4 - Syriatel


4 - Syriatel
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
About this Report
Employee Retention
From the CEO’s Desk
Employee Benefits
Sustainability and the
Telecommunication Sector
Fair Labor Practices
Human Rights
Understanding Syriatel
Health and Safety
Our Profile – Vision, Mission, Values,
Our Strategy
Syriatel in Numbers
Primary Brands — our Products and Services
Serving our Community – Making
Syria a Better Place
Our Philanthropic Activities in 2014
Awards and Recognition
Our Approach to CSR
Our Stainability Journey
Engaging with Stakeholders
Our Governance
Energy Efficiency
Risk Management
Water Usage
Measuring Our Carbon Footprint
Ozone Depleting Emissions
NOx and SOx Emissions
Nurturing Syrian Economy –
Our Contribution
Financial Performance
Contributing to the Local Economy
The society and the Environment
Suppliers and Local Vendors
Our Customers
Customer Satisfaction
Nurturing our People
Success Stories
of Our People in the Social Front
Syriatel Supporting Employees
Safeguarding Syria’s Environment
CSR Tomorrow
Our Progress
GRI Index
Employee Diversity
Trainings and Development
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
About this
We consider reporting on our environmental, social
and economic aspects in the form of a sustainability
report as a strategic and business priority. This is
the fifth edition of our sustainability report, and the
reporting period is between 1 January 2014 and 31
December 2014.
The report has been prepared by adhering to Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines and contains
all major disclosures with respect to the triple bottom
line impact of our business. The report also provides
updates on several sustainability initiatives reported in
the previous reports besides an indication of our future
path in managing our impacts on sustainably.
This report underlines our commitment to integrating
sustainability into our business and identifying issues
that are material in the context of sustainability and
social responsibility.
The report is a mode of communication through
relevant disclosures as well as a mode of engagement
with all our stakeholders, who we consider to be very
significant in helping us taking forward our mission of
‘Being the Syrian company of Choice’.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
From the
CEO’s desk
It is with great pleasure that I present to you our
Annual Sustainability Report covering our progress in
addressing the environmental, social, and economic
development of our operations. As a company
pioneering the telecommunications services in Syria
for the past 15 years, we believe that our commitment
extends to all our stakeholders at the Syrian
community; so we have kept ‘Invest in our nation’ as
our key theme for this year’s report.
In spite of the tough crisis overwhelming Syria, we
have been able to sustain the generation of economic
value through our business operations. Our growth
means more employment and investment opportunities
for Syria in the coming years. Our economic growth
mainly depends on our customers base and their
satisfaction with our services and products. Our
customers satisfaction rate remains above 90%,
and we are constantly monitoring it with the aim
to meet the needs of our customers under difficult
circumstances and to remain the ‘Syrian company
of choice’. As we have maintained our employees’
entitlements of social, health insurance and safety
procedures which reflect our professional ethics that
consider our employees the most important assets.
Syriatel has been at the forefront of conducting several
programmes in the last few years which have brought
tangible benefits to the community. We are aware of
the responsibility we have as a responsible corporate
citizen towards the Syrian Arab Army and have
continued supporting the armed forces through our
donation programme for the wounded soldiers.
We launched a program to support the martyrs’
families of the Syrian Arab Army. Through this program
we presented for more than 5240 Martyrs 7 different
initiatives that consider the needs of these families to
help them in building and continuing their future life
positively and effectively.
We are also passionate about promoting youth
development and skill enhancement in Syria. We
believe that placing our faith in the youth of Syria will
benefit both Syriatel and the whole Syrian society.
Our training programmes targeted to the Syrian youth
have attracted interest from all quarters as we try
to integrate the qualified and talented youth into the
professional world. Our CSR team is keen to take
this forward in 2015 through more programmes to
help the youth.
Since our last report, we have achieved most of the
targets set to enhance our sustainability. We are proud
to be the first company in Syria which launched the
paperless project, which through we replace printed
invoices with paperless electronic alternatives which
expand and develop our green growth strategy. In
addition, we have been undertaking several new
initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint and
make positive contributions to the Syrian economy, like
the optimum use of energy, and benefitting from the
renewable one, as we strive to identify all areas which
through we can use equipments in line with saving,
and replacing the traditional energy with the renewable
(solar and wind energy), which is our future plan to
make them more diverse in the coming years. Also, we
achieved an energy consumption reduction by 60% in
300 stations in 2014.
I am also delighted to see the progress we are making
on the CSR front with our flagship ‘CSR tomorrow’
programme. This year’s report offers Syriatel and
all our stakeholders the opportunity to assess the
progress that we have made towards achieving
our sustainability goals. This exercise also allows
us to set a clear path for the years ahead of us and
sustain the momentum we have gathered in the area
of sustainability.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Sustainability and the
Telecommunication Sector
The telecommunications industry is not generally
perceived to be a relatively clean industry not posing
direct climate, environmental or social threats.
However, the sector being key to ensuring connectivity
across sectors in the economy, can play a vital
role in providing great leadership for integrating
sustainability within the services sector. The broader
sustainability reporting framework of GRI allows firms
from every sector to identify issues relevant and
significant for them and evaluate the steps taken in
this regard. Governance and Accountability Institute
have identified a few key material aspects relevant for
telecommunications companies. They are:
1) Customer privacy
2) Marketing communications
3) Indirect economic impacts
4) Non-discrimination
5) Child labor
6) Prevention of forced and compulsory labor
7) Relations between management and labor
8) Product and services labeling
9) Compliance
10) Freedom of association
In terms of reducing the environmental impact, it
would be worth looking at the life cycle of related
processes. The life cycle would begin with the
sourcing of raw materials for network manufacturing
and the construction of towers and base stations
for mobile phone networks. Telecommunication
companies should look for ways to reduce the
quantity of the mineral raw materials and also conduct
technological innovations to reduce the energy used
to source these minerals, alternatively use renewable
energy, recycled or refurbished materials for these
purposes. Apart from the reputational benefit among
stakeholders, sustainable energy use will also
mean more cost savings in the longer-term, once
environmental regulations take effect across the globe
and non-renewable energy becomes dearer. Another
environmental aspect to be considered is the fragility of
the land and eco-systems in areas where the network
towers and base stations are constructed. The major
telecommunication companies as part of achieving
environmental sustainability have begun to conduct
environmental impact assessments and also not use
land in fragile eco-systems or declared bio-diversity
heritage sites.
It is estimated that more than three-quarters of the
environmental impacts arise from the energy use in
the running of networks. The challenge for companies
attempting to practice sustainability is to explore
options, including sharing of network space, phasing
out of ozone-depleting network cooling agents and
increasing the share of renewable energy used for the
process. The final stage of the life cycle involves the
after-use life of the equipment. The e-waste generated
from discarded equipment can lead to significant land
contamination, air and water pollution. It can also
lead to health hazards for employees or contractors
managing these wastes. With landfill cost and taxes
expected to rise in the next few years, it also makes
economic sense to adopt a cradle-to-cradle approach.
This implies increasing base stations and network
longevity and recycling as many materials as possible
to reduce end waste.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Profile – Vision, Mission, Values, Our Strategy
Syriatel has been at the helm of Syria’s mobile telecommunication market since 2000. We are Syria’s primary
telecommunications provider, offering Syrian citizens seamless national communication services. Since
inception, we have outdone competition in coverage and market share. We believe in building a reputation
based on service excellence and customer satisfaction. Our portfolio of services is designed, keeping in view
the requirements of our customers in a technologically interlinked world. We envision a digitally inclusive and
better connected society. We are equally committed to making a mark in sustainable development with respect
to the economy, the society and the environment. We aim at supporting the community through sustainable and
positive growth, and our sustainability reporting programs are aligned to this goal.
Our Vision
We are committed to be the Syrian company of choice.
Our Mission
We strive to provide the best mobile communications experience for our customers, empower and satisfy our
people, achieve sustained value creation for shareholders and passionately contribute for a better Syria.
Our Values
The values we believe in are the guidelines for our vision and attitude. At Syriatel, each one of us strongly
believes that solid corporate principles pave the path to success through:
We show politeness toward ourselves and
everyone at all levels. We treat people as
we want to be treated.
We show pride, enthusiasm and
dedication in everything we do.
Customer focus
We are committed to satisfying our
customers’ needs and interests.
We strive to excel in every aspect of our
business and approach every challenge
with a determination to succeed.
Team spirit
Engagement, participation and
understanding of our role as responsible
corporate citizens.
Pride and pleasure of being a part of a
winning team; energize and inspire each
other, overcome challenges, seek ideas and
share solution.
We are, each personally, accountable for
the highest standards of behavior in all
aspects of our work.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel in Numbers
As Syriatel, we take it as our responsibility to offer
our customers world-class products and services at
affordable rates. Our network of 25 points of service
spans across the country. Our four call centers in
Damascus, Aleppo, Lattakia and Tartous serve over
9200 customers’ queries on a daily basis. Regionally,
Syriatel is recognized as one of the fastest growing
operators. We have 1999 skilled employees working
with us, and we have the privilege of serving about
7.4 million customers today. We operate a network
of radio base stations, including 5125 for 2G service
and 2525 for 3G services. We have 231 international
roaming partners in 123 countries.
Call centers
MiIlion customers
across Syria
2G radio stations
Customer queries
3G radio stations
across Syria
Headquarters in
Damascus and Sahnaya
Customer queries
answered daily
1647 1999
Call centers
Points of
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Primary Brands and Services
Syriatel Boutique Outlets
Satisfying our customers is our main goal. Therefore,
we always strive to be the first in Syria to provide our
customers with distinctive products and services that
really serve them and save their time. Through 2014,
we have launched many services to boost customer
satisfaction across the country.
Based on the type of products and services offered
by Syriatel in 2014, it has been categorised into five
sections which are as follows:
Saving our customers’ time and getting their requests
handled easier have always been our objective.
Therefore in 2014, we increased the number of Syriatel
Boutique outlets from 649 to 1000. Syriatel Boutique
outlets are distributed over all regions and ready to help
Syriatel customers with a wide range of services.
Category I: For the First time in Syria - We always strive to be the first in Syria to provide our customers with distinctive products
and services that really serve them and save their time
Category II: Syrian Apps - We have developed new mobile applications according to the need of our customers within Syria.
Category III: Roaming Services – We have launched new roaming services across the globe for our customers travelling abroad.
Category IV: Products in General – We continue to serve our customers through innovative products and services according to
their needs.
Category V: Short codes – We provide our customers with a wide range of services which can be accessed via their mobiles.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Roaming Services
In addition to the current set of zone roaming countries,
postpaid customers are now able to use zone roaming in
Egypt and Iraq. In March 2014, new countries were included
in the postpaid Zone Roaming Service. Therefore, the new
zone-roaming list included Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi
Arabia, Emirates, Egypt (New) and Iraq (New).
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Printed Invoices with Paperless Electronic Alternatives
In line with Syriatel’s sustainability strategy, in April 2014 for
the first time in Syria, Syriatel replaced printed invoices with
paperless electronic alternatives. The aim of this initiative
is to improve environmental performance and awareness,
encourage people to go green, and to develop the efficient
use of resources, which is a key component in environmental
sustainability. Also, this initiative reduced the waiting time in
Syriatel points of service and helped customers in getting rid
of the old invoices paper.
Self Service Kiosk- At Your Service Anytime
In May of 2014, Syriatel launched a self-service kiosk
– Syriatel ATM. Self-service kiosk (Syriatel’s ATM) is an
advanced technology that helps customers to pay their
postpaid line invoices and recharge their prepaid cards.
It’s available for 24/7.
SMS Roaming
In May 2014, Along with postpaid customers, prepaid customers were also able to send and receive SMSs from
and to the whole world during their roaming in the countries that had interconnection” contracts with Syriatel.
Offer for the Syrian Army Heroes ‘Homat Aldiar’1
In June 2014 Syriatel presented to the courageous Syrian
Arab army heroes a 70% saving offer on their Ya Hala
prepaid cards. Through this offer the Syrian Arab army
can benefit from a special weekly bundle of services at
a low cost.
Launching Syriatel Self Care & “Q & A” Contest Apps
In June 2014, Syriatel launched an Application for smart
phones. By downloading this Syriatel app, smart phones
users can easily, manage quickly and control their services.
In addition, this app provides its users with a wide range of
Syriatel also launched the “Q & A” a Syrian contest app,
which offered a lot of interactive competitions that enrich
the information of the customers through participation. The
first contest through this app, “Helwa Ya Baladi”, which was
launched in July 2014, invites every Syrian to explore his
homeland, and link the useful information in various Syrian
fields all together.”
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
SMS Collect
Through this service launched in August 2014, Ya Hala
customers will be able to send SMS whatever their balance
is as it allows them to send local SMSs to recipients
regardless of subscription type (postpaid or prepaid). In
addition, this service also allows Ya Hala customers to
blacklist numbers whom they would not like to receive SMSs
from, and white list numbers to receive SMS directly on their
New packages for “Stop Service”s
In September 2014, Syriatel launched new packages that
enable Stop Service customers to save up to 50% when
activating the service for 6 or 12 months.
Second contest of Syriatel’s ‘Q & A contest app’s
The second contest ,“Mudawanet Watan”, was launched in
September. It highlights on Syrian history excellence through
questions about Syrian icons, figures, places and events.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Offer for Students who Passed Baccalaureate and Preparatory Exams
In November, as usual, Syriatel offers a free credit
distributed over 12 months to all students who passed their
baccalaureate and preparatory certificate exams.
WhatsApp Bundle
With the fast-growing needs of social media users and the
wide use of WhatsApp, we launched a special bundle for
this application in December 2014, allowing our customers
to save more while chatting, sharing photos and videos with
their friends, families and all what they like at a low price .
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Diverse Range of Services - Your Interests Closer to You
To meet our customer’s varied needs and interests, in 2014, we provided them with more than 60 services which
can be accessed via their mobiles and which deal with different aspects of their daily life such as culture, sports,
social, technology, and health that suit people of all ages.
Also, Syriatel launched services enabling the customers to discover the secrets of Animal’s world, and give them
updates about the strangest stories and phenomenon happening across the globe. Furthermore, services related
to the interests of each Adam, Eve and family were presented. Additionally, other services about horoscopes,
dreams meanings, fitness, and Etiquette were launched.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Approach to
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Sustainability Journey
Our sustainability journey took off five years ago with
the publication of our first Corporate Sustainability
Report in 2010 using the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI). The GRI is the most widely adopted set of
guidelines for sustainability reporting. We, at Syriatel,
consider sustainability as an extension of our business
performance. We have set our sights on long-term
financial stability that is based on environmentally and
socially sustainable practices.
We follow the business philosophy of striking a balance
between running a business and giving back to the
society and the environment. This stems from our
belief that quality of life is vitally linked to financial
growth. And for quality to exist, the environment
in which we live should be preserved. This is the
theory underlying our pursuit of unique, eco-friendly
telecommunication services.
In this report, we discuss several initiatives in detail,
with explanatory notes on how they were instrumental
in strengthening our overall performance.
Engaging with Our Stakeholders
We value our stakeholders and their views, and we
have engaged with them continuously to understand
the materiality aspects that affect each of them. This
time around, we had set goals for our stakeholder
engagement program and had clearly defined
communication channels. In this report, we would like
to present the outcome of this exercise.
In sync with this, we are implementing designspecific products within our operations. We perceive
sustainability reporting as a means of assessing our
key performance indicators, with a view to scaling up
our sustainability performance. We take pride in being
the first company in Syria to issue a sustainability
report. At the same time, we are aware of the
responsibilities lying ahead in our path of sustainability
and the challenges involved. We are channeling our
efforts toward effectively achieving our sustainability
goals so as to fulfill our responsibilities toward the
community at large and the environment.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
We support community
development programs
and initiatives to ensure
the well-being of our local
communities where we
• Syriatel Corporate
Social Programs
• Ongoing
• Philanthropic
• Ongoing
A more directed
pursuit towards
bettering our local
communities with more
specific programs to
ensure community
We strive to be honest
and fair in all our business
dealings. Our code of
conduct guides us, and
we seek to establish and
maintain productive business
• Annual Reports
• Annual
Develop existing
and establish new
partnerships creating
better economic
prospects for local
businesses and
We engage with NGOs to
ensure our daily operations
are in line with community
expectations and sustainable
business practices
• Group Meetings
• Ongoing
Improved company
image and compliance
within our surrounding
environment from
NGO’s perspective
whose objective is
to review the effects
of our sustainability
Government & We engage with government
and regulators to modernize
our business operations in
compliance with laws and
regulations to guarantee
minimum standards
and business ethics are
adhered to.
• Legislative dialogue
• Ongoing
• Regular Compliance
• Regular
All aspects of our
daily business
operations are in
compliance with local
regulations promoting
Syriatel’s stakeholder
perceptions and
benefiting our
We seek to understand our
customers’ needs in order to
guarantee their satisfaction
and best services experience
across all business lines.
Our operations conduct
regular customer satisfaction
surveys at the local level
to understand customer’s
• Syriatel customer
satisfaction surveys
• Semi Annual
• Syriatel customer
focus groups
• Ad-hoc
• Website
• Ad-hoc
Promoting our brand
loyalty and customer
satisfaction which
benefit our market
growth and customer
base. Developing
our knowledge and
understanding of our
customers to better
tailor our products to
their individual needs
We communicate our latest
financial results, market
development, and business
strategy with our investor
• Annual investor
• Annual
• Quarterly financial
• Quarterly
• Individual meetings
• Ongoing
Creating trust within
Syriatel’s abilities to
perform well, allowing
our investors to
make more informed
investment decisions
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
The Local Community
Government and Regulators
We have played a key role in supporting various
community development projects and regeneration
programs. We were keen to understand the impact of
these activities through community engagement. Our
main communication channels were the various social
programs which we undertook and the philanthropic
investments made. Through these programs, we have
engaged with members of the community with varying
demographic characteristics. Students and youth
through our skill and youth development program,
the larger community through initiatives like Ramadan
philanthropic drive, blood donation campaigns and
support to orphans. And through our martyrs program,
we have engaged with martyrs wives, mothers,
children and their young. Engagement with the local
communities has helped us tailor our community
development programs to address various socioeconomic challenges faced by the Syrian community.
We are aware of our commitment to the rules and
regulations of Syria and have engaged constantly with
the regulators to ensure that our products and services
meet the minimum standards. The engagement
channels, which we have with the regulators, are the
regular compliance reports submitted to them, and
the legislative dialogue which we undertake with the
legislators to understand where we stand in terms
of compliance. To achieve the highest standards of
governance, we have formulated our own corporate
governance act to follow the ‘Disclosure Instructions
Act’, ‘Syrian Corporate Law’ and ‘Syrian Corporate
Governance Act’ issued by the Syrian Commission
on Financial Markets and Securities. We have also
established a code of conduct to take our operations
forward and adhere to the highest standards of
business ethics.
Business Partners
We recognize that productive partnerships are the
cornerstone of success in a business enterprise.
Our key objective in managing our relationship with
partners is to demonstrate transparency in our
operations and follow an ethical approach in conduct.
We take great care to ensure that our annual reports
comply with international accounting standards and
contain information sought by our business partners.
Apart from creating value for our present partners,
engagement with our business partners has enabled
us to establish new business partnerships.
Our customers are our greatest assets, and we have
always been proactive in exploring ways to connect
with them. Every year, we conduct a detailed customer
satisfaction survey at the local level as we strive to be
the ‘Syrian Company of Choice’ through the provision
of the best customer experience in the sector. Apart
from this, we have regular customer-focused group
discussions and feedback mechanism to monitor
the level of customer satisfaction. We use the inputs
gained from these engagement exercises to tailor
our products to suit customer demands in an ever
changing competitive landscape.
Non- Governmental Organization (NGOs)
Investor Faith and Confidence
We believe that the engagement with NGOs working
for the betterment of community and the natural
environment will improve Syriatel’s image and enable
compliance with sustainability and workers’ rights
standards. We conduct group meetings with members
of leading NGOs to identify gaps in our operations
and understand the impact of our philanthropic and
sustainability initiatives. Based on the suggestions
and feedback from the group meetings, we make
necessary changes in our sustainability and community
support programs to achieve maximum impact.
We are keen to repay the trust of our investors to
encourage them to place their faith in us for years to
come. We release quarterly, half-yearly and annual
performance updates to inform our investors about
the progress being made in terms of business
development, market expansion and business strategy.
We also meet our key investors individually to apprise
them of our performance and business plans and to
gather their valuable suggestions.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel has conducted materiality analysis with the
most transparent approach. Materiality analysis is an
approach carried out by organizations to determine
highly important or “material” aspects to include in
their sustainability report. It ensures the organization’s
significant economic, social and environmental impacts
addressed, in order to have an effective sustainability
program. Inputs are gathered from various
stakeholders, as well as GRI sector supplements,
and best practice research for the analysis. We are
committed to develop and implement a comprehensive
materiality analysis involving both internal and external
stakeholders in the future.
Internal stakeholder consultation is conducted
by consulting with employees, material suppliers,
technology suppliers, business partners and
shareholders. Meanwhile, external stakeholder
consultation is carried out through stakeholder
consultation with officials from government and
regulatory agencies, people living around the vicinity of
the facilities and NGOs.
We also considered materiality as the key principle for
defining the content of our 2014 sustainability report.
Even though, due to some external aspects outside
of our operations, our internal materiality analysis this
year is not matured, hence we utilized the expertise
of our senior management for deducing the material
aspects for 2014. The most material aspects relevant
for Syriatel and our stakeholders are summarized
as follows:
Sustainability Strategy
Achieving sustainability not just involves the
reduction of environmental degradation through
several mechanisms of energy and water
conservation and other mechanisms, such as
recycling. Our innovative sustainable business
growth strategy at Syriatel inexorably develops
inventive promotions and services influencing the
market by setting best content and pricing plans
for our customers. This ensures that they receive
the best possible treatment with minimal price. We
understand that an innovation-friendly organization
where developing new business models, products
and services is a necessity; and yet recognizing that,
we must be on the cutting edge of new technologies
and innovative business processes, especially within
the telecommunication market.
Quality and Continuity of Service
We believe that our first and foremost responsibility
is to offer customers with the best services and
products, in order to meet current consumer needs
and create a better connected future. We provide a
comprehensive portfolio of services and products
meeting 21st century technological demands, which
are accustomed to fit all lifestyles.
Ethics and code of conduct
At Syriatel, we follow strict ethical guidelines
and constantly strive to ensure that all of our
employees adhere to our code of conduct. This is
achieved through an orientation program for all new
employees. This includes an introduction to our
company culture, code of conduct and company
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
policies, including employees’ rights. Furthermore,
all employees, including management, must attend
specialized anti-corruption training to make sure
that all our employees are aware of our strict anticorruption policy. This is a delicate matter, and a
challenge for every organization to enforce.
Health and Safety of Employees
Good safety practice at work remains of high
importance to Syriatel.
Green Telecommunications
We at Syriatel have worked together with Syria’s
Government and international climate change
bodies to better understand, expand and develop
our green growth strategy. Our knowledge and
assets, developed from Syriatel’s previous efforts
in tackling climate change, have created a more
stable platform on which we base our environmental
practices, supporting and reinforcing our climate
change mitigation efforts. We maintain our leading
approach to promote environmentally friendly
technologies within the telecommunication sector, by
fully intending to develop Syriatel’s stated ambition
of being at the forefront of implementing an effective
sustainable strategy promoting green growth in the
telecommunications sector.
Customer Care
Transparency and Fair Pricing
We develop trust by providing reliable products and
services, and by setting a clear, transparent and fair
pricing. We have shown great interest in providing
convenient packages to our customers to make
considerable savings in their consumption.
Economic Performance
We believe at Syriatel that the establishment of
successful short-term financial targets set forth in
a manner, which they are realistic and achievable,
paves the way for the success of long-term targets,
whose impacts sustain far greater benefits.
Responsible Marketing
At Syriatel, we understand the importance of
satisfying the dynamic realm of delivering to our
target market, which has been shaped in line with
Syriatel’s sustainable marketing operations.
Privacy and Data Protection
Being a telecommunications company, we are
committed to respect and preserve our client’s
privacy. We have taken this with great importance
and have informed our customers of our privacy
policy. We also have an information security
management system in place, which complies with
internationally recognized ISO 27001 standard.
This standard is considered as a leading practice
in information technology security, and will enable
us in maintaining the security of our customers’
information and privacy.
We also have identified a variety of other issues
that could be material to our operations. Some of
them are governance, supply chain management,
diversity of employees, gender balance and climate
change. We are committed to address these issues
and the rest of our stakeholders’ concerns in the
future. For the purpose of this report, we have
focused only on high priority topics.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Governance
Risk Management
Corporate governance is key to our core ethics that
incorporates our business strategy and operational
plans. We follow strict adherence to compliance with
the laws and regulations of the Government of the
Syrian Arab Republic. Corporate governance plays
an important role in our sustainable growth through
responsibly managing business. Currently, and in the
past, corporate governance has been pivotal to the
transparency of Syriatel. We have constituted a Board
of Directors, who strive to ensure that our corporate
governance principles reflect our code of conduct,
vision, shared values, common business principles
and practices. The Board drafts the overall corporate
strategy and connects it with stakeholder interests.
The sustainable success of Syriatel depends on how
quick we are to identify the risks and opportunities
arising from our operations, and how far-sighted we
are in managing them. Doing so allows us to mitigate,
control and prevent certain risks from occurring, and
be prepared if certain foreseeable or unforeseeable
scenarios arise.
Seven Head of Units, along with the CEO, are
responsible for developing the strategic direction
of the company based on the suggestions of the
Board of Directors, while the corporate strategy is
implemented by nine Department Directors. The
Investor Relations Unit outlines the requirements
of shareholders and conveys the information to
the CEO and the Board of Directors for action. We
enable an open line of communication between our
employees and the management. Our sustainability
reporting strategy takes into account the creation of
our sustainability strategies, obtaining stakeholder
feedback, performance monitoring and interaction with
•Health and safety risks
Our Market Share
Syriatel is the leading telecommunications company in
Syria with about 7.4 million customers its fold.
We have categorized the risks to enable us to manage
them effectively and take steps to mitigate them. The
key risks Syriatel faces are:
•Operational and business risks
•Environmental and social risks
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Organizational Structure
Service Provider Unit
Contracting and Legal
Advisory Unit
Investor Relations Unit
Corporate Planning Unit
Regulatory and
Governmental Affairs
Information Security
and Business Continuity
Planning Unit
System Audit Unit
Service Dept
Sales Dept
System Dept
Finance Dept
Quality Dept
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syrian Economy –
Our Contribution
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Financial Performance
As the leading telecommunications provider in Syria,
we are committed to creating economic value for our
shareholders. We also strive to contribute to the overall
economic growth of the Syrian economy (one of the
most diversified economies in the Middle East region)
through transparent and innovative business practices.
We recognize the pivotal role of telecommunications
industry. As a key industry within the service sector, it
needs to play and to complement the double digit of
economic growth of Syria in order to achieve what is
expected in the next few years.
We have achieved our leading market share through
a strong focus on business innovation while remaining
responsive to the needs and requirements of the
customers. We have created a sustainable economic
model through continued growth, both in terms of
revenues and customer outreach over the last 15
years. Syriatel currently serves about 7.4 million
customers in Syria — slightly about 55% of the total
mobile customers.
We have made significant strides in achieving a
sustainable model in terms of revenue generation and
retaining more than 10% of the generated revenue
consistently. We hope to continue on our growth
trajectory by implementing a long term road map and
product innovation to stay ahead of our competitors
in the market. We shall also add economic value
to the Syrian economy by providing employment
opportunities to more than 2,000 people (up 15%
from 2013) and setting apart of our economic value for
community investments.
Total Economic Value – 2014: 71.5 Bn SYP
Retained Value
(Profit) 13.34 Bn SYP
Value 58.24
Bn SYP (81.70%)
Key Financials
Economic value
Generated & Distributed
(EVG & D)
FY 2013 (in SYP)
FY 2014 (in SYP)
Economic Value
Economic Value
Operating Costs
Employee benefits and
Payments to providers of
capital (dividend)1
Will be published
after General
Payments to government
(STC Revenue Sharing &
Payments to government
Community Investments
(Donations and
Economic Value Retained
Contributing to the Local Economy
At Syriatel, we are committed to making a positive
economic impact locally. We endeavor to source as
much of our goods and services locally as possible
and disclose the value of goods and services procured
locally as a proportion of all the procurements made
during the financial year.
We make procurement decisions on the basis of the
costs associated with local procurement vis-à-vis
procurement from abroad.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
The Society and the Environment
Suppliers and Local Vendors
We are committed to improving the social and
economic conditions of the community we operate
in. We have made investments in community
development programs and other philanthropic
initiatives to the tune of 182.15 Millions SYP as part
of our efforts to make a positive social impact in the
operating economy. These investments are made
through the extensive CSR programs that we run.
In the telecommunications sector, the purchased
goods and services include technical equipment and
specialized technical services. Around 13% of the
locally procured goods and supplies. This has risen
by 2% from 11% in 2013 as we continue to make a
serious effort to increase the purchase of goods and
services from within the Syrian economy. While we
face great challenges due to the lack of production
of technical equipment locally, we are engaging with
our local producers regularly to help them increase
production capacity.
The environmental footprint of the telecommunications
industry is comparatively lower than that of other
leading sub-sectors, such as petrochemicals and
construction. However, we have identified energy
consumption to run our base stations and networks
as our key environmental impacts and have made
significant economic investments to address these for
greater energy efficiency.
Value of Goods Supplied (in Millions)
Locally procured goods and supplies
FY 2013 (In SYP), location FY 2014 (in SYP), location
Value of goods & supplies procured from local suppliers
Value of goods & supplies procured from non-local suppliers
Value of total goods & supplies procured
Percentage Local/Total
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
We follow a customer-centric approach to our
business operations and value our customer
satisfaction. We are aware of the responsibility both in
terms of product innovation and service delivery being
the leading telecommunications provider in Syria.
We seek to understand the needs of the
telecommunication service users to guarantee
customer satisfaction and meet the expectations in an
ever changing landscape.
End of 2013 As of June 14 End of 2014
2G Postpaid
2G Prepaid
2G Total
3G Postpaid
3G Prepaid
3G Total
Customers are moving to higher generation platforms,
and we believe we are in the best position to provide
these services in Syria. There has been a great
turnaround in customer numbers in the second half
of the year reflecting the efforts of our products and
services team to address the market and customer
End of 2014
2G Prepaid 82%
2G Postpaid 4%
3G Prepaid 11%
3G Postpaid 3%
Customer Satisfaction
Customer service is of paramount importance to
Syriatel. Syriatel has been continuously measuring and
enhancing its customer satisfaction and engagement
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) through
great customer service delivery has helped us to
achieve a high rate of customer satisfaction. This
has also helped us to develop knowledge and
understanding of our customers to better tailor our
products. Our dedicated customer service team
answers around 9200 customer calls every day, and
have managed to solve about 90% of all the customer
complaints within the timeframe.
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction through
Exemplary Customer Service
Achieving the highest levels of customer satisfaction
has always been the aim of Syriatel. Continuous
evaluation of monthly customer survey, feedbacks
at customer service centers and engagement with
customers at road shows have provided us insights
for areas of improvement in tailoring products to their
individual needs. This has been vital in ensuring that
contact centers support the exponential increase in
transactions and deliver a ‘best-in-class’ customer
experience. The quality policy at Syriatel expresses
our strong commitment to provide telecommunications
products and services to the Syrian community,
utilizing state-of-the-art technologies. Syriatel has
further made quality a strategic objective for the
company, recognizing its importance for building longlasting customer trust and loyalty. Quality at Syriatel
comes from within, by training customer service
representatives year-round and implementing best
practice global standards.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel has developed six quality related key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance against them.
They are outlined in the below table and graphs.
Quality of
Quality of
Speed of
Customer ‘s
َQuality of
Prepaid and Postpaid Customer Calls
We understand the need to address concerns raised
by our customers through our helpline in a swift
manner. The whole customer experience of being
with Syriatel depends on how we treat customer
complaints, and how we provide customers with
suitable channels and mechanisms to express
their concerns. We improved our response time
to customer calls (both prepaid and postpaid) in
comparison with 2013.
Quality of Customer Service
For any customer, the quality of customer service
leaves a lasting impression. As this is the only instance
of direct customer contact, it is important that
customer service representatives are trained to be
receptive to customer concerns and provide necessary
solutions. Out of five, our call quality has been above
four in the last two years, and this is something that
we will be monitoring to help us provide excellent
customer service. In 2014, we also included ‘quality
of serving customer’ and the ‘quality of system
accuracy’. Both these indicators stood well above
90%, reflecting the positive impacts of our continued
efforts to improve customer service mechanism.
Speedy Resolution of Customer Complaints
We aim to resolve all customer complaints within the
agreed timeframe as it serves to increase customer
confidence and brand loyalty, and help forge a
lasting relationship. Our customer engagement team
estimates the resolution time when the complaint
is made and communicates it to the customer. The
service teams then make sincere efforts to resolve
the complaint within the agreed timeframe. In this
customer satisfaction exercise, we are pleased to see
that nearly 90% of the customer complaints have been
resolved within the agreed timeframe.
We value all our customers and will strive to achieve
a perfect customer complaints resolution score in the
coming years.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our People
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our employees are the core of our organizational
goals and success. We nurture a work culture that
encourages ideas and is driven by youthful energy.
We have people of different ages working with us,
demonstrating our principle of equal employment
opportunities. We also consider training to be
important for scaling up the skills of our workforce and
offering ample career development opportunities.
Senior management
Head of Sections
Head of Units
CEO & Directors
Our Employees Diversity Statistics — 2014
Senior Management
Middle Management
Trainings and Development
& Drivers
We follow a fair, non-discriminatory employee
enrolment process. We believe that our employees
deserve a positive work environment that supports
diversity and equal opportunities. We aim to be seen
as an employer of choice, incorporating varied skills,
experiences and points of view to create winning
work groups. We are committed to appointing female
employees across all sectors of employment with
a view to providing them with optimal and equal
Lower Management
Part- Timers
Coordinators &
Employee Diversity
We are committed to providing excellent training and
career development opportunities to our employees.
We strive to withhold our reputation and growth in
the highly competitive telecommunications industry
by offering skills training to develop a high-performing
Total Number of Employees Trained
FY 2013
FY 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel considers the personal development of each
and every employee as its responsibility. These training
programs include:
•Internal training courses
•Funding support for external training courses
We provide self-betterment training programs to our
employees on soft skills, business and technical ones.
Trainers include external and internal experts, while
the programs are designed to engage all employees at
every level in a constant and active state of learning.
Number of training hours under each employee level.
•Retraining (for those intending on continuing working
at Syriatel)
•Graduate training packages
Middle management
FY 2014
FY 2013
Lower management
Senior management
FY 2013
FY 2014
6,818 FY 2013
FY 2013
All of our newly hired employees will be made to attend
an orientation for a total of three days. There they will
be introduced to the company’s culture, human rights
policies and procedures, in addition to an overview
of our values, vision and mission. This is in line with
developing a positive company culture and promoting
awareness of well-established standards and laws in
human rights. In addition, all employees must receive
a formal training in Syriatel’s policies and procedures
with respect to corruption.
Our policy regarding the training hours of employees
is that the greater the number of years employees
choose to work for us, the more hours in training they
will be granted and funded per year. This is aimed
at increasing the value and bond of loyalty of each
member of our Syriatel family.
FY 2014
FY 2014
Total Training Hours for Employees
FY 2014
FY 2013
Employee Retention
Our people are our greatest asset, and we are
committed to a long-term engagement with each
of our employees. We make this possible through
measures, such as career development training,
attractive compensation packages and benefit
schemes. In the last few years, there has been a
considerable decline in employee attrition
on-year basis.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Employee resignation numbers have dropped from
2013 to 2014. The turnover rate has decreased
significantly from 21% in 2013 to 14% in 2014.
Resignation of Employees by Gender
We are taking solid steps to ensure social, health and
work enablement benefits for our workforce. Syriatel
has been able to create a system which incorporates
the needs of its employees by establishing a corporate
employee benefit scheme.
Some of the benefits which we provide to our full-time
• Social insurance
Employee Benefits
• Medical insurance
• Life insurance
• Mobile handset and usage limit
(for both permanent and temporary employees)
We perform an annual review of the employee benefits which we offer. We extended the provision of mobile
usage limit to temporary and contractual employees in 2014.
Minimum benefits for
full-time employees of the
Social insurance
per employee
Full and temporary
"students excluded"
Full and temporary
"students excluded"
Medical insurance
per employee
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Life insurance
per employee
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Mobile limit
per employee
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Full and temporary
Mobile handset
per employee
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Full and (temporary upon Job)
Full time
Full time
Family medical insurance
We appreciate that many of our employees have
stayed loyal to our business, and we honour them with
milestone awards to celebrate their contribution to our
growth and success throughout their years of service.
Fair Labor Practices
In 2014, we also have a robust grievance mechanism
to deal with any instance of forced labor. We have
taken several measures including the drafting of our
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) procedures with
the intent to contribute to the elimination of forced
or compulsory labor. We have several procedures to
address the issue of compulsory labor.
Syriatel believes in providing a smooth work
environment for its employees and contractors. We are
committed to ensuring that forced or compulsory labor
does not occur in any aspect of our operations.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
• Evacuation reports
Health and Safety
• HSE policy
Some of our employees go through potentially
challenging duties, especially during the installation
and construction of base stations. Handling technical
equipment is also regarded as an additional health and
safety risk employees face in the telecommunication
sector. As a company which considers its employees
to be its greatest assets, we have undertaken several
initiatives to ensure the safety of all of our employees.
Our workforce is actively involved in these initiatives.
• Grievance redress mechanism
Human Rights
At Syriatel, we are committed to ensuring that we
respect the human rights of workers, customers
and the community we operate in. Syriatel has an
organizational policy which clearly lays out aspects
related to human rights at work and while interacting
with the local community. We are constantly working to
ensure that our employees and stakeholders are aware
of the human rights principles, so that they can identify
instances of human rights infringements.
Human Rights Trainings
It is important to have dedicated training sessions
among employees stressing on the human rights
policies and possible infringements at work and
from our operations. In 2014, we have been able to
reach out to almost twice the number of employees
compared with 2013.
We currently have provided training regarding our
human rights principles to around 30% of our
employees. We are confident of extending human
rights awareness training to all of our employees in the
next couple of years.
Human Rights Training for employees
Total training hours
Number of employees Trained
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
We have constituted a formal joint managementworker health and safety committee that helps monitor
and provides advice on occupational safety programs.
We also stipulate that composition of the committee
should be 50:50 between the management and nonmanagement. We currently have 65 members in our
health and safety committee to ensure the best health
and safety standards for our employees.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Serving Our
Community –
Making Syria
a Better Place
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Community development has always been at the
top of the agenda for Syriatel. Our shareholders
and employees have always been supportive of our
community ventures. Philanthropic activities, Promoting
education, cultural developments, career development
programs, employees training, occupational health
and safety programs, support of the martyrs and their
families, charitable programs and sponsoring events
form a part of our initiatives to create a positive impact
on society.
Supporting Orphans and Sheltering Childhood
Social responsibility is not restricted to Syriatel as a
company. Instead, since 2010, Our family members
have contributed to present a monetary assistance to
Our Philanthropic Activities in 2014
Ramadan Philanthropic Activities of Syriatel
Based on our fundamental commitment to social
solidarity, which contributes to the development
of the society as a whole, we are always keen on
continuing our philanthropic activities in Ramadan as
of every year. Therefore, our people visited a number
of charitable associations, one of which was SOS, Al
Sa’adeh old-age Hospital, Almabarreh orphanage and
Alrahmah orphanage to share with the Ramadan Iftar
meals presented by Syriatel.
Syriatel Participates with “AAMAL Group” in a
Blood-Donation Campaign
Our people participated in good numbers in the blood
donation campaign organized by “AAMAL Group”
for children affected by Thalassemia. This reflects the
passion of our workforce for voluntary humanitarian
activities, which we as an organization promote.We
greatly value the formal letter of appreciation from the
Ministry of Health for our enthusiastic participation
in the three-day blood donation campaign for
Thalassemia patients.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Over the Clouds..We Will Raise Our Flag
One of our main objectives of Syriatel is the contribution to build people and to concentrate on their creative
powers and energies. Thus, we always aim at supporting the Syrian innovative brains and creating the
appropriate environment for them to be developed and spread toward the international communities where the
Syrian flag and the name of Syria rise proudly all over the clouds.
Syriatel.. Proudly Syrian
Promoting Education and Cultural Development
We place great stress on development of the youth
in Syria. One of our priorities in Syriatel is education.
So, we always work to present various kinds of
initiatives that support university students, furthermore,
we do believe that it is a must to prepare the future
builders who are the young power for the purpose of
uplifting Syria. Therefore, we gave practical lectures
and workshops in Cellular Telecommunications, and
Telecom Techniques such as (GSM, UMTS and LTE.)
In these workshops, we depended on practice for
transferring the experiences and applied sciences
and enriching the professional experience in business
world. Contextually, we hosted the students of the
Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology
(HAIST) and the SPU students, Telecommunications
Department, in the presence of lecturers who gave
a set of academic directions and illustrations which
practically enriched the lectures and workshops.
Additionally, we paid many visits to Damascus
University Colleges like Faculty of Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Economy and Syrian
Private University, where we gave many lectures that
really included many subjects about career planning,
and writing effective curriculum vita, and the skills
of employment interview, marketing and human
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
National Conference “The Role of Scientific and
Research Institutions in Reconstruction”
In Damascus University, “Amal Class”:
A Reconstruction for Syria
In the frame of our continuous support to all national
initiatives which aim at roadmapping Syria future
in the stage of reconstruction, we participated in
the National conference “The Role of Scientific and
Research Institutions in Reconstruction” reflecting
our commitment to participation and modernism.
The conference was held under the auspices of the
Prime Minister, in November 2014, and sponsored by
We always seek hope on all classes and categories of
society, especially the young, therefore, In September
2014, on the auditorium of Damascus University, under
the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education; we
proudly participated in a graduation ceremony that
celebrated 180 students from Faculty of Architecture.
Their martyred friends gave them more power and
determination to complete their study.
The main purpose of the conference was to share
experiences and ideas among researchers, and to
discuss the possible contribution of the scientific and
research institutions to reconstruction enterprise,
in addition to raising suggestions to the prime
ministership. The conference was attended by Syrian
researchers representing different Syrian universities,
research centre and a number of researchers.
In parallel with job fairs and intercollegiate skill building
workshops and contests, we are also focusing on
strengthening the research capacity in our higher
educational institutions this year. Our role in the
conference on ‘The Role of Scientific and Research
Institutions in Reconstruction’ stems from our vision to
bridge the divide between academic points of view and
the realities in modern businesses.
“Amal Class” is their class name, which came after
the steadiness, and the hope of rebuilding and
What characterizes “Amal Class” is that all its
members submitted graduation projects about
reconstructing damaged or demolished districts in
Syria. Consequently their projects were entitled “Syria
Damascus University, in Cooperation with Syriatel,
Graduation Ceremony for “The Builders of Syrian
Future Class”
The young are the cornerstone of building Syria. So,
under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education,
we shared 250 top students who graduated from
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in the
academic years 2012, 2013 and 2014 their graduation
Graduation Ceremonies
Educating people is one of the pillars we work on
encouraging and supporting its all related activities. For
achieving a sustainable development, we do believe in
urging the young to get knowledge despite hard times
we live in our beloved country. Therefore, in 2014, we
sponsored many graduation ceremonies in different
Syrian universities.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Hand in Hand with Tishreen University, Syriatel Honored
Top Graduates in Faculty of Economy
We boast of sponsoring the top students’ graduation
ceremony in the academic years 2012- 2013 that took
place in December 2014, in Faculty of Economy under
the auspices of the President of Tishreen University.
National Competition of Invention and
Innovation: Honouring 319 new innovations
From Syria with Love:
We participate passionately in all activities which
contribute to raise the name of Syria locally and
internationally, and which truly reflect the culture of
Syrian people. So we boast of sponsoring the longest
varied dialogic show which was called “from Syria with
Love”, and took place in November 2014. Through
this show, we narrated a life and willpower story of vital
people to the whole globe.
Starting from our great belief in the importance of
adopting the young creative talents who always care
to raise Syria name in all cultural communities, and
because we are totally committed to our responsibility
for converting innovation from the individual into a
societal and pioneering situation, we honoured 319
Syrian innovators in the National Competition of
Invention and Innovation in May. The competition
aimed at provoking innovation, supporting and
sponsoring Syrian inventors and innovators through
evaluating, appreciating and honouring their distinctive
inventions, in addition to shining light on them,
and connecting them to investors whose role is to
convert these projects into precious ones that really
supplement the national economy.
In this very competition, our participation was
qualitative, especially in the Evaluation Committee,
which worked for many months in order to develop
the standards and mechanisms of evaluation which
accurately fit every application types, ages, individual
and group outputs. So the opportunity was available
for all who would like to participate, introduce their
inventions and describe them ideally, which reinforce
our commitment to equal opportunities.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
The First National Competition for Mobile
Phone Applications:”Appd3”
As of our belief in consolidating creativity, APPD3
Competition was launched. Its name came after its
core of innovation, just use your capabilities, indulge in
challenge, go through programming language, you are
Syrian, innovate with no limits.
“Appd3” is a national project we started hand in hand
with the Syrian Computer Society (SCS) to motivate
the young to go through the field of mobile applications
industry which is considered one of the most
widespread industries nowadays.
Many Syrian young men and women from different
Syrian universities and institutes participated in this
competition, where they came up with great mobile
applications which dealt with many sides of the
needs of the Syrian community. Ranged categories
of applications were produced in an innovative variety
of entertainment, political, information, educational,
services and many other applications.
The best service- Application award was granted to
" which was developed by Mr. Mohamed
Samer Shattah, and Mr. Mulhem Mahmoud, whereas
the best Mobile phone Medical-application award was
granted to “GlobeMed”, which was developed by Mr.
Mohammed Malaz Baghdadi. In the same context,
the best Mobile tourist-application award was granted
to “ShaMapp” which was developed by Mr. Fouad
George Khoury. The games-application award was
presented to “Catch Him” which was developed by
Mr. Duraid Hassan Abdullah, Mr. Ali Fatek Arous and
Mr. Majd Ghada, and the best children-application
award to "
" which was developed by
Mr. Mohammed Jalal Bayrakdar. In relation to the best
design of application awards, it was granted to “Love
Damascus” application which was developed by Mr.
Eyad Mahmoud Riyad Rashad.
The sky is the limits of the Syrian innovation, which
appeared obviously in “APPD3” when Syrians proved
that they are stronger than any embargo imposed on
their country, as they are always able to give, innovate
and challenge all circumstances and stay up-to-date
with the latest mobile apps industries.
In “Brains War” the Syrian Flag Over the
Clouds, and a Companion of the Syrian Young
In the frame of our support locally and internationally
to the Syrian brains, we had a journey with a good
number of young people in the programming contest
of the university students which is called “Brains War”
In the former season, (SCS) and we supported the
Syrian team “Titenz” to participate in the international
programming contest, which took place in Russia in
June 2014. The Syrian team raised the Syrian flag in
Russia with ACM CEO. “I am so proud to raise the
flag of Syria with you because I’m totally aware how
your accomplishment is great, and I know that raising
the flag is an honor to all of your country’s citizens”.
ACM CEO said expressing his appreciation for Titenz
great accomplishment. In the international contest,
Titenz; the 3- year experience team; competed with
international proficient teams who have 40 years of
experience in this field. The level that the Syrian team
achieved in this contest was 84. Additionally, they
have achieved regionally the second place in this
competition. It’s worth mentioning that before the
international contest, Titans Team attended a training
camp in Beirut that joined a coach who is one of the
best 100 coaches all around the world. This camp
was organized by us and the Syrian Computer Society
(SCS). Titnez success has had a great impact on the
new season especially that Titens team was hosted
by the first lady Mrs. Asmaa Al- Assad, in addition to
the big care that we and universities showed for this
contest. Therefore, that led to touch the noticeable
improvement on both the quantitative and the
qualitative level.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
In the National programming contest 9 teams have
been nominated to the regional programming contest
which qualified in it MC^2 team to the international one
which will take place in Morocco- Marrakesh.
The Beautiful Syria program
Syria Participate in the “International Contest
of Robot Olympiad”
A key achievement in 2014 is our sponsorship of the
World Robot Olympiad. Several bright young minds
shared their thoughts on pioneering scientific ideas
during the event. The initiative bears testimony to our
goal of transforming the Syrian economy to one which
boasts world-class research capabilities.
To support creativity and participate in skills
development in information technology, a new stage
of cooperation between Syriatel, Syrian Computer
Society (SCS), and “Fikrah” Foundation, the “National
Contest of Robot Olympiad” was organized in
September 2014.
In this contest 100 young people and children between
9 and 19 years old, confirmed again the truth of the
Syrian innovation and recognition in all fields.
“Challenger 963” from HIAST and “United partum”
teams won out of 30 ones and qualified to participate
in the “International Contest of Robot Olympiad”.
The International Contest took place in Russia where
“Challenger 963” achieved on the Arab level the first
place and the fifth place on the international level.
We believe that our nation has a unique cultural
identity that we have a duty to promote. To
this effect, we have joined hands with Syrian
Computer Society (SCS) to implement the
‘Beautiful Syria’ program. The program
demonstrates the strong links between the
Syrian community and historical civilizations
by means of published and modified content
accessible on the local Syrian website
‘Modawanet Watan- eSyria’.
SCS and Syriatel Presented Many Workshops Attended
by 570 Students
We are always keen on communicating the young and
transferring our experience in both telecommunications
and mobile phones areas. Therefore, in cooperation
with SCS, we equipped many workshops for students
under the title “Mobile Applications Development and
an Introduction to Information Security”, that took
place in the attendance of more than 250 students
from Lattakia University, 120 students from Tartus and
200 students from Damascus.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
World Robot Olympiad
The Organizing Committee for the World Robot
Olympiad honoured Syriatel for its sponsorship of the
National Competition of Olympiad.
The main purpose of managing these workshops is
conducting Informatics Students, Telecommunications,
Computing and Technologies to be on the right track
of investing their capabilities and talents, discussing
practical ideas that are related to the mechanism
of developing applications from the very moment of
the occurrence of the idea till adding the finishing
touches when the application becomes ready-to-use
one, without neglecting the importance of application
Al Basel Trophy
We received Al Basel trophy for 2014 from the Ministry
of Internal Trade and Consumer’s Protection for our
contribution to the ‘National Competition of Innovation
and Invention’.
Awards and Recognitions
Letter of Appreciation
We were the proud recipients of several awards in
2014 for our key role in developing youth skills and
bringing community development and sustainability
under the wing of our business.
Ministry of Health directed a letter of thanks to Syriatel
in appreciation of its employees who volunteered in the
three-day campaign of blood donation for Thalassemia
The Syrian Computer Society (SCS) presented us a
trophy upon launching our “Beautiful Syria” initiative,
which aims at enhancing the local digital content
available in “Modawanet Watan- eSyria” through
publishing it on the various e-communication media
channels and mobile applications. “Beautiful Syria”
is considered one of the initiatives written in the
memorandum signed with SCS, which includes many
projects that contribute to the development process of
our Syria.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Support Programs for the Martyrs
Families of the Syrian Army
Martyrs’ Families Are Our Responsibility
We honor the Syrian Arab Army for their role in
protecting the nation. We humble recognize their noble
efforts through donations to wounded soldiers and
other annual initiatives.
1000 Public University Students Receive a Monthly
In 2014, in appreciation of martyrs infinite generosity,
because of the surrounding circumstances, we
launched a program to support the families of the
martyrs of the Syrian Arab Army because of their great
sacrifices for all Syrian people and as a part of Syrian
community, which is our main strategy, we presented
for more than 5240 Martyrs families different types of
initiatives that consider the age and needs of these
families to help them in building and continue their
future life positively and effective.
We give 1000 students, who belong to the families
of Syrian Arab Army, a monthly stipend to help them
continue their higher education in any Syrian public
university until they graduate.
The below initiatives are included in Syriatel program:
1000 Young People Benefit from Employment
Opportunities and Internship Programs at Syriatel
We gave 1000’s of young men and young women
the opportunity to benefit from employment to join
our family and be part of its success. The young
can benefit from this initiative if they fulfil the needed
requirements of the announced vacancies published
on Syriatel website. Students also can apply for other
vacancies and work as part-timers which fit their
university schedule. Consequently, these students will
gain an experience that enriches their career in the
1000 Ladies Benefit from Vocational Courses.
In cooperation with the General Union of Syrian
Women, 1000 ladies can benefit from vocational
courses which enable them to start their own business
and contribute to build their own community. At
the end of these courses, we, Syriatel, will offer
each woman a sewing machine after she passes
successfully the course.
1000 Children Became Syriatel Shareholders.
We allocate 25 shares for each child, whereas shares
will be managed by a charitable association which was
founded specially for this purpose. We will hand in all
shares and dividends to the beneficiaries when they
reach the legal age to help them build their future.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Bringing Together 60 Love Stories
1000 Young Men Benefit from Training Opportunities
and Skills Development Programs in a Mutual
Cooperation Between Syriatel and SCS.
The training program includes computer courses, at
the end of each course, there will be an ICDL test,
and a certificate will be awarded accordingly. The
training program also includes English courses which
will be organized in cooperation with the SCS. As
for skills development courses, they will be provided
by our team to develop the personal, practical and
administrative skills of the beneficiaries, such as
managerial, leadership, career planning, CV writing
skills, presentation, problem solving, decision making
and effective communication skills.
Syriatel wreathed 120 love stories with everlasting
blessed marriage in the national celebrity “SAWA
AL HELWEH WA ALMERRAH”. The wedding was a
special celebration of life and better future which was
made because of the great sacrifice of the Syrian Arab
Army. In the presence of many Syrian celebrities, the
wedding took place in View Restaurant in Lattakia
on 09.October.2014, when the Syrian singer Wafik
Habeeb starred.
Ward and Ghar Confectionery
We proudly launched Ward & Ghar initiative to be a
bundle of Syrian products gathered and made with
Syrian love and generosity. 20 ladies participated in this
initiative to prepare the most delicious Syrian foods,
whose raw materials were harvested from 50 orchards
and groves that was owned by martyrs’ families.
Women were trained and qualified professionally
to prepare 26 varied products that was nourished
distinctively and attractively by 25 young men with
special needs. Moreover, 42 craftsmen collected these
products in a handmade bamboo implements and
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Launching this program comes after our commitment
to “SAWA” message which was directed by
the President in his speech, when he exactly wants
from it to gather Syrian people, especially in this
very critical stage which need the unity of all Syrians
hand in hand. In all our initiatives, we embody our
companionship with the different sectors, public,
NGOs or private companies to stress the importance
of all community’s bodies, which will reconstruct Syria
together and hand in hand.
Fi Amal Ceremony
In appreciation of the martyrs of truth, media martyrs,
who gave everything to uncover the conspiracy plotted
against Syria, 40 media martyrs’ families benefit from
the initiatives program, like the families of the martyrs
of the Syrian Arab Army. In the same context, we
honoured the martyrs of truth in the ceremony
“Fi Amal”, which was made in cooperation with
Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Information.
“Martyrs are in need of a minute of action rather than a minute of silence”.
Duraid Lahham in Fi Amal Ceremony.
“When Syriatel made this great mass wedding as a celebration for all Syrians, it assured that Syria survives
in spite of pains”.
The actor Bashar Ismail in “SAWA AL HELWEH WA ALMERRAH”
To know more about Syriatel Program to Support the Martyrs’ Families of the Syrian Arab Army,
please check the appendix: http://www.syriatel.sy/sites/default/files/Upload/Martyrs-Families-Are-OurResponsibility-ar.pdf
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Success Stories
of our People in
the Social Front
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Supporting Employees
Alaa Idelbi, Syriatel Gives Me Full
Support Because I Represent Syria
Controlling a Robot Using an “Eyeball”,
a New Syrian Achievement in the
Invention Arena
Alaa Idelbi is a well-known professional basketball
player in Al-Wahda Club. He is a member of our
family and holds a bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration from the International University for
Science and Technology.
Our colleague “Rahaf Al-Sharif” won the Best
University Inventor Award in the National
Competition of Invention and Innovation by
presenting her invention “controlling a robot using
eyeball.” This is an integrated engineering system
which will be applied on a robotic wheelchair that is
used for people with limited mobility to control their
chairs. This could be done with their eyeballs for
making the task easy.
His basketball team won in the finals and this
would not have been possible without continuous
exercises which may oblige him to travel abroad.
Syriatel has been very supportive to him in these
aspects. “We all hope to live joy again in this
country. Therefore, Syriatel supports everything for
Syria,” Alaa said.
“In addition to the support I get from my club,
my coach and my family, Syriatel has a great role
in encouraging and supporting me especially in
my last achievement. Unless my family Syriatel is
supportive, I will not be able to play energetically
and work with my team on achieving good results,”
Alaa added.
What characterizes Rahaf’s invention “Controlling
A Robot Using Eyeball” is its obstacles-avoiding
system. This enables people to make quick
decisions to be sent to the robot for changing its
speed, where it can avoid any accidental collisions.
“I am owed to Syria to raise its name and flag
in all local and international forums; I decided
to participate in the National Competition of
Innovation and Invention to develop my idea in
the professional environment. Moreover, this
contest was a real opportunity to present my
invention and discuss it with people who believe
in the Syrian young and support them, certainly
I’m talking here about my second family, Syriatel,
and may I mention here the support that Syriatel
has been providing to my colleague the champion
‘Mohammed Khalid Mohammad,’” Rahaf
Al-Sharif said.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Mohammed Al- Mohammed Dedicates his
Win to all Syrian Mothers
In 2014, Mhd Mhd won many medals in different
countries around the world. He won a gold medal
for shot put and a silver one for javelin in the
International Championship for people with special
needs in the UAE. The Syrian athlete also won two
gold medals for both shot put and javelin in China.
The Second Asian Athletics for people with special
needs in South Korea saw him bag a gold medal for
shot put and a silver one for javelin.
“The more competitive the champion is the greater
my accomplishments will be when I raise the flag. I
would like to thank everybody who supported and
encouraged me, my family, my coaches, and Syriatel
family who believed in my capabilities and supported
me whenever I needed that. My achievements are
dedicated to every Syrian mother encouraging
her children in spite of the current hard times, to
continue their lives and achieve more and more for
their homeland, Syria,” Mhd Mhd said.
Our Social Support Services
Our commitment to Syrian communities extends
beyond guaranteeing connectivity services. Since
our inception, we allocated short-code numbers for
a specific purpose, which is donation to charities in
the Syrian Arab Republic. Through such services,
charitable associations get funds which assist them to
accomplish their philanthropic projects continuously.
Short Code Charity Service
BASMA Childhood Cancer Association
Syria Trust For Development (donation
to Martyrs’ Mothers)
AAMAL Organization for Disabled
Supporting the wounded soldiers of
Syrian Arab Army
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syria’s Environment
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Proposal
We have seen great economic and industrial progress
around the world reflected in Syria in the past
century. But one of the prices we have paid for such
development is the consequent stress on the natural
environment and the climate. In the last few years,
there have been increasing awareness and recognition
of the need to address these issues through collective
In this context, Syriatel believes that the business
world has the dual responsibility of driving
economic progress and societal transformation.
We are committed to monitoring and disclosing our
environmental performance indicators and the various
programs which we have undertaken to integrate
environmental sustainability in our business. We also
recognize the specific threats that climate change
poses to the Syrian economy, including the possibility
of gradual desertification of landmass, along with water
and energy shortage.
To combat the environmental challenges, we believe
that the country needs concerted action from
businesses, the government and individuals alike.
Being the leading telecommunications company in
Syria, we want to play a proactive role in addressing
the relevant environmental challenges in the sector.
To this end, we have identified three key material
aspects relating to the environmental impact from our
• Improving our energy efficiency
• Incorporating green solutions and practices through
• Measuring our carbon footprint
• Cutting down power consumption
• Utilizing space resourcefully
• Facilitating 2G/3G compatibility in the same cabinet
to save energy and space
We are constantly working toward utilizing energy
optimally and leveraging renewable energy. We strive
to identify areas where we can use energy conserving
equipment and replace conventional energy with
renewable energy.
Our strategic plan and commitments to address
the issue of energy efficiency have set a model for
other companies in Syria wanting to practice energy
Water Usage
The supply and sources of water are under increasing
stress from the changes in global weather patterns and
man-made climate change.
Municipal water usage 20,394
(in million cubic metres)
Green Solutions and Practices in Our Business
We are intent on identifying areas for reducing our
resource usage and discharge and minimizing the
impact at each level of our operation. The two areas
identified for resource minimization last year were:
• Paper usage at both our offices and billing process
• Introduction of fast charging battery to conserve
Energy Efficiency
Like most mobile telecommunications companies, the
majority of our environmental impacts relate to energy
usage associated with the installation and running of
our base stations. The main initiatives undertaken in
terms of base station are:
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Paperless Billing
Saving paper in our operations could have a significant
ripple effect on our efforts to make a positive
environmental difference in terms of conserving
trees, saving electricity on printing and reducing the
environmental impact of transport and disposal of
Paperless Project
Paper saved
Non-printed invoice Printed
paper saving
Ream of Paper
Kilograms (kg) of
Megawatt hours
(MWh) electricity
Water liters
Fuel liters
Ton air pollution
We have saved more than six tons of paper as part
of our ‘Paperless Project’. This is equivalent to saving
100 trees and 175000 Water Liters. Additionally, we
have saved more than 20,000KWh of electricity by
replacing the printing of invoices with sending bills
through short messages service (SMS) and multimedia
messages service (MMS).
The bulk of our energy and paper saving is made
possible through the kiosks which we have installed
across the country, so that customers can access their
accounts and make payments. This will also make
the transformation from paper billing to electronic or
digital billing smooth and hassle-free for our customers
across Syria.
Non-printed invoice
Ream of paper
Kg of paper
Promoting Renewable Energy
We are keen to achieve maximum usage of renewable
energy sources for our impact and operations. In 2014,
we have achieved 60% energy reduction in 300 base
stations by powering these locations from renewable
energy sources. Our renewable energy sources are
predominantly solar and wind, and we plan to have
a more diverse renewable energy pool in the coming
Making use of renewable energy will result in significant
cost savings apart from reduced environmental
footprint which is associated with purchasing energy
from the grid. This will also reflect positively on our
carbon footprint measurement, and we are already
witnessing the energy purchase from grid fall as a
result of our program to power more base stations with
renewable energy.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Measuring our Carbon Footprint
We have taken the initiative to measure and report our carbon footprint to understand the impact of our
operations. We have developed a mechanism to gather data on our CO2 output both internally and externally.
This voluntary disclosure reinforces our commitment to be a leader in integrating environmental performance in
business operations in Syria.
The exercise also helps us to undertake targeted measures to mitigate our environmental impact.
Emissions per Source and Year
tCO2 2013
tCO2 2014
% increment
Fuel Consumption in self-owned vehicles
Fuel Consumption in DG sets for back-up power
Use of refrigerant for air conditioning
Electricity purchased from the grid
Business Travel
Daily employee commutation
Municipal waste disposal
Scope 1. Direct emissions
Scope 2. Indirect emissions
Scope 3. All other Indirect emissions
Scope 1
Fuel Consumption in Heaters
Scope 2
Electricity system
Scope 3
Emissions per Scope
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
• Daily employee commutation (under scope-3) is
the next major source that equates to about 2% in
the year 2013, and the third main source of GHG
emissions in the year 2014 with 3% of the total
Total Emissions
194 293
691 792
Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Electricity purchased
in self-owned
in DG sets for
from the grid &
back-up power
Electricity System
& Heaters
Daily employee
In 2014, we have achieved significant reduction of
scope 2 emissions (emissions from electricity of grid)
through our efforts to replace energy from the grid
with renewable sources. We will conduct dedicated
programs to address the rise in our scope 1 and scope
3 emissions (direct emissions from fuel consumption
and indirect emissions).
Summary of GHG Emissions
We know that much of our emissions come from the
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emitted from the electricity
consumed at telecom locations and offices.
• Syriatel was responsible for 31,384 tons of
emissions in 2014. Direct emissions were 11005
• The largest share of GHG emissions was from
consumption of purchased electricity (under scope2) which contributes to 81% in 2013 and 62% in
2014 of the total GHG emissions. These decreases
in emissions were due to the increased energy
efficient measures taken up at Syriatel offices and
tower locations.
• In Scope 2- Electricity purchased from the electricity
grid, GHG emissions have decreased by 24% in
2014 compared to the 2013.
• 104% increase in Scope 1 emissions in the year
2014 as compared to 2013, especially due to an
increase in fuel consumption in heaters self-owned
vehicles due to increase in number of employees
computing to the offices by Syriatel owned vehicles.
With a total of 31,384 tons of GHG emissions in 2014,
we achieved a marginal reduction from the 2013
total of 31,945 tons. Also, scope 2 emissions which
constituted nearly 81% in 2013 has been brought
down to 62% now.
Total CO2 emissions
Total CO2 emissions
Ozone Depleting Emissions
Fire Extinguishers
Dry Powder
Kg CFC-11
175/44 293/55
Fire Extinguishers
Kg CFC-11
Fire Extinguishers
Kg CFC-11
Fire Knockout 1.6
Fire Knockout 5.6
NOx and SOx Emissions
NOx emissions
SOx emissions
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
CSR tomorrow is our dedicated CSR program to
achieve our CSR objectives and to help us develop a
roadmap for long-term CSR objectives. We continually
update the program to reflect the opportunities for us
in the CSR domain.
Corporate Sustainability
• Network Sustainability
• People Sustainability
• Revenue Sustainability
Syrian Company of Choice
• Building up highly competent workforce
• Promoting one family culture
• Implementing effective social responsibility culture
• Encouraging our people caring for other and launch
periodic volunteray programs
One of our key goals is to become the Syrian
Company of Choice for customers, employees and
shareholders. We have made great strides.
We are proud to have achieved several objectives set
in the Corporate Sustainability front. We have made
significant reductions on the cost of our operations by
incorporating smart spending practices.
Customer Boutique Experience
• Enhance the reachability, availability and performance
of Customer Service and Distribution Channels.
• Expand business portfolio to include mobile
applications store & infotainment
Customer satisfaction is central to being a sustainable
business in the 21st century. We focus on our
product diversification and customer engagement to
develop a positive customer experience. Our network
performance is also an important aspect of our
whole customer experience, and we are constantly
monitoring and exploring ways to enhance the
performance of our services.
Best Practice in Management and Operations
• Boost Systems Automation and Clinical management
• Boost Process Based QMS and Standardization
• Manage Corporate KPIs
We strive to follow best practice in business planning,
management and operations. We have achieved
most of the best practice objectives in standards,
compliance and procedures.
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Our Progress
Corporate Sustainability
Achieved & Ongoing
Maintain Sustainable Financial Health
Enhance Smart Spending and Cost Management Practices
Expand Active Customer Base
Boost Backup/Alternative Power Solutions
Adopt Sustainability as a Strategic Commitment
Boutique Experience
Partially Achieved & Ongoing
To Develop Positive Customer Experience & Satisfaction
Partially Achieved
Enhance the Reachability and Performance of Customer Service and
Distribution Channels
Partially Achieved
Promote Syriatel as an Entertaining Operator
Partially Achieved
Expand and Develop our Products and Services Portfolio
Ensure Optimum Network and Services Performance
Partially Achieved
Best Practice
Partially Achieved & Ongoing
Achieve the Transition from Strategic Planning to Strategic Management
Partially Achieved
Develop and Adopt Flexible Information Technology Solutions.
Partially Achieved
Enhance and Expand GSM Network.
Partially Achieved
Comply Business Activities and Processes to Best Practice, Standards and
Partially Achieved
Syrian Company of Choice
Partially Achieved & Ongoing
Enhance Employees Satisfaction.
Partially Achieved
Promote the Love/Heart Culture Across the Syriatel Family
Partially Achieved
Attract and Develop Highly Competent Workforce
Partially Achieved
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
GRI Index
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Page No.
General Standard Disclosures
Statement from the most senior decision-maker of organization
Name of the organization
Primary brands, products, and/or services
Location of organization’s headquarters
G4-7, G4-8
Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions,
operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures, total no of
employees, number of operations
Total number of employees, number of operations
Breakdown of workforce
33, 34
Entities included in organization’s financial statements
Process for defining report content
G4 -26
Approaches to stakeholder engagement
Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information provided
Date of most recent previous report (if any)1
Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.)1
Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents
Governance structure of the organization
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations 22
or direction to the highest governance body
For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state the number and 22
gender of members of the highest governance body that are independent
and/or non-executive members
Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also
an executive officer (and, if so, his function within the organization’s
management and the reasons for this arrangement)2
Values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour such as codes of
conduct and codes of ethics
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Page No.
Specific Standard Disclosures
Direct economic value generated and distributed
Awards received in the reporting period
Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts
19, 26
Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of
Energy consumption within the organization. 3
Indirect energy consumption by primary source. 3
Total water withdrawal by source
Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1)1
57, 58
Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2) 1
57, 58
Other indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3) 1
57, 58
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity
57, 58
Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)1
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method
Significant environmental impacts of transportation
57, 58
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Page No.
Labor Practices And Decent Work
Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by
age group, gender and region
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary 35
or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation
Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint managementworker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on
occupational health and safety programs
Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by
employee category
33, 34
Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per
employee category according to gender, age group, minority group
membership, and other indicators of diversity
Human Rights
Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of 35
forced or compulsory labour, and measures to contribute to the elimination
of all forms of forced or compulsory labour
Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization's human rights 36
policies or procedures that are relevant to operations
Product Responsibility
Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
Syriatel Sustainability Report 2014
For more information, please contact us at
Syriatel, Syriatel Office
Damascus, Syria
Landline: +963 (0) 11 237 30000
Mobile: +963 93 322 2111