June 12, 2013 - The Robbinsville Sun


June 12, 2013 - The Robbinsville Sun
“Draw Your Dad” art contest winners announced. PAGE 18
JUNE 12-18, 2013
Fischer commanding in sectional title win
‘Clerk of the
Works’ hired for
school projects
JOHN BLAINE/Special to The Robbinsville Sun
Lauren Fischer pitched a no-hitter and struck out 13 in the Ravens 1-0 win over Raritan in the
Central Jersey Group II championship. See story on page 17.
The Board of Education has
hired Remington & Vernick Engineers to serve as the district’s
“clerk of the works” at $700 a day
to review architectural designs
and oversee the school construction projects that begin this summer.
Voters have approved spending
$18.9 million for renovation and
building expansions at the K-3
Sharon School and grade 4-8 Pond
Road Middle School to accommodate increasing K-8 enrollment.
Under the professional services
contract awarded May 28, Remington & Vernick will review the
architectural designs to see if
cost-reductions are possible, evaluate bids and then oversee construction to ensure the work is
done on time and meets contract
Matt O’Grady, the chairman of
the board’s Finance, Facilities
and Transportation Committee,
said the goal is to save taxpayers
money in the long run by bringing in a third party, independent
of the architect, to identify costefficiencies and keep the project
on time and on budget.
“Having professional engineers looking at a live construction project on our behalf is the
best protection we can ask for,”
O’Grady said. “We want to have
an independent voice at the table,
not just be told by the professionals that this is what we have to do.
We now have an advocate that
we’re paying that’s going to make
sure that if there is something we
need to be aware of, we are made
aware of it.”
The project is being done in
two phases. A $2,364,000 contract
for Phase 1 of construction has already been awarded to Paul Otto
Building Company of Cranford
for renovations that include the
please see CLERK, page 5
Raising funds, building community
Hundreds take part in BAPS charity walk.
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Kids’ Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 10, 12
School board president won’t seek re-election
Mike Reca, who has led the
Board of Education as its president for almost six years, is not
seeking re-election to the board.
Reca, whose current term ends
Dec. 31, said he made up his mind
to retire only several days before
the June 4 filing deadline.
“After five and a half years as
president and seven and a half
years on the board, I thought
maybe it was time for some new
leadership,” Reca said in a June 5
phone interview when he was
asked about his decision.
There are three Robbinsville
school board seats on the ballot
Nov. 5. The Mercer County
Clerk’s Office said that incumbents Matthew O’Grady and
Thomas Halm have both filed to
run for another three-year term
and former school board member
Keith Kochberg has filed to run
for Reca’s seat.
Kochberg had served on the
board in 2011 as an interim replacement after a board member
resigned, but he lost his election
bid to Shaina Ciaccio last fall.
Halm, Kochberg and O’Grady
will run uncontested on the ballot
this fall because no one else filed
to run for the three open seats.
“This slate of people running,
they’re fantastic,” Reca said. “You
can’t get better than the seasoned
veterans that are coming back,
and then Keith with his experience and his abilities and his
knowledge, it’s just awesome that
he’s coming back.”
O’Grady is the chairman of the
school board’s Finance, Facilities
and Transportation Committee
and is also a former board vice
Halm is an attorney who heads
the Board of Education’s Negotia-
tions Committee.
Kochberg did not immediately
return a phone message before
The Robbinsville Sun went to
print June 5.
Reca was sworn in as a Board
of Education member in December of 2006 to fill a vacancy and
then was elected to his first term
in April of 2007. His colleagues on
the school board voted him president the following year and at
every reorganization since.
Teachers of the Year honored
The Robbinsville Board of Education recently honored the
school district’s three Teachers of
the Year for their outstanding
work in the classroom.
world history honors teacher
Sean Fry, Pond Road Middle
School fourth-grade teacher
Renee Mering, and Sharon Elementary
teacher Megan Steigerwald were
given special recognition at the
May 28 school board meeting.
RHS Assistant Principal Nicole
Rossi had high praise for Fry, calling him “one of the most intelli-
gent people I have ever met.”
Fry’s own passion for learning is
contagious in the classroom and
his students respond enthusiastically, she said.
“He challenges his students
and they rise to his high expectations,” Rossi said. “They adore
him and we adore him. He’s a
great guy and I‘m so proud that
he is Robbinsville High School’s
Teacher of the Year.”
Sharon Elementary School
Principal Janet Sinkewicz introduced third-grade teacher Megan
Steigerwald, recalling how “Miss
Stag,” as she is known to her students, began her career in Robbinsville as a student teacher in
2004, the same year the new assisFRAN MCKENNA/Special to The Robbinsville Sun
The Robbinsville School District recently honored its 2013 Teachers of the Year. From left: Assistant Superintendent Kathleen Foster; Pond Road Middle School teacher Renee Mering; Robbinsville High School
teacher Sean Fry; Sharon School teacher Megan Steigerwald; and Schools Superintendent Steven Mayer.
tant principal, Nicole McGrath
Bootier, arrived as a student
“We hit the jackpot when they
were both placed in Sharon
School,” Ms. Sinkewicz said. “Any
positive adjective you can think of
to describe a teacher is Megan.
She is flexible, she is caring, she’s
tough, and she cares about her
kids and pushes them.”
Pond Road Middle School Principal Paul Gizzo said his son is
starting fourth grade in another
school district in September, but
if he could pick any fourth-grade
teacher in the world to be his
son’s teacher it would be Mering.
“She embodies what a good
teacher should be at all times,”
Gizzo said. “She’s hard working,
she’s a leader – one of our fourthgrade team leaders – and also a
math coach. She treats her kids
like the most loving math problem you’ll ever see in your life.
She figures them out. She sees
what they do best, she sees where
they need help and she personalizes learning for each and every
one of her students and that is
one of her greatest gifts.”
Schools Superintendent Steve
Mayer, who lives in Robbinsville,
noted his sons had been fortunate
to have two of the teachers who
were being honored and concurred that they were tremendous teachers.
“You guys really do embody
what we believe to be outstanding, caring teachers,” Mayer said.
“Thank you for all the work you
do every day – the planning, the
preparing and making sure your
lessons meet kids’ needs – because that’s not easy work and
you do it exceptionally well.”
St. Gregory the Great's Family Carnival
June 17 thru 22nd • 6 PM to 11 PM
Carnival 2013, our 34th annual family carnival, is fast approaching!
Save time - no waiting on line - and money by purchasing your ride and food tickets now.
A packet of food tickets worth $6 is yours for $5. And a sheet of ride tickets worth $20 again costs only $10.
These tickets can be used any time at any event featuring Amusements of America rides.
Discounted ride and food tickets will be sold after all Saturday night and Sunday Masses on the weekends of
June 8-9 and 15-16, at the June 9 general carnival meeting.
Discounted ride tickets also will be available in the semi-circle “drive thru” in front of St. Gregory the Great
Church on Nottingham Way on Monday, June 17, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tickets may again be purchased online. Once purchased, these tickets will be available for pickup at the
command booth from 6 to 9 p.m. each night of the carnival. Visit www.sggcarnival.com for more
Half-price ride tickets and discounted food tickets (a $6 value for $5) also are available at the parish
office. All advance ticket sales cease prior to the opening of the carnival on Monday evening.
As always, the Carnival Committee thanks you for your support and hopes you again enjoy the
greatest carnival in the area - St. Gregory the Great's Annual Family Carnival.
You may now purchase discounted ride tickets,
a $20 value for only $10 - that’s half price! - at:
• 33 Barber Shop, 1629 Route 33, Hamilton
• Central Perk & Bagel, 2130 Route 33, Hamilton
• Chiarello’s Hamilton Market, 1624 Hamilton Avenue,
• Chick-fil-A, 555 Marketplace Boulevard, Hamilton
• Friendly’s, Foxmoor Shopping Center, Robbinsville
• Golden Dawn, 2090 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road,
• IHOP, 787 Route 33, Hamilton
• Maggie Moo’s, 2350 Route 33, Robbinsville
• Mane Street Salon, 1450 South Olden Avenue,
• Mannino’s 3, 2235 Route 33, Hamilton
• Massimo’s Trattoria, Foxmoor Shopping Center,
• Party Fair, Mercerville Shopping Center, 320 Route 33,
• Pump It Up, 8 Commerce Way, Suite 135, Hamilton
• Salon Bellissima, Buckley Plaza, Route 130, Hamilton
• Texas Roadhouse, 1305 Route 33, Hamilton
New appraisal sought
for Windsor School
The Board of Education has
decided to ask for a revised appraisal for the school district’s
Windsor School property, which it
is considering selling to help pay
down debt service associated
with new school construction
Matt O’Grady, the chairman of
the school board’s Finance, Facilities and Transportation Committee, made the committee’s recommendation to the full board at the
May 28 Board of Education meeting.
“We decided that since the Robbinsville real estate market has
improved so significantly since
we had the study done for the appraisal, we wanted to get it updated,” O’Grady said. “Once we have
that in hand we’ll provide an update on the next steps.”
Schools Superintendent Steve
Mayer said afterward that the
first appraisal had been a draft report that valued the property
“somewhere between $500,000
and $1.8 million depending on
zoning and usage.”
The approximately 1-acre property, which contains a two-story
brick building at 16 School Drive,
is located in the Village of Windsor, which is listed on the Register
of Historic Places in New Jersey
and zoned H-1.
The only students now at the
104-year-old Windsor School are
three of the district’s 10 kindergarten classes because of overcrowding at Sharon School across
town. Windsor students use only
four rooms inside the building
(three classrooms and one classroom used as a lunchroom) because of the building’s age and
condition. The board has said previously it is too costly to renovate
the entire building for school use.
At the May 28 meeting, board
member Thomas Halm Jr. said
the Windsor School property,
which currently does not have direct access to Route 130, could be
made more valuable if were able
to be merged with nearby lots
that do front the highway but are
currently not deep enough to attract commercial development.
“If the (Windsor) property is
considered for potential commercial development, I believe it
would be more valuable,” Halm
Mr. O’Grady said the school
district needed to proceed carefully.
“We have to access as much
dollars as possible, but have to be
sensitive to the village,” Mr. O’Grady said. “We want to control
whatever does happen so, if we do
decide to dispose of the property,
it’s going to be for a use everyone
agrees on. We’re not going to go
for the highest bidder and make it
Wally World Amusement Park.”
Send us your Robbinsville news
Have a news tip? Want to send us a press release or photos?
Shoot an interesting video? Drop us an email
at news@robbinsvillesun.com. Call the editor at (609) 529-6611.
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‘Clerk of the Works’
hired for school projects
Continued from page 1
expansion of the Sharon School
kitchen and cafeteria, and the reconfiguration of the Pond Road
Middle School library where
space is being converted into
three new classrooms. Phase 1 is
set to start this month and be
completed by the time school
opens in September.
“The 21st is the last day (of
school) and the bulldozer comes
the 24th,” School Business Administrator Bob DeVita told the
school board.
Phase 2, which includes a twostory addition with 27 classrooms
and another gym at Sharon
School, as well as the expansion
of the Pond Road Middle School
cafeteria, will go out to bid this
month, Schools Superintendent
Steve Mayer said. That larger
project is expected to be completed by September 2014.
“The objective is to have a professional set of eyes over the summer,” O’Grady told the school
board. “It’s for Remington to review bids … and Remington will
then come back the following
summer and help us with punch
list items and assist us with obtaining a clean certificate of occupancy.”
DeVita said the total budget for
the clerk of the works is $192,000.
Remington Vernick would be on
site five days a week this summer
to ensure Phase 1 of the renovations is done on time so that the
buildings can open in September.
“Once we get through that
phase we won’t need a constant
presence,” DeVita said June 4.
“We will manage them to one day
a week until probably the end of
May or beginning of June (2014)
and then it will go to five days a
week again to ensure we hit our
target to open the addition in September of 2014.”
At the May 28 meeting, board
member Sharon DeVito said that
after seeing images of the twisted
metal beams of the elementary
schools in Moore, Oklahoma destroyed by a recent tornado she
was not inclined to entertain any
proposals from a clerk of the
works that called for using less
expensive building materials.
“If you tell me you’re going to
save $100,000 by using blue bricks
instead of pink bricks that’s fine,
but I don’t want the integrity of
the structure (affected),” DeVito
Both O’Grady and Board President Mike Reca assured DeVito
the Remington engineers would
not be recommending changes
that would jeopardize the integrity of the building, nor would the
school board ever agree to go
along with that type of cost-cutting.
“This is not to lower the integrity of the project, it is to make
sure that any possible savings because of design, etcetera are
looked at by a second set of eyes,”
O’Grady said. “Part of the package also is to review the bids to
help us evaluate them so that we
can bring this project in on time
and, hopefully, under budget.”
The school board voted 7-0 to
award the clerk of the works professional services contract. Board
members Carol Boyne and Faith
Silvestrov were absent.
In a related action, the Board of
Education authorized the renewal of another 12-month lease for
five modular classrooms now at
Sharon School through August
2014. The monthly rent for the
trailers is $8,500 each ($102,00 a
year) for a total annual cost
$510,00 for all five trailers. The
cost of the lease is the same as in
2012, DeVita said.
Visit us on the Web at www.robbinsvillesun.com
The lease renewal with M
Space Holdings, LLC also gives
the district the option to extend
the contract six additional
months, a contingency plan in
case the two-story building addition at Sharon is not finished as
expected by September 2014.
The district would like to be
able to return the modular classrooms in 2014 because under state
law lease payments come from a
school district’s operating budget,
which siphons funds from educational programs since there is a 2
percent cap on operational spending increases.
Debt service payments for
bond sales that financed school
construction projects are outside
the state cap because local voters
directly authorize construction
borrowing during public referendums.
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in our opinion
Christie’s costly move
P.O. Box 7
Windsor, NJ 08561-0007
Special election for Lautenberg’s replacement will cost $24M
he late U.S. Senator Frank
Lautenberg wasn’t even in his
grave yet when the political
maneuvering began.
The death of the 89-year-old New
Jersey Democrat on June 3 presented
the Republican Gov. Chris Christie
with several options, but he has chosen one that will cost taxpayers’ wallets dearly. Instead of allowing voters
to choose Lautenberg’s successor in
the Nov. 5 general election, he’s ordering a special election less than three
weeks before on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
The cost of Aug. 13 primaries and
an Oct. 16 special election is $24 mil-
lion. Since the governor has already
chosen New Jersey Attorney General
Jeff Chiesa as the interim replacement, we wonder what’s the harm in
saving taxpayers a bundle by letting
Chiesa hang on to the job three weeks
longer so that a special October election can be avoided. Democracy is
priceless, but is something else going
on here?
State Sen. Barbara Buono, whose
underdog gubernatorial campaign
against Christie might have benefited
from the coattails of a strong Democratic U.S. Senate candidate on the
same Nov. 5 ballot, wasted no time tak-
ing the offensive after the governor announced his plans.
“Earlier this year, the governor
cited money as to why he vetoed early
voting,” Buono said in a press statement, referring to Christie’s May 9
veto of legislation that would have let
people cast ballots during a 15-day period before Election Day. “However, despite costing millions of dollars, Gov.
Christie made the cynical and arrogant decision to call a special election
in October,” Buono said.
Buono may not be without her own
political motives in this controversy,
but she makes a valid point.
letter to the editor
Thank you, Robbinsville
The Red Carpet event and Post Prom
2013, recently held at Robbinsville High
School, were very successful due to the
many resident volunteers who donated
their time, services, products, skills and
talents to create a safe and memorable
evening for the graduating Class of 2013
and their guests.
It takes an “R’ville-age” to plan an event
two years in the making, to meet and discuss, to raise funds, to select a theme, to
form committees, to recruit helpers, to ask
for donations, to reach out to the community for assistance, to mobilize, to execute, to
build, to fabricate in order to create a memory for our children as they depart R’ville
and move on to the next chapter in their
lives. It takes a community of people who
care enough about their children to work
together to provide a great place to live and
to call your hometown, a community of
people who were willing to get involved
and to be a part of something to be remembered for years to come.
On behalf of the RHS Post Prom 2013
Planning Committee, I’d like to acknowl-
edge the following local businesses that
contributed to the successful events by providing their skills, services and products:
• Joe Carfaro, Carfaro Ornamental Iron
Works, for fabricating customized stanchions for Red Carpet to be left as legacy
gifts from the Class of 2013.
• John Speranza, Hope Handyman, for
repairing the arch and lattice photo backdrops for Red Carpet.
• Mark Bossie for his assistance in coordinating the construction projects related
to the Red Carpet.
• Suzette Lucas and Anne Condit for taking beautiful pictures at Red Carpet.
• Ted Froehlich, Bohren’s Moving &
Storage, for donating boxes and warehouse
space to build, store and then deliver a
large sandcastle prop.
• Al Schillaci, Schillaci Builders LLC,
and Ron Gafgen, for constructing a lighthouse.
• John Coriasco, JLC Painting and
Handyman, for fabricating directional
• George Demetriades, Paint Pro, for coordinating the painting of our sandcastle
• Bruce and Sue Roeloffs, Crown Trophy,
for providing towels and tote bags printed
with the beach theme logo and assisting
with parking logistics for Red Carpet.
• Bagels n Cream for providing bagels.
• Marcello Mandreucci, Pizza Grill, for
donating pizza for the volunteer workers.
• Beth Stewart, Carvel, for providing ice
• Chris Katzman, DJ, for providing great
music at Post Prom.
• Tony’s Farm and Garden Center, Timothy’s Farm and Garden Center as well as
Country Gardens Farm Center for loaning
plants and shrubs to enhance the environment of Red Carpet and Post Prom.
• Kelly Blair, Galaxy of Dance, for loaning us her lifeguard stand.
I’d also like to acknowledge the members of the Post Prom 2013 Planning Committees who worked together to make the
dream a reality:
• The Decorating Committee, headed by
Kelly Sankey and Mary Theresa Weil, who
created an environment to evoke the
theme: Beach Blast 2013 - The Final Wave,
please see LETTER, page 11
Dave Doran
Joanne Degnan
The Robbinsville Sun is published weekly by
The Robbinsville Sun, P.O. Box 7, Windsor,
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or business for $39.99. For more information about delivery, call 609-529-6611.
Email news releases, photos and calendar
items to news@robbinsvillesun.com.
Photos submitted for publication consideration should be high-resolution JPG format.
Calendar items must include the name of the
event, date, time, full street address, admission fee (if applicable) and a contact email or
phone number for further information.
For advertising information with The
Robbinsville Sun, call (609) 529-6611 or
email advertising@robbinsvillesun.com.
The Robbinsville Sun welcomes suggestions
and comments from readers – including any
information about errors that may call for a
correction to be printed.
The Robbinsville Sun welcomes letters from
readers. Brief and to the point is best, so we
look for letters that are 300 words or fewer.
Include your name, address and phone
number. Phone numbers are for verification
purposes only and will not be printed.
We do not print anonymous letters. Email
letters to news@robbinsvillesun.com or
mail to P.O. Box 7, Windsor, NJ 08561-0007.
The Robbinsville Sun reserves the right to
reprint your letter in any medium – including electronically.
Plant Color for
the Summer
818 Old York Road
Hightstown, NJ 08520
See us on
Flats of Annuals
Tons of Perennials
Bunches of Azaleas
Lots of Rhododendron
Pots of Roses
Clumps of Ornamental Grasses
Loads of Lilacs
Racks of Baskets and more…
Special of the Week
JOANNE DEGNAN/The Robbinsville Sun
First-graders show their parents that something fishy is going as they sit with a school of giant eels
they helped create for an open house showcasing what they learned during their month-long author
study of Leo Lionni. A giant eel is a character in Lionni’s Caldecott award-winning children’s book,
Authors! Authors!
There were snakes dangling
from basketball hoops, eels as
long as cars slithering onstage
and basketball-size eggs hatching
who-knows-what oviparous creatures on the cafeteria tables. And
it was all in the name of literature.
The 10 first-grade classes at
Sharon School held an open
house May 30 to showcase what
they’d learned during their
month-long author study of the
stories and illustrations of Leo
Lionni. The animals were made
from old neckties, felt and papiermache, but the hardcover books
the children wrote and illustrated
themselves in the distinctive Lionni style were the real deal.
“Every class wrote their own
fiction story using Lionni as a
mentor text,” explained first-
grade teacher Kim Raymond. “So
we used a lot of the tools that Lionni used to illustrate his books,
and we also looked at the story elements and the story features to
include that into the fiction writing as well.”
Children used potato stamps to
create illustrations, just as Lionni
did in his 1963 book, “Swimmy,” a
Caldecott Honor book that is one
of more than 40 books Lionni
wrote and illustrated in his lifetime. “Swimmy” was also the inspiration for the 15-foot papiermache eels on the stage. The dangling necktie snakes on the basketball hoops were decorated
with googly eyes and construction paper forked tongues to create the serpent from “In the Rabbitgarden.”
Lionni was the first children’s
book illustrator to use collage as
an artistic medium, creating
characters with patches of color
much like the way Eric Carle
later did with tissue paper in the
children’s classic, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” The Sharon
School students imitated this collage style to illustrate their own
miniature hardcover books that
were on display in the school’s
multipurpose room.
“Our fiction stories used his
way of using paper, tearing paper,
cutting out paper and shapes,”
Raymond said. “We used all kinds
of different mediums that they’re
really not used to working with so
that it looked like it could be one
of Lionni’s books.”
Deb Dauer and Sharon Martin
were the first-grade teachers who
obtained the $1,000 grant from
the nonprofit Robbinsville Education Foundation to pay for the
books and art supplies the children needed to complete the auplease see AUTHORS, page 16
Natural Brown
1900 per yard
2400 per yard
10% OFF
12 yards or more. With coupon. Expires 6/30/13.
Natural & Color Enhanced
Certified Playground
Wood Chips
Delivery or
John Stanley
Play Dough Chefs: 10 a.m. & 11 a.m.,
Robbinsville branch of the Mercer
County Library System, 42 Robbinsville-Allentown Road. Children
ages 2 to 5, accompanied by an
adult, are invited to make and play
with Play Dough. Online registration required at www.mcl.org. Questions? Call the library at 609-2592150.
Coffee, Donuts and a Movie: 1:30
p.m., Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System, 42 Robbinsville Allentown Road. Refreshments provided and a screening of
“Zero Dark Thirty” (R). To register,
please call the library at 609-2592150 or register online at
Friendly’s Cruise Nights: 5 p.m. to
9 p.m. (weather permitting), Foxmoor Shopping Center, 1031 Washington Ave. All cars welcome from
classics to customs. DJ Cruisin
themes, goodie bags, food discounts, kids games, trophies. For
more information, go to www.robbinsvillehotrods.com.
“From the ‘Burg to the Barrio”: 7
p.m., Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System, 42 Robbinsville-Allentown Road. Enjoy a
compelling documentary screening
and discussion of a film about the
Chambersburg neighborhood in
transition with producer/director
Susan Ryan. To register, please call
the library at 609-259-2150 or register online at www.mcl.org.
Robbinsville Township Council
Meeting: 7:30 p.m., courtroom trailer, 1117 Route 130 North. Agenda will
be posted online at www.robbinsville-twp.org.
Storybooks in Action: 10:30 a.m.,
Robbinsville branch of the Mercer
County Library System, 42 Robbinsville-Allentown Road. Watch the
animated version of a storybook
and make a craft. This class is for
children ages 2 and up; children
under 4 must be accompanied by an
adult. Registration required at
www.mcl.org. Questions? Call the
library at 609-259-2150.
Human & Companion Animal
Blood Drive: 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., NorthStar VETS, 315 Robbinsville-Allentown Road. Hosted by the American
Red Cross and NorthStar Vets, a
24/7 veterinarian hospital. To sign
up for a time slot for you and/or
your pet, contact Rose Pierson or
Alexander Munoz at 609-259-8300
x2009. For information and requirements for animal donors, visit
2nd Annual Fathers Day Fishing
Derby: 7 a.m. to noon, West Park
Lake by the gazebo in Town Center.
All residents are invited to this free
event, hosted by The Robbinsville
Municipal Alliance For the Prevention of Substance Abuse, that
includes contests, prizes and food.
Call 609-918-0002 ext. 100 or email
Opening of Robbinsville Farmers
Market: 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., corner
of Route 33 and Robbinsville-Edinburg Road (parking area across the
street from Centro Grille). A seasonal open air market open every Monday offering a variety of Jersey
Fresh produce, honey, baked goods,
plants, flowers, soaps, herbs, pickles,
cheese, eggs, beef, and more. Follow
on Facebook for weekly updates and
Geeks and Gadgets: 6 p.m. to 8
p.m., Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System, 42 Robbinsville-Allentown Road. Bring electronic devices for instruction or
troubleshooting. You may also ask
questions about computer technology, or library services such as the
catalog, audio books, and E-books.
JUNE 12-18, 2013
No registration required, but please
email your questions to
support@mcl.org at least a few days
before the event. Questions? Call
the library at 609-259-2150.
Robbinsville Zoning Board of
Adjustment Meeting: 7:30 p.m.,
Senior Center, 1117 Route 130 North.
Agenda will be posted online at
Kids Music Round: 10:30 a.m., Robbinsville branch of the Mercer County Library System, 42 RobbinsvilleAllentown Road. This music and
movement program is for children
age 6 months and up, who are
accompanied by an adult. Online
registration required at
www.mcl.org. Questions? Call the
library at 609-259-2150.
Robbinsville Planning Board Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Senior Center, 1117
Route 130 North. Agenda will be
posted online at www.robbinsvilletwp.org.
Friendly’s Cruise Nights: 5 p.m. to
9 p.m. (weather permitting), Foxmoor Shopping Center, 1031 Washington Ave. Special theme night:
Corvettes. DJ Cruisin themes, goodie bags, food discounts, kids games,
trophies. For more information, go
to www.robbinsvillehotrods.com.
Last Day of School/Class of 2013
Graduation Ceremonies: 6 p.m.,
Robbinsville High School athletic
field, 155 Robbinsville-Edinburg
Road. www.robbinsville.k12.nj.us.
Robbinsville Farmers Market: 3
p.m. to 7:30 p.m., corner of Route 33
and Robbinsville-Edinburg Road
(parking area across the street from
Centro Grille). A seasonal open air
market open every Monday offering
a variety of Jersey Fresh produce,
honey, baked goods, plants, flowers,
soaps, herbs, pickles, cheese, eggs,
beef, and more. Follow on Facebook
for weekly updates and information.
Robbinsville Board of Education
Meeting: 7 p.m., Robbinsville High
School student activities room, 155
Robbinsville-Edinburg Road. Agenda
posted online at
Summer Reading Kick-Off Party:
9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Robbinsville
branch of the Mercer County
Library System. The theme this
year is “Dig Into Reading.” Children
can register at the Kick-Off Party,
and enjoy the strolling magic of
Matt Schick, crafts, and prizes. The
Summer Reading Program is for
children, ages 2 to 18, who must register in person any time before Aug.
5 to participate. For more information, stop in the library or call 609259-2150.
Robbinsville Planning Board Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Senior Center, 1117
Route 130 North. Agenda will be
posted online at www.robbinsvilletwp.org.
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robbinsville youth sports scene
Mavericks Tournament
Ravens Boys Grade 3/4 Black
It was a very hot and humid
day June 1 at the Mavericks Tournament in Colts Neck, where the
Ravens showed physical and mental toughness in each of the three
Ravens 4, CBAA 3
The Ravens faced a very talented Central Bucks Athletic Association (CBAA) team that had
pulled ahead to a 3-2 lead in the
second half. The Ravens were anchored by the solid play of goalie
Kyle Wolchok who made many
key saves behind the solid defensive play of Aaden Butler and
Jake Perrine. The Ravens clawed
their way back to tie the game
when Ryan Leale found the back
of the net as the result of Eric
Calabro and Matt McArthur’s
solid midfield play. With one
minute remaining, Cameron
Coyle drove from behind the opposing goal and scored the gamewinning goal. GOALS: (2) Coyle;
(1) Ryan Ammirata; (1) Ryan
Shark River 10, Ravens 1
The Ravens faced a very talented Shark River team that pulled
ahead early and maintained an
advantage throughout the game.
Despite being down, the Ravens
did not quit, and did not stop
working. Cameron Coyle scored
in the second half to get the
Ravens on the scoresheet.
GOALS: (1) Coyle. Mavericks 10,
Ravens 4.
The talented Mavericks team
found the net early in the game
and jumped out to a lead in the
final game of the day. Kyle Wolchok maintained his fantastic
play in goal. In one sequence, he
stopped a Maverick at point blank
range, then saved a shot that immediately followed when another
Maverick picked up the rebound
in front of the goal. The Ravens
again showed perseverance and
determination despite being
down in the game and put a scare
into the Mavericks in the second
half when Ryan Ammirata fired a
shot past the Maverick goalie, and
Cameron Coyle found the back of
the net three times to secure a hat
Special to The Robbinsville Sun
The Ravens Grade 3/4 Boys Black Team congratulates goalie Kyle Wochok (partially seen behind No. 75)
after their come from behind win in the first game of the Mavericks Tournament in Colts Neck on June 1.
From left are: Cameron Coyle, Drew Scibilia, Jake Leale, and Anthony Dottino.
trick in the final game of the season. GOALS: (3) Cameron Coyle,
(1) Ryan Ammirata.
Overall, this season was a huge
success. After posting only 2 wins
last season, the Ravens Boys 3/4grade team improved to 13 wins
this season.
Travel Soccer
WWPSA Sunburst Tournament
Girls U13 Finals
Robbinsville Riptide 1
Bordentown Blast 0
In a dramatic 1-0 victory, the
Robbinsville Riptide U13 girls soccer team defeated the Bordentown Blast to win the West Windsor Plainsboro Soccer Association’s Sunburst Tournament
(Girls U13 White Division) on
June 1-2. En route to the championship, the Riptide scored a total
of 12 goals and allowed none.
Goals were tallied by Sydney
Flyge (6), Tessa Carlin (2), Fiona
Aromando, Kayli Heverin, Maria
Artemiou and Lily Coggins.
Both teams entered the finals
on Sunday afternoon undefeated
and un-scored upon in the tourna-
ment; and both teams were coming off of championship SJGSL
seasons where the Blast competed one conference above the Riptide during the spring. In their
previous matchup, the two finished as co-champions after a 0-0
draw in the lightening-shortened
2012 Sunburst final. It was clear
during Sunday’s final that neither side wanted to settle for a
draw this time.
The Riptide created most of the
scoring chances during the match
only to be thwarted by a strong
and physical Blast defense. At the
opposite end of the pitch, Sophie
Billings had a career outing in
goal for the Riptide, stopping multiple breakaway scoring opportunities with gutsy sliding saves
into the feet of Blast strikers.
The Riptide backline remained
unfazed as Clare Herrera, Alecia
Holden, Lexi Kolbe, Emily Rubino and Stephanie Wall shared the
bulk of the defensive duties as
they had all season for the Riptide.
Fiona Aromando, Lily Coggins,
Gabby McEntee and Sara
Toscano anchored the midfield
with offensive support and gritty
defense. Pressure in the final
third was provided by Maria
Artemiou, Tessa Carlin, Audrey
Cook, Sydney Flyge, and Kayli
In about the 20th
minute, Coggins beat a defender
to a loose ball at the edge of the
box and lofted it back over the
head of the opposing defenders
into the Bordentown net. It was
Coggins’ first goal of the season
and proved to be the decisive goal
wrapping up a successful season
for the Riptide.
WWPSA Sunburst Tournament
Girls U-9 White Division
played a very strong WWPSA
Tournament June 1 and June 2 at
Zaitz Field with a record of three
wins and one loss.
Robbinsville Comets, 5
Lawrence Leopards 1
The Comets got off to a great
start in their first game, dismantling the Lawrence Leopards by a
score of 5-1. Christina Golden led
the way with four goals while
Aleca Fotiou chipped in with one.
Nicole Weaver, Kailey Pacifico
and Alena Pietrini played stellar
defense turning away all attacks.
Robbinsville Comets 3,
North Brunswick Blue Devils 2
The second game saw the
Comets overcome a two-goal
deficit and roar back to defeat the
North Brunswick Blue Devils 3-2.
Yianna Mazzella and Christina
Golden each netted a goal with
Maddie Pike nailing the game
winner late in the second half.
Jaimee McEntee, Kolette Schulz,
Emma Horan and Cara Alban led
a strong two-way effort to seize
control of the game.
Robbinsville Comets 3,
Ewing Overdrive 2
Game 3 saw the Comets roll to a
4-1 victory over the Ewing Overdrive behind the goals of Christina Golden, Yianna Mazzella, Caroline Coggins and Emma Horan.
The continued strong defense of
Becky Blitz, Kailey Pacifico,
Alena Pietrini and Nicole Weaver
shut down a strong Ewing attack.
Princeton Juventus, 3
Robbinsville Comets, 1
Game 4 saw the Comets come
out on the short end of a 3–1 loss
to a tough Princeton Juventus
team. Christina Golden netted the
lone goal with Kolette Schulz and
Aleca Fotiou battling hard in the
midfield against a charging
Princeton team. Caroline Coggins and Becky Blitz did an amazing job in goal throughout the
four games turning back shot
after shot in the blazing heat.
Little League
Softball Division C (ages 6-9)
Notre Dame v. UCLA
Two up-and-coming softball
teams – Notre Dame (Seasonal
World) and UCLA (A Reason to
Smile Dentistry) – put on a gritty
performance for cheering fans at
Tantum Park on May 29. The Soft
C Notre Dame girls played very
well against a tough UCLA team.
Leading the way offensively for
the Notre Dame girls were Haley
Krebs, Jordan Pancari, Ella
Moser and Abigail Veisz. All the
girls played well defensively, including key outs recorded by
Nicole Walling, Lucy Shea, Kelsie
James and Lily Ondy. All the girls
please see YOUTH, page 19
Leapin’ Lizards!
ravens nest
Girls Track and Field
The Robbinsville girls team
had a great day at the Group II
State Championships on Friday,
May 31 and Saturday, June 1.
Noel Jancewicz won the 400meter and high jump events to
make it 10 total state championship medals that she has won
in her Robbinsville High School
career. Katie Koss medaled by finishing 5th in the 400-meter race
also. The girls 4x400 meter relay
of Kelly Koss, Paris Hughes, Noel
Jancewicz, and Katie Koss won
gold as well with their 3:55.41 new
school record time.
The girls were set to compete at
the New Jersey Meet of Champions on June 5, after The Rob-
Special to The Robbinsville Sun
Elizabeth Vernon, of Robbinsville, played the lead role in St. Raphael School’s production of "Annie" on
May 16. Stanley Scheuerman (seated) portrayed President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
binsville Sun had gone to press.
Boys Track and Field
The boys team ran well at the
Holmdel Twilight Series meet on
May 29, with nearly every boy
that ran in the meet achieving a
personal best at the end of the
season. Casey Jones, Dominic
McAnany, Richard Kasper, T.J.
Haistie, Sean Lynch, Mike Michon, and Sean Tierney all won
their respective heats at the meet.
Nick Brennan and Ryan Gross
both finished under 4:40 with
times of 4:38.35 and 4:37.16 respectively. Overall, 10 boys finished
under the 5-minute 1600 barrier. It
was a great effort by all and an excellent way to end the season for
many of them.
Send us your Robbinsville news
Drop us an email at news@robbinsvillesun.com.
Continued from page 6
which included a “visit” to four
unique New Jersey beach towns:
Seaside, Atlantic City, Cape May
and Wildwood.
• The Food Committee, headed
by Gael Levering, who served up
some great boardwalk classics
like hoagies, chicken, fries, hot
dogs, frozen drinks and ice cream
with fixings, which the attendees
devoured upon arrival to Post
• The Prizes/ Gifts committee,
headed up by Lisa Angeli, who selected awesome gifts for every
senior as well as five raffle prizes
that were well received.
• The Games/ Entertainment
Committee, headed up by Mary
O’Toole and Alicia Parylak, who
arranged for lots of fun, including inflatables, laser tag, chair
massages, casino tables, boardwalk games, tattoo artists, palm
readers, a caricature artist and a
hypnotist whose show was the
highlight of the night.
• Our Volunteers Coordinator,
Rosanne Tully, who orchestrated
all the volunteers needed for each
committee as well as the chaperones.
• The Red Carpet Committee,
headed by Maria Carfaro and
Joan Speranza, who did a great
job of relocating the event to the
front of the school, which allowed
for greater viewing area for the
In appreciation for their direction and support, I’d like to acknowledge the RHS Administration, Board of Education and the
Parent Teacher Student Association.Finally, a special “thank you”
to all of the numerous dedicated
volunteers who were an integral
part of the planning for this special night, which was a parting
gift for our seniors to remember
how much their hometown cares
for them and wishes them “Godspeed” as they move on to the
next chapter of their lives.
Well done, Robbinsville.
Diane Guididas
RHS Post Prom 2013
Planning Chair
Lacrosse shootout a smash hit
The 9th annual Robbinsville
Shootout Festival drew 45 youth
lacrosse teams from New Jersey
and Pennsylvania to Community
Park for a day of exhibition
games that gave the kids a chance
to hone their skills and play before big crowds.
An estimated 3,000 players and
parents took part in the successful May 18 event. The festival that
began nine years ago as the Robbinsville Lacrosse Association’s
primary fundraising event for the
season has evolved over the past
decade into something much
more, as it has grown in size and
“It is a celebration of the sport
of lacrosse and the definition of
community,” RLA President Mike
Langford said.
The shootout attracts current
and former RLA players, and
their parents, who all volunteer
their time, services and numer-
ous items necessary to pull off an
event of this magnitude, Langford said. Robbinsville High
School lacrosse coaches attend
the event and many RHS students
volunteer to help out.
Langford said the township is
also a major supporter, providing
assistance in preparation, parking and cleanup.
“It’s simply one of the best-run
lacrosse events in the state and
immediately sells out every year
months prior to the event,” Langford said.
For the RLA players, the
Shootout is the climax of their
lacrosse season. They get to play
in front of large crowds of supportive fans and test their skills
against great teams. The festival
style of play does not count wins
and losses or produce a tournament champion. While games are
still fiercely competitive, the objective of the day is to celebrate
the sport of lacrosse and healthy
RLA entered five teams in this
year’s Shootout and all performed
and experienced both victory and
defeat. A total 134 Robbinsville
players took part including a
Grade 3/4 team, two separate
Grade 5/6 teams, a Grade 7 team
and a Grade 8 team.
“We are building great positive
memories for our players,” said
Mike Cocciolillo, RLA board
member and father of two boys in
the program.
Langford noted the Grade 8
boys team broke an RLA record
set in 2008 with 23 wins this season, to finish 28-8 for the year. Of
the 32 eighth-graders playing in
the RLA, 23 will be attending Robbinsville High School, which is
the largest incoming class of RLA
lacrosse players ever for RHS,
Langford said.
The eighth-grade players headed to RHS include: Shawn
Matthew Carlin, Michael Cocciolillo, Michael Consiglio, Chris
Michael Garcia, Joe Gaynor,
Corey Kale, Cole Montplaisir,
Michael O’Neill, Lucas Olshevski, Brandon Sankey, Nando Sgro,
Aaron Smilow, Bobby Stewart,
Derek Taylor, Taylor Twamley,
Kyle Twamley, Jared Twamley,
Ian Winn and Brian Wojton.
Lacrosse players from the RLA
eighth-grade team headed to
other area high schools include:
Anthony Delle Grotti, MJ
Leonard Jr., Sean O’Donnell, and
Matthew Sellers (Notre Dame);
Mitchell Hennessey and Kyle
Seliga (Northern Burlington Regional); Conner Braddock and
Christopher Keahon (Steinert);
and Jonathan Bendorf (Hun).
Send us your news
Have a news tip? Want to send
us a press release or photos?
Shoot an interesting video?
Drop us an email at news@robbinsvillesun.com. Call the editor at (609) 529-6611.
Special to The Robbinsville Sun
Cole Montplaisier, of the Robbinsville Lacrosse Association’s eighthgrade team, advances the ball during the RLA’s 9th Annual Lacrosse
Shootout at Community Park on May 19. Below, Michael Cardona, of
the RLA Ravens’ eighth-grade team, defends against Princeton.
police report
The following items were taken
from reports on file with the Robbinsville Police Department:
A 20-year-old East Windsor
man was arrested and charged
with DWI and other offenses after
a traffic stop at 4:43 p.m., June 2
on Route 130 South.
Officer Scott Kivet stopped the
vehicle near Church Street because it was not staying in its
lane. The driver was asked to perform field sobriety tests, which he
failed. A subsequent search of the
vehicle revealed a small quantity
of marijuana, resulting in the arrest of both the driver and passenger, a 21-year-old Plainsboro
In addition to DWI, the driver
was also charged with possession
of marijuana, DWI in a school
zone, careless driving, reckless
driving, failure to maintain lane,
having a controlled dangerous
substance in a motor vehicle, and
driving an unregistered vehicle.
The passenger was charged with
marijuana possession.
A 27-year-old Lawrenceville
man was arrested and charged
with DWI and other offenses after
he crashed his car at the intersection of Hankins Road and Route
Patrolman Matthew Hill responded to the accident scene,
where the driver’s vehicle had
run off the road and struck a utility guide wire. The driver, who
was not injured, appeared intoxicated so the officer asked him to
perform field sobriety tests,
which he failed. The driver was
also charged with careless driving, reckless driving and failure
to maintain lane.
An Anderson Lane resident
told police he saw an unidentified
man try to open his front door in
an attempted burglary, but the
man walked back to his small
blue car and drove away after he
was unable to get inside the
Patrolman Thomas Egan took
the report at 4:15 p.m., May 29 at
police headquarters.
The victim described the suspect as a white man in his late 40s
with gray hair and wearing a blue
short-sleeve shirt and khaki
shorts. No arrests have been
Two Jackson residents were arrested and charged with possession of heroin and other offenses
after a traffic stop at 3:04 p.m.,
campus news
Alex Ryan, of Robbinsville, was
one of 12 members of the Classes
of 2015 and 2016 in the second cohort of Rutgers-Camden Civic
Scholars to be recognized on
April 30, 2013 at the Chancellor’s
Awards for Civic Engagement.
Civic Scholars make a substantial
commitment to curricular and cocurricular civic engagement and
receive scholarships in recognition of their leadership.
Andrew Harvilla, of Robbinsville, a senior majoring in
Management, made the Dean’s
List at Coastal Carolina University for the spring 2013 semester.
Danielle E. Douglass, of Robbinsville, was named to the
spring 2013 dean’s list at Lebanon
Valley College, Annville, Pa.,
while working toward her Bachelor of Science degree in health
The following Robbinsville residents have earned their degrees
at commencement ceremonies:
Anthony Di Meglio received a
Bachelor of Science in Financial
Management and Lisa Lebak received a Bachelor of Science in
Health/Science Studies from
Quinnipiac University on May 19.
Carina Chivulescu received a
Bachelor of Science degree in
Business Administration from
Marist College the weekend of
May 24.
May 28 on Interstate 195 East.
Patrolman Scott Kivet saw an
eastbound vehicle with an expired inspection sticker and no
lights on while the wipers were
operating. After stopping the vehicle near Exit 7, the officer detected evidence that narcotics
were present, but the driver refused to consent to a search of the
The vehicle was then impounded and a search warrant was obtained from a Superior Court
Judge Mark Fleming, which led
to the discovery of heroin, hypodermic needles and drug paraphernalia.
The 26-year-old driver and 23year-old passenger were both
charged with possession of heroin with intent to distribute, possession of drug paraphernalia,
and possession of hypodermic
needles. The driver was additionally charged with driving while
suspended, being an unlicensed
driver and failure to maintain
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kids’ views
Editor’s note: The following was
written by a Pond Road Middle
School student, who wins a free ice
cream from Maggie Moos for having her essay published in The
Stop dog fights
The amount of dogs in shelters
because of fighting is out of the
roof !! These poor dogs want nothing more then to have a loving
family and home. Instead, they
are taken to a bone-chilling place
where they have to fight to live.
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Dog fighting is never a good thing
to watch. This is a depressing
subject for some people who like
or have dogs as pets. If you think
fighting is bad, wait until you see
dogs fighting.
Can you believe people would
like to watch dogs fight! The president of the Humane Society said,
“People enjoy watching the dogs
fight, they enjoy seeing the blood.
They gamble on the outcome. The
fights may last from 10 minutes to
three hours. Dogs may die from
shock or blood loss.” Dogs that
can’t fight very well are used as
bait. They are also hung,
drowned, shot, and other awful
things happen to them. It makes
me think if we know all of this information, we should be cracking
down on dog fighting and trying
to stop it.
Today we are beginning to understand dog fighting and why it
happens. Most people just want
money and the sport of dog fighting earns a lot of money for those
who require it. But, some people
were just raised to fight dogs,
they learned from their family
and play it as a street game. If the
president of the Humane Society
is helping to stop this, you can
make a difference, too. Go to your
nearest shelter and become a volunteer. Even adopting an dog can
go a long way and help that one
dog not get picked up by dog fighters. Remember, a dog is a man’s
best friend.
Gia Marie Daula
age 12
Send us your
Kids’ Views
The Sun welcomes
submissions from K-12 students
in Robbinsville. Email essays
(300 words or less) to
and include your name, age
and phone number. (Phone
numbers are for verification
purposes, not publication.) If
your submission appears in
this column, bring your published essay to Maggie Moos,
2350 Route 33, to receive a
complimentary ice cream for
yourself, parents and siblings!
interfaith views
Eight Words
Lifetree Community Church
Eight words. That’s all it takes.
Eight words have the potential to
change a difficult experience into
a joyful one. Eight words can
change the way we look at others
and the way we see ourselves. The
eight words are these: “Is there
anything I can do for you?”
Those eight words lead us to
pay attention to those around us
and compel us to consider how we
can help. Those words declare two
things: “I am aware of you” and
“I am willing to help.” That may
not seem like much, but they can
mean the world to someone in
Many residents in Robbinsville
embody this attitude. In the few
years that I have lived here, I have
observed time and again how people are willing to help out in any
way they can. Even our high
school has a community service
requirement built right into its
program. I love that! We are communicating to the next generation the values of responsibility
and compassion.
Perhaps you would like to help,
too, but are not sure how to get involved. I have a solution for you.
Our church regularly serves community groups in Robbinsville
such as the Food Pantry, Mealson-Wheels, Senior Center, and
would love to have you join us.
You don’t have to attend our
church to help. If you simply
want to join us in asking the community, “Is there anything I can
do for you?” then we would love to
serve alongside you.
The name of our service program is Better Together. You can
go to www.lifetreecc.com/bettertogether and join the team! Whenever we get a request for help, we
will pass it on to the Better Together team. If you can help,
great! If not, just stay tuned for
the next opportunity. Remember,
eight words can make all the difference!
Send us your
Interfaith Views
The Robbinsville Sun invites
leaders of churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and
other houses of worship serving the Robbinsville community
to share views, news, calendar
items and photos for this column. Email the editor at
The Robbinsville Sun's Foodie,
Betty O'Donnell presenting Luther
Mills, lead cook who created the
burger, the award for the 1st Annual
Best Burger Contest with Lee Paroly,
owner of Friendly's.
HOURS: M-F 6-7, Sat 7-6 and Sun 7-4
Authors! Authors!
Continued from page 7
thor study.
The project went beyond art
and literacy to also include social
studies, science and math curriculums.
The concepts of time and
measurement were taught in conjunction with Lionni’s book “Inch
by Inch,” and “The Extraordinary Egg” became part of science
lessons as students learned about
the different animals that hatch
from eggs. Then they created papier-mache eggs with animal
cutouts inside.
“We really stretched Leo across
all the subjects,” teacher Jessica
Migliaccio said.
The No. 1 goal, however, was
helping first-graders develop
their own “voice” as writers.
Dauer said the opportunity for
students to immerse themselves
JOANNE DEGNAN/The Robbinsville Sun
Maisie Thompson, 7, and her brother Joseph, 4, at the necktie snake
rack inspired by the Leo Lionni book “In the Rabbitgarden.”
in the study of one author enabled the kids to become better
writers themselves.
“It really makes a difference in
how they perceive their own writing when they know that they can
be an expert on another author’s
writing,” Dauer said.
As more guests arrived, the
multipurpose room where all the
arts and crafts and homemade
books were on display began to
take on the air of a celebrity
book-signing event. Parents and
grandparents lined up around the
tables and snapped photographs
of the budding young authors
reading their books.
For the teachers watching it
all, there could be no doubt the
project was a success.
“They loved it because it was
something different than they’re
used to doing,” Raymond said.
“We did a lot of things that
stretched their creativity and I
think we saw a lot of stuff that we
didn’t even know they were capable of doing.”
To view more photos of the
Sharon School event, go to
Fischer commanding
in sectional title win
Special to The Robbinsville Sun
Lauren Fischer always seems
to find a way to rise to the occasion.
The Robbinsville High School
senior did just that when she
tossed a no-hitter to lift the
Ravens to a 1-0 win over Raritan
in the Central Jersey Group II
championship on May 31.
The sectional title was the
third straight for the Ravens.
“Everything is very special,”
said Fischer, who followed up her
no-hitter with a one-hitter in the
Ravens’ 4-0 win over Buena in the
Group II state semifinals on June
4. “But the most important thing
to me is coming out with a win. I
am not coming into a game trying
to throw a no-hitter or get all the
strikeouts. I know if they put the
ball in play my team is going to
make the plays behind me. Anyway I can help my team win the
game is what is important.”
Fischer struck out 13 and did
not allow a ball out of the infield
in the win over Raritan. The
Ravens scored the only run of the
game in the fifth inning when
Gabby Manto singled and was
sacrificed to second by Morgan
Psilek. The winning run then
scored when Felicia Schumacher
singled to drive in Manto.
“It is very special being my
senior year,” Fischer said. “But
even when I was younger I tried
to focus on the current game. We
never look too far ahead, which I
think is important. We focus on
the game we have and once it is
over we talk about the game
ahead. We always worry about
the present and not the future.”
Robbinsville was scheduled to
face Hanover Park for the Group
II state championship on June 8,
after The Robbinsville Sun went
to press. In the win over Buena,
Manto had three hits and drove in
a run, while Megan Hevey had
two hits and scored a pair of
The four-run win must have
seemed like a walk in the park for
the Ravens, who won two straight
one-run games to capture the CJ
II title.
“If that is how it is going to be,
I think we are doing a very good
job of working with it,” Fischer
said. “We’re giving it our all every
single inning. We’re playing good
teams. We’re far into the state
tournament and when you play
good teams that is what you are
going to get. We’re thankful that
we are playing such good competition. If it was easy, it wouldn’t
be fun.
“We have a very clutch group of
girls,” Fisher said. “Felicia has
knocked in so many important
runs. She is so calm and focused.
Every time she is up you know
she is going to do something big.”
As successful as the Ravens
have been the last four years,
playing close games in the state
tournament is nothing new. They
know they can hold down the opposition with their strong pitch-
ing and solid defense and at some
point push a run or two across the
“I just have to relax and trust
that they are doing everything
that they can and it will work
out,” Robbinsville coach Christine Cabarle said. “I think my
concern is that every inning
there is more pressure on Fischer
and Becca (Freeman, the Robbinsville catcher). And every
coach would prefer the opposite. I
don’t think it is for a lack of effort. And at the end of the day
they are making it happen.”
The Ravens improved to 25-2
with the win over Buena in the
state semifinals. They will face
Hanover Park, which topped
Mahwah, 3-2, in its state semifinal
to improve to 21-6 on the season.
Send us your Robbinsville news
Email us at news@robbinsvillesun.com. Call us at (609) 529-6611.
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And the winners are...
Place a photo of your young student-athlete
starting with The Robbinsville Sun's June 12th
issue congratulating them on a great season!
y to
You did it! Wa
next season!
go! Good luck
ations to
n a great d of you!!!
lations o
family ve
ade your
You've m
and your
Submit a photo and caption to:
P.O. Box 7, Windsor, NJ 08561 or email a photo and caption to ads@robbinsvillesun.com
Please submit them along with a $20 check made out to The Robbinsville Sun and
we will print a 4" x 4" color photo and your message to your student-athlete.
Special to The Robbinsville Sun
Sixth-grader Chloe Esterly’s drawing of her father (above) won The
Robbinsville Sun’s Draw Your Dad contest in the middle school category. Kindergartner Josephine Kowalski, 5, won in the K-3 division
for her crayon drawing (below). Both girls win a KidzArt gift certificate for a free week of art summer camp in July.
Giving their all to give back
Hundreds of people turned out
for the first BAPS Charities Walk
in Town Center, a June 2
fundraiser benefiting the American Cancer Society on National
Cancer Survivors Day, as well as
Robbinsville school programs.
In keeping with the walk’s
theme, “Building a Better Community, One Step at a Time,”
BAPS Charities donated $2,000 of
the event’s proceeds to the Robbinsville Education Foundation,
a nonprofit that supports initiatives, such as pre-engineering
classes at the middle school that
are beyond the scope of the
school budget.
With temperatures near 90 degrees, the participants young and
old enthusiastically stepped off
from the parking lot at 1 Washington Blvd. then followed the town’s
customary parade route down
North Street, Newtown Boulevard, and Lake Drive. Similar
fundraising walks took place
June 2 in more than 40 other
In Robbinsville, however, talking preceding the walking as the
event began with a series of
check presentations and speeches
from the portico of the Sharbell
building, where BAPS Charities
volunteers business leaders,
school district representatives
and other special invited guests
were gathered.
BAPS Charities presented
Natasha Coleman, regional vice
president at the American Cancer
Society, with a $3,000 donation.
REF Treasurer Sharon DeVito,
joined by Sharon School Principal Janet Sinkewicz and Facilities and Community Education
Manager Kim Keener, accepted
the $2,000 check for the REF.
Corporate donations small and
large, and even the dollar bills
raised by children going door-todoor with donation cans, all contributed to the success of the
fundraising event, organizers
The walk was launched with a
traditional prayer for world
Sports Scene
Continued from page 9
ran the bases well and played
The UCLA “Blue Thunder
Tiger Jays” countered with solid
defense and timely hitting. The
UCLA offense was led by
Cheyanne Weigand, Emily Keller,
and Macie Prohammer. Each girl
made the most of their at-bat opportunities, swinging the bats
hard and picking up several hits
each. The Jays defense, however,
sparkled in the evening twilight,
with many girls making key
The combination of Kelly Carduner and Mia Lawrence was
solid in the field, tallying several
outs and assists in the game.
Emily Prohammer was a defensive force, turning a critical out at
third base and recording an assist
in the third to Sarah Light, who
also contributed with multiple
hits during the game. Overall,
the Jays’ effort was characterized
by solid play and great teamwork
from all members that shined in
this classic.
JOANNE DEGNAN/The Robbinsville Sun
Hundreds of people turned out for the BAPS Charities Walk through
Town Center on June 2 to raise funds for the American Cancer Society, the Robbinsville Education Foundation and other charities.
peace, followed by opening remarks from Shreya Barot, a
BAPS Charities volunteer who is
currently pursuing her master’s
in public policy from Rutgers University.
“BAPS Charities aims to improve the quality of life for the
community by hosting various
events and serving the underserved,” Barot said. “Health fairs,
blood drives, walkathons, bone
marrow drives, children’s health
and safety days, and care for the
elderly programs are but a few
initiatives aimed at providing resources to better the lives of our
friends and neighbors.”
DeVito, who is also a school
board member, thanked BAPS
Charities for its donation, noting
BAPS Charities has been a strong
supporter of the Robbinsville
public schools in recent years, including contributing funds for
the athletic field lights and the
high school’s award-winning robotics team.
Township Council members
Vince Calcagno, Christine Ciaccio, and Sheree McGowan, Board
of Education member Shaina
Ciaccio, and Township Recreation Director Joe Barker were
also present. The township officials expressed their gratitude to
BAPS for its volunteers’ help during Hurricane Sandy.
“The members of BAPS have
really shown us what it means to
be part of a community,” McGowan said. “Whenever the township needs anything they’re
Looking out at the hundreds of
people in the parking lot, McGowan said she was amazed at
the turnout for the inaugural
“To have this many people out
on a Sunday morning is incredible,” McGowan said. “We hope
that in the years to come the walk
becomes bigger and bigger.”
Kevin Cummings, CEO of Investors Bank, which was the
major corporate sponsor of the
event, received a plaque in appreciation for the bank’s support.
Gold-level sponsors recognized
included Raritan Pharmaceuticals, Dubal Law Offices, Pulte
Group, Endo Pharmaceuticals,
Decors USA, Grand Bank and
Walmart. Many other local businesses and individuals who also
contributed were also recognized
as silver and bronze sponsors.
Special to The Robbinsville Sun
Lily Coggins (right) is congratulated by teammate Sara Toscano
after Coggins scored the winning goal in the Robbinsville Riptide’s 10 victory over the Bordentown Blast at the WWPSA Sunburst Blast
Tournament on June 2.
Send us your Youth Sports news
The Robbinsville Sun invites all township youth recreation sports
leagues to contribute news items, including announcements, game
results and photos.
Email the editor at jdegnan@robbinsvillesun.com. Submission deadline is Tuesday for publication in the following week’s newspaper.
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