The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410


The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March- 2014
Prepared by | DDG John Soe
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Dear Fellow Rotarians
En/ March is Rotary
Literacy Month. This is a
time to think about how
we can spread the good
word and works of
communities in order to
promote literacy both
locally and in the world. Public Relations and
providing stories and photos of our service
projects to local media is a great way to do that
and to promote membership opportunities as
well. Use Social Media to showcase your
Club’s events, fundraisers and service projects.
Promote Peace and Understanding in our
communities by working with young people in
the area of Literacy.
Combating illiteracy has been a focus of
Rotary International since 1986 - and for good
reason. UNESCO estimates there are 862
million illiterate adults in the world and about
two thirds of them are women. Millions more
are functionally illiterate, without the reading
and writing skills necessary for everyday
life. Functional literacy is about people having
adequate skills to function well in a literate
society. The United Nations has identified
illiteracy as a major obstacle to economic,
political, and social development.
Membership – Have you set goals to increase
membership this year by at least three new
members? Have you engaged all your members
in being part of the “Membership Team”? This
is something that all Rotarians should take
pride in, sharing our Rotary opportunities with
others. Have you looked around you at family,
friends and neighbours; these are people that
you know the best and they are wonderful
candidates to join Rotary.
In/ Maret adalah Bulan Literasi Rotary. Ini
waktunya untuk memikirkan bagaimana kita
dapat menyebarkan berita baik dan karya
Rotary di masyarakat kita dalam rangka untuk
mempromosikan literasi baik lokal maupun di
dunia. Public Relations dan mengadakan kisah
dan foto-foto proyek pelayanan kita kepada
media lokal adalah cara terbaik untuk itu dan
untuk mempromosikan peluang keanggotaan
juga. Gunakan Media Sosial untuk menampilkan kegiatan Klub Anda, penggalangan dana
serta proyek pelayanan klub. Promosikan
Perdamaian dan Pemahaman di masyarakat
kita,bersama kaum muda dalam bidang
Membasmi buta huruf telah menjadi fokus dari
Rotary International sejak 1986. UNESCO
memperkirakan ada 862 juta orang dewasa
buta huruf dan dua pertiga dari mereka adalah
wanita.Secara fungsional buta huruf, tidak bisa
membaca dan menulis, keterampilan yang
diperlukan untuk kehidupan sehari-hari.
Keaksaraan fungsional adalah tentang orang
yang memiliki keterampilan memadai agar
berfungsi dengan baik dalam masyarakat
melek huruf. PBB mengidentifikasi buta huruf
sebagai hambatan utama bagi pembangunan
ekonomi, politik, dan sosial.
Keanggotaan - Apakah Anda sudah memenuhi
target untuk peningkatan keanggotaa, tahun
ini setidaknya tiga anggota baru? Apakah
Anda melibatkan anggota menjadi bagian dari
"Keanggotaan Team"?Semua Rotarian harus
bangga, berbagi peluang Rotary dengan orang
lain. Apakah Anda sudah melihat disekitar
keluarga, teman dan tetangga; itu adalah
individu yang Anda tahu terbaik dan mereka
adalah kandidat terbaik untuk bergabung
Eva T Kurniaty - District Governor
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March- 2014
Dear fellow Rotarians,
En/ Growing up in
Duncan, Okla., USA, I
took it for granted that
everyone could read. In
my own elementary
school, not only were
we expected to be
reading by the age of
seven or eight, we were
expected to read upside down. We each took
turns reading books to the entire class, and of
course, if you want to read out loud to a group
while you show them the pictures, you can't
do it the right way up. All the way through
elementary school, we did that every week,
until it didn't really matter to us which way we
were holding the book.
I never thought too much about that skill at the
time. But a few months ago, on a visit to a
Rotary project in Decatur, Ala., I walked into
a first-grade classroom and was asked if I
would read a book to a class of six-year-olds.
Naturally, I was happy to oblige. I sat down,
opened the book they had chosen, and started
reading to about 30 little kids – upside down,
just the way I did it back in second grade.
In a sense, I was doing exactly what I'd
learned to do more than half a century earlier.
But as an adult, and especially as a Rotarian, I
saw that experience in a different way. I was
reading to a group of children who were well
on their way to literacy themselves. We were
sitting in their classroom, in a school where
Rotarians came every week to read one-onone with children who needed a little extra
help. There wasn't any question that every
child in that room would grow up to be a
literate adult. And all of them took that
completely for granted – as they took it for
granted that adults would care enough to read
them a book while showing them the pictures,
even if that meant reading upside down.
We all know that millions of children all over
the world aren't that lucky. That's why we
make basic education and literacy a priority in
our Rotary service. As we mark Literacy
Month in Rotary, we remind ourselves what a
gift we are giving when we help a child to
read – whether it's a child on the other side of
the world or right in our own hometown.
In/ Dibesarkan di Duncan, Okla, Amerika
Serikat, saya anggap biasa saja bahwa semua
orang bisa membaca. Di sekolah dasar saya,
tidak hanya kita diharapkan dapat membaca
pada usia tujuh atau delapan, kami
diharapkan untuk membaca terbalik. Kita
masing-masing bergantian membaca bukubuku untuk seluruh kelas, dan tentu saja, jika
Anda ingin membaca keras-keras ke grup saat
Anda menunjukkan kepada mereka gambar,
Anda tidak dapat melakukannya dengan cara
yang tepat. Semasa sekolah dasar, kita
melakukan itu setiap minggu, hingga benarbenar tidak masalah bagi kami dengan cara
kami memegang
Saya tidak pernah berpikir terlalu banyak
tentang keterampilan pada waktu itu. Tapi
beberapa bulan yang lalu, dalam sebuah
kunjungan ke proyek Rotary di Decatur,
Alabama, saya masuk ke ruang kelas satu SD
dan bertanya apakah saya akan membaca
buku untuk murid enam-tahun. Tentu saja,
saya senang untuk membantu. Saya duduk,
membuka buku yang mereka pilih, dan mulai
membaca untuk sekitar 30 anak-anak kecil -
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
terbalik, seperti yang saya lakukan saat di
kelas dua.
Dalam artian, saya melakukan persis apa
yang saya pernah belajar untuk melakukan
lebih dari setengah abad sebelumnya. Tapi
sebagai orang dewasa, dan terutama sebagai
Rotarian, saya melihat pengalaman dengan
cara yang berbeda. Saya sedang membaca
kepada sekelompok anak-anak yang dalam
perjalanan mereka untuk melek sendiri. Kami
sedang duduk di dalam kelas mereka, di
sebuah sekolah di mana para Rotarian datang
setiap minggu untuk membaca satu per satu
dengan anak-anak yang membutuhkan
bantuan ekstra. Tidak ada pertanyaan apapun
bahwa setiap anak di ruangan itu akan
tumbuh menjadi orang dewasa yang melek
huruf. Dan mereka semua benar-benar
March - 2014
mengambil begitu saja - karena mereka
menganggap biasa saja bahwa orang dewasa
akan peduli untuk membacakan buku sambil
menunjukkan mereka gambar, bahkan jika itu
berarti membacanya secara terbalik.
Kita semua tahu bahwa jutaan anak di seluruh
dunia tidak begitu beruntung. Itulah mengapa
kami membuat pendidikan dan keaksaraan
dasar prioritas dalam pelayanan Rotary kita.
Saat kita menandai Bulan Literasi di Rotary,
kita mengingatkan diri kita sendiri sebuah
Kado yang kita berikan ketika kita membantu
seorang anak untuk membaca - apakah itu
seorang anak di sisi lain dari dunia atau tepat
di kampung halaman kita sendiri.
Ron D. Burton
President, Rotary International
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
The Peace Project, a community organization in Nicaragua supported by the Rotary Club of Keyser, West
Virginia, USA, installed this library in partnership with the Los Angeles-based nonprofit Wishful Thinking.
Photo Credit: Photos courtesy of Little Free Library
When the editors at Reader's Digest made a list of the "50 Surprising Reasons We Love America" for
their July 2013 cover story, they placed Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi at No. 50, Bill Gates at
No. 25, and at No. 11, sandwiched between sliced bread and tumbleweeds, was Little Free Library, a
homespun-tribute-turned-international-phenomenon started by Rotary member Todd Bol.
People in 55 countries have installed more than 16,000 Lilliputian lending libraries, run on the
premise of "take a book, return a book," since Bol built his first in 2009 in memory of his mother, a
teacher who loved to read. Called an "international movement" by the New York Times and a
"global sensation" by the Huffington Post, the libraries have garnered coverage from media outlets
including Japanese public television and French and Italian fashion magazines.
Participation is simple: Mount a wooden box (many of them look like birdhouses) on a post in front
of your home, workplace, or school. Fill it with books. Delight as neighbors stop by to browse your
selections or leave books of their own.
Bibliophiles aren't the only ones willing to trade a patch of lawn for a box of books. Bol, of Hudson,
Wisconsin, calls Little Free Library "a new canvas for community groups" – such as artists in New
York City, who held a competition to design the boxes; inmates at a Wisconsin prison, who are
constructing them as part of vocational training and community service; and corporations, which are
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
building them on service days to give back to their communities. Rotary and Rotaract clubs from the
United States to Canada, Mauritius to Ghana, are installing the libraries in their areas too.
About three-quarters of the operators build their own libraries; plans are available on the nonprofit's
website, The rest purchase readymade ones for $175 and up, depending on
the model. The proceeds fund the staff, website, and educational outreach, as well as the
organization's programs to build more libraries for people in need.
Bol became friends with Rick Brooks, an expert in community development, around the same time
that he created his first library, a miniature red schoolhouse. The two kicked around ideas for social
entrepreneurial opportunities and kept coming back to Bol's library. "We knew there was genuine
interest in this," says Brooks, co-founder of Little Free Library. Bol, who had built several more and
given them away, could no longer keep up with demand. He hired an Amish carpenter as the primary
As the libraries gained attention, they began appearing everywhere. Bol and Brooks set a goal of
creating 2,510 libraries – one more than philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, who used his fortune to
found libraries around the world. They hit that number in August 2012, a year and a half before their
target date. Today, Bol and Brooks are looking for ways to harness the worldwide enthusiasm for the
idea into a movement that goes beyond individual homeowners. "How do we use that energy to
foster better relationships, improve literacy, and get neighbours to talk to one another?" Bol asks.
One way they're accomplishing this can be found at the Minneapolis/St. Paul chapter headquarters of
Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, where a library was recently erected. It's the first in a new
partnership between Little Free Library and AARP to reach isolated elders.
"It's a gathering place. It's the perfect place for a library," says Jay Haapala, AARP associate state
director for community outreach, of the new library. "Neighbours can come over, too, and find out
what goes on here." As if on cue, an older gentleman walking by spots the blue and taupe library and
strikes up a conversation with Greg Voss, Little Brothers executive director. "This is big for us,"
Voss says later. "We'll get some traffic. It will be more people at our doorstep."
Little Free Library also has launched programs focused on Africa (Rotarians already have begun
installing the libraries in Ghana) and on the 11,000 small U.S. towns without a public library. "Me
and a shovel aren't going to do it ourselves," Bol says. "I can't think of anybody better than
Rotarians. You guys could build a library in every small town in two months."
The Rotary Club of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is installing 100 miniature libraries to celebrate its 100th
anniversary in June 2015. Just hours after the local newspaper ran an article about the first one, the
club received six phone calls from people interested in participating. The club is paying the fee to
register the boxes with Little Free Library; the signs for the libraries are personalized with the club's
name. "The response has been overwhelming," says Candace Schuler, who is heading up the project.
"People tell me, 'I want one of these in my community.' There's no doubt we're going to exceed our
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
In November, Bol attended the National Book Awards; Little Free Library was among the winners of
the National Book Foundation's 2013 Innovations in Reading Prize. Library Journal named him and
Brooks "Movers and Shakers" for the year.
"I just feel fortunate that this happened," he says. "I feel like I discovered the Tin Man on the Yellow
Brick Road, and I put in some oil and he started dancing. And I had the great pleasure to have been
the person who put the oil in."
By Diana Schoberg
Adapted from a story in the March 2014 issue of The Rotarian
A Little Free Library in Daegu, Korea.
In/ Ketika para editor di Readers Digest membuat daftar "50 Alasan Mengejuntukan Kami
mencintai Amerika" untuk artikel sampul mereka Juli 2013, mereka menempatkan Bruce Springsteen
dan Jon Bon Jovi di No 50, Bill Gates di urutan 25, dan di No 11, diapit antara potongan roti dan
tumbleweeds, adalah Little Free Library, sebuah pondok-kenangan-menjadi-fenomenainternasional-yang dimulai oleh Todd Bol anggota Rotary.
Masyarakat di 55 negara telah mendirikan lebih dari 16.000 perpustakaan pinjaman Mini, yang
dilakukan berdasarkan pemikiran "ambil satu buku, kembalikan satu buku," sejak Bol dirikan yang
pertama pada tahun 2009 untuk mengenang ibunya, seorang guru yang suka membaca. Disebut
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
"gerakan internasional" oleh New York Times dan "sensasi global" oleh Huffington Post,
perpustakaan telah mendapatkan liputan dari media termasuk televisi publik Jepang dan Prancis
dan majalah fashion Italia.
Berpartisipasi sangat sederhana: Pasang kotak kayu (banyak di antaranya terlihat seperti rumah
burung) pada sebuah tiang di depan rumah Anda, tempat kerja, atau sekolah. Isi dengan buku.
Menyenangkan saat tetangga mampir untuk menelusuri pilihan Anda atau meninggalkan buku
mereka sendiri.
Pencinta buku bukan hanya orang yang bersedia menukar sepetak rumput untuk sekotak buku. Bol,
dari Hudson, Wisconsin, menyebut Little Free Library "sebuah kanvas baru bagi kelompok
masyarakat" - seperti seniman di New York City, yang mengadakan kompetisi untuk merancang
kotak; narapidana di sebuah penjara Wisconsin, yang mengkonstruksi itu sebagai bagian dari
pelatihan kejuruan dan pelayanan masyarakat; dan perusahaan, yang sedang membuatnya pada
hari pelayanan untuk memberikan kontribusi kepada komunitas mereka. Rotary Club dan Rotaract
dari Amerika Serikat hingga Kanada, Mauritius dan Ghana, mendirikan perangkat perpustakaan di
daerah mereka juga.
Sekitar tiga perempat dari operator membangun perpustakaan mereka sendiri; perencanaan juga
tersedia di situs web nirlaba, Yang lain membeli yang readymade seharga
$ 175 keatas, tergantung pada model. Dana yang diperoleh mendanai staf, website, dan pendidikan
penjangkauan, serta program-program organisasi untuk membangun perpustakaan lebih banyak
untuk orang yang membutuhkan.
Bol menjadi teman dengan Rick Brooks, seorang ahli dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, sekitar
waktu yang sama ketika ia menciptakan perpustakaan pertamanya, sebuah sekolah miniatur merah.
Keduanya menggebrak sekitar ide untuk peluang wirausaha sosial dan terus datang kembali ke
perpustakaan Bol itu. "Kami tahu ada minat yang tulus dalam hal ini," kata Brooks, co-founder dari
Little Free Library. Bol, yang telah membangun beberapa lagi dan memberikannya gratis, tidak bisa
lagi memenuhi permintaan. Dia menyewa seorang tukang kayu Amish sebagai pengrajin utama.
Saat perpustakaan mendapat perhatian, mereka mulai muncul di mana-mana. Bol dan Brooks
menetapkan target untuk menciptakan 2.510 perpustakaan - satu lagi daripada filantropis Andrew
Carnegie, yang menggunakan kekayaannya untuk temukan perpustakaan di seluruh dunia. Mereka
mencapai jumlah itu pada bulan Agustus 2012, satu setengah tahun sebelum tanggal target mereka.
Hari ini, Bol dan Brooks mencari cara untuk memanfaatkan antusiasme seluruh dunia untuk sebuah
ide menjadi sebuah gerakan yang lebih dari sekedar pemilik rumah individu. "Bagaimana kita
menggunakan energi itu untuk mendorong hubungan yang lebih baik, meningkatkan melek huruf,
dan mendapatkan tetangga untuk saling berkomunikasi?" Bol bertanya. Salah satu cara mereka
mencapai tujuan ini dapat ditemukan di Minneapolis / St. Paul Chapter markas Little Brother Friends of the Elderly, di mana baru-baru ini perpustakaan didirikan. Ini yang pertama dalam
kemitraan baru antara Little Free Library dan AARP untuk mencapai sesepuh yang terisolasi.
"Ini adalah tempat pertemuan. Ini adalah tempat yang sempurna untuk perpustakaan," kata Jay
Haapala, AARP direktur asosiasi negara bagi menjangkau komunitas, perpustakaan baru.
"Tetangga bisa datang juga, dan mencari tahu apa yang terjadi di sini." Seperti diberi aba-aba,
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
seorang pria tua berjalan dan melihat perpustakaan biru dan kelabu tua dan memulai sebuah
percakapan dengan Greg Voss, direktur eksekutif Little Brothers. "Ini hal yang besar bagi kami,"
kata Voss kemudian. "Kita akan mendapat beberapa keramaian. Akan lebih banyak orang di depan
rumah kami."
Little Free Library juga telah meluncurkan program terfokus pada Afrika (Rotarian sudah mulai
mendirikan perpustakaan di Ghana) dan 11.000 dikota-kota kecil AS tanpa perpustakaan umum.
"Saya dan sebuah sekop tidak akan melakukannya sendiri," kata Bol. "Saya tak bisa memikirkan
siapa pun yang lebih baik daripada para Rotarian. Kalian bisa membangun perpustakaan di setiap
kota kecil dalam dua bulan."
The Rotary Club of Fort Wayne, Indiana, mendirikan 100 perpustakaan mini untuk merayakan ulang
tahun ke-100 pada bulan Juni 2015. Hanya beberapa jam setelah itu surat kabar setempat memuat
artikel tentang yang pertama, klub menerima enam panggilan telepon dari orang-orang yang
tertarik untuk berpartisipasi. Klub itu membayar biaya untuk mendaftar kotak dengan Little Free
Library; rambu untuk perpustakaan dipersonalisasi dengan nama klub. "Responnya sudah luar
biasa," kata Candace Schuler, yang mengepalai proyek tersebut. "Orang-orang mengatakan padaku,
'Aku ingin salah satunya di komunitas saya.' Tidak ada keraguan kita akan melampaui tujuan kita."
Pada bulan November, Bol menghadiri National Book Awards; Little Free Library merupakan salah
satu pemenang dari National Book Foundation 2013 Innovations in Reading Prize. Journal
Perpustakaan menamainya dan Brooks "Movers dan Shaker" untuk tahun ini.
"Saya hanya merasa beruntung bahwa hal ini terjadi," katanya. "Saya merasa seperti saya
menemukan Tin Man di Yellow Brick Road, dan saya memasukkan beberapa minyak dan ia mulai
menari. Dan saya memiliki kesenangan telah menjadi orang yang menempatkan minyak itu ke
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
The World Health Organization certified on 27 March its 11-country Southeast Asia region has
eradicated polio, a long-awaited declaration given that five years ago India represented nearly half of
all polio cases worldwide. The region’s last wild polio case was reported in West Bengal, India, on
13 January 2011.
“This achievement is an important milestone for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative [GPEI],” said
Rotary Foundation Trustee chair Dong Kurn Lee at the WHO’s South-East Asia Regional
Certification Commission for Polio Eradication meeting in New Delhi, India, on 27 March. “We
have beaten polio in Southeast Asia, and now we must do the same in the rest of Asia and Africa.”
The region includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia,
Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Timor-Leste. It’s more than 1.8 billion people
represent over 25 percent of the world’s population.
Southeast Asia joins WHO’s Region of the Americas (1994), Western Pacific Region (2000), and
European Region (2002) in eradicating polio, marking another vital step toward a polio-free
world by 2018.
Densely crowded cities, migrant populations, and poor sanitation posed daunting challenges to
eliminating the disease from Southeast Asia.
India PolioPlus Committee Chair Deepak Kapur called eradicating polio in his country “a
monumental task, demanding an extraordinary effort by all levels of government and partners
involved. Backed by more than 100,000 Rotarians across the country, we helped to ensure maximum
support for everything from National Immunization Days (NIDs) to mop-up immunization rounds.”
Also crucial were “the extensive efforts we made to build goodwill and acceptance of polio
immunization in the Muslim community and among religious leaders,” said former Rotary
Foundation Trustee Ashok Mahajan. Rotary clubs created additional support by conducting free
health camps to meet basic needs such as measles immunization, free checkups, medicines, vitamin
A supplements, and eyeglasses.
In Sri Lanka, ceasefire during the country’s civil war were pivotal to carrying out NIDs in the 1990s.
As a first step, Rotary leaders and UNICEF established contact with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
“Our war is not with the children,” replied the group’s leader, stating that if Rotary and UNICEF
could persuade the government to stop the war for two days, they would be willing to lay down their
arms too. Subsequent NIDs became known as Days of Tranquility.
In Bangladesh, Rotary, WHO, and UNICEF boosted public awareness of the need to eradicate polio,
motivating parents to have their children vaccinated during NIDs. In Nepal, Rotary, the national
government, WHO, and UNICEF worked hand in hand to make the country polio free. Nepal held its
first NIDs in 1996 and recorded its last indigenous wild polio case just four years later.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
More than 1,500 Rotary members will be celebrating India’s and the region’s achievement at the
Polio Free Conclave in New Delhi 29-30 March. The event also focused on strengthening the
commitment of the GPEI partners to ending polio globally, including sharing lessons learned in India
with other polio-infected countries.
The GPEI’s challenge now is to eradicate polio in the three countries where the disease has never
been stopped: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. And recent outbreaks in the Middle East and Horn
of Africa are stark reminders that polio anywhere is a threat everywhere.
“It is India’s responsibility now to share our lessons and best practices with our colleagues in the
countries still fighting polio in order to protect their children, and ours as well,” said former Rotary
International President Rajendra Saboo. “We already are doing this, assisting in any way we can…
India’s victory over polio and the certification of Southeast Asia occur at just the right moment to
provide a resounding rallying cry for the final push needed to wipe polio from the face of the earth.”
Dan Nixon
Rotary News
Schoolchildren participate in a rally organized by Rotary members in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India,
celebrating the country’s achievement of polio eradication.
Photo Credit: Devin Thorpe
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
In/ Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia pada tanggal 27 Maret mensertifikasi 11-negara dikawasan Asia
Tenggara telah membasmi polio, sebuah deklarasi yang ditunggu-tunggu mengingat bahwa lima
tahun yang lalu India mewakili hampir setengah dari semua kasus polio di seluruh dunia. Kasus
polio liar terakhir di kawasan ini dilaporkan di Bengal Barat, India, pada 13 Januari 2011.
"Pencapaian ini merupakan tonggak penting untuk Global Polio Eradication Initiative [GPEI],"
kata Rotary Foundation Trustee kursi Dong Kurn Lee di Komisi Sertifikasi Regional Asia Tenggara
WHO untuk pertemuan Eradikasi Polio di New Delhi, India, pada tanggal 27 Maret. "Kita telah
mengalahkan polio di Asia Tenggara, dan sekarang kita harus melakukan hal yang sama di seluruh
Asia dan Afrika."
Wilayah ini meliputi Bangladesh, Bhutan, Republik Demokratik Rakyat Korea, India, Indonesia,
Maladewa, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, dan Timor-Leste. Ini adalah lebih dari 1,8 miliar
orang merepresentasikan lebih dari 25 persen populasi dunia.
Asia Tenggara bergabung WHO Region di Amerika (1994), Western Pacific Region (2000), dan
European Region (2002) dalam pemberantasan polio, menandai langkah penting menuju dunia
bebas polio pada tahun 2018.
Kota-kota padat penuh sesak, penduduk migran, dan sanitasi yang buruk menimbulkan tantangan
menakuntukan untuk menghilangkan penyakit dari Asia Tenggara.
Ketua Komite PolioPlus India Deepak Kapur mengatakan bahwa memberantas polio di negaranya
"tugas yang monumental, menuntut upaya yang luar biasa dengan semua tingkat pemerintahan dan
mitra yang terlibat. Didukung lebih dari 100.000 Rotarian di seluruh negeri, kami membantu untuk
memastikan dukungan maksimal untuk segalanya mulai dari National Immunization Days (NIDS)
hingga menyisir-sampai putaran program imunisasi. "
Juga sangat penting adalah "upaya ekstensif yang kami buat untuk membangun goodwill dan
penerimaan imunisasi polio di komunitas Muslim dan di antara pemimpin agama," kata mantan
Trustee Rotary Foundation Ashok Mahajan. Rotary clubs menciptakan dukungan tambahan dengan
melakukan kamp kesehatan gratis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar seperti program imunisasi
campak, pemeriksaan gratis, obat-obatan, suplemen vitamin A, dan kacamata.
Di Sri Lanka, gencatan senjata selama perang saudara di negara itu adalah penting untuk
melaksanakan NIDS pada 1990-an. Sebagai langkah awal, para pemimpin Rotary dan UNICEF
menjalin kontak dengan Liberation Tigers Tamil Eelam.
"Perang kami tidak dengan anak-anak," jawab pemimpin kelompok itu, yang menyatakan bahwa
jika Rotary dan UNICEF bisa membujuk pemerintah untuk menghentikan perang selama dua hari,
mereka akan bersedia untuk meletakkan senjata mereka juga. NIDS selanjutnya menjadi dikenal
sebagai Hari Tranquility.
Di Bangladesh, Rotary, WHO, dan UNICEF meningkatkan kesadaran publik akan perlunya untuk
memberantas polio, memotivasi orang tua untuk memiliki anak mereka divaksinasi selama PIN. Di
Nepal, Rotary, pemerintah nasional, WHO, dan UNICEF bekerja bergandengan tangan untuk
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
membuat negara bebas polio. Nepal mengadakan PIN pertama pada tahun 1996 dan mencatat kasus
polio liar yang terakhir pada penduduk asli hanya empat tahun kemudian.
Lebih dari 1.500 anggota Rotary akan merayakan prestasi India dan kawasan itu di Polio Free
Conclave di New Delhi 29-30 Maret. Acara ini juga difokuskan pada penguatan komitmen mitra
GPEI untuk mengakhiri polio secara global, termasuk berbagi pelajaran yang dipelajari di India
dengan negara-negara yang terinfeksi polio lainnya.
Tantangan GPEI sekarang adalah untuk memberantas polio di tiga negara di mana penyakit ini
belum pernah berhenti: Afghanistan, Pakistan, dan Nigeria. Dan wabah baru-baru ini di Timur
Tengah dan Pantai Gading Afrika adalah peringatan yang sebenarnya bahwa polio di mana saja
merupakan ancaman di mana-mana.
"Adalah tanggung jawab India sekarang untuk berbagi pelajaran dan praktik terbaik dengan rekanrekan kami di negara-negara yang tengah berjuang membasmi polio untuk melindungi anak-anak
mereka, dan anak kita juga," kata mantan Presiden Rotary International Rajendra Saboo. "Kita
sudah melakukan ini, membantu dengan cara apapun yang kita bisa ... kemenangan India atas polio
dan sertifikasi Asia Tenggara terjadi pada saat yang tepat untuk memberikan seruan gemilang untuk
desakan terakhir yang diperlukan untuk menghapus polio dari muka bumi . "
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Inspire locally, grow globally.
Since its inception, Rotary has striven to do the greatest good it can,
wherever it can. Local clubs within an international organization have
meant that Rotary projects have both local and global effects. But as
Rotary looks ahead, and as The Rotary Foundation builds on the
groundwork that already has been laid, we acknowledge the need for
new, creative ways of addressing problems.
Many clubs here in America provide dictionaries to school children, for
instance, and this is a wonderful way to encourage and support literacy.
But are dictionaries the best use of money, in a time and place where students are more likely to look
a word up online? What other projects could support literacy in a way that will make a greater and
longer-lasting difference?
Some exciting partnerships developed between clubs and other organizations during the pilot of the
Foundation's new grant model. One that I am fond of is a collaboration that two Rotary districts in
California and Uganda formed with two non-governmental organizations in Uganda. These districts
used the new vocational training team structure to send Rotarians and other professionals to Nkondo,
where they helped establish a clean water system and a trained health clinic staff. The local
government was so impressed, it also pitched in.
The vocational training team inspired a partnership with a Ugandan NGO that provides microfinance
training and oversight, and another one that works with farmers to produce crops at a higher yield.
Rotarians from Kenya and Uganda travelled to District 5340 in California to learn about sustainable
agriculture and irrigation, as well as good business practices.
In this case, our Foundation was able to provide service that not only meets the needs of a village but
empowers and inspires local groups in ways that only Rotary can.
Rotary always has engaged in strategic partnerships with other organizations and governments
around the world. If it weren't for our global partners, the eradication of polio still would be just a
dream. But as we implement our new grant model, strategic partnerships that take advantage of
Rotary's global reach at a local level will become even more central to our success.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
In/ Menginspirasi secara lokal, berkembang secara global.
Sejak awal, Rotary telah berusaha untuk melakukan kebaikan terbesar itu sebisanya, di mana pun itu
bisa. Klub lokal dalam suatu organisasi internasional memiliki arti bahwa proyek-proyek Rotary
memiliki dua efek lokal dan global. Tetapi sebagai Rotary memandang ke depan, dan sebagai The
Rotary Foundation dibangun berdasarkan dasar yang telah direncanakan, kami menyadari
kebutuhan baru, dengan cara yang kreatif dalam menangani masalah.
Banyak klub di Amerika sini menyediakan kamus untuk anak-anak sekolah, misalnya, dan ini adalah
cara yang bagus untuk mendorong dan mendukung keaksaraan. Tapi apakah kamus merupakan
pembelanjaan terbaik , dalam jangka waktu dan tempat di mana siswa lebih cenderung untuk
mencari sepatah kata secara online? Proyek lain apa yang dapat mendukung keaksaraan sedemikian
rupa sehingga akan membuat perbedaan yang lebih besar dan lebih ta
Beberapa kemitraan yang menarik dikembangkan antara klub dan organisasi lain dalam
percontohan model Foundation hibah yang baru. Salah satu yang saya suka adalah suatu kolaborasi
dua distrik Rotary di California dan Uganda dibentuk dengan dua organisasi non pemerintah di
Uganda. Distrik ini menggunakan struktur tim pelatihan kejuruan yang baru untuk mengirim
Rotarian dan profesional lain ke Nkondo, di mana mereka membantu membangun sistem air bersih
dan melatih staf klinik kesehatan. Pemerintah setempat sangat terkesan, ia juga turut berpartisipasi
Tim pelatihan kejuruan menginspirasi kemitraan dengan LSM Uganda yang memberikan pelatihan
keuangan mikro dan pengawasan, dan satu lainnya yang bekerja dengan para petani untuk
menghasilkan panen dengan imbal hasil yang lebih tinggi. Rotarian dari Kenya dan Uganda
melakukan perjalanan ke Distrik 5340 di California untuk belajar tentang pertanian yang
berkesinambungan dan irigasi, serta praktek-praktek bisnis yang baik.
Dalam hal ini, Yayasan kita mampu memberikan layanan yang tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan
satu desa tetapi memberdayakan dan menginspirasi kelompok-kelompok lokal dengan cara yang
hanya bisa oleh Rotary.
Rotary selalu terlibat dalam kemitraan strategis dengan organisasi lain dan pemerintah di seluruh
dunia. Jika bukan untuk mitra global kita, pemberantasan penyakit polio akan tetap menjadi hanya
impian. Tapi ketika kita menerapkan model hibah kita yang baru , kemitraan strategis yang
memanfaatkan jangkauan global Rotary di tingkat lokal akan menjadi lebih penting bagi kesuksesan
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Coming events @ district 3410.
Be an Early Bird! Register NOW for the 2014 District Conference!
District Conference 2014 Registration is now online for
registration. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the goals and
achievements of your Club in the 2013-14 Rotary years, and to
enjoy three days of fun and fellowship with Rotarians from
around the District. Don’t miss out on the 2nd early bird rate. Be
sure to click on the links above to get a glimpse of the many
faces of your fellow Rotarian.
The District Conference will be held in Jakarta at the newest
Holiday Inn hotel, on May 23, 24 and 25. We will recognize
Clubs of the Year, outstanding Rotarians in many areas and
present Presidential and Club Leadership Citations.
We will kick off the Conference on Friday morning and we have an exciting and hilarious
motivational speaker scheduled. We will have panel sessions featuring former Ambassadorial
Scholars, Clubs and their Service Projects, Youth Exchange activities, District Grants and more.
We will have a Friday evening Fellowship night "Piye kabare”, with a Slum Village Decor". The
party is a “cabaret”, you will enjoy in the heart of the fun, songs and dances. The dress code will be a
“variety of traditional dress, from all classes”.
Saturday morning will continue with the plenary sessions and we will recognize various key award
winners and the Clubs of the year. Plenary sessions are scheduled for all two days. There will also be
a House of Friendship where your Clubs can show all that they have done during the year.
The Post-Conference, on Sunday 25th May at 8:00 – 1:00 pm there will be Thalassemia Fun Walk.
Register early as the early bird registration price will expire on site. Come and enjoy the fellowship
of all of our Rotarian families as we celebrate with one another.
Participants who want to book Hotel room, please register now, the Holiday Inn Hotel has only 150
rooms available for special price (first come first served).
Holiday Inn Kemayoran, a 4 stars hotel (Grand opening on 1 March 2014). Deluxe Room: Rp
850.000, - net/ night including breakfast for 2 person. (Special rate for Rotary)
For fellow Rotarians who want to register now, the registration fee is: Rp 1.300.000. (On site: Rp.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Pendaftaran Konferensi Distrik 2014 sekarang online . Ini
merupakan kesempatan besar untuk merayakan tujuan dan
prestasi klub Anda di tahun Rotary 2013-14, dan
menikmati selama tiga hari menyenangkan dan bergaul
dengan Rotarian dari berbagai belahan Distrik. Jangan
lewatkan kesempatan pemesan awal yang ke- 2. Pastikan
untuk mengklik pada link di atas untuk mendapatkan
gambaran sekilas dari banyak wajah sesama Rotarian.
Konferensi Distrik akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada
Hotel Holiday Inn terbaru, pada tanggal 23, 24 dan 25.
Kita akan menganugrahkan Clubs of the Year, Rotarian yang luar biasa di berbagai bidang dan
Presiden and Club Leadership Citations masa kini.
Kita akan memulai Konferensi pada Jumat pagi dan kita memiliki pembicara motivasional yang
menarik dan hilarious yang telah dijadwalkan. Kita akan memiliki sesi panel yang menampilkan
mantan Ambassadorial Scholars, Klub dan Proyek Pelayanan mereka, kegiatan Youth Exchange,
Hibah Distrik dan banyak lagi.
Jumat malam kita akan mengadakan Fellowship Night "Piye kabare", dengan Decor Slum Village ".
Pestanya adalah "kabaret", Anda akan menikmati suasana kegembiraan, lagu-lagu dan tarian.
Dress code "berbagai pakaian tradisional, dari semua kelas".
Sabtu pagi akan dilanjuntukan dengan sidang pleno dan kita akan memberi berbagai penghargaan
kepada para pemenang utama dan Klub tahun ini. Sesi Pleno dijadwalkan selama dua hari. Juga
akan ada House of Friendship di mana Klub dapat menampilkan semua yang telah mereka lakukan
sepanjang tahun.
Di Post-Konferensi, pada hari Minggu 25 Mei di 8:00-1:00 akan ada Thalasemia Fun Walk.
Daftar segera karena harga pendaftaran early bird akan berakhir dilokasi. Datang dan nikmatilah
pertemanan seluruh keluarga Rotarian dan bersama merayakan dengan yang lain.
Peserta yang ingin memesan kamar Hotel, silahkan daftar sekarang, Holiday Inn Hotel hanya
memiliki 150 kamar yang tersedia dengan harga khusus (first come first served).
Holiday Inn Kemayoran, Hotel bintang 4 (baru dibuka pada tanggal 1 Maret 2014).
Deluxe Room : Rp 850.000,- net/malam, termasuk sarapan untuk 2 orang.(Harga khusus untuk
Bagi yang ingin mendaftar sekarang, biayanya sebesar : Rp. 1.300.000,- (On Site : Rp. 1.500.000)
Contact email : , phone: +62 816882633, phone:+62 816856875
Account number :BCA Sunter Mall 4281831318
Rionardi Charles W
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
District 3410 – Clubs update
Training on the utilization
of Waste Newspapers
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan
Limbah Koran
Even though slowly but the action of Rotary
Club Cilacap Wijayakusuma growing steadily.
On Friday, March 7, 2014 located at the
Village Hall Tambakreja IX RW Southern
District of Cilacap, was held the skills training
for mothers of functional literacy (KF). They
have completed reading, writing and
arithmetic trainings. They are supported by
RC-Cilacap Wijayakusuma, where in the
month of December 2013 has received
training from PP Uti Endang of RC Bandung
Kota Kembang. The training skills to make
crafts from waste paper were guided by AG
Anton Soeparno and spouse Atiek Suwarni
from RC Purwokerto, by making earrings and
necklaces. The training will continue on 11
April 2014 with the hope KF alumni women
will able to make decent selling accessories.
The activity was led by the President of Rumi
Rachmawati together with Rtn. Endang
Sudarwati, Rtn.Sunardi and PE Lim Wen Bin.
Meski perlahan tetapi langkah Rotary Club
Cilacap Wijayakusuma semakin mantap. Pada
Jumat 7 Maret 2014 bertempat di Balai RW IX
Kelurahan Tambakreja Kecamatan Cilacap
Selatan, diadakan pelatihan keterampilan bagi
ibu-ibu keaksaraan fungsional (KF). Mereka
telah selesai belajar membaca, menulis dan
berhitung. Mereka merupakan binaan dari
RC-Cilacap Wijayakusuma, yang bulan
Desember 2013 telah mendapat pelatihan dari
PP Uti Endang dari RC Bandung Kota
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Cilacap
Wijaya Kusuma.
Pelatihan keterampilan membuat kerajinan
dari limbah koran itu dipandu oleh AG Anton
Soeparno dan spouse Atiek Suwarni dari RC
Purwokerto, dengan membuat anting dan
kalung. Pelatihan akan berlanjut pada 11
April 2014 yang akan datang dengan harapan
ibu-ibu alumni KF itu mampu membuat
asesoris yang layak jual. Kegiatan itu
dimotori oleh President Rumi Rachmawati
bersama Rtn. Endang Sudarwati, Rtn.Sunardi
dan PE Lim Wen Bin.
Selamat bagi Rotary
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
PSN Movement to Prevent Dengue Fever
Friday, March 7, 2014 from 07:00 together with Rotary clubs in Purwokerto, all residents in
Banyumas district, Central Java, simultaneously declaring war on mosquitoes Aedes aegypti to
prevent dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and cikungunya disease. The trick? Look for mosquito
larvae in the bathtub, water dispenser bin / fridge, water tank, bird water pots, flower pots using a
flashlight. '' Larva mosquitoes will move if the flashlight is highlighted, then recorded by cadre Dasa
Wisma on the form with a plus sign,'' said Committee Chairman Mosquito nest eradication (PSN)
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) PP. Buntoro.
DBD PSN Committee was formed in 2010 by 3 Rotary clubs, namely, Rotary Club of Purwokerto,
Rotary Club of Purwokerto Satria and the Rotary Club of Purwokerto Hapsari. The activities helps
the Government of Banyumas district prevent dengue through community empowerment especially
Cadre Dasa Wisma / PKK. There is a memorandum of understanding with Banyumas regency,
Department of Health and Activator Team Empowerment and Family Welfare (PKK).
PSN movement is launched by Vice Regent dr. Budi Setiawan in Purwosari village Baturraden
Subdistrict and carried out simultaneously in 331 villages spread over 27 subdistrict region.
This activity also involves Cadre Dasa Wisma / PKK, women's organizations such as the Association
of Women's Organizations, Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana, Bhayangkari, universities, schools, and
all community members.
''199 cases happened with 4 deaths over the year 2013, and in 2012 546 cases and 4 deaths, recorded''
said Dr. Budi Setiawan.
According to the PP. Buntoro, Rotary Clubs in Purwokerto helps dengue prevention efforts based on
concern the increasing cases that occurred. That is, recalling so that the community remains
continuous of PSN movement because larvae monitoring activities on weekly can reduce cases of
dengue hemorrhagic fever.
The PSN movement originally performed at 27 villages in the district of East Purwokerto, West
Purwokerto, South Purwokerto and North Purwokerto. The PSN Committee then proposed that
dengue can be performed throughout the Banyumas district with 331 villages / urban villages in 27
In launching this PSN, The PSN DHF Committee members led by PP. Buntoro wearing a white shirt
with a red collar and on the back reads the solicitation of PSN in Banyumasan language,'' Mayuh
Sedulur pada-Oncor Oncor (PSN) Kanggo Mbasmi Demam Berdarah lan Cikungunya.''
Reported by AG Anton Soeparno.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
Rotary peduli DBD
Rotary care DHF
March - 2014
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Oncor-oncor PSN untuk Cegah Demam Berdarah
Hari Jumat, 7 Maret 2014 mulai pukul 07.00 bersama Rotary club di Purwokerto, seluruh warga di
Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, secara serentak menyatakan perang melawan nyamuk Aedes
Aegypti untuk mencegah penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD) dan penyakit Cikungunya.
Caranya? Mencari jentik nyamuk di bak mandi, tampungan air dispenser/kulkas, tandon air, tempat
minum burung, pot bunga menggunakan baterai/senter. ‘’Jentik nyamuk akan bergerak jika disorot
senter, kemudian dicatat kader Dasa Wisma di formulir dengan tanda plus,’’ ungkap Ketua Komite
Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) PP. Buntoro.
Komite PSN DBD dibentuk tahun 2010 oleh 3 Rotary club yaitu, Rotary Club of Purwokerto, Rotary
Club of Purwokerto Satria dan Rotary Club of Purwokerto Hapsari. Kegiatannya membantu
Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyumas mencegah demam berdarah melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat
terutama Kader Dasa Wisma/PKK. Ada nota kesepahaman dengan Pemkab Banyumas, Dinas
Kesehatan dan Tim Penggerak Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (TP PKK).
Gerakan PSN ini dicanangkan Wakil Bupati dr. Budi Setyawan di Desa Purwosari Kecamatan
Baturraden dan dilakukan secara serentak di 331 desa yang tersebar di 27 wilayah kecamatan.
Kegiatan ini melibatkan juga Kader Dasa Wisma/ PKK, organisasi wanita seperti Gabungan
Organisasi Wanita, Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana, Bhayangkari, Perguruan Tinggi, sekolah, dan
seluruh warga masyarakat.
‘’Selama tahun 2013 terjadi 199 kasus dengan 4 orang meninggal, dan tahun 2012 tercatat 546
kasus dan 4 orang meninggal,’’ ungkap dr. Budi Setyawan.
Menurut PP. Buntoro, Rotary Club di Purwokerto membantu upaya pencegahan demam berdarah
yang didasari keprihatinan makin meningkatnya kasus yang terjadi. Yaitu, mengingatkan kembali
agar masyarakat tetap melakukan gerakan PSN yang berkelanjutan karena kegiatan pemantauan
jentik seminggu sekali bisa menekan kasus demam berdarah dengue.
Gerakan PSN semula dilakukan 27 kelurahan di Kecamatan Purwokerto Timur, Purwokerto Barat,
Purwokerto Selatan dan Purwokerto Utara. Kemudian Komite PSN DBD mengusulkan agar bisa
dilakukan di seluruh Kabupaten Banyumas dengan 331 desa/ kelurahan di 27 kecamatan.
Dalam pencanangan PSN ini, anggota Komite PSN DBD yang dikomandani PP. Buntoro memakai
kaos putih dengan krah merah dan dibagian punggung bertuliskan ajakan PSN dengan bahasa
Banyumasan, ‘’Mayuh Sedulur pada Oncor-oncor (PSN) Kanggo Mbasmi Demam Berdarah lan
Engage Rotary, Change Lives,
Salam, AG Anton Soeparno
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Reportage of D3410 disaster relief teams of Bandung/Cirebon area
The rain still falling continuously causing some areas of our country again affected by flooding, including the
north coast path, Subang Regency. On March 9, 2014, the District 3410 Disaster Team for the area of
Bandung / Cirebon, returns again to provide assistance to communities affected by the floods.
This time, the Disaster Team partnered with VW Clubs of Bandung with their medicines and Berbaginasi
communities of Bandung and Subang who also working with Amanda Brownies CSR with logistical
assistance. On Saturday night March 8, 2014 around 22:00 hours, the team began to arrive at the base
camp, the house of PP Endang Paminto in Subang. Around mid- night, in the drizzling rain and the fog is still
fairly thick, all the team has fully gathered at the base camp. Rtn Danang from RC of Bandung Dago as field
coordinator led the coordination for the preparation on next morning.
Sunday March 9, 2014, the first group of the health team which consists of Rtn Poppy (RC of Bandung Kota
Kembang), volunteer doctors, as well as the VW team departed at 05:30 to the location of Galian village Sub
district Pusakanagara, Subang Regency, in preparation for medical treatment. The trip takes about 3 hours
including passing through the lane which still flooded to a depth of approximately 0.5 m making enough
wary, worrying for not able to make it to the destination. The 2nd entourage which is the logistics group led
by Rtn Danang followed at 07.00.
Activities took place in parallel. The medical treatment team comprising of 3 doctors began working assisted
by volunteers from the VW Clubs and Rotaract coordinated by Rotaractor Wisnu (BandungSentral Kota
Kembang) on the provision of drugs. In the meantime, some Rotaractor entertaining the flood victims kids
with drawing and making origami and playing together. Gifts of biscuits and milk were also distributed for
them. The children were very enthusiastic and entertained. Rotary logistics team, Rotaract, and Berbaginasi
also working to distribute logistical assistance for approximately 600 families. Alhamdulillah, thanks to the
good cooperation, the activities run smoothly.
Around 14:30 the post of the medical treatment have to close after serving more than 300 patients, as we
considering the journey time to Bandung still quite far and the weather is unpredictable.
People represented by the village chief thanked for the help from the whole team, and hope the flooding
problem can be resolved soon. At 15:00 the Rotary Disaster teams and all the partners returned to Bandung,
thank God the trip quite smoothly.
Thank you to all who have participated in this event, the DG, the AG, president, and past president of Rotary
and Rotaract clubs around the se-Bandung. Hopefully every action we do beneficial to humanity and be the
reward for all of us. Aamiin.
RtnDiah Puspitosari (Poppy)
Disaster relief coordinator D3410 area Bandung/Cirebon
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Reportase tim disaster relief D3410 area Bandung/ Cirebon.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Reportase tim disaster relief D3410 area Bandung/ Cirebon
Hujan yang masih turun terus menerus mengakibatkan beberapa wilayah di negara kita kembali
terkena banjir, termasuk di jalur pantura, Kabupaten Subang. Tim disaster District 3410 untuk area
Bandung /Cirebon, pada tanggal 9 Maret 2014 lalu, kembali turun untuk memberikan bantuan bagi
masyarakat yang terkena musibah banjir tersebut.
Tim disaster kali ini bermitra dengan VW Club Bandung dengan obat-obatannya serta komunitas
Berbaginasi Bandung dan Subang yang juga bekerja sama dengan CSR Brownies Amanda dengan
bantuan logistiknya. Sabtu malam tanggal 8 Maret 2014, sekitar pukul 22 tim mulai berdatangan di
lokasi base camp, rumah PP Endang Paminto di Subang. Sekitar tengah malam, di tengah hujan
gerimis dan kabut yang masih cukup tebal, semua tim telah lengkap berkumpul di base camp. Rtn
Danang dari RC Bandung Dago sebagai koordinator lapangan memimpin koordinasi untuk
persiapan kegiatan esok harinya.
Minggu tanggal 9 Maret 2014, rombongan pertama yaitu tim kesehatan yang terdiri dari Rtn Poppy
(RC Bandung Kota Kembang), relawan dokter, serta tim VW berangkat pukul 05.30 menuju lokasi
dusun Galian Kecamatan Pusakanagara Kabupaten Subang, untuk persiapan pengobatan.
Perjalanan memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam termasuk melewati jalur yang masih tergenang air dengan
kedalaman kurang lebih 0,5 m sehingga cukup was-was khawatir tidak bisa sampai ke tujuan.
Rombongan ke-2 yaitu rombongan logistik dipimpin Rtn Danang berangkat menyusul pada pukul
Kegiatan berlangsung paralel. Tim pengobatan yang terdiri dari 3 dokter mulai bekerja dibantu
relawan dari VW Club dan Rotaract yang dikoordinir oleh Rotaractor Wisnu (Bandung Sentral Kota
Kembang) di bagian penyediaan obat. Sementara itu, sebagian Rotarator menghibur anak-anak
korban banjir dengan menggambar dan membuat origami serta bermain bersama. Bingkisan berupa
biskuit dan susu juga dibagikan untuk mereka. Anak-anak sangat antusias dan terhibur. Tim logistik
Rotary, Rotaract, dan Berbaginasi juga bekerja membagikan bantuan logistik untuk kurang lebih
600 keluarga. Alhamdulillah berkat kerja sama yang baik, kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar.
Sekitar pukul 14.30 posko pengobatan terpaksa ditutup setelah melayani lebih dari 300 pasien,
mengingat perjalanan ke Bandung masih cukup jauh dan cuaca yang tidak dapat diprediksi.
Masyarakat yang diwakili oleh kepala dusun mengucapkan terima kasih sebesar-sebesarnya atas
bantuan dari seluruh tim, dan berharap masalah banjir tersebut dapat segera teratasi. Pukul 15 tim
disaster Rotary serta seluruh mitra kembali ke Bandung, alhamdulillah perjalanan cukup lancar.
Terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini, DG, para AG, president,
past president serta seluruh club Rotary dan Rotaract se Bandung. Semoga setiap langkah yang kita
lakukan bermanfaat bagi kemanusiaan dan menjadi pahala bagi kita semua. Aamiin.
RtnDiah Puspitosari (Poppy)
Disaster relief coordinator D3410 area Bandung/Cirebon
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Global Grant GG1418540: Application approved
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Pertama kali pada kesempatan ini saya mengucapkan selamat kepada RC Lampung Raden Intan
atas keberhasilan dan pencapaiannya mendapatkan Global Grant untuk Sanitary Improvement di
usianya yang belum satu tahun.
Salut dan bangga saya kepada CP Mustakim yang amat berdedikasi dan sangat support dengan
kegiatan kemanusiaan.
Untuk diketahui bersama, proyek ini mendapatkan support dari RIPE Gary Huang yang meminta
kepada District Governornya untuk mendukung proyek ini.
Semoga Proyek ini dapat menginspirasi para Rotarian sekalian, bahwa Global Grant nyata dan
pasti bisa jika kita mau melaksanakannya.
Sekali lagi, selamat kepada CP Mustakim dan RC Lampung Raden Intan atas pencapaiannya. Tugas
belum selesai karena ini semua adalah awal dari kerja kita bersama.
Engage Rotary Change Lives
DG Eva Kurniaty
Rotary International District 3410
Promotion Chair of Kota Kinabalu Rotary Zone Institute 2014
On Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 3:11, Cathleen Evans <> wrote:
Dear Rotarians:
Congratulations! Your global grant application for funding to improve the sanitary condition of rural villages
in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, submitted by RC Lampung Raden Intan and District 3480, has been approved
by The Rotary Foundation. The award is in the amount of $53,162.
This letter serves as formal notification of your grant approval and explains what you must do to receive grant
payment. It also contains links to the terms and conditions of your grant as well as guidelines for
administering it. It concludes with information about travel arrangements and travel insurance.
To receive payment, please complete these steps:
Provide account information for the global grant bank account
Name two Rotarian signatories for the global grant bank account
Authorize the global grant legal agreement
Confirm all cash contributions
Read on to learn more about each step:
1. Provide account information
With your partner, determine an appropriate location for the bank account. Sign in
to to provide account information for the global grant bank account that will
receive payment from the Foundation.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
2. Name signatories
While signed in to, designate two Rotarians who will act as signatories,
overseeing payments made from the global grant bank account. Account signatories must be members of the
sponsoring club or district.
3. Authorize the agreement
Have your current club president (if the grant is club-sponsored) or current district Rotary Foundation
committee chair (if the grant is district-sponsored) sign in to to authorize the
global grant legal agreement.
4. Confirm cash contributions
Confirm all cash contributions that were committed for the financing of the global grant. Contributions can be
confirmed in one of two ways:
a. Send the contributions to the Foundation. Use this contribution form to submit all cash contributions for
your grant to the Foundation. Be sure to note the global grant number on the form. For faster service,
click here to submit contributions online. Send any cash contributions as quickly as possible to reduce
currency fluctuations between the time of contribution and time of payment.
b. Send the contributions directly to the global grant bank account. If cash contributions are sent directly to the
global grant bank account, send confirmation of their deposit to the Foundation by supplying appropriate
documentation (for example, a copy of deposit slip, a current bank statement, or a paid invoice). Note: Paul
Harris Fellow recognition is not awarded for contributions sent directly to the grant bank account.
Once the above steps have been completed, you can expect to receive grant payment in approximately two
weeks. Grant payments are made based on the current Rotary International exchange rate at the time of
The following documents will be of use to you as you receive and implement your grant.
Rotary International Payment Guidelines (with instructions by country)
Rotary International Payment Guidelines: Frequently Asked Questions and Definitions
Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants
Finally, please take note of the following important information about travel arrangements and insurance
Travel arrangements
Airfare for any travel funded by Rotary Foundation grants must be booked through Rotary International
Travel Services according to established travel policies. Please review the Travel Arrangements page on the
Rotary website to learn more.
Travel insurance coverage
All those who receive funding for travel from Rotary Foundation grants will automatically be enrolled for
travel insurance that meets Rotary International’s requirements. Any additional insurance coverage the
traveller wishes to purchase will be the responsibility of the traveler. Grantees can learn more about the
insurance coverage automatically provided to them as part of their award on the Insurance page of the Rotary
If you have any questions about your grant approval or payment, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Cathleen Evans
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
District Team Training Seminar (DTTS) >>> 29 March 2014,
 President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) >>> 29-30 March
2014, Jakarta
 District Assembly (DISTAS) >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2- 3 Mei,
o Register now, to IPP Efi Tresnawati
o Pembayaran/ Payment (pilih salah satu/ please choose)
o ( ) Early Bird: Rp. 550.000,o ( ) On site: Rp. 600.000, Grant Management Seminar >>>>>>>>>>>>> 22 – 23 August 2014, Lampung
 SEAMLESS Seminar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2014, Purwokerto
 Joint Leadership Seminar >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 24 October 2014, Bandung
 District Conference >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22 – 24 May 2015, Yogyakarta
District Training Assembly
Club presidents-elect and other incoming club leaders will attend their district training assembly in
April or May.
This seminar prepares incoming club leaders, including secretaries, treasurers, and committee chairs,
for their roles, develops their leadership skills, and gives them the opportunity to meet the district
leaders who will support their efforts.
The District Assembly Leaders Guide is available for trainers and organizers. Attendees are
encouraged to read their manuals before the meeting and come prepared with questions. Manuals in
the Club Officers’ Kit (225) are:
Club President’s Manual
Club Secretary’s Manual
Club Treasurer’s Manual
Club Administration Committee Manual
Club Membership Committee Manual
Club Public Relations Committee Manual
Club Service Project Committee Manual
Club Rotary Foundation Committee Manual
Encourage incoming club leadership teams to become familiar with Rotary Club Central so they can
enter their goals for the year when they return from the assembly.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Monthly Attendance Report Mar. 2014 – only 23 Clubs reporting out of 52 Clubs.
1 Medan Deli
27 Jakarta Metropolitan
2 Medan
28 Tangerang
Bandung Kota
3 Medan Sudirman
4 Medan Merdeka
30 Bandung
Bandung Braga
5 Medan Thamrin
6 Batam
32 Bandung Siliwangi
7 Batam Nagoya
33 Bandung Selatan
8 Bandar Lampung
34 Bandung Dago
9 Metro Lampung
35 Bandung Utara
10 Teluk Betung
36 Bandung Pakuan
11 Palembang
37 Cirebon
12 Jakarta
38 Purwokerto
13 Jakarta Thamrin
39 Purwokerto Hapsari
14 Jakarta Kebayoran
40 Purwokerto Satria
15 Jakarta Selatan
41 Cilacap
16 Jakarta Gambir
42 Cilacap Wijayakusuma
17 Jakarta Sudirman
43 Yogjakarta
18 Jakarta Cilandak
44 Mataram Yogyakarta
19 Bogor
45 Yogyakarta Malioboro
20 Jakarta Batavia
46 Yogyakarta Tamansari
21 Jakarta Menteng
47 Yogya Tugu
22 Jakarta Cinere
48 Jogja Merapi
Jakarta Sunter
49 Magelang
24 Jakarta West
50 Lampung Raden Intan
25 Jakarta Sentral
51 Jakarta Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Cipete
En/ To club president & secretary, the monthly attendance reports to be submitted prior to the 15th
of the following month, to:
In/ Kepada klub presiden & sekretaris, laporan kehadiran bulanan supaya diajukan sebelum
tanggal 15 dibulan berikutnya, kepada:
Tjahjadani Sandjaja PP :
cc: DAD John Soe:
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
District News
En/ Dear Club Presidents, Club Officers and Fellow Rotarians
Once again we would like to congratulate you on your assignment in Rotary Year 2013-2014. We
believe your service will be optimal if you do it with sincerity, full commitment and fully supported
by your fellow club members.
As your District Treasurer we would like to remind club obligation to pay District Dues as well as RI
Semi Annual Dues. For District Dues the calculation will be as follow:
For semi annual payment = 6 x number of members x Rp. 20.000
For annual payment
= 12 x number of members x Rp. 20.000
Payment can be made via Bank Transfer to
BCA account # 4281831555
An Andreas Sindudharma/ Rionardi Charles Wong
BCA KCU Sunter Mall Jakarta
Please acknowledge us via email to once you have made the payment and
we will issue the receipt.
Thank you for your attention and assistance. Let's Engage Rotary Change Lives
In/ President, Club Officers dan Fellow Rotarians
Sekali lagi kami mengucapkan selamat bertugas untuk masa bakti Tahun Rotary 2013-2014.
Kami percaya pelayanan Anda di bidang kemanusiaan pada tahun ini akan optimal dan bermakna
apabila dikerjakan dengan ketulusan dan kesungguhan hati dan didukung oleh kerja sama yang kuat
oleh seluruh anggota club.
Dalam kesempatan ini kami sebagai District Treasurer ingin mengingatkan kewajiban setiap club
untuk membayar District Dues dan Semi Annual RI Dues. Khusus untuk District Dues
perhitungannya adalah:
Untuk pembayaran 6 bulanan = 6 x jumlah anggota x Rp. 20.000
Untuk pembayaran tahunan = 12 x jumlah anggota x Rp. 20.000
Pembayaran dilakukan dengan transfer ke :
BCA account # 4281831555
An Andreas Sindudharma/ Rionardi Charles Wong
BCA KCU Sunter Mall Jakarta
Mohon apabila Club Anda sudah melakukan pembayaran dapat menginformasikannya via email
ke dan sesudahnya akan kami terbitkan tanda terima.
The Official Newsletter of District Governor - D3410
March - 2014
Clubs which already paid District dues as of Sunday,Jan.26, 2014
Klub yang sudah membayar District dues - Minggu, Jan.26, 2014
Name of Rotary Club
Ttl received as Sep.23, 2013
RC Jakarta Selatan
RC Medan Deli
RC Mataram Yogyakarta
RC Teluk Betung
RC Jakarta Cilandak
RC Purwokerto
RC Bandung Pakuan
RC Jakarta Sentral
RC Jakarta Gambir
RC Lampung Raden Intan
RC Bandung
RC Purwokerto Hapsari
RC Cinere
RC Medan
RC Jakarta
RC Yogya Tamansari
RC Jakarta Batavia
RC Purwokerto Satria
RC Cirebon
RC Batam
RC Medan Deli
RC Bandung Siliwangi
RC Jogjakarta (Semester-1 & 2)
Etti >> RC ??setoran tgl 24/01/14
Unknown setoran tgl 24/01/14
RC Jakarta Metropolitan
Temporary total received =
Amount (Rp.)