- Iran Khodro Industrial Group News Website


- Iran Khodro Industrial Group News Website
November 2015
Iran Khodro Group Magazine
Runna Shines
IKCO’s cutting-edge
platforms under way /4
cia l R E P OR
No. 115
T ,L
IKCO Invites Foreign
Partners to Cooperation /7
Italian Delegation Visits IKCO
Production Lines /8
IKCO To Enter Africa’s Vehicle
Market /8
IKCO’s Site Installation in
Algeria /10
Shipment of Arisan
Exported to Iraq /12
Published by: IKCO International Relations Dept
Address: Iran Khodro Co, Gate 5, km 14 karadj Rd.,
Tehran, 13895-111, Iran
Manager Ali Mesrian
Editor-in-chief Hassan Bananej
Executive Supervisor Saeid Amirian
Editors, IKCO Vision English Farnaz Ghasemi
Editor, IKCO Vision Arabic Javad Abd Rouyani
Editor, IKCO Vision Russian Fuzie Ghanbari
Coordinator Massoumeh Jafari
Designer jafar zehni
Tel (+98 21) 48 22 84 86 - 48 22 84 86
Fax (+98 21) 48 22 84 99
E-mail ird@ikco.com
© 2011 IKCO Communication & Int’l Relations Dept.
All Rights Reserved.
Record Broke in Iraq /13
New Products
in Tajikistan Exhibition/14
Tehran Hosts 10th
Auto Parts International
Fair 2015 /16
IKCO Tops List
of Best Renault
Vehicles Assemblers /17
Runna Shines
In Speed Competition /18
p r ess
IKCO Boosts Exports
to International Markets/20
IKCO to exports 500
vehicles to Tajikistan/20
Iran car maker eyes
production factory in Oman /21
Japan seeking joint
car manufacturing in Iran/21
special REPORT
IKCO’s cutting-edge
platforms under way
Prior to the imposition of sanctions against the country, Iranian automakers were almost
obtaining the cutting edge of
the industry from their foreign
partners. Faced with a changed
situation, however, they had to
resort to reverse engineering.
Many spare parts were designed,
but this was not the whole story.
There were technological requirements to manufacture designed spare parts on industrial
scales, a problem which is still
with Iranian companies.
This is while European and
Japanese companies offered
their sold-to-death platforms to
Chinese partners, giving them a
head start.
Nevertheless, this should not
be taken to mean that Iranian
manufactures have been wasting time all these years, the
claim which is confirmed by Mr.
Keivan Vaziri, platform designing and development director of
Iran Khodro (IKCO). Vaziri believes that designing and manufacturing a new platform is an
extremely daunting, convoluted
mission taking between 30 to 48
months hardworking.
4 ikco vision Nov 2015
In keeping with this, IKCO’s
orientation towards foreign
partners will be based on cooperation in purchasing and
designing platforms as it only
through the strategy a variety
of highly qualified, modern vehicles can be delivered to customers in different segments,
according to Vaziri. However,
this would be possible only if
IKCO owns a platform itself.
Therefore, the signing of new
contracts with foreign partners
is so sensitive and vital.
Trying to give a sense of the
future of the giant Iranian automaker, Vaziri asserted the
company will choose a different route in the future, moving
towards turbocharged engines.
The company’s gearbox selection is a switch to Dual-Clutch
The company’s
gearbox selection
is a switch to DualClutch Transmission
(DCT) and Continuously Variable
Transmission (CVT)
Transmission (DCT) and Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) systems.
Vaziri also noted that currently
IKCO is negotiating with European and Korean key automakers on the two domains, where
breakthroughs have already
been achieved. If economic and
industrial hurdles are cleared
away, the company will compensate its past performance.
If IKCO inks agreements with
non-French automakers, it will
take time to re-design assembly
lines and industrial processes
for calibration purposes. So, for
optimal efficiency over a shortest time span, there is a need to
discuss technical and industrialization details with potential
partners in contracts, according
to Vaziri.
Talking about future products
of the company, Vaziri reminded that with all technical and
non-technical issues in mind,
IKCO will offer technological
products to its customers in less
than three years from now. IKCO’s orientation is to purchase
Nov 2015 ikco vision 5
special REPORT
multiplatform designs, allowing the company to introduce
new products every 18 months.
According to Vaziri, IKCO has
envisaged a five-year blueprint
to achieve the cutting-edge of
platform designating, meaning
that over a period of ten years,
the giant automaker can be on
a par with global car brands in
terms of platform design knowhow.
Platforms are key for automakers to enter international markets as platform designing is
a very daunting task, demanding knowledge and expertise of
and in different parts of a vehicle. Key automotive brands
allocate millions of their revenues to introduce innovation
6 ikco vision Nov 2015
and creativity into their selfdesigned platforms annually.
Iran’s automotive industry is
no exception to the rule. However, lately domestic automakers pioneered by IKCO have
earnestly sought to design and
manufacture modern platforms
so as to produce technological,
modern products.
In layman’s terms, platforms
are all elements of a vehicle except those external ones such as
engine, gearbox, chassis, suspension system, etc. However,
the definition is too simplistic
and platforms have proven to
be the Achilles heel of the contemporaneous automotive industry as they are skeletal parts
of a vehicle.
Iran’s automotive industry has
been grappling with a large
number of issues over the privous years, making is very difficult to depict a clear, balanced
picture of the current status of
the industry. However, it can
be said that the industry is far
behind the technological advanced made in other countries
in terms of, for example, engine
This is not unwarranted, nevertheless, given the challenges
domestic automakers have been
grappling with during the years
the country was under crippling
sanctions. Having said that, domestic experts have been doing
their best to update their products.
IKCO Invites Foreign
Partners to Cooperation
Iran Khodro Industrial Group
has invited global car manufactures to
cooperation in various fields.
IKCO’s International Cooperation Manager,
Kamran Sepehri said:”In addition to pursuing
different strategies aimed at expanding our local
markets, Iran Khodro is seeking to bring more variety to its products in the markets.”
He went on saying that giving variety to our portfolio basket is among the main priorities of IKCO
as part of a larger plan to expand cooperation with
foreign partners.
“Creating joint export networks with foreign
companies is also among our main aims,” he said.
Sepehri said IKCO is interested in signing joint
venture agreements with foreign companies to
cooperate in research and development projects,
building platforms, developing new driving forces and hybrid technologies.
“To this end, IKCO is planning to allocate some
of its sites to products that are produced based on
the new cooperation,” he said.
IKCO’s International Cooperation manager called for further foreign investments in Iran
saying:”Through the agreements, we are seeking
to expand our local market, increase our export
and promote the quality of our vehicles.”
Iran Khodro Company as the biggest carmaker in
Iran aims to produce three million vehicles by the
Iranian Calendar year of 1404, one third of which
would be exported to foreign markets.
He immediately added that to fulfill the aim,
IKCO has to establish new relations with the
global companies.
Citing Peuguet and Suzuki as the main foreign
partners of Iran Khodro, Sepheri said, Iran Khodro
Diesel is cooperating with Mercedes Benz.
Controlling more than half of local vehicle markets in Iran, IKCO plays a key role in the car
industry of the country. Last year, Iran Khodro
produced more than 600 thousand vehicles and
its target for this year stands at 660 thousand
Nov 2015 ikco vision 7
Italian Delegation Visits
IKCO Production Lines
An Italian delegation has paid a visit to different
parts of Iran Khodro’s complex.
The visit of the 25-member delegation comprising
of Italy’s economic and industrial leaders made a
tour of press, body, engine and assembly sites of
Iran Khodro.
The visit was aimed at getting familiar with the
capacities of IKCO and exploring various grounds
for further cooperation between two sides.
Chief Executive Officer at Telerobot , David
Corsini praised Iran Khodro for its achievements
adding:”To me Iran Khodro is the leading company in Iran’s car industry in terms variety and advancements of the products.” Visiting the robots
from Germany’s Kuka company in IKCO’s body
site, Corsini noted that his company is a long-time
IKCO To Enter Africa’s Vehicle Market
Iran Khodro Industrial Group is set to export
its latest products to Tunisia after earning the
required standards of Africa’s vehicle markets.
IKCO’s Deputy CEO for Export and International
Affairs, Saeed Tafazzoli said, the company has already put efforts into earning the required certificate of Africa’s markets for Runna.
He predicted that by 2016, all the required ar-
8 ikco vision Nov 2015
rangements would be made and IKCO would begin exporting Runna and Dena vehicles to Tunisia.
“We will export one thousand vehicles to Tunisia by 2016. Meanwhile, we have renewed our
contract with our dealer in Tunsia for exporting
IKCO’s products to the country for another three
years,” he said.
Tafazzoli went on emphasizing the necessity of
partner of Kuka.
Corsini who has been working the industrial field
over the past 23 years, stated that he doesn’t see
cooperation with IKCO as a far-reaching goal.
“I’m very happy to visit Irank Khodro site. The
presence of disiplines and young pepople is significant everywhere,” he said.
Another member of the Italian delegation cited
Iran Khodro as one of the most successful companies in car industry. Head of National Association
of Italy’s Automobile Industry Andre Bernard
said, Italian car manufacturers have already put
forth flexible solutions based on high technologies for suppling spare parts.
“We have established relations with our Iranian counterparts which amount to a launching pad for further cooperation between two
Meanwhile, the commersial manager of Negry
Bossi company said:” Iran Khodro can become
a strong trade partner for us. We enjoy the most
advanced technologies in the world which can be
sharedwith our partners to promote their spare
parts quality.”
creating an appropriate ground for offering aftersales services in Tunisia. He said the officials in
charge of offering the services in Tunisia have
already attended the relative training courses and
received the required certificates.
Last year, Tunisia’s Trade minister paid a visit
to Iran Khodro site in Tehran and expressed his
country’s interest in expanding cooperation between IKCO and a tunisian partner.
Nov 2015 ikco vision 9
IKCO’s Site Installation in Algeria
Iran Khodro Industrial Group has signed an
agreement with the private sector of Algeria
on establishing a production line with technical services.
The development is set to begin in the early
months of 2016. This project requires no investment by Iran Khodro company an the Algerian
partner will provide all budget needed.
IKCO’s Deputy CEO for Exports, Saeed Tafazzoli said:”At the first phase of the agreement, IKCO’s vehicles including Dena, Soren, Rana and
Arisun would be exported to Algeria in SKD-2
format and will be assembled there ”
10 ikco vision Nov 2015
“IKCO’s operation in Algeria would begin in
January-February. Meanwhile, of 15,000 vehicles ordered by the Algeria company for the new
year, 1,500 Dena vehicles would be exported by
the spring of 2016 and the rest would be exported
in SKD-0format” Tafazzoli said at the sideline of
the ceremonial singing of the agreement.
He went on saying that the agreement was signed
after the Algerian company initiated the idea of
establishing a complete site in the African country with its own investment.
Tafazzoli cited the establishment of the complete
site including body, color and assembling halls
as the main feature of the agreement, saying the
site would become operational in 2017.
He said TAM Iran Khodro would play a key
role in designing and producing the vehicles
to be exported to Algeria. IKCO Engineering
and Construction Company (TAM) is one of
Iran Khodro Industrial Group affiliat that is
active at the international level in the field
of engineering and industrial and development projects.
“Based on its new export strategy, IKCO would
not invest directly in establishment of any site
abroad and the Algeria’s site is going to be estab-
lished in line with the same strategy” Tafazzoli
He noted that the agreement requires IKCO to offer technical and engineering services in Algeria
and hold training courses for Algerian engineers.
The new site would be established in a region
about 300 KMs away from the capital Algiers
with a production capacity of 30,000 vehicles
each year. This enables IKCO to supply North
African markets with its latest vehicles.Iran
Khodro’s vehicles such as Samad are well-known
in Algeria. IKCO saled over 1500 vehicles in the
African country from 2005 to 2007.
Nov 2015 ikco vision 11
Shipment of Arisan
Exported to Iraq
The first shipment of Arisan
pick-up has been exported to
Iraq in SKD, IKCO’s Deputy
CEO, for Export Saeed Tafazzoli said.
“In response to the growing
demands of Arisan pickup from
Iraq, Iran Khodro decided to allocate the second production
line of Iraq site to Arisan. And
now with this shipment, we are
determined to open the line officially in the near future,” he
He outlined IKCO’s next plans
in Iraq saying the car manufacturer has received five thousand
12 ikco vision Nov 2015
orders for Arisan pickup in the
first phase. “We are now hopeful to fulfill our commitment by
the end of this Iranian calendar
year with constant efforts of our
partner there,” he noted.
Tafazzoli cited the launch of
Arisan production line in Iraq
as the beginning of IKCO’s new
project in this specific sector of
Iraq industry saying:”If all of
the demands of our costomers
in Iraq are met, a large sahre of
pickup sales in Iraq would go to
Iran Khdoro.”
“The allocation of the second
production line in Iraq to Arisun
with the export of the first shipment of the vehicle to the country, is an step forward to trensferring auto technology to the
country” he concluded.
IKCO Arisun is a small pickup
car designed by Iran Khodro.
Equipped with two airbags, hydraulic and telescopic steering,
AC, folding seats, ABS, and a
new audio system, the pick-up
can assure a pleasant and safe
ride. High fuel economy, power,
beauty and low maintenance
costs are among remarkable features of Arisun.
Record Broke in Iraq
The number of vehicles produced by Iran Khodro in Iraq
site has surpassed 10,000.
Iran Khodro Deputy CEO
for Export, Saeed Tafazzoli
said though the crisis in Iraq
has been hampering export
of spare parts to the war-torn
country, IKCO managed to
produce over 10,000 vehicles
in Iraq site over the past 16
He gave a breakdown of the
production in Iraq saying
48 Runna, 48 Samad, 1344
Peugeout 405 and 8304 Peugeot Pars were produced and sent
through SKD shipment to the
“We have already alloctaed
the second production line of
Iraq site to Arisan pickup, so
the vehicle would be added to
IKCO products portfolio in the
near future,” he said.
Tafazzoli went on saying that
Iraq site produces 30 vehicles
per day adding that the figure
would increase in the second
half of current Iranian claender
He added that during the second half of the year, the Iraq
site would produce at least
15,000 vehicles: 5,000 Samand, 5,000 Peugueot 405 and
5,000 Arisan pick up.
He said based on new agreements, IKCO is set to produce
Tondar 90 and Dongfeng in
various models in Iraq site.
“Iran Khodro began its operation in Iraq on April 2014
but its mass production began
about 4 months later,” he said.
He finally praised the knowhow and expertise of Iranian
engineers as the main advantages of Iraq site saying Iranian engineering teams and
operators have been active in
Iraq over the past 16 months to
promote the site’s production
Nov 2015 ikco vision 13
New Products
in Tajikistan Exhibition
Group has put on display its
latest products in an exhibition in Tajikistan’s capital
Dena, Runna, Soren and
Arisun pick-up are among
14 ikco vision Nov 2015
the vehicles being displayed
in the Iran exclusive exhibition.
The exhibition is also attended by Iran Khodro Diesel with its products including Aryan Minibus, Foton
Pick-up with armored money transport function.
During the first day of the
exhibition, Russian ambassador to Tajikistan paid a
visit to IKCO’s booth and
praised the latest achieve-
ments of the car manufacturer.
“So far, we thought that
Iran was only capable of assembling cars but now we
are informed that an Iranian company is involved
in designing and producing of complicated vehicles
with various functions. So,
we congratulate the great
achievements to our Iranian
counterpart,” he said.
Iran’s deputy ambassador to
Tajikistan also visited the
exhibition. The Iranian official expressed hope that
Tajikistan could turn into a
good market for Iranian vehicles given to the cultural
commonalities between two
sides and high quality of IKCO’s products.
Iran Expo 2015 was attended by 40 Iranian companies
from various fields including foodstuff, agriculture,
carpet industry, building
materials and car industry.
It was held from 21 to 24
The exhibition was inaugurated with the presence of
Iranian deputy ambassador
to Tajikistan and a large
number of economic leaders as well as reporters from
both sides.
Iran Khodro’s new products
were first displayed in Dushanbe about two months
ago in a lateral exhibition
of Tajikistan’s Investment
Conference. This month’s
Iranian exclusive exhibition
provided the car manufacture with a great opportunity to unveil again its new
products for the Tajikistani
Nov 2015 ikco vision 15
Tehran Hosts 10th Auto Parts
International Fair 2015
Tehran hosted the 10th Auto
Parts International Fair from
16 to 19 November attended
by 20 countries.
Supplying Automotive Parts
Company (SAPCO) attended
the fair with all of its 133 affiliates putting on display their
latest products.
On the last day of the exhibition, Iran’s minister for Industry, Mines and Trades paid
a visit to it. He was accompanied by a larger number of
deputies and top managers of
the ministry.
During the exhibition, SAPCO
16 ikco vision Nov 2015
held a series of workshops
with a main focus on the necessity of high quality and
technical engineering of industrial products. The workshops
were aimed at creating an appropriate ground for further
exchange of information and
experience between suppliers.
At least 350 suppliers took
part in the workshops.
Visiting the workshops, Head
of Industrial Development
and Renovation Organization
of Iran Sayyed Reza NorouzZadeh praised the high professional level of them saying
the warm welcome given to
the workshops by the suppliers shows that there has been a
close relation between SAPCO
and other suppliers.
“Given to the high capabilities of suppliers in the country, Iran is now ready to join
the global markets and expand
its relations with international
partners,” he said.
The 10th Auto Parts International Fair 2015 was attended
by well-known companies
from across the globe distinguishing it from previous exhibitions.
IKCO Tops List
of Best Renault
Vehicles Assemblers
Iran Khodro Industrial Group has
ranked first by Renault Car Manufacturer as the best assembling plant
of the French company’s vehicles.
Based on a formal evaluation study
conducted by Renault, IKCO has
manage to achieve the best results in
terms of quality among the main assembling plants in the Middle East,
India and Africa.
The study known as Edit 611 was
carried out last week. Its results have
once again highlighted the latest
achievements of Iran Khodro across
the region and globe.
According to the study, the global target of Renault in +V1 Grade
stands at -0.07. Iran Khodro has
recorded the number -0.05. This
clearly shows how high is the quality of Tondar 90 (Logan) produced
by Iran Khodro Company.
The Edit 611 results confirm the
content of an earlier report by Calibration Edit which also officially
certified that IKCO’s vehicles enjoy professional qualifications and
Nov 2015 ikco vision 17
Runna Shines
In Speed Competition
The 3rd round of Iran’s
Speed Competition was held
in Azadi Automobile Racing
Complex on December 18.
Though some of the classes of
the competition were not held
at this round of the competition due to various reasons,
the presence of the Middle
East’s largest car manufacture, Iran Khodro was highly
IKCO sent 10 Runna vehicles to the event. The strong
presence of Runna led to the
inclusion of the vehicle in
the speed competition’s list.
Meanwhile, the organizers
named the 3rd round as Runna Jam.
18 ikco vision Nov 2015
Runna class was tinted with a
feeling of nostalgia for IKCO
as a famous champion of past
years who had returned to the
competition. The class was
held for the first time and
attended by various standard vehicles. The 3rd round
included classes of Pride,
Runna, Peugeot 206 and a
combination class of BP and
Runna Class
The presence of Iran Khodro
in Iran’s Speed Competition
led to the adding of Runna
Class to the competition’s local calendar. The class was
attended by 7 experienced
and three young drivers.
Meanwhile, the main role of
the competition was given to
The Champion of Free Class,
Gholam Reza Joneidi attended the competition after
many years. Joneidi praised
Runna class for its attractiveness saying: “It was an
exciting experience for me
because I hadn’t attended any
similar classes in the past.
Most importantly, during the
class I had the chance to see
my old friends and rivals and
this was highly valuable for
He went on adding that enjoying the platform of Peuge-
ot 206, Runna has a great capacity and its handling at the
turns was much higher than
his expectation.
”I think the class could have
been held earlier due to the
capabilities of Runna. Anyhow, I hope that other Iranian
car manufactures take part
in the competition because it
can provide them with great
achievements,” he said.
Class 206 or 1600
It’s a while that Class 1600
has turned into a scene for
Peugeot 206 type 2 shining.
It is one of the most attractive classes of the competition. Meanwhile, the class
has its own controversies as
most of the time the competitors don’t accept defeat. This
leaves the Technical Committee with no option other than
announcing the final results
after hearing the complaints.
Like previous rounds, the
Technical Committee which
received lots of complaints
this year. This in itself added
to the attractiveness of the
Since, the engine power and
technical quality of the rival
vehicles are close to each
other, the drivers’ experience
plays a key role in bringing
a medal to the car manufacturer.
Nov 2015 ikco vision 19
in the press
IKCO Invites Foreign
Partners to Cooperation
IKCO ‘s International Cooperation Manager, Kamran Sepehri
said:”In addition to pursuing different strategies aimed at expanding
our local markets, Iran Khodro is seeking to bring more variety to its
products in the markets.”
He went on saying that giving variety to our portfolio basket is
among the main priorities of IKCO as part of a larger plan to expand
cooperation with foreign partners.
“Creating joint export networks with foreign companies is also
among our main aims,” he said.
Sepehri said IKCO is interested in signing joint venture agreements
with foreign companies to cooperate in research and development projects, building platforms, developing new driving forces and hybrid technologies.
“To this end, IKCO is planning to allocate some of its sites to products that are produced based on the
new cooperation,” he said.
Ame info
IKCO tops list of Best Renault
Vehicles Assemblers
IKCO has manage to achieve the best results in terms of quality among
the main assembling plants in the Middle East, India and Africa. Iran
Khodro Industrial Group has ranked first by Renault Car Manufacturer as the best assembling plant of the French company’s vehicles.
Based on a formal evaluation study conducted by Renault, IKCO
has manage to achieve the best results in terms of quality among the
main assembling plants in the Middle East, India and Africa.
The study known as Audit 611 was carried out last week. Its results
have once again highlighted the latest achievements of Iran Khodro
across the region and globe. According to the study, the global target of Renault in +71 Grade stands at -0.07. Iran Khodro has recorded the number -0.05. This clearly
shows how high is the quality of Tondar 90 (Logan) produced by Iran Khodro Company.
The Audit 611 results confirm the content of an earlier report by Calibration Audit which also officially
certified that IKCO’s vehicles enjoy professional qualifications and capabilities.
20 ikco vision Nov 2015
IKCO To Enter Africa’s Vehicle Market
Iran Khodro Industrial Group is set to export its latest products to Tunisia after earning the required standards of Africa’s vehicle markets.
IKCO ‘s Deputy CEO for Export and International Affairs, Saeed
Tafazzoli said, the company has already put efforts into earning the
required certificate of Africa’s markets for Runna.
He predicted that by 2016, all the required arrangements would be
made and IKCO would begin exporting Runna and Dena vehicles to
“We will export one thousand vehicles to Tunisia by 2016. Meanwhile, we have renewed our contract with our dealer in Tunsia for
exporting IKCO ‘s products to the country for another three years,” he said.
Shipment of Arisan Pickup
Exported to Iraq
The first shipment of Arisan pick-up has been exported to Iraq in
SKD, IKCO ‘s Deputy CEO, for Export Saeed Tafazzoli said.
“In response to the growing demands of Arisan pickup from Iraq,
Iran Khodro decided to allocate the second production line of Iraq
site to Arisan. And now with this shipment, we are determined to
open the line officially in the near future,” he said.
Iran Khodro Group News Website