El Mundo - Unidad Editorial
El Mundo - Unidad Editorial
2016 A CONSISTENT BRAND El Mundo has a readership/usership that enjoys the content of El Mundo at elmundo.es and that takes an active part at social media. The impact that receives through El Mundo allows them to read in detail, to save contents and gives capacity of segmentation, audience more receptive to publicity. The impact that receives through elmundo.es allows it to go deep into the information, to interact and to have fun. The use of social media allows it to share, recommend, give their opinion and to make their reference circles take part of it. EL MUNDO, THE MOST INNOVATIVE MULTIPLATFORM EDITORIAL PRODUCT M en a n d w o m en w h o their info r m atio n and contact with El Mundo enter tainm ent need s. a t a ny t i m e a n d a ny w h er e i n o rd er t o c o ver MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO EDITIONS SUPPLEMENTS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA 1,6 M Likes on Facebook BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING WITH A GREAT AUDIENCE Unique Users 15.097.000 815.000 53.885 61.930 Paper Readers Orbyt Subscribers Registers in the BBDD at elmundo.es 2,51 M Followers on Twitter 865.696 Followers on Google + El Mundo offers a total digital impacts, audience, composed by registers and social the most interesting media. mix of paper and EVENTS ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO EDITIONS SUPPLEMENTS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING THE MOST QUALIFIED TARGET OF THE MARKET The readership and usership of El Mundo have a very qualified profile. EL MUNDO ELMUNDO.ES GENDER 67% men 33% women 53% men 47% women AGE 44%: 35 to 54 years old 54%: 25 to 44 years old A+B SOCIAL CLASSES 88% 84% El Mundo offers a total digital impacts, audience, composed by registers and social the most interesting media. mix of paper and EVENTS ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS ORBYT A PERFECT PLANNING You will achieve a wider coverage with El Mundo and elmundo.es through a 5 sections campaign at El Mundo and 5 million page impressions at elmundo.es. PEOPLE FROM 25-45 YEARS OLD, B, A-B AND A SOCIAL CLASSES TOTAL Contacts (000) 9.077 Contacts (000) 4.899 Grp´s 21,8 Grp´s 33,1 Coverage (000) 3.497 Coverage (000) 1.852 Coverage % 8,8 Coverage % 11.8 OTS 2,48 OTS 2,81 And you will have a more interesting profile for your brand El Mundo offers a total digital impacts, audience, composed by registers and social the most interesting media. mix of paper and MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING INNOVATIVE FORMATS El Mundo is pioneer by offering innovative formats in the web site as well as in paper. It is specialized in offering ad-hoc personalized solutions to the clients. El Mundo offers a total digital impacts, audience, composed by registers and social the most interesting media. mix of paper and EVENTS ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS 815.000 Paper Readers 126.369 Copies EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING Increasing the Sundays’ circulation to 153.286 copies The greatest opinion leadership power by the hand of the journalists of El Mundo, who make it a unique product. A newspaper with a great With a great editorial offer: prestige and credibility that 1 national newspaper, 12 causes a positive effect on the supplements and 17 special brand advertised. editions. EVENTS ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS 815.000 Paper Readers Multiple formats adapted to the clients ‘different needs and budgets. The supplements and specials of special such interests as: technology, El Mundo are distributed motor, trips, finances, leisure, culture with all the national editions, or home; with proper advertisement covering the entire readership contents and editorial for each target. ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING SPECIALS IN EL MUNDO Special publications and extras about different sectors, adapting the advertising and editorial content to each target. El Mundo offers a and digital impact, complete audience registered users and consisting of paper social networks EVENTS ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS ORBYT EDITIONS El Mundo, 17 on and off editions, and also at ORBYT. ALICANTE, ANDALUSIA, BURGOS, CANTABRIA, CASTELLON, CASTILE AND LEON, CATALONIA, IBIZA, MADRID, MALAGA, MALLORCA, NATIONAL, BASQUE COUNTRY, SEVILLE, SORIA, VALENCIA, VALLADOLID. El Mundo is also a c o ver sp ec if ic task s o f referen c e t h a n k s t o each r eg io n, ad ap ted to i t s reg i o n a l o f fer: 17 d if fer ent ad ver tising reg i o n a l ed i t i o n s t h a t need s. MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED Unique Users Pages Views E-MAILING EVENTS 15.097.000 266.000.000 Average Connection Time 27 MINUTES Daily Users 2,2 MILLION E lm u n d o . e s c o m b i n es health, ho m e and leisur e, t o p i c a l i s s u es w i t h d ef initely, a sur p r ising c el eb ri t i es , t en d en c i es , and r eliable so ur c e o f s p o r t s , c u l t u re, t ri p s , info r m atio n. ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO IP SPANISH SECTIONS SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA Páginas Vistas BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS Páginas Vistas L/O/C 25.061.326 SOCIETY 5.293.100 SPORTS 13.006.038 ZEN 1.851.327 SPAIN 10.890.308 CULTURE 8.850.724 INTERNATIONAL 17.738.673 F5 4.439.892 ECONOMY 6.373.217 It offers a perfect navigation on mobile devices through navigator, as well as through the APP. Possibility of segmentation by local IP Images and videos are protagonists usership possibility of taking part, in a visual and cared web site giving your opinion, competing or that offers the most enriching purchasing, always by the hand of experience. It gives the readership/ expert opinion leaders. ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS ORBYT WEB SITE WITH SPECIALIZED CONTENTS OCHOLEGUAS.COM 1.000.000 METROPOLI.COM 1.000.000 439.000 Unique Users Pages Views 398.000 Unique Users Pages Views Ocholeguas.com is the most Metropoli.com is the leisure and tendencies successful travel website in Spain. It referential website. It gives all the information offers guides, routes, destinations, about cinema, theatre, music, concerts, drinks, recommendations and locations. art, food, plans, shoping and short trips. MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS ORBYT A great part of the users of El Mundo read it through their mobile devices. In addition, El Mundo offers an APP with an easy and fast navigation and the possibility of choosing the most interesting sections. Downloads from AppStore Downloads from Android 959.729 1.151.754 The advertisement is fully integrated T h e rea d er o f E l M u n d o thr o ug h his PC, Tablet o r i s p er m a n en t ly c o n n ec t e d Sm ar tp ho ne d ep end ing o n t h ro u g h o u t a d ay a n d his need s. rea ch es t h e b ra n d MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS ORBYT EL MUNDO COMMUNITY It is composed by influential followers in Spain as well as in other markets. Followers 4.975.696 El Mundo has a p assio n abo ut the c o ntent c o m m u n i t y o f l oy a l o f the newsp ap er and the fo l l owers t h a t d i s c u s s , website. s h a re a n d ex p res s t h ei r MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS BRANDED CONTENT: CREATIVITY, TECHNOLOGY AND CONTENTS We offer brands the possibility of transmitting their values and knowledge through elmundo.es. Each project is totally different and custom-made. We give priority always to the audience, the quality of the contents and how they get to the target public. Successful cases: Boost your SME: Banco Santander A walk along El Prado: Museo del Prado El Mundo has a p assio n abo ut the c o ntent c o m m u n i t y o f l oy a l o f the newsp ap er and the fo l l owers t h a t d i s c u s s , website. s h a re a n d ex p res s t h ei r ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS BRANDED CONTENT: VIDEOS. Boost your SME: Banco Santander A walk along El Prado: Museo del Prado El Mundo has a p assio n abo ut the c o ntent c o m m u n i t y o f l oy a l o f the newsp ap er and the fo l l owers t h a t d i s c u s s , website. s h a re a n d ex p res s t h ei r ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS BRANDED CONTENT: MADE IN SPAIN Page in El Mundo. El Mundo has a p assio n abo ut the c o ntent c o m m u n i t y o f l oy a l o f the newsp ap er and the fo l l owers t h a t d i s c u s s , website. s h a re a n d ex p res s t h ei r ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS BRANDED CONTENT: MADE IN SPAIN Content published in the website + news module on elmundo.es homepage. El Mundo has a p assio n abo ut the c o ntent c o m m u n i t y o f l oy a l o f the newsp ap er and the fo l l owers t h a t d i s c u s s , website. s h a re a n d ex p res s t h ei r ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS SPONSORED. Vía de publicación de contenido en proyectos de Branded Content y content marketing. Incluye contenido creados por terceros y/o curado por UE Estudio. El contenido sigue el estilo de la cabecera donde se publica y se puede optimizar con data. El Mundo has a p assio n abo ut the c o ntent c o m m u n i t y o f l oy a l o f the newsp ap er and the fo l l owers t h a t d i s c u s s , website. s h a re a n d ex p res s t h ei r ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO 61.930 SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING Registered in the database of elmundo.es It sends an adapted advertising message and shows different contents. The clients can purchase while campaign. This is defined by being registered in order to target, gender, age, region do e-mailing and to reach a and consume (sports, leisure, more related audience at each cinema, hobbies…). EVENTS ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EDITIONS ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA Metropoli Awards: Metropoli´s critics choose the most prominent establishments and professionals of the restoration sector of the last season. BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS Motor Awards: it is given to the celebrity of the year. This award highlights those professionals who contribute to the motor sector with their work and effort. Our clients have the possibility way, a wide repercussion in the of joining their corporative media takes place. image to our projects through a Sponsorship agreement. In this ORBYT MULTIMEDIA EL MUNDO SUPPLEMENTS EL MUNDO ORBYT EDITIONS 53.885 ELMUNDO.ES MOBILE / IPAD SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDED / SPONSORED E-MAILING EVENTS Orbyt Subscribers El Mundo Orbyt launches every day the first edition of El Mundo, foreseeing the stand version. It includes all of its editions, supplements and magazines. E - PAPER STAND PC PC Bumper Banner 300 x 300 Vídeo Spot en Galería Animar Anuncio en Papel TABLETS TABLETS Banner horizontal 203 x 151 Banner Vertical 369 x 123 Páginas Páginas Exclusivas Enfrentadas en PDF a Portada Vídeo Spot en Galería OTROS - IPHONE - SMARTPHONE Vídeo Spot en Galería Animar Anuncio en Papel Páginas Páginas Exclusivas Enfrentadas en PDF a Portada OTROS - IPHONE - SMARTPHONE Animar Anuncio en Papel Páginas Páginas Exclusivas Enfrentadas en PDF a Portada Orbyt is an informative support a multidevice access in which the for all those readers who want iPad is the king. to be kept up-to-date at anytime, and anywhere. It is designed for ORBYT TOP 5 REASONS TO ADVERTISE AT EL MUNDO El Mundo is multichannel (paper, web, device, mobile...). Each channel has its advantages and peculiarities, complementing each other and giving to the customer what he wants at each moment. El Mundo has the most loyal, influential readership and usership, with a mixed and very qualified profile. El Mundo has a community of loyal followers that discuss, share and express their passion about the content of the newspaper and the website. El Mundo is pioneer by offering innovative formats in the web site as well as in paper. It is specialized in offering ad-hoc personalized solutions to the clients. The reader of El Mundo is permanently connected throughout a day and reaches the brand through his pc, Tablet or Smartphone depending on his needs. CONTACT WITH THE COMERCIAL DEPPARTMENT AT +34 914 435 508 OR AT ANY OF OUR DELEGATIONS. EL MUNDO IN PAPER EL MUNDO ONLINE SOURCES MULTIMEDIA - DIAP. 01 EGM 2º ACU 2016, Comscore MMX Multiplataforma Julio 2016 el mundo.es sites. RRSS a fecha de Agosto 2016. Orbyt fuente interna suscripciones activas de abonados digitales Marzo 2016. Registrados fuente interna: registrados en el mundo.es que aceptan contenido comercial de terceros. WEB - DIAP. 01 Comscore MMX Multiplataforma Julio 2016 elmundo.es sites. Usuarios Diarios Omniture Julio 2016 IP España. MULTIMEDIA - DIAP. 02 EGM 2º ACU 2016, Comscore MMX Multiplataforma Julio 2016 (edad y sexo) y Comscore PC Only Julio 2016 (clase social) el mundo.es sites. WEB - DIAP. 03 Comscore MMX Multiplataforma Julio 2016 MULTIMEDIA - DIAP. 03 Source: 2º Acu 2016 y Comscore July 2016 elmundo.es sites PC only. * Total coverage (%) calculated using Random Combination. PERIÓDICO - DIAP. 01 EGM: 2º ACU 2016. OJD Enero-Diciembre 2015 SUPLEMENTOS - DIAP. 01 EGM 2º ACU 2016 WEB - DIAP. 02 Omniture Julio 2016 IP España MOBILE / IPAD - DIAP. 01 Descargas APP fuente interna ACU a Julio 2016 SOCIAL MEDIA - DIAP. 01 Datos de Facebook, Twitter y Google+ Agosto 2016 ORBYT - DIAP. 01 interna suscripciones activas de abonados digitales Marzo 2016. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT ADVERTISING DIRECTOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET AND MOBILE AREA Gonzalo Casas - Gonzalo.casas@unidadeditorial.es ADVERTISING DIRECTOR AREA MUNDO PRESS, INTERNET AND MOBILE Juan Goyanes - Juan.goyanes@unidadeditorial.es ADVERTISING Javier Piñeiro – javier.pineiro@unidadeditorial.es Carlos Piccioni- carlos.piccioni@unidadeditorial.es María Jesús Palomero – m.jesus.palomero@unidadeditorial.es María Alvarez – maria.alvarez@unidadeditorial.es Fernando Esquivel- fernando.esquivel@unidadeditorial.es Gustavo San Miguel- gustavo.sanmiguel@unidadeditorial.es Jose María Montejo- jmontejo@unidadeditorial.es Maika Callejas- maikacallehja@unidadeditorial.es Mónica Fernández- mencinas@unidadeditorial.es María Trinidad Martin- mariat.martin@unidadeditorial.es Mario Velasco – mvelasco@unidadeditorial.es Alejandro Pendas – alejandro.pendas@unidadeditorial.es Almudena Delmo – almudena.delmo@unidadeditorial.es Cristina España – cristina.espana@unidadeditorial.es Patricia López Amatrian – patricialopez@unidadeditorial.es Verónica Molina – veronica.molina@agentesdepublicidad.es ADVERTISING DIRECTOR TRANSVERSAL AREA Jose Luis Sanchez Crespo - jlsanchezcrespo@unidadeditorial.es ADVERTISING DIRECTOR DELEGATIONS AREA mar.devicente@unidadeditorial.es VALENCIA Marcos de la Fuente - marcos.fuente@unidadeditorial.es ANDALUCÍA Rafael Marin - rafael.marin@unidadeditorial.es BALEARES Jose Maria Conrado - jose.m.conrado@unidadeditorial.es CATALUÑA Samuel Sanz Llanos - samuel.sanz@unidadeditorial.es NORTE Marta Meler - marta.meler@unidadeditorial.es 2016 THANKS SO MUCH