SCANNED C r SCANNED +& Thxj LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL MADEP - Northeast Region To: Date: Job: 1 1 Date: Description: Immediate Resp nse Action Plan Completion Report original IRA Transmittal Form Remarks: Copy To AST Environmental Baliotis Nominee Trust Signed CorpomteHeadquarters 69 Wexford Street Needham, MA 02494 Tel (800) KNOLL26 (781) 449-1566 Fax (781) 449-1623 Email: RTN 3-13814 Subject: Attention: Copies: June 8, 1999 Z Massachusetts Department of nvironmental Protection BWSC-105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracing Numeer IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTJO4 (IRA) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuanttom3 3 CMR 40.0424 -40.0427 (Subpart 0) 13814 - A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: Release Name: (optrona 458BOSTON STREET SALEM Ctyn-ow: Street: LocationAid: ZIpcode POPE STREET & BOSTON ST 01970 Check here if a Tier Ctassfication Suormtai has been provided to OEP fo this Release Traciang Numoer. ,D1104114. S Ch-eheeif this locaion isAdequately Regulated, pursuantto 310CMR Specify Program: El CERCLA F- HSWA Corrective Action [] Soli Waste Management i RCRA State Pnojrarn (21C Facilities) Related Release Trackcing Numbers That This IRA Addresses: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: Submnit an IRA Plan (checx all that aply) (complete Sections A, B, C, 0, E, H, 1,J and K).JU E 9 T9 approved wntten IRA Plan. Date Submitt Check here if this IRA Plan isan update ormodification ota previo Submit an Imminent Hazard Evaluation (complete Sections A, B,C, F, H I, J and K). 7A '>3 I Sumit an IRA Status Report (complete Sections A. B. C,E. H, .J and Suomit a Request to Termnate an Active Remedial System and/or Te nate a Continuing Response Action(s) Taken to Address an Irnrninent Hazard (complete Sections A, 2, 3, 0, E. H, 1,J and K). L Submit an IRA Completion Statement (complete Sections A, S. C, 0. E, - . , J,J and K). You must attach all supporting documnttin reqluired f each use of form indicaed, including copies or cais required by 3113 CMR 40.1400. any Legal Notices and Notices to Public C. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDmONS THAT WAR Identify Madla and Receptors Arlected: (checK air that apply) S E Air _ 7 7 Unknown 7 72 Hour Reportng condition(s) Identify Oils and Nazaous Materials Released: Others Sutistaniial Reise (cneck al that aopty) Zone 2 F Soil Residence Mig on E j 2 tour Reporting Condritions) E Other Contion(s) AN IMMINENT HAZARD :l Chlonnated Solvents Oils II Heavy Metals (check all that appy) 1 Awwssment and/or Monitoring Only F DeployMent of Absorbent or Contanment Matenals ExcavaTion at Contaminated Sods E Temoorary Covers or Caps L - Re-use. Recycling or Treatment Q V Store : On Site Q Ofr Site E Landfll C> Cover 0 Disposal Est. Vol.: Est. Voi.: - cubic _cubic Removal of Drums Tants or Corainera 7 Structure Venting System i Product o NAPL Recovery Q Groundwater Treatment Systems _ Air Soarging 1 TemporaryWater Suppies Descinbe: SECTION DIS CONTINUED ON Revised 212495 renediation Sol Vapor Extraction c Est. Vol.; Off Site On Site Descnbe: W 1 Sediments Sbecit- D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: m m Surface Water Public Water Supply (chck aja appty) ARSENIC IN SURFICIAL SOILS POSE cescnbe: E Other SpecfY Identify Conditions That Require IRA, Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0412 7 7 ell Wedrandive Senool NT IRA: roundwater X E NEXT PAGE. Supersedes Forms SWSC-005, 006, 010 (in part) and 011 Do Not Alter This r Page I of 3 --N Massachusetts Department c't Environmental Protection r BWSC-105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTO N (IRA) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant io310 CMR 40.0424 - 40.0427 (Subpart 0) Reiease Tracking Number :3 i 13814 D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS (continued): Removal of Other Contaminated Media l Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents J Specify Type and Volume: Other Response Actions L Fencng and Sign Posting Oescnbe: TEMPORARY COVE RING OF CONTAMINATED SOILS Check here if this IRA involves the use of Innovative Technologies (D FPis interested inusing this information to aid in creating an innovative Technologies Clearinghouse). Descrbe Technologies: E. TRANSPORT OF REMEDIATION WASTE: (if Reiearation ste has been sent to an off-site facility, answer the folwing questions) Name of Facility: Town and State: Quantity of Remouiation Waste Transported to Date: F. IMMINENT HAZARD EVALUATION SUMMARY:, (check a e of the follomng) S Based upon an evaluation, an Imminent Hammr exists in connection ah this Release or Threat of Release. 1 Based upon an evaluation, an imminent Hazard does not exist inconn on with this Release or:Threat of Release.. FT Based upon an evaluation, it is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard in connection with this Release or Threat of Release, and further assessment acttvities will be undertaken. Based upon an evaluationt. t is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard i in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. However, response actions will address those conditions that could pose an Immi lent Hazard. G, IRA COMPLETION STATEMENT: rn Check here if future response actions addressing this Reiease or Th of Release will be conducted as part of the Response Actions planned Tracing Number, or a Site that is identified on the Transiton List as described in 310 CMR 40.0600 (1,e., a Transition Site, which includes es with approved Waiers). These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicatble to the earier Release Tracki g Number (i. e., Site ID Number). for a Site trat has already been Tier Clas sifted under a different Ref State Release Tracking Number (. e., Sit e 10 Number) of Tier Clasis If any Remediation Site or Transition Site: Waste wit$ be store d. treated. mnanaged. recy Statement. you must submit either a Release Abatemaet Measure ( appropriate transmittal form as an at= or mused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion ) Plan or a Phase IV Remedy Implernentation Plan, along with the t to the IRA Completion Slatement. H. LSP OPINION: I attest under the pains and penalties of perpury that Ihave personally examin and am familiar with this transmittal form, including any and all documents accompanying this submittal. In my professional opinion and judg em based upon application of (J)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) ano (3), and (il) the ruvisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5), to the best of my knowledge. information and beliet, if Secon B of this frm inafcates mat an ImmedIate Response Acton Pla is being subnittad, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this suomttal (i) has (have) been developed In accordance withtheapcable rowsions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000. (ii) is (are) aepropnare and reasonable to accomplish the purpose of such response acti; (s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 rits, and approvals identified in this submittal; CMR 40.0000 and (iii) compiesty) with the identified provisions of all orders, > if Secton B of this florm idicatesthat an Imminent Hazard Evaluatian is accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40. Imminent Hazard Evauaton complies(y) with the applicatle provisions of MG. ing submitted, this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in . and the assessment activity(ies) undertaken to support this c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000; > if Secdon 8 of this krm noicates thar an immedke Response Status Re rt is being submtted,the response action(s) that is (are) the subiect of this submitta; (i) is (are) being implemented in accordance with the aoplicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000. (ii) is (are) approoriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response actio (s) as set forth in the -aplicableprovisions of M.G.L. c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (lii) complies(y) with the identified provisions of al ormers, its, and approvals identified in this submittal; I > if Secton 8 of tis orm indcates that an Immediate Response Action System andar Terminate a Continuingr Response Action(s) Taken to Ad that is (are) Me subject of this submittal (i) has (have) been developed ano impi and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is (are) appropriate and reasonable lo accomplish provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iju)conolies(y) with the this subtrttal SECIONI is CDNITlNU 2124/95 Revisec 2(24/95 Revisea plationSttement or a Request to Terminate an Active Remedial an Imminent Hazard is being subritted,the response action(s) ented in accormance with the appticable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E purposes of such resoonse action(s) as set forth in the appicable dentified provisions of ail orders, permits, and approvals identified in ON THE NEXT PAGE Supersedes Forms BWSC-0o4. 006, 010 (in pan) arid 011 Do Not Alter 'FisForm Page 2 of 3 Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Departmen of Environmentaj Protection BWSC-105 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanu IMMEDIATE RESPONSE AC ON (IRA)R TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursu nt to 310 CMR 40.0424 - 40.0427 (Subpart D) Trackng Number 3 13814 H. LSP Opinion (continued): I am aware that significant oenalties may result, including, but not limit false, inaccurate or-matenadly incomplete. to. possible fines and imprisonment. if I submit information wfich I know to be 7 , if any, are (were) sJO ect to any order(s), permrt(s) analor appmval(s) issued t identifying the applicable provision Check here if the Resoonse Action(s) on which this opinion is ba by OEP or EPA. Ifthe box is checkea. you MUST attach a KEVIN A. DOHERTY LSP Name: 781-449-1566 Telephone: LSP #: Stamp: Ex: 78l-449-1623 FAX: (optional) 7M9 Signature: A Date: 1. PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: BALIOTIS Name of Orgasnoatio Name of Contact: ' NOMINEE TRUST GEORGE BALIOTIS TRUSTEE Tine: stret: 12 GREENWAY ROAD cayrrown: SALEM State: MA Teieohone: 781 -932-9500 Check here i Ex.: ZIP Code: 01970 FAX:, (optionat) there has been a change in the persn undertWn th eRA. IRA: PR arP: J.RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEAS -OF PERSON UNDERTAKING RP or PR P Speeytr, aC Owne t Opentor n tt Generata Fisuciary, Secured Lener or Municipatoty vth Exempt Stats (ade or Other RP Transporter Ma . 21E, (Check one) sn Agency or Pulic Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.GL c. 2 E. s. 5(i) Any nther Person Undertaing IRA Specify Relationship: K. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON GEORGE BA LIO TIS UNDERTAKINt frA , tes ner th =pains and Penalties of Dequry (i) that Ihav" personally exaine ano am familiar with the information contaned in thrs submittal, including any and acuments cl accompaninrg this transmittat form, (ii)that. based on my mnquiry af those indivduals immediatety responsible for obtining The information. ta matenial informanen contained in this suDrMI is. mothe best of my knowledge and berief. true, accurate anti complete, andi (0iithat t am fullya ard to m-axe this attestation on behalf of"th entty lega~yretoonsible for this submittai. I/the persoin or entity on whose behalf this submittai is made am/1is aware (hat there are significant penalties. including, but not limited to, possible fines and implnsonmrent, for wilfully submitting false. inaccurate, orincomoliete information. nr B:(3ignature) . For BALIOTIS NOMINEE TRUST Re: TRUSTEE Date: 2.9" (pnnt name of person or entity recorded in Section 1) .Enter address of the person providing certification, if different from address -eorded in Secuon 1: Street: Telephone: 7JP Code: State: cilyfrowen: E.:FAX: (optionai) THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS FORM, YOU MAY B3E PENAUZED FOR MISSING A REQU1R D DEADUINE. YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS 0 INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMtT AN ENCaMP Revised 2/24195 Superseces Forms BWSC 5. 006, 010 (i part) and 01f Do Not All r This Form Page 3 of 3 SCANNED IMMEDIATE RESP NSE ACTION PLAN COMPLETI N REPORT 45 BOSTO SALEM, STREET A 01970 RELEASE TRA KING # 3-13814 PREPA ED FOR: MR. GEOR BALIOTIS N 12 GREE SALEM E BALIOTIS MINEE TRUST WAY ROAD MA 01970 PREP RED BY: KNOLL ENVi ONMENTAL, INC. 69 WEXF RD STREET NEEDHAM H IGHTS, MA 02194 rporateHeadquarters *Wexford Street edham, MA 02494 Tel (800)KNOLL26 (781) 449-1566 (781) 449-1623 ,raiI lmoflem'@a"olcorn Jun 7, 1999 imediate Response Action Compleon Reporl Baholis Nominee mst Preparatio of Report This Immediate Response Action Completion Re )ort was prepared by Knoll Environmental, Inc. (KNOLL) at the request of Mr. George Baliotis o EBaliotis Nominee Trust. This report was prepared by Mr. Kevin A. Doherty, Professional lydrogeologist and Licensed Site Professional (LSP # 7890). 1 Licensed Site # 7890 innnediale Response Acmon Completion Reporl HaholAt Nomfinee Trust TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Project Objectives . . 2 1.3 Location Information . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 2.0 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION. . . . . . . 3 3.0 IMMINENT HAZARD EVALUATION . . . . . . 4 4.0 PROPOSED SCHEDULE . 5 5.0 PREPARATION OF IRA PLAN . 5 , . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURES Figure 1: Topographic Site Map Figure 2: Site Plan Figure 3: Detailed Site Plan TABLE Table Table Table Table Table Table 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary of Ground Water An of Ground Water An of Soil Analytical D of Soil Analytical D of Soil Analytical D of Water Level Data lytical Data - VOCs lytical Data - Metals ta - TPH and VOCs ta - Metals ta - Metals APPENDIX Appendix A: IRA Plan and Status Rep rt Transmittal Form 4 d% Jmmieidite Responte Action Completion Report Halo/ts Nominee Trut 1.0 Page I INTRODUCTION This Immediate Response Action (IRA) Complet on report is submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environment Protection (MADEP to document the outcome of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) conducted at 45 Boston treet in Salem, Massachusetts in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0427. This report is submitte in conjunction with the Immediate Response Action Transmittal Form BWSC- 105 that is copi d in Appendix A. This IRA was conducted by Mr. George Baliotis, Trustee, Baliotis Nominee rust, 12 Greenway Road, Salem, MA 01970, telephone (617) 932-9500. This Immediate Res onse Action (IRA) Completion Report is submitted for Massachusetts Department of Envi onment Protection (MADEP) approval, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0420(4), and is designe to ensure the elimination of an imminent hazard and a substantial release mitigation as de ned in 310 CMR 40.0321(2)(b) and 40.0413(2). Specifically: + 1.1 a release to the environment indi ated by the measurement of concentrations of hazardous materials within 500 f et of a residential dwelling, school, playground, recreation area or park. Background The Site is located at 45, 59-61 Boston Street d 21 Proctor Street, in Salem, Massachusetts as shown in Figure 2, Site Plan. The Site is locate within an industrial and commercial area within the city of Salem and borders a residential area, nd is serviced by municipal water and sewage. The site is located on the city of Salem Assesso Map No. 15 and includes lot 319, lot 320, lot 321, lot 322 and lot 324. The site is occupied b three structures as shown on Figure 2, an auto repair shop (45 Boston Street), a former leather finishing company (Ideal Finishing Company) and a private residence (21 Proctor Street. Top graphically the Site is located at an elevation of approximately 10 feet above mean sea level, at pproximately 423 1'05" latitude and 70 54' 35" longitude and at the Universal Transverse Mere ture coordinates 3431 OmE and 4708875 mN. The Site is located along the North River appro imately 50 feet directly across Boston Street. Refer to Figure 1, Topographic Site Map, Figu 2, Site Plan and Figure 3, Detailed Site Plan, for Site details. In February of 1995 Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (H A) conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and in April of 1995 conducted a hase II Environmental Site Assessment. The results of the Phase II assessment revealed low levels of VOCs in the ground water, elevated levels of arsenic and mercury in ground water, and elevated TPH concentrations in site soils. In December of 1995 and May of 1996, Envir nmental Science Services (ESS) conducted a subsurface investigation of site soils and gro d water. The results of the subsurface investigation revealed levels of arsenic in surfi ial and subsurface soils and ground water contamination containing arsenic and mercury 4 Page 2 lrnmediate Response Action Completion Repor Iazko/A Noninee Mst On May 23, 1996, Mr. George Baliotis submitted Hazard Notification". The "open soil area" conta accessible and was fenced in as an interim measu 1996, Mr. Baliotis submitted a Release Notificati Tracking Number issued at this time was 3-1381 a letter to the MADEP reporting an "Imminent ning the elevated levels of arsenic was directly e to prevent access to the soils. On July 19, n form to the Department. The Release . From June of 1996 through September of 1996, P Engineering (SP) conducted additional site investigation activities consisting of the samplin of surficial and subsurface soils, ground water sampling, the removal of an oil/water separator a d 500 gallon waste oil UST, the removal of two 1500 gallon #2 fuel oil UST's, and the remo al of a 6,000 gallon #2 fuel oil UST. During the removal of the UST's, the excavation and d mming of soils and water was conducted in two areas; the waste oil tank and separator system, d the 1500 gallon #2 fuel oil UST located inside the on-site building (Refer to Figure 2). These a tivities are presented in a report titled " Chapter 21-E Site Investigation Conducted at Ideal Finis ing" and dated July 1996. In October of 1996, George Baliotis contracted r. Kevin Doherty, a professional hydrogeologist and Licensed Site Professional ( 7890) of Knoll Environmental, Inc. (KNOLL), to review site information to date and to prepare the necessary response actions as required by the MADEP in the Massachusetts Contingency lan, 310 CMR 40.000. An IRA plan, which served as both an Immediate Response Action P an and Status report as requested by Mr. Roger Chu in verbal correspondence conducted by tele hone on Friday, October 11, 1996, was submitted on October 14, 1996. The objective f the IRA was to perform an Imminent Hazard Evaluation to satisfy the requirements of the M P and to further assess site conditions to define the area(s) requiring remediation. This data an the current data collected to date were utilized for the completion of IRA Activities in accorda ce with 310 CMR 40.0426. On June 2, 1999 a Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment report and a Phase III Comprehensive Remedial Action Plan was sub itted to the MADEP in accordance with the required timelines outlined in the MCP. The P ase It report documents the site contaminants in the soils and ground water throughout the prop rty and the Phase III report outlines the remedial alternatives to cleanup the localized areas of so 1 and ground water contamination. 2.0 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION ACTIVITIES In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0427, the I consultant, Mr. Kevin Doherty, a Licensed Sit hydrogeologist of Knoll Environmental, Inc. ( Massachusetts 02494, telephone (781) 449-15 was implemented by Mr. George Baliotis' Professional (LSP # 7890) and professional NOLL), 69 Wexford Street, Needham Heights, 6. The objective of the IRA was to further assess define the area(s) requiring remediation. The ground water (arsenic, cadmium, mercury) an water were quantified through the implementa water observation well exploration program. arsenic is surficial and subsurface soils and to xtent of arsenic and associated metals in soils and petroleum related compounds in soils and ground ion of a comprehensive soil sampling and ground Immediate Response Action Completion Page 3 Report 1iaotis Nominee Trust The current analytical data for soils and ground water conducted by H & A, ESS, and SP Engineering are summarized in tabular form that ompares the chemical concentrations to the MADEP "Reportable Concentrations" and "MCP Method 1 Standards" for the soil categories of S-I /GW-2, S-2/GW-2, and the ground water cate ories of GW-2 and GW-3. The following tables summarize the analytical data collected to ate: D Table 1: Summary of Ground Water A alytical Data - VOCs D Table 2: Summary of Ground Water nalytical Data - Metals " Table 3: Summary of Soil Analytical ata - TPH and VOCs " Tables 4&5: Summary of Soil Analyti at Data - Metals C Table 6: Summary of Water Level Da a Referring to Tables 1 and 2 summarizing ground water quality, TPH exceeds GW2 Method 2 Standards in the area of the former waste oil US" (HA2/MW2). Volatile organic compounds are low and not exceeded and semi-volatile organic ompounds are not quantified. In addition, arsenic and mercury exceed GW3 Method 1 standards in HA2, 1 A3 (MW-B3) and MW-B4. In addition, cadmium exceeds GW3 Method 1 stan lards in MWl (HA1) and MW2 (HA2). Referring to Table 3, TPH in site soils exceed S-1/GW-2 standards at HA2-S4, Soil under Fuel Tank, Soil Under Waste Oil, and Soil Under Ins de Tank. Volatile organic compounds and semivolatile organic compounds are not quantified a- these locations. Referring to Tables 4 & 5, arsenic in site soils e ceeds the Upper Concentration Limits (UCLs) at the 2-foot to 4-foot interval in boring B-2, an the 6-foot to 10-foot level at boring B-4. The UCLs are approached at the 0 to 4-foot level of orings B-5 and B-7, and the 5-foot to 8-foot interval at boring B-9. Borings HA3-S5 and B- 11 are the only boring locations that do not exceed Method 1 Standards. The principal area of arsenic in surficial soils has been covered with 12 inches of clean fill and fenced off to pr vent direct access. Figures 2 and Figures 3 depict the observation ell and boring designations and locations throughout the site. Referring to the Figures, t e principal areas of environmental concern relative to this IRA condition are the following Page 4 Inmediate Response Action Completion Report BaliotisNominee TrusI Sthe surficial and subsurface fill materi Is in and around the present auto repair garage contain arsenic in areas, which exceed UCLs. Some soils will require removal and those areas exceeding reportable cone ntrations yet below Method I Standards may be eligible for an AUL. > the ground water in the vicinity of H 2, HA3, MW-B3, and MW-B4 exceeds GW3 standards for mercury and/or arsenic nd exceeds arsenic UCLs in some areas and will require removal/treatment. This IRA was limited in scope and complexity, ad involved placement of a cap of clean fill one foot thick overlain by 6 inches of crushed stone i areas where surficial and subsurface soils contain arsenic which exceed reportable concent ations and UCLs. 4.0 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The Immediate Response Actions taken by KN LL have assessed Imminent Hazards at the site and contained and prevented future exposure to rsenic contaminated soils. The capping of these soils has accomplished necessary stabilization o site conditions and controlled Imminent Hazards to health, safety and public welfare. Ar Imminent Hazard Evaluation will be continually evaluated as part of Phase II-IV Co prehensive Response Actions in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0400 or 40.800. Until Comp ehensive Response Actions are conducted to address areas of environmental concern, the perimeter fence and soil cap will be maintained. 5.0 LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL PINION I attest that I have personally examined and am amiliar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents ace mpanying this attestation, and in my professional judgment, the response action(s) that is the subj ct of this submittal complies with the provisions of MGL c. 21A, 19-19J, 309 CMR, MGL c. 21 , 310 CMR 40.0000, and all other laws, regulations, orders, permits, and approvals appl cable to such response action(s). I am aware that significant penalties may result, including but ot limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, if I willfully submit information which I know to be false, inaccurate or incomplete. Kevin . Doherty Director Envi onmental Services Licensed Site rofessional 4 7890 A C D0 <</ 4-L I * i i le@i i il / / / || || il H H H ci- z I / 0 H I 0 0 / I / / I / / lo "Y [p I - 8- heeI I 6 1 5 A 0 3 2! 00 * ocoo -c > A Iunediate Response Action Completion Report aIativ Nominee Trust Appeodix A IRA Completion Repbrt Transmittal Form Massachusetts Department of En ironmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup SWSC-105 Release Tracang Numoer IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuantto 3101CMR 40,0424 - 40.0427 (SubpartO) 3 13814 A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: Releese Name: (optiona Streer 45 B&STON STREET SALEM cityrrown: Submittat has been provided to OEP for tt is Release Tracnrg Numoer. . Check here E Check here if this location is Adequately Regulated, pursuant to 310 CMR E Specify Program: 0970 IP Code:_ if a Tier Ctassificaion POPE STREET & BOSTON ST Locadon Aid: fl CERC LA HSWA Correctve Action .0110-0114 lid Wase Management ]S j RCRAr Stae Prgram (21C Faciliies) Related Release Tracking Numbers That This IRA Addresses: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: 0 H, 1,J and K). Subnt an IRA Plan (complete Sections A. B, C., 0. 0 7 (check all that aoplv) ChecK here ifthis IRA Plan is an update or modification of a previousy pproved written IRA Plan. Date Submrtte.: Submit an invinnent Hazard Evaluation (compiete Sections A. B, C, F. H, 1,J and K). I Suomit an iRA Status Report (complete Sections A, S. C, E. H. .J and K), Suomit a Request to Terminate an Active Remedial Systern andlor Tem nate a Continuing Response Actionisi Taken to Address an Inminent Hazard (complete Sections A, 2, C, 0. E. H, 1, J ano K). X Submit an IRA Completion Statement (conolete Sections A, 8. C. 0. E, G. H.J. J and K). You must attach all supporting docunetation requied fci each use of form indicated, incluing copies of any Legal Notices and Notices to Public Of its required by 310 CMR 40.14D. C. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE CONDITIONS THAT WAR1 Identify Media and Receptors Affected: (check all that apply) 7 Paved Surface Stan, Orain Weland Identify Conditions That Require IRA. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0412: 72 Hour Reportng Condition(s) Desncrbe: 7 Private Wa L m Surfce Water Public Water Supply I Sediments Zone 2 . Soil Residence R (check al itapply) Substantial Reose Migr on 2 2 Hour Reorting Condition(s) [ Other Condition(s) ARSENIC IN SURFICIAL SOILS POSED AN IMMINENT HAZARD S Chlorinated seivents Assessment an/or Monitoring Only 7 Cepkiyment of Absorbent or Containment Materials Excavation of Contaminated Soils Q Temoorary covers or Caps L 5 Bioremediadon Identify Oils and Hazardous Materials Released: : Others Oils 1crieck all that apply) Heavy Metals (checxall that apply) Re-use. Recycang or Treatment > On Site Q Orr Site ESt Vol.: culIic verds Soul Vapor Extracdon Describe: | Stmcture Venting System F Store : On Site 5 Landflit Q Cover Q j Off Site Est. Vol.: Disposal Est Vol.: Removal of Drums. Tanks or Containers Describe: iI Soecfy- 0. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: OI NT IRA; Grounawater other SpciY uniknown Seinoo Air cubic y r Product or NAPL Recovery Groundwater Treatment Systems cubic yErds I Air Soarging 5 Temporary Water Suppites SECTION D IS CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE. Revised 21 5 Supersedes Forms BWSC405, 04, 010 (in par) and 011 Do Not After This im Page 1 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-l 05 Retease Tracing Numoer IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) f- TRANSMITTAL FORM '3 Pursuant to 10 CMR 40.0424 - 40.0427 (Subpart D) . 13814 D. DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS (continued):Removal of Other Contaminated Media E Temporary Evacuadon or Relocation of Residents Specify Type and Volume: 7 Fencing and Sign Posting Other Response Actions Describe: TEMPORARY COVERING OF CONTAMINATED SOILS Check here if this IRA involves the use of Innovative Technologies (DEF- is interested in using this information to aid in creating an Innovave Technologies Clearinghouse). Describe Technologies: E. TRANSPORT OF REMEDIATION WASTE: (if Remediation W ase has been sent to an off-site facility, answer the following questions) Name of Facility: Town and State: Quantity of Remecianon Waste Transported to Date: F. IMMINENT HAZARD EVALUATION SUMMARY: (checX on ef the following) 0 Based upon an evaluation, an imminent Hazard eiasts in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. H Based upon an evaluation, an Imminent Hazard does not eist inconne on with this Release or.Threat of Release. 7 Based upon an evaluation, it is unknown whether an Imminent Hazard :2sts inconnecton with this Release or Threat of Release, and further assessment activities will be undertaken. Based upon an evaluation. it is unknown whether an Imminent Hazaru:is in connection with this Release or Threat of Release. However, response actions will address those conditlons that could pose an Immir ent Hazard. G. IRA COMPLETION STATEMENT: r Check here if future response actions addressing this Release or Threat of Release will be conducted as part of the Response Actions planned for a Site that has already been Tier Classified under a different Release Tracilong Numoer, or a Site iat is identified on the Transition List as described in 310 CMR 40.600 (. e., a Transition Site, which includes S tes with aoproved waivers). These additional response actions must occur according to the deadlines applicable to the eartier Release Trackt g Number (i. e., Site 10 Number). State Release Tracking Number (L e., Site ID Number) of rw Classified Site or Transition Site: if any Remediation Waste ill be stared,. treated. managed. recycle or mused at the site following submission of the IRA Completion Statement, you nust submit either a Release Abatement Measure (R W) Plan or a Phase IV Remedy Imoternentation Plan. along with the appropriate tranrniati form as an attacIanent to the IRA Completion Statement.. H. LSP OPINION: I attest under the pains and penalties of perqury that I have personally examineI and am familiar with this transmittal form, incauding any and all documents accompanying this submittal. in my professional opinion and judg ent basea upon application of (I) the standard of care in 309 CMR 402(1), (11) the aputicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and (3), and (iii) the prcsions of 309 CMR 4,03{5). to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. if Secton 8 of this fbrm idicates Mar an Immediate Response Action Pft is being sunnitedt, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this suomrttal (i) has (have) been developed in accordance with the asplicable rovisions of M.G.. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is (are) appropnate and reasonable to accomptish the purposes of such response actil n(s) as set forth in the appdicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (Ui)complies(y) with the identified provisions of all orders, p nrits, and approvals identified in this submittal: > i Secion B of this orm urdicates thar an ImminerrtHazard Evaluation is Iing submirted, this Imminent Hazard Evaluation was developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40. 10. and the assessment activity(ies) undertaken to support this imminent Hazard Evalanon compli(y) with the applicable provisions of M.G. . 21 E ard 310 CMR 40.0000; .fSczdon a of this ibrm indcates that an Immediate Response Stats Re tis being subntted the response actionts} that is (are) the subaect at this submittal (i) is (are) being implernented in accordance with the sopficabi- provisions of M.G.L c, 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii) is fare) approonate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such resoonse actic (s) as set forth in the aoplicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) compliesty) with the identified provisions of all arers, p frnits, and approvals identified in this submittal: > if Secdon 8 of this form incates that an Immediate Response Action C paeion Statement or a Request to Taminatean Active Remedial System and/or Terminate a Condnuing Response Action(s/ Taken to Ade 'rss an Imminent Hazard is beig subrtfud, the response action(s) that is (are) the su4ect of this submittal (I) has (have) been developed ani impi aented in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.GL C.21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (i) is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish ti purposes of such resconse action(s) as set forth in the appicable provisions of MGL c. 21 E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (Iii) cornoles(y) with th identified provisions of all orders. permits, and approvals identified in this submittal. SECTION H IS CONTINUE 3 ON THE NEXT PAGE. Revisea 2/24t95 Supersedes Forms SWSC-O , 006, 010 (in part) and 011 Do Nat Altr This Form Page 2 of 3 S i Massachusetts Department o Environmental Protection BWSC-1 05 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant so 310 CMR Release Tracxing Number 40.0424 - 40.0427 (Subpart 0) 3 13814 H. LSP Opinion (continued): I am aware that significant oenalties may result. including, but not limited t . possible fines and imansonment. it I submit informatuon whtci knew to be false. inaccurate armaterially incomplete. fl Check here if the Resoonse Action(s) on which this opinion is based. i any, are (were) suoiect to any orders), permrtls) anworaprova(s) issued by DEP or EPA If the box is checkea. you MUST attach a statement deintving mhe applicable provision I KEVIN A. DOHERTY LSP Name: Telephone: 781-449-1566 FAX: (optionai) stamp: tSPt F.: 11 781-449-1623 Signature: oats: L. PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: Nae f rgnuno.BALIOTIS NOMINEE TRUST GEORGE BALIOTIS Street 12 GREENWAY ROAD ciyrrown: SALEM Name of Contact The' state Teieohone: 781-932-9500 E EX&: Check here if there has been a change in the person undetaiting the TRUSTEE MA ZIPCcde: FAX (Dotionat) RA. J. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: ,I RP or PRP Spectr C.: Owner Q Operator Q 01970 Generator Q (check one) Transoorter Ciher RP or PRP: Figucary, Secure Lener or Murucality with E n:pt Status (as defaby M.GL c. 21 E, s.2) F Agency or Puolic Utlitty on a Right of Way (as defined by MG.L c. 21 Any Cther Person Underting IRA . a. 50) Specify Reiationship: K. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON UNDERTAKING IRA: 1. GEORGE BALIOTIS ,. aet umW t cam -onafies of qery Q)that I have personullye mned an am familiar with the information contained in this subrnittal. including any and all aocunents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii) that, based on my mnquiry of those individuals imrnediately responsible for obtaining the nformation. th matenal information conmined in this suomittal is, to the bet of my knowledge and bedef. true. accurate an conplete, and (iii) that I am fuily athoned to maxe this attestation on behalf of the entity legally resonsible for this subrmttai. I/the person or entity on whose oehalf this submittal asmade is aware that there are significant penalties. including but not limited to. possible fines and impnsonment, for wilfully subritting false, Inaccurate, or incomolete information. (signature)#I i- A. Fr BALIOTIS NOMINEE TRUST TRUSTEE Date: (pnint name of person or entity recorded in Section t) Enter address of the oerson providing certification, if different from address recorded in Section 1: Street: City(Town: Telephone: State: Ext.: ZIP Code: FAX- (optonal) YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS CF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. W YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPU M FORM, YOU MAY BE PENAIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIR cD DEADLINE. Revised 224/95 Superseces Forms SWSC-005. 006, 010 (in parr) and 011 Do Not Alter This Form Page 3 of 3 I