New SACE CoordinatorV


New SACE CoordinatorV
New SACE CoordinatorV
February 201
1. Welcome
2. SACE Board support
3. SACE Coordinator Role
4. Calendar
5. SACE Operations
6. Student Management
7. VET
8. SACE requirements
9. SchoolsOnline
10. Special Provisions
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SACE Assessment and Reporting
Students conduct research activities
throughout a range of subjects in the SACE.
The policy addresses:
opportunities to learn how to conduct
conducting research that is honest,
ethical and has integrity
responsibility for research topic and
research methodology
acknowledgement of sources
research that is conducted in groups
breaches of rules and appeal process
Ethical Conduct and Research
A range of
policies, procedures, and
guidelines support the
fairness, integrity and
quality of teaching,
learning and assessment
in the SACE.
SACE Assessment Responsibilities:
SACE Board and Schools
Individual students, under circumstances outlined in the policy, may
need special provisions to meet the specified learning and assessment
requirements in subject outlines.
Special provisions identify alternative arrangements for assessment for
eligible students at Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the SACE.
Policy procedures provide information about:
the grounds for special provisions
variations to school assessment at Stage 1 and Stage 2
variations to external assessment at Stage 2
the process for applications for external assessment
appeal process
Special Provisions in Curriculum and
Assessment 2015
Word-limits give clear information about
specifications of assessments;
ensure comparability of assessments; and
ensure a reasonable workload for students.
Information is provided concerning:
content that is/is not included in the word-count
assessment of tasks with word-limits
SACE Word-count
assessment grade and the
external assessment grade
 Missing or insufficient
evidence of learning
 Combining the school
 Role of the teacher
 Role of the SACE Board
 Use of performance standards in the assessment
 Grades and scores
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 Procedures
 Purpose
 Principles
 Policy context
Students must submit only work that is their own,
produced without undue assistance from other
people or sources. Work that has been subjected
to detailed editing, correction, or alteration by the
teacher or other people may not be further
developed or copied by students for
Guidelines are provided concerning:
level of intervention that is acceptable
supervision to safeguard against plagiarism
statements of verification
appropriate use of ICTs
responsibilities and appeal process
breach of rules
Supervision and Verification of
Students’ Work
‘Assuring assessment integrity’ is taken to mean the
procedures that assure the community that assessment of
learning in the SACE is fair, valid, and reliable.
Definitions and guidelines are provided for:
reuse of assessed work
assessment deadlines (times set by schools) for schoolbased assessment
submission dates (times set by the SACE Board) for
external assessment and moderation
Redrafting, Reuse of Assessed Work, and
Assessment Deadlines and Submission Dates
Policy Procedures
Immediate SACE Board Cut-Offs
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The following checklist has been designed to assist school leaders to check for the features required for Learning
and Assessment Plan approval.
Current Learning and Assessment Plan form is used
Cohort/Context Description
Cohort/context are documented
Learning Program Design
Learning program design and delivery are documented
Topics, if required by the subject outline, are identified
Capabilities, Literacy and Numeracy Opportunities
Opportunities for students to develop capabilities, literacy and numeracy are documented
Assessment Overview
Each assessment type:
contains a number of tasks that match specifications in the subject outline (e.g. folio consists
of at least one practical investigation and at least one issues investigation)
has a weighting of at least 20%
addresses at least 1 of the specific features from the assessment design criteria specified in
the subject outline
Each assessment task:
addresses at least one of the learning requirements and at least one of the assessment
design criteria
The set of assessment tasks:
addresses student cohort needs
is within the number of assessment tasks specified in the subject outline (e.g. 4-5
assessments in a 10 credit subject)
address all learning requirements at least once
address all assessment design criteria, and all specific features at least once
Assessment details
Each assessment task is identified
Each assessment task is described
Assessment conditions (word count, page limit, time limit etc) do not exceed those specified
in the subject outline.
Local Program
For plans to be submitted as a Local Program, the Local Program Details section of the plan
documents variations to content and/or school based assessment specified in the subject
outline. (Note: the Local Program Details section does not need to be completed for plans
that follow the content and/or school based assessment specified in the subject outline)
Signature of Learning and Assessment Plan Contact Teacher ____________________
Date ______________
Signature of Principal or nominee __________________________________________
Date ______________
Ref: A151693, 2.0
Last Updated: 27/03/2012 12:26 PM
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Current Learning and Assessment Plan form is used
Cohort/Context Description
Cohort/context description reflects the student cohort for whom the program is intended (e.g. student
background and learning needs)
Learning Program Design
Delivery of intended learning program is described
How the learning program has been designed to engage the range of students in the group is
described (e.g. thematic approach, choice of texts and topics, use of technology, forms of
communication, timing of assessments)
Topics, if required by the subject outline, are identified
Capabilities, Literacy and Numeracy Opportunities
Appropriate opportunities (e.g. strategies and resources) have been identified for students to develop:
their capabilities (refer to subject outline for suggested focus of capabilities)
their literacy skills (refer to subject outline for subject-specific literacy skills)
their numeracy skills (refer to subject outline for subject-specific numeracy skills)
Assessment Overview
Each assessment type:
contains a number of tasks that match specifications in the subject outline (e.g. folio consists of at
least one practical investigation and at least one issues investigation)
has a weighting of at least 20%
addresses at least 1 of the specific features from the assessment design criteria specified in the
subject outline
Each assessment task:
addresses at least one of the learning requirements and at least one of the assessment design criteria
The set of assessment tasks:
addresses student cohort needs
is within the number of assessment tasks specified in the subject outline (e.g. 4-5 assessments in a
10 credit subject)
address all learning requirements at least once
address all assessment design criteria, and all specific features at least once
Assessment Details
Names of assessment tasks match those listed in the plan’s assessment overview (page 2)
Flexibility, and where appropriate, negotiation in assessment that will be available to support the range
of students is identified
Each assessment task provides opportunities for students to achieve at the highest level of the
performance standards
Assessment conditions (word count, page limit, time limit etc) do not exceed those specified in the
subject outline.
Nature of assessment task reflects the assessment type information provided in the subject outline
Name of Learning and Assessment Plan Contact Teacher ______________________________
Signature of Principal or nominee __________________________________________
Ref: A171463
Last Updated 28/03/2012 12:32 PM
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Date ______________
Special Provision Requested
Information Sheet
Information Sheet 34 Special
Provisions in Curriculum and
Extension of the published SACE Board
submission date for an externally
assessed investigation
Information Sheet 35 Special
Provisions — External Assessment
Form 17 Special Provisions Application
— External Assessment Adjustments
External examination adjustments (e.g.
rest breaks, extra time)
Information Sheet 35 Special
Provisions — External Assessment
Form 17 Special Provisions Application
— External Assessment Adjustments
Information Sheet 36 Special
Provisions — External Assessment
Adjustments Reading Test
plus (if required):
Form 18 Special Provisions Application
— Cover Sheet for Task 1 Handwritten
Timed Essay
Form 19 Special Provisions Application
— Cover Sheet for Task 2 Handwritten
Timed School Assessment Task
Form 20 Special Provisions Application
— Cover Sheet for Task 3 Wordprocessed or Scribed Timed Essay
School assessment adjustments
Information Sheet 39 Special
Provisions — School Assessment
Form 24 Special Provisions for School
Assessment — For School Use Only
(Do not submit to the SACE Board.)
Special consideration owing to the
impact of a misadventure on an
externally assessed task
Information Sheet 35 Special
Provisions — External Assessment
Form 21 Special Provisions Application
— Misadventure (External Assessment)
Information Sheet 37 Special
Provisions — Misadventure
Status for learning that occurred during
an extended absence because of
personal circumstances (e.g. illness,
family responsibilities, cultural
Information Sheet 35 Special
Provisions — External Assessment
Use of the moderated predicted result
for one or more of the following external
 investigation
 oral examination
 performance
 written examination
owing to illness or misadventure
Information Sheet 35 Special
Provisions — External Assessment
Ref: A240488, 0.4
Last Updated: 16/01/2015 2:40 PM
Form 22 Special Provisions Application
— Personal Circumstances
(Recognition of Learning)
Information Sheet 38 Special
Provisions — Personal Circumstances
(Recognition of Learning)
Information Sheet 37 Special
Provisions — Misadventure
Information Sheet 40 Special
Provisions — Use of the Moderated
Predicted Result
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Form 21 Special Provisions Application
— Misadventure (External Assessment)
Form 23 Special Provisions Application
— Use of the Moderated Predicted
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Possible Impact
Possible Adjustments
Paraplegia, muscular
dystrophy, cerebral palsy, etc.
Pain/discomfort, tiredness, difficulty
writing, slowness
Permission to stand and stretch, permission to
take medication, separate room, and/or extra
writing time, and/or use of a word processor or
a scribe
Reading/processing difficulties
Extra reading time, use of a reader, opportunity
for verbal instructions to be clarified before
starting written timed tasks
Difficulty reading text and visual
Difficulty producing responses
Enlarged print, extra reading and/or writing
time, use of visual aids, Braille, use of reader,
use of computer to read and/or respond, use of
a scribe, rest breaks
Back injury, chronic pain
Pain/discomfort, problems with
prolonged sitting
Rest breaks, permission to take medication,
permission to stand and stretch
Crohn’s disease
Rest breaks, permission to leave room under
Chronic fatigue syndrome,
glandular fever
Tiredness, inability to concentrate
Rest breaks, permission to take medication,
and/or extra reading and/or writing time
Need to check blood sugar levels
Permission to take medication, permission to
leave room under supervision
May suffer from epileptic seizure
during examinations
Permission to take medication, separate room
Hand/wrist/arm/shoulder injury
Difficulty in writing because of pain
or discomfort in hand/arm,
excessive fatigue in hand
Rest breaks and/or extra writing time and/or
use of a word processor or a scribe
Head injuries
Mental processing difficulty,
Rest breaks, separate room, and/or extra
reading and/or writing time
Pregnancy, early infant care
In hospital for birth, breast feeding
Rest breaks/feeding breaks, separate room,
home/hospital supervision
Short-term medical condition
Inability to meet upcoming
Extension to submission date
Attention deficit and disruptive
behaviour disorders
Concentration difficulties, impulse
Rest breaks, permission to take medication,
separate room
Autism spectrum disorder,
Asperger syndrome
Concentration difficulties, anxiety
Rest breaks, separate room, and/or extra
reading and/or writing time
Obsessive compulsive disorder,
depression, schizophrenia,
bipolar disorders, anxiety
Concentration difficulties, impulse
control, anxiety
Rest breaks, permission to take medication,
separate room, and/or extra reading and/or
writing time
LEARNING DIFFICULTY (Psychological reports are not required but, if included, must be less than 5 years old.)
Reading difficulty
Use of a reader and/or extra writing time
Spelling difficulty
Use of a scribe or a word processor
Writing difficulty
Extra writing time and/or use of a scribe or a
word processor
This is not an exhaustive list of adjustments. Please contact the SACE Board on 8372 7554 if clarification is required.
Form 17/15
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Info sheets
35, 37,
38, 40
SACE BOARD determines eligibility
SPECIAL PROVISIONS in external tasks:
examinations (e.g. scribe, moderated predicted
exam mark)
performances (e.g. drama, dance, music
investigations etc.)
SPECIAL PROVISIONS in school-assessed tasks
such as:
extensions to internal deadlines
change format of task e.g. oral instead of
written (where subject outline permits)
rescheduling tasks
reducing tasks
scribe, rest breaks etc
forms as
Form 17 – External Assessment Adjustments
Form 21 – Misadventure (External Assessment)
Form 22 – Personal Circumstances
Form 23 – Use of the Moderated Predicted
SACE BOARD informs Principal of outcome
SCHOOL implements approved special provisions
SCHOOL provides feedback to SACE Board on use
of examination provisions
Special provisions queries – Lisa Wills 83727408 or exam helpline 8372 7554
If student’s work is required for moderation and it
varies from the LAP, include in moderation ba g, a
completed “Variation – Moderation Materials” form
from the Stage 2 subject page on website.
DOCUMENT special provisions in school
SCHOOL determines eligibility and implements
special provisions
Info sheet
Form 24
” form
Ref: A240516, 5
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Special Provisions – Advice for Schools
Promote awareness of special provisions to students
The student should be made aware of the grounds for special provisions, who to
approach, and the type of evidence they need to provide for consideration for
special provisions in school and/or externally assessed tasks.
Special Provisions contact person
Ensure that staff and students know the person/s in the school responsible for
making decisions and submitting applications for special provisions.
School Policy/process awareness
Ensure all staff are aware of the school’s special provisions policy/processes.
Special Provisions minisite
Includes the SACE Board’s Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment
Policy, information sheets, forms, guidelines etc.
Go to the SACE Board's special provisions minisite at
Special provisions in school assessment
Special Provisions school contact
 Who in the school, makes decisions or initiates the process to determine
eligibility and implement special provisions for school assessment – short and/or
long term issues?
 This person/s needs to be known to staff and students.
Schools need to keep records of special provisions used by students in school
Use of Form 24 ‘Special Provisions for School Assessment – For School Use
Only is an option for record-keeping – this form does not need to be submitted to
the SACE Board.
It is advisable to use Form 24 (or similar) as it brings together all the aspects of
the policy that need to be considered in making decisions re special provisions,
e.g. grounds, evidence, assessment conditions etc. and it helps to ensure
consistency for all students and across subjects.
Moderation and students with special provisions
If a student has approved special provisions in school assessment that changes
the presentation/format of their work (e.g. reduced number of tasks), and their
work is selected in the sample for moderation – complete the Variations –
Moderation Materials form (see forms section of the subject page on the SACE
Board website) and submit with the moderation materials.
Special provisions advice for schools
Ref: A339218, 1.1
Last Updated: 16/1/2015
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Teachers should utilise the flexibilities in assessment if this supports a student
with a difficulty e.g. oral instead of written presentation i.e. special provisions may
not be necessary.
Performance Standards/Assessment Types
In making decisions to reduce or vary tasks, teachers need to ensure that the
student will still have the opportunity to be assessed against the full range of the
Performance Standards and cover all Assessment Types.
Provide the opportunity of extensions to deadlines, alternative tasks and/or
reduce tasks in other assessment types to support this.
In making decisions for special provisions for school-based tasks, schools should
always review a range of evidence e.g. samples of the student’s work in similar
conditions and teacher’s observations, rather than rely exclusively on the
recommendations provided by medical or other community professionals who
have not seen the impact of the student’s diagnosed condition in assessment
Approve the most appropriate provision – refer p.6 of Form 17 External
Assessment Adjustments.
Review the need for ongoing special provisions regularly as student’s approach
Stage 2.
Special provisions in external assessment
Due date for applications for students with long-term/pre-existing
Applications for students with long-term and/or pre-existing conditions should be
submitted as early as possible – they can be submitted in Term 4 of the previous
year or by the end of Term 1.
Schools should ensure all required evidence is submitted (see Page 1 of Form 17
External Assessment Adjustments).
For extensions to the submission date for external assessment
Use Form 17 to apply for a student to be considered for an extension to the
SACE Board submission date for Research Project/investigation/other externally
assessed work, on the grounds of special provisions.
This provision is for individual students who have experienced a short term illness
or misadventure just before the submission date.
The form should be submitted to the SACE Board before the documented
submission date.
Extensions can be granted for 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the flexibility of the
marking schedule.
Special provisions advice for schools
Ref: A339218, 1.1
Last Updated: 16/1/2015
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Use of moderated predicted examination or external performance result
Students, who are ill or experience a misadventure on the day of, or just before
an externally assessed examination or performance, should submit an application
form (Misadventure or Use of the Moderated Predicted Result) with supporting
evidence, within 3 days of their last examination or performance.
Students should always be encouraged to sit an examination or perform, because
if eligible, they will be awarded the higher of their actual or moderated predicted
Use Form 23 for illness or Form 21 for misadventure (e.g. funeral or late arrival to
an examination due to unforseen situation).
Students are informed via letter, if their application for the use of the moderated
predicted result is not approved or partially approved. They then have the
opportunity to appeal.
Notification letters for applications that have been approved for this provision for
final examinations are sent to students at the time of results release.
Special provisions forms
Refer to the Categories of Special Provisions table on the website that provides
guidance to the most appropriate form to use for different circumstances.
Before completing the forms, please refer to the appropriate Information sheet/s on
the Special Provisions minisite.
For information about which form to use, and information on downloading, and using
the forms go to the forms section of the minisite.
Form 17 – External Assessment Adjustments
Form 18 – Task 1: Coversheet for Task 1 Handwritten Timed Essay
Form 19 – Task 2: Coversheet for Task 2 Handwritten Timed School Assessment
Form 20 – Task 3: Coversheet for Task 3 Word Processed or Scribed Timed
Form 21 – Misadventure (External Assessment)
Form 22 – Personal Circumstances (Recognition of Learning)
Form 23 – Use of the Moderated Predicted Result
Form 24 – Special Provisions for School Assessment Variations – For School
Use Only
For further support and advice, contact:
Special provisions hotline
Tel: 8372 7554
Lisa Wills
Special provisions advice for schools
Ref: A339218, 1.1
Last Updated: 16/1/15
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