Syllabus - Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada
Syllabus - Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada
CHRISTIAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, CANADA EXAMINATION SYLLABUS 2012 Edition •Instrumental •Vocal •Materials of Music •Bible Basics •Survey of Christian Music © Copyright 2011 Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada All Rights Reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Board of Directors .............................................................................................5 Regulations and General Information .............................................................................................6 Honorary Diplomas in Music Ministry .........................................................................................10 VOICE SECTION - General Information ...................................................................................11 Elementary Level..................................................................................................................13 Junior Level ..........................................................................................................................15 Intermediate Level ................................................................................................................18 Advanced Level ....................................................................................................................21 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ..........................................................24 Fellowship Diploma in Music Ministry (F.Mus.Min.) .........................................................27 PIANO SECTION - General Information ...................................................................................29 Elementary Level..................................................................................................................31 Junior Level ..........................................................................................................................34 Intermediate Level ................................................................................................................38 Advanced Level ....................................................................................................................42 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ..........................................................47 Fellowship Diploma in Music Ministry (F.Mus.Min.) .........................................................53 GUITAR SECTION - General Information ................................................................................56 Elementary Level..................................................................................................................60 Junior Level ..........................................................................................................................63 Intermediate Level ................................................................................................................66 Advanced Level ....................................................................................................................70 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ..........................................................74 Fellowship Diploma in Music Ministry (F.Mus.Min.) .........................................................78 BASS GUITAR - General Information ........................................................................................80 Elementary Level..................................................................................................................83 Junior Level ..........................................................................................................................86 Intermediate Level ................................................................................................................89 Advanced Level ....................................................................................................................92 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ..........................................................95 Fellowship Diploma in Music Ministry (F.Mus.Min.) .........................................................98 DRUM KIT SECTION - General Information .........................................................................100 Elementary Level................................................................................................................102 Junior Level ........................................................................................................................104 Intermediate Level ..............................................................................................................106 Advanced Level ..................................................................................................................108 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ........................................................110 Fellowship Diploma in Music Ministry (F.Mus.Min.) .......................................................112 SENIOR LEVEL EXAMINATION - ALL DISCIPLINES ...................................................114 LICENTIATE DIPLOMA IN CHRISTIAN MUSIC EDUCATION (L.Ch.Mus.Ed.)........116 - ALL DISCIPLINES EAR TESTS Elementary Level................................................................................................................118 Junior Level ........................................................................................................................119 Intermediate Level ..............................................................................................................120 Advanced Level ..................................................................................................................121 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ........................................................122 MATERIALS OF MUSIC Elementary Level................................................................................................................123 Junior Level ........................................................................................................................124 Intermediate Level ..............................................................................................................126 Advanced Level ..................................................................................................................128 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ........................................................130 BIBLE BASICS Elementary Level................................................................................................................132 Junior Level ........................................................................................................................133 Intermediate Level ..............................................................................................................134 Advanced Level ..................................................................................................................135 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ........................................................136 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC ........................................................................................138 Elementary Level................................................................................................................139 Junior Level ........................................................................................................................140 Intermediate Level ..............................................................................................................142 Advanced Level ..................................................................................................................144 Associate Diploma in Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.) ........................................................146 FELLOWSHIP (F.Mus.Min.) THESIS ...................................................................................148 BOOK LIST ...............................................................................................................................149 MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS For more than a century, secular conservatories of music from Britain and Canada have offered music examinations based on carefully graded syllabus requirements. These examination systems, along with thousands of dedicated music teachers, have helped to raise the standard of classical music to the extremely high level which we, in Canada, now enjoy. More recently, examinations in jazz, popular and rock music have been established and this I enthusiastically applaud. However, Christian music, both traditional and contemporary, has never been addressed in such a manner. Many private Christian music teachers and Christian music schools do, in fact, teach Christian music but with no progressive curriculum to follow and no convenient list of suitable repertoire. It becomes extremely difficult to plan for the student’s ongoing development. Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada (C.C.M.C.) has the solution. After several years of extensive planning we have developed the first examination system and curriculum dedicated entirely to Christian music, both traditional and contemporary. Our examination system addresses all areas which are relevant to the training and development of Christian musicians of all ages and abilities. The key word here is RELEVANT. As you read through our syllabus, you will find that there is a wide variety of repertoire which is suitable to any denominational tradition. “Materials of Music” (theoretical requirements) includes the study of staff notation in addition to chord chart symbols. This concept is carried over into the areas of Repertoire and Sight Playing. Our “Survey of Christian Music” examinations will give the student greater insight into the development of the hymns and choruses which they study. Lastly, our “Bible Basics” examinations are offered from the earliest grade level through to the A.Mus.Min. Diploma. Many private Christian music teachers and Christian music schools are enthusiastic about our programs.We are confident that Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada will set a new standard for both Christian music education and music ministry in Canada. On behalf of The Board of Directors, Dr. Gordon A. McKinnon President , Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada DIRECTORS’ MESSAGE 5 REGULATIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION 1. EXAMINATION SESSIONS (APPLIED and WRITTEN) There will be two sessions annually, for both Applied and Written examinations. These will be held in spring and late fall. For specific dates, please see the website: 2. APPLICATION FORMS Application forms are available from the website. 3. CLOSING DATE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS Current Closing dates for applications may be found on the website. Completed application forms, together with the appropriate examination fee, must reach Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada on or before the current closing dates. (see #5 Examination Fees) 4. LATE APPLICATIONS Late applications will be accepted for two weeks following the official closing dates. Each late application must be accompanied by a late fee of $25.00. NO LATE ENTRY will be accepted after the late application dates. 5. EXAMINATION FEES All examination fees are listed on a separate sheet, “Schedule of Examination Fees”, which is available from the website Cheques or money orders should be made payable to C.C.M.C. Examinations, with a current date. (NO postdated cheques, please). Fees cannot be refunded once they have been received by C.C.M.C. and candidates who do not attend their examination will lose the full fee. (See #10, Absence Due to Illness.) Mail all applications with cheques or completed Visa/Mastercard information to: Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada P.O. Box 20031, 2900 Warden Avenue Toronto, Ontario M1W 4B6 OR email a completed application along with Visa/Mastercard information & payment to: 6. EXAMINATION NOTICES Candidates will receive by mail a notice which will state their assigned candidate number, and the date, time and location of their examination. Candidates MUST bring this official notice to the examination. Candidates for Applied (Practical) examinations must complete the notice form by writing in the titles and composers of their chosen pieces. This form will be given to the examiner(s). 6 REGULATIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 7. MEMORY Memorization is expected for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Repertoire which is not memorized will receive a significant penalty in the final mark. Memorization is MANDATORY for Music Ministry Diploma Examinations (A.Mus.Min.and F.Mus.Min.). Diploma candidates who choose not to perform by memory will receive comments ONLY. There will be no marks awarded and therefore no diploma can be granted. Candidates MUST bring copies of all examination selections whether or not the selections are to be played from memory. 8. ACCOMPANISTS Singing candidates must provide their own accompanist. The accompanist is permitted in the examination room only during the performance of repertoire. 9. EXAMINATION CONDUCT Parents and teachers are not permitted to enter the examination room. A waiting area will be provided. All cell phones and communication devices must be turned off in the waiting area. No recording devices are permitted in the examination room or waiting area. 10. ABSENCE DUE TO ILLNESS Any candidate who is unable to attend an examination due to illness will be permitted to take the examination at the next examination session provided that: i) C.C.M.C. is notified prior to the date of the examination and ii) A medical certificate is forwarded to C.C.M.C. no later than SEVEN (7) days following the date of the scheduled examination 11. LATE ARRIVAL All candidates are expected to arrive at least ten minutes before their scheduled examination time. Candidates who arrive past the time allotted for their examination, at the discretion of the examiner, may not be examined, unless there are extenuating circumstances. 12. PHOTOCOPIED MUSIC It is illegal to photocopy music which is under copyright, therefore, candidates will NOT be permitted to bring photocopied music into the examination room. 13. EXAMINATION RESULTS Candidates will receive results within four weeks after the examination. The examiner’s evaluation for all applied and written examinations is FINAL. No appeals will be considered. 14. FINAL MARK CATEGORIES 90–100 80–89 70–79 60–69 Below 60 Excellence Special Merit Merit Pass Insufficient to Pass A.Mus.Min., F. Mus. Min. and L.Ch.Mus.Ed. examinations require a minimum of 70% to pass. REGULATIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 7 15. TIME LIMIT FOR CO-REQUISITE EXAMINATIONS All co-requisite examinations must be completed within FIVE (5) YEARS of the date of the first examination at that grade level. 16. CO-REQUISITE EXAMINATIONS APPLIED (PRACTICAL) WRITTEN CO-REQUISITES Elementary Level i) Elementary Materials of Music ii) Elementary Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music Junior Level i) Junior Materials of Music ii) Junior Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music Intermediate Level i) Intermediate Materials of Music ii) Intermediate Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music Advanced Level i) Advanced Materials of Music ii) Advanced Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music A.Mus.Min. Parts 1 and 2 i) A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music ii) A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music F.Mus.Min. F.Mus.Min. Thesis Submission L.Ch.Mus.Ed. Part 1 Aspects of Christian Music Education (Part 2) 17. PREREQUISITE EXAMINATIONS DIPLOMA PREREQUISITE A.Mus.Min. i) Advanced Level Applied Examination (70% minimum) ii) Advanced Level Materials of Music iii)Advanced Level Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music F.Mus.Min. i) A.Mus.Min. Applied Examination, Part 1 (70% minimum) ii) A.Mus.Min. Applied Examination, Part 2 (70% minimum) iii)A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music Examination iv) A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music L.Ch.Mus.Ed. i) A.Mus.Min. Applied Examination, Part 1 (70% minimum) OR Senior Level Examination (70% minimum) ii) A.Mus.Min. Applied Examination, Part 2 (80% minimum) iii)A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music Examination iv) A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music The Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced level certificates have no prerequisites. 8 REGULATIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 18. A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min. DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS The format of the A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min examinations is that of a PUBLIC Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family and friends. The examination will be adjudicated by three members of the C.C.M.C. Board of Examiners. The candidate may chose to hold their examination in their own church where they are familiar with the acoustics, sound system, and sound engineer. Alternatively, C.C.M.C. will supply an examination location which will include a sound system, and a sound engineer, for an additional fee. All other equipment (instruments and amplifiers) must be supplied by the candidate and their supporting musicians. 19. CERTIFICATES & DIPLOMAS Certificates for each grade level (elementary, junior, intermediate and advanced) will be mailed to successful candidates upon completion of all co-requisite examinations. Diploma candidates will receive diplomas under the official seal of Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada, giving them the right to use the designation A.Mus.Min., F.Mus.Min. or L.Ch.Mus.Ed. respectively. All diplomas will be awarded annually. REGULATIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 9 HONORARY DIPLOMAS IN MUSIC MINISTRY Each year, a limited number of Honorary Associate and Fellowship Diplomas may be awarded to acknowledge the achievements of individuals who work in the areas of Christian music teaching, music ministry, and the music industry. A.Mus.Min. (Hon.) Honorary Associate in Music Ministry Diplomas may be awarded to teachers who have significantly supported the C.C.M.C. examination system and whose students have consistently achieved high marks. Teachers need not apply for such awards as C.C.M.C. will annually monitor teacher records and student results. F.Mus.Min.(Hon.) Honorary Fellowship in Music Ministry Diplomas may be awarded annually to prominent Christian musicians and music industry professionals. A Christian musician who, in the opinion of Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada, has made a significant contribution to any one of the following areas may be awarded the F.Mus.Min.(Hon.) diploma. 1) Christian Music Education 2) Christian Praise and Worship Ministry 3) Christian Music Industry – Songwriter, arranger, performer, recording artist, producer, recording engineer, promoter, events’ coordinator. A.Mus.Min. (Hon.) and F.Mus.Min.(Hon.) diplomas will be awarded annually. 10 HONORARY DIPLOMAS VOICE SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. MEMORY Memorization is expected for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Repertoire which is not memorized will receive a significant penalty in the final mark. Memorization is MANDATORY for Music Ministry Diploma Examinations (A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min.). Diploma candidates who choose not to perform by memory will receive comments ONLY. There will be no marks awarded and therefore no diploma can be granted. 2. ACCOMPANIMENT or PRAISE BAND The use of an accompanist (piano, digital piano, keyboard or guitar) or an accompaniment CD is mandatory. The singer is not permitted to accompany themselves. i) Accompaniment tracks (not split tracks) must be the original purchased CD. Burned copies will not be permitted. ii) Accompaniment tracks which are purchased online (e.g. iTunes) must include valid proof of purchase. iii) Accompaniment tracks which are made in a studio for the candidate are acceptable provided they are a professional quality of recording. Any accompaniment track deemed of inferior or unacceptable quality will affect the candidate’s mark. iv) The use of a praise band is encouraged for all A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min. examinations. All necessary sound and technical requirements (number of microphones and monitors) should be submitted to CHRISTIAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, CANADA one month prior to the examination date. The sound system, microphone, and monitors will be supplied. A sound engineer will be provided, for an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/worship band. (See General Information Page 9, Number 18) 3. REPEATS AND ENDINGS Praise and worship choruses must have a minimum of two verses plus refrain. Hymns must have a minimum of three verses, plus refrain where applicable. Loop/tag endings or free-style improvisation is encouraged. 4. CONTENT AND PRESENTATION All repertoire should be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance the musical and spiritual continuity. At least one piece must be introduced, including the reason for choosing it and how it speaks to them spiritually. Candidates for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels may begin their program with either i) Repertoire OR ii) Technique, Ear & Sight. VOICE SECTION - GENERAL INFORMATION 11 5. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All technical requirements should be learned in the keys which are most suitable for the candidate’s voice. All technical requirements must be sung unaccompanied. The examiner will play the broken tonic triad of the selected key and the first note of the technical exercise to be sung. 6. ELEMENTS TO BE EVALUATED A. Vocal Production i) Intonation ii) Placement iii) Tone Production (Resonance) iv) Projection v) Microphone Technique in Diploma Examinations vi) Vocal Register (Tessitura) B. Breath Management C. Diction D. Musicianship i) Rhythmic accuracy ii) Inherent rhythmic flow iii) Ornamentation, vocal improvisation, free styling iv) Deportment & Presentation v) Overall musical effect E. Memory (See No. 1 above) F. Sight Singing i) Accuracy of pitch and rhythm is essential. ii) Candidates may use any system that will allow them to successfully produce the required pitches. Choices: Neutral vowel, Tonic sol-fa (moveable do), Solfege (fixed do), Numbers. iii) Candidates may beat one measure of the given meter prior to sight-singing. They may choose to gently tap the metre with their hand as they sight-sing in order to maintain a steady tempo. 12 VOICE - GENERAL INFORMATION VOICE - ELEMENTARY LEVEL Most selections are taken from “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book – singer’s edition” by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing © 2004. When “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book” is used, page numbers are given. All Hymn selections that are from The Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music ©1997 are indicated by “Hymn #”. Other selections may be found on the CCLI website. REPERTOIRE For this examination, candidates must choose four selections: two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise and worship list. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 11. A copy of each selection to be performed must be brought to the examination. See VOICE SECTION – GENERAL INFORMATION. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS (Up Tempo) • All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Coronation) (Hymn # 43) HYMNS (Slow) • Be Thou My Vision (pg. 42) • Blessed Assurance (pg. 52) • Fairest Lord Jesus (pg. 103) • Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (pg. 186) • Jesus Paid It All (Hymn #305) • My Jesus, I Love Thee (Hymn #79) • Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Hymn #684) • Sweet Hour of Prayer (Hymn #640) CHORUSES (Up Tempo) • Celebrate Jesus (pg. 64) • David Danced (CCLI #4486725) • This is the Day (pg. 490) • Yes, Lord, Yes (pg. 557) • You’re Worthy of My Praise (pg. 584) CHORUSES (Slow) • As the Deer (pg. 30) • Give Thanks (pg. 127) • God Will Make a Way (pg. 142) • He Knows My Name (pg. 165) • Holy and Anointed One (pg. 176) • I Love You, Lord (pg. 217) • I Sing Praises (pg. 229) • I Worship You, Almighty God (pg. 247) • Praise the Name of Jesus (pg. 401) • We Fall Down (pg. 516) • Worthy, You are Worthy (pg. 555) • You Are My All in All (pg. 568) VOICE - ELEMENTARY 13 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Ascending Major Triad 2. Ascending Minor Triad 3. Major Pentatonic Scale 4. Major Scale 5. Natural Minor Scale (Aeolian Mode) Unaccompanied with vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. The examiner will play the broken tonic triad and the first note. SIGHT SINGING Candidates will be asked to sing a simple, unaccompanied four-bar melody in the keys of C major or G major, in Z4 or !4 metre. The examiner will play the tonic chord in broken form, and the starting note. Time will be allotted for the candidate to study the music. The broken chord and starting note will be repeated when the candidate is ready to sing. [See GENERAL INFORMATION – Elements to be Evaluated pg. 12.] EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees - see Page 118. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music - Elementary Level – see Page 123. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music –Elementary Level - see Pages 132 & 139. 14 VOICE - ELEMENTARY VOICE - JUNIOR LEVEL Most selections are taken from “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book – singer’s edition” by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing © 2004. When “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book” is used, page numbers are given. All Hymn selections that are from The Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music ©1997 are indicated by “Hymn #”. Other selections may be found on the CCLI website. REPERTOIRE For this examination, candidates must choose five selections: two up tempo and three slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 11. A copy of each selection to be performed must be brought to the examination. See VOICE SECTION – GENERAL INFORMATION. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS (Up Tempo) • Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (pg. 276) • Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Hymn # 210) without optional settings HYMNS (Slow) • Amazing Grace (pg. 21) • Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (pg. 79) • I Need Thee Every Hour (Hymn #638) • I Surrender All (pg. 223) • I’d Rather Have Jesus (Hymn #506) • In Christ Alone (pg. 249) • Knowing You (pg. 288) • ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (pg. 495) • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (pg. 496) CHORUSES (Slow) • Above All (pg. 6) • Draw Me Close (pg. 87) • Grace Alone (pg. 144) • He Who Began a Good Work in You (pg. 169) • Highest Place (pg. 172) • Holy Spirit, Rain Down (pg. 185) • I Give You My Heart (pg. 210) • I Want to Be Where You Are (pg. 232) • I Will Bow to You (pg. 235) • No Other Name (pg. 367) • Oh, The Glory of Your Presence (pg. 385) • Shout to the Lord (pg. 430) • You are My Hiding Place (pg. 567) • You are My King (pg. 572) CHORUSES (Up Tempo) • God is Good All the Time (pg. 132) • Great and Mighty is He (pg. 138) • How Majestic is Your Name (pg. 198) • I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (pg. 207) • The Name of the Lord (pg. 457) • We Want to See Jesus Lifted High (pg. 531) VOICE - JUNIOR 15 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Blues 2. Fourths 3. Harmonic Minor Scale 4. Broken Triads (Major) 5. Dominant Seventh Unaccompanied with vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. The examiner will play the broken tonic triad and the first note. SIGHT SINGING Candidates will be asked to sing a simple, unaccompanied four-bar melody in the keys of F major or D major, in "4or ^8 metre. The examiner will play the tonic chord in broken form, and the starting note. Time will be allotted for the candidate to study the music. The broken chord and starting note will be repeated when the candidate is ready to sing. [See GENERAL INFORMATION – Elements to be Evaluated pg. 12.] 16 VOICE - JUNIOR EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 119. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music - Junior Level – see Page 124. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Junior Level -see Pages133 & 140. I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:2 VOICE - JUNIOR 17 VOICE - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Most selections are taken from “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book – singer’s edition” by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing © 2004. When “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book” is used, page numbers are given. All Hymn selections are from The Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music ©1997 and are indicated by “Hymn #”. Other selections may be found on the CCLI website. REPERTOIRE For this examination, candidates must choose six selections: three up tempo and three slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 11. A copy of each selection to be performed must be brought to the examination. See VOICE SECTION – GENERAL INFORMATION. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS (Up Tempo) • Jesus Shall Reign #375 • Worship Christ, the Risen King (Hymn #361) HYMNS (Slow) • Close to Thee (Hymn #607) • His Eye is On the Sparrow (Hymn #624) • I Surrender All (Hymn #596) • If My People's Hearts are Humbled (Hymn #805) • It Is Well With My Soul (Hymn #705) • The Old Rugged Cross (Hymn #327) CHORUSES (Up Tempo) • Ancient of Days (pg. 23) • Come Into His Presence (pg. 71) • Firm Foundation (pg. 108) • Forever (pg. 114) • Friend of God (pg. 120) • God is Great (pg. 134) • High and Exalted (pg. 172) • I See the Lord (pg. 221) • I Walk by Faith (pg. 230) • Light the Fire Again (pg. 312) • My Redeemer Lives (pg. 350) • Revival Fire, Fall (pg. 413) • Show Your Power (pg. 436) • The River is Here (pg. 472 • This is How We Overcome (CCLI #2582793) • We Sing Praises (CCLI #2629209) 18 CHORUSES (Slow) • All Heaven Declares (pg. 17) • Breathe (CCLI #1874117) • Eagle’s Wings (pg. 91) • God of Wonders (pg. 141) • He is Exalted (pg. 160) • Hungry (pg. 202) • I Stand in Awe (pg. 227) • I Will Sing (CCLI #3671627) • In the Presence of Jehovah (CCLI #162040) • Jesus, Lover of My Soul (pg. 274) • Love You So Much (pg. 325) • Majesty (pg. 329) • Take My Life (pg. 451) • There is a Redeemer (pg. 477) • To Him Who Sits On the Throne (pg. 496) • We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory (pg. 537) • When I Look Into Your Holiness (pg. 545) • You are Near (pg. 573) • You are My God (pg. 571) VOICE - INTERMEDIATE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Blues 2. Ascending Fifths 3. Chromatic 4. Broken Triads (Minor) 5. Staccato Thirds (Major) 6. Crescendo/Decrescendo (Major) Unaccompanied with vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. The examiner will play the broken tonic triad and the first note. SIGHT SINGING Candidates will be asked to sing an unaccompanied four-bar melody in the keys of A major or Eb major, in !4or ^8 metre. The examiner will play the tonic chord in broken form, and the starting note. Time will be allotted for the candidate to study the music. The broken chord and starting note will be repeated when the candidate is ready to sing. [See GENERAL INFORMATION – Elements to be Evaluated pg. 12.] VOICE - INTERMEDIATE 19 EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 120. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Intermediate Level – see Page 126. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Intermediate Level - see Pages 134 & 142. Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious! Psalm 66:2 20 VOICE - INTERMEDIATE VOICE - ADVANCED LEVEL Most selections are taken from “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book – singer’s edition”by Brentwood-Benson. When “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book” is used, page numbers are given. All hymns from The Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/ IntegrityMusic ©1997 are indicated by “Hymn #”. Other selections may be found on the CCLI website. REPERTOIRE For this examination, candidates must choose seven selections: three up tempo and four slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 11. A copy of each selection to be performed must be brought to the examination. See VOICE SECTION – GENERAL INFORMATION. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS (Up Tempo) • • And Can It Be? (Hymn #347) Battle Hymn of the Republic (Hymn #804) CHORUSES (Up Tempo) • Can You Believe (pg. 60) • Days of Elijah (pg. 92) • Everyday (pg. 96) • Fresh Fire (pg. 114) • Glorify (pg. 123) • Great is The Lord (pg. 149) • Hosanna (CCLI #4662491) • Lift Him Up (pg. 309) • Shine, Jesus, Shine (pg. 425) • Stand Up and Give Him the Praise (pg. 444) • Today (CCLI #4157315) • We Trust in the Name of the Lord Our God (pg. 530) • You Are Good (CCLI #3383788) • You are Holy (pg. 564 – please sing both parts) • You Reign (pg. 580) HYMNS (Slow) • Great is Thy Faithfulness (pg. 151) • How Great Thou Art (pg. 201) • Open My Eyes That I May See (Hymn #563) • Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven (Hymn #1) • What a Day That Will Be (Hymn #762) CHORUSES (Slow) • Agnus Dei (CCLI #626713) • All Creation Worships You (CCLI #190469) • Emmanuel (CCLI #4433417) • Glory to the King (pg. 126) • Hear Our Praises (pg. 170) • I Can Only Imagine (CCLI #2978857) • I Will Run to You (pg. 243) • I Will Sing (CCLI #3671627) • Let the Peace of God Reign (pg. 297) • In Your Presence O God (CCLI #1402273) • Jesus, What a Beautiful Name (pg. 278) • Made Me Glad (pg. 328) • Spirit Song (pg. 441) • Who Can Satisfy My Soul Like You (pg. 546) VOICE - ADVANCED 21 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Descending Fifths 2. Melodic Minor Scale 3. Thirds (Major) 4. Staccato Thirds (Minor) 5. Dominant Seventh Triplets 6. Crescendo/Decrescendo (Minor) Unaccompanied with vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. The examiner will play the broken tonic triad and the first note. SIGHT SINGING Candidates will be asked to sing an unaccompanied four-bar melody in the keys of A minor or E minor (harmonic and melodic), in Z4 or "4 metre. The examiner will play the tonic chord in broken form, and the starting note. Time will be allotted for the candidate to study the music. The broken chord and starting note will be repeated when the candidate is ready to sing. [See GENERAL INFORMATION – Elements to be Evaluated pg. 12] 22 VOICE - ADVANCED EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 121. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music - Advanced Level - see Page 128. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Advanced Level - see Pages 135 & 144. I will sing and make music to the Lord. Psalm 27:6 VOICE - ADVANCED 23 VOICE – DIPLOMAS IN MUSIC MINISTRY The format of the A.Mus.Min. Applied (Part 1), and the F.Mus.Min. examinations is that of a PUBLIC Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family and friends. (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be adjudicated by three members of the C.C.M.C. Board of Examiners. Part 2 of the Applied A.Mus.Min. consists of Technique, Sight Singing and Ear Test which will be taken as a separate examination. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance the musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between the candidate and the audience/ congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY VOICE (A.MUS.MIN.) A.Mus.Min. candidates must choose a varied and balanced program of 30 to 40 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate is encouraged to lead in a time of praise and worship, with audience participation, if the candidate is comfortable doing so. This is in addition to the 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. Fifty percent of the program should be chosen from the following A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min. Repertoire list and fifty percent of the program should be chosen from the repertoire list of previous grade levels. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. One OWN CHOICE piece may be selected, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. This may even be an original composition. An original work must consist of words, accurately notated melody and chord symbols OR words and full piano score. An Own Choice selection must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. See MEMORY on Page 11. A PARA-PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. A.Mus.Min. REPERTOIRE: See A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min. Repertoire List on Page 28. SOUND TRACKS or PRAISE & WORSHIP BAND The candidate has the option of using sound tracks or bringing an experienced praise and worship band. If using a praise and worship band at a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, please submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, for an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/worship band. The quality of the band performance will be reflected in the mark. 24 VOICE - A.Mus.Min. A. Mus. Min. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Neighbour Notes (Major) 2. Neighbour Notes (Minor) 3. Crescendo/Decrescendo (Major) 4. Crescendo/Decrescendo (Major) 5. Blues Melody 6. Thirds (Natural Minor) Unaccompanied with vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]. The examiner will play the broken tonic triad and the first note. VOICE - A.Mus.Min 25 SIGHT SINGING – A.Mus.Min. Candidates will be asked to sing an unaccompanied four-bar melody in !4metre which will be in either Bb major, with modulation to the dominant key, or G minor (harmonic and melodic), with modulation to the relative major. The examiner will play the tonic chord in broken form, and the starting note. Time will be allotted for the candidate to study the music. The broken chord and starting note will be repeated when the candidate is ready to sing. [See GENERAL INFORMATION – Elements to be Evaluated pg. 12.] EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 122. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Page 130. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Pages 136 & 146. PREREQUISITES Advanced Level Certificate – 1. Voice Advanced Level (minimum standing 70%, Merit) 2. Advanced Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music 3. Advanced Materials of Music He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3 26 VOICE - A.Mus.Min. FELLOWSHIP DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY VOICE (F.MUS.MIN.) F.Mus.Min. candidates must choose a varied and balanced program of 50 to 60 minutes of actual performance time. Praise and worship, and audience interaction is in addition to the above time. A maximum of two selections from the candidate’s original A.Mus.Min. program will be accepted. The balance of the program should consist of selections from the A.Mus.Min and F.Mus.Min. Repertoire list, own choice, and/or an Aria from a Sacred Oratorio (i.e. Handel’s Messiah) or a Passion (i.e. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion). Up to Three OWN CHOICE pieces may be selected, provided they are Christian in content and theologically sound. This may include original compositions. Original works must consist of words, accurately notated melody and chord symbols OR words and full piano score. Own Choice selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. See MEMORY on Page 11. A HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. SOUND TRACKS or PRAISE & WORSHIP BAND The candidate has the option of using sound tracks, piano accompaniment, bringing an experienced praise and worship band, or a combination of all three. If using a praise and worship band, please submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). An audio engineer can be arranged for an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/ worship band. The quality of the band performance will be reflected in the mark. CO-REQUISITE 1. F.Mus.Min. Thesis submission – see Page 148. PREREQUISITES 1. A.Mus.Min. (Voice) Applied Part 1 (Music Ministry) minimum standing 70%, Merit 2. A.Mus.Min. (Voice) Applied Part 2 (Technique, Ear, Sight) minimum standing 70%, Merit 3. A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music 4. A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music VOICE - F.Mus.Min. 27 A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min. REPERTOIRE Most selections are taken from “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book – singer’s edition” by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing © 2004. When “The Original Praise and Worship Song Book” is used, page numbers are given. Hymns taken from the Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music © 1997 are indicated by “Hymn #”. Other selections may be found on the CCLI website. A copy of each selection to be performed must be brought to the examination. HYMNS (Up Tempo) • All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Diadem) (Hymn #16) • Therefore the Redeemed of the Lord (Hymn #761) HYMNS (Slow) • Behold the Lamb (Hymn #304) • Here I Am, Lord (Hymn #589) • O Holy Night (Hymn #285) • O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (Hymn #352) • The Lord’s Prayer (Hymn #631) • We Shall Behold Him (pg. 526) CHORUSES (Up Tempo) • All About You (CCLI # 3588284) • All Things are Possible (pg. 18) • Can’t Stop Talking (pg. 16) • Glorious (CCLI # 4185538) • God is in the House (pg. 137) • I Believe the Promise (CCLI #1839963) • Lord Reign in Me (pg. 322) • Mourning to Dancing (pg. 348) 28 CHORUSES (Slow) • Alabaster Box (word & music by Janice Sjostran – © 2000 Little Pooky’s Music – as performed by Cece Winans) • Holy Lamb of God (pg. 182) • If My People Will Pray (CCLI # 13821) • Lion and the Lamb (as performed by Crystal Lewis) • My Tribute (CCLI #11218) • Redeemer (CCLI #3149757) • The Potter’s Hand (pg. 468) • The Power of Your Love (pg. 469) • We Speak to Nations (pg. 528) • Worthy is the Lamb (pg. 550) • Your Love is Extravagant (pg. 585) VOICE - F.Mus.Min. PIANO SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT Candidates will be judged on: i) Overall Performance (as it pertains to the worship experience) ii) Choice of Repertoire iii) Stylistic Interpretation iv) Technical Facility (including rhythmic & note accuracy, pedaling) v) Inherent Rhythmic Flow vi) Presentation of Program 2. CONTENT AND PRESENTATION Each program must consist of at least ONE hymn arrangement and ONE contemporary praise and worship selection. The balance of the program may be selected from either list, in any combination (i.e. Elementary: 1 hymn, 3 contemporary OR, 2 hymns, 2 contemporary etc). As well, each program must have contrasting styles and tempi. Rubato may be employed where it enhances the musical effect in an arrangement. Pieces are expected to be played at an appropriate tempo. Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. For example at the Elementary level they could say something as brief as: “Angels Watching Over Me” is my favorite spiritual. I like it because it talks about angels and angels make me feel safe.” 3. REPEATS Repeats are not required of formal arrangements unless otherwise indicated in the syllabus. 4. HYMNS Starting at the Junior Level, one hymn must be selected from a list of hymns found in: Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music © 1997 or The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration, published by Word Music © MCMLXXXVI or Hymns for the Family of God, published by Brentwood Publishers © 1989 or a more recent publication. Candidates will play the selected hymn as written the first time through. On the second time, a variation is expected such as: • arpeggiated left hand accompaniment or alberti bass • melodic fills • chord substitutions • stride left hand • octaves It is important that the variation be worshipful and that it enhances the music. With each higher level, a more elaborate and sophisticated musical expansion is expected. PIANO - GENERAL INFORMATION 29 5. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All technical requirements are to be played from memory with clarity, evenness of touch and tone, and with practical fingering. All scales, triads, chords, and arpeggios are to be played ascending and descending. Special attention should be given to the proper physical approach to the piano including such aspects as posture, hand position and thumb action. Each level introduces new keys as well as reinforcing previously learned material. Tempo markings are to be considered as the minimum speeds. 6. MEMORY Memorization is expected for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Repertoire which is not memorized will receive a significant penalty in the final mark. Memorization is MANDATORY for Music Ministry Diploma Examinations (A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min.). Diploma candidates who choose not to perform by memory will receive comments ONLY. There will be no marks awarded and therefore no diploma can be granted. …burst into jubilant song with music! Psalm 98:4b 30 PIANO - GENERAL INFORMATION PIANO – ELEMENTARY LEVEL For this examination, candidates must choose four selections: two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 30. A copy of each selection to be performed must be brought to the examination. See PIANO SECTION – GENERAL INFORMATION Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS Faber & Faber, FunTime Piano/Hymns -Level 3A-3B © 1991 by THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 0-929666-35-6 • • • • • • Christ the Lord is Risen Today (pg. 24) Fairest Lord Jesus (pg. 8) In the Cross of Christ I Glory (pg. 16) Now Thank We All Our God (pg. 22) Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (pg. 4) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (pg. 14) Faber & Faber, BigTime Piano/Hymns - Level 4 © 2004 by THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 1-56939-369-9 • Just as I Am (pg. 30) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Hymns & Holidays - Level 3 © 2006 by Word Music, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1896-2 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1896-4 • All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (pg. 26) • Be Thou My Vision (pg. 24) • Christ the Lord is Risen Today (pg. 18) • Fairest Lord Jesus (pg. 12) • For the Beauty of the Earth (pg. 30) • Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (pg. 14) • Let Us Break Bread Together (pg. 10) • Like a River Glorious (pg. 8) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Hymns & Holidays - Level 4 © 2007 by Word Music, LLC. ISBN -13: 978-1-4234-3374-3 ISBN-10: 1-4234-3374-2 • O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (pg. 8) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP Play Praise – Most Requested - Book 3 Arranged by Tom Gerou & Victor Labenske © MMVI by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-3901-6, ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-3901-4 • Above All (pg. 22) • Celebrate Jesus (pg. 12) • Lord I Lift Your Name on High (pg. 8) PIANO - ELEMENTARY 31 The Phillip Keveren Series – Big Note Piano – How Great is Our God (15 Contemporary Christian Songs arranged by Phillip Keveren) By HAL LEONARD CORPORATION – ISBN – 13: 978 1-4234-2548-9 ISBN – 10: 1-4234-2548-0 • Above All (pg. 4) • Awesome God (pg. 8) • Forever (pg. 18) • Give Thanks (pg. 21) • Open the Eyes of My Heart (pg. 36) • The Potter’s Hand (pg. 40) • Shout to the Lord (pg. 43) • There is a Redeemer (pg. 46) • There is None Like You (pg. 49) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Hymns & Holidays - Level 4 © 2007 by Word Music, LLC. ISBN -13: 978-1-4234-3374-3 ISBN-10: 1-4234-3374-2 • I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord (pg. 4) SUNDAY SCHOOL SONGS Faber & Faber FunTime Piano/Hymns - Level 3A-3B © 1991 by FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 0-929666-35-6 • Go Down Moses (pg. 17) • Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho (pg. 30) • Standin’ in the Need of Prayer (pg. 28) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. SCALES KEYS PLAYED Legato Hands Separately 2 octaves (legato) = 80 Eighth notes Hands Separately 2 octaves (staccato) = 88 Eighth notes Contrary Motion C, G, D, F Major A, E Minors, Natural and Harmonic Minor Form C, G, D, F Major A, E Minors, Natural and Harmonic Minor Form C Major – beginning on Middle C 2 octaves, legato = 80 Eighth notes TRIADS KEYS PLAYED Solid C, G Major A Minor Hands Separately 1 octave = 108 Broken C, G Major A Minor Hands Separately 1 octave, legato = 58 Staccato Root position and inversions Root position and inversions 32 PIANO - ELEMENTARY TEMPO TEMPO NOTE VALUE NOTE VALUE Quarter note, quarter rest Triplet eighth notes SIGHT PLAYING 1. The STAFF sight playing portion of the examination will be based on the following elements: - Keys: C, G, or F Major - Note values: whole note, half notes, quarter notes. - A short piece consisting of two bars of right hand flowing into two bars of left hand. 2. The CHORD CHART portion of the sight playing gives the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to accurately interpret given chord symbols. Candidates will be expected to play a four bar passage in !4 time, using chords in the right hand and the root of the chord in the left hand. Candidates are expected to play the chords retaining the common notes in the same voices, creating smooth voice leading. Candidates are encouraged to elaborate by adding simple passing notes or rhythmic variations if they are comfortable doing so. Tempo indications will be either “joyfully” or “worshipful”. The Chord Chart will be based on the following keys and chords. KEYS CHORDS C Major C F G F Major F B♭ C G Major G C D Example: To be played joyfully !4 C / / / !F / / / !G / F / !C / / / !! EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees -- see Page 118. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Elementary Level – see Page 123. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Elementary Level – see Pages 132 & 139. PIANO - ELEMENTARY 33 PIANO – JUNIOR LEVEL For this examination, candidates must choose five selections: at least one piece must be a hymn from the hymnal, requiring a variation, at least one must be from the contemporary praise and worship list, and one must be a lead sheet. (see Page 29 in GENERAL INFORMATION) The selections must be in various keys, various tempi and various styles. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 30. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. FROM THE HYMNAL It is MANDATORY that one hymn be chosen from this list. The candidate will play the hymn as written in the hymnal and then play it an additional time in a varied/decorated form. See GENERAL INFORMATION – No. 4 Hymns. Choose from one of the following hymnals: • Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music © 1997 • The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration, published by Word Music © MCMLXXXVI • Hymns for the Family of God, published by Brentwood Publishers © 1989 or newer HYMN COMPOSER KEY Breathe on Me, Breath of God (Trentham) E. Hatch/R. Jackson F major It is Well With My Soul H. Spafford/P. Bliss C major My Jesus, I Love Thee W. Featherstone/A. J. Gordon F major Near the Cross F. Crosby/W. Doane F major Nothing But the Blood (Plainfield) R. Lowry G major Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart (Morecambe) Take My Life and Let It Be (Hendon) G. Croly/F.C. Atkinson C major F.R. Havergal/H. Malan F major When I Survey the Wondrous Cross I. Watts/arr. L. Mason F major HYMN ARRANGEMENTS Faber & Faber BigTime Piano/Hymns - Level 4 © 2004 by THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 1-56939-369-9 • All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (pg. 18) • Crown Him With Many Crowns (pg. 26) • Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (pg. 10) • It is Well With My Soul (pg. 4) • Jesus Shall Reign (pg. 28) • Master, Let Me Walk With Thee (pg. 22) • Rock of Ages (pg. 20) • Shall We Gather at the River (pg. 8) • Sweet Hour of Prayer (pg. 12) • The Old Rugged Cross (pg. 15) 34 PIANO - JUNIOR Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Hymns & Holidays - Level 3 © 2006 by Word Music, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1896-2 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1896-4 • Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (pg. 32) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Hymns & Holidays - Level 4 © 2007 by Word Music, LLC. ISBN -13: 978-1-4234-3374-3 ISBN-10: 1-4234-3374-2 • • • • • Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (pg. 12) Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (pg. 6) Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (pg. 2) Onward, Christian Soldiers (pg. 10) Were You There? (pg. 14) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP Play Praise – Most Requested - Book 3 Arranged by Tom Gerou & Victor Labenske © MMVI by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-3901-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-3901-4 • As the Deer (pg. 10) • Here I Am to Worship (pg. 16) • How Great is Our God (pg. 13) • Shine, Jesus, Shine (pg. 2) • You Are My King [Amazing Love] (pg. 19) Play Praise – Most Requested - Book 4 Arranged by Tom Gerou & Victor Labenske © MMVIII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-4909-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-4909-9 • Indescribable (pg. 10) • Sanctuary (pg. 8) • The Wonderful Cross (pg. 2) • We Fall Down (pg. 5) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Praise & Worship - Level 4 © 2007 Word Music, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1883-2 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1883-2 • Be the Centre (pg. 2) • Better is One Day (pg. 20) • Come, Now is the Time to Worship (pg. 4) • Give Thanks (pg. 10) • He is Exalted (pg. 12) • I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (pg. 7) • Mary, Did You Know? (pg. 14) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Praise & Worship - Level 5 © 2007 Word Music, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1882-5 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1882-4 • How Great is Our God (pg. 2) • The Power of Your Love (pg. 10) PIANO - JUNIOR 35 LEAD SHEET It is MANDATORY that the candidate prepare at least ONE selection from a Lead Sheet (melody with chord symbols). Lead Sheets of choruses and hymns may be found on the internet, such as the CCLI website,, etc. and in chorus books prepared in lead sheet form, found at your local Christian Book store. For the Junior Level, the candidate will select a piece in either the key of C Major, G Major or F Major. The piece must contain a minimum of I, ii, IV and V or V7 chords. The left hand accompaniment may be as basic as whole note chords, half note chords, broken chords. Be sure the accompaniment enhances the melody line, thus enriching the sense of worship. The candidate will play the selection through once, without repeats. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. SCALES KEYS PLAYED B♭ TEMPO NOTE VALUE Legato Parallel Motion Staccato Parallel Motion Contrary Motion F, A, E, Major E, D Minor; Natural, Harmonic and Melodic Forms F, A, E, B♭ Major E, D Minor; Natural, Harmonic and Melodic Forms C, G Major Hands Together 2 octaves ( legato) = 88 Eighth notes Hands Together 2 octaves (staccato) = 92 Eighth notes 2 octaves, legato = 88 Eighth notes TRIADS KEYS PLAYED B♭ TEMPO Solid F, A, E, Major E, D Minor Hands Separately 2 octaves = 116 Broken F, A, E, B♭ Major E, D Minor Hands Together 1 octave, legato = 50 Root position and inversions Root position and inversions ARPEGGIOS KEYS PLAYED Root position only Hands Separately 2 octaves 36 F, A Major E minor PIANO - JUNIOR TEMPO = 72 NOTE VALUE Quarter note, quarter rest Triplet eighth notes NOTE VALUE Eighth notes SIGHT PLAYING 1. The STAFF sight playing portion of the examination will be based on the following elements: • Keys: G, D or F Major • Note values: whole note, half notes, quarter notes. • A short piece consisting of four bars, hands together, in two voice (part) texture 2. The CHORD CHART portion of the sight playing gives the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to accurately interpret given chord symbols. Candidates will be expected to play a four bar passage in !4 time, using chords in the right hand and the root of the chord in the left hand. Candidates are expected to play the chords retaining the common notes in the same voices, creating smooth voice leading. Candidates are encouraged to elaborate by adding simple passing notes or rhythmic variations if they are comfortable doing so. Tempo indications will be either “joyfully” or “worshipful”. The Chord Chart will be based on the following keys and chords. KEYS CHORDS G Major G Am C D D Major D Em G A Gm B♭ C F Major F Example: To be played worshipfully !4 D / G / | Em / A / |G / A / |D / / / || EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 119. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Junior Level – see Page 124. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Junior Level – see Pages 133 & 140. PIANO - JUNIOR 37 PIANO – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL For this examination, candidates must choose five selections: at least one piece must be a hymn from the hymnal, requiring a variation, at least one must be from the contemporary praise and worship list, and one must be a lead sheet. (see Page 29 in GENERAL INFORMATION) The selections must be in various keys, various tempi and various styles. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 30 . Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. FROM THE HYMNAL It is MANDATORY that one hymn be chosen from this list. The candidate will play the hymn as written in the hymnal and then play it an additional time in a varied/decorated form. See GENERAL INFORMATION – No. 4 Hymns. Choose from one of the following hymnals: • Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music © 1997 • The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration, published by Word Music © MCMLXXXVI • Hymns for the Family of God, published by Brentwood Publishers © 1989 or newer HYMN COMPOSER KEY All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Coronation) E. Perronet/O. Holden G major And Can It Be? C. Wesley/T. Campbell G major Be Thou My Vision (Slone) M. Byrne/D. Allen E flat major Because He Lives G. Gaither/W. Gaither A Flat major Blessed Assurance F. Crosby/P. Knapp D major Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Lyra Davidica) Crown Him With Many Crowns C. Wesley C major M. Bridges/G. Elvey D major God of Grace & God of Glory ( C W M Rhondda) Great is Thy Faithfulness H. Fosdick/J. Hughes G major T. Chisholm/W. Runyan D major Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Nicaea) R. Heber/J.B. Dykes D major Standing on the Promises K. Carter B flat major The Old Rugged Cross G. Bernard B flat major To God Be the Glory F. Crosby/W. Doane A flat major HYMNS ARRANGEMENTS Faber & Faber Big Time Piano - Level 4 © 2004 by THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 1-56939-369-9 • A Mighty Fortress is Our God (pg. 34) • All Night, All Day (pg. 36) • Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow (pg. 40) 38 PIANO - INTERMEDIATE Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Hymns & Holidays - Level 4 © 2007 by Word Music, LLC. ISBN -13: 978-1-4234-3374-3 ISBN-10: 1-4234-3374-2 • • • • • Christ Arose (pg. 24) Doxology (pg. 32) Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (pg. 22) To God Be the Glory (pg. 18) When the Saints Go Marching In (pg. 30) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP Play Praise – Most Requested - Book 4 Arranged by Tom Gerou & Victor Labenske © MMVIII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-4909-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-4909-9 • • • • • Beautiful One (pg. 19) Blessed Be Your Name (pg. 16) Holy is the Lord (pg. 28) Lord Reign in Me (pg. 13) You’re Worthy of My Praise (pg. 24) Play Praise – Most Requested - Book 5 Arranged by Tom Gerou & Victor Labenske © MMVIII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-4910-0 ISBN-13: 979-0-7390-4910-5 • • • • • • • • Better is One Day (pg. 2) Breathe (pg. 6) Draw Me Close (pg. 14) Great is the Lord (pg. 18) Hallelujah [Your Love is Amazing] (pg. 20) He is Exalted (pg. 24) Let Everything That Has Breath Praise the Lord (pg. 29) The Heart of Worship [When the Music Fades] (pg. 26) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Praise & Worship - Level 4 © 2007 Word Music, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1883-2 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1883-2 • Great is the Lord (pg. 17) • You Are My All in All (pg. 26) Carol Tornquist: Music in Me/Praise & Worship - Level 5 © 2007 Word Music, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1882-5 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1882-4 • • • • Above All (pg. 16) Ancient of Days (pg. 13) Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) (pg. 23) Jesus Name Above All Names (pg. 30) PIANO - INTERMEDIATE 39 LEAD SHEET It is MANDATORY that the candidate prepare at least ONE selection from a Lead Sheet (melody with chord symbols). Lead Sheets of choruses and hymns may be found on the internet, such as the CCLI website,, etc. and in chorus books prepared in lead sheet form, found at your local Christian Book store. For the Intermediate Level, the candidate will select a piece in either the key of G Major, D Major, F Major, Bb Major, or A Minor. The piece must contain a minimum of I, I6, I^4, ii, ii6, IV, IV6, V and V7 chords. The left hand accompaniment must enrich the sense of worship with patterns such as broken chords, arpeggiated chords, stride etc. Melodic embellishments are encouraged. The candidate will play the selection through once, without repeats. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. SCALES KEYS PLAYED Legato Parallel Motion Contrary Motion B, A♭, D♭, G♭ Major D, G, F Minor; Harmonic and Melodic Forms C, G, D Major A, E Minor; harmonic Hands Together 2 octaves ( legato) = 96 Eighth notes 2 octaves, legato = 96 Eighth notes CHORDS KEYS PLAYED Solid Triads B, A♭, D♭, G♭ Major D, G, F Minor Hands Together 2 octaves, finish with IV-I Cadence Hands Together 2 octaves, finish with IV-I Cadence Hands Separately 1 octave, Solid Root position and inversions Broken Triads B, A♭, D♭, G♭ Major Root position D, G, F Minor and inversions Dominant Seventh Chords of: Dominant Seventh Chords of: B, A♭, D♭, G♭ Major Hands Separately 1 octave, Broken B, A♭, D♭, G♭ Major ARPEGGIOS KEYS Root position only 40 PLAYED B, A♭, D♭, G♭ Major D, G, F Minor Hands Together 2 octaves PIANO - INTERMEDIATE TEMPO TEMPO = 120 = 60 NOTE VALUE NOTE VALUE Quarter note, Quarter rest Triplet Eighth notes = 120 Quarter note, Quarter rest = 66 Eighth notes TEMPO = 80 NOTE VALUE Eighth notes SIGHT PLAYING 1. The STAFF sight playing portion of the examination will be based on the following elements: • Keys: G, D, A or F Major • Note values: whole note, dotted half notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. • A short piece consisting of eight bars, hands together, in two voice (part) texture 2. The CHORD CHART portion of the sight playing gives the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to accurately interpret given chord symbols. Candidates will be expected to play a six bar passage in !4 time, using chords in the right hand and the root of the chord in the left hand. Candidates are expected to play the chords retaining the common notes in the same voices, creating smooth voice leading. Candidates are encouraged to elaborate by adding simple passing notes or rhythmic variations if they are comfortable doing so. Improvisation on the given chord progression is permitted. Please note – in popular harmonic idioms, consecutive fifths and octaves are permitted. Tempo indications will be either “joyfully” or “worshipful”. The Chord Chart will be based on the following keys and chords. KEYS D Major A Major F Major D A F CHORDS G A D E ♭ B C Em Bm Gm Bm F#m Dm Example: To be played worshipfully !4 A / F#m / / / Bm |D / / |E Bm / / / / |E / |A / / | / / / || EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 120. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Intermediate Level – see Page 126. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Intermediate Level – see Pages 134 & 142. PIANO - INTERMEDIATE 41 PIANO – ADVANCED LEVEL For this examination, candidates must choose six selections: at least one piece must be a hymn from the hymnal, requiring a variation (see Page 29 in GENERAL INFORMATION), at least one must be from the contemporary praise and worship list, and one must be a lead sheet. The selections must be in various keys, various tempi and various styles. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 30. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. FROM THE HYMNAL It is MANDATORY that one hymn be chosen from this list. The candidate will play the hymn as written in the hymnal and then play it an additional time in a varied/decorated form. See GENERAL INFORMATION – No. 4 Hymns. Choose from one of the following hymnals: • Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music © 1997 • The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration, published by Word Music © MCMLXXXVI • Hymns for the Family of God, published by Brentwood Publishers © 1989 or newer HYMN COMPOSER KEY A Mighty Fortress is Our God Martin Luther C major All Creatures of Our God and King St. Francis of Assisi E flat major All Hail the Power of Jesus Name ( Diadem) E. Peronet/J. Ellor A flat major Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah W. Williams/J. Hughes G major In the Garden A. Miles A flat major Jesus Paid It All E. Hall/J. Grape D flat major O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Passion Chorale) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (Ebenezer) P. Gerhardt/H. Hassler (harmonized J.S. Bach) S. T. Francis/T. J. Williams C major Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him Osler/F.J.Haydn G major Thine is the Glory (Maccabes) E. Burdy/G.F. Handel E flat major E minor HYMN ARRANGEMENTS Amazed in the Presence – Gospel Hymn Settings for Solo Piano arranged by Johnie Dean © 2005 by THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 1-56939-456-3 • I Am Thine, O Lord (pg. 18) • I Surrender All (pg. 6) • Open My Eyes, That I May See (pg. 27) • ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (pg. 3) 42 PIANO-ADVANCED Hymns with a Touch of Jazz: 15 Traditional Hymns arranged in Jazz Style by Phillip Keveren © 2005 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION ISBN 0-634-07383-4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (pg. 3) Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (pg. 6) Fairest Lord Jesus (pg. 9) God Will Take Care of You (pg. 12) I Love to Tell the Story (pg. 14) I’ve Got Peace Like a River (pg. 17) Jesus is All the World to Me (pg. 20) Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (pg. 26) Just a Closer Walk With Thee (pg. 23) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (pg. 30) Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (pg. 33) Softly and Tenderly (pg. 36) Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (pg. 41) This is My Father’s World (pg. 44) What a Friend We Have in Jesus (pg. 46) Hymns with a Velvet Touch (Book 2282) arranged by Tom Fettke © MMIV by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. • • • • • • • Day By Day (pg. 2) More Love to Thee/I Love Thee (pg. 26) My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (pg. 18) My Faith Looks Up to Thee (pg. 22) Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (pg. 3) Take My Life and Let It Be/I Surrender All (pg. 10) Take Time to Be Holy (pg. 6) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP How Great is Our God (Book 27992) arranged by Tom Fettke ©MMVII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-4729-9 ISBN-13:978-0-7390-4729-3 • • • • • • • • • • • Amazing Grace ( My Chains are Gone) (pg. 38) Be Still and Know (pg. 28) Holy, Holy with Holy, Holy, Holy (pg. 7) How Deep the Father’s Love for Us (pg. 24) How Great is Our God (pg. 2) In Christ Alone (My Hope is Found) (pg. 16) Lamb of God (pg. 12) Once Again with Beneath the Cross of Jesus (pg. 47) Shout to the North with Rise Up, O Church of God (pg. 20) There is a Redeemer (pg. 34) You Are My King (Amazing Love) with And Can It Be? (pg. 42) PIANO - ADVANCED 43 Worship Medleys for Solo Piano: 10 Blended Arrangements by Don Wyrtzen Published by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION ISBN 978-1-4234-4742-9 • Above All [with “Were You There?] (pg. 4) • Ancient of Days [with “O Worship the King “] (pg. 10) • Give Thanks [with “For the Beauty of the Earth”] (pg. 14) • Have Thine Own Way, Lord [ with “The Potter’s Hand”] (pg. 19) • Holy Spirit Rain Down [with “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”] (pg. 24) • I Worship You, Almighty God [with “Praise to the Lord, The Almighty”] (pg. 30) • A Mighty Fortress is Our God [ with “Mighty if Our God”] (pg. 35) • Open the Eyes of My Heart [with “Holy, Holy, Holy!”] (pg. 40) • Shout to the Lord [with “I Sing the Mighty Power of God”] (pg. 45) • Worthy is the Lamb [with “Crown Him With Many Crowns”] (pg. 50) LEAD SHEET It is MANDATORY that the candidate prepare at least ONE selection from a Lead Sheet (melody with chord symbols). Lead Sheets of choruses and hymns may be found on the internet, such as the CCLI website,, etc. and in chorus books prepared in lead sheet form, found at your local Christian Book store. For the Advanced Level, the candidate will select a piece in either the key of D Major, A Major, E Major, B major, Bb Major, Eb Major, Ab Major or any Minor key. The piece must contain a minimum of I, I6, I^4, ii, ii6, IV, IV6, V and V7 chords. The left hand accompaniment must enrich the sense of worship with patterns such as broken chords, arpeggiated chords, stride etc. Melodic embellishments are encouraged. The selection must be played twice, with the second time more elaborate and embellished. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. SCALES KEYS PLAYED Legato Parallel Motion Legato Parallel Motion D, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major B, F#, C#, G, C Minor; Harmonic and Melodic Forms D, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major B, F#, C#, G, C Minor; Harmonic and Melodic Forms Contrary Motion TEMPO NOTE VALUE Hands Together 4 octaves = 69 Hands Together 2 octaves = 96 D, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major D, B Minor; harmonic 2 octaves, legato = 66 Dotted eighth/ sixteenth or Sixteenth/dotted eighth Sixteenth notes Chromatic Starting on D, A, E, B♭ 2 octaves, legato Hands Together = 69 Sixteenth notes Octaves Staccato C major = 60 Eighth notes 44 2 octaves Hands Together PIANO-ADVANCED Sixteenth notes CHORDS KEYS PLAYED Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, finish with IV-I Cadence Hands Together, Root Position and Inversions 2 octaves, Solid Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, Broken Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, Solid Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, Broken Broken FourD, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major note Tonic B, F#, C#, G, C Minor; Chords Dominant Seventh Chords of: D, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major Dominant Seventh Chords of: D, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major Diminished Seventh Chords of: B, F#, C#, G, C Minor Diminished Seventh Chords of: B, F#, C#, G, C Minor ARPEGGIOS KEYS Root position and Inversions Dominant 7th Root position only Diminished 7th Root position only PLAYED B♭, E♭ Major D, A, E, B, F#, C#, G, C Minor D, A, E, B♭, E♭ Major B, F#, C#, G, C Minor Hands Together 4 octaves TEMPO NOTE VALUE = 76 Sixteenth notes = 88 Quarter notes = 84 Sixteenth notes = 88 Quarter notes = 84 Sixteenth notes TEMPO NOTE VALUE = 69 Sixteenth notes Hands Together 4 octaves = 69 Sixteenth notes Hands Together 4 octaves = 69 Sixteenth notes SIGHT PLAYING 1. The STAFF sight playing portion of the examination will be based on the following elements: • Keys: G, D, A, E, F, B♭ Major, G, D Minor. • Various note values • A short piece consisting of twelve to sixteen bars, hands together, in three voice (part) texture • Pedal is required PIANO - ADVANCED 45 2. The CHORD CHART portion of the sight playing gives the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to accurately interpret given chord symbols. Candidates will be expected to play an eight bar passage in !4 time, using chords in the right hand and the root of the chord, or indicated note, in the left hand. Candidates are expected to play the chords retaining the common notes in the same voices, creating smooth voice leading. Candidates are encouraged to elaborate by adding simple passing notes or rhythmic variations if they are comfortable doing so. Improvisation on the given chord progression is permitted including the addition of a 7th, 9th, sus4, and “add2” chords. Please note – in popular harmonic idioms, consecutive fifths and octaves are permitted. Tempo indications will be either “joyfully” or “worshipful”. The Chord Chart will be based on the following keys and chords. KEYS CHORDS F Major B♭ Major A Major C Minor G Minor F B♭ A F/A B♭/D A/C# F/C Gm B♭/F Cm A/E Bm Gm/B♭ Cm/E♭ Bm/D B♭ C E♭ F D E Cm Cm/E♭ Cm/G Fm Fm/A♭ G G/B G7 A♭ G Gm/B♭ Gm/D Cm Cm/E♭ D D/F# D7 E♭ C7 F7 E7 C/E F/A E/G# Dm Gm F#m Example: To be played joyfully !4 F / Dm / F/A / / / | B♭ / | B♭ / / Gm / | Gm / Gm/B♭ / | C / / | F/C / C7 / | F / / / / / || | EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures See Page 121. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Advanced Level – see Page 128. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Advanced Level – see Pages 135 & 144. 46 PIANO-ADVANCED PIANO – DIPLOMAS IN MUSIC MINISTRY The format of the A.Mus.Min. Applied (Part 1) and the F.Mus.Min. examinations is that of a PUBLIC Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family and friends (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. Part 2 of the Applied A.Mus.Min. consists of Technique, Sight Playing and Ear Test which will be taken as a separate examination. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between the candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY PIANO (A.MUS.MIN.) A.Mus.Min. candidates must choose a varied and balanced program of 30 to 40 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate is encouraged to lead in a time of praise and worship, with audience participation, if the candidate is comfortable doing so. This is in addition to the 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. The program will consist of at least one selection from the medley list, and at least one piano accompaniment. The balance of the program will be made up from any combination of: the repertoire list, the sound track list, lead sheet arrangements (see page 29) with/or without a praise and worship band, or an arrangement chosen by the candidate (OWN CHOICE). Various tempi, styles and keys are expected. The candidate is encouraged to design a para-professional program in the worship style with which they are most familiar. The PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT requirement is included to showcase the candidate’s ability to accompany a soloist in such a way that enhances and supports the soloist. The candidate must bring their own accomplished singer or instrumental soloist and accompany them, displaying a para-professional level of proficiency. A copy of the selection to be accompanied must be submitted for approval at the time of application. One OWN CHOICE piece may be selected, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. This may even be an original composition. An original work must consist of full staff notation or full lead sheet notation (melody and chord symbols). An Own Choice selection must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory, with the exception of the accompaniment portion. See MEMORY on Page 30. A PARA-PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. PIANO - A.Mus.Min. 47 REPERTOIRE MEDLEYS – at least one selection must be chosen from this list Hymn Medleys: Classic Songs of Faith arranged by Phillip Keveren Published by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-1791-0 ISBN-10: 1-4234-1791-7 • HYMNS OF ADORATION – (pg. 4) [Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee/Fairest Lord Jesus/All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name] • HYMNS OF COMFORT – (pg. 8) [Abide With Me/What a Friend We Have in Jesus/The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want] • HYMNS OF COMMITMENT (pg. 15) [Have Thine Own Way, Lord/Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing/I Surrender All] • HYMNS OF CREATION (pg. 20) [I Sing the Mighty Power of God/All Things Bright and Beautiful/This is My Father’s World] • HYMNS OF THE CROSS (pg. 25) [The Old Rugged Cross/Nothing But the Blood/When I Survey the Wondrous Cross] • HYMNS OF MAJESTY (pg. 44) [A Mighty Fortress is Our God/Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty/Immortal, Invisible] • HYMNS OF PEACE (pg. 32) [I’ve Got Peace Like a River/Wonderful Peace/It is Well with My Soul] • HYMNS OF PRAISE (pg. 38) [Praise to the Lord, the Almighty/All Creatures of Our God and King/Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him] Great Things He Has Done arranged by Victor Labenske (10 Sacred Arrangements in a Variety of Styles) © MM111 by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. Book #22470 • “Great Things He Has Done” Medley (pg. 2) [To God Be the Glory/Grace Greater Than Our Sin] SOUND TRACK The candidate has the option of using a selection with Sound Track from the Coates’ arrangements or creating their own arrangement to a vocal backing track. Candidates are encouraged to consider the tempo of the sound track when choosing their selection. 20 Contemporary Hymn Favorites for Solo Piano arranged by John E. Coates (CD Accompaniment Tracks Included) © 2006 by Word Music, a division of Word Music Group, LLC ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-2406-2 ISBN-10:1-4234-2406-0-9 And Can It Be (pg. 72) Angels We Have Heard on High (pg. 80) Be Still My Soul (pg. 32) Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (pg. 44) • Fairest Lord Jesus (pg. 48) • Hallelujah, What a Savior! (pg. 84) • • • • 48 PIANO - A.Mus.Min. • • • • Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (pg. 14) Nothing but the Blood (pg. 60) Worship the King (pg. 58) Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (pg. 30) ADDITIONAL REPERTOIRE Amazed in the Presence – Gospel Hymn Settings for Solo Piano arranged by Johnie Dean © 2005 by THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 1-56939-456-3 • • • • Blessed Be the Name (pg. 24) I Stand Amazed in the Presence (My Savior’s Love) (pg. 20) Softly and Tenderly (pg. 15) To God Be the Glory (pg. 8) Great Things He Has Done arranged by Victor Labenske (10 Sacred Arrangements in a Variety of Styles) Book 22470 © MMIII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. • • • • Amen! (pg. 50) Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen (pg. 14) Thou in Whose Presence (pg. 14) Take the World, But Give Me Jesus (pg. 30) Open My Heart to Worship arranged by Mark Hayes Book 25654 ©MMVI by Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN 0-7390-4125-8 • Draw Me Close (pg. 8) • Here I Am to Worship (pg. 23) • In the Presence of Jehovah with Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place (pg. 28) What Can I Play on Sunday? Book 5: September & October Services arranged by Cindy Berry © MMVIII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. ISBN-10: 0-7390-5313-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-5313-3 • Jesus, Lord, We Look Up to Thee (pg. 6) • Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (pg. 10) • There Is a Fountain (pg. 18) • ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (pg. 22) PRAISE & WORSHIP BAND If the candidate chooses to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice at a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. PIANO - A.Mus.Min. 49 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. SCALES KEYS Legato Parallel Motion All Major Keys All Minor Keys, Harmonic And Melodic All Major Keys All Minor Keys, Harmonic and Melodic All Major Keys All Minor Keys, Harmonic and Melodic A♭, D♭, G♭ Major F, B♭, E♭ Minor; harmonic Starting on any note Legato Parallel Motion Legato Parallel Motion Contrary Motion Chromatic Octaves Staccato D, B♭ Major E, D Minor, Harmonic CHORDS KEYS Solid Four-note Tonic Chords Broken Four-note Tonic Chords All Major Keys All Minor Keys All Major Keys All Minor Keys Dominant Seventh Chords of: All Major Keys Dominant Seventh Chords of: All Major Keys Diminished Seventh Chords of: All Minor Keys Diminished Seventh Chords of: All Minor Keys 50 PLAYED TEMPO NOTE VALUE Hands Together 4 octaves = 96 Sixteenth notes Hands Together 3 octaves = 88 Triplet eighth notes Hands Together 4 octaves = 132 3 octaves, legato = 84 Dotted eighth/ sixteenth or Sixteenth/dotted eighth Triplet eighth notes 2 octaves, legato Hands Together 2 octaves Hands Together = 88 Sixteenth notes = 96 Eighth notes PLAYED Hands together Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, finish with IV-I Cadence Hands together Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, finish with IV-I Cadence Hands Together, Root Position and Inversions 2 octaves, Solid Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, Broken Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, Solid Hands Together, Root position and Inversions 2 octaves, Broken PIANO - A.Mus.Min. TEMPO NOTE VALUE = 72 Quarter notes = 84 Sixteenth notes = 72 Quarter notes = 84 Eighth notes = 72 Quarter notes = 84 Eighth notes ARPEGGIOS KEYS PLAYED Tonic Arpeggios Root position only Dominant 7th Arpeggios Diminished 7th Arpeggios All Major Keys All Minor Keys All Major Keys Hands Together 4 octaves Hands Together 4 octaves Hands Together 4 octaves All Minor Keys TEMPO NOTE VALUE = 76 Sixteenth notes = 76 Sixteenth notes = 76 Sixteenth notes SIGHT PLAYING 1. The sight reading portion of the examination will be based on the following elements: • • • • Keys: A, E, Bb, Eb Major, D or G Minor Various note values A short piece consisting with up to five voice (part) texture Pedal is required 2. The CHORD CHART portion of the sight reading of the examination gives the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to accurately interpret given chord symbols. Candidates will be expected to play an eight bar passage in !4 time, using chords in the right hand and the root of the chord, or indicated note, in the left hand. Candidates are expected to play the chords retaining the common notes in the same voices, creating smooth voice leading. Candidates are encouraged to elaborate by adding simple passing notes or rhythmic variations if they are comfortable doing so. Improvisation on the given chord progression is permitted including the addition of a 7th, 9th, sus4, and “add2” chords. Please note – in popular harmonic idioms, consecutive fifths and octaves are permitted. Tempo indications will be either “joyfully” or “worshipful”. The Chord Chart will be based on the following keys and chords. KEYS CHORDS E♭ Major A D E A E♭ A/C# D/F# E/G# A/C# E♭/G D Minor A♭ Dm A♭/C B♭ Dm/F Dm/A E Minor A Major E Major Asus4 E/G# Esus4 B/D# E♭sus4 Bm E7 F#m B7 Fm Bm/D Esus4 F#m/A Bsus4 Fm/A♭ Bm7 F#m F#m7 C#m Fm7 B♭/D Dsus4 B♭7 Em7♭5 B♭sus4 Gm Cm Gm/B♭ A A/C# A7 Asus4 Em Em/G Em/B B♭ Esus4 F#m7♭5 Am B/D# B7 C A/E E E/B B E♭/B♭ Bsus4 PIANO - A.Mus.Min. Am/C Bm7/E F#m7/B Fm7/B♭ B 51 Example: To be played worshipfully !4 E / / C#m / F#m7 / B/D# / / | Bsus4 / / | | B/D# / / / | / A / | E/G"#/ / / | / | C#m / | E/B / / E | Esus4 / E BB ! F#m7/B / / ! / B7 / / / ! / |E / / / | || EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 122. LEAD SHEET Lead Sheets (melody and chord symbols) of choruses and hymns may be found on the internet, such as the CCLI website,, etc. and in chorus books prepared in lead sheet form, found at your local Christian Book store.The left hand accompaniment must enrich the sense of worship with patterns such as broken chords, arpeggiated chords, stride etc. Melodic embellishments are encouraged. The selection must be played twice, with the second time more elaborate and embellished. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Page 130. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Pages 136 & 146. PREREQUISITES Advanced Level Certificate: 1. Piano Advanced Level – (Minimum standing 70%, Merit) 2. Advanced Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music 3. Advanced Materials of Music 52 PIANO - A.Mus.Min. FELLOWSHIP DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY PIANO (F.MUS.MIN.) F.Mus.Min. candidates must choose a varied and balanced program of 50 to 60 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate is encouraged to lead in a time of praise and worship, with audience participation, if the candidate is comfortable doing so. This is in addition to the 50 to 60 minutes of performance time. The program will consist of at least two piano accompaniments and at least two pieces from the repertoire lists. The balance of the program will be made up from any combination of: the repertoire list, the sound track list, lead sheet arrangements (see page 29) with/or without a praise and worship band, or arrangements chosen by the candidate (OWN CHOICE). Various tempi, styles and keys are expected. The candidate is encouraged to design a highly professional program in the worship style with which they are most familiar. The PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT requirement is included to showcase the candidate’s ability to accompany a soloist in such a way that enhances and supports the soloist. The candidate must bring their own accomplished singer or instrumental soloist and accompany them, displaying a professional level of proficiency. A copy of the selections to be accompanied must be submitted for approval at the time of application. Up to THREE OWN CHOICE pieces may be selected, provided they are Christian in content and theologically sound. These may even be original compositions. An original work must consist of full staff notation or full lead sheet notation (melody with chord symbols). All Own Choice selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory, with the exception of the accompaniment portion. See MEMORY on Page 30. A HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE SOUND TRACK The candidate has the option of using a selection with Sound Track from the Coates’ arrangements or creating their own arrangement to a vocal backing track. Candidates are encouraged to consider the tempo of the sound track when choosing their selection. 20 Contemporary Hymn Favorites for Solo Piano arranged by John E. Coates (CD Accompaniment Tracks Included) © 2006 by Word Music, a division of Word Music Group, LLC ISBN-13: 978-1-4234-2406-2 ISBN-10:1-4234-2406-0-9 • • • • • • • • • • All Creatures of Our God and King (pg. 5) Amazing Grace (pg. 19) Come, Christians, Join to Sing (pg. 39) Crown Him with Many Crowns (pg. 10) How Firm a Foundation (pg. 52) I Sing the Mighty Power of God (pg. 35) Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (pg. 76) God, Our Help in Ages Past (pg. 56) There is a Fountain (pg. 24) To God Be the Glory (pg. 65) PIANO - F.Mus.Min. 53 ADDITIONAL REPERTOIRE Great Things He Has Done arranged by Victor Labenske (10 Sacred Arrangements in a Variety of Styles) Book 22470 © MMIII by Alfred Publishing Co. Inc. • • • • • Blessed Assurance (pg. 34) Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (pg. 18) Glory to His Name (pg. 44) I Must Tell Jesus (pg. 26) I Surrender All (pg. 7) Open My Heart to Worship arranged by Mark Hayes Book 25654 ©MMVI by Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN 0-7390-4125-8 • Above All (pg. 2) • Breathe (pg. 18) • Heart of Worship, The (pg. 14) • Knowing You (All I Once Held Dear) (pg. 33) • Let Everything That Has Breath (pg. 38) Piano Worship – Hymn Arrangements for the Advanced Pianist arranged by Marilyn Thompson © 2003 BY THE FJH MUSIC COMPANY INC. ISBN 1-56939-258-4 • Am I a Soldier of the Cross? (pg. 34) • Amazing Grace (pg. 2) • Christ Arose (pg. 28) • I Surrender All (pg. 11) • My Tribute (pg. 15) • Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (pg. 7) • Spirit of the Living God (pg. 20) • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (pg. 24) Ragtime Gospel Hymns arranged by Steven K. Tedesco © 2008 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION ISBN 978-1-4234-5643-8 • Are You Washed in the Blood? (pg. 2) • At Calvary (pg. 4) • Down at the Cross (Glory to His Name) (pg. 6) • Footsteps of Jesus (pg. 8) • He Keeps Me Singing (pg. 10) • Just a Closer Walk With Thee (pg. 12) • Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (pg. 14) • A New Name in Glory (pg. 30) • Precious Memories (pg. 16) • Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (pg. 18) • Standing on the Promises (pg. 20) • Sweet By and By (pg. 22) • What a Friend We Have in Jesus (pg. 24) • When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (pg. 26) • When We All Get to Heaven (pg. 28) 54 PIANO - F.Mus.Min. LEAD SHEET Lead Sheets (melody and chord symbols) of choruses and hymns may be found on the internet, such as the CCLI website,, etc. and in chorus books prepared in lead sheet form, found at your local Christian Book store.The left hand accompaniment must enrich the sense of worship with patterns such as broken chords, arpeggiated chords, stride etc. Melodic embellishments are encouraged. The selection must be played twice, with the second time more elaborate and embellished. PRAISE & WORSHIP BAND If the candidate chooses to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice at a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. CO-REQUISITES 1. F.Mus.Min. Thesis submission – see page 148. PREREQUISITES 1. 2. 3. 4. A.Mus.Min. (Piano) Applied Part 1 (Music Ministry) minimum standing 70%, Merit A.Mus.Min. (Piano) Applied Part 2 (Technique, Ear, Sight) minimum standing 70%, Merit A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:1 PIANO - F.Mus.Min. 55 GUITAR SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT Candidates will be judged on: i) Overall Performance (as it pertains to the worship experience) ii) Choice of Repertoire iii) Stylistic Interpretation iv) Technical Ability v) Rhythmic Flow vi) Presentation of Program 2. CONTENT AND PRESENTATION Each program must consist of at least one hymn arrangement as well as contemporary praise and worship selections, as listed in each level. Selections must have contrasting styles and tempi with some variation in song keys. Pieces are expected to be played at an appropriate tempo. All repertoire should be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance the musical and spiritual continuity. At least one piece must be introduced, including the reason for choosing it and how it speaks to them spiritually. Candidates for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels may begin their program with either i) Repertoire OR ii) Technique, Ear & Sight. For the A.Mus.Min and F.Mus.Min instrumental/solo guitar arrangement portion, the candidate must arrange a hymn or praise and worship selection for solo guitar. It must be unaccompanied by other musicians or backing tracks. A looping device may be utilized minimally by the candidate. Otherwise, the candidate will use a simple chord/melody style approach of arrangement. Consideration should be made in placing the solo piece(s) into the program, so as to enhance the worship experience and artistic flow. 3. REPEATS Repeats are not required of formal arrangements unless otherwise indicated in the syllabus. 4. ACCOMPANISTS Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so as long as it does not diminish their guitar performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer or other instrumentalist of their choice to sing or play the melody for the candidate’s repertoire performances. 56 GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION If an A.Mus.Min. or F.Mus.Min. candidate chooses to use a band or additional musicians for accompaniment at a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required).This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, at a additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band or accompanist’s performance will be reflected in the mark. 5. HYMNS The required hymns can be found in hymnals, or from publications such as Mel Bay; Hal Leonard; or Word Music- for example: • Hymnal For Worship And Celebration 1986 Word Music 080689300073 • Mel Bay’s Deluxe Gospel Guitar Method-Volume 1 1983 by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. ISBN 0871666855 • Mel Bay Presents Great Hymns For Guitar Mel Bay Publications, Inc. ISBN 0871666960 Candidates will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement, incorporating elements such as: • Chord substitutions/embellishments • Melodic fills/embellishments • Broken chords • Arpeggiated chords • Fingerpicking It is important that the variation be worshipful and that it enhances the music. With each higher level, a more elaborate and sophisticated musical expansion is expected. 6. PRAISE AND WORSHIP SELECTIONS The required praise and worship selections can be found in publications such as Mel Bay; Hal Leonard; or Word Music- for example: • The Original Praise And Worship Songbook-Guitar Edition Hal Leonard Corporation HL 75708649 EAN 9781598020052 Or from “lead sheets” found on internet websites such as: • • • Candidates will be required to play the selections incorporating elements such as: • Chord substitutions/embellishments • Melodic fills/embellishments • Broken chords • Arpeggiated chords • Fingerpicking It is important that the variation be worshipful and that it enhances the music. With each higher level, a more elaborate and sophisticated musical expansion is expected. GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION 57 7. MEMORY Memorization is expected for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Repertoire which is not memorized will receive a significant penalty in the final mark. Memorization is mandatory for Music Ministry Diploma examinations (A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min.). Diploma candidates who choose not to perform by memory will receive comments ONLY. There will be no marks awarded and therefore no diploma can be granted. 8. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All technical requirements are to be played from memory. All elements are to be played with accuracy, clarity, even tone, without hesitation, and with practical fingering. All scales are to be played ascending and descending from memory. Tempo markings are to be considered as the minimum speeds. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: • (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Electric Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Elementary Level: • RGT – PRELIMINARY GRADE ISBN 1-898466-50-5 • RGT – GRADE 1 ISBN 1-898466-51-3 • RGT - GRADE 2 ISBN 1-898466-52-1 Junior Level: • RGT – GRADE 2 ISBN 1-898466-52-1 • RGT – GRADE 3 ISBN 1-898466-53-X Intermediate Level: • RGT – GRADE 4 ISBN 1-898466-54-8 • RGT – GRADE 5 ISBN 1-898466-55-6 Advanced Level: • RGT – GRADE 5 ISBN 1-898466-55-6 • RGT – GRADE 6 ISBN 1-898466-56-4 • RGT – GRADE 7 ISBN 1-898466-57-2 • RGT – GRADE 8 ISBN 1-898466-58-0 Associate Diploma In Music Ministry: • RGT – GRADE 5 ISBN 1-898466-55-6 • RGT – GRADE 6 ISBN 1-898466-56-4 • RGT – GRADE 7 ISBN 1-898466-57-2 • RGT – GRADE 8 ISBN 1-898466-58-0 58 GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION 9. LEAD PLAYING The candidate will be shown a chord progression similar to those seen in the “Chord Chart Sight Playing” section of the exam. Various chords from the “Chord” section of the exam will be used. The examiner will play a progression and the candidate will be required to improvise over this, to demonstrate the practical application of scales, and if appropriate, arpeggios. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. Then the candidate will begin to play the second time through. It is essential for the candidate to select the most appropriate scale to improvise with. The examiner will NOT advise on this. At higher levels the chord progressions will advance to include key changes. Candidates should be able to move fluently to the correct new scales. Moving between different fretboard positions will be expected, to demonstrate fluency. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic, rhythmic and musical. At higher levels, candidates should demonstrate more advanced elements in their improvisations, with a priority on musicality. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • Phrasing • Resolving notes • Accuracy • Fluency • Clarity • Tone Candidates should demonstrate the ability to incorporate techniques such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, trills, double-stops, picking dynamics, harmonics, sweep-picking, and finger-tapping where musically appropriate. GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION 59 GUITAR – ELEMENTARY LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose four selections: Two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be chosen from the hymn list and at least one piece from the contemporary praise & worship list. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 58. Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so, as long as it does not diminish their guitar performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer or other instrumentalist of their choice to sing or play the melody for the candidate’s repertoire performances. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Diadem or Coronation) Be Thou My Vision (Byrne/Irish Folk Melody) Fairest Lord Jesus (Munster Gesanbuch/Schleissche Volksliede) He Is Lord (Johnson, Cloniger & Fettke) Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Heber/Dykes) Just as I Am (Elliott/Bradbury) Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (Hoffman/Showalter) Nothing But the Blood ((Lowry) Rock of Ages (Toplady/Hastings) What a Friend We Have In Jesus (Scriven/Converse) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP Above All (Baloche/LeBlanc) Awesome God (Mullins) Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) Forever (Tomlin) God of this City (Bluetree) Hosanna (Baloche) In Christ Alone (with the Solid Rock) (Townend) • Lord I Lift Your Name On High (Founds) • • • • • • • 60 GUITAR - ELEMENTARY • • • • • • • • Mighty to Save (Morgan) O Lord, You’re Beautiful (Green) Open The Eyes Of My Heart (Smith) Shout To The Lord (Baloche) There Is A Redeemer (Green) There Is None Like You (LeBlanc) You are Good (Houghton) Your Grace Is Enough (Tomlin) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Electric Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Elementary Level: • RGT – PRELIMINARY GRADE ISBN 1-898466-50-5 • RGT – GRADE 1 ISBN 1-898466-51-3 • RGT - GRADE 2 ISBN 1-898466-52-1 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of = 80. Always use alternate picking technique (downstroke followed by upstroke). SCALE & KEY C Major G Major C & G Major A Natural Minor E Natural Minor A & E Natural Minor G Major Pentatonic A & B Minor Pentatonic A & G Major Pentatonic E Blues PLAYED 1 Octave in “open” position 2 Octaves in “open” position 2 Octaves in fretted position 1 Octave in “open” position 2 Octaves in “open” position 2 Octaves in fretted postion 2 Octaves in “open” position 2 Octaves in fretted position 2 Octaves in fretted position 2 Octaves in “open” position CHORDS All chords should be played from memory, using downstrokes. CHORD Major: A, C, D, E, G Minor: Am, Dm, Em Dominant 7th: A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, G7 F major, F minor PLAYED “Open” position “Open” position “Open” position Half-barre chords GUITAR - ELEMENTARY 61 SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Notes in the key of C in the first (open) position • Quarter, Half, and Whole note values. • Playing a short piece of four bars in length in !4 or "4. The chord chart sight playing portion will be based on chord progressions containing open position chords. KEYS D Major G Major A Major Example !4 G / CHORDS D G G C A D / / | Em / / / | C / A7 D7 E7 Em D7 / |G / / / || LEAD PLAYING The candidate will be shown a chord progression similar to those seen in the “Chord Chart Sight Playing” section of the exam. Various chords from the “Chord” section of the exam will be used. The examiner will play a progression and the candidate will be required to improvise over this, to demonstrate the practical application of scales. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. It is essential for the candidate to select the most appropriate scale with which to improvise. The examiner will NOT advise on this. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • Phrasing • Resolving of notes • Accuracy For example, the candidate could choose to improvise using the C major scale over a progression such as: !4 C / / / | F / / / | Am / G7 / | C / / / || EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees - see Page 118. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Elementary Level – see Page 123. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Elementary Level – see Pages 132 & 139. 62 GUITAR - ELEMENTARY GUITAR – JUNIOR LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose five selections: Minimum of two up tempo, two slow. At least one piece must be a Hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. The selections must be in various keys. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 58. The candidate may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so, as long as it does not diminish their guitar performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer or other instrumentalist of their choice to sing or play the melody for the candidate’s repertoire performances. The candidate will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement. Candidates are encouraged to embellish the examination repertoire with chord substitutions, melodic embellishments, etc. Candidates must incorporate elements such as broken chords, arpeggiated chords, etc. to enhance their examination repertoire. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Coronation or Diadem) Crown Him With Many Crowns (Bridges/Thring/Elvey) It is Well With My Soul (Spafford/Bliss) My Jesus, I Love Thee (Featherston/Gordon) Nothing But the Blood (Lowry) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Neander/Stralsund Gesangbuch) Rock of Ages (Toplady/Hastings) Take My Life and Let It Be (Havergal/Malan) The Old Rugged Cross (Bennard) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Watts/Mason) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • As the Deer (Nystrom) • Better is One Day (Redman) • Come, Now is the Time to Worship (Doerksen) • Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) • God of This City (Bluetree) • Great is the Lord (Hammerly) • Here I Am to Worship (Hughes) • How Great is Our God (Reeves/ Tomlin/Cash) GUITAR - JUNIOR • I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (Smith) • Indescribable (Reeves/Story) • In Christ Alone (With the Solid Rock) (Townend) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • We Fall Down (Tomlin) • You are Good (Houghton) • You are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) • Your Grace Is Enough (Tomlin) 63 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous level. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Electric Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Junior Level: • RGT – GRADE 2 ISBN 1-898466-52-1 • RGT – GRADE 3 ISBN 1-898466-53-X SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of q = 126. Always use alternate picking technique (downstroke followed by upstroke). SCALE & KEY A, B, E, F Major B, C, D, F, G Natural Minor B, C, D, E, F Major Pentatonic C, D, E, F, G Minor Pentatonic A, E, G Blues PLAYED 2 Octaves in fretted position 2 Octaves in fretted position 2 Octaves in fretted position 2 Octaves in fretted position 2 Octaves in fretted position ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Arpeggios should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of q = 120. ARPEGGIO & KEY C, G, D Major A, E, B Minor A, E, B Dominant 7th PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions CHORDS All chords should be played from memory, using downstrokes. BARRE CHORD Major Minor Dominant 7th 64 PLAYED In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions GUITAR - JUNIOR SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys of G major and D major in the first (open) position. • Quarter, Half, Whole, Dotted Half, Dotted Quarter, and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece of four bars in length in !4or"4. The chord chart sight playing portion will be based on chord progressions containing barre chords. • KEYS: The major keys of C, G, D, A, E • CHORD TYPES: I ii, IV, V, vi Example !4 E / / / | A / / / | C#m / B / | E / / / || EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 119. RHYTHM Candidates will be asked to repeat and play the rhythms demonstrated by the examiner, using one chord. LEAD PLAYING The candidate will be shown a chord progression similar to those seen in the “Chord Chart Sight Playing” section of the exam. Various chords from the “Chord” section of the exam will be used. The examiner will play a progression and the candidate will be required to improvise over this, to demonstrate the practical application of scales, and if appropriate, arpeggios. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. It is essential for the candidate to select the most appropriate scale to improvise with. The examiner will NOT advise on this. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • Phrasing • Resolving notes • Accuracy • Fluency • Clarity • Tone • Techniques such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs For example, the candidate could choose to improvise using the E minor pentatonic scale over a progression such as: !4 Em / / / | C / / / | D / / / | Bm / / / :|| CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Junior Level – see Page 124. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Junior Level – see Pages 133 & 140. GUITAR - JUNIOR 65 GUITAR – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose five selections: Minimum of two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a Hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. The selections must be in various keys. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination.Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 58. Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so, as long as it does not diminish their guitar performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer or other instrumentalist of their choice to sing or play the melody for the candidate’s repertoire performances. The candidate will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement. Candidates are encouraged to embellish the examination repertoire with chord substitutions, melodic embellishments, etc. Candidates must incorporate elements such as broken chords, arpeggiated chords, etc. to enhance their examination repertoire. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • All Hail the Power of Jesus (Coronation or Diadem) Be Thou My Vision (Byrne/traditional Irish Melody) Because He Lives (Gaither) Blessed Assurance (Crosby/Knapp) Crown Him With Many Crowns (Noel/Huff) Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Chisholm/Runyan) Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Heber/Dykes) Standing On the Promises (Carter) The Old Rugged Cross (Bennard) To God Be the Glory (Crosby/Doane) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • • • • • • • • 66 Beautiful One (Hughes) Better is One Day (Redman) Blessed Be Your Name (Redman) Draw Me Close (Carpenter) Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) God of This City (Bluetree) Great is the Lord (Hammerly) Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) (Brown/Doerksen) GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE • Holy Is the Lord (Tomlin/Giglio) • In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend) • Lord Reign In Me (Brown) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • The Heart of Worship (Redman) • You are Good (Houghton) • Your Grace is Enough (Tomlin) • You’re Worthy of My Praise (Ruis) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Electric Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Intermediate Level: • RGT – GRADE 4 ISBN 1-898466-54-8 • RGT – GRADE 5 ISBN 1-898466-55-6 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as eighth notes with a minimum tempo of q = 100. Always use alternate picking technique (downstroke followed by upstroke). SCALE & KEY Major scales in all keys Natural Minor scales in all keys Harmonic Minor scales in all keys Major Pentatonic scales in all keys Minor Pentatonic scales in all keys Blues scales in all keys PLAYED 2 Octaves in 2 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves in 2 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves in 2 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves in 3 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves in 3 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves in 2 different fretboard positions ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Arpeggios should be played as eighth notes with a minimum tempo of q = 76. ARPEGGIO & KEY Major arpeggios in all keys Minor arpeggios in all keys Dominant 7th arpeggios in all keys Major 7th arpeggios in all keys Minor 7th arpeggios in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE 67 CHORDS All chords should be played from memory, using downstrokes. BARRE CHORD Major 7th Minor 7th Suspended 4th Add 9th Major 6th Minor 6th PLAYED In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys: A, and E major. • Quarter, Half, Whole, Dotted Half, Dotted Quarter, and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece eight bars in length in ^8, "4 or !4. The candidate will be asked to sight read from guitar tablature. The piece will include simple single note phrases, as well as chords. The chord chart sight playing portion will be based on chord progressions containing open position and barre chords. • KEYS: The major keys of C, A, G, E, D, F • CHORDS: The following chord types in addition to all chords from previous levels. I, Isus2, Isus4, Imaj7, ii, iim7, IV, IVsus2, V, Vsus2, Vsus4, V7, vi, vim7 Example !4 E / / F#m7 | G#m7 / / / | A6 / / / | Bsus / B / || EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 120. RHYTHM Candidates will be asked to repeat and play the rhythms demonstrated by the examiner, using two chords. 68 GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE LEAD PLAYING The candidate will be shown a chord progression similar to those seen in the “Chord Chart Sight Reading” section of the exam. Various chords from the “Chord” section of the exam will be used. The examiner will play a progression and the candidate will be required to improvise over this, to demonstrate the practical application of scales, and if appropriate, arpeggios. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. It is essential for the candidate to select the most appropriate scale to improvise with. The examiner will NOT advise on this. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • • • • • • • Phrasing Resolving notes Accuracy Fluency Clarity Tone Techniques such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs For example, the candidate could choose to improvise using the A major pentatonic scale over a progression such as: Example !4 Amaj7 / / Bm7| C#m7 / / / | D6 / / / | Esus / E / :|| CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Intermediate Level – See Page 126. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Intermediate Level – see Pages 134 & 142. GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE 69 GUITAR – ADVANCED LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose six selections: One piece must be a Hymn and one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. The selections must be in various keys, various tempi and various styles. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 58. Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so, as long as it does not diminish their guitar performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer or other instrumentalist of their choice to sing or play the melody for the candidate’s repertoire performances. The candidate will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement. Candidates are encouraged to embellish the examination repertoire with chord substitutions, melodic embellishments, etc. Candidates must incorporate elements such as broken chords; arpeggiated chords; etc. to enhance their examination repertoire. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • • A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Luther) All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name (Coronation or Diadem) I Love to Tell the Story (Hankey/Fischer) I Surrender All (van de Venter/Weeden) I’ve Got Peace Like a River (traditional) Jesus Paid It All (Hall/Grape) Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Traditional folk song) Praise To The Lord, The Almighty (Neander/Stralsund Gesangbuch) Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus (Dunfield/Webb) Take My Life And Let It Be ((Havergal/Malan) ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Stead/Kirkpatrick) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) (Tomlin/Giglio) • Ancient of Days (Sadler) • Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) • God of This City (Bluetree) • How Deep The Fathers Love For Us (Townend) • How Great Is Our God (Reeves/ Tomlin/Cash) 70 GUITAR - ADVANCED • In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • Open the Eyes of My Heart (Baloche) • Shout To The Lord (Zschech) • You Are Good (Houghton) • You Are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) • Your Grace is Enough (Tomlin) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: • (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Electric Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Advanced Level: • RGT – GRADE 5 ISBN 1-898466-55-6 • RGT – GRADE 6 ISBN 1-898466-56-4 • RGT – GRADE 7 ISBN 1-898466-57-2 • RGT – GRADE 8 ISBN 1-898466-58-0 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 84. Always use alternate picking technique (downstroke followed by upstroke ). SCALE & KEY Major scales in all keys Natural Minor scales in all keys Major Pentatonic scales in all keys Minor Pentatonic scales in all keys Chromatic scale Dorian; Phrygian; and Lydian modal scales in all keys Mixolydian and Locrian modal scales in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 5 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 5 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 5 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 5 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Arpeggios should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 60. ARPEGGIO & KEY Suspended 4th arpeggios in all keys Major 6th arpeggios in all keys Minor 6th arpeggios in all keys Major 9th arpeggios in all keys Minor 9th arpeggios in all keys Dominant 9th arpeggios in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions GUITAR - ADVANCED 71 CHORDS All chords should be played from memory, using downstrokes. BARRE CHORD Dominant 9th Major 9th Minor 9th Diminished Dominant 11th Dominant 13th PLAYED In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys: C, G, D, A, and E major played exclusively in fretted positions. • Quarter, Half, Whole, Dotted Half, Dotted Quarter, and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece eight to twelve bars long. The candidate will be asked to sight read from guitar tablature. The piece will include simple single note phrases, as well as chords. The chord chart sight playing portion will be based on chord progressions played in two different fretboard locations. • KEYS: All Major Keys • CHORDS TYPES: The following chord types in addition to all chords from previous levels. add 6 (6), Dom7, Maj.7, 9th, llth, min 7♭5, augmented, diminished 7 (dim.7) Example: !4 Bb11 / / / | Eb9 / / / | Bb7 / G7 / | Cm11 / B7 / | Bb7 / / / :|| EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 121. RHYTHM Candidates will be asked to repeat and play the rhythms demonstrated by the examiner, using three chords. 72 GUITAR - ADVANCED LEAD PLAYING The candidate will be shown a chord progression similar to those seen in the “Chord Chart Sight Playing” section of the exam. Various chords from the “Chord” section of the exam will be used. The examiner will play a progression and the candidate will be required to improvise over this, to demonstrate the practical application of scales, and if appropriate, arpeggios. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. It is essential for the candidate to select the most appropriate scale to improvise with. The examiner will NOT advise on this. At this level, the chord progression may include a key change. Candidates should be able to move fluently to the correct new scale. Candidates will be expected to move between different fretboard positions to demonstrate fluency. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • Phrasing • Resolving notes • Accuracy • Fluency • Clarity • Tone • Techniques such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, trills, double-stops, picking dynamics, harmonics, sweep-picking, and finger-tapping. For example, the candidate could choose to improvise using the G Dorian modal scale over a progression such as: !4 Gm7 / / / | C9 / / / | Fmaj7 / / / | F#dim / / / || CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Advanced Level – See Page 128. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Advanced Level – See Pages 135 & 144. GUITAR - ADVANCED 73 ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY GUITAR - (A.MUS.MIN.) The format of the A.Mus.Min. Part 1 examination is that of a public Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family, and friends. (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. Part 2 of the A.Mus.Min. consists of Technique, Sight Playing and Ear Tests which will be taken as a separate examination. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. PERFORMANCE Candidates must assemble a program of 30 to 40 minutes in duration of actual performance time. The candidate is encouraged to lead in a praise and worship time, with audience participation, and this is in addition to the actual 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. The program must consist of at least one vocal or instrumental selection accompanied by the guitar candidate, at least one unaccompanied solo/instrumental guitar arrangement, and the balance of program accompanied by band, additional musician(s), or backing tracks. The GUITAR ACCOMPANIMENT requirement is included to showcase the candidate’s ability to accompany a soloist in such a way that enhances and supports the soloist. The candidate must bring their own accomplished singer or instrumental soloist and accompany them, displaying a para-professional level of proficiency. A copy of the selection to be accompanied must be submitted for approval at the time of application. For the Solo/instrumental guitar arrangement, the candidate must arrange a hymn or praise and worship selection for solo guitar. It must NOT be accompanied by other musicians or backing tracks, although a looping device may be utilized minimally by the candidate. Consideration should be made in placing the solo piece(s) into the program, so as to enhance the worship experience and maintain the flow. A PARA-PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE Candidates will select their own material to be used in the music ministry program. The program should consist of a mix of praise and worship and hymns. Selections may be chosen from any resource for praise and worship music and hymns or from lists in previous levels provided they are played at a para-professional standard. Also, candidates may incorporate ONE original composition if desired, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. An original work must consist of a lead sheet (melody and chord symbols). 74 GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. Candidate’s selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Songwriter or publisher information should be included with each selection. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. See MEMORY Page 58. SOUND TRACKS or PRAISE & WORSHIP BAND The candidate will need to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice. If the candidate chooses to use a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: • RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Electric Guitar Playing London College of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. • • • • RGT – GRADE 5 ISBN 1-898466-55-6 RGT – GRADE 6 ISBN 1-898466-56-4 RGT – GRADE 7 ISBN 1-898466-57-2 RGT – GRADE 8 ISBN 1-898466-58-0 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 92. Always use alternate picking technique (downstroke followed by upstroke ). SCALE & KEY Dorian; Phrygian; Lydian; Mixolydian; and Locrian modal scales in all keys Blues scale in all keys Whole-tone scale in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 5 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 5 different fretboard positions 2 Octaves GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. 75 ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Arpeggios should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 72. ARPEGGIO & KEY Dominant 11th arpeggios in all keys Dominant 13th arpeggios in all keys Diminished 7th arpeggios in all keys Augmented 5th arpeggios in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions CHORDS All chords should be played from memory, using downstrokes. BARRE CHORD Augmented 5th Minor 7th b5 Dominant 7#9 Dominant 7b9 PLAYED In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions In 2 different fretboard positions SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys: C, G, D, A, E and F major played exclusively in fretted positions positions. • Quarter, Half, Whole, Dotted Half, Dotted Quarter, and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece eight to twelve bars long. The candidate will be asked to sight read from guitar tablature. The piece will include simple single note phrases, as well as chords. The chord chart sight playing portion will be based on chord progressions played in two different fretboard locations. • KEYS: All Major Keys • CHORD TYPES: The following chord types in addition to all chords from previous levels. ^9, min-maj7, 13th, Maj 13th, min 13th, aug 9th, 7♭9, #11 Example:!4 Gm9 / Cm7 / / / | G7#9 / / / / | D7#9 / / | Cm7 / / / | Gm7 / / / | Am7b5 / / / | G7b9 / / D7#9#5 / | Gm9 / /| / / EAR TESTS i) Scales 76 ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. - see Page 122. || RHYTHM Candidates will be asked to repeat and play the rhythms demonstrated by the examiner, using four chords. LEAD PLAYING The candidate will be shown a chord progression similar to those seen in the “Chord Chart Sight Playing” section of the exam. Various chords from the “Chord” section of the exam will be used. The examiner will play a progression and the candidate will be required to improvise over this, to demonstrate the practical application of scales, and if appropriate, arpeggios. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. Then the candidate will begin to play the second time through. It is essential for the candidate to select the most appropriate scale to improvise with. The examiner will NOT advise on this. At this level, the chord progression may include a key change. Candidates should be able to move fluently to the correct new scale. The candidate will be expected to move between different fretboard positions in order to demonstrate fluency. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • Phrasing • Resolving notes • Accuracy • Fluency • Clarity • Tone • Techniques such as string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, trills, double-stops, picking dynamics, harmonics, sweep-picking, and finger-tapping. For example, the candidate could choose to improvise using the Eb Mixolydian modal scale over a progression such as: !4 Eb9 / / / | Db9 / / Ddim | Eb9 / / / | Abm7 / / / || CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Page 130. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Pages 136 & 146. PREREQUISITES Advanced Level Certificate – 1. Guitar Advanced Level - minimum standing 70%, Merit 2. Advanced Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music 3. Advanced Materials of Music GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. 77 FELLOWSHIP DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY GUITAR (F.MUS.MIN.) The format of the F.Mus.Min examination is that of a public Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family, and friends. (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. PERFORMANCE Candidates must assemble a program of 50 to 60 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate is encouraged to lead in a praise and worship time, with audience participation, and this is in addition to the actual 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. The program must consist of at least one vocal or instrumental selection accompanied by the guitar candidate, at least one unaccompanied solo/instrumental guitar arrangement, and the balance of program accompanied by band, additional musician(s), or backing tracks. For the solo/instrumental guitar arrangement, the candidate must arrange a hymn or praise and worship selection for solo guitar. It must be unaccompanied by other musicians or backing tracks, although a looping device may be utilized minimally by the candidate. Consideration should be made in placing the solo piece(s) into the program, so as to enhance the worship experience and maintain the flow. A HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE Candidates will select their own material to be used in the music ministry program. The program should consist of a mix of praise and worship and hymns. Selections may be chosen from any resource for praise and worship music and hymns or from lists in previous levels provided they are played at a highly professional standard. Also, candidates may incorporate ONE original composition if desired, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. An original work must consist of full staff notation and/or lead sheet. Candidate’s selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Songwriter or publisher information should be included with each selection. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. See Page 58. 78 GUITAR - F.Mus.Min. SOUND TRACKS or PRAISE & WORSHIP BAND The candidate will need to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice. If the candidate chooses to use a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. CO-REQUISITE 1. F.Mus.Min. Thesis submission – see page 148. PREREQUISITES 1. 2. 3. 4. A.Mus.Min. (Guitar) Applied Part 1 (Music Ministry) minimum standing 70%, Merit A.Mus.Min. (Guitar) Applied Part 2 (Technique, Ear, Sight) minimum standing 70%, Merit A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music It is good to praise the Lord… to the Music of the Ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp. Psalm 92:1,3 GUITAR - F.Mus.Min. 79 BASS GUITAR SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT Candidates will be judged on: i) Overall Performance (as it pertains to the worship experience) ii) Choice of Repertoire iii) Stylistic Interpretation iv) Technical Ability v) Rhythmic Flow vi) Presentation of Program 2. CONTENT AND PRESENTATION Each program must consist of at least one hymn arrangement as well as one contemporary praise and worship selection. The balance of the program may be selected from either list, in any combination. Each program must have contrasting styles and tempi, with some variation in keys. Pieces are expected to be played at an appropriate tempo. All repertoire should be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance the musical and spiritual continuity. At least one piece must be introduced, including the reason for choosing it and how it speaks to them spiritually. Candidates for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels may begin their program with either i) Repertoire OR ii. Technique, Ear & Sight. 3. REPEATS Repeats are not required of formal arrangements unless otherwise indicated in the syllabus. 4. ACCOMPANISTS Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so as long as it does not diminish their bass performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer and/or other instrumentalist of their choice to sing and/or play the accompaniment/melody for the candidate’s repertoire performances. If an A.Mus.Min. or F.Mus.Min. candidate chooses to use a band or additional musicians for accompaniment at a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required).This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, for an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band or accompanist’s performance will be reflected in the mark. 80 BASS GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION 5. HYMNS The required hymns can be found from hymnals or from publications such as Mel Bay; Hal Leonard; or Word Music- for example: • Hymnal For Worship And Celebration 1986 Word Music 080689300073 • Mel Bay’s Deluxe Gospel Guitar Method-Volume 1 1983 by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. ISBN 0871666855 • Mel Bay Presents Great Hymns For Guitar Mel Bay Publications, Inc. ISBN 0871666960 Candidates will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement, incorporating elements such as: • Various grooves • Rhythmic embellishments • Melodic fills/embellishments • Arpeggiated chords It is important that the variation be worshipful and that it enhances the songs. With each higher level, a more elaborate and sophisticated musical expansion is expected. 6. PRAISE AND WORSHIP SELECTIONS The required praise and worship selections can be found from publications such as Mel Bay; Hal Leonard; or Word Music- for example: • The Original Praise And Worship Songbook-Guitar Edition Hal Leonard Corporation HL 75708649 EAN 9781598020052 Or from “lead sheets” found on internet websites such as: • • • Candidates will be required to play the selections incorporating elements such as: • Various grooves • Rhythmic embellishments • Melodic fills/embellishments • Arpeggiated chords It is important that the variation be worshipful and that it enhances the songs. With each higher level, a more elaborate and sophisticated musical expansion is expected. 7. MEMORY Memorization is expected for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Repertoire which is not memorized will receive a significant penalty in the final mark. Memorization is mandatory for Music Ministry Diploma examinations (A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min.). Diploma candidates who choose not to perform by memory will receive comments ONLY. There will be no marks awarded and therefore no diploma can be granted. BASS GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION 81 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All technical requirements are to be played from memory. All elements are to be played with accuracy, clarity, even tone, without hesitation, and with practical fingering. All scales are to be played ascending and descending from memory. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Bass Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Elementary Level: • RGT – Early Grades ISBN 1-898466-71-8 Junior Level: • RGT – Early Grades ISBN 1-898466-71-8 • RGT – Intermediate Grades ISBN 1-898466-72-6 Intermediate Level: • RGT – Intermediate Grades ISBN 1-898466-72-6 Advanced Level: • RGT – Advanced Grades ISBN 1-898466-73-4 Associate Diploma In Music Ministry (A.Mus.Min.): • RGT – Advanced Grades ISBN 1-898466-73-4 Additional materials for requirements can be found in the following books: • RGT –Improvising Bass Guitar- Early Grades ISBN 1-898466-31-9 • RGT –Improvising Bass Guitar- Intermediate Grades ISBN 1-898466-32-7 • RGT –Improvising Bass Guitar- Advanced Grades ISBN 1-898466-33-5 IMPROVISING The examiner will play a chord progression using various chords which are listed for each grade. A chord chart will be supplied The candidate will be required to improvise an appropriate bass line over this. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. At higher levels, candidates should demonstrate more advanced elements in their improvisations while always keeping in mind that musicality should be top priority. Specific elements to keep in mind include: • Phrasing • Resolution of notes • Accuracy • Fluency • Clarity • Tone Candidates should demonstrate the ability to incorporate techniques such as vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs, trills, picking dynamics, harmonics, slapping, and finger-tapping where musically appropriate. 82 BASS GUITAR - GENERAL INFORMATION BASS GUITAR – ELEMENTARY LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose four selections: Two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Candidates are responsible to bring original copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 81. The candidate may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so as long as it does not diminish their bass performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer and/or other instrumentalist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Coronation or Diadem) Be Thou My Vision (Byrne/traditional Irish Hymn) Fairest Lord Jesus (Anon.) Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Heber/Dykes) Just As I Am (Elliot/Bradbury) Leaning On The Everlasting Arms (Hoffman/Showalter) Nothing But The Blood (Lowry) Rock of Ages (Toplady/Hastings) What a Friend We Have in Jesus (Scriven/Converse) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP Above All (Baloche/LeBlanc) Awesome God (Mullins) Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) Forever (Tomlin) God of This City (Bluetree) He is Lord (traditional) Hosanna (Baloche) In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend) • Lord I Lift Your Name On High (Founds) • • • • • • • • • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful (Green) • Open The Eyes Of My Heart (Baloche) • Shout To The Lord (Zschech) • There is a Redeemer (Green) • There Is None Like You (LeBlanc) • You Are Good (Houghton) • Your Grace is Enough (Tomlin) BASS GUITAR - ELEMENTARY 83 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following book: • (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Bass Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001or their most recent publication. Elementary Level: • RGT – Early Grades ISBN 1-898466-71-8 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of q = 80. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. SCALE & KEY PLAYED C, G, D, A, E, B Major C, G, D, A, E, B Natural Minor 1 Octave 1 Octave ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. ARPEGGIO & KEY C, G, D, A, E, B Major C, G, D, A, E, B Minor PLAYED 1 Octave 1 Octave Arpeggios should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of q = 76. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Key: C major in the first (open) position. • Quarter, Half, and Whole note values. • Playing a short piece four bars long. EAR TESTS i) Scales 84 ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees - see Page 118. BASS GUITAR - ELEMENTARY IMPROVISATION The examiner will play a chord progression using various chords listed below. A chord chart will be supplied. The candidate will be required to improvise an appropriate bass line over this. • C, G, D, A, E, and B major and minor chords. • The candidate is expected to incorporate root, fifth, major thirds, and minor thirds of the chords, where appropriate. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Elementary Level – see Page 123. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Elementary Level – see Pages 132 & 139. ...praise Him with the strings. Psalm 150:4b BASS GUITAR - ELEMENTARY 85 BASS GUITAR – JUNIOR LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose five selections: at least two up tempo and two slow. At least one selection must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various keys. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 81. Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so as long as it does not diminish their bass performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer and/or other instrumentalist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance. The candidate will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement. Candidates are encouraged to embellish the selections: rhythms/grooves; melodic embellishments; etc. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • Crown Him With Many Crowns (Bridges/Thring/Elvey) It Is Well With My Soul (Spafford/Bliss) My Jesus, I Love Thee (Featherstone/Gordon) Nothing But The Blood ((Lowry) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Neander/Stralsund Gesanbuch) Rock of Ages (Toplady/Hastings) Take My Life and Let It Be (Havergal/Malan) The Old Rugged Cross (Bernard) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Watts) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • As the Deer (Nystrom) • Better is One Day (Redman) • Come, Now is the Time to Worship (Doerksen) • Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) • God of This City (Bluetree) • Great is the Lord (Hammerly) • Here I Am to Worship (Hughes) • How Great Is Our God (Reeves/ Tomlin/Cash) 86 BASS GUITAR - JUNIOR • I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (Smith) • In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend/Getty) • Indescribable (Reeves/Story) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • We Fall Down (Tomlin) • You are Good (Houghton) • You Are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) • Your Grace is Enough (Tomlin) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous level. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Bass Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Junior Level: • RGT - Early Grades ISBN 1-898466-71-8 • RGT – Intermediate Grades ISBN 1-898466-72-6 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of q = 126. Candidate may choose to play with fingers or plectrum. SCALE & KEY Major and Natural Minor in all keys C, G, D, A, E, B Minor Pentatonic C, G, D, A, E, B Blues PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave 1 Octave ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Arpeggios should be played as quarter notes with a minimum tempo of q = 120. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. ARPEGGIO & KEY Major and Minor in all keys Dominant 7th; Major 7th; Minor 7th in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys: G and D major in the first (open) position. • Whole, Dotted Half, Half, Dotted Quarter, Quarter and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece four bars long. EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures BASS GUITAR - JUNIOR - see Page 119. 87 IMPROVISATION The examiner will play a chord progression using various chords listed below. A chord chart will be supplied. The candidate will be required to improvise an appropriate bass line over this. • C, G, D, A, E, and B major, minor, dominant 7th, major 7th, and minor 7th chords. • The candidate is expected to incorporate minor, major, and dominant 7ths of the chords, where appropriate. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Junior Level – see Page 124 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Junior Level – see Pages 133 & 140. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music & song. Psalm 95:2 88 BASS GUITAR - JUNIOR BASS GUITAR – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose five selections: a minimum of two up tempo and two slow. At least one selection must be Hymn and at least one selection must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various keys. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 81. Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so as long as it does not diminish their bass performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer and/or other instrumentalist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance. The candidate will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement. Candidates are encouraged to embellish the arrangements; rhythms/grooves; melodic embellishments; etc. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • All Hail the Power Of Jesus (Coronation or Diadem) Be Thou My Vision (Byrne/traditional Irish melody) Because He Lives (Gaither) Blessed Assurance (Crosby/Knapp) Crown Him With Many Crowns (Bridges, Thring/Elvey) Great is Thy Faithfulness (Chisholm/Pritchard) Holy, Holy, Holy (Heber/Dykes) Standing On the Promises (Carter) The Old Rugged Cross (Bernard) To God Be the Glory (Crosby/Doane) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • • • • • • • • Beautiful One (Hughes) Better is One Day (Redman) Blessed Be Your Name (Redman) Draw Me Close (Carpenter) Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) God of This City (Bluetree) Great is the Lord (Hammerly) Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) (Brown/Doerksen) • Holy is the Lord (Tomlin/Giglio) • In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend) • Lord Reign In Me (Brown) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • The Heart of Worship ((Redman) • You Are Good (Houghton) • Your Grace is Enough (Mahar) • You’re Worthy of My Praise (Ruis) BASS GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE 89 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following books: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Bass Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Intermediate Level: • RGT – Intermediate Grades ISBN 1-898466-72-6 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as eighth notes with a minimum tempo of q = 100. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. SCALE & KEY Major and Natural Minor scales in all keys Minor Pentatonic scales in all keys Blues scales in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 2 different fretboard positions ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Scales should be played as eighth notes with a minimum tempo of q = 76. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. ARPEGGIO & KEY Dominant 7th arpeggios in all keys Major 7th arpeggios in all keys Minor 7th arpeggios in all keys Suspended 4th arpeggios in all keys Major 6th arpeggios in all keys Minor 6th arpeggios in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys: A and E major. • Whole, Dotted Half, Half, Dotted Quarter, Quarter and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece eight bars long. The candidate will be asked to sight read from bass tablature. The piece will include simple single note phrases and patterns. 90 BASS GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 120. IMPROVISATION The examiner will play a chord progression using various chords listed below. A chord chart will be supplied. The candidate will be required to improvise an appropriate bass line over this. • Major, minor, dominant seventh, major and minor seventh, major and minor 6ths, and suspended chords in any key. • The candidate is expected to incorporate root, third, fifth, and seventh of the chords, where appropriate. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Intermediate Level – see Page 126. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Intermediate Level – see Pages 134 & 142. I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. Psalm 9:1 BASS GUITAR - INTERMEDIATE 91 BASS GUITAR – ADVANCED LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose six selections: At least one piece must be a Hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various keys, with various tempi. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY on Page 81. Candidates may sing along as they play their chosen pieces, if they feel comfortable and confident in doing so as long as it does not diminish their bass performance. Alternatively, the candidate may bring along a singer and/or other instrumentalist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance. The candidate will play the hymn as written, then play it again in a varied/personalized arrangement. Candidates are encouraged to embellish the arrangements; rhythms/grooves; melodic embellishments; etc. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Luther) I Love to Tell the Story (Hankey/Fischer) I Surrender All (van de Venter/Weeden) I’ve Got Peace Like a River (traditional) Jesus Paid It All (Hall/Grape) Just a Closer Walk With Thee (Traditional) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Neander/Stralsund Gesangbuch) Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (Dunfield/Webb) Take My Life and Let It Be (Havergal/Malan) ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Stead/Kirkpatrick) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Tomlin/Giglio) • Ancient of Days (Sadler) • Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) • God of this City (Bluetree) • How Deep The Fathers Love For Us (Townend) • How Great is Our God (Reeves/ Tomlin/Cash) 92 BASS GUITAR - ADVANCED • In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • Open the Eyes of My Heart (Baloche) • Shout to the Lord (Zschech) • You Are Good (Houghton) • You are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) • Your Grace is Enough (Mahar) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following book: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Bass Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Advanced Level: • RGT – Advanced Grades ISBN 1-898466-73-4 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 84. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. SCALE & KEY Major and Natural Minor scales in all keys Harmonic Minor scales in all keys Chromatic scale Dorian; Phrygian; Lydian; Mixolydian and Locrian modal scales in all keys PLAYED 2 Octaves 1 Octave 1 Octave 1 Octave ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Scales should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 60. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. ARPEGGIO & KEY Major arpeggios in all keys Minor arpeggios in all keys Dominant 7th arpeggios in all keys Major 7th arpeggios in all keys Minor 7th arpeggios in all keys Suspended 4th arpeggios in all keys Major 6th arpeggios in all keys Minor 6th arpeggios in all keys Major 9th arpeggios in all keys Minor 9th arpeggios in all keys Dominant 9th arpeggios in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 3 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave played in 2 different fretboard positions BASS GUITAR - ADVANCED 93 SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Keys: C, G, D, A, and E major played exclusively in fretted positions. • Whole, Dotted Half, Half, Dotted Quarter, Quarter and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece eight to twelve bars long. The candidate will be asked to sight read from bass tablature. The piece will include simple single note phrases and patterns. EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 121. IMPROVISATION The examiner will play a chord progression using various chords listed below. A chord chart will be supplied. The candidate will be required to improvise an appropriate bass line over this. • Major, minor, dominant seventh, major and minor seventh, major and minor 6th, dominant 9ths, major and minor 9ths, and suspended chords in any key. • The candidate is expected to incorporate root, third, fifth, and seventh of the chords, as well as some chromatic movement, where appropriate. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. The candidate will begin to play the second time through. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Advanced Level – see Page 128. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Advanced Level – see Page 135 & 144. 94 BASS GUITAR - ADVANCED ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY BASS GUITAR (A.MUS.MIN.) The format of the A.Mus.Min. Applied (Part 1) examination is that of a PUBLIC Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family and friends. (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. Part 2 of the Applied A.Mus.Min. consists of Technique, Sight Playing and Ear Test which will be taken as a separate examination. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between the candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. PERFORMANCE A.Mus.Min. candidates must choose a varied and balanced program of 30 to 40 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate is encouraged to lead in a praise and worship time, with audience participation, and this is in addition to the actual 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. A PARA-PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE Candidates will select their own material to be used in the music ministry program. The program should consist of a mix of praise and worship and hymns. Selections may be chosen from any resource for praise and worship music and hymns or from lists in previous levels provided they are played at a para-professional standard. Also, candidates may incorporate ONE original composition if desired, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. An original work must consist of full staff notation and/or lead sheet. Candidate’s selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Songwriter or publisher information should be included with each selection. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. (See MEMORY Page 81) ACCOMPANIMENT The candidate will need to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice. If the candidate chooses to use a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band or additional accompanist’s performance will be reflected in the mark. BASS GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. 95 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. Materials for technical requirements can be found in the following book: (RGT) REGISTRY OF GUITAR TUTORS – Bass Guitar Playing London College Of Music Exams 2001 or their most recent publication. Associate Diploma In Music Ministry (A. Mus. Min.): • RGT – Advanced Grades ISBN 1-898466-73-4 SCALES All scales should be played ascending and descending from memory. Scales should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 92. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. SCALE & KEY Whole-tone scale in all keys Blues scale in all keys Minor Pentatonic scales in all keys Major Pentatonic scales in all keys PLAYED 1 Octave 2 Octaves 2 Octaves 2 Octaves ARPEGGIOS All arpeggios should be played from memory. Scales should be played as sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of q = 84. Candidate can choose to play with fingers or plectrum. ARPEGGIO & KEY Major arpeggios in all keys Minor arpeggios in all keys Dominant 11th arpeggios in all keys Dominant 13th arpeggios in all keys Diminished 7th arpeggios in all keys Augmented 5th arpeggios in all keys Major & Minor arpeggios in root, 1st, & 2nd , inversions-in all keys Dominant 7th, Major 7th, Minor 7th arpeggios in root, 1st, 2nd , & 3rd inversionsin all keys 96 PLAYED 2 Octaves 2 Octaves 1 Octave 1 Octave 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave in 2 different fretboard positions 1 Octave 1 Octave BASS GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. SIGHT PLAYING The staff sight playing portion will be based on the following elements: • Notes in the key of C, G, D, A, E and F major played exclusively in fretted positions. • Whole, Dotted Half, Half, Dotted Quarter, Quarter and Eighth note values. • Playing a short piece eight to twelve bars long. EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 122. IMPROVISATION The examiner will play a chord progression using various chords listed below A chord chart will be supplied. The candidate will be required to improvise an appropriate bass line over this. • Major, minor, seventh, sixth, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, suspended, diminished, and augmented chords in any key. • The candidate is expected to incorporate root, third, fifth, and seventh of the chords, as well as some chromatic movement, where appropriate. The candidate will listen to the examiner play the progression the first time through. Then the candidate will begin to play the second time through. The candidate should focus on making their improvisation melodic and rhythmic. Creativity and imagination will also help make their improvisation musical and interesting. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Page 130. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Pages 136 & 146. PREREQUISITES Advanced Level Certificate – 1. Bass Guitar Advanced Level ( minimum standing 70%, Merit) 2. Advanced Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music 3. Advanced Materials of Music BASS GUITAR - A.Mus.Min. 97 FELLOWSHIP DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY BASS GUITAR (F.MUS.MIN.) The format of the F.Mus.Min examination is that of a public Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family, and friends. (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. PERFORMANCE Candidates must assemble a program of 50 to 60 minutes in duration.The candidate is encouraged to lead in a praise and worship time, with audience participation, and this is in addition to the actual 50 to 60 minutes of performance time. A HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE Candidates will select their own material to be used in the music ministry program. The program should consist of a mix of praise and worship and hymns. Selections may be chosen from any resource for praise and worship music and hymns or from lists in previous levels provided they are played at a highly professional standard. Also, candidates may incorporate ONE original composition if desired, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. An original work must consist of full staff notation and/or lead sheet. Candidate’s selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Songwriter or publisher information should be included with each selection. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. See MEMORY Page 81. ACCOMPANIMENT The candidate will need to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice. If the candidate chooses to use a C.C.M.C. appointed facility they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. 98 BASS GUITAR - F.Mus.Min. CO-REQUISITE 1. F.Mus.Min. Thesis submission – see Page 148. PREREQUISITES 1. 2. 3. 4. A.Mus.Min. Applied - Part 1 (Music Ministry) minimum standing 70%, Merit A.Mus.Min. Applied – Part 2 (Technique, Ear, Sight) minimum standing 70%, Merit A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:3 BASS GUITAR - F.Mus.Min. 99 DRUM KIT SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT Candidates will be judged on: i) Overall Performance (as it pertains to the worship experience) ii) Choice of Repertoire iii) Stylistic Interpretation iv) Technical Ability v) Rhythmic Flow vi) Presentation of Program 2. CONTENT AND PRESENTATION Each program must consist of at least one hymn arrangement as well as one contemporary praise and worship selection. The balance of the program may be selected from either list, in any combination. Each program must have contrasting styles and tempi. Pieces are expected to be played at an appropriate tempo. All repertoire should be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between the selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance the musical and spiritual continuity. At least one piece must be introduced, including the reason for choosing it and how it speaks to them spiritually. Candidates for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels may begin their program with either i) Repertoire OR ii) Technique, Ear & Sight. 3. REPEATS Repeats are not required of formal arrangements unless otherwise indicated in the syllabus. 4. HYMNS At least one hymn must be played at each level. Candidates are expected to play through the hymn twice, with the second time demonstrating different fills. At each progressive level, a more elaborate and sophisticated musical expansion is expected. The required hymns may be found in the following hymnals: • Celebration Hymnal, published by Word Music/Integrity Music © 1997 • The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration, published by Word Music © MCMLXXXVI • Hymns for the Family of God, published by Brentwood Publishers © 1989 or newer 5. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are expected to display from memory knowledge of percussion rudiments as published in the Percussive Arts Society International Drum Rudiments book appropriate to the performance level. 100 DRUM KIT - GENERAL INFORMATION Candidates will be questioned about technical foundations such as: • Stick grip/ drum kit set up • Tone and consistency of sound • Tuning • Foot techniques • Tempo markings are to be considered as the minimum speeds. Stickings will reflect classic percussion rudiments. Style considerations will weigh heavily. 6. TIME AND STYLE INTERPRETATION Candidates will be expected to play in different styles such as jazz, funk, bossa nova, samba, rock, etc. Candidates will play four or eight measure solos followed by time within a particular style. 7. ACCOMPANISTS Candidates must bring along a competent pianist or guitarist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance, or bring sound tracks. Drum kit candidates will not be examined unless they bring an instrumentalist or sound tracks. The instrumentalist will only be allowed in the examination room for the performance of repertoire. If an A.Mus.Min. or F.Mus.Min. candidate chooses to use a band or additional musicians for accompaniment at a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required).This letter must be submitted along with the application form. An audio engineer will be provided, for an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. 8. MEMORY Memorization is expected for Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Repertoire which is not memorized will receive a significant penalty in the final mark. Memorization is MANDATORY for Music Ministry Diploma Examinations (A.Mus.Min. and F.Mus.Min.). Diploma candidates who choose not to perform by memory will receive comments ONLY. There will be no marks awarded and therefore no diploma can be granted. 9. RESOURCES Book list for Drum Kit Candidates: 1. Percussive Arts Society International Drum Rudiments 2. The New Breed – Gary Chester 3. The Drummer’s Complete Vocabulary – Alan Dawson 4. Drum Set Essentials Volume 1, 2 and 3 – Peter Erskine 5. Master Studies – Joe Morello 6. The Drummer’s Cookbook – John Pickering 7. Studio/Jazz Drum Cookbook – John Pickering 8. Syncopation for the Modern Drummer – Ted Reed 9. Stick Control – George Lawrence Stone 10. Talking Drums – Ed Thigpen 11. Exercises for Natural Playing – Dave Weckl DRUM KIT - GENERAL INFORMATION 101 DRUM KIT – ELEMENTARY LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose four selections from the lists below: Two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various styles. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY Page 101. Candidates must bring along a competent pianist or guitarist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance, or use sound tracks. Drum kit candidates will not be examined unless they bring an instrumentalist or sound tracks. The instrumentalist will only be allowed in the examination room for the performance of repertoire. The candidate will accompany the hymn in an appropriate style, then play it a second time varied and more elaborate. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Diadem or Coronation) Fairest Lord Jesus (Munster Gesanbuch/Schleissche Volksliede) Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Heber/Dykes) Just as I Am (Elliott/Bradbury) Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (Hoffman/Showalter) Nothing But the Blood ((Lowry) What a Friend We Have In Jesus (Scriven/Converse) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • • • • • • 102 Above All (Baloche/LeBlanc) Awesome God (Mullins) Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) Forever (Tomlin) God of this City (Bluetree) Lord I Lift Your Name On High (Founds) DRUM KIT - ELEMENTARY • • • • • Mighty to Save (Morgan) Shout To The Lord (Baloche) There Is A Redeemer (Green) There Is None Like You (LeBlanc) Your Grace Is Enough (Tomlin) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. 1. Demonstrate proper sticking and posture. Demonstrate the following rudiments at q = 90. • Single stroke roll • Double stroke roll • Single paradiddle • Flam • Drag 2. From “Syncopation for the Modern Drummer” – Ted Reed – page 23 - 20 bar exercise played hand to hand q = 100. 3. Rock style: 16 measures followed by two and/or four measure fills q = 100. IMPROVISATION The candidate will listen once to a recording of a short piece. On the second time through, the candidate will be expected to add an appropriate drum pattern and fills. SIGHT PLAYING Clap through a series of rhythm exercises: • Simple time:Z4, "4, !4 • Note values include whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes • Minimum tempo q = 80. EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees - see Page 118. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Elementary Level – see Page 123. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Elementary Level – see Pages 132 & 139. DRUM KIT - ELEMENTARY 103 DRUM KIT – JUNIOR LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose five selections: at least two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various styles. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY Page 101. Candidates must bring along a competent pianist or guitarist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance, or use sound tracks. Drum kit candidates will not be examined unless they bring an instrumentalist or sound tracks. An instrumentalist will only be allowed in the examination room for the performance of repertoire. The candidate will accompany the hymn in an appropriate style, then play it a second time varied and more elaborate. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • Crown Him With Many Crowns (Bridges/Thring/Elvey) It Is Well With My Soul (Spafford/Bliss) My Jesus, I Love Thee (Featherstone/Gordon) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Neander/Stralsund Gesanbuch) Rock of Ages (Toplady/Hastings) Take My Life and Let It Be (Havergal/Malan) The Old Rugged Cross (Bernard) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Watts) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • As the Deer (Nystrom) • Better is One Day (Redman) • Come, Now is the Time to Worship (Doerksen) • Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) • Here I Am to Worship (Hughes) • How Great Is Our God (Reeves/ Tomlin/Cash) 104 DRUM KIT - JUNIOR • I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (Smith) • Indescribable (Reeves/Story) • We Fall Down (Tomlin) • You are Good (Houghton) • You Are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) • Your Grace is Enough (Tomlin) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. 1. Demonstrate the following rudiments at q = 120. • Double paradiddle • Five stroke roll • Multiple bounce roll • Nine stroke roll • Single drag tap • Seven stroke roll • Triple stroke roll 2. Rock and Funk styles: The Drummer’s Cookbook – John Pickering, pages 1 – 12 Exercises played at q = 80. 3. Read through pages 28 and 29 of Syncopation for the Modern Drummer – Ted Reed Exercise one: Hand to hand, Tempo q = 100. IMPROVISATION The candidate will listen once to a recording of a short piece. On the second time through, the candidate will be expected to add an appropriate drum pattern and fills. SIGHT PLAYING Clap through a series of rhythm exercises: • Simple time:Z4, "4, !4, "8 and compound metre: ^8 • Note values include whole notes, dotted half notes, half notes, dotted quarter notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, eighth note triplets and sixteenth notes. • Minimum tempo q = 100. EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 119. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Junior Level – see Page 124. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Junior Level – see Pages 133 & 140. DRUM KIT - JUNIOR 105 DRUM KIT – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose five selections: a minimum of two up tempo and two slow. At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various styles. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY Page 101. Candidates must bring along a competent pianist or guitarist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance, or use sound tracks. Drum kit candidates will not be examined unless they bring an instrumentalist or sound tracks. An instrumentalist will only be allowed in the examination room for the performance of repertoire. The candidate will accompany the hymn in an appropriate style, then play it a second time varied and more elaborate. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • All Hail the Power Of Jesus (Coronation or Diadem) Be Thou My Vision (Byrne/traditional Irish melody) Because He Lives (Gaither) Blessed Assurance (Crosby/Knapp) Great is Thy Faithfulness (Chisholm/Pritchard) Holy, Holy, Holy (Heber/Dykes) Standing On the Promises (Carter) To God Be the Glory (Crosby/Doane) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP Beautiful One (Hughes) Blessed Be Your Name (Redman) Draw Me Close (Carpenter) God of This City (Bluetree) Great is the Lord (Hammerly) Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) (Brown/Doerksen) • Holy is the Lord (Tomlin/Giglio) • • • • • • 106 DRUM KIT - INTERMEDIATE • In Christ Alone (with The Solid Rock) (Townend) • Lord Reign In Me (Brown) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • The Heart of Worship ((Redman) • You Are Good (Houghton) • Your Grace is Enough (Mahar) • You’re Worthy of My Praise (Ruis) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. 1. Demonstrate the following rudiments at q = 120. • Eleven stroke roll • Triple paradiddles • Flam accent • Flam paradiddle • Flam tap • Single ratamacue • Ten stroke roll 2. Rock, funk and jazz styles from Studio/Jazz Drum Cookbook – John Pickering Pages 6 – 16, Tempo q = 90 – 120 3. Reading: Syncopation for the Modern Drummer – Ted Reed – exercises 1 – 3, q = 120 4. Buzz roll studies – Master Studies – Joe Morello – pages 20 – 25 5. Control studies – Master Studies – Joe Morello – pages 40 – 42 6. Introduction to brushes – Talking Drums – Ed Thigpen IMPROVISATION The candidate will listen once to a recording of a short piece. On the second time through, the candidate will be expected to add an appropriate drum pattern and fills. SIGHT PLAYING Clap through a series of rhythm exercises: • Simple and compound time:ZZ2, #Z4, "4, !4, ^4, "8, ^8 and W8 • Note values include dotted whole notes, whole notes, dotted half notes, half notes, dotted quarter notes, quarter notes, dotted eighth notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, eighth note triplets and quarter note triplets. • Perform with separate hands in two part exercises • Incorporate various accents • Minimum tempo q = 120 EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 120. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Intermediate Level – see Page 126. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Intermediate Level – see Pages 134 & 142. DRUM KIT - INTERMEDIATE 107 DRUM KIT – ADVANCED LEVEL PERFORMANCE Candidates must choose six selections: At least one piece must be a hymn and at least one piece must be from the contemporary praise & worship list. Selections must be in various styles and tempi. Candidates are responsible to bring copies of selections to the examination. Memorization is expected. See MEMORY Page 101. Candidates must bring along a competent pianist or guitarist of their choice to add accompaniment to the candidate’s repertoire performance, or use sound tracks. Drum kit candidates will not be examined unless they bring an instrumentalist or sound tracks. An instrumentalist will only be allowed in the examination room for the performance of repertoire. The candidate will play the hymn with an appropriate pattern, then play it a second time varied and more elaborate. Reminder: Candidates should be prepared to give a brief introduction of one selection and include the reason why they chose the piece and how it speaks to them spiritually. HYMNS • • • • • • • • • • • A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Luther) All Hail the Power Of Jesus Name (Coronation or Diadem) I Love to Tell the Story (Hankey/Fischer) I Surrender All (van de Venter/Weeden) I’ve Got Peace Like a River (traditional) Jesus Paid It All (Hall/Grape) Just a Closer Walk With Thee (Traditional) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Neander/Stralsund Gesangbuch) Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (Dunfield/Webb) Take My Life and Let It Be (Havergal/Malan) ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Stead/Kirkpatrick) CONTEMPORARY PRAISE & WORSHIP • Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Tomlin/Giglio) • Ancient of Days (Sadler) • Everlasting God (Brown/Riley) • Eagle’s Wings (Morgan) • God of this City (Bluetree) • Give Thanks (H. Smith) • How Deep The Fathers Love For Us (Townend) 108 DRUM KIT - ADVANCED • How Great is Our God (Reeves/ Tomlin/Cash) • Mighty to Save (Morgan) • Open the Eyes of My Heart (Baloche) • Shout to the Lord (Zschech) • The Potter’s Hand (Zschech) • There is None Like You (LeBlanc) • You Are Good (Houghton) • You are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. 1. Demonstrate the following rudiments at q = 140. • Double ratamacue • Double drag tap • Flam accent • Flam tap • Flamacue • Single paradiddle-diddle 2. Rock, funk, swing and shuffle styles from Studio/Jazz Drum Cookbook – John Pickering Pages 6 – 16, Tempo q = 90 – 120 3. Reading: Syncopation for the Modern Drummer – Ted Reed – exercises 1 – 3 q = 120 4. Stroke Combination Studies – Master Studies – Joe Morello – pages 30 - 39 6. Brush Techniques – Drum Set Essentials, Vol. 2 – Peter Erskine IMPROVISATION The candidate will listen once to a recording of a short piece. On the second time through, the candidate will be expected to add an appropriate drum pattern and fills. SIGHT PLAYING Clap through a series of rhythm exercises: • Simple and compound time: Z2, !2, Z4, "4, !4, ^4, "8, ^8 and W8 and irregular: %4, &4. • Note values include dotted whole notes, whole notes, dotted half notes, half notes, dotted quarter notes, quarter notes, dotted eighth notes, eighth notes, dotted sixteenth notes, sixteenth notes, eighth note triplets, quarter note triplets, half note triplets, sixteenth note triplets and duplets. • Perform with separate hands in two part exercises • Incorporate various accents • Minimum tempo q = 140 EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 121. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – Advanced Level – see Page 128. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – Advanced Level – see Pages 135 & 144. DRUM KIT - ADVANCED 109 ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY DRUM KIT - (A.MUS.MIN.) The format of the A.Mus.Min. Applied (Part 1) examination is that of a Public Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family, and friends.(See General Information, Page 9, Number 18) The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. Part 2 of the A.Mus.Min. consists of Technique, Sight Playing and Ear Tests which will be taken as a separate examination. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between the candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. PERFORMANCE Candidates must assemble a varied and balanced program of 30 to 40 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate, or a member of his/her worship band, is encouraged to lead in a praise and worship time, with audience participation, and this is in addition to the actual 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. A PARA-PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE Candidates will select their own material to be used in the music ministry program. The program should consist of a mix of praise and worship and hymns. Selections may be chosen from any resource for praise and worship music and hymns or from lists in previous levels provided they are played at a para-professional standard. Also, candidates may incorporate ONE original composition if desired, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. An original work must consist of full staff notation and/or lead sheet. Candidate’s selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Songwriter or publisher information should be included with each selection. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory. See MEMORY Page 101 ACCOMPANIMENT The candidate will need to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice. If the candidate chooses to uses a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/ additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. 110 DRUM KIT - A.Mus.Min. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to prepare the following technique in addition to that of the previous levels. All tempo markings are to be considered as minimum speeds. All technical requirements are to be played from memory. 1. Demonstrate the following rudiments at q = 140. • Swiss Army Triplets • Single Stroke Four • Flamacue flam accent • Flam Tap • Flamacue paradiddle • Triple Ratamacue 2. Rock, funk, latin, jazz styles from Studio/Jazz Drum Cookbook – John Pickering Pages 6 – 16, Tempo q = 90 – 120 3. Reading: Syncopation for the Modern Drummer – Ted Reed – exercises 1 – 3, q = 120 4. Fill-in Studies – Master Studies – Joe Morello – pages 82 - 90 6. Advanced Brush Techniques – Drum Set Essentials, Vol. 3 – Peter Erskine IMPROVISATION The candidate will listen once to a recording of a short piece. On the second time through, the candidate will be expected to add an appropriate drum pattern and fills. SIGHT PLAYING Clap through a series of rhythm exercises: • Simple and compound time: Z2, !2, Z4, "4, !4, %4, ^4, Z8, "8, ^8, (8 and W8 and irregular: %4, %8, &4, &8 Note values include dotted whole notes, whole notes, dotted half notes, half notes, dotted quarter notes, quarter notes, dotted eighth notes, eighth notes, dotted sixteenth notes, sixteenth notes, eighth note triplets, quarter note triplets, half note triplets, sixteenth note triplets and duplets as well as their equivalent rests. • Perform with separate hands in two part exercises • Incorporate various accents • Minimum tempo q = 160 EAR TESTS i) Scales ii) Chords iii) Scale Degrees iv) Time Signatures - see Page 122. CO-REQUISITES 1. Materials of Music – A.Mus.Min. – see Page 130. 2. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music – A.Mus.Min. Level – see Pages 136 & 146. PREREQUISITES Advanced Level Certificate – 1. Drum Kit Advanced Level (minimum standing 70%, Merit) 2. Advanced Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music 3. Advanced Materials of Music DRUM KIT - A.Mus.Min. 111 FELLOWSHIP DIPLOMA IN MUSIC MINISTRY DRUM KIT (F.MUS.MIN.) The format of the F.Mus.Min examinations is that of a public Music Ministry Performance to which the candidate may invite relatives, church family, and friends. (See General Information, Page 9, Number 18). The examination will be conducted by a panel of three examiners. It is essential that all repertoire be organized and presented in such a way as to promote a worshipful and artistic flow between selections. The presentation should include short and relevant exhortations when appropriate to enhance musical and spiritual continuity. Since this is a music ministry performance, interaction between the candidate and the audience/congregation will be considered in the overall assessment. PERFORMANCE Candidates must assemble a program of 50 to 60 minutes of actual performance time. The candidate, or a member of his/her worship band, is encouraged to lead in a praise and worship time, with audience participation, and this is in addition to the actual 30 to 40 minutes of performance time. A HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED. REPERTOIRE Candidates will select their own material to be used in the music ministry program. The program should consist of a mix of praise and worship and hymns. Selections may be chosen from any resource for praise and worship music and hymns or from lists in previous levels provided they are played at a highly professional standard. Also, candidates may incorporate ONE original composition if desired, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. An original work must consist of full staff notation and/or lead sheet. Candidate’s selections must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. Songwriter or publisher information should be included with each selection. Memorization of all repertoire is mandatory.See MEMORY Page 101. ACCOMPANIMENT The candidate will need to use backing tracks, additional musicians or a band of their choice. If the candidate chooses to use a C.C.M.C. appointed facility, they must submit a letter outlining the sound and technical requirements (i.e. number of microphones and monitors required). An audio engineer will be provided, at an additional fee. All other musical instruments and amplification equipment must be supplied by the candidate/band. The quality of the band/ additional accompaniment performance will be reflected in the mark. 112 DRUM KIT - F.Mus.Min. CO-REQUISITE 1. F.Mus.Min. Thesis submission – see page 148. PREREQUISITES 1. A.Mus.Min. (Drum Kit) Applied - Part 1 (Music Ministry) – minimum standing 70%, Merit 2. A.Mus.Min. (Drum Kit) Applied – Part 2 (Technique, Ear, Sight) minimum standing 70%, Merit 3. A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music 4. A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music Praise Him with the clash of cymbals, Praise Him with resounding cymbals! Psalm 150:5 DRUM KIT - F.Mus.Min. 113 SENIOR LEVEL - ALL DISCIPLINES This examination is designed as an alternative prerequisite for the L.Ch.Mus.Ed. Diploma. It has been implemented for those candidates who DO NOT feel called to Public Music Ministry, but DO feel called to the Ministry of Christian Music Teaching. (Memory is NOT required) The Senior Level candidate must choose a varied and balanced program of 30 to 40 minutes of actual performance time.. The program will consist of six pieces from the A.Mus.Min. portion of the syllabus. Various tempi, styles and keys are expected. 1. Accompaniment selection (vocalists may substitute another own choice) 2. Own choice 3. Hymn with two rhythmic, melodic or harmonic variations 4. Medley 5. Sound Track 6. Lead Sheet The ACCOMPANIMENT requirement is included to showcase the candidate’s ability to accompany a soloist in such a way that enhances and supports the soloist. The candidate must bring their own accomplished singer or instrumental soloist and accompany them, displaying a competent level of proficiency. A copy of the selection to be accompanied must be submitted for approval at the time of application. One OWN CHOICE piece may be selected, provided it is Christian in content and theologically sound. This may even be an original composition. An original work must consist of full staff notation or full lead sheet notation (melody and chord symbols). An Own Choice selection must be submitted for approval, along with a covering letter, at the time of application. The HYMN will consist of two complete variations. Variations may be rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic. Vocalists are encouraged to embellish with ornamentation, vocal improvisation or free styling. A MEDLEY must consist of at least two complementary hymns or contemporary praise and worship choruses, or a combination of both. The selections should be related thematically. Modulations must be logical and must enhance the musical effect. A professional SOUND TRACK is preferred. In the case of a privately produced SOUND TRACK, the quality of both performance and reproduction must equal that of a professionally produced sound track LEAD SHEET (melody and chord symbols) of choruses and hymns may be found on the internet, such as the CCLI website,, etc. and in chorus books prepared in lead sheet form, found at your local Christian Book store. A more innovative interpretation would be anticipated. A COMPETENT LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED IN ALL AREAS 114 SENIOR LEVEL - ALL DISCIPLINES CO-REQUISITES 1. A.Mus.Min. Part 2 - Technique, Sight Playing and Ear (minimum mark 80%) 2. A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music 3. A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics/Survey of Christian Music PREREQUISITES 1. Advanced Level Applied Examination (minimum mark 70%) 2. Advanced Level Materials of Music 3. Advanced Level Bible Basics/Survey of Christian Music Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp & lyre. Psalm 81:2 SENIOR LEVEL - ALL DISCIPLINES 115 LICENTIATE DIPLOMA IN CHRISTIAN MUSIC EDUCATION (L.CH.MUS.ED.) The Licentiate Diploma in Christian Music Education is offered in Voice, Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar and Drum Kit. The examination may be arranged for other instruments subject to approval by the C.C.M.C. Board of Directors . The Licentiate Diploma is designed to discover and develop professional strategies in pedagogy. As a result, candidates will gain knowledge in teaching skills and competence in designing a program of musical development to meet the needs of individual learners at all levels. This knowledge will be demonstrated in the following two sections. PART 1 - APPLIED (Memory is NOT Required) Part 1 will include hymn playing, chorus playing, a repertoire list of teaching pieces from the Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels of the current C.C.M.C syllabus, and a demonstration teaching portion. Drum Kit Candidates are expected to provide an instrumentalist (i.e. pianist or guitarist) or sound track in order to demonstrate their ability to accompany with appropriate drum patterns in the following categories. 1. Hymn Playing - first time through as written, followed by two variations displaying various methods of embellishing/expanding the hymn. The candidate will then discuss and demonstrate the methods they have used. Any standard hymn book may be used. 2. Chorus Playing - Candidates must demonstrate chorus playing with a lead sheet (melody and chord symbols) and from a chord chart (chord symbols and lyrics only). The lead sheet must contain no less than three sharps or three flats in the key signature. 3. Repertoire from the Curriculum - prepare four pieces from each of the four levels (Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced). Selections must include at least one hymn arrangement, and one contemporary praise and worship piece, with contrasting styles and tempi. Piano candidates must include at least one lead sheet arrangement. The candidate will play the pieces and then discuss the various teaching aspects. 4. Demonstration Teaching - One hymn arrangement, and one praise and worship contemporary piece from the prepared repertoire will be chosen as a demonstration teaching piece. The candidate will “teach” it to the examiner, as if the examiner was a student. L.Ch.Mus.Ed. Piano candidates will also be expected to “teach” a lead sheet arrangement. PART 2 - ASPECTS OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC EDUCATION (Written) The L.Ch.Mus.Ed. Diploma candidate will demonstrate expertise in learned knowledge in a 3 Hour written examination. The candidate will be asked to discuss the following aspects of teaching. 1. Section One - Essay question The essay question will be chosen from topics relative to the teaching experience. 116 L.Ch.Mus.Ed.. - ALL DISCIPLINES Topics may include: nurturing creative interpretation of Christian music with a strong emphasis on sensitivity to worship, basics of professional teaching ethics and studio maintenance to provide a healthy Christian teaching experience, demonstration of concepts and methodologies necessary to the disciplines of teaching, development of artistry and performance as a church musician. 2. Section Two - Paragraph Answers Topics will include: • basics of professional teaching and studio management • professional strategies to develop and encourage the further study of Christian music • knowledge of resources available to encourage the playing of and listening to all styles of Christian music • structuring lessons for students at all levels ranging from the beginner to advanced • skillful teaching strategies to introduce and develop fundamentals of music knowledge including note reading, sight playing, ear training, metre and rhythm, articulation, technical facility, memory, improvisation and performance artistry • to address the physical approach to a given instrument and discuss proper pedagogical techniques to ensure the development of agility and fluency in playing or singing • an understanding of contrasting characteristics of styles in Christian music and to skillfully use a variety of methods to develop the students’ appreciation and familiarity with such diversity • knowledge of the required curriculum of C.C.M.C. in Applied Music, Materials of Music, Bible Basics, the Survey of Christian Music and to skillfully prepare students to achieve success in all areas • general knowledge of the order of service in various church traditions and the role of music within that service. This would involve preparing the Christian musician to play both hymns and contemporary music as well as understanding how to organize them into a desired church service PREREQUISITES 1. A.Mus.Min. Part 1- Applied (Music Ministry) - minimum mark of 70% OR the Senior Level Applied Examination - minimum mark of 70% 2. A.Mus.Min. Part 2 - Technique, Ear, and Sight - minimum mark of 80% 3. A.Mus.Min. Materials of Music 4. A.Mus.Min. Bible Basics/Survey of Christian Music L.Ch.Mus.Ed.- ALL DISCIPLINES 117 EAR TESTS – ELEMENTARY LEVEL 1. SCALES - Candidates will identify the type of scale after it has been played once ascending and descending by the examiner. Types: i) Major (Ionian) ii) Natural Minor (Aeolian) iii) Harmonic Minor 2. CHORDS - Candidates will identify the type of four-note chord after each has been played once broken and once solid by the examiner. Types: i) Major ii) Minor Example: 3. SCALE DEGREES – Candidates will identify individual degrees of a major scale. The Tonic chord and the scale degree will each be played once by the examiner. Degrees: 2, 3, 4, 5 Example: The candidate will answer “2.” 118 EAR TESTS - ELEMENTARY EAR TESTS – JUNIOR LEVEL 1. SCALES - Candidates will identify the type of scale after it has been played once ascending and descending by the examiner. Types: i) Major (Ionian) iv) Melodic Minor ii) Natural Minor (Aeolian) iii) Harmonic Minor 2. CHORDS - Candidates will identify the type of four-note chord after each has been played once broken and once solid by the examiner. Types: i) Major ii) Minor iii) Dominant 7th Example: 3. SCALE DEGREES – Candidates will identify individual degrees of a major scale. The Tonic chord and the scale degree will each be played once by the examiner. Degrees: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Example: The candidate will answer “4.” 4. TIME SIGNATURES – Candidates will identify the time signatures of melodies which will be two measures in length. Each melody will be played once by the examiner. Time Signatures: i) Z4! ii) "4$ EAR TESTS - JUNIOR 119 EAR TESTS – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 1. SCALES - Candidates will identify the type of scale after it has been played once ascending and descending by the examiner. Types: i) Major (Ionian) iv) Melodic Minor ii) Natural Minor (Aeolian) iii) Harmonic Minor v) Major Pentatonic vi) Chromatic 2. CHORDS - Candidates will identify the type of four-note chord after each has been played once broken and once solid by the examiner. Types: i) Major ii) Minor iii) Dominant 7th iv) Augmented Example: 3. SCALE DEGREES – Candidates will identify individual degrees of a major scale plus chromatically altered degrees. The Tonic chord and the scale degree will each be played once by the examiner. Degrees: 2, 3,♭3, 4, 5, 6, ♭6, 7, 8 Example: The candidate will answer “♭6” (flat six). 4. TIME SIGNATURES – Candidates will identify the time signatures of melodies which will be two measures in length. Each melody will be played once by the examiner. Time Signatures: i) 120 Z4! ii) "4! iii) !4$ EAR TESTS - INTERMEDIATE EAR TESTS – ADVANCED LEVEL 1. SCALES - Candidates will identify the type of scale after it has been played once ascending and descending by the examiner. Types: i) Major (Ionian) ii) Natural Minor (Aeolian) iv) Melodic Minor v) Major Pentatonic vii) Whole Tone viii) Blues iii) Harmonic Minor vi) Chromatic 2. CHORDS - Candidates will identify the type of four-note chord after each has been played once broken and once solid by the examiner. Types: i) Major ii) Minor v) Diminished 7th iii) Dominant 7th vi) Major 7th iv) Augmented Example: 3. SCALE DEGREES – Candidates will identify individual degrees of a major scale plus chromatically altered degrees. The Tonic chord and the scale degree will each be played once by the examiner. Degrees: 2, ♭2, 3, ♭3, 4, 5, 6, ♭6, 7, ♭7, 8 Example: The candidate will answer “♭7” (flat seven). 4. TIME SIGNATURES – Candidates will identify the time signatures of melodies which will be two measures in length. Each melody will be played once by the examiner. Time Signatures: i) Z4! ii) "4! iii) !4! iv) ^8 EAR TESTS - ADVANCED 121 EAR TESTS – A.MUS.MIN. LEVEL 1. SCALES - Candidates will identify the type of scale after it has been played once ascending and descending by the examiner. Types: i) Major (Ionian) ii) Natural Minor (Aeolian) iv) Melodic Minor v) Major Pentatonic vii) Whole Tone viii) Blues ix) Dorian iii) Harmonic Minor vi) Chromatic x) Mixolydian 2. CHORDS - Candidates will identify the type of four-note chord after each has been played once broken and once solid by the examiner. Types: i) Major iv) Augmented vii) Minor 7th ii) Minor iii) Dominant 7th th v) Diminished 7 vi) Major 7th viii) Suspended 4th (Sus. 4) ix) Half-Diminished 7th (min.7♭5) Example: 3. SCALE DEGREES – Candidates will identify individual degrees of a major scale plus chromatically altered degrees. The Tonic chord and the scale degree will each be played once by the examiner. Degrees: 2,♭2, 3,♭3, 4, 5,♭5, 6, ♭6, 7,♭7, 8 Example: The candidate will answer “♭2” (flat two). 4. TIME SIGNATURES – Candidates will identify the time signatures of melodies which will be two measures in length. Each melody will be played once by the examiner. Time Signatures: i) 122 Z4! ii) "4! iii) !4! EAR TESTS - A.Mus.Min. iv) ^8$ v) (8 MATERIALS OF MUSIC ELEMENTARY LEVEL This One Hour examination is designed to test the candidate’s understanding of the most basic concepts of music notation. For a complete listing of suggested books for Materials of Music, refer to the Book List on page149. 1. PITCH • in treble and bass clefs • write or identify notes within the staff • accidentals (sharps, flats, naturals) 2. RHYTHM • write or identify the following types of notes or rests: whole, dotted half, half, quarter, eighth to add bar lines to a passage of music in any of the following time signatures • Z4, "4, !4 • to write one note which is equal in value to a series of given notes, for example: !+!=" • to write one rest which is equal in value to a series of given rests, for example: #+#=$ 3. SCALES • to write or identify the scales of C major, G major, or F major, using accidentals 4) TERMS AND SYMBOLS - to explain the following musical terms and symbols: accent > - to stress a note or chord crescendo - becoming louder da capo (D.C.) - return to the beginning decrescendo (decres.) - becoming softer diminuendo (dim.) - becoming softer fermata ! - pause forte (f) - loud legato - smoothly, connected mezzo forte (mf) - medium loud mezzo piano (mp) - medium soft 8va-------------- play one octave higher than written piano (p) - soft ritardando (ritard., rit.) - gradually becoming slower staccato - detached tie - hold for the total value of the tied notes MATERIALS OF MUSIC - ELEMENTARY 123 MATERIALS OF MUSIC – JUNIOR LEVEL In this One Hour examination, candidates are required to show an understanding of the following material in addition to the previous level. For a complete listing of suggested books for Materials of Music, refer to the Book List on page 149. 1. PITCH • write or identify notes up to two leger lines above or below the treble clef and two leger lines above or below the bass clef – accidentals OR key signatures may be used, up to three sharps or three flats • to write or identify whole tones above a given note • to write the enharmonic of a given note 2. RHYTHM • notes and rests up to sixteenths • dotted notes • time signatures Z4, "4, !4, Z2, "2 • to add bar lines to a passage of music (time signature will be given) • to add the appropriate time signature to a line of music • to add rests to a given line of music 3. SCALES AND KEY SIGNATURES • up to three sharps and three flats • to write or identify the following scale types: i) Major (Ionian Mode) ii) Natural Minor (Aeolian Mode) iii) Harmonic Minor iv) Melodic Minor • all scales will start on the tonic and will be written using whole notes 4. INTERVALS • to write or identify all perfect, major and minor intervals up to the perfect octave • written above the given note (with accidentals or key signature) • up to three sharps and three flats 5. TRIADS • to write or identify tonic and dominant triads in root position • keys up to three sharps and three flats 6. KEY RECOGNITION • to identify the key of a given line • all major and minor keys up to three sharps and three flats 124 MATERIALS OF MUSIC - JUNIOR 7. TERMS AND SYMBOLS • to explain the following musical terms and signs: con pedale - with damper pedal dal segno (D.S.) - return to the sign @ espressivo - with expression fine - the end flat (♭) - lowers the pitch by a chromatic semi-tone fortissimo (ff) - very loud natural ( ) - cancels a sharp or flat pianissimo (pp) - very soft rallentando - slowing down sforzando (sf, sfz) - note or chord to be suddenly accented sharp (#) - raises the pitch by a chromatic semi-tone slur - play the notes smoothly and connected Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of the saints. Psalm 149:1 MATERIALS OF MUSIC - JUNIOR 125 MATERIALS OF MUSIC INTERMEDIATE LEVEL In this Two Hour examination, candidates are required to show an understanding of the following material in addition to the previous levels. For a complete listing of suggested books for Materials of Music, refer to the Book List on page 149. 1. PITCH • double sharps and double flats • chromatic and diatonic semitones 2. RHYTHM • triplets and duplets • compound time:^4, ^8, (4, (8, W8 • to add bar lines to a line of music • to add the appropriate time signature to a line of music • to add rests to a given line of music 3. SCALES AND KEY SIGNATURES • write or identify up to seven sharps and seven flats • all major, natural minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor scales • to identify ONLY the following scale types: (a) chromatic (b) major pentatonic 4. INTERVALS • write or identify all intervals (major, minor, perfect, augmented, diminished) up to the perfect octave 5. TRIADS • to write or identify tonic, subdominant or dominant triads in root position • to identify the root, type and position (inversion) of major and minor triads • to name these triads using chord chart symbols: e.g. Cm, B♭/F, F#m/A 6. KEY RECOGNITION • to identify the key of a given line • all major and minor keys up to seven sharps and seven flats 7. TRANSPOSITION • to transpose a short melody up a major 2nd, perfect 4th or perfect 5th • only keys of up to three sharps or three flats will be used 126 MATERIALS OF MUSIC -INTERMEDIATE 8. TERMS AND SYMBOLS • to explain the following musical terms and signs: a tempo - return to original speed accelerando (accel.) - gradually faster allegro - quick coda - concluding passage dolce - sweetly e - and moderato - a moderate tempo molto - much or very piu - more poco a poco - little by little ritenuto (riten.) - suddenly slower senza - without Sing to Him a new song, Play skillfully, and shout for joy Psalm 33:3 MATERIALS OF MUSIC - INTERMEDIATE 127 MATERIALS OF MUSIC – ADVANCED LEVEL In this Two Hour examination, candidates are required to show an understanding of the following material in addition to the previous levels. For a complete listing of suggested books for Materials of Music, refer to the Book List on page 149 1. RHYTHM • as in Intermediate, but at a more advanced level • also ^y, (y, %4 and %8 2. SCALES • as in Intermediate, but with knowledge of the technical names of the scale degrees (tonic, supertonic, etc.) • to identify only the following scale types: (a) chromatic (b) major pentatonic (c) whole tone (d) blues 3. INTERVALS • write or identify all intervals (major, minor, perfect, augmented, diminished) • compound intervals 4. TRIADS AND CHORDS • all major, minor, augmented and diminished triads, in all inversions • open and close position • given chords to be expressed using lead sheet chord symbols • to identify the following chord types using lead sheet chord symbols: i) 7th ii) Maj 7th iii) Min 7th iv) Dim 7th (o7) (v) Half Dim 7th (Ø7, or min. 7♭5) • all in root position (e.g. Cm7 , Amaj 7 , etc.) 5. KEY RECOGNITION • to identify the key of a given line as in Intermediate Level but at a more advanced level • all major and minor keys up to seven sharps and seven flats 6. TRANSPOSITION • any interval up to the perfect 5th above • all major and minor keys up to seven sharps and seven flats 7. TECHNICAL NAMES OF THE SCALE DEGREES • Tonic, Supertonic, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Submediant, Leading Note 128 MATERIALS OF MUSIC - ADVANCED 8. TERMS AND SIGNS • to explain the following musical terms and signs allargando - broadening out, becoming slower andante - at a walking pace ben, bene - well cantabile - in a singing style largo - slow and solemn leggiero - lightly loco - return to normal register marcato - marked, stressed meno mosso - less movement rubato - robbed time, a flexible tempo sempre - always subito (sub.) - suddenly tre corde - three strings, release the left pedal on the piano una corda - one string, depress the left pedal on the piano Sing to the Lord a new song, For he has done Marvelous things. Psalm 98:1 MATERIALS OF MUSIC - ADVANCED 129 MATERIALS OF MUSIC – A.MUS.MIN. LEVEL In this Three Hour examination, candidates are required to show an understanding of the following material in addition to the previous levels. For a complete listing of suggested books for Materials of Music, refer to the Book List on page 149. 1. TRANSPOSITION • melody and chord symbols to be transposed • up or down any interval within the octave 2. HARMONIC ANALYSIS (MAJOR AND MINOR KEYS) • to symbolize the harmony of short passages using a combination of Roman and Arabic numbers (e.g. I, I6, I^4, etc.) *see Vocabulary and Non-chord notes • to symbolize short passages of harmony using chord chart symbols (e.g. C, C/E, C/G etc.) 3. HARMONIZATION • to harmonize short passages in S.A.T.B. • soprano, or bass or chord symbols will be given • VOCABULARY (also in analysis) - all diatonic triads with their inversions - ii7 and V7 and inversions • NON-CHORD NOTES (also in Analysis) - Passing note (P.N.) - Auxiliary (Aux.) or Neighbor (N.N.) - Appoggiatura (App.) - Echappée (Ech.) - Suspension (Sus.) - Anticipation (Ant.) 4. CHORDS • to identify by use of chord chart symbols the following chord types which will be • written using staff notation and in close position. Inversions may be given. • TYPES: i) major ii) minor iii) dom. 7th iv) aug. v) dim. 7th vi) maj. 7 th th th Ø vii) minor 7 viii) suspended 4 (sus. 4) ix) half dim. 7 ( 7 or min.7♭5) (e.g. D aug., Fsus 4 , etc.) 5. SCALES • to identify all scales from previous grade levels plus the following modes: i) Dorian ii) Phrygian iii) Lydian iv) Mixolydian v) Locrian 130 MATERIALS OF MUSIC - A.Mus.Min. 6. TERMS • to explain the following terms: Anthem - a piece of sacred vocal music, usually with words taken from the scriptures Cantata - a choral composition arranged in a somewhat dramatic manner, usually accompanied by piano, organ or orchestra Descant - a melody or counterpoint accompanying a simple musical theme and usually written above it Doxology - a short song of praise to God, usually beginning with the words “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…” Hymn - a formal song of praise, of worship, or thanksgiving to God, generally strophic, designed for four-part harmony, and written with classical harmonic structure. The music submits to the words. Introit - a choral response sung at the beginning of a church service Oratorio - an extended musical composition with a text more or less dramatic in character based upon a religious theme, for solo voices, chorus and orchestra, and performed without action, costume or scenery (i.e. Handel’s Messiah) Postlude - music closing a church service Prelude - music opening a church service Psalm - a sacred song based on any of the songs, hymns or prayers in the Book of Psalms Segue - an uninterrupted transition made from one musical section to another Spiritual - religious songs of Southern U.S. African Americans in the post-civil war era MATERIALS OF MUSIC - A.Mus.Min. 131 BIBLE BASICS – ELEMENTARY LEVEL Bible basics is designed for the beginner musician to assist in the development of their knowledge of the Bible in order to compliment their practical studies in Christian Music. At the elementary level, the candidate will need to study the following list. Questions will be in the form of fill in the blanks, matching, true and false, word search and crossword puzzle. The candidate would find it useful to prepare for the examination with the assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 1 – Elementary Level. Students are encouraged to investigate diverse Bible versions, however, the workbook and examination questions will require answers using the King James version of the Bible. * Please note: the Elementary Levels of Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music are both combined in a One Hour examination. TOPIC SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Know at least five titles of the books of the Bible Both Old and New Testaments Know the account of David & Goliath 1 Samuel Chapter 17 Looking at the “Shepherd’s Psalm” Psalm 23 (King James Version) Jesus teaches on Prayer Matthew 6:5-9 and Matthew 6:9-13 List the fruit of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22 List the Armour of God Ephesians 6:10-18 Choosing of the twelve disciples Luke 6:12-16 The Last Supper Luke 22:14-30 Animals found in the Bible Jesus feeds the multitude (Crossword puzzle) Genesis 6:19 & 20; Psalm 50:10; Luke 15:15; Daniel 8:5; Isaiah 11:6 & 7; Deuteronomy 14:18; Judges 7:5 Matthew 14:13 - 21 Instruments used in the Bible (Word search) Psalm 150 132 BIBLE BASICS - ELEMENTARY BIBLE BASICS – JUNIOR LEVEL Bible basics at the Junior Level is designed to encourage the developing musician in their knowledge of the Bible in order to compliment their practical studies in Christian Music. At the Junior level, the candidate will need to study the following list. Questions will be in the form of true and false, matching, one-word answers, word search and crossword puzzle. The candidate would find it useful to prepare for the examination with the assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 2 – Junior Level. Students are encouraged to investigate diverse Bible versions, however, the workbook and examination questions will require answers using the King James version of the Bible. * Please note: the Junior Levels of Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music are both combined in a One Hour examination. TOPIC SCRIPTURE REFERENCES The Account of Creation Genesis Chapter One A Call to Praise the Lord Psalm 100 The Salvation Message Acts 16:30-31; 1 John 5:1; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9 The Miracles of Jesus Matthew Chapters 8 & 9 Lessons from a Potter Jeremiah 18:1-10 Character Traits of a Christian Musician 1 Samuel 16:15-18 The Faith Chapter Hebrews Chapter 11 Animals and the Old Testament Law Leviticus 11:1-23 Crossword: the account of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32 Word Search: The Sermon on the Mount Matthew Chapter 5 BIBLE BASICS - JUNIOR 133 BIBLE BASICS – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Bible basics at the Intermediate Level is designed to further develop the Christian musician in their knowledge of the Bible in order to compliment their practical studies in Christian Music. At the Intermediate level, candidates will need to engage in a more detailed research of the Bible in order to answer examination questions. Questions will be in the form of short paragraphs, choosing verses appropriate to the lyrics of Worship song writing, true and false, matching, one-word answers, word search and crossword puzzle. The candidate would find it useful to prepare for the examination with the assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 3 – Intermediate Level. Students are encouraged to investigate diverse Bible versions, however, the workbook and examination questions will require answers using the King James version of the Bible. * Please note: the Intermediate Levels of Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music are both combined in a Two Hour examination. TOPIC SCRIPTURE REFERENCES People or groups who made the announcement of the birth of Christ Luke 1:17; Luke 1:31-35; Luke 1: 41-43; Luke 2: 10-12; Luke 2: 25-32; Luke 2: 36-38 List 12 Scriptural Names for Christ Genesis 49:10; Isaiah 59:20; Matthew 9:15; Matthew 11:19; Luke 1:47; Luke 2:11; John 1:29; John 3:2; John 10:11, 14; Romans 11:26; 1 Corinthians 15:45; Hebrews 3:1; Revelation 22:16 Music Facts in the Bible 2 Chronicles 5:11-14; Genesis 4:21; The Book of Psalms; 2 Kings 3:15-16; 1 Chronicles 23:5 True/false Questions on the story of Jonah Jonah: Chapter 1:3, 4, 5, 12, 17; Chapter 2:7; Chapter 3: 5, 10; Chapter 4: 1, 5 The Greatest Commandment Mark 12:28-31; Matthew 5:43-46; Acts 2:44-47 The Sower and the Seed Matthew 13: 1-8; Matthew 13: 18-23 Signs and Wonders Through Moses Exodus: Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 The Love Chapter 1 Corinthians: Chapter 13 Walking in the Spirit Galatians 5: 22-26 Choosing verses as lyrics in a short Worship Song (see workbook for example) Psalms 144, Psalm 145 134 BIBLE BASICS - INTERMEDIATE BIBLE BASICS – ADVANCED LEVEL Bible basics at the Advanced Level will take the Christian musician on a journey through the Old and New Testaments to further develop their knowledge of the individual books, lives and promises of the word of God, with a special emphasis on music, musicians and instruments used in worship. As a result of this study, the candidate will be more equipped to perform Christian music with a more personal and mature understanding. Questions will be in the form of short paragraphs, true and false, matching, one-word answers, word search and crossword puzzle. The candidate would find it useful to prepare for the examination with the assistance of CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 4 – Advanced Level. Students are encouraged to investigate diverse Bible versions, however, the workbook and examination questions will require answers using the King James version of the Bible. * Please note: the Advanced Levels of Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music are both combined in a Two Hour examination. TOPIC SCRIPTURE REFERENCES New and Old Testament Facts Exodus 17:15; Deuteronomy 9:2, 32:1-4; Judges 6:24; 1 Samuel 1, 2; 2 Samuel 5, 6; 1 Kings 17: 3; 1 Chronicles 6:33; 15: 17; 1 Chronicles 16:41-42; Matthew 10:25; 12:24; Acts 18:23 Familiar and Unfamiliar Names in the Bible Genesis 37:3, 4, 19, 20, 23, 28; Exodus 33:23; Numbers 16: 1-3; 1 Samuel 25:37 – 39; 2 Samuel 15;1 Kings 1, 17:1, 18:21; 2 Kings 16:11; Esther 5:14, 6:13; Matthew 17:10-13; Mark 6:14, 15; Luke 2:36-38; 7:11-15 A Comparison of Parables and Miracles Matthew 8; 9:1-8, 18-35; Matthew 13 Some of the Promises to Believers Isaiah 51:3; Isaiah 62:1-2; John 10:10; 14:1-3; John 14:27; 1 Corinthians 12; Hebrews 4:9, 10; 6:18-19; 1 John 3:1-2; 5:14 Instruments in the Bible Genesis 4:21; Exodus 15:20; Numbers 10:1; 2 Samuel 6:5; 1 Chronicles 13:8; 2 Chronicles 5:12; Job 21:12; Daniel 3:5; Psalm 33:2; 1 Corinthians 13:1 Musicians/Song Leaders in the Bible 1 Chronicles 6:33, 39; 15:16,17,22; 16:5, 6, 7, 41-42 Works of the Flesh (word search) Galatians 5:19-26 The Lord, Our Refuge (crossword) Psalm 91 The TrueVine, Books of the Epistles’ (paragraph writing) John 15: 1 – 11 A look at letters written to the early churches in the New Testament Knowing the Books of the Old and New Testaments (paragraph writing) A brief description of historical facts of some of the books of both the Old and New Testaments BIBLE BASICS - ADVANCED 135 BIBLE BASICS - A.MUS.MIN. LEVEL Bible basics at the A.Mus.Min. Level is designed to balance the mature Christian musician and his/her achievements in music studies with the knowledge of God’s word. The curriculum covers a diverse spectrum of Bible study demonstrated in the format of Bible lists, historical and musical facts, topic and character essays and memory of scripture pertaining to all aspects of the Christian life. The candidate would find it useful to prepare for the examination with the assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 5 – A.Mus.Min. Level. Students are encouraged to investigate diverse Bible versions, including the Thompson Chain Bible, various concordances, and bibliographies, etc. The workbook and examination questions will require answers using the King James version of the Bible. * Please note: the A.Mus.Min. Levels of Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music are both combined in a Three Hour examination. TOPIC SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Music in the Bible Exodus 15:20, 21; 2 Samuel 6:16; 1 Kings 4; 1 Chronicles 23:5; Psalm 81:1,2; Psalm 100; Psalm 108:3; Ezekiel 33:30-33; Habakkuk 3:19; Revelation 14:2, 3 Scripture Key Points: 136 Salvation John 1:12; 3:15, 16; Romans 10:9; 1 John 5:11, 12; Revelation 3:20 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Genesis 49:10; Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; Zechariah 11:12-13; Psalm 34:20; Psalm 41:9; Psalm 55:12-14; Psalm 118:22-23; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:22, 23; Matthew 21:42; Matthew 26:14-16; John 19:33-36; Revelation 5:5 Old Testament Appearance of the Angel of the Lord Genesis 32:24-30; Exodus 3:2; Joshua 5:13-15; Judges 6:11-12; Daniel 3:25 5 Fasts to Remember Deuteronomy 9:9, 18, 25-29; Deuteronomy 10:10, 2 Samuel 3:31-36; Nehemiah 1:4; Daniel 10:3-13; Matthew 4:1-11 Earthquakes in the Bible Exodus 19:18; 1 Kings 19:8-13; Matthew 27:54; Acts 16:26; Revelation 11:13 BIBLE BASICS - A.Mus.Min. Life, Miracles, and Teachings of Jesus Matthew 7:24-29; Matthew 18:1-5; Mark 1:4-11, 2:1-12; Luke 2:6, 7, 16, 17, 42-50; Luke 4:1-13; 5:1-11; Luke 6:12-16; 8:40-56; Luke 10:25-42; 19:35-38; Luke 19:45-48; Luke 20:20-26; 22:1-6, 14-20, 39-71; Luke 23:1-7 13-27, 33-56, 24:13-35, 48-53, 26:38; John 20:1, 3-10, 11-18, 25, 27-29; 21:15-19 Signs of the Return of Christ Daniel 12:4; Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:7; 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4; 2 Timothy 3:2-4, The Christian Life until the Return of Christ Hebrews 10:25; 1 Corinthians 11:26; Colossians 3:1-4;1 John 3:2-3, Jude 21-23 Hymns & Worship Song Themes Psalm 103 Musicians, Song Leaders and Writers in the Old Testament 1 Chronicles 6:33, 39; 15:17, 22; 16:5-7,37,41,42 Songs/Hymns Sung in the Bible Exodus 15:1-9; Numbers 21:17-18; 1 Samuel 2:1-10; 2 Chronicles 5:12-14; Matthew 26:30; Luke 1:46- 55; Acts 16:25; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Revelation 14:1-3; 15:2-4 The Deity of Christ Matthew 2:2, 11; 18:20; 28:20; Mark 2:5, 10,11; Luke 2:15; John 3:13; 6:70; 14:20 Acts 7:59; 8:37; Galatians 2:20; 1Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 1:6; 1 Peter 3:22; 2 Peter 1:17; 1 John 5:20; Revelation 1:18 Names & Meanings of God in the Old Testament Genesis 1:1; 2:4; 14:17-20; 16:12; 17:1; Genesis 22:13,14; Exodus 15:26; 17:15; 31:13; Judges 6:24; Psalm 18:1; 23:1; Isaiah 6:1-3; Isaiah 40:28; Jeremiah 23:6; Ezekiel 48:35; Malachi 1:6 Topical & Character Essays: One of each section, 500 words each Topical: Importance of The Lord’s Supper OR Importance of Baptism Character: Life & Journeys of Abraham, Paul or Jesus OR Joshua, Successor of Moses OR David, the Greatest King of Israel BIBLE BASICS - A.Mus.Min. 137 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC References to music are found in scripture. The book of Psalms is the original Hebrew songbook, containing some 115 references to songs, 106 to music, and 140 to singers. Throughout history, musicians have sought to express their faith in various musical styles, often quoting scripture directly or indirectly. Through a study of the Survey of Christian Music, the candidate will gain a deeper understanding of praise and worship, the historical influences on the music and insight into the lives of specific composers and their works. The majority of compositions studied are found in various repertoire lists of the CCMC syllabus. SUGGESTED BOOK LIST • The Holy Bible (KJV, The Thomson Chain, NIV, The Message Bible, etc.) • The Sound of Light: A History of Gospel and Christian Music. Don Cusic. © 2002 by Hal Leonard Corporation ISBN 0-634-02938-X • 101 Hymn Stories. Kenneth W. Osbeck © 1982 by Kregel Publications. ISBN 0-8254-3416-5 • 101 More Hymn Stories. Kenneth W. Osbeck © 1985 by Kregel Publications. ISBN 0-8254-3420-3 • The Story of Christian Music. Andrew Wilson-Dickson © 1992 by First Fortress Press. ISBN 978-0-8006-3474-2 • CCMC Examination Workbooks, Volumes 1 – 5. © 2011 by Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada, Toronto • Research on the Internet * Please note: each level of Survey of Christian Music and Bible Basics is combined into One examination. • Elementary - ONE HOUR EXAMINATION • Junior - ONE HOUR EXAMINATION • Intermediate - TWO HOUR EXAMINATION • Advanced - TWO HOUR EXAMINATION • A.Mus.Min. - THREE HOUR EXAMINATION 138 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC ELEMENTARY LEVEL At the elementary level, the candidate will study the following list and be able to match the composer and composition, or match the composer/composition to a key historical point. Questions will be in the form of fill in the blanks, matching, or true and false. All compositions are in the current syllabus. Candidates would find it useful to prepare for the examination with the assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 1 – Elementary Level. Highlighted composers: will be studied in further detail in higher levels. COMPOSER HYMN/CHORUS YEAR THEME KEY POINTS Anon. -Fairest Lord Jesus 1677 Paul Baloche (b. 1962) -Above All -Open the Eyes of My Heart 1999 1997 Mary E.Byrne/ Irish Melody -Be Thou My Vision Published Brian Doerksen (b. 1965) -Come, Now is the Time for Worship 1998 Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993) -Precious Lord, Take My Hand 1938 Henry van Dyke (1852-1933) /Beethoven Charlotte Elliot (1789-1871)/ William B. Bradbury Reginald Heber/ John B. Dykes Lenny Leblanc (1951) Martin Nystrom -Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 1911 -Just As I Am 1836 -Holy, Holy, Holy 1800’s -There is None Like You -As the Deer 1991 Joseph M. Scriven (1819-1886)/ Charles Converse -What a Friend We Have in Jesus 1857 Martin Smith (1970) Chris Tomlin (b.1972) -I Could Sing of Your Love Forever -Forever 1994 (German Hymn) based on Silesian Folk melody Currently, his songs are some of the most frequently used by N.American churches. Dedication & Devotion 8th Century Irish Hymn, translated in 1800’s Tune: Slane Worship & Adoration Canadian. Originally influential in Vineyard Music Life in Christ; Provision; “Father of black gospel Guidance music.” Influenced by blues, jazz and Isaac Watts. God Our Father; Psalm 71:23 Adoration & Praise Melody from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, 1st mvt. Repentance & Bed-ridden invalid who Forgiveness became one of England’s best female hymn writers Adoration & Praise; Tune: Niacea God the Father Revelation 4:8-11 Worship & Adoration Started in Pop – “crossed over” into gospel Adoration & Trust; Psalm 42:1 Commitment; Praise Life in Christ; Scriven was born in Prayer/Intercession; Dublin, Ireland – at 25 yr. Dedication emigrated to Canada – lived in Port Hope, Ont. Adoration & Praise Based on Psalm 89:1 2001 God’s Faithfulness Darlene Zschech (b.1965) -Shout to the Lord -The Potter’s Hand 1993 1996 Adoration & Praise Trust/Dedication 1905 1981 Adoration & Praise Christ: Lordship Jesus: The Cross Adoration & Praise Composer of some of the top Christian praise & worship songs -from Texas Estimated 25-30 million sing Shout to the Lord weekly! * Please note: the Elementary Levels of Survey of Christian Music and Bible Basics are both combined in a One Hour examination. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - ELEMENTARY 139 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC JUNIOR LEVEL In addition to the material studied at the Elementary level, candidates must study the following composer list. Any highlighted composers from both elementary and junior lists require more detailed research. Also at this level, the student is required to begin a brief study of the historical events that influenced the church music of that particular time period. Candidates would find it useful to prepare for the examination with assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 2 – Junior Level. Exam questions will include true and false, fill in the blanks, matching lists, and write/recognize the words of the first line of a song. COMPOSER Matthew Bridges & Godfrey Thring/ George J. Elvey HYMN/CHORUS -Crown Him with Many Crowns Geron & Becky Davis -In the Presence of Jehovah YEAR words: 1851 Tune: 1868 1985 First published William Ralph Featherston/ A. J. Gordon Tim Hughes (b. July 23, 1978) -My Jesus, I Love Thee Martin Luther (1483-1546) -A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Ein’Fest Burg) Circa 1527 Reuben Morgan -Eagle’s Wings -Hear Our Praises -I Give You My Heart -Mighty to Save -My Redeemer Lives -You are Near -Amazing Grace 1998 1998 1995 John Newton (1725-1807) -Beautiful One -Here I Am to Worship 1864 2002 2001 2006 1998 1999 Published 1779 THEME Adoration & Praise: Christ: His Name; Lordship; Resurrection Psalm 51:11 Leading songwriters, vocalists in praise & worship genre Commitment; Featherston – b. 1846 in Dedication & Devotion Montreal. Wrote the words at age 16. Adoration & Praise 1 Corinthians 2:9 b. London, England Worship & Adoration Director of Worship, head of worship training centre Refuge; God Our Father; Psalm 46. Protestant Majesty & Power Reformation Movement. Belief in congregational singing. Prayer & Renewal John 15:5 Worship pastor, songwriter Adoration & Praise at Hillsong Church, Commitment & Australia Dedication Founder of “United Live” Adoration & Praise Tours internationally Jesus Our Saviour Adoration & Praise Grace, Love, & Mercy; Forgiveness 1776 Jesus Our Savior; Grace, Love, Mercy Isaac Watts (1674 – 1748)/ John Hatton 1719 Jesus Our Savior; Ascension/Reign 140 Stanza 1 – Bridges Stanzas 2-4 – Thring Tune: DIADEMETA Peace & Hope Augustus M. Toplady/ -Rock of Ages T. Hastings -Jesus Shall Reign (also by Watts – When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) KEY POINTS SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - JUNIOR 1 Chronicles 17:16,17 Former slave trader transformed to great British preacher. 1 Corinthians 10:1, 4 Considered one of the most popular hymns ever written Psalm 72; one of 600 hymns by the Father of English Hymnody - Watts HISTORICAL PERIOD Psalms Early Church Music – Chants, Organum, Motets The Mass The Reformation Early English Influence Gospel Music in America Contemporary Christian Music APPROXIMATE COMPOSERS YEARS Approx. 1000 Kings David & Solomon, B.C. - 450 B.C. Asaph & many others KEY POINTS Earliest written songs of devotion, and poems. Quoted often in New Testament, even by Jesus 600 A.D. – 1300 Pope Gregory, Monks, Notre Early music training & Dame Cathedral, Machaut development in religious institutions. Development of notation 14th - 15th Century Palestrina Choral works, antiphonal Josquin des Prez singing, soloists, cantors, Responsorial. Use of Organ 1517 - 1648 Martin Luther Innovated Congregational singing 17 – 18th Century Isaac Watts (1674 – 1748) Importance of faith through Charles Wesley (1707 – 1788) hymn singing & John Wesley (1703 – 1808) Publication of hymn books Watts – father of English hymn writing – over 6500 hymns Wesleys – travelling evangelists & hymn writers 1874 – present Thomas A. Dorsey Gospel music began with (1899 – 1993) Christian slaves in U.S.A. Popular secular music influenced sacred music. Gospel music is testimonial songs describing what the Lord had done for a person Dorsey-Father of Black Gospel Music – leader in combining praise with jazz & blues rhythms 1970’s - present William & Gloria Gaither “Godfather of contemporary Darlene Zschech & Christian music” – revived Reuben Morgan southern gospel music Hillsong - Australian Pentecostal – worldwide influence on worship * Please note: the Junior Levels of Survey of Christian Music and Bible Basics are both combined in a One Hour examination. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - JUNIOR 141 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC INTERMEDIATE LEVEL In addition to the material studied at the Elementary and Junior levels, the candidate must now study the following composers and historical lists. At this level, candidates will begin a study on the historical roots of worship: read 1 Chronicles 16:28-36. Candidates will need to be familiar with this passage. Questions will include filling in blanks, writing a brief answer to questions on highlighted composers, a one sentence answer to questions on the history of Christian music, and understanding the theme of the hymns/choruses, including the ability to rewrite a verse in their own words. Candidates would find it useful to prepare for the examination with assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 3 – Intermediate Level. COMPOSER HYMN/CHORUS YEAR THEME Francis of Assisi -All Creatures of Our God and King 1623 God Our Father, Creation T. O. Chisholm/ W. Runyan - Great is Thy Faithfulness 1923 God Our Father; Guidance; Faithfulness Worship & Praise Sondra Corbett-Wood -I Worship You, Almighty God Fanny Crosby -Blessed Assurance (1820-1915) /Phoebe P. Knapp 1990 Billy James Foote -You are My King (Amazing Love) -How Great Thou Art 1989 Edward Perronet/ Oliver Holden -All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Coronation) Published David Ruis -You’re Worthy of My Praise 1991 Michael W. Smith (b.1957) -Agnus Dei -Great is the Lord -How Majestic is Your Name 1990 1982 1981 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)/ T. Campbell -And Can It Be (also by Wesley: -Christ the Lord is Risen Today, -Come Thou Long Expected Jesus) Published Stuart K. Hine (1899-1989) 142 1873 1953 1793 1738 KEY POINTS Psalm 145. Franciscan Order of Friars. He emphasized the importance of church music Lamentations 3:22 Focuses on God’s sovereignty Assurance & Trust Blind hymn writer – over 8000 gospel hymns – influential in early gospel movement (U.S.) Resurrection; Luke 22:34, Sacrifice 1 John 3:1 Adoration & Praise; God Kine heard it on a the Father; missionary trip -Originally Creation a Swedish poem “O Store Gud” by Rev. Carl Boberg, 1886-trad. Swedish melody Jesus Our Saviour; -imagery from Revelation Worship & Adoration & Jeremiah Often called “National Anthem of Christendom” Worship & Adoration Winnipeg, Manitoba. His musical style is a blend of pop, rock, electronica, & world Adoration & Praise -active since ‘80’s to Adoration & Praise present as singer, God’s Attributes songwriter, musician, recording artist, composer, actor Grace, Love & Mercy; Wesley composed over Forgiveness 6500 hymns. Evangelical ministry in England with brother, John Wesley. Powerful “Aldersgate” conversion experience SURVE OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - INTERMEDIATE HISTORICAL PERIOD Psalms Early Church Music – Chants, Organum, Motets The Mass Reformation Movement The New Music Early English Influence – The Great Awakening Gospel Music Contemporary Christian Music APPROXIMATE COMPOSERS YEARS Approx. 1000 Kings David & Solomon, B.C. - 450 B.C. Asaph & many others KEY POINTS Themes: Prayer in song, praise, worship, petition & thankfulness 600 A.D. – 1300 Pope Gregory, Monks, Notre Acappella singing, early music Dame Cathedral, Machaut notation. Motets – early part singing 14th - 15th Century Palestrina Formal structure of sacred music – intoned only priest, cantor or choir 1517 - 1648 Martin Luther -Lutherans had a balance of Joachim Neander music and the word (1650-1680) - Introduced chorales Calvinism saw emotional sacred music as a threat – focused on singing of psalms 1600’s Johann Sebastian Bach Bach - Legacy in Christian (1685-1750) influence. Characteristic: The power of emotion in music Dramatic events of the bible brought to life through music and drama 17th – 18th Century Isaac Watts (1674 – 1748) Beginning of revivals Charles Wesley (1707 – 1788) Early missionary evangelism & John Wesley (1703 – 1808) hymn writing – influenced John Newton (1725-1807) Puritans – brought hymns to America 1800 – 1940’s Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) Gospel music -Emphasis on Thomas A. Dorsey groups of singers – choirs (1899-1993) Musicians play a more prominent role. 1873 – Dwight L. Moody & Ira D. Sankey formed evangelistic preacher/musician team – “Camp meetings” begin 1970’s to present Paul Baloche Introduction of chord chart and Michael W. Smith lead sheet notation allowing for Chris Tomlin greater musical freedom of chord voicing & formation * Please note: the Intermediate Levels of Survey of Christian Music and Bible Basics are both combined in a Two Hour examination. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - INTERMEDIATE 143 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC ADVANCED LEVEL In addition to all material covered in the previous levels, candidates must be familiar with the following composer and historical lists. At this level, candidates must be able to write a short paragraph on the life and music of highlighted composers. They must be acquainted with the words and themes of the listed hymns/choruses and use that knowledge to fill in an order of worship chart – either a traditional or contemporary order of service. It is essential that a sense of design and thematic development be present. The candidate must be able to discuss the musical development of sacred music. Candidates would find it useful to prepare for the examination with assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 4 – Advanced Level. COMPOSER HYMN/CHORUS YEAR THEME KEY POINTS George Bennard (1873-1958) -The Old Rugged Cross 1913 Jesus Our Saviour; The Cross Brenton Brown/ Brian Doerksen William & Gloria Gaither -Hallelujah, Your Love is Amazing -Because He Lives 2000 God’s Attributes 1971 Jesus Our Saviour; Resurrection/Easter Keith Green There is a Redeemer 1982 Jack Hayford -Majesty 1980 Salvation The Cross Worship Philippians 2:8 One of the most popular 20th Century hymns Brown was key to U.K. Vineyard music John 14:19 Influential in Southern Gospel movement from 1960’s to present “radical” Christianity Lived as he sang Isaiah 24:14 Israel Houghton (b. 1971) Helen H. Lemmel -You Are Good 2001 God’s Attributes Blends gospel, jazz & rock -Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus -Shine, Jesus, Shine 1922 Testimony; Witness Invitation Jesus Christ; Holy Spirit Joachim Neander (1650-1680) -Praise to the Lord, 1665 the Almighty (originally Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty) Matt Redman -Better is One Day -Blessed Be Your Name 1995 2002 Jesse Reeves/ Laura Story -Indescribable 2004 Focus on Christ as the centre of life Most popular modern hymn of U.K. Kendrick considered “father of modern worship music” Adoration & Praise; Psalm 103:1-6 God Our Father Considered greatest of German Calvinist Reformed Hymn writers – From Stralsund Gesangbuch Adoration & Praise Psalm 84:10 Trials/Adoration & Praise Redman believes the first priority is that his music is a worship offering to God Adoration & Praise Inspired by Psalm 19 Louisa M.R. Stead/ Wm. J. Kirkpatrick -‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 1875 Assurance & Trust Judson W. Van de Venter/W. S. Weeden -I Surrender All 1896 Salvation; Commitment Graham Kendrick 144 (co-wrote How Great is Our God) 1987 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - ADVANCED Ephesians 1:12, 13 Written after the tragic drowning of her husband Became a Missionary in South Africa Matthew 10:39 Rev. Van de Venter- U.S. evangelist- influenced Billy Graham’s ministry HISTORICAL PERIOD Psalms APPROXIMATE COMPOSERS YEARS Approx. 1000 Kings David & Solomon, B.C. - 450 B.C. Asaph & many others Many psalms are dedicated “To the Chief Musician” Early Church Music – Chants, Organum, Motets The Mass 600 A.D. – 1300 Pope Gregory, Monks, Notre Dame Cathedral, Machaut 14th - 15th Century Palestrina Reformation Movement 1517 - 1648 The New Music 1600’s Early English Influence – The Great Awakening 17 – 18th Century Gospel Music 1800-1940’s Contemporary Christian Music 1970’s to present KEY POINTS New Testament churches used the Psalms in worship. Examples of psalm hymns: Psalm 29-praise of divine Kingship. Psalm 104-praise of creation. Psalms 105 & 106praise of divine intervention Define Chants, Organum, Motet, Neumes Polyphonic writing Martin Luther Anonymous writing A wealth of new compositions. Composer anonymity was considered an act of humility. Johann Sebastian Bach Bach’s post-script at the end of (1685-1750) all compositions: “To the Glory George Frederick Handel of God.” (1685-1759) Define: Oratorios, Cantatas, Passions Patronage of the arts – church musicians were employed. Isaac Watts (1674 – 1748) Established hymn singing as Charles Wesley (1707 – 1788) integral to church service & John Wesley (1703 – 1808) English influence remained John Newton (1725-1807) strong in American churches of Augustus M. Toplady the 1800’s. (1740-1778) Singing schools established – led to musical training & the choir master; sight singing & songbooks and the pitch pipe Philip Bliss (1838-1876) Music features syncopation, Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) blues influence, lively tempi. Thomas A. Dorsey George Beverly Shea & Billy (1899-1993) Graham crusades Brian Doerksen Vineyard church est. 1982 by David Ruis John Wimber, former arranger Israel Houghton for Righteous Brothers. Vineyard music originally pop-style love songs to the Lord. Now has its own record label. Contemporary style blending gospel, jazz & rock music. Both Traditional and Contemporary services are designed around a theme. The Candidate will be asked to fill in a service outline for either service style, around a given theme and scripture reference. The candidate will be expected to fill in the outline using only selections from the composer/composition lists found in Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced levels. * Please note: the Advanced Levels of Survey of Christian Music and Bible Basics are both combined in a Two Hour examination. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - ADVANCED 145 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC A.MUS.MIN. LEVEL Candidates must be familiar with all the composer charts, history charts and standard order of service outlines from all previous levels. At this level, short essay questions will be asked, including the development of sacred music during specific eras, significant composers at that time, designing a worship service around a theme. Candidates would find it useful to prepare for the examination with assistance of the CCMC Examination Workbook Volume 5 – A.Mus. Min. HISTORICAL PERIOD APPROXIMATE YEARS COMPOSERS Psalms Approx. 1000 B.C. - 450 B.C. Kings David & Solomon, Asaph & many others Early Church Music – Chants, Organum, Motets 600 A.D. – 1300 Pope Gregory, Monks, Notre Dame Cathedral, Machaut The Mass 14th - 15th Century Palestrina Reformation Movement 1517 - 1648 Martin Luther Joachim Neander Anonymous writing The New Music 1600’s Giacomo Carissimi (1605-1674) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) Early English Influence – The Great Awakening 17 – 18th Century Isaac Watts (1674 – 1748) Charles Wesley (1707 – 1788) & John Wesley (1703 – 1808) Augustus M. Toplady (1740-1778) Edward Perronet ( (1726-1792) 146 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - A.Mus.Min. KEY POINTS (refer also to key points from previous levels) The Levites used plucked string instruments as accompaniment. Some Psalms were divided into sections by the blowing of a trumpet or by the word Selah meaning ‘pause & reflect’ Define Chants, Organum Motets, and Neumes. Modal music. List the sections of the Mass Proper & Mass Ordinaire Vocalists were boys & men only. Mass was written for six voice parts Organ become central to the Mass Harmonization of hymns -Luther believed strongly in the educational & ethical power of music -Young pastors were not accepted for training unless they could show musical competence Wrote oratorios based on biblical stories of Old Testament characters Bach’s Cantata #80 based on Luther’s Ein’Fest Burg. Handel’s Messiah (Oratorio) Discuss: Monody, Ornamentation and Improvisation John Wesley was influenced by the music writing of a German Christian sect known as Moravians . HISTORICAL PERIOD APPROXIMATE YEARS COMPOSERS KEY POINTS (refer also to key points from previous levels) A time of revival meetings. Four-part vocal harmonies. Publication of many new hymnals. Organ. “Bridging the Gap” – Hymn Writing of the 1800’s and early 1900’s 1800-1900’s George Bennard (1873-1958) Charlotte Elliot (1789-1871) William Ralph Featherston (1846-1873) Reginald Heber (1783-1826) John Newton (1725-1807) Louisa M. R. Stead (1850-1917) Henry van Dyke (1852-1933) Gospel Music 1800-1940’s Philip Bliss (1838-1876) Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993) Stuart K. Hine (1899-1989) See previous levels. Contemporary Christian Music 1970’s to present See previous levels. Draws from secular rhythms, idioms, instrumentation & technology Candidates should be familiar with at least one current Canadian Christian musician, Christian group, or Christian musical institution and be able to write a paragraph about the artist or group, with reference to their contribution to the development of Christian music in Canada. Some suggestions include: Toronto Mass Choir, Faith Chorale, The Montreal Jubilation Choir, the Canadian Gospel Music Association, Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada. * Please note: the A.Mus.Min. Levels of Survey of Christian Music and Bible Basics are both combined in a Three Hour examination. Guide me in your truth, and teach me, For you are my God. Psalm 25:5 SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC - A.Mus.Min. 147 F.MUS.MIN. THESIS All candidates for the F.Mus.Min. Diploma are required to submit an original thesis. Each thesis must be accompanied by two signed letters, one from their Pastor and one from a church official, declaring that the thesis is the candidate’s own original work. THESIS REQUIREMENTS • • • • • • 20 pages, 5,000 words minimum, double spaced Proper spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure Well presented introduction clearly outlining the thesis topic Footnotes and Bibliography Suitable conclusion Based on a musical topic with biblical corroboration PROPOSAL Candidates must submit a one page thesis proposal of 100 – 200 words in length, double-spaced. This will accompany the official application and payment of the thesis submission fee (See the website,, for current Schedule of Fees.) Candidates will be promptly notified as to the suitability of their thesis proposal. Candidates may not submit their thesis until the thesis proposal has been submitted and approved. COMPLETED THESIS Candidates may submit their completed thesis, and two signed letters of confirmation of originality at any time following the topic approval. The completed thesis must be received no more than one year following the date of application. A brief written report, and the final mark will then be forwarded to the candidate. 148 F.Mus.Min. - THESIS BOOK LIST The following list includes reference information for Materials of Music, Bible Basics and Survey of Christian Music. All three subjects are covered in each of the CCMC Examination Workbooks, volumes 1 – 5, available by one of two methods. Write to: OR Email: Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada P.O. Box 20031, 2900 Warden Avenue Toronto, Ontario M1W 4B6 MATERIALS OF MUSIC • A Players Guide to Chords and Harmony: Music Theory for Realworld Musicians. Jim Aikin © 2004 by Backbeat Books (distributed by Hal Leonard Corporation). ISBN 97808 7930 7981. • Materials of Western Music, Part 1. William Andrews and Molly Sclater. © 1987-1992 by Gordon V. Thompson (Warner Bros. Publications) ISBN 9781551220345 • The Complete Elementary Music Rudiments, 2nd ed. Mark Sarnecki. © 2010 by Frederick Harris Music Company. ISBN 978-1-55440-277-9 • Elementary Music Rudiments, 2nd ed. 3 vols. Mark Sarnecki. © 2010 by The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited. ISBN 978-1-55440-273-1, ISBN 978-1-55440-274-8, ISBN 978-1-55440-275-5. • Harmony, 2nd ed. Basic. Mark Sarnecki. © 2010 by The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited. ISBN 978-1-55440-270-0. • The Everything Music Theory Book. Marc Schonbrun. © 2007. Adams Media, an F + W Publications, Inc. ISBN 10: 1-59337-652-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-652-9 • Keyboard Theory, 2nd ed., 3 volumes. Grace Vandendool. © 2010. The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited. • The Basics of Harmony, 2nd ed., Workbook and Answer Book. Grace Vandendool. © 2010. The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited. • CCMC Examination Workbooks, Volumes 1 – 5 © 2011 by Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada, (Toronto) BOOK LIST 149 BIBLE BASICS • The Holy Bible, KJV, Thomson Chain, NIV, The Message Bible, etc. • The Complete Book of Bible Trivia, J. Stephen Lang, © 1988 by Tyndale House Publishers Inc., ISBN 0-8423-0421-5 • The Complete Book of Bible Lists, H. L. Wilmington © 1967 by Tyndale House Publishers Inc., ISBN 0-8423-8803-6 • CCMC Examination Workbooks, Volumes 1 – 5. © 2011 by Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada, (Toronto) SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN MUSIC • The Holy Bible (KJV, Thomson Chain, NIV, The Message Bible, etc.) • The Sound of Light: A History of Gospel and Christian Music. Don Cusic. © 2002 by Hal Leonard Corporation ISBN 0-634-02938-X • 101 Hymn Stories. Kenneth W. Osbeck © 1982 by Kregel Publications. ISBN 0-8254-3416-5 • 101 More Hymn Stories. Kenneth W. Osbeck © 1985 by Kregel Publications. ISBN 0-8254-3420-3 • The Story of Christian Music. Andrew Wilson-Dickson © 1992 by First Fortress Press. ISBN 978-0-8006-3474-2 • CCMC Examination Workbooks, Volumes 1 – 5. © 2011 by Christian Conservatory of Music, Canada, (Toronto) • Internet Research DISCLAIMER ALL BOOKS LISTED WERE AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. 150 BOOK LIST 151