Wired Kids ABCs of Early Intervention


Wired Kids ABCs of Early Intervention
Please check seminar(s) you plan to attend
in Lincoln, Nebraska
Registration Information
June 23, 2016 ABCs of Early Intervention
Profession/Job Title
June 24, 2016 Wired Kids: How Technology
Impacts Early Child Development
Professional License #
Pricing and Payment Information
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 One Seminar
 Both Seminars
Working with the birth to three population is a rewarding, yet challenging experience. In this one-day seminar
we will examine the ABCs of early intervention to empower providers with critical evidence regarding best
practices when working with very young children and
their families. We will explore guidelines for creating
functional IFSP outcomes, routines-based intervention,
coaching the caregiver, and so much more. If you are an
early intervention professional or you want to learn
more about the framework of early intervention, this
seminar is for you!
Register online at: wwwcariebertseminars.com
Pay by check and mail to:
Summit Speech Therapy, LLC
403 S. Huntington Dr.
Greenwood, MO 64034
Wired Kids
For registration questions please email
info@cariebertseminars.com or call
(816) 214-0969
Best Practice Guidelines Under Part C of IDEA
Be empowered to ditch the toy bag!
*Must be registered 14 days prior to seminar date
ABCs of Early Intervention
How Technology Impacts
Early Child Development
Workshop 1
This one-day seminar examines the evidence to guide therapists, educators, and
other early childhood professionals as we live and work in the digital age. Just because technology is available at our fingertips, doesn’t necessarily mean we should
be using it with very young children. Infants, toddlers, and preschool age children
do not learn the same way that older children and adults do. It’s not just a matter of
being “pro-technology” or “anti-technology,” but rather what is appropriate for
young children with developing brains and bodies. We will examine the factors necessary for healthy development as we contrast the virtual playground with the traditional playground. Throughout this course, professionals will gain powerful evidence-based information regarding best practices for using technology in therapy
and in early childhood classrooms. This seminar contains must-have information
for providers serving the birth to five population.
Workshop 2
Thursday, June 23, 2016
ABCs of Early Intervention: Best Practice
Guidelines Under Part C of IDEA
Coaching the caregiver
Family-centered services
Functional IFSP outcomes
Two Workshops for Providers Serving the
Birth to Five Population
Friday, June 24, 2016
Wired Kids: How Technology Impacts Early
Child Development
The changing landscape of play
Growing up on the virtual playground
Screen time & language development
Relationship-based learning
Cari Ebert Seminars.com
Routines-based intervention
Examine the changing landscape of play
CARI EBERT, M.S., CCC-SLP, is a pediatric speech-language pathologist in private practice in the
Kansas City, Missouri area. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Iowa
and Master of Science degree from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Ms. Ebert is a therapist, consultant, and nationally recognized speaker who gets paid to do what she loves
most...TALK! She works exclusively with young children, ages birth to five, and their families and
believes that early intervention is the key to future success. She has dedicated her career to helping young children achieve their maximum potential with speech, language, and social development. Ms. Ebert presents evidence-based, clinically relevant information regarding early child
development. Whether you are a pediatric therapist or an early childhood educator, you will benefit from the fun and effective therapy solutions found in her seminars. Join Ms. Ebert as she explores important issues for enhancing the development of infants, toddlers, and preschool age
children...you’ll be glad you took the time!
Speaker Disclosure:
Information in this
course developed by the
speaker remains the
intellectual property of
that instructor.
Financial: Cari Ebert owns Summit Speech Therapy, LLC (dba Cari Ebert Seminars) and receives a salary. She
receives royalties from cariebertseminars.com product sales. Ms. Ebert also receives compensation for
presenting this course.
Nonfinancial: Cari Ebert has a son with autism and apraxia and shares personal experiences in her seminars.
Workshop 2
ABCs of Early Intervention
Wired Kids
Course Content
Course Content
Approaches to Early Intervention (EI)
Barriers to Success in EI
Coaching the Caregiver
Ditch the Toy Bag
Embedded Learning Opportunities
Family-Centered Services
Guidelines for Creating Functional IFSP Outcomes
How Young Children Learn Best
Important Relationships in EI
Juxtaposing the EI Model with the Medical Model
Key Principles of Early Intervention & Best Practices
Listen Attentively (and other strategies for professionals)
Mistakes Professionals Make During Home Visits
Natural Environment
Observational Skills
Primary Service Provider Model
Quantity of Services Not Equal to Quality of Services
Routines-Based Intervention
Sensory-Rich Learning Environments
Team Support
Understanding Cultural Competence
Verify Family’s Understanding of the EI Process
What Service Delivery Looks Like in the Childcare Setting
eXamine Differences Between Standardized Testing and
Functional Assessment
Yellow Sticky Notes
Zero in on Needs and Priorities of the Family
Living and working in the digital age
Addictive nature of technology
Screen time and families
Virtual Playground vs. Traditional Playground
How young children learn best
Force-feeding academics
Screen time recommendations by the AAP
Impact of Technology on Early Play Skills
The changing landscape of play
Defining true play
Developmental benefits of play
High-tech vs. low-tech toys
Screen Time Variables Impacting Development
Quantity, quality, and context
Effect of Screen Time on Early Child Development
Sleep, attention, and language development
Technology’s Impact on Social-Emotional Development
Relationship-based learning
Digitally distracted caregivers
Joint Media Engagement (JME)
Recommendations for Appropriate Uses of Technology
For families and caregivers
For pediatric therapists
For early childhood classroom educators
Conveniently located right off I-80
Quality Inn & Suites
7333 Husker Circle
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 435-8100
Thursday June 23, 2016
ABCs of Early Intervention
Friday June 24, 2016
Wired Kids: How Technology Impacts
Early Child Development
Register early...space is limited!
Seminar Daily Schedule
7:30 a.m.
(coffee & light snacks provided)
8:00 a.m.
Seminar Begins
11:45 - 12:45
Lunch Break (on your own)
4:00 p.m.
Seminar Ends
The instructor will also break for 15 minutes in the morning and
afternoon at appropriate times
Arriving late or leaving early?
Please see “Amended Certificate” information under
Continuing Education Credit section of this brochure
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Target Audience
1) Identify 5 potential barriers to success in early
1) List 5 ways technology changes the landscape of
2) Explain how the early intervention model of service delivery differs from the medical model
2) Describe how screen time can impact sleep, attention, and language development
3) Summarize the rationale for providing familycentered services
3) Determine what makes media “educational”
4) Demonstrate how to write functional, routinesbased IFSP outcomes
5) List the 4 relationships professionals must focus
on in early intervention
6) Describe best practice guidelines for service delivery in the childcare setting
4) Examine the effects of technology on socialemotional development
5) Summarize evidence-based recommendations for
coaching families and caregivers on developmentally appropriate uses of technology
6) Apply evidence-based recommendations for using
technology in therapy and early childhood classrooms
Continuing Education Credit
Speech-Language Pathologists, Audiologists:
Dates and Location
Workshop 1
Early Intervention & Early Childhood Professionals
Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Therapy Assistants, Early
Childhood Special Educators, Early Childhood Staff,
Service Coordinators, & Early Intervention/Early
Childhood Administrators
Registration Confirmations
Confirmations of registration are emailed within 5 business
days of receipt in our office. If you have not received your
confirmation please email james@cariebertseminars.com.
Each course is offered for .65 CEUs
(Intermediate level, Professional Area).
Other Professions: Each course offering qualifies for 6.5 continuing
education hours as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Save your course outline
and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific filing requirements.
Educators: These course offering may qualify toward your professional development requirement. Each educational offering consists
of 6.5 clock hours. Use this information and your board rules and
regulations to calculate professional development/CE credit.
Amended Certificates: Credit hours listed above are for a full day’s
attendance. If you are unable attend the entire day, amended certificates indicating the actual number of credit hours will be provided
upon sending email to james@cariebertseminars.com.
ADA: Please send email to james@cariebertseminars.com at least
14 days prior to the seminar date if you have special needs or require
Refunds & Cancellations
If the program is canceled by Cari Ebert Seminars for any reason the participant will receive a full refund within two weeks of the cancellation date. If the
program is rescheduled by Cari Ebert Seminars and the participant is unable to
attend on the new date then a full refund will be given within two weeks of
the change.
If the participant is unable to attend and provides written notice of cancellation five working days prior to the program date then they will receive a full
refund, minus a $25 processing fee. There will be no refunds offered after that
date; however, a credit will be issued to attend a future seminar. If participant
registers and does not attend they are still liable for the full payment.
If bad weather threatens, our voicemail greeting will be updated to include
announcements of weather-related seminar changes, so please call us before
you depart. If the seminar is canceled due to inclement weather, every effort
will be made to contact you via email and text messaging. In case of bad
weather, our refund policy will be extended to the morning of the program
(less the $25 processing fee). The seminar will attempt to be rescheduled in
your area at a later date.
Complaint Policy: If any participant is not satisfied with the program, they
may withdraw from the program prior to the first morning break, turn in all
workshop materials, & receive a full refund within ten working days from the
date of the seminar. If you are not satisfied with the professional benefits or
have complaints either before or after attending this seminar please let us
know in writing within seven days from seminar date & we will issue a credit
voucher to attend another one of our seminars.