Middle School Messenger - Bethel Park School District


Middle School Messenger - Bethel Park School District
image courtesy of: www.ethicsalarms.com Funny April Fools Pranks
What Not
to do on
April Fool’s
By Maria DeIuliis
1. Don’t send “screamers”!
“Screamers” are what they call
the messages that seem to be
harmless, grab the reader’s
attention, then scare them
with a horrifying picture and
usually a loud noise. Don’t
send these. For people that
have anxiety, these can be
extremely harmful!
2. Don’t be the person that
continues their pranking into
April 2nd. Nobody likes that
3. If you know someone has a
certain phobia, don’t target
that phobia! Just like #1, this
can be very harmful to those
with anxiety.
4. Obviously, don’t hurt anyone.
Stick to the harmless pranks
that everyone can laugh at.
5. Don’t joke about death. For
obvious reasons, this is just
By Maggs & Kate (with help from Alexis)
Want a cookie?- Take a pack of oreos and scrape out
the cream. Eat the cream. Once you are done eating the
cream, take a tube of white toothpaste and fill the
cookies with some toothpaste. Put them back in the
package and seal it. Wait for your subject to take a
~ L.S
AIRHORNS- Take airhorn. Duct tape it to behind a door
knob. Wait for someone to open the door. Heart attack in
~ L.S
Cadbury eggs- Cover a raw egg in chocolate and wrap
in coloured paper. Give it to someone. Wait for them to
take a bite.
~ L.S
Surf the interwebs- Take your subjects mouse. Cover
the little light with a piece of tape. What for someone to
try and use it.
~ L.S
Happy Halloween- Make candy apples, but instead of
using apples, use onions
~ L.S
Put Kool-Aide in the shower head and wait for someone
to take a Kool-aid shower they will be like what the heck
my shower is blue.
Tape a Confetti Popper to someone’s door and the wall
next to it once they open the door POP!
Top 10 Fred and George Weasley Moments
By Maria DeIuliis and Alyssa Iampietro
In the Harry Potter series, the Weasley twins are the two
biggest pranksters ever at Hogwarts. And don’t forget, Fred and
George’s birthday was April Fool’s Day. So, happy birthday to our 2
favorite characters, and let the countdown begin!
10. Mooorning- Harry and Ginny are kissing in the kitchen, when
George walks in, sits, stares, and utters, “Mooorning.” (The Deathly Hallows)
9. 5 Times Fast- The Weasley twins were at mandatory dance classes for the Yule Ball. Professor
McGonagall is speaking and says they are “...behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons.” Fred and George
decide to try say that 5 times fast. (The Goblet of Fire)
8. Well done, dragon- It was the first competition of the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and George, with everyone else,
were in the stands watching Harry fight the dragon. Harry calls his broom to him and flies away with the dragon tailing
him. He flew over the stands and the dragon, chasing him, destroyed that part of the stands, which Professor Snape sat at
and fell over. In the distance, all you hear is the Weasley twins screaming ‘‘Well done, dragon!’’ (The Goblet of Fire)
7. 7 Harrys- Harry Potter was to be transported from his house to a new one, as he was turning 17. To ensure his safety,
because Voldemort was after him, they had 6 people take Polyjuice Potion so they are identical to Harry. Fred and George
are 2 of those 6 people. Keep in mind, Fred and George are twins. After they and everyone else take the potion, Fred and
George (who both look like Harry) just stare at each other and say “Wow. We’re identical.” (The Deathly Hallows)
6. Exceeding Expectations- Ron, Harry, and Hermione were all at the Burrow and talking about the O.W.L.’s they would
soon have to take. Fred and George just got their results. They only got a score of 9. Fred says “We should’ve at least
gotten an exceeds expectations. We exceeded expectations just by showing up!” (The Order of the Phoenix)
5. Twins- This one is a classic twin prank. The twins are standing at platform 9 ¾. Mrs. Weasley turns to Fred and tells
him to go first. “I’m not Fred, he is,” he says, pointing to his brother, “And you call yourself our mother,” he says with a
shameful look. After all the Weasleys are through and about to board the train, the twins reveal that he was, in fact, Fred,
and they were playing a joke on Molly Weasley. (The Sorcerer’s Stone)
4. Holey- Just after the ‘7 Harrys’ scene they leave by broom, flying motorbike, or thestral. As soon as everyone is in the
air, each and every one of them is mobbed by Death Eaters. A bit later (almost) everyone returns safely to the Weasleys’
house. Fred shows up after George asking where he is. He walks inside seeing George lying on the couch with his ear
blown off. Gone. He walks up and says “How you feeling?” George responds “Saintlike. Get it? Because I’m holey,” and
points to his ear. “Pathetic. The world of ear-related humor and you go for holey.” Fred said. (The Deathly Hallows)
3. 10 Galleons- Fred and George opened a joke shop called Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Before school started, the
Weasley family plus Harry and Hermione went to their shop. Ron walked up to the twins holding something and asked
how much it was. Fred and George said 5 Galleons (which is the most expensive wizard form of money). Ron says “But
I’m your brother!” and Fred and George just stare at him and say “10 Galleons” and walk away. (The Half-Blood Prince)
2. Age Line Mishap- Only students 17 or older were allowed to enter the Triwizard Tournament. Dumbledore put an age
line around the Goblet of Fire so that underaged wizards cannot enter their names. Fred and George, being 16, wanted to
enter but couldn’t. However, with them being themselves, they tried to find a way around it and they (sort of) did. They
both took some age potion, to make them appear older, and jumped across the line and threw their names in. The goblet
blasted them back and when they sat up they both had long, white beards. (The Goblet of Fire)
1. The Great Escape- The fifth years are taking O.W.L. exams, including Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Fred and George
send lots of fireworks into the great hall to fool Umbridge and fly away from hogwarts on brooms in their final year at
Hogwarts. (The Order of the Phoenix)
Light-Up Dance 2015 photos by Maggie Browning
Apps Of Hate
By: Krista Hammerle
On April 16 at 1:00 pm, there will be a student-led
discussion about social media, and cyber bullying.
There will be guest panelists such as Senator Matt
Smith (37th Senatorial District PA), Ryan
Klingensmith (LPC, NCC Addiction Medicine,
Prevention Education and SAP Services Western
Psychiatric Institute and Clinic), and Aaron Jackson
(Motivational Speaker and Actor, Dangerous Curve
Productions). Mr. Muench told me that they are
trying to make cyber harassment a crime, which I
agree should happen. This panel will basically explain
the consequences of being on Instagram, Tumblr,
Twitter and many other social media websites.
Mr. Muench gave me a flyer that should be put up
around the school. The flyer basically sums up what I
said above. The flyer states: ¨Middle Schools in the
communities of Bethel Park, Brentwood, Canon
McMillan, and South Fayette invite you to a panel
discussion on the intended and unintended
consequences of social media and app use among the
kids in school. The panelists will discuss ramifications
for House Bill 229 which qualifies cyber harassment
as a crime.¨
Lunchtime Book Club
Book Club will meet two more times this school
year, April 8 and May 13. We are reading, The
Christopher Killer by Alane Ferguson now.
Recently, we cast our ballots in the statewide
“Pennsylvania Young Readers Choice Award”.
Statewide results will be revealed in a few weeks.
Our favorite from the grades 6-8 category was
One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.
The Divergent Series: Insurgent Movie Review
by: Paige Bowermaster
Spoiler warning:
If you have not seen Insurgent, and do not want it spoiled. Do not Read the following.
For many
teen readers The
Divergent Series
is a huge deal. On
the day of March
20, 2015 The
Divergent Series:
Insurgent hit all
theaters in the
U.S! I had the
privilege of going
to see the movie
on opening night,
something I did for
enjoyment and for
the purpose of this article.
As soon as the lights dimmed down I knew
the movie was going to be amazing, now
whether that is because I am highly obsessed
with the series and Shailene Woodley, or that the
movie was truly as brilliant as I believed, I’m not
sure. I went to see the movie opening night with
Alyssa, Maria, and Emma. I clutched Maria’s
hand during the whole movie and yes, I started to
sob my eyes out at the Summit Logo. The movie
opened well, it was very accurate to where the
previous movie ended. Starting out with Jeanine
Matthews, the evil head of Erudite, speaking on a
holographic screen, telling all people she was
hunting the Divergents. Tris and Four start off
running through Amity.
The movie has multiple scenes where they
show flashbacks of Tris from the first movie,
which really made the second movie stand out.
And for movie lovers, who did not read the book,
the second movie is easily understood due to all
the flashbacks and accurate explanations. The
movie is filled with special effects, mostly shown
during the simulations. It will definitely get your
heart rate up.
Not only is the movie a hit for teens
everywhere, it is also enjoyable for younger kids
of the ages 11-12 such as my sister who saw the
film with my dad and me. The movie is also great
for even older audiences. I went to Insurgent the
second day also, but this time I brought my dad
along since he had enjoyed the first movie, he
stated the following about the film.
“I thought the movie definitely stood its
own, you know when you see the second movie
in a series and it is easily forgettable? This one
was definitely not, Insurgent held its own.”
~ (Eric Vaughn, March 21)
Some people had the issue that the movie
wasn't relevant to the book at all, I highly
disagree. Sure the movie ended differently, and
they had the faction box, but inside the box was
the message from Edith Prior. The box, in my
opinion, was an amazing idea. The author of the
series said the following about her opinion on the
“I think that its a fabulous way to tie all of
my favorite simulation scenes together and make
it understandable.”
~ (Veronica Roth, During interview)
In the end I decided to go view the movie three
times, and will definitely be hitting the theater
again soon.
Each time I
had the
privilege to go
with a different
group of
friends. All
opinions aside,
the movie was
a brilliant
of the book
with huge
effects and
heart spiking
definitely held
its own.
Next in the
Divergent Series
April Fools! Throughout the month of March, students nominated and voted for their favorite books via Google Forms in order to crown an IMS Champion. The voting became VERY interesting due to the closeness of the voting numbers and the increase in the number of students participating as the “madness” accelerated. The voting was very close throughout the final round, but eventually “The Maze Runner” by James Dashner pulled ahead with 93 votes vs. “Divergent” by Veronica Roth with 66 votes. This competition was run (virtually) through the IMS Library. Thanks to all who nominated and voted! You sure put your chromebooks to work!! See the completed bracket on the next page. If you haven’t read what you see on the bracket, stop by the library to pick up one or more of these popular reads. image from Dallastown Area School District ~York, PA PSSAs will be held at IMS on various days
throughout the month of April. Follow
these simple tips to enjoy stress-free
! Get plenty of sleep
! Eat a good breakfast
! Earn Study Island Ribbons (8th
! Have a positive attitude
Remember to take along a book or
magazine to read after you complete each
day’s section. No electronic devices are
allowed in the testing rooms – including
See this list of suggested “Pick-­‐up & Put-­‐down” books from the IMS Library http://tinyurl.com/q838eha CURVE FEVER GAME REVIEW!
By Nathan Marzina
Curve Fever is almost like competitive Snake. Curve Fever is a
game where you join a lobby, and you can have 6 people in a room
for FFA, without premium, and you could get 8 people with
premium account. You can have a 1 v 1 room where you face off
against one player. You can join lobbies and spectate! I play
Curve Fever with my friends all of the time! It is really fun. The main player plays with the arrow keys
by default, but you could change it to anything you want! You could play on one keyboard, or
online! Curve Fever is fun.
How To Play The Pokemon
Trading Card Game Part 1:
The Basics
By: Patrick May
Ever wanted to know a
trading card game? One fun game
to learn is Pokemon. It may seem
complicated, and the “official”
manuals make it sound super
complicated, but it’s not.
Pokemon is a card game
that is meant for 2 players, in a
player versus player format. To
play, you first must get a deck to
play with. A deck consists of 60
cards; those cards are Energy,
Trainers, and Pokemon. Deck
building is a very complicated
system, and if people like this subseries then I will dedicate a whole
article to that topic.
My suggestion for starting
off is to find a friend you want to
play with. Then go to a nearby
store that carries Pokemon cards.
There, you can buy a pre-made
deck for around $12.00. The stores
that I know who carry these decks
are: Giant Eagle, Walmart, & any
local card store (I live by Top
Deck Cards & Games).
Ok, now that you have a
deck and someone to play with, I’ll
get down to basic gameplay. You
start by shuffling your deck. Then,
you take the top six cards of your
deck, and set them nearby, face
THESE CARDS! Then, draw
(which means take 1 card off the
top of your deck) 7 cards. These
cards will be your hand. You need
to have at least 1 basic Pokemon
card. You place this card face
down, in front of you. Your
opponent does the same. If you
have no basic pokemon cards, then
shuffle your hand into your deck,
and draw 7 cards. Then, you
decide who goes first. You flip a
coin for this. The winner can
decide to go first or second. Now,
the game is set up. Trust me, the
game only gets easier from here
on. Now, I will walk you through a
normal turn, and then that should
be about it!
Start by drawing 1 card
from the top of your deck. Then
you can do a whole bunch of
things, in any order. You can
attack 1 energy card, play 1
supporter, play a stadium card, any
number of trainer cards (besides
supporters), evolve pokemon, and
use their abilities. Then to end your
turn, you either “pass” if you can’t
do anything, or attack.
To attack, you must follow
a couple requirements. One, you
must have enough energy attached
to your pokemon to attack. Energy
requirements are seen by the
circles with different symbols
inside them. A white one with a
black star is called “colorless”
energy. Any kind of energy works
for “colorless energy”. Then, once
all the energy requirements are
met, and you have completed your
turn, you can attack by saying the
name of the attack that you are
using. Repeat turns, you and your
opponent, until the game ends.
I know this is a little bit
short, as the rules of a game can be
very in-depth, so you can e-mail
me at may.patrick@bphawks.org
or patrick.disco@verizon.net for
any specific questions.
Join us next time for the
Pokemon Deck Building edition!
TOP 10 ‘80s MOVIES
By: Krista Hammerle
These are the top 10 ‘80s movies! These are all based off of my opinion of the movies. You can all
have your own opinions, but this one is mine. I’ll have some of the characters and a description of the
movie. I hope you like it!
Number 10 is Footloose (1984). The movie was directed by
Herbert Ross. Footloose stars Kevin Bacon (Ren McCormick), Lori
Singer (Ariel Moore), Chris Penn (Willard Hewitt), Dianne Wiest (Vi
Moore), John Lithgow (Reverend Shaw Moore), Sarah Jessica Parker
(Rusty), Frances Lee McCain (Ethel McCormick), Jim Youngs (Chuck
Cranston), John Laughlin (Woody), and Lynne Marta (Lulu Warnicker).
The movie follows Ren McCormick, an upbeat Chicago teen, who
moves to a small town in which, as a result of the efforts of a local
minister, dancing and rock music have been banned. The film is based
on events that took place in the small, rural, and religious community of Elmore City, Oklahoma.
Fact: The scene where Ren is teaching Willard how to dance, the actor who plays Willard (Chris
Penn), actually didn’t know how to dance.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footloose_%281984_film%29 )
Number 9 is Stand By Me (1986). Stand By me was directed
by Rob Reiner. The movie was based on a novel by Stephen King
called “The Body”. Stand By Me is about four kids, Chris Chambers
(River Phoenix), Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton), Vern Tessio (Jerry
O'Connell), and Teddy Duchamp (Corey Feldman), that go on a hike
across the countryside to find the body of Ray Brower (Kent Luttrell), a
missing child, before Vern’s brother, Billy (Casey Siemaszko), and his
brothers friend, Charlie Hogan (Gary Riley), so they can get their
names in the newspaper.
Fact: When River, Wil, Jerry, and Corey were staying in the hotel for filming, they would pull a lot
of pranks including covering Keith Sutherlands car with mud.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand_by_Me_%28film%29 )
Number 8 is Risky Business (1983). Risky Business was directed by Paul
Brickman. The movie stars Tom Cruise (Joel Goodson) and Rebecca De Mornay
(Lana). Risky Business is about a teenage boy who lives with his parents in the
North Shore area of suburban Chicago. When his parents, Nicholas Pryor (Mr.
Goodson) and Janet Carroll (Mrs. Goodson), go away, he is told not to touch the
stereo system or his fathers Porsche. Joel is just looking for fun when the situation
quickly gets out of hand. The movie contains the famous scene where Tom Cruise
dances to ‘Old Time Rock and Roll’ by Bob Seger. Risky Business also launched
Tom Cruise to stardom.
Fact: Throughout the living room, you can see pictures of Tom Cruise when he was younger.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risky_Business )
Number 7 is The Goonies (1985). The Goonies was directed by
Richard Donner. The movie stars Sean Astin (Michael “Mikey” Walsh),
Josh Brolin (Brandon “Brand” Walsh), Jeff Cohen (Lawrence “Chunk”
Cohen), Corey Feldman (Clark “Mouth” Devereaux), Kerri Green
(Andrea “Andy” Carmichael), Martha Plimpton (Stephanie “Stef”
Steinbrenner), Jonathan Ke Quan (Richard “Data” Wang), John Matuszak (Lotney “Sloth” Fratelli), Robert
Davi (Jake Fratelli), Anne Ramsey (Agatha “Mama” Fratelli) and Joe Pantoliano (Francis Fratelli). The
Goonies is about a group of misfits who live in Astoria, Oregon attempting to save their homes from
foreclosure. By doing this, they find an old 17th-century Spanish map that takes them on an adventure to
find the ancient treasure of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary pirate.
Fact: At the end of the movie, when the kids leave the pirate ship, all the kids are reunited with
their ACTUAL parents. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Goonies )
Number 6 is Red Dawn (1984). Red Dawn was directed by John
Milius. The movie stars Patrick Swayze (Jed Eckert), C. Thomas Howell
(Robert), Jennifer Grey (Toni), Lea Thompson (Erica), Darren Dalton
(Daryl), Brad Savage (Danny), and Charlie Sheen (Matt Eckert). Red
Dawn was set in the 1980s in which the United States is invaded by the
Soviet Union and their allies, Cuba and Nicaragua. The story follows a
group of American high school students whom resist the occupation with
guerrilla warfare, calling themselves the Wolverines, after their school
Fact: After filming this movie, Jennifer Grey said she never wanted to work with Patrick Swayze
again, but 3 years later, she was in Dirty Dancing with him. It took a lot of persuasion, but she
finally agreed to do the movie with him. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dawn )
Number 5 is The Princess Bride (1987). The
Princess Bride was directed by Rob Reiner. It was
adapted from the novel of the same name that was
written by William Goldman in 1973. The movie stars
Robin Wright (Buttercup), Cary Elwes (Westley), André
the Giant (Fezzik), Wallace Shawn (Vizzini), Mandy
Patinkin (Inigo Montoya), Fred Savage (The Grandson),
Peter Falk (The Grandfather), and Chris Sarandon
(Prince Humperdink). The Princess Bride is about a sick
boy whose grandfather comes to read him a story. The
story is about a young woman named Buttercup who lives on a farm in the country of Florin. Whenever
she gives her farm boy, Westley, a command, he answers with ¨as you wish¨ and goes to do what she
asked. Buttercup soon develops a crush on Westley and so does he. Westley then leaves to seek fortune
but his ship is attacked. Buttercup is then forced to marry Prince Humperdink.. Before the wedding,
Buttercup is kidnapped by three outlaws. After that, it leads to a series of events in which ends in Westley
suggesting he become the next Dread Pirate Roberts.
Fact: In the fire swamp, Robin Wright’s dress caught on fire. This was intentional, but when writer
William Goldman saw it, he shouted, "Her dress is on fire!" and ruined the take.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Princess_Bride )
Number 4 is The Karate Kid (1984). The Karate Kid was directed by
John G. Avildsen. The movie stars Ralph Macchio (Daniel LaRusso), Noriyuki
“Pat” Morita (Keisuke Miyagi), Elisabeth Shue (Ali Mills), and William Zabka
(John ¨Johnny¨ Lawrence). The Karate Kid is about high school senior that
moves from New Jersey to California. Daniel is beaten multiple times by
Johnny, Ali Mills ex-boyfriend, after Daniel befriends Ali. Mr. Miyagi then takes
Daniel under his wing and teaches him how to do karate to win in an upcoming
karate tournament, so he can beat Johnny.
Fact: Daniels shower costume for the Halloween dance is foreshadowed
in Mr. Miyagi’s workshop.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Karate_Kid )
Number 3 is The Breakfast Club (1985). The Breakfast
Club was directed by John Hughes. The movie stars Emilio
Estevez (Andrew Clark; The Athlete), Judd Nelson (John
Bender; The Criminal), Molly Ringwald (Claire Standish; The
Princess), Anthony Michael Hall (Brian Johnson; The Brain),
Ally Sheedy (Allison Reynolds; The Basket Case), Paul
Gleason (Richard Vernon; the assistant principal) and John
Kapelos (Carl Reed; the school janitor). The Breakfast Club is
about five teenagers in high school, each from a different group or clique, who spend a day long Saturday
detention together, and discover that they have a lot more in common with each other than with their
¨cliques¨. Fact: A dream sequence, in which Allison (Ally Sheedy) imagines Andrew as a
gluttonous Viking, Bender as a prisoner, Claire as a bride, Brian as an astronaut, and herself as a
vampire, was cut from the final version. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Breakfast_Club )
Number 2 is Dirty Dancing (1987). Dirty Dancing was written by
Eleanor Bergstein and directed by Emile Ardoline. The movie stars Patrick
Swayze (Johnny Castle), Jennifer Grey (Frances ¨Baby¨ Houseman),
Jerry Orbach (Dr. Jake Houseman), Kelly Bishop (Marjorie Houseman),
Jane Brucker (Lisa Houseman), Jake Weston (Max Kellerman), Max
Cantor (Robbie Gould), Lonny Price (Neil Kellerman), Neal Jones (Billy
Kostecki), and Cynthia Rhodes (Penny Johnson). Dirty Dancing is based
in the summer of 1963 and is about Frances ¨Baby¨ Houseman
vacationing with her family at Kellermans, a resort in the Catskill Mountains. During the stay, Baby meets
the resorts dance instructor, Johnny Castle, and also develops a crush on him. Soon, Baby finds herself
helping Billy, Johnny’s cousin, carry watermelons to the secret, after hours party and observing the ¨dirty
dancing¨ involved. Later, Baby finds out that Johnny’s dance partner, Penny Johnson, is pregnant with
Robbie’s baby and can’t dance. Baby fills in for Penny and Johnny soon develops a crush on Baby, too.
Johnny is soon fired for Penny’s pregnancy. Johnny comes back for the last dance of the season so he
can dance with Baby one last time.
Fact: Patrick Swayze thought that the line ¨Nobody puts Baby in a corner¨ was the dumbest line of
the movie. Turns out it was the most popular.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Dancing )
Number 1 is The Outsiders (1983). The Outsiders was
directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The movie stars C. Thomas
Howell (Ponyboy Curtis), Rob Lowe (Sodapop Curtis), Patrick
Swayze (Darrel Curtis), Ralph Macchio (Johnny Cade), Matt Dillon
(Dallas Winston), Emilio Estevez (Keith ¨Two-Bit¨ Matthews), and
Tom Cruise (Steve Randle). The Outsiders is based in 1965 and
revolves around two different social groups, the Greasers and the
Socs. Ponyboy, a 14 year old who is a greaser, is jumped by the
Socs on his way home from the movies. His gang, more like family,
saves him. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally go to see a drive-in movie
when they encounter two girls, who happen to be Socs. After they offer to drive them home from the drivein, they encounter the girls boyfriends. Ponyboy and Johnny get jumped by the girls boyfriends and hop
on a train to an abandoned church in Windrixville to get away from the cops.
Fact: Francis Ford Coppola had the actors who played the Socs stay in luxury hotels and gave
them leather bound scripts, while the actors who played the Greasers stayed in crappy hotels and
had tattered scripts. Coppola wanted the tension between the Socs and the Greasers begin right
away. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Outsiders_%28film%29 )
Those were my top ten ‘80’s movies! Remember, these were all from my own opinion. You can all have
your own opinion on these movies, but this one is mine. I hope you liked this!