Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters


Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Volume XXI
June 2014
Number 5
Linda Chaffee
Pam Bock
Sharon Militello
Joyce Studley
Dolores Henrich
Melodie Stein
Message from the President
Hello Ladies,
I want to thank you for a great meeting, We had a full
house. It was great to see so many smiling faces and
welcome so many visitors.
I want to thank Joyce Studley for volunteering to take
care of the seminar sign ups, as Pam was in process of
moving her parents back to WNY. We have filled Jamie
Mills Price seminar, and Janice Miller's seminar is all
Don't forget our picnic on the 25th, we start at 6:00PM,
bring your favorite dish to pass and your appetite for a
fun social evening.
Bring your bags, if you have them finished, and don't
forget the Flea Market, so bring your money and if you
are needing a table please let me or Sharon know.
Again this year there is no charge for your table. So
clean out your "STUFF" and come and buy new
Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces.
Happy Painting,
This was Buffalo Snowbirds table at
National Convention
June is our Picnic/Pot Luck and Painter’s Flea Market at 6:00pm!
Please bring a dish to pass and join us… Everyone helps with Clean up.
August Goodies
Barb Garrett, Sandi Greco, Mary Jagodzinski, and Suzanne Orlando
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters Newsletter
June 2014
Buffalo Snowbird’s General Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2014
Linda Chaffee-President: Called meeting to order 7:16pm. There were 52 members and 4 guests in attendance.
-There were several corrections to the April meeting minutes:
- Sandi Greco and Debbie Bonneville seminar dates should be 2014 not 2015.
-Split club was $34.50 NOT $36.50 as reported
-Correction for Paint in date-is in August not June-Motion to accept the minutes as corrected-Sandra Schmidt and Mary Etta Roser
-SDP Conference reviewed-new president was elected
-If interested in SDP calendar let Linda know as they can be purchased in a larger quantity cheaper
-Janice Miller seminar-the zebra will be on the bag, you must bring your own surface for the owl-If painting on
something other than fabric-bring your own paint
-Next month-Pot Luck Picnic-Bring a dish to pass-NO meeting to be held
-Presentation to be made for Kid’s Peace bags -Bring in any finished bags, please try to complete them for the
June meeting.
-Bags were on display for our Kid’s Peace community project-we still need more painted, they can be
brought in thru August meeting-however Betsy Farkas will be here in June to pick some up
-Paint in seminar to be scheduled in August for unfinished projects, memory boxes, and bags
-Need volunteers for Christmas Party, Melodie Stein is chairperson, we were able to have it moved back
to Wednesday evening this year-12/10/14
-Discussion on bus tour to NET discussed
Pam Bock, Vice President-ABSENT
-The projects for Janice Miller are the Zen tangled Zebra (SAT) and Owl (Sun), Seminar is June 21st & 22 nd.
- Signups Jamie Mill Price, seminar is September 6th and 7th. Sing ups are full; you can be put on a waiting list
-Linda Sharpe coming in 2015
Local Seminar-Sandi Greco Halloween Plate-July 19th-Signs currently open-Only 6 have signed up as of the
-Debbie Bonnewell, CDA, seminar “Blossoms in Brown”, mixed media, acrylic, oil and texture glass, Nov. 8 th, sign
up dates to be announced
Treasurer’s Report-Dolores Henrich reported the balance as $14119.50
Newsletter- Melodie Stein stated the deadline for the June newsletter is Friday June 6, 2014
Retreat-No News.
Harvest Happening- Sandi Greco-There are 29 tables signed up
-Tickets for table decorators went on sale at May meeting and any remaining tickets will go sale to all in
June-See Heather Daubmann or Sandra Schmidt
New Business-Paint In will be held in late August-Date-TBD
-Mary Etta Roser took 1st and 3rd place in Juried Art Show in San Diego and Debbie Bonnewell took 3rd place also.
After Meeting Project-Mary Kirsh demonstrated colored pencils with mineral water
Show and Tell-Heather Dambmann and Donna Woodward presented many beautiful projects. Thank you all.
Split Club-Sandra Wroblewski won $37.00
No further business-Laurie Bellucci and made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Bev Penman, all in
favor, meeting adjourned 7:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Studley, Secretary
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters Newsletter
June 2014
Our Seminars will be held at St. John Lutheran Church of Amherst, 6540 Main Street,
Williamsville, NY.
Seminar Times are 9:00am – 5:00pm,
2014 National Seminars
Janice Miller – June 21 and 22
The projects chosen were the Zebra
(Saturday) and the Owl (Sunday).
Jamie Mills Price – September 6th and 7th
These are the projects that were chosen by the
2014 Local Seminars
9am-5pm Bring a brown bag lunch, coffee
& pop will be provided.
The cost of the seminars is $15.00
payable to Buffalo Snowbirds.
with Sandi Greco – July 19th
This is a fun Sandi Strecker design using a variety of Laurie Speltz
Fees to be paid to Sandi: for the *Wood, packet & tax - $34.00
Packet & tax only - $8.00
*Sign up with Pam Bock – BSDP seminar fee is $15.00
*The surfaces will be distributed @ June’s meeting.
See Sandi If you have not ordered a surface, there are only a couple
left, call Sandi! - 759-2903.
*Stencils not included- Stencils: Laurie Speltz stencils: #BCS257
Halloween Curley Words, #BCS262 Large Jack-o-Lantern faces,
#BCS264 Fall/Halloween Borders, and #BCS199 Stripes (can use
tape)….go to www.lauriespeltz.com to order, you may have them, or
the areas can be based in using just the pattern if you choose not to
order but will take much longer! (The stencils can be used for other
Debbie Bonnewell's seminar is November 8th
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters Newsletter
June 21-22
June 25
July 19
August 11-16
August 27
September 6-7
September 24
October 8-12
October 18
October 24-26
October 29
November 8
November 19
December 10
June 2014
2014 Snowbirds Calendar
National Seminar; Janice Miller, St John Lutheran Church 9:00-5:00
Snowbirds Picnic and Flea Market
Local Seminar with Sandi Greco
HOOT Convention; Columbus, OH
Monthly Meeting
National Seminar; Jamie Mills Price
Monthly Meeting
New England Traditions, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Harvest Happening, Classics V
Retreat - “Hawaiian Luau"; Rotary Sunshine Camp, Rush, NY
Monthly Meeting
Local Seminar with Debbie Bonnewell
Monthly Meeting
Christmas Party, Salvatore’s Italian Gardens
HARVEST HAPPENING UPDATE…. Ticket Sales went great!
We have 29 table decorators and at this writing, with only 13 tickets available to the general public! Awesome! So,… any
member without a ticket reserved, be sure to see Heather & Sandra right away at the June meeting to get yours! Any
decorator with reserved tickets, be sure to pay and pick them up @ June’s meeting.
Now…we have to get busy and paint, paint, paint!!!
Happy Summer!....but take some time to create. Be thinking of a “theme name” for your table. We’ll need that no later than
the September meeting for the table signs.
Start collecting and putting baskets together…..it’s nice to have something handcrafted incorporated into each, but not
ALL members should participate in donations of baskets and/or auction items. Be sure to make a tag with your name & the
contents so we can keep track for your BUFFALO BUCKS. Bev Penman is collecting, and I’m sure with a phone call to her,
you could drop off items even thru the Summer.
Our Harvest Happening Event benefits us all! Please do your part as a member of this great Chapter!
Any questions, call me. Sandi
Community Service Project - Heather Dambmann. Sandra Schmidt
Painted Bags for Kid’s Peace
Thank you all for painting really beautiful bags, we now have 35 completed ones and many promised in the next few months,
90 have been handed out and all of you have been so generous with donating your $5.00 deposit. We are without doubt the
most caring and giving community in the world, no matter where you are with decorative painters there is friendship, caring
and donating to help others. If only we could rule the world!
Linda Chaffee has arranged for Betsy Farkas to be at our picnic and we will present her with the first of the bags, filled, many
with your generous donations of items + shopping with the $185 we have collected and a $100.00 chapter money. Sandra
Schmidt, Linda and I will be shopping this week. Sandra has kindly offered her studio to house the filled bags till our meeting
at the end of the month. We will take photos for the Decorative Painter.
Betsy Farkas mentioned to Linda that they were having a fundraiser for the children with a BBQ in July and raising money by
selling donated items, not sure if it is a basket raffle or auction. She felt our beautiful artwork would raise quite a lot of money.
If anyone has an extra piece to donate, and we don’t want to take away from Harvest Happening donations, would you bring
to the meeting. I know I have quite a stash that maybe just needs varnishing, I am sure some of you have too!!
Thank you again for your generosity, see you at the June picnic.
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters Newsletter
June 2014
Memory Boxes - Heather Dambmann, MaryAnn Smaldone
Thank you for the lovely painted boxes donated this year, we are managing to keep our stock replenished but
need to remind you that we will not meet after the picnic until late August. We would appreciate if you brought
some finished ones to the June Picnic and offered to take a box to paint over the summer.
Linda is trying to arrange a paint-in for August for painting memory boxes etc.
Buffalo Snowbird Decorative Painters Treasurers Report May 31, 2014
Beginning balance as of January 1, 2014 $15823.02
Bank Error
Members Dues
Ways and Mean
Community Service
Miscellaneous – Mtg Refreshment Supplies
SDP National Convention
SDP NC Table Decorations
Service Pins
Total Disbursements
$ 2,350.02
Total Receipts
Starting Balance
Income Received
Sub Total
Expenses Incurred
$ 2,350.02
Balance as of May 31, 2014
Respectfully Submitted by: Dolores Henrich
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters Newsletter
June 2014
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY
Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters Newsletter
June 2014
Meetings will be held 7:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, Williamsville NY