he built everything just right. Vice President: ! José López A son, named Toribio, was born at the Secretary:! ! Ernesto Menchaca Treasurer:! ! Henry A. García, Jr. ! ! Álamo, ! and he would be everything he might. Later, men would die here BOARD OF DIRECTORS ! ! to protect Texas ! and everything that was right. 2013 - 2014:! ! Eleanor Foreman 2013 - 2014:! ! Sylvia Morales Toribio Losoya grew to be a young man ! ! who joined the calvary to defend and fight. 2014 - 2015:! ! Mary Reyes He rode many miles over the Texas plains 2014 - 2015:! ! Olga Hickey ! ! searching for hostile Indians who wanted to fight. After years stationed at many Texas forts, 2014 - 2015:! ! Ed Mata APPOINTED OFFICERS Historian:! ! ! Parliamentarian: ! Norberto Martínez José Hernández ! Toribio knew the price and what was right. When the Revolution began for Texas independence, ! ! he joined with all his might. When Toribio rode back to his home at the Álamo, ! Davy Crockett and James Bowie were ready for the fight. When the bullets started flying and the dying and ! the crying began, ! ! Toribio knew he would fight with all his might. Remember the Álamo, and Tejano Toribio Losoya ! who was born at the Álamo, stationed at the Álamo, ! ! and fought and died at the Álamo so that all Tejanos ! ! LOS BEXAREÑOS PO BOX 1935 SAN ANTONIO TX 78297-1935 could be all they might. Copyright 2014. Rudi R. Rodríguez. All Rights Reserved. www.losbexarenos.org Los Bexareños Facebook Page LBGHS eMail Newsletter 2 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND 10th Anniversary Celebration of El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail and Annual Meeting ~ La Quinta Inn & Suites 303 Blum San Antonio, Texas 78205 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: 11:45 AM: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM: General Admission for association members for Lectures and Presentations FREE General Admission - Non-Members Good for one ticket to the signage unveiling ceremony at the Medina River Greenway. FREE Signage unveiling at the Medina River Greenway Vendor booths and exhibits at La Quinta Inn & Suites Welcoming Reception at La Quinta Inn & Suites October 17th: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: General Admission - Association Members Signage Unveiling Ceremony October 16th: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM: 9:10 AM - 10:00 AM: SOCIETY General admission for non-members to lectures and presentations. This item also provides you a one year membership in the association and voting privileges at the annual meeting. $35.00 October 16 - 18, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: HISTORICAL Vendor Booths and Exhibits Check-In Welcome and Introductions Presentation - El Rancho de las Cabras and El Camino Real by Susan Snow, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park Presentation: National Trails System - Intermountain Region Update on El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT by Aaron Mahr, Superintendent of El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT General Membership Meeting: Vote on Board of Directors & Bylaws Amendments Break/Socializing/Exhibit Viewing Announcement of Membership Vote Results Lunch Presentation: A Photographic Journey along El Camino Real de los Tejas by Christopher Talbot, Vice-President of El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT Association Break/Socializing/Exhibit Viewing Presentation: The Neutral Ground by Raymond Berthelot, Chief of Interpretive Services, Louisiana Office of State Parks Presentation: Discovery of the Original Site of Mission Concepción in Nacogdoches, County by Tom Middlebrook and Morris Jackson, Archaeological Stewards of Nacogdoches County (Tentative) Mixer and Reception Dinner Keynote Speaker: Bill Ratcliffe, NPS Chief of Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Programs (Tentative) Welcoming Reception Good for one entry into the Welcoming Reception on October 16th. FREE Friday Lunch Good for one Friday lunch ticket. Friday Dinner Good for one Friday dinner ticket. $25.00 $35.00 Bus Tour Good for one ticket for bus tour of trail sites in the San Antonio area $15.00 To register for this event, please click on the following link: El Camino Real de los Tejas October 18th: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM: LBGHS eMail Newsletter Bus Tour of Trail Sites in San Antonio Missions National Historical Park Free Admission for self-guided tour of the Institute of Texan Cultures for Bus Tour participants 3 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Frank Faulkner Is Retiring By Larry and Yolanda Kirkpatrick For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society hirty-seven years years ago, in 1977, Frank Faulkner came to the San Antonio Public Library system. He first worked at the Landa Branch, and in two or three years moved to the library downtown as the head of the Reference Department. The library then was located on the San Antonio River and the International available at Texana, including Mary Esther Zahradnick, Armandina Sifuentes, and Eileen Villarreal. Building is now on the same spot. Many old timers remember Marie Berry, the manager, who helped us with our genealogy. She really knew her stuff. listed Gloria's donated books and manuscripts and put the information on Texana's web site for genealogy lovers everywhere. T ! The Bexareños ultimate gift actually came from the founder of Los Bexareños, Gloria Cadena. Her unique book collection was given by her heirs and family to Texana. Sylvia Reyna of Texana has ! Our association with Frank and his staff has enhanced the Los Bexareños contribution to the community. When we started having our meetings at the Central Library auditorium, ! Frank then went to the History Department and worked with Jo Mylar. The City of San Antonio bought the old Sears store on Romana Plaza and, in the year 1995, moved the library into the new building. Jo Mylar was head of the History Department until she retired in the year 2001. She has continued to volunteer in Texana even until today. our membership increased, and we have been able to better provide our Hispanic genealogy and history message to members and the public. Our meetings are open to all and are not limited to members. Our nonprofit organization provides the ! Frank Faulkner was born in a small Texas town named Clifton. His family moved to Poteet, Texas when he was about three years old. Frank is a real Bexareño! He has been in Texana, the sixth floor genealogy and history Department for at least community with speakers from a wide range of subjects and from a wide geographic area. Out of town members schedule their visits around our meetings and many will want to research their genealogy on the same visit in Texana in the after- thirteen years. Texana is more than just a Library Department but has a Friends of the San Antonio Public Library (FOSAPL) supporting group much like branch libraries. Long time Los Bexareños supporters of Texana are Jesse Rodríguez, Aída noon. Thanks Frank Abrazos Fuertes Martínez, Dr. Félix Almaráz, Jr., Fred Martínez, George Farías, Gloria Bolnick, Dennis and Viola Moreno, and Gilbert and Yolanda Patiño. ! We are all worried about the increase in the new technology and what it will do to our library. If anything, technology has brought more interest in genealogy than ever before. Surveys show that genealogy uses more space on the internet than other subjects. There is a rising and growing interest in television programs and "back to roots" information. We liken genealogy to a great big cake of delicious information. The the icing on top is the internet, the technology, and the apps, but the cake is the center and the main ! Los Bexareños has had some of its members volunteer at Texana over the years. Bill Wiseman assisted patrons for several years as a volunteer; and, Barney Robles inputed data and organized records. Presently José Hernández, a member of Los Bexareños, is a volunteer for Texana. Volunteers for Texana produced three books that were printed and sold by Los Bexareños with the proceeds going to The Friends of Texana. The books are 1895 San Antonio Voter ingredient. The basic recipe is where we go for our real research: the library, the books, the archives, the microfilm, the old documents and records, the obituaries, and all those answers to our puzzles. Registration List; Deserters from the United States Army during the Mexican-American War 1846-1848; and, the Texas Biographical Gazeteer - the Texas 200. and anticipates that Texana will still be a separate collection and that the staff will not change too much and that things will be back to normal even with the change in hours. ! Los Bexareños published a finding aid for the books in Texana. It is called Texana Geographical Index: Geographic Finding Aid for ! Frank says that he has no retirement plans but that he and his wife, Linda, who is also retired, will continue to write and publish Hispanic Genealogy in the San Antonio Public Library. It lists México and Texas cities and localities and then lists the publications containing records from that area. Los Bexareños has several super researchers who are particularly adept at researching the records books. He published Historic Photos of San Antonio in 2007, and they have just published San Antonio Cemeteries Historic District. Frank wants to be able to participate and continue his presentations in San Antonio and continue his association with Los Bexareños. ✥ LBGHS eMail Newsletter ! Books are here to stay and so is our library. It may evolve some and grow into something a little different. Frank says that he hopes 4 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY DELGADO ~ THE 12TH FAMILY BY: Anthony Delgado For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society Announcing Las Estrellas de Tejas Reception Starting at the far left going clockwise: My great-grandmother Adelina Cantú Delgado de Delgado ✥ my dad José Luis Delgado and his grandma Adelina and his sister María Francisca Delgado ✥ grandma Adelina's maternal great uncle José Antonio Navarro ✥ my paternal grandfather Miguel Toscano Delgado holding my uncle Miguel Jesús Delgado and my paternal grandmother María de Jesús Delgado ✥ grandma Adelina's maternal grandparents, José Miguel Cantú and María Gertrudes Cervantes Navarro. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 5 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Los Bexareños Merchandise Order Form Polo Shirts Cost: $25 Polo Shirt Color 2XL-3XL - Extra $5 Color Name Embroidery Color Banana Black Court Green Yellow Red Black Maui Blue Red Stone Black White Black Royal Yellow Black Yellow 4XL, 5XL - Extra $10 Size (SM, MED, LG, XLG, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL) Quantity Total Cost How to Do an Oral History Interview Total 5-ounce, 65/35 poly/cotton pique Knit collar and cuffs Double-needle armholes and bottom hem Metal buttons with dyed-to-match rims Side vents Hats Cost: $18 Color In celebration of Family History Month and Hispanic Heritage Month, Louis J. Benavides, genealogist, historian and teacher, and genealogist Grace G. Isaac will offer tips and techniques to use when conducting oral history interviews. Join us as these seasoned researchers share the best ways to gather these intimate portraits that demonstrate the importance of doing a family history. Quantity Visors Cost $18 Red Khaki Royal Stone Black Total Name: Telephone: Order Total: Color Quantity Saturday, 4 October 2014, 1 PM Red Khaki Royal Stone Black Aqua Dandelion Total Central Library Auditorium 600 Soledad 78205 210.207.2500 Email: Paid Date: Make Checks payable to: Los Bexareños Mail check and order form to: Cindy Farmer 16414 Crested Butte San Antonio, Texas 78247 Make checks payable to: Los Bexareños Mail check and order form to: LOS BEXAREÑOS PO BOX 1935 SAN ANTONIO TX 78297-1935 If you have questions, please contact Cindy at (210) 656-2085 or at cindyofarmer@sbcglobal.net Photographs of the San Antonio Floods of 1913 | The Top Shelf utsalibrariestopshelf.wordpress.com3000 × 1823Search by image Wagon passing the Victoria Hotel in the 300 block of N. St. Mary's Street, October 1913. (MS 362: 113-045) The next time you're stuck in traffic, think about this... ! There's much to be said about being able to view the world with appreciative eyes. Every convenience we have would be so magnified if we could go back 100 years. ! An old used car that can barely make it to 50 mph would be the most unbelievable invention to someone crossing the plains in a covered wagon. Also available in green, black, and navy blue. These handy bags are available to carry your genealogy books and records. $15.00 Print your Order Form ht t p:/ /www.l os b e xa re nos .org / M erchandi seO rd e rFo r m. p df ! Often times when I am late or stuck in traffic, I look around and try to take in all that the times we live in has given us. ! I'll gladly wait for traffic to clear in view of what others have had to endure. ! Marcus Tullius Cicero said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." Here eMail Newsletter ! No matter where we happen to come in on this show called history, there is so much to appreciate. 6 — Sonny Melendrez Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 35th Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference LBGHS eMail Newsletter 7 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY JOSÉ MARTÍNEZ RAMOS AND LIBERATA MARTÍNEZ MORALES GENERAL CEPEDA, COAHUILA, MÉXICO BY: Lillian Navarro Wold For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society y paternal grandparents, José MARTÍNEZ RAMOS and Liberata MARTÍNEZ MORALES were married on 16 September 1902, in General Cepeda, Coahuila, México. José was born circa 1880, in Rancho Seguín, Coahuila, México. He got the nickname, “Quaresma” because he was over 6 feet tall; but, no one ever called him that to his face. My father, Ignacio MORALES RAMOS, described his father as “very serious and a hard disciplinarian.” José’s parents were Ignacio de Jesús ARRIOLA RAMOS and Soledad REYES MARTÍNEZ. Saturnino. Ignacio’s land was eventually sold to a relative by the name of Benjamin RAMOS. M ! In 1902, after they wed, José and Liberata lived in one of the three houses that Liberata owned, located on 302 Turbide Street (the street was later changed to Venustiano Carranza Street). They owned a small farm called “La Garza” which was located about a mile from their house. The house had been one of three houses that was part of her dowry given to her by her father. Her father, José Nicolás ORTIZ MORALES, was deceased at the time of her marriage to José RAMOS. Liberata’s father had been the “mayordomo” of the Hacienda Nogal. Liberata’s widowed mother lived in the second house, and her sister, Savita MORALES, lived in the third house. ! My paternal grandmother, Liberata MARTÍNEZ MORALES, was born on 7 June 1886, in La Paz, General Cepeda, Coahuila, México. Her parents were José Nicolás ORTIZ MORALES and María Frutuosa GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ. ! José RAMOS and Liberata MORALES had ten children: Antonia, Manuela, Ignacio (my father), María, Soledad, Delfina, Consuelo, José, Estevan, and Alicia. ! In a 1930 Mexican National Census taken in General Cepeda, Coahuila, José RAMOS stated that he was 50 years old (born around 1880), and that his profession was "cochero" (driver). He lived on his own land, was a Catholic, married in the civil court and in the church, and he could read and write. In the same census, Liberata was listed as being 40 years of age. ! José also worked as a “cochero” and delivery man. José, with the help of hired men, worked on the farm. Every harvest time, he shared his crops with his two sisters, Emelia RAMOS and María Julia RAMOS. María Julia went to lived with her Carranza cousins in Saltillo, and eventually, she married Emelio ALEMAN. I do not recall if María Julia and Emelio had any children. Emelia married Esaias VILLARREAL and lived in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and Nuevo Laredo, Tamulipas, México. Emelia and Esaias had five children. Emelia's husband died in Nuevo Laredo, Tamalipas. ! When José RAMOS, died of Typhoid Fever in 1940, Liberata sold the three houses she had inherited from her father as a wedding dowry and moved to Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, because she believed it would be easier for her youngest daughter, Alicia RAMOS, to find employment there. Liberata and José had lived in one of the three houses; her sister, Savitas and her husband, Lino RAMÍREZ, lived in the second house; and her mother, lived in the third house. José Martínez Ramos and Liberata Martínez Morales and their first child, Antonia, 1903. ! During the revolution, my great-grandfather, Ignacio de Jesús ARRIOLA RAMOS, left on one of his many trips and never returned. He could have been killed fighting in the revolution, but his family still believes that he abandoned them. In any case, Ignacio left his wife and four children. ! José RAMOS’ father, José Ignacio de Jesús ARRIOLA RAMOS was christened on 1 August 1845 in Santa María, Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, México and moved to San Francisco de Patos (now General Cepeda). ! Ignacio’s brother, Pablo ARRIOLA RAMOS, took over the running of Ignacio's farm. He made his nephews, José RAMOS and Saturnino RAMOS, work like slaves on their own farm. Saturnino hated his uncle and decided to runaway. He vowed that he would never return until his uncle died. No one knows what happened to ! The marriage record of Baptismal book cover was decorated by the Priest in charge. —Continue on page 9 LBGHS eMail Newsletter 8 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ignacio and Soledad Martínez reads as follows: Dec. 18, 1876 - LDS Marriage Microfilm (marriage), On the margin is the number 48, " Ygnacio Ramos con Soledad Martines," Patos. In the "vice-parroquia" of San Francisco de Patos, on the 18th of Dec, 1876, the "Infracito" priest, Manuel Flores Farias, married Ygnacio Ramos, his parishioner. Ygnacio was single and 30 years old, born in the parish of Parras (de la Fuente) and now a resident of this parish (Patos), going on three years. He is listed as the legitimate son of Carpio (AKA Policarpio), now deceased, and Maria Refugio Arriola. His mother gave her permission for them to marry. His bride was Soledad Martines, also a parishioner, celibate and 26 years old. She was listed as born in the parish of San Luis Potosi and resident of the parish of Patos (now, General Cepeda) since her infancy. She was the natural daughter of Antonio Martines and Teresa Reyes, (both deceased at the time of this wedding). Witnesses of the ceremony: Pedro Aguero and Jose Maria Serna of this neighborhood. Signed by Bachiller Manuel Flores Farias. Ignacio MORALES RAMOS born June 11, 1908, in General Cepeda, Coahuila, México. He married Evangelina GUTIÉRREZ NAVARRO on May 1938, in Houston, Texas. They had six children: Lillian, Richard, Robert, Hector, Lydia, and Irene. Ignacio and his family moved to California in 1953. He retired from American Can Company. ! The marriage record of Liberata’s parents, Nicolás and María Fructosa MORALES, can be found on LDS Microfilm #0605328. Nicolas Morales was 24 years of age and had never married before. Maria Fuebasia (also known as, Maria Fructosa on other records), was 17 years old, single, and originally from San Jose del Refugio, Coahuila. Witnesses were Luis Garay and Justo Espinoza. The priest was Jacinto de Silva. Nicolás and María Fructosa had 6 children. Liberata was their youngest child. ! José RAMOS’ paternal great-grandparents were Apolicarpio RAMOS, born about 1799 in La Baqueria, Saltillo, Coahuila, and María del Refugio ARRIOLA, born about 1812 in Anaelo, Coahuila, México. Delfina, Soledad, and María Morales RAMOS. Delfina and Soledad were teachers at Jalpa. Delfina married Eugenio Roberto GONZÁLEZ. Soledad married a teacher, Mario Antonio SANTIBAÑEZ. María lived in California and made a living buying property and renting them. This is one of my favorite old photos. ! His paternal 2nd great-grandparents were José Antonio de Jesús RAMOS and María Altagracia ALCALA; both born in the Hacienda del Marques de Aguayo, Coahuila, Mexico. ! And his Paternal 3rd great-grandparents were Antonio RAMOS and María Andrea DÍAS. ! Jose’s maternal 2nd great-grandparents were Juan Fernando ARRIOLA and María Ana Petra GUAJARDO. José ! And his maternal 3rd great-grandparents were Ascencio de ALCALA and Juana M. Barrientos GUTIÉRREZ. Manuela MORALES RAMOS and her daughter, Emma Graciela RAMOS MARTÍNEZ. Manuela married Juan José MARTÍNEZ. They moved to Houston, Texas, where Juan José got a job as a contractor. My father Ignacio, was very close to his sister, Manuela. When she moved to Houston, Texas, he made his decision to move to Houston too. Juan José helped Ignacio get a job in construction. During WW II, Juan José moved his family to California. —Continue on page 10 LBGHS eMail Newsletter 9 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY José Antonio de Jesús RAMOS Copyright 2014. Lillian Navarro Wold. All Rights Reserved. Apolicarpio RAMOS María Altagracia ALCALA María del Refugio ARRIOLA Ignacio de Jesús ARRIOLA RAMOS María del Refugio ARRIOLA José MARTÍNEZ RAMOS Juan José Fernando ARRIOLA María Ana Petra GUAJARDO Antonio MARTÍNES Soledad REYES MARTÍNEZ Teresa REYES Ignacio MORALES RAMOS Consuelo (Connie) Morales Ramos José Nicolás ORTIZ MORALES Liberata MARTÍNEZ MORALES José Morales Ramos María Fructosa GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ Alicia Morales Ramos. She is the youngest child of José Martínez Ramos and Liberata Martínez Morales de Ramos. Jesús Rivas, Esteven Morales Ramos (middle), Andrés Ramos. Jesús and Andrés are Estevan’s cousins. Lillian RAMOS LBGHS eMail Newsletter 10 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL Websites That Tell Our Stories AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE You are cordially invited to join/renew your membership to Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society ! There is more to genealogy than just gathering names of ancestors. Yes, it is important to do the basics, like pedigree charts, names, dates, places, family work sheets, etc. But, let us not forget that there are stories that go with these names. There are histories in the places and times they lived. Photographs and stories bring our ancestors to life. Here we intend to transport you to websites that tell our stories. ✥ Become part of an ever growing family who loves to do ancestral research. Meet people who share the same interest and love of genealogy, and people who may be doing research on your particular family lineages. PLEASE SEND YOUR 2014 MEMBERSHIP DUES Álamo’s Tejano Heroes Gain Recognition Bexar Archives Online To become a member, fill out the 2014 Membership Application Bexar County Historical Commission Form and mail it to the address on the form. Better yet, bring the form with you when you attend our next meeting. Béxar Genealogy 2014 Membership Form Children of the Revolución ☞ Hispanic Heritage Month PBS Documentary: “Latino-Americans” Click Here And Join Us Somos Primos Tejano Monument GLORIA VILLA CADENA Texas Tejano GENEALOGICAL and HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Tell Us Your Stories You are invited and encouraged to make a donation to the Gloria Cadena Genealogical and Historical Scholarship Fund. Los Bexareños will award scholarships to students who are or will be attending an accredited college/university. They will be chosen based on their ability to produce a four generation pedigree chart which is accompanied with an essay of their ancestors. ! Do you have a special, interesting, historical, or just a funny story about your relatives that you would like to share? Un chiste that you would like to contribute? Email your ancestral stories, and we will try to print them in this newsletter on a firstcome-first-serve basis. ✥ Los Bexareños endeavors to involve young people in genealogy. LBGHS wishes to encourage students to embrace their culture and their heritage. The sacrifices their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. must not be forgotten. The younger generations are encouraged to retell the stories about their ancestors handed down throughout the ages. ✥ lousyl@icloud.com ~~ ~~ ~~ Experiences that are shared are added to life’s beautiful memory books LBGHS eMail Newsletter Please make your donation to the LBGHS Scholarship Fund and mail your check to: LOS BEXARENOS PO BOX 1935 SAN ANTONIO TX 78297-1935 11 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND SOCIETY GLORIA VILLA CADENA RESEARCHING MY ANCESTORS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND EDITOR’S NOTE: Please assist our newest members. Email your responses to lousyl@icloud.com. We will forward your response to them. T EDWARD RODRÍGUEZ AREVALO, SR. Austin, TX GLORIA VILLA CADENA GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND was conceived as an HE idea to involve the relatives of Los Bexareños. This is an important tool to get our children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces to participate in genealogy research. I am currently researching the following individuals. Antonio Arevalo (1882-1968) Mikaila Felán Arevalo (1887-1949) (Unknown) (Unknown) Francisco Rivera (????-????) Martha Lozano Rivera (????-????) (San Luis Potosi, México) (San Luis Potosi, México) Martha Lozano (Azteca) was born on 18 July 1873 in San Luis Potosi, México and died on 01 December 1969 in Austin, Texas. She married Francisco Rivera (Apache) on (date unknown) in (place unknown). Martha also used the name Martina/Mantria. This information comes from my mother, as far as she can remember. Antonio Arevalo (Indian?) was born on 13 May 1882 in (place unknown) and died on 17 January 1968 in (place unknown). His surname could be spelled “Arevealo.” He married Miquela Felán on (date unknown) in (place unknown). She was born on 02 May 1887 in (place unknown) and died on 03 July 1949 in (place un-known). ✥✥✥✥✥✥✥ MÓNICA ASHLEY Bulverde, TX THE GVCGH SCHOLARSHIP FUND is also available to college students who are attending (or will attend) an accred! ited college or university in Bexar County in the 2015-2016 school year. ! THE REQUIREMENTS ARE RELATIVELY SIMPLE. An LBGHS member OR any relative of an LBGHS member in good standing OR any student in Bexar County who is attending an accredited college or university (including students graduating in May 2015 from high school and will be attending an accredited college or university) may apply for a GVCGH SCHOLARSHIP. They are required to fill out a four generation pedigree chart to the best of their ability and write a 750 word essay on one or more of their ancestors. The emphasis is on, but not limited to, Hispanic lineages. Their entries will be judged on how much of the pedigree chart they were able to complete and the content of their essay. ! THERE WILL BE TWO 2015 WINNERS. Each year two winners will be selected. One female student and one male student. They will each win a $500.00 scholarship, which will be submitted directly to the college or university they are attending. I am currently researching my ancestral families: Casanova Family Rodríguez Family Ruiz Family Seguín Family Guadalupe Ruiz (1797-????) Erastus Smith (1787-1837) HISTORICAL (Unknown) (Dutchess County, New York) Erastus “El Sordo” Smith was born on 19 April 1787 in Dutchess County, New York and died on 30 November 1837 in Richmond, Texas. He married a Tejana, Guadalupe Ruiz, in 1812 in (place unknown). Guadalupe was born on 12 December 1797 in (place unknown) and died on (date unknown) in (place unknown). ✥✥✥✥✥✥✥ MARY EILEEN BARRIENTOS Selma, TX ! THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM. Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society has members in eleven states and in México and England. If you are a relative of an LBGHS member, and you are a student attending an accredited college or university anywhere in the world, you may apply. ! Use this opportunity to get your family involved. ! There are two gifts we should give our children: One is roots, and the other is wings. ✥ Wings I am currently researching the Canary Island families: Roots Curbelo Family Delgado Family Leal Family Travieso Family The LBGHS Scholarship Committee In addition to these family names I am researching ranches and cemeteries. In particular, did these families have ranches and family cemeteries? LBGHS eMail Newsletter 12 Carmen Iruegas, Mary Esther Escobedo (Chair), and Sylvia Morales partner with Café College - City of San Antonio to advise students of the Gloria Villa Cadena Scholarship Fund. Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY The LBGHS Resource Center & Library THE LBGHS RESOURCE CENTER & LIBRARY is open to the public on Saturdays (except the first Saturday of the month) from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You will be able to do your family research in a very friendly and casual environment. You will be able to peruse the books and other genealogical information at your leisure. There will be volunteers to help you with any questions you may have. They can help you start your family tree or assist you in your research. It is preferable to set an appointment, so they can dedicate some time just for you. Call or email Yolanda Patiño at (210) 434-3530 /patinogil@sbcglobal.net or Dennis Moreno at (210) 647-5607 / dennis.moreno@sbcglobal.net. HELP FOR THE BEGINNING GENEALOGISTS. The Society assists individuals in getting started with genealogical research through beginner's workshops. Beginners also receive one-on-one assistance from the more experienced members of the Society. ✥ The Library is located on the campus of Holy Rosary Parish. The Church is located at 159 Camino Santa María, just north of Culebra Road. Park in the noted parking lot and walk through the gate to the courtyard and turn to the right passing the LBGHS Resource Center Parking & Library Camino San ta María Library Culebra Ro ad first building. ✥ The following list of resources is an ongoing project. Be sure to keep checking as the list will be updated as additional indexing is completed. INDEX TO THE LBGHS LIBRARY Books and Resources Journals Family Genealogy Facts and Events (as of Feb 2013) (as of Feb 2013) (as of Feb 2013) (as of Feb 2013) INDEX TO THE LBGHS REGISTERS Introduction to the Index Index of Articles sorted by Title Index of Articles sorted by State and Location Index of Wills, Estates and Death Records sorted by Surname Click to see a Larger Map LBGHS Happy Halloween Genealogists Extraordinaire ! Los Bexareños is fortunate to have Dennis Moreno and Yolanda Patiño. They are always ready to help someone with their research. People are often referred to them, because they need help in starting their genealogy, or they've come to that preverbal "brick wall." Sometimes the load becomes heavy with all the requests for assistance, especially now that Los Bexareños is getting more exposure. Los Bexareños is well known throughout Texas, as well as outside the United States. An individual was recently referred to Los Bexareños by Ancestry.com. Apparently, they had exhausted all their resources. That person is now a member of Los Bexareños. ! There are many experienced members in the Society. Los Bexareños needs others who will step-up-to-the-plate to offer their expertise, their knowledge, and their time to help Dennis and Yolanda with the heavy load. Please contact Dennis Moreno or Yolanda Patiño if you think you can help out. Maybe you have access to a good resource, or you're knowledgeable of a particular region, or you personally posses information that would be helpful to others. Whatever your area of expertise may be, just share that with Dennis and Yolanda so that they have more resources at their disposal. ! Dennis and Yolanda man the Resource Center every Saturday, except for the first Saturday of the month. They are a very valuable asset to our organization. Thank you Dennis and Yolanda for all that you do for Los Bexareños! ✥ LBGHS eMail Newsletter 13 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PORFIRIO GUS CÁRDENAS By Estella de la Fuente For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society My cousin, P. Gus Cárdenas, was born (August 21, 1932), raised, and educated in San Antonio, Texas. He was the oldest of three sons to Edmundo and Francisca Urdiales Cárdenas. He graduated from San Antonio Technical and Vocational High School. He received a one-year scholarship from the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Gus entered St. Mary's University of San Antonio, in the fall of 1951, and he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics in May of 1955. ! Gus was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army Artillery in 1955, and he received an honorable discharge as a 1st Lieutenant in 1958. He then worked for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, and he was employed by Litton Industries/Monroe Calculating Machine Division for five years. While working full-time, he attended at St. Mary's University, and he earned his Master of Arts degree in International Economics in May 1962. Upon graduation, he worked as an executive with Xerox Corporation. He served as national liaison with the Xerox Foundation and also as national liaison for Hispanic Affairs. Gus retired from Xerox Corporation after 25 years of service. ! Gus was the Xerox executive on loan program to the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). He was senior executive for five years at HACU. He served for five years as special assistant and instructor of Economics at Palo Alto College in San Antonio, Texas. He was employed in the academic field for thirty-six years (five of them full time and thirty-one years as an adjunct lecturer of Economics at San Antonio College, Palo Alto College, Northwest Vista College and Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas). He was still teaching at Northwest Vista College as an adjunct lecturer of economics at the time of his illness/death. ! Gus was a national board member of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), a national board member for the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), and the founder of the national board of HACU. In September 24, 1990, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities established the P. Gus Cárdenas Leadership Award, which is awarded annually at their national conference. !Gus was awarded the George B. Kohnen Leadership Award on February 23, 2001, at St. Mary's University of San Antonio, Texas. In 2011, he was awarded the AARP State of Texas Volunteer of the Year Award for his leadership and dedication to senior citizens throughout the state of Texas. He served as State President of AARP of Texas for six years and appointed to State Coordinator for all AARP Driver Safety Programs in Texas May, 2008. He was an advisory board member of the San Antonio/South Texas Casey Family Program, a board member of the Álamo Community College Foundation, and a Certified Mediator and Arbitrator for the Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center in San Antonio, Texas. ! P. Gus Cárdenas is preceded in death by his loving wife of forty-four years, Dolores Garza, and his grandson, Christopher Cárdenas. He is survived by his three children, Gus T. Cárdenas, Adele (Vincent Malott), and Esther (Carl Pipoly); brothers, Arthur Cárdenas and Eddie Cárdenas; seven grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews; and, his long time companion, Mary Lou San Miguel and her family. —adapted from the Express-News Obituaries ~ July 28, 2014, p. B5 Every time I saw my cousin Gus, he would greet me with a smile and a hug. I was invited to and attended many of his functions. He was always receiving awards. Gus and I shared the same love of history and family. Many times we talked on the phone for hours about our ancestors. He would always tell me, “Do not sit down prima, move, be active.” My dear cousin, I miss you. You will never be forgotten. —Estella de la Fuente 1932 ~ 2014 Copyright 2014. Estella de la Fuente. All Rights Reserved. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 14 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 15 15 5 6 7 Thursday 2 Friday Saturday 3 4 LBGHS Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. 8 9 10 11 LBGHS Resource Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 12 13 14 Discovers the Americas in 1492 for Spain 20 16 Las Estrellas de Tejas Reception Columbus Day 19 15 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m 21 22 17 18 LBGHS Resource Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 10 th Celebration Camino Real de Los Tejas 23 24 25 LBGHS Resource Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Founders Day Celebration 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 26 27 28 29 30 31 Happy Halloween Important Dates to Remember October 1-15! National Hispanic Heritage Month (continued) October 4! Los Bexareños membership meeting - San Antonio, Texas October 13! Columbus Day - Discovers the Américas for Spain 12 Oct 1492 October 15! Las Estrellas de Tejas Reception - San Antonio, Texas October 16-18 ! 10th Celebration ~ Camino Real de los Tejas - San Antonio, Texas October 25 ! Founders Day - San Antonio, Texas October 31 ! Happy Halloween! Los Bexareños Membership A Great Genealogy Gift Hispanic Heritage History & Culture eMail Newsletter 15 Volume 3 - Issue 10 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY From Around The State Austin :!! ! News from Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin Corpus Christi :! ! News from Spanish American Genealogical Association (SAGA) Dallas :! ! ! News from HOGAR de Dallas Edinburg :! ! News from Las Porciones Society Harlingen :! ! News from Río Grande Valley Hispanic Genealogical Society Houston :! ! News from Hispanic Genealogy Society of Houston Laredo :! ! ! News from Villa de San Agustín - Laredo Genealogy Society San Elizario :! ! News from San Elizario Genealogy and Historical Society Victoria :! ! News from Victoria Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Society of Texas This section is dedicated to our sister Hispanic Genealogy Societies throughout the State. Just click on the blue link and it will take you to their website or their Facebook page. Message from the Editor e were fascinated with the South African Sausage Tree in the courtyard area of the Renaissance Casa de Palmas Hotel. The nocturnal blossoms hang down from rope like stalks from the limbs and are red-blood in color. The fruit hang from the stalks like giant sausages. We only saw one. The first two nights, about 10:00 p.m., we went out onto the courtyard to photograph the flowers. You can find a few of those photos on the Los Bexareños Facebook page. ! We thoroughly enjoyed the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Juliet V. García. She was named the first female Mexican-American president of a U.S. college or university in 1986 and is a recipient of many awards and honorary doctorates. Dr. García was a key member of the team that successfully created the new UT Río Grande Valley University scheduled to open in 2015. Dr. Juliet García has been named the founding Executive Director of the University of Texas Americas Institute. ! Family Search reported they are aware of the problems that exist with their website, and they are currently working on making improvements to their website service. Family Search is also attempting to collect adoption records from Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara prior to and including 1920. Arturo Cuellar, a genealogist who serves as an International Research Consultant at Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, spoke of the importance of using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. He explained that social media is the preferred method of the younger generation when sharing information and that we too need to use these tools. Arturo Cuellar shared a personal story of how a sixteen year old used Facebook to share information on her ancestors. Arturo was amazed at the number of responses she received in just a short period of time. ! I went on one the two bus tours and stopped at cemeteries, historical towns, and other landmarks. It was my first time to the valley, and I feel so fortunate to have gone to this conference. I gained so much knowledge of the valley’s history. There were great speakers at this conference. Kudos to Las Porciones on a very successful conference! ! The 36th Annual Texas State Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference will be hosted by the Villa San Agustín de Laredo Genealogical Society on October 8-12, 2015 at the Ramada Plaza (Holiday Inn-Civic Center) in Laredo, Texas. Conference details will be forthcoming. Laredo will be celebrating its 260th Anniversary. ✥ —Sylvia Morales W THE FACE OF THE LBGHS FACEBOOK PAGE ! PLEASE TELL US YOUR STORY Do not worry about writing style, spelling and grammar. Write down your stories just as you would tell them to your family and friends. Send it to the email address below. We have volunteers who will make suggestions and assist you with the writing style, spelling and grammar. We will send it back to you for your approval. We will only print your story after you approve the final version of the article. You will have full control of your article, and you will have a published family story that can be shared with your descendants. ✥ ! Please send your comments and suggested articles to the editor (preferably before the 15th of the month). Sylvia Morales 3543 Byron St San Antonio, TX 78247-3193 (210) 494-7932 or (210) 291-7702 lousyl@icloud.com (preferred method of communication) The administrator for the LBGHS Facebook page is Anthony Delgado. I want to recognize and thank Anthony for the great job he is doing! Anthony can be reached at 12thfamily@gmail.com. He welcomes comments, old ancestral photos, family stories, as well as critiques and suggestions to enhance our LBGHS Facebook page. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 16 Get the latest version of a Free Adobe Reader Needed to read this Newsletter in PDF Volume 3 - Issue 10