Issue #625 - Maltatoday
Issue #625 - Maltatoday
€1.00 YOUR FIRST READ AND FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT maltatoday SUNDAY • 30 OCTOBER 2011 • ISSUE 625 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY GOVERNMENT VOTED €440 MILLION IN CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR THIS YEAR, IS 2012 AN ELECTION YEAR BY ANY CHANCE? SEE PAGES 10, 11 Gatt turns down resignation from ‘brain’ behind failed bus reform INTERVIEW Over €57 million given in payouts to old bus owners MANUEL Delia – Austin Gatt’s right hand man and a new PN candidate for the south –has offered his resignation after the appalling bus reform and backlash on his minister. Gatt, who has said he will resign if PN backbencher Franco Debono abstains next week in a crucial vote of confidence, asked Delia to stay on. Gatt informed the party executive last week that he had refused to accept Delia’s resignation. The bumptious Delia – who is remembered as a student leader in the late 90s, protesting against the reform of the University stipend under the Alfred Sant government – has been credited with the bus reform route disaster. Described as over-bearing and conceited, Delia devised new routes which caused havoc in villages and towns. The bus reform has led backbencher Franco Debono to call for political responsibility to be shouldered by Gatt. This has come after a motion was moved by the Labour Party calling on Gatt to resign. Late last week, Gatt announced that 36 new buses would be added to the Arriva bus fleet, but they would not be air-conditioned and they would not have the same emission standards as the present Arriva buses. Prior to the reform, the Minister admitted that €400,000 had been paid to consultants. One such consultant was lawyer Georg Sapiano, who in the mid-90s commissioned Delia to be his TV assistant when producing a current affairs programme on TVM. In 2009, Sapiano was paid €110,000 for consultancy regarding public transport. And apart from the consultancies, the government paid out €54,347,683 to Maltese bus drivers as a payout for the reform and €3,120,000 to bus drivers in Gozo and landed the Maltese commuter with an Manuel Delia inferior bus system. PM asks Commissioner to investigate Nationalist MP Muscat will cut red tape for Gozo projects be divulged to third parties, the PM informed MaltaToday that the email had been sent to the Police for immediate investigation. The PM did not feel the need to call for the MP – who is a parliamentary assistant – to explain his side of things. Late on Friday, the MP was also asked to comment over the existence of a ‘fund’ which was used to buy football players. He denied any knowledge of the matter and categorically denied that he was involved in any such abuse. He also said that this was an attempt by someone to damage his reputation. OPINION Keeping up appearances - Saviour Balzan Pg 19 But refuses to state which job creation projects he has in mind Seeing black and right - Caroline Muscat Pg 17 JAMES DEBONO LABOUR leader Joseph Muscat would not reveal which “controversial decisions” he has in mind to ensure “sustainable jobs” in Gozo but insisted that “the environment will be protected at all times.” Environmentalists contacted by this newspaper expressed concern on Muscat’s vague hint that while Gozo’s environment has to be protected, controversial decisions on job creation should be taken “nonetheless.” When asked specific questions by MaltaToday, Muscat would only reveal that one of these decisions would be “to cut on red tape and not let projects which create jobs on the shelf waiting for someone to take a decision.” CONTINUES ON PAGE 4 Joseph Muscat Winter time in Malta commenced at 3.00am this morning, clocks should be turned back by one hour. Newspaper post A series of questions to the Prime Minister about alleged bribery in Maltese football has led Lawrence Gonzi to ask the Police Commissioner John Rizzo to investigate allegations about a ‘fund’ allegedly used to bribe football players. The questions sent to the Office of the Prime Minister questioned him about his knowledge of these allegations, and whether he had confronted the Nationalist MP in question. The PM denied any knowledge of the matter, and despite the fact that the email questions were specifically sent with the proviso that the contents of the email should not Karol Aquilina Pgs 12,13 2 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 3 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Maltese teachers warned about Facebook upwards will be given lessons and will discuss internet safety issues with teachers in charge of Health and Safety, PSD and eLearning. Social networking will be one of the topics discussed. The circular also reminds teachers that they need permission from parents if they post photos of their students. JAMES DEBONO A circular issued by the Education Services Directorate has called on teachers not to engage in “inappropriate dialogue” and not to post “inappropriate pictures” on social networking sites such as Facebook. The circular comes in the wake of stories appearing in the foreign media about teachers who were disgraced by comments or pictures which they had posted on their profiles. One case involved six female primary school teachers from Langland in the UK whose raunchy photos depicting them drunk and pole dancing during a hen’s night were spotted by a parent on their profile. A parent of one pupil at the school spotted the pictures, printed off five pages of them and posted them through neighbours’ front doors. In the circular sent to Maltese teachers, the Directorate underlines the “tremendous potential benefits” of social network sites for the professional development of teachers. However it reminds teachers that “as educators, we also have a professional image to uphold and the way we conduct ourselves online holds no exception.” Educators are asked to ensure that their profile picture reflects “their professional image.” Teachers are being reminded that they should establish boundaries with their students. “Educators Teachers warned of consequences Facebook regulation in the US In August, the US State of Missouri passed law a bill that prohibits social networking between teachers and students. As part of the Amy Hestir Student Protection Act, named after a student who was molested by her teacher decades ago – before Facebook was even invented – personal relationships between teachers and pupils over social networking sites was made illegal. But the law was later overturned by the State legislature after a judge ruled “it would have a chilling effect on free speech.” The Missouri State Teachers Association disapproved of the new law, arguing that the vast majority of their online contact with students was strictly for educational purposes. need to establish clear boundaries so as to have a professional educator-student relationship.” Fake identities One major issue being raised in other countries is whether teachers should accept friend requests by their students. The circular issued by the Maltese authorities falls short of banning these online friendships but calls on teachers to respect professional boundaries and to “constantly remind” students that the minimum legal age to have a Facebook account is 13. Even if students are of the legal age to create an account but are still minors, they should always ask for permission before sending any information over the internet. One of the problems facing teachers is that students under the age of 13 are faking their date of birth in order to access Facebook. A former teacher told MaltaToday that she always used to turn down friends requests from children, even from students in Form 4. But it was only when she started checking the profile information of students requesting her friendship that she became aware of the widespread use of fake identities. “I received a friend request from someone born in 1977. I thought the person was one of my son’s friends. But I couldn’t make out who he was since the photo was quite small but after a while I realised it was an 8-year-old boy from my school”. From then on, she has always made sure to check who friend requests were from, and their date of birth. “It was then that I started worrying. Most of the kids were using a fake date of birth”. This problem is being addressed through educational programmes like the BeSmartOnline! project, through which pupils from Year 4 The circular also warns teachers about the consequences of passing casual remarks on fellow colleagues or pupils. While sharing one’s experiences online is deemed healthy, teachers are advised to be careful about how to comment about their students and schools. “We need to remember that we are responsible for what we post on line and do our very best to avoid any negative, defamatory comments that may lead to any form of disciplinary or legal action against us.” Teachers are particularly advised to be careful when interacting with colleagues online. “If at times, one feels the need to vent out his/her feelings, make sure that you understand that whatever is written publicly, can be accessed by anyone, interpreted in different ways and can have dire consequences. Anything in writing can be easily printed or captured and used against you.” Teachers are also reminded that they cannot use Facebook or other social networks during contact time with pupils in class. 4 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 One of the more controversial decisions on hold in Gozo is the extension of the Ta’ Cenc Hotel itself, where Muscat made his address Muscat talks about tough and controversial decisions PAGE 1 Addressing a Labour activity in the Ta’ Cenc Hotel last Sunday, Muscat declared that he would be prepared to take “tough, possibly controversial decisions,” in the interest of job creation. “The status quo is not good enough. Gozo’s environment had to be protected because that was an attraction in itself, but nonetheless, decisions for sustainable job creation needed to be taken in the interest of the people of Gozo,” Muscat said on Sunday. Muscat promises to cut red tape Following his speech, MaltaToday asked Muscat to specify which job creation projects he has in mind for Gozo and why he felt the need to link ‘possibly controversial decisions’ to the protection of the environment. MaltaToday also asked the Labour leader whether his party is committed against major ODZ industrial or tourism development in Gozo. Muscat’s reply fell short of revealing much about Labour future job creation plans for Gozo. “Labour will be taking all decisions that are needed to create sustainable jobs in Gozo”. But in a bid to reassure environmentalists, Muscat added that the “environment will be protected at all times.” Muscat also said that efforts should be made to “cut on red tape and not let projects which create jobs languish on the shelf, waiting for someone to take a decision.” According to Muscat, the crucial difference between the current administration and a future Labour-led government will be largely based on attitude. “Gonzi and his party are all talk, talk and talk on Gozo. Labour will discuss issues with stakeholders, decide about them and implement them without further hesitation”. Gozitan developers and businessmen have often complained that MEPA and government take long and procrastinate to decide on particular projects. In the past two years, the Labour party has sent mixed messages on development projects in Gozo. The party has expressed its willingness to consider an airstrip in Gozo, a project dropped by Alfred Sant immediately after he was elected in 1996. The project is favoured by the party’s spokesperson for Gozo Anton Refalo, but is opposed by fellow Labour MP Justyne Caruana. In the past, Muscat has declared his opposition to the Hondoq ir-Rummien project but has not taken a stand on other proposed developments like the constructions of villas in Mgarr ix-Xini. Environmentalists express concern Three prominent environmentalists contacted by MaltaToday have expressed concern about Muscat’s statements. Veteran environmentalist Edward Mallia interpreted Muscat’s words as a cynical attempt to “scrape votes” in Gozo. According to Mallia, what lies behind Muscat’s stance are the complaints of Gozo developers, such as those pushing the massive residential development at Hondoq ir-Rummien. “While Gozo hoteliers moan about low occupation, they are proposing the addition of yet more accommodation in places like Hondoq ir-Rummien”. Mallia emphasised the fact that Gozo has more empty accommodation than Malta. He also challenged the Labour leader to take a stand on the proposed construction of two supermarkets on agricultural land in Gozo. “Why did Muscat not complain about the plans to gobble up yet more agricultural land on Gozo for setting up supermarkets, which can be easily accommodated inside the semi-derelict Xewkija Industrial Park, especially in view of the fact that there is such strong development in the food processing industry which depends on agriculture?” According to Mallia, Muscat’s remarks were simply made in an attempt to catch votes. “As a basis for any serious policy, they are bankrupt”. Nature Trust President Vince Attard appealed to the Labour Party to explain what it meant by ‘controversial decisions’. “Does this mean this will go beyond sustainable development, and by this, would the environment get a low priority in such decisions?” Nature Trust believes that Gozo needs a strategy to attract more tourists through its cultural, natural and landscape heritage. “The idea of Eco-Gozo needs to be further fine-tuned to reflect this island as an eco destination, which would make it unique. We shouldn’t repeat the mistakes made in Malta”. Friends of the Earth (Malta) chairperson Martin Galea De Giovanni agreed with Muscat that job creation is important in Gozo. “The interests of the people should come first, and Friends of the Earth Malta has nothing against job creation”. But De Giovanni expressed his concern that local politicians and entrepreneurs alike are not known to think outside the box. “Generally, the environment ends up becoming the first casualty of such thinking. This is reflected in Dr Muscat’s comment, where he mentions that job creation has to happen nonetheless”. The good news, according to De Giovanni, is that both the ‘sustainable’ job creation being proposed by Muscat and the protection of Gozo’s environment can go hand in hand to provide all Maltese citizens with a better quality of life. But De Giovanni is “unimpressed” by Muscat’s use of the word ‘sustainability’, as it is a word that has been used and abused by many. “Are we talking about political sustainability, the financial sustainability of a selected few, or that of the environment and the well-being of the community?” 5 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Practice what you preach! Overweight and smoker GPs less likely to advise patients on healthy lifestyles JAMES DEBONO MOST male GPs are somewhat overweight and do not engage in physical exercise on a regular basis, a study conducted among 297 medical practitioners has found. And although 74% of GPs never smoked, 11% are active smokers while 16% used to smoke in the past. The study by Mario Saliba, Mario Sammut, Kristin Vickers and Neville Calleja, published in the Malta Medical Journal, was carried out to assess GPs’ willingness to spend time discussing, educating, assisting, advising, or providing resources to patients regarding health behaviours. According to the study, a third of GPs participating in the study reported difficulty in counselling patients on behaviours that they struggled with themselves. “It is evident that GPs who followed healthy lifestyles were more eager to counsel patients about health behaviour counselling,” the study says. Although 74% of GPs never smoked, 11% are active smokers, whil e 16% used to smoke in the past Most of the GPs believed that counselling in health behaviour-change in primary care is very important. They even believe that they should be role models for their patients as regards health behaviour. Lack of time and training were the major barrier to counselling for most of the doctors interviewed. Surprisingly, more than 20% of the doctors interviewed mentioned the lack of financial reimbursement as an obstacle to health behaviour counselling. According to the authors of the study, this could be an indication that doctors think they are not paid enough and that they need to be reimbursed extra for counselling because it is extra work that is not part of the consultation. “Doctors should be trained in motivational interviewing, which are important in helping patients recognise the need for a change in their health behaviours,” the authors say. Study shows higher obesity among Gozitan children JAMES DEBONO GOZO has a higher prevalence of overweight and obese boys than the rest of Malta an extensive study documenting the body mass index of Maltese children shows. Children attending independent fee-paying schools were the least likely to be overweight and obese. Results of the study were published in the Malta Medical Journal in an article authored by pediatricians Victor Grech and Victoria Farrugia Sant Angelo. The study was based on data collected in 2008 and 2010. In 2008, data was collected from a total of 3,435 children aged seven. The same procedure was carried out in 2010 on the same cohort of children. A total of 3,090 children participated in the second round of the study. Based on World Health Organization criteria, over a quarter of Maltese sevenyear-olds were found to be overweight or obese in 2008. This proportion rose to just over 40% when the same cohort was measured in 2010 at the age of nine. One of the reasons given by the study to explain why Gozitan children are more obese is the increase in fast-food outlets in the island. Another possible reason is that children in Gozo are exposed to greater academic pressure in primary schools to guarantee entrance to the Junior Lyceum or to the only Church Secondary School in Gozo. This leads to a more sedentary lifestyle for these children. The lowest levels of overweight and obese children in 2010 was registered in the North Harbour district, which includes major urban centers like B’Kara, Sliema, St Julian’s and Qormi. The study also shows that independent schools enjoy the least prevalence of overweight and obesity among both boys and girls. This was not so in 2008, when girls attending independent Schools had a high prevalence for being overweight, but not obese. However, this trend was significantly reversed in the 2010 study where the same girls became the least overweight and obese when compared to other schools. A survey of school sports facilities and time spent by children in physical activity per week carried out as part of the European Child Growth Surveillance Initiative in 2008 showed that independent schools had longer school days, and more time devoted to physical activity than State and Church schools. Children attending independent, fee-paying schools were the least likely to be overweight 6 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 10 201120102009 200820072006 200520042003 28 October 2001 2002 2001 YEARS AGO Referendum or election debate on Malta’s accession to EU Former Prime Minister of Malta, Eddie Fenech Adami addressed a public forum organised by ‘IVA Malta fl-Ewropa’ to mark its one year anniversary. The seminar was held in Valletta’s Freedom Square in October 2001. Fenech Adami said that the referendum regarding Malta’s entry into the European Union could and would take place after everyone was aware of the negotiations package. He also said that the decision to join Europe was not one to be taken by the political parties and expressed concerns regarding former Opposition Leader Alfred Sant’s statements that he will not abide by a referendum result. Also present at the public forum, Sant said that the Malta Labour Party’s decision was similar to that of the Nationalist Party, adding that both Fenech Adami and Foreign Minister Joe Borg had pledged that their campaign for EU integration would continue even if a referendum was lost. Sant felt that the MLP could take a similar stand by stating that an election was the way forward on the EU integration debate, instead of a referen- dum. He also reiterated that it was possible for Malta to be involved in a special relationship. Deputy leader of the Opposition Toni Abela said he was in favour of a referendum but added that the legal framework did not exist. Querying the technical aspects of the ballot on EU accession, Abela added that Malta would lose out on accession and the government was misleading the Maltese population over the possibility of funds. Abela referred to an article in the Economist saying that Malta and Romania were the two applicant countries set to end up with a raw deal following the Nice Treaty. Iva’s main spokesperson Joanna Drake, said that Malta’s place was in the EU and entry would provide much needed security and peace. She also said that accession would mean ‘level-playing field’ for Maltese representatives to take decisions on a par with larger nations such as France and Germany. Drake concluded the Forum by saying: “Let us look to the future, let us put the clock forward, not back”. Existing site Photomontage of development on site Car park proposed next to St Julian’s church JAMES DEBONO A presently undeveloped site between the St Julian’s Parish Church and the locality’s government school is being earmarked for the development of a public car park, a supermarket, offices and 12 residential units. Architect Ray DeMicoli, whose architecture firm is behind the project, insists that the project will be of high architectural quality and will be landscaped through planting. “In this way, the area will not lose its green character,” DeMicoli said. The development above the car park will be terraced and will never surpass the level of Lapsi Street. “We wanted to ensure that the views of residents living behind the development will not be in affected”. DeMicoli explained that the project originated in the idea of finding adequate space for his renowned architectural studio, which boasts of various projects both locally and internationally. But since the owners wanted to sell the entire area he started exploring ways of developing the area while respecting the architectural fabric of the area. “I am proud of this project as it is nicely crafted and very respectful,” DeMicoli told MaltaToday. The offices and supermarket is being proposed to make the car park financially viable. DeMicoli has already held meetings with the local council and with the parish church to ensure that the project respects the needs of the local community. A set of public lifts will link the car park to the church and Lapsi Street. The project is still in the very initial phase of the planning process. The local plan approved by the government in 2006 envisions a new underground car park with access along the eastern boundary of Anglu Mikiel Borg Street following the setting up of resident parking zones in the locality. In considering this development, the local plan calls on MEPA to seek the development of “new community and sports facilities”. On his part, DeMicoli is open to the idea of a “planning gain” for residents. 7 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 After Brussels, life gets so much better Study on former Commissioners finds Joe Borg a perfect candidate for a lobbying job but poor prospects for John Dalli MATTHEW VELLA AT least 39% of European Commissioners take up a job as a lobbyist after leaving their official roles, to cash in the knowledge and networks they acquired in office accumulated at the expense of the taxpayers. The former fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg earned his home country a mention in a study by economics professor Roland Vaubel, who said former commissioners from Portugal, Austria, Bulgaria and Malta have the highest propensity to lobby Brussels on private companies’ behalf. Having said that, Borg is so far the only former commissioner Malta has had. But whether health and consumer affairs Commissioner John Dalli follows his predecessor’s cue is yet to be seen. Going by Vaubel’s interpretation, the prospect of the lobbyist afterlife may affect Commissioners’ decisions and voting behaviour while they are still at the Commission, and induce them to be more accommodating towards interest groups. Former Commissioners like Joe Borg know where the money is after leaving Brussels. When his term finished in 2009, Borg started work for Fipra, a PR consultancy lobbying on public affairs. And Borg even fits Vaubel’s commissioner-turned-lobbyist perfectly: according to his study, commissioners with a law degree were more likely to become lobbyists (48%), more likely to be nominated by a right wing government, and on average be aged 58 upon retirement. Upon retirement, Borg also benefited from a three-year transitional allowance tagged at 4065% of his €240,000 salary – a take-home allowance of €11,000 monthly. And then there is his pension, an annual €51,068 annually upon reaching 65. “The probability that the exCommissioners become lobbyists depends significantly on their former policy brief,” Vaubel said. “It is 100% if they have been responsible for competition policy, 89% for the internal market, 67% for economics and finance and 57% for agriculture, energy or industry. It is zero for ex-Commissioners who have been in charge of research, education, administrative affairs, health or multilinguism.” So that means that Dalli’s chance of becoming a lobbying guru is already out of the picture. A return to politics may yet beckon. However, a new Code of Conduct by the European Commission adopted in 2010 now prescribes an 18-month “cooling-off period” during which its retiring members are not supposed to lobby in their former policy field. “Yet the Commission decides collectively. Each Commissioner is entitled to vote on all decisions taken by the Commission,” Vaubel points out. “The prospect of becoming a lobbyist may also John Dalli’s health portfolio may not get him far in post-Commission lobbying jobs, while Joe Borg’s maritime industry role and law degree made him the perfect candidate for a consultancy job affect his vote on issues outside his policy brief. The cooling-off period ought to cover all policy fields in which the Commission is active”. And this seems to confirm Vaubel’s parting shot. Rules should not be set by those who later are to abide by them. “If the rules are determined by the Commissioners, they are likely to be biased in their favour. They will not sufficiently restrict the scope for post-Commission lobbying. As a result, Commissioners give too much support to special interest groups, both before and after retiring from the Commission”. Richard Vaubel is a Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim, and a member of the academic advisory council to Germany’s federal economics ministry. 8 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Are the Maltese just Too jaded to question stagnation? Not worth the effort to sound our anger against the powers to be? TEODOR RELJIC asks whether the Maltese have nothing to protest about as revolution fills the air in the rest of the world Andre Callus: “Protests which implicitly or explicitly express party dualism are well attended” DO the Maltese really have nothing to be angry about while the rest of its neighbourhood goes up in flames? As the worldwide ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests – held in reaction against perceived economic injustices in the wake of the worldwide recession – rapidly spread across geographic boundaries and recalling, in some ways, the Arab Spring, it seems Malta remains conspicuously absent from the universal chorus of dissent. “There is nothing to protest about,” wrote Alex Grech – blogger, social media researcher and the driving force behind culturelisting – in an article outlining several reasons why the Maltese do not appear to be geared towards protesting, in general. Really? Are we such inwardlooking islanders jaded by the Mediterranean sun and pampered by cradle-to-grave welfare and vote-conscious politicians, that we have nothing to be angry about? Here’s Grech’s proposition: ‘There is nothing to protest about. Malta is somehow managing to weather the global storm. People still have food on their table. We can watch the Rome protests on TV and the Internet without having to clean up the next day.’ But he goes on to give more varied and textured explanations, suggesting that, conversely, it might just be that the older generation remember the Mintoff years – characterised as they were by constant social unrest – that they dare not engage in activity that might even remotely recall those times (rather than just being politically passive), while also pointing out how Michael Briguglio: “By not voting, such ‘protest’ gives a message of disgruntlement, which in return is paid back through a political favour” maybe, the younger generation is in turn far too mollycoddled to even think about something to protest against. ‘To protest, you need a culture of protest. A non-hierarchical education system where a child feels comfortable to voice an opinion, question, discuss, debate and challenge without the covert (or real) chance of retribution. We bring up our children to believe that life is safe and fair – but also to respect the status quo. Someone else will take care of all that messy, political stuff. Just keep your head down, get through your exams, get your stipend when you get to University and the rest will unravel,’ Grech writes. Economics rules However, while the article appeared to have gained traction on the social networking site Facebook, not everyone is in agreement with Grech’s ideas. University student and former editor of student publication Realtà – which was caught in the eye of the censorship storm last year following its inclusion of Alex Vella Gera’s short story Li Tkisser Sewwi – even goes so far as to say that “Grech’s analysis is poor and naïve.” “First of all Malta experienced a fair share of ‘action’ in modern history, to use Grech’s simplistic and ridiculous terminology. Do you know for example that the last general strike in Britain took place in 1926 while the last general strike in Malta took place more recently in 1958 and was even more successful?” Camilleri – a History and Economics graduate who has led a number of protests in the wake of his arrest following the publication of the Vella Gera story – said, while also suggesting a reason as to why an equivalent to the Occupy Wall Street protests didn’t happen in Malta: “First of all youth have greater access to the labour market than their British, American and Italian counterparts, and second of all standards of living are not dwindling at the rate of other European and Western countries. “However this does not mean that everything is red and rosy. The labour market in Malta is not meeting expectations, as precarious jobs are increasing, wages are not increasing according to the standards of living and all indicators show that the ordinary working man will face an increasingly more difficult economic situation in the near future,” Camilleri said, warning that Malta’s relative peace might not last for long: “So we might not have had protests up until now, but the people’s dissatisfaction will be publicly evident if the economy does not meet expectations.” Bipolar uprisings Moviment Graffitti’s Andre Callus also disagrees with the idea that the Maltese are somehow hardwired NOT to protest, and points out that “public expressions of discontent are not absent. A number of well-attended protests, such as those against the hike in water and electricity tariffs [led by the General Workers Union] did take place.” Callus emphases that the Maltese context should be taken into consideration: Maltese society and politics tends to be dominated by the ‘dualism’ of the Nationalist-Labour tug-of-war and that makes it difficult for non-parti- Alex Grech: “Civic protests are not in our DNA” san issues to be aired with any kind of real, defining fervour that could ultimately be the driving force for real social change. And this suggests why protests led by the Union Haddiema Maghqudin against the Labour budget of 1997, or the GWU protests against Nationalist budgets have had strong attendances. “Protests which implicitly or explicitly express this dualism, are well attended. In the case of other kinds of protests, it is usually much more difficult to get people out on the street,” Callus said, also suggesting however that this is a process which is “still ongoing” and “still open.” The strong presence of government in a small ‘hyperlocal’ community like Malta where the littlest of issues can be turned into a national headline, can serve to heighten the us-against-them tendency. Where a popular cause can be safely invoked against government, mass mobilisation can be easy. In 1997, in protest against the cuts in university stipends by the Labour government, university and post-secondary students spent a week of mass demonstrations outside Castille and the parliament. But it also served to reinforce the perception that where money problems come in, the Maltese are quick to react. Like the protests against water and electricity tariff hikes led by the GWU, there was little else to unite university students after 1997. The pecuniary interest in receiving the full stipend they had grown accustomed to (on average the stipend was cut down from Lm80 to Lm50 a month) was repackaged as a cut in government’s investment in their education. Land and lucre Patrick Galea, an MA Sociology graduate with a research interest in social movements, also recognised the unavoidable presence of the two major political parties, and how this fact tends to blot out any other, more ‘minor’ issues into insignificance. “Consequently, those issues that carry little partisan overtones are seldom considered to be important by the general population and do not animate any significant amount of people, at least not enough to make protesting a viable option,” Galea said. “Maltese perceptions are often insular and inward looking. As a friend of mine once said, the Maltese seem to expect that their news becomes world news, but world news is seldom deemed relevant to them. The immigration issue, and the many voices that seem to expect the world to stop and come to Malta’s rescue, is a case in point.” Galea’s point is illustrated by its flipside – in 2005 and 2006 the short-lived right-wing Alleanza Repubblikana Maltaija led two well-attended protests against immigration. On the other hand anti-racism protests led by Moviment Graffitti have tended to attract less numerous crowds, usually younger and better educated but never achieving that critical mass that can counters the popular xenophobic sentiment we may have grown accustomed to in recent years. But this also gives a clue into what Maltese people are sensitive about. Not just money, but the limitations of a small island: land. So the threats to a limited resource, such as the metaphorical ‘invasion’ from the sea of immigrants threatening to take 9 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 t lazy sunbathers? jobs and welfare; or the threat of increased construction taking away green pastures, have resulted in popular demonstrations. Chiming in with the overall sentiment, Michael Briguglio, leader of the Alternattiva Demokratika (The Green Party) and an early member of Moviment Graffitti pointed out how protests are very much present in Maltese cultural life, though certain notable political strands may be absent, or as yet underdeveloped. “Civil society actors such as trade unions, environmental NGOs and civil rights NGOs have carried out protests, time and again… Of course, this is not to say that Malta is bubbling with activism. For example, Malta lacks a feminist mass movement or a coherent and broad-based students’ movement.” In the past Briguglio has participated in various protests such as the protest against the Rabat golf course (a mass civil society action that gave positive results when the golf course was refused); the 2006 protest against the extension of building zones, and other environmental protests led by Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar which had captured the exonpectations of better environmental stewardship after EU accession. her Briguglio points out another curious form of protest (or non-protest) that appears to be peculiar to the Maltesee – the tendency to not vote. hat “My reading of this is that ote certain people do not vote ecin local or European elecge tions so as to give a message ato either or both of the man, jor parties, which in turn, have access to the details of rsuch voters, given that parta ties are exempt from data h protection legislation. Such ‘protest’ gives a message of n disgruntlement, which, in h return is paid back through a political favour. Hardlyy a call for social change,”” Briguglio said. READ MORE Do the Maltese protest? est? | Alex Grech @ pzr3 Immigration, environment, energy tariffs and university stipends: the Maltese people are sensitive about money and land 10 News NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Monday, 24 October 2011 OPM denies email leak to Times The OPM denied allegations that a ministry leaked Joseph Muscat’s ‘unsophisticated’ email conversation with an RTK journalist to The Times before being given to PN media. The publication of the emails were served to embarrass Muscat and open him up to criticism but NET News did not reveal that the RTK journalist’s emails also included correspondence with prominent members of the Nationalist party. Tuesday, 25 October 2011 Government voted against MCESD motion – Speaker Speaker Michael Frendo confirmed allegations made by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat that government voted against a motion calling for the expansion of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development to include the Forum Unions Maltin and Gozo Business Chamber. This was confirmed after government issued a statement denying allegations made by Muscat. Wednesday, 26 October 2011 Anti-divorce movement claim emails were stolen not leaked Members of the anti-divorce movement Le claimed their email correspondence was stolen leaked and published by the press back in April 2011. In light of Muscat’s recent claims and police complaint made by the RTK journalist involved, the anti-divorce movement referred to published ‘divorce emails’ on Bondiplus and denied that Andre Camilleri, Fr Joe Borg, Ray Baldacchino, Lawrence Zammit and Arthur Galea Salomone leaked the emails to the press. Thursday, 27 October 2011 First baby born in YMCA homeless shelter history A baby was born at the YMCA homeless shelter Dar Niki Cassar for the first time in its history. The woman gave birth before the ambulance arrived. Both mother and baby were taken to Mater Dei hospital and were assisted by social workers and a team of professionals. YMCA chairman Jean Paul Mifsud would not reveal the age of the mother or gender of the baby and said that it was a shame that such special and delicate situation happened in such a circumstances. Friday, 28 October 2011 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2011 When politics Politics is about power, but also about delivery. KARL STAGNO-NAVARRA takes a look at what government has delivered so far this year, while also being kept busy by internal bickering BURDENED with the reality that the Nationalist Party has been in power for the last 20 years – save a 22-month interruption of a Labour government between 1996 and 1998 – Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is set to face a crucial 2012, which will be his last full year in office for this legislature. A general election is technically expected not later than midway 2013, making next year strategic for the premier to deliver on his government’s promises, amid new stringent surveillance to rein in the public deficit and tensions over how the Greek debt fallout will continue to unfold for the eurozone. Gonzi will have to deliver, as he continues to walk on a tightrope with a fragile one-seat majority in the House. Often a time, the Prime Minister’s agenda was diverted to focus on quelling backbench rebellions. But the latest threat – triggered by Franco Debono over his declared intention to abstain on noconfidence motion in transport minister Austin Gatt – has the potential of destabilising prospects for 2012. Should Gatt survive the vote on 4 November with the Speaker’s casting vote, Gonzi’s government would be weakened, and also ignite considerations for a snap election. Austin Gatt may be renowned for his lack of charm and bulldozer tactics, but in truth he is Gonzi’s most ‘intelligent’ and perhaps his most productive minister, and the PM technically cannot afford to lose Gatt at this time. Parliament will be debating Labour’s motion on the public transport fiasco two days before the new changes to the service come into force on 6 November, but Gonzi has apparently been advised to steer clear from the thorny issue, and not allow the public transport fiasco stick to him, tainting his prospects for reelection. For pragmatism or ruthlessness, Gonzi has since not come out to defend Gatt, and appeared passive, but concerned, as he emerged from two meetings of the PN’s executive council which A beleaguered Austin Gatt with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, as they oversee the demolition of Valletta City Gate was summoned to discuss the bus reform. It is important to note that Gonzi chose to have the matter discussed within the party’s executive, and not within the parliamentary group, which has not convened for months. It is this pragmatism that raises many questions relating to Gonzi’s survival in office in 2012, as he appears even more conscious of the risks he faces as the split between his front and backbenches becomes more obvious. But calling an election is not as simple as one may think. When faced with Dom Mintoff’s rebellion in 1998, then Prime Minister Alfred Sant had called a snap election just 22 months into Labour’s return to office, after almost 10 years in opposition. Sant gambled and lost that election heavily, mainly because he underestimated the impact of internal squabbles on the electorate, and his lack of communication with the party, which in truth was caught unprepared to organise a campaign. Lawrence Gonzi may be tempted to call an early election and call his rebel’s bluff, but he also knows that the PN is far from ready for a campaign. The PN’s strategy group is headed by John Zammit, a man known for his ‘no-frills’ in public relations approach, capable of alienating the vast spectrum of voters Forum budget proposals presented outside MCESD meeting The Forum of Maltese Unions protested the denial of an observer seat on MCESD budget meeting outside of the Phoenicia Hotel in Floriana where the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development was meeting. Forum secretary-general Paul Pace and Forum president John Bencini argued the injustice of being excluded from MCESD meetings and said they will continue to protest until they are heard. Clyde Puli: 2011 has been government’s ‘annus horribilis’ for sports projects, but a number of initiatives have been taken by projecting a dynamic image of government through his philosophy of the importance of delivery where it matters to the voter. A year in motion Behind the scenes of an oftenstalling one-seat majority government, Gonzi’s government has been active on all fronts, most especially in delivering roads, infrastructure and services. Some €440 million have been voted for capital projects in 2011. Rummaging through a whole year of ministerial appointments and relative press releases from January to last week, one discovers that parliamentary secretary Chris Said has been at the forefront in heeding John Zammit’s philosophy of delivering where it matters most to the voter. Over the past three years, government has allocated €120 million to local councils, and an extra €15.7 million were granted to councils under 51 schemes aimed at a number of projects that include the installation of photovoltaic panels, good upkeep of playing fields, cleaning services, sports activities out of which 8,000 people have benefited from, educational courses, cultural activities, enhancing public libraries and the restoration and embellishment of landmark buildings and public squares. Some 230 residential roads have been surfaced at an estimated cost of €15 million, while European funds are being tapped and received through MEUSAC for joint council-EU projects. 211 unemployed persons were engaged on jobs by local councils on a Community Workers’ scheme, receiving 75% of the minimum wage apart from their benefit. Some 40 public dialogue meetings around Malta and Gozo have been held, while Parliamentary Secretary Jason Azzopardi follows in regular public activity in launching initiatives which deliver where it matters most to the voter. Under his watch a number of properties, landmarks and land have been passed on to local councils and NGOs, under a devolution scheme that has picked up momentum over the past years. In February, Jason Azzopardi announced that 8,107 mothers have started to benefit from an income tax reduction scheme for returning to work, while 2,131 families started to benefit from tax benefits for sending their children to child centres. A €16 million embellishment programme in industrial zones around Malta and Gozo was launched and works were initiated immediately, while 708 small business owners invested almost €10.7 million in expanding their operations after benefiting from the Microinvest scheme, creating 285 new jobs. During this year alone, the Lands Department intervened on 960 direct enforcement actions against squatters, abuse or illegal use of public land. The figure rocketed from 334 in 2008. Under the finance ministry, Jason Azzopardi is overseeing works that have started in Tal-Qroqq on a €29 million Life Sciences Centre to be named BioMalta Campus. The project is co-financed between government, Malta Enterprise and the European Regional Development Fund. Finance minister Tonio Fenech issued €4 million in a one-off special allowance to 62,000 individuals in compensation for increased utility tariffs. 2,400 cars were scrapped in one year under a special scheme this year, and Census 2011 was launched in every household. The ministry also launched eProcurement which has changed the way government conducts public procurement. While works on the Delimara power station extension started this year and are already at a very advanced stage, government also inaugurated sewage treatment plants which have made Malta the only Mediterranean nation 11 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2011 meets PR that treats all sewage outflows. Fiasco aside Putting aside the route fiasco, the public transport reform that came into force on 4 July, saw the garaging of an aged bus fleet and the advent of eco-friendly, air conditioned buses. Austin Gatt’s ministry however, has been the backbone for a wave of reforms that have broken longtime monopolies and liberalised sectors which were considered to be ‘no go areas’. These sectors include taxis, mini buses, coaches, unscheduled bus service, hearses, ferries and water taxis. IT has been Gatt’s ministry’s power base, and this year all localities throughout Malta and Gozo are covered by internet WiFi hotspots. Government has completed its national connectivity strategy, linking all government departments, digitising the Lands Department, Public Registry, ID department and introduced biometric passports. Works on the rebuilding and regeneration of the Grand Harbour breakwater bridge have been completed, while works are underway on the Barrakka lift. Gonzi and Gatt saw to the initiation of major works to the Valletta City Gate project. In May, they followed the demolition of the capital’s old gate and start of excavation works in former Freedom Square. The site has since started to take shape and the new Parliament Building and opera house are in visibly in an advanced stage. Towards the end of last year, SmartCity Malta inaugurated its first block, but the multi-million project remains late on schedule in its delivery on jobs, as Gatt admits delay in MEPA’s permits on sewage outfall. Although waiting lists remain a problem, health minister Joe Cassar initiated talks with doctors, nurses and health sector workers’ unions to seek ways of improving the efficiency at Mater Dei Hospital. During the first six months of 2011, Mater Dei handled an increase of 2,800 operations. Expenditure on health this year tops €378 million. Works have started on a new cancer hospital, while further embellishment and modernisation works continued at Mount Carmel Hospital, and in homes for the elderly. The Pharmacy of Your Choice scheme continued to expand, the price of more medicines has been reduced, and the hospital also catered to injured Libyans following the uprising. Social services Dolores Cristina’s ‘super ministry’ handles a €934 million social services bill in 2011, out of which €733 were paid out in social benefits. This year alone, the education sector was allocated €340 million, two new schools are currently being built, works are underway on the new MCAST campus in Corradino, standing schools modernised and facilities improved at a cost of €3.8 million, and 1,800 interactive whiteboards installed in State schools. The ministry continued to suffer the setback of having EU’s Erasmus funds blocked, but compensated for the loss through a number of scholarships which were increased pending the impasse with the European Commission. €43.2 million were paid out to Church schools, while €3.5 million were passed on to the University of Malta in subventions. Government estimates that 3,800 children have attended IT course E-TFAL with 10 hours of free tuition. 240 of the children are from Gozo. Environment minister George Pullicino delivered on his promise to pedestrianise Bisazza Street, only to (once again) discover a problem with the new bus route, which now had to be diverted through Tigne’. The Sliema front regeneration works were completed and the new Tigne’ tunnel is operational. Animal welfare concerns were addressed with the St Francis clinic, and legislation was modernised, enforcing micro-chipping and registration of pets. Works continued on storm water projects, valley cleaning, forestation, waste recycling, rehabilitation of derelict spaces, and wind farm technology planning. Sport nightmare 2011 may be remembered as government’s ‘annus horribilis’ where sports projects are concerned. After the stalling of the White Jason Azzopardi has put his foot down and seen to 960 direct enforcements in 2011 Rocks Sports Complex project, which had to take off this year, another cold shower was taken as Parliamentary Secretary Clyde Puli announced government’s strategy for sports, and launched a call for expression of interest for the development of the Marsa Sports Village, for which nobody applied. Projects apart, for the first time in recent history, government launched a sports recruitment scheme for the Armed Forces, while substantial amounts of money were forwarded to various sports organisations. Sports facilities were modernised and built around the island. Tourism 2011 may be considered as a bumper year for tourism, with an increased number of tourist arrivals, who however stayed less and spent less, leading hoteliers to express concern over eroding profitability, and daunting prospects for the autumn and winter. For this year, government expenditure on tourism is in excess of €35 million, with €10 million spent as assistance to operators to enhance their product. Another €11 million are being spent on the construction of gardens in Pembroke and an Aquarium in Bugibba, while another €6.5 million are being spent on the embellishment and upkeep of tourist zones. Expenditure on Chris Said has been the most active in 2011 heritage sites upkeep is expected to reach €14 million. Gozo Gozo minister Giovanna Debono continues to struggle to address the island’s unemployment, and has focused her work on securing funding and facilities for training Gozitans in various sectors. Funds have been injected into Gozo’s training institute for the tourism industry, the extension of the centre for art and crafts, and a crafts development centre, ETC schemes, courses for sustainable careers, Gozo university, training courses to enhance the employability of the Gozitan workforce. Works have progressed and been completed on major projects in Gozo, including the reconstruction and modernisation of the road network, sewage treatment plants, provision of cold storage facilities. The Gozo General Hospital has been fitted with a radiology department, and more services given to outpatients. 3ALKNPAN Franco Debono, Monday at 7.45pm on Favourite Channel 12 Interview By James Debono Vetting the AS President of the PN’s administrative council, Karol Aquilina’s job description includes overseeing the party’s commercial companies and electoral structures as well as taking responsibility for the initial choice of candidates standing for elections. Considering recent events at both local and national level, Aquilina’s role in vetting candidates contesting under the party’s banner could well be the most sensitive one. During the past two years, the PN faced difficulties in various local councils where candidates and even mayors elected on its behalf had to resign or were forced to resign because they ended up being investigated by the police. Has this exposed a lack of vetting of candidates? Aquilina is quick to point out that this problem affects both parties, citing a recent court case against Labour’s Cospicua mayor. But Aquilina thinks that a rethink is necessary on the way local council candidates are chosen. “We surely cannot afford to choose candidates on the eve of an election. The process of becoming a candidate should be spread over a period of time, and not a few days”. One thing that would help for sure is ensuring that all candidates have experience in administrative structures either of the party itself or of voluntary organisations. Speaking out of personal experience, Aquilina believes that his past participation in organisations like the Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ and Studenti Demokristjani Maltin helped him in his political for- THE PARTY LINE The question of loyalty is a double edged sword mation before becoming a local councillor and later deputy mayor in the Siġġiewi council, and one of the PN’s leading officials. “Through these experiences, one learns those unwritten rules of conduct which prove vital when one assumes office. People with these experiences offer a greater guarantee of correctness than those involved in cases which occurred recently”. Still, this does not offer an absolute guarantee. “Mistakes in the choice of candidates cannot always be avoided. People change and circumstances change them… but things could improve if candidates are chosen over a period of time.” Is Aquilina concerned that rather than rising from grass root structures, some local council candidates are identified and pushed by district heavyweights to whom they owe a sense of loyalty? “Many of the members of parliament identify candidates for local council elections because they know the people who surround them and their capabilities. The party also asks them to do this. They are in a good position to assess the character of those who are proposed as candidates”. Aquilina himself proposes candidates. “Obviously, I only submit names of people who I know can give a valid and serious contribution”. Will there be a vetting process for candidates standing for national election? “Yes, and this has always been the case.” And what are the criteria? “There are no definitive criteria. But the party is now in a position to take this process more seriously.” The PN’s parliamentary group has been riddled with division. While any rifts on divorce can be explained as emerging due to differing viewpoints on an issue of conscience, the government is now facing a no-confidence motion in one of its Ministers: Austin Gatt. Franco Debono has already announced that he intends to abstain on the vote if Gatt does not assume political responsibility. Wouldn’t any abstention on this vote undermine the principle of collegiality on which a government is based? Aquilina immediately points out that the motion was presented by the opposition, and not by members of the PN bench. He recognises the fact that various PN parliamentarians are expressing concerns about the public transport reform but he also gives credit to Gatt for embarking on a reform of a system which had been in place for 40 years. “In actual fact, Gatt has already recognised that there are serious shortcomings in the present public transport system, and has also publicly assumed political responsibility. However, he deserves recognition in view of the fact that previous Labour and Nationalist governments never dreamt of embarking on a wholesale reform of the sector. I must also recognise that previous Nationalist Ministers responsible for transport – Censu Galea and Jesmond Mugliett – had implemented a number of reforms in the public transport. But this time around, we were too ambitious and the crucial point is now how to make the reform a success in the shortest time possible”. Aquilina augurs that all those parliamentarians expressing concerns on the new system and Austin Gatt’s role in the reform, will still vote with the government after being presented with all the facts on this issue. Will those Nationalist MPs who were not sufficiently loyal to the government in parliamentary votes, pay a price when the party chooses its candidates for the next election? Aquilina insists that it is “premature” to talk of any decision on this matter, even if he hints that loyalty is an important criterion when assessing the suitability of candidates standing for re-election under the PN banner. But he also makes it clear that the party does not expect blind loyalty from its MPs. “The question of loyalty is a double edged sword. It would be very negative to have blind loyalty but it is also negative to have persons who, while affirming their loyalty, create all the problems in the world for the government without any valid reason”. He also points out that any assessment must be based on the performance of MPs throughout the entire five years of the legislature including the next one and half year “in which many things can happen.” Aquilina does not foresee any particular difficulties in this matter. The last election was contest- ed under the GonziPN banner. The formula worked in the last election, but can it be replicated in 2013? “Every election is a different story, and the factors determining the outcome of any election are different”. Was the party too associated with the party leader in the past election in a way that people voted for the leader rather than the party? “A political brand name serves to win over the majority of the electorate. Even at an international level, the leader is far popular than the party. For example, in Italy one of the problems facing the centre-left is the lack of charisma of its leaders”. So what could help the PN win the election next time round? “One of the factors which could win us the election is our experience in governing the country. The second thing, which is in our favour, is that we are forward-looking. We are not imprisoned by our mistakes. Take public transport – we admitted that there are difficulties, and we are doing everything to address these problems”. Another winning card for the PN is that it has an answer for any question regarding its policies. “Unfortunately the Opposition’s answer to any question is ‘we will tell you in 18 months time.’ On the other hand, when we are asked we can say what we have done and what we intend to do”. But while the Nationalist Party is in government – and therefore is obliged to have all the answers – the opposition is not, and does not even have all the books in its hands. “But ideas are nobody’s prerogative. Ideas can also come from people not involved in politics, let alone an opposition aspiring to be in government”. Divorce created a chasm in the party. With hindsight, did the PN take a wise decision opposing divorce? Surely for Aquilina, the internal discussion was “very healthy.” “It was a no-holds-barred discussion, and I believe that we should use the same formula to discuss similar issues which may come up in the future.” Aquilina thinks that the PN’s decision to oppose the introduction of divorce is now “irrelevant.” “What counts for the PN is the decision of the electorate and in fact, that was one of the fundamental points included in the motion approved by the PN executive. Positions must be taken in a context. I don’t think that now that divorce has been introduced people care about that decision anymore. For the PN, divorce is a closed chapter. What I hope is that the discussion now focuses on how we can strengthen the family.” It is very obvious that the PN now includes social liberals as well as members and activists who do not adhere to the Roman Catholic religion. Doesn’t this contradict the party’s Christian democratic identity? Aquilina makes it clear that the party’s identity is not in question. But he makes it clear that while the party has its principles, it does not exclude people simply because they disagree with it “on a couple of issues.” So can one support granting gay partners the same rights as married couples while still being a PN member? “One can choose to have such a position without necessarily expecting the party to take the same position”. But in open recognition of the plurality of values in Maltese society, Aquilina makes it clear that his party is not tied to a particular set of moral values. “We are not tied to a particular set of values but we try to pick the best values from everyone. What counts for us is whether an idea is good or not, irrespective of who says it or from where it originates. This is why, for the past elections, we gained the support of the majority of the population. We are not anchored to dogmas”. He attributes this ideological flexibility to the great changes made in the 1970s under the leadership of Eddie Fenech Adami when the party became closer to the working class and strengthened its social policy. In this spirit, apart from basic principles like freedom, social justice and respect for fundamental human rights, nothing is cast in stone. But this does not mean that the party cannot take a position. “We are open to any sort of discussion on issues but we will never abscond on our duty as a political party to take a decision”. Moreover, as was the case with divorce, those who took a different position can still coexist with the majority without being expelled from the party. Nobody can feel excluded from the party because there is something fundamentally 13 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 New PN President Karol Aquilina is responsible for the vetting of candidates standing for local and national elections. He makes it clear that a rethink is necessary in the way the party chooses its candidates candidates SPIRIT OF OPENNESS We are not anchored to dogmas against him or her. Except for a brief interlude between 1996 and 1998, the PN has been in power between 1987 till the present day. Aquilina does not see this as a problem. “Since 1987, the Nationalist party has cultivated a culture of government among its officials. They all know what is demanded of them when occupying responsibility. This means that if elected again, it will not face the problem of adjusting itself to being a party in government. If Labour is elected in the next election, Muscat will enter Castille asking himself: “OK, I am the Prime Minister, what should I do now?” He disputes Labour’s credentials as a government-in-waiting. “The Labour Party’s higher ranks are either occupied by persons who served in the disastrous administration which ran the country between 1981 and 1987, or by people who have no experience of what it takes to be in government”. Wasn’t the PN exactly in the same position in 1987? Aquilina insists that that this was a completely different circumstance. “There was nothing to recover in 1987. On that occasion, the PN literally had to start from scratch”. In the last few weeks, there was talk of reforms aimed at strengthening Maltese democracy. One topic which is expected to be discussed in parliament is a bill on party financing which has been drafted by Franco Debono. Aquilina agrees with the need to regulate this sector. “We want greater transparency and openness in this sector, but at the same time we have to ensure that political parties can operate. The law should not curtail the work of political Karol Aquilina AGE: 31 PRESENT ROLES: PRESIDENT OF PN ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL, DEPUTY MAYOR OF SIGGIEWI PAST ROLES: PRESIDENT, NATIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL (KNZ), PRESIDENT, STUDENTI DEMOKRISTJANI MALTIN (SDM), VICE PRESIDENT, MOVIMENT ZGHAZAGH PARTIT NAZZJONALI (MZPN) QUALIFICATIONS: ADVOCATE HOBBY: PHOTOGRAPHY A BOOK HE RECENTLY READ: NON SARÒ CLEMENTE BY CLEMENTE MASTELLA FAVOURITE FOREIGN DESTINATION: ROME FAVOURITE MALTESE LANDSCAPE: FAWWARA, LIMITS OF SIGGIEWI parties as these are essential for democracy to work.” If political parties are so important, why not introduce a system of State financing, as happens in advanced democracies like Germany? Aquilina is wary of this concept. “In my opinion, political parties should remain dependent on the electorate and not on the State. I find no problem that parties receive state aid in the formulation of policies or to train people. But I don’t like the idea of having the party’s organisations financed by the State”. But isn’t this preferable to par- ties being financed by big contractors? “As long as someone finances the party without expecting anything in return there is no problem. In reality the Nationalist Party depends on the income generated by its commercial companies and on donations it receives during the yearly televised marathon and various other activities held from time to time”. Speaking on a personal level, Aquilina, who is known for standing up to building contractors on local issues affecting Siggiewi, makes it clear that he has never received donations from big contractors and never intends to do so. “In my role as councillor I never had any qualms on taking a stand on environmental issues involving major contractors. The important thing is that we have to ensure that we do not have any obligations towards financial contributors”. The declaration of donations over and above a certain amount will help to bring about more transparency, but he wants to avoid a situation where this serves to deter families who give money to political parties out of a sense of belonging. On the other hand, big contractors who do not have the same sense of belonging tend to help both parties equally. Is the party suffering from a lack of enthusiasm among its grass roots, who are sceptical of another party victory? “I see the same situation we had in 2007 when, after 20 years of the PN in government, party activists had strong doubts that the party could win again. In 2008 we showed that this is not the case”. He also points that it is normal for a party which is in government to suffer from mid- term blues, but he expects activism in the party to pick up in the next months. “As soon as an election approaches people start engaging again”. 14 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Tonio Borg takes ‘snooze’ at CHOGM Denies being stranded in Qantas strike Zzzz... Foreign Minister Tonio Borg as pictured by Australian media GET The EFL Monitoring Board would like to inform all prospective teachers of English as a Foreign Language, that as from January 2012 and until the 31st December 2012, prospective teachers applying for an EFL permit with an CERTIFIED A’Level in English must have grades A,B or C. Whilst grades D and E will no longer be accepted, the Monitoring Board would like to encourage all prospective teachers to sit for the Test for English Language Teachers (TELT), which is specifically aimed to prepare EFL teachers. The next TELT exam will be held on the 26th November, so contact the EFL Monitoring Board now for more details: Tel: 25982741 or Email: FOREIGN minister Tonio Borg’s ‘snooze’ during the preCommonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth has made the rounds on Australian media. Borg – who stepped in to represent Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in Perth after being caught up in an urgent eurozone summit in Brussels on Wednesday – was photographed taking a ‘snooze’ during the pre-meeting for foreign ministers. Meanwhile, the Maltese delegation denied being among 17 delegations who are reportedly stranded in the Western Australian city following a national strike by Qantas airlines. Australian foreign minister Kevin Rudd who was also due to leave Perth on a Qantas flight yesterday was forced to return to the city. The CHOGM Taskforce says it is now discussing alternative transport options with a number of delegations. Western Australia’s Deputy Police Commissioner Chris Dawson says CHOGM security arrangements have been extended to cater for stranded delegates. “I don’t see any impact on security or protection which is the main role police have,” he said. “We are working with the Australian government and the CHOGM taskforce in terms of any impact on dignitary movements so we will adjust, but certainly, the security measures that have been put in place over the last week will continue”. A spokesman declined to say from where the stranded delegations are from, but sources mentioned Malta and Cyprus as two of them. Later in the day, a spokesman for the Maltese delegation denied that Borg’s delegation was stranded due to the strike. Qantas took the drastic step of grounding its entire fleet indefinitely as part of an escalating industrial dispute, a move Australian unions described as “a stunning overreaction.” The airline, which has been hit by a series of strikes, also said all employees involved in the action would be locked out from Monday without pay. “We have decided to ground the Qantas international and domestic fleets immediately,’’ chief executive Alan Joyce said. The airline said pilots, engineers and baggage, ground and catering staff were essential to Qantas operations and their lockout made it necessary to take all planes out of service. “Aircraft currently in the air will complete the sectors they are operating. However, there will be no further Qantas domestic departures or international departures anywhere in the world,’’ it said. The Australian government said it was “very concerned’’ by the dramatic development and accused the airline of a “breach of faith’’ by failing to give it advance notice. “I think it is certainly a breach of faith with the government, the fact that there was no advanced notice of this action being taken by Qantas,’’ said Transport Minister Anthony Albanese. Meanwhile, customs officers went on strike when dignitaries arrived for CHOGM in Perth on Thursday. EFL Monitoring Board, Room 250 Ministry for Education, Employment and the Family Great Siege Road, Floriana VLT 2000 YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY 11-11-2011 COMING SOON 15 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Libya’s NTC to pay costs for casualties in Maltese hospitals KARL STAGNO-NAVARRA LIBYA’S National Transitional Council will be paying for medical costs incurred by Malta in providing hospitalisation for war casualties. Mahmoud Alstani, a visiting senior NTC official told MaltaToday that Libya will be paying its dues to Malta for the costs it has so far absorbed in medical care to a number of Libyans who have been admitted into Mater Dei and St James Hospitals. “We are grateful to the government and people of Malta for their support and hospitality, but we have our pride too, and this is why we will pay for all that has been given to our people by our neighbouring friends,” the official said. According to the official, the payment will be made through funds which are so far frozen in Malta under sanctions by the United Nations Security Council and the European Union. “Once these funds are released, we will subtract the amount spent on medical care both at Mater Dei and at St James Hospital,” he said. MaltaToday is informed that Mater Dei Hospital is providing Intensive Therapy Unit care to wounded Libyans, and once discharged, they are transferred to St James Hospital for further treatment. The agreement in place provides for immediate care in hospitals for the injured and after they are discharged, they are followed up by the embassy. MaltaToday is informed that all those who have been discharged from Maltese hospitals are then checked into a hotel, and their costs are paid for by the Libyan embassy. While it has also been noted that throughout the past months the Libyan embassy has paid medical bills for a “We are grateful to the government and people of Malta for their support” – Mahmoud Alstani Libyan war casualties are being treated at Mater Dei and St James Hospitals number of casualties, the Qatari government is reportedly also partially financing the needs of the injured families. Led by General Naser Alkaabi, the Qatari Armed Forces are not only buying stocks of water, food and medicine from Malta to be sent to Libya, but are also providing a C-17 aircraft as an air ambulance to evacuate the injured and bring them to Malta. The Qatari government is reportedly currently financing family members who are accompanying the injured to Malta, and together with the Libyan embassy, providing pocket money for them to spend while in Malta. Meanwhile, Misurata’s most acclaimed war hero, Commander Ibrahim Halbous, who sustained grievous injuries while fighting on the Sirte frontlines, is to be transferred in the coming days from the ITU in Mater Dei Hospital to a specialised hospital in Britain. Halbous was paralysed by a Gaddafi loyalist bullet that went through his neck, destroying his trachea – instantly muting him – and exited by damaging his spinal chord. Over the past days, doctors and officials have discussed finalising details of transferring Halbous from Malta to Britain, and the British government is expected to issue Halbous with a visa and accommodate his close relatives. When news of Col. Gaddafi’s capture was broken, a number of young Misuratis were also recovering from their injuries in Malta held a prayer vigil for commander Halbous at Mater Dei Hospital. smsmondial 7 NIGHTS ϯϭϭ͕ZĞƉƵďůŝĐ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕sĂůůĞƩĂͲdĞů͗ϮϭϮϯϮϮϭϭ Ϯ͕EĂdždžĂƌZĚ͕͛<ĂƌĂͲ dĞů͗Ϯϭϰϰϯϯϯϯ ϳϰϱ͕,ŝŐŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕,ĂŵƌƵŶͲ dĞů͗ϮϭϮϰϬϮϬϯ ϭϬϯ͕WĂŽůĂ^ƋƵĂƌĞ͕WĂŽůĂͲ dĞů͗Ϯϭϲϲϳϲϲϲ ϯϯ͕dŽǁĞƌZŽĂĚ͕^ůŝĞŵĂͲ dĞů͗ϮϭϯϮϮϲϴϴ ϯϬ͕ZĞƉƵďůŝĐ^ƚƌ͕ZĂďĂƚ;'ŽnjŽͿͲdĞů͗ϮϭϱϱϭϭϮϲ FROM ONLY €499 in twin Weekly Mediterranean Cruises May to October 2012 Book Early & Fly to Rome for Free smsmondial 16 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Giving persons with disability equal footing Marcel Pisani, Chief Operating Officer of Agenzija Sapport talks to RACHEL ZAMMIT CUTAJAR about ten years of integrating people with disabilities into society MARCEL Pisani, himself the father of two children with intellectual disabilities, found the services in Malta severely lacking when his first child was born with an intellectual disability in 1971. “In those days, all the doctors would tell you is that you had a child that was disabled – labelled ‘handicapped’ then – and you just had to take care of them as best you could. I spent the next five or six years battling with the medical authorities to have us referred to Great Ormond Street in the UK for a proper diagnosis”. Though in the original diagnosis, Pisani and his wife were told that the disability was not genetic and that it was safe to have more children, when their third son was born with the same condition their diagnosis was revised, which was very traumatic. The astonishing lack of information and aid prompted Pisani to take an active role in helping families with children with disabilities, and he has spent the past 35 years working voluntarily in the field, 20 years of which he as President of the National Parents’ Society for Persons with Disabilty, while also helping to set up the first respite home for persons with disabilities in Malta – Dar il-Kaptan in 1991. This year, Agenzija Sapport is celebrating its tenth year in operation. It was set up in 2001 in response to an outcry from parents with children with disabilities concerned about what is going to happen to their children when they are no longer able to look after them. “Today, people are living longer, and that includes persons with disability. When parents begin to need care themselves as they get older, the question of care for their children is also raised. The principal aim was to set up a residential scheme to give persons with disability the possibility of living away from their natural family when this was necessary as independently as possible within the community and services eventually grew to include social services, day services and community services”. Pisani was always against the idea of institution-style residences and therefore worked on having small residential homes for clients who were most in need. “People who are severely disabled often exhibit challenging behaviour and as a result, when their families can no longer take care of them, in some cases the only option is Mount Carmel Hospital. “In most cases, persons with disability at Mount Carmel reside there for the simple reason that there is no alternative either due to lack of resources or because organisations are not able to cope with their behaviour. Mount Carmel is definitely not the right place for them, unless there is need for psychiatric therapy. In fact, more or less 50% of the Agency’s residential clients have been reintegrated into the community from Mount Carmel Hospital”. A number of small residences in Fgura, Mtarfa, Kirkop, Marsascala and Bormla now house 47 persons with disability who require intensive support, where support workers are available on Marcel Pisani, himself father of two sons with disability, has been working in the field for over 35 years a 24-hour basis according to requirement. “Though it is unlikely that we are going to be able to meet the demand for residential services for those who require them, we will continue to set up small residential units providing the necessary support. “Currently there are still around 100 people living at Mount Carmel who, with proper support can be reintegrated into society”. Pisani said that families are encouraged to retain the care of their relatives with disabilities and offering other forms of support helps the families to do so. “Thankfully, we still nurture the culture where a family member needs to be looked after by the family and most families want to keep relatives with disability at home. However providing services like day centres and community services and social work help the families through their struggle”. Support workers encourage independence of the disabled, teaching them individual skills that parents may not have had the time to teach their children. “An overworked mother may find it is less time-consuming to feed her child herself, rather than take the time to teach him. Other parents tend to be over-protective and not allow their child to develop skills, limiting their independence for fear of harm. “There are simple skills we generally take for granted – being able to wash themselves, choose their own clothing, manage what they are going to eat and catch a bus, among others. Pisani is now 61 and should be thinking about retirement, however he is quick to shoot the notion down. “I wish I could be around for a hundred more years because there is so much to do. There are so many people out there who need assistance. Though there are no official statistics for Malta regarding the number of disabled persons, internally accepted statistics indicate that 10% of any population is disabled with 1% being severely disabled. Judging from these figures, we just aren’t reaching enough people. “At the moment we are trying to open up a new day centre in Pembroke, and though we have identified a site, we are awaiting MEPA permits and sufficient funding before we begin to operate. “Another issue that needs to be addressed on a national level is the presence of children in adult wards at Mount Carmel Hospital, which is a disgrace. Though children with disability can be sent to the YPU when space runs out, they are sent to the psychiatric ward simply because there is nowhere else to accommodate them. “Again, we have identified a site in Birzebbuga which can be used as a temporary home for these children where the aim would be to rehabilitate them enough to return to their natural families. We are hoping to be given funding for this project in the next budget”. For more information visit Choose a new CitadelHealth Insurance plan by SwissLife It’s simple to join Extensive Benefits Affordable Premiums Core | Comfort | Complete | Child Health Plans Efficient Service Your Health is Important to Us – It's in our DNA Citadel Health Insurance Agency Ltd t 75 St Francis Street t Floriana FRN 1031 t Tel: 2010 6262 t Freephone 8003 1000 t E-mail: t Citadel Health Insurance Agency Limited is enrolled under the Insurance Intermediaries Act 2006 to act as an insurance agent of SwissLife Prévoyance et Santé and is regulated by the MFSA. 17 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Seeing black and right OMAR is still trying to figure out why he ended up on the street wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and a vest, with his mouth bleeding and unable to walk properly because of a swollen left leg. He was not at a bar, drunk and causing trouble. He was sitting peacefully inside his home on a Sunday afternoon last month before his landlord arrived at his apartment in Zabbar and demanded money. The landlord became consumed by a fit of rage after Omar refused to pay the amount of money demanded for water and electricity consumption without first seeing the bill. “I only asked to see the bill. He started shouting and went into the bathroom and the bedroom, throwing things around. Then he called someone downstairs who came running,” Omar says. The two men pushed Omar towards the door. He was repeatedly punched in the face and then pushed down a flight of stairs. His left leg got twisted beneath him and started to swell. His Maltese girlfriend and her brother, also in the apartment, were left untouched. Omar has been living in Malta for five years, but his skin colour is still an invitation for abuse and harassment. Police recruits receive a onehour session on racial equality as part of their training He is no exception. Malta features as one of the ‘top ten’ member States experiencing the highest levels of racial discrimination, according to the EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS) published last year. The same report shows racist violence is quite common in Malta and a serious threat to Africans in the country, where Malta features as one of the ‘top ten’ Member States experiencing the highest levels of racial discrimination the majority have experienced verbal or physical harassment ranging from avoidance or sniggering, to serious mutilation and even death. Omar is one of the few who dared file a report based on his medical certificate with the police and the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). “I just want justice,” he says. It was also fear that drove him to file the reports. “If I had hurt him, I would definitely be in jail.” Does he feel the system works against him? “Yes, in terms of racism”. Racial violence is a real cause for concern, but official statistics tell a different story. The EU-MIDIS report shows that over half the racially motivated incidents of physical assault were not reported to the police. The major reason is a lack of confidence in law enforcement authorities. The same report ranks Malta as the Member State with the highest number of occurrences where police show disrespect in encounters with Africans. Police recruits receive a onehour session on racial equality as part of their training. This is deemed too short to have any positive long-term results, says the European Network Against Racism. The NCPE, also empowered to handle reports on racial discrimination, received a total of only three complaints last year. Despite widespread racial discrimination Malta has the lowest public support in the EU for monitoring procedures that minimise it, even though the majority believes it is increasing. Those working against racial discrimination are struggling against all odds. Katrine Camilleri, Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), says her biggest concern is that, “racism is not identified, it’s not called by its name, it’s not addressed at practically any level, and maybe this is why so many people experience acts varying from disparaging comments to outright hostility, or even violence.” In her experience, very often people complain that when they do approach institutions for support against abuse suffered they feel they are not taken seriously or they find the remedies ineffective. “They don’t see any results. On the one hand, that puts people off reporting and, on the other hand, if there’s no accountability it creates a sense that everything is permissible,” she says. The state of affairs is typical of other problems in the country where laws are enacted but implementation is poor. In this case, Malta has brought national legislation in line with the Racial Equality Directive but despite the high incidence of racial violence only four people have been charged in court for racist crimes in 10 years. Only one person was found guilty of racial hatred – in 2009. Neil Falzon, Director of human rights NGO Aditus, says the legal remedies available are ineffective. As a human rights lawyer, he emphasises the difficulty of convincing those whose rights have been violated to seek redress in a system that is failing to deliver justice: “The list of infringements of the Racial Equality Directive that we can come up with is huge. We do our best to advocate but you need someone who really wants to take a case to court and be willing to wait years until a judgment is given. How effective can a judgment be when the violation occurred five years ago?” Social Policy Minister Dolores Cristina states in the NCPE’s annual report that “equal opportunities are a cornerstone of government’s policy.” In her two-page statement, only one paragraph towards the end is dedicated to racial equality where she says, “more needs to be done to increase awareness to achieve our goal of a more inclusive and tolerant society.” To that end, the National Action Plan against Racism and Xenophobia (NAPARX) was launched last year. It is an ambitious plan with a three-year deadline, but progress is limited so far as the NCPE is “considering” the initiatives outlined. As a government-funded Equality Body, the NCPE has vast responsibilities that include research, reporting, rais- ing awareness, training, and investigating complaints on the myriad forms that discrimination can take in relation to gender and race. The budget allocated by government last year for such a gargantuan mission was just over €281,000 – less than the annual expenditure of even small local NGOs. Despite the launch of NAPARX, the estimated budget for the NCPE this year is €20,000 less than last year. European Commission funds support the implementation of anti-discrimination projects, such as ‘Think Equal’ that launched a study to identify the nature and extent of racial discrimination and the flaws in existing policies and structures. The findings will still require a comprehensive approach to implement changes. It is a massive challenge. In the present scenario, where racism is increasing, where the authorities are not sufficiently empowered to address it, where legal remedies are ineffective, and where political rhetoric is not backed by adequate funds, NAPARX seems destined to fail. That may not be such a big deal in political terms since action against racial discrimination and violence does not enjoy public support. Most believe that if the ‘blacks’ do not like it, they should leave. Simply put, we do not care. Omar could have died on that street and it would not have made one bit of difference. PHOTOGRAPHY BY GILBERT CALLEJA Despite the launch of an action plan against racism, the Equality Commission this year got €20,000 less funds from the government. CAROLINE MUSCAT on why Malta’s anti-racism efforts are just destined to fail 18 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 19 Opinion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Saviour Balzan Keeping up appearances I was just about to start writing about last week’s hacking saga. It was embarrassing to say the least, to have the leader of opposition answer questions about his email exchange with Sabrina Agius, a former RTK head of news. It also led to a heated debate in our newsroom, where we admitted that we would have had little objection in publishing the emails in the first place. We never have had a problem. Was it of public interest? Of course it was. That obviously led to the inevitable focus on Muscat, with an invite to TVM from the prince of spin, where we were, of course, treated to some serious grilling. I have absolutely no idea what makes Muscat want to appear on such programmes. He is at a disadvantage from the word go. He is not addressed as Lawrence Gonzi or Austin Gatt would be introduced, and not treated with any respect. In his case, he is called Joe. Joe like in the mechanic down the alley. Joe like the barman. Joe like the bus driver. And then to make matters worse, Muscat responds to the silly jokes by giggling and laughing, giving his egocentric host more fodder and more reason to think he is the greatest guy on the box. Instead of spending precious time debating policies and hitting out at government inertia, Muscat gets caught in a debate on who is the wisest guy on the set. Muscat’s quip about how a dinner guest (he was referring to Lou Bondi as Magistrate Consuelo Herrera’s guest) runs off to the bathroom and messages about a private conversation (he was referring to Bondi’s partner, who sent a message to the Queen of Bile about what was being said at the dinner table) is surely not reflective of someone you can trust. But apart from that dig, Muscat was ill-suited for this programme. No one needs to convince us that Bondi is a raving apologist and someone you can never trust. The general public are the ones who need convincing, and who are still unsure whether Muscat will make the cut. Otherwise, it was all about demeaning and dragging the status of the leader of the opposition. And if you want my honest opinion, the programme did just that. I do not believe that Muscat’s email was ever hacked. I do believe that Muscat needs to give TV a break, and that he needs to give Where’s Everybody a miss. He needs to get his act together if he wants to score points. Saying “no I cannot” is better than being dragged into a programme and ridiculed. Having said that, I do believe that hacking has taken place, and I have good reason to believe that it did in fact take place before 2008, with Alfred Sant. Snippets from this hacking led to rumour-mongering about Dr Sant’s private life and these were bandied around the four continents by the PN’s excellent whispering campaign. Let me go over this again, so that it’s clear. I believe – based on what I know from primary sources – that Sant’s emails were hacked during his time as Opposition leader. The PN have the amazing knack of controlling the message even when they have no control over the messenger. When in 2007/2008, Alfred Sant visited a pig farm, the cameras from NET and the photographers from The Times and Independent flurried over to take all the ‘right’ shots of Sant and the rosy pigs. On Friday, George Pullicino was accompanying the EU commissioner at a local pig farm. The pictures from DOI rolled in, but Pullicino was nowhere to be seen. The man who oversees every little detail made a point not to be next to the pigs. It sounds silly, but it confirms my worst fears – that politics is all about appearances. *** One of the more laughable proposals made in the last election was for people appointed to boards to apply to be considered. Three years after the election, we are regaled with adverts announcing – or rather, calling on the public – to nominate themselves to be considered on these boards. It’s very much like journalists who nominate themselves with the Press Club to win the Journalist of the Year award and then praise themselves for having won the award. It sounds so silly and stupid, and it reminds me of the Libyan Jamaharija, where we were given the impression that the country was run by popular committees and that Gaddafi had resigned from the presidency. The ‘nominate yourself to a board’ idea is said to have been Joe Saliba’s brainwave, and a feeble attempt at confronting the perception that the appointment should be based on political patronage, not meritocracy. It is highly unlikely that political patronage will be stamped out with this initiative. The application will, of course, encourage some nutcase to apply and make himself believe that he will be considered. I really do not know if I should laugh or cry. Needless to say, there could be some who will take the applications process seriously. In their application, they will be careful to include that they are blind believers of the faith (the PN) and that they will stand by the party no matter what. The problem with the proposal of applying to a board has a lot to do with the way many entities are structured. Do all entities need a board? For example, does the Manoel Theatre need a board? Why not have a managerial structure that responds to a monitoring committee in the Ministry? But then, Ministers appoint people to a board to say ‘thank you’, or to make them happy. Should I give some examples? I’d love to, but I would need a double page spread. The same applies to so many other boards which are simply there to serve as opportunities for dishing out pocket money to blue-eyed boys and girls. What’s the immediate solution? The first thing is to do away with unnecessary boards. The second thing is to choose the right people for the right job. Why is it that someone with Labourite leanings should be barred from holding an appointment? Does it mean that all Labourites cannot implement good policies or respect the policies of the government in power? For example, why should Manoel Theatre and the Mediterranean Conference Centre be chaired by someone like Peter Fenech, a former Louis Galea yes-man? Why can’t such a post be delegated to someone with cultural vision? Magnanimity is not one of Edgar Galea Curmi’s virtues. *** Gaddafi’s last words were as peculiar as Austin Gatt’s bewildered reply after being called a ‘fucking wanker’ by a student. Perhaps someone should bring back the student. The news that Arriva will introduce new extra buses came as no surprise, but what did come as a shock was that these buses will not be air-conditioned, and they fall below the EU emission requirements. In our newsroom, the only man who stood by Austin Gatt’s reforms was James Debono. He has commuted with buses all his life. The change, he argued, was for the better. Until, that is, last Friday, when he wrote in his blog: “Austin, I think you owe us this much. I do not give a fig about the antics of the drama queens in your party. In this case, political responsibility means ensuring that people are given what they were promised even at the cost of losing face”. Then again, James knows that many of Austin’s mistakes are not based on his vision, but rather on delegating the implementation process to people such as Manuel Delia. Delia, the man who wants to stand in the next election, and the man who offered his resignation, and who has been kept on. It says a lot, doesn’t it, about how it’s all about keeping up appearances! 20 Opinion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Round and round in circles I hope that I will be proven wrong, but my feeling is that although we have been postponing a very important decision in our education for years, we will postpone it yet again as we are nearly on the eve of another general election ¬– the perfect time to keep away from controversial decisions. But we need to take this decision now that we are discussing a new national curriculum for our children. I am of course referring to the decision about the language of instruction that we should use in our schools. The decision should have been taken at least in 2000, when we were discussing the then new national curriculum. A national conference dealt with the issue. There was talk that a decision would be taken. But it never was, and here we go again round and round in circles. I have raised the issue again recently in parliament and in the media. I made some waves but I have strong doubts whether this crucial decision will be taken. In the meantime, our children and young people will continue to lag behind as other countries are catching up with us in the use of English and overtaking us. An area where we can do much better in our education system is definitely that of language learning. We should be disappointed that only 57% of our fifth formers passed their Maltese SEC exam (Grade 1 to 5) this year. Only 60% of our fifth For a country where the livelihood of so many families depends on tourism, financial and business services and trade with the rest of the world, it makes sense for more of our people to learn other languages, apart from Maltese and English formers obtained a pass in English Language. Those over 40% of our young people who did not pass their SEC exams in these two main languages will find it practically impossible to continue and do well in post secondary education as they will lack the necessary foundations. They will have fewer opportunities to get on in life and do well at work. What is even more disturbing is the fact that only a quarter of those who sit for Paper B pass their SEC exam in Maltese (24%) and English Language (26%). We have an education system where nearly half of our students are not acquiring the necessary skills in Maltese and English. Even those who pass their SEC exams in these two languages struggle when it comes to writing and speaking skills. Those who think I am exaggerating should ask lecturers who teach at post-secondary and tertiary level to tell you what kind of English and Maltese they come across in the students’ assignments they correct. For a country where the livelihood of so many families depends on tourism, financial and business services and trade with the rest of the world, it makes sense for more of our people to learn other languages, apart from Maltese and English. Out of the 5,058 students who have just left secondary school three months ago, only 1,462 (29%) studied Italian; only 1,164 (23%) studied French, only 262 (5%) studied German and only 205 (4%) studies Spanish. To get on in the world of the 21st century we need to be competent in global languages like English and Spanish. Those who love Maltese as I do, do not have to feel threatened when I say that we need to decide about the role of Maltese and English in our education system. Maltese and English are taught in our schools as if these are two native languages that our children acquire automatically through schooling and socialisation. But thousands of Maltese children are being brought up in families and educated in schools where English is not used regularly. We have also thousands of children living on these islands whose first language in the family, in the school Destitution and perdition Claudine Cassar A nyone who reads this column regularly will know that I am a great fan of the YMCA. This notfor-profit organisation works with people who have really hit rock bottom and are struggling to claw themselves out of the situations they find themselves in – troubled teens from broken families, victims of domestic violence, homeless individuals, people living in substandard accommodation and so on. The work they do is vital for the community and yet it often goes unnoticed and uncommented upon. This week, however, YMCA was in the news. A homeless expectant mother who is currently staying at Dar Nikki Cassar gave birth in the shelter. YMCA chairman Jean Paul Mifsud described the events as follows. “It just happened. One moment the water broke, the other the baby was born. YMCA phoned the ambulance, but in the meantime the woman gave birth, even though the ambulance did not take long to arrive”. As I read the article I could not help but mull over the fact that the great majority of us are truly spoiled. We worry about petty issues and irritations that cloud our horizon and we never stop to consider the fact that we are truly fortunate and that there are those amongst us who have nothing. It breaks my heart to think of pregnant mums-to-be who do not even have a roof over their heads and who know that their babies will be born destitute. Instead of fussing over baby booties and cute baby grows, these mums must go through hell and back worrying about whether they will even have a home to take their baby to when they leave hospital. In a sense one could say that this baby is fortunate because her mother found help and support from the dedicated team at the YMCA, however the reality is that this organisation is already stretched to breaking point and sometimes people have to be turned away. Dar Nikki Cassar is a relatively small place and it currently already houses two babies, three children and 18 adults. The shelter can accommodate 22 people, but Jean Paul Mifsud confirmed that at times they have had to cram 34 people into the space. This year, YMCA have helped over one hundred people get back on their feet after losing everything. Clearly the team working at the YMCA need all the help they can get to keep their excellent initiatives alive, so I encourage you all to help out. The newborn and her mother are destitute – they need nappies, boxes of formula, baby clothes and towels, blankets, bottles, a cot, a baby bath and a pram. I encourage those of you who have such equipment and who no longer need it to contact YMCA to arrange to make a donation. As for those whose kids are long grown and who no longer have baby stuff to give away, the time has come to put your hands in your pockets (or rather, your finger on your mobile keypad) to make a donation to a truly worthwhile cause. Donations can be made via SMS on 50618088 for €4.66 and on 50619212 for €11.65. As the Tesco slogan goes – every little helps! *** My daughters cannot wait for next Monday. After attending their weekly Catechism class they will be returning home to dress up as a fairy and a princess and they will be going trick or treating up our street. The mummies of all the kids who live close by have agreed to stock up on sweets and a mummy will accompany the motley crew of disguised neighbourhood kids as they knock on the door of people who are in on the arrangement. My kids can’t wait! They have been talking about the outfits they will wear and the sweets they will eat for a whole month now. “Is Halloween tomorrow, mummy?” is a question that I have heard repeated time and time again and I am delighted that I will soon be able to reply in the affirmative. So as you can imagine I was rather taken aback to find out that this little project of ours is likely to cost our offspring their souls. Indeed, according to Fr Kalċidon Vassallo, the parish priest in Balzan, the road to hell is paved with treats and other yummy stuff. In bold text and with a depiction of a skull that bears a close resemblance to a light bulb, Fr Kalċidon warns us that Halloween will introduce our children to the occult. Indeed, as my daughter prances around in her Tinkerbell costume she will be steeped in a culture of death, encouraging her to get involved in sadistic rituals, mutilation, sexual violence and Satanism. What’s more, the damage does not stop there! In fact Fr Kalcidon is also concerned that exposure to the imagery commonly associated with Halloween will terrify our easily impressionable tots, who will bear emotional scars for the rest of their lives. Sigh. My kids are much more likely to be scared stiff at a Good Friday procession than at a trick or treating outing. Really, someone needs to tell these rather excitable priests to get a grip. 21 Opinion maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Evarist Bartolo Charles Mangion The economy: how others see us material and methods have been developed to help foreigners learn Maltese but our schools do not make any use of these experiences. The same goes for the teaching of English, where the success we have achieved in teaching the language to over a million foreigners has not been transferred to our schools to teach our own youngsters struggling with English. We should use the knowhow and experience we have built in the sector of the teaching of English as a foreign language to improve the teaching of Maltese and English in our primary and secondary schools. We should also urgently embrace and implement the proposals of the EU Commission for Language Learning at pre-primary school level. The EU recommends that we expose children to three languages at kindergarten level. A paper published by the Commission on 7 July 2011 on language learning states: “concern has sometimes been expressed that a child exposed to more than one language may become confused and mixes them up, slowing down language development. Research suggests that education through the medium of a second/foreign language actually enhances communication awareness in the first language/mother tongue. Children who have access to more than one language tend to transfer into the first language/ mother tongue the concepts and terms they have learned through the second/foreign language and vice versa. Hence, language processing in a multilingual mind helps stimulate cognitive development”. and in their community, is not Maltese. But we have a one-sizefits-all language policy for all our children and schools. As this policy ignores our reality, it has not worked, and is not working. SEC (and Junior Lyceum examiners used to) refer to poor spelling, weak grasp of grammar and syntax, poor reading habits and lack of imagination and creativity in their yearly reports on students’ performance in English Language and Maltese SEC and Junior Lyceum examinations. To change all this we need to design appropriate curricula, examinations, syllabi, content and pedagogical methods in the teaching and learning of English and Maltese and other languages. The Maltese SEC and MATSEC examination needs to be split into two different papers: a language component and another in literature. Our students should be given the option to choose one of these papers and a pass in the Maltese Language SEC and MATSEC exam should be enough to qualify them for a course at the University of Malta. Steps should be taken to modernise the teaching of Maltese and choose content that is more relevant to the young people going through their education now. Forcing thousands of our teenagers to do a Maltese SEC syllabus that is closer to a pre-industrial Malta 80 years ago than to their daily life makes them hate Maltese literature and creates the impression that Maltese is a strange and remote language. We have very good contemporary writers who are creating literature that is very relevant for young people growing up today, but this literature is kept away from our schools. Teaching A s this year moves slowly to its end, it is a good time to take a look of how others judge us on the management of the economy. This is a healthy exercise as it is often detached from the bias that most of us have when looking internally at what we are doing. When important international organisations like the European Commission, the rating agencies or the IMF express an opinion on the state of health of a particular economy it is usually an objective one even if one may disagree with some of their conclusions. The most recent comments made on our economy were those of the European Commission in its report on competitiveness. This report acknowledges the successes of our economy since we joined the EU. Our economy is slowly but surely moving away from traditional low added-value economic activities to ‘high-innovation intensity sectors and technology driven industries’. Undoubtedly, the growth in our financial services sector and the e-gaming industry are indeed an important achievement. But the other aspects of our economy are less successful. As the Commission rightly points out, ‘the government continues to pursue the reform agenda. However, the often prevailing impetus and ambitious plans are not always backed up by clear and reliable implementation strategies’. Those who are familiar with the way these reports are worded will confirm that if one were to interpret this understatement Evarist Bartolo is shadow minister for education. T TODAY.COM.M WW W.MALTA gozotoday ozitans 65% of allnG el zotoday favour tu gno YOUR FIRS T REA K OF THE DAY *0/ t41&$*"-&%*5 5t*446& t"6(64 SATURDAY YOUR FIRS T READ AND FIRST CLIC K OF *0/ t41&$*"-&%*5 t*446& t4&15&.#&3 7(4(37+&(+/ 0' 0 %((-+4(5$ ) +4 54 / 63$ 0:+55$$/3 GOZO €1.00 GOZO AS THEY SEE IT AY.COM.MT W.MALTATOD THE DAY WW SATURDAY PG Franco Mercieca OUT ON SATURDAY 12 NOVEMBER 7 Y TODA survey ltaToday A Ma survey reveals think what Gozitans y ve rating to the63% gave a positi restau d in Gozitan service offere 6% thought that rants, while only d is bad. Univerthe service offere e were among peopl sity educated to give a negative likely . Of the most an restaurants rating to Gozit the service to be those these, 15% deem to just 3% of bad compared educadary level of with a secon tion. ndents said respo of er A numb restaufor the same visit that they opt rants when they rant or restau whom they would Gozo – with a sense of familihave developed of arity. secondary level a with e conPeopl more likely to sive. education are as too expen sider restaurantsan indication that This could be ing more expensive Gozo is becom families. for working class Mario Grech most popular personality in Gozo 00' $' $+3 08 Bishop 0/;5,/ # Mario Grech unsurprisingly surfaces as TODAY MINI EDITION Peter Calamatta interviewed PG 10 John Magro interviewed PG 13 ISSUE ALSO IN THIS .....PG 16 ne Caruana Justy no....PG 17 Giovanna Debo Litmus test for ........PG 18,19 Eco-Gozo ....... .....PG 22, 23 Food Eating out/ .......Back page What’s On ....... into An insightfresco the top al ts restauran to Malta has offer :0*$/ the most popular person 0--9i &0''-+/)0 13+03+59 /. *+/)*+4 min in 6+4followed Gozo, et by Gozo +/2 urm / 3(- * /(- 5 Go ow to the totals of official debt, total debt to GDP reaches 80% – a level that is even more inconsistent with an A1 rating’. This statement clearly contradicts the government’s often repeated statement that Malta’s downgrading was a result of the global economic crisis on which we had no control. Earlier this year, the European Commission issued its assessment of Malta’s progress in the National Reform Programme for 2011. This report is full of comments that clearly show doubt on the government ability to address the longterm issues facing our economy. Just to quote one of them, the commission states: The National Reform Programme does not put forward a comprehensive active ageing strategy to accompany an ongoing and envisage legislative (pensions’ reform) changes. The relatively high incidence of undeclared work poses a risk to the sustainability of public finances in the long run.’ The credibility of the government in the good governance of our economy will never be enhanced by repeating the populist slogans of ‘finanzi fis-sod’ or ‘par idejn sodi’. These may be cheap pre-election propaganda, but they do not convince the objective international observers whose opinion on our economy can influence the flow of investment in our economy by foreign and local operators. Charles Mangion is PL Spokesperson on the Economy. gozotoday €1.00 T CLIC D AND FIRS what the EC is saying is that the government often tries to given the impression that it has long-term plans in place of the upgrading or our economy, but there is little substance built in these plans because no provisions are made for effective implementation’. The same report confirms the loss in competitiveness that the Maltese economy experienced in the last decade. To quote the EC report ‘estimated labour productivity per hour is currently about 18 percentage points below the EU average and about 32 percentage points below the eurozone average’. Lack of competitiveness is the main reason why foreign direct investment in the non-financial sector is unacceptably low and this does not augur well for many rational sectors of our economy. The recent report by Moody’s on the downgrading of Malta’s debt also provides us with some sobering analysis. The often vaunted success in the government’s short-term fiscal management is seen in a different perspective by rating agencies. To quote Moody’s: ‘Beyond future potential problems related to structural rigidities in the fiscal accounts and the government’s reliance on continuous one-off measures to consolidate the government’s deficit, Malta’s debt metrics do not compare well with those of A1-rated countries as the Czech Republic, Estonia and Korea. When Malta’s guaranteed debt is added /(- is being molthe company t and the tax“IN the meantime, the Governmen it transpires ly-coddled by for 2010, I the accounts b ay of the AT ALL LEADING STATIONERS For advertising enquiries contact Adriana Farrugia on Tel: 2138 2741 ext 126 or email: 22 Letters maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, MediaToday Ltd. Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 | Fax: (356) 21 385075 E-mail: Letters to the Editor should be concise. No pen names are accepted. Times journalist refutes that he is a defender of the ‘establishment’ Last week’s edition of MaltaToday claims I am well known for having “close links to the establishment” as well as for having “the right information at the right time.” As a journalist, I can only be proud of having the right information at the right time but the entirely unfounded assertion that I am in cahoots with any “establishment” is laughable. The three examples the anonymous writer gives on Saviour Balzan’s newspaper to back up this claim are all false. The first refers to this month’s episode involving e-mails between the opposition leader Joseph Muscat and RTK radio reporter Sabrina Agius. According to MaltaToday, the e-mails were leaked to me, Christian Peregin, and were only not published due to a last minute decision by my editor Steve Mallia, which the author of the piece insinuates was taken because of the clash with Muammar Gaddafi’s death by Misurata militia. It is an outright lie that the emails were leaked to me. I would not be ashamed if it were so but it is an outright fabrication. MaltaToday, as is often the case, did not check its facts before going to print. I was never contacted. Contrary to what the paper stated, Col. Gaddafi’s killing had no bearing on the decision. That’s another fabrication. Next, MaltaToday claimed that I was leaked information by the police in the case of former Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech, who, interestingly, was left unnamed. This information comes, ironically, from a private e-mail exchange between Mr Dimech and myself, which originated after I wrote a story saying that a refuse collector employed by the Sliema council was charged with bribery involving Mr Dimech. My information came from an official channel, the police’s CMRU, in response to a series of legitimate questions seeking an update on the never-ending case of the beleaguered Sliema council. The police gave me pub- lic information officially and this was in no way “leaked”. (I have the e-mails to prove it, but the truth is probably not of interest to you). This is why I had no problem telling Mr Dimech that the information came from the police and that some details were provided by sources whom I could not name. MaltaToday cites a third example where I was supposedly given information by “the establishment”, referring to the Cyrus Engerer case involving his ex-boyfriend. I am obliged as a matter of ethics (the definition of this can be found in the dictionary) and protected by the law, so I cannot say how this information was obtained. But it should be amply clear to any intelligent observer that the last thing the establishment wanted released 10 days after Engerer’s PN defection and one day after MaltaToday claimed political discrimination in a case against his father, was another story which could make it seem like Mr Engerer was the target of retaliation. MaltaToday faults me for having the right information at the right time because he insinuates that the information is given to me illicitly as part of orchestrated campaign against those people who happen to be in his favour. In reality, he knows I am my own man and, much more importantly, so does everyone else I work with. He implied this himself in an article he wrote only two months ago titled ‘The Gospel According to Edgar’ where he takes Edgar Galea Curmi to task for allegedly complaining with The Times about articles written by myself and my colleagues Kurt Sansone and Mark Micallef. He mentioned our names because he knows that our articles are not written to flatter any establishment. However, consistency is not Mr Balzan’s strong point. More significantly, Mr Balzan contradicted himself another time before that, when he be- came the fourth person from his media organisation to personally congratulate me on a story I had written, and which I feel I should use by way of contradiction and explanation to defend my journalistic integrity. In May, the Press Club chose to award me press reporter of the year primarily for my stories regarding ministerial pay rises – possibly the most embarrassing story to the establishment during the course of this legislature. My persistence on this case, together with that of Nationalist MP Jean Pierre Farrugia, forced the Cabinet to partially refund their raises and MPs to renounce them completely. But that was not what Saviour Balzan and Roger Degiorgio personally congratulated me on when I attended a divorce debate organised by MaltaToday. They congratulated me for being the journalist to uncover that ministers actually gave themselves an additional duty allowance rise of €6,000 which had been previously unannounced – a story which revived the honoraria debacle all over again, to the detriment of the establishment. This is just one story which I feel makes it amply clear that although I make it a point to be courteous with everyone I meet – including several people at MaltaToday whom I admire and respect – I cannot credibly be accused of being in the pocket of the undefined “establishment”. This is just a fabrication which Mr Balzan chooses to put into print. Christian Peregin Journalist The Times of Malta Editorial note: Unlike the editor of The Sunday Times Steve Mallia who refuses to publish a letter from MaltaToday, we are publishing Mr Peregin’s letter, uncensored and unabridged. How sad that Mr Peregin cannot read. We did not write that the Sunday Times did not publish the ‘Muscat- Sabrina Agius story’ because of Gaddafi’s demise. We said and we quote: “Joseph Muscat’s ‘unsophisticated’ email conversation with an RTK journalist would have been blown out of proportion had it not been for the grisly and macabre execution by Misurata militia of Gaddafi in Sirte, which took place on the following day.” In other words Muscat was saved from further embarrassment because of the timely killing of Gaddafi. Peregin insists that he was not the recipient of the emails. Well if this was not the case why was he the one who contacted Sabrina Agius and Joseph Muscat. Mr Peregin refers to illicit or non-illicit means. We never suggested such a thing. But more importantly unlike Editor Steve Mallia who chickened out and did not publish the emails, we assure Mr Peregin that we would have published them without fear or favour. We have no qualms over publishing such emails. But this is not the point. It is no coincidence that The Times and Net news are recipients of certain information and spin. The Times for which Mr Peregin works for has been the extended arm of the establishment for years and there is no need of any indepth reporting to confirm this. Not only that, but the Strickland foundation which is intrinsically the mother organisation over the Times has made it a point to involve the de Marco family, to such an extent that Dr Mario de Marco who aspires to be a leading figure in the postelection PN is a Strickland Foundation. And more importantly, the Managing Director Adrian Hillman was the campaign manager for the late Guido de Marco. Mr Peregin talks of consistency. Mr Balzan denies having ever talked to Mr Peregin and more so applauded him on any story. It is not Mr Balzan’s style to congratulate anyone or engage in conversations with people he does not know. Mr Balzan does not know Mr Peregin and would hardly recognise him. Indeed why should Mr Balzan congratulate Mr Peregin on a story that was first reported by MaltaToday and buried and never reported in The Times way back in 2008. He also refers to Dr de Giorgio, and it has to be said that Dr de Giorgio simply passed a comment that “Mr Peregin had a good story.” That in no way means that Mr Peregin’s is absolved from being scrutinised before or after. How simplistic of Peregin! We are also not impressed if Mr Peregin nominated himself to win a Press Club award. Mr Peregin talks about being informed by the Police (CMRU) about cases and investigations being carried, rather strange, because the CMRU is traditionally very much against divulging information to the press perhaps Mr Peregin may share with us the emails and correspondence he says he has. Finally Mr Peregin quotes references to what was written about him some time in MaltaToday. All these comments were made before this summer and really are rather irrelevant. It does not reflect the main accusations made by Mr Balzan. That this summer, Mr Peregin was privy to confidential information related to Nationalist dissidents namely Nikki Dimech and Cyrus Engerer. People the PN would very much like to nail. More so since they have no more value to the party. Changing ones’ opinion about Mr Peregin has nothing to do with consistency but with a realisation that perceptions are usually based on the premise that someone has noble intentions and is not involved in spin. That I am afraid is not our view of the situation. Which is why, the accusation that Mr Peregin and the media house he works for are close to the establishment, and a mouthpiece of Castille, is more than justified. Marcel Cutajar’s resignation No involvement with Sunday Times We refer to the article that appeared in the press and on the news portal. Regretfully, this reportage does not depict the facts comprehensively, as reported by the Authority to the Editor of Illum. In its response to the editor of Illum newspaper, the Authority made it clear that Mr Cutajar had, in fact, resigned immediately upon being requested to do so. The article fails to mention this fact and states that MCA asked the Board Member to resign and stopped there. Furthermore, the article continues to state that ‘...the tender itself has not been annulled or withdrawn.’ The article fails to point out that the bid in question was in fact withdrawn and this particular bidder had to forgo the bid bond. Finally we wish to reiterate that, as reported to the Illum newspaper, Mr Cutajar had a 7% share in a consortium that submitted a bid in response to the tender issued by the MCA. It is therefore incorrect to state that “Marcel Cutajar, was asked to resign after submitting a bid for a tender issued by the same authority, in the name of a company he is directly involved with.” In this particular tender, the MCA decided it was not ethical for a board member (whatever his participation quota) to participate in a tender issued by same authority and police involvement was not necessary. Mandy Calleja Communications Coordinator Malta Communications Authority I refer to the article penned by Saviour Balzan entitled ‘The truth about MaltaToday’ which appeared on the edition of MaltaToday dated October 23, 2011. In this article it is stated that “…the very fact that de Marco and Adrian Hillman allowed Mallia to refer to this incident in his editorial…”. This assertion implies that I have or exercise some form of control over what is printed in the Sunday Times. This assumption made by Mr Balzan in my regard is completely false. I do not have and never have had any say whatsoever in what is printed in the editorials or in the editorial policy of The Times, the Sunday Times or any other newspaper published by whoever. If I have an opinion which I wish to pass on to the readers of these newspapers or any other newspaper, I do it by writing and signing an article and submitting it for publication as a political opinion piece. Mario de Marco Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, the Environment and Culture Editorial note: The de Marco family has been linked to Times for years. Dr Mario de Marco has been nominated on the Strickland Foundation, replacing his father, the late Guido de Marco. In his letter, Dr de Marco did not deny that he intervened with Adrian Hillman – the managing director – to remove a comment on Dr Andrew Borg Cardona’s blog, which made desultory comments and references to Saviour Balzan’s late wife. maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 23 MaltaToday, MediaToday Co. Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 MANAGING DIRECTOR: ROGER DE GIORGIO MANAGING EDITOR: SAVIOUR BALZAN Tel: (356) 21 382741-3, 21 382745-6 • Fax: (356) 21 385075 Website: E-mail: Editorial Desperate measures It is probably safe to say that 2011 was not a good year for Austin Gatt, the main architect of an ambitious public transform reform that has largely failed to live up to popular expectation. Gatt initially resisted acknowledging the extent of popular dissatisfaction, choosing instead to dismiss his detractors in the manner we have now come to expect from Malta’s most notoriously intransigent minister. At moments, his defence has bordered on the ludicrous, such as when he claimed to be “baffled” when public (and somewhat offensive) criticism held him responsible for the tardiness of buses. But he is more credible when he points towards the occasional glimmer of hope for the future of Arriva: for instance, the fact that public transport usage has demonstrably increased since the reform. Truth be told, there have been other pockets of success, too. In Gozo alone, one can indeed talk about the reform as the “revolution” it was originally promised to be: if nothing else, because a functional bus service was practically non-existent there to begin with. But in the broader national context, the so-called ‘Arriva revolution’ has clearly failed to arrive, and the reason for this has less to do with the quality of the new service itself, than with the remarkably poor planning that went into the system as a whole: the nuts and bolts of the entire operation, from the new and unimproved route network, to the number of quality of the buses themselves. As the extent of the popular dissatisfaction became manifest – and perhaps more cogently, when an Opposition motion for his censure in parliament threatened to erode the government’s majority on this one issue – Gatt appears to have changed his tune slightly: first going back to the drawing board for a new set of routes, and more recently by announcing that an additional 38 buses would be needed to supplement the original 266 brought to Malta by Arriva. On one hand, it is encouraging to note that a minister of Gatt’s calibre (and reputation) has finally climbed down from his high horse, and acknowledged the need for a drastic rethink. But on several other fronts, the actions and decisions he has taken in this direction have opened both himself and his government to fresh and arguably more serious criticism. The first and most glaring problem concerns the quality of the new buses, which represents a considerable scaling down of the original reform’s claims to environment-friendliness. Admittedly, even at ‘Euro 3’ classification (down two from the original 266 buses) one can still expect an im- provement over the archaic fleet that operated until only last June. But at the same time, this dip in quality undermines one of the main pillars that support the potential success of the entire operation, and certainly one of its main selling points. It also illustrates the basic fact that, when push comes to shove, all lofty talk of ‘revolution’ and ‘state-of-theart’ technology tends to disappear in a puff of hot air, no sooner do the real problems start to show through the glossy veneer. Separately, the Arriva debacle also suggests that the ministry which so boastfully unleashed this reform is now desperately trying to hammer it back into some semblance of functionality. The downscale in quality buses is itself indicative of a desperate, albeit temporary measure – as was the hurried redesign of the route network which necessitated those buses in the first place. In brief, it is a classic case of ‘all hands on deck’, with Transport Malta trying to salvage a foundering ship by patching up individual leaks as they spring up – only to cause a new leak with every earlier one that was plugged. All things told, this is not the sort of impression the Nationalist administration is keen to project, and which, to be fair, it normally does: i.e., that of a capable, dependable and efficient machine, which prides itself on getting all the important things right. More significantly, it is the very opposite of the impression normally imparted by Austin Gatt himself. In fact, considering that the same Gatt is one of the veterans of the Nationalist Cabinet – widely regarded as the government’s main motor when it comes to taking action and delivering the goods – the entire Arriva situation should really be ringing alarm bells at Castille. To extend an earlier metaphor, it is as though a fire has broken out in the main engine room... threatening to engulf not just the hopes of a turnaround on the public transport front, but possibly even the safety of the government’s already slender hold on power. This last detail, together with specific timing of events, suggests yet another dimension to this affair. After all, it was only when he felt threatened by one individual backbencher that Gatt belatedly acknowledged his own responsibility for the situation, and took steps (however faltering) to redress it. And while Franco Debono’s action does undeniably smack of a certain disloyalty to a colleague in distress, it nonetheless also illustrates an important truism about the Gonzi’s administration. Evidently, it needs to have its arm twisted every once in a while. Quote of the week “I’m on the side of the party, not on his side. He should not continue to embarrass the party, government and country” - PN MP Franco Debono on Transport Minister Austin Gatt 24 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Career Opportunities We supply water reliably and dispose of wastewater safely, to recognised standards of quality, aiming to satisfy the expectations of all sectors of the community, using resources effectively and economically, whilst safeguarding health and the environment. ENGINEER – ELECTRICAL Vacancy no. 201924 | Permit No. 81/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/10 The selected applicant will be expected to perform amongst other duties; s 4OPLANANDIMPLEMENTRESEARCHMETHODOLOGIESANDPROCEDURESTOAPPLYPRINCIPLESOFELECTRICALANDCONTROLTHEORYTOENGINEERINGPROJECTS s %LECTRICALSWITCHGEARPANEL-##SPECIFICATIONANDDESIGN s #ONTROLANDINSTRUMENTATIONSYSTEMSFUNCTIONALSPECIFICATIONANDDESIGN s 0ROGRAMMINGOF0,#AND3#!$!EQUIPMENT s 0RODUCTIONOFELECTRICALCONTROLINSTRUMENTATIONANDCOMMUNICATIONDESIGNDOCUMENTATIONANDDRAWINGS s 5NDERSTANDINGINTERPRETINGANDRESPONDINGTOTHENEEDSOFOTHERENGINEERINGDISCIPLINESSUCHASMECHANICALPROCESSANDCIVIL !PPLICANTSMUSTHOLDASTDEGREEIN%LECTRICAL%NGINEERINGORACOMPARABLEQUALIFICATIONISSUEDBYTHE5NIVERSITYOF-ALTAORANYOTHERRECOGNIZEDINSTITUTION#ANDIDATESSHOULDALSO HAVESUBSTANTIALEXPERIENCEINMANAGINGOPERATIONSPROJECTSANDRELATEDRESOURCES PLANT OPERATORS – ELECTRICAL Vacancy no. 163231 | Permit No. 180/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/22 4HE3ELECTEDAPPLICANTWILLBEEXPECTEDTOPERFORMAMONGSTOTHERDUTIES s 4OMONITORTHE7ASTEWATERTREATMENTPLANTOPERATIONSTHROUGHTHE3UPERVISORY#ONTROLAND$ATA!CQUISITION3#!$!PROCESSVALUESOPERATORSREPORTSANDTRENDSTOENSURETHE PLANTSCONTINUOUSRUNNING s 4OENSURETHEPLANTSPROPERSTARTINGANDSHUTDOWNOPERATIONSWHENREQUIREDINCLUDINGPREVENTATIVEMAINTENANCEANDONSITEREPAIRS !PPLICANTSMUSTBEINPOSSESSIONOFSIX/LEVELS#ITY'UILDSANDARELATEDQUALIFICATIONAND-1#,EVELISSUEDBY-#!34ORANYOTHERRECOGNIZEDINSTITUTION#ANDIDATESMUST ALSOHOLDBOTH%LECTRICAL,ICENSE@!AND@"!PPLICANTSHOLDINGARELATEDQUALIFICATIONAT-#1LEVELISSUEDBY-#!34ORANYOTHERRECOGNIZEDINSTITUTIONSHALLBEGIVENPREFERENCE #ANDIDATESSHOULDALSOHAVEAMINIMUMOFFIVEYEARSEXPERIENCEINOPERATINGANDMAINTAININGAPLANTINTHEINDUSTRIALSECTOR%XPERIENCEINWASTEWATERTREATMENTPLANTOPERATIONS WOULDBECONSIDEREDANASSET PLANT OPERATIVES – MECHANICAL Vacancy no. 200251 | Permit No. 83/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/24 4HE3ELECTEDAPPLICANTWILLBEEXPECTEDTOPERFORMAMONGSTOTHERDUTIES s 4O/PERATEMACHINERYEQUIPMENTANDTOOLSASSOCIATEDWITHTHE0LANT/PERATION-ECHANICAL-AINTENANCE s 0ERFORMSTHETASKSACCORDINGTOTHEINSTRUCTIONSOFTHE0LANT/PERATOR !PPLICANTSMUSTBEINPOSSESSIONOF/LEVELS#ITY'UILDSANDARELATEDQUALIFICATIONAT-1#LEVELISSUEDBY-#!34ORANYOTHERRECOGNISEDINSTITUTION4HEIDEALCANDIDATESHOULD ALSOBECOMPUTERLITERATEANDHOLDAVALIDDRIVING,ICENSE!PPLICANTSHAVINGARELATEDRECOGNISEDQUALIFICATIONAT-1#LEVELANDORHOLDALICENSETODRIVEANDOPERATE(EAVY0LANT MACHINERYANDEQUIPMENTWILLBEGIVENPREFERENCE #ANDIDATES3HOULDALSOHAVEAMINIMUMOFTHREEYEARSEXPERIENCEINANINDUSTRIALENVIRONMENTCARRYINGOURONSITEREPAIRSOFMECHANICALEQUIPMENTANDMACHINERY PLANT OPERATIVES – ELECTRICAL Vacancy no. 200251 | Permit No. 59/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/24 4HE3ELECTEDAPPLICANTWILLBEEXPECTEDTOPERFORMAMONGSTOTHERDUTIES s 4O/PERATEMACHINERYEQUIPMENTANDTOOLSASSOCIATEDWITHTHE0LANT/PERATION%LECTRICAL-AINTENANCE s 0ERFORMSTHETASKSACCORDINGTOTHEINSTRUCTIONSOFTHE0LANT/PERATOR !PPLICANTSMUSTBEINPOSSESSIONOF/LEVELS#ITY'UILDSANDARELATEDQUALIFICATIONAT-1#LEVELISSUEDBY-#!34ORANYOTHERRECOGNISEDINSTITUTION#ANDIDATESMUSTALSOBE COMPUTERLITERATEHOLDAVALIDDRIVINGLICENSEANDBEQUALIFIED,ICENSE@!%LECTRICIANS!PPLICANTSWHOARENOTINPOSSESSIONOF/LEVELSBUTAREQUALIFIEDAS,ICENSE@"%LECTRICIANSSHALL BECONSIDEREDONTHESAMELEVEL#ANDIDATESWHOHOLD/,EVELSARELATEDRECOGNISEDQUALIFICATIONAND-1#,EVELORHIGHERANDHAVEBOTH%LECTRICAL,ICENSE@!@"SHALLBE GIVENPREFERENCE !PPLICANTSSHOULDALSOHAVEAMINIMUMOFTHREEYEARSEXPERIENCEINANINDUSTRIALENVIRONMENTELECTRICALINSTALLATIONSANDEQUIPMENT LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Vacancy no. 201880 | Permit No. 96/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/06 4HE3ELECTEDAPPLICANTWILLBEEXPECTEDTOPERFORMAMONGSTOTHERDUTIES s 4OWORKONADAILYBASISINTHECHEMICALANDMICROBIOLOGICALSECTIONSINALLPREMISESOFTHELABORATORYONALLTYPESOFWATERINCLUDINGBOTHPOTABLEANDWASTEWATER s 4OPERFORMANALYTICALTESTINGOFSLUDGEANDOTHERANDOTHERSAMPLESPERTAININGTOTHEDIFFERENTSTAGESINTHETREATMENTOFBOTHPOTABLEANDWASTEWATER s 4OCARRYOUTSAMPLINGDUTIESANDONSITETESTINGONVARIOUS73#PREMISESANDOTHERSITESASDEEMEDNECESSARY !PPLICANTSSHOULDHOLD-#!34.ATIONAL$IPLOMAIN!PPLIED3CIENCE,ABORATORY)NDUSTRIAL3CIENCEANDHAVECOMPLETEDTHEIR4!3APPRENTICESHIPANDSUCCESSFULLYACQUIREDTHE *OURNEYMAN#ERTIFICATEOR&ULL-ATRICULATIONCERTIFICATEWITH@!,EVELSIN"IOLOGYAND#HEMISTRYORTHREE!LEVELSTWOOFWHICHMUSTINCLUDE"IOLOGYAND#HEMISTRY4HEIDEAL CANDIDATESHOULDPREFERABLYALSOHOLDAVALIDDRIVINGLICENSE )NHOUSETRAININGSHALLBEPROVIDEDTOTHESUCCESSFULCANDIDATEHOWEVERAPPLICANTSWHOHAVEEXPERIENCEINANALYTICALTESTINGINWATERANDORWASTEWATERFIELDANDORINTHE)3/ QUALITYMANAGEMENTSYSTEMSSHALLBEGIVENPREFERENCE HEAD OF SECURITY Vacancy no. 234647 | Permit No. 207/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/25 4HE3ELECTEDAPPLICANTWILLBEEXPECTEDTOPERFORMAMONGSTOTHERDUTIES s -ANAGETHEDEVELOPMENTANDIMPLEMENTATIONOFTHECORPORATIONSSECURITYPOLICYSTANDARDSGUIDELINESANDPROCEDURESTOENSUREONGOINGMAINTENANCEOFSECURITY s 4OPROTECTTHECORPORATIONSASSETSACCESSCONTROLSYSTEMSVIDEOSURVEILLANCEANDACCESSMONITORINGPOLICIES s 4OOVERSEEINCIDENTRESPONSEPLANNINGASWELLASTHEINVESTIGATIONOFSECURITYBREACHESANDASSISTWITHDISCIPLINARYANDLEGALMATTERSASSOCIATEDWITHSUCHBREACHESASNECESSARY !PPLICANTSMUSTBEINPOSSESSIONOFADEGREERELATEDTO3ECURITY-ANAGEMENTORARELATEDAREAISSUEDBYTHE5NIVERSITYOF-ALTAORANYOTHERRECOGNISEDINSTITUTION #ANDIDATESMUSTALSOHAVEATLEASTFIVEYEARSEXPERIENCEAS(EADOF3ECURITY!PPLICANTSHAVINGEXPERIENCEWITHINTHE0OLICE&ORCEANDORINPRIVATEINVESTIGATIONAGENCIESSHALL BEPREFERRED TECHNICIANS - ELECTRICAL Vacancy no. 234664 | Permit No. 205/2011 | MPO Ref. MPO/89/2005/06 4HE3ELECTEDAPPLICANTWILLBEEXPECTEDTOPERFORMAMONGSTOTHERDUTIES s .EWELECTRICALINSTALLATIONPUMPSTARTERPANELBUILDINGDAILYMAINTENANCEREPAIRINSPECTIONANDTROUBLESHOOTINGOFELECTRICALEQUIPMENTONWATERANDWASTEWATERPUMP STATIONS !PPLICANTSMUSTBEINPOSSESSIONOF-#!34$IPLOMAIN%LECTRICALAND%LECTRONICS%NGINEERINGANDHAVEALSOSUCCESSFULLYCOMPLETEDTHEIRAPPRENTICESHIPANDACQUIREDTHE%4# *OURNEYMAN#ERTIFICATE#ANDIDATESSHOULDALSOBEQUALIFIED,ICENSE@!%LECTRICIANSANDBEWILLINGTOOBTAINTHE%LECTRICAL,ICENSE@"WITHINSIXMONTHSFROMDATEOFRECRUITMENT &URTHERDETAILSINCLUDINGTHEDUTIESATTACHEDTOTHEPOSITIONCANBEOBTAINED BYCONTACTINGTHE(UMAN2ESOURCES$EPARTMENTONTELEPHONEORBYEMAILONHUMANRESOURCES WSCCOMMT )NTERESTEDCANDIDATESAREENCOURAGEDTOSUBMITTHEIRAPPLICATIONINCLUDINGADETAILED#6 TOTHE(UMAN2ESOURCES-ANAGERVIAEMAILONHUMANRESOURCES WSCCOMMTBYNOTLATERTHAN7EDNESDAYND.OVEMBER 25 maltatoday, THIS WEEK SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 CULTURE | TV | FILM CINEMA LISTINGS FOOD | WHAT’S ON Red Elecktrick, nominated for Best Band Your favourite bands need you Voting is now open for the Bay Music Awards, taking place on December 12. See page 36 26 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 THIS WEEK WHAT’S ON MUSIC OCTOBER 30 A Little Sunday Night Music: Duo Concertante Concert at Music Room, St James Cavalier, Valletta at 19:00. Featuring Lino Pirotta – clarinet, Gisele Grima – piano. Programme: Pierne Canzonetta, SaintSaens Sonata in Eb, Debussy Preludes (selection), Milhaud Duo Concertante, Honegger Sonatina, Poulenc Sonata, Debussy Preludes (selection), Rabaud Solo de Concours. NOVEMBER 2 Performers’ Platform: Preludes, Waltzes and more Performance by Myra Cassar at Music Room, St James Cavalier, Valletta at 12:30. Programme: Bach Little Prelude in C minor, Fiocco Andante, Clementi - Sonatina no.6, Gedike Miniature in D minor, Schumann Knight Rupert, Durand Premiere Valse, Pirates of the Caribbean Flood Time. NOVEMBER 3 An encounter with Dmitry Zolotyhin A chance to meet the Russian film actor at The Russian Centre for Science and Culture, Valletta, 19:00. Followed by the showing of episodes from films featuring Zolotyhin acting the role of Peter I in Young Russia and The Youth of Peter I. Organised as part of the celebrations of Unity Day in Russia. The Bacche kick into their second weekend at MITP, Valletta NOVEMBER 3 Spotlight Series: A Chamber Concert Absurd! Theatencore tackle Eugene Ionesco’s Exit the King Concert at Sala Isouard, Manoel Theatre, Valletta at 20:00. Featuring Clare Ghigo – mezzo soprano, Lino Pirotta - clarinet, Tricia Dawn Williams, Veronique Vella - piano, Tatjana Chircop - violin and Rebecca Hall - flute. Programme: works by Veronique Vella, Katrina Burton, Alex Vella Gregory and Gyorgi Ligeti. ART ENDS TODAY NOVEMBER 5 160th Anniversary Special Concert by St Philip Band St Philip Band of Żebbuġ concludes its 160th anniversary celebrations with a special concert, the fourth this year, Arena, under the patronage of the President of the Republic held at MonteKristo, Ħal Farruġ Road, Limits of Siġġiewi. Featuring soprano Joan Mangion, tenor Joe Aquilina, baritone Alfred Camilleri and the Mirabitur choir directed by Simone Attard. More information: www. NOVEMBER 5 Gala Concert (Malta International Choir Competition & Festival) Concert Featuring the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra at Republic Hall, Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta from 19.30. Conductor: Gabor Hollerung. Organised by the Malta Tourism Authority. Bookings: 2.5% on your gs n i v a S o r u E Ritty Tacsum and Her Humanoids Exhibition of ‘weird’ photographs and installation work at St James Cavalier, Valletta. NOVEMBER 4 – JANUARY 7 Modern Artistic Sensibilities in Maltese Art An exhibition of modern and contemporary art works curated by Dr Joseph Paul Cassar (Maryland University College and resident Art Educator for the New York Times) in conjunction with the launch of his latest publication on modern art in Malta. at Heritage Malta Gozo Area Exhibition Hall, St Martin’s Quarter Street, The Citadel, Victoria, Gozo. Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00-16:00; Saturday: 09:00- 12:00. NOVEMBER 7 Third concert of the MCI Season Concert featuring The University Junior College No fe es Online savings Access your money whenever, wherever sInterest payable annually s Daily withdrawals Freephone: 8007 3388 s Tel: 2132 2102 Powered by FIMBank p.l.c. is a licensed credit institution in Malta, regulated by the MFSA and listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. This euro based product falls within the Depositor Compensation Scheme established under the Depositor Compensation Scheme Regulations, 2003. Withdrawals are on demand and effected via SEPA credit transfers. Rates are correct at time of going to press. Terms and conditions are applicable and available upon request. 27 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 THIS WEEK WHAT’S ON Orchestra & Soloists, under the direction of Mro. Manuel Pirotta at Grand Exhibition Hall of the Hotel Le Meridien St Julian’s at 19:00. THEATRE TONIGHT AND NOVEMBER 4-6 The Bacchae MADC production of the Ancient Greek tragedy by Euripides at MITP Theatre, St Christopher’s Street, Valletta. Directed by Toni Attard. Cast includes Kurt Castillo, Manuel Cauchi, Pia Zammit, Kevin Drake, Philip Leone Ganado, Coryse Borg, Maria Pia Meli, Marta Vella, Laura Best, Veronica Stivala and Nicola Abela Garrett. Tickets can be booked from TONIGHT The Great Gatsby Teatru Manoel and American Drama Group Europe (ADGE) present Tour de Force Theatre in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald at Manoel Theatre. Starts at 20:00. Directed by Peter Joucla (Importance of Being Earnest, 2010). Featuring an all-American cast. Tickets are at €15, €20, €25. Bookings: mt, 21 246389. NOVEMBER 4-6 Exit the King Performance by Theatencore of Eugene Ionesco’s classic of the theatre of the absurd at St James Cavalier, Valletta at 20:00. Directed by Tyrone Grima, and includes in the cast Malcolm Galea, in the title role, together with Monica Attard, Stephanie Bugeja, Joe Pace, Nadine Genovese and Mik Pisani. Tickets at €15. Bookings: 21 223200, The play is rated 16. MAGIC SHOW November 5, 6 The Magic Variety A night of magicians, illusionists and entertainers at Manoel Theatre at 19:30 on Saturday November 5 and 16:00 on Sunday November 6. Presented by Manoel Theatre in collaboration with B.L.E.E.P Entertainment. DESSERT AFTERNOON TODAY Homebakes Vol. 31 – My Little Treats First edition of a new Coach and Horses initiative (Valley Road, Msida) from 18:30. Individuals will be invited to bake cupcakes, sweets and other goodies for all to enjoy. Today, Martha from My Little Treats will supply cupcakes. Entrance is free. ARTISAN FAIR TODAY Malta Artisan Fair Kalkara Halloween edition of the Malta Artisans Fair, held at the Kalkara Waterfront between 10:00 to 17:00. Featuring local food and crafts. Fancy dress is encouraged. For more information and a full list of participants search for ‘Malta Artisan Fair’ on Facebook. RE-ENACTMENT OCTOBER 30 In Guardia Parade A historical re-enactment organised by the Malta Tourism Authority at Fort St Elmo from 11:00. The first edition of Homebakes at Coach and Horses, Valley Road, Msida 28 FOOD RESTO OF THE WEEK Chinese flavours on the water’s edge r takes a look ja ta Cu it m m Za el Rach recipe, wine a s g n ri b d an t n at a restaura e week. and delicacy of th ur comments on Write to us with yomit your own recipes restaurants or sub to rzammitcutajar@ Nan Yaun Over the last six years Li Lang Chao and his wife Xuemei have been bringing the flavours of the Orient to the Valletta Waterfront, right by the water’s edge. Xuemei, or Charmaine as she is known locally, runs the floor attending to your every need – the perfect hostess – while her husband takes up responsibility in the kitchen, whipping up the most tremendous Chinese dishes. Delicious crispy spring rolls, crispy duck served with hoisin sauce and pancakes, a variety of stir fries and sizzling dishes are all part of the delicious menu at Nan Yuan. Dine on the beautiful waterfront enjoying the local sunshine and architecture of Malta’s capital city while enjoying traditional dishes from China. All the traditional Chinese favourites are available along with a few innovative dishes such as deep-fried crab claws cooked in breadcrumbs. Mini set menus allow you to add a dish or two to the set menu making it a little bit more flexible. Aside from the delicious food, Nan Yuan also stocks an impressive selection of 2009 Feudo Principi di Butera Nero d’Avola Sicilia A fantastic Nero d’Avola that pizza companies could make a fortune by delivering a cellarcool bottle of Nero d’Avola with the hot pies. Something about cured meats like pepperoni, guanciale, bacon, salami, etc., arejust undeniably perfect with Nero d’Avola. This wine is dark and smoky while black cherry aromas dominate. It has a fairly mild flavor with firm, mouthdrying tannins and a long finish. Happily paired with roasted pork where it performed admirably, and of course, I got to pair the leftover wine with some pizza a day later. premium brandies and other liquers. For dessert there is a great selection of ice-creams and cakes and to keep the little ones happy get them an ice-cream in a Disney-shaped cup or other fun desserts. Take advantage of the 10% discount on takeaways. Nan Yuan is open daily 12:00 – 14:30 (closed Monday); 19:00 – 23:00 Address: Vault 14, Valletta Water Front, Valletta Contact: 21225310 Email: 29 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 FINE FOOD OF THE WEEK Pungent aromas and intense flavours Cinnamon The pungent aroma of cinnamon is unmistakable. Extremely flexible, this spice in can be used for both sweet and savoury dishes. It was once a highly prized spice with wars fought over it and it was even used as currency in some parts of the world. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known. It was mentioned in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt not only as beverage flavouring and medicine, but also as an embalming agent. It was so highly treasured that it was considered more precious than gold. Around this time, cinnamon also received much attention in China, which is reflected in its mention in one of the earliest books on Chinese botanical medicine, dated around 2,700 B.C. Cinnamon’s popularity continued throughout history. It became one of the most relied upon spices in Medieval Europe. Due to its demand, cinnamon became one of the first commodities traded regularly between the Near East and Europe. Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil and the Caribbean, while cassia is mainly produced in China, Vietnam and Indonesia. Health benefits Cinnamon is also reputed to have a number of health benefits, including lowering of cholesterol and reducing blood sugar levels. It is also thought to have anti fungal, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. A rich source of magnese, dietary fibre, iron and calcium, the combination helps to remove bile, preventing damage to colon cells, which in turn helps to prevent colon cancer and ease irritable bowel syndrome. Cinnamon has been known to help provide relief from menstrual cramping, aids the secretion of breast milk, eases headaches and boosts the immune system. How to select and store Cinnamon is available in either stick or powder form. While the sticks can be stored for longer, the ground powder has a stronger flavour. If possible, smell the cinnamon to make sure that it has a sweet smell – that’s how you know it’s fresh. Oftentimes, both Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon (cassia) are labeled as cinnamon. The Ceylon variety is sweeter and more refined, though difficult to find. Just like with other dried spices, try to select organically grown cinnamon since this will give you more assurance that it has not been irradiated (among other potential adverse effects, irradiating cinnamon may lead to a significant decrease in its vitamin C and carotenoid content). Cinnamon should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. Ground cinnamon will keep for about six months, while cinnamon sticks will stay fresh for about one year stored this way. Alternatively, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator. To check to see if it is still fresh, smell the cinnamon. If it does not smell sweet, it is no longer fresh and should be discarded. Serving ideas Healthy cinnamon toast: Drizzle flax seed oil onto whole wheat toast and then sprinkle with cinnamon and honey. Simmer cinnamon sticks with soymilk and honey for a deliciously warming beverage. Adding ground cinnamon to black beans served with nachos will give them a uniquely delicious taste. Healthy sauté lamb with eggplant, raisins and cinnamon sticks to create a Middle Eastern inspired meal. Add ground cinnamon when preparing curries. RECIPE OF THE WEEK Cinnamon rolls Ingredients Dough: • • • • • • • 700g all-purpose flour 1 package (7 grams) active dry yeast 240ml milk 75 grams unsalted butter 66g granulated white sugar ½ teaspoon salt 3 large eggs Filling: • • • • 160g packed light brown sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 110g unsalted butter, cold (cut into pieces) ½ cup light raisins (optional) Sugar Glaze: • • 58g powdered (confectioners or icing) sugar 1 tablespoon half-and-half (light cream) Method 1. In the bowl of your electric mixer, with the paddle attachment, combine the flour and the yeast. 2. In a small saucepan, stirring constantly, heat the milk, butter, sugar, and salt just till warm (approx 50°C) and the butter is almost melted. 3. Gradually pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture, with the mixer on low speed. 4. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Beat on high speed for three minutes. 5. Replace the paddle attachment with the dough hook (or do the kneading by hand), and knead in as much of the remaining flour until you make a moderately soft dough that is smooth and elastic 6. Shape into a ball. Place the dough 7. 8. 9. 10. into a greased bowl, turning once. Cover and let rise in a warm place till double (approximately 1-1 ½ hours). When the dough has doubled in size punch it down. Place onto a lightly floured surface, cover with a clean towel, and let rest for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, combine the ingredients for the filling. In a medium-sized bowl place the brown sugar, and cinnamon. Stir to combine. Cut in the cold butter with a pastry blender, or two knives, until the mixture is crumbly. Set aside. After about 10 minutes, roll the dough into a 30 cm square. Sprinkle the filling evenly over the rolled out dough and top with raisins (if desired). Carefully roll the dough into a log and pinch the edges to seal. Slice the roll into eight equal-sized pieces. Arrange dough pieces on a greased baking pan. 11. Cover dough loosely with clear plastic wrap, leaving room for rolls to rise for approximately 45 minutes. 12. Break any surface bubbles with a toothpick. Brush dough with half-andhalf or light cream. Bake 190°C oven for 25 to 30 minutes or till light brown. 13. Drizzle with icing sugar glaze. 30 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 THIS WEEK FILM IN CINEMAS TODAY St James Cavalier Valletta Tel. 21 223200 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ IRON MAN ★ ★ ★ ★ HEART OF STEEL ★ ★ ★ STEELY ★ ★ STEELY DAN ★ RUSTED How to train your robot The Fighter (16) 18:45 Séraphine (12) 21:00 Embassy Cinemas Valletta Tel. 21 227436, 21245818 The Adventures of Tintin (3D) (U) 10:15, 13:45, 16:10, 18:35, 21:00 The Three Musketeers (U) 10:30, 14:05, 16:20, 18:40, 20:55 The Debt (16) 16:00, 20:50 Johnny English Reborn (PG) 10:00, 12:15, 14:30, 16:45, 19:00, 21:15 Footloose (12) 10:15, 13:45, 16:10, 18:30, 21:00 Dolphin Tale (U) 10:20, 14:00, 16:20, 18:25 The Devil’s Double (18) 18:40, 20:55 Eden Cinemas St Julians Tel. 23 710 400 The Devil’s Double (18) 14:00, 16:15, 18:30, 20:45, 23:00 Soul Surfer (U) 14:00, 16:15, 18:30, 20:45, 23:00 Dolphin Tale (U) 14:00, 16:15, 18:35, 21:05, 23:35 Real Steel (PG) 14:30, 18:15, 20:50, 23:25 Crazy Stupid Love (14) 14:00, 16:25, 18:50, 21:15, 23:40 The Adventures of Tin Tin: Secret of the Unicorn (3D) (PG) 14:05, 16:30, 18:50, 21:15, 23:35 Green Lantern (12) 14:00, 16:15, 18:35, 20:55, 23:15 Something Borrowed (12) 14:00, 16:15, 18:35, 20:55, 23:15 Apollo 18 (12) 14:20, 16:15, 18:35, 20:50, 22:55 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (14) 14:20, 18:15, 20:50, 23:25 The Three Musketeers (3D) (U) 14:00, 16:20, 18:40, 21:00, 23:20 Killer Elite (18) 14:00, 16:25, 18:50, 21:10, 23:35 The Debt (16) 14:05, 16:25, 18:45, 21:05, 23:25 Friends with Benefits (16) 14:10, 16:30, 18:45, 21:05, 23:20 The Art of Getting By (PG) 14:25, 16:35, 18:50, 21:00, 22:55 Johnny English Reborn (PG) 14:15, 16:30, 18:45, 21:15, 23:35 Footloose (12) 14:05, 16:25, 18:50, 21:10, 23:30 Empire Cinemas Bugibba Tel. 21 581 787, 21 581 909 Dolphin Tale (3D) (U) 11:00, 13:40, 16:10, 18:35, 21:00 The Adventures of Tin Tin: Secrets of The Unicorn (U) 11:15, 14:00, 16:30, 18:55, 21:15 Johnny English Reborn (PG) 11:00, 14:00, 16:15, 18:30, 21:05 Real Steel (PG) 14:15, 18:00, 20:45 The Devil’s Double (18) 13:40, 16:00, 18:25, 21:00 The Three Musketeers (U) 14:00, 16:25, 18:50, 21:15 Footloose (12) 13:35, 16:05, 18:40, 21:10 For boys only – Hugh Jackman (right) and Dakota Goyo train a robot for some white-rivet brawling HOW do you make a film about robot boxing even remotely engaging? Simple – you make a film about robot boxing, and you stop yourself from trying to do anything else. Director Shawn Levy – crowd-pleaser extraordinaire responsible for cross-generational hits such as Night at the Museum (and its sequel) – presents a film that’s so easy to scoff at you begin to suspect it’s really all that innocent. For starters, the premise is as simple and airtight as a fairy tale. We’re taken to somewhere in the vague future, where robot-boxing has become a lucrative, national sport. Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman) was once a robot boxer of the first league, but a few bad games have uppercut him out into bankruptcy, and he is now reduced to backdoor brawls with scrap yard leftover robots. His lifelong friend – and will-they-won’tthey love interest – Bailey (Evangeline Lilly) meanwhile tolerates him staying in her father’s gym, though she’s at the end of her tether with Charlie, who appears incapable of getting his groove back. One day, Charlie discovers that his ex-girlfriend has died, leaving behind a son, Max (Dakota Goyo), who happens to be his. Charlie strikes a deal with Max’s wealthy REAL STEE L (12) ★ ★ ★ By Teodor Reljic uncle – who is keen to get to Tuscany for the summer with his wife – that he will keep Max while they’re away, on the condition that he’s paid $50,000 for the trouble. The flush of cash gives Charlie a good kick in the right direction… what he wasn’t expecting, though, was for his estranged son to have a hidden talent in robot boxing and, even less so, that a bond will develop between the two that’ll be difficult to break off. We all know where this is going – we have a fair share of Disney films embedded in our psyche, right? – and, what’s more, it does actually go there. But don’t we sometimes go to the movies to feel reassured? Levy ticks all the right boxes without you caring, which is the sign of a populist filmmaker of promise. Like vintage Spielberg, he balances action and emotion in a way that’ll make you feel young again… which is all the more relevant now that old Steven seems to be drifting into murky waters… with the dubious-looking Tin Tin, not to mention him sponsoring mediocre fare like Cowboys vs. Aliens, as well as that other – far more bloated, far more cynical – robot extravaganza: Michael Bay’s stomping CGI kitschfest, the Transformers saga. In a way, this is Transformers’s more honest runt of a cousin: it reaches out to the heart – as well as the eyeballs – and even the special effects never overwhelm the experience. A lot of this is down to Jackman. He’s established himself as a hunk with a heart of gold, and while he’s never been the most flexible of actros for precisely that reason, Charlie is practically written for him, making suspension of disbelief practically for the impossible. Perhaps it should come with a ‘Boys Only’ tag, but the fact remains that it could have been a lot, lot worse. The week’s picks ADVENTURE THE ADVENTURES OF TIN TIN: SECRET OF THE UNICORN Tintin and his friends discover directions to a sunken ship commanded by Capt. Haddock’s ancestor and go off on a treasure hunt. ROM-COM THE ART OF GETTING BY George, a lonely and fatalistic teen who’s made it all the way to his senior year without ever having done a real day of work, is befriended by Sally, a popular but complicated girl who recognizes in him a kindred spirit. ROMANCE FOOTLOOSE City kid Ren McCormack moves to a small town where rock ‘n’ roll and dancing have been banned, and his rebellious spirit shakes up the populace. 31 TRAVEL maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 The land of fairytales Prague On the UNESCO’s World Heritage list since 1992, the historic city centre of Prague, the Czech Republic’s capital city, offers fantastic weekend breaks. Check out the characteristic winding alleys and varying architectural styles, Romanesque rotundas, Gothic cathedrals, Baroque and Renaissance palaces, art nouveau, classicist, cubist and functionalist houses and modern buildings in this fairy-tale town of magical beauty in the heart of Europe. What to do? Prague Castle is the most popular sight in Prague. Uncover the secret of the magic Golden lane, famous for its picturesque houses and stories of alchemists transforming metal into gold. Discover the St George Basilica ancestral convent, and learn about the story of the Black Tower of Europe’s largest medieval castle. Stroll around the Royal Gardens of the castle, founded on the site of the oldest vineyards and famous for its beautiful floral ornament or to the Lion’s Court, an attractive renaissance building, built in the 1580s, which used to house wild animals. Vysehrad or ‘Castle on the heights’ is a beautiful place to visit at any time or day or any time of year. To get into the essence of the place, walk around the huge, beautiful park that covers the area. Even more astonishing than the park or historic buildings are the views of the city, the bridges over Vltava and the Prague Castle. The The statues on the Charles Bridge are famed for making wishes come true best viewing point are from the Gothic ruins of Libuses Bath’s. Walks at sunset and by night are sure to leave an impression but get yourself oriented before darkness falls to make sure you don’t get lost. Visit the astronomical clock constructed in 1410 the mechanisms of the clock are still functional. 80 years later the clock was rebuilt by Hanus and as legend has it, the clockmaker was blinded by councillors so that he would never build a greater instrument. The story goes that Hanus deliberately damaged the clock before he died and cursed the instrument so that anyone who tried to repair the clock would have either gone mad or died. To this day, you can read a number of things off the clock but not the time. Not only is Charles Bridge a historical jewel, but its statues can make your wishes come true. If you feel sceptical, feel the cobblestones beneath your feet and experience the mystical atmosphere of the narrow streets and you will be instantly converted. Where to stay? Take in an aerial view of the city from one of a number of viewpoints Start you tour of Prague Castle and the Gate of Giants which opens out into the enormous Castle Square Spend a few nights aboard the Boatel Admiral (, the most luxurious boatel in Prague. It is situated right in the centre of the city, anchored to the right bank of the Vltava offering great access to the city while offering the peace and tranquillity of the river. Treat yourself to a night at the Alchymist Grand Hotel and Spa ( Housed in a magnificent baroque house dating back to the 16th century, this five star hotel has been sensitively restored to the true jem it once was. Stay in the historical part of Prague at the Certovka (www. The Baroque building offers views of the river from its 21 rooms that are equipped with modern convenicences. A few steps away from the Charles Bridge and the Old Town Square the 7 Angels ( is a boutique hotel that keeps up the magic of the area. Stay in the standard double rooms with king size antiques double beds or in apartments with room for one more person. Prague is a great place for young backpacking travellers with cheap, clean hostels at every corner. Miss Sophie’s (www. is affordable, clean, centrally-located and steeped in culture, just waiting to be explored. Catch a glimpse of the 15th century astronomical clock where you can read almost anything except the time Where to eat? Tasty seven-course menus serving the best of Czech cuisine are available at La Degustation Boheme Bourgoise ( Menus vary according to seasonal ingredients available from local producers and farmers. Genuine traditional Czech cuisine is available at the beautiful art nouveau Plzenksa restaurant ( in the basement of the Municipal house. Try the Czech specialities along with the excellent Pilsner beer. Enjoy the live music entertainment by a live accordionist. The famous Slavie coffee ( house, on the banks of the River Vltava is right next door to the national theatre. Its tradition streches back to the 19th century, and has since been a meeting place for artists and intellectuals alike. How to get there? Air Malta operate flights from Malta to Prague on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday with return flights on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Flights to Prague on Friday 4 November returning on Monday 7 November were priced at €695 including tax. 32 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 THIS WEEK TELEVISION Santa Messa 11:00 Pianeta mare 11:30 Tg4 12:00 Melaverde 13:20 Pianeta mare - Sulle rotte dei gabbiani 14:00 Life – lo spettacolo della vita 14:50 Invito a cena con delitto 15:00 TgCom 16:40 Vie d’Italia notizie sul traffico 16:50 L’urlo dei giganti 17:35 TGCom 18:55 Tg4 19:35 Il tenente Colombo 21:30 Rocky II 22:10 TgCom 00:00 I bellissimi di R4 00:05 The Informant! TVM 07:00 L-Ghodwa t-Tajba 08:00 Faxxikli 08:30 Yep 09:00 L-Quddiesa talHadd 09:50 Malta u lil hinn Minnha 11:30 Hadd Ghalik 12:00 News In Maltese / Weather Report 12:10 Hadd Ghalik (cont.) 14:00 News in Maltese 14:06 Hadd Ghalik (cont.) 15:00 Gadgets (repeat) 15:30 TVM Shop 16:00 News in Maltese 16:10 TVM Shop 16:40 Mixage (repeat) 17:15 Venere (repeat) 18:00 News in Maltese 18:10 Modern Lifestyles 18:40 Style Watch 19:15 Keeping Up Appearances 20:00 L-Ahbarijiet 20:40 Min Imissu 21:45 Kontrattakk 23:15 L-Ahbarijiet 23:30 Malta u lil hinn Minnha (repeat) RAI UNO 07:00 Tg1 09:35 Easy Driver 10:00 Programma non specificato 10:30 A sua immagine 10:55 Santa Messa 12:00 Recita dell’Angelus 12:20 Linea verde 13:30 Tg1 14:00 Domenica In – L’Arena 16:00 Che tempo fa 16:30 Tg1 16:35 Domenica in – Così è la vita 18:50 L’eredità 20:00 Tg1 20:35 Rai TG Sport 5 minuti di recupero 20:40 Soliti ignoti 21:30 Cenerentola 23:10 TG1 60 Secondi 23:30 Speciale Tg1 00:35 Tg1 Notte NET TV 07:00 Net News 08:45 Teleshopping 10:30 Ucuh 12:00 Teleshopping 13:00 Net News 13:05 Simpatici 14:05 Teleshopping 14:20 Wheelpsin 15:00 Net News 15:05 Animal Diaries 16:00 Newsroom 17:00 Sport Extra 18:00 Net News 18:10 Flusek 18:40 Ghalik fl-Ewropa 18:55 Wheelspin 19:45 Net News 20:30 Déjà Vu 21:30 Net News 21:32 Replay 23:15 Net News RAI DUE 07:40 Slash 08:10 Huntik 08:40 Culto Evangelico in occasione della domenica della Riforma 09:40 Pole Position 10:25 Mondiale Formula 1 2011 12:15 Pole Position 13:00 Tg2 Giorno 13:30 Tg2 Motori 13:40 Meteo 2 13:45 Quelli che aspettano 15:30 Quelli che il calcio 17:05 Tg2 L.I.S. 17:10 RaiSport Stadio Sprint 18:00 RaiSport 90° Minuto 19:30 Mondiale Formula 1 2011 20:30 Tg2 – 20.30 21:00 NCIS 21:45 Hawaii Five-0 22:35 La Domenica Sportiva 01:00 Tg2 01:20 Protestantesimo ONE 06:30 One News 06:45 Unici 07:00 Pink Panther 07:30 Bil-kelma t-tajba 08:00 Folji 09:35 Aroma Kitchen 11:00 Better Living 11:45 Teleshopping 12:00 Kwalita Malta 12:45 La Morna Morna 13:30 One News 13:40 X’Hadd maghna! 16:00 Showbiz 17:30 One News 17:40 L-Argument 19:30 One News 20:05 Klassi Ghalina 20:30 Arani Issa 23:15 One News 23:45 Bla Agenda 02:30 Kwalita Malta 03:00 Gawhra Maltija 03:15 One News 03:45 Arani Issa 00:05 – The Informant! – Rete 4 Tg5 Notte ITALIA 1 CANALE 5 08:00 Tg5 Mattina 08:50 Le frontiere dello spirito 09:40 TgCom 10:00 Junior 11:55 TGCom – Meteo 5 12:45 Grande Fratello 13:00 Tg5 13:40 Grande Fratello 14:00 Domenica Cinque 18:50 Avanti un altro 20:00 Tg5 20:40 Paperissima Sprint 21:10 Distretto di Polizia 11 23:40 Terra! 00:40 BBC ENTERTAINMENT 300 06:00 Buzz and Tell 06:05 Tweenies 06:25 Gigglebiz 06:40 Me Too! 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Buzz and Tell 07:15 Buzz and Tell 07:20 Tweenies 07:40 Gigglebiz 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:30 Buzz and Tell 08:35 Buzz and Tell 08:45 As Time Goes By 09:15 One Foot in the Grave 09:50 Doctor Who 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 Casualty 12:10 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 13:00 The Weakest Link 13:45 The Weakest Link 14:35 Doctors 15:05 Doctors 15:35 Doctors 16:05 Doctors 16:35 Doctors 17:05 Doctor Who 17:50 As Time Goes By 18:20 One Foot in the Grave 18:50 Coast 19:50 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 20:40 Lark Rise to Candleford 21:35 The Fixer 22:20 Five Daughters 23:15 As Time Goes By 23:45 The Weakest Link AXN 301 06:00 Road to Justice: Il Giustiziere 06:50 Renegade 07:40 Torta di riso... 08:05 Torta di riso... 08:30 Walker, Texas Ranger 09:20 Walker, Texas Ranger 10:10 Top 20 Countdown 11:00 Sports Crash 11:55 Torta di riso... 12:25 Torta di riso... 12:55 Torta di riso... 14:00 Verdetto finale [15] 15:50 Torta di riso... 16:15 Torta di riso... 16:45 Torta di riso... 17:15 Lasko 18:20 Hot Fuzz [15] 20:00 Torta di riso... 20:30 Torta di riso... 21:00 Ransom [15] 22:40 The Shield 23:35 Sextastic E! ENTERTAINMENT 306 06:00 20 Hottest Women of the Web 08:00 12 Sexiest Vegas Jobs 09:00 Forbes 20 Cash Queens of Music 10:00 E! News 10:30 Keeping up with the Kardashians: Kris the Cougar Jenner 11:00 Taylor Swift 12:00 Christina Aguilera 14:00 Selena Gomez 15:00 E! News 15:30 Ice Loves Coco: Baby Got Business 16:00 Justin Bieber: My World 17:00 Katy Perry 18:00 Nicki Minaj 19:00 E! News 19:30 Khloe and Lamar: Unbreakable 20:00 Holly’s World: Operation Angel 20:30 Holly’s World: Broadway or Bust 21:00 Kourtney and Kim Take New York: In a New York Minute 21:30 Kourtney and Kim Take New York: One Last Dash 22:00 Keeping up with the Kardashians: The Former Mrs Jenner 22:30 Kendra 23:00 E! News 23:30 Dr 90210: New Beginnings and New Horizons FINE LIVING NETWORK 307 06:00 Yoga Zone 06:25 Yoga Zone 06:50 Carib- Darkman [Film] 21:00 on AXN Sci-Fi (Channel 303) 07:40 Spongebob 08:05 Samson & Neon 08:15 Rollbots 08:40 Ben 10: Forza Aliena 09:05 Ben 10: Forza Aliena 09:30 Zoids 10:00 Beyblade Metal Fusion 10:25 Power Rangers Samurai 10:55 Bakugan – Gundalian Invaders 11:20 Trasformers: Prime 11:45 Trasformers: Prime 12:15 Zig & Sharko 12:25 Studio Aperto 13:00 bean Workout 07:15 Caribbean Workout 07:40 Diva on a Dime 08:05 Kitchen Impossible 08:30 Bathtastic! 09:00 House Hunters International 09:25 Divine Design 09:50 Color Splash 10:15 World’s Most Extreme Homes 10:40 The Wandering Golfer 11:05 Planet Food 12:00 Saturday Kitchen 12:25 Rachael Rays Tasty Travels 12:50 Easy Entertaining with Michael Chiarello 13:15 Giada’s Weekend Getaways 13:45 Kitchen Impossible 14:10 Bathtastic! 14:35 Small Space, Big Style 15:00 My Big Amazing Renovations 15:25 Hollywood Pets 15:50 State of Style: 2010 Fall/ Winter Collection 16:15 Secret Spaces 17:05 Easy Entertaining with Michael Chiarello 17:30 The Wandering Golfer 18:00 House Hunters 18:25 Selling New York 18:55 Offbeat America 19:20 Color Splash 19:45 Divine Design 20:10 House Hunters International 20:35 House Hunters International 21:00 Jodie Kidd’s Fashion Avenue 21:30 Jodie Kidd’s Fashion Avenue 21:55 State of Style: 2011 Fall/Winter Collection 22:20 State of Style: 2011 Fall/Winter Collection 22:45 In the Name of Love 23:35 Secret Spaces ZONE REALITY 308 06:00 First In: Response Unit 06:25 First In: Response Unit 06:50 Real Strange 07:15 Real Strange 07:40 City Medicals 08:30 Baby ER 08:55 Baby ER 09:20 Paramedics 10:10 Animal Miracles 11:00 White Out 11:50 First In: Response Unit 12:15 First In: Response Unit 12:40 City Medicals 13:30 Baby ER 13:55 Baby ER 14:20 Paramedics 15:10 Animal Miracles 16:00 White Out 16:50 Real Strange 17:15 Real Strange 17:40 Border Force 18:30 Search and Rescue 18:55 Search and Rescue 19:20 Medical Detectives 19:45 Medical Detectives 20:10 Over the Edge 20:35 Over the Edge 21:00 Crime Stories 21:50 The Real Ncis 22:40 Real Interrogations 23:05 Real Interrogations 23:30 Psychic Private Eyes ITV GRANADA 309 08:00 To Be Announced 12:00 To Be Announced 16:00 To Be Announced 20:00 To Be Announced TCM 310 06:00 Easy to Wed 07:55 Message in a Bottle [12] 10:20 The Woman in Green [PG] 11:40 Driven [PG] 13:55 Camille 16:00 The Last Challenge 17:50 It Happened at the World’s Fair [PG] 19:50 Big Jake Guida al Campionato 14:00 Grand Prix 14:30 Il gatto... e il cappello matto 15:25 TgCom 16:00 Dragon Ball Z: L’invasione di Neo Nameck 16:35 TgCom 17:05 Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman 17:35 TgCom 18:30 Studio Aperto 19:00 Bau Boys 19:30 Big Mama 20:25 TgCom 21:30 A & F – Ale e Franz Show 22:30 Zelig Off 23:25 Così fan tutte 00:20 Controcampo – Linea notte RETE 4 07:45 Superpartes 08:50 Documentario 09:20 Magnifica Italia 10:00 [12] 22:00 Rome 23:15 Rome MGM CHANNEL 312 06:40 Nashville Beat 08:10 Green Journey 09:45 Impasse [PG] 11:25 Mystery Date [12] 13:00 Hickey & Boggs [15] 14:50 MGM’s Big Screen 15:05 Man of La Mancha [PG] 17:10 Hannah and Her Sisters [15] 18:55 Khartoum [PG] 21:00 Gothic [18] 22:25 The Curse of Inferno 23:50 Cold Heaven [15] DIVA UNIVERSAL 313 06:00 Rex: A Cop’s Friend 07:00 Rex: A Cop’s Friend 08:00 Alice 08:30 Alice 09:00 Wind at My Back 09:55 Wind at My Back 10:49 Il Maestro 11:00 Wolff’s Turf 12:00 Rosemary and Thyme 13:00 Christmas in Connecticut [U] 14:47 Coming Out 15:00 The Cradle Will Fall [12] 16:48 Great Women 17:00 JAG 18:00 JAG 19:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 20:50 Great Women 21:00 ER 21:55 ER 22:50 Great Women 23:00 JAG THE STYLE NETWORK 352 06:00 Big Boutique 06:30 Big Boutique 07:00 Videofashion Daily 08:00 Top 10 08:25 Top 10 08:55 Homes with Style 09:20 Homes with Style 09:50 Open House 10:20 Open House 10:50 Videofashion News 11:20 Videofashion News 11:50 How Do I Look? 12:45 Videofashion Daily 13:45 Open House 14:10 Open House 14:40 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane 15:35 Big Rich Texas 16:30 Big Rich Texas 17:25 How Do I Look? 18:25 How Do I Look? 19:20 Fashion Police 19:45 Clean House Comes Clean 20:15 Clean House 21:10 Jerseylicious 22:05 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane 23:00 Top 10 23:30 Top 10 FOOD NETWORK HD 372 06:00 Chopped 06:50 Guy’s Big Bite 07:15 Everyday Italian 07:40 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 08:05 Ten Dollar Dinners 08:30 Paula’s Best Dishes 08:55 Barefoot Contessa 09:20 Aarti Party 09:45 Boy Meets Grill 10:10 Unwrapped 10:35 Paula’s Party 11:25 Everyday Italian 11:50 Paula’s Best Dishes 12:15 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 12:40 World Café 13:05 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam 13:30 Good Eats 13:55 Unwrapped 14:20 Boy Meets Grill 14:45 Chopped 15:35 Guy’s Big Bite 16:00 Barefoot Contessa 16:25 Paula’s Best Dishes 16:50 Aarti Party 17:15 World Café 17:40 RAI TRE 07:45 La grande vallata 08:40 Maruzzella 10:05 Doc Martin 10:55 TGR Estovest 11:15 TGR Mediterraneo 11:40 TGR RegionEuropa 12:00 Tg3 12:10 Tg3 persone 12:11 Meteo 3 12:25 TeleCamere Salute 12:55 Prima della Prima 13:25 Passepartout 14:00 Tg Regione 14:15 Tg3 14:30 In 1/2 h 15:00 Tg3 L.I.S. 15:05 Alle falde del Kilimangiaro 18:55 Meteo 3 19:00 Tg3 19:30 Tg Regione 20:00 Blob 20:10 Che tempo che fa 21:30 Report 23:25 Tg3 23:35 Tg Regione 23:40 Lilit - In un mondo migliore 00:40 Tg3 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam 18:05 Good Eats 18:30 Food Network Challenge 19:20 Unwrapped 19:45 Unwrapped 20:10 Lidia’s Italy 20:35 Lidia’s Italy 21:00 Barefoot Contessa 21:25 Barefoot Contessa 21:50 World Café 22:40 World Café 23:05 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam 23:30 Good Eats 23:55 Unwrapped DISCOVERY CHANNEL 400 That About? 13:48 Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible 14:15 Weird Connections 14:45 Bang Goes the Theory 15:10 The Gadget Show 15:35 The Gadget Show 16:00 Future Weapons 16:50 Extreme Bodies 17:40 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 18:30 Moon Machines 19:20 The World’s Strangest UFO Stories 20:10 Speed Junkie 21:00 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 21:50 Moon Machines 22:40 Bang Goes the Theory 23:05 Green Wheels 23:30 The World’s Strangest UFO Stories 06:00 Fifth Gear 06:25 How Do They Do It?: Airbus, Fire Engines and Ketchup 06:50 How Does it Work? 07:15 Brainiac 08:10 Mythbusters: Bug Special 09:05 Destroyed in Seconds 09:35 Destroyed in Seconds 10:00 Extreme Engineering: Widening the Panama Canal 10:55 Oil Strike 11:50 Dirty Jobs: Poo Pot Maker 12:45 Deadliest Catch: Greenhorns 13:40 Mythbusters: Bug Special 14:35 American Chopper: Senior vs Junior: Fallen Heroes Bike, Bling Star Bike Part 1 15:30 Rides: Dominator 16:25 James May’s Man Lab 17:20 Shocking Survival Videos: Pilot Whale Attack 17:50 Shocking Survival Videos: Sinking of the Oceanos 18:15 River Monsters: Congo Killer 19:10 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 20:05 Danger Coast 20:35 Border Security 21:00 Nothing Personal: Young Guns 21:55 US Navy: Pirate Hunters 22:50 Moments of Terror 23:45 Kidnap and Rescue: Cartel Vengeance 06:00 Joan Cusack’s Local Flavour 06:50 Superhomes 07:15 Amazing Vacation Homes 07:40 City Chic 08:30 1000 Places to See Before You Die 09:20 Beach House Down Under 10:10 Bizarre Foods 11:00 My Greek Kitchen 11:25 Joan Cusack’s Local Flavour 12:15 Miami Ink 13:05 LA Ink 13:55 Superhomes 14:20 Amazing Vacation Homes 14:45 Flip That House 15:10 Bizarre Foods 16:00 City Chic 16:50 1000 Places to See Before You Die 17:40 Joan Cusack’s Local Flavour 18:30 Beach House Down Under 19:20 Flip That House 19:45 The Restorer Guy 20:10 Superhomes 20:35 Amazing Vacation Homes 21:00 Miami Ink 21:50 LA Ink 22:40 1000 Places to See Before You Die 23:30 City Chic DISCOVERY WORLD 401 INVESTIGATION DISCOVERY 404 06:00 Timewatch 06:50 Timewatch 07:45 Timewatch 08:35 Timewatch 09:30 Timewatch 10:20 Timewatch 11:15 Timewatch 12:10 Timewatch 13:00 Timewatch 13:55 Trashopolis 14:50 Monsoon Railway 15:40 South Africa Walks 16:05 Buena Vista Fishing Club 16:35 Against The Tide 17:30 Out of the Wild Venezuela 17:55 Through Hell and High Water 18:20 I Shouldn’t Be Alive 19:10 Hitler’s Heroes 20:05 Hitler’s Heroes 21:00 Hitler’s Secret Science 21:55 Raging Planet 22:50 Fugitive Strike Force 23:45 True Horror with Anthony Head 06:00 Forensic Detectives 06:45 Murder Shift 07:35 Mystery ER 08:20 Real Emergency Calls 08:45 Real Emergency Calls 09:05 The Prosecutors 09:50 The FBI Files 10:40 Murder Shift 11:25 On the Case with Paula Zahn 12:15 Disappeared 13:00 Mystery ER 13:50 Real Emergency Calls 14:15 Real Emergency Calls 14:35 The Prosecutors 15:20 Forensic Detectives 16:10 Murder Shift 17:00 The FBI Files 17:45 Real Emergency Calls 18:10 Mystery ER 18:55 Street Patrol 19:20 On the Case with Paula Zahn 20:10 Disappeared 21:00 Nightmare Next Door 21:50 I Almost Got Away With It 22:40 Couples Who Kill 23:30 Cuff Me If You Can DISCOVERY SCIENCE 402 06:00 The World’s Strangest UFO Stories 06:58 Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible 07:25 Weird Connections 07:55 Da Vinci’s Machines 08:45 Prototype This 09:35 What’s That About? 10:25 What’s That About? 11:15 What’s That About? 12:05 What’s That About? 12:55 What’s 30 Rock Y5 Ep22: Everything Sunny All The Time Always [Drama Series] 22:30 on melita more (Channel 802) DISCOVERY TRAVEL & LIVING 403 ANIMAL PLANET 405 06:00 Project Puppy 06:25 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 07:15 Breed: All About It 07:40 The Really Wild Show 08:10 Baby Planet 09:05 Natural Born Hunters 09:30 Jeff Corwin Unleashed: Tiny Furniture [Film] 29 October at 21:00 on Sundance HD (Channel 331) 33 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 THIS WEEK TELEVISION The Little Mermaid 09:15 The Little Mermaid 09:40 The Little Mermaid 10:00 The Hive 10:10 Jungle Junction 10:25 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 10:40 Imagination Movers 11:05 LazyTown 11:30 Handy Manny 11:45 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 12:00 Jungle Junction 12:15 The Hive 12:25 Imagination Movers 12:50 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 13:05 Jungle Junction 13:40 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 14:05 Handy Manny 14:20 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 14:35 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 14:50 Jungle Junction 15:05 LazyTown 15:30 Imagination Movers 15:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 16:20 Handy Manny 16:35 Jungle Junction 16:50 The Hive 17:00 Little Einsteins 17:25 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 17:40 Handy Manny 17:55 Timmy Time 18:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:25 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:50 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 19:00 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 19:10 The Little Mermaid 19:35 The Little Mermaid 20:00 The Little Mermaid 20:25 Timmy Time 20:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 20:55 Handy Manny 21:10 Jungle Junction 21:25 Jungle Junction 21:35 JoJo’s Circus 21:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 22:20 Special Agent Oso 22:35 Special Agent Oso 22:50 Jungle Junction 23:05 Jungle Junction 23:15 Little Einsteins 23:40 Higglytown Heroes 23:55 Higglytown Heroes MTV 500 06:00 Breakfast Club 08:00 Nothing but Hits 11:00 Hosted Top 20 13:00 Triple Play 14:00 The 10 Biggest Tracks of the Week 15:00 MTV Base UK Chart 16:00 Dancefloor Chart 17:00 Audrina 17:30 Degrassi: The Next Generation 18:00 The Family Crews 18:30 Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend 19:30 Plain Jane 20:30 The Evolution Of 21:00 16 and Pregnant 22:00 Jersey Shore 23:00 Music Mix Toy Story 3 “Toy Story 3” welcomes Woody (voice of Tom Hanks), Buzz (voice of Tim Allen) and the whole gang back to the big screen as Andy prepares to depart for college and his loyal toys find themselves in… day care! These untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice, so it’s all for one and one for all as plans for the great escape get underway. A few new faces – some plastic, some plush – join the adventure, including iconic swinging bachelor and Barbie’s counterpart Ken (voice of Michael Keaton), a thespian hedgehog named Mr. Pricklepants (voice of Timothy Dalton) and a pink, strawberry-scented teddy bear called Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear (voice of Ned Beatty). 19:15 on melita movies (Channel 801) Namibia Off Road 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 10:55 Dogs 101 11:50 Mutant Planet 12:45 Mutant Planet 13:40 Must Love Cats 14:35 Bad Dog 15:30 My Cat from Hell 16:25 Into the Pride 17:20 Venom Hunter With Donald Schultz 18:15 Queens of the Savannah: The Art of Seduction 19:10 Dogs 101 20:05 Beast Lands 21:00 Wildest Africa 21:55 Whale Wars 22:50 Untamed and Uncut 23:45 Dogs 101 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 406 06:00 Dog Whisperer: Molly, Jane, and Genoa 07:00 Raptor Force 08:00 The Bandits of Selous 09:00 Asteroid Impact 10:00 Classified: Secret Service Files: Miami Undercover 11:00 Dog Whisperer: Desperate Housedogs 12:00 Dog Whisperer: Tigger and Dan 13:00 Make Me a Dino 14:00 When Crocs Ate Dinos 15:00 The First Jesus? 16:00 Gospel of Judas 17:00 Bible’s Buried Secrets 18:00 Bible’s Buried Secrets 19:00 Classified: Secret Service Files: United Nations Lockdown 20:00 Inside: The Mob Squad 21:00 Lethal Action 22:00 Earth Investigated: Man-Made Disasters 23:00 Inside: The Mob Squad 16:00 People of the Sea 17:00 Cruising the South China Sea 18:00 Globe Trekker 19:00 Planet Sports 20:00 Wild Carpathia 21:00 Cruise Today 21:30 Life’s a Trip 22:00 Globe Trekker 23:00 It’s a Woman’s World BIO 411 07:00 Bio: Hugh Laurie 07:30 Hardcore Pawn: The Gambler 08:00 Hardcore Pawn: Skulls and Scoundrels 08:30 Hardcore Pawn: Fool’s Gold 09:00 Bio: Hugh Laurie 10:00 Pictures of Status Quo 11:30 The Role that Changed My Life: I Fell for a Vampire 12:00 Pawn Stars: Aw Shucks! 12:30 Pawn Stars: Pinball Wizards 13:00 Hardcore Pawn: Cash Kings 13:30 Hardcore Pawn: The Gambler 14:00 Hardcore Pawn: Skulls and Scoundrels 14:30 Hardcore Pawn: Fool’s Gold 15:00 Bio: Hugh Laurie 16:00 Pictures of Status Quo 17:30 The Role that Changed My Life: I Fell for a Vampire 18:00 Pawn Stars: Aw Shucks! 18:30 Pawn Stars: Pinball Wizards 19:00 Thintervention with Jackie Warner: Sweat Is Sexy 20:00 The Real Housewives Of Miami: Miami Housewives Reunion 21:30 Party Mamas: Sion 22:00 To Be Announced NAT GEO WILD 407 06:00 Invaders 07:00 Shark Men 08:00 Caught in the Act 09:00 Rescue Ink 10:00 Shark Men 11:00 Swamp Men 12:00 Shane Untamed 13:00 Fishzilla 14:00 How Big Can It Get 15:00 How Big Can It Get 16:00 How Big Can It Get 17:00 Invaders 18:00 World’s Wildest Encounters 19:00 Deepsea Under the Pole 20:00 Ultimate Predator 21:00 World’s Wildest Encounters 22:00 Deepsea Under the Pole 23:00 Shane Untamed NAT GEO ADVENTURE 409 06:00 Deadliest Journeys 06:25 Exploring the Vine 06:50 Exploring the Vine 07:15 Amazing Adventures of a Nobody USA 07:45 Nomads 08:35 Cooking The World 09:25 Graham’s World 09:50 Graham’s World 10:20 Which Way To 11:15 Deadliest Journeys 11:40 Deadliest Journeys 12:10 Exploring the Vine 12:35 Exploring the Vine 13:05 Nomads 14:00 Cooking The World 14:55 Graham’s World 15:20 Graham’s World 15:50 Which Way To 16:45 Deadliest Journeys 17:10 Deadliest Journeys 17:40 Exploring the Vine 18:05 Exploring the Vine 18:30 Amazing Adventures of a Nobody USA 19:00 Making Tracks 19:25 Making Tracks 19:55 Nomads 21:45 Graham’s World 22:10 Graham’s World 22:40 Which Way To 23:35 Banged up Abroad HISTORY 412 06:00 Terry Jones’ Great Map Mystery: St David’s to Holywell 06:30 Terry Jones’ Great Map Mystery: Chester to Holyhead 07:00 The Cosmos: A Beginner’s Guide: Space Exploration 07:30 Pawn Stars: Ace in the Hole 08:00 American Restoration: Buttered Up 08:30 American Restoration: Suck Up 09:00 Pawn Stars: Getting a Head 09:30 Pawn Stars: Darth Pawn 10:00 American Restoration: Buttered Up 10:30 American Restoration: Suck Up 11:00 American Pickers: The Emu Chase 12:00 Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy: Larry and the Superpig 13:00 Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy: Larry Goes North 14:00 Pawn Stars: Darth Pawn 14:30 American Restoration: Buttered Up 15:00 American Pickers: The Emu Chase 16:00 Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy: Larry and the Superpig 17:00 Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy: Larry Goes North 18:00 UFO Files: China’s Roswell 19:00 Mounted in Alaska: Growlin’ and Howlin’ 19:30 Mounted in Alaska: Maneaters 20:00 Pawn Stars: Darth Pawn 20:30 American Restoration: Suck Up 21:00 American Pickers: The Emu Chase 22:00 UFO Hunters: Alien Crashes 23:00 Treasure from the Dark Ages DISCOVERY HD SHOWCASE 420 TRAVEL CHANNEL 410 06:00 Globe Trekker 07:00 Cruise Today 07:30 Glutton for Punishment 08:00 Glutton for Punishment 08:30 Flavours of Greece 09:00 Great Scenic Railways - Australia 10:00 Safari Stopovers 11:00 Globe Trekker 12:00 Planet Food 13:00 Food Tripper 14:00 Essential 15:00 Globe Trekker 16:00 Deadliest Catch 16:50 Last Flight of the Space Shuttle 17:40 GT Racer 18:30 Mythbusters 19:20 Discovery Atlas 21:00 Deadliest Catch 21:50 Last Flight of the Space Shuttle 22:40 Extreme Explosions 23:30 Rising: Rebuilding Ground Zero 06:00 Prehistoric New York 06:50 Prehistoric Chicago 07:35 Time Warp 08:00 Gold Rush: Alaska 08:50 Sci-Trek 09:35 Mythbusters 10:25 Discovery Atlas 11:10 American Chopper: Senior vs Junior 12:00 GT Racer 12:50 FutureCar 13:35 FutureCar 14:25 Extreme Explosions 15:15 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman MEZZO 510 Parents 19:15 The Penguins of Madagascar 19:40 The Boy Who Cried Werewolf 20:55 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:20 Avatar: The Legend of Aang 21:45 My Life as a Teenage Robot 22:10 The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius 22:35 CatDog 23:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 23:25 The Fairly Odd Parents 23:50 The Mighty B NAT GEO HD 421 06:15 Shark Men 07:05 Monkey Thieves 07:30 Shark Men 08:20 Hunter Hunted 09:10 Hunter Hunted 10:00 Hunter Hunted 10:50 Hunter Hunted 11:40 Shark Men 12:30 MegaStructures 13:20 Hunter Hunted 14:10 Is It Real? 15:00 Is It Real? 15:50 Monkey Thieves 16:15 Mega Breakdown 17:05 Generals at War 17:55 MegaStructures 18:45 Shark Men 19:35 Monkey Thieves 20:00 Frogs: The Thin Green Line 20:50 Animals at the Edge 21:40 Fight Masters 22:30 Frogs: The Thin Green Line 23:20 Animals at the Edge DISNEY CHANNEL 450 06:00 The Suite Life on Deck 06:25 Phineas and Ferb 06:50 Good Luck Charlie 07:15 Shake it up 07:40 Fish Hooks 08:05 Wizards of Waverly Place 08:30 The Thirteenth Year 10:00 So Random 10:25 Shake it up 10:50 DISNEY FAIRIES 11:15 Good Luck Charlie 11:40 Fish Hooks 12:00 Wizards of Waverly Place 12:25 Stitch 12:50 Shake it up 13:15 Fish Hooks 13:35 Good Luck Charlie 14:00 Phineas and Ferb 14:20 Phineas and Ferb 14:30 Phineas and Ferb 14:45 My Babysitter’s a Vampire 15:10 Shake it up 15:30 So Random 16:00 Jonas 16:20 My Babysitter’s a Vampire 16:45 Wizards of Waverly Place 17:10 Sonny With a Chance 17:30 Phineas and Ferb 17:55 The Replacements 18:20 The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 18:45 My Babysitter’s a Vampire 20:15 Wizards of Waverly Place 20:40 The Suite Life on Deck 21:05 Sonny With a Chance 21:30 Hannah Montana 21:55 Kim Possible 22:20 The Replacements 22:45 The Replacements 23:10 The Fairly Odd Parents 23:35 The Fairly Odd Parents NICKELODEON 452 06:15 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 06:40 Kikoriki 07:05 Go, Diego, Go! 07:30 Dora the Explorer 07:55 Dora the Explorer 08:20 Bubble Guppies 08:45 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:10 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:35 The Penguins of Madagascar 10:00 The Penguins of Madagascar 10:25 CatDog 10:50 The Fairly Odd Parents 11:15 SpongeBob SquarePants 11:40 Power Rangers Samurai 12:05 The Troop 12:30 Drake and Josh 12:55 iCarly 13:20 SpongeBob SquarePants 13:45 Back to the Barnyard 14:10 My Life as a Teenage Robot 14:40 Avatar: The Legend of Aang 15:05 Power Rangers Samurai 15:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 15:55 iCarly 16:20 Big Time Rush 16:45 True Jackson, VP 17:10 The Elephant Princess 17:35 SpongeBob SquarePants 18:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 18:25 CatDog 18:50 The Fairly Odd JIM JAM 458 06:00 Barney and Friends 06:25 Tigga and Togga 06:30 Tigga and Togga 06:35 Igloo-Gloo 06:50 Jarmies 07:05 Anthony Ant 07:20 Dorothy the Dinosaur 07:30 Barney and Friends 07:55 Tigga and Togga 08:00 Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks 08:25 See The Sea 08:30 James the Cat 08:35 Fluffy Gardens 08:43 Fluffy Gardens 08:50 James the Cat 08:55 Kipper 09:05 Connie the Cow 09:15 The Mighty Jungle 09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Mio Mao 09:40 P.B. Bear and Friends 09:45 P.B. Bear and Friends 09:50 Kipper 10:00 James the Cat 10:05 Fluffy Gardens 10:13 Fluffy Gardens 10:20 James the Cat 10:25 See The Sea 10:30 Anthony Ant 10:42 Anthony Ant 10:55 Anthony Ant 11:07 Anthony Ant 11:20 Anthony Ant 11:32 Anthony Ant 11:45 Anthony Ant 11:57 Anthony Ant 12:10 Anthony Ant 12:22 Anthony Ant 12:35 Rubbadubbers 12:45 Oswald 13:00 Barney and Friends 13:25 Dorothy the Dinosaur 13:35 Bob the Builder 13:45 Thomas and Friends 13:53 Thomas and Friends 14:00 Bob the Builder 14:10 Jarmies 14:25 IglooGloo 14:40 Rubbadubbers 14:50 Oswald 15:05 Anthony Ant 15:20 Dorothy the Dinosaur 15:30 Barney and Friends 15:55 Tigga and Togga 16:00 Anthony Ant 16:12 Anthony Ant 16:25 Anthony Ant 16:37 Anthony Ant 16:50 Anthony Ant 17:02 Anthony Ant 17:15 Anthony Ant 17:27 Anthony Ant 17:40 Anthony Ant 17:52 Anthony Ant 18:05 Pingu 18:10 Pingu 18:15 Tiny Planets 18:20 Pingu 18:25 Tiny Planets 18:30 The Hoobs 18:55 Gazoon 19:00 Tork 19:07 Dougie in Disguise 19:15 The Magic Key 19:25 Slim Pig 19:35 Angelina Ballerina 19:50 The Magic Key 20:00 The Hoobs 20:25 Gazoon 20:30 Pingu 20:35 Tiny Planets 20:40 Pingu 20:45 Tork 20:52 Dougie in Disguise 21:00 Rubbadubbers 21:10 Igloo-Gloo 21:25 Jakers: The Adventures of Piggley Winks 21:50 Tigga and Togga 21:55 Tigga and Togga 22:00 Rubbadubbers 22:10 Oswald 22:25 Jarmies 22:40 Bob the Builder 22:50 Thomas and Friends 22:57 Thomas and Friends 23:05 Bob the Builder 23:15 Dorothy the Dinosaur 23:25 Barney and Friends 23:50 Anthony Ant 09:00 À communiquer 13:00 À communiquer 14:35 À communiquer 15:00 Jazz Icons 17:00 À communiquer 20:30 À communiquer 22:05 À communiquer 22:35 À communiquer EUROSPORT 600 08:30 WTA Tennis 10:30 Speedway Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing 11:30 Speedway Grand Prix 12:30 Players Tour Championship Snooker 14:30 WTA Tennis 16:00 Live: WTA Tennis: Istanbul: Final [Live] 18:00 Players Tour Championship Snooker 19:45 Motorsports Weekend 20:00 Boxing 21:30 WTA Tennis 23:00 Players Tour Championship Snooker EUROSPORT2 601 07:30 Eurosport 2 Morning News 10:00 NCAA Big Ten, American Football 12:00 Eurosport2 News 12:15 NCAA American Football 14:00 Motocross Racing 16:00 World Championship, Sepaktakraw 17:00 Motocross Racing [Live] 19:00 NCAA American Football 20:30 Eurosport2 News 21:00 Motocross Racing 22:15 WTA Tennis ESPN CLASSIC 1 603 06:00 DTM Greatest Races 07:00 Prem Classics 07:30 Prem Classics 08:00 Tour de France Cycling 09:00 Prem Classics 09:30 Prem Classics 10:00 DTM Greatest Races 11:00 Tour de France Cycling 12:00 Tour de France Cycling 13:00 DTM Greatest Races 14:00 Prem Classics 14:30 Prem Classics 15:00 Prem Classics 15:30 Prem Classics 16:00 Great Goals of European Football 17:00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches 18:00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches 19:00 Bundesliga Classics 20:00 Bundesliga Classics 21:00 Straight Outta L.A. 22:00 DTM Greatest Races 23:00 DTM Greatest Races YACHT&SAIL 611 06:00 Cruises to a World of Discovery 07:00 Hot Water 08:00 Des Top News 08:15 Classic Boat 08:45 World Boat 09:45 Sea Master Sailing 10:15 Dive On 10:45 Des Top News 11:00 Classic Boat 11:30 The Aquanauts 12:00 The Aquanauts 12:30 Hot Water 13:30 Des Top News 13:45 Classic Boat 14:15 Rolex Spirit of Yachting 14:45 Rolex Spirit of Yachting 15:15 Cruises to a World of Discovery 16:15 Des Top News 16:30 Classic Boat 17:00 Life at the Extreme 18:00 18:30 19:00 Des Top News 19:15 Classic Boat 19:45 UIM Class One Championship, Powerboat Racing 20:15 UIM Class One Championship, Powerboat Racing 20:45 Des Top News 21:00 Life at the Extreme 22:00 Des Top News 22:15 Classic Boat 22:45 World Boat 23:45 Des Top News DISNEY JUNIOR 462 06:00 Special Agent Oso 06:15 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:40 Timmy Time 06:55 Little Einsteins 07:20 The Hive 07:30 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 07:45 Jake and the Neverland Pirates 08:00 Jungle Junction 08:10 Special Agent Oso 08:25 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 08:50 ESPN AMERICA HD 622 07:00 College Football 09:30 College Football 12:00 College Football 14:30 College Football Final 15:30 NFL Matchup 16:00 Sunday NFL Countdown 18:00 NFL Football [Live] 21:00 NFL Football [Live] 34 maltatoday, HEALTH SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Curing back pain through movement MIREILLE VINCENTI LAURA SCHEMBRI BSC (HONS.), MAPPI, SRP EVIDENCE shows that 6080% of the population in the Western hemisphere suffer from back pain at some time in their life. Many of these will go on to have recurrent attacks and some will develop chronic pain which interferes with their quality of life. It is often difficult to diagnose where the pain is coming from as the back is a complex structure and is supplied by nerves that may become compressed at one level yet symptoms are felt radiating into a different area such as the hip, leg or foot. There are many reasons why people develop back pain. Sometimes it is related to muscle imbalances that have developed due to scoliosis, poor posture or bad habits. In this case some muscles become tense or overactive and may constrict the capillaries and small nerves that supply them. Substances are then released which send messages to the brain to report the presence of a pain stimulus which causes muscles to tighten up further as a protective mechanism known as a spasm. Alternatively, some people develop pain due to degenerative disease, inflammation or injury. Whatever the cause of the pain, it has become a huge problem for governments and employers as illness and disability costs spiral ever upwards. A major review of all random controlled trials over 30 years concluded that structured exercise programs that are intensive, supervised and involving the whole body, provide the best results in treating back pain in the subacute and chronic phases. However, acute back pain needs careful consideration. A physiotherapist will assess the patient thoroughly in order to give the best possible care and advice. At this early stage, passive treatments such as electrotherapy, massage and ice or heat can be useful for relieving pain and getting the patient moving again. Avoiding activity increases risk for chronicity and so controlled movement should begin as early as possible. If symptoms persist, the patient would be directed to other health professionals as appropriate. It has been found that in the presence of Low Back Pain the function of the stabilising (core) muscles of the back are impaired. These muscles have been noted to remain dysfunctional unless they are specifically retrained by a physiotherapist who can teach the patient how to do the exercises correctly. Improvement in pain and function has been reported with exercise interventions based on the inward movement of the lower abdominal wall. The exercises should incorporate correct breathing patterns, as many back pain sufferers tend to breathe with the abdominal muscles. The abdominals should stabilise the spine while the diaphragm and rib muscles control breathing. Once the pain has decreased and the patient has regained control of the core muscles, then exercise can be directed to improve function by incorporating larger movements and improving general fitness. Patients that follow more specialised programmes have been found to do better than others and longitudinal studies show they maintain gains for years afterwards. Prevention is always better than cure so physiotherapists have become active in health promotion and campaigns aimed at getting the population more active and healthy. Simple things such as good sitting and standing posture and setting up ergonomic work stations can prevent back problems developing. Good habits such as remembering to bend at the knees and hips rather than through the back when picking things up from the floor can prevent the ‘wear and tear’ on the spine that often leads to injuries. Optimal quality of movement is often the key to a healthy back and pain prevention. Laura Schembri is a member of The Malta Association of Physiotherapists. For more information visit 35 maltatoday, BOOK REVIEW SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 A sharp shot of life and death By Rose Lapira retired man in his sixties, a rather dull person, reasonably content with his mediocre life, who is trying to make some sense of his past. A ‘peaceable’ character – that’s how he sees himself. At the beginning of the book, Tony is reminiscing about his school friends and in particular about his relationship with Adrian Finn, a precociously intelligent boy. Finn goes on to Cambridge, while Tony in Bristol encounters the enigmatic Veronica Ford. He remembers his awkward sexual experience with her and the end of the ‘affair’. Veronica starts a relationship with Finn and they eventually get married. Tony also marries, has a child, divorces and remains on good terms with his ex-wife. Later, Tony discovers that Finn has committed suicide. Barnes’s long-awaited win TEODOR RELJIC WHILE Julian Barnes may be an established figure amongst UK literati, his Booker win on the night of October 18 was something of an anomaly, as the 65-year-old novelist had been shortlisted for the award three times in the past, but always failed to secure a win. This, despite the fact that he has become a leading figure in British fiction, taking his place among the likes of Ian McEwan, Kazuo Ishiguro and A.S. Byatt as an author of note. Amusingly enough – and perhaps spurned on by the fact that he was deprived of the award time and time again – Barnes had previously described the Booker as “posh bingo.” After finally winning the coveted literary prize, however, Barnes qualified his previous snarkiness in a postceremony press conference: “The Booker Prize has a tendency to drive writers a bit mad with lust and greed and expectation. “I was saying that the best way to stay sane is to treat it as ‘posh bingo.’ That means unless and until you win it, when you realise that the judges are the wisest heads in literary Christendom”. His first Booker nomination was for 1984’s Flaubert’s Parrot – a hybrid of fiction and literary biography about an amateur academic obsessed with the work of French author Gustave Flaubert. A firm favourite within the Barnes canon, it is still cited as a go-to book for Barnes virgins, with its mix of erudition, wit and the perils of love – not to mention a plethora of amusing factoids about Flaubert himself. Barnes got the Booker’s attention once again in 1998 with England, When he finds that Veronica’s mother, whom he had once met briefly, left him a small legacy on her death, and Finn’s diary, which Veronica refuses to hand over, Tony tries to make some sense of this sequence of events and to find his part in this tragedy. But it soon becomes clear that when it comes to remembering the past, one edits and erases memories. This is the focus of the novel – the mutability of memory. As Tony tries to understand the events in his placid, uneventful life, the story takes on an altogether different path, becoming much darker and eventually shocking. After meeting with Veronica in a bid to try to get Finn’s diary, he is forced to examine what he thinks his life has been, and it becomes clear how unreliable is subjective memory. Something dark and forgotten by Tony resurfaces to confront him. This will make him re-evaluate his life with shame and remorse. The novel is skillfully plotted to show how the unknown and the unspoken, what is lost to memory, are as alive as what is remembered. When Adrian commits suicide, Tony accepts the possibility that this was an existential decision taken by his friend to renounce life seeing it as ‘the gift The Sense of an Ending By Julian Barnes Jonathan Cape pp150 ISBN 978-0-224-09415-3 bestowed without anyone asking for it’. But more than once Veronica tells Tony: ‘You just don’t get it’ and neither do we, the readers, until the very end. At the end of the novel, as Tony has to rethink his life, the unexpected revelations will also make us go over what we have just read, so that like Tony we try to make sense of the ending. Barnes merits the award for this is a fine novel, where every word is chosen with skill, cleverly manipulating the readers, to reveal the dark mystery at the heart of the novel, but only at the very end. It is a short novel but it poses many philosophical questions. Are our memories false? How much can they be trusted? And what about our ‘forgettings’? How is it logically possible to remember these? What are the limits of self-knowledge? And how do we reconcile ourselves to the process of ageing and death? ‘Is the purpose of life to reconcile us to its eventual loss’? At the end of the book one does not feel so sure that the ending has brought closure either for Tony or for us. This might be one of the shortest books ever to win a major literary prize but it poses complex, disturbing questions on the human experience. READ MORE Julian Barnes wins Man Booker Prize @ Get paid while you train! Julian Barnes, 65, has finally won the Man Booker Prize after being shortlisted three times England, a satirical science fiction novel about his home country, and yet again a few years later with Arthur & George (2005) – a fictionalised account of the strange relationship between Arthur Conan Doyle (creator of Sherlock Holmes) and a half-Indian solicitor George Edalji. While Barnes’s more recent work is considerably darker – The Sense of an Ending was preceded by Nothing to be Frightened Of (2008), a memoir in which the author grapples with the perennial theme of death – he is widely known as a writer who can intelligently pair convincing characterdriven stories to often knotted philosophical ideas, while retaining a dry wit throughout. His 1989 novel The History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters, for example, is a collection of brief anecdotes spanning a wide range of human history – beginning with a story from the woodworm that latched onto Noah’s Ark – with the whole gradually depicting a funny, sad, and poignant portrait of human hope and folly. This unique opportunity is open to all workers who earn a minimum wage (under €160 per week) from their full-time or part-time employment. Now it’s the time to take the necessary training to improve your skills and learn new ones. Do not lose this chance! Speak to us by calling us on 2165 4940 or send us an email to Receive €25 per week when you take free training at ETC Terms and conditions apply. AFTER the usual controversy surrounding awards, Julian Barnes finally won this year’s Man Booker Prize, having been short-listed three times before. Many were predicting that he would again not win the award with this novel for it was too short. But I have a predilection for small books for I find that they are often powerful vehicles for big ideas. The concise novel can be imbued with an intensity which is often lacking in more sprawling, complex narratives. Julian Barnes’s latest offering – The Sense of an Ending –belongs to this category. This is a very slim book, a novella really, but it is a profound reflection on life. The book deals with the mutability of memory, false recollection, remorse, sex, guilt and death. The elegant presentation of the hard back edition lined in black is like a memento mori, and the very title emphasises the theme of an ending. The title could also have been inspired by another well known book with the same title written by the eminent critic Frank Kermode, which contains a collection of his classic lectures on literature. One thing is for certain, that by the end of the book you will not be so sure that this is an ending. The narrator, Tony Webster, is a 36 maltatoday, THIS WEEK SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Score a win for your favourite band this December 89.7 Bay presents the 8th edition of the Bay Music Awards. The event is set to take place on Monday, December 12 – the eve of a public holiday. As is customary, the Bay Arena will serve as the venue for the show, whilst this year’s hosts Bay Breakfast’s Drew, Drive time’s Nathan and 89.7 Bay’s newest addition, Ben Glover – will keep the crowd hyped and on their toes between performances. The tagline ‘Are you ready to SCREAM’ highlights Bay’s continuous commitment to providing the best show possible, with this year’s event promising to be the most memorable yet! There are plenty of surprises in store, both during the event and leading up to it. Call for Expression of Interest Artistic Directors The Malta Council for Culture and the Arts is calling for creative and innovative professionals to provide artistic direction for its Festivals. Interested persons are requested to send a letter of application and a detailed CV, including area of interest, evidence of suitability for the post, track record and accountability of working with public funds. All applicants need to be VAT registered. Submissions will be received during office hours at the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts up till noon of Thursday 10th November and are to be addressed to: The Executive Director Malta Council for Culture and the Arts 230, Republic Street, Valletta VLT1116 Applications can also be sent via email to: 273. ALGERIAN HEDGEHOG We have very few wild mammals in Malta, and most of them were brought over by people. Not surprising, considering the limited land and the fact that trading ships have plied these shores for well on 3000 years. One mammal that probably arrived by boat from North Africa is the Algerian Hedgehog (M: Qanfud), though nobody can tell how long ago this happened. But it seems pretty certain that it was a long time ago, because the hedgehog is today widespread in Malta as well as in Gozo. Secretive in habit and largely nocturnal, it goes about its business, foraging for snails, slugs and other small animals in fields, gardens and roadsides, rolling into a ball of spines in the face of danger. Sadly, though, this defence mechanism serves him ill when faced with an oncoming car, as evidenced by the hundreds of roadkills every week. When out driving in the dark, please spare a thought for our spiky friend, and slow down. Text Victor Falzon Photo by Guido Bonett Each category has a unique SMS number. To vote, listeners are required to send the artist/band name to the specified number via SMS. Voting – which started from Tuesday, October 25 – will end on Sunday, December 4, with a limit of three votes per category from each mobile number. Those voting will get a chance of winning an enter- Ghanafest The Malta Mediterranean Folk Music Festival is a fabulous 3day event of Mediterranean Folk Music, including Maltese folksongs (ghana) and songwriters. Malta Arts Festival The Malta Arts Festival is a top quality showcase of the arts, including collaborations between Maltese and foreign artists. It place in various venues in and around Valletta. Malta Jazz Festival An encounter between musicians of international fame and gifted local artists to be held at Ta’ Liesse and to be held 19-21 July 2012. Notte Bianca A spectacular night-long celebration of culture and the arts. tainment-packed weekend, including a two night break at InterContinental Malta; dinner at Paranga, an assortment of cinema and bowling tickets, and much more. The Bay Music Awards will be aired on ONE TV for the first time on Monday, December 19, with a repeat show taking place on Christmas Day at 15:30. Voting for the Viewer’s Choice Award will also open during the first screening of the BMA’s, and will officially close at midnight on December 26. Regular event tickets will be sold for €10, with a very limited 100 front row ‘Screamer tickets’ being sold for just €12. Tickets will be available from the Eden Cinema box office, and will also be available online. Another 100 exclusive screamer tickets will be up for grabs, therefore we urge the public to stay tuned to 89.7 Bay for details on how to win. The 2011 Bay Music Awards are sponsored by Heineken and Coke, and is supported by InterContinental Malta. For more information, log on to Best Newcomer 1. Three Stops to China 2. Bridget Bone 3. Davinia 4. The Crowns 5. Funk Initiative SMS Number to vote: 50 615 301 Best Band 1. Airport Impressions 2. Saving Alexis 3. nosnow/noalps 4. Red Electrick 5. Dolls for Idols SMS Number to vote: 50 615 303 Best Dance Tune or Remix 1. Carlo Gerada ft. Scott Walker & Chess – ‘Never Meant’ 2. JJoy – ‘King of the Night’ 3. Corina ft. Toby – ‘Someone New’ 4. Alvin Gee & Wayne Micallef – ‘Hold on to Me’ 5. Kristina Casolani – ‘I Need You’ (Ruby & U-bahn Remix) SMS Number to vote: 50 615 302 Best Solo Artist 1. Lyndsay 2. Christabelle 3. Muxu 4. Ivan Filletti 5. Aaron Benjamin SMS Number to vote: 50 615 304 Best Song 1. Airport Impressions – ‘Elusive’ 2. Andre – ‘Can’t be Friends’ 3. Ellie and the Oscars – ‘Dancing in the Rain’ 4. Lyndsay – ‘Love Sick’ 5. Ivan Filletti – ‘Sticks and Stones’ SMS Number to vote: 50 615 305 Chemicals at Home – Furniture A high percentage of furniture contains toxic chemicals that have been linked to cancer, birth defects, hormone disruption, and reproductive and neurological dysfunction. These toxins are particularly dangerous to infants and children. One study conducted by Friends of the Earth in the US ‘Killer Couches’ tested a sample of 350 pieces of household furniture in stores and domestic residences and found that most of the furniture had high levels of toxic halogenated fire retardants. This analysis suggests that product contamination is widespread, exposing the population to a significant and unnecessary risk. Medium-Density Fibreboard (MDF) furniture and some laminate flooring usually contain formaldehyde, a chemical suspected of causing cancer. Green Idea of the week 175: Cut When you sup - Next time you get a four-pack of beer, remember to cut up the plastic ring holder. These pose a danger to wildlife if they get into the environment, as animals can get their heads caught in them, birds can get their wings trapped and large aquatic birds can get them caught around their bills when they dive for food. Visit Friends of the Earth’s website for more information about our work, as well as for information about how to join us You can also support us by sending a blank SMS donation on 50618070 (€4.66) or 50619223 (€11.65). 37 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Banif Cardholders get their annual card fee back! BANIF clients now have one more valid reason to use their credit cards. The Bank has just launched a scheme whereby credit card holders can get their annual card fee refunded without having to spend larger amounts than usual. By simply using their credit card for regular monthly spending at supermarkets, retail outlets, restaurants, petrol stations, online or even when paying for their utility bills, card holders can get a full refund of their annual credit card fee. All cardholders will automatically be eligible for this scheme, and the first clients entitled to a refund for the 12-months prior to September 2011, will be contacted over the next few days by the Bank. This scheme is open to all Banif Classic and Gold Credit Card holders including Hello Kitty Classic Credit card users. To be entitled to the annual card refund, Classic and Hello Kitty Card holders, have to use their card for an average of €550 per month over the 12-month period prior to the date on which the card fee is charged by the Bank. Gold Card holders have to use their card for an average of €1,600 per month over the 12month period. Purchase transactions carried out by supplementary card holders will also be eligible for this scheme. “As the alternative Maltese Bank, Banif always strives to come up with new and better options for its clients. Banif credit card holders already benefit from a number of exclusive credit card features and through this new scheme, they can now enjoy all these privileges for free,” commented a Banif Bank representative from the e-Channels Office. Emirates SkyCargo awards top agents and customers in Malta EMIRATES, the Dubai-based international airline, honoured top Maltese SkyCargo agents and customers at an award ceremony held at the palatial ballroom of Palazzo Parisio in Naxxar. Ram Menen, Emirates Divisional Senior Vice President Cargo presented the prestigious awards to three SkyCargo agents, MAL, BAS Ltd and Thomas Smith Ltd, in recognition of their significant sales performance. ST Microelectronics and De La Rue were also given due recognition by Emirates SkyCargo as best customers. Mr Menen said: “We thank all cargo agents and customers for their continued support towards sustaining Emirates’ operations in Malta and congratulate those who have received awards. These are challenging yet rewarding times for Emirates SkyCargo, yet we are registering exciting levels of growth across several areas of our business. It is fitting therefore that the agents and customers Emirates SkyCargo’s winning cargo customers and agents with Menen (centre) flanked by Anthoniou and Fleri Soler that are making a valuable contribution are officially recognized. Together, we can provide the very best service possible for Emirates’ clients,” said Mr Menen. Ms Anthie Anthoniou, Emirates Cargo Manager for Malta and Cyprus said: “Accessibility is essential and, being an island with limited natural resources, this is even more so in the case of Malta. Since December 2008, Emirates has been providing a daily service which is tangibly contributing to Malta’s growth in terms of industry, exports, and quality of life.” She congratulated all the cargo agents and customers present. “You are all valued partners and, thanks to your support, Emirates Airline has established an unrivalled reputation for service excellence in Malta.” Emirates SkyCargo is located on the First Floor at MIA Departures and can be contacted on tel. no 2166 0102, or at skycargomla@ Banif is the only bank in Malta to include free Purchase Protection Insurance in all its credit card packages. Eligible purchases made with credit cards are automatically protected from accidental damage or theft for up to 90 days from the moment of purchase. In addition, all credit card holders who buy their travel tickets with their card benefit from free travel insurance. Banif Bank also gives the option to its card holders to pay off their credit card in full each month and never pay any interest. Alternatively they can choose to repay any percentage of their outstanding balance that best suits their lifestyle. Repayments are made by automatic direct debit; hence they do not have to worry about remembering to make the repayment each month. Further details about the scheme and the benefits of the credit cards offered by Banif can be obtained from the Bank’s web portal –, by calling customer care on 2260 1000 or from any Banif Bank branch in Malta and Gozo. FIMBank sponsors C.S. Lawrence Art Exhibition FIMBANK plc is sponsoring an art by artist C.S. Lawrence entitled ‘Azure & Ochre’. The exhibition, which is being housed at the Auberge de France in Vittoriosa, will be open to the public till the 30 October 2011, and was inaugurated The painting Once upon a time II was by the President of donated to FIMBank and will adorn the Malta, George Abela. bank’s new head office premises A percentage of the sales from the exhibition will be donated to the Malta Community Chest found herself immersed in a landFund. scape “full of brilliant colour.” Lawrence was born in East AfLütschg-Emmenegger said that rica in 1957. Eleven years later her FIMBank was pleased to support family moved to the Middle East an artist who, like the Bank, greatwhile she was sent to boarding ly appreciated the islands’ many school in Surrey, England. She qualities. “Moreover”, she added, eventually moved to Bahrain, “the fact that part of the proceeds where she started her career as a from the exhibition will go to the professional artist. The artist set- Malta Community Chest Fund tled in Malta in 2002, where she lends further merit to the event.” 38 HOMES maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Seven tips to choosing the perfect lighting to your home Lighting in your home is one of those items that you don’t always notice when it has a good presence and feeling when you’re in the space. Although, when the lighting is poor and you are trying to perform a task, or you feel the opposite of how you would like to feel in the space, you notice it immediately. Lighting is for ambiance, aesthetics, tasks, and seeing better in your home. Think about your home and if it has all the lighting qualities you would like. If your answer is no, here are some tips on how to choose the perfect lighting for you and your family. Determine what your lighting goals are Direct or task lighting is focused in the space you are trying to work. Ambient or indirect lighting is used for ambiance and for overall lighting of a space. Once chosen you can begin to choose lighting options. Each room in your home should have a mood you want to set, as well as a function you want your lighting to serve. Provide lighting for safety and security on the exterior of your home Walkways, sidewalks, perimeter of your house, and the front entry should be lit with ambient lighting. Too dim of lighting on the exterior is a welcome sign for intruders. While too bright of exterior lighting is costly and disturbing to neighbours. Consider installing flood lights at the exterior corners of your home that are motion activated to further deter intruders. Follow the aesthetics and security lighting of your neighbourhood for further guidelines as to what to implement at your own home. Use exterior wall sconces for décor Outdoor lighting doesn’t have to only be utilitarian. Wall sconces can provide washes of light against the exterior walls of your home to create ambiance in the evening hours. Directional sconces pointing upwards or downwards can focus on architectural elements on your home, and draw attention to exterior niches and plantings around your home. Inside your home use multiple light sources for one space For rooms like the kitchen, bedrooms, and living spaces, multiple light sources will help you achieve a variety of functions and activities in that space. In the kitchen, under counter lights can provide great task lighting. While in a living room, opt for a floor lamp next to a couch or favorite reading chair. In bathrooms the lighting at the mirror should be free from shadows and glaring light. For high ceilings and modern décor use recessed lighting “Can” light fixtures, so called because of the metal recessed “can” that is inserted into the ceiling and the light fixture fits inside. These fixtures are subtle and can be directional, and can be connected to dimmer switches to give a range of light from subtly dim to full brightness to illuminate an entire room. In nurseries and kid’s rooms, remember night lighting Think about the lighting for when children sleep when planning lighting requirements. Night lights can help small children from being scared, but can also help parents navigate through dark rooms. For nurseries consider a dim wall sconce, or table lamp that can be used for changing diapers, or rocking infants to sleep. In formal living and dining areas, research chandeliers wisely In spaces that a formal chandelier is considered, choose one that will not date your space. Often time’s chandeliers are bought without thinking of the space and the décor that surrounds it. Chandeliers come in extremely simple designs that include faux candles, small bulbs, or a few lights to the ornate and expensive crystal varieties. Whichever is your décor choice, measure out the space, and ceiling height before ordering to ensure enough head room will be available below the hanging chandelier. Don’t be afraid when choosing lighting for your home, it can help your ambiance and mood in the space. If you need lighting help ideas get inspiration from lighting stores, catalogs, and online decor and fashion blogs/magazines. Just like the colour of your rooms, lighting should enhance your space and make it feel warm and inviting! 39 HOMES maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 How to choose curtains for your home Ready made or bespoke? The first thing you need to decide is whether to have curtains made or buy them off the shelf. If you’re in a rush, readymade curtains are quick and easy. A variety of shops around the island offer affordable styles, with prices starting from just €20 for a pair of plain cotton curtains. If you can afford it, always go for lined curtains which will hang better than unlined ones, and help keep your room dark when the curtains are drawn. Made to measure curtains are pricier but the sky’s the limit when it comes to the designs and colours you can choose. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of lining plus making the curtains up on top. Most companies will offer you a swatch of fabric so you can see how the material looks in your home before ordering. If you’re thinking about making your own curtains, the golden rule is always be generous with the fabric. Nothing looks worse than skimpy curtains. Check and double check measurements before cutting the fabric. Which fabric to choose? Look for good quality, heavyweight fabrics like linen blends or woven jacquards. Over time, cheap material may go shiny. Transform a jaded bedroom by hanging luscious velvet or silk curtains, then finish with a butter-soft fluffy rug – simply divine! Linings are almost as important as the curtain fabric. A quality lining will give budget materials a longer lease of life. Choose thermal lining to keep out the chill in a draughty room, or interlining which provides an extra layer of padding to make curtains super-thick and cosy. For kids’ bedrooms, blackout lining should hopefully ensure a good night’s sleep for them - and you! Latest looks Current trends are veering away from fussy swags and flounces towards a more tailored approach. Hung from a pole, eyelet styles produce a sleeker look than traditional pencil pleat curtains and there are no fiddly hooks or clips to worry about. Pelmets are also back in fashion. A flat pelmet covered in silk looks surprisingly contemporary, just the thing for a formal dining room. Long or short? Plain or patterned? Whether you choose sill length or floor length curtains is really a matter of personal taste, although floor length styles do have a more luxurious feel. Sill-length drapes cost less, and are popular in bathrooms and kitchens. They also make a practical choice above radiators to allow heat to circulate. Take a good look at your scheme before deciding on a pattern. Too many different designs can create a busy, distracting effect. For a relaxed ambience, opt for either patterned curtains with plain walls, or vice versa. You can always dress up plain curtains with beautiful beaded tie backs or coloured glass poles. ELUMO II NEVER underestimate the power of a new pair of curtains. Not only will they give your home a fresh new look, they’ll also keep it lovely and toasty on those cold winter nights. But good curtains don’t come cheap so it’s worth doing a bit of research before you hit the shops. great deals during november on all hülsta furniture. When purchasing a complete hülsta bedroom, consisting of a double bed, two consoles and a wardrobe, we will offer two sleeping systems of your choice – consisting of two base frames and two mattresses – for the price of one. The less expensive base frame and the less expensive mattress will be Free of Charge. Offer valid till end of November. 40 HOMES maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Deciding on the right modern furniture for your home THERE are dozens of modern furniture designs on the market, and some find it almost impossible to decide which would fit best with the interior of their home. Homeowners today, especially those who are on their first time to buy modern furnishings, tend to get confused when looking around for the perfect fur- niture. Here are some tips to help beginners out. Does it fit? The easy part is to decide what kind of modern furniture to buy; but other details tends to get us baffled when picking the right one. The first question that should first pop to mind is whether it would fit in your home or not. Since space is a common problem to modern households, especially those who live in apartments and maisonettes, it is necessary to pick furniture that will not compromise the limited space on the interior. Considering the design Design is a factor to consider if you wish to purchase the right modern furniture for your home. Pick one that compliments the current look or theme of the interior, and not just out of your own sense of style. Colours are one of the details to consider when picking a sofa design, as well as the material and style. The goal here is to buy one that will not go against the room’s looks or else you’re going to get a slapdash theme that is not appealing to look at. Check your budget It is not a good idea to buy modern furniture that is too expensive for your family budget to handle. Always try to find the best quality that you can afford in terms of style, size, and material. You can check out furniture shops if they are offering their wares at a discounted price; or do a little window shopping to compare prices before buying one to get some savings out of the whole deal. 41 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Intralot among the top R&D companies in the EU FOR the fourth consecutive year, Intralot Group was distinguished for its significant investments in R&D and was included in the ‘2011 EU Industrial Research & Development Investment Scoreboard’ prepared and published by the European Commission. This year Intralot ranked 433rd. Intralot always focuses on the development of innovative products and services ratifying its pioneering position in the gaming sector. This distinction comes as a result of the company’s commitment to be always technologically ahead and lead the sector. The company is investing in Research and Development, so as to continuously introduce a wide and diverse portfolio of technological solutions developed in its in-house R&D facilities in USA, Taiwan and Italy. To this end, Intralot has recently announced the development of a dynamic, technology-oriented ‘Gaming Innovation Cluster’. Last year’s Scoreboard companies’ results showed the effect of the financial crisis which began in 2008. In this Scoreboard edition, companies show considerable signs of recovery. By 2010, the 1,400 companies of the list increased their R&D investments by 4% to €456bn. This represents a substantial bounceback after the previous 1.9% drop during the recession in 2009. This up-turn was accompanied by improved company performance in terms of net sales and employment. Chilean wine Misiones de Rengo bags gold medals CHILEAN wines Misiones de Rengos has clinched a number of important awards in international competitions. The wines, which come from the Rengo Valley where the Vina Misiones de Rengo is situated, are brought to Maltese consumers by importers and distributors P Cutajar & Co Ltd. The 2010 Misiones de Rengo Reserve Sauvignon Blanc obtained a gold medal in the 2011 Selections Mondiales des Vins in the Canadian market and another gold medal in the 2011 Vinalies Latin America Competition. The same Sauvignon Blanc, but in its 2011 vintage reached a Great Gold Medal in the 2011 Concours Mondial de Bruxelles-Chile, whilst the 2010 Gran Reserva Cuvée Carménère won a gold medal. Meanwhile, the 2009 vintage also clinched gold in the Catad’Or W (Chile) and a double gold in the 2011 China Wine Awards, within the significant Chinese market. “All of these awards and outstanding recognitions, together with a high preference among Chilean consumers, position Misiones de Rengo wines as a top selling quality brand,” said Denis Zammit Cutajar, Sales and Marketing Director at P. Cutajar. “The wines maintain an excellent price-quality ratio giving wine lovers an excellent top-quality product and good value.” Misiones de Rengo extends its roots deep into Chile’s Rapel Valley. The winery takes ad- vantage of the latest technology and vineyard management. The facility has a vinification capacity of 8,000,000 liters, a 7,000,000-bottle per year bot- tling line, and a temperaturecontrolled room for 1,500 French and American oak barrels. All of these elements are tools for the winemakers whose experience and passion helps them turn the vine to wine—a wine that has evoked the most extraordinary response from the public. HSBC encourages Casa Rocca Piccola’s tradition for lace-making The competiton is held in a bid to keep this tradition alive FOR the fifth consecutive year, the HSBC Malta Foundation supported Casa Rocca Piccola in Valletta to hold the annual lace competition in a bid to keep this traditional and distinguished skill alive. 54 lace-makers of all ages from Malta and Gozo took part in the competition, submitting some 100 authentic pieces, ranging from decorative items, to silk stoles and shawls, ecclesiastical items, christening gowns and fans all worked with very fine thread. Paul Giordmaina shared the overall winning price with Mary Louise Bajada (in absentia). He submitted a tablecloth which took him four months to complete, inputting an average of 10 hours of work daily. Works were judged according to their originality in design, technical skill, presentation, magnitude of the undertaking and quality of the item produced. Two children, Maronia Mamo and Carmen Sammut, were also rewarded for their effort and dedication to take this artistic promise into the future. The competition is coordinated annually under the exacting direction of Marquis Nicholas de Piro and Margaret Farrugia with the aim to keep this part of Malta’s historical and cultural heritage alive and thriving for future generations. “Maltese lace-making is recognised for its uniqueness which is the result of laborious attention to very small details,” said Catherine Gonzi, Chairperson of the HSBC Malta Foundation. “Year on year, the HSBC Malta Foundation makes it its mission to support Casa Rocca Piccola in bringing together these skilled lace-makers for the daunting task of passing this distinguished craftsmanship on to our next generation”. 42 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 HSBC has new Head for Retail Banking and Wealth Management THE new Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) at HSBC Bank Malta plc is Paul Steel. He takes over from Andrew Ripley who has returned to HSBC in the UK. Steel joined the HSBC Group four years ago after a career in retail. Based in Paris, Steel was Deputy Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management France. “I am delighted to welcome Paul to the team in Malta. Paul has extensive retail experience which will help us to drive further improvements to our business in Malta,” said HSBC Malta CEO Alan Richards. Paul Steel is HSBC Malta’s Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management 100,000 views for Melita’s Video-On-Demand service MELITA, The only Video-OnDemand (VOD) service offered in Malta by Melita has hit the 100,000th viewing. This milestone was reached within one month from the commercial 12 September launch of the OnDemand! product after the June BETA release. Customers subscribed to the Entertainment Pack get complete access to OnDemand! Club: a library of TV series, Kids shows, Documentaries, Movies and Music videos and may watch each programme as many times as they want without incurring additional charges. “We are overwhelmed with the take up of this service and also with the usage trends. People are not only buying the product but they are also using it a lot, and browsing the vast library of content available. Our focus is now to gather feedback from customers on viewing patterns and content preferences in order to enhance our library” commented Ivor Micallef, Melita’s Product Manager for Television. Amongst the key titles in the OnDemand! library one can find series such as Weeds, Dexter, Californication, or CSI. The Kids section is one of the most popular amongst OnDemand! Club users with shows such as Pingu or Barney And Friends being the most watched. The service is managed by international provider On Demand Group which operates a similar service for leading operators across Europe and the Middle-East including Virgin Media in the UK. While details are still to be announced, the next upgrade of the product will enable customers to rent very recent movie titles with prices aligned to those of international movie services. The service will include latest and library blockbusters released by the major Hollywood movie studios. For more information visit or call 27270270. Providing protection and redress RENEE LAIVIERA ONLY just over half of the Maltese population are of the opinion that there are special laws against domestic violence in Malta. This was reported in the 2010 Eurobarometer on Domestic Violence. In fact, the Domestic Violence Act was enacted in 2006. Legislation is an important tool to address civil and criminal offences within society. Many are under the impression that once a law is enacted all problems will be solved or nearly solved. However, legislation on its own is not enough to indicate how this violence is being addressed; nor does it give any information on how mechanisms and structures are organised or the way the system can be accessed by women. Through the provisions of the legislation, the State clearly indicates he extent to which it is committed to provide reparation and punish offences that fall under domestic violence, starting from what defines domestic violence and which relationships are regulated by the legislation. Furthermore and even as important, the resources earmarked for its implementation tells much about the State’s level of responsibility and willingness to provide protection and defence for victims of domestic violence. The 2006 Domestic Violence Act establishes the Commission on Domestic Violence to advise Minister on all aspects of domestic violence including – but not exclusively – on how to increase awareness and understanding of domestic violence, on areas of research, on ways to develop a comprehensive plan for a multidisciplinary approach of active prevention and early intervention and, in general, submit recommendations on the best way forward. The law also establishes Aġenzija Appoġġ as the entity designated to provide support and professional services to victims of domestic violence. Through the legal system, several legal measures are available for victims to seek redress. These are provided by different professionals, particularly the police and the legal professionals. Monitoring the way these services respond to requirements is the means to ensure that they answer effectively to the needs of the victims, the vast majority of whom are women. Research carried out abroad has highlighted gaps in the procedures from the moment of submitting a report to the actual outcomes. This is not uncommon in Malta. The tracking of outcomes is significant in order to ascertain that the remedies provided are being used effectively as otherwise this underperformance can act as a barrier for women and hinder and discourage them from making use of existing remedies. Few women, when filing a report against their perpetrator, realise the importance of the initial complaint and that this may determine the success or otherwise of the legal proceedings. Often it is incomplete and reports of previous complaints are not attached to statements taken by the police. It is difficult for traumatised victims to remain conscious of these issues, even if they are aware of them, which more often than not they are not. The guidance of the police may be crucial in such situations. Many members of the public often criticise women, who refuse to proceed with the case in court or pardon their aggressor, without questioning the reasons why. Often this results in the courts refraining from continuing hearing the case with the perpetrator walking away, possibly feeling more empowered than ever before. Prior to taking such a course, the victims’ behaviour should be investigated by the courts to determine whether they are doing this freely or forcibly by the perpetrator. Moreover, the courts should also be conscious of the trauma victims are undergoing and how difficult it is for them to relive the violent episodes that they have experienced often for many long years. Because of these and other circumstances, the shorter the duration of the proceedings, the higher the degree of confidence the victim has in the legal system. Research (2010) commissioned by the Commission on Domestic Violence shows that one in four women in Malta experienced one form of domestic violence in their lifetime. Half of these women underwent this experience during the 12 months prior to being interviewed for the survey. Consequently, the stronger the legislation and its implementation, the more effectively the legal system protects the many women who are living in such difficult situations. However, it is important that there is more understanding of the tools avail- able to seek redress. The Commission on Domestic Violence, aware of the need to create more awareness on domestic violence among the general public but even more among victims of violence, has commissioned a publicity campaign partly financed by the European Social Funds, entitled ‘ESF 3.43 – Dignity for Domestic Violence Survivors’ ( The objective of this project is to increase the number of people who recognise domestic violence; to educate children and adults to have a positive attitude towards each other’s positive qualities to resolve issues that can cause problems; to encourage women living in these difficult situations to ask for help by calling SupportLine 179. This is a freephone run by Aġenzija Appoġġ that is serviced on a 24/7 basis. Women need to know their rights and the legal and professional help that is available. It is for women to make the first step and call for help Supportline 179. Renee Laiviera is Key Expert, ESF 3.43 – Dignity for Domestic Violence Survivors, Commission on Domestic Violence Survivors, 43 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 GlobalCapital Health Insurance Agency appoints first female board director GLOBALCAPITAL Health Insurance Agency Ltd, which runs Bupa, has appointed Adriana Zarb Adami to its Board. Adriana has worked with the company for almost 20 years, having started her career as a secretary to the Managing Director, to ultimately becoming Bupa Malta’s Branch Manager, where she was responsible for Bupa Malta’s operations. Zarb Adami has recently retired from this role in order to take on a consultant position and sit on the board of the company. “I remain as dedicated and passionate about the job as ever and look forward to sharing my experience and knowledge amongst the company’s em- ployees, whilst maintaining my strong relationship with Bupa clients,” Zarb Adami said. Bupa Malta was the site of Bupa’s first international business in 1971. 40 years on, Bupa Malta still provides private health insurance for the residents of the Maltese islands. Bupa Malta’s customers can receive support and advice 24 hours a day, every day, via a worldwide emergency medical centre provided by Bupa International, the leading expatriate health insurer. GlobalCapital Health Insurance Agency Limited (GCHIA) acts as a branch for Bupa Insurance Limited, which has passported its services through This week, we’ve taken a look at our little calendars on our desks here and noticed that tomorrow is indeed Halloweeen! So in order to stay seasonal and stick with the theme, below are some Halloween related apps to get your Smartphone into the sights and sounds of pumpkins and ghostly laughter! Adriana Zarb Adami the European Passport Rights for Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings Regulations. GCHIA is registered as an insurance agent and is regulated by the Malta Financial Servic- es Authority. Registered office: GlobalCapital p.l.c., Testaferrata Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1403, Malta. For more information, visit €3,000 to be won in BOV Club Treasure Hunt BANK of Valletta has recently launched a Treasure Hunt to inaugurate its new page on the popular social networking site Facebook. This page is the new platform which the Bank is using to engage with the young members of its BOV Club. Teams of three to five members take up the challenge to identify a mysterious object or location which is revealed on the application every week, for ten consecutive weeks. Speaking about the initiative, Edward Muscat Azzopardi, Head of Marketing and PR explained that it was designed to maximise engagement with the tar- get audience by providing a challenging and entertaining game that encourages teamwork, creativity and commitment. To date, about 1,500 Facebook members have teamed up in about 150 teams to take up the Bank’s challenge. A final cash prize of €3,000 awaits the winning team. Log on to the BOV Club page: http://apps.facebook. c om / b ovc lu b/m a i n . a s px . Anyone can visit this page to learn more about the exclusive package the Bank has put together for BOV Club students as well as to follow the trail in the Treasure Hunt. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at The Grand Hotel Excelsior THE management and staff at the Grand Hotel Excelsior are extremely honoured to have had the opportunity to host the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her successful visit to Malta on 18 October. The Grand Hotel Excelsior strongly believes in its commitment to promote Maltese hospitality to all its distinguished guests. Madame Secretary left a note in the Hotel’s Visitor Guestbook saying “Thank you for your gracious hospitality and warm welcome to Malta. All the best.” This weeks choice: Pumpkins vs. Monsters: iOS – €0.79, Android – Free The aim of the game is simple - control the momentum, flick the pumpkin, and attack a monster! The story goes like this: In the stroke of midnight, the monsters have awakened and are headed to invade people’s homes. But as everyone is still during their deep daily slumber, no one is aware of the danger. Nonetheless the pumpkin heros have come to work together to protect all the innocent people from the monstrous mayhem. With up to 75 levels in story mode and a total of over 5 different worlds, a game like this is no doubt endless fun! Ghost Camera:iOS – Free, Android – Free This is simply a camera app that adds ghost filters to the photos that you take. No rocket science, however it’s a fun little app that’s great for fiddling about with your pics by adding a few spooky edits! Needless to say, Halloween is just round the corner, and this would make a nice addition to your Smartphone which will be hilarious if used to play a prank or two! After all, it’s little things like these that make October 31st a perfect day for ghoul-related knick-knacks. Halloween Matches (a.k.a. Pumpkin Match): iOS – €0.79, Android – Free US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with team members of Grand Hotel Excelsior. Photo by Gino Galea The new Bennalife yogurt with added plant sterols MALTA Dairy Products Ltd., producer of Benna fresh milk products, has introduced Bennalife yogurt with added plant sterols. This tasty spoonable yogurt is the first product in the newly launched range of Bennalife health-boosting fresh dairy foods. Plant sterols are natural extracts which lower cholesterol levels by blocking the absorp- Vodafone’s Pick of Halloween Apps tion of cholesterol from food. Despite being found in vegetable oils, legumes, nuts, grains and cereals, one would need to consume large amounts of these foods to reach therapeutic levels – around 150 apples, 210 carrots or 425 tomatoes would have to be eaten to reach the recommended daily intake of 2g plant sterol. A single cup of Bennalife yo- gurt with added plant sterols provides the necessary 2g daily dose of plant sterols to help lower cholesterol levels. Taken every day after the main meal and as part of a balanced diet, Bennalife yogurt with added plant sterols can lead to a reduction in cholesterol levels by 7 to 10% in two to three weeks. Bennalife yogurt with added plant sterols is available in Strawberry-Vanilla and PeachPomegranate flavours. It is available in 125g cups and sold in convenient packs of two offering consumers excellent value for money. Made from fresh skimmed milk and sweetened with acesulfame-K and sucralose, it is suitable for diabetics and individuals who are watching their fat and calorie intake. This is one of those classic memory games with a few tweaks to the theme so as to get you into the halloween spirit. There are more than 30 different pumpkins waiting to be revealed and matched! It’s a treat for all those who are big fans puzzle games and love to kill time with apps like these. After completing the panic-free arcade mode, you’d might want to challenge yourself in the time mode and see how many pumpkins you can pair up while the clock ticks away! Can you remember all the spooky shapes and faces in time? If you want to know more about these apps and other apps, join the discusson on 44 Classifieds BOATS CRESTLINER 23 feet day cruiser Volvo Penta 260, new upholstery, carpet canopy, trailer. Price €13,000 ono. Chriscarft 27 feet cabin cruiser 2 perkins diesel 4236 marine engines, electric winch, new upholstery, trailer. Price €11,500 ono. Call 99460726, 21558975 GENERAL port will help if you need assistance. Unlimited backups per day. To request your free trail email on rsb@ CO2 welding set - Telwin 250. Telwin Digital spotter, 9000 with all accessories. Call 99452144 PAWS Charity shops in Mosta and San Gwann are very interested to accept all unwanted gifts, used clothes, shoes, etc..Also donations of boOks, household goods and furniture are very welcome. All proceeds go to abandoned animals. Call 79524556, 79524555 SALE on shading and scaffolding nets. Several colours available. Prices starting from only €0.54 per square metre, €18 per pack of white net 1.8m x 25m. Email MEPAwatch BACKUP all your import data securely and at lightning fast speeds using the latest security technologies. No technical knowledge necessary to backup all your accounting, financial, business, university work and other important documents. Deleted and modified files are just kept in case you need to access them. Malta-based technical sup- maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Tribunal revokes a permit to increase the height of a common wall Facts Last June, MEPA issued a permit allowing applicant to increase the height of an already existing 10 course common party wall between two tenements by an additional six courses. The Malta Environment and Planning Authority justified the issuance of this permit on the premise that applicant was entitled to a decent level of privacy in his home. On his part, the neighbour objected to the permit and filed an appeal before the Environment and Planning Tribunal, stating amongst other considerations that the “monstrous” wall construction was visually intrusive. Moreover, it was strongly contended that appellant, be- on sales@eleven or call 99422582 TREADMILL very little used in very good condition. Price €100. Call 99888962 WEDDING dress - ivory colour size 10-12 in prime condition with headdress, bolero, make your day a memorable one with this marvelous dress. Reasonable price. Call 79942933 WEDDING dress, never worn, ivory with beautiful lace and embroidery. Size 12-14. Bargain Price €125 only. For details call 99252998 - photos can be sent by email Wedding dress - Pierre Carden. Size 8 to 10. Used only once. Give away price €90. Call 21415574, 79361361 LETTING GHARGHUR - Offices in central Gharghur area former bank branch €10 daily - air conditioned, water and electricity installed. No premium. Call 99803373, 99226777 MARSASCALA - Zonqor area. Corner Villa with unobstructed sea and country views covering Valletta harbour to Marscala bay having 4 double bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, dining room, sitting room, washroom, large roof and including a 2 car garage and front garden with trees. Email or YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY Robert Musumeci’s Weekly landmark decisions ing a co-owner of the wall in question, was not given prior notice to the effect that an application had been submitted. Hence, it was argued that the permit was issued illegally. Tribunal’s decision The Tribunal agreed that the 16-course dividing wall would be visually intrusive. In this context, the Tribunal maintained that such a development runs counter to Structure Plan Policy UCO 10, that inter alia provides: “Developments will not be permitted which adversely affect views of or from Urban Conservation Areas, or which detract from the traditional urban skyline. Particularly important views will be identified in detail in Local Plans. More so, the Tribunal underlined that the high wall is not needed to ensure privacy”. The Tribunal held further that the vertical high wall would overshadow the neighbouring tenement, resulting in a loss of natural light and a consequent increase in the humidity levels in the neighbouring tenement. In this context, the Tribunal referred to Policy BEN 1 of the Structure Plan which provides that “development will not normally be permitted if the proposal is likely to have a deleterious impact on existing or planned adjacent uses because of visual intrusion, noise, vibration, atmospheric pollution, unusually high traffic generation, unusual operating times, or any other characteristic which in the opinion of the Planning Authority would constitute bad neighbourliness.” Despite not being strictly The Tribunal held that the common wall would overshadow the neighbouring tenement, resulting in a loss of natural light and a consequent increase in the humidity levels within its legal remit, the Tribunal remarked that the proposed high wall may be too slender in terms of structural safety. With reference to the appellant’s complaint alleging that he was not informed by his neighbour about the Dimech Enterprises Ltd, Centre Point, B’Kara By-Pass. B’Kara Tel: 2132 0433/4 • Fax: 2132 0435 Mobile: 7937 8378 NEXT TO APL AN latter’s intention to submit an application, the Tribunal held that this was not a central issue, since a permit is nevertheless subject to third party civil rights. Against this background, the Tribunal revoked the permit. 45 Classifieds call 99433315 MGARR - block of two. Excellent location - one spacious bedroom, separate kitchen and sitting, front balconies, bathroom. Own roof with views and washroom. €250 monthly. Must be seen, easy parking, furnished. Call 21570123, 99428930 MGARR - central excellent location easy parking, three bedroom, fully furnished, kitchen, sitting, bathroom, front, back balconies. Must be seen with views. €350 monthly. Call 21570123, 99428930 PACEVILLE/ST. JULIANS - Luigi Apap Street, office approx 50 sq metres. Call 79258227 PACEVILLE/ST. JULIANS - Luigi Apap Street, shop class 4 approx 50 sq metres. Call 79258227 QAJJENZA - seafront penthouse at Qajjenza, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, sitting room. Price €300 monthly fully furnished. Call 79820749 SAFI - House of Character at Safi village, 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, sitting room, kitchen, big court yard, small garage. Price €400 monthly fully furnished. Call 79820749 SAN GWANN - Four roomed ground floor maisonette to let as office (with permit), parking no problem. Call 79594628 STA VENERA - Furnished one bedroom maisonette with washroom maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 and full roof for long lets only. Call 79573818 PROPERTY FOR SALE ATTARD - New on the Market, one of the finest highly finished Terraced Houses available . Built on a sizeable plot, offering a convenient open plan spacious layout resulting in bright and airy rooms. Property faces a green area having extensive directs country views. Comprising a wide hall leading to a sitting/dining area, fitted kitchen/breakfast, guest toilet/shower, washroom. An impressive staircase leads to sleeping quarters with large main bedroom with en suite shower, further two double bedrooms, a large modern main bathroom, front and back balconies, interconnecting semi basement, three car garage, separate office/gymnasium and a fully equipped cinema room. Roof terrace for entertainment with room and a small back yard. Euro394,000 Call 99476949 ATTARD - Very spacious {130sq. mts.] and highly finished three bedroom apartments situated very close to everyday needs. Two bedroom penthouses also available. Each unit finished with Satariano bathrooms and tiles with double glazing throughout Lock up garages optional. Price €151,000. Call owner on 21387082 / 99473354 ATTARD - This MODERN terraced house is situated in a prime location close to all amenities. Enjoying a very bright and spacious accommo- = €3 dation this home welcomes one to a hall on entrance leading to a large lounge/ dining followed by a guest toilet , separate kitchen/living/dining (fitted kitchen & solid parquet floor) which leads onto a well sized back yard with a barbeque area. 3 double bedrooms (main includes walk in wardrobe & en suite) are on the first floor level together with the main bathroom and stairs leading to the roof level where one finds a large laundry room. Complimenting this property is a full basement garage fully tiled) with a small back yard. A side entrance leading to the basement makes it also ideal for office or clinic purposes. Must be seen to be appreciated. Euro350,000 Call 99476949 HIGHLY converted double fronted House of Character in a prime location close to all amenities. Accommodations comprising 2 foyers, corridor, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and spare toilet, 2 staircases and 3 yards. On the second floor 4 bedrooms - 2 ensuite, 1 with balcony, 3 airconditioned, study room, washroom and own roof structured in 3 parts. Ideal part to be converted as a clinic or host foreign students with own entrance. Direct from owner. Price is negotiable. Price €240,000 (Lm103,000). Call 21492600, 99863113 KALKARA - property opposite Smart City development, block of three, finished including bathrooms and lift. Apartments, three bedrooms, large open plan, bathroom, ensuite, terrac- es and/or internal yard - €123,456 (Lm53,000). Penthouse, front and back terraces, two bedroom, large open plan, bathroom, ensuite, airspace €123,456 (Lm53,000). Price negotiable. Call owners 99465984, 99468948 or email grecr001@ LIMIT OF MGARR - Just over a tumolo surrounded with high rubble walls in a very quiet area enjoying fantastic views, water and electricity installed having large reservoir with running water also including room with permit And more. Price €135.000. Call owner 99492448 LIMITS OF MGARR - 1.5 tumolo situated on high grounds having a good size cave surrounded by rubble walls having huge carob and olives trees with 360 degrees view also water available being sold free hold. Call owner 99492448. LIMITS OF RABAT/DINGLI - 5 tumoli with numerous mature fruit and carob trees, also having 3 rooms girna and vertical well and 2 reservoir. Free hold Call owner 99492448 MADLIENA Unconverted FARMHOUSE set on the highest peak of this great locality and enjoying both sea and 360 degrees country views. With over 280 square meters built up area and on two and a half tumoli of outdoor space, once converted, this property offers great potential for a luxury family home. ONE OF A KIND. EXCELLENT PRICE. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Euro900,000 Call 99476949 MARSASCALA - apartment at Zonqor point, ready to move in with excellent sea views. Reasonable price. Call 99494649 MOSTA - Immaculately kept Character Home situated in a very quite location yet still close to all amenities. This unique attractive property comfortably accommodates an entrance hall, lounge/living/dining area leading to a large courtyard with a decent to a good sized swimming pool enjoying total privacy, kitchen/breakfast, two double bedrooms plus a study room, back yard, front and back terrace. Property also has the potential of building another two storeys. This perfect residence comes with an interconnected lock up garage which is rare to find in these sort of properties. Property is full of natural light, original features such as wooden beams, traditional Maltese floor tiles, fire place and much more. Surely a rare to find property, must be seen. Euro340,000 Call 99476949 MOSTA - New on the market, situated on the outskirts of this sought after village is this expertly converted house of character abundant with old features . Layout consists of an entrance hall, living room, separate dining overlooking the courtyard, fitted kitchen, guest toilet and pantry on the ground floor. On first floor one finds 2 double bedrooms and main bathroom. A third bedroom overlooking a large terrace, shower and washroom furthermore compliments this property. Must see! Euro250,000 CALL 99476949 2 CLASSIFIEDS FOR 3 WEEKS Choose category. Fill in the boxes provided. Write in block letters. Your advert will appear for three weeks in both MaltaToday, MaltaToday Wednesday, and This offer does not apply to Real Estate agents. Send your form to: MaltaToday Classifieds, Media Today, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016. Together with a €3 cheque payable to MediaToday Co. Ltd. Name: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Tel: ___________________ email: _________________________________ ANTIQUES BOATS FURNITURE GENERAL LETTING PETS PROPERTY SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT SERVICE TUITION VEHICLES / PARTS WANTED ANTIQUES BOATS FURNITURE GENERAL LETTING PETS PROPERTY SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT SERVICE TUITION VEHICLES / PARTS WANTED ALL PRICES INDICATED FOR YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE MUST BE IN EURO 46 Classifieds MSIDA - Border with Hamrun/ Sta. Venera, large corner terraced house ground and first floor and roof. Three bedrooms, study, verandah and back yard area 155 sqm. Price €209,700 (Lm90,000). Call 21246533, 99450405 NAXXAR - Finished store for sale. 75sqmtrs centrally located. Perfect for any kind of business. We give you the key and you may start your business. Priced to sell. Do not miss this opportunity. Call 21421508, 21525990 NAXXAR - Shop for sale or to let. Fit for any kind of business. A bargain maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 buy for such a kind of finish size and location. If interested come and have a look. Call 79392114 PAOLA - Apartment facing public garden comprising of hall, living/dining, new bathroom, boxroom, new oak kitchen, 3 double bedrooms, front balcony, use of roof. Price €115,000. Call 79255505 QAWRA - Two brand new apartments, highly finished, unfurnished. Comprising of two bedrooms, one with en-suite, bathroom and living room, two front balconies. Few metres away from the sea. Excellent investment. Priced to Townhouse for Sale NAXXAR: Recently renovated original townhouse close to Naxxar centre. Layout consists of an entrance with a grand staircase leading into a dining room and living room. Kitchen and latest appliances with larder linking to a large private internal courtyard. At the back of the courtyard a large room, with a view over a garden. Downstairs a spare toilet and two wells and a shelter. On the first floor a large main bedroom with a spacious inbuilt shifting wardrobe with bathroom, and two other bedrooms. Large separate bathroom with separate shower. On roof, large room with a permit for pool. Townhouse includes private terraces, special features, include beams, original tiles, cast iron stove, barbeque, skylights and alcoves. Waterproofing, parquet, double-glazed windows and air-conditioning. Ready to move in. Garage next door is also available for rent and possibility of purchasing land for garden at the back of house. €360,000 (Lm155,000) Freehold, phone 77017171 sell at LM41,000 (€95,000). Call 79311980 SAN PAWL TAT-TARGA - Ground / first floor three bedroom apartment each with its own private roof, situated close to the Chapel in St Paul’s St.Price €149,000. Call owner on 21387082 / 99473354 SIGGIEWI - Located in the outskirts of this quaint village in a new, quiet road is this designer finished 204sqm first floor maisonette, impeccably designed to use a passive environmental system to achieve natural light and climate control system. A very large 75sqm living/dining/kitchen, having a fitted modern kitchen complete with appliances, also having large windows overlooking the extremely spacious 51.25sqm central courtyard which also has a splash pond, 3 double bedrooms, 2 of which with en-suite facilities, and main bedroom also having a spacious walk-in wardrobe, laundry room on own roof. Complimenting this one off property is a large semi-basement interconnecting 7 car garage, 37sqm garden and a 30sqm reservoir which has an 80 cubic meters capacity. Definitely must be seen to be appreciated. Well priced Euro310,000 Call 99476949 ZEBBUG - Approximately 300 years old and located in a very quiet alley in the best part of this town is this double fronted HOUSE OF CHARACTER. Residence comprises a large entrance hall leading onto a private central courtyard, kitchen / living area, dining room, a separate library area, and a guest toilet with shower on the ground floor. Upstairs includes three double bedrooms, one with en-suite and one with a study, and a main bathroom. This property also has a 25 foot cellar. A real gem! Euro 302,795 Call 99476949 PROPERTY WANTED WANTED: PROPERTIES WANTED FOR FOREIGN AND LOCAL CLIENTS. Detached Villas, Detached Bungalows, Semi Detached Villas, Semi Detached Bungalows, Houses of Character, Converted or unconverted Farmhouses, Preferred areas. Kappara, The Village ,Madliena, High Ridge, San Pawl Tat-Targa, Tal Ibragg, Wardija, Bidnija, Siggiewi, Zebbug, Balzan Attard. All other areas will be considered - Call 99476949 SERVICE PROFESSIONAL proof reading services for university students. For more info call or text 99262222 SITUATION VACANT HOUSEKEEPER is required to work in family residence. Must be over 21 years of age, responsible and reliable. Call 79965935 TUITION DEXTER’S FUN LAB - after a highly successful Summer term we are receiving applications for the Winter term. Complete hands on experi- YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY ence. Call 79308267, 21895899 FRENCH one-to-one tuition at the comfort of your home. Beginners, Matsec & Professional. Notes and hand-outs provided. Excellent results. Call 79412364, 21412364 MALTESE - Forms 1-5, O/I/ Advanced Level. Notes provided. University graduate. Also as a foreign language. Mosta. Call 21410218, 79999928 MATHS Form 1-5 and O’Level private lessons starting soon in Mgarr. Individual attention. Lessons given by university graduate with teaching experience. Call 21436685, 79062301 NEED help with challenging behaviour? - Experienced parental consultant offers tailor-made behaviour management programs. Free home visit family evaluation. Call 77307678 for an appointment PARENTAL consultant - get help on HW & studies/ special needs/ behaviour and discipline. Free home visit family evaluation. Call 77307670 for an appointment. PHYSICS O’ Level - Interactive lessons using audio Visual Resources. Free notes given. Call 77055937 VEHICLES/PARTS CLASSIC cars - 1958 Morris Minor, 1970 Simca 1000, 1966 Rover, 1967 Spitfire Rolls Royce Shadow 1, Mercedes 300sel, 1966 Cadillac Calis. Prices from €2,500. Call 99460762, 21558975 TOYOTA Corolla 2001 in as new excellent condition. All extras including AC, remote locking, electric windows. Price €6500. Call owner 21415574, 99770119 Importers of hand-knotted Oriental carpets THE FLYING CARPET - OLD RAILWAY TRACK, ATTARD .PO5VFT5IVST4BUBNoQNt8FEOFTEBZNPSOJOHDMPTFE .PO'SJoQNQN *NQPSUFSTPG7BSJPVTIBOELOPUUFEDBSQFUTBOE,JMJNT /PO4MJQ6OEFSMBZ%SZBOE-JRVJETIBNQPP.PCJMF/P 47 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 SPORTTODAY FOOTBALL Tarxien defeat Mqabba in five goal thriller Tarxien Rainbows .....3 Mqabba ...................2 TARXIEN R.. FC - D.Cassar, S. Sadowski (C.Sammut), M. Caruana (J.Vella), E.A.Pereira, S. Giglio, R. Galvao, K.Pulo (A.Carabott), D.M.Bueno, O. Anonam, G. Suguino, J. Grioli Coach: Patrick Curmi Booked - Suguino, Anonam, Pulo. Giglio Orosco Anonam (centre) who had a positive game yesterday sandwiched between two Mqabba players they were awarded a penalty when Stefan Giglio fouled Marlon Briffa inside the area. Thiago dos Santos Mazzitwlli coverted to make the score 3-2. Mqabba missed a great oppor- PHOTOGRAPHY BY RAY ATTARD TARXIEN Rainbows returned to victory after defeating Mqabba 3-2 yesterday afternoon. Tarxien scored the first goal of the match on the 6th minute. Daniel Mariano Bueno headed the ball past goalkeeper Kris Calleja, after he received a great cross from Rodrigo Galvao. Eight minutes later, Tarxien doubled the score. Off a Caio Garcia Suguino cross, Orosco Anonam headed the ball towards Daniel Mariano Bueno, who then made no mistake with his header to beat Mqabba’s goalie. Tarxien made it 3-0 on the 20th minute. A corner kick taken by Karl Pulo was headed in goal by Orosco Anonam. Mqabba finally managed to pull one back just one minute later. A direct freekick by Thiago dos Santos Mazzitelli left no chance for Taxien’s goalkeeper David Cassar. On the 48th minute, Mqabba were back into the match after blocked by goalkeeper David Cassar. Daniel Mariano Bueno was voted BOV Player of the Match. tunity to equalise on the 77th minute when John Paul Muscat’s shot right in front of goal was MQABBA FC - K. Calleja, P. Grima, M. Briffa, D. Azzopardi, T. Mazzittelli, C. Calleja, J.P.Muscat, M. Bonnici, R. Sammut, R. Duca, S. Magro Coach: Clive Mizzi Booked – Grima, Bonnici , Briffa Scorers – Bueno 6 min., 14 min., Anonam 20 min. (T) , Mazzittelli 21 min., 48 min. pen.(M) Referee – Paul Caruana Qormi FC.............. 4 Mosta FC ............. 1 QORMI brushed aside Mosta with an easy 4-1 victory to join Floriana in third place woth sixteen points in the BOV Premier League standings. Meanwhile Mosta remain at the bottom of the table with four points. Qormi immediately showed their dominance as they scored the first goal of the match just four minutes after the start. Jorge Pereira da Silva’s cross beat the Mosta goalkeeper to end up on the goal line to find Daniel Nwoke who then placed the ball at the back of the net. On the 40th minute, Mosta were reduced to ten-men after defender Federico Tisbi fouled Jorge Pereira as he was heading for goal and the referee awarded Qormi with a freekick. Joseph Farrugia’s perfect freekick beat goalkeeper Jonathan Debono to make the score 2-0. On the 49th minute, Qormi scored their third goal of the match. Matthew Bartolo served Abubakar Bello-Osagie who then went on to beat goalkeeper Jonathan Debono with his shot. Qormi put the game out of reach for Mosta on the 60th minute when Abubakar BelloOsagie headed the ball in off a corner from Jorge Pereira. Mosta finally managed to score on the 73rd minute when Alex Cini’s shot was blocked by goalkeeper Steve Sultana, but Michel Bertrand Maki Mvondo picked up the rebound and scored. Joseph Farrugia was voted BOV Player of the Match. QORMI FC: Matthew Farrugia (Steve Sultana), Jeffrey Chetcuti, Roderick Sammut (Stephen Wellman), Matthew Bartolo, Joseph Farrugia (Carmelo Farrugia), Kenneth Scicluna, Federico Mirarchi, Jonathan Bondin, Jorge Pereira da Silva, Abubakar BelloOsagie, Daniel Nwoke Coach: Stephen Azzopardi MOSTA FC: Jonathan Debono, Daniel Nwoke (centre) who resumed his goal scoring habit yesterday seen followed by three Mosta players Adrian Borg, Luca Martinelli, Federico Tisbi, Bryan Agius (Kane Farrugia), Nikola Bogdanovic, Sheldon Grech, Arilson Mello da Silva (Alex Cini), Firas Aboulezz (Yannick Ossok), Ian Zammit, Michel Bertrand Maki Mvondo. Coach: Oliver Spiteri Red Card: Federico Tisbi Referee: Andre Arciola Scorers: 5’ Daniel Nwoke, 42’ Joseph Farrugia, 49’ Abubakar Bello-Osagie, 60’ Abubakar Bello-Osagie, 73’ Michel MakiMvondo. Yellow Cards: Grech Sammut, Agius PHOTOGRAPHY BY RAY ATTARD Easy victory for Qormi over Mosta 48 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 MOTOSPORT Dimech places third in Agrigento and Cassar wins at Ta’ Qali ON Sunday 23rd October, ASM organised the 2nd ASM Poiatti Autocross National Championship while a 3 Riders Motocross Team went to Race in Agrigento. During the Autocross Heats at Ta Qali Patrick Cassar on An Opel Corsa and Melo Zammit on an Escort MK3 won all the three qualifying Heats races thus securing their place in the Class A Finals. In the 6 car Class A Finals, Christian Galea took the lead on the drop of the Red Lights but lost his place to Cassar and Zammit by the end of Lap 1 due to a technical fault. Manuel Muscat took advantage too and moved two places ahead but later was forced to retire due to another technical failure. Thus, Keith Borg on a Vauxhall Nova and Guzi Pace on an Escort moved to 3rd and 4th place respectively. Cassar and Zammit won 1st and 2nd place respectively. Godwin Martin did a very good start in the Final B 9 Lap race. He was followed by Christian Calleja driving an Opel Corsa and Philip Grima on a new Escort Mk3. In Lap 4 Mar- tin was forced to retire due to a mechanical failure and Calleja took the lead though he was closely followed by Scicluna on another Opel. In this Race final Calleja took the chequered flag while Grech and Grima followed close by. A Team of 3 Motocross riders together with ASM President Frans Deguara, 2 technicians and a small supporting team went all the way to Agrigento to compete in Race 7 of the Italian FMI Motocross Championship at Giarrizzo MX Track in Favara. ASM Riders Clayton Camilleri, Stefan Dimech and Josef Attard from Gozo registered to ride in the ‘MX2-250 over 21’ class in which one finds the best two MX riders in the FMI Regional Championship. Due to bad weather in that area the team drove 2 hours drive for practical sessions at San Cataldo track. After promising sessions, Claytons bike broke a transmission bearing and lost his participation in the Giarrizzo race. Stefan and Josef had to battle with the 20 riders on the Start Gate to finish in high place in the 21 minutes race Christian Cassar taking a corner in his Opel duration. Stefan Dimech did very well in the 2 Race Heats and won a Podium Finish 3rd in Class in this ‘MX2-250 over 21 race’. Josef won the PromoSport Class in the 250cc. During this visit the ASM Motocross Team visited 3 other Championship Tracks. Frans Deguara obo ASM established negotiations for the Maltese riders participation in the FMI and UISP Regional and National Championship races too. We were welcomed and invited to race again in the 2012 Championship as from next March 2012. The ASM Malta team was praised both by the FMI Commissioners and Race Directors Cavaleri Bros. to return to Giarrizzo for future events. ASM would also like to inform the general public that next 6th November Race is to include Motocross and Autocross races. Also, ASM will be organising Holy Mass for the repose of souls of deceased ASM members. Mass is said at the Race tracks at 10.00am and races start at 11.00am. Practice sessions for the cars and the motocross are held on Saturday from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. ASM has introduced a new motorcycle section. Trials used to be organised by ASM in the earlier days. With the assistance of John and Edward Bonello, ASM has introduced a Trials bikes Nursery at the Ta Qali race circuits. First introductory competition is going to be held next Sunday 30th October from 10.30am. Autocross Class A 1st Patrick Cassar (Opel Corsa 3) 2nd Karmenu Zammit (Escort MK3 61) 3rd Keith Borg (Vauxhall Nova 52) 4th Guzi Pace (Ford Escort MK1 84) 5th Christian Galea (Fiat Ritmo 2) 6th Manuel Muscat Opel Corsa 1) Autocross Class B 1st Christian Calleja (Opel Corsa 26) 2nd Mathew Grech (Escort MK3 8) 3rd Philip Grima (Escort MK3 33) 4th Vince Birmingham (Honda Civic 12) 5th Mario Scicluna (Opel Corsa 7) 6th Godwin Martin (Opel Corsa 90) FOOTBALL Arsenal shock Chelsea as City maintain five-point lead ON a goal crazy Saturday afternoon in the Premier League, Robin van Persie scored a hattrick as Arsenal recorded an astonishing 5-3 victory at Chelsea, while 10-man Manchester City maintained their five-point lead after both they and Manchester United won. In a London derby littered with defensive errors, Chelsea twice led through Frank Lampard and John Terry either side of Van Persie’s first, but the Gunners scored four second-half goals - Andre Santos and Theo Walcott were also on the scoresheet - and finally triumphed despite having been pegged back to 3-3 by Juan Mata. Manchester City endured a frustrating first half against Wolves but appeared to be cruising at 2-0 up through Edin Dzeko and Aleksandar Kolarov. However, Vincent Kompany was then sent off for a foul on Kevin Doyle and Stephen Hunt scored from the spot. Roberto Mancini’s side had a couple of Arsenal players celebrating scares before Adam their victory over Chelsea Johnson struck in injury time to secure a 3-1 victory. The result was a bit tough Earlier, Javier Hernandez’s close- on Everton, who saw Leighton range finish was just enough for Baines hit the bar, but kept UnitManchester United to claim a 1-0 ed in touch with City at the top of victory at Everton. the table. The bottom three clubs in the Premier League were all in action and Wigan ended the afternoon rock bottom after Clint Dempsey and Moussa Dembele gave Fulham a 2-0 win at the DW Stadium. Blackburn, who had begun the afternoon in 20th place, threw away a 3-1 lead at Norwich to draw 3-3. Bolton, the club with the worst defensive record, went down 3-1 at Swansea. Sunderland grabbed a late equaliser to draw 2-2 at home to Aston Villa. Juventus edge past Inter as Milan defeat Roma JUVENTUS went on to defeat Inter 2-1 in the Derby d’Italia yesterday evening. Fantastic goalkeeping from Buffon kept Inter at bay. Goals from Vucinic and Marchisio sealed the win for Juventus as Maicon scored Inter’s only goal. Milan defeated Roma to make it six wins from seven games. An Alessandro Nesta and Zlatan Ibrahimovic brace gave Milan an impressive 3-2 victory at the Olimpico that adds to Roma’s crisis. Catania shocked Napoli as they defeated went on to win 2-1. Cavani opened the scoring for Napoli as Marchese and Bergessio scored the goals for Catania. 49 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 SPORTS DISCUSSION RUGBY The truth why Buttigieg and Busuttil were sacked Malta crush Latvia MALTA National rugby team stormed to a superb victory against the semi-professionals of Latvia, away in Riga. When they played at Hibs Stadium earlier this year they had led at half time, only to fade into defeat against the fitter and bigger Latvians in the second half. This time there was no stopping the rampant Malta boys and they destroyed Latvia 28 – 0. Scorers in order: O’Brien penalty, Collins try, R. Holloway try, Kirk try, O’Brien conversion, O’Brien penalty, O’Brien try. Because Malta scored four tries they win a bonus point as well as the three points for a win. Now Malta have to take on Lithuania at home, next week, 5th November, at Hibs Stadium. FORMULA 1 THE fourth programme in this series of Kontrattakk continues this evening with another informative local football show to end the weekend. Sports journalist and host of TVM’s Sunday sports show Sandro Micallef shall discuss this weekend’s matches with Mosta FC President George Galea, Qormi FC President Redino Apap and St. George’s FC General secretary Michael Cutajar. Discussion shall evolve around the respective championships and also about the current hot current issues that dominated the media during the past week with the decision to sack the national coaches John Buttigieg and Carmel Busuttil. The programme will reveal the other facts behing the decision to sack the coaches referred to as “other matters” by NDD. The resignation of Marsaxlokk FC coach Winston Muscat and Patrick Curmi’s new appointment with the Rainbows shall also be discussed. Televiewers can participate Vettel on pole for inaugural Indian race Sandro Micallef during the programme by answering the weekly televoting question and also by sending emails on kontrattakk@ or by leaving a comment on Kontrattakk’s facebook page. Kontrattakk is produced by Peter Cossai and Sandro Micallef with the help of Joshua Cacciattolo, Cristian Muscat, Catherine Micallef and Edmund Curmi. LEWIS Hamilton’s three-place grid penalty came back to haunt him in qualifying for the Indian Grand Prix. The 2008 champion was right on Sebastian Vettel’s tail after their first runs in Q3, the German lapping in 1m 24.437s in the Red Bull, the Englishman 1m 24.474s in the McLaren. But while there was no point in the latter pushing harder on a second run, as Mark Webber was not going to improve his own third fastest 1m 24.508s, Vettel went out again and trimmed down to 1m 24.178s to secure his 13th pole position of the year. Behind the top three, Fernando Alonso had to be content with fourth place on 1m 24.519s, while McLaren’s Jenson Button was in the process of pushing Felipe Massa down a place with 1m 24.950s at the very moment when the Brazilian was spearing off the track as his Ferrari’s right- Mark Webber (AUS) Red Bull Racing, third; Sebastian Vettel (GER) Red Bull Racing, pole position; Lewis Hamilton (GBR) McLaren, second front suspension broke after he had clobbered a kerb. He had to rely on 1m 25.122s for his sixth place. Nico Rosberg was seventh for Mercedes on 1m 25.451s, as Force India’s Adrian Sutil, Toro Rosso’s Sebastien Buemi and Jaime Alguersuari took the remaining top-10 places but didn’t set times. Vettel had shredded the weekend’s fastest time with 1m 24.657s in Q2, with Hamilton next up on 1m 25.019s and Alonso on 1m 25.158s. FOOTBALL Football legend Gary Neville launches Norman Darmanin Demajo autobiography at Agenda on L-Argument THE spirit of Manchesbook. Authoritative, NORMAN Darmanin Demajo will be one of the guests in tonight’s L-Argument. The dismissal of the national team coach and assistant coach will be only one of the many themes discussed with the MFA president. As is normal procedure the team will be skimming through all the premier league games played during this weekend with live links during and Pamela Schembri and Mark Cutajar after the game between Hamrun S and Hibernians to be played later on today. The Cottonera derby has made its return this weekend with Friday’s game between St George’s and Vittoriosa Stars. Highlights from this much awaited derby of the three cities will also be featured in Malta this week. L-Argument during today’s L-Argument. The has been part of this activity and team has exclusive interviews will be airing an exclusive interwith both coaches taken after Fri- view with the Man Utd player. day’s game. For the second time Televiewers are urged to keep running we will also be delving contact with the team during the into women’s football airing the programm either by sending an only goal scored by Rachel Cusch- sms on 50615010 or by joining ieri for Birkirkara which gave our facebook page which is upthem three points against their dated with information daily. arch rivals and reigning champiWatch L-Argument presented ons Mosta. by Mark Cutajar, Pamela SchemRed is the name of Gary Neville’s bri and Clinton Buhagiar, today at autobiography which he launched 17.35 on ONE ter United was evident at Agenda Bookshop - Tigne Point Shopping Mall last Wednesday, where the football legend Gary Neville had chosen to launch his new autobiography. Hundreds of enthusiastic Manchester United fans waited patiently to meet the former Club captain and also to have their books personally signed by him. Clyde Puli, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth and Sport, opened the event with a speech in which he praised the achievements accomplished by Mr. Neville. Prior to the book signing session, Gary Neville took questions from the local media. Among the distinguished guests included the British High Commissioner - H.E. Ms. Louise Stanton. About the book: No player has been more synonymous with the glory years of Manchester United Football Club over the past two decades than right-back Gary Neville. An Old Trafford regular since insightful, fearless and never less than 100% honest, no-one has better credentials for documenting the story of United under Sir Alex Ferguson. Neville reveals the behind-thescenes secrets of his early days with the likes of Giggs, Scholes and his best mate David Beckham; what it was like to play with Cantona, Keane and Ronaldo; the Treble in 1999; and of course an entire career of playing for the greatest manager in the game. Then there are all his experiences with England, from being the youngest starter at Euro 96 when ‘footGary Neville ball came home’, to the ups and downs of five he attended his first match at the major championships and seven age of six, captain of the brilliant managers - Venables, Hoddle, 1992 FA Youth Cup-winning Wilkinson, Keegan, Eriksson, team that became known as McClaren and Capello. There are ‘Fergie’s Fledglings’, outspoken opinions and analysis on Gazza, representative of MUFC, Neville Rooney, WAGs and the true stois the ultimate one-club man. He ry of the FA and Rio Ferdinand. has been at the heart of it all and, For twenty glorious years, Gary at the end of an amazing career, Neville has worn his heart on his now tells it all in this captivating sleeve. ‘Red’ is his story. 50 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 51 Sport maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 SPORT DISCUSSION National team, Premier League and the First Division League in this week’s Replay GROOMED to excel, drilled to entertain – Replay will this weekend take you down memory lane, through an interesting feature. No more information will be revealed but the production team of Malta’s most favorite sports show, recommends you not to miss tonight’s programme. Besides focusing on the Premier League matches played throughout the weekend, and besides affording a preview to Monday’s encounter between Floriana and B’Kara, this week’s programme will dwell on the 47th derby between Vittoriosa and St. George’s. Talk-of-the-town, i.e. the termination of the contract of MFA’s coaching duo Buttigieg and Busuttil, will also be analysed, discussed and com- mented upon. Once more the discussion will be moderated by the tandem Christian Micallef and Sarah Agius, whereas guests will include former Maltese international players David Camilleri of Hamrun and Mario Muscat of Hibernians, with the participation of popular football pundits Hugh Caruana, Konrad Sultana and Matthew Paris. Viewers are encouraged to check out Replay’s website and also share their views about various topics and other related matters through email on Alternatively, they can voice their opinion through text messages on 50617092 live during the show. By doing so, they can win one of several weekly prizes. Also by logging on Replay’s facebook profile, viewers can interact with other football fans watching the show. Replay is co-produced by Christian Micallef and Matthew Paris, under the tutelage of executive producer Gorg Micallef. Simon Borda, Kris Scicluna and Roderick Vella are assistants to the production duo. Matthew Calleja and Stephen Chircop are the visual editors, while direction is entrusted to Jeremy Dalli. The production team of Replay would like to thank its sponsors for their continuous support particularly The Gram Collections, Bortex, James Caterers, Rene Rossignaud and Stephen Gatt. Sarah Agius and Christian Micallef Weather & Crosswords WEATHER: Cloudy and with showers possibly thundery in places at times VISIBILITY: Good except in some showers WIND: MEast force 4 to 5 locally force 5 to 6, becoming force 6 in places at times. 210/160 SHOWERS 210/180 SHOWERS UV: 4 UV: 4 TODAY TOMORROW GOZO FERRIES DAILY OPERATION TIMES USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS FLORIANA: Chemimart Ltd, 14, Triq Sant’Anna HAMRUN: Lister Pharmacy, 209, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp SANTA Venera: Fatima Pharmacy, Triq iz-Zonqor BIRKIRKARA: Fleur-De-Lys Pharmacy, 32, Triq Fleur-de-lys PIETÀ: Brown’s, Shop no 10, Yacht Marina Apartments, Triq il-Marina SAN GWANN: Lourdes Pharmacy, Triq in-Naxxar SLIEMA: Wales Pharmacy, 183, Triq Manwel Dimech BALZAN: Balzan Pharmacy, 70, Triq San Frangisk Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Sunday MOSTA: Sghajtar Pharmacy, Triq Sghajtar Across MELLIEHA: Village Pharmacy, 116, Main Street 1. Decaying organic matter (7) PAOLA: Brown’s Pharmacy, 45, Paola Hill 5. Winged horse (7) 9. Exclamation of surprise (3) SENGLEA: Victory Pharmacy, 32, Triq il-Vitorja 10. Religious recluses (5) ZABBAR: St James Pharmacy, Misrah is-Sliem 11. Digging tool (5) 12. Strike (3) MARSAXLOKK: Pompei Pharmacy, 28, Xatt is13. Consecrated (6) Sajjieda 16. Trouble (6) 19. Letters (4) ZURRIEQ: Salus Pharmacy 21, Misrah ir-Re21. Prejudice (4) pubblika 23. Falsehoods (4) 24. Print in italic type (9) ZEBBUG: Brown’s 47, Vjal il-Helsien 25. Noisy (4) BAHRIJA: Bahrija Pharmacy, Triq Raddet ir-Roti 26. Midday (4) 27. Back part of the foot (4) k/m Triq l-Iskola 28. Most secure (6) RABAT (Gozo): Tac-Cawla Pharmacy, 7th June 31. Like better (6) 35. Idiot (3) 1919 Street 37. Command (5) NADUR: Nadur Pharmacy, Pjazza it-28 ta’ April Solution to last week’s crossword 38. Depart (5) 39. Before (3) 1688 Emergency,Police,Fire, Ambulance ...................... 119 Appogg 24hrs Supportline .179 Sedqa 24hrs Helpline.........151 Social policy info centre .... 159 Malta Red Cross ...... 21922645 St John Ambulance .. 21945740 Maltacom enquiries .........1182 Go Mobile enquiries......... 1187 Vodafone enquiries .........1189 Government info service ....153 Telephone faults ................133 Gozo ferry schedule ..................21915111 MEPA..................... 22900000 MIA flight enquiries ................ 21697800 MIA Weather forecast ................. 50043333 Enemalta faults report......................21923601 Water Services Corporation Freephone .............. 80072222 Chess PHARMACIES OPEN TODAY MALTA & GOZO: 9 A.M. – NOON Solution to last week’s problem 40. Walks with long steps (7) 41. Qualify (7) Sudoku 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 A B C D E F G H White had to to play and mate in three moves 2 1 A B C D E F G White to play and mate in three moves H 1. Qe5 Kd7 2. b8=Q Kc6 3. Qbc7# Last week’s solution Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. Down 1. Young horses (5) 2. Copy (5) 3. Unit of weight (5) 4. Nonsense (4) 5. Pillar (4) 6. Rasp (5) 7. Perspire (5) 8. Guide (5) 14. State in SW United States (7) 15. Remainder (7) 16. Evident (5) 17. Absence of sound (7) 18. Something unpleasant to look at (7) 20. Living (5) 22. Vessel used for private cruising (5) 28. Native of Switzerland (5) 29. Finely ground meal of grain (5) 30. Having sides (5) 32. Act in response (5) 33. Navy (5) 34. Use again (5) 35. Minerals (4) 36. Run away (4) News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2011 Hedgehogs get road signs JAMES DEBONO THE setting up of road signs by local councils warning motorists to drive cautiously in country roads is one of the contemplated measures envisioned in a dossier on the state of wild fauna in the Maltese islands issued by The Malta Environment and Planning Authority. The proposed road signs will warn motorists of hedgehogs likely crossing the road in areas where this species is known to be common. The Pembroke local council has already set up similar signs warning motorists of the dangers posed to hedgehogs. The 2005 State of the Environment Report documents the status of the Algerian hedgehog as ‘seemingly stable, but requiring the impact of road kills to be assessed more in detail.’ The extent of impact of road kills on local hedgehog populations is not known; however this threat – coupled with habitat fragmentation, disturbance and destruction, indiscriminate pesticide use, and the illegal capture for keeping as pets – may have a significant impact on the conservation status of the species. The only native hedgehog living in Malta is the Algerian (or ‘vagrant’) hedgehog, which was probably introduced from North Africa by the Romans. Apart from Malta, it also occurs in the northwest of Africa, in Spain and in a number of islands. The species of hedgehog that inhabits Malta and Gozo is different from other hedgehogs found in Europe, in that it has longer limbs and ears, and a wider forehead. Locally, it hibernates only on very cold days as opposed to hibernating throughout the winter period in other countries. The hedgehog rolls up into a ball, revealing its spikes when faced with danger, which include cats and strong lights emitted by cars in the road. Although the spikes of hedgehogs may deter predators, the defensive posture does not help it survive from being run by cars. Another measure contemplated in the dossier is the relocation of feral cats from semi-natural areas known to harbour important populations of local shrews and other threatened mammals. As regards bats, the document proposes to restrict access to important bat sites. Lesser Mouse-eared Bat All Maltese bats are threatened as a result of modification, disturbance and loss of roosts. One notable case involved development near Għar il-Friefet, which included the construction of dwellings near to and above the entrance of the cave, as well as construction of roads servicing such dwellings, directly above the cave’s nursery. Episodes of bat collecting and killing have also been documented. Apart from safeguarding existing caves, one short-term solution which is being considered, is the installation of bat roosting boxes to substitute lost habitat sites. The needs of bats are also to be considered in restoration projects in old buildings. Bat colonies are also disturbed by people visiting caves. The dossier also proposes measures to protect the endangered fresh water crab through safeguarding its habitats, which include the Bahrija and Xlendi valleys.