Fall - Guide to Georgia


Fall - Guide to Georgia
Fairs & Festivals
Fall 2013
Sidewalk Art at the Sandy Springs Festival
Enjoy a weekend of fun at the Sandy Springs Festival!
For the animal lover, take part in the Pet Parade and visit
the petting zoo. For the art enthusiast, the Artist Market
will showcase a diverse array of both fine and folk art.
Teen Territory and the Children’s Park will ensure that the
younger members of your family have plenty to do, and the
fitness buff can participate in the Sandy Springs 10k/5k,
a pre-qualifier for the Peachtree Road Race!
Don’t miss the best way to welcome fall!
Located at:
Come see us
at the corner of
Hilderbrand Drive
and Sandy
Springs Circle
Volume 53
Number 3
September/October 2013
Metro Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7
Sporting Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9
Entertainment Venues . . . . . .10-13
Theatre & Music . . . . . . . . . . .14-15
Fall Events in Georgia . . . . . . .16-30
he Sandy Springs Festival on September 21-22
will include a juried artists’ market, business
and civic expo, children’s park, teen territory, pet
parade, heritage education area, live entertainment, food court, and the Doug Kessler Lightning
5K/10K race. Shown on the cover are sidewalk art
drawings from last year’s festival. See more details
on page 4. This issue is filled with information on
many special events planned for Georgia this fall.
801 Nebula Rd., Manchester, GA 31816
Phone 706-846-2620
E-mail guidetogeorgia@windstream.net
Patty Proctor . . . . . . . . .Publisher/Editor
Hayley Yawn . . . . . .Publisher’s Assistant
Debi Richardson . . . . . . .Graphics Editor
803-259-1990, debi@guidetogeorgia.com
The GUIDE TO GEORGIA, founded in 1960, is the
premiere publication for information on activities and
entertainment in Georgia. Four issues are published each
year, and the magazines are distributed in all 11 Georgia
Welcome Centers, in local visitor bureaus, in hotels, and
numerous other outlets as well as to subscribers.
Subscription is $10 per year. Contents are copyrighted and
may not be reproduced without permission.
hen fear knocks,
let faith
answer the door.
–Robin Roberts
“In all circumstances take up the
shield of faith, with which you
can extinguish all the flaming
darts of the evil one.”
Take the Road Less Traveled!
Off the
and Really
See Georgia!
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Sandy Springs Festival and 24 Hours of Booty Cycling Event
The 28th Annual Sandy Springs Festival will take place September 21-22. The Festival will include the
Doug Kessler Sandy Springs Lightning 5K/10K race, a Juried Artist’s Market, Business and Civic Expo, a
Children’s Park and Teen Territory, Kiwanis Pet Parade, Heritage
Education Area, live entertainment, food court, and more.
The Sandy Springs Festival is the primary fundraiser for
Heritage Sandy Springs, a non-profit organization that
operates Heritage Green, a four-acre city park; there, the
Heritage Sandy Springs Museum in an 1869 farmhouse houses
the temporary Moses Young Robinson Collection (“Wit in
Wood”) wood carving exhibit and a permanent exhibit which
documents the history of the community.
The Sandy Springs Festival will be held at Heritage Green,
6075 Sandy Springs Circle, next to City Walk/surrounding area. Festival hours will be Saturday 9am-7pm
and Sunday 11am-5pm. See website for admission prices. Visit www.sandyspringsfestival.com, call 404851-9111, or e-mail rmurphy@heritagesandysprings.org. For info on events, attractions, restaurants, and
hotels, call 866-511-7742 or visit www.VisitSandySprings.org.
24 Hours of Booty is the one and only 24-hour road cycling charity event in the country. The Sandy
Springs Booty Loop will be October 5-6 from 2pm to 2pm. The event headquarters for Sandy Springs
during the 24 hours will be at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School, 510 Mt. Vernon Hwy. Registration fees
will be on a sliding scale. For early packet pick-up, visit Peachtree Bikes, 225 Hilderbrand Dr. in Sandy
Springs on Friday, October 4, 11am-6pm. For info, visit www.24hoursofbooty.org.
Ongoing Fall Events
Ongoing – Anne Frank in the World Exhibit,
Parkside Shopping Ctr., Sandy Springs. 770-206-1558.
Thru Feb. 2014 – Moses Young Robinson Collection, Heritage Sandy Springs Museum. 404-851-9111.
Sept. 1,2,7,14,21,28, Oct. 5,12,19,26 –
Lasershow, Stone Mt. Park. 770-498-5690.
Sept. 3-Oct. 31 – Music at Noon, Centennial
Olympic Pk., Tues. & Thurs., 12-1pm. 404-223-4412.
Sept. 4-25 – Wednesday WindDown, Centennial Olympic Pk., 5:30-8pm. 404-223-4412.
Admission: $5 Child /$12 Adult
Sept. 4-Oct. 2 – Blue Sky Concerts,
469 12-1pm.
1105 or404-371-8386.
Decatur, Wed.,
October 11 - 27
Stone Mountain Park
Thurs. - Sun.
Sept. 5-Oct. 3 – Jazz Nights, Scottish Rite,
Decatur, Thurs., 7-9pm. 404-370-0888.
Sept. 5, Oct. 3 – First Thursday Art Walk,
Downtown Atlanta, 5-8pm. 404-658-1877.
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – First Friday Art Walk,
Marietta Square, 5-9pm. 800-451-3480.
Sept. 6, Oct. 5 – Roswell Riverside Park
Concerts, Sat., Sun., Mon., 7-9pm. 770-640-3253.
Sept. 6-Oct. 25 – Martinis & IMAX,
Fernbank, Fridays 6:30-11pm. 404-929-6300.
Sept. 7, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2 – Concerts on
the Decatur Square. 7-9:30pm. 404-371-8386.
Sept. 13, Oct. 11 – Southern Filmmakers
Tour, Christ Church, Hapeville. 404-669-8269.
Sept. 14, 28 – Park Market, Centennial
Olympic Park. 404-223-4412.
Sept. 14, Oct. 12 – Turtle Tours (ages 2-5), Heritage Sandy Springs Museum, 11am. 404-851-9111.
Sept. 19, Oct. 17 – Alive After Five,
Roswell Historic District. 770-640-3253.
Sept. 27-Oct. 27 – Pumpkin Festival, Stone
Mountain Park. 770-498-5690.
Sept. 27-Nov. 2 – Netherworld Haunted
House. 404-608-2484.
Sept. 28, Oct. 26 – Alpharetta Art in Old
Milton Park, 11am-4pm. 678-762-1035.
Sept. 28-Oct. 27 – Fright Fest, Six Flags
Over Georgia. 770-948-9290.
Oct. 18-19 – Capturing Spirit of Oakland
Cemetery-Halloween Tours. 404-688-2107.
Thru Sept. 14 – National Black Arts Festival,
various venues. 404-730-7315.
1-2 – DragonCon, Downtown. 770-909-0115.
Admission: $7 Child / $16 Adult
5-8 – Yellow Daisy Festival, Stone Mountain
770-469-1105 • www.artstation.org
Park. 770-498-5690.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Atlanta Kosher BBQ Competition and
Sandy Springs Family Reunion Workshop
Atlanta’s Second Annual Kosher BBQ Competition will be October 6 at the Congregation B’nai Torah,
700 Mount Vernon Hwy. in Sandy Springs. Team meetings and food preparation will begin Thursday
October 3, with competition judging beginning on October 6 at 11am. Visitors can taste the teams’ ribs,
brisket and beans, or create their own team and compete for Best
Brisket, Best Ribs, Best Beans, and Booth Design.
The first, second, and third place team champions for Best
Brisket, Best Ribs, Best Beans, Most Original Team Name, and Best
Booth Decoration will receive trophies. Part of the proceeds will go
to support local charities. All teams must complete the team registration form in advance and the Kosher ingredient pre-order form.
E-mail pitboss@atlanta kosherbbq.com to compete; for additional
info, call 678-948-KBBQ or visit www.atlantakosherbbq.com.
To plan your Metro-Atlanta Family Reunion, attend the Sandy Springs’ free Family Reunion Workshop
on October 19 from 10am to 2pm at Heritage Green-Community Room, 6110 Blue Stone Rd. in Sandy
Springs. Enjoy a complimentary lunch as the Family Reunion Specialist provides insider tips and a Family
Reunion Planning Guide that details each step you’ll need to take in making your family reunion a
memorable one for everyone. RSVP at 770-206-1445 or visit www.VisitSandySprings.org/FamilyReunion.
27 – Home School Day at Stone Mountain
7 – Avant Concert, Wolf Creek AmphiPark. 770-498-5690.
theater. 877-725-8849.
27 – Concert, Atlantic Station, 7pm. 4047 – Taste of Kennesaw, Downtown, 11am733-1221.
8pm. 770-423-1330.
28 – Native America Day, Smith Plantation
8 – Sandy Springs Concert with Kinchafoonee
Home, Roswell. 770-641-3798.
Cowboys, Heritage Green, 7pm. 404-851-9111.
28-29 – Duluth Fall Festival, Town Green.
10 – Mumford & Sons, Centennial Olympic
Park. 404-223-4412.
11 – Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q Chili Kick-Off,
Atlanta Botanical Gdn., 6:30pm. 404-577-4030.
12-15 – Scott Antique Market, Atlanta
Expo Center. 740-569-2800 or 404-361-2000.
12-22 – Gwinnett County Fair. 770-963-6522.
14 – Taste of Smyrna, Village Green, 11am8pm. 770-423-1350.
14-15 – Atlanta Arts Festival, Piedmont
Park. 770-941-9660.
19-29 – North Georgia State Fair, Miller
Park, Marietta. 770-423-1330.
20 – Concert, Jess Lucas Park, Downtown
Hapeville, 7pm. 404-669-8269.
20 – Friday Jazz, High Museum of Art,
5-10pm. 404-733-4437.
20-21 – Music Midtown, Piedmont Park.
21 – Marietta Streetfest & Fireworks
Show, Square. 770-794-5710.
21 – European Market on Milton Avenue,
Alpharetta, 11am-5pm. 678-297-6000.
21 – Happy Days Festival, Jess Lucas Park,
Event Highlights
Downtown Hapeville. 404-669-8269.
to Include:
21-22 – Sandy Springs Festival, Heritage
• Featured Artists Market
Green. 404-851-9111.
• More Than 150 Crafters
21-22 – Roswell Arts Festival, Square. 770• Fresh Harvest Market
• Festival Foods
21-22 – National Arms Gun Show, Atlanta
• Continuous Entertainment
Expo Center North. 404-361-2000.
• Children’s Entertainment
27 – Glover Park Concert Series, Marietta
Square, 8pm. 770-794-5601.
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA 5
Southeastern Railway Museum in Duluth
“Georgia’s Official Transportation History Museum” has an extensive collection of railway
rolling stock from the last two centuries including vintage steam and diesel locomotives,
passenger and private cars, a WWII troop kitchen, a railway post office car, freight cars, and
cabooses. Pride of place goes to Superb, a private car used
by Presidents Harding and Wilson for official travel.
The museum is also home to historic buses from MARTA
and its predecessor systems, as well as steam tractors,
vintage cabs and firefighting equipment. A restored 1871
passenger depot marks the museum entrance.
Special events will include the Boy Scout Merit Badge
Clinic on Sept. 21 and Model Railroad Days on Nov. 9-10.
Train or Treat on Saturday, Oct. 26, will feature costume
contests at noon and 4pm, a craft activity, trick or treating, wagon rides, and story time. The
second Thursday of each month features programs geared towards preschoolers.
Located at 3595 Buford Highway in Duluth, the museum follows a seasonal schedule; days
and hours of operation are available on the website. With ad on page 9 one free train ride with
each paid admission. Visit www.SoutheasternRailwayMuseum.org or phone 770-476-2013.
28-29 – Whole Hawg Happenin’ BBQ &
Music Fest, Marietta Square. 800-451-3480.
29 – Candler Park Fall Festival & Tour of
Homes. 404-606-3595.
1-31 – Atlanta Celebrates Photography
Festival. 404-634-8664.
2 – Dunwoody Woman’s Club Tour of
Homes. 770-817-8100.
2-7 – East Point Carnival. 404-270-7059.
3-5 – Sweet Repeats Consignment Sale,
Atlanta Motor Speedway, Hampton. 770-946-4211.
3-6 – Atlanta Greek Festival, Greek Orthodox Cathedral. 404-633-7358.
5 – Airline Collectibles Show & Sale, Delta
Transport Heritage Museum. 404-715-7886.
5 – Scarecrow Harvest (mkt., music, food,
activities), Dntn. Alpharetta. 678-297-6078.
5 – Crabapple Antique & Art Festival,
Milton. 678-297-2811.
5 – Hotober Fest, Glenwood Pk. 404-271-5050.
5-6 – Norcross Arts Festival. 770-452-1727.
975 West Peachtree Street at 10th Street
All-suite hotel;
Located two blocks from I-75/85,
next to Midtown MARTA station.
404-876-5003 / 800-642-3629
5-6 – Sweet Auburn Heritage Festival,
Auburn Ave. 404-886-4469 or 404-399-0886.
5-6 – Pine Lake’s Lakefest. 404-683-0597.
6 – Kosher BBQ Competition, Congregation
B’nai Torah, Sandy Springs. 678-948-KBBQ.
6 – Sunday in the Park, Oakland Cemetery,
12-6pm. 404-688-2107.
8 – How Sweet the Sound, Atlanta Civic
Center, 7:30pm. 404-658-7159.
10-13 – Scott Antique Market, Atlanta
Expo Center. 740-569-2800 or 404-361-2000.
11-13 – Great Georgia Air Show, Atlanta
Reg. Airport, Peachtree City. 855-332-4427.
11-27 – ART Station presents Tour of Southern Ghosts, Stone Mountain Park. 770-498-5690.
12 – Lilburn Daze Arts & Crafts Festival.
12 – Georgia Philharmonic/A Night at the
Movies, Roswell Cultural Arts Ctr.770-594-6232.
12 – Eggtoberfest (Big Green Egg) at Stone
Mountain Park. 770-498-5690.
12 – East Point Fall Festival, Commons
Area. 404-270-7059.
12 – Oakhurst Arts & Music Festival,
Decatur. 404-370-4100.
12 – Fall Festival, Riverview Landing,
Chattahoochee River. 404-888-9348.
12 – Light the Night, Centennial Olympic
Park. 404-223-4412.
12 – Fall Farm Days, Smith Plantation,
Roswell, 11am-3pm. 770-641-3978.
12 – Taste of Acworth, Historic District.
12 – Frances McGahee Youth Day Parade &
Festival, Roswell. 770-641-3705.
17-20 – Georgia Classic Cluster Dog Show,
Atlanta Expo Center South. 404-361-2000.
17-20 – Good Sam RV Rally, Atlanta Motor
Speedway, Hampton. 770-946-4211.
18 – Concert & Chili Cook-Off, Jess Lucas
Park, Downtown Hapeville, 7pm. 404-669-8269.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Scott Antique Market in Atlanta
The Scott Antique Market at the Atlanta Expo Centers, the world’s largest monthly indoor
antique show, features two buildings stocked full of pretty much every antique imaginable. With
366,000 square feet to explore, and over 3,500 booths, plus
outdoor shopping and even a courtyard of merchandise, it’s
almost impossible to leave without finding exactly what you’re
looking for, according to the show's organizers. All things
antique wind up at the Scott Antique Market-antique
furniture, vintage hardware, rare art, stunning glassware,
heirloom silver, incredible jewelry, and so much more.
The Scott Antique Market, described as “America’s
favorite treasure hunt,” always takes place the second weekend of every month at the Atlanta Expo Centers which
straddle I-285 at Exit 55. Parking is free; admission is only $5;
and a complimentary shuttle goes between both buildings.
Show hours are Thursdays 12:45-6pm, Fridays & Saturdays
9am-6pm, and Sundays 10am-4pm. Upcoming shows will be Sept. 12-15, Oct.10-13, and Nov.
7-10. For a complete list of show dates and more information on Scott Antique Markets, call 740569-2800 or visit www.scottantiquemarkets.com.
Fall Jonquil Festival in Smyrna
The City of Smyrna will hold its Fall Jonquil Festival on
October 26-27 on the downtown Village Green next to Market
Village. The festival will feature more than 175 handmade arts
and crafts booths, a wide selection of festival foods, a Fresh
Harvest Market, a Kids’ Zone, live entertainment, Master
Puppeteer Peter Hart, and Scott Thompson with acoustic music
at the Veterans Memorial.
At the Artist Market artisans from all over the Southeast will
have handmade crafts, paintings, clothing, furniture, jewelry, and
more. Festival foods will include cotton candy, candy apples,
corn dogs, hand-dipped ice cream, snow cones, polish sausage, chicken sandwiches, and BBQ.
Festival hours will be Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday noon-5pm. Admission will be free to
the public. Take I-75 to Exit 260; go west about 3 miles; turn left onto Atlanta Road; festival will
be one mile on right. For information, visit
www.smyrnacity.com or call 770-434-6600 or
19 – Sandy Springs Family Reunion Workshop
(free), Heritage Green, 10am-2pm. 770-206-1445.
19 – Taste of Roswell, Square, 12-5:30pm.
19 – Sip of the South (dinner/dancing/costumes), Bulloch Hall, Roswell. 770-640-3253.
19 – Harvest Square Arts & Crafts Festival,
Marietta Square. 770-794-5601.
19 – Steampunk Festival, Barrington Hall,
Roswell. 770-640-3855.
19-20 – Fall Festival on Ponce, North Druid
Hills. 404-845-0793.
19-20 – Highland Games at Stone Mountain
Park. 770-498-5690.
• Free to spectators 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
25-27 – Country Living Fair, Stone Mountain Park. 770-498-5690.
• 250 cars, trucks & motorcycles
25-27 – Taste of Atlanta, Technology
• Oldies DJ • Silent Auction
Square, Midtown. 404-875-4434.
• Monster Truck Rides • Food & Fun
26 – Train or Treat, Southeastern Railway
Museum, Duluth. 770-476-2013.
Take I-75, Exit 144 or 146
26-27 – Fall Jonquil Festival, Village Green,
Smyrna. 770-423-1330.
31-Nov. 3 – Indian Festival & Pow Wow,
Stone Mountain Park. 770-498-5690.
21 A
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Sporting Events
Wings & Wheels Car, Truck, &
Motorcycle Show in Warner Robins
See a $5 million display of 250 antique, classic, and custom
vehicles on Saturday, October 12, at the Museum of Aviation’s
21st Annual Wings and Wheels Car, Truck, and Motorcycle
Show. Strap yourself in and enjoy a ride around the Museum’s
beautiful 51-acre site in a 600-horsepower monster truck, and
“Cruise to the Oldies” with disc jockey Tommy Landrum.
The show will be free to the public from 9am-5pm. Spectators will enjoy battery-operated
Kiddie Car “Runway Races” from 10am-noon, trackless train rides, food concessions, and a silent
auction. Any year vehicle is welcome to compete for trophies. Entry fee will be $20 and $25 after
Oct. 1. Vehicles can register the day of the show from 8-11:30am.
Don’t miss this great day at this large aviation museum located in Warner Robins next to
Robins Air Force Base. Take I-75 Exit 144 (Russell Parkway) or Exit 146 (Watson Blvd.) to the
Museum at GA Hwy 247 and Russell Parkway. Call Bob Dubiel at 478-926-6870, e-mail bdubiel
@museumofaviation.org, or visit www.museumofaviation.org.
Sept. 14 . . . . . Atlanta Hong Kong Dragon Boat
Festival, Lake Lanier, 678-971-9858
Sept. 14-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drag Boat Races
Bainbridge, 229-243-8555
Oct. 25-26 . . . . . . . . . Stand Up Paddleboarding
Challenge, St. Simons Island, 800-933-2627
Oct. 25-27 . . . . . . . . . . Savannah Speed Classic
Hutchinson Island, 843-785-4769
Oct. 6. . . . . . . . . Athens to Atlanta Road Skate
Oct. 12-13 . . . . . . . . Horse Trials, Pine Top Farm,
Thomson, 706-449-2029
Sept. 21 . . . . . . . Beautiful Back Roads Century
(12,27,44,64,105), Cartersville, 770-606-9438
Sept. 29 . . . . . . . Six Gap Century & Three Gap
50 Bike Ride, Dahlonega, 706-864-3513
Oct. 5-6 . . . . . 24 Hours of Booty (24 hour ride)
Sandy Springs, 866-511-7742
See www.atlantatrackclub.org for races
Conyers, 888-860-4224, www.conyersga.com
Sept. 7-8 . .USA Dressage Rally/Appaloosa Show
Sept. 14-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fall Dressage Show
Sept. 18-21, 27-28 . . . . . . .Charity Horse Shows
Sept. 28-29 . .Cheryl & Co. Fall Fest Horse Show
Oct. 11-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fall Dressage Show
Oct. 12-13 . . . . . . . . .Hunter/Jumper Fall Classic
Oct. 13 . . . . . . . .Merrell Down & Dirty Mud Run
Sept. 19-22. TOUR Championship by Coca-Cola
East Lake Golf Club, Atlanta, 404-373-5722
Oct. 31-Nov. 1 . . . . . . . . . . Ga.-Fla. Golf Classic
St. Simons Island, 800-933-2627
Sept. 21-22. . . . . Wal-Mart Bass Fishing Tourn.
Tugaloo Park, Toccoa, 800-864-7275
Oct. 12-13 . . Lake Seminole Open Bass Tourn.
Bainbridge, 229-243-8555
on the
Square in
Braselton, 800-849-race, www.roadatlanta.com
Sep[t. 13-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NASA
Sept. 19-22 . . . . . HSR - Atlanta Historic Races
Oct. 4-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WERA
Grand Marshals “Moonshiners Mark & Jeff”
Oct. 16-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petit Le Mans
Largest Collection of Authentic Moonshine & Race Cars
Motor Speedway . . . . . . . . . . Hampton
Moonshine Run • Live Music •Arts & Crafts • Souvenirs
770-946-4211, atlantamotorspeedway.com
Great Food • Car Show • Cruise-In • Swap Meet
Atlanta Dragway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce
Saturday Night Concert Featuring “Confederate Railroad”
770-682-3782, www.atlantadragway.com
All proceeds go towards helping
Oglethorpe Speedway Park . . . . . . . . . . . Pooler
Children In Need in Dawson County.
912-964-8200, www.ospracing.net
Silver Dollar Raceway . . . . . . . . . . . Reynolds
478-847-4414, www.silverdollarraceway.com
8 GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Sporting Events
The Hiawassee River Railroad
Ride the historic Hiwassee River Railroad scenic rail excursion through the unspoiled
Cherokee National Forest, along the beautiful Hiwassee River, and through the secluded
Hiwassee River Gorge. All trips feature the engineering marvel, the
Great Hiwassee Loop. At the top you’ll pass over a bridge 62 feet
above the tracks on which you’ve just traveled as the rails negotiate
a spiraling formation.
All trips begin with a short bus trip from the restored L&N Depot
& Museum in Etowah, Tennessee. For those riders choosing a trip to
Copperhill, the route continues beyond Farmer through Turtletown
and Ducktown to the border towns of Copperhill, Tennessee and
McCaysville, Georgia.
All trains feature comfortable coach seating with large viewing
windows for standard service. Dome seating allows passengers a
panoramic view from high above the car. Observation lounge seating
provides a unique view from the end of train in one direction. While
traveling in the other direction, the car will be directly behind the locomotive. Passengers selecting
this option will ride in one direction in dome seating and the other in observation seating.
Special rates are available for groups of 25 or more, and charter trips can be arranged for
groups of 80 or more. For information, phone 423-894-8028, x0 or visit www.tvrail.com.
Home Schedules
Home Schedule
Sept. 1-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .METS
Sept. 13-15 . . . . . . . . .PADRES
Sept. 22-25 . . . . . . .BREWERS
Sept. 26-29 . . . . . . . .PHILLIES
Sept. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . .RAMS
Sept. 29 . . . . . . . . . .PATRIOTS
Oct. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JETS
Oct. 20 . . . . . . .BUCCANEERS
Home Schedules
Sept. 1-2 . . . . . . . .ASHEVILLE
Home Schedules
Sept. 1-2 . . . .SAN ANTONIO
Sept. 28 . . . . . . .EDMONTON
Oct. 12 . . . . . . . .MINNESOTA
Nov. 2 . . . . . . . . . .NEW YORK
(see www.usyouthsoccer.org
and www.soccerga.com)
Sept. 21 . . . . . .NORTH TEXAS
Sept. 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LSU
Oct. 12 . . . . . . . . . .MISSOURI
Sept. 26 . . . . .VIRGINIA TECH
Oct. 19 . . . . . . . . . .SYRACUSE
888-TECH-TIX, 404-894-5446
Oct. 26 . . . . . . . . .KNOXVILLE
Oct. 18 . . . . . . . .GREENVILLE
Oct. 19 . . . . . . . .GREENVILLE
Oct. 30 . . . . . . . . .ORLANDO
Sept. 1 . . .Chick-fil-A Kickoff
Game, Georgia Dome
Atlanta, 404-223-9200
Oct. 5 . . . . . .Atlanta Football
Classic (NC A&T vs SC State)
Georgia Dome, Atlanta
Events sometimes change, so phone for
information before driving long distances.
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Entertainment Venues in Georgia
“Swamp Gravy: Brothers and Sisters” in Colquitt
For the past twenty years, community members in Colquitt have been creating their own success
story. They’ve collectively written, composed, and performed original storytelling theatre, and in
doing so have revitalized their dying town. The show is call Swamp Gravy, a reference to a tomatobased concoction that, like the piece itself, varies in ingredients and is full of local flavor.
This community-based play uses true stories told by the
residents of Miller County, and though these stories are
from small-town Georgia, they reveal some deeper truths
about humanity as a whole. With the aid of professional
theater collaborators, Swamp Gravy is performed by
approximately 100 volunteer citizens of the town each year.
Swamp Gravy presents a new show every October with a
remount every March.
Swamp Gravy: Brothers and Sisters celebrates the
special bond between siblings, and the joy, mischief, and
occasional heartbreak that goes with it. Come see why Swamp Gravy is Georgia’s Official Folk Life
Play. Call 229-758-5450 Tuesday-Friday for tickets, or visit www.swampgravy.com to order online.
Atlanta, 404-627-9704,
Sept. 12
Sept. 14
Sept. 16
Sept. 19
Sept. 27
Oct. 15
Oct. 16
Depeche Mode
Kid Rock, ZZ Top, Uncle Kracker
Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, P.J. Morton
Miranda Lambert, Dierks Bentley
John Mayer, Phillip Phillips
Avenged Sevenfold, Deftones, Ghost B.C.
Day to Remember, All Time Low,
Pierce the Veil
706-722-3521, www.augustaentertainmentcomplex.com
Sept. 14
Sept. 15
Sept. 26
Keith Sweat
J. Cole
Rodney Carrington
Newnan, 770-254-2787, www.thecentreonline.net
Sept. 12
Oct. 5
Oct. 19
Oct. 20
Country Comedy Tour
The Broadway Boys
Modern Tribute to ABBA
Korean Cultural Exchange
Atlanta, 888-292-8495, www.chastaintickets.com
Sept. 7
Sept. 13
Sept. 27
Sept. 28
Oct. 5
Diana Ross
Charlie Wilson
Lionel Richie
Martina McBride
Sigur Ros
Atlanta, 770-916-2800, www.cobbenergycentre.com
Sept. 6-8
Sept. 9
Sept. 14
Sept. 15
Sept. 21
Sept. 25
Oct. 12
Oct. 16
Oct. 18
Oct. 19
Oct. 22
Oct. 26
‘da Kink in my Hair
The National
Que Bonita Es Mi Tierra
Englebert Humperdinck
Jeanne Robertson
Tribute to Ella, Joe, & Basie
Wanda Sykes
Ina Garten, Barefoot Contessa
SongVersation with India. Arie
Lewis Black
Radiolab Live-Apocalyptical
Sergio Mendes & Eliane Elias
41st Annual
Arts & Crafts Festival
November 2-3
Sat. (9am-5:30pm) & Sun. (10am-4pm)
Arts & Crafts Booths • Demonstrating Craftsmen
Children’s Activities • Fantastic Fall Foods
Live Entertainment • Gospel Music on Sunday
Just follow I-16 & Hwy. 221 to
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Entertainment Venues in Georgia
Marietta, 770-528-8450, www.cobbcountyga.gov
Sept. 6-8
Sept. 28-29
Oct. 10-12
Oct. 26-27
Cox Jewelry & Bead Show
Ga. Fine & Collectible Book Fair
Jr. League Mistletoe Market
R. K. Gun Shows of the South
706-494-8330, www.columbusciviccenter.org
Sept. 14-15
Sept. 21
Oct. 15-20
Oct. 25
Shrine Circus
Tri-City Latino Festival
Greater Columbus Fair
Merle Haggard
Atlanta, 404-894-9600, www.ferstcenter.gatech.edu
Sept. 14
Sept. 20
Sept. 28
Sept. 29
Oct. 4
Oct. 11
Oct. 18
Leila Farouhar/Kamran/Hooman
Gregory Porter
Sri Hanumad Vaibhavam
Arturo Sandoval
Steven Lin
Hot Club of San Francisco
Duluth, 800-224-6422, www.gwinnettcenter.com
Sept. 4
Sept. 8
Sept. 14
Sept. 21-22
Sept. 26-28
Sept. 28-29
Oct. 12-13
Oct. 25-26
Oct. 26-27
Oct. 27
Georgia Bridal Show
N.E. Atlanta Ballet: Emperor & Nightinggale
Joyce Meyer Ministries
Atlanta Chinese Dance Co.
Sugarloaf Ballet: Snow White
Women of Faith
Intergalactic Bead/Jewelry Show
Michael Buble´
Atlanta, 404-881-2100, www.foxtheatre.org
Sept. 21
Sept. 26-29
Sept. 30
Oct. 2
Oct. 4
Oct. 8
Oct. 9
Oct. 17
Aretha Franklin
The Weekend
Earth, Wind, Fire
J. Cole
America’s Got Talent
Sarah Brightman
Hunter Haye
Peachtree City, 770-631-0630, www.amphitheater.org
Sept. 13 Hotel California/Original Eagles Tribute Band
Sept. 27 Departure & Desire
Macon, 478-301-5460, www.thegrandmacon.com
Sept. 13
Oct. 17
Oct. 18
Oct. 24-25
Oct. 26
Oct. 29-30
Country Comedy Tour
The Ugly Duckling
Modern Tribute to ABBA
Menopause the Musical
Comedian James Gregory
Sphinx Virtuosi
404-851-9111, www.heritagesandysprings.org
Sept. 8
Sept. 21-22
Concert by the Springs:
Kinchafoonee Cowboys
Sandy Springs Festival
Brunswick, 912-262-6934, www.goldenislesarts.org
Sept. 27
Oct. 20
Atwater-Donnelly Duo/Traditional
American & Celtic Folk Music & Dance
Katie Deal/Tribute to Patsy Cline
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Entertainment Venues in Georgia
Sept. 13
Sept. 14
Sept. 20
Oct. 18
Sept. 20-22
Sept. 21-23
Sept. 28-29
Oct. 19-20
Oct. 19-20
Oct. 26-27
Augusta, 706-722-8341, www.imperialtheatre.com
Mountain Heart/Lera Lynn
People Who Must Concert/Tim Brantley
Ballet: Cinderella
Grascals/Andie Blaylock/Redline
Savannah, 912-525-5050, www.lucastheatre.com
Sept. 21
Oct. 10
Oct. 20
Savannah Philharmonic
J. J. Grey & Mofro/Dirty Guv’nahs
Savannah Philharmonic
Mableton, 770-819-7765, www.mablehouse.org
Sept. 21
Oct. 5
Kayla Taylor Jazz
Psycho DeVilles
Marietta, 770-528-8875, www.cobbcountyga.gov
Sept. 14
Sept. 19-29
Oct. 11-12
Oct. 20
Oct. 26-27
Oct. 31
Blue Ribbon Classic Car Show
North Georgia State Fair
Cobb County Classic Rodeo
Boxerstock Music Festival
AKC All Breed Dog Show
Fall Festival of Fun
770-279-9899, www.northatlantatradecenter.com
Down the Street Bead Show
Western & English Show
Atlanta’s Exotic Bird Show
Eastman’s Gun Show
Nat’l. Preppers & Survivalist Expo
Latino Expo
Atlanta, 404-878-3000, www.philipsarena.com
Sept. 13-15
Oct. 19
Oct. 24
Oct. 26
Sesame Street Live: Can’t Stop Singing
Rod Stewart
Nine Inch Nails
Selena Gomez
Atlanta, 404-252-5233, www.punchline.com
Sept. 6-7
Sept. 27-28
Oct. 3-6
Oct. 11-13
Oct. 25-26
Jon Reep
Aisha Tyler
April Macie
Pablo Francisco
Al Madrigal
Atlanta, 404-413-9tix, www.rialtocenter.org
Oct. 5
Oct. 20
Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club
Idan Raichel Project
Columbus, 706-256-3600, www.rivercenter.org
Sept. 7
Sept. 16-17
Sept. 20
Oct. 20
Oct. 26
When Everything Was Possible (concert)
Cirque Eloize Cirkopolis
Black Jacket Symphony
Lightwire Theatre:
Ugly Duckling, Tortoise & Hare
No Shells Stage Play
The Rock, 706-647-6374, www.therockranch.com
Sept. 14
Sept. 28
Oct. 5
Oct. 12
Oct. 19
Oct. 26
Farm Strong Endurance Challenge
Hats Off for Heroes
Lumberjack Day
Official Ga. Day of the Cowboy
Hot Air Balloon Rally
Not-So-Spooky Halloween Festival
706-878-3300, www.snca.org
A covered arena for free concerts and
entertainment, including Kellie Pickler,
Greg Bates, Casey James, Don
Williams, Kidz Bop in Concert, 2013
Miss Cumming Fair Pageant, and the
American Bull Riding Tour. Heritage
Sept. 14
Sept. 21, Oct. 26
Oct. 5
Oct. 12-13
Francine Reed
Contra Dances
Jamboree Music Festival
Liles of the Valley
Village, daily live family shows and
demonstrations, an exciting carnival
midway and much more!
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Entertainment Venues in Georgia
Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival
Plan your trip to Augusta to visit the Arts in the Heart of Augusta
Festival as festival-goers gather to Celebrate Community on
September 20-22. This year, a juried show of fine arts and crafts will
be showcased while ethnic groups from all over Augusta will tempt
festival-goers with scrumptious and authentically prepared regional
cuisines. There will be over 110 artisans, 19 ethnic groups, and
hundreds of performers lending their talent to the festival. Included
will be wood-workers, glass-smiths, jewelry makers, dancers,
singers, poets, painters, and more. Additionally, there will be a beer
garden featuring craft beers and a free hands-on area for kids.
The festival will be located on Broad Street and the Augusta
Common, delightfully shaded by buildings and trees. Local favorite
bands, Mama Says and AcostA, will rock the stage, along with some of Augusta’s top talent at
the Amped Singer/Songwriter contest. See Augusta’s diversity shine at Arts in the Heart of
Augusta; for information, menus, maps, and schedules, visit www.artsintheheart.com.
800-351-7469, www.savannahcivic.com
Sept. 5
Sept. 6
Oct. 4
Oct. 6
Oct. 11
Oct. 30-Nov. 3
Corey Smith
Mighty Clouds of Joy
Eddie Griffin
Loretta Lynn
Hunter Hayes
Disney on Ice: Princesses & Heroes
Atlanta, 404-727-5050, www.arts.emory.edu
Sept. 8
Sept. 21
Oct. 5
Oct. 9
Oct. 18
Timothy Albrecht Performs Bach
Atlanta Music Festival Concert
Mystical Arts of Tibet: Music, Dance
Mezzo-soprano Sasha Cooke
Morrow, 678-466-4200, www.spiveyhall.org
Sept. 27 Violinist Betul Foykan, Pianist Alex Benford
Oct. 13 Pianist Imogen Cooper
Due to our early deadlines, some events are
not posted yet. Therefore, you might want to
check websites for more information.
Come Play In The Clay
Saturday, October
Marietta, 770-293-0080, www.earlsmithstrand.org
Sept. 15
Silent Comedy Shorts
Sept. 27-29 Lewis Grizzard: In His Own Words
Oct. 5
Berenstein Bears Live
229-226-0588, www.thomasvillearts.org
Oct. 1 Tribute to Benny Goodman/Ken Peplowski
Oct. 22 Cellist David Finckel, Pianist Wu Han
Atlanta, 404-733-5010, www.vzwamp.com
Sept. 2
Sept. 7
Sept. 28
Oct. 8
Oct. 19
Oct. 25
Allman Brothers Band, Grace Potter,
Steely Dan
Fall Out Boy
Kicks 101.5 Country Fair
John Fogerty
Valdosta, 229-219-7080, www.wildadventures.com
Sept. 2
Sept. 14
Southern Music Jam
Gospel Feast
Laurel & Hardy Movie Mania
Laurel & Hardy Look-a-Likes – Live Entertainment – Parade
300+ Craft & Food Vendors – Children’s Rides – Games
Exit 183 off I-20 z HARLEM
www.HarlemGa.org z 706-556-0043
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
P Theatre P Music P Dance P
770-241-1905, www.act3productions.org
Sept. 19-28
A Few Good Men
Atlanta, 404-584-2211, www.agathas.com
Thru Nov. 6
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Someone Dies
Atlanta, 404-733-5000,www.alliancetheatre.org
Sept. 6-Oct. 6
Sept. 20-Oct. 13
Oct. 16-Nov. 10
Oct. 17-Nov. 9
Oct. 25-Nov. 17
Choir Boy
By the Way, Meet Vera Stark
Waiting for Balloon
Warrior Class
Stone Mountain, 770-469-1105, www.artstation.org
Oct. 11-27
Tour of Southern Ghosts
Stone Mountain Park
706-548-3854, www.townandgownplayers.org
Oct. 4-13
Evil Dead: The Musical
Marietta, 404-377-9948, www.atlantalyrictheatre.com
Oct. 25-Nov. 10 Guys & Dolls
404-733-4900, www.atlantasymphony.org
Sept. 14
Sept. 15
Sept. 26-28
Oct. 3-5
Oct. 10-12
Oct. 13
Oct. 16
Oct. 17, 19
Oct. 18
Oct. 25-26
Oct. 27
Pet Shop Boys
Joe Satriani
Back, Brahms, Beethoven
Pianist Garrick Ohlsson
Scandanavian Smorgasbord
Michael McDonald
Vienna Boys Choir
Fairytales for all Ages
Chris Mann/ASO
Movie Music Spectacular
Phantoms of Orchestra
Lawrenceville, 678-226-6222, www.auroratheatre.com
Thru Sept. 8
Oct. 3-27
Les Miserables
All Childish Things
478-994-0443, www.thebacklotplayers.org
Sept. 13-22
Oct. 17-19
Moon Over the Brewery
Children’s Theater Troupe Fall Show
Roswell, 770-640-3855, www.barringtonhall-roswell.com
Henry V (by N. Fulton Drama Club)
Sept. 27-Oct. 12
706,632-9223, www.blueridgecommunitytheater.com
Thru Sept. 8
Oct. 3-20
Love, Sex, & the IRS
On Golden Pond
912-280-0023, www.artdowntowngallery209.com
Thru Sept. 8
Sept. 28-Oct. 13
Boeing! Boeing!
Walter Cronkite Is Dead
Atlanta, 404-873-3391, www.puppet.org
Thru Sept. 8
Sept. 11-22
Sept. 25-Oct. 6
Oct. 9-20
Oct. 22-Nov. 3
Peter Rabbit
Everybody Loves Pirates
Wizard of Oz
Dragon King
706-226-6618, www.daltonlittletheatre.com
Sept. 14-22
When Lilacs Last
Elberton, 706-283-1049, www.elberttheatre.org
Sept. 13-22
The Crucible
706-793-8552, www.fortgordon.com
Sept. 20-Oct. 12
Sherlock Holmes & the
Adventure of the Suicide Club
706-826-4704, www.augustaplayers.org
Sept. 27-29
Les Miserables
678-717-3624, www.gainesvilletheatrealliance.org
Oct. 4-12
Alice in Wonderland
Roswell, 770-641-1260, www.get.org
Live Entertainment • Arts & Crafts • Food • Kid’s Zone
Helicopter Rides • Parade Q92.3FM Live 9am-3pm
Sept. 5-22 Almost Heaven: John Denver’s America
Atlanta, 404-504-1473, www.gashakespeare.org
Oct. 4-27
Clarkesville, 706-839-1315, www.habershamtheater.org
Oct. 19-27
The Rocky Horror Show
Dahlonega, 706-864-3759, www.hollytheater.com
Sept. 14-22
Oct. 11-Nov. 3
Aladdin Jr.
The Mousetrap
St. Simons, 912-638-0338, www.theislandplayers.com
Oct. 18-Nov. 3
Tyrone, 770-306-3343, www.thelegacytheatre.org
Oct. 11-27
13 (A New Musical)
478-471-play, www.maconlittletheatre.org
Oct. 11-20
The Game’s Afoot
Griffin, 770-229-9916, www.mainstreetplayers.org
Sept. 12-22
Pump Boys & Dinettes
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
P Theatre P Music P Dance P
25th Annual Oliver Hardy Festival in Harlem
The 25th Anniversary of the Oliver Hardy Festival will be held on Saturday, October 5, from
9am-5pm. Main Street activities will begin at 10am with an old
fashioned parade including marching bands, floats, clowns,
antique cars, and more. During the day there will be two
stages of live entertainment from 12pm-5pm, carnival rides,
and approximately 300 vendors including those skilled in the
culinary arts.
There will be a Laurel & Hardy Look-A-Like contest (feel
free to join in the fun), original reel-to-reel Laurel & Hardy
movies in the air-conditioned theatre housed in the Laurel &
Hardy Museum, and skits by the professional Look-A-Likes. Members of the Laurel & Hardy
International Appreciation Society from all over the country and the world will be present at this
annual festival, and visitors can ask them or the curators of the museum any trivia questions.
The Oliver Hardy Festival was started in honor of Harlem’s native son, Oliver Hardy, born on
January 18, 1892. He later became a famous actor and the partner in the comedy duo team,
Laurel & Hardy, with Stan Laurel. Harlem is located 4 miles off of I-20, Exit 183, 18 miles West
of Augusta. No pets over 10lbs please. For more information, call 706-556-0401,or 1-888-2889108, or 706-556-0043 or visit www.harlemga.org/museum.
Atlanta, 404-874-5299, www.shakespearetavern.com
Sept. 6-29
Oct. 4-28
Twelfth Night & Troilus & Cressida
Conyers, 678-374- 3224, www.thenewdepotplayers.com
Oct. 10-20
Lost in Yonkers
770-683-6282, www.newnantheatre.org
Sept. 5-15
Sept. 26-Oct. 6
Oct. 24-Nov. 3
Bye Bye Birdie
‘Night Mother
Mystery of Irma Vep
678-744-6398, www.nextstagetheatrecompany.com
Sept. 13-20
Oct. 18-Nov. 3
The Crucible
Division Street
478-987-5354, www.perryplayers.org
Sept. 13-27
All in the Family
Colquitt, 800-514-3849, www.swampgravy.com
Oct. 4-26
Brothers & Sisters
Jasper, 770-547-1096, www.taterpatchplayers.org
Sept. 13-15
Frank Sinatra Tribute Show
229-439-7193, www.theatrealbany.com
Oct. 18-27
Funny Money
229-247-8243, www.theatreguildvaldosta.com
Oct. 11-20
Love, Sex, & the IRS
478-746-9485, www.theatremacon.com
Sept. 6-14
Oct. 18-26
The Fox on the Fairway
To Kill a Mockingbird
Atlanta, 678-528-1500, www.theatricaloutfit.org
Sept. 11-Oct. 6
Oct. 23-Nov. 10
Sept. 13-21
Oct. 25-Nov. 2
770-387-2610, www.pumphouseplayers.com
Bad Seed
The Guys
Harabel . . . by Gypsee Yo
478-929-4579, www.wrlt.org
Sept. 6-21
Murder by the Book
706-295-7171, www.romelittletheatre.com
Oct. 25-Nov. 3
912-233-7764, www.savannahtheatre.com
Sept. 6-Oct. 30
Sept. 7-Oct. 29
Jukebox Journey
Savannah Live
706-324-5714, www.springeroperahouse.org
Sept. 19-Oct. 5
Joseph & the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat
Rave On!
Oct. 4-13
Oct. 17-27
912-729-1103, www.stmaryslittletheatre.com
Sept. 13-22
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Dunwoody, 770-396-1726, www.stagedoorplayers.net
Sept. 27-Oct. 13
Andrews Brothers: Madcap
Musical Salute to Swinging 40’s
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Fall in Love
Fall Arts in the Park in Blue Ridge
The 2013 Fall Arts in the Park Festival will be held in the Downtown City Park of Blue Ridge
on October 12-13 from 10am-5pm. The two-day festival admission will be $5/adults and children/
free. Proceeds will benefit the Blue Ridge
Mountains Arts Association, a nonprofit Arts
Council in Blue Ridge, Georgia.
The Fall Arts in the Park Festival, located in the
foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, is only 90
minutes north of Atlanta and will feature over 90
fine arts and crafts with multiple food vendors. The
festival will offer paintings, glass, sculpture, pottery, photography, jewelry, woodworking, basketry,
metalwork, and much more.
Inside the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association’s Art Center, the Blue Ridge Mountain
Photographers Juried Photography Show and the art of Marc Moss will be on display. Along with
numerous works of art in the Art Center’s six art galleries, the Art Center will present Reflections
in Blue, art by Betty Schaefer, located in the Summit Studios.
For information, contact 706-632-2144, e-mail Quinn at blueridgearts.quinn@gmail.com, or
visit www.BlueRidgeArts.net. For area information, contact the Chamber of Commerce at 706632-5680 or www.BlueRidgeMountains.com.
Blue Ridge Scenic Railway
All Aboard for a trip that will spark kids’ imaginations,
adults’ memories, and leave everyone smiling. It all starts
at the historic 100+ year-old depot in downtown Blue
Ridge, Georgia and heads north from there. As the train
winds through the mountains alongside the beautiful
Toccoa River, Car Hosts will share the history of the railroad and sights along the way. The views are spectacular
from both the vintage climate-controlled coaches and from
the open-air car. Need a snack? Visit the Concession car for snacks, drinks, and souvenirs.
After a leisurely one-hour trip, the train stops in the unique twin border towns of McCaysville,
Georgia and Copperhill, Tennessee. You will have time to shop, tour, and dine during the layover
(varying from 1.5 hours to 2 hours depending on specific trip). Then it’s back to Blue Ridge. No
trip is complete without making a stop at the Gift Shop.
The ticket office is in the 100-year-old depot tucked in the charming mountain village of Blue
Ridge, Georgia within the lush Chattahoochee National Forest, only 95 miles north of Atlanta.
Reservations are strongly encouraged. For schedules, ticket prices, and more information, visit
www.brscenic.com or call 877-413-8724 or
706-632- 8724.
★ Confederate & Union Encampments
★ Civil War Reenactments
★ Old Time Craftsmen at Work
★ Arts, Crafts, Antiques, & Collectibles
★ Children’s Activities ★ Live Entertainment
No Aggressive Dogs. Dogs must be leashed & under 25 lbs.
Located 50 miles south of Macon
on Ga. Hwy. 49, 21 miles NE of Plains
Monthly Events in Georgia
Sept. 1-Oct. 31 – BLUE RIDGE – Scenic
Railway. Call for dates. 877-413-8724.
Sept. 2-Oct. 30 – BLAIRSVILLE – Misty Mt.
RR Tours, Mon.,Wed.,Fri.,Sat., 2pm. 706-745-9819.
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – BRUNSWICK – First Friday,
Downtown, 5-8pm. 912-265-4032.
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – CLAYTON – First Friday
Fests, Rock House Park, 6-8pm. 706-782-1520.
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – DAHLONEGA – 1st Friday
Night Concerts, Downtown. 706-864-3513.
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – SAUTEE – Pickin’ on the
Porch, Fri., 6-9pm. 706-878-0144.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
with Georgia
The Road Less Traveled – the Peach Blossom Trail
Georgia’s Peach Blossom Trail was named to promote
locations along U.S. Highways 341 and 41… away from the
hustle and bustle of interstates.
In Clayton County, visit museums, plantations, greenhouses, mansions, art galleries, Confederate cemeteries,
and farmers markets. In Henry County tour speedways, animal habitats, antique malls, and outlet centers. In Spalding
County, enjoy self-guided tours, downtown antique shopping, unique restaurants, and specialty shops. Lamar
County offers beautiful mansions, a Confederate cemetery, jail museum, farm tours, and antiques.
Monroe County serves up the oldest brick church in Georgia, walking tours, and the film
location of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. Crawford County is home to one of the state’s
oldest courthouses, an old jail museum, and two peach farms with markets. Peach County offers
camellia tours, an antique mall, peach farms with markets, and an outlet mall. Houston County
is the fastest growing county in Georgia and home to the Museum of Aviation, unique antique
shops, and the Georgia National Fair.
Experience the “Real” Georgia, True Southern Hospitality at its finest. For information, visit
www.peachblossomtrail.com or phone 888-288-9742.
Perspectives 2013: 11th Annual Georgia Pottery Invitational
The Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation will host Perspectives 2013: 11th Annual Georgia
Pottery Invitational from August 31-September 18 at OCAF at 34 School St., Watkinsville. Over
5,000 pieces of functional handmade pottery will be offered for sale from
50 of Georgia’s finest potters. It will be open daily, including Labor Day,
from 10am-5pm. Admission and parking will be free except for the opening Gala on August 30. Admission to the Gala will be $10 and will be held
from 6-9pm. Food and drinks will be provided along with music from
Squat, a well-known jazz band.
Various pottery demonstrations, gallery talks, and open studios will be
offered on different weekends. A special exhibit, Made in Japan, will feature approximately 35 pots including pots from Living National Treasures
Shoji Hamada and Tatsuzio Shimaoka. Full details are available on the
OCAF website at www.ocaf.com under events, or call 706-769-4565.
Perspectives 2013: Georgia Pottery Invitational is an annual event
established by volunteers to promote and recognize quality functional
pottery by established Georgia potters and to promote pottery as a craft and art form consistent
with the OCAF mission. It is Georgia’s largest functional pottery sale and exhibition and highlights a wide collection of styles, forms, colors and prices.
Monthly Events in Georgia
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – SAVANNAH – Oyster
Roast/Fireworks, Westin. 912-201-2000.
Sept. 6, Oct. 4 – VALDOSTA – First Fridays,
Downtown, 6:30-9:30pm. 229-259-3577.
Sept. 6-Oct 5 – THOMASVILLE – Taste of
Thomasville, Fri. & Sat., 10:30am-1:30pm. 800979-3370.
Sept. 6-Oct. 25 – BLAIRSVILLE – Friday
Concerts, Courthouse, 7pm. 706-745-5493.
Sept. 6-Oct. 26 – WOODBINE – Opry, Fri. &
Sat., 7-10pm. 912-576-3027.
Sept. 7, 13, 14, 19, 21, 28, Oct. 5, 19, 20,
25, 26, 27 – CORDELE – SAM Shortline
Excursion Train. 877-427-2457.
40th Annual
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Apple Pickin’ Jubilee in Ellijay
The 18th annual Apple Pickin’ Jubilee will be held on weekends from Sept. 7-Oct. 27 from
9am-6pm at Hillcrest Orchards, nine miles east of Ellijay on Hwy. 52.
Pick your own apples. Milk Buttercup the cow. Jump for joy
on the Giant Jumping Pillow. Get lost in the “Corny Kid’s Maze.”
Enjoy the giant slides. Ride the pedal cart track. There will be pig
races, pony rides, tricycle rides, honey bee demonstrations,
clogging, country bands, and wagon rides. Visit the Moonshine
and Farm House Museums, the petting farm, the Children’s Play
Area with a giant slide, and the Enchanted Forest and Nature
Trail with scenes from nursery rhymes and fairy tales. New playgrounds and the Hillbilly Mini Golf will be added this fall.
An operating gristmill will be grinding cornmeal and grits.
Grandma’s Bakery will serve fried apple pies, apple cider, apple fritters, apple cider donuts,
fudge, and homemade ice cream. There will also be mountain barbecue and other vittles.
All activities will be included for a $7 admission fee except for separate fees for the petting
farm, bungee jump, and pony rides. For more information, visit www.hillcrestorchards.net or
phone 706-273-3838 or e-mail applelan@ellijay.com.
Social Circle’s Friendship Festival
Social Circle will be holding its 19th annual Friendship Festival on
Saturday, October 5. These family oriented festivities will begin at 9am.
There will be a parade at 10am with family floats, bands, cars, and
antique cars. It will wind through the downtown historic district which will
be filled with craft vendors, a Kid’s Zone, food, and live entertainment.
Enjoy a day full of fun activities. There will be live music featuring the
Social Circle Theater, helicopter rides, and a special area for children
including games, amusements, and moonwalks.
Social Circle is 45 minutes east of Atlanta. The Friendship Festival is
sponsored by The Clearview Regional Medical Center and The Church
at the Grove. For information on the festival, call 770-464-1866, e-mail
mikemiller@socialcirclega.com, or visit www.SocialCircleGaBHT.com.
Monthly Events in Georgia
Sept. 7, Oct. 5 – SAVANNAH – First
Saturday on the River. 912-234-0295.
Sept. 7-Oct. 26 – HELEN – Saturday Music
Concerts, Unicoi St. Pk., 8pm. 800-573-9659.
Sept. 12-15, 19-22, 26-Oct. 27 – HELEN –
Oktoberfest, Festhalle. 706-878-1908.
Sept. 19, Oct. 17 – BLAIRSVILLE – Shape
Note Singing, Cthse., 6:30pm. 877-745-5789.
Sept. 21, Oct. 19 – BLUE RIDGE – Art Walk,
Downtown, 5-8pm. 706-632-1718.
Sept. 21, Oct. 19 – FORT OGLETHORPE –
Cruise-In, Gateway Mall. 706-866-4753.
Sept. 22, Oct. 6, 20 – BRUNSWICK –
Rhythm on River Concerts. 912-265-4032.
Sept. 27, Oct. 25 – BLUE RIDGE – Classic
Car Cruise-In, D.Q., 6pm. 706-838-4901.
Sept. 28, Oct. 26 – HELEN – Art in the Park,
Unicoi State Park. 800-573-9659.
Sept. 29, Oct. 27 – JEKYLL ISLAND –
Dinner Dance, J. I. Club Hotel. 912-635-5155.
Oct. 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 – CHERRY LOG –
Fall Festival. 706-635-1933.
Oct. 19-20,26-27 – BLUE RIDGE – Fall Festival/Arts/Crafts Sale, Farmers Mkt. 706-964-6002.
Oct. 19-20, 25-27 – CORDELE – Thomas
the Tank Engine Live, SAM Shortline Train. 877427-2457.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Merritt Pecan Company in Weston
Merritt Pecan Company, located on Hwy. 520 in Weston, specializes in farm-fresh pecans
and offers a large selection of items including pecans, pecan candies, brittle, divinity, jams,
jellies, sauces, souvenirs, homemade pies and cakes, t-shirts, and cookbooks. Gift baskets are
available and can be customized. The pecans are grown and harvested on their farms and
processed at their plant.
The company, in business since 1980, is halfway between
Albany and Columbus. It has a Chevron Foodmart and offers
convenience store items, BBQ sandwiches, hot wings, hot dogs,
cheeseburger dogs, sausage biscuits, and other food items. The
store also offers a picnic area with tables for customers, an inside
ATM, clean restrooms, walking area for dogs, and bus and
camper parking. Local produce items, ranging from peas to
peaches, are available when in season. Football fans will find
souvenir items for Georgia, Auburn, and other local teams ranging from books to back scratchers!
Merritt Pecan Company, offering a “step back in time” to the days of the general store, is
decorated with interesting memorabilia, has a display of John Deere toys inside, and an antique
tractor barn featuring John Deere tractors and other antique tools. The store is open from 7am7pm daily except for Christmas Day. Phone 800-762-9152 or visit www.merritt-pecan.com.
1-2 – KINGSLAND – Labor Day Weekend
Catfish Festival, Downtown. 912-729-5999.
1-2 – NEWNAN – Powers Festival. 770-2542627.
1-2 – WARM SPRINGS – Roosevelt Days.
Swim Historic Pools, FD Roosevelt’s Little White
House. 706-655-5870.
1-18 – WATKINSVILLE – Perspectives 2013:
11th Annual Georgia Pottery Invitational, OCAF.
2 – BLUE RIDGE – Labor Day BBQ, Downtown City Park. 706-455-3818.
2 – TYBEE ISLAND – Beach Bash. 912-786-5444.
5-7 – HOBOKEN – Bluegrass Music Convention, Twin Oaks Park. 912-458-2365.
5-7 – ROME – Int’l. Film Festival, DeSoto
Theatre. 706-383-7111.
6 – LUMPKIN – Homeschool Day, Westville
Village. 888-733-1850.
6 – ROME – First Friday Concert, 7-10pm.
6-7 – FORT VALLEY – ComSouth Hambone
Jam, Downtown Festival Park. 478-825-5986.
6-14 – CLARKESVILLE – Chattahoochee
Mountain Fair. 800-835-2559.
7 – FORSYTH – Concert, Square. 478-994-0443.
7 – HIAWASSEE – Fire in the Mountains Chili
Cook-Off, Square. 800-899-6867.
7-8 – INDIAN SPRINGS – Native American
Festival, Museum/Hotel. 770-655-5905.
7-8 – RYDAL – Pine Log Arts & Crafts Fair,
UMC. 770-607-5350.
7-15 – CALHOUN – Northwest Georgia
Regional Fair. 800-887-3811.
7-Oct. 27 – ELLIJAY – Apple Pickin’ Jubilee,
Hillcrest Orchards, weekends. 706-273-3838.
12 – SAVANNAH – Fiesta Latino, River
Street. 877-savannah.
12-13 – ROME – Wings Over North Georgia
Airshow, Russell Airport. 800-444-1834.
13-14 – BLUE RIDGE – Blues & BBQ Music
Festival, Downtown City Park, 12-9pm. Blues
Crawl, Downtown, 6-10pm. 877-277-5409.
14 – BLAIRSVILLE – Mountain Music/Arts &
Crafts Festival, Vogel State Park. 706-745-2628.
14 – BLUE RIDGE – Denim & Diamonds/
Stone Cold Country, Willow Ck Falls. 800-692-7199.
14 – BRUNSWICK – WAY Radio Fall
Concert, Fairgrounds. 800-933-2627.
14 – CLEVELAND – Fall Fest/Birthday Party/35th
Anniv. of Babyland General Hospital/30th Anniv. of
licensed Cabbage Patch Kids. 706-865-2171.
Sun.-Mon.: 12:30-4:30pm
Tues.-Sat.: 10:00am-4:30pm
Closed: New Year’s,
Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving,
and Christmas
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
GTG 2013
The Real Squeal: Lyons Barbeque & Music Festival
Lyons, Georgia will host its fourth annual barbeque festival on October 11-12. The Real
Squeal is a Kansas City Barbeque Society sanctioned event with both professional and amateur
barbeque competitions. The amateur contest will kick off the festival on Friday, October 11, in
downtown Lyons with a street dance, great barbeque, traditional festival food, a classic car
cruise-in and cruise-out, and fireworks.
On Saturday, October 12, head to Partin Park for the
professional barbeque competition. Many of the professional barbeque teams will compete in the People’s
Choice event where patrons can purchase tickets to taste
and judge pork shoulder entries. Activities in the park will
include arts and crafts, live music, a kid’s creative play
area, a professional chainsaw show, a classic car show,
and primitive skills demonstrations. Take your artifacts to
the Indian Artifacts Show to have them dated and documented by an archeologist, and try your
hand at discovering more treasures at a fossil mining station. Explore the adventure race thru
the swamp and mud at the RazorBack Mud Run.
Visit www.therealsqueal.com for more details on all the activities as well as two new contests
for best bbq sauce and a theme dessert contest. For information, call 912-526-6445 or email
14 – EATONTON – Naturally Acoustic
Guitar Show, Crooked Pines Farm. 706-424-2700.
14 – HELEN – Oktoberfest Parade, 12 Noon.
14 – JASPER – Good Samaritan Hoedown/
BBQ/Banks & Shane, 5-7pm. 706-253-4673.
14 – LOVEJOY – Fall Festival. 770-471-2304.
14 – SAVANNAH – Revival Fest (Country
Hoe-Down), Ga. St. RR Museum. 912-525-5050.
14 – ST. MARYS – Starry Nights Concert,
Waterfront Park, 7-9pm. 912-882-4000.
14 – TOCCOA – Pioneer Days at Traveler’s
Rest Historic Site. 706-244-8951. Roots, Rhythm
& Rails Concert, Main St., 7pm. 706-282-3309.
14-15 – CARTERSVILLE – Arts Festival at
Rose Lawn. 770-387-5162.
14-21 – CONYERS – Tykes, Tots, Teens Consignment Sale, Ga. Int’l. Horse Pk. 888-860-4224.
15 – EVANS – Laurence Juber Concert,
Hardin Arts Center. 706-726-0366.
15 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Jazz/Elisha
“Atlas” Parris, Neptune Pk., 7-9pm. 912-262-6934.
17 – ATHENS – Arvin Scott Quartet, State
Botanical Garden. 706-542-1244.
18 – CLARKESVILLE – Taste of Clarkesville,
Square. 706-754-2220.
18-21 – WARNER ROBINS – Georgia
Golden Olympics. 888-288-wrga.
19-20 – CLAYTON – Rabun County Fair.
19-28 – NEWNAN – Coweta County Fair.
20 – RICHMOND HILL – Friday on Train/
Sound of Music Revue, 5:30pm. 912-756-2676.
20-21 – DEARING – McCorkle’s Giant Plant
Sale. 706-595-6052.
•One Mile Fun Run/5K Road Race
•Arts & Crafts Vendors
•Peanut Pavilion Exhibits
•Road Race and Post Card Awards
•Main Street Parade •President & Mrs. Carter’s Book Signing
•SAM Shortline Train Rides •Entertainment Acts
•Street Dance: Live Performances by “Swingin’ Medallions”
•Sunday School with President Carter
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Haunted Museum at Port Columbus –
The National Civil War Naval Museum
This October Port Columbus will present its Haunted Museum Tours. Your “Ghost Host” will
guide you through the museum as you encounter spirits of the Civil War Navies. Enjoy family
friendly entertainment aboard the Water Witch including
music, games and tales as well as famous Chester’s
Barbeque. During your tour you might recognize their more
famous ghosts as well as hear the little known stories of
nurses, citizens and sailors. The Haunted Museum Tours
will be October 24-26 from 6:30pm-9pm.
Port Columbus is home to two Civil War ships, the
Jackson, and the Chattahoochee, as well as a full scale
replica of the USS Water Witch, a recreation of the USS
Hartford, CSS Albemarle and the USS Monitor’s famous
turret. With a Living History and Museum Theatre
programming year round, any time is a good time to visit. The museum is open Sun.-Mon. from
12:30-4:30pm and Tues.-Sat. 10am-4:30pm and is located at 1002 Victory Drive in Columbus.
See ad for coupon on page 19. For info, phone 706-327-9798 or visit www.portcolumbus.org.
20-21 – ELLIJAY – Good Samaritan Catholic
Church Flea Market. 770-380-6137.
20-22 – AUGUSTA – Arts in the Heart of
Augusta Festival. 706-826-4702.
20-22 – BARNESVILLE – Buggy Days. 770358-5884.
20-22 – JEKYLL ISLAND – Shrimp & Grits
Festival. 877-4jekyll.com.
20-22 – LINCOLNTON – Elijah Clark Bluegrass Festival. 706-359-3458.
21 – GRANTVILLE – Grantville Day Crosstie
Festival. 770-583-9013.
21 – McCAYSVILLE – Quilts & Crafts
Festival. 800-899-6867.
21 – MINERAL BLUFF – Ride the Rails
Festival. 423-496-5006.
21-22 – BLAIRSVILLE – Autumn Arts &
Crafts Show, N. Ga. Tech. College. 706-896-0932.
21-22 – MAYSVILLE – Tumbling Waters Art
in the Park Festival, Hurricane Shoals Park. 706335-6723.
22 – CONYERS – Fiesta Georgia, Ga. Int’l.
Horse Park, 11am-7pm. 888-860-4224.
22-28 – SAVANNAH – Savannah Jazz
Festival, various venues. 404-997-3281.
27-29 – BLAIRSVILLE – St. Francis of Assisi
Fall Festival. 706-745-6400.
28 – CAVE SPRING – Pig Out BBQ Cook-Off,
Rolater Park. 706-777-3382.
28 – CLARKESVILLE – Taste of Clarkesville,
Downtown, 11am-3pm. 800-835-2559.
28 – CLEVELAND – Agri Fest/Country Market
/Pottery. 706-865-5356.
28 – NEWNAN – Art Festival, Fairgrounds.
28 – PLAINS – Peanut Festival, Downtown.
28-29 – BLAIRSVILLE – National Alpaca
Farm Day Open House. 706-835-1837.
28-29 – HELEN – Alpine Village Arts &
Crafts Festival. 706-897-6179.
28-29 – MADISON – Cotton South Fine Arts
Festival, Town Park. 800-709-7406.
1-5 – ROME – Coosa Valley Fair. 800-444-1834.
1-6 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Food & Spirits
Festival, Gastoigne Bluff. 912-571-1255.
1-27 – ELLIJAY – Apple Pickin’ Jubilee,
Hillcrest Orchards, weekends. 706-273-3838.
2-6 – AUGUSTA – Westobou Festival. 706755-2878.
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Cumming Country Fair & Festival
The Cumming Country Fair & Festival will be held October 3-13 with more than 40 amusement rides and games by the Drew Exposition. The covered concert arena will feature free
evening concerts with the price of admission: Greg Bates and Casey James on Oct. 4, Don
Williams on Oct. 8, Kidz Bop on Oct. 9, Kellie Pickler on Oct. 10, and
The American Bull Riding Tour on Oct. 12-13. Free shows will include
Oscar the Robot, Brian Ruth “Master of the Chainsaw,” North
Georgia Petting Zoo & Pony Rides, Horses Horses Horses, the
Rowdy Rooster Puppet Show, and the Frisco Brothers Tiger Show.
Heritage Village will offer a working cotton gin, saw/corn/syrup/
grist mills, blacksmith shop, cider press, and chicken house; displays
of a moonshine still and steam engines; and reproductions of a
school, churches, doctor/dentist/post offices, barbershop, and general store. The Cherokee Indian Village with a living history encampment will explain Native American culture, traditions, and lifestyle.
Admission will be $7/adults; $3/students 5-18; and free/4 and
younger. Parking will be $3. Unlimited ride specials will be on Oct. 3,
7, 8 ,9. For advance discount tickets or information, phone 770-7813491, or visit www.cummingfair.net. Take GA 400N to Exit 15 and follow the signs.
Andersonville Historic Fair
History will come alive in Andersonville on October 5-6 when
hundreds of Civil War reenactors will set up camps and stage
two realistic mock battles, the first on Saturday, October 5, at
3pm and the second on Sunday, October 6, at 2pm.
Sutlers selling Civil War uniforms and accouterments, guns,
swords, flags, and Civil War era civilian clothing will add interest
along with craftsmen such as fiddle makers, blacksmiths, basket
makers, quilters, weavers, and artists.
The fair will open both days from 10am to 5pm with the 80-unit parade on Main Street
Saturday at 11am. Entertainment will feature The Southern Gunslingers, Stilt Walkers, line dancing, clogging, military band performances, and gospel singing. The festival will include antiques,
collectibles, arts and crafts, children’s activities, and food vendors. Visit the actual site of the
Confederate prison and also the town’s Drummer Boy Museum with original uniforms, weaponry, Mary Surratt’s bonnet, and a diorama of the prison and the town as they were in 1864.
Admission will be $4/adult and $1.50/children 12 and under. No aggressive dogs allowed.
Dogs must be leashed and less than 25 lbs.
For information, call 229-924-2558 or visit
3 – NEWNAN – Taste of Newnan, 5-8:30pm.
3, 5 – NEWNAN – Korea-Forgotten War/
Salute to Vets, Fairgrounds. 770-254-2627.
3-5 – THOMASVILLE – Great Southern Music
Festival, Pickers Paradise Pk. 229-221-5467.
3-13 – CUMMING – Cumming Country Fair
& Festival. 770-781-3491.
3-13 – PERRY – Georgia National Fair. 478988-8000.
4-6 – ADAIRSVILLE – Great Locomotive
Chase Festival, Square. 770-773-3451.
4-6 – SAVANNAH – Oktoberfest on the
River. 912-234-0295.
4-6 – TOCCOA – Currahee Military
Weekend. 706-886-2132.
5 – ATHENS – North Georgia Folk Fest, Sandy
Creek Park. 800-653-0603.
5 – ATHENS – Native Plant Sale & Farm Day,
State Botanical Garden. 706-542-1244.
5 – BLUE RIDGE – Evening of Bluegrass,
Fannin High School, 7pm. 706-632-9262.
5 – BRUNSWICK – CoastFest, Ga. DNR
Coastal Reg. Headquarters. 912-264-7218.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Sorghum Festival in Blairsville
The 44th annual Sorghum Festival will be held in Blairsville at Meeks Park on October 12-13
and October 19-20 from 9am-5pm. Celebrating the lost art of sorghum syrup-making, live
demonstrations will show how the cane is crushed and cooked, and jars of the syrup will be sold.
There will be arts and crafts, food, a kids’ area, and live
music. On Sundays there will be contests such as Biskit Eatin’
(Biskit Eatin’ on Saturdays as well), Pole Climbin’, Rock
Throwin’, Horseshoe Throwin’, and Log Sawin’. Observe how
an Old Still makes White Lightning. A Sorghum parade will
begin Saturday, October 12, at 11am.
Square dances, an Appalachian tradition, will be held both
Saturdays, October 12 and 19, at 8pm at the Old Middle
School Gym. There will also be a buck dancing contest. Festival admission will be $2, and parking will be free. Trams will run daily. No pets are allowed in Meeks Park. The Sorghum Festival
is hosted by the Blairsville Jaycees with the co-operation of the Union County Recreation Dept.
For information, phone 706-745-4745, e-mail blairsvillesorghumfestival@gmail.com, or visit
www.blairsvillesorghumfestival.com. For area information, visit the Blairsville-Union County
Chamber of Commerce at www.VisitBlairsvilleGA.com or phone 877-745-5789.
Plains Peanut Festival
Step Back 150 Years
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Judy & Len Garrison, www.fullcirclefotography.com
The Plains Peanut Festival on September 28 will honor the peanut industry, the peanut
farmer, and Plains’ native son, Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States. Admission
and parking will be free. For information, call 229-824-5373 or visit www.plainsgeorgia.com.
There will be a one mile Fun Run at 8am and a 5K Road
Race at 8:30am with President Carter presenting awards for
these events at 10am from the platform of the depot which
was headquarters for his campaign in the 1970’s. Arts, crafts,
and food vendors will open at 9am with continuous entertainment in Maxine Reese Park and on Main Street. A parade will
begin at 11am. A Peanut Pavilion will offer exhibits on the
peanut industry and samples. The Carters will have a book
signing starting at 1:30pm.
The SAM Shortline Excursion Train will
run shuttles Saturday afternoon. A Street
Dance on Saturday night from 8:30-11:30pm
5 – CARTERSVILLE – Evening at Oak Hill
will feature the Swingin’ Medallions; there will
Cemetery, 770-382-3818. Skills of Past, Etowah
be an admission charge for the dance.
Indian Mounds, 770-387-3747.
President Carter will be teaching Sunday
5 – CONYERS – Chili & BBQ Cook-Off, Ga.
School at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains
Int’l. Horse Park. 888-860-4224. Monastery Fall
on Sunday morning at 10am.
Festival, Monastery of Holy Spirit. 770-483-4411.
5 – HARLEM – Oliver Hardy Festival. 706556-0401 or 888-288-9108 or 706-556-0043.
5 – MADISON – Chili Cook-Off & Fall
Festival. 706-342-1251.
Fort Wayne Civil War Historic Site
5 – PLAINS – La Fiesta En El Parque, Jimmy
Carter National Historic Site. 229-824-5373.
Resaca Battlefield Park
5 – SOCIAL CIRCLE – Friendship Festival.
5 – ST. MARYS – Rock Shrimp Festival,
Downtown. 912-322-8668.
5-6 – ANDERSONVILLE – Historic Fair. 229924-2558.
5-6 – DACULA – Elisha Winn Fair. 770-822Now open daily dawn - dusk • Free admission
I-75 Exit 320
5-6 – GAY – Cotton Pickin’ Fair. 706-5386814. Shady Days in Gay Festival. 706-977-8548.
5-6 – JASPER – Georgia Marble Festival. 706692-5600.
5-6 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Antique Show,
Postell Park. 800-933-2627.
5-6 – SUCHES – Indian Summer Festival,
706-625-3200 • www.ExploreGordonCounty.com
Woody Gap School. 706-747-2401.
Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival Near Warner Robins
The Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival between Warner Robins and Perry on October 19-20 will
welcome visitors with whiffs of barbecue and other delicious foods, sounds of fiddles, and
original and creative arts and crafts in and amongst the old homestead
buildings and throughout the terraced woods. The amphitheater in
Dogwood Hollow will feature bluegrass bands, Appalachian mountain
music, gospel quartets, and dance teams. Over 40 old-timers will resurrect pioneer ways: dipping candles, weaving hammocks, building fishing rods, weaving chairseats with cornshucks, making baskets, building
dulcimers and brooms, tatting, wood carving, cutting silhouettes, tinsmithing, and more. Children’s activities will include a magician-ventriloquist, the storyteller Larry the Leprechaun, farm animals, hayrides,
and horseback rides.
Festival hours will be 10am-5pm. Admission will be $5/adults and
$1/children with parking free. No pets. The festival is located six miles
from I-75 off Exit 142 to Lake Joy Road. For information, phone 478-922-8265 or 888-288WRGA or visit www.mossycreekfestival.com or www.wrga.gov.
Barnesville Buggy Days
The 40th annual Barnesville Buggy Days on September 2022 will celebrate Barnesville’s heritage as the Buggy Capital of
the South during the late 1800’s. A street dance will be held
Friday at 7pm at the Ritz Park Amphitheater with performances
by The Tyler Hammond Band and Lady Creech.
A parade on Saturday at 2pm will feature buggies, floats,
antique cars, and horses. Buggies will also be on display outdoors and in the Old Jail Museum. A juried arts and crafts show will welcome more than 150
vendors, and craftsmen will be demonstrating their skills in Craftsmen’s Village.
Entertainment will include old fashioned games, a car show, and the Miss Buggy Days
Pageant for all ages of beautiful Southern belles from birth up. There will be fireworks, tasty
foods, music, square dancers, and the Buggy Blast Fun Park. Festival hours will be Saturday
9-6 and Sunday 12-5. For information, phone 770-358-5884, visit www.buggydays.org, or e-mail
11-12 – AUGUSTA – Hispanic Festival,
Commons. 800-726-0243.
10-13 – TYBEE ISLAND – Pirate Festival.
11-12 – LYONS – Real Squeal 2013: Lyons
Barbeque & Music Festival, Dntn. 912-526-6445.
11 – HAZLEHURST – Jeff Davis Cotton
11-13 – AUGUSTA – Greek Festival, Holy
Festival. 912-539-7547.
Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. 706-724-1087.
11-13 – SAVANNAH – Folk Music Festival,
various venues. 912-786-6953.
11-13 – THOMASVILLE – 46th Annual FlyIn, Regional Airport. 229-403-1071.
11-19 – HIAWASSEE – Georgia Mountain
Fall Festival, Ga. Mt. Fairgrounds. 706-896-4191.
12 – BLAKELEY – Kolomoki Mounds Festival.
12 – CLAYTON – Georgia Mountain Jubilee.
12 – CORNELIA – Big Red Apple Festival.
12 – FOLKSTON – Okefenokee Festival,
Depot. 912-496-2536.
Hurricane Shoals Park – Maysville
12 – LAWRENCEVILLE – Old Fashion Picnic/
Sept. 21, 10-6 pm & Sept. 22, 12:30-5:30 pm
Bluegrass Festival, Courthouse. 770-822-5450.
FREE Admission & Parking
12 – LUMPKIN – 19th Century Crafts &
Activities, Westville Village. 912-882-4000.
Arts & Crafts • BBQ • Festival Foods • Kids Zone • Min Golf
12 – SANDERSVILLE – Kaolin Festival,
Square. 478-552-3288.
GOSPEL • Heritage Village TOURS • Cherokee Indian Dance/ART
12 – SAVANNAH – Fiesta Latina, Rousakis
Plaza. 877-savannah. Savannah Philharmonic,
Armstrong House. 912-232-6002.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Million Pines Arts & Crafts Festival in Soperton
The 41st annual Million Pines Arts and Crafts Festival will be held November 2-3 in
Soperton’s Iva Park. Under shady pines you will find arts and
crafts and food booths and demonstrations on pottery, basket
weaving, chair caning, and blacksmithing. Hours will be
Saturday 9am-5:30pm and Sunday 10am-4pm. No pets are
allowed at the festival.
The food, reminiscent of fall cookouts and fairs, will include
hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ, turkey legs, chicken and
dumplings, boiled peanuts, pork rinds, funnel cakes, blooming
Vidalia onions, fried fruit tarts, and more. Children’s activities will include a giant slide, moonwalk, pony rides, spider mountain, and face painting. Continuous entertainment on Saturday will
feature cloggers, singers, and bands. Gospel music on Sunday will feature local talent.
The slash pines, planted in Treutlen County in 1926, launched an era of reforestation in the
South. Soperton is located between Macon and Savannah off I-16, Exit 67 (Hwy. 29). For information, phone 912-529-6611.
12 – THOMASVILLE – Spinney Brothers
Concert, Munc. Aud., 7:30pm. 229-228-7977.
12 – WARNER ROBINS – Wings & Wheels
Car, Truck, & Motorcycle Show, Museum of
Aviation. 478-926-6870.
12-13 – BLUE RIDGE – Fall Arts in the Park,
City Park. 706-632-5680 or 706-632-2144.
12-13 – CARROLLTON – Fine Arts & Crafts
MeccaFest, Cultural Arts Center. 770-838-1083.
12-13 – PERRY – Middle Ga. Camellia Society
Show, Ga. Nat’l. Fairgrounds. 478-825-2559.
12-13 – ROME – Wings Over North Georgia,
Regional Airport. 800-444-1834.
12-13 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Glynn Art in
the Park Fall Festival. 800-933-2627.
12-13 – WARM SPRINGS – Harvest Hoe
Down. 706-655-3322.
12-13, 19-20 – BLAIRSVILLE – Sorghum
Festival, Meeks Park. 877-745-5789.
12-13, 19-20 – ELLIJAY – Georgia Apple
Festival. 706-635-7400.
14 – CALHOUN – Classical Kaleidoscope
Concert, Harris Arts Ctr., 3-5pm. 706-629-2599.
15 – BRUNSWICK – Umi Garrett Concert,
Glynn Academy Aud., 7:30m. 800-933-2627.
17 – ST. MARYS – Taste of Camden Expo,
Recreation Center. 912-729-5840.
18 – MONTEZUMA – Beaver Creek Festival
& Duck Race. 800-653-0603.
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Chiaha Harvest Fair in Rome
The 49th annual Chiaha Harvest Fair will be held on the banks of the
Oostanaula River in Rome’s Ridge Ferry Park on Riverside Parkway on
October 26-27 from 10am-5pm each day. This family-friendly festival will
offer a variety of handmade arts and crafts by more than 120 artists from
around the region. Several artists will demonstrate their work.
Continuous live entertainment will be a highlight of the Chiaha Festival
and will include Americana, bluegrass, country, and Southern rock musicians. Take the kids for a wide variety of children’s art projects designed
to help kids get in on the fun of self-expression. Area students are invited
to display their artwork, creating a showcase of future artists in our region.
Visitors can sip complimentary hot apple cider served from a giant
cauldron, enjoy Southern home cooking and sweet treats from over a dozen food booths, walk
the “country mile,” and delight in a variety of family-friendly activities. Admission will be $5/adults,
$4/students & seniors, and $1/kids under 12. Parking will be free. Take I-75N to Exit 290; left on
GA 20W to Loop 1 and Riverside Pkwy. For information, visit www.chiaha.org or www.face
book.com/ChiahaHarvest, or email info@chiaha.org.
Kaolin Festival in Sandersville
The Kaolin Festival, which started in 1957, will host a
parade including local pageant queens, marching bands,
civic organizations, and industry floats. The downtown
square will be filled with vendors selling arts & crafts, food,
a Kaolin education area, mine tours, and live music
performances by Faren Rachel and Rusty Williams starting mid-day.
The weeklong festivities will kick off on Saturday, October 5, at 8am with the Kaolin Festival
Century Bike Ride and its 18M, 32M, 62M, and 108M routes. The scenic routes are within the
rolling hills of Washington County and will pass through beautiful Kaolin mining area and scenic
farmland. There are routes for riders at all levels.
The festival events, which will include a golf tournament, beauty pageant, lantern tour of the
Old City Cemetery, senior walk, health fair, ag fair, and mine tours, will begin on Saturday,
October 5, and wrap up on Saturday, October 12, with the Kaolin Festival on the Square. For
information on the week’s events and the Tennille BBQ Blast on Oct. 18 & 19, phone 478-5523288, visit www.washingtoncountyga.com, or email jfarrin@washingtoncountyga.com.
18 – SAVANNAH – Vienna Boys Choir,
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. 912-525-5050.
18 – SUMMERVILLE – Taste of Summerville
October 12-13 & 19-20
4 4thual
Celebrate the Art of
Sorghum Syrup Making!
Arts & Crafts • Live Music • Log Sawin’
Pole Climbin’ • Rock Throwin’
Baccur Spittin’ • Bisket Eatin’
Sorghum Parade (Oct. 12, 11am)
Located in the Northeast GA Mountains
Trolley Tour. 800-726-0243.
18-19 – MANCHESTER – Railroad Days, Old
Mill. 706-846-3167.
18-20 – EUHARLEE – Covered Bridge Fall
Festival. 404-277-9268.
18-20 – RICHMOND HILL – Great Ogeechee
Seafood Festival. 912-756-3444.
18-20 – WHIGHAM – TAMA Intertribal Pow
Wow, Tama Village. 229-762-3165.
19 – BLAIRSVILLE – Fall Hoedown, Vogel
State Park. 706-745-2628.
19 – CALHOUN – New Echota Days. 880887-3811.
19 – CARTERSVILLE – Bluegrass & Folk
Festival, Friendship Plaza. 770-607-3480.
19 – CONYERS – Great Bull Run & Tomato
Royale, Ga. Int’l. Horse Park. 770-483-4411.
19 – DONALSONVILLE – Seminole County
Harvest Festival. 229-524-2588.
19 – HELEN – Art-Oberfest, Riverside Park.
19 – RICHMOND HILL – Candle Light Tour
of Ft. McAllister. 912-727-2339.
19 – SAVANNAH – St. Vincent’s Tour of
Homes & Tea, Historic District. 912-236-5505.
19 – SUMMERVILLE – Tour of Homes. 800726-0243.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
MeccaFest in Carrollton
The Carrollton Artist Guild will present the 10th annual Carrollton Fine
Arts and Crafts MeccaFest on October 12-13 from 10am-5pm at the
Carrollton Cultural Art Center, 251 Alabama Street. The festival will feature fine artists from across the country selected by a jury process. Eat on
site at a 1950’s diner or at one of Carrollton’s restaurants. Free children’s
activities and entertainment will be provided. Admission to the festival will
be free. Entertainment will feature artist Mark Abbati with his Living
Sculptures, Sesame Street style puppeteers from the UWG Theatre
Dept., and a New York 3-D Chalk artist creating a masterpiece on the
plaza. Demonstrations will include wood lathe artist Bob Horn, Dijiridoo
musican/artists Deborah Martin and Preston Scott, pottery wheel turning
by Robert Roller, and glass blowing by the Ga. S.W. State Univ. Art Dept. There will be booths
where children can create with local artists, a stage showcasing local and regional artists, and
staged readings of poetry and short stories by local authors.
Over $5,000 in cash will be awarded to the Mecca artists. Patrons may also present awards
to Mecca artists through the Patron Purchase Program. MeccaFest highlights a community of
artists and the historic city of Carrollton. For information, visit www.meccafest.com, or visit the
Carrollton Visitors Bureau at www.visitcarrollton.com, or call 770-838-1083.
Seminole County Harvest Festival in Donalsonville
The 34th Annual Seminole County Harvest Festival will be
held in Donalsonville on Saturday, October 19. Activities for the
festival will be ushered in by the 2nd Annual “Scarecrow
Invasion” which will run from October 1-31. Other activities will
begin on Friday with a Peanut Recipe Contest, Judging of the
Scarecrows, and an Art Show.
Saturday’s festivities will begin with a 5K Run and a 1 Mile
Fun-Run at 8am and a parade at 10am. There will be arts and
crafts, food, children’s activities, commercial exhibits, and a car
and motorcycle show. Continuous entertainment, beginning at 11:30am will feature everything
from gospel to rock’n roll. The headliner this
year will be the band Traveler. Festival hours
will be from 9am until 4pm.
Donalsonville is in the extreme southwest
corner of Georgia. Admission to the festival
and parking will be free. For more information, visit www.donalsonvillega.com, call 229524-2588, or e-mail dosemcc@windstream.net.
Warner Robins — BusinessWeek’s
Best Place to Raise a Family
Relive the Old Days at
19 – TALLULAH FALLS – Bluegrass on the
Square, 7pm. 706-212-0241.
19-20 – AUGUSTA – Boshears Skyfest,
Daniel Field. 706-733-8970.
19-20 – CALHOUN – Antique Engine & Tractor
Show, N.W. Reg. Fairgrounds. 706-629-7227.
19-20 – DAHLONEGA – Gold Rush Days,
Square. 706-864-3513.
Experience the Museum of Aviation
19-20 – HOGANSVILLE – Hummingbird
4th Largest Aviation Museum
Festival. 706-333-2520.
in the U.S., Free Admission
19-20 – TALKING ROCK – Heritage Days.
19-20 – WARNER ROBINS – Mossy Creek
Barnyard Festival. 888-288-WRGA.
20 – CALHOUN – Frontier Day, New Echota
1900+ Hotel Rooms
Historic Site. 706-624-1321.
105 Restaurants
24 – MACON – Edwin McCain, Cox Capitol
1200 Seat Civic Center
Theatre. 478-257-6391.
Conference & Meeting Spaces
24-26 – COLUMBUS – Haunted Museum
888-288-WRGA • I-75 Exits 144 & 146
Tours, 6:30-9pm, Port Columbus National Civil
War Naval Museum. 706-327-9798.
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA 27
Oct. 19 20
New Civil War Parks & Annual Events in Gordon County
Step back 150 years to the Battle of Resaca and discover where much of the heaviest
fighting occurred at the start of Sherman’s “Atlanta Campaign.” Fort
Wayne Civil War Historic Site and Resaca Battlefield Park are now open
and feature well-preserved original parade grounds, entrenchments, and
Van Den Corput’s battery. Both parks are open daily dawn until dusk, and
admission is free.
The Northwest Georgia Regional Fair will be held in Calhoun
September 7-15. This old-fashioned fair includes agricultural and livestock
exhibits, 4-H and FFA exhibits, food, clowns, puppets, rides, and nightly
entertainment. A spectacular fireworks show will kick-off the celebration.
The annual New Echota Days will be October 19. Experience the early
19th century as the Cherokee Capital comes alive with the sights,
sounds, and smells of frontier life. Enjoy Cherokee living history, authentic
Cherokee foods, and Native American music.
For info on these and other events, visit www.ExploreGordonCounty.com or call 800-887-3811.
Georgia Marble Festival in Jasper
The Georgia Marble Festival will be held in Jasper on
October 5-6. Festivities will kick off Saturday morning with a
road race followed by a parade down Main Street. The festival
will offer local artists’ wares, delicious foods, entertainment,
and a children’s area including Peachtree Rides. Festival
hours will be Saturday from 10am-6pm and Sunday from
The Georgia State Bluegrass Championship will be held both days on the competition stage
in the food court area. The award-winning Lonesome River Band will perform on Saturday at
7pm. A second entertainment stage, located in the children’s area, will host local talent including
dance, karate, clogging, and singing on Saturday and Sunday.
Admission will be adults/$5; children 12 & under/$3; children 5 & under/free; veterans/seniors/
$3; and family weekend pass (up to 6)/$20.
Parking will be free with shuttles available.
Quarry tours to Marble Valley and the
24-27 – CARTERSVILLE – S.E. Cowboy Festival/
mines will be offered both Saturday and
Symposium, Booth Museum. 770-387-1300.
Sunday. The cost, including entrance into the
25 – SAVANNAH – Savannah Philharmonic,
festival, will be adults/$12; children/10; and
Telfair Academy, 5pm. 912-232-6002.
children under 5/free. To pre-purchase tickets,
25-26 – BLAIRSVILLE – Quilt Fest, Union
visit www.georgiamarblefestival.com or call
High School Gym. 877-745-5789.
25-26 – HAWKINSVILLE – Harvest Fest,
Downtown. 478-783-9294.
25-26 – SAUTEE – Hillbilly Hog BBQ ThrowMERRITT PECAN CO. ✩ HWY. 520 ✩ WESTON, GA
down/Fall Leaf Festival. 706-878-3300.
25-27 – DAWSONVILLE – Mountain Moonshine Festival, Downtown. 706-216-5273.
25-27 – ROME – Outskirts 53 Music Festival
& Motorcycle Rally. 800-444-1834.
25-Nov. 3 – HAMPTON – Georgia State Fair,
Atlanta Motor Speedway. 901-867-7007.
26 – BOSTON – Mini-Marathon & Festival,
Downtown. 229-498-4065.
26 – BRUNSWICK – Rockin’ Stewbilee, Ross
Waterfront Park. 800-933-2627.
26 – DALTON – Liberty Tree BBQ & Music
Festival, Green Park. 800-331-3258.
26 – LUMPKIN – Spirits at Westville Village.
(except Christmas Day)
HOURS: 7 A.M. TO 7 P.M.
26 – MARTIN – Fall Festival, Downtown.
26 – NEWNAN – Live Oak Music Festival,
Powers Pavilion. 770-254-2627.
26-27 – CLAYTON – Rabun Leaf Arts Show,
1-800-762-9152 • www.merritt-pecan.com
Civic Center. 706-897-6179.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
Toccoa Harvest Festival
Celebrate fall in beautiful historic downtown Toccoa at this free outdoor festival. The 37th
Annual Toccoa Harvest Festival will be held November 2-3. Enjoy music and dancing while
taking in the aromatic bouquet of fall mingling with roasting peanuts, mulling spices, and regional
and international foods. There will be more than 150 craft
and food vendors. All crafts will be “homemade, home
baked, or home grown.” There will be free buggy rides as
well as a variety of activities for children.
The Currahee Artist Guild will have a sale and demonstration at the festival, and there will be a classic car show
sponsored by the Stephens County Recreation Department on Saturday from 10:00am-3pm.
While at the festival, visit the downtown stores which include antique markets, specialty
shops, and a book store. The Historical Society Museum and the Currahee Military Museum with
WWII items from Band of Brothers is within walking distance from the festival.
Festival hours for this family-friendly event will be Saturday from 10am-5pm and Sunday from
10am-4pm. For info, visit www.mainstreettoccoa.com or phone 877-6TOCCOA.
Art in the Park Festival at Hurricane Shoals Park
The Tumbling Waters Society of Jackson County will host the 23rd Art in the Park Festival –
Bluegrass & BBQ – at the Hurricane Shoals Park between Jefferson & Maysville on September
21-22. Hours will be Saturday 10-6pm and Sunday 12:30-5:30pm. Admission and parking will be
free. Sorry, no pets. For information, call 706-335-6723 or visit www.hurricaneshoalspark.org.
BlueBilly Grit Bluegrass Band will host the Third Tony and
Ann lanuario Memorial Bluegrass Festival on Saturday and
Sunday from 1-5pm with a free concert by Pool Mountain,
Grassville, Brush Fire, East Dixie Boys, The Shoal Creek
Stranglers, 3 Bucks Shy and Jason Kenney, & Leah Calvert.
Gospel all weekend will be hosted by Crystal River Bluegrass
Gospel Band.
There will be arts & craft, festival foods, children’s art on
display, Kids Zone, a fun run/walk Saturday at 8am, the 5K Mill
Race at 8:30am, and a Duck Dash down the Shoals on Sunday
at 5pm. Learn the history of the Shoals by playing the Spirit of the River miniature golf course.
Tour the 1800’s Heritage Village. See demonstrations of quilting, spinning, chair caning,
basket weaving, and blacksmithing. Buy freshly-ground cornmeal at the grist mill. Watch the Civil
War soldiers camped in the Village do drills each day. On Saturday enjoy the Cherokee Historical
Assn.’s presentations of storytelling, dance, and Indian art. On Sunday join the Shape Note
Singing Convention in the Chapel.
26-27 – ROME – Chiaha Harvest Fair, Ridge
Ferry Park. 706-235-4542.
26-Nov. 2 – SAVANNAH – Film Festival,
Trustees Theater. 912-525-5050.
27 – SAVANNAH – Jewish Food Festival,
Forsyth Park, 11am-4pm. 912-233-1547.
28 – CALHOUN – Swingtime Orchestra/Indie
Galyean, Gem Theater, 2pm. 706-625-3132.
29-Nov. 2 – BRUNSWICK – Coastal Georgia
Regional Fair. 800-933-2627.
30-Nov. 4 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Southern Living Showcase Home. 912-638-1980.
31-Nov. 2 – LUMPKIN – Westville Village
Fall Festival. 912-882-4000.
Sept. 7-Oct. 27 (Weekends)
Pony Rides - Playgrounds - Cow Milking - Pig Races
Wagon Rides - Music - Petting Farm - Pedal Carts
Giant Jumping Pillow - Kids Maze - Tricycle Rides
Giant Slides - Fair Food - Grist Mill - Museums
9 a.m.-6 p.m. • $7 per person
(Petting Farm admission add $3 per person)
2-3 – SOPERTON – Million Pines Arts &
Crafts Festival. 912-529-6611.
2-3 – TOCCOA – Toccoa Harvest Festival.
Hwy. 52, 9 miles east of Ellijay
www.hillcrestorchards.net • applelan@ellijay.com
September/October 2013 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
A Tour of Southern Ghosts
The 28th annual A Tour of Southern Ghosts will be presented by ART Station at Georgia’s
Stone Mountain Park Thursdays through Sundays, October 11-27.
Meet professional storytellers weaving their tales of famous
Southern Ghosts along the lantern-lit paths of the Antebellum
Plantation grounds at Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park. A Tour of
Southern Ghosts is held during the Halloween season so the
stories are a little scary, many times humorous, but never too
frightening, and always appropriate for young children. Each night
will offer a different cast of six storytellers, which means audience
members may return to A Tour of Southern Ghosts on additional
nights to hear a new collection of stories.
The first 45-minute tour will begin at 7pm with a new tour
beginning every 10 minutes. Tickets may be purchased on tour nights at the box office of the
Antebellum Plantation beginning at 6:45pm. Ticket prices will be $16 for adults and $7 for
children 12 and under. For more information call 770-469-1105 or visit www.artstation.org.
Mountain Moonshine Festival in Dawsonville
The 46th Annual Mountain Moonshine Festival will be held in downtown Dawsonville October
25-27. Admission will be free and parking will be $5. For information, phone 706-216-5273 or
visit www.kareforkids.us.
On Friday there will be a “Moonshine Run” through the
mountains during the day and a Cruise-In with live music
that evening from 5-9pm at the Georgia Racing Hall of
Fame (GRHOF).
On Saturday, opening ceremonies at 9am will kick off
the festivities, and Grand Marshals Mark & Jeff from the
hit TV show Moonshiners will lead a large collection of
authentic moonshine and race cars through historic
downtown Dawsonville, the birthplace of NASCAR. This reflects the era when liquor was illegal
and running moonshine through the foothills was a way of life. There will be a car show with
awards and a swap meet at the GRHOF and hundreds of vendors, food, children’s activities, and
live entertainment downtown. A concert at 4pm will feature Confederate Railroad, Feedback,
Kevin Woody, Across the Wide, and Peytan Porter.
On Sunday, activities will continue with the car show and swap meet at GRHOF and live
entertainment, kid’s activities, exhibits, arts & crafts, and food downtown.
Festival souvenir t-shirts and hats will be available for purchase. Festival proceeds benefit
KARE for Kids, a non-profit organization that helps local children in need.
34th Annual
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GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / September/October 2013
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