June 2009


June 2009
Izunome Kyodan United Kingdom
Issue 04 - June 2009
and Humility
7th June at 3
On Saturdaydi2ng an IKEBANA
we are hol P (Ikebana is the
WORKSHO the Japanese Art
name given to ging Flowers).
of Arran
us for more
Please contacmtation.
he qualities that are most lacking in people
today are thoughtfulness and humility.
Those who serve in God‘s Work should pay
particular attention to this.
There is an easy way to tell how much your spiritual
awareness has grown, and to what degree your spiritual
body has been purified. When you find yourself shunning
conflict and becoming more thoughtful and humble – and
this disposition is reflected in your attitude toward others – it
is a sign that your spiritual awareness has been expanded.
Herein lies the value of true faith. Those who have grown to
this level will win the love and respect of others, impressing
them as being living examples of their faith.
As we observe the secular community, we see that
these qualities of thoughtfulness and humility are greatly
lacking. Wherever we look we notice much unpleasantness
being expressed, such as fault-finding, hatred or censure.
Thoughtfulness is particularly lacking among people in
general today. They appear to be interested only in their
own benefit; they like to expose the weaknesses of others;
they are argumentative; and they do not seem to care if
they are disliked.
From this fact we can conclude that permissiveness
has gone too far and has reached the point of total selfindulgence. Worst of all, so many of these people have
a special liking for exposing the mistakes and failures
of others and rejecting them, and they show very little
With the increase of individuals like this, society in
general is becoming cold and pessimistic. It seems to me
that this is one reason so many more people have committed
suicide in recent years.
A truly civilized society is one in which people foster
high standards of proper behavior and philanthropic ideals.
IZUNOME KYODAN - UNITED KINGDOM (Registered Charity no. 1114568)
Tel/Fax: 02072811532
Mobile: 07771722369
Sunday 14th June at 3pm
London Johrei Centre - All Wellcome
to the Paradise on Earth Service!
On 15th June 1931 at the top of Mount
Nokogiri, Meishu-Sama together with his
disciples received the great revelation about
the transition from the Age of Darkness to
the Daylight Age, which marked a turning
point in the history of civilization, leading to
the Daylight Age and to the establishment
of Paradise on Earth – the highly developed
civilization free form disease, poverty and
conflict. A world of truth, virtue and beauty.
This important date in the history of
mankind will be celebrated at London Johrei
Centre on Sunday 14th June at 3pm, together
with the Monthly Thanksgiving Service. Bring
your family and friends with you and let’s offer
our gratitude to Meishu-Sama and be blessed
by His Divine Light!
See inside…
’s Biography
(part 4)
Rev. Watanab
Guidance froma’s Biography
Meishu-Sam ♦
4)timonial ♦
Sonen) Watanabe
(Practice of fr
om Rev.
on lHornsey Rd - London N19 4DR
London Johrei
(Practice of S
Email: johrei@btconnect.com
June 2009
When the number of such individuals increases to the
point where moral principles are adhered to by society as
a whole, a genuinely pleasant world will become a reality.
Such a world can be called a true Paradise on Earth, and it
is within our grasp.
Nowadays the tourist industry is being promoted in
Japan as one of the most urgent national activities. It is true
that the establishment of material facilities is necessary for
this purpose, but it is more important to make a favourable
personal impression on those who come to visit. In order
to achieve this, there are three important requirements:
thoughtfulness, humility, and cleanliness. If put into
practice, these three qualities will prove to be powerful
magnets to attract tourists, and they are without cost.
The most basic requirement for the development of
people with these qualities is true faith. Our organisation
is striving to help develop this faith in everyone.
MEISHU-SAMA, October 25th, 1950
A short Biography of Meishu-sama
(...) Religious Persecution
the time of the foundation of our Church, Japan
was under military rule. The regime was so
oppressive that only conventional spiritual
beliefs and practices were allowed. For a long period, the
Church as well as Okada himself were constantly persecuted
by the authorities.
To avoid persecution during this period, Johrei was
practised as a therapy only, for many years. In spite of the
pressure, membership of the church increased steadily over
this period.
Only after the end of World War II was
freedom of thought and belief established
in Japan. From this point on, Master Okada
was able to speak and write openly about
Johrei, purification and other new concepts.
Membership then grew at astonishing rates.
Nevertheless, some degree of persecution
This was particularly directed toward
his teachings on health – where, as we
have already seen, many of the concepts
were radically different from those of
conventional medical science.
Building models of
Paradise on Earth
In the years immediately after the war, Master Okada
concentrated his efforts on the construction of models of
Paradise on Earth. The models – erected in Atami and
Hakone cities in Japan – comprise of beautiful gardens,
Temples and an Art museum built in complete harmony
with nature. A third prototype – in the city of Kyoto – was
not finished during his time and is currently still under
These places are known as the Sacred Grounds. Mokichi
Okada’s purpose in building such models was to let the
general public have contact with places of high spiritual
vibration and aesthetic values capable of renewing and
Part 4
In this issue of Izunome News, we publish the fourth and
last part of the series A Short Biography of Meishu-Sama,
whose first part was published in issue no. 1. We take this
opportunity to remind the readers that this series presents only
a very concise account on the life of Meishu-Sama. Those
wishing to learn more about his life and work are strongly
encouraged to read the book Light from the East (avaiable
at the London Johrei Centre). Light from the East contains
a much more detailed biography of the Messiah which will
undoubtedly bring readers much closer to Him.
nourishing the soul. Such places of
extreme beauty and harmony are concrete
examples of the ideal world advocated by
Master Okada. In his own words:
“(...) As I have often written, these [the
prototypes of paradise on earth] are to be
ideal paradises in which natural beauty
and man-made beauty are combined. They
are the materialisation of a superb concept
which is beyond anything anyone ever
planned before. (...) whoever enters one of
these places feels gloriously intoxicated by
the atmosphere, which is so different from
the everyday, misery-filled world. Visitors
forget everything else and feel that they are raised above
the clouds. (...)”
“(...) Our aim is to construct our Sacred Grounds
[prototypes of paradise on earth] so they will provide
places of rest and of cleansing for those individuals who
have become exhausted and have accumulated worldly
impurities. Our Sacred Grounds will also elevate the
character of visitors and be effective as purifiers in today’s
society, which is full of vulgar amusements.
Our plan is to contribute on an individual basis to the
betterment of health and financial conditions and to the
increase of wholesome thoughts. From a larger viewpoint,
our plan is to create a bright and clean world free from all
anxieties. (...)”
June 2009
reality. I myself was surprised.
This is not being reborn, but to
be born again. It is strange to be
born at an old age, but my skin is
now soft like a baby’s skin. And
Around 1950, Mokichi Okada
my hair is turning black – my
became known by his followers as
barber told me he’s never seen
Meishu-Sama (the Lord of Light).
anything like this; it is just like
In this year, Meishu-Sama attained
a child’s hair. (…) The Messiah
the state of complete oneness with
has the highest spiritual rank
the Supreme God – a spiritual state
in the world. In the West he is
never experienced by anyone in
considered the King of Kings. My
history. Interestingly, this state
life is of the greatest importance
of oneness was attained while
as, thanks to it, humanity will be
Meishu-Sama was in prison. He
had been arrested as a result of
Ten days later, on the 15th of
completely unfounded persecution
1954, the Special Service
by the authorities who had an eye
for the Celebration of the Coming
on the fast growth of the church.
Meishu-Sama inspecting construction works at the
of the Messiah was held in the
At that point membership of our Atami Sacred Grounds
Atami temple. On this occasion
church amounted to a couple
the President of the Church
of hundred thousand. This fast
of the decision to call Meishugrowth was the result of the numerous miracles, blessings
and cures achieved with Johrei.
Master Okada
The Coming of the Messiah
In April 1954, Meishu-Sama underwent a severe
purification, with symptoms of a stroke. Throughout this
purification, mysterious changes occurred in MeishuSama’s physical body. Among them, five clearly marked
vertical lines appeared on the palm of his left hand (these
are regarded as meaning the Coming of God). Another
significant change occurred in his hair; black, child-like
hair began to grow in various parts of his head, replacing
his distinctively white hair.
On the 5th of June 1954, while still recovering from
his purification, Meishu-Sama called all his Heads of
Church Ministers for a meeting in Atami. This was
the first time since the onset of his purification
that he was meeting with his ministers. During
the meeting Meishu-Sama told them: “We
often hear about the Coming of the Messiah,
don’t we? So, the Messiah has just been
born. These are not only words. This is
The Ascension of MeishuSama
After the Service for the Celebration of the Coming of
the Messiah, Meishu-Sama moved to
Hakone where he spent a great
deal of time supervising
the construction of
the Hakone Sacred
Despite his purification, MeishuSama was actively
on the Great Plan for the Salvation of
Humanity. He continued to fulfil his
duties with great enthusiasm until he
passed away on the10th of February 1955
at the age of 72.
He wrote over three thousand articles, many of them
appearing in periodicals published by our church or in
newspapers. He also wrote several books and over four
thousand poems. His work covers a wide range of fields;
from religion and spirituality to natural and social sciences.
June 2009
behind crises
Message by the Most Rev. Tetsuo Watanabe, President of
Sekai Kyusei Kyo at Annual Ancestor Service, July 1 & 2, 2008.
Hall of Worship, Atami Sacred Grounds, Japan.
ood morning and welcome to our Annual
Ancestor Service. Today, it is hot and humid,
but I hope that you are doing well.
We have just completed the Annual Ancestor Service,
and I sincerely prayed that our ancestors would be with
Meishu-sama. Together with our ancestors, we can be used
as effective instruments for Meishu-sama and the Divine
Light Program.
We have just received Johrei from Kyoshu-sama, and
also heard his detailed guidance about how we are supposed
to think, act and speak in order to be in harmony with
Meishu-sama’s Will. I would like to further study his words
with you, and promise to do my best to implement what was
outlined for us today.
First, I would like to introduce to you those from
overseas who are attending the Service.
30 from Angola, Africa
4 from South Africa
3 from Sao Tome Principe
2 from the Congo
1 from Mozambique
1 from Nigeria
49 from Brazil
23 from our neighbors in Korea
7 from Taiwan
14 from Sri Lanka
2 from Australia
52 from the United States
11 from Portugal
6 from Spain
5 from France
1 from the UK
1 from Canada
And, 121 from Thailand
333 people from 18 different countries! Please welcome
them with a big applause.
Wow…, three hundred thirty three people from eighteen
countries! As stated in Meishusama’s
Teaching, we have become truly “International!”
How Can You Best Prepare For
In July, some regions of Japan celebrate Obon. It is a
Buddhist tradition to honor the deceased spirits of one’s
ancestors. I wonder if many of you have had time to reflect
upon your connection to your ancestors and the spiritual
realm at this time.
By the way, have you heard of a Japanese Haiku poet
named Kobayashi Issa? Of his many published works, I
heard that this one was one of Meishu-sama’s favorites:
“Give me that moon!”
Cries the crying child.
I remember more of his famous Haiku poems…..
Scrawny frog, hang tough!
Issa is here.
Baby sparrows,
Move aside!
Sir Horse passes.
Come play with me…
Orphan sparrow.
June 2009
Which Haiku poem is your favorite? When you hear
I assume what he wanted
the poetry, you might imagine the author being a very
to convey through these poems
happy and warm-hearted man.
was his intention of accepting
life as it was, and ending
Contrary to his happy demeanor projected through
beautifully as possible
his Haiku, Issa had a difficult life. He was born into a
instead of ending it with misery.
poor farming family. His mother died when he was a
little boy, and he had a challenging relationship with
I think the meaning of
his stepmother. Issa left home
preparation for death is to live
permanently to support his
in the present moment. In other
family financially at the age
words, how we can live lives
of fifteen.
that are focused in this moment.
We cannot avoid death. It is our
After his father passed away,
destiny. We will die some day in
Issa had a long enduring battle
the future. It is a matter of time.
with his stepmother over his
father’s inheritance.
We do not know when our
of passing will come. A
Issa was married after the
may say, “I am already
age of fifty for the first time, but
70 years of age,” but he may
he tragically lost four newborn
live until 100 years old. On
children in succession and lost his
u- sa m a
ea de r K yo sh
the other hand, a person may
wife as well. He later remarried,
e w it h th e
R ev. Wat an ab
say, “I am still 30 years old”,
but his wife left him after only
40’s. Since we do not know
two months of marriage. Issa again married, but he himself
think about and focus on
passed away before being able to see his first living baby
being born.
How can you best prepare for death? My opinion is
Issa lead such a difficult life, and he was labeled as being
it is through Sonen Jissen — practicing faith through
an unfortunate person who lived a difficult life. He also
reflection and prayer. Through this practice, we
gained a reputation for having a strong attachment to money.
can understand the spiritual connection between the
In spite of enduring a difficult life, Issa wrote amazingly
present physical world and the spiritual realm. We can
peaceful and beautiful swan songs. In honor of the upcoming
also understand and accept our past mistakes of ignoring
Japanese Star Festival on July 7th, Tanabata, he wrote a
God and spiritual principles in our past, most likely done
special poem.
unconsciously. We can learn to develop perfect trust in God,
Looking beautiful
and accept that God oversees all aspects of life. It is through
In a hole in the shoji paper door
our commitment to the Supreme God that we can remove
our ego and attachment to outcomes and give of ourselves
The Milky Way.
in sincere service to people and to society. The ultimate goal
The phrase, “In a hole” expands our imagination on what is that all people we may encounter will be connected to
a poor life Issa lived, but even in such a difficult situation, Meishu-sama so they too can find true happiness.
he was able to find wonderment of the universe through
Meishu-sama wrote about love for others in one of his
inquisitive, compassionate eyes.
poems. He writes:
Before he wrote the above poem, he wrote other poems
Know that the happiness
relating to the topic of his preparation for death.
We feel when we bring
Joy and happiness to people
Flowers falling like rain
Is the greatest happiness in the world. (p41 or 43 in the
Teach me
prayer book)
How to die.
As Meishu-sama wrote in the above poem, I think that
“Get ready, get ready
the best preparation for death is to bring about and feel
For death!”
this “greatest happiness in the world” by bringing joy and
Cherry blossoms.
fulfillment to those around us.
June 2009
No Distinction Between The
Negative And The Positive
In Japan, we will soon have our annual high school
baseball tournament. I am always excited and touched by
the player’s attitudes of playing each game with much
determination and passion.
Last year, I remember that Sagakita
High School from the island of
Kyushu won the tournament. I
was very impressed with the
way that they always came
from behind to win their
games. This showed their
strong mental attitude in
clutch situations. I heard
that this team posted an
inspirational message on the
wall of their clubhouse that
gave them a strong spiritual
lift and kept them focused.
The poem was called, “What is
Behind a Crisis,” and it was written
by Yosiki Yamamoto.
“What is Behind a Crisis”
God never gives you only a crisis;
A big opportunity equal to the crisis
Is always being prepared for you ahead.
If you become desperate, or complain
You will lose the possibility of finding
The opportunity behind the “pinch”
And even worse, lose your confidence to overcome.
The “pinch” is a chance
To discover the opportunity behind the crisis
Only by being accepting, self-confident and dignified.
This poem makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?
I think that this poem reflects exactly what Meishu-sama
taught us in his Teachings. We encounter many crises in our
long journey of life, and we tend to complain and ask why
we have to experience this. We also may become unbalanced
and become reckless in our decisions when going through
a difficult process. This is the perfect moment, however, to
remind ourselves that everything is taken care of by God
and is in His Hands.
From the human standpoint, there exist both positive
and negative situations being presented to us. From God’s
viewpoint, however, there is no such distinction. Seemingly
negative situations are a great opportunity that God has
prepared for us to grow, remove our spiritual
clouds, and to attain true happiness.
In human eyes, present negative
situations will eventually turn out
to be positive building blocks
toward creating a great future.
Accepting these difficult
situations with gratitude is
the key. This is what Meishusama meant when he said
that purification is God’s
It is important to
understand that God gives us
both a “pinch” and a chance
to polish our souls and grow
spiritually at the same time.
A New Advancement
in the World Wide
Thanks to your sincere Hoshi, the Kyoto Sacred Grounds
beautification project is going very well. As Meishu-sama
wrote in his Teachings, we can see a new advancement in
our worldwide Johrei expansion as the beautification and
construction of the Sacred Grounds makes progress.
In Africa, according to a report from Rev. Francisco,
Johrei activities are now rooted in five different countries
over the past two years. We have also, however, seen new
developments in the African countries of Nigeria, Namibia,
Zambia, Swaziland, Ethiopia and Cape Verde.
In Russia, previous attempts for Johrei expansion work
were made by Greek members from the European side and
the Japanese from the Vladivostok region of the East Coast.
According to Rev. Francisco’s report, the African
members are now becoming involved in the expansion
work in Russia.
You may wonder how this is possible, but there is an
explanation. It all started with a woman who immigrated
from Russia to Mozambique. Her name is Ira Fomino. She
received her Ohikari five years ago. One of the blessings
she received initially was that she was able to reacquaint
herself with her family in Russia after 15 years of separation.
In fact, she has been able to return to her hometown
and reunite with her family on two separate occasions now.
There, Ira was able to give Johrei to her family and
her friends, and she also shared with them the principle of
Sonen Jissen. It was her deep prayer that Meishu-sama, the
Messiah, would use her as an instrument in order to help
every fellow country person she encountered during her stay.
People suffering from fibroid cysts, chronic headaches,
asthma, degenerative spondylitis, domestic violence and
other personal and medical issues came to Ira to receive
They received many blessings from Meishu-sama
through Johrei. The miracles that occurred created a
stir amongst her neighbors, and many people were
attracted to Ira and her newfound positive
reputation. More and more people began
to ask for Johrei. It was not unusual
for Ira to give Johrei from eight
o’clock in the morning to two
o’clock in the following
Ira was able to receive
many blessings one of
which was when her
sister was injured in a
car accident and was
taken to the hospital. Her
sister’s diagnosis was
critical, in fact so critical
that the doctors did not
intervene. The physicians
even ridiculed Ira for giving
Johrei to her sister thinking,
“How could she do something
for her while medical science
cannot do anything?” After a week,
however, Ira’s sister made a miraculous
After seeing this experience and studying the
circumstances of healing, the doctors changed their attitude
toward Johrei and Ira completely. They even asked Ira to
give Johrei to other patients in the Intensive Care Unit.
Due to these miracles, sixteen people are now waiting to
receive their Ohikari with a strong desire to be an effective
instrument of Meishu-sama to help and save many people.
Ancestors Help World Expansion
In addition to the experiences I mentioned earlier, I
received good news that we may have an opportunity to
open the door for expansion work in Israel. This is due
to some talented and passionate Jewish members who are
June 2009
hoping to do something for the expansion of the Divine
Light Program in the Middle East.
While listening to these incidents, I felt that the
miracles are occurring beyond our wildest expectations.
I can see Meishu-sama’s presence behind all of this.
He must be happily advancing the worldwide Johrei
expansion work from the spiritual realm. I strongly
believe that from now on, the Light will extend to many
countries via many different routes, not just from Brazil,
Africa or Japan, but also from Korea, the United States
and the European countries.
I acknowledge that you, members in Japan, have
contributed to this worldwide expansion. I say this because
the progress we made in the world is the proof we received
from Meishu-sama through His Teachings, that your efforts
in participating in the Kyoto Sacred Grounds Beautification
Project has made a difference.
The members not only in Japan, but
other countries as well are making
a difference and contributing
to the results. Sonen Jissen
is now practiced in many
countries around the world
with members praying
to become one of the
100,000 committed
people who put their
trust in Meishu-sama as
the Messiah. As Kyoshusama previously stated,
the spiritual realm in
the world is significantly
changing in a positive
I feel that many of our
ancestors are also being
purified, forgiven, saved and
revived by the practice of Sonen
Jissen which is strengthening their
connection to Meishu-sama.
These ancestors are the ones who helped to facilitate the
world expansion through various countries. They want to
help the Divine Light Program spread Meishu-sama’s Light.
I think this significant world expansion happened also
because of Sandai-sama’s daily prayers and Kyoshu-sama’s
guidance. Together, let us convey our sincerest gratitude
to them.
In conclusion, I would like to promise that we become
useful instruments of God and Meishu-sama, together
with our ancestors, and to develop a strong belief that the
wonderful Johrei work will be successful and spread around
the world.
Thank you.
June 2009
The Salvation of an Ancestor
Through the Practice of Sonen
A headache that lasted 65 days
process that I was supposed
to go through, for a reason
not yet revealed to me.
Pimentel Ljano, I am
My mother and girlfriend
twenty one years old
carried on giving me
and I am studying Social
intensive Johrei assistance
Communication at a uni– hours and hours of
versity in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Johrei every day. I also
intensified my self-Johrei
I was born into a Johrei
practice, my reading of the
family – I am part of the
teachings of Meishu-Sama
third generation of Johrei
and the Practice of Sonen,
members in my family and
with the sonen (goal) of
I received my Ohikari when
Brian sharing his testimonial at the Guarapiranga Sacred Grounds
surrendering the suffering
I was ten years old.
of those ancestors who were
I started serving at my local Johrei of the day lying in bed. As a result, I
Centre in the Liturgy when I was had to stop attending university. But manifesting through my purification.
Over twenty days went by and this
thirteen years old. Now my main I kept receiving Johrei intensively.
dedication is to organize groups to Every night, as soon as my mother headache wouldn’t let me do anything.
visit the Guarapiranga Sacred grounds. came back from work, she would I changed all my daily routine. I
I would like to share with you here give me six hours of Johrei until gone couldn’t even leave the house because
the greatest experience I’ve had with midnight, when I might sleep for a few the pain would intensify if I stood up.
hours. During the day I received Johrei I spent most of the time lying down in
Johrei and the Practice of Sonen.
the living room and the only other thing
On 26th February 2008, around 1pm, from my girlfriend. And if she wasn’t
I could do was to watch television.
I suddenly started feeling a very severe around, I would give myself Johrei and
At the end of March, my mother
headache. My mother began giving
to the local Johrei Headquarters
me Johrei while I did the Practice of
by changing the altar flower
Sonen and surrendered the feelings of
the ancestors who were manifesting my mother became very worried and arrangements (Ikebana). With the
through my headache. However, the suggested that I had more tests to find flowers she took from there, she made
an Ikebana flower arrangement for our
pain wouldn’t stop. It was a continuous out the cause of my pain.
pain that was gradually becoming
Since childhood I had overcome home with the sonen (goal) of bringing
unbearable. I carried on receiving many other purifications by relying Light to it.
When I looked at this flower
Johrei for many hours from my mother on Johrei alone and I understood that
and my girlfriend.
what I was going through now was arrangement, something mysterious
The following morning, as I had just another purification and I wasn’t that I can’t explain touched my heart.
had virtually no sleep because of the too worried about it. But to make my I began to ask myself: “Am I facing
pain, my mother took me to hospital mother happy I decided to go back to this purification with gratitude? I
to try to find out what this sudden pain hospital for more tests. There I had a wonder if this is what is missing?”
was. At hospital I had several blood tomography and a brain MRI done and I then realized immediately that I
tests done and even a test in my spine; the doctors found a 1.5 cm cyst in my wasn’t being grateful to God for the
but nothing was found. The doctors pineal gland that they thought could be purification I was being allowed to
said that my headache was probably a tumor. However, as far as my pain go through. This happened on the
caused by some viral infection. I then was concerned, this didn’t make any 30 March – more than a month after
went back home, but the pain was difference because, according to the my purification started. From the
still there, hammering in my head all doctors, the possible tumor wouldn’t moment I started giving thanks for
cause headaches. I returned home in that purification, the pain got much
the time.
lighter and that same week I went
As the days went by I could no great pain. However, it was clear to me
back to the Johrei Centre to serve,
longer even stand up. I spent most
June 2009
and even managed to attend the April The excruciating headache continued picture and then, all of a sudden, it just
Monthly Thanksgiving Service at the and I was barely able to stand up. I appeared in front of me shortly after
Guarapiranga Sacred Grounds.
carried on doing all the practices I had my mother spoke about my godfather.
On that occasion, I thanked God, been doing before – Johrei, Practice
So I began to think more about this.
the Messiah Meishu-Sama and all
It was no coincidence that the very
my ancestors for all the purification Meishu-Sama.
same day my mother spoke about my
I was receiving. But as soon as I
During this period I tried to go to godfather, his picture holding me as
returned home on the same day, the the Johrei Centre and to the university a baby should appear in front of me.
headache came back and again I when the pain wasn’t so intense. But
Then, recognizing my affinity
was in bed, writhing with pain. The whenever I tried this I would always with my godfather, in addition to the
Monthly Thanksgiving Service at my have to come back home quickly practices I was already doing, I started
local Johrei Centre was scheduled because as soon as I got to the place, doing the practice of surrendering my
for the following weekend. Quite the pain would intensify again.
godfather’s suffering to the Messiah
mysteriously, just the day before the
On the 21st April, nearly 2 months Meishu-Sama, together with a daily
service, the pain became much lighter after this purification began, my donation of gratitude, that I would put
and, as a result, I managed to serve in mother told me about my godfather – in an envelope and, when I could, I’d
the preparation of service and I even a great uncle on my father’s side. He take it to the Johrei Centre.
served as one of the Officiates during had committed suicide a few months
This gratitude feeling was born
the service.
because I had already
But, interestingly,
accepted my purification
the pain only seemed to
as being God’s love, as
give me a rest near the
something that came
services. The day after
to make my life better.
the Johrei Centre ThanksAfter two more months
giving Service, the pain
of purification, on 4 th
came back very quickly
May, I went through
and became unbearable
the most intense bout
just as before. This
of headache. It was a
time, however, it came
Sunday afternoon and an
along with a very high
excruciating pain began
temperature (39 degrees
on my head, together
centigrade) and a tingling
with redness in my eyes
sensation in my hands.
and stiffness in my hands.
I ended up being taken
It made me think I was
again into hospital. They Brian, his mother and his girlfriend with Rev. Hayashi (Presidente of our
really about to die. Lying
Church in Brazil)
did further tests and this
on my bed in despair I
time, diagnosed tonsiltook my mother’s and
litis. I found this diagnosis very odd, before, in October 2007, by jumping my girlfriend’s hands, who were both
as my symptoms had nothing to do head first from the Rio-Niteroi Bridge giving Johrei to me, and thought: “the
with tonsillitis. The pain I felt started in Rio de Janeiro. This bridge is ancestor that is manifesting through me
a little above the back of my neck and approximately 100 meters high, and is indeed my godfather!” As they gave
it seemed to penetrate to the centre of so far no one knows the reason for his me Johrei, I was doing the Practice of
my head. It wasn’t in my throat!
Sonen aloud saying:
I d i d n ’t h a v e d i ff i c u l t y i n
“God! Messiah Meishu-Sama!
swallowing and I didn’t feel any pain connection between my purification Please receive the spirit of my 1
in my body or any loss of appetite. In and my godfather, particularly because godfather, I ask You to accept him, 2
addition to this dubious diagnosis, the I didn’t think I had a strong affinity purify and save him, so that he becomes 3
doctors wanted to admit me to hospital with him. After all, I could barely a useful instrument in the Plan for the 4
to make more tests to find the cause of remember his face. However, on that Salvation of Humanity.”
my headache. But this time I refused same day, as I was going through
And then, thinking of my godfather:
further tests. My mother had to sign a some papers in a drawer, I found a
“My godfather who is manifesting
term of responsibility so that I could
at the Johrei Centre, in which I – then through this headache, accept the light 8
go back home.
a baby – was in my godfather’s arms. of the Messiah Meishu-Sama, Savior
At home another fifteen days went
What is very curious here is that it had of Humanity, so that you can serve Him
by without any signs of improvement.
been many years since I last saw this as a useful instrument.”
I repeated this, very intensely, three
hundred times – each time gaining
more faith and conviction. Then, I
started feeling a burning sensation
on the back of my neck, going to my
chest and to my legs. Meanwhile, my
mother was asking for forgiveness to
the Messiah Meishu-Sama so that my
godfather could be forgiven, purified
and saved.
After that, my legs began to shake.
I thought I was about to die, and in that
very moment I recalled a teaching of
Meishu-Sama that says: “a spirit who
has a lot of spiritual clouds, detaches
from the body through the feet,” and
that was exactly what I felt: it was as
if something was coming out of me
through my feet.
A great miracle then happened:
All of a sudden my pain vanished
I could hardly believe what was
happening. Right after that I stood up,
June 2009
hugged my mother and my girlfriend
and, together, we cried a lot. Sixty five
days after it had started, that terrible
headache was completely gone,
without my having to do anything but
Johrei and the Practice of Sonen!
Eleven months have passed since
then and to this day I haven’t felt
any pain whatsoever. I went back to
university and my life has returned to
It was amazing for me to live
through such an experience! I felt the
greatness and the power of Johrei and
the Practice of Sonen. I realized I had
to perfect this practice, as it is much
deeper than I had imagined.
After this wonderful miracle, I
repeated all the Hospital tests and the
cyst which I’d had in my pineal gland
had also vanished – something the
doctors couldn’t explain. This can also
be considered a great miracle!
This experience showed clearly
to me that if I had focused only on
the physical problems that were
diagnosed – virus, cyst, tonsillitis – I
would not have found the crucial point
of my suffering – its spiritual side - as
thoroughly taught by Meishu-Sama.
This experience has confirmed to
me that suffering is a form of purification, not only of our own spiritual
clouds but also of the clouds of our ancestors – in this case, my godfather’s.
I am very grateful to my mother
and my girlfriend for the tireless Johrei
assistance they gave me. Above all,
I am deeply grateful to God, to the
Messiah Meishu-Sama and all my
ancestors, for my having received the
permission to surrender my godfather’s
suffering and to make him useful in the
construction of Paradise on Earth.
Meishu-Sama! You are in fact my
Messiah! Thank you very much, from
the bottom of my heart!
Programme - London Johrei Centre - May 2009
Day - date
Friday & Saturday - 12&13/6/2009
All day
Sunday - 14/6/2009
3 pm
Ikebana Sanguetsu Workshop - All Welcome !
(For more information please ask Deise or Minister Eric)
Saturday - 27/6/2009
3-5 pm
Johrei “Chain of Light” Practice
Saturday - 27/6/2009
5-7:40 pm
Monthly Prayer for Salvation of the Ancestors
Saturday - 27/6/2009
8 pm
General cleaning - Preparation for Paradise on Earth Service
PARADISE ON EARTH SERVICE & Monthly Thanksgiving Service
Other important information
Regular opening hours: Monday - Friday
9am - 9:30pm
9am - 8:30pm
For Johrei Assistance (outside the London Johrei Centre) please contact:
• Mr Flavio Costa (North London) - 07904 640931
• Lucia Murphy (South London) - 07966910482 / 02086710664
For emergencies or outside London area:
• Min. Eric - 07771722369 / Min. Eduardo - 07791045662
London Johrei Centre
Izunome Kyodan United Kingdom
Min. Eduardo de Souza
Min. Erico Tavares
465b Hornsey Road, Hornsey Rise
N19 4DR London - UK
Tel.: +44 20 72811532
Home Johrei Dublin
Mr. & Mrs. Joaquim Artero
2 Belvedere Place, apartment 7
Dublin 1 - Ireland
Tel.: +00-353-18943172
Associazione Messianica d’Italia
Min. Carlos Eduardo Luciow
Viale Jonio, 317 - Roma - Italy
Tel.: +39-347-484-3725
Igreja Messianica Mundial de Portugal
Min. Nazih Bahury Gerude
Min. Jose Carlos dos Santos Mesquita
Rua Gomes Freire, 143 A/D
CP.: 1150-176, Lisboa - Portugal
Tel.: +351-21-315-6576
Association Johrei
Min. Nazih Bahury Gerude
11, Rue de Belzunce
75010, Paris - France
Tel.: +33-1-5320-9930
Johrei Centre Barcelona
Mr. Leonardo Borrelli
Carrer de Sardenya, 259
entlo 4° 08013 - Barcelona
Tel.: +34 687-286-825
Politiskos kallitexnikos Syllogos
Mokiti Okada
Min. Evangelos Kreatsoulas
Omiru 25 - Irakleio TK
1421, Athens - Greece
Tel.: +30-2-102799103
Johrei Centre Frankfurt
Min. Marcos Thome de Moura
Musikantenweg 20
60316 Frankfurt/main - Germany
Tel.: +49-69-3899-6923